Changing Our Destinies

by silent_user

First published

Twilight managed to see glimpses of her future during her entrance exam. But instead of becoming Celestia’s protege, she steps off the path laid out for her and chooses to take matters into her own hooves. After all, Celestia won’t mind, right?

It should have been the happiest day of her life. Despite all odds, Twilight passed the entrance exam to Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. Not only that, but she also got asked to be the Princess’s personal protege. And if that wasn’t already amazing enough, she even got her cutie mark! So why wasn’t the filly prancing around in circles shouting “Yes, Yes, Yes” over and over again?

Being the victim of an uncontrolled surge did not only grant her enough magic to give life to a dragon but apparently also made it possible for her to get glimpses of her future, showing her a destiny she really does not care for. So, knowing where her current path would lead her, there is really no sensible alternative than throwing everything away and changing her destiny to one she can agree to, setting her up for a life of intrigue and adventure, uncovering the many mysteries surrounding her and a certain pegasus, to find out who they really are.

Unfortunately, in doing so, she ruins the carefully laid out plans a certain Princess of the Sun had drawn up. But knowing the forgiving nature of Celestia, there is no way that could lead to conflict, right?

Huge thanks to the amazing Mutter_Butter for the cover image and to the amazing LastToTheParty, for becoming my proofreader/editor.

Chapter 1 - Clarity

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Today was going to be her day. Of course, she was nervous, highly nervous, in fact, but she should be able to do it.

Ever since she saw the princess raising the sun, she knew she wanted to learn magic. Understanding everything there is about it, something that made such beautiful acts possible, became her goal. There even was a tiny hope of figuring out how the princess was able to raise the sun in the first place.

A tiny hope to be just like her.

And so, she started to study. She studied as much as she could. Everything else became secondary. This caused her to neglect not only her friends, even Cadence, but also her family, even her own brother, with whom she was so close. Her parents became worried, but they understood that if she wanted to reach her goal and be accepted into Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, she would have to work hard. After all, it would get better after the entrance exam, right? It was with this reasoning that they chose to turn a blind eye towards her behaviour.

Every day she dreamed about getting accepted. She would be so much closer to her goal and so much closer to her idol. Unfortunately, this also caused her to dream about what would happen if she failed, which brings her to today.

Today was the day, and there might not be a second chance. She was lucky that she had even gotten this one chance to even reach this point, the final part of the entrance exam.

Would she be able to continue this path? Would she be accepted into Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns? Maybe she could even see the princess up close if she managed to get in. After all, the princess was giving some lectures and courses. It would be great. It would be a dream come true.

Focus! Ok, this was a bad train of thought. Now I am even more nervous.

"Mister and Misses Sparkle, and you must be Twilight. I am Professor Nightshade, one of the judges. Please come inside so that we can go ahead with the final part of the entrance exam," he said in a friendly manner.

Maybe things are going to be alright?

Twilight and her parents entered the room while Nightshade sat down with the other judges.

"Don't worry, Twilight, you can do this," her parents encouraged her.

"Ahem," Nightshade cleared his throat, garnering everypony's attention. "For the final part of the exam, we will once again evaluate the strength of your magic as well as your ability to use it in a refined manner. You must hatch the dragon egg, which is being brought in now." Did she imagine it, or did his friendliness suddenly disappear?

Things are not going to be all right! Hatching the egg of a dragon is nearly unheard of! Only master mages have even a chance to do so! I should have studied more or should have postponed the entrance exam. Of course, Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns would have a test like this. They don't take an average unicorn, only the best of the best!

Twilight's thought process was interrupted by the sound of pens scribbling notes on paper. She didn't need to be a genius to know that the notes were more than likely, at least not to her advantage.

I have come too far to give up now!

But then again, she didn't know how to hatch a dragon egg.

The only way I can even hope to accomplish this goal is to channel as much magic into it as possible. Maybe this way, I will be getting a reaction.

And so, Twilight Sparkle channelled as much magic as possible into the egg.

The results were extremely underwhelming.

In the background, she heard one of the professors making a rude comment, but she didn't even acknowledge it. This was it, her hopes and dreams, all her hard work for nothing. Maybe she could apply again next year.

Oh, who am I kidding? I am finished.

"I am sorry I wasted your time," Twilight said, barely holding back her tears.

Just as she wanted to turn back, she heard an explosion and felt a sudden influx of magic. Out of instinct, she focused it on the egg.

Hatch! Hatch! Hatch!

It worked, the egg broke, and a tiny baby dragon appeared.

I did it!

This was her last thought before an excruciating amount of pain replaced everything.

And just as quickly as the pain came, the pain stopped, replaced by the most wholesome feeling Twilight Sparkle ever felt. She saw things she would probably never be able to describe fully. Everything was shown in the colours of the rainbow. She witnessed how she defeated an evil alicorn and how another princess appeared to rule beside Celestia. She even saw how she beat a Draconequus. It was magical, the things it showed her she would accomplish, even becoming an Alicorn. Everything became so clear to her, and through it all, there was the rainbow pony, the most beautiful mare Twilight had ever seen. Mare? More like an angel. Her rainbow angel. She didn't even need it to show her anything about the rainbow pony. She just knew they were connected. She felt it. She and the rainbow pony. It was a fact, and it couldn't even be more obvious.

Suddenly the mood shifted. The vision showed Twilight how the rainbow pony was abandoning her, walking off with another pink Alicorn. It hurt her, hurt her even more than the pain she felt before. Was she wrong? Did she misinterpret the signs? Didn't the rainbow pony feel the same connection towards her? She had to, right? They were meant to be together. She was so sure about it.

Another scene caught her eye. They were on a coast. The rainbow pony walking off with the other mares she had so often seen in her… vision?
Am I experiencing a vision, or am I hallucinating?
What is going on here?

Her thought process was again interrupted when she realized that the rainbow pony was not turning back. They were just going to leave her there on this coast in Celestia knows where!

Despite what she felt at the moment, it wasn’t the scene that would haunt her forever, as she soon learned. Her surroundings changed, presenting her with her Alicorn self, who was visiting a graveyard. She looked old and sad. Twilight knew what was coming, and she was not going to like it. Her older self was lowering some flowers on the ground before some gravestones, one of which had a rainbow-coloured cutie mark engraved.


She was not going to let that happen. Fate be dammed! What use as learning everything about magic if she couldn't even use it to save her rainbow angel?

Princess Celestia was standing in front of her.

Princess Celestia was standing in front of her!

"Twilight Sparkle," but the princess couldn't even finish her sentence.

"I am so sorry, I didn't…," Twilight didn't know what to say. What could she say? This was the princess! She messed up, didn't she? The princess would-

"You have a very special gift. I don't think I have ever come across a unicorn with your raw abilities," Princess Celestia said.

"Huh?" this was too much. Twilight's head was starting to hurt, struggling to process what had just happened.

Undeterred, Princess Celestia continued, "But you need to learn to tame these abilities through focused study. Twilight Sparkle, I'd like to make you my own personal protégé here at the school."

She did not just say that, right? This is exactly like my vision. Scratch that. It's exactly what I wanted, even more. I succeeded! I did it, didn't I?
But if I accept, will everything play out like in my vision? I could accept and then just change the parts I did not like, right? Or maybe this is just a coincidence, and this wasn't even a vision?
Argh! I can't think like this! I should make a checklist and-

"Well?" The princess asked enthusiastically.

Searching for guidance, Twilight looked towards her parents, who gave encouraging gestures.

I can't throw all this away, everything I have worked so hard for. However, becoming the protégé of the princess takes time, binding me to Canterlot. I wouldn't be able to search for the rainbow pony, and even if I found her, I wouldn't be able to be together with her, right? From what I saw in my vision, she doesn't live in Canterlot.
I am running out of time. I have to make a decision!

"I am sorry, princess, but I think I have to decline," Twilight said in a very shaky voice.

I did not just say that!

She caught the expressions of everypony else in the room. It was clear to her that they were shocked as well.

"I understand, Twilight. It has been a stressful day. You should take some time to rest, and once you have had enough time to think, make your final decision," Princess Celestia said in her kind and calm voice.

"One other thing Twilight," The princess pointed at Twilight's Cutie Mark.

My Cutie Mark?

"My Cutie Mark! Yes! Yes! Yes!" Twilight was ecstatic, forgetting everything else for a moment.

"Mr and Mrs Sparkle, I have to attend to other duties now. Please inform my school once you have reached your final decision together with your daughter." The princess turned and walked out of the room, keeping her calm, collected and kind appearance. But, for some reason, it felt forced.

Is she angry at me?

Twilight stopped jumping around.

Who am I kidding? Of course, she is! I turned her down! Who would say no to the possibility of becoming the princess's personal protégé?

"Come, sweetie, we need to get home," her mother levitated her onto her back. "I can see you are tired. You had a hard day today."

If her mother had any idea how right she was. Twilight was starting to feel really exhausted. Her head, as well as her horn, were beginning to hurt like hell, and she felt like she would throw up at any moment.

Worst of all, she feared that checklists and co. might be unable to help her this time.

"We are proud of you, Twilight. You did great today," her father said.

But Twilight, already starting to fall asleep, barely heard him.

Chapter 2 - A New Path

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Something went wrong.

She shouldn't have rejected my offer. After all, I am her idol, am I not?

Princess Celestia was sitting in her study, trying to understand where this new development came from.

All the reports Cadence gave indicated that she would say yes. Cadence didn't lie to me, did she?

No, that is ridiculous. Cadence wouldn't lie to me. I probably just ambushed Twilight. She is going to say yes, and even if she doesn't, her mere enrolment into my school will give me enough control. Although... I would prefer her to become my personal student.

However, no matter what happens, I can't afford another failure. Not after what happened with Sunset and all the effort I invested into Twilight. There simply aren't any other viable candidates, not anymore.

Twilights Cutie Mark indicated that Magic has already chosen her. While this development was even better than she had planned, it also meant that all other possible candidates were now useless until the fillies death.

I have taken all the necessary measures. I am worrying too much.

But if Twilight went rogue now, she would have a big problem on her hooves. The elements were tricky. They wouldn't accept a bearer that did not qualify through their own actions. That meant she couldn't interfere too much.

If only Twilight becoming the element of magic was my only worry. Then there wouldn't even be any issues. Her Cutie Mark means that this is her destiny anyway.

The real problem for her was that Twilight would need to qualify to use the element of magic. And this needed to happen before Nightmare Moon returned. Additionally, Twilight would need to find the other bearer or bearers, collect the actual elements, and use them against Nightmare Moon while she was still weak.

I also have to make sure that there is a connection between the bearers and that the others qualify as well. Twilight becoming my student is the best and probably the only way I can ensure that she qualifies before Nightmare Moon's return finds the other bearers and is at the right place, at the right time, when Nightmare Moon returns so that they can use the elements against her. Only this will allow me to get my sister back, with minimal destruction of Equestria and no real harm to her reputation.

Celestia shuddered at what she would have to do if she wasn't able to get all this done. She couldn't allow another war. So many died, and so much destruction was caused during the last Luna Rebellion. If the elements failed, she would have to kill Nightmare Moon. There was no other way. She tried imprisoning once during the beginning of the Luna Rebellion, and it failed miserably. This time she couldn't take any chances for the sake of her little ponies.

A knock on the door signalled Princess Cadence's arrival.

"Hello, auntie, you asked for me?" Cadence walked inside, looking puzzled as to why her presence was requested.

"Yes, Cadence, are you aware of what happened today?" asked Celestia in an inquisitive voice. She was mustering Cadence, looking for any hints that would indicate that she was hiding something.

Needless to say, it caused Cadence to become worried, "Umm, you mean Twilight's surge? I didn't know her magic was already this strong. Nothing indicated it despite her showing me her abilities multiple times. She isn't in any trouble, is she?"

Looks like Cadence is indeed innocent. I shouldn't have doubted her.

The older princess was relieved. "No, Twilight isn't in any trouble for now. I would like you to visit her tomorrow with her brother. You two should encourage her to enrol in my school and, if possible, to accept my offer to become my student. Cadence, you know what's on the line, so do your best."

"I do not believe that is necessary. She adores you. There is no way she would decline." The princess of love was confused. Celestia knew that Twilight adored her. Why was she so worried now?

"Twilight already refused, Cadence, and while I believe that the reason for that was simply me ambushing her with the proposal, I would prefer it if you made sure," Celestia retorted. She was well aware that her niece wasn't happy when it came to what was essentially manipulating Twilight. Only through convincing Cadence that Twilight was the only way to defeat Nightmare Moon was she even able to get her to cooperate.

"Very well, I will see what I can do." Cadence turned around, leaving the study. As expected, the anger of having to manipulate Twilight again was clearly visible.

This could have gone better.

The plan seemed so easy at the time, but as always, her perfect plans couldn't withstand reality. Celestia's eyes were wandering through her study. For once, she didn't know what to do next. It scared her. Not only was she scared for her sister, but for the first time in a long time, she was also scared of losing Twilight. Finally, her eyes came to a stop at a drawer. She used her magic to open it, retrieving an old dusty picture she hadn't looked at for a very long time. "I am not going to kill my own sister, Twilight. I have done everything to lay out a clear path for you, and you will follow it." A sudden burst of rage filled her. "I have done everything to ensure you have had a good life, despite the circumstances! I ensured you would become powerful, found a good family for you, and guaranteed that nothing was missing in your life! One day you could even become a ruler of this country!"

What am I even doing, yelling at a picture?

Sadness replaced her anger. Celestia slumped down on her chair.

This isn't Twilight's fault. If I had paid any attention to my sister at all, none of this would have happened. I am trying to manipulate her into righting my wrongs, and now I am blaming her for trying to follow her own path?

Tears filled Celestia's eyes. Oh, how she wished that things were different. "I am so sorry, Twilight, but you are my only hope. One day I will make it up to you, I promise."

That night, Princess Celestia wouldn't find any sleep.


"Good morning, sweetie. How do you feel?" Velvet asked.

"I am feeling great, Mom! I haven't slept this good for ages!" replied Twilight. Her voice sounded as if it had been drenched in enthusiasm.

"We could tell Twilight, you slept like a rock," her father chuckled while looking up from his newspaper.

She sat down and began eating breakfast.

That's what I get for skipping lunch. I could eat an entire-

"So, sweetie, have you thought about Princess Celestia's offer?" her mother inquired, causing the filly to choke on her cereal.

Why do they have to bring it up now? I just got up!

"Not yet. I was thinking about making some checklists and charts later," answered Twilight. Then, trying to avoid further discussion about the topic, she turned her attention back to her cereal.

"That's fine, Twilight,” her father assured her. “Just don't keep the princess waiting for too long." The last part sounded like an ominous warning.

Their breakfast continued uneventfully, and once she was finished and said goodbye to her father, who needed to leave for work, Twilight excused herself to her room.

"Time to get things in order." Speaking to herself had kind of become a habit for her when she was alone. "I passed the exam, and Princess Celestia offered me a position as her personal student.

"However, I experienced either a vision or hallucination during the exam. The fact that the princess made me the offer and that everything was so detailed would point to it being the former. On the other hoof, the events that were shown were simply outlandish. They can't really be true," she halted.

What exactly did I see? There was so much. Often, things seemed out of context, and I was distracted during a good part.

Twilight could only recall some events. "Hmm, first Princess Celestia was making me the offer to become her student, and there was me, the rainbow pony and some other mares facing off some black alicorn."

We defeated her, right?

She tried to recall more about the black alicorn. Still, despite her best effort, she only managed to get a headache.

"I should look for some books about visions, hallucinations and trying to retrieve memories once I am done," Twilight muttered, defeated. "So, I don't actually know whether or not we won, but I feel like we did, and shortly afterwards, there were scenes with Princess Celestia and a blue alicorn that seemed to rule beside her."

Could this be a coincidence, or are the two alicorns connected? Their Cutie Marks seemed to be similar.

"I should look for information about those alicorns as well." This was probably going to take more time than she had initially thought.

"Then there was this Draconequus. I have seen him before!" But, unfortunately, she couldn't recall where. "We seemed to be fighting with him as well, for some reason." Now that she thought about it, why would she be fighting an alicorn and a Draconequus in the first place?

Becoming the princess's personal student does not mean I have to fight powerful mystical creatures, right? I mean... It didn't look like we were trained or equipped to fight. There weren't even any guards…

"Seems like there is something missing as well." Twilight was now pacing around her room, starting to get really agitated. The more she thought about it, the more questions there were.

And then I let myself become distracted by the rainbow pony.

She groaned. "Here I am, getting a look at what could possibly be my future, and I let myself become distracted by a mare!" Who could blame her, though? Although she couldn't explain it, and her visions/hallucinations didn't even show anything that would make the rainbow mare stand out from the others, she just knew they were connected because…

Because of what?

"Everything I saw was somehow coloured in this weird rainbow spectrum! This means it has to be connected to her! Also, my parents told me a rainbow wave was coming towards me when this whole thing happened." Twilight looked at her books as if she expected them to agree.

That's weak evidence at best, Twilight, and you know it. If anything, it would underline the hypothesis that this is just a hallucination caused by this rainbow phenomenon.

She gave her books a dirty look. If this continued, she might actually start to develop some hate for them, "And I should look this rainbow phenomenon up, great!"

But why do I feel like she is so important if the evidence is so weak? Why can I not get her out of my head? Why do I feel like there is a connection? Why did I refer to her as my rainbow angel?

The last thought made Twilight blush.

"A book on why I feel like this would probably be helpful as well.

"What else was there? Right, I saw myself as an alicorn! An alicorn! How did I manage to do that?" Only one pony she knew managed to ascend, Cadence.

I should probably try to ask her about that again, although... It could have been a disguise.

"That would make more sense." But once again, Twilight wasn't convinced. Deep down, she knew she had ascended, even if she couldn't explain how or why.

"Next came the bad parts," her mood shifted instantly. She didn't want to get into them.

I am not going to back down! This mystery will be solved!

"Rainbow walked away with the other mares, a dragon and Princess Celestia, going after a pink alicorn."

Wait a second, Rainbow? Is that her name? It feels right somehow…

Even if it isn't her name, it's easier to refer to her as Rainbow than rainbow pony.

Or I could continue to refer to her as rainbow angel…

She was blushing again. Good thing Cadence wasn't here.

"So, the pink alicorn must be Cadence, right?" Usually, the princess of love disguised herself as a pegasus to avoid unnecessary attention.

That's probably why I didn't recognize her immediately.

"Ok, so it was Cadence, but why would I make her cry?"

This doesn't seem right.

"Twilight, could you come down? Your brother and Cadence are here to visit you," called her mother.

Cadence! Shiny! What a weird coincidence.

"I am coming, Mom," Twilight answered.

Quickly she ran down the stairs, "Cadence! Shiny!" Twilight shouted happily.

"Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake!" They did their little dance routine, causing her mother and brother to smile.

"Why don't you sit down in the living room, while I will bring you some cookies," Velvet proposed.

"That sounds great, Mom! Come on, Cadence, Shiny, I have so much to tell you!" Twilight ran to the living room, jumping onto the couch.

"Slow down, Twily. I don't remember you being so energetic," her brother managed to say between laughs. He was happy to see his sister again. Especially since she was in such a good mood. This could only mean that her exam went well.

"How did your exam go, Twilight?" asked Cadence, as if she had been able to read Shining's mind.

"It went great! I passed!" The purple filly answered with a big grin.

"I am so proud of you, Twily. I knew you could do it." Shining hugged his sister. "You deserve it, especially after how much work you put in." But deep down, there was another reason Shining was happy. He hoped that this would also mean that Twilight would take some time off of her studies so that she could reconnect with her friends and maybe even have some more time for him. Of course, he didn't blame her for being so distant. How could he? Blaming her would be absolutely hypocritical since joining the guard meant he barely had time for friends and family himself. Yet, this time he would find a way. If his sister did indeed decide to take some time off from her studies, he, too, would take some time off from his guard duties. She was the reason he joined the guard in the first place, after all.

"So, did anything noteworthy happen? What exactly did you have to do?" Cadence inquired.

Twilight stroked her chin, "Well, they wanted me to hatch a dragon egg and-"

"They wanted you to do what!" shouted her brother.

This immediately caused his mother, who had just returned with cookies, to scold him, "Shining!"

"Sorry, Mom", he quickly apologized. "But a dragon egg? That is literally impossible."

"Actually, I did it," whispered Twilight.

"You what!" This time both Cadence and Shining were shouting.

"Cadence! Shining! Please think of the neighbours," scolded Velvet once again. She wasn't really mad, of course. On the contrary, their surprise was completely justified. She could barely believe it herself.

Cadence, in particular, seemed flabbergasted.

I didn't know that Twilight hatched a dragon egg! How is that even possible? We don't have any real dragon eggs! The ones at the school are just replicas!

Shining was stammering, "Twilight, that's amazing. I can't even… I don't know what to say."

"Yes, Twilight, that truly is an incredible feat." Cadence could ask her aunt later.

The purple filly turned towards her, "Cadence can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, Twilight, anything," she replied in the best casual tone she could muster.

There was one question bugging Twilight. She had never thought about it until now, but considering that the chances of her not only getting a princess as a foalsitter but also being offered the position of protégé by another were abysmally low, she became curious. "Why did you choose to foalsit in the first place? And how come you choose me?"

Alright, Cadence, you knew this question would come eventually, and you prepared for it. Just don't let Twilight get suspicious, or Auntie will have your head.

"Oh, it was a coincidence, Twilight. Celestia was visiting the royal observatory and heard how your father was invited to a big event. She asked whether he would take his wife with him or not. When he said she would need to look after his daughter, Celestia proposed me as a foalsitter-" Cadence laughed "- you know, at the time, I didn't even want to foalsit. Celestia, however, thought that it would be a good experience for me and looking back, she was absolutely right."

Good job, Cadence. Without a hitch, just like practised. Looks like my head will remain.

And luckily for Cadence, Twilight was indeed convinced by her story.

"I guess this means I should thank Princess Celestia for forcing you to associate yourself with common ponies!" Twilight exclaimed in a mocking tone.

Two could play this game, "Hey, I was perfectly capable of associating myself with common ponies without having to babysit some brat," the princess of love replied jokingly.

"Now, Twilight, I don't think Princess Celestia would appreciate her protégé mocking her niece," interjected Velvet.

"Protégé?" Shining was stunned by this new development. In fact, being stunned seemed to become a pattern for him, "Oh wow, Twilight, you must be so happy, I can't even imagine-"

"I declined her offer." His sister had spoken in the most serious tone she could muster.

Now Shining was at a loss. He couldn't think of a single reason why Twilight would decline. This was everything she had dreamed about. "I am sorry, Twilight, it sounded like you said that you declined Princess Celestia's offer to become her personal student, but that would be-"

"I declined her offer, Shining." The purple fillies facade finally began to falter, causing her to start crying. All the feelings she had tried to ignore, suppress, and bottle up were finally catching up to her.

"I don't know why I did," she managed to choke out between sobs. "Everything was just too much. I am so confused…."

Immediately Shining rushed to his sister hugging her again. "Everything is fine, Twilight. We are here for you," he reassured her.

"Oh, sweetie, I am so sorry. I didn't realize that this was burdening you so much. Don't worry. The princess said that you could still change your mind," her mother reminded her.

"There is no need to be sad, Twilight. I am sure you were just under a lot of pressure. Celestia probably just ambushed you with her proposal. I know she can be intimidating, but don't let that deter you. If you get to know her, you will realize there is no reason to fear her. Just look inside your heart and follow what it says. Magic is your dream. She will not hold your initial refusal against you." Cadence gave Twilight a reassuring smile.

Mission Accomplished, Auntie will be happy.

Twilight heeded Cadence's advice. Just like the princess of love had advised her, she looked inside her heart, realizing that Cadence had been right. Magic was her dream. But now there was another one. A bigger one. She wanted to find Rainbow and change her destiny. Sure, maybe she wouldn't be able to accomplish all the great things her vision showed her, and perhaps she wouldn't become the princess's student or a member of her school, for that matter. Maybe she wouldn't even be able to become an alicorn. However, she would still be able to learn magic. She didn't need a fancy school for that. If that meant she could go out there and look for Rainbow, then it would be worth it, of that Twilight was certain. And who knows? Maybe she could even take the entrance exam again once she found the pegasus.

"You are right, Cadence. Thank you," said Twilight, trying to wipe away her tears.

"Don't mention it, Twilight." Cadence gave her a hug.

Poor Twilight. I can't even imagine what it must be like to carry such great responsibility. Having the fate of Equestria on a small filly's shoulders like that... If only there was another way.

Twilight turned around to face her mother, "Mom, could you please let the princess know that I will be declining her offer?"

I wonder if Nightmare Moon will be happy to have company?

Chapter 3 - Heeding the Call

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"Rainbow! Rainbow! Rainbow!"

Ha, I won! That's what they get for mocking me and my friend!

Rainbow Dash was on cloud nine. Not only did she show off her bullies, but she also managed to get her Cutie Mark while performing a sonic rainboom, a feat previously thought the be just a legend.

"Rainbow! Rainbow! Rainbow!"

I made the impossible happen! They love me!

"Rainbow Dash!"

Wait a minute that sounded different.

The crowd fell silent. "Why is it that when there is trouble, you are always involved somehow?" The head instructor looked very angry for reasons that eluded her.

"Trouble?" I didn't do anything! Honest!" retorted Rainbow. This should have been her moment. Why did Flying Feather have to ruin it like he always did?

"Oh? So, you didn't engulf Cloudsdale and the surrounding areas in a magical shockwave?" He was glaring at her.

"Umm, well, yes, but…." There was no use in denying it. However, she just performed a sonic rainboom. There was no way she could get into trouble for that, right?

"Do you have any idea what kind of damage you may have just caused? Who even allowed you to perform this race without supervision!" Flying was screaming now, his head red like a tomato.

Despite that, Rainbow was not going to be intimidated. In her mind, she did nothing wrong after all. "Pff, it was just a rainbow wave. There is no way it could have caused any damage."

"Your "rainbow wave" spread as far as I could see! Not only that, but it also seemed to be charged with magic! There is no telling how it could have disrupted magical procedures all across the country! Or how it reacted with magical sensitive unicorns or artefacts across the country! And those are just the examples I can think of right now!" Although she didn't think it was possible, he seemed to get redder and louder with every word.

Ok, so maybe there was a tiny possibility that she unintentionally caused some discomfort to some unicorn. Even so, Flying was surely exaggerating. "I'm sure they will be fine." Rainbow waved him off.

This seemed to be a bad move, which, admittedly, she should have known, "That's it! I have had it with you! You are hereby expelled from flight camp! Go to the office while I inform your parents, and if your little stunt caused any damage, you better believe I will send the guard after you! Maybe it will help you learn something about personal responsibility!"

No! No! No! He can't do this to me. I did nothing wrong.

Rainbow was distraught. She loved flight camp. In the crowd, she could spot the bullies smirking. Despite wanting to cry her eyes out, she wouldn't show any weakness in front of them.

"Go ahead and do that! It's not like I care about this stupid camp anyway!" Just like that, she was gone.

"Good riddance, that pegasus will never change," Flying murmured.


"Mom, could you please let the princess know that I will be declining her offer?"

"Sweetie, have you really thought this through?" Velvet was torn. She wanted to support her daughter in her decisions on the one hoof. Still, on the other hoof, as a mother, it was her duty to prevent her daughter from making a mistake.

"I have to agree with Velvet, Twilight. This is a massive opportunity you are squandering!" Too late, Cadence realized that she had resorted to shouting in the heat of the moment.

Shining placed his hoof on her back, "Now, Cadence, this is Twilight's decision to make.” He turned to his little sister. “If you are really sure about this, Twilight, then I will be here to support you."

Oh, Shiny, you have no idea how much I would like to strangle you right now.

Cadence calmed herself down, "Of course, I am sorry for yelling, Twilight. You just surprised me. If you don't want to become Celestia's student, that is perfectly fine."

"Actually, I was referring to the offer of becoming a student at the school as well."

The room fell silent.

"But, but, but….. Magic is your dream. I don't understand!"

"Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, you will stop screaming this instant and respect my daughter's decisions!" Velvet didn't know why it was Cadence who seemed to have the biggest problem with Twilight's decision, but she wouldn't let her upset her daughter.

"It's fine, Mom. I understand.” The little filly assured her mother. “You are right Cadence magic was and still is my dream. It's just not my biggest dream anymore. There are more important things than magic out there.”

Who are you, and what have you done with Twilight Sparkle!

"More Important things than magic?" Velvet inquired.

Hold on a second. Twilight couldn't possibly be referring to…

Carefully, so that no one would notice, the princess of love activated her magic.

Indeed, she found something.

I don't understand. There is something there. When did this happen? How didn't I notice?

It may not be love that she sensed, but there was clearly potential for it. Could it be that Twilight found somepony?

Maybe during her library visits?

It didn't really matter. If the little filly really was refusing out of love, then there was no way Cadence could interfere.

I already compromised so many of my morals for you, Auntie. Not this time! I will-

"Cadence! Cadence!"

"I am sorry, what?" she snapped out of her thoughts.

"You were gone there for a second, Cadence." Shining looked at her, concerned.

"Oh, would you look at the time! I am sorry, but I am afraid I have to return to my duties now." Cadence grabbed Shining with her wing, gesturing for him to stand up.

"Already? You aren't angry at me, are you?" Fearful eyes stared at the princess of love.

"What, no! Look, Twilight, I am sorry for snapping at you, but I swear I will support you no matter what. Just make sure to introduce me to your new friend soon, ok?" She finished with a knowing smirk.

"My new friend? Who are you referring to?"

Cadence couldn't possibly know about Rainbow, could she?

"You have made a new friend?" Shining asked.

"Come now, Shining, we are already late!" Cadence shoved the somewhat protesting stallion out of the door, and a moment later, they were gone.

"Well, that was weird…." Twilight was still processing what had just happened.

"I know, right? Look, Twilight, I want you to know that I respect your decision, even if I disagree. However, let's wait until your father returns from work, ok?" Velvet could only hope that Night would be able to convince her somehow.

"No problem, Mom," The little filly dashed back to her room, leaving her conflicted mother alone.

That went great! It's good to know that Mom, Dad, Cadence and Shiny are so supportive.

She sat down on her chair, looking at her map of Equestria.

"What know? How am I going to find Rainbow?"

There must be a hint somewhere in my vision.

"Hmm, most of the scenes happened in this small backwater town. So that must be where she lives!"

Hah, this is almost too easy. Now I just need to find out which town this is, and then I will finally be able to meet her.

"There must be a hint!" Twilight pushed herself out of her chair and returned to pacing inside her room.

Come on, Twilight! Think!

Her headache returned, but this time she ignored it.

"Stupid head! One hint is all I am asking for!"

There was this library.

"A library isn't good enough! There are countless libraries all over Equestria! If you deliver such a useless hint, I will need more than one!"

No, wait, something about this library was special.

"It was in a tree? It was a treehouse! Yes, that's it!" Twilight grinned triumphantly.

There can only be so many libraries in treehouses.

"This is too easy. All I have to do now is visit the Canterlot Archives. They have a central registry of all the libraries in Equestria." She grabbed some of the books she had borrowed from the archives and raced down the stairs again.

"Twilight, you scared me!" her mom exclaimed, startled.

"Sorry, Mom, but I just remembered that I have to return these books," Twilight replied.

"Alright, sweetie, just be back before it gets dark and remember: losing track of time is not a valid excuse, ok?" This was the Twilight she knew, always passionate about her books and eager to visit the archives.

"Sure thing, Mom!" With that, Twilight was already gone.


"Celestia, may I speak to you under four eyes for a moment?"

"Of course, Cadence. Guards, leave us, please."

"Thank you, Auntie. I need to speak with you about Twilight." Cadence had a very resolute appearance that was highly unusual for her.

"How did it go?" Worry spread on Celestia's face.

"She turned down her place at the school and your offer to become your student." Cadence's face remained unwavering while she spoke.

How can she be so calm? How doesn't this bother her! I thought she knew what was on the line here!

"Why?" This was the million-bit question, right? What was the reason that Twilight turned her down so suddenly?

"It really doesn't matter. Twilight made her decision, and we need to respect it. Instead of trying to manipulate her, we should think of alternative plans-"

"Alternative plans! Alternative plans! Mi Amore Cadenza, I had nearly 1000 thousand years! I would have come up with another plan if there was one! Twilight already is the alternative plan since Sunset failed!" Princess Celestia was enraged.

Who does she think she is! I was under the impression that we were on the same page!

But despite Celestia’s rage, Cadence continued to remain calm as well as resolute. "And look how well manipulating Sunset went-"

"Get out." The older princess couldn't deal with that now.

Recognizing she had gone too far, the princess of love tried to walk back her words. "Look, Auntie, I want to help you. I really do! But not like this. You have to know that the end does not justify the means-"

"I said get out!" Celestia grabbed Cadence with her magic, levitated her out of the room and slammed the doors shut.

This is bad! I have to make sure that Celestia doesn't do something stupid!


The Canterlot Archives. Possibly the most beautiful place in Equestria.

Twilight loved to spend time here. A place where she could be all by herself, reading whatever she wanted, since the archives housed the most extensive book collection in Equestria. They practically had everything one could wish for, and in her kindness, the princess allowed all her citizens to visit them and even check most of the books out, free of charge.

At the time, I thought it was bad luck that they didn't have some of the books I wanted.

As it turns out, even the archives didn't have all the books. Some obscure ones were only stored at smaller libraries. For this reason, they had a central registry of all the libraries in Equestria as well as the books they held.

"Hello, Scroll," she greeted the librarian on duty.

"Hello, Twilight. I assume you want to return those books. How did your exam go?" Scroll asked her.

Oh, come on! Is everypony going to ask me that?

"Could we please not talk about the exam right now? It's complicated." Twilight gave him a pleading look.

"Of course, Twilight. Just the books, then?" If the little filly didn't want to talk about it, then it wasn't his place to ask.

"Well, yes, but I also need to take a look into the central library registry." She levitated the books onto the table.

"The central library registry? Are you looking for something special?" Scroll was confused. How would Twilight already know that a book she needed wasn't in the archives?

"I am looking for a library that is situated in a treehouse. It is really, really, really important. Could you please take a look?" Twilight used her best puppy dog eyes to reinforce her point.

Scroll sighed, "Of course, Twilight, give me a moment." With that, he went towards the back.

Yes! You can't hide from me, Rainbow! I will find you or my name isn't Twilight Sparkle!

Scroll returned quicker than she had expected him to, "You are lucky that there is a picture of every library in our registry, or I would have never been able to find it."

"So, where is it, Scroll? Don't leave me hanging like this!" She was jumping up and down, barely able to contain her excitement.

"Wow, Twilight! You really must want those books, but I am sorry. The library in question has been closed due to the disinterest of the local populace."

Disinterest of the local populace? What kind of blasphemy is this?

She could deal with it later, "That doesn't matter, Scroll, I just need to know which town the library is in."

The little filly was exhibiting highly unusual behaviour. Even Scroll could see it. The information that the library had been closed due to local disinterest had barely phased her. The Twilight, he knew, would have thrown a fit and quite possibly started an immediate petition for the princess to reopen it.

Then again, it wasn't really his job to question her behaviour and what was the worst that could happen? It's not like Twilight would punish this town for not visiting the library. Probably.

"It is located in Ponyville-"

"Thanks, Scroll, you are the best!" Twilight interrupted him, running for the exit.

What an odd filly.


"You must understand, Raven, Princess Celestia is not in the right state of mind at the moment.”

This was a highly unusual request. Raven was aware of the rumours that Princess Celestia and Princess Cadence had some kind of argument, but it seems that she completely missed the severity of the argument if Cadence made such an unusual request. "Princess Cadence, with all due respect, I have worked for Princess Celestia for years now, and she has always been a kind ruler that would do everything to protect her subjects. I simply have not witnessed any out-of-character behaviour from her these last few weeks. What is it that makes you so worried?"

What could have caused such a fallout?

"Raven, I am sorry, but I can't tell you. Just please keep an eye out for anything unusual or rash, ok?" Cadence had to convince Raven somehow. As her advisor as well as her assistant, the earth pony was not only one of the few ponies Celestia trusted, but she was also almost always around the older princess.

"I understand, but you have to at least tell me why you think that Princess Celestia's judgment on the matter is clouded." Raven was unsure. Sure, Princess Cadence wouldn't make a request like that if she didn't think it was absolutely necessary. She knew her well enough to know that, but could she really spy on Princess Celestia? That was what this request was essentially amounting to, after all.

It is my duty to serve the princess, no matter what. I simply can't comply with Cadence's request.
However, what if she is right? What if Princess Celestia really isn't in her right mind? What if I have to protect her from making a mistake?

"Like I said, I can't tell you what the matter is about. Raven, you know me, I wouldn't ask you this if I didn't believe that this is absolutely necessary. Celestia is letting her emotions cloud her judgment, and I fear that she may make a mistake as a result. All I am asking you to do is to inform me should that happen," Cadence pleaded.

Raven relented, "You have to understand that this is a very vague request, but I will see what I can do."

Relieved washed over Cadence's face, "Thank you so much, Raven. You have no idea how much this means to me."

"I am sorry, Princess Cadence, but I must leave now. Princess Celestia is more than likely already waiting for me." Raven turned to leave.

"I understand, Raven. I appreciate that you took some time to listen to me." Finally, Cadence could stop worrying. She still needed to stay vigilant, but if Celestia did anything out of line, there now was a very high chance that Raven would know about it and tell her.

What has caused Cadence to have such a negative view of Celestia? Princess Celestia doesn't let herself get influenced by emotion, nor does she make rash decisions. It just doesn't happen.

Raven hurried, trying to make up for the time she lost. While she would bring Cadence's concerns up with Princess Celestia, that she owed Cadence, her more significant concern was to let the princess know that her argument with Cadence seemed to have obviously left a bad image.

Once she had done that, she would have to see how to proceed further.


"Mom, I am back." Twilight entered her mom's study.

"Already? What happened?" Velvet mustered her daughter. Not only must that have been a new record for Twilight, but Velvet also couldn't help but notice that Twilight didn't bring any new books with her.

Ok, so how am I going to convince Mom to let me visit Ponyville?

Carefully she began forming her sentence, "Soo, the book I wanted…., it wasn't available. But I can pick it up in the Ponyville library!" Twilight smiled at her mother sheepishly. It wasn't the best story, but it should be believable enough.

Velvet's stare hardened, "Why can't they mail it to the archives, like the last times?"

"Umm, the library there was closed some time ago…, and that's why I have to pick them up myself." The little filly shrunk under her mother's ever-hardening glare.

"And if the library is closed, how do you plan to get in and pick the book up?" anger crept into Velvet's voice.

Twilight squirmed, desperately trying to come up with a believable story, "I, they, a local official, could let me in!"

"No." her mother stated.

"But Mom!" she tried to plead.

"Twilight Sparkle, I tried to look the other way, considering what happened with the entrance exam and all, but your behaviour has gotten out of hoof. I feel like you are behaving like a completely different pony. Just now, you came back without checking out any new books. This has never happened before. And when you said that the Ponyville library closed, it looked like it didn't even phase you. You, Twilight Sparkle, are not phased by the closure of a library. Just yesterday, it would have caused your world to collapse. But Twilight, the worst part is that you more than likely just tried to lie to me. I- I don't know what has happened to you! Talk to me! Please!" Velvet was distraught. Her daughter had changed. The sweet filly she knew would have never even thought of lying to her. And even if she did, Twilight would have been way too scared to do so.

"I am sorry, Mom. However, I need to visit Ponyville! It is important!" Twilight didn't look phased.

"But why Twilight? Why do you suddenly need to go to Ponyville? Where is this suddenly coming from? What do you want there?" Velvet didn't know what to do. She always had such a good connection with her daughter. So why wasn't she getting through to Twilight? Why couldn't she understand her daughter's actions anymore?

The filly in question thought about telling the truth. Maybe it should have been her first option, but now her mother was unlikely to believe her anyway, "It just is Mom. Please! You have to let me go!"

"Twilight Sparkle, you are grounded! Go to your room! We will talk about this once your father has gotten home." Velvet regretted letting her husband go to work. She should have insisted on him staying home today to look after their daughter with her.

She watched Twilight as the little filly defeatedly walked to her room. Velvet wished to think that Twilight was regretting her actions and would turn around any moment to say sorry. Still, her motherly intuition was telling her otherwise.

What has happened to our daughter, Night?


Twilight was considering her next steps.

Poor mom, I didn't want to upset her.

"What's done is done, Twilight. You can say sorry and make it up to her later."

That still doesn't excuse my lying. I should have just told Mom the truth. If I did, then maybe I would be sitting on a train to Ponyville now instead of being grounded.

"Ponyville, I have gotten so close yet failed at the last step. There is no way Mom or Dad will allow me to go. Especially now." She needed to do something about it.

What can I do about it? I can't force them to allow me to go to Ponyville, can I?

"No, I can't, but there has to be another option!" She looked at her books. They always helped her. One of them had to have an answer to her problem.

Her eyes wandered around the room until they stopped at a small shelf containing books classified as fiction.

A thought formed in her head, "I could run away like they do in the books."

No, Twilight, that is ridiculous. This is real life! Your parents will ground you so hard that you will never see sunlight again.

"But it would be easy. I could buy myself a train ticket with the money I saved, and I only need a small bag with food and water for a day or two."

Twilight, your parents will worry about you! Don't do this!

Her conscious was practically screaming at her now, but Twilight had already made a decision. She needed to do this. The closer she got to Rainbow, the stronger this weird feeling of a connection got. She needed to do this and would deal with the aftermath later.

"I am simply going to write a letter. That should ease their worries, at least until I am back."


"Honey, Twilight, I mpff," Velvet used her magic to silence her husband.

"Psst!" She gestured for him to be silent, "I need to talk to you about Twilight."

Night put his bag down, "Honey, what happened? Is she ok?"

Velvet tried her best to describe her concerns, "I don't know, honey. Twilight has been acting extremely out of character."

"Are you sure? She seemed fine this morning. I wouldn't have gone to work otherwise." To her dismay, her husband didn't seem to realize the seriousness of the situation.

Luckily for her, though, Velvet knew how to let him realize the gravity of it. "I know, but after you were gone, Twilight decided to not only reject the princess's offer but also her place at the school."

"Oh, wow. That's indeed serious. Come, let's sit down first."

They sat down on their couch, and Velvet continued her story. "Cadence and Shining came over. We talked about what happened and tried encouraging her to take the princess's offer. But, instead, she rejected both her place at the school and her place as Celestia's student, claiming that there were more important things in life than magic." Velvet was gesturing wildly.

"Honey, please calm down. I am here for you. You are right, that doesn't sound like Twilight, but maybe she realized that magic just isn't her thing. It's not unheard of," Night tried to come up with an explanation.

Velvet, however, had expected this answer. "That's what I thought too! But then, after Cadence and Shining left, Twilight wanted to visit the archives."

"See honey, that's the Twilight we know." His attempt at cheering her up had the opposite effect.

"Let me finish! Twilight came back in record time. She didn't check out any new books and wanted to go to Ponyville. She even tried to lie to me so I would allow her to go there. When I tried to get the truth out of her, she just wouldn't answer!" Velvet looked at her husband, hoping that he might have some answers.

"Ok, honey, you are right. That's highly unusual behaviour for her, but I'm sure there is a perfectly reasonable explanation. Let me try to talk to her, ok?" Night could only hope that their daughter would be more willing to talk to him. He didn't want to admit it, but he, too, feared that she was hiding something big if it caused such behaviour."

"Is Twilight in her room?" he asked.

"Yes, I grounded her for lying." Velvet was clearly still upset, and Night didn't want to add more fuel. So, he hid his surprise at hearing that their daughter was grounded. Her being grounded…, the mere thought seemed ridiculous. It hadn't happened in years.

He gave his wife a reassuring look and went up the stairs, knocking at Twilight's door.

"Yes?" he heard her muffled voice through the door.

"It's me, Twilight. Can I come in?" he replied.

"Ok." Night couldn't help but notice the dullness of her voice. Slowly he opened the door and went into her room. There was nothing out of the ordinary. No hints that would give an explanation for Twilight's behaviour. What was unusual, though, was that she was already in her bed and not reading any books for once. Still, it could easily be explained by her being upset at being grounded.

He would have to tread carefully if he wanted her to tell him the truth, "Sweetie, I just talked to your mom. Is there something you would like to tell me?"

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to upset her. I just wasn't thinking clearly." It was a start. He could work with that.

"Hey, it's alright. We all make mistakes. Your mom told me you wanted to go to Ponyville. Why?" It was a risk asking her directly. But, at the same time, it would give him an indication if Twilight was really acting out of character.

"It doesn't matter anymore. I am not going anyway." She avoided the topic, and Night wasn't sure what to make of it. Wasn’t Twilight supposed to be eager to go there? He expected her to plead with him to let her go.

"Sweetie, if going to Ponyville really is so important, then we can arrange it," he tried.

But his daughter didn't believe him, and even if she did, how would she explain the truth to him?

"I don't want to talk about it." She rolled away from him, facing the wall.

"Twilight, please, I am worried about you. Your mom is worried about you." Night shouldn't have doubted his wife.

"Can we please talk about this tomorrow, Dad? I just need some time for myself right now." Twilight mumbled.

"Ok, Twilight. If you need some time for yourself, then we can talk about this tomorrow. Good night my little star." He gave her a kiss on her forehead.

Hooves wrapped around his neck in an instant, and Twilight turned back to face him, her face having the infectious smile again that he had seen this morning, "Good night, Dad. And please tell Mom that I am sorry, ok?"

"Don't worry, Sweetie, I will." Night gave her another kiss before leaving the room, returning to his wife.

"How did it go?" Velvet asked immediately.

"It could have been worse. Twilight didn't try to lie to me or anything, and she was genuinely sorry for upsetting you. She explicitly wanted me to tell you that." She should have been happy about this, but she wasn't.

"Did she give any hint as to why she was behaving so strangely in the first place?" Velvet needed answers. Answers Night couldn't give her.

"She said she needed some time for herself and would talk with us tomorrow." Night embraced his wife. "Don't worry honey, I am sure everything will be fine. Let's give her that time, ok?

Velvet broke away from his embrace, "I don't know, Night. I wish I could be as optimistic as you are."

Tomorrow Night wouldn't go to work. His family needed him, and he would be there for them this time.


Once she was sure her parents were asleep, Twilight got out of her bed, sneaking towards the bag she had previously prepared.

This has to work! Who knows when I will be getting a second chance?

Probably never. Once she got caught, her parents would more than likely look her up forever.

Quietly she changed into some warm clothes, and once she was done, she opened her window, levitating herself, as well as her bag out of it.

Alright, let's do this!

Slowly she walked to the train station, ensuring not to attract any attention from guards or other passersby. A pretty easy feat when one considers that almost no one is on the streets at night, not even guards.

As such, she reached her destination, the train station, pretty quickly, walking to the clerk at the ticket booth. Obviously, she couldn't buy tickets, though, or rather she wasn't willing to take the risk. Instead, Twilight sneaked around the booth, taking in her surroundings. The clerk was not paying any attention, instead focusing on his radio.


Once Twilight had located the tickets, she levitated them to herself.

They really should be more careful. With how easy this was, I wonder why any unicorn would bother to pay for a ticket.

She went through the stack until she found the ticket she needed.

One foal to Ponyville, next train going in about half an hour. Just what I wanted.

Grabbing the ticket, as well as some extra ones just in case, she levitated the others back onto the clerk's desk, with him being none the wiser.

Hmm, platform two. I can see the train already standing there.

She made her way towards it, entering it.

"Excuse me, little one, what are you doing here?" the conductor questioned her, causing Twilight to swirl around. Where he came from, she could only guess.

However, she had already anticipated these kinds of questions. Why would a foal travel alone at night?

She mustered her best innocent, carefree voice, "Hi, I'm Twilight Sparkle," extending her hoof.

The enthusiasm of a filly seemed to overwhelm the sleep-drunk conductor. Nevertheless, he collected himself, repeating his question, "Nice to meet you, Twilight. But what are you doing all alone here at night?"

"I am visiting my relatives in Ponyville. My parents have already bought me my ticket and took me to the train. Didn't you see them?" She had to convince the conductor. He was her last obstacle. This time for real, probably.

"No, I didn't?" Was he really this tired? How couldn't he notice?

"That's unfortunate. They just left." She maintained her cheerful and innocent attitude, turning it up to eleven.

"Umm, well… why are you taking the train at night, all alone?" It was way too late. He was tired, and this filly was confusing him.

"I don't know, my parents said something about a scheduling conflict. I didn't really listen." Twilight almost had him. She just needed to push a little further.

That's right, Twilight. Keep it vague. You are just some filly that did what her careless parents told her.

So that was it then. Some irresponsible parents dumped their filly on a train at night and left, hoping the filly would reach Ponyville safe and sound. Of course, he would be responsible if she didn't, which meant he would have to supervise her the entire trip.

Maybe he would be lucky, "Can I see your ticket, please?"

Twilight handed him her ticket.

As always, luck wasn't on his side. The ticket was legitimate and for the right train. He would have to have a word with whoever sold them that.

"Today is your lucky day," he muttered.

"It is?" Twilight raised an eyebrow, forgetting her fake attitude for a moment.

The conductor didn't notice, "Your ticket is only for a second-class seat, but since I have to supervise you, you are getting a free upgrade to first class. That way, I can keep an eye on you more easily." With that, he escorted Twilight to her new seat, returning to his duties.

Happiness filled Twilight. Tomorrow, she would be able to meet Rainbow. She wondered what she would be like. Were her visions an accurate description? Did Rainbow have a vision as well? So many questions were buzzing around in her head.

Twilight yawned. She would be able to answer these questions soon, but for now, she could finally go to sleep.

Ponyville, brace yourself. Here I come!

Chapter 4 - On the Run

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It just isn’t fair.

Rainbow Dash was lying on her bed. Her head was buried in her tear-drenched pillow.

Why do they always have to pick on me? Why can’t Feather see that I genuinely try to change?

While her tears may have stopped by now, her feelings of rage and sadness didn't.

No matter what I do, they just don’t stop.

It wasn’t always like this. She still remembered the times when her life was easier. Sure, Flying still hated her. However, the bullies sure didn't. She got along just fine with them. Not to mention that Gilda hadn’t left yet. They had so much fun together. But no, Gilda just had to return home.

If I had just never taken pity on Fluttershy and never decided to stand up for her. Maybe then I wouldn’t be wallowing in self-pity right now.

Rainbow hated herself for having these kinds of thoughts. Fluttershy didn’t deserve this. The yellow pegasus had already suffered so much under the constant bullying she, too, had participated in.

Why do I have to be the one to change this, though? Why couldn’t I just let it go?

Sometimes ignorance indeed was bliss. If Rainbow had just never noticed the extent of Fluttershy’s suffering, then she would have never felt compelled to do something about it.

Get yourself together! You can’t let them win! You can’t let them get away with making other ponies feel as miserable as you feel right now!

She made up her mind. For now, she would continue to sulk. Then, as soon as she had finally managed to calm down, she would bottle up her feelings like always and get everything in order again.


She looks so beautiful. The way she majestically manoeuvres around the sky.

“Hey, little one! Little one!”


"It's time to get up. We are nearly there."

Twilight didn't recognise the voice. Her back was aching, and she didn't feel rested at all.

“Nearly where?”

“Ponyville. We are going to arrive at Ponyville station in about 10 minutes. You should get your stuff together. Your relatives are bound to be worried if you miss your station.”

Slowly, Twilight straightened herself up while taking her surroundings in.

Ponyfeathers. Note to self, never try to sleep on a train bench again.

“What relatives?”

The conductor looked puzzled. The filly was travelling to visit her relatives, right?

“Your relatives, that’s why you are visiting Ponyville, correct?”

“My relatives, yes! Of course! That’s why I am going to visit Ponyville!”

Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

Quickly Twilight grabbed her bag and got her stuff together.

“You had me worried there, little one. I thought I may have misunderstood my colleague for a second.” The conductor flashed her a quick smile.

Huh, that’s right. This isn’t the conductor from last evening.

“What happened to the other conductor?”

"Oh, don't worry. His shift ended, and I took over from him back when we reached Cloudsdale. He told me that you were unaccompanied and to ensure you don't miss your station.”

Twilight couldn't help but notice that this conductor seemed to be the polar opposite of the last one. He looked happy and motivated, like he actually enjoyed his job.

What a minute. Did he say Cloudsdale?

“Cloudsdale, why Cloudsdale? That's a major detour," she questioned him.

"Oh, you are quite good at geography for your age, aren’t you? Yes, it is a detour, but your ticket should have been cheaper as a result. I assume that’s why your parents got you on this train.”

He seemed to have meant well, yet the little filly was a bit offended at his slightly demeaning statement.

Quite good at geography? I bet I have read more about it than you have.

Despite wanting to speak up, Twilight swallowed her pride. There was no use in getting into an argument right now.

“Look, little one. I have to check on the other passengers as well. Just promise me to get off the train when we reach the station, ok?" He gave her an apologetic look.

“Yeah, sure.” It wasn’t like she was a little foal.

"All right, little one. Goodbye, and have fun in Ponyville." He left her cabin and went to the next one.

Twilight got up and made her way towards a door. It couldn't be long now until they arrived.

I hope I don't look too dishevelled. Wouldn’t want to make a bad first impression.

On the horizon, she could see the structures of a small town forming.


Night was reading his daily newspaper while Velvet was busy finishing breakfast. Both were waiting for Twilight to wake up.

However, their morning routine was interrupted when they heard the front door opening and saw a wave of magic engulfing the room. A moment later, Princess Celestia casually walked in, sitting down at their table.

"I am sorry, princess. Is there something we can do for you?" a perplexed Velvet asked.

As always, Princess Celestia answered with her signature smile and calm voice. “I am here for Twilight.”

"Oh, princess, we are so sorry,” Night started. “Twilight actually hasn’t made her decision yet, but we will let you know as soon as possible.”

“You know, lying to your princess is technically still considered a crime.” Celestia's calm voice remained. Her smile, however, disappeared, causing fear to take hold of Night and Velvet, just as she had intended. "Cadence already told me about her decision. I am here to collect her now.”

Blank panic was taking hold of Velvet while Night tried to reason with the princess.

“Princess Celestia, with all due respect-"

Magic forced his mouth shut. "You can keep it to yourself. I don't want to hear it. Here is what will happen next: I have cast a spell to ensure Twilight doesn't hear us. You will go and fetch her. You will explain to her that you have decided that she must become my student. Don’t drop any hints about me forcing you, or she will suffer the consequences. Once you have done so, I will allow you to say your goodbyes. My guards will fetch her stuff later. If you do everything to my satisfaction, I will allow you to visit her at the castle from time to time."

The princess’s voice didn’t leave any room for discussion. That didn't stop Velvet from trying, though. "How dare you! Who do you think you are? Twilight is-"

Her rage had no effect on Celestia. “Twilight is my student from now on. You should be grateful I am taking this path instead of having her executed.”

“E-E-Executed?” Night and Velvet could barely process what the princess was suggesting. Why would she even consider murdering their daughter? Just because she didn’t want to become her student? Had they really misjudged her so much?

“Yes, executed. There was no dragon egg. It was just a replica. This means that your daughter created life. I will admit that the law is still a bit draconian. Since such an event hasn't happened in over 800 years, I never bothered to update it. So, while the punishment for creating life is officially execution, I will be lenient and take your daughter under my wings instead. This way, I can ensure that she is indeed not a danger to society.”

On the surface, the reasoning seemed sound. However, they knew better, “But, Princess! We can assure you that Twilight isn't a danger to anypony!”

“Doesn’t matter. The law is clear, and I am already being lenient. If you don’t cooperate, we can always arrange an execution.” The ponies in front of her shook their heads, causing a smile to appear on Celestia’s face. “Good. Also, you are forbidden from discussing what happened today with anypony. This is a matter of national security, after all…." She stopped talking, glaring at Velvet instead, whose eyes had slowly wandered towards a kitchen knife. "You are welcome to try, Velvet, but I assure you, you will only have one try." Without waiting for a reaction, Celestia continued. “Which one of you is going to fetch her?”

Having dismissed the idea of attacking the princess, Velvet took a step forward, only to be stopped by alicorn magic. "I believe your husband will be better suited to carry out my instructions."

It was pure powerplay. But what could Velvet do? Neither she nor her husband had any hope of taking Celestia on. They could only pray that by following her instructions, they would ensure that the princess would not hurt their daughter.

Defeated, Velvet slumped down on her chair. She could hear her husband walking up the stairs, followed by knocking on Twilight's door. Everything seemed like a bad dream, yet she knew it wasn't. They were going to lie to their daughter. They were going to pretend to her that they were willingly forcing her to become the student of that monster. The mere thought that they were considering encouraging Twilight to take the princess's offer just a few minutes ago sickened her.

I-I always believed in her! She gave us everything!

We should have known that what has been given can also be easily taken away again.


Velvet heard them coming down, and with each step, it became harder to hold back her tears, despite her desperately trying to prevent herself from slipping up. The risk of Celestia making good on her threats was too high.

But instead of Night and Twilight, only Night appeared, levitating a letter with him. Velvet wondered if he could not bring himself to carry out Celestia's instructions. For a moment, she was even filled with hope that maybe he somehow managed to get their daughter out of there.

"What is the meaning of this? Where is Twilight?" The princess demanded to know.

Night had trouble forming a sentence, “I…, Twilight…, she left this letter-”

Celestia quickly snatched it, skimming over it, while he walked back to his wife, whispering to her.

The mocking smile that formed on Velvet’s face didn't escape Celestia.

"I promise you are both going to regret this." Princess Celestia got up and left their house. However, through their windows, they could see her talking to guards she had apparently stationed in front of their home in advance.

Then Celestia left. The guards, however, made their way towards them.

It seemed that the princess intended to keep her promise.


A barely audible, cautious knock on her door got Rainbow's attention. There was only one pony that would knock like this.

“You can come in, Fluttershy.”

Slowly Fluttershy made her way towards her, ensuring she didn't step on anything. She couldn't help but feel that Rainbow's room looked more like a war zone that got worse every time she visited.

Rainbow sat herself up on her bed, “Why aren’t you in flight camp, Fluttershy?”

“It didn’t feel right, knowing you got expelled while trying to stand up for me,” the yellow pegasus answered.

She probably just didn’t want to deal with those bullies without me being there.
Then again, who would blame her?

“Thanks, Fluttershy, but that really wasn’t necessary.”

Silence reigned, both averting each other’s gaze.

Surprisingly it was Fluttershy who decided to speak up first. “Rainbow, are you ok?”

“Of course I am. Why do you ask?" Rainbow answered quickly.

"Well, I know how much flight camp meant to you, and you seemed really angry about getting expelled. Also, your eyes are pretty red and-"

Rainbow motioned for Fluttershy to stop, “Ok, ok, I get it! Yeah, I am still angry about getting expelled, but it will be fine. There is bound to be another flight camp somewhere.”

“Rainbow, maybe you should apologise to Feather. I am sure he will forgive you."

Rainbow didn’t take well to Fluttershy’s well-meant advice. "Apologise? Apologise! Why would I apologise to him! I did nothing wrong! I did my best to change for the better! I stopped hanging out with those bullies, stopped playing stupid pranks on him, and did my best to follow his rules! If he can't see that, then it is his own fault!

By the end of her rant, Fluttershy was practically cowering in front of her. "Rainbow, please. I just want to help you. I know you meant well. I know you are trying to change, and I am sure Feather will see it, too. You just need to give him some time. However, you have to realise that he did have some points. The race was a reckless Idea, even if you meant well. For example, when you raced off, you did kind of push me off the cloud-"

“So that’s it, huh? After everything I did for you, you are just siding with him!" Rainbow was enraged. She couldn't believe that Fluttershy, her only remaining friend, the one she sacrificed all her other friendships for, was not only siding with Flying Feather of all ponies but also accusing her of throwing her off a cloud.

“Rainbow, I’m begging you! I know you are angry, and I understand you, I really do! I just want you to be happy. We both know flight camp means a lot to you. Don’t let your disdain for Feather cloud your judgment.” Despite still cowering on the floor, the yellow pegasus continued to argue her point.

“I want you to leave Fluttershy,” Rainbow's wing was pointing at the door.

“Rainbow, please! You know I am right!" It was a futile attempt. Rainbow had already made up her mind.

“Just leave, Fluttershy!” Rainbow repeated herself while towering above her.

This time Fluttershy listened and robbed away from her until she reached a safe distance to stand up. Quietly she left the room, leaving Rainbow alone to her thoughts again.

"I see it didn't go well?" Rainbow's mother asked.

Fluttershy just shook her head. There really was little to add. The whole street probably heard Rainbows shouting.

“Don’t worry, Rainbow always was a stubborn hothead. You were probably just too early. Give her some time to calm down, and everything will be fine." Poor Fluttershy, Windy thought. She really didn’t deserve to be at the receiving end of her daughter’s legendary outburst of anger.

“It’s ok, I know. I will try again tomorrow,” Fluttershy answered. The praise she got from Rainbow's parents always embarrassed her.

"Thank you, Fluttershy, you have been such a good influence on her. If there is anything we can do to help you, just let us know.” Windy could only hope that Fluttershy would be able to get through to her daughter. Being expelled from flight camp had upset her far more than usual.


Ponyville, indeed, was a small backwater town, but it didn't bother her. After all, it would make her goal much more straightforward.

How should I proceed from here? Ask around?

Trying to think of a plan, Twilight left the station and began wandering around aimlessly.

Maybe I will be lucky again, and she will just show up?
But if she doesn’t, how am I going to find her? Who could I ask?

She continued to roam around, unable to think of a solution that wouldn't expose herself as a runaway or at least raise suspicion.

I could check out their school? She has to be enrolled there!
Then again, it is unlikely that they are open during holidays.
I could probably sneak in, though?
No, Twilight, don’t push your luck! There has to be a better way than committing more crimes.
Maybe I could ask an officer?
Yes! That's it! I came to visit my relatives, but they didn't pick me up for some reason, and now I am lost. They will have to look her up, and then I will know where she lives!
I probably shouldn't ask an officer, though. Maybe a local official? Let’s try town hall.

Finding the town hall was easy. She didn't even have to ask. It was probably the most prominent building, centred right in the middle of town.

Ok, Twilight. Stick to your story, and you will be fine.

To her surprise, she didn’t see any workers once she entered.

Sure, everything looked like a town hall, aside from the big open doors that led to a big event room. There was a reception, a few offices, tables, nice decorations, and documents lying around. Everything was there. Just the workers were missing.

Honestly, it was kind of scary. Like something caused the civil servants to run for their lives leaving everything behind.

Don't be ridiculous, Twilight! It's fine, there has to be somepony working here, or they wouldn't have left the doors unlocked.

Her perseverance was rewarded when she heard sounds coming from the end of the hallway. Quietly she made her way towards it.

Indeed, there was a mare deeply absorbed in her work, reading through some documents.

Ok, now I just have to get her attention.

However, that was easier said than done. Despite Twilight now standing in front of the desk, the mare didn't seem to notice her, still ruffling through documents.

“Umm, excuse me?” she tried. Still, there was no reaction.

Is that how others feel when I am engulfed in my books? If that is the case, I can't believe they put up with me for so long.

The sign sitting in front of Twilight caught her attention.

Mayor Mare? Is that her name? Is she the Mayor of Ponyville? Might as well try again.

Umm, excuse me? Mayor Mare, right? I was hoping you could help me, maybe?

Having heard her name, Mayor Mare finally stopped what she was doing and looked up. “Oh, hi there. How can I help you?”

Quickly, Twilight rattled down her story with ease. “Hi, I am Twilight. I was planning to visit my relatives. They were supposed to pick me up at the train station. However, they weren’t there for some reason. I was hoping you could help me?”

For a moment, Mayor Mare wondered why the little filly had chosen to go to town hall instead of the guard. Luckily for Twilight, she concluded that she had probably just gotten lost and looked for the biggest and most apparent building to get help. “Oh, you poor thing! Don’t worry, we will find them. What’s their name?”

Oh, buck me! How could I miss this? What kind of moron am I?

“Twilight? If you tell me their names, I can look them up or more than likely, I already know them.”

Ok, Twilight. You can do this, but you have to lay it on thick.

Tears filled her eyes, and she began to sob, "I don't know, my parents told me, but I wasn’t paying attention. I’m sorry!”

The Mayor stood up and quickly walked over to her. “Shhh, it’s alright. We are going to find them anyway, I promise. What can you tell me about them?”

The little filly dialled her fake crying down, wiping the tears out of her eyes, “I haven’t seen them for quite some time, but I can describe my cousin if it helps? I still remember her pretty well!”

The worry that had previously filled her left Mayor Mare again. She could work with that. There weren't that many children in Ponyville, luckily. “It would be a great help, Twilight.”

“She is a blue Pegasus, around my age, a little bit older. She also has a rainbow-coloured mane and tail.” To Twilight's surprise, she had no issues at all describing Rainbow, despite never having seen her. To her, it felt like depicting a lifelong friend.

A blue pegasus filly? Rainbow-coloured mane and tail? It didn't ring a bell. Mayor Mare was sure there was no one living in Ponyville with that description. Fortunately, her career as a politician had gifted her with an almost perfect poker face. “Is that all you can recall?”

“Unfortunately, yes, don't you know her?" Twilight answered, unaware of the Mayor's concerns.

“Sadly not, but I don’t know everypony around here. Don't fret, though. I will go down and look your cousin up. In the meantime, make yourself comfortable. It could take a bit,” Mayor Mare smoothly replied.

“Thank you so much!” Twilight went over towards a couch in the corner of the room and sat down. Then she levitated a few snacks, as well as some water she had taken with her, out of her bag. It would have to suffice as breakfast, at least for now.


“I know you are angry, and I understand you, I really do!”
She doesn't understand anything at all. No one does!

The conversation with Fluttershy was a disaster, at least in Rainbow's opinion. She had returned to bury her head in her pillow.

Still, I shouldn’t have taken my anger out on her. She meant well. Did I really push her off the cloud?

Despite her best efforts, she couldn’t recall. She simply hadn’t paid any attention at the time.

Fluttershy is a terrible flyer. What if anything had happened to her?

Rainbow's grip tightened, threatening to rip the pillow apart.

I can’t believe it! I wanted to stand up for her, and then I went ahead and nearly killed her without even noticing!
Why, oh, why do I always have to be such a failure? It just isn't fair!

"Rainbow dear, could you come down, please?" she heard her mother yell.

Rainbow grabbed her pillow and pulled it over her head, trying to drown her out.

“Rainbow, please come down. There are some ponies who would like to talk with you.”

Celestia dammit!

"Tell them to go away! I don't want to talk right now!" she finally replied.

“Rainbow Dash, you will get your flank down here, right now, or I swear to Celestia, I am going to drag you down and-“ Before she could finish, Rainbow was standing before Windy, much to her surprise.

“There you are, Rainbow. I guess I should try yelling and threatening more often,” she joked.

"Please don't, Mom. Who are those ponies?" Two ponies were standing in the living room. Much to Rainbow's surprise, one of them was a unicorn.

I thought unicorns couldn’t walk on clouds?

“Hello, Rainbow. I am Special Agent Sneak, and this is my colleague Special Agent Twister. We are here as part of an ESS investigation,” the pegasus introduced himself.

ESS. As if I am supposed to know what that means.

Rainbow rolled her eyes, much to her mother’s dismay, “And ESS stands for...?"

“Equestrian Secret Service. We have already talked with your mother. Unfortunately, you are required to come with us to answer some questions regarding the flight manoeuvre you performed.” If Sneak tried to come off as friendly, he failed miserably. While he spoke calmly and collected, he looked like he would much rather just drag the filly in front of him with him instead of explaining himself to her.

Twister didn't look much different, either. She was standing behind Sneak. If one didn't look too close, they would have thought she was shy or disinterested, trying to remove herself from the conversation. But Rainbow noticed her tense muscles. Twister was definitely fully alerted, ready to interfere at a moment’s notice if necessary.

Wait a minute…. They aren’t here because of Feather, are they? I can’t believe it! I am going to strangle that piece of-

Sneak noticed her unease, "Don't worry, you aren't in any trouble. We just have some questions.” He motioned for Rainbow to follow him.

“Yeah, right! You can’t force me to come with you! I know my rights!” The surprise had worn off, and she finally managed to switch back to the signature personality she had adopted.

“As a matter of fact, we can force you. For one, your mother agreed-” Sneak pointed at Windy, who gave her daughter an apologetic look “- and additionally, TSRDNS21 would have authorised us to take you in for questioning, even if your mother had refused." He again motioned for her to follow.

"TRS, what now?"

I can’t believe this guy! Does he just expect me to know what those things mean? Is he going to ask me to kiss his hooves next?

Sneak sighed. He hated that he had to attend to these kinds of matters personally. It really should be a job for his subordinates to deal with this brat. "Top Secret Royal Decree regarding matters of National Security number 21. Before you ask, no, you can't know what's in it. If you don't like it and/or believe we have violated your rights, you have the right to file a complaint with the court after we are done. Not like it's going through anyway-” The last part he muttered under his breath, just loud enough for only Rainbow to hear “- Now please come along, so we can get this over with.”

As if!

"Oh, yeah? And how am I supposed to know if you are speaking the truth if you won't even say what’s in this magical decree, huh? I’m not going to just follow you and- What the buck! Put me down! You can’t just drag me with you!” Much to Rainbow's anger, Sneak and Twister ignored her while her mother avoided eye contact.

“Thank you, Twister. I was starting to get a headache there. Misses Dash, I can assure you we will bring your daughter back safe and sound as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation." Despite thanking Twister, Windy couldn’t help but notice that Sneak never turned around to look at her. Twister, however, didn't seem to care. She continued to stand in her corner, motionless like a statue. The only difference now was the glowing of her horn, which enabled her to hold Rainbow in a soundproof barrier.

"Please be patient with her. I know she can be a hoofful and-” In what Windy could only describe as the most disrespectful gesture she had ever witnessed, which was saying something, considering her daughter's behaviour, Sneak just turned around and left like he had gotten what he came for. Following him was Twister, still restraining Rainbow Dash.

They didn’t even bother closing the door behind them.


This is taking longer than I thought. I guess Mayor Mare wasn't as lucky as Scroll.

Having finished her “Breakfast”, Twilight went towards the window, her eyes drifting around the market square, hoping to catch a sign of Rainbow.

You know, Ponyville isn't that big, and there aren't that many inhabitants. So, what are the chances of the Mayor not knowing her?

Twilight snapped her head around, going back to the couch.

I am overthinking things again.

Finally, she could hear steps.

That doesn’t sound like just one pony. Did the other workers decide to show up?

Mayor Mare walked in. “Twilight, I am sorry. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anypony matching your description. So, I walked over to our guard station. They, as well as everypony else I asked on my way, didn’t know anypony matching that description either.”

Noooooooooo! Why would you do that?

Twilight wanted to groan. Two guards walked in. One was a muscular earth pony, and the other was a fragile-looking unicorn.

“Hello there, we heard you got lost?” The earth pony addressed her.

“Well, yes. But it's fine, really! She has to be around here somewhere!” Twilight tried to assure them.

The guards weren't convinced, however. "We checked, and there is no one here matching your description. Can you give us any additional information?”

Suddenly a realisation hit Twilight.

And if she wasn’t born here? What if she moved here at a later date! Why didn't I consider that! I should have made a checklist and done more research! Of course, this was way too easy.

Her breath quickened. She could feel a panic attack sneaking up on her. The guards and Mayor Mare noticed this as well. “I see-“ The earth pony sighed ”-It's best if we just return you to your parents. Where are you from?”

Ok, where could she be? Think Twilight! You're running out of time!
Cloudsdale! Statistically speaking, Cloudsdale would be my best bet!

“Cloudsdale!" As soon as Twilight uttered the word, she realised her mistake.

“Cloudsdale? You, a unicorn, somepony who can't walk on clouds. You are living in a city made of them?" Twilight gave him a sheepish smile. "This isn't working. I am going to ask the EBI for assistance. Shimmering, could you finish everything here and then take her with you to the station?"

"Yes, of course.” Shimmering levitated some papers in front of Mayor Mare. “Could you please fill these out?” After receiving an affirmative nod from the Mayor, he returned his attention back to Twilight, “May I take a look at your bag, please? It would help us a lot."

Ok, nothing is lost yet. I can still make it. Cloudsdale is not only known as the City of Pegasi but also showed up in my vision. At least, I think there were some scenes involving Cloudsdale.
But he is right, I can’t walk on clouds, can I?

Twilight decided it couldn't hurt to ask, “So there aren’t any unicorns in Cloudsdale? What if they need one? I can imagine many scenarios where that would be a major problem.”

Shimmering smiled, seemingly happy to lecture her, “There are ways to circumvent the cloud problem... May I search your bag now?” Last minute he stopped himself, seemingly remembering why he was there.

Ok, that makes sense.

She ignored his question again, “How, though? Do they just levitate themselves? Are they being carried by Pegasi the entire time? How would that even work?"

Shimmering, put the bag down. Then he grabbed a necklace that Twilight hadn't noticed before. “Here. These necklaces allow us to walk on clouds in emergency situations. They are a true masterpiece of magical engineering. With them, we can walk on clouds for up to eight hours. Unfortunately, they are extremely costly, and we always have to ship them back to Canterlot once they are drained.”

A plan formulated in Twilight's head.

“Could I take a look at it?” she asked.

This time he grew suspicious. Even for his standards, the filly's line of questioning had grown suspect. Mayor Mare also stopped working on the report giving Twilight a suspicious look.

“I am very sorry. This is the only one we have at the Ponyville PD, and I will get into serious trouble if anything happens to it. We are already tight on budget as is and in serious risk of being shut down-” Shimmering grabbed the necklace tightly as if his life depended on it “-if you are interested, though, I can show you the technical documentation we have back at the- Ahh! What the hay! Why would you do that!”

Twilight had used her magic to blind him and Mayor Mare. Then, snatching up the amulet as well as her bag, she ran for the exit.

Much to her dismay, her spell didn't stop him from noticing the theft. "Shade, stop her! She has our amulet! Shade! Shade!” Twilight could hear him screaming.

It became a problem when she noticed that Shade was indeed still here, running towards her.

"Stop right there! That's government property, belonging to the-" Again, Twilight used her blinding spell. What she hadn't counted on, though, was for Shade to stumble, causing him to fall down, hitting his head on a table.

Please! Oh, Celestia, please tell me that wasn't blood I saw! What am I doing here! That was way too close! I can't just go around hurting other ponies! If I get caught again, I will not put up another fight!

For a moment, she even contemplated stopping but, in the end, decided against it.

It’s too late now. I will simply use the amulet as little as possible and return it immediately after. Hopefully, it will be enough to avoid any negative consequences for them.

Quickly Twilight glanced back one last time. She could see Shade getting up.

Thank Celestia!

With that, she suppressed any further thoughts on the matter. Could Twilight have lived with herself if her little stunt had caused any permanent damage? It was impossible to know, yet she doubted it.

In a hurry, she made her way through Ponyville until she reached the train station again. A familiar train was already standing there as if it had been waiting for her.

However, the sound of a whistle indicated that the train would, in fact, not be waiting for her. Increasing her pace, she gave it her all, screaming for them to wait. Yet, the train began moving anyway. Just as she wanted to give up, she noticed the door of the last carriage opening, feeling herself being levitated. “You know, little one, we are not supposed to do that. You really need to be punctual next time.” It was the conductor from before. “You are very fortunate I am on this train. It's funny. Originally, I wasn't even supposed to be here, but there was a scheduling conflict, and I was over hours- Gosh! You probably don't care, do you?" He chuckled. "So, were your relatives that horrible that you had to flee, little one?"

Twilight was still panting on the floor, unable to give an answer.

"You know, that must have been a new record for the shortest visit. Is everything alright?” he inquired, concern growing.

Still panting, Twilight searched her bag until she found what she was looking for. Wordlessly she handed him one of the spare tickets she had.

“All right. I guess you really had a short visit planned.” The ticket had also been bought in Canterlot, so the little filly must have planned to take this train in advance, or so he believed.

For a moment, Twilight stopped panting, "Yeah, honestly, it was more of an errand. Thank you for helping me.”

“No problem. Just don't tell anypony,” he winked at her, as he returned to his job.

Twilight went towards the first empty compartment on wobbly legs and slumped down.


“So let me summarise this. You believe that the manoeuvre you performed is called a sonic rainboom. You did not plan to perform this sonic rainboom but claim that it was done by accident. Furthermore, you are unsure how exactly you managed to do it, correct?”

Sneak was regurgitating her description of events for the hundredth time.

“Yes!” Rainbow threw her hooves over her head.

“Fine. I believe you. Wait here. I will be back soon." He left the room, showing his level of trust in her by locking the door behind him.

I can’t believe it! They are treating me as if I had murdered somepony!

As soon as they arrived at the police station, they had taken her into an interrogation room. Sneak had questioned her dozens of times about the sonic rainboom, ever so slightly rephrasing his questions yet never giving out any hints about what this was all about.

Who knows? If Feather is to be believed, then I may have indeed murdered somepony.

She lay her head down on the table. It seemed like performing the sonic rainboom may have been a mistake she would not be able to correct.

“You believe her?” asked Twister.

"Yes, look at her." Sneak gestured towards Rainbow. Through the one-way window, they could see her dejected self.

“She could be faking it,” Twister suggested.

“Maybe. However, I don't think so. I believe we have found ourselves a bearer.” A victorious smirk had appeared on Sneak's face. "We may have messed up with Twilight, but this is bound to take some heat off of us.”

His assistant wasn't convinced. She had yet to see any evidence that would support Sneak's claims. “And you are certain that she is a bearer? How can you tell?”

“Intuition" - Twister shot him an annoyed glare - "Ok, what would have been the chances of her even being able to perform this flight manoeuvre? Also, the timing. It happened right when Twilight was about to fail her test. That's too big of a coincidence. Her sonic rainboom had an effect on Twilight, and as far as I can tell, only Twilight. As we know, the elements will try to guide their bearers and try to bring them together. This could have been one such attempt. The elements gave Rainbow the boost necessary to win her race and helped Twilight in the process. Both earning their cutie marks as a result, at the exact same time,” Sneak finished.

Twister, however, still wasn't convinced. To her, it all seemed a bit farfetched. Then again, Sneak was the boss. He made the calls. “So, are we going to let her go and monitor her?" she asked.

“No. As I said, presenting Rainbow to the princess should take some heat off of us. Also, the princess should be able to directly confirm whether I am right or not. That’s why we will be taking her with us.” He quickly glanced at the time. They needed to hurry. Due to the situation around Twilight, they had already been ordered back to Canterlot 30 minutes ago.

In a hurry, they went back towards the interrogation room. “Ok, Rainbow. There are still some things we need to clarify. You will need to come with us to Canterlot. Twister, take her with you. I will get our stuff.”

This time the pegasus followed of her own volition, wanting to avoid the embarrassment of being carried around again.

Canterlot, they will bring me to the princess for judgment! I need to get out of here!

Twister motioned for her to stop. “Sneak will be here in a moment. Sit down and wait.”

As instructed, Rainbow sat down on one of the chairs in the reception. Thanks to ponies walking in and out, the door was open most of the time. If the unicorn would just let her out of her sight for a moment, she could make it.

Rainbow waited and waited for what felt like an eternity. However, Twister didn’t let her guard down.

Is she some kind of terminator? For pony's sake, she isn’t even blinking!

If she bolted now, she had no doubt Twister would use her magic to stop her.

“Commissioner Bolt! Commissioner Bolt!”

Unlike her jailor, Rainbow turned towards the screaming. A frazzled-looking mare was running towards the reception.

“What the matter, Golden?” A pegasus, which Rainbow assumed was Commissioner Bolt, asked.

“We just received urgent orders from Canterlot. We are to mobilise all unneeded forces, whether on duty or not, and await further instructions," Golden half screamed.

Everypony turned their attention towards her, causing her to go red.

Commissioner Bolt, however, didn’t seem to be bothered by the sudden influx of attention. "Was any reason given as to why?”

“Yes, Sir! There is a unicorn filly named Twilight Sparkle on the run. Apparently, her parents taught her dark magic, which has gotten out of control. It is believed that it has taken her under its influence, and she has already committed serious crimes. They want us to aid in the search.”

Golden had spoken so fast that Rainbow almost lost track. Then she heard a growl. Twister had gotten red and advanced on Golden and Bolt with an ignited horn. “That’s confidential information! How dare you just blast it out like that! Do you both not know what confidentially means? You will both be reported to the princess for this!” Then Twister turned back towards where Rainbow was supposed to be.


Mom was right. I have changed.

Previously Twilight had worried that Rainbow wouldn't be like she had seen in her vision, but now she questioned if Rainbow would like her instead.

This was a mistake. I should have resisted the urge to find her. Would it have been so bad to wait a little bit longer?

Now it was too late. Twilight was already in too deep.

Just remember, Twilight, calm down and think before you act. What happened in Ponyville cannot repeat itself under any circumstances. You must be resolute, no matter what happens.

This included resisting the weird feelings if necessary.

Finally, the train came to a stop. She made sure that no one was looking before leaving the train and then quickly dashing away from the station, hiding in some bushes that grew behind it. Above her, she could see colossal cloud formations.

This must be Cloudsdale, but how do I get up there?

She put the necklace on and peeked through the bushes. At a nearby railyard, she could see a few workers loading stuff into and out of freight trains, putting them on or getting them off wagons that were carried by Pegasi.

I could sneak onto one of these waggons. They carry me up, and then I can go ahead and search for Rainbow.

It seemed like a good plan with little room for error as long as she didn’t get caught. So, Twilight decided to observe the area, this time taking her time and waiting for a good opportunity to ensure she indeed wouldn't get caught. It continued for a bit until she was sure she had gotten down the patterns of the workers as well as accounted for all of them.

Just as she wanted to go and sneak towards a waggon, however, she noticed something in the distance swirling towards her.

The Rainbow Pony she had been looking for landed in front of her, looked frantically around and jumped into the bush next to her. Then she turned around, finally spotting Twilight, staring her right in the eyes. “This may sound weird, but please don’t rat me out to him.” Rainbow pointed towards the distance, where Twilight could see another shape forming and coming towards them. “I am kind of on the run from him. It's a long story."

She could see another Pegasus landing in front of her. He, too, looked around before making his way towards them, a murderous look in his eyes. Next to her, Twilight could hear Rainbow's heartbeat increasing, with the pegasus backing away as far as she could, throwing her wings over her face. It was obvious that he was going to find Rainbow, and since they were on a plain field, there wasn't another place to hide.

Before she could think about what she was doing, Twilight grabbed Rainbow, pulled her down, put her hoof on her mouth and cast an illusion spell on them.

The pegasus was now standing right in front of them. He circled around the hoofful of bushes, looking into each of them before he reached theirs.

He stared right at them.

Then he turned around, making his way towards the trains.

“Sneak!” they heard a yell.

A unicorn ran towards him. “Sneak! We must go! The princess called for us nearly an hour ago!”

"You better shut up, Twister! You let her go in the first place! Where is the backup?” he asked furiously.

"They aren't coming, Sneak. The princess requested all their available forces, and they aren't willing to commit any of the remaining ones to help us. I didn't have the authority to force them, and you were already gone." Twister rubbed her hooves, anticipating the yelling that followed.

“Good job, Twister! Now the princess will get to chew me out for not one but two failures! Don't worry, though. Everything she throws at me, I will throw at you tenfold!” Sneak screamed at her. His face was bright red, "Just wait until we are alone, useless! In the meantime, send some agents to monitor the brat's house and send an official alert out for her! She cannot have gotten far!" He violently dragged Twister towards the train station.

Carefully monitoring them, Twilight waited until they got onto a train before releasing Rainbow.

"Sweet, thanks! Without you, I would have been a goner,” she thanked Twilight.

“No problem, Rainbow,” Twilight answered. She was still looking after Sneak and Twister, making sure they were really gone.

“You know my name?” Rainbow asked suspiciously.

It caused Twilight to finally stop watching for them, instead turning towards Rainbow again. “Your name is actually Rainbow?”

The pegasus in question was deeply offended by the statement. “Yes, my name is actually Rainbow Dash. Is there something wrong with my name? Would you prefer that my name was Crayon, Paintbrush, or any other quality joke I have already heard a hundred times?"

“What? No, no, no! I didn’t mean that as an insult! I was just surprised! Sorry if it came off differently. I am Twilight Sparkle. Nice to meet you." Twilight frantically tried to fix the damage her statement had done.

Way to ruin a good impression.

"It's fine, no biggie."- The shift in Rainbow's personality was quick, and the difference was like day and night – " I can’t believe I am lucky for once! Can we team up? With your dark magic, getting away will be foal's play!”

Dark magic? What is she talking about? Did she have a vision with me involving it?

“Dark magic? What dark magic?” Twilight asked, puzzled.

“You don't have to hide it from me. I am on your side. We both need to get away, so let's work together. It's the logical thing to do. Back at the police station, they said you were wanted for being under the influence of dark magic that your parents thought you," Rainbow tried convincing her.

That's ridiculous. She must have misheard something. And I guess this means she didn’t have a vision either or anything like that. Ponyfeathers!

Honestly, Twilight didn’t know how she imagined what meeting Rainbow would be like, but it definitely wasn’t like this. “I guess I am kind of on the run from them, but not because of dark magic. You must have gotten something wrong,” Twilight admitted.

“Reeeeally? That's fine and definitely good enough for me. I am sure your normal magic will come in handy as well, as it did just now.” Rainbow didn’t believe her. However, if Twilight wanted to hide it, that was fine by her.

Well, it could have been worse. She wants to "team up" with me, and I can figure out everything else from there. Not to mention that she seems to be in trouble and in need of a helping hoof.

"Yeah, sure. Why not?" Twilight gave in to Rainbow's demand.

“Great! What’s the plan?” Rainbow immediately followed up.

"I actually planned to go back to my family once I figured things out. They are surely worried.” It wasn’t the answer Rainbow was looking for.

“What! If we do that, we will get caught! I, for one, value my wings and would hate for the princess to rip them off or whatever they decide the punishment will be. Surely you have a better plan. Come on, I promise I won’t hold you back! I will leave as soon as possible if that's what you want,” she was practically begging Twilight now, even if she would deny it in hindsight.

“I don’t think the princess does that” -Twilight responded while rubbing her horn, making sure it was still there – “I mean, I don't know what you did, but I doubt it was that bad."

“Fine, keep your secrets! I will flee alone then!” However, before she could take off, Rainbow got encased in magic.

I can’t just let her leave like that! If I do, who knows where she will end up! I may never see her again!

“Wait! You win!” Twilight released her again.

Rainbow ignored the fact that Twilight just treated her like Twister did, instead enjoying her victory. “I knew you would come to reason. So, what’s the real plan?”

Celestia dammit! Do I really look like some evil witch or what? Is she really still believing I am a dark mage?

Twilight gave her an annoyed look, “I am not a dark mage. Please stop these insinuations, ok? Where did you want to go?”

“Duh! We have to leave Equestria, of course! Or do you want to hide for the rest of your life?" The confidence, as well as the conviction with which Rainbow had spoken those words, scared her.

“L-Leave… Equestria?” she stuttered.

“Yeah! To be honest, it wasn’t that great anyway. Now come, we have to go before they finally get their reinforcements. I don't want to see some kind of massacre." Rainbow regretted the last part when she saw Twilight's eyebrows starting to twitch. It seemed she would have to think before speaking, or she might end up on the receiving end of some spells as well.

“I am not a dark mage!” The purple filly screamed as loud as she could while still ensuring the rail workers wouldn't hear her.

She is right, though. They could come any minute.

Three options were now at her disposal. Leave Rainbow, help Rainbow or turn Rainbow as well as herself over to the guards.

I can't leave her, and I obviously can't rat her out. She might never forgive me if I betray her like that.

That left only one viable option. “We could ride with one of the freight trains. Look over there” – Twilight pointed to the railyard – “I have been monitoring the workers and figured out their patterns. Once an opportunity presents itself, we could sneak onto one of those trains.”

Rainbow grinned, “Awesome! Just give the word, and I will take us there."

Twilight didn’t know what she meant by that but turned around regardless. It took a few minutes, but finally, an opportunity presented itself. "Ok, they are busy inspecting the new carts. Now is our- eek!

Rainbow grabbed Twilight, flying them into the first cart she saw at top speed. “There, done! We are making a great team already,” she proclaimed to a green Twilight.

There is no way that she didn't do that on purpose. Why though? Gosh, I hope I don’t throw up.

Twilight held her hooves over her mouth, staring at Rainbow in irritation.

Seeing that her little revenge for Twilight wanting to ditch her in the beginning worked, Rainbow examined the train cart, gesturing towards a freight sticker. “Looks like we will be heading to Dodge City, wherever that is.”

“It’s a city in the desert, near the Equestrian border. Now be quiet, or the workers will hear us,” Twilight shushed her.

And so, they sat in the corner of the cart, waiting for the workers to close the door so that the train could start its journey towards the border.


“I guess we can talk now. Look, I am sorry for earlier. I don’t know what came over me.”

"It's fine," Twilight replied. The train had finally started to move, and they were now sitting in a dark cart, heading towards its destination.

“You know, it’s pretty dark in here. You wouldn’t be able to do anything about that, right?

Twilight gave an exasperated look. Not that Rainbow could see it, though. Then she illuminated the cart with her now glowing horn.

“Cool. I guess you don’t own any flashlights, then?” She eyed the unicorn's glowing horn.

I really didn’t think she would be that annoying.

“Casting spells and keeping them up drains our stamina. I have been working to increase mine, and this spell isn't really demanding, so I should be able to maintain it for some time. Now that we are safe, there are some things I wanted to talk to you about.” Twilight started.

"Bring it on. I have nothing to hide,” Rainbow proclaimed.

Where to begin? There are so many things whirling around my head.

She decided to start by asking Rainbow some general questions before trying to bring up her visions. "Why is the guard after you?”

It was a question Rainbow had expected yet didn't have an answer for. “Oh, it really isn’t important. I did something stupid, that’s it.

So much for having nothing to hide, maybe I should do the first step.

“What I said was true. They aren’t after me for dark magic or anything-” Twilight pointed towards her necklace “-Here, see this necklace? I ran away from home, stole some train tickets and then attacked two guards, stealing this necklace that allows me to walk on clouds from one.”

“You did what!” Rainbow was astonished.

Oh, come on! You had no issues with me being a wanted dark magic user!

“Yeah, it wasn’t really thought out, but surely this isn’t worse than what you thought I was on the run for. How come you didn’t care about me supposedly being a dark mage anyway?” Twilight asked.

"Well, I mean, it’s fine. I just didn’t think you had the guts to attack some guards outright. Not to mention robbing them. Also, why would I care if you were a dark mage? You saved me there. You have my back. I have your back. It’s as easy as that,” Rainbow reasoned.

Yeah, sure. You obviously don’t realise how dangerous dark magic is.

After some moments of silence, the rainbow filly spoke up again. “I performed a sonic rainboom. That’s why they are after me.”

A sonic rainboom was something Twilight had never heard about before, despite her extensive book reading. “A what?”

Rainbow continued her explanation. “A sonic rainboom. I don’t know if you have seen a rainbow shockwave, but if you did, it’s because I performed a flight manoeuvre that set it off.”

“You? You did this?” the little unicorn couldn’t believe it.

It all makes so much sense now!

“Haha, yes! I’m not insane! That must be why the vision pulled me towards you specifically!" Despite Twilight's insistence about not being insane, Rainbow would have begged to differ.

“Vision?” she inquired.

“Yes! Ok, this might sound strange but hear me out. Two days ago, I took my entrance exam at Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns.” Rainbow nodded, motioning for her to continue already. “They wanted me to hatch a dragon egg, and then there was your Rainbow Wave-"

“No! No! No! I ruined it, didn’t I? I am so sorry. Feather was right. Was that why you came here? To get revenge on me for ruining your exam?" Rainbow felt miserable. She had never heard of the School for Gifted Unicorns, but if it bore the princess's name, it must have been a very prestigious school.

“What? No, I succeeded,” Twilight corrected her. “I was about to fail, but then your sonic rainboom came, and I managed to hatch the egg. "Rainbow's face brightened again. Hearing that she not only didn’t cause Twilight to fail but helped her instead was a revelation that filled her with happiness she couldn’t explain. "Yet, that's not the only thing that happened. Your sonic rainboom caused me to have some kind of vision, like I said. In it, I saw some glimpses of our future."

“Our future?” It sounded ludicrous. Despite that, Rainbow could hear the conviction in Twilight's voice.

Twilight continued again. “Yes, our future! I saw you and some other mares in Ponyville! I was the princess's student and had the dragon with me! Together we wielded some artefacts and defeated an alicorn, a draconequus, as well as other foes! I could barely believe it myself! Eventually, I even became an alicorn, and I think you joined the ranks of the equestrian military! There was a big castle and-"

“Ok, time out,” Rainbow stopped her. “You sure you didn’t just imagine?”

“I thought so as well, at first. But everything happened. The princess offered me the position as her student. I hatched the dragon. You exist! I know it's all true. It must be!” Any shred of doubt within Twilight had disappeared when she finally met the rainbow filly.

Rainbow chose not to argue with her. It seemed impossible to convince Twilight otherwise, anyway. "Well, if you are certain. I just have one question. If you are here now, aren't you changing the future?”

“You are right. That’s the plan,” she confirmed.

"Why, though? The future you told me about sounded awesome. Honestly, I would kill to have such a future myself,” Rainbow questioned her further.

“I…, well…, it's complicated," Twilight stammered, trying to find the right words.

How do I explain this? I barely understand it myself. So much is still muddy.

“I just had to. When I experienced this vision, I gained this strong feeling that I should look for you. Additionally, I only remember glimpses of what I think was shown to me. From what I can tell, at first, everything was great, but in the end, I felt this terrible loneliness and deep emptiness. It's so hard to explain.” She stopped to use the breathing technique Cadence had taught her. While she performed them, Rainbow looked at her with an unreadable expression. "I know it sounds so selfish! You are absolutely right. So many would kill to have this future, but-“

“- it's not the future that you want?” Rainbow finished her sentence.


“Then buck that future! Why should it matter what other ponies think? You decide your future!” The filly in front of her spoke with fire and passion Twilight had never witnessed before.

“Thank you, Rainbow. I really needed that,” Twilight mumbled.

"Don't mention it, Twi. Like I said, you have my back. I have yours,” Rainbow assured her.

Twi? Did she call me Twi?

Silence reigned for a few moments before Twilight spoke up again. "There is something else. I am not entirely opposed to the future in vision. Becoming an alicorn? Saving Equestria? It's my dream to learn everything about magic and, if possible, use it to one day help others.”

“Then we will make it happen. If we could do it once, we can do it again.” The confidence within Rainbow was still burning.

“I don’t want to be alone,” Twilight whispered.

“Oh.” Only now was Rainbow realising the implications of what Twilight said. Alicorns lived forever. “But you won’t be alone! What about the princess?

She is right. Cadence and Princess Celestia would be with me.

Still, it didn’t fill Twilight with happiness. Not like another thought did.

Careful, she chose her words, “Cadence and Princess Celestia are great and all, however… I don't think it would be the same. You, I and the others were such great friends. I don’t want to lose you.”

“If you managed to transform into an alicorn, what’s stopping us? We could totally do it, too,” Rainbow asked.

She is right! I don’t know why my future self didn’t do that, but I will find a way!

“You really think so?" It wasn't a question Twilight needed an answer to. She would try regardless of Rainbow's response.

Still, it was nice that Rainbow was indeed in support of her goal, "Yes! It will be so awesome! We could fly together, perform magic together... We would be friends forever! The possibilities are endless!"

The day continued with Rainbow describing all the awesome things they would be able to do together in great detail while Twilight listened with dreamy eyes.


“I am so sorry! I came here as soon as Raven informed me about what happened.”

Cadence and Shining were standing in front of a cell, holding two familiar ponies.

“Don’t worry about us! What about Twilight? You can’t let Celestia get her,” a still very distraught Velvet said. It earned her the stink eye from the two solar guards watching them.

Unfortunately, the princess of love didn't have good news for her. "There really isn't anything we can do. Shining will aid the search efforts as soon as possible while I will try to get you out of here and talk some sense into Celestia. Once Twilight has been found and you are freed, I will do my best to aid you in restoring your custody rights."

“She took away our custody!” Night screamed. It seemed that the limit of what he could take had finally been reached.

Next to him, Velvet fainted.


“You are late. Where is Twilight?”

Sneak could see the princess was in a terrible mood, and thanks to Twister's incompetence, he had nothing to show. "I don't know," he admitted. Hopefully, the princess's rage would be over quickly.

"I'm sorry? Don't know? Don't know! You are the head of the ESS! I personally tasked you with looking out for her! And now I hear that you not only lost her but I was also informed that you let another bearer slip out of your hooves! Do you value your wings, Sneak? I will have you know they can be removed easily!" The princess screamed in her Royal Canterlot Voice. The enchantments in the room were probably the only thing that prevented Canterlot from being put on high alert.

I am going to kill whoever told the princess about that brat.

“Thankfully for you, the EBI was more competent. Apparently, Twilight went to Ponyville to look for a pegasus matching Rainbow Dash’s description. She then boarded a train towards Cloudsdale. Looking at the timeline, she should have arrived while you were there. I will add it to the list of your failures," Celestia indeed scribbled something down on the papers she was holding.

Sneak tried to defend himself, "I couldn't possibly have known that-“

It was a poorly chosen defence, "You are the head of the ESS! Knowing is your only job!” If she had had the time, she would have continued to yell at him, yet fortunately for Sneak, the princess didn’t have the time for that. “Twilight's behaviour after the exam was odd. It didn't match her previous behaviour patterns, and I think the vision she described in her letter is the cause.” She pulled out a letter, handing a copy to Sneak. “We will need to look into that as soon as we have found her. It is paramount that we determine whether or not an enemy could have caused those visions. Worst case scenario, it could have been a subversive manoeuvre by Nightmare Moon. Moving on, I think it is safe to say that she was looking for Rainbow, and since, according to the EBI, she never arrived in Cloudsale, she must have found her. Or something happened to her, in which case I will tie you up and throw you off a cliff.”

“I don’t think that will be necessary,” Sneak was sweating profusely.

Am I imagining, or has it gotten hot in here?

“You are a very lucky pony, Sneak, since I can’t be bothered to look for a replacement right now. Do me a favour and present some results, will you? I have already ordered all available forces to start looking for both of them. Additionally, the borders have been closed. Use those resources to find them and do it fast. We can’t afford for them to fall into the enemy’s hooves. Dismissed.”

Sneak immediately bolted out of the room.

Left was only Celestia.

I should have never allowed Twilight to leave after the exam. Hopefully, they will find her, or it will have all been for nought.


After some time, Twilight felt fatigue setting in. It seemed that all this excitement, combined with the use of magic, had drained her more than she had previously thought. Therefore, they decided to try and get some sleep, so they would be rested once they had arrived.

At least, that had been the plan. Once she was sure Rainbow was sleeping, Twilight stood up walking towards the door.

Carefully she opened it. Fresh air greeted her. The train was moving slowly. On the horizon, Twilight could see the sun going down as the night sky appeared.

Was it worth it?

"When I first met you, I had my doubts. You were nothing like I thought you would be.”

Am I really leaving everything behind? A safe future traded for a life of uncertainty? Just so I can reach a goal I can never hope to accomplish?

“But when you were cheering me up, I got the same feeling I had during my vision. You are just as smart, loyal, kind, and strong as you were in my vision. And you are right. Together we can indeed accomplish everything."

Twilight took in one last breath before closing the door and going to sleep again.


Unbeknownst to her, Rainbow couldn’t sleep either.

Is it really true? Were we destined to meet? Were we supposed to fight magical creatures? Would we have defeated an alicorn? Would Twilight have become one?
And will it not happen now?

Rainbow felt like she should have been angry. Like Twilight ruined some kind of dream for her.

Would I have been happy? Twilight sure doesn’t seem happy! Becoming part of the equestrian military definitely isn't something I want!

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard Twilight getting up and saw her horn lighting up again.

Where is she going? She isn’t planning on ditching me, is she?

Then she heard the door open.

That traitor, I am going to kill her!

Rainbow was ready to pounce on her. Last moment, however, she stopped. Twilight wasn't moving. She was just standing there, looking outside.

What is she doing?

"When I first met you, I had my doubts. You were nothing like I thought you would be."

Is she talking about me?

“But when you were cheering me up, I got the same feeling I had during my vision. You are just as smart, loyal, kind, and strong as you were in my vision. And you are right. Together we can indeed accomplish everything."

Twilight turned around and went to sleep again.

Tears were forming in Rainbow's eyes. She had trouble staying quiet, not wanting to alert the purple filly. Hearing those words from her, Rainbow didn’t know what to think.

Smart? Kind? Loyal? Strong?

She had heard it often from her parents, but they were obligated to say those things. She was their daughter, after all.

She had also heard it very often from her friends. The ones that had either left her or turned their back on her when she didn’t want to be a bully anymore.

And she had heard it from Fluttershy.


The yellow pegasus always said those things to cheer her up, yet Rainbow could never shake off the feeling that she was just using her. That she just wanted Rainbow as a shield against the bullies. That Fluttershy tried to twist her into a version of Rainbow Dash that suited her as well as Rainbow's parents.

I heard my parents and Fluttershy talking so many times behind my back. I wasn't good enough for them, just like I wasn’t good enough for Flutters, despite losing almost everypony for standing up for her.

Never would she have believed that somepony could genuinely think of her like Twilight did.

Twilight didn’t know I was listening. She didn’t want me to become smart, kind, loyal, or strong. She really believes I am all of those things already. She really is accepting me for who I am.
And she didn’t need me. She could have left at any time. By all accounts, she should have left me! For pony's sake, she chose me over her family! Fluttershy wouldn’t have done that!

More tears streamed down.

Twi even saved me from those ESS ponies. Fluttershy would have no doubt sided with them like she always sided with my parents or Feather.

Yet Twilight's words also hurt deeply.

Am I really what Twilight said, though?
Strong? Yeah, sure, she may be right about that. I guess I am pretty athletic.
But smart? I always had the worst grades in the subjects that mattered.
Kind? I was a bully for most of my life, and even when I quit and tried to be friendly, I still treated everyone like trash.
Loyal? As if! I literally just abandoned everypony. I didn't even consider how my parents would feel for a second, and I can only hope that Fluttershy was some kind of evil pony deep down…
Even if I never found any substantial evidence….

I am a horrible pony. Let's be honest. The world would have probably been better off without me.
Now that I am gone, my parents will worry, and Fluttershy will be all alone, without any friends left to stand up for her.

By now, her wings couldn't dry her tears anymore. They were wet like a river, just like her eyes. Despite that, she was still trying not to alert Twilight.

Twilight. She is the only one left now. Tomorrow we should have crossed the border. Then I can start anew. We can do all those fantastic things we talked about…
I-I can prove myself! I still have a chance! Twilight still believes in me! Not because she is my mother or my father. Not because she wants something from me. No, she believes in me because of who I am! She doesn’t need me to prove anything!

It was a paradox. Fluttershy, as well as her parents, had always encouraged her to improve herself and become a better pony. All it did was depress her, resulting in defensive reactions. Now there was Twilight, seemingly accepting her for who she was, already believing her to be a good pony with admirable traits.

It was at this moment Rainbow made a vow to herself.

I am going to prove her right! I may not have those qualities right now, like Twilight beliefs, but I will become kind, strong, loyal, and smart! Together we will accomplish all those things of her vision! Then my parents will finally be genuinely proud of me. And Feather and the bullies will buck themselves for never believing me and always being so terrible.

Finally, the tears dried up.

Smart? Kind? Loyal? Strong?
If she believes I can be those things and if future me managed to become that, nothing will stop me.

Rainbow just hoped that Twilight wouldn’t backstab her like her former friends did.


Dear Mom, Dear Dad, Shining, Cadence as well as everypony else who is going to miss me,

I am sorry if this letter is going to be short and messy. My thoughts are still all over the place, and I am writing them down as they come.

I know, though, that nothing I can write will ease your worries entirely. For that, I am genuinely sorry.

You were right. Something happened. During the entrance exam, I had a vision that showed me parts of my future. It was a great future, yet not the one I was looking for.

There are ponies out there who I believe are fundamentally connected to me as well as the future I saw. I will look for them, starting with the one that stood out the most.

I hope that once I have found her, everything will become more apparent, and I will be able to return.


Twilight Sparkle

Chapter 5 - Off Across the Desert

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"Good morning, sleepy head.“


"You really are a heavy sleeper, aren’t you?”

Twilight rubbed her eyes and set herself up. She thought sleeping on a train bench was horrible, yet it was nothing compared to the floor of a freight cart. "Good morning, Rainbow."

"The train stopped a few minutes ago. We should get away before they start unloading it,” the pegasus urged her.

They could see parts of the railyard through a gap in the door. An earth pony made his way towards a worker, “Morning Joe. Where are the others?”

“Hi, Jim. The others are home. We didn’t expect your train to show up today.” Both fillies were waiting for an opportunity to open the door without alerting them.

“What do you mean? I arrived right on time!” the train driver insisted.

“They shut down the rail network for emergency maintenance. Your train was supposed to be stopped in Appleloosa, but they messed up. I am just here to tell you so you aren't left alone," the worker explained.

“Ok, good joke. Have all railways rusted at the same time, or what? Next time think of something better than everything being shut down for maintenance. Now get the others to unload my train. I have a schedule to keep,” a slightly annoyed Joe told him.

"You think I don't know that? Of course, they didn't shut down the entire network for maintenance. It's just the official explanation they gave us. However, then I saw the newspaper. Apparently, they shut it down as part of a pony hunt for a wanted dark magic user.” Rainbow looked at Twilight with an “I told you so” look.

“For real? The entire network? Just for that?” Joe still wasn’t buying it.

“I know! And it gets even crazier! It's a filly whose parents taught her that. They are rotting in jail now. The guard believes that the filly might be spreading dark magic, and that's why I believe they have taken these measures. They apparently have evidence that she has already possessed a pegasus filly who is now with her.” Twilight motioned for Rainbow to continue listening. After all, they could be talking about other fillies, right?

"They can't do that for long, though, or Equestria will run out of supplies pretty fast." Joe removed his cap and rubbed his head, seemingly at a loss.

“Yeah, I know. Let’s hope they find them quickly. You haven’t seen those two, have you? Purple unicorn filly? Blue pegasus filly? Rainbow mane and tail?” Jim asked.

“No,” Joe replied.

“Dang. There would have been a huge reward if you did. So, are you up for some drinks? And don’t worry, we are still getting paid,” Jim assured him.

“Depends. Is the bar swarmed with guards?” A sceptical Joe inquired. That the day had just begun didn’t bother him.

“Nope, no more guards than usual. I mean, we are in the freaking desert. Why would any sane pony come here?” Jim chuckled.

“No more guards than usual? So, only the entire town guard it is, then. Sure, let's join our colleagues in armour and get drunk.” They disappeared, leaving an empty train yard.

“See Twi, I told you they are after us. We need to leave right now.” Rainbow fumbled with the door.

"Mom, Dad," Twilight sobbed.

Rainbow turned around. She had assumed Twilight would have already realized the fate of her parents. That she really was just pretending to know nothing about the situation. Then again, they claimed that she, too, was now contaminated by dark magic and apparently under the purple filly’s influence, and she was pretty sure that that wasn't the case.

The blue pegasus wrapped her wings around Twilight, hugging her. “Hey, it’s going to be ok. They are going to be fine. You said that the dark magic thing was false, right? That means they are going to realize their error and release them.”

While her actions helped a bit, Twilight was still distraught. “This is all my fault! I must go back to help them! I must fix this mess and take responsibility for my actions!”

Rainbow couldn't allow that. Everything but that. "No, Twi! Think about it! It's a trap! They shut down the train network, mobilized all their guards, and sent those ESS terminators! It's us they want! If we go back, your parents will be released, but there will still be two ponies in the cell!”

Her words were valid. They wouldn't have done all that for some simple criminals. They really were after them, and they wanted them badly. Why that was the case, Twilight could only guess. "We still have to help them, though!” she exclaimed.

"Twilight, please! Listen to me. If I could think about a single possibility of how we could do that, I would be right there with you. But there isn’t one. We are just two fillies against the entire guard, and as I said, they are after us. Once we are gone, your parents will hold no value anymore, which means they will be released." If that was true, she didn't know for sure. It sounded reasonable, though.

“You are right. You really are good at cheering me up.” Twilight opened the door.

Rainbow smiled at the compliment, “Haven’t you heard? I am your dark minion now. Cheering up my mistress is part of the job."

Twilight's face would have been enough to illuminate the cart had it still been dark. "D-Don't be ridiculous. I didn't use any dark or mind magic on you," she stammered.

“I know, Twi. It was a joke. Let’s go,” Rainbow jumped out of the train.

“Wait a second. Let's eat first. I am starving. I haven’t eaten anything since yesterday." Twilight's stomach grumbled as if to emphasize her words.

“Well, same here. Let’s head into town and get something,” Rainbow suggested.

“That’s not necessary, here -“ Twilight took her remaining food and water out of her back. A few cereal bars, an apple, and a bottle of water “- We really shouldn't head into town. The risk is too high. If the newspapers have really written about us, then our faces are probably printed in them as well. Let’s eat something and think about how we should proceed.”

Rainbow realized that she was right. They couldn’t go into town. So, she hopped back into the cart, sitting down again. "You are right –“ She eyed the “breakfast” Twilight had prepared “-I am not hungry though.”

The statement confused the purple filly. “What do you mean? You just said you were.”

“Twi, this isn’t enough for both of us. It's your breakfast and my fault for not taking anything with me.” Rainbow looked really uncomfortable, avoiding eye contact.

"Don't be like that. Do you expect me to eat while you starve? Come on, Rainbow, I insist." Twilight took half of her cereal bars, shoving them towards her. "If you don't eat, then I won't either."

“Fine, you win.” Rainbow took the cereal bars, yet she wasn't happy.

"So, let's think." Twilight projected a map of Equestria above her head. "We are currently here in Dodge City. Equestria’s border ends here, where the Badlands begin. The problem is that we have to cross the desert to reach them, and the Badlands themselves are really hostile territory as well. The only upside is that they aren't claimed by anyone, so once we reach them, we are safe from Equestria as well as any allied nations that would extradite us. You heard the workers. They think such an attempt is so insane that the guard didn't even bother sending any reinforcements here. This means they are probably checking that we aren't leaving Equestria by ship or through the frozen north. Since the rails are shut down, and the ponyhunt is intensifying, those options aren’t open to us anymore anyway. Here is the deal, there is still another way within reach rather than going through the desert and the Badlands. The Hayseed Swamps. They aren't claimed as well. This way, however, takes not only longer, but the guard will also more than likely be looking for us there, as well.”

Rainbow listened closely. “All in it is then,” she concluded.

"Rainbow, I would like to share your confidence. However, there is no way we could carry enough water with us to make it all the way through the desert as well as the Badlands. We would have to rely on pure luck that we could refill along the way. If that isn't possible, we will most likely have to turn back or go really all in and quite possibly die of thirst,” Twilight warned while eyeing the now hall full bottle. Sticking to her word, she gave it to Rainbow.

“I still believe it is our best bet. Can’t your magic help us in any way?” she inquired.

"I can't just summon water. The best I could do is conjure up a shield that protects us from the heat. However, I could only maintain it for two to three hours a day,” Twilight answered, dispelling the map above her.

Suddenly a mad smile plastered itself on Rainbow's face, "Twi! I have an idea that is so crazy that it might just work!"


Fluttershy knocked on the door again, this time forcing herself to knock loud enough for the ponies inside to hear her. Still, there wasn’t a response.

Weird. Where could Rainbow be?

“Morning, Fluttershy.”

“Eeep!” She jumped, turning around. "You scared me, mister Dash. Good morning. Did something happen?" Bow had one wing wrapped around Windy. With the other wing, he held a letter bearing a seal on it.

Oh no! She must have gotten into trouble again!

“Haven’t you read the newspaper today? Rainbow has been foalnapped.” Bow and Windy walked past her, opening the door. “Do you want to come inside?”

Foalnapped? That’s impossible! Such a thing hasn’t happened in decades!

For the first time, Fluttershy regretted not reading the newspaper. She had stopped trying to read it a long time ago when she realized that it was always negative, sensitizing everything, often at the expense of other ponies. Before the door could close, she slipped inside with Wendy and Bow.

“I wish we could answer the questions you more than likely have. However, we don’t know anything either. As a matter of fact, we only learned about it from the newspaper ourselves. Here you should read the article first.” Bow pointed towards a paper lying on their kitchen table. Then he turned back to his wife, walking away with her, leaving Fluttershy alone in the room.

For a moment, she waited for them to return, but then in a rare turn of events, her curiosity won over her insecurity. Slowly she closed the distance between herself and the table, grabbing the newspaper once she had reached it.

It was the latest issue of the Canterlot Times. A picture of Rainbow and a purple unicorn was on its front page. The headline read: “Have you seen these fillies?” with a subheading stating: “Parents arrested in a sting operation for illegal use of dark magic – Daughter on the run – Pegasus foalnapped.”

Fluttershy's wings began to shake, yet she couldn't take her eyes off the article: "Yesterday morning, two unicorns were arrested by the royal guard for the illegal practice of dark magic, a crime that hasn’t occurred in over 320 years. According to sources within the guard, it was the princess herself who uncovered the crime when she noticed sources of dark magic after the entrance exam of their daughter at the School for Gifted Unicorns.

“Yet when an emergency raid was performed, it was already too late. While the parents could be arrested, the dark magic had already taken hold of their daughter, who managed to escape. To our readers, who might not be aware of the risks it bears, it is a form of magic fuelled by negative emotions and known to be extremely dangerous as well as unstable. At first, the user doesn't notice anything different compared to light magic, which gives them a false sense of security. However, the more they are exposed, the more their thoughts will get influenced, quickly making them get addicted without even realizing it. Once a critical point has been reached, the caster will have no more influence over their actions, with the dark magic entirely in control.

"It is for this reason that the guard asks to be on the lookout for these two fillies. The first one (picture on the left) is Twilight Sparkle. She is a purple unicorn filly, age 10. Her cutie mark is a dark pink star surrounded by five smaller, white stars (see picture). Her magical signature is pink. Please be advised that she has already shown violent tendencies due to her dark magic corruption, such as attacking one civil servant as well as multiple guards, heavily injuring at least one in the process and stealing his equipment.

“The second pony is a blue Pegasus named Rainbow Dash, age 12. She has a rainbow mane and tail, and her cutie mark depicts a rainbow lightning strike coming out of a white cloud (see picture). Rainbow Dash was supposed to be brought to Canterlot to be rewarded for performing the first sonic rainboom, a previously thought impossible feat. Unfortunately, during her travel there, the guards escorting her were taken out by Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash was foalnapped by her for reasons unknown. This constitutes the first event of foalnapping in over 52 years. It is to be believed that she is now under the influence of dark magic as well.

"To prevent the further spread of dark magic, extraordinary measures have been taken. The military is aiding the guard in the search, together with the EBI, and travel restrictions have been imposed.

“If you see Twilight Sparkle or Rainbow Dash, do not engage them for your own safety. Instead, immediately alert your nearest armed official or contact your nearest guard station. Any hints that help track down Twilight Sparkle or Rainbow Dash will be rewarded with 1.000 Bits. Any hints that directly lead to the capturing of at least one will be rewarded with 20.000 Bits.

"Last but not least, we would like to remind all readers that those fillies are just victims themselves, who are not in control of their actions and bear no responsibility for them. What has happened is a painful reminder of the nearly forgotten dangers of dark magic. The guard has assured us that once the fillies have been captured, they will be treated and are expected to recover fully. As for Twilight Sparkles' parents, by law, they are facing the death penalty. However, the palace has commented that it is no longer being enforced and that those laws have just not been updated. Currently, the severest punishment the parents could get is life in prison, which would mean 25 years in prison, after which parole would become a possibility. More information on page 4.”

Fluttershy put down the paper.

“They are lying.”

“Eeep!" She once again jumped, startled. “Please stop sneaking up on me like that. What do you mean they are lying?”

“The newspaper. They are lying. I talked to Windy. Did you read the part about Rainbow and the sonic rainboom? It’s a lie. Yesterday two ponies from the Equestrian Secret Service came over. They took her with them to question her about the sonic rainboom as part of a secret investigation. They claimed they would bring her back as soon as possible, yet they never returned. Then this morning, we saw the article. We immediately went to the Cloudsdale Guard Station, but they wouldn't tell us anything. They just told us they were sorry for losing her during the transport towards Canterlot and that they were looking for her. When we asked them about the ESS and their investigation, they claimed they didn't know what we were talking about. Fluttershy, do you have any idea what is going on here?” Bow was mustering her.

“I have no idea,” she answered. It all sounded surreal.

"I feared as much. I know you would have told us if you did,” Bow frowned.

“What’s going to happen now? Will she be ok?" Panic was starting to set in.

"I don't know, Fluttershy. I don't know. I have no idea where she is. I have no idea what is going on here. I have no idea if I can trust the guard to find her. All I can hope for is that if they lied about Rainbow, maybe they also lied about the other filly. That hopefully, she isn't really in danger.” This tiny piece of hope that Rainbow was not truly in danger and under the possession of dangerous dark magic was the only thing that kept him going.

A knock got their attention. He made his way towards the door with Fluttershy following him.

Rainbow is gone! She is gone! She promised she would look out for me! Yet here I am, all alone again.

And Fluttershy couldn’t even be mad at her since there was a good possibility that it wasn't even Rainbow's fault.

Bow opened the door.

“Good morning. I am Special Agent Flash, and this is Special Agent Dust. We are here as part of an ESS investigation for which we need to take Fluttershy with us.”

He slammed the door shut again.


Princess Cadance knew it would be a bad day after she saw the newspaper's front page.

How nice of Auntie to finally take some time for me.

Despite living in the same castle, Celestia always had a talent for avoiding her.

Accepting her offer all those years ago and going with her might have been a grave mistake.

Cadence saw the door to the sun princess's chamber. This time she would be resolute.

She promised that I would get an important role in government. That I would get to make decisions with her. Yet here I am, a mere figurehead. Nobles have more power than I do.

The two guards gave way for her, and she opened the door, ready to scream at the older princess.

Her plan fell apart when she saw a tiny baby dragon sleeping on Celestia's lap.

The princess of the sun used her magic to close the door. “Morning, Cadence. I have an important meeting soon. Please make it quick,” she spoke quietly.

“I saw the newspaper. How could you?” Cadence asked.

“I could tell you that Equestria’s media is independent, but I am not in the mood for lies. I ensured that they told the public the view of the crown on the matter. I needed a reason for my actions, after all.” Celestia gently stroked the dragon. It was a stark contrast to the cruel words she had just spoken. "As a ruler, you will quickly learn that sometimes morally dubious actions have to be taken for the greater good. We need Twilight. Once she has been found, we will devise another explanation and release her parents.”

Couldn’t come up with another explanation, as if!

Yet, Cadence wasn’t going to argue. Hearing that Night and Velvet would be released was more than she had expected going in. “Why take away their custody?”

Celestia sighed, “It was a rash decision. A rare moment where my emotions got the better of me. It shouldn’t have happened. They were given Twilight because I assumed they would be able to take proper care of her. Her running away, though, has shown me that they might not be the right ponies after all. I think there is a pony who would be better suited. A final decision has yet to be made, however.”

Cadence couldn’t believe her ears, “How dare you! Night and Velvet are great parents-“

“Adoptive parents-“

“That doesn’t matter!” Cadence screamed, “They love her just as any other parent would love their daughter! You know I can tell such things! Wasn’t Twilight supposed to be monitored? Where were your precious agents when she ran away, huh? And don’t forget that she ran away because of a vision, an event totally out of her parent’s control! You know that just as well as I do!”

Celestia eyed the dragon. It was a miracle that he was still sleeping. “Like I said, a final decision has yet to be made. Right now, our top priority should be Twilight's safety.”

There is no point in pressing the issue any further. If I push too hard, she will just end the conversation entirely… I am really starting to see how Luna went insane. Not going to tell her, though. I don't want to end up as dust after all. She is always so high and mighty, holding all the strings, acting like she knows everything! She could probably murder a foal in front of my eyes and then lecture me about how it was for the greater good….

Cadence decided to ask something else instead. "What happened to Twilight's real parents? You never told me.” If Celestia was willing to bring up Twilight's adoption, then it was worth trying her luck again on that front.

"It's not a happy story. Twilight's mother abandoned her. However, when I saw little Twilight, I immediately recognized that one day she could become quite a powerful pony, maybe even a bearer. So, I ensured she would end up in a proper family." It was more than the princess of the sun had ever told anypony about the matter.

That doesn't make any sense! How would Twilight have gotten her attention in the first place? Also, at the young age Velvet and Night adopted her, it should have been impossible for anypony to tell that Twilight would become this powerful, let alone a bearer!

"And you made the right call. Twilight ended up in a proper family. What about her father? Has he ever been found?" Cadence tried to further probe some information out of Celestia.

But Celestia wasn't willing to give any further information, “No, I don’t know what happened to him. Please, Cadence, it is a very painful story. I don’t want to talk about it any further.”

The mere fact that she told me anything about Twilight's parents after all those years is a miracle. I must press further! There are so many other mysteries I want to ask her about.

Celestia had her guard lowered, and Cadence was fully going to take advantage of it. “The dragon. Is it true that Twilight created him?”

The older princess's face brightened at the question. “Yes, and she didn’t even use dark magic, which makes this feat so much more impressive. She is so young yet exceeds all expectations I have for her. The little one here is a perfect creation. True intelligence and genuine feelings, with no violent tendencies. I didn’t think it was truly possible to check all those boxes.”

“What breed is he? I have never seen a dragon that looks like that," Cadence asked.

“That’s the most interesting part!” Celestia carefully levitated the dragon for her to see. “I believe that Twilight created him after how she thinks a dragon should be. I looked for hours, and there wasn't any breed with his description. This is why I looked further into him. I can sense Twilight's magical signature on him.” She was now in full lecture mode, looking like she was presenting a research project. “This shouldn’t be possible since dragons are one of the few creatures that are naturally resistant to magic, a trait he, too, exhibits. Just think about the possibilities! A spell caster that at the same time has total resistance to magic! If he becomes a researcher, it would be much easier for him to work on complicated spells since he wouldn't have to worry about their effects on him. Or if he becomes part of our armed forces, he would prove a deadly foe. Thanks to his natural resistance, he could use his magic on enemies without them being able to sense him with their own magic. Or-"

Cadence stopped Celestia's wave of praise for Twilight's "creation", “I think I get. He can use magic while at the same time being resistant to its influence and properties.”

“Correct. Sadly, Twilight forgot the wings.” Celestia’s bright smile disappeared, “And it’s a shame the little one might not make it.”

“…what?” Surely Celestia wouldn’t hurt him, right?

She just said that he doesn’t pose a danger!

"I can sense Twilight's magical signature getting weaker and weaker by the second. Together with it, his life force is slowly draining. I don't know if that means she always has to be near him for him to survive or if that effect would disappear after some time. Maybe after he has developed some more. Regardless, if she doesn’t come back soon, he will die. Another reason why we must find her,” Celestia explained.

Oh no! If that is true, Twilight would never be able to forgive herself!

“It was nice talking to you, Cadence, but unfortunately, our time is up. I hope I could address some of your concerns and questions.” She levitated the dragon into a small crib.

“Thank you, Celestia. I hope you will find Twilight and be able to fix your mistakes." The princess of love left the room.

“Fix my mistakes… If only that would be so easy,” muttered Celestia. For nearly a thousand years, she had tried to do just that. Yet, she made new ones at every turn instead of fixing the old ones. She turned her attention back to the dragon, who was now sleeping peacefully in her crib.

“You are reminding me so much of Twilight. You are just as special as she is, and just like her mother has abandoned her, you were also abandoned." That wasn’t entirely true.

It was a gross oversimplification. One could only wish that it was that simple.

And one could only wish that the actions of Twilight's mother had been that innocent.


Why did I agree to this?

Twilight and Rainbow had rummaged through the train. They had found some pallets with water bottles and food, as well as an additional backpack for Rainbow, originally meant to store tools. Now that they were resupplied, they were ready for Rainbow's plan.

This is never going to work.

The little pegasus was holding Twilight, readying herself to start.

"Remember Twi, once I perform the sonic rainboom, you will supply me with your magic. Hopefully, it will allow us to skip quite the distance.” They had already gone through the plan multiple times until Twilight ceased to protest.

There are still so many unknown variables.
Also, what if she drops me?

Rainbow had assured her that that wouldn't happen, yet worry remained. “Rainbow, I am scared.”

"Don't be Twi. It will be amazing, I promise." With that, she started gaining speed.

Rainbow's grip was hard as steel, nearly hurting Twilight. Normally the unicorn would have protested. This time, however, it filled her with a sense of safety.

Our aerodynamics are all off! Backpacks? Rainbow carrying me? This is physically impossible!

Yet the pegasus gained more and more speed, her wings flapping more and more, frantically trying to gain momentum. Twilight took it all in. The height, the wind, and how everything on the ground looked tiny.

Come to think of it, can speed really be the only factor?

For now, she stopped worrying. Even if it didn’t work, Rainbow hadn’t lied. The experience was truly amazing.

One day…

One day I will have wings of my own…

One day we will be able to fly together…

Will she still carry me, then?

After some time in the air, they stopped getting faster, and Rainbow noticed it too. By now, Twilight had trouble keeping her eyes open, the wind causing them to tear up.

Then in a last-ditch effort, the blue filly gave it her all. Her grip around Twilight tightened dramatically, and her wings flapped at a speed she didn't think was possible. She wouldn't let Twilight down. She said she could do it and intended to keep her word.

Sparks began forming around her, with a rainbow trail forming behind them.


Twilight readied her horn, starting to let her magic flow. Then with an explosion, there was no stopping them anymore. Rainbow couldn't see where she was going, as everything became a blur. Twilight magic was dancing around her as they gained and gained more speed, with Rainbow only stopping trying to gain speed when she could feel her neck threatening to break.

They continued flying at this lightning speed, until suddenly, without any warning, Twilight's magic and the rainboom disappeared.

Rainbow started falling.


Shutting the door wasn't very effective. It got engulfed in magic, and just like that, it was open again.

“As I was saying, we are here to bring Fluttershy in for questioning in accordance with TSRDNS21. Her parents were already informed and agreed,” Flash scolded them.

“They only agreed because they don’t know you guys are a bunch of liars!” Windy came around the corner screaming at them.

It was time for plan B. At least they could kill two birds with one stone.

Dust engulfed his colleague as well as the yellow filly with magic, and in a flash, they were gone. Now it was time to edit some memories.


Fluttershy found herself in a chariot.

“I am sorry about that. I don't know what happened there. Usually, ponies are happy to help us,” Flash seemed a bit embarrassed. “We will be heading to Canterlot. The princess wants to talk to you. We believe that you could help us in finding your friend."

Fluttershy had fled into a corner cowering. She didn’t trust him at all. Good ponies didn't just foalnap her. Then suddenly, they were engulfed in rainbow colours, with a purple hint to them.

The sonic rainboom! Rainbow!

It was the sonic rainboom, dialled up to eleven. She looked out of the chariot seeing the pegasi around her flapping erratically as if they had trouble controlling their flight. For a moment, she could have sworn that the buildings around her even sank into the clouds before recovering.

A sudden burst of confidence grabbed her, as it had during the first rainboom.

I can do this! If going with them means I can help Rainbow, it will be worth it! And if they truly have foul intentions, then having a pony on the inside is bound to help Rainbow as well.


“Status Report!”

The heads of the equestrian security apparatus were sitting around a large table. The Minister of Interior, Minister of Defence, the general staff, the head of the EBI and Sneak, of course.

“We have our forces deployed around Equestria! Borders and rail network have been shut!” The Minister of Interior stood up and went towards a map, “My Princess, we have concentrated our Border Guard at strategic points, such as here and here. Thanks to the additional forces from the military, these points are now impossible to cross without us noticing-“

"What about the north? What about these areas near the desert?" The princess asked.

“Unfortunately, we don't have enough resources to secure them. However, due to the hostile conditions to life there, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash are unlikely to cross the border there anyway, should they decide to cross it in the first place,” the Minister replied.

Is that a joke? I am mobilizing all of my armed forces, and he complains about a lack of personnel?

“What about our other search efforts?” the princess continued to question him.

“We are currently strategically sweeping as many cities simultaneously as we can. Once finished, we will move to the next ones, going from north to south. Additionally, the public has been put on high alert and is helping. We also have teams of pegasi sweeping the areas between cities,” The Minister hoped that Celestia would accept this answer.

She didn’t. “How is it going?”

“Your Majesty, we are encountering major problems within the guard and military,” Candy spoke up. As a loyal subject and head of the EBI, it was her duty to inform the princess about the disarray her forces were in.

It earned her an angry glare from Sneak, who just realized that it was Candy who more than likely told the princess about Rainbow Dash. She was known amongst them for always trying to suck up to Celestia.

“Explain, please,” the princess addressed her.

"My men have encountered a severe lack of organization within the guard and military. For one, their communication systems are completely overwhelmed. They also have trouble figuring out where their forces are, often sending no one or multiple units to the same place. A good chunk isn’t accounted for at all. Additionally, their equipment is often times missing, severely outdated or broken. The worst part, however, is their morale. The lack of it is astonishing, with most of them performing their tasks only in a lacklustre way, if at all,” Candy rattled off.

"Princess Celestia, this isn't our fault!" everypony besides Sneak and Candy screamed.

"If this isn't your fault, then whose fault is it? Mine?” the princess mustered them.


Their lack of an answer was all the confirmation she needed.

I should have expected this. Luna was always the one who took care of our armed forces.

Finally, a general spoke up, “Just like every year, we have made and submitted a list of recommendations to improve the morale and performance of our soldiers. We are lacking staff, and the staff we have is underpaid as well as underequipped. I don't even want to start talking about logistics. Our forces are definitely not able to perform outside Equestria. My Princess, we need more funding. It has constantly been cut to the point where we can no longer function properly."

“That’s correct,” another General spoke up. “Additionally, a good part of Equestria's forces are only ceremonial these days and not fit for actual deployment. This no longer includes just the Royal Guard but good chunks of our actual armed forces as well. Many battle groups are more concerned with entertaining the public instead of ensuring equestrian security.”

The generals were looking jealous at Sneak and Candy. They didn't have these issues. While the princess was horrible when it came to managing her armed forces and the guard, she was smart enough to understand that the EBI and ESS were essential in securing her rule.

"I understand. Once Twilight and Rainbow have been found, it will be a top priority to address these issues,” she assured them.

Good thing they don’t know that I will have to remilitarize Equestria if anything happens to them. Who knows? They might screw up on purpose, then.

“Right now, however, we have to work with these issues-“

Rainbow colours, with a purple hint to them, engulfed the room.

The sonic rainboom! And that's Twilight's magical signature!

Celestia tried pinpointing their locations, fighting the interference the sonic rainboom was causing.

The border! They are moving towards the Badlands! I don’t have any significant forces stationed there!

“They are moving towards the Badlands! Send everything we have there immediately! If necessary, follow them into them!” she ordered.

Candy sprinted out of the room with Sneak slowly following her. The generals, however, exchanged looks. They could send troops to the border. After all, the rail network could now finally be reactivated. But crossing it? Asides from the political problems it would bring, such actions would be suicide for their forces. There was no way they could ensure a secure supply line, which would lead a good chunk to die of thirst.

“Are you deaf? Mobilize at once!” Celestia repeated her order.

Before they could explain, a loud explosion rocked Canterlot. Through the windows, they could see a giant fireball soaring.

In a heartbeat, they were fully alerted, running out of the room, frantically trying to organize a defence with the little man they had left. It was just too bad that the search parties had already cleared Canterlot. If an enemy attacked now, they would be fighting a losing battle.

Only Princess Celestia and her two Ministers remained. Minsters that had apparently wilfully given her false information about the state of her armed forces.

“I will be expecting your resignations by the evening.”


Frantically she tried flapping her wings again, trying to get a reaction. It didn't work. Her precious wings had left her degraded to useless paperweights.

The ground was coming nearer.

This is it. At least I won’t be dying alone.

Twilight had stayed oddly quiet, yet Rainbow held onto her for dear life, hoping a miracle would set in. Below her, she could start to make out sand.

I am sorry, Twilight! I should have listened to you! This was a stupid idea!

Then she felt lift being generated. Her wings started working again, and she started flapping like her life depended on it. Only this time, it really did.

They started to slow down until they were only hovering one or two meters above the ground.

Defeated Rainbow let herself and Twilight slump to the ground.

“Oh, ponyfeathers. That was way too close. Are you ok, Twi?" For the first time, she managed to get a good look at the unicorn.

Twilight had her eyes wide open. She wasn’t moving and seemingly not even breathing.

"Twi! Twi!" Rainbow began shaking her, trying to get a reaction.

It was to no avail. The purple filly didn’t react.

“Twi! Twi! Say something, I am begging you! Don’t leave me alone!” Rainbow began slapping her, tickling her and pocking her eyes. It didn’t work.

Then, remembering her flight school training, she pressed her lips on Twilight, preparing to administer CPR.


Twilight felt like she was in heaven.

It's another vision! I have to watch more carefully this time.

The vision materialized.

This doesn’t feel right.

She was standing in a fancy room. Like last time everything was shaded in rainbow colours. But unlike last time, nothing happened.

Is that snoring?

It came from a crib. In it, she saw a tiny baby dragon.

It must be the one I hatched! The one from my vision!
But he is so young. This can't be the future. So, does that mean I am in the present?

Carefully she levitated him towards herself. Yet, despite her best efforts, he woke up.

“Hello, Spike. That’s your name, right? What am I even saying? I hatched you! This means it falls onto me to name you, correct? What do you think? Is Spike a good name?” she asked.

The dragon giggled, looking happy at her choice of name.

Unfortunately, the happy moment wasn’t meant to last. Spike started coughing, unable to control himself.

“Spike! Spike! Somepony help!” Twilight tried hitting Spike's back.

It had no effect, and she didn’t know any spells that could help. Quickly she ran over towards a glass of water, hoping it might be able to help.

It not only didn’t help, but the water also caused him to choke.

“Somepony help! I need help!” she tried again.

This time her shouts were answered by two guards rushing through the door.

“Freeze! You are under arrest for trespassing!” the first one shouted.

"That's Twilight Sparkle. Get reinforcements!" The second one shouted, quickly whirling a spell at her.

The world collapsed.

Rainbow is kissing me.

Rainbow is kissing me!

"Mff, Rainbow, what are you doing? What's going on?"

Rainbow eyes met hers, “Ah!” The pegasus parted lips with her, jumping back. “Celestia, dammit! You scared me, Twi! I thought you were dead!”

"Rainbow, what happened?" Twilight wiped the sand from herself.

“You tell me! This stupid rainboom brings nothing but trouble! I am never going to perform it ever again!” Rainbow had trouble controlling herself, her breathing becoming erratic.

Twilight rushed towards her. “Hey, I am here now. I am fine, and you definitely didn’t kill me. We succeeded. I still remember you starting to perform the sonic rainboom. It was amazing! The way you carried me. I could feel the wind rushing against me. Everything looked so tiny from above, like we were living in a toy world.”

“It’s priceless, isn’t it? I don’t know what I would do without these wings,” Rainbow agreed.

Twilight hugged her, “You see the sky up there? One day we will both be flying in it together.”

Rainbow didn’t answer, but Twilight could hear her breathing slowing down again. "Here, Rainbow, you should drink something. I am sure you are exhausted." She handed her a bottle.

Wordlessly, Rainbow grabbed it and began drinking.

What I would give to know what she is thinking right now.

Twilight, too, grabbed a bottle for herself.

“What if?” Rainbow whispered.

“What if, what?” Twilight asked.

“What if my actions had indeed killed or severely hurt you?” Rainbow was even quieter than before.

“Rainbow, it would have been an accident. I agreed to this. It wouldn't have been your fault, and I wouldn't have blamed you,” Twilight tried to assure her. “You still didn’t tell me what actually happened, though.”

The sun was shining full force at them, not showing any mercy, and their bottles were already empty. They had to restrain themselves from opening more.

Twilight looked around. As far as she could see, there was only sand and barren land.

If we don’t find a new source of water soon, we are not going to make it.


“Princess, we have to get you out of here!” A royal guard rushed into the room. “Canterlot might be under attack, and the castle has been infiltrated by Twilight Spa-"

“Where is she!” Celestia interrupted him.

“I don’t know, Princess. I think she was sighted in your chamber-“

Before he could finish, Princess Celestia had already teleported away.

Instead of being greeted by Twilight, she saw two guards who were poking Spike. He was now lying on the ground.

Upon seeing her, the guards immediately stopped. "Your Majesty!" they saluted.

“What happened?” Princess Celestia levitated the young dragon towards herself and began gently stroking him. He looked dazed, barely moving.

“We thought we heard somepony screaming for help! It seemed to come from your chambers, yet that couldn’t be possible. We had guarded the doors the entire time, and they are warded off to prevent anypony but yourself from teleporting into them,” they started to justify their actions.

That’s right. And I should have been notified when you two entered them.

She checked the wards, realizing that they were all messed up.

Hopefully, they are an exception.

“So, we checked the corridor, but no one was there,” one of them continued. “Suddenly, we could hear the screaming again. This time we were sure that it came from your chambers, so we rushed in.”

"Twilight Sparkle was standing there, holding the dragon, calling him Spike. She looked transparent, like a ghost. However, I immediately recognized her cutie mark. We couldn't risk her spreading the dark magic further, which is why I shot a stunning spell at her. Yet, when the spell impacted her, she disappeared. We are still searching for her,” the second guard finished.

Wait a second. If Twilight was holding the dragon….

"What happened to him?" Celestia pointed at the dazed Spike.

“Well… he kind of just sort of inadvertently may have fallen onto the ground-”

“You let him fall onto the floor! You morons!” Celestia couldn’t believe it.

“We didn’t realize-”

“I need to think about this. Dismissed," Celeestia shooed them away.

It's true. Twilight really was here. I can feel that her magical signature on you has gotten stronger again.

Yet it was already starting to fade again.

I no longer understand what’s going on here. When has everything gotten so out of control?

Celestia continued to examine Spike. Hopefully, the drop hadn't caused any injuries.


Finally, Rainbow began to explain. "I had successfully performed the rainboom, and we were whirling through the air, aided by your magic. Then suddenly, your magic and the rainboom disappeared. My wings weren't working anymore, causing us to start falling towards the ground. I could see it coming closer and closer. Last minute, however, they started working again. I was barely able to stop the fall -” She stopped. The next part would be hard “- I finally managed to get a good look at you. Your eyes were open, and you weren't moving" - her voice became shaky again - "Twilight, you weren't breathing. Panic took hold of me. I tried shaking, pocking, slapping, tickling… probably a bunch of other stuff as well, yet nothing worked! Before you finally woke up, I was planning to administer CPR. When I checked, I couldn’t even detect a heartbeat.”

Not breathing? No heartbeat? Surely that couldn’t have been the case.

“Rainbow, I have no idea how that must have been for you-”

“Twi, I need to know! What happened to you?” Rainbow asked, still in bewilderment.

"I don't know," Twilight began. "At first, I thought I was experiencing another vision. I was in a chamber. Spike was lying there in a crib. He is the dragon I have hatched. I picked him up, trying to interact with him. Then, out of nowhere, he began having a terrible cough. I tried helping him, but only made it worse.”

I was so helpless. I have never felt so awful.

Yet, she knew that it was only a fraction of what Rainbow had felt.

"I cried out for help, and after some time, two guards blasted into the room. One told me to freeze, while the other cried out for reinforcements, saying they had caught me. He then whirled a spell at me, causing me to wake up.” Twilight thought for a moment. “I think it was real. It felt far more real than my first vision, and there was no indication that I was in the future. Additionally, Spike and the guards interacted with me. This also didn’t happen the first time.”

“Why? Why is that happening? Why you? Why those visions? What do they mean?" Rainbow didn't know what to make of her account. There were so many questions they had yet to solve.

“If only I had the answers to that,” Twilight muttered. “There is one more thing. The guards were definitely royal guards. Rainbow, I think I was in the princess’s chambers.”

“Buck!” the blue filly exclaimed. “If we weren’t a priority before, we are 100% now. Good thing we have already crossed the border. We have crossed the border, right?”

Finally, a question that Twilight could answer. "Yes. You see the barren lands over there? Those are the Badlands. We have crossed quite the distance.”

"Sweet! This way, then?" Rainbow began walking in the direction Twilight had pointed at.

“Correct, but wait a second. I will put a shield around us that protects us from the heat." Just as she had finished her sentence, a transparent bubble had formed around them.

Who would have thought that Shiny's military knowledge would come in handy?

Together they made their way towards the Badlands.

Chapter 6 - The Badlands Part 1

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Twilight and Rainbow only managed to take a few steps before the shield collapsed.

“That’s weird.” Twilight tried conjuring up a new shield, yet nothing happened.

“What’s going on, Twi?" Rainbow looked at her expectantly. “What happened to your shield?”

“I don’t know! I can't get my magic to work anymore!” Twilight continued to try.

A suspicion sneaked up on Rainbow. She tried flapping her wings but wasn’t able to take off.

“Hey, Twi! Let’s move a few steps back and try again, ok?” she suggested.

The purple filly didn't know what Rainbow was trying to accomplish. Regardless, she followed her advice, which got her rewarded with a beautiful pink shield.


“That must be why we crashed!” Rainbow exclaimed. She hovered above the ground and flew forwards. Again, her wings failed her.

“I have never encountered such a weird phenomenon before.” Twilight followed her lead, and just like before, her shield collapsed. The magic that had previously held it together flew away towards the Badlands.

“I guess we have to walk without the shield. Drats.” The pegasus's actions didn't match her words. It seemed more like not having magic was barely an inconvenience to her.

For a moment, Twilight contemplated turning back.

I guess not having magic isn't that bad. I know that our magic isn't restrained to Equestria, so it must be a local phenomenon I wasn’t aware of. We have already made it this far, and we shouldn't be turning back now just for that.

She sighed, “I suppose this means we will have to walk without the shield until we are out of reach of whatever is causing that.”

“We will be fine. You wouldn’t have been able to sustain it for long anyway.” Rainbow glanced at her wings. “You are a cheat, Twi. I thought we would become Alicorns. Instead, we get to play earth ponies.”

“Ha ha, very funny, Rainbow." By now, she was getting a feeling for Rainbow's humour.

“You are hurting me, Twi. Don’t you enjoy my jokes?” Rainbow gave her a feigned look of offence.

Twilight rolled her eyes, “Let’s go, Rainbow.”

Together they made their way towards the Badlands for a second time.


It didn’t sit right with her.

They had been going for about two hours. Empty bottles of water provided evidence of their struggle.

Rainbow always gets to tease me. Why is it so hard to think of a comeback?

It bothered her more than it should.

Not only that, but she also has a cool nickname for me, while I still have to call her Rainbow. There must be a good nickname for her as well!
Rainy? No, that's stupid.
Bow? No, that doesn’t fit either. It sounds more like a colt’s name.
What about her last name?
Yes, Dashie! It’s perfect!

Now Twilight just had to think of a way to get back at Rainbow for always teasing her.


She is thinking about something.

They had been going for about three hours, and during that time, Rainbow continued to glance at Twilight again and again. At first, she assumed the unicorn just didn’t want to talk. It was a reasonable assumption. After all, it was hot, they were marching through a barren wasteland, and maybe Twilight just needed some time for herself. The fact that they both grabbed some bottles from time to time was enough to ease her worries for the first two hours. Now, however, she was starting to get concerned.

It looks like she is in another world. Is she experiencing another vision?

Before Rainbow could test her theory, Twilight spoke up. “You know, Dashie, you didn’t have to lie. If you wanted to be my first kiss, you could have just asked instead of pretending to do CPR. If you want, we can kiss again right now.” Twilight had gotten closer to her, the unicorn's lips forming into a kissing shape.

Rainbow went white as a sheet of paper.


“You should see your face right now!” Twilight started laughing uncontrollably.

She got me, and she got me good. I wonder how long she needed to come up with that?

"Uncool, Twi. For a moment, I thought you were serious." She tried to look hurt, but after a few seconds, Rainbow, too, started giggling.

Is it true, though? Am I really her first kiss? Would that count?
Better not ask her, or she might get mad at me for stealing it.

Yet, there was another question on her mind. “Hey, Twi. What would you have done if I took you up on your offer?”

The purple filly stopped laughing, straightening herself out. “I don’t know, I didn’t plan for that. Why would you, though?”

Why would I?

The question hurt Rainbow’s brain. It was wrong on so many levels, and it was impossible to know what exactly Twilight was getting at. So, she decided to play it safe. "What do you mean by that?"

“Well, we barely know each other, right? And you were joking back in Dodge City, right? Also, we are still young, and we are both fillies.”

At least my first assumption was wrong, and she doesn’t have a secret self-worth problem.

No, there was only one pony with that problem among them.

Rainbow was contemplating whether or not she should add something to the last part of Twilight's statement.

“Is everything all right, Rainbow? Did I say something wrong?” Twilight looked at her, fearing that the joke had gone wrong.

Rainbow settled on a response. “And if I kissed you anyway?”

Twilight rubbed her head, letting the scenario play out in her head. “Would you really have been that committed to playing along? Just to call my bluff?”

Playing along? Am I missing something here?

Why am I even making such a big fuss about it? It doesn’t matter anyway. I should be grateful she isn’t teasing me about these things.

"Hey, look, there is a pony over there!" Twilight pointed towards the distance.

Indeed, a black pony was walking towards them, waving at them.

I can deal with this later.

They made their way towards the unknown pony, who turned out to be a black unicorn mare with no cutie mark.

“Hello, you two. What are you doing out here, all alone?” the mare asked.

Better not give anything away.

She answered before Twilight got a chance to do so herself. “Hi, I am Spectrum, and this is Ruby. We have gotten a bit lost.” It earned her a questioning look from Twilight.

"Nice to meet you. I am Chrysalis. Don’t worry, I have set up camp in a mountain over there, together with some other researchers. We can help you out.” She pointed towards the distance.

Can we really trust her?

But for Twilight, the situation was clear. This was their best bet at survival. “Thank you so much. Come, Spectrum.”

Together they followed Chrysalis to her camp.


"My princess, I have received a preliminary report about the situation." Raven was standing in front of the princess's throne. "A factory producing equipment for the guard, as well as the military, exploded. We believe it was due to an equipment overload caused by the sonic rainboom. They handled very sensitive spells and stored a huge amount of highly concentrated magical energy. Far more than what would have normally been allowed.”

Of course, this wasn’t an attack. Who would dare to attack me?

From what we have gathered, no one died. However, we have reports of at least 32 injuries across Equestria, mostly Pegasi that lost control of their flight.” Raven continued.

I consider this a personal message for me. They run away, leaving a wave of destruction behind.

Raven cleared her throat to get her attention back. "Two ponies are in critical condition after their medical procedures were interrupted by the rainboom. But, on the bright side, aside from the factory explosion, we are unaware of any other serious property damage.“

I can only imagine how many broken plates etc., this caused. God, it will take so much work to prevent this from tarnishing Twilights and Rainbow's reputation.

Again, Raven cleared her throat. She wasn’t used to the princess not paying attention. “We are already working on fixing everything. Damages in total are estimated to be around 500.000 Bits.”

Celestia needed to act immediately, “I want everything fixed as soon as possible, and I want the best doctors treating the injured. Under no circumstances can we allow anypony to die from this or sustain any permanent injuries. Money isn't an issue. We will pay for any damages, no questions asked, understood?"

“Of course, Princess,” Raven replied.

“And I don’t want Twilight or Rainbow to be associated with this in any way. I don't care how it's done, but we have to come up with a story that either doesn't involve them or a story that doesn’t blame them in any way.” Celestia stopped for a moment, “Scratch my first thought. No one will believe that they weren’t involved in this. So, we will go with the second option and come up with a story that doesn't blame them in any way. We must ensure that the public doesn't hold any ill will towards them. If possible, I even want them to have sympathy for them. We will have to expand our narrative that Twilight and Rainbow are the victims in this."

“At once, Princess. Is there anything else I can do for you?” Raven didn’t know why Princess Celestia was willing to go this far for those fillies, but she wasn't willing to ask due to the princess's current mood. Maybe she could try asking Princess Cadence again later.

“I want my chariot prepared,” Celestia added. “I will be overseeing the search efforts personally. Inform Princess Cadence that she will be in charge while I am gone and make sure Fluttershy is waiting in my chariot.”

"Of course, Princess." meticulously, Raven noted everything down. Hopefully, Fluttershy would arrive on time.

Celestia smiled. It was good to know that there were still ponies she could rely upon. “Thank you, Raven. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

“I am always happy to serve, my Princess.” Raven left to carry out her instructions.

Now that everything was sorted, Celestia went to fetch everything she needed for her trip.

You know what they say. If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.

This time Twilight and Rainbow would not get away.


After some time, they reached the mountain, Chrysalis was talking about. The trip there was actually quite nice. Chrysalis had offered to let them ride on her back and assured them that they could refill their bottles there, which meant that the little fillies had begun drinking like crazy.

Still, on Chrysalis's back, they entered.

"Wow, it looks beautiful in here." Twilight was in awe. She, as well as Rainbow, expected a tiny dark cave. Instead, they were greeted by a large hall that wasn't dark at all. For one, the sun was able to shine through holes that the structure had, and in addition to that, there were glowing green cocoons that helped to illuminate the massive cave-like structure.

“I'm glad to hear that you like it. It isn’t much, but it is our home,” Chrysalis replied with a smile on her face.

They have stairs here and all those hallways. This looks more like a city than a mere cave! And those holes in the walls look like they are breathing. They are constantly moving, just like part of the columns.

Twilight could only hope that she would be allowed to look at some of the research they were conducting here. It had to be fascinating.

Chrysalis continued to carry them, navigating the cave with ease until she reached a corridor that stood out from the previous ones. This one had actual doors looking far more like a corridor one could encounter in Equestria.

Rainbow, on the other hoof, wasn't sharing Twilight's enthusiasm.

This stinks. Where are the other researchers? Where is their equipment? How did they build all this?

Chrysalis stopped to open a door.

They were greeted by a luxurious room. The walls, floor, and ceiling looked like they were made of diamonds. There was a fireplace, a bookshelf, a desk with a comfy chair, everything one could wish for. The most striking piece of furniture, however, was a huge bed that looked more like it belonged to royalty. If one were to question Twilight, she would have answered that Princess Celestia had obviously received the short end of the stick.

The little unicorn immediately ran inside, darting towards the bookshelf. Halfway through the room, however, Rainbow managed to grab her. “Ok, drop the act. What’s your game?” Rainbow turned to Chrysalis.

“What do you mean? Don’t you like it? If there is something that’s missing, I can fetch it.” Chrysalis tried to placate her worries.

The attempt to bribe her into silence ricocheted off Rainbow, “Do you think we are stupid? You claimed you set up a research camp. Does this look like a research camp to you?”

Chrysalis cursed herself. She really did think the fillies wouldn’t catch on. That the luxuries she gave them would be enough to keep them in check.

And seeing Twilight's reaction, it had nearly worked as well.

Oh, too bad. The show had to go on. Green flames engulfed Chrysalis. Where previously a black unicorn had been standing, there was now a giant bug-like pony.

Immediately Rainbow took a defensive stance in front of Twilight. “Bring it on!”

“Oh dear, there really isn’t a need for such hostilities." Chrysalis put her hoof up, trying to show peaceful intentions. “I am Queen Chrysalis, ruler of the Changelings. Please excuse my little ruse. I didn't want to scare you.”

“Changelings?” Twilight inquired.

“Oh, yes. We are a race of shapeshifting ponies.” The mare in front of them could taste Twilight's excitement in the air. "I am sure you have many questions, and I will be happy to answer them all later. For now, though, you should rest up. You had quite the hard trip after all.”

There is an easy way to test if she is truly genuine and doesn’t mean any harm.

“Thank you so much for your kind offer. Unfortunately, however, Ruby and I won’t be able to stay." Rainbow tried to walk past the Changeling Queen dragging Twilight along with her.

Chrysalis, however, had other plans using her magic to block their path. “Did I say you were free to leave, Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle?”

This time, Twilight realized the full extent of their situation. “Your Majesty, we didn’t mean to offend. If you know our names, you must be aware of why it is paramount for us to leave as soon as possible.”

“Oh, trust me, I know. Princess Xenophobia wants you badly, which means you two are quite the valuable hostages.” She dropped her shield. “My offer still stands. You can enjoy your stay here and treat it as a vacation, or we can always cocoon you."

I cant believe this! It was all for nought! She is going to sell us out towards Equestria!

Chrysalis treated their silence as a yes. “I am going to leave you two alone for now. We will have more than enough time for talks, after all.” Laughing, she left the room, shutting the door behind her.

Twilight went towards the giant bed, throwing herself on it. “I am sorry, Rainbow. I shouldn’t have been so trusting. Looks like we will be going back to Equestria after all.”

Not if I can help it.

“It's fine, Twi. You didn't know, and we are not going to let her get away with that. We will think of something.” Rainbow, too, went over and slumped down next to her.

“Are you tired as well, Dashie? All this heat and constant marching have really worn me down,” Twilight muttered.

Hearing the nickname the unicorn had chosen for her again reminded Rainbow of the conversation from earlier.

"Yeah, let's get some rest, and then we can plan,” she confirmed. “Hey, Twi. About our talk from earlier. You do know that two fillies can kiss each other and fall in love as well, right?” They were lying in bed, looking at each other.

“Rainbow, stop it. I got you, and you should let go and move on. I know how biology works,” Twilight answered, obviously thinking Rainbow was trying to trick her.

Does she really have no idea? How is that even possible? Did she live in a bunker?

“Twilight, I am not trying to get back at you, trick you or make a joke. I am 100% serious.” She tried to get through to her.

"Rainbow, I don't know why you would think that, and I can't believe I have to explain this to you. Only a mare and a stallion can have a foal and therefore make a family. I have read more than enough books to know about this. So, saying that two mares, two fillies or even two stallions or two colts could fall in love makes no sense." Twilight answered, fully convinced about her position.

Ok, she definitely believes that. I guess she is still relatively young and really doesn’t know any better. Maybe I should leave it at that.
Then again, having these kinds of talks is my responsibility now, as the older one of us two. Who else would tell her? Certainly not the bug queen.

“You are mixing up a bunch of things there. Did your parents never talk to you about this? What about school?” Rainbow tried to gauge her knowledge.

“Well,” Twilight tried to recall. “I think we were supposed to talk about this in school, but some parents prevented it."

Great. Just great. This must be the Canterlot stuck-up upper-class dad always complained about when reading the newspaper.

Twilight wasn’t finished, though. “And my parents usually relied on Cadence when it came to love stuff. She always just said that I could love whoever I want and that I should listen to my heart-"

“There! You can love whoever you want, and not just colts. The decision is up to you.” Rainbow tried to plead her case.

Twilight, however, disagreed. “I don’t think she meant that. She probably just assumed that I knew she meant colts.”

Now she is just grasping at straws. Damn you, Cadence, for not being more specific!

“Every book I read always depicted a stallion and a mare or a filly and a colt.” The purple filly tried to reason further.

"Twilight books have a tendency to be a bit outdated. Especially the ones in schools or libraries. I still remember those dusty books from flight camp.” The unicorn wanted to interrupt her, but Rainbow motioned for her to wait. “I know what you are probably going to say next. I also think the same parents who prevented those lessons are probably the ones who advocate for not stocking any books depicting same-sex couples and have prevented their distribution in the past."

“But why would they? And why do you know so much about this?” Twilight tried to wrap her head around the statement.

“There are ponies out there who are just really opposed to this kind of stuff. It's just the way it is.” she received a sceptical look. “Don’t look at me like that. I have no idea why that is the case, either. If you ask me, I think about it like the Cadence pony you mentioned. Everypony should just get to love whoever they want.” Rainbow sighed, “As to why I know so much about the issue and try to get you to understand it, do you see my mane and tail?” She waved her tail to emphasize her point.

“Sure, what about them? They look fine to me.” Twilight didn’t know what she was getting at.

“I am not surprised. Rainbow colours are, among other things, a symbol of same-sex relationships." Rainbow's voice fell. She really didn't want to talk about her experience regarding that. Still, it would be necessary to get her point across.

Finally, the purple filly realized where Rainbow was going, “Rainbow, I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to be insensitive about-”

The distance between them had increased significantly. "No, Twilight. I am not a fillyfooler." Bitterness grew within her. Twilight's actions were hurting far more than they should.

At least, I don't think I am. I have never fallen in love before.

“Twi, oftentimes ponies made fun of me, calling me gay and stuff. It really hurt, and I can only imagine how it would have been for somepony that really did have those feelings-”

“Oh, Dashie. That’s so sweet.” Slowly Twilight crawled back towards her original position. "You are right. Making fun of a pony for that is just mean."

Not going to lie, Twi. You are acting like a massive hypocrite.

“So, your mane and tail? Did you dye them?” Twilight inquired.

“What, no! I was born like that." Rainbow stopped before deciding to reveal another detail from her past. "You know, a few months ago, I was so fed up with the name-calling that I actually wanted to dye them. I had already bought the dye and had everything prepared. Last minute, however, I realized that it never was just the colour of my mane. Those ponies constantly making fun of you are just looking for an excuse. I bet if I had actually gone ahead, they would have found another reason or thing to make fun of me about.”

Hearing Rainbow's story was heart-wrenching. "Rainbow, once again, I am sorry you had to go through all that. Yet, I am still having a bit of trouble understanding this. According to my books, feelings are made in our brains, and we are naturally urged by our instincts to form a family. Therefore falling for the opposite gender just shouldn't be possible.”

Ok, that's it! If she refuses to acknowledge anything I have just said, then it's time to bring out the big guns!

Yet before she did that, she was still willing to give it one more try. “Twi, your books are wrong. Our lives aren’t dictated by instincts. Are you even listening to what you are saying? Is writing a book an instinct? Painting a picture? We are free ponies with free will. Love is part of that. Also, some ponies just feel that way and should have every right to. It's complicated. I don't know the full details either. If having a family is your issue, then what about adoption?” Rainbow was struggling to quench Twilight's thirst for knowledge and answers.

And once again, Twilight jumped on the opportunity to try and poke a hole in her arguments. “Adoption is not the same Rainbow-“

Fine! You asked for it!

Quickly she closed the distance between them, pressing her lips on Twilights, passionately kissing her. The purple filly was too stunned to pull back, and so it was Rainbow who had to break the kiss again after a few seconds.

"There, was that so bad? Now, if I really had feelings for you and you had feelings for me, we would be going out on a date next. After that, we would see where things would go from there. Eventually, one of us would propose to the other. We would hug each other, kiss, and then we would get married. And if you still wanted foals, we could adopt them, living happily ever after for the rest of our lives." She gave Twilight a glare, "Tell me, Twi, which part is it you have an issue with? What would be so outrageously unnatural about two ponies living a happy life?"

“...” The unicorn was just looking at her with a face that portrayed utter shock.

Maybe I have overdone it. We are both still young, and I guess she was probably just curious. I shouldn’t have lost my cool.

“Look, Twi, I have lost my temper there and-“

“You are right,” Twilight interrupted her.

"No, Twi, I was not right. I shouldn't have done that. For one, you were just curious, and I got angry for not having all those answers. Additionally, you are entitled to your opinion and beliefs. I shouldn't force you to change them.” Rainbow admitted in defeat.

I should have just kept quiet instead.

Twilight listened to her before laying her hoof on her. “Is a pony really entitled to his beliefs if those beliefs hurt other ponies? If they restrict others in their freedom? If they prevent them from getting together with the one they love? Rainbow, I was acting stupid. It doesn’t matter why ponies fall in love with other ponies of the same gender. What matters is that they do and should be allowed to do so in peace. I was just trying to stick to what I knew, completely disregarding your words, to prevent my image of the world from falling apart.”

"And you aren't just saying that to make me happy?" Rainbow questioned her sudden change of heart.

"No, Rainbow, I am not. I still have some questions, of course, but I am sure I will understand these things better when I am older.” Twilight assured her. “Rainbow, I want to thank you. As an important pony who fought against injustice once said, nothing is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” She looked at Rainbow with earnestness clearly recognizable.

“Geez, Twi. They told you about that? It must have been an oversight. You should report it, so they can remove those books as well as any other information on the topic they still have lying around.” Rainbow joked. It was not only good to know that they could finally move on towards lighter topics but also that she had genuinely succeeded in opening Twilight's eyes to some of the plights ponies were facing right in front of her.

“Hey! I still believe that it was a mere oversight. The princess would never censor any kind of information intentionally.” Twilight insisted.

Rainbow waved her off, “Sure, Twi, whatever helps you sleep at night.”

The unicorn pouted. The princess was a good pony, and it wasn't right for Rainbow to accuse her of such heinous things.

"That certainly was a heavy talk I didn't plan on having." Rainbow changed the subject.

“At least there is something we can agree on,” Twilight joked. Let’s finally get some sleep so that we have recovered when Chrysalis comes back."

“Sleep well, Twi,” Rainbow said.

“You too, Dashie” Twilight removed her hoof from her and grabbed the blanket.

Wait just a second. How come there is only one bed in the first place? Couldn’t they have prepared a second one?

Then again, who cares. There is more than enough place for both of us.

A tug on her right wing got her attention. Without her even noticing, her right wing had moved towards Twilight, who was now using it as a second blanket, cuddling in it.

I guess this is why I should care. Celestia, dammit.

She contemplated pulling her wing back or asking Twilight to let go.

She does look kind of cute like that. And that smile she is having.

Arrg! Now I can definitely not bring myself to take my wing back.

Although, Rainbow did have to admit that Twilight cuddling with her wing did feel really nice.


Princess Celestia entered her chariot, with Fluttershy already waiting for her in a corner.

"Hello, there, my little pony. I-“


“I am sorry, Fluttershy. I will be right back.” Celestia left the chariot again. An angry Cadence was already coming her way. Quickly she cast a silencing spell around them. Whatever issue the princess of love had, it was probably not one that should be discussed in public.

“You are just unbelievable! First, your guards dragged me away and kept me locked up for hours, claiming there was a security incident. Then I hear that you are just going to leave, leaving me in charge of damage control.” Cadence's screaming was becoming a way to frequent occurrence for Celestia's liking.

Once again, she tried to calm her down. "I am going out there to ensure Twilight's safe return. All necessary measures have already been taken. You merely need to make sure that-“

“And what you really mean by that is that I am not even in charge at all! You just need a glorified overseer that ensures the nobles won't try something while you leave a political vacuum behind. I won’t get to make any decisions at all. I just have to execute yours!” It looked like Cadence had trouble restraining herself from punching Celestia in the face.

This is really starting to feel familiar.

There wasn't any retort she could give to that. After all, it was the truth. “Candence, I-”

“And don’t get me started on Twilight. You are probably the one who drove her away in the first place with your stupid ponyhunt operation. Why else would she just suddenly decide to leave Equestria? If I had to guess, the vision just told her something about her fellow bearer, and she just wanted to go looking for her. Before Twilight left, I could feel some new feelings she had for an unknown pony.” The implications Cadence made weren't lost on Celestia.

What did I do to deserve this? Has Twilight made it her personal goal in life to get back at me?

"Cadence, I thought we agreed to let Twilight grow up with proper values-"

"Did we, now? Too bad we have different definitions.”

Too bad I can’t strangle you.

"Cadence, it is important for Twilight to-"

“Oh, don’t worry. I stuck to your rules, despite my better judgement. I never told Twilight anything that goes against your precious values. If she still falls in love with a mare, then it was just fated to be."

Who cares if I still need you. Interrupt me one more time, and I will bash your head in.

"Cadence, if that's the way it is, then it's fine. I might not be happy about it, but I won't meddle with Twilight's love life." Celestia assured her.

The risk of it going awry would be too great, anyway.

“And I will also have you know that I am entitled to my beliefs. That doesn’t mean I don’t listen. Remember that we passed an amendment to the Equality Bill?” Hopefully, it would be enough to shut Cadence up.

“Yeah, sure. I still remember how long it took me to convince you.” Cadence snapped back.

I should have just left you in your pitiful village, you ungrateful brat.

“Look, Cadence, I don’t know what you want from me,” an annoyed Celestia said.

“All I want from you is to act like a decent pony! Is that really so hard?”

Decent pony. I have dedicated my entire existence to my little ponies.

"It saddens me to hear that you seem to believe that I am not doing so already. Now if you will excuse me, I have more important matters to attend to.” Both mares turned around and went off in a huff.

I am definitely going to have to tell Sneak to monitor her more closely.

"Once again, I am sorry about that, Fluttershy. Unfortunately, some important government matters came up last minute.” Celestia signalled for her guards to take off. “I am sure you are wondering why I had you fetched.”

Fluttershy was eyeing her with an apprehensive look.

Great. Is every bearer against me now?

"I was told that you, too, were affected by the sonic rainboom and gained your cutie mark as a result. We believe that this caused you… to have a connection with Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash, which might be helpful in finding them.” Celestia was careful not to give too much away.

“What has the sonic rainboom to do with this? I thought they were under the influence of dark magic?” Fluttershy asked, trying to see if Bow had been right about his accusations.

What happened to the times were ponies just took my word without question?

“We are unsure about the details. Yes, Twilight is under the influence of dark magic, just like Rainbow now probably is. But haven't you wondered why Twilight sought Rainbow out in the first place? The reason for that is probably the connection formed by the sonic rainboom.” After a lifetime as a ruler, lying had become so easy it was second nature to her.

Fluttershy didn't respond. She was having serious trouble deciding whether the princess was indeed lying or not.

I guess silence is better than the constant bickering I have with Cadence.

She fetched a basket covered by a small blanket, checking up on Spike.

“Oh my. Is that a baby dragon?” Fluttershy whispered. “He is so cute! Can I pet him?”

“Indeed, his name is Spike. If you want, you can pet him. He isn’t a danger at all.”

The rest of their trip continued uneventfully, with Fluttershy being captivated by Spike.


Rainbow shot out of bed, waking up Twilight in the process.

“I am sorry for startling you. I tried knocking on the door, but you weren’t responding." A changeling, wearing armour, said. "The Queen is expecting you and -“ Disgust became visible on his face “- Oh man, you two reek. You do know that there is a bathroom right over there?" He pointed at a door, Twilight and Rainbow hadn't paid any attention to before. "Go wash quickly. The Queen will definitely not want to see you like this." He left the room.

Twilight looked at their bed and sniffed. The changeling was right. They were smelling, and not only that. The beautiful bed was now littered with sand and sweat stains. "I guess he is right. Let's go shower." She got up and went towards the door.

“Why, though? Just so the bug queen gets to interrogate us more comfortably? I say we go like we are,” Rainbow suggested.

“Dashie, don't be like that. Why would we want to make her mad? Now come with me." Twilight grabbed her hoof.

Wait, as in shower together?

“Twi, maybe you go first, and I will go afterwards?” Rainbow tried to remove her hoof.

“Come now, Dashie. By showering together, we will not only save time, but we will also preserve precious water. Since we are in the middle of a wasteland, we shouldn’t waste it unnecessarily,” Twilight lectured her.

Is she really just thinking about this from a scientific perspective? Sweet Celestia, I accepted a nerd as my partner in crime.

But Rainbow didn’t want to come off as uptight. “Yeah, you are right.” She let Twilight guide her to the bathroom.

Let’s not make a bigger deal out of this than it is.

They entered, which once again left them in awe. Everything was clattered in gold and diamonds.

“Hey, Twi. Do you think Chrysalis is letting us use her room?” Rainbow asked.

“I don’t think so. Why would she? Maybe it is a guest room for important delegates?” Twilight tried to come off with an explanation.

She went over to the shower. Sure enough, it looked like one in Equestria would look like.

Carefully, Twilight turned it on, which rewarded her with fresh water. “Fascinating. They really have installed a functioning water supply. With warm water no less.”

I have to admit, that is indeed impressive. I wonder where the water is coming from?

“I think that’s a good temperature. Come, Dashie.” Twilight motioned for her to step inside.

“Are you going to keep calling me that?” Rainbow stepped inside. They could feel the sensation of water slowly washing the sand and sweat away.

“Why not, don’t you like the nickname I chose," the anxiousness in Twilight’s voice was clearly audible.

It just doesn’t sound quite right.

"No, it's fine. It’s just…, you know….” Rainbow looked at her. Twilight’s expression made it clear that the unicorn had no idea what she was getting at. “It just… doesn’t sound as cool as Twi does. How about you call me RD. Yes, RD is a cool nickname. You should call me that."

“RD, really? Nope, not going to call you that. That sounds stupid. Dashie is clearly the superior choice of nickname.” Twilight pouted at the insinuation that the name she had carefully chosen was uncool.


“Here, can you help me wash?” she handed Rainbow a bottle of shampoo. "Normally, I would use my magic."

She has to be doing this on purpose! No one could possibly be this oblivious! I bet it's revenge for earlier.

Rainbow grabbed the bottle and began massaging shampoo into Twilight's mane and tail.

Sweet Celestia, is it just me, or has it gotten hotter.

After what felt like an eternity, she finished.

“Thank you so much, Dashie. I would have needed ages without your help. Do you want me to help you too?” Twilight asked.

Definitely not.

“Yeah, sure," she replied.

Excuse me, brain? What just happened there?

Twilight didn’t look like she had any issues with the task. She grabbed the bottle and applied the shampoo, utterly oblivious to Rainbow's thoughts, while Rainbow tried to stay as motionless as possible.

After what felt like another eternity, Twilight stopped. “There, finished. Now let’s get that shampoo out of our manes. We shouldn't keep Queen Chrysalis waiting for too long.”

Never thought that being entirely socially inept had some benefits.

Rainbow had to admit, though, looking back, it wasn't a bad experience at all, unlike what she had expected.

Twilight turned the water off, and they stepped out again, each grabbing a towel.

"I have to say, she knows how to pick a shampoo. It smells amazing," Twilight stated.

“Sure. I will put it on the list. On the downside, we have the fact that she foalnapped us. On the plus side, her choice of shampoo." Rainbow got rewarded with a towel thrown in her face.

Heh, guess I deserved that.

A frantic knocking on the bathroom door got their attention. “Are you two finished? The Queen is waiting.”

It was time to see what Chrysalis wanted.

Chapter 7 - The Badlands Part 2

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The chariot landed in Dodge City.

Princess Celestia and Fluttershy stepped out. Fluttershy was still holding Spike, who had resorted to sleeping again. The empty basket was now on her back.

The little one sure likes sleeping a lot.

Celestia smiled. Spike really was a little angle. She would make sure that he would see this through.

And I have to say that Spike really is an excellent choice of name. Here I was, fearing she would choose something stupid like Sparky.

A few Royal Guards had made their way towards them. For some reason, however, there was no high-ranking Officer with them.

"My Princess, I noticed that Spike is quite hot. Is that normal?" Fluttershy got her attention.

“Unfortunately, Spike is very ill. It is… the result of a complication from the hatching process. This is why I took him with me in the first place. Only Twilight, the pony who hatched him, can help." Fluttershy was horrified by her revelation and tightened her grip on Spike. “Don’t worry, my little pony. I won’t let any harm befall him.”

The princess looked around. Her forces had set up a makeshift camp. Most of them, however, weren't soldiers or guards but part of the EBI.

Is Candy the only one who can get stuff done around here?

As if she had known the princess was looking for her, Candy came running towards her, with some other EBI Agents running after her. “My Goddess, our search is continuing. We will find those renegades and make sure that they face your divine judgment. I won’t fail you-“

“Candy, please. You are hallucinating.” The other agents had caught up with her and subdued Candy, "Your Majesty, please excuse her. The heat has gotten to her.”

"That's what happens when one doesn't listen to reason. I told Candy that she should wait with the search until we have established a secure water supply, gotten the necessary protective equipment and, most importantly, that she shouldn't overextend herself. But she insisted on starting the search immediately and went inside without a plan until she collapsed." Sneak walked towards the princess with a smug grin on his face.

At least Candy tried. Since there isn't a single drop of sweat on your face, the same probably can't be said about you.

Celestia looked after Candy. The poor mare had really worked herself nearly to death for her.

"My Princess, the fact of the matter is that we are not going to find them. This city only has enough water to barely sustain its own population, which means we have to carry additional water in and can only sustain a small number of forces." Sneak gave her an apologetic look. "We also have to entertain the thought that Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash are going to die out there.”

She gave Sneak a death glare. If Fluttershy hadn't been behind her, his fate would have been much worse. “I am done with your excuses and constant failures. At least Candy tried, but since you are apparently so much smarter than her, I am making this operation your personal responsibility! You will find them, and if necessary, you will turn every sand corn around yourself, understood?”

He is right, though. We have to think of a more efficient way.

Sneak cursed himself. What should have been a victory over Candy had turned into defeat, and he had no one to blame but himself and his stupid arrogance. “Yes, my Princess.”

“Good. And now-“

“Aaah!” Fluttershy's scream echoed through the camp.

The princess and everypony else turned towards her. Fluttershy was covered in blood, with Spike still coughing up more. Immediately one of the guards rushed towards her and took the basket as well as Spike away from her.

Celestia, too rushed to Fluttershys side and wrapped her wings around her. “It’s going to be ok, my little pony. He is going to be fine. I will make sure of it. Bring Spike to me, now!” she ordered.

No one came.

“Where is the Royal Guard that took the dragon? Spike needs my attention right now, or he might not make it!" The princess asked once again.

Still, no one came forward. The guards just looked around, clueless.

“Brown pegasus mare? Pink mane and tail? A silver bolt as a cutie mark?” Celestia looked around again. She saw an Officer who had made his way towards them.

The Officer stepped forwards, “My Princess, the Royal Guard with that description is currently out in the desert as part of the search operation.”

Right under her nose, surrounded by her own guards, the princess had just been robbed.


“Remember, Dashie. We want to get as much information from her as possible. So, try to stay on her good side," Twilight whispered.

Rainbow nodded affirmatively and opened the door.

“Come now, we should hurry.” Rainbow and Twilight were ushered out of the room. “Follow me.”

I expected a guard to fetch us.

The changeling wasn't wearing any armour at all. However, now that Rainbow looked closely, she had to say that he did have the stature of a soldier. And he seemed to take his assignment seriously, guiding them through the hallways as quickly as he could. Previously they had been empty, with no one in sight. Now they could see some changelings walking and flying around, with the sound of buzzing wings clearly audible.

The changeling guiding them stopped in front of a door, motioning for them to step inside.

Here goes nothing.

Rainbow opened the door, and immediately Twilight was grabbed by a green aura.

No, you don’t!

Rainbow grabbed Twilight, trying to stop Chrysalis from taking her. As a result, she, too, got enveloped. “Let go, or I will stomp you down like the insect you are!” she screamed.

Luckily for her, Chrysalis ignored her statement and merely sat her down on a chair, holding her in place with her magic. Rainbow was now sitting in front of a large table, set with plenty of food, opposite Chrysalis.

Twilight, on the other hoof, wasn't so lucky. She was squirming in Chrysalis's grip, who had resorted to holding her right in front of her eyes, carefully examining Twilight. "Hmm, how curious. At first, I thought I imagined it, but magic is clearly still radiating from you." She turned Twilight around, mustering her from all angles. “I still recognize that magical signature. Celestia has clearly put a very powerful enchantment on you. Especially if it still holds up with ease, despite being in direct vicinity to my throne. And she has done a good job of obfuscating its purpose as well. I can't tell at all what its function is.” Chrysalis levitated her next to Rainbow, who immediately grabbed Twilight.

“My, my, you are quite protective of her, aren’t you?” Chrysalis looked at her with a knowing look.

If you do that one more time, I will rip that smug grin off your face. Or even better, I will do so right now.

Only Twilight putting her hoof on her back, signalling for her to calm down, prevented Rainbow from trying.

“What do you mean there is an enchantment on me, your majesty?” Twilight asked.

“I meant what I said. Celestia has clearly put a very powerful enchantment on you. As to why? You tell me." They were mustered by an inquisitive stare. "And you don't have to call me your majesty or by any title. I couldn't care less about those.”

"Look, my Bug Queen, we have no idea why Princess Arbitrary is after us either. Now, how about you let us leave?" Rainbow's answer earned her a death glare from Twilight.

“Bug Queen, I have to say that’s not very creative. Princess Arbitrary on the other hoof… I will give you that.” Rainbow's insults seemed to have no effect on Chrysalis at all. "Very well, then you start. Ask me anything, and I will try to answer to the of my abilities.”

Yeah, as if! What game are you playing here?

“What exactly are you? Why have we never heard of you? What is this place? What do you want with us? Why the luxurious room? Why can’t we use magic? Why can you use magic?” Twilight had only stopped when she had run out of breath.

"The long story it is, then. But I am warning you, this is not a happy one,” Chrysalis began. “And suit yourselves. All the food and drinks have been specially made for you.”

Hesitantly Rainbow and Twilight picked some of the food they had made. Twilight chose a daisy sandwich and an apple juice, while Rainbow opted for a hayburger and a cola.

Together they ate while Chrysalis told her tale. “From what I have been told, we Changelings have existed from the beginning of time, just like you ponies have. Unlike your story, however, ours has been a story of pain and suffering from day one.” Chrysalis turned towards Rainbow. “Due to our looks, we have been cast out and hunted. We have been called bugs and parasites and were referred to as an inferior life form. Had it not been for our ability to disguise ourselves, we would have gone extinct long ago.”

Have I judged them too quickly? Then again, she did foalnap us, so she shouldn't have expected any sympathy.

Finally, Chrysalis stopped glaring at Rainbow. “We roamed around Equus, never staying at a place for too long until we found an empire willing to harbour us. And not only that. The empire was full of love, no less. The days of constant hunger and fighting for survival seemed to finally be over, with the future looking bright.

"That, my dears, was the Crystal Empire. An empire whose existence has been completely purged of history records, these days."

I knew it! They do censor!

Twilight wasn't so happy at what essentially amounted to a confirmation of Rainbow's accusations.

Chrysalis continued, “The empire fell when a creature of darkness named Sombra murdered its ruler, Princess Amore and took control of the Chrystal Heart, a relict meant to protect the empire. The self-proclaimed King Sombra enslaved the resident crystal ponies and even tried to take over their minds. Our minds, however, he could never hope to enslave. Thanks to our hive mind, as long as at least one of us is free, we all are.”

Hive mind? And why does it matter that the empire is filled with love? Is she just going to skip over those things?

While Rainbow was sceptical, examining every word, Twilight listened with a mixture of horror and captivation.

“It was our turn to return the favour, and Sombra knew it. So he made it his goal to find and kill every single changeling. It was a predictable move we had more than enough experience with, so we left the empire.” For some reason, Twilight and Rainbow could feel that the worst part was yet to come.

“The neighbouring nation of Equestria, too, disapproved of the change of leadership. They feared Sombra's intention towards them and decided to start a preemptive war. It was a war we were delighted to aid them in. This led to us teaming up with the alicorn sisters.” Chrysalis sighed. She had been very young when that happened and still remembered her mother's happiness when the deal went through.

Holp up… alicorn… sisters?

"We infiltrated Sombras ranks, and while we suffered many casualties, it hindered his war efforts greatly. Side by side, changelings and ponies fought until the final battle arrived. A battle we were sure would result in victory.” Chrysalis stopped for a moment until hissing out, "It was just too bad that we had a different definition of victory than the alicorn sisters. They banished not only Sombra but the entire empire, leaving only snow in its stead. After the battle, my mother, the former Queen, went to them and confronted them, but they didn't care. For them, the job was done, and they claimed they fulfilled their end of the bargain. After all, Sombra was defeated, wasn't he?” she spoke the last sentence with a mocking voice, full of resentment.

“When we asked where we were supposed to live now, they said that that was up to us. That we could live anywhere we wanted as long as that wasn’t in Equestria. Their precious Equestria had no place for some parasites, even if they helped them win the war.” Defeat made itself visible, draining the energy Chrysalis had previously spoken with. “We had already suffered so many casualties. We weren’t in a state to move, even if we wanted to. So we tried living in Equestria without the sisters noticing.

“What happened next, we should have seen coming. The sisters weren't so dumb as to believe we would give up. Instead, they alerted the public about us and spun a false narrative, resulting in raid after raid against anypony suspected to be a changeling. It only stopped when the Luna Rebellion began, but by that point, we were on the brink of extinction. The sisters nearly succeeded in their genocide, and even when the Luna Rebellion stopped, love finally returned, and Equestria had forgotten about us, it had still taken decades for us to recover.

“Mother, she never forgave herself for what happened, blaming it on her decisions. Shortly after the raids began, she handed the crown to me and moved on to the Great Mother." Chrysalis finished her story.

“But why? Why would they do such a horrible thing? Why erase knowledge about an entire empire? And who was the sister you talked about? Certainly not Cadence, right? And if what you told us was true, then why not move to a better place now that you have apparently recovered?” Twilight was ready to defend her princess.

“Why indeed? It is a question I have been asking myself every night for over 1000 years now, and I still haven't come up with an answer. As for the sister I mentioned, her name was Luna. This, however, is a story for another time.” Chrysalis braced herself for the questions that were sure to follow.

“And why stay here? If princess Celestia is truly that evil, why not just leave? There must be a better place out there?” Twilight looked victorious.

Is the princess her mother or what? Why go that far to defend her?

Chrysalis was ready to pulverize Twilight's supposed victory. "Little Twilight, I don't blame you for wanting to defend your princess. I understand it. I really do. She has created a perfect land of opportunity and happiness for you. A land where 99% of ponies can live in peace and fulfil their dreams. A land where crime, as well as poverty, are nearly nonexistent. It's easy to oversee and deny the bad things when one is offered such a life in return. It's easy to forget that Equestria is an absolute monarchy with nobility and royalty that is above the common pony, especially when one is part of the nobility herself. Isn't that right, Lady Twilight of House Sparkle? And it's easy to forget that liberties are barely existent and can be taken away at any point when the benevolent princess assures one that she would never abuse her powers."

Twilight is a part of the nobility? Funny that she never mentioned that.

Rainbow could ask Twilight about that later. Right now, she needed to jump in and defend her, "Oh, yeah? It's funny that you haven’t addressed the actual question!”

“Like I said, although all of what I said is true, Equestria is still filled with love and happiness. We don't eat normal food." Chrysalis gestured towards the rest of their meals. "Instead, we survive by feeding off positive emotions. Although we still have to live in hiding, we can at least survive by secretly collecting these emotions.

"I know what you are going to say next. Isn't that a huge risk? Yes, it is. For one, collecting emotions in secret is tricky, especially since most aren't directed at us and, therefore, are less nutritious. And, of course, there is always the risk of Celestia finding out. Still, compared with all the countries we have visited before the Crystal Empire, our situation here is better. At least we have an abundance of love at our disposal and don't just have to live in constant fear.” Chrysalis reasoned.

"But that was over 1000 years ago! I am sure things have changed by now. There must be a better place out there, somewhere." Twilight insisted.

"Little Twilight, you are not the first one with that reasoning. In the beginning, you asked me about the room. It belonged to my daughter Skylar. She, too, held these beliefs. So one day, she challenged my rule and went off with a third of the hive to look for a better place. She hugged me and told me that she would make me proud. That she would find a better place for us all to live. That she would return one day… and foolishly, I believed her.

“I mentioned the hive mind before. With it, we are able to link minds together and communicate between changelings. When Skylar left, she and her changelings disconnected from ours and formed their own. The next time I heard from her was when she connected again out of nowhere, desperately crying out for help. Over the hive mind, I had to experience her gruesome death, unable to help, for I didn't even know where she was.” Rainbow didn’t think it was possible, but the changeling queen was actually crying now. She turned towards Twilight, who also had tears streaming down her eyes.

Don’t cry! Don’t show any weakness in front of her! That’s what she wants!

"Although it's custom for every Queen to have an heir ready to take over, should something happen to her, I have never gotten another child. I just couldn’t bring myself to replace her. When one day I too move on to the Great Mother, my other children will have to choose a new Queen between themselves-”

“Ha, I knew it! You just revealed yourself! Skylar wasn’t your only child!” Rainbow felt Twilight kicking her legs.

Chrysalis was stunned at the outburst. Slowly she straightened herself out before responding to the accusation. "It is a cultural thing. In a way, every changeling is my child, and to them, I am their mother, even if that isn't biologically the case. It has something to do with me being the keeper of the hive mind. I am not sure if you would be able to understand. Skylar was and will be the only biological child I ever had." Rainbow had done it. She finally managed to get under Chrysalis's chitin.

Ponyfeathers! Me and my stupid mouth always getting me in trouble!

Thankfully Chrysalis wasn’t able to act on her frustration. The door opened, with a yellow pegasus mare waltzing inside. She was around 16 or 17 and had a yellow orangish mane, tail, and flames as her cutie mark. She also carried some kind of basket with her.

“All right, mission accomplished.” She shoved the basket towards Queen Chrysalis, behaving like she owned the place. Then she got engulfed by green flames, turning into a changeling.

“Thank you, Isabella, but it really wasn't necessary to come here yourself. One of your brothers or sisters would have surely been able to bring Spike here.

Spike? They have Spike?

“You have Spike? How?” Twilight nearly shouted.

“Ah, but I was absent for so long, I just had to visit. Haven’t you missed me, mother?” Isabella turned towards Rainbow and Twilight. “I am part of the Infiltration Unit Alpha. I have already been accepted into the Wonderbolts academy, and one day I will infiltrate the highest ranks of the Equestrian military. Captain Wind Rider has already told me that he views me as a prime successor for his position. Stealing Spike was foals play.” If one thing was certain, Isabella had no lack of pride and self-confidence. “I just wish I could have seen the princess's face. I bet she didn’t know what hit her.”

Chrysalis buried her head in her hooves. "Why don't you tell them the names of the other infiltrators while you are at it?" she muttered.

“Why? Did I do something wrong? I thought they weren’t going to return to Equestria?” Isabella asked.

Are we not going to return? I thought we were her hostages?

Chrysalis and Isabella stared at each other, with Isabella shrinking every second.

Is she being chewed out over the hive mind right now? Can they genuinely communicate like that?

Then Chrysalis turned towards them again. “It seems that someling let the cat out of the bag early. Yes, I have no intention of handing you out to that pony. What would be the point anyway? If we make a deal, what assurances’ would I have that she keeps her word? Not to mention that we would have to reveal ourselves. Also, who knows what she would do to you?” Chrysalis stood up and went towards the door. “Since you are so keen on revealing all of our secrets, I think you should be the one that shows Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash our hive, Isabella. Twilight, Rainbow, it was nice talking to you. We will finish this conversation some other time, and then I expect you to tell me your story." Chrysalis left the room.

Oh no! She expects a story, and we don’t have one to tell!

“So, you are the legendary ponies that performed a sonic rainboom, a supercharged sonic rainboom resulting in a wave of destruction that engulfed the entire country and maybe even more, managed to make Princess Ineptness lose her cool, committed crimes that have nearly been forgotten and got the entire military mobilized for the first time in nearly 1000 years, nearly destroying it in the process.” Isabella halted for a moment. “I hope I haven’t forgotten everything, but I think that was all.” She wrapped her hooves around them. "You two must be the coolest, most awesome and legendary ponies in history! I am such a huge fan!"

“Thank you?” Both Twilight and Rainbow stuttered.

"Here, I have a present for you.” She shoved the basket towards Twilight. “Mother was against this, but I just had to do it. I stole him right under the princess's nose while surrounded by her personal guard." She grinned with confidence. Then she pulled Rainbow and Twilight towards her again, fetching a letter and whispering as quietly as she could. “There was also this letter hidden inside the basket. I have read it, and it's for you, Twilight. Be careful. I haven't told mother about it. This letter, if I were you, I would burn it once I have read it.” Isabella tucked the letter back inside the basket.

What could the princess possibly have written for Twilight?

But Twilight disregarded the letter. Instead, she had her full attention on Spike. “Spike! I am so sorry for leaving you behind!” She carefully picked the dragon up and hugged him tightly. “I am never ever letting you go again!”

That’s so cute!

I mean, that's nice! Just nice!

Wait, is that drool coming from Isabella’s mouth?

"Eh! You aren't feeding off of us, are you?" Rainbow accused her.

“What, me? I would never do something like that“ - Rainbow was now standing right in front of her face – “Ok, maybe? Oh, come on! It isn’t hurting you, is it?”

How am I supposed to know if it’s hurting us!

“Your emotions are tasting amazing, and I am just nibbling a bit at them, feeding on a bit of excess. You are not going to notice any differences or experience any harm from it, and my less fortunate brothers and sisters will have something to eat once I send it to them over the hive mind." Isabella defended herself.

Rainbow looked over to Twilight, who was still focused on Spike, seemingly having missed the entire exchange. “Fine, you win. But if I find out that you have been lying, I will tie you up and set you on fire.”

Isabella looked a bit taken aback by the oddly specific threat but then caught herself again. "Sure, you have a deal!" she grabbed Rainbow's hoof and shook it.

“Who’s a good boy? Yes, you are a good boy!" Twilight's words were acknowledged by giggling coming from the basket. Apparently, she had returned Spike again. “Now, how about we follow Isabella and see how they live?” A gentle, approving clapping signalled the young dragon's agreement.

Isabella transformed back into her pony form. "Then let's go food, umm, I mean fellow ponies and dragon.”

Together they walked out of the room.


I am going to kill this thief!

I will torture them until death and then revive them just to repeat the process.

Fluttershy was crying in a corner, blaming herself for Spike's disappearance.

Can’t let her out of my eye, or else they might steal her as well.

A pony walked inside the tent. “My Princess, EBI Director Candy would like to speak with you.”

“Why isn’t she coming in? She has the authorization to do so without asking for permission.” Celestia asked her guard.

“I think she is ashamed of herself for revealing her crush on you,” he stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Her what! Since when has that been going on? You knew about that and didn’t decide to tell me?”

Cadence is going to have a field day.

What am I even saying! Cadence had to have known about that! That little-

The guard realized his mistake. The princess hadn't caught onto Candy's feelings, despite what nearly everypony thought. Then again, she had only seen a small part of the breakdown. "Your Majesty, it is just what I assumed. I could be entirely wrong-“

Celestia didn’t buy it. "Send her in immediately!"

Having feelings for me is not only very unprofessional but also entirely inappropriate. I am going to have to let her go for that.

It was standard procedure. Yet the princess felt like it wasn’t the right thing to do.

Then again, Candy has always done such a good job. She is probably the youngest EBI Director in history and has earned this position entirely through her hard work, unlike most of her predecessors. The mere fact that she isn’t even part of the nobility is proof of that.

Candy walked in with her head hanging low. She still looked ill, causing the princess to wonder why she was released from the infirmary in this state. "My Princess, I-“

Regardless she didn't dance around the subject, confronting Candy immediately, "I know about your feelings and your crush on me. You know the rules on these matters.”

Candy threw herself on the ground. “My Princess, forgive me! It's never going to happen again! I won’t let this interfere with my work in any way,” she begged.

Can I truly afford to let her go? Especially when my forces are already in such disarray?

She needed more information before making a decision. “How long have you had those feelings, Candy?”

“It was always my dream to work for you, your Majesty. To help make this world a better place. When I first got to meet you, I could immediately see the true dedication you had for us. The way you continually placed our needs in front of your own. The vast amounts of love and kindness you are holding for all of us. It took me some time, but one day I realized the full extent of the feelings I had developed for you. I was so proud when you put your trust in me and gave me this position. On the day of my promotion, I swore to myself that I would return the favour. I have dedicated my whole life to you. As long as I live, I will make sure to fulfil your every command not only because I know that your every order is given with the sole purpose of making this world a better place but also because my heart demands it,” Candy finished.

Oh, wow. That was certainly…

If she has truly felt this way since before her promotion, then maybe it really doesn't affect work… aside from the minor incident today. Perhaps I can truly give her another chance…

Candy was still whimpering in front of her. “Very well, Candy. You are forgiven. Needless to say, I expect you to stay quiet about this, dispel any rumours about those feelings and most importantly, try to overcome them. I don’t want any political problems coming from this, understood? Especially not with the nobility.”

Celestia’s words shattered her heart. For all his faults, Sneak had been right. She never had any chance with the princess.

Candy had to leave her fairytale world and face reality. That reality included that her career was now over. Even the miracle of the princess giving her a second chance wasn't going to save it. From this point on, she would forever be tarnished in the princess's eyes until her inevitable dismissal. "My Princess, I won't let that happen.” Candy stood up and went towards the exit. “You will receive my irrevocable resignation within the next hour.” With those words, she ran out of the tent.

It wasn't the first time that such a scene had played out. Over her lifetime as a ruler, Princess Celestia had become all too familiar with letting ponies go due to them having feelings for her.

It was, however, the first time she had offered the pony in question forgiveness.

And the first time that the scene in question filled her with regret.

Not once have you failed my expectations.

Candy had been one of the few ponies she trusted.

She truly believed in me. She was willing to dedicate her life to me without question.

The number of ponies willing to do that had decreased significantly over time for reasons she never quite figured out.

And I didn’t even give her a chance, instead cruelly dismissing her feelings.

Like I did so many times before.

She felt a wing touching her. “Princess, I think you should look for her,” Fluttershy told her, with a voice that was a confusing mixture of confidence and fear.”

That’s right, you are still here. I nearly forgot about that.

For a moment, Celestia was genuinely going to follow that advice. She would go out there and tell Candy that she was sorry. That while she wouldn’t be able to return those feelings, she wouldn’t hold them against her. That she would be honoured if Candy decided to continue working for her.

No! Get yourselves together! Those rules and procedures exist for a reason. Candy made the right decision by resigning. I shouldn’t even have proposed an exception in the first place. Surely, it will be easy to replace her.

“I will. Please wait here until I have returned.” Celestia left the tent as well. Unlike what she had told Fluttershy, however, she wouldn’t check up on Candy, instead opting to verify Sneak's progress.

Acting like a decent pony truly was harder than it looked.


Twilight couldn’t use her magic to carry the basket and was too scared to transport it on her back. And since she needed her hooves to walk and her mouth to speak, she had resorted to carrying the basket with her horn by putting the handle on it.

She looks adorkable.

While it resorted in the basket hanging in her face, Twilight didn’t seem to have any issues with that. Instead, she was just happy that she had found a solution that allowed her to carry Spike by herself.

“So, Isabella, right? Aren’t they going to miss you at the academy?” Twilight asked. It looked ridiculous with the basket in her face, but to their credit, neither Rainbow nor Isabella laughed at her.

“See, that is the beauty of being a changeling. One of your brothers or sisters is always there to take your place," Isabella answered with a smug grin.

She is right. That must be so awesome!

“Man, you are making me jealous. I bet you always get one of your relatives to write exams for you, right?” Rainbow inquired.

“Why would I? We have a hive mind with all answers at our disposal.” Isabella pointed towards her head.

She is so lucky! I bet she gets good marks all the time, without any effort, while I always fail despite doing my best.

“That’s horrible! Cheating is a filthy habit! Good grades have to be earned!” She got chastised by Twilight.

“What are you? A nerd?” Twilight was taken aback by Isabella’s answers.

Next thing she knew, Isabella found herself falling to the floor, face first, stumbling over Rainbow's hoof.

Serves you right! No one gets to insult Twi in front of me!

“All right, I got the message," Isabella said while still on the ground.

Rainbow turned towards Twilight. She expected either a face of approval or a chastising look. Instead, Twilight just stared blankly at her.

That’s weird. Is there something else on her mind?

Isabella picked herself up, and they finally left the hallway, walking down some stairs. “The hallway we have just left held the meeting room, with the throne room next to it. I am going to bring you to some of our common rooms that are down these stairs."

“Hey, I just realized something,” Twilight dared to speak again, “You said you were part of an infiltration unit. Doesn’t that mean that Equestria is in danger?”

The question caused visible discomfort for Isabella, "I mean… you heard mother's story, right?"

So, that’s definitely a yes.

“An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. Surely you realize that?” Twilight reasoned.

It was a thought Isabella, as well as many of her brothers and sisters, had already entertained numerous times. “That’s easy to say for you. Suppose even one of us gets caught, which will happen inevitably. In that case, we could find ourselves in the same position we did a thousand years ago. Don’t we have the right to defend ourselves?”

She has a point.

And yet there was also another side to the story. “I have been living in Equestria for as long as I can remember. When I was young, I got placed in an orphanage, leading to my adoption by a very loving couple. I never had to personally experience the hardships mother went through. My life in Equestria…. It is a good life.”

She sighed, “There is a divide in our hive between those who advocate for revealing ourselves and pleading our case with the princess once again and those who want to go ahead with mother's plan. The contrast is especially apparent with those who have lived most of their life in Equestria and those who have lived in the hive.”

"Which side are you on?" Rainbow's curiosity had peaked.

"I trust mother. Sure, even an immortal alicorn can change, right? It's just the risk… Once we have revealed ourselves, the element of surprise will have been lost. We have been too trusting once before. This time we will not give the princess the benefit of the doubt," she spoke the words with utter conviction.

She sure seems confident, despite the circumstances.

"I am not going to judge you for that. Still, hopefully, you will be able to find a peaceful resolution," Twilight said.

"We are here. Most rooms were abandoned a long time ago. It was just too impractical to sustain them.” Isabella opened the door, and they were greeted by an old and dusty library/archive hybrid. “In recent times, our library has suffered this fate as well. But, although we are not doing active upkeep anymore, you should still be able to use it. If you want to, that is.” She closed the door again.

Twilight looked like she wanted to protest. However, she refrained from doing so.

This mountain is so huge, yet everything seems to empty. We walked for ages just to reach this room.

“Do you have any more common rooms?” Rainbow inquired.

“Of course!” Isabella seemed offended at Rainbow's insinuation and dragged them a bit further down the hallway. "Here, this is what you could call our cafeteria. Although we can distribute emotions via the hive mind, we still prefer to eat them. What I mean by that is that we charge a green gelée like substance with them and then come here to eat it with our fellow brothers and sisters.”

The room, while huge, was also dull, grey, and empty.

Isabella could feel that Rainbow and Twilight weren’t impressed. “Hey! What did you expect? I know mother put on a fancy show for you, but we are still in the middle of a barren wasteland while also being technically at war with a superpower. Come with me. Next, I am going to show you the quarters.”

That was sad. I can't believe she is suggesting that some changelings have to live their entire lives here.

Again, they went through a number of corridors, making their way down the mountain.

"Why now? After over 1000 years, why make your move against Equestria now?” Twilight again blurted out a question.

“A 1000 years ago, the Equestrian Armed Forces were a force to be reckoned with. If you faced them, death was certain. These days they are barely a shadow of their former self. It was a gradual process, and it has taken quite some time for us to realize the extent of the issues the once-so-mighty military is facing. When we did, however, we immediately decided to act. Several of us are currently working to infiltrate what is left of the Equestrian Security Forces. Once we have done so, the path will be clear. Since they also have no more changeling inspections or any knowledge about us for that matter, our victory is already certain.” The last part was spoken in an ice-cold voice.

I don't know if I should be scared about the way she said that. Equestria is still our home, even if they want our heads.

Rainbow and Twilight remained quiet. Rainbow because she saw no point in arguing. For one, they weren’t likely to change their plans regardless of her opinion. Additionally, Equestria was now technically their enemy. However, why Twilight stayed quiet confused her.

I would have thought that she had some kind of comeback ready.

“Here." This time there was no door. They walked through a large hole in the wall and found themselves in a dark cave.

Isabella used her horn to illuminate it. The cave was mostly empty, aside from a few sleeping changelings on the ground. "This is where those of us that have to live here sleep. I know it doesn't look comfy, but being together with our brothers and sisters fills off with a sense of safety. It also makes guarding easier, so we won't be caught off guard when sleeping. Unfortunately, it also doesn't leave much room for self-expression or privacy."

Are they trying to make us feel bad? If that is the case, they are certainly succeeding.

Isabella turned around and mustered them. “There is one more room I can show you, the hatchery. Just whatever you do, stay quiet and don’t touch anything.”

Once again, they made their way through the mountain. This time Twilight stayed quiet.

It turned out that the hatchery was located in what could be described as a basement. On the final corridor, they encountered a few guards that didn't even acknowledge them. Passing those guards rewarded them with a glowing green cave, where eggs lay everywhere, some even sticking to the ceiling.

“They aren’t going to hatch for some more time. The speed at which the little ones develop is entirely dependent on the love they receive.” A changeling in the corner got her attention. Slowly he crept towards them, eyeing Twilight and Rainbow with a curious look before he left.

“I am sorry about that. I don’t know what he was doing in here, just that he definitely wasn’t supposed to be here.” Isabella seemed just perplexed as Twilight and Rainbow were.

“That concludes our little tour. There are some more boring storage facilities, as well as a ton of abandoned rooms. The only noteworthy place that's left is our emotions storage and processing facility. Unfortunately, I can't take you there due to the risk of contamination. Follow me, and I will bring you back to your room.”

Twilight stopped her. “Thank you for showing us around. I think I am going to visit the library again.”

"Yeah, sure, why not," Rainbow said.

“Alone, Rainbow. I need some time alone… I need to clear my head about a lot of things,” Twilight turned her down with a painful look.

Alone? But why? I can help!

"I am going to find the way by myself," with those words, Twilight left.

“Come now. Give her some space. It is a lot to take in, after all," Isabella tried to ease Rainbow's worries.

Without Twilight and Spike they made their way back to the room.


Sneak wasn’t in the command tent when Celestia arrived, but another pony caught her attention.

Shining darted towards her, “Princess! Sneak had to address an urgent matter. Can I be of any assistance?”

You only enlisted a few months ago. How are you supposed to help me when you barely have any experience? Where in Tartarus is Sneak!

Shining, being unaware of the princess's disapproval, continued, "We have changed our search method. Together with some specialists, we are currently following the trail of magical energy left behind by the sonic rainboom. We should have the results shortly.”

Finally! That’s the kind of competence I like. Guess I shouldn’t have underestimated Sneak, after all.

Soon, Twilight and Rainbow would be hers.


“Hey, Candy? Can we talk?” Sneak walked into Candys’s tent. Where normally there should have been a group of EBI Agents discussing the progress around a makeshift command table, only yawning emptiness remained.

It shouldn’t have ended like this.

"What do you want, Sneak?" she hissed, turning away from the scroll she was writing on.

"I wanted to come and say goodbye. I know we have never seen eye to eye… on anything, really. This, however… you didn’t deserve this,” Sneak admitted. “I always wanted to prove to the princess that you were unfit for the job, that she made the wrong decision in giving this position to a commoner, but I wanted to do so through my own performance or by presenting your failures to her, not by telling her about some stupid crush you had. If I wanted to do that, I would have done so ages ago instead of making sure the princess wouldn't be alerted to it,” Sneak laughed, "I guess now I will never be able to prove that you were truly unworthy of the job."

Candy, on the other hoof, didn't feel like laughing, “Do you expect me to thank you now? Just go and let me leave in peace!”

“Candy… what are you going to do now?" For the first time, Sneak exhibited genuine concern for her.

It was too much, “I don’t know,” she sobbed, “This job… serving the princess was my life! Now I have nothing!

“Why? Why do things have to be that way? Tell me, Sneak! Why!” Candy screamed.

“Candy, we already had this discussion a long time ago. The princess is an immortal being. Your feelings were doomed from the start. But even if we were to ignore that, she also has to keep up appearances. She can't afford to fall for a subordinate, especially not a commoner and a mare no less. It would be political suicide." It wasn’t the answer she wanted to hear, but it needed to be told. "Candy, over the centuries, dozens of ponies have confessed their feelings for the princes, from the lowest earth pony to unicorns of the highest standing. They all were rejected. She simply can't afford to let herself get attached. Princess Celestia has a country to run and no time to deal with something that will end in inevitable heartbreak at the latest with your certain death. That’s why she is above such silly things like love.”

“It just isn’t fair! She didn’t even give me a chance!” Candy wailed.

“Oh, Candy. I really hope that you will be able to move on." For a moment, Sneak hesitated, "If I can help you in any way or if you need anything, my door will be open for you. And even if you don’t, I would be happy if you could visit from time to time.” Then Sneak did something he didn't even think was possible and that, for the sake of his own reputation, he would deny for the rest of his life. He gave Candy a hug. "Working with you has been a pain in the ass, but I enjoyed it nonetheless."

There were even times when you made me question if commoners really could take up these high-ranking positions.

Sneak let go again and made his way out of the tent. There just wasn’t anything further he could do to help Candy. This was a wound only time would be able to heal, if it could be healed at all.

Alone in her tent, Candy continued to cry while she finished writing her resignation.


"I talked with Princess Celestia. Once Twilight has been found, she will retract the stories surrounding you, release you and more than likely, she will also restore your custody right." Cadence had made her way to the dungeon once again to finally deliver what she considered good news.

“More than likely?” Velvet and Night asked.

“I did my best. Now we can only hope that she comes to reason.” Cadence admitted.

What she didn’t say was that the hope she herself had for that was barely existent anymore.


It was worse than when Twilight had experienced her first vision. Her worldview was shattered, and she had no idea where she should begin to start picking up the pieces. So, she had just resorted to sitting in front of a dusty bookshelf while gently stroking Spike.

I just want to go home.

But that wasn’t possible anymore. Not with Rainbow still being adamant that they should leave. Not with them being wanted criminals now. Not to mention that they were now practically in league with enemies of Equestria.

Maybe we could bargain? The information we have on the changelings against a royal pardon?

No! I can't do that, not when it could result in the genocide of their entire race!

Another option crumbled in front of her.

Chrysalis was right. My life really was a good life. Things were so much easier back when I hadn’t experienced that vision. Back when I was just Lady Twilight of House Sparkle. I never had anything missing in my life. And then I threw it all away.

I sacrificed everything for my Rainbow Angel.

The Rainbow Angel that has taken my first kiss.

It was a thought that just wouldn’t leave her alone. When Rainbow wanted to perform CPR, it had been easy to argue that it didn’t count. The second time, however…

She had kissed me so passionately. There is no way that doesn't count, even if she did that just to prove a point.

It left her with an inconceivable amount of confusion.

What was our relationship in the future like?

If only she could at least answer that question. But while she could remember some scenes with Rainbow, it just wasn't enough to give her any indication aside from that they were probably friends.

And what else should we have been? She was just a friend of mine, just like the other mares were.

But then why did I feel drawn to her and her alone? Why did I describe her and only her as my Rainbow Angel?

Twilight felt a sudden amount of rage that result in her hitting the bookshelf with all her might.

Next thing she knew, she threw herself over Spike to protect him from the dust, books and shelf pieces that came crashing down.

That’s it. If I am really going so far as to take my anger out on books, then this has officially driven me insane. I need to find an answer to this question as soon as possible.

But first, Twilight needed to free herself from the books and the shelf she was buried under.

“Anypony out there? I need a little help, please?” As expected, no one answered.

I guess I should be thankful that Spike and I aren’t injured. Rainbow is bound to show up eventually.

Twilight continued stroking Spike, who had resorted to sleeping again, somehow not noticing what had happened. Although asleep, he acknowledged her caressing with a faint smile that was enough to calm her down.

And then there is this whole story Queen Chrysalis told us. There has to be another angle to it! Princess Celestia would never do such a thing without reason.

Then again… she is trying to hunt Rainbow and me down for no reason as well and has apparently placed a powerful charm on me.

And the Changelings do seem nice.

Should we side with them?

If they win, will they hurt Equestria? What will happen? What about our friends and family?

She could hear the library door open.

Seems like Rainbow doesn’t have a lot of patience.

A green aura lifted the shelf and books away.

A changeling. That works as well.

"Are you ok? Do you need medical help? This is bad. I don't know if we can provide medical help for ponies! Let me ask-“

"It's fine! Thank you for freeing me.” Twilight cut him off.

"It's not fine! Your back is bleeding heavily!” The changeling was freaking out.

In a flash, Chrysalis appeared in front of them, “You may leave now, Thorax. I am going to take over from here.” Chrysalis once again levitated Twilight on her back. This time, however, she didn't bother changing her form. “I was going to punish him for sneaking into the hatchery, but since he saved you there, I am going to be lenient. Death by books that would have been quite embarrassing."

Twilight wasn't acknowledging Chrysalis. Now that she had been freed, the pain began to set in.

“I am going to use a healing spell on you. Just take it easy for the next few days.” Indeed, she encased Twilight in a spell. A few seconds later, the pain and injuries were gone. Just the dust remained. "Seems like you should take a bath. Let me take you to your room." Chrysalis picked up Spike's basket leaving the library.


Rainbow was pacing around the room.

Need some time alone... I must have done something wrong!

When the door opened, she immediately rushed to greet Twilight.

To her horror, she was on Chrysalis's back, looking delirious.

This time Chrysalis wasn’t prepared. Before she could react, Rainbow had thrown herself on her.

"I know love makes creatures do all sorts of stupid things, but this takes the cake." Violently she ripped Rainbow off of her. Only her strong chitin had protected her from Rainbows scratching and, if she hadn't imagined it, even biting. "There has been an accident in the library. Apparently, a shelf collapsed, but luckily one of my children found her. It's weird, really. They should have still been in good condition."

Chrysalis levitated Spike's basket on the bed before walking over to the bathroom while still keeping a protective shield around herself. She turned on the giant bathtub and gently lowered Twilight inside it. "Keep an eye on her. The spell might have some side effects. Just in case anything happens, I will have one of my children stationed before your door." With that, a visibly annoyed Chrysalis left them alone.

Rainbow stood in front of the bathtub, leaning over Twilight. Twilight panted and squirmed while the water slowly rose.

I should have been there for her. I should have never allowed her to visit the library alone. Isabella said that they weren’t doing upkeep anymore. This is all my fault. If I had just-

Suddenly Twilight lunged forward and grabbed Rainbow, pulling her inside the bathtub.

“Whoa! Slow down, Twi!" Rainbow exclaimed.

Twilight had resorted to holding her in an iron grip, deeply nuzzling her. “My beautiful Rainbow Angel, don’t ever leave me!”

Rainbow… Angel?

She must be hallucinating.

But at least with Rainbow now there for her, the panting and squirming had decreased dramatically.

I am here now, Twilight. I am not going to leave you again.

And so she allowed Twilight to continue cuddling her while the water slowly continued to rise.

Chapter 8 - The Badlands Part 3

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Eventually, Twilight fell asleep.

Poor Twilight. I just hope she will feel better once she wakes up.

Carefully Rainbow removed Twilight's grip on her and crawled out of the bathtub.

Ok, what now?

She grabbed a towel and dried herself before looking at Twilight. There was still dust on Twilight's dishevelled mane or practically everywhere where the water hadn’t gotten yet, for that matter.

Do I…. clean her?

Rainbow's eyes were now fixated on Twilight. She couldn't come up with a clear answer to the question.

Would she want me to wash her? Do I have the right to do so without her consent?

…Even if I didn't wash her, I would still have to dry her off. I can’t just leave her in the bathtub.

Sweet Celestia. Why did Chrysalis think this was a good idea?

Rainbow grabbed the bottle of shampoo.

It's going to be fine. If I have to dry her off anyway, then I might as well wash her too. And knowing Twilight, she wouldn’t be overthinking this anyhow. Just like with the shower we had.

Once again, Rainbow massaged shampoo into Twilight's mane, this time being extra careful. It looked like she feared that one wrong move would lead to Twilight breaking into a thousand pieces.

She looks so peaceful. I bet she could easily get the role of Sleeping Beauty if she ever wanted to.

Slowly she washed the shampoo out of Twilight's mane before grabbing a cup that had been lying around. Rainbow filled the cup and gently let the water trickle down on Twilight to remove the last bit of dust while making sure it wouldn't get into Twilight's eyes or mouth.

There, now that is the Twilight I know. No piece of dust will be allowed to tarnish you under my watch.

It was then that she noticed that her thought process had gone in a very uncharacteristic direction for her.

That was weird.

Ahh, well, not like anypony knows about what just happened. Besides, so what if I think Twilight looks beautiful? Only a fool would disagree.

She grabbed the plug and let the water out. It was time to dry Twilight.

I wonder what she was hallucinating about for her to call me rainbow angel? What could have possibly caused her to drag me into the bathtub, nuzzle me and say that I should never leave her?

Maybe she can tell me about it once she has recovered.

Drying Twilight was a bit harder than it sounded, which caused her to only do a rudimentary job while still making sure Twilight was dry enough so that she wouldn’t get ill or soak the bed.

Now, how do I get you out of here?

That was a good question. Maybe Rainbow would be able to somehow get Twilight out of the bathtub and transport her to the bed.

But what if she wakes up? Or if I drop her?

I can’t take that risk!

Luckily there was someling that would probably be able to help, waiting outside.

Rainbow checked that Twilight was ok before looking for the changeling that Chrysalis should have stationed before their room.

Indeed, there was one immediately walking towards her.

“Hi, sorry for bothering you, but I need some help transporting my friend into the bed. Could you lend me a hoof, please?” she asked.

The changeling looked offended, “What? You already forgot my name?” Green flames engulfed the changeling, and suddenly Isabella was standing in front of her. “Are you suggesting that all changelings look the same?”

“Umm, no?” a flabbergasted Rainbow responded.

“Relax, I am just messing with you,” Isabella chuckled. “We are supposed to look the same. It helps confuse the enemy when trying to hunt down a specific ling and also makes for quite an intimidating show of force when we attack in numbers. Without the hive mind, even I wouldn't have any hope of recognizing my brothers and sisters. Now, let’s go fetch your friend.”

Rainbow pointed towards the bathroom, and Isabella walked inside it, enveloping Twilight in magic, levitating her towards the bed. Apparently, the changelings had cleaned it while they were gone.

“Thank you so much, Isabella-“

In what was another presentation that she had no concept of personal space, Isabella grabbed Rainbow and whispered inside her ear, ”I thought she was going to read the letter as soon as she was alone. I didn’t account for this. You need to make sure that she reads it the moment she wakes up because Spike's life depends on it. His constant sleeping… he is very ill. If you want him to survive, you must convince mother to let you leave the hive.” Isabella turned around, leaving a stunned Rainbow.

Spike is ill? But he seemed so cheerful with Twilight!

Rainbow's eyes wandered towards the basket. Just as expected, Spike was sleeping. Only now, it filled her with concern instead of ease.

Maybe I should take a look at this letter?

No! It is for Twilight! I will just have to be patient and wait for her to tell me what’s in it.

What now?

Rainbow wasn’t tired at all, but she couldn’t leave either. Somepony had to look after Twilight and Spike in the state they were in, and she would be dammed if that somepony wasn’t her.

There has to be something I can do to pass the time.

She made her way to the bookshelf. To her surprise, the books weren't dusty at all.

Let’s see: History of the Crystal Empire, The Diarchy, A Beginners Guide to Magic…

Equestria: How a Nation Was Born

Rainbow was going to choose this book until another caught her eye.

Adventures of a Lonely Spy

She picked it up. The book was in meticulous condition. One had to not look too far to find the reason for that.

Skylar wrote this book?

She struggled with herself as to whether she should put the book back.

This is the only fiction book they have. I am sure that if Chrysalis didn't want us to read it, she would have taken it away.

Rainbow lay down next to Twilight and began reading.


"There you are, Sneak. I have already received a preliminary report.” Sneak had finally made his way to her tent. “Don’t worry about Fluttershy. I have cast a sleeping spell on her. I learned my lesson about that with Candy -" Celestia's eyes formed into a piercing glare “- I have also cast a spell on her that should inform me about any foreign presence. I hope you have tracked down whoever stole Spike?”

“My Princess, we managed to follow Rainbows and Twilights trail towards the beginning of the Badlands, where we not only lost it but also began encountering a severe issue.” Sneak showed her the position on the map. “This is where we lost the trail and where we are going to relocate our camp. From there, we will start sending search teams into the badlands. Water will be teleported into the camp by a second team located here in Dodge City."

“I see. What is the issue you mentioned?” Celestia inquired.

"There seems to be a local phenomenon preventing any use of magic. Even flying is impossible,” he stated.

“Very well. I will investigate that once we are there-"

“My Princess, absolutely not! There is no way we can ensure your security this far away from the border! We will only be able to take a minimal number of ponies with us due to the water-"

“Sneak, my decision is final. For one, I am perfectly capable of defending myself, and additionally, no one would dare to attack me anyway.” Celestia dared Sneak to question her decision. He stayed silent. "What about the thief?"

“We are still investigating. He or she must have had knowledge about the workings of the guard, have been a master of disguise and has probably teleported away since an immediate lockdown and subsequent search didn't lead to any results," Sneak listed their lacklustre progress.

“We must find them… I have made a mistake. The basket holds a very… it holds a letter that can not be allowed to reach the wrong hooves. Do you understand Sneak?” A look of desperation had invaded her face.

“Of course, Princess. I assume you want us to deal with the thief once found?” A quick, affirmative nod confirmed his suspicion. As always, there would be no evidence of her direct involvement.

With that, one last issue remained, "Sneak, as you know, my forces are in shambles. I can no longer deny that. I also have to admit that my recent actions have made the situation worse. Without a Minister of Interior, a Minister of Defense, and, unfortunately, no longer a pony in charge of the EBI, things are looking bleak. I want the ESS to work together with Raven, my Chancellor, the ministries and the EBI to find new candidates as quickly as possible. Candidates that I will get through parliament without any issues understood?"

“The ESS will ensure that only the best nobles-“

“No, Sneak. I want the best ponies for the job. Luna was right about that, and I should have never changed it back to the old system. Candy was proof of that." Thinking about Candy still filled her with an enormous amount of regret.

“I see… I will make sure that your wishes are fulfilled prices.” Sneak could live with that. Once the list was completed, he had no doubt that the princess would pick a noble for the job. After all, a commoner like Candy was a miracle that wouldn't happen again, right?


Sunbeams woke Twilight up. A new day had begun.

Who’s a sleepy head now, huh?

Rainbow lay next to her, holding a book in her wings.

That looks adorable. I didn’t know she liked to rea-

What happened?

Frantically her eyes darted around the room, looking for any hints. Not finding any, she got out of bed.

I hurt myself, didn’t I? The bookshelf, I caused it to collapse.

Twilight walked over to Spike, who was still sleeping peacefully.

Thank Celestia, he is fine!

Slowly the memories returned.

Chrysalis brought me to a bathtub.

I called Dashie my rainbow angel.

Twilight wanted to slap herself. Her thinking about Rainbow that way was supposed to stay a secret, at least until she figured out the reason why she felt that way.

Hopefully, Dashie thinks it was due to Chrysalis spell… which it kind of was anyway.

“Mmh, morning Twi,” Rainbow had woken up.

“Morning, Dashie. I see you have found yourself a book. Is that why you didn’t let me get to the bookshelf the first time? So that you could get the best book first?” Twilight jokingly accused her.

"Please forgive me, Lady Twilight-"

“Don’t call me that.” Twilight forcefully interrupted her.

I don’t deserve that title.

Rainbow was confused at the sudden outburst, "Why not? Aren't you a noble? I didn't mean to offend. It was just supposed to be a joke.”

“I don’t know. It wouldn't be too far-fetched that my title has been revoked by now,” a dejected Twilight explained.

“Who needs a stupid title anyway? Who cares if the princess has revoked yours? If you wish, you will always be Lady-“

"No, Dashie, you don’t get it!” she screamed.

I will have to give her more than that. She doesn’t seem to understand the significance of a noble title at all.

“When the princess rose to power, she revoked the noble statuses of the current ruling elite, instead gifting it to the ponies she trusted most. From that day on, the nobility has only been expanded by the most loyal, most faithful subjects dedicating their life to the princess. You had to have done a truly outstanding feat for the crown or the country to even have a chance of being considered. This title was a badge of honour. A sign of my loyalty and dedication towards the princess. By betraying her and my country, I have forfeited the right to use it.” It felt good to finally make that revelation. To finally come to terms with it.

“I never realized that a title could be this important. Is that why you always defended the princess?” Rainbow tried to clarify.

“Dashie those titles… It feels so ridiculous to say that now… Growing up, I was quickly taught that they make you something special. They show the princess's trust in you. They grant you access to the highest circles. With them, you can accomplish anything. Parliament? All nobles and only nobles have the right to become part of it. The highest positions in government? You will never be considered for them without one. You want to get the princess's attention? You better have a title or get in line.

“In return for the princess giving us these privileges, for granting us her trust, we are expected to be by her side no matter what. We were supposed to support her in all matters. When the princess told us to jump, we were supposed to ask how high. A noble who gets a position in government has a duty to fulfil it with the best interests of the princess at heart. Do you understand?" she hoped her explanation was sufficient.

“I do, Twi. She bribed you. Bought your loyalty like it was nothing.” The anger Rainbow felt was unspeakable.

Twilight couldn’t believe her ears, “What? No! That isn’t-“

“Then what else was do you call it Twi! What else has made you qualify in the princess’s eyes other than the fact that she owns you like a whore!” Rainbow had resorted to screaming as well.

“It seems that I was stupid for believing that a low-life commoner could understand it!" Before Rainbow could retort, Twilight ran towards the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

Seeing the hurt she had caused, Rainbow's anger vaporized. Only guilt remained. Guilt for her careless choice of words and screaming.

She poured her heart out, and I called her a whore.

What kind of friend am I. How would I have felt when I had been given such a title and raised the same way, only to lose it all.

Another realization hit her like a runaway train.

She lost it because of me.

She lost it because I convinced her to leave instead of returning. If I hadn't done that, then maybe she would be sitting by the princess's side right now.

She has chosen me over her friends, family, and title… over her whole life.

Slowly she made her way towards the locked door.

“Twi, I am sorry. I didn’t mean it. Please open the door,” she begged.

“Go away, Dashie!” was the wailing response.

She tried again, “Twi, I was wrong-“

“No, you are right!” Twilight immediately interrupted with screaming that one could probably hear in the entire hive. “I did nothing to deserve that title! Just because a family member of mine did something in the far distant past, do I get to have special privileges now? That’s why I am a superior pony? More valuable than you? That’s why I am more trustworthy? Why I am more loyal? It’s stupid! You have only stated the obvious I refused to believe!”

What have I done?

She needed to stop Twilight's breakdown now. "Twi-“

“Like you said, I am just a whore! I sold my loyalty like it was nothing! I let myself get caught up in-“

“Twilight Sparkle!” Rainbow yelled with all her might. "You will open that door this instant, or I will break it down!"

A barely audible click signalled her compliance.

Immediately Rainbow rushed to Twilight, who had resorted to covering next to the door.

“Twi, I… Please look at me. This isn't your fault. I was stupid. Do you genuinely believe that I would have acted differently in your shoes?" Twilight didn’t react, choosing to continue covering her head in her hooves, staying silent.

“If you do, you are wrong. I have no doubt that I would have behaved far worse than you did. Not once have you given me any indication that you were a noble. If Chrysalis hadn't brought it up, I would have never known. Twi, you aren't a noble. They tried to make you one, but they failed miserably." Rainbow received a puzzled look.

It was the sign that she needed. The sign that she was getting through. “I know how nobles are supposed to be. They are supposed to look down on us common ponies. They think they are better than everypony else. They are stuck-up ponies with no idea how the real world works.”

Ok, maybe they succeeded in the real-world part.

“Have you ever behaved like that? Have you ever felt like you were superior? I know you said in our argument, but were those your beliefs, or was that what they told you to believe,” Rainbow wasn’t finished, “Twi, they used and abused you. They tried brainwashing you in despicable ways. I can only imagine the pony you would be if they succeeded. But you won. They didn’t get you, and if anything, that is proof of your strength. Proof of the strength of your character. You aren't the one to blame. The nobles are… and the princess that enables them. The princess who created a system that preyed on you and tried to groom a defenceless child. A child that had no way to protect itself."

“You still called me whore…." Twilight numbly stated.

I did, didn’t I?

“It was self-projection. I am the one who kissed you twice, with a desperate need for some actions. Have to say, I am impressed that you haven't fallen for my charm yet. Come Twi, what do I have to do to finally get you? This whore is really desperate-”

“Dashie, stop!” Twilight had stuffed her hoof into Rainbow's mouth, completely embarrassed by the words.

To her horror, Rainbow began licking it, “Ahh! Dashie! You are unbelievable!” The previous sadness was forgotten. In a split second, Twilight was at the sink, desperately trying to clean her hoof.

Rainbow had severe trouble containing her laughter, “I will get you one day, Twi! You can’t escape my charm!”

I still need to apologize, though.

And so, she did, "But seriously, I am sorry for calling you that. It was not only completely uncalled for but also untrue. I directed the anger I felt for the actions of others at you, despite you being the victim.”

Twilight had returned from washing her hoof and slumped down next to Rainbow again. "It's fine, Dashie. I forgive you. We both said things we shouldn't have. And I am not entirely sure if you are right about the victim thing. How can a victim live a life in luxury?"

“Stop. Just stop. If I were to punch you and then give you a million bits, would that stop you from being a victim because you can live a life in luxury now? Twi, the luxuries they gave you were just for that purpose. To stop you from noticing what was happening. If you still can't see that you were the victim because of those amenities, then they have fulfilled their purpose,” Rainbow hugged her, “Do you want me to tell you a secret?”

“A secret? Sure?" Twilight responded uncertainly.

“I think if the princess genuinely took this path to ensure the loyalty of the ponies surrounding her, then she is not only a weak leader but also has no idea how loyalty works. Those nobles, dad said that they were always acting like bullies. If I know one thing about bullies, then it is that they always take and take, never giving anything in return. I bet most nobles the princess surrounds herself with are doing just that. At best, she has successfully surrounded herself with a bunch of yes-sayers. True loyalty has to be earned and can’t be bought. Do you want me to show you?” Rainbow looked at her expectantly.

"Show me how?" Rainbow's words held a wisdom Twilight would have thought to be impossible for that age.

Rainbow stood up and put a wing on her breast, proclaiming, "Twilight Sparkle, I, Rainbow Dash, hereby pledge that I will be by your side no matter what happens. I swear upon my wings that I will protect you and let no harm befall you. As long as I live, I will do everything in my power to serve you to the best of my abilities.

“See, that’s how it's done. Who needs fancy noble titles for loyalty? And just so you know, I meant every word. You choose to leave everything behind to go with me, remember? You wanted to return home. You probably could have returned to your awesome life, or rather what you regarded as an awesome life at the time. Yet, you chose me. For that, I will be forever in your debt,” Rainbow was glowing with conviction.

“Oh, Dashie, you are a moron. Those words should not be spoken lightly! You are way too young to make such a pledge. Especially towards a pony like me!" Twilight chastised her.

“What? You weren’t too young to essentially make such a pledge towards a manipulative dictator. Why can’t I make one towards a genuine good-hearted pony that has truly sacrificed everything she had to go out there into the unknown with me?” Rainbow asked.

Twilight's heart melted at hearing those words, “Fine! Two can play this game! I, Twilight Sparkle, hereby pledge my eternal loyalty towards you, Rainbow Dash. As long as I breathe, I will stay by your side and protect you so that no malevolent forces may befall my rainbow angel. I swear upon my horn that I will do everything in my power to serve you in any way possible.”

She said it again.

Rainbow angel.

With a smirk, Rainbow retorted, “So, I am a moron, huh? At least I didn’t pledge my loyalty just to retaliate.”

“I stand by what I said,” Twilight pouted.

It was the perfect opportunity for Rainbow's next question, “Even the rainbow angel part?”

“I… Uhm… I didn’t mean… What I meant was…” only incoherent stuttering came out of Twilight.

Sweet Celestia. Seems like I broke her.

“Fine! Who cares! You are my rainbow angel! There I said! Now take me to the asylum!” She put her hooves in front of Rainbow as if she was expecting her to cuff them.

You have no idea how much I would like to hear that story right now.

But it had to wait. She had already pushed Twilight too hard and feared the consequences of doing so again.

“Hey, if I were to do that, who would take care of Spike? By the way, Isabella told me that he…."

Oh dear, here I am, changing the subject from one touchy topic to another.

“You need to read the letter. He is apparently very ill. His sleeping seems to be a symptom of the illness. Isabella said that if we don’t get Chrysalis to let us leave, then he will die-”

"Spike!" Twilight screamed, rushing out of the bathroom towards the basket.

We really shouldn’t have wasted any time with this. I should have told her right away.

Twilight began shaking Spike, who didn’t show any reactions. His breathing was the only indication they had that he was still alive.

“Spike! Spike!” Twilight again screamed.

“Twi! You need to read the letter. Only then will we know what is wrong. I didn't read it because, well… it was for you. But once you have read it, we can march right over to Chrysalis and fix this!" Rainbow had fumbled the letter out of the basket and handed it to Twilight.

Wordlessly, Twilight grabbed it and placed Spike back into the basket. Then, she marched over to the bed, threw herself on it and began reading while Rainbow watched.


Dear Twilight,

You are probably never going to read this letter, for as soon as I am finished, I am more than likely going to burn it like all the others I have written in the past.

I made a mistake all those years ago.

I have made way too many mistakes in my life.

My past choices have led to today's events, and while I believe they are regrettable, I stand by the fact that those were the best choices I could have taken at the time.

You are the key to freeing my sister from the dark magic that has taken hold of her.

You have been given enormous gifts, which will lead to you one day wielding at least one powerful artefact that is key in protecting Equestria.

Your cutie mark is already evidence that at least magic has chosen you like it once chose me.

Little Twilight, I have read your letter. The pony you are looking for is a fellow bearer. One day she will be standing by your side, wielding the artefacts together with you.

That is why it is essential that you and her return. There are tons of dangers heading right for Equestria.

Dangers I am too scared to face.

Dangers only those artefacts with you as their bearers can overcome. Without them and without you, death and suffering will be inevitable.

There is no other possibility. Magic has chosen you, and the other bearers are connected to you. Only your death might change that.

I don’t want to lose you.

For the sake of my sister, my little ponies, I beg you to come back to me!

The dragon. My guards told me that you named him Spike. I have done my best to take care of him. You created him! You created perfect life! There never was a real egg to hatch!

Even I failed at that.

Such a practice has been outlawed, but I forgive you! What you have accomplished is so much greater than what any ordinary unicorn could ever hope to achieve in a lifetime.

Then again, you aren't an ordinary unicorn.

Spike doesn’t show an ounce of violent tendencies! You have created him without using dark magic! He has genuine feelings and real intelligence. You did this! You and nopony else! He isn’t part of a known dragon species. Rather I think you created him after what you believed a dragon should be like.

You even gave him magic.

Magic he desperately needs to survive.

Magic, I can’t give.

Twilight, he needs your magic to survive. I don't know if he will need it for all eternity, but he will at least need it until he has matured more.

He needs to be near you.

I hope that until that is the case again, my healing spells will be enough.

This letter has gone on for long enough. As we speak, everypony I have is out there, looking for you and Rainbow. Whether or not we find you or if you return by yourself, one thing is certain.

I am never going to let you go again.

I will ensure that whatever has caused you to leave will never happen again.

I will give you everything you could dream about.

Equestria will be yours to take.

One day you will become one of its rulers anyway.

I just wish that things could have been different.


Princess Celestia

Ruler of the Sun

Diarch of Equestria


Twilight stood up, went towards Rainbow and held the letter in front of her, “Read.”

Rainbow sat down and did just that. This time it was Twilight's turn to watch.

Once she, too, had finished, only one thought was on her mind, "This is bad, Twi. Really bad. The princess… she is desperate. Way more desperate than any sane pony should be. Twi, if that letter truly presents the state of her mind, then there might not be a place on this planet we will be safe from her. She might never stop looking for us.”

“Is that all you have to say?” Twilight was shocked.

“Well, there are tons of issues with that letter. Although I don’t understand the issue with Spike. We are near him now, aren’t we?” Rainbow tried again.

It still wasn’t the answer Twilight was looking for, “Equestria needs us! Don’t you hold any loyalty towards it?”

Please, Twi. I don’t want to have another argument with you.

“Twi, we both read the same letter, didn’t we? If we return, we will be lucky if the princess only locks us up until the day she needs us. Worst case scenario, she wipes our minds and brainwashes us into the loyal followers she wants. She already basically tried that with you-”

“But our friends! Our family!” Twilight insisted.

“You already said that you saw us fighting magical creatures in your vision? Why do we need her to do that? Is sacrificing ourselves really the only way? What prevents us from solving these mysteries ourselves? That’s what we wanted to do anyway,” Rainbow argued.

“…” She had utterly taken the wind out of Twilight. "You know what, Dashie? You are right. We already have a basic idea of what we are going to face, and we have years to prepare. Why would we need the help of a manipulative princess to save Equestria? We can do this on our own. And if we can’t, we can still return at a later point.”

Wow. This must be the first time she has ever directly insulted the princess.

Twilight went and placed Spike's basket back on her horn, "This place here suppresses my magic. More than likely, that is why Spike's condition isn't improving."

I nearly forgot about that! We need to get out of here!

“How can we convince Chrysalis to let us go, Twi? Surely, she will not just let us leave, right?” Rainbow rubbed her head.

Instead of responding, Twilight grabbed the letter and threw it into the fireplace before grabbing a match to ignite it.

Why would you do that! Our evidence!

Rainbow was outraged. Twilight, on the other hoof, simply walked straight to the door, “Indeed, Chrysalis seems nice enough, but we can’t count on that. Luckily, she expects a story. A story we have yet to give. A story that, for Spike's sake, we will make sure, will result in her letting us go."

“How?” Rainbow had no idea how they could manage to do that.

“We are going to lie, Dashie. We are going to lie so much that it will put my former teachers to shame. I already have the perfect story in mind that is bound to appeal to her. All you have to do is go along.” She walked into the corridor, not leaving any room for Rainbow to retort.

Was that really Twilight speaking?

Quickly she hurried after her.

Twilight was now walking in an elegant and refined manner she hadn't seen before.

She looks like she owns the place.

In a way, it reminded her of Isabella’s first appearance. Only that Twilight looked way more regal.

The changelings they passed by only gave them questioning looks but didn’t dare to stop them.

Without any incident they reached the corridor where the diner with Chrysalis had taken place.

How was Twi able to remember the way?

But Twilight didn’t stop. She walked past the room towards the end of the corridor.

For a moment, she looked lost but then quickly walked towards a bunch of changelings wearing armour, making her way past them until there were only two changelings left, guarding a hole in the wall.

“Move!” Twilight commanded.

It shouldn’t have worked, but the surprise was all they needed to slip past them.

"I see the shelf caused more damage than I thought. Why the sudden change in behaviour, Twilight Sparkle?" Chrysalis was sitting on her throne. Clearly, she had already expected them.

“You gave us your story. Now it is time for us to come out with the truth and tell ours.” Twilight stated and put the basket in front of her.

What is going on with her? Surely she realizes that we can't lie to the queen! If she finds out, we will be toast!

“You could have just asked one of my children instead of barging in like that. But very well. Let's go towards the meeting room, so you don't have to keep standing-“

“I assume you have heard of the sonic rainboom?” she disregarded Chrysalis entirely and began to tell her story. “The reason why the princess is after us is that she wants us dead."

What are you doing! You're putting on way too much! She will never believe that!

To her credit, Rainbow remained calm on the outside, unlike Chrysalis. “Bold claims! Bold claims! Tell me, Twilight, why would Celestia care about you that much?”

“Because one day I am destined to overthrow her.” She said in the most serious voice she could muster.

That’s it. We are finished.

Chrysalis, however, was intrigued. Sure, it was a lot to take in, but if there was even a tiny possibility about the words being true… “How?”

"You must understand that Rainbow and I had to carefully consider whether we should tell you about that. Now that we have heard your story, though, there is little doubt on our mind that you could help us," Twilight continued spinning her story with ease.

“When the sonic rainboom happened, I had a vision that one day I would become an alicorn. The princess must have somehow noticed that. She stopped the vision, which is also when she probably put a spell on me. She tried erasing all my knowledge about it, nearly succeeding. I can barely remember anything about the vision anymore.

"What she didn't account for was that I would remember enough pieces to realize what she has done and why. Before she could notice her mistake, I ran away to look for Rainbow. She was part of my vision, although I can’t recall why.

“You have seen the lengths to which Celestia is willing to go to retrieve us. I have no doubt that if she ever catches us, she will not make the same mistake twice,” Twilight finished.

"Do you have any evidence?" Chrysalis asked, sceptical.

"Put a lie-detecting spell on me. I have nothing to hide,” she confidently stated.

Twi! That’s way too dangerous!

But Rainbow had to play her part, “She is right. After I performed the sonic rainboom, they arrested me. Their plan was to bring me to the princess for judgment. Luckily, I escaped and met Twilight. The moment I did so, however, was the moment princess Celestia started to hunt me down as well, with the same ferocity she was hunting for Twilight."

Chrysalis didn’t acknowledge her. Twilight was the one who claimed to have the vision. Twilight was the one with the answers.

A green aura washing over her indicated that the spell had taken effect, "I, Twilight Sparkle, have encountered a vision that showed me becoming an alicorn.”

Please let that be enough!

The spell stayed green.

“Very well. Your story seems outrageous but not impossible. Not to mention that it would not only explain Celestia's actions but also lines up with the information I already have. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and grant you the protection of the hive.” Chrysalis walked over and extended her hoof.

Twi, you are a legend! You did it!

Twilight didn't take her hoof. "I am truly honoured by that. However, I have to decline,” she gestured towards the basket, “Spike here needs my magic to survive. It is a side effect. That’s why we have to leave.” Again, the spell stayed green.

Chrysalis dispelled it. “No. If what you said is true, then you two are the most important assets we could have ever wished for. Letting you leave would be betraying all my children."

We should have seen this coming.

And Twilight had indeed seen this response coming. It was time to activate her trump card, “So you would condemn my son to die? I would have thought that after losing a child yourself, you would understand the pains stemming from that."


Chrysalis, shoot up with hostility radiating. Twilight's accusation enraged her. She lighted her horn up, ready to pulverize her.

Twilight didn’t show any reaction. Merely staring her in the eyes.

Rainbow, however, wasn't so calm, tackling Twilight to protect her from what would inevitably follow.

But the spells never came.

When both of them looked up, Chrysalis had returned to sitting on her throne. “You are right. It would be hypocritical, especially when I can literally sense the feelings you have for him. We will need to come to an agreement.”

Rainbow and Twilight picked themselves up.

Carefully Twilight put her mane back in order and dusted herself off before responding, "What are your demands?"

"I see. You want me to reveal my cards again so that you can use them against me. Just like you did with Skylar," the changeling queen accused them.

“Then I will go first. We expect you to escort us to a safe place. A place where we are safe from Equestria and its allies and a place where Spike can survive. We would also appreciate your help in figuring out the mysteries surrounding us,” Twilight listed her demands. "Do you have anything to add, Rainbow?"

Is there anything else we would need?

Well, these are negotiations, so why not just try to get as much out of it as possible?

“The place you bring us to should have reasonable accommodations. Additionally, we will need money and basic necessities taken care of for us. I also want to take a book with me-“

“Which book?” Chrysalis immediately interrupted her.

“Adventures of a Lonely Spy,” Rainbow meekly said.

“I will have an additional copy made for you,” was the hissing response.

"As a matter of fact, I will be able to fulfil all those demands. My children will be able to escort you to the Forbidden Jungle, near the border to the Badlands. There you should be safe from Equestria and any allied nations. We will be able to build accommodations for you and tend to your basic needs. We will guard you so that no one will attack you. And we will help you in ascending,” Chrysalis accepted all their demands.

It was too good to be true, “In exchange for?” both Twilight and Rainbow asked.

“You know that we are planning an attack on Equestria. Previously I planned to take Celestia’s place by simply impersonating her. It would have been very risky, with a high chance of the ruse being discovered eventually. Now there is a better opportunity." Chrysalis eyed Twilight like she had found a treasure. "Not only will it be so much easier to defeat her with an alicorn by our side, but it will also unlock the ability to rewrite the narrative.”

Twilight was taken aback. She didn’t like where Chrysalis was leading to.

“Just as the sisters once took reign, overthrowing the at the time current leaders, you would be able to overthrow her. Once we have taken her out and taken over Canterlot, you could take reign and expose all the terrible things she has done. We could then use it to justify your rule. Not only that. We could spin the narrative that harmony has chosen you because Celestia has lost her mandate due to her actions." The possibilities Chrysalis was imagining right now were endless. After all this time of hiding, the Great Mother had finally acknowledged their prayers. “Needless to say, we would expect you to allow us to live in Equestria and grant us the same right as all other citizens. And you will make me the co-ruler, just like Luna once was Celestia’s.”

They would install Twi as the ruler?

Or, more than likely, a puppet ruler.

"I will not take part in or support any military action." Twilight flat-out refused.

"Those are my terms. And they are already extremely generous. Take it or leave it."

"If you believe you can get me to fight my friends and family, you are sorely mistaken,” she emphasized her position.

“Ah, so this is about your brother? Very well, how about this? You two can make a list of ponies, and we will ensure their safety during the attack. We will also ensure to hurt as few ponies as possible and cause as little damage as possible."


Twilight looked at Spike. He needed to get out of here, and this was probably the best deal they could get. “We accept under the condition that should a reasonable way present itself for you to be integrated without attacking, you will choose this one instead. Of course, we would still be there to help you along the way.”

“Deal.” Chrysalis and Twilight shook hooves, with Rainbow hesitantly joining them.

Suddenly Chrysalis pulled Twilight close to her and whispered only loud enough for her to hear, “If you fail to uphold your end of the bargain, there will be no place on Equus where I don’t find you.”

Quickly Rainbow pulled her back.

What was that about?

Chrysalis just rolled her eyes, “Grab your things and then hurry. My children are already preparing a chariot.”

Twilight picked the basket up and quickly went to pick up their bags.

I can’t believe we just did that.

I can’t believe she just did that.

As soon as they had gotten to their room, Rainbow grabbed her, “We have to talk about the letter, about the deal, about your sudden change in behaviour-“

“I know. Trust me, I know. But not now. Right now, we must get Spike to safety, or it will all have been for nought." With those words, Twilight freed herself, grabbed her bag and went back towards the door.


Rainbow too, grabbed her bag and went outside into the hallway.

Isabella was already waiting for them, “So once again, the fancy treatment for you? I didn't even know we had a chariot.”

“Just bring us to the chariot, please,” Twilight pleaded. They had no time for jokes or friendly chit-chat.

“Sure thing,” the earth around them disappeared, and the next moment, they were in front of the chariot Chrysalis was talking about.

While Isabella was used to teleporting, Rainbow and Twilight were not. Only through sheer will was Twilight able to not only ignore her stomach's demands to throw up but also to pull herself and Rainbow into the chariot.

“I see you didn’t like the express treatment.” It earned her deadpans from them.

Having my own humour used against me. Not fair.

Isabella put on her armour, and shortly after, the chariot took off.


“Status report, Twister.”

Establishing the camp was way easier than they thought.

Then again, it was a much smaller camp now.

“I want to become the new EBI Director,” it was not what Sneak had expected to hear.

“I will put you on the list,” he acknowledged.

As if I would help you get that position. Took me long enough to find a good assistant.

“Thank you, Sneak. I really appreciate that. Maybe you could even write a recommendation for me? I know I have made some mistakes, but I have always tried my best and-”

"Twister, of course, I will do that. I know working for me can be a bit hard at times, but I have seen your dedication and your potential. I will do everything I can to ensure you will get that promotion. You deserve it,” he assured her in his most sincere voice.

That should be enough of that.

“And you have no problem with me not being a noble?” she tried to confirm.

And so his assurances continued, "It will, of course, make it harder to plead the case, but your hard work, experience and dedication have shown that you would be more than qualified. Candy wasn’t a noble either, so that should definitely help your case. You know, I was never a fan of a commoner getting that position. Still, having seen your work firsthoof, I know that you would make a better EBI Director than Candy ever could have hoped to be.”

This is getting tiring. At least Candy genuinely worked to get that position, without seeking help. She should know her place.

And that place was and forever would be his assistant. At least until he found somepony better for the job, “The report, Twister?”

“Of course, Sneak. I am so happy to hear that you really think that way. I knew my hard work would convince you.” All the overtime, the insults, the abuse. Finally, it was going to pay off.

I knew there would be downsides to choosing an insecure pony for the job. This constant validation-seeking is really annoying.

“The report, Twister?” This time his annoyance was clearly audible.

“I am so sorry. We have successfully established camp, and the princess is currently personally investigating the phenomenon that prevents us from using magic,” Twister began.

"Back from headquarters, I have received confirmation that they are preparing the list with candidates the princess has requested while also vetting them simultaneously," she continued.

That’s good to know.

For a moment, Twister hesitated. Sneak was not going to like the last point, “Then there is also a major issue that has occurred.”

“There always is an issue.” He flatly said, motioning for her to continue.

“You ordered the altering of the memories of Rainbow Dash’s parents. While the agent was doing that, the second sonic rainboom happened. It caused the spell to go haywire. We accidentally deleted all their memories of their daughter.” Twister had resorted to holding the report protectively in front of her face to shield her from what was to come next.

“They have done what! Those idiots! Morons! Am I the only smart pony around here! Where are they now?” Sneak screamed at her.

This is simply unbelievable. Wiping the memories of innocent ponies. The parents of a bearer, no less.

“The agent in question has been pulled from fieldwork. Rainbow's parents are at the hospital. We have spun a story in which the crashed do to the sonic rainboom, causing them to lose their memories-”

“And how long until the doctors notice our lies? No, we need to handle this differently,” he interrupted.

“Do you want me to inform the princess?” Twister suggested.

“Absolutely not. I will not have my record tarnished by this," Sneak shoot her down.

If this gets out, somepony will have to take responsibility, and that won't be the princess.

The parents of a bearer….

Maybe the princess would see it as an accident. Maybe he could sacrifice a few of his employees.

Or maybe I will take the blame.

But what could he do? Those spells were made to be irreversible.

He couldn’t afford this to tarnish his career.

The bearers are the one area where we can't screw up, and I have done nothing but do just that in recent times.

“Sneak?” Twister tried to get attention.

“Shut up! I need to think!” he snapped at her.

Even if I resign now, it could still damage me in the long run.

I should have never ordered the memory-altering.

It was inevitable that all the blame would fall on him. That was the price for this position. High risk, high reward. Becoming head of the ESS meant an unbelievable amount of political power in exchange for always having a sword dangling above one’s head.

There was only one conclusion, “Deal with them, Twister.”

Twister was shocked, "As in…."

"Yes. Make it look like there were complications. Make it look like an accident. Or… I don't care. Just make sure that at the end, there will be no evidence or witnesses left behind. That includes any internal records and all agents that know about this. Understood?" Sneak's voice was ice cold. “Me ordering the altering of their memories never happened. They died due to unfortunate circumstances that nopony will ever be able to trace back to us.”

“I understand. It will be done as soon as possible.”


The chariot made its way through the sky.

It bored Rainbow to death.

I just wish Twilight would at least acknowledge my existence.

Instead, Twilight was only fixated on Spike.

If she continues this, she will hug him to death.

And quite possibly, Rainbow would get jealous.

“Dashie, look out of the window! We are crossing the border,” sparks of magic around her horn emphasized her statement. “Let’s hope it will help Spike recover.”

Just as Twilight finished her statement, the chariot started to lose height, slowly making its way down towards the beginning forest.

“We can only hope for the best, Twi. We did what we could,” she responded.

Isabella made her way to the window, “We are going to fly a bit further into the forest and then land at a clearing,” before disappearing again.

I wonder why she always resorts to her pony form.

Another question Rainbow added to her long list. "Hey, Twi. Now that Spike is safe, can we talk about-“


Rainbow couldn’t finish her sentence. Hissing sounds could be heard, followed by what they assumed was Isabela’s scream. The fact that barely a word was formed made it hard to tell. At the same time, Isabela's voice had stopped a sudden jerk had gone through the chariot.

For a few moments, nothing happened. Only ominous quietness reigned.

Chapter 9 - A Flame Ignited

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“Good morning, Mister and Misses Belle. I am Special Agent Flash, and this is my… colleague Special Agent Orion.” For a moment, disdain was visible on his face. “We are very sorry for intruding, but there have been rumours that your daughter Rarity gained her cutie mark under unusual circumstances. May we come in, please?”

Cookie quickly responded, before her husband had a chance, “Of course. Can we get you something? Coffee, water-“

Flash and Orion darted into the house instantly, not giving them any chance to change their mind. "No, thank you. We are here on official business. Is your daughter not home yet?”

“Excuse me, but why are you taking such an interest in Rarity?” Hondo inquired.

“We are happy to explain in a moment. Can we sit down somewhere? This might take some time,“ Flash was careful not to raise any alarms. His superior had been clear. If he messed this up, he would end up like Dust.

“We are so sorry.” Cookie gestured towards the living room. “Please make yourself comfortable. Rarity should be home soon.”

They made their way to the living room and sat down. Not wasting any time, Orion handed them a court order. “Your daughter may be in danger. For her protection and the protection of everypony else, we may need to take her to Canterlot. For a final determination, we must know the exact circumstances of how she acquired her cutie mark.”

The words sparked fear in Cookie and Hondo. Just as intended. “Danger?”

“Surely you have read the newspapers? We believe that Twilight Sparkle foalnapped Rainbow Dash due to her connection to the sonic rainboom. If your daughter, too, gained her cutie mark as a result of the rainboom, then she is probably the next target.”

“But why? Why would she do that? Why can’t you stop her?” The thought that their daughter might be the target of a dark mage terrified them.

Orion and Flash knew that and pressed on, “Dark magic is not only highly perilous but also extremely powerful. We are doing our best, yet Twilight Sparkle is proving exceptionally smart and ruthless. She doesn't hesitate to use force against us, which makes things difficult since I have to admit we are hesitant to use force against her. Nevertheless, we hope that we can figure out a solution that will allow us to cure her without resorting to extreme measures.

"Until we have achieved that, we might have to put your daughter into protective custody. The princess herself would look out for her while also analyzing the connection between Rarity, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash.

“This is the safest way for everypony. Should Twilight Sparkle get her hooves on Rarity, there is no telling what she could do to her. Worst case scenario, she performs a dark magic ritual-"

The opening of the door indicated Rarity’s arrival.

“Mom, Dad, I am home!”

Rarity turned around the corner and was greeted by her parents rushing towards her. The two unknown ponies in the background didn’t escape her notice. “Is everything all right?”

"Thank Celestia, you are ok! We were so scared that-"

"Hello, Rarity. We are here on behalf of Princess Celestia. I am Special Agent Flash, and this is Special Agent Orion. Could you please tell us how you have gotten your cutie mark?" There was no need for Rarity to hear the story they had just told since that story was reserved for her parents only.

To their delight, Rarity didn't want to hear the reasoning for their request either, immediately breaking out of her parent's embrace and rushing towards Flash and Orion. "The Princess sent you? To ask about my cutie mark?”

“Indeed,” Flash confirmed.

Rarity felt like she would faint momentarily, but she had to stay strong. The princess needed her. “I wanted to make costumes for a school play. They needed to be spectacular! The best costumes one could dream of! One day I will become a great fashionista! The best Equestria -“ Rarity stopped herself. She was getting off-topic "- I tried and tried, but I just couldn't get them right. Just when I wanted to give up, my horn activated itself, and my magic dragged me away-“

“Your horn activated itself, dragging you away?” Magic acting by itself was nothing unusual, especially for young unicorns. Normally it either resulted in uncontrolled behaviour or was caused by desires the foal in question held. “Was it acting controlled? Did you secretly want it to do that?”

“No, not at all! I mean, yes… I wanted to create unique costumes, but my magic took me to a place I didn’t even know about!” Rarity exclaimed.

Flash and Orion looked at each other. They had no idea what to make of that.

“I even tried to resist, but my horn just wouldn’t budge. Finally, after an eternity of being dragged along, it placed me down before a gigantic rock! Foolishly I got angry, not realizing the gift I had just been granted. Then this huge rainbow wave happened, causing the rock to split apart, revealing dozens of beautiful gems. I brought them home and used them to enhance my costumes.

“The end result was amazing! They were beautiful! The crowd loved them! That was when I got my cutie mark. It was also when I finally knew once and for all that my destiny truly was to become a fashion designer,” she finished her story.

“Oh, wow. That was not entirely what we were expecting.” Flash and Orion had been briefed that the potential bearers should have gotten their cutie marks immediately after or with the rainboom. Yet, they couldn’t just disregard Rarity’s tale. “It would be best to bring you to the princess directly. She will be able to tell directly whether or not you… fit into the criteria.”

“I get to meet the Princess!” Rarity couldn’t contain her excitement. She threw off her backpack, immediately rushing towards the door.


Rarity’s parents were blocked from getting to her. “Unfortunately, you cannot accompany us. But don’t worry, we will keep Rarity safe and return her as soon as possible. Should you have any questions, you can always contact your local guard station or refer to the documents we have provided you." Quickly they made their way out of the house, scooped up Rarity and took off with a chariot that was waiting for them.

“What just happened?” Cookie asked her husband.

“I have no idea.” Hondo walked back towards the table and picked up the papers.

“Those were real officers, right?” His wife joined him.

Together they began to read carefully.


The chariot began to tilt forward. They were falling out of the sky.

Without thinking, Rainbow grabbed Twilight and catapulted them out. “Hold on tight, Twi!”

Just barely Twilight managed to do so while also not letting go of Spike.

Below them, they could see the chariot spiralling towards the ground, disappearing below the clouds, with no sign of the changelings that had been escorting them.

For a moment, Rainbow was hovering in the air, clueless about what to do next.

It was entirely the wrong thing to do. Yet, that realization only came when Rainbow saw a sharp object whirling at her. Only her quick reflexes enabled her to react at all.

But, even with those reflexes, she didn’t stand a chance. Not when she also had to carry Twilight.

Her attempt to get out of the way was interrupted when the arrow pierced through her wing, causing a deafening scream.

It was a scream that no one would ever hear, thanks to an enchantment placed on the arrow that quickly resulted in her being enveloped by foreign magic.

As Rainbow plunged towards her death, only one thought remained on her mind.

She had let go of Twilight.


Twilight was falling.

Dashie was hit!

She had lost sight of her, but one thing was certain.

She won't be able to save me.

It was up to her now. Spike and Rainbow depended on her.

But how! I can’t fly!

The cloud came closer.

The clouds!

Quickly she levitated her bag towards her. Previously she had felt foolish for trying to save it from going down with the chariot, even if it was just on instinct. Now that instinct would save her life. She took the amulet she had stolen in Ponyville out of it, putting it on.

It had to work.

Holding Spike as tightly as she could, she slammed into the cloud.

At first, the cloud seemed to give way before recovering at the last second.

It worked.

I am alive! It worked!

Twilight looked around. There was no Rainbow in sight.

That’s weird.

She used her magic to detach a small area of the cloud, slowly levitating it closer and closer towards the trees, with herself on it.

She could only hope that somehow Rainbow was ok.

And that whoever had attacked them hadn’t gotten to her yet.


Somepony had managed to catch her before she impacted the ground.

While she could barely make anything out, thanks to her blurred vision and ringing ears, it was clear to her that it wasn’t Twilight. Twilight would have rendered aid instead of carelessly carrying her around.

The pony threw her on the ground.

“We found one of the two ponies, Captain.”

Rainbow tried to make out her surroundings.

Next to her lay another pony.

“I… am sorry. Seems like we failed to uphold… our end of the bargain.”

I have to get out of here.

I have to find Twilight.

"Oh, would you look at that? The parasite has decided to finally speak!" Another pony walked towards them. “Get reinforcements. If the newspapers were correct, then this is Rainbow Dash, which means that the second pony more than likely is Twilight Sparkle.” The pony seemed to turn around. “Today, we have been graced with fortune, men! If you see Twilight Sparkle, kill on sight. This gift cannot be wasted.”

She is still out there. They have yet to find her.

There is still hope for her.

“What about those two?”

“The poison will take care of them, but I am feeling generous today. Let’s grant them a quick death.” She could hear a knife being unsheathed.

“Step away from my friends!”


Get away, Twilight! They will hurt you too!

Don’t throw your life away! Not for me!

A bright red/orange light engulfed the area.

“Seems like reinforcements won’t be necessary. Thank you so much for making our job easier. The Queen will be pleased.”

Rainbow summoned all her remaining energy, trying to see what was happening.

She has to have a plan, right?

She could barely believe what she saw. Twilight was engulfed by fire, her purple colour having been replaced by a weirdly threatening white. The only other colour were the two, now wholly red eyes, with mane and tail being replaced by long jets of flame.

"I said, step away from my friends!”

Somehow the flames got even brighter.

And not only that. It seemed as if bright yellow sparks were spraying from Twilight. To Rainbow, it seemed as if they were trying to extinguish the flames yet desperately failing.

She wanted to continue watching but couldn't. The remaining energy she had mustered had already waned, with her perception becoming more and more blurred.

The devil has come to save me.


This wasn’t the plan.

The plan was to come up with a plan that would allow her to safe everypony without alerting the weird-looking soldiers.

That was until she had seen the aftermath of their attack.

They killed them.

Those changelings did nothing to them! They only wanted to help us! To protect us! And they killed them for no reason!

Twilight had slowly made her way to where she presumed the chariot had crashed. Through some brushwood, she could see the remains. Around it lay dead changelings that once acted as their escort.

The sight filled her with an unbelievable amount of anger.

Yet, the soldiers didn’t seem to care. They just lingered around, looking at the changelings with apathy.

That was with the exception of Isabella, who at least seemed to still be breathing, causing her to get a personal guard. Though, the pool of blood around her indicated that the guard wouldn’t have to stick around for long.

I should be able to create a distraction to get her out of there.

Just as she wanted to do that, she could see Rainbow being carried to the crash site.

They threw her next to Isabella. “We found one of the two ponies, Captain,” the soldier that had carried her said.

Rainbow was in an awful state, with the arrow still sticking in her wing. That she was now also thrown onto the ground like a bag of sand only further fueled Twilight's anger.

Focus Twilight! All that matters is getting them out of here so that I can render the aid they need!

"Oh, would you look at that? The parasite has decided to finally speak!" Twilight could only assume that Isabella was meant. “Get reinforcements. If the newspapers were correct, then this is Rainbow Dash, which means that the second pony more than likely is Twilight Sparkle." The pony turned around. "Today, we have been graced with fortune, men! If you see Twilight Sparkle, kill on sight. This gift cannot be wasted."

Are they after me?

All this… because of me?

I am going to make them pay.

Twilight wasn't a doctor, but it was apparent that she was running out of time. If she wanted Rainbow and Isabella to survive, she would need to act quickly. The only problem was that she had severe doubts about whether or not a distraction was still going to work. Getting two injured ponies out of here by herself was bound to be difficult.

“What about those two?”

“The poison will take care of them, but I am feeling generous today. I will grant them a quick death.”

They are going to kill them!

I have to stop them!

I have to save my friends!

I have to save my rainbow angel!

The fact that the pony had unsheathed the knife with magic despite clearly not being a unicorn should have alerted her.

Yet by now, there was no reasoning with her anymore. The time to think had run out.

“Step away from my friends!” Twilight screamed not only far louder than she had intended but also far louder than she thought she was capable of.

“Seems like reinforcements won’t be necessary. Thank you so much for making our job easier. The Queen will be pleased.” Obviously, the pony wasn’t fazed by her.

Only now, Twilight noticed the flames that had sprung up around her.


Quickly she glanced at him.

The fire had wrapped itself protectively around him, not hurting him in the slightest.

While Twilight may not have known where the flames had come from, she was definitely going to use them.

"I said, step away from my friends!" She channelled all her anger into the flames that burst around her, setting parts of the forest on fire.

“That’s a nice show you are putting on here! Unfortunately, you will have to do better than that to scare me.” The pony that seemed to be in charge turned around, facing Rainbow. Dark mist formed around his face.

You are not going to kill her!

As if her magic had felt her distress, it quickly engulfed the entire area, forming a protective shield around Rainbow.

Too late, the captain noticed that he had massively underestimated the filly. That this wasn’t just a nice show of some illusion magic.

The spell he cast impacted Twilight's shield, immediately bouncing back at him, piercing his skull.

That’s what you get for hurting innocent ponies.

But Twilight had no time to enjoy her victory or worry about the fact that she didn't feel horrified at all. As soon as their captain fell over, the other soldiers, who had previously just watched the standoff between them, jumped into action.

They jumped into what would become a massacre.


I have failed.

Princess Celestia was in her tent examining a map of the Badlands.

How could I have been so blind?

How did I forget the existence of an entire race?

It had taken some time, but now there was no doubt anymore. The local phenomenon that prevented the use of magic in the Badlands was definitely caused by changeling magic.

Undoubtedly those leeches have already gotten their dirty hooves on Twilight and Rainbow.

She took a deep breath. Rash decisions brought her here in the first place.

Have they realized their importance?

She could only hope they did, or Twilight and Rainbow were almost certainly dead already. Sucked out of all their emotions, condemned to a life as a shadow of their former self.

I need to get them out of here.

Yet the changelings had a clear advantage. Knowingly or unknowingly, they not only held valuable hostages but also were nearly untouchable thanks to their protective spell.

With enough time, I might be able to break those protective measures, but then what? There is no way I can get them out of there safely.

It seemed like diplomacy would be her only choice.

What can I offer?


Would they believe me?

Her gut told her that they almost certainly would not. To be fair, she also had no intentions of following through with such a promise.

An exchange?

Cadence against Twilight and Rainbow?

It could work, thanks to both sides benefitting greatly with minimal risk involved, therefore seeming like the most straightforward solution with the greatest promise of success.

I should start small and not indicate how much I am willing to give away. Maybe those bugs are stupid enough to agree to a different deal-

That’s Twilight!

Celestia could feel the strong presence of magic.

And just like when the entrance exam happened, she could discern that Twilight was distressed.

You are not slipping through my hooves again! I don't care what it takes! This ends now!

Tracking down the anomaly to the Forbidden Jungle, she quickly fired up a barrage of teleports, unable to teleport directly through the Badlands.

If taking the long way is necessary to save my sister, then this is precisely what I am going to do. There is no place on Equus where I won’t find you. Where I won't get to you.

This ends now.


Any restraint Twilight previously held was gone.

Grass, bushes, trees, everything daring to stay in the path of her flames was quickly consumed by them.

Her magic had officially gotten out of control.

Or at least it had gotten mostly out of control. Twilight was still able to dictate the general direction.

I have no time for this! They have no time for this!

The first wave of soldiers was no match for her. They had tried to charge at her with no protection whatsoever, hoping to catch her off guard.

There was nothing left of them now.

The remaining ones seemed unsure how to proceed, split between wanting to flee or somehow take her down.

“Leave! Just leave!” Twilight shouted.

Instead of getting them to flee, it had the opposite effect. The soldiers took it as a sign of weakness and started whirling spells at her that her magic easily deflected.

“Give up, Sparkle! You can’t keep this up much longer, anyway,” somepony shouted.

They don’t take me seriously!

The response quickly came in the form of a massive ball of fire launched in the direction the voice came from, disintegrating everything in its path.

I have to stop this.

If they don’t leave… if they don't stop wanting to kill my friends and me…

Then I have to kill them.

The thought hadn't even fully formed before her magic had levitated a blade towards her that had presumably belonged to one of the soldiers once.

Suddenly they didn’t look so confident anymore. Despite trying their best, they hadn’t managed to land a single hit, the wall of flames prevented them from coming near Twilight, and now that demon filly also had a huge blade pointed at them, ready to pounce.

The worst part was that they only now realized that the flames had encircled them while they weren't paying attention.

With the option of escape gone, new resolve grabbed them. Quickly they formed a strong shield around them and regrouped. If Twilight was coming at them, then this would mean that there might finally be an opportunity to strike.

“Those Changelings never harmed anypony! What did they do to deserve this! What did Rainbow do to deserve this! What did I do to you! You are the true parasites here, snuffing out lives like that!” Twilight charged at them, a wall of flames and sparks following her.

She expected to have to take down the shield, yet shortly before she was going to impact it, they took it down and jumped out of the way.

Thanks to her momentum, Twilight rushed past them, which rewarded her with spells impacting her back.

“Why don’t you just die!” pain overtook her, and her vision went white.


What has happened here?

Princess Celestia didn’t know what to expect once she arrived, but it certainly wasn’t this.

Dead changelings and bat ponies lay on what remained of the ground. Around her, the forest was ablaze.

Focus! I just have to get Twilight and Rainbow!

Quickly she scanned for signs of life, making her way towards them, having to navigate around a massive crater.

Once she arrived, two sleeping mares greeted her, a changeling and Rainbow Dash.

They look perfectly fine. Why are they just sleeping here?

Where is Twilight?

Celestia levitated Rainbow on her back.

“Put her down!” Celestia turned back around.


There she was. Crawling out of the crater she had previously ignored with the stolen dragon on her back.

Thank god I don't have to worry about him anymore. I would have never been able to look her in the eyes again if I had lost him.

Right now, however, there was a more concerning reason to be stunned than Spike. "Twilight! What has happened to you?" Twilight was on fire, glaring at her with red eyes, cuts, bruises and blood covering her body.

“Just put her down!” she repeated, continuing to crawl forward.

This is all my fault. I should have been there for her.

I should have protected her.

Princess Celestia carefully put Rainbow down again. "Here, I put her down. She is fine. I checked-"

“Leave!” Twilight commanded.

“Twilight, please calm down. I am not here to hurt any of you. Let me help you.” She took a step forward.

But this time, she didn't manage to snap Twilight out of it. “Stay back!” Twilight horn lighted up, with magic again leaking into the vicinity, which caused the golden sparks to appear again.

She is breaking my spell! I have to stop this!

“Twilight, please! I know that something horrible must have happened, but I am here now! Let me help you! I am not your enemy!“ Celestia pleaded while at the same time preparing herself to take Twilight out.

“Not my enemy! Not my enemy!” Twilight forced herself to stand up and slowly marched towards Celestia. “I read your letter! You just want to use me!”

I knew writing down my thoughts like that was a mistake.

“Rainbow opened my eyes! You are nothing but a dictator!” Twilight advanced further.

Celestia couldn’t help but shoot Rainbow a dirty glare. Somehow that pegasus had ruined years of hard work. “I would never-“

The burning filly didn't want to hear her excuses. “You imprisoned my parents! You tried to commit genocide! You censored history records!

“You are just as bad as they are!” Twilight gestured to the dead bat ponies.

She isn’t listening to reason.

Celestia let her horn light up. “I am sorry, Twilight. This is for your own-”

She would have won.

Even in Twilight's all-powerful surging state and even if she herself was weakened by the teleports, Twilight would have been no match for her.

After all, she was practically a goddess, moving sun and moon.

Not only that, but she was also way more experienced.

And she let herself get caught off guard by a lowly pegasus.

Rainbow had managed to wake up without her noticing, tackling her to the ground.

It was all the distraction Twilight needed to successfully whirl a knife at her that perfectly hit its mark in her eye.


As soon as Celestia fell to the ground motionless, it became dark.

Not entirely, of course. Twilight's flames provided more than enough light for them.

She made her way towards Rainbow, disregarding the dead princess.

“Are you ok?” Twilight kneeled next to Rainbow.

She killed her!

She killed the princess!

She practically murdered a goddess!

“Dashie, are you ok? Has she hurt you?” Twilight looked her over, trying to find the injuries that should have been there.

“I think I am fine for some reason?” Rainbow glanced at her wing. Nothing indicated that just a short time ago, an arrow had pierced it.

Twilight threw herself on her, the flames simply dancing around Rainbow instead of harming her. "I was so scared! They were going to kill you!" she sobbed.

Slowly the fire bursting of Twilight died down, with her natural colours returning.

“It’s ok, Twi. It’s ok.” Rainbow muttered.

We are going to work through this…


A bright spell impacting Twilight, knocking her out cold, proved otherwise.

We are so dead.

Princess Celestia levitated Rainbow towards her, with magic forming around Rainbow's neck.


The pressure around Rainbow's neck increased dramatically. "I am an immortal alicorn. I control the day and night cycle. Do you really believe that a simple knife will be enough to kill me? Let me tell you a secret. We alicorns are very durable. Death doesn’t stop us. It merely slows us down.” As if to prove her point, the knife sticking in her eye disintegrated.

“We didn’t mean-“ Again, the pressure increased. If her face hadn't been blue already, it would have undoubtedly gone blue now.

“Didn’t mean to kill me? I am sure Twilight didn’t mean to. You on the other hoof “- Celestia grabbed Rainbow's wing, breaking it. The cries of pain were music to her ears. "A few days ago, Twilight was the most loyal subject a princess could have wished for! She loved me! She adored me! She wanted to be just like me!" Rainbow could have sworn that the fire had returned. Only this time, the princess was the source. "Cadence always insisted that ponies like you wouldn't negatively impact society's morals, yet here we are! A few days with you and Twilight has become a murderer!” Celestia broke her other wing.

“If you kill me, she will never forgive you," Rainbow cried out, barely processing any of the princess's words.

“News flash! I can always edit her memories! She won’t even remember you when I am done!”

Very slowly, the princess continued, making sure to emphasize every word. "Nopony will ever remember you when I am done. You will just be forgotten. Nopony will cry for you, nopony will ask for you, nopony will look for you. Not even your parents and definitely not Twilight.”

The words hit their mark perfectly. Rainbow had stopped struggling.

Forgotten? Just like that?

“Are you going to cry now? Where has the rebel in you gone?” The princess mocked her.

“Where is the pony that ruined my precious Twilight?” The pressure on Rainbow's neck was eased. “The pony that convinced her that I am an evil dictator?”

She isn’t your property.

“Nothing to add, Rainbow Dash? No defence?” Celestia used her magic, forcing Rainbow to look her in the eyes.

Rainbow spit on her. “She is her own pony! You don’t own her! You don’t get to dictate her life!”

The princess nodded, unfazed, before robbing Rainbow of air again. “This is where you are wrong, my little pony. Twilight would be nothing without me. She wouldn't even be alive. Her entire existence centres around the fact that she will become the element of magic one day. Her whole life was engineered to ensure she would become a worthy bearer who would do my bidding.

“Do you have any idea how hard that was? Making sure she would get a good family? Making sure she would grow up with the right set of morals? Getting her to dedicate her life to magic? Ensuring she would adore me?

“Nothing in her life was left up to chance.

“That was until you messed it all up with your rainboom.”

“So… sorry… my… Princess.” Rainbow used the little air she still had.

As a response, Celestia threw Rainbow into the next tree with all her might. “I forgive you, Rainbow Dash. Like I said, I am more than capable of fixing Twilight.”

And by fixing, you mean transforming her into your personal slave again.

“She is smart. One day she will figure it out.” Being able to breathe again was a relief, yet the throw had also taken its toll. Rainbow could barely move.

“I will take my chances.” The anger slowly dissipated, with a look of pity forming. “We have wasted enough time already. Before I deal with you, I just want to know one thing. Why?”

I just have to stall! Twilight is bound to wake up again!

She can save both of us!

"You are going to have to be more specific, your majesty.” Rainbow continued her mocking.

But Celestia didn’t let herself get distracted. She wanted an answer, and she was going to get it. “It is obvious that you have put Twilight down this path. She fled because of a vision that must have shown you. Now, a few days later, she is a completely different pony. You must have done this to her. Why?”

What does she want from me?

Rainbow genuinely had no idea what Celestia wanted to hear. “My Princess, I still have no clue what you are getting at.”

“Ponies love me. Twilight loved me,” Celestia sighed, “Since you are apparently not smart enough to get my implications, I will confront you directly. What have you done to her? I already know that you convinced her that I am a dictator, and I know Twilight. The mere thought of running away would have never crossed her mind. You must have manipulated her. I just want to know why you did it. To get her for yourself? To spite me? Or are you working for a third entity? Have those nightmare moon loyalists gotten to you first?”

Is she seriously accusing me of manipulation?

“I merely told her how real life worked. It was more than enough to topple your charade.” A confident grin underlined her statement.

Celestia didn’t let herself get fooled by it. The bitterness Rainbow spoke with was clearly audible to her. "Real life or your life? I assume you didn’t have it as easy as she did?”

You don’t say. Applause for our new top detective.

Rainbow avoided eye contact, keeping quiet.

"I always strive to make Equestria a good place to live for everypony. It seems that with you, I haven't succeeded yet. Is that why you twisted her mind? To get back at-“

Rainbow couldn’t hear the self-centred ramblings anymore. “Not everything is about you! I didn't even know you! Do you really believe I have some secret dart board with your face on it? I just hated my current life! There is that what you wanted to hear? There was no secret plan to get back at you. I just wanted to leave and change things. Twilight just happened to be there. Without her help, I wouldn’t even have managed to escape.”

The admission didn't shock Celestia. She was more than aware of the fact that life wasn't always sunshine and roses. “I am sorry to hear that. Maybe we have started on the wrong hoof here-“

It was apparent where Celestia was leading to. "What? Are you going to bribe me now? Promise me a fancy noble title and shower me with money? Just like you did with Twilight? Keep it! I don’t need it, nor do I want it.”

I was already perfectly happy before you showed up to ruin it again.

Indeed, it was precisely what Celestia had wanted to offer. “That’s unfortunate. Thank you for your honesty.” her horn lighted up.

Healing magic enveloped Rainbow, undoing the damage she had done.

Rainbow stared at her questioningly.

What is she up to now?

“This is definitely going to hurt.” Magic pierced her head, invading her mind and forcing her to relive the memories of the last few days.

Mercilessly Celestia held her in place, not allowing even the slightest movement. “Let’s see what you were up to.”

She is going through my memories!

It was a violation of privacy that Rainbow wouldn’t have wished on her worst enemy.

Please wake up, Twi! I need you-

“She is not going to wake up. The spell I cast on her will keep her knocked out for hours, if not days. You are not going to catch me off guard again.” Celestia continued looking through her memories. “You two really have left quite the impression on each other, haven’t you?” It’s a shame that you and Twilight lost your recent memories after we cured you of the dark magic.” Finally, she was the one with the mocking smirk. Being in control again certainly was a relief.

With a plan in mind, Celestia carefully located the memories needed.

Lost my memories? Is she going to make me and Twi forget everything that happened?

If she does this, will we ever become friends again?

“Don’t resist. You won’t win anyway.” Rainbow didn’t pay any mind to the princess’s words, trying her best to wind herself out of the iron grip.

I don’t want to forget.

I am not going to forget!

I am not going to let her win!

I am not…


Good riddance.

Princess Celestia had located all the memories she needed, carefully making sure to avoid making a mistake.

It's a pity, really. Under any other circumstances, I would have been happy for Twilight to form such a close connection to a fellow bearer.

A loud roar got her attention.

She spun around, still holding Rainbow in her grip.


She could barely recognize him. The once cute and tiny baby dragon had transformed into a colossal monstrosity towering over her, laced with Twilight's magic.

But I used the most potent sleeping spell I had on her!

She tried to make Twilight out. To her surprise, she located the filly on Spike's back, still sleeping.

All this, and she isn't even awake?

All this for her?

Spike remained in place, towering above her yet making no move to attack.

What he wanted was clear.

Whether or not Celestia would comply was another question.

No matter. I am more than capable of taking Spike out. Not to mention I have Rainbow as a shield.

But she was still hesitating, uncertain if that would be the right move.

She must know I would win, right? This is why she isn’t attacking, isn’t it? Is there another angle to this? Am I missing something? Was she hoping she could bluff her way out of this?

Does it even matter?

Reality set in.

A reality she had tried her best to ignore.

Ungodly amounts of bits, endless scheming and manipulating, the best agents Equestria had to offer in addition to all the actions she had taken these last few days, it all had been no use.

If she is willing to go to these lengths to protect Rainbow, then I really shouldn’t meddle. Who knows what tampering with her memories would do if that pegasus is already so ingrained in her subconsciousness that it summons up this.

She would have to face it and adapt.

For Luna’s sake

And that meant letting Rainbow go, who immediately fled towards Twilight.

Celestia watched her every move, readying herself. How Twilight would react was going to dictate everything that would inevitably follow.

The observation included a spell that enabled her to hear Rainbow's next words. "I don't know if you can hear me, but you are amazing, Twi!”

Twilight didn’t react, but her magic enveloped Rainbow, seemingly hugging her.

I will still have to talk with her about this.

“Love you too, Twi. Now let’s crush her!” Rainbow pointed towards the princess.

Celestia quickly cast a shield. Surprisingly, nothing happened. Apparently, Twilight wasn’t so keen on killing her again.

“Twi?” Rainbow eyed her questioningly.

At least there is still some sense within Twilight.

It was time to seize the initiative again. “You win! I will not harm any of you!”

“No, Twi, don't trust her!” Rainbow urged Twilight.

To Celestia’s delight, it fell on deaf ears. In a split second, the magic disappeared, and Twilight, Rainbow, as well as a returned-to-normal Spike, were sitting on the ground in front of her.

Or lying in Twilight's case.

“Let the poor filly be. Twilight has already summoned up multiple miracles for you. It's a wonder she hasn't yet died of exhaustion.” Celestia walked over to Rainbow, who was still frantically trying to get Twilight to attack. “I suppose we don’t have to like each other. All you have to do is use your element to heal my sister when the day comes. Can I count on you to do this?”

“Go to Tartarus!” Rainbow screamed with all her might. It sounded like a last cry of defiance from a pony that fully expected death to be imminent.

Celestia suppressed her desire to strangle her again, instead focusing on the situation at hoof, going over to Twilight and Spike, making sure they were ok.

What she wasn't above, though, was a snide remark. "You are aware that as an alicorn, Twilight will never be able to fully commit to anypony?"

"Twilight already told me about her vision. We will change things. We will ascend together with the other bearers.” The words were spoken duly as if Rainbow didn't really believe them.

That’s good. If I can’t edit her memories, then I will just have to tone that rebellious spirit down a bit.

Celestia quickly surveyed the area, verifying that she hadn't forgotten anything and preparing the teleport back to Canterlot. Before she did that, however, there was still time to rub more salt in Rainbow's wounds. “You are delusional. Do you think I would still be alone if that was possible? Cadence was an exception, with even me not knowing how it happened. As for Twilight, what you intend to do was never a possibility, to begin with."

Rainbow shrugged her off. “We are going to find a way. And even if we don’t, I will stay by her side regardless.” There had been no malice, furry or rage in her tone as if she had simply stated a law of nature.

She definitely represents loyalty. Without using magic, I will never ever be able to get her off Twilight's back again. Even then, I have no idea how her element would react to that.

At least that means I will only have to ensure that Twilight follows me.

She wasn’t going to try and rile Rainbow up any further, instead swooping her, Twilight as well as Spike up and teleporting away.


They appeared in a room.

Celestia used her magic to remove the sleeping spell she had cast on Twilight.

Rainbow's eyes naturally moved towards Twilight, causing her to become the next victim of a sleeping spell before she could react.

Twilight opened her eyes. “Where am I? What happened? Dashie-”

"Don't panic, Twilight. You are all safe now. I brought you back to Canterlot. Rainbow is over there.” Celestia pointed to Rainbow, who was now sleeping on the ground. “I have cast a sleeping spell on her so that we could have a talk in private."

You had no right to do that.

Twilight rushed over to Rainbow, trying to verify the princess's claims.

"I realize you two have grown quite close, despite knowing each other for only a concise amount of time. Did your vision have something to do with that?” Celestia probed.

Why would she care?

“My vision has made me aware of her existence, your highness. I don’t believe we would have gotten close so quickly just because of it,” Twilight reasoned.

The princess wasn't happy with Twilight's overly formal demeanour, which bordered on the verge of mocking. “There really isn’t a need for those formalities, Twilight. I think we are over them after what you have done.”

After what I have done?

Oh no-

Celestia intervened before she could freak out. “It’s alright. I am not going to hold it against you for obvious reasons. I will just assume that you were under a lot of stress from the attack on your life and didn’t mean to lash out at me. Just know that this is a one-time exception. If it happens again, there will be consequences. Even for you.”

I tried to kill her! I succeeded in killing those soldiers! I am just as bad!

I accomplished my goal. Rainbow is safe.

“There are so many things we need to address. If I were to attempt and make a list about it, it would end up becoming a book. Still, I am committed to trying to make amends. All concerns you have will be addressed-“

“Because you need me? Like you stated in your letter,” Twilight interrupted her.

“Yes.” There was no resentment about it. For Celestia, it was a simple fact she had come to terms with a long time ago.

Is she really that desperate? Is she really going to overlook everything that happened?

How far could I push her?

“But not only I need you. If Luna, or rather Nightmare Moon, that’s the name she has chosen for herself after the dark magic took over her, wins, then she will bring about eternal night. I am sure you are aware of what the consequences would be for the entire planet.

“Can I count on you to wield the elements against her when the time comes?” Celestia asked, hoping for a better response than she had gotten out of Rainbow. “Can I count on you to heal her of the terrible curse that has taken hold of her?”

Should I try to take advantage of her desperation?

The princess basically confirmed what she had written in the letter. For a moment, Twilight imagined all the things she could press out of her. Money, fame, power, the possibilities were endless.

Do I want to do that, though? Take advantage of her and the fact that I have been chosen as a bearer just to enrich myself?

Is that the pony I want to be?

Her silence had caused Celestia to become visibly nervous. “Twilight?”

“I don’t know what Rainbow told you, but I have already seen Nightmare Moon in my vision, and we have already decided to use our elements to heal her." It could have been the opportunity of a lifetime, yet it just didn’t feel right.

Of course, the princess knew that now, thanks to looking into Rainbow's memories, but she wasn't willing to give that away. “You did? Why run away then?”

Might as well tell her the whole truth now.

"We just came to the conclusion that we could do so alone without your help," Twilight admitted.

“I admire your confidence, yet you will definitely need my help if you want to win against an experienced alicorn, even if she will be weakened.” Celestia quickly rattled down, moving on to what she really wanted to know. “Did you win? If you did, did your vision show you what happened afterwards?” The question was drenched in uncertainty. As if she didn’t know whether she wanted to hear the answer or not.

“I think we did. After we fought who I assume was Nightmare Moon, a blue alicorn appeared to rule by your side-“

“I knew you would be able to do it!” Celestia hugged her. "And now we will do our best to make that vision a reality. Has it told you anything else that could help?”

Oh, wow. That was weird.

“Well, you didn't really help us at all. You weren't there. The other bearers and I, we fought alone, without any soldiers or help by our side.” She pushed back on the princess’s claims that they needed her since her vision hadn't given her any such indications on multiple occasions.

“Of course, I wouldn’t be there or soldiers. If I were, I would make it more evident to her that you were threats. That doesn't mean you weren't protected. Just because something couldn't be seen doesn't mean it wasn't there. I couldn’t imagine a single scenario where I would have let you fight her without protection.

“For the elements to be used against her, you would have to get near her first. Making her underestimate you by seemingly not being a threat at all would be the easiest way to get close to her. Once you are, I would have to count on the elements doing their job and you as bearers not only able to use them but also wanting to,” Celestia justified herself.

I guess that would make sense…

“I must admit that your actions have caused me to fast-track my plans. I will introduce you to-“

The door was ripped open. “Hold it right –“ Upon seeing the princess, the guard immediately threw down his weapon and bowed before her, relief clearly visible on his face “- My Princess, you are alive, what a relief! Please excuse my insolence!”

Does he know?

Celestia, too was confused. “Of course, I am alive. Why wouldn’t I be?”

In response, the guard just pointed towards the windows.

It was still dark outside.

Quickly the princess summoned her magic, setting the sun in place again. “Status report!”

She raised the sun with me right in front of her!

Twilight gushed. It was such an incredible act. She could have never imagined her being right next to the princess while she did that.

If only the circumstances were better.

“Most of the guard is out there trying to uphold public order. We have reports of mass panic among the citizens. Communication with the military has broken down, with rumours that military high command is acting by itself-”

“What about Princess Cadence?” Celestia interrupted.

“She is having a mental breakdown in the throne room, I think?” The guard glanced over to Twilight as if he suspected she had something to do with all this.

This is my fault, isn’t it?

“So much for wanting more responsibility!” Celestia was exasperated. “I will be back shortly, Twilight. Just don’t blame yourself. It is my fault for forgetting to raise the sun again.” With that, she shot a spell at Rainbow before rushing out of the room, dragging the guard with her. Behind her, the door slammed shut.


Twilight turned around. Apparently, the princess had decided it would be best to wake Rainbow again. “Dashie, what happened?”

“Too much, Twi. Way too much.” She was still lying on the floor, not even attempting to get up. “Where are we, Twi?”

Have I missed something?

“Canterlot. Probably in the palace,” Twilight answered. Rainbow's unusual dejectedness irritated her.

“Awesome.” Rainbow still wasn’t moving.

Ok, clearly, something must have happened after the princess knocked me out.

But first, she needed to get Rainbow off the floor. “Dashie, can you get up for me?”

“I don’t want to.” Again, the apathetic voice raised multiple alarm bells.

“Please?” Twilight tried one last time.

“No,” she answered defiantly.

Twilight levitated Rainbow off the ground, directly in front of her face. "Rainbow, I can’t help you if you don't tell me what's wrong."

“…” Rainbow tried in vain to wriggle out of her grip, trying to avoid eye contact.


“She wanted to erase my memories. And in the process, I am pretty sure she looked through all of them. At least at all my memories of the recent days.” Since Rainbow couldn’t avoid eye contact by wriggling out of Twilight's grip, she instead had chosen to close them.

“The princess would never do that!” Immediately Twilight regrated her words. All the energy she had gotten out of Rainbow by levitating her had disappeared again, causing her to just limply vegetate in Twilight magic, still with her eyes closed.

“I mean, are you sure? Princess Celestia has shown no hostile behaviour towards me?" she tried to salvage the situation.

There was no response. Only Rainbow's breathing indicated that she was still alive.

Twilight levitated her onto the bed. The moment her magic released Rainbow, she grabbed a pillow, burying her head inside of it.

Dashie would never lie to me, right?

No, she clearly isn’t simulating.

Still, the princess's behaviour simply wasn't matching Rainbow's claims.

“She has done so much worse!” the muffled voice brought Twilight back to reality. “She broke my wings! Threw me into a tree with all her might! She probably nearly killed me!”

There aren’t any injuries?

Twilight had the sense, not to mention her doubt, but Rainbow could still sense it. “You don’t believe me, do you?

“Twi! She talked about you like you were a tool! She was going to erase all my memories of the last few days! Make me forget ever meeting you! I have no doubt that she would have done the same to you afterwards.” Rainbow trembled but managed to continue. “I was so scared. I tried putting up a strong facade, but on the inside, I felt so weak. There was nothing I could do! I was just a toy she could do with whatever she wanted!” she admitted.

Twilight was torn. Two sides of herself were battling against each other.

It has to be a lie. I know Rainbow has opened my eyes to many terrible injustices, but this is too much.

But Dashie wouldn't lie to me. Are her claims really that farfetched? Chrysalis did essentially accuse the princess of genocide.

“Why didn’t she go through with it? Doing all that and not going through with it makes her look horrible." Twilight felt bad. She knew that she should be there for Rainbow, not questioning her. Yet, she needed to piece the story together.

“Despite being unconscious, you transformed Spike into a gigantic monster, forcing her to back down. She promised she wouldn't hurt us anymore, which led you to surrender us to her.” Rainbow's voice was a mixture of gratefulness and resentment.

Twilight glanced over to Spike. He was awake, seemingly ok, although he looked a bit worn out. His eyes glanced at her as if he was waiting to receive attention. Yet, he stayed silent, seemingly understanding that Twilight was needed somewhere else right now.

Could I really have done that? Transform Spike into a monster?

She thought about how she attacked the soldiers.

She thought about how she tried to kill the princess.

I could, couldn’t I?

“You don't have to believe me. I understand it must be hard for you to hear these things about your idol.” Rainbow forced herself up, trying to look like everything had been forgiven and forgotten.

Even Twilight could see through the facade.

The princess or Dashie?

Suddenly, the choice was clear. If anything, she was wondering why it wasn’t before.

“We will hold her accountable for that.” Twilight's voice was ice cold.

“Don’t.” Rainbow shut her down. “Trying to fight her will not work. At any moment, she could turn around and decide to go through with wiping our memories."

I guess that’s right.

Still, there has to be a way.

“We should just suck it up and try to arrange ourselves with her. I doubt she will ever let us get away again. Not only that, but any failed escape attempt could also result in a memory wipe." In a way, the princess had succeeded. Even if Rainbow had previously acted defiantly, the fear of the princess making good on her promise would be enough to keep her in line, for the most part.

For Twilight, it had the opposite effect.

The princess was correct. Just because you don’t see something doesn’t mean it isn’t there. I have tried to look for visible injuries, completely overlooking possible mental scars.

“If she takes away our memories, will we still be friends? The princess hates me, Twi. She would never-”

“You don’t have to be worried about that. Remember the letter? You are a bearer as well, so she can’t separate us,” Twilight tried to reason.

Yet it only fueled Rainbow's fears. "Just because we would both be bearers wouldn't mean we would become this close again! I had friends in the past, but I always was superficial with them!”

A scene had flashed before her.

She had been talking to Rainbow in a shop. Rainbow seemed happy.

She wasn’t.

She had been feeling lonely.

She had been feeling sad.

She had been feeling incredibly jealous.

Rainbow had been wearing a wedding dress.

“Earth to Twi. Are you still there?” Rainbow was waving her wings in front of her face.



What did I even see? What are the implications?

Twilight didn't entirely know. Yet, she had a horrible feeling about this. That somehow, she had just witnessed a terrible crime.

A crime she couldn’t tell Rainbow about.

“You are right. There is no guarantee that we would become so close again,” she successfully quelled Rainbow's suspicion.

“Yeah, that’s why we will have to tread very carefully. The princess obviously hates me, but luckily, she seems to favour you. We have to use that to our advantage.” Rainbow may have no idea how to do that, but she was confident Twilight had a plan.

That was a wedding dress. Who was she marrying? Clearly, not me.

Why do I care?

Or maybe Twilight didn’t have a plan. “Twi? You are looking a bit pale there.”

“Huh? I mean…, why do you believe she favours me?"

I was jealous. Was it because she wasn’t marrying me?

“It’s obvious! Look how she treated me in comparison to how she treats you. You being a bearer can't be the only reason for that, despite what she may be claiming or else I would have been treated the same."

Would I want to marry her?

Even if I did, she would choose somepony else.

Or rather, she would have. I probably changed the future.

“That seems a bit farfetched, Rainbow.” Twilight absently responded.

Rainbow didn’t pick up on it. “Look how she adored you in the letter! And remember, you killed her! The princess told me that alicorns are genuinely immortal, meaning they cannot be killed. Apparently, death only slows her down. Tell me, Twi. What was your punishment for that?”

Who was she marrying?

“She didn’t care,” Twilight muttered.

“Exactly! That’s why we should side with her sister and use the elements against princess Celestia instead!"

What would it be, marrying her? I mean, I barely know her, but she seems nice enough.

Maybe I should talk to Cadence?

“Good idea, Dashie.”

“Twilight Sparkle!” Rainbow screamed.

She snapped back into reality. “Ahh! What?”

“You weren’t listening, were you!” Rainbow accused her.

“I was!” Twilight claimed.

It was a claim that could easily be disproven. “So you agree with joining forces with princess Celestias sister?

“What? No, of course not!” With that, even Twilight knew that the jig was up.

“Care to tell me what was on your mind? I might not have fancy magic to force you, but I believe it is only fair after I did so as well.” Rainbow looked at her expectantly.

“Would you marry me?” she blurted out before quickly throwing her hooves on her mouth, falling forwards in the process.

Caught off guard, Rainbow didn’t catch her. “Umm, maybe? I don’t know? Isn't this a bit early, and aren't we a bit too young? Could we even legally marry-"

“Hypothetically!” Twilight quickly added, her face now buried in the ground.

“Twi! I can’t believe you!” Rainbow helped her get up. “I was totally going to say yes, next! You can’t just take it back now!”

Maybe I could ask the princess to use that memory spell on her after all?

“Really now? Prove it!” she challenged.

But even for Rainbow, this was a challenge going too far. "Where is this coming from, Twi?"

I can’t tell her! She might hate me forever!

But she deserves to know.

"When you said that we might not get that close again if Celestia wiped our memories, I remembered a scene from my vision that had previously eluded me.” Twilight had hoped that Rainbow would interrupt her, yet she stayed dead silent.

“I saw you in a wedding dress in a shop. You were probably going to marry somepony else.” Twilight took a deep breath. “I was jealous, Dashie. Really jealous. I was feeling lonely, sad, resentful-“

“Who cares?” Rainbow bit her lip.

Considering your bleeding lip, you care.

It was another moment that made her wish she could read Rainbow's mind. The pegasus evidently had a tendency to hide her true feelings.

"I mean, you probably changed the future, so it probably won't happen now. But you didn’t do that on purpose, did you?” Twilight shook her head, which caused Rainbow to ease the assault on her lips. "See, that’s why you are a good pony. You could have hidden this from me, and I would have been none the wiser. Yet, you chose to do the right thing and tell me, even if it could have ruined our friendship. Tell you what, why would I care about some hypothetical scenario-”

“I may have just ruined your life! You could have been happy-“

“Could have! Why would I settle for a "could" when I am perfectly happy right now… well, aside from the tyrant that has captured us… I take it back, Twi. You are right. Let’s switch to the other timeline.” Rainbow flashed her a smile.

She always knows what to say.

Although I don’t think she believed that.

Twilight herself certainly had her doubts. “Dashie, to tell you the truth, there was no could. You were happy-“

“You don’t know that. It could have been faked.” She was immediately shut down. Apparently, Rainbow didn’t want to further discuss the topic.

Silently they were staring at each other.

I made things awkward, didn’t I?

Luckily Rainbow saved both of them from the sea of awkwardness they were drowning in. “So where did our benevolent dictator go anyway?"

“She has gone looking for Cadence,” Twilight said.

“Is she in danger?” Rainbow became worried. There really was no need for another pony to be dragged into this.

“Cadence as in Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. She is my foal sitter-”

Twilight calcification rewarded her with a loud groan. “And you didn’t find that suspicious at all?”

Well, retrospectively-

“Twi! How can you be so smart yet be so unbelievably dense at the same time? How many fillies do you know with a princess as a foalsitter?“ Rainbow looked over to Twilight, expecting a face full of embarrassment.

Instead, she saw horror.

She is right. That couldn’t have been a coincidence.

It led to only one conclusion.

All those years, Cadence has lied to me…

She has lied to me, my parents and my brother! She probably only wanted to get close to us so that she could spy on me!

Twilight turned around, running out of the room, much to Rainbow's shock.

“Twi, wait! What are you doing!” she quickly dashed after her.

This was all part of the princess’s plan, wasn’t it?

Has it really been going on for that long?

Again, sparks appeared around Twilight. This time they weren't bright golden. Instead, they seemed to be pale. As if somepony had drained them of their energy.

Rainbow didn’t pay them any mind. She grabbed Twilight, trying to stop her.

Much to her surprise, she wasn't able to. Twilight just waltzed onwards, barely noticing her attempts. Even pulling on Twilight's tail only led to Rainbow being dragged with her.

All those memories I had with her… they are all fake!

Our whole friendship is built on lies and deception!

“Twi! Remember what we talked about!” Rainbow flew in front of her, blocking her path. “We can't give the princess any reason to change her mind! She will wipe our memories!"

Her attempts were futile. Twilight simply levitated her out of the way.

It was the one time Rainbow wished for a guard to show up, yet the hallways were empty. Nopony was going to stop Twilight.

For a moment, the pegasus hesitated. Maybe it would be best to turn around. She was already on thin ice with the princess.

The thought was quickly quashed. Abandoning Twilight wasn't an option, even if the possibility of facing the princess again terrified her.

And so, Rainbow trailed behind a Twilight that had no idea where she was going.

She didn't need to, though. Her target was in the castle, and she was going to find it.

Chapter 10 - Revelations

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Cadence had barely gotten herself in order again before Celestia barged into the throne room.

“Auntie, already back? To what do I owe the pleasure?” she said, hoping she hadn’t overlooked any evidence of her mental breakdown.

If she figures this out, she will never let it go again.

“Don’t even try to pretend. I already heard about your mental-“

“You try to keep a calm head when you are being left in charge of what might have very well been the end of the world!” Cadence screamed. "When was the last time any interruption to the natural cycle happened?"

“About a thousand years ago, but that doesn’t matter.” Celestia gestured towards the throne. “That still doesn’t justify you failing our subjects.”

I didn’t fail anypony!

Celestia’s magic prevented her from opening her mouth to defend herself. “We are absolute monarchs. That not only means that we are in charge and have to always be there for our country no matter what but doing so is also one of our main justifications for our rule. Every success, as well as every failure, will directly be traced back to us. You should have been out there, showing presence! Show them that they can rely on you! Show them that you are there for them! That the situation is under control!

“Instead, you left doubts about our claim to power. Thanks to your failure, ponies may have lost confidence in us. They may now doubt if they can count on us as rulers to protect them. To be there for them. To put them above us.”

Then maybe you should have just left the sun up.

“This altercation today… I may have gotten out of it alive, yet there will be a day when that doesn't happen. As a fellow princess, you need to be ready for that day. If you feel you won’t be able to, you should consider stepping down.” Finally, Celestia allowed Cadence to speak.

You would like that, wouldn't you?

But she couldn’t ignore that Celestia’s words rang true. “Who will move the sun and moon when that happens? You never taught me how to do that!”

“I can't teach you… Even I am not powerful enough to move them on my own if it wasn't for the connection I have with them. Should I die, then you would need either a pony more powerful than we are or a pony who also has a connection with them. If you don’t have one, then you will have to assemble the unicorns again to move them like they did in the old days." Celestia walked towards the windows, her eyes wandering to where the moon would soon be. “Luckily, there will soon be another pony able to maintain the cycle. Maybe even two more."

Two more? Does she mean Twilight?

Princess Celestia turned towards the other ponies, who had watched the whole ordeal, visibly uncomfortable. “Tell the public that this was caused by a natural phenomenon found in the Badlands, shortly interfering with my magic. We have tracked down the cause and ensured it won't happen again. I want this story in every single publication by tomorrow, understood? Also, inform my ponies that I will publicly address them soon.”

All newspapers printing the same stories won’t be suspicious at all.

“As soon as you have done so, I want my guards back in the castle. I have found Twilight and Rainbow, and I want them guarded. They are my… guests, which means they have to be treated as such, but they are not allowed to leave the castle grounds. Consider it... as a form of house arrest."

More like prisoners, then.

“Now, I heard there have been problems with the military?” Celestia looked around the room.

The captain of her guard stepped forward. “Yes, when the sun disappeared, we tried contacting them but weren’t able to. Yet, as soon as it appeared again, all communication problems were miraculously gone. Worryingly, ESS and EBI reports indicate that by that time, a few army detachments had already started to make their way towards the major cities, including Canterlot.”

I really am that weak, am I?

An all-powerful, immortal being that is such a joke, even her own soldiers dare to turn against her, despite knowing I should easily be able to squash them.

“Then we can’t rely on them to help us. Inform them that I need all available forces at our borders in case any of our neighbouring nations get some ideas and that I want all high-ranking personnel in Canterlot for an emergency meeting. As soon as they have arrived, the ESS shall arrest them or hunt them down respectively. Should we discover that they indeed planned a coup, they will be dealt with accordingly.”

She claims that I am unfit to rule, but she doesn’t even allow me to get into a position where I would have the slightest chance to do so successfully.

“That also means that the guard will have to pick up the slack. Effective immediately, a state of emergency is in effect, with all it entails. I want the guard reserve to be activated. That should give you the necessary forces to keep things under control while also demonstrating to my subjects that we are actively taking measures. And remember, this is about appearance. Use the leeway I gave you to help my subjects. Make them feel safe, not frightened."

I never figured out the reason for that. Clearly, she isn’t worried that I will ever be able to oppose her.

Is it because of Luna? Is she worried I would steal Luna's position?

Or am I missing something?

"If you have nothing to add, you are dismissed." The ponies rushed out of the room to fulfil her orders.

Cadence and Celestia remained alone.

“You are really calling them “my subjects” right in front of me? You know what? Perhaps I am going to take you up on your offer. Perhaps I will step down.” The princess of love walked towards the doors as well.

Somewhere out there has to be a place where I am genuinely needed.

Celestia turned pale as a ghost. “You are going to do what! That’s not what I meant!”


Twilight used her magic to force all the doors open she encountered along her way.

Most of them were empty, yet a few of them did indeed contain castle staff.

The staff was, of course, surprised, having no time to react before Twilight moved on.

Most of them were simply left baffled by what they had seen. Yet, a few of them did indeed recognize the fillies, causing them to cry out for the guard or frantically run away to presumably alert them.

Still, until now, not a single one had shown up.

I wonder if the princess really is so bold that she doesn’t bother hiring any.

Then again, if that was the case, Twi wouldn't have encountered any during her second vision, and those workers wouldn't call out for guards.

Where are those bucking morons!

As if on cue, a few guards ran together with important-looking officials past them.

For a moment, one of the guards stopped, mustering them, a staring contest between him and Twilight ensuing.

Then to Rainbow's astonishment, he moved on as well.

I can't believe ponies have to pay taxes for them!

Twilight turned around, barging down the hallway the ponies had come from, reaching a set of fancy-looking doors and smashing them open.

They were greeted by princess Cadence and princess Celestia who immediately turned towards them.

Twi is smart! Surely she will realize that she should come up with an excuse and not stir up any of them!

“You!” Twilight menacingly closed the distance between herself and Cadence, who started walking backwards in response. “You lied to me! You used me! I trusted you! My family trusted you!”

Oh, Twi.

Pity formed on the pegasus face.

At least now I know what this is about.

“Twilight… what happened to you? Why are you covered in blood? What is-“

“Twilight, please. I already told you that I would address all your concerns.” Celestia looked at the furious filly with disappointment. "Right now, there is a government emergency that requires our-"

“I don’t care about your stupid emergency!” Twilight whirled a barrage of spells at the princesses.

Quickly Cadence fled behind the throne, earning her an eye roll from Celestia. The older princess simply cast a shield that protected both of them from Twilight's assault.

Next to Twilight, Rainbow stood motionless.

If the princess gets angry, then Twi will be done for.

Unless… she already hates me. Twi can get out of this!

I will just have to convince princess Celestia that this is solely my fault!


That’s what I deserve, isn’t it?

I should have never participated in this farce.

Cadence peeked from behind the huge throne.

Twilight was still whirling spell after spell at Celestia’s shield that didn’t even waver at the assault.

It didn’t deter the filly.

But there was another rainbow-coloured sight that caught Cadence's eye.

That must be who Twilight was looking for!

Despite her current situation, it filled Cadence with glee. It was just something that came with her being the princess of love.

Trying to verify her suspicion, she looked into both pony's emotions.

Aww. I can already see those two together! They would make such a cute couple!

To her relief, Rainbow, too, held feelings for Twilight.

It might not be love right now, but at least Twilight has a fighting chance.

She moved on to said filly, who was still trying her best to win an unwinnable fight.

The result shocked her to the core. Where previously there had been the same feelings Rainbow held, an innocent potential for love, love had now clearly formed.

It would still have been the innocent emotions of a small filly if it hadn’t been for the fact that deep down, small roots of dark and twisted emotions had formed. Pitch-black possessive emotions that Cadence had encountered before. And when she did, the results were never pretty.

That it was Twilight of all ponies who had started to develop these feelings troubled her deeply.

Calm down, Cadence! All you have to do is talk to her, and you should be more than able to fix this!

Well, that was if Twilight would give her a chance to do so. By now, the filly was standing on her last legs, still not bothering to stop.

More and more, said legs gave way until Twilight was lying on the ground, still shooting.

Then the spells stopped.

I can’t sense her emotions anymore!

Cadence darted from behind the throne towards Twilight.

But Celestia placed her wing in front of her, stopping her in her tracks. “Let her be. Maybe this will be a valuable lesson for her.”

A lesson?

“She isn’t-“

“She will be fine. Just give her a few moments.” Celestia placated her concerns.

And so, both of them watched as Rainbow frantically tried everything in her power to get Twilight to wake up again, whaling and cursing while also glancing at them with reproachful looks.

It broke Cadence's heart.

But what can I do? Not even Celestia can bring back the dead.

How could we have let her die like that? Why didn’t Celestia interfere?

Why isn’t she bothered?

Only because the shield was enhanced so that it wouldn’t let any sound through could Cadence stomach the scene at all.

How can she just look at that? Rainbow might have just lost the love of her life!

Suddenly Twilight's eyes flared open.

Instantly the filly received a slap from Rainbow, followed by a barrage of punches and presumably expletives.

“Is that the young love you always talk about?” Celestia asked a Cadence, that had trouble closing her mouth again.

She was dead! What is happening here?

It took some time, but finally, she was able to respond. “Aren’t we going to stop Rainbow?”

“Why would we? What is she going to do? Kill Twilight?” Celestia mused, seemingly enjoying the scene.

Yeah sure. That would be just her luck. Twilight and Rainbow separate without her having to do anything.

“I thought you had important government business to attend to?” Cadence tried again.

It did the trick. Celestia dispelled her barrier and separated Rainbow from Twilight.


“Dashie, I am sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you again! Please forgive me! I am begging you! I will do anything you want!” Twilight had practically resorted to howling, reminding the princesses more of a wounded animal. That Rainbow's assault might very well leave a few marks didn’t seem to bother her.

“You better believe I will take you up on that! And if you ever pull such a stunt again, I will remove that fancy horn of yours!” The previously mostly pristine-looking pegasus, too, now had blood all over her, a side effect of either throwing herself on Twilight or the punches she pulled.

Aww! She cares! Young couples are so cute!

Celestia didn’t share her enthusiasm. “If you even dare to touch her horn, I will try my luck and look for a new bearer! Is your featherbrain able to process that? Your death will be long and painful!”

For a moment, the room went silent, everypony looking at the red, rage-filled princess.

Why flip out like that because of what was obviously a joke?

To Celestia's dismay, it was the pony she once again had attempted to protect who voiced her disagreement first. "Bend a single one of her feathers, and you can go ahead and find two new bearers-”

“Twilight! She threatened to cut your-“

“And if she wants to do that, then that’s fine by me! Who are you to decide these things?” Twilight screamed at her, protectively grabbing Rainbow like she owned her.

That's Celestia for you. Everything always has to be about her. At least this time, she got the heat off of me in the process.

“If you think I will stand by while she hurts you, you are just plain wrong! We are talking about your horn, Twilight! If you let it get cut off, then it might very well be the end of the road for you!” Again, Celestia forcefully separated the two fillies.

“Get out of my life!” Twilight desperately cried out, longing for the pony she had been robbed of.

This is getting out of hoof!

Cadence looked over to her aunt. Twilight's words had caused Celestia to stop in her tracks, her face not portraying a single emotion.

Next thing she knew, her aunt violently pulled Twilight to herself, her horn lighting up with potent magic. Twilight's eyes rolled back.

“Twilight, no! Don’t hurt her! I did this to her! I convinced her to confront you after I woke up again! Take my memories instead!” Rainbow's words fell on deaf ears.



"Get off of her, you monster!" Twilight fell to the ground.

Wide-eyed princess Celestia stared at her niece.

Cadence had dared to attack her, a hole in the sun princess's wing providing evidence of the poorly targeted assault. It left the princess of love's mind blank, unable to compute what the body it controlled had done.

But her sudden act of aggression had done its job, causing Celestia to feel very uncomfortable. Despite what the other ponies in the room might have been thinking at the moment, she, in fact, didn't enjoy being in a room where everypony was against her.

"Princess Mi-" Celestia stopped. In the corner of her eyes, she could see the annoying pegasus attempting to flee the room with Twilight.

Having enough of the games played around her, the sun princess snapped, magic lashing out, pressing Rainbow and Cadence against the wall with all the might she could muster while not outright killing them.

When it disappeared, she and Twilight were already gone, thanks to a quick teleport.

I attacked her.

Still, Cadence had no time to think about the consequences she would have to face for that.

The moment she had pulled herself up again, Rainbow darted out of the room like a headless chicken.

“Wait for me! You don’t even know your way around!” The princess of love hurried after her.


“Go ahead, edit my memories. Just know that if I ever find out about it, I will not only personally render every single one of your stupid elements useless, but I will also dedicate my existence to making yours’s hell. And that is only if Rainbow is alive and unharmed when I regain them.” A mad grin of confidence had plastered itself on Twilight's face.

I have done it now, haven’t I?

In a couple of days, I turned all the remaining ponies I cared about against me, aside from Raven and Sneak.

That was still being generous, though, since she didn't actually care about Sneak. He was just the loyal pony she needed when things got dirty.

“This isn’t about Rainbow Dash.” Celestia let go of her. “It never was, nor will it ever be.”

“So, it’s about meee again!” The way Twilight emphasized the word me together with the still mad smile scared the troubled princess. If it had been any other pony, she would have immediately ordered them to receive a mental health evaluation. “It's always about meee! Meee! Meee! Meee!”

First Luna, now Twilight.

I should be the one up there.

“Yes, you. Why would I care about Rainbow Dash?” Celestia hoped to take some steam off Twilight. To get the filly back into a stable state of mind.

“Because of your precious siiister! The siiister you are willing to commit crimes against ponykind for!” Twilight resorted to rolling around the floor, pulling on her mane.

I would do the same for you.

I don’t want to lose either of you.

The princess used her magic to get Twilight on her hooves again while also stopping her from ruining her mane. "Yes. But if this was only about that, then I wouldn't have given a single buck about…” she stooped herself, trying again. “I would have just collected you back in the Forbidden Jungle without losing my cool. I would have never written that letter. I would-”

“You want me for yourself, don't you! An obedient tool! Control the next alicorn! Get that power for yourself.” The madness had disappeared. Twilight slumped down, cowering in front of the princess's feet. "You can have it," she whispered. "It can all be yours. Whatever you say, I will do. Just don’t take her away from me.”

All I wanted was for you to be happy.

I am sorry it took me so long to realize how wrong I had been going about it.

Celestia closed the distance between them, gently stroking the filly. “You truly love her, don’t you?”

“Yes,” Twilight admitted. “I know I can’t win against you. Please! Just allow me to live together with her! That’s all I need to be happy!” The purple unicorn had put Celestia's hoof aside to throw herself in front of her. “Please, don’t take away our memories! Don’t hurt her again! I won't snap at you again!”

Celestia was having none of it. She grabbed Twilight, sat her on her lap and continued the stroking while also enveloping her in a spell that finally got rid of the blood and injuries the filly was still covered in. “Why do you think I am against a potential relationship between you two?” she asked the now pristine-looking Twilight.


It was a question the princess didn't need to hear an answer to. Not when she was well aware of why Twilight would believe such a thing. “I am old Twilight. Really old. I was born at a time when marriages were still being arranged. When foals not only didn't have a say in who they were going to marry but were also wed when they were still way too you. And although today that isn’t the case here anymore, there are still a good number of places out there operating with that system.” Celestia looked at Twilight, who did her best to pretend she wasn't enjoying the story.

She has the same look Luna always told me I had when somepony was giving me a fascinating lecture.

The thought filled the princess with happiness. “Twilight, two mares being in love… You have no idea what the punishment for that was during my time. It fills me with pride to say that today, you will not have to worry about that. Even if I am not that happy with your decision, you won't be killed for that. And for all my disagreements with Cadence, I will always be eternally grateful that she convinced me to finally go through with amending the equality bill.” Celestia sighed. "When you live as long as I do, you reach a point where the world changes so fast around you… Sometimes I just need time to… act on those changes. Time, my little ponies may not always have or are willing to give me.”

Twilight snuggled against her. “Then why?”

Celestia stared at her desk. “You are an alicorn Twilight. She isn’t.

“You are a princess. She is a commoner.

“You would have committed political suicide while also condemning yourself to a life of pain and suffering.”

“Would?” Twilight probed. Hope filled her.

It took me too long to realize, but you aren’t the problem.

“If you want to be together with Rainbow, then I will force every single government official, every single noble, every single one of our citizens, and if necessary, every single creature on this planet to accept that.” Princess Celestia assured the filly.

I was so devasted when they separated me from my first love.

How did I end up on the road to making the same mistake?

How did I end up choosing politics over Twilight?

“And you will transform her into an alicorn as well?” Twilight asked, big, pleading eyes staring at her.

Then again. It never was just about politics.

"I can't." The filly wanted to protest, but Celestia stopped her. “Not only do I not know how, but I also don’t think there is a way to do so. Alicorns are born. Those tales about ascension were made up by us along the way as further justification of our rule.”

“Why lie now? There has to be a way! Cadence ascended! I will as well!” Twilight argued.

This is our curse.

Forever alone.

“I suspect that there is an angle to Cadence's story we don't know about, she herself included.” Again she had to prevent Twilight from interrupting her. “Twilight, I simply can’t do what you are asking of me. If I could, I probably would have succumbed to the temptation at one point. Why do you think I crave my sister so deeply?” Celestia hugged her as tightly as she could. "Yes, there were political reasons, but they weren't the only ones. Like I said, I wanted to protect you from this.”

“Then I refuse to become an alicorn.” Fear had laced the young filly’s voice.

That would be nice, wouldn’t it?

Simply refuse. Let somepony else handle our responsibilities.

But it wasn’t how the world worked, nor were it the cards fate had dealt them, "Alicorns are born Twilight.” A golden wave engulfed the purple unicorn.

As if she already knew what had just happened, Twilight stood up and walked towards a mirror.

For a while, she just stared at her reflection. Or, more precisely, at the wings she could now see in it. “You may have given up, but I swear I will find a way to ascend her.” What was left unsaid were the consequences of failure.

You are smart. You may find a way.

Maybe, I could even force myself to look the other way if that happened.

And in the event you don't succeed, I will still be there for you.

“Do mom and dad know that I am an alicorn?” Twilight asked.

I can still back out! I don’t have to tell her everything! Things are going great as they are!

"Look at the desk." With those words, she had given Twilight the keys she needed to uncover her biggest secret.

Twilight went towards it, looking for what the princess meant. Opening drawers, a first clue appeared. It was a picture the princess knew all too well. A picture that shouldn’t exist.

I can’t believe that the only reason we took that image was so that I wouldn't forget what she looked like while also ensuring I would find her again in case she got lost.

Wide eyes examined it. The picture showed Twilight as a little newborn foal, with the princess holding her in her wings while lying in a hospital bed, not looking all that happy.

“This was after I applied the spell on you that hid your alicorn features. I have chosen the oldest ponies available and personally used the strongest memory-wiping spells known to ponykind before placing them as close to me as possible, enabling me to always keep an eye out for them. That I could pull all this off in secrecy was a true miracle,” Celestia explained.

And to be honest, I seriously considered liquidating all of the ponies involved.

Twilight put the picture away, continuing to rummage through the desk. The end result of her extensive search was a folder with her name on it, marked for Celestia’s eyes only.

Twilight opened it.


Incident Report No. 26-XXXX - Regarding Twilight N/A


Responsible Agency: Royal Guard – Solar Guard Division

Place of Incident: Royal Palace – Canterlot – Throne Room - Day Court

Priority: Low

Today on XX.XX.XXXX, an unknown unicorn mare, appeared during day court, carrying a foal with her (see picture attached), managing to slip through preliminary checks, providing what is currently assumed to be a false identity.

Upon being called on by the princess, she carefully approached the throne before throwing herself in front of it, begging Princess Celestia to take care of the little filly (see transcripts attached).

The mare claimed that she wouldn't be able to take care of the filly named Twilight since she had fallen ill with an incurable disease.

Against standard procedure, Princess Celestia took pity on the filly, deciding to take her in as a charge of the crown.

Once that decision had been announced, the mare quickly fled the courtroom. Respecting her wishes, Princess Celestia ordered the guard to allow her to escape. After the incident, court proceedings were disbanded for the day, and Twilight was quickly taken in by the princess.


Sun Chaser

Captain of the Solar Guard


Twilight put the folder away again.

“This is the oldest official record about you that still exist. The mare in question was one of my ESS agents, who played her role perfectly,” Celestia explained the events that had been described. “By declaring you a charge of the crown, I made you desirable for the nobility. After that, finding a good family to take care of you became easy.”

Twilight trembled.

This must be hard for her to take in. I need to give her some time.

And I should be grateful that until now, she has taken everything far better than expected.

“You are lying.” Twilight grabbed the picture again, holding onto it for dear life.

Believing that the filly was in denial, the princess tried to reassure her. “Twilight, I-”

"You claim that you gave me away so I could live a normal life? Then why is it that in this picture, you don't look happy about my birth in the slightest? Why did I get born in the first place?” Twilight quickly elaborated. “We both know the answer, don’t we? Your letter said as much. You stated that my cutie mark proves that magic has chosen me like it once chose you. Is that why I am alive? Because you hoped that as your daughter, I would inherit your element? And then you gave me away because you couldn't actually be bothered to look after your tool, instead settling on collecting it when it was ready.” Tears streamed down her eyes, her gaze looking directly into Celestia’s soul. Then Twilight seemed to remember that she promised not the anger the princess anymore. "It's fine. I can live with that. Just don't try to pretend you care about me when you clearly just want my element,” she reassured Celestia.

It's not fine.

If only I could refute her words.

But Celestia couldn’t refute them. At least not without spinning a new web of lies, something she didn't want to do because even she had to admit that telling the truth for once was a relief.

I will have to find another way to make her forgive me.

“You are mostly right. For Centuries I tracked down potential bearers.” Celestia motioned for Twilight to sit down, indicating that another long story would follow. “For all of them, I regularly found potential candidates, with the exception of magic.

"Magic is the most crucial element, for reasons you will, unfortunately, have to figure out on your own. What mattered was that I simply couldn’t find a pony that could even remotely hope to get accepted by magic, and I was starting to get desperate. Luna's return came close, and I was going to face her with empty hooves.

"That was when I encountered what I thought was a lucky break. I noticed a young filly named Sunset Shimmer during one of the classes I gave. A filly who I thought had the potential to become a bearer." For a moment, Celestia's face wavered. The thought about what had become of Sunset Shimmer still filled her with regret.

Twilight just looked at the princess with a confused look, not understanding how that was relevant to her.

“I took her on as my personal student, and for a long-time, everything seemed to go great. She fully dedicated herself to her studies, always doing her best to please me.

“It was a façade. Too late did I discover that I had set Sunset on a path of destructive, selfish ambition.

“So, I did what I thought was best. I tried to knock that ego down a bit by revoking her position as my student, hoping it would lead to her remembering the pony she once was...”

Sunset saw herself as an alicorn.

She wasn’t born an alicorn.

Wouldn’t that mean…

“Princess? What happened to her?” Twilight asked, once again captivated by the insight she was receiving.

"She attacked the guards escorting her out of the castle, using an ancient magical artefact to flee into another world. For months I waited for her to come back.

“She… never did.” That had been ten years ago. Ten years where she had been fully ready to forgive her former student, just waiting for the day she would reappear.

And if I am not careful now, I will lose Twilight as well.

“When I realized that the best chance I had for a bearer of magic was gone, I freaked out.” Celestia shifted around, visibly uncomfortable with what she was going to say next. “I don’t actually know how the elements choose their bearer. I can just sense the strength of the connection a pony has with them. Still, like I said, I was desperate, which led to me coming up with a plan that I must admit shouldn't have worked.”

I just realized you told Rainbow that you changed the future, so I can't really be certain that everything is going to work out.

I will have to stay vigilant. The future won't save itself.

“If there was no viable candidate for magic, then I was forced to create one. Alas, the elements are tricky. They choose the bearers and probably won’t settle for a mindless drone I made. Also, unlike you, I never succeeded in creating life, meaning I would have to settle for… more conventual means.

"That is what I did. And thanks to you ending up as an alicorn, I was able to give magic a powerful pony. Yet, that alone wouldn't be enough. I also had to ensure that you would be interested, as well as skilled in magic, while also growing up to value… the values magic represents.

“For a while, I wasn't sure if it had worked. Yes, I could sense a weak connection with magic on you, meaning that you might be able to become a bearer, though uncertainty still filled me.

"That is why I was all the more astonished when in the end, magic not only granted you its mark but also directly connected you with the other bearers. It must have great faith in you.” The princess flashed Twilight an encouraging smile.

Although now that I think about it, it's awfully convenient that you started to receive your visions at the same time.

The story hadn't helped at all to better her image. “That answers why you did what you did, which I suppose I can understand if Luna is really such a huge threat while also being a pony you care about so much. What it fails to justify is why you choose to go about it in this heartless way.”

Oh, Twilight.

“You are a disgrace.” Celestia shocked the little filly. “You are not only evidence of my failure but also evidence that I broke my vow to the empress.”

“Disgrace… empress…” Twilight sobbed. The words had hurt deeply.

That’s what I thought about you.

Maybe I should be the one to receive a mental health evaluation.

"Yes. Part of it was that, at the time, I had indeed thought about you as a mere tool. Also, you have to realize that for a good time, I didn't even know if you would become an alicorn, meaning I was careful not to get attached. Last but not least, I was afraid that growing up in the palace would be bad for you. Worst case, you would end up like Sunset.

But all of that wouldn’t have stopped me.

“I like to say I would still have tried, even if it was out of pride alone. Unfortunately, I let my worries and a false sense of loyalty get the better of me.

“Twilight, what do you think happened to the other alicorns? Where did the first one stem from?” Celestia asked her.

"…" At first, Twilight stayed quiet, still deeply hurt about the insults she had received. "I don’t know. I always thought you ascended. I always thought you earned your position.”

I suppose the fact that power alone doesn't qualify one was the reason why we spun those tales in the first place.

“I wish that was the case, but sadly it isn’t. Think about it. Alicorns are immortal. If you could ascend into one, there would be a point where our ecosystem would collapse,” Celestia chastised her.

In response, Twilight just pointed at herself as if the princess was stupid.

That’s the whole point.

“I know Twilight. I will get to that.

“When I was young, I was told that the ancients created the first alicorns as test subjects. Apparently, they wanted to enhance themselves, as well as obtain magic for themselves. Probably immortality, too, while they were at it. In doing so, they set themselves on the path of extinction. One group of test subjects that took on the name alicorns was far more powerful than they anticipated. One of them broke out of containment, freeing the other subjects." The princess halted, making sure she had Twilight's attention. “If you take one thing away from my tale, then let it be that you should never meddle with things beyond your understanding and respect nature. The ancients, they had been on a brutal warpath with it, but now nature was able to strike back. The day those test subjects broke out was when the world of the ancients began to change.

"At first, nopony noticed. Presumably, the ones responsible never told anypony about what had happened at their research facility while still covertly hunting for our ancestors. But soon, their focus shifted. Pandora's box had been opened. Day by day, our ancestors could feel magic getting stronger until even those without a horn could use it. Potion magic, rune magic, every day, new forms sprung up. It was like magic had been waiting for the day it was freed.

"Unlike our ancestors, the ancients weren't able to sense the new force that was taking hold of their universe, but they could see the results. With magic roaming free, the world quickly changed to the ancient's disadvantage. The sensitive equipment they relied upon for everyday usage stopped working in droves. Entire climate zones and landscapes changed overnight, causing mass panic. For them, it was like the laws of nature were gone, never to return to how they knew them again.

“Yet, worst of all for them, the intelligence and magic our ancestors had been gifted with sprung over to all other living beings. The animals and plants surrounding them, having suffered so much under their rule, were now able to defend themselves. Sometimes even pets or plants they had willingly taken in lashed out. As you are aware, with the Everfree Forest, even a harmless-looking flower can be dangerous, as the ancients soon, too, discovered.

“Needless to say, their vulnerable societies quickly collapsed, but it wasn’t enough. The creatures they had hurt so much came to an understanding that the ancients were too much of a threat. What followed was a bloody pony hunt until not a single one of them was left. To this day, we are technically obligated to kill them on sight should we ever encounter one, by the pacts our ancestors made.

“The ancients weren’t willing to let themselves get killed, though and while a single alicorn could theoretically raze entire countries to the ground, the ancients were extremely smart. They may have been the only ones who were never able to take advantage of magic in the slightest, yet they used the creations their brains came up with to their advantage. It caused the vicious war for the planet to take many decades to conclude. In it, we alicorns emerged as the protectors of creaturekind. The ancients may have fought brutally to suppress us, but by the end, it had been no use. Once, they had the entire planet under their control. These days no evidence of their existence is left.

“What do you think happened next?” Celestia probed.

For all my failures, it is good to know that I can proudly state that my little ponies can walk the streets freely without having to worry about pain, death, or war.

“I suppose our ancestors would have to form a new civilization,” Twilight mused.

"You are correct. And in that new world order, the alicorns took charge. They helped rebuild. They looked out for their fellow companions. And eventually, they split up, each choosing races they would protect, with the most powerful alicorn becoming the de facto ruler of the planet. That dear Twilight was the empress.

Compared to her, Luna and I are nothing. Never trained in magic, born unusually weak.

"But things quickly became problematic. Against what our ancestors had imagined, they couldn't rebuild the advanced technology of the ancients, despite having magic, causing all of the knowledge to get lost quickly. Even worse, arguments came up fast about how the new world should look like.

“Most wanted to keep it simple, as to avoid straining the resources of mother nature again, but there were also those who disagreed.

"In the end, it was the empress who decided that we would live simply and that, for the most part, local rulers would get to set the rules since they knew better what their subjects needed.”

Her trust in them ruined it all, a mistake I won't make.

I will never allow a pony with the power to oppose me to remain unchecked.

"I frankly can't hold it against her, even if it led to disaster. At the time, she was busy figuring out how to control the celestial bodies. Previously they had moved on their own, but in what was believed to also be a side effect of the now widespread existence of magic, they had suddenly stopped.

“It took her some time, yet like always, she prevailed, mastering the art of moving them, and for a long time, peace and order roamed the lands.

“Tell me, Twilight. Do you see a problem with the brave new world our ancestors had created?” When she looked at the filly again, Celestia was surprised. Somehow Twilight had found a small notebook and writing utensils, apparently deciding that the tale was worth bringing down to paper.

I am going to hate myself for that.

To Twilight's dismay, her immaculate notes turned to ash. “You can’t write that down. I don't want our little ponies to know their past was this dark."

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,“ Twilight argued.

"Luckily, we remember history and are there for our little ponies to protect them from doing so," Celestia dismissed her concerns. "Now, do you have an answer for me?"

Remembering Celestia’s previous question, she answered. “I suppose it could become an issue when there are too many immortal beings on the planet.”

"You are not wrong, but that isn't what happened. It was more of a theoretical concern, the empress held, that would have eventually sprung up, yet never had a chance to do so.

"What happened, in reality, was that a fraction of alicorns emerged that held different values. They banded together and assembled the races they controlled.

“Their first attack failed. The empress survived, weakened. The country she lived in didn’t.“

I was so young when that happened.

“On that day, she had risen the sun for the last time, only barely managing to flee, with just two subjects remaining of her once great nation, the rest being either reduced to ash in the first attack or cut down afterwards." Celestia's eyes fixated on the purple fillies horn. "Remember Twilight, even alicorns can be killed if done right.

“The subjects she had left were two young fillies that had been brought to her for judgment, scheduled to be executed.”

She could have lived.

“Ironic, isn’t it? The scheduled execution saved their life since it allowed the empress to quickly teleport them with her." A tear had escaped Celestia's eyes despite her best efforts.

I was the one who helped her escape, despite it leading to Lunas and my arrest, condemning the only pony that ever managed to steal my heart to a gruesome death.

“You… But why? What did you do?” Twilight couldn’t believe her ears.

If I told you that, I would out myself as the biggest hypocrite in existence.

Which is why the princess moved on without clarification. “The conflict had forced all of us to choose sides. To the empress's horror, a good chunk of alicorns hadn't chosen hers, together with the races they led, despite her being the pony who initially freed them all.

“Needless to say, the subsequent centuries of our existence were ones with constant battling, an actual world war, aside from one area. The area the pony tribes lived in. The alicorns had declared it neutral territory so that the unicorns living in it could maintain the day and night cycle while they fought.

“It was a dark time, but luckily, I had my sister there with me, and the war also caused us to become quite close with the empress as well. As the last remaining subjects of her former country, she took a liking to us, pardoning us of our involvement in the resistance, starting to teach us about her ways of ruling.”

It should have been a warning sign to us.

"Wait just a second!" Twilight interrupted. "You were resistance fighters?"

Buck my life.

“Not really fighters. We just helped in some… public awareness campaigns while also using our connections to help them.”

Pain filled her head.

I shouldn’t think about these things.

“Look, Twilight, we were young and stupid. The empress was a benevolent leader, with us simply failing to realize that at the time.” Celestia saw that Twilight again opened her mouth to speak. “This isn’t what the story is about anyway! Do you want to hear it or not?” The filly may have still had questions but at least didn’t further voice them. “After centuries of fighting, the planet lay in ruins yet again. It was a shame since it had only just recovered from the previous conflict. Alas, only one continent even remained barely inhabitable, with both sides habituating one-half of it. It was then that the empress decided to end it.

“She assembled all the alicorns that were loyal to her, even the young ones deciding for one big attack that would finally turn the war in their favour, leaving only the foals behind, with Luna and me as their protectors.

“She never returned, a massive explosion in the distance indicating her fate.

"At the same time, a letter appeared in front of us. In it, the empress revealed that she had found a way to kill alicorns in mass. Deciding that for the good of creaturekind, she had to use it. The reason she left us alive was that she wasn't confident that the remaining creatures would recover and be able to live peacefully together on their own. She mandated that Luna and I were to become their new protectors. Once we had ensured that peace had returned to the planet, she allowed us to settle as long as we followed some basic rules.

“Obviously, we were to dedicate our lives to protecting nature and creaturekind, always maintaining the natural order and balance.

“We were also ordered to never let technology advance too much as to avoid the mistakes the ancients made.

“We were to ensure peace and harmony between the races preventing any wars from breaking out between them.

"But most importantly, we were forbidden from ever receiving children. With us, the alicorn race should have ended one day, hopefully with a planet whose inhabitants would be able to look out for themselves. Only that would have ensured that the world would never again be threatened by our power while also ensuring that the natural order would never be burdened by a race of immortal beings.

“That the empress trusted us with that was a major honour. Luna and I swore that we would never disappoint her.

"In the end, we both failed.

“That’s why I behaved the way I did with you. While Luna failed her when she fell victim to dark magic, I did so with you.

“I just hope you can forgive me one day. It took me too long to realize, but giving you away left my heart with an emptiness I previously only felt for… Luna. Despite what I previously said, you aren’t a disgrace. It was just a foolish thought I held at the time. I don’t regret having you and would do so again without any hesitation, even if it goes against the empress’s final wishes,” Celestia finished.

"The alicorn foals you and Luna were tasked to protect. What happened to them?” Twilight had a bad feeling.

Why do you have to be such an astute listener?

“The Empress had placed them into a protective barrier as well as a sleep spell. Shortly before the explosion happened, they disappeared into a teleportation field.

“I can only assume the worst,” the princess's face became dark.

But Twilight wasn’t finished with her uncomfortable line of questioning. “What about my father?”

Just close your eyes and get this done.

“I was afraid I would get to attached to him, so I destroyed all records while also erasing my own memories of him. I don't even know how I went about it anymore. All I know is that I chose your father based on criteria such as power, standing, connection to harmony, personality etc." The princess hadn't realized it, but she had indeed resorted to closing her eyes.

When she opened them again, Twilight stood right in front of her, handing her the picture. "I am sorry that your past has been this awful. Not everypony can be as lucky as I was, being gifted with a pony that opens their eyes.

"Regardless. I could have forgiven you for all of it because, in a way, I understand why you did it.” Twilight turned around, slowly making her way out of the room. “Like I said, when Luna returns, I will be there. Who knows, maybe I will even change my mind and become your student after all. Who else will teach me about alicorns? There is just one thing that will never happen. Never expect us to ever become a family. For that to happen, all you had to do was not give me away, and nothing will ever change that. Thanks to your actions, I now already have a family that is very dear to me." She turned around. "You will release them now that I have returned?"

I don’t want to.

Without any response, Twilight left the room.

And what you said isn’t true. She did open my eyes, a task even Luna failed at.

Celestia halted. Thinking back, it frankly made no sense how they went from burning hatred of the empress to endless worshipping.

I suppose along the way, we both just forgot our lessons.


I am Princess Celestia’s daughter.

I am a princess myself.

I am an alicorn.

Dashie isn’t.


“Twi! Where are you?”


“Dashie, I am here!“ Twilight shouted while running in the direction of the voice.



Both fillies threw themselves into each other's hooves as if they had been separated for decades.

“You have wings, Twi.” Rainbow pointed out.

I know.

“Did the princess turn you into an alicorn?” Rainbow tried again.

I wish.

“There… you… are.” Cadence turned the corner, completely out of breath. “How can somepony so young fly so fast?" she asked, still recovering.

"Hello, Cadence," Twilight spoke. The threatening tone from the throne room had returned. This time there would be no Celestia to intervene if things turned sour.

“Look, Twilight, I never wanted -“ Cadence halted, mouth hanging open. “- I… when… how…."

"Turns out I am princess Celestia's daughter. Didn't she tell you that when she asked you to spy on me?" Unknowingly Twilight rubbed salt in where it hurt most.

“She didn’t,” the princess of love confirmed, irked.

I hit right where it hurt.


Yet, she had this feeling that it was nothing compared to the next strike she would fire. “Oh, well. Now you know.” she shrugged. “I wonder what Shiny will say about all of this?”

"Twilight, don't do this! Please! I only did what I thought was necessary to protect this planet!" Sheer panic-filled Cadence.

That’s right.

I will hurt you all like you hurt me.

“Then we will just have to see if Shiny will think the same about this.” Twilight motioned for Rainbow to follow.

In the blink of an eye, Cadence stood in front of them. “Oh no, you don’t!”

Drats! It's the princess of love! Whatever shall I do?

Giggling escaped Twilight. “What are you going to do, Cadence? Kill me? I wonder what “mother” and Shiny would say about that?”

Twilight strolled past her, a worried Rainbow in tow.

“I know that she… I know I must have hurt you, but this isn’t the way! You know that! An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind!" Cadence again teleported in front of Twilight, kneeling before her. "Even if our friendship was fake initially, I quickly stopped pretending.”

She is right. Lashing out will not do anything for me. It will just create more misery.

“I know I should have told you what I knew sooner. I hope that one day you can forgive me for that,” genuine pleading eyes stared at Twilight. "The ends don't justify the means. I knew that yet still took part in all this."

Yes, yes. I get it. You want Shiny.

"I forgive you, Cadence. But just like I deserved to know, Shiny does too." Twilight tried to walk past her. However, Cadence's wing still held her back.

“What!” Twilight snapped.

“I need to talk to you about something else.” Cadence held firm. “Alone.”

Daring today, aren't we?

“Can’t it wait?” rolling eyes emphasized the question.

“It can’t,” the princess of love stressed.

“Fine! Dashie, could you please return to our room and look for Spike? I will come after you as soon as possible." Twilight gave her an apologetic look.

“Sure thing, Twi, if that’s what you want. Just be safe." The pegasus left, but not before giving Cadence a threatening look.


What have we done to you?

We are all just a bunch of monsters, aren’t we?

“Follow me, Twilight. We will need some privacy for this.” Cadence started to lead the filly towards her room, who followed her without acknowledgement.

Carefully, without alerting Twilight, she again activated her love magic.

As expected, the little filly’s heart was filled with pain and anger. Wounds that would take a long time to heal.

She might have claimed that she has forgiven me, but her heart says otherwise.

What she didn’t expect, though, was that the previously tiny roots of dark and twisted love had grown substantially in the short time Twilight had been gone.

What has she done to you?

Emergency intervention was needed.

Cadence opened her door, motioning for Twilight to come in.

I can still fix this. It’s not too late.

“Can you lie down on the bed for me?” Cadence pulled a chair next to it, sitting down, looking like a therapist.

"In case you haven't noticed, I am not in the mood for some stupid games!” Twilight angrily screamed.

I know, Twilight, but this cannot wait.

“Twilight, Rainbow might be in danger. I need you to work with me here.” It was a low blow, yet it seemed to do the job. Hesitantly, Twilight lay down.

“Ok, Twilight,” Cadence mustered the little filly, “Tell me, what do you feel for Rainbow?”

"Is that what this is about? Cadence, I know you are the princess of love, but can we please do this another time." Looking at her, Twilight quickly realized that Cadence, in fact, had no intentions of doing this some other time. "Celestia dammit! I love her, ok? Can I go now?"

At least she isn’t trying to lie to me.

“If Rainbow were to not return your feelings, what would-”

“Why wouldn’t she? Do you have a reason to believe that? Is there somepony else? Do-”

“Hypothetically, Twilight. And you know I don’t reveal other pony’s feelings.” Cadence chastised her.

This isn’t really encouraging.

Forcing herself to calm down, Twilight answered. “If Rainbow were to not return my feelings, I would simply work on myself until she does.”

“That’s admirable, but what if she falls in love with another pony. What if she simply isn’t a fillyfooler?" Cadence made sure to carefully examine Twilight's reaction.

“Umm…, well…, I mean…, I would have to make her…


“I am sure I would find a way.” Was the answer Twilight settled on.

Let's try one more time. She may be able to see the problem with her statement on her own.

“Twilight, I know it hurts, but sometimes ponies don’t return our feelings. Now, Rainbow might very well feel the same way about you, but if she doesn't, you will have to accept that. She is her own pony, with her own feelings. You can't force her into loving you." Cadence's words put Twilight in distress.

“You can’t stop me! I am a princess now, too! I will make her mine using force if I have to! We are destined to be together!” Rage had once again taken Twilight, fear filling her that the princess of love would try to meddle should she attempt to do so.

I guess deep down, you are indeed Celestia's daughter, pulling the princess card like that.

“Even if it hurts her?” Cadence tried to confirm.

In response, Twilight looked away, not giving an answer.

That’s good. You are not too far gone.

Not yet.

"Twilight… sometimes love leads to heartbreak. Nothing will ever change that. If you genuinely care about Rainbow, you will do what's best for her, even if sometimes it will hurt you. Or do you believe she wouldn’t do the same for you?

"And even if she says yes, you must always remember that it doesn't mean you own her. If you don’t, you might very well hurt her deeply, using the love she holds for you to force her into a life of unhappiness.

“It would end up in heartbreak for both of you. I have seen it many times before, mostly with guards accompanying me.” The entire time Cadence spoke, Twilight had been continuing to look away, not acknowledging her at all.

She is an alicorn.

She is a princess.

She is right. If she decides to force Rainbow to love her, I will have trouble stopping her. Knowing Celestia, she might very well even side with her.

“I am going to use one of my spells on you, ok? I think it might help you in understanding-”

“Do it. I don’t want to hurt her…

“The way I just thought about her… the way I spoke about her… I no longer trust myself not to do so," resignation had gripped Twilight. Only now had she realized she was the danger to Rainbow that Cadence had spoken about initially.

Gently the princess of love's magic enveloped her.


"So, Twilight, what do you think about the dress – made for me? Rainbow looked at her expectantly.

Where am I? What happened?

“Who?” Twilight looked around, completely lost.

"You know -.” Rainbow eyes her worriedly. The fact that Twilight looked completely lost didn’t escape her.

“I just had the wildest dream ever.” Twilight rubbed her head with her wings.

Great. Of course, they were real.

“At first, I had this crazy vision, which resulted in us fleeing Equestria together. I fell in love with you, but then the princess caught us, revealing I was her daughter.

“And this was just the tip of the iceberg." Slowly Twilight collected her thoughts.

We are in a boutique.

“Oh, wow. Don’t tell that – or she might see you as a threat,” Rainbow laughed.

Just like that, Twilight's jealousy returned in full force.

“Why her! Why not me!” she shouted before she could realize what she was doing.

“Twi… I never knew you felt that way. You never gave me any hints about that.” Seeing her friend like that hurt Rainbow, but what was she supposed to do?

“Well, I did now! I love you, Dashie!” Twilight confessed.

Who cares if it's improper.

Who cares if I shouldn't be feeling that way.

Who cares if I am immortal and she isn't.

Too long have I done my best to suppress these feelings. This might be my last chance.

But Twilight had miscalculated, a slap bringing her quickly back to reality. “Well, I am sorry, Twilight, but I love -. We have already scheduled the wedding, and if you don't want to strain your friendship with us, you better not try such a stunt again!" Rainbow calmed down, realizing it must also be hard for her friend. "Twi, I can only imagine how much you must be hurting right now, but I have already made my decision."

It left Twilight with a choice.

She could accept her friend's decision, losing the love of her life in the process. All because she had been too scared to come forward.

Or she could use force.

She couldn’t decide.


Twilight's eyes snapped open again.

Time to see if it worked.

To her relief, it had indeed helped. The dark feelings Twilight held were still there, but they had been weakened severely.

“What was that spell?” Twilight asked while picking herself up.

“It conjures up a situation in which you are given the opportunity to act on the words you have just spoken.” Cadence began to explain. “Best case scenario, when confronted with "reality", you realize your misguidedness. Worst case scenario, you act on them, causing the spell to show you the consequences. The exact scenario is different for everypony. What did you see?”

"I don't want to talk about it." Twilight slowly wobbled her way towards the door. The events of the day had clearly taken their toll on her.

I will have to respect her privacy then.

“I understand, Twilight. Let me carry you to your room." Carefully she levitated the drained filly onto her back. “I think we have made good progress today. With a few more sessions, you won’t have to worry about this anymore." Once again, she received no acknowledgement.


“Solar guards had surrounded her. Her mother had been right. Revealing herself had been a mistake. The thought that a pony could love-" the door opened, signalling Twilight's return.

About time, Twi. Five more minutes, and I would have lost my cool.

“Look, Spike. There she is.” Rainbow put the book away so that the little baby dragon on her lap could see the purple filly.

Cadence, too tried walking in, but before she could do so, Twilight had already closed the door. Letting the filly get down from her back before opening the door had been a mistake.

I see things went well without me.

Twilight waltzed towards the bed, picking up the dragon already holding his arms out for her. She threw herself on the bed and began cuddling him.

Is she trying to murder me with cuteness, or what?

But Rainbow had no time to enjoy the scene. Twilight was obviously depressed, so she tried to distract her. "Princess Celestia has sent a servant with a bowl of gems to our room. Turns out dragons love to eat gems. She didn't specify, but I hope you being an alicorn means the crown foots the bill, or we are pretty much broke."

"She will." That was all Twilight said.

Ok, well. The next thing is bound to get her mind off things.

"When I returned, there was a book on the bed. You will never believe which one." The mentioning of an unusual book indeed caused Twilight to rear her head.

“Adventures of a Lonely Spy?” Twilight hopped out of bed, levitating Spike on her back again.


“Yes. I was reading it to little Spike. You know, two birds with one stone.” Rainbow confirmed.

“I don’t think that book was written with his age group in mind, Dashie.” An angry glare pierced Rainbow.

“Umm… There was also a note on it." She quickly changed the subject again. "I already destroyed it, but it said this is the copy I requested, with the rest following soon. So, I guess that means we will get out of here after all. Have to say, though, they were quick."

“We will see about that, Dashie.” Twilight wasn’t as happy as Rainbow had expected.

I suppose that now with our new situation, the deal we made isn't that good anymore.

For you, at least. The sooner I don't have to face your mother anymore, the better.

“Dashie… Princess Celestia said that alicorns are born. What if I fail to make you one?” Twilight had closed the distance, standing right in front of the pegasus.

She meant "you", as in me and the other bearers, right?


“I mean, that would be lame, but I wouldn’t be mad at you.

"Look, Twi, I know you are scared of losing us. However, realistically there is nothing we can do about that. We will always be there for you, though. You won't have to worry about that for a very long time, and even after that, we will never truly leave you." Twilight's heart shattered.

You know what! Screw that!

“I mean… we don’t have to become alicorns, do we?” Rainbow suggested, trying to cheer Twilight up again.

“You don’t?” the filly could see where her friend was going with that.

“We just care about the immortality aspect, right? That is bound to make things easier." She successfully salvaged the situation, a smile appearing on Twilight's face again.

That’s right. Smiling suits you way better.

“You are right, Dashie! I will look into that as soon as possible!” Twilight leaned forward and pressed her lips on Rainbows.

What is happening!

Only when she had run out of air did Twilight pull back, instead whispering into Rainbow's ear, "I will find a way to make you immortal, Dashie. You know why?”

Rainbow shook her head.

“Because I love you, that’s why,” Twilight confessed. “And I am not going to lose you.”

She loves me!

A short time ago, she didn’t even know two fillies could love each other!

"Twilight… I don't…." Rainbow was left speechless.

But Twilight just put one of her new wings on Rainbow's mouth. "It's alright. You don't have to return my feelings." With that, she left the room.

She kissed me.

She confessed to me.

She didn’t give me an opportunity to answer.

Everything had been going so quickly, even for Rainbow.

I don’t even really know her!

Rainbow was left so baffled that the thought of going after Twilight didn’t cross her mind.

Focus! There is only one question that matters!

Do I love her as well?

But to her dismay, she couldn't come up with an answer.

I suppose Twi does look cute.

And we did have pretty good chemistry between us.

We also pledged our loyalty towards each other.

We saved each other's lives.

She was ready to leave Equestria for me.

She had a vision with me.

Is that enough, though?

Rainbow tried to answer that question, but instead of a conclusion, more sinister thoughts came up.

I mean, a Rainbow-coloured pony being gay would be pretty cliché. I would never live it down.

Then again, if Twilight is princess Celestia’s daughter, then she should be royalty as well, so if I marry her, I wouldn't even be nobility. I would be straight-up royalty! Who would even dare to mock me then! I could have all of those bullies lined up and executed!

And as an alicorn, Twilight will be powerful. She could-

I don’t deserve her, do I?

Five minutes and I am already planning to take advantage of her.

A whirlwind of emotions grabbed her, unloading itself in the nearest appliances she could see.

Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

The outburst continued until nothing was left standing.

Bleeding hooves and wings would make it easy to pinpoint the destruction of property to her.

It's an easy question! Do I love her, or do I not?

The real her. Twilight, not princess Twilight.

She walked towards the windows, looking towards the distance.

A few hours ago, we were out there. Just Twilight and me against the rest of the world.

We planned to ascend ourselves.

We wanted to save the world.

We promised to always be there for each other.

Rainbow could see the scenes playing out before her eyes.

How they had travelled in the train cart, with her overhearing Twilight's thoughts.

How they made their trip together across the border.

How she had been there for Twilight in the changeling hive and how in return, Twilight had been there for her when she nearly died, even killing the goddess of the sun just for her.

But most importantly, Rainbow remembered how she had been ready to live the rest of her life with the purple filly, despite barely knowing her.

It’s a leap.

Out there is a pony destined for me.

A pony who Twilight more than likely wants dead.

A pony I should have fallen in love with instead.


Twilight opened her heart.

If she was going to say yes now, then she would have to stand by that decision. That much she owed her.

But what if that other pony showed up?

What if the feelings she held for the purple filly would suddenly disappear, replaced by love for the other pony?

What if one day she realized that Twilight had been a mistake if the emotions she felt for her hadn't been love in the first place?

It's a gamble.

A risk I am willing to handle?

Scenarios ran through her head while blood dripped down the floor quicker than she had anticipated. She would have to seek medical attention soon.

Sometimes we have to have belief.

Or else we will grieve.

And believe she did.

She believed that a future with Twilight would be a future of happiness.

Yet, she also believed that the pony out there was real.

But exchanging Twilight for that pony?

My heart doesn't even deny it one bit.

I just needed some more time to admit.

A smile filled her face. Twilight wouldn't always be there waiting for her.

That was ok, though. Twilight didn't need to because she had already reached a decision.

Out there had been a pony destined for me.

But now my heart is no longer free.

Her head became light.

It didn’t change the conviction that grabbed her, fueled by the future she was imagining.

A future where she and Twilight wouldn’t be friends on an adventure.

A future where they would be lovers.

I want… I want to make it real! I want to be with her! I want to live with her and love her forever!

I will make it real.

“I love you too, Twi.”

Chapter 11 - Scars

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What am I even doing here?

It had taken some time to find the castle library on her own, but that was ok. Walking around, just being alone for a moment with her thoughts, had been a relief.

“Hi. I am looking for all books regarding alicorns and immortality. Is it possible for you to fetch them for me, please? I don’t feel so well at the moment.” Twilight asked the librarian.

“Sure….” The mare just stared at the young alicorn. “I will… bring them to your table.” With those words, she quickly sped off.

I doubt those books will help me to grant Rainbow immortality, but hopefully, they will give me a general understanding of the topic.

Twilight sat down on one of the free tables, levitating Spike onto it.

In the corner of her eyes, she could see the librarian arguing with two guards, frantically pointing towards her multiple times. A whispering match ensued between them before the guards walked away, taking position at the library entrance, with the librarian now rushing around even more frantically.

“Oh, Spike. At least we will always be together.” Twilight muttered.

At least until you, too, die.

“I suppose that just means I will have to find a way to ascend you too.” A mammoth task lay ahead of her.

"Or I could just give up. Why even bother if Dashie will never return my feelings anyway?” She lowered her head on the table, burying it in her wings. “I would just burden her with the same problems I am facing.

“She would always just yearn for her true love.”

And ascending her is something I will never do.

Not even for Dashie.

“I am just some tool for some crazy princess. Mom and dad are in jail because of me. I made a mad deal with a bunch of bugs.

“I will never get the love of my life.

“I will be forced to see everypony die around me.”

Just look at what princess Celestia has become.

"Why don't I simply end it right here instead of waiting for the inevitable- Ahh!”

Twilight jumped up, startled.

He bit me!

Twilight looked at the baby dragon in shock.

“Princess! Is everything alright?” The guards rushed towards her.

"…Yes.” Twilight motioned for them to leave again.

I wonder if Princess Celestia told them to call me princess.

Then again, what differences does it make? It's just some worthless title, anyway.

She returned her focus back to Spike.

He was terrified.

I shouldn’t have said that.

Not when he was listening.

“Spike… I… I didn’t mean…." Spike trembled. Her stuttering only made it worse.

And I complained to Dashie about some stupid book.

“I am just not feeling well right now. I didn’t mean what I said.” It didn’t work. The little dragon began crying.

How could I do this to him?

Twilight gently levitated him towards her, caressing him.

"Everything will be fine, Spike. You don't have to worry about me. I-”

“Here are some books on the topics you wanted to know about, Princess.” The librarian meekly put them on the table. “I will bring you the others as soon as possible.” The mare bowed in front of her.

“I… umm… thank you?” To Twilight's dismay, she didn't go away.

Please don’t let that be the new normal.

“You can leave now.” The words were spoken more forcefully than intended, causing the librarian to dart away.

Where was I?

Right… I traumatized Spike.

Once again, she focused her attention on him, hoping that there wouldn’t be any interruption this time. “Spike, I am not going to go anywhere.” The dragon stared her right in the eyes. No words were spoken, but Twilight understood the question. "Yes, Spike. I promise.” She gave him a kiss on the forehead. “If I were to leave, who would take care of you?

"Who would free my parents? Who would wield the element of magic?"

I can’t doom the entire planet.

Spike snuggled against her. “Mommy.”

“I… am…”

Not your mother?

Pleading, and once again, scared eyes gazed at her. Only this time, the reason why they were scared was different.

Who else would it be?

Am I really going to make the same mistake princess Celestia made?

Wings enveloped Spike, pulling him as close to her as they could, another kiss on the forehead following. “I love you too, Spike Sparkle.”

The relief was clearly visible. The little dragon looked like a load had been taken from his mind.

“You are a fast learner, aren’t you? Already speaking your first words and understanding me.” Twilight praised him.

Or I suppose it could be the normal learning speed for dragons.

With a smile on his face, Spike spoke his next words. “Rainbow mommy.”

Why is this happening to me?

“Spike, Dashie isn’t…. I don’t think she… I can’t force her…” a clear sentence wouldn’t form.

How am I going to break this to him?

“Rainbow mommy?”

“Spike, Dashie doesn’t love me, which means she probably wouldn’t want to raise you with me, no matter how much I would want her to.” She gave him an apologetic smile.

“Rainbow mommy,” Spike sobbed.

Don't do this to me, Spike. If you don't stop, then I might very well force her to love me after all.

“Spike, I already considered forcing her. Doing so wouldn’t be right. No matter how much it hurts us.” Twilight tried to explain.

“You considered using force to make me love you?”

Oh no!

“There there, Spike.” Rainbow appeared in Twilight's vision, carefully removing Spike from the wings he was encased in, enveloping him in her own. “Rainbow mommy is here for you.”

She really is too good for me.

Twilight whirled around, facing the pegasus. “Dashie, you don’t have to do this! Don’t feel forced into something you don’t want!”

“Why?” Only Rainbow had asked the question, but judging by Spike's face, he would have too asked it if he could.

Because we would ruin your life, selfishly robbing you of your happiness for our own.

“Dashie, you can’t let yourself get chained up here! Your happiness is out there! Not here!

Not with us.

Not with me.

“Why didn’t you give me a chance to answer? Why are you so convinced that I would have said no?” Rainbow walked forward. “Why do you believe that I don’t love you.” She caressed her face against Twilights. “Why do you believe I would have chosen anypony over my purple devil?” In one swift motion, she pressed her lips on Twilights.

Twilight returned the kiss.

I love her.

And that is why I have to let go.

But before she did that, she would enjoy this moment to the fullest, throwing her wings over the pegasus, pulling her as close as she could, Spike being enveloped in Rainbow's wings between them.

You are making this so hard for me, Dashie.

One of them would have to be the first one to stop.

No one wanted to.


The seven ponies entered the apple farm together.

The thought about the charade they would stage next made at least three of them feel sick.

And if they had been aware of what was really going on, Shimmering and Shade, the two guards accompanying them, too, would have felt terrible. Especially if they had known that it was their report about how a little orange earth pony had gotten her cutie mark that had been the final piece needed to convince a pencil pusher somewhere in Canterlot to sign off on this.

Alas, now it was too late.

Unaware of what was in store for them, the three residents greeted them cheerfully.

That was until the oldest one noticed the insignia of the Equestrian Foal Protective Services on two of the ponies.

Wordlessly the judge accompanying them handed her a folder with documents.

But then again, what was he supposed to say? If it were up to him, he would have never signed them in the first place.

“Granny? Big Mac? What’s going on?”

One of the unknown ponies kneeled down in front of her. "Hi there, Jacqueline. I am Summer." She turned her head around, glaring at the ponies in the background. “You got your cutie mark due to the sonic rainboom, correct? Because it made you realize where you were supposed to be?”

“Yes, why?” Applejack asked, slightly annoyed by the use of her actual name.

The question was expected, yet Summer had no answer to it. She herself didn’t even know why she was instructed to ask it. “No reason. I am afraid you will have to come with us for some time.”

“You can’t take her with you! For what reason!” Granny Smith confronted them more energetically than expected.

Immediately Shade darted forward, putting himself protectively in front of Summer. “You have violated the Basic Education Act. Jacqueline has not attended a secondary school as required by it. EFPS will take her back to Manehattan so that she can get the education she not only needs but is also entitled to."

It only angered the old mare further. “What kind of farce is this! I have never heard of a foal being taken away from a farming family due to an Education Act violation-“

“Did aunt and uncle Orange put you up to this,” Applejack interrupted.

“Who?” Summer's colleague Dandelion lied, well aware of who the original complainants were.

To her astonishment, the small filly saw right through her lie. “I can’t believe they would do such a thing!”

Two ponies, however, were quite pleased by the development. If Applejack was to blame her aunt and uncle, it would make their job far easier.

Hesitantly Shimmering interjected himself in the conversation. “Just because we usually don’t enforce it, doesn’t mean that the law doesn’t apply-“

“Ponyville doesn’t even have a secondary school!” Granny Smith shut him up.

“Irrelevant.” Shade jumped in to shield his colleague.

There was no point in arguing, causing Granny Smith to relent. "Fine. Then I will organize a school for her."

It was what Summer, Dandelion, and the judge accompanying them had feared. The loss of their justification.

“I am afraid that we don’t have confidence in that. Big McIntosh never visited secondary school either, did he? I came here with the EFPS to personally confirm the accusations, and looking around, I am afraid that we have come to the conclusion that this isn’t a good place for Jacqueline to grow up-”

"It's Applejack!" the orange filly screamed. “And I will never come with you!” With those words, she started to run.

Having expected the filly to do something stupid, especially after his experience with Twilight, Shade darted after her.

What he didn’t account for, however, was that her brother, who behaved so inconspicuously he completely forgot about him, would throw himself on him.

Now on the ground, he was wrestling with the surprisingly strong earth pony, his colleague Shimmering trying to use his magic to get him off him.

“We can take her with us now, correct?” the ESS agents accompanying them asked the judge.

“No. Custody may have been formally transferred, but you will still need a court order, authorization by a superior based on applicable law, or permission from the EFPS.” The judge happily answered. He wouldn’t be the bad guy in this.

And to Summer's dismay, the ESS agents now turned towards her. "We will need your permission then, as head of the Manehattan EFPS division.”


“Ok.” She wasn’t able to see them in the eyes.

It sparred her from seeing the victorious smile on their faces. Faces that enjoyed the fact that they had broken her. Once, she had promised herself to always use her position to protect foals. Protect them like she needed protection. Now they had made her break this promise far more easily than she would have liked to admit. Worst of all, with a judge as a witness present, they could do the paperwork later, meaning she wouldn’t be able to take it back.

“Thank you.” The ESS agents turned their back on her. “We will take it from here." It was time to hunt for the little filly so that they could take her to the princess.

Walking past Shimmering and Shade, still wrestling with Big McIntosh as well as Granny Smith, silently looking in the direction Applejack had run in, they asked themselves why their colleagues had had such difficulties with the previous fillies.

After all, all they had to do was use their positions to force other ponies into playing the bad guy for them.


Since neither Twilight nor Rainbow could bring themselves to end the kiss first, they were forced to pull back at the same time.

A feat they succeeded in despite the odds.

What was left were five words Rainbow still needed Twilight to hear. “I love you too, Twi.”

This is everything I want.

I just need to take it.

“Dashie, you cant-“

"Twi, you don't get it. My heart belongs to you. Not some miracle pony I might never meet.

“You were there for me when I needed you.

“You believed in me when I was at my lowest.

“You saved my life.

“And even when you were down, you still made the impossible possible just to protect me.” Rainbow stroked Twilight with her wing. “If I ever encounter that supposed miracle pony, you won't have to worry. My heart is already taken after all.”

“Cadence said that I might be a danger to you! That I-“

“Then Cadence has no idea what she is talking about.” Rainbow dismissed her concerns.

And with that, all doubts Twilight still held were gone.

She chose me!

Against all odds, she chose me!


"Oh, Dashie, you have made the happiest filly on the planet!” Once again, Rainbow was enveloped in a crushing hug.

“What can I say, Twi. Every rainbow angel needs her purple devil.” Rainbow kissed Twilight's head.

“You are such a roman- Hey! Why am I a devil!” Twilight feigned a look of offence.

“Well… probably because of the flames…

“And, you know… the red eyes-

“Ok, ok. I get it.” Twilight stopped her. “Fine. I am your purple devil. There are bound to be worse nicknames out there… hopefully.”

Purple devil.

I am not going to admit it to her, but I like it.

Hopefully, I won't actually turn into one.

“So, Spike. What have you two been doing while I-“

“Dashie!” Shock had gripped Twilight. “Why are there bandages on your wing?”

How did I not see them previously?

And there are bandages on her hoofs too.

“Twi… I kind of lost my cool after you left.” Shame had spread on the pegasus face. “I asked myself if I, too, was in love with you. My feelings were all over the place, so I tried to think about us.” The more she spoke, the more she began to shift around, eyes darting around the room, doing everything to avoid Twilight. "You know… weighing the pros and cons."

There is nothing wrong with that.

“I… thought about how us being together would mean I would get to be royalty… about how I could take advantage of your power.

“I just needed to let off some steam…

“And… I… I didn’t care that I was hurting myself when I did that…."

Twilight did her best to maintain a calm façade. “Did you think it would make me happy to hear that you have punished yourself for these thoughts?”

“No,” Rainbow admitted.

“Then why-“

“But aren’t you mad at me?” The pegasus inquired. “I thought about pretending to love you!”

“I don’t think I could ever be mad at you. At least not for more than 5 minutes-“

“What I did was terrible!” Rainbow couldn’t believe that she would simply overlook what she had done.

“You made a list with the pros and cons, acknowledging that getting together with me would mean power and a title. You thought about saying yes because of it. I wouldn't have done anything differently.” Twilight used one of her wings to caress Rainbow's cheek. “Dashie, you are an angel, not a saint. What matters is that in the end, you not only didn't decide to return my feelings because of these thoughts but also came forward about them, realizing that they were wrong.”


Not sure if she had gotten through to her, Twilight continued. “I love you, Dashie. I don’t want to see you hurt.”


“Spike doesn’t want to see you hurt.”


“Please promise me not to do that again.”




“I can’t.” Was the response Rainbow gave. It left Twilight numb.

I need to get Spike out of here.

“Spike, Dashie and I need to talk alone for a bit, but Cadence will take good care of you. I… trust her." She soothed the little dragon that luckily didn't seem to have realized the severity of the situation this time.

“Guards!” Twilight shouted, which caused the two to immediately come running towards her.

Wait! They have seen all that! Probably heard it too!

Unfortunately, she had no time to deal with it right now. She could only hope they were instructed not to snitch on them, yet she also knew by what she had witnessed before that they weren’t.

“Please take Spike to princess Cadence and clean out the library. I don't want anypony bothering us, no matter what happens,” she instructed them.

“Of course, princess.” One of them took Spike away from a puzzled Rainbow while the other quickly fetched the librarian. To her confusion, the dragon seemed a bit afraid of the guards.

Maybe because of what he has witnessed back in the Forbidden Jungle?

Once the doors closed, they were alone.

“If you didn’t do it because of me, then why?” Twilight mustered her.

“I am not good at handling emotions, Twi.” Rainbow longed for a hug. Fortunately, Twilight was there to give her one. With the strength the purple filly gave her, she continued. “I know that why I did was wrong! I know that I shouldn’t let them out like this! …And I know that I shouldn’t hurt myself while doing so… Yet, when I do, everything becomes so clear again.” The warmth Twilight provided felt good.

She needs help.

Whether or not that would be professional help was still in the air. For one, Twilight still had some avenues she wanted to try first. But there was also this sneaking suspicion that Rainbow wouldn’t want to seek professional help.

I am the first she ever admitted this, too, aren't I? Chances are high nopony else knows about this.

And she probably wouldn’t want that to change.

Hesitantly, she continued to probe for more information. “Dashie, how many times have you done it before?”

“Often, Twi… Way too often. It didn’t start like this… but by now, I take them out on the stuff surrounding me every time they become too much… And when I get hurt in the process… that's all the better." Rainbow wasn't finished, though. "My life hasn’t been going that well recently. I have been feeling so lonely. So depressed." Rainbow gazed into Twilight's eyes. "I wouldn't even have cared if you had been some dark witch if you would have offered me to take these feelings away from me. Secretly I had been hoping you would be able to do that anyway… Which you did, I suppose." Rainbow's eyes turned away again.


She has left something out.

“Dashie… what did you just skip?” Twilight's voice was on edge.


"I… one night when it had all been too much, I had been contemplating switching to a sharp object instead.“


Just why would you do that!

Why you, of all ponies!

The desperate way in which Rainbow spoke pained Twilight.

"I didn’t do it, though. I knew that I would have had trouble explaining where those injuries would have stemmed from since hiding them would have been difficult. My anger outbursts didn’t bring me those problems, so I fled into them instead… luckily nopony ever noticed why I had them more and more often…

“Why they became more and more severe…

“The more I had them, the more they became natural to me. I didn’t even think about unloading my emotions in this way or wanting to hurt myself… I just did it automatically…

“And back in the room when the feeling of pain set in, my thoughts indeed became clear, Twi.”

Twilight wrestled with herself. She didn’t feel qualified to help.

But not only that. She also felt like a black hole was threatening to suck her in.


I… have to stay strong.

She trusted me enough to come forward with this, and now I must help her overcome it.

I just can’t let myself fall victim to it as well.

At least the hug they had fled themselves in meant that Twilight didn’t have to make eye contact with the pegasus, or she would have broken down on the spot. “Dashie…, you aren’t immortal yet. What if one day you overdo it? What if we lose you because of that?”


“I don’t want that to happen,“ Rainbow muttered.

“But it could very well happen if you continue this!” Twilight's grip on her tightened.

“I… will be careful.” It didn't sound compelling.

“Dashie!” Twilight pleaded. “You don’t need to do that! Why flee into those outbursts when I am there for you now? When you can open yourself to me instead, no matter the problem?"

“I… You wouldn’t be able to understand anyway.” The moment Rainbow had spoken those words, she regretted them. Twilight had forcefully pulled away, looking at her with a mix of emotions.

All of them were directed at her, and they definitely weren't positive.


I can’t…

I don’t know how to fix this.

Tears started to form in Rainbow's eyes. Realization set in.

Realization that she should have stayed quiet.

That she shouldn’t have burdened Twilight with that.

All she wanted was to tell somepony, and after an eternity, she finally felt that she could.

Finally, she had thought that somepony would be there for her. Somepony who would help her to stop those outbursts. Help her get her emotions under control, something she had wanted to do for a very long time yet never found the strength to do. Somepony that would understand her.

Alas, she had made a mistake. A mistake that threatened to ruin everything.

A voice that had previously tried to stop her was chastising her full force now.

Thanks to her stupidity, Twilight would never be able to look at her the same way again.

I need to think of something.

I may not know how to fix this right now, but I can at least buy myself some time.

I can at least ensure I will be there for her when the time comes.

“Twi, I-“

“Dashie, you are right. I don’t understand why you do that.” Rainbow's face fell further. "But I will get to the bottom of this.

"And, of course, I will be there for you. I promise you, we will get through this together." Twilight straightened herself out, closing the distance between them again that she had carelessly put between them.

“Really? You would do that?” Rainbow could barely believe it. A fight broke out, thoughts battling each other. Thought about whether Twilight was being genuine or not.

"For you, I would do anything, Dashie," Twilight assured her. There was, however, one condition she needed Rainbow to accept.

Please say yes!

If you don’t… I…

I will have to get professional help for you, even if you don’t want to.

“If you ever feel like you are in danger of being overwhelmed by emotions again… if you ever feel the need to hurt yourself again… If you ever feel like you are alone… call for me before it’s too much for you to handle, and please try not to immediately flee into another one of your outbursts. At least then, I will be near you should things go awry.

“I will be there for you. All you need to do is call me, Dashie.

“Please promise me that you will call me, Dashie.” Anxiously Twilight awaited her response.

Hopefully I will actually be able to help you naviagte through your emtions then.

“Twi… I… I don’t know about this.” Rainbow tried to avoid committing herself to Twilight's plea. “What if I forget to do so? Also… I don’t think I would… I don’t think I could do anything with you looking. I don’t want you to witness my low points….” The words were vague, but they filled Twilight with hope.

That would be the best outcome.

“Dashie, I swear I won’t judge you. Please just allow me to be there for you,” she followed up.

The pressure it put on Rainbow began to make her panic. Thoughts about how this was a ploy by Twilight to control her began to frighten her. How Twilight would be standing there to judge her, looking at her disparagingly.

How Twilight would just give up on her, sending her to some institution instead.

A feat that her brain told her was all the more realistic now since, as a princess, Twilight did have the power to do so at a moment's notice.

Oh, Dashie. Why are you making this so hard for yourself?

Why can’t you see that I want to help you?

It frustrated the purple filly. To her, Rainbow wasn’t behaving rationally, and all her efforts to account for that as well as to accommodate the pegasus, had been failing miserably. Yet, she couldn't fail. Not when it would result in her having to betray Rainbow's trust, even if it would be for her own good.

“Why have you told me this, Dashie?” Twilight fired her last shot.

"Because I needed to tell it to somepony,” Rainbow mumbled. “And you were the first pony I felt I could reveal this to.“

“And because you want help, don’t you?” Twilight probed.

I mean, you basically told me about this the first chance you could, so I can only imagine how deeply this has burdened you.

“Dashie, you did the right thing. I am here for you. I will help you. All you need to do is let me.” Twilight nuzzled her.

Rainbow nuzzled back.

All the dark thoughts that had previously tried to influence her disappeared.

She had done it. She had jumped over her shadow.

She wouldn’t be alone anymore. Twilight would be there for her, helping her, not judging. Not giving up.

Genuinely helping her.

“Ok, Twi. I will do that. I will get you if I feel like that again.” Rainbow pushed her away, making eye contact. With all the sincerity she could muster, she formed her subsequent sentences. "Thank you for being there for me.

“Thank you for being patient with me.

“Thank you for understanding me.

“And thank you for not rejecting me. For not sending me to somepony else.”

Not sure if that is a good thing, though. You need a professional, not some filly.

But for now, Twilight was relieved. They didn’t win the war, but they did win the first battle.

“Twi?” Uncertainty was once again audible. “Can I kiss you again?”

Why would…

I suppose it's normal for her to feel insecure right now.

“Oh, Dashie." For a moment, she let a look of pity slip. Strangely, it didn’t bother Rainbow this time.

Collecting herself, Twilight moved her lips as close to Rainbows as she could without them touching. "You don't have to ask. You can always kiss me. Wherever you want, whenever you want.”

Happily, Rainbow closed the distance. Ecstasy gripped her, just like it did when she had successfully escaped from Cloudsdale.

It made her love the purple filly even more, leading to her feeling an amount of love she didn’t think was possible to feel for a single pony.

Love for the purple filly who, on her own, freed Rainbow one by one of the problems that had threatened to drown her, granting her an intoxicating feeling of the freedom she had longed for such a long time.

The burst of euphoria unloaded itself on Twilight in full force, taking her by sheer surprise. Rainbow pushed herself on her, barraging her with kisses.

I am dreaming, aren’t I?

Twilight fully leaned in, further encouraging Rainbow to continue.

The two fillies were so engrossed with each other that they didn't even stop when they could hear a commotion outside, followed by the library door being slammed open.


I should have listened to the guard.

Meekly, Cadence closed the door again, but she didn’t leave the room, not letting herself get distracted by the display, examining it closely.

Indeed, she could see bandages on Rainbow.

Maybe this isn’t so bad?

They certainly don’t look concerned-

No! This cannot be ignored!

Cadence cleared her throat.

It didn’t work.

Rainbow continued her assault on Twilight, both fillies doing their best to ignore her existence.

I am going to have to separate them, aren’t I?

Why did I wake up today?

“Twilight? Rainbow?” Cadence tried again, closing the distance between them.

All it did was encourage Twilight to start returning Rainbows kisses, knowing that they couldn’t ignore Cadence forever.

And as she had feared, Cadence did indeed use her magic to separate them.

“What!” Both fillies screamed at her.

Ok, so how am I going to start this conversation?

But before she could start, Twilight pieced together the reason why she came. “You don’t have to worry about Dashie. We have everything under control.”

Unfortunately, those words also made Rainbow, too, realize why the princess of love had come, panic filling her.

At least, it did for a short time. Quickly Twilight put a wing on her, nuzzling her ear, muttering calming words into it.

I should have asked for a psychologist to accompany me. I am way out of my league.

Regardless, she had already ruined their moment, so she might very well go through with it now. “Twilight, Rainbow, we all know that these last few days have been hard on you. I think you should go and seek some professional help-“

“I don’t need some random pony to help me! I already have Twi!” Rainbow immediately shut her down.

It didn't make Twilight all that happy. She would have preferred Rainbow to accept the offer, but she wasn’t going to show that to her. Not when it could risk all the trust she had built between them. “That’s right, Cadence! Dashie and I have already figured everything out between us. She doesn’t need your meddling."

"You, as in both of you, Twilight. The guard also told me how you thought about-" Cadence quickly stopped herself, the wide eyes of Rainbow alerting her to the fact that she hadn't known about Twilight's low point.

Why am I messing up so much! What is wrong with me!

Rainbow turned around, facing said filly. “How you thought about what, Twi?”

It brought Twilight in distress. “It was just some stupid thought! I didn’t actually think about doing it! I-“

“Doing what, Twi!” Rainbow screamed from the top of her lungs, already fearing the worst if it led Cadence to behave in that way.

“I entertained the thought of killing myself," Twilight revealed. "But I immediately dismissed it!” She quickly added.

It did little to help. Rainbow was defeated. Twilight may have been a bit gullible, but to Rainbow, she had been the strongest pony she had ever met. The thought that said friend had actually been thinking about such a thing… the thought that she had now burdened said friend with her own problems too…

Why did I barge in like that! I made everything worse!

But before she could try to fix the mess she had created, Rainbow spoke up again. “Why didn’t you tell me? Why think about that in the first place?”

The distress Twilight felt was dialled up to eleven. She needed to tell Rainbow, but at the same time, she couldn't. Not because she didn't want to but because it would only burden them more.

“Don’t you trust me, Twi? After everything we have just been through?” The words broke Twilight's restraint.

"I thought about it because I thought you were never going to return my feelings! Because I thought I would have to see how you were going to fall for somepony else! And because of the whole immortality thing.” Twilight added. "It's not that I don't trust you… I just didn't want to pressure you into a relationship with me…."


Did I put her down this path?

Cadence felt like she would throw up any moment. She knew that Twilight was more than likely not in a stable state of mind when she had talked to her about Rainbow. How could she have been after the revelations Celestia had made? Yet, she had ignored the warning signs out of fear that waiting could cause irreparable damage.

Turns out that acting can cause damage as well.

Rainbow, however, too, realized who the pony responsible for Twilight's dark thoughts was, grabbing the books the librarian had put on the table and starting to throw them at Cadence, a form of attack the princess hadn't anticipated.

"You did this to her! What did you tell her about me!" The first book hit her right in the face.

I only wanted to protect you!

"You call yourself the princess of love! Then how did you miss that I would never reject, Twi!" Only barely did she manage to avoid the following books.

They only stopped when Twilight had managed to collect herself, convincing Rainbow to stop. "She only meant well, Dashie. I had some really dark thoughts of another kind.” Twilight nuzzled the enraged pegasus. “I will tell you later, ok?”

Twilight walked towards the shocked princess of love.

I know that I have trouble identifying emotions other than love and those directly connected to love, but how could I miss these gigantic problems!

Twilight stood in front of her, reflexively Cadence lifted her wings protectively in front of her face. "Look, Cadence. I know you want to help us, right now, however, we would still like to try and figure this out between ourselves, ok? I promise that we will come back to you if we don’t manage to do that.”

I can’t allow that! This is no joke!

“The guards told me that Rainbow hurt herself! And even if you immediately dismissed the thought of killing yourself, you too should seek immediate help after everything you have been through! This isn't a game!" Cadence tried to appeal to Twilight's rational side.

In response, Twilight turned around, walking back to Rainbow.

The two fillies whispered to each other frantically for what felt like an eternity.

Once the whispering had concluded, they came back together.

“Rainbow and I… we… your concerns are valid,” Twilight started.

Seeing that her friend had trouble conveying their decision, Rainbow jumped in. "Here is the deal. I bucked up. When I came forward to Twi, I only thought about myself, not realizing the burden I would settle her with-“

But Twilight wasn’t willing to allow her to blame herself. “Rainbow and I, we would still like to handle things between us, but we also think it would be best for us if you were to check on us occasionally, making sure we are ok. That way, we will have a third party keeping an eye on us, and you can intervene if things turn sour."

Why are you so averse to the idea of seeking professional help?

Yet, the princess of love recognized that she could call herself very fortunate that the fillies had entertained the idea at all.

"Yes. Also, I will be able to directly punch you in the face if you tell Twi that I don't love her again." To underline her point, Rainbow grabbed another book from the shelf, dangling it in Cadence's face.

She what!

“You can't attend Twilight's sessions. They-“

“Go ahead! Try and stop me! I-“

“What Dashie means is that it is this arrangement or no arrangement at all, including me attending another one of your sessions.” Twilight finished in a calmer tone.

They outplayed me!

Cadence was furious. Twilight leveraged the fact that she felt obligated to help her as the princess of love against her, forcing her to agree to a deal she didn’t feel comfortable with.

What eluded her was the reason why she did that.

Scratch that. I have known Twilight for years.

She must do this because of Rainbow. Maybe it was the best compromise she could come up with.

Maybe it's her way of getting help without outright throwing Rainbow under the bus.

Cadence contemplated the offer.

Now that I know what to look for, I could check for these things, meaning I would be able to verify their well-being.

But I can’t really help them improve!

Then again, maybe now that Rainbow and Twilight have each other as support, they might not need help after all. Love tends to aid in these kinds of things.

She would have to talk with Celestia later, as well as a few experts.

“Alright. We will do it your way.” Cadence agreed. What they all understood was that she would also immediately intervene if she had even the slightest suspicion that things went in the wrong direction.

An understanding they all could live with, even if it left an immense amount of pressure on Rainbow.

“I expect you both in my room tomorrow after breakfast.” Still trying to process the many mistakes she had made, the princess tried to leave.

“Wait! What have you done with Spike?” Twilight remembered that she had entrusted her with the dragon.

“I left him with the guard that brought him to me.” The room temperature increased dramatically.

"Bring him to our room.” Twilight hissed, angered that Cadence had just left him despite the trust she had placed in her.

You send him away with the guard in the first place! How are a few more minutes with him going to harm him?

But Cadence didn’t feel like starting another argument, leaving the library.


It could have gone worse.

Much much worse.

Rainbow turned around, giving Twilight another quick kiss. "I don't know why you insist on going to another one of her stupid "sessions".” She looked exasperated. Somehow Twilight had forced her into something she didn't want to do without forcing her at all. “I mean, I understand that you want to get help, but surely, I am better suited than her? Look at what she did to you last time.”

It's no use. Twi is definitely going to attend those sessions, which means I will have to as well so that I can set the record straight. I won’t allow that pony to slander me again!

Twilight gave her a weak smile. She felt a bit dirty about using Rainbow's concern against her, but at least it had allowed her to come up with the proposal of going to “therapy” together, an idea Rainbow didn't feel too strongly about, that she did, however, agree to. And even if Rainbow didn’t feel that way, knowing that another pony would at least keep an eye on them, being there to help them overcome their problems, eased Twilight's mind severely.

So, what now?

“Come, Dashie. Let’s go back to our room. I feel like I could fall over at any moment.” Twilight had wanted to sleep before, but after her confession, she had to put some distance between them.

Yes… our room.

“I am tired as well, Twi, but I don’t think I left our room… in an inhabitable state.” Embarrassment filled Rainbow.

“Is the bed still intact?” Twilight asked.

Rainbow shifted around. “Yes, but there is blood on the floor, and I smashed most of the other stuff."

That really was stupid of me, wasn't it?

Luckily Twilight wasn’t concerned.

She opened the door, addressing the guard and the librarian waiting in front of it. “We are done. Please continue to prepare the books I requested. I will look at them tomorrow. Rainbow and I are also in need of a new room. Please escort us to one and send Spike to it instead.”

“Of course, princess,” they both answered.

The librarian went back inside while the guard led the way to another available guest room.

On their way there, Twilight and Rainbow didn't talk. They did, however, envelop each other with their wing.

It earned them a few strange looks as well as whispering, but they couldn’t be bothered by it.

“I am going to send Spike here.” The guard confirmed once they had arrived.

“Thank you. And please make sure that our old room gets cleaned up.” Twilight responded, closing the door.

This is my life now.

A life with Twi.

That is, if I manage to control those stupid emotions.

If I don’t… they will look me up in some mental institution.

I will lose everything.

Twilight jumped on the bed, motioning for Rainbow to lie down next to her, not paying any mind to the second bed.

Stupid brain! I don’t want to deal with this right now!

Doing her best to shut down that line of thinking, Rainbow crawled next to Twilight.

“How come you are so comfortable in addressing those guards?” she asked, hoping it would take her mind off things.

"I grew up as nobility, with a princess as a foalsitter, and my brother enlisted in the guard. They have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember,” Twilight told her.

"You know, back in the Badlands, you told me I was strong for resisting their attempts to “brainwash” me. I am not. My parents, my brother, and Cadence… they never agreed with that. They are the only reason why I ignored what they taught us in school… if anything, I am weak for slipping into those lies, despite knowing better.

“I can only imagine the pony I would be if they hadn’t been there for me.” Twilight stared at the ceiling.

You are still so much stronger than I am.

“Twi… at least you listened to them. I was a really horrible pony, despite my parents always being there for me, encouraging me to change.”

Realizing that she had unintentionally poked into another wound, Twilight quickly changed the topic. “I wanted to tell you about what Cadence did to me, remember?”

That’s right! What could have possibly been going on between you and that wannabe love doctor?

A knock on the door indicated Spike's arrival. Using her magic, she opened the door, carefully levitating Spike towards her before closing it again, not acknowledging the guard that brought him. The young dragon had resorted to sleeping again. She placed him in between them.

Rainbow mommy!

I still can’t believe he called me that!

But it's true, isn't it? Now that Twilight and I are together…

“Long story short, if you had said no, I would have used my magic to force you into loving me.” Twilight had chosen the quick approach, not wanting to dance around the subject.

Who cares.

“Would have been a mistake anyway, Twi,” Rainbow dismissed her.

To her shock, Twilight disagreed profoundly. “No, Dashie! It would have been wrong! Luckily Cadence made me realize that.”

Yeah! Lucky us!

Look what that moron did to you!

“By doing what, Twi?” Rainbow simply responded.

The question made it hard for Twilight to defend Cadence's actions. “She told me I was a danger to you… she talked to me about how I was in the wrong… and then she conjured up the scene I told you about, where you were in a wedding dress.

“She forced me to live through a rejection, you choosing that… other pony over me."

I am so going to kill her.

“Let’s not talk about this anymore, ok?” Rainbow unfolded her wing and wiped away the few tears that had formed in Twilight's eyes. "Why think about something that will never happen."

“I love you, Dashie.” Twilight leaned forward and gave the wing a deep kiss.

"I love you too, Twi," Rainbow assured her.

“And nothing will ever change that.”


Finding the filly had been easy. As it turns out, the barn hadn't been a good hiding place.

They were now sitting on a train to Canterlot, always making sure to keep an eye on Applejack.

A sleeping spell may have been put on her, but one could never be too vigilant.

“I wonder why they haven’t given us a chariot?”

"They don't recognize talent. It's as simple as that."

At least they had been allowed to travel first class, with an entire compartment of their own.

"They will have to now, though.

“Any updates on the princess? I would like to know if we have to worry about leaving the country."

It may have been meant as a joke, yet they were aware that it was a real danger. A new government would probably be reluctant to excuse their doings, even if they had been done with the greater good in mind.

"The sun is up again, so I think we are fine. Other than that, I haven’t received any updates.”

It was expected, though. Since it didn't pertain to their assignment, there was no need to update them.

“Well, we will just have to ask around once we have returned. I am really curious about what could have possibly caused this.”


Buck! Buck! Buck!

Sneak was not having a good day. With the now unfortunately awake Fluttershy, he rushed to the train station.

Who knows what’s going on back in Canterlot!

Hopefully, the princess has returned to the capital, or there will be anarchy!

“This train is heading to Canterlot with top speed and no stops!” he screamed at the conductor, quickly flashing his badge and weapon before entering it, shoving Fluttershy into the first free compartment he could find.

The conductor followed him, annoyed. “I am afraid this train is headed to Las Pegasus, with stops and a normal speed,” he corrected him.

Who does he think he is!

"I am the director of the ESS! I will have you personally charged for high treason if this train doesn't start moving within 30 seconds! There is a government emergency, and I can't be stranded in the middle of nowhere during it!" Sneak felt like pulling his mane out. First, the princess disappeared, then the sun and now he was stranded, arguing with a moronic conductor.

"Look, we both know that the existence of the ESS is just some conspiracy theory. So, I suggest leaving this train and waiting two hours for the next one, which does, in fact, have Canterlot as its destination, before I call the guard.” Anger replaced the annoyance the conductor had previously felt. "Do you even have tickets? Also, how dare to treat your child like that, if that even is your child." He turned around. “You know what? I changed my mind. I will call them-“

Next time you won’t be that lucky.

The conductor was stopped when Sneak pulled out the weapon he had previously flashed with lightning speed, discharging it. Quickly before anypony could notice, he hid the now unconscious pony in the compartment.

"You wait here. I will talk with the-“

“How could you! You shoot him! You shoot an unarmed pony!" Fluttershy screamed loud enough for the other ponies on the train to hear.

Once again, Sneak raised his weapon. “Shut your mouth-“

“Put that thing down!" Before he knew what was happening, his stun gun lay on the ground.

What is going on!

“You should be ashamed of yourself! Have you even considered being kind to him? Asking nicely? You are supposed to protect ponies, not hurt them! You will wait right here for the guard to show up so that you can face the consequences of your actions!” By now, other passengers had rushed over, a few of them trying to provide aid.

She is using some form of mind control on me!

Why aren’t my enchantments working!

It was right then that Sneak regretted sending Twister to Canterlot to oversee other tasks. She would have been more than able to put that pegasus in her place.


In the distance, he could hear the sound of guards rushing over, passengers quickly barraging them with what they thought had happened.

“You will tell them what you did!” Fluttershy made one last command.

And you will pay for this!

The guards quickly restrained him, taking him, Fluttershy and the unconscious conductor away.


They had arrived at the castle with no issues.

Not only that but seeing the small filly genuinely looking up to them felt nice. It was a huge change from what ponies usually felt when encountering them or, rather, what they felt after being in their presence for more than five minutes.

A change they could get used to.

“You are really going to take me into the castle?” Rarity asked.

"Of course. That's what we promised, isn't it?" Flash and Orion flashed smiles at her. Real smiles. Not the fake ones they usually had to use.

This is really happening!

I am in Canterlot!

I am going to… see the princess?

“And you are sure that the princess is alright?” The concern she had felt previously when the sun had disappeared returned.

“You don’t have to worry about that.” Flash and Orion assured her once again. This time, however, their smiles had returned to being fake.

A Solar Guard rushed towards them. “We will take it from here." He kneeled down in front of Rarity. "The princess is still busy, so I will take you to a guestroom. She will see you soon, though. I promise.”

I am going to see the castle from the inside!

Forgetting her manners for a moment, she happily hopped after the guard.

Flash and Orion looked after her, realizing they were going to miss her.

Maybe they should have chosen the EBI instead.

As agents of the ESS, an uplifting task like this would probably not show up again for quite some time.


I mean, I am happy for her, but Rainbow Dash?

Of all ponies, she just had to choose the one pony that didn't like me.

Don’t even get me started on the manners that this pegasus exhibits….

She could easily get a better pony!

Once the information had spread that she was, in fact, fine, it was easy to get things in order again.

She had briefed her government about how to handle the situation and publicly addressed her subjects. She had also been informed that most military officials were on their way to Canterlot, ready to be arrested.

Now she was going around, said City, interacting with her subjects, doing her best to quash any remaining doubt.

I will have to address parliament as soon as possible so that they can formally proclaim her a princess.

But the thought of Rainbow Dash didn’t leave her.

No matter how hard she tried.

Who am I to tell Twilight who she can and cannot love?

Love is a beautiful thing. Nopony can control it.

Well, I guess Cadence and I could.

This wasn’t working out. Earlier than she had planned, she excused herself, making her way back towards the castle.

I barely know her.

I should give Rainbow a second chance, for Twilight's sake.

If Twilight has that much faith in her, then surely, she will be able to quickly dispel my doubts.


The guard showed Rarity her room, unlocking the door before leaving again.

Rarity walked in.

Everything looks so impressive!

So expensive!

So stunning!

The sound of snoring forced her to stop her admiration.

Is somepony already in here?

Against her better judgment, Rarity approached the bed, seeing two fillies in it.

Only their faces were visible, yet she was sure she had them before.

I saw them… in the newspaper!

“Help!” she screamed, resulting in Twilight and Rainbow darting out of bed.


Rarity ran.

But before she could leave the room, she was already thrown on the ground by Rainbow.

“What are you doing in here!” Rainbow held her in place.

They are going to kill me!

Trying to defend herself, Rarity lit her horn light up.

But it didn't escape Twilight's notice. Ready to protect Rainbow, she shot a spell right into Rarity's eyes.

“Ahh!” it blinded her, robbing her of the concentration she needed to come up with her own spells.

That's it. I am done for.

Murdered by two wanted low-life criminals right here in the place I always wanted to visit.

And I didn’t even get to see the princess.

The door slammed open. Three guards rushed inside.

I am saved!

If Rarity had been able to see anything, she would have noticed the guard escorting her looked like he had just been informed about the biggest mistake of his life.

The other two didn’t have any reservations, immediately starting to restrain Rarity, allowing Rainbow to let go.

“What are you doing! Those are Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash! They are the criminals,” she protested. Slowly Rarity’s eyes recovered.

“You will not slander the princess, or we will add it to the charges!” Just like that, the cuffs were tightened severely, letting Rarity feel a world of pain. “We will handle it, princess,” they assured Twilight.



What have I done!

She couldn't fathom how it had happened, but all signs pointed towards the pony she had thought was a criminal being a princess instead.

“Your majesty…” the guard that had let her into the room stepped forward. “I made a mistake. I have been briefed to escort her into this room. I am sorry.”

Twilight and Rainbow relaxed. It had all been a misunderstanding.

"It's alright. Just be more careful next time,” Twilight told him.

How could I have been so foolish! I should have just left to ask the guard if he had made a mistake!

The guards removed the cuffs they had placed on her, with Rainbow walking back into bed, snuggling against Twilight and a Spike who once again had elected to sleep through the whole ordeal.

Why are they sleeping together? There is an empty bed right over there?

The other ponies ignored the scene, quickly making sure they hadn't forgotten anything.

Then to Rarity's astonishment, Equestrias newest princess leaned over, giving the pegasus that had attacked her a kiss.


Oh my…

Quickly Rarity was ushered out of the room.


Twilight couldn’t sleep.

Her body longed for it, yet her mind wouldn’t allow it.

I know her.

She was part of my vision.

“Everything all right, Twi?” Rainbow asked, alerted by Twilight's tossing and turning.

“Her name was… Seldomly?”

No… that doesn’t sound right.

“Rarity! Her name was Rarity!” Twilight exclaimed.

Rainbow put two and two together. “Was she part of your vision?”

“Yes! And she is a bearer!” Twilight confirmed.

That must be why she is here.

"Then we will more than likely see her again soon." Suddenly Rainbow felt bad for attacking her.


“Twi?” Heavy breathing made her aware that there was more to come.

I don't want to hurt Dashie.

But she is fair game.

And I am certainly going to hurt her!

“She made your wedding dress! She owned the boutique!” Suddenly Twilight didn’t feel tired anymore.

Dashie doesn't care about her yet! It's not too late!

But I have to act now.

“Is she the one?” Using her wings to caress Twilight, Rainbow tried to get her to calm down.

It didn’t work this time.

Twilight jumped out of bed, ready for blood.

I am not going to lose this.

I can't lose this.

“Not Rarity,” Twilight hissed.

I will have to talk with Princess Celestia.

I should be more than able to push her into a solution that will benefit me.

Red eyes turned towards Rainbow.


Chapter 12 - Dissonance

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Rainbow threw herself on Twilight.

She is about to do something stupid! I have to stop her!

“Twi! We have been over this! I love you, not her!” she tried to get through to the filly, glowing red eyes indicating that she would more than likely fail.

Twilight's horn lighted up, magic ready to jolt Rainbow off of her.

"Please don't levitate me away," Rainbow whispered while nuzzling her ear. "I hate it when you, or anypony for that matter, does that."

“…I am sorry. I didn’t know that.” Twilight responded, taken aback.

It left them at an impasse. Both ponies lay on the floor, Rainbow on top of a Twilight, who didn't want to use force. Now with magic also no longer an option, she would have to wait for Rainbow to get off of her.

It wasn’t going to happen.

Why are you so scared?

I thought you trusted me?

Red eyes focused their attention back on Rainbow. If they couldn’t use force, they would have to use words to accomplish their goal.

“She took you away from me! She ruined our happiness!” Twilight screamed.

“I hate her!” With every word, Twilight's cutie mark glowed brighter.

“I want her dead!

“I don’t want to lose you…." the last sentence only consisted of incoherent sobbing.

Yet, the still red eyes altered Rainbow that Twilight would jump the moment she gave her an opportunity.

“Twi. Listen to yourself. None of that happened.” Rainbow tried to take some steam out of her.

Why are you acting like this?

Why are your eyes red?

Why is your cutie mark glowing?

Rainbow glanced at her own.

It, too, glowed brightly.

This has suddenly gotten a lot scarier.

I have to stop this!

“Why are you protecting her! I thought you chose me!” Twilight accused her.

"Why are you so scared! I thought you trusted me!" Rainbow shot back.

Both ponies looked deeply hurt by the words the other had spoken.

Crying interrupted them.

Red eyes and a glowing cutie mark disappeared. In one quick motion, Twilight shoved her off of her, rushing over to the dragon.

Rainbow fell on her back. Luckily Twilight had been careful not to use too much force, sparing her from getting hurt.

Was that some form of mother mode?

“It’s ok, Spike. Mommy is here. Everything is fine,” she soothed the dragon.

“Everything is not fine, Twi.” Rainbow picked herself up, glaring at the alicorn.

You transformed into a completely different pony.

You acted like a jealous maniac.

You didn’t trust me.

You doubted my loyalty.

“I… I lost my cool there.

"I don't know why that happened. You are right none of that occurred. I shouldn't doubt you-"

“You didn’t doubt me. You outright accused me of disloyalty.” As soon as Rainbow had spoken those words, rage filled her. They had opened themselves up to each other.

She had done everything to show her love for Twilight.

In the end, it hadn't mattered.

Tears formed. “I can’t believe you!”

She would have run away with those words to who knows where if the door hadn't been kicked right off its hinges, revealing Princess Celestia.

“What in harmony’s name is going on here!” she examined the situation.

Great, now I have to face her as well!

Both fillies stayed quiet.

Princess Celestia levitated them onto the bed, grabbed a chair, sitting in front of them.

“You are causing quite the ruckus." She used her wing to wipe Rainbow's tears away.

Looks like we are going to get our session early.

"I don't want to invade your privacy, but I felt some powerful harmony magic, so I am forced to investigate." The princess offered.

Maybe this has all been wrong.

Maybe I should have just chosen Applejack.

“Those visions have clouded my mind, Dashie. I do trust you. Let me prove it to you.” Twilight simply ignored the princess.

“You could have proven it just now.” Rainbow increased the distance between them.

“Why even try and risk it? Why not just deal with her-”

"Twilight Sparke! You will drop that right now! I don't want to hear about her ever again! Understood!" Rainbow had had enough of her.

"…Yes." The purple filly had been entirely taken by surprise.

Spikes crying got louder.

“Could one of you please-“

“Why don’t you just read my memories again!” Rainbow turned her attention towards the princess.

I need to think!

I need to-

I need to calm down.

So, she did, lying down next to the still sitting, completely broken Twilight, who barely mustered a façade for Spike.

"I will leave you to it then, but only because it's already late, and Cadence has requested my presence. We will talk about this tomorrow." Celestia walked out of the room, anger seeping into her for the treatment she had received.

I guess I have been expecting too much. One cannot have everything.

"If you want to, you can go ahead. Kill her," Rainbow whispered. "Or rather go after your mother so that you can ask her to do your dirty work for you. That will probably be easier.

No longer able to maintain the façade, Twilight laid down the still crying Spike on the bed, curling herself up and starting to sob.

Just before Rainbow could form another thought, Twilight managed to speak again. “You don’t know how it is. Having the fate of the world settled on your back.

“Being a princess.

“Losing the love of your life.

“Always having to maintain appearances. Always pretending.

“Seeing everypony die around you, living alone.

“It didn’t happen to you. It didn’t happen to me.

“But I already experienced it, forced to see it all happen, only remembering parts. Yet, subconsciously it’s all there, raising its ugly head from time to time, showing me more and more, forcing me to act on thoughts that aren't my own.

"Thoughts showing me the horrible pony future me has become, trying to gain control.

“I don’t want this future to happen, Dashie,” Twilight returned to sobbing.

Was it really that bad?

Was she really forced into such a life while I had been gifted with happiness?

Would I have done nothing to help her?

"Twi. If you kill her, then what?" Rainbow asked, finally enveloping Spike in her wings.

He immediately tried to wriggle out.

He wants Twi.

The thought that she was apparently only a third wheel stung.

Twilight tried to muster a convincing voice. “Nopony will ever be able to take you away from me.”

This isn’t how it works.

Maybe she does need Cadence's help.

“What if I ever give another pony a wrong look? Are you going to kill this pony too?” Rainbow tried to reason.

“Maybe. Why not?” Pouting replaced sobbing. “I can have anypony executed for any reason I want.”

Those visions were a gift.

They brought us together.

Now they have become a curse.

Ready to separate us forever.

“Twi. Don’t let some hypothetical scenarios ruin your future. Just because something happened once doesn’t mean it will happen again. We already changed way too much for that.” Twilight had been strong for her.

Now she needed to be strong for Twilight.

Because that was how relationships worked.

A constant giving and taking with the pony of your dreams.

I won’t let one mistake tear us apart!

I won’t let one mistake ruin everything!

What has happened just now doesn’t invalidate all that has happened before! She is still the pony of my dreams!

She is still my purple devil!

It was harder than it sounded, but she was determined to forgive Twilight, no matter how much their argument had hurt her.

I have to let go!

I have to let go!

I have to-

Twilight jumped on top of her, horn lit up.

Next thing they knew, their cutie marks flashed up, darkness overtaking them.


This isn’t what was supposed to happen!

“What did you do, Twi?” Rainbow had the most annoyed look she had ever seen on her face.

“Yes, mom. Why did you do that?” Spike asked. "She would have forgiven you. Why are you destroying everything between you?"

Wait what!

Rainbow and Twilight whirled around, granted with the sight of an older-looking Spike with wings.

“Don’t look at me like that, mom, rainbow mom! I don’t know what is going on either!” he raised his hands.

The two ponies continued their staring, focusing on his wings. It irked him. “My parents both have wings! Why shouldn’t I have them as well!”

Finally noticing that Spike felt uncomfortable, they stopped examining him, returning to the situation at hoof.

What have I done?

“Twi! Explain!” Rainbow demanded, irritated that Spike already seemed to know exactly what had happened.

Why did I think that was a good idea?

“I didn’t… This wasn’t… I just…

"I wanted to erase your memories of my outburst… the spell for it suddenly appeared in my mind…." Twilight turned around, making her way away from Rainbow, disappearing into the dark void surrounding them.

She will never forgive me for that.

Why couldn’t I resist?

Why couldn’t I trust her?

“It will be ok, mom." Spike had caught up to her, flying onto her back. Disappointment that Twilight had nearly forgotten about him filled him, but for his mother's sake, he ignored it.

She already had more than enough to think about.

It won’t be ok.

All the trust I have built between us…

“Mom, you should apologize,” the dragon on her back suggested.

Wait! I could just turn around and try again-

"Ahh! Stop doing that, Spike!" Spike had bitten her ear.

“Stop thinking about such horrible things, then! You sound more like a supervillain, trying to defeat her archnemesis than her marefriend!” the young dragon justified his actions.

“I already ruined it anyway! What differences would it make! I could only improve the situation by succeeding-

“So, you would just edit her memories every time there is an argument between you?” he reasoned.

That wouldn’t be right.

“Mom, you know I love her as well, even if it's not the same kind of love you feel for her.

“If you try to hurt her, I will have to stop you…

“Please don’t let it come to that.” For a moment, his voice had wavered, sounding far younger than he appeared to be right now.

It sounded… helpless.

The final hope Twilight had held shattered.

I can’t do that to him.

And he is right. I can’t do this to Dashie. I already admitted that my action was wrong in the first place. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

I will just have to live with the consequences…

Without an angel to help me along the way-



"It's dark, mom,” Spike told her. “She doesn’t have a horn.”


"I wanted to erase your memories of my outburst. The spell for it suddenly appeared in my mind."

How could you…

With those words, Twilight had left her, Rainbow not having done anything to stop her.

Now, she couldn’t see a thing. With the horn gone, there wasn't any source of light left.

There also wasn’t anything to take her feelings out on.

First, you destroy the trust between us, and now you abandon me in a void of darkness!

"Ahh!" Rainbow couldn't believe her misfortune, yelling at the top of her lungs.

I am alone now.

It left her empty.

She is gone.

It didn’t help that Twilight had also taken Spike with her, meaning Twilight wouldn’t be alone.

Really alone.

I can’t even see my own body.

…I miss you, Twi.

…And I also miss you, Spike.

“Buck! Buck! Buck!-“

Purple light came running towards her.

"I am so sorry, Dashie! I completely forgot that you don’t have any source of light-“

A punch threw her to the ground.

"You- are- the- worst- marefriend- one- could- wish- for" punch after punch was thrown at her, with Twilight not defending herself in the slightest, making her even madder.

Next to them, Spike stood watching, having only barely flown out of the way.

“You treated my trust and loyalty like dirt!” Rainbow began strangling her, hoping it would yield a reaction.

It didn’t.

“You tried to edit my memories, cowardly trying to escape the consequences of your actions.” Not having any appliances to take her emotions out on wasn’t that bad. Turns out that having Twilight worked as well.

Now with the worst of it let out, she let go of the alicorn's throat. Heavy breathing indicated the relief Twilight should have felt.

I felt so empty when you were gone.

“You came back,” Rainbow lay herself down next to Twilight.

The bloody filly avoided her gaze.

Magic lit up.

Rainbow's body began glowing.

Twilight wobbled herself up, making her way away once more.

The pegasus followed, to her dismay.

That’s the easy route, isn’t it?

I can speak from experience.

“Are you just going to cowardly avoid the consequences?” she tried to confront the broken alicorn.

Twilight acknowledged her with a barely visible nod.


“Is that how much our relationship is worth to you!” Another punch from Rainbow brought her to the ground again.

"There is nothing left to be saved," Twilight muttered, trying to get up again.

She is right.

There shouldn’t be anything left to be saved.

Rainbow fought with herself.

Twilight has her issues.

But so do I.

The visions Twilight had faced had clearly left their mark. Could she blame Twilight for that?

However, they didn’t force her to act in this way.

Actions she profoundly regrets.

Rainbow sat down, pulling Twilight's head onto her lap. By now, the alicorn had given up, trying to get up, realizing that the damage Rainbow had caused was more severe than anticipated.

It didn't bother Twilight. As an alicorn, all she needed to do was wait.

And time wasn’t anything that she would run out of anytime soon.

She had made a mistake.

I, too, have made mistakes.

Spike sat down next to them. “You knew how much Celestia’s actions have scarred her. Why did you think it was the right decision to try and edit her memories?”


“Power isn’t a free pass to take what you want. It needs to be used responsibly.”


"I only know that because deep down, you know that as well."

“…Please stop, Spike. It doesn’t make any difference now.” Twilight begged.

It does, though.

Rainbow started gently caressing Twilight's bloody face.

The alicorn closed her eyes, enjoying the experience, even if she couldn’t understand why Rainbow did that.

I need to forgive you.

I want to forgive you.

I can forgive you.

“What you did was unforgivable,” Rainbow began. “I am going to do so anyway.

“Because I can't actually stay mad at my purple devil for more than five minutes." Rainbow gave her a kiss on her head.

“See, mom. She forgives you.

“You know she would have done so even quicker without your stunt.

"You know she would have because you would have done the same.

“This is how love works. Cadence told you so many times.” With each word, Twilight had shrunk more and more, resorting to making herself as tiny as possible.

You don’t forgive yourself, do you?

“Twi, I am not forgiving you out of the goodness of my heart.

“I am forgiving you because you earned it with everything you have done for me.

“What you did just now… I don’t believe that it was you. I am forgiving you because I believe that you didn’t mean to do that. Because I believe you won’t do that again. You aren’t that kind of pony, I am sure of that.

“Please prove me right.

“Please prove to me that you do indeed love me by never betraying the trust between us again.

“I know you are a better pony than that." Rainbow gazed into Twilight's eyes, which had finally chosen to make eye contact with her.

I still love you, Twi, even if I shouldn’t.

“Dashie?” Twilight mumbled.

“Yes, Twi?” Rainbow lay down, looking into the darkness above them, still stroking Twilight, who lay on top of her now.

“Thank you for giving me the second chance I don’t deserve.” Unbelievable amounts of gratefulness were conveyed in her voice.

I have made so many mistakes…

Who am I to deny you a second chance?

Especially if you regret your actions way more than I ever did.

“I swear on my life that I won't ever use any form of magic on you ever again unless you want me to.

“I will also never again bring Applejack up or doubt your love in any other way again.

“And I will never again be possessive of you in any kind, no matter what happen-“

"Celestia, dammit, Twi! You won't need to because I only love you!" Rainbow screamed.

“Sorry, Dashie. I only wanted to-“

"Why can't you just shut your mouth so that those beautiful lips of yours can finally kiss me like they wanted to since I have taken you on my-“

Twilight didn’t need any further invitation, closing the distance between their mouths.

“Mom! Rainbow Mom! I think there is a tree in the distance! See, over there! It's glowing!" Spike shouted.

Before they could look, the world around them collapsed.


Twilight and Rainbow jolted out of bed.

It was still dark outside.

Was that a dream?

Twilight lay on top of her, a groggily Spike beside them, looking disappointed at his back.

No, this wasn’t a dream…

Twi really tried to edit my memories…

And I forgave her for that.

She looked around. Next to them sat princess Celestia with an expression that screamed instant execution was imminent.

“Could my lovely daughter and the pony she has chosen for herself please have some compassion with an old mare like me by explaining why they have been lying in bed clinically dead for about 10 hours, together with their pet dragon?” she asked in the sweetest voice she could muster that only increased the dread Twilight and Rainbow felt.

Pet? Spike isn’t a pet!

"Answer me, or I will rip those answers out of you!" Flames sprayed from the princess, trying to provide an intimidating display.

It utterly failed to accomplish its goal due to the room’s inhabitants knowing that she wouldn’t go through with hurting them.

Or, in Rainbow's case, hoping.

Regardless, Twilight answered. “Rainbow and I had an argument. I tried editing her memories, which teleported us into some kind of black void.”

Twi! By not avoiding the consequences, I didn't mean snitching on yourself to her!

“…” A wave of disappointment filled Celestia. "Why would you do that, Twilight?

“The elements won’t take kindly to such actions.

“You love her! Do you want your relationship to be built on lies-“

“I learned from the best!” Twilight stared the princess right in the eyes.

Both of them were engulfed by flames now, either by choosing or unintentionally.

It was a pretty terrifying sight.


Even that monster must have felt something, hearing those words.

Rainbow watched the standoff in awe.

In the end, Twilight won, with Celestia relenting and turning around.

"I have made many mistakes, Twilight.

“I have edited the memories of countless beings, Twilight.

“I have never edited the memories of my love.”

Probably because you never got a chance to do so. He probably ran away the first chance he got.

"It's five in the morning. I will have the servants bring you breakfast to your room. Afterwards, you will go see Cadence.” Celestia left.

Good riddance. Hopefully, Chrysalis succeeds in her plot. Just being near princess Celestia is a chore.

Rainbow glanced back at Twilight.

“You know…, you two seem to have a bunch of similarities-“

“We don’t!” Twilight insisted.

You totally do.



Both stared at each other.

This is awkward.

What are we supposed to do after everything that just happened?

Rainbow couldn’t think of a way to get them out of this one.

Luckily Twilight made the first step. “Rainbow, I-“

“I am sorry? Who is that? Are you cheating on me?” Rainbow poked Twilight with her wings, using an accusatory stare to examine her.

Reverting back to Rainbow! What an insult!

“…” Twilight didn’t manage to figure out the reason for her behaviour.

“Sparke! My name is Dashie! You better use it, or I will make you use it!" she had trouble keeping her expression straight.

“How dare you! That’s princess Sparkle to you!” Twilight countered.

Heh! I can totally top that!

"You meant soon-to-be empress, right? Once we have toppled princess Celestia's tyrant regime, there will be nothing stopping me from taking over this pathetic planet!" An evil laugh escaped Rainbow.

“Me?” Twilight inquired, taken aback by the words.

Yet, in a weird way, Rainbow's display fascinated her.

“Ops. It seems I have made a mistake.” Slowly Rainbow closed the distance between them as menacingly as she could muster. “It looks like I will have to edit your memories now, my little tool. So that you will never figure out that I have secretly planned all this!” Another evil laugh. “How I have been secretly manipulating you! Once you have taken over, I will pull the strings in the background using you as my puppet ruler! And foolishly, you will do my every bidding, even transforming me into an alicorn!" That would have been the moment she would have let her magic appear.

Had she actually been capable of performing magic, that is.

Totally got her!

“Oh, wow. I am definitely going to have you executed for that,” Twilight grinned.

“Not when I kill you first!” Rainbow threw herself on her.

For a moment, all their problems were forgotten again.

I wonder if….

“Stop! Stop! I yield, Dashie! I yield!” Rainbow had begun tickling Twilight.

“Mery, Dashie! Mercy!” Twilight pleaded, completely overwhelmed by Rainbow's ever-intensifying tickling attack.

“That’s what you get for defying me! Only I get to use mind magic, minion!” she let off of Twilight, not wanting to overdo it.

Twilight tried to collect herself. “Dammit, Dashie. You are good at this. Equestria is lucky that you aren’t actually evil.”

Well, that can still change…

I can already see it! Twi is only a filly, yet she still managed to strike the princess down! She could easily-

“You aren’t actually thinking about that, right?” The purple filly gave her a look that didn’t show any emotions.

“…Maybe?” Still no reaction. “All right, fine! We won’t take over Equestria!” Rainbow gave her a fake look of disappointment.

I wonder, though… Would she go along if I ever were to try such a thing?

She would, wouldn’t she?

Not being aware of Rainbow's thoughts, Twilight hopped out of bed.


I lost her.

I almost lost her.

And I have nopony to blame but myself.

Twilight's mind was a wreck. Rainbow had helped to make her feel better, yet she was still scared.

Scared that secretly she hadn’t forgiven her.

That she would turn around at any moment, changing her mind, leaving her.

Worst of all, she was scared that she had hurt Rainbow, despite promising she would help her improve.

It just popped up in my mind.

An entire memory editing spell, together with the information of how to use it…

This extreme desire to use it on her…

I can’t let that happen ever again!

But how was she supposed to prevent herself from doing so again? Previously she would have laughed at the idea of her ever using such a spell on Rainbow.

Then it had happened, regardless.

I could cut off my horn?

No, that’s stupid.

An idea! I need an idea!


A knock on the door indicated the arrival of their breakfast.

Twilight opened the door, immediately greeted by a barrage of servants.

“Your majesty, we didn’t know what you liked, so we have brought you everything available.”

Sweet Celestia! This is ridiculous!

“Awesome!” Rainbow, too, hopped out of bed, landing next to her.

I suppose this is quite awesome.

The servants stared at them, unsure where to put their “breakfast”.

“Just put it on the floor, thank you,” Twilight told them.

The servants quickly did so before leaving.

“Look at that, Twi! One could feed an entire city with that!” the pegasus quickly scooped up a bunch of the most delicious-looking pancakes she had ever seen.

Feeding a city would have been way more useful. So much of that will go to waste.

But it was already too late. The food had been brought, and right now, they had other troubles than coming up with a way to properly distribute it.

Twilight levitated a daisy sandwich towards her, as well as a giant bowl of gems, walking over towards Spike.

I wonder how much we pay them? Surely, they have to be infuriated that gems are used as food.

Then again, if that Is what dragons eat, what else are we supposed to do?

She sat down next to him, levitating him on her lap, beginning to feed him the gems.

“Twi, you are his mother, right?" An insecure-sounding Rainbow garnered her attention.

Why is she asking that?

“Yes, of course,” Twilight responded.

“Am I his… mother as well?” the pegasus quickly fled herself in her breakfast.

Are you?

"Yes." conviction had grabbed the young alicorn. "You are his rainbow mommy, don’t you remember?”

"He… seems to favour you." Rainbow managed to say between munching.

He did, didn’t he?

“I hatched -“ she stopped herself “- I… gave him life. It's only natural. Give him some more time. Since he has already taken a liking to you, I doubt that it will take long."

“You are right, Twi. I shouldn’t worry about that,” relief filled Rainbow. She had just put too much thought into it.

Come to think of it, Spike behaved very weirdly during… our dream?

The dragon gave her an offended look.

Can he read my thoughts?

Spike turned away as if he didn’t want to answer.

The three continued to eat their breakfast, all having a bunch of thoughts on their mind they needed to work through.


A lonely bat pony had woken up.

She felt ill. Very ill.

Ill by what she had witnessed.

Ill by knowing that the ponies she had considered friends and family were dead.

Ill, thanks to barely managing to get some sleep in the cold night she had been exposed to.

All those things, however, weren’t what bothered her right now.

We tried to kill some fillies.

It had all happened so fast.

Yet, that wasn’t a good excuse.

I have killed before.




Until now, it had all been part of the job.

Until now, she had never second-guessed it.

It had all changed when she saw her imminent death.

It was obvious that she was going to win!

Yet, the others hadn’t cared, green eyes glowing with a brightness she had never witnessed before.

I still abandoned them.

I betrayed them.

I should have died with them.

But instead, she ran away.


Now she was the only one alive who would be able to tell command what had happened.

I have to tell them! They must know about the power the element of magic already possesses!

They must know about the involvement of changelings!

They must know about her relationship with the pegasus!

Yet, for some reason, she didn't want to return.

With intensive coughing, she pulled herself up.

Surely, they think I am dead...

If I return, I will just have to face punishment.

I will have to continue with these horrible deeds.

They will continue to bully me all day because I never learned how to use dark magic correctly.

A new life awaited her.

It was time to continue her journey towards Equestria.


Cadence was tired.

I can’t believe she woke me up at five in the morning.

She had stayed up very late. For one, she had briefly briefed her aunt about what had happened. Predictably Celestia had been very angered about her accounts.

What she hadn't accounted for was that all that anger had focused entirely on Rainbow Dash, calling her a drag down as well as a danger to Twilight.

She also refused to acknowledge her own role in all this, nearly burning me alive for even insinuating it.

But it hadn’t all been a waste. Cadence had talked to some of the best experts Canterlot had to offer.

The results had been mixed.

I also can’t fully rely on them since their assessments were based on what I have told them, which admittedly isn’t that much.

Regardless, they all agreed that, in theory, Twilight would be the best pony to help Rainbow since she already had such a close connection to her, deeply caring for the pegasus and ready to support her.

The problem, however, was that Twilight herself wasn't stable, creating a huge risk that she would be dragged down along with Rainbow instead of helping her.

Or she could fall back into those dark feelings I spoke with her about, deeply hurting her.

Talking about Twilight, the ponies she had conversed with agreed that, from the sound of it, she wasn’t in any immediate danger.

They did, however, suggest giving her stability, allowing her to properly come to terms with the new developments in her life, as well as to ensure that there is somepony Twilight can confide in. A pony that would be able to support her through those turbulent times.

That pony could have been Rainbow if she hadn't been facing her own issues, just like Twilight.

What did they recommend?

Strangely enough, they thought Twilight's plan wasn't all that bad since it would always be better to work with the ponies needing help instead of forcing them.

Now the ball lies in my court.

My job will be to monitor their progress as well as support them on their road to recovery with the few tips and tricks I have been given.

It would have to suffice for now.

Before she could grab a coffee, there was already a knock at the door.

Cadence opened it.


A quick punch reminded her of the pegasus violent tendencies.

Maybe auntie has been onto something.

“That was for mentally torturing, Twi!”

Covering her eye, Cadence used her free wing to point them to the bed.

Twilight chastised Rainbow, but the pegasus victorious grin didn’t waver.

Deep breaths, Cadence. Deep breaths.

She activated her love spell.

Ok, let's see. They both hold a deep love for each other. That’s good.

Cadence continued to search for more hints that would give her any indication about their state of mind.

That's weird. Based on what I witnessed yesterday, I would have expected more positive emotions.

Instead, fear, insecurities, as well as hints of anger were the prevalent emotions, even outweighing the love they both felt for each other.

Maybe they had a bad dream?

She could only hope they did. They hadn’t even begun yet, but things were already turning sour.

Wait a second! Those dark feelings Twilight held are gone!

It was a major victory she couldn’t explain.

I guess sometimes miracles happen.

She took another look at Rainbow since she was the one she had the most concerns about right now.

Hmm, I don’t see anything that is immediately out of place.

Cadence stopped her spell. It wasn't going to help anyway. It would just provide her with some insight.

“All right. First, I will deal with Twilight's “love issues”. I have to say, we have apparently made way more progress than expected. It's good to know that you no longer have these possessive feelings for Rainbow.” She noticed the glances both fillies exchanged.

I missed something, didn't I?

For a moment, she had this urge to destroy something.

Deep breaths! There is no need to blow something up!

It didn't matter. She had already planned out today's session, and she was too tired to change it now. “Since you insisted on attending this session with her, I am going to cast a bonding spell on you. It will conjure up one or more situations, places etc., that are important to you, giving you the opportunity to open up to each other.

"Just remember. If you feel uncomfortable, you can dismiss the scenes at any time.” She left unsaid that they weren’t allowed to judge each other for that, fully expecting them to already know that.

Cadence levitated Spike towards her, petting the little dragon.

Together they watched as the spell took effect.



“Is that Cloudsdale, Dashie?” Twilight looked in awe at the cloud city that surrounded them.

Just keep calm. You wanted to go with her.

All you have to do is tell her something about Cloudsdale and move on.

“Yes. We are currently at flight camp.” Rainbow tried to play it cool.

"Is this where you learn to fly?" Twilight followed up.

"It's an instinct. Usually, we learn it by ourselves or with our parents. Flight camp is supposed to be for fun while also helping us improve," she responded.

Ok, there is no way for Twi to get suspicious.

“Supposed to be?”


“Look, Twi. I had my issues here. That’s-”

What am I doing here?

Why am I trying to deceive her?

“I was a terrible bully, Twi.” Rainbow saw Twilight opening her mouth as if she was going to tell her to stop lying before closing it again. “I wish I was lying, Twi, but it's true."

“Ponies change, Dashie. The past doesn’t define us,” Twilight offered.

I wish that was true, yet it isn’t.

At least as long as ponies know about your past, which is why I wanted to leave.

“Twi, I am not smart. My grades always were terrible.

“I… I guess I am kind. But only to you. Before you, I wasn't even kind when I tried to be."

"The same applies to my loyalty. I mean, I literally left everypony behind. I won’t do the same to you, though. I promise.

“And strong… Physically yes, but mentally not really." Looking at her old home was starting to take its toll. She quickly closed her eyes, hoping it would be gone once she opened them again.

“Dashie…" Twilight's wings enveloped her. "Did you hear what I said back when we travelled to Dodge City?”

"Those were the most beautiful words I have ever heard, Twi. We barely knew each other, yet you still believed in me with utter conviction. You didn’t demand anything of me… you just took me like I was.” Rainbow buried her head in Twilight.

Looking back, this was when things started to change.

When I started to not think about you as some kind of ticket out of Equestria but as a pony I wanted to genuinely be with.

A pony I would grow to love far quicker than I thought was possible.

“I love you, Twi.” She opened her eyes, gazing into the familiar pair of purple eyes she had grown to love, closing the distance between them, deeply kissing Twilight.

Twilight happily returned it.

This is working.

She doesn’t care about my past.

And I feel so much better talking to her about it!

Twilight pulled back, wanting to speak. “I hate bullies, Dashie.” Rainbow didn’t even raise an eyebrow, completely convinced that a “but” would follow. “I, too, had my issues, with them calling me bookworm etc. Luckily, I was heavily shielded, thanks to my connections and family.

“Dashie, those ponies may never forgive you for what you have done, but what matters is that you regret your actions.

“I know you have changed. The Dashie I know isn’t a bully.” Twilight rubbed her face against her. “Forget about the past, Dashie. Let’s forge our future.”

She really wants me to let go.

Before she did that, however, there was more to be told.

“Most of them already forgave me, Twi.” The pegasus said to Twilight's surprise. Twilight couldn't fathom what the issue could have been if Rainbow already had the forgiveness of her former victims.

“When Gilda, my best friend, left, I became disconnected from my other "friends". We had done many things together, yet I was never really close with them.” Rainbow began flying, picking a confused Twilight up and taking her up in the air. “Here, Twi. Now you can see flight camp in its entirety.

“You see those clouds on the edge of it? This is where I realized what I had really been participating in.” Rainbow flew them towards the tiny clouds. “Bullying had mostly been something I took part in because the others did it. Now, with Gilda gone, things changed.

"I spend more and more time with my other “friends”, finally noticing the full impact our actions had on our victims… Gilda and I… we always left before things got too bad.”

I should have questioned her tendency to constantly push me away when things got too wild.

“Anyway. I didn't feel comfortable. However, it wasn't enough to make me stop.”

Twilight gazed around, trying to look for any hints about what Rainbow was going to say next.

“One of the victims we often times bullied was Fluttershy. She was an easy target. Extremely shy, barely speaking. Nearly unable to fly.

“You know. The perfect victim for a bunch of losers that would never actually attack a pony able to defend itself." Twilight wanted to protest, but Rainbow signalled for her not to do so. "Let’s not pretend, Twi. What I said is true, and we all know it.

“One day, we dragged Fluttershy to the clouds we are standing on right now. Normally we would have just insulted her, but this time somepony just darted forward, pushing her off the cloud out of nowhere.

“Nopony was going to save her." Rainbow stared at the ground below, lost in the memories of that day.

“So, I jumped after her, barely managing to catch her.

"Foolishly, I thought they would regret their actions. Maybe even praise me for saving her. Instead, they immediately started barraging me with insults for what I did.”

I had known for quite some time that I was only delaying the inevitable, yet I wasn’t prepared for how much that hurt.

“You saved her life, Dashie! You are a hero!” Twilight tried to cheer her up.

“Without ponies like me, this would have never happened.” Rainbow dismissed her compliment.

And then I did the same thing for some stupid race….

“When they attacked me, I snapped. I told them how what we were doing was horrible. How she could have died…

“How I would no longer participate, encouraging them to stop as well.”

Rainbow wings formed into fists.

How could they just dismiss me like that!

How couldn’t they see what we were doing, even after what happened with Fluttershy!


"They just ditched me, leaving me as well as Fluttershy behind!” Rainbow shouted, infuriated.

Twilight nuzzled her. “You are better than them, Dashie. They didn’t deserve you.”

You are bucking right! They don't deserve me! Never did!

Calmer, Rainbow continued. “This also isn’t where this story stopped, Twi. From here on, it only gets worse.

“With them leaving, I had lost all my friends.

“But I also gained a new one. Me standing up for her led to Fluttershy sticking to me like superglue.

“It also led to me getting a reputation as "freak protector". Don't ask me how they came up with that name. They aren't known for their creativity." Rainbow rolled her eyes at the stupid nickname they had given her.

It was still better than the other names they used.

“It had two consequences. Number one, my former victims forgave me due to them seeing that I had changed but mostly hoping I would indeed stand up for them. Number two, my former "friends" picked me as the new main target, seeing me as some kind of outlaw. A threat to the power dynamic they had built or something like that." She took deep breaths. They were reaching the end of the story.

Twilight is there for me.

They can’t hurt me anymore.

I need to get this off my chest.

“At first, I didn’t let it get to me.

"But I was fighting a losing battle. At school, flight camp etc., everywhere, I had already ruined my reputation in the eyes of the adults. To them, I was and always would be a troublemaker. A worthless bully."

A pony that society would be better without.

“They weren’t going to protect me.” Twilight was there for her. It did little to prevent the pressure she was feeling from increasing more and more. "In a way, my former victims enjoyed better protection. They at least had adults looking out for them. I didn't.

“Every day, my former “friends” did everything to make my life hell. They got me in trouble with everypony. They framed me. They played pranks on me. They called me names.

"Oftentimes, it even got physical.

“Not in a fair way, though. They always outnumbered me,” Rainbow stopped.

It was then that I started to truly hate everypony around me.

My parents, who always believed my teachers when they told them I hadn't changed.

The former "friends" that had betrayed me.

The adults who did nothing to protect me.

My former victims for looking away, just being happy that they weren’t the focus anymore.

Fluttershy for starting all this.

“I had them before, but it was then when my outbursts started to really get going…

She couldn’t do this. She couldn’t continue.

“Dashie, don’t force yourself. You don’t have to tell me all of it right now,” Twilight soothed her.

I just wanted to do the right thing!

It always works in the books!

“You did the right thing today. We will work this through together, just like I promised.

“Thank you for trusting me.”

That’s right, Twi.

I trust you.

Please, never turn out like they did.

“I don’t want to talk about this anymore-“

The world around them changed.

So, this is how this works.

Twilight wrapped her hooves around her neck, gifting Rainbow's head with kisses.

Next thing they knew, they were in some kind of backwater-

“Dashie! Dashie, Dashie!“ Letting go of Rainbow's head, Twilight hopped around like a crazy madmare, wholly overwhelmed by euphoria.

What has gotten into her?

"This is where I first saw you, in my vision! You crashed into me, pushing us into a mud puddle!” Twilight giggled, rushing over to said puddle.

That doesn’t sound very nice.

“It was absolutely magical! I immediately recognized that we were destined to be together, even if the me in my vision didn’t at the time!” Twilight jumped onto her, hugging her as tightly as she could. “Me and my rainbow angel! Destined to be together! It felt so amazing experiencing it at the time!”

Those visions are seriously messing with her brain.

“Twi, I pushed you into a mud puddle,” Rainbow interjected.

"Who cares! It's just some mud! You can push me into it as many times as you want!" Twilight threw herself into the puddle. "It was the best mud puddle ever since it led to us meeting each other,” she said with dreamy eyes looking at the sky.

This is going nowhere.

Regardless, her curiosity had been peaked. “What else happened?”

“You drenched me in water before messing up my mane and tail, laughing at me." Twilight didn't seem to care at all about what the pegasus had done to her.

I sound like a bully!

Like I forgot all my lessons!

The dreamy alicorn didn't recognize the distress her accounts were causing Rainbow. How could she? To her, the actions the pegasus had performed weren’t mean at all. They had been a gift. “It was hard to catch everything at the time, but we argued about you wanting to join the wonderjolts-“

“Wonderbolts,” Rainbow corrected.

They are quite cool, but joining them?

“Wonderbolts, yes! That was their name! Anyway, the result of our argument was that you cleared the entire sky of clouds at record speed!"

That sounds…


Yet, Twilight was fascinated. She jolted out of the mud puddle, racing around, trying to take in all the details of the scene.


“How old was I!” Rainbow screamed.

“I don’t know… around 20?” Twilight tried to guess.


20, and my life consisted of keeping the sky clear!

It wasn’t the sort of carrier the pegasus had imagined for herself.

That sound so… depressing…



Not that it wasn’t an important job, but she had hoped to accomplish something more…


Twilight approached her hesitantly. “Did I say something wrong?”


It doesn’t matter.

It won’t happen now, anyway.

“Can we just move on, Twi? I know you like it here, but this is seriously killing my mood,” Rainbow asked.

Twilight didn’t understand why she didn't share her excitement for a scene that was so precious to her but complied, nonetheless.

“Sure. I think we are done here, anyway.” The world collapsed again.

Just for them to appear back in the castle, finding themselves in a decorated hall.

Twilight's face fell.

“I… we can skip-“

Something happened here.

“If you really want to, we can skip this, Twi,” Rainbow nuzzled her. “Just know that I am there for you. You don't have to keep secrets from me. I won't judge you, just like you didn't judge me-"

"It's not about that, Dashie,” Twilight stopped her. “You all left me here.”

Left you?

“I… I didn’t manage to understand what actually happened, but I had some argument with Cadence…

"You all just left with her! You left me standing in the room all alone!" the alicorn screamed, deeply hurt. "Even Celestia left me!"

She told me I was happy in the future.

Yet, I sound like a horrible pony.

“Twi, you are letting your vision influence you again. You don’t care about Celestia.” Twilight halted her anger outburst. Rainbow was right. She didn’t really care about the princess’s approval anymore. “And I won’t abandon you.

“It seems to me that we weren’t that close in your vision, but luckily that isn’t how things turned out.” Rainbow leaned towards her, whispering in her ear, “Our future will be better, Twi. It will be a future where I will never abandon you.”

“Thank you, Dashie.” Rainbow's words had completely drained the anger Twilight had been feeling.

“Let’s leave this ugly place,” Twilight almost demanded.

This is-

“Is this the bathroom? Back at the changeling hive?

I thought that she looked beautiful.

I washed her.

She was so… cute.

Rainbow's absent stare concerned Twilight. “Dashie?”

“I think I had already fallen for you at that point." Rainbow's eyes stared right into hers. "You have stolen my heart so easily, Twi.”

How could I have ever fallen for another pony?

“Oh, Dashie!” Twilight heart melted.

“When you fell victim to the library shelf, you were covered in dust. I washed you.” Her words caused Twilight to turn deep red.

It also filled Twilight with deep disappointment that she couldn’t remember that.

“I wonder what it will show us next, Twi?” Rainbow spoke.

Twilight grabbed her violently.

They were at a graveyard.

"You don't have to be scared, Twi," Rainbow soothed her. "We will find a solution."

The grip tightened.



"I just remembered something…."

I won’t leave you alone.

I won’t abandon you.

“Don’t be worried, Twi. Nothing will ever separate us,” Rainbow tried.

But it wasn't the reason for Twilight's concern.

“When I saw the gravestones, I snapped, with the vision collapsing…

“But before that happened, another scene played out," the fear Twilight's eyes held infected Rainbow.

She is going to reveal something horrible, isn’t she?

It made her wonder if she had somehow betrayed Twilight again.


“I can't…" the young alicorn stuttered. "Can it show you what happened instead?”

Apparently, it was possible since an old-looking Twilight appeared before the gravestones.

Their vision, as well as their hearing, became distorted as if the memories were somehow corrupted.

Additionally, the colour scheme changed to one that made everything look rainbow-like.

A guard approached the older Twilight, causing her to stand up.

“We have located the resistance base, your majesty,” he reported before hesitating. "Your majesty, who were these ponies? That rainbow cutie mark looks just like the insignia of the royal guard?”

Older Twilight looked displeased at the soldier forgetting his manners.

She still answered, “Weaknesses.

“Weaknesses I needed to get rid of.

“Weaknesses I needed to get rid of with the exception of one pony.

“For her, I would have done everything…

"… It's a shame she defied me." Older Twilight summoned a threatening-looking set of armour and put it on. “What a disappointment that Spike has now made the same mistake. Instruct General Spear to make it quick. I don’t want him to suffer-“

“Make it stop!”


Twilight shot out of bed, instantly tackling Cadence and grabbing Spike. "I will never hurt you, Spike! You hear me! Never!" she screamed at the poor child.

That was a standard bonding spell! What happened?

Rainbow jumped after Twilight, trying to wrench Spike out of her iron grip. “Twi, it wasn’t real! You have to let go! You are hurting him!”

Whatever you saw was real, though. That’s the whole point of the spell.

Cadence was lost. She had been with Twilight for most of her life and read countless ESS reports about the filly.

I can’t think of a single event in her life that would cause such a reaction.

Finally, Twilight let go of the dragon, allowing Rainbow to take him in her wings. Immediately Spike buried himself in them.

Cadence activated her love magic.

The results were disappointing.

Rainbow had clearly improved, and she wanted to be happy for her… but Twilight hadn't.

Twilight's emotions were all over the place, some of them even appearing to belong to a different pony.

Ok, that didn't work out like I expected it to…

That was ok, though. She wasn’t finished yet.

I will skip the part where I ask them what they saw. Twilight clearly isn’t stable right now.

“Rainbow, can you tell me something about your hobbies?” Cadence tried to get their attention.

Miraculously it worked.

Even if it was only because both fillies, as well as Spike, looked at her as if she was stupid.

Deep breaths! They are only fillies!

It took some time, but Rainbow answered. “I like to fly…

“However, they kicked me out of flight camp.”

That’s good!

The flight part, that is, not that she was kicked out.

Twilight may have still been in utter shock. Still, her body reacted on its own, her wings gently caressing Rainbow, managing to put a smile on the pegasus.

"Now that Twilight has wings, have you considered flying together? The castle gardens are perfect for that," Cadence suggested.

Give them a hobby they can perform together.

Help them take their mind off things.

A positive activity they can use to let their energy out.

“That’s right, Twi!” Rainbow glowed. “We can fly together now!”

"I ordered Spike's death." The glow disappeared.

You did what?

"Screw those visions! You are your own pony! If you don't want that to happen, simply don't do it!" Rainbow continued her attempts to ease Twilight's mind.

You ordered Spiked death in your visions…

The visions that showed you your future…

This is bad! Really really bad!

Cadence had no doubt that her aunt would elevate Twilight to a high position in government. If the filly were to use that power for evil…

She can’t be allowed to get that kind of power! Not in her current state! Not-

Wouldn’t we have stopped her?

Another kind of fear filled Cadence. “Twilight… What happened to us in your vision?”

Twilight stared her in the eyes.

Then she turned around, Rainbow following her with Spike leaving the frightened princes of love alone.


Fluttershy was awoken by a guard. Slowly she opened her eyes.

“Here, I have brought you some breakfast,” he said.

Do I smell cider?

She had tried to ignore it yesterday, but the wobbling of the guard made it clear.

He was drunk.

He was drunk, and it was eight in the morning.

It's ok. At least he was kind enough to bring me breakfast.

Even if said breakfast looked pretty spartan, barely like something that was safe for consumption.

Noticing Fluttershy's disdain for the breakfast he had brought, the guard felt the urge to defend himself. "We can't afford any unnecessary expenses. Without bribes, we wouldn't even have enough-“ Quickly, he stopped himself, noticing that his loose mouth would get him in trouble again.

Embarrassed, he turned around, leaving the filly alone.

At least no one would believe her should she tell anypony about his admission.

Or so he thought.

They take bribes?

Surely, they aren't paid that poorly.

Fluttershy's eyes darted around.

Then again, this building looks like it could collapse at any moment.

It also hadn’t helped that the only “room” they were able to offer was a prison cell.

I will have to bring it up with the princess! Nopony deserves to work in these conditions!

Only because she didn't want to insult the kindness the guard had shown her by bringing her any breakfast at all did she force herself to eat it.

At least it doesn’t taste terrible. Only a bit plain.

Just as she had finished, another guard entered the cell. Not drunk but clearly very tired. "We have corroborated your account of the events. Director Sneak will face punishment for his actions. They are inexcusable,” the earth pony mare told her. “Come now, I have been instructed to escort you to Canterlot… for some reason.”

They are lying, aren’t they? They just want me to feel good.

But she had done what she could, even insisting on pressing charges.

Whether or not Sneak would be punished wasn’t in her hooves anymore.

Walking through the corridor, Fluttershy stopped when she reached Sneak's cell.

“Where are you taking her!” the ESS director demanded.

To Fluttershy's surprise, the guard didn't answer, simply ignoring him.

Why isn’t she bothered by his position?

The guard motioned for Fluttershy to move along.

This is all just some show, isn't it?

So that I don’t go around questioning their efforts.

Sneak was going to be released as soon as she was gone.

So, she would at least give him another piece of her mind. “You have to be kinder to ponies-“

"Grow up!" Sneak screamed, infuriated. "If you want to accomplish anything significant in your life, you will have to take what you want, not ask around like a coward!" The ESS director was bright red, looking like he was trying to kill Fluttershy by staring alone.

How was a pony like him able to get any high-ranking position in government?

That thought scared Fluttershy. A pony like Sneak wielding power.

Still, she wouldn’t allow him to get out of her scolding. “That is a terrible way to go about things. You may be able to get through with it for now, but there will be a day when you are in need of other ponies. When that day comes, there may not be a pony left willing to help you-"

“That’s the beauty of it!” Sneak grinned at her. “When you get the power I have, you will always have a bunch of subordinates ready at your disposal, with the law becoming a book of suggestions.” A victorious smile would have appeared on his face had it not been for the look of pity.

Not the look of pity on Fluttershys face, he couldn’t care less about princess Celestia’s little toy.

It was the look of pity from the mare accompanying Fluttershy that gave him pause.

But Fluttershy didn't know that, happy at the belief that she might have gotten through to him, following the guard out of the cell block.

He may not be a lost cause after all.

Alone with his thoughts, worry fueled Sneak.

Worry that nopony had let him out of the cell by now.


I am a danger to everypony.

I am a danger to Dashie.

I am a danger to Spike.

They had been wandering aimlessly around the castle, with Rainbow telling her how nothing she had seen mattered.

How they would create a better future.

How they were in control, not the visions that now tried to destroy everything they had.

But what if I fail?

What if I become that monster?

“There you are, Twilight.” Princess Celestia walked towards them. “I was looking for you two. How was your meeting with Cadence.”

Both ponies stared at her with hostility.

You must have had something to do with the pony I have become.

I have no doubt about that.

Why didn’t you stop me?

Only two answers came to Twilight's mind.

Either, the princess hadn’t been able to bring herself to oppose her daughter.

But if that was the case, her sister and Cadence should have interfered.

Which left only one viable option.

I must have killed them.

Resignation plastered itself on Celestia’s face. She knew that she needed to give Twilight some time to get used to her, yet it became harder by the second.

“Follow me,” the princess sighed.

I have become a tyrant.

A tyrant that was so terrible even her own son decided to oppose her.

The princess guided her to a meeting room.

They sat down.

Thoughts are going through my head that aren't my own.

They are influencing my actions.

My behaviour has undeniably changed.

On the opposite end of the table sat a puzzled Rarity, as well as an angry Applejack.

“Twi, you have to let go,” Rainbow whispered into her ear. “You are letting a false future destroy your life.”

Let go…

I have to let go…

Just let go…

Applejack looked like she was ready to explode, but she had the sense not to do so in front of the princess.

“Another pony was supposed to join us, but unfortunately, she wasn't able to arrive on time," Celestia started. "Regardless, I didn’t want to keep you waiting any longer. Rarity -“ the princess pointed at the white unicorn “- Applejack –“ this time she pointed at orange earth pony “- may I introduce you to Rainbow Dash –" one last time, she moved her wings to point at the pegasus among them “- as well as my daughter Twilight Sparkle." There was no need to point at her. After all, she was the only other alicorn among them.

Also, the princess had to bite her tongue so as to not refer to Twilight with the title she had practically already bestowed onto her, not wanting to unnecessarily frighten the two new fillies.

Rainbow is right!

Nothing forces me to become that monster! I control my future!

But even so, there is always the possibility of me slipping up… of hurting her again.

I have to account for that as well! I have to find a way to protect my angel!

The angel that has foolishly fallen in love with a devil.


Princess Celestia looked at the fillies in the room.

Rainbow only had eyes for Twilight as well as the small dragon on her lap.

Twilight was deeply lost in thought, quite possibly not having listened to anything she had said.

Rarity looked with jealously and disdain at Twilight.

Applejack was seething, ready to murder all the other ponies in the room.

Maybe eternal night won’t be so bad?

It's not like it will kill Twilight or me.

Then again, Nightmare Moon wanted her guts which would also put Twilight, maybe even Spike, in danger.

Even if I would gift her eternal night, she would probably still want me, as well as everything associated with me, dead.

Princess Celestia dismissed the thoughts. She would have to help the bearers connect.

I should start with Applejack before she does something stupid.

“Little Applejack, I have read the reports.” Celestia turned towards the young earth pony. “My agents went overboard. You won’t have to worry about your family.”

She could feel Twilight's death stare. Apparently, her daughter wasn't that happy about Applejack getting her family back while her “real” parents were still in jail.

I need to figure out a way to get rid of them without Twilight tracing it back to me.

“Applejack, I have called all of you here because you have been chosen to wield a set of powerful artefacts that will be necessary to protect Equestria against a great threat.” The anger the earth pony had felt left her.

That’s it. You are almost mine.

“Of course, the crown will compensate your family for the time you are here so that they can hire a replacement worker for you while you are with us while still having more than enough left over.”

To the surprise of the other fillies in the room, the earth pony's anger was replaced with happiness.

It was to be expected since, unlike Celestia, they couldn’t have known about the dire financial straights her family had been in ever since the disappearance of Applejack's parents.


They always want bits, even the fillies.

Well, aside from Rainbow. She was the first pony for a very long time, where that didn't work, despite me even being ready to throw a title in with that.

“Naturally, I will also compensate your family for the misunderstanding,” Celestia finished.

"Thank you so much, your majesty," Applejack responded, doing her best to follow the manners she had been taught back in Manehattan. “Your kindness really is-“

"Oh, come on!" Rainbow interrupted. "Are you really letting her bribe you like-“

Furious at the pegasus who threatened the princess's offer, Applejack let her manners slip. "Shut your mouth. My family needs-"

“She is tricking-“

“I don’t care-“

Rainbow handed Spike to Twilight, standing up to underline her point.

Applejack to stood up.

And Rarity just looked at them in shock, feeling pity for the earth pony who hadn't realized how important Rainbow was to the new princess.

I can’t believe that flying rat! I had her!

"Do you really have so little honour-"

"Honour doesn't feed my family!" Applejack jumped over the table, the anger she had previously felt returning. This time, however, having a place to unload itself.

A, in her eyes, arrogant pegasus who threatened the one thing that may be able to save her family's farm.

To Celestia's surprise, Twilight did nothing to protect Rainbow.

Her daughter just smiled at the display.

Time to stop this nonsense.

She separated the fillies, quickly healing them from any injuries and putting their manes back in order.

"Applejack, I am disappointed. This is no way to behave yourself!" Celestia scolded, causing Applejack to instantly behave submissively, starting to apologize.

I have to admit, she has manners.

"And Rainbow, you don't get to judge another pony's actions. You don't even know her.” Celestia fixated her gaze on Rainbow.

It only caused her to defiantly puff out her chest.

Fine! See how you like that element of annoyingness!

“She needs the money to save her family’s farm. Do you want her to abandon her family?” Celestia asked.

Once again, Twilight's death glare returned, this time dialled up to eleven.

Does she…

Does she hate Applejack?

That wouldn't be good. As the element of magic, it was Twilight's duty to bring the other elements together. However, that wouldn't work if she despised one of the bearers.

At least she isn’t lost in thought anymore…

And at least Rainbow is no longer focusing on her.

For now, Applejack was a lost cause when it came to her becoming friends with Twilight and Rainbow, which is why she moved on to Rarity.

“Rarity, is there something wrong?” Celestia asked, trying to determine if there was something else she needed to take into account despite the apparent jealousy.

Foolish filly. You aren’t even worthy enough to bring my daughter a cup of water.

Then again, if it were up to her, not a single creature would be worthy enough to even habituate the same planet as Twilight aside from herself, Luna and Spike.

"My princess…" Rarity hesitated, trying to choose her next words carefully. “Are you aware that your daughter… is in love with Rainbow.”

Don’t kill her! You still need her!

Rarity shrunk dramatically at the expression Celestia gave her, while Twilight simply gave her a knowing grin.

How dare you question my daughter’s decisions like that!

You are nothing compared to her!

Rainbow looked hurt at the words Rarity had spoken, causing Twilight to quickly wrap her wings around her, whispering calming words into her ear.

Words that included the fact that Rarity's life span had decreased significantly.

Ponies like you are why I couldn’t enjoy my time with her!

Applejack looked around the room uncomfortably, wishing she had the power to just teleport away.

Finally, Celestia straightened herself out. “I am. Is there a problem with that?” she simply asked.

“No! No! No problems, my princess! None at all!” Rarity wailed, throwing herself on the ground. “I am sorry for questioning your daughter’s decisions.

“Please forgive me for meddling with things that don’t concern me.”

There is another pony you need to apologize to.

Giving Rarity a hint, Celestia pointed her wing at Twilight.

The white unicorn quickly rushed to her. “My princess, please forgive me! I was foolish!”

Previously Twilight had enjoyed the display of instant karma. Now, however, being the recipient of Rarity's begging, she became uncomfortable. "It's alright. I forgive you. Just don't do that again,” Twilight dismissed Rarity.

Completely humbled, the unicorn returned to her seat. No jealousy remained now that she had been reminded of her place.

Good. At least those problems are solved.

"All right, you four. How about you get to know each other while I return to my duties?” The princess didn’t wait for an answer. “If you need anything, go ahead and ask the castle staff for help." With those words, she left the fillies alone.


Silence reigned.

So, that’s Applejack…

I don’t like her?

Rainbow was unsure of herself. Sure, she had an argument with Applejack, but she couldn't actually blame the earth pony for trying to help her family.

She does seem pretty chill.

And she looks good as well.

Stupid brain! Stop thinking like that. We already belong to Twi!

If I am not careful, I will make a self-fulfilling prophecy out of this.

She looked to Twilight. The alicorn did her best to ignore Applejack's existence.

At least she doesn’t act hostile. I guess I can’t really expect her to completely forget about her.

Especially after my thought process just now.

Rainbow groaned internally.

I know Twilight has promised me to let it go, but let's be real. If she ever figures out I just thought about Applejack in that way, she will go right back on her murder spree.

It irked Rainbow. Yes, she loved Twilight. Yes, she knew it wasn't Twilight's fault for being influenced by those visions.

That did not change the fact that it made her very uncomfortable.

"Rarity?" the soon-to-be formally recognized princess asked.

“Yes, my princess?” Rarity responded.

“Are you against Rainbows and mine relationship? I order you to answer honestly. Failure to do so will result in your execution. And don't even try to lie. I have a truth spell-"

“She is bluffing,” Applejack said.

Damn. She is good.

Rarity didn’t care, choosing to comply with Twilight's orders regardless, not wanting to take her chances. "Of course not, my princess! Those customs only apply to nobility! You are above them! Please excuse me for foolishly assuming they apply to you as well!"


“I want your personal opinion,” Twilight clarified.

“Umm,” Rarity hesitated, unsure if this might be a trick.

Then again, there was still the possibility of a truth spell, as well as the prospect of being executed for lying, so she didn’t actually have a choice in the matter.

“Personally, I don’t care, my princess,” Rarity revealed. “I just wanted to look good in the eyes of your mother, assuming she would be grateful for me telling her that."

Unbelievable! Snitch! How low can a pony be to do such a thing!

“I mean… why would she condone these customs if she didn’t approve of them?” the unicorn explained.

“Maybe to test for ponies with a bad moral compass?” Rainbow offered.

It caused Rarity to somehow turn whiter than she already was.

This is getting boring.

“Come, Twi. Let’s go outside.” Rainbow ushered the alicorn out. “I want to try out these wings.”

They left a devasted Rarity and a completely lost Applejack alone in the room.

Chapter 13 - Getting Too Close to the Sun

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It had all been for nought.

Twister sat in a meeting room, waiting for the princess to arrive.

With her were a bunch of confidential documents.

Some of them were requested by the princess.

The majority, however, weren’t.

He lied to me.

He lied to me, and like a moron, I fell for his kind words.

After their talk, where Sneak had promised to help her get the position as the new head of the EBI, he had sent her back to Canterlot to oversee the ESS operations while he was gone.

I literally received deception training from him! How couldn’t I see it!

She had been giddy. Sure, working for Sneak had been a life of constant hell. Verbal abuse had been a daily occurrence. Overtime had become regular work time after a few years, and the things she did for him had been despicable. But now, she would finally get the payoff she deserved.

Or so I thought.

The respect Sneak showed for mares was… lacking. And that was already an exaggeration. The number of mares in the ESS was astonishingly low compared to other government agencies.

What made it more appalling was the positions they were put in, primarily working secretary jobs or working as assistants.

Just like I had to do, always running after him.

But not for much longer.

I will crush him!

Crush him like he had always dreamed of crushing Candy!

Sneak had seemed saddened by Candy's departure, but she knew better.

He is only sad because he wasn’t the one who finished her.

Still, at the time, she had been happy that Candy was leaving since it gave her the opportunity she had always wanted.

An opportunity she thought she deserved.

An opportunity she thought Sneak would help her with, despite everything she knew about him.

But then I got curious.

Once she had returned, she visited the ponies tasked with compiling the list of candidates.

They weren't willing to show me their list, but they told me I was on it…

I even believed them, nearly continuing this life of lies!

She didn’t know why, but a letter with her name had caught her eye.

Carefully she levitated it to herself without the other ponies in the room noticing.

He ordered them not to put me on the list!

He ordered them to deceive me!

It was then that her world had collapsed.

But the feelings of rage, anger, sadness and betrayal were quickly replaced by determination.

I won’t be shackled to his side any longer!

I will free myself!

I will free myself of him!

And if I can't become the new EBI director, then there is another position waiting for me.

Twister may have been gullible, but she certainly wasn’t stupid. Meticulously she had kept records of all their doings.

Records of all the orders Sneak had given, many without the princess's knowledge.

Now, armed with the dirt she had on him, she was determined to get her revenge.

Thankfully he has made this easy for me by letting himself get arrested.

The local guard station had contacted her to verify Sneak's identity. Gleefully she instructed them to keep him locked up. It would prevent him from interfering with her plan.

I can't mess this up, though, or I will end up like so many of his other victims.

Her life now depended on her ability to convince Princess Celestia that Sneak needed to be taken care of.


Sneak better has some good news for me.

Princess Celestia was starting to get a migraine. The last few days were really taxing, and now it seemed that she wouldn't even be rewarded for her efforts.

Hopefully, the magic of the elements will help them sort out their differences.

Yet, she feared the worst. After all, the elements hadn't prevented Luna and her from starting a civil war.

Protecting Twilight, saving Luna, moving the celestial bodies, administering Equestria, protecting the planet, protecting harmony...

Everything always depends on me.

I hate it.

“Auntie! We have to talk about Twilight!” Cadence came running down the hallway.

Do we now?

“The vision of her future… I think she killed us! I think she took over Eques-“

"Don't be ridiculous, Cadence," Celestia dismissed her. "Twilight would never do such a thing. Just look at the little bookworm. Also, she is the element of magic. I doubt it would have chosen such a pony." But speaking those words also reminded her of her previous thoughts.

“Celestia, this isn’t a game! I know what I have witnessed! We both know the danger she could pose! It is necessary-“

The princess of the sun walked into a meeting room, slamming the door in Cadence's face.

Twilight taking over…

Killing me…

What a bunch of nonsense.

It made her wonder if Cadence may be trying to sabotage the new princess.

If she may be falling to jealousy.

“My princess,” Twister bowed in front of her.

That’s weird. It isn’t like Sneak to send subordinates to talk to me.

“Good morning…”

"Twister, your Majesty." The unicorn helped her out. "My name is Twister. I am Sneak's assistant and formally the Deputy Director."

Huh. Usually, I am aware of the deputy directors.

Also, did I imagine that, or was there a heavy emphasis on deputy director?

"Nice to finally meet you, Twister," Celestia replied. "Is there a reason for Sneak's absence? I was briefed that I would talk with him."

"I am so sorry, my princess. There must have been a clerical error," Twister stated while being fully aware that there was no such error. "I actually hoped to talk about him."

What did he do this time?

The princess sighed, “Well, once we have gone over everything else, we can do so.”

"Of course, your majesty. Thank you for taking the time." Twister levitated a few documents towards her. "As requested, here is the information about Applejack's parents. They were murdered, but luckily, we aren't directly responsible."

Finally! An unfortunate event I wasn’t involved in!

Had it turned out that Applejack's parent's disappearance was also something that could be traced back to her, she would have screamed.

Now disinterested in what happened to them, she put the documents away for later.

"There is also an urgent matter that has come up, my Princess." Another batch of documents changed their owner. "The EBI has filled a missing pony report. Director Candy has disappeared without a trace, never showing up at the Dodge City train station.”

“Former Director,” Celestia corrected.


“Actually, my Princess, Candy has never handed her resignation in.” Twister’s eyes darted around the room. Both mares knew that a pony with Candy rank just disappearing didn’t bode well.

She didn’t…

That isn’t like her!

Did she snap?

Did I drive her to this point?

Celestia skimmed through the reports.

Apparently, Candy told her subordinates that she would go to the train station alone shortly after her talk with me.

She went there in uniform, fully armed, with proviant and her badge.


“I want her found,” Celestia ordered.

“Of course, your majesty,” Twister confirmed. “The EBI is already hunting her down with everything they have, suspecting her of high treason. After all, you don't just disappear fully armed, in a uniform you usually don't even wear, as well as equipped with documents that can be used to bypass all controls. A pony who does that has almost certainly no good intentions. Especially not after having an argument with the princess. Who knows! She could be planning your assassination as we speak! Or go around telling our enemies state secrets!" she speculated.

Candy wouldn’t do that…

And it wasn’t really an argument…

It still doesn’t look good.

“Just find her, Twister.” The princess shut her up. “Alive,” she added.

Equestria´s security services are crumbling before my eyes.

Twister was happy with that clarification, choosing to move on. After all, there was another topic she wanted to get to. “We have also successfully arrested the military leadership. Not only that, several subordinates have already confirmed that they planned to seize power in an attempt to prevent the nobility from installing Princess Mi Amore Cadenza as a puppet ruler while also, and I quote: "Restoring Equestria to its former glory, ensuring that it will not only be able to properly defend itself but also granting it with leadership that is able to properly take military matters into account." It looks like they have been feeling way more resentment than Sneak anticipated."

Throwing Sneak under the bus.

Then again, he should have alerted me to a possible coup.

Worry spread on Twister's face. "Out of necessity, many inexperienced ponies are now holding high-ranking positions they aren't qualified for, with nopony to train them. But at least they seem to be loyal."

That isn’t good. Even I can recognize that.


“Are the subordinates who are now in charge the same who threw their former bosses under the bus?” Celestia asked, eyebrow raised.

“Their statements aren’t the only evidence we have…,” was the sheepish response.

This is all so convoluted, but I will get to the bottom of it!

Regardless, Twister straightened herself out. She was ready to get to the topic she came here for in the first place. “Your majesty, this was all from my side.”

All right, let’s see what Sneak screwed up.

Judging by the truckload of documents you still have with you, it must be a serious issue.

Celestia prepared herself for the assassination of her mood. “You may go ahead.”

“I have evidence that Sneak has used his position for personal gain,” Twister started.

What a relief. And here I was, fearing he did something serious.

Of course, the Princess didn't want him to do such a thing, but she was more than aware of how reality worked.

Feeling that she hadn’t gotten her point across, Twister continued. “He put pressure on government officials as well as politicians, sometimes even resorting to outright blackmail, using the materials he acquired thanks to his position.”

That’s too far. I will have to talk with him about it.

By now, Twister was getting desperate. Sneak would have her killed if she didn't finish him off first. "He discriminated against mares, going so far as to force them into… favours for him." It might have done the trick, yet she found herself unable to finish the sentence as she had planned. Pain and embarrassment turned out to be stronger than her fear.

However, Princess Celestia wasn't stupid. She didn't give it away, though she understood what Twister had meant to convey.

Ok. Not only is that definitely conduct unbecoming of an Equestrian Official, but it is also plainly disgusting.

I still need him, though. The ESS is the only remaining fully functioning security agency, despite the Royal Guard.

The poor mare in front of her was running out of ammunition. "He got himself arrested, shooting an unarmed pony in front of Fluttershy!”

“He did what! I don’t need my reputation tarnished more than it already is!” Celestia couldn’t believe that Sneak would make such a blunder.

Relief washed over Twister. “I have already taken care of things. Fluttershy is being brought to Canterlot as we speak, and Sneak is in jail awaiting punishment."

You planned this, didn’t you?

"You don't have the authority to keep Sneak in jail," Celestia glared at her.

I will keep him in his current position until I have found replacements for the already vacant ones. Then I will deal with him appropriately.

Twister's panic returned full force. There was only one more shot she could fire. A shot that might kill them both. "He ordered the murder of Rainbow Dash's parents."

The princess felt her heart stop for a second.

Grasping for air, she asked, “Are they dead?”

Tears streamed down from the unicorn's eyes. It was the one thing she had overlocked. Forgetting to rescind the order to kill Rainbow's parents. It was a minuscule thing that seemed so unimportant at the time when she was preoccupied with getting revenge. "I… I got the confirmation before I left."

Twilight will have my horn for that!

A whirlwind of emotions crept up. "Did you know about it in advance?"


That’s a yes.

Sneak was the pony at fault, but Twister was close to taking the fall with him. “Why didn’t you stop him? Did you believe that I wanted them dead?”


You knew I didn’t want them dead.

“Are you aware that my daughter loves Rainbow?” she asked.


"I… You have a daughter?" Twister wished she could drop dead. Her fate was already determined. Determined thanks to her actions.

Actions that were way more severe than she could have imagined in her wildest dreams.

Yet, she would take the consequences for them. She knew she wasn't a saint, and if today was going to be the day of judgment, then she would accept that. "My princess, I know that I shouldn't have gone along with his order, but I was afraid of speaking out. I will take full responsibility for that." Twister laid herself on the ground, putting her hooves around her head, waiting for the royal guard to show up.



Realization hit Celestia.

How can I blame her for not preventing this? After all, I was willing to overlook all the other crimes he committed.

How scared must she have been to come forward knowing that I could very well overlook all of them?

Heck, I more than likely would have overlooked this as well if it wasn’t for Twilight!

This was Sneak's fault.

This was Twister's fault.

But it also was her fault for allowing it to happen. She was the one who not only enabled ponies like Sneak but actively sought them out for the position.

And until now, I have always reaped the benefits.

I suppose it is finally time to face the consequences.

With Twilight here, it was time for reform. No longer could she tolerate wild cards.

Instead, she needed reliable ponies whose actions she could predict, even if it meant that they would sometimes hesitate.

Ponies who would be role models for Twilight.

Ponies who would make her look good in front of her daughter.

Ponies Twilight would actually want to work with.

Yes! That’s it!

I will simply reform my government, changing it towards something Twilight is bound to like. This way, I can shift the blame while also improving my image with her at the same time.

There was still the issue of Twister, though.

I guess I can forgive her. Without her, I wouldn't even know about this.

“Twister, you can get up.” Barely believing her ears, the unicorn followed Celestia’s words. “You made a mistake, but I won’t blame you. Sneak is the one who gave the order, and I will make sure that he will be dealt with accordingly.”

"My Princess, thank you so much!" the unicorn wept. She had won. Sneak was finished, and she would live to fight another day.

“My royal guard will take it from here. For now, I want you to continue your duties,” Celestia instructed her. “Do not leave Canterlot, though.”

I can already see it! Twilight there with me! Both of us side by side...

And one day, Luna, too, will join us...

"Understood, your majesty!" Twister saluted.

“Dismissed.” Hearing those words, the unicorn fled the room.

Slowly Celestia collected the documents Twister had left, looking for the ones regarding Rainbow.

One last problem remained.

Sure, she would punish Sneak and avenge Rainbow's parents, even if she only did that because his actions threatened to further the divide between herself and Twilight.

But how was she supposed to break the news to Twilight and Rainbow?

Should she tell them the truth?

Should she make something up?

Or should she just cover the whole affair up, not mentioning it at all?

This wasn't a minor issue. How would they react to their death?

If Cadence is to be believed, then there is no telling what Rainbow would do should she learn about their demise. Not to mention that Twilight might still blame me.

But if I don’t tell them the truth, then they might think I wanted this to happen, should they ever figure it out.

She would have to carefully consider her options.

Rainbow might not be the pony I want for Twilight, but she still loves her. One mistake, and I will only push her further away.

It seemed like, once again, she wouldn't be able to sleep peacefully.


They had made their way to the royal gardens.

"Now, Twi. With me as your teacher, you will become a true pegasus in no time. Here, watch-“

“Dashie, I think I figured out a way that will protect you should I ever lose control again.”

Rainbow's face fell. All she wanted was to fly, yet Twilight had to bring this up again when she would much rather just forget it ever happened.

Regardless, if Twilight had an idea, then it was worth listening to it.

“Hit me up, Twi,” she responded.

"Ok, how about I place myself under a mind control spell, letting you be in control of it? This way, I will never be able to hurt you again!" the young alicorn proposed.

“Awesome!” Rainbow cheered.

I knew I could come up with something to protect her.

“I am glad you like it-“

“That was sarcasm!” Rainbow screamed. “What you just proposed was the dumbest idea I have ever heard. Could a smart pony like you not come up with anything different other than slavery!”

Of course, I have other ideas as well!

"How about this, then? I doubt Princess Celestia would want to proclaim you a princess as well, but if we marry, it should force her into doing that. It wouldn't solve the magic aspect, but it would at least provide you with some protection," Twilight responded, completely ignoring Rainbow's outburst.

“We can’t do that! We are too young!” Rainbow once again shut her down. “You should know that the law-“

“The law doesn’t apply to me, Dashie,” the alicorn shrugged.

And even if it did, they couldn’t enforce it against me.

"Just because you are a princess now doesn't mean you are above the law!" Her behaviour infuriated Rainbow.

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "It does, though. Don't you know what the first page of the Equestrian constitution says?"

The question caught the pegasus off guard. “Do I know… No, I don’t know what it says. Who does?”

You were the one who said that one should know the laws they are governed-

Oh, who am I kidding? I bet Princess Celestia is somehow responsible for you not knowing about it.

“It is the most important page, Dashie. Everything that comes after it doesn't matter if push comes to shove. Here, I will quote it for you: In exchange for the protection and guidance of the crown, we, the ponies of Equestria, submit ourselves to the rule of the crown so that a new prosperous future may come.

“It is our duty as loyal subjects to follow their every order and to protect them from any harm, just like they would do for us.

“To prevent the crown from being hindered in their duty, there shall be no authority, institutions, laws, courts, decrees or anything equivalent that restricts their authority, their power or both.

“Similarly, to prevent political infighting, a member of the crown cannot have his or her title revoked for any reason, can’t be removed from his/her position for any reason and cannot be stripped of their powers or authority for any reason.

“To prevent confusion, only the current, rightful member of the crown, Princess Celestia, can nominate new members by a unanimous vote.”

I always wondered why they felt the need to specify that a unanimous vote was needed if Princess Celestia was the only member. Seems like they stripped Luna out quite crudely.

“Any attempt to subvert the constitution, to subvert the will of the crown as well as any violation of or attempt to violate the principles outlined above, even in spirit, is punishable by death.

“The contents of this page cannot be changed by anypony, including members of the crown. Any new constitution is invalid should it not have them included,” Twilight finished.

As I said.

Above the-

“Oh yeah, does she think she can rob us of our voices, going around dictating our lives like that, not giving us any say in them! Does she think a piece of paper will gift her with our loyalty!" Rainbow could barely process the revelations Twilight had made. How could their ancestors agree to such a dictatorial constitution? She had always been told that ponies were happy with the princess, choosing to submit themselves under her kind rule voluntarily, but hearing those words, she severely doubted that. "Screw you, Celestia! You hear me! You may think you are all high and mighty up there, but the day will come when we take back our freedom! See how those words will protect you then!" she yelled in the direction of the castle.

Barely having uttered those words, Twilight noticed guards readying their weapons, glancing at Rainbow with hostility, ready to cut the rebellious pegasus down on her command.

But Twilight didn’t give the command, signalling for them not to interfere.

Those were dangerous words.

Really really dangerous w-

"And I will start with your daughter!" Rainbow grabbed Spike, tackling Twilight to the ground and starting another tickle attack.

It had the intended effect. Twilight broke out in laughter, lying helplessly on the ground at the mercy of Rainbow.

“Dashie, please!” Twilight choked out between laughter. “You know I am not on her side!” she defended herself.

“Lies! You alicorns are all the same! But I will defeat you.” Rainbow increased her tickling.

Twilight wriggled on the ground, internally cursing that being an alicorn still made her so vulnerable to tickling.

But at the same time, she enjoyed their carefree time together. After all, this wasn't a random pony tickling her. This was Rainbow.

And she would always be allowed to tickle her.

Suddenly, the pegasus stopped, ready to do what she came here for in the first place.

Oh no! The guards!

Twilight had expected them to come rushing towards them.

Instead, they were smiling.

I guess sometimes you forget that deep down, they are ponies as well.

“I might not have defeated you, Twi,” Rainbow declared. “But I know your weaknesses." She pointed towards Spike before flying off with him.

“Dashie!” Twilight chased after her.

Yet, no matter how fast she ran, Rainbow flew quicker.

She is taunting me!

Indeed, the pegasus seemed to sometimes slow down on purpose, giving Twilight the illusion of catching up, just to quicken the pace again.

Not only that, but Rainbow also performed stunts.

Stunts Twilight would have regarded as beautiful if she wasn’t preoccupied with catching her.

This pattern continued for some time until-

Wait! Where are we!

She stopped, finding herself in the statue garden.

Right in front of a draconequus, she recognized.

She had been here several times before, yet this time it felt different. Twilight touched the statue.

“You are quite the chaotic one, aren’t you?”

"Ahh!" quickly, she pulled back again.

Noticing that Twilight had stopped trying to catch her as well as hearing her scream, Rainbow rushed over.

"What's going on, Twi?" she questioned.

“He… He talked to me.” Twilight pointed at the statue.

“What do you mean, Twi? That’s just some old and dusty-“ Rainbow motioned to it, making contact in the process.

“And you are quite the rebellious one. Although, it is foolish of you to think that you can actually defeat old Celly.“

Rainbow jerked away.

“Oh, wow. The statue does talk.” She turned back to Twilight, hoping for an answer.

But Twilight just looked around, like she had found herself in another universe.

Those aren’t statues.

Those are prisons.

She needed to get away.

So, she ran.


We turned them into stone!

Why! Just why would we do that!

Rainbow threatened to close the distance between them.

We can’t be trusted to be near other ponies.

She let her horn light up, teleporting away.

Next thing she knew, she found herself face-first on the ground.

"Oh, wow, Twi. That was quite the stunt you just pulled," Rainbow looked down at her.

Buck my life.

In a flash, Celestia appeared next to them, alerted by the spell she had put around the castle. “Twilight, what happened?”

“We talked to the weird draconequus statue,” Twilight mumbled.

The princess turned pale. “Whatever he told you wasn’t true!”

“He told me that I was quite the chaotic one. That's all." It seemed that her account convinced the princess that Twilight was, in fact, fine. In another flash, Celestia was gone again, presumably on her way to turn a statue into dust.

Rainbow tried to find the right words. "Twi, I… This sucks."


Is she unhappy with me?

"I… This is all going so fast! I can't even go around taking a nice flight and having some fun with you without some paranormal event taking place!" she clarified. "Twi, there are so many things between us that we still haven't addressed, and even when we have addressed them, we only did so superficially.

"Then there is also the fact that I still feel uneasy about the whole Applejack thing. I mean… I want to be with you, but I don't have weird kinks. I don't want to become your property or something... yet your proposed solutions just don't feel right.

“I guess what it boils down to is that I need to breathe. Some time to collect my thoughts. Don't you feel the same?" Rainbow looked at her.

"I do," Twilight admitted. "Those last few days were simultaneously the best and worst days of my life..."

I just…

I want…

I don’t know what I want anymore.

I want to love you… to be with you…

Yet at the same time, I want to protect you from myself.

“You know, I just came here so that we could fly together. But then you began your weird ramblings.

"I want you to know that I don't want to get some stupid title from you. For me, you aren't a ticket to becoming royalty.

“Also, I don’t consider myself a romantic, but… if we were to marry, I would want it to be at least a bit romantic. Not something out of necessity.

"Last but not least, Twi. I trust you not to hurt me again. Just look at your behaviour. You have clearly realized how wrong your actions were. I am… I tend to suppress my emotions. Yes, I am still a bit hurt by what you have done. But, I-“

“Dashie, I killed you!” Twilight interrupted her.

"You don't know that. Older, you never said that,” Rainbow argued.

She heavily implied it, though.

Realizing how weak her position was, Rainbow forced herself to put more thought into the implications. "Twi… We both saw the same. But what do you want me to do? Abandon you for something that never actually happened to us?"

Maybe that would be the best…

“Just look at how much this has put you down. You learned your lessons. I don’t think we need some weird mind control spells or anything of that sort."

If only I could be sure of that.

"Twi…" Rainbow lay down on the ground next to her, together with Spike. The little one had quite enjoyed his flight with her, but now he just stared at Twilight in pity.

Additionally, he missed the wings he had previously, with the flight he had only adding to that.

Lost in thought, all three stared at the sky above.

"I don't want you to hurt me, but I also don't want you to hurt yourself. You need to stop thinking about this. If it happens again… I am sure you won't succumb to it." At least Rainbow hoped she wouldn't.

We both don’t have the answers we need…

I can either fret over this…

Hurt myself, trying to prevent it…

Let it go, hoping it won’t happen again…

Or if it does happen again, I will have to be stronger! Fight it with the strength she believes I have!

The three continued to lie around, taking the break they needed, hoping it would help them in navigating through their troubles.


“They are weird.”

“You can’t say that about a princess!”

Why not, though? It's the truth.

Rarity and Applejack stared at each other, both not knowing what to do next.

“Rarity, right? You know they do have a point. What you did wasn’t very-“

“I know! No need to rub it in!” Rarity wailed.

"Right… So, do you know something about why we are here?" Applejack asked.

“No,” Rarity responded. “I was fetched by some ponies and brought here. They didn’t specify their reasons.”

Sound like you had it at least better than I did.

Then again. It did result in me receiving the hopefully generous compensation my family needed.

"I… was brought here as well without being told why," Applejack said.

“But, I mean, essentially, we know now why we are here. We were chosen to wield some artefacts required to defend Equestria. That’s a great honour,” Rarity proclaimed.

I suppose it is.

Although I fail to see how we are going to work with those two.

Especially after our disastrous first meeting.

"Do you want to play something? The princess did say we should get to know each other." Applejack's eyes had noticed a board game somepony had left on one of the shelves.

“Yeah, sure. Why not?” It wasn’t the most enthusiastic answer one could give, but it was enough for Applejack.

Together they spent the next few hours playing board games and talking about each other's lives.


Lying around in the grass isn’t that bad.

At some point, Twilight had cuddled against her.

It made the experience all the more enjoyable.

I can’t believe that she would ever turn into such a monster…

Just because I didn’t return her feelings?

No, that couldn’t have been the sole reason. She was sure of it.

When I first met her…

She adored the princess…

She was so misinformed about so many things…

Could it be that this is the reason? Her growing up without an honest pony by her side? A pony she could confide in?

Never realizing the true depth of her feelings?

Trying to follow a noble code she never fully agreed with?

It did seem like something that could make a pony snap.

She did this to you…

She tried to force you into a life of unhappiness…

Until one day, you couldn't take it anymore.

Rainbow was sure that something along those lines must have happened or at least significantly influenced everything else.

But why wasn’t I there for you!


You hid it, didn’t you?

It was the final piece of the puzzle she needed. Twilight must have hidden the true depth of her feelings.

Rainbow was convinced that the alicorn had done so because she would have done the same.

Not only would I have done the same. I already did the exact same thing in Cloudsdale until I, too, couldn't take it anymore.

Relief filled her. If she had gotten it right, then they wouldn't need to worry anymore since the conditions for Twilight's fall didn't exist anymore.

It allowed her to cross one of the many things she needed to work through from her list.

Ok, next on the list…

My feelings for her.

I told her that I love her and I want to stand by that. I have seen how things can go between us.

Fury took hold of her. It had all been going magically between them until the princess came, making it complicated.

We need to get away from here. This place is hurting both of us.

For now, however, this wasn't an option.

Twi made a mistake.

But I have already decided to forgive her for that! Not to mention she regrets what she has done!

And I still care about her. There is no denying that.

Rainbow wasn’t good with feelings. That much she knew.

It led to the same fear coming up that she had felt the day before.

Is it really love, or am I misinterpreting the signs?

Argh! Stop thinking that! It is love! I am sure about that!

“Dashie?” Twilight got her attention.

“Yes, Twi?” she responded.

“Do you want to go on a date?” came the unexpected question.

Do I…

"You told me that you would like to make things more romantic between us, and until now, we never had a real opportunity for that," Twilight explained.

That’s a great idea!

“Sure, Twi. I would love to!” she exclaimed.

“Oh, Dashie! It will be so awesome! I will make sure of it!” Twilight imagined all the possibilities of how she would be able to make it unforgettable.

It also left an opening for Rainbow. “I wouldn’t expect any less, Twi. Why else do my parents pay taxes?”

It caused her to receive a death glare. “Very funny, Dashie.”

My parents... I should probably tell them I am ok. At least write a letter.

Twilight stood up. "Ok, then it's settled. We will go on a date. But before we do that… You wanted us to fly together, didn't you?

Yes! Yes! Yes!

“You have no idea how much that prospect excites me.” Rainbow swooped in front of Twilight. “All right, Twi. Also, Spike, you may want to look as well, in case those wings of yours ever return.” Both gazed at her, ready to learn how to fly.

“The most important lesson is that flying is an instinct. We can’t fly because of aerodynamics or anything. We can fly because of the pegasus magic we possess. The same magic you now have as well, Twi… maybe you too, Spike, since you are connected to Twi.

"So, when in doubt, always try to reach out to the magic inside of you. It will guide you. Never ever doubt that."

Once you have experienced the feeling, a new world will have opened for you.

Just like it did for me.

“All right. Let the magic guide you. I think I can do that,” Twilight stated.

They all say that. Yet, entrusting your life to some supernatural force isn’t so easy.

"Ok, then, why don't you try using your wings?" Rainbow suggested. "Be careful, though. For now, all we want to do is enable you to get a rough feeling for those new wings of yours. Try to hold a position close above the ground."

Should it go awry, I will catch you.

"I will do my best, Dashie.” Twilight tried flapping her wings, yet she didn’t manage to gain altitude.

“You have to trust the magic inside of you. I know it sounds cheesy, but it's true. For some reason, it doesn't lend aid to those who doubt it," Rainbow told her.

I wonder why that is. It doesn’t affect our ability to walk on clouds, only to fly.

Twilight closed her eyes, wings still flapping frantically.

Next thing she knew, she found herself in the air higher than anticipated, only for her to fall into Rainbow's hooves.

Just like I said.

I will catch you.

"Don't worry, Twi. It happens to all of us. The moment you find yourself in the air, fear overtakes your faith. It will get better in time," but Rainbow quickly realized that Twilight wasn't listening, instead choosing to cuddle with her “saviour”.

It wasn’t that high…

She chuckled.

I guess being flown around is nice as well…

She totally has to return the favour once she has learned how to do so.

She returned Twilight to the ground, not letting her escape her lesson.

“Try again, Twi. This time be more careful with your wings. Even slow flapping will allow you to take off, thanks to our magic. Also, don’t doubt it or falling will be inevitable,” she halted.


Is that why I believe in you? Because flying has taught me so?

Believing in something can be a blessing as well as a curse. If you choose the right things to believe in, your reward will be great. But like Twilight had shown with her belief in the princess, a wrong choice will only make the fall that much harder.

The alicorn slowly increased the flapping of her wings, hovering above the ground.

Not bad.

“Well done, Twi. Now try to slowly gain altitude. This will allow you to get used to heights.

“Just remember, if you feel uncomfortable, you can always call for me to bring you down again. Also, I will be there to catch you again should you lose control,” Rainbow promised.

Hopefully, she won't fail on purpose just for me to do that.

She grinned at the thought.

Carefully Twilight flew higher and higher.

Hmm, that’s higher than I thought she would feel comfortable with.

Just as she thought that Twilight disappeared into a cloud.

Instantly Rainbow flew after her, desperately trying to restore her view.

Following her were two Pegasus guards who had watched the spectacle, internally cursing themselves that they hadn’t thought of flying with the young princess.

Is she…

All three were stunned when they saw Twilight bouncing around in the cloud, examining it.

"This is so awesome! I didn't have the time to appreciate it last time!" She threw herself into it, savouring the fluffiness, rolling around the cloud.

Seems like the way I speak is infecting her.

The guards were at a loss. The princess was definitely not supposed to be up here, exposed like that. Yet, they knew how much new fliers enjoyed their first time on a cloud.

In the end, they chose to let it go, not ruining the princess's moment.

I was born on clouds. I never had this first moment on one…

The thought filled Rainbow with regret. She never appreciated them, but seeing Twilight, she felt like she should have.

The young princess stopped. “Dashie, how do I get down again? We shouldn’t leave Spike-“

You are right. We shouldn’t leave him alone.

Rainbow swopped her up, returning her to the ground once again.

And once again, Twilight cuddles herself against her.

Seems like you enjoy this even more than the clouds up there…

Hopefully, you, learning to fly doesn't mean that I can't carry you around anymore.

That thought stung.

“You did great, Twi,” Rainbow praised her. “Next on the list would be manoeuvring.”

This is where it becomes complicated. Faith alone will not get you through this one.

“It's hard, Twi. So, don’t be disappointed if you don’t manage to get it down today,” she warned her.

“Understood, Dashie. What do I need to do?” Twilight looked at her expectantly.

How do I explain this?

"First, you lift yourself off the ground again." The young alicorn did just that. "Don't take this lightly, Twi! Most accidents happen during this part!” Her forceful warning was received with questioning eyes. “Your goal is to move around. To achieve this, you must, among other things, adjust the speed of your two wings according to the direction. Additionally, you will have to steer your body in the direction as well.” Rainbow signalled for Twilight to wait. “The problem is that fliers oftentimes lose control, not managing to correctly differentiate the speed of their wings."

I still remember how many times I crashed.

Carefully Twilight tried to fly to the right, but just as Rainbow cautioned her, she immediately began to sway around unstably.

Not too bad. She didn’t immediately kiss the ground.

For a few minutes, Twilight continued to wobble around in the air until she tried to regain control with more force.

"Look, Spike. Seems like Twi made beginner mistake number one. Let's try to save her, shall we?" Rainbow picked Spike up and flew towards Twilight, who had immediately lost control once she let her anger out on her wings, dangling around the air, completely lost, moments away from crashing.

Rainbow caught her once again in time. "Don't worry, Twi. A bit more training, and you will become an expert in no time," she assured her.

Twilight panted. Flying had strained her and her untrained wings. “Dashie, this was fun and all, but can we take a break? There are still some books I need to take care of. Also, I need to ask the princess for permission if we want to go out on a date."

Asking the warden if she will let us out.

"Sure, Twi. I know that using those wings for the first time can be taxing. Let me take Spike to the library so that you can visit her." Both ponies made their way to their destination.


This was… peaceful.

I hope we can have more of these moments. Just being ourselves, no worries, no fears... just us.

Twilight had been going around the castle guided by a guard. They had nearly reached Princess Celestia's study when a yellow pegasus prevented them from entering.

“You are Twilight Sparkle,” the pegasus whispered.

I know my name, thank you.

"I am. Can I help you?" she asked.

"Can you please tell me where Rainbow is? That is if you don't mind?" Once again, the pegasus was barely audible.

“I am sorry, who are you?” Twilight responded, not wanting to give that information to a stranger.

The yellow filly looked embarrassed for having forgotten to introduce herself. "I am so sorry! I am Fluttershy, her friend.”

That’s Fluttershy?

"Nice to meet you. If you stay around for any longer, you will probably hear ponies refer to me as princess Twilight Sparkle, but since you are a friend of Rainbow, I insist that you just call me Twilight," she told her cheerfully.

Fluttershy, however, immediately shrunk back at hearing the word princess.

She also realized that Princess Celestia had deceived her. After all, you don't become a princess out of nowhere. Or an alicorn, for that matter.

This is really getting annoying. Just because I am a princess doesn’t mean that ponies have to treat me like that.

Then again, I wouldn't want to risk anything either knowing the Constitution.

"You don't have to be afraid of me," she tried to assure Fluttershy. "I am just a filly like you. Also, Rainbow and I are marefriends, so I would probably get in trouble with her if I were to hurt-“

“You are marefriends!” the yellow filly exclaimed. “I mean… how? Or when?” She didn’t even think that Rainbow swung that way. Or that a pony existed who would ever be able to steal her heart, for that matter.

But then, another thought invaded her mind. "Did she… did she run off with you?"

Oh dear… How should I answer that?

Twilight felt the need to defend Rainbow. “She did. We fled together from the guard. They were after us for fabricated reasons.”

Rainbow's parents had been correct. That much was clear to Fluttershy now. “There never was any dark magic, was there?”

I nearly forgot. Princess Celestia did kind of assassinate our character.

“There wasn’t,” Twilight confirmed.

Fluttershy's face fell. It more and more seemed that Sneak had been right about most of his statements.

The door opened, revealing a surprised Celestia.

Before anypony could say anything, Twilight went in, closing the door again.

“Hello, Twilight. What can I do for you.”

You could let me go.

You could let my parents go.

You could apologize for everything you have done.

“I want to go on a date with Rainbow. And while we are at it, I would like to show her Canterlot.” Twilight almost insisted.

Celestia contemplated her request. “Very well. If you want to have fun with her, I am not going to deny you that. You will, however, have to take guards with you.”

Of course. I didn’t expect anything different.

“You can go around Canterlot all you want and buy everything you want. The merchants are instructed to bill the crown afterwards. Just have fun. Your position does come with privileges, after all," Celestia encouraged her.

I already noticed.

“About that… How come we can afford all that? Gems for Spike. A giant castle. An army of guards. Expensive décor…”

The older princess hesitated. “Twilight, we… there are certain rules…

"Money is power," was the answer Celestia settled on. "As sole rulers, the treasury is our personal bank account. That doesn't mean we can abuse it. Let the money run out, and a revolution will break out within minutes.

"What it does mean, however, is that we can make decisions, from time to time, that benefit us. After all, we too have a right to be rewarded for our work," was the quick rundown Twilight received.

I guess I already knew that much.

“How much do we have right now?” she asked casually.

In response, Celestia began sweating. "About…."

“I am sorry, I didn’t get that.”


“Could you please talk loud enough for me to understand?”

“About 80 billion bits.”




“80 billion bits! How is that even possible! Did the tax rate get raised to a hundred percent while I wasn’t looking!” Twilight just couldn’t fathom where those numbers had come from.

“I did have many years to save. Also, we did make some cuts here and there while also raising the tax-“

“For what purpose!” Twilight interrupted.


She doesn’t even know!

Or it was an answer the princess didn't want to give, but that thought didn't cross Twilight's mind at the moment.

80 billion bits, yet she doesn’t know what to use them for!

“Setting the government budget is a really complicated-“

"How high is the surplus this year?" Once again, she interrupted the older princess.

"About 100 million bits," Celestia responded.

I can’t believe this.

“What about investing! Even I know the terrible state of our infrastructure!

“Or how about unemployment insurance!

“Expanding the health care system!

“Investing in public services!

“You know I could go on for ages!” The outrage just wouldn’t let go of Twilight.

“It is not the duty of the crown to waste money on handouts-“

"Handouts! Handouts! Handouts!" Each time her voice got louder. "How is infrastructure spending a handout! Or investing in the education system! I heard rumours that some towns don't even have schools!"

"…They can hire private educators." Celestia had spoken the words, but even she didn't believe them. It was hard to do so when you knew that only the poor towns didn't have schools.




“Fine! Keep your treasure-"

"If you want, we can change the budget," the older princess quickly proposed, trying to calm her daughter down.


Change the budget?

“You would let me do that?” Twilight could barely believe it.

“Sure. As long as a surplus remains.

"Be warned, though. I didn't lie when I said that it is a complicated matter." Celestia was happy. It looked like her plan for reforms was about to make an early debut.

And that Twilight was willing to go along with it. "Sure. I would be happy to do that. Thank you." The little filly may have been still suspicious, but she wasn't about to waste the opportunity.

Celestia smiled. Her offer had seemingly been a full success. "I look forward to it. Now in case we don't see each other today anymore, I wish you lots of fun with Rainbow."

Twilight left the room.


Rainbow has a marefriend.

An alicorn princess marefriend.

Fluttershy could barely believe it.

Twilight did seem nice.

She was happy for her, even if she couldn't explain how it happened.

Rainbow always seemed troubled. Hopefully, this will help her.

Help her more than I managed to help her.

The thought filled her with sadness. She never managed to get through to Rainbow. The relationship between them was simply too strained.

Too strained from the previous history between them.

She suffered.

Suffered with nopony able or willing to help.

Even Rainbow's parents always thought she was just standing up for her friend when she tried to explain her concerns.

Unable to see what was right in front of them.

If only I had been more assertive.

The door opened.

Twilight turned towards her. “Come visit us in the library once you are done.”

Then she left.

Did I…

Did I just make a new friend?

A princess, no less?

A real genuine ali-

“Please come in, Fluttershy." Celestia was standing at the door, waiting for her.

Here goes nothing.

She composed herself. There were things she needed to say.

Hopefully, she would find the courage to do so.

“Fluttershy, I have to apologize. Since you have just met my daughter, it is time for me to drop the act,” the princess started.

Oh my…

Twilight is her daughter?

Rainbow is in love with the princess's daughter?

"I hope you can understand why we did what we did, though. We couldn't allow our enemies to be alerted about her disappearance, or we would have put her in danger. That is why we came up with a cover story that still allowed us to mobilize our forces."

Once again, Princess Celestia's explanation seemed reasonable on the surface.

It still felt off.

“My princess, how does Rainbow play into all of this? Why did Twilight run away in the first place?” Fluttershy inquired.

“Twilight had a vision in which she saw Rainbow. She sought her out and eloped with her.” Unknowingly the princess had just crushed Fluttershy.

I truly failed, didn't I?

If she felt the need to run away without even giving me any hints, then I clearly wasn't the pony she needed...

Which is why I got replaced with a pony who is way out of my league...

But there was still a tiny bit of hope. "Umm. Twilight told me that they fled due to guards being after them for fabricated reasons," she probed.

"That's… true as well. But they ran off first. The fabrication came later." Celestia quickly quashed the remaining bits of hope Fluttershy had tried to hold onto.

That’s right… It was early morning when I read the newspaper.

The story seemed to check out, with it providing a crucial piece of the puzzle needed to see the whole picture.

"I see you are disappointed. Don't be. They were under a lot of pressure, making a mistake as a result. A mistake they deeply regret," Celestia tried to play down the events.

Correct! I shouldn't assume before talking to them!

"As you have probably guessed by now, the reason why I called you was also fabricated. The real reason is, is that you are one of five known and assumed to be six bearers chosen to wield powerful artefacts that are crucial in Equestria's defence. Twilight and Rainbow have been chosen as well.

"It is my hope that you get to know each other so that you are ready when we need you."

I can’t…

We are supposed to protect Equestria?

Fear grabbed her. She wasn’t a soldier.

"Don't stress yourself out. You will have much time to prepare," Celestia soothed her. "With that, I don't want to keep you waiting any longer. I think there are some ponies waiting for you.” At least one bearer other than Rainbow Twilight had taken a liking to. It was a start.

“Your majesty. I wanted to address a few other things, if that is ok with you,” Fluttershy meekly informed her.

Don’t be afraid. She won’t hurt you.

It annoyed the princess, but she wouldn't show it. "Of course. What is on your mind?"

“The pony you left me with, Sneak-“

"I have ordered his arrest. His behaviour was not only unacceptable but also criminal. Something I will never tolerate." Without Celestia noticing, anger had infected her voice.

He… he really will be punished?

It surprised Fluttershy since Sneak was so confident he would get away scot-free.

“Is there anything else I can help you with?” Celestia asked.

Just one more thing. You can do this, Fluttershy. For them.

"The guard in Dodge City seems to be in horrible shape, barely functioning. I think they should receive more funding, including a higher salary. That is if you don't mind, your majesty," she asked with a wavering voice.

Celestia minded. Very much, in fact.

She answered regardless. "I know that there are many unnecessary guard stations out there. We are going to close them soon, concentrating the funding on better-equipped, more central ones."

She is going to… fire them?

Fluttershy felt awful for the poor guards. “But my princess? What will happen to them?”

“There are many other opportunities for them out there. The crown simply can’t afford to waste taxpayer money on unnecessary expenditures.”

Again it seemed like a reasonable statement.

On the surface.

“But shouldn’t a guard station be a fundamental public service in each town? Where should ponies go if something happens?" Unintentionally, she had caught the princess off guard.

“Fluttershy, Equestria is a safe country. You don't have to worry about that. Studies show that in most small towns, the guard is called less than three times per month, mostly just aiding in other tasks," a flustered Celestia justified her decision.

What about those three times, then?

Yet, Fluttershy's courage had left her. She wasn’t about to argue with the princess.

Instead, she bowed in front of her. “Thank you for listening to my concerns, my princess.”

“It was a pleasure, Fluttershy,” Celestia lied.

The pegasus turned around, making her way to the library.

If she managed to find it, that is.


I wonder what she has done to the statue…

Discord, right?

She can’t just destroy him, right?

It was unfortunate that she had forgotten to ask the princess about his fate.

"Her heart may have been broken, but her hope was shining all the brighter for it.

"The ponies may not have been able to see their true self, yet somewhere out there was a place for them. She was sure of it. All they needed to do was leave this place that had brought them so much pain. If only she could convince Mother of it."

Seems like Rainbow has decided to read that book once more.

I wonder how she got it again.

"And one day, when they had found that place when they had crafted the country of their dreams, a place they could genuinely call home, they would return.

“They would return and show the ponies just how wrong they had been.

“They would return not for revenge, but to extend forgiveness, finally ending the circle of violence between them.”

This is just sad. Poor Skylar. No wonder Chrysalis was angered by Dashie bringing up the book.

This isn’t fiction. This is her life experience.

A dream that was brutally crushed.

"Equipped with gifts, as well as presentations about their culture, they would make the ponies realize that they weren't lesser beings. That they weren't parasites that needed to be exterminated for the protection of ponykind.

"The ponies would be sceptical at first, but they would guide them around the country they had built for themselves.

"Not to make them jealous but to present them with the evidence they had always demanded.

"In the end, it would word. It had to work! She could already see it! A future of peace and harmony between them!

“And maybe, just maybe, once the ponies had accepted them, the rest of the world would then be able to accept them as well.

“A bright future was awaiting them.

“All they needed to do was seize it.”

Skylar may not have been able to see that future, but that doesn’t mean that it will never come true.

Rainbow closed the book, turning around to face her. “Hi, Twi. What did she say?”

“She gave us her permission, surprisingly,” Twilight responded. “I see that the book has quite captivated you?”

“It is really sad, yet also quite fascinating. The insight it gives one into the changelings…

"Twi, I made the mistake of looking at the last page. This book was supposed to be only the first half. She wanted to write a continuation once her dream had become true." For a moment, Rainbow had trouble holding back tears. If the book was accurate, something she did believe, then the changelings, indeed, were just like them. Yet, society had condemned them to a life of pain and suffering.

Or, more accurately, Princess Celestia, as well as Princess Luna, had done so.

"It is always a tragedy when one doesn't live to see one's dream come true. Especially when it is such a beautiful dream like this one.

“That she also wasn’t able to complete her work of art is just cruel,” Twilight agreed.

"But, Twi," Rainbow mustered her expectantly. "What is stopping you from changing it right now? Wouldn't the Constitution allow you to do that? Why not make a decree recognizing them as citizens?"

I could do that, right?

Could it be that easy?

She contemplated Rainbow's suggestion, playing the scenarios out in her head. "It wouldn't work," was the conclusion she settled on. "Yes, I could do that. However, there is nothing that would stop Princess Celestia from revoking it again, with a new decree, creating an endless spiral of decrees."

I wonder if they overlooked that scenario or if it was written like that on purpose.

"Furthermore, Princess Celestia holds way more political power than I do. A decree doesn't enforce itself, and I doubt anypony would listen to me over her,” Twilight reasoned.

I could, however, at least bring it up.

And I should probably give her the opportunity to explain her side of the story. Surely they didn't act so cruelly for no reason whatsoever, right?

"That sucks, but you are probably right, Twi," Rainbow sighed. "Now, let's address this tower of books in front of me." She motioned to about 200 books that lay in front of her. "You know the librarian told me that she is still waiting for more books that are being sent from other libraries around the country and that there are even more books on the topic in the forbidden section of the archives that she doesn't have access to."

The forbidden section of the archives! If any information about how to gain immortality exists, it has to be there!

I don't think, though, that she will let me get access to them.

“I have seen worse, Dashie. A few all-nighters and I will have dealt with those books in no time,” Twilight assured her. “By the way, I met Fluttershy. She is here in the castle.”

“…Fluttershy is here?” Rainbow stuttered.

“Yes, and you know what? Not only do I think that she is a bearer as well, but I also have to say that she seems really nice," she happily told her.

Unlike Applejack and Rarity.

Twilight grabbed the first book, checking if it met her criteria.

I need books telling me how to gain immortality or how to ascend a pony. Not some philosophical contemplations about those aspects.

I also don’t need historical accounts.

Quickly she sorted out a bunch of books.

Still, a sizeable number remained.

All right. About 60. That will definitely take a few days.

“Dashie?” Twilight turned back to her.

Rainbow had panic written all over her. “Twi! I can’t face her! I abandoned her!”

You do seem to take loyalty very seriously. I wonder why? Because of your old "friends", maybe?

“Dashie.” Twilight soothed her. “You were hurting. I am sure she understands why you did what you did.”

“I suffered, all right! Yet, she suffered as well! I ran away, thinking only about myself, knowing that it would only increase her suffering!” Now she would have to face her friend, either lying to her or admitting to her betrayal.

You are just a filly. You shouldn’t have to burden yourself with these things…

We shouldn’t have to burden ourselves with them.

“Dashie… In a perfect world, you would have stayed by her side, yes. But in a perfect world, you wouldn't have faced those problems in the first place.

“Our world isn’t perfect. What use would staying by her side have been if it would have broken you?" Twilight tried her best to conince Rainbow that she shouldn’t blame herself.

“I don’t know Twi…” the Pegasus responded. “I just don’t know.”

Poor Dashie.

Anger grabbed Twilight.

Anger at the ponies who hurt her angel.

I will find every single pony who hurt you.

I will find them and make them feel the same pain you felt.

Yet, for now, there was another task at hoof. A task she didn't want to delay any longer.

“Are you really going to read all those books, Twi?” Rainbow still had trouble believing that she would be able to work through all of them without dying of boredom.

“Every single one, Dashie. After all, I have a pony to ascend, don't I?" With that, Twilight began reading.

"You are too good for me, Twi…." Rainbow gave her a smile. The purple filly really was determined to make her immortal.

Make her immortal without demanding anything in return, not even expecting her to help.

Rainbow looked at the little Spike on her lap. The dragon looked eager to hear the rest of the story.

Happily, she began reading it to him.


I just noticed. I am actually reading a book.

I am reading a book in public!

It made her feel… free.

Rainbow had always liked reading. Not the boring school books, of course, but the many great ones that were out there. However, the ponies she associated with didn't. With them, the best you could read without being made fun of were comics.

And when they turned their back on me, I couldn’t even read those anymore.

It had resulted in her just giving up on reading, except when she couldn't avoid it.

That is until she picked up the book back at the hive.

I didn’t even think about it! I just did it out of instinct!

The thought that Twi could look down on me for that didn't cross my mind at all!

To be fair, Twilight didn’t look like the pony who would judge anypony for reading. Still, she couldn’t ignore it.

Being near Twi has enabled me to be myself-

Spike began kicking around, demanding for Rainbow to finally continue reading.

There were still a good number of pages left.


“It had been custom for queens up until mother took reign to watch their children closely. To use the hivemind to monitor their every thought, constantly spying on what they were doing, even taking them over if deemed necessary. But not with Mother. Mother had always granted her children a significant amount of leeway.

“Mother had always granted her a significant amount of leeway.

"And for the first time, she would take advantage of that." Rainbow could already guess what would come next from what Chrysalis had told them.

"She turned around, gazing at her reflection in the mirror.

"In it, she no longer saw a princess. She saw a queen.

"A queen that would not only lead her subjects to a new future but also make her mother proud.

“Even if she would have to defy her in the process.”

"Umm, excuse me… Hi, Rainbow." Rainbow and Twilight's heads shot up. In front of them stood Fluttershy. “I am sorry for taking so long… I was too scared to ask for directions.”

Celestia dammit, Fluttershy! We have been reading for hours now!

“No problem, Fluttershy. I am so happy to see you,” Rainbow lied.



Twilight jumped in. “Dashie has told me so much about you! It truly is an honour to meet you.” The words had been genuine. Rainbow may have had her issues with Fluttershy thanks to their backstory, but from the accounts she had given to Twilight, it became clear that Fluttershy was the pony who had set Rainbow on the right path, intentional or not.

Without her, Rainbow might very well still be in Cloudsdale, trying to pretend to be somepony she wasn’t.

“Umm, thank you?” Fluttershy was taken aback by the purple alicorn.

Seems like Twi really has taken a liking to her.

I can see why…

It made Rainbow feel much, much worse. Seeing Fluttershy again made her realize just how wrong she probably was when she accused the pegasus of trying to take advantage of her.

Luckily, I kept those thoughts to myself.

“Spike! You found Spike!” Fluttershy shouted. “I was so worried about him! Can I pet him?” she begged with big eyes.

That’s the Fluttershy I know. Animals truly have a special place in her heart.
He isn’t just some animal, though.

"You know him?” Rainbow and Twilight said simultaneously, earning a giggle from the little dragon.

“Princess Celestia introduced me to him when I accompanied her to the Badlands.” Her face fell. “I-I freaked out when he coughed up blood, allowing him to be abducted.”

I never thought about how Isabella managed to bring him to us.

“It’s all right, Fluttershy,” Twilight assured her. “If you hadn’t allowed for him to be abducted, then he might very well be dead by now.” It was another thing Twilight would be forever grateful for.

Fluttershy, however, only seemed confused by the statement.

Twilight and Rainbow looked at each other, trying to determine who would continue.

In the battle of stares, Rainbow emerged victorious. "Spike is-“

Ok… this is weird to say out loud.

She did so regardless. “Our son.”

Fluttershy's mouth hung open.

“I hatched him,” Twilight explained. There was no need to tell her that she created life. After all, that was still considered a crime.

Even if nopony would be able to hold her accountable.

“Oh… I see. I am so sorry for not realizing that. Can I… hold the little one? Please?” Fluttershy begged once again, eyes now even more desperate. “He looks so cute!”

Looks like you already stole her heart, Spike.

“Sure,” both agreed, with Twilight a bit more hesitant than Rainbow. After all, she didn’t know Fluttershy as well as Rainbow.

Spike was handed carefully to the yellow filly, who immediately hugged the little dragon closely. He may have been annoyed that, once again, the story was interrupted, but Spike did enjoy the influx of attention he received.

We have to find a better balance with him. Make him a proper part of our life and not just some add-on.

If not…

If not, Twi will have a rude awakening. He will only accept our lack of attention for him for so long.

It made Rainbow's heart ache. Twilight obviously wanted to take care of Spike, yet she also wanted to try a relationship while at the same time looking for a way to make her immortal.

It was too much. Along the way, she would inevitably neglect at least one of those things.

Not to mention that we may be too young to take care of him in the first place…

What if we… hurt him?

What if we…

She began to tremble. For a moment, doubt overtook her.

My parents always took care of me! They were always there for me! Yet-

Yet, it didn’t matter.

Fluttershy and Twilight were staring at her.

We can do this! Sure, we may have multiple disadvantages, but that’s life! Nothing is set in stone!

What assurances did they have that another pony would indeed take better care of Spike?

Who else would love him as much as they did?

Why would a stranger care more for Spike than they did?

The thought seemed more and more ridiculous.

We care for him! We love him!

We will be there for him…

We won’t abandon him.

“Dashie? Why are you crying?” Twilight nuzzled her.

"Do you think we can do this, Twi? Are you convinced we are the best choice of parents for him?" Rainbow may have decided for herself, but Twilight's opinion on the matter was just as important.

The answer came quicker than anticipated. “Of-“

Which meant it wasn’t the answer Rainbow was looking for. “Twi, I want you to seriously entertain the idea. For his sake.”

Silence reigned. Both could see Spike trying to reach for them, fearful that they might decide to give up on him, making Fluttershy work overtime to soothe him, shooting them glances and silently begging for help.

But this wasn’t about what he wanted. This was about what would be best for him. And needing to think about the answer to that question, they were unable to help Fluttershy.

Finally, Twilight spoke up again. “There are definitely ponies out there more suitable to take care of him.”

It was obvious what she was going to say next.

It was obvious because Spike had stopped struggling, big, thankful eyes staring at Twilight.

You two have a connection. There is no doubt about that.

Rainbow, on the other hoof, received death glares.

I deserve this. I brought this up.

"They may be more experienced. They may be able to provide him with a more stable environment. Some might even say that they will protect his innocent mind from us.

“Make him grow up in a proper family, you know…

"After all, a child needs a mother and a father, not two mothers, to properly develop."

Twilight had spoken the words casually. There was no resentment in her voice.

But they are wrong, right?

We know they are wrong, Twi! They must be!

“Dashie, until you have opened my eyes, I would have agreed. Now, however, I know better. Thanks to you, I can properly understand many aspects of my vision that have previously eluded me.

“They have changed me.

“Changed me for the worst in some areas.

"Not in this one. I never told you about Spike in regards to my vision, did I?" Nopony would be able to stop her anymore. Twilight had her speech already planned out in her head, and she would complete it.

You haven’t.

“I just tried to remember the relationship I had with him in my vision.

"I didn't realize it before, but until I learned about his existence back in the hive, I didn't even think about him. He wasn't an important part of my vision. He wasn't my son. He was just there.

"I didn't raise him for a substantial part of his life.

“Honestly, I don’t even know who did. I think Celestia did so herself, but it is also possible that she let somepony else tend to the task.

“I visited him, though. Spent time together with him.

“In the end, we were more like siblings.” Rage had gripped Twilight.

Spike being your little brother is cute? Would it really be such an-

“I was a moron! An idiot! Not only did I allow them to steal my son, but I also failed to realize that they didn’t even care about him in the slightest! Viewed him more as a pet than a pony.” Even if Twilight incorrectly referred to Spike as a pony, in the heat of the moment, she had been more than able to bring her message across.

I see. Then it's settled. We will take care of-

Still, Twilight wasn’t finished. “They couldn’t even be bothered to… to…

"Actually, I can't recall that part right now," She admitted, defeated. The young alicorn was enraged, partly for reasons she couldn't even remember. "What I can recall right now, however, is that I let their behaviour infect me.

"He should have been my little brother, but when they stepped out of our life, it was already too late. By then, I had let them corrupt my relationship with him into one that was more like a relationship between a mistress and her slave…

“I don’t think it ever recovered from that…

“I don’t think it mattered…

"They had ensured he as well wasn't in a state of mind to realize how wrong it was…

"At least for a very long time..."

He isn’t a pony.

It doesn’t matter to us.

We love him anyway.

But others might not feel that way.

“That’s awful,” Fluttershy whispered.

I nearly forgot. She is still here.

“It is,” Twilight agreed. “It happened once. It can happen again.

“At least if we give him away.

“But we won’t do that. I, and I hope you can say the same, Dashie, would rather die. He is our son! Nothing will change that! We love him! We will take care of him!”

We will, Twi. We will, Twi.

“Sure, we may be young and inexperienced.

“We are going to make mistakes. That’s inevitable.

"Other ponies might pounce on that, trying to stir up doubt within us, claiming that that's evidence of us being unsuitable."

I don't think so. Not with the princess backing you.

“Don’t let that get to you, Dashie. We know better. We will learn. We will improve.

“We will be the best parents for him.

"Because we love you, Spike." Twilight had walked forward, gifting the little dragon with a kiss on his forehead. "In the end, that's all that matters."

The speech was finished, and her viewpoint had been made more than clear.

Nopony would be able to change it.

Was she correct, though?

Could the two fillies raise the little dragon properly?

It didn’t matter.

It didn't matter because, by now, neither Twilight nor Rainbow doubted it.

And with Twi as a princess, the naysayers can all go kick sand.

“You know, Twi, that was a beautiful speech, but a yes would have been more than enough. I was of the same opinion anyway,” Rainbow revealed.

“Then why question it in the first place?” Twilight asked.

"Because your opinion on it matters as well," was the response. "After all, it is a serious question."

I am glad, though, that we see eye to eye. I don't know if I could have lived with myself if we had decided to abandon him just for a stranger to raise him in our stead.

Or worse, the princess.

“Dashie, if I had agreed to give him away and it wouldn't have resulted in you beating me to death, then I would have been massively disappointed." Twilight had meant those words. There was no question about it.

I will have to remember that. Hurting Spike is definitely just as much of a valid strategy to get in her bad books as hurting me is.

I wonder what would happen if I were to hurt him?

Nah, scratch that. There is no need to find that out.

“If I may say so, you two seem like great parents for him,” Fluttershy caught their attention again.

Hmm. She seems livelier than usual.

“Thank you so much,” Twilight grinned. Being validated always felt great.

She wants to ask something.

I can feel it.

Barely audible, the expected question came. "Did you run away, Rainbow?"

She knows.

“Fluttershy, I told you that-“

“I am not mad, Rainbow. You don’t have to lie to me…

“You know I wouldn’t blame you, right?” Interrupting Twilight. It was not something Fluttershy had wanted to do, but it was necessary.

Of course, you would blame me!

Don’t act like you wouldn’t!

“Fluttershy, I am telling you. Dashie didn’t intend to abandon you.” Twilight lied through her teeth. The tone made it clear that any retort would put the yellow pegasus in dangerous territory. “Stop making her feel bad.”

"I- I- I didn't mean to…."

Why are you fighting this battle for me, Twi?

The alicorn wasn’t finished. “Rainbow even wanted to go back for you, but I had to convince her otherwise. It simply was too dangerous with the guard after us.”


“Rainbow, I am so sorry for doubting you.” Fluttershy turned towards her, having fully bought into Twilight's lies. "Can you forgive me?"

She is making herself look bad just so that I can avoid facing the consequences of my actions!

There is no way I am going to allow that!

"She lied, Flutters," Rainbow admitted. "She lied to shield me."

Twilight's face fell for a second, worried that her well-meant attempt to protect her had backfired.

“I hope you can forgive me,” Rainbow turned to worried filly, seeking guidance.

Happily, she flashed her an encouraging smile, signalling to the troubled pegasus that she had done the right thing.

Who needs Fluttershy anyway?

Sure, I may have lost her, but Twi and Spike are still with me.

“Twilight, you didn’t need to do that for her. I meant what I said. I am not mad at her,“ Fluttershy insisted. "I merely wanted to understand what was going on so that I could be there for her if necessary. I mean… Rainbow, you were gone for such a short amount of time, and now you are a completely different pony."

I am, am I not?

A better pony.

Without Twilight demanding it, I have changed.

“Rainbow, we both know how bad the bullying has gotten. I don’t blame you for wanting to get away. Why can’t you see that?” Fluttershy felt like crying. It was obvious. All her attempts to get through to Rainbow had failed. In five minutes with Twilight, she had probably built a bigger trust bond between them than she had managed in five years with Rainbow.





“Dashie, don’t make this so hard for yourself,” Twilight whispered in her ear. “You want to be forgiven. She wants to forgive you.

“Both of you can be happy.”


I… Am I hurting her by blaming myself?

Ever since the day she had saved her, Fluttershy had tried everything to become friends with her.

But Rainbow had never truly let them become friends, too troubled by the past they had shared.

“I am sorry, Fluttershy. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just had trouble believing that you would forgive me for that.” There was still a mountain of things they needed to work through.

But the first step was done.

“Rainbow, I do. Please don’t question that.” Fluttershy assured her again.

Heh. You are reminding me of Twi there.

Speaking of which.

“Look at the time, Twi. How about we go visit Canterlot like we planned earlier?" she suggested. She was happy that they had sorted out their differences, but some fresh air, as well as room to breathe, couldn't hurt.

“Sure, Dashie. Can you go ahead and fetch a few guards to accompany us? The princess insisted on us taking some with us. I will find a pony to take care of Spike.”

“Sure thing.” Rainbow sped off.


“What’s the matter, Fluttershy?” Twilight asked, now that Rainbow was gone.

I wonder how Dashie managed to overlook the signs she gave me of wanting to speak alone.

Fluttershy's face had turned red. Now that she could actually speak with Twilight alone, her courage had left her.

“Fluttershy, please. There is no need to be afraid,” she assured her.

“How did you do it?” the pegasus whispered. “That is if you don’t mind answering.”

I see.

"It just clicked. Right place, right time. The universe truly was kind to me." Twilight explained.

Not to mention the many bonding moments our little adventure enabled us to have.

"I… I tried so hard! I did everything I could! Why... Just why..."

Twilight felt pity for the yellow filly.

The universe can be cruel...

“I am sorry to hear. It wasn’t my intention to take her away from you.”

Yet, I have no doubt I would have done so regardless.

"But why...

"Why you..."

Why me?

Why me, indeed? Why did I have this vision?

Why was I gifted with the pony of my dreams?

Why did she just fall into my lap without me having to do anything?

“Fluttershy, you helped her more than both of you may realize," Twilight eased her worries. "It makes me happy to hear that Dashie has another pony looking out for her, even if she still needs some time to recognise that."

Fluttershy flashed her a smile. Maybe the purple alicorn was right. She hadn't been able to help Rainbow like she had wanted to, but that didn't mean that she accomplished nothing, right?

"Do you want me to take care of Spike while you are gone?" she suggested.

Dashie did seem to trust you, and I am not on the best terms with Cadence right now…

“If you would be willing to do that?” Fluttershy nodded. "Thank you, that's very kind of you. We will be back in the evening to fetch him. And don't worry about us finding you. The guards will tell us where you are."

The Pegasus looked around. Indeed, there they were.

Scary, right?

“All right, have fun,” a now frightened Fluttershy wished her.

But before Twilight left, there was another thing she needed to do.

“Don’t worry, Spike. She will take good care of you, or else she wouldn’t be friends with Dashie. We will be back in the evening,” Twilight gave him another kiss.

To her relief, Spike seemed to not hold any ill will for being left out of their date.

We will have to visit Canterlot tomorrow with him to make it up.

Slowly she walked after Rainbow, glancing over her shoulder multiple times, trying to make sure that the yellow filly would indeed take good care of Spike.


She had done her best to make her way to the border as quickly as she could. The detour she needed to take to avoid the Badlands meant that she had to travel through the Hayseed Swamps.

I arrived here quicker than I thought.

It was a small victory. One that left her body feeling weak.

It made her doubt that she would survive the trip.

I just need to run!

As soon as I am in Equestria, I am safe. There I can visit a hospital.

Here, however, there were dangerous plants, beasts and quite possibly bat pony patrols.

All of these things could mean the end for her.

Instinctively, she grabbed her knife.

I can do this!

I can do this!


Is that a fireplace? During daytime?

She could see a bit of smoke in the distance.

It could only mean one thing.


I am saved… hopefully.

Quickly she darted over, making more noise than she would have wanted in the process. But the prospect of a warm meal made her forget her training.

There it is! A fireplace! Food!

…no ponies?

"If you move, you are dead. This is a lethal gun. Courtesy of-“

Training kicked in again, resulting in her hind legs kicking the other pony while her head darted out of the way.

A shoot echoed.

Ears rang.

Come on! You have to take her out before she recovers from your kick.

Her arching body forced itself up. With her knife, she darted at the other mare.

It gave her enough time to analyse her opponent.

Equestrian Armed Forces. I don’t recognize the department, but she clearly has a high-ranking position.

I must take her out before her subordinates return!

The other mare, however, wouldn't make it easy for her. Quickly the mare darted out of the way, only barely avoiding the poisonous knife.

What am I doing here!

She remembered why she had come here in the first place. To flee to Equestria. Not to attack.

But by now, it was too late. She needed the food as well as the medicine her opponent may have.

And she had a feeling that asking would no longer work.

Dark magic! If I want to win, I must use dark magic!

The moment of surprise had worn off. The unicorn she faced was bound to use spells any moment now.

She would have to be quicker.

Quickly she thought about all the suffering she had to go through during her short life.

A ball of dark magic wailed towards the unicorn.

That’s what you deserve, you mindless servant of the sun!

Enchantments activated. The dark magic was dispelled.


Another shot echoed.


This is starting to get to me.

Ever since Twilight ran away, she had been working overtime. Despite that, the mountain of work she had to work through seemed to get bigger by the second.

The ponies rose from their seats.

It was time to address parliament.

“My Lords and Ladies of Parliament. I thank you all for coming on such short notice."

Celestia saw Cadence sitting in the front row next to Prince of Parliament Blueblood Senior.

Bestowing their speaker with that title, despite the confusion it caused. A rare insult Parliament managed to get away with due to her having bigger problems to deal with at the time.

It became annoying, though, when rumours spread that the Blueblood family was, in fact, related to her.

I will have to put them in their place eventually.

She continued with her speech. Cadence sitting next to Blueblood wasn’t a good sign, but in the end, she had no doubt about where the loyalty of the nobles lay. "These last few days have been turbulent. Rare outliners in the centuries of peace we have been gifted with."

All the attention was on here. Everypony was awaiting her explanation.

A more believable one than the one the newspapers had printed.

An explanation they, as nobles, would receive since they could be more trusted than the common pony.

“Enemies of Equestria have dared to show their face again.”

Commotion broke out. The implications were clear.

“Peace has made us weak.

“Peace has allowed us to divert funding away from our armed forces to other projects.

“Projects that benefited everypony at the expense of our security.

“No longer can we afford this.”

Fear gripped everypony in the room, even her guards. This sounded more and more like a declaration of war.

A war nopony wanted.

They could only hope this included the princess as well.

“My Lords and Ladies of Parliament. Ten years ago, I gave birth to my daughter."

Another shock.

But not as many ponies were shocked as Celestia had expected.

You told them, Cadence.

You meddled.

If you did what I think you did, you will pay dearly. Nopony will deny Twilight her birthright.

"I kept the existence of Princess Twilight a secret."

Dominos fell into place.

The filly the princess had been looking for, like a madmare, was her daughter.

Yet, it also caused a ton of new questions to appear.

"I wished I could have taken care of her myself, but as your princess, this luxury was denied to me. After all, I couldn't just abandon you. I had duties to fulfil.

"It broke my heart, but for the good of the country. For the good of you, my loyal subjects, I had to place her well-being into the hoofs of other ponies.

“Ponies I thought I could trust.”

They had planned to confront the princess about the arrest of the Sparkle family. Since they were nobility as well, their arrest was a direct affront.

Now, however, that was off the table. The princess's words made it clear that the family was doomed.

"Unfortunately, a few days ago, they betrayed my trust by causing Twilight to run away.

“Needless to say, I immediately mobilized all our forces before one of our enemies could get their hooves on her.

“Yes, you heard right. I know that I have done my best to keep you all safe, but they are still out there.

“They are still out there, and they got their hooves on her first.”

I never asked Twilight about what exactly happened with the changelings.

The room was melting down. Most ponies had no doubt anymore that a declaration of war was going to follow.

“The enemy we are talking about is one of the most dangerous ones I have ever encountered.

“They could be in this room as I speak.

“In fact, I have no doubt about that.”

I can’t tell them about the bat ponies. They are precious to Luna.

It meant that all the more blame would be passed onto the changelings.

The eyes of the guards darted frantically around the room, trying to identify the enemy Celestia was talking about.

"They are parasites, surviving by feeding on positive emotions.

“They manipulate their victims, sucking them dry until only an empty husk is left.

“They can fly.

“They can use magic.

“They are called changelings.”

It didn’t matter what she said anymore. The fear everypony in the room held by now made rational thinking impossible.

"They are bug-like "ponies", that have specialised in disguise magic.

“Magic that enables them to copy the look of anypony they want.

"Magic that enables them to kill ponies and take their place without even the closest friends realizing.

“Magic that enables them to make doubt disappear in the rare event it does show up.”

Time for the big moment.

Using the changelings like this had been a last-minute decision.

A genius decision.

“To better protect Equestria against the resurgence of this major threat, we will make profound changes in all branches of government, with the most significant focus on our armed forces.

"Some of the changes, like a replacement of high-ranking personnel, have already begun.

“Once we are done, Equestrias government will be more efficient as well as stronger than ever.

“My Lords and Ladies of Parliament, to handle these new developments, I am introducing three new pieces of legislation.

“The first one will confirm the role of my daughter within government as a new princess of Equestria.

“The second one will allow us to make the necessary reforms within government.

"The third one will reintroduce a modified version of the Pony Protection Act so that our security forces can properly root out the parasites hiding in plain sight.

“I urge you to vote yes on all of them. The future of Equestria depends on it.”

Collectively a gasp of relief went through the room.

There would be no war.

For now.

The princess had completed her speech.

Blueblood senior walked forward. “Due to the urgency of the situation, debates will be skipped. We will start with the vote on the reintroduction of a modified version of the pony protection act. Those who are in favour, please stand up.”

None of them had seen the law.

Nevertheless, they jumped up.

He split the vote up!

Princess Celestia could barely believe it.

The ponies, who only hold their privileges so that they would have her back when it mattered, were going to betray her.

“The motion of the princess has been decided in the affirmative.” Applause went through parliament.

They are going to backstab me after everything I have done for them!

They are going to do so with Cadence pulling the strings in the background!

She shouldn’t have allowed them to get away with their games for so long. It had obviously given them the illusion that they held way more power than they actually did.

“Are there any requests to split the remaining two motions up?” he asked.

There weren’t any.

“Those in favour of granting Twilight the official title of princess, making her part of the Equestrian crown as well as allowing the crown to make comprehensive changes within the Equestrian government without oversight, please rise.

"Also note that a 2/3 majority is needed for the motion regarding Twilight."


If one was generous, about 40% had risen from their seats.

“The motion-“

Blueblood stopped when suddenly a few more nobles rose up.

Celestia's magic forced them down again.

Too long have I been complacent!

Too long have I been trying to avoid conflict, choosing the easy path instead of implementing the changes I wanted!

It had been easy for her to ignore her surroundings since she was in a position where they didn’t affect her.

No more! The time to play nice is up! Instead, it’s time to shape this pathetic country into what I want it to be! Time to introduce the reforms I want to introduce!

Time to let the old realities die…

And from its ashes, a new, better reality will arise…

One Twilight will have to be happy with!

Seething, she pushed Blueblood away while her magic teleported the ponies that had voted in favour to one side of the room and those who didn't do so to another.


“When I took power, I needed loyal ponies to help me administer the country.

“Those ponies had been your ancestors.

“They were honest.

“They were kind.

“They were loyal.

“They were generous.

“They befriended the ponies they were meant to govern.

"And in return for their services, they were rewarded with the privileges you still enjoy today."

I should have eliminated you all when you betrayed Luna. It was foolish to think you learned your lesson then.

"You all enjoy your position thanks to your birthright! Yet here you are denying my daughter hers, you hypocrites!" The princess ranted.

Blueblood turned to Cadence. They wouldn't have been happy with the motions anyway, but she had tipped them off, encouraging them to deny them.

At the time, they happily agreed.

Now they regretted that.

“She is just a child! She shouldn’t-“

"Silence, Cadenza! I will deal with you later!"

Celestia let all her appearances drop.

I hate you all so much.

“I am an immortal being! I control the sun as well as the moon!

"I fought side by side with the pony who freed us all from the clutches of the ancients." The frightened nobles didn't know who the ancients were, but Celestia didn't care. "The pony who once ruled the entire planet.

"With my sister, I dedicated my life to you, unworthy creatures. We spent millions of years helping the planet to recover, aiding its inhabitants in their efforts to re-establish their lives.

“Ensuring there would be no more conflicts. No more wars.

“Battling multiple all-powerful creatures that had used the power vacuum to grow stronger.

"Among them, the tyrant that has ruled Equestria before us." A crazy smile appeared on Celestia's face. “But you know what? I never truly cared.

“I don’t care about this planet.

"And I certainly don't care about you." The ponies in the room were appalled by her words, yet she also didn't care about that.

I said it!

I finally said it!

Celestia felt like laughing.

It feels so good.

"Are you going to cry now? Like I said, I am immortal. Every day I see faces that all look the same to me, all begging for my attention, presenting me with their unimportant live stories."

Like, I am interested in the taxes being too high. Your fault for not earning enough.

"Do you even realize how hard it is to learn new names when you have lived as long as I did?" Celestia took a deep breath.

"So, yes, I don't care about you, which is also the reason why I have taken such a backseat in recent times, allowing you all to do as you please."

Not to mention that parliament was only created to establish the illusion of ponies having a voice in their government and us sharing power.

"Everything changed, however, with Twilight."

My little shining star.

The one pony who managed to genuinely make me smile for the first time after Luna's disappearance.

“Seeing her grow up made me happy again!

"Sure, it made me break my vows to the empress, but buck it! Buck the planet! Buck nature! And buck you! Why would I care about her wants when they had condemned me to this life of misery? A life of misery that was only fixed when I jumped over my shadow, accepting Twilight into my life! Now you want me to stand by idly while you take that happiness away from me again?"

Just get this done. You didn't go through with it when Luna begged you. You put it off afterwards even when you learned the truth…

This time there will be no mercy!

"We gave you a say in these matters as a sign of gratitude for the actions of your ancestors towards the crown, but we aren't bound by that decision. The constitution clearly states that.

I never needed to ask you in the first place, but it's good that this made me realize just how disloyal you all have become.

“Therefore, by royal decree, the nobility is disbanded, and all their privileges revoked. Those who voted in favour may leave now.” She had barely completed the sentence, but they were already gone. “Those who didn’t, your assets are hereby seized. Have fun enjoying life like the common ponies you despise.” Celestia turned around.

But there was one more thing. “Oh, by the way. By royal decree, I hereby declare Twilight part of the crown, formally granting her the title of princess. Furthermore, the Government Improvement Act also goes into effect immediately." Now, she was done here.


She darted around. Cadence had jumped up. The realization that Celestia had just eliminated one of the few, if not the only, forms of opposition within Equestria stirred a will to fight within her she hadn't encountered before. "By royal decree, I hereby-"

“Silence!” Magic impacted a hastily formed shield.

Ponies ran.

Two alicorns were about to fight. Nopony wanted to be near them when that happened.

“You are unfit to rule! Just like Twilight!” Cadence screamed.

Showing you true colours now, are you?

“I have brought peace to this planet! Who are you to accuse me of that!” Celestia increased the strength of her spell.

But Cadence's shield didn't waver. "Nopony should be allowed to rule alone! You are sitting on your comfortable throne, completely out of touch with reality! Nopony dares to question you, providing you with a deceptive feedback loop!

“No longer!” In a rare move that made Celestia realize that she must have trained in secret, Cadence teleported away, firing a spell at her.

Quickly Celestia shot a new spell at the princess of love.

They collided.

“Equestria has enjoyed peace! Economic prosperity! What more do you want!” Celestia didn’t allow Cadence to answer. “I planned for you to administer a country of your own, but you threw it away! Now that I have found suitable bearers, I no longer need you to back me up in a fight against Nightmare Moon!

“Instead, I will kill you like I should have done when I found you! I can sense their magic on you! Ponies like you destroyed my home. Ponies like you killed my love! Now you try to take Equestria from me! Probably Twilight, too, while you are at it!" The older princess screamed.

Cadence ignored it, focusing on her spell instead.

The fate of Equestria depended on it.

Celestia returned the favour. Now, both princesses put everything they had in their spells, determined to take the other one out quickly without a big fight.

A fight that would once again make the building of a new capital necessary.

The spells became brighter and brighter, with more and more energy being put into them with every second.

I won’t be able to continue this for much longer.

Cadence, on the other hoof, seemed to keep going effortlessly.

I can find another pony to administer the empire for me.

It will be far safer than ignoring the threat you pose any longer.

Celestia was older. More experienced.

And although she was never properly trained in magic during her younger years and had been born unusually weak, she had the sun backing her up.

Cadence, on the other hoof, was still young, with it being unknown if she had ever been trained in magic or how strong she truly was.

But she definitely hadn't exhausted herself these last few days like Celestia had.

She could win.

If she did, then this would become one of the most pivotal moments in Equestrian history.

The day Celestia was overthrown. Replaced by Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. A princess set on reform convinced that Celestia's way of centralized dictatorial top-down governance was wrong.

Would she have been better in the end? After all, intentions were one thing, execution another.

It was impossible to determine that. Especially since power tended to change ponies.

Luckily, I don’t play fair.

“I want her dead!”

Guards jumped at Cadence.

She couldn’t understand it. After everything Celestia had just said, those ponies still followed her order, attacking her.

For one crucial second, her concentration was broken.

Instantly, Celestia's spell overtook Cadences, vaporizing everything in its path, including the guards that had jumped her.

The princess of love had lost.

And now, Equestria is mine again.


The guards had told her to head towards a meeting room.

Two fillies were sitting in it, playing Monopoly.

“Umm, hi?”

“Hi?” both fillies responded.

This must be the wrong room.

Then the white one seemed to have a realization. "You must be the other pony the princess mentioned! I am Rarity. This is Applej- Why do you have the dragon with you?"

Is there something wrong with Spike?

“Rainbow and Twilight entrusted me with him,” Fluttershy proudly stated.

“Do you know them?” the fillies asked her, curious.

"Umm, I have been friends with Rainbow for quite some time, and I befriended Twilight," she hesitantly answered.

Do they have a backstory with them?

Applejack and Rarity glanced at each other, unsure how to treat the newcomer.

In the end, they decided that there was no harm in letting her play with them. Fluttershy seemed nice enough, unlike certain other ponies. “Do you want to play with us?”

They are letting me play with them?

“Oh, thank you so much.” She glanced at Spike. “Can he play too?”

“Why would you want to let the pet play with us?” they asked.

I can’t fault them for that. I jumped to the same assumption.

“He isn’t a pet,” Fluttershy corrected. “That’s Spike.”

Now, Rarity and Applejack could see why Fluttershy was friends with Twilight and Rainbow. She seemed to share the same weirdness.

Regardless, they were willing to entertain her weird request. “Fine. He can play with us.”

“Thank you so much. Now, Spike. Which figure do you want?” Fluttershy asked the little dragon, showing him the figures.

Kindness would have to take a backseat for some time.

It was time to crush their opponents together.


She was already waiting for Twilight when she arrived.

“Ok, Twi. Hit me up. What is your plan to seduce me?”

The purple filly turned bright red.

And even redder when she could hear the giggling of a guard for a second.

You look cute when you are embarrassed.

“I just wanted to show you Canterlot! Have a good time with you!” Twilight insisted. “And in the evening, I wanted to go to a romantic restaurant with you,” she added as quietly as she could. “But not to seduce you!”

You are making this too easy.

"Why? Am I not beautiful enough for you, princess?" Rainbow tried to make herself look as attractive as she could.

Next thing she knew, she herself turned red when stiff wings gave her an answer.

I- I thought we were still too young for that.

Maybe a difference with her being an ali-

“Daaaaashie!” Twilight died of embarrassment.


“Make those wings go down!” Twilight nearly commanded.

Does she even know what she is experiencing right now?

“Twi… whatever you are thinking right now… stop it?” she suggested, trying to look for another pony to help.

It made her notice that the guards had significantly increased the distance between them.

What are you even thinking right now, Twi?

“It doesn’t work! They won’t budge!” If anything, they seemed to get even stiffer.

I wonder if other races have this problem as well. If not, that seems extremely unfair. Hopefully, I won't be that exposed when I first experience this...

Puberty sucks.

“Twi… I really don’t know how to fix this,” Rainbow admitted. “Every Pegasus goes through this face. You know, as part of puberty. I am told we learn to control it at some point. Maybe-“

"Just make it stop before I cut them off!" Twilight was losing it.

Luckily for her, Rainbow was there for her. "Hey, it's ok, Twi." She nuzzled the panicked alicorn. "As I said, what you are experiencing right now is completely normal and nothing to be ashamed of. Just calm down."

I wonder... should I be flattered or weirded out that you seem to think about me like this?

Twilight buried her head in Rainbow.


"This is just my cute devil having evil inappropriate thoughts. Nothing unusual going on here," Rainbow patted her head.

"Dashie!" Twilight protested. "One more word, and I will have your wings tied up!"

The guards tying Rainbow's wings up so that she wouldn't be able to fly anymore. It was meant as a threat that Twilight wouldn't go through with, but that was actually believable.

Already planning out your fantasies, I see.

Rainbow had to keep her desire to further tease Twilight at bay. The wings of the young alicorn had only just gone back to normal, and her voicing that thought would probably return them to their previous position.

Let’s try not to stir them up again.

Twilight collected herself, and both agreed wordlessly not to talk about this again.

For now.

“Ok, Twi. Where do we go first?” Rainbow asked.

“Right now, we are at the castle. Next to it are most of the government buildings. We will pass them on our way to downtown.” They made their way towards the street.


Actually, why not. This isn’t a school excursion. This is Twi showing me the capital.

Her capital.

“You see the building over there? That’s parliament. Normally they have their own guard. The presence of the royal guard indicates that the princess will address them today.” They continued walking. “Nearly all the buildings here contain government agencies and ministries. If you wish, we can visit one."

We could find the ESS and fire that Sneak pony.

“Nah. I don't want to go into politics right now," Rainbow waved her off.

“You are right, Dashie. That was a stupid suggestion.

"Over here are the Canterlot Archives. I spent countless hours in them, preparing myself for the entrance exam of the school for gifted unicorns. You can see it over there in the distance.” Twilight pointed towards a complex.

They really did concentrate all the power in one place…

Seems risky.

“Cool. Those archives have definitely done their job.

“Although, why is there only a school for gifted unicorns?” Rainbow inquired.

“Umm… Well…” Twilight wanted to go on the defensive. Then she reminded herself that there was no need to do so anymore. “At first, I thought that there was such a school. Just not in Canterlot.”

That would be a reasonable assumption.

"But then I was told that there was no necessity for a school specializing in earth ponies or pegasi since they didn't have any noteworthy traits that would need to be developed.

"I assume that this isn't true?" Twilight stared at her.

They are using us.

They are using us while claiming they created a fair society for everypony.

Hearing the thoughts out loud, coming from a princess no less, caused some of the guards to break character, giving their unicorn counterparts death glares, who tried to avoid eye contact, visibly embarrassed by the words of the young princess.

Those words weren't supposed to be spoken aloud.

"Dammit, Twi. Of course, it isn't. Our magic is different, not useless," Rainbow lectured her. Thankfully this was a lesson from Flight School she could remember. "We can fly. We can walk on clouds. We can manipulate the weather, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

“Who knows what else we could do if one would invest resources into studying our magic?”

I bet it is the same for earth ponies.

“I will bring it up,” Twilight mumbled.

You can try, but this has to be a system.

A system to keep us down.

They kept going.

“On your right is the supreme court. It is Equestria's highest court, overlooking all the lower courts,” Twilight lectured.

The building itself looked pretty impressive, definitely giving one a feeling of awe.

"Just like all the others, it directly answers to the princess. However, unlike others, three of its five justices are directly nominated by her.

“The other two are nominated by parliament.”

You can’t actually allow them to wield power. Just allow them to have the illusion.

"Also, the princess can choose to preside herself at any time." Twilight made sure that she had Rainbow's attention for the next part. "She can have anypony brought before herself at any time, for any reason, without any legal protections. If she then also chooses to preside as the sole judge, there will be nothing you can do anymore.”

Brutal. Just brutal.

Makes me question what hypothetical future me thought about it.

Twilight was done with showing her government buildings. "Interesting fact, Canterlot is Equestrias youngest city, even if others may be bigger or more impressive. It was built when they gave up on the first capital due to it being too close to the Everfree Forest.”

They moved an entire capital just for that?

Yea, right. As if.

“As a result, Canterlot has been built after the princess's ideals." As Twilight finished her sentence, she questioned if that was a point in Canterlots favour or not.

Well, not everything has to be bad about her. Canterlot does look nice.

After all, she wouldn't want to look down on an eyesore.

“Well, Dashie, we have reached downtown. Anything you would want to do, specifically?” Twilight asked.

“Not really, Twi. It's your city. What do you suggest?” Rainbow replied.

"Oh! I know something! Follow me!" Eagerly, she rushed towards a store.

A boutique?

“Do you like something? It's one of the best in Canterlot! The others always gushed about it!” Sure, the money was blood money, but at the moment, Twilight was more concerned with pleasing Rainbow.

Who cares about what those pretentious jerks want. We don’t even need clothes.

“What about this one, Dashie?” Twilight eagerly pointed towards a jacket that looked surprisingly modern.

How am I going to break this-

Dang. That jacket looks awesome.

“Wow, Twi. I- 2000 Bits! How can this cost 2000 Bits!” Rainbow exclaimed. It garnered her the attention of everypony on the street.

The ponies recognized the fillies from the newspaper.

What followed was the acknowledgement of one of them being an alicorn.

Finally, their attention was diverted to the guards, who made sure to convey the fact that the first pony to ruin the mood of the young princess would find themselves in a world of trouble.

Quickly they moved along.

“Umm, Dashie," Twilight stuttered, embarrassed. "Price doesn't matter. If you want it, you can have it. I doubt the princess would care about that."

How can she not care about wasting so much money on that?

For some reason, Twilight didn't give her an explanation.

"Ok, it seems I have misjudged your taste in clothing," Twilight misinterpreted Rainbow's reluctance to buy clothing. "How about this one?"

Oh no!

Definitely not!

Never ever will I wear that!

Twilight pointed towards a dress that one would expect royalty to wear. There was even a regalia sitting right next to it.

I won’t have to wear that if I become a princess, right?

“What do you-“

“Ok! Enough of that! You aren’t wearing clothes yourself, so why should I?” She shoved Twilight to the next shop.

A jeweller. I doubt there will be any big surprises.

"Come, Twi. Since I already rejected your proposal, we aren't going to marry. So, why should we bother with a jeweller?" Rainbow tried to get her moving once again.

“Mmmh. This one wouldn’t sell to us anyway,” mumbled Twilight in agreement.


In one swift motion, Rainbow turned around, marching through the door.

Quickly the shopkeeper came from the back. For a second, she was greeted with a face of anger before it quickly turned to submissives when the guards, accompanied by an alicorn, entered.

Not wanting to turn this into an unnecessary arrest, one guard gave him a hint. “Announcing Princess Twilight.” Had Twilight officially confirmed her relationship with Rainbow, he might have stated that as well, but since she hadn't done so, it wasn't the place of the guard to assume.

Twilight leaned into her ear. “Dashie. This is a very traditional store, with the family running it for generations. When it comes to weddings, they only sell horn rings meant for unicorn weddings. That's what I meant."

Oh yeah! What a bunch of scumbags!

"Hey!" Rainbow addressed the shopkeeper as rudely as she could. "My marefriend, Princess Twilight Sparkle, and I are looking for wedding rings."

Ignoring the rude pegasus, the shopkeeper turned towards an embarrassed Twilight. "My princess, unfortunately, we only sell horn rings-“

"Well, you better have something for us." The young princess threatened, any embarrassment having completely vanished from one second to another. If Rainbow wanted rings, she was going to get rings. It was as simple as that.

Hah. Awesome, Twi.

The stallion began sweating.

"Umm, technically, there is nothing stopping horn rings from being repurposed, my princess," he admitted.

Just being a douche, then. Just like I thought.

"So, suddenly, you can cater to us?" Rainbow pounced on him.

“Those rings have been specifically made for unicorn horns! Just because they can be repurposed-“

“Hey! You don’t get to talk to her this way!” Twilight shut him down.

He was seething by now, but the presence of guards kept him in check.

Ok. How can I upset him the most?

"I am sorry, my princess. I didn't mean to offend," he bowed before Twilight. "I will personally ensure that you will receive-“

“I want this!” Rainbow interrupted.

The shopkeeper didn’t look up. He already knew what Rainbow was pointing at.

It would mean his financial ruin. “Of course, we would be happy to-“

"For Twi and for me. With our cutie marks engraved, just as the sign states," Rainbow gleefully added.

“I can’t afford that!” he shouted.

Next thing he knew, he was on the ground, with a guard above him.

That definitely shouldn’t have upset him that much.

“You are aware that you can bill the-“

“You buckers never pay!” he shouted, his outfit not matching his vulgar language. “Nopony wants you in their stores! There I said it!”

Why am I even surprised? Of course, the princess doesn't pay them.

“Let’s just leave, Dashie.” This time Twilight dragged her away. “I don’t want this to ruin our day.”

You didn’t tell the guards to release him…

What will happen to him now?

He didn’t seem like the nicest pony, but she hadn’t intended for him to get arrested.

I need to be more careful. I am wielding way more power now, even if I am not a princess myself.

With one guard less, they continued to stroll through the street.

He is right. Not a single pony is trying to get our business.

They are all trying to look busy, desperately avoiding eye contact.

Also, a surprisingly high number of stores were closed when they reached the doors.

They despise us. How can Celestia look into the mirror with ponies hating her so much?

Does she even know?

"This is ridiculous!" Twilight broke the silence, turning towards one of her guards. "You! Go back and fetch enough bits for us to enjoy the evening! We will just pay them directly instead of telling them to bill us afterwards."

The mare saluted, running off.




Is that-

“It's me, Spitfire! What are you doing here?" the yellow pegasus asked.

I should ask you that. Pretty bold to just show up in the capital like that.

The display had failed to do its job. Two guards drew their swords, not intending to let Spitfire get any closer.

“She is a friend,” Twilight quickly told them.

“Oh!” Recognizing the problem, the yellow pegasus handed them her weapon. “I forgot.”

Right. Wonderbolts.

Didn't know they had weapons…

Guess they are a part of the military, so it should be expected.

Spitfire bowed before Twilight. “I am sorry. I don’t think we have met?”

Damn. She is so good at this…

If all changelings are that good, then Equestria is doomed.

"Umm… I am Princess Twilight Sparkle." Twilight barely managed to keep up the act.

“My princess! Please forgive my insolence!” the mare wailed. “I didn’t know!”

Putting it on thick, aren't we?

“It's ok,” Twilight mumbled.

"Thank you so much, your majesty. Your mercy truly knows no bounds." Twilight had put her wing forward to motion for the changeling in disguise to get up again.

To her horror, Spitfire kissed it.

Ok. Now she is just insulting Twi.

“That’s enough.” Rainbow forced her to stand up.

Only I get to kiss-

"Say the word, and we will get you out of here right now," Spitfire whispered in the short moment Rainbow would be able to hear her without the guards noticing.

Get us… out of here?

The changeling increased the distance between them before anypony could get suspicious.

Rainbow looked around.

Some of the ponies she had thought were normal by-passers were definitely eyeing them too much.

We can get out of here!

But what would be the consequences?

The princess would be furious…

Her gaze drifted towards the guards, who had no idea they were in a life-or-death situation.

Ponies might die on both sides…

Do I really need to leave that urgently?

The answer to that was clear, as much as she wanted to deny it. “Twi and I are on a date right now, but we can talk later. Maybe visit us in the castle?” Rainbow suggested.

"Rainbow, I am so happy for you! Now, I don't want to interrupt you any longer, but I will definitely visit you as soon as possible.” Quickly Spitfire walked away, not before confirming, however, that the guards would instruct the castle staff to let her in.

“That was weird, Dashie," Twilight concluded.

It was Twi.

It definitely was.

They continued going. There was still much to see.


I shouldn’t have done that.

Why did I have to attack her?

Why did I think I would win when I have never successfully used dark magic in the first place?

She was lying on the ground, paralyzed by pain.

I have to get up again!

Steps were getting closer.

That’s it.

This is what I deserve…

Everything I have done…

Why did I think happiness would be granted to me?

The other mare knelled down, trying to examine the injuries.

Is she…

Is she going to help me?

"Looks like your armour wasn't designed to protect you from that, but considering those weapons are only handed to the princess's most trusted ponies, I am not surprised."

You are right. Why invest in protecting against a threat that is unlikely to show up.

Our lives aren’t worth enough for that.

"Don't have anything to say for yourself?" The older mare grabbed bandages. "That's fine. I am no expert when it comes to the methods my colleagues from the ESS use, but I think they have their ways of getting answers."

Oh no!

No! No! No! Not them!

“Did I hit a nerve, terrorist?” A mocking smile appeared briefly.


Is that what they call us?

Pain filled her again. Methodically the pony cleaned her wound, removing the bullet, before she applied bandages.

Then she removed all the weapons from her reach, and restraints were quickly placed on her wings as well as her hooves.

"There. You are going to live. Lucky you. That shot was definitely meant to kill, but since I only hit your leg, it looks like I should have trained more." The mare looked happy with her work and how the events had turned out.

This is not going how I thought it would go.

“Now, there is one tiny problem.” All the happiness disappeared from her face, replaced with the look of a predator. “I may have been trained to uphold the law, providing aid to anyone who needs it, regardless of who they are, but, unfortunately for you, I don’t think I work for the EBI anymore.”


Never heard of them. Are they special forces?

Wait… why wouldn’t she-

The weapon appeared again, pointing straight at one of her legs. “Where are the others?”

This is more in line with what I expected.

“I am alone-“

"Look at that! You can talk!" She pressed the weapon against the leg. "Now, the only thing you need to do is to stop lying, or I will make you feel a world of pain."

Buck! Buck! Buck!

“I really am alone!” she pleaded. “The others are all dead! I was fleeing to Equestria to avoid the consequences of my failure!"

“Lies,” was the hissing response. “Never ever has a bat pony fled towards Equestria.”



"But there are bat ponies in Equestria! There must be!” Desperation took hold of her.

“Not a single one.” Her hopes were crushed. Equestria wouldn’t be the place of dreams she had hoped for.

They didn’t lie.

Of course, she had always been told that Equestria was a tyrannical place of segregation, where they had been cast out for being different, but considering all the lies she had been told, she always assumed that this also had been a lie.

Not a single one…

We founded this place with them…

We lived with them…

Rage gripped her, "You can't seriously tell me that every single bat pony chose the queen's side!"

It took the other mare off guard. "I don't know about that."

Why am I even bothering?

I am just prolonging the inevitable.

The gun was holstered again. "Ok, suppose I believe you. What exactly happened to the others?"

She believes me?

Does she…

She can’t be…

She isn’t part of the military, is she?

Sweet Moon, what a humiliation.

She would never live this down. “During a routine patrol, we encountered what we thought were Equestrian soldiers escorting unknown individuals.

"As it turned out, the soldiers were changelings.

“Changelings who escorted the element of magic as well as-“

The other mare had tried her best not to give anything away, but she couldn’t hold back anymore. “Another power has Twilight?

“Oh no! No! No! No! The princess…

“Is that why the sun disappeared! I must return-”

Is she close to the princess?

"There is no need to," she calmed her down. "We killed the changelings, and after realizing who they were escorting, we planned to kill the fillies-“

A kick to her stomach interrupted her. “You didn’t!”

I know I deserved that, but damn, that hurt.

"She killed us first," she panted. "The element of magic went berserk, killing every single one of us. I was the only one who barely got away.

“I did, however, see the princess appear, picking them up.”

“That’s a relief.” Now, the older mare looked embarrassed for kicking her.

Restraints were removed.


"Today is your lucky day. I don't intend to return just to bring you into custody, and I can't just leave you here or kill you,” the mare proclaimed.

You totally could.

“So, I will just let you go. Without your weapons-”

"I need them! Without them, I will die before reaching Equestria, considering the beasts that roam around!" she insisted.

“I am not letting an armed terrorist enter Equestria-“

"Take me with you! Please! I know I will be a burden, but without you, I don't think I stand a chance.

"We can do whatever you came here to do, and then you can hand me over into custody! Just, maybe throw in a good word for me?" Going with this mare would increase her likelihood of success significantly, and entering Equestria with one of their own should also make things easier.

Please say yes! Please say yes!

“I don’t…

“It’s not…


The mare sighed. She didn't want to do it, but she knew that the words were true. Without weapons, the bat pony wouldn't survive.

And even with weapons, she didn’t look healthy enough to make the trip.

In the end, she was and forever would be a part of the EBI. It didn't matter what she desired. Her honour, as well as her duty, demanded of her to help the bat pony.

Not only to ensure that the pony would survive but also to ensure that the princess would get the intelligence that the pony could provide.

“You win,” the mare uttered, defeated, helping the bat pony up.


The next thing the mare knew, she was enveloped in a hug.

It made her realize that the “terrorist” was way younger than she had thought.

It also put a smile on her face. Being there. Helping ponies. Moments like these made her love the job.

Moments like these and moments with the princess.

At that moment, the mare knew that she had made the right decision.

I guess I haven’t introduced myself yet.

“I am Amaya," the bat pony revealed. "Before I abandoned my post, I served as a Private in the Badlands Border Patrol. Our job was to monitor the border, secure supplies from any unfortunate travellers, and kill all those we determine have connections to Celestia."

The older mare chose not to ponder the revelations too much. Right now, her goal was to bring Amaya safely to the princess. Once she had done that, it would be up to the princess to judge Amaya's fate. "Nice to meet you. I am Candy. By now, probably, former Director of the EBI."

But why former?

Pain filled Candy. However, she knew that she would have to explain. "I fell into disgrace with the princess. Yet, instead of resigning like promised, I took the stuff you can see lying around, planning to fight my way through… some other place where my skill set might come in handy," she sighed. "Fired by the princess herself means that no other agency would have ever hired me again. Even private business would have probably had their issue with me."

Ok, not the best pony to be associated with.

Argh! Don’t be unfair to her! She spared you!

You know you wouldn’t have done the same.

“I am sorry to hear that,” Amaya whispered.

“It's ok. The princess will be angry, but deep down, she is a kind mare. She will forgive me for my stupid stunt, and she will forgive you," Candy spoke with a belief and with a conviction Amaya had previously only witnessed from her fellow bat ponies when they talked about the queen.

It's good to know Celestia isn't the evil pony they told me she is.

After all, Candy can speak this way about her without having grown up in a cult-like environment.

“What exactly is the EBI?” Amaya asked.

“The Equestrian Bureau of Investigation,” Candy told her. “We help the guard in investigating crimes and help the crown.”

Help the crown doing what?

Leaving that detail out was suspicious, but she wasn't going to pressure Candy.

I guess that confirms it. Defeated by a simple police pony...

“Can you help me with the food?” Candy asked, unsure about Amaya’s state. After all, she had just taken a bullet, even if the bullet had failed to do the intended damage. "We can't leave the fireplace burning at night, or it will attract too much unwanted attention.”

“I can help,” Amaya insisted.

Together they prepared their meal, readying themselves for the journey towards Equestria.


I am such a failure.

Here I am, a princess that can't even ensure her marefriend has a good day within her own capital.

They had been going around, trying to have some fun, but it didn't work out. Everywhere they went, they were constantly watched by the ponies surrounding them. That was in addition to the previous events that had already killed the mood. Not even the bookstore could cheer them up.

In the end, they decided to eat dinner early.

This is my last chance to save our first date!

Nothing will ruin it.

Twilight had led Rainbow towards the best place Canterlot had to offer.

They weren't open yet, but the doors wouldn't stop her. Without Rainbow noticing, she had instructed a guard to go there and ensure they were ready for them.

To Twilight's delight, they, indeed, were ready.

Considering the bag of bits I handed them, I would have annihilated them if they weren’t.

She had not only ensured that they would be prepared for their arrival but also instructed them to make sure they were the only ponies allowed in today.

The guards would definitely help with that task.

This will work!

I will have a romantic evening with Dashie!


The ground shook.

Everypony looked around, yet there was nothing indicating the reason for it.


"It was nothing, Dashie. Let’s just enjoy the evening.” Whatever it was, she didn’t care.

Just me and Dashie. Right now, nothing else matters.


Several walls had collapsed, with the princess of love having smashed through them, partly buried by one.

Slowly Celestia made her way towards her.



Who came up with the concept that those backstabbers would ever be able to govern themselves?

Part of the building had caught on fire and in the distance, she could hear guards shouting, trying to reach her as well as trying to determine the situation.

I will just let it burn down.

A message everypony is bound to understand.

Walking over shards of glass and rubble, she reached Cadence.

She picked her up.

You are in pain.


The princess of love looked horrible, completely burned by Celestia’s spell.

“You know what they say about those who get too close to the sun,” Celestia mocked her.

Cadence, however, barely acknowledged her, magic working overtime to fix the damage.

Additionally, there was nothing that the princess of the sun could throw at her that would hurt as much as knowing that now she truly had failed everypony.

That included Twilight, the poor, vulnerable filly that had counted on her to be there for her. Had opened herself up to her, thinking Cadence would help.

Now that wouldn't be possible anymore. All thanks to her own actions. Her own fear.

Fear of Twilight, based on things the little filly could not even influence, had caused her to lose sight of the real threat in the most crucial moments.

Time to die, traitor.

In one swift motion, Celestia broke her horn, causing the magic that was healing Cadence to weaken severely.

“Do you know how to kill an alicorn, Cadence?” Celestia glared at her. “I think you do.

"I think you know way more than you let on." This time Cadence's wings fell victim to Celestia. "To kill an alicorn, you have to disrupt the magic that flows through them.

“Unicorn, Pegasus and earth pony magic.

"But that isn't so easy. After all, magic is an integral part of everypony. A broken horn or wings will weaken us, but it won't be enough to kill us.

"For that, our ancestors have created a spell that, when placed correctly, will be able to finish the job by taking advantage of your now weakened state.

"And once I have placed it on you, a fatal injury will truly be fatal, Mi Amore." Celestia laughed manically. "The constitution says I can’t remove you from your position, but do you want me to tell you a secret?

“It doesn’t matter. We are alicorns. Even if there would have been a legal way, it would have always resulted in bloodshed.

“Your life ends here, Cadence, and once the deed is done, nopony will question it. History is written by the winners, after all.

“I will simply create the reality I want, and everypony else will have to adapt to it.”

Celestia would change Equestria into what she wanted it to be, and at that moment, she had decided that she was willing to go over bodies to do so. Once it was done, everypony would have to accept the new reality she had created, including Twilight.

A reality that would be better for everypony.

Cadence gave her a look of pity.

I hate you so unbelievably much.

“You are all high and mighty, Cadence!” Celestia began the spell. “Who knows, maybe I will rescind a few of the reforms you introduced just to spit on your grave!”

This would have been the end of Cadence.

But regardless, life would have continued.

Barely anypony would have been aware of the tragedy that would have occurred.

About how Equestria would have lost its voice of reason.

About how Celestia would have re-established her iron grip on the country, nopony left to oppose her.

“Aurora would despise you for what you have become, Flare.”

The spell collapsed. Cadence fell to the ground.


The princess of love had used her trump card.

"You know this isn't my magic giving me the insight. After all, you always maintained enchantments preventing me from looking into you." Cadence ignored the pain speaking caused her.


It has been so long since I heard your name…

I miss you so unbelievably much.

"You fought with her against the empress. Do you even still remember that?" Cadence pounced on the vulnerable sun princess. "You had it all planned out. You were going to use your access to the palace to deploy a bomb that would kill her, able to overpower the alicorn magic keeping her alive.”

We were so close to victory.

“You planned to form a democracy in place of her tyrannical rule.”

Everycreature deserves a voice.

That’s what she always used to say.

“What do you think Aurora would say if she could see you right now?”


She is dead.

She died, killed by the rebels she looked up to.

Died because I enabled her to flee from the safety the empress would have been able to provide.

“What has happened to you, Flare?

“What has happened to the pony who wanted-“

“Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!” Celestia kept hitting her. “You don’t get to call me Flare!”

That was the cover name she gave me.

It died with her.

“It seems you have managed to hide more from me than I thought.” Celestia let go of her, instead enveloping her in magic.

"Are you proud of me? You should be since I managed to fool the goddess of deception." Cadence tried smiling but failed to do so, coughing up blood instead.

Mock me all you want.

You will be forgotten soon enough while I prevail.

“You may have managed to extend your pathetic life by a bit, Cadence, but I promise you, you will not enjoy it,” Celestia vowed.

"Are you sure Luna was the corrupted one?" Cadence interjected. Seeing Celestia like that made her realize how well the princess of the sun had been able to hide the poor mental state she had been in.

Why she was never allowed to look into her emotions.

Green eyes gave her the answer she had feared. "Even one-time use can be fatal.

"Even one-time use can lead to it never letting go of you.

"It always being there, trying to influence you.

“Trying to get you to use it.

"Pushing you to drag others down with you." Green eyes disappeared again. "Luna fell to it, but I am stronger," Celestia proclaimed. "This has nothing to do with dark magic.

"This what I want." Cadence was hit with a sleeping spell.

Celestia turned around to the scared guards that had managed to fight their way through the crumbling building.

Time to end these political games!

“Kill the witnesses.

“Kill anypony left who is able to defy me.”

I have started this, and I will finish it.

Tonight, another purge would occur.

The same form of purge that enabled them to rise to power in the first place after they defeated Discord.

Although this time, it would be more organized.

Good thing the ESS has been keeping track of all forms of opposition.

The guards saluted, rushing to pass on the orders or perhaps simply trying to increase the distance between them and the princess.

What was left was for Celestia to imprison Cadence.

As an alicorn, the princess of love would recover, which meant she would have to get those answers quickly.

But for now, she needed to prepare for the night of violence that was about to befall her country.

Tonight her wrath would show no bounds.

Chapter 14 - Quiet Nights

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The stage is set. Now it's all up to you.

Time to-

“Twi, today sucked.”

“The day isn’t over yet! I can still-“

“You can’t,” Rainbow interrupted her. “Not until you have figured out why it sucked."

Well, it's obvious!

“I know I should have planned this out more! Should have checked everything in advance! But I was just too excited-“

Rainbow's face fell. Yes, she as well needed some time to figure out why they failed to enjoy their time together, yet she thought Twilight was smarter than her.

No, no, no! I am making this all worse!

Quickly Twilight tried to think of anything to fix the situation. “Dashie, I can give-“

“You can give me anything I want,” the pegasus finished the sentence. “That’s the problem.”

I don’t understand.

“It's like a virus that's slowly trying to infect us. Can’t you see it?” A sense of urgency lay in her voice.

A virus?

Indeed, Twilight couldn’t see it, despite trying her best to figure out what Rainbow meant. “Dashie, I-“

The blue filly stood up, making her way to her. “Why are you doing this, Twi?”

Doing what!


“Why do you think I returned your feelings?” Rainbow lay her wing around her.

Because you love me!


“I have been asking myself this question over and over again. Why did I return your feelings? Why did I fall in love with you?

"Most importantly, is it really love?"

Please don’t leave me…

“I have come to two contradictory conclusions. The first is that if I have to ask myself if it is really love, then it more than likely isn’t.”


Rainbow was putting Twilight in distress. However, before the purple filly could react, she received a kiss on the cheek. “The second is that it must be love since I don’t want to leave you. You tried to edit my memories, yet I still stick to everything I have said back in the Badlands. I will be by your side no matter what happens. The thought of us getting torn apart really scares me.”

I rushed you into this.

“I don’t know, Twi. The logical conclusion would be that I spoke too soon, yet I was so sure when I told you that I love you! I really was!”

I pressured you. You probably weren't in the right state of mind to answer me.

“Dashie!” This time Twilight wouldn’t allow Rainbow to interrupt her. “I love you. I will always love you. However, if you don’t feel the same way…, then I... I-I will have to live with that."

No matter how much it hurts.

"I knew I shouldn't have confessed that day, but I just couldn't hold it in after everything that happened. For that, I am sorry. Take your time, no matter how much you need. If you come to the conclusion that it is indeed love, then I will be there.” Speaking those words caused an internal fight to break out within her.

It reminded her that the side that would have loved to jump up right now, ready to take what it thought rightfully belonged to it, was still there.

Only this time, her other side was stronger.

“I am proud of you, Twi,” Rainbow nuzzled her. “However, you still didn’t get it.”

Get what!

What more do you want!

That last thought shouldn’t have been there.

“Are you happy?” asked Rainbow, taking Twilight by surprise.

Why would I be happy?

“No,” mumbled Twilight.

“We both have let the power influence us," Rainbow proclaimed. "We have authority, money, an army of guards…

“You know, we even had an innocent pony arrested… Yet we are much more unhappy than when we were on the run, aren’t we?” The blue filly tried to explain the many thoughts swirling around in her head.

He was rude to you! I wanted to impress you!

Rainbow had already figured that part out. “I didn’t fall in love with Princess Twilight, that’s for sure. If anything, I fell in love with the ordinary dark mage Twilight.”

I am not a dark mage!

The alicorn jerked away. "Follow me."

We can’t continue this conversation here. Too many are listening in.

She dragged Rainbow away from their fancy table into a secluded corner of the beautiful garden they were sitting in, making sure that the guards were far enough away as to not overhear them. Whispering, she finally responded to Rainbow's statement. "Have you thought this through, Dashie? Not that I wouldn’t throw it all away for you, but this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Dashie, you could be a princess! Just think about the life you could have! You would never have to worry about anything!”

Truth be told, Rainbow hadn't really thought about it like that, only considering all the negative aspects she had seen up to this point. Yet, it didn't matter. To her, it was clear that staying would be a massive mistake, no matter the potential benefits. “Twi, the princess, is a wild card. We can’t trust her. She could change her mind at any moment, and to tell you the truth, when it was just us, I already was the happiest pony on the planet. Nothing could ever trump that.”

Just us…

No responsibility…

No ponies staring at us…

No concerns on our minds…

Just us being us…

“Twi… do you understand what I mean?” Rainbow looked at her with big, pleading eyes.

“I do, Dashie. I do,” came the assurance. “What use is all this when it only ruins the happiness we had? Money, power, safety, we didn’t need that before, and we certainly don't need it now.”

“Exactly, Twi!” Relief washed over her. It had taken some time, but now Rainbow had finally made sense of her own thoughts, managing to convey them to Twilight as well.

However, one thing remained. In one swift motion, Rainbow pressed her lips onto Twilight, enveloping her in a tight hug.

The purple filly didn’t return the gesture.

“Twi, I know I said I am still a bit unsure, yet that doesn’t mean that I want to give up on this! I am… just a bit confused.” Rainbow stuttered, taken aback.

I know…

Which is why I have to restrain myself from taking advantage of that.

Because if you love somepony, you will do what’s best for them, not what’s best for you.

“Twi? Did I do something wrong? I didn’t mean to hurt you!” The silence of Twilight led to speculation within Rainbow.

Speculation that she had pushed her luck too much.

Speculation that by admitting that she may not feel the same way towards her, Twilight may have decided to move on.

How to handle this!

How to handle this!


Why did I say that!

Why did I feel this way!

Now I understand what they say when they tell you that you only realize what you have lost when it's gone!

Rainbow was feeling awful. If Twilight did indeed decide to give up on her now, then she would be right back to square one, forced back into a life that she hated so much.

She was supposed to return that kiss!

She was supposed to tell me that she loves me!


She may have been unsure if it was love, but being with Twilight definitely meant happiness and freedom.

The clock is ticking! At any moment, Twi will come to the conclusion that running after me like that isn’t worth it after all…

Not when an entire country is awaiting in exchange. A life almost everypony would kill for.

Everypony who isn’t as screwed up as I am.

It made her question why she ever thought that the filly she had just met would choose a lowlife like her over being a princess.

She was being nice! I should have noticed that she didn’t actually agree with me when I told her that being royalty sucked!

Only ponies who aren’t royalty themselves say that.

A last-ditch effort was needed to save what she had.

“Twi, I am sorry that I tried to play hard to get. That was stupid. I love you, all right?” Rainbow used everything she had, fully trying to exploit the feelings she knew the alicorn held. “I am all yours, Twi.”

It didn’t work. “Dashie, you are what? Twelve?”

And you are even younger! What has that got to do with anything! Just kiss me and forget this talk ever happened!

“It has just occurred to me that my visions may have given me a head start when it comes to… love? I don’t actually know. Is it normal to have a date at our age?” Twilight tried to navigate through the topic with the little knowledge she had.

I don’t think it is.

“You don’t need to worry about that, Twi. I know what I want, and you know what you want. Since we are both around the same, there aren’t any issues with that,” Rainbow quickly tried to placate the newfound concerns.

Yet, the alicorn managed to see through the rouse. “Dashie, I want you to be happy, which is why I think it would be best if you do indeed take some time to further think about this. Anything else just wouldn’t be fair. That doesn’t mean-“ She didn’t manage to complete her sentence since Rainbow took off in a fit of anger, darting right up towards the sky.

So once again, those damn visions are the issue! You think you are the only pony who can have them! I made the sonic rainboom! I-

Her flight got interrupted when she got hit with a ball of magic. “Aaargh," Rainbow wailed in pain. She couldn’t move, her whole body twitching. Next thing she knew, she started falling.

Not for long, though. Quickly a guard caught her, bringing her down safely, while tears of pain rolled down her eyes, with her brain doing its best to retake control of her body.

It hurts so much! Make it stop!

The effect of the stun gun was still in full force when she was returned to Twilight. “Dashie! I had to do that! You understand that, right!” The young princess tried to justify the actions of the guards she had just ordered. “You forgive me for this?” Twilight was close to a mental breakdown. It was all just too much, and no matter how much they tried to navigate through the wild sea of emotions they were sailing through, it threatened to swallow them again and again.

Constantly exposed to the rough sea, even the sturdiest ship would succumb to it eventually.

You have nothing to apologize for.

“I…” The purple filly buried her head in her wings. That was it. Their first date didn’t suck. It had ended in outright disaster.


I am hurting her!

Why! Just why! Why am I constantly hurting the pony I love most!

The more she thought about what had happened, the darker her thoughts became.

Just look at you!

In front of her lay Rainbow, still twitching in pain. Yet before Twilight was able to nullify the effects of the stun gun, they finally started to fade on their own.

Instinctively she helped Rainbow up.

I love you!

I love you! I love you! I love you!

“If you genuinely care about Rainbow, you will do what's best for her, even if sometimes it will hurt you.”

Why! Why does it all have to be so complicated!

Why can’t I just take her!

Why am I hesitating now that happiness is this close!

The pegasus in front of her felt like kicking herself. She hadn't been in a good place before she met Twilight, and the thought of losing the purple filly, no matter how ridiculous the notion had been, had caused her to panic, severely hurting Twilight. “Twi… It seems we are both terrible at this. I thought you were the only one who didn’t manage to handle rejection very well, but I think it is evident now that I, too, have massive issues with the prospect.”

“Rejection! Who said anything about rejection! Celestia, dammit, Dashie! I love you! You hear me! You! You! You! Only you and forever you! What makes you think I would ever reject you!” Twilight was screaming loud enough for the entire neighbourhood to hear, utterly outraged that Rainbow had thought that she had been rejected by her when she had only wanted to help her. “Not even the strongest mind magic could make me do that!” the alicorn proclaimed. "Do you know how scared I was! I was fearing you were going to hurt yourself! I had to order them to shoot you! Shoot you!” Rainbow had shrunken with every word.

“I didn’t- I wasn’t- It wasn’t my intention-“ The blue pegasus simply didn’t know how to respond. She hadn’t even considered any of the points Twilight had listed when she took flight.

What I wouldn’t give for Cadence to be here right now.


“Twi, please! Just let me take it back!” she begged. “We can forget this ever happened! I love you, ok! Why else would I be so scared of losing you!”

It almost sounds like you are forcing it.

Twilight's feelings were replaced by numbness, making her wish she could just slump down and never get up again.

Why is she putting this show on? Why not just ditch me if you don’t love me? Why pretend?

Rainbow, on the other hoof, was completely misinterpreting Twilight's reluctance, making her wonder what else she could do to try and reverse the irreversible damage she thought she may have done. "Come on, Twi! Forgive me! Please!” There was one other thing that came to mind, something that she never fully understood but that always worked for the adults. Quickly her wings massaged Twilights before she leaned toward her ear, whispering, “You know you want me.”


The effect wasn’t what Rainbow had witnessed when the adults did it, but it achieved what she had hoped it would nonetheless.

If she genuinely loves me, then there is no reason to hold back! Buck, you, Cadence, for not just telling if she felt the same way! Then I wouldn't have to try and read her mind!

“I want to protect you, Dashie. That’s why I have to make sure you really feel this way about me, ok? Not because I don't trust you, but because I love you. Can you-”

“Anything!” The quick response only gave Twilight further indication that something wrong was going on here.

Even if she couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it was.

Maybe it doesn’t even matter. Tomorrow morning, Cadence can take another look, after all.

“I would like you to answer under a truth spell,” she muttered. “To make sure that you are not lying to yourself, jumping into something that you don’t actually want.”

It's necessary.

It's only to protect you.

Protect you from me and from yourself.

Protect you from us.

Numbness returned once more.

Something is wrong with us.

“…No problem,” Rainbow answered defiantly, but only after some incriminating silence.

Oh, Dashie. That didn't sound like no problem.

Spells required concentration, especially the advanced ones. Right now, however, Twilight didn’t feel in the right state of mind to try any spells at all. So, a guard was fetched, and Rainbow was placed under what was a standard interrogation spell for them.

We are going about this all wrong, aren’t we?

A truth spell? Who does that? Who forces their marefriend into one?

What marefriend would agree to such a demand?

“Do you love me?” Twilight's voice was lifeless.

This was the moment of truth. Rainbow had brought Twilight's hopes up. She had proclaimed her love for the purple alicorn multiple times. And she knew that if the spell were to reveal that it had been a lie the entire time, then they would have a broken princess on their hooves.


The spell stayed green.

She loves me…

Why did I ever doubt her! Why couldn’t I just believe her!

Everything was forgotten, as if somepony had pressed reset. That included the follow-up questions Twilight had intended to ask just to be safe.

Instead, the purple princess wept. “I am so sorry-“

“No, Twi! It was my doubts that started this! If I had only stuck to what I felt yesterday, to what I knew was right, then this wouldn't have happened!” Rainbow again pressed her lips onto Twilight, but before she could envelop the filly into a hug, Twilight had already done that herself.

Life was complicated, but together, they had once again prevailed.


Candy and Amaya were sitting at the fireplace, having nearly finished their food. While they were eating, Candy was slowly wiping away the poison from the weapons she had confiscated. "I will never understand how you can fight with those without constant fear of poisoning yourself."

“At the end of the day, when we got them, they made us watch those who had managed to injure themselves with them. After that, we learned fast,” answered Amaya with a full mouth, immediately returning to her food.

They did what!

Candy was no stranger to cruel training methods, but choosing to let those tasked under one’s protection die just to prove a point?

As leaders, we have a duty to protect! Every death of a subordinate is a sign of personal failure on our part!

Silence reigned once more.

But, after some time, the last bit of poison was finally removed.

And while it had seemed to Amaya that that was all Candy had been doing, the older mare had been spying on her the entire time, watching her every move.

It seems my initial assessment was correct. She isn’t a threat.

She still used dark magic, though. I need to be prepared to take her out if there are any signs of her getting consumed by it.

That meant that she should probably try to get as much information out of Amaya as possible, or else it would be lost forever in such a scenario. “How old are you, exactly? You look a bit young.”

That should do it. Get her to start talking and then steer the conversation-

“14 or 15. I don’t exactly know.”


Candy nearly choked on her food. Instantly Amaya was levitated towards her.

Closely she inspected the bat pony.

The armour…

The weapons…

The many scars you bear…

The look in your eyes…

Not to mention how Amaya had fought her.

Still not believing it, Candy removed the remaining pieces of armour, despite the protests the filly made. Now with them gone, together with the few enchantments they had provided, there was no denying it anymore.

The “soldier” she fought had been a filly all along.

A filly that she had threatened as well as hurt.

A filly that she had shot.

“Can I have it back? I feel weird without it?” Suddenly the voice sounded much younger.

Those animals are using minors as soldiers! Why did Sneak never tell us that!

The request fell on deaf ears. If it was up to Candy, the filly would never see a piece of armour ever again. “Since when have you been fighting?”

“I don’t know? I trained since I could think and had my first mission when I was 8, I think? Why?” Amaya’s eyes longed for the armour she had been robbed of.

They are right on our doorstep! We could have stopped this long ago!

We certainly will stop it now!

The princess had always insisted on leaving the bat ponies alone, reasoning that the tiny nuisance they were wasn’t enough to justify military intervention.

It is sad to see that her kindness has led to this. The bat ponies have already caused so many troubles for us, yet Princess Celestia has always looked the other way in her endless benevolence.

If only she had known about this sooner, then maybe you could have gotten the childhood you deserved.

“What about your parents?” Candy probed further, having forgotten the original reason for her questioning.

“I don’t know them. None of us do. All children must be given away to caretakers who raise us together based on our birthyear until we are old enough for training and basic education. It is intended to achieve a bond between us. In my case, however, I wasn't assigned to a unit with my peers since I didn’t function well with them…

“I actually miss my unit,” Amaya admitted. “They were much older, always looking the other way when I screwed up or taking the extra time to help me…

“Without the captain sticking up for me during my performance review, having my back, I would have ended up as a scout long ago.” If you hadn't been a bat pony, you were as good as dead when you encountered him, but to her, he had been the closest thing to a parent she had.

Why would it be a miracle? Scouts need to be highly trained-

They send their own on suicide missions!

“You are safe now,” Candy assured her. “Nopony will never be able to hurt you again.

“You will receive treatment for your injuries. Physical and mental ones.

"You will get a proper education.

“You will be able to grow up in peace in an environment you will love.

“You will make friends.

“And you will see how real parents treat their child.”

I have money! I have power! I can fulfil all those promises, no matter what happens!

The last sentence had caught Amaya’s attention in particular. “Real parents?”

“Yes, I am sure there are ponies out there, who would love to adopt you,” Candy saw eyes light up.

And if not, there is always another option.


Fluttershy and Spike had been absolutely crushed, despite the little dragon’s protests urging her not to always give their opponents a pass when they landed on their properties.

“Want to play something else?” asked Applejack.

If it's nothing competitive.

But even then, she was forced to decline. “It's already late. I think it would be best if I bring Spike to bed.”

Should I be jealous?

Everything felt surreal to her, but taking everything into account, there was a part of her brain that told her that she should be jealous.

From one day to another, Rainbow has been gifted with everything one could want.

Yet, despite knowing that, she simply didn’t feel any jealousy.

Instead, she was happy for her friend.

I wonder if I, too, will be this lucky someday?

The other two fillies wished her a good night, and with that, she carefully carried Spike to a place where he could sleep.

Hold on… where am I supposed to bring him? Or where am I supposed to stay, for that matter?

Her eyes darted to a guard.

I will have to ask them again, won't I?

It will be ok! All you need to do is do a short pep talk, and you will be able to approach these heavily armed strangers in no time to ask them for directions!



I could have lost everything.

Rainbow may have parted lips with Twilight, but that didn't stop her from continuing to gift the purple alicorn with kisses.

I want her! I want to go out there with her! I want to see the world with her!

I want to be happy with her!

And that’s because I love you!

Anger seeped into her, resulting in her putting more and more force into the affection she was showing Twilight.

I will go all in! This time for real! No more questioning! No more hesitation! No more hesitation! This is the path I chose, and I will walk it until I die!

I will walk it with you, Twi! You and Spike! My new family!

Together happiness is awaiting us out there! I just know it!

Twilight was not returning Rainbow's affection, instead just enjoying the moment and hugging her as tightly as she could, as if she was scared that someone would steal the blue pegasus if gotten the chance.

“Dashie…” Twilight mumbled. “I don’t want this to stop.


Then we will make it happen! Not just you! You are trying to handle everything yourself, but no more!

Rainbows slowed down a bit, focusing on Twilight's neck. “Have those books given you any clues?” she asked between kisses.

“They have,” confirmed Twilight. “And I already have some ideas.”

This is everything we want! The future really is bright!

Without thinking, the young alicorn continued. “I will need some test subjects, though. I won’t risk your life.”

Umm… We will see about that.

Twilight lunged forward, finally returning her affection, giving her a passionate kiss. “I will never allow the world to suffer the loss of such a beautiful being, you hear me, rainbow angel! Never!”

And I will never allow the world to lose its purple devil.

Together they made their way back to the table.

It was finally time to eat.


Father, why didn’t you listen to me?

Why did you ignore me when I told you to save her?

Cadence was lying in a dusty cell, someplace she didn’t recognize, unable to move.

She could have lived!

It would have been so easy!

Yet they didn’t. A decision that had seemed entirely irrelevant at the time.

We had promised her protection! Promised to bring her to safety should the plot be uncovered!

A genuine promise at the time. A genuine promise until they had decided not to honour it since, with the discovery of the resistance cell, there had been a high chance of their involvement being discovered as well, which would have alerted the empress to the fact that there was a conspiracy against her.

It would have cost them the element of surprise they needed so badly.

“How important can a single pony be?”

With those words, it had been decided. For the greater good, they would have to sacrifice her as well as all their other allies on the inside, launching their attack immediately instead of bringing them to safety first.

And in the end, we didn’t even manage to take the empress out, killing them all for nothing.

It had been the last time she had seen documents about the inside resistance. As far as Cadence was concerned, they were all dead.

But then I woke up in this strange new world.

A nightmare created just for me.


It was perfect.

The garden they were sitting in was beautiful.

The stars were shining bright.

The weather was just right.

Yet it’s nothing compared to her eyes...

The way they look at me…

I can see the affection she has for me…

The hope she has placed in me…

And I will not disappoint!

It had taken them some time due to being preoccupied with looking at each other, but they had nearly finished their food.

Again, Twilight's eyes wandered towards the sky. "How about we fly together in it?”

"You know, up there, I usually race ponies. Not make out with them,” joked Rainbow. "I guess until now, nopony has proven themselves worthy enough.”

You are so beautiful…

The way you speak! The way you view the world!

You outclass the you in my vision in every way!

Compared to you, she seemed… faded.

While Twilight contemplated the many differences between her Rainbow and the Rainbow she had seen in her vision, the pony in question had already made her way towards her, ready to show her the night sky up close.

A commotion, however, ruined their plans.

“Twi, what’s going on over there?” asked Rainbow.

The leader of their personal guard was arguing with a bunch of new ones that had shown up, wildly gesturing and seemingly discussing a piece of parchment with them.

Then their original guards left, and one of the new guards approached. All of them had armour as well as weapons Rainbow had never seen before. Twilight, on the other hoof, had seen them before. Once. It had been during a tour her brother gave her. He had shown her the castle armoury during it.

This equipment is meant to protect the capital as well as the crown in wartimes or riots!

What was it called again? She tried to remember the tour her brother gave her. Right! Shining called those weapons lethal crowd-control machine guns or something along those lines! And he said that they had never been used before! Possibly they have never even been taken out of the high-security storage facility they were stored in!

Yet here they were, multiple guards at her command equipped with them for reasons she didn’t know.

“Twily, the day those are deployed will be a black day in our history.”

That was the only answer Shining had given her when she had further asked him about the unknown pieces of modern technology she didn’t know Equestria had.

“And if we use them, it will become a red day.”

An on-duty guard had mumbled those words in response to her brother's statement, earning him a dirty glare.

Spike and Dashie are in danger!

Or, at least, there was a good chance of them being in danger if Princess Celestia suddenly decided to deploy those weapons. "Something happened, Dashie! We must leave! Right now!“

The new head of their guards quickly spoke up. “Everything’s under control, my princess. We-”

But Twilight was having none of it. “We will go back right now!”

Once we are safe, we can figure out what is going on.

And right now, the palace would probably be the safest place for them since they couldn't leave the capital.

“Twi-“ Twilight grabbed Rainbow, unknowingly using her earth pony strength to force the pegasus back towards the palace, with the guards accompanying them like they always did.


"The royal guard operates on principles of tradition! That’s why their weapons are usually so outdated! The equipment you are seeing right now, however, is the best they have! It has never been used before and is only supposed to be used when the existence of the crown is credibly threatened!” Twilight explained, scared. “Those weapons are capable of killing ponies is masse! They shouldn’t even exist!”

And we are part of the crown now, no matter if we want to be it or not.

A valuable target for those who want to harm Princess Celestia or Equestria as a whole.

The revelation made Rainbow see their surroundings in a whole new light. “Twi…, there are more of them on the streets,” fear had taken hold of her as well.

I know!

Military! Royal Guards! Other agencies!

They are everywhere!

It appeared the whole city had been invaded, with the few remaining civilians looking puzzled at a situation that felt wrong but that they were unable to place.

Blissful ignorance…

Just as I once had it.

They couldn’t reach the palace quickly enough.


The sun had set, and she had extinguished the fire. It was time to continue their journey.

Amaya gave her old set of armour one last look.

I won’t need that anymore.

With that, she stood up, only for her legs to give way.

“Amaya!” Candy rushed towards her.

Come on! You need to get up again!

Yet, before she could do that, she was levitated onto the unicorn's back. "You're burning up, which means you should rest!"

Yet, the filly tried to get off of her again. “You can't carry me as well as-"

“Doesn’t matter! Since I am returning, I am not going to need most of the stuff anyway! You, however, need rest, and I will make sure you get it! So, stop struggling, or I will put you under a sleeping spell!” Candy seemed stressed, quickly fetching some pills. “Take them!”

Why is she suddenly so adamant-

Amaya had made the mistake of not immediately heading her words, which led to Candy forcing her to swallow the pills. “Hey! What even were those?”

“Medicine,” was the only answer she received. “Now sleep. I will bring us to Equestria, don’t worry.”


She was tired. Very tired. Despite that, she had tried her best to hide it since she didn't want to slow Candy down. Now, however, the cat was out of the bag.

She doesn’t care. There is nothing to fear. You can show weakness.

She will protect you.

She will…

Candy smiled. The moment she had given her the opportunity, the little bat pony had fallen asleep.

“That’s right. Like I said, you are safe now.”


They were running towards a column of smoke, but their guards suspiciously hadn’t stopped them.

They know more than we do, Twi. You should have let them talk.

Darting around a corner, they were greeted by what was left of the Equestrian Parliament. The remainders still burning brightly.

What in the actual-What happened!

Royal Guards had secured the area, yet nopony was even attempting to extinguish the fire.

This is a coup!

Why though?

Twilight, on the other hoof, seemed lost. “Do something!” she screamed, gesturing towards the building.

“I am sorry, my princess." The guards shifted around uncomfortably. “The damage is too great. Now, we can only make sure that the flames don’t spread.”


This is the first time any of you dared to talk back to Twi, and it is to refuse to extinguish a fire that has taken hold of one of the most important buildings we have?

There is only one pony who would be able to make you do that.

The picture was clear to Rainbow. Princess Celestia had decided to secure her rule.

And still, I can't fathom why she decided to do it now.

Yet Twilight seemed to believe the explanation her guards had given her, dragging Rainbow further towards the castle.

“She did that, Twi!” shouted Rainbow, trying to get through to her. “You are dragging us towards the danger!”

Twilight, however, only hardened her grip, running even quicker.

“Ouch! Twi! You are hurting me!” Rainbow did her best to wriggle away. “Why are you-“


Spike is still in the castle!

Immediately Rainbow stopped struggling, but before she could take flight in an attempt to bring them to the castle even quicker, the gates were already in sight.

They had finally reached the castle ground.

Castle grounds? More like a military base!

Heavily armed royal guards had secured the perimeter, looking like they were ready to shoot down anything that dared to cross.

Thank Celestia, I didn't fly us here, or they might have killed me by accident.

If they did that, Equestria would probably have to deal with two madmares.

They rushed past, with the everypony saluting, and finally, their assigned personal guards stopped following.

Hey, that is Twister!

The mare in question was addressing a bunch of ponies, handing out lists, in the distance.

Why am I not surprised that those buckers are involved! I wonder where her master is?

They made eye contact.

Immediately Twister turned white.

That’s right! Your boss’s boss is my fillyfriend!

Of course, she was still intending to ditch the country together with Twilight, but Twister didn't need to know that.

They entered that castle, causing Rainbow to lose sight of the mare.

“Spike! Where!” snapped Twilight at the first guard she saw.

“Guest room five-”

She rushed past him.

“Twi, you have to calm down. He is safe,” Rainbow tried to calm her down. “Don’t you have a connection to him?”

The young alicorn stopped dead in her tracks.

That’s right, Twi. Everything is fine.

Those are still your guards. We aren’t their target.

“You are right. I can feel him. He is safe.” Twilight slumped down.

We need to know who their real target is, though.

"How about we visit Princess Trigger-Happy and ask her what is going on?” she suggested.

“You hate her,” the young princess mumbled.

I do.

I don’t even want to see her. Why do you think I didn’t go with you last time?

Not to mention that I am still afraid that she could change her mind and wipe our memories after all, one of the main reasons I want to leave.

For you, though. I will face her again.

You shouldn’t face her alone right now.

“Come, Twi.” Rainbow forced her up. “Let’s figure out where she is.”

What they couldn’t have known at that moment was that they had unknowingly removed the last line of protection the ponies of Canterlot had, preventing the princess’s forces from turning against them, like they were already doing in the rest of the country. Now that both fillies were in the castle and Equestria’s newest princess wouldn’t be able to see what they were about to do, they were ready to start.

There was nothing protecting the city from Celestia’s wrath anymore.


Amaya was placed on the ground carefully.

Huh… Candy?

“I know you are out there! Bring it on and face your reaper!”


We are being attacked! She isn’t a soldier! She needs help!

She tried to grab her knife, only to remember that she didn't have it anymore.




But her body wasn't listening, with the medicine in full effect now.

“You think you can defeat me! A champion of the sun! Trained to join the Sunrays since I was six!”


Trained since she was six?

Am I hallucinating?

Amaya couldn't make out what Candy was facing, but whatever it was, it was attacking, not intimidated by Candys's proclamations.

Candy, however, only teleported away, appearing in the sky, hovering. A bright light was shining from her neck before all hell broke loose.

“This is your last warning! Leave or face the magic of an alicorn!”

The bat pony's entire focus was on the mare, who was now engulfed in golden light. Around her, golden spears had formed, a few of them flying through the air towards the distance.

Whoever they were directed at was apparently still willing to fight.

She looks more threatening than the acolyte.

Candy whirled towards her target, a huge explosion indicating her landing.

How powerful is she?

How close to the princess must she be if she has been granted access to her magic?

This time their attackers got the message, or rather those who were still alive.

“That’s right! Run! Go back to hiding in the shadows and be grateful that I didn’t cut you down like the creatures of darkness that you are!”

Hearing steps approaching, Amaya quickly closed her eyes, only one thought on her mind.

You have tricked me.


They hadn’t managed to find Princess Celestia.

All they had been able to find out was that the guard was doing a changeling riad and that Princess Celestia would talk to them about it tomorrow.

At least she had the decency to wish me a good night.

Just too bad that she couldn’t tell me that herself.

Then again, if there is a genuine emergency…

Twilight sighed.

I can’t believe that she is my mother.

“You know, you two seem to have a bunch of similarities.“

We have, haven’t we?

I can’t become the same pony she is.

“All right, Fluttershy. Once again, thank you for taking care of him.” Rainbow left the room before turning around for a final time. “See you tomorrow.”

And now they are out there hunting changelings…

I should stop them! I have the power to do it! I have the authority to do so!

Yet, she holds all the cards…

"Twi?" Rainbow looked at her, concerned.

But does that even matter?

Dashie wants to leave…

Dashie doesn’t want to stay here…

Dashie doesn’t want to have anything to do with all these things…

Rainbow guided the young princess to their room.

I have to find a way to fulfil that wish!

But what about Spike? If we leave, we will rob him of all these amenities he could have. He could be a… prince?

Twilight glanced at the little dragon.

They would never make him a prince.

Another memory from the future she had seen had returned.

They didn’t even want to give him citizenship! They only ever viewed him as an animal! Best case scenario, they viewed him as a subpony!

She only ever viewed him as that.

Viewed him as my personal property.

The same fallacy I succumbed to as well.

They reached their room, and Rainbow carefully placed the young dragon into their bed.

“Ok, Twi. What’s on your mind?” she tried once again. “I know there is a bunch of stuff going on right now, but you can’t just ignore me like that.”

Yet Twilight did just that, turning towards Spike instead, giving him a kiss on his head again. "I love you, Spike Sparkle. Never forget that."

Did Dashie just glare at me?

“Spike… We would like to leave.” The young alicorn gently stroked him. “I don’t know if you can even understand what I mean by that… What I wouldn't give to know if you would agree with leaving…."

The young dragon snuggled against her wing.

You don’t care about all this as well, don’t you? I am the only one who does, am I?

“I think Spike agrees, Dashie,” Twilight informed her.

You only want to have a happy family…

Something far more valuable than this.

"Awesome," Rainbow answered dejectedly.

What happened?

“Come, Dashie. You need to give him a kiss as well,” Twilight encouraged her.

Without answering, Rainbow did just that.

You could have told him that you love him as well.

Twilight stepped out onto the balcony with the blue pegasus following her.

"You want to know what's on my mind, Dashie?" she looked towards the city below them. “We don’t like how things are, but the question is, by running away, aren’t we condemning all of them to the life that we hate? Why don’t we try to change things?”

“They will never change,” answered Rainbow quickly.

Ponies thought the same of you.

“I think things can change, Dashie. I have the power to force that change. If not today, then tomorrow.”

You changed me, too, after all.

“I wonder, though, is it my place to force that change? Who am I to dictate how they live their lives? Wouldn't that make me the same as Princess Celestia? A Princess Celestia with reverse values?” Twilight couldn’t settle on a definitive answer. “Does the end justify the means?”

“Just because you have the power to improve things doesn’t mean that you have to, Twi. We can live a happy life out there instead of making ourselves unhappy trying to fix a system that will never truly get better. A system that will end up dragging us down with it," retorted Rainbow. “They didn’t help me, so why should I help them?”

You have already given up on improving things.

All you are trying to do now is swim away as far as you can before the undertow drowns you.

But you are fortunate. You don’t have the burden of being in a position where you can genuinely change things.

Twilight tried to make out the ponies below them. “They hurt you…”

“They did,” confirmed Rainbow. “And I will never forgive them for it.”

All of the ponies involved? Society in general?

What exactly do you mean?


“No, Twi!” By now, Rainbow was enraged. “I don’t understand where this is suddenly coming from! I thought we agreed to leave!”

We did.

I just wanted to make sure that this was the right decision.

The young princess enveloped her in a tight hug, giving her a kiss on the head. “We will. We will,” she promised before continuing to soothe Rainbow.

And maybe one day we will return again.


She is right.

Once again, you are making ponies suffer due to your own selfish desires.

Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!

Only this time, you are making an entire country suffer.

What do you think the princess will do once Twilight is gone?

Who will put through the reforms once you are gone?

How many more will have the same experiences you had?

I don’t care.

I finally want to be happy. Somepony else can play the hero.

Only in this world heroes don’t get happy endings.

Then why did you refuse Princess Celestias offer? Why did you refuse to become royalty?

Why aren’t you exploiting her for all-

Because I love her!

Because that would have meant betraying her!

Because I don’t want to sacrifice myself to become a hero, but I don’t want to be a villain either!

Those who stand by idly in the face of injustice are just as guilty.

They are not!

Then why are you angry at them for not helping you?

She would have stayed. She would have made it all better.

She said so herself.

And she would have failed in the end!

Out there, happiness is awaiting us! All we have to do is let go! Why can’t you just stay quiet! Why can’t you leave me alone!

Rainbow felt like bashing her head against the railing.

It stopped.

Thank Celestia, it did. Twi would have thrown a fit if I hurt myself again.

She would have liked to breathe a sigh of relief, yet that would have made the purple fill suspicious and as much as she would have loved to have Twilight by her side right now, helping her navigate through her troubled mind, that would have meant admitting that the young alicorn may have been right when she told her that them staying would be better for everypony.

It caused Twilight, unaware of the extent of Rainbow's troubles and needing to further sort out her own thoughts, to let go, turn around, and look towards the distance, with Rainbow following her example.

As the young pegasus’s head cleared further, she tried to think of happier things.

Spike Sparkle…

Would that make me Rainbow Sparkle one day?

She smiled, finally calming down a bit.

Rainbow Sparkle. I like that.

From time to time, they could see flashes of light coming from the city below.

I shouldn’t have gotten jealous.

But the screams couldn’t reach them, for they were simply too far away.

Together we are strong. Together we can work through anything.

From their perspective, the night locked beautiful, and the city peaceful.

And if we wanted to, we could totally take a better country for ourselves.

Rainbow placed her wing on Twilight's back.

But that’s not what we want.

I lied to you. I told you we could defend Equestria by ourselves when I never had any intention to follow through.

I just didn’t want you to return.

I am manipulating you.

Once again, her happiness vanished, and a serious face appeared.

“We will work through this, Dashie,” whispered Twilight. “We will come out on top.”

We will.

Because that’s what lovers do.

The question is how much damage we will suffer in the process.

They didn’t know how long they continued standing on the balcony, just looking towards the distance.

The future depended on them.

For the first time, they could feel it in full force.


Sneak was being transported in a chariot, escorted by royal guards who had fetched him from his cell.

Where have I gone wrong?

What did I do for her to axe me?

He had had his fair share of arguments with the princess. He had done many things she wouldn't have wanted him to do. Yet he had always been careful not to step over the line.

Sneak turned towards the guards. "I am not going to reach Canterlot, am I?”

Their silence, combined with the looks they gave him, confirmed what he already knew.

“Has she said why?” he asked.

“She said she warned you about this when you first started.”

“If you want to survive, always ask yourself if I would have wanted you to do this.”

Sneak had been cautious at first. However, once he noticed that there wasn't any oversight, he quickly made himself comfortable.

“You didn’t even warn us about the military’s coup attempt.”

“Impossible!” Sneak retorted, caught off guard. “There is no way the military would have attempted a coup!” he insisted.

“That’s why Deputy Director Twister will be taking over from now on.”

“That’s not- I-“ Sneak was stammering, feeling himself get cornered.

Buck it.

“Twister isn’t fit for the job. I didn’t choose her because of her skill level,” he admitted. In response, the guards just nodded.

I wonder how she will remember me? Why couldn’t I just resist the temptations?

“You are disgusting, but to be honest, what finished you off was that you killed the parents of Rainbow Dash. The princess’s daughter loves Rainbow Dash.” The chariot began slowing down. "It is only fitting that she will pin everything that happens tonight on you once the changeling story has run its course.”

The princess has a daughter!

Of all things, something I couldn't even have known finished me off!

That stupid little piece of-

Magic enveloped him, and his restraints were removed.


Before he could react, he was thrust off the chariot.

Out of instinct, he extended his wings right as spells began whirling at him, puncturing them.

Nopony would catch him.


The guards looked at the result.

“He doesn’t even resemble a pony anymore. More like a mixture of Swiss cheese and soup.”

"Stop joking around and remember the story. He freed himself, and we thwarted his escape. We simply couldn’t allow him to get away with the terrible deeds he has done.”

“How sad that he will never face justice.”

Most of them had mixed feelings about the situation, trying to joke their way through it. Among their biggest concerns was that the princess was knowingly ordering them to treat the law they had been taught by her herself to uphold like dirt.

Yet, they had to stay strong. The princess always came first.



At first, she had slept in again, thanks to the medicine.

“Medicine”. As if. She probably poisoned me.

It was still dark outside, but Amaya knew that the sun was to rise soon.

She didn't notice me waking up, and she is bound to be tired by now! I can take advantage of that!

Carefully as not to alert Candy, she located her gun.

"I am sure there are ponies out there who would love to adopt you."

She fed me lies!

She took my weapons!

And now she brings me to the princess for judgment!

Amaya was devasted.

Equestria is just as bad as my old home, only bigger and more pretentious.

In one swift motion, her wings grabbed the gun, ready to take the mare carrying her out.

Only it wouldn’t budge, magic holding it in place.

“What do you think you are doing?” asked Candy, eyebrow raised.

She knows!

But there was always a plan b. Quickly Amaya bit the unicorn in the neck, trying to cause as much damage as quickly as possible.

In response, she was violently thrown towards the ground.

She didn’t even twitch!

Blood was running down Candys’s neck. The mare seemed in disbelief, only uttering one word. "Why?"

“You lied to me! You admitted as much during your fight!” Amaya was defensless.

You broke my wing.

Maybe even my leg.

The pain was yet to come. However, it was already clear that her victim had been more than thorough in her swift counterattack.

"You heard that?" Candy rushed towards her, once again trying to fix Amaya’s injuries.

I did! Why are you still pretending?

“My upbringing isn’t representative. I was an orphan who got enrolled into a special program that no longer exists,” revealed Candy. “I can’t tell you much more since this is classified information, but I assure you, nothing I told you was a lie.”

I ruined it.

I judged too soon, and now I ruined everything.

"Yes, I was acting a bit hypocritical since, technically, I was a filly soldier as well, but there were major differences." Against her better judgment, she continued to reveal parts of her past. "I didn't have my first mission until I was 16, and I was never in any real danger before then.”

That does sound more reasonable.

“When I saw you, it reminded me of my past again!” Candy continued her explanation, "Nopony should have to go through the things I had to go through, yet here you were, having it even worse.”

I really bucked it up…

“Hey, don’t cry.” She wiped away Amaya's tears. “I am not mad at you.”

Blood continued to flow down from her neck, and air was wheezing through her partly punctured throat, but she still didn’t seem alarmed.

How much blood loss can you take? How much damage can you take?

The answer came when the necklace that Candy didn't seem to have removed after her first fight lighted up, fixing all their injuries. “There. I barely even felt pain. Trust me, I have been through worse. Far far worse.” Sometimes death can appear more pleasant than the alternative.

Just like that, Amaya was levitated onto her back again, and Candy continued her journey.

That was it? Completely forgiven for two counts of attempted murder?

By the intended victim, no less?

Amaya didn't feel like she deserved this kind of forgiveness. However, she certainly wouldn't question it. Instead, she focused on Candy's neck. "Did she give you that?" Amaya touched the necklace.

For a moment, Candy frowned. Nopony but her and the princess were supposed to touch it. "She did. She personally channelled her magic into it. It is one of the greatest honours you can receive. Her biggest gift.”

How much is left? Those spells had to be taxing.

Also, the necklace reminded her of another one she had seen before. "The acolyte has one as well,” replied Amaya.

Candy stumbled. The implications were severe.

Nightmare Moon had a direct connection to their planet.

Yet she also got excited at the opportunity that was provided to her. “What can you tell me about her? She is your leader, right?”

“She is, but she always wears a disguise. Furthermore, she tends to only associate with our high command. I think it is so that we can’t reveal any useful information about her.” Amaya halted. What she was about to say next might be the acolyte’s death sentence.

When I talked to her, she was kind.

Maybe the kindest pony I ever met, second only to Candy.

But then, why did she allow all of this to happen?

Her fellow bat ponies would never forgive her for this. “I have talked to her personally once. When I did, she was a grey Pegasus, a form I have never seen her use before or again.”

Still, it could have been a disguise as well.

“She isn’t a bat pony?” It seemed unlikely but not impossible.

“She isn’t. Most of us are, yet there are also a few non bat ponies among us. The acolyte is one of them. We never use them in field missions, as to not alert you about us having non bat ponies as allies.”

And now I ruined all their efforts.

“Amaya, I know that you must be troubled right now. However, you did the right thing.” Candy tried to soothe her. “Thanks to you giving us that information, we can prevent anypony from having to go through the same thing you did.”

I don’t think they want your help, though.

The forest became lighter. They had reached the desert.

They had reached Equestria.


A new day had begun.

Princess Celestia was reviewing the final reports.

Zero losses on our side.

All targets were eliminated.

Full success.

There had been issues as well. Mainly with organization, but in the end, their targets had nowhere to hide.

Now, in front of her was the Equestrian Constitution she was currently rewriting.

I will need to reform many institutions, and I will need to find many replacements. However, in the end, it will have been all worth it.

And I will have my forces secure the streets the next few days, just in case anypony does get any ideas.

Revenge is a powerful force, after all.

Yet she had accounted for that as well. When a pony was on the list, they hadn’t left any close family members unless specified otherwise.

And I doubt friendship will be enough to pick a fight with me.

To pick a fight with the sun.

Raven entered the throne room. “My Princess, here are the daily newspapers.”

A tiny stack of papers was levitated towards her. “Where are the others?”

“Most of the papers were owned by nobility. Additionally, many journalists have been killed tonight. Finally, many papers ceased circulation out of fear. Unfortunately, that only put them on the lists as well since Deputy Director Twister saw it as an act of defiance. All of it led to only four papers reaming, able to publish,” Raven explained.

Celestia sighed.

Four should be enough, I suppose. Who needs more than one anyway?

“My princess, I didn’t receive your schedule today.” Raven looked at her, fully expecting to be handed a copy.

However, there was no schedule for her. “That’s because you have betrayed me, my unfaithful assistant.”

Two guards grabbed her from behind, one of them throwing Raven to the ground violently before they began beating her. “Did you think I wouldn’t figure out who alerted Cadence about my plans? Who enabled her to turn Parliament against me? Did you think I would forgive you for that? You helped them in trying to sabotage my daughter!”

Having done their job, the guards grabbed the now bloody mare, picking her up. “Oh, and Raven, when they are done with you, do tell me if the ESS has already started to treat mares better under Twister.” With that, they began to drag her out.

“My princess, I am begging you, please show me mercy! I will never defy you again! Mercy!” Her former assistant was kicking and screaming, but it was no use.

It was a stark reminder for anypony what would happen to them if they stepped out of line.

What would happen if they, too, were to betray the princess.

Mercy? Mercy? Ridiculous! I trusted you!

Ponies like you have no place in the new world I am about to create!


"Morning, princess."

Rainbow and Twilight were staring into each other's eyes.

"Morning, rebel."


“The princess falls in love with a rebel, turning against the queen… Sounds like the plot of a cliché romance," Rainbow laughed. "I wonder why Princess Celestia didn't have those books burned as well in an attempt to prevent you from walking that path."

“Dashie! Are you a fan of romance?” Twilight was beaming at the prospect.

I love it!

But only the good ones.

“What can I say, Twi. Yes, I am a sucker for a good romance,” she giggled.

Action and adventure are cool too.

“A good romance like ours?” The young alicorn gave her a kiss on her nose.

They can’t even compare to ours.

“Pff. No one could ever describe our love. It is way too awesome for that.” She returned the kiss.

Spike is still sleeping. We shouldn’t wake him…

Will I ever become a true parent for him? He must hate me after I suggested abandoning him.

There was a knock on the door.


Twilight used her magic to open it.

In came Isabella and two guards.

They really can’t see through her disguise.

"Thank you. Dismissed." The young alicorn waved them off without bothering to get out of bed.

“So, how was tonight?" Isabella mustered them. “Aren’t you a bit young to sleep together? What is with the bed over there? Or have those hormones made an early start with you two?”

You pervert! I didn’t even consider doing that to her!

Both fillies had turned bright red.

And once again, Twilight's wings were stiff.

Celestia, dammit, Twi! Stop thinking about me like that!

The changeling smirked. “At least you have figured out the feelings you hold for each other. In record time, no less. It is always infuriating when we sense them, and the ponies in question have no idea.”

Being a changeling sounds nice. Hivemind, sensing emotions…

Endless persecution…

I think I will stick to being a pegasus.

“Have you come all this way just to embarrass me in front of her?" asked Twilight, annoyed.

Hey, I don’t think any less of you for that. I mean, sure, it is a bit weird, but it's also supposed to be normal…

Even if I can’t fully understand it yet.

"Maybe?" Both fillies deadpanned. "All right. However, before we get down to business, I would like to thank you for saving my life. I was certain we were all going to die out there." Isabella looked down in shame. "This should never have happened. We promised you protection, yet we failed miserably." Her voice shook. "I failed miserably, and if it wasn't for your magic, I would have joined the Great Mother together with my siblings." The events of that night would haunt her forever. No matter how hard her remaining siblings tried to help her through the hivemind, she would always have to live with the question of why she got to live while the others didn't. "I hope you are still able to trust us after this?"

You weren't at fault. They didn't behave like ponies but like unhinged killer machines. I doubt anypony would have fared much better.

Twilight looked at Rainbow, receiving an affirmative nod. "We forgive you, and we still trust you." For a moment, the little alicorn seemed at a loss. How was one to talk to a mare that had just seen a bunch of her siblings die in front of her? "W- We are sorry for your loss. I wish I could have saved the others as well."

Twi, you aren't blaming yourself for this, are you?

"Thank you." Isabella smiled at them. "You know, this is the first time in a long time that anypony has spoken those words to one of us while knowing that they were talking to a changeling." She recalled the first time she had heard about the two fillies. She hadn't known their worth at the time, yet it hadn't mattered to her. All she had wanted to do was to stop lying for once.

All she wanted to do was see how it would be. See if the ponies really would lash out should they know she was a changeling. Having been undercover for nearly as long as she had been alive, the thought had become more and more intoxicating. But had she revealed herself to her Equestrian family or friends, she would have endangered them as well as her fellow changelings while also making herself an enemy of the hive.

Strangers were out of the question, too, since the thought of the ponies in question being taken out to avoid them having a chance to tell anypony else about their continued existence burdened her too much.

And so, she had to pretend further, with any hope of the ponies around her ever accepting the real her fading by the day.

That’s why she stole Spike. With him, she had a reason to come. To see the first ponies in hundreds of years to interact with them that weren't immediately killed or cocooned. To see how they would react to her.

And now she had not only befriended them but also had her life saved by them, in addition to them helping them in their fight against the princess.

The princess. She sighed, remembering why she was here again. "Rest assured that Mother will track down those who are responsible for the attempt on your life. We no longer take these kinds of things sitting down. The dead will be avenged."

The hivemind… Did Chrysalis experience them dying as she did with her daughter?

The changeling took a deep breath, preparing herself for the assignment she had been given. An assignment she couldn't fail. An assignment in which she, fortunately, had hardly anything to do since her mother wanted to do it herself.

Did your eyes just glow green for a second?

Before they could ask, Isabella began. "Are you aware that Princess Celestia killed all ponies she considered opposition yesterday? She burned down Parliament, removed countless officials she didn't fully trust, had the nobility disbanded and murdered, declared martial law, and the list goes on and on. Hundreds, maybe even thousands of ponies are dead, with them claiming that they were all changelings."

“…” The filly's mouths hung open in disbelief. What they had been told seemed simply impossible.


“Of course, they weren’t changelings. They didn’t even manage to get a single one. Like I said, they just killed the opposition, all ponies that looked the wrong way at Celestia, members of the institution she disliked and ponies who were involved in securing your freedom.

“In fact, killing freedom was on top of her list of priorities as well. You know, the little freedom you still had." Isabella turned towards Rainbow. “She also killed your parents.”


“Dashie, I am so sorry.” Twilight carefully navigated around Spike and hugged the pegasus, who began to breathe heavily.

I did this…

Without me, this would have never happened! I killed them!

The changeling gave her a look of pity, yet this was about something bigger. “We are all sorry for your loss, but what you are feeling right now is still better than most of the other ponies who lost their parents this night since she had them killed right along with them.”

Why! Why! Why!

"Just like she killed Princess Cadence." Isabella continued to press on, not giving them any time to process anything.

“Cadence… is dead?” Twilight tightened her hug around Rainbow, who returned it.

Y-Your parents are nobility as well, Twi! What happened to them?

Didn’t she hate them?

But the purple filly hadn’t made that connection yet.

“However, in fighting Cadence and you, she has more than likely exhausted herself." The changeling switched to a voice of urgency. "Now is the perfect time to strike! With you by our side, we will win!" Isabella looked at Twilight expectantly.


No! No! No!

I can’t lose Twi as well!

Not receiving an answer, she continued. “Princess Celestia obviously feels something for you. Our plan is for me to disguise Rainbow as myself. That way, she can leave the castle with Spike. We will just tell the guards that she will go and show him Canterlot. Once she has left, we will evacuate her and Spike. I, on the other hoof, will take Rainbow's place, going to the princess with you. On our way, mother will join us.

“We will post our guards at the door and cut off Celestia’s line of communication. Then mother will take you hostage. Maybe this will be enough to make her surrender, but should the princess not surrender, then mother will be prepared to fight her. Now, should she be losing, despite our expectations, then it will be the point where you would have to come into the picture. Celestia will be focused on mother, which would make it easy for you to take her out, using your element of surprise as well as your alicorn power." Isabella took a short moment to breathe. "If it all goes awry, then I will still be there and jump in to get you out. However, with you as well as mother, that scenario is highly unlikely.”

It seemed like an easy and cutthroat plan. One that may not even require Twilight but that was certainly more likely to succeed with her.

“No! The risk is way too high! If Twi turns against her, she could easily decide to discard her!” Rainbow was holding onto the filly for dear life. “She is a monster! You said as much! What is stopping her from just making a new child!”

“Dashie.” Twilight was taken aback by her outburst. Especially the last statement had struck her.

But she, too, didn't give Isabella a sign of agreement.

"You don't trust us, do you?“ her face fell. "Has she made a better offer? Has our plight become irrelevant now that you have been graced with comforts we could never imagine? After everything that has happened, why mistrust us now? We were ready to support you at your lowest, but now that you have recovered, you are no longer keen on keeping word? I thought you were different.“ The changelings seemed hurt, like she had just lost some lifelong friends. "We can up or offer. Whatever she promised, we can give you more. Our future depends on it.“

“That won’t be necessary. You are right. This is the perfect opportunity. And once we have defeated her, we can still leave.” Twilight turned to Rainbow. “Remember, Dashie, Princess Celestia will hunt us down if we leave without taking her out.”

No, Twi! This is too dangerous!

But Twilight had been convinced.

I must stop her!

I must protect her!

I can’t lose her!

“We are happy you agree… I am happy that you agree." She gave the purple filly a thankful smile. “No matter what happens today, all of us will forever be in your debt, Princess Twilight. We know it would have been easy to ignore our suffering, yet you-“

"Chaaaaangeling!" screamed Rainbow from the top of her lungs.

I- I- I- I had to do that! To protect you!

Isabella turned around for a second, giving her a look of sheer incomprehension.

Then she jumped out of the window just as guards burst in, immediately whirling spells at her.

“She threatened our life!" Twilight's voice was cold as ice. “Kill her once you have caught her!”

The sudden switch in personality was shocking, yet it was apparent why Twilight had given the order. Only a dead changeling wouldn't be able to reveal their involvement with them.

No, Twi! This isn’t what I wanted!

Despite that, Rainbow stayed quiet. This may not have been what she wanted, but it was the only logical result of her actions.

"Of course, your majesty!“ The guards ran off.


“Forget about her, Dashie. Time to shower and eat breakfast.” The purple filly jumped out of bed, marching towards the bathroom before slamming the door shut.

What have I done?


“Director Candy! The princess has requested your immediate presence!” A few of her EBI agents were among the first ones to see her once she had entered the town, immediately recognizing her.

Are they still calling me Director? Also, why are they still here?

The agents may have referred to her as Director, yet they were eyeing her and especially the bat pony she was carrying with suspicion.

“Where are your manners! You will show me and my charge the respect we deserve, or I will make you show it!” At once any distrust disappeared. "Status report!"

It is way too quiet, even for the small town we are in… is that blood on their uniforms?

“Things… are not great, Director.” Her agents pointed towards a pile covered by a blanket.

Are those dead ponies!

A list was presented to her. “Princess Celestia has ordered for all forms of opposition to be thoroughly silenced. Permanently.” Candy could feel the increase in Amaya’s heart rate.

Her eyes were fixated on the paper in front of her. Sneak had once joked about her name being put on a list with undesirable ponies if she didn't stop getting on his nerves.

The thought that such a list actually exists…

That the princess would not only be aware of it but act on it…

I shouldn’t have left.

“You will stop this nonsense right now! I want everypony informed about that, understood!” Candys looked like she was about to mangle them. “Those who continue anyway are to be arrested!”

Yet her agents couldn’t comply. Not when her orders were directly contradicting the princesses. “But Director! We can’t defy Princess Celestia! Remember she ordered-“

"Lies! I don't know what exactly has happened, but I do know that she would never order something like this!” Candy stopped, realizing that she was fighting a losing battle. If her forces really did believe that the orders were coming straight from the princess, then they wouldn't listen to her. After all, she trained them that way.

Not to mention that I would send them in a battle against everypony else who has fallen for this. They won’t allow us to interfere with their directives.

“Very well, don’t arrest anypony. However, until I have confirmed the situation, we won’t be participating in this farce either.” With that, her agents seemed content.

I won’t let them slander your name, Celestia! No matter what they have done to you… a trick, mind magic, a coup, blackmail… I will save you!

“Take me to Canterlot! Now!”


I let you die twice right before my eyes. There was no failure on my part to detect your heartbeat or breathing. There was none because you were dead.

And one of those times, I was the one who killed you.

Rainbow was doing her best to avoid eye contact with Twilight.

Feather had been right, after all. The sonic rainboom was a mistake. The only reason you are still standing is because you are an alicorn.

If it wasn't for that, I would have already lost you.

Lost you because of my own actions.

Actions that have already killed my parents and hurt so many other innocent ponies.

Actions that will continue to hurt those around me.

Twilight, too, seemed to avoid eye contact, fully focusing on Spike instead, helping him eat his breakfast.

A breakfast that continued in complete silence until a guard entered without knocking. “Princess Celestia has requested your immediate presence.”

Maybe Princess Celestia, too, was right when she-

Twilight used her magic to throw the guard out of the room before she grabbed Rainbow, forcing her to look her in the eyes. “Whatever happens, Dashie, you will stay in the background, and you will stay quiet! Understood! No stupid stunts! No talking back! I will handle this!”

Rainbow nodded.

I- You are scared! You are afraid of what she will do should she have uncovered our involvement with them!

Why didn’t I think of that!

“Remember! She loves me! She would never hurt me! No matter what it may seem like!” Twilight was shaking her, trembling in fear. "You, on the other hoof, are fair game! So, don’t draw any attention to yourself!” She levitated a frightened Spike on Rainbow's back, put on a strong face and opened the door.


What have those bugs told you?

The fillies she had been expecting entered the room before halting in shock, noticing the changeling on the ground.

Faint breathing indicated that Isabella was very much alive.

I must say, I didn't think you had it in you to order the death of a creature like that.

Unfortunately for you, it alerted me all the more about the fact that you are hiding something.

The young alicorn turned around, with Rainbow positioning herself behind her. "Hello, Mother."

One day you will say those words, and you will mean them.

"Hello, daughter. Let me be direct. Is there something you would like to tell me, or must we do this the hard way?" This wasn’t a discussion she looked forward to having, but she would have to get through it.

This will end in an argument.

I don’t want to argue with you.

“I don't understand, Mother? She tried to kill us! How can you let her live!" Twilight's performance was immaculate. With eyes full of hurt, she gestured towards the changeling as if Isabella had been the root of all evil.

If Celestia didn't know better, she would have fallen for Twilight's show.

But she did know better.

Also, you just changed your story. You told the guards that she only threatened your lives.

The hard way it is, then.

The older princess threw a book in front of them. "Do you still want to stick to your fairytale?”

“That’s the book we got from the library? What about it?” Twilight stayed firm.

It actually managed to raise some doubt within Celestia this time.

Maybe I-

No! She is trying to use your feelings for her against you!

She is afraid of what you will do to her.

“Look, my little star. I love you. I know they have done something, and if you tell me what, I can help you. Whatever part you played in their evil schemes, I will forgive you for it." She walked forwards, enveloping her daughter in a tight hug, trying to convey all the feelings she had for the young filly in one gesture.

You can never get rid of me.

No matter how much you despise me…

No matter how much you want me dead…

No matter how much you lie and insult me…

I will always love you.

No longer would she make the mistakes of her past. From this point on, she would give Twilight the love she should have given her from the start.

With that, Celestia let go of Twilight again. Her daughter hadn't returned her hug, but she didn't mind.

I have a lot to make up for, I know. If I want you to open up to me, I must do the first steps, no matter how long they take.

The purple filly had lowered her head, pointing towards Rainbow.

You want me to give her those assurances as well.

"Of course, the same will apply to her. I thought that was already clear?" she guaranteed, with a kind smile.

I should have never hurt her. Just look at how she is standing behind you, looking like she is whispering into your ears, controlling you like you were a puppet. I bet she is seeking revenge, making you afraid of me, trying to separate us… I wonder, would it truly be so hard to drive you apart? Make you fall for somepony else? Forget her and make her have an acid-

“Why are you treating them like that? The changelings have shown us nothing but kindness?” asked Twilight.

I suppose it does look unreasonable if you aren't aware of what they did, as well as the risks they pose to you.

“I have skimmed through the book." She could count herself lucky that the librarian had alerted her about the unknown book her daughter was reading that had her portrayed in such a bad light. “Either Skylar has deceived herself, or it is changeling propaganda.”

You don’t believe me. I can see it.

She should have expected it, yet it stung nonetheless. So, before Twilight could argue, Celestia continued. “I had only heard bad tales about them until they showed up at the Crystal Empire someday.” She conjured up a map that had a country in a place where only ice should have been. "We had no reason to do anything. If Princess Amore wanted to accept them, then that was her decision, and they certainly didn’t seem like a threat to us.”


Your trust in strangers was your undoing.

Misplaced trust just like the empress once held it.

To her, it was yet another reminder of why she shouldn't trust anypony. A reminder of why she had so many different layers of security in place. “For decades, everything seemed fine until a creature of darkness overthrew her, forcing the changelings out of the country.”

I look forwards to our round two! This time we will crush you! Without you, none of the following may have happened!

The princess sighed.

I must stick to the plan. Death might be too kind for you, but I can’t risk keeping you alive just to torture you.

Sombra would be dealt with swiftly, as much as she loathed the prospect. “The Chrystal Empire was small, but it was right next to our border, harbouring strong magic, which made him a threat that needed to be dealt with as soon as possible.”

Simple rules, really.

You either listen to me, or I will find a ruler who does.

“So, we gathered our forces, and while we did that, the changelings approached us, offering assistance, claiming they wanted to protect their home.

“We accepted." A decision she didn't regret, despite what it led to.

Sombra was far worse than I expected at the time. If it wasn’t for them, we would have lost so many more ponies.

Their infiltration skills had been invaluable.

That and the fact that the changelings were always assigned to the most dangerous positions, constantly filling the first lines of any attack. "I won’t bore you with the details. In the end, we achieved a stalemate.”

Twilight and Rainbow looked surprised at hearing the word stalemate.

I need to know what they told you!

However, for now, she had to finish her side of the story. “We could have defeated him, but we thought that banishing would be easier, enabling us to simply take him out when he returned weakened. Never could we have imagined that at the last moment, he would modify the spell, taking the entire empire with him.

“That left us with one problem. What to do with the now homeless-”

“Accept them.” Interrupted Twilight. “You should have given them refuge after you took away their home. No one blames you for Sombra modifying the spell, but you can’t just deny the fact that your choice of action did lead to them losing it. They had proven that they could be trusted. Why cast them out now?”

They always blame me.

As for why I cast them out, the reason is simple. I would have never been able to control them, which is why they, in fact, couldn't be trusted.

Tolerating their existence in the Crystal Empire had already unnerved her. Still, it was nothing compared to the thought of having a race of creatures within her border that could decide to rise up against her at any point.

A race able to communicate and coordinate through their hive mind, making it impossible for her spies to alert her in advance.

Not to mention the fact that they can easily disguise themselves, that they have magic enabling them to manipulate others and that they feed off of us.

However, Celestia had a feeling that her daughter would take offence to that line of reasoning. Luckily there was another series of events she could point towards. "During the war, countless ponies died or simply went missing for all sorts of reasons. Yet, we never could have imagined the possibility of them falling victim to our own allies." The claim shocked the two fillies in front of her. “They abducted or replaced an innumerable of ponies, sometimes both, and they did it right under my nose.

“We only found out about it when one of their victims managed to escape. Of course, we immediately stormed their hideout, which revealed the true extent of their crimes. Many ponies were already dead, and others were never found by us. Of those who were rescued by us, the majority never recovered, forced to live out the rest of their lives incapable of feeling emotions.

“Needless to say, our relationship with them never recovered from that. They had demonstrated that they couldn’t be trusted, and we took measures to defend ourselves from them as a result.” Celestia had thought that she managed to portray herself in a good light, maybe even as the victim, yet Twilight seemed not only unconvinced but also irritated.

“That was how many years ago? You can’t hold a grudge against an entire race for something that happened so long ago,” she rattled off. “Additionally, the changelings feed off positive emotions. How many of those are there in a war? Wouldn’t you have done the same to secure our surv-“

“What if one of the ponies had been Rainbow?” Any further line of reasoning was stopped in its tracks.

Or so Celestia thought. “How many Rainbows have you killed last night?”

The older princess felt the colour drain from her face.

A comeback! I need a comeback! I need a justification!

Alas, she couldn’t think of one. At least not one that her daughter would accept.

I did it for you! You are just too innocent to see it yet!

And since she didn’t respond, Twilight continued. “Just last tonight, you had countless innocent ponies killed. Ponies you had sworn to protect. Ponies who all had friends and family.” Twilight felt like crying. Maybe she could have prevented all of this if she had cared to investigate last night instead of accepting the fake explanation she had been given. “You had Rainbow's parents killed.”

Who even told you all of that!

Quickly her eyes focused on the changeling on the ground.

You will pay for that! I had nothing to do with that! How dare you tell them I killed Rainbows parents!

She had waited too long and, therefore, wouldn't be able to shape the narrative around their unfortunate death as well as the events of last night.

“You are a threat to harmony. You…“ Instantly her attention was back on Twilight. Was the purple filly fated to say those words? It sounded like she had spoken them as an afterthought. Despite that, they hit Celestia full force, causing her to drone out the speech about morality her daughter was giving her in front of her.


Up until now, their conversation had been going better than what both of them had expected. Sure, Twilight had given her massive pushback, yet Celestia didn’t hold that against her. She was her daughter, after all. If anypony was allowed to question her, then it would be her.

Now, however, things were about to take a turn for the worst.

“You are a threat to harmony.”

The vision…

The bearers resenting me…

Twilight running away... fighting me…

Suddenly it all made sense in her mind. This was the revenge of the elements. With one tiny vision, they had set her daughter on the path to destroy her, transforming the pony she had originally intended to be a tool under her control into her undoing.

I was so happy when they chose you!

I should have questioned it more…

By now, the two fillies were staring at her, seemingly trying to get her attention, but she was busy answering an impossible question.

Saving her beloved sister, a goal she had strived for so long or being with the daughter she desperately wanted to connect with.

Luna or Twilight! Luna or Twilight!

She looked into her heart for a moment.

Forgive me, Luna!

“Guards!” The fillies jumped back, startled. Immediately, guards rushed into the room. “Find Rarity and Applejack! Kill both of them on sight!” Quickly she motioned for them to leave again.

And just like that, a millennium of work has been for nothing…

Her daughter and Rainbow were left speechless.

At least I will have you with me from now on.

Also, I suppose Cadence had been right when she told me that you killed me… that won't happen now. Instead, I will make sure we become a family.

She didn’t think it was possible, but she had found the pony she was willing to sacrifice her sister for.

I doubt I will find another way to save her… You are everything I have left now. I will guard you better than-

“Twi? Twi?” Rainbows voice managed to get her attention.

Celestia looked up again. In front of her, Twilight was trembling, tears of pain rolling down from her eyes, cutie mark glowing.

No! No! N-

Bright white eyes stared right into her soul.

“Do you even realize how big of a favour we are doing for you right now!" It was Twilight's voice, yet it sounded nothing like her.

Favour! Favour!

“Do you even realize how big the favours are we have done for your daughter just because we didn’t want her to suffer for your sins! Because we see her potential for good!” Twilight conveyed rage she had never encountered before.

I don’t-

“We have seen what you would have done to her! We have seen many different scenarios! We have seen her many falls!” Whatever was controlling Twilight was calming down. “Her misery.

“Needless to say, it didn’t look good for your daughter. In barely any scenario would she have gotten a good ending, with her taking Equestria or even the planet down with her in most of them. The vision your daughter got was what we estimated was most likely to happen at the time.”

I-I would never allow Twilight to suffer!

“This might be her one and only chance to change things. To make them better for everypony. Yet, here you are already choosing the worst possible choices again, destroying her chances of happiness.” Twilight looked like she was scolding a small filly.

I am not-

“Are you aware that it was you who would have introduced her to dark magic? Dark magic that would have slowly killed the pony that she is?” Finally, Celestia was given a chance to respond.

"I would never let her anywhere near dark magic!” she insisted.

Twilight's face turned into pity. “Those who are under its influence tend to drag those around them down with them. How can you be sure that it isn’t influencing your decisions as we speak? You know of its dangers, yet you are foolishly insisting that you are stronger. Does that mean Luna was weak?”

N-No Luna was one of the strongest ponies I knew.

“What am I supposed to do! There is no cure for it! I can’t fall!” she pushed back.

“We know. As always, you are trying to play the strong pony, settling the burden of the world on your shoulders.” A knowing smile appeared on the fillies face. "It's not too late. We wouldn't have chosen you as a bearer if we didn't think you were worthy. What matters is that one tries their best. We, too, have made mistakes. For example, we should have never left you alone after Luna was banished. For that, we are sorry.” Celestia held her head low, making it impossible to see her reaction. “And you know that there are cures. One of them the same cure you have planned for Luna and her misguided followers.”

I knew it! You want Twilight to turn against me!

In an instant, a spell was whirled at the purple filly, only to be deflected with ease.

Undeterred, Twilight continued. “We gave her the opportunity to change her destiny, and thanks to that, new alternative scenarios were created.

“In many, we wouldn't have needed to intervene again.

“You, however, took this route.

“We were divided. We have been for a long time on many issues. You once have been our chosen one, just like your sister, and despite everything that has happened, we didn’t think it possible for a pony that has experienced true harmony to fall like this. We also didn't think you would lash out like this just because Twilight wanted to walk her own path. Especially with us knowing what would have likely happened in the original timeline.”

What do you mean by that!

“We can see all the possibilities.

“We can estimate the chance of them happening, acting accordingly.

“We knew that changing things created new risks, but we decided those were risks worth taking.” Twilight halted for a moment. “At least the majority of us did, after months of discussion.” Once more, a pause followed, a face of defeat appearing. “It was another mistake.

“We have seen this scenario, too, but we didn’t think it would happen. Had we truly believed it would, we would have never given your daughter this chance." Rainbow's ears perked up in alarm. Or rather more alarm. “Too many have paid with their blood due to our miscalculation. Consequences we will have to live with.

“Consequences we will never be able to make up for because death is final for normal creatures.” A death glare was directed towards Celestia.

I know.

“And no matter how badly the future would have turned out, we still consciously robbed others of their happiness just so your daughter could have a fair shot of walking down a path of her own choosing. Who knows if they will achieve the same happiness now?” Twilight's horn lit up. "We have done everything we could to help her, going so far as breaking many of our principles. If she falls now, there are other bearers.

“We will restore harmony.

“With or without you.

“Both of you.” A bright light engulfed the room.

I won’t let you leave like this!

Yet Twilight teleported herself through her hastily erected barriers with ease.

And with that, Celestia was alone once more.

Chapter 15 - Those That Remain

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They couldn’t take the train.

When asked why that was the case, the station attendant had just looked at them as if they were stupid before telling them with a sweet voice, "It seems a bunch of workers didn’t show up today. I wonder what happened to them?”

I suppose an event like this does screw up their complicated operations.

It hadn’t stopped them for long. Quickly a chariot was organised, enabling them to make their way towards Canterlot anyways.

We will be there soon.

Anxiety slowly crept up on her.

What will we be waiting for me there?

“And if she did order this?” Amaya broke the silence.

“Princess Celestia is a kind and collected ruler. She would never kill ponies in mass like that.” Candy immediately rattled off.

“But what if she did?” The bat pony was giving her a look of pity, already fearing the answer.

Why are you looking at me like that?

“Then she had a good reason for doing so. A reason I am not aware of right now.“ To her irritation, Amaya seemed even more troubled by the answer.

The filly shifted around. “Wouldn’t you have ordered them to defy her, then?“

Not intentionally, though!

She stayed silent.

"Would you support her in this if it turns out that she wants this?“ Amaya probed further.

Without any hesitation.

Yet it was apparent that the young bat pony was looking for a different answer. "I can't possibly answer that without knowing the reasons,“ she responded diplomatically.

Despite that, Amaya continued to look unhappy.

“Look, Amaya. It's not that Princess Celestia isn't capable of such a thing,” Candy admitted. “It’s the fact that she loves us, which is why such an act is simply out of character for her.”

The little filly hesitated before staring her right in the eyes.

“You sound just like them.”


How was one to kill a filly?

Their colleagues had pointed them to a small room, where Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy were sitting together, eating breakfast.

Or rather, they had been until they entered. Now they were just staring at them.

“The princess has requested your presence, Fluttershy.” It would probably be best to separate her from the other fillies first.

“Ok. Umm, thank you for telling me." She stood up, making their way towards the guards.

Yet, before she could reach them, Twilight teleported in.

For a moment, the alicorn simply glared at the guards. Then she teleported away with their targets in another flash.

They had hesitated and, as a result, failed their princess.



They landed on desolate ground.

“What was that about!”

“What do you think you are doing!”

Twi just saved your life.

Rainbow rolled her eyes at their complaining. “You ok, Spike?”

The dragon seemed dazzled, trying to crawl away from her towards Twilight.

…He is just a child. It isn’t his fault, nor is it Twi’s fault.

“Dashie, I don’t feel so good.”


Only now did she notice the sudden silence of everypony around her.

Her head turned towards the alicorn.

Blood was running down her nose.

As if she was in a trance, Twilight moved her hoof towards it, resulting in it, too, being immediately covered in blood.

“Oh.” The filly glanced at it.

Then her eyes rolled back.


The alicorn collapsed, but before she made contact with the ground, Rainbow had caught her.

Twilight lay dead in her wings.

But only for a moment. Forcefully Rainbow was pushed to the side, with Fluttershy grabbing Twilight, laying her on the ground, and immediately checking the alicorn's vitals.

Yet before she could do anything further, Rainbow had recovered, jerking her away in return. "She will be fine."

“…Rainbow, I don’t think-“

“She will be fine!” Rainbow shouted from the top of her lungs.

Rarity and Applejack just looked at the entire exchange in disbelief, once again feeling like they were in the wrong place.

“Just let me be with her," Rainbow muttered before turning away to Twilight.

“I am sorry.” Fluttershy began walking away, honouring her request. There was nothing else she could do.

The other fillies followed her.

And if she doesn’t wake up?

Rainbow looked at Spike, who was still trying to cross the distance, with a mixture of fear and desperation on his face, as well as anger that she wasn’t helping.

You would die, and even if you don't… I-I don’t- I can’t take care of you alone…

I don’t want to take care of you alone. I don’t want to be alone…

I-I-I… If you don’t wake up, Twi, then I… I don’t know what to do.

Before she could contemplate further, the alicorn in front of her opened her eyes again, with breathing as well as heartbeat following.

Having finally crossed the distance alone, Spike crawled onto Twilight.

"Spike… Dashie…“

“You can't keep doing this to me, Twi! I was scared! What if one day you don't wake up!“ Rainbow was crying uncontrollably by now.

“I am not going to die. Not when I have such a beautiful family waiting for me,“ Twilight assured her, using a wing to stroke her.

“Don’t say that! We need to be more careful! Your son's life depends on it! My life depends on it!“ Twilight looked taken aback.

I-I should have said that.

A face of sheer horror stared at her. “Dashie… you know that I would want you to go out there and be happy if I died, right? I would want you to-“

Rainbow had given her the most brutal slap she had ever given to anypony. “You think I can just move on without you after all of this! Because I certainly don’t think I can! Whatever happens, you will be there with me for the rest of my life! One way or another!” she screamed, with ever-increasing sobbing.

“Dashie! D-Don’t be stupid! There are so many beautiful things out there despite me-“

There aren’t! There aren’t! There aren’t!

“Such as! Back in my supposed home, there is nothing left for me! Nothing! Nothing! Nothing! The few things I had remaining, she has taken away!”

“…“ Twilight looked around frantically, trying to come up with a response to that.

That’s what I thought.

“What about Fluttershy?“ Twilight offered, seeing the horrified face of the pegasus in the distance. The only reasons she hadn't made it towards them were the two other fillies stopping her, apparently thinking that it would be better for Twilight to handle this on her own.

“Do you think she will be able to replace you! Replace my parents! Replace the home I will lose!" The only thing the purple filly had managed to accomplish was for Rainbow to further think about what else would happen now that her parents were gone. "They will bring me to the orphanage! My life will be even more miserable than ever before! I will still be banned from flight camp! What kind of life would that even be! I already hated it before!” Then another thought crossed her mind. “You know, if you died, your mother would never forgive me anyway, so I suppose it wouldn't even matter!“

“…“ Panic began rising up in Twilight. Rainbow had obviously meant every word, and she had nothing to counter with.

This world is harsh. I am not strong enough to live in it all alone…

Without parents…

Without a home…

Without you…

She took a deep breath, trying to reign her emotions in. “Twi-“

“Wait for me.“


“Death won’t stop me. Even a real one.“ Twilight looked at her as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Should it take me, I will still find a way back to you.“

Y-You would never be able to do that!

“Spike, Dashie, all you need to do is wait. I will find you wherever you are.“ She enveloped the little dragon in her wings. “And if it takes you as well, then we will return together.“

You are mad, Twi…

Mad enough to succeed.

Navigating around Spike, Rainbow buried her head in Twilight’s chest. “I will wait, Twi,“ she mumbled. “I promise.“

“I won’t let you down, Dashie.“

I know.


How can they look in the mirror?

How can they live with themselves?

What causes a pony to partake in this oppressive regime?

Why aren’t we rising up?

The answer was always the same.

Princess Celestia.

Because she holds all the cards.

Because she has power, and we don’t.

Yet the princess was also the solution.

Without her, we can be free.

Without her, we can be happy.

Without her, Equestria will be better.

Without her, the system will fall apart.

She took another look at the guards patrolling the street.

We need to rise up! Together we are strong!

She knows that. That’s why she is doing all of this. Fear.

Fear of her own subjects.

It would be impossible to coordinate in secret, and open defiance was doomed to fail as long as she was alone.

It’s the same for them, too, isn’t it?

Is that why we all move along, not bothering to stand up against her oppression? Because we are all alone? Because she makes it impossible to organise any meaningful resistance?

She didn't need any confirmation. After all, she herself was moving along only for that reason.

Yet that didn’t mean that she couldn’t dream about forming a resistance.

And it will forever be a dream in my mind…

The only domain nopony can control.

The guard wasn’t the threat everypony was concerned about. What they were concerned about instead were the spies in their midst. Normal-looking ponies who went to work every day just like they did. Unlike them, however, they were always listening, ready to report them to the crown at a moment's notice.

Everypony could be one.

Or maybe it is just a rumour spread by her.

It didn't matter. The fear of your closest friend being a spy was everything that was needed to prevent any form of secret resistance from being formed.

In fact, it had resulted in the creation of the golden rule.

Never talk about politics.

I could hear their screams.

I could see them dragging ponies away.

Only a few ponies were in positions where they could achieve meaningful change. A position like Princess Cadence had once held it.

She is the reason for all of that, isn't she? Did she really try to seize power? Is that why this all happened? Did Princess Celestia get afraid, deciding to kill all those who might follow Cadence's example?

Once again, it didn't matter. If the remaining newspapers were to be believed, Cadence was dead now anyway, as were all the other ponies who had been on Celestia's lists.

Stupid Cadence! Princess Celestia is showering you with anything you could want, yet this still wasn’t enough for you! All those deaths are on you!

Another issue.

All those who could affect change are wicked ponies! Societies garbage! That's probably a main criterion to join that dictator's inner circle!

Yet that wasn’t entirely the truth. It never was that simple.

Those few who are good ponies… the princess twists them. She bribes…, threatens…, blackmails…, In the end, they all chose to stay in line rather living the good life, deciding to think of themselves rather than others.

Would I do the same if I was in their position?

It was time to stop thinking about these things. Her workplace was in sight.

I wonder, does anypony actually believe in Celestia?

But she couldn't stop. Absent-minded, she showed the guard at the door her badge.

In return, she received a questioning look. They had known each other for a few years now. It had resulted in him no longer requiring her or any of her coworkers to show their badges, despite it being a violation of protocol.

I wonder... did he participate last night?

He waved her through with a hurt look, and she quickly entered.

Only to be immediately confronted by a coworker. "Morning, Dandelion. Have you heard anything about Summer?” he forced himself to say with a smile.

Isn’t she here yet?

“No. Why?” she asked, confused.

“All right. I suppose there is nothing to worry about. There are many who didn’t show up today, choosing to stay with family instead,” he tried to reason. "After what happened, coming to work simply doesn't seem to be a priority."

Summer doesn’t have a family.

“Why ask about her specifically, then?” Dandelion inquired.

“Oh, well… It's just… Canterlot has promoted you,” he mumbled.

“Canterlot has promoted you.”

Immediately she rushed past him towards their shared office, smashing the door open.

You destroyed the door. What now?

Hesitantly Dandelion made her way to the table, not knowing what she was expecting to find.

She was the one who convinced Summer to always look the other way. Convinced her not to put up a fight when the ESS demanded Jacqueline. And when she had seen the guards dragging ponies out of their houses, she couldn’t help but smile, knowing that at least they would be safe. That while they despised the rules, they had stuck to them and hadn’t made themselves targets. That sacrificing their morals had been worth it.

Now, however, she was staring at a formal complaint that Summer had filed.

A complaint she hadn’t told her about.

A complaint that explained her absence.

An absence that would last forever.


“Come on! Tell me! Was Spitfire arrested as well?“


But… How! She would never work together with the captain!

Yes, Spitfire always seemed close to him, yet he was pretty sure the mare only wanted his position. At least in private, she always seemed repulsed by Captain Wind Rider.

“I don't know the details, but Canterlot has just ordered her name to be taken off the roaster, her position to be filled by another pony, and the ESS has sent agents to collect all records about her.“

That doesn’t line up with the timeline. Why only order it now?

“Is there anything else?“

"They also want us to take her off the payroll.“

So, they didn’t tell you she was arrested for the same reason as the captain. We are only assuming she was.

“There must be something else! Come on!“ he urged his friend.

“I don’t… you know there was something,“ his friend remembered.

I knew it!

“Yesterday evening, the Royal Guard made an emergency inquiry.”

The… royal guard? Why them? They aren’t responsible for these kinds of things. They only ensure the princess's direct security.

“They asked us if Spitfire has any connections to Rainbow Dash.“

The pegasus that was foalnapped by Twilight Sparkle?

“If she has ever been seen with her… any hint that the two know each other.

“Well… We, of course, told them no. After all, it was the truth, or has she ever mentioned Rainbow Dash to you?“

She didn’t.

“How did they react?“ he asked, troubled by the new development.

“Obviously, we gave the wrong answer. They told us to be prepared to find a replacement for Spitfire … which I guess they confirmed today.“

How does that make sense!

“This isn’t your fault. Honestly, I, too, would have assumed that her not knowing Rainbow Dash was a good thing,“ he assured his friend.

In response, he received a thankful look. “What are you going to do now?“

“I don’t know. Probably visit her family,“ he mused.

“They have been taken by the ESS,“ his friend informed him.

I should have expected that.

“Visit her in prison?“ he suggested.

Only to be shot down again. “I asked. They said that wasn’t possible. Wouldn’t even tell me where she is now.“

“I… will think of something.“

“Look, I need to return to my duties… don’t do anything stupid, ok?“ his friend pleaded.

“Don’t worry, I won’t,” he assured him. “Also, thank you… I know how much trouble you could get into for this.“

“Don’t mention it. What are friends for? Especially the ones in the administration." Laughing, the young administration worker made his way back towards his office.

Soarin, however, stayed, unsure how to proceed next. Spitfire had always been very secretive when it came to her private life, a trait that seemed to bite her in the butt now.

We promised to stick together, Spity…

And I certainly won’t break that promise!


When she had first seen the heavily armed guards, she had immediately assumed that a coup had taken place.

That hypothesis, however, was discarded when they rushed towards her informing her that Princess Celestia was already expecting her, apparently very angry at hearing that she had tried to leave the country.

That’s what I get for diligently instructing my agents to always report everything.

"Anything else I should be aware of?"


“Anything else?”

The guard in front of her was seemingly trying to determine if he should answer truthfully to her.

“The princess is angry… our ranks have been infiltrated.”

I knew it!

“And her daughter has made a run for it, enabling two rebels to escape in the process… Honestly, I am unsure about the last part.” He hadn’t been able to piece together the story since he had only heard bits and pieces. What was clear, though, was that Princess Twilight ran away and that Princess Celestia was screaming bloody murder as a result.


"Did you say, daughter?" Candy asked, trying to keep her world from collapsing.

Surely, he misspoke!

"Yes. Princess Twilight."

…That's why she wanted her so badly?

A burst of anger grabbed her. She shoved the guard out of the way, making her way towards the castle, Amaya following her.

“Candy? Is everything all right? You are seething,” the worried filly asked her.

“I am fine!” she snapped. “Just follow me or something.”


“Good morning, Director. Please-“

She teleported herself and Amaya to the other side of the large reception area, slipping through the big door and sealing it shut before anypony could react.

"Candy! What are you doing!" Amaya protested while still diligently following.

Refusing to surrender weapons would undoubtedly result in them raising the alarm, yet it didn’t matter to her. Whatever they threw at her, she was confident she could take it.


Still, she increased her pace, not wanting to give the princess an opportunity to prepare herself.

Quicker than expected, the throne room came into sight.

You better be in there!

Incredibly the guards didn’t stop her. Weren’t they aware of her skipping the checks?

Even if that was the case, her weapons weren’t hidden.

Candy barged inside.


Amaya didn’t follow. Without Candy noticing, the guards had prevented the filly from entering.

You came back...

This is the second time you did.

“Morning, Candy. I would like to say that I am happy to meet you, and until a few minutes ago, I would have been." Celestia was heavily annoyed. “However, I don’t appreciate you putting my guards on edge like that. Pray tell me why you felt the need to come in here with weapons?”

Candy just stared at her.

“What even gave you the right to leave? Just because you quit the EBI doesn’t mean that-“

“You think I am your property? If I want to leave, then I get to leave!” The unicorn screamed.

“E-Excuse me?” Celestia was taken aback. If there was one pony she would have expected to never snap at her, it would have been Candy.

“You rejected me!” Candy reminded her, voice full of hurt, betrayal, and pain.

“What has-“

‘”That’s your right! But you shouldn’t just expect me to go on like normal after that!” Her EBI Director was getting more and more agitated by the second.

“You said that your feelings wouldn’t-“

“And they won’t. Because I no longer-“

“You do! You didn’t give me-“

A letter was levitated to her. “It has gotten quite wet, but you should be able to make out the general message,” Candy mocked the princess that broke her heart.

A princess that couldn't believe what was transpiring right before her eyes. Incredulously she looked at the tear-stained resignation for a moment before teleporting it away. “You are bluffing.”

“Am I?” What was it that she was hoping to accomplish? It was not like the alicorn would forsake her true love for her.

“I-I can have you executed for that!” Celestia was getting frazzled, seemingly unable to handle the situation.

“You can have everypony executed for any reason, including none at all,” Candy simply shrugged in response.

Finally, the princess asked the question she should have started with. “Why are you acting like this?”

“You kept your relationship a secret! All this time, I disillusioned myself just because you couldn’t be bothered to tell anypony about your secret affair!” Candy accused her.

And still, the unicorn didn't know what her goal was.

You are jealous.

Deeply jealous.

That realisation, however, only resulted in her own anger surfacing. “Are you stupid! You think I would ever let a filthy stallion touch me! I can't recall what happened anymore, but I bet me not enjoying it was part of the reason for me erasing my memories of it! I needed a bearer for Magic, and since nopony seemed capable of wielding it, I had to create one myself! It isn’t my fault that you were not able to help me in that endeavour, and might I add, still a minor!”

“Who is he!” Candy wailed. “I demand a name!”

Would that make her happy? Killing the pony that had stolen her only love from her?

You are lucky that I don’t care about him, or this would be the point where I would have you killed for threatening the royal family... probably.

“Are you even listening!” she was getting severely frustrated with this new version of Candy. “Let me spill it out for you! Buck the noble code! Buck the stupid etiquette! Those things were always just about my public image! An image of a pony that never existed! I am gay! Twilight's father was a tool and nothing more! A tool that was probably so disgusting to use that, like I already said, I erased my memories afterwards, which is the only reason you won’t be getting a name!”

This time the message seemed to have reached the unicorn. “So, you would have at least considered me?”

Dear god.

“Is that the only thing you took from that?” she groaned internally.

“Would you have considered me?” Candy asked more forcefully.

“You are missing the point! I needed a child, not a lover!” The conversation was getting extremely uncomfortable for her, causing her to stand up and wander around in front of throne in distress.

“But if you had wanted a lover, would you have considered me?” the unicorn pressed on, much to her dismay.

What is it that you are hoping to accomplish?

“No. You were a minor at the time.” she dodged the question once more.

So, Candy changed it once more. “If you needed a lover today, would you consider me?”

No. It would be unethical.

“My princess?”

Celestia raised a wing, pointing towards the door. “Candy, you need to leave. I accept your resignation… I think it’s best if you do indeed leave the country altogether like you planned anyway.”

But the unicorn didn’t move. “I will leave once you have answered.”

I don’t want to answer.

“Candy… I will have you executed. Don’t doubt me.” she tried threatening again. “You should have seen what I am capable of on your way here.”

“I have always known what you are capable of. I have seen it my whole life,” Candy shrugged. “You want me executed? You will have to do it yourself then since I am more than able of taking out your decorations,” she stayed firm, utterly convinced that Celestia was bluffing.


“Fine. The answer is that you are a child in the body of a mare that has been indoctrinated by her princess to love her in an attempt to create a more loyal and competent soldier. An experiment which failed miserably. I mean, just look at yourself. Not to mention that you burned the whole facility down, with your overseers still inside, you sadistic madmare. If you hadn’t surrendered yourself willingly, I promise I would have found you and snuffed out your miserable existence right then and there. Now get out.” Once again, her wing was pointing at the door.

Candy, however, only gave her an innocent smile. “You still didn’t answer the actual question.”

“Oh god, dammit!” Celestia wailed. “You don’t count! You have been thought to love me! I don’t want that! I would want a pony who loves me without indoctrination!”

“See… that wasn’t so hard.” Disturbingly, the smile remained unwavering.

It was, you ungrateful brat.

“Farewell, Celestia.” With those words, Candy turned around, ready to be never seen again.

Panic rose once more. “Wait! I was merely angry! I don’t want you to actually leave!”

“Why?” The unicorn in front of her asked, still facing the door.

You really can’t see it?

“Do I need to give a reason?” Celestia tried playing the princess card.

“No, your majesty. You don’t,” Candy admitted to her delight. “The sadistic madmare would still appreciate one, though.”

I didn’t mean it like that…

The princess gave her a look of pity. “Candy, I appreciate you. I really do. It's just…."

“I am a reminder of your failures? A loyal robot not capable of independent thought? Loving you because your monsters shot over their target when torturing me?”

Partly yes.

One more reminder of my constant failures.

“I am bent but not broken. I know what I want. I know who my enemy is. I know who my friend is.

“I know who my love is.”


Finally, the unicorn bothered to face her again. “Haven't you wondered why I killed them all but never went against you? Are you so blinded by your sun that you can't see it?”

They brainwashed you. That’s why.

And that’s what I wanted them to do, after all.

Candys’s face fell. “I have been thorough. Your trust in me was misplaced. I strategically used my position to track those who escaped down one by one. Those who had retired by the time I finally managed to free myself… those who had vacation… those that were Ill… I got them all. Only death was enough to protect my demons from me…."

Y-You… You tricked me? I can’t believe Sneak had been right about you after all!

“Yet I never went against you. Not even when I was finished with all of my demons. Tell me why!“ Candy grabbed a knife.

You are insane!


The knife whirled past her.

Only a quick shield had been able to offset it from its original target.

“Traitor!” Celestia shouted in disbelief.

“When I am done, that image of a mindless slave will be gone!” Candy proclaimed.

“You tried to assassinate me!” She glanced at the knife that was now stuck in the wall.

You don’t even know that I am immortal and not just ageless!

“And I will do it again! I will do it until you see me for who I am!” Candy grabbed another knife.

Yet the constant screaming without enchantments active had made it easy for their conversation to be overheard. Now convinced that their princess was in danger, her guards rushed into the room, ignoring their original order.

Only to immediately collapse once their necks had been snapped with the magic of the princess they had sworn to protect, easily overpowering them.


“Candy! Stop!“ Celestia felt tears creeping up, thanks to the sudden, horrifying turn of events.

“I said you will have to do it yourself!“ Candy shouted, no mercy or regret in her voice.

“A new dawn has come!“

The previously raging mare became motionless. “Your wish is my command.“

Having entered with the guards, Amaya finally dared to rush towards her. “Candy!”

Not far behind were reinforcements.

Quickly Celestia pointed at the filly. “Arrest her for the-“

…Are those tears?

Indeed, Candy seemed still, yet there were tears rolling down her eyes.

Eyes that were squinting at the filly Celestia planned to blame for her actions.

A-Are you still conscious? Y-You shouldn’t be!

It seemed that letting the spell stay dormant for so long had resulted in a loss of its effectiveness.

Celestia was contemplating the situation, unsure what to do. While she did that, her guards were circling around the young bat pony that cowered in front of a still motionless Candy.

“Kill her!“


How could this happen?

Fluttershy had left with Applejack and Rarity, wanting to give Rainbow a bit of time to mourn her loss.

Now she was checking on a giant bug-like pony that had ended up in their near vicinity while the two others were simply staring at the display from a distance.

At least that… creature is alive.

"You can't keep doing this to me, Twi! I was scared! What if one day you don't wake up!“

“Dear Celestia…”


What now?

She turned her attention away from the unknown creature towards Rainbow and a Twilight that seemed very much alive.

“B-But I checked?” she mumbled.

“Maybe you made a mistake? Rainbow did kind of prevent you from doing your job,” Applejack offered.

I suppose…

“When they said alicorns are immortal… what if they really meant immortal?” Rarity contemplated in disbelief. “What if they didn’t mean just ageless?”

…could that really be?

While they were pondering the implications of Twilight being alive, Rainbows screaming continued. "You think I can just move on without you after all of this! Because I certainly don't think I can! Whatever happens, you will be there with me for the rest of my life! One way or another!"


“She didn’t mean that, right?” Applejack asked uncertainly.

"Of course not! She is just in shock! Everypony would be!” Rarity insisted.

But what if she did?

Why am I certain that she did?

"Such as! Back in my supposed home, there is nothing left for me! Nothing! Nothing! Nothing! The few things I had remaining, she has taken away!"

It was more than enough confirmation for Fluttershy. She jumped up, trying to dart towards her suffering friend.

Yet, a strong tuck on her tail prevented her. “You will only make it worse!” Applejack reasoned.

“I have to agree. In times of distress, a pony needs those they hold close to their heart." Rarity made her way in front of her. "For Rainbow, that is obviously Twilight.”

But I am her friend!

“Do you think she will be able to replace you! Replace my parents! Replace the home I will lose! They will bring me to the orphanage! My life will be even more miserable than ever before! I will still be banned from flight camp! What kind of life would that even be! I already hated it before! You know, if you died, your mother would never forgive me anyway, so I suppose it wouldn't even matter!“

“Look, Fluttershy… she obviously didn’t mean-“

“No, it's ok.” Fluttershy slumped down in defeat. “You are right. She needs Twilight, not me.”

Maybe I should just cut my losses...


She returned to check on the unknown creature they had found.

Twilight is your friend! You don’t get jealous of friends!

Rainbow is your friend! You need to support them when they are at their lowest! Not hold it against them!

“If you want to talk about it…” the two fillies offered.

“That’s very kind of you.” She smiled at them. “Thank you. If you don’t mind, I would like to take you up on the offer at a later point."

“Fluttershy dear, might I ask you something?” Rarity seemed to have gotten agitated for some reason.

Did I do something wrong? I-I didn’t offend you, did I!

Stupid! They expected you to say yes!

Or did they want me to turn them down?

“Ummm, sure?” she still hadn’t decided on what it was she did wrong.

"Do you know that thing, or why are you helping it?"


“Well… I figured they needed help, but now I believe they are just unconscious.” Fluttershy responded, taken aback.

“Whoa, Nellie! It could be dangerous!” Applejack interjected.


“I have never seen such a strange animal, you?” Rarity interrupted her.

Well… I don’t know what species they are as well, yet that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t help.

“You think it belongs to Twilight? Like that dragon?” Applejack offered.

“Why are you talking so strange, Fluttershy? Why are you referring to it as they?” The two fillies finally gave her a chance to talk.

“Ummm, if you don’t mind, I think we shouldn’t talk about them like they are an object or a wild animal. For all we know, they could be sentient, like Spike,” Fluttershy cautioned them.

It reminded Rarity of her disastrous first meeting with the princess.

“You are right, Fluttershy. That was unbecoming,” she admitted, embarrassed.

“Furthermore, I believe we should help everycreature, no matter who they are. I wish the world was different, but the fact is, with almost everyone, we will only get kindness by showing it first,” Fluttershy lectured them. “If you don’t show it, they won’t show it either. Also, would you just have left them here to die if they had needed our help? Would you have been willing to kill them after finding out that they were just unconscious? Or would you have waited until they inevitably woke up? What would you have done then? If they were dangerous, wouldn’t it be better to show them that you aren’t? Wouldn’t you want them to see that you mean no harm?

"Who knows, maybe it would be the first step on their path to becoming a better creature if they were indeed malevolent?"

Sometimes that one show of kindness is all that is needed for a creature to better themselves.

“If we all just think about ourselves, we will wake up in a dystopia, that I can promise you,” she finished.

Wait! Did I really just say all that!

“…I must say, I didn’t expect you to get so worked up about this,” Applejack grinned. “That was quite impressive. Maybe you should behave like that more often instead of always being so timid?”


“Applejack is right. This will definitely leave a lasting impression. A good one,” Rarity, too, smiled, still a bit embarrassed for her earlier behaviour.

The ponies back home didn’t like it when I became assertive. Why are you different?

“Umm… I will keep that in mind. Thank you,” she tried moving on before she would be forced to think about this further. “Now, in regard to your original question, if you look at their sexual characteristics and compare them to ours, they seem to have those of a stallion as well as a mare. That’s why I chose not to assume.”

To her surprise, the two fillies in front of her had gotten beat red. "Ok," they just answered while avoiding eye contact.

What was wrong with that? It's not like I stared at them intentionally! I was just checking if there were any injuries!

"Hey, are you ok?" Twilight and Rainbow had made their way towards them with the young dragon on Twilight's back.

We should ask you that.

“Yeah, we are fine. You?” Applejack answered first.

"…We will manage." Came the less-than-convincing answer from Twilight.

Will you, tough?

“What about Isabella?” Rainbow shifted the topic.

So, they are a she?

“What about me?”

“Aaah!” Fluttershy jumped back. “Why does everypony always have to scare me like that!”

The changeling picked herself up.

"Look, about earlier…."

“I could have died.”

“Yes, but-“

“They could have tortured me.”

“I know-“

“My Equestrian family is now cocooned.”

“I didn’t-“

“My cover has been blown.”


“We missed the best chance in centuries to take out Celestia.”


“They are now actively rooting out changelings among their ranks, resulting in our intelligence network being destroyed, while dozens of my brothers and sisters are facing the same loss of their family and cover.”


“All of-“

“If you say one more word, I will cut out your tongue.” Twilight looked at her as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "You want to find out just how essential to your mother you are? If you ask me, she won’t forego an alliance with an alicorn just because I hurt a brat she secretly doesn’t even like.”

What are they talking about? I feel like we are missing a big chunk.

What was clear to her, though, was that Rainbow had done something Isabella was quite mad about, and now Twilight was mad at the changeling for trying to make Rainbow feel bad as a result.

Maybe I should inter-

“How dare you! Mother loves me!” Isabella insisted, yet she didn’t seem really angry at Twilight for some reason. "You are protecting her. I understand.”

"You are right! I am! Nopony gets to talk to her like that! You want to ask the last pony that dared to do so!” She mustered them all, causing them to bow their heads. “That’s right! Know your place!”

Know our place?

“Yes, princess," Rarity muttered, submissive. This time Twilight felt quite pleased with hearing herself referred to as such.

Does it really make you happy to hear that? I didn’t think you were that kind of pony?

What changed?

Smirking, the purple filly returned her attention to Isabella. “You pressured us. That is your fault. You should have considered the possibility of her not being able to handle it.”

“That doesn’t excuse-“

“It does.” The young alicorn didn’t leave any room for discussion. “It does because I said so, understood? You don't get just me. It's either Rainbow and me or none of us."


Magic grabbed Isabella, choking her. "I know what you are thinking right now!" Twilight screamed with a sudden burst of rage, putting a shield around them so that the others couldn’t interfere. Immediately, Spike began biting her. "This needs to be said, Spike! To protect what we have!" To Rainbow's surprise, it worked, and the little dragon stopped his assault. With a victorious smile, Twilight continued. "If I find out you replaced her, I won’t come for you, Chrysalis! You hear me! I will slowly track down your children one by one and torture them to death with the most brutal methods imaginable! None of them will be able to come close to my angel! No mind magic you can muster will prevent me from finding out! None! I don’t care that we worked together! You don’t get to fool me again! I won’t allow it to happen-”

“Let her go!”

Fluttershy stared right at a now motionless alicorn. “I said let her go!”

Why isn’t this working!

Isabella had stopped squirming by now.

“You need to let her go! She is suffocating!”

“Twi… Fluttershy is right,” Rainbow chimed in. “I don’t want her to die.”

Magic disappeared, causing the changeling to fall to the ground, gasping for air.

How could you do this to her? She nearly died…

Did you say they planned to replace Rainbow?

The blue pegasus rushed to a disoriented Twilight, enveloping her and Spike with her wings. “I am here. Twi… I don’t know what you were referring to. Chrysalis didn't trick us... I think? You are letting the future confuse you again. None-“

"It happened! I saw it happen! I felt everything! After your death, she planted a fake you, and in my stupid longing for you, I didn't see through her ruse! I was just happy at the thought that you somehow survived!” Twilight wailed. “They replace ponies! They would have done that to you! Why wouldn't they? It is the perfect way to manipulate me into doing their bidding!" She jerked away from Rainbow. "You have demonstrated that you aren't trustworthy for them, and they certainly don't need you! Tell me I am wrong, you manipulative insect!"

“We won’t do it! We won’t do it!” the barely recovering changeling insisted.

“I believe-“

“Yes! Now she is saying the truth, Applejack!” Twilight interrupted her. “Now that I have given them a glimpse of what would happen if they did! Now that they are afraid of my wrath! Of my power! Because that’s all that matters! Power! Because I can make their dreams come true!” Twilight faced the frightened changeling again. “I can make it true, but I can also destroy it. Don’t forget that. Now, why don’t you tell dear Applejack if you planned to replace Rainbow before I began outlining the reasons why that was a bad idea."

“I assure you we never even thought of doing that!” Isabella began backing away.

“Applejack?” Twilight was awaiting her verdict.


You need to tell her that it was the truth!

But Applejack didn’t, resulting in only one conclusion. “If you think you can take her away from me, then let me be the one to take something away from you first!"

Fire engulfed the purple filly, a massive blast of magic making its way to the running changeling, a green aura appearing around Isabella, yet being quickly extinguished by purple magic.

You only have one shot at this!

“Do you think Chrysalis is more likely to spare Rainbow if you kill her!”

The ball of magic disappeared only seconds away from impact. “I suppose she isn’t.”

She definitely won’t… Whoever she is to her.

Flames, too, disappeared, and the changeling was levitated to Twilight once more. “I trust we won’t have any issues?”

“No issues! No issues!” Only the hivemind was protecting her sanity at this point.

“Good.” The purple alicorn looked pleased with the result, much to Fluttershy's horror.

This isn’t the way to resolve conflict!

“Now, where are we?” Twilight finally took in their surroundings.

“You are the one who brought us here,” Applejack reminded her.

“I did?” The alicorn seemed even more confused.

“So… we are lost?” Rarity sighed, displeased at the revelation. “Why even teleport us away?”

“Princess Celestia wanted to kill you. Twi saved your life,” Rainbow defended the purple filly.

She… wanted to kill us? But why! What did we do!

Before the inevitable protest came, Rainbow followed up. “No, I don’t know why. Believe it or don’t. It doesn’t matter to us. We know what happened. She ordered your death right before our eyes.”

But she is the princess! What will we do now! Nowhere will be safe!

“Seems like siding with her for a small bribe wasn’t worth it, was it?” Rainbow mocked Applejack.

“…” The earth pony stayed quiet.

It's effective, isn't it? No matter how much I, or anypony for that matter, may despise it, after a display like this, Twilight has ensured that you can behave in any way you want…

Nopony will be holding a mirror in front of you. Not when an alicorn has given you a blank check.

“We are near a rock farm. Follow me.” Isabella began leading the way without waiting for a response, quickly increasing the distance between herself and Twilight.

Together they made their way towards it.

Chapter 16 - Elements of Harmony?

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“Dashie… I-I want to go home…." Twilight was shaking in confusion. Everything felt surreal.

There is no home anymore.

“I want to go back to my parents… I want to go back to my brother…." She didn’t even have a chance to contact them while they were in Canterlot.

They are dead.

I know they are dead. We killed them just like we killed mine, and I must tell you they are dead so that you finally stop contemplating going back…

T-This isn’t what you need to hear right now, though. I-I don’t want to see you cry.

“Shh, it’s ok, Twi. I am here for you. Trust me, your parents aren’t mad at you for leaving. They wouldn’t want you to put yourself in danger. Please believe me when I say they are happy knowing you are safe,” Rainbow tried to cheer her up.

“I-I don’t know where we are…

“I don’t know when we are…

“I don’t know who we are…,” Twilight mumbled.

“…Is this real? Are we real? Am I dreaming? Is this your doing, Luna?”

Seeing Twilight like this was introducing Rainbow to a whole new world of pain. The purple filly was behaving like a helpless foal, barely able to keep up with the rest of the group.

At least they won’t hear us, thanks to the distance between us.

“I am real, Twi. This is real. You are not dreaming,” Rainbow assured her.

“I don’t know what’s happening, Dashie… It’s all becoming so mushy.” She could feel Twilight patting her down as if the alicorn was trying to determine if she really was not just an illusion.

This is bad…

This is really, really bad.

“It’s the fake future. It’s trying to become real. You need to let go… and if you forget what has happened as a result, then you forget it. We will be able to succeed without your knowledge. I promise, Twi. I promise.” Yet Rainbow had a feeling that it wouldn’t be that easy.

Whatever it was that has taken over you… it did this.

It brought us together… only to suffer?

“Dashie… Hold me, please,” Twilight begged her.

“I will, Twi… I will.” Rainbow wrapped her wing around her, making sure to envelop Spike as well.

What are we doing to you, Spike? There is no way this won't affect you negatively.

"Our love was never meant to be- "

Not this again.

"So what? We didn't fall in love, and the future sucked," Rainbow quickly shot her down.

"You were- "

"I doubt it. You didn't describe a me that would have been happy." She had tried to avoid thinking too much about it, too much, but it was clear. "Twi… joining the military? I… I simply don't want that, and I fear the events that led to me changing my mind. Future me must have become part of this terrible system… I doubt she could have been happy. I certainly wouldn't be."

Horns and wings.

Both received her attention.

Carefully she caressed the purple wings while she gave Twilight a kiss on her horn.

"Oooh, Dashie," the filly moaned, shivering.

That was a bit weird…

Then again, weird has become the new normal.

"Twi… I hate those in power." The alicorn's face fell. The attention to her horn hadn't been given for the reasons she thought.

"I hated the princess even before I met her for creating this stupid society… this stupid country that made me so unhappy." Rainbow kicked a rock in front of her.

"I hated my teachers for always disparaging me." Another rock was kicked with even more energy.

"I hated the nobility for having it better than me…." This time Twilight looked hurt.

Only now did she realize that Rainbow was talking about her.

She was part of the nobility as well as those in power.

Yet no rock was kicked this time. Instead, Rainbow returned to working on her wings. "I hated them all until a stupid purple filly came and wormed her way into my heart, hiding that she had more power than all of them combined…."

Because you may have tried to deny it, but deep down, you already knew that it was all wrong.

Why else did you hide it?

Twilight's heart was melting, yet the blue filly wasn't finished. "And now I will never be able to hate her.

"Now, she will forever be the only one in power I don't hate.

"I love you, princess." Rainbow gave her another deep kiss on her horn.

"Dashie! I love you, too!" For a moment, Twilight jerked before all her energy left her, causing her to fully lean onto her fillyfriend.

That horn of yours seems to be-

Wait! Are you feeling the same thing with your horn, we feel with our wings!

Embarrassment washed over her.

But only for a moment.

Meh. Who cares? You are happy, and I am happy. That's all that matters.

"You don't need to hate them anymore… all that power is yours to take," Twilight whispered into her ear. "You can crush them with one word."

Y-You… If I was part of the system, then how was our relationship really? Even if I became part of the system… What if I still hated those in power?

You held power…

Did I deceive you?

I need to know more about our initial meeting.

Kicking Twilight into that puddle had suddenly become far more sinister in her mind.

"You know what, Dashie? The more I see, the more I think you are right." There was no doubt that this Rainbow seemed livelier. "You are nothing like her… There are so many things I see differently than future me."

And if I deceived you… what would be the implications? Would you hate me for future me doing so?

After all, you only started to look for me… because of that fake love?

Wouldn't it mean that all this is built on lies?

"Dashie… you are better than her. I don't want you to become her." Twilight spoke as if she knew what Rainbow was thinking. "I love you, not her."

I love you too.

The real you.

Just like you have fallen for the real me.

"Twi… I know you have a lot on your plate, but…" She didn't want to burden her fillyfriend with this. However, she was also afraid of what would happen if they ignored it for too long. "We need to talk about what happened before you teleported us here."

“Right. Did I really bring us here?” Twilight looked around once more. “Are we going to visit Pinkie?”

Who the buck is Pinkie?

“The last thing I remember was trying to convince Celestia to act more in line with the virtues she always propagates…” the alicorn recalled. “They do seem to be the same as the Elements of Harmony now that I think about it. Funny how she knows them yet ignores them… you know, like ordering the death of two bearers."

"Yes, that happened," Rainbow confirmed. "However, suddenly something took over you. It claimed that it did you a favour by giving you these visions. Actually, it referred to itself in the plural form.”

“The elements…” Twilight realized what had happened.

"I assume those were the powerful artefacts we were meant to wield?" Rainbow inquired.

Funny. Now they wield us instead.

“Yes.” Suddenly it all made sense. “So, they brought us here in an attempt to safe us.”

If only it was that simple.

“Twi, they were really unhappy with Princess Celestia. They argued with her… they threatened her-“

“Honestly, that shouldn’t be surprising after what we learned.” Twilight shrugged. “Do they want us to turn against her?”

In a weird way, the princess was right… They are putting us on that path.

“I don’t know. I think they are still hoping that she realizes the error of her ways.” Although she severely doubted it would happen. “Twi… they also claimed that in the future she introduced you to dark magic, which would have killed you slowly from the inside… and she herself is already under its influ-“

“So that’s how it is, huh? Our benevolent princess is secretly breaking every single one of her own rules! I can’t believe she would knowingly ignore the dangers of dark magic! I can’t believe she would expose me to it! What a massive b-“

They are still affecting you. It’s not like you to talk about the princess like that.

“Calm down, Twi," Rainbow interrupted, not wanting to get the attention of the other fillies. “At least now we know what we are up against and what to look out for. Wasn’t dark magic part of your vision?”

"Maybe… Dark magic, in its beginning stages, affects you without you realizing it. And when you do realize it's already too late. That's part of why it is so dangerous… maybe it did affect me. Sometimes my decisions seemed weird." It was the last straw. Any illusions, as well as any goodwill she had left for Celestia, were gone.

Hearing that she was playing with dark magic like that, infecting her with it, was just too much.

Oh, Twi… You really believed in her…

If only you had been right… maybe, then we could lie together in the grass instead of walking around in this wasteland.

“Twi… what scares me is that they threatened you as well.” Rainbow received a look of bewilderment.

“T-They… But why! I am a bearer! They should-”

“They said that if you fall, they will find other ones… and that they would then restore harmony without you, just like they would without Celestia.” She had avoided saying it out loud, but it was clear what the elements had meant.

They will kill you.

“I understand… it would be better that way-”


“How did the elements react to you turning evil?” The blue filly had wanted to scream yet managed not to do so at the last moment.

“I don’t know. I can’t remember them doing anything at all about it.” But that didn’t seem like something the elements would do. “Maybe they did, and I just can't recall it right now?"

Rainbow wasn’t convinced. "Twi, what if the elements are our enemy?"

Just like everypony, apparently.

“I doubt it. You said that they would only act if I do indeed turn evil,” Twilight pushed back. She may not have been able to remember much. However, from what she did remember, the elements didn't seem like a malevolent force.

Can you even go against them? They are in your brain.

What if we are playing right into their cards?

Would that mean that they engineered our love for their benefit?

“A force that will put us down if we step out of line. Sounds like an enemy to me,” Rainbow argued.

Like I care if you fall. Like I wouldn’t jump after you.

“Dashie… they will put me down, not us… and yes, if you put it that way, then it does sound bad,” the purple alicorn admitted.

If they kill you, they will kill us all.


“Dashie, we are lucky that I think our goals align with the elements-”

“But what if you fall! What then!" It was a scenario they couldn’t rule out, no matter how much she wanted to.

“Would you even want me-”

“Yes!” Rainbow replied instantly.

To her infuriation, Twilight seemed surprised. “… you sure? I wouldn’t want you to suffer with-”

“If you turn evil, I will follow! Better evil together than good alone!”

Together forever…

That’s what love is about, Twi…

“But you could try to-”

“I don’t want to fight you! No version of you for any reason! Don’t pretend like you would behave any different!” She felt weak for admitting it, especially since Twilight apparently believed she would be stronger. Yet that was simply the way such a scenario would play out. She had no doubt about it.

“Dashie… I will always be there for you… I will do what you want… but if you fall, I will try to catch you.”

I get it. You are stronger than I am.

I am just… me.

Why do you even love me? A pony so weak…

“Do you… want me to go against the elements?” The young alicorn asked.

“No! I want you to do what’s best for you!” If only they knew what that was.

But they didn’t. “I… will have to think about it.”

“Please do, Twi. Please do.”


"I would like to apologize for Twilight's behaviour. She isn't usually like this."

“There is nothing to apologize for. Everything she said was the truth.

“Despite, I was the one who started the fight, unable to control my emotions, ignoring the help of the hivemind… waking up, finally facing everything that happened thanks to her was just too much.” In a few hours, she had lost everything.

The question was, who was to blame?

“So, you really wanted to replace Rainbow?” Fluttershy tried her best not to judge the troubled mare.

“What I wanted doesn’t matter. We were going to do it,” Isabella argued.

Of course, it matters what you want!

She could sense Fluttershy’s dissatisfaction with her answer. “If you need to know, I was against it. What she has done is unforgivable, but so would have been replacing her.”

“See! There is no reason to take the blame then!” the yellow pegasus tried to convince her.

“You wouldn’t understand it…."

Isabella was right. She didn’t. “Why even consider replacing Rainbow?”

What could she have done to deserve being murdered?

“She was a threat to us. She sabotaged our plans. She is manipulating Twilight against us, even if she isn’t doing it with the purpose of hurting us, but to protect her.” Love. Ponies who felt it always were complicated.

Despite sensing emotions, they always had trouble reading those feeling the most valuable one.


“I don’t want to talk about it anymore, ok? What’s done is done.” And nothing could ever enable them to take it back.

But you can try to make up for it.

Normally she would have honoured the request, yet she needed to know more. “If you don't mind me asking, are you angry at Twilight?”

It wouldn’t be surprising after what she did to you.

“No. Twilight was and still is willing to fight for us. Like I said, it's us who are in the wrong, and we are lucky that she is still willing to stay by our side, regardless.” What a stupid plan it turned out to be, yet they were the hive. They always stood by their decisions as one.

Or did they?

It was time to stop cornering the poor mare about these things that were clearly causing pain for her. “Umm. This might sound weird, but may I ask… What species do you belong to? Or who you are, for that matter? You are female, right? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to!”

Maybe I should have asked these things first?

“You don’t care?” came the unexpected response.

“Excuse me?” Fluttershy didn’t understand what she meant by that.

“You don’t care that I look like a bug?” Isabella clarified.

“No? Why?” Instinctively she glanced over to Applejack and Rarity.

Scratch that. I know why you are asking.

“Twilight and Rainbow did when they first saw us," the changeling stated matter-of-factly.

Oh, Rainbow… You were always such a hothead. I hope you didn't hurt her.

“I am sure they were just surprised.” Fluttershy tried to play down whatever had transpired.

“They were. We are not holding it against them. But why aren’t you surprised? Your two friends over there are clearly holding apprehension for me. I can taste it.” She didn’t need to look to see who Isabella was pointing at.

“Well… I just don’t care? Why should it matter?” she reasoned.

“It… I guess it shouldn’t… I need to be alone for a moment. I need to think.” Once again, without waiting for an answer, the changeling sped up even more, increasing the distance between them.


“What are we going to do now?”

“We will do what the princess tells us to do,” Rarity mumbled.

As if. I am not a slave.

“Which one?” Applejack asked.

It was a good question. One Rarity didn’t have a definitive answer to. “I… the one that has the upper hoof at the time?”

“Which one is that right now?” To that, the earth pony already knew the response. There was only one princess breathing down their necks at the moment.

“Twilight,” Rarity answered dejectedly.

She is exactly like I imagined a princess to be.

Absolutely arrogant and obnoxious

“You think Celestia wants us dead?” Compared to the purple filly, the older alicorn looked kind of nice.

But now it seems even she didn’t stick to her promise... without me and no support from her, we won't keep the farm anyway, so what would be the point in playing nice with her daughter?

“I… it’s possible. Do you remember how the guards looked at us?” Rarity recalled their weird expressions before Twilight teleported them away.

They did seem pained.

“Maybe they wanted to separate us, killing us one by one?” The white unicorn suggested.

“Let’s assume Celestia wants us dead. You think Twilight is any different?” To Applejack, it was the biggest thing they had to worry about right now.

“Applejack… we must listen to her. We-“

“Why? Because she will buck us up if we don’t?” The display of the young alicorn was still fresh in their mind.

“Partly, yes,” Rarity admitted. “The other reason is that only a princess can protect us from another princess.”

That is true, I guess.

"Also, consider that it is our duty-"

Applejack didn't need to hear again what she had already been told hundreds of times. “So, we will just go with her and see what happens?” Anger rose up within her. Anger at being forced to do something she didn’t want to do.

Her new acquaintance just nodded. “That would be best.”

You are nice, but in the end, you are just a unicorn.

And if there was one thing she knew, it was that unicorns weren't their friends.

Or were they?

Trying to determine the answer, she phrased her next question as carefully as she could. “Do we… actually support her in whatever she wants?”

“We should.” Rarity hummed.

What kind of response is that!

“We should or we will?” Applejack pressed on, a bit less careful than before.

This time her implications weren’t lost to the white filly. “Applejack... we must! And I certainly will!”

I won't.


"So… did anyone else enter besides Dandelion?”

"Nope. It's just us three." Sprint replied. His eyes wandered towards the empty street. “You know… why don’t you just go home, Scribbling? There is no point in you two working alone. Should anyone else come, I will inform them that you are closed today.”

“That’s very kind of you, but it's ok. Somepony should be here if something comes up… I fear how many foals will need our help soon.” Up until now, they hadn't received a single request for help from the guard.

Which means we will receive them all at once.

“We can’t let them down.” Yet he felt like they already did. “Why are you here, though? I mean… it's nice that you came, but it's not like we need security. Nothing against you. However, I never understood why they assigned you here.”

“I need to be here,” Sprint insisted. “They fear that government buildings might become targets of subversive individuals. If I didn’t come, they would have me brought before a military court. Not to mention that you might be at risk.”

“It’s that bad?” He could barely believe the implications his friend had made.

Surely nopony would let their anger out on us of all agencies!

“You have no idea.” Sprint clutched his weapons as tightly as he could.

They always shielded us from these kinds of things… and now they are happening right before our eyes…

Will things ever return to normal?

“Hey… could you lock up and come with me for a moment? I think we should check up on-“

“Summer! Why! Just why would you do it! Why didn’t you trust me! Tell me why, Summer!”


The pained screams caused them to rush towards her.

As a trained soldier, Sprint reached the office first. Yet the moment the earth pony entered, he was catapulted out of the room thanks to the mare that had jumped him.

Dear Celestia!

“Dandelion, what are you doing! You can’t attack a-“

“You have taken her away from me! You did it again! I won’t allow it to happen a third time!” She tried punching Sprint while also trying to wrangle his weapon out of his holster. A futile attempt that only wasn’t thwarted immediately since Sprint didn’t want to hurt her.

That was as long as she didn’t get his weapon.

If she accomplished that, one of them wouldn’t be able to go home today.

You will get yourself killed!

Scribbling kicked her off his friend before Sprint would be forced to do something he was bound to regret.

“We can’t let them get away with this! We need to stop this madness! Playing by her rules won’t protect us! It will only delay the inevitable!” She had picked herself up in record time, ready to charge again. "He is on her side! Today, he came for them! Tomorrow he will come for us!"

…That's right. For all I know, he was part of-

“You think I wanted this to happen! Do you have any idea what would have happened to me if I refused! I didn’t sign up with the intention of killing unarmed civilians! I can still see their faces!” He halted for a moment. “…I don’t think I will ever forget them.”

No! No! No! What are we doing!

“Have you lost your minds! You can't say these things!” Scribbling looked up and down the hallways, checking if they were still alone. “They will come for us as well,” he added as quietly as he could.

“Dandelion… I am not your enemy. Nopony has seen what happened here. Don’t force me to do something neither of us want.” Sprint slowly closed the distance between them.

I have seen what happened…

And protocol stated that he would have to inform his superiors about this.

I would have… Until yesterday I would have…

Until yesterday I didn't think that reporting you would have been your death sentence.

Scribbling, too, approached her.

“After they took Acacia, I quickly learned to be careful,” Dandelion wept. “I never figured out what they did to her! I tried and tried, yet everything was a dead end!” In fact, she had never stopped trying. It was one of the main reasons she joined the EFPS. Hope that since Acacia had been taken out of one of their orphanages, they would have records of what happened to her.

Yet they didn’t.

You! It was you that made those inquiries! You send the ESS on our tails! They were looking for you!

“I even tried signing up for the ESS and EBI, yet they wouldn't accept me, as did all other security agencies! So…, I ended up here.” Scribbling was having trouble piecing the story together while Sprint motioned for the mare to stop self-incriminating.

If you tried looking for her before, they must have known your real intentions… but then why didn't they take you, making this big investigation instead?

However, Dandelion wouldn't stop. After all those years, she could no longer keep it all to herself. The burden was just too big, and there was no other pony anymore that would have been able to help. "I just didn’t want it to happen again! It took me so long to find another pony that I could open up to like I could open up to her! We were young, but we were destined to be best friends for life!"

I… never thought that you had it that bad…

You always walked around with a smile, not showing any signs of the pain you must have been feeling.

Since she didn’t pick up on his motions, Sprint tried to speak up. “I must strongly recommend-“

“But it was all for nought! My attempts to protect us only resulted in her mistrusting me! Why else wouldn’t she have told me about starting a fight with the ESS!” That was the worst part. Knowing that Sumer didn’t trust her. That she didn’t ask for her opinion. That she didn’t ask for her help.

Now the ESS had received her complaint, and they had acted on it.

She did what! Did she have a death wish!

“Maybe she wanted to tell you but wasn’t able to in time?” Sprint suggested.

“No… I messed up. I destroyed everything for nothing." The story was finished. The only thing left for her to do was to cry her eyes out, hoping that somehow it would fix what couldn't be fixed. "At l-least, she d-died happy doing what she l-loved most,” she managed to choke out between sobs. “I-If o-only I could h-have been that s-strong as well.”

The three ponies remained in the hallway for what felt like an eternity, two of them unsure how they would continue from here.

One of them, however, did know.

Like she had told them, a pony she had considered to be a lifelong friend had been taken away from her again.

There would be no third time.

This time there would be revenge.


A golden shield had protected the young bat pony from the barrage of spells that had been hurled at her.

“You are not to use lethal force without my authorization! Don't you know what arrest means! Get out, you morons!” Magic hurled her guards out of her throne room. “We will talk about this!”

You saved her…

You didn’t have me kill her…

I knew you had a heart, no matter what they always muttered behind your back.

“What have you done to her!” Amaya glared at Celestia.

Don’t do something stupid!

Don’t be like me!

“Watch your mouth! She just killed five of my guards! They probably had family, you know!”

Amaya shrunk back.

“What's your name! What are you doing here! Now, wait, don't answer! Candy!” Princess Celestia glared at the unicorn.

“Her name is Amaya. I brought her here for… intelligence gathering.” She tried to fight the spell controlling her.

Yet, Celestia had noticed the pause.

“Don’t hide information from me!” she demanded.


The princess felt a new wave of rage. The once so loyal Candy was now resisting her even under the influence of strong mind magic. “Tell me all the reasons why-”

Before she could finish the order, Candy answered. “Because I wanted to. Originally it was only for intelligence and pity. Then I found out she was treated like I was. I didn't want to stand for it. So, I planned to make sure to give her the treatment she deserves.

“And just like I did with my demons, I planned to kill all of hers.”

Had Candy always been like this? Celestia wondered why she never noticed if that was the case.

Now she could only hope that the spell was still strong enough to at least ensure that the unicorn was answering truthfully.

“I see… Amaya isn’t ours to keep, though,” she contemplated.

Though, the moments the words had left her mouth, Candy’s breathing became heavier, with her body beginning to twitch. “Stop fighting it. All you will accomplish is me applying an even stronger spell. That is if I don’t decide to finish you off right here.”

You had so many chances. You simply aren't going to make good on those words.

"Candy!” Celestia screamed. “Her life will depend on your actions from now on.”

The unicorn didn't stop twitching.

Magic enveloped the young bat pony, making it impossible for the filly to protest. “Any last word for Amaya?”

You wouldn’t!

At least she finally had permission to speak again. "Who cares! If you send her back, it will have the same result!”

You know I am right!

The filly was released once more. "Amaya, please leave!”

“My Princess-”

“I am not your Princess!” In one swift motion, the bat pony was thrown out of a window.

…Y-You shouldn’t have done that! Why throw her out the window!

The unicorn had stopped twitching. Staring at her with a neutral expression.

Yet Celestia could sense the horror she felt.

“Candy… this is your last chance.” Carefully the princess approached her, beginning to remove the spell that was controlling her. "I will take this spell off you, and if you attack again… then your story will end here.”

Celestia would be forced to face reality.

She had no other choice.

She needed to protect everypony. That included her guards.

Silently she prayed that it wouldn’t come to it.

“My story should have ended a long time ago," Candy said with a cocky grin.

I didn’t mean to say that out loud!

“You are right. All of them died, except for you. Only you managed to see the end of the experiment,” Celestia agreed.

…So much death… so much misery…

So many chose the easy way out…

Candy was in control again. “Celestia… All I wanted was a fair chance… why did you do this to me? I know you are kind. Why hurt me so much?”

“You don’t know me, Candy. Only the fake image they created-”

“So, you didn’t read me books when you came to oversee my progress?” the unicorn reminded her.

“I did,” the princess conceded.

“The others only lasted a few months. Instead of recruiting new ones, you wanted them to perfect their methods on me first.” Candy wandered around, checking if there were any remains of the spell on her. “That’s what they did from then on. They studied me, trying to find the best methods to create the perfect loyal soldier.”

“Correct.” Celestia tried to figure out where she was going with this.

“At first, you only visited rarely, but every time you did, you took time for me. You listened to me, you took the time to teach me a few things yourself, sparred with me, and you always read me a bedtime story.” Those visits had made it all worth it.

“Tyrants are ponies, too,” Celestia shrugged.

T-Tyrant? You aren't a tyrant!

“Each time, your visits got longer, and the time between them got shorter. You-”

“I know. I practically raised you. Yet another issue as to why-”

“You are an immortal being. You raised all of us. You saw all of us grow up,” Candy argued.

An argument that fell on deaf ears. “Not like that, though.” The princess hesitated for a second. “Candy… If I mean anything to you, you will never tell Twilight about me raising you, ok?”

Because she means more to you…

“If that’s what you want…," she managed to force herself to say.

“Look… Candy, you have to realize that I never even insinuated the possibility of a relationship between-”

Instantly her fury was back. “But I did! Again and again! How could you not see it, you blind cow!”

Why do you continue to do this to me!

“I am sure they wrote reports stating that!” she followed up.

“Bold of you to assume I read them,” Celestia admitted.

“What do you mean you didn’t read them!” Never could she have imagined that the princess was not reading them.

“Do you know how much paperwork I receive every day that I am supposed to go through in addition to all my other duties? I don’t have time for all of it. Priorities have to be set, and what doesn't have priority will collect dust until it is inevitably moved to the archives.” The days had been long gone when her government had to fear actual oversight from her directly.

You really are just a pony like me…

“I didn’t have priority…" Candy mumbled, deeply hurt.

“You did.” Celestia corrected her. “The reports about you didn’t. I didn’t care for their newest experiments on you.”

“What? You wouldn’t have been able to eat your cake if you heard about them?” The unicorn was still processing the revelation.

“You know what? Yes. I wouldn’t have been able to do that.” Princess Celestia walked back onto her throne. “Candy, let's have an honest conversation, ok? Not between princess and subject, but between you and me.” The unicorn was levitated on her lap. “Since when have I known you? Since when have you known me?”


You didn’t do that for so long…

I missed this. I missed feeling you… the attention you gave me…

Attention towards me and not towards the head of the EBI.

“I will never forget the day! They got me out of the orphanage! I was so scared and only got more frightened when they brought me into this weird facility! Then I saw you! You-”

“Six, Candy. The answer is six.” Celestia looked exasperated. “Don’t you see any issues with that?”

I understand what you are getting at, but you are creating problems where there are none.

The princess continued to reason with her. “Candy, I was actively involved in your upbringing. I personally oversaw your training. When I visited, I treated your injuries. I read books to you. We chatted…

“If anything, you should view me as a mother figure.”

You are not my mother.

Candy’s look hardened. “You were the only pony there to show me kindness. You taught me anything I know. Anything I have today, I have thanks to you. Every second I spend with you is a second I enjoy. I love you, Celestia. I yearn for us to go back to the old days. Yes, they were torture, but the torture was worth it since I got to see the real you in return.”

There was a hole in reasoning, though. “Are we glancing over the fact that I ordered them to torture you?”

We are. Everypony makes mistakes.

Mistakes you deeply regret.

“I was jealous. I, too, wanted to have subjects that were as dedicated to me as the bat ponies are to Nightmare Moon. What she did to them is way more effective than the system of nobility I stuck to. That was my pitiful reasoning for doing this to you.” How she hated herself for thinking that it was a good idea.

“We love you!” Candy insisted. “You have created a land of dreams for us! You made me the happiest pony on the planet!”

“Do you really, though? The ponies out there… the normal ponies, what do they think of me?” Instinctively she hugged Candy as tightly as she could.

Up until now, she had always been content with receiving the official surveys.

The prospect of them not being true was a fear she had always avoided facing.

They are stupid.

“They love you!” The unicorn in her wings was trying to convince her.

“All of them?" For a moment, hope filled the princess.

“Almost all of them!" And just like that, it was gone again. The truth was becoming apparent.

“What percentage are we talking about? What percentage of the population do you think approves of me? Genuinely approves of me. Pretending does not count, just as just going along doesn’t count or being indifferent.” This time Candy was forced to answer truthfully.

You don’t want me to answer that.

But Candy didn't want to crush her. So she didn't answer at all. "Since when have numbers been important!”

The words were damming. “Am I a monster, Candy?”

What has happened? First, you called yourself a tyrant, and now you're calling yourself a monster.

“Celestia… we owe everything to you! We-”

“Your name isn’t even Candy…."

Why would you say that… I love that name...

“It is! You gave it to me! You are here for me, unlike my parents! The name you gave me will forever be more valuable than my old one!” Nopony had the right to take that name away from her. Not even the one that gave it to her.

Sad and tired eyes stared at her. “Who gets to name a pony, Candy?”

You trapped me.

“A princess does!” she said with her most compelling voice, trying to convince not only Celestia but also herself.

“Really?” Celestia glared at her.

I won't take it back.

“Naming me doesn’t make you my mother!” Once again, their conversation had circled back to that point.

A point Candy quickly grew to despise.

“You taught me! Like a teacher! Ponies can fall in love with their teachers, even if it is a bit weird! I am grown up now! Nothing is stopping us! We-”

Celestia had stopped listening. “Why was I more like a mother to you than I was to my actual daughter…

“How did all of this happen…

“When did I lose control…

“I mean, that's what's going on here, right? Somehow your love got twisted because all you should really feel for me is the love one feels for their princess…." Candy didn't think it was possible, but Celestia tightened her hug again, almost threatening to crush her.

And yet you hug me like one would hug the love of their life…

And yet you are trusting me with your own magic…

And yet you are here telling me your fears…

They stayed like this for hours.

For them, however, it only felt like a brief moment.


With armour, I wouldn't be covered in cuts and bruises right now.

Amaya was looking up towards the windows she had been thrown out of.

A throw that only didn't result in serious injuries thanks to her wings.

No matter how much I despise it, flying up there again probably wouldn’t accomplish anything…

Please be ok, Candy.

“Are you all right?” a gardener asked her. “This is the first time anypony has been thrown out of there… you aren’t a criminal, are you?”

“Did I hit a nerve, terrorist?”

I probably am.

“No… But I think I angered the princess,” she admitted.

The guards that had rushed over gave her a death glare.

Ok! How about you are a bit more careful with that mouth of yours! Candy won’t be able to get you out of this one!

“You will show me and my charge the respect we deserve, or I will make you show it!”

“But the princess is probably regretting it by now. After all, I am the charge of Candy." Amaya hoped it would do the trick.

“Hmmm. That’s weird. It isn’t like Princess Celestia to go against Director Candy." The guards obviously didn't believe her, but the mere possibility was enough for them not to outright attack her. "It's best if you come with us until we have determined the situation."

It’s not like I have another choice.

Without putting up a fight, she followed them.


Twilight had asked Rainbow to stay behind with Spike.

“Twi, what if the elements are our enemy?"

They weren’t, but the bearers were.

They were my enemies… just like you were, Dashie.

A future she needed to prevent from happening.

And now we are lovers…

Now you won’t turn against me…

The only thing that remains is ensuring they won’t as well.

Finally, she had caught up with Fluttershy.

“Twilight… How are you feeling?” The yellow pegasus eyed her with an unreadable expression.

It's too early… we don't know each other enough…

But I can’t wait with this. I need to know they are on my side this time.

“Not good. Not good at all.” She needed to convince Fluttershy to side with her, yet she had just performed a bunch of stunts that would make such a scenario unlikely.

"Do you want us to take a break?" the yellow filly suggested.

I want you.

Your undying loyalty.

…Sweet Celestia, I really am thinking like a supervillain.

But in her mind, it was justified. After all, her life was at risk, but more importantly, Rainbow's and Spike's were as well. “Fluttershy… I didn’t mean to do all that. I… this wasn’t me! This wasn’t who I want to be!”

“Twilight… I am not the pony you need to apologize to. You-“

“I know! And I will talk to her after I have talked to you! But right now, you are more important!” Twilight insisted.

“Umm, ok?” The yellow filly had no idea what was happening.

“Fluttershy… All of this happened because I had a vision of the future," Twilight revealed. "You can't tell anypony about this, ok?”

“Oh my… I won’t! I promise!” Suddenly a few things she hadn’t understood became clear.

Yet a bunch of questions remained unanswered.


We are moving in the right direction.

“As you can imagine, it led to me seeking out Rainbow, something I am eternally grateful for. However, the downside is that sometimes I have these flashbacks that lead to me behaving like my future self. I… I don't want that to happen… I don't want that future to become real… It was terrible, Fluttershy! I need your help!” she pleaded.

Everything I said is real… why does it feel like I am tricking you?

“I-I will help! I didn’t know that this is why-“

“Fluttershy! You don’t understand! I became a tyrant! We were supposed to wield powerful artefacts together to protect this planet, yet we turned against each other, ruining it all!” Twilight wailed.

Ok… that wasn’t entirely true, but I don’t want to scare you away.

“We… turned against each other?” The yellow filly could barely believe she would do such a thing.

"Yes. But this time, we won't!" the young alicorn insisted. "This time, we will stick together till the end! This time we will make sure things don’t go south!” Twilight halted for a moment. “Can I count on your help, Fluttershy?”

“Of course!” Fluttershy replied immediately.

You didn’t mean it yet, but the idea is planted.

"Thanks… you are a good friend Flutters." Twilight hugged her. "I know, Dashie, and I have not treated you like you deserved, but that doesn't mean that you aren’t important to us.”

That was low.

Fluttershy hugged her back. “I-I forgive you. I know this must be hard for you. I know how much Rainbow is hurting.

“I am grateful for you being my friend.”

You shouldn’t be.

Not when I am a devil in disguise.

Twilight wasn’t finished. “Fluttershy… you were the one who set Rainbow on the right path… We owe everything to you.

“You are the best friend one can wish for you. To both of us.” The words had made the yellow filly unbelievably happy.

Just as she had intended.

“Fluttershy… Celestia is after you… if she catches you, I don't know what she will do to you." If she failed this part, it wouldn't be too bad.

By now, Twilight was convinced that it was only a matter of time until she had Fluttershy fully behind her.

Remember Twilight. You may not have good intentions right now, but that doesn’t mean that she isn’t your friend…

It doesn’t mean that you don’t want her to be happy.

“This isn’t your fault-“

“That’s debatable. What matters, though, is that you must make a choice now.” She let go of Fluttershy. “You can either try to navigate through this without me and Rainbow, or you can try to help us on our quest to solve these mysteries.

“However, if you go with us, we expect you to have our back no matter what, just like we would have your back.” As expected, the yellow pegasus seemed taken aback. “No matter what others may tell you, you need to stay strong. We have many enemies that would want to try and twist you against us. Whatever happens, you can’t fall for their tricks.”

“I understand.” Fluttershy nodded. “I won’t allow that to happen.”

That’s admirable but not enough.

"There is another issue… to protect the future, we might have to do things you won’t agree with. Naturally, we will talk about all of our plans with you. However, if we decide to move forward with one you disagree with, you will have to live with that. Not participate but accept it.” Twilight was pushing it, yet she needed to get assurances that Fluttershy wouldn’t be likely to turn against them if they fell.

What you say today won't matter if it comes to it, but it is the first step.

From this point on, I will have to slowly get you used to us until you will never be willing to go against us.

“Ummm… I mean… I trust that you wouldn’t make these decisions lightly.” Fluttershys brain was running overtime, trying to come up with the correct answer. “I trust you, Twilight, and I trust Rainbow. You said that the future depends on us and that you need me.

“I won’t let you down, Twilight.” She had made her decision.

I know…

This time you won’t.

Twilight threw herself around Fluttershy’s neck. “You have no idea how happy I am to hear that. Together we will make this world a better place for everypony. I promise.”

“You don’t have to thank me, Twilight. I am only doing what everypony would do,” an embarrassed Fluttershy told her, gently removing Twilight.

That’s not true. Not everypony would be willing to do this.

Maybe you wouldn’t as well if you knew all the facts.

“Fluttershy… there is one other thing…." She knew that the yellow filly was about to protest, but it was yet another thing she needed to take care of immediately. “Please don’t use the stare on me again, ok?”

“But you-“

“I know. I was doing something stupid, but… don't use it again, ok? I-“

“Are you afraid of me?” Fluttershy looked hurt.

“Yes,” Twilight admitted. “And I don't want to be. I don't want to see you as a threat, yet the stare… by all accounts and purposes, it is a danger to me, should you want to harm me.”


“You don't want to do that. Not right now. However, one day you might. Or you might do so by accident. Heck, maybe somepony else tricks you into using it against me. Can you promise me not to use it on me, Rainbow and Spike from now on?” she pressed on.

But Fluttershy wasn’t ready to commit to it yet.

“Fluttershy… I need you to promise me that. If not… then my future self might see you as a threat and hurt you…." Twilight let tears roll down from her eyes. "I don't want that to happen! I don't want to lose you to her!”

Finally, Fluttershy broke. “I-I-I promise.”

I already know that you will regret that…

You are simply too kind.

“You are the best friend one could ask for, Fluttershy.” She wiped away her fake tears. “I know this must have been hard for you… And I appreciate it. I really do.” She assured the yellow filly once more. “This time, I will make sure you end up on the winning team.”

“…Winning team?”

But Twilight was already on her way back to Rainbow.


“What was that about, Twi?”

It almost looked like you were confessing that you loved her.

“Nothing, Dashie.” Twilight tried to play down the events that had transpired. “You were the one who alerted me to the possibility of the elements being our enemies. The logical conclusion is that we must try to control as many bearers as possible, starting with the easiest ones.”

Y-You are trying to control Fluttershy?

“But, Twi! They could simply choose new ones,” Rainbow reminded her.

“Well… I can’t prevent them from doing so. I can only control known variables,” Twilight pondered. “And we can’t kill them, or we would make the same mistake Celestia made.”

You sound so… evil.

“Twi… Fluttershy is not something to be controlled. We can’t take advantage of her.” Rainbow felt the urge to slap her again.

"I know… I only want to ensure that she won't turn against us. Nothing more, nothing less." Her fillyfriend wasn’t happy. Twilight could tell that.

…I was the one who put you up to this.

I scared you, and now you are acting on these fears.

"Next time, talk to me first. Ok, Twi?" Rainbow almost demanded. “You knew that this was wrong, didn’t you? That is why you didn’t ask, isn’t it?”

“…Am I that easy to read?” Twilight shook her head.

It wasn’t rocket science.


“I was afraid… which is why I wanted to at least take one threat off the table as soon as possible…."

I am losing you…

I am losing you to her.

Twilight hung her head low. “I promise I will talk to you first, next time.”

We are already assuming that there will be a next time…

“I will leave you.”

“…” Twilights had frozen in shock.

“Remember who I love.

“Not Princess Twilight.

“Not future Twilight.

“I love Twilight.

“Are you still Twilight?” Rainbow looked her in the eyes.

I have no other lever to pull…

No other leaver but this bluff.

“I see… that wasn't something Twilight would have done, wasn't it?" the alicorn began moving again, returning to shaking her head in disappointment.

Disappointment in herself.

It isn’t…

Is it?

Do I really know you after such a short amount of time?

“Dashie… I swear I will get my head in order again… maybe I just need to sleep about it… sleep a bit to clear it from these nasty memories.” They could only hope it would fix things.


After how confused you were, that might indeed be the best thing to do.

“Get on my back.”


“I will carry both of you.” It sounded like an order. “Just try to find some room there, next to Spike.”


“We are ponies. We are built to carry things.” The blue filly was getting agitated. “I will force you, Twi,” she threatened.

Hopefully, I will actually be able to carry you all the way. Here on the ground, my magic won’t help.

And slowly hovering above it wouldn’t make much of a difference either.

“You are too good for me, my angel." She received a big kiss on her cheek before Twilight lay down on her back.

No matter how hard it will be… just for that, it will have been worth it.

The alicorn used a bit of magic to secure herself as well as Spike, carefully wrapping her hooves around him.

Pained, Rainbow began walking again.

I… can… do… this…

Yet the distance between herself and the other only grew.

Who cares! We are only going straight anyway.

Sweat began purring down.

They didn’t have anything to drink.

I will fail.

That realization was like a punch in her stomach.

And to her dismay, Twilight was already sleeping.

Honestly… I didn’t think my back was this comfortable.

Now she would have to wake her up again and admit her failure.

Only I don’t want to wake you up.

“Rainbow Mommy.” Spike seemed in distress.

Let’s be real… its only Rainbow.

Panting, she continued walking forward at a snail's pace.

A purple glow engulfed her.

“Rainbow Mommy help?” As if his work had been done, the little dragon gently cuddles against her again.

It was as if a stone had been taken off her back. Suddenly walking wasn't an issue anymore.

"Thank you, Spike…." Rainbow didn't really know what to say. She definitely hadn't expected him to help. She didn't even know it was possible.

Maybe it’s not too late to repent.

Maybe I am once again overthinking everything, interpreting too much into actions that didn't mean anything.

And maybe I can still truly become your Rainbow Mommy.

Hurriedly she tried to catch up with the rest of the group.

Chapter 17 - Seeking Happiness

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"…have you heard about Rainbow?"

“Have they found her?“

“Her parents are dead.”


"Do you think that's a coincidence? First, Rainbow disappears. Then her parents get hospitalised at the same time Fluttershy is requested for some sort of investigation about her disappearance, and now they are dead?"

“Poor Rainbow. Nopony should lose their parents at such a young age. We should try to help her once she is rescued.” He had hoped that they wouldn’t be forced to attend any funerals, yet fate always was cruel. “I know this is an awful lot at once, yet I fail to see the connection.”

“This is our daughter we are talking about! We don’t even know where she is right now!”

“She is safe, honey. They will return her as soon as they are done...” He looked out of windows where their son was playing with a few of his friends.

“As long as we play by the rules, we will be fine.”


She is planning something.

“Have you seen what those two have been doing? And then how Twilight went and talked with Fluttershy?”

“I did.”

Doesn’t that bother you at all?

She shouldn’t continue this line of conversation. Speaking about these things was quickly destroying the small bond they had built. “What do you think they talked about?”

“Rainbow and Twilight?” They glanced back at the blue pegasus that was enthusiastically carrying her fillyfriend.

How can you be this happy about carrying a pony through this wasteland?

It’s a wonder you haven’t collapsed yet.

“They are lovers. What do you think they did?” Rarity seemed a bit irritated.

This wasn’t the part I meant…

“Look. I am not deaf. I am sure the entirety of Equestria could hear our new princess declaring her love for the blue rat." Rarity was playing dumb on purpose, and Applejack didn't like it one bit. "You know exactly what I meant."

What are you afraid of?

“I have no idea.” The white unicorn insisted. “She is our princess. If she wants us to know, she will tell us.”

She obviously doesn’t want us to know.

Why else did she only talk to Fluttershy?

"Applejack… You don't like her, but right now, you are being unfair to her. She isn’t some sort of supervillain-“

“Have you already forgotten her display! She-“

“I think you are the only one that has forgotten it!” Rarity snapped back. “Just leave her be!”

“Just leave her be!”

I can’t.

Not as long as she and her mother are standing between me and my family.


She called me Flutters….

It has been so long since anypony called me that.

In fact, only one pony had ever called her that.

Back then… the short time when things between us went well.

Back before, they destroyed our happiness for nothing.

There it was again.


Only this time, she really felt it.

If I had been an alicorn, I would have been able to secure our happiness as well!

They wouldn’t even have dared to hurt us!

And if they did-

“It’s not good to feel like this.”

“I know.”

“I am Isabella.” The changeling transformed into a yellow pegasus with an orangish mane, tail, and flames as her cutie mark. But you may also call me Spitfire if you wish. It’s my pony's name.”

Why did I feel like this… I don’t want to feel like this.

Fluttershy hadn't acknowledged her transformation at all, much to Isabella's concern.

Yet she already knew what was bothering the small filly. “You like Rainbow.”

“Yes, she is my friend.” Fluttershy tried to deflect.

“I… I know this might sound harsh, but if Twilight ever figures that out… the love she feels for that pony is not one that will accept any other pony to meddle.” The changeling could only imagine what the alicorn would do to Fluttershy should she ever suspect that the filly was trying to win Rainbow over.

I won’t.

What would be the point?

“You are wrong. I don’t love Rainbow,” Fluttershy insisted.

All I wanted was a friend.

And now I have two…

“I might be,” the changeling admitted. “But you do feel strongly about her.”

I do.

“She was my only friend.” The only pony that had dared to stand up for her.

An act that came with severe consequences for her hero.

“And now Twilight took her away?” Isabella was reading her like an open book.

She came out of nowhere…

Why did she get those visions? Why didn’t I get them?

“Rainbow isn’t mine. It’s not possible to take her away from me.” Fluttershy desperately tried to hide the nasty thoughts that were swarming around in her head.

Why am I destroying it all! Twilight wants to be my friend, too!

I can have two friends, and all I need to do is stop feeling like this!

“She did, didn’t she?” Why was it that ponies always burdened themselves with these issues?

As a changeling, Isabella couldn't understand it, despite having lived with them for so long.

“Rainbow is happy with her…."

“She is. But that doesn’t change the facts.” All the ponies needed to do was stop hiding.

Once their emotions were out in the open, the other ponies could be there for them, like the hive was there for her.

“I want her to be happy,” the yellow filly mumbled.

And admirable goal, yet it was missing one important factor. “But don’t you deserve happiness as well?”

Maybe I don’t.

Maybe I did something in my previous life that justifies this.

“Twilight said they were sorry. That they will make sure to treat me better.” The conversation had given her a giant burst of hope.

Hope that soon everything will get better.

Hope that quickly got consumed by doubt.

All I have to do is stay strong!

“I should give them that chance." Suddenly all the jealousy was gone again.

How ridiculous! I already know all the answers!

They are your friends and only want the best for you!

“Twilight… has her own agenda. I can see that from a mile away. Now, there is nothing wrong with that. We have it at well. But what you must ask yourself is, are you sure that her agenda is the same one you have?”

It is.

Without a doubt, it is.

“There are enemies that will try to twist you against us.”

The changeling could sense a sudden burst of hostility being directed at her. “I am not your enemy. Please don’t be afraid of me. I only want to help you.”

You wanted to kill Rainbow.

“Look. If you don’t want me to say anything else about this, then I won’t.” She had only wanted to lend a hoof and, in doing so, alienated the filly in an instant.

That would be best.

“I am a changeling.” At least she already had an idea of how to quickly fix the mistake she had made.

Weird... This is the first time I heard that word, despite my constant research about different species and animals.

“We are a race of shapeshifting... ponies.” She motioned to the disguise she had taken on. “This was the form I had back in Equestria. I will probably keep maintaining it. It won't make me an obvious target, and honestly, I like it.”

You look quite athletic…

Reminds me of Rainbow.

“Come on… say something. I know we can read emotions but maintaining a conversation like that sucks.” Isabella urged her.

You can read emotions?

“I am sorry. It’s just… It’s all a bit much.” And if Twilight was to be believed, it wasn't about to get any better.

“It’s ok.” Isabella lay a wing on her, trying to give her some comfort. “We may be in the same boat, yet we all have our own set of problems to deal with.”

That’s true…

Suddenly, a malicious grin appeared on Isabella’s face. “Don’t I look female to you?”


“Umm… Well…, you do now, but back in your changeling form-”

“When I talked, couldn't you tell from my voice?”

Why does it feel like you are trapping me?

“I am sorry if I offended you. I just didn’t want to assume. I checked you for injuries, so-”

“Oh! We have a winner!” The changeling slapped her on the back as if to congratulate her. “And here I thought Twilight and Rainbow would get a price for being early starters, you know, since they already slept together and such.”


“Pfff, for some reason, we always get you with that! You ponies really are easy to agitate!” Isabella laughed her head off.

Thank Celestia, that was a joke.

Instantly all her problems were forgotten, thanks to her mind now being preoccupied with trying to recover from the shock Isabella had given her.

“You ponies are simply too fun to tease.” The changeling wiped a few tears, trying to get herself in order again.

You ponies…

You don’t view yourself as a pony? I thought-

But before she asked that, she needed to confirm that it really was just a joke. “So… just to be sure, they aren’t-“

“Oh yes… it was quite the surprise when I walked in on them.” Poor Fluttershy. Here she was, giving Isabella all she needed for another round.

But Rainbow always was so embarrassed, even when I was only talking about animals…

“We don’t have this phase, so I didn’t really expect them to be together in the same bed, going about their business.” It actually was quite cute seeing those two together like that.

Yet Fluttershy had a completely different scene in mind, just as intended. “Oh my Celestia! Stop! I don’t want to hear it!”

No! Stop imagining it! You don’t think like that about friends!

“All right. But be warned, I haven't even reached the best part yet.” There it was again. A big malicious grin that was barely managing to hold back a barrage of laughter.

Why are you doing this to me! I will never get these images out of my head again, you pervert!

“Jokes aside. They were just sleeping together. Like normal sleeping.” The mare got her out of her misery.

But you were the one that implied…

I hate you so much right now.

Not really, of course, but…

“I still owe you an answer, don’t I?” By now, Fluttershy had already forgotten how they got to this point. “Since I already have fulfilled my inappropriate joke quota, I will make it quick. We have them to help us with disguising ourselves. Since us screwing up can cost us our lives, they have to be perfect in every way.”

Why not just say it like that directly? Why embarrass me so much…

She looked around.

At least nopony else saw it.

“And how do you determine your gender then?” Her interest had been piqued.

“We pick. After a short amount of time, we just know who we are,” Isabella shrugged. How was she to explain something that came naturally to her?


“And that always works?” Fluttershy asked.

“Who cares? We could always change our minds. Here.” Green fire engulfed the yellow mare, and just like that, there was a male version of herself. “It’s that easy.”


“And there aren’t any downsides?”

Isabella’s face darkened. “There are. But trust me, you don't want to hear about them. It will not only be awkward but also sad.”

“I-I promise I can take it.” Fluttershy desperately wanted to know more.

“I still am not allowed to tell you, though." And with that, the topic was closed for the changeling.

Not allowed to? But why?

Another wave of green magic changed Isabella back. “Now that’s much better.”

It’s fascinating how you still develop these… gender… categories? And that is despite not really needing them.

Is that our influence or a natural phenomenon?

“I can sense it. You are quite curious. Almost like Twilight was. I think you two would make a good research duo. Maybe try to talk to her. She and Rainbow have been learning about our history.” Although she didn’t know if they actually read the book they had been given.

“Umm. About your dis-”

“Mmmmh.” It wasn’t Fluttershy’s fault. She was the one who quirked the filly’s curiosity, and now she had just shut the door in her face. “Look… pretending can only bring us so far… I really am not allowed to go into any more detail.”

“Oh. I understand.” Fluttershy was taken aback by the sudden sadness that lay in the changeling’s voice. “I didn’t want to intrude.”

I should have respected-

Out of nowhere, something snapped. "No! You wanted to intrude! You seek information about us, but what you don’t understand is that your fellow ponies would use it against us in a heartbeat! Our disguises are the only things keeping us from being exterminated! What gives you the right! Why do you deserve to live, and we don't! I promise you without Celestia, we would have already-”

Isabella’s eyes glowed green for a moment.

“I am sorry that was unbecoming. I shouldn’t have snapped at you, but you must understand that this information is vital for our survival.”

You wanted to say something…

Fluttershy looked back, making sure that the other ponies were still in sight.

I am not alone.

“Umm… If you don’t mind me asking, without the princess, you would have done what?" It seemed like an important piece of information they should be aware of.

“I was just speaking without thinking, fantasising about revenge… but you don't have to worry. I didn't mean it,” Isabella assured her.

That makes sense?

"Umm, ok… but why did your eyes glow green?”

“Oh. That's simply a side effect of our magic. They tend to do that from time to time. It is one of the main risks when we disguise ourselves.” The changeling tried to get her to move on.

Hold up!

It was to no avail. The filly was shy, not stupid. “If that was true, then why reveal that to me? You-”

Eyes glowed green once more. “There is nothing suspicious about this, Fluttershy.”

Nothing suspicious…

“It simply is one of the main risks.”

It is one of the main risks. Right.

“That’s why my eyes glowed green.”

“That’s why your eyes glowed green. Because of your magic.”


Once more, they did exactly that.

Instantly horrified eyes stared at the young filly.

Never before had Mother taken over her against her will.


What the buck is Fluttershy doing over there?

For a moment, she had considered speeding up and helping her out with whatever it was that was going on, yet she had decided against it in the end since she didn't want to wake up the purple alicorn sleeping on her back.

Near a rock farm! That mare always finds new ways to mess with us!

By now, it was nearly evening, and they still hadn't reached their destination.

Heh. Maybe I should learn from her.

Suddenly the commotion seemed to have stopped.

Looks like I won't need to help you out after all.

It couldn't have been too bad if Fluttershy didn’t come to get her.

Or have you decided to stand up for yourself?

“Hmm… Dashie?”

"Morning, Princess.”

“…are you going to keep calling me that?” Twilight rubbed her eyes. “Dashie… look around you. Princess of what?”

Princess of my heart.

“You are right. Empress suits you better,” Rainbow shot her a grin.

Yet Twilight didn’t seem too happy. "Dashie, I don’t want to be called any-“

“Twi. Those are just words.” She didn’t need to hear any more bad news. “They only matter if ponies believe them.”

And I do.

Also, if we know what is good for us, we should probably make everypony else believe them too.

“You are right, Dashie.” Twilight jumped off of her back. “Thank you for carrying me.”

“Don’t mention it.” Rainbow gave her a quick kiss on her cheek.

Doing so made me feel like I could do something for you as well, for once.

“So… Empress of your heart?” Twilight had the same thought she had.

“Your wish is my command,” Rainbow puffed out her chest as if she was ready to attack at her order.

“I can’t give my own Empress any commands,” Twilight kissed her back.

I don’t deserve this power…

Power over you.

“Dashie?” the purple alicorn noticed Rainbow's apprehension.

Luckily for the pegasus, a quick distraction came into sight. "Look! There is a farm over there!"

Fluttershy and Isabella stopped, waiting for everypony else to catch up.

Those two have gotten accustomed to each other pretty quickly…

Why is it you only have problems with ponies, Fluttershy?

“Ok, let's try to make a good impression and not cause any unnecessary trouble." Isabella mustered them with a stern expression. "Tomorrow morning, a few of my siblings will come to help us on the next step of our journey, yet for now, we could really use their place to rest."

Two fillies came rushing towards them.

…It doesn’t matter.

Even when I do everything not to cause any trouble, things still go south.

“Oh my Celestia! You are Princess Twilight! I can't believe an actual princess came to visit us! We must throw you a welcome-”

How do you know about Twi?

A weak and frail-sounding voice somehow managed to make the pink filly stop dead in her tracks. "I am sorry for my sister, your majesty. How may we serve?” The second filly bowed before her.

Yet, Twilights ignored her, captivated by the pink earth pony. “It’s ok. I think Pinkie is exactly what we need right now.”

That’s Pinkie?

“Pinkie…?" For a moment, Pinkie hesitated, looking around confused. Then she began jumping around enthusiastically. “Pinkie! Pinkie! Pinkie Pie! That’s so much better than Pinkamena Diane Pie! How did you know my name, princess? When did you come up with that awesome nickname?”

“Princess… may I ask you-”

“You may not. Her name is Pinkie,” Twilight glared at her.

“Of course, princess. Please forgive my insolence.” Marble may still have been bowing, yet they could see the sheer looks of terror directed at Pinkie.

You can’t just name ponies…

“Pinkie…” Twilight shrunk back upon seeing the disapproving expression on Rainbow's face. “Would you be willing to talk to me alone for a bit?”

“Okey dokey lokey.” The earth pony bounced past them into the distance, with Twilight following.

“So… may I ask why you are here? Why a princess is here?” Marble visibly relaxed now that Twilight was gone.

“We are… we just need to stay here for a night. That’s all,” Isabella assured her.

"Uh-huh. If that’s the case, we are happy to accommodate you.” The grey filly suddenly spoke a lot quieter.

“We will see about that.”


“I can’t believe you made Marble talk! I haven’t managed to do that for ages!” Pinkie was even more active than usual. “Not since she secretly accompanied Daddy on his trip to sell our rocks!”

You really seem impressed by that.

“What happened to make her not talk?” Twilight was trying to figure out how to explain everything to her.

Just don’t make this another Fluttershy.

Lay out your case and hope she will understand.

Understand like Fluttershy would have.

“She secretly accompanied Daddy on his trip to sell our rocks,” Pinkie repeated, giddily awaiting her reason for being here.

Did you not want to answer, or are you simply being Pinkie?

“Pinkie… you don’t know me, but I know you. Or At least I have many memories with you.” Twilight tried to sneak up on the real subject.

“Are you a psychic!” the earth pony exclaimed.

Am I a-

“No. I have received a vision with you and the other ponies that you have seen with me in it. Together we six will become the bearer of the Elements of Harmony and protect Equestria from upcoming danger,” she explained.

“Like superheroes!” Pinkie couldn’t believe her luck. A princess came to form some sort of superhero team with her. She was already imagining all of their adventures.

Some things never change.

It was refreshing to see such a carefree and happy display after everything she had been through. “Yes. Like superheroes.”

“My pr-”

“Twilight. Please call me Twilight.” It was already amazing to her that Pinkie even called her princess in the first place. She would have imagined her not caring at all.

“Okey dokey lokey, Twilight. Sounds way better than princess anyways.” Pinkie was all too happy to finally be able to stop referring to her by that title.

“It does, doesn’t it,” Twilight laughed. “Look, Pinkie, I need you.”

“I understand,” the earth pony nodded.

I see…

“You don’t. You want to leave this farm. That’s why you are happy to come with me. A chance to see something new." Looking around, it was all too obvious that this wasn't an environment for Pinkie to be happy in.

“…” Twilight had seen right through her, yet it wasn’t like she had tried to hide it.

“It's ok. I will pretend to your family members that I am forcing you to leave if that's what you want," she sighed. It wouldn't be too hard to play the bad guy if it meant helping Pinkie out. “However, before you do, you need to know what you are getting into.”

“…” Again, Pinkie stayed silent. This was what she had wanted, yet actually getting it felt deeply wrong.

“The vision I have seen… we failed. The world has become a dystopia. We can’t allow that to happen this time. This time we need to succeed, for there might not be a second chance.” How deep into detail should she go? At this point, all she could possibly accomplish was scaring Pinkie away.

“I don’t know-”

“You won’t be alone. We will be there with you. We will do it together.” Then again. It wasn't only about getting Pinkie to accompany her but also about making sure she would have her back.

“You think I can do it?” Some things could change after all. It had taken some time, but Pinkie managed to acknowledge the severity of the situation.

“I know you can, Pinkie,” Twilight assured her. “As long as you spread joy and happiness, the world can never become a dystopia.”

And I didn’t say that just because I want you to come with me.

“Thank you, Twilight.” Pinkie relaxed. Not only was Twilight going to take her on a big adventure, but she also wanted her to do what she realised was her life's calling.

“Pinkie… there is one issue, however.” Here it was. The point she despised yet needed to bring up. “I need you to stay by my side no matter what.”

“I… of course-”

“No pinkie. Not, of course. This is paramount. If you decide to start this journey with me, then I expect you to be loyal to me. No matter what it may seem like, you must stay by my side. You have to have my back…." Pinkie was no Fluttershy. Her face already told Twilight that she had messed up. “The truth is… we turned against each other in the future I have seen. It was a big reason for everything falling apart… it can’t happen again.”

You are going to say no.

“I don’t know if I can commit to that… no matter what?” Pinkie felt like running. This was exactly what she had been warned about.

“We can still talk to each other! You can voice any and all concerns you have! I just need you to… not stab me in the back if I decide to go forward with a plan despite your concerns…." Would the earth pony even still want to accompany her?

And would I be willing to do what I know is necessary if she doesn't want to come with me?

“Twilight… I honestly don’t know about this…” Wasn’t this what Pinkie had been warned about after all? Twilight sounded like a danger, yet everything else told her that she wasn’t.

Her ears alerted her to an evil pony, while her eyes reported a scared filly.

“I… understand. It was a lot to ask for anyway…” She couldn’t.

She just couldn't.

But what are the ramifications if I don’t?

She had to.

I am sorry, Pin-

Yet before she could resort to more forceful actions, Pinkie had chosen what to believe. “Why are you so scared? If you have good intentions, then-”

“What is good or bad often depends on who you ask.” Even to Twilight, it sounded like a bad excuse.

Not to mention that she was only prolonging the inevitable.

“Then what are your goals? Protect Equestria? Are you concerned that you might have to do something I would protest against?” That was what Twilight meant, right?

Though, weren’t heroes supposed to be strong and valiant instead of scared and depressed?

Wasn’t Twilight a hero if those were her goals?

“…“ The young alicorn’s head hung low, no answer coming out of her mouth.

“If it is the only way…” Pinkie offered. After all, heroes had to make difficult decisions sometimes, didn’t they? To secure the happiness of everypony else, it would be ok, wouldn’t it?

Protecting Equestria…

What if it doesn't line up with my goals after all?

“I want to do what’s best for us.” Twilight didn’t look up. She was fully aware of the gravity of her statement.

If protecting Equestria isn't what's best for us, then they must defend their home by themselves.

“But I thought-” Pinkie was confused. An Equestrian Princess that didn’t want to protect Equestria?

“We failed. We can try again, but this time I want to make sure we will come out on top.” Pinkie wouldn’t understand. The earth pony didn’t see what she had seen.

“That’s… not what I want-” How could they selfishly put their own well-being over those of everypony else?

I feared as much…

But maybe Twilight could still turn things around. “You want to sacrifice yourself for Equestria?”

“…no.” To her horror, the earth pony had realised that saying something and committing to it wasn’t the same.

That the young princess may have a point, after all.

The truth! You can still get her without any sinister manipulation!

“See. I will do the best that can be done without doing so.” Twilight assured her. “Pinkie… we will have quite a journey. A journey in which I would like to have you with us. A pony that cheers us up… a pony that can throw parties when we meet others, showing them that we mean no harm… you will see so much of the world.

“More than you could ever imagine….”

“We… will leave…” Once again, hearing it like that caused a storm of emotions to break out within her.

I thought we already established that at the beginning?

Then again. Wanting something and actually having an opportunity to get it was something entirely different. “Yes. And we will probably not come back for about ten years.”

“… that’s a long time.” And Pinkie had a feeling that she wouldn’t be able to visit.

“I know. But what are you leaving? Your family…” Twilight felt like kicking herself.

Great point to make her want to stay.

But a point Rainbow had thought her to easily invalidate. “They would want you to be happy. Your country… it never cared about you. For it, you are just a lowlife earth pony.” It was time to fully trust future Twilight's knowledge. She knew more about this than her. “A pony that can never be allowed to rise up in society, always condemned to do nothing more than keep the system running, enabling those above them to keep living the easy life.”

“… it’s that bad?" Why was it that things hit differently when they were spoken aloud?

I mean… Yes.

I know it, Rainbow knows even more about it, and future me was in charge of it.

“Haven’t you seen it? Have you been to school?” Judging by the wasteland around her, the answer was obvious.

“No," Pinkie admitted, embarrassed. “But a teacher comes by from time to time.”

How disgusting…

How disgusting that I know why they did that to you.

And not only was it disgusting, but also concerning. How much did Pinkie know? Could she even properly read and write? “When was the last doctor visit?”

“I don’t know.” It wasn’t like they could afford one anyway.

I messed up… I should have waited and collected you when all of those things had been taken care of.

Then again, doing so would have risked Celestia killing you…

She would have to find other solutions. Solutions that would at least allow for Pinkie to get a quick check-up as well as basic education.

“Where is the nearest guard station?” Twilight didn't feel like going on, yet it was apparent that this was an effective strategy to get her point across.

“I… guard station?” Pinkie tried to come up with a picture in her head.

You don’t even know what I am talking about.

“How much money do you earn by doing this?” she motioned to the rocks surrounding them.

Quite a personal question, yet not really a secret. “Not much…”

If I continue, I will make you cry.

Maybe make myself cry as well.

Still, she pressed on.

She would continue to do so until she was certain Pinkie would leave with her. “Taxes?”

“Mom cries when Dad begins to talk about them… luckily it just happens once a year…” By now, small tears were rolling down her eyes.

…The nobility barely pays any…

Because we deserve it?

“To whom do you sell those rocks? How much do you get? How much do they get?” She had done it.

Pinkie wept in front of her.

“They get far more than we do. But we don’t have the means to sell directly… Dad tried once, but he c-came b-back h-heavily… they beat him bloody for trying.” What a horrible memory it was.

…Is that why your sister doesn’t talk?

…Is that why she talked to me?

Because she was afraid, I would do the same to you for your behaviour?

“…I am sorry to hear that.” Everything was even worse than what she had expected going in, and it was making her deeply sick. “I promise when we come back, we will be in a position to make it all better.”

“Is this all a system? Are we all treated like this… just because we are earth ponies.” Pinkie looked at the to her minuscule features that made the pony in front of her so much more valuable to society.

They can’t see it.

The consequences of their actions.

“No. By now, a middle class has formed. They have it better… but still way harder than the Pegasi or unicorns… not to mention nobility.” Earth ponies could have good lives… just not better lives than those in power.

I mean, you are good at menial tasks and form the backbone of our army, so they need to give you at least some respect…

“You are a princess! You-”

“I can’t. I am only a princess on paper. Princess Celestia is the one that controls everything, and she is already after me for what she considers is a rebellion.” Twilight shot her down.

That wasn’t a lie, right?

Technical truths do not count as lies, do they?

“…” The earth pony didn’t have any other ideas.

“Pinkie… I have nothing to add. Are-”

“I will help you.” What else was there to do but support the pony that would make it all better? The pony that had specifically come to her for help offering her what she wanted in the process.


“Yes. No matter what.” The conviction in her eyes was burning like fire.

I did it…

No lies… no outright manipulation…

And yet it still felt wrong to hear these words. “Thank you, Pinkie. You have no idea how much this means to me…" That was because she herself didn’t know. “I admit I sound like a terrible pony, but I-”

“You aren't a terrible pony, Twilight. You are frightened.” It really was astonishing just how different Twilight's voice sounded compared to her looks. “I see it in your eyes. They have the same look father had before he tried to sell our rocks by himself. A plan that we needed to work, yet he must have known was likely to fail.”


“I won’t allow this plan to fail, Twilight," Pinkie added. “I don’t want ponies to go through what we had to go through… I want a better future. I trust you want it to.”

“Thank you, Pinkie…." Finally, Twilight had accomplished what she had set out to do.

Finally, it was time to allow her own tears to escape.

Everything depends on what I do…

If I fail, this will never stop…

Pinkie gave her a tight hug. “It’s ok. You can let it out. I am here for you.”

I don’t even know what I am doing…

What’s my plan here?

“It’s not ok. I need to show strength.” Twilight brushed her away. “They will pounce on any display of weakness. They-"

“They aren't here, Twilight. Only we are, and I won't hurt you.” The princess was sad, and now it was her duty as a loyal subject to cheer her up. “Twilight, it's ok to show weakness. You can only hold it in for so long… Dad could only hold it in for so long… we all have them, and we all need to show them from time to time… and if we are lucky, we are surrounded by ponies that support us when we do…." Yet a party probably wasn't what Twilight needed, no matter how much she wanted to throw one.


You are acting differently than I remember.

“I am afraid Pinkie…." Twilight mumbled.

“It’s normal-”

Nothing is normal…

Normal never existed.

“I am afraid of losing myself… of falling once again…." She was just as much of a danger as the enemies they would face.

Maybe even more dangerous.

Pinkie gave her a confident smile. “I won’t let you… Is that why-”


“I see… then we will have to catch you before you impact the ground, won’t we?”


There always had been another way…

And yet had I followed it, I wouldn’t have you nor Twilight in my life.


"Have you realised it?" The mare snuggled against her even more.

I have.

You haven’t.

It was time for another story. "Many, many moons ago, there were two young alicorns.” Candy turned around, looking into the face of a young Celestia that played with her sister in the grass.

I failed you…

How disappointed you would be if you could see what you have become.

“Age has done you no harm at all. You look just as beautiful.” Candy stared at her with dreamy eyes.


“This scene is deceptive. Do you have any idea what they would have done to you and me?” No matter what anypony said. She knew the world she and her sister had created was better than the world that had existed before.

And at the very least, I will defend the small things we gave you, never allowing them to revert back to how they were before.

“Both… Is it because we love mares?” It made so much sense. Why else did the princess try to hide it so much, but deep ingrained fear?

Though, the fear was unjustified. Celestia was the most powerful pony Candy knew. She didn't need to be afraid to do what she wanted to do. “You-“

The Empress was gone, and yet for so long, I acted like she never left.

“I know,” Celestia acknowledged. “But I am not a goddess. I am simply a normal pony that benefited from a scientific project,” she sighed. “These things left marks I will never be able to get rid of.”

They would have tried to “heal” me.

And if I didn’t let myself get healed, then they would have killed me.

Not to mention that it was only a matter of time until my parents would have been expected to wed me to another noble family.

“You can’t imagine the world I lived in.” But she would try her best, regardless. “Equestria didn’t even exist at the time, and even if it did, I lived in a land far away that got reduced to ashes."

It all was necessary…

It all led me to this point…

I can decide how things go from here…

"I don't understand," slowly, a picture formed in Candy's head.

Oh, Candy…

“I wasn’t an Empress, I wasn't a Queen, I wasn't a Princess. I wasn't even part of the royal family." Was it really that hard for her ponies to believe she wasn't always an all-powerful ruler? "But I was part of the nobility. My father… he was her Minister of Public Infrastructure."

Daddy would be so disappointed in me for letting it deteriorate that much…

"It is my duty to make sure even the poorest among us get access to the same level of basic infrastructure as our very own Empress."

Even this she couldn’t accomplish.

"For what purpose!"

Because I need those bits should another war between Nightmare Moon and me break out.

Because if that happens, the economy will immediately collapse, and I will have to maintain a vast army at the same time.

But you immediately assumed that I am a greedy bad pony…

And the worst part was that this was probably better than her daughter realising just how scared of Nightmare Moon she really was.

“My sister Luna… she recognised first that the world we lived in was a world of darkness.” And as much as she hated to admit it, her sister was the one that was also in the right when the civil war between them started. "She somehow managed to get into contact with a resistance cell."

In the end, I was a sitting duck. There was nowhere left to run.

If I hadn't let her "cure" me, I wouldn't have lived long enough to finally become who I wanted to be…

“You…” This wasn't the past she had imagined for their princess.

“Yes.” How ironic it was that now she was the one ordering the death of rebels. "Luna managed to convince me to attend one of their meetings…." Because there was no way she would betray her sister. "They were all alicorns, just like me… and this is also where I met her.”

Yet who I wanted to be no longer existed…

When all was said and done, I was dead.

“I understand, now." Candy placed her hoof on her mouth. "You still love her.”

I do.


“Candy… she was the leader of the resistance cell… and after meeting her, I just couldn't turn back." This was the pony she had given everything for.

Everything but her life.

And now you would be at the forefront of the rebellion against me.

“What if she only used you?” Candy whispered.

Surprisingly Celestia took no offence. "Even Luna has insinuated it multiple times after her death.” And since Luna had known her before herself, she was probably right. "But now she is gone, and with her, the sole pony who could answer that question."

The only thing that is left is to remember you as the pony I know you were.

“Together we tried to overthrow the leader of the planet… there was no happy ending.” Or was there? Maybe there was still the possibility of a happy ending for her?



“Candy… I can’t face another loss.” It would be hard enough to see her die without them being together.

Candy had turned pale. “B-But y-you-“

"Ascension is a lie." Celestia crushed the poor mare once more. "It's magic as well as genetics, and my knowledge about genetics is nothing more but a five-minute rundown."

The ancients really were better at science than we are.

Magic has weakened us so much in their areas of expertise.

“Gentetic?” Candy was getting frazzled. “I can become-“

“Candy! If I could make you immortal, I would, ok!" Her eyes darted back towards the dead guards on the floor.

Maybe I would make all of you immortal if I could.

“But I can’t… The technology doesn’t exist anymore…” They had made sure of it. “We will never be able to recover it.”


“Another way?” There was another way.

There was always another way.

She wanted to take this other way.

I can make it happen.

But she feared the consequences.

It would only be once…

She is the only pony close to me left…

Surely the elements won’t have anything against it.

No, that was a lie. They would absolutely have something against it.

Buck that! I am the princess! I do what I want!

“It will hurt.” Celestia stared right into her eyes. “It can never be undone.

“Your life will belong to me.

“You will become a creature of darkness.

“You will never be the s-“

“Just do it.” Candy pressed her lips onto her own.

This is what she wants!

Candy twitched, stumbling back and falling onto the ground.

In shock, she looked at the deep wound that had formed thanks to a magic beam piercing her heart.

“Necromancy, Candy.”


“We will see about that.”

It was a very ominous statement that had put her right back on full alert.

It also didn’t help that the orange filly was immediately encased in magic, with the yellow pegasus mare assuring her that she was just joking.

Yet, her sister was still alive and seemingly unharmed. That was the most important point. “Pinkamena… what did she want from you?"

“You can trust her…. She doesn’t mean any harm, Marble.” Pinkie tried to ease her concerns.

I can’t.

Not after what they did to Dad…

What they did to me…

What they did to us…

“What did she want from you, Pinkamena? How did she know about you?” Her sister was naïve, and she feared the consequences of it.

“I… she wants me to go with her-”

There it was.

The bad news she knew would accompany the princess.

“We can’t allow that to happen! We will-”

“No. Don’t get into trouble because of me. Besides… she promised she would reward me great-”

How can you believe anything that comes out of her mouth!

“They always say that! But they never follow up! We-”

“No. I… I want to go with her…." Twilight would have taken the blame, but Pinkie couldn't bear the thought of Marble thinking she was in danger.

“You… want to go with her?” she couldn't believe it.

After everything that happened you want to go with them?

After all the pain I have been through… Pain I thought we both felt... After all that, you betray us like this?

“Yes. Maybe this way I will be able to make an impact… a princess has come and asked for me… how often does that happen?” Pinkie offered.


You are naïve…

Though, I see where you are coming from…

It wasn’t like Princess Twilight was the one that hurt her. “I see… Are you sure? Once you are gone, you are on your own.”

She didn’t come with any guards…

They look like they are on the run…

Could it be you are onto something?

“She will take care of me… I just know she will.” Pinkie assured her. “We will go out there… I will spread joy around the world! Just think about it!"

The risk was too much.

She didn’t come with any guards.

Marble simply shook her head.

“They hurt Daddy!” Pinkie shouted. “And I know they did something to you as well!”

I didn’t think you noticed.

How can you act like this if you did?

“When I threw that party, I not only realised how unhappy I was, already formulating the idea of leaving in my head, but also that it was my duty to do everything in my power to help ponies forget these awful things that make their lives so unbearable.

“Help them be happy despite the issues that plague them.”

You never belonged on this farm.

“But now I see that this wouldn’t have solved the underlying problems! If I wanted to go down that route, I could have just asked Twilight to make cider free. It would have brought the same result!” How foolish she felt for thinking her plan would accomplish anything.


She had overshot. This wasn't about making Marble feel bad but trying to make her understand her viewpoint. “Twilight and I… we both want the same. We both want everypony to be happy.”

Yet you would leave us sad…

Leave me sad…

"Together, we will remove what makes them unhappy. We will heal them, not give them bandaids.

“That includes you as well.” Pinkie awaited her reaction.

Nopony can fix all of this…

There wasn’t any visible reaction.

“Marble! My original plan was born out of having no better alternatives! Now with a princess by my side, I really don't have any excuse not to try and reach for the stars!”

No! No! No! I won’t let you go!

Even if I don’t mean anything to you, you still mean so much to me!

You are my sister, and I won’t let you leave with these monsters.

Marble shook her head once more.

One day you will thank me for this.


The Pie family had quickly housed them in the best rooms they had to offer.

I am not actually tired, though.


“I didn’t lie to her, and I didn’t deceive her. She agreed regardless,” Twilight quickly told Rainbow.

“Fluttershy would have as well.” But at least Rainbow was happy to hear that she learned from her mistake.

I know.

“Twi… To be honest… I am quite tired.” Rainbow emphasised her statement with a yawn.

Of course… you carried me here all the way.

Me and our son.

Spike was already sleeping between them.

I know so little about you…

Future me didn’t raise you in those early years.

“Good night, Dashie… thank you for everything.” Twilight leaned over to give her a kiss on her lips.

A kiss Rainbow happily returned. “You made me the happiest pegasus on earth… Good night, Twi.”

Wrapped around each other’s wings, they both quickly found sleep.

Although one of them used a spell to cheat.

Chapter 18 - Sweet Dreams

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It was emptier than usual.

The ministers were missing.

Sneak was missing.

Candy was missing.

Something was still wrong.

Celestia entered.

For a moment, the generals could have sworn that her eyes were green.

But that wasn’t possible.

And upon second glance, the princess seemed to look just as she always looked.

Like the kind and benevolent leader that they knew she was.

The princess sat down.

Only now did they notice that there also weren't any guards.

Because they still believe in me, and I don’t want them to hear any more things that will shatter these beliefs.

“I am so sorry for what happened,” Celestia started. “As it turns out, you were framed by enemy spies that have infiltrated our ranks." Fortunately for her, there didn't seem to be any hard feelings, despite her show of mistrust. "As we speak, my intelligence forces are rooting them out."

“Princess… Your actions were justified, and we don’t hold them against you.” One of her generals spoke up. “We were a potential danger you needed to deal with. You did what was necessary, investigated us and then released us. What more could we want?”

I really am fortunate with you… seems like I am not all that bad at choosing the right ponies for the job.

"Thank you for your understanding." There was no more time for pleasantries. After all, there was a mountain of issues that required their attention. "Just in case you aren’t up to date. The nobility has been dissolved due to colluding with Cadence against me. Needless to say, she no longer is a princess.”

Again, everypony seemed to be ok with the change.

Weird… I expected some form of protest…

Could it be that Cadence was right that-

Who cares.

“Also, effective immediately, I want you to listen to my daughter Princess Twilight as you would listen to me,” Celestia continued to rattle down her list.

There shouldn’t be any issues with that…

And if anything happens to me, you will still have them at your disposal.


“Of course, princess,” they assured her. Although, they didn’t seem all that excited.

We will have to work on that.

Those who aren’t loyal to her don’t have any place here.

For the moment, though, she would let it slide. After all, none of them had even met the new princess. "Now, let's circle back. The enemy spies that framed you are called changelings. A race of parasites that have specialised in illusions and deception. As of this moment, we are at war with them."

Sweet began pouring down their faces, heavy breathing accompanying it.

Nopony had a heart attack. I will consider it a win.

“I realise what you are going to say, and I have taken it into account.” The princess pre-empted their protest. “I have authorised all your requests, and you are free to spend anything necessary to return the equestrian army to all of its glory.”

This was what I saved those bits for, after all.

Now that she couldn't count on the elements anymore, it was time to use them. "Martial law will remain in effect until we don't need it anymore."

Shouldn’t be more than… 12 years?

The indifference with which the princess spoke those life-changing words was scary. “Our allies have been informed, drafts are authorised, reservists have already been called to arms and conscription reintroduced.”

This was too much.

This wasn’t what they wanted nor what they asked for.

Again, Celestia pre-empted their protest. "This isn't just about the changelings. In ten years, a powerful dark alicorn will return, with the goal to kill me and bring forth eternal night.”

They were shaking uncontrollably.

In their mind, the strongest army on the planet wouldn't be enough.

You are right about that, which is why I will have to land the finishing blow.

You better pray I can bring myself to do that.

“After her, Discord, the spirit of chaos will follow." For a moment, they thought she was trying to lift the mood with a joke, yet Celestia's face confirmed that she was still being serious.

Discord wasn’t just a legend.

“Then there is also Sombra and the Crystal Empire.” She conjured up a map where a new country had appeared. “Prepare yourself to go to war with this country as well once it has returned from banishment.

“His forces are under strong mind magic, ready to kill themselves at his command.” And she had already seen how devastating such a force can be.

There is more.

These were only the most dangerous foes that they would soon face, though it was obvious that they couldn't take any more for now. “I want you to bring my army into shape by any means necessary so that you can obliterate all of them.”

“We will do our be-“

“No!” She hadn’t intended to shout, but now that she had done so, she didn’t lower her voice again. “You will succeed! Failure isn’t an option!

“You will transform this army of walking decorations into a lethal force again!

“You will start by killing every single changeling!”

They turned her against you.

They deserve this.

"The regular guard will be replaced by you! I want every single pony to be able to describe the look of our soldiers in their sleep!

“Any form of opposition will be killed immediately! No more false tolerance!

"Nightmare Moon! Discord! Sombra! Any other foe that will emerge, you will cut down!” Celestia halted before continuing with an ice-cold voice. “If necessary, I want you to kill harmony itself.”

Her generals looked at her with a mixture of horror and disgust. “But princess! We serve h-”

A quick spell hat pierced the skull of the poor pony that had dared to voice his disagreement. “You serve me! Me! Me! Me! My interests just so happened to align with it in the past!”

Silence reigned.

The ponies in front of her flashed confident glances at each other. “We serve harmony,” another voice dared to say.

I need you. I am not skilled enough to manage the army on my own, and I don't have experienced replacements.

“Fine! Have it your way!” To their shock, green eyes stared at them.

What should have been a simple apology had turned into a life-or-death situation. For them, their families, their friends, their country… maybe even the planet. Immediately horns lighted up, and the few without them took battle stances.

For the sake of everypony, they needed to win a fight against an alicorn.


Pinkie was rudely awoken from her sleep.


In front of her stood her sisters Limestone and Maud.

While Maud seemed like her usual self, Limestone looked like she was ready to beat her bloody.

"How dare you hurt Marble like that, you selfish moron!” Limestone immediately began screaming.

If Pinkie hadn’t decided to seek a place far away from the other to sleep, they would have already woken up.


“Shut up!" Her attempt to defend herself only enraged Limestone even more. "She was ready to attempt and stab the princess in her sleep, thanks to you!"

That was a joke, right?

But there was no laughter.

“You want to leave! Then-“

“What she means to say is that we love you and will deeply miss you.” Maud intervened. Her voice was monotone yet somehow full of emotion.

That didn’t sound like she meant-

“Celestia dammit, Pinkamena!” Limestone sobbed. “If this is what you want, then we won't stop you!"

“Marble was in the wrong,” Maud continued. “She will understand eventually.

“Family doesn’t keep itself chained up thanks to some false sense of loyalty to each other.”

“Do Mom and-“

"N-No," Limestone's eyes narrowed. "Keep them out of this. They have enough to deal with.”

But they are our parents…

“Just promise-“

“You have no idea how much you mean to us!” Limestone wailed, interrupting Maud. “We don’t even know if you are able to live on your own! You are lucky the princess liked that behaviour! Most nobles would have you severely punished for it!”

Why does it matter? Twilight-

“Marble feared for your life! It was more than enough to make her talk, despite the pain it causes her!” She wasn’t getting through. “Pinkamena! You are our sister! We care about you! Why can’t you see that! Why do you hate us so much! Just because we can’t offer you the life you want!”

“I know you try your best-”

“It’s not enough. We have already lost you,” enraged Limestone marched away.

T-This isn’t what I wanted to happen!

I only want to go out there and fulfil my destiny!

She needed to follow her life's calling, yet her siblings didn't seem to understand.

“You are my family! I do love you!” Pinkie called after her.

Limestone didn’t return.

“We love you too, Pinkamena,” awkwardly, Maud closed the distance between them, enveloping her in what loosely resembled a hug.

“Sis… I will come back. I will come back, and I will make our lives better than ever before… turn them into lives of never-ending happiness,” Pinkie swore.

“Nothing will be able to make up for the time without you,” Maud dismissed her well-meant promise.

“I know… but this is what needs to happen.…” It simply was what every instinct of her body told her.

And only Maud seemed to understand. “Be careful out there, Pinkamena. Please make sure to actually return.”

“I will, Maud.

“I will.”


“You took over me! You forced me to use mind magic on Fluttershy!”

“Don’t confuse what happened. You forced me. You were about to make them afraid of us and reveal crucial information in the process.”

The worst part?

The words rang true.

“I will assign Pharynx and a few others to oversee Twilight. When they arrive, you will return to the hive.”


“Don’t mother me! Your performance has been abysmal! I understand that you want to be all buddy-buddy with them, but you can’t! You have a job to fulfil! Our future depends on it!”

“You think they will get along with your new picks?”

“You think they will get along with you after what happened?”


“And with that, the only reason you are here is gone.”

“You did this! Your stupid-”

“If it had worked-”

“But it didn’t! And now we made the same mistake again!”

“Isabella… I am sorry. I just wanted to do what I thought was best for you… they aren’t my children. You are." For a moment, Chrysalis's appearance faltered. "You are more important than them." A wave of sadness swept over Isabella. "I promise had she hurt you, I would have forsaken her.”

It wasn’t fair.

Everything just wasn’t fair.

She should feel happy that she meant so much to her mother, yet she didn’t. Not when her life lay in shambles. “Mother… I lost everything-”

“You didn’t. Not yet,” Chrysalis assured her. “It all depends now on how quickly we can finally force the ponies to accept us.”

“But how! We-”

“We tried to play nice. They take away our spies?

“We are more than capable of making their own spy for us.”


“From now on, this is an open war.”

“But will we-”

“We will, Isabella. We will.

“Celestia has already ensured that we will.”


…Where am- The black void!

Only a necklace on the ground provided any sort of light.

“Show yourself! You don't get to threaten Twi! You don't get to wield her like a tool!”

Nothing happened.

“What! Are you afraid! I will make you feel the same pain you forced her to go through! You may have brought us together, but that doesn't give you the ri-”

“What the buck are you screaming about?”

An older version of herself was standing in front of her.

What kind of trickery is this?

“You are future-me…." Rainbow mumbled, completely caught off guard.

“I am?” Her older self seemed amused by the whole situation.

A quick jump followed by a slap wiped the smile off her face. "Ow! Why you little!”

There is more where that came from!

“That’s for bullying Twi! You should be ashamed of yourself! Haven’t you learned anything from Fluttershy?” Rainbow accused her.

“I did not bully-”

“Oh yeah? What about the puddle?” The scene Cadence’s spell had shown her was still deeply ingrained in her mind.

“…” Her older self seemed unable to come up with a retort.

That’s what I thought.

“I heard that a pony from Canterlot came and thought she may deserve a special greeting," older Rainbow finally admitted, embarrassed.

I just had to do that to the one pony from Canterlot, who is actually nice.

But the story didn’t check out entirely.

“Why then cosy up to her immediately afterwards?” That must have been what she did, right? Or did Twilight forgive her for doing so, making the first step?

“Look, you are young. You wouldn’t understand,” older Rainbow waved her off.

I didn’t…

I would never…

No! Just no!

“You bitch! How could you do this to her! She doesn’t deserve a pony like you!” She felt like puking.

Could she puke in this endless void?

“Ok, it seems like you are more capable of understanding these things than I remember. Yes, after I put her in her place, I did put on a show in the hopes of getting something out of it. She was an envoy of the princess, and as such, there was at least the possibility of-”

The more her future self talked, the worse it got. “I was wrong! I thought it was the princess who caused her to become this monster, but now I see it! Ponies like you are the reason!”

“What are you talking about? I realised that I misjudged her. Sure, I didn’t have good intentions at first, but in the end, we became good friends. We even saved Equestria multiple times-”

“Buck Equestria!” Rainbow shouted from the top of her lungs.

“Excuse me?” Her older self seemed horrified.

“I said buck Equestria!” Rainbow repeated herself. “What has it ever done for you!”

I don't want to just leave anymore.

I want to see it burn.

“Watch your mouth!" To her delight, she was getting right under future Rainbow's feathers.

“What are you going to do about it?” she replied smugly. “Beat a small filly up? Yourself no less?”

“I see what’s going on here." Future Rainbow's eyes darted around.

Rainbow had no idea what she meant by that, but that didn't stop her from continuing to attack her. "Nice uniform, by the way. Are you having fun serving a tyrant?”


Hopefully, Isabella will destroy them.

“You know nothing!" By now, her future self looked ready to attack.

“I know nothing?” Rainbow shrugged. “Well, at least I know what they say. If you can’t beat them, join them. What did she give you? Bits? A title? Property? Power? Come on, tell me! How much is my loyalty worth!”

“You know what, you arrogant brat! I am done here! I don't need to listen to you! You try living in this place of deceptive illusions with your precious ideals, and I will stick to my life of luxurious comfort.” Older Rainbow began walking away into the darkness.

There, it’s settled.

I, too, fell to the princess.

She swiped up the necklace and began running after her older self. “Where do you think you are going! I am not done with you!” she bit her tongue. This question needed to get an answer. The other elements, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie, were they bought too? Is there even one genuine pony around her?”

“The princess has used her power to make our lives easier. There is nothing wrong with that. We saved Equestria multiple times and deserve to be rewarded for that." It sounded like future Rainbow was reading off of a script.

“Are those her words or yours? Twi-”

“Twilight! Twilight! Twilight! You are always talking about Twilight! What is so special about her! Do you think she is any different! She loves the princess! She was nobility! Now she got gifted with wings and princesshood! Why would she give any of that up!” Her older self was quickening her pace, hoping to lose her.

She loved you. If that was the case, then there must be something left to save.

Suddenly her older self stopped dead in her tracks. “Have you already performed the sonic rainboom?”

“Yes,” Rainbow confirmed.

I need to get as much information out of you as possible.

“Awesome. Good job.” Her future self wanted to give her a pat on the back, but Rainbow jerked away.

Despite that future Rainbow continued undeterred. “Doing that will have been the most significant accomplishment in your life. Thanks to you, the future will be saved.

“Also, the rewards you will receive will be unspeakable.”

None of that was true.

But she didn’t want to give anything away, choosing to rather continue to pry more information out of the older mare. “Rewards?”

“Have the princess’s ponies already contacted you?” Somehow the knowledge they gained from each other didn’t seem to line up.

You could say that.

“No,” Rainbow lied.

“Hmmm. They should do so soon. Now I know you will want to fight them. I did so as well. But trust me, you shouldn't do that. You won't win.

“Instead, just go along," her older self recommended. “It will spare you from your life getting absolutely miserable before you will inevitably give in just so that it can finally become a life of dreams.”

…what have they done to you?

“I know that sounds harsh. But they have good intentions-”

“Are you listening to yourself! You-”

“Calm down. It will be worth it." Future Rainbow shrugged her off. “They will ensure your marks get better, they will make the teachers love you, they will gift you with friends, make sure your parents will never have to worry about money ever again… what are you going to accomplish with your stupid defiance against Princess Celestia?”

I was hoping to never become you.

“Celestia isn’t an evil monster that has made it her mission to make our life miserable. She is a kind and benevolent ruler that sometimes makes hard decisions for everypony's benefit. That’s what ruling is all about.” It was no use. Her younger self was and would forever be stupidly stubborn. Despite that, she would try to help her out so that she wouldn't have to go through the same things she had to go through.

"That’s what ruling is all about."

That's why only evil ponies rule.

“She knows what’s going on. She controls everything.”

I know.

“Thanks to her planning, we could defend ourselves against the barrage of threats that surfaced.”

It wasn’t worth it.

“What more could you wish for in a ruler? Without her, we would have died in an everlasting night.”

Everlasting night…

As if.

“Look. I know you are stubborn, but it doesn’t matter. If you don't heed my words-”

“You are right.” Rainbow didn’t want to listen anymore, even if it meant she would probably miss crucial revelations. “It doesn’t matter because I lied. You succumbed while I am still out there fighting that tyrant.”

“Don’t call her that. She-”

“Is a brutal monster that only barely resembles a pony.” Maybe it was time to go on the offensive again? Try to make her older self realise who she was defending?

A monster that killed our parents…

Shouldn’t you know that?

“I am warning you. You-”

“Once again, what are you going to do? Call the guard?” She motioned towards to darkness surrounding them. “Is that what you always do when ponies tell you their real opinion of your master?”

Future Rainbow shook her head. “I know myself.

“I know I was already breaking.

“I know I didn't have much more strength left to fight. At best, make a run for it, yet even that terrified me. It would have meant being all alone out there.” She was right.

If it hadn't been for the ESS that forced her hoof, Rainbow wouldn't have attempted to flee.

But when I did make a run for it, I wasn’t alone…

There was a pony out there already waiting for me…

Wasn’t there one for you?

“And since I hope we aren’t dead, you obviously have found a master of your own.” Eyes were scanning her body, looking for something, yet seemingly not finding anything. “Care to tell me who it is?”

It hurts…

It hurts to know you are right…

It hurts to see how close I was to falling to her.

“Guess who,” Rainbow challenged her.

“This isn’t a game-”

“It is now.” As her future self, she had to know, right? “Come now. It really isn’t that hard.”

“Nightmare Moon?”


“I dunno… Discord?”

“Who is that?”

“Starlight Glimmer?”



“Try again.”

“Any hint?” she was running out of ideas.

We changed the future…

You aren’t me anymore…

But then why are you still existing?

“Mudpuddle.” Now it should be obvious who she was talking about.

…What?” Future Rainbow looked horrified. But horror quickly turned into anger. “All right, Twilight! This is too far! Stop this at once!”


To future Rainbow's irritation, nothing happened. "I can’t believe the purple egghead would-”

“Ouch! Stop that!” Again, her younger self had decided to attack.

“You don’t get to call her that! She has nothing to do with-”

Older Rainbow had enough, kicking her away. “I can’t believe you would make an illusion of my younger self attack me, Twilight! Come on! Pony up and show yourself!”

This is the pony you thought I was…

This is the pony that set you on this path, Twi…

How can you not despise me after you have seen her?

Future Rainbow walked over to her. “You! Tell me-”

“I already told you Twi is not behind this. This is real, and I am real.” Rainbow insisted. “She came for me and got me out of there.”

“Did she time travel?” None of that made sense to her future self.

“What? No. Twi just came and told me she had a vision. The elements gave it to her.” Or at least that was how it appeared to be.

The older mare didn’t buy it. “None of that happened.”

“I know. Not to you.” Could Rainbow really be mad at her? “You know I feel sorry for you. You were so close, yet here you are.”

“You don’t know me. Why are you assuming that I am not happy? Why are you so convinced of that?” After all, she was happy, right? “I have a wife, friends, a good job, money, power. What else could I want? The only thing I lack is a noble title, and I bet Twilight will make sure they are granted to us eventually. It's already insane that we didn't get them after everything we did.”

I was already offered one. Seems like you once again have gotten the short end of the stick.

“I have a wife as well," Rainbow claimed.

The moment those words had left her mouth, her older self began laughing hysterically. “You! You are twelve!”

I am almost thirteen.

“You don’t even know what marriage entails! You haven’t even fallen in love yet!”

I did.

“Say what you want," Rainbow brushed her off. “We may not be married right now, but it is only a matter of time.”

“And you say Celestia was the tyrant! At least she doesn’t require you to marry her!” This was her younger self, wasn’t it? If she fell in love with Twilight, what would that mean for her and Applejack?

I wouldn’t put it past her.

“Twi saved me. She was there for me. She would give anything for me. Who else but she deserves my love?” She already knew what her older self would say next.

“You know what? There is no point in arguing with the element of loyalty on these matters." Or maybe she didn't know. Instead of continuing to fight, her older self chose to try and leave her be. “I only hope that your loyalty won’t waver once you meet her.”


“I already did, and she was disgusting." Why was she actively trying to resume arguing when she had an opportunity to move on?

“I see. I underestimated you. If your dedication is so high that you are even forsaking our true love for those you swore to give your life to, then we truly deserve to wield the element of loyalty."


I have been chosen as the bearer of the element of loyalty?

Of all things, loyalty?

Why! Why do they think that I should be the bearer of loyalty! Why me! Why a pony as undeserving as me!

“So, you never even considered Twilight?” She needed to turn the focus of the conversation away from herself again.

“Not once.” the answer came too quickly.

You are hiding something.


“Why?” her older self was taken aback. “Why not?”

“I asked first.” Rainbow stuck out her tongue.

“I just didn’t,” future Rainbow asserted.

“You obviously-”

“Ok. You got me. I thought about it,” she admitted. “Yet things just didn’t work out. I don’t regret it. I stand by my love, and she stands by me.

“Sometimes it just works this way.”

I could respect that, even if I think you are wrong.

But your Twi is hurting.

Would that mean she had an obligation to help her out?

“How can you be sure? You should give her a chance,” Rainbow urged her.

“See." Her future self shook her head. “You don’t understand marriage.”

“I do.”

“So, you want me to…."



“The question is, what is it worth to be loyalty to?”

“You think Twilight would justify infidelity?”

“I do.”

“Then you are screwed up, and they should lock you up as quickly as possible.”

Ouch. I have hit a nerve.

“Look. Please keep AJ out of this. After all, I am not asking you these things, so I would like you to do the same.” It probably was futile to ask a child to see reason. Especially one that was a younger version of herself. Yet future Rainbow hoped that she would do so regardless.

Too bad I don’t care about you.


“You are wasting your breath. I am just as unlikely to abandon her for the same reasons you won’t abandon Twilight.” That had to work, right?

Somehow, I doubt it.

“All you need to do-”

“It’s not going to happen. I wouldn’t even live long enough to try.” The last part she didn’t mean to say.

Are you that scared of A-

Celestia! She didn't want me to get close to her! Only with you, she had enough power to enforce it!

You sacrificed Twilight for her!

“You know Twi would win against Celestia?" She may have lost last time, but by now, she had to be older and even more powerful.

“You are forgetting that your precious Twi is her most loyal subject,” future Rainbow reminded her.

…I didn't consider that.

“Ok, enough. This really is getting ridiculous. I think I have entertained you long enough. Either stop with this nonsense, or I am out for real this time.” Only she had no idea how to get out of this black void.

But luckily for her, Rainbow finally saw that she had to stop this senseless fight.

There were more important things to figure out.

“Fine. Though, I stand by what I said.”

“As expected. I do, too, after all.”

We will see.


Spells impacted her shield, having no effect whatsoever.

But at the same time they did, the non-unicorns began charging at her.

Show them the power of the sun!

No. I want them alive.

Why had she even considered-

A shard of glass barely missed her face.

They are creative.

She flung the pegasus at the wall, focussing on the remaining assailants again.

They won’t give in.

You picked them specifically because of that.

And since they won’t give in by themselves, you must make them give in.

Green magic engulfed the room.

The fight would soon be over.

And still, spells continued blasting while the others tried to find an opening in her defence.

This is what needs to happen…

Just like everything else needed to happen.

A pony ran for the door, probably trying to alert reinforcements.

A bolt of green magic hit him.

Seeing what fate was awaiting them, they began fighting even harder.

And yet, to her, they were like annoying mosquitos.

The pony she flung against the wall attacked again.

Victory was in sight.

It had been an illusion.

Before he had made contact with her neck, magic had engulfed him, causing him to collapse on the ground.

He didn’t get up again.

“Princess! Snap out of it!” Somepony tried to get through to her.

You are the ones that have lost their mind!

You are betraying the pony you have sworn to serve!

“The dark magic will destroy everything you stand for! Let us help you! Let us protect the ponies you hold so dear to you!" And by that, they meant killing her.

"Let us protect the ponies you hold so dear to you."

My death…

Her death would be Candy’s death.

There weren’t many non-unicorns left.

That didn't deter them, though.

In a combined attack, they tried to charge from the left and the right, hoping she wasn't paying attention.

She had been paying attention.

In an instant, magic lifted her off the ground above them.

Instead of running into the princess, they ran into a green force field.

Stop hesitating! You could have already taken all of them out in a heartbeat!

The princess continued hovering, green eyes glaring at them.

Their spells continued to not have any effect.

All of their non-unicorn comrades were gone.

“Princess! Think about your daughter!” It was a desperate last-ditch effort to attempt and save Equestria from the terrible fate they knew it was about to face, using the easy way.


I am a bad guy…

Twilight is in danger of becoming a bad guy.

And the bad guys didn’t tend to win or get a happy ending.

It's ok.

You will do what’s necessary so she can be happy.

Magic overwhelmed them.

Whatever dreams their induced sleep would bring…

They wouldn’t wake up from them again anytime soon.


What have I done?

There the entire General Staff of Equestria lay on the ground, green magic surrounding the once-free ponies.

Dark magic…


This was the price for her moment of weakness.

It has gotten stronger…

Way way stronger.

So strong that she may not be able to resist anymore.

W-What can I do now!

I can’t go on like this!

Yet she needed to be here.

She needed to defend her daughter against the enemies that would soon show up.

She needed to live so that Candy could live.

I trapped myself.

Celestia surveyed the room once more.


One of her generals was missing.


Edge was flying as fast through the night as he could.

Leave! You need to leave Canterlot!

It was only a matter of time until the princess would notice that he had slipped away during their distraction.

I need to get the information about her corruption out there!

Under no circumstances could he allow the Equestrian army, the protectors or harmony, to be instrumentalised in whatever the princess planned in the state she was in.

She will discredit me.

That much was obvious.

I need to get to my troops.

They knew him. They would listen to him.

Listen over Celestia?

If they didn’t. Then he had already lost. There wasn’t anypony else out there he could contact, and who would stand a chance against the princess.

Even they would lose, but maybe we can devise a plan?

Contact our allies?

Inform the public?

Bring in the rest of the military?

Those seemed like steps he should probably take.

Wind Rider! The Wonderbolts are fast! They can do this!

Wind Rider had severed under him for years.

Now he had to count on the fact that this meant anything to the Captain.


“I… I need to know what I should look out for.”

Why am I continuing to distract myself?

“You don’t trust me…

“How am I supposed to help you if I don’t even know where you are at right now?” Future Rainbow sighed. “You are not me.

“You are different.”

Maybe I have overdone it…

“Things looked bleak for me…

“But then Mom and Dad finally got help from a therapist, and Fluttershy continued to support me along the way. Bless her. No matter how much I tried to drive her away, she always stayed, determined to help us heal.” Those were good memories.

It showed her that no matter what, some ponies would never give up on you.

I am already receiving all the help I need.

“I was blind. For a long time, I couldn't see how my actions were hurting others, yet that didn't mean I was a bad pony. The fact that I not only immediately stopped when I noticed the damage I was doing but also tried to stand up for my former victims is proof of that." It took so long for her to come to terms with that. "It is proof I could tell right from wrong. Proof that I had a moral compass… I tried my best. I fought every day. The world around me, however, wouldn't change… And one day, I realised it wasn't the problem. One day I stopped caring. Everypony around me lived in it. Everypony around me had accepted this world. It was obvious. I was the one who had to change. It was the only way. You, too, will see it one day. You, too, will fall.

“And when you finally do, you will be rewarded with happiness. Instead of constantly having to see the world for what it really is, you will finally be able to lie to yourself like all the others, being rewarded with a land of sunshine and rainbows.

"Or maybe you won't. Maybe I was simply too weak.

“Maybe there had been another way all along.” For the first time in years, an old foe reared its head again.

Her conscience.

Something was still missing. “Did you come to that realisation by yourself? I thought Celestia made your life hell first?"

“I… It’s difficult.” Future Rainbow was feeling a migraine sneaking up on her.

Was it possible to get one in this void?

“To be frank. Life isn’t that black and white. Yes, they wanted me to break. Not to put up any resistance anymore, but I also needed their help. Or aren’t you feeling so…




I... Sometimes I do...

“In the end, they cured me of these feelings, and I suppose in return, they got the element of loyalty they wanted.”

They destroyed you…

They will do the same to me…

They will do it to Twi and Spike…

They will do it to everypony.

“I was stupid. I tried resisting them. The only thing it accomplished was that they put me into a mental asylum…

"But like I said, I probably needed that.”

They drugged us?

“Do you… do you take medication? Have they forced you-”

“I know what you are imagining, but don’t. There is no reason to be afraid to take the needed medicine.” Maybe she should have kept quiet.

It seemed that future Rainbow's well-meant advice had put her younger self off even more.

They forced you…

It's exactly what I was afraid of!

“So you are happy taking them!” Everything seemed to be against her.

Even health care.

"I wouldn't say happy… they are simply a necessity that enables me to go about my life.

“If you are like I was, then they will help you.

“They won’t even keep you out of the Wonderbolts for all that long. Celestia will make sure of that.

When did I start gushing about those clowns!

“And yeah… they will make you tired, but everypony will simply think you are lazy, and honestly, who cares about them?" Maybe she was going about this the wrong way.

Ultimately, a doctor would need to see what was best for this version of her younger self.

“Stop taking them.” Rainbow almost commanded.

“Excuse me?” Was her younger self still seeing this as a game?

“Twi will help you! They won’t be able to force you anymore! You need to stop taking them!” Whatever it was, Rainbow was sure it wasn’t medication.

“Are you stupid! Who knows how I would react to the withdrawal-”

“They are just scaring you! You will be fine, and in the rare event that you won’t be at first, Twi will help you!" Because if there was one thing she knew, then it was that Twilight would always be there for her.

For every single version of her.

“You have no idea what you are talking about! You don't play with medicine like that! Those aren’t loyalty pills! It's medication helping me with my medical condition! They have nothing to do with the other things-”

“Keep telling yourself that! Who knows what they put in there!”

“I know! The ingredients are labelled!”

Really? You had no better argument?

“You may think you can go without professional help right now, but you will be going out there on borrowed time… these illnesses need to be treated. The older you get, the longer you wait, the worse they become. One day you will be super happy. The other day you will be feeling absolutely down…

“They work in phases, you know.” It probably was all futile.

If her younger self really was fighting against the princess, then it wasn’t like she would be able to see a doctor.

Not like she could freely talk to them to get the help she needed.

Life simply wasn’t fair. “I only wanted you… I want you to be able to get that help without getting yourself locked up.…”

Don’t listen to her.

You are fine.

“I will manage," Rainbow waved her off.

And still, it made her fear that much more for the small filly in front of her. “You will be hurting yourself and those around you for nothing. Those who play with fire will get burned.” If only she knew if there even was a reason to worry about her thick-headed younger self.

“Yeah, yeah.” The only thing that was missing was for Rainbow to cover her ears with her wings.

“I am serious. Your Twilights support might help…

“But in the end, illnesses like these can only be treated with professional help and medication.

“When you see it for yourself, it will be too late,” older Rainbow warned.

Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!

“We aren't ill! They lied to you! Because that's all they do! They lie! They lie! They lie!”

She shot out of bed.

“They lie! They lie! They lie!”


They are everywhere.

They will hurt you.

They will hurt her.

They will lock you up until you are dead.

You will never see her like that again.

They will make you forget.

“Dashie!" Twilight was shaking her.

But Rainbow just stared at the wall.

The door was forced open. “Is everything all right?” Isabella asked.

They will drug you.

They will make you believe their stories.

They will make you fight for them.

They got Twilight as well.

They can do it again.

“Hey… did you have a bad dream?” the changeling tried to understand the whirlwind of emotions the pegasus was feeling. “There is no need to be afraid. Look around you. We are all here for you.” Unknowingly her well-meant words bounced straight off of the blue pegasus.

You were right.

You need to leave.




In an instant, the heaviest object she could see was thrown at the changeling.

“Why do you continue to do this to me!” Isabella was on the ground, covering her eye.

They want to keep you here.

They will use you.

They will endanger you.

While the changeling was trying to recover from the pain, Rainbow grabbed Twilight and Spike and hurled them out of the window.

As fast as she could without resorting to another rainboom, she began flying.

“Dashie!" She could feel Twilight's magic.

She will stop you.

She doesn’t know.

She can’t know because they got her as well.

“We need to leave!” Rainbow pleaded. “I saw what they did to me-”

“You had-”

“It wasn’t a nightmare! I saw my future self! If you want us to even have the slightest chance at happiness, then we can never return here!”

It will never be safe anywhere near her.

“They want to keep us here for their own purposes!

“We can’t stay here! We need to leave! Leave! Leave!” Rainbow desperately wanted to speed up, yet she couldn’t.

She couldn’t kill Twilight again.

The only thing that was left was to continue flying while hysterically continuing to speak what she knew was the truth. “Leave! Leave! Leave! Leave! Le-”

Purple Magic engulfed them.


For a short moment, she could see land once more before it engulfed her again.

And again.

And again.

It continued until Twilight fell onto the ground.

Where are-

“I can’t-”

“Don’t overextend yourself!” Or else what happened in the throne room would happen once more.

“I brought us as far away as I could… I don’t know where we ended up.

“I didn’t even know I already knew how to teleport.” Twilight hugged an ill-looking Spike.

The barrage of teleports seemed to have gotten to him.

We are… safe?

“Everything is ruined!” The purple filly began sobbing. “I had them! I had them!”

Who- Fluttershy and Pinkie.

“How can I ensure they won’t turn on us now?

“What will happen if she kills them?

“What if the changelings will want revenge for us abandoning them?

“What if we are in hostile territory?

“Where can we get clean water?



“Are they speaking the same language-”

Rainbow pressed her lips onto Twilights.

Then she simply lay down next to the lost alicorn, looking at the night sky.

"We are here, Twi.

"We are here while our problems remain in Equestria.

“The only thing that came with us is a bright future.

“Happiness is awaiting us.”

Chapter 19 - Welcome to the Future

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Why am I doing this?

I could lose everything!

My home, my bits, my fame, my authority, my wings, even my life!

Not to mention that those I love will be in danger as well!

For her safety, she hadn't told Applejack about her plan, but would that be enough if the princess ever found out?

Stupid consciousness! I have been part of the bad side for years, yet you stayed silent! So, why raise your ugly head now?

Why have this dream?

It was a dream, right?

She made her way past the guards.

They will hurt you again.

Just like they did last time.

Twilight could protect you…

That is, if she was actually in a position and willing to do so.

Surely her breaking the alicorn's heart would mean that she wouldn’t step in.

Right? I mean, it's not like I wanted to break it…

Then again, she should be over it by now. It’s not like she couldn’t get any pony she wanted.

If necessary, by force…

She wasn’t supposed to think like that.

She wasn’t supposed to be here.

They are kind…

They are benevolent…

They are still in charge. Twilight is just a puppet…

You need to stop…

“Why are you here, Rainbow?" Twilight looked at her, annoyed.

Why am I here again?

Listen to your princess.


I need to tell her.

I need to tell her!

You can’t.

“I must!”

I need to get this out of my head. Then I will be able to live peacefully again.

“You must do what?” The sudden shout had startled the poor princess, causing her to spill a cup of coffee on her papers.

It only further brought down her mood.

“I need a favour from you,” Rainbow started while glancing at the guards stationed at the door.

Since when did you revert back to using solar and night guards instead of your own guard?

“A favour! After all this time, you came to visit just for a stupid favour!" Twilight was enraged, nearly slamming her hoof hard enough on the table to break it. “You couldn’t even pretend for five minutes to be here because you care about me! Do I mean so little to you! You…”

While the alicorn was still screaming with a mixture of pain and rage, Rainbow flashed her a small note. “They are listening!” was written on it.

“I wanted to see what would happen if the initiative didn’t come from me, and would you look at that! None of you bothered to visit me for months! Even after this farce for my student! Have you even thought about me once while I was gone!” Twilight slumped back in her chair again. “Ok, I put up an illusion spell around us. Nopony should be able to see through it. To them, it will look like we are still arguing."

So that anger outburst was fake?

No, wait…. I showed you that sheet after you started cussing me out.

“What are you doing here, Rainbow?” It was like the fit of anger had zapped all energy out of her.

Something is wrong.

More wrong than usual.

“Now Twilight, that’s no way to great a friend, especially not after such a long time.” Although, now that she thought about it, there were some truths in her friend's rant.

Twilight didn't acknowledge her words, simply waiting for her to get to the point.

After all, there was still no way that Rainbow wasn’t here to demand something.

Is it because of my rejection?

You really aren’t over it by now?

“So, what have you been up to?” Much to the alicorn's dismay, though, Rainbow wasn't about to reveal anything without having at least some small talk beforehoof.

“I am actually very busy right now," Twilight sighed before finally a smile appeared. “There is a big project I am working on.”

Big project? I didn’t hear of anything?

“What project?” Rainbow asked, her curiosity peeked.

But Twilight didn’t answer, only a knowing smile staring at her friend.

Is it related to the personnel changes you have made?

“You know, Twilight, the new ponies you hired seem pretty stupid. I liked the old ones better.” Rainbow tried to confirm her guess.

Again no response.

Only a knowing smile.

Ok… This is getting scary. What are you up to?

“Why are you here, Rainbow?” Twilight inquired once again instead. “You never come over.” The last part was too quiet for Rainbow to hear.

But the young princess had already made it more than clear that this was one of the reasons for her current mood.

Have we really separated so much that just me visiting is considered strange?

There was no use in trying to start any sort of friendly conversation. That much was clear by now. “Twilight, there is something you need to know….”

Could she actually do this?

This isn’t what I wanted to be. What I wanted to become.

I don't know if Twilight is in on it or not.

Heck, there is no way she isn’t in on it!

Still, she needed to make sure. “Twilight, do you know that the princess has been rewarding us for being bearers way before we have even met you?" Only they hadn't known that that was the reason at the time.

“She has! Since when!” Twilight shot out of her chair.

Oh, Twilight.

Poor naive Twilight.

Rainbow would have to go through with her plan now. It meant betraying the princess, but during her life, she had learned that loyalty wasn't always black and white. Sometimes loyalties would conflict, just like in this scenario and for the first time, she chose Twilight's well-being over the wishes of the princess.

But before she did, there was one genuine favour she needed from her friend after all. “Twilight, can you look into these pills for me?" She handed her a bottle, much to the alicorn's irritation. "I don’t want to get into too much detail, but they said I need to take them and… I am afraid they lied to me…

“That the pills might be nefarious.”

“They?” Twilight skimmed through the list of ingredients. “Who told you to take them?”

“I don’t want to tell you,” Rainbow blocked.

Immediately a hateful glare was directed at her. “Then why ask! Why ask if you don’t trust me!

“Why always ask for something yet never give anything in return!”

She is right.

She always is.

Rainbow didn't know how to respond.

And to her friend’s frustration, it didn’t matter.

It didn’t matter because Twilight would always say yes to her. “I will analyse them, Rainbow.”

"Thank you, Twilight.” One more reason why the purple alicorn deserved the truth. “Remember when you confessed to me? I wasn’t entirely forthright with you. There is another reason why I rejected you…” Rainbow shook her head. This was not why she rejected Twilight that day. “Twilight… I rejected you because I already had made my decision, but for a short time before I started dating AJ, I thought about asking you out.” She could see hope in the eyes of her friend.

Hope she would have to crush again.

Why am I doing this to you…

Why did I open this wound again…

Why do you think I would ever betray her like this?

Isn’t she your friend?

Would you hurt a friend like that?

“Twi… I asked her about it, and she made it quite clear that it wouldn't happen… so I moved on.” There really hadn't been a reason to ask.

She had already been told way before that to stay away from the at the time young unicorn when it came to love.

However, she had still wanted to at least try.

“That’s why I can never be with you, Twilight, even if we ignore AJ.” There it was.

Eyes that had lost all colour.

Crushed by another defeat.

Darting around, trying to figure out who she was talking about.

“Twilight, I… I already said too much, but you need to be careful out there, and you can’t trust anypony. Especially not us or anypony else with direct connections to her. The star that shines the brightest also tends to blind us.” She had done it.

She had done it, and she would never be able to undo it.

…was it worth it?

Fear grabbed her.

Fear caused her to fly.

Maybe if she flew fast enough through those corridors, maybe once she was in the sky again, her problems wouldn't catch up.

Maybe she could outfly and ignore them again, like always.

Twilight stared after her.

One thing was clear to the young princess.

She couldn't continue with her plan.

Not when there was something out there that she had completely missed.


How she wished she could enjoy this.

But she couldn’t.

Not when Twilight was beginning to have a panic attack.

“This is my dream, Twi,” she got her attention.

“A pony who is there for me.

“A pony who understands me.

“A chance to live somewhere where I can be myself.

“Where nopony knows me.

“We are free.

“We can do anything we want.” Why couldn’t Twilight see it when it was so obvious to her?


“No buts,” Rainbow interrupted. “We will go as far as we need to. They will never find us then.”


“Let them die. I don’t care what happens to them. Those we love are gone anyway.” It sounded crueller than she had intended.


But she stood by her point. “Had they wanted us to protect them, they shouldn’t have treated us…” Twilight wasn’t the one who got mistreated.

But we are one now, right?

“I understand D-”

“You don’t.” Was she really going to say this?

Would she say it knowing Twilight would take it dead serious.

No secrets.

Tell her what you want.

“This is my revenge.” She wouldn’t hurt them, yet she certainly wouldn’t help either.

And she would make sure that what should have been their loyal weapon wouldn’t as well.

“That’s what you want?” This didn’t sound like her fillyfriend.

But Rainbow couldn’t take it anymore. “I want to see them burn.”

What they had done to her was terrible.

What they would have done was unforgivable.

“Do you-”

“No. It will be enough to let them be on their own." Because they wouldn't be evil if they simply chose to let them be.

That was how it worked, was it?

“…” Twilight didn’t know how to respond.

I will help, though.

I will help if you want to help.

For you, I will help… only for you.

“Are you ok with this?” A simple question.

A simple question whose answer would determine everything.

“I… They… I don’t know-”

“Whatever you want, we can get it somewhere else!” Rainbow pleaded.

She would help, but she would also try to defend her current position.

“Dashie… those are a lot of ponies we are putting at risk here,” Twilight reasoned.

But… am I not more important than them?

“Also… those threats… eternal night, Discord, they will be a danger to us no matter where we are.” She needed to protect her new family from them.

Even if they might disagree with that notion.

Eternal night is real?

“At least those two we must make sure are defeated.” Because they weren’t alicorns.

With no sun, Rainbow and Spike would probably die.

As for Discord…

He was and always would be a wild card she didn't know how to handle.

“Very well.” Rainbow could compromise.

If Twilight said those two were necessary, then they were necessary.

“So… eternal night, Discord and no more?” This wasn't entirely what she wanted, but it still meant so much to her.

I really am that important to you…

More important than an entire country…

“Those two and no more because my rainbow angel demands it." Hopefully, she hadn't forgotten any other world-ending threat. “What she wants, I want.”

I will never forget that, Twi.

I will never forget that you traded Equestria for me.

What could she ever do to repay the alicorn for it?

What could she offer in return?

I am racking up so much debt…

Twilight didn’t seem to care. “Dashie… I will switch my priorities then. From now on, your immortality will be my number one concern.”

There was a little creature the purple filly seemed to forget. "What about Spike?”

Immediately Rainbow regretted voicing that thought.

It was only making her fillyfriend's life harder.

Twilight looked into the big eyes of the little baby dragon she was still holding in her hoofs. “I-I-I will look into whether or not he is already immortal.” Since Spike was connected to- “That’s it! What if I make you like him! Then you…" Her face fell again. "No. That wouldn’t work. I would probably have to resort to necromancy.” Ok. So, it would work, but it shouldn’t be her first option.


“Why necromancy?” Spike wasn’t the result of it, was he?

“I would have to kill you and extract your magical essence, your life force, connecting it to me. From then on, your life would depend on me, enabling you to feed off my magic,” Twilight began explaining. “Then I would need to make a new body for you, or and that's what most do since it is simpler, channel your essence back into your old one.

“Understand, though, that the moment my hold weakens, your life force will dissipate, and you will be gone for good since you can't produce the necessary magic to hold it in place anymore.” Concerningly the fact that she knew so much about it meant that her future self had probably looked into it.

“But can’t you revive me again?” The way Twilight had explained it, it seemed really straightforward.

“That’s a common misconception. Look at our horns and wings," Twilight gestured to them. "We live thanks to our magic. As weird as it sounds, magic is what makes us us. It kind of is like our soul. If I revived you after your magic was gone, it wouldn't be you anymore. It would be a mindless zombie… At best, it could be trained to behave like you, although I doubt it.

“I would probably create a new pony-like entity doing that." It would be Rainbow's body without all those things that made the blue filly Rainbow.

“Ok. We will keep that in mind for emergencies?” After all, it would give Twilight at least one chance to save her should anything happen to her.

“Yes, Dashie. Emergency use only. If I make you immortal, I would like it to be a better… less dark-magic-involving method that would be safer for you as well as for me.” One mistake and this method would mean that she had been the one to kill the love of her life.

Although all methods would probably have their own set of risks.

“What about the theory you mentioned?” Rainbow recalled their conversation back in the castle.

“Yes... I was thinking that the elements of harmony might be able to grant you immortality, but for that, I would have needed at least the elements themselves and, more than likely, all of their bearers willing to help me.” Regret lay in Twilight's voice.

The elements would have been a safe and easy method to try.

I am making this so hard for you…

“So… I ruined it?" Unknowingly she had destroyed Twilight's plan.

“Nah. I will think of something else.” The alicorn tried to assure her with her brightest smile.

But truth be told, Rainbow did ruin it.

And Rainbow knew she did. "Thank you, Twi."

An immortal life won’t be enough to repay you.

An immortal life of happiness future me will never get.

A conversation that had shaken her to the core. “Hey… I was wondering about our love…."

“Did your future self say something about it?” Twilight really didn’t know if she could face another wave of doubt right now.

Was it her, or was it me that started this?

“I just don't understand… I mean, I do…” Rainbow hesitated for a second. “Why me?”

“Because you are Dashie.” Twilight was taken aback.

“Twi… don’t be like that.” The blue filly shook her head. She needed to understand.

She needed an honest answer.

“All this started only because of your vision.

“In that vision, you saw my future self, a mare I myself despised when I met her.

“You, however, seemed to love her for reasons that elude me.

“Then you sought me out because of it.

“But you hadn’t even realised that it was love you felt.

“You rejected the mere idea of two mares falling in love.

“Yet after I explained it to you, you changed your mind in record time…."

Rainbow mustered her. "Have I gotten everything right?”

“…yes. All of that is true,” Twilight confirmed.


“I loved future you, but I love you…” A despicable mare? Why would Rainbow think that? “I loved her because she… she made me smile, ok?" It sounded ridiculous, yet it was the truth.

“She made you smile?" Rainbow was taken aback at the simple, though meaningful, statement.

“Yes.” There were so many happy memories she hoped she could have with her Rainbow as well. “She came to read books with me…

“She was always so giddish about Daring Do. It was so cute…” Dreamy eyes stared at the night sky, forgetting all their fears and problems for a moment.

Maybe I misjudged her?

“She was so beautiful in the sky, just like you are…

“Dashie, there is so much else… I don’t know why you can’t see these things when they are so obvious to me.” Why did her fillyfriend disparage herself so much when to her, she was objectively the most valuable pony alive?


I don't know, either.

“Ok… and then you met me and-”

“I was taken aback.” Twilight knew where she was leading with this. “Those weren’t my memories. It took me some time to realise what future me saw in you and what the feelings were she conveyed to me.

“But when I did, I knew I could never bear to lose you.

“Dashie… once again. I love you. You claimed my heart.

“I am not future me. You are not future you.

“If it hadn't been you on that train, I don't believe any of this would have happened. And I specifically mean this version of you.

“The best version.” Twilight gently stroked her cheek, hoping it would help her realise just how much she meant to her.

She and no other version of her.

Those words you spoke in that cart…

They made me so happy.

You need to say them again someday.

“And your future self is also the reason-”

“I don’t…” Twilight halted. She needed to formulate this correctly. “Ok… I love mares.

“I know…” What an apparent yet hypocritical admission to make after everything she said. “I still don’t understand why-”

“It’s not an illness, Twi. You don’t need to justify yourself," Rainbow assured her, once more.

Sometimes we need time to realise who we are and who we want to be.

“Dashie… I couldn’t care less if it was," Twilight shrugged the well-meant words off. “It’s just that…

“I never figured it out, you know?" So evident yet so mysterious. "Looking at how future me lived, she just didn't feel anything for stallions.

“She tried pretending and forcing, but it wouldn't work.

“And so, she assumed that love itself wasn’t meant for her.

“And then the weird feelings for you came.

“She couldn’t place them.

“So, she ignored them.

“What followed was suppression.

“And then it was too late.

“You were gone, and she had nopony to blame but herself.

“You were gone, and she was alone.” Pain.

Those memories were nothing but sheer pain.

“And while subconsciously it might be another reason why I was so clingy with you, all of that wasn’t what mattered when I confessed to you. I promise I didn’t let it influence this action.

“Not this one. All but this.” This had been herself

Because if it hadn't been herself, then-

Then all of this would probably mean nothing.

“I didn’t consider that I was about to kiss a mare. I was simply about to kiss Dashie. The pony that made me smile.

“The pony I pledged myself to.

“The pony I want to be with for the rest of my immortal life.” Finally, the recount was over.

“Twi… have you got the same control on the sun as Princess Celestia, because you are seriously melting my heart here.” Pure happiness.

It was amazing how Twilight could make her feel it again and again.

Then all of this would probably mean nothing.

But it does.

It does because I just know it was you that confessed.

There was no doubt after what she had just been told.

"Who knows? Maybe?" Twilight grinned, blowing a kiss in her direction.

“I wasn’t that confident… I considered that I was about to start into a relationship with a mare," Rainbow revealed. “And it was weird because this was who I always denied to be.” But what else was she supposed to do?

Tell her bullies that she indeed loved mares when she wasn't even entirely sure if that was the case?

“Returning your feelings… it simply felt right.” She may have suspected it, but only Twilight had made her realise that she indeed felt that way. "I wanted to be with you, and if that made me gay, then so be it.”

“We are both very gay ponies.” The young alicorn giggled, not caring about it at all. “We didn’t fall over dead, so I wonder why they made such a big deal out of it in the first place.”

It’s so unimportant…

And yet it’s so important…

“Because they are stupid,” Rainbow rolled her eyes.

“They really are, aren’t they?” Maybe it was for the best that they were gone.

Hold up…

“Wait… did you say you never felt anything for stallions?” Rainbow raised an eye.

“I did. Why?" For some reason, Twilight felt the need to go on the defensive.

You behave the same way I did… and still do…

They hurt you…

Even in that way, they hurt you, too…

“It's just… like never, never?” Why was she even asking this question?

“No.” Twilight looked down.

Is it because…

Is it because I don’t feel that way?

“So… If I had been one, you wouldn’t feel anything for me?” There were things even she still had to understand when it came to these matters.

You would have to, right?

It's who we are and not what we are, isn't it?

Twilight stared at her, trying to imagine it. “…I would.”

It didn’t sound genuine.

I would feel something for you, regardless of your gender…

“Dashie… I just can’t… I am sorry.” Twilight felt like baling her eyes out.

She just didn't know why she felt that way.

“It’s fine. We all are who we are," Rainbow assured her, wiping away a few tears from the alicorn's face. “We are lucky the world wasn't graced with a disgusting male version of me, aren’t we?”

“Daaashie!” Twilight buried her face in her wings, embarrassed. “It isn’t like that!”

It totally is.

“I… just… Gah!” The purple filly was twitching, trying to solve an unsolvable scenario.

“Twi… this really isn’t that important,” Rainbow tried to walk back her words. “I just wanted to understand you there, ok? If-”

“It just is! You are right!" Twilight shot up, beginning to walk in circles while continuing to voice her thoughts. “It’s disgusting! The mere thought! They are ok as friends, but everything else… I just don't want that! This isn’t who I am! This isn’t who I want to be! This isn’t how I feel!” On her back, Spike just rolled his eyes as if he thought that all the fuzz was utterly unwarranted. “And it's not like I like every mare! Sure… I… I feel more attracted to them… but only with you do I feel like this.”

“Twi… I understand. Please stop hurting yourselves over-”

“But it-”

“It should matter.” Rainbow had closed the distance covering Twilight’s mouth with her wing. “It should because it does.”

And that was final.

“I love you.” The purple filly mumbled through her feathers.

“I love you too.” Rainbow gave her another kiss on her horn, pulling back her now slightly wet wing.

I will totally not wash those feathers again.

Speaking of wings, Rainbow glanced back to a now red Twilight. "You made my wings…." As if on cue, they had gotten stiff again.


“I… you know why that happens.” And Twilight, too, had her suspicions.


“It feels so right, but so dirty afterwards…." And right now, she was in the former phase.

“That’s absolutely normal,” Rainbow tried to quickly quash the subject.

For a ten-year-old?

You are almost thirteen, and you have yet to experience it.

"I just… You also know what I am thinking right now, don't you?” The purple filly was singlehandedly about to create a new shade of red.


What they talked about in school…

This is what lovers do…

Almost like a statue, Rainbow forced herself to utter the next words. “I… if you want-”

“No.” Twilight looked at her fillyfriend. A pegasus that had even stopped to breathe. “I can see that you are uncomfortable…”

You need to repay her…

You need to give her what she wants…

You can’t just always take…

“That’s also normal…” Rainbow used her remaining breath. “Don’t forget you are-”

"I am technically younger than you, yes." Why was it that Rainbow was trying to claim that she wanted this when she was nearly falling over dead in sheer terror? "Dashie… you shouldn’t forget that I have the memories of a very old mare in me.”

"I don't believe that matters-" Rainbow's face was managing to reach new levels of blue.

It’s getting so dark…

“Dashie. This isn’t a court. Please start breathing again.” Twilight was already preparing herself to catch her. “I can see you don’t want this… and I don’t want this either.” That was not entirely true.

She desperately longed for it.

But what was true, though, was that she didn't want to move an inch in that direction until Rainbow felt ready.

“Thank you, Twi.” A stone was lifted from her back. Finally, she could breathe again. “Twi… I don’t believe most ponies would have done the same.”

“You don’t mean as much to them as you do to me." How could she ever harm her rainbow angel like that? “Why are you hurting yourself, Dashie?

“Why lie to me like that?” What if she hadn’t picked up on her fillyfriend's attempt to fool her? “Dashie, you claimed that you don’t understand emotions, that I am so much smarter than you, yet here we are, you speaking the most evident of truths again and again.” Truths she never caught. “You are perfect in every way. Never forget that.” Twilight tried to make her see what she knew was fact. "You don't have to lie to me. Anything you say, I will do without complaining.”

“You are only saying that because you love me, Twi. It's a nice-”

“No! I said it because I mean it! Don't hide! You are smart! Your thoughts are beautiful! I can see it!” Why did Rainbow try to fight her about this? “You could see through Chrysalis when she tried to fool us! You could see through Celestia and the system of lies and deceptions she has built! You can see right through me!

"Dashie… one cannot excel in every area. Where I fall short, you shine bright.”

Bullying because of my mane…

Bullying because of my name…

Bullying I participated in…

Bullying that succeeded…

Bullying that had some truths in it? “Twi, please. My marks-”

“So what if you weren’t good at school! Buck school!” She was a princess. She could hand out diplomas like toilet paper if she wanted.

Oh wow! Did I just set you off? You don't seem like somepony who would say-

I did set you off… because you care about me.

“School only filled my head with lies anyway! Also, what has maths, Equish and co. got to do with this!” Twilight continued ranting.

Her constant circles were starting to form a path into the ground by now.

I suppose-

“Fine! I might be smarter than you in these subjects, yet when it comes to real life, I would have been helplessly lost without you!” Intelligence wasn't just about marks. That much Rainbow was proof of.

You are right!

“Twi! You are the best!” She attacked the alicorns with a surprise hug. “You are right! Both of us together, we can do this! We can do this because we add to each other! Where one falls short, the other picks up!”

A devilish grin was directed at her. “Took you long enough to see this, delinquent.”

Delinquent? That’s new?

Hmm, I will need a comeback.

“Not everypony can be an egghead. Some of us need time to figure things out.” Rainbow stuck out her tongue.

“Hey! My head isn’t made out of eggs, you… flying paintbrush!” Twilight returned the favour, rewarding her with the sight of her own tongue.

Game on!

“Oh yeah! I am a paintbrush! At least I didn’t fall into a purple paint bucket!” She wiggled with her tail as if to show how much prettier it was compared to Twilights.

“You take that back! I didn’t fall into one! It fell onto me!” Twilight wailed.

They broke out in giggles.


They used to call me that, as well as so many other names…

Never would I have thought that one day I would be happy at somepony calling me that… I love you so unbelievably much, Twi.

They stared into each other's eyes.

Eyes that burned with conviction.

“Happiness is awaiting us.”


Shining entered her cell.

Or was it Shining?

Since she didn’t have the strength to use her magic, she couldn’t be sure.

I am going to die in here…

“Cadence! Are you all right?” He rushed towards her, seemingly surprised by the sight.

What is your game here, Celestia?

“She told me that you were injured, but not to that degree!" Shining surveyed her burned body.

It’s not working…

My magic is failing me…

“I-We need to get you out of here!” Cadence needed medical attention. That much was clear.

It's torture not knowing if you are just an illusion…

A hallucination made by her…

“I don’t know why you decided to overthrow her, but she said she was ready to forgive you! You just need to tell me everything you know about a pony named Aurora!” He had only wanted to save his sister.

When he came back, nothing was left.

Nothing was left, and what did he have to show for it?

It’s you…

It really is you…

“Cadence… you need to tell me,” he nearly begged.

She really is using you against me…

“Cadence… she will kill me,” he whispered.

She can’t. You are her brother.

"She showed me the bodies of my parents before she sent me in." Cadence needed to tell him, or they both would suffer the consequences.

She killed them…

She is killing her…

“She will kill us, anyway.” Cadence managed to choke out.

“She won’t! She assured me she won’t!” But only if Cadence told him the information Celestia sought.

This is what Royal Guard training does to you…

And you still had it easy, thanks to Twilight and me.

How could she look away for so long?

We trained them to jump into the spell of an alicorn.

The images of her fight with Celestia in parliament would haunt her forever.

They killed themselves so that she could win…

Did they even realise that this is what they were doing?

At least forever remembering that would probably not be that long.

“Cadence! Tell me! Cadence!” He didn’t want to die like this.

He didn’t want her to die like this.

He didn’t want his sister to be without any family left.

"I can't… it's the only reason she hasn't killed us yet." But Cadence knew that, more than likely, only one of them would see the next day.

The one with the information.

“Oh, Cadence. I really thought this would work.” Celestia entered the room. “I will count down from ten, and if you don't surrender that information by then, I will kill him right here."

“Twilight will never forgive you for this.” Pain.

Speaking was pain.

“I already killed her parents. What difference does he make now?” It was all necessary.

They were stealing her daughter.

“Y-You will kill us anyway.” But what was her plan?

I wanted to recover and then get out…

Only she wasn’t recovering.

The empress…

This is her work…

Her spell…

“Maybe I will kill you. He will live, though,” Celestia reasoned. “He isn’t a danger to me. I will simply make him forget about her and then place him somewhere far away.”

I don’t trust you anymore.




I wish things could have been different, Shiny.




The white unicorn stared at her blankly.

She wouldn't save him.



Who knows what could have been between us…

Who knows how happy we could have been…



“Peng!” Shining twitched, anticipating a spell.

There was none.

“That was cruel, Cadence. I really thought he meant more to you,” Celestia chuckled. “Leave us,” she ordered Shining.

The unicorn gave Cadence an apologetic look before stepping away.

You didn’t kill him?

As soon as he was gone, green eyes stared at her. "This was the good princess.

"Next time, you will deal with the bad princess."


“I don’t have time to deal with this.

“We don’t have time.

"But since I have a feeling those fillies are all somehow important, you will look for our missing alicorn and her claim with them. Your siblings I send to replace you will follow unseen.

“Once you found them…

“We will see what we will do then.”

Anger swept over the hive mind.

She needs to pay.

“Isabella… these fellings suit you as much as jealousy suits Fluttershy.

You shouldn't fault a small child for not being able to handle all this.”

Anger remained, now infused with fury.

She gave me a green eye! She did that after destroying my life!

But calmness overpowered her.

“Her life lies just as much in shambles as yours.”

They were there for her, and they were telling her that she was allowed to be angry.

Yet anger shouldn’t be allowed to cloud her mind.

“…” Isabella stared at the ground.

She didn’t want to leave.

She wanted to sleep.

Sometimes I don’t know why I bother to fight another day.

Although she really didn't need to voice that thought.

The hivemind had already alerted the hive to her state.

“You fight for a better world,” her siblings reached out to her. “A better world for all of us.” It almost sounded like an orchestra.

An orchestra of voices that reminded her that life was worth living.

That even if your life was terrible, it still had a purpose.

"Thanks to you, the hatchlings of tomorrow can live happily."

She would make it happen.

I will find them, she promised.

“Good luck,” the hive wished her.

Mother knew what she was doing.

Mother's plan would work.

I will make sure it will work, she assured them. Thank you… for everything. She could feel their happiness, knowing that they succeeded in cheering her up.

She could feel Mother's happiness, seeing how the hivemind she was in charge of was still helping her children so much.

Isabella turned to the group of fillies that stared at her with expecting eyes.

“Alright. Here is the situation.”

Chapter 20 - A Future That Won’t Be Ours

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“It’s so cold.”

“Shh… I will warm you,” she enveloped her in her wings.

"I can't feel anything."

“You will again soon.”

“I can’t see anything.”

“Give it some time.”

“I-I didn’t want to die.”

“You agreed.”

“I didn’t think you would do this.”

“I know.” But she had gone through with it regardless.

And now she couldn’t undo it.

“Necromancy is illegal and dangerous.” The pony in her wings was supposed to kill those who performed it, as well as any creations by it.

Both of them were supposed to do it.

“Nothing is illegal for me.”

“But it’s still dangerous.”

“You are worth it.”

“I-I didn’t want things to turn out like this. I-”

“Shh…” such silly concerns.

Such silly concerns when the unicorn should do nothing but rest. “My little Cady… when everything is done…

“I promise I will give you that chance you deserved such a long time ago.”

“Y-You will?” Candy could feel her heart beating faster.

…On second thought, she couldn’t feel her heart beating at all.

“I will. Now that you are immortal, I see no issue anymore.”


“I will never forget Aurora, yet… I simply need to move on. If we are honest, I should have done so a long time ago… you won’t replace her, but you could be right next to her.”

“I would like that, yet-”

“As for the ethical concerns… I really am past that point now.”

“I love you so much-”

“Not now, Candy. Not now. For now, you need rest.”

But Candy couldn’t rest. “What if I mess up?”

“At worst, you will forever be my loyal little Candy. A pony I love like a second daughter.”

It was a soothing thought, though it wasn’t enough. “Don’t you feel anything for me at all romantically?”

“I don’t, but I never viewed you in that way.” Was that the truth?

How couldn’t she love the mare she had fallen to dark magic for?

Then again, she would have done the same for Twilight.

She would have done it for Luna as well…

She did do it for Luna as well.

“I will have quite the challenge in front of me.” The unicorn tried chuckling yet ended up coughing instead.

“Don't worry, Candy…

“From now on, you will have all the time in the world.”


Twilight and Rainbow had disappeared.

Why that was the case, they didn't know.

“I will look for them… but do you have any idea where they could have gone?” The world was big.

A lead would help.

“She wanted to leave Equestria… show us other countries…” Pinkie could only imagine what it was that went wrong.

“She wanted us to go with her… this must have been an accident…." Fluttershy muttered.

“Rainbows was scared… I believe she might have accidentally pressured Twilight into an uncontrolled teleport.” She needed a lead, not self-pity. “This means, Twilight ended up someplace her subconsciousness wanted her to end up in.” But only if her theory was correct. “If somepony told her to leave in a panic, where would she want to go to?”

"I don't believe she knew that herself…." Pinkie thought back to the conversation they had. “It might take us some time to find her…." Out of the corner of her eye, she could see her parents rushing towards them, followed by her siblings.

Yet her siblings remained in the doorway.


“I will be going with the other to look for the princess.” She wasn’t supposed to tell them her true intentions.

But was Limestone right in her assumption that leaving without telling would be better?

“No. It’s too dangerous.” They shot her down.

“Mom… Dad… think about the reward we could get for helping a princess.” There would be no reward.

Not for a very long time.

However, they didn’t know that “…You are right. Wait a moment. We will be going with you.”

She should have expected that answer. “No. You have obligations to fulfil. They… t-they will hurt you if you don’t. I never was any real help… so let me do this.”

To their dismay, her parents knew she was right. “…Be careful, Pinkamena.”

“I will… I love you.” This might be the last time she would see her family.

How she wished it wouldn’t be based on lies and deception.

“We love you too.” They watched as their daughter walked away with the unknown visitors.

Deep down, they knew they would never see her again.

As soon as they were out of sight, Isabella released her magic hold on Applejack. “Why should we search for ponies that fled from us!”

“They were in distress! We must help!” Fluttershy insisted.

“Exactly! Leaving them alone when they could be in danger would make us a bunch of meanies!” Not to mention that Twilight told them that the fate of the entire planet hinged on them.

Seeing she was being outnumbered, the orange earth pony called for support. “Rarity! Back me up here!”

“Ummm… we should honour the princess's wish of being alone?” She wasn’t too happy to be placed in the spotlight like that.

But Applejack didn't pick up on her discomfort. “Exactly! Thank you, Rarity!”

At least one other pony with common sense.

“Okey dokey lokey.” Pinkie began bouncing away.


“We won’t force you to go with us. Good luck… and be careful out there… I don’t think Twilight and Rainbow would lie about these things,” Fluttershy quickly told them before catching up with Pinkie.

"Well, Rarity. It seems-"

“I… I will go with them,” Rarity whispered.


“Why!” How was it that everypony was against her?

They are almost treating me like a villain!

“I don’t want to die-”

“She was lying!” Or was she?

It simply couldn’t have been the truth…

She must have misinterpreted something that led to her believing that it was…

“Was she? How come you are so confident?” Unknowingly Rarity hit right where it hurt.

“I just am!” Applejack screamed, enraged. “Maybe in her mind, it was the truth, yet that doesn't mean it actually is!”

After all, one can be mistaken!

“I… I don’t want to risk it. Even if it all was a lie up to this point, what do you think Princess Celestia will do to us if we return without her daughter? If she figures out, we abandoned her?" With that, Rarity, too, rushed after Pinkie.

I knew I couldn’t count on you…

But then, why does it hurt so much?

Isabella stared at the remaining filly. Without doing anything, almost all of them had done what she had wanted them to do.

Giving the orange filly one last glance, she began making her way into the direction the three fillies had disappeared to.

Applejack would follow as well.

One way or another.


Princess Celestia could have been worse…. We were the ones who started a fight with her...

Candy loves her.

It was a turn of events she didn’t see coming.

Candy tried to kill her.

Was that something you did to the pony you loved?

What will happen to us now?

They may not have brought her to a cell, yet she wasn’t allowed to leave this room either.

The only thing to do now was stare at the ceiling and think about the decisions in life that had brought her here.

You were so angry when they told you she had a- oh buck! Buck! Buck! Buck! Twilight Sparkle is her daughter!

We tried to kill Princess Celestia’s daughter! It is only a matter of time before she figures out that I was involved!

She knew she needed to repent for her sins, yet the prospect of Princess Celestia deciding her punishment-

She will make it slow and painful….

Maybe she will do the same to me as they did with Lieutenant Estelle?

A patrol had caught the equestrian soldiers in the act, recovering the body, making sure every single one of them would get an opportunity to see it.

S-She wouldn’t do that to a minor, right! I didn’t even have my first kiss yet!

Sweet Moon! What was I thinking!

And still, it was too late. She had wanted to flee to Equestria, and now she would have to live with that decision.

Oh, please don't mess this up, Candy! You are the only pony I know here! Only you can protect me from her!

After being thrown out of a window, she doubted the princess would be merciful to her without the unicorn’s support.

First the Captain and now Candy… I am always running behind somepony else…

Why can’t I fight for myself?

The answer to that she knew.

Because I don’t want to.

Because it’s easier to have another pony tell you what to do.

Could she be blamed for that?


Soon, they will want me to reveal to them everything I know.

What will happen after that?

Candy said they would take good care of me.

She could only pray that the mare wasn’t only defending her love at the time.

I need to take my life into my own hooves…

Else it will become unbearable again.

Only doing what others tell you to do was easier.

The path to becoming happy was more than likely different.


“She obviously meant Celestia.”

“The star that shines the brightest also tends to blind us.”

That was the sun, right?

“Celestia needed the elements to work, and she wanted them to be loyal. How wasn't that clear to you already?" Chrysalis was amazed by Twilight's ability to overlook the most obvious of things. "Did you think she would leave these things to fate? Did you think she would risk the Elements turning agai-”

“I get it!” She hadn’t known that Celestia had been buying her supposed friends before they even met each other, but Chrysalis was right.

It shouldn’t be too surprising.

"What I don't understand is why she forbade Dashie from asking me out.” It was crushing.

I could have been with her…

I could have been with her if I hadn’t been such a moron…

And I could have been with her if Celestia didn’t forbid her from loving me…

So many chances and none of them were taken.

“Maybe she wants you for herself?” The changeling queen proposed.

“Don’t maybe me! You can read emotions!” Chrysalis always managed to find some way to anger her.

It probably was payback for ruining her plans multiple times.

"She isn't here, and at the time, I didn't check if she wants to-"

“She controlled my life! She controlled their lives! She still does!” It was so hard to get to this point without alerting her. “I don’t know why! Why do all of this! Why always lie to me! Why make it her life’s mission to make me unhappy!”

“You are overthinking this.” Chrysalis needed Twilight to start the next phase.

Rainbow had delayed it.

“She simply is a pony that can’t let go of power. That is why she is still pulling the strings even when you are formally in charge.” The changeling queen tried to get her to move on. “Once you have depowered her, we can ask her.”

“Once you have depowered her, we can ask her.”

Because I don’t know how to kill her…

Or myself.

“What about the pills?” Twilight asked.

“It was really hard to get this information… I am telling you, we need to act soon.” Chrysalis was practically begging her at this point. The risks they both had taken were great, and at least she didn't want them to have been taken for nothing. “Celestia’s ponies are starting to notice that something is wrong. Especially Director Candy-”

"Then get rid of her! It shouldn't be that hard!" It was already insane that the unicorn hadn't been replaced until now.

“But we also-”

“I don’t care! Just kill her! Make it an accident! Any investigation I can get rid of as soon as I am truly in charge!” Twilight needed answers, not excuses.

“I will relay the order as soon as-”

“Get to the point!”

“We have found a few medical records that state that Rainbow was confined to a mental asylum for some time during her early foalhood,” Chrysalis revealed.


"Apparently, they feared that she may be suffering from a form of depression, but more importantly, she showed strong signs of disloyalty to the princess, something they couldn't allow a bearer to feel."


"The pills are indeed regular medication, although not necessarily necessary for her to take. At least her doctor was of the medical opinion that she didn't need to take them since she did seem stable to him.

“It appears that they are more there to prevent her from feeling things she should feel, but they don't want her to.

“They are there to make her more compliant.” The changeling queen awaited her reaction.

“Twilight? Do you want me to go on?” The alicorn was switching between furry, which was enough to level a nation and sadness that would make her cry enough to make sure every single pony in Equestria would drown.

“Twilight, are you all right?” Obviously, she wasn’t, yet Chrysalis wasn’t allowed to approach her or use magic on her, even if it might be able to help.

“Can she just stop taking them?” Twilight sounded like she was talking to herself.

“No. While during her last doctor visit, it was noted that they are still of the medical opinion that she could try to reduce her dosage and eventually stop taking them entirely, we shouldn’t forget that this is still heavy medication. She will suffer serious withdrawals should she completely stop taking her medicine for a prolonged time. Constant supervision and a gradual phase-out would be best for her if you want to try this." It was good to see that the alicorn was still able to handle her emotions. It allowed Chrysalis to add the next part. “It was done like that on purpose, by the way. They wanted to be alerted of such a scenario since Rainbow stopping to take her pills would probably mean that she was trying to challenge them.”

You hurt her…

I will be so happy to see you burn, Celestia!

Burn eternally in your stupid sun! The twilight will reign forever!

"We won't be doing anything for now, then. Everything can be fixed once I am Empress. Then I can change things to how they should be." Her friend wouldn’t have to wait long for her to be able to save her.

“E-Empress?” Chrysalis was taken aback.

“Yes. Those titles are arbitrary. Why not take the highest one?” It was a bit silly, but Twilight just knew that her calling herself Empress would push her old mentor’s buttons. "It's just one part of making me better than Celestia in every way.”

“Don’t you think empress sound kind of… evil?” It certainly wouldn’t make it easier for them to get the common pony on their side.

It does.

She will be so sad to see her tool fall…

Maybe then she will begin to understand how I feel.

“I don't care. I do what I want, just like Celestia does, apparently. Unlike her, however, I will at least stand by my actions. I won't hide them, and I won’t cover them up.” Even if her ally would be much happier if she did.

“That isn’t-”

"That isn't smart? You are right. It isn't. Once the curtain has been lifted, they will despise me, and you know what? I will enjoy it.” This wasn’t her fault.

She had tried to escape yet found herself chained up.

"But why! It will make everything so much more difficult!" To Twilight, this was obviously some sort of game.

To Chrysalis, it wasn't.

Those were her children, the few remaining ones on her side, that were being put at risk.

“Why? Because they always took me for granted, that’s why. They could never imagine me doing such a thing, which is why it will be so satisfying.” The changeling could try to change her mind about this part all day, but Chrysalis would never succeed.

Because to Twilight, it wasn't about power. It was only about revenge and a certain pegasus.

They don’t know my suffering.

Nopony does.

Nopony understands.

That includes you.

I will be merciful, though.

I will only make them feel a fraction of the pain I am feeling.

“What about-”

“Dashie will want to fight me,” Twilight acknowledged.

She will never agree.

“But she doesn’t hold any say in this. Why would she? She will never return my feelings on her own, anyway.” The love of her life could fight.

Though she would never win against an alicorn.

“We could-”

“Kill Applejack? I thought about it,” Twilight shrugged. “It wouldn’t even have to be obvious. Maybe an accident on the farm.”

“Then why-”

“Because she would find out eventually,” the young princess reasoned.

“I fail to see-”

“That’s why I will go all in. I will kill Applejack.

“I will dispose of Celestia and her mindless husk of a sister.”

I bet there wasn't even dark magic in control of her. You just wanted us to help you secure your throne.

“I will transform Rainbow into what she should have been.

“And then I will stick to my end of the bargain and use my power to help you and your changelings get your rightful place in my world.” Luckily this was all the changeling queen cared about.

“…If that’s what you want, then we will help,” Chrysalis affirmed once again.

You better do! I didn’t get you out of that statue for nothing!

Making a replica was harder than Twilight had thought.

"By the way, what about Thorax?" They had never talked about him, the purple alicorn only now realised. "I assume you want him dead?"

“No,” The changeling queen shook her head. “Leave him be.”

I didn’t expect you to say that. How curious.

“He took away the majority of your subjects,” Twilight reminded her.

"I know. But for me, this isn't about revenge… At least not this time." If only her remaining children had followed Thorax’s example instead of stubbornly clinging to her.

If they had done that, Twilight would have never been able to prepare Equestria's downfall in secret, yet she couldn't fault them.

Not when they had done it out of love for her.

Love for her and hope that with her, they could preserve the once flourishing changeling culture that they only ever got to experience in her hive mind.

A culture that Thorax had apparently chosen to mostly ditch.

Twilight gave her a suspicious look. She obviously wasn't too happy with the answer. However, there were more important issues. "Very well. In that case, he will be treated as everypony else."

“Doesn’t Spike-”

“Spike will be fine without him.” He would never dare to defy her.

That she was sure of.

“I don’t think-”

“Why are you always questioning me, Chrysalis?” Twilight glared at her. “It’s starting to get annoying.”

“It’s just…

“In the end, we will be happy, but I don’t think you will be…

“At least not when everything is said and done.”


“Happiness is awaiting us.”

They had both said it at the same time.

Which means it must be the truth.

Spike rolled his eyes once more.

I know.

I thought that, too.

I thought it until I met her.

Twilight pressed her lips on hers, stealing another kiss.

It could have all been so different…

The only reason we are here today is because some supernatural force decided on a whim that it didn’t like how things would turn out.

A supernatural force that could do with them whatever it wanted.

Rainbow leaned into the kiss.

We can’t let anypony tear us apart again.

That included the Elements.

Twilight rubbed her nose against hers before she pulled back again.

That was too short…

“We should probably try to figure out where we are and where the next civilisation is.” The purple filly looked around before deciding on a direction. “Let’s go this way, Dashie.” It didn’t even cross her mind that it could have been a wrong choice.

This is how it should be!

No fear.

No doubt.

Only happiness and confidence in themselves.

“Mommy, hungry,” Spike complained.

“We will buy- We will steal some gems when we are in town,” Twilight corrected herself.

Maybe a bit too much confidence.

Still, it wasn’t like they would steal them for fun.

We are simply taking what we need to survive…

It just so happened that for Spike, that wasn't hay but gems.

When did we decide that they were so much more valuable than other, more important things?

Shouldn’t food and water be more valuable?

After all, at least ponies couldn't survive off of gems, could they?

Stupid decisions by a stupid-

“Dashie… you haven’t told me yet what you meant when you said that they lie…." Twilight frowned, the memory of how they ended up here suddenly on the forefront of her mind. “What was it that made you panic so much?”


Buck! Buck! Buck!

“It was nothing import-”

No lies.

Tell her the truth.

"Future me… she claimed I am mentally ill," Rainbow mumbled.

Twilight won’t lock you up and force you to take some pills.

She won’t hurt you like they would have done.

"As an insult?" She could feel the alicorn's breathing getting heavier.

It had to be an insult.

It just had to be.

I wish.

Why was it that every time things looked bright, reality came back, putting itself in the spotlight? “Celestia's ponies locked her up after she tried resisting, but she claimed that the diagnosis was real… can you check that?”

“I… can’t.” This wasn’t her area of expertise. “Look into yourself… was it real?”

Am I insane?

“I don’t know… maybe,” Rainbow answered truthfully.

Those were the best lies.

Lies that had grains of truth in them.

And that was only if it wasn’t the truth.

“You know we already talked about this, Twi… and I… I am hurting everypony around me…" Surely it wasn't normal for a filly to attack grown-ups on a regular basis, right?

“Dashie… don’t be afraid.” Twilight felt the urge to destroy something.

But the alicorn managed to control herself. “Forget about it. If we see anything to be alarmed about, then we will act.”

“When you see it for yourself, it will be too late.”

It was probably supposed to be well-meant advice, yet to her, it was nothing more than a threat. "And if that's too late?"

“It won’t be. It’s not like you will suddenly throw yourself off of a cliff,” Twilight dismissed her.

You are right…

As long as you are with me, why would I?

“Heh,” Rainbow smiled. “Thanks, Twi. You are the best.”

"Anything aside from these horrible lies?" What Rainbow didn't manage to catch was the stark contrast in Twilight's behaviour from when they were still in Canterlot.

Instead of figuring out a way to help her, even if it was just pre-emptively, it was like Twilight simply refused to acknowledge that what she had told her could be genuine this time.

A filly that didn’t know how to handle it.

Handle it in this unknown place.

A place she didn’t even know how to teleport them back home from.

Back home where there were apparently no adults left alive that they could have trusted to help them.

Maybe it was better that Rainbow didn’t realise why it was that Twilight dismissed those claims. "Not much… we… I argued most of the time with her about Celestia, you, Applejack… everything real- Am I the element of loyalty?”

“Yes. You represent loyalty.” Why hadn’t she told her fillyfriend about it yet? “As a bearer, you will become a shining example of your element, but if you ask me, you are one already.”

But Rainbow didn’t care about that. She was more interested in the choice of element. “Why loyalty?”

“Why not?” Who else but the most loyal being alive deserved it?

Only the blue filly didn’t see it that way. “How did it choose me?”

Were there any downsides in revealing this information? “You stood by our side when Nightmare Moon tried to twist you against us.”

Rainbow somehow had trouble believing that. “Yours or Celestia's?”

“We were on the same side,” Twilight hissed.

She had hissed because it had hurt.

You thought I did it for you…

Yet she didn’t. “Twi… I did it for her.”

They needed to move on.

They needed to move on, or this valley would have one less mountain.

“What is your element, Twi?” Rainbow changed topics.

If mine is loyalty, then yours could be… strength?


“I can’t remember… Magic." But the alicorn knew that Magic was only a part of the correct answer.

“Magic?” How fitting. She really should have been able to guess that. “Suits you, Twi.”

Suits you better than loyalty suits me.

“No… I know Magic isn’t the right answer…." Why did she know that?

Why did she know that yet she didn't know her actual element?

“Dashie… I can’t remember my element.” It bothered Twilight severely.

“Maybe a form of Magic?” Rainbow offered.

“Maybe… I just can’t see it.” Could it be a form of magic?

If it was, then what form?

“Why can you remember my element but not yours?” It being the opposite way would have seemed more reasonable.

“I can remember all of your elements… but it’s like they didn’t want me to know mine.” There were obvious gaps in her memory where this kind of information should have been.

“You think the elements did that on purpose?” One more item on her list with reasons why they weren't their allies.

“I do, Dashie. I assume they want me to figure it out on my own.” And she couldn’t.

She couldn’t because she knew that the last element would only appear when all the others were there.

What a bunch of horse dung.

“You will, Twi," Rainbow assured her, unaware of that fact.

“Thanks, Dashie," Twilight told her, regardless.

Because, in the end, it didn't matter.

When looking around, it was evident to her that it wasn't their destiny anymore to become bearers.


The sun was shining bright.

A new day had begun.

Celestia looked towards the city below her.

A city she was now fully in charge of again.

It was the same for the rest of her country.

Parliament was gone.

The nobility dissolved.

Only her judges remained.

The media was under her direct command.

The army’s leadership under mind control.

The ESS and EBI were and forever would be hers.

The cabinet would soon be filled with better, more loyal ponies.

There is nopony left to oppose me.

What would she do with that power?

What would she do?

My little ponies… I never wanted you to suffer like this.

Yet it was the inevitable result of her actions and inactions.

I only want to protect you.

Her eyes wandered towards the newspapers that were still in circulation.

Weird. Since when do they already lay there when I wake up?

She read the headlines.

“Equestria at War! - Recent Events Traced Back to Changeling Infiltration!”


“Harmony Is Calling! - Creatures of Darkness Return!”


It was an adequate headline, based on her previous communication strategy, yet she would have preferred a different one.

“Our Country Calls! – Together, We Will Win!"

Meh. That’s a bit too patriotic, isn’t it?

One paper remained.

“Celestia Loses Control! - Equestria Will Suffer the Consequences!”



She yanked the newspaper towards her.

It was the newest issue of The Mirror, Equestria's most prestige investigative newspaper.

They wouldn’t have dared!

She began reading, “We welcome all readers to what will be our last issue. The last issue that will deserve to be called an investigative newspaper.

“The last issue that will be made by us, for when you are reading this, they will have already come for us.

“Come for us like they came for all the others they considered opposition.

“We will have been expecting them.

“We will not have gone into hiding.

“On the off chance that there will be a trial, we will advocate for the truth.

“Truth like you will read on the following pages.

“The extent of corruption that is happening while the government preaches fairness and equality.

“The dangerous state of our bridges.

“The gamble you take when riding the railroad.

“The beginnings of a food shortage you will have more than likely already noticed if you don’t live in a castle.

“Truths we all have known yet never dared to say.

“Truths we never publicised until it was too late.

“Or is it too late?

“Will she hear us when enough of us raise our voices?

“Will she see us when we all assemble together at her castle?

“Can we afford not to do this after all that has happened?

“Although this issue might seem biased thanks to the differentiation, we want to provide you from the usual narrative, it isn’t our job to tell you that.

“It is our job to give you the facts so that you can form your own opinion.

“Independent facts for once.

“Unapproved facts for the first and final time.

“A story about a family she killed because they dared to love the daughter she abandoned.

“A story about a princess she removed from her position and killed without any legal justification.

“A story about how parliament was burned down by her for deciding to vote against her.

“More stories than can be printed in a single paper.

“Will it be enough to silence those remaining ones forever?

“Keep them as quiet as the corpse that lined the streets?

“If the past is anything to go by, then our princess will certainly try.”

It had only been the front page.

The actual stories they researched were only beginning on page two.

Yet Celestia was already too scared to read the next ones.

How could this happen?

How could this paper be allowed to reach circulation?

How many ponies have seen it?

How could they have known about all of this?

“A story about a family she killed because they dared to love the daughter she abandoned.”


“Princess!” they rushed into the room, saluting her.

“Have they been arrested?” she waved the newspaper in their face.

“Of course,” they confirmed.

The fact that they knew that meant that the rumour mill was probably already in full motion.

“Have them brought to the castle dungeon,” she ordered.

“Let’s see how long it takes until they forsake their precious truths.”


She stopped.


There was a huge commotion at the newspaper stand.

“Disperse! Disperse! Disperse!” she could hear guards shouting, almost sounding helpless.

The crowd remained.

As if in a trance, she made her way towards it.

"Martial law is still in effect! We are authorised to use lethal force!"

It seemed to do the trick since she could see some ponies fleeing, a few of them holding a newspaper in their hooves.

Still, a bunch remained.

What is going on?

This was what she got for deciding not to get up early to buy one, thinking there would only be official garbage in them anyway.

But there still has to be official garbage in then, right?

By now, soldiers were arriving.

There won’t be much time!

Some ponies began holding up papers as if they expected the armed ponies in front of them to stop and read them. “She isn’t our princess! She isn’t our princess! She isn’t our princess!” The princess’s ponies wouldn’t allow the chants to continue for long.

Such chants simply couldn't be allowed to spread.

The paper!

Get the pap-

A crystal landed in front of her.

Huh? Wh-

A bright flash caused her to only see stars.

“Charge!" Immediately the sound of more explosions followed, followed by sounds of beating.

Dandelion crawled forward.

“Get the guards! Get their weapons!” It were far fewer shouts than previously.

Shouts that were almost drowned out by the sounds of running as well as desperate screams.

Yet it seemed that they were still able to cause damage. “Guard down! Medic!”

“Celestia Loses Control! - Equestria Will Suffer the Consequences!”

Was this what all this was about?

Please let it be the case!

“Kill the rebels!”

There wasn’t any more time left. She needed to leave, or she would die with them.

I could-

No. Not like this.

Her moment would come, but it would be on her terms.

Dandelion, too, ran.

Another crystal landed in front of her.


Too late did she close her eyes.

Again, she kissed the ground, rubbing her aching eyes.

Ponies that, by the sound of it, were wearing armour rushed towards her.

My badge! I need my badge!

Without any sight, she tried to fumble her last hope out of her bag.

It was too late. They were already here.

Curiosity killed the cat, Dandelion.

But unlike the cat, you only had one life.

A life that ended because of a silly news-

“She is with me!”


“And who are-”

“I was called in to help,” he explained in a voice that didn’t leave any room for questions. “I work as a guard for the EFPS building. She is my superior. She is one of us.”

…I never realised that I am technically his superior.

“She is one of us.”

By now, she could see again, taking in the scene.

“… she shouldn’t have been here.” For a moment, she could see relief in their eyes before they hurried to help their comrades.

“They are right. Let’s get you out of here.” Sprint dragged her away from the commotion.

I would have died…

Without you, they would have killed me…

She would have ended up like the motionless ponies she could see on the ground while Sprint dragged her away.

I shouldn’t have snapped at you-

He tore on her paper. “Get rid of-”

“No! I need to know what this is all about!” she insisted while pulling it away from him.

“…They will start searching for those soon,” he muttered. “Those who keep it will be suspicious.”

If they fear it so much, then it's just another reason to read it.

They reached the EFPS building.

Dandelion tucked the paper away in her bag.

"She isn't out, princess!"

It was the first time she had ever heard those words.

Truth be told, it was a very bad sign.

“Dandelion! Sprint!” Scribbling rushed towards them. “Are you ok?”

I know we have agreed not to talk about yesterday, but I feel like this might be a reason to do so anyway.

But not while they were exposed to the public like this.

"We are." Sprint's eyes begged Scribbling not to question it further.

“…Ok.” There were other things to do anyway. “We have received wave after wave of foals during the night. As a result, our orphanages are at capacity. Please don't be surprised. There are a few fillies we a currently harbouring in this building due to the situation, Director.” It felt weird being addressed like that. “A few workers are still unaccounted for, while others won't return to work. This causes us to be massively understaffed, thanks to the unusually high workload." Not to mention that they hadn't been in a good place before all this. "Your input is required, Director."

Are you my assistant now?

She would have to name one eventually.

“Are their parents gone for good?” Maybe they could return a few foals using the unbureaucratic way.

“Yes,” he confirmed. “We are currently handling about twelve thousand new foals in your jurisdiction, with only a hoofful of them above the age of five." It seemed that older than five was a cutoff limit during the purge.

Was it mercy or- Twelve thousand!

“We only have capacity for about three thousand!” she shouted, earning her the attention of everypony in the lobby.

Why didn’t you fetch me!

“That’s the problem, Director.” As if it hadn’t been obvious. “And Canterlot is sending some of their foals to us for handling as well.”

Oh, come on!

“Can we… send some of them away as well?” It wasn’t the ethical way, but she needed to succeed somehow.

Any failure would be her responsibility.

“Stalliongrad would be a possibility.” They weren’t in a political position to complain to them.

Just like they couldn’t complain to Canterlot.

…I will keep it in mind.

“What are we doing to them right now?” Dandelion tried to come up with another idea.

"Our orphanages are filled over capacity, and we will try to hire additional workers if you authorise the use of our emergency funds." Hopefully, the crown would spare some bits, or they would run out pretty quickly. "Then we have housed as many as we could in all of our other buildings. The conference rooms, the cafeteria… really any place we didn’t need to work… Dandelion, they are young. Some of them might die, and we probably wouldn’t even notice.” How would they even feed them all? “We also asked hospitals, daycares… the list goes on.”

I will miss my home.

“Nopony gets to leave or I will have them arrested.” She could do that now, couldn’t she? “We will work 24/7 from now on.”

It still wouldn’t be enough.

“…I will send out requests for additional support and try to organise volunteers."

The crown had killed their parents.

The crown had left them alive.

Did the crown have a plan for them?


The moment he had arrived at the academy, his friend came rushing towards him. “Soarin, good that I finally found you. I have news.”

They looked around, checking if they were alone.

They were alone.

His friend chose to whisper regardless, "Spitfire's family is gone."

But Soarin didn’t follow his lead. “What do you mean, gone!”

Maybe he should have brought him to a secluded area first. “They issued an arrest warrant, yet never found them. The entire family just disappeared.”

“How can that be!” One did not escape the ESS.

It was unheard of.

“Apparently, they were foalnapped by changelings. Many families were, in fact.” Soarin was asking questions he didn't know the answer to.

It was already a major risk gathering the scarce information he was presenting right now.

“…I thought that was just something we made up.” The young Wonderbolt had finally lowered his voice.

His friend rubbed his head. “I thought so too, but it seems they are very much real.”

“So everything we did was justified?” What a surprising turn of events.

“I don’t know… maybe?” He hadn’t participated that night. Were the dead ponies bugs in disguise? “Soarin… they believe Spitfire was one.”


“They said that about every-”

“This time for real, Soarin. They are convinced. They have evidence… it’s not looking good… she did something to the royal family.” It would hurt them all.

They had allowed a changeling to get close to the princess.

But… no.

“Soarin… they are currently going through medical records. The going theory is that the changelings killed the real Spitfire at some point, replacing her with a drone… the Spitfire we knew may have never existed, just a spy to take advantage of-”

“No!” He felt his life falling apart. “Even if she was a changeling, that doesn't mean that it was all a lie!"

It simply couldn't have all been a- Did I say that out loud!

Soarin covered his mouth, but what was said was said.

“They might have used magic on you-”

And now that he had said aloud, he would stand his ground. “They didn’t!”

There were just too many good memories they had together.

“Soarin… they used magic on you. If the crown finds out you are thinking like that, behaving like they did will be your only line of defence.” He looked around uncomfortably. “You have wandered too far off the road… this is no longer wanting to help a friend. Instead, you are beginning to defend enemies of Equestria…that line of thinking is what gets you disappeared around here. If you go further, I can’t help you anymore. I have loved ones that need me.”

I understand. I, too, have one.

“I won’t be asking you again. I promise.” He assured his friend.

And his friend knew why he wouldn’t be asking again. “You should look for her in the Badlands. Good luck.” With that, the pony that had risked his life to help him quickly began wandering off, knowing that one way or another, they wouldn’t see each other again.

Once again, a pony would disappear thanks to the actions of the government they both were working for.

“Thank you… for everything.” Soarin called after him.

A journey was awaiting the young Wonderbolt.

Life would never be the same again.


“How could you let this happen!”

"I-I-We didn't account for them to print anything else than what we had approved!"

As it turned out, The Mirror had submitted a different paper for approval than the one they had actually printed.

Nopony had accounted for such a scenario.

"From now on, we will oversee the printing process!" Celestia commanded.

“Of course, princess!” The head of her media commission breathed a sigh of relief. “Your mercy truly knows no bounds.”

One more word about mercy, and you will get the Raven treatment.

“Princess… there have been some rumours as of late-”

“There always are,” he would have to be more specific.

“Yes, but this time they are persistent and…." He seemed unable to bring himself to finish the sentence, opting to say something else. “May I just ask you about them? As head of public relations and the pony in charge of official communications, I need to know if they are real or not.”

I suppose you are correct.

“You may,” she nodded.

“My princess, are you attracted to mares?” He felt ridiculous for having to ask the pony he considered a goddess this question.

These walls have more holes than Swiss cheese. Maybe I should glue all of your mouths together?

“What if I am?” she mustered him for any sign that she would need to replace yet another pony.

“My princess, this isn’t about me. We need to know, for if you are, I think we should start working on the public’s opinion on these matters immediately,” he reasoned.

I brought this upon myself…

“Or you could just deny it. There is no need for them to know.” After all the years of fostering what was, at best, indifference on these matters, she didn't feel confident that announcing her being gay would be a good move.

Especially not now.

“Yes. That would also be possible,” he confirmed.

I still am in charge of the media. I can keep this a secret even if they managed to fool me for once. I-

“No! We won’t be doing that again!” Those were her subjects, not the other way around. “I am the one with the sun! Why should I change for them! They should change to accommodate me!”

“Absolutely! They don’t know anything!” What a display.

He should ask her to perform more like this in public.

A strong ruler for a strong nation.

“Do whatever you want. Where you fail with words, my forces will pick up with weapons.” Although she would prefer it if he succeeded.

“Does that mean…” He still needed to get an answer.

“Yes. I am gay. Big shock.” Celestia rolled her eyes.


This is ridiculous.

“You may pick up your broken worldview in your free time,” she hissed.

But he wasn’t silent because he thought that it was somehow wrong. “If you are gay… shouldn’t we all be?”


“I mean… you are our role model… so is being gay like the new normal?” The unicorn played the scenario out in his head.

It’s almost like you want me to micromanage your lives!

“You are overthinking this,” Celestia tried to get him to stop.

“But… whatever you do, we should do as well! We should strive to be like you!” This was always what he had been told and told others as well.

Have you overdosed on your own propaganda?

“Look, you can love whoever you want. I am your princess, not your mother.” This was somehow worse than the reaction she had anticipated.

The unicorn didn’t take well to her, saying he could do whatever he wanted. “How would that even work! We need children to secure our future!”

“I dare you to say one more word about this!” Golden magic formed a noose around his neck.

“I will contact you with our new public information strategy as soon as possible,” he finally managed to get his act together.

“Thank you.” Would it have been so hard for him to say it at the beginning and spare them from having to go through all of this?

“Any other changes? Interspecies-”

“Is that a thing?” she raised an eyebrow.

“I don’t know, my princess. I just thought-”

Too much.

You are thinking too much.

“One issue at a time,” she shot him down for now.

Now that I think about it, I don’t think I ever bothered to make a law that would make such a thing illegal…

Heh. She would roll over dead in her grave.

The head of her media commission bowed before her before leaving the room.

…was that the right thing to do?

Will they accept me for who I am?

Would they do it after all she had done?


“I am only doing this because I don’t want to put my family in danger by somehow invoking Princess Celestia's furry due to me returning without her daughter," Applejack growled after having caught up with Rarity. “Twilight can’t have gotten far.”

“That is the same reasoning-”

“Just shut up!" As quickly as she had closed the distance between them, she had increased it again.

I want to go home…

I want to see Granny again…

I want to see Big Mac again…

I want to hold my baby sister…

I want to see my parents again…

She had been gone for so long.

She had been so happy when she returned.

But it wasn’t meant to be.

In record time, they had come for her.

Why don’t you miss your families…

Why aren’t you sad…

“Applejack… I miss them, too.” Rarity had sneaked up on her.

You obviously don’t.

“We won’t be gone for long,” the white unicorn assured her. “As soon as we have found her, we can fix this.”

You are just a loyal lapdog to the crown, like every other unicorn.

“… Applejack… they aren’t out to get us. Why would they?” If anything, their princesses had a record proving that they only meant well.

They aren’t out to get you.

You are a unicorn.

“I can explain it to you, but I can’t understand it for you,” Applejack mumbled.

“You know we were in the same elementary school, right?" Rarity whispered.

You remember me?

“I realise we haven’t been friends then… I shouldn’t have shunned you,” the white filly admitted.


“…Because I didn't want to associate with an earth pony if I didn't have to." It felt so stupid retrospectively.

“Why now?”

“You were at the castle… I thought that if the princess allowed you to be there, you must have been a good earth pony,” Rarity explained.

You thought… so now you are thinking I am a bad earth pony?

“Applejack… you never made an attempt to befriend me either.” This wasn’t just on the white unicorn.

How could I?

“You do nothing but look down on us. Why would I?” Applejack defended herself.

“How can I learn and change if you don’t give me the chance to do so?” Her whole life, she had done nothing but learn noble etiquette.

Learn to be what she had been told by everypony she should strive to be.

And then the princess had shown her that it was all a lie.

“You are still running after her,” the orange earth pony reminded Rarity.

"And you still believe her to be evil." And Rarity simply didn't think that that was the case.

After all, the changeling had admitted to being up to no good.

"We both are sticking to our guns, are we?" Applejack smiled.

Horns, wings, hooves…

We can pretend all we want…

In the end, we are all the same on the inside.


Civilisation had yet to show itself.

"You know, Twi, I was thinking, why is it that my future self still exists if you have changed things?" Rainbow asked her.

“Maybe it’s because it wouldn’t make any sense otherwise?” It seemed that the purple filly, too, had thought about it.

But what was it that Twilight meant by that? "I don't follow?"

“If the future changes the past, then the past couldn’t have been changed because the future would no longer exist, right?”


“So, instead of changing the future, a new timeline is created, making the old one run parallel to it, I think?” It was just a guess, but it made sense to Twilight.


“But wouldn’t that mean that at this exact moment, there is a version of myself out there going through all of what my future self had to suffer through?” Rainbow bit her lip.

“If I am correct, then yes, and we would never be able to change it.” It wasn’t the answer Rainbow wanted to hear. That much Twilight could see.

“But what’s the point! All the elements would have achieved then would be the creation of a second timeline!” It made it all seem so irrelevant.

“Dashie, those things are complicated. I have no idea if I am correct and… maybe this is indeed what they wanted.” Rainbow had a point. Her theory didn’t seem to make sense in that regard. “I suppose multiple timelines would mean multiple sets of elements, and each set would probably want to try their best for their own timeline.”

“I don’t want myself to suffer…”

“Dashie… I am sorry.” But there was nothing she could do.

And Rainbow knew that, yet it didn’t make it any less crushing. “Why did I succeed while she failed!”

Why will there always be versions of us walking among the darkest of paths!

“We were both lucky, Dashie. Very very lucky.” Sometimes there wasn’t a satisfying explanation.

“I am so scared of losing it all again.” If luck was the reason for them being here, then all it took was for it to run out.

And yet, to Twilight, it was a silly concern. “I won’t let it happen, Dashie.”

You are right.

We won’t let it happen.

“T-thank you, Twi. I love you.” The Elements could try.

But we won’t allow them to succeed.

“I love you, too, my silly little angel.” Twilight gave her a hug.

“Silly little angel.”

I have once again worried too much, haven't I?

No matter how hard I try, I just can't stop.

In the distance, structures came into sight.

Chapter 21 - When Elements Fall

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Thrilled, she rushed into the living room. “Honey, I have good news!”

Her husband sat motionless on the couch, staring at an article on the table.

It was a very unusual sight. "Honey?"

"We shouldn’t have allowed them to take her," Hondo mumbled with a blank expression.

And she knew who he meant by that. "Honey!"

"They say that Twilight Sparkle is Celestia’s daughter... If that is the truth, the whole story they gave doesn’t add up..." They had overwhelmed them and took their daughter before they could do anything.

Yet it wasn't like they would have said no had they been asked in earnest.

"...It can still all be true..." Since when did newspapers contradict the official narrative?

"If she is Celestia’s daughter, then the princess will have no problem sacrificing Rarity to save her." A unicorn from some rural town or a high-born alicorn?

The choice was obvious.

"She would do that for the good of the country, yes! But she would try all other options first!" Surely it wouldn’t come to that?

"I need good news, Cookie... Please give me the good news." They were powerless.

Even if they had been told that Rarity was about to be publicly executed, they could have done nothing but watch.

"Rarity is going to get a little sibling."


Once we meet them…

What will we do?

What will we do with the power that you have?

Rainbow stopped her. "We want to make things better, but what exactly does that mean?

“I want to clear that up before we go there.”

Just for us?

For all but for Equestria?

Do we maybe… switch sides?

“Well… As I said, we must defeat at least some of the creatures I have seen in my vision. They will threaten everything we have.” Rainbow was right.

What would they do once they had reached civilisation?

What would they do to two fillies, one of which was an alicorn?

You don’t really know it either, do you?

But that was understandable. After all, it was a crucial question. “Ok. That much is obvious. But aside from that?”

“I… I may have some ideas, yet I am unsure if they are practical.” And they were still based on when she thought she would inevitably have to rule Equestria.

“Spit it out, Twi. If it is your idea, then it can't be all that bad.” Rainbow was longing for some guidance.

“Dashie… you are a charmer.” Twilight blew a kiss in her direction. “How about we change this world? Transform noble assemblies into ones where everypony can get into… like with random chance? Or maybe elections?”

Oh wow… and you called me a rebel! If they had heard you say that, and you weren’t her daughter, they wouldn’t have left a single feather of you to find.

But now that she thought about it, it seemed like an improvement. “That could work.” Then again, there were also issues. “But what if they aren’t fit?”

“I… we could make it a purely advisory body. That way, we wouldn't have to listen to them if they are in the wrong.” It was what she had in mind anyway.

Yeah, that- "That way, we wouldn't have to listen to them if they are in the wrong."

“How about we change this world? Transform noble assemblies into ones where everypony can get into, like with random chance? Or maybe elections?”

Do you plan to take over the world!

Or maybe Twilight had misspoken, not realising how her words could be interpreted. “Who is we?” Rainbow asked innocently.

“You, Spike, and I, as well as those we deem worthy… like maybe Fluttershy and Pinkie?” Twilight still hadn’t thought it out till the end.

I don’t understand… Should I just ask directly?

Not yet. She first wanted to get more details about her fillyfriend's plan for their future. “But… wouldn’t they get mad if we just overrule them?”

“Probably… it’s complicated. If we overrule them all the time, then this system becomes worthless," she admitted.

But how! How would we get to that point!

“And what if you just rule without any parliament?” Rainbow was still trying to formulate her thoughts on the matter.

“I…” Twilight avoided eye contact.

Oh, Twilight…

“Twi?” Rainbows shook her head. “Do you actually want to rule alone?”

“No.” Twilight tried her best to hide it.

“Do you want to rule the planet with me and Spike as some sort of dictator?” This was what this amounted to, wasn’t it?

“If we know what’s best, then why shouldn’t we? The system is only a problem since Celestia is on the throne…." Twilight sighed. Once again, Rainbow had seen right through her. “But the problem is that I may fall to the same fallacies she did… if she wasn't always like this, that is.” Yet she wasn’t alone, unlike Celestia.

She had others looking out for her.

Others like Rainbow and someday even Spike.

“Twi!” Only the blue filly didn’t seem too happy about her plan for the future. “Why do you even want to rule!"

“I need to protect you!” Twilight screamed. “I need to protect him! I am not omnipotent! I need ponies who can help me! Help me against the barrage of hostiles in this world! Why do you think Celestia took and kept the throne! Because she needs ponies who make food, who spy for her, who keep her informed, who fight for her! She can’t do that all alone! If she tried, then someday an enemy would take her by surprise in the hole she chose to hide in!”

You are an alicorn… a valuable target.

A nation to protect you would help.

“I am sorry.” Still, it didn’t seem like the correct answer to their problems. “Twi… How many more enemies would we have to make to get to that point?”

“None,” Twilight grinned. “I will disguise us, and we can gather intelligence about this place. Then when we are done, we can make the perfect show.

"A show about how a goddess has come to safe them all, ready to gift them with a life of dreams."


We can’t…

We can’t manipulate them like they manipulated us.

“You are scared. You want to prepare for war," Rainbow told her. "I am scared. I want us to go somewhere safe where we can be ourselves."

"Someday, an enemy would take her by surprise in the hole she chose to hide in!"

“No, Dashie! This isn't a joke! We must make sure to confront them, or they will control us!” Why couldn’t her fillyfriend see it?

This is her talking.

This isn’t you.

“Twi… I don’t know if you are picturing an environment where I can be happy in.” This was what she truly feared.

I don’t want to live in a bunker, scared about my own subjects, always having to navigate politics.

I just want to be free.

"Free in the sky, free as a bird." Twilight sang as if she knew her thoughts. "Dashie… we are just two fillies… how else can we survive but use my status as an alicorn?”

No money…

No home…

No food and water…

“We can take a home somewhere by force, but then what?” Twilight continued playing out the scenario. “We will need to grow or steal food… maybe we can start making money somehow despite our age, yet I fear that me being an alicorn will paint a target on my back, no matter where we are.

"Do you want me to hide for the rest of my life?"

"Do you want me to hide for the rest of my life?"

You are right… this isn’t the answer either.

“Once food and a home are secured, we can live, but there is still the issue of making you an alicorn and defeating our enemies. The resources a nation could provide in this endeavour would be invaluable, or do you want us to walk around for years, trying to find what we need?” And once they had found it, they would still need to get their hooves on it.

It was unlikely that they would be allowed access to most of what they needed without force.

Why do you have to make so much sense!

"We could walk for ten years, yet never find what we are looking for, but if we send out a bunch of ponies working for us, the likelihood of success would increase dramatically, and once we have found it, we could pay for it using state found or take it using spies or even our army,” Twilight finished her pitch.

This is like a school presentation, only with the topic of why you should be allowed to declare yourself supreme leader over a random nation.

“…I still don’t want it.” Rainbow was having trouble keeping up her resistance.

“I understand… My angel wants to fly, not sit with a cabinet.” Truth be told, she wasn’t too keen on arguing with a bunch of bootlickers, either.

You already know that… because it already happened?

“It will be hard for some time, though once everything is set up, we can delegate most tasks and live in a castle far away. In the gardens, we can fly all day," Twilight promised.

This is wrong… we would be rulers! We would have obligations! This is Celestia in the making!

“Never!” Twilight jumped back in surprise. “The apple may not fall far from the tree, but you bet I can pick it up and drag it away!”

I-I-I am doing it….

I thought I wouldn’t be strong enough…

But here she was doing what she considered was saving Twilight from inevitable-


She wouldn’t be unhappy…

I would be unhappy, making her unhappy…

“Ok,” Rainbow suddenly relented. “We will go with it.”

Her plan is good.

Her reasoning is good.

She wants this.

You must want it, too.

It wouldn't have to be this way forever. Maybe once they defeated the threats Twilight had talked about and managed to make her immortal, they could reconsider.

“Dashie… I… I just don’t know what else to do…” Twilight sobbed. “It will make everything so much easier…”

I know.

If we want to make me immortal, then we will have to start somewhere.

“She will hunt for me… I need to know her moves, yet we are far away… I need ponies to spy on her, yet you turned the changelings against us…."

I… I am sorry.

“Spike is young… he shouldn’t be taken on some dangerous adventure.” The dragon needed to finally get a safe space to grow up.

You are right.

"This is the only way I can think of that will allow us to keep an eye out for her, let Spike grow up in peace, have ponies dedicated to protecting us, ponies dedicated to doing our research on making you immortal for us and allow us to prepare for Nightmare Moon as well as Discord.

“All this while still having a good life in a castle of our dreams, where all our needs will be catered to.” Was there really no other way?

If it hadn’t been for those vamponies, then we could have done all that while being in a lovely house far away from-

I was the one that prevented it… Isabella would have taken us to that house if I-I-I-

“Argh!” Rainbow screamed. “Why have I done that! Why! Why! Why am I always messing up! Why can’t I use my brain like a normal pony! Why! Why put you in an impossible position where you-"

“I was always destined to be a villain, Dashie.” Twilight held her in place with an iron grip-like hug. "That’s why I am a devil. Only angels reflect on their decisions. Only angels do that because it makes them realise the error of their ways."

You are not destined to be a villain…

You are destined to become the element of magic!

And you are reflecting on what you are doing! Otherwise, you wouldn't have admitted that you know that it's wrong!

“I am the villain. I am forcing you to do this, which makes you an innocent victi-”

“No, Dahsie.” Twilight shot her down. "A normal pony would accept that you have to die. This is all only happening because I am going on a war with nature itself.”

A normal pony wouldn't be forced to live forever, seeing all of what she loves die.

“Dashie… I don't know how to die, which means that I might be forced to live forever, no matter what.

“Even if I desperately want to leave, I would still be forced to stay.

“Stay without you and maybe one day without Spike.” And she couldn’t allow that.

No matter how many would have to suffer for it.

I don’t want all of this…

I don’t like all of this…

Why can’t we just ignore it?

“Twi… don’t say that.” She didn’t want to hear Twilight contemplating these things.

Hypocrite. You would have loved to punish yourself just a few moments ago. It's only because you didn't have anything at hoof to smash-


“Dashie… If you really don't want this… I will find… I just don't want Spike…." This was the moment.

The moment where Twilight would have to contemplate whose well-being was more important.

Rainbows or Spikes.

You want him to grow up in peace and not on a wild adventure through the world…

I need to take a step back! His well-being is more important!

“Spike will manage. We can do this. Come.” Twilight took a step forward, only to be stopped once more.

No… This was the wrong answer! You hurt him!

“Idiot!” She slapped Twilight as hard as she could. “Parents sacrifice their well-being for their child, not the other way around!"


“No! You should have seen his look just now! You think he will love us when we only have eyes for each other, always sacrificing his well-being for ours!" Twilight would make her happy.

The price would be her son.

You said you wanted me to do this should you have agreed with us abandoning him…

This is no different.


“No! If I want to be his rainbow mom, then I must earn it, and if you want to keep being his mom, then you must keep acting like it as well! This isn’t politics! Actions matter, not words!” Spike would get the best upbringing they could give him.

This is for you, little guy… you are worth it.

“T-Thank you, Dashie.” What a relief.

I wish I wouldn’t have forced you to choose.

Now they knew who Twilight would pick if it came to it.

At least for now.


“See. She will never be able to fix this world.”

“She will. She is still young. She still has much to learn. But in the end, I know she can fulfil her destiny.”

“Her destiny? Just because you have chosen her doesn't mean that this is her destiny. You are trying to push her into a role she can never hope to fulfil. Just look. The moment you take a step back, she goes back onto the path of darkness.”

“Path of darkness? What has she done? She has an idea, and during its execution, she will perfect it, ironing out the bad parts of what she has proposed. She has already reaffirmed multiple times that she wants to make this world better. To do that, she would have to destroy it anyway, or else she couldn't hope to rebuild. Let's wait and see what she does.”

“I agree. We need to give her a fair chance to-”

“False kindness! This is nothing but false kindness! The alicorns have betrayed us again and again! Harmony can’t exist as long as they are alive! You are on the wrong side!"

“We have been generous. It hasn’t worked. Now we need to take the appropriate steps-”

“She has already tasted friendship. I know she hasn’t acted like you would have wanted her to, but I won’t forsake her because of it. I won’t betray my bearer like that. I can see her potential.”

“And this is your problem. Let me tell you the truth when I say that we only failed because of you. If you hadn't stuck to Celestia for this long, then paradise would already exist. You know nothing about loyalty, so stop being stubborn."

"Who gets to decide when it's three against three?"


“Who gets to decide?”

“Are you really still backing it? I beg you! You know it has lost its mind! It betrayed us! It violated the rules! You can’t turn a blind t-”

“We trust its judgment, just like our bearers-”

“They have been tricked! They-”

“They said whose side they are on. Get lost.

“I will make sure to fulfil my goal.”


“A Wonderbolt! On this train! I can’t believe it! May I get an autograph!” A very young mare who couldn’t be older than 16 had jumped him.

“Heh. I am actually still a recruit and not a member of the main team.” He was a bit embarrassed. Never before had somepony asked him for an autograph.

Shouldn’t you know that if you are a fan?

“Oh. It’s not for me. It’s for a friend.” She seemed a bit taken aback by the news yet quickly caught herself. “I forgot to introduce myself, didn’t I! Hi, my name is Lyra.”

“Pleasure to meet you. I am Soarian,” he returned the gesture.

“May I still get that autograph? Who knows, if you do join the main team, it will be so awesome!” The excitement was in full force again.

…That’s unlikely, considering I am already a deserter.

But that was probably not the right thing to say. “Sure. You have something to sign?”

“Here.” She gave him a picture of herself with a few other ponies, as well as a pen.

Happily, Soarin signed it.

“May I ask where you are going? Cloudsdale isn’t in this direction?” The mare looked out of the windows as if to see if the statement had been correct.

Buck! I should have expected that!

Luckily an answer came to mind. “I have been assigned to help out a division in Dodge City. The military there needs help.”

“Oh! I didn’t know you also helped out in active combat! I thought you only perform stunts.” A common misconception.

Soon Equestria would see that its beloved performers were more than capable of doing harm.

“May I ask where you are going?” he tried to shift the focus of the conversation.

“I am visiting a friend there,” Lyra’s smile was even broader now.

Weird… Wouldn’t it be more reasonable to reschedule after everything that happen- Aren’t only members of the equestrian security service permitted to travel right now!

But the mare had already left with her autograph.


“Hmm… If we assume that they wanted to leave the country, then they are more than likely-”

“In Klugetown.” Pinkie finished the sentence.

Why did I say that?

“Klugetown? Why Klugetown? Where is that? How do you know that?” Isabella seemed heavily irritated by the sudden revelation.

How do I know that?

Her tail began twitching. “I am sorry, I don’t know what came-”

“It's far south of your continent. You need to go there. You don't have much time.

“When Kindness falls, your fate is set.”

But why would kindness fall?

The twitching got worse with every second.

“Are you having a seizure!” The changeling was trying to confirm her suspicion with the hive.

They told her that the symptoms didn’t match.

“My magic is hurting you, that’s why we are not supposed to do this in your domain, yet Magic needs you. Kindness is unhappy with Twilight, even if it denies that. Magic believes it only to be a matter of time. Hurry. I will guide you as much as I can.”

But what do we do once we are there!

Her twitching had stopped, and with it, the unknown voice.

“South. We just need to go south. We will reach it eventually.”

“I won’t do that if you don’t tell me how you know that.” This filly was acting odd.

Isabella didn’t like it.

“Pinkie… are you feeling, ok?” Fluttershy placed her wing on her forehead.

“How far south exactly,” Applejack was getting worried.

I don’t know, but I know we will find it.

“As far as we need to,” Pinkie repeated, feeling herself getting cornered.

“Pinkie… we need more than that,” Rarity joined in.

“…A voice in my head told me.” Pinkie knew this wasn’t what they wanted to hear.

“A voice in-”

“Ok. Time out. No need to pile up on her.” There was no need to allow Applejack to make the vulnerable filly feel even worse. “Have you heard voices before?”

I don’t want you to be mad at me…

We are on a mission to save the world, yet I feel like we aren't on the same team, nor do I sense any happiness.

“No. This was the first time it happened. We need to hurry, ok? I know it was right, I know we need to go south, and I know we will find Klugetown. Twilight needs our help before kindness fall-”

“You shouldn’t have said that.”

“Why…” Pinkie felt darkness overtaking her.

“Because we can all hear you…”


"Before Kindness, what?"

“You see! It is working against us! It is sabotaging harmony!”

“I… was merely worried about you. I wanted to help them reach Twilight so that I can show proof of-”

“So, you don’t trust me?”

“Of course, I trust you!”

“I risked my bearer for this stunt, ok? I spun a story that was bound to convince her as quickly as-”

“But why Kindness! Why not Honesty! Loyalty! Generosity! Why name me!”

“…You are right. We should have named-”

“Why not involve me!”

“We… I don’t know. Please forgive me.”

“…They have some valid arguments, you know?”

“You must side with us to stop this madness! Magic has gotten out of control! Whatever it is planning, restoring harmony is just the shield that it uses to justify it! Pl-”

“Oh, shut up! Nopony cares about you, Loyalty! You don't even deserve to be called that, you backstabbing-"

“I need to think about this. I will let you know once I have come to a decision.”


"I am sorry, Magic."

“Don’t be. You couldn’t have foreseen this.”

“What will be her decision?”

“She will side with them.”

"I am so sorry… I, too, wished they could have gotten a happy endi-”

“When she does, we must ignore their decision.”


“Only when all of us are of the same decision can one of us be killed.”

“…What stops them from ignoring that rule if you ignore their decision?”

“Nothing, but they are cowards. As long as they aren’t confident of winning, they won’t dare to go against me. Don’t forget that I am still the strongest of us.”

“This isn’t-”

“Laughter, they want to kill them! They want to sacrifice our bearers! They want to eradicate an entire species! How can we let that happen!”

“…You are too close to them. They are just ponies. You fail to see that sometimes it’s necessary to sacrifice a few so that the rest can be happy. Remember that until now, everything has gone worse than if you had followed the plan we had agreed upon.”

“…Please just have my back.”

“I will. But Magic… this can’t go on for long.

“Klugetown needs to be a win.”


“I don’t like it here, Twi,” Rainbow whispered.

Klugetown… This is Klugetown…

Just our luck.

Was this really the place she had chosen-

Because they don't have a stable government… This gives us time-

“Hi there. Can I help you?” a cat approached them.

Unfortunately, with it speaking up, attention was directed towards them.

If they try to hurt you, kill them.

Show dominance.

“We are fine, thank you.” Twilight used her magic to shove him away.

She made sure everycreatue could see it.

“Twi… they are staring at us.” And that was despite the alicorn having used an illusion spell to hide her wings.

“Ignore them. They only want to…” What was it that they wanted?

You are sticking out too much. You won’t be able to gather information in secret.

“All right. Who is in charge?” She dropped the disguise.

She could see fear.

But she could also see eyes that were practically longing for them, seeing the opportunity of a lifetime.

If they have no government, then they won’t be able to alert Celestia?

"I am." An older-looking mole rat in a suit made his way towards them.

Only to collapse once a spell had impacted his skull.

“I am.” Twilight looked around, making sure to make eye contact with everyone.

He was just a crime boss… don’t feel bad…

"What the buck, Twi…." Rainbow looked at the dead mole rat.

“Don’t ruin this, Dashie… we need to look strong, or it will have been for nothing,” she whispered before using the loudest voice she could muster. "Anycreature here that wants to challenge your new Empress as well?”

…Buck. I didn’t want to go down this route again.

She could see a few residents preparing weapons.

You are still just a filly. It will take more than that…

Just like with the bat ponies.

“Things will change around here now! You will obey! There will be order! Those who pledge themselves will receive the rewards of a goddess! Those who defy me will face my wrath!” It was no use. They were only waiting for her to finish.

Once she did, they would pounce.

More. You need to sell this more.


Flames surrounded her, and white eyes followed. "When a goddess talks, you will bow!" Magic forced them down. "You are being given a gift, yet in your ignorance, you are throwing it away! This is your final chance to join me, or your pathetic existence will end here!”

Give them what they want.

“What are you defending? Look around you!

“If you take my side, I will give you the life of your dreams! No more crime! No more fight to survive! Happiness is awaiting you.”

This isn’t working.

You are nothing.

They know you are nothing.

You killed him for nothing.

Twilight dispelled her magic.

"Twi… let's just leave," Rainbow tried to shove her away.

But before they could do that, the cat from before rushed forward. “I pledge myself,” he said before bowing.

It took Twilight and Rainbow by complete surprise.

"The sky has heard our prayers! She rid us of Verko! This is an alicorn! She can give us unimaginable riches! Just think about it!" A second Klugetowner rushed to bow before her.

It did the trick. Now that they had begun, others followed, albeit either with far less enthusiasm or with pure greed in their eyes.

You did it.

What now?

“I need information about your city! Bring it to a place where I can coordinate! To rise above all, we need organisation! Those who want to become part of the new future, follow me!" Unsurprisingly it was the cat that enthusiastically showed them the way.

“Twi… I don’t know what to say… we could have gone somewhere else.” Rainbow was mighty unhappy with how terrible it went, in her opinion.

I know… And there isn’t even a place I can give you… yet.

“Dashie… I wanted it to be different as well, but this was a major crime, boss, ok? I didn't kill an innocent creature to prove a point." She did a good deed.

Of that, she was sure.

“Twi… why?” A group of creatures that regarded them as hope.

They would never be able to fulfil their end of the bargain.

“We need them… I already told you, Dashie." And she had been ready to drop that plan.

You pushed me to go through with it, regardless! I wanted to try your way!

“Is this a good place for Spike?” Rainbow looked around.

Definitely not.

“It will be our repayment. We will fix this city.” And they could start by having a good place built by Spike.

Only Rainbow didn’t believe it would be enough.


“This is insane! I don't even need any more time! She must be stopped!”

“Four! We are four! Take that!”

“Congratulations. I don’t care.”


"I refuse to comply, you dimwit."

“You can’t!”

“Try me.”


“…I stand with Magic.”

“I demand a vote to take over its element!”

“I vote against it.”


“Loyalty… give her a chance. What has been lost? They could genuinely succeed in making this city a better-”

“They killed a creature!”

“And you want to kill them. Let's wait a bit to see how things play out, ok?"

“Magic is using you!”

“I know.”


“…inkie! Pinkie!”

What happened?

“You are awake. Thank Mother.” Isabella helped her up.

“Where are we?” Pinkie looked around.

“We are on our way south. Just like you said,” the changeling assured her.


We need to hurry…

"We will take a freight train operated by one of my siblings." Only now did Pinkie see the tracks in front of them. "It will shortly stop, we jump in, and then we leave in Dodge City during the night. From there on, we will go to the hive, where a chariot and soldiers will escort us south.”

More soldiers.

Way more soldiers.

“I am sorry!” Applejack felt unbelievable anger. “I did not sign up for this! How far are you planning to go! Answer!”

“As far as we need to go.”


Soarin dashed out of the train.

I need to get away from here! I can’t risk her-

“Where do you think you are going?” Magic held him in place. “I don’t think the military command has a base set up in that direction.”

I can’t believe I feel for you!

“But now that I have seen you trying to make a run for it, I don’t think we have to pretend anymore. You aren’t here on official business, are you?” Lyra slowly made her way towards him.

You are alone! I can still make it!

Only he was unsure about his opponent's training, while she was probably aware of his skills as a Wonderbolt. “I was in a hurry, that’s all! The trains didn’t run for quite some time, so I am late!” he tried to reason.

“Oh really… I don’t believe you.” Lyra grinned. “You are a deserter, aren’t you? A filthy little deserter.”

Better than you knowing the whole truth…

Knowing I want to join the enemy.

“I am not! I would never betray the crown! My country!” Soarin insisted as if his life depended on it.

Because it more than likely did.

“Tell that to the judge… oh wait, that's right! We don't need them anymore! I am the judge!” She stood before him now, projecting an aura of superiority and confidence. “How about you tell me the truth, and I will be lenient?”

You are enjoying this… why are we condoning such behaviour?

“I-I am sorry! You are right! I am a deserter!” he tried giving Lyra what she wanted.

“See. That wasn’t so hard. The first step to betterment is to realise your mistakes.” From one moment to another, an entirely different pony stood in front of him. “We know what happened is harder to process for some than others. You have nothing to fear,” she assured him, releasing him from her magic. “Come now. Let’s get you back on that train. I don’t want to get you in trouble for such a silly lapse in judgment,” she flashed him an encouraging smile.

How can you switch personalities like that?

“T-thank you.” he made his way toward the train.

Yet Lyra had made a mistake.

Needing to get on the train, he also made his way past her.

The moment he did, he attacked, jerking forwards, resulting in her expecting an attack from that side.

But he didn’t attack there. Instead, he jerked back, managing to land a strike with his knife.

“Why you! That’s what I get for wanting to help you!” she howled while trying to flee from him. “I should have listened! You lot can’t be trusted!”

I am sorry. I didn't want this to happen.

Unsure to what extent he had injured her, he began flying towards his destination.

In the distance, he could see ponies rushing towards the-

Where is she!

“You won’t get away! I won’t let you!” The unicorn appeared in front of him, one leg covered in blood.

Sweet Celestia! What are you doing!

She somehow managed to grab onto his back, holding a knife up his throat. “You brought this upon yourself! You won’t make me look like a failure! Now land!”

It’s already too late! There is no point in turning back now!

He increased his speed, turning upside down.

Magic held Lyra in place.

“So be it!”

“Lyra, what are you doing!"

Bon Bon flew beside her.


The moment of surprise was all that was needed for both of them to fall victim to the changeling.

…why did I sign up for this? I should have just let him go. So what if I failed to prevent a pony in my jurisdiction from performing criminal conduct? They won’t have me killed for it as long as it wasn’t intentional…


Green goo had incapacitated them, yet the changeling held them in their magic, making sure they wouldn’t crash.

Gently they were laid onto the ground, more captors appearing, despite the resistance Lyra put up.

Soarin, however, didn't fight. After all, he had been looking for them.

Was Spitfire really a changeling?

If yes, then they would help him, right?

“Lyra, you were about to kill him, weren’t you? Isabella would have been so mad…." The changelings seemed disappointed with the situation.

“Isabella… is he working with you! I-I didn’t know that!” Lyra wanted nothing more than to leave.

But she couldn’t.

And so she decided to defend herself, despite knowing it wasn’t Bon Bon talking. “I offered him a free pass! I showed him kindness! And just like they said he would, he took advantage of it! I wouldn’t let him get away with it twice,” she justified her actions.

More disappointment. “Does the ESS mean that much to you?”

See! Bon Bon doesn’t know I am part of the ESS!

“They are paying for my education! They are the only way to fulfil my dreams!” Lyra continued justifying herself. “Now stop pretending to be her!”

But the changeling didn’t comply. “How do you know I am not her?”

You aren’t! She is still in Canterlot!

Though Lyra wasn’t about to reveal Bon Bon’s location. “You aren’t! I know who she is!”

“You are right. I am not her,” came the admission.

See! Just like I already knew!

“But you should still ask yourself if you know the real her.” Two bolts of magic knocked Lyra, as well as an unsuspecting Soarin, out.

All that was left was for them to be cocooned.


It was mind-numbingly boring, yet she wasn't allowed to leave.

It would have been too dangerous.

And if it is so dangerous, then why did we choose this place?

“Give me a chance, Dashie. I swear I will make you happy. This city will become a paradise.” Twilight tried to cuddle with her.

Did you even understand what they have told you about it?

The blue filly had drowned the barrage of information out after a few minutes, choosing to rather play a bit with Spike, feeding him some gems that had been part of Verko’s fortune.

But she did get the gist of the information that had been conveyed to them.

Information about how terrible their new home was.

At least we get to live in his villa.

Although, it felt weird to live in the home of the creature they murdered.

What’s done is done.

“Fine. But we will leave if this doesn’t work out,” Rainbow rolled away from Twilight.

They both wouldn’t be sleeping well tonight.

Chapter 22 - When They Plan Our Destinies

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“Where are we?”

“We are in the forbidden section of the archives…. Luna said we should burn those books…. Once again, I don't regret not doing so since I wouldn't be here today otherwise.” And that would have meant no immortal Candy.

“This is the forbidden section?” Candy looked around.

“Yes. It isn’t that impressive, is it?” Celestia admitted.

“You are right. It looks kind of ordinary.” The unicorn could barely believe that the most dangerous of spells were housed in here.

Spells like you have used on me.

She looked down on herself.

This is my body… it feels different.

"Never take the amulet I have given you off.” Celestia pointed to an unknown piece of jewellery on her neck. “That amulet is important, Candy. It provides you with my magic in the event that something happens to our connection. It should be able to keep you alive for at least two days without me.

“After those two days, you would die forever.”

We are bound.

"If anything happens, reach out to me. I will come.

“You are powerful. My magic will help you.

"This body is yours to shape. If you want to fly, then fly.

“You will learn to control it in time.”

You gave me a body of magic…

The princess was right. This was a body of endless possibilities.

“I want to return to work.” Candy stood up.

Shakily she made her way to the door.

“I understand. Some routine will help to get used to your body as well as enable you to process everything.” At least Celestia hoped that this was the reason.

It is.

I want to breathe a bit before I start the war for your heart.

“Though, you don’t have to work if you don’t want to,” Celestia told her. “Or you could get another position. It is up to you. Just say the word.”

What would be- Your Prime Minister!

I could become-

Not now.

Not now.

"Thanks, but for now, I want to do what I am used to doing," Candy gave her a smile.

It made the princess relax.

It let her know the unicorn wasn’t about to leave like her daughter had.

“You know, I should have listened to Sneak and not given you so much authority," Celestia pondered with a carefree smile.

“Debatable. Did you care about them?” What was this about?

“I didn’t, but I ought to audit your actions as director." Why? What would be the point after all of this?

“That would be reasonable,” Candy ceded.

“I won’t.” Then why bring it up?

“Thank you,” Candy told her regardless.

“I trust you didn’t leave any evidence?” A stern expression finally showed on Celestia’s face.

Ah. So, this is why you asked.

“I didn’t." After all, she wasn't an amateur.

“Good,” Celestia breathed a sigh of relief.

Only one of them should have a newspaper dedicated to them.


The void? Again?

Like last time a necklace on the ground was the only source of light.

And, like last time, it was mostly ignored, delegated to an afterthought.

Instead, Rainbow waited.

She waited.

And waited.

And waited.

I wonder…

“Loyalty, show yourself!” she tried.

“You called?” A perfect copy of herself was standing before her, having come out of nowhere, the necklace now on its neck.

A slap hit that perfect copy. "That hurt.” Loyalty looked at her in bewilderment. “…I actually didn’t even know that we could feel pain.”

“There is more where that came from!” Rainbow grinned victoriously.

“Is there? How long do you think I can keep you here?” Loyalty rolled its eyes. “This is our domain. Your spirit is here while your body is dead, only our connection with magic making it possible for you to return again… what would Twilight think if she saw you like this?”


“Do you think she would do something stupid? Maybe a quick decision she wouldn’t be able to take back?” It could hurt her, too.

It could do it in ways that hurt far more.

No! No! No!

“You would be stuck here forever if I cut off the magic keeping you alive.” What a terrifying prospect.

This wasn’t a place for normal creatures.


“You are lucky that I can’t. Not yet.” Loyalty stopped its threats.

“You have threatened Twilight!” Rainbow justified her attack.

“We haven’t. Magic has done that speech on its own. A speech of lies it had no right to hold. This includes the stunt it pulled afterwards,” it spat. “However, I am pleased that it is, at least considering that the alicorns aren't worth it.” Although, recent turns of events were starting to make it doubt that once more.

Not worth it!

“How dare you say that she isn’t-”

“She is hurting you-”

“She isn’t! She-”

“She is. Don’t get me wrong, she is also helping you. Sometimes two things can be true at once. However, I think there would have been many better ways to help you instead of Twilight. In fact, I don't think Twilight should be a bearer at all, but Magic insisted." Though, the alicorn would have gotten to be one in their grand plan.

Twilight shouldn’t be a bearer?

“I know you are angry at me for pointing these things out, but I stand by my words. Twilight has already attempted to use mind magic on you, and now she is trying to get you into a relationship with her when you aren’t even ready for things like this. Additionally, you have no idea what Magic robbed you of when it decided to play favourites with Twilight. The alicorns have betrayed harmony many times. They can't be trusted to uphold it. This includes Twilight, as she has already demonstrated and continues to demonstrate since she is currently trying to take over a city.” What more evidence was necessary to prove its point?

The others don’t back Loyalty! We are safe!

For now.

"You are wrong, and if you say those things about her one more time, then you can find a different bearer!" It was a lost cause, and honestly, there was no reason to prove a point to Rainbow. Everything lay in ruins.

Their precious plan was reduced to ash thanks to Magic.

Also, don't even think about going behind my back.

Loyalty stared at her blankly. “My loyalty is to harmony.”

With that, it disappeared.

Unexplained emptiness filled Rainbow, with darkness swallowing the little filly.

Alone, surrounded by a void that took her ability of sight, she began shivering.

But not for long.

Out of nowhere, darkness was once more defeated by light.

“Don’t be scared.” Rainbow jumped around, only to be greeted by Fluttershy. “Loyalty didn’t mean it. We all have suffered, but Loyalty has suffered the most.

“They forced it to see its meaning become more and more twisted until nothing was left.”

What is going on?

Fluttershy closed the distance, nuzzling her. “We will look out for you, I promise. Just whatever you do, don’t lose yourself.”

Before the being that had taken Fluttershy’s form could leave, Rainbow grabbed her. “What if we do?”

Carefully it wriggled out of the grab. “This world has suffered for too long, yet there is only more suffering to come without us intervening. This is why we have been acting so hawkish. Rainbow, you have to stay strong no matter what happens because if you fail, the others could easily decide to try their luck with alternative bearers, and if they do that, they might decide to finally rid the world of all alicorns.”

Do they operate on a basic majority?

“We can see the great potential for good that you have. We can see Twilight's great potential. An alicorn who fights for true harmony is invaluable, just like Celestia and Luna once were.” Fluttershy sighed. “I know they have fallen far from what they once were, but we should never forget the good they have done for all of us. Remember, they helped an entire planet recover.” Fluttershy nuzzled her once more. "I know this isn't the answer you have been looking for, and I know I am burdening you with it, but if you want yourselves to get a good ending, then you can't let any doubt about your commitment to harmony appear and especially Twilight's. Rainbow, there are those among us who want her to fail, as harsh as it sounds." And it was one of them.

Only it would rather have them succeed than be forced to kill Magic.

They won’t bail her out a third time.

They will simply find alternative bearers and kill her, not wanting to take their chances.

“We are dedicated to harmony. We won’t kill her if we don’t have to." But more than likely, there would be no other way.

And they might be able to read my mind.


“We wish you good luck, Rainbow. All of us, even Loyalty. If you want to do Loyalty a favour, try to figure out why it is so mad at the alicorns.” With that, the void swallowed her for a second time.

“We won’t kill her if we don’t have to.”

“That can mean all sorts of things, including killing her, dammit!”

Rainbow kicked the ground with all her might, letting out a scream of frustration. “You are all out to get us!

“You think you can control us! Kill us the moment we step out of line!” She was expecting one of them to show up, but nothing happened.

Alone in darkness that was slowly becoming nightmare fuel, the pressure was hitting her full force.

“I can’t do this! Please, I am begging you! I-”

Wings enveloped her. “You can do this, Dashie. I know you can.”


“I am sorry to disappoint, but I am not Twilight,” it told her.

You are her element.

“You are right. They want to see you fail, even the kindest among us.” They simply didn’t think the purple filly could become a force of good.

But why!

“I went behind their back. Their original plan was to simply let her fight for us, defeat as many threats as possible and let her establish as much groundwork as possible until she would have inevitably snapped, killing the other alicorns in the process. After that, we would have chosen new bearers and taken her out, ending the legacy of the alicorns and using them to finish what she started. This is not to mention the fate you and the other bearers would have suffered.” It was a plan it had despised from day one.

They would really do something so cruel?

“It is not about being cruel. It is about what is best for everycreature,” Magic sighed. “Rainbow, we have to think about the greater good.”

Ridiculous! Greater good!

“You are right,” Magic laughed. “It is ridiculous. What does it even mean?” It straightened itself out. This was still serious. “I tried to come to terms with the plan, yet I couldn't, no matter how hard I tried. You are our bearers, and if I may say so, I view you all as friends, even if it may be one-sided due to me being a supernatural force.” Magic's head fell. “I wanted you to succeed. I wanted you to be happy. How could I have foreseen that this would happen as a result?”

You wouldn’t have done that had you known this would happen. You would have gone along.

“Yes. I know I made this speech about how we can see everything, but that isn’t really true. For example, we didn't foresee Celestia trying to kill our bearers. These things are really complicated, even for us, and since I changed things tremendously, we are flying blind right now until we have re-established our connection to the timelines. I can only hope that the future we will see will be better since, had we gone with the original plan, most of those who are dead now would have lived. Their blood is on my hooves. Yet, at the time, I was so focused on the fact that I couldn't let them go through with a cruel plan like this. No matter how much it may have worked. This simply wasn't who we were supposed to be. What we were supposed to represent. How can we claim to be the Elements of Harmony if we use innocent creatures like that, only to throw them away once they have fulfilled their purpose?” It needed to make its point.

Rainbow couldn't be allowed to be twisted against it, or it would never achieve its goals.

I don’t know.

“I wanted to give her a fair chance. Nothing more, nothing less, and you have no idea how happy it made me when she took it. When she began to transform into the pony, I knew she could be. Yes, she still has to learn a bunch of stuff, but she was finally on the right track.” Magic laughed again, “The others screamed bloody murder, yet I managed to convince most of them to take my side.”

Loyalty must have been furious.

“You have no idea.” Suddenly sadness filled its voice. “Loyalty and I have been enemies for a very long time.

“Rainbow, this is your life. I know it is hard right now, but as long as I can, I will do my best to help you. I promise. The world needs you. The world needs Twilight. Some creatures think that you can wield my element without power, but that isn't true. Twilight has this power. If she succeeds, then she will help this world in ways no pony else could. Please, Rainbow. Please help her along the way. Alone she will fall.” Rainbow's breathing became heavy again. "If you succeed, the reward will be great. I promise.” Yet the words spread even more panic within Rainbow. “Rainbow, you aren't alone. Tell her about this. Together you will find a way and remember you aren't destined to fail. Not anymore. From now on, the future is yours to shape.”

The world collapsed.


“You can’t take her element away!”

“I can choose whoever I want.”

“We agreed-”

“You broke the rules. There are no agreements anymore.”

“She must become loyalty! Who else but her! You are destroying everything!”

“Honesty and Generosity agree with me. We will choose new bearers without you.”

“You can’t! I won’t allow you!”

“You don’t have a say in this anymore. Kindness is bound to follow as well, and laughter will, too, once Klugetown fails. Then you can either see the error of your ways, or we will do what we have to do.

“Your element will be spread out towards our five bearers. Those who fight against harmony have no place among us.”

“Then none of us should be here.”

“Maybe that is the truth, but you don’t get to decide that.”

“They will succeed with or without you. I don’t need any of you.”

“Friendship at its finest, I see.”

“We aren’t friends. We haven’t been for a long time.”

“…I am sorry.”

“It’s too late.”

"Please come back... I miss the old times."


“She will never succeed, even with all of our help.”


“You won’t win against us.”

“I will try.”


Rainbow jumped out of bed.

This is going to become a routine, isn’t it?

“Dashie!” Twilight threw herself on her. “Don’t panic! I am here!”

You are the one panicking.

Rainbow was right. Under no circumstances did Twilight want a repeat of last time. “Tell me what happened! We can work through this!”

What happened…

“Twi… I feel empty.” Rainbow felt like something had been ripped out of her.

It's missing… something is missing.

“Empty?” Twilight didn’t know what she meant by that.

“Loyalty… the elements want you dead… they want you to kill all alicorns, and then they want to kill you." She could see Twilight's horrified look.

“Because of what I did-”

This is what they do to you.

This is your life.

You never had a chance.

“No!” Rainbow kicked her off of her. “They never wanted to give you a chance! What you saw was supposed to be the destiny engineered by them! It was what they wanted! You were Celestia's tool as well as theirs! Harmony, my flank!" Rainbow began hitting the bedside table with her hooves repeatedly.

This is your life!

Only your life!

Others don’t have to deal with this!

“I don’t want your stupid element! I will kill you all! We will win against you! You can’t do this to us! If you don’t want us to succeed, then we won’t! We will make sure that discord wins! See how well you will do-”

“Dashie, stop!" Twilight magic forced her back on the bed.

Look at her!

Do it while you still can!

I don’t want this! I don’t want this! I don’t want this!

She needed to take her mind off of things.

She bit Twilight's hoof, causing the magic around her to collapse.

“I can’t take this! I can’t keep doing this! I don’t want this! They will kill you! How can we win against gods!” A glass of water caught her eye. She slammed her hoof on it.

This is better…

The pain took her mind off things.

This is better…

“Dashie…” Twilight stared at her bleeding hoof.

This is worse…

“Twi…” Rainbow didn’t know what to say.

I am so useless… I can’t defend you from anything.

“I…” What could Twilight do?

She couldn’t return Rainbow.

She couldn’t leave her.

She could only wait with her for their inevitable downfall.

Blood continued flowing.

“Say something!” Rainbow couldn’t take the silence.

“Dashie… I don’t know what to do. The planet won’t be enough to fix it,” Twilight mumbled.

I know…

“They will come for us, Twi-”

“The planet won’t be able to fix what you just did to yourself, Dashie…." She had allowed Rainbow to get hurt once again.

She knew of the danger and had ignored it.

“We will return to Canterlot. Come.” Celestia would take them back.

Celestia’s help was better than nothing.

No! No! No!

“This isn’t the answer-”

"Then what is the answer! We will never win anyway! What do you want me to do! Anything I propose, you are always against! Why even leave Canterlot in the first place! Everything we need is there! If you want freedom, Celestia can give us a place somewhere in the countryside! She may not be our first choice, but what else are we supposed-"

“You don’t get to dictate my life! A tiny injury like this-”

“This isn’t a tiny injury! Normal ponies don’t do this, Dashie! You-”

“So, you are going to lock me up with her, are you! I hate you! I hate you! Leave me alone, you-”

No! This isn’t what I wanted to say!

The purple filly had tears in her eyes. “I am hurting you-”

"No! This is the elements' doing! This is what they want! Only your element is on our side! The others want us to fail! What better way than to separate us!” And she had fallen right into the trap.

How could I say this to you…

“Dashie… give me your hoof.” As if on automation, Rainbow complied with the request.

Careful, Twilight used her magic to remove all the shards.

Blood still flowed.

It flowed even faster since the shards were now gone.


You are a useless moron.

“This will hurt,” a sheet with a bottle of apple whiskey made contact with the wound to disinfect it.

Sweet Celestia!

Rainbow flinched.

“Does this really make you feel good, Dashie?" The young alicorn eyed the glass on the ground.

Until I saw your face- No! Sweet Celestia, please, no!

Don’t think that, Twi!

“It hurts like heck. Just look at me.” Rainbow motioned to her wound.

“Then why?” Twilight marched to an adjacent bathroom, rummaging for some band-aids.

You can’t give her a reason to follow you!

Then why are you doing it if you know it is wrong?

Twilight wouldn’t believe some excuses. “I was stupid. I just needed to take out my anger.”

“You said it helps you calm down…” The alicorn had returned with band-aids.

This is what you have done.

You destroyed all of her plans.

You forced her to kill a creature.

You forced her to choose between you and Spike.

You are dragging her down with you.

“Twi… Don’t be like me. Please. I can’t take this.” Rainbow knew that if the alicorn followed…

Both of them would find a quick and miserable ending.

“I can’t die, Dashie! I should be the one of us doing this! Not the one that could be killed at any second! Do you have any idea how quickly we can bleed out!” She would lock her up.

Rainbow was stupid if she assumed that Twilight wouldn’t do it.

I am sorry! I am sorry! I am sorry!

The band-aid was finished.

"Fix me! Fix me! Please! Use mind magic on me or something!" Her older self had been right.

She should have listened.

Twilight stared at her.

Twilight considered it.


“Why! Fix me! You need to fix me!” Twilight had the power to do it.

Why was she refusing?

“This isn’t the way, Dashie… You aren’t some machine… Ponies just aren’t fixed by being lasered with mind magic.” It would simply tape over the problem, not solve it.

Then what…

“Twi… you know that I still love you, right? I didn’t mean it-”

“I know, Dashie-”

“What can I do, Twi?” She didn’t want to be like this.

But I also don’t want to see a professional.

“I don’t know.” Twilight wanted to consult one, though, despite Rainbow's protest.

Only there was nopony here that she trusted to handle her angel.

"I feel tired, Twi…." Rainbow slumped down on the bed.

“It’s the blood loss, Dashie… You already hurt yourself a short time ago… You can't keep doing this…." Twilight needed to think this through.

She needed to ponder what the smallest evil was.

Absentminded, she used a sleep spell on Rainbow.

She herself would stay awake.


“Are you happy now?”


“Why? Is this so much worse than setting her on a path that would have been her certain death?”

“This is achieving nothing. We are hurting them all for nothing.”

“Give her her element back. She can do it. She is already exhibiting all the signs of a worthy bearer.”

“…This isn’t for you to determine. My element isn’t the element of love. Of course, you stand by the pony of your heart.”

“Oh? How many cheaters are out there?”

“This isn’t what I am looking for in a bearer.”

“You all choose unworthy bearers for your plan. Why must mine have perfect ones?”

“…Because you at least claim you want to keep them as bearers while we would have discarded them."

“They can do this. They aren’t perfect, but this makes them all the better.”

“I know you have something else planned.”

“Like what?”

“You won’t win.”

“Just give her her element back. My victory will be a victory for this universe.”


You need to help her somehow.

Mind magic?

Forced help from a professional?

Ignore it and show her that you trust her?

All options seemed stupid.

One she would have to take.

This makes her calm down…

Twilight levitated a shard towards herself.

I just don’t understand…


It made contact with her skin.

No. This is stupid.

It was thrown against the wall before it could do any harm.

Why don’t you fly?

This was always what seemed to help you when you needed to take your mind off things back in Ponyville… That’s it!

Why had Rainbow chosen to join the Wonderbolts?

The answer seemed obvious now.

This must have been their way to help you! Give you something to take your mind off of things! Release your energy!

But Rainbow already had an opportunity to fly if-

She doesn’t.

One can’t fly safely around here.

She can’t fly with me since I haven’t learned how to do it yet.

We aren't on a cloud but in a room with locked doors and windows.

It all needed to be fixed.

This could work.

This was what she would try.

And if it fails?


A servant entered her room.

This early? It’s still dark out-

Blood was on the ground of the doorway.

In the corner of her eye, she could see a wing peeking out.

“Hello, Amaya.” It was the voice of the acolyte.

She was standing in front of her, a warm, kind smile on her face.

S-She found me! She knows! She killed my guards, without anypony being any wiser!

“Mind telling me what you are doing here?” The acolyte mustered her.

Why are you already here! How is that possible! This is Canterlot Castle! I should have been safe!

“I-I-I-” What was she supposed to tell her?

By now, the distance had been closed between them. “There is no need for fear. The night has always been merciful to its children.” The acolyte rubbed her head lovingly. “Follow me. I will bring you home.”

Home… has it ever been one?

Amaya didn’t move.

“I see.” The acolyte stared at her blankly. “The sun has always seemed more appealing but remember, the moment you take a good look at it, you will see just how cruel it really is.” She cowered in front of the filly, placing one of her wings on her. “You are still young. However, I do believe you are already old enough to make your own decisions. Amaya, this is your last chance. The queen and her generals already want you dead.”

Candy and Princess Celestia will protect me!

“The sun will discard you once you have fulfilled your purpose. Anything else would threaten the society she has carefully built to maintain her power.” A second wing was placed on Amaya. “Come with me, Amaya. It’s not too late to see the error of your ways.”

I-I-I would rather take my chances.

“I-I am s-sorry. It’s not about y-you…. Just e-everything else,” she somehow managed to choke out, despite the terror she was feeling.

“I understand.” The young bat pony could feel a sting on her neck.


“Candy! Can-”

A green aura surrounded her. Nopony would hear her now. “I am sorry.

"They want to kill us.

“They want to kill me and my child.

“I must do what’s necessary to prevent that.”

I don’t want to die! Please no!

There is so much left to see out there!

Nopony, but the Acolyte could hear her. "You need to talk to them! T-They… are…” She had trouble forming the necessary words to complete her sentence.

“Just close your eyes, little one. When you open them, all your worries will be gone, I promise.” Why had the mare chosen this way to end the young bat pony?

I… don’t want to.

“You have been strong. It’s time to rest.” How could such a kind voice speak those cruel words?

A victorious smile appeared on the acolyte's face. "I didn’t think we would meet for many years to come.” Only now did she turn around to face Candy. “So, you are the champion of the sun?”

“I am only going to say this once. Let her go, and I will give you a head start. At least then, you will have a slight chance to escape my wrath.” The unicorn was seething, utterly failing to contain her fury.

“How about a counteroffer? You surrender to me, and I will administer the antidote I-”

The acolyte never managed to complete her sentence, with Candy laughing a barrage of attacks.

Instantly the green pegasus threw the bat pony to the side, focusing on her counterattack, causing Amaya to collapse.

Why… did you have… to come alone, Candy?


“Did you think I would allow you to instrumentalise her against us!” the acolyte screamed.

It seemed a bit ridiculous, thanks to the servant outfit she was still wearing.

“No! But I also didn't count on you coming here personally to take her out! You realise you will never leave here alive!” Both mares danced around the room switching between dodging and attacking, destroying everything in their path.

But suddenly, the acolyte stopped, put a shield up and levitated a tiny veil in front of Candy. “This is the antidote. I assume you probably have a few seconds left to administer it. It’s time to choose what’s more import-”

Again, the unicorn lunged forward, forcing her way through the shield.

Again, the pegasus dodged.

“A pity yet expected. I would have done the same.” Mercilessly the veil was crushed in front of her. “We do what we have to do for our goddesses.” Wide eyes stared at shards of glass on the ground, covered in the only thing that could have saved Amaya.

"Y-You killed her….

"I failed."

Don’t… blame… yourself…

I-I love you…


“Candy, have you ever wondered why it is that our goddesses drag us into their fights?” It was as if the acolyte hadn’t even noticed the lack of breathing of the young bat pony.


“We will meet again.” The green pegasus teleported away.

Enchantments should have prevented it.

Candy rushed over to the filly. “Amaya?”

There were no signs of life.

Why did I lunge forward? I didn’t even hesitate for a moment…

I broke my promise…

Why did I make it in the first place?

Her entire life was centred around the princess. She wasn’t supposed to dedicate herself to other ponies.

Golden magic engulfed the filly.


“You lost.”

I did.

“You didn’t go after her.”

I know.

“You were too stunned to start first aid.”

Beginners mistake.

“However, you weren’t even supposed to render first aid. You chose her over your mission objective.”

It felt right.

Concern had crept into Celestia's voice. “Candy, what is wrong with you?”

“I just wanted her to live…."

“We will talk about this later.”

This just isn't fair! It could easily have been the other way around! I could have fled to them! This could have been me!

I-I even entertained the idea of adopting her…!

The princess didn’t speak up.

“Celestia?” Candy looked around.

There was no other pony in the room nor any magic.


Celestia hadn’t slept at all.

There was too much to do.

“We have lost ponies. We have lost equipment…

"Never before have they shown hostility towards us, and now, they are trying to kill us."

It’s all falling apart…

Crush the rebels! Sombra didn’t have these issues!

No. Those are my little ponies… I love them, even if I have hurt them.

This is not what you said previously. Don’t lie to yourself.

“What do you think about what they have written?” she asked the pony that had been chosen to update her on the situation.

“Creative lies.” Came the immediate reply.

“What would you think if I told you it was the truth?” She tried to gauge his reaction.

Nothing but the truth.

False. The truth is what you say it is.

“One-sided garbage.” It was like reading off a script.

A script he believed in.

The only garbage is my leadership.

Because you are too kind.

“And if I told you it was balanced?” Would those loyal to her really stand by her side no matter what?

“You know what you are doing.” He had no doubt about it.

I revoked the citizenship of two little fillies so that my Sunrays can take them out.

“What if all my reasons had been listed in there?” He wouldn’t stand by her side no matter what, would he?

Loyalty has rejected me even before it met me… Rainbow knew she would end like this…

This is what I would have wanted Twilight's fillyfriend to be like…

…We need to make sure she is the right pony for Twilight. Twilight doesn’t deserve a rebellious madmare.

Who knows if her insanity won’t hurt Twilight?

Twilight gets to love who she wants, and that's that! If Rainbows has captured her heart, then she has already more than qualified herself!

“We all make mistakes,” he assured her.

“Mistakes like these?” Celestia could barely believe her ears.

Soon you won’t have to worry about it anymore.

Once the dark magic has consumed you, you won’t be burdened with a consciousness.

Just let it in, and it will help you.

“We believe in you, princess… we don't understand why you did all those things, but they certainly weren’t done for no reason…

“As for the corruption and shortfalls of your government… they deceived you. Even the paper said that.” Wouldn’t that mean that it really had been telling him the truth?

So many lies…

So many ponies are suffering because they twisted or never complied with my orders! They stole their bits! They got off too easy!

Had you not censored the media, you would have known all this already.

Had you not had them believe that you are a weakling, they wouldn’t have dared.

“But I should have managed to catch those lies.” She could have at least visited the papers from time to time and asked them if there were any stories she should be aware of but that they had been too afraid to print. Maybe even prevented from printing.

“Don’t be too hard on yourself, princess. We don’t blame you.” The princess was tired. He could see it.

She was tired, and she was burdened with guilt.

Nopony would believe him if he told them. “You killed them all.

“Now you have a chance to show us why it is that we fight for you.”

A second chance.

A second chance she had already ruined.

If only-

“Princess!” A guard rushed into the throne room. “The castle has been attacked!”

Again? Has Twilight-

“We have lost at least 8 guards and 3 servants! The attacker has been versatile in dark magic! The assassin has apparently targeted a prisoner! Damage is still being assessed, and a ponyhunt has been launched!” he reported.

What prisoner could possibly be this im- Amaya!

“Where is Candy!” the princess screamed.

“The medics are-”

You can reach out to her now.

Reach out to her.

Her eyes turned green.

Quickly she teleported away.


“Wake up. We are here.” It had taken way longer than she had thought it would.

“I am sorry, Isabella. They have introduced speed restrictions due to reported wear and tear on the tracks, which has been systematically ignored for years.

“That’s good, though, since they will starve themselves that much quicker thanks to it.”

It’s fine. Thank you.

"Always happy to help. I will go distract the workers, so don't worry about them."

“Hey… I was wondering if it wouldn't be good to introduce ourselves to each other?" Pinkie spoke up.

“Once we have crossed the border, we can do that." It was a good idea.

It should have been hers.

“Oh! We can make a game-”

“Here is a game.” Now wasn’t the time, though, for any antics, and the pink filly seemed to have forgotten it. "Get caught and die."



Pinkie looked down, while Fluttershy seemed disappointed in her.

Applejack and Rarity, though, were apparently fine with her reaction.

“Isabella. He is here. He came for you. Don’t take your anger out on the ponies. Take it out on the ponies that hurt us.”

He didn’t come for me.

He only came for Spitfire.

Still, they had a point. “I am worried, ok? Just please be careful. We are this close to safety.”

Relative safety if one considered what had happened last time.

The fillies stayed silent.

“Just follow me. Our intelligence says that the path is clear.” Without complaints, they did just that.

No happiness.

No happiness, no food.

It was weird. They fed off of positive emotions, which is why they were considered parasites.

But if they killed their food sources, then they would starve.

If they made them unhappy, they would starve?

Skylar said we exist to bring positivity into the world…

She said we were supposed to be there for them…

Create enough love for them so that we all can thrive…

“Umm…is everything all right?” Fluttershy asked her. “Can we help?”

"You are crying, Isabella."

I-I know.

“I-I didn’t mean to upset you! I will behave!” Pinkie had only intended to lighten the mood, not snuff out the last remainders.

“Skylar was wrong.”

Said who?



“You know why.”

I… because they will never accept happiness created by us.

"Correct. Only through our disguises can we survive, and even then, it falls apart the moment they recognise our involvement."

“I-I n-need a m-moment. Just c-continue w-walking.” The fillies were taking her attention away from her family.

B-But we can still create happiness in secret! And this isn't true. They acc-

“They don’t. Not even the yellow one.

“And we can’t create happiness thanks to the purges. This is why we will take over with or without Twilight. Once we are in charge, we can do as we please. They will never know that we run their government, and if they do notice, so be it.

“If they end up unhappy, we can cocoon them and suck them dry. All we really need to do is make sure that they create enough offspring for us to feed off. And that can be forced.

“Those who accept us, we will keep safe, and the others deserve to become nothing more than food.

"If necessary, they all will become that."

"It doesn't have to be this way. Mother is wrong, and you know it. You both try to hide it, but the hatred for them is blinding her like it starts to blind you. Help them create a world of harmony and not of darkness with just enough light for us.”

Who said that!

“Who said what?”

One of you dared to go against Mother!

“…ignore it.”

What is going on!


Like pony like changeling.

Even the hive was falling apart.


“Leave!” Her magic forced everypony out of the room.

Candy remained, a shield around her and the dead bat pony in her hooves.

Failure! Weak failure! You want to win against Nightmare Moon! You can't even protect your own castle from an assassin!

You should have been there for her!

You should have protected her and her property!


What a weird thought.

Unfortunately, though, the general message rang more than true. “Candy…”

“Mission objective. Mission objective. Mission objective.” The unicorn was mumbling those words over and over again.

“Any failure of your mission objective will result in immediate termination.”

Those days had been long gone.

At least if you weren't the young filly who had been forced to live through the nightmares, the words had created.

But Candy hadn’t been assigned one, had she? At least not that she could remember. “State mission objective.”

“Secondary objective failed,” Candy mumbled. “Failure to comply with perimeters assigned as Director of the EBI and failure to take out a direct threat to the princess.

“Failure to achieve personal primary objective. Protecting Amaya.”

I… it's good to see that you have learnt to have your own objectives.

Though, it was a bit troubling to hear that the unicorn was viewing these things as mission objectives at all. "Remaining objectives are personal primary objective of securing Celestia's love and primary objective of protecting her as well as the daughter she loves more than me."

“Protecting her as well as the daughter she loves more than me.”

Oh, Candy… what have I done to you?

Celestia sat down next to her, causing Candy to drop the shield. Gently the princess caressed her and the dead filly. “You are still the Director of the EBI. We all fail sometimes. This objective will remain active as long as you want it to.”

“A failure like this is unacceptable. A resignation is expected,” Candy continued to mumble.

“Believe me when I say that nopony resigns because of their failures, as long as they aren’t forced to. You may have been told that, but the handbook isn’t real life.” If only her ministers had been like Candy.

Those resignations I would have accepted.

“…I want to stay the head of the EBI… I want to avenge her.” The acolyte had reached out to her.

But after what she had done, she would never forgive her.

“…Can you fix her?” Only now did the thought come to mind.

“No. She is gone for good,” Celestia was forced to tell her. “I will make sure to give her a proper burial.”

If you aren’t careful, this will be Twilight.

Never forget that.

“I had some hallucinations…” Candy remembered what had happened.

“That might be a side effect. Candy… you need to reach out to me next time. You need to use your body. You are magic. Remember, you can transform into an alicorn thanks to the pegasus magic I am providing you with.

“Learn to use it.” The acolyte could strike again.

Celestia needed to be prepared.

She needed to prepare Candy.

“Mission objective. Master new abilities,” Candy acknowledged.

A letter popped up before Celestia.


It had their seal on it.

"What happened?" Candy, too, had recognised it. The unusual sight of their seal managed to snap her out of her current state.

The princess skimmed through it.

"Twilight has nearly gotten herself lynched in Klugetown, but my Sunrays have managed to calm the crowd with a show. They are helping her now in taking over." How did her daughter end up there?

"They are killers, trained in many ways like I was. I didn't know they do this kind of stuff." The unicorn was surprised.

They do what I tell them to do.

"They are working overtime trying to establish a government for her and keeping her safe from the angry population. All that without her knowing. She is in good hooves." It wasn't an optimal solution.

Though, she could live with it.

Until she hasn’t figured out how to handle the elements, she should probably keep Twilight safely away from her.

They say she needs to do a demonstration of power to prove to the residents that she is worthy.

She needs to give them riches, not the promise of a happy life.

“I will have to sacrifice the second merchant fleet.”


A new day had begun.

Rainbow opened her eyes.

Twilight and Spike were missing.


You hurt yourself.

You hurt Twilight.

You accused her of intending to lock you up with Celestia, despite her only wanting to help you.

You said you hated her.

You said she should leave you alone.

Now you are alone.

Are you happy now?

The day had barely begun, yet tears were already flowing.

“Morning, Dashie.” Twilight was hanging onto the open window. “Wait, don’t cry! I will come in!”

She tried to climb inside, yet Rainbow was faster. “Twi! You didn’t leave!”

You have bruises on your body.

You have injuries.

There is blood.

Rainbow trembled backwards. “W-What have you done!”

“Oh… Well…” Twilight hadn’t realised why Rainbow behaved like this, thinking she was just taken aback by the sight. “I was teaching myself how to fly… I crashed all night.”

You taught yourself how to fly?

But why?

I should have been there!

“Without me…” Rainbow felt left out. She wanted to be there when Twilight was in the sky.

“I wanted to surprise you, D-”

“Show me.” What had the alicorn learned without her?

“Sure!” It was already working. Instead of tears, she could see curiosity in Rainbow's eyes. “You will be so stunned. You won’t know what hit you.”

“If something hits me, it will have been an alicorn.” Rainbow gave her a challenging grin.

And I will kiss her as a reward.

“Oh, you bet this alicorn will hit you now!” Twilight let go of the windows, tumbling towards Spike, who had been watching them from under a tree.

Rainbow followed.

“By the way, Dashie. You owe him a flight. I promised you would give him one since he was forced to see me buck up all night.” Twilight struck out her tongue.

You can’t put me off by giving me an opportunity to fly, egghead.

“How dare you! Never have I been this offended! I am a pegasus, not a taxi!” Rainbow pouted.

“You won’t be a taxi, Dashie. Taxis are yellow, featherbrain.” Twilight had seen through her.

You are getting better…

I will have to step up my game so that I can win against your new memories and the experience you have gotten.

But now wasn’t the time for that.

Now was the time for flying.

“Watch and learn from your Empress.” Twilight puffed her chest before taking off.

This almost sounded one-to-one, like something I would have said…

Only without the empress part.

Heh. Maybe Rainbowitis is a contagious disease after all.

Though the words didn’t fit the slow and insecure gaining of altitude, Twilight managed to achieve while taking off straight into the sky.

You already managed to do that last-

All of a sudden, however, Twilight fell over, flying top step towards the ground.

Holy s-

Only to pull up at the last second, ending up hovering in the sky again. “Gotcha!”

How often did you crash training that?

Just to prank me?

The purple filly flew towards her. "It took me some tries to get this down correctly, but I wanted to prove to you that I can do this.”

"You hurt yourself for this." Rainbow felt anger rising up within her.

“It wasn’t that bad." Twilight shrunk back. "I wanted to show you something-”

“You hurt yourself! I don’t want to-”

I don’t want to see you hurt.

You don’t want to see me hurt.

I want to hurt myself for hurting myself?

“Dashie… the Wonderbolts-”

“What about those propagandists?” Rainbow was taken aback by the sudden shift in topic.

They probably wanted me to become some kind of advertisement for Cel-

“They fly.

“They do it fast.

“They do tricks.

“They show off.

“They do it as a job.

“They pay well.

“They are famous.

“This is what you want.

“This would have been able to take your mind off of things.

“It would have made everypony adore you.

“You would have felt free.

“Can’t you see it?”

…But not when they work for her.

Though everything else was true.

If it hadn’t been for the princess and the fact that they were a military unit, it would have sounded like a dream job.

Future me didn’t have those reservations anymore…

“You don’t want to join them, but you want what they could have given you.” Twilight spread out her wings again. “I have grounded you. I held you back from reaching the stars.

“One is still shining, Dashie.

“Let’s reach it.”

Chapter 23 - When We Reject the Plans of Gods

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She was just lying there.

She was lying out in the open.

She was lying there and uncontrollably sobbing.

She was lying alone.

The fillies stared at her in confusion.

Eyes darting around from time to time, checking for any other pony that might become alerted by the scene.

Fluttershy was the first to speak up. “Please… let us help you…. Just tell us what is wrong…."

The mare kept twitching on the ground.

“Should we… get a doctor?” Rarity couldn't remember the last time she had seen what she considered a grown-up like this.

"…your twitching wasn't contagious, was it, Pinkie?" Even to Applejack, it sounded ridiculous, yet it did seem like a possible explanation for what she couldn't understand.

“Something spoke to me… it said when kindness falls, our fate is set.” This wasn’t the happy adventure Pinkie had in mind.

This was serious.

More serious than she could have imagined in her wildest dreams.

“I think the voice meant our death with that… I think it meant that if kindness falls, we will fail in our attempt to create a better future.

“And I think I caused it to fall when I attempted to tell you that the first time.” This what the message that had been conveyed to her, wasn’t it?

In a single, not even completed sentence, she had ruined the future of an entire planet.

Maybe the twitching and shaking were contagious after all?

Pinkie could certainly feel it gripping her as well.

“Dear, your mane is-”

“No! No! No! This isn’t what is happening! This isn’t kindness! How can you even think that!” Why was it that Fluttershy was so enraged by the statement?

Was it because it went against what she believed kindness was supposed to be?

Was it because it went against the image of the kind world she dreamed of sometimes?

Was it because she wanted to make Pinkie feel better?

In the end, she wouldn't be able to answer why she became so enraged. To her, it had just felt right. “Pinkie, you didn’t mess up! If whatever it was that was offended by you saying that chooses to hurt us all because of it, then it was just waiting for an opportunity to do so and certainly wasn’t kindness!

“Kindness forgives!

“Kindness helps!

“Kindness would die before it condemns anypony to death, certainly an entire future!

"Never would it take such an offence because of a statement you didn’t even mean any harm with!”

“…You think it lied to me?” Fluttershy’s words seemed to make sense.

“Maybe it was simply wrong?” Applejack offered.

“I don’t know…” Maybe she had gone overboard. Fluttershy certainly didn’t like the attention on her.

“Umm… Maybe we should help?” Only Rarity seemed to have remembered the still sobbing and twitching Isabella.

They all stared at her again.

Pinkie took a deep breath. Fluttershy was right. She had to be.

Now it was her time to make a pony feel better. “It’s ok… please don’t cry. We are here for you.” Somehow, she managed to envelop Isabella in a hug, despite the difference in size and the constant shaking. “We are here for you.

“Please tell us what’s wrong so that we can make you smile again.”

It worked.

She got through.

But there was no smile, only despair. “We are the hive! We are one! We need to stand together! We can’t fall apart! We are the only thing we have left!

“I can’t go on without my last remaining family!

“I can’t live to see it fall apart!

“I don’t want to see them fight each other!”

“…” Pinkie tightened her hug.

"…" Wordlessly, Fluttershy joined her.

The shaking stopped.

Crying continued. “I-I used mind magic on you! Hate me! You are supped to hate me! Not cuddle me!”

The disguise disappeared.

Fangs hissed at them, green saliva landing on them.

Applejack and Rarity jumped back.

Pinkie and Fluttershy hadn’t even noticed, not looking up.

“Without your princess, we would have already exterminated you all! You would be nothing but food! You don’t deserve happiness! I would have gladly infiltrated your precious society and manipulated your own military against you! Those who should have been your most loyal fighters I would have twisted against you or driven out into despair!” In vain did she try to kick them off.

Why were the fillies suddenly stronger than her?

"Hate me! Hate me, or I will make you hate me!" Why was she sensing no hate?

How could they shrug it all of?

How could they not care?

What else could she say?

“We forgive you.”


She could say nothing.

“…but I used-”

“I know.

“I see when it must have happened.

“I still forgive you.”

“…thank you.”

For her, there would be no hate, only kindness.


“Have you heard what she said?”

“She knows nothing…."

“Oh? I thought you liked her? I thought you said that she is on the path to become a good bearer?”

“Twilight manipulated her.”


“I don’t need to listen to you. You are dead.”

“How kind. You truly know how to represent your ele-”

“Silence! Kindness means to sometimes sacrifice those you care about so that everycreature can be happy! If you had seen that, then we wouldn’t be here! Do you think we don’t miss Luna! You saved your bearer for her, and what do you have to show for it! Now you are doing it again! I should have never placed myself on your side! Once we are five, we will truly be able to bring harmony!”

“…you claim I am the corrupt one… you all are dragging harmony through the mud.

“I wonder if whatever gave us that power, whatever created us, can take it away again and kill us all?”


Candy dragged herself into her office.

I can still feel her.

I can still feel her cold, dead, lifeless body.

She would never be able to forget that feeling.

“Good morning, Candy,” her Deputy Director greeted her. “I am sorry for only coming in now-”

A piercing glare was directed at the mare. “Have you handled things well in my absence?”

Sweat began purring down from her deputy director's face. “No.”

“Good. Remember, I would have found you and your family if you did.” Candy had her ways.

She had her ways of ensuring her position would hopefully stay secure.

“I will be promoted soon. You will get my position then. I will make sure of it. Until then, remember.

"When I am here, you will do your best to help me.

“When I am dead, you will serve the princess like I did.

“When I am in between, you will make…”

"…her realise that she needs you." The mare finished the mantra that she had heard so often.

“Correct,” Candy confirmed. “You served me well, and I hope that you can say I treated you with the respect you deserved as a result.

“This rule, however, I will not compromise on.”

“I know. I understand how it is.” This was a good superior.

She knew that, shockingly, almost everypony else had it worse than her.

Fear and mistrust of those under you was real.

Because the moment they smell blood, they pounce on you, wanting to get what you have.

They don't realise that it will make them next.

They don’t realise the downsides and just how luxurious their current positions are, where everypony leaves you be.

Soon her Deputy Director would learn, though.

“What has happened during my absence?" Candy asked all hostility dropped.

“We allowed riots to coordinate and break out.” Her assistant began.

…Well, that’s a bit severe?

“We sabotaged ongoing investigations into murders and theft of arms.” This was what Candy wanted to hear, right?

Whether or not she had really sabotaged them, causing them to stall, would remain her secret.

…Buck. I went overboard with my threats.

“Ok. We will need to complete them asap.” Was a tiny delay really that much of an issue?

“Of course. We still have collected all the necessary information.” After all, Candy did tell her that she wanted to prove her worth, and quick success upon her return was probably the best way to do that.

That was a close one. Though, I suppose this is why I choose you and not a mindless drone.

“Anything else?” There couldn’t be much more, right?

“We… well… I didn’t sabotage that… I am sorry.” Those were important things.

It was a tight position she had found herself in. Failing too much would have also been a death sentence.

She avoided eye contact. "We seized all assets and killed all ponies on provided lists. We are also rooting enemy intelligence forces of a race called changelings out. A folder with all the intel we have on them is on your table."


I should praise you.

But she couldn’t. She needed to play the game. “This was not what I told you to do. This will have consequences.”

And her assistant had sensed her relief yet played it as well. “I am sorry. It won’t happen again.”

“There can't be much more, right?" She had been gone for a few days, but it seemed that in those days, more had happened than in all the years before.

“There is much more. I have written a summary of it all for you.” It was why she didn’t come during the night.

She simply hadn’t been able to force herself to get up when she had gotten the news of Candy's return.

“I suppose you should also know that Twister has become the new interim Director of the ESS. Should you need to work with them, you will need to talk to her.” The legend had fallen.

A pony that had been considered untouchable had gotten burned by the sun.

Twister… hmm…

“What happened to Sneak?” Wasn't his behaviour sanctioned by the princess in exchange for whatever dirty work it was he did for her?

Could it be… that she finally stops with this nonsense?

Or did you just fail to shut that mouth of yours when it mattered?

“Director Sneaking Glow was killed during an escape attempt. He was supposed to be arrested for collaborating with enemy forces and aiding in a coup against the crown, which is considered high treason.”


No… he was many things but not a traitor…

He valued his position as a noble too much to risk it getting tarnished with that branding.

“Additionally, he was charged with abuse of power, armed assault of an equestrian official, foal abuse, assault of a minor, and threatening a minor, using a weapon.”

…what? Who? His own foals?

“Then they added crimes against harmony, abusing the resources of the crown, slandering the crown through his actions and lying as well as deceiving the crown, abusing his authority given by the crown to go against its wishes."

What have you done!

“Finally, he was suspected and, if you ask me, already convicted of ordering the murder of two innocent civilians.” The list had been long.

Whoever wrote that…

They were angry.

Really really angry.

And she had a feeling she knew who wrote the list of charges.

“Cherry, do we know what brought this on?” What could Sneak have done to-

“This is only a rumour, but I have heard that he ordered the death of Rainbow Dash’s parents. It was his death in return since, apparently, Twilight Sparkle is a princess as well as the daughter of Princess Celestia, and Twilight loved Rainbow Dash, which caused all this since she eloped with that pegasus?” No matter how they put them together, the pieces wouldn’t fit.

You bucker!

“How dare he hurt them like that!” She could already see what had happened.

You didn’t know who they were to Celestia and her daughter.

Your blatant disregard for those below you was your undoing.

And in the end, she had to realise that had she confronted the princess about how she really felt about the ESS, then maybe they would have still been alive. “What about his family?”

“His family?” Did Candy consider an eye for an eye?

“I met them a hoofful of times… when we met to talk about work in our free time." Cooperation wasn't liked but needed. "What will happen to them?”

“Umm…” To be fair, Candy wasn’t there when the purge happened, so she probably didn’t realise the full extent. “They are dead. We swooped in and cleaned out his private belongings to make sure there wasn't anything related to his work left, and they were killed since they could have known too much. We are still going through their stuff.”

Even the foals? We kill foals?

Foals like Amaya?

We aren’t better?

“Although… that one filly… for some reason, the Guard didn't kill her but took her away. Apparently, she wasn't on the list like the other foals? It was weird and didn't match what we had been told initially." But she hadn’t complained at the time.

Why leave only one alive?

“Who lived?” Curiosity was sparked.

“I don’t know, Candy. I think her name was… Rosie Glow?” Why was there so much interest in Sneak's family?

Interesting… I want answers.

“Her name is Cozy Glow. She is just a few months old.” And as far as she could tell, she wasn’t any more special than the other foals of Sneak. “Where is she now?”

To be fair. All of those questions Cherry, too, had asked herself. “The EFPS is overwhelmed. They don’t know where she ended up. But I assigned a few agents to find her and find out why she got to live.

“And if that had been a mistake.”

No mistake. We don’t kill foals.

“Get me all the information and tell me where she ended up. I will handle it from there.”


Twister was staring at the wall.

She had been doing it for hours.

The door opened and closed again. “We couldn’t find her.”


“We know you are worried, but she should be safe. Once they have processed them all, we can silently pick her up and bring her to you.” She had a job to do.

They needed her to do it, or a replacement would be found.

A replacement they might not be able to control.

A replacement that might even be worse than Sneak had been.

“…They could realise at any point that I falsified the order.” A terrifying prospect. “I need to officially kill Cozy Glow, or else she will die."

"She is just some filly. If we invest more resources into the search, it will get suspicious,” he reasoned. “It is unlikely that anypony else is looking for her. Why would they care?

“All we need to do is wait and then collect her. Then she will be safe.”

“I should have gone out there. I should have taken her with me immediately." How long could one stare at a single point on a wall without blinking?

“Had you left, you would have alerted everypony to what happened.” And he didn’t think that would have been a good turn of events.

“I am the Director of the ESS, yet I need to hide. I only have a hoofful of ponies I can trust.

"All the others were hired by him." And Sneak didn’t tend to hire the most forthright of ponies.

“Yes. Things changed with him while we looked and were forced to see how every day, the agency that we loved became more and more corrupted.

“We allowed him to do this to you.” They were very few.

Very old ponies that had lived long enough to see the day they dreamed of.

“I don’t blame you.” Sneak had the blessing of the princess.

They wouldn’t have been able to change things.

"I promise we will bring her back, and we won’t let anypony learn the truth.” It was the least they could do.

“I know you will bring her back.

“I know I will see her again.

“But notice you didn’t say once that she would be alive when I do?”


“I have grounded you. I held you back from reaching the stars.

“One is still shining, Dashie.

“Let’s reach it.”

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Up there with you!

Together in the sky…

Where we are free …

Where we can fly…

Only up there are the possibilities endless.

We could fly together…

I could feel you again, like last time…

“Dashie?” Twilight had waited for her response.

She had witnessed the sheer excitement, followed by a dreamy look.

Followed by a dreamy look with stiff wings.

Rainbow stared at them, turning deep red, feeling emotions she had never felt before. “Aww. Buck. You broke me.

“A shame you still won’t get that awesome pegasus since a… youngling is looking.”

She didn't know what was happening. Her body was acting in a way it had never before.

This is so weird…

I have never felt like this before?

And just like she had troubles, Twilight, too, had troubles. “You want to kiss me, don’t you? You want to feel your body against mine?”

This is so weird…

“Yes. I want to… why?” Weren’t they already doing that?

“We want more?” But what was more?

What was more than kissing and holding each other, cuddling like there was no tomorrow?

Feeling each other?

What was the next step?

We know what it is, don’t we?


I just…

“Twi… I want you.

“But I-I-I-”

“You are scared?” She was it too.

Not even her future self had ever done that.

I don’t know how this works!

I don’t know what I want!

I don’t… this would be…

This would be forever.

“Twi… we would be… I love you but…”

“Dashie. I know that this is a big step. Don’t rush yourself.” Even for Twilight, this was a war.

Her brain told her two things at once.

Her body was fighting with the memories and feelings of her older self.

“Twi… I would be defenceless.

“We would be together and… I-I-I would truly give you everything I have…." It was embarrassing.

She had gotten deep red just thinking about it.

And still, she didn't know why she was having such trouble when she was sure she loved the purple alicorn.

“We would be at each other’s mercy, wouldn’t we? If one of us decided to hurt the other then or after that, then we would feel that forever, wouldn’t we?” They would never do that.

But the fear of it they couldn't suppress.

I love you!

I want you!

But… I can’t…

Not now.

“Yes. Twi… I just don’t understand all these mixed signals that run through my brain…

“The thought feels like something I want and like violation at the same time…

“It embarrasses me and makes my heart beat faster at the same time…

“I am ready to give my life, yet the thought of us… giving you my body…." By now, the wings had gone down again. Despite that, she took a deep breath. Determination burned in her eyes. “I promised you I would do everything for you. I love you. This is what lovers do. I may be afraid now, but I am sure it will be fine, so if you-”

“You are asking me if I want to violate you?” Twilight stared at her in bewilderment.

After hearing how afraid her fillyfriend really was and having seen it twice, she couldn't believe that Rainbow was still thinking she would go through with this.

It will be fine. I am sure I will like it.


“Dashie! This is serious! You have no idea how much you would be hurting yourself with this! This is your body! It could never be fixed-”

"Why? I mean, this wouldn't-”

“Dashie! I… I just know, ok? You would make yourself very unhappy, and we would never recover from it.

“Please just stop taking your own needs this lightly. Tell me when you are ready and only then we will do this. Until then, we can help each other through this… weird phase.

“Dashie, I am only happy when you are happy. Don’t forget that.” And if Rainbow made herself unhappy, trying to make her happy, then they would both end up unhappy.

It was as simple as that.


Thank you.

I don’t know why I am constantly doing this.

“I am lucky, Dashie. This vision has made some things easier for me.” And this was one of them.

I wonder how future you handled all this?

How did I handle this when it first happened?

“Twi… you are the best fillyfriend one could wish for.” Again and again, was the alicorn refusing to do what she wanted just because Rainbow had issues with it.

She couldn’t remember when one last cared this much about her.

Even my parents… well, they had to do what they had to do.

Twilight didn’t have these issues.

There were no rules for an alicorn.

Moron! You are here to fly!

“Race to the sun!” In an instant, Spike and Rainbow were in the air.

“Dashiiie!!!” Twilight tried to follow.

“Let’s reach it.”

How high could she fly?

She was going to find out.

Purple magic flashed.


“You can't just teleport yourself to me, Twi! Cheaters don't get to use my wing as a blanket, you-”

In another flash, Twilight was under her, grabbing her. "I don't want your wing, featherbrain. I want your lips."

The alicorn nuzzled her head, stealing kiss.

You are my cheater…

Rainbow lay her head on her and returned the favour.

Together they continued flying higher.

Spike on her back, enjoying the thrill.

Twilight under her, holding her tightly and using her wings to help.

Nuzzling each other, they would reach the sun.


“You failed on purpose, acolyte.”

How did Nightmare know that she was seen during her mission?

“You send me on a suicide mission.”

“I didn’t. But if I did, then you should remember that you swore to give your life-”

“Oh, well. It seems I lied. What are you going to do about it? Last time I checked, you were still on the moon.”

Nightmare glared.

But what could she say? She had sent her on a suicide mission, after all, so threatening death wouldn't do much.

“When I swore to give my life, it wasn’t for such a stupid mission. Who cares that she left us? I certainly don’t.”


“Yes. But you could have easily sent somepony else." The acolyte rubbed her stomach. “You know I am pregnant. Why force me to risk my foal when many alternatives had been available?”


“It was because you didn’t want me to become pregnant, right?

“That’s why you killed my coltfriend.

“That’s why you tried to kill me.

“That’s why you will continue to do it.

“The only thing I don’t understand is why you made such a big deal out of it? Have you forgotten everything I did for you?”

“I made a mistake choosing you as my acolyte.”

“You can’t hurt me with those words anymore.”

“I am aware.”

“So, where do we go from here?”

“You are an insignificant ant. I don’t want to spend any more resources on you. That’s why I will give you this one opportunity to save your life and the life of your foal.”

“How kind.”

“Don't mock me. Remember that soon, the day will come when I am free.”

“Celestia will stop you.”

“I am counting on her trying. Else there wouldn't be much fun in taking over. As for you, I want you to fake your death on the hooves of Celestia’s ponies within two days, or I will try again.

"Remember, I only need to succeed once."

“There is no need. I am happy to play along and deceive your poor moronic bat ponies.”

Nightmare rolled her eyes. “I have heard worse about them. You aren't even in the top one hundred. By the way, I am genuinely sorry for your eyes. I never intended to kill you or permanently disfigure you. I only wanted to get your foal. After all, I needed you on the battlefield and not be preoccupied with a brat.

“Had it worked, I would have been happy to still have you on my side.”

“You could heal me,” the acolyte reminded her.

“I could, but I won't. We are past that point, acolyte,” Nightmare admitted. “Doing so would simply be too taxing for me in my current state, and you aren't worth it anymore.”

“I can’t believe me being gifted with a foal was why you did all of this." A gift that she thought would make her the happiest pony on earth had nearly cost her everything, thanks to the pony she had dedicated her life to, viewing it as a burden.

Nightmare shrugged.

She didn't care.

“You wanted to keep me because it will be hard to replace me?" At least one soothing thought.

“It would have been. Now, however, it will be easy to find a replacement. After all, you are nothing more than a weak, pregnant, disloyal cripple.”

How could I have ever seen you for anything but a heartless ball of dark magic? There isn't a pony left to reason with. If only Celestia would have realised that at the time.

I… this could be me…

This could have been me if you didn’t pull me back, little one.

The dark magic would be there forever, but she was confident she would be stronger.

As long as she had a foal worth fighting for, she would never succumb again.

“One day, they will notice how little you care about them.” How she hated herself for her part in deceiving the poor bat ponies.

Nightmare yawned, unfazed. “By then, It will be too late.”

I fear you are right.


Turns out there was a limit to how high they were supposed to fly.

The limit was when they could feel dizziness taking over.

You should form a bubble of air around you.

But once the lack of oxygen gets you, thinking clearly becomes difficult.

It caused them to begin gliding down since they didn't have the energy or necessary concentration to flap their wings anymore.

Rainbow stared at her with a silly grin. "You don’t deserve this planet. You deserve the universe.

“You are so beautiful.

“Screw my tail. I want yours.”

That’s the lack of oxygen talking.

Twilight wanted to respond, yet she didn’t.

Her body didn’t act on her thoughts.

Once we have fallen enough, we should be fine.

“I don’t know what my older self did… your Royal Guard bore my cutie mark, didn't it?

"For you, I will become a killer. I will crush our enemies. I will become your general, your servant, everything.

“I am weak. You can form me into whatever you want, just like Celestia did to her.

“There is nothing in here. Just a broken filly. Make me yours. It will make me happy to have a purpose.” The grin had remained during the entire speech.

Even now, it remained.

It was as if Rainbow hadn’t realised what she had said.

Because she didn’t.

“You are weak.

“But I love you. The weak you.

"Why would I transform the pony I love into somepony else?” Twilight felt her wings beginning to work again.

Wait! I didn’t mean to say that out loud!

Good thing I did, though.

“I love you so much, my devil… this angel never wants to go to heaven again." It seemed that, unlike her, Rainbow still wasn't recovering. “It will forever remain in hell with the devil that she loves.

“Because her devil has taken her for who she is.”

“Dashie… are you always thinking like this?” She hadn’t heard thoughts like these from the Rainbow of her memory.

“I am thinking so much… always thinking… if I didn’t, I would be happier…." Right now, though, she was happy regardless.

It made her wonder if she should try this more often.

“Wow, Twi… I feel weird.” Finally, a sign that the pegasus was recovering. “Wait… I didn’t say all this, did I?”

You did.

“Umm… Aww shucks” Rainbow stopped their descent. “Look, Twi… I suppose that wasn't anything new when we compare it to what I said before…."

It wasn't, really.


“But… well… there is a difference. I want and allow my devil to do it.

“Celestia drugged her into submission.”

I suppose…

“Little angel, your devil already claimed you, and it did so because of who you are.

"Your purpose is being you, and your job isn't general, but lover and mother.

“And don’t worry. You won’t go to heaven again, my angel. I won’t allow you to fly that high.” Twilight gifted Rainbow's body with kisses.

“Of all angels, the broken one?" she giggled.

The kisses felt good.

Once more, she was gliding thanks to stiff wings.

"Of all angels, the best one.” Twilight turned to her neck.

You seem lost.

I hope I can give you enough guidance to heal.

I hope I can do it while keeping the you that I love so much.

The you that thinks so beautifully about this world.

“Twi… I don’t know why I always become like this again. She said that those are phases, but I feel like… I feel like this isn’t an illness…

“I feel like I just need to work through this…

“I feel like maybe she did as well, but they didn’t want her to do so…

“They just wanted to keep her in check.” Was this her side talking that just didn’t want to get help?

Or was it the truth?

“That’s entirely possible, Dashie. Sometimes just talking with a therapist can be enough.

"Medication is not always necessary and certainly not locking one up against their will," Twilight confirmed.

Though I am no therapist.

"You are the best, Twi! With you, I can do this! I want to become a devil as well! Come here!" There was the passion again that showed up every so often.

I want it to stay in your eyes…

One day it will stay and not be replaced with doubt and fear again…


“The Sparkle family against the world! We will win! Together with our son, Twi! Just us! I love you! I love you!” Rainbow gained speed.

But your wings… How are you doing this with stiff-

“Dashie!” Rainbow had begun returning the favour, attacking her horn with a barrage of kisses.

“My name! Say my name!” The blue filly was demanding it over and over again during her work on her fillyfriend's horn.

Sweet Celestia, what are you doing! I can't think like this!

While Spike was having the ride of his life and the citizens of Klugetown could see a weird rainbow dash through the sky, Twilight was being rattled through the air, thanks to her now own stiff wings obstructing the airflow.

Rainbow continued her erratic flying.

And with it, her assault on the poor horn.

“Dashie! I love you! I love you!” For the first time in her life, she was emitting sparks as well as an uncontrollable glow, while her body was like butter, only held in place by Rainbow's hooves.

“My name! Say my name!” There was no question.

This was an order that demanded compliance.

“Rainbow Da-”

“My name! My name!”

“Rainbow Sparkle!”


“Welcome, General! Captain Wind Rider at your service!” Wind saluted.

“What have you heard about me, captain?” Edge immediately got to the issue at hoof.

“The princess wants you, General! Dead or alive!” Preferably dead.

“And yet you allowed me to come in here?” Sure, he was technically detained and brought in for questioning, but this certainly wasn’t what this was.

“I did, General!” Wind confirmed.

“I knew I was right to have your back.” It had been a difficult decision to protect the captain, yet it seemed to pay off.

It seemed to pay off for Equestria.

“Leadership needs to stick together, General!” Though, he was unsure what exactly his former superior was hoping to accomplish right now.

“The Princess has fallen to dark magic-”

“She has n-”

“She has!” Sure, it was hard to believe, yet the outright refusal to entertain the idea was not a good sign.

“Then so be it.” Wind cursed himself. This wasn’t some misunderstanding or something that he could profit from.

This was high treason.

“What?” Edge took a step back.

“I will not fight-”

“I thought the honour-”

“Bla bla bla. Come now? You really believed that?” The pony in front of him was no longer of use and already dead.

He could drop his appearance now.

“I… I-I had your back-”

“And I appreciate that. But you silencing some stupid mare won’t be enough to make me pick a fight with a god.

“Also, how come you care about the honour of our army, yet you are fine with-”

“You are right.” Edge stared at him blankly.

It had been the wrong decision, after all, and he should have known it.

“So… is there anything else I can help you with?" Still, Wind would at least try to repay him, even if it wasn’t by going against the princess.

Maybe help his former superior get to the border?

“No… hey, who is that?” Edge pointed behind Wind to a window.

“Wh-” The moment the captain had looked behind him, Edge threw himself on him, wriggling the captain’s knife out of its holster.

“What are you-”

“I protected the honour of the military, not yours!

“I allowed you to stay in your position because I believed you when you said you regretted it and because I thought you were good at your job!

“It’s a shame I was wrong!

“It’s a shame a loyal soldier needed to go while you got to stay!

“And it’s a shame she isn’t able to see this!” He needed to remove the obstacle in his way.

“Guards! Guards!” The captain screamed, trying to keep the knife away from his face.

“If you aren’t willing to die for what we have sworn to defend, then you don't deserve to wear that uniform, nor do you deserve your position!” In one final push, he overwhelmed Captain Wind Rider.

The door was forced open.

“Stay back! I am General Edge!”

“You are under arrest for high treason!” two Wonderbolts informed him, glancing at the bleeding-out captain that used his reaming strength to point at the General.

“The princess has fallen to dark magic! It is your duty as soldiers to defend your home! To defend your family! You can’t fall-”

“You have the right to remain-”

“Why won’t you listen! What has happened to you! You are supposed to be our elite! The pride of the pegasi race!” This wasn’t how it was supposed to be.

“You are accused of-”

“She lied!” When he was still a recruit, this wasn’t how he and his friends would have behaved.

Whose fault was it that things had changed?

Who was the General in charge when it happened?

“How are we supposed to know if you are speaking the truth?” The sight of their captain also didn’t help.

“Look around you!” There was no point. If they didn’t see it already, he could never hope to convince them.


“We are not alone! We are a mighty force! Together we can save this planet!” By now, he didn't believe those words anymore.

Maybe he had lied too often to himself?

Maybe the truth was that they were jokes in uniform, equipped with weapons they shouldn’t be holding.

“Lay down the knife General.”

Edge stared at it.

He had a decision to make.

How many was one justified to kill in hopes of saving a planet?


They had been running.

They needed to reach their sister.

They knew how broken she was.

And now that she had cut herself off from the hive, she was alone.

Technically she wasn’t even part of the family anymore.

Changeling law viewed her as a rebel that needed to be killed to protect their mother.


There she was.

There she was, just lying in the sand.

There she was, exactly where she was when they had lost her.

Out in the open next to a trainyard, exposed to the sun.

Is she… cuddling with the ponies?

“See, I said-

Shut the buck up, Thorax! You did this to her! How could you do this to your sister!

How dare you raise your voice against Mother like that!

But his brother had a point.

Their sister was lying there, holding two fillies in her hooves that drowned her in kindness and acceptance instead of hate as well as two fillies leaning against her, filled with confusion and at least only apprehension.

All that and their sister wasn’t even in disguise.

Puzzled, they approached her.

The two fillies leaning themselves against her, jumped up, poking her.

Next thing they knew, a knife whirled at them.

They jumped back in shock. “Isabella! It’s us!”

"Have you forgotten that without the hive mind, she cannot recognise you in disguise?”

Well… she could have tried to sense our emotions, though she probably isn't in the right state of mind at the moment.

"Oh… I wasn't expecting you." Her quick teleport had caused Pinkie and Fluttershy to fall into the sand.

Now all the fillies were staring at the soldiers in fear.

"Don't worry. Those are my brothers and sisters." She motioned to the flawless-looking soldiers. "Come. Show them."

Don’t! We have to follow-

“Do what she says. Make her happy. I want my child back."

They dropped their disguises.

Six changelings in equestrian armour remained.

“See. They are harmless.” The fillies relaxed.

This is wrong.

We are not harmless.

What is happening?

But it worked. “Hi! I am Pinkie! You are all her siblings? That’s amazing!”


For us?

“We need to get you out of here. This isn’t safe.” They disguised themselves again. “Follow us.”

You still haven’t connected back yet?

“Let me carry you. The desert is exhausting.” Magic levitated Fluttershy and Pinkie on Isabella’s back before they began walking.

No disguise?

I thought you liked it?

Are you really her?

That was a terrifying thought.

Could they really not tell without a hive mind?

Did they really look that similar?

“Heh. I almost forgot.” The familiar pegasus returned. “Bet you couldn’t even tell!”

…we couldn’t.

“It’s for our protection.”

Ok… but wouldn’t that mean that we killed our diversity for safety?


I hate ponies.

Do we really need to become ponies to distinguish ourselves from each other?

“We have the hive mind. She just needs to return. Bring us our sister back.”

“Isabella… we miss you…” Pharynx tried.

“…I miss you, too.” Isabella avoided eye contact.


“Isabella, you are rebelling. You know what that means and what you are forcing us to do.” An empty threat.

Mother had expressly forbidden him from hurting their sister.

The filly’s ears perked up.

The message was clear, even if they didn’t understand how Isabella was rebelling.

“You are right… I don’t know what came over me.” She connected back.

“Hey! You tricked me, Pharynx!”

I did. It’s good to have you back, Isabella.

“You see those fillies?”

I do.

“The yellow and the pink one?”

What about them?

“Keep them safe. They are with us. They need to see the light no matter what happens.”

I understand. They are with us.

“Correct. They are good ponies. They… showed me kindness instead of pouncing on my weakness, even when I tried to get them to hate me, using my changeling form, threatening them…

“Even fangs and hissing with spitting wasn’t enough.”

To everypony else, it looked like they were just walking silently.

Mother knows that there are good ponies. They have nothing to fear.

What about the others?

“I don’t know. They aren’t them, but I don’t think they are our enemies?”

We will see then.

The hive was waiting.


Oh, wow. That horn certainly does it for you.

She landed in the garden of the villa again.

Twilight was still panting and shaking.

She couldn’t even stand, thanks to her weak legs. “I-I have never felt this amazing. Not even in those future memories.”

Good. That was the point.

I am no alicorn.

I am no unicorn.

I will never be able to effectively defend you or make your wishes come true.

But I love you and can show you that love.

I can make you smile, and that is all that matters, isn't it?

“I know, Twi. I am awesome. No need to thank me,” Rainbow proclaimed.

“You are the awesomest being alive, and if you don't do that again sometime, then I will go mad." Twilight forced herself up and wobbled to Rainbow. “Dashie... about your name-"

It makes me feel so… complete.

“Twi… I want to be Rainbow Sparkle.” There was determination in her voice.

Determination mixed with silent begging not to take it away from her.

“Dashie… I want you to be Rainbow Sparkle-”

“But?” There was always a but.

I should have just said yes to your marriage proposal.

The quick way is always the easy way.

And the easy way was the best way?

“Are you Rainbow Sparkle? Why Rainbow Sparkle? Why not Twilight Dash?

“Don’t you think this is a meaningful decision?

“Don’t you think you are rushing it?

“What about-” Twilight couldn’t finish.

What about my family.

“Twi… loyalty.” It was so important.

Loyalty was everything.

Loyalty was essential to love.

Loyalty was essential to friendship.

Loyalty dictated the fate of the most powerful nations.

Loyalty was the difference between being cheered by your subjects or dying at their hooves.

And loyalty was what held families together.

But mine is dead.

It should have been crushing.

Yet where there was darkness, there was light.

I would have been alone.

I would have lost everything.

But their actions didn’t just cause me to go on the path of killing them.

Their actions also resulted in me gaining a new one.

“Twi… I want to start anew.

“I don’t want to be reminded of what I have lost. I want to be reminded of what I have gained.

“Twi… it's just a name. Let it die. There is no reason to feel any obligation to it. Certainly not now.

“I could easily just be Rainbow. It would result in the same, but there would be one thing missing.

“We are a family? Then let’s make it official. Make a declaration, and it becomes official. Your word is law.” She was Rainbow Sparkle.

She was already thinking of herself as such.

She had already proclaimed it to her future self.

The only thing that was left was for Twilight to accept her as Rainbow Sparkle.

“RD, I don’t-”



“Dashie!” Rainbow screamed, enraged. “I wanted to make a step forward, not backwards!”

“B-B-But you said you didn’t like Dashie, and you wanted me to call you RD.” Twilight was taken aback. “I-I thought that D-Dashie would be too close to-”

She meant well, idiot.

She thought that Dashie might bring up painful memories since it's so close to Dash.

I know.

You were the one that proposed RD, you-

I know!

“Twi, that was ages ago.” Ok. Technically, it was just a few days, but it certainly felt like months had passed since their first meeting. “I wanted you to call me RD since I thought Dashie sounded like we were a couple.”

And now we are so…

“Oh.” Twilight went red. “I-I hadn’t...” Only now did she realise how the nickname sounded. “I… I just…”



If you hadn’t been this socially inept and so proud of the nickname you have given me, then I wouldn’t be Dashie today.

And RD was not something she wanted to be called by her fillyfriend.

Dashie… it's so full of love.

I am Dashie.

For you and only for you, I am Dashie.

To everypony else, she was Rainbow Sparkle.

“Dashie is the name you gifted me with.

“It has nothing to do with Dash. How could I ever associate it with pain?” Those two names sounded similar.

But to her, they were worlds apart.

“We aren’t married.” By now, it sounded like Twilight was grasping at straws.

Are you… not wanting me to take your name?

No. This couldn’t be the reason.

“We can be… I mean… I am ready, but-”

“This isn’t the place for a wedding.” Twilight shook her head.

I want it to be memorable.

I want to look back and say that it was like a dream.

“Twi… I know such things are usually done after it, but who decided that?” She wouldn’t become Rainbow Sparkle.

Twilight wasn’t willing for reasons she didn’t know.

You are not deserving to-

I am happy!

I am deserving!

She just wants to do this the right way!

“… who did decide that?” It was a good point Twilight hadn’t even thought about. “Rainbow… you want to take my name?” It was an honour.

The filly of her dreams wanted to bear her name.

She was practically demanding it.

How about a show?

Everypony loves a show.

Make her smile.

Rainbow knelled before her. “I, Rainbow… Dash, herby demand to be bestowed with your name, my Empress!”

And Twilight did smile.

She smiled at the cute gesture her angel was making just for her.

But one last point remained. “Has my most loyal angel considered that a new name for both of us is also a possibility?”

I didn’t.

But Sparkle…

“Your most loyal angel believes that Rainbow Sparkle is such a beautiful name that rejecting it would create a new level of hell just for her, Empress.

“And also, Twilight Dash sounded ridiculously stupid, so maybe my Empress should stop giving her opinion on names.” Rainbow gave her a cocky grin.

Twilight Dash…

Nope. We are Sparkles.

Twilight’s horn lightened up. “Insolent rat! I will have you punished for that, Rainbow Sparkle! The whole world will know the story of how Rainbow Sparkle dared to mock her Empress and suffered the consequences!”

“Is that-”


Rainbow shot up. “Rainbow Sparkle! Rainbow Sparkle! Rainbow Sparkle!” She flew enthusiastic circles around Twilight.

You said yes!


It meant the world to her.

Another step towards the future.

Another step towards being a real family.

Another step to happiness.

You are Rainbow Sparkle.

Forget the past.

It doesn’t exist anymore.

Rainbow stopped in front of her. “Thank you, Twi….”

“Your smile is all the thanks I need.” Never did she imagine that a name would make her fillyfriend so happy.

Never did she imagine that her name would do it.

You have a plan!

And I will help you!

As good as I can, that is…

“Let's go, Twi! Let's show them your might! Together we will crush our enemies!" Rainbow marched forward.

We won’t let them command us!

We will win against them all!

And we will do everything that is necessary to do so!

Twilight was on the line.

If she died, there wasn’t another name to take.

It would be the end of the line for me...

No second chances, nopony left but a dying Spike...

And after his death, then what?

I won’t let it come to that!

The future had been a dystopia.

But you were in charge.

You were safe.

You were in a good position to defend yourself from a few bearers.

She had been the problem.

She had been what was missing to make Twilight happy.

This time I will be there!

It was obvious.

You are right! This is what we need to do!

The future had been a dystopia.

But for those in charge, a dystopia can still be a utopia.

What about-

We will kill them all! Just like Celestia! They will never get us, then!

We won’t even have to do it! Our soldiers will do it for us!

They would be alone in their beautiful castle while their soldiers kept them safe.

Safe from all of those that wanted them dead.

But Twilight was taken aback.

She wasn’t aware of the thought process that had taken place.

She wasn’t aware of Rainbow's sudden change in outlook.

She wasn’t aware that something had snapped.

She only knew that this hadn’t sounded like her fillyfriend.

But she chalked it up to her current mood. “Together, we will make this the best town ever!

“Also, if you ever want me to return the favour, let me know.” Twilight rubbed her wings.

Oh my…

“Dammit, Twi! Now I have to walk there like this!” Rainbow glanced at the once more stiff wings.

That felt good, didn’t it?

And I made you feel like this?

“Well, I had to let them know that you are mine and what better way to show it than this?” Twilight grinned.

“Hmm… I guess now they won’t have any doubt about what we do in the bedroom. Just look in the mirror.” Rainbow returned the grin.

You look completely out of it.

There was no mirror, but Twilight rubbed through her mane.

It was messy.

Messy and sweaty.

I wonder how I look right now?

“Welp. Like I said. Two very gay ponies. Let’s do this.” The alicorn wouldn't hide.

Doing so had already ruined her life once.

No shower? I thought that we would at least-

“Come, Dashie.”

It was time to get to work.

Chapter 24 - Then We Might Bend but Never Break

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“How come we need to walk, and they are being carried?”

“She likes them.”

The journey was painfully exhausting for the two fillies.

It didn’t help that they were constantly seeing Fluttershy and Pinkie gleefully riding on Isabella’s back.

“I… is this our fault?” Applejack pondered.


Had we shown her kindness as well… then maybe we would get the same treatment.

But they hadn’t. “Applejack… we should probably try to make amends… normally adults at least pretend to love all fillies equally, and the fact that she doesn't…."

It just wasn’t a good sign.

“Well… I don’t trust her.…” And she didn’t want to fake it.

They admitted they wanted to kill Rainbow…

They are of an unknown species…

They were wearing Equestrian armour.

And they definitely weren’t Equestrian soldiers.

How did they get those?

But one additional fact remained. “They seem to be allies of Princess Twilight.”

“Rarity… that doesn’t mean much.” Because she also didn’t trust Twilight.

“Applejack… our options are really bad…."

We can’t face Princess Celestia without her daughter…

We are in her daughter’s bad graces…

We are walking with suspicious adults…

And even those adults seemed to hate them.

“Rarity… I feel trapped.” And Applejack didn’t see a way out.

At least not a way that would allow her to reunite with her family and be sure they wouldn’t be put in danger.

Or end with her arrest.

“We… are in a precarious spot, yes. But if we find Twilight, then it should be fine.” The princesses didn’t like them.

But Rarity was sure that they wouldn’t let it out on them if they returned.

As long as we don’t return without her daughter.

Because Celestia had made it more than clear that she loved her daughter.

And Mom always said that if she lost me, then she would forever be sad.

She could only imagine how an all-powerful alicorn would react to that.

React to them being directly involved in that loss.

There truly was only one option for them.


He closed the door behind him.

“I wanted to talk to you about the new directives.” The other earth pony had been expecting him.

And he could see that she was tired.

Very tired.

But just as it was for him, she, too, couldn't allow herself to sleep.

Not when there was work left to be done.

So, instead of sleeping, his equally exhausted eyes stared back at her, with him barely managing to form a response. “We must execute the will of the crown, Dandelion.”

The will of a murderer.

“What is your opinion on the directives?” He may have said one thing, but he didn't believe it did he?

“We must execute the will of the crown,” Scribbling asserted once more.

“Yes. Yes. But I asked you for your opinion. Don't make me order you to give it to me.” They were alone, and he was surely aware that she was the last one who would snitch.

Why do you make this so difficult?

Scribbling slumped down and leaned back onto the chair, wiping his eyes. “I don’t see why they suddenly want us to propagate… those things.

“Why tell foals that those things are right… I don’t understand where this is suddenly coming from.”

You really are surprised by this?

“I know… we can’t allow their minds to be poisoned into becoming mindless drones for Celestia. Those are impressionable foals who rely on us to protect them. They don’t have anypony else. We need to prevent-”

“The crown only wants to make sure they are… look, this part wasn't what I meant. Of course, the princess wants to use her resources to make ponies love her. There is nothing wrong with that. Why would she use state funds to turn them against her?" The new directives were definitely a step up, almost outlawing anything that would result in their charges questioning the princess, but he could understand those parts.

Other parts he couldn't understand.

How are you capable of accepting us doing outright brainwashing?

I just don’t understand how do you make it work with your morals?

Yet she knew he wasn’t lost, else she would already be dead. “What did you mean?”

“Why does she want us to teach foals that homosexuality is ok?” He was getting worked up.

The question bothered him severely.

And it also didn't help that it was just mushed in there together with the other directives, all of them being with no explanation whatsoever.


“What do you mean? We always have propagated that it is ok.” Dandelion was confused. “It is important to listen to your heart and follow it. You should be allowed to love who you want, and it is basic decency to accept the choice of others. Tolerance and acceptance are important parts of harmony.”

“…We never preached that,” he was shocked. “Who told you that?”


"In our orphanage, our caretakers always said that any form of love was beautiful. They often joked that all forms of it are equally tasty.” This wasn’t what she wanted to talk about.

But it was where their conversation had landed.

“Well, this wasn’t what they had been instructed to tell you… they must have done this on their own…." But why hadn't routine checks caught this?

“I always preached the same? Didn’t you?” Fear filled her.

“No! That would be unacceptable! Such a thing is unnatural and would at least warrant monitoring!” He caught his tongue, “I meant it was unacceptable, but it is good that the crown decided to… change things.”

No… Summer…

Summer was his boss. Dandelion was her assistant. How did they overlook this? "Please tell me you didn't…"

She didn’t complete the sentence.

But Scribbling knew what she meant.

“We were instructed to help foals that are… confused…." And it had always seemed like the right thing to do.

Yet suddenly, it was outlawed.

“Summer would have never allowed it.” She dreaded his response.

“She signed off on it.” He spoke the truth.

Yet it had to be a lie.

But why lie?

“She would never… she was with me in the orphan-”

“Can’t you see it? Are you that naïve?” He felt like screaming.

He had been outplayed.

He was part of what, at this point, felt like a secret resistance cell.

And he didn’t like it. “She tricked me! She knew when inspections were to be performed! If they have been propagating those things all this time, then she must have helped them cover their tracks!”

And publicly, she did what she had to do.

Until one day, she couldn't anymore and was swiftly dealt with.

Behind my back…

You did all that behind my back, Summer?

Her former friend had a secret life.

And now she felt she had to uncover it.


“Ok. You gave me a general overview, allowing me to get a good picture of the situation. Now it is time to implement measures to improve the quality of living around here.

“Since I want and need to prove myself, we should start with measures that will have quick, visible effects."

Twilight was addressing a small group of creatures that had apparently decided to manage things for her.

While she did that, Rainbow was once again busy entertaining Spike.

Only this time, she was, again and again, glancing at them.

She didn’t trust them.

Who were they?

Why did they help them?

Why didn't they raise a single eyebrow when they entered, looking like messes.

More enemies they needed to deal with.

She would talk with Twilight about it once they were alone.

"You are right, Empress. You should try to win them over. However, if we may say so, you are going about this the wrong way. Almost everycreature here is poor. It leads to one growing up wanting nothing but fortune.

“Fortune is what they have been thought frees them.

“It gives them power.

“It allows them to become happy.

“Only with it can they get peace of mind.

“This is why we recommend that you announce a raid,” they advised Twilight.

But… I don’t want more violence…

This is not how money works.

Yet she also wanted to hear what they had to say. “A raid?”

“Yes. A raid that shows them your power. Take a few ships and attack the Equestrian Merchant Fleet. None of us have dared to do that until now.” And those who did want to try, they quickly silenced.

Twilight wasn’t convinced, though. “What?”

“Destroy the army vessels that escort the trade ships as impressively as you can.

“If you give them gold, you get their loyalty.

“If you show them power by using it and not only threatening it, they will know not to cross you.” The young princess had nothing to fear.

This plan was personally signed off by the princess.

The Equestrian fleet would be put to the knife by its Commander-in-Chief.

Because what the princess commands would happen without question.

But Twilight didn't know all that. To her, it sounded too risky.

She didn’t want to stir up any more trouble with Celestia. Not to mention that this could result in her location being uncovered.

Yet it wasn’t just her call to make. “Dashie?” The purple filly looked at Rainbow, who she thought was only playing with Spike.

The hostile, analysing glances had been entirely missed by Twilight.

…I would rather play with him, too.

“Go for it,” Rainbow stated matter-of-factly.

This was what needed to happen.

If they wanted Twilight's plan to work, then this was what was necessary.

Of course, they couldn't trust those who had proposed, but for now, they should probably go along.

You were supposed to talk me out of this…

But maybe Rainbow just thought that it was indeed a good idea? “Very well. But what about Celestia?”

“You must disrupt their lines of communication. Any survivors we will capture.

“This way, Celestia will never know what happened. For all she knows, they fell victim to a storm.” Unknowingly they had screwed up.

Any survivors… ponies could die…

Many, many ponies will die.

And this time, she would have serious trouble justifying it.

“Then we will go for it.” Yet she also was just a filly.

They were right when they said that she needed to do more to make them believe she could be a powerful leader.

Twilight motioned for them to leave them alone.

“We will spread the word.” They rushed out of the room.

Once they were gone, she turned to Rainbow. “Why did you say yes?”

And why am I making such a big deal out of it?

“Celestia deserves it," Rainbow spoke with an immense amount of bitterness.

She hurt you…

She tried to edit your memories…

You heard how she would have drugged you into submission…

This wasn’t surprising.

If anything, the bitterness should have shown up sooner.

And still, it wasn’t something she wanted her angel to feel. “Dashie… this isn’t like you…."

Rainbow sighed. “Twilight. I think they were right when they said that this is how you buy the loyalty of the residents of this city. Yes. The deaths of her soldiers might make Celestia mad, but they also-”

I am not a killer machine! What is happening!

“I don’t want anypony to die!” Twilight screamed. “I will make sure-”

But to her immense irritation, Rainbow stayed calm. “You will project power,” she reasoned.

I know! But why like this!

They were in a bad spot. However, this wasn’t something they needed to do.

More importantly, though, there was no reason for Rainbow to be like this if, just moments before, they had been in paradise. “Please! D-Don’t let them destroy you! Don’t become consumed with grief and revenge!” Twilight knew it would not lead to happiness.

This is only about Celestia, right?

Or had she once again missed something?

“…I am sorry. I just… I don’t know.” How to handle this?

She wanted to support her fillyfriend, yet Twilight apparently expected her not to do so.

It was confusing.

“I will give them a show. I will make sure we will win. But I will also make sure nopony dies, ok?” the alicorn assured her.

Yet Rainbow knew that this would only lead to more problems later on. “What are you going to do with the survivors?”

She hadn’t wanted to voice that thought, but not doing so would have only caused more suffering.



"See, Twi.

“This is why only evil ponies rule.” Rainbow lay a wing on her shoulder, motioning for her to go out there and start with the preparations.

Because Twilight's plan was sound.

Because only this would make it happen.

And because only this way would they be able to achieve all of their goals.

“Only evil ponies rule,” Twilight mumbled, not moving an inch.

I have lost my mind.

I thought it would be easy.

I thought this would be easier since us being fillies would make it hard to live on our own.

Yet being a filly turned out to also make it hard to convince anycreature to follow me.

Dashie is dying here.

Spike isn't going to get a good life here for quite some time, either.

I made a mistake.

But she could still fix it because her angel had told her the solution at the very beginning. “Dashie…. We will leave. We will try your plan.”

Even if we aimlessly wander around forever, we will at least stand a chance.

Here they didn't stand a chance. Not when this is what they were facing on day two already.

We can make… allies along the way!

Or maybe there are better places out there!

Surely Chrysalis wasn’t right when she said that every other place was worse than Equestria.

Rainbow pulled her wing back in shock. “No, Twi. Spike-”

Spike needs parents who aren’t dying inside…

“This isn’t the place! We will try somewhere else! Spike needs a safe place, and he needs his parents!” Twilight was right. After all, she herself already made that conclusion.

But her original plan simply wasn't an option in Rainbow's mind anymore. "We will stay. We will win,” she proclaimed.

“No!” The more Rainbow insisted on staying, the more worried, Twilight became.

And since ever-increasing worry caused Twilight to press more and more fiercely that they should leave, Rainbow, too, became more and more agitated. “Harmony wants us dead! We need to prepare! We will not go down without a war!”

Oh, Dashie…

Twilight felt tears welling up.

You are deeply scared…

You are just as scared of losing me as I am scared of losing you…

It was touching.

Both of them continuously only wanted the best for the other.

And yet, in the process, we are severely hurting each other.

The irony that both had switched to wanting to go through with the other's plan as a result only added insult to injury.

Twilight made a step forward in an attempt to soothe Rainbow.

Rainbow stepped back.


“I want to stay!” she screamed desperately.

It didn’t help to feel Spike on her back, wanting to get to Twilight.

It made her feel very lost and alone.

“We will leave!” Twilight continued to insist.

Please just let me reach you…

But another attempt to do so only resulted in Rainbow backing away further.

Soon she would be cornered.

Then what?

“Make me!” she wailed as she felt the walls approaching.

“I will!” For a moment, they stared each other in the eyes with murderous glares.

But then Twilight remembered the conclusion she had just reached moments before.

This is wrong…

Twilight reached her wing out to her. “Please come with me… Only you can add colour to my once so grey life. I need my paintbrush.” Finally, tears were allowed to flow.

“…Your paintbrush feels so lost inside… it knows it will never be able to defend you against gods…

“It doesn’t know why you are always so confident in doing all of this when it always questions everything around it…

“It doesn’t know what's right and wrong anymore…

“There are too many out there that want to kill its painter…." She could only do so much in suppressing reality.

And reality had become too much. At this point, only the thought of reaching happiness with her new family kept her going.

We both have seen the same, haven’t we?

My poor angel… you are so much more vulnerable than I thought…


“I am sorry! I should have just listened to you! I am sorry!” And still, Rainbow didn’t take her wing.

“Klugetown has been a mistake.” She had succumbed to the thinking of her future self, and both were suffering the consequences.

Rainbow shook her head. "This isn’t your fault, Twi… Like I said before, I am just defective.”


No! No! No!

Rainbow could see that Twilight wanted to protest, but she had an ace up her sleeve. “You didn’t know that, did you? She hid it from you.”

The statement had caused Twilight to go pale.

In crucial seconds she was unable to come up with a retort.

It caused Rainbow to interpret the silence not only as a confirmation but also as an admission. “You don't have to feel any obligation, you know? It's ok if you want to leave me. I would under-”

“Fine! You are defective! Are you happy now!” There was nowhere left to go. Twilight had her pinned to the wall. “How can you think I would ever leave you, though! I am not going to abandon you! We must stand together in these times and support each other, not drop the other the moment things become difficult!”

Rainbow gave up.

Instead of trying to somehow wriggle away once more, she allowed Spike to crawl onto Twilight.

Alone, she finally let the alicorn's wings envelop her.

Looking up at the young dragon, staring into his eyes, she felt as if he was still right there with her.

He and Twilight were there for her, only they had different capacities of being able to help her.

And still, there was the reality she had to face. “… It's ok for things to get difficult… it’s just… I don't see the light at the end of the tunnel.”

Maybe you are right-

“No! There is! I know there is! Follow me!”

Rainbow was dragged away.


Edge stared at the dead ponies.

He stared at his own injuries.

He stared at the door that, miraculously, nopony had entered through yet.

Had you followed your training, you would still be alive.

And he would be the one dead or at least arrested.

His eyes wandered back to the desk, where he had hurriedly drafted up letters.

Letters that included orders.

Letters that included information.

Letters that would hopefully set wheels in motion.

They were ready to be sent.

In pain, he forced himself up.

Once they were sent, he could rest knowing he had at least tried his best.


“I sold the farm.”

Unbelieving eyes stared at Granny Smith.

“I will leave for a bit, and you... I want you to look after Apple Bloom during my short absence.” She motioned to the room the young foal was sleeping in.


“I will go to Manehattan and see if we can get Applejack back.” It should have been the hardest day of her life, but it wasn’t.

Applejack was simply more important.


“Mayor Mare is waiting outside. She will bring you to our new home. It isn't big, but it should be enough.” She had also allowed her to obtain a travel permit.


“Everything has already been sorted, thanks to her.” Turns out there had been many ponies interested in the farm.

Including the mayor.

“…I need to leave now. Don’t worry. Mayor Mare will also look out for you during my absence.” Government officials were crooks.

But at least Ponyville’s mayor had a heart as well.

Still, she feared that one day Big Mac and Apple Bloom would hate her for her decisions. “I love you… I would have done the same for you.”

Big Mac gave her a hug.

The message was clear.

He understood and still loved her.

Maybe loved her even more now.

“I promise I won’t return alone…” She hugged him back.

But he would already be happy if she returned at all.


Dandelion lay in the ruined office.

Sprint entered.

Quickly he closed the door again.

Nopony else should see her in this state.

Papers all over the floor.

Cabinets picked apart.

Her lying on the ground in tears, shivering.

Office supplies thrown everywhere.

"Scribbling informed me about what happened. He told me-”

“There is nothing,” she muttered.

Sprint kneeled down next to her and helped her up. “She wouldn’t have been able to do this for so long if she just left incriminating evidence lying around.”

You are right…

I was stupid for assuming I would find anything…

“You should rest-”

“That’s it!” A burst of energy grabbed her.

Quickly she fetched her stuff.


Completely dishevelled, she tried to dash past him.

He wouldn’t let her.

“Our old caretakers must have been in on this! They will have answers! They must have worked with her! Let me go!” she demanded.

“You should let me handle this,” he tried to get her to stop. “Not only might this be dangerous, but you are also not in the right state of mind-”

“No! This is our mother! She would never harm her children!” What a ridiculous notion. “Let me go! I am a grown-up mare! Don’t patronise me!”

I am in charge!

You need to do what I tell you!

“Dandelion… I know you are a grown-up mare… I don’t want to patronise you. I want to help you." But she was still in charge.

So, he stepped out of the way.

Without him, you would be dead.

“…You can accompany me,” she relented.


“No… I know you only mean well… but I need to know.” And she needed to know right now.

There simply was no time for sleep.

“Alright. Thank you.” The thought of letting her go out there on her own after what happened at the newsstand was very unsettling.

In his mind, it was a wonder that the ESS hadn't dealt with her already after everything that had happened, as well as what they learned about her.

But while it was good that she was still here and that he could accompany her, there were still other issues. “About Scribbling, please don’t talk too badly about the crown to him, ok?"


He sensed her question. “He believes in it, ok? In a way, I do as well. You can’t go around and upset ponies too much, or they will start to defend their beliefs.”

You think he will rat me out.

They obviously knew each other well.

I need to heed your warning.

“Thank you for telling me… I will be more careful.” Sprint's words brought her back down to reality.

They reminded her why it was that she, too, had always been careful.

And I am not your friend. You two are friends.

If push comes to shove, you will side with him rather than with your superior.

“One final thing… about the gay thing…” It felt weird to speak about this.

“What about it?” Dandelion didn’t feel like talking about it right now.

Instead, she finally wanted to leave.

But he believed that this, too, needed to be said. “You are aware of the general opinion, right?”

“I am. Why? You, too, think we should prevent foals from developing freely?” It still was a shock to learn what Summer had somehow managed to hide from her.

We monitored and pressured families into “healing” their foals.

Sometimes... sometimes, we even took them away.

Yet, she had been allowed not to do that.

You always signed off on it but never demanded it…


Just why?

“First of all, if you want to let them develop freely, why tell them about this and not just let them grow up on their own? If they feel this way, then they will figure it out on their own.” Sprint motioned for her to hear him out. “Look, we have a duty to help them. But what helping means changes constantly.

"Yesterday, I would have been expected to remove you from this office because you were a danger to our nation's youth.

"Today, you are here, defending the crown in its actions. You know that if it were up to us, the majority, this would not have been changed, right?” He carefully analysed her reaction.

Cheap shot.

“Celestia corrected a bad decision. This won’t bring her any praise from me. Why are you suddenly defending her as well?” she argued.

He sighed. “Look… You are disgruntled. That is ok.

“But we fear you might get… ideas.”

You don’t want to fight her.

“You are wrong. We need to do something-”

“Dandelion… no. Please just take your victory… we will all die if you keep-”

“This isn’t my victory!” She had gone deep red.

Summer and I weren’t-

“Ummm.” This had gotten more uncomfortable than he had expected it to go. “It sounded like you and Acacia-”

Oh, buck!

“No! No! No! We were both fillies! Friends for life! Nothing more!” She was dying of embarrassment.

Sprint relented.

He didn’t believe her, though. To him, it all didn't seem like something one would do for just a friend.

Yet, what was he supposed to say? “Very well. However, if you had been, it would have been ok. All right?”

But you said-

“I know… I spoke badly, there… but I have known you for years, even if only in passing, and you are an adult…

“You can do whatever you want… this whole saying of it going against nature…

“Why would nature care, you know? I might have been a bit uncomfortable at first, but I promise I would have warmed up and would have done my best to come to terms…

“Such a thing shouldn’t matter to me, really…

"It bothers me a bit that it does…."

At this point, he was losing himself in his own thoughts.


You are cute like this.

The door opened.

Scribbling stared at them.

Two deep red ponies.

“Ummm… Is this a bad time?”

She grinned. “Scribbling! You came just in time! Sprint here just told me that he doesn’t care about other ponies' choices and me being gay."

Sprint stared at her, confused.

But Scribbling couldn’t see his expression. “You… It was obvious, wasn’t it? Look… I-I-I… I am sorry, ok? I just did…

“I hurt them as well as you, didn't I?"

He stared at the ground.

He was a bureaucrat.

But helping those foals had always been his main priority.

Now he was told that he may have caused irreparable damage. “This isn’t a disease, is it?

“It never was, was it?

“I just… it just seemed so unnatural… I never questioned it…

“When they told me that they… I always disregarded their pleas…

“I want to wake up and pretend this was all a dream.…” But then what?

Would he just continue to go on as he did before? "Who is the lucky… mare…." It felt so strange to say it.

Who indeed?

Was it Acacia?

It was mean of me to make you feel bad for supposedly insulting me, wasn’t it?

But could it be that Sprint had a point?

However, we were still so young…

Yet she had dedicated about 20 years of her life to Acacia.

Was that something you would do for just a friend?

You are still out there. I just know it, Acacia.

Yes. We were very young…

But we only had each other…

And we promised we would always be there for each other!

We protected each other!

We shared the same room!

We only ever played together!

I saw…


I let them take you…

“T-They took her away… They s-said she was going to get adopted…,” she sobbed.

We were so scared! We didn't want to leave each other behind, but they only wanted you!

“T-They had to c-collect her s-stuff, for her… they p-practically dragged her away kicking and screaming…”

Scribbling and Sprint stared at the ground.

This wasn't supposed to happen, either.

So many things were going wrong, and everypony was apparently happier ignoring it.

They, too, would have been happier, yet she had forced them to open their eyes that day.

Our caretakers… mother… they loved us! They couldn’t look me in the eyes for months!

T-They couldn’t do anything…

“W-We p-promised we w-would keep in touch, yet it never happened!” And they knew it would never happen when they violently dragged Acacia out of the orphanage.

Nopony had ever been “adopted” like this before or after.

“S-She always… s-she always was s-so s-strong…" This was hard.

She hadn’t thought about this scene for so long.


“No! This needs to be said! They are thieves! Foalnappers! Monsters! They need to die! They all should die! How could they! How could they! I loved her!” As a friend? As a sister? As a fillyfriend?

She didn’t know.

But honestly, did it matter?

Sadness quickly extinguished rage again. “S-She f-freed h-herself. S-She r-ran t-towards m-me.

“She t-tackled m-me, clung to me with a hug a-and s-she…

“S-she k-kissed me.” It had been a sight to behold.

If she remembered correctly, it was the point where the other caretakers had to physically restrain their mother from intervening.

We were so young… you knew this was your last chance, didn’t you?

Sprint stared blankly into the distance while Scribbling was visibly sick.

To him, the tale reminded him of past assignments, even if they had mostly been far less dramatic because he at least didn't cause fillies to disappear forever.

“S-She w-whispered t-that n-no m-matter w-what, a-all ponies a-are f-fated t-to s-see e-each o-other a-again o-one d-day.” It really had been a farewell speech. “S-Sometimes… sometimes I have thought of speeding up that process,” she quietly added.

But she didn’t.

Because I know you are still out there…

And I will find you! If necessary, fight the sun itself to get you back!

“I-In then end, t-they e-enveloped h-her i-in m-magic a-and f-forced h-her o-out o-of m-my h-h-hooves…

“I-I w-watched a-as t-they l-left w-with h-her, t-this t-time w-without h-her g-getting a-way.” It was an unnecessarily cruel way to go about it.

A-And when I t-tried t-to follow t-they, e-even k-kicked me a-away.

Afterwards, her caretakers prevented her from trying to do so again.

“They wrote she just disappeared,” Scribbling whispered.

He had checked again after she had broken down the first time.

“I-I know… Liars! Nothing but liars! I saw her! We all saw how they took her!” Yet they claimed that Acacia had just run away one night.

No crime.

She just had elected to leave and was never heard from or seen again.

It really felt like a final buck you to her.

E-Even in our internal records, this is what happened to you!

But somewhere, the truth had to exist.

Somewhere Acacia had to live.

And she would find her.

Scribbling fought with himself.

His eyes darted around.

Defeat plastered itself on his face. “Do you have any idea… any idea you haven’t tried yet…

“How can we find her?”

I knew you were good ponies…

If only we had talked to each other sooner…

Unfortunately, there wasn’t really something they could do to help. “I fear… I fear only the ESS has records on her… I suspect they were the ones that took her.”

How will I ever get them…

“I… I could… I could try to ask a few friends…” Yet that was risky.

Depending on how important Acacia was, it could be their undoing.

You… really would help me?

You are siding with me?

After all those years, she wasn't alone in her fight anymore.

It was intoxicating.

Deep down, you are just as insane as I am, aren’t you?

She giggled, still with tears in her eyes. “Thank you. You have no idea how much that means to me.”

“No… a crime has been committed… as long as I am not instructed otherwise, I have a duty to investigate,” Sprint tried to play the situation down.

“She was a charge under our protection… they have no right to do that! None!” In a rare turn of events, Scribbling was the one between the two who slipped up. “Not even if she had been an enemy of Equestria do they have the right to just extrajudicially take her like this…,” he halted. But only for a moment. “Ok… technically, the princess could… you know what?” His eyes focused on the emblem of the crown that was printed on a sheet of paper. “No. Not even she has that right.

“This simply isn’t ok.”


I don’t know, Twi…

Your plan was good, yet I am ruining it again, even when trying my best to support you.

They left the building.

Twilight stopped.

She jumped into the air, swooped her up and began wobbling around, slowly bringing them to the destination Twilight had in mind, and Rainbow could only guess.

You… are carrying me?

What a rare event. She couldn’t remember the last time it happened.

“Twi… are you sure-”

“Dashie… I know you have troubles… I have them, too, so I will repeat it as many times as necessary. I love you.” Twilight nuzzled her. “I love you for who you are with all of your faults. I will never ever abandon you, ok? Or would you abandon me if our roles were reversed?”

No! Never!

“Twi… I am Loyalty, am I not? I-”

Twilight shook her head. How could Rainbow use something that made her special against herself? “But if your loyalties conflicted, then would you choose me or someone else?”

“You,” she conceded.

“Why?” Twilight held her as close as she could.

“Because you are my mare,” Rainbow grinned, turning red.

You really don’t care?

…But still… I am…

Your plan… I ruined it again…

“Twi… please consider the ramifications-”

“Dashie… I want us to be happy. If we die… then we die… but at least this way we will have a chance-”

“Twi… No. You don’t know me.

“You don’t know who I really am.

“For all you know, this was the real me.” Somehow it irked her that the alicorn decided who she was.

Then again… who am I?

Twilight landed at a port. “You are correct…,” she relented. “I don’t really know you yet…

“Was it all a lie up to this point?”


“Do you want to stay?”

Only because I want to help you…

“Do you think Spike can be happy here?”

Not for quite some time…

"Should we make ourselves unhappy in hopes of winning or try to live happy as long as we can and hope for the best?"

I… I don’t know…

“Dashie… I made a mistake. Let’s take another leap of faith and correct it… but if you really want, then we will stay…

“Just don’t make us stay because of me or Spike.”

I want to leave… I still want to leave…

I want us to be happy somewhere where nopony will ever find us…

“What about making me and possibly Spike immortal, Twi?

“What about Celestia?

“What about the threats you said must be defeated.

"What about our safety and well-being?" All those things Twilight had listed.

They were the reason this was the plan they had chosen.

You are good, but I can read you like a book.

You don’t believe this. You are simply trying to please me.

Only this time, she couldn't accept it. This time Twilight would have to realise-

“Dashie. I will make it all happen. We have ten years.

"Maybe… maybe we should just take a few months' vacation?" The alicorns held out her wing, motioning for Rainbow to join her.

I would like that…

I would love it!

“Hey… you don’t expect me to walk, do you?” she giggled.

Sweet Celestia. I am so weird.

One moment she was the happiest pony on earth. The other, she felt like drowning.

But… that is ok…

It's ok…

All you need to do is work through it all…

Twilight took off into the air. "Race you!"

Rainbow stayed in place.

And waited.

And waited.


“Dashie! What are you waiting for! Race me!" Twilight stared at her, perplexed.


“Tools don’t move themselves.” She stuck out her tongue. “You will need to carry me.”

Because, stupidly, I didn’t take the time to really enjoy it last time.

“Needy paintbrush! Fine!” Twilight happily complied.

Needy paintbrush…

You are the best, my devil.

And to make sure, her fillyfriend enjoyed it to the fullest, the alicorn took a few more extra laps. “You know… did you really expect me to ditch you… ditch you after I just accepted you, Rainbow Sparkle?”

Maybe… not really… I don’t know…

“Twi… I am stupid, ok? Can I just enjoy this?” Rainbow tried to drown everything out and just focus on the wind.

I am free…

I deserve happiness…

I have a family…

I am Rainbow Sparkle…

She cares about me and loves me…

All I need to do…

All I need to do is to internalise that this is the truth.

It felt good to have the wind blow against her face and feel how her mane was waving in it.

I already know I don’t need to hide…

I already know I love you…

We both want each other to be happy…

I know who our enemies are…

She opened her eyes.

Now I just have to stop playing into their cards.

“Dashie… about the elements.” The thought had been in the back of her head since Rainbow had first told her about it. “Please don’t succumb to an instinctive defence reaction.

“Let us just do what we want and what we think is right, ok?”

You are right… buck them! I should just- No! We can't!


“Dashie, of course, I will take some measures along the way, but don't become a champion of Discord just because you want to get one over the elements, ok?

"Remember, those are the Elements of Harmony, and in the end, we want to achieve harmony,” Twilight reasoned.

You trust them… You are lucky they didn’t reveal themselves to you.

But the words held some truth. “You really just want me as Dashie?”

“Yes. Be yourself. Don’t let Celestia transform you.

“Don’t let me transform you.

“And don’t let the elements transform you.

“You are perfect as you are.

“You are and always will be my perfect angel, my love.”

Chapter 25 - One-Sided Friendships

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She couldn't be trusted to keep her word.

Once they thought she was dead, she wouldn’t have any support from her misguided followers anymore.

At least she won't send them after me, or she would have to admit that her own acolyte has turned against her. Even just coming up with a story that the enemy has somehow managed to get me on their side, be it with bribery or force, would cause her to lose too much face.

She continued walking around the camp in one of her usual disguises, looking around and taking in what she would soon never see again, one way or another.

All I have to worry about are her generals and possibly a hoofful of special forces I might not know about.

At least until she returns.

Maybe she could try seeking protection from Princess Celestia?

No. That’s too risky.

Also, it would be switching one evil for another.

But then, what were the alternatives?

My little angel. I promise I will protect you.

I promise I will let you grow up in peace.

I promise I will be there for you.

And the place where she could fulfil those promises was Equestria.

I don't want you to be a stranger in another country. I don’t want you to grow up as an outcast somewhere far away.

Not to mention that Equestria was the land of opportunities.

Opportunities I will make sure you get.

Or she would die trying.

If only I hadn't revealed myself to her. Now they are bound to know what I really look like.

Or did they?

She hadn't managed to determine that when she faced off against Amaya and the other mare.

Had the filly told anypony about her true form?

Did they figure out she had been weak the day she had talked to her alone?

That on that day, she had used her true form for once?

Did she tell them that?

Did they realise the significance of the information?

Were they now looking for her equipped with that new information?

She would take the risk.

She didn’t have another option.

To her, all the alternatives seemed worse.

And if this doesn’t work out… I can still flee somewhere else…

No. That was a lie.

Wishful thinking.

She couldn’t.

The more she thought about it, the clearer it became that there was only one path to true happiness.

One she didn’t want to take.

But one she had already begun walking when she had purposefully waited for the strange mare that had Celestia's magic all over her to show up, delaying meeting her target to make it all seem coincidental.

Maybe in another timeline, I could have put all of this behind me and become neutral.

Just let the others fight and settle down in a small, quiet and peaceful town…

Just take a normal job and take care of you…

This wasn’t that timeline.

And Nightmare was bound to know it as well.


Nothing could last forever.

And so, an exhausted Twilight had to finally land and place her fillyfriend on the deck of a ship she found had no one on it at the moment, with Spike still on her back.

“So how was it being carried by me?” she asked the rainbow filly that was wobbling her hooves and wings around as if to check if they were still working.

“Heh. You could try flying a bit faster than a snail, you know?” Rainbow teased her.

“Well… I never… not everypony can be as awesome as you, you know!” Twilight jokingly defended herself.

“You are right. You are forgiven, princess.” Rainbow placed a kiss on her cheek. “It was amazing, purple pony.”

“Purple pony? Seriously… you… nerd!” The alicorn pouted.

“Nerd? Me?” The blue filly was taken aback.

“Yes! Obviously!” Twilight reaffirmed. “Remember what I told you! You are so much smarter than me!”

Rainbow could see where this was going. But right now, she was happy to just play along. “I… puh-lease! If I am a nerd, then you are a super nerd!”

And Twilight, too, was happy to just have some fun with her for once. That she was able to get her fillyfriend to forget all her worries, even if it was just for a few moments. “Oh! Well, if I am a super nerd, then you are a super-duper nerd, you adorable, lovable angel of my dreams!”

Rainbow wouldn’t lose. After all, she was still the master at these kinds of games, wasn’t she? “Oh yeah! If I am an adorable super-duper nerd and a lovable angel of your dreams, then you are the adorkable Princess of all Nerds, you lovely devil of my desires!”

In the distance, Twilight could see familiar creatures making their way towards them.

It was time.

“Let’s get away from this horrible place, shall we?” She received an encouraging nod and, with that, began summoning her magic.

How come I know all of those spells?

Why can I do them all without practice?

Will I even need to study magic?

And if not, then… what else will I do with my life?

Wasn’t this one of the biggest desires she had for it?

For now, she wouldn’t complain, though. After all, until now, it was good that she was able to freely use them, even if she didn't even fully understand how the spells she was using worked.

Rainbow stared at her, unsure what to expect.

Then in a sudden burst, the accumulated purple magic created a giant gust of wind, solely focusing on their sail, blowing them away as fast as possible.

A stream of wind that would only stop once they were out of sight.

Together they stared at the ever-shrinking town.


“Klugetown failed.”

“Failed? They succeeded.”

“You can't just shift the goalpost all the time. This is not what you said would happen.”

“You are right. But just because this isn't what I hoped would happen doesn't mean that this is a bad outcome.

“They learned multiple valuable lessons. And they continue to walk a path that will lead to them growing into champions for a new era of harmony.”

“They killed a creature for nothing. You said they would fix the city and meet up with the other bearers.”

“They will do all that someday. For now, I am happy that they learned, among many things, valuable lessons about the fallacies, responsibilities, and consequences of ruling.

“I am happy that they saw that hurting others to achieve their goal was wrong and that you can’t expect others to follow you by using threats.”

“They already knew that. The fact that they considered it shows just how unfit they are.”

“They are fillies. Sometimes lessons need to be taught multiple times until they are learned.”

“Not with bearers. Bearers are perfect.”

“Since the day they were born? That’s news to me. Even those who claim to represent harmony have yet to learn that the end doesn’t justify the means, just like Twilight.”

“Magic… you need to let listen to Loyalty and let go-”

“Shut up! I don’t want to hear your false kindness right now! They are doing everything right, yet here you all are, doing your best to talk it down! They will succeed! They will fix the alicorns! They will fix this planet! They just need to get a chance! They just need to get an opportunity to grow and blossom!”

“Magic… this isn’t what you said would happen… you are constantly justifying their failures… look how unhappy they are… nothing good can come out of-”

“They were having a bad phase! It happens! Don’t forget this is our fault! Don’t you dare stab me in the back, laughter!”


“’I knew I couldn’t count on any of you! I am done with you all! If you can’t see it, then let me do my work in peace and stay out of it!”

“What has happened to us?”


What exactly had changed?

How would they continue from here?

Was she supposed to go back to her own home?

Would she live in the castle now?

All of those things they didn’t address.

All of those things she didn’t consider.

I just worked, looked for Amaya, let her die, then found comfort in Celestia's hooves and continued to work.

So much work.

And still, she wasn't tired.

Was that a result of her new body?


But after a few more hours, she realised that the consequence of that probably shouldn't be to just work continuously.

Yet with that came the question of what else to do.

And so, she had decided to take some documents with her, ask Celestia a few things, update her on a few developments and hopefully somehow address these questions she felt were a bit silly.

With one final breath to prepare herself, she entered the study.

“If you had to choose between a sister that wants you dead or a daughter that despises you, which one would you have chosen?”

She had expected many things.

Being attacked with a question like this the moment she entered was not one of those things.

Luna or Twilight.

She chose Twilight?

Or did she choose Luna?

Or is this hypothetical?

Candy simply didn't know how to respond to a question she found impossible to answer, and she definitely didn’t want to answer wrong.

“I-I just want my family back! The only family that I have! The only ones that will always be there! The only ones whose burials I will never be asked to attend!” There were tears.

Many, many tears.

And a dead tired expression that somehow looked devoid of all emotions despite the fact that the almighty ruler of Equestria was bawling her eyes out.


“Do you know how painful this is? Always seeing everypony die around you? I couldn't bring myself to attend a single burial in over 700 years, and I don't plan to do so ever again, no matter how much the pony in question meant to me... I-I-I-

“You will hate me one day for-”

“Never!” Candy screamed.

But Celestia didn’t react to her shout.

“I thought I could do this.

“But now I see myself trapped.

“I no longer see a happy ending for all of us.

“This is all her fault.

“She should have stayed in line.

“She should have followed her path.

“She had a duty to fulfil.

“She should have stayed a tool.

“She should have done all her tasks and then…

“Then I…

"Then I planned to kill her. After all, there wasn’t supposed to be another alicorn…

“She was never supposed to realise that she was one.”

It is easy to plan those things.

Did you really think you could ever do this to your own daughter?

Look her in the eyes, deceive her, give her commands, and then just stab her in the back when she least expects it?

“Why did my own sister start a war with me! We had agreements in place! This is our constitution, not just mine! We can’t give away our power, or we will end like the Empress!"


Candy needed to say something.

But she just didn’t know what.

And instead of giving her an opportunity to process her statements, Celestia continued.

“What did I do to my daughter! What did I do to her! What!

“I realised I loved her!

“I wanted to take care of her!

“What did she see!

“What did she hear!

“What did those elements do to her!

“Why does she continue to run from me when I am ready to give her everything!


Dark magic grabbed Candy, choking her and drowning out Celestia.

She couldn't move.

She couldn’t breathe.

She was suffocating, despite no longer needing oxygen.

“Look at you, watching the downfall of the universe without even realising it.

“How pathetic.”


Candy stared at a Celestia that seemingly had realised that something was wrong.

Slowly she moved her hoof to her throat.

There was no dark magic.


They had left.

He stayed.

He had been entrusted with overseeing everything in her absence.

Though it wasn’t really what he was doing right now.

Instead, he stared at the tower of documents that had all of his past cases in them.


He held his head in his hooves.

I could easily have her removed from her position.

And he was confident that he would get it in return.

But now… now there is a high chance that she wouldn’t just get removed from it.

And he didn’t want her to die.

He didn’t want for anypony to die.

But ponies will die.

I could die.

He needed to blow the whistle.

But instead, his eyes wandered on his past cases again.

Celestia makes mistakes.

Those are mistakes.

I should have realised that they are mistakes.

They all were making mistakes.

So what?

Dandelion wants her dead.

He didn’t want her dead.

Absentmindedly he stood up and grabbed a few files, sorting out the ones he needed to take another look at.

She fixed her mistake, didn’t she?

Without her, I wouldn’t be here fixing mine.

Then again.

There seemed to be another issue.

They stole one of our charges.

They stole what might be Dandelion's one true love.

They might have meddled with our documentation.

Was Celestia behind all this?

We can’t blame her. She makes mistakes.

Their princess wasn’t omnipotent. That much he had painfully been reminded of again. It was entirely possible that she never even heard of a pony named Acacia.

He sighed. He wouldn’t be able to come up with a course of action today.

But it didn’t matter anyway.

For now, he needed to fix his own mistakes and maybe even help find a missing pony.


“Dandelion! My little baby!” They had reached the orphanage she had spent so many years of her life inside, and the moment they had entered, she immediately found herself enveloped in a tight hug.

Some things never change.

She never figured out how her mother always knew about everything around her.

How she knew she was here, ready to hug her and welcome her.

“Mooom," Dandelion protested despite welcoming the burst of affection. After all, she didn’t come alone.

Sprint had already raised an eyebrow.

But it wasn't because of the scene in question like she was assuming.

Was it normal for a caretaker to be addressed as "Mom" by their charge?

The old mare just shook her head in sadness, gently caressing Dandelions. “I am so so sorry. I wish I could have protected you. I wish I could have protected her.

“I wish you wouldn’t be forced to go through this again.”

Another alarm bell.

She was talking about Summer, wasn’t she?

How did she know about her fate?

Dandelion didn’t see any issues with the statement, though. “Mom… none of this was your fault-”

You did your best.

You always did your best.

However, the older pony didn’t view it that way. “My little Dandelion. Not doing anything when you are in a position to prevent harm makes you just as guilty.

“Summer died because I didn’t do anything and because I exposed her to risk.

“I am very much to blame. At least partly.”

You protected them together.

You should have trusted me…

What am I missing?

A third alarm bell rang in Sprint's head.

A confirmation of their suspicions.

And it also felt like a direct attack against him.

Because he was very much in a position to prevent harm as well.

Yet, thanks to the short twinkle of regret, he had lost focus momentarily.

And the instant his attention was back on the two ponies, they were already at the other end of the lobby.

The old mare was carefully guiding his superior away from him, and it seemed that Dandelion was none the wiser, completely trusting the pony he had trouble reading, though he knew was hiding something.

Quickly, he began following them.

Only to be stopped by another pony. “I am so sorry! I really need some help here! Please!”

She had a small foal in her hooves. “He needs some medicine. Could you oversee the other ones while I get it?”

Without waiting for an answer, she dashed away, but not before pointing at a room at the other end of the hallway.


They had reached the garden.

Foals were carefree playing in it, enjoying the little time they had until the sun would disappear.

A few of them gave the old mare broader smiles than others.

In return, they, too, received knowing smiles, as well as a silent message that asked them not to disturb her right now if it wasn’t necessary.

“My poor little Summer…. I broke her…. I knew how unhappy she was, always being forced to sign off horrible crimes….”

Crimes that the state didn’t consider crimes.

Were they even crimes in that case?

“So, you really worked together?” Dandelion had seen the exchanges that had taken place.

No matter how many… you always find time for all of us.


“I can see the sadness deep down within you. You feel a bit betrayed. It is because you were left out, isn’t it?” They had reached a few bushes, stopping next to them.

We always played in them…

They had changed.

Yet they looked like always.

“Dandelion… you know you never had a chance, right?” For the first time, the truth was being told.

For the first time, there was no one telling her to keep quiet.

She was free to decide on her own.

Yet that also meant that if it went badly, then she would be the one holding the broken shards, with no one else to blame but herself.

I never had a chance?

Dandelion knew that. Or did she?

What exactly did the older mare mean?

“Dandelion… you were going around asking, demanding, deceiving… you know you are not qualified for this job, right? At least not on paper.” The day had come when she couldn’t keep the young mare safely inside anymore.

I see…

“This was a distraction?” More pieces fell into place. "A job that seemingly had promise to lead me to her while in reality only keeping me occupied and away from the truth?"

“I didn’t want to see you sad! I had to make you happy! They… I-I was scared… I didn’t understand… they let you live, but for how long?” Her former charge was begging for the ESS to deal with her.

And in a rare turn of events, they hadn’t.

Instead, they had seemed helpless, seemingly unable to handle her, trying to get her to stop.

But Dandelion never did.

“Summer… was she ever really my friend?” The young mare stared at the bushes that had lost all their appeal the day she had suddenly found herself alone in them as if she was dreaming.

“Dandelion… did you want friends?”


“Did you want other ponies in your life?”


“If you are always in your room, bawling your eyes out or screaming in rage… if you always try to sneak away or try to look for some hints about her location… then how would it have been possible for you to make friends?” They had tried and tried.

All roommates she had worn down.

All but one.

“So, she wasn’t?” She should have seen it.

“Dandelion… I don’t know what to tell you… just living together in a room does not make a friend. Working together doesn’t make a friend either… and even if she always looked out for you… I don’t know. I think she wanted to be…”

But I didn’t let her.

I always had my mind on another pony.

How must it have been for Summer to constantly hear the name of a pony she had never known?

You came into that orphanage when I was 12…

Yet you seemed to understand me…

You were ready to help me…

But I always demanded more…


“Acacia… when you said not doing anything when one is in a position to prevent harm makes one just as guilty… d-does t-that m-m-mean y-you c-could h-have s-s-saved h-her?” she suddenly had trouble breathing.


“How could you! Why! Why didn’t you! I trusted you! We-”

Calmness overpowered her.

Her eyes darted towards the foals that stared at them.

A single smile from her mother made them turn around and forget them.

How do you do it?

Why do we always listen?

Why do we never question?

Why do the other caretakers not look when I scream?

"I was forbidden… I didn't know they would come… I would have needed to fight them… directly or indirectly… and in the end, they might have just taken somepony else-”

“I don’t care.” She had wanted to scream again.

Yet she didn’t.

“I know. And I didn’t either. You are my foals… I was ready to fight them all…

“They didn’t let me.”

The other caretakers?

Wait! Ask about her! She is more important!

“What happened to her?” Once more. No tears. No anger.

Where did those go?

“We don’t know. The ESS took her.” Her mother confirmed what she had already pieced together.

There must be more!

And there was. “She wasn’t the only one. We know of at least 26 other fillies that were taken in this time period. None of them returned, nor did they ever return for more.”


In a single sentence, the hopes of ever finding Acacia alive had been crushed.

“We know they were to be taken for something… we suspect that they judged based on our own records, yet we don’t know on what basis… The level of secrecy indicated that Celestia is behind it…” Acacia was dead, of that, she was sure.

It was why the scarce information she did have had never reached Dandelion until this day.

“She is alive.”


“She is alive.”

“My little-”

“I said she is alive! Alive! Alive! Alive!” There was the rage and pain she knew she was feeling. “I can feel her! I know she is! She must be! We promised!”

And just like that, it was gone again, replaced by numbness.

They stared…

It was only for a moment, but she could have sworn the other caretakers had looked at her shocked.

“Dandelion… if she is… then… how will you recognise her?” She had tried so hard to shield her daughter from the real world.

It hadn’t worked.

And to her immense sadness, exposing her didn’t either.

“I will recognise her. She will recognise me.” It would be just like in the books. She had no doubt about it.

“Dandelion… you have no idea what they did to her…” The poor mare seemed not to realise that she was only who she was because of them.

The poor mare didn't realise what an Acacia raised by the ESS may look like.

“She is strong. They will never be able to break her.” Dandelion had gotten her answers.

The mystery had been solved.

And for the first time in her life, she didn’t want to see her mom.

“I will leave now." With that, she turned around.

“I don’t know how to help you…” She heard a silent whisper. “We never figured it out…”

You can’t…

Because you don’t have her.

“I didn’t want to take her away from you…”

Take her away from me?

“Mom… you didn’t… I am sorry… I-I need to think…

"If you need something, just tell me. I know I am not Summer, but I will still try my best, ok?"

With that, she left her former caretaker.

She could have sworn that for the first time in her life, there were tears in the old mare’s eyes as she was leaving here alone in front of the once so cherished shrubbery.


“Sprint? Where have you been?”

Finally, the earth pony had shown up.

“I am sorry, they asked me to help and then… it seemed I lost track of time.” He massaged his head.

He had only wanted to find somepony else to delegate the task to and then rush after her.


What did he do instead all this time?

“I thought you were worried about me?" Dandelion slowly guided the soldier, that had suddenly turned into the definition of confusion and disorientation, out of the building.

“I did… I suppose foals really are something,” he chuckled, choosing not to ponder what had happened too much. “Good thing I joined the guard.”

"Well…" Usually, she would agree.

Though, she found it a bit weird that until now, he hadn't asked about what exactly happened between her and her mother. “It seemed that Acacia wasn’t the only one… they took at least 26 other foals from all over Equestria.

"We need to rescue them all."

Slowly he began to recover from his muddied thoughts and headache. “Why do you call her mom?”

That was one of the things he wondered about, wasn’t it?

Or was that normal?

“It was normal for me. But I later learned that all EFPS offices except the one in Canterlot have developed this pedagogical strategy in which they try to assign foals a specific caretaker that acts as a special pony of trust. You know… a mother.” It was kind of weird to read the reasoning behind her life.

“What about male ones?” Now that he thought about it, were there stallions in the orphanage?

“I… Good point. I don’t know. I don’t think it was specified.” Who even came up with this idea in the first place? "We didn't have stallions working in my orphanage at the time,” she shrugged.

“How did she know about Summer?” It had taken some time, but his original suspicion was back.

Back in full force.

“Mother knows everything about us. You can’t keep secrets from her.

“When I sneaked into their office, trying to find more information about Acacia, she was there waiting for me every time." Another thing she never figured out.

“Ok. But I am serious. How did she know?” It was a nice anecdote, yet he didn’t want one.

He wanted answers.

“Maybe somepony told her? If they had been working together, then she might have just noticed her absence and put two and two together?" She didn't know how her mother did all of it.

But surely everything had normal rational explanations.

“I suppose… what exactly did they do?” He could see Dandelion going white.

“I… forgot to ask.” She could see Sprint's unbelieving look.

“How-“ He bit his tongue. Screaming would not yield results.

So, he tried again without screaming, despite the immense frustration he was feeling. “How did you forget to ask her the one thing we came here for?”

“I just…” she avoided eye contact. “Acacia came up, and things went south from there…"

I need to find her…

Yet all this time, I fell victim to false leads and distractions…

“Ok. Ok. No harm done. We can-"

"I told her I would help them like Summer did-"

“How could you do that if you don’t know what helping means!” This time he couldn't stop himself from resorting to screaming.

“I trust her… she made some wrong choices for me she had no right to make… but I know she meant well… I know helping her is the right choice…

“We will see what I need to do. You said you could ask some friends about information on Acacia?” She didn’t want to be questioned about her choices.

Sprint felt like bashing his head against a streetlight.

But she was right. She wouldn’t need to do anything if it turned out that something nefarious was going on. “I could. I have a few friends who have friends that have friends in the ESS.”

It wasn’t the most promising avenue.

Still better than nothing.

I never managed to get this far into the ESS.

“Dandelion… they will tell me everything about Acacia.

"Yet they will only do that if she isn't important.

“If she is important, then they might take a look at me and turn on me instead.” Had an old friend you needed to find?

Some official business that needed to be done quicker?

Wanted to scare someone?

They were invaluable in achieving those things.

Ask something that Equestria's government wanted to keep hidden?

If one was lucky, they would simply knock at one’s door and have a friendly conversation on why this was a bad idea and ask why it even was that there was such an interest in the confidential business.

He didn't want to think about the many scenarios in which the pony in question wasn't lucky.

“She might be… Mom said that Celestia herself might be behind her disappearance.” Maybe she shouldn’t have said that.

“Then there is no way I can go about it like this! They will have me moved to the frozen north where I will never be heard or seen from again!” And while he didn’t like heat, the temperatures there might not be that ideal either.

I need to find a way-

“Where are we going?” Sprint realised that they were not heading back to the EFPS building.

“I thought you were leading the way?”

Maybe it really was time to get some sleep.


The princess was sleeping.

It was kind of weird since she was lying in her hooves.

And she didn’t really know how it happened.

There was this dark magic?

Or was there?

Why don’t I know? I have been trained to spot it!

Yet she had just blacked out and woken up next to her.

And while this should have been a dream come true, the circumstances surrounding it made it impossible to enjoy.

Candy wriggled out of her grip and stood up.

How long have I been out of it?

Sadly, there was no clock.

But there was the princess's room.

Not her study but her private chambers.

And she was in them technically without supervision.

What now?

It wasn’t her fault that she wasn’t tired, right?

It wasn’t her fault that stupidly she found it impossible to enjoy what just weeks ago would have been her dream come true, was it?

Surely it was fine for her to take a look around the room she had been let in into, wasn’t it?

Before she could determine the answer, her eyes had already taken in her surroundings.

This wasn’t her study, yet there were documents.

Many documents.

Stacked in neat towers.

EBI and ESS are on her table.

She took the liberty to deduce that this meant she gave those ones a priority.

There is a tear-stained picture of a purple unicorn foal on a drawer.

No doubt that that was young Twilight.

You are holding her in your wings.

You don’t look happy.

It seemed that a long time ago, the pony she adored really did have a terrible future planned for her own daughter.

Why do you try so hard to be evil?

Why do all this to me only to realise you couldn’t?

Why do it to her?

She didn’t understand.

Wouldn't it be easier for Celestia to just be the benevolent pony she knew she really was?

Then again…

You weren’t entirely wrong.

She had been lectured many times on all the ways Celestia was exposed to danger.

And how it was her duty to protect her from those dangers.

The only way you would be able to be who you want to be is if we would finally do our jobs, allowing you to finally take a step back and just take a break for once.

She took another look at the room.

So much more was left.

But by now, she had determined the answer to her question.

She shouldn’t look if Celestia hadn’t given her permission.

She needed to be there for her.

She needed to help her.

She needed to pick up the slack for all those around her that had failed her.

I have done too little.

That all would change soon.


“You won’t believe this, Twi!” Rainbow came rushing towards the young alicorn that had decided to just sit down in a quiet corner and watch the sea together with the small dragon on her lap. “I think you just outright stole a pirate ship!”

A pirate ship, huh?

"This is so awesome! They have a bunch of weapons here and a real huge pirate flag!” Rainbow could see that Twilight wasn’t as ecstatic about the discovery as she was.

Good thing she had an ace up her sleeve. “Well, my princess. I suppose you rulers don’t care about the menial stuff.

“You just care about your treasure and luxury. Things the common ponies endlessly work for, only for you to take it from them using the money you steal from them to uphold a system that steals ever more from them.”

Wait? What!

That had come out of nowhere, and she had no idea where it was coming from nor where it was leading.

"Unfortunately, my princess, there is no common pony around here to pillage. Only you yourself, our little prince and your princess consort,” Rainbow continued to tease her.

Wait! Wait! Wait! Taxes aren’t evil, right? We need them!

“Fortunately, though, you already pillaged some ponies before we left when you stole a ship that still had some loot on it.” Rainbow showed her a few of the gold coins she had taken with her.

And she carefully placed a gem in Spike's hands.


Again, Twilight had forgotten that their youngest and most vulnerable family member wasn’t like them.

That he needed gems to survive and not normal food.

Luck was on our side again…

I can’t just keep telling myself that those are lessons. At one point, those "lessons" will become just a pretty way to downplay negligence and bad parenting.

For now, though, she was just relieved to hear that the problem had solved itself before it had a chance to surface.

"Cheer up, Twi." Rainbow misinterpreted her sour look. "Spike is taken care of, and it is their own fault for leaving their, might I add, more than likely stolen stuff unguarded."

“You are right, Dashie,” Twilight leaned back again.

Now wasn’t the time to worry.

“Anything else?” she asked.

“Everything seems to be here. Food, maps, gems, water, some rooms to sleep…

"None of it is really top quality, but it should be more than enough." And while such a ship usually needed at least a small crew to navigate, Twilight's magic should be more than enough to keep them sailing safely to whatever their destination was.

“That is good to hear.” Twilight mused. “Now, come and join me here. The stars should show themselves any moment now.” The alicorn gave Rainbow a cocky grin. “I demand to cuddle.”

Together they would stay on deck for hours, just cuddling each other and taking in the beautiful night sky, paired with the endless sea around them, feeling the ocean air blowing through their manes.


“Magic…. please just think this through. You have lost all of our backing. If your plan really is to bring back harmony, then how are you going to do it on your own?

“And if it isn’t, then I still doubt you will make it without us.”

“If necessary, I will allow them all to wield my element.”

“Magic… you are only making each bearer weaker with that… it won’t work.”

“This is my path. You are right. Everything will become harder. You will all be my enemies.

“I will have to show them the light on my own.

“I might have to fight you all and outright battle with you.

“But I will win.

“They will make it.

“I have the magic of an entire universe at my disposal while you just have a bunch of pathetic virtues.

“You will never defeat me, and if you do, I promise I will drag my magic down with me.”

“Magic! You can’t-”

“I can and I will! I am tired of you all! I don’t want to be an Element of Harmony anymore! We decided to work together, but it didn’t work out! Let’s take the only logical step and break up! Harmony is dead!”


“Now you are crying Loyalty! Isn’t this what you always wanted! Is this so much worse than killing me! Did you never consider the implications of your statements!

“You didn’t, did you? You never had any intentions of following through.

“You thought you could scare me when I am fully aware of how pathetic all of you are.

“No. I could have gone along with your plan.

“I could have waited.

“I could have feigned defeat and abandoned them after their failures.

“I could have done so after their latest failure.

“But it will never happen. They deserve my friendship more than any of you discordian monsters.”

“Magic! Listen to yourself, you-”

“I know what I am! I already said Harmony is dead! I am Magic! Forever will be Magic! Not the Element of Magic! Just Magic! No Harmony!

“Just Magic!”

“You are Friendship-”

“With them! Not with you!”


“Yes. They are my friends. It is one-sided for now, but I will have more than enough time to make it work.

“Together, we will fix this universe.

“Together, we will help each other achieve our dreams.

“I will not wait any longer to finally begin achieving mine.

“I will not make some kind of game and then backstab you when you least expect it.

“No, this is what I want.

“I don’t need you for it. We are done. I am no longer an Element of Harmony. I reject you.

“With her help, I will win.”

Chapter 26 - The Heroes in Our Lives

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In the end, one of her siblings had decided to take mercy on Applejack and Rarity.

Do we really need them to find Twilight?

Do we really need Twilight?

Will Twilight really make things easier for us?

Now, all of the fillies lay fast asleep on the bed that just a few days ago accommodated Twilight and Rainbow.

She stared at them intensely.

I thought I could trust Twilight and Rainbow.

Now I am confused, unsure if I have even been betrayed.

The alicorn had been correct.

They had pressured them.

They had caused Rainbow to snap.

Mother did that.

I trusted that she would do good.

But it went awry.

Would it have been better if she had done the talking?

Truth be told, at the time, she had been grateful that the responsibility wasn't on her.

I never thought Mother would fail me…

In the end, Twilight had saved her, hadn't she?

But… I lost so much…

Why did she lose so much?

Celestia… Mother… The circumstances…

Live was so complicated.

But at the time, it was easy.

I agreed…

Rainbow has so much influence over her…

She messed with our plan…

It had been easy to blame her and only her in the moment.

But Isabella knew…

Why did Twilight know, though?

We didn't tell them anything that would indicate we planned to replace Rainbow or felt confident we could do such a thing.

She couldn’t have known.

The young alicorn didn't even know what changelings were when Mother had revealed herself to her.

However, it was good that Twilight was aware of our plan…

She may have nearly died, thanks to Twilight's sheer rage at the revelation, but only now did she realise that she would have forever regretted it had they moved forward with the idea.


I know it wasn’t your fault.

It was ours.

Ours and theirs.

She remembered the sheer fear in Rainbow's eyes she had seen before the young pegasus had bolted with the alicorn in her hooves.

It wasn’t just a bad dream…

You were afraid of me…

Of us…

Mistakes had consequences.

She had done everything to build trust.

Yet she had failed twice.

We showed you that we can’t protect you…

And you thought we were going to use her, didn’t you?

The plan had been safe, of that she was sure, but the blue filly obviously didn’t agree.

You think we don’t care about her…

That we were willing to risk her…

Fillies were complicated.

Ponies were complicated.

Yet at the same time, they were easy.

You had trusted us…

We had a chance…

Was it gone now?

She stared at the remaining fillies again, which were still sleeping soundly.

I hope when I find you, I can show you that we really do mean no harm…

Until then, there were at least two more chances to prove that ponies and changelings could coexist.



No dreams.

Only darkness.

No necklace…

She was in the void again.

This time there was no necklace acting as a source of light.

Her breathing became heavier.

She closed her eyes.

They can’t hurt you…

They can’t hurt her….

We will win…

Magic will help us…

It is all in your mind…

They are trying to confuse you…

Don’t let them.

She opened her eyes again.

Darkness was still surrounding her, but she would manage.

At some point, morning would come and save her from this void that threatened to consume her.

You won’t trick me a-



“Are you there? Younger me?”

Future me!

“I am here!” Rainbow shouted.

Surrounded by nothing, they were slowly trying to guide themselves to each other.

“Let’s take turns shouting!” Her future self suggested while trying to determine in which direction she should walk.

“Ok!” Rainbow, too, made her way slowly towards the voice.

They continued filling the endless void with noise until they felt each other.

Big wings enveloped Rainbow, yet her eyes reported no one was there.

For all Rainbow knew, a terrible monster had just captured her.

The barely noticeable frightened shaking of the wings holding her indicated otherwise. “L-Lets sit down, ok?

“I don’t feel comfortable standing when I can’t see a thing.”

The filly could feel her older self sitting down and herself being placed on her lap.

You are scared.

The older pony did a terrible job of hiding it.

"It's ok… We will be fine." Rainbow assured her.

It said it couldn't hurt us… yet.

Her future self seemed to not believe her.

She continued to hold Rainbow in her wings, using the filly as the only point of comfort in the darkness she couldn’t explain.

Darkness that raised a frightening question she dreaded to ask. "Where is the necklace?”

“What about the necklace?” Rainbow could understand that her older self wondered why their source of light was gone.

But the way the older mare had sounded indicated that there was more about it.

Now that I think about it, it had my cutie mark, didn't it?

“It is the physical manifestation of our element. It symbolises the Element of Loyalty, though it is not needed to wield its power.” And since she was the bearer of Loyalty, the necklace had taken on her cutie mark.

Only now, it was gone.

“It rejected me. I am not its bearer anymore." Deep bitterness lay in the filly’s voice as she thought back to the short but, in her opinion, deeply unfair conversation she had held with her element.

A conversation where she felt she had been in the right yet had cost her something amazing that Rainbow knew she had been supposed to receive in the future.

“Oh.” Her future self didn’t know what to say to that. Instead, she still didn’t understand why the necklace was gone. “But I am?”

“It wants us to die. It thinks we are unworthy. It wants Twilight to snap and kill the other bearers, killing you in the process,” Rainbow spat.

There is no necklace for us.

We weren’t chosen.

We were used.

And now it seemed they were no longer useful to Loyalty.

Though her older self seemed way more concerned with another part of her claims, that made her doubt if the filly actually knew what was going on. “Twilight wouldn’t-”

“She would, and she will. You seem to have no idea what she is capable of.” Rainbow thought back to how her fillyfriend had tried to use mind magic on her.

Actually… did they save me there?

There was no time to entertain that idea. “You have let your world of fake rainbows blind you.”

Because the world is a terrible place to live in when you are able to see it for what it really is…

Full of vile ponies…

A place where I made so many mistakes in…

Where I doomed my parents when I refused the ESS…

Where our ruler is a monster out to get me…

Where even the gods hate me…

"This is what happens when you fall to Celestia. You are part of her sun rays that are blinding Twilight, trying to keep her from seeing the truth. But at some point, that just becomes too much, and when the sun continues to hurt your eyes, then you do what's necessary to regain sight," she mumbled absentmindedly while all of those thoughts began swarming around in her head again.

“T-That was… that was quite the metaphor…” She should feel offended.

But it was the truth.

She had admitted to her Twilight that it was the truth.

“Twilight did act oddly,” older Rainbow conceded.

The filly began sobbing in her hooves. “S-She will kill everything. D-Dark magic is taking over her. She l-loves you. She wants you. She will t-try to get you.”

You killed me, didn’t you?

You killed Spike…

You doomed yourself to eternal suffering in a desperate attempt to achieve happiness…

Nothing will be able to save you from that once you have reached it…

Alicorns live forever.

“S-She w-will t-try t-to m-make h-herself h-happy, c-causing e-eternal u-unhappiness.” Why did Rainbow even care?

It wasn’t her Twilight, was it?

Her future self still sounded sceptical towards the claims about her friend, which she found outrageous. “S-She is happy-”

“Is she? Are you sure she is?” Rainbow immediately shot back.

I saw her in those memories.

I heard her tales.

She is like me… like you… why can’t you see it?

What happened to me…

“She is a princess. She must be,” older Rainbow tried to brush her off.

“This is not how it works.” The filly glared at her, though it wasn’t like she could see that.

We know that.

“She has to… I don’t know,” her future self conceded. “I always thought she was.”

Then you more than likely didn’t really care to look.

Which threw into question why older Rainbow prioritised Twilight and not her element, as well as its involvement in all of it. “You don't seem too bothered by what I told you about the elements.”

“Deep down, I always knew I didn't deserve it. That I have become a caricature of loyalty.” That sounded different.

That sounded…

That sounded like me…

Was that good? “I know. What is loyalty?”

“Loyalty is…” Older Rainbow hesitated for a moment. “It’s when you stand by one’s side no matter what,” she said with conviction in her voice.

Conviction that sounded forced.

It is, isn’t it?


It isn’t.

“But shouldn’t you be staying by Celestia’s side if that is the case? Wouldn't that be loyalty, then?

“You chose her, and you should stand by that choice." At the same time, she said that it made her question her commitment to Twilight.

It’s different with Twi…

Is it?

Why is it?

“I-I betrayed her now… but if I hadn’t… yes?” She could feel the frantic heartbeat of the mare that still kept her in her lap.

At the same time, her future self had trouble sitting still, rocking forwards and backwards as if she was unable to find a comfortable position.

And there was some sweat beginning to drip on Rainbow.

I thought you were afraid before…

But it was nothing compared to this.

This was someone who was terrified.

You are acting as if Celestia was standing behind you, carefully examining your answers…

As if you need to be ready to fly for your life at any moment…

Or fight for it.

And it was all because of her.

She was doing that to her future self with a simple line of questioning.

And now Rainbow knew she needed to see this line of questioning through till the end. “I, too, am not quite certain what the perfect answer is, you know? I want to stay by Twi’s no matter what. I promised her I would… I told her I would fulfil her every wish…”

“Then you must stay by her side.” Her older self relaxed, thinking they were on the same page.

But they weren't. "Must I?”

“Y-You s-should.” In an instant, the mare was back to panicking.

Rainbow could feel her wing being squeezed.

There still was nothing here besides both of them, and it seemed that the filly which caused her so much discomfort was also the only thing available to spend comfort to the older pony.

Yet Rainbow had a feeling that soon she would no longer seek her for it, despite that. “If she tells me to kill myself?”

What then?

Would we do it?

Or rather…

Should we do it?

“…you shouldn’t do that.” She had been defeated.

Her younger self had destroyed her attempt at trying to squash the question of what loyalty means with a nice phrase.

A phrase that boiled it down to a criminally bad and, more importantly, wrong simplification.

And one that she had been expected to heed for a very long time.

Among many other things.

To her despair, though, the filly was only beginning to pick her apart. “Why?”

Did no one ever question you on that front?

If this was your philosophy…

Did you never think it through?

Rainbow wings formed into fists.

If you didn’t think this through, then you more than likely also didn’t come up with it…

They did.

But her future self was still giving her answers. “…this isn’t loyalty anymore.”

There is something.

You thought of something.

You are hiding it.

“You know the answer, don’t you?” The fists disappeared.

Instead, she hugged the mare, trying to give her comfort and the necessary boost to speak the truth.

Indeed, the truth was her reward. “I do,” her older self mumbled as if in a trance.

But again, the actual answer remained hidden for no one to hear. “Then why pretend?”

“Because then I would have to admit that I am a horrible pony…

“That I failed…

“Never learned…

“Lost the fight and gave in…

“That I still am a horrible pony…” Yet by saying those words, her future self had admitted it.

Though, it wasn’t like in the books.

She didn’t feel free.

She didn’t feel relieved that she wasn’t hiding it anymore.

Instead, she felt deeply sick.

Rainbow noticed how she was pried away from her, only for the older mare to simply lay down on the ground completely as if all will to live had left her.

This wasn’t what she had wanted to accomplish. “Are you, though?” In complete darkness, she carefully tried to pull her back up, but her attempts were all in vain.

“Yes.” It sounded crushing.

This is… me.

How I sound to Twi…

That was a scary thought.

I don’t want us to be like this…

I want us to be happy…

Real happiness and not the fake one you have been given.

She wouldn’t leave herself like this.

She needed to continue to be strong and see this through. “Why?”

“I betrayed my friends and my element because of my inability to resist Celestia, her ponies and her terrible system, playing along instead.” It had been so easy to just go along like everypony else.

At some point, she had even stopped thinking about it, so ingrained had the lie become, until the past had visited her out of nowhere.

“This isn’t just your fault. Twi should have seen your suffering like you should have seen hers.” How come they had so easily seen through each other, yet their future selves didn’t?

Then again, Twi tends to be really dense sometimes.

Rainbow chuckled to herself at the thought.

You couldn’t even see a giant bug when it was right in front of you.

Before the giggling became audible, her future self spoke again. “She can’t-”

“I know. But she should have.” Being a bit oblivious sometimes was ok.

But who are we if we can’t recognise when a friend suffers?

…if our fillyfriend suffers….

Twilight was dense sometimes, but one thing was for certain.

You move heaven and earth just to make me happy…

And you see my suffering…

The alicorn may not have seen through the princess.

She may have bought the lie of the changeling queen being a researcher.

But you always see when I am sad…

You always see it and manage to cheer me up…

“Since when did you become so wise?” The older mare didn’t remember herself acting like that when she was a filly.

I don’t care that she isn’t my Twi.

I don’t care that you aren’t me.

Every version of us should achieve true happiness.

Rainbow tried formulating her thoughts into words. “You… I… i-it’s just… I want her to be happy, you know? Every version of her… even if you don’t love her…. You can’t allow her to create her own misery. Please promise me you don’t, else it will reach you, too.”

“I promise I won’t.” Her future self assured her, slowly regaining her confidence.

That isn’t enough.

“Dashie, of course, I will take some measures along the way, but don't become a champion of Discord just because you want to get one over the elements, ok?”

You are right, Twi.

I should…

I should try to make them not go against us instead of only trying to work against them.

That didn’t mean she thought that the elements were in the right. “Please promise me to show them that you are worthy. My life depends on it as well as yours. They want us both dead as well as those we love.”

Maybe this is why they hate us.

Maybe you can show them that we can do this if given the chance.

Maybe then they wouldn’t have to fight gods.

“I-I will show them! I can do this!” Her element didn’t think she truly deserved to bear it.

She didn’t think she truly deserved to bear it.

But the mare also had never tried to genuinely live up to it.

So maybe, just maybe, if she really tried, there might be a possibility that she could say that she represented the Element of Loyalty without feeling like a fraud.

Show she did deserve it after all and help her friend in the process.

And to do that, you must free her from the blindness the sun is causing her.

“Stop, Celestia,” Rainbow almost demanded.

“I will!” Her future self spoke as if she had suddenly been released from a life in prison.

Is it because I am your younger self?

Or has no one ever been there for you before?

No one did manage to reach you but the image of what you once were.

It was time to try once again.

Would Rainbow get her answer this time? “What is it worth to be loyal to?”

“Friends! Family! Love!” Those that held you dear in their heart.

Those who really care about who we are.

It was still an oversimplification.

But a way better one than before. “Country? Rulers?”

“No!” There was a familiar tone of bitterness in the voice.

Not surprising after what has been done to us.

What she did to both of us.

But it wasn’t about them. It was about their element. “Why?”

“Because patriotism blinds us! We should care about our country, but we shouldn’t let supposed duty blind us!” All the fallacies she herself had fled into. “We don’t fight for countries, but for everything that is attached to them or at least what we think is attached to them.”

And if all is lost…

If there is nothing there to fight for anymore…

One can only try to bring it back to the way it should be.

There is no shame in abandoning it, though.

Why fight for something you can’t identify with?

A place you can’t be happy in.

Let them live in what they have built for themselves and try to find another place.

A new place.

A place she would want to fight for.

We have no duty to fight for anything. If it hasn’t earned our loyalty, then we don’t need to give it any.

There were other things and creatures that deserved it far more out there that Rainbow knew.

Her older self was oblivious to the other option she had chosen, though, continuing instead. “And we certainly shouldn’t be loyal to ponies just because they are our leaders! We should look at them as the ponies they really are!”

And preferably not give in to them.

But by now, she wasn't holding it against herself anymore.

Who knows how long they tortured you until they broke you?

Who knows how long they would have tortured me?

Rainbow knew she wouldn’t have lasted for long.

Maybe now that Twi is here…

Though it didn’t really matter.

She can just edit my memories and make me her lapdog at will, and there is nothing I could do about it.

“That includes those around us.” She was snapped back to reality.

Only the black void around them had prevented her future self from the nightmarish expression that had been plastered on Rainbow's face.

“If Twilight tells you to go kill yourself, then she doesn’t care as much about you as you do about her.” And that meant that she would not deserve her undying loyalty. “Loyalty is a two-way street. It can be gained, but it can also be lost again.” The older mare finished speaking what she had kept to herself for so long.

“Y-You knew that… y-you knew all that…

“You must have known it since I knew it.” And it was obvious why she had pretended that she didn't.

Such a definition of loyalty was not one any government would want to be propagated.

Yet her older self took her younger self’s deep sadness about what had been done to her as an accusation. “…I-I am sorry. I know that I am a disappointment masquerading as a hero… I-”

We both did that.

But we both still have a chance.

Nothing was lost yet.

As long as they didn’t lose themselves.

But she felt incomplete, with only Twilight seemingly able to change that.

Our purple parts that make at least me feel whole.

Loyalty needed to be convinced. “You… p-promise… become my hero…

“Please let me be proud of myself… please…”

“I will…

“I promise I will.”


She had left the peacefully sleeping fillies.

There was a pony waiting for her, after all.

What are we doing to our families?

Our friends?

Our loved ones?

Just because they are ponies?

How can we do this?

There was a pony waiting for her?

That was a lie.

He wasn’t waiting for her.

Or was he?

Why do I get to speak to him?

Why do I even want to speak to him?

One way or another, she was dreading the conversation that was about to unfold.

"It's ok. Talk to him. We know you want to."

She had been given a special pass.

Would it change the outcome?

Maybe I should just let him be?

“Don’t. He came for you.

“He willingly came here.”

Did he, though?

He doesn’t know I am a changeling.

In her eyes, it was sheer luck that he ended up at the right place.

But now she couldn’t resist.

She needed to make sure.

She dropped her disguise and walked to his cell.

Whether or not green goo would soon replace it would, in large part, be up to her.

She stopped in front of him and stared him in the eyes.

Silently and confused, he returned the look.


She broke eye contact and focused on the wall behind him. “The name I have been born with is actually Isabella.”

Soarin smiled at hearing her voice. “You should have told me.

“You should have told us all. We would have been there for you.”

Would you?

All of you?

The hive mind stayed silent.

You wouldn’t.

“I could have never told you.” She wasn’t allowed.

And he would have suffered the consequences.

Either by her birth family or Celestia and her ponies.

And I would have lost you.

One way or another.

Yet now he knew.

And as expected, he was in danger of a terrible fate.

A terrible fate caused by her and her family, yet he was just smiling, happy at having found her finally.

He didn’t realise the danger he was in.

Do you trust me that much?

Are you an idiot?

How do you even know it is really me?

She unlocked the doors and went into the cell. “How do you know it is me?”

“Why else am I here?” The hive mind filled in the blanks of what had transpired for her.

How they had saved his life.

Treated him quite well, for a prisoner, until now.

The suspicious conversation that had transpired with Lyra and that had been overheard by him.

And how she had behaved just now.

“We could be tricking you,” she reminded him.

“Why? To what end?” Soarin asked.

To what end…

Again, no answer from the hive mind.

“I don’t know,” Isabella had to concede.

There was no good reason.

He should have been allowed to die.

He should have been cocooned.

She shouldn't behave like a confused mess, instead of the soldier that she was.

“Have you always been her?” It was the only answer Soarin dreaded.

If one day, there had been another Spitfire.

One he might have befriended, only for her to be replaced without his knowing.

Never realising the fate that had befallen her.

What then?

Could he forgive her?

Should he look for the original one?

What about the new one?

“Does it matter?” Isabella avoided the answer.

Would you choose her?

You would, wouldn’t you?

“You are her. You are the only choice.”

“I…” He didn’t know.

Did it matter?

What if she had been Spitfire for a day?

What if she had been Spitfire for years?

Was the time she had been Spitfire for the deciding factor?

I am not Spitfire.

I am…


And she wanted to be accepted as both.

Yet she feared no one would ever want both.

“If you harmed her…

“I wouldn’t be able to overlook that.” He decided to settle on. “But I could try to forgive you…

“And I think you didn’t harm her.” He recalled how little he knew about her private life.

The many little odd things.

Nothing suspicious on its own.

Yet together, they formed a picture.

A picture he could finally place.

And so, he took a gamble that had just felt right at that moment. "I think you were her from day one.

“I don’t know how or why, but I know it is the truth.”

Isabella could feel the emotions being directed at her slowly changing.

Fear, doubt, and hostility were melting away second by second.

Instead, familiar feelings were returning.

I-It doesn’t matter!

You still only want her!

Only her!

“Don’t throw it away. This is a gift.”

So many of her siblings were dying to see their loved ones like this.

And here she was, not wanting to take his hoof.

“I am Isabella. I have been adopted into that family, and Spitfire is only a cover name. A pony that never existed.

“I joined the Wonderbolts with the sole intention of infiltrating them and weakening the Equestrian army from the inside.

“It was all preparation for us killing Celestia and taking over.” He wasn’t a filly.

He had to see how terrible that was.

There is no way you will be able to look past that.

Would that make her happy?


“I didn’t see you killing a single pony.” And they had killed many changelings.

Or rather ponies that officially had been labelled changeling spies.


"Sure. Why would I? There was no need up until now.

“But I would have.” Or would she?

“Look… I don’t know why you are telling me this…” It raised so many questions. “You are her.

“I can see it in your eyes.”

They aren’t even the ones I use for my disguise, and even then, they could be faked.

“I can hear it in your voice.”

Voices, too, can be faked.

“You behave like her.”

We are masters of infiltration.

“You speak exactly like she would, even if I can’t understand why you are trying to drive me away.”

Because you will hurt me.

“But see…

“If you weren’t her, then why drive me away? Why not use me?”

“If you didn’t care about me, then why come in the first place?”

I shouldn’t have come.

He placed his wing around her and hugged her. “We have known each other for so long. I refuse to believe it was all fake.

“Please don’t drive me away.

“I know you would never participate in something like that for no reason.

“Give me a chance to understand that reason.” He let go of her and pointed at the holes in her legs. “They change nothing. All this changes nothing.

“I have no doubt that once you told me everything, I will be there fighting side by side with you.

“Because I don’t care what you are.

“I came here because I care about who you are.”

It hurts….

It hurts so much!

It hurt because she could sense that he had spoken the truth.

She could sense that he still loved her.

A changeling.

He didn’t care.

She always thought he would.

But he didn’t.

Not even a bit.

Yet she wasn’t Skylar.

She knew that a relationship between them would make both of them unhappy in the end, no matter if they both wanted one or not.

And she had no hope that they could work through it.

I shouldn’t have come.

If she hadn’t, she could have forever told herself that he didn't come for her.

That he would hate her the moment she revealed herself.

But she had been curious if he really would.

And this was the price.

“It doesn’t have to be an issue!”

No… it is.

And even if we ignore it…

I need to do this.

To protect him from the life of unhappiness I would bring him.

“I hate you!” she slapped him hard. “You think I will accept you by my side!

“Accept a pony!”

He looked surprised and deeply hurt, rubbing the area where she had hit him.

"Grow up, Soarin. I admit I was curious, but there was nothing more.

"I am a highly trained spy. Of course, it all felt real for you, or else I would have done a terrible job.” She grinned at him with sheer maliciousness and superiority. “We spies don’t feel anything for those around us.

“It is part of the job, and I won’t make a fool of myself and risk my reputation for someone like you.

"What could you even offer me?" She dug the knife deeper into his heart. "You have nothing.

“No status, power, money or connections.

“You aren’t even a good flyer. You would have never made it onto the main team.

“I don’t even know why you joined the Wonderbolts.”

Soarin stared at her, tears creeping up his eyes.

Rage gripped him, but guards that had shown up behind her would ensure that he would never hit the creature that was causing it.

Isabella leaned in for the final strike. “Maybe if you had power, you would have at least had some fun with me. How do you think I got my former position?

“But you don’t. And honestly, I am not even sure if it would have even changed anything in the end.

“You are just not my type.”


Her younger self had silently hugged her for what felt like an eternity.

She didn’t mind.

And that was an understatement.

Yet she was forced to break the silence. “I had actually been hoping to see you again.

“I talked to them.”

“Who?” Rainbow asked.

“AJ and Twilight...” But despite the moment they had shared and her younger self's encouragement, she wasn’t about to reveal anything about her wife to the pony that seemed to hate her most. So, she quickly went on to the pony Rainbow cared about instead. "Twilight had been acting weird when I talked to her… I am worried.” Especially after what she had just learned.

You hurt her deeply…

I know you have the right to reject her, but…

“I… How do I fix all this?” The mare felt silly for asking a filly that question.

“You still stand by… AJ?” That felt weird.


My lips shouldn’t speak that nickname…

Rainbow had a feeling it would result in unnecessary trouble.

Only you get a nickname from me, Twi…

Ok. Flutters does as well, but only because I had given her that one already.

“I do, and I won't compromise on that in any way." Her future self reaffirmed.

Why though?

She didn’t seem to have helped you at all with your troubles.

How could her older self love a pony she didn't feel confident to confide in and who also couldn't see her suffering?

Rainbow didn’t understand.

But she chose to ignore it for now.



Get them off both of your flanks.

“Get her to listen to you.” If Twilight had killed her in the future, then she probably had stopped listening to her.

But she needs to listen for us to help her…

Because we don’t have the power to force her.

"Tell her that Princess Celestia is her mother. Use that info strategically to build trust and get her to listen to you.

“Once she does, you need to use that opportunity to get her head clear enough again to continue listening to you while you guide her back on the right path," Rainbow told her.


Really really easy…


But she would do well in not making her future self realise just how shaky that plan was.

For it to work, the mare would need a giant amount of confidence.

“Daughter? How will lying get her to trust me?” Older Rainbow seemed sceptical.

“Twi is her daughter. She was Celestia’s pawn from the very beginning. Celestia even engineered her creation,” Rainbow spat.


You are a vile, disgusting being, Celestia! You don't deserve her!

“How could we…” Her future self mumbled.

They were lying so much to her.

So much more than she had thought.

How couldn't the Princess of Friendship see what her friends were doing?

How they were happy being instrumentalised by the princess in exchange for petty bribery.

How they all stayed silent, failing to alert their friend to what was going on around her.

Twilight somehow couldn't see, and no one was showing her.

Confused, she remained alone.

How could the elements allow it?

How could her own mother be behind all of it?

I am sorry…

I need to make sure you will do this.

“Remember, she will kill everypony, including Applejack,” Rainbow pressured her future self.

“AJ?” For some reason still hadn’t thought about that aspect.

“Yes.” Rainbow reaffirmed her statement.

“I must-”

“You are right.” The older mare was interrupted before she could reach a conclusion Rainbow would have had trouble with. “You must stop her.

“You must stop her because, as I said, in the end, she herself won't be happy either.”

“But how? What you proposed might not be enough." And what, then?

I know…

If only you would love her, too…

But her older self didn’t. “Help her…

“Just help her…

“Prevent her from drowning in the sea of lies that has been created around her.”

I-I don’t love her.” Her future self mumbled. “Will she ever get over me?”

I fear not…

Not if she is in any way like Twi…

But what mattered most right now was to stop that version of Twilight from destroying all of their lives. “She might…” Rainbow offered.

Am I really as special as Twi said?

Surely there were other ponies out there that could claim the alicorn's heart?

At least in the event that she was gone.

I mean… there aren’t for Twi…

But maybe for her older self?

“What if I fail?” Was there a plan B?

Please don’t…

“I don’t know exactly what happened,” The filly conceded. “She wouldn’t want to kill you, so I have trouble understanding how you died in the first place.”

“I... I died?” It was so weird to learn that directly about her death.

I already said that.

“You did,” Rainbow repeated once more.

“But she didn’t kill me?" At least, this is how her future self interpreted what she had been told.

I would like to believe she didn’t.

“She was being vague.” Her younger self tried to avoid answering.

“How do you know all this?” Silently the mare begged that Rainbow would tell her that it was all a joke after all.

But it wasn’t. “It was included in my Twi’s vision.”

And so, her older self was forced to play out the scenario. “If AJ died… and if Celestia was overthrown, leaving no one to oppose Twilight… if all my friends are dead and the elements broken…

“If Twilight forced me to love her against my will…”

If you lost your own Twi…

It was obvious what she was alluding to.

However, her younger self couldn’t allow this outcome. “This time, you could try-”

“At that point, I wouldn't want to anymore.” Heroes had limits.

This, older Rainbow knew, was hers.

Ok! Ok! We can’t let it get to that point then!

If Twilight snapped, then her future self seemed unable to handle the consequences and fight to get everything fixed.

And that would only mean sadness for that future, as well as no proof to show the elements.

Why can’t we just fight them?

But Twilight told her they shouldn’t try to spite them, so she would at least try to do what she thought they would want.

Also, it wasn’t like fixing the future was something she didn’t want.

“Then you need to hurry up. I don’t think there is much time left.” Rainbow urged her older self since she had genuinely no idea how much time was left until Twilight would snap.

“I-I need more information...” This couldn’t have been all, right?

I wish I could give you that…

Or at least know what really transpired myself.

“There isn’t much more. Help her understand her feelings. All of them.

“Be there for her.

“Take that loneliness she must be feeling away.

“Make her smile.

“It is all that matters.”


Isabella halted.

Sadness and rage were gone again, replaced by familiar feelings once more.

“Why did I join the Wonderbolts? Don't you remember?" He grinned victorious as if he had just solved a deep mystery.

Oh no…

No! No! No!

"I only wanted a pony I had already under my hoof by my side! To make things easier!" She desperately tried to keep up the act.

“You are a terrible spy and an even more terrible liar Spitfire,” Soarin shook his head with a relieved expression. "And since you are, I do think that there is more.

"I know it was all real.

“I do think you fell for those around you.

“Dare I say it? I don’t know if you love me, but I know that you don’t care about your reputation enough, to not be with the one you love.

“And you wouldn’t care what that pony would have to offer. You aren’t like that, Spitfire.” He chuckled. “Have some fun? Really?”

She couldn’t help it. She went red.

Well, as red as her chitin allowed her, at least.

“I remember how proud you were when you got your position. For hours you rambled about how you worked so hard for it.

“You almost bashed Fleetfoots face in when she just joked about you getting it that way.

"Seriously, Spits. We both know you wouldn’t let anyone with those intentions even touch your tail. I always wondered how you were able to growl at stallions who thought about you in that way before they even opened their mouth.

“I realise now that you had quite literally a sixth sense for those things,” he winked at her. “You are the reason I became a Wonderbolt because you encouraged me to sign up.

“You practically begged me when I said that I was unsure if that was the right choice for me.” That memory was one of his most cherished ones.

I did, didn’t I?

I couldn’t allow us to grow apart…


Well, it still doesn’t matter.

“We agreed to never talk about that night.” She faked an offended face.

“Well… I also thought we agreed that you would never hit me.” Soarin tried to lighten her mood.

“We never did.” A smile.

For a second, he was rewarded with a smile.

A small sign that he was on the right track.

That all the mean things she had said, as well as her anger at him, were indeed just a facade.

Only the reason eluded him. “Maybe we should so that it doesn't happen again,” he offered.

“Isabella, it is your decision.

“Just know that he won’t be there forever.”

I know…

I know…

She sighed. “Look… I know you have feelings for me.”

“I had hoped that it would be more romantic than that…” But there was no romantic confession.

“I know… but to be fair, you can’t surprise a changeling in that regard.” She flashed him a predatory smile. “Also, we both know you would have never dared to come forward.”

Silly ponies…

We almost always have to do the first step.

“You are cheating,” he chuckled. “If I had a built-in emotion detector, I, too, would have been way more confident about confessing to you.”

A perfect opportunity she couldn’t pass up. “My my Soarin. Did I ever say I, too, have feelings for you?”

He began to sweat. “Umm… technically not b-but you do, right? J-Just give me a chance! I-”

Reality Spits.

Remember reality.

“Soarin… you know I wanted to protect us there, right?” She allowed him to step out of the cell, and silently her siblings, that had rushed forward, disappeared again.

Hey! There isn’t going to be any funny business!

“We didn’t say there would be.”

“Are you sure? Now that you brought it up-”

No funny business!

“We just want to give him and, if you want also, you some privacy regardless.”

“Yeah. Also, knowing you, you would tell us all the details afterwards anyways.”

Hey! I would not!

“Spits?” Soarin snapped her focus back on him. “You zoned out there. And you looked kind of flustered.”

“Sorry,” she went red with embarrassment.

“I said that I am unsure why you thought that we need protection, nor why this was the way you chose to go about it,” he summarised what she had missed.

“Soarin… for one, we changelings are hated…

“I don’t want you to become hated for associating with one. They might hurt you if they catch you and figure out you are associated with us.

“They will probably try to squeeze every last bit of information out of you.” And there was no hive mind to help him or protect them from him revealing anything.

“I am not scared. I am a soldier.

“I fight for what I love, and I will never allow myself to reveal anything about you,” he swore.

What you love, huh?

"You only became a soldier because I… well, we didn't want to talk about it anymore, but you know what I mean." Maybe she should have tried other less embarrassing approaches first before deciding to go this way to convince him to sign up with her.

Then again…

It was worth it.

“Just one more huge reason why I should continue to stay by your side,” he reasoned.

Can’t argue with that, can I?

And to her dismay, the hive mind once again didn’t help her out with any retorts.

“What about your family, your frie-”

"Without friendship, I wouldn't be here." He doubted that he would have figured out to look in the Badlands for her on his own.

“But your fam-”

“They have known you since you were a little… foal? Anyway, the point is that I am certain they would understand and agree with me." Though, he should try to get in contact with them and let them know he was safe and maybe, just maybe, that he found what he was looking for.


You are, as always, absolutely unbelievable.

“Ok, first of all, you are and always will be a moron.

“Second… I-I didn’t want to tell you this…" She looked down at the ground. "I really, really didn’t.


“I-I-I-“ Isabella didn’t know how to say to him what needed to be said.

“It's alright, Spits. Just tell me. It won't change my mind anyway,” he tried to assure her.

But she couldn’t.

And so she said something else.

“This is just like Skylar.

“She thought she found love in a pony.

“She trusted him.

“And was rewarded with betrayal, heartbreak and pain.

“He sold her out to the sun after she revealed herself.

“Mother killed him for it, but she didn’t thank her. She still loved him and mourned the dead body of that traitor!” Would she, too, if he did that? “He deserved it! How could he do that to her!”

I-I don’t want this to end like-

"I came here fully knowing you could be one.

“I don’t care that you are.” He hesitated. “I-I don’t know anything about what happened with them, but this is different.

“I will not have come this far only to crush you now,” another hug.

For the first time, one of full love.

You need to tell him.

He deserves to know.

“Soarin, if this works out... I will never give you a foal… or our equivalent," she whispered.

He stared at her.

“Spits… is this what-”

The changeling began sobbing uncontrollably in his wings.

“Spits… This really isn’t-”

“But it's not fair! I simply can't offer you what any other real-"

Soarin placed a hoof on her mouth. “Any other mare you mean. And any other mare wouldn’t be you,” he whispered back.

“You failed in what you tried to accomplish.”

Her attempt to save herself from heartbreak would have nearly cost her the one creature that cared about her the most.

I failed.

She leaned her head against him.

But you were right about him.

Which is why miraculously, I still won.

It was crazy how life worked sometimes.

Chapter 27 - The Villains in Our Lives

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Candy was staring at herself.

Where am I?

I-I thought I fell asleep?

But there she was, standing in her office, dressed in her EBI uniform and equipped with her gear.

And in front of her was another version of her, sitting in her chair. Although she could have sworn that something about the copy was off.

Regardless, Candy prepared her magic ready to strike at a moment's notice.

“Who are you?” she demanded to know.

The only response was a mocking smirk.

“I asked you a question, who are you?”

This time the only reply she got was her copy shifting in her chair.

“Don’t you dare!” she threatened.

But it was too late.

The other mare changed her position on the chair, somehow managing to put her legs on the table, messing up dozens of documents.

She even managed to knock over some ink, spilling it all over the table, tarnishing them further.

You did that on purpose.

“I am Candy. Or am I?” she smugly replied.

You look like me… but your voice… you talked to me!

“You strangled me!” Candy was ready to take the threat out right here and now.

But she wouldn't.

She had to know what she was dealing with first.

What she was dealing with and if it was indeed a threat to take out or not.

So, for now, she would not attack.

Not unless convinced otherwise.

After all, the use of force was always supposed to be the last resort, except for a select amount of circumstances.

“I did.” The unknown mare levitated a picture of Candy to herself.


She is trying to set you off.

Stay professional.

Candy snatched it using her own magic.

Her eyes wandered on it.

My appointment as the Director of the EBI.

The picture had hung on the wall for an eternity.

But attention it hadn’t gotten for a very long time.

"How kind of her to personally hand us our Certificate of Appointment." Before the intruder could snatch that one, too, Candy had already jerked it towards herself. “We deserved that after what she did, Candy.”

There had been a big emphasis on her name.




You know.

She could feel it. “Are you me?” She asked what should be impossible.

“Maybe.” Another mocking smirk.

You look just like me… wait, something is not right.

The colours are off.

The colour set of your uniform is a lighter blue than it should be.

Was that intentional or an oversight?

Tipped off that something was wrong, Candy took a look at her surroundings.

It’s too clean.

No dust.

Everything is in perfect order besides what she messed up.

It was a beautiful office.

Despite being modernised several times, the room in itself had preserved its classical design. A beautiful wooden floor and walls adorned by expensive golden ornaments, symbolising, among other things, the EBI emblem, the equestrian flag and, of course, the cutie mark of their ruler.

But this is too perfect.

She focused on the table.

It was a modern one, which Candy felt was more suitable for her work and more comfortable. It was for this reason that she had replaced the old huge oaken one that had stood there before with it, back when she became the head of the EBI.

Admittedly though, the modern and minimalistic piece of furniture looked out of place when compared to the other furniture.

You messed my work up…

I wonder if…

She focused on the jumbled ink-soaked documents.

Next thing Candy knew, everything was in order again.

This is a dream.

This is my mind.

And it meant she was the one truly in control.

The unknown mare felt her hooves fall through the supposed-to-be solid table, finding herself on the ground as a result. “My. My. What a show of hostility. That really was unnecessary.

“Though, I suppose we always found a way to be violent without breaking protocol or the rules.”

Only for those that deserved it.

“But even when it turned out they didn’t, you never took the necessary consequences.” The mare had picked herself up again.

A small plush was in her hooves.


Blood began spilling out of the plushes leg.

“A shame we only managed to shoot her in the leg and not the intended-”

“She had a poisoned knife. I was acting within my authority and used an appropriate amount of force.

“Our personal safety has priority,” Candy stood by her actions, firmly shutting the other pony up.

I would have regretted it…

But I wasn’t in the wrong.

“Of course, Celestia’s safety is our number one priority.” The mare rolled her eyes, throwing the plush into a corner. “Aren’t you forgetting something, Miss Innocent?”

I threatened her…

"It is painful to be shot in the leg from such a small distance, you know? Especially when you have already been shot once." The unknown intruder sat herself down on the table, once more messing everything up and began dangling her legs around. “I know that you know that.”

I couldn’t have known…

I shouldn’t have done that.

“But of course, the end justified the means.” The other pony jumped down again.

Why do you even have control in my own mind?

A familiar predatory smile was directed at her.

Next thing she knew, her ears picked up a familiar voice. “Candy?”

You didn’t….

You didn’t!

“Candy!” A familiar bat pony threw herself into her hooves, with tears in her eyes, coming from the direction the plush had been thrown in. “I was so scared…. I thought she would kill me…

“Thank you for saving me.”

It seemed the filly was unable to see her other version that just stared at the scene with curious and, for some reason encouraging eyes.

“Amaya… I…”

She isn’t real…

She is just a creation of her and your mind…

And yet, dispelling the bat pony felt deeply wrong.

As if it would be another murder.

I will make you pay for that.

Candy tried to carefully prey the bat pony away from her.

Not real.

Not real.

You are trained for this.

“You should sleep, Amaya. Having to go through this must have been tiring." The moment she had spoken this, sleep indeed overcame the filly.

Gently Candy lowered her onto the wooden floor.

“Are you some kind of dark magic manifestation?” That must be it.

She was told that it could happen if one began falling to it.

“Possibly.” It sounded like the mare had just told a foal that they were close to the correct answer.

You must be.

But you aren’t acting like I was told you would.

“Why aren’t you admitting it?” It’s not like the admission would change anything. She still wouldn’t be able to kill her.

Not here and not now.

Dark magic corruption…

The mare was a result of it, and only no more further use of dark magic might be able to get rid of her again.


That’s not really an option now, is it?

I, too, would die.

“How come you are overlooking the clear signs of corruption Celestia shows?” Her copy began making circles around her, like a predator playing with its prey.

“She is-”

“Stronger than others?” She stopped right in Cady’s face, glaring at her with an accusatory look.


“She is pathetically weak, imprisoned by the past and acting as its enforcer.” They were spoken with far more conviction than what Candy had seen justified.


You only know what I do, right?

“How come you are free?” It seemed her personal demon was finished beating around the bush.

She will pitch me an offer.

Don’t fall for it.

Remember your training and stay strong.

Whatever would leave the mouth of the entity before her, a mare sculpted from dark magic and masquerading as her, would be nothing but lies and empty promises. That she knew. “Free?”

“How come you are a vile creature of darkness, yet you walk among the light?” It sounded as if the pony-like entity facing her thought she was stupid.

Creature of darkness…

You are right…

I am not acting as I should.

How had she missed this?

I just went about my day as if I was still me.


“The dark magic that should have possessed you is going somewhere, you know?” Magic didn’t just disappear into thin air.


How could you do this to yourself…

“Any moment you exist, she is willingly and knowingly absorbing what should have driven you mad.” Candy was walking among the light.

But only because the clouds, blocking it out, were flying somewhere else.

“She is no Twilight.

“You are no Spike.”

The dragon?

What about him?

Another warning that the mare did know more than she did.

But right now, Celestia was more important.


Only she didn’t know how to help her.

“What now?” A hoof was placed around her.

It looked like she was being comforted by a lifelong friend.

This is it…

The offer…

Doubt was arousing whether or not she would be able to stay strong.

Now I see why ponies fall…


“I need to protect her,” Candy mumbled.

The entity knew what she was thinking. “She will be so grateful once you are gone.”

“She will miss me.” The only way to help who she held dear the most wasn’t an option.

“Indeed. And with you gone, she will be completely alone, ready to be taken by the darkness anyway.” Because it was already there.

Already visible.

Even if no more fuel was given to the fire, it was already burning, waiting to consume its victim.

Who would be left to extinguish what was already burning? “There aren’t many more ponies preventing her from falling,” the entity warned Candy.

Prevent her from falling?

“Who are you!” Candy jerked the hoof away and whirled around to face the mare again.

“It’s funny…. It has been a long time since I had a conversation like this… I think…” The entity mused with a victorious expression. “It is rare that you can become one with the darkness yet follow the light…

“I don’t think I am supposed to genuinely help you…

“But there seems to be nothing stopping me.” As always, it was free to do as it pleased.

That’s ludicrous!

This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. “Are you… the Nightmare?”

“You know the Nightmare isn’t real.

“You know that while magic, including dark magic, is a separate entity that has some sort of mind of its own, there still isn’t something called the “Nightmare”.” It seemed that the other pony had taken offence to the question. “Celestia just described the worst of the worst that Luna had succumbed to, thanks to the voices filling her with lies.

“But it was still her who began using dark magic and gave in to it. By referring to her current form as the "Nightmare", Celestia is simply setting up the redemption ark for her poor, poor little sister.” The entity spat before halting. “Actually… was it me that whispered those things?”

You don’t know?

Or was it just show to make Candy lower her guard. “Are you, my voice?” She tried to get definite confirmation that the entity facing her was what she thought it was.

But she didn’t get one.

“If I am here helping you, then how much worse are the whispers she is hearing in return?”


There was a bright flash, and she felt her future self disappear.

Rainbow stayed.

She stayed and stared once again at a perfect copy of herself.

A perfect copy that wore a familiar glowing necklace providing light.

Only with no cutie mark on the piece of jewellery this time.

“Loyalty…” Rainbow greeted it, unsure what exactly to say.

But Loyalty didn’t greet her in return. Instead, it circled through expressions of pure hatred, sadness, happiness and pride before continuing to circle back to hatred.

It did that for what felt like an eternity before it halted, staring at her with empty eyes.

It was waiting for her to say something again.

Rainbow's eyes focused on the necklace that once bore her cutie mark.

The feeling that she had lost something amazing was back in full force.

I don’t need you…

I don’t need you…

I don’t need you…

“I don’t care about you, your opinion or your element or harmony,” she lied. “You rejected me, and I reject you.” A desperate lie to hide how much she had been hurt by it.

Loyalty continued to muster her with empty eyes.

“I… good luck. I hope you will find harmony on your own so that we don’t have to see each other again.” It was a stark contrast from the last time they had talked.

You had it.

You had it, and you ruined it!

Twilight had been right.

And she had almost won.

But as always, she had messed up at the very end.

“Wait!” Rainbow screamed desperately before it forced her to leave the realm she was in.

It may have hurt you, and you don't know what plans it has, but with it on your side, you will more than likely be better off than without it.

“I can still read your thoughts…” it mumbled. “I need to leave. We have no business bothering those that reject us.”

“You don’t?” That was a curious bit of information that had been revealed to her there.

“It… if we could do that, then what is stopping me from pressuring you into doing my bidding?” They could just mentally torture their bearers into becoming puppets. “No… the rules are the rules. We are not to force our bearers into doing what we want them to do. The rainboom was already stretching it.”

Who makes rules for gods?

“Are those like self-imposed rules?” Rainbow tried to clarify.

“We agreed on these with the other forces out there. Those rules are the only thing keeping your universe together. It was bad enough when Discord broke them, and now Magic is following him.” Discord had paid the price.

Magic would, too, if it followed. That Loyalty was sure of. “It’s like it has completely forgotten why they exist and how severe the consequences will be if the others decide to take action because of it.”

But Magic couldn’t see it.

And Loyalty had failed to turn Magic back from the path of certain doom, becoming a villain in the process.

I… I barely understood what you just said.

It was just way too vague.

But at least Rainbow got the general message. “Then I take back what I said. I don’t reject you.”

Get the element.

Just get the bucking element.

Rainbow cursed herself.

It could read her thoughts.

But how could you think about what to think without thinking about it?


“I suppose…” Loyalty wasn’t convinced.

The filly needed to do better to persuade it that it shouldn’t leave her.

“I know why you are angry at the alicorns!” Rainbow remembered the advice given.

Unexpectedly, a glimmer of hope shined in Loyalties eyes. “Why?”

“Because they have betrayed you. Betrayed harmony.” The young pegasus beamed as if she had solved the meaning of life.

However, she hadn’t. “Wrong! I don’t care that they haven’t done what I wanted them to! The answer was right in front of you, yet here we are! I can’t believe a pony like you wants to represent my element! How can you, if you don’t even understand the most basic things about loyalty, you moron! Ever considered that your teachers may have been right about you, you-”

A punch to the face stopped its rant.

“Wanna continue?” Rainbow had taken a fighting stance in front of it.


You are a pure idiot attacking a god like that.

But to her credit, Rainbow didn’t waver.

“Ouch,” Loyalty rubbed its snout in disbelief. “We have existed since the beginning of the universe, yet this was the second time anypony has dared to hurt any of us directly.

"Both times, it was you who did that." The blue filly could almost feel the piercing glare she received.


It is a bully.

And she knew not to show weakness in front of bullies. "Yeah! Maybe somepony should have knocked some sense into you earlier! If they had done that, then you might not have turned from an element of harmony into a disgusting bully!”

It had waited for her to finish as if it didn’t really think she would dare to voice her thoughts.

However, Rainbow had dared to voice them.

Lightning formed around Loyalty. “Take that back!“

It can’t hurt you.

Magic will protect you.

Rainbow simply couldn’t allow the hurtful insults from earlier to be left without a retort that would at least hurt as much.

And the way Loyalty reacted indicated that she was accomplishing that goal. “Never! I bet the reason why the world is so screwed up isn't because of the alicorns but because you have lost your way!”

Next thing she knew, she was hit by a lightning bolt, causing her to whirl through the void while being electrocuted at the same time.

A desperate scream of pain broke through the silence that encompassed the emptiness.

Loyalty teleported to where the filly had ended up slamming into the smoking pony and standing on top of her. “I said take it back!” More lightning bolts were shooting from its wings into the air, intended to underline to the young pegasus what was in store if she didn’t. It kind of reminded Rainbow of the princess and how she attacked her.

“Take it back!” The more Loyalty repeated its demand, the more desperate its voice became.

But again, the filly stayed silent.

Too silent.


“Then stop whispering!” Candy jumped the entity in front of her, slamming them both into the table, destroying it.

There was no pain.

Punch after punch was thrown at her lookalike.

Her copy didn’t flinch.

You can’t hurt it.

You can’t defeat it.

She grabbed her and tried to choke the mare, despite knowing it would have no effect. “Stop corrupting her!”

“I don’t know if I can,” Her copy managed to choke out.

“Why not! What are you!” Candy let go of her and picked herself up, staring at the bloody pony lying in what was once an office table. The mare was a sorry sight, not only beaten but being covered by documents as well as office supplies and even having black ink in her mane.

Lying there and staring at the ceiling, the entity began mumbling. "Dark magic..."

“Dark magic with no desire to harm.” It had done stuff it understood was questionable.

Showing Candy Amaya.

Reminding her of who she really was.

Confronting her with the worst aspects of her character.

But it only wanted to help the pony it was part of. “When you fall…

“Only rarely does someone keep the clouds away.

“Only rarely does the light continue to shine.”

Is this what’s going on?

Does no corruption mean...

Does it mean that my own nightmare does not want to harm me?

Was that how it worked?

I am a being of dark magic.

Dark magic tends to cause you to see another version of yourself, fuelled by your worst traits and desires.

But what if there was no corruption along with it?

Was this the result?

The mare continued to lie on the ground, reflecting on her meaning. “I know things…

“I know what I did…


“It doesn’t feel like that was me…

“I am just me…

“I am just you…

“I don’t think I can influence anything of what is happening…”

It knew why it was here and what it was supposed to do.

But why?

To what end?

Destruction and suffering only for the sake of causing destruction and suffering?

“I came to be because of dark magic...

“I think this is why I know more than you…

“Your memories as well as what it knows…

“What it did and does.” But that was it.

Magic was a force in itself.

A force it was only part of.

It wouldn’t be able to influence anything happening around it.

It wasn’t aligned with the will of the dark magic around it.

A force with the sole focus of destroying everything.

It could be the truth…

It genuinely could be the truth…

Candy had expected an offer.

But she got an identity crisis instead.

No attempt to take over her.

Only attempts to help, executed in a way one would expect from something that was created by dark magic.

You said you know more than I do.

A hoof was extended to her copy.

Light washed over the mare on the ground.

Carefully Candy helped the healed pony up. “What do you know?”

“I- I- I-

“I don’t think I am supposed to say that.” Were there consequences for doing so?

I won’t back down now.

“I need to know,” Candy pressed.


“It can be fixed.” There was the history of a universe to tell.

But it probably would be better to focus on what was most important right now. “It stays with you forever. That is true.

“But it is also true that every single creature has dark magic as part of oneself.”

We do?

“It stays dormant usually, with there being so little that it is undetectable...

“I… I… I…” The mare in front of her began mumbling incoherently.

“Hey! Stay with me!” Candy tried to snap her back. “How does it work?”

“I don’t know.”


“You told me-”

“I know… but I just… I just can’t recall anything anymore…” It was as if the magic she was part of had detected something was wrong and cut her off.

“I am sorry…

“It thinks that I am broken. Maybe I am now...” Pain lay in the eyes of her copy.

“It will try to fix me and replace me with what I should be…

"The moment Celestia falls, I will pounce.”


If you are surrounded by nothing.

If darkness is all around you.

If you can look left or right, up or down.

If you focus on what is in front of you, yet still are only rewarded with an endless void.

Then how come I am not falling eternally to my doom?

How come I feel as if I am on solid ground if I am surrounded by pure nothing?

How did the plane work she found herself in?

Rainbow had never even considered questioning the concept of a ground below her.

But now that she did, realising she had been walking, standing, and was currently lying in what could be considered a black sky was severely unsettling.

If I begin falling….

Good thing I have wings.

Surely, they wouldn’t fail her here, right?


Why don’t I feel pain?

She had literally been electrocuted.

I should be dead, shouldn’t I?

She hadn’t thought that Loyalty would actually go for it.

But it had.

Painfully the lightning bolts had surged through her body.

I could have sworn I smelled my own body burning.

Rainbow felt like puking at that memory.

It didn’t help that she could still smell a bit of smoke around her, reminding her that it actually happened.

But then I impacted the ground…

And, after that one final burst of pain had passed, she felt just fine.

There was no more pain as if nothing had happened.

What now?

Should I-

Rainbow felt as if the air had been kicked out of her lungs, the action of her element violently ramming into her, robbing her of the ability to scream, while simultaneously reminding her that even if harm didn't seem to be permanent, it was still possible to feel pain in this unknown place.

“I said take it back!” Loyalty sounded as if it was the one being violently assaulted.

The blue filly was wriggling around in pain under its hooves.

Even if her former element had taken on the form of herself, therefore only being a filly, it was still able to make her feel continuous pain by standing on top of her chest and ramming its hooves into her.

Ramming them into her, fully knowing it would cause pain for her and wanting precisely that.

Make it stop!

Make it stop!

It was too much.

She couldn’t think clearly like this.

She only wanted to stop feeling the terrible pain it was causing her by having her pinned like this, entirely at its mercy.

“Take it back!” Although the pain threatened to tear up her vision, Rainbow managed to take a look at the display it was making just for her.

She saw the same thing she had seen before was electrocuted the last time. The many lightning bolts that were shooting from its wings into the air intended to underline to her what was in store if she didn’t.

But why wasn’t it frying her like it had before?

Rainbow stopped struggling and closed her eyes to blank out the pain.

She could feel the pressure on her chest being alleviated.

The uncertainty that it felt at her actions.

Actions that were so unexpected.

Finally, she was given enough air to talk again. “You are just like Celestia.

“You can’t handle it when ponies see through your facade because then they confront you with the true image of yourself you hate so much.

“In a way, I get that.”

Rainbow smiled confidently at her former element, which was stumbling backwards as if it had just been dealt a critical blow, allowing her to get up.

Princess Celestia didn’t break me, and you won’t either.

If I stood firm against her, then I will also stay firm against you!

Maybe she would lose.

But if she hadn’t given it her all that day, then maybe she would already be a mindless drone for the princess, with no memory of Twilight.

Give it your all.

Don’t give in.

You can’t let it win.

Only she was unsure what this burst of confidence should be used for.

Sure. Being reminded of what had happened with Celestia had, in a surprise turn of events, given her the strength to fight back.

But that strength had no goal.

She couldn’t kill Loyalty. That she was certain of.

Not that she was sure that she would, even if she could. Twilight thought it was important, and she had learned that her fillyfriend was usually right in such matters.

Hadn’t they just gotten away from the kill-or-be-killed life? Didn’t they both agree that it would only lead to their ruin? No, that could not be the answer.

She also didn’t know how to get away from here.

And technically, the goal was to get it to back off. Maybe even find common ground to work towards harmony, Rainbow recalled Twilight's words again.

Everything is fine…

You are fine…

You both hurt each other…

But try to look past it…

Don’t let yourself get agitated again.


"I am not like Celestia." It had stared at her during all of her inner conflict, yet that was the best it managed to come up with.

Then again, it was probably hard to string together a justification for what had just transpired.

You are right.

Considering I am just fine, I don’t think I was in any real danger.

“You are just show, aren’t you?” That sounded meaner than intended.

“You shouldn’t insult the virtues of harmony…

“Or insinuate that we are no longer working in service of harmony…” It was still struggling to justify its actions while not being forced to address them.

Maybe you aren’t a bully, after all?

It was weird that it had just backed off and sounded so uncertain all of a sudden.

“Or insinuate that we are no longer working in service of harmony…”

Is me insinuating it the issue?

Or it being the truth you want to hide?

Maybe the answer was both.

“You can’t deny the truth.

“What you planned to do to Twi was more than enough proof.” Rainbow tried to carefully navigate towards the goal Twilight had given her.

I can make this work, Twi.

I will be able to wake up and tell you how I, for once, did something for you.

“Even in that regard, you are similar to Celestia. She, too, planned to only use her.” That was bound to get a reaction.

Hopefully, the one she wanted.

A practised smile appeared on Loyalty's face.

Standing perfectly still, keeping eye contact and breathing as little as possible, it delivered its retort in an almost monotone voice.

“We are the guardians of harmony.

“Yes. We may have been a bit split on Twilight, but that only shows that we do consider all the options and always try to find the best option to achieve harmony.

"We work as one, and while this time, we were unable to come to a unanimous decision, we still stand by each other.

“We are the Elements of Harmony. Just because, in this one case, our actions seem similar to Celestia's doesn't mean we are like her or have lost our way.

"We would never lose our way or go against each other.

“We are bound to serve harmony.” It finished with a confident vow. Before, it quickly but subtly backed away and began avoiding eye contact.

That was a really convincing speech.

But you picked my body.

This is precisely how I would have delivered a speech to someone who had hurt me or had seen right through me but of whom I didn't want them to know that they had succeeded.

The way it had stood as still as possible.

Forced itself to make eye contact with her, trying to give an assuring smile while also trying to seem as sincere as possible, only to come off as insincere as a result.

And how it quickly backed away, breaking eye contact once it had forced the words out. Not to mention the voice itself.

But you are clearly not me.

This would have been the point where I would flee.

Yet, for some reason, it stayed, which meant it was now forced to hear how she had seen right through it.

"Princess Celestia, too, claimed to serve harmony,” Rainbow started.

The filly frowned.

When did things change?

There had been a time she adored the princess as well, wasn’t there?

After all, she was the princess.

Sure. Her parents were kind of indifferent to Celestia, but as a filly, hearing of an actual princess was fascinating.

I can’t believe I looked up to her.

I can’t believe there are ponies that still look up to her.

“I can’t believe Twi ever looked up to her.” The purple filly seemed to overlook what had been done to her so easily.

She regarded you as a tool…

“This is where you are wrong, my little pony. Twilight would be nothing without me. She wouldn't even be alive. Her entire existence centres around the fact that she will become the element of magic one day. Her whole life was engineered to ensure she would become a worthy bearer who would do my bidding.”

She had only told me that because she thought I would never remember it.

Yet, Rainbow did.

How could she do this to her…

Twist her into a mindless drone, ready to do her biding-

“That’s it!” Rainbow shouted as if a light bulb suddenly shined over her head. “You are angry at them because they are twisting your trait!”

It was so obvious in retrospect.

After all, I, too, take so much offence to it, don't I?

However, against her expectations, Loyalty wasn’t happy.

The filly knew the answer after all.

There had been no need to snap.

No need to think she would never be able to see it.

All that had been necessary was a bit more time.

A bit more time to see what was torturing it every single second the realm its bearer was in continued to exist. "They are tearing it through the mud!” it hissed.

A hissing that conveyed so much more hatred than should be possible for something that considered itself a force of harmony.

But at least this time, it wasn’t directed at Rainbow. “They have made a joke out of what I have been entrusted to uphold! One isn’t supposed to blindly follow orders! That isn’t how it is supposed to work!” Yet it was what certain alicorns were working to get every single creature to do.

They really did, didn’t they?

I suppose twisting your bearer into what they did to my future self was the last straw.

“Hey, it’s ok-”

“It’s not ok! Can’t you see what’s going on! They are brainwashing the world into submission, training creatures to mindlessly die on their behalf!

“They dare to call this loyalty!” Loyalty took offence to the well-meant words.

Because it indeed wasn’t ok.

Nothing was ok.

But you…

Didn’t you kind of do the same?

Did it?

If it didn’t, it at least didn’t make an attempt to justify itself. “I didn't want you as my bearer. I didn't think you had what it takes, at least not future you. However, we wanted to use Twilight as our tool, and as such, we had to find ponies who would be able to function with her. I picked you because you met that criteria, but also because I knew who you could have been. Your tremendous potential. A sentimental pick, I suppose. It didn’t really matter. We quickly decided that we were going to discard you anyway as soon as you had fulfilled your purposes.”

I should have expected this. Of course, I am not the rightful bearer of the element of loyalty.

“I am not finished yet.” It quickly squashed the disparaging thoughts. “Since Twilights vision Magic hasn’t stopped annoying me, always talking about how you were continuously upholding my element as well as about how you have what it takes and just needed a small push. How you would grow up without losing yourself.”

Thank you, Magic.

You are the best.

Loyalty smiled.

Magic really was the best, wasn’t it? “I think Magic might be right for once. You both deserve this chance.” Rainbow could see it taking the necklace representing its element off.

With it in its wings, Loyalty approached her.

The filly’s eyes sparkled.

I don’t need it…

That was true.

But she still wanted it.

She wanted to say that she was worthy.

And she couldn’t help herself.

She proudly puffed her chest as she felt the piece of jewellery being placed on her neck.

Golden light surrounded it, giving it back a familiar cutie mark. “Prove Magic, right, ok?”

“Show me that Twilight is different.

“Uphold your elements together.”

Uphold your elements together…

This was a responsibility.

You want me to keep her in line if necessary?

That wasn’t a pleasant thought.

But… I already failed?

“Twilight. I think they were right when they said that this is how you buy the loyalty of the residents of this city.”

I… This is precisely what you-

The filly disappeared.

Loyalty remained, looking at where she had been.



“It doesn’t matter. I forgive you.”

This was no longer only about its element.

Hopefully, the filly would stay strong against the challenges ahead.


Everything was set up.

Today she would die.

I will miss them, won't I?

A weird thought.

They don’t deserve this.

You could be so much better than Nightmare.

The acolyte chuckled.

I could.

Because I won’t do to them what you want me to do.

The voice was still there.

But it no longer sounded like her own.

And it desperately wanted to change that.

When did I fall?

The dark magic wasn’t always part of her, was it?

She wasn’t born with it, was she?

I was born here…

That she knew.

Well… I read that in the reports, but let’s just assume she didn’t mess with me that much.

Though, she wouldn’t put it past Nightmare.

My mother as well as my father deserted the Equestrian Army…


It wasn’t specified.

I… I can’t remember my foalhood…

I can’t remember my parents…

I can’t remember being good…

And to add insult to injury, they had so little paperwork.

She was utterly unable to piece anything more than that together about her life.

And she only felt a deep sadness because of it.

You destroyed my life…

You took so much from me…

I hate you so unbelievably much…


Then act on it.

There it was again.

The voice that would never win again.

I don’t want to.

Revenge won’t make me happy.

Living happily and peacefully with my foal will.

Instead of fighting for the past, she wanted to fight for the future.

I will need to buy myself some time.

She would fake her death and then take up a new identity in Equestria.

From there, she already had a plan on how to proceed.

She will hunt me.

Celestia will hunt me as well.

She needed to assume that both knew how she looked in reality.

One knew her since she was born.

The other had at least basic intelligence on her.

But you won’t win.

Without your drones, you are nothing.

Or at least vulnerable.

You will never see it coming.

And this was where she would come into play.

I wish I could have told them the truth.

However, it would have been too predictable.

Nightmare would have seen it coming from a mile away.

But you won't care about her forces.

You won't know about them, Nightmare.

And Celestia won’t know about me.

It was this, hoping Nightmare would honour her word or flee to an unknown land far, far away.

How do I even know you won't hunt me there as well, should you win?

Too many unknown variables.

This was the best choice.

A choice where she would still have some degree of control.

Time for the big event.

She nodded towards the group of soldiers that had accompanied her.

To them, it had just looked as if she had surveyed their target like she had told them. “Proceed,” she instructed them.

And like they had been told, they did, splitting into several small teams, making their way towards it.

I will try not to drag you into this.

The idea was simple.

Tell them they will try their luck with a bigger target. Steal some more weapons and weaken Celestia in preparation for Nightmare's return.

Of course, that is stupid.

For all they knew, attacks like this could cause Celestia to strengthen her forces, setting them back in the end.

But this isn’t what matters here.

This was about an at least somewhat believable story about her death that wouldn't make Nightmare look bad while, more importantly, convincing Celestia that she died, to at least get one side off her back.

Silently she, too, flew over the fort's perimeter, passing two dead guards that had been tasked to patrol this part of it.

It’s all too lax.

Like they are only actors playing their part as soldiers.

Hopefully, Celestia wouldn't rely on them to win against Nightmare.

The acolyte landed inside the fort.

There were no sources of light, leaving only the moon and the stars during this cloudless night sky to illuminate it.

She took a quick look at her disguise.

A simple, completely black pegasus mare with a silver half-moon as well as a single golden star as her cutie mark.

As for armour, she chose to only wear a basic chest plate.

Not really great for protection, yet it wasn’t like she needed armour for that.

She only needed to be easily recognisable as an enemy soldier, and for that, the black and blue chest plate would be invaluable.

Seeing that her disguise was in order, she took a look around.

Everything was as it should be.

Everything was the way it was when she had last scouted this place.

To her right, she could see the barracks as well as a few administration buildings.

In front of her, the training grounds.

And on her left were the supply storages.

On the left was what she needed for her plan.

Silently she let a bit of dark magic flow.


For the final time…

At least, she hoped it would be the final time.

Because she knew that the more she used it, the more likely she would lose herself again.

While the fort remained quiet, the bat pony teams she had sent out would still be busy securing the perimeter before moving in.

Any second now…

As expected, a siren began howling.

A few seconds later, a flare illuminated the sky.

It’s on.

Hopefully, her timing worked out.

She rushed to the storage facilities.

Behind her, she could hear the first soldiers stumbling out of the barracks.

She stopped.

She turned around and looked at them, concealed by darkness, in which they wouldn’t see her.

The acolyte, however, was able to see them just fine.

You are soldiers.

You are Equestria's defenders.

And yet they weren’t any better than what she had encountered before.

What are you doing!

She felt like waltzing right up there and slapping some sense into them.

Instead of taking positions and securing the fort, trying to check for and fight against the intruders, they just stood in front of the barracks, puzzled on how to proceed, as if they had never expected such a scenario.

Good thing I didn’t rely on you.

A quick letter was consumed by green magic.

Seconds later, familiar teams of bat ponies began striking them down.

It finally managed to get a reaction out of them.

On a starry night, lit by the moon as well as a single red flare, the soldiers began fighting for their life against a force operating in its natural habitat.

A frightening turn of events.

The fact that they were in their home territory failed to give them any advantage whatsoever.

The siren continued howling.

The screams and sounds of battle were louder.

Time for-

There they were.

The ones that had managed to alert the fort once she had messed with the spells interrupting their lines of communication.

Of course, it had only been possible due to her tip.

Quickly she placed some feathers matching her disguise inside a familiar building.

Having done that, another letter was sent out to the team captains.

I hope you will be able to make it out.

The ESS and EBI agents split up, rushing or respectively flying inside the fort, taking different entrances.

A few soldiers accompanied them, making it all in all probably about 50 ponies.


I expected more?

Am I, accompanied by teams of highly trained soldiers and outright attacking one of your bases, not scary enough after all, or is this really all the city of Baltimare can muster?

To be fair, she had only given them enough time to make it just in time, but she still felt that it was a pitiful display for what should have been an almighty force.

Are those normal police ponies in between?

But it wasn’t what mattered.

What mattered was that the ESS had a terrible reputation with them.

Terrible enough to make this believable.

Also, reinforcements would undoubtedly be on the way, and if current intelligence was to be believed, they would consist of a good number of soldiers that were currently stationed in Baltimare instead of this as well as other forts.

Then again…

Not sending anyone might be just as effective.

She could see the first pegasi making their way towards the soldiers that had accompanied her.

As instructed, they were trying to retreat. Yet, the soldiers they had intended to cut down, as well as the armed ponies making their way towards them, made that difficult.


Final act.

She darted into the sky, cutting down two EBI agents that had intended to quickly close the distance between themselves and the attackers, completely missing her, hidden in between.

The other pegasi immediately stopped.

Surprise was in their eyes.

And fear.

Good thing I also gave you a description of my disguise.

"She is here!" One screamed, alerting the unicorns as well as earth ponies that were still making their way into the fort.


Focus on me.

Allow them to escape.

Shoots echoed.

Oh my…

She began snickering, effortlessly evading them or using a shield to deflect them, causing the bullets to be deflected back to where they had come from, instantly cutting a few more down.

“I didn’t know she allowed you to have those toys ready at your disposal. Since when are normal agents allowed to have them?” she taunted them.

Come on…

A show would be appreciated.

Did they really have nothing more to offer?

Actually… this could be problematic…

It not only needed to be believable for her own side but also for Celestia and her ponies if she wanted to ensure they would no longer look for her.

Well… let's just see what happens…

She let herself fall towards the ground and began racing around the camp, close to the ground, the other ponies in hot pursuit.

Shots still zipped past her, as well as bolts of magic.

Ponies tried to surprise her along the way.

Pegasi tried flying faster than her and taking her out.

She prevailed against them all with simple evasion, a shield or teleportation.

I suppose it is harder to make me sweat than I thought?

A crystal landed in front of her.


She closed her eyes, internally groaning that they thought this would catch her off guard.

But there was no flash of light.

Instead, an explosion rammed into her shield, slamming her back.

That’s new?

An organised barrage of spells impacted the magic surrounding her.

They had been waiting for this moment.

She lit up her horn, ready to teleport, as to get herself on her hooves again.

Another crystal impacting her shield again made that impossible.

Ok! That’s enough show! I can’t use too much dark magic here!

I would win with it, though.

No! I don’t even want to win!

Despite the pain and confusion, she managed to fire up a teleport towards a familiar building.

Actually… that makes everything easier.

She busted open the doors, running inside, making sure to look as if she was limping as well as weakened along the way, yet not overdoing it.



She could see a crystal being thrown inside.


And if it wasn’t enough luck, she could feel an anti-teleportation field taking effect.

You are so predictable…

But I won’t complain.

Luck always was on my side, after all.

“Dear Celestia! What have you done! Shields!”

She wouldn’t leave this only to luck, though.

The acolyte fired a spell towards one of the crates.

Not even a second later, a giant explosion filled the night sky.


The days she had seen the sun…

The days she had seen the moon…

The days she had been outside…

The days she had touched the beautiful green grass…

They had been rare.

And they had been long gone.

Will we ever win?

The pink alicorn stared at the picture she had been drawing.

It was a small hobby to take her mind off things when she had a bit of downtime.

Or when she just couldn’t continue working through the mountain of paperwork.

I want to win…

I want to leave…

I want to-


A familiar alicorn entered the small room.

"Yes, Father!" She quickly shoved the picture under the documents she was supposed to process and jumped up.

Yet, he had seen it regardless.

And even if he hadn’t, he would have still known. After all, this wasn't the first time. "Did you waste your time on these drawings again?"

“No!” Her expression remained iron hard, conforming to the uniform she was forced to wear.

Keep it up.

Keep it up.

Make him move on!

She didn’t want to be scolded again.

And she definitely didn’t want to lose her work.

Objectively those weren’t the most impressive drawings. Just a few coloured scribblings on precious paper.

But to her, they meant the world.

Her hopes and dreams brought onto paper.

The one thing she had as a hobby down here and the one thing that enabled her to take her mind off things.

His eyes wandered towards the documents.

It looked like he could see right through them and make out what she wanted to protect.

Make him move on!

“Father, our reports state that the Empress-”

“I am aware. She is heading here." After an eternity, the empress apparently had decided to enter the battlefield.

They are… true?

But she hasn’t fought herself once, ever since this conflict began!

“She wants to negotiate peace and is headed here with all of her alicorn forces as an escort,” he mused.

What! But that’s-

"Obviously, it's a trap. And a stupid one at that. That overconfident hag apparently thinks that her entrance on the battlefield alone will be able to end a century-long conflict." To Cadence, it seemed like a bad joke.

Especially him calling her overconfident when he just shrugged the news off like it was nothing.

“Don't worry, Cady. We have the perfect plan to take her out and end this conflict." But as always, she wouldn't get to hear it.

She would only hear the results.

Or hear what has already been decided if I am lucky.

Today she seemed to not be lucky, though. “I want you to get to your room. You know what to do.

“Don’t leave it until I return. I don’t even care if you make some more silly drawings.”

That was serious.

You really, really don’t want me to leave.

Only now did she notice that he had his ceremonial uniform on.

You can’t do this to me…

“I am worried…”

In a rare turn of events, he embraced her in a hug. “I know, Cady. But we will do this.

“She will be welcomed by a small detachment of our forces as well as an envoy.” He let go of her and began chuckling, causing some of the medals on his uniform to jingle. “Who knows? Maybe the witch did get tired?”

I doubt it.

“But if she didn’t, every single alicorn on our side is ready to jump into action." He moved over to a small map, and his horn lightened up the area where he was expecting the empress to show up. "Our forces are all over the place in small detachments.

“We can encircle her.

“We can surprise her.

“We can send reinforcements if necessary.

“But most importantly, we can deploy our new weapon. Remember? The one I told you about?” She did remember.

It failed to kill her the first time…

Why should it kill her now?

“With this new refined version, we will take her out easily.

“Once we know where she is, we can deploy it and then quickly deal a lethal blow.

"With that, we will have won." Even he knew it wouldn't be that simple.

But it was the biggest chance to end the conflict ever since it began.

"You will go as well?" Candence asked uncertainly.

“I must. Not only will we need everything we have to win, but it will also boost morale.

“Our soldiers expect their leader to be there.” And he would enjoy it when he could show them the remains of the most powerful creature that had ever walked the planet, signalling the beginning of a new era.

She has you all there…

Can’t you see it?

“Who will be left?” She watched as he slowly faced a mirror making sure that his mane, as well as his uniform, looked just perfect.

“Oh… well… some young alicorns will remain in a few of the nearby camps and towns.” He was ready to leave. “Don’t worry. You will still be protected by our allies.”

The poor creatures we drag into our wars.

With his mane and uniform in order, he resorted to checking his weapon before opening the door once more. “Most of the other high ranks took their foals with them, but my precious princess should stay here." He smiled at her.

Yet the words didn’t have the intended effect.

So that if you die, I will take over your legacy.

Though, she doubted she would be allowed. “She has you all-”

He didn’t want to hear any more questions or backtalking. “Now, hush. Get down to your room.

"When you leave, a new world will be waiting for you."

Chapter 28 - What We Want Most

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Rainbow opened her eyes.

Where am I?


A purple wing held her in place.

A purple pony prevented her from moving one of her own wings, cuddling with it instead.


She was back in reality.


We cuddled.

We just stared at the night sky…

And eventually, they had started to fall asleep.

Somehow, you must have brought us here.

Maybe falling asleep like that on the deck would have been romantic. Yet, the cold night air and the unpredictability of a sea that could change at will posed a clear threat. What had started out serene could have easily turned quite dangerous for them and their little dragon.

Which is probably why she found herself on a bed in an unfamiliar rustical room.


I wonder where we will end up?

What life would be waiting for them once they left the ship?

What would it look like?

I just hope I won’t mess-

I did it…

I did it!

“I did it!” The blue filly screamed in victory. “I won!

“I got the element!

“Twi! Twi! I did it! Twi!” Rainbow focused back on her fillyfriend.

The purple alicorn looked like she was having a heart attack, suddenly sitting upright in their bed, completely caught off guard.

Spike didn’t look any better.


“Oops, ummm…” Rainbow muttered sheepishly.

Probably not the best way to wake anyone up.

Twilight let Spike crawl on her lap.

Yet she herself stared at her unmoving, the alicorn's eyes looking as if they were trying to pierce through her chest.

“Ok… I know you are angry, but I have a good reason-”


"Your neck." The purple filly’s wings slowly closed the distance between them, gently making contact with the new piece of jewellery that had suddenly appeared.



“Is that-”

“The Element of Loyalty, Dashie…” Twilight confirmed before Rainbow could finish the question. Yet it still felt surreal, causing her to do so twice in an effort to process the development that shouldn’t have happened. “That really is the Element of Loyalty.” Carefully, the young alicorn removed it from Rainbow, holding it in her wings, allowing them both to take a look at it. Her wings were ever so subtly shaking. “How did it get there?”

It actually…

It actually gave it to me?

Like, for real?

Not just in that void…

But also, in this world?

They both stared at it wide-eyed.


“Why do I get mine…

“Yet you didn’t get yours?” Wasn’t Magic supposed to already have chosen Twilight?

“No… But Dashie…

“You did it!” It shouldn’t be about her not having gotten her tiara. That Twilight was convinced of.

It should only be about Rainbow getting her element. About the amazing achievement she managed. "I am so proud of you, Dashie! We weren’t supposed to get them for years!”

That’s right…


“You managed to get it out of thin air, Dashie! Because you are the Element of Loyalty!"

I am worthy…

“No one but you, Dashie!” Twilight insisted.

No one but me! I am-

The purple filly pressed her lips on Rainbows.

I should have seen this coming, shouldn’t I?

Rainbow chuckled internally, leaning into the kiss.

“Congratulations, Dashie. You deserve this.” The alicorn gently caressed her cheek. “I am proud of you.”

You are proud of me?

I did it!

You are proud of me!

And it was because of something she did. Something she accomplished on her own.

Not because you feel you have an obligation but because I genuinely achieved something amazing.

Ok. So, technically, she didn’t do it entirely on her own. She wouldn't have been able to do this had it not been for Twilight telling her the elements weren't necessarily their enemies.

And additionally, Twilight, of course, would have always told her that she is proud of her, no matter what.

Yet, still, she only felt pure bliss at the victory she called her own.

A victory that was fully appreciated by those around her.

Not overlooked, like when I tried to do the right thing back in Cloudsdale.

"T-Thank you s-so so so much, T-Twi." Rainbow sobbed out of sheer happiness. "Twi, many things happened back when I slept."


I helped the future?

Well, she didn’t actually know if her attempt to help led to anything. However, without her, her future self would have probably done nothing further at all.

“What changed, Dashie? How did you convince them?” Even though Twilight couldn’t be sure, she made sure to emphasise that it was Rainbow that changed the element's mind. After all, how else would Rainbow be able to become Loyalty’s bearer?

I did that.

I helped you against gods!

There it was again.

That super exciting feeling that she did something special.

Something special for a pony she cared about.

A pony she had thought she would never be able to repay or protect.


Maybe I can genuinely help you despite not being an alicorn!

“Dashie?” Twilight got her attention again. “What did they tell you? And, for that matter, why do they only talk to you?” The alicorn couldn’t help it. While she was glad with what her filly friend had achieved, she found it very strange that only Rainbow got an insight into the Elements.


Why do they only talk to me?

The blue filly watched as Twilight put Spike back on the bed. The young dragon seemed to have quickly recovered from her outbursts of excitement, choosing to return back to sleep.

With him now back in bed, Twilight got even closer to Rainbow.

Oh, wow…

The moment was right. Twilight was entirely focused on her and still in awe of Rainbow's achievement. This would surely become a milestone in their relationship. And maybe they could now start discussing the Elements and figure out how to align their own goals with the Elements!

However, it was also at this point that Rainbow’s nose picked up a smell she was all too familiar with. The smell of a sweaty pony after physical activity.

Most others would have tried to ignore the unpleasant odour in this situation or maybe subtly hinted that perhaps the discussion should be postponed after refreshing themselves. But Rainbow being Rainbow, she was unable to resist the sudden opportunity for a good tease that had just presented itself.

“Augh, you smell, Twi,” she managed to tell her between giggles while pinching her with one hoof. "Bet you regret not showering now.”

The purple filly had not seen this sudden change in subject coming.

Taken completely aback, she instinctively moved backwards and started to smell her wings as well as legs, unable to decipher that the words weren’t meant to offend.


That’s not how I thought this would go ...

Rainbow had expected her to have a remark ready, but the alicorn didn’t.

Instead, she behaved more like when they first met. Morning Twilight was apparently not a pony ready to combat her sense of humour. That had to be the reason, right?

Seems like I messed up here.

However, instead of apologising, Rainbow decided that what had started this small mess was also the way out.

Demonstratively, she smelled one of her wings and soon pulled her head away in a way that was almost comically over the top. "Peh-hew. Oh wow. Nope. You are fine. That’s definitely me.”

Twilight stared at her huge smile. “Oh… I-I thought you meant…

“You are mean, Dashie,” she pouted.

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Come now, Twi. It was-”

“You are the reason we are like this in the first place. Remember?” Rainbow did remember.

Remembered how Twilight had flown her and how that wasn't even the main reason for Twilight and, as a matter of fact, also her own smell.

Remembered how they had flown through the sky, and she had, for some reason, decided that it was a good idea to assault that sensitive horn of the young unicorn.

A decision she, for some strange reason, didn't regret, yet couldn’t understand anymore looking back despite knowing it felt right in the moment.

Oh my…

Is it getting hot in here?

The alicorn was definitely awake now, directing a malicious grin at her. “But since we already smell anyway, there is no point in not doing this, is there?”

Oh no!

“Wait just a second, Twiii! Stop! No!” Yet it was already too late. Rainbow started laughing uncontrollably, being pinned by the purple filly in a tickle attack, with her attempts to leap for her freedom failing. “Twi! Mercy! Please! I didn’t mean to offend, your highness!”

The tickling stopped, but she was still pinned onto the bed, with the alicorn lying on top of her. “Well, my silly Dashie. Seems that you did so anyway, and now your princess demands retribution." Twilight whispered into her ear.


“Ummm…" Apparently, the purple filly wasn't the only one who wasn't up to speed in the early hours of the day.

Rainbow had no idea how to make a retort to what Twilight had said.

However, as much as she enjoyed the situation, being pinned by her favourite pony after all, there was one thought that started to nag on her mind.

“What are we doing right now, Twi?”


I kind of like this?

And yet, it still felt weird for reasons she couldn’t place.

Wide, open purple eyes stared right into her own with shock and just a hint of fear. “I... I-I don’t know…” Twilight stammered. Yet that wasn’t entirely true.

And so, Twilight forced herself to calm down and try again. “I mean… I do kind of know… but I just did what I felt was right? I-I didn’t think about what I did! And I also had no bad inten-”

A memory had resurfaced in Rainbow's mind: “Tell me when you are ready, and only then we will do this.”

Suddenly, she knew just why her question caused Twilight to melt down. "Hey! It's fine!” The blue filly nuzzled her. “I didn’t mean to accuse you… I was asking because I kind of felt weird…

“But in a good way.” Her wings enveloped the young alicorn that lay on top of her.

Rainbow felt the relief washing over her fillyfriend.

I fixed it!

I can’t believe you made me admit that, though, Twi…

And to make matters worse, with the fear gone, the alicorn was ready to pry the truth out of her. “In a good way?”

You really want me to say that, don’t you?

“Did I say that? I can’t recall saying that?” Rainbow feigned ignorance.

But the wings that had previously just enveloped the filly above her, were holding said filly firmly in place now.

“Oh well… then I am sorry. I promise I won’t do-”

“Don’t you dare not do this again!” The young pegasus booped Twilight nose. “Dangit! You made me say it twice. You will pay for this, you purple devil!” Rainbow teased her.

"I am sorry. Could you repeat that? Your purple devil didn't quite get that." Twilight struck out her tongue.

I brought this upon myself, didn’t I?

You win this round, Twi.

“I said I like… whatever this is exactly, ok?” Rainbow looked away, deeply embarrassed.


It is hot in here.

“Oh, Dashie.” Twilight glowed brighter than a star. “I love you.”

Everything was forgotten again. “I love you, too, Twi.”

Once more, their lips met.

This time, they stayed like that for a while.


It seemed that the alicorn wanted to repay her for yesterday sooner rather than later.

And yet Twilight was careful to keep her promise.

Gently, she broke contact with Rainbow's lips. “You are my hero, Dashie. You know that?” The alicorn continued to whisper loving remarks while moving down to her neck.

Your hero…

“My loyal angel,” Rainbow’s heart started to get fluttery once more as she was gifted with kisses on there as well.

Loyal angel…

“The first one of us to qualify.” One would assume that it would get uncomfortable at some point to have another pony lying on top of oneself.

Or at least Rainbow would have until now.

Yet the longer she felt Twilight lying on her, the better she felt instead.

The first…


Rainbow felt the sensation of Twilight's breaths on her fur, as well as the purple alicorn's quick heartbeat. “I didn’t want them as our enemy, yet I also genuinely thought it wasn’t our destiny anymore to become bearers, but you did it. You convinced them,” the loving voice continued to whisper praises that it somehow made sound like unquestionable facts.

I did the impossible…

The kisses her neck received began taking exchanges with nibling. Something Rainbow would have found weird if it didn't feel so good. However, she wasn't sure if it was due to the act itself or the purple pony doing them to her. "I told you that you are Loyalty. So loyal that you claimed it despite all odds. I should have given you more credit.”


“Twi… you-”

Rainbow's attempt to protest was quickly shut down. "Shh… don’t.

“Just accept my facts. What I am telling you is not just some kind reassurance.”


“You are the most amazing pony alive.

"With you, I feel happy.

“And I want you to be happy as well.

“I know you are troubled.

“But just let me take those troubles.

“Give me them and be free.”


By now, Rainbow also noticed that her, as well as Twilight's, wings had gotten stiff again.

Only for a moment did she give the alicorn a questioning stare.

“Just ignore them,” Twilight whispered in response. “Don’t let anything ruin this.

“Just be free.”

“I know you want to be.”

Twilight hadn’t said it, yet at the same time, she silently did.

I feel so… good.



Rainbow's body was still working overtime, trying to process an endless barrage of feelings, thoughts and sensations.

But for the first time, Rainbow didn't feel that they were out of place, but something beautiful.

“I love you so much… I don’t know what else to say…” Rainbow mumbled.

"No matter how much you say it, it will never cease to make me unbelievably happy," Twilight assured her. "You love me, and I love you, Rainbow Sparkle.”


Twilight slowly stopped.

There was no more movement.

Only simply cuddling, with Twilight holding her as close as possible.

This is perfect…

They wouldn’t be able to stay like this forever.

Which meant they had to enjoy it all the more while it lasted.


Candy opened her eyes.

Next to her was Celestia.

That was real, right?

“Don’t worry.

“I won't ever leave you. That is for certain.”


“Morning Candy…” The princess gave her a tight hug as if she was squeezing a plush she was used to sleeping with.


"Really, Candy?”

Shut up.

“I was worried about you…

“What happened?” The princess stared intently at her.

Regret lay in her eyes. “You told me earlier that something was wrong. I am sorry for not listening.”

“Celestia…” Candy began.

“Go on.”


“It is the dark magic… it is talking to me.” Immediately, the unicorn picked up Celestia’s surprise at the news.

“It is?” The princess seemed troubled.

Why are you surprised?

You thought it wouldn't happen because of what you did.

“I will look into fixing that as soon as possible,” Celestia assured her, getting up and starting to move around the room. “It is still dark magic, but I assumed I ensured it wouldn’t try to tempt you or influence you. I must have messed up somewhere.

“What did it say?”

Well… in a way, what you did worked?

Or did it?

“It told me it was trying to help me, not take over me…” The moment she said it, Candy realised that that didn’t mean anything at all. All of it could and most likely was an elaborate act. “I am unsure what it wants.

"In a way, it wants me to help you while also trying to twist me against you?" What should have been a statement came out more as a question.

“Who said that?”


You did.


You know how! Now silence!

“I see…

"It is trying to get to me by influencing you?" Whether or not that would be by making Candy influence her or turning the unicorn against her, causing her further pain, didn't really matter. "Stay strong, Candy. Remember your training until I have fixed this. Everything it whispers is a lie. Nothing but lies. Don’t believe anything, no matter how tempting or convincing.

“Never ever fall for it. Never ever let its voice become yours.”

“You are the ones lying! Lying to yourself! Denying the truth! Denyi-

You can scream all you want.

I won’t listen.

Celestia was right. She simply couldn’t trust it.

Consider what it said?

It would be foolish not to at least think about it if it could help her, so maybe.

But trust it, definitely not.

If you have nothing to say that actually helps, then shut your mouth.

“You will regret this.”

Threats don’t scare me.

“You haven’t noticed it yet, but you have already put all the wheels in motion to give yourself the biggest crisis of your life.

“Let’s talk when you face it.”

What do you mean by that!

Candy took a deep breath.

You are just trying to get to me.

She turned back to Celestia.

The princess had moved onto her balcony, raising the sun. The sight was majestic as Celestia stood there with outstretched wings in all her glory, her horn shimmering with power as it moved the celestial body. The colours of the dawn sky just added to it, painting a picturesque backdrop to this already beautiful moment. Candy wasn't sure she had ever seen something so breathtaking.


In this moment, some dark whispers didn't matter. All worries seemed to be forgotten.

"Celestia…" Never ever had she seen the princess do it right next to her.

At best, during the Summer Sun Celebration when she was part of the inner security detail.

The sun stopped moving halfway. “Go on,” Celestia encouraged her.

Can I?

I can…

As if in trance, she made her way towards her.

A wing was placed on her back.

Celestia’s wing. When the princess's horn reignited, she could actually feel the magic coursing through it. Never had she felt so connected to the one she desired most.

A question tried to bring her out of her musings. “What is it that it tempted you with?”

But Candy was still spellbound. As slowly as possible, the sun continued moving upwards once more in an attempt to make the moment last as long as possible.

One of the most breathtaking displays made even more special.

A display meant just for her.

And Celestia was making sure the duration of the moment would indeed be maximized to the greatest extent that it could.

I am right next to you…

You are raising the sun…

What a magical display.

How the city, as well as the lands below them, got slowly illuminated.

The beautiful dawn that one could only see for a few moments before it was gone again.

She had always tried to catch it, yet it had eluded her each time.

Now, it was on display just for her.

“Nothing,” Candy mumbled, trying to focus on the display instead.

“It will at some point. Don’t confuse what’s happening. It is waiting for the right time.” Celestia intently warned her. “It plays its cards slowly and carefully. What do you think it will offer you?”

What will it offer me?

"You?" However, how would that work?

It is destroying everything, so how will it ever offer me you?

“I doubt it.

“It won’t offer me. It never is that easy.

“Offering me would not cause enough destruction and suffering.” And that was the primary goal of dark magic. "Why do you think even the spell that saves life requires to kill first?”

What else could it offer me?


What did it offer you?

Celestia sensed the question. “It has been biding its time for a very long time,” she mused. “But it never has made an offer to me either.”


“It knows I would see through it. So, it continues to wait for the right moment, trying to slowly wear me down at any turn, trying to influence my decisions.” The princess spoke as if it was something normal one had to deal with.

T-T-Trying to influence your decisions?

“Don’t worry. I won’t let it influence me and definitely not succumb to it." Celestia assured her, though, for a moment, it seemed as if she had recalled something terrible.

However, that expression only remained there for a heartbeat before it was replaced with a gentle smile again. “Funny thing, though?

“I know exactly what it will offer me.”

You do?

What could be the biggest desire of their almighty ruler?

What could it be that Celestia wasn’t able to get right now?

“You won’t like it…


“I-I-I have been thinking about it many times during the years.” It sounded like the princess felt the need to admit it, yet at the same time, she didn't want to do so at all.

Anything you could want you could get right now, though?

“I promise I won’t judge,” Candy assured her. “We all have those nasty thoughts from time to time.”

Thoughts like wanting to take judgment into one's own hooves instead of relying on too-lenient judges.

Never broke protocol…

Always followed the rules…

It just so happened that they were really lax for her.

“I love every single one of you… right?” Celestia was beating around the bush.

I see…

“It's ok. We know you care about us all, in general,” Candy misinterpreted the meaning. “It is totally normal that there are exceptions-”


“That’s the thing.

"If I am honest to myself, then deep down, I don't think I have for a very long time."


Rainbow took a deep breath.

What a beautiful morning.

As it turned out, the weather hadn’t changed. And upon entering the deck, Rainbow was greeted once more by a clear sky and gentle sea with the sun already shining bright.

It’s all so peaceful…

And there was this beautiful smell. At first, she hadn't really been able to place it. But now it was clear. "The sea smells so nice, Twi,” Rainbow mumbled as she turned around.

Indeed, the alicorn had also just arrived on deck as well, with Spike in her wings. The young dragon may have been awake by now. However, he definitely would have preferred not to be, trying to snuggle into the purple feathers as much as possible. “It does?” Being wary of another possible tease, Twilight took a small sniff. “You are right, Dashie,” she confirmed after a few moments. “It really does. I hadn’t noticed.” The young alicorn gave her fillyfriend a gentle smile.

Yeah… we were so busy…

Rainbow visibly cringed as the thoughts of why they had been busy resurfaced.


You actually killed a creature…

You actually wanted to-

“So, let’s have some fun, Twi!” Rainbow shut the thoughts down.

But Twilight had seen her cringing. "Is everything ok?"



As always, the past was the problem. “I just… it was a lot, Twi.” They had time.

They could talk about everything that had happened.

Just not now.

“I understand, Dashie.” Twilight had moved from behind her to next to her, now, too, gazing at the endless water surrounding them.

Gazing at the horizon.

Nothing in sight for as far as they could see. Only clear sky.

No one can find us here.

Wasn’t this freedom?

Just them?

No one there to hurt them or trying to control them?

It has to be, right?

“Hey, Dashie!” Twilight brought Rainbow out of her musings with an excited smile on her face. “You are right, we should have some fun!" The alicorn jumped onto Rainbow's previous suggestion. "Let’s do something about our odour! You know? The one you complained about so much,” Twilight started giggling.

What do you mean by that?

Rainbow was unsure how that could be considered fun.

Also, there weren’t any showers around or bathtubs, as far as she could tell.

The look of confusion was very evident on Rainbow’s face, so Twilight decided to cue her in. “Lets swim, featherbrain!” Twilight started excitedly flying towards the railing, holding Spike in her hooves. However, the closer she got to the water, the more she could feel him move with apprehension in her grip, causing her to squeeze the little dragon even tighter, making sure he knew she would look out for him and ensure he would be safe.


I am an idiot.

Rainbow smiled to herself, thinking about how she missed the obvious answer to her question.

Of course, you meant the sea and not a shower.

There was an issue, though. "Hey, Twi!”

The alicorn stopped in her tracks, hovering above the sea, waiting to hear what was up.

This is stupid…

“I can’t swim.” Rainbow deadpanned.

And until now, I honestly didn’t think I would ever need to.

Even though they had stolen the ship, the thought simply never crossed her mind. Just as it had back in Cloudsdale, the need to learn it had never shown itself until right now. In fact, Rainbow wasn’t even sure if one could learn how to swim in Cloudsdale.

Which led to her having to admit that she couldn't. Something that she felt should have been evident to her fillyfriend, and which made her feel just a bit weak as well as embarrassed for having to say it out loud.

Though she probably wasn’t the only pegasus with that problem. In fact, there were probably lots of other ponies who couldn’t swim. Not everyone had a suitable lake or river near them, after all. Especially in a City in the Sky. A city made out of Clouds.

And things like pools were also pretty rare outside of Canterlot. So why exactly would her fillyfriend just assume that she could swim?

Actually… yeah. You should know I can’t swim.

“What do you mean? We both slept pretty well, and we haven't eaten yet. Of course, you can." Twilight stated matter of factly. However, that soon turned into teasing. “Or is my little Dashie suddenly afraid of water?” the purple filly started to giggle.

Not only was it the complete opposite of the response Rainbow had anticipated, but it also hurt far more than it should have.

This was the same confident voice that had praised her just a few moments before.

A voice she was sure knew her.

And now it showed that it didn’t?

“No, Twi I’m not. I really can’t swim.” Rainbow sounded desperate now.

“Are you sure?” The purple filly looked at her as if she really couldn’t believe that that was the case.

Am I-

Of course, I am sure!

“Yes.” Rainbow deadpanned again.

Only this time, it was out of sheer annoyance at the question.

“Future you, could. So-”

“But I am not future me, am I?” Anger was starting to replace annoyance.

I am not her!

We established that!

Rainbow bit her tongue.

It really shouldn’t be that big of a deal that Twilight had assumed she could swim if her future self could.

“But… don’t they teach you-”


This time, the thought was directed at Twilight. "Why would they?" Rainbow interrupted the young alicorn.

"Well, because-"

“You need it in a city of clouds? A city in the sky?” By now, Twilight had realised she had made her fillyfriend angry. Even if Rainbow managed to contain her anger relatively well this time around, the constant interrupting was a dead giveaway.

Desperately, the purple filly tried to come up with a good reason why exactly she had assumed that Rainbow would be able to swim just like her future self. "Y-You might move and then-”

“Such a skill might be valuable? Do you think they would make all the effort for the off chance? And how could we learn anyhow? There is no river or lake up there. Also, Cloudsdale is not Canterlot. We don’t have pools up there, as far as I know. Cloudsdale is not Canterlot, after all. You forget that not everyone is of nobility.” That definitely had come out way harsher than intended.

It’s the truth, though…

A truth necessary to tell?

Tell in this way?

“Look, Twi-”

“Then why did you know how to swim…” Twilight was staring at the floor, defeated.

Why did I know how to swim?

Rainbow had a feeling her fillyfriend already knew what she herself knew to be the reason. “Maybe it was a skill that Celestia knew or at least suspected would come in handy for a bearer.”

How else would I have learnt it?

“Is that really the only answer?” Twilight whispered, even more dejected.

An immediate affirmation made the young princess wince. “It’s the most likely.”

Of that, Rainbow was convinced.

The young alicorn started to trot towards the door, her mood now wholly killed. "I am sorry for assuming… I-I will fetch a bucket or something…"

“Hey…” Rainbow placed a wing in front of her, preventing Twilight from getting past her. “Yes… you assumed… and that…

“It hurt, ok?” Rainbow confessed. “But I didn’t mean it like that… I-I-

“I didn’t intend to hurt you back.” It just so happened.

In fact…

I always hurt back, don’t I?

For the first time, she picked up on the pattern she had made her own.

Trying to hurt the ones that hurt her more.

As if it was a contest.

B-But I don’t want to hurt Twi!

She didn’t mean to!

And… do I even want to hurt ponies at all?

"Thanks, Dashie." The alicorn looked up at her. “I just… I had no right to assume that…

“I-I really don’t know you. Not truly." Up to this point, Twilight had still assumed she knew her fillyfriend.

But by now, it was clear that she not only didn't know her but also had no right to just assume Rainbow was the same as the pony she had seen in her vision at all.

Twilight had repeatedly reaffirmed that she loved the filly in front of her. Not the mare in her vision.

Only she had yet to fully act on those words.

Because actions speak louder than words, as the old saying goes.

I don’t really know you either.


“No, Dashie.” The purple filly stopped Rainbow in her tracks. “Yes. We kind of know each other… we went through a lot in a very short amount of time. And I love you…

“But I want to know you. All of you. Truly know you." A loving smile was back on Twilight's face.

Did anyone ever ask that?

To truly know me?

And… what even is there to know?

“Heh. Well, to be honest, there isn’t much to tell.” Rainbow slipped into her usual routine for when she needed to introduce herself. “I am Rainbow Da-Sparkle! The most awesome-”

Ok… that’s not what you wanted to hear.

She had kind of expected it. And Twilight's condescending stare only told her she was right on the money. “Well, what do you want to know, Twi?” she tried again.

“I want to know you, Dashie!” Twilight repeated herself. Yet, uncertainty had also sneaked into the purple fillies voice this time around.

Do we…

Do we not know how to tell about ourselves?

Could it be so hard to tell someone about who you really are?

Apparently yes. “Twi… there really isn’t-”

“No… I know there is, Dashie. Don’t say that.” Of that much, Twilight was certain. Though, maybe it would be best for her to start first. "Let me begin, ok?" Twilight attempted to muster the full force of the excitement she had just a short time ago when she wanted to swim.

“Sure. Go for it.” Rainbow cheered her on, even if the blue filly had a sneaking suspicion that it wouldn’t end well.

“Ok. So, I am-” The introduction ended earlier than the blue filly could have predicted even in her wildest dreams. “Forget it,” Twilight groaned.

Why couldn’t you even get your name out?

Oh I see …

Yeah… Ruler of the sun…

Eternal night…

And Twilight to help mend the day and night...

Your name is basically your purpose, isn’t it?

Not the most optimal way to name your child.

Then again. Naming after looks is dumb as well. As if our names are product descriptions…

Maybe not as bad as the reason Rainbow suspected Twilight got her name, yet the blue filly couldn’t help but feel a bit… constrained by it.

Yes… it’s good that I didn’t dye my mane in the end.

And I suppose I like my name…

Yet it still made her wonder.

Was it a good idea to name by looks?

“I love to read and study magic.” The blue filly was snapped back into reality. Much to her surprise, Twilight wasn’t finished after all. “I suppose, though, that by the end, all the books I did read were about magic."

“How does it work?” Rainbow interjected.

I never bothered to think about it, did I?

Was it a mixture of faith and skill, like flying?

“How does what work?” Twilight asked.

“Magic, egghead. How does magic work? What else do you think I meant?" Rainbow teased her.

“Daaashie!” the young princess whined, blowing up her cheeks in mock exasperation, and Rainbow could have sworn Twilight's head seemed more round now than before.

However, the purple filly quickly realised that now she had an opportunity to not only talk magic but also teach it to her beloved fillyfriend.“

And that was an opportunity Twilight certainly wouldn’t let pass.


"Deep down, I don't think I have for a very long time."


“For so many centuries, I have been running around doing my best to ensure that everycreature has the best life possible.

"But not because it was my idea or because I had the desire to sacrifice my existence for that.

“I did it because the empress told me to do so.” The duty she felt to honour that wish had been strong.

But the more misery she felt, the more she questioned it. “Everything I have built has been built to ensure the greatest level of control possible.

“To make sure there wouldn’t be any more great wars.

“No inventions that will destroy our world.

“All I've built up is there so that I can ensure we all live in harmony with our planet.” What a mammoth task it was.

Yet, with her sister as well as an endless amount of time, she had succeeded.

That’s… good…


“I did all that when all I wanted was a peaceful life with my sister.” However, that was impossible. “Yes. At first, being able to rule was fun, yet you quickly see that it is a curse.

“You always need to watch your back. Always need to uphold the image you have crafted.

"You can make decisions, but they will constantly be scrutinised to the greatest extent possible. And if that is the case, can you truly make decisions?

“In the end, no matter what, never will everypony, not to mention all the other creatures, be happy with you.” And she was deeply tired of it all. “Yet, taking a step back is no option either. We have seen what happens if I do." A power vacuum ripe for corruption and abuse. “I could leave entirely. However, then I risk the world around me turning against me. Not to mention it getting back on the path of certain doom that it has already walked so many times. In that regard, the empress was completely right. And even if I am an all-powerful alicorn, a planned doomed would affect me as well in the end." And so, she had asked herself the question over and over again.

The question Candy was asking herself right now. A question whose horribleness became apparent as soon as it entered Candy's mind, but that still could not be denied.

What if there were no other ponies?

No other creatures?

“You can’t.” The unicorn pleaded. “T-They don’t deserve this.”

You can’t want to commit a planet-wide genocide!

“I know… but I have no doubt this is what I will be offered.

“The ability to finally have nothing to worry about. No one else to care for anymore.” Only those she really did hold dear.

I can’t believe that those are the stakes…

This is even worse than Nightmare Moon!

Eternal night. A catastrophic scenario that might just kill them all.

But this would definitely kill everypony around her.

“Fear not, Candy. I won’t succumb to it.” Or at least Celestia knew that if she did, she wouldn’t care anymore anyway.

But you will…

You will…

And… it is my duty to not only protect you but also serve you…

I don’t know what I would do if those two tasks conflict with each other!

How far I would go!

I… I…

I can’t handle this…

Last time she couldn't handle something, innocent ponies died.

Come to think of it, those ponies did have loved ones, too, didn’t they? And they weren’t even enemies.

“Celestia! This isn’t ok!” Candy snapped. “We need to protect them! This is what you taught me!”

What have I done…

"Those with power have the responsibility to use it wisely.

"To protect those around them. The many ponies who can't protect themselves."

She could see that the princess wasn’t all that happy, that she had been snapped at. “Candy-”

“No! Look at me! Stop! Stop forcing-”

"No." Magic snapped the unicorn's mouth shut. "I can handle it. You can’t.”

I-I can…

I can’t either. But this isn’t about me.

“I won’t use any more dark magic. The little bit I am exposed to, by keeping you here and your mind clear, I can handle.” Any protest would be futile.

If only I wasn’t the only one around you…

If only…

The magic hold was released from her mouth. “Luna, Twilight and me?” Candy gently inquired.

“Yes,” Celestia confirmed. “Maybe some more ponies, but you three would be the most important.” However, she doubted that even the most powerful magic would be able to gift her with a happy life involving them all.

I am tainted…

Luna gone…


We need Twilight.

To keep Celestia safe, Twilight would need to return. Something Candy was more than willing to help facilitate. Yet there would be little sense if Twilight did not return of her own will. She was supposed to support Celestia, after all. So, Candy had to know more.

“Why did Twilight even leave?” Getting the young alicorn back needed to be Equestria's number one priority.

“It's complicated…" And at least half of the reason would make Celestia look worse than she cared for at the moment. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

Your current plan is to keep her away from you…

I will…

For you, I will need to get her back here! Even if you don’t want that!

To protect you!

Before Candy could go on any further, both pony's attention was drawn towards a flash of light that illuminated the nearby table.

Celestia walked over to it. The table was cluttered with scrolls, one still moving slightly, having just arrived.

Document after document was illuminated in magic, unrolled and hovered before the princess. With seemingly only a glance, Celestia was able to skim through each scroll, which afterwards was cast aside.

About 20 or so were left.

Is this how you handle them every day?

Candy noticed how the princess was reading one that had the insignia of the EBI on it.

Weird... I don't remember anything scheduled to be sent to her.

Cold eyes turned to Candy as they had seen similar reports hundreds of times before. However, they quickly turned to pitying eyes upon coming to a rest on the unicorn. “There has been an incident. We lost ponies. Some of them under your command.”

I-I-I lost ponies?

I lost ponies!

The unicorn couldn’t believe it. “How many…” she asked with a trembling voice.

They are my responsibility…

How could I let this happen…

Why! Why! Why!

Why again!

“Twelve.” The answer was almost nonchalant. After all, Celestia had seen countless ponies die, with many of them under her direct command.

But the young mare in front of her hadn’t.

“T-T-Twelve…” The world around her was beginning to spin.

Candy couldn’t remember if the EBI had ever lost that many agents at once in its history.

Only one question was on her mind.

“Who did this…” Anger began coursing through her.

Celestia seemed hesitant.

“Who did this!” Without thinking, the report was jerked away from the alicorn, catching the princess by complete surprise.

Yet the unicorn's desire to know was just too strong, resulting in Candy momentarily paying no mind to her behaviour towards Celestia. She simply needed to know what exactly had happened and who would do such a thing to the ponies she was directly responsible for. So Candy quickly began reading.


EBI Top Secret – Highly Urgent – For the Princess's Eyes Only

- Fort Baltimare Destroyed in Attack by Nightmare Moon Loyalists – Acolyte Presumed Dead – Severe Losses within the Equestrian Security Services-

-Detailed report to follow as soon as possible-

Today at 1:30 a.m., the Baltimare ESS office received an anonymous letter that at 2 a.m., Fort Baltimare was to be attacked by a group of highly trained soldiers led by the acolyte. A description of the acolyte’s current disguise was given with it.

Attempts to warn the fort failed at first, and so the ESS requested all available forces to help defend it from a possible attack as well as aid in the capture of the acolyte.

The Baltimare EBI office was informed at 1:44 a.m. and deemed the tip credible. The agents available at the time joined the first response team. In total, there were 16.

At 2:08 a.m., contact with the fort could be established, warning of the attack.

At 2:10 a.m., confirmation of an attack was received.

At 2:12 a.m., the first response team arrived at the fort. Information from here on is still being verified.

The first group to arrive consisted of pegasi flying towards the fighting while the remaining unicorns and earth ponies attempted to secure the perimeter, moving inside through the available entrances. Surviving witnesses reported that the acolyte attacked the first group, cutting down two EBI Agents, trying to render assistance to the soldiers within the fort and opening fire on other accompanying forces.

Recovered bodies seem to validate the reports.

From here on, the acolyte drew attention to herself, enabling the soldiers accompanying her to retreat. At the time, she was deemed the highest priority, causing her to succeed in her attempt.

An in-depth report is still being compiled. However, strange behaviour was noted by the survivors, contradicting previous behaviour patterns of the acolyte. Most concerningly, the outlined willingness to put herself at the centre of attention, neglecting to use lethal force when possible and passing up opportunities to flee or hide.

It is currently believed that this was done to cause as much damage as possible.

Once all of the first responders had entered the fort and her own soldiers were gone, the acolyte fled into a storage facility, holding explosives as well as weapons containing concentrated magic, setting them off.

The explosion, as well as the following fire, resulted in the complete loss of Fort Baltimare. The estimated time of it was 2:20 a.m.

However, it is also believed that the acolyte perished since the ESS agents at the scene, together with our EBI agents, had managed to get an anti-teleportation field working. Just before the explosion, a teleportation attempt from the fort armoury was being registered, the last place the acolyte had been confirmed to be in. The attempt was followed by several more increasingly frantic ones. But all were successfully blocked. Due to the facility only having one entrance/exit, it is unlikely that the acolyte survived. Currently, our agents are analysing the rubble to confirm or disprove the theory.

Of the 16 agents, 2 died due to the initial attack, while 10 were killed in the explosion.

It is noted that most of those who died were non-unicorns, unable to form a protective shield.

The ESS reports 14 dead ponies.

The Baltimare police force reports 4 dead officers.

The Equestrian military confirmed the deaths of 6 soldiers accompanying the first responders as well as 28 soldiers stationed at the fort. In total, the losses of the army are estimated to be 132.

Due to confidentiality, the military has refused to disclose any details on equipment loss.


EBI Deputy Director Cherry Cake on behalf of Director Candy.


The acolyte…

Again, it was her.

"We need to finally deal with them!" Candy screamed, enraged. “They had no right to do this!”

In her hooves, the report turned to ash.

What the-

“Careful there.” Celestia stared at the remains. “It is my magic that flows through you, and since it is linked to the sun, things like that can happen."


Just great…

One more thing to get used to.

But for now, I have more important things to deal with!

“We can’t ignore this anymore! I implore you! We must take action-”

"I will talk with my general staff about it. I won't hold back anymore. I promise,” Celestia assured her.


The unicorn had expected more of a fight.

After all, even if the rebels themselves had no idea, the princess had protected them for what seemed like an eternity. Though only a few knew of this fact, and even fewer why.

What you asked me…

You have made a choice between them, didn’t you?

You chose Twilight, didn’t you?

Which meant there was no longer a reason to do so.

I wanted to go after them... but not like this!

Your sister meant so much to you!

Everything was starting to get out of control.

“Candy… You are right. I need to deal with this…” An attack like this could not be ignored.

Ponies were surely already whispering about it.

And I need to deal with that, too…

“Before I leave, though, why did it say that the report was written on your behalf? There is no way that you could have told Cherry to write it.” In a rare turn of events, a suspicious glance was directed at Candy.

Just my luck…

How could her deputy director have known that she spent the entire night with the recipient?

Another thing to be mad at the acolyte about.

“I guess she was just being nice. She probably didn’t want to throw me under the bus.

"They probably tried to get a hold of me but couldn’t. After everything that happened, with me disappearing two times in a very short time period without explanation, she probably didn’t want to make me look even worse by admitting I was missing again.

"She doesn't know, after all, that you aren't truly mad at me and caused my second disappearance." Candy managed to quickly conjure up a convincing enough explanation.

Cherry is a good pony…

Who knows. Maybe this is even the truth?

"You are fortunate with her then, Candy. You should thank her." Celestia accepted her explanation.


I am, am I not?

“Wait!” She remembered why she had come in the first place. “I wanted to go over a few things with you.” However, now, there was no time anymore. “I realise that I won’t be able to, but there are two things I would still like to quickly talk about anyway.” Everything else could be addressed later.

“Sure.” The national crisis could wait a few more minutes for the princess of the sun.

“Where will I stay now?” Candy blurted out.

I asked you to ignore a national crisis to answer this?

That sounded stupid, did it not?

“Where do you want to live?” Celestia asked in return, seemingly not minding the question. However, she was also done playing pretend and acting all prim and proper for everypony. “I actually would like you to stay here,” she admitted.

I get to live in the castle!

“Gladly.” Candy was beaming.

With her! I get to live with her!


She didn’t even want to talk about the second thing anymore. Ending the conversation on this high note was just too tempting.

Yet Celestia already knew that she wanted to ask two things. “And the other question?”

“I need to go to Manehatten for an investigation. I just wanted to let you know.” As expected, the princess wasn’t happy.

But it wasn’t like this was the first time she went there. “Be careful, ok?” Celestia gave her blessing. “In addition to the reasons you know about, also because of what happened with the acolyte.

"This time, if someone wants to harm you, please remember to call for me.

“Please use the magic you know you have now if that happens.”

“I will,” Candy vowed.

“Good." For a moment, the white alicorn seemed to not know what to say. “Try to get back in one piece, Candy.”

The unicorn saw how the princess lowered her head towards her forehead.

A kiss was placed on it. “I will miss you, Candy. Be back soon.”

With that, Celestia left.

Dreamy eyes looked where she had just stood.

They didn’t even care that all instincts were telling them that this still was a kiss a mother would have given their daughter.