Here I Am

by Scroll

First published

Trapped in stone, Cozy Glow contemplates her past and her first friend.

Being trapped in stone doesn't give a little filly much to do. She has a lot of anger and regrets over her situation, but the one thing she misses the most was the love and comfort of her first, and perhaps only, friend.

This story is posted for Short Story Cozy Glow contest of 2020.

Additional Genre Tags: Slice of Life, Drama, Tragedy,

Note: as of 7/15/2021, there is now a reading by a youtube named Anthropomorphic Nerd who read this story >here<. Go check it out and give him some love if you're interested.

Here I Am

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Here I am.

Just a lonely filly trapped in stone.


How did it come to this? I was just trying to follow Headmare Twilight's instructions about friendship.

Well, that is to say, her real instructions. The hidden one beneath all that dogma and rhetoric about “friendship” is this and “friendship” is that. Blah-blah-blah!

You and I both know the truth, Twilight, the Princess of “Friendship”, your Majesty!

We both know that “friendship” is power, and whomever has more power gets to rule the land. Why do you think Princess Celestia told you to free Discord? It's because she wanted to use his power for her benefit, and she did! Amazingly, you ponies managed to tame the almighty god of chaos, and you did it by twisting and corrupting his mind with false promises and empty dreams. Now he lives as a mere shadow of his former self, and you did this to him!


But, when some other pony of less value comes around, like, say, a pink-hided filly with a curly blue mane, you condemn her to stone and leave her there! She isn't “useful” enough to consider freeing again, but at least I have the satisfaction of knowing that you also won't release me because you're afraid of me, and you have every RIGHT to be! If I ever get out of here, you're going to think that Tartarus is a pleasant vacation compared to what I'm going to do to you!

Lord Tirek let me know. He tipped me off to all of your nasty tricks. He let me know what all of those “friendship” lessons were really all about. You were just repeating the same tactics that Starlight Glimmer used in her village, only this time your strategy was more subtle. You disguised her lessons to seem like it was for the benefit of all, but in truth, your aim was to enslave everyone in a prison for the mind and the heart. If I'm wrong, then why are the Mane Six the only ones benefiting from their lessons? Why is Princess Twilight ending up with all the power while everypony else is left to wallow in their miserable fate? It's not enough for her to settle with the “mere” title of being “Princess”, she wants to trick everypony into being loyal and submissive to her.

I was just following her true example, and look where that got me! Imprisoned in stone for all eternity! An object of ridicule everypony can point to and laugh at. She is probably putting the statue out on public display for all to see in order to cow everypony else about her “mighty” power! This scare tactic is meant to be a firm reminder to everypony else not to dare to cross her again!

I'm only guessing, though, because I am not sure. I can neither see nor hear anything outside of this stone statue, and I can barely feel anything. Sometimes I do feel dim rumblings or slight amounts of pressure or heat on the surface of the statue, but that's just about it.

Which leaves me alone in this dark void of existence. I can't even have the solace of hearing the thoughts of my fellow stonemates, Chrysalis and Tirek. They are, undoubtedly, sharing in this awful fate.

I'm just a filly! Won't somepony please take pity on me?!

But I'm sure nopony will. Anypony who probably even considers such a thing is likely told that they will share our fate if they dare try to rescue us. How is it even possible when their slave, Discord, can just snap us back into stone again? Very likely he'd be able to sense if we got freed anyway. Uncle Tirek told me that Discord could sense disturbances in magical energy. No doubt he would layer a spell over our stone prison to alert him, or others, if we ever get free. That's proof positive that they don't have any true pity in their hidden, black hearts!

It's what I would have done in their place.

Everything in life has a cost. I gambled for ultimate power using the example of my predecessors, and I lost.

There was a time when I looked up to them all, the Mane Six, the Elements of “Harmony”. After all, if it weren't for their meddling, I'd still be a slave in Klugetown. Thanks to their efforts in taking down the Storm King, Klugetown got freed from his influence as well and, as a result, I ended up getting free.

For a while there, it was my benchmark to try to rise and surpass. I needed to know what my new “heroes” looked like so I could meet them in person. When I did, I vowed to find out how they got so popular then beat them at their own game.

Ponyville was so different from the city I grew up in. For one thing, there was a much greater percentage of ponies in the population, but what else should I expect from a name like that? Klugetown, in contrast, was a dirty slum through and through where everything was bought and sold. Everything and everyone had a price, and only the strong and/or clever go to thrive there. I didn't have much going for me, but I am cute and I do have my wits. Since those two things were my main assets, I used them to the best of my ability.

Where I grew up, everyone sought to take advantage of each other. That can include legitimate business, but just as easily include mugging and brutal beat downs. Everyone always fought for their own slice of the pie. It was like swimming in an ocean of fire with only a tiny island as sanctuary from the blazing inferno. The only way to avoid being a victim was to become a better betrayer than everyone else.

Nopony picked me up and twirled me in the air like the little fillies and colts in Ponyville. Nopony gave me a string to a kite or a cone of ice cream and said, “Here you go, Cozy Glow! Here's a nice little treat for you. All I ask from you in return is to see you smile!”

As I watched the other fillies and colts play in the park, for a moment, I experienced a brief but intense pang of loss. These ponies grew up in warm beds and comfortable, dare I say “cozy”, homes. They blew bubbles at each other. They tackled and played with one another. They broke into spontaneous song at the drop of a hat with somehow matched choreography without any need to practice.

But then I hardened my heart by reminding myself that their oblivious happiness came at its own cost. They might not have grown up in iron cages or with shock collars on their necks but, unlike my experience, these ponies didn't even know they were slaves. Sure, they were free to roam about and play physically, but it came at the cost of their minds and souls being enslaved. They had to obey the rules and dogma of the Princesses of Equestria or else face the consequences, and unlike me, they didn't even know what they gave up.

Maybe ignorance is bliss. Likewise, maybe that is why ponies like me, the intelligent and the educated, are meant to suffer.

I was pretty sure that the Mane Six only taught their lessons in order to secretly oppress other creatures’ minds and hearts. That's why they didn't limit themselves to only ponies this time. They wanted all creatures to submit to their rule. After what they saw in other lands like where I grew up, they realized that they needed a new system of oppression or they might become oppressed themselves, but unlike the Storm King's overt strategy, the ponies tactics were far more devious and subtle. That's why I once respected them so much.

But, just in case they really meant what they said, I gave them a test. It was also meant to be a diversion, which worked. It was I who gave the stolen copy of Twilight's friendship lessons to Flim and Flam. I knew that they were grifters and they'd seek any advantage they could get. If they didn't sing so much, I could have sworn they grew up in Klugetown like me.

Anyway, I knew their type well. I figured they would try to build a competing school. I even subtly planted that idea in their heads, and they took the bait. Not only did they fall for it, but so did Twilight. The only thing I didn't anticipate was Rarity also going with Twilight, but I figured Twilight would recruit at least one of her loyal minions.

With Headmare Twilight distracted, I was able to sneak into the forbidden section of her library and pilfer some important books for a ritual I'd later need. I also managed to send another letter to Tirek to report my building progress, but I also monitored Twilight's response to the Flim/Flam brothers threat of Friendship University. I knew that, if the Mane Six really meant all that they said about friendship, then they would have respected Friendship University and left them alone. If they were serious about their lessons, they would have pitied those deceived in Friendship U and, rather than a hostile takeover or exposure, what the Mane Six should have done was leave and lead by a friendly example here. Twilight should have respected Star Swirl's rights to attend Friendship U and not get jealous of him attending a competing school because, according to their own lessons, a true friend respects the rights of others to make a mistake but otherwise lead by non-intrusive example.

If they had done that, I would have halted all of my plans to drain all kinds of magic from the world because, under those circumstances, I would have known that they really meant every word they said and it wasn't all just a power play, but nooooooooooo. That's not what they did. Instead, they destroyed a competitor because it was a threat to their power! They didn't want another manipulating liar like themselves to win over the love and devotion of gullible ponies, and by Celestia, most of my species are really dumb! If that weren't the case, it wouldn't have been so easy or quick to turn all the pony tribes against each other.

But that is what happens in a whole society conditioned like a cult. They are so unaccustomed to really thinking for themselves that they'll buy anything that is told to them. That's what happens to ponies that are brainless sheep. I simply tried to take advantage of a situation somepony else set up a long time ago, and unlike other Equestrians, because I didn't grow up in Equestria, I wasn't as naive as my fellow ponies.

Being in a stone prison like I am but allowing my mind to continue, I'm not left with many options to do. I can't move. I can't speak. I can't eat. I can't sleep. I can't see. I can't hear. Nopony can keep me company. I'm all alone . . .

About all I can do is think. I try to keep my mind occupied just so that I won't lose that skill as well. Lately I feel like that is being threatened. Without any external stimulation, I'm beginning to forget what sight or sound is like or what it felt like to fly with the wind beneath my wings.

I am a pegasus! We're not meant to be caged like this, but that's all I was! That's all I EVER was!

Very few had ever shown me that there might be some better way, but there was one I can think of. If I struggle very hard, maybe I can force my mind to recall him.

I might as well try. Living in my memories is just about my only reprieve from this awful fate.

Growing up as a slave in Klugetown, I didn't have any precious toys or possessions to my name unless I stole them. Those were among the very few of my sacred treasures, and every day that I lived in that dusty town was another chance to lose what meager possessions I had.

I almost lost one of them one fateful day.

I poked at the sand and drew little doodles to help occupy my mind. Some schemes were filtered in the back of my mind, but I mostly tried to innocently play at that moment. I am a filly, after all! These rosy, three freckled cheeks of mine aren't pinchable for nothing!

But when a shadow loomed over me, I reflexively shuddered. I've learned to be on my guard when approached by any creature because, usually, they try to hurt me or take something away from me.

This moment was no exception.

Just from his breathing alone, I knew my master was upset with me. I cringed, and part of me cried deep down, but I bravely turned my head around to look at Verko behind and above me. His pudgy, mole-like body and tall black hat blocked out the blazing sun. If it weren't for the pain I figured I was about to receive, I would have been grateful that he offered me some shade from the blazing heat. As it stood, however, there was a wicked gleam to his goggles. His mouth hung open, revealing his few cracked teeth which spewed a noxious aroma.

“Golly, Master, did I do something wrong?” I asked as innocently and as adorably as I could, for that was one of the very few defenses I had against him. “If not, I sure hope I can-”

SILENCE, you filthy urchin!” my master yelled at me before striking me hard with the back of his right claw hard enough to draw blood to my lips. For that, I cringed tighter and whimpered pitifully. I am not faking about the fact that I am afraid of him.

“You filthy little worm!” my master went on to accuse. “Scheming, treacherous little demon filly! Where did you hide it?”

“H-h-h-he-heh-hide w-what, m-m-m-master?” I fearfully stuttered while my tiny pink body shook with fright. “I’m innocent! I swear! I would never dare to c-c-cross you, m-m-mast-”

SILENCE!” Verko roared in anger again before reaching into his coat pocket, fishing for something.

I knew what it was! That was why I widened my eyes in horror.

“No, Master! P-p-please don't! Have m-m-mercy on your poor, pitiful slave!” I cried out with desperate fright.

“It's TOO LATE FOR YOU!” my master continued to roar at me. “Thieving little urchins like you must be punished!”

Finally locating what he sought, my master pulled out of his coat pocket a tiny little box with a red button. He lifted it up and gave me a look of sinister glee. I saw my own shivering body reflected off of his black goggles, including my dirty, curly mane and tail.

Then he mercilessly pressed the button.

I screamed at the top of my lungs as jolting bolts of electricity shot through me due to the magic collar I wore around my neck.


It's not fair! I'm just a pegasus and a little filly. I can't cast magic. All I can do is fly, or at least that's what I would have said if this thrice-cursed magic collar didn't also shock me whenever I strayed a certain distance from him.

No matter how many times I suffered this, I could never get used to it. I cried out in pain and a vain hope of release, even if it had to be death.

The thing was, I knew what he was talking about, for I did indeed steal that pony skull. After all, it's the only memento I have left of my mother, or so Verko claims, at least. That's probably why he correctly assumed I stole it from him.

It's so important to me. I really don't want to lose it, but I can't think straight with this awful pain searing through my flesh.

I'd do anything to get him to stop! Anything!

My salvation came in another form I did not expect back then.

A roar of anger caught both of our attention. Verko momentarily released his clawed finger on the button as he turned to face this. I tried to, but my nerves were so badly damaged that I could barely command my body. As it was, the smell of charred flesh drifted into my nostrils.

Nevertheless, I know who this was from the sound of the roar alone, but even I'm caught off-guard by his fury.

The hulking brute actually bashed his way out of his own cage. Apparently he even ripped the iron chain apart in an effort to get to Verko in desperate fury.

Verko, the pudgy mole, stumbled back in a moment of fright before realizing he still had the remote in his hands. He aimed it at the charging brute, and it did shock him, but it did not stop the brute's onslaught this time. He charged at Verko like a raging bull and backhanded our master spinning away.

“SHOOT HIM!” Verko yelled after his men desperately after he landed. “SHOOOOOOT HIIIIIIIIM!”

All at once, the shadows of many anthropomorphic figures stood up and started shooting poisoned darts at the raging, hulking figure. In his fury, the beast managed to resist the poison's effects for quite a while as he continued to charge after the panicked and fleeing mole.

I couldn't move my body. Because my head was splayed over the dirt ground, my nostrils sometimes got clogged with dirt. I choked and sneezed when that happened. My eyes watered with pain both physical and emotional.

I struggled to pay attention to what was going on around me, but all I could manage was to swivel my ears in the direction of the action.

All things considered, it was over pretty quickly, but the hulking brute lasted much longer than most would. Even with the poison of probably hundreds of darts raining down on his body, he managed to shove aside large objects that our master tried to flee over, under, or through somehow.

But, eventually, the brute finally went down. It was inevitable. We slaves were born to suffer. We cannot win, no matter how hard we try or want it.

I struggled to turn my head enough to look at the sky out of the corners of my eyes.

Deep down, I know, my spirit is still free. They can't take the sky away from me.

One good blessing came from all of this, which was quite rare for me back in those days. As a result of our master's near-death experience, he forgot all about my mother's stolen skull. It remained safely in hiding.

I thought it would be difficult to win my master's trust back but, as usual, I'm just too useful to him. Ever since I got my cutie mark, he knew that I was a cunning strategist. I've often given him tactical advice that gave him an edge over his competitors and, in exchange, he often gave me extra privileges, not the least of which was information about the going-ons in this dusty city in the desert.

All things considered, especially with my sharp wit and adorable body, I usually had my way much more so than almost any other slave under my master's control. I was proud of myself for that! Go me!

But I couldn't get the motives of that new hulking brute my master recently acquired from one of his competitors that I helped to take down. I wanted to know why he attacked my master like that. Was it out of lingering loyalty to the brute's last master? Was my master somehow responsible for his capture in the first place, or did the brute lose something else precious to him and it's my master's fault?

This attack came rather timely for me, but I couldn't get this out of my head until I knew the answer.

In an attempt to bribe him to talk, I stashed away some of the extra bits of scrap food tossed my way. After a week, I figured I've accumulated enough goods, especially considering the fact that the hulking brute was left starving for that whole week. Armed with that which he needed, I knew I had leverage over him. Because of that, I knew I’d have him coiled around my hoof in no time!

I've learned to carefully measure my distance from my master. I've even studied his routines and knew where he went from moment to moment. The reason that information was pertinent to me was due to the range of that remote and the threat of shocking from my magic collar at a certain distance. I even helped to arrange a distraction for him within a certain distance. Because of that, I knew I had enough range to fly over to the newcomer unobserved.

Arriving at my destination, I knocked on his cage a bit to get his attention. From the sound of him, he perked up. This likely meant I succeeded with my objective, at least some of it.

“Pssst!” I whispered in a hiss. “Golly, Mister, I sure am awfully grateful that you came to my rescue like that,” I told him. I'm not even lying, though I am confused. “I know it's not much, but I brought a little food for ya in case you are hungry. Do you want something to eat?”

He moaned a bit in what I could only surmise was confirmation.

Good enough for me. The bait was cast and snagged. Now all I had to do was reel him in.

“Here you go, Mister,” I said sweetly as I tore little bits of bread and tried to reach them to him. He reached back somewhat. I peered my eyes sharply into the gloom, hoping they would adjust to the darkness quickly. Eventually, they did, somewhat. It seemed to be some kind of figure that walked upright. He had cloven hooves from the sound of it and large horns above his head. He was quite furry in the neck area, kind of like a lion. I think the color was brown.

Hmm. He’s probably a minotaur. No wonder he's so strong.

“I'm so grateful that you helped me out earlier!” I chirped happily to him. “My name is Cozy Glow, and you are?”

He moans for a few moments as if he's struggling to remember how to speak. After several repeated attempts, he eventually comes up with some broken speech.

“S . . . Ssss . . . S-s-Score . . .” he struggled to say.

I wince slightly. “Score? Your name is Score? Well gee, Mister, that's an awfully weird name for a minotaur, huh?”

“S-s-s-s-Score . . . Pan,” he finally mumbles. “M-me . . . S-Scorpan.”

“Scorpan?!” I ask brightly. “Well golly, that's a cool name, Mister! Pleased to meet you, Scorpan. You want to be friends?” I ask innocently with a slightly wicked hint under my tone.

At first he just nods, then struggles to say, “P-pah-ponies . . . frrrrriends. Me,” he gestures to himself with a giant clawed hand, “f-fr-friends w-with . . . pah-pah-ponies.”

“Oh!” I chirped in delight. “So you really like ponies in particular, do you?”

He just nodded.

Inwardly, I smiled with devious delight. This was going to be so much easier than I previously thought. He just happened to like the species I was born as? Lucky!

“Stick with me, Scorpan!” I told him brightly. “I know my way around here. Contrary to what you saw a week ago, I usually have it good with my master.”

The beast seemed to tilt his head in confusion, most likely suspicious of the fact that I claimed I usually got along with my oppressor.

“Um, what I mean is . . . I know how to survive out here,” I clarified. “Stick with me and I'll show you the ropes. I'll teach you what you need to do to avoid harm around here. I can even read!” I bragged proudly. “I'm so smart!”

It was hard to tell in the gloom of the shadows of his cage, but he seemed to smile at me fondly. I don't know why, but he really seemed to like ponies, and not even in a bad way.

Using my mouth, I break apart another piece of the bread and toss it into the cage. As long as I kept feeding my new “pet”, he'll grow all big and strong again, but more importantly, loyal to me.

“Don't you worry,” I cooed to him softly. “Lil' ol' Cozy will take care of everything for you. Someday you and I will break out of here. After that, I can deliver you to a land that is filled with my kind. Would you like that?”

He seemed to nod. Rather delightedly, in fact.

“I'm not planning on being here forever,” I promised him with a sharp undertone. “Someday we'll break out. Someday we'll be free.”

I gazed up at the stars. Their twinkling lights reflect in my large, rust-red eyes.

“In my heart, I'm still free. They can't take the sky away from us.” I looked back at him as I fluttered my wings on my back. “I promise, and don't you worry . . . lil' ol' Cozy always keeps her word.”

I might not have had much back in those days, but that was what made what little I had that much easier to manage. As a slave, it wasn't much, and what little I did have was difficult to acquire and protect. Among the few things I did have was being cute, smart, and ambitious. I always noticed who had an advantage over me, and I always plotted how I could overcome it. My drive to be this way extended beyond just the mere need to survive. It included that too, but I wanted to thrive! I wanted to be in charge. I wanted to accumulate so many extra resources that I would be far from that uncomfortable poverty line again.

Back then, however, I didn't really think I would escape. I always held out that hope, and I always believed I was free inwardly, but external freedom felt like a pipe dream. My more realistic goal was to carve a comfortable niche for myself. I thought I could manipulate my master into accumulating more power. If he did, he'd have plenty more scraps to share with me, and surely he'd feel generous to the pony who was the primary contributor to his wealth.

He always did have a thing for ponies, so I had that one going for me. I was more than willing to butter him up with my cutesy-wootsy attitude to persuade him to get my way. A girl's got to do what a girl's got to do. I did not have many tools in my arsenal at the time, so I certainly exploited the heck out of the few ones I had.

But if there was one thing he loved more than just ponies, it was unicorn ponies in particular, because Verko always loved the acquisition of magic. It fascinated him to no end which, in turn, made me seethe with jealousy. The other unicorn slaves, especially the mares, never had to try nearly as hard to get on our master's good side while I had to work tirelessly! It's not fair! I struggled for every advantage I ever had, but bucking unicorns were born with all of the advantages. That's why I hated magic, especially since it was used against me so often.

My fate, back in those days, was filled with uncertainty and insecurity. My genius mind wanted to plan ahead, but there was often little point to it, at least when it came to my own personal fate. Protecting my investments always meant trying my best to stay in someone else's good graces, and moods can shift on a whim. It's hard to plan on a whim, but I could influence it. I could stack the odds in my favor with overwhelming wit and effort, but there were also a few times I got just plain lucky. Capitalizing on an advantage was a tricky skill, but I did it often enough to call myself an opportunist because I never stopped seeking an advantage.

My biggest and luckiest break came at me when I heard a frightening ruckus which awoke me from within my iron cage. It sounded like something tried to tear up the town something fierce. When I got up, the only explanation I could find was all the hands on the giant clock of Klugetown were suddenly missing. Shortly later, I saw dust and debris scatter up into the air around that general vicinity.

My eyes grew small and my ears lowered onto my head in fright. A large number of thoughts assailed me, including the fact that my master might have died in that area. I had mixed feelings about that possibility. On the one hoof, it meant I'd get satisfaction for all the torment he put me through, and on the other hoof, I'd still be a slave, and the next master might not find me so appealing. I had some advantages with Verko and I did not want to lose them.

About an hour later, my former master stomped into his compound while cursing up a storm. Hearing his voice in anger always made me cringe and shake because it meant he was liable to take it out on one of us just to release his frustration, and this time proved to be no exception.

However, before he attempted to do so, I glanced over at him and noticed something very peculiar. My master . . . he was damaged! Charred was more like it. Smoke was literally spewing up from his smoking hat and tuxedo jacket.

My memory of this moment is starting to get a little fuzzy now (because of being trapped in stone for so long without any sensory stimulation), but what I do recall was him releasing a bunch of us from our cages and barking a bunch of orders at us harshly. I also recall that some of his orders were physically impossible to perform, or at least very, very unlikely.

Sure enough, one of us did eventually screw up a bit, and that was just the excuse our master was looking for to torture us. That was the real reason he gave us impossible orders. He wanted one of us to screw up so that it seemed like he had a legitimate reason to torture us, but he could have done it anyway and nobody he cared about would have complained.

But the moment he tried, we got shocked for a reason we entirely did not expect.

The remote . . . was broken!

He clicked it over and over again, but it didn't work. He tried patting it and smashing it, but it didn't work. If anything, he probably damaged it more in his attempts to get it to work.

Apparently, whatever damaged him earlier, also damaged the remote itself, for he kept that in his pocket as well, just like he always did.

There was a brief moment of stillness and silence when it dawned on him that all of his slaves were out of their cages and directly in front of him, and he also knew that we knew that he had less leverage against us.

He stared at us, and we stared back at him.

I saw a giant sweat drop slowly pour down his head, but as it fell off of his forehead towards the ground, he was suddenly bum-rushed from all angles.

This was our chance!

I immediately knew that our greatest problem was no longer Master Verko himself, but rather his guards with their poison darts. However, if the remote was dysfunctional, then it would no longer try to limit my flight range from it either.

Sure enough, when the rest of Verko's guards showed up, I flew up at some of them and teased them with comments like, “Over here!”, “Hello! Hello!”, “Try to catch me!”, “Hey, listen!”, “Where did you learn to aim?” and I also blew a raspberry at them while sticking my hooves in my ears and twisting them from side to side.

As a result of all of my efforts to distract them, they kept on firing their darts into empty air. I even got one of them to shoot another guard down.

While they were distracted with me, it bought enough time for all of my escaped peers to catch up and overwhelm the remaining guards.

When that was done, I flew high, put my hooves into my mouth and gave a shrill whistle. When I gathered the attention of the escaping slaves, I told them to spread out into town in pairs and cause a massive havoc. As long as we were consolidated, the guards soon would be as well, but if we spread out, then they have to as well, and that thins their forces.

Thankfully, most of them cooperated. I knew that would be the diversion that Scorpan and I would need to escape that city entirely.

Along the way out, I even managed to snag a few water canteens, a pair of saddlebags, and the hidden pony skull during the chaos. At the time, it was such a wonderful thrill.

Freedom! Finally! It was just within my reach. If I could get far enough from Klugetown, then the threat of the repaired remote would no longer matter. I would be out of range of its effect, making Scorpan and I the first successfully escaped slaves in a very long time.

But when Scorpan and I got into the desert, my cheer was short lived. I still had hope, but the blaze of the sun seared into my flesh. I quickly realized that venturing through the desert in the daylight was not a wise idea. Instead, I directed my pal to the shade of a sand dune while we waited for nightfall. At the time, I figured it would be easier to travel at night, even if the terrain was much darker.

But the night turned out to be nearly as cold as the day was hot. I found it quickly depleted the reserves of my emaciated strength. I didn't have much to begin with, anyway, because I was, and still am, just a filly.

But, fortunately for me, Scorpan was quite a bit stronger and older than I was. When my poor little hooves could no longer carry me, he picked me up and hugged me to his chest so tenderly. He carried on when I could not. I even found warmth in his massive body, especially within the fluffy fur around his neck.

Over his shoulder, I peered at his mangled wings with some remorse, the one detail about him that set him apart from any other minotaur that I've ever known which made me think he might be something else after all.

If it weren't for that, we could have flown off together. I regretted that lost opportunity but, at the time, I did not have the strength within me to pull that off anyway.

I wondered how his wings got mangled. I think I asked at one time, but he didn't say. He tended to keep most things about himself private.

But, despite his sloppy speech (likely due to lack of practice, which slowly got better over time), I could tell some things about my companion from the look in his eyes or the way he spoke. Based on that, I could tell that he was, in fact, very old. He didn't look like it, but he acted that way. There was just something about him that suggested the weight of many years on his shoulders, and most of it probably not even good. He seemed to have a lot of burdens and regrets.

As he carried me through the desert, I was as grateful to him as I was puzzled. The smart thing to do was leave me behind in order to conserve his strength. He should have stolen my water canteens as well, but the only thing he ever did with them was give them to me.

I could not figure out why. What was in this for him? Nobody ever does another a favor without expecting something in return. That's just the way this exploit or be exploited world works.

But no. He carried me like I was the most precious thing in the world to him. I even think he valued my life above his own. Who knows why?

I miss that feeling of being the most precious thing to someone else. I may never have understood it, but it felt so good!

From that moment on, I became addicted to friendship. I had to have more of it! Lots more!

I nestled myself into him as I shivered from the cold and fright. I was afraid because my life depended upon his kindness so very much during that time. If he changed his mind, I could have died. I hated that sense of vulnerability, but that dependency on my part made me value him all the more.

I was also afraid that he would fail me, no matter how much he wanted to save my life. His motives might have been noble at the time, but that did not guarantee we would make it out of this situation alive.

I had no idea how large that desert was. I still don't, because my consciousness wove in and out of reality back then.

I was delirious. I do recall my mouth being dry. My hide also felt dry and cracked because my body had no more sweat left to cool me off. I think there were cracks in my hooves as well. I hated that relentless sun and the chill of the night, but I could not accept death. I did not want to die!

The water of the canteens didn't last long, I think. Scorpan only used it to hydrate me. I remember brief moments when that liquid sparked a bit of lucid life into my fragile body. Sometimes I heard him speak to me with his dry throat, encouraging me not to give up. It was difficult to understand him, however, when my mind wove in and out of consciousness.

It was touch and go there for quite a while. I have no idea how long it was exactly, and I don't think he did either. He even defended me from a dust storm at one time. He used his large body to shield me from searing winds and the sting of the sand blown at high speeds.

Despite all of our struggles, I thought we were going to die. During that whole time, I had one thought that lingered with me and gave me consolation. If we had to die out here, at least we would do it in freedom.

I felt a bumpy movement when I finally came to again. Confused, I opened my eyes to behold a very unusual sight. I saw that I was on a wooden platform of some kind and, beyond it, I saw the desert dunes moving.

When I took in my surroundings even further, I discovered that I was on a moving platform of some kind that was being blown at from a tall wooden post. That wind was blowing into a sail that was attached to that post.

Not long after that, it dawned on me that I was no longer dehydrated either, and I could think clearly again!


Nearby, I also saw Scorpan lying on his side, seemingly unconscious.

Then, when I looked about further, I noticed a mole person standing upright while wearing goggles about his head. At first I was startled by that sight, thinking that maybe Verko found us and recaptured us again, but then I noticed this mole person was missing my former master’s tuxedo jacket. In its place was a white coiled scarf wrapped around the neck and around the top of his head. When he glanced back at me for a second, he smiled back at me and tried to assure me that we would be back in his town shortly and I had no reason to worry.

I found out, shortly later, we were riding on a sand skiff. I’d heard of those, but I had never seen one before, let alone rode on one. Essentially it was a wooden plank attached to a pair of skis. Magical technology blew artificial wind at a sail attached to the vessel to act as propulsion, although it could rely on natural wind when and if it was present and going the correct direction. That, in turn, would save power. Vessels like these had to be packed pretty light and weigh very little for them to work. The one I rode on, for example, was not much bigger than a river raft.

Our rescuer took us to his town of Narch which was nestled inside a desert canyon. The town was built within the edge of the V formation of the canyon. I remember gasping when I viewed up close the technological wonder of the town, for there were whirling gears, steam, and pipes winding everywhere, including within the canyon.

Luckily for Scorpan and myself, Narch was also one of the few towns not under the Storm King's control. In fact, they were an active resistance force against the Storm King's tyranny. To the Storm King's Empire, the citizens of Narch were just a little unlawful nuisance probably regarded as desert raiders, but these people proudly considered themselves slave liberators as well as technological inventors. For both of those reasons, they had the means and the motive to pick those cursed magic collars off our necks. In exchange, they asked if they could keep the items so they could use it to power their technology, to which we happily obliged because we were more than happy to be rid of the things.

At its core, this society did rely on magic, but they did not have many spell-casters (or, at least, not anymore. Presumably they were taken earlier to be drafted in the Storm King's army before the rebellion), but they did rely on a few magical items crafted and maintained by a few remaining spellcasters. The most prominent items they used were called “Heat” and “Chill” stones. Those stones perpetually heated or cooled the air around them as long as they maintained their magical charge. They used those stones to cause differences in air pressure within an air-tight environment. That, in turn, facilitated movement of air and steam which they used to charge and move their many marvelous machines.

I usually did not love magic, but these people utilized it in a whole new way which made it more readily accessible and useful for those of us who were magically-challenged. What's more, the method that they used rewarded those who were intelligent and educated, thus ponies like me could play a valuable role here.

So Scorpan and I found sanctuary there for several moons, during which time I gladly picked up the basics of how some of their technology worked. That was knowledge that would later assist me with other magic-based projects down the road.

While we stayed there, exciting news eventually came to us about the Storm King's defeat in the lands of Equestria. This spurred the whole town into a great celebration. I remember how they danced and celebrated during that joyous time. I also learned, to my surprise, that Scorpan could be a rather refined dancer which suggested elegance and refined training sometime in his mysterious past.

While smiling and enjoying myself, I remember how my gaze drifted up to the stars while the light of a large bonfire crackled nearby. During that time, I remember thinking, with relief, that Scorpan and I were finally and truly free. Nobody would chase after us anymore because the Storm King's former Empire was being quickly dismantled, led by one of his formally most loyal lieutenants: Tempest Shadow.

As for who defeated the Storm King, we eventually learned that it was mostly due to the efforts of six ponies from Equestria. I was especially interested to learn that they were led by a new alicorn, Princess Twilight Sparkle, the so-called “Princess of Friendship”. Thanks to a set of dolls made to look like them that I later managed to pilfer during the chaos of the celebration, I even had some idea what they looked like, and I vowed to remember to exploit them later on if a valuable opportunity arose.

I peeked over the edge of the cliff that Scorpan had guided me up to at the top of the canyon, then quickly backed off and hid behind his right leg.

“Nooooo!” I whined fearfully as I shivered with fright beside his leg. “I can't do it. I'm too scared!”

Scorpan bent down and soothingly stroked my withers as he said, “There is no reason to fear this, little one. The sky is your heritage,” he assured me calmly. I looked up to him while still shivering a little, but I admired the fact that he recovered his speech so well during these past few moons. The more of that he recovered, the more I realized how educated, sophisticated, and above all old he was.

“You wanted freedom very badly,” he reminded me. “Have you ever asked yourself why? It's because pegasi like you are not meant to be caged. Instead, they are meant to fly free!

“Look at those clouds up there!” he encouraged with a voice full of wonder. With a point, he guided my gaze up to it. Far above us and somewhat ahead of us, I saw what kind of looked like a tower of clouds. It was thicker and wider at the base, and it was the only part of the clouds that looked gray. Above that, it billowed and puffed out, eventually somewhat narrowing at the tip almost too high to see.

For some reason, longing stirred in my chest as I gazed up at it.

“Your kind can walk on clouds,” he told me as he looked back down at me with soft fondness.

“What do they feel like?” I asked with awe and wonder.

“I don't know,” he said with a slightly mischievous grin, which suggested to me he wasn't being entirely honest with me. “Why don't you go up there and find out? You can tell me about it later.”

You used to fly before,” I reminded him as my gaze shifted back at him, “although I don't know how long ago. Can't you tell me what it's like from your experience?”

The fondness and love in his eyes towards me seemed to deepen for a second, and yet he bade, “Close your eyes.”

I did.

“Breathe deep,” he went on.

I did.

“Let the air fill inside you. As you do, remember this always . . . you are one with the air, and one with the sky. With each breath you take, you shall feel it beckoning you; eager to welcome you home!” he told me passionately.

I smiled, for I felt enchanted by his words. Some tears formed in my closed eyes.

“Spread your wings, my little filly.”

After he said that, he backed off a bit to give me room to do so, which I did.

“Feel the wind rustle within your feathers,” he instructed with wispy passion.

I did so.

“The song of the sky calls to you. The magic of the wind brushes through your mane, tail, and feathers as you stand there. Freedom awaits you. Be brave, and take the plunge.”

Thanks to his encouragement, I feel energized and empowered. I slowly open my eyes and look up at the sky. I no longer fear it. I feel excitement instead.

“Now fly, little filly!” Scorpan coaxed. “Fly!”

I feel the magic course through me. It lifted me up, making me feel lighter than air. Because of that, I felt immune to falling, therefore there was no reason to fear this.

So I leaped off the cliff with my wings spread wide.

As if to happily greet me, I caught an updraft that made me soar into the sky.

A burst of joyous laughter escapes my lips. This feels so wonderful!

I glance over my shoulder at my friend. My smile dims a bit to know that he could no longer join me up here, but the love and pride in his eyes as he gazed up at me while standing up straight again, told me volumes. He does know what this was like. He had experienced it many times before, but I had not. This was the first time I really flew without restraints or range limits. It was just me and the open sky!

YAY!” I cry out in cheer. “Wheeeeeeeee!”

I knew better than to try any fancy tricks during my first true flight, but I didn't need to. Basic flight alone soared my spirit to unparalleled heights never matched before or since.

The updraft carried me so high in the sky. I watched as the world below me shrank into almost indistinguishable tiny dots. This was so fantastic!

Then I flew, and crashed, into the tower of clouds somewhere in the middle of it. Despite my momentum, the fluffy clouds easily cushioned me. I sank into it just a bit. I squeezed it with all four of my legs, like giving it a hug. It smelled crisp and moist. My fur was starting to get a little wet, but I didn't mind. In fact, I loved it!

I played and tumbled in the clouds, sometimes to the point of getting a bit dizzy. It was all so fluffy, yet it all shifted ever so slightly around me as it drifted in the wind.

I have never been so happy!

My joy sank when I recalled the last time I saw Scorpan as he said goodbye to me at the train station a moon phase later. He told me that I needed to be with my own kind, but he had to do the same and that was elsewhere. There was a sense of duty in his eyes too when he said that, as if he considered it important to right some wrong committed a long time ago.

Before stepping onto the train, I raced into his big, burly chest and hugged him with all my might while vowing never to forget him. His huge arms hugged me back tenderly. I found him to be a surprisingly gentle giant once we escaped and his heart calmed down.

As I backed up from his hug a moment later, I begged him to follow me. I felt so scared and vulnerable without him. In return, he told me that I would be fine while wiping tears from my eyes. He said I was a special little filly that was destined to change the world someday, and he was confident someone as influential as me was bound to make many new friends in my journey. After the training I would receive in Twilight's new friendship school (which I learned from a flier half a moon ago), he assured me that, someday, I wouldn't just be the new Princess of Friendship, but a downright Empress of it.

At first, when I got into the train, and on my seat, I struggled hard not to look out the window to my right. But, after I heard the whistle of the train blow, I could not resist it. I looked to my right. I saw Scorpan standing there. He slowly lifted an arm and raised his hand to bid me goodbye.

Part of me panicked when I saw him. I did not want him to leave my life!

So, when the train started to move, I got off my seat and raced to the back of the train to lock my gaze on him just a little longer. I ultimately ended up standing at the back rail of the caboose. I painfully watched as he grew smaller with our ever-escalating distance. I didn't know if I'd ever see him again. A strong part of me feared I never would, and indeed . . . I never had since then.

I remember how overcome with fear I was back then. At least, as a slave, I was provided a meager amount of food rations, but now here . . . there were no guarantees at all! I was just a filly, all alone, who had to forge my own destiny for myself.

I despised how vulnerable I felt back then, which was why I grew so determined to accumulate as much power as I could later on.

With a heavy heart, I eventually made my way back to my seat. I put the elbow of my right foreleg on the edge of the window and used my hoof to prop up my head as I gazed beyond the window.

My mind spun with many plans that could help me grow stronger someday, but none of them provided me with too much confidence at the time. I needed something more concrete for that.

Then, with a start, I recalled the fact that Scorpan asked me to deliver a letter for him. He had it stashed in one of my saddlebags. Curious, I pulled the saddlebags to my lap then used my mouth to sift through it. I dug my way past my mother’s skull, plushies of the Mane Six, and a few books I collected from Narch which detailed how to network a series of magical items. Beneath all that, I finally found Scorpan's letter. I lifted it up with my mouth then spat it out on my hoof.

It was sealed, so I could not read the inner contents without opening it, and after everything Scorpan did for me, I decided not to betray him by intruding on his private letter.

I did, however, read who the letter was meant to be delivered to on the front cover. It said, “To my brother, Tirek.”

I blinked in surprise as I looked over the letter.

Oh golly! Scorpan has a brother? I didn't know that!


I looked wistfully out the window as I wondered to myself if Scorpan's brother would also become my friend.

An empty feeling sinks deep into my chest as I think about that final day I saw Tirek's brother, Scorpan, because it dawns on me how he was not only my first friend, but he might have been my only true friend.

How did it come to this? Am I really that unloveable? Was I always meant to suffer by being raised in horrible circumstances that led up to this moment? Was my true destiny always meant to be imprisoned like this?

I wanted power to avoid becoming helpless again, but I must admit . . . the antics of Tirek, Chrysalis, and I went too far the moment I saw those windigos. I was cold, and it annoyed the heck out of me that I seemed to be the only one bothered by this. I wanted to rule, but circumstances like that would have caused me to rule over what? If all the ponies froze to death, nopony would be left alive to tend to the weather, the crops, or even rotate the sun and the moon. My species caused the world to function, at least in Equestria, so I was intelligent enough to foresee how doomed that path was if it had met its ultimate conclusion.

In fact, I was busy contemplating how to rectify that situation until the Mane Six showed up. I knew why they had come, so I knew that I had to deal with them first.

But, after that, I knew I also had to deal with a serious global catastrophe. If my new “friends” wouldn't help me fix this mess, then I was resolved to fix this on my own.

My own . . . just like I had always been for most of my life.

But now I'll probably never get the chance. I'm stuck here in this sorry state.

I just wanted attention! I just wanted to be loved! I wanted to collect so many friends that they'd all crown me the first Empress of Friendship.

Where did I go wrong?

I'm sorry, everypony! I'm so sorry! Please-please-please give me another chance!

I don't want to be alone!

Somepony . . . ANYPONY . . . help me!

. . .

Please help me!