Brotherly Love

by MlpHero

First published

A collection of short stories featuring two changelings, one the older brother, the other, the younger

Blue Fang and Brokenwing are brothers. Blue is the youngest, and Broken is the older. These are a collection of short stories featuring these two in their adventures as brothers. Some stories will have Blue as a baby grub or a nymph, and Broken as a nymph.

A Side Story to my main story, Blue Fang

Brotherly Love

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“Try and catch me, Broken!” A little nymph giggled, happily running through the hallways of the hive.

“Oh. I will!” His older brother replied, chasing him. “I’m not giving up just yet!” he called out, dawning a grin.

“Well, I’m not either!” The little nymph called back, still running from his brother.

The red-fanged changeling then charged up to the blue-fanged nymph, who began fluttered his wings. Said blue-fanged changeling took to the sky!

...for two and half seconds.

“Oof!” he grunted during his rough landing.

His brother caught up to him. “You okay there?” he asked, looking at the nymph on the ground.


He helped his brother up. “Need a kiss?” he asked, smirking.

“Eww!” his brother replied playfully, before giggling.

Brokenwing, the older brother, playfully noogied his brother’s head. “Yep. You’re my brother alright.”

Blue Fang, the younger brother, went from giggling to laughing.

“You know, you got a new record for flying,” Broken said.

“Of course I did! I’m the one who can fly here,” Blue replied, pointing at his brother’s missing right wing.

Broken laughed. “You got me there. But I’m a better wrestler,” he said, getting into a pouncing position.

Blue pouted. “Yeah, yeah,” he folded his forehooves.

“See, even you admit it,” Broken smirked, before returning to his normal position.

“Whatever. It’s only because you’re bigger than me.”

“Heh. You know size doesn’t matter, right?” Broken said.

Blue tilted his head. “How?”

“It’s something called ‘strategy’. You’ll understand more as you get older.”

“Okay.” Blue then playfully tackled and nuzzled his brother’s belly.

“H-Hey!” Broken started giggling.

Blue paused. “What’s wrong?”

“Heheh. Nothing?” Broken said, sheepishly.

“Uhh, okay?” Blue continued nuzzling Broken’s belly. “Your belly’s so soft, brother.”

“R-Really?” Broken asked, trying to hold back his giggles.

“Mhm!” Blue nodded, still nuzzling his belly.

“Heheheh. I guess I must be. You’re treating me like a pillow.” Broken started squirming.

“A giggly pillow!” Blue chirped happily.

“Heh, probably because I’m being tick—” he stopped himself from talking.

Blue gasped. “I can finally do that!” He started grinning.

“Do what?” Broken looked at his younger brother.

The nymph suddenly blew a raspberry into his brother’s belly, causing Broken to giggle.

“Hehehe!” Broken looked at him. “I may have a ticklish belly, but raspberries are only gonna carry you so far,” he said, smirking.

“I don’t care!” Blue grinned playfully and continued blowing raspberries into his older brother’s belly. “Giggly Broken!” he teased.

“Hehehe!” Broken giggled. “You got me there.”

“Heheh!” Blue continued the raspberries, until that started taking its toll on his little lungs. The little nymph panted.

“Heh. Ran out of breath, huh?” Broken rubbed the nymph’s tiny head. Blue nodded his head. Broken smiled. “Well, now I have to wash this spit off of me.”

Blue giggled. He continued nuzzling his brother’s soft belly. If the feeling of nuzzles wasn’t tickling Broken, then Blue’s little blue fangs brushing against his belly certainly did.

Broken grinned at his little brother. “Heheh, you gotta do better than that,” he said, challenging him.

Blue laid there, his tiny fangs brushed against his brother again. Blue could agree that Broken was right; his fangs could carry him for a while. He smiled up at his older brother nonetheless. He was having fun. And it would appear Broken was too.

“Now it’s my turn, little bro.” Broken picked him up and took a breath…

...Then he blew a raspberry.

“Wait, what are you— Ehehehe!” Blue squirmed. “Hehehe! Brokehehen!” he started giggling.

“You’re adorable, you know that?” Broken smiled.

“I’m not adorable!” Blue whined, still squirming around.

“Yes you are!” he said, before continuing. Broken let his brother breathe for a moment.

Keyword: moment.

He then started poking and prodding at Blue’s tiny hind hooves. “H-hey! No fahahair!” Blue said, laughing.

“Let’s play with your little hoofsies!” Broken smirked.

Blue looked at his brother. “Nohohoho! You know how ticklish they are!”

“Of course I do! That’s why it’s so cute!” Broken teased.

Blue tried kicking his ‘hoofsies’, only for his brother to grab them with magic. “Hey, you cheaterrrr!”

“Sure, keep telling your little self that. But until then, let’s see those cute little hoofsies.” He used the tips of his front hooves to tickle them.

“Hehehehe! Brohohoken! Have meherhercy!” Blue laughed, still trying to kick.

“Coochie coochie coo! Coochie coochie coo!” Broken watched the little hooves squirm and wiggle in his magic grasp.

“Okahahay! I’m sorry I tickled you!” Blue squealed, still trying to break free.

Broken smiled. “Nice try. But it’s gonna take more than that to save your hoofsies from me!” he teased.

“Oh nohohohohoho!” Blue continued to try and kick.

After a while, Broken stopped and let his brother breathe. “Okay, I think your hooves have had enough. For now.” He looked at Blue’s belly. “How about that cute little belly of yours?” he asked, a grin growing on his face.

Blue shrieked as Broken started poking and prodding at his belly. “Ehehehehehe!”

“See? You’re adorable,” Broken teased, still gently tickling his brother’s belly.

Blue squealed. “Brokehehehen!” he laughed.

Broken smiled as he got an idea. He looked over to his left and only wing.

“Wait! What are you doing?!” Blue shrieked.

He shape-shifted his wing into a more feathery pegasus wing. He smirked as his little brother. He plucked himself a feather.

The nymph’s eyes widened. “Eek!” He continued to try and break free.

Broken smiled at his brother, then started brushing the feather up and down Blue’s side. “Nohohohohot thehehehere!”

“Why not there?” Broken teased. Blue only laughed and squealed. “Well, you’re laughing, so you must enjoy it.”

“I cahahahan’t breathe!” Blue screamed in laughter.

“Okay.” Broken gave him some time to breathe.

Blue breathed heavily. “Are… you done?” he whimpered a bit.

Broken smiled a nodded before nuzzling his little brother. “Sorry about that.”

“I’m okay. I think.” He poked a his belly.

“Well, you’re okay, and that’s all that matters.” Broken playfully touched his hooves one last time.

“Eee!” Blue squealed.

“Heheh. Gets me every time.” Broken chuckled.

“Meanie.” Blue pouted, folding his forehooves.

“Sorry, force of habit,” Broken smiled sheepishly.

“Yeah, sure.”

Broken let Blue down and smiled. “So Bluey, do you wanna do now?”

Blue thought for a moment. “Hm…”

“Yes?” Broken asked, watching his brother roll around on the ground.

“How about a game of Hide-and-Seek?” Blue suggested.

“Ooh, good idea!” Broke smiled.

“Yay!” Blue got up and excitedly hopped in place. “You count first!”

“Alright, when I reach ten, you better get ready!” He turned around. “One… two…”

Blue then ran off to find somewhere to hide. He eventually found a small crevasse in the wall, and squeezed right inside. He giggled while waiting for Broken.

“Ten! I’m coming for ya, Bluey!” He turned and started searching for his little brother. “Hm…” he looked around the hive. Where could his brother be hiding?

“Oh, Blueyyy!” He looked around. “Wherrrre are yooooouu?”

He kept searching.

Blue silently watched Broken trot past him. He giggled, somewhat audibly.

Broken’s ears perked up. He heard a faint giggle of a little nymph. “Is that a giggle?” he asked out loud.

Blue covered his mouth. He knew Broken heard his little giggle.

“Hmm…” Broken walked by again. “Blueyyy! Where are you?”

Blue acted quickly, and grabbed a rock and threw it away to distract his older brother. “Hm?” Broken turned to the sound. He walked over to investigate it, giving Blue his window to escape his hiding spot.

Blue stopped behind a large rock.

Broken found Blue’s distraction. “At least you listen to some of what I say.” He looked behind him to see the silhouette of a changeling nymph.

Blue squealed happily. There was no way Broken would find his hiding spot.



Blue jumped. “Ahh!” he screamed.

“Heheh! Gotcha, Bluey!” Broken said, laughing.

“You scared me!” Blue pouted.

“Course I did! Now come here, you!” Broken got into his pounce position.

“Eep! No!” He quickly jumped out of the way.

Broken suddenly tripped, going smack into a wall. “Oof!”

Blue turned around to his brother. “Haha! Pffft!” Blue blew a raspberry.


Blue’s smile dropped. “Br… Broken..?” He walked over. “Are… you alright?”

Broken rubbed his head. “I think so… Ow.”

Blue nuzzled him apologetically. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have laughed at you.” Broken tried standing up. Blue helped him up. “Should we get you to the infirmary?”

Broken shook his head. “Heh. N-Nonsense.”

“Are you sure? You hit the wall pretty hard,” Blue said, concerned.

Broken looked at Blue and smiled. “Am I bleeding though?” he asked.

Blue examined his brother. “Uhh… your fangs are red. I don’t think that’s normal. They’re usually white.”

“...Very funny,” Broken chuckled.

“No seriously. I’ve never seen you with red fangs. Is your mouth bleeding?”

Broken then realized what happened. “Blue, I—”

“Maybe we should get you to the infirmary. Or at least your bed.”

“But- but—”

“No buts. If you don’t wanna go get healed, then you should at least get your fangs and mouth cleaned.”

Broken sighed.

“Come on, Broken. Please?” Blue tried pushing him to their room.

Broken stood there as if he was glued to the floor. “Blue, my fangs are fine,” he stated, trying to not sound annoyed.

“Are you sure?” Blue asked worriedly.

“Yeah, I mean, look at your fangs.”

“I—” Blue paused. “…I guess that’s fair. But yours are still bleeding.”

“No they’re not!” Broken snapped.

Blue flinched as his brother snapped. “Oh… I…” he started whimpering.

Broken realized how scary he just sounded. “Blue… I’m sorry… I-I didn’t mean to…”

Blue looked down. “No… it’s my fault… I should’ve been more careful…” He turned away. “I’ll be in our room…” He then fluttered away.

“Blue… I’m sorry… please wait…” The little nymph went to his room. Broken sighed. He looked up. I need help. He looked over his shoulder. Maybe Mother can help… He thought. He sighed and walked towards the throne room.

“Brokenwing? How can I help you?”

The young nymph looked at the royal changeling. “It’s my brother..”

“Blue Fang? What happened?” she asked leaning forward.

“He saw my fangs and he kept urging me to go to the infirmary, and I snapped at him,” he admitted, lowering his head.

“Oh.” She got off of her throne and walked towards him. “You know he’s never seen your fangs, so he was probably worried about you.”

Broken looked at her. “I kept trying to tell him though…” he said, before looking back down.

“But he’s only a nymph. He doesn’t understand just yet. Just like you didn’t.”

“Hm?” Broken looked back up.

“Remember when I took you in under my wing?” she said, walking over to him. Broken thought about that event. “You were always worried about your wing.”

“Oh… I was.” he said, walking beside her.

“And you always asked me to repair it. But you didn’t listen until you’d hurt yourself,” she said, looked at him. Broken winced as he recalled that part. “Now, the only reason Blue’s like that is because he loves you. He wouldn’t care so much if he didn’t.”

The red-fanged changeling hung his head in shame. “I… I never thought of it like that…” he admitted lowly.

She walked over to the changeling. “Broken, you shouldn’t beat yourself up. He’s your brother. He needs you, just like you need him.”

“I have to go talk to him then… Thank you.”

She caressed his face. “That’s what I’m here for.”

He smiled, before going to their room.

“Hey… Blue?” he peeked inside.

His brother was asleep, but soon woke up in a sweat. He then hid under his cover. Broken then heard soft crying and sniffling the closer he got. “Blue? Are you okay?”

He carefully pulled the cover off. “Br-Broken?”

Broken sat next to his brother. “What’s the matter, bro?”

“I… I…” he sniffled. Broken pulled the little nymph closer to him. He smiled and took a breath. “B-Broken?”

“In Elysium's Fields, the roses grow
Between the gravestones, row by row.”

Blue relaxed. Broken then started rocking his little brother.

“That mark our place; and in the stars
Our sisters, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the bombs below
We have perished, some time ago
We lived, felt dawn, watched the sunset glow
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie

In Elysuim’s Fields, in Elysuim’s Fields”

Blue yawned. Broken smiled and started caressing Blue’s face.

“There’s no more quarrel with the foe
Together we help each other grow
The torch, be ours, to hold up high

If ye break faith with us who’ve passed
We shall not sleep, though roses grow

In Elysuim’s Fields~”

Blue stopped crying entirely.

Broken smiled and tucked his brother back into bed. “Are you okay?”

“I just had a nightmare,” Blue said, burying himself into the cover.

“We all do.”

“I’m sorry…”

“No. I should be apologizing. I should’ve known that you were only worried about me.” Broken smiled before nuzzling his brother.

“It was dumb of me to assume your fangs were bleeding though,” Blue said.

“But I'm glad you cared about me,” Broken said.

Blue smiled, then yawned. Broken laid next to him. “Do you want me to stay in case you have another nightmare?”


Broken smiled and laid beside his brother, who yawned again and snuggled up next to him. Blue then rested his head on his brother’s belly.

“Heheh...” Broken giggled.

“Sorry, it’s just so... soft...” he started to drift off to sleep.

Broken smiled. “Goodnight, Blue.”

“Goodnight, Broken.”

The two brothers drifted off to sleep.


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Broken looked at the tiny grub. It had only been a few months since he’d hatched.

The grub let out a small “hic!”

Broken chuckled a bit before picking him up. “Hey, Blue.” He smiled. The little grub babbled happily at his older brother. “Heheh.”

He leaned in a bit closer to gently nuzzle the baby grub. The baby giggled, outstretching his very tiny hooves out.

Broken gently grasped his hooves. The little grub let out another happy giggle, then starting to gently nibble on his big brother’s hoof. Now, it was Broken’s turn to giggle. “Hey, that tickles.”

The little grub still curiously nibbled the older changeling’s hoof, trying to suck on it like a pacifier. Broken looked around the room, trying to find something else that the grub could chew on.

As he did that, the grub crawled to his back hoof, starting to nibble on that, too. Broken started giggling again. “H-Hey, Blue, that tickles.”

The baby gurgled with a grin. He looked back and continued nibbling.

Broken’s hoof shuddered. He didn’t want to kick it out, because it would hurt Blue. Blue then tried to crawl into one of his leg holes. Broken started giggling. “B-Blue. That really tickles.”

“Heheheh!” Blue giggled playfully.

Broken started laughing. Changeling leg holes had a tendency to be extremely sensitive. Especially for males.

“Blue!” He looked down. “Come on, I can’t breathe!” he laughed. The grub seemed to understand and crawled onto Broken’s belly. “Heheh… You little rascal.”

The 'little rascal' giggled happily before rubbing against Broken’s belly, babbling.

Broken smiled watching his baby brother babble happily.

Blue started nibbling again.

“Heheheh, no-no Blue. Don’t nibble on me.” Broken giggled. Blue looked up and tilted his head, before going back to nibbling. Broken started squirming. He looked at his brother. “Heheheh… c’mon Bluey, stop it.”

He picked up the grub, putting him onto the ground instead of the bed.


“No more, bro,” Broken said, smiling.

Blue looked around curiously, as he’d never been on the ground like this. He whimpered, his eyes getting big. He looked up to Broken, before putting his hooves out, hoping Broken would pick him back up.

Broken slid off the bed, and began to relax on the floor until…


Broken jumped a bit. He looked over to his brother. “Blue? What’s wrong?”

“Waaaaaaahahahah!” Blue cried.

Broken picked him back up. “Sorry Blue, I didn’t mean to upset you,” he said, gently nuzzling his brother.

“Waaaaah… waaaaah…” Blue started to nuzzle his brother back, although he was still a bit scared.

Broken sat him on the bed, where he was more comfortable at. “Here, I’ll get down first.” He sat back down on the floor. “See? It’s not scary.”

Blue tilted his little head. He watched as Broken crawled across the ground. He then crawled over to some stone blocks. “See, look!”

Blue crawled to the edge of the bed, still watching his brother. Broken showed him the blocks and began stacking the blocks into a small tower. “Wanna play, brother?”

The little grub happily clapped his hooves. Broken smiled and picked Blue up; carefully setting Blue onto the ground next to the blocks. The baby picked up a block, nibbling on it with his little blue fangs.

Broken smiled while shaking his head. “Don’t bite too hard, Blue.” He sat down next to Blue, showing him how to play with the blocks. Blue watched, and took the block he had and put it on top of another.

“Yeah, just like that!” Blue happily clapped his hooves, before reaching for the tower. “Be careful, bro. Easy..”


He touched the tower with a hoof. It leaned forward, and eventually fell down.

“...Waaaaaaaah!” Blue cried again.

“It’s okay Blue. We can rebuild it.”

“Waaah…” he hiccuped

Broken gave him a block. “See?”

Blue went back to babbling. Broken smiled, watching his brother play with the blocks. Blue gurgled and giggled. Broken walked over to a table, where a tiny plush sat. Heh. I think Thorax has one of these. He grabbed it and brought it over to Blue. “Here. Made it just for you.”


“You like it?” Broken gave the small plush to Blue. Blue looked at it curiously. He nibbled on it a bit, then he nuzzled it. Broken smiled. “Knew you’d love it.”

Blue giggled and laughed as he hugged the toy. He tossed the plush up and down, trying to catch it as best he could. “Heheheh!”

“It seems someone’s having fun.”

They turned around. There stood a surprisingly happy Chrysalis holding a little grub of her own.

“Bahbah!” Blue babbled at the sight of the Queen.

Chrysalis smiled before letting her little grub down to play with Blue.

Blue looked at the grub, who had dark magenta eyes.

“Bahbab?” he babbled curiously.

“Heheh!” she giggled, gently tapping his nose.

“Heheh!” he giggled happily as she tapped his nose.

They both babbled excitedly, beginning to nuzzle each other.

“Her name’s ‘Kydra’ right?” Broken asked.

Chrysalis nodded. “Yes. I wanted to know if you could watch her while I handle some business.”

“What sort of business?” the young one-winged nymph asked.

“We’re planning to turn the old abandoned tunnel system into a military academy,” she explained.

“That’s fascinating.” Broken then felt the grubs crawling against his legs.

“It is. I just don’t want her to get lost in the tunnels… I better get going, though,” she said, turning to leave.

“Okay. You can count on me.”

“Heheheh!” the two grubs giggled.

Broken looked at the two grubs climbing on his legs. “Heh… heheh!”

“Okay. Thank you.” She walked away, leaving the three changelings alone.

“Hehe… okay guys. Time to get off now,” Broken said, smiling a bit. Blue and Kydra didn’t listen and tried crawling into Broken’s leg holes. “Ack! No! Guyssss!” He fell backfirst onto his bed, his legs quivering. “You guys can barely fit in there!”

He looked down to see them trying to squeeze their way in. He picked them up and plopped them onto the bed. He looked at them. “What do you guys wanna do?” he asked, as if thinking they’d respond.
Blue tumbled around on the blanket, while Kydra chewed her hoof.

“Huh. Good idea?” Broken said, a bit confused. They looked at him. He bent down to Blue. “Say ‘Blue Fang’,” he said.


He looked at Kydra. “Say ‘Kydra’,” he said.

“Boo Fang,” she said.

He looked at Blue.


“... Close enough…” He chuckled, before feeling one of them nuzzling the bottom of his back hoof. “Hehehehe, guys! Who’s doing that?” He looked down to see. He saw Kydra nibbling on his belly, meaning Blue was on his hoof.

“Trying to gang up on me?” The nymph giggled. Kydra stared at him before playfully nibbling on his belly again.

His hind hoof twitched. Thankfully, Blue’s nuzzles weren’t enough to make him kick his leg out, but it still tickled nonetheless. Blue then used his tiny hooves to lightly scratch at the underhoof.

“Blue! What are you doing?” Broken giggled. Kydra crawled over to Broken’s neck and nibbled there. “Guys!” He picked up Kydra and Blue. “Okay guys, that’s enough.” he giggled. He grabbed the blocks and plush. “Here guys, play with these.”

Ky went for the blocks, Blue took the plush. Blue continued throwing his plush until he accidentally threw it off the bed.

“Eh!” Blue said, reaching for it.

“I got it,” Broken said, walking over to it.

Kydra looked at Blue, who looked sad. She then passed him some of the blocks. Blue babbled happily.

“Aww.” Broken smiled. He grabbed the little plush, and then realized how fond these two have grown on each other. He took the plush over to his table.

The two baby grubs started playfully wrestling on the bed. Broken looked at them every so often to make sure they wouldn’t get hurt.

After a while, Ky was on top of Blue.

Broken smiled. “Come on Blue. You can do better than that.”

Blue didn’t seem to mind. He seemed to be mesmerized by Kydra violet eyes, which was rather odd for a baby changeling. Broken wondered what he was doing, and thinking.

Kydra then attacked him with nuzzles.

Blue started giggling and squirming a bit. “Heheheheheh!”

“Heheh!” She giggled back as she continued to attack him with her nuzzles.

Broken smiled as they giggled. “Cute.” He looked at his table. “Done.” He got up and walked over to the little grubs.

They looked curiously. He pulled out two plushies, one of Blue, the other of Kydra. “Here.”

“Aaah! Hehehehahah!” Kydra cuddled her Kydra plushie.

Blue on the other hoof playfully tussled with his Blue Fang plushie. “Heheh!”

“Glad to see you guys like them.” Broken smiled.

He remembered being taught how to make plushies. He’d been about four or maybe just turning five when he learned his little hobby. Chrysalis helped him every step of the way. From sewing and stitching, to painting and fluffing.

Broken chuckled to himself. He never thought of Chrysalis ever knowing how to sew. Heck, he never thought of her sewing plushes. But then again, she’s been around since before Luna’s banishment, so maybe that’s why.

He heard one of the nymphs yawning. He watched as they started curling up into sleeping positions.

“Bahbah...” Blue babbled tiredly.

“Look at who’s all tuckered out.” Broken picked up the babies and gently started to rock them.

“Aah…” Baby Kydra cooed.

“Shh, shh.” He gently rubbed her head. He smiled and continued gently rocking them.

Soon enough, both grubs were almost fast asleep. He smiled and put them into bed.

Blue smiled. “Bah...bah… boh...kehn.”

Broken barely held back a loud cheer. Baby Blue said his name! He grinned.

Then Blue snuggled up to Kydra. “K..Kydwa…”

“Boo fang...” she replied, snuggling up with him.

Broken snickered watching the two. “Heh.” He laid next to them, smiling, before falling asleep himself.

Chrysalis walked in a few minutes later. She smiled, before letting the three continue their sleep.

Washing Off

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A tiny Blue Fang sat in the cafeteria, eating on a plate of berries. He smiled and continued chewing. “Mm… These are so good!” he said, swallowing the berries. He looked at his brother. “What are these called, Brokey?”

Brokenwing smiled. “They’re called ‘raspberries’, Bluey,” he replied, taking a bit out of a piece of fish.

Blue looked at the fish, clearly interested in the smell. He looked at Broken who cut him a piece off. He gave him a piece, which Blue took a bite out of. “Mm!” Blue’s eyes closed and a smile formed on his face. “That tastes great!”

Broken chuckled. “Glad to hear that Bluey.” He grabbed the by now empty plates and walked over to deposit them. He walked back over to the table. He smiled at his little brother. “Hey Blue, guess what?”

Blue tilted his head. “What?”

Broken proceeded to boop Blue’s nose. “You’re It!” With that, he ran off giggling.

Blue blinked. “Hey! No fair!” Blue then chased Broken out of the cafeteria. He laughed as he chased his older brother through the halls. “Get back here!” He tried to catch up with the older changeling. He then proceeded to tackle Broken and nuzzled his neck.

“Hehehehe! Hey!” Broken giggled.

Blue smiled and placed his nose on Broken’s. “Heheh, you’re It!” Blue hopped off and ran off.

“Oh, you’re gonna get it now Bluey!” Broken called out teasingly. He smiled and ran after his brother. “Alright when I get you, I’ma snuggle you, c’mere!”

Blue dared a peek. He squealed as he realized how close his brother was. “No! How are you faster than me?!”

“Probably because you’re looking backwards.”

Blue rolled his eyes. “Oh please, there’s nothing in front of me!” he said, smirking. He looked ahead, and the smirk disappeared off of his face. He then tripped with a splash. “Oof!”

Broken slid to a halt. “Blue? You okay?”

Blue got up, covered in mud. He giggled and looked at Broken. “Hehehe! Safe!”

Broken couldn’t help but laugh. “Safe? Bluey, you covered in mud!” he said, smiling at his brother.

Blue nodded, an innocent smile on his face. “I know! Now you can’t give me ‘snuggle-wuggles’!” he said, blowing a raspberry.

“Oh, I’ll snuggle you alright.” He picked up Blue, “right after your bath.”

Blue went from giggling to wide eyes. “B-B-B-B-B-Bath?!” he asked as Broken plopped him down on his carapace.

“Yep. You need a bath,” Broken said, starting to walk towards their room. He felt Blue shivering on his carapace. “Blue?”

Blue then took off running. “I don’t wanna bath!”

Broken blinked and ran after him. He watched as Blue turned a corner. “C’mon Bluey! You need a bath!” he called out. He turned the corner and didn’t see his brother. He did see, however, a few rocks. He smirked and picked up one. He then brushed his hoof across the bottom. “Come on out Bluey,” he said, looking around. He picked up another. “Nope.” He picked up another. “Third time’s a charm.” But alas, the rock didn’t shapeshift into a blue-fanged changeling.

He sighed and walked off.

Unbeknownst to him, there was a blue-fanged changeling hidden amongst the rocks. In a flash of green, a changeling stood up. “Yes!” Blue cheered. “Free! I’m free!” He ran towards the exit. As soon as he turned the corner…


“Eee!” he squealed as he was scooped up by Broken, who was hiding behind the corner. He squirmed and wiggled. “Let go!”

Broken shook his head. “Nope. It’s time for your bath,” he said very calmly, despite what he just went through. This time, he held Blue in a very tight grip.

Blue squirmed in Broken’s hooves. “I don’t need a bath! I can just shake it off!”

“Yes you do, and no. No you can’t,” Broken said, shaking his head. He looked up to their bedroom. “C’mon Blue, I’ll get the bath ready,” he said, walking into the room, much to Blue’s begs and pleas not to.

He plopped Blue into the tub and reached over to the tab.

“Please Broken! I don’t want a bath!” he said, trying to crawl out of the bath, which was polished and smoothed stone. The water pipes were connected to nearby lakes, ponds, and other water sources. Blue watched as the tub started to fill with warm water.

“There,” Broken said. “A nice, warm bath.”

Blue pouted, then splashed water into Broken’s face. Blue held back a laugh, which ended with him laying against one end of the tub and laughing. Broken pouted and splashed water into Blue’s face.

The young nymph spit up water. “Pfft! Hey!” Blue pouted. “What was that for?!”

“You did it to me,” the older changeling pointed out.

“But it’s funnier when it’s just you!” Blue whined, flailing his hooves.

Broken chuckled. He reached for a sponge and began washing the mud off of his little brother. Of course, Blue kept trying to move away from the sponge. Broken chuckled. “Now, your face,” Broken said.

“Mm-mm!” Blue turned his head away.

“C’mon Bluey. I gotta wash your face.”

“Nuh-Uh!” Blue shook his head.

Broken thought for a second. “Oh Bluey~ I have raspberries.”

Blue’s head snapped over. “Raspberries? Wher—” Broken put the towel in Blue’s face. “Hey— Ahh— Mmph! St-Stahp it! Ack!”

“No, I need to get the mud off of your face,” Broken said, wiping Blue’s face.

After a while, Broken took the towel off of Blue’s face. “Pfft! Ack!” He washed his face off with water, causing Broken to laugh. “Hmph. Are we done yet?”

Broken nodded and picked him up, wrapping a towel around him. He dried the tiny nymph off and threw the towel on a nearby rack. He then drained the tub and began walking towards the beds. Blue reached for his bed, only for them to pass it up.

“Hey, why aren’t you lying me in my bed?”

“Because you’re sleeping with me tonight,” Broken replied, trotting towards his bed. He laid down, the nymph gently trapped by his hooves.

“No! I’m too… too old for s-snuggle… wuggles…” Blue yawned and closed his eyes, nuzzling up to Broken.

Broken smiled and curled up next to him, slowly joining the nymph in his slumber.