Trixie Interviews: The Cozy Glow Story

by Betty_Starlight

First published

Cozy Glow interviews Trixie to get reformed

It's been 10 long years since Cozy Glow was turned to stone and now, Princess Twilight Sparkle has decided to turn her back to flesh and keep her well contained to see if she can see the error of her ways. In order to reform her, Twilight Sparkle employs Trixie, the guidance counselor at the School of Friendship in order to interview her and convert her to the correct line of thinking. What follows is the meetings between the two ponies.

Chapter One: The Beginning

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Chapter 1: The Beginning

Day 1:

There’s a knock on Trixie’s office door. “Come in!” she says sitting at her desk and then the door opens revealing two unicorn soldiers escorting an off white Pegasus filly.

“Ah Cozy Glow! I got the memo from Princess Twilight saying that she unfroze you and you are to be reformed by me. While I’m still not sure why she picked me for the job, I suppose we should get started? Come in and take a seat. Are you enjoying your accommodations in the castle?”

The filly slowly walks inside and says, “Well the past week has been okay? They won’t let me see anypony else, but they give me all the puzzles, reading books, and coloring books I want. And um, I like my plush toy and was wondering if I could get one to go with this one so I have two? I uh, would like to have more than one…”

She looks down and blushes as Trixie then says, “Certainly! But please understand that after everything, we don’t know if we can really trust you around anypony else since you were you know, pretty manipulative?”

Cozy Glow then looks up a little bit and says, “Yeah after everything I did, I can’t really blame you…”

Then Trixie says “Why don’t you come in and have a seat. We have much to discuss and we’ll be doing this everyday now.”

Cozy Glow slowly walks into the office not knowing what to expect and then quietly sits on the coach opposite to Trixie’s desk. “Would you like some cocoa?” Asks Trixie.

Cozy Glow responds, “Um, sure!”

After Trixie uses her magic to get Cozy Glow some cocoa, she spends the next two minutes looking through her notes on Cozy while watching her actions. While the last incident that resulted in her being turned to stone could’ve easily been the pressure of the other two villains she was with, Trixie did take note that the initial incident of trying to steal all the magic in Equestria was far more telling of Cozy Glow’s true issues and nature. Trixie also noted that in the past few minutes, Cozy Glow had just been sitting there nervously and hadn’t touched her cocoa. The apprehension was thick and if Trixie’s past 10 years as a guidance counselor had taught her anything, it’s that apprehension was not a good thing. Trixie decided to begin.

“So you tried to steal all the magic in Equestria once upon a time? Do you mind telling me why you did that Cozy Glow?”

Cozy Glow then stares up at her with a dead cold expression and says, “Well, I wanted to finally have power. I wanted to be able to control my life and what happened to me. It just seemed like I’d need ALL the power in Equestria to do that you know?”

Trixie then responds, “You realize that excluding stone years, you’re only 10 years old right? You have a long life ahead of you Cozy. Plenty of time to take charge of your life. Why was it important that you do it so quickly?”

Cozy then replies, “Well ever since my parents died, my life hasn’t been that good? I guess I just wanted to make it better and power seemed like the best way to do that?”

Trixie sips her coffee and says, “So your parents are dead? Why don’t we start there then? What happened?”

Cozy Glow starts her story, “Well it all started one frosty winter afternoon back when I was only 6. About 2 years before I went to the School of Friendship. I was flying home from school like I would every Wednesday afternoon when I saw smoke in the distance. I then flew home as fast as I could to find my parent’s cottage burning to the ground! I saw that fire ponies had already arrived and were stopping the fire, but I didn’t see my parents and so I panicked. I flew into the cottage to see what was going on, but the fire ponies weren’t done yet and one of them blocked my path and said I couldn’t go in there. He told me to stand on the knoll up on the hill until they were done… Later after they had finished putting out the fire, the fire pony told me that there was no sign of my parents there and that I had to go with him now… I’m not stupid. I know they died in the fire and he was just trying to spare me… And that’s yet another reason why it hurt so bad… Anyway, he took me to the local orphanage.”

Trixie takes another sip of her coffee and notes that the apprehension hasn’t really decreased so far. She decides to get Cozy Glow more relaxed and says, “Well why don’t you take a nice sip of your cocoa, take a deep breath, and then tell me about that when you’re ready?”

By this point, Cozy Glow knows that she can’t disobey and so she then quietly puts her muzzle into the cup and grips it with her hooves to take a good swig of her cocoa before setting it back down on the table with her hooves. Then she breaths in and out twice before continuing, “Well it was pretty awful at first really? They kind of just shoved me into a back room there and made me wait before letting me play on the playground… I didn’t feel much like playing though. I didn’t feel much like doing anything at all but sleeping…”

Trixie then interjects, “Okay tell me about your parents and why they were so important to you Cozy Glow? I’d like to know more about it.”

Cozy Glow then says, “Well, my father was a hard working weather Pegasus and my mother was a homemaker. You see, I lived on the other side of the Everfree forest from Ponyville and there weren’t really any other ponies around, and certainly no other ponies that I could play with. Still, I had such happy times with my mother! We’d play games and read books together while my father was away controlling the weather for the greater Canterlot region… And then, she was taken away from me…”

Cozy Glow then begins to sniffle a little bit and Trixie taking note of this says, “Okay you can stop and let it out if you need to Cozy. We’re here to help you after all…”

With tears in her eyes, Cozy Glow then says, “She was all I had! My father was never around and my mother was so important to me! And then, just like that, she’s gone!”

Trixie then smiles and says, “You’re not alone Cozy Glow. I never even knew my parents!”

Cozy Glow then says, “Yeah well you’re lucky! You didn’t know how wonderful things could be before you had them taken from you! Me, I had a wonderful loving family once upon a time… Oh they tried to be nice to me, but it just wasn’t the same! It was never the same! It was never the way things were supposed to be ever again!”

Trixie then says, “Wait! I thought you said they ignored and neglected you? What do you mean, they tried to be nice to you?”

Cozy takes another sip of her cocoa before saying, “I don’t mean the orphanage. In the orphanage, they just crammed me from one area to the next. I mean when they shipped me into a foster home later… I knew these weren’t the right ponies… I knew the right ponies would never be there again… And that really hurts!”

Trixie then jots a few notes on her pad before saying, “How was the foster home? What did you do there Cozy Glow?”

Cozy Glow sniffles and says, “Well I just never felt like I really belonged you know? I mean, they tried to get me involved in sports and games. They tried to get me to play with other ponies. But I just didn’t feel much like it after having my life ripped from me you know? I knew things wouldn’t ever be right again and I slowly learned to accept that… And then I began to think about what I could do to change that when I got a mysterious letter in the mail. It was from Lord Tirek in Tartarus.”

At that point, Trixie’s eyebrows raised and she asked, “Wait! Why would you be getting a letter from Tirek?”

Cozy Glow then softly giggles and says, “I guess you ponies never knew about that huh? Yeah you see, in the orphanage, they have all of our mail in separately addressed slots. Tirek actually meant to send the letter to his friend who used to live next door. Uh, somepony named Iron Will?”

At that point, Trixie furiously scribbles a few more notes on her pad before saying, “Okay so you just randomly got the letter by accident?”

Cozy Glow then softly smiles and replies, “Yeah I think the mail pony is deaf and blind or something?”

Trixie then snickers and says, “Well I’ve heard stories? Anyway, what did you say in your first letter to Tirek?”

Cozy Glow says, “Well I told him about what happened to me because honestly, I just wanted somepony to talk to after everything that happened and he was just there you know? I asked him how he was doing and he told me about Tartarus and what went on there… Not much! Ha ha! Anyway, later he told me about energy and how to manipulate it. He said he’d make me better and stronger and better able to control my life… The only problem was, I needed an enormous source of energy like the Elements of Harmony to do it… The plan was actually formulated earlier on, but the problem was that we didn’t have access to anything like that… Until the Pillars of Equestria appeared later on that is…” Trixie then furiously scribbles some more notes.

“Okay so you later found out about the Pillars then?” Trixie asks.

And Cozy replies, “Well there’s not a lot to do in the orphanage if you don’t play with anypony and so I read the news a lot. When I first heard about them, I decided to do some more research. Sometimes, I’d sneak out during recess and go read about them in the Ponyville library since it was right next door and I never play anyway. When I learned about the artifacts, I immediately wrote Tirek and he told me that I could use them to drain the magic from the land… I just had to get my hooves on them!”

At this point, Cozy Glow starts to look excited and Trixie notices this and decides to take her down a notch. She says to Cozy Glow, “Okay so you had a rough outline of a plan then? Get the artifacts and use them to create a vortex in order to drain all of the magic?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Well yeah! I mean, until they built that School of Friendship and started keeping them there, I had no idea how I was gonna get to them!”

Trixie then writes another note and says, “Okay well we’ll get to your conversations with Tirek tomorrow Cozy Glow. Our time here is through and you now need to be escorted back to your room. Guard!”

The unicorn soldiers at the door then open it up and motion with their heads for Cozy Glow to follow. Cozy Glow then somberly hops down from the couch and slowly walks back to the door. She looks at Trixie and then says, “Um, thanks for talking to me today Trixie. Until Tirek started talking to me back at the orphanage, I never really had anypony I could talk to?”

Trixie then smiles and says, “That’s what I’m here for Cozy Glow! Just relax now. You’re gonna be just fine!”

Cozy then slowly walks out of the room while looking at the floor with a small smirk on her face as she is escorted by the unicorn guards down the hall.

Trixie’s thoughts: Well we’ve got her to start talking about the things we want to hear about. We’ll need to go further into this tomorrow.

Day 2:

The very next morning, there’s another knock on Trixie’s door. She knows who it is already as she says, “Come in!” Cozy Glow is then escorted inside as Trixie asks her, “How was your day yesterday Cozy Glow? Did you sleep well?”

She responds, “Well I colored for awhile before a nap. Then I had dinner. They brought me hay burgers. They just slide it under the door and don’t really enter? I guess that’s because I’m bad huh?”

Trixie then replies, “Well again, we need to minimize your contact with other ponies right now.”

Cozy replies, “Oh yeah! I guess that’s right huh? I guess I shouldn’t be around anypony else then?”

Trixie just says, “Well not right now anyway… Would you like a cocoa Cozy?”

Cozy Glow then perks up and says, “Uh yeah! Sure!”

So Trixie uses her magic to pour and get a cup of hot cocoa from the kitchen before saying, “Now you say you and Tirek discussed quite a bit? How did the idea of energy manipulation come up?”

Cozy Glow replies, “Well that was easy! Like I said, Tirek said he would make me stronger and better after I told him everything that happened to me. So um, I guess you know the rest huh?”

Trixie then replies, “Well not exactly? You were in a foster home with other ponies. How did you get out of there?”

Cozy smiles and says, “Well I guess they don’t like it when ponies talk other ponies into doing bad things? I used to have them steal goodies for me from the kitchen and cause problems for fun…” Cozy Glow then smiles at what Trixie can only assume are happy memories from her past.

Trixie then says, “Okay you said you wouldn’t open up to anypony? When did you start talking to other ponies?”

Cozy smiles and says, “Well that’s when I began to learn about the power of friendship! You see, a nice young filly mare sat down next to me at lunch time and started talking to me. She seemed really desperate to make a friend and I guess I was an easy target? I thought about how I could use this and what I could do with it…”

Trixie then jots down another note and says, “So you immediately thought about how to manipulate her then?”

Cozy replies, “Well not at first? I mean, I was just glad to have somepony else to talk to… But later, I began to see what I could get her to do…”

Trixie takes another note before saying, “So they ejected you from the foster home then?”

Cozy Glow says, “Yeah they kicked me out and so I walked further towards the Everfree forest where I saw a farmhouse. I knocked on the door with my hoof and um, I kinda fibbed to the farmer who lived there saying I was from Canterlot and I just wandered through the forest? He was really nice to me and set me up in a cot on the other side of his house.” Trixie writes another note as Cozy Glow continues, “I still remember pulling the blankets up to my face with my hooves and just thinking, what will go wrong? How will this be ruined for me? You know, the foster home isn’t so bad when you can get other ponies to steal for you…” Trixie then checks her pad further up as Cozy continues, “So I decided to leave before anything like that happened. I kept in touch with Tirek though cause you know? The farmer also has a mailbox…”

Trixie then asks Cozy Glow, “Okay so when exactly did you leave?”

Cozy Glow continues, “Well I didn’t! Not at first anyway. I decided to get all I could from this nice pony and so I um, kinda stole a bottle of his whiskey and drank some? Heh heh?”

Trixie then takes another note before asking Cozy, “Wait! You were 6 years old and drinking whiskey?”

Cozy smiles and says, “Yeah I guess that’s bad huh? Anyway, the farmer then said I couldn’t be trusted and had to go. It was okay though because I already knew he was gonna kick me out sooner or later. I kinda already planned for that…”

Trixie then asks her, “Okay how?”

Cozy says, “Well I had a little camp area set up in the Everfree forest that I had been working on. I could go into town and get a room with anypony I wanted to though so I didn’t use it much. I came up with so many fibs and stories to make them do what I wanted them to! That’s when I saw the truth. Friendship is power! It’s the most powerful thing there is and with it, I can get anything I want! Um, I guess that’s why I’m here huh?”

Trixie then says, “Well yeah! You see, that’s the wrong attitude. You need to realize that the true magic of friendship is give and take. Yeah you can get stuff from other ponies, but at the same time, you have to be willing to give of yourself to them or it’s not right. It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as it’s something…”

Cozy Glow replies, “So I have to be willing to share? Um, well I had a lot of time to think back when I was a statue. And after everything that happened and well…” Cozy Glow then breaks into an uncontrollable sob, “I just wanted things to be right again! I wanted to be able to control things and make them okay again! And Tirek taught me how to do that! Or um, I guess it wasn’t the right way?”

She begins crying on the couch as Trixie trots around her desk to embrace the quivering young filly in a gentle hug, “It’s okay Cozy Glow! Everypony makes mistakes!”

Cozy stiffens not knowing how to react and says, “Yeah but what I did was really bad! I shouldn’t be allowed near other ponies anymore! I need to be alone! Forever!”

Trixie then smiles and says, “No you don’t! Are you alone right now? Here in my hooves like this?”

Cozy sniffs and says, “Um, no?”

Trixie continues, “Okay now tell me, is this better than being alone? Having somepony to talk to and hug you when it gets bad?”

Cozy says, “Uh, yeah it is kinda making it better? But I did bad things! I do bad things! I shouldn’t be around other ponies!”

Trixie then looks Cozy Glow straight in the eyes and says, “It’s okay Cozy Glow… It’s okay… Now I have something important that I want to talk to you about later on, but it’s getting late now and our session is almost over. Do you feel better after your cry?”

Cozy sniffs and wipes her nose with her forehoof before saying, “Um, yeah…”

Trixie goes on, “Well good Cozy Glow. I’ll now call the guard and he can take you back to your room. You should color or read or do something you enjoy okay?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Um, yeah okay… Golly! I guess I need to get past this huh?”

Trixie says, “Well that’s what we’re going to work on Cozy Glow…” Trixie then calls the soldiers and they open the door and Cozy Glow slowly walks to them at the door, looking a little bit better and more confident than yesterday…

Trixie’s thoughts: Almost there and now we know why she did what she did and she’s starting to understand that that’s bad. At this point, it’s just a matter of getting her to explore these concepts more in depth so she can see what she should be doing instead.

Day 3:

Then the next morning, Trixie hears a knock on her door. She glances at the clock thinking to herself, “It is about that time again isn’t it?” “Come in!” She says and of course, the unicorn soldier opens the door with his magic and escorts a small Pegasus filly into the room. Cozy Glow then quietly sits on the couch and Trixie asks her, “Greetings Cozy Glow! Would you like some cocoa?” The Pegasus filly nods and so Trixie once again uses her magic to fetch some cocoa from the kitchen. “So what did you do yesterday after our session?”

Cozy Glow replies, “Well I read a story book about a great unicorn wizard making friends with a dragon and then I colored a few pages in my book. I decided to get a nap in somewhere in the middle too. I love my new toy by the way! Thank you so much Trixie!”

Trixie smiles and says, “You’re very welcome Cozy Glow! And that’s what I wanted to talk to you about. Friendship is give and take.”

Then Cozy Glow cuts her off saying, “W-wait! Um, what did I do for you? We’ve just been sitting here talking this whole time?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Oh but you’ve done a lot for me little filly. By telling me about your life like this, you’ve opened my eyes to your world and I got to see how you developed. And now I want you to do me a favor when you’re ready…”

Cozy Glow then says, “Um, what’s that?”

Trixie then trots around her desk to the filly before saying, “I want you to write a letter to Princess Twilight Sparkle apologizing for stealing her magic and all the magic in Equestria… When you’re ready of course!”

Cozy Glow then stares at the floor again before saying, “Um, I’m not even sure what to say?”

Trixie then says, “Well you did what you did earlier and you feel bad about it now right? I want you to write what’s in your heart. We call this catharsis. Can you do that for me Cozy Glow?” She gently puts her hoof under the filly’s chin and lifts her head to face her.

Cozy Glow responds, “Um, I guess I could try later? Heh heh?”

And then Trixie continues, “And here is the most important part Cozy Glow. I need you to explain your actions. What I mean is, you need to tell the princess why you did what you did.”

Cozy Glow then says, “Well that’s easy! After everything that happened to me, I wanted to finally be in control! I wanted power!”

Then Trixie says, “I understand that Cozy Glow, but what you need to realize is that there’s always going to be things beyond your control. And no amount of power will change that…”

Cozy Glow then says, “Well I guess so? Still, I didn’t want anything bad to happen to me anymore! It was either that or…or…”

Trixie then cuts her off and says, “Okay I know where these thoughts are going Cozy Glow and believe me, suicide is not a solution…”

Cozy Glow then asks her, “Why not? It’s never gonna be right again! My world is gone now and it’s not coming back! I don’t have anything left to lose!”

And Trixie responds, “Well for one thing, I’m sure many ponies would miss you?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Oh yeah? Like who? All I’ve done is use and hurt ponies! I shouldn’t be around any of them!”

Trixie then hugs her and says, “Well, for one thing, I’d miss you…”

Cozy Glow then says, “Uh, what? Y-you would?”

Trixie then says, “Well yes! Getting to know you over the past two days has been both enlightening and interesting. I enjoy talking to you in the mornings right now and you’re very interesting!”

And Cozy Glow replies, “Uh, so um, you’d miss me if I was gone huh?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Well yeah, yeah I would! I’d miss you, you demented little butthole!”

At this point, Cozy Glow stops and says, “Wait what?” And then Trixie hugs her again while chuckling and the Pegasus filly can only cry and giggle.

Cozy Glow sniffs a little bit before saying, “Y-you’re serious Trixie? Are you r-really my f-friend?”

Trixie smiles and says, “That’s what you need Cozy Glow and to be honest with you, I kinda like you…”

Cozy Glow then says, “Uh, why?”

And Trixie replies, “Well the reason I love this job so much is that it gives me a window into all of the student’s lives. And while it’s kinda tragic, I gotta say yours is quite fascinating. Also, you really strike me as somepony who needs help. And I love helping other ponies…”

Cozy Glow looks at her and says, “Why? What do you get out of it?”

Trixie replies, “Well it makes me feel good knowing that I helped somepony else. And I honestly and truly want to help you because that would also make me feel good. To know that you’re okay Cozy…”

Cozy stares at the floor again and says, “Wow! I uh, never thought about it? So you’re nice to other ponies and it makes you feel good?”

Trixie then goes on, “Yes! And more importantly, by doing my work, I’m doing my part to make Equestria a better place. By making new friends and working with them, I contribute. And that’s what this project is all about Cozy Glow. Making you better and able to contribute and more importantly, getting you well again!”

Cozy Glow then smiles and says, “So that’s it! You just want to use me to make your whole “magic of friendship” thing better! I knew there was a reason you were being so nice to me!”

By this point, Cozy Glow is shaking on the couch when Trixie quickly trots around her desk and hugs her. Trixie then softly says, “I know it might be hard to understand after being alone for so long. But believe me, what I’m giving you right now is a better way. You’ll be happier and more complete. By interacting with other ponies, you learn about yourself and will begin to understand things more clearly.”

Cozy Glow puts her head into Trixie’s chest and softly whispers, “I just wanted things to be okay again… I wanted the power to do that…”

Trixie replies, “I know Cozy Glow. And believe me, friendship can help do that for you…”

Cozy Glow looks up at her with tears in her eyes and says, “R-really? Can friendship help me be better and not have bad things happen anymore?”

Trixie smiles down at the young filly held tightly in her embrace and says, “Friendship can’t stop bad things from happening Cozy Glow. The truth is, nothing can do that. But friendship helps you deal with that by making you not alone anymore. We’re all stronger together after all… Tell me, when you parent’s house burned down, what if you had a friend on the knoll hmm? What if you had somepony to hold you and talk to? Do you think the experience would’ve been better?”

Cozy Glow looks up at her and says, “Well it’s still pretty awful losing my parents?”

Trixie responds, “Well yes, but what I mean is, if somepony was there for you, do you think you would’ve done better than going nearly catatonic on that hillside?”

Cozy stares at her blankly and says, “Well, having somepony to hold me and talk to me would’ve helped yeah?”

And Trixie smiles and says, “And that’s what friendship is truly all about Cozy Glow. It’s not a tool or weapon that you wield. It’s a special bond between ponies and any creatures really, that makes us all stronger and brings us closer together.”

Okay that’s it for now Cozy Glow. I’m glad we’ve made this progress, but now you need to go. Think about your letter now Cozy…”

Cozy Glow replies, “Well okay…” And then she slowly walks to the door and before opening it to exit, she faces Trixie and smiles before saying, “Trixie? Thanks for talking with me… It’s hard to believe all this time, that’s really all I needed? To just work through my past and get better? I’m still not sure what this whole give and take thing is about, but I guess I can work on it?” She then trots out the door to the waiting stallion guards…

Trixie’s thoughts: Well I’ve befriended the little filly. It’s odd, but I find myself sympathizing to her and relating to her somewhat. She actually makes me think of myself back when I got the Alicorn Amulet and took over Ponyville. I too desperately wanted the power to make my life better at that time…

Day 4:

Cozy Glow slowly walks back into the office after Trixie says to come in. She sits down. Trixie begins, “So what did you do yesterday after our meeting?”

Cozy Glow responds, “Well I read a neat story about a valiant Pegasus knight who braved a dungeon to rescue a damsel in distress! Then I put together one of the puzzles I found in the back. You put those there didn’t you? Hey why am I in a room in the castle and not in the dungeon anyway?”

And Trixie responds, “Well we need you comfortable. Like I already said, we can’t allow you to have contact with other ponies right now, but you should at least have things to do and everything you need and be safe and comfortable. That’s why we put you in the West wing instead.”

And finally Cozy Glow just snaps and says, “Okay let’s stop this. What’s the real reason you’re being so nice to me? What do you want from me?”

Trixie stares back at Cozy Glow and says, “I wanted to be your friend. I wanted to know you and to see you. To be with you Cozy Glow…”

Cozy Glow then says, “R-really? Why?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Because I'm your friend and that’s what friendship is all about. It’s about not being alone and having somepony there to help you. To talk with you. To be by your side. That’s the true magic of friendship!”

Cozy Glow then says, “But I got all of those ponies to do things for me?”

Trixie responds, “But those weren’t your friends Cozy Glow. They were your followers. Think about it. Did you ever play games or tell jokes with these other ponies? Did you ever go to a play or movie with them or maybe have a meal with them?”

Cozy Glow then looks at the floor and says, “Um, no not really? I usually told them stories to get them to do what I wanted?”

And Trixie continues, “Right! That’s because they weren’t really your friends. You should be open to your friends about what you want and need and see how they can help you. Not lie and manipulate them into doing what you want. See the difference?”

Cozy Glow stares blankly at the wall for a moment before saying, “I guess then I never had any friends? Well um, until you?”

Trixie then says, “Right Cozy Glow! You need a friend and that’s why I’m here for you…”

Cozy Glow then says, “But why?”

And Trixie says, “Because you’re my friend, I like you, and want to help you…”

Cozy Glow then says, “Um, so I guess that means I’m your friend too? And you want to use me?”

Trixie responds, “Well no not exactly. I’d like to help you Cozy Glow and so after our regular daily meetings, you’ll have accommodations in the Castle of Friendship in the West wing where you ‘re staying now. And as it so happens, I have some time after my regular Saturday brunch with Starlight and so I’ll be coming to see you every Saturday to check up on you and see how you’re doing after you’re well on your way to reformation.”

Cozy Glow responds, “Why? I guess it’s because Princess Twilight wants you to huh?”

And Trixie replies, “No actually this was my idea. Like I said Cozy Glow, you need a friend and I want to be there for you.”

Cozy Glow then looks at Trixie dead in the eyes and said, “I don’t understand though? What are you really after? What are you getting out of this?”

Trixie just smiles and says, “How about the satisfaction of knowing that my good friend Cozy Glow is doing okay?”

Cozy Glow then says, “So um, you’re serious then? We’re friends?”

Trixie says, “Of course you silly filly!”

Cozy Glow stares blankly at the wall before saying, “Golly! I guess I really needed a real friend to tell me about what I was doing was wrong then huh?”

Trixie says, “Well exactly! I want to help you Cozy Glow because I’m your friend!”

Cozy Glow then sniffs and says, “I have friend… I’m Trixie’s friend now… Um, I think I know what I’m gonna say to Princess Twilight now?”

Trixie then smiles and says, “Well that’s very good Cozy Glow. But right now, I need you to tell me what you’ve learned in this whole experience?”

Cozy Glow stares at the floor with a blank expression and says, “Well I learned that using other ponies and getting them to do what I want is bad. Well, usually… I learned that the magic of friendship is two ways and that I shouldn’t just use others and not do anything for them. I learned that I need to be good and help other ponies instead. I learned that I have a blue unicorn friend named Trixie now… Um, right?”

She stares at Trixie and gives an unsure smile. Trixie smiles back and says, “Absolutely Cozy Glow! You’re my friend and I love you!” She then trots around the desk again and hugs the little Pegasus filly.

Cozy Glow is stuck in place yet again not knowing how to respond to this display of affection. She begins crying and Trixie notices and asks her, “What’s the matter Cozy Glow?”

And Cozy Glow sobs and says, “I-I never had anypony to-to hug me and tell me it’s gonna be okay after my mom died. I never had anypony to actually hold me and let me know it’s gonna be alright after that and um, I just…”

She looks down and silently sobs when Trixie lifts her chin up with her hoof and says, “It’s okay Cozy Glow. You’re gonna be alright now.”

Cozy Glow then stares at the wall and says, “Um, yeah… It’s just been so long… And um, r-really? Will it really be okay now? I mean, my mother used to care for me you know? And then she was gone and I didn’t have anypony after that… And then I did bad things before I was turned to stone and later you showed up… I had a long time to think when I was a statue and I was thinking maybe I shouldn’t have done what I did? Or maybe I should’ve done something different or uh…”

She looks down and Trixie notices and asks her, “What’s wrong Cozy Glow?”

Cozy then tears up and says, “I didn’t know there was another way! I needed power! I needed to make everything okay again! I needed to get back what was taken from me!” She starts sobbing to herself in Trixie’s embrace.

Trixie looks at the filly in her hooves and said, “That’s the thing Cozy Glow… There is no power in the world that could do that… She’s gone…”

Cozy Glow sniffs and says, “Yeah I guess you’re right? Maybe I shouldn’t have done that huh?” And then more tears started to pour out of her eyes as she buried her head into Trixie’s fluffy chest and Trixie held her tightly.

Trixie then says, “You’re gonna be okay Cozy Glow… I got you now… You’re my friend and I love you…”

Cozy Glow sniffs a bit and says, “Uh, can I go back to my room now please? I know we still probably have a few minutes, but uh I need to be by myself right now…”

Trixie stares down at Cozy Glow and asks her, “Are you okay?”

Cozy Glow responds, “Yeah I think so? I just have some thinking to do…”

Trixie then says, “Well okay Cozy Glow… Guard!” The unicorn soldier enters the room and Trixie says, “Please escort Miss Cozy Glow here back to her room please!”

The guard replies, “Of course Miss Trixie!” And then motions with his head for Cozy Glow to follow him out of the room. After they leave, Trixie sits at her desk and thinks to herself, “I think perhaps I got through to her earlier? I think maybe I got her to see the error of her ways?”

Trixie’s thoughts: Okay we’ll see what she has to say to Twilight later on, but I think we’re making excellent progress. I got her to realize that what she did was wrong and she appears to be turning over a new leaf now. It won’t be much longer.

(Letter to Twilight Sparkle)

Dear, Princess Twilight Sparkle

Hi! It’s me! Cozy Glow! I just wanted to say that I’m very sorry about what I did earlier. About trying to steal all the magic in Equestria and later attacking you back there in the castle I mean. The truth is that I just wanted power. I wanted the power to control my life because I thought that if I had power, I could make it okay again. That I could get back what I lost. I guess I can’t do that huh? I know now that what I did was bad and I’m ready to take any punishment you wanna give me. I know I deserve it and I’m really sorry.


Cozy Glow

Day 5:

Trixie stares at the letter while Cozy Glow quietly sits on the sofa with a hot cocoa right in front of her. Trixie takes a deep breath before saying, “This is very straightforward and to the point Cozy Glow. It works and it covers all the things we discussed in our sessions. I’ll give this to Twilight later, but there was something I wanted to ask you Cozy Glow.”

Cozy Glow looks up and says, “What Trixie?”

Trixie then says, "Well you said in the letter that you're willing to accept whatever punishment Twilight dolls out? While it's good that you understand what you did was wrong, and the truth is you've already spent 10 years as stone as well as a couple of years in Tartarus for your crimes. Why ask for punishment at all if we've clearly already done that?"

Cozy Glow says, "Well what I did was bad. And um, I thought I needed to be punished for it?"

Trixie smiles again and says, "No Cozy Glow! We're gonna do something different now. Whenever you make a mistake or travel off the right path, we'll simply correct you from now on. You don't need punishment. You just need guidance."

Cozy Glow then says, "Guidance? So um, you're gonna help me? Why?"

Trixie then says, "How about because your my friend and I love you?"

Cozy Glow then says, "Golly! I don't know what to say? I guess I never really had a friend huh?"

Trixie then walks over to Cozy Glow and hugs her before saying, "Well you do now!"

Cozy Glow sniffs a bit before saying, "T-thank you Trixie!"

Trixie then says, "You're very welcome little filly! But there is one thing I wanted to ask of you..."

Cozy Glow responds, "Yeah?"

Trixie looks down at the filly and says, “Now you’re very good at getting other ponies to do what you want right?”

And then Cozy stares the wall before saying, “Well yeah?”

And Trixie continues, “Okay coming up next month, classes begin again here at the School of Friendship. We’ve already enrolled you and picked out your first semester’s classes, but I’d like you to work with me back here in the guidance counselor’s office sometimes. If you’re interested that is?”

And Cozy Glow says, “Well uh yeah! Sure Miss Trixie! I’ll help you be a guidance counselor! Um, why do you want me to though?”

And Trixie smiles and says, “Well first off, like I already said, your skills could be useful in getting ponies and other creatures to see things a certain way. Also, I would like to keep a closer eye on you and see how you’re doing. And finally, I might as well just admit it… I kinda like you Cozy Glow and I want to see more of you…”

Cozy Glow then stares at her blankly and says, “Wow! Uh, well I kinda like you too Miss Trixie and um, I don’t want our talks to end… I don’t want to stop seeing you… So uh, even after I’m reformed or whatever…”

Trixie cuts her off and says, “Of course Cozy Glow! My door is always open and you can talk to me anytime you want! Because that’s what friendship is! Being there for those you care about!”

Cozy then stares at Trixie and says, “Wait! You care about me? I’m your f-friend right?”

And Trixie smiles and says, “Of course Cozy Glow! You’re my friend and I love you!” Trixie then looks at her papers and says, “5 days! I even amaze myself sometimes!” And Cozy Glow then says, “Huh?” And Trixie says, “Oh nothing!”

Chapter Two: Learning Curve

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Day 12:

Cozy Glow quietly flew to the office door of Trixie and slowly opened with her hooves it to enter. Trixie was at her desk and using her magic to look through paperwork as she said, “Oh hi Cozy Glow! Go take your usual seat and we’ll get started again soon! I already left your usual cocoa. How was breakfast?”

“Oh it was pretty good Miss Trixie! I had celery stalks and carrots with ranch dressing!” Cozy Glow responded. Cozy Glow continues, “Uh, didn’t you want to talk with me about something earlier?”

Trixie then smiles and says, “Yes Cozy Glow. You know, we’ve been seeing each other for about 12 days now and I was wondering what you’ve learned about friendship and about yourself. We’ll start with friendship! Now tell me Cozy Glow?”

Cozy Glow looks up at her with her pale brown eyes and says, “Well I learned earlier on that true friendship is give and take. I have to be willing to give of myself to any friends I might have in order for it to be real. I also learned that you’re my friend because Princess Twilight wanted you to be and so it’s okay to force others to be friends!”

Trixie cuts her off almost mid-facehoof and says, “No that’s not why we’re friends! Okay, Twilight Sparkle wanted me to interview and reform you! Yes, this is true! But we’re friends because I like you Cozy Glow!”

Cozy Glow stares at her curiously, “Uh, why would you want to be my friend though? Nopony has ever been interested in me unless I pretended? Why would you actually like somepony as rotten as me?”

Trixie replies, “Well because after getting to know you and learning about what you went through and everything that happened to you, I gotta say you’re actually not a bad pony at all! Just confused and damaged… I felt sorry for you and I wanted to help you Cozy Glow… I wanted to help make you better again…”

Cozy Glow then stares at Trixie aghast, “Wait! Y-you felt sorry for me? Golly! I never meant for you to. I was just telling you about everything that happened to me?”

Trixie then says, “Well yes, and what you have to realize is that you went through some trauma Cozy Glow. You had hardship and needed help and nopony was around to do it. And you know what happened after that…”

Cozy Glow then says, “I guess bad stuff did happen to me huh? I never really thought about it you know? I was just doing what I thought I had to do?”

Trixie replies, “Well that’s the thing. We often “can’t see the forest for the trees” and what seems normal to us might be awful to somepony else. We need to realize when bad things happen to us and do our best to heal.”

Cozy Glow then replies, “Well um, that’s what we’re doing right now Trixie? You’re helping me heal?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Right Cozy Glow!”

Cozy Stares at Trixie puzzled again, “But why Trixie? I guess I’m having trouble understanding this? What’s the point of doing things for others if you don’t get anything out of it yourself?”

Trixie says, “Well, because you’re doing what’s right! Because it will give you a good feeling! And most importantly, because you’ll be doing what’s right for Equestria!”

Cozy Glow then says, “Well why should I care about Equestria though? And um, if I get a good feeling from it, it isn’t really selfless is it?”

Trixie then smiles broadly and said, “There you go! You figured out the secret! Congratulations Cozy Glow!”

Cozy Glow then looks shocked and says to Trixie, “Wait! So I do good things for others, and I get a good feeling out of it, and so it’s not really selfless?”

Trixie replies, “Exactly! It’s not really selfless, but let me ask you this Cozy Glow. Lets say you do something nice for somepony else. You uh, help him change a wheel on his cart right? And you feel good about what you just did… Who does that really hurt?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Well, nopony really? I mean, I helped that other pony out by helping him with his wagon wheel, and I feel good about it, and so everypony wins r-right?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Exactly! Not only that, but you helped make Equestria better by helping that poor pony with his wagon wheel. So it’s win/win/win! Don’t you think that’s better than enslaving other ponies and tricking them into doing your will? Because you get a good feeling from what you’ve done and nopony is really hurt! And think about this Cozy Glow. Later, you might need help. Don’t you think the pony who’s wagon you fixed might be willing to give you a hoof with that? That’s how friendship works Cozy Glow. We each help each other out and we’re all stronger because of it!”

Cozy Glow stares at the floor before slowly looking up and saying, “Um, if I need help later on, what’s wrong with tricking him to help me? I don’t understand Trixie?”

Trixie looks at Cozy Glow and says, “Well you wouldn’t want to trick me would you?”

Cozy Glow carefully considers this a moment before saying, “Well no I wouldn’t? Because you’re my friend?”

Trixie smiles again and says, “And you don’t want to trick your friends do you? Because you love me right?”

Cozy Glow still looks perplexed as she says, “Well I guess so?”

Trixie continues, “So since that’s the case, don’t you believe it’s logical to say that tricking other ponies into doing what you want is wrong?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Well golly! I guess you’re right? I mean, if I have actual friends and I love them, I can’t just trick them into doing what I want huh?

Trixie says, “Well no Cozy Glow, because you know that’s not right. In order for friendship to truly work, you have to be open and honest about your intentions and you can’t lie about the things you need and want.”

Cozy Glow then stares at the floor before saying, “Friendship seems complicated?”

Trixie uses her magic to adjust some papers on her desk and says, “Well yes and no! But we’re gonna work on that!” Trixie takes note of the perplexed look on her patient’s face and asks her, “Well do you have any questions Cozy Glow?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Well I don’t know? I mean, wouldn’t it be better to have all the power so nopony could hurt you or get the upper hand? Wouldn’t it be better to be able to control everything so bad things won’t happen to you anymore?”

Trixie then smiles wide and says, “Well let me ask you something Cozy Glow… I’m your first real friend right? And you care about me right?”

Cozy Glow replies, “Well golly Miss Trixie! Of course I care about you! You’re all I have right now!”

Trixie keeps smiling and says, “Well, do you feel you need to have power over and control me?”

Cozy Glow stops suddenly and says, “Well uh no, not really?”

Trixie knows this is her moment when she then says, “Now tell me Cozy Glow, do you trust me? We’ve been talking for 12 days now… Do you trust me?”

Cozy Glow then thinks long and hard… She considers what she went through at the orphanage and what happened to her family… She considered how she lost everything and how she learned to not trust ponies, but to manipulate them instead… She considered how she felt she needed power earlier… She thought about all of these things before finally saying, “Well if you maybe have a better idea on how I should live, then I guess I can trust you? Maybe uh, try it out? Heh heh?” She then smiled nervously…

Trixie grinned broadly as she continued, “So following this train of logic, I’m your friend and you trust me, do you honestly think that I’m the only one in Equestria that you can trust?”

Cozy Glow then stammered, “Uh, I-I guess not? I mean, maybe I don’t need to control other ponies and get them to do what I want? Well, it just seemed like the only way I could get them to do the things I wanted you know? I didn’t think I could work with them instead because I had just been with my parents mostly before the fire and in the orphanage and I was all alone until that one filly started talking to me? And well, you know what I did then!”

Trixie continues, “Right! But now Cozy Glow, I’m going to prove something to you… I’m going to open the window… I’m going to turn my back and walk out the door and walk around the hallway once before returning… I’ve timed it and that gives you a good three minutes or so to escape… Your wings are fine. You can fly out that window and nothing is out there that would stop you… I’m going to trust you to not escape Cozy Glow. I’m going to trust you to stay put… Remember, my flanks are on the line here! If I’m responsible for letting one of the greatest villains Equestria has ever seen escape, I’ll be held responsible… But I don’t believe you will do that to me…”

Trixie then uses her magic to open the big window that could easily fit Cozy Glow’s small body, slowly and calmly trots towards the door, uses her magic to open it, and trots out before shutting it behind her. Cozy Glow is completely alone in the room with a large window open that she could easily fit through. She knows her wings are fine and what follows are the perhaps the longest 3 minutes and 12 seconds of her short life. She thinks of everything that had happened to her. And then she thinks about Trixie embracing her as a friend and what Trixie actually means to her. She thinks about all the awful things she had done and that maybe, just maybe there was a better way. All of these thoughts are going through the filly’s mind while Trixie was away and all she can do is stare at the floor.

Trixie returns through the door to find that the Pegasus filly had not left the room. Cozy Glow slowly looks up at her and says, “I didn’t leave…”

Trixie smiles and says, “I knew you wouldn’t…”

Cozy Glow then gets flustered and says, “What? You couldn’t have known that!

Trixie smiles even wider and says, “Tell me Cozy Glow, you didn’t escape right? You’re still right here… So why is that? Since you could’ve flown right out that window and escaped, but chose not to, there must be a reason? Why do you suppose that is?

Cozy Glow then sniffles and says, “Well um, because I didn’t want to abandon my friend? Uh, I guess you’re important to me Trixie? B-because you’re my friend?”

Trixie continues smiling and says, “Yes Cozy Glow. Because I’m your friend and I’m important to you…”

Cozy Glow then stares at the wall before saying, “I guess so huh? Golly! My first real friend? And I care about her? But you somehow knew I wouldn’t go anywhere?”

Trixie then says, “Because my friendship is important to you Cozy Glow. Because you want to continue talking with me and being my friend. Because I gave you something you haven’t had in a long time. A true friend that you can be and interact with… Nopony gets out of that Cozy Glow. We all need friends… And now you understand why that’s important…”

Cozy Glow then stares at the floor and breaks down, “Yeah… Your friendship is important to me Trixie and I just…” She then starts to uncontrollably sob before Trixie trots around her desk to embrace her in a loving hug.

Trixie asks her, “What’s wrong Cozy Glow?”

Cozy Glow sniffles and looks up at the blue unicorn holding her in her hooves before saying, “I had been alone for so long… Nopony was around me and the only ponies I talked to would always do what I say because of the stories I told them… I never really had anypony I could talk to you know? I uh…” She then looks down and starts sobbing more as Trixie keeps holding her.

Trixie then says, “You had been all by yourself all that time and now you’re beginning to understand that there’s another way. You’re beginning to understand the true magic of friendship means not having to face the terrible things that life throws at us all alone. You’re starting to realize that friendship is important to you…”

Cozy Glow looks flustered again before saying, “No! I can escape! I just uh…. I can’t do it Trixie!”

Trixie smiles again before saying, “I know you can’t Cozy Glow… And that’s okay…”

Cozy Glow frustrated as ever then says, “Why not?!”

Trixie continues holding the filly and smiling, “Because I’m your friend and I love you. Because you know I give you somepony to confide in and somepony to help you when you need it. That’s what I need you to understand Cozy Glow… Nopony is an island. We all need friends and we all need to interact with others in meaningful ways. By giving you that, I showed you that friendship is something important to you and that it’s something you need… I know our session today hasn’t been very long, but you need to go back to your room now after this revelation… You should reflect on this Cozy Glow… After I’ve held you long enough anyway… How do you feel now?”

Cozy Glow says, “Well I feel a little bit better and confused at the same time? I feel like I just made some huge mistake? I mean, I could’ve flown out to freedom right? But I chose not to? I guess that’s because um, you’re important to me Trixie?”

Trixie then pulls back from her embrace and looks at the filly straight into her auburn eyes and says, “Exactly Cozy Glow! Now it’s time for you to think about what you’ve discovered about yourself just now… Go fly back to your room at the castle… You know, when you fly back and forth here to come to see me every day now, you can escape then as well… We aren’t keeping you here against your will anymore?”

Cozy Glow then looks perplexed and says, “W-wait! You’re not? Um, shouldn’t you have guards or something to make sure I do what I’m supposed to?”

Trixie smiles again and says, “Why Cozy Glow? I’m your first real friend and I’m important to you now. I know you’re not going anywhere by this point because I’ve gotten you to understand that my friendship is something you need… We’re gonna discuss your freedom more later. But right now, you need to think… Now go back to your room and reflect on what just happened… Oh! You never touched your cocoa! Take that with you! You deserve a little treat for everything you’ve done today!”

Cozy Glow looks at Trixie and says, “Um, all I did was stare at a floor for 3 minutes?”

Trixie continues smiling and says, “Exactly! You could’ve escaped, but I knew the whole time you’d still be here when I returned. I am Great and Powerful after all! Now go to your room and take your cocoa with you.”

Cozy Glow grabs the cocoa from the table in her hooves and then tentatively flies to the door, opens it with her mouth, and then flies away closing the door gently behind her.

Trixie’s thoughts: Well I got the little filly to understand that friendship is important to her and that it’s something she needs. Now that she’s my friend and not friends with those other bad elements, I should be able to direct and guide her to a more constructive way of life. I know we need to work and explore this more, but I think that’s enough for now and Cozy Glow needs to think about what just happened.

Day 13:

Cozy Glow flies to Trixie’s office door and opens it when she notices her usual cocoa is on the floor next to some coloring books, puzzles, and toys. She also notices a model train set running in the corner of the room and briefly imagines 6 specific ponies tied to the tracks before correcting herself. She looks over at Trixie who has a smile on her face. Trixie stares back at the perplexed Pegasus and says, “We’re going to do something a little bit different today. Now the malt shop in town doesn’t open until 11 and our meetings usually take place at 9:30, like it is now. Meaning you have an hour and a half to kill. Do that by coloring, putting together puzzles, and playing or whatever you like to do now Cozy Glow. I have a few errands to run and I’ll be back to get you at 11.”

Cozy Glow then looks flustered and says, “But after what I did? Nopony will even look at me and they certainly won’t talk to me! I just fly here and back in the mornings for our meetings. I don’t want to go anywhere else just yet Miss Trixie!”

Trixie then says, “Well let me ask you this Cozy Glow… Do you trust me?”

Cozy Glow looks at the floor before saying, “Well golly Miss Trixie! You’re all I have right now so um, I guess I do trust you?”

Trixie then says, “Good! Now don’t worry! I got your back! You just relax and have fun for now. There’s more cocoa in the kitchen if you need some and the guard outside will get you anything else you might want.” She then uses her magic to put on her cloak and hat before walking out of the room leaving a very nervous Pegasus filly there to play with her things.

And hour and a half later, Trixie returns to find that Cozy Glow had colored a few pages in her book and put together one of the small 50 piece puzzles she left for her. Trixie says, “Are you ready to go Cozy Glow?”

Cozy Glow looks at her nervously and says, “Well don’t we need to put up these things first? Heh heh?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Oh don’t worry about that little filly! I’ll deal with that later myself…”

Cozy Glow then stares at Trixie and says, “But after what I did, I don’t know if I can face anypony right now?”

Trixie trots over to Cozy Glow and hugs her before saying to her softly, “I understand you might not be ready yet Cozy Glow… So I thought that I’d do this to you to at least get you to think about what’s to come… You’re going to have to one day face the world Cozy Glow… You’re going to have to admit that you messed up and just accept and move past that… The real trick is to pretend that stuff never happened! But that’s another thing we’re going to work on okay? Now go fly back to your room and read or do whatever you like.”

Cozy Glow flies towards the door and opens it with her hooves before going outside. She makes it down the block and even got a couple of the usual stares from other ponies before flying back into the school to Trixie’s office. She opens the door and peeks inside to see Trixie there using her magic to sort more paperwork. She says to Trixie, “Um, Miss Trixie? I think I’m ready now? To go to the malt shop I mean? Um, that is, if you really want to?”

A confused blue unicorn then looks at Cozy Glow and asks her, “Are you sure you’re ready for this? To face the world I mean?”

Cozy Glow just shakes her head and says, “Look! You said yourself that I’m gonna have to do it sooner or later right? And it’s been about ten years or so since I was last really bad. I really don’t think a few more weeks is gonna make that much of a difference?”

Trixie then uses her magic to fetch her cloak and hat to put on her as she trots towards the door. She then says to Cozy Glow, “You do make some good points Cozy Glow. You’re actually pretty smart!”

Cozy Glow then smiles and says, “Well, smart enough to overthrow Equestria?”

They both laugh a bit before Trixie says, “Almost anyway!”

As they both trotted out of the school, Cozy Glow became very self conscious of the other ponies were looking at the two of them together and she knows she saw two of them whispering to each other in the corner. Trixie looks at her and smiles before saying, “Don’t worry Cozy Glow! Let me guide you! Let me be your strength!” As they both trotted down to the malt shop in downtown Ponyville, Cozy Glow stayed very close to Trixie. They eventually made it to the malt shop and Trixie used her magic to pull out a stool for Cozy Glow before sitting next from her at the bar

The attendant asks them, “What can I get you two?

Trixie looks down at her little companion and asks her, “What would you like Cozy Glow?”

She looks up at the attendant solemnly and softly says, “Um, I always liked strawberry?

Trixie then looks at the attendant and says, “She’ll have a large strawberry shake and I’ll have my usual peanut butter praline!”

The attendant walks away from the bar before Cozy Glow whispers to Trixie, “They’re all staring at us!”

Trixie just smiles and says, “So what? Let them stare! Trust me Cozy Glow! It won’t hurt you!”

Cozy Glow scoots her stool just a little bit closer to Trixie before the attendant returns balancing a tray on his muzzle and then sets it down on the table before using his hooves to give Cozy Glow a large creamy looking pink shake and then he gives Trixie a brownish mixture with what Cozy Glow can only assume are chocolate swirls. Trixie sips some of hers through the straw and says, “This is my favorite! So what I wanted to talk to you about was being a recovering villain. Now you did some bad things back there and now you need to understand that it’s going to take awhile before other ponies like you and trust you again. Believe me! I know!”

Cozy Glow nervously looks around and sees other ponies leaving in the back before whispering, “I’m not sure this was such a good idea anymore?”

Trixie looks at Cozy Glow and says, “You’ll be fine! Trust me! They might glare and sometimes even whisper, but it’s not going to harm you. Plus, I always have your back Cozy Glow!”

Cozy Glow whispers back, “So you’ve done this before?”

Trixie smiles again and says, “Well yeah! You see, long ago I used a soul sucking evil amulet to imprison and enslave the entire town! Don’t tell anypony this, but sometimes, even the Great and Powerful Trixie makes mistakes!”

Cozy Glow sips her shake and giggles a bit before saying, “So I guess you were bad like me then huh?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Well once upon a time! But I learned from my mistakes, got past them, and got better just like how we’re going to make you better! Enjoying your shake?”

Cozy Glow smiles and says, “Oh yes Miss Trixie! Don’t tell anypony I said this, but the shakes at the castle aren’t really as creamy as they need to be!”

Trixie says, “Your secret is safe with me! Now look at you Cozy Glow! You’re relaxing and enjoying a strawberry milkshake with your good friend Trixie! How do you feel?”

Cozy Glow suddenly looks shocked and says, “Well, good I guess? I mean, I know they’re staring at me and it’s probably gonna be awhile before anypony gives me a chance. I’m actually surprised they still took our orders after everything I did?”

Trixie giggles and says, “Well the bits are still gold aren’t they?”

Cozy Glow replies, “Well I guess you’re right? I mean, they still make money off us!”

Trixie replies, “Exactly! Regardless of how they feel about us, we’re still part of their livelihood. I see you’re almost done there? I really should drink more of mine!”

She takes a mighty slurp of her milkshake while Cozy Glow looks around and notices the room is starting to clear out. She then says to Trixie, “Um, everypony is leaving? Is that normal?”

Trixie smiles once again and says, “Yeah pretty much? You’re gonna get that for awhile kid so I’d suggest getting used to it! Well, whenever you’re ready to go out on your own anyway!”

Cozy Glow sips up the last of her shake before saying, “Well I don’t know when that’s gonna be Miss Trixie, but I do like you an awful lot and thanks for the yummy milkshake!”

Trixie then says, “Would you like this to be a regular thing Cozy Glow? The more these ponies see of you, especially you with me, the more likely they are to open up to you. And the attendant seemed okay anyway?”

Cozy Glow then looks hopeful and says, “Um, sure Miss Trixie!”

Trixie then looks down at Cozy Glow and says, “Very well then! Every Saturday afternoon after you’re reformed, we shall go to the malt shop for a yummy treat! How does that sound to you Cozy Glow?”

Cozy Glow smiles and says, “That sounds great Trixie! But um, I kinda wanna go back now? Those ponies that just came in are looking at me funny.”

Trixie smiles once more, uses her magic to fetch 4 bits from her saddlebags and places them onto the counter before getting up and softly whispering to Cozy Glow, “Follow my lead!” She then smugly gets off of her stool and walks towards the door with Cozy Glow close in tow. She does notice the two ponies off to the side glaring at them and yells out, “Take a picture! It’ll last longer!” and then confidently struts out of building while giggling and with her little friend close behind her.

Cozy Glow looks up at Trixie and says, “I can’t believe you said that?”

Trixie giggles and waves her hoof before saying, “Oh buck them Cozy Glow!” Cozy Glow then looks at Trixie with an aghast expression while Trixie continues, “Seriously! Just because somepony made a mistake doesn’t give you the right to act like jerks! Real friends will always give you a chance. But not everypony can be your friend. That’s another lesson you need to learn.”

Cozy Glow then says, “So I can’t just be friends with anypony then?”

Trixie replies, “No Cozy Glow. You should always pick and choose your friends carefully because not everypony is really your friend and not everypony is worth being friends with.”

Cozy Glow then says, “Golly! I guess I’ll have to remember that later on?”

Trixie snickers and says, “Well it wouldn’t be a horrible idea! But on the bright side, you do now have somepony as amazing as me as your friend!” She looks at Cozy Glow with a smile on her face to see the little filly giggling again.

We’re here at the school of friendship, but now our time is up. Did you have a good time Cozy Glow?”

Cozy Glow says, “Well yes Miss Trixie. I never really thought about it, but you’re right. I’m gonna have to go into the world again sooner or later and then I’ll have to deal with ponies glaring at me because of what I did huh? But um, Trixie?”

Trixie looks down at her and says, “Yes Cozy Glow?”

Cozy Glow looks at the ground before saying, “I guess I’m still pretty nervous? Um, will you stay with me? While I’m out I mean? So it’s uh, not so hard and I’m not alone?”

Trixie then hugs Cozy Glow again and says, “Of course I’ll be with you little filly! I’ll stay with you every step of the way! Because that’s what friends do!”

Cozy Glow then stares up at her and says, “Th-thank you Miss Trixie! I gotta go now! I don’t know when they’re gonna bring my lunch, but I’ll see you tomorrow okay?”

Trixie looks at her small winged friend and says, “Of course Cozy Glow!”

Cozy Glow then flies off back to the Castle of Friendship while Trixie trots up the stairs into the School of Friendship.

Trixie’s thoughts: That actually went a lot better than I expected. I knew she’d eventually come with me to the malt shop, but I really didn’t expect that to happen on day 0! She’s a former villain and as a former villain myself, I know getting used to “not being bad” is a bit of an adjustment. As such, I’m also going to be working to properly reform Cozy Glow there as well. She needs to get used to the stares she’ll receive for awhile and learn how to build good constructive friendships from what she can find. I’ll be there for her the whole time because, well I’m starting to like the little filly honestly? She reminds me a bit of myself after I became free from the Alicorn Amulet. She needs to get past this and I’m here to help her work through it.

Day 15:

Cozy Glow flies to Trixie’s office door and she notices there isn’t a guard there. “I guess they don’t think that’s necessary anymore either?” She thinks to herself as she opens the door with her hooves and slowly trots in to see Trixie patiently waiting for her at her desk. Cozy Glow also can’t help but notice that the kitchen door is closed. “That’s weird?” Cozy Glow thinks to herself as she takes her normal seat. She then looks around the office and notices that once again, coloring books, crayons, and toys litter the floor. “I wonder why she did that again?” Cozy Glow thinks to herself.

Trixie then says, “Well I decided to just have our regular talk yesterday and give these lessons a quick break before we continue. But today, I have something special in mind! So you’ve been free for what? 22 days now and so far, I’m your only friend? Well that’s about to change! Now in my kitchen right now is a unicorn filly named Starshine. She was enrolled in Ponyville Elementary on the West side of town, but she’s transferring to the School of Friendship to learn more about that instead. Now she’s a little excitable and quirky, but I think you two would hit it off!

Annoyed at this prospect, Cozy Glow crosses her forehooves and says, “So basically, you want us to be friends because we’re both social rejects?”

Trixie looks astonished as she says, “Well I don’t think I’d go that far?”

Cozy Glow smiles and says, “Well I’m pretty much an outcast because of what I did 10 years ago! She’s gonna be enrolling in the School of Friendship next semester, which means she’s probably not very good at it. Wasn’t hard to figure out!”

Trixie just sighs and admits, “Okay maybe both of you aren’t exactly socially butterflies and maybe both of you need help in the friend making department! This is true! But, why not help each other like that?”

Cozy Glow mutters something under her breath before conceding, “Fine! This new filly is in the kitchen?”

And then, the doorknob to the kitchen door glows and the door slowly opens to reveal a dark purple unicorn filly that’s maybe 10 years old Cozy Glow guessed. She has white stringy hair with hot pink streaks in it and blue eyes. She stared at Cozy Glow before saying, “Um, h-hi! I’m Starshine!”

Cozy Glow looks at her and says, “Um, I’m Cozy Glow!”

And as Cozy Glow took in this other filly, she couldn’t help but think to herself. This whole time, all she ever did was tell people stories to get them to do what she wanted. Nopony had ever actually gotten to know her. I mean, really her. What if she was boring? What if Starshine didn’t like her? What if she didn’t like Starshine? All these worries were going through the Pegasus filly’s mind while Starshine slowly trotted up to meet her. Then she thought that maybe Starshine was a bit nervous as well as she couldn’t help but notice that she moved kinda slow trotting up to her and the hoof she extended to shake was shaky and her hoof shake was very rigid.

Cozy Glow decides to take charge and says, “So um, wanna color?”

Starshine then says, “Uh, sure!”

So they both go over to a section of Trixie’s office while Trixie watches them. They each pick out a coloring book and Starshine grabs the crayons over on her side with her hooves and sets it between them so they can both get whatever colors they want. They each select a page in their books and start to color.

Cozy Glow uses her hooves to guide her crayon in her mouth when Starshine notices this and says, “Wow! I normally just use my magic, but I’ve never seen a non-unicorn do that before?”

Cozy Glow spits out her crayon before saying, “Well yeah! Usually there’s some off marks whenever something is colored by an earth pony or Pegasus, but I like to guide my crayon with my hooves so it doesn’t go anywhere I don’t want it to.”

Starshine then says, “Wow! You’re pretty smart Cozy Glow!”

Cozy Glow blushes and says, “Um, thanks! Hey I’ve seen that pony in some of the comics they brought me at the castle! But I thought she was red? You colored her dark purple like you?”

Starshine blushes just a little and smiles before saying, “Yeah I kinda always admired Storm Crusher. She’s my hero and I want to be just like her one day.

Cozy Glow perplexed, then asks her, “Why do you like Storm Crusher so much Starshine?”

Starshine replies, “Because she’s a good pony and always tries to do what’s right! And like me, she makes a lot of mistakes, but always still manages to see it through. She never gives up and that’s a lesson I need to learn. I heard what you said out here and you’re right… I’m uh, not very good at friendship. I give up too easily, usually before I even try.”

Cozy Glow perplexed, then asks her new friend, “Um, plenty of ponies out there? They don’t all suck! Maybe just try to find something both you and the other pony are interested in?”

Starshine looks at her and says, “Well I dunno? What do you like to do Cozy Glow?”

Cozy Glow stares at the ceiling before saying, “I uh, never really thought about it actually? Since they unfroze me from stone, all I’ve been doing is coloring, reading, and putting together puzzles. And talking with Miss Trixie over there and um, sometimes I talk to my toys…”

Starshine then asks her, “Wait! You were turned to stone? Why in Equestria did that happen to you?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Well I did some bad things and they kinda, well turned me to stone because of it. I know I look 9, but I’m actually 19… I spent 10 years as a statue…”

Starshine then says, “Wait! So you were bad and now you’re free?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Well I want to get better now and Miss Trixie is helping me! Um, so I talk to my toys?”

Starshine then says, “Oh I do that too! Heh! Lemme guess! You don’t feel like you can talk to any actual live ponies about whatever it is and so you talk to your toys about it instead?”

Cozy Glow looks at the grounds and says, “Well yeah? I guess that’s why I do it?”

Starshine then says, “I don’t usually have anypony I can talk to and so I talk to my toys a lot. Usually about things that are bothering me…”

Cozy Glow then says, “Well what bothers you Starshine?”

Starshine then says, “Well since I started at Ponyville Elementary, I’ve been by myself. Nopony I can really talk to and I guess the adult ponies noticed that?”

Cozy Glow looks over at Trixie observing them and says, “Yeah they do that a lot!”

They both giggle a little bit before coloring some more. Cozy Glow then grabs a dragon plush toy with her hooves and moves it towards Starshine while saying, “Grr! I’m a ferocious dragon and I’m gonna eat you!”

Starshine playfully bats at the toy with her hooves and says, “Oh no! Please don’t eat me Mr. Dragon!”

Cozy Glow moves it closer to her while saying, “It’s too late for that Starshine! I’m gonna eat you! Rawr!” Cozy Glow then moves the toy at Starshine with her hooves while all Starshine can do is giggle and they both have a good laugh.

As Trixie watched these two fillies interacting, she couldn't help but think that once upon a time, that Pegasus was a monster who tried to steal all the magic in Equestria... And now, she's playing plushies with her new friend!

Cozy Glow then asks Starshine, “So what do you wanna do now?”

Starshine looks up and thinks for a moment before saying, “Well we could play with the train or maybe put together a puzzle? I saw a 100 piece back there that I kinda liked?”

Cozy Glow, unsure of what to do, then says, “Well uh, okay! Lets put together the puzzle Starshine!”

Starshine grabs the puzzle from across the room with her magic and takes it out of the box before they start putting it together with one another. Cozy Glow carefully moves the pieces into place with her hooves and mouth while all Starshine has to do is just use her magic to put the pieces into place. Cozy Glow is slightly annoyed that her new companion has an easier time of this and briefly remember being an Alicorn, but decides to just forget it and she then says, “So what do you like to do for fun Starshine?”

Starshine looks up at her and says, “Well I always liked stargazing and astronomy? Probably why there’s a cluster of stars with planets as my cutie mark?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Oh that’s cool!”

Starshine scratches the back of her head with her hoof and says, “I guess so? Yeah I was gonna get out my telescope and do it again tonight. Sure gets pretty lonely though with nopony to talk to?”

Cozy Glow has a sudden thought and looks at Trixie. Trixie just smiles and says, “I’ll let the guards know! Be back by 11 and there will be somepony heading to your room to check on you to make sure you’re there!”

This prospect makes Cozy Glow elated when she says, “So uh, what kind of telescope to you have Starshine?”

She says, “Well it’s just a regular refracting telescope. I don’t own anything fancy just yet.”

Cozy Glow realizes that she’s never had an interest in stargazing when she asks Starshine, “So why do you like to stargaze Starshine?”

Starshine smiles and says, “Well it always just seems really neat that there’s other stars and planets out there. You ever wonder if any of them have life like we do here? Or what they look like?

Cozy Glow then says, “Well no? I never really thought about it?”

Starshine says, “Well yeah! I want to explore the universe later and I think I’ll be an astronomer!”

Cozy Glow then says, “Neat! Uh, what time should I meet you and where?”

Starshine then says, “Well how about 8 o’clock in the courtyard?”

Cozy Glow then looks at Trixie who slowly nods her head and Cozy Glow then says, “Okay I’ll meet you there at 8!”

They finish putting together the puzzle after about 45 minutes of working on it and then they take it apart and then put it back into the box.

Cozy Glow then asks Starshine, “So uh, what do you want to do now?”

Trixie interrupts and says, “Well now our session is almost over! You two were so busy playing that you didn’t even notice all the time slipping away!”

Cozy Glow shakes her head before looking at the clock and saying, “Golly! I didn’t even notice!”

Trixie just smiles and says, “Well time flies when you’re having fun!”

Cozy Glow says, “Fun? Um, I guess I did have fun huh?”

Trixie continues, “Yes you did Cozy Glow. And now you have a date to meet your new friend tonight at 8 in the courtyard. But now it’s time for you to fly back to your room. Have fun little filly!”

Cozy Glow flew back to her room at the castle and her lunch was already waiting for her on the floor in front of her door. Then she colored until around 2 and took a nap before eating her dinner and read her storybook until around 7:45. She then opened the door with her hooves as she hovered in front of it and flew down the street to the School of Friendship. When she arrived, she saw it was 7:57 on the clock tower. She sat down and thought to herself. She’s never been stargazing before? What should she do? What should she talk about? How should she act? All of these thoughts were going through the filly’s mind until she saw her new friend approaching in the distance wearing saddlebags. She timidly trotted to greet her.

“Hi Starshine!” Cozy Glow said as she trotted up.

“Hi Cozy Glow! Uh, this area would be okay to set up the telescope!” Starshine said as she unpacked her saddlebags to show a telescope and a book. “Hang on Cozy Glow! I’ll get this set up!” Said Starshine as she magically adjusted her telescope.

“Okay so what then? I should just stand here or?” Cozy Glow asks Starshine.

Starshine smiles and says, “Well I just wanted to show you something!” as she looks through her telescope. She then smiles and said, “Yes! There it is! Hey Cozy Glow! Come look at this!”

Cozy Glow trotted up to see through the eyepiece and she saw a beautiful star there.

Starshine then says, “That’s Andromeda! A star not too far from here! Pretty cool huh?”

“Wow! That’s really neat Starshine! How often to you do this?” Cozy Glow asks her new friend.

Starshine looks down and says, “Usually every night, except I did it from my house back then.”

Cozy Glow then says, “Oh cool! What else can you show me?”

Starshine sees something behind Cozy Glow and then trots over and uses her magic to swing the telescope around looks through the eyepiece before looking up and muttering to herself about azimuth adjustments and then looks through the eyepiece again and smiles. “Hey Cozy Glow! Come check this out!” Starshine says.

Cozy Glow looks through the eyepiece and says, “Oh that looks like a planet!”

Starshine smiles and says, “That’s because it is! That’s the nearest planet to ours, named Icarus!”

Cozy Glow smiles and says, “Oh neat! So every night huh?”

Starshine says, “Well yeah! Usually! Sometimes I also look at constellations?”

Cozy Glow then looks at her and says, “Oh?”

Starshine smiles and points her hoof around Cozy Glow’s shoulder and says, “Yeah like that’s Canus Major over there!”

Cozy Glow looks behind her and after her eyes have a chance to focus, she sees the stars in the sky forming a unique pattern. She then looks at Starshine and says, “Golly! I guess there’s a lot to look at?”

Starshine smiles and says, “Well yeah! It’s a big sky! So I’ve seen you go to and from the school every morning, but I don’t see you around other than that? You go to Trixie’s office?”

Cozy Glow looks at the ground and says, “Well yeah… Remember how I told you I did bad things a long time ago? Well I uh, tried to steal all the magic from Equestria and was sent to Tartarus for two years before coming back to attack the Princess of Friendship and her friends with some other bad guys… But um, that was a long time ago…”

Aghast, Starshine then says, “Wow! Uh, that’s pretty neat in a fiendish evil kinda way?”

Cozy Glow replies, “You think so huh? But still, I understand if you don’t wanna trust me or be my friend anymore…” She then looks down with a sullen look in her auburn eyes.

Starshine looks at her new friend, smiles, and says, “… You’re right! It was a long time ago Cozy Glow and I don’t think it really matters anymore. You’re my friend!”

Cozy Glow then says, “Even after you know what I did, you still wanna be my friend?”

Starshine then says, “Sure! You spent a couple of years in Tartarus and about 10 years as a statue yes? I’m sure you’re okay by this point!” And then she did something that scared Cozy Glow. She hugged her!

Cozy Glow tensed up at first. Sure Trixie had hugged her numerous times before, but to get a hug like this, from another filly no less! A filly who actually liked her, for her! Not for somepony she pretended to be, but the real her! It seemed almost unreal and all Cozy Glow could do was stand there dumbfounded.

Starshine pulls away and says with a confused expression on her face, “You okay Cozy Glow?”

“Uh, yeah I think so? Why did you hug me?” Cozy Glow replied.

Starshine looked down before saying, “Well after telling me about your past, you seemed pretty tense and unsure of yourself and well, I just wanted you to feel better?” She then fidgets her right forehoof into ground looking unsure of herself.

Cozy Glow shocked, then says, “Wait! Uh you care about how I feel?”

Starshine shrugs and says, “Of course Cozy Glow! We’re friends now r-right?”

Cozy Glow smiles and says, “S-sure Starshine!” and then she fidgets her own right forehoof into the ground before saying, “Um, does this mean we have to hug again?”

Starshine just looks at Cozy Glow with a gleeful expression and says, “I think so? Well uh, if you really want to?” and then looks unsure of herself again.

Cozy Glow then embraces her new friend again into her front legs before pulling back and asking her, “Well uh, how was that?”

Starshine smiles and said, “That was uh, nice?” Then she looks at the clock tower before saying, ”Hey weren’t you supposed to be back at 11? It’s 10:47 now!”

Cozy Glow looks at the tower before saying, “Oh pony feathers! Hey I’ll see you later Starshine!” she called out to her new friend as she flew back to the Castle of Friendship. She landed on the steps and opened the door with her hooves before going inside and making her way to her room. She looked at the clock on her nightstand before saying, “Okay 10:58! I’m doing okay! I still have 2 more minutes!” When suddenly, there’s a knock on her door and she nods to the unicorn guard who quietly opens the door and he nods back before shutting her door again with his magic. Cozy Glow then snuggled her two beloved plush toys, the teddy bear and the dolphin before going to sleep snug under her covers.

Day 15:

The next morning, Cozy Glow flew to the School of Friendship and arrives at Trixie’s office door inside before opening it with her hooves and flying in near her usual seat on the couch. She quietly sits down and sees her usual cocoa is already waiting on her. Trixie is there with a smile on her face.

Cozy Glow takes her cup of cocoa in her hooves and takes a swig as Trixie begins. “Well for the past 4 days, minus 1, I’ve put you in situations that you’re not used to Cozy Glow. First, I taught you that friendship was important to you by showing you that you won’t abandon me because I’m your friend and you love me. Next, I showed you a bit of the world and got you to understand that not everypony is your friend and not everypony is worth being friends with. Then I introduced you to another filly and let you two spend the day together more or less. The idea was to get you into new and different situations to get you to have realizations. How did I do Cozy Glow?”

Cozy Glow is stunned for a moment before saying, “Well golly Miss Trixie! It was interesting to learn all of these things about myself and um, I kinda like Starshine and would like to see more of her?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Well she is going here next semester with you and I’ll be sure to call her around later. See? Not only are you now on a first name basis with the Great and Powerful counselor of this school, but you already know somepony going here! And do you know what the best part is Cozy Glow?”

Cozy Glow stunned, then asks her, “Um, what?”

Trixie smiles broadly and continues, “You did it all yourself! You chose not fly out of that window and leave me behind. You chose to go to the malt shop with me even though you didn’t really have to. And you chose to do something with Starshine that she enjoys, even though you never particularly had any interest in it. You did all of that Cozy Glow! Now how do you feel?”

Cozy Glow, dumbfounded, then says, “Um, I never really thought I could be friends with anypony before and now I have two of them? And uh, I guess I can make more later huh?”

Trixie then says, “Well we’ll get there Cozy Glow. Now that you understand a few key things about friendship, I think your education is coming along well. This is another reflection day Cozy Glow! Now go fly back to your room and do something you enjoy! Color or read a book maybe?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Um, Miss Trixie? I kinda like spending time with you?”

Trixie then says, “Oh? Well was there something on your mind little filly?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Well, yes there is actually! It seems like you’re manipulating me and getting me to do what you want? I mean, you knew I wouldn’t fly out of that window! You knew me and Starshine would talk and have fun that night we were stargazing didn’t you? And um, I’m starting to think you knew I would fly back to the school in order to do that malt shop thing with you?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Well the malt shop was really the only X factor, although I knew you’d do it with me eventually whenever you were ready and I’d be able to teach you that lesson. But that’s another thing I wanted you to understand Cozy Glow. Manipulating people isn’t always bad! Sometimes, you can get them to see the world in another light just like I’m doing for you Cozy Glow. I’m helping you by manipulating you and that’s why it’s possible for us to use your talents for good after you’re reformed! But it’s also important that you remember don’t have to do anything you don’t want to Cozy Glow. We’re here to help you after all. Not make you uncomfortable…”

Cozy Glow then says, “I don’t understand though? You don’t have to care about me? You could’ve just left me as a statue? Why did you agree to this? Why are you trying to reform me? What’s in it for you?”

Trixie smiles again and says, “How about I get an amazing new friend named Cozy Glow?”

Cozy Glow is stunned again when she says, “Golly! Y-you really want me as a friend huh Trixie?”

Trixie then says, “Why wouldn’t I Cozy Glow? You’re just confused and damaged and I’m here to help you!”

Cozy Glow takes another swig of her cocoa and processes all of this for a minute.

Trixie then says, “But you’ve had a lot to process over the last few days and I think you really need another reflection day. Go fly back to your room now and color or read or do something you enjoy. Take your cocoa with you again and once again, I’ll just have the guard retrieve the mug later. They only give me so many of those you know!”

Cozy Glow then smiles and says, “Um, okay Miss Trixie! Hey I kinda um, really like talking with you?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Of course Cozy Glow! I like talking with you as well. Now go to your room and reflect.”

Trixie’s thoughts: Well the lessons went even better than I expected. She doesn’t seem very resistant, but it’s also very likely that 10 years as a statue gave her a lot of time to think about things and her life. I really think I’m making good progress here!

Chapter Three: Value

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Day: 16

Cozy Glow could only stammer in the dark purple unicorn’s embrace. All she could do was just mutter, “I…I…I…” as she was being held by this other filly

Starshine stops hugging Cozy Glow and says, “Are you okay? Um, I was just so happy to see you a-after last time you know?

Cozy Glow responds, “Well yeah but um, I just walked through the door! I didn’t even know you were here!”

Starshine laughs and says, “Well yeah! That was my idea! To surprise you with a visit from your best friend! Um, oh gosh! I went too far didn’t I?”

Cozy Glow then looks perplexed as she says, “Um, what?”

Starshine then stammers out, “Well I wanted to surprise you, but I don’t know if you’re okay with it? I mean, sure you’re okay with it right? Everypony likes good surprises right?” She gazed at Cozy Glow with a hopeful expression on her face.

Cozy Glow then says, “Uh, sure!”

Starshine then looks at the ground and says, “I’m a bad friend! I just know I’m gonna ruin this one too!”

Cozy Glow says back to her, “Well so far, so good? I mean, I still like you as a friend and so we’re still friends right?”

Starshine digs her left forehoof into the ground as she says, “Well yeah! I mean, I haven’t chased you off yet? And we’re uh, best friends? R-right?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Of course!” She decides to take charge again and grabs the same dinosaur toy from before. She then growls out, “Starshine! I’m back!”

Starshine giggles and says, “Oh no! Are you gonna try to eat me again?”

Cozy Glow then says out of the corner of her mouth, “No worse! I’m gonna tickle you now!”

Starshine squeals, “Oh no! Please don’t tickle me Mr. Dinosaur!”

Cozy Glow then lunges at Starshine with the toy while growling, “RAWR!”

Starshine playfully bats at the dinosaur with her forehooves as Cozy Glow uses her hooves to get the dinosaur to playfully swipe at and tease the underside of Starshine’s front legs. Starshine giggles as she is tickled by the toy.

Trixie observes these two playing and takes note of how Cozy Glow took charge of the situation with the dinosaur toy. She knew that Starshine was worried about their friendship and that Cozy Glow was doing her best to make Starshine feel better and comfort her new friend. “The filly cares more about her friend than she probably realizes?” Trixie thought to herself.

Starshine just giggles and says, “Well hey Cozy Glow, there’s a play going on at 11 at the Ponyville theater! I was uh, wondering if you uh, wanted to go with me? Sorry! I’m not very good at this!”

Cozy Glow stares at Starshine with a weird expression before she says, “Uh, I’m pretty sure that’s why we’re here?”

Starshine giggles and then says, “Oh yeah! Um, okay lets start over! Cozy Glow!” And then in an almost robotic voice, she continues, “The theater is putting on a play at 11. Would you like to go with me?”

Cozy Glow then says using an even more robotic tone, “Yes Starshine, I would very much like to go with you!” And then giggles before stammering and looking behind her while saying, “Um, if that’s okay?” while looking at Trixie.

Trixie simply smiles and nods before saying, “That’s fine Cozy Glow! Just be back here by 1 so we can have a talk before you leave!”

Cozy Glow then smiles and says, “Well okay Starshine! We’ll go together!” She then looks at the clock before saying, “Golly! It’s only about 9:50 now? So that means we have an hour and 10 minutes to kill? Well, minus the 5 minutes or so it will take to get us to the theater? Um, when I think about it? So what do you wanna do now Starshine?”

Starshine then looks wistfully at all the toys and games strewn about and says, “Well how about one of these board games over in the corner here? This one looks fun! It’s called Oops!”

Cozy Glow then smiles and says, “Okay! Lets play Oops together!”

So Starshine uses her unicorn magic to get the game out from the corner and then opens the box to set everything up. The board is on the floor with their respective pieces on the board at the starting point and the dice are off to one side.

She then says, “Okay I’ll go first! The rules aren’t that hard.” She uses her magic to put the dice into her mouth before rolling them around in there and spitting them out onto the board. “Okay I got 8! That means my first little piece here moves 8 places on the board here see! Now you roll Cozy Glow!”

Cozy Glow unsure of herself, then says, “Okay Starshine!” She then takes the dice into her mouth off the board and rolls them around before spitting them out onto the board. She rolls an 8 as well.

Starshine then says, “Oh ouch! That means you move to the same spot as me and my piece now goes back to the start!”

Cozy Glow then says, “Oh I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to make you start over!”

Starshine looks confused and says, “Um, that’s the point? I’m the other player and you want to beat me right?”

Cozy Glow looks down and says, “Well I know that. But I didn’t want to beat you and for you to hate me?”

Starshine smiles and says, “It’s okay if you beat me Cozy Glow! I don’t care about winning!”

Cozy Glow stricken, then says, “Um, you don’t?”

Starshine then says, “No Cozy Glow! We’re playing a game together and I kinda um, just wanted to be with you? If that’s okay I mean?”

Cozy Glow then looks confused as she says, “Wait! You actually want to be with me? I mean, actually me?”

Starshine says, “Well yeah! I mean, you’re my first real friend and um, I did like stargazing with you three days ago?”

Cozy Glow then looks confused as she says, “So you’re my friend and you wish to spend time with me then? This isn’t just about winning?”

Starshine smiles and says, “No Cozy Glow! I just wanted to play with and have fun with you! Now um, I guess I should take my turn?” right before using her unicorn magic and mouth to roll a 4. Then she states, “Okay now you go Cozy Glow!”

Cozy Glow then says, “Okay!” She then takes the dice into her mouth and rolls on the board. “I got an 11! Starshine, please move my next piece forward 11 places for me would you, oh great unicorn magic master?” She says while giggling.

Starshine giggles as well before using her magic to move Cozy’s second piece 11 places ahead before saying, “Alright you get this one Cozy Glow! But when I need something from up high, I am so calling you now!”

Cozy Glow then looks at and twitches her wings and says, “Oh yeah! Guess I’ll get that for us huh?”

Trixie smiles as she sees the two fillies interacting. They just made agreements to help each other later. Trixie can’t help but think to herself that this must mean that they’re both insecure. They wouldn’t feel the need to make such arrangements if they were truly confident about their friendship. She then decides it’s time to act on her plan…

Trixie then says, “Cozy Glow! See that black amethyst behind the jar up on the shelf there? Would you and Starshine please go get that for me? The jar is all the way full of water so you probably don’t want to pick it up with your hooves.”

Cozy Glow looks up and says, “Well I can’t pick it up with my hooves huh?”

Starshine then points to her horn with her left forehoof and smiles before causing the jar to glow with her magic and gently uses that magic to move the jar down to the ground.

Cozy Glow just patiently waits for Starshine to use her magic to get the gem when she notices that her friend is straining while using her magic. She just can’t seem to use her magic to lift the black amethyst! Cozy Glow then asks her, “What’s the matter Starshine?”

Starshine then says, “I don’t know? My magic just doesn’t effect this crystal?”

Trixie then giggles and says, “Oh yeah! Black amethyst absorbs magic! Almost forgot to mention that! Cozy Glow, do you have any ideas?”

Cozy Glow then looks at her wings and then says, “Well I guess I can just fly up and get it huh?” Before flapping her wings to take off and retrieving the crystal in her hooves and then flying it over to Trixie’s desk.

Trixie then says, “Now I want you to take note of something here fillies. You worked as a team to retrieve that black amethyst I had set their next to the jar of water that I precariously filled to the top with water. The point was to show you two that you’re better together. Tell me, do you see that?”

Cozy Glow smiles and says, “Well I see if there’s a complicated problem, friends can overcome that? But most problems aren’t like that?”

Trixie smiles and says, “That’s the thing Cozy Glow! While most problems aren’t like that, there’s always gonna be at least a few where you will need help. And with friends you can overcome those problems just like you helped Starshine overcome her lack of magic with your wings. Oddly enough, I’ve dealt with that same “lack of magic” problem in the past… That’s kinda why I knew about the crystal…”

Cozy Glow then says, “Well I guess there are limits to what even magic can do huh? Then again, Tirek did teach me some things about that!” Cozy Glow then looks at her friend and says, “Well what do you wanna do now Starshine?”

Starshine then says, “Well we just did something I wanna do? What would you like to do Cozy Glow?”

Cozy Glow then thinks to herself before saying, “Well I did like coloring with you earlier and um?” She then looks at the clock before continuing, “We got about 30 minutes I see? So lets color!”

Starshine then uses her magic to bring over the crayons and coloring books.

Cozy Glow then says, “Oh yeah! It’s so easy for you isn’t it?”

Starshine just smiles and giggles before saying, “While it can be handy, we just saw that it can’t do everything?” and then using her magic to pick a few crayons out of the box and then bringing it over to Cozy Glow.

Cozy Glow then says, “Oh yeah! Well don’t worry Starshine! I’m here to retrieve any black amethyst crystals you may need me to!” And then she twitches her wings while both fillies giggle. Then she picks out a book at a random page and then selects a few crayons out of the box using her mouth. The two fillies then start to color together.

They color for about ten minutes when Cozy Glow finishes coloring a blue dinosaur and spits her crayon out of her mouth before saying to Starshine, “Wait Starshine! I was just thinking?”

Starshine uses her magic to use another dark purple crayon on Storm Crusher while saying, “Um, what’s that Cozy Glow?”

Cozy Glow then glances over at Trixie before saying, “Well, we’ve just been awkwardly trying to figure each other out this whole time? Is this what friendship is? I mean, I’m more comfortable with you now, but we still have moments you know? Um, those don’t really go away do they?”

Starshine then stares at Cozy Glow with a ridiculous expression before busting out in a fit of hysterical laughter.

Cozy Glow is then confused as she asks, “What’s so funny?”

Starshine just contains herself before saying, “Well, I don’t know! I’ve never done this before! But I hope not! This is a lot of fun!”

Cozy Glow can only start to giggle herself before saying, “Yeah I mean, I wouldn’t know either! All I’ve ever done after my parents went away was use and manipulate ponies!”

And then she starts to giggle a bit when Starshine suddenly gets a concerned expression on her face. She asks Cozy Glow, “Manipulate? What do you mean?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Well yeah, earlier on, I learned that I have the ability to manipulate ponies to get them to do what I want. It’s why I have a rook as my cutie mark. In chess, a rook controls other pieces you know?”

Starshine then asks Cozy Glow with a very serious expression on her face, “Um, Cozy Glow? You would never manipulate me r-right?”

Cozy Glow then stops and says, “Well golly! I never really thought about it? I don’t think so? I mean, you’re awesome enough already you know?”

Starshine is then taken aback when she asks Cozy Glow, “Wait! I’m awesome? Uh, all I do is stare at stars at night and color?”

Cozy Glow then smiles and says, “Yeah, but now you’re doing a lot of that stuff with me. And um, I like spending time with you? I would never put that at risk just because I wanted a cookie or to take over Equestria you know?”

Starshine then smiles and says, “So you wouldn’t want to use me to take over Equestria?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Not really?” She then looks at the wall clock and says, “Okay we got 8 minutes? I guess we should head over to the theater now?”

Starshine then says, “Yeah I guess we’re leaving now?” Before getting up and trotting towards the door with Cozy Glow close in tow behind her.

While smiling and looking at paperwork, Trixie then says, “I left 8 bits for you on the corner of my desk for you two to go to the theater together.”

“Thanks Trixie!” Starshine says as she uses her magic to snag the 8 bits and put them into her left saddlebag. The two fillies then leave the office and head outside.

They walk down the street and are talking on their way to the theater. Cozy Glow says to Starshine, “So have you seen this play?”

Starshine smiles and says, “No I don’t really get out much? I mean, I’ve been wanting to go, but I never really had anypony to go with? Going to the theater alone just makes me sad.”

She then stares at the ground with a sullen expression before Cozy Glow lifts her chin with her right forehoof and says, “Well guess what Starshine? You’re not alone anymore!”

Starshine smiles and says, “I guess not?”

Cozy Glow then looks at the sky before saying, “You know, it’s kinda weird to think that if I never tried to take over Equestria, I never would’ve met you? I mean, like I said, I was turned to stone for ten years because of what I did and Trixie can confirm this!”

Starshine smiles and says, “Well you were in front of the castle courtyard you know? My mom used to take me to Twilight Sparkle speeches and I saw you there, but um, I didn’t want to say anything?”

Cozy Glow is then aghast when she says, “So you knew I was turned to stone?”

Starshine then says, “Well I knew that part! I didn’t really know about the whole, taking over Equestria thing because we haven’t gotten that far in history yet.”

And then, Cozy Glow's mouth tightened and got small while her eyes got big and wide and her auburn pupils got really narrow. Starshine could only stare at her friend in confusion before Cozy Glow did the unthinkable... She depressed her left forehoof into Starshine's nose before saying, "BOOP!"

Starshine is taken aback when she says, “What the? You booped me!”

Cozy Glow grins and scratches the back of her head with her right forehoof before saying, “Yeah I guess I did huh?”

Starshine then asks Cozy Glow, “Why did you boop me?”

Cozy Glow then gets flustered when she says, “Well I don’t like talking about my past! I mean uh, because I wanted to have fun with you and you’re my friend and we play together, heh heh?”

Starshine then says, “Well! This shall not go un-avenged!” before putting her right forehoof to Cozy Glow’s nose and then saying, “BOOP!” and then saying, “And just so you know, we don’t have to talk about your past if you don’t want to?”

Cozy Glow twitches her nose and smiles before saying, “Yeah, I’d like that Starshine… And I guess I did have that one coming huh? Um, we’re at the theater now!”

The two fillies walk to the front of the theater and Starshine tells the clerk, “Two for Murder on the Celestia Express please!”

The clerk just says, “That will be 4 bits!”

Starshine uses her magic to get 4 bits from her left saddlebag. The clerk then takes them in his mouth and puts them into the register before using his left hoof to get them two tickets and putting them onto the counter. Starshine then uses her magic to get the tickets and put them into her right saddlebag and she then says to Cozy Glow, “I’ll go get us some Sparkle Colas from the concession stand! You go get us a seat!”

Cozy Glow smiles and says to her friend, “Okay Starshine!”

Later, as the two fillies are watching the play, Cozy Glow has some more thoughts in her head. She thinks about wanting everything to be okay and wanting the power to do that. She wonders if things can really be okay without being able to control everything around her? She wonders if that’s even possible? Should she really even try? Well, she appears to be doing just that?

The two fillies left the theater together as Cozy Glow uses her mouth to throw away an empty Sparkle Cola bottle in the waste bin. She asks Starshine, “So what did you think of the play? I thought it was too predictable!”

Starshine says, “What do you mean? I had no idea Silas was the killer!”

Cozy Glow rolls her eyes and says, “Oh please! Don’t you think it’s interesting that Silas was not there during a lot of the things that happened particularly when the second and third mare were killed? And what about what the detective said about how she was killed with unicorn magic? That rules out about two thirds of Equestria and most of the ponies on that train! The only two unicorns were Redmane and Silas. Redmane was with the group when she was killed. Where was Silas? Easy to figure out!”

Starshine then looks stunned as she says, “Wow! I have a smart friend named Cozy Glow! Who can get black amethyst crystals for me! Guess I’m doing better today? Uh, hey! There’s still 2 bits leftover from the money Trixie gave us. You want an ice cream cone from that stand over there Cozy Glow?”

Cozy Glow looks up a moment and says, “I don’t know? I mean, Trixie gave us the money for a movie?”

Starshine just smiles and says, “I don’t think 2 bits is really that big of a deal. Hang on Cozy Glow!”

She then walks over to the ice cream stand to leave Cozy Glow alone with her thoughts. Cozy Glow then thinks that maybe she was wrong all this time and that there’s something inherently valuable about getting to know others? That maybe, they teach you things about yourself? Just not being alone after all this time was pretty nice anyway!

Starshine returns with the ice cream in her magical grip and says to Cozy Glow, “Alright Cozy Glow! Pick a forehoof! Any forehoof!”

Cozy Glow extends her right forehoof and Starshine then uses her magic to float the ice cream cone onto her hoof. Cozy Glow then starts to lick the vanilla cone and she has a smile on her face and a happy look in her eyes for the first time in quite a while. It was almost surreal, when suddenly, her vanilla ice cream scoop falls to the ground. Cozy Glow looks sad for a moment before a resigned expression goes over her face.

Starshine sees this and says, “It’s okay Cozy Glow! You can have mine!”

Cozy Glow then says, “No it’s okay Starshine! You enjoy! I’m not that important…”

Starshine has a stricken look in her eyes before saying, “What do you mean Cozy Glow? You’re my first real friend and that makes you pretty important to me!”

The stand owner can’t help but notice and he trots over while carrying another scoop of vanilla ice in his unicorn magic. He sets it onto Cozy Glow’s empty cone and says, “There you go little filly! On the house!” And then he trots back.

Cozy Glow stares at the ice cream cone and then at Starshine before saying, “I-I’m sorry…”

Starshine then says with a perplexed look on her face, “What are you sorry for Cozy Glow?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Well I guess I should’ve accepted your cone? But I really wanted you to have the ice cream though? It really wouldn’t bother me as long as I knew you had some you know?”

Starshine then says, “Well I wanted you to have some ice cream too Cozy Glow? You’re my friend and you’re important to me!”

Cozy Glow then smiles and says, “Golly! So um, I guess we’re friends huh?”

Starshine smiles at Cozy Glow and then says, “Best friends Cozy Glow! Best friends!”

Cozy Glow looks at the clock tower before saying, “Oh horse apples! Um, we’re already 7 minutes late to getting back to Trixie?”

Starshine giggles and says, “Why not? We already spent their last two bits!”

Cozy Glow giggles as she licks her cone and says, “Yeah! I know I’m not supposed to, but since we’re already this late, I don’t think a few more minutes is really gonna matter?”

The two fillies then finish up their cones and giggle a bit as they both trot toward the School of Friendship. They finally make it to Trixie’s office when they see the blue unicorn reading a book with her magic. She then floats the book down to her desk and looks at the clock before asking Cozy Glow, “Mind telling me why you’re 18 minutes late?”

Cozy Glow shirks a bit and scratches her head with her left forehoof before stuttering out, “Uh sorry Miss Trixie! I guess I…”

She can’t finish before Starshine blurts out, “It was my fault Miss Trixie! I uh, wanted to use what was left of the money to get us ice cream and I guess I lost track of time? But no, it’s me! I’m to blame!”

Trixie smiles and says, “Hey all of that is okay Starshine! We just schedule these things so we can regularly check up on you and make sure you’re okay! If you two need more time together, we can arrange that!”

Starshine looks down before saying, “Sorry Miss Trixie!”

Trixie just says, “That’s fine! So did you two enjoy yourselves? What did you learn Cozy Glow?”

Cozy Glow says, “Well I guess I learned that just because I don’t think I’m important doesn’t mean other people are gonna feel the same way. I think that maybe I am important just because somepony else important to me says so? I don’t know what I’m talking about!” She then looks down before scratching her chin with her right forehoof and stammering a bit.

Trixie then says, “Well Cozy Glow, you’re never gonna feel important until you actually think of yourself as that way you know? All the admiration and friendship in the world won’t mean anything unless you feel important to yourself. Sometimes, it takes others to show us how much we matter.” She then trots around her desk before holding Cozy Glow to her side inside her right forehoof and saying, “But with my Great and Powerful guidance counseling, we shall see our way through!”

Everypony in the office immediately begins to chuckle when Trixie gets back to all fours and says, “But that’s okay Cozy Glow. We’ll work on your self esteem. This is a process after all! Anyway Cozy Glow, say goodbye to your friend now and go back to your room. I have a meeting in 4 minutes that I really need to be ready for!”

Cozy Glow looks up before saying, “Golly! Okay Miss Trixie! Bye Starshine! I love you!”

She quickly leaves the room and two unicorns behind. Starshine can only wave at the little Pegasus as she flies her way out of the building and back to her room.

Day: 17

Trixie’s door quietly opens and a curly haired off pink Pegasus filly slowly trots in and then quietly shuts the door… Cozy Glow then sits down at her usual spot on the couch.

Trixie notices the filly acting this way and asks her, “How are you Cozy Glow? Doing okay?”

Cozy Glow scratches her head with her right forehoof and says, “Yeah I think so? It’s just that I uh, had some questions…”

Trixie now intrigued, raises her eyebrow and says, “Go on?”

Cozy Glow then giggles softly before saying, “Okay you mentioned earlier that you were manipulating me to make me better right? Then how do I know that I’ve made any progress at all? I mean, how do I know that you didn’t just force me to act this way? You gotta admit, there are quite a few ponies here and there making sure I do what I’m supposed to? Although I noticed that you’re lighter on that now? Guess you think I’m really changing? But well, is it any of this real?”

Trixie then smiles and says, “Tell me something Cozy Glow… Manipulate any ponies into doing bad things lately?”

Cozy Glow looks startled for a moment before saying, “Well, I did talk the guard into giving me an extra cookie the yesterday when they brought me my dinner? Heh heh?”

Trixie softly giggles and says, “That’s fine! I don’t really care about that. But what I mean is, did you talk anypony into doing anything really bad?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Well uh no, not really?”

Trixie then says, “Okay so you’re not exactly “bad” anymore then are you? When you were a villain, manipulation was your thing. It’s what you did to do bad things. But you’re not doing that anymore are you?”

Cozy Glow responds, “Well no not really?”

Trixie then says, “And you’re not gonna do anything bad today right?”

Cozy Glow scratches her head and says, “Well um, I was thinking of getting another extra cookie tonight?”

Trixie sighs and says, “After everything you did, it wouldn’t bother us in the least if you filched a thousand cookies. That’s not important! Now focus Cozy Glow! Are you or are you not going to do anything truly evil today?”

Cozy Glow replies, “Well I wasn’t really planning on it?”

Trixie continues, “Okay then, since you’re not going to do anything evil today, you could easily go the rest of your life without doing something evil right?”

Cozy Glow looks at the floor and says, “Well I guess so, but…”

Trixie then asks her, “But?”

Cozy Glow then says, “But um, well I did bad things and I’m not sure if I really deserve to feel good or not?”

Trixie then looks shocked as she says, “Of course you deserve to feel good Cozy Glow! Okay, you tried to steal all the magic in Equestria and yeah you did kinda attack the Princess of Friendship and her friends. All these things are true. But you spent two years in Tartarus and another ten as stone. Don’t you think you’ve been punished enough? And besides that, if Princess Twilight believes in giving you another chance, don’t you think you owe it to yourself to at least try to get a fresh start? Worst case scenario, you fail! And you said it yourself, you can always just go make more friends!”

Cozy Glow then looks confused as she says, “Wait! I thought you said my old way of thinking was bad?”

Trixie then says, “Well not all of it. Optimism in friendship is important and like I already told you, not everypony wants to be your friend, not everypony is really your friend, and not everypony is worth being friends with. These things are true. And so it stands to reason that you should always know that out there, there’s somepony you can be friends with. You have to stay hopeful!”

Cozy Glow then says, “Um, didn’t Somnambula teach us that? About hope I mean? I remember reading about her back when I learned about the Pillars?"

Trixie says, “Technically true! Now when you met Starshine, you were nervous weren’t you? But now looked at what that turned into?”

Cozy Glow then says, “So I guess I should just get over that nervousness huh?”

Trixie smiles and says, “That just gets easier with time. I saw you taking charge of the play with Starshine back there… You are a little leader you know that?”

Cozy Glow then looks startled and says, “Well I had to! I mean, she was really worried and I didn’t want her uneasy around me. I mean, if we’re friends, that means she has to feel okay around me right?”

Trixie then says, “That’s actually very intuitive.”

Cozy Glow scratches her chin with her forehoof and says, “Well yeah, I mean, I want her to feel good?”

Trixie smiles even more broadly and asks Cozy Glow, “And why would you want Starshine to feel good Cozy Glow?”

Cozy Glow looks stricken when she then says, “Golly! I guess because um, she’s my f-friend?”

Trixie continues smiling when she says, “So you used your skills of manipulation in order to direct her mind to a happier place with that dinosaur toy… That means you used manipulation for a good purpose…

Cozy Glow looks stunned as she says, “Well golly! I didn’t think of it that way?”

Trixie then says, “I used to be a stage magician. That’s really all about directing attention here and there. I can see what you’re doing and I think it’s very sweet of you Cozy Glow.”

Cozy Glow then looks flustered when she says, “I-I’m sweet? But I tried to take all the magic in Equestria and I attacked Princess Twilight!”

Trixie then says, “Yes and now you’re helping Starshine feel better and not feel so socially awkward…”

Cozy Glow looks resigned when she then says, “Well she’s my first real friend and I care about her? She’s really fun to be around and playing with her is also great?

Trixie then smiles and says, “Exactly! Not bad for a social reject huh?”

Cozy Glow then says, “So just because somepony isn’t very good at making friends doesn’t mean they’re not worth being friends with?”

Trixie then looks shocked as she says, “Two revelations in one day! Cozy Glow! You are on fire!”

Cozy Glow then says, “Well you said I was smart?”

Trixie just says, “Ah right! Of course! Smart little demonic filly!”

Cozy Glow then says, “Demonic?”

Trixie then stammers and says, “Well, okay, used to be demonic! Sorry! I’ve never really reformed any villains before!”

Cozy Glow then chuckles and says, “Well I’ve never been reformed before? Well uh, I don’t think?” She then stares off into space.

Trixie says, “Like I said, we’ll work on that and we’ll get a little bit better everyday! Anyway Cozy Glow, I’m pretty sure you know what sort of day this is so before you head back to your room at the castle and play, did you have any questions?”

Cozy Glow then looks up and says, “Well actually, I do have one! So real friendship is always super awkward at first while you’re trying to figure out the other pony and then you two get better at it and work?”

Trixie rolls her eyes and says, “Yeah! Usually! You should hear what me and Starlight were like later! Anyway Cozy Glow, go fly back to your room now and take another day to reflect! Take your usual cocoa! You know what to do!”

Cozy Glow then grabs the cocoa off the desk with her forehooves before taking off with her wings to the door. She then opens the door with her mouth and flies out to land on the other side after setting her cocoa down. She then says, “Okay Miss Trixie! Uh, tomorrow at our usual time?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Of course! Now fly back to your room Cozy Glow! Don’t bother closing the door! I need more coffee anyway…”

Cozy Glow then says, “Right Miss Trixie!” before grabbing her cocoa in her hooves and flapping off to the exit door with her wings.”

Trixie’s thoughts: Well I’ve effectively strengthened her friendship with Starshine and got her to see that friendship is something that can truly make her life better. Not much longer now…

Chapter Four: Realizations

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Night 22

As Cozy Glow slept under the covers like she always did while clutching her precious dolphin and teddy bear toys to her chest, her mind began to stir. She saw herself once again circling the chamber with a disabled Starlight Glimmer there trapped inside the vortex she had created with the artifacts. As she trotted triumphantly, she once again said those same words, “You know, you ponies got it all wrong! Friendship isn’t magic! Friendship is power! Friendship is the most powerful thing there is and soon, all of Equestria will bow to me, the future Empress of Friendship!” And she began to laugh again as she slid the crown over her head, but she still couldn’t help but feel something was off this time?

First, she sees Trixie over to her right standing there with a serious expression as she says, “You know this isn’t right…”c

She pauses for a moment and turns to look the other direction where she sees Starshine there with tears in her deep blue eyes as she says to Cozy Glow, “You would want power over me?”

Cozy Glow then freezes, not knowing what to do or say…

Starshine then sniffles and looks up as she says, "You would want to control me? Aren't I important to you?"

Cozy Glow then slowly stands up on her haunches again to take off the crown from her head before tossing it down to the floor and returning to all fours and looking down before saying, “I guess I’m not doing that anymore huh?”

Cozy Glow then wakes up in the middle of the night under the covers in a cold sweat. “What is wrong with me?” she whispers to her teddy bear. She then quietly sobs into her dolphin as she softly falls back to sleep.

Day: 23

Cozy Glow awakens later to find the tears had dried from her face. She then finds a note had been slid under her door during the early hours of the morning. She unfolds it with her hooves and reads it on the ground. It says;

Dear, Cozy Glow

I’ve been called away to Canterlot for the next 3 days on urgent business. You are to primarily stay in your room for now, although you may go outside for exercise during the daylight hours. Your curfew is at 7 and as usual, you’ll be taken care of. Be back soon! Love you friend!


Trixie Lulamoon

Cozy Glow then looks up and mutters to herself, “Golly! That just means the next 3 days are gonna be extra boring! You know? A bit more boring than they usually are! Isn’t that just swell?” She says in a resigned tone as she trots back to her bed. She looks down before a tray gets slid through the trap door at the bottom of the door. She looks over and says, “I guess that’s breakfast?”

Later in the afternoon, Cozy Glow is coloring on her floor with her teddy bear as she says to the toy, “You know, I had another nightmare about what I did… I keep thinking about what brought me to that point and I suppose that’s what Tirek told me? He said that the best way to keep bad things from happening was to have all the power. That way, everything can be okay, safely under my control… I never thought I could ever actually deal with my problems? They all seemed so strong and so real! They just tore me apart! I know that I can’t face them by myself! I just can’t!” At the point, the Pegasus filly grabs her precious toy with her forehooves and sobs into the seams while whimpering “It’s just too much! Its just too much! I can’t do it!”

At that point, there’s knock on the door. Cozy Glow is startled as she looks up and says, “Uh, who is it?”

At that point, she hears a muffled voice from behind the door say, “It’s me Starshine! Uh, is it okay if I come in?”

At that point, Cozy Glow quickly wipes away her tears with her forehooves and says, “Sure Starshine! Come on in!”

At that point, the doorknob glows and the door opens up to reveal her best friend Starshine standing there with her long white mane. She says to Cozy Glow, “Yeah I went to Trixie’s office to talk to her about the next time I could see you and they told me that she got called away. They asked my name and when I told them, they said I had “visiting privileges” by order of Trixie during daylight hours. I gotta go at 7 though!”

Cozy Glow then says, “Golly! So you and me can hang out together?”

Starshine then smiles and says, “Yeah Cozy Glow! And I’m not in school yet and so I can come here everyday after I’m done with my chores!”

Cozy Glow then gives a small sigh and smiles as she says, “Maybe these next 3 days won’t be so awful after all?”

Starshine then says, “Well I guess she didn’t want you to be lonely? I mean, she knew I’d be around to see you sooner or later and well, the message would reach me that I’m supposed to meet you in here right?”

Cozy Glow scrunches her face and says, “Okay I guess that makes sense? Come on in Starshine!”

And Starshine trots in and gets a better looks at Cozy Glow’s flustered and pouty face before nervously asking her, “Um Cozy Glow? Have you been crying?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Well uh, maybe a little…”

Starshine then has a concerned expression on her face when she asks Cozy Glow, “Well tell me! What’s wrong Cozy Glow? What are you crying about?”

Cozy Glow looks up at her and softly asks, “Um, would you mind closing the door please?”

Starshine then starts up and says, “Oh! Right!” Then looks over and makes her horn and the doorknob glow to shut it. She then stares at Cozy Glow before asking her, “Alright Cozy Glow, what’s up?”

Cozy Glow then sniffles just a little bit before saying, “It was really hard you know? I lost my parents and my life… And it was way too early in my life for all that and um, I just didn’t know how to deal?”

Starshine then says, “I don’t think you ever told me about this Cozy Glow? Uh, what happened?”

Cozy Glow looks up and says, “Well I used to live with my parents in a cottage on the other side of the Everfree forest, before it burned to the ground and I became an orphan.”

Starshine frowns and says, “Oh wow! So um, that’s why you tried to conquer Equestria?”

Cozy Glow looks down and says, “Well sorta? It was Tirek actually… He told me that the only way to have control is to take it. That that was the best way to make sure bad things didn’t happen to me. And well, I believed him…”

Starshine then looks at Cozy Glow and says, “But Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends stopped you?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Yeah and that’s why I was sent to Tartarus for two years…”

Starshine then asks Cozy Glow, “And what happened then?”

Cozy Glow looks at the floor again before saying, “Then Grogar came and got me along with Tirek and Chrysalis. Except well, it turned out not to really be Grogar, but that’s another story! Anyway, we stole an artifact and tried to use it to take over the land. I was so hyped up! I felt that rush and really wanted the power you know? I thought that things were finally going to be okay for me. I thought that I’d have everything I needed… I guess I was wrong?”

She starts to sniffle as Starshine trots over to her and hugs her before saying, “It’s okay Cozy Glow! You’re not that pony anymore! You can be better now!”

Cozy Glow can only stand there in shock in the embrace of her friend as she says, “I just wanted to be okay you know? I just wanted everything to be okay… Was that wrong of me for wanting the power to do that? Was that wrong of me for wanting a way to get that power? I just don’t know anymore?”

Starshine then pulls back out of the hug and gets back on all fours before looking at Cozy Glow and saying, “Well I do know one thing Cozy Glow. You’re my best friend and I’m really glad I met you. And you might not like me to say it, but I’m actually kinda glad you failed! Because well, if you hadn’t, we never would’ve met. And my life wouldn’t be nearly as good without you in it.”

Cozy Glow then looks dumbfounded as she says, “Golly! I never really thought about it? I mean, you like spending time with me and playing with me Starshine?”

Starshine smiles and says, “Yes I do Cozy Glow! It’s so much more boring without you in my life!”

Cozy Glow then considers this a moment. If she hadn’t failed to take over Equestria, she never would’ve met her best friend? Maybe life without power wasn’t so horrible?

Cozy Glow then gets lost in thought for maybe two minutes before Starshine finally says, “So what do you want to do together Cozy Glow? Yeah since it’s just you in here normally, I guess they didn’t include board games? But I see there’s another 200 piece puzzle we could do or we could color together?”

Cozy Glow looks at Starshine and says, “Well usually, I’m at Trixie’s by now? Um, I kinda like getting out of this room for awhile when I talk to her? Hey wanna go for a walk? I know I usually fly there, but you don’t have wings so…”

Starshine smiles and says, “Sure Cozy Glow! We don’t have to go to the school though? You know there’s a park and a playground over on the West side of town that’s not too far? Maybe we could maybe go to the playground?”

Cozy Glow then thinks of the other ponies and their glares before she suddenly remembers Trixie saying, “Buck em!” to her earlier. She then says, “Sure Starshine! Lets go play!”

Starshine then says, “Alright Cozy Glow! Now you may be able to take to the skies, but can you do this?” Then her horn glows before the door handle and the door then opens up.

Cozy Glow then says, “Golly! I can’t do that! Lead the way oh Great Wizard Starshine!” As she bows down and motions with her forehoof.

Starshine chuckles as she walks out of the door and says, “Come on Cozy Glow, Master of the Skies! Let’s go play together!”

The two fillies both chuckle together as they trot out of the Castle of Friendship.

As Cozy Glow trotted with Starshine, she stopped paying attention to the occasional glare and whisper the other ponies would do as she trotted through town. She actually felt better walking next to her friend.

As they reached the playground, Starshine sees the swings and says, “Hey Cozy Glow! Come on! I’ll push you!” And then she quickly trots up to the swing set as Cozy Glow slowly trots from behind her.

Cozy Glow nervously gets onto the swing when she starts to glow and she sees Starshine stressing with as her horn glows with magic. Starshine then says, “Um, I think I’m gonna need to use my hooves for this?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Wait! You didn’t know if you could push me with your magic?”

Starshine shrugs and says, “I had no friends before remember?”

Cozy Glow looks up and says, “Oh yeah! Well just push me whenever you’re ready Starshine!”

Starshine gets behind Cozy Glow and pushes her with her front hooves before getting out of the way on all fours and watching Cozy Glow go up on the other side of the swing.

Cozy Glow is only maybe halfway up the other side of the swing set before she starts to plummet again and she says, “Higher Starshine!”

Starshine smiles and says, “Okay Cozy Glow!” before getting behind the swing again and getting on her haunches. She catches the swing with her forehooves and slides back a little before shoving the swing all her might.

The swing flies much further up in the air this time and then Cozy Glow does something that she hasn’t done in a very long time… She actually giggled because she was having fun on the swing playing with her friend!

As she glides back towards the ground, Starshine gets out of the way and the swing flies behind the set a much shorter distance before gently flying towards the center to a stop. Cozy Glow stops giggling long enough to say, “Golly! I’ve never been to a playground before, but I know about it from books. Uh, would you like me to push you now Starshine?”

Starshine then gets underneath the swing set and gets on her haunches to catch Cozy Glow’s swing and shoving it up again for her before saying, “I’m not done pushing you yet Cozy Glow!”

Cozy Glow then says, “Oh so I guess I have to take my full turn first? Well when does it end?” As her swing goes back down towards her waiting friend who’s already on her haunches again.

As Starshine shoves the swing again she says, “I don’t know? Just tell me when you’re done Cozy Glow!”

Cozy Glow smiles and says, “Okay Starshine! And later, I’ll push you for as long as you want!”

Starshine goes back underneath the swing set and gets back on her haunches before shoving Cozy Glow’s swing again. Cozy Glow giggles as her swing begins to soar on the other side of the swing set. The swing goes back down where Starshine is once again on her haunches ready to shove her friend even higher.

Cozy Glow then says, “Get me higher Starshine!”

Starshine grunts and says, “Okay Cozy Glow!” As she shoves Cozy Glow’s swing as hard as she can and it goes almost all the way up the other side as Cozy Glow then starts to giggle even more.

Cozy Glow waits for her swing to fall back down as she says, “No more Starshine! I wanna push you now!”

Starshine calls out to her friend, “Okay Cozy Glow!”

Cozy Glow swings back to the other side of the swing set after Starshine moves out of the way before swinging back the opposite direction. Cozy Glow takes this opportunity to lean forward and stop herself with her front hooves as she skids to a stop. She says, “Well that worked! Okay Starshine! Now you get on!”

She gets off the swing and then Starshine gets onto it and Cozy Glow giggles as she trots behind the swing to shove it as hard as she can. The swing moves a bit further forward than it did when Cozy Glow first got on earlier and she says, “I don’t wanna shove you too far Starshine! I’ll let you swing back once before I shove you again!”

Starshine happily smiles as she lifts off the ground and the swing flies back to other side of the set and she just says, “Okay Cozy Glow!”

Cozy Glow smiles as she waits for the swing to fly back to the center. When it does, she giggles and goes back to the center and gets on her haunches once more to shove Starshine’s swing back up in the air.

The two fillies continue playing like this for a few minutes before Starshine leans forward to put her forehooves on the ground and skid to a stop just like she saw Cozy Glow do before.

Starshine then says, “Good idea figuring that out Cozy Glow! I uh, didn’t know how I was gonna stop?”

Cozy Glow smiles and says, “Yeah… Hey! Lets go play on the slides! There’s two over there! A curvy one and a straight one! Lets go!” And then she trots over to the slides as Starshine follows her giggling.

The two fillies play and giggle together like this over the space of the next two hours. When Starshine was afraid to use the curvy slide, Cozy Glow went first to help her overcome her fear. When Cozy Glow wasn’t sure about using her hooves with the hoof holds of the monkey bars, Starshine uses her magic to hang onto Cozy Glow to give her better balance and stability. They continue helping each other and bonding like this until 12 o’clock comes.

Starshine looks at the clock tower and sees that it’s 2 after the hour and says, “Oh horse apples! Hey Cozy Glow! I gotta go back to my house and eat lunch with my mom now. Uh, will you be okay?”

Cozy Glow thinks about this before saying, “Well golly! I guess you gotta go now?”

Starshine looks down and says, “Yeah sorry Cozy Glow. Hey I’ll meet you in your room later? Dinner is at 5 and if I eat fast, that gives us a good hour and a half to hang out before I gotta go?

Cozy Glow then says, “Um, alright Starshine! Sounds good! Go eat now! I’ll be okay…”

Starshine then trots back to her home on the North end of town and Cozy Glow is left alone in the playground.

Cozy Glow tries to use the swings by herself using her own weight and momentum, but it’s just not the same as having somepony else push you. She goes to play on the slides, but it’s not nearly as much fun without her friend. Then she looks up at the monkey bars and decides not to do it before trotting to the edge of the playground. Then she says to herself, “Golly! I’m all alone again…”

Not knowing what else to do, Cozy Glow silently flies back to the Castle of Friendship and goes up to her room. Her lunch is already waiting on her in front of the door, but she doesn’t feel much like eating just yet. She stares at her teddy bear and says to it, “I guess I really like having a friend huh? It just seems so much better when I’m not alone?”

For the rest of the day until the evening, Cozy Glow does her usual things. Coloring, putting together puzzles, reading, and chatting with her toys, but something felt “off”, although she couldn’t quite describe it. She kept thinking about what Tirek told her and then she thought about that dream of Starshine with tears in her eyes. Then she thought about spending time with her new friend. She just wasn’t sure about one last thing yet. She wasn’t sure if this was truly a better way.

Cozy Glow sits her dolphin and teddy bear on her bed after eating her dinner and leaving the tray in front of the door like she’s supposed to. She begins to talk with them saying, “Well Tirek told me that I needed power. I believed him, but now I’m starting to think that maybe power isn’t all it’s cracked up to be? I wanted to be okay like I keep telling you… Well, I’m doing okay now? I mean, I don’t really have any power, but I got a room in the castle and they’re taking care of me? But at the same time, I keep wondering why though? I mean, am I really that valuable? Do I truly matter that much? They seem to think so? What if I actually am important, I do matter, and that’s why they’re doing it? Is that thought really out of the question? I just don’t know anymore Mr. Bearington and Snorkel… I just don’t know…” Then Cozy Glow looks up suddenly and says, “I just named you didn’t I?”

At that point, there’s a knock on her door. Cozy Glow looks up with a start from her toys and says, “Uh, Starshine?”

A muffled voice from behind the door says, “Yeah it’s me! Can I come in?”

Cozy Glow then hops up on her bed and says, “Sure Starshine! Come on in!”

The door handle then glows and the door opened to show Starshine there wearing saddlebags. She trots in and uses her magic to shut the door behind her.

Cozy Glow then hops off her bed and greets her friend with a warm hug. She then asks her, “Did you bring anything Starshine?” as she gazed at the saddlebags.

Starshine smiles and says, “As a matter of fact, I did bring a few things! I brought my mom’s bottle of rum and Oops, the board game we were playing earlier!” And then she uses her magic to take off the saddlebags and set them aside before getting out the bottle of liquor and the board game from the saddlebags.

Cozy Glow then says, “Golly! I don’t think we should be drinking rum? I don’t want to get in trouble?”

Starshine then frowns and says, “Yeah you’re probably right Cozy Glow? I’ll just put it back later when I get home and she goes to bed! We’ll keep this just between us okay?”

Cozy Glow then smiles and says, “Sure Starshine! Your secret is safe with me!” She gives a little solute with her forehoof and then says, “I like to play as red!” as Starshine uses her magic to set up the board game. Cozy Glow says, “Hey! You want me to go to the kitchen and get us some cocoa Starshine?”

As Starshine uses her magic to look through the box, she then says, “Yeah yeah! Sure Cozy Glow!”

About 8 minutes later, Cozy Glow says through the door in a muffled distorted voice, “Open the door Starshine!”

Starshine then makes her horn and the door knob glow before using her magic to open the door when she sees Cozy Glow flying there with her wings and balancing a metal picture between her bottom legs and holding a glass in each forehoof and using her face to keep the whole thing stable. Her tongue is out the side of her mouth and her face is straining with concentration. At that point, Starshine just laughs hysterically before she says, “Let me help you!” and then she concentrates to use her magic to levitate both of the glasses and so all Cozy Glow has to do at that point is just grab the picture with her forehooves so she can gently set it on the ground next to the board game on the floor.

Starshine then giggles again and uses her magic to get her cocoa before saying, “Okay you go first Cozy Glow! I put the dice over there for you!” Then she points at them with her right forehoof.

Cozy Glow then takes the dice in her mouth and makes her first roll. She rolls a 7 and Starshine moves her first piece 7 spaces ahead. The two fillies play their first game in about 21 minutes and Cozy Glow wins before saying, “Golly! I won! But this isn’t about winning right? Lets play again!”

Starshine then giggles and says, “Best 2 out of 3!”

They play for another 18 minutes and Cozy Glow shouts out, “I win again!”

Starshine then looks a little flustered before saying, “I did even worse that time! Okay! Best 3 out of 5!”

Cozy Glow then thinks about it for a few seconds and says, “Starshine, you seem upset? A game you never win probably isn’t much fun huh? Why don’t we do something else?”

Starshine then says, “No Cozy Glow! You were having fun and I don’t want to take that away from you.”

Cozy Glow then frowns and says, “But you looked upset Starshine and I don’t want to upset you. Look! We can play it again later if you really want to, but lets do something you wanna do now okay Starshine?”

Starshine looks up and says, “Yeah… I guess I was getting kinda mad there huh? Hey! Now you got me doing it!”

Cozy Glow and Starshine both giggle.

Starshine then says, “Well how about we color?”

Cozy Glow smiles and says, “How about we color what Starshine? You really should learn to finish your sentences huh?”

Starshine then gets it and says, “Golly! You know, I really need to start speaking correctly huh?”

They both giggle as Starshine uses her magic to collect the coloring books and crayons over in the corner. Cozy Glow picks out a book with her front hooves

It’s later and they’re coloring together when Cozy Glow notices that it’s 6:56 on her clock. She then says, “Gee Starshine! You gotta go in 4 more minutes!”

Starshine looks up from her coloring book before saying, “Oh crap! Well I guess I’ll see you later Cozy Glow?”

Cozy Glow then has a frown on her face as she says, “Well I kinda wanted to talk to you about uh, you know what? Never mind Starshine! I’ll see you later okay?”

Starshine then gets up and looks at Cozy Glow with a confused look before saying, “Wait, you kinda wanted to talk about what Cozy Glow?”

Cozy Glow then looks down before saying, “Um, we can do it later Starshine! You gotta go home now!”

Starshine then sighs and says, “Well okay Cozy Glow. Hey! You know you’re my best friend and you can tell me anything right?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Yeah I know but, well we’ll just do it later okay?”

Starshine then trots over to Cozy Glow and hugs her before pulling back and saying, “Alright Cozy Glow! Sounds good!” She then trots out of the door after using her magic to open it and then uses her magic to close it behind her.

Cozy Glow is then left all alone in the room before saying, “Golly! I’m all alone again…”

Cozy Glow tries to keep her mind together for the rest of the night. She’s used to meeting with Trixie and without that, the whole order of her day seemed messed up. She eventually settled on reading a book with Snorkel, her precious dolphin toy until she gently passes out on her bed.

Night: 23

Later, the little Pegasus is cuddled up with her teddy bear in the fetal position and the blankets strewn about the bed. The filly is restless tonight as well and has another nightmare.

Cozy Glow was once again trapped in Tartarus inside her cage. She could see Tirek over in the cage next to her when he begins to speak.

He says, “So you also failed to conquer Equestria I see?”

Cozy Glow then grumpily looks at him and says, “Yeah same as you!”

Tirek then says, “Okay so I guess we should form a new plan?”

At that point, something deep inside the filly just snapped. Cozy Glow then fiercely looks at the centaur and says, "I did everything you told me to do! Every bucking thing you told me to do! I tried to take over Equestria and now I'm thinking that maybe I shouldn't have done that? Look at me! Now I’m trapped here! Maybe there's something else for me? And maybe, just maybe, if I actually look for it, I might find it! Yeah we gotta get along or whatever while we're here Tirek. But don't think for a minute that you can ever order me around ever again!"

Tirek then looks at Cozy Glow and says, “How dare you you impudent little!”

Cozy Glow cuts him off and doesn’t even give him the chance to finish when she says, “You’ll what Tirek? Just what are you gonna do to me now? You failed to conquer Equestria, just like me! You’re now trapped here, just like me! You’re in a cage, just like me! You really don’t understand your position do you?”

Tirek stops and says, “Well I don’t know if I?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Well guess what Tirek? That doesn’t work! You’re not a very good friend if you tell me to do things I shouldn’t I don’t think? In fact, the more I think about it, the more I don’t believe it really matters if I conquer Equestria or not? My parents will still be dead Tirek! And I’ll still be alone! None of the important things would change!”

At that point, Cozy Glow wakes up once again in a cold sweat. She hugs her teddy bear to her chest with her forehooves and says, “I think something is changing in me Mr. Bearington? I think maybe I need to figure out some things? But why are they doing this? Am I really worth saving? You know, it would’ve been much easier to just leave me as a statue?”

She then softly curls up with her toy in the fetal position once again, but decides to use her forehooves to cover herself up since she was getting cold. She doesn’t sob tonight, but passes out slowly while deep in thought. “Was Tirek wrong? Was there a better way to live your life than to get power and use it to control everything?” These thoughts circled the filly’s mind as she drifted off.

Day: 24

The next day is even weirder than the first. Nopony comes to Cozy Glow’s door and since she’s not really comfortable going outside by herself, Cozy Glow decides to spend most of her time coloring and reading. Finally after dinner, there’s a knock on Cozy Glow’s door.

“Um, who is it?” Cozy Glow asks.

“It’s me! Starshine!” says a muffled voice from behind the door.

The doorknob then glows and it opens to reveal a dark purple filly with a long streaky white man that has hot pink streaks. Cozy Glow looks at Starshine and asks her, “Where were you? I was all by myself all day!”

Starshine trots in and uses her magic to shut the door before walking over to the side and saying, “I’m really sorry about that Cozy Glow! Yeah my mother wanted me to paint the side of the house and I had to do that first before I could come see you. I finished as fast as I could and trotted right up here!

Cozy Glow just sighs and looks over to the side and thinks about it before deciding to give her friend a hug and says, “Well you didn’t show up earlier and I was starting to wonder? I hoped nothing bad happened to you?”

Starshine smiles and says, “Yeah I’m okay! I just got busy! Sorry!”

Cozy Glow considers this for a few seconds before saying, “Well it’s not really your fault? Um, I kinda want to spend as much time with you as I can right now Starshine? Sure I also have Trixie, well, most of the time, but being around you is different. We have fun and laugh and play and well, I feel like I missed out on doing that earlier since I was all by myself and um, you know? Trying to take over Equestria?”

Starshine then smiles and says, “That’s nice! So uh, what’s up? Anything on your mind Cozy Glow?”

Cozy Glow looks up for a second and says, “Well when I fell asleep last night, I was just wondering why they saved me you know? Wouldn’t it be much easier to just leave me as stone?”

Starshine considers this for a few seconds and she then looks out the window and gets an idea before saying, “Well, maybe they see something you don’t?”

Cozy Glow asks her, “What do you mean?”

Starshine then looks to the outside to the right and says, “Well hey Cozy Glow, you see that dull grey bird outside?”

Cozy Glow looks out the window and to the far right, she sees a grey bird and says, “Yeah Starshine! I see that bird! What about it?”

Starshine then looks further left and says, “Well you see that beautiful blue bird over to the left?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Um, no? I can’t see a blue bird there? The wall is in the way.”

Starshine then smiles and says, “Okay Cozy Glow, now quickly! Come over here! Come on!” Cozy Glow then trots up to Starshine at a brisk pace when Starshine then says, “Okay look out the window and to your left!”

Cozy Glow does this and she sees a gorgeous blue bird. Cozy Glow then says, “Golly! With the wall there, I couldn’t see that bird from over there?”

Starshine then says, “Exactly! Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there. You know what I mean?”

Cozy Glow then considers this for a moment before saying, “Yeah I guess Twilight Sparkle saw something beautiful in me, but I still don’t know what that is huh?”

Starshine then says, “Probably! I do know that you’re now my best friend and I love you! Uh, you said something was on your mind when you left yesterday?”

Cozy Glow then looks at her and stutters out, “Um, yeah something I was just thinking about…”

Starshine then eagerly asks Cozy Glow, “Well what is it?”

Cozy Glow continues to stammer before saying, “Um, can we talk about it later please?”

Starshine then looks perplexed before saying, “Well alright Cozy Glow! If you’re not ready to talk about it now, we can always just talk later I guess? Wanna color now?”

Cozy Glow thinks about it for a few seconds before saying, “Well, it’s too late to go out and do something now? But I’ve been coloring all day? How about we put together a puzzle instead?”

Starshine just smiles and looks over at the puzzles to the side before saying, “Well how about this one of the Castle of the Two Sisters? It says it’s 500 pieces? Should take us awhile?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Okay Starshine! Hey since we’re probably not gonna finish this before you gotta go, we should probably do it over on the other side of my room? That way, it’s out of the way and we can just do more of it later!”

Starshine then says, “You got it Cozy Glow!” and then makes her horn and the puzzle box glow with her magic before levitating the box over setting it down to the other side of the room. Cozy Glow and Starshine then go trot over to put together the puzzle.

Cozy Glow uses her forehooves to open the box and almost immediately spots the lower left corner piece and sets it on the floor with her hooves while Starshine trots over and says, “Good eye Cozy!”

As they’re putting together the puzzle with each other, Cozy Glow starts by saying, “I just don’t understand why it has to be this way? I mean, okay maybe I really am important and just don’t see that? I spent ten years as a statue and now I’m here? But why?”

Starshine looks up for a second and says, “Well what else is there?”

Cozy Glow then looks perplexed as she says, “What do you mean?”

Starshine then says, “Well why this happened is a very long story I think? But lemme ask you Cozy Glow! What do you want to do right now?”

Cozy Glow almost immediately says, “Well I want to spend some time with my best friend? Oh wait! I’m doing that right now huh?”

Starshine and Cozy Glow both giggle before Starshine says, “Well so what’s the problem?”

Cozy Glow then says, “I don’t know? I keep thinking that things should’ve been different you know? I mean, yeah I love spending time with you and being your friend Starshine. But I keep feeling like this isn’t the way things are supposed to be, but then, how are they supposed to be?”

Starshine then asks her , “How about two best friends enjoying some quiet time in the evening by putting together a puzzle together?”

Cozy Glow then looks at the ground before saying, “I guess I think about it too much huh? Yeah! Maybe I just need to learn to enjoy what I have right here and now instead?”

Starshine smiles and says, “Yeah, I think so Cozy Glow!”

The two fillies work on the puzzle over the next 45 minutes. Before Cozy Glow then says, “Okay so if I think too much about life, what should I be thinking about?”

Starshine looks up and says, “Well maybe it’s important to focus on the moment? I mean, yeah it’s important to have a plan and do important things in your life, but I think too many ponies get caught up in all that and they don’t really see what they have? I mean, look at you now! You got a room at the castle, you get to talk to the school counselor regularly to help with your problems, you’re well fed, and you got everything you need? What more could you want?”

Cozy Glow then smiles and looks at Starshine before saying, “Well I do know one thing? I certainly want a good friend and I think I found one now? You wouldn’t tell me to conquer Equestria would you?”

Starshine then looks shocked before saying, “Uh, no that’s not something I would tell you to do I don’t think?”

Cozy Glow then hugs Starshine while giggling before saying, “Already doing better than the others!”

Starshine just chuckles and says, “Well if they told you to do bad things, I don’t think being better than them is really that hard or very amazing?”

Cozy Glow then says, “So um, I guess that means you’re a good friend and Tirek wasn’t huh?”

Starshine then looks up and says, “No probably not?”

They work on the puzzle for another 20 minutes or so before Starshine looks up and says, “All this time, we’ve been just talking about you? What about me?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Well what about you Starshine? Anything on your mind?”

Starshine then looks perplexed as she says, “Uh, no not really? I mean, I live with my parents on the North end of town, I do my chores, I keep to myself, and I don’t really get out much? I’m pretty boring honestly!”

Cozy Glow thinks for a few seconds with a concentrated look on her face before saying, “Well I don’t know Starshine? You’re helping to reform a megalomaniacal supervillain? That’s kind of interesting right?”

Starshine then giggles and says, “Well I guess so? Uh, hey this piece goes right here!”

Cozy Glow then smiles and says, “Well since you’ve been talking with me and helping me Starshine, if you ever have a problem, you know you can come to me right?”

Starshine smiles and says, “Um, of course! My best friend Cozy Glow!”

Cozy Glow feels her cheeks get warm as she begins to blush and says, “So um, I’m really your best friend huh? Golly! I’ve never been anypony’s best friend before?”

Starshine says, “Well, you’re also my only friend, but we’re gonna ignore that right now just because you’re so awesome!”

Cozy Glow is shocked when she says, “Wait! I’m awesome?”

Starshine says, “Yeah Cozy Glow! Before you, I never had anypony to play with! I love spending time with you and hanging out! You haven’t figured that out yet?”

Cozy Glow is then taken aback and says, “Well golly! No? I mean, I feel the same way and so I think that means we’re good friends now?”

Starshine thinks on this for a few seconds before saying, “Tell you what Cozy Glow! If we’re not best friends by now, we really should be!”

Both fillies then giggle as Starshine uses her magic to put two more pieces into the puzzle.

Cozy Glow then looks at the clock to see that it’s 5:56. She then says, “Um, Starshine? You gotta go in about 4 minutes now…”

Starshine then says, “Horse apples! Well, at least we spent some time together and started this big puzzle here? Although I think there’s quite a bit we still need to do?” As she looks at this puzzle that isn’t even halfway done yet.

Starshine then hugs Cozy Glow before saying, “Yeah we’ll keep it here and don’t touch it okay? We need to do this puzzle together!”

And then she trots over to the door as Cozy Glow responds, “You got it Starshine!”

Starshine uses her magic to open the door and says, “Yeah me and my best friend are gonna finish that puzzle later!” She then trots out and waves to Cozy Glow with her right forehoof before using her magic to close the door and Cozy Glow hears the muffled sound of her hoofsteps as she trots away.

Cozy Glow then stares at the wall before saying, “And just like that, I’m all by myself again... Think I’d be used to it by now, but things are just so much better with her around? But after what I did, I know I deserve to be alone forever!”

Then she trots over to her bed before looking at Snorkel, her dolphin toy and says, “Then again, Trixie doesn’t seem to think so and neither does Twilight Sparkle for that matter? I mean, is it just me? Am I the problem? I just don’t understand anything anymore!” She then gives a resigned sigh before getting on the bed and snuggling her dolphin toy in the fetal position near the foot of the bed. She then asks the toy, “What is wrong with me? Okay, I know what Tirek told me to do was bad right? So um, what should I be doing? I don’t know anymore!”

The last few hours of the night are fairly boring and uneventful. Cozy Glow spends most of the evening reading her book. She finishes it and requests another one from the guard station. She talks to her toys again while she waits. She says to Mr. Bearington, “Well you know, if they’re keeping me in this room and trying to reform me, maybe I could just try it out? I mean, hey! If I don’t like it, I can always just go back to being bad right?”

The bear has an expressionless face, but still Cozy Glow feels like it’s eyeing her as she then says, “Okay maybe doing bad things is bad?” She then thinks about what she just said before giggling hysterically when there’s a knock on her door.

She opens it to see a unicorn guard there with three new books held in his levitation magic. He then uses his magic to set the books on the floor off to the side before silently nodding to Cozy Glow, closing the door, and trotting off. Cozy Glow looks at the books on the floor and says, “I’ll read those later… Right now, I need to talk to somepony and since nopony is around, I guess that leaves you?” She then looks at her toys.

She looks back at Mr. Bearington before saying, “Okay so taking over Equestria is bad and putting together puzzles and coloring with your friends is good? Life is weird!” She then considers what she just said before saying, “You know, I bet I’m the only pony in the universe to ever actually need to have this conversation?” She then giggles at herself once more before continuing, “And at the same time, it’s so funny you know? I mean, I don’t think most ponies want to conquer Equestria and rule it with an iron hoof and yet, I want to! Or uh, I did want to? I don’t think I do now anymore though? Golly! I think I’m changing Mr. Bearington? And I don’t know if I like it? I mean, I like being with Starshine and I like talking with Trixie?”

She then gets out of bed and trots over to the side of the room before saying, “Golly! It’s also kinda weird that I never realized how much I liked talking with Trixie until she’s not here huh?”

Cozy Glow then looks at the books on the floor before picking one up with her mouth and taking it over to her bed and setting it down there. She then says, “Well, nothing much to do now? I don’t wanna color or put together another puzzle and so I guess I’m reading again!”

Cozy Glow reads for about 2 more hours before growing excessively bored and since she didn’t rest well the night before, she decides to turn in early. She once again stirs in her sleep and has another dream.

Night: 24

She sees herself on a hillside near the edge of a great forest. She already knows where she is. She then slowly trots up the hill to see the other side. She sees the burnt out shell of her old house there when she trots on up to it.

All Cozy Glow can do is stare at the charred remains of what was once her home and she begins to weep. She cries for her deceased parents. She cries for the life that was taken from her. She cries for everypony she wronged because of it.

She cries her heart out in front of the ruins before she hears a soft sweet voice behind her saying, “It’s hard isn’t it?”

Cozy Glow looks behind her to see a dark blue Alicorn. She then stammers out, “P-Princess Luna? I thought Twilight’s five friends took your place?”

Princess Luna then smiles and says, “Well as far as raising and lowering the moon right now, yes they have that office. But I’m the only pony capable of travelling into other ponies dreams and so I still hold that position. And since you’re having problems right now, it is thus my duty to come into your dreams and help you out.”

Cozy Glow then says, “Even bad ponies like me?”

Princess Luna just smiles and asks her, “Tell me Cozy Glow! Do anything bad in the past ten years?”

Cozy Glow responds, “Well Golly! Not really no? Most of that time, I was a statue. And then they unfroze me and put me in a room and had Trixie and Starshine talking to me?”

Princess Luna then continues, “Got any plans to anything evil right now Cozy Glow?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Well no not really?”

Princess Luna then tilts her head and slyly says, “So you’re not doing very well in the whole evil department are you?”

Cozy Glow then gets flustered and says, “Oh yeah well, I could still um…” She then stops herself before breaking down and crying.

Princess Luna then covers the little filly with her wings as she weeps.

While she’s crying, Cozy Glow stammers out, “It was just too much! I wanted to be okay! I wanted to be alright! I just can’t do it Luna! I just can’t do it!”

Princess Luna then embraces the little Pegasus filly in her wings while Cozy Glow asks her, “What’s wrong with me Princess? I keep thinking I should do something else, but I don’t even know what that is?”

Princess Luna softly says to Cozy Glow, “I have been alive for over 2000 years Cozy Glow. I’ve seen cities rise and crumble and I’ve seen more ponies than I can count grow old and die. Many of those ponies were good friends of mine and so I understand the pain of loss all too well. But you should never let it consume you.”

Cozy Glow sniffles inside her chest fluff and says, “I guess not huh? Well what should I be doing instead? Tell me Luna! Please tell me because I just don’t know?”

Luna then caresses the filly in her wings and says, “Well you should discuss it with your friends. And you should definitely cry. Cry as much as you like little filly! Let it all out!”

Cozy Glow stammers through her tears as she says, “I…never…had…anypony…I could talk to! Nopony…was ever there for me!”

Princess Luna then says, “Well that didn’t work out too great now did it? But guess what Cozy Glow? You don’t have to be alone anymore!” and she then embraces the filly in her wings tightly as she softly sobs.

Cozy Glow once again wakes up in the middle of the night, this time with dried tears in her eyes. She gently wipes that away with her forehooves before cuddling her big teddy bear and saying to it, “What’s happening to me Mr. Bearington? I keep having these dreams! What do they all mean?”

She then rolls onto her back on the bed and says, “Maybe I’m not a baddie anymore? Maybe I really have changed? I don’t know if I really want to or? Maybe friendship is the answer I needed after all? I don’t know!”

She then rolls over and grabs her pillow with her left forehoof and grabs her big bear with her right. She quietly goes to sleep in the gloom of her room in the early morning hours.

Day: 25

Cozy Glow awakens to a knock at her door. She then mutters out still half asleep, “Uh, who is it? What?”

She hears a muffled voice from behind the door say, “It’s me! Starshine!”

Cozy Glow then jerks to a start. She sees it’s almost 9:30 on her little nightstand clock. She also sees the breakfast tray they left for her in front of her door. She then calls out! “Uh, come on in Starshine!”

The doorknob glows and the door slowly opens before a dark purple unicorn filly trots in and then uses her magic to close the door. She then says, “Yeah I know Trixie will be back later today and I wanted to get an early start!”

Cozy Glow then looks at her tray and says, “I guess I’ll eat here in a little bit? But Starshine? I’m uh, ready to talk about that thing now?”

Starshine then hops on the bed and gets down on her belly on all fours before giving Cozy Glow a friendly smile and says, “Sure Cozy Glow! Let’s talk! What’s on your mind?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Well you saw those statues in front of the courtyard right? You saw the centaur there?”

Starshine then looks at her and says, “Yeah the plaque said his name was Tirek?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Right! Well, bad things happened to me and that centaur told me I needed power. I believed him and he told me how to manipulate magical energy. Well I tried to do something extra naughty and tried to take over Equestria… Then I was trapped in Tartarus with him for two more years before we got out and stole a magical artifact and tried to use it to take over Equestria! And well, that’s why they turned me to stone…”

Starshine has an amazed expression in her bright blue eyes when she then says, “Wow! I go from having no friends to being friends with probably the most interesting filly in all of Ponyville!”

Cozy Glow then says, “Well golly! I don’t think it’s anything to be proud of?”

Starshine smiles and says, “No, but it’s certainly interesting? Definitely more interesting than my boring life!”

Cozy Glow then finally blurts out, “I’m starting to think he lied to me!”

Starshine just rolls her eyes and says, “You think? Look! I’ve been in history class and I know about what he did back when Twilight Sparkle first became a princess! I know what he did to Discord! I uh, really don’t think that’s somebody you should be taking advice from?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Well I know that now! It’s just that well, my parents had died and I needed someone to talk to? He was there and I believed him! Guess that didn’t work out too well huh?”

Starshine smiles and says, “Well if you didn’t try and fail, we never would’ve met? There’s good and bad in just about everything! But uh, in the future, no more trying to take over Equestria okay?”

Cozy Glow smiles and says, “You got it Starshine! Hey go work on the puzzle and I’ll be right there after I finish breakfast! I think it’s baby carrots and celery stalks with ranch dressing again this morning?”

Starshine trots over to the puzzle and starts to work on it with her magic while Cozy Glow goes over to retrieve the tray with her mouth and takes it towards her bed before tripping. She drops the tray and all the contents before Starshine quickly notices this and grabs all of her food and the tray before it hits the ground with her magic. Starshine then carefully sits the tray on the bed with a look of concentration on her face as Cozy Glow gets up and says, “Golly! Thanks Starshine!”

Starshine then smiles and says, “Well friends help each other out! It’s what we’re here for and what we all do! Uh, right?”

Cozy Glow trots over to her bed as she says, “Well uh, right! Friendship!”

Cozy Glow then gets on the bed and hungrily munches down her breakfast because she’s not used to waiting this long to eat. Starshine works on the puzzle while Cozy Glow finishes. Cozy then gets off the bed, grabs the tray with her mouth, and takes it over to the side of the door where they told her to now place her trays. She then trots back over to Starshine to help her with the puzzle.

Cozy Glow then says to her friend, “Yeah sorry! I usually don’t wait this long to eat and I guess I was hungry?”

Starshine smiles and says, “That’s fine Cozy Glow! Yeah I just started this new section over here in the puzzle!”

Cozy Glow then says, “Oh neat! Lets work on it some more!”

They work on it for another 23 minutes before Cozy Glow looks up and says, “You know, I’ve been thinking about it… If I had never gotten that random letter from Tirek by accident, I probably never would’ve done what I did? What I’m saying is, I don’t think Tirek is really the problem?”

Starshine looks at her and asks, “What do you mean?”

Cozy Glow says, “Well, think about it! If I hadn’t written him back, I probably would’ve just bounced around after they kicked me out of the orphanage until I got adopted some other way? If he hadn’t talked to me about manipulating magical energy and using it to take over Equestria, I don’t think it would’ve gotten that far and I don’t think I would’ve done what I did? I’m just saying that I don’t think he’s the original problem…”

Starshine then tilts her head and asks, “Well what is?”

Cozy Glow then thought back to the burnt out shell of a home she beheld in her mind the night before and says, “I think the fire and how it took my parents from me is the real reason I did bad things… I mean, without Tirek, I probably wouldn’t have tried to take over Equestria? But I definitely would’ve done something bad for sure!”

Starshine then says, “Well that’s over with now Cozy Glow and you’re good now!”

Cozy Glow looks at her quizzically and asks, “Are you sure Starshine? I mean, how can I tell for sure?”

Starshine then says to her, “Well, do anything evil lately?”

Cozy Glow then rolls her eyes and says, “Yeah yeah yeah! I’ve heard this one! I haven’t been evil for over ten years! I was turned into a statue and then you ponies showed up and now I’m in a room and you’re talking to me and blah blah blah!”

Starshine looks up for second before saying, “Well, Trixie hasn’t been around for the past couple of days now or so and you were left to your own devices…” She then smiles broadly as she continues, “You know they don’t watch you that closely anymore… Do anything evil then?”

Cozy Glow is then taken aback as she hasn’t really considered this. She then says, “Well golly! No! Come to think of it, I didn’t even con the guard ponies into giving me extra cookies while she’s been gone?”

Starshine then says, “So from this, I would say you’re probably not a bad pony?”

Cozy Glow thinks on this when suddenly, there’s a knock on her door. She hears a muffled voice from behind say, “It’s me! Trixie! I just got back and came to check up on you!”

Cozy Glow then looks up and says, “Come in Trixie! It’s just me and Starshine!”

The doorknob glows and the door then magically swings open to reveal a sky blue unicorn wearing a magician’s hat and cape. She then trots into the room towards Cozy Glow and says, “Hi Cozy Glow! Give me a hug and tell me what you did while I was away!”

Cozy Glow then slowly gets up and trots over to Trixie on the other side of the room and gives her a still somewhat reserved hug before she goes back and says, “Well on the first day, I colored a bit before Starshine came over and we went to the playground and played there for a bit… And I learned how to help her overcome her fear of curvy slides!” She then grins widely as Starshine looks away.

Starshine then speaks up, “Oh yeah! Well you were scared of the monkey bars! Remember what you said about the hoof holds?”

Cozy Glow then scratches the back of her head with her right forehoof and blushes a little as she says, “Yeah, I just wasn’t sure if they’d really hold me and Starshine used her magic to help me…”

Trixie smiles and says, “So it sounds like you two best friends have been helping each other out?”

Cozy Glow then stammers out, “Yeah um, I guess we’re best friends now? Anyway, then she had to leave for lunch and she came back again after dinner and we played Oops again and I think I learned a friendship lesson?”

Trixie tilts her head and says, “Oh? What’s that Cozy Glow?”

Cozy Glow then looks at her and says, “You gotta pay attention to your friends and if they’re not having a good time, I think that means you should do something else so that they do enjoy them self? I mean, I was beating the pants off Starshine in Oops and I decided to do something else so she wouldn’t get frustrated… I guess that means I care about her huh?”

Trixie says, “Absolutely Cozy Glow! Your best friend was getting frustrated and so you decided to take charge and change the activity! Not bad considering I wasn’t around to teach you huh?”

Cozy Glow then starts up, “Uh, you mean I don’t need you anymore?” And she starts to look afraid.

Trixie smiles and says, “Oh no! You’re still going to need a guide sometimes. Lucky for you, your guide just happens to be Great and Powerful!” She says as she gets on her haunches and swishes her cape around while the two fillies snicker.

Cozy Glow then says, “Um, okay Trixie! But I did have two questions!”

Trixie raises her eyebrow and says, “Go on little filly?”

Cozy Glow looks at Trixie and says, “Well first off, I’ve been having a lot of fun with Starshine and I was wondering if she could still have visiting privileges even after you’re back in your office?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Done! Anything else?”

Cozy Glow looks at Starshine and says, “Yeah! Um, I’d like to finish this puzzle with my friend?”

Trixie says, “Of course Cozy Glow! I had to go to this summit anyway and I thought I’d take this opportunity to see what you do when I leave you alone to your own devices… Turns out, you and your best friend will be just fine!” Then she turns around and trots out the door before looking back in and saying, “Have fun little fillies!” And then the doorknob glows and the door softly shuts. Both fillies can hear her soft hoofsteps as she trots down the hall.

Cozy Glow then looks at Starshine excitedly and says, “Puzzle!”

Starshine giggles as she trots back over to the puzzle with Cozy Glow. The two fillies work on the puzzle for the better part of an hour and a half while talking and laughing before Starshine starts furiously using her magic to put together the last few remaining pieces. She is then levitating the final piece when she looks at Cozy Glow and says, “Would you like to do the honors?”

Cozy Glow then smiles and says, “Sure Starshine!” Before grabbing the piece in the cleft of her right forehoof and then setting it down at the edge where it goes. She then looks at Starshine excited as she says, “We finished the big puzzle together! Yay!” And then hugs her friend with a smile on her face.

Trixie’s thoughts: Well I left her alone for a few days and she did just fine. I honestly don’t believe the little filly is evil anymore and now I just need to push her in the right direction.

Chapter Five: Checkmate

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Day 23:

There’s a knock on Trixie’s office door and Trixie says, “Come in!” The door opens to see a familiar Pegasus filly slowly walking in with a somber look on her face. She quietly trots into the room and takes her usual spot in front of a waiting hot cocoa.

Trixie then asks Cozy Glow, “Anything the matter Cozy?”

Cozy Glow looks down and says, “I don’t think I’m bad anymore… I think that maybe something happened to me that caused me to want to follow Tirek. But um, I don’t think Tirek is really the problem? I think it was losing my parents… And well, I cried myself to sleep last night just thinking about it and I think something bad would’ve happened with or without Tirek… It’s just that well, he knew how to manipulate energy and use that so I thought it could use that to disarm and distract the princesses… And you know what I was gonna do with the school!”

Trixie sips her coffee with her magic and says, “Yeah I remember Starlight telling me the story of how you trapped her there for 3 days!”

Cozy Glow then says, “Well I wasn’t completely evil! At least I fed her?”

Trixie then looks at the filly and says, “Well you wouldn’t do that now would you?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Well golly no! I uh, had some nightmares…” She then looks down with a stoic expression on her face.

Trixie then says, “Nightmares? What about Cozy Glow?”

Cozy Glow then stammers out, “Well the first nightmare, I was in that chamber in the catacombs under the School of Friendship and I was draining magic with a trapped Starlight there just like before… And I gave the same speech and said the same words and well, then you and Starshine were there and you talked to me and got me to stop… I couldn’t take over Equestria with you two there?” She looks down again with a confused look on her face.

Trixie raises her eyebrow as she takes another sip of her coffee and says, “Go on Cozy?”

Cozy then looks up and says, “Well you were there and you told me that it wasn’t right… And that made me stop and think, but then I saw Starshine and she was crying… She really didn’t want me to take over Equestria?”

Trixie then asks Cozy, “And why do you suppose that is Cozy Glow?”

Cozy then considers this for a second before saying, “Well golly! I don’t know?”

Trixie then says, “Because that’s not who you really are Cozy Glow! You’re not the ruler of Equestria. You don’t need power to be happy. And more importantly, you’re her friend and you both know that isn’t right. Tell me something Cozy, did you have fun with Starshine over the past 3 days?”

Cozy immediately says, “Well gee Trixie, I sure did! It was a lot of fun playing with Starshine while you were away! Not that I uh, don’t like talking to you too. Heh heh.”

Trixie then smiles and says, “Okay, now Cozy Glow. When you were hanging out with her and having fun, were you happy?”

Cozy looks up again and says, “Well um, I guess so? I mean, I laughed and giggled and um, really enjoyed myself? You know, I never thought about it, but I guess I was happy huh?”

Trixie then asks Cozy Glow, “But you had no real power then did you?”

Cozy then lowly says, “Well um, no not really?”

Trixie then asks Cozy Glow, “So from this, would say that you actually can be happy without the power to control everything? That friendship isn’t just power, but it’s also a beautiful force that can unite us all and help us whenever we’re sad or depressed or have any other problems for that matter? Does that seem reasonable to you Cozy Glow?”

Cozy Glow then looks flustered as she says, “Well when you put it like that, it sounds so specific?”

Trixie then looks down, sighs, and says, “Well I know, and while the benefits of friendship are many, I explained those specific gifts to you because those were kinda areas you once needed help with don’t you think?”

Cozy then stammers out, “I guess so huh? You know, I never really thought that I needed help? Maybe I was more hurt than I thought?”

Trixie looks up and raises her eyebrow again before saying, “Pretty likely?”

Cozy Glow looks down and says, “Well I don’t think most 8 year olds try to steal all the magic in Equestria and use a school to take over the country do they? Heh heh… I don’t know why I couldn’t just come out and admit that I was hurt?”

Trixie takes another sip of her coffee and asks Cozy, “Okay well, if you were to admit that you were hurt, what would that mean to you? Think Cozy! What does it mean to be hurt?”

Cozy looks up and thinks with a concentrating expression on her face before looking back at Trixie and saying, “Well I think to be hurt means that you’re injured or wounded? And that you’re weak and feeble? And um, I guess I just didn’t want to think of myself like that? I guess the truth is that I always wanted to think I was strong and tough? Well uh, I guess I’m not so strong and tough now huh?” She then looks down.

Trixie then calmly says to the Pegasus filly, “You know, you’re a lot stronger than you think? You endured so much and you’re still here?”

Cozy then stammers out, “So um, I’m okay now? W-without power?”

Trixie then says to the filly, “Yes Cozy! You’re being taken care of. You don’t need to worry about anything right now.”

Cozy then says, “So I’m being taken care of and I was hurt earlier huh? Golly! Don’t know why it was so hard to just admit that?”

Trixie looks at the filly calmly and says with slow careful enunciation, “Look Cozy Glow. Bad things happened to you. Bad things that you didn’t want to face. And because of that, that trauma manifested in bad ways. Does this make sense to you?”

Cozy then ponders on this with a concentrated look in her eyes before saying, “Well yeah! You know, when you’re stone, all you can really do is think… But I never really thought about that now that I think about it? It was always the area I never went to? Um, I saw something bad… Uh, that was my last nightmare. But um, can I please talk about the second one first though?”

Trixie then asks Cozy, “Well you mentioned that there was more than one nightmare? Okay go on Cozy?”

Cozy looks up again and says, “Yeah the next night, I dreamed I was back in Tartarus in that little cage they kept me in. Tirek was also there in another cage and um, I kinda told him off?”

Trixie then looks surprised as she says, “Told him off? How? What did you say Cozy?”

Cozy then says, “Well yeah! He wanted to form a new plan and I told him no? Well um, in my own special way, I told him no, heh heh…” Then the filly stammers and scratches the back of her head with her left forehoof.

Trixie then raises her eyebrow again and says, “In your own special way?”

Cozy Glow then gets flustered as she says, “Okay fine! I told him to go buck himself! I told him it’s his fault this happened to me and that he really needs to just get bent! Happy?”

Trixie then laughs and says, “Okay Cozy Glow! I don’t really think you’re the same pony that got turned to stone all that time ago! Do you?”

Cozy Glow stops for a second and says, “Well golly no? I mean, in both of those dreams, I did something completely different from the first time? I guess maybe I really have changed?” Cozy then takes the cocoa in her front hooves and takes a sip gauging the temperature of the drink to see if it’s okay to drink before taking another bigger sip.

Trixie then says to Cozy Glow, “There was at least one more nightmare? Well, whenever you’re ready Cozy?”

Cozy Glow then takes a deep breath and looks up before sniffing and saying, “I… I saw it… “

Trixie then tilts her head perplexed as she says, “What did you see Cozy Glow?”

Cozy then stammers out, “I… I saw the burnt out wreckage of my parents old cottage and um… I cried…”

Trixie then asks Cozy, “Well do you need to cry now? I understand that that was pretty traumatic for you.”

Cozy Glow then looks up stiffly and says, “Um, no I don’t think so? I think I got it all out while I was there? Well, there was a lot of it?” She then looks down again.

Trixie then looks at the filly inquisitively and says, “What did you think about while you were crying Cozy?”

Cozy then looks up with dead look in her eyes when she says, “I thought about all I had lost. All that time that was now gone and how much they meant to me and how all that got taken away. I also thought about the way things could’ve been if things were different. How they should’ve been. Um, well I don’t know how things are supposed to be anymore? I mean, things keep changing?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Well that’s just life Cozy Glow! The only constant is change and not all of those changes are good. Like losing your parents for one. That did kinda send you on a destructive path once you met Tirek and then that whole, trying to take over Equestria thing…”

Cozy then looks down and says, “And yeah um, I was just thinking about that… You know, I think I would’ve been okay if I hadn’t gotten that random letter from Tirek? I mean, I probably would’ve done some bad stuff before I finally got adopted or whatever, but I don’t think it would’ve been “trying to take over Equestria” bad you know?”

Trixie then says, “Well sometimes we just get bad advice. But I think maybe the last dream was different for another reason… Tell me Cozy Glow, did you cry when you first saw their cottage burning to the ground?”

Cozy slowly says, “Well no?”

Trixie then says, “But you did this time didn’t you?”

Cozy then says, “Yeah… And um, well I felt better?”

Trixie smiles and says, “You did something different in that dream too you know?”

Cozy then says to Trixie, “I guess so huh? Well um, is it important that I cry?”

Trixie then smiles and says, “Well crying is cathartic! Still, you probably shouldn’t have been so eager to work with Tirek?”

Cozy then stammers out, “Well I know that now! But he talked to me and I guess I shouldn’t have listened? I mean, sure he was just using me to get revenge on Twilight and her friends! I know that! But um, you told me good friends don’t use each other r-right Trixie?” She then looks at Trixie and smiles nervously.

Trixie just sits back and says, “Okay so, if Tirek was using you, do you think he was really your friend?”

Cozy then nervously says, “Well I guess not? I mean, if he was just using me for revenge and didn’t actually care about me huh? I guess he wasn’t really my friend? Golly, life is complicated!”

Trixie then smiles and asks Cozy Glow, “Tell me Cozy Glow. When you help Starshine, what do you feel? Are you eager to get whatever she can do for you later or are you genuinely just glad to help your friend?”

Cozy thinks for a few seconds before saying, “Well Starshine is my friend and I just want to help her? B-because she’s my friend?”

Trixie then continues, “Right Cozy Glow! Now when you were working with Tirek and Chrysallis all that time ago, did you feel the same way when you helped them? Did just want to help them or was there some other reason you were doing it?”

Cozy looks shocked as she then says, “Well um, I knew they’d help me later and so I helped them? That’s what we were supposed to do. Well, that’s what Grogar, well, not Grogar said we should do? Work together! But I guess um, there’s more to friendship than just that huh?”

Trixie then smiles again and says, “Well of course! While teamwork is helpful to everypony involved, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re actually friends! The truth is, you were only interested in helping them because you knew they would help you later. You weren’t really their friend, but their teammate. Now though, whenever you help Starshine, like you did with that black amethyst back in that friendship lesson I gave you and later with the curvy slide, you genuinely feel concern for her don’t you?”

Cozy then slowly and lowly says, “I guess so huh? Golly, friendship can get be confusing!”

Trixie then says, “That’s why we have this school here Cozy! If it was easy, we wouldn’t need one! But back to what I was saying earlier, all of these dreams seem to mean that you’ve changed. I mean, that was you in the nightmares right? You did do all of those things in your dreams yes?”

Cozy looks at Trixie and says, “Well yes! Yes I did! And um, I guess I’m not the same pony who once tried to take over Equestria? But uh, am I a good pony?” She looks at Trixie hopefully.

Trixie then smiles even wider and says, “Of course Cozy! Why else would you want to be a good pony if you weren’t?”

Cozy Glow has a stunned look on her face as she says, “Golly! I never thought about it like that?”

Trixie then says, “The only thing truly necessary to be a good pony is to want to do good. Starlight taught me that! But at the same time, everypony makes mistakes and you might slip up a time or two. It’s why we’re here Cozy! For you!”

Cozy Glow then looks perplexed as she asks Trixie, “So um, I am important and I do matter?”

Trixie just smiles and says, “Of course Cozy Glow! Why wouldn’t you be?”

Cozy stammers out, “Well I just didn’t think I was that great?”

Trixie smiles and says to Cozy Glow, “Well you do have an awesome counselor? And I bet if I asked Starshine about you, she’d say you were pretty great?”

Cozy Glow is stunned as she considers this before saying, “Well she seems to think that I matter a whole lot? I’m not sure why?”

Trixie then tilts her head and asks Cozy Glow, “Well why do you suppose that is Cozy? Why do you think you matter so much to Starshine?”

Cozy then looks at the ground and says, “B-because I’m her friend? Well, her only friend?”

Trixie then asks Cozy, “So she couldn’t just “make more friends” could she Cozy Glow? Do you think you’re maybe irreplaceable to Starshine at this point?”

Cozy then looks up at Trixie as she says, “Well I guess so? Because I’m her only friend? And that makes me super valuable I guess?”

Trixie then says, “Exactly! So you’re not as replaceable as those ponies you used and took advantage of all that time ago are you? Because you’re her friend! Her real friend!”

Cozy then considers this for a moment before saying, “Because I’m her friend and I am important. But what I had back then was not friends, but just followers like you said? I mean, I could always just get more later if I lost any for some reason? But I don’t think I could get another Starshine could I?”

Trixie smiles and says, “No not really? Because she’s your friend and she matters to you!” She then asks Cozy, “So tell me this Cozy Glow. Is Starshine important to you? I mean, why should she be? You can always just make more friends like you said?” The unicorn then smiles at Cozy.

Cozy then stammers out, “Well of course Starshine is important to me! She’s my friend and I love her!” Cozy then feels her eyes almost pop out of her skull as she says, “Golly! I love Starshine because she’s m-my friend? And I think I would be upset if she ever went away?”

Trixie sits in her chair and smiles as she says, “Because Starshine is important to you!”

Cozy Glow then quietly takes a sip of her cocoa before asking Trixie, “So I confronted my monsters then huh? I stopped trying to take over Equestria, I told Tirek to go to Tartarus, and I finally cried for all I had lost? Um, what’s next Trixie?”

Trixie smiles as she sits up and then extravagantly says, “And now we begin your Great and Powerful recovery! Co-staring none other than I, The Great and Powerful Trixie!” The filly and the counselor both chuckle before Trixie sits back down and says, “But for now, was there any questions on your mind little filly?”

Cozy then scratches her chin with her left forehoof before saying, “Um, actually I do have a question Miss Trixie! Okay so I’m not the ruler of Equestria right? I’m not a villain or a bad pony? And I’m not exactly homeless anymore? What am I?”

Trixie then smiles and says, “Well that’s another thing we’re here to find out Cozy Glow. In order to help you, we gotta figure out exactly where you fit in.” Trixie then sighs, looks down, and calmly gets out of her chair before trotting over towards the couch and Cozy Glow. She then says, “Cozy Glow, I haven’t exactly been honest with you…”

Cozy looks at Trixie and says, “What do you mean?”

Trixie then looks at the filly and says, “Cozy Glow, I’m not getting any younger. I don’t know if I’ll ever find a special somepony and I now have a successful career as a guidance counselor here at the school and my cottage is pretty roomy… After learning about what you went through when you lost your parents and how much it hurt to have that ripped from you, I wanted to help you… And I’ve been thinking about it and I kinda wanted a filly of my own anyway… I want to adopt you and become your new mommy… I’ll of course help you any way I can…”

Cozy then looks down and closes her eyes before saying, “You know, I was hoping you’d say that… I actually suspected that might be what you were up to, but it’s really hard to tell when you keep changing therapy tactics… I-I don’t know?”

Trixie then has a concerned look on her face as she tilts her head and asks, “What do you mean Cozy?”

Cozy Glow then opens her eyes and says, “I mean I’ve been alone for a very long time Trixie… I don’t know if I could do that anymore… Be a daughter? M-me? Really? Here? Now? I mean, megalomaniacal supervillain and Tartarus inmate, I could do! But um, to actually h-have a mother? Again?”

Trixie then trots up to the couch before she softly smiles at the filly and says, “You’re scared and unsure. I understand that Cozy… How about we just try it out for awhile? See how it works? This could be a fresh start Cozy Glow? I kinda started reading about you earlier… I found you very interesting because you know, as a guidance counselor, getting people to think the right way and see things from the correct perspective can be very useful? You could actually work here with me in my office you know? But of course, if you don’t want that, I can’t really change your mind can I?” She then smiles and tilts her head.

Cozy Glow’s eyes light up as she then gets off the chair and slowly trots towards Trixie and asks her, “R-really? Why me though?”

Trixie then looks down and says, “Because I like you Cozy Glow. You remind me of me in many ways and I don’t want you to have to go through life without a mother anymore… Not like I did… I can talk to Princess Twilight this afternoon and we can go get you and your things tomorrow morning… Well, if you’re interested?”

Cozy smiles and says, “Well golly gee yes Miss Trixie! Of course! Um, will I have my own room?”

Trixie looks down at the filly and then says, “Well yeah! I need to get your bed after talking with Twilight today, but there is a room just down the hall to the left that I picked out for you Cozy… It’s uh, not as spacious as your castle room?”

Cozy looks down and softly giggles to herself before saying, “I don’t care about that! But a mommy! Wow! Um, is it okay if I’m not a very good daughter at first?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Well, you’re still the best daughter I have!”

Cozy then squints, scrunches her mouth into a pout, and then notices, “You know, it’s really hard to do bad when you don’t have competition?”

Trixie then softly giggles and says, “Yeah I know! Isn’t it great?”

Cozy then has a shocked expression on her face as she then says, “So basically, I couldn’t fail!”

Trixie tilts her head again as she says to the filly, “Well yeah! That’s the idea! Make there be no way for you to go but up!”

Cozy then gets flustered again as she says, “But why me though? I’m a bad filly and do bad things! Why not one of the innocent fillies over at the orphanage who haven’t done anything wrong? Why not them first?”

Trixie then says, “Because of that, they’re all more likely to be adopted than you don’t you think? Aren’t you also important? Besides! Where would the fun in them be when I could have you?”

Cozy then has a shocked expression on her face when she says, “M-me?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Well, where else am I gonna find a 10 year old reformed supervillain? Besides that, don’t you also need love Cozy Glow? Don’t you need a mother? Well here I am and I’d very much like a foal at this stage of my life…”

Cozy Glow then says, “G-golly! Really Miss Trixie? Y-you want me as your daughter?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Absolutely Cozy Glow!” She then looks at the clock and says, “But it’s already 4 past the hour and I really need to move up to my next appointment now. Go fly back to the castle Cozy. I’ll be back to get you tomorrow morning… I love you my daughter!” She then trots up to the couch and embraces the stricken filly in a warm embrace. All Cozy can do is sit there dumbfounded in her hooves as she hears Trixie softly whisper, “Checkmate!”

Once back at her room in the castle, Cozy decided to take a nap. She awoke to find her lunch there and so she just ate it and left her tray where they told her to. She then colored and read back and forth until there’s a knock on her door. “Who is it?” Cozy Glow called out towards the door as she was on the floor on her stomach with her toys, staring at a book with a green crayon in her mouth.

“It’s me! Starshine!” Called out a muffled voice from the other side of the door.

“Come in!” Said Cozy after finally spitting out the crayon from her mouth.

The door handle glows and it opens up to reveal Starshine there smiling.

“No seriously! Come in Starshine! Something happened!”

Starshine looks interested as she trots in and says, “Oh?” and then uses her magic to close the door.

Cozy then excitedly says, “Yeah! Turns out, Trixie wasn’t just doing what she told me she was doing… You know, I thought she might be trying to do this, but I wasn’t sure?”

Starshine just stares at Cozy Glow with a confused look on her face before Cozy finally looks at her and says, “Oh! I’m uh, not used to having to explain stuff to other people. Trixie wants to adopt me and become my new mommy! She said she wanted me specifically, although I’m still not sure why?”

Starshine stares at Cozy for two seconds before saying, “Oh wow! So uh, I guess that means you’ll be staying at Trixie’s cottage then? I think she lives on the other side of town from me?”

Cozy then scrunches her nose and says, “Well, it’s not like Ponyville is that big?”

Starshine then smiles and says, “You make a good point!”

Both the fillies chuckle before Starshine says, “Hey! My mom gave me enough bits for me and you at the malt shop if you wanna go Cozy?”

Cozy smiles and says, “Sure Starshine!”

They both trot to the door and Starshine uses her magic to open it as she’s closer, steps out, and waits for Cozy to trot out before using her magic to close it and then they trot out of the building and head towards downtown Ponyville together.

Starshine then says to Cozy, “Hey I was just thinking! It’s kind of ironic that Tirek would use you against Twilight and her friends since using others is kinda what you used to do?”

Cozy then stares at Starshine as her eyes grow big and her auburn pupils grow tiny. Her mouth scrunches up and her cheeks puff out this time.

Starshine already knows what this means and then sticks her snout out and closes her eyes.

Cozy then reaches forth with her right forehoof and touches it to Starshine’s nose as she says, “BOOP!”

Starshine then scrunches her nose and says, “I mentioned too much about your past again didn’t I?”

Cozy then puffs up her wings as she says, “Yup! And you know what I gotta do whenever that happens!”

Both fillies chuckle before Starshine says, “Hey wait a minute! You get to boop me whenever I talk too much about your past right? When do I get to boop you?”

Cozy then scrunches her nose at the thought and says, “I dunno Starshine? Do I do anything that bothers you?”

Starshine looks up and says, “Well, so far so good? I mean, it bothers me whenever you act unsure of yourself, but I can’t just boop you for that could I? No, that would be mean…”

Cozy then scratches her chin with her left forehoof as she says, “Hmm? I guess I’ll just have to boop you whenever you do that and until we figure something out, you can’t ever boop me?”

Starshine then looks annoyed as she says, “But that’s not fair! I should be able to boop you sometimes!”

Cozy Glow then smiles and says, “Well life isn’t fair sometimes Starshine!”

Starshine then stares at Cozy Glow with wide eyes as her blue pupils grow small and her mouth gets tighter. She then just reaches forth with her left forehoof and touches it to Cozy Glow’s nose and says, “BOOP!

Cozy then scrunches her nose and says, “Alright, but since I didn’t do anything, I get to boop you back!”

Starshine then sighs and says, “Well okay fine! Lets just get this over with!” She sticks out her snout again and closes her eyes.

Cozy then reaches forth with her right forehoof again and taps it to Starshine’s nose as she says, “BOOP!”

Starshine then scrunches her nose a second time before a spark of inspiration overtakes the filly’s mind and she begins to smile.

Cozy Glow stares at her friend with a worried expression as she says, “Uh, Starshine?”

Starshine then reaches out and hugs Cozy out of nowhere as Cozy then sputters out, “OHGOLLYGEEWHATAREYOUDOING?”

Starshine pulls back, smiles, and says, “I hugged you!”

Cozy then stares at her with an annoyed expression as she says, “Ambush hugged is more like!”

Starshine continues smiling and says, “Yup! You boop me and I hug you out of nowhere! It’s perfect!”

Cozy’s look sours even more as she says, “Yeah but when I boop you, it’s because you’re talking too much about my past! You get to hug me for no reason! That’s not fair!”

Starshine tilts her head slightly to her right and says, “How’s this for a reason Cozy? I hug you because you’re my friend and I love you?”

Cozy then has a shocked expression on her face before it quickly turns to agitated yet again and she says, “How dare you bring my feelings into this! I’m gonna get you!”

Starshine smiles at Cozy again and says, “I’m not scared!”

Cozy replies, “You should be! I almost took over Equestria you know?”

Starshine giggles and says, “Yeah and now you get freaked out by a hug!”

Cozy squints her eyes and scrunches her mouth in pouty irritation before whispering, “This isn’t over!”

Both fillies finally trot up to the malt shop and they both go inside. They’re at the counter when Starshine says to Cozy, “I have enough to get us both a medium! What would you like Cozy Glow?”

Cozy looks down and says, “Um, strawberry is my favorite…”

Starshine smiles at the stallion behind the counter and says, “I’ll have a medium chocolate and bring a medium strawberry for my friend here please!” She then uses her magic to fetch 4 bits from her saddlebags.

The earth pony stallion gathers them with his hooves before slipping them into the open register door and then goes back behind the counter to prepare their shakes. Starshine and Cozy Glow both sit on the left side of the bar.

Then a brown Pegasus stallion walks up to them and says, “Hey I know you! You’re Cozy Glow and you tried to take over the School of Friendship a long time ago back when I was there!”

Cozy then looks at the stallion with big eyes and enormous pupils and says, “Well golly mister! I was bad back then, but now I’m trying to get better. I’m really sorry for any trouble I caused!”

The stallion then relaxes as he says, “Well okay, but I’m watching you!” And he then trots out the door.

Starshine looks at Cozy and whispers, “Wow! You just get really cute like that and they do whatever you want?”

Cozy smiles and says, “Most of the time? Sometimes I have to carefully say some words to get them to do what I want…”

The earth pony stallion behind the counter then says, “Uh, if you’re gonna drink your shakes here, that’s fine. Just uh, please keep a low profile okay? I don’t want my customers leaving.”

Cozy stares at the clerk with the same big eyes and says, “Don’t worry mister! I won’t cause anymore problems! I promise!”

Starshine smiles and says, “On second thought, we’ll just take ours to go! Come on Cozy! The parks is only 2 blocks West of here!” She then lifts the two shakes with her magic and trots towards the door.

Cozy is confused as she gets off her stool and trots towards the door to a waiting Starshine. As they trot out towards the park, she then says to Starshine, “You didn’t need to get me out of there you know?”

Starshine smiles as she sits on a bench on the way and sets hers and Cozy’s drinks down next to her and she says, “Well I couldn’t just let you deal with it all by yourself? I wanted to help you?”

Cozy then sits next to her friend on the bench and gets her shake with her forehooves and takes a sip of it before saying, “You really care about me huh? Golly, I’m not used to that! Normally, I’m all by myself?” She then looks down.

Starshine then hugs her out of nowhere again, almost causing her to drop her shake. Cozy then says, “IWILLNEVERGETUSEDTOTHIS!”

Starshine pulls back, smiles, and says, “Well you better get used to it Cozy! You’re my friend and I always have your back!”

Cozy stammers out, “Golly! A real friend huh?”

Starshine smiles and asks her, “Cozy Glow, you’re really smart. Why the hay haven’t you figured that out by now?” She then uses her magic to sip some of her chocolate shake as she just noticed she needs to catch up to Cozy Glow.

Cozy looks down and says, “Well I guess I’m just not used to it? I mean, you spend a few years by yourself, you don’t really expect anypony to ever be there for you you know?”

Starshine looks down as well and says, “Yeah, I guess I know what you mean? I mean, if somepony was hassling me, would you get my back Cozy?”

Cozy then looks up and considers this for a moment and says, “Well I guess so? I mean, I’d hate for you to have to face something like that alone?”

Starshine looks up also and says, “Okay then it’s settled! Whenever anypony gives one of us a hard time, the other filly in question should come and help them!”

Cozy then looks flustered as she says, “Well that doesn’t seem fair? I mean, after all the bad things I did, ponies might give me a hard time? But when would anypony ever bother you?”

Starshine thinks on this before saying, “Well how about this Cozy! I get your back whenever you’re hassled and you can uh, retrieve black amethyst crystals for me?”

Cozy starts to look even more flustered when she says, “When will I ever have to do that for you?”

Starshine smiles at Cozy and says, “Well you had to that one time in Trixie’s office? Look! We’re friends and we help each other! Maybe we should just leave it at that? I mean, when we start comparing what we do for each other, I think it just gets too confusing?”

Cozy then stares up in thought before saying, “Yeah, you’re right Starshine! We’ll just help each other okay?”

Starshine then says, “Deal Cozy Glow!” and then happily slurps down her chocolate shake while Cozy grips her own cup with her forehooves and slurps down some of her own drink.

The two fillies silently drink their shakes for a few more minutes before Starshine finally asks Cozy Glow, “Anything on your mind Cozy?”

Cozy then says, “Yeah I’m just kinda blown away by what Trixie said to me? Um, will you meet me at her house tomorrow? I’m kinda nervous.”

Starshine then thinks on this for two seconds before saying back to Cozy Glow, “Yeah I can imagine? You must be pretty nervous and excited at the same time huh?”

Cozy Glow then smiles at Starshine.

Starshine is confused by this as she says, “Uh, why are you smiling at me Cozy Glow?”

Cozy then says, “I wonder how long it will be before you start saying golly?”

Starshine then looks confused before looking annoyed as she narrows her eyes and says, “You’re making me talk like you again aren’t you?”

Cozy smiles and says, “Revenge! Ha ha! You can hug me whenever you like, but now you have to talk like me! Oh! And you get booped whenever you talk too much about my past!”

Starshine then says, “So I guess that’s our things now? You get to boop me when I talk too much about your past, but I can hug you whenever I want and I talk like you sometimes?”

Cozy then says, “Well yeah I guess? Um, will you meet me at Trixie’s later?”

Starshine says, “Of course Cozy Glow! I want to see how you are in your new home right? Um, I think that’s what a friend would do?”

Cozy then slants her mouth and stares at Starshine wide eyed with a slightly confused expression as she says, “Well I don’t know if everypony who’s friends does that? Um, probably? Okay well it’s what we do alright?”

Starshine giggles and says, “Sure Cozy Glow! Hey I probably need to get home soon for lunch? I uh, probably won’t be able to meet you again today though?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Well I was hoping I could talk some more about this?”

Starshine thinks for a moment before saying, “Well I’m already late? What’s on your mind Cozy?”

Cozy Glow then looks down again and says softly, “I don’t know if I can be a daughter anymore?”

Starshine then says, “Well how about this Cozy! One step at a time? And hey! I bet Trixie doesn’t know much about being a mommy? I bet you both need to figure a few things out?”

Cozy then looks up and says, “Well right! I mean, I know I want this? In fact, I might need it when I think about it?”

Starshine then slurps up the last of her shake before throwing the cup away in the waste bin next to the bench and says, “Well hey Cozy, I really gotta get going! I’ll meet you at Trixie’s place tomorrow afternoon and we can play and hang out then okay?”

Cozy Glow slurps up the last of her shake while holding it with her forehooves and then she casually tosses the cup into the same waste bin and she says, “Okay Starshine! I’ll meet you at Trixie’s tomorrow afternoon okay?”

Starshine then smiles at Cozy.

Cozy notices this and says, “You’re about to hug me aren’t you?”

Without missing a beat, Starshine then embraces Cozy Glow in her front legs.

Cozy immediately yelps out, “WHYDOESN’TTHISGETEASIER?”

Starshine pulls back, smiles at Cozy Glow, and then turns around, and starts trotting towards her house.

She gets maybe 20 feet before Cozy looks down with a resigned expression on her face as she says, “I go from no hugs to a ton of them?”

Starshine then turns around and says, “Get used to it Cozy Glow! You’re my friend and I love you!”

Cozy then starts before yelling back, “Yeah Starshine! I love you too!”

Starshine then tilts her head and says, “Um, will you be okay without me around to get your back?”

Cozy then shoos her with her left forehoof and says, “Yeah I’m just flying back to the castle Starshine! I’ll be fine!”

Starshine then says, “Okay Cozy! See you later!” And then she turns around and trots off.

Cozy Glow then sits on the bench for a moment and says, “Being alone was never so bad before?” And then she silently gets off the bench and takes off with her wings towards the castle.

She arrives at the Castle of Friendship a few minutes later, lands in front of the steps and trots up to the door before using her forehooves to open the door and trotting in back to her room. She gets to her room and uses her forehooves to open that door as well and trots in before closing it behind her. She then trots to her bed and lays there on her stomach while she stares at her two toys and begins talking to them.

She says, “I don’t know Snorkel and Mr. Bearington? I mean, I haven’t been a daughter in so long? On the other hoof, I think I need this? I mean, I remember thinking about everything I lost? Well, after what I did, I don’t think anypony but Trixie would ever adopt me? So um, I guess this makes sense?”

She then rolls on her back and says, “Yeah I mean, unless somepony really knows me, I mean, the real me, they probably wouldn’t want to adopt me? Trixie must realize this and understand that she’s literally my only hope of even having a mommy?”

She stares at the ceiling for about 5 more seconds before covering her face with her forehooves and saying, “I hate being so smart sometimes! Basically, it’s her or nopony! And now we both know it!”

She then rolls back onto her belly, lays her head down on the pillow, and whimpers to herself, “I just wanted to be okay!”

She then slowly and softly lays her head into the pillow and goes back to sleep.

Night 23:

The filly stirs in her sleep. She clutches her precious teddy bear to her chest while under the covers in the fetal position and her dolphin is off to the side.

Cozy Glow dreams she’s in a beautiful meadow. She sees a familiar dark blue Alicorn there and she looks up and says, “Hello again Princess Luna!”

Luna smiles and slowly trots towards the filly as she says, “I noticed you didn’t tell Trixie about me?”

Cozy Glow then stammers out, “Well I didn’t think you wanted me to?”

Luna tilts her head and asks Cozy Glow, “Is that the real reason you didn’t tell her?”

Cozy then quickly says, “Of course! Well um, okay not really?”

Luna then smiles at Cozy and says, “You know I was once evil too right? Twilight and her friends managed to bring me back… So tell me Cozy, what’s the real reason you didn’t tell her about me?”

Cozy then looks down and says, “Well, it’s just kinda personal you know? I mean, the way you comforted me when I was crying? I uh, don’t really like to talk about that?”

Luna then stands straight up and stares at Cozy as she walks just a little bit closer and says, “But I’ve seen Trixie comfort you numerous times? Why do you suppose that is Cozy Glow?”

Cozy slowly and lowly says, “I don’t like them to know um, that I need comfort…”

Luna then looks perplexed as she says to Cozy Glow, “Well why wouldn’t you need comfort Cozy Glow? You’ve been through a lot?”

Cozy then says, “Well I guess so? I just uh, don’t like ponies to know that I need help I guess?”

Luna then chuckles and says, “Well they obviously already know! Why else do you think you’re in therapy?”

Cozy then looks a little annoyed as she says, “Okay fine! I guess I am hurt?”

Princess Luna chuckles and says, “Everypony gets hurt and needs help sometimes Cozy Glow. Life can be very hard sometimes…”

Cozy Glow then says, “Um, okay I guess that makes sense?” She then stares at the open meadow as wind softly blows the leaves of the trees and grass around her before saying, “I was hurt pretty bad huh?”

Luna then leans down and looks at Cozy Glow and says, “Yes Cozy and ignoring that pain didn’t lead to anything good. Don’t you think you should do something about that?”

Cozy Glow looks up and says, “Well uh, isn’t that what we’re working on now?”

Luna then embraces Cozy Glow in her front legs in a hug.


Luna pulls back and softly chuckles as she says, “Still not used to that huh? Well get used to love Cozy Glow! Cause you’re about to get plenty of it!”

Day 24:

Cozy Glow then wakes up with a start in her bed. She sees the clock on her nightstand and says, “It’s 7:48. I’m usually not up for another 12 minutes…”

Suddenly, there’s a knock on her door. Cozy looks up and says, “Uh, who is it?”

She hears a muffled voice from behind the door say, “It’s me! Trixie!”

(To be continued)

Chapter Six: Acceptance

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Day 24 (Cont.):

Cozy Glow slowly gets out of her bed as she yells to the door, “Hang on Trixie! I’m coming!” She then trips out of her bed and catches herself right before she falls, but notices that she dropped her precious teddy bear onto the floor to her left. “Oh horse apples! Sorry Mr. Bearington!” she whispers as she moves over to pick up the toy with her mouth to put it back on the bed.

“Everything okay in there?” Trixie calls out from the hallway.

“Yeah everything is fine! Just give me a sec!” Cozy Glow says as she trots over to the door and then opens it with her mouth. She then stares at the blue unicorn there dressed in her cape and magician’s hat and says, “Um, hi Trixie! I really wasn’t expecting you this early?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Well I wanted to get an early start. This is the rest of your Great and Powerful life after all!”

Cozy then looks down and unsure of herself before looking up with her auburn eyes and says, “Are you sure this is for the best? I mean, what if I mess up? What if I’m not the right daughter for you? What if you end up hating me? I just don’t know?”

Trixie then confidently trots in and hugs Cozy Glow in her forehooves as she says, “Cozy, you’re going to be my daughter. And I don’t care what kind of daughter you are as long as you’re a good pony and don’t do bad things.”

Cozy stands there stiff in her forelegs and says, “Golly!”

Trixie pulls back and looks at the filly before saying, “I love you Cozy!”

Cozy looks down and says, “So um, I guess this means trying to take over Equestria is right out huh?”

Trixie giggles and says, “Yeah we’re probably not gonna want you doing that anymore? Anyway, we have some things to do today, but now it’s time for breakfast! The Ponyville Café is two blocks South of here and we need to eat something now. Let’s go!”

So they both trot down the hall and out of the castle and head South when Cozy Glow looks at Trixie trotting next to her on her right and asks her, “Why do you want to adopt me again?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Because Cozy, you shouldn’t be alone right now in your recovery. Because you need a mommy and I’m literally the only pony in Equestria suited for the job!”

Cozy looks down and trots a bit slower as she says, “Yeah I know…”

Trixie goes a little bit faster and then turns to get into Cozy Glow’s path before turning to face her. Cozy stops as Trixie looks down at her and says, “Well think about it Cozy Glow! After what you did 10 years ago, nopony will want to adopt you except somepony who knows you. Somepony like me…”

Cozy then looks up at her and tilts her head to her left while squinting her left eye and saying, “Don’t you think I know that?” She then straightens her head and eyes out and takes a breath while fluffing her wings before saying, “What I mean is, why are you doing it? You must care about me huh?” She then looks down.

Trixie says, “Well of course Cozy! After learning about you and what you went through, I gotta admit that I really felt for you. I never had parents you know?”

Cozy then looks irritated as she says, “Yeah and you turned out just fine! You’re the counselor at the best school in Equestria now!”

Trixie sighs and says, “Yes Cozy, but I had a lot of pain and heartache to get this far. I don’t want you to have to go through the same thing.”

Cozy Glow then looks perplexed as she says, “So I was right! You do care about me! But why?”

Trixie then looks serious as she says, “Cozy, you’ve been through a lot. And I want to help you.”

Cozy squints and says, “That didn’t answer my question?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Well, I like you Cozy Glow! You’re a smart, funny, and a unique filly and I would love to have you as my daughter!”

Cozy then looks very flustered as she stares at Trixie and says, “Just cut it okay? You shouldn’t adopt me! I’m a bad filly and I do bad things… Please just go…” She then closes her eyes…

Cozy Glow then feels her small body being enveloped inside the limbs of somepony else. She remains silent for about 4 seconds before saying, “You’re hugging me…”

Trixie softly whispers outside, “It’s okay little filly… Mommy’s here now and you’re gonna be just fine!”

With tears down her eyes, Cozy then says, “Stop it!” She then gains control over herself again before saying, “I don’t deserve to be rescued!”

She begins to struggle a little bit in Trixie’s grasp, but Trixie quickly controls the situation before softly saying into the filly’s ear, “Deserving has nothing to do with it Cozy. I wanted a filly and I’m choosing you. You don’t know how special you are, but the truth is, I would be adopting you even if you weren’t so different.”

Cozy then pants out some air before saying, “But why?”

“How about because I love you?” Trixie then says.

Cozy opens her eyes to see Trixie still embracing her and smiling as her eyes are closed. Cozy then says, “So I can’t talk you out of this can I?”

Trixie pulls out of the embrace, looks down at the filly, and says, “I choose you Cozy Glow. I wanted a filly and I’m choosing you… So aren’t you hungry?”

Cozy sniffs and says, “Um, usually shortly after waking up? I guess we should get going to the café again huh?”

Trixie then motions with her left forehoof, “Yeah it’s just a block down this way my precious daughter. Lets go!”

Cozy starts to trot next to Trixie with a disgruntled look on her face as she says, “Golly! I didn’t ask to be adopted and now I got a mommy!”

Trixie chuckles as she trots alongside Cozy and she says, “Well think of this as a positive turn of events!”

Cozy then looks up at her and says, “Well I guess having a mommy again is better than not having one?”

Trixie says, “Well yeah, you’re still in your formative years and you need a parent Cozy Glow. I’m here to fulfill that need for you because like I said, you need a mommy and I’m really the only pony qualified!”

As they trot together, Cozy looks at the ground sourly and she says, “So it’s you or nothing huh?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Well yeah, pretty much!”

Cozy then thinks for about 4 seconds before looking up and saying, “It’s too late to go for that “nothing” option isn’t it?”

Trixie giggles again as she trots and she says, “Well we’re just gonna try it out! Anyway, we’re here at the café now! It’s a nice day! Would you like to eat on the patio?”

Cozy then sighs and she says, “Sure! Better than being in the café where I can easily hear them talking about me!”

Trixie then chuckles as she trots up to a table and sits down. She then uses her magic to pull the chair out for a very reluctant Cozy Glow.

Cozy slowly goes and sits down in the chair before she scoots the chair a lot closer to the table and she says, “I’m not that big you know!” And then she grabs the menu in her forehooves and starts to read it over.

Trixie smiles and says, “Oh stop it Cozy! The day is young and we’re gonna have fun today!”

Cozy then grabs her menu down and gruffly says, “I guess…”

Trixie smiles as she picks up the menu with her unicorn magic and proceeds to read it.

The two ponies sit quietly outside the café for about two minutes before a teal unicorn trots out to them and asks them, “Are you ready to order?”

Trixie then pertly says to the unicorn waitress, “Certainly! I’ll have the French toast and some coffee, two creams and no sugar! Um, Cozy, what would you like?”

Cozy then sits her menu back down on the table as she rolls her eyes and says, “Well since you insist on feeding me, I guess I’ll just have oatmeal and orange juice.”

The unicorn calmly jots down their orders in shorthand on her tablet before using her magic to pick up the two menus. She then says, “I’ll be back with your drinks!” She then trots back into the café.

Trixie looks at the annoyed looking Pegasus filly and asks her, “Why are you so mad Cozy Glow? You seem upset?”

Cozy then stares at Trixie and says, “Well it just seems kinda strange that you would actually be doing this you know? I mean, why me? I don’t think I deserve to be rescued! You really should’ve just kept me as stone you know that?”

Trixie then says, “But why would I leave my precious daughter as a statue when I can show her the right way to do things instead? This is a second chance Cozy Glow! Don’t you want that?”

Cozy then says, “Well I do! I really do! But I don’t think I really deserve it?”

Trixie then says to Cozy, “Cozy, let me tell you something about deserving… I never knew my parents and I grew up in an orphanage… I later discovered I had a talent for stage magic when I got my cutie mark and then I honed that skill and used it to get out of there… I had to claw my way out of that system and I understand that it’s very hard… I never did anything but be born for them to abandon me! Do you think I deserved that?”

Cozy looks up at Trixie with a start and says, “Well um, golly no! You were just a little foal who had just been born!”

Trixie then continues, “Exactly Cozy! And yet I got shoved aside and had to work extra hard just to get what should come normally for most ponies. So please, don’t ever worry about what you do and don’t deserve because that’s going to do nothing to change reality.” Trixie sighs and then says, “And I was just a regular filly! Imagine having the stigma of trying to take over Equestria in your past! You need a second chance and I’m giving it to you… I think you should take it…”

Cozy then fiercely stares into the unicorns eyes and says, “But why? Why are you helping me?”

Trixie then calmly says, “Because I want a daughter and I love you…”

Cozy shocked, then sits back in her chair and says, “Y-you love me? Golly! I-I know you said that to me yesterday, but when you say it like that, it seems different?”

Trixie then looks down at the filly and says, “Because I mean it Cozy Glow. I honestly and truly mean it! You’re my daughter now and I’m going to raise you…”

Cozy then says, “Um, can I walk across the street for um, just a few minutes please? I need to think about this…”

Trixie sees the waitress returning with their drinks on a platter she’s carrying with her magic approaching them as she says, “Take all the time you need Cozy! I’ll be here sipping my coffee and waiting on my daughter to return…”

Cozy then says, “Um, okay! Uh, mom?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Go ahead little filly…” And then takes a slow cautious sip of her coffee with magic.

Cozy then gets off of her chair and trots across the dusty road to a bench there next to a building. Cozy thinks she’s seen that building before, but she can’t remember what was in there. She looks at the bench and considers sitting down when she decides that she would rather pace. And so, she starts pacing back and forth in front of the bench while deep in thought. “Okay so she’s obviously been manipulating me! That much is clear, but to what end? Could it be that she really does just want to help me? It certainly appears that way? They made me stop and think about what I did earlier and now I’m thinking that maybe I shouldn’t have done that? Baa! This is ridiculous! I know they just want to control me! B-but a mommy? To actually have a mommy again? Could I just well, go back? I mean, really? After all this time? Well, there’s only one way to find out? And this appears to be a good opportunity? But what do they want with me I wonder? Why are they being so nice to me? It couldn’t just be that they care about me? Nopony does that r-right?”

Trixie then sees Cozy looking at her while she’s sipping her coffee with her magic and she waves to her with her right forehoof. Cozy sees this and waves back.

Cozy looks back and then thinks again, “Okay so she’s manipulating me and wants me to be something else? Will I even like the pony they want me to become? Should I become this pony after all? Well, like I said before, I can always just go back to being evil if I don’t like it r-right? I’m actually not so sure anymore? I don’t know about anything anymore and everything is very unclear to me right now… I suppose I should just give it a try huh? I mean, she could be awful and that’s still better than no mommy at all r-right? Well, what do I really have to lose?” *

Cozy Glow then slowly trots back across the road right as the waitress is using her unicorn magic to put all of their items on the table to be eaten on their respective sides. She sees the oatmeal she ordered on her end next to a small glass of orange juice as well as the French toast Trixie wanted on the other side next to her now half empty cup of coffee.

Cozy Glow then stands up stiffly on her chair and says, “Okay… I’m ready… M-mom? Should I call you mom?”

Trixie then looks at the foal and says, “Of course my beloved daughter!”

Cozy then looks flustered. The waitress returns and refills Trixie’s cup. Cozy then says, “You keep calling me that? But I never felt “beloved” earlier and it kind of weirds me out?”

Trixie adds creamer to her coffee and then sets it down with her magic before saying, “Well get used to it Cozy Glow! Like I already said, with your history, you’re not very likely to get adopted. It also occurs to me that I want a foal at this stage of my life and that nopony who doesn’t know you would be willing to give you a chance. You must admit Cozy, the logic is sound…”

Cozy Glow snaps and says, “Don’t you think I know that? I know that you’re my only chance now and I know that it’s you or nothing! I know these things Trixie. It’s just that, well…”

Trixie then leans over the table to stare at Cozy and asks her, “But what Cozy Glow?”

Cozy then starts to get tears in her eyes as she says, “I don’t know if I can be a daughter okay? I just don’t know if I can do it?”

Trixie then says, “Well don’t you think you need to try? I mean, you’re still the best daughter I have?”

Cozy then gets flustered again as she says, “Stop saying that! I don’t want you to go easy on me! I don’t deserve easy! I just wanted to be okay and now I don’t know about anything anymore!” She puts her head down on the table and starts to gently sob as she feels a hoof on her back. She then says, “You’re comforting me again?”

She hears Trixie say, “Of course! I should always be there to comfort my daughter when she’s upset!”

Cozy is then choked up as she says, “Daughter! You keep saying that?”

Trixie softly says, “Because you’re my daughter and I love you… I know this is hard for you Cozy and I’m here for you…”

Cozy then says, “I-is this real? You really want to be my new mommy Trixie? After everything that happened?”

She hears Trixie softly say, “Well why wouldn’t I Cozy Glow?”

Cozy lifts her head off the table and yelps out, “But I’m bad and I did bad things?” Before setting her face down on the table again.

Cozy can feel the hoof now caressing her neck again as she hears Trixie softly say, “You were confused Cozy Glow. I’m here to help you…”

Cozy still has her face on the table in a light sob as she says, “Why are you doing this?”

She hears Trixie say, “Because I love you!”

Cozy then says, “You know nothing about me! P-please just leave Trixie… I’ll make my way back to the castle now, eat my breakfast there, and we can continue our therapy or whatever tomorrow morning okay? I-I can’t do this…”

She stiffens up with her face still on the table. She can’t help but notice that there’s still a hoof on her neck when she looks up to see Trixie’s purple eyes looking at her open and happy. With tears in her eyes, she then says, “Y-you’re still here?”

Trixie then softly says, “Well of course! I’m your mommy and I’m not gonna let my own foal order me around! Especially not when she needs me like right now…”

Cozy then starts up in her chair as she sits straight up and says, “I don’t need anything okay? I have no mother! My mother is dead and nothing can ever bring her back!” as she hits the table with her forehooves. She then puts her face down on the table as two other ponies sitting at the table across the way start to look at them.

Trixie sees this situation is getting too intense and she then decides to take it another direction. She decides to embrace the stricken filly in her forehooves.

Cozy stammers out, “Stop comforting me! Stop helping me! Leave me alone!” And she continues crying at the table while being embraced by this blue unicorn.

She sobs for another moment before saying, “You’re still holding me?”

She hears Trixie say, “Well of course! My foal needs me!”

She continues sobbing like this in Trixie’s forehooves for a few more minutes before looking up at the unicorn and saying, “So uh, you want to be my new mommy huh?”

Trixie then says, “Yes I do Cozy Glow!”

Cozy then sighs and stares off down the road as she says, “Well I guess I do want a mommy? And like you already said, it’s you or n-nothing? And um, I guess we can give it a try? But if it doesn’t work out, can we just go back to the way it was before? Me living in the Castle of Friendship and you talking to me everyday? I mean, can we still do that if um, you know? It doesn’t really work out?”

She looks to see Trixie smiling at her once more as Trixie then says, “Well yeah! I mean, we’ll always have somewhere to go Cozy! We’re figuring you out right now and the truth is, I want to adopt you now…”

Cozy then tilts her head as she stares at the unicorn and she says, “So you really love me huh? Golly! Well… I guess we’ll give it a shot after all?”

Trixie then says, “Great Cozy Glow! Glad to hear it! But we really should eat our food before it gets too cold!”

What follows is possibly the most awkward breakfast in Cozy’s short life. Trixie uses her unicorn magic to eat the French toast using a fork and Cozy holds her bowl of oatmeal with her forehooves after adding butter and sugar to it and she eats it with her head and neck like normal. Nopony says a word to the other. Trixie just smiles at her whenever she looks at the unicorn and this only annoys Cozy. Cozy Glow decides that there’s not really much she can do about that and to just ignore it as she finishes up her oatmeal and then takes the glass with her forehooves and tilts it to drink the contents down her throat. The orange juice is refreshing and tart going down Cozy’s throat and she then sits the glass back down on the table before saying, “Okay m-mom? I guess I’m ready to start the day now? Well, ready as I’ll ever be?”

Trixie then smiles and says, “Excellent Cozy Glow! Yeah at first, I was going to borrow a wagon to get your things. But you don’t really have much do you? Just a few coloring books, a couple of reading books, three puzzles, crayons, and a plush toy right?”

Cozy then looks up and says, “Well two plush toys actually! Remember how you gave me the dolphin? I love her a lot by the way! I uh, named her Snorkel…” Cozy then looks down.

Trixie says, “Oh! Right! You named her? That’s cute!”

Cozy then considers this before saying, “Well uh, maybe a little? Uh, you’re almost done with your French toast mom?”

Trixie then uses her fork to eat up one of the last two pieces of her meal before chewing it up, swallowing, and saying, “Yes Cozy! Just one more bite, then I’ll pay, and then we can go get your things!”

Cozy stares at Trixie with a blank expression as the unicorn finishes the last bite and then hops off of her chair to trot up to the counter to pay for their food. Cozy tries to think about something right now, but she can’t think of anything she needs to be focusing on at the moment and this just makes the filly more uncomfortable than before. All she can do is blankly stare as Trixie talks to the host about their ticket and uses her magic to fetch bits from her saddlebags to pay before trotting over to the table and leaving a bit there to tip the waitress.

Trixie then looks at Cozy and says, “Are you ready to begin your new life daughter?”

Cozy then sighs and says, “Uh, sure mom! Lets go do this!”

They then exit the café together and trot back North to the Castle of Friendship. Once there, they both trot to Cozy’s room. Trixie then uses her magic to open the door and asks Cozy Glow, “Okay daughter! What’s in this room that you would like to take with you?”

Cozy stammers out, “So they’re just gonna give me the toys and coloring books and stuff huh? Well none of it is really that valuable? Okay well first off, I need you to get your magic and CAREFULLY get Snorkel and Mr. Bearington…”

Cozy notices that Trixie is snickering before asking her, “What’s wrong mom?”

Trixie then says, “Your names are adorable!”

Cozy then has another sour look on her face as she says, “My names are not cute! They’re logical! The dolphin is well, a dolphin and so the name Snorkel makes sense for her since she has to go up for air sometimes! And the bear is a Mr. and he’s a bear, therefore Mr. Bearington makes perfect sense! It’s perfectly rational and not cute!” before fluffing her wings in irritation.

Cozy then starts to look flustered as Trixie asks her, “What’s the matter Cozy? I thought being cute and adorable was your thing?”

Cozy then says, “Well yeah, but it’s different this time! Before, I was just being cute to manipulate other ponies! Now I don’t even want to be cute and it’s um, different? Annoying somehow?”

Trixie then looks confused as she asks Cozy, “Why is it annoying Cozy Glow?”

Cozy stammers out, “I don’t know? It’s different when I don’t intend to be cute you know?”

Trixie then sighs and says, “But you are cute Cozy?”

Cozy then starts again, “I-I am? But I’m not supposed to be cute! I’m supposed to, uh? I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be anymore?”

Cozy then looks cock eyed to the side as Trixie then smiles and says, “How about, you’re supposed to be my daughter?”

Cozy then blurts out, “But I don’t know how?”

Trixie says, “Well I don’t know a lot about being a mommy either, but we can learn as we go okay? I mean, you’re not a typical filly and your new mommy is Great and Powerful after all! This won’t be a normal family, but honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way…”

Cozy then scrunches her nose and says, “Not normal huh? Well since when has my life ever been normal?”

Trixie cocks her head to the side and says, “How about we don’t just settle for “normal” then Cozy? How about amazing instead?”

Cozy then has a sour look on her face as she watches Trixie gathering her meager possessions into a little sack that she found off to the side. She then says, “Well I tried my best to talk you out of this horrible idea already?”

Trixie then uses her magic to tie up the sack as she says, “Well like I said, if it doesn’t work out, we can always just go back to the way it was before! No pressure alright daughter?”

Cozy then looks down and says, “Right… No pressure… So that should be everything? I mean, there wasn’t much? No wait!”

Trixie then looks shocked at the filly as she says, “What’s that Cozy?”

Cozy trots across the room to the dresser and she uses her mouth and forehooves to fetch her saddlebags and puts them on before saying, “Um, would you please put Mr. Bearington and Snorkel in my bags please uh, mom? I want them to be close to me as we travel…”

Trixie giggles as she lowers the bag with her magic to look inside and then she levitates the two plush toys over to Cozy. She puts Snorkel on Cozy’s right side and Mr. Bearington on her left.

Cozy looks flustered as she says, “Shut up! It’s not cute!”

Trixie then says, “But it’s adorable Cozy! And you know, you’re even cuter when you deny being cute right?”

Both ponies are trotting out of the room as Cozy says, “No it’s not! I’m never cute when I don’t want to be! Shut up!”

Trixie is snickering as they both trot outside while Trixie uses her magic to keep the little sack in tow. Trixie then turns to her right and motions to the East with her right forehoof as she says, “My cottage is a few blocks that way. Come on Cozy! Time to go home!”

They both trot down the road to the East and Cozy is still unsure of herself or what to say and so it’s both silent and awkward. Trixie smiles and looks at Cozy as she says, “Anything the matter daughter?”

Cozy stops and Trixie notices and stops with her before asking her, “Uh, Cozy? Why did you stop?”

Cozy looks down and says, “I’m just not used to somepony ever being there for me okay? I’m used to being alone and well, it’s just gonna take some time I guess?”

Trixie then gets really close to the filly. So close that she’s almost nuzzling her nose to nose and says, “You’re only 10… We have the rest of your life…”

Cozy then squints her right eye and pops the left out a bit as she says, “Well it sounds very doable when you put it like that?”

Trixie then says, “Well we’re definitely gonna try! Anyway, it’s just it’s just on the right here!”

They trot past a grove to their right and there’s a small building just past it. Cozy looks over there to see a single story house, about three bedrooms she’s guessing. It’s in a serene meadow on the outskirts of town towards the East and behind it, she sees an old magician’s travelling wagon and just beyond that, a small pond. She then says, “This um, actually looks pretty nice mom!”

Trixie scoffs and says, “Nice? Wait until you see the inside oh daughter of mine!” As she trots up to the door with the sack in tow with magic on her left. She then faces the door and uses her magic to open it before saying, “Come in my dear! Come in and be amazed!” And then motions with her left forehoof towards the door.

Cozy smirks and slowly trots inside. She sees what looks like a normal living area, but not really. There’s a huge beanbag couch in the center of the room with a red rug in front of it and what looks like a huge tank of water over to the left. She can’t help but notice the curtain near the center of the room and she also sees all manner of ropes and suspension equipment on the ceiling that she can only guess Trixie once used for her acts. On the right, she sees what appears to be a kitchen area and a door leading just beyond it. She then says, “Golly this sure looks interesting! You know, I knew you were a stage magician, but didn’t really know what to expect?”

Trixie then confidently trots inside with the sack behind her and uses her magic to shut the door as she says, “Well this is the living area! You’re room is just over here!” She then trots over to the right and Cozy reluctantly follows her. Trixie looks over to her left and uses her magic to open the door and she then trots inside as she says, “Right this way oh Great and Powerful daughter!”

Both ponies snicker as Cozy Glow steps into a small room. She sees an old poster of Trixie over to her left and just beyond that, a Wonderbolts poster. She also sees a small bed with dark purple covers on it to the back right as well as two pillows at the head on the wall. It looks small. Almost, cozy she would say. She also sees a window at the other end. She says, “Wow mom! This is great!”

Trixie then motions to the room with her left forehoof and says, “Yes oh daughter of mine! This is where you shall stay!”

Cozy then trots up and uses her mouth to fetch Mr. Bearington from her left and sets it neatly onto the bed. She then uses her mouth to fetch Snorkel over on her right and set it just above the bear on the bed. She then gets up onto the bed with her forehooves while her hind legs are still down and arranges her toys neatly. Then she gets back on the floor on all fours and smiles at the job she did while Trixie watches. She looks at Trixie and says, “Well I wanna make sure it looks nice right?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Of course daughter!”

Cozy looks at the floor and says, “I’m still not used to that?”

Trixie says, “Well get used to it Cozy Glow! Anyway, Starshine should be arriving any minute now and I was going to put on a show for you two!”

Cozy looks shocked and says, “For me? Golly! Well, my new mommy is a magician?”

Trixie looks smug as she says, “Not just any magician my dear Cozy, but the Great and Powerful Trixie!”

Cozy squints for two seconds before her eyes come back out and she says, “Of course!”

Just then, there’s a knock on the door. Both ponies hear a muffled voice from the outside say, “It’s me! Starshine!”

Trixie smiles and says, “Right on time!” She then uses her magic to open the door from across the room and says, “Come in oh Starshine of Ponyville! Come in and witness in amazement, the Great and Powerful Trixie!”

Starshine stands there stunned for a moment before saying, “Oh right! Magic show! Uh, hang on Miss Trixie!” She then trots in, turns her head to the left, and uses her magic to close the door before trotting over and hugging Cozy Glow. She says in her ear, “I missed you my wonderful friend!”

Cozy smiles and hugs her back as she whispers, “I missed you too Starshine!”

Trixie then says, “Go and sit on the couch young fillies! Sit and watch in awe!”

The two fillies then go sit on the beanbag couch in the center of the room. Cozy is on the left and Starshine to the right.

They sit and watch as Trixie then gets on her haunches and makes flowers appear seemingly out of nowhere in her left forehoof and she then gives them to Cozy Glow as she says, “For you my precious daughter!”

Cozy Glow blushes and gets the flowers with her forehooves before Trixie trots back over to her chest and uses her magic to get out a deck of playing cards. She then spreads out several of them that are on top in front of Starshine with her magic and asks her, “Pick a card Starshine! Any card and keep it in your mind!”

Starshine looks at the cards and decides the 7 of Diamonds is her card. Trixie then takes the cards back into the deck with her magic and shuffles them before picking off the top card and showing it to Starshine and asks her, “Is this the card you selected?”

She sees it’s the 7 of Diamonds and she says, “Wow! That’s amazing!”

Cozy looks at her and asks, “Did you really pick the 7 of Diamonds?”

Starshine looks at Cozy and says, “Yeah! I can’t believe she was able to do that?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Oh that’s not all little filly! Now wait for me there! I’ll need to go behind my curtain for this one!”

She then trots back behind the curtain in the middle of the room and closes it so the fillies can’t see what’s going on behind it. They both hear Trixie say from behind the curtains, “Prepare to be amazed by my daring escape from the Interlocking Chains of Doom!”

They wait for maybe 2 minutes before they both hear a panicked voice from behind the curtain say, “Uh, some help here please!”

The two fillies look at each other and then carefully trot over around the right side of the curtain to see Trixie there struggling and wrapped in many chains in a sort of bundle. There’s a lock on the front of Trixie’s body as she’s wrapped up in many chains and struggling.

Cozy snickers and said, “How did you get yourself in there mom?”

Trixie then says, “Never mind that!” And then in one solid fluid motion, she moves her right forehoof out of the chain bundle and sweeps it around so that the chains appear to almost disintegrate before Cozy and Starshine’s eyes. As she then stands up, all of the chain links fall down around her in a spray as her body rises and as she lifts herself up, she smiles at the two aghast fillies. She then says, “Was there ever any doubt?”

Cozy and Starshine both stare in wide eyed amazement as the blue unicorn gets back on all fours from her haunches and says, “Yeah I had some trouble with that trick earlier and worked on it a bit! What did you fillies think?”

Cozy and Starshine both stare at her in wide eyed amazement as Cozy then says, “That was amazing mom! I never knew you were this neat?”

Trixie smiles as she uses her magic to put the chain links away in a chest off to the side of the room. She then says, “Yeah I used to do this before counseling remember? I thought I’d welcome you to my home with a show! Show you what mommy used to do!”

Cozy looks down and says, “So my new mommy is a school counselor who used to be a magician?” She looks up and continues, “You know, I sometimes wonder what my life would be like if I was normal like every other filly?”

Trixie continues smiling at Cozy as she trots towards her and says, “But why be normal, when you can be” and Cozy looks up and chimes in with the last words, “Great and Powerful!” And then the unicorn and Pegasus filly both giggle while Starshine stares at them and rolls her eyes.

Trixie looks at the clock on her wall while she uses her magic to open the curtains in the center of the room and then she says, “It’s 12:16 little fillies! Make yourself comfortable on the couch while mommy goes and makes lunch!” And then she quickly uses her magic to sweep up the links into a nearby chest before trotting off to the kitchen area of the foyer.

Cozy then says, “Well I’m used to being served by this point since they basically just brought me my meals at the castle? Um, how was your morning Starshine?”

Starshine then says, “Pretty normal really. I ate breakfast with my mom and waited around until I had to go. Trixie told me to arrive around 11 o’clock…”

Cozy rolls her eyes and says, “Oh of course she did! You know, she plans a lot of these things ahead of time? It’s almost like she’s giving me therapy and wants me to get better?” And then Cozy stares up with a start before she starts to giggle uncontrollably and Starshine starts laughing with her 2 second after.

Trixie returns shortly after with mangos and bananas on a plate and she says, “Well I hope you don’t mind, but I eat a lot of fruit. It’s convenient when you’re on the road and you don’t have much time for other things and well, I guess I started to like it? I still eat veggies sometimes though?”

Cozy smiles and says, “That’s fine mom!”

Trixie uses her magic to set the plate down and says, “Eat up fillies! My plate is over there!” She then uses her magic to retrieve a smaller plate of mangos and bananas.

Cozy looks at the fruit and says, “I’ve never had mangos before?” before grabbing one with her forehooves and biting into it. She then says, “This is really yummy!” and starts to munch more voraciously as Starshine smiles and uses her magic to open a banana.

The three ponies eat silently for about 5 minutes before Trixie finishes up a bite of banana and says, “So Cozy Glow! What do you think of your new home?”

Cozy says, “Well it’s different? Then again, every place I’ve ever lived has been different? I like it! Uh, if I wanted to change how my room is decorated, I could do that right?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Of course little filly! I just wanted to start you off! But arrange it however you wish!”

Cozy then says, “But I can’t take down the poster of you can I?”

Trixie tilts her head and asks Cozy, “Why would you want to?”

Cozy then says, “I wouldn’t…” She then squints and adds, “You planned that didn’t you?”

Trixie then straightens her head out and says, “Well you like thinking of your new Great and Powerful mommy don’t you?”

Cozy looks down again and says, “I guess so huh? Golly! Why does life have to be so confusing?”

Trixie then says, “Relax Cozy! We’re gonna go as slow as you need to okay?”

Cozy stares at Trixie for a few moments before saying, “Okay so it doesn’t matter if I deserve it or not. You’re giving me another chance… To um, actually have a childhood and play and be a filly again… R-right?”

Trixie says, “Yes Cozy Glow! The world was far too harsh on you earlier and I want to make you better!”

Cozy then says, “I guess you’re right? Um, that was really good m-mom! Sorry! I’m still not quite used to that?”

Trixie then says, “It’s okay Cozy! So what do you want to do now?”

Cozy looks up and says, “Well I usually take a nap after lunch, but Starshine is here?”

Starshine then says, “That’s okay Cozy! I’ll take a nap with you!”

Cozy looks at Starshine and says, “A nap w-with somepony else? Golly! Um, I guess we can do that?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Yes that will be fine Cozy! Your bed could fit both of you on it!”

Cozy looks startled and says, “Um, well okay! Come on Starshine! My room is back this way!” she says as she trots towards the hallway. Starshine starts after her shortly afterward and Cozy uses her forehooves to open her door to the left and trots into her room.

Starshine enters behind her and says, “Oh wow! This is really nice in here!”

Cozy then says, “Yeah I think so too! Well, here’s my bed!”

Starshine then says, “Well it’s your bed? I think you’re supposed to get in first?”

Cozy looks up for 2 seconds and then down at Starshine before saying, “Um, yeah okay! That makes sense!” She then moves her body onto the bed and turns around before using her right forehoof to set the two pillows side by side and then saying, “Alright Starshine! You get the left side!” and then she snuggles under her covers with her dolphin toy while the unicorn carefully gets into bed behind her.

Starshine then whisper behind Cozy Glow, “I love you Cozy! Goodnight!”

Cozy then smiles while looking away so Starshine can’t see and then says, “Yeah! Goodnight Starshine! See you in an hour or two!” Before closing her eyes and softly falling to sleep.

Cozy is deep asleep when she feels a hoof and a foreleg going across her body. She doesn’t think anything of it at first until her mind slowly begins to piece together that Starshine is in fact, embracing her in her sleep. Cozy’s mind begins to put this together when suddenly, she screams. “AAAAHHH!!!”

Starshine wakes with a start and says, “Cozy! Are you okay? What’s wrong?”

Cozy has a disturbed look on her face when she says, “Y-you were holding me!”

Starshine then says, “Um yeah. Sorry Cozy. I just love you and well…”

Cozy then lays back and stares at the ceiling as she says, “You know, there have been way too many awkward moments involving cuddling today!”

Starshine then says, “Yeah um, sorry…”

Cozy thinks on this for a second before saying, “N-no it’s okay Starshine… You can hold me… If you want to I mean? Just uh, don’t tell anypony okay?”

Starshine then smiles and says, “Your secret is safe with me Cozy Glow!”

Then Cozy’s doorknob glows and it opens to reveal Trixie, now out of her magician’s hat and cape with a worried expression on her face. She says, “Cozy! Are you alright?”

Cozy then says, “Yeah don’t worry about it! Uh, something startled me!”

Starshine then smiles and says, “Uh, yeah! A fly landed on her snout and it must’ve scared her? She’s calm now Miss Trixie! Don’t worry about it!”

Trixie then sighs and says, “Well okay. You two have a good rest now and call me if you need me!” She then closes the door with her magic and her hoofsteps trotting off can be heard.

Cozy then looks at Starshine and says, “You didn’t tell her we were snuggling?”

Starshine smiles at Cozy and says, “Well, you didn’t want anypony to know right?”

Cozy then says, “Well of course, but um… Never mind! I’m gonna go to sleep like this now…” She then rolls over to her side the opposite direction of Starshine before saying, “Um, hold me i-if you really want to Starshine…”

Cozy closes her eyes and tightly hugs her pillow. She secretly hopes Starshine will hold her when she suddenly feels a leg being wrapped around her body once more. She enjoys the sensation of being held but thinks to herself that she should probably just keep that to herself for now.

The two fillies wake up in a soft embrace with Cozy staring forward and Starshine holding her from behind. Cozy slowly opens her eyes and suddenly remembers that Starshine is holding her and that she really shouldn’t freak out again. Unsure of what to do or say, she softly says, “Um, Starshine? Are you awake?”

Starshine smiles and says, “No! I’m still asleep…”

Cozy squints and says, “If you were asleep, you wouldn’t be able to respond!”

Starshine then says, “Yes I would!”

Cozy then says, “Knock it off Starshine! I know you’re awake now!”

Starshine snickers and asks Cozy, “So you have a good nap bestie?”

Cozy says, “Well golly, I sure did Starshine! Um, can we do this sometimes? I uh, kind of liked being held?”

Starshine then says, “Sure Cozy! I um, kind of liked holding you?”

Cozy thinks on this for a few seconds before saying, “Well okay! But let’s just keep it between us okay?”

Starshine smiles again and says, “Deal! So what do you wanna do now Cozy Glow?”

Cozy thinks for a second before saying, “Well I guess we could color again? I know there’s some more Storm Crusher pages in that other book over there for you and I can color more unicorns from my book…

Starshine then looks perplexed as she asks Cozy Glow, “I noticed you like to color unicorns a lot?”

Cozy looks down and says, “Well I kind of like them? I always wondered what it would be like to have actual magical power you know? Well, I was an Alicorn for a few minutes once?”

Starshine then says, “Golly! Really? An Alicorn? That’s neat!”

Cozy then just stares at Starshine and smiles when it suddenly dawns on Starshine what she just said.

Starshine immediately says, “Oh no!”

Cozy giggles and says, “Oh yes! You just said golly!”

Starshine immediately stammers out, “N-no I didn’t!

Cozy immediately starts bouncing on the floor and saying, “You did! You did! You said golly!”

Starshine then just says, “Okay uh, well! What do you want to do now Cozy?”

Cozy just giggles and says, “Listen to you talk like me some more…”

Starshine then says, “I-I don’t talk like you!”

Cozy snickers and says, “Yes you do! You just said golly!”

Starshine stammers out, “N-no!”

Cozy decides she’s messed with Starshine enough as she says, “So what do you want to do now Starshine?”

Starshine thinks for a second before saying, “Well I always wanted to play Truth or Dare?”

Cozy then looks up and says, “Yeah I’ve heard of that game… Uh, you go first! Truth or dare Starshine?”

Starshine thinks for a few seconds before saying, “Dare!”

Cozy then says, “Um, okay! I dare you to stand on your haunches like a zebra for a full 10 seconds!”

Starshine then says, “I don’t know if I can do that, but I’ll give it a try?” She then stands on her haunches.

Cozy counts, “10…9….8….7….6….5….4….3….2…1… Okay Starshine!”

Starshine goes back to all fours while letting out a sigh of relief as she says, “Wow! I don’t know how they do that? That’s really tough!”

Cozy thinks for 2 seconds before saying, “I think it has something to do with their bone structure or something?”

Starshine then says, “Okay you go Cozy! Truth or dare?”

Cozy just says, “Well uh, truth!”

Starshine then asks Cozy Glow, “Okay uh, what’s your darkest secret?”

Cozy then looks shocked as she says, “Well um, since you’re my best friend, I’ll tell you… But you can’t tell anypony else okay?”

Starshine then says, “Well I haven’t told them about how you like to be held yet?”

Cozy then says, “Sssshh! Um, okay…” Her voice then goes to a low whisper as she says, “The truth is, earlier on, I was forming a plan to take over the School of Friendship again… You know? In my head? Um, I thought that if I can just get to the artifacts again, I might be able to rig up something a bit different and more effective this time, but uh…” She looks down, “You made me stop…”

Starshine looks extremely surprised as she asks, “What do you mean Cozy?”

Cozy then lowly says, “Well, the last time, I used them as a suction device to soak up all the magic and then had it go into a vortex where it would get sucked up into the ether… This time, I was thinking of a specific pattern I could arrange them in in order to force a blast or rift of magic to force all the magic out of Equestria! I’m actually not sure where it would go, but the point is, it wouldn’t be here. And the best part of my new plan was, there would be no 3 day wait period like there was before. It would be almost instant! But uh…” She looks down… **

Starshine then asks Cozy, “But what?”

Cozy looks back up and says, “Well distracting Starlight and Trixie wouldn’t be difficult, even in a way that wasn’t obviously from me… And Twilight well, she rules from Canterlot now and so there’s no way she’d be able to get here in time! My new plan would have a much better chance of succeeding as things are now… But the thing is…“Cozy closes her eyes and turns her head off to the side as she says, “But I’m not evil anymore! Not with you here! Not with Trixie! I-I just can’t do it now! I know I just keep telling myself I can always go back to being evil if this whole “daughter” thing doesn’t work out, but now I’m not so sure?”

Cozy stands there with her eyes closed and head cocked to the side like that for a few more seconds before she feels the forelegs of Starshine going around her. She then says, “Oh, you’re hugging me now! Of course!”

While she’s holding Cozy, Starshine then asks, “I hope that’s okay?”

Cozy then sighs and says, “Why not? It’s been happening all day!”

Starshine then asks Cozy, “What do you mean?”

Cozy then says, “Either I’ve been insane this whole time, or I’m the only sane pony around? But either way, I can’t really win?”

Starshine then asks Cozy, “Huh?”

Cozy says, “Never mind! You know, moving over here was a bit more stressful on me than I thought it would be?”

Starshine then pulls back and goes on all fours before asking Cozy, “What do you mean?”

Cozy then looks down and then up before saying, “Well, it’s different when I know I’m only gonna be here for 2 or 3 days you know? But this is my home now. I actually have a home!”

Starshine then asks Cozy, “You didn’t really have a home before?”

Cozy looks up and off to the side before saying, “No, not really? I mean, I moved around a lot and I’ve seen a few places? But I never stayed for very long… But I’m probably gonna be living in this cottage for years now huh?”

Starshine then hugs Cozy Glow and says, “I certainly hope so!”

Cozy hugs Starshine back and says, “See! I was ready for it that time!”

Starshine then smiles and says, “I know! I’ll need to change that later!”

Cozy then says, “Hey!”

Starshine giggles and says, “Oh it’s all in good fun Cozy!

Cozy then says, “I’m serious! This is not over Starshine! TERRIBLE RETRIBUTION!”

Starshine just giggles while Cozy sighs before asking Starshine, “What do you like so much about me anyway? I mean, would we even still be friends if we weren’t each other’s only options?”

Starshine smiles at Cozy and says, “Oh there you go again! Thinking too much about it Cozy Glow! The only thing that is important is that you’re my friend and I love you!” She scratches the back of her head with her left forehoof before adding, “Um, I never said truth?”

Cozy thinks on this for second before saying, “Well yeah I know Starshine. But what do you like about me?”

Starshine looks at Cozy and says, “Well I like how you’re smart, funny, clever, and you’re a good friend and you care about me!”

Cozy then stares up at the ceiling and says, “Golly? You know, I never really thought about any of it? I just did what I thought I should do?”

Starshine then says, “So it just kinda came naturally then? Out of you I mean?”

Cozy then looks down and says, “I guess so? But you know, you’re a really good friend to me too Starshine. I don’t know where I’d be without you!”

Starshine then smiles again and says, “AWW! Let’s hug now Cozy! No ambushes! Just hugging!”

Cozy then trots up to Starshine and embraces her tightly in her forelegs. Then suddenly there’s a knock on the door. The door then opens to reveal Trixie who then says, “Just checking on you fillies! Is everything okay in here?”

Cozy just says, “Yeah mom! We’re fine!”

Trixie then says, “Okay I still don’t know how much I should check on you? Probably not as often since you’re obviously pretty smart and capable? Uh, you two are hugging?”

Cozy then starts and gets off of Starshine before saying, “Uh, yeah! We’re friends and uh, really close and stuff!” She then smiles widely.”

Trixie just rolls her eyes before saying, “Anyway, dinner will be ready in about an hour! We’re having toasted oat cakes and fruit juice!”

Cozy then says, “Well golly mom! That sounds yummy!”

Trixie smiles and says, “Look at you, playing with your friend just like a normal filly again… Cozy, you know you’re going back right?”

Cozy thinks for a moment before saying, “Yeah I guess so huh?”

Starshine then says, “Well yeah! Before those awful things happened to you and Tirek started talking with you?”

Cozy then stares at Starshine and as her eyes grow bigger and pupils get smaller, Starshine already knew what was about to happen… She sticks her snout out and closes her eyes as Cozy touches her nose with her left forehoof and says, “BOOP!”

Starshine twitches her nose and says, “Okay, I guess I kinda had that one coming… But Cozy, uh, there is one thing…”

Cozy looks at Starshine and says, “Oh? What is it Starshine?”

Starshine then suddenly hugs Cozy as Cozy yelps, “OKAYIWASN’TREADYTHATTIME!”

Starshine lets Cozy out of her embrace and Cozy just goes back down and fluffs her wings before saying, “I just don’t think it’s fair! If you get to ambush hug me whenever you want, I should be able to boop your nose whenever I want! That’s fair!”

Starshine sighs and says, “Well okay Cozy! You do make a point…”

At this point, both fillies notice Trixie still standing in the doorway and giggling maniacally. Cozy asks Trixie, “What’s so funny?”

Trixie just screams, “You two are just so adorable!”

Cozy blushes while Starshine has a confused look on her face. Cozy then says, “No we’re not! Don’t you know the rules mom? I can’t be cute unless I’m trying to be!”

At this point, Starshine taps on Cozy’s shoulder with her hoof. Cozy faces her and she says, “Well uh, hey Cozy! It’s been really fun, but it’s almost 5 and I gotta go now!”

Cozy looks down and says, “Oh okay Starshine… Um, thanks for uh, you know? Earlier…”

Starshine looks perplexed at first, but after a moment, goes back and says, “Oh! Earlier! Right! Um, anytime Cozy Glow!” She then winks at Cozy while Trixie has a confused look on her face.

The two fillies then hug as Cozy whispers to Starshine, “I love you Starshine!”

Starshine smiles and whispers back, “I love you too Cozy Glow!”

Starshine then trots to the door, uses her magic to open it, trots out, and closes the door behind her.

Cozy then thinks to herself, “It was so nice just being held? I didn’t need that before though? Or did I? Could it be that love was all I really needed this whole time?”

Trixie then says, “Come on Cozy! Go sit down on the couch and let mommy bring in dinner!”

Cozy then starts as she breaks out of thought and says, “Um, okay mom!” She then trots over to the couch and sits down as Trixie then uses her magic to set down a fresh platter of warm hay cakes along with a plate for each of them.

Trixie then says, “Yeah I used to be on the road, but since I’ve had this cottage here for ten years, I’ve kinda upgraded a bit! Well, I got a platter anyway?”

Cozy looks down before staring at Trixie and smiling as she says, “Mom! Stop trying to impress me! I don’t care about what you have and I don’t care about what you can do!”

Trixie just rolls her eyes and says, “Oh yeah! Love and parenting and guidance and all that good stuff!”

Cozy squints her right eye before popping it back out and saying, “Right! That stuff!” Both ponies giggle before Cozy says, “So I guess we’re really doing this huh?”

Trixie then says, “Yes and I understand you’re still confused Cozy. But the thing is, I just wanted a legacy… And you’re probably my best option…”

Cozy then squints and says, “Okay but um, you care about me too r-right?”

Trixie sighs and says, “Oh right! Reassurance! Of course I love you Cozy Glow!”

Cozy stares down and says, “Well I guess you already proved that? And this really seems to be the best thing for me? And nothing else seems like a good idea anyway?”

Trixie smiles and says, “So you really want to do this Cozy?”

Cozy then looks at Trixie and says, “Yeah I think so? Uh, I mean…” She looks down and breaths in before slowly breathing out and says, “Okay mom… You have a daughter now!”

Trixie then looks elated as she hugs Cozy tightly. Cozy smiles as Trixie then gently kisses Cozy on her forehead and goes back to her seat. Cozy then seems different. Almost, content…

Cozy then finally says, “You know, I bet these cakes are cool enough to eat now?”

Trixie suddenly looks up and says, “Oh! Dinner! Right!” She then uses her magic to put a hay cake onto Cozy’s plate and then puts one on her own.

The two ponies then eat silently for about 10 minutes before Cozy finishes up her meal and says, “Uh, you’ve almost caught up to me mom?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Wow! My daughter must’ve been hungry! Do you want another one Cozy?”

Cozy then rubs her belly with her right hoof and says, “Um, no? I think I had enough? Can I um, go to my room now m-mom? I uh, really need some alone time after everything today?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Certainly Cozy Glow! Go to your room now if you wish! I’ll uh, clean up here I guess? I’ll be back to check up on you before bed!”

Cozy smiles and says, “Thanks mom!” before getting off the couch and trotting back to her room.

Once there, she trots in, uses her forehooves to close the door, trots further into the middle of the room and says to her bear, “I’m really sorry about dropping you earlier Mr. Bearington!”

She then gets her toys and puts them onto the floor with one of her pillows. After that, she fetches one of her coloring books and some crayons before coloring to relax her mind. She then says to Mr. Bearington with a blue crayon in her mouth, “So uh, I guess I just got adopted huh? Golly! You know, I still had my doubts, but so far, it actually seems to be working out? I mean, I was almost sure this was an awful idea, but now that I’m here and um, actually…” Cozy stops before saying what she’s about to say because she knows what those words mean… She finally says, “being a daughter…”

The filly then buries her head onto the book she was coloring in after spitting out her crayon. “What is it Mr. Bearington? What’s missing? I have what I need now right? I have a new mommy, a house, a best friend, and all the stuff I need to live now? Why can’t I just accept this and be happy?”

Cozy then raises her head and says, “Well, I did say I was gonna give it a try? And um…” She then thinks of a certain apple bucking earth pony before saying, “I should honor my word like Professor Applejack would say right?”

Cozy then thinks for a few minutes while blankly staring at the wall. She no longer colors because these thoughts have her mind’s entire focus. She finally looks at her dolphin on the other side and says, “Okay Snorkel! You make a valid point! I’ll just try it out for a few months… I know I keep saying I can always just go back to being evil, but now I’m not so sure? Golly! Everything seems a lot more serious when you realize that there’s just no other options?”

She then takes the green crayon from her box into her mouth and then starts to color on the other page of her book for a few more minutes. She finally spits out the crayon and looks at her dolphin again before saying, “I sure liked being held by Starshine back there? Um, I kinda don’t want to admit this to anypony though? It felt different from the other things though you know? Almost like I was um…” The Pegasus filly then stops talking once more as she’s deep in thought… She finally finishes her sentence by saying, “loved?”

Cozy stares at the wall for a few more minutes before finally just saying to both of her toys, “Okay fine! Friendship is magic and it keeps me from doing bad things! There! I said it! I bucking said it! Happy?” She then puts her head down onto the pillow she’s been laying on.

Suddenly, there’s a knock on Cozy’s door. Cozy says while still holding her head down onto the pillow, “Yes mom?”

Trixie’s muffled voice can be heard from the other side of the door as she says, “Hey Cozy! I’m done now and was just checking on you! Can I come in?”

Cozy then looks up at the door and says, “Uh, sure mom! Come on in!”

The doorknob then glows and the blue unicorn trots into the room and looks at Cozy as she says, “So how was you first day daughter? Was it Great and Powerful enough for you? Because we’re just getting started!”

Cozy giggles a little bit and says, “Yeah I get it mom! You’re neat! Um, so how was I? As a daughter I mean? Did I mess up anywhere?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Well you should probably praise your amazing mother some more, but other than that, you’re actually doing great Cozy!”

Cozy snickers and says, “So I’m doing okay huh? You know, I never even thought this was possible? I mean, I did bad things back there, got sent to Tartarus for 2 years, and then I came back, did more bad things, and then I got turned to stone for 10 years and now I’m here? I’m just saying, after all that, I actually went back? I mean, r-really? You’re my mommy now?”

Trixie then trots towards the pillow, bends down, and hugs Cozy as she says, “Not just any mommy Cozy!” Cozy then chimes in, “The Great and Powerful Trixie!”

Both ponies giggle before Cozy says, “That’s probably gonna be another one of those things huh?”

Trixie looks at her and says, “More than likely? But how did I do as a mommy Cozy? Is there anything you’d want me to do?”

Cozy thinks for 3 seconds before saying, “Um, no? Not really? Well uh, it has been a long day… Um, is it okay if I go to bed a little bit early m-mom?” She then looks at Trixie with big eyes.

Trixie then says, “Well of course Cozy Glow! Whatever you need to do. And you know I’m here for you if you need me right?”

Cozy then says, “Well uh, of course mom!” She then smiles at Trixie.

Trixie then gets back up and says, “Well okay Cozy! I’m you’re new mommy and I’m here for you if you need me!” She then trots out into the hallway and uses her magic to close the door.

Cozy then gathers her coloring book and crayons and sets them off to the side as she says, “Well I guess it’s bedtime now?” She then climbs up into bed and snuggles her two toys softly to sleep in the fetal position underneath the covers like she always does.

Night 24:

Cozy stirs in her sleep and turns the other direction while she clutches Snorkel to her chest and Mr. Bearington is off to the side. She snores softly and has a dream…

She dreams she’s walking in a forest. She’s trotting down the road when she sees a massive centaur arise in the distance and quickly get closer in an almost surreal fashion. Tirek bellows out, “You turned your back on us Cozy! You went another way and now you need to be dealt with!” As he gets closer and closer and Cozy can only take off with her wings and fly the other direction.

She can’t seem to shake the centaur no matter how fast she flies and he just gets closer. She’s terrified and has tears in her eyes as she tries to outrun him. Tirek yells from behind her, “Time to die Cozy Glow!”

Suddenly, Princess Luna appears right before her out of a black cloud that now envelopes the forest ahead of her and Tirek disappears as the Alicorn uses her magic to stop Cozy Glow in midflight and keeps her there.

Cozy then says, “Uh, Princess Luna? Oh golly! This is another nightmare huh?”

Luna then smiles and says, “Yes Cozy Glow! This is only a dream, but the feelings you have here are very real. I think there’s at least a few things you haven’t been honest with yourself about.”

Cozy looks down while she’s suspended in the air and says, “Um, yeah I uh, still think about Tirek sometimes and everything he told me. I mean, I know it was wrong now and I know I need to be doing something else. I know this, but well, I keep thinking about what he might do if he ever came back?”

Luna then says, “Well you need to face Tirek Cozy! But you already told him off once, so why do you suppose you’re still having these thoughts?”

Cozy then wakes up in a cold sweat. She then says to herself, “What in Equestria could that dream possibly mean?” She then sighs to herself and asks, “Well I just had another nightmare? Um, could I talk to Trixie about it? Um, now I mean? Well, only one way to find out?”

She then lays on her back and plops her head down while staring at the ceiling as she says, “I wonder if I have to sleep alone tonight?”

She then grabs Snorkel with her mouth and gets onto the floor on all fours. She sets Snorkel down and says to her bear, “Okay look Mr. Bearington! You need to stay off that leg for now and so you should just stay here. Me and Snorkel will go to Trixie. Just get comfortable and relax! You’ll be okay!”

She then takes the dolphin with her mouth and trots to the door before using her forehooves to open it and trots into the hallway and then to her left. She knocks on the door with her right forehoof.

There’s a muffled voice from behind the door saying, “Huh? What?” She then hears stumbling as something gets out of bed and hears the heavy trotting to the door before the knob glows and it opens to reveal a disheveled Trixie with her eyes only half open. Trixie then says to Cozy, “Ugh! Uh, yes daughter? What couldn’t wait until the morning?”

Cozy spits out her dolphin to her side and whispers to Trixie, “Um, I had a nightmare? Is it uh er…”

Trixie then looks concerned as she says, “Yes Cozy? Are you alright?”

The unicorn then shakes her head as Cozy finally says, “Is it okay if I sleep in here? W-with you? I mean, I’m supposed to not be alone r-right?”

Trixie smiles and calmly walks up to Cozy.

Cozy then looks up at her and says, “You’re about to hug me aren’t you?”

Trixie then embraces the filly in her forelegs

Cozy then rolls her eyes and says, “Yup! Sure enough!”

Trixie then says, “Of course oh precious daughter of mine! You can snooze in here with mommy if you wish! Um, I’m guessing you want your dolphin?” She then releases Cozy from her embrace.

Cozy then says, “Well her name is Snorkel and um, yeah I um, kinda like her?”

Trixie then slowly trots back to her bed as she says, “Ah yes! You named her Snorkel!”

Cozy squints as she’s carrying the dolphin in her mouth into the room. She decides not to talk about it anymore as she then closes the door with her forehooves and trots over to the bed as Trixie gets in.

Trixie then pats the top of the bed with her hoof and says, “Well come on in daughter!”

Cozy then spits the dolphin out onto the bed and slowly climbs in to meet Trixie face to face.

Trixie then asks Cozy, “So you had a nightmare? Do you wanna talk about it Cozy?”

Cozy looks up for a second before saying, “Um, no not really? I kinda just wanna snuggle up to my dolphin over here and go to sleep?”

Trixie then says, “That’s fine too daughter!”

Cozy then snuggles Snorkel in the fetal position again as she gets under the covers.

Trixie is on the other side staring the other direction as she says, “Goodnight precious daughter!”

Cozy then says, “Um, goodnight mom! Um, uh, never mind!”

Trixie then says, “Are you sure Cozy? There seems to be something on your mind?”

Cozy says, “Well it’s just that um…”

Trixie then asks Cozy, “Yes dear?”

Cozy closes her eyes and finally admits, “I like to be held! Um, okay?”

Trixie then softly says, “Well it’s a comforting thing Cozy! You went through a lot and it makes you feel better! Okay look! Just scoot back here towards me okay? Keep facing that direction!”

Cozy then says, “Um, okay…” And then carefully scoots back towards her new mother.

Trixie then scoots a little closer to Cozy Glow before holding the filly in her forelegs. She then says to Cozy, “Well, how does this make you feel?”

Cozy thinks on it for 3 seconds before responding, “Um, it feels nice mom… Uh, is it okay if we um, you know? Sleep like this?”

Trixie softly says, “Of course Cozy! I’ll comfort you for as long as you need me to!”

Cozy then whispers back to Trixie, “Thanks mom!” Before softly falling asleep and finally learning to accept love. As she goes to sleep, she starts to wonder about the filly who tried to take over Equestria all that time ago? She starts to wonder who that filly was because she doesn’t believe it was her anymore…

Chapter Seven: Waking Up part 1

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Golly it all felt like some kind of weird dream? Well, more like a nightmare? I mean, I did things and I think it was me, but it wasn’t really me doing and saying those things? It was somepony I didn’t recognize? Who was that little pony? Was it me? Really me? I think so because that was me doing it r-right? I’m actually not sure anymore? You know, I don’t think I was ever really sure? I mean, everything feels so soft and warm right now? It feels like somepony is holding me? Tr-Trixie? Or um, maybe I should call her mom in my head now? I’m not sure?

I just want to know who that pony was that did all of those awful things? Who was that filly? The filly who needed power to make sure she’d be okay? The filly that Equestria forgot about? She used her skills to take over the School of Friendship and almost took over all of Equestria… But was she really me? I keep wondering that now? I know my name is Cozy Glow. I’m very comfortable here in the embrace of this nice blue unicorn who’s now taking care of me. It’s so soft and wonderful here in bed with her. My new mother… Is that what I needed all along? A mommy? My name is Cozy Glow and I don’t think I’m going to have anymore nightmares…

Day 25:

Cozy opens her eyes and sees the darkness of bed covers surrounding her. She feels the warmth of the loving embrace coming from behind her and all she can do is just sit there dumbfounded… It all seemed like a dream?

Cozy then hears a familiar voice from behind her, “Good morning Great and Powerful daughter!”

Cozy looks up and feels the soft pillow on the back of her head as she says, “Tr-Trixie? Or uh, mom? Wh-where am I?”

Trixie then cheerfully says from behind her, “You’re in my room remember? You had a nightmare and you wanted to sleep with me…”

Cozy then says, “Okay… And uh, you’re holding me?”

Trixie then says, “Well you asked me to…”

Cozy then says, “Uh, oh yeah… Golly! I guess I have accepted you as my mommy? Or I’m pretty close to it?”

Trixie then says, “What do you mean Cozy?”

Cozy then says in a slightly lower tone, “Well, I don’t like anypony to know that I like to be held… You know, I must really like you?”

Trixie giggles and says, “Of course you like me! I’m your mom!”

Cozy then says, “But well, what about my old mom? The one who died?” And then she looks down into the covers.

Cozy then feels a warm hug coming from behind her as the voice softly says, “Cozy, I could never replace your old mother. And you really shouldn’t expect me to. However, she can’t be here right now and so I’ll do this for her. Because I care about you Cozy Glow!”

Cozy then mutters, “Yeah that’s obvious by now. I’m still not sure why you’re doing this though?”

Trixie then slowly says, “Cozy, let me tell you a story about a unicorn magician… Okay, it’s me! Anyway, this magician was a bit of a show off and ultra flashy. Both on and off stage! This magician was upstaged by a purple unicorn and her five friends…”

Cozy then says, “Oh gee! I’m pretty sure I know this group of ponies!”

Trixie then continues, “Yes Cozy… Anyway, rather than try to refine herself and get better, this unicorn sought revenge… She found and purchased the Alicorn Amulet and used it to enslave the entire town of Ponyville!”

Cozy then exclaims, “Golly!”

Trixie then giggles and says, “Yeah pretty neat I know! Even for me! Anyway, apparently the amulet has the nasty side effect of making the user more bizarre and mean! Something about draining my soul? And this same group of ponies stopped me once again using” and then her voice gets really low, “the magic of friendship…”

Cozy then says, “So they stopped you too huh? Well so why didn’t you seek to take revenge again anyway? What made you stop?”

Trixie then calmly says, “Well, it was Starlight Glimmer… She gave me friendship and made me realize that it’s not all about me… And that’s what I’m trying to do for you now Cozy… I helped you make your first friend, I’m raising you, and I’m trying to give you a new life now…”

Cozy then says, “Okay I see… But um, you didn’t answer my question? Why do you care about me?”

Trixie then softly says, “Because I saw myself in you Cozy… When I learned about what you did, I wanted to know more… I wanted to meet this filly who tried to take over Equestria and talk with her… Get to know her… Although becoming your new mommy was something I didn’t really want to do in the beginning? That came after I learned more about you…”

Cozy then looks down again at her small pink body and says, “I guess that was when you learned about my parents huh? You know, my dad was never really around? It was my mommy who did most of the work?”

Trixie then hugs the Pegasus filly tightly against her body and says, “Well so you really have gone back then! You gotta admit, there isn’t much of a dad here either?” *

Cozy then scoots up to get out of Trixie’s embrace and above the covers and pretends to look around the room before saying, “Nope! No daddies here either!” And then both ponies giggle.

Trixie then asks Cozy, “So daughter! What would you like for breakfast?”

Cozy then looks back at Trixie and says, “Um, I kinda wanted to know some things?”

Trixie then raises her right eyebrow and asks, “Go on?”

Cozy then looks down and slowly asks, “Okay so I’m your daughter now right? Well um, who was I before? I mean, I know you said it doesn’t matter, but um…”

Trixie then asks, “But what Cozy?”

Cozy then blurts out, “But it keeps bothering me! I don’t know who I was when I did those awful things and I keep thinking about it!”

Trixie then asks Cozy, “Well what is it about it that bothers you Cozy?”

Cozy looks down again and says, “Well I just keep thinking about it?”

Trixie then says, “Well, here’s a therapy exercise we call “putting things in their place” Cozy… Okay so you now have to decide what to do with all of these memories right?”

Cozy then starts and says, “Um golly! You know, I never really looked at it like that?”

Trixie continues, “Exactly Cozy Glow! Now there are many ways you can do this…”

Cozy then asks her mother, “Uh, okay well I guess maybe we should do this?”

Trixie giggles and says, “Right! Or I could maybe just maybe tickle the bad memories out of you?”

Cozy then says, “Oh no! Let’s go with the therapy!”

Trixie giggles and says, “Okay so there are lots of ways you can choose to look at your old memories Cozy. You can see them as reflections of who you once were and compare them to now so you can see how far you’ve come. I mean, look at you smiling and happy as my little foal now! Aren’t you in a better place since you went through all of that?”

Cozy then starts and says, “Well gee, you know I guess I am feeling a lot better now? Now that you’re um, doing this for me?”

Trixie then says, “And another thing! Don’t think of this as “me doing you a favor” okay little filly?” She then tilts her head to the right and says, “I’m actually starting to like you more and more and the truth is, I really want to do this for you…”

Cozy then looks at Trixie wide eyed and says, “Golly! Y-you really mean it Trix er, mom? You actually want to be my new mommy?”

Trixie then tilts her head to the left and rolls her eyes as she says, “You know, I’ve been telling you that for the past three days right?”

Cozy then looks down again and says, “Well golly gee! It just uh, never really hit me you know? I just kept thinking you were doing what you were supposed to do. Reforming me. But I never actually thought that you cared? Well, I did, but um… You know, this is hard to explain?”

Trixie just giggles and puts her left forehoof over Cozy’s mouth before softly saying, “Sssshh… Hush now my precious foal… You don’t need to say anything…”

Cozy just lets out a faint “Mph!” noise as she feels her mother’s hoof over her mouth.

Trixie then lowers her hoof while smiling at her foal and staring into her eyes. Trixie then says to Cozy, “So now that the Great and Powerful Trixie has captivated yet another audience! An annoying little smartass Pegasus filly!”

Cozy pulls back and then says, “Hey!”

Trixie giggles and continues, “What shall our Great and Powerful breakfast be oh daughter of mine?”

Cozy then says, “Um, I dunno mom? Whatever you want is fine?”

Trixie thinks on this for a few seconds and then says, “Apples it is! I’ll get my usual coffee and I guess you’ll want cider hmm?”

Cozy smiles, nods her head, and says, “Golly! That sounds yummy mom!”

Trixie then says, “Okay oh daughter of mine! I’ll meet you in the foyer!” As she slowly hops out of bed and trots over to her door and uses her magic to open it before trotting out.

Cozy then sits in Trixie’s bed and thinks to herself, “So um, she really cares about me and wants to be my mother? Well she said she wanted a foal or a “legacy” or whatever? I suppose picking me was just a matter of convenience? I mean, she saw my statue at the school everyday and I do remember seeing her sometimes… And as it so happens, she does know the princess who could unfreeze me if convinced to do so?” Cozy then slams her head back into the pillow gently before muttering to herself, “Am I too cynical? Do good ponies actually exist?” ** Cozy then squints her right eye and says, “Well it’s not like my other options are really that great? You know, the most annoying thing about this whole situation is the fact that there’s really no good looking alternatives?”

Cozy then hears a somewhat distant voice from outside the room, “Cozy? Where are you my precious foal?”

Cozy then yells back, “Uh, hang on mom! I’ll be right there!” Before slowly getting out of bed and on the floor to her hooves.

She then trots out the door and out into the foyer to see her mother on the beanbag couch with a few apples, a cup of blond coffee for her (with her face on the mug) and a small glass of cider which she assumes is for her.

She then trots over to the couch on the other side of the small coffee table with the food and drinks on it and sits down next to Trixie. She then looks at her and asks, “Um, mom? Well uh, you’re supposed to guide me right?”

Trixie then stares at Cozy and says, “Well yeah that’s part of the job description? Did you need something?”

Cozy then looks down and says, “Well I keep wondering why you’re doing this? I can’t just tell myself that you’re a good pony and you wanna do good you know? I can’t just tell myself that for “whatever reason”, you actually do love and care about me. I keep thinking there’s some other reason you’re doing this and I know I’m smart and I just can’t think of anything? And that’s another thing I find kind of annoying?”

Trixie just giggles and as she uses her magic to bite into an apple, chews and savors it before swallowing and then she says, “Cozy, no offense, but you’ve been annoyed since the moment we unfroze you. Maybe even sooner?”

Cozy then stares down at Trixie and says, “Well I guess a few things do bother me huh?” She then grabs an apple with her forehooves and starts to happily munch on it.

Trixie raises her right eyebrow and says, “A few?”

Cozy is munching on a piece of apple when she just smiles dimly.

Trixie just giggles and uses her magic to finish up her apple as she munches and then sets the core to the side on the plate and sips her coffee.

Cozy finally finishes the piece in her mouth, gulps it down, and says, “Well okay! A lot of things bother me! This is all so new and I’m not really used to any of this? You know, I really wish somepony would hold my hoof?”

Trixie smiles, puts her left forehoof onto Cozy’s and says, “Yeah like a “parental figure” or something like that? Don’t suppose you know where you could find somepony willing to do that for you?”

Cozy squints and says, “Okay fine! I’ll just ask if I have questions okay?”

Trixie giggles again and says, “That was the point you know?”

Cozy looks down and says, “Golly! For an evil genius, I’m not too bright huh?”

Trixie then hugs Cozy and says, “It’s okay little filly. You’re just not used to this and this is all new to you. It takes time okay?”

Cozy then softly says in the unicorn’s embrace, “Okay mom… I guess I have to?”

Trixie then stops hugging Cozy, goes back to her side of the couch, giggles, and says, “Yeah pretty much!”

Cozy then squints again and says, “You know, that’s also pretty annoying!”

Trixie giggles and says, “Well you finished up your apple and I’m about to munch on my second one now. Did you want another Cozy?”

Cozy looks down and says, “Um, no thanks mom! One apple was fine. I’m uh, not that big you know…” And then uses her forehooves to slowly slurp up her cider as Trixie stares and giggles as she bites into another apple. Cozy sets the cider down with her hooves and says, “What mom?”

Trixie then says, “I was just admiring how adorable you are!”

Cozy’s expression then goes to irritation for maybe two seconds before she finally just says, “Okay I guess I’m cute now too?”

Trixie smiles and says, “But you’ve always been cute Cozy Glow!”

Cozy frowns and says, “Well, when I wanna be, sure!”

Trixie then says, “Actually you’re pretty much always cute Cozy…”

Cozy squints her eyes, sighs, and then widens them again before saying, “Well anyway, now we ate breakfast mom! What’s next?”

Trixie then says, “Well I gotta run some errands in Ponyville today and then I was heading back. Starshine will probably be around this afternoon whenever she finishes up her chores.”

Cozy then says, “So another planned day?”

Trixie smiles again and says, “Well most days are pretty routine Cozy Glow. It’s important that I give you stability and structure.”

Cozy then lowly says, “So it’s all part of the plan huh?”

Trixie giggles and says, “Well, the big plan yes! The little plan is made up on the fly. It’s how I like to do things because little things are very hard to plan in advance since things keep coming up…”

Cozy looks down again and says, “Yeah… Things like my past… Well uh, that’s not little?”

Trixie says, “Well that’s just part of being a reformed villain Cozy! Believe me! I know!”

Cozy then huffs and says, “Okay I get that, but um… Well I wanted to talk about my past again mom? I mean um, if there’s time?”

Trixie then stares at Cozy and asks her, “Oh yeah! We got a few hours! Uh, what is it about your past Cozy? I mean, I know you brought that up earlier?”

Cozy sighs and says, “Well like I said, I don’t know who that filly er, I was back then? Come to think of it, I don’t really know who I am right now either? It’s almost like I just woke up from a nightmare and this is my real life? But um, who was I before?”

Trixie sighs and says, “How about an undeveloped version of you right now?”

Cozy then asks Trixie, “Okay well, who am I now?”

Trixie then says, “Well you’re my daughter! And a pretty neat and adorable filly as well!”

Cozy frowns and thinks on this for maybe 3 seconds before deciding that’s probably the best answer she’s going to get. She then asks Trixie, “But um, is this all real?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Well you tell me Cozy? Does this all seem real to you?”

Cozy then looks around and says, “Okay but I don’t know why I keep thinking about it you know?”

Trixie then twists her mouth and says, “Well obviously there’s something about it that keeps bothering you? Think Cozy! What is it about your past in particular?”

Cozy then looks down and takes a breath before saying, “It’s just the things I did… I guess I find it hard to believe it was actually me now?”

Trixie then looks down and then up before saying, “Well the logical starting point would be to ask yourself what brought you to that point? Why did you do those things?”

Cozy then says, “Well that’s the thing! I don’t think it was just one thing you know? It was probably several things? Like that my parents died, that I didn’t really feel like I belonged anywhere, and then there’s that letter from Tirek…” ***

Trixie then says, “Well trying to take over Equestria is not something most fillies do no? So now you should be asking yourself, what should you have done instead?”

Cozy looks down for 2 seconds and then widens her eyes and says, “Golly! I don’t know?”

Trixie trots over to Cozy and says to her softly, “That’s why I’m here Cozy Glow… To teach you these things…”

Cozy sighs again and says, “You know, I’m smart enough to survive out on my own and I almost took over Equestria… Somehow I never thought I’d ever need a guide?”

Trixie then giggles and says, “Well that’s what happens when your head gets too big Cozy. You don’t wanna listen to anypony else!”

Cozy then has an irritated expression on her face as she says, “I don’t think I was THAT bad?”

Trixie then calmly says, “Megalomaniacal supervillain?”

Cozy then looks more irritated as she says, “Okay! Maybe I had a small ego problem!”

Trixie smiles again and says, “Small Cozy Glow?”

Cozy then just blurts out, “Mom! I really don’t think you’re the right pony to be talking about this to?”

Trixie then giggles and says, “Okay! Okay! Maybe I had an ego myself! But I’m just saying you have to recognize your faults in order to figure out how to get better!”

Cozy then goes back to a normal expression and says, “Well um, okay that makes sense? Alright I had an inflated ego and I probably got a little carried away there?”

Trixie smiles and says, “A little?”

Cozy then stares at her and says, “Mom!”

Trixie giggles and says, “Okay please continue Cozy Glow?”

Cozy then says, “And I guess I got caught up in it you know? Having that kinda power is pretty addictive?”

Trixie then says, “Yeah! Tell me about it! Anyway Cozy, but now you’ve realized the error of your ways and are trying to get better right?”

Cozy then says, “Well um, right! At least I think that’s what I’m doing?”

Trixie giggles and says, “Who knows Cozy? But we’re gonna give it a shot! Ready to go to the bank now my Great and Powerful daughter?”

Cozy then starts and says, “Oh right! Errands! So you needed to go to the bank and then what mom?”

Trixie then says, “Well Starshine was staying for dinner today and they said she needed to be back by 7:30 and so I’ll also need to go to the market for a few things. And then I decided to go by Sugarcube Corner for a treat! And yes Cozy, I’ll get you one too. Well, if you really want one that is?” Trixie then smiles, tilts her head to the side, and looks at the filly.

Cozy then starts and says, “Um, yeah sure mom! That would be great!”

Trixie then says, “Of course!”

Cozy then says, “Well golly! I don’t have that big of a sweet tooth?”

Trixie then smiles at Cozy.

Cozy asks her, “What mom?”

Trixie then softly whispers to Cozy, “Well you just told me to stop calling you on your understatements?”

Cozy then squints when her eyes pop again as she says, “So um, lets go to the bank mom!”

Trixie then uses her magic to fetch her magician’s hat and cape along with her saddlebags and then opens the door before trotting out as she says, “Well let’s go Cozy! The bank is over on the West side of Ponyville near the market district. It makes sense to hit it before we have to carry any groceries.”

Cozy trots out and says, “All planned out huh?”

Trixie then smiles and uses her magic to close the door as she says, “Yeah pretty much! Come on! Let’s go!” As she begins to trot West towards town and continues, “It’s a few minutes walk Cozy. Come on!”

Cozy trots behind her and says, “Okay but since I gotta use my hooves to keep at your pace mom, just remember I’m not that big! I don’t really trot that fast…”

Trixie giggles and says, “Why do you think I’m taking my time?”

Cozy looks down and says, “Well um, could you maybe go slower please mom?”

Trixie then smiles at Cozy and says, “Well okay!” and then slows her pace so that Cozy doesn’t have to trot as fast.

Cozy then pants and says says, “Thanks! You know, since I don’t usually trot around and just fly, I don’t really work out my legs that much?”

Trixie then says, “Well we’re gonna make you better all sorts of ways then aren’t we?”

Cozy frowns and says, “I guess so huh? Hey is that the bank over in the next block? I think I’ve seen it, but I’ve never really had a reason to go in there?”

Trixie then says, “Yes Cozy! That’s the bank over there to our right coming up here… Do you want to wait outside or go inside with me?”

Cozy then thinks on this for a few seconds and looks around to see many ponies around and while she suspects at least one or two of them might be staring at her, she’s actually not sure. She then says to Trixie, “Uh, yeah mom! I’ll stand in line with you!”

Trixie smiles and says, “I knew you would! There are too many ponies out here and you don’t want them staring…”

Trixie and Cozy then trot up the steps to the bank as Cozy says loudly, “You know, that’s also pretty annoying!”

Trixie just giggles maniacally as she uses her magic to open the door and trots in with Cozy close in tow behind her.

They both go inside and are waiting in line behind another pony while a pony in front of him is talking to the teller. Cozy becomes aware of everypony in the area and becomes uncomfortable. She thinks one of them might have been staring, but she’s not sure and she doesn’t want to obviously look. She feels paranoid and wonders if they’re talking about her and if so, what they’re saying?

Cozy then gets even closer to Trixie. Trixie notices this and whispers, “Are you okay Cozy?”

Cozy whispers back to Trixie, “Yeah I’m fine! Really wish this line would hurry up!”

Trixie then whispers, “Relax Cozy! I’m right here…”

Cozy then stares at the pony in front of the line as she finally gets done with her business and starts trotting off on Cozy’s right. Cozy thinks she may have been staring, but she’s not sure. Cozy also starts to believe that maybe she shouldn’t have come in. The next pony in line then steps up to speak with the teller and Trixie and Cozy both step forward to take his place. Another unicorn mare then steps into line behind them. This only agitates the filly even more.

Then Trixie notices the expression on Cozy’s face as she whispers to her, “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather wait outside Cozy?”

Cozy then thinks to herself and she remembers the ponies she saw out there. Then she remembers Trixie isn’t out there and she also doesn’t want her new mother to believe that she’s not tough and so she just says, “No really mom! I’m fine!”

The mare in front of them finishes her business and then steps out of line and trots off back to Cozy’s right. Cozy then thinks that it would be better if she had just stayed home. Where at least it’s safe.

Trixie and a very nervous Pegasus filly then trot up to the teller’s desk and Trixie uses her magic to fetch a deposit slip and a big stack of bits from her saddlebags and puts them on the counter.

While this is going on, Cozy becomes very aware of all of the other ponies in the room. She starts talking to herself in her mind to calm herself, “Don’t worry! It’s just like mom said. They won’t hurt me. I just need to stay calm. It doesn’t matter what they’re saying about me or if they’re staring. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter…” She then closes her eyes and tries to stay calm.

Trixie then says to the teller, “Yes I need to deposit fifty bits into my account please!”

The teller smiles and glances at Cozy before saying, “Certainly Miss Lulamoon!”

Cozy wonders what the glance meant? Probably nothing? She then becomes aware that she’s thinking about things way too much, but she just can’t help it. She then calmly looks around the room to see other ponies working at their desks and another stallion coming through the door. Cozy starts to feel nervous as the teller slides Trixie a receipt with her hoof and Trixie then uses her magic to put that into her saddlebags.

Trixie then looks at Cozy, smiles, and says to her, “Time to for us to depart to the market together daughter!”

Trixie and Cozy both step out of the bank onto the landing of the stone steps at the top and Cozy quickly gallops out and then takes off with her wings as fast as they would carry her off to a park bench across the street in front of it. She then lowers her body to the ground in an almost prone position and begins to breath heavily. ***

Trixie quickly gallops across the street to see a distressed Cozy Glow on the ground breathing hard. She then trots alongside Cozy’s right side so that she’s touching her, brings her left forehoof around the filly, and asks her, “What happened in there Cozy? Are you alright?”

Cozy pants and says softly, “I don’t think I belong in there mom? Um, I want to go home… Uh, if that’s okay m-mom?”

Trixie rubs the back of Cozy’s neck gently with her forehoof and says, “Alright my precious daughter. I think you’ve had enough… Here!” She then uses her magic to float out the key from her saddlebags and she levitates it right in front of Cozy’s mouth and she says, “Bite!”

Cozy bites down on the key to hold it in her mouth.

Trixie then continues, “If you’re ever uncomfortable oh daughter of mine, you need only say the word okay? But now take this key and fly back to the cottage. Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you?

Cozy thinks that she doesn’t wanna disturb Trixie’s plans anymore than she already has when she shakes her head throwing off some of the tears from her face and mumbles from behind the key, “No mom! I’ll be okay!”

Trixie then says, “Very well Cozy Glow… Do you want me to comfort you anymore?”

Cozy then blinks her watery eyes and thinks that she’s been too much of a bother already as she mumbles, “No mom! Go to the market now! I’ll fly back…”

Trixie looks perplexed as she says, “Not until I know you’re safely on your way home daughter!”

Cozy rolls her eyes with the key in her mouth and then turns to face the direction of the cottage and squats down before taking off with her wings. She flies there and doesn’t look back so she has no idea what Trixie did when she left.

She thinks to herself as she’s flying back, “What’s wrong with me? That never happened before? Why am I suddenly so self conscious?”

She lands in front of the door and then uses her forehooves to fetch the key from her mouth and then operates it in the door using her lips. The door opens up softly as Cozy pushes it open. Cozy collects the key with her mouth before trotting in, spitting it out onto the counter and she quickly closes the door and runs to her room.

Once there, she opens the door with her forehooves, trots in, and closes it behind her. She then breaths a heavy sigh of relief. She thinks to herself that this is all new and she’s actually not even sure what happened? She looks at her toys on the bed and says, “Snorkel and Mr. Bearington! I was scared that they were staring and talking about me in the bank! Why is that? I was never scared before?”

The teddy bear looks at her silently as she then says, “Okay maybe I kinda feel bad about the things I did? I’m not sure? I mean, I don’t seem to like the idea of other ponies talking about it and whispering about me?”

She then trots over to the bed and scoots up on it and lays down on her stomach and stares at the wall with a blank expression as she then says to herself, “Sometimes, I think it would be better if they left me as stone? At least I wouldn’t have to deal with all of these fears?” She then turns her head to face the pillow and buries her face into the pillow. ****

She then says out loud while her face is in the pillow, “I don’t like this Snorkel! I don’t like this at all!”

For the nest 45 minutes, the filly doesn’t exactly cry, but she does sometimes make little noises as she falls in and out of consciousness. She’s laying snoozing and half asleep on her side in the fetal position while holding her beloved dolphin to her chest and whispering to her sometimes when she suddenly hears a knock on the door.

Trixie’s muffled voice can be heard from the other side saying, “Cozy! Are you okay? May I come in?”

Cozy raises her head and says, “Uh, sure mom! Come on in!”

The door handle glows and the door opens up to reveal a concerned looking blue unicorn in a magician’s hat and cape. She trots in, uses her magic to shut the door and gets near the bed and then says, “Cozy, what happened back there? Are you okay?”

Cozy lowly says, “Gee mom, I don’t know what happened? I just started worrying about other ponies staring at me and talking about me behind my back and um, I guess I just panicked? Uh, it’s probably too late to turn me back to stone huh?”

Trixie then has a serious tone to her voice as she asks, “Good grief Cozy! You’ve made such wonderful progress! Why would you want to do that?”

Cozy then says more audibly, “Because I’m scared okay! What if they never accept me? What if they don’t like me? What if they never forgive me for what I did and all the trouble I caused? No, I think it’s better if I just stay in here from here on out. At least it’s safe…”

Trixie then moves a little bit closer to the bed and puts her left forehoof on the back of Cozy’s neck and rubs it while saying, “Well you’ll need to do it sooner or later? Perhaps you’re just not ready yet Cozy Glow? Tell you what! You can take all the time you need and just stay here and I’ll take care of you okay?”

Cozy looks over to the side at Trixie, starts to give a dim smile, and says, “Yeah that’s probably for the best? Thanks mom!”

Trixie says, “Anything you need Cozy! I did get you some strawberry candies from Sugarcube Corner. You forgot about that little part of our trip didn’t you?”

Cozy then gets up onto her knees and the bed and brightens up a bit as she says, “Well golly! Thanks mom!”

Trixie then stands up and faces Cozy before she smiles and levitates a small bag of candy from her left saddlebag and onto Cozy’s bed as she then says, “Well I really did want to get you a treat today?”

Cozy then looks perplexed as she says, “You really do care about me huh?”

Trixie then says, “Well of course! Why wouldn’t I Cozy Glow?”

Cozy decides not to go down this road again as she then says, “Um, yeah okay so I guess I should just stay home then? Um, at least for right now?” She then looks at Trixie with another dim smile on her face.

Trixie says, “If that’s what you need precious daughter!”

Cozy’s face quickly goes to irritation and then to calm again as she says, “Well mom? I know it’s not even lunch yet, but right now, I’d really like a nap?”

Trixie then says, “You just had a light snooze before I arrived, but if you’re really tired?”

Cozy then says lowly, “Well maybe still a little bit? But I’d rather be asleep for right now okay? Things are just well, they’re easier to deal with when I’m asleep!”

Trixie then looks down and says, “Um, okay Cozy. If that’s what you want to do. But I’ll be outside if you need me okay?”

Cozy smiles and says, “Thanks mom!”

Trixie then trots out of the room and turns to face Cozy and smiles as she uses her magic to gently shut the door.

Cozy then lays on her back with her head on her two pillows and says to nopony in particular, “I still wonder why it has to be this way you know? I mean, here and now? And after all this time?” Cozy then goes on her side grabs her dolphin to her chest and gently starts to fall asleep.

Later, Cozy opens her eyes to see she’s still in the same room and nothing has changed. She sees it’s about 11:47 on the clock on her nightstand and then she rolls back to her back and lays her head back on the pillow before saying, “Golly it was really bad in there. I still don’t know why I just keep thinking about it?”

She then goes back to her side and looks at her dolphin as she says, “Snorkel, I know I’m not bad anymore… Now I’m starting to wonder if I ever really was? I mean, I did all of those things for selfish reasons… I know this, but um, is it wrong to want to be okay? I just wanted power so I could finally have control over my life…”

Cozy then closes her eyes and softly whispers to herself, “I know I need to do this… And I will… But…” She closes her eyes as far as they will go and tears just start to form underneath as she then says, “But not right now… Not yet… I’m just not ready…” A tear slowly goes down the right side of the filly’s face as she reaches out and begins to hug her dolphin with her hooves.

She then asks Snorkel, “Why does it hurt sometimes when I think about it now? I think I know what I did was wrong, but I’m still not sure what I’m supposed to be doing yet?”

Cozy then closes her eyes again and says, “Maybe I was too hasty? I mean, Tirek made it all sound so wonderful you know? Well, I guess I need to figure out what I’m doing here? Well, I’m trying to get better right? But if I’m not bad, do I really need to be reformed? I haven’t done any bad things in quite awhile now actually?”

She then says, “Yeah… They covered that quite thoroughly earlier…” She then starts to drift back to sleep…

Later, she opens her eyes again and she’s now sprawled across her bed. “Golly! I need to make this thing again!” Then she sees it’s 12:17 on her clock and she says, “I should probably check on mom? It’s about lunch time…”

She trots out of her room into the foyer to see Trixie there with a plate of mangos and bananas waiting for her. Trixie smiles and says, “Well rise and shine sleeping beauty! Did you rest well?”

Cozy slowly trots into the room to the beanbag couch and says, “Yeah I think so? Sorry about sleeping for so long mom…”

Trixie just says, “That’s quite alright daughter! So tell me, why didn’t you like the bank?”

Cozy looks down and says, “Well I kept thinking about the other ponies around me… I didn’t want them staring at me or talking about me behind my back… It um, gets to me…”

Trixie just says, “That’s okay Cozy. These things take time… Anyway, try this!” She then uses her magic to levitate a glass of a red juice over to Cozy.

Cozy suddenly thinks that this is really just a ploy to distract her again but she decides to just grab the glass in her forehooves and to drink it down her throat anyway. It’s flavorful and crisp going down her throat. She’s pretty sure she tastes blueberry, blackberry, and raspberry juices in the cup.

Cozy then sets the glass now half empty onto the coffee table and smacks her lips as she says, “Golly that sure is yummy mom!”

Trixie then giggles and says, “I know! I’ve been buying that stuff for years. Anyway, you said you liked mangos the other day and so I decided to give you something I know you like…”

Cozy then looks down and says, “That’s fine mom!” And then she looks up and grabs one of the mangos with her forehooves and starts to happily munch on it.

Trixie smiles and just says, “I know you have issues Cozy and that’s why I’m here for you… But I just can’t get over how wonderful and cute you are!”

Cozy then has an irritated expression on her face as she sets the mango down and says, “Okay maybe I’m cute whether I want to be or not! I get it mom!”

Trixie just giggles and asks, “What’s wrong Cozy?”

Cozy then squints her right eye as she says, “Um, nothing mom!” She then picks up the mango again and begins to happily munch on it with a smiling Trixie right there next to her. She then finishes her mango and grabs the half glass of juice with her forehooves and slurps it down her throat.

While this is going on, Trixie uses her magic to open a banana and eat it before floating her glass of juice to her lips and then politely sipping it to wash the banana down her throat.

Cozy then smiles and says, “Thanks mom! Uh, can we have something other than mangoes for lunch tomorrow though? I really like em a lot, but um, that’s too much mango…”

Trixie smiles back at her foal and says, “Of course Cozy!”

Cozy then happily says, “Thanks mom!” And then she looks down with a somber expression before saying, “Um, mom? I have a lot of my mind and would like to color now…” She then looks up at Trixie with a dim smile.

Trixie then smiles and says, “Of course daughter! Whatever you feel you need to do! Go color now and play with your toys!”

Cozy then says, “Okay mom!” And then gets off the couch to her hooves and trots back to her room shutting the door behind her.

Once in the room, Cozy trots over to the bed and grabs the pillows one after the other with her mouth and sets it on the floor. She then trots over and gets two coloring books with her mouth and sets them next to the pillows before doing the same with her crayons. She then trots over and sits on her stomach on the pillow and opens one of the books with her hooves. She sees a Storm Crusher coloring page there, but decides to leave that for Starshine and color the other page on the right instead. She sets the crayons down over Storm Crusher with her mouth, opens it with her hooves, and grabs a blue crayon in her lips and starts to color the page.

Cozy colors like this for about 45 minutes when she hears a knock on her door. “It’s me Starshine” says a muffled voice from behind it.

Cozy spits an orange crayon out of her mouth and says, “Come in Starshine!” Says Cozy as she sits on her tummy on top of both pillows.

The doorknob glows a blue color and then the door opens to reveal the dark purple body and white mane of Starshine there smiling and wearing saddlebags. She trots in and uses her magic to close the door before facing Cozy and saying, “Hiya bestie!”

(To be continued in the next chapter…)

Chapter Eight: Waking Up part 2

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Day 25 (cont.):

Cozy Glow smiles and says, “Hi Starshine!” as the deep purple unicorn filly trots in.

Starshine hugs Cozy tightly and says, “Trixie told me you had a bad time earlier! Are you okay Cozy?”

Cozy nervously returns the hug before looking down, and saying, “Yeah we were at the bank and um, I had a bad time…”

Starshine straightens herself out and says, “Well what happened Cozy? Are you okay?

Cozy stares blankly at Starshine. "Um, well I uh… I was worried okay?”

Starshine then takes a step towards Cozy as she asks, “What were you worried about, Cozy?”

“Well, you know how I did bad things before and well, I guess I’m worried that they’re talking about me or staring? I don’t like it! It makes me nervous and I keep thinking about every little thing I do. Even a twitch from my body I can’t control really upsets me and I keep hoping nopony is staring at me.” *

Starshine then lowers her shoulders and asks Cozy, “Well I’m staring at you right now. Does that worry you Cozy?”

Cozy shakes her head. “Um no, not really? I mean, I know you and you’re my friend! I know you already think good things about me… Well, I think so?”

Starshine smiles and says, “Sure Cozy! But um, you don’t know about those other ponies huh? I guess that’s what you’re worried about?”

Cozy looks down, “Yeah I guess so? I talked to mom about it already and she said it’s okay for me to stay home until I’m ready to go out again…”

“Well that’s good, Cozy! I don’t want you to do anything you’re not ready for.”

“I don’t get it! This never bothered me before,”

“Well then, I guess something must’ve changed?”

“I don’t know what that might be...”

“Well you have been trying to get reformed after all of the awful things you did, right?” Starshine shuts her eyes and sticks her snout out. “Oh crap!"

Starshine stands there with her snout out for a moment, before opening her eyes and looking at Cozy to see that her brows furrowed with a blank expression on her face. She finally asks Cozy, “Um, aren’t you gonna boop me?”

The realization hits the young Pegasus in a flood. She feels remorse and wishes she hadn’t done the things that she did. She truly wished at that moment that she could take it all back. She then says to her friend, “Uh, Starshine. I’m not okay…”

“W-what do you mean Cozy?”

Cozy looks down and says, “I’m not okay Starshine! I just keep thinking about it! I want it to stop! I just want it all to stop!”

Starshine hugs Cozy and then whispers to her friend, “It’s okay Cozy… You’re safe now…”

“Yeah I know… I know I’m safe, but…” Cozy starts to pant heavily, “I just keep wondering about the “mystery filly” who took over the School of Friendship you know? I mean, who was she?”

Starshine then goes back to all fours and looks down before back up and saying, “Well uh, okay follow me here Cozy! What if, you don’t need to know?”

Cozy then squints her right eye and raises her left eyebrow as she says, “W-what do you mean?”

Starshine then smiles at Cozy and says, “Well think about it! Even if you knew at this point, exactly who that filly was, what difference would it really make? You got a new mommy, you got a new best friend, and you got a nice new room to play and live in! You can stay here until you’re ready to go out. What exactly is the problem anymore? Maybe instead of dwelling on all that awful stuff, you should just I dunno, try being happy instead?”

Cozy frowns and says, “So uh, just forget about it then? Like it never happened?”

“Exactly Cozy! Just live your life from this point on and don’t worry about all the bad stuff anymore! You gotta admit, it’s not really doing you a lot of good is it?”

“You know, that’s actually a really good point Starshine. But…” Cozy looks down and says, “Why can’t I stop thinking about it?”

Starshine then looks at Cozy sternly as she says, “I don’t know Cozy, but I do know one thing. You’re my best friend and I’m always gonna be there for you.”

At that point, something snapped in the Pegasus filly’s mind. She then says, “Um, S-Starshine? Please hug me…”

Starshine hugs her tightly.

Cozy whispers in Starshine’s ear, “Thank you so much my wonderful friend! I’m so glad you’re here!”

“No problem Cozy! We’re gonna go slow and you take as long as you need to okay?”

“Okay Starshine!”

At that point, there’s a knock-on Cozy’s door. Trixie trots in and greets them, “Hi fillies! Was just coming to check up on you and make sure you’re okay. How are you feeling Cozy, uh, you two are hugging again!”

At that point, Cozy gently shoves Starshine off of her and looks at her mother before saying, “Well yeah we uh, were just talking about stuff mom…”

Trixie raises her left eyebrow and says, “You two certainly seem to hug and cuddle a lot!”

Cozy looks down and says, “I don’t know if it’s any more than usual I uh…” She then closes her eyes and says, “I like to not feel alone…”

Trixie says, “What Cozy?”

Starshine suddenly interjects and says, “Uh, well that’s mostly me Trixie!” She then diddles her right forehoof into the floor and blushes a little as she says, “I um, like hugging. It’s just that well, being an only child, I didn’t really have anypony to interact with you know?”

Trixie then rolls her eyes and says, “Well that’s fine Starshine!” and then looks at Cozy as she asks, “Anyway, are you okay Cozy?”

Cozy looks at the floor and says, “Yeah I think so? This is so weird. I mean, these things never bothered me before you know. It’s almost like everything bad I ever did suddenly came back at me all at once?”

Trixie’s mouth curves before she says, “Well we’ll figure these things out okay, Great and Powerful daughter? I said I was going to be your new mother and I meant every word…”


Cozy stares at Trixie with wide eyes and she says, “Golly! So, I guess I have all kinds of support huh? Um, mom? What was it like when you were reformed?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Well it was actually a very slow gradual process for me. You see, after I saw all the trouble I had caused with the Alicorn Amulet, I fled Ponyville and didn’t return for some time. Then shortly after I started going back there, I met Starlight Glimmer in the Ponyville Spa and well, we hit it off very well together!”

Cozy scrunches her nose and says, “Um, what does Starlight have to do with your reformation mom?”

Trixie smiles as she says, “Well that’s just it Cozy! I wasn’t entirely reformed just yet and the truth was…” she looks down, “I was just befriending Starlight to get back at Twilight… Well at first, I was, but then when we started being together and being friends, it just well, made me change my mind.”

Cozy says, “Oh gee mom! So you just liked being with her huh?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Yeah it was so great to just not be alone anymore! Anyway, eventually me and Starlight worked it out and we’re still the best of friends to this day!”

Cozy looks down and says, “Yeah like how Starshine makes me feel not alone huh?”

(Starshine begins smiling at Cozy now)

Trixie says, “Exactly Cozy! Just having somepony there for you can make all the difference!”

“Um, I guess so?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Right! Anyway, I was about to go make dinner, but are you two okay now? Do you need anything?”

Cozy smiles, “No we’re fine mom!”

“Okay, well I’ll be in the kitchen if you need anything!”

The two fillies listen to hoofsteps getting softer before Cozy looks at Starshine and says, “Um, you cut me off when I was trying to explain that I like…”

Starshine cuts her off again as she says, “Cozy, I know you don’t like to admit it so just stop okay?” She smiles, tilts her head to the left, and continues, “You know I really don’t mind hugging and cuddling you right?”

Cozy just closes her eyes and giggles with her head down before saying, “Yeah I guess I am acting kinda silly, huh?”

“Yeah! You really should just admit that you like being held and cuddled! It’s okay Cozy! I really don’t mind! In fact, um, I kinda like it!” Starshine trots over to Cozy and embraces her in a tight warm hug.

Cozy smiles and hugs her friend back before they both go back to all fours. Cozy says, “Well uh, what do you want to do Starshine?”

Starshine looks up and scrunches her mouth before saying, “I dunno Cozy?” And then a spark of inspiration hits the young unicorn’s mind as she uses her magic to make Mr. Bearington glow and says, “Rawr Cozy Glow! I’m gonna give you a bear hug!”

Cozy giggles and gallops to the other side of the room while squealing, “Oh no!”


Starshine’s face strains as she moves the bear towards Cozy and she corners her against the side wall.

Cozy then says, “You better stay back Mr. Bearington! I have hugs of my own!”

Starshine then says out of the side of her mouth, “Your weak Pegasi filly hugs are no match for my bear hugs!”

Cozy screams as Starshine stresses and uses her magic to make the teddy bear hug the little Pegasus.

Cozy screams in happy excitement as the door flies open to reveal a blue unicorn. Trixie quickly says, “I heard screaming! Is everything okay?”

Starshine then drops the bear on the laughing Pegasus and says, “Oh no Miss Trixie! We were just playing!”

Trixie sighs and says, “Oh! Thank goodness! You know, having a foal really makes me worry a lot!”

Cozy stops giggling, looks at Trixie, and says, “Yeah I’m sorry mom! I didn’t mean to worry you!”

“It’s okay Cozy! You two were just having fun and worrying about you is my job now. You’re my responsibility you know?”

“Well I guess so, huh? And um, you accepted because uh, you care about me?”

Trixie says, “Right Cozy!”

“Well okay, I guess I get that now…”

“Great! Took you long enough! You’re smart Cozy, but very stubborn!”

Cozy scrunches her mouth and nose and squints her eyes.

Trixie giggles and says, “Anyway, dinner will be ready shortly little ponies! Just come out whenever you’re ready!” She then trots out of Cozy’s door and uses her magic to shut it.

Cozy looks at Starshine and says, “Golly! I guess we were getting kinda loud huh?”

“Yeah I guess when you’re playing and having fun, you don’t really think about things like that?”

“Yeah… Hey I saved you some Storm Crusher pictures in my coloring book! Wanna color Starshine?”

“Sure! Uh, I didn’t do anything nice for you Cozy?”

“That’s fine Starshine!”

“Okay, but if I find any unicorn pictures, I’m saving them for you to color!”

“Deal!” Cozy trots over to her dresser and gets out some coloring books and takes them to the center of the room with her mouth. She says to Starshine, “Hey put down some pillows for us Starshine!”

“You got it Cozy Glow!” Starshine then uses her magic to move pillows to the center of the room but furrows her brows and scrunches her nose as she does it.

“Uh, Starshine? you okay?”

“Yeah, moving that bear earlier kinda stressed my magic. I’m just a foal you know!”

“Oh okay! Well if you need anything while you’re recovering Starshine, just let me know!”

“Thanks! But I should be okay in about two hours…”

Cozy trots over to her dresser and fetches the crayons with her mouth before trotting back to the center of the room with Starshine and the pillows. Then she trots back to her dresser and does the same with her coloring books.

The two fillies color and chat for the better part of ninety minutes, talking, laughing, and playing before the door opens again and they see Trixie, “Dinner was ready 30 minutes ago! It’s getting cold now! Are you two gonna eat?”

Cozy giggles and says, “Oh yeah! Sure mom! Uh, Starshine? You wanna eat now?”

Starshine smiles at Cozy and says, “Sure Cozy!”

The two fillies both get up and start trotting towards the door as Trixie shakes her head and says, “You two seem to play and have so much fun together! It’s almost like you’re best friends or something?”

Cozy says, “Yeah weird huh?”

The two fillies all trot out into the living area and onto the beanbag couch. Trixie trots out and over to the kitchen area where she uses her magic to levitate a big pizza tray and brings it over to the coffee table as she trots out to that area. She then says, “I made pizza tonight fillies! Feta cheese and spinach! I hope you like it!”

Cozy scrunches her nose and mouth as she says, “Spinach is gross mom! I don’t wanna eat that!”

Starshine says, “Just try it Cozy! Trust me! It’s really good!”

“Well uh, okay Starshine!”

Trixie cuts the pizza up. “I’m still not used to actually needing plates, but I got them! Hang on!” Tongue sticking out, she concentrates hard as she levitates 3 small plates over from the cabinet and sets them down onto the table.

“Golly! I guess magic takes a lot of concentration huh?”

Trixie says, “Well it depends on how fresh you are Cozy. When I wake up, it’s a lot easier than later in the evening when I’m about to go to sleep.”

Cozy smiles and says, “Oh okay! Well I guess that makes sense!” She then picks up her slice of pizza with her forehooves and starts to chew. She gulps it down, looks at her friend, and says, “Hey! You were right Starshine! This pizza is really yummy!”

Starshine smiles and says, “Told ya!” and then uses her magic to take a bite of her slice.

Trixie chuckles and uses her magic to levitate the pizza to her mouth and she takes a bite out of it. Starshine and Cozy both munch on their pizzas some more before the Trixie finally asks them, “So you two have been friends for awhile now. Are you enjoying each other’s company?”

Cozy says, “Well yeah, I mean, it’s nice um, not to be alone all the time and to have somepony there to talk to me. Um, I wasn’t really used to that…”

Trixie smiles and says, “Exactly why I felt you needed to experience it as part of your reformation, Cozy. You have to see that there are other ways to do things and the best way to do that was to give you a friend!”

Cozy squints and says, “Okay I get that, but um… Mom? What now?”

Then the dinner table stops as Starshine stops eating and starts paying attention. Trixie then smiles and says, “Simple Cozy… Now you remember when your parents house burned down and you had to survive right? Well, by adopting you and giving you a place here, now you can explore yourself… Cozy Glow, now we get to find out who you really are!”

Cozy starts and says, “But um, I thought I was your daughter and that’s all I needed to know?”

Trixie then says, “Yes, but what kind of daughter are you? What’s your personality like? What do you do for fun? We already know most of these things you know?”

Cozy then says, “Um, yeah we both know what I like to do and I guess we know my personality as well… But uh, what sort of daughter am I? Well um, I guess I need to be a daughter for a bit before we know that huh?”

Trixie says, “Right Cozy! Well you’re cute and a smartass and so we know that much!”

Cozy scrunches her mouth a bit before deciding to ignore that and starts eating her pizza again.

Starshine is done with her slice when she then uses her magic to wipe off her face with a nearby napkin and says, “Um, Miss Trixie! Can I have another slice please?”

Trixie smiles, “Certainly Starshine!” then carves off another slice, floats that to Starshine's plate.

Cozy says, “Okay so um, mom. Is that all we’re doing right now? I mean, I thought we were reforming me right?”

Trixie says, “Well yes Cozy, but that’s the thing. Reformation is a gradual process that takes place one day at a time. We can’t just expect you to be good overnight!”

Starshine then rubs her belly with her right forehoof and says, “Um, Cozy. I’m full. Would you like the rest of my slice?”

Cozy looks to see there’s maybe half a slice there before saying, “Sure Starshine! I’ll take it off your hooves!”

Starshine smiles and levitates the pizza over. Cozy smiles, picks up the pizza with her forehooves, and starts to happily munch on it.

Trixie then says, “Anyway, filly cuteness aside, (Cozy Glow squints) basically what we have to do now, Cozy is to give you a new identity. Now that we’ve taken out what you used to be you see…”

Cozy frowns, “But how do I know if I’ll like this filly you want me to become?”

“Well, you know, there’s really only one way to find out right? Besides! It’s not like you yourself don’t get to decide a lot of this stuff! I mean, you’re not a robot pony, right?”

Cozy smiles and rubs her chest fluff with her right forehoof and says, “Um, no? I think I’m a real pony mom!”

Then Trixie continues, “Right Cozy! So I need to give you some room to be yourself!”

“Thanks mom!”

“Your sweet adorable self!”

Cozy says, “Yeah I know…”

“Your cute adorable precious self Cozy!”

Cozy snaps, “Mom! Knock it off!”

Trixie giggles before using her magic to finish up the last of her pizza crust.

Cozy finishes the rest of Starshine's piece to the crust before rubbing her belly with her left forehoof. “Golly mom! That was really good! But I can't eat another bite!”

Trixie smiles and takes the crust from Cozy with her magic, sets it on Cozy’s plate, and then floats all of them into the kitchen sink. She then looks at the pizza pan and gently uses her magic to slowly lift it to the kitchen counter.

Cozy then looks at Starshine and says, “Oh golly gee! I almost forgot!”

Starshine looks at Cozy and asks her, “What did you forget Cozy?”

Cozy then quickly reaches forth her right forehoof and presses it on Starshine’s nose as she loudly says, “BOOP!”

Starshine twitches her nose and says, “Um, okay Cozy! You’re right! I really did have that one coming!” And she giggles shortly before Cozy joins her.

Trixie giggles and says, “You two are cute together!”

Cozy sighs and Starshine giggles as she said, “What’s wrong Cozy?”

Cozy looks down and says, “I don’t know? I mean, when I’m actually trying to be cute, it’s different. But being cute for no reason kind of weirds me out?”

Starshine then says, “Uh, Cozy, have you looked in a mirror? You’re adorable!”

Cozy frowns and says, “Well okay, but I always just thought that was how I wanted other ponies to see me you know? As an adorable Pegasus filly. I never thought it was actually me!”

Starshine smiles and says, “Well guess what Cozy? That is you! You’re cute! And the pony you see in the mirror is actually you!”

Cozy smiles as she says, “Thanks Starshine! You’re pretty cute yourself you know?”

Starshine says, “Not as cute as you!”

Cozy then says, “No you!”

Starshine giggles and says, “Cozy! You’re cuter than me! Now am I gonna have to tickle you until you realize that?”

Cozy then says, “I’m not scared!”

Starshine then says, “You better be!” before lunging on top of her friend and they both fall off giggling the beanbag couch.

Starshine starts to vigorously tickle Cozy before Cozy squeals, “Stop it! Stop it! I wasn’t ready!”

The two fillies roll over when Trixie glances at the clock on the wall and says, “Starshine! You were supposed to be back by 7:30 right? Well it’s 7:06 now! You gotta go soon!”

Starshine stops tickling Cozy and says, “Okay Miss Trixie,”

“Not before I get revenge!” Cozy begins to emphatically tickle her friend.

Starshine giggles as she says, “Okay stop it! Stop it Cozy! I’ve had enough!”

Cozy lets Starshine up. “Golly Starshine! We sure had a lot of fun today huh?”

“Yeah we sure did Cozy!”

“And now you gotta go… Well um, see you later Starshine!” She then trots over and hugs her friend.

Starshine smiles and hugs her friend back. She holds Cozy for as long as she can before finally saying, “Uh, Cozy? I can’t stay like this forever you know?”

Cozy smiles and says, “Neither can I! But I want it to last!” Before holding Starshine as tight as her little leg muscles would let her and then going back to all fours and looking down before saying, “Sorry… Um, I just like that okay?”

Starshine then moves her left forehoof to Cozy’s chin to bring her face up to look at her and she says, “Hey Cozy! It’s okay! I know you like hugging and cuddling! Now I really need to start walking home, but I’ll be back soon! Probably tomorrow okay?”

Cozy smiles and says, “Okay Starshine! Be careful going home!”

Starshine says, “I will Cozy!” and then opens the door with her magic before stepping out, turning to face Cozy, and smiles as she shuts the door.

Cozy then turns to face her mother and says, “Golly that sure was fun! Um, so what now mom?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Well now, I’ll go do the dishes right quick before we have after dinner coffee and chat! Well, you’ll have cocoa, but still…”

Cozy stares at the floor and says, “So just like old times huh? Gee, I really wonder if I’ve actually changed you know? I mean, I’m always thinking of ways to be bad again, but I just don’t do it anymore?” **

“Well that’s the thing Cozy. You need to get into a new mindset for us to actually reform you. I mean, otherwise you’re eventually gonna go back you know?”

“Yeah you’re probably right mom? Um, okay…”

“You know, those dishes aren’t gonna do themselves? I should go wash them now! You stay here Cozy!”

Cozy smiles and says, “Okay! I love you mom!”

Cozy, while Trixie is washing the dishes, looks down and sees there's a little juice left in her glass. She uses her forehooves to quickly chug the last few ounces and then sets it back down. She thinks to herself before grabbing the glass with her forehooves again and then taking off with her wings to fly to the kitchen where she sees Trixie standing behind the sink, using her magic to scrub the dishes off with a sponge one at a time. Cozy puts her glass in the soapy water.

Trixie looks up, “Thank you Cozy!”

Cozy smiles down at her mother and says, “No problem mom!” and then flies back to the foyer. She lands on the beanbag couch and sits there patiently waiting for her mother to return.

A few minutes later, Trixie walks back into the foyer holding two mugs in her magic. She floats Cozy’s cocoa over to the table near her and sits down at the table next to her.

Cozy slurps some coca before setting the mug back down, wiping her mouth with her forehoof, “That pizza sure was yummy mom! Thanks!”

“Well, l want you to try all sorts of new things Cozy! Like maybe, not being evil?”

Cozy looks down and giggles as she says, “Mom, I’m not stupid! We already went over why I did what I did! I mean, without those things here, that shouldn’t happen again right?”

“Well in theory, no? But you never know what could cause you to think bad thoughts again! Believe me! I know! Befriending Starlight specifically to get revenge on Twilight wasn’t exactly a nice thing to do right? But I admit that’s why I did it! Well, at first…”

“But Starlight made you think differently?”

“Exactly Cozy Glow! By giving me friendship, I mean real friendship like what you and Starshine have, she made me realize that I actually don’t have to be alone anymore… And you know, you don’t need to be either right Cozy?”

Cozy looks down and says, “I guess not, huh?” She slurps some more cocoa before setting it back down. “You know I’ve been thinking mom… Well if you’re trying to figure me out like you said, I guess I’ll be willing to give it a shot?”

“What do you think we’re doing Cozy? You gotta admit, you haven’t exactly been uncooperative.”

Cozy furrows her brow and says, “And that’s another thing I find annoying! Despite thoughts in my head telling me not to, I just keep following you! And I’m not sure why!”

Trixie smiles, “How about because you love me?”

“I-I love you? Uh, golly! What makes you say that mom?”

Trixie replies, “Well how about because I gave you a home and a loving mother? You gotta admit Cozy, it’s a lot better than being alone, right?”

“Golly it sure is! So now that life isn’t so hard, I won’t be bad anymore?”

“That's the best-case scenario, Cozy, but things don't always work quite that way. Remember not to act on those bad thoughts. Trust me! They start to go away after awhile, but they’re always gonna be there…” ***

Cozy happily slurps down the rest of her cocoa. “You got it mom!”

At this point, Trixie giggles and Cozy says, “Okay fine! I guess I’m cute now whether I want to be or not!”

“What’s the matter Cozy?”

“Nothing!” She then crosses her forehooves in front of her chest again and mutters to herself, “I just couldn’t win! It couldn’t be done! And now I just have to be cute! There’s literally no other way!”

Trixie nods her head to the ground and puts her right forehoof over her eyes as she starts to giggle uncontrollably.

Cozy then moves her forehooves back to her sides and says, “Well uh, mom? I’m getting kinda sleepy now. It’s been a very long day!”

Trixie glances at the clock on the wall and says, “Well, it’s almost nine now, Cozy! You know that's your bedtime, right?

“Oh I have a bedtime now? Okay mom!” She then leans over and hugs her mother tightly before saying, “I love you mom!” and then getting off the couch and trotting off to her room over on the other end of the foyer. She looks back and says, “Um mom?”

Trixie looks up at her daughter and asks, “Yes Cozy?”

“Um, is this the way things are supposed to be?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Yes Cozy… Everything is the way it’s supposed to be now…”

Cozy smiles back at Trixie and says, “Thanks mom!”

Trixie smiles back at her and says, “Goodnight Cozy! Rest well!”

Cozy trots into her room. She then shuts the door and crawls into bed. She gets underneath the covers and pulls her dolphin to her chest, whispering to it, “So, I guess the bad stuff is over now, huh? Golly! I’m safe and warm now and I guess I’m starting over again? It still seems weird after all this time, but I’m actually not even sure what “normal” is anymore so uh, I guess we’re doing this thing after all then…”

She hugs the dolphin to her chest and softly falls asleep under her covers. The bear vigilantly stands watch over her at the head of her bed…

Night 25:

Cozy stirs in her sleep a few hours later in the dark. She starts to dream once more…

Cozy stands in a field. She knows this place as it wasn’t too far from her parent’s cottage. “Hey! There weren’t supposed to be any more nightmares! I get it! I’m not the filly who took over Equestria! I’m not evil! Why is this still happening?”

She then hears a soft feminine voice from behind her say, “This is no nightmare, Cozy Glow!”

She turns to see Princess Luna and furrows her brow, “Then why am I here?”

“Because I wanted to speak with you, Cozy Glow.”

Cozy frowns and says, “Why?”

“Because you’re very special Cozy!”

“Well I don’t care! I made a mistake and now I’m trying to fix myself. Bad things happened and I need to heal…”

“You are right Cozy, but there are things you still need to do…”

“Forget it! I don’t want to be special okay? I just want to live my life!”

“We shall see…” The dream then fades away and Cozy is once again enveloped in peaceful darkness as she falls back under…

Chapter Nine: Reformation

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Day 26:

Cozy Glow slowly opens her eyes the next morning. She’s not sure how long she’s slept, but she feels very groggy as she looks over at her nightstand clock that says 9:21. She starts and says, “Golly! I usually don’t sleep this late. Hey! Where’s mom? She normally wakes me up by now!”

She moves her big teddy bear out of her way so she can make it to the floor where she lands on her hooves. She then flies across the house. As she quietly glides through the air, Cozy doesn’t see her beloved mother anywhere and this only unnerves her even more.

She lands in front of the master bedroom door and calls out, “Uh, mom? Where are you?”

She suddenly hears a barely audible murmur on the other side saying, “I’m in here sweetie!”

Trixie’s bedroom door opens to reveal Cozy who then stares at the unicorn on the bed and says, “Uh, mom? You don’t look so great?”

Trixie mutters out, “Ugh! I don’t feel so great either Cozy… Um, I think I’m sick today?”

“Uh, yeah! Okay mom!” Cozy snaps to attention, “Erm, what should I do?”

Trixie coughs and sputters before saying softly, “Well uh, my throat is really dry and sore. Would you mind making some tea for me baby?”

“Right away mom!” Cozy gives a solute with her right forehoof before turning to fly out towards the kitchen. She is now on a mission! She knows she saw the tea in the cabinet and if she can just find the kettle, she’ll be in business!

Cozy lands in front of the pantry and opens it with her hooves to see inside. She looks up the shelves one at a time to finally find the teakettle at the top. “Oh of course it’s gonna be on the top!” She says to herself before determinedly floating up to the top using her wings with her tongue out the right side of her mouth. She reaches the top and flitters forward just enough to grab the kettle with her forehooves and then backs up before swooping over to the sink. She sets it down there, pops open the kettle, and operates the knobs with her hooves to get the water flowing for a few seconds before turning it off and closing the cap and then flying it over to the stove. She sets it on the burner and turns it on high, knowing it will boil soon that way. She then flies over to the other cabinet to fetch a magenta teacup with swirly hot pink designs on the sides.

She sets it down on the counter and lands before staring at it as the water heats up. She then looks down and frowns before saying, “You know, I bet this tea would brew a lot better if it had a teabag?” And then she flies back over to the pantry to fetch the tea where she saw it on the middle shelf.

The kettle begins to whistle as she’s flying back with the box of tea in her hooves. “Gosh darn it! Don’t whistle just yet! I’m not ready!” she says with her tongue now out the left side of her mouth as she floats over to the counter.

She lands on the counter before using her mouth to open the box and getting a teabag out with her hooves to set it inside the teacup and she made sure the string is hanging out the side before hurriedly flying back to the stove to carefully get the handle of the noisy teakettle with her hooves. She knows she can’t touch the metal right now without being burned and is careful not to do that as she slowly hovers back over to the cup on the counter and opens the cap to pour the boiling hot water into the cup.

Sweat begins to form on the little Pegasus’s brow as she brings the kettle back up from pouring and flies it over to the stovetop on the other burner. She gently lowers herself in the air to drop the kettle onto the burner when it suddenly starts to slip in her left forehoof. She quickly compensates and regains control to gently lower the pot. After that, she hovers over the knob of the stove and uses her forehooves to turn it off before landing back on the floor. She wipes her brow with her right forehoof as she says to herself, “That sure was a lot of work! I hope mom likes her tea!”

Trixie’s bedroom door opens again to reveal a smiling pink Pegasus filly balancing a cup of warm tea on a saucer on her snout. Cozy trots in carefully before setting the tea on the counter and saying, “Hope you like it mom!”

Trixie smiles and says, “Thank you Cozy! You’re very helpful!”

“Oh golly gee mom! It’s the least I could do! Try it!”

Trixie carefully takes a sip. “This is very good Cozy! Could use some lemon, but that’s okay! I can just drink it like this!”

Cozy frowns and says, “Oh no mom! You’re sick and you should get everything you want! Set it back down and don’t touch it again until I say so!”, before purposefully trotting out the door, leaving a giggling Trixie behind.

A few minutes later, Cozy flies back into the room and hovers over Trixie’s teacup that’s now back on her nightstand. Her cheeks puff out in concentration and there’s focus in her eyes as she pours some lemon into the teacup with her hooves and then brings it back up from pouring. After that, she flies out the door again and back towards the kitchen to put the lemon juice up.

Cozy flies back into Trixie’s room and lands next to her bed smiling and panting just as Trixie is using magic and her spoon to stir the tea her loving daughter just brought her. “Okay mom! Just stir and it should be good to drink now!”

Trixie giggles and says, “You’re so considerate little filly! Thank you!” before sipping her tea and smiling at her daughter.

“Well you’re sick and you should get everything you want!” Cozy says as she primly straightens her face.

Trixie giggles some more and says, “Thanks Cozy! I need to rest now okay. Starshine should be here later and you can go play until she arrives…”

“Okay mom!” Cozy says before trotting out the door and turning to face her mother. “You just yell if you need anything okay?”

“You got it Cozy! I love you! Now have fun!”

“I love you too mom!” Cozy says before she shuts the door with her right forehoof and then takes off with her wings to fly across the house back to her room.

She lands in front of her door, operates the knob with her mouth, and trots back in.

Cozy then proceeds to read book 3 of the Dragon-Corn series while sitting with her back on a pillow propped up against the wall on her bed. She thinks to herself, “You know, when I was helping other ponies before, it was different. I knew that I was only doing that to get them to do what I wanted. But now, I don’t really expect anything?”

She closes her eyes and says to herself softly, “This is so stupid! Ponies are meant to be used right? I mean, they’re manipulated for what I want them to do? That was the plan! That’s how it was!”

She opens her eyes again and says, “But now I don’t want anything from her but to make sure she’s okay… Golly! I-I guess I really do care about her huh? I didn’t really know what to expect when I was unfrozen? I mean, I thought they’d want to change me, but I didn’t know it would be so nice when they did?”

She is deep in concentration when suddenly, she hears a tapping at her window. She sets down her book and looks out her window to see Starshine standing there with a frown on her face and a concerned look in her eyes.

“Golly!” Cozy says as she gallops over to open the window with her hooves and says to Starshine on the other side, “What are you doing out there Starshine?”

“Uh, yeah! I knocked on the door, but nopony answered and so I walked around the side of the house to see if you were in here. Uh, where’s Trixie?”

“Yeah she’s sick right now. I’m sorry Starshine! Come around and I’ll let you in!”

“Sure, Cozy Glow!” Starshine says before trotting off to Cozy’s left and then Cozy turns around and trots over to her door, opens it, and trots out across the foyer to the front door where she opens it just in time to see Starshine trotting towards it outside on the right.

Cozy calls out to her friend, “Ssh! Be quiet! We don’t wanna wake mom!”

Starshine smiles and nods before whispering back, “Gosh! You know, taking care of a sick pony is a responsiblity Cozy. Uh, would you like me to help you with that?”

Cozy starts again and says, “Golly! Y-you’d wanna help me with that Starshine?”

“Of course, Cozy! What are friends for? Besides! It’s not like I got anything better to do! Now listen, there’s a couple of things I need to do right quick and so would you give me about 30 to 45 minutes to go back to my house please?”

“Well golly gee! Okay uh, thanks Starshine!”

Starshine then trots forward to hug Cozy tightly and whispers, “I’ll be back soon!” and then trots away towards her house with a focused look on her face.

Cozy is later further along in her book as she lazily sits with her back on the pillow again when she hears another knock on her window. She looks out of it to, sure enough, see Starshine smiling there with saddlebags.

Cozy motions to Starshine to go around with her right forehoof, then meets Starshine at the door.

Cozy calls out, “Hi Starshine!”

Starshine trots closer while smiling as she says, “Hi Cozy!”

“Uh, what did you bring in the bags?”

“Don’t worry about that just yet Cozy. There’s something important I need to do.” Starshine says as she trots a bit closer to Cozy.

“What’s that Starshine?”

“Well first, would you mind explaining to me what that is?” Starshine says as she points forward at something with her right forehoof.

Cozy turns around and asks, “What is what Starshine?”

Cozy then suddenly feels hooves going around her little body…

“YOUHAVEN’TDONETHATINAWHILE!” Cozy says as she starts in Starshine’s embrace.

Starshine lets the Pegasus out of her embrace as Cozy mutters out, “This isn’t over!”

Starshine mimics her friend as she says, “I’m not scared!”

“Well I’m dangerous!”

Starshine rolls her eyes and says, “Dangerously cute maybe? Uh, is Trixie still asleep?”

“Um, I think so? She said she’d yell at me if she needed me and I haven’t heard anything since.”

“Well um, if it’s been awhile, maybe somepony should go check on her?”

“Yeah you’re probably right actually? Um, you go to my room and I’ll go make sure she’s okay!”

“Alright Cozy!” Starshine says as she trots inside and off to the side towards Cozy’s room.

Cozy slowly trots in behind her and quietly shuts the door with her forehoof before heading over towards Trixie’s room. She carefully opens the door with her mouth before slowly and silently trotting in and looking at the bed.

She sees a sleeping blue unicorn there muttering to an imaginary audience.

“Prepare to be amazed!” Trixie loudly shouts as Cozy stands there and giggles to herself before quietly trotting back outside and carefully shutting the door with her forehoof.

Then she flies across the house back to her room again and lands in front of her now open door and turns to face Starshine as she says, “Um, she’s still asleep! Well, pretty much! So, what would you like to do Starshine?”

“Um, I dunno Cozy? What do you wanna do?”

“If I knew that, why would I have just asked you what you would like to do?”

Starshine smiles and says, “How about because you care about me and want to make sure I have a good time?”

Cozy frowns and says, “Wait! Are you standing there telling me that I’m a good pony?”

Starshine scrunches her mouth for a moment before saying, “Well, yeah! I guess I am! You’re a good pony Cozy Glow and you care about everypony around you!”

“I, but I tried to take over Equestria!”

“Yeah! 12 years ago! And now you’re caring for a sick unicorn with your best friend!”

Cozy stops and looks at the ground as she closes her eyes. She says, “So um, I’m a good pony and I do good things then huh? I mean, I try my best, but I always wonder if it could be enough you know?”

“Yes Cozy! I’ve been trying to tell you that for awhile now!”

Cozy opens her eyes and asks, “Uh, Starshine?”

“Yeah Cozy?”

She furrows her brows as she looks at Starshine and says, “Am I ever gonna stop having stupid realizations I should’ve had a long time ago?”

Starshine grins and giggles as she says, “Well hopefully Cozy! But I’ll be here to hold your hoof while you’re still being dumb!”

Cozy chuckles too, closes her eyes, and says, “You know, once upon a time, I would’ve made you pay for such impudence!” She opens her eyes as she continues, “But now I’m actually smiling and giggling about it!”

“Um, I guess that’s what happens when you become good? You stop taking things so seriously and stop being such a jerk?”

“Yeah, maybe?”

“Who knows? Uh, hey Cozy! I’m hungry! Wanna go make something for lunch?”

“Well I guess we have to now since mom is out of commission?”

“Um, well what should we make Cozy?”

“I dunno Starshine? What would you like?”

“If I knew that, why would I uh, hey wait! Didn’t we already do this?”

Both fillies chuckle before Cozy says, “Hey, I saw some lettuce and tomato in the fridge earlier? And I know there’s bread in the box on the counter? Um, we could make sandwiches?”

“Sounds good to me!”

They both trot into the kitchen area when Cozy says, “Um, I guess I should get everything since I know where everything is and uh,” she flaps her little wings, “I also have these…”

“Right Cozy! Just get the ingredients and the plates and I’ll use my magic to make sandwiches! We can do it together! I like mustard, but would you like mayo instead Cozy?”

“Yeah I like mayo better!” Cozy says before squatting and flying up to the cabinet to fetch plates and laying them down on the counter. She then floats over to the breadbox and gets four slices of bread and lays them out, two slices, side by side, neatly on each plate. After that, she floats over to the fridge to retrieve lettuce, a bag of tomatoes, a jar of mustard, and finally a jar of mayonnaise one at a time to the counter. Cozy then lands next to her friend and pants.

Starshine looks at Cozy and says, “Would you get me two butter knives too please?”

Cozy huffs and says, “Oh, right! You also need that!” Before taking off with her wings and floating over to the drawer, opening it with her forehooves and then stumbling to collect two butterknives out with them.

Starshine sees Cozy is having trouble balancing the knives and she uses her magic to float the knives out of her hooves to the other side of the kitchen where she’s standing.

“Ack! Hey!”

“What? You didn’t have it!”

“I could still get it if you gave me enough time!” Cozy gruffly says as she floats back over towards Starshine and lands next to her.

Starshine giggles and uses each knife to spread condiments on the bread in front of her. She then magically strips some of the lettuce off and puts some on each sandwich before saying, “Shoot! I also need a sharp knife for the tomatoes! Uh, Cozy! Which drawer are they in?”

Cozy points over to a drawer next to Starshine while panting and says, “I can get that!” and turns to face it…

“Don’t Cozy! This knife is sharp!” And Starshine then levitates the drawer out as sweat begins to form on her brow. The drawer starts to slip in her magical grasp.

Cozy notices this and says, “Golly!” as she quickly takes off and floats with her wings over the drawer and stabilizes it with all her hooves as Starshine gently sets it down.

“Stand back Cozy! I don’t want to cut you!”

Cozy takes two steps back on her hooves.

Starshine then levitates a knife out of the drawer over to the counter and starts using it to slice tomatoes.

Cozy frowns and says, “You know, it’s not really that dangerous!”

“Cozy! It’s sharp and I’m not going to let you get hurt! Let me take care of this please!”

Cozy huffs and says, “I could get it if I wanted to!”

Once she’s done slicing the tomatoes, Starshine sets the knife down to the side and trots towards Cozy a few steps before saying, “I’m not going to risk it Cozy!”

Just then, both fillies hear a voice from Trixie’s room calling out, “Cozy Glow! Where are you my precious daughter?”

Cozy’s mouth curves as she looks over and says, “Hey, I gotta go check on her, will you be okay without me?”

“Oh, everything is done now! You should go see what your mom needs! I’ll be at the table there waiting on you!”

“Okay!” Cozy says as she turns towards her mother’s room and squats before taking off to fly over there quickly. She lands in a huff and opens the door with her front hooves, looks at the unicorn on the bed, and says while panting, “Y-yes…mom?”

Trixie looks at Cozy with a pale look in her eyes and says, “Is Starshine here yet? It’s 12:37!”

“Yes mom! Starshine is here and we just made lunch together!”

“Good Cozy! Will you please get me two apples from the pantry and some more tea please? I need something to drink now and I haven’t eaten all day! After that, I want you to go relax with your friend for a bit. You look really tired little filly!”

“Right away mom!” Cozy says before turning around and taking off once more to fetch the things Trixie asked for.

Cozy floats back in a few minutes later while holding a new magenta teacup and saucer in all of her hooves and slowly lowers that to Trixie’s nightstand before floating over to the side to pick up the other, now empty teacup and flying out of the room.

And in another minute, Cozy flies in while carrying two apples in her forehooves and she swoops over to gently put them on the stand next to the cup. She then floats sideways and lands while panting.

Trixie smiles at the tired Pegasus filly and says, “You’ve been working so hard Cozy! Go eat lunch with your friend now!”

“You got it mom! Uh, you need to stir your tea! I added lemon!” Cozy says as she smiles before turning around and trotting out the door and shuts it to leave a chuckling Trixie behind.

She looks across the foyer to see that Starshine has already set up and so she slowly walks back over to the table with sweat now on the sides of her face.

Starshine smiles and says, “Hey Cozy! You look tired! Come here and eat lunch with me! Your sandwich is right there, and I also got you a glass of that berry juice you really like. Um, you’re out now that I got you a glass. Uh, sorry!”

Cozy slowly scoots herself onto the stool and says, “That’s okay Starshine! I mean, if nopony drank it, what would be the point?”

Starshine smiles and says, “You got me there! Mayo, right?”

“Yup! Uh, you didn’t start eating yet?”

“Well yeah! You’re not supposed to until everypony is at the table!”

“Oh yeah! I think that’s right?” Cozy says before scooping her sandwich up in her forehooves and taking a bite. “Hey this is really good Starshine!” She says while chewing with a happy grin on her face.

Starshine levitates her sandwich to her mouth and says, “Glad you like it Cozy!” before taking a bite herself.

“Yeah, I just got my mom her lunch, uh, golly! You know, I was so busy earlier that I skipped breakfast!”

“That’s not good Cozy! You should eat more!”

“Yeah, I guess so, but I was just uh…” And Cozy starts for a second.

“Uh, Cozy? You okay?”

Cozy’s eyes narrow as her brow furrows and she says, “I’m being nice again, but it’s different… Starshine, I don’t really want you and Trixie to do what I say?”

“Well probably not no?”

“Yeah but when I was nice earlier, I was just getting ponies to do what I want!”

“And now you’re reformed!” Starshine says as she takes another hearty bite.

“I guess so huh?” Cozy says before she starts scarfing her sandwich down more aggressively.

Starshine starts to giggle when Cozy raises her left forehoof to shush her. Cozy looks back down at her sandwich and continues to eat it voraciously.

Starshine smiles and floats her sandwich over to her face and starts taking more bites out of it.

They finish their sandwiches like this, Cozy first, and Starshine a few moments later.

Just then, they hear another yell from Trixie’s room. “Cozy! I need you again!”

Cozy scrunches her mouth and says, “Oh pony feathers! I better go see what she needs!” before taking off with her wings and floating over to Trixie’s room door, landing there, and opening the door to walk in.

Trixie hacks on her bed and says, “Okay Cozy, I know you’re very tired. But I needed to go to the market today to get a few things. Can you do that for me please, baby? Well know you don’t like to be in public though, so it’s okay if you’re not ready…”

Cozy pants and says, “Yes mom! I’ll take care of it for you!” Before looking down and suddenly remembering she doesn’t like it outside and frowning while thinking about that.

Right then, Starshine trots in and says, “Oh no Cozy! You’ve been working hard! I’ll go to the market and you pony the fort in case Trixie needs something!”

Cozy starts and looks at Starshine. She knows this is her way out and from the way Starshine is winking at her, she’s pretty sure Starshine is having similar thoughts. She says to her friend, “Are you sure Starshine?”

“Sure Cozy! I got four hooves and Ponyville isn’t exactly a dangerous place you know? You stay here and take care of Trixie and I’ll go to the market and get anything you need!”

Trixie smiles and says, “Well aren’t you two the perfect little team of adorable little fillies!” (Cozy frowns as she continues), “Alright well I know we’re almost out of berry juice and I need more tissues. Oh! And get some noodles for dinner too please! They uh, help with my throat…” She then looks at Cozy and asks her, “Uh, Cozy! Would you be a dear and get my purse from the left side of my closet please?”

Cozy snaps to attention and gives another salute with her right forehoof as she says, “Right away mom!” And then determinedly trots towards Trixie’s closet. She opens the door with her forehoof and looks inside. She quickly sees the purse sitting on the floor to her left, but she also can’t help but notice a large stack of boxes on the right. She looks at them closely and scrunches her eyes and mouth before asking her mother, “Uh, mom? Why do you have so many peanut butter crackers?”

Trixie replies, “Oh never mind that Cozy! Do you see my purse on the left there?”

Cozy looks to her left again and says, “Uh yeah, hang on mom!” Before going in further to snatch the purse with her mouth and then trotting back over to Trixie and setting it down next to the bed.

Trixie levitates 5 bits out of her purse and over to a smiling Starshine’s left saddlebag.

Starshine trots a few paces over to Cozy and hugs her while whispering, “I’ll be back soon my wonderful friend! Be careful!” And then she trots out of Trixie’s door.

Trixie smiles at the panting Pegasus filly and says, “Why don’t you take a nap now Cozy? You look like you could use the rest!”

Cozy looks down and says, “Yeah um, okay mom! But you just yell if you need anything okay?”

Trixie giggles and says, “Will do Cozy!”

Cozy trots out of Trixie’s door, shuts it with her left forehoof, and trots across the foyer to her room while deep in thought. She thinks to herself, “Golly! So, I’m doing this? I’m being a…” She gulps, “good pony?” before reaching her door, opening it with her mouth, and trotting in to see her bed still disheveled with her two toys on it.

She says, “Well I guess I should straighten this out before laying down?” before trotting over to her bed, standing on her hind legs with her little body leaning on the side and making it with her forehooves like usual. Then she climbs in and has her big bear to her back and clutches her dolphin to her chest.

She whispers to Snorkel, “I’m actually doing it! I’m being a good pony and taking care of a sick unicorn now! Golly!” She closes her eyes and feels her tired little body begin to softly drift to sleep.

Later, Cozy wakes up as she feels legs slowly making their way over her body again. She begins to scream when a hoof quickly goes over her mouth and all she can do is make a little, “MPH!” noise.

She then hears a familiar voice whispering from behind her, “It’s okay Cozy! It’s just me, Starshine and I’m holding you!”

Starshine removes her hoof from Cozy’s mouth as Cozy starts while saying, “You have a really bad habit of sneaking up on me you know that? New rule! No sneaking up on the curly haired Pegasus filly!”

Starshine giggles and says, “But where would the fun in that be?”

“I’m not playing here Starshine! Horrible vengeance!” Cozy says as her little body vibrates.

Starshine giggles again and says, “Hush now Cozy. Let’s cuddle and snooze together now okay? Trixie is asleep and I know you were tired earlier…”

“Um, okay Starshine! Er, you can hold me… Um, if you really want to…”

“Cozy, would you stop acting like you don’t like this already? We both know you do!”

Cozy looks down and giggles for a second before saying, “Yeah it’s just hard for me to admit, I guess? You know, I don’t really like to admit that I kinda um, need other ponies in my life?”

“Yeah tell me about it! When you’re an only child and you spend most of your time by yourself, you kinda forget how great it is to just have somepony there for you, you know?”

“Yeah, or when you’re camping out and crashing at other pony’s places!”

“Well your story is a lot more interesting than mine!”

Cozy looks down and closes her eyes, “I’d still rather have yours Starshine… I really miss my mom…”

“I know Cozy… I know… I’m sorry…” Starshine hugs Cozy tightly.

“Um, it’s okay Starshine. Just uh, please be there for me okay?”

Cozy feels Starshine’s warm body behind her snuggle up very closely as Starshine’s voice says the words, “You got it Cozy!”

Cozy smiles as a tear goes down her right cheek, “Golly Starshine! Y-you’re uh, my first real friend!”

“Mine too Cozy! Now hush and go to sleep here in my hooves okay?”

“Thank you Starshine! I love you!” Cozy then pulls her dolphin up to her chest while in her friend’s hooves. She begins to smile as she feels Starshine’s snout nuzzle the back of her head and they both peacefully fall asleep together.

Later, Cozy awakes in Starshine’s hooves again and looks at her nightstand clock to see that it says 2:48 on it. She says, “Hey wake up Starshine! It’s almost 3 and I need to go check on mom!”

Starshine whispers back, “Okay Cozy! But meet me back in here when you’re done!”

“Alright Starshine!” Cozy says as she scootches out of Starshine’s hooves and makes her way to the side of the bed to get off it and onto her hooves on the floor. She trots over to the door, opens it with her mouth, and trots across the foyer cautiously towards her mother’s room.

She opens Trixie’s door with her forehoof and looks inside. She sees Trixie over on her bed lightly snoozing and a new box of tissues on her nightstand.

Trixie looks down at Cozy and says, “Cozy my precious daughter! Would you bring me another cup of tea please?”

“Right away mom!” Cozy says as she starts back across the foyer towards the kitchen. She gets to the kitchen and then squats to take off with her wings and flies over to the cabinet. She then flitters over to the stove to get the teakettle and prepares it with water inside on the stove to boil same as before. Then she flies over and hovers by the cabinet and opens it to fetch yet another magenta teacup from the shelf with her forehooves and then flies it over to the counter.

She eventually flies back and lands on the floor. She wipes her forehead with her right forehoof again and says, “Golly this is hard… Oh! Teabag!” Before taking off once more to get another teabag from the middle shelf and drops it into the teacup from holding it by the string in her mouth. She lands again and says, “Okay uh, now I’m ready!” And turns to face the teakettle on the stove. In a moment the teakettle starts to whistle and she says, “Golly that stove is really fast!” and then squats again to take off and flies over the kettle to very carefully pick it up and pour the now boiling water into the teacup. After that, she flies the teakettle over to the other burner once more and turns off the stove before flying back to the floor.

Cozy catches her breath for a few minutes while letting the tea steep. She says, “You know, I used to work about this hard for the School of Friendship, but it was never this draining before? I guess spending some time locked up in Tartarus before being frozen in stone for 10 years makes you out of shape?”

She breaths for another few moments before looking up at the tea and saying, “Okay! I bet it’s ready now!” Before squatting down and taking off once more. She then picks it up with all her hooves before flying back across the foyer and into Trixie’s still open door. She hovers inside and gently sets the teacup down on Trixie’s nightstand before saying, “Not yet mom!” and then flying back out again.

She returns a few moments later while holding the bottle of lemon juice in her hooves and pours it into the tea slowly. After she thinks it’s had enough, she stops pouring and floats it back out. She eventually flies back in and lands next to Trixie’s bed with an accomplished smile on her face.

And as Trixie is stirring her tea with her spoon, Starshine slowly trots into the room behind her and says, “Cozy! Where have you been? I’ve got everything out and I’ve been waiting on you!”

Cozy looks back at her and says, “Oh sorry Starshine! Mom wanted some more tea!”

Starshine smiles and says, “That’s fine Cozy!” She then looks at Trixie and says, “Miss Trixie! May I spend the night with Cozy and keep her company while helping her with anything she might need? I already asked my mom and she said it’s fine!”

Cozy looks at Starshine with wide-open eyes and an agape mouth as Trixie says, “Now I think that’s a great idea Starshine! Cozy can take care of me and you’re there if she needs any help!”

Starshine smiles at dumbfounded Cozy and says, “Yeah! And when we’re not getting you better, we can hang out and have a slumber party!”

Cozy gulps at this prospect as she says, “S-slumber party? Golly! Do you really think I can do that now? I mean um, now?”

Trixie says, “And why not Cozy? You gotta admit, taking care of me is draining you and you could use the help?”

Cozy frowns and says, “Well when you put it like that, it sounds like a better choice than being all alone and by myself?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Exactly Cozy! Now it’s almost 5 and dinner needs to be started soon. Do you know how to make homemade mac n cheese Cozy?”

Cozy frowns and says, “Golly! I don’t know how to make that!”

Starshine speaks up and says, “I know how to make it Miss Trixie! I can show Cozy! It’s easy!”

Cozy looks at Starshine and says, “Golly Starshine! You don’t have to…”

Starshine cuts her off by saying, “I set the noodles on the counter and I know where your pots and sink are. But I need you to get me a few things alright Cozy?”

Cozy then says with a grimace, “Um, alright Starshine! Let’s go make mac n cheese!”

The two fillies trot across the foyer back to the kitchen area when Starshine looks over to her right and uses her magic to get a big pot out of the cabinet, sets it in the sink, and starts to run cool water into it. She then looks over and adds a little bit of salt to the water before saying, “That keeps it from sticking!”

Cozy smiles and says, “Oh okay Starshine! Um, you need cheese, right? What else do you need?”

“Well I also need milk and butter, but don’t get them until I’ve strained the noodles and am ready for them! Just put a colander in the sink for me for now, okay?”

“You got it Starshine!” Cozy says before taking off, flying over, and fetching the colander from the back cabinet with her mouth and then dropping it neatly in the sink.

Then she lands next to her friend who’s staring intently at the pot of water she just prepared to boil. Cozy stares at Starshine for a moment and finally says, “You know, they say a watched pot never boils right Starshine?”

Starshine then looks at Cozy and says, “Well that’s fine because we aren’t watching the pot right now! We’re facing each other!”

Cozy smiles and says, “Okay that’s better Starshine! You know that stove makes water boil really fast! I’m not sure why?”

The two fillies then face the stove as Cozy continues, “Although I think a pot is a bit bigger than a teakettle, right?”

“Yeah, I mean, even if the teakettle boiled really fast, this should take a bit longer?”

“You know, I just said we shouldn’t watch this thing and so we both start watching it… Am I the only pony who thinks that’s kinda counterproductive?”

Starshine giggles and says, “Well yeah, but, just because we’re watching the pot doesn’t mean it’s gonna take longer right? Just because we’re watching it isn’t really going to affect how the heat goes into the pot I wouldn’t think?”

“Okay but um, what if we’re wrong? You gotta admit, it’s taking it’s sweet time!”

“Okay Cozy! Here’s my plan! You watch it and I’ll turn away! That way, we can know if you watching it will affect the boiling rate!”

Staring intently at the pot, Cozy says, “Well I don’t see how that makes any sense Starshine…” When suddenly, she is hugged against her will and squeals, “HEYWHATAREYOUDOINGTHERE?”

Starshine then lets the Pegasus out of her hooves, grins, and says, “It’s been too long and that was backpay!”

Cozy is muttering to herself about righteous fury as the pot begins to boil on the stove and Starshine notices this. She magically turns down the burner and puts noodles into the pot before using the ladle from the holder on her left to stir it. She says, “Okay now it needs to boil for about ten minutes now!” as she sets the timer on the stove with the knob.

“Golly! Ten minutes?”

“Yeah well, we can talk?”

“Um, sure Starshine! What do you want to talk about?”

“I dunno, Cozy? How do you like being Trixie’s daughter so far?”

“Well I didn’t expect this? Um, you know, I didn’t really know what to expect when I think about it? I just did what she told me because well, spending ten years in stone really makes you think about things!”

“Yeah I remember you telling me about that? What’s it like being in stone Cozy?”

“Well, it’s really boring! I slept for as much as and as long as I could, but there was nothing to do and all I could do was just watch what was going on outside and think… Golly ten years is a long time and I thought an awful lot!”

“What did you think about Cozy?”

Cozy looks down and slowly says, “Well, I thought about everything I did… I wondered if I could’ve done it better. I wondered if maybe I could’ve gotten away with it if I just did things a little differently… But then I started to have other thoughts…”

“Um, other thoughts Cozy?”

“Cozy looks back up with her auburn eyes open and says, “I started to wonder if there was another way you know? Like, what if I didn’t HAVE to be bad? What if I could…” She closes her eyes.

“Could what Cozy?”

Cozy opens her eyes and looks at Starshine as she blurts out, “Do something else you know? Like, maybe what I did before wasn’t really the best thing I could’ve done?”

“Well, it got you encased in stone and so probably not?”

Cozy giggles to herself as she says, “You know, you ponies sure are something! I really didn’t expect having a real friend to be this great… I love you Starshine!”

Starshine smiles and says, “AWW! I love you too Cozy!” when suddenly, the timer goes off and she turns her head to pull the knob and then sets the pot over on the other burner with her magic and turns off the stove. Then she furrows her brows as she concentrates to float the heavy pot across the kitchen while saying, “This is hot Cozy! Don’t touch it!”

Her tongue is out the right side of her mouth as Cozy looks on with her big auburn eyes to see the pot turning over in mid-air to pour the boiling water into the colander. The noodles soon fall into the bowl and Starshine lets out a sigh of relief as she then balances the hot pot on the metal edge of the sink while switching her tongue to the left side of her mouth. She uses her magic to pour the noodles back in before setting the pot back down on the other burner.

Starshine catches her breath and turns to face Cozy before asking her, “Cozy! Please get the block of cheese, butter, and milk from the fridge for me!”

“You got it Starshine!” Cozy says before squatting, taking off, and floating over to the fridge and opening it to look for the requested items inside. She finds the milk first and floats that over to the counter before heading back to look more. She finds butter next and then gets that to the counter before floating back over and furrowing her brow as she looks inside. She looks for a moment and finally spots the cheese before saying, “Oh there it is!” and then carefully swooping forward into the fridge to scoop it in her forehooves and bringing it back to the counter with the other requested items. Then she flies over to shut the fridge and lands next to her friend, huffs before smiling, and says, “There you go Starshine! Everything you wanted!”

“Great Cozy!” Starshine says as she magically opens the sharp knife drawer again and pulls out another knife.

She slices off some of the cheese and puts it into the macaroni pot and then uses the knife to add butter before pouring in a little bit of milk. She then gets her ladle and magically uses that to stir the pot slowly. She looks up and turns the burner on low as she says, “A little bit of heat helps the cheese melt!”

Cozy nods and says, “That makes sense!” as Starshine continues to stir the pot with a smile on her face. Cozy slowly frowns and says, “My mom never got the chance to teach me this recipe… You know, I never realized how much I missed by not having her around?”

Starshine then gets done stirring and starts to use the spoon to break apart the now melting cheese. She says to Cozy, “Well that’s okay Cozy! You’re not alone anymore and you’re gonna be fine!” Then she sets the spoon off to the side on a plate and turns the burner off before turning and hugging Cozy again.

This time, there’s no exclamation from Cozy…

She hears Starshine whispering in her ear, “Somepony as nice as you shouldn’t be alone!”

Cozy can only stare blankly as more thoughts about “being nice” and “doing the right thing” flooded the filly’s mind.

Starshine pulls back again and says, “Uh hey! Go check on Trixie, Cozy! I’ll serve you! I know where the plates and stuff are, so I should be fine! Uh, meet me at the table!”

Cozy nods and says, “Right Starshine!” as she turns towards her mother’s room and takes off to fly to the door and open it with her forehooves before hovering inside and landing in front of the doorway. She looks at Trixie and says, “Me and Starshine made mac n cheese mom! It looks really good! You want some?”

Trixie smiles at the little filly and says, “Sure Cozy! And would you also be a dear and bring me some more tea please?”

“Right away mom!” Cozy says before turning, squatting, and taking off again with her wings.

She flies into the foyer and calls out to her friend, “Hang on Starshine! I gotta get mom some food and more tea!”

Starshine yells back, “You get the tea! I’ll get her food!” Before turning to trot towards the table.

Cozy finally smiles while flying towards the pantry to fetch what she needs and says, “Alright Starshine!” before hovering in front of the pantry to get the supplies.

She gets the kettle, fills it with water, and sets it to boil same as before and then gets a teabag and yet another magenta teacup. She floats over the teacup and drops the bag in after holding the string with her mouth and before muttering, “How many of these teacups does mom have anyway?”

A few minutes pass. Cozy saw Starshine use her magic to get some mac n cheese before she trotted back to Trixie’s room while levitating it, so she knows that’s taken care of. As she catches her breath, she can’t help but be thankful that she doesn’t have to do all of this by herself.

Then once Cozy is sure the tea is ready, she floats over it and grabs the cup with all 4 of her hooves just as before and flies it back into Trixie’s room to set it down on her nightstand. As she flies in, she sees Starshine is already standing next to the bed after delivering the food. After setting the cup down, Cozy picks the other cup up with her hooves and flies it back to the sink before returning and landing next to her friend.

Cozy says to her mother, “Okay! That should be everything! Oh, horse apples! I forgot the lemon juice!” And Cozy turns around and squats once more.

But before she can take off, Trixie says, “Stop Cozy!”

Cozy freezes, turns back around to face Trixie with wide eyes and says, “Uh, what?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Seriously Cozy! You’ve done enough! Go eat and rest for a bit now little filly!”

Cozy frowns and says, “B-but you’re sick and should have what you want…”

Trixie smiles and says, “I asked for tea and dinner. I didn’t say anything about lemon juice! Now go eat and rest little filly!”

Cozy vibrates again and squeaks out, “Technicalities!” sighing, she continues, “Well um, okay mom! If you’re sure. Golly Starshine! I think we’re finally done! You ready to go eat?”

Starshine smiles at her friend and says, “You bet Cozy!”

The two fillies trot back out across the foyer to the kitchen and dining area. Starshine says to Cozy, “Go sit down Cozy! I’ll use my magic to serve us!”

“Alright Starshine!” Cozy says as she trots back to the table.

Starshine then squints her eyes in deep concentration as she says, “Now please stay quiet Cozy!” while using her magic.

“Okay Starshine! Oh! Sorry!” Cozy says as she covers her mouth with both forehooves.

This doesn’t faze Starshine as she gets everypony’s food and puts the bowls of food at the table with forks in them.

She then breaths out a sigh of relief as she trots to the table and says, “Wow! That sure was a lot of work Cozy! I’m so glad you’re here!”

Cozy smiles at her friend and says, “Yeah Starshine… Me too… Golly I’m hungry after all that! Um, we just made food, didn’t we? Let’s eat!”

The two ponies begin to giggle together and scarf down their food in a hurry. Once they’re most of the way done with their bowls, Starshine finally says, “So um, Cozy! How’s the whole reformation thing coming along?”

“Well golly gee! You know it still feels so weird, even after all this time? I was just wondering if I can ever get used to this? I mean, it’s been over 3 weeks Starshine!”

“Cozy, just stop it okay…”

Cozy stops and stares at Starshine with an open concerned look in her eyes and says, “W-what?”

Starshine stares at Cozy and says, “Cozy, have you looked at yourself lately? You’re taking care of a sick unicorn, who you’ve accepted as your new mother! You’re hanging out with and helping your best friend! And you’ve been learning and actually using friendship lessons you got from a teacher! For Twilight’s sake Cozy! You’re either the worst villain ever or one of the most confused ponies I’ve ever seen!”

Cozy just lowers her head and begins to softly giggle as she says, “Yeah… I guess I am being silly again huh? You know, I’m so glad I have you here to tell me these things!”

“Well what are friends for?”

“Yeah… I know I need to stop this huh?

“Well, I guess it would help to have other ponies around to tell you when you’re being silly?”

“Yeah…” Cozy looks at Starshine and grins, “Magic of friendship, right?”

“Yeah I think so?”

“You know, I’m still hungry and this food isn’t gonna eat itself?”

“Well let’s eat Cozy!”

The two fillies then finish up their bowls quickly. Cozy then sets hers down and says, “Um, Starshine? Can I please have seconds?”

“Sure Cozy! I guess skipping breakfast caught up with you, huh? You never get seconds!” Starshine says as focuses her eyes on the pot at the center of the table with her tongue out of the right side of her mouth. She concentrates and uses her magic to bring Cozy’s bowl up to it and spoon out two more hearty scoops of mac n cheese for Cozy before setting her bowl back down in front of her.

“Thanks, Starshine! And that’s the third time you’ve ended a sentence with “huh?” you know? Although you still haven’t said golly yet!” Cozy says before picking up the bowl with her forehooves and then eating out of it with her snout.

Starshine grimaces, looks down, and finally decides to just sip her berry juice while watching Cozy finish up her food over the next several minutes.

Cozy finally finishes munching before licking all the excess cheese from her lips and saying, “That was really yummy Starshine! Golly! Now we have to clean up here huh?”

“Yeah Cozy! We’ll clean up together!”

Cozy smiles and says, “Well okay Starshine!” And then collects Starshine’s bowl with her forehooves and sets it into her bowl before using her wings to fly it back to the kitchen sink while holding it in her forehooves. After dropping it there, she lands in front of the counter and says, “You get started in here Starshine! I’ll be back with mom’s bowl and cup!”

“Okay Cozy!” Starshine says before getting off her chair and trotting over to the sink as Cozy takes off to fly to Trixie’s room.

She opens the door with her forehooves, flies in, and lands in front of the bed. She sees the mac n cheese on the table has been mostly eaten and the tea is now empty.

Trixie smiles at the filly and says, “You two did a wonderful job cooking! Did you like dinner Cozy?”

“Golly I sure did mom! You know, food tastes better when you work for it!”

“That’s right Cozy! Just like being good takes work! But it’s worth it in the end.”

“Oh golly gee mom! Starshine already explained to me that I’m a good pony once today! Uh, maybe twice? Do I really need to hear about it again?”

Trixie giggles and says, “So Starshine told you you were a good pony huh? What do you think?”

“Well, I mean, I am taking care of you and I think I’ve been a good friend to her? At least I try to? You know, I probably wouldn’t care about these things if I was bad huh?”

“No, you wouldn’t Cozy!”

“Yeah uh, hey I gotta get your bowl and teacup and stuff. Golly you sure have a lot of those little magenta teacups! I guess they had a sale at the store or something?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Yeah, something like that!” before giggling to herself with what Cozy can only assume are happy memories before Cozy takes off and floats over the nightstand. She sets the teacup and saucer inside the bowl with her forehooves and then grabs the whole assembly with all 4 of her hooves before flying out the door with it.

She flies across the foyer to see Starshine is already mostly done with the dishes. She gently floats down to drop the bowl, saucer, and teacup into the soapy water on the right before landing next to her friend and asking her, “Anything I need to do now Starshine?”

“Yeah go put up the pot in the fridge and put the top on it! There’s still some left for later!”

“Sure thing Starshine!” Cozy says before taking off and getting the pot with her 4 hooves and flying over to the fridge. She opens the fridge with her mouth and floats forward just enough to move her 4 hooves into the fridge and gently drops the pot on the shelf.

Then she flies to the center of the kitchen before flittering over to the cabinet to open it with her forehooves and uses her lips to grab the pot cover, flies back over to the fridge, opens that with her forehooves, and sets the lid down on the pot before closing it again and landing.

A now panting Cozy Glow trots over to Starshine, who’s standing in front of a drained sink and a stack of clean dishes drying on the rack. She says, “Golly! Thanks a lot for helping me Starshine!”

Starshine sighs, looks over, and says, “Well you’d do the same for me right Cozy?”

“Um, yeah I guess I would huh? Because I um, care about you?”

“Right Cozy! Hey, go check on Trixie one last time and meet me back in your room okay?”

“Well uh, okay Starshine!” Cozy says before turning around, squatting, and taking off with her wings once more to fly towards Trixie’s door. She hovers in front of it, opens it with her forehooves, and flies in, to land in front of the bed.

Trixie smiles and says, “Close the door Cozy! I need to talk to you alone for a minute…”

Cozy gulps and says, “Um, okay mom!” And then turns around, uses her right forehoof to close the door, and then turns back to face Trixie before saying, “Er uh, yes mom?”

“How does it feel to be a daughter?”


“Cozy, you’ve been taking care of me very diligently. You’ve brought me everything I asked for, even to the point of going above and beyond what you really needed to do. You worked very hard for your mother today little filly. So, I ask you again, how does it feel to be a daughter?”

“Honestly?” Cozy says as she looks down as her little body shivers, “It’s pretty tiring!”

Trixie giggles and says, “Yeah it takes a lot of work little filly! But now tell me something… How do you feel after doing all of that work?”

“Golly! Um, I really just wanted to make sure you’re okay? I uh! MPH!” Cozy then covers her mouth with her right forehoof while Trixie giggles at her.

“Exactly Cozy Glow! You care about me! You’re not a bad pony! But you know, that’s not enough right?”

Cozy drops her right forehoof to the floor again before asking, “Well gee mom! Uh, what do you mean?”

“Cozy, it wouldn’t matter if the entire class of the school that year forgave you along with Princess Twilight Sparkle and even Princess Celestia herself! That wouldn’t be enough! Cozy, do you forgive yourself?”

“Um, you mean for being so foolish?”

“And selfish and power-mongering and evil and…”

“Okay! Okay! I get it! I was bad! Um, golly! You know, I never really thought about it like that? I guess I’m gonna think of myself as a “bad pony” until I can get past that stuff huh?”

“Right Cozy! And we’ll go as”, (Cozy chimes in here)” slow as you need to!”

Trixie giggles and continues, “Anyway Cozy, just get me a glass of water and then go to your room. You’re done for the day!”

“Well okay mom! But you just let me know if you need anything okay?” Cozy says before taking off to flitter above the nightstand, collecting the teacup, and flying back out the room as Trixie smiles.

A moment later, Cozy flies back in carrying a glass of water in her forehooves as she says, “Here you go mom! I’m serious! Anything!” And then setting it down on the table and then banking to her right to fly back out the room. She hovers in front of the door, shuts it with her forehoof, and then starts back across the foyer.

As she flies, she thinks about all the hard work she did today. She thinks about how Trixie will recover faster since she didn’t have to do all the things Cozy did. She thinks about how she just made Equestria a little bit better by helping the school’s beloved counselor recover. And she thought about what it means to be a daughter. To learn and grow under an actual mother again! To be a child once more! It all seemed like some fantastic dream.

She lands with all these thoughts in her head in front of her door and opens it with her right forehoof. As she stares into her room, her eyes grow wide as saucers while her chin goes towards the floor. She then says, “Starshine! What did you do?”

(To be continued…)

Chapter Ten: A Filly Named Cozy Glow

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Day 26 (Cont.):

Cozy looked over her room… It was decorated with silly string and balloons. She looks at Starshine and asks her, “Seriously! What are you doing Starshine?”

Starshine smiles and says, “Well I was preparing a slumber party for us! Um, slumber PARTY, right?”

Cozy chuckles and says, “Starshine, that’s not what’s done at slumber parties! We’re supposed to make smores and caramel popcorn and tell ghost stories and play truth or dare and stuff. Yeah, I read about it in this book about slumber parties a long time ago! Something about “Everything I wanted to know?” Seemed pretty neat?”

Starshine frowns and says, “Oh well um, I’m sorry! I’ve never had a slumber party before.”

Cozy sees her friend is in distress and says to her, “Hey Starshine! Since when are we normal anyway? But I did always want to try smores! Those sound really yummy!” excitedly as she hops.

Starshine looks at Cozy and says, “Well that’s good Cozy because I brought the graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate all in my bags! Yeah I wanted to make smores too!”

“Is that what you were keeping in there from me?”

“Um, I wanted to surprise you Cozy! Because you’re my friend!”

“Right! Of course! Friendship! Yeah! But uh, Starshine? I’m really tired after everything I did today… Can we set my alarm clock and take a little two hour nap and make up for it by staying up later than usual? I would ask mom, but uh…” She looks back, “I can’t right now?”

Starshine perks up at this new opportunity to snuggle her friend and says, “Well, you don’t know that she’d say no?”

Cozy squints her eyes for a moment before saying, “We don’t tell anypony about this okay?”

“Yay! Cozy Snuggle Time Nap!”

“Wait what? You have a name for it now?”

“Well um, yeah! I hope that’s okay?”

Cozy squints again and says, “You don’t tell anypony about that either!”

Starshine giggles as she turns and uses her magic to set an alarm on Cozy’s clock. She says, “Okay it’s pretty close to 9:30 now! I’ll set it for 11:30 and that will give us about two hours of snuggle time sleep together!”

“You really like doing this don’t you?”

“And you don’t?”

Cozy squints again and says, “… Okay, you got me there! But I get the left side!” before trotting over to the left side of the bed.

Starshine giggles and gets under the covers and moves Cozy’s toys with her magic to the corner of the bed before saying, “It’s just us now bestie! You and me! Snuggle buddies!”

Cozy gets into bed as she says in a slightly louder tone, “Not anypony! Not a soul!” and then scoots closer to Starshine and whispers to her, “I love you Starshine… You know, at first, I wasn’t so sure about being your friend. I thought it was just a clever ploy to get me to be somepony I’m not. But now um…” she looks down.

With concern in her blue eyes, Starshine asks her, “But what Cozy?”

“I don’t think I wanna be anything else but your friend right now?”

Starshine embraces Cozy in a loving hug as she whispers, “I wanna be your friend too, Cozy!”

Starshine holds Cozy, and they both drift off to sleep peacefully together.

Cozy starts as her alarm goes off about two hours later. She gets up over the covers and smashes the top of the clock with her right forehoof and looks at her friend and excitedly says, “Hey Starshine! Wake up! Time for smores!”

Starshine grumbles as Cozy sets up and says, “Um, smores? Oh right! I brought that stuff! That’s right!”

“You seem out of it Starshine?”

“Well, I did just wake up you know?”

“Right! Waking up! Er uh, smores?”

“You’re excited about that aren’t you?”

“No uh, well you’re also pretty excited!”

“Not nearly as excited as you!”

“Okay uh, well… I’ve never had them before!”

Starshine giggles and says, “Okay Cozy! Let’s go make smores!” before looking over to her saddlebags on her side of the bed and using her magic to fetch chocolate bars, marshmallows, and graham crackers.

They trot into the kitchen as Cozy says, “Golly! You know, we haven’t heard from mom in awhile? Should I at least check on her or?”

Starshine says, “Yeah okay, but be quiet!”

“Well, right!” And Cozy then takes off towards the master bedroom and softly lands before carefully opening the door with her forehooves while being slow as to not make any noise.

She looks inside to hear Trixie muttering, “Look Starlight! I’m just saying this table is crooked and we really need more markers and cotton balls for my office!”

Cozy squints her right eye and shrinks her mouth as she ponders on these ramblings before deciding that Trixie is probably okay, but asleep. She silently closes the door with her right forehoof and takes off back across the foyer.

She lands next to Starshine in the kitchen and says, “Okay, she’s out like a light Starshine! I really don’t think we’re gonna hear from her until the morning at this rate?”

She looks back at Cozy and says, “Okay Cozy! Now look at what I’m doing here!” She uses her magic to put a graham cracker onto a metal baking sheet. She looks over and unravels a chocolate bar from the wrapper and sets it on the graham cracker. Then she gets a marshmallow from the bag that was set to the side and puts that vertically on top of the chocolate bar and says, “You’re not supposed to add the second graham cracker until the marshmallow is melted! Uh wait!” She looks over and says, “I should probably preheat the oven, huh?” before magically setting the dial to 400 degrees. *

Cozy smiles at Starshine.

“Um, anyway, melting the marshmallow usually takes about 4 or 5 minutes and then we set the other cracker on top and put them in for another 5 minutes or so! It’s easy!” She looks back to the baking tray and starts to assemble 7 more with her magic.

“Golly! You sure are making a lot of smores Starshine!”

“Of course, Cozy! I wanna make sure we have enough! And hey! Anything we don’t eat is breakfast!”

“Smores for breakfast?”

“Um, yeah, just don’t do that all the time!” Starshine smiles at Cozy dimly. **

“Um, okay…”

“Anything wrong Cozy?”

“No, I’m just thinking too much again…” Cozy scratches the back of her head with her right forehoof.

Starshine hears the oven beep to indicate that it is preheated. She uses her magic to open it and then floats the baking tray to the rack inside before closing it and pulling out the knob before setting the timer for 5 minutes. She then trots over to Cozy and hugs her tightly while whispering in her ear, “You don’t have to do that you know?”

Cozy whispers back, “I know that Starshine, but it’s hard not to sometimes!”

Starshine gets off Cozy and goes back to all fours and frowns as she says, “Well, maybe you should just take your mind off of it?”

“Well golly gee Starshine! What do you suppose these activities are about anyway?”

“Um, getting your mind to a better place so you don’t uh, oh… Right!”

Cozy giggles as she says, “So that’s why you’re part of my therapy and rehabilitation, huh? You’re here to take my mind off of things!”

“You know, I do a lot more than just that!”

Cozy smiles once more at Starshine.

Starshine frowns and squints her right eye as she asks, “Um, why do you keep smiling at me like that?”

“Well you just ended two sentences with “huh?” and started one with “You know,” and I’m just wondering when you’re gonna say “golly” now…”

“N-no, I didn’t! It’s just your imagination!”

Cozy giggles for a few moments while Starshine tries to think of a comeback and soon, the oven timer beeps and Starshine looks over and uses her magic to pull out the knob to turn it off and then open the oven to pull out the rack with the tray on it. She trots over to it and looks behind her before furrowing her brows and using her magic to fetch 8 more graham crackers from the box and set them down gently on the 8 marshmallows, now melted on slightly gooey chocolate. She smiles as she magically pushes the rack back in, closes the oven door, and sets the timer for another 5 minutes.

Starshine then trots back across the kitchen to Cozy and says, “I’m just saying those things, but they have nothing to do with you!”

“Oh please! You just “happened” to start talking like that for some “other reason” after we became friends? Really?”

Starshine squints her eyes and mimics her friend once more as she says, “This isn’t over!”

“And that too! You’re talking like me now when you get irritated!”

“Um, no I don’t!”

Cozy giggles and says, “Don’t worry my dearest Starshine! Saying golly all the time really isn’t so bad!”

Starshine grumbles under her breath before saying, “I guess I didn’t really have any specific way to talk before because I didn’t talk to other ponies? And now I’m starting to talk like you!”

Cozy widens her eyes as she says, “Um, yeah that’s right! And now that I’m the main pony you hang out with, I guess we’re gonna start talking like each other sooner or later, huh?”

Starshine scrunches her mouth and says, “Um, okay that kinda makes sense yeah!”

Cozy looks up and says, “Um, right! So, this is normal I guess?”

“Of course!”

Cozy looks back down at Starshine with a wide-eyed expression and says, “Yes! Right!”

Then the oven beeps and Starshine looks back and opens it with her magic to pull the baking tray out with the golden brown smores on them and sets them on top of the stove.

“Golly, those look yummy!”

“Oh, I know right? Why do you think I made so many of them?”

Cozy’s eyes widen again, and her mouth gets small when she realizes what she’s about to do. She says, “Okay that makes sense now! Uh, how long do they need to cool?”

“About ten minutes should be fine?”

Cozy frowns as she says, “Ten whole minutes! What are we going to do for ten minutes?”

Starshine smiles at Cozy.

“Uh, Starshine? Why are you smiling at me like that?”

Starshine trots towards Cozy and stands right in front of her while still smiling.

Cozy immediately knows what’s on her friend’s mind and decides to preemptively strike! She immediately tries to touch Starshine’s snout with her right forehoof for a quick boop when Starshine dodges to the right and lunges to her friend to tackle her in a tight warm embrace.

“OKAYYOUGOTME!” Cozy loudly exclaims, as she’s pushed back and now being hugged by her friend.

“And I’m not letting you go Cozy!”

“Urgh!” Cozy yelps.

Starshine holds her friend for a moment before Cozy finally asks her, “Um, are you gonna let me go Starshine?”

“Hush Cozy! Not yet…” Starshine says as she closes her eyes with a big smile on her face.

Cozy rolls her eyes while still in her friend’s embrace for another moment before Starshine finally give her one more tight squeeze. “Ugh!” Cozy says before Starshine lets go and goes back to all fours and smiles at her friend.

“Um, Starshine?”

“Yeah Cozy?”

“So, I guess we’re snuggle buddies now?”

Starshine looks up and says, “Yeah I think so? I mean, we both like doing it and it’s not hurting anypony?”

“Well golly! I just um…”

“What Cozy?”

“I like feeling your body near mine… I like knowing you’re there… And th-that you’re uh… You’re my friend Starshine and I love being near you!”

Starshine frowns and says, “That’s hard for you to admit isn’t it?”

“Well I’m not supposed to be that way you know? I’m supposed to be tough! I’m supposed to be strong! I’m supposed to be…”

“Alone?” Starshine cuts off Cozy.

Cozy starts and looks at Starshine with a wide-eyed expression as she says, “A-alone?”

“Yeah Cozy! I mean, if you don’t trust anypony and let them in, who would you be around? Who’s going to hold you and snuggle you?”

“Erm uh… Are you saying that…”

Starshine furrows her eyebrows as she knows she’s got Cozy now and says, “You need me Cozy Glow! And guess what?”

“Uh, what?”

She embraces Cozy in a tight hug again, “I need my friend too! I need to not be alone anymore!”

“EEP!” Cozy exclaims.

“Huh, that’s a new one?”

“Destructive fiery vengeance!”

“Hush Cozy! Nopony is afraid of you!” Starshine says as she continues holding Cozy.

Starshine lets go of a, now muttering Cozy Glow again and goes back to all fours as she says, “I think the smores are ready now?”

“Flaming vindication er, smores? Ready?” Cozy perks up.

Starshine giggles as she looks over and magically gets out two plates and puts 4 smores down on each of them. Then she floats the plates over to the table as Cozy is now happily trotting over there. Starshine smiles while Cozy gets on her chair and stares back at Starshine while smiling.

Cozy quickly grabs one of the yummy treats with her forehooves and is about to bite down when she suddenly looks over and realizes her friend isn’t there yet and that she needs to wait. Starshine is still smiling at her as she trots over and sits down. “Okay! You’re here now!” Cozy says before she voraciously bites into her morsel while Starshine smiles at her giggling. Starshine then uses her magic to pick up a smores of her own.

The two ponies eat like this for several minutes. Cozy finishes all four of her smores before Starshine is done with her third and rubs her stomach and says, “That was really good Starshine! But um, I’m full now… Golly! We didn’t have enough left over for breakfast!”

“I told you that would be fine!” Starshine says as she finishes up her third. She rubs her stomach and says, “Gosh! I can’t finish this!”

Cozy perks up again, looks at Starshine, and says, “This means I have to eat it doesn’t it?”

Starshine widens her right eye and raises the brow as she says, “What?”

“Yup! We’re at my house and you don’t want it! Therefore, by the rules, I have to eat it now! I mean, you wanna follow the rules right Starshine?” Cozy says while grinning.

“Uh…” Starshine’s mouth tightens as she isn’t sure what to say as Cozy leans over the table on her hind legs using the chair and grabs the plate to slide it over to her side using her forehooves.

Cozy picks up the final remaining smores with her forehooves and starts to eat it aggressively.

Starshine looks over and giggles as Cozy greedily devours the treat. Cozy rubs her belly and licks her lips before looking up. “I guess I need to take these to the sink now huh?” She then slowly uses her forehooves to stack the plates up. She gets up at that point and takes off with her wings before hovering over the plates and collects them in all four of her hooves so she can fly them to the sink. Then she flies back and lands next to the table, looks at Starshine, and says, “Okay bestie! What do you wanna do now?”

“Well, you said scary stories, right?”

“Um, yeah I think so?”

“Well go get a flashlight and meet me in your room! I got a good one!”

“Okay Starshine! I think there’s one in the living room closet?” Cozy says before taking off across the room. Starshine gets off her chair and trots back to Cozy’s room.

Later, Cozy opens her door while holding a black police style flashlight in her teeth. Starshine smiles and takes it out of her mouth with her magic before turning out the lights with a blue glow on the switch and tells Cozy, “Okay I’m gonna shine this light on my face from here! I remember me and my dad used to do this when we went camping!”

“Okay Starshine!” Cozy says as she trots to the center of the room and sits on her haunches in front of her friend.

Starshine shines the light on her face while she sits on her haunches in the center of the room. It’s held there by her forehooves as she smiles. She looks at Cozy as the dark room grew eerie and says, “Okay well, how about the Tale of the Olden Pony?”

“Yeah I’ve heard that one about 20 times! Well, I did 12 years ago!”

Starshine gets a grin and says, “Well how about this one then! The Tale of the Three Ponies!”

“I don’t think I’ve heard that one?”

“Good! Now listen up! There once were three ponies walking through the White Tail Woods in the dark on a night, just like tonight!”

Cozy rolls her eyes.

“Now they were walking in a line! The earth pony was up front, there was a unicorn in the middle, and a Pegasus in the back. They walked carefully and the earth pony says, “We’ve been walking for hours! Are you sure you know what we’re looking for? And the unicorn says, “Well I know it was here somewhere? And then, without warning, the darkness reached out and grabbed the Pegasus in the back! The unicorn and earth pony both look and she’s not there anymore!”

Cozy starts and asks, “Wait! What do you mean the darkness just “grabbed” her?”

“I mean, the blackness just swallowed her up!”

“Golly! Was she okay?”

“Nopony knows!”

“U-um… Okay Starshine…”

“You alright Cozy?”

“Yeah I’m fine!” Cozy says before scratching the back of her neck with her right forehoof.

“Okay! Well the other two ponies began to panic, and they start running! They’re not sure what’s going, but they know their friend is now gone and suddenly, the unicorn disappears too!”

“Uh, Starshine?”

“Yeah Cozy?”

“Um… Can we do something else please?”

Starshine looks over and turns the lights on with her magic. She sees Cozy there on her haunches quivering slightly with a wide-eyed nervous expression. She smiles as she immediately knows what the problem is and trots over to put her right forehoof on Cozy’s shoulder as she says, “It’s okay Cozy! We don’t need to do that if you don’t want to!”

“Okay Starshine um, thanks! You know, I don’t think I really like scary stories that much?”

Starshine smiles as she looks over and magically opens her saddlebags to pull out a plush spider.

“Golly! You didn’t tell me you had that toy!”

“I’ve had it for years, but until you, I had no reason to take him anywhere. His name is Edward!”

“Edward the spider?”

“Sure! Why not?”

“Yes, but you don’t seem to realize what this means?”


“It means now you’re attacked by a spider!” Starshine says loudly as she uses her magic to make the soft spider fly at Cozy.

Cozy ducks out of the way and giggles as she says, “Oh no! Not a spider!” as she trots to the other side of the room.

The spider flies back towards her from the other side of the room and she dives to the side before galloping to the other side of the room back to where Starshine is.

Starshine knows that if she can just position the spider right, she can corral Cozy into a corner and then she’ll have no escape! Her tongue is out the right side of her mouth as she maneuvers the spider just enough to the side to get Cozy to dart the right way and suddenly, Cozy is trapped in the corner with nowhere to go! Starshine smiles as her plan is realized and says, “Gotcha!” as Cozy giggles and bats at the spider with her forelegs.

“AAAAHHH!!!” Cozy squeals as she puts her right forehoof in front of her face and the soft plush spider comes tumbling down on her and starts moving all 8 of its legs to tickle her. She giggles like this before saying, “Alright Starshine! Alright! Stop tickling me! Stop it!”

Starshine continues to tickle her friend for just a few more seconds with a devilish grin on her face before deciding she’s had enough and pulling the spider away from Cozy with her levitation magic.

Cozy gets back to all fours slowly while still giggling and says, “Hey Starshine!”

“Yeah Cozy?”

“What do you wanna do now?”

Starshine yawns and says, “I’m kinda sleepy now Cozy Glow. We can stay up later if you want though?”

“Um Starshine?”

“Yes Cozy?”

“Um, I really like snuggling you…”

“I like snuggling you too Cozy!” Starshine says as she looks at Cozy who now has a blank stoic expression on her face.

Starshine suddenly realizes what she’s hinting at and says, “So, Cozy Snuggle Time Nap now?”

“You know, that’s kinda cute when I think about it?”

“Not as cute as you!”

“No, you!”

The two fillies giggle as Cozy begins to trot towards the left side of the bed and Starshine soon follows on the right. Both fillies get in at about the same time and face each other in bed.

Cozy says, “Um, I’d like to turn around and um, would you uh…”

Starshine smiles and says, “You want me to hold you again, don’t you?”

Cozy turns around in bed and scoots her back towards Starshine as she says, “Nopony!”

Starshine giggles and grabs Cozy’s ribs with her forehooves and pulls her in tightly for a loving snuggle.

“Hey Starshine?”

“Yeah Cozy?”

“I sure did a lot today huh?”

“Well it’s after midnight now, and so technically that was yesterday…”

Cozy sighs and says, “Yes I know, but that’s not what I mean… I mean I did a lot and don’t think I got a lot in return?”

“Cozy, you have a loving mother that you care about, right?”

Cozy starts and looks down before saying, “Well golly gee, I guess I do huh?”

“And you took care of her because you love her, didn’t you?”

“Um, I think so? There’s no other reason is there?”

“Nope! Trixie is your new mommy, and you love her!”


“I know, right?”

“Uh, Starshine?”

“Yes Cozy?”

“I guess this means I like helping other ponies after all, huh?”

“Yup Cozy! You’re a helper! And a cute cheerful one at that!”



“Hey Starshine?”

Starshine sighs and says, “Yeah Cozy?”

“I love you… Thanks for helping me be a kid again…”

Starshine hugs Cozy tightly to her body and says, “I love you too and you’re very welcome Cozy! Now hush! Let’s snuggle and sleep!”


The two fillies gently drift off to sleep underneath the covers together on Cozy’s twin sized bed. The unicorn holds the Pegasus from behind and nuzzles her softly in their sleep.

Cozy wakes up the next morning to the scent of eggs frying in with something else. She mutters to herself and starts when she remembers that she’s still in Starshine’s hooves. She turns her head and says, “Starshine! I think mom is cooking something!”

Starshine grumbles and says, “Uh, oh maybe we should go see how she is?”

“Well yeah, I mean, she was sick yesterday right?”

“Yeah!” Starshine says as she lets Cozy go.

Cozy scoots over to the left side of the bed and slowly goes down to her hooves on the floor while Starshine does the same on her end. Cozy trots towards the door, opens it with her forehooves, and peers outside into the foyer.

She sees Trixie on the other side in her robe, using her magic to cook something on the skillet while manipulating a metal spatula.

She slowly trots out across the foyer and says, “Um, mom?”

Trixie looks over to see Cozy, smiles and says, “Oh hello my precious daughter! How was your first slumber party?”

Cozy is getting closer to her by this point and says, “Oh golly! It was just swell mom! We made smores and played and told ghost stories! Um, well I didn’t really like the story too much, but it was great, and we had a lot of fun! Uh, how are you?”

“A lot better Cozy! Thank you so much for taking care of me!”

At this point, Starshine starts to trot out of Cozy’s room and stands back while the two ponies converse.

“Oh, golly gee! It was nothing! I just wanted to take care of the mare who normally takes care of me you know?”

“Like a good pony would?”

“Well um, I guess I am a good pony huh?”

“Sure looks that way doesn’t it? Now Cozy, I’m about done with this French toast! Go sit down and I’ll serve you!”

“Oh, yummy mom!” Cozy exclaims as she excitedly trots back to the dining area to see her friend already there smiling at her.

Starshine asks Cozy, “So, how does it feel to do good?”

“You know, I never really thought of what I was doing as “good” really? I just did the things I thought I was supposed to do?”

Starshine scrunches her mouth and says, “Wait, that doesn’t make any sense? I mean, when you were evil, you were doing those things to get power right? So that would mean, you thought you SHOULD get power?”

Cozy furrows her brow for a moment as she ponders on this, “Well, yeah! I thought I needed power and so that’s what I was doing! What I thought I should do!” ***

Starshine smiles as Cozy stares at her confused. Finally, Cozy asks her, “Okay Starshine! What are you smiling about now?”

“Don’t you see Cozy? This is great! If you think you should be doing good things and you’re actually doing it, then that means you’re not a bad pony at all!”

“Wait, if I’m not “bad”, then what the hay was I doing before? You gotta admit, taking over Equestria is not a “normal” thing most fillies do!”

“Well, since when are you normal anyway?”

Cozy squints and says, “That’s not what I meant, and you know it!”

Starshine giggles and says, “Sorry! What I mean is, you’re not a typical filly. And I know you’ve always just wanted to be “normal” or “ordinary”, but I couldn’t help but notice that you’re uh…not?”

Cozy frowns and says, “Not much I can do about that, huh?”

Starshine smiles and says, “Cozy, that’s my favorite thing about you!”

“Wait! Are you telling me you wouldn’t like me so much if I wasn’t who I am?”

“You know Cozy, I think I am?”

At this point, Trixie trots into the dining area setting down a big tray in her magical grasp. The fillies see that there’s three plates on it. Cozy looks closer to see that each plate has two big fluffy slices of French toast with butter on top and the syrup already poured on. She says, “Golly! That looks yummy mom!”

Trixie smiles and says, “Of course! Making her a good breakfast is the least I could do for my adorable little nurse!”

“Golly mom! You really think I did well?”

Trixie uses her magic to serve Cozy first and then Starshine before herself and she says, “Of course Cozy! You brought me tea and dinner and went above and beyond everything I asked of you! Why wouldn’t you think you did good?”

“Well gee mom, I dunno?” Cozy scratches the back of her neck with her left forehoof, “I don’t really think about whether I’m doing a good job or not you know? I just do it as best as I can and hope for the best!”

Trixie looks at Cozy and smiles as she says, “Well you did very good little Cozy Glow!”

“Oh, golly mom!” Cozy begins to blush.

Starshine grins at Cozy at this point. Cozy notices but decides to ignore it.

Trixie sits on her haunches on her chair and smiles at Cozy as she says, “I’m gonna be honest with you little Cozy… When I first started reading and learning about you, I thought you were just a demented little butthole!” Cozy squints, “But then, I began to get curious. I started to wonder what brought you down that path? Why you did what you did. But after getting to know and adopting you, I am proud to call you my daughter!” ****

Cozy blushes even more and Starshine notices this and grins at her. Cozy once again, decides to ignore this.

Trixie then continues, “Well anyway, there’s something I wanted to talk about with you little filly… Now as you know, school’s about to start… I have a summit in Canterlot that I have to attend before every school year, and I wanted to know if you wanted to come along to see Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer with me… You don’t have to face them yet if you’re not ready though… It starts in a week…”

Day 33:

Cozy stood there on the platform as she waited on the train. She looks at the blue unicorn to her immediate left and says, “So mom! You knew I’d come because you want to reform me, and you know I love a challenge!”

Trixie looks to her right and smiles as she says, “Yeah! I knew you’d eventually want to come!”

Cozy then looks at the purple filly standing next to her on the right and says, “Starshine, tell me again why your mom thought this was a good idea?”

Starshine looks to her left and says, “Well she’s happy I’m finally active outside the house now and she also trusts Trixie over there to take care of me. And she’s also happy I finally have a friend!”

Cozy frowns and says, “Okay well, I guess that makes sense?” Her face grows somber as she looks down and says, “Starshine, I’m sure glad you’re here… I think I’d probably back out if you weren’t…”

“Well what are friends for? You’re not sure about this and I’m here to help!”

“Yeah uh, thanks Starshine!”

Starshine then suddenly reaches out and hugs Cozy and says, “Anytime snuggle buddy!”

“Urgh! Not so loud Starshine!” Cozy yelps as Trixie stares at them and giggles.

(To be continued…)

Chapter Eleven: Friendship

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Day 33 (Cont.):

Cozy walks behind Starshine, who walks behind Trixie to board the train. They make their way back to car 3 and Cozy can see that there’s 4 doors there, 2 on each side. Trixie opens the first door on the left and says, “Here’s our cabin Cozy!”

Cozy frowns and says, “Right! I’m not comfortable around other ponies, therefore, I sit in a private cabin! Makes sense!” before trotting inside and taking a seat on the right. Starshine sits next to her with the window on her other side and Trixie sits across from them in the cabin.

Trixie looks at Cozy and says, “How do you feel?”

Cozy looks at her mother and says, “Well, I’m really nervous! Although I kinda knew a confrontation was going to happen later…”

Trixie raises her left eyebrow and asks, “How did you know that Cozy?”

“Well golly gee! You know, I really didn’t think that letter earlier would be enough. I couldn’t put my hoof on it, but I somehow knew there was more for me to do!”

Starshine looks at Cozy and says, “Well that’s okay Cozy, because you’re not alone anymore!”

Cozy looks over at her friend and smiles as she says, “Yeah that’s right! I got you here now huh?”

Just then, there’s a knock on the door and it opens to reveal an orange earth filly with freckles on her face, and a green mane in two long piggy tails, and a tail that’s about the same length. The long red ribbons in her hair fall to her sides as she says, “Um, hi! I’m Little Snack! This is cabin 3-2, right?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Yes Little Snack! Come on in!”

Little Snack trots inside and sits next to Trixie, opposite the window while Cozy watches with a wide-eyed confused look on her face.

Starshine looks over at Cozy and whispers, “Are you okay?”

Cozy gets close to Starshine and whispers back to her, “I didn’t know there’d be other ponies here!” Cozy looks over and thinks she notices Little Snack giving her a peculiar glance earlier but decides that it’s probably nothing.

Starshine then chooses to break the ice as she looks over and says, “So Little Snack! Why are you traveling to Canterlot?”

Little Snack looks at the unicorn filly and says, “Oh, well I have family and relatives there and this is my yearly visit! Um, why are you three going there?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Well I’m Trixie Lulamoon, the guidance counselor at the School of Friendship and there’s an annual summit before classes start after every summer. And this is my daughter Cozy Glow and her best friend, Starshine!”

Cozy smiles as Little Snack’s eyes widen and she says, “Cozy Glow! I knew it! You’re the demon child!”

Cozy starts and says, “Uh, w-wait what?”

Little Snack says, “Yeah I read ahead in my history textbook and I learned all about you! You were really neat, in an evil malevolent sort of way!”

Cozy scratches the back of her neck with her left forehoof and says, “I can’t just be normal, anywhere can I?”

Trixie smiles at Cozy and says, “Yeah pretty much! But you’ll get used to it!”

Little Snack starts again, “Yeah you tried to get rid of all the magic in Equestria in an effort to overthrow the government!”

Cozy grins nervously, “Y-yeah I did that alright! Heh heh… That was a long time ago…”

Little Snack replies, “Yeah and later, you attacked Princess Twilight Sparkle and all of her friends at the Friendship Castle!”

Cozy looks down and says, “Yes Little Snack… I did those things and now, I’m just trying to get better…”

Little Snack says, “Well, since I didn’t see your statue anymore at the School of Friendship, I knew something must’ve happened to you. Uh, what have you been doing for the past month anyway?”

Cozy looks back up and says, “Yeah well, they unfroze me and um, Trixie here is trying to reform me!”

Little Snack frowns and says, “So, you’re not evil anymore?”

Cozy says, “Well apparently, not for a very long time?” She looks over at Trixie who smiles at her.

Little Snack says, “Okay good! I would hate to have to subdue you with my mystical Kung Fu powers!” she says while chopping at the air with her forehooves before giggling to herself while Cozy is still unsure of what to say.

Then the train starts to take off as the engine starts revving. It begins to pull out of the station and all the ponies can see the outside beginning to move. Cozy says, “Golly! Okay! No going back now!”

Starshine looks at Cozy and asks, “Uh Cozy?”

Cozy looks at Starshine and says, “Yeah, I was just thinking about getting off the train but um, now I can’t do that anymore, huh?”

Starshine smiles and says, “Nope! We’ve disembarked! We’re snuggle buddies on a mission now!” before she hugs Cozy tightly.

Cozy starts in her friend’s embrace and says, “Please! I know you like embarrassing me, but not in front of the new pony!” as Trixie giggles and Little Snack stares blankly with a sort of “half-grin” on her face.

Starshine gets off Cozy and says, “Well, embarrassing you is just a nice bonus! I’m really all about the cuddles!”

Cozy says, “Yeah okay, well, not all the time please!”

Starshine looks down and says, “I’m sorry Cozy. I just get so lonely sometimes…”

Cozy smiles and says, “It’s okay Starshine…”

Suddenly, both fillies notice Little Snack watching them with a glazed over look in her eyes and a smile on her face. Cozy finally asks her, “What?”

Little Snack says, “So, you have a best friend now?”

Starshine looks over, smiles, and says, “Yup! I’m her best friend, Starshine!” She hugs Cozy. “And I help keep her from being evil!”

Cozy, now being tightly embraced by her friend from the side, looks at Starshine with a sideways glance as Little Snack says, “That’s great Starshine!” She looks at Cozy and smiles while continuing, “I’m really glad you’re getting the help you need now Cozy! My book said that something may have happened to you, but it was never verified…”

Cozy starts and gently shoves Starshine away with her forehooves before turning to Little Snack and saying, “Wait! What else is this textbook saying about me?”

Little Snack looks at Cozy and says, “Well, I can’t remember THAT well and I don’t really have the book with me. I um, kinda left it in my locker… Well I didn’t know I was gonna meet the monster filly!”

Cozy then says, “Uh, Little Snack?”

Little Snack says, “Yeah Cozy?”

Cozy continues, “Um, I’m just uh, trying to live my life now you know? Well er, there’s a lot of pieces and uh, would you please just call me “Cozy?” I don’t really like to think much about my past…” before looking down again.

Little Snack frowns and says, “Oh um, I’m really sorry about that Cozy… I’m excited to meet you and well, the names you were called in class kinda stuck out to me?”

Cozy looks up, widens her eyes, and says, “Okay so the textbook didn’t refer to me as “demonic” or anything like that, but every filly in the classroom does?”

Little Snack replies, “Well after we all got to that section uh, most of us? A few of us thought that you were disturbed or hurt? We thought that you needed help… Yeah the teacher said that we needed to exercise “empathy” with people like you?” She looks at Trixie and says, “Guidance counselor? So, you’re helping her reform?”

Trixie smiles as Cozy looks on and says, “That’s right! I’m giving her therapy and trying to make her better again!”

Cozy interjects again and says, “So tell me Little Snack… Do you think I need help?” She looks down and says, “Golly… You know, after everything, I didn’t really think about it?”

Starshine looks over at Cozy confused and says, “What do you mean Cozy?”

Cozy looks at her and says, “I was hurt Starshine… My world was gone…” She looks down and a tear form in her right eye as she says, “And I was all alone!”

Little Snack widens her eyes as she says, “I didn’t mean to trigger anything Cozy! I’m so sorry!”

Cozy closes her eyes and yells and yells, “I used to be strong! I used to be tough! It never bothered me before!” *

Everypony in the cabin looks at Cozy wide-eyed as Trixie looks at Cozy and says, “You weren’t in touch with how you felt Cozy. It’s a common defense mechanism to detach yourself from your feelings when trauma happens and you’re only just now getting back to how you felt that day…”

Cozy looks at Trixie and says, “Why though? Why now? Why does this all have to hit me now?”

Trixie replies, “Because that’s when you finally started thinking about it Cozy… You’re just now starting to learn how much you were hurt that day…” **

Cozy covers her face in her forehooves and says, “I don’t want to feel this way mom! I don’t like this!”

Just then, Little Snack gets up from her seat and trots to Cozy on the other end of the cabin. She puts her right forehoof under Cozy’s chin and raises her face to hers and says, “Well, they were telling me about empathy in class earlier? Um, do you want to talk about it Cozy?”

Cozy stares at Little Snack wide-eyed and says, “Golly gee, no Little Snack! Um, so what do you do for fun?” before tilting her head to her left and smiling dimly.

“Are you sure Cozy? You don’t look okay to me.” Little Snack says with a piercing look in her eyes.

Cozy straightens her head, smiles more broadly and sincerely at the other filly, and says, “Um, yeah thanks Little Snack… I’ll be okay…”

“Well…okay Cozy, as long as you’re sure…” She lowers her right forehoof back to the ground, nods her head, and continues, “Um, I usually like to play kick ball with my friends in the schoolyard and sometimes I like to swing and play on the playground!”

Cozy excitedly nods her head and smiles as she says, “Golly! I like to play on the playground too!” (Starshine smiles at Cozy)

Little Snack tilts her head to the left and says, “Well uh, maybe I could be your friend now too?”

Cozy smile grows demure as she says, “Thanks, Little Snack… Um, I’d like that…”

Little Snack straightens her head, smiles at Cozy, and nods before saying, “Sure! I mean, meeting people and making friends is what it’s all about right?”

Cozy scratches the back of her neck with her left forehoof and says, “Um, yeah I think so?” She looks over at Trixie who smiles at her and then back at Little Snack before saying, “So uh, where do you live Little Snack? I live with my uh, mom just East of town beyond the meadow.”

“Oh, you mean that little cottage out there? Yeah, I think I’ve seen it, but I didn’t know who lives there. I live on the South end of town to the right of the road. If you reach Sweet Apple Acres, you’ve gone too far!”

“Oh golly! That’s not too far I don’t think. Well, Ponyville isn’t very big!”

“Not really no? I’m sure we can find each other later!”

Cozy’s eyes widen as she says, “Yes! Of course! New friends!”

Trixie asks Cozy, “Are you alright darling?”

Cozy looks at Trixie and says, “Yeah I’m okay mom! It’s just that everything is happening so fast you know. I mean, I’m about to talk to Twilight and Starlight about uh” (she gulps), “what I did and now, I have a new friend!” She looks at Little Snack and says, “R-right!”

“Sure, Cozy Glow!” She then embraces the Pegasus filly in a tight warm hug.

“Everypony keeps hugging me!” Cozy yelps while in the earth pony’s embrace.

Little Snack gets off Cozy quickly and back to her hooves before saying, “Oh uh, I’m sorry Cozy! Did I cross any boundaries?”

Cozy looks down and giggles as she says, “They taught you about that too huh? Well uh…” Cozy glances upward, sighs, and says, “I didn’t really get much love and support before, but now look at me? Golly! Is that all I really needed all along?”

Little Snack twists her mouth, squints her right eye, and says, “Uh, probably?”

Starshine then looks over at Little Snack and asks her, “Hey Little Snack! Can I um…” she looks down, “be your friend too?”

Little Snack looks over at her and smiles as she says, “No!”

Starshine starts and says with a wide-eyed expression, “W-wait! What?”

Little Snack giggles and says, “Just messing with you Starshine! Sure! I’d like that!”

And then all three fillies just break out in giggles.

“Well golly gee! Now there’s three of us!”

Little Snack smiles and says, “Well, sometimes? I mean, I visit my relatives for about a week and then I guess I could come up to go see you? Uh, I don’t really go to the School of Friendship though! I go to Ponyville Elementary, but we can still hang out and do stuff after school?”

“Golly! That’d be swell Little Snack!

Little Snack replies, “Great! So uh, what do you do for fun Cozy?”

Cozy says, “Well I color and put together puzzles a lot when I’m not hanging out with Starshine or talking with my mom. I don’t really get out much!”

Little Snack frowns and says, “Well don’t you like to play outside Cozy?”

“Well golly yes Little Snack! But uh, I’m scared…”

Little Snack tilts her head to the left and has a fascinated look in her eyes as she asks, “What are you scared of Cozy?”

Cozy sniffles and says, “I’m just worried about my past you know? I mean, what if I can never get over it? What if nopony will ever give me a chance because of it?”

Little Snack straightens her head and twists her mouth again and says, “Well, I’m giving you a chance right now? Maybe ponies who don’t give you a chance aren’t worth your time?” ***

Cozy starts and says, “Golly! You know, I never looked at it like that? I mean,” she looks at Trixie, “they won’t hurt me, right? I can just live my life and do the things I need to and maybe it doesn’t matter what they think?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Now you’re getting it Cozy!”

Little Snack says, “Wow! I helped reform a megalomaniacal uh, I’m helping you now!” she smiles dimly.

Cozy giggles and says, “Okay! No more bringing up my past!”

Starshine grins and says, “Yeah! She usually boops me for that!”

Little Snack looks at Starshine and says, “Wait, boops you?”

Starshine says, “Well, that’s when she presses her hoof to my nose and says, “BOOP!””

Little Snack grins and giggles at Cozy as she says, “That’s the most funny and um, adorable thing I’ve ever heard!”

Cozy looks at Starshine and says, “Oh yeah? Well you ambush hug me and it’s not funny!”

Starshine smiles and looks over at the Pegasus as she says, “Oh, but I think it’s hilarious!”

Cozy says, “Well don’t get too comfortable Starshine! I’m gonna get you one of these days! And it’s gonna be bad! REALLY BAD!” as she starts angrily at Starshine.

Starshine giggles and says, “Would you knock it off already Cozy? Nopony is afraid of you and we only think you’re cute when you say that!”

Cozy looks at Starshine fiercely and starts to vibrate when she says, “Oh yeah! Well I’m evil and mean! I’ll uh… I’ll…” Cozy’s eyes then go to a more somber position as she continues, “I uh… Golly! I’m not evil anymore huh?”

Starshine then triumphantly says, “Finally!” and embraces Cozy in a tight warm hug.

The young Pegasus can only sit there in the unicorn filly’s embrace as the unicorn mare and earth filly look on. She finally says, “I just don’t understand this? I mean, I already admitted to you earlier that I wasn’t evil anymore! Why do I keep having this same realization?”

Trixie looks at Cozy and says, “Sometimes it can take awhile Cozy. You should just relax and let it happen…”

“Golly! EEP!” Cozy exclaims as Starshine gives her a tight squeeze before letting her go and Little Snack chuckles. Cozy decides that too, is not important and says lowly, “Um, mom?” she looks at Trixie and continues, “I have to go to the bathroom now. Uh, can Starshine come with me too please?”

Trixie looks at Cozy and says, “Sure Cozy! The restroom is at the other end of the car!” as she points in front of her with her forehoof.

Cozy smiles and says, “Thanks mom!” She turns her head to the unicorn filly, and asks her, “Ready to go Starshine!”

Starshine looks over at Cozy, already aware of what her friend really wants, and says, “Sure Cozy! I’ll take you to the bathroom! Let’s go!”

Both fillies leave the cabin and as soon as Starshine shuts the door, Cozy looks at her and points off to the end of the car away from the engine on her right with her forehoof and whispers, “I need to talk to you!”

Starshine smiles and whispers back, “I know.”

Cozy starts walking the direction she pointed and Starshine follows behind her.

Once Cozy thinks they’re far enough away from the cabin, she turns to Starshine and says, “Why is this going so well? Aren’t ponies supposed to hate and fear me now after everything I did?”

Starshine curves her mouth and says, “Well I don’t hate you. Trixie doesn’t hate you. And Little Snack doesn’t seem to hate you either?”

“Golly! What if the biggest problems I face are all in my head?”

As she raises her eyebrows, Starshine says, “You think?”

“You know, I’m sure glad I have you now Starshine… I um, wasn’t sure about a lot of things when they unfroze me…”

Starshine looks at Cozy somberly and says, “Well, that’s probably why I’m here? Well, that and because you’re my friend and I love you!”

Cozy smiles and says, “I love you too Starshine! Wanna head back now?”

“Well if you’re sure about not needing to go to the bathroom?”

“Starshine, you know me, and you know I just wanted to talk to you alone! Seriously! Anyway, let’s go!” Cozy says before turning to trot back to cabin 3-2. Starshine follows a few hoofsteps behind her and Cozy opens the door when she reaches the cabin and trots in to take her seat on the right as Starshine follows, closes the door, and sits next to her by the window.

“Everything come out okay?” Little Snack asks with a grin on her face as Trixie looks over at her.

“Um, yeah! I’m okay now! Thank you!” Cozy says as she fidgets slightly in her seat and Starshine looks onward.

Then, there’s a silence for a few moments before Little Snack says, “The thing I hate most about train rides is how boring they are! I like to do things!”

Cozy looks at her and asks, “So what else do you like to do Little Snack?”

Little Snack says, “Um, not much more? I mean, I still need to do my homework and study you know? Uh, hey Cozy! Who are you gonna talk to in Canterlot and why are you so nervous about it?”

Cozy says, “Yeah uh, Princess Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer… I uh, kinda have some amends I need to make…”

Little Snack says, “Well yeah! I mean, imprisoning ponies for three days and trying to take over Equestria isn’t exactly proper behavior? I guess they’d want to talk to you about that?”

Cozy giggles nervously and says, “Um, no I don’t think so?” She looks at Trixie who nods at her before back at Little Snack and continues, “I’m scared though… I mean, I was bad! I mean, really bad! Not just regular bad you know? Uh, what if they’re mad at me? What if my apology isn’t good enough?”

Trixie looks at Cozy and says, “Just say what’s in your heart little filly and you’ll do fine. And remember! You have me and Starshine right behind you!”

“And me too now!” chimes in Little Snack.

“Golly Little Snack! You wanna come with me when I go?”

Little Snack says, “Well um, if I can? I mean, I’ll need to talk to my uncle first, but Trixie is a well-known and responsible pony so I’m sure he’ll let me!”

Cozy’s eyes get narrower as she says, “I don’t understand?”

Trixie asks her daughter, “What do you not understand sweetie?”

Cozy looks at Trixie and says, “Well before, I was all alone… I didn’t have this kind of support… Why do I suddenly have it now?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Because we found you and helped you Cozy. We learned what the real issues were and worked through them together. Like true friends do! You gotta admit, you didn’t really do that earlier!”

“Golly no! I just tried to get power because uh…” Cozy looks at Starshine, who looks back at her, “because I thought that’s what I needed to do to make everything better in my life… And now, it’s different… Making things better in my life is different now…”

Starshine says, “What do you mean Cozy?”

Cozy continues, “I mean, making my life better now involves therapy and talking about my problems! I didn’t really do that before and now I am and uh, um, I think I’m getting better?”

“You bet Cozy!” Starshine says as she smiles.

Little Snack then says, “Why are you nervous about talking to them Cozy?”

Cozy looks back over at her and says, “Because of what I did…”

Little Snack smiles and says, “Well honestly Cozy, you got not just one, but two fillies behind you now as well as the guidance counselor at the freaking School of Friendship! I mean, if you can EVER do this, now would be the right time!”

“Golly, you know Little Snack, you got a point there!”

Little Snack says, “Of course I do!” as she smiles even more broadly.

Just then, Starshine looks up at her new friend and says, “Hey Little Snack!”

Little Snack looks over and says, “Yeah Starshine?”

Starshine smiles as she calmly gets off her seat and trots over to Little Snack on the other end. She starts whispering in the ear of the earth filly as she nods and says, “Uh huh?”

Cozy looks at them both on the other side of the cabin and says, “Hey! What are you two doing over there?”

Little Snack looks at Cozy and smiles as Starshine looks back and does the same thing. This unnerves the Pegasus as she stares at them with wide-eyed uncertainty and a confused look on her face.

Then Little Snack gets off her seat and trots towards Cozy while Starshine turns around and does the same. Soon, they’re on either side of the young Pegasus, Starshine on Cozy’s right and Little Snack on Cozy’s left. This wouldn’t be nearly as unsettling to Cozy if they both weren’t smiling ear to ear at her the whole time.

Before Cozy can piece together what’s going on, Starshine says, “NOW!”

Little Snack then tackles Cozy in a tight warm embrace a mere split second before Starshine is hugging two of them in her forelegs! Cozy yelps and says, “THISISN’TFAIR!”

Trixie can only laugh maniacally from her seat on the other side of the cabin at this pile of fillies all hugging and cuddling one another, with a confused and annoyed Pegasus in the middle!

Cozy starts and says, “Please let me go! I promise to be good! I’ll behave myself and do what I’m supposed to! Just stop snuggling me, for the love of Celestia!”

Starshine gives both fillies one final squeeze before going back to her seat and Little Snack then gets off Cozy and looks at her as she says, “Well Starshine said you liked hugs and snuggles, but didn’t like to admit it. She had a point when she said we really need to just give them to you without you asking…”

Cozy starts and says, “This isn’t, uh… (she starts to pant) I just can’t anymore…” before looking down with a demoralized expression on her face.

Starshine looks at Cozy with a puzzled look in her eyes as she says, “What Cozy?”

Cozy looks up at Starshine and says, “Okay! I like hugging and snuggling! You got me! I finally admit it! You broke me Starshine! I’m done for!” as Trixie giggles some more. Cozy then looks at Trixie and asks her, “What’s so funny mom?”

Trixie looks down and composes herself before looking back up at Cozy and saying, “We’ve known this forever Cozy! Really, the only pony who didn’t want to believe you liked hugs and snuggles was you!”

“Well golly no! I wanted to be strong and tough you know? I uh…” she looks at Starshine and says, “I thought I could be alone and be happy… I guess I was wrong huh?”

Starshine smiles and says to Cozy, “You NEED me remember?”

Cozy giggles and says, “Yeah I guess so?” then she turns to Little Snack and asks her, “Little Snack, do you hate and fear me?”

Little Snack scrunches her mouth and says, “No, not really? I mean, you are interesting and I wanna know more about you and I like being your friend so far? But I never thought you were scary or anything.”

Cozy smiles and says, “Right! All in my head!”

Trixie looks at Cozy and asks her, “What do you mean Cozy?”

Cozy says, “Well I was thinking that the biggest problems with this were all in my head earlier… I think I was right…”

Trixie smiles and says, “We’re often our own worst enemies Cozy. The important thing to remember is that it’s YOU saying these things to yourself. Not other ponies. So, it would stand to reason that you’re not necessarily correct you think?”

“Well golly, that does make sense mom! I mean, what if what I think isn’t necessarily the way the world is right?”

Trixie continues, “Right Cozy! You don’t need mean ponies in your life, and you shouldn’t deal with them. Just move on and be true to yourself!”

“Golly! I just…” Cozy looks down with a somber look in her eyes as tears begin to form and she says, “I just… I love you all so much!” she then closes her eyes and Starshine moves over and starts to hold and snuggle her friend.

Little Snack says, “I’ve only known you for a few hours Cozy, but I can already tell you’re not evil… I’ll let my parents know who you are, and you’ll be welcome in our house later okay?”

Cozy looks up at Little Snack with some tears still in her eyes as she sniffles and says, “Th-thanks Little Snack! Um, I’d like that…”

Little Snack smiles and says, “Sure thing Cozy!”

Cozy then gets a big smile on her face as she says, “Golly! This is all so much! Um, thank you everypony! Thank you for being there for me! I love you all!”

Starshine looks at Cozy and says, “No problem Cozy!”

Cozy then glances out the window and says, “Um, we’re past the Everfree Forest and are heading towards Canterlot now. Anypony know how long we’ve been heading East?”

Starshine looks out of her window and says, “Um, Cozy?”

Cozy looks over and says, “Yeah Starshine?”

Starshine continues, “I think I can make out the spires of the castle in Canterlot from here. I think we’re almost there now Cozy…”

“Oh golly! Uh…” The filly starts to fidget as she panics and says, “Will Twilight be meeting us at the station?”

Trixie looks over and says, “Goodness no Cozy Glow! She’s an important princess with things to do! She’ll have an audience with you in the castle shortly after you arrive, and we trot over there.”

Starshine puts her hoof on Cozy’s shoulder and says, “Don’t worry Cozy! You got us now!”

Little Snack looks over, saying, “Yeah! I’m not gonna let my new friend down now! Just give me some time to talk it over with my uncle and I will meet you in front of the castle!” She looks over at Trixie and continues, “That is, um, if you’ll wait on me?”

Trixie looks over at the earth filly and says, “Of course! Little Cozy Glow needs all the support she can get right now!” She looks over at Cozy and says, “Isn’t that right my daughter?”

Cozy looks at Trixie wide-eyed, knowing this delays the confrontation a little bit more as she nods frantically and says, “Golly yes! Of course!”

Starshine looks out the window again and says, “Oh yeah! That’s definitely the spires of Canterlot and I think I can make out the station now!”

“Golly!” Cozy exclaims as she looks outside and sees that everything is starting to move much slower outside their window.


The three fillies and unicorn mare are all standing outside the throne room. Cozy on the left side and Trixie on the right with the two fillies.

Little Snack smiles at Cozy and says, “Well go on in Cozy! You got this!”

“Gee, you think Little Snack? I mean, what do I say?”

Trixie curves her mouth and says, “Well, do you feel bad about what you did now and want to do better?”

“Golly yes mom! Yes, I do!” Cozy says while nodding.

Trixie smiles and says, “Then go with that Cozy! Just say what’s in your heart! It doesn’t have to be perfect! Only sincere! You can do this!”

Starshine smiles at Cozy and says, “After getting over the death of your parents, do you really think a simple apology is too much Cozy?”

Cozy smiles and says, “Golly no Starshine! Maybe you’re all right? Maybe I can do this? Um, okay!” She closes her eyes and primly straightens her face out before opening her eyes with renewed determination, “I think I can do this now! I think I know what to say!” She turns to her left, takes a deep breath, and slowly opens the throne room door with her left forehoof.

Cozy Glow nervously trots to the center of the throne room. She quickly spots Starlight Glimmer just to the right of Princess Twilight Sparkle seated at the center. She can’t take her eyes off Starlight and she gets the suspicion that Starlight is watching her carefully as well. She decides to speak up and says, “Oh uh, hey Starlight Glimmer! Sorry about that whole um, imprisoning you for three days thing! Uh, heh heh…”

Starlight’s frowns and says, “You fed me dog food!”

Cozy’s eyes widen as she suddenly remembers that and says “Uh, sorry about that Starlight!” Then she frowns, looks down at the floor, and sighs before saying, “I know now that what I did was wrong and I’m…” she closes her eyes, “sorry about that Starlight Glimmer…” her shoulders relax as she continues, “I’m really sorry about everything I did…” She keeps her eyes closed as she shudders to herself. A moment later, she hears hoofsteps coming near her. She starts at that moment as she feels forelegs beginning to embrace her in a loving hug. ”EEP! GOLLYWHATTHE!”

“I forgive you Cozy Glow…” was what Starlight whispered in her ear.

Starlight then lets go of Cozy to get back all fours and looks into the eyes of the Pegasus filly.

Just then, both ponies hear Starshine from behind Cozy say, “Hey I’ve never gotten her to make that noise before! You’re gonna have to show me your technique Starlight!”

Cozy’s lip is quivering as she nervously says to her, “Y-you forgive me Starlight?”

Starlight smiles and says, “Trixie has been sending letters to both me and Twilight about you Cozy Glow. We know why you did what you did, and we know you’re not really that filly Cozy.” She then looks deep into the eyes of the Pegasus foal and says, “The truth is, you’re really something special you know that?”

“Uh, w-what?”

“Cozy, you’ve been through a lot and your recovery has been extraordinary!”

“Golly! I don’t think I made THAT much headway, did I?”

Starlight then straightens out, looks deep into the Pegasus’s eyes, and says, “You got over the death of your parents, you recovered from the lies Tirek told you, and you’ve managed to establish and even prove yourself worthy at a new home… I think that’s progress Cozy!” ****

Cozy scratches the back of her neck with her right forehoof and says, “Yeah, I guess that’s all true?”

Princess Twilight Sparkle finally speaks up right before Starlight stands aside to Cozy’s right and says, “Yes Cozy Glow, you are one remarkable filly! But before we continue,” she looks over at Trixie, “Trixie Lulamoon!”

Trixie looks at the princess and says, “Yes Princess?”

Twilight speaks, “You said earlier that you wish to adopt the Pegasus filly known as Cozy Glow. Are you sure about this?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Yes I am Princess Twilight! I love Cozy Glow and I will take care of her!” She looks down at little Cozy who looks back at her and smiles.

Twilight then says, “Very well! By my authority as Princess of Equestria, I now officially give you adoption rights to Cozy Glow. She is your daughter, now and forever!”

Cozy’s turns to face Trixie and her face starts to beam more brightly as she says, “Golly mom! It’s as official as it can be now!”

Trixie smiles while flanked by the two fillies as she says, “Sure is Cozy! I love you my beautiful daughter!”

Cozy then turns around and faces the princess before saying, “So um, what now princess?”

Twilight says while smiling, “Now, we hear what you have to say Cozy Glow… Tell us, in your own words, what you think about this whole experience.”

Cozy starts and says, “Well golly, you know, I just didn’t think I had anything to offer? I thought that it would be better to just use other ponies because that was all I was good at… Um, maybe I could do something else?”

Twilight tilts her head to the left and says, “Well, we can figure that out later Cozy. The important thing now is that you understand that you shouldn’t just use ponies for your own gain! Or any creature for that matter!”

“Well I know that Princess Twilight! That’s not the problem!” Cozy says as she fluffs her wings and looks down. She takes a deep breath before looking up and saying, “You know, I just didn’t think there was anything else I could do?”

Twilight smirks and says, “Well, it’s time to explore other options don’t you think?”

Cozy snickers and widens her eyes as she says, “Way ahead of you Princess Twilight!”

Twilight smiles and looks at Trixie before saying, “Trixie Lulamoon! As her new parent, you are charged with showing Cozy Glow a better way! Do you understand?”

Trixie chuckles and says, “Gee Twilight! What do you think I’ve been doing?”

Twilight frowns and says, “Trixie, this has to be official!”

Trixie straightens herself out and says, “Oh! Right!” before nodding and almost somberly saying, “Yes Princess Twilight! I understand these responsibilities!”

Princess Twilight Sparkle smiles and says, “Very well then!” She then looks at Cozy and says, “Now, I declare you fully redeemed and reformed Cozy Glow! You may continue your studies at the School of Friendship!”

There is only one word Cozy can say at this point and so she says it… “Golly!”

(To be continued in the next story…)


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Cozy laid on her stomach on her pillow on the floor while using her mouth to operate a purple crayon. She colored the princess’s dress and reflected over the events of the past month and how they’ve affected her. Golly! It was so strange to suddenly actually break down! And in front of other ponies no less! When she reflected on that, she closed her eyes as she almost felt ashamed, but soon realized that sometimes, it’s okay not to be strong. Sometimes, it’s okay to need somepony else in your life, because friendship is what binds us together and when we work together, we can make a better future for us, for all, and for everypony.

And then the filly opened her eyes and dropped the crayon off to her left side with her mouth before reaching down with her neck to get the blue crayon. She began to color the princess’s body as she thought about everything that happened to her… She thought about her parent’s death and how, like it or not, she had to leave that part of her life behind… It’s true that nothing lasts forever, but she closed her eyes again for a moment when she wondered why certain changes must be so painful? They didn’t do anything to deserve what they got! Why do bad things happen to good ponies? But as she opened her eyes again, it becomes painfully obvious that there’s no real answer to that question, huh?

Then the filly releases the blue crayon to her right before moving her head down to grab the red crayon next to it and then proceeds to color the mighty dragon. She thought about power and what it had to offer. She thought about the control that would give her over her life. Once upon a time, she was convinced things were that simple. But they’re never really that simple, are they? She briefly pondered on what might have been had she succeeded. What then? Is there anything left? She would’ve thought she had friends at that time, but it would be blatantly obvious that her followers were not really her friends to anypony looking in. She wouldn’t have spent any actual quality time with any of them after all! They’re just there to be used!

She closes her eyes once more and drops the crayon from her mouth as she thinks on that. “People are meant to be used!” That was the philosophy they said was bad right? Okay so if that’s bad, then what is the right philosophy? What is the right way? Her eyes open and her mouth scrunches while she thinks about her best friend Starshine and how they’ve bonded. At all the times they’ve laughed and played together and how they like to take verbal jabs at one another in their filly banter. This thought made Cozy smile as one of her bluish white locks flowed over her left eye and she remembered the astronomy lesson, being with her friend on the playground, and finally making s’mores with her! These memories, she suddenly realized will be with her for the rest of her life and this only made her beam more as she began to feel more delighted.

And then she opened her mouth to take a deep breath as she began to think about Little Snack, the earth filly she recently met on the train ride to Canterlot. How Little Snack only knew her as the “demon child” from her textbooks! How even though Little Snack had only seen bad things about her, she still gave her a chance… Golly! Maybe I can have a second chance after all? A chance to make things right in my life? Well thanks to Trixie and many other ponies, that’s exactly what appears to be happening?

And for some bizarre reason, this made the filly grimace before she slammed her head down onto the coloring book and says to nopony in particular, “Alright fine! I’ll do it!” And at that point, she could only giggle at how silly she was with her face still on the coloring book. She then mutters to herself, “You know, sometimes you actually have to take a look at yourself to realize how dumb you are? And um, I guess that’s okay? I mean, everypony makes mistakes right? Mine just happened to be trying to take over Equestria! Why not?” before snickering maniacally at herself.

And then her door opens to show a blue unicorn who says to her, “Cozy! I thought I heard screaming? Are you okay?”

Cozy looks over to and smiles at Trixie before saying, “Oh golly, I’m swell mom! You know, you really should get better insulation for those walls?”

Trixie smiles at Cozy and says, “Actually, I was going to do that soon. Okay Cozy! Uh, what are you coloring?” before trotting over to see what her daughter was doing.

My name is Cozy Glow, and this is the story of my life After Stone… I didn’t ask for it, nor did I want it! But that’s just life as an adorable filly I suppose? Golly!