> Frenemy Vacation > by TheClownPrinceofCrime > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Frenemy Vacation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTSIDE OF PONYVILLE All of Equestria celebrated their victory over the destruction of Slash, the evil panther who sought to enslave them with an ancient artifact called the Friendly Plague. With him and the talisman gone, the entire country was once again safe from utter ruin. As Pinkie Pie organized a victory party within Ponyville early in the afternoon, two familiar creatures stood together outside the town. One was a large changeling whereas the other was a muscular centaur in his second form. They stood together with unfriendly expressions as they witnessed the happy equines celebrating together with the Mane Six. “Hmmm... I’m starting to reconsider my initial decision. We may have helped them defeat our common foe, but my disdain for them still remains,” said Tirek. “I express the same sentiment,” agreed Chrysalis. “Perhaps one day when all of Equestria is vulnerable at our mercy, we will strike them!” “Indeed. But I do have to admit... it did feel nice to actually help those ponies,” Tirek sighed. Chrysalis raised her eyebrow in confusion. “What do you mean by that?” “I mean, helping our enemies to defeat a bigger enemy was actually... something that made me feel good inside. I don’t know why I felt that way, but... it really felt great doing something—well, good.” Chrysalis took a moment to think on his words. “Haven’t you felt the same way?” Tirek asked. She opened her mouth to answer, but no words came out. She again paused to think back on the moments they spent together while they fought against the villainous panther alongside their allies. As she reflected on those moments, she likewise sighed. “Probably..” They remained standing on top of a hill as they watched the ponies having fun. “So, are you ready for our little trip together?” Chrysalis asked. “More than ready. It’s been thousands of years since I’ve actually had some sort of recreation. Besides, I do need to keep my muscles to good use,” smirked Tirek, flexing his biceps. Thus, the two former legionnaires departed and went off to wherever they desired to go. UNDER THE MOUNTAINS The duo traveled many miles from Ponyville and arrived just beneath the rocky mountains not far from Grogar’s cavern. As they walked across the rocky terrain, Tirek spotted multiple boulders lying across the ground. He grinned as he picked up two large boulders. “This will be our first stop. We just need to figure out what activities we can do here and—What are you doing?” Chrysalis asked. “Catch!” he yelled, throwing a boulder towards her. She yelped in fear as she caught the rock with her magic before it got close to her face. Then she glared daggers at her companion. “I wasn’t even ready for that!” “Back in my day, we centaurs didn’t wait for our opponent to be ready for our sporting games. No warning, no heads up,” Tirek smugly smiled. “Let’s see if you’re ready for my sporting tricks!” Chrysalis growled. The changeling then flew and twirled in the air before she threw the boulder back at him. But as soon as it descended toward him, the boulder made a u-turn and landed on the grass instead. Tirek stood there surprised by the outcome. “HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!” he exclaimed. “What’s the matter, Lord Tirek? Amazed by the wonders of a changeling’s tricks?” she taunted, smirking. Growling, Tirek grabbed another boulder and slammed it on the ground before it bounced back up to his hand again like a basketball. He ran to her and threw it high in the air. Chrysalis flew up high to catch the boulder, but it instantly disintegrated to pebbles before she could lay her hooves on it. “What?! How is that possible?!” “My wonderful strength does plenty of tricks as well. Too bad you don’t have the brute strength to match me,” boasted Tirek. “You’re just trying to one-up me, are you?” Chrysalis accused, glaring at him. “Admit it. I’m more skilled and talented than you are! I’ll wait,” said Tirek. “Never! You are no match for my superior talent!” “We’ll see about that,” he grinned. Then he seized dozens of other boulders, crushed them, and used his magic to reformat them into clay. Meanwhile, Chrysalis grabbed boulders of her own and made imprints of a changeling on them. As she turned back to see the centaur’s work, she marveled at the sculptures and statues he created which resembled older centaurs. “Impressive, eh? Much more appealing than your... disaster-piece,” Tirek mocked. Seething in rage, she ignited her horn. But she paused for a moment to consider other ideas. “He may have won this round, but let’s see if he’s good in other areas,” she thought. She took a deep breath and went over to Tirek. “Okay, Lord Tirek, you win. It seems I may not be that great in artistry. Bravo...” Chrysalis acknowledged. Tirek was surprised at first until he crossed his arms with pride. “Glad to see you admit your flaws. On a side note, this was a lot of fun.” “Indeed. Come on, let’s go to some other place we can hang out,” she said. Both creatures left the mountains and headed towards the beach. As they arrived at the beach, Chrysalis fell on the sand and stretched her legs. “Ahhh, now this is more like it. I can lay under the sun all day! Care to join me, Lord Tirek?” The centaur began to feel the sun rays’ high heat, causing him to instantly sweat. “I don’t think I’ll be comfortable under this hot weather.” “Give it a try, you big lump,” Chrysalis giggled. “It will feel great once you’re in a state of relaxation. Come.” Sighing in defeat, Tirek sat down next to her and laid his back on the sand. Thus, the duo relaxed under the hot sun for a period of time. LATER Chrysalis was humming peacefully as she felt the breeze of the wind and beheld the lovely blue sky above. Meanwhile, Tirek was suffering from sunburn. He struggled to hold his breath as he was being boiled under the hot temperature. A few minutes later, he screamed in agony and ran around in circles. “Awww, the big strong centaur can’t take the heat? How sad...” Chrysalis mocked. “Why you inconsiderate, pretentious little—!” Tirek angrily muttered. “I knew you couldn’t endure it. My changeling skin is strong enough to withstand hot temperatures. Too bad yours isn’t the same,” said Chrysalis, winking at him. “Well played, Chrysalis. Tell you what? I suggest we both go to Grogar’s cavern. Let’s see if your physical strength is equal to that of your skin texture,” Tirek challenged. “No magic... only raw power.” Chrysalis thought about it until she nodded. “Very well.” With that, both villains departed to the ancient ram’s old lair. As they arrived to Grogar’s cavern, they looked around to see if there was anything they could use for physical exercise. Chrysalis tried to search for any equipment within her own room, but she could find nothing. “There’s got to be something useful somewhere.” Tirek looked into his former room and saw several weights lying around the floor. Grinning, he picked them up and put them on his bed. “Now she’s going to learn something new today.” He exited the room with his equipment in hand. Chrysalis continued looking around until she laid her eyes on the table in the meeting room. “Hmmm, perhaps this should do the trick!” She slowly lifted the entire table with her hole-ridden hooves. Then she saw Tirek lift up three heavy weights with both his arms and with one leg. She investigated his face to see if there was any sign of struggle or stress, but, to her amazement, he had that proud, smug expression while lifting the weights with little to no effort. Then she grabbed another table and placed it on top of the one she was carrying. She placed several bricks on top of that as an addition. Looking back at her opponent, the centaur was seen carrying three more weights on his shoulders with no apparent sign of discomfort. Suddenly, her legs felt tired from the heavy burden. “Feeling exhausted, Chrysalis?” Tirek taunted. Chrysalis strained herself to continue lifting the heavy objects. Unfortunately, her vain efforts took their toll, resulting in her falling on the ground with all the objects on top of her. Putting aside his weights, Tirek came over to her before he removed the tables and bricks and extended his hand to her. Although she hesitated at first, she accepted his hand, allowing him to help her up. “It appears that brute strength isn’t your speciality.” “Perhaps, but at least I got the changeling’s share when it comes to brains!” Chrysalis argued. “Really now? Then how is it you constantly failed to defeat Twilight and her friends... especially Starlight Glimmer?” Tirek smirked. “DO NOT EVEN DARE MENTION THAT RAT’S NAME!!” she snapped. “It was just—it’s just that they always cheat! They always play unfair! Plus, I can ask the same question about you.” Widening his eyes, he crossed his arms while glaring at the wall. “I couldn’t beat them because they were annoyingly lucky. But despite our failures in the past, there was one thing in particular we did accomplish: working together to defeat our common foe.” “That is true,” she concurred. Both villains were silent for a few moments as they looked around the cavern and contemplated the things they did so far. Tirek then broke the silence. “You aren’t that bad, you know. From what I can tell, you have your own special capabilities.” Chrysalis looked at him surprised. “You... You think so?” “I know so. You may not be an artist or a bodybuilder, but you’re still a changeling. For a mistress of disguise, that’s actually impressive,” Tirek complemented. The ex-Queen blushed in response. “You aren’t that bad yourself either. As a matter of fact, I think you have really outdone yourself with all those things you did.” Tirek flexed his biceps proudly. “You can say that again. Thus, no creature will be able to take me down... like how I avenged my uncle by absorbing the magic of that megalomaniacal cat.” “Ha! You should have seen the look on his face when I drained his love! The fool couldn’t stand a chance against the angry mob!” Both of them heartily laughed together. “I’m glad we have each other. The more we work together, the more we can accomplish many things,” stated Tirek. “Agreed. But I still despise the magic of... friendship,” she said, cringing on the last word. “I prefer to be just an ally than anything else.” “Fine by me,” Tirek shrugged. “Hmm, when do you think we should check on Cozy after our fun time is over?” “Soon enough. For now, Celestia and Luna are taking care of her,” Chrysalis replied. “I really hope she doesn’t cause a mess down there,” Tirek groaned. “How about we head to Manehatten? I’ve always wanted to go to that place. I think Rarity often travels there,” Chrysalis suggested. “Works for me,” Tirek nodded. The duo then left the cavern as they continued the rest of their vacation but with a peaceful spirit that time. THE END