A New Experience

by 1jckuhn

First published

After settling into his new life in heaven with his parents, Spike decides to head to the Heaven's school, but must tangle with old emotional habits.

As he settles into his new life in heaven with his parents, Spike decides to make a change and apply for the Heaven’s school, but old emotional habits resurface. Now, Spike must tangle with them in order to keep his hopes of thriving in school alive.

This is a request story, and birthday present, for my good friend, Chazkopa,

Leap of Faith

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It was another sunny day in heaven and for all of Equestria. Spike and his parents sat in the living room of their cloud house. The cloud the house was residing on was actuaully hovering right above Twilight’s castle. It was always nice for Equestria’s new ruler knowing her boyfriend and his parents were right above her. For Spike, life in his new home was nothing short of amazing. He finally had his real family by his side and he could still see his harem once a week on a special portal that showed them a direct view to Spike. Although he felt happy with his current situation, the angel Dragon couldn’t help but feel like there was something missing in his life.

One morning, Spike and his parents were just finishing another family flight when he noticed another snow white building also resing on it’s own cloud. As the two grown Dragons and their son landed, Spike spoke up.

“Hey, Mom, Dad?” he asked. “What was that large building we just flew past a few minutes ago?”

“Oh,” said Tyson. “That’s the school, son. It’s where all the boys and girls go to learn things. My wife and I noticed you were always homeschooled by Twilight.”

“Yeah,” said Spike. “I was really clingy to Twilight when i was younger and I didn’t want to leave her side. In a way, I guess that forshadowed my growing feelings for her. I know she’s doing an excellent job looking after all of Equestria as we speak. As for the school, it would be nice for me to try. Could you maybe enroll me, Mom and Dad?”

“Of course, son,” smiled Kimba. “Anything for our boy.”

Spike grinned. This was going to be a ton of fun.


Spike was up at the crack of dawn today. It was the first day that he would be going to an actual school. He was so excited to actually socialize with creatures his own age, although he always enjoyed being taught the basics. Deep down, however, Spike felt a little uneasy. He had never really liked the idea of going to school because it meant Twilight had to leave, but he knew he needed to suck it up. He was older and, now that he was in Heaven, wasn’t by Twilight’s side as often as he liked, but he always made sure to cherish every meeting with his harem and friends whenever they were available. The flight from home to school went by fairly quick. Before Spike even knew it, his parents and he were already at the front door of the building. They entered the front door of the building and every angel turned their head toward the door when it opened. Word spread like wildfire that Spike was attending school and everyone, staff and students alike, were greatly awaiting Spike’s arrival. They had heard all about him. From how he had saved the Crystal Empire, to how he had helped out Ember and Thorax become the rulers of their species, and how he successfully saved now just his harem, but all of Equestria, by making a plan up on the fly that ultimately cost him his life. Several of the angel kids immediately swarmed around Spike, asking him all kinds of questions or asking for his autograph. The crowd of kids did help take Spike’s mind off of Spike’s uneasy feeling, remembering how kids and adults alike in the Crystal Empire would swarm him in the exact same manner.

“Attention, kids,” called out a voice. “I know we’re all excited to see our new student, but, please, let’s not crowd him right away. There’ll be plenty of time to get to know him later today and this week.”

The kids, realizing who the voice belonged to, immediately flocked to either side of the hallway, leaving the center of it open. Spike and his parents looked ahead and Spike locked eyes with another snow white unicorn. She had a golden-yellow mane and sky blue eyes. The Alicorn smiled warmly down at Spike.

“You must be our new student,” said the Alicorn. “I am Principal Cloudstreak and I would like to welcome you to our school. Pkease, follow me to my office.”

Spike and his parents quietly followed the Principal as the kids whispered amongst each other. They were all bubbling with excitement at the thought of having Spike in their school.

The walk was to the office was uneventful. Only the occasional kid or teacher looking at him with eagerness, admiration, or both. Spike did feel happy here, but that uneasy feeling had begun to return to him. They came upon a door that had a golden plaque that read, “Principal,” on it. They headed inside the office and came upon three, large, and rather comfy chairs. Spike sat down in the middle chair and his parents sat on either side of him. In front of them was a cherrywood desk with a nametag that read, “Misty Cloudstreak”. Principal Cloudstreak took a seat behind the desk.

“Well, I must say,” she began. “It is a true honor to have a hero like you here. What made you decide to apply here?”

“Well,” Spike explained. “I do love it in here, but I can’t help but feel like there was always something missing in my life. I realized that this was it. I’ve always wanted to attend school on my own, but I was always really clingy to Twilight. So, I was homeschooled by her.”

“Very interesting,” smiled Principal Cloudstreak. “Well, I will let you head to your first class of the day and I hope you enjoy your stay here.”

She turned her attention to his parents.

“He’s in good hooves, err, claws, here,” she said.

“Thank you kindly, and don’t worry about the whole hooves and claw thing. Either way, I know he’s safe,” said Tyson.

Kimba planted a kiss on the top of her son’s head and Tyson and she left the office, leaving Spike alone. Spike felt that uneasy feeling become greater inside him, remembering how he had felt when Twilight first left him for his first day of school back in Ponyville. He hated being away from her when he was younger, but he had managed to somewhat get it under control as he got older. Now that he had his real parents with him, Spike felt like that all the progess he had made was worthless. He was pulled away from his thoughts when he saw Principal Cloudstreak handing him a folded piece of paper.

“There’s your schedule, little one,” she said sweetly. “Run along, now. You don’t want to be late on your first day.”

“Oh, uh, no,” Spike stammered. “Definitely not. Thanks for the schedule.”

He headed out the door and down the hall toward his first class. Along the way, he came across several angel kids looking at him and whispering amongst each other. He finally arrived at his first class of the day and opened the door just as the bell rung. He quickly took his seat just as the teacher walked in. She was a Pegasus and had an off-white coat, a sky blue mane and tail, and bright orange eyes.

“Hello, class. Welcome to Heaven history.” she began. “I am your teacher, Ms. Dawn. It has come to my attention that we have a new student.”

She turned to Spike, “Please, come up and tell us about yourself.”

Spike felt the uneasy feeling inside him grow twice as large. It was around this time that he remembered when he had gone to school in Ponyville that he couldn’t take it anymore, had curled up into a ball, and cried for Twilight to come back for him. The principal at the school had no choice but to call Princess Celestia and ask for her to send Twilight to come and pick him up. He remembered how happy he felt in knowing she was right by him. Thinking of the Lavendar Alicorn made Spike smile. Just as he began to think about Twilight, the uneasy feeling festering inside him went away. He was pulled away from away from his thoughts when Ms. Dawn cleared her throat.

“Ahem, Spike?” she asked. “Is everything alright?”

“Oh, uh, no. Sorry,” Spike said, fully coming back to reality. “I was just thinking for a bit.”

“Oh, no need to apologize,” chuckled Ms. Dawn. “Thinking is what school thrives to make you do anyway.”

Spike slowly got up from his chair and stood in front of the class. The uneasy feeling was starting to come back as he locked eyes with his classmates, but Spike had begun to think of Twilight again, imagining how proud she’d be if she knew her little boyfriend was conquering old emotional habits. Just like that, his uneasy feeling went away when he thought about his girlfriend, as well as the other eleven. Almost immediately, Spike figured out the pattern. All he had to do was think of his harem and making them happy and he would feel at ease.

”If Twilight could see me now,” thought Spike.

He cleared his throat and began to speak.

“Hello, everyone,” he began. “My name is Spike the Dragon. I was hatched by Twilight Sparkle and became her assistant. She and I were sent to Ponyville together to learn about friendship. There we met five ponies who would become our best friends. Their names were Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity. Together, we were an unbeatable team and it wouldn’t be long before we acquired an eighth member named Starlight Glimmer. We were the heroes of all Equestria and I was especially known as a hero as well in Crystal Empire, as I had saved it twice. That’s another story, though. As time went on, I began to realize I was falling in love with the seven ponies whom I considered my best friends, as well as Applejack and Rarity’s little sisters, Apple Bloom and Sweetle Belle, and Scootaloo, a Pegasus who saw Rainbow Dash as a sister figure. I also fell in love with a Dragon named Smolder and a Griffon named Gabby. It wouldn’t be very long before all 13 of us became more than just friends, but that too is another story.”

A chorus of groans echoed throughout the whole class, having been given the short end of the stick on not one, but two, subjects. They were looking forward to classtime being eaten up listening to Spike talk about his many escapades in Equestria, rather than having another average day filled with mind-numbing lessons and homework assignments.

“Now, class,” Ms. Dawn said. “I understand you want to know more about Spike, but, please. Let’s let him get settled in before we bombard him with questions.”

The other angel kids, although still dissapointed, understood. Spike, however, felt pleased. He had successfully conquered his fear of being alone and couldn’t wait to tell Twilight when he next saw her on the heaven portal. For the rest of the day, Spike listened intently to all his teachers, introduced himself to his fellow angel classmates, and was adjusting to school life a lot quicker than he expected. At last the final bell rung and school was let out for the day. Tyson and Kimba greeted their son at the front door of the school.

“Hello, son,” said Kimba as she embraced Spike in a loving hug. “How was school?”

“Oh, it was terrific!” Spike smiled. “I got great teachers and all the kids like me!”

“It sounds like you had a blast,” chuckled Tyson. “Why don’t you tell us more about it at home?”

“Okay,” Spike said. “Let’s hit the road then. I have a lot to tell you.”

With that, the three angel dragons took off to the sky, with a large crowd of kids watching them until they dissapeared. All were eager to get to know the purple Dragon in the upcoming days. Spike smiled as he felt a slight breeze run across his face and the warmth of the afternoon sun as he flew back home with his family. It was going to be a very interesting school year indeed.