The Other End Of the Rainbow

by ShowShine

First published

Rainbow Dash, is the most awesome mare in Equestria. But what if she wants to be the most awesome stallion instead?

Rainbow Dash, is the most awesome mare in Equestria. But what if she wants to be the most awesome stallion instead?

A commission for FriendsForever

The Egg

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“Aw, look at Clutzershy. She looks like she’s going to cry.” Dumb-Bell teased, towering over Fluttershy. The filly whimpered, burying her face in her hair. Dumb-Bell nudged Hoops, letting out a chortle. “What should we do?” He asked. Hoops curiously looked at Fluttershy, who trembled under his gaze.

“I think we should give her a flight lesson.” Hoops suggested with a twisted grin. Fluttershy’s squeezed her eyes shut, curling up into a ball.

“Hey, idiots!” A raspy voice called from above. They looked up, seeing Rainbow Dash hovering over them. She drifted in front of Fluttershy, her hooves sinking into the soft clouds. She bowed her head and began to scowl at the colts.

“Leave her alone!” Rainbow Dash demanded. She huffed angrily, flapping her wings threateningly. The bullies broke into fits of laughter.

“Look, guys, it’s Rainbow Crash!” Score chuckled, jutting out his hoof towards Rainbow. He leaned down to Rainbow’s height, pressing their noses together. “Trying to protect your little girlfriend, Crash?” He taunted.

Rainbow Dash scowled, stomping her hoof assertively. She glared at the colts, scrunching her face in disgust. Score nudged Dumb-Bell, snickering.

“Aw, she must think she’s a boy! That’s why she’s always so defensive over Clutzershy.” Score observed. Rainbow Dash’s gaze faltered for a moment. A boy? She wasn’t a boy; that was ridiculous!

“Shut up!” Rainbow Dash shouted. The bullies laughed harder.

“Did we strike a nerve, Rainboy Dash?” Hoops teased. He turned to his posse. “She even sounds like a boy!”

Rainbow scowled, her ears pinning back. Why did they keep calling her a boy? Rainbow Dash shook her head. She couldn’t focus on that now; she needed to get Fluttershy out of here.

Rainbow rolled her eyes, turning towards Fluttershy. She pulled the yellow filly up and protectively wrapped her wing around her torso.

“Come on; we don’t need to hang out with these losers.” Rainbow said, shooting a glare at the colts.

Rainbow led Fluttershy away from the group, scowling at them until they were out of sight. She scoffed, rolling her eyes. Those three were such meatheads.

“They didn’t hurt you, did they?” Rainbow asked, inspecting Fluttershy closely. Fluttershy smiled meekly, brushing her hair out of her eyes.

“Oh, I’m fine. If you hadn’t come along, I don’t know what I’d do.” Fluttershy thanked. Rainbow Dash cockily puffed out her chest.

“Well, I am pretty awesome.” She boasted.

“Gee Rainbow, I could never be as brave as you. Their words never make you feel bad.” She gushed. Rainbow couldn’t help but frown. Fluttershy was right; she was brave. In fact, she was sure she was the bravest filly in Equestria.

Despite Rainbow being oh-so fearless, she couldn’t help but feel…odd. Those numbskulls usually never got under her skin, but something got to her. They called her a boy.

“Rainbow Dash, are you okay? You’re awfully quiet.” Fluttershy commented, snapping Rainbow out of her thoughts. She flashed a cocky smile.

“Yeah, just thinking about how awesome I am.” She boasted. Fluttershy giggled at her display. The fillies continued their conversation as they walked.

As happy as Rainbow Dash was, she couldn’t help but feel off.
“Mom, I’m home!” Rainbow Dash called out, closing the door with her rear leg. The house was refreshing compared to the near-summer humidness. She wiped the sweat off her brow.

“I’m in the kitchen!” Windy Whistles called. Rainbow walked into the kitchen, seeing her mom standing at the counter. Rainbow Dash approached her mom, lovingly nuzzling her leg.

“Hi, my little speed demon. How was your day?” Windy Whistles asked, ruffling Rainbow Dash’s hair. She beamed under her mother's touch.

“Today, I beat up a bunch of bullies.” Rainbow Dash boasted, dramatically kicking the air as a demonstration. Windy Whistles happily clapped her hooves.

“Good for you. Sticking it to the man!” She encouraged. “I made one of your favorites. Popcorn and blueberries.” Windy encouraged in a sing-song voice. She handed Rainbow Dash a bowl.

Rainbow Dash licked her lips, her stomach rumbling. Man, she hadn’t eaten since breakfast! She had spent all of lunch looking for Fluttershy.

The filly sat down at the dining room table, beginning to shovel food into her maw.

“Make sure to eat it all. I want you to grow up into a big, strong mare!” Windy Whistles advised with a playful hoof shake. Rainbow Dash scrunched up her face. Why didn’t she like how that sounded?

Rainbow picked around her food, feeling her appetite fade away. She didn’t want to eat this if she was going to grow up into a mare. That sounded gross.

She didn’t want to be one of those girly girl mares with dumb long girly hair. Rainbow pushed her bowl away, getting up from her seat.

“I’m going to my room.” She announced. Windy Whistles glanced at her daughter.

“Have fun, honey!”

Rainbow Dash flew out of the kitchen, soaring up the stairs. She couldn’t stop thinking about her altercation from earlier. Their harsh words never got to her, but this was different. They called her a boy. Rainbow didn’t know why, but that word was bouncing around in her head. It almost felt…right in a way.

Was she a boy? Now that she thought about it, she’s never felt like a girl. Rainbow didn’t like dumb frilly dresses or putting bows in her hair like all the other fillies her age. And her parents did always tell her she was rowdy like all the colts her age. She entered her room, closing the door behind her.

Rainbow Dash looked around her room. She didn’t have any girl toys. No dollhouses or girly stuffed animals. All the fillies Rainbow’s age loved stuff like that, but she found it obnoxious.

She flopped on her bed, staring at the ceiling. Well, Gilda didn’t like girly girl things either. Besides, every filly her age must’ve felt this way. If Rainbow felt this way, then everyone must’ve felt like this.

Rainbow Dash squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. She needed to stop being dumb. She couldn’t be a colt; it was impossible! She scooted across her bed, burying her face into her pillow.

Oh well, a filly could dream.

The Shell

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Too short, is what Rainbow Dash thought. Rainbow Dash was far too short. She didn’t know why that bothered her; She was the same height as all the other mares she knew. Rainbow leaned closer to her reflection, poking and prodding at her snout.

Her snout was too small for her face. It was stubbier than she wanted it to be. Rainbow Dash lifted her head, staring at her chin. It looked too bare for her liking.

“Ugh, I don’t have time for this.” Rainbow groaned, rolling her eyes. She shouldn’t be focusing on her insecurities; She was the most awesome pony in Equestria, for Celestia’s sake! Awesome ponies didn’t focus on their flaws. Besides, Rainbow had a date with Applejack and didn’t have time to stare in the mirror.

Rarity had insisted on booking them a date to the fanciest restaurant in Ponyville. As much as Rainbow hated fancy schmancy stuff, she was grateful for a free meal.

On the downside, she had to wear a dress. Rainbow Dash shuddered at the thought. She didn’t know why, but the idea of wearing a dress disgusted her.

Rainbow had considered skipping the outing entirely, but it had been a while since she went on a date with Applejack. And she didn’t want Rarity to nag her ear off for wasting her money.

“Let’s just get this over with.” Rainbow grumpily muttered. She opened her wardrobe, scanning through various articles of clothing. She only had a hoofful of dresses. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, picking a dress at random.

“Why do I even own dresses? They’re impossible to fly in.” She muttered, pulling the dress over her head. She didn’t understand the point of wearing clothes; she’s a horse, for Celestia's sake! She was meant to be free.

Rainbow looked at her reflection. She inspected herself, forcing a grin on her face. She looked just like a mare. She scowled.

Rainbow Dash entered the restaurant, keeping her head low. Her heart hammered in her chest, and her stomach twisted. Knowing that ponies could see her in this feminine state made her feel sick.

She didn’t know why this made her feel so bad; she usually loved attention. Rainbow shook her head and straightened her posture. She was fine.

The pegasus leaned on the front desk, eyeing the mare behind it. The mare put on a kind smile, clasping her hooves together.

“How may I help you, Miss?” She asked in a soft-spoken voice. Rainbow Dash grimaced. Why did she have to be all formal? Rainbow quickly looked away from the mare, inspecting her hooves.

“Yeah, I’m here under the name ‘Rarity.’” Rainbow Dash said. The mare flipped through a book, looking through pages.

“Your party has already been seated. You’ll be seated in that section.” She instructed, pointing behind her. Rainbow Dash followed where the mare was pointing.

She scanned the tables looking for her marefriend. Her eyes landed on Applejack, and her heart raced in her chest. Applejack looked as beautiful as ever. She wore a fancy gown; Rarity had made it for this occasion, no doubt.

Applejack made Rainbow Dash melt into a puddle of love. She looked stunning, as always. But of course, Rainbow would never let Applejack know she felt that way.

“Well, well, well, look who decided to show up.” Rainbow Dash joked, sitting across from Applejack.

“It took you long enough. ” Applejack playfully teased, leaning into her hooves. “You took so long I thought I was going to starve. I almost resorted to eating my hat.”

“Oh, haha. Very funny.” Rainbow Dash laughed dryly, leaning back into her seat. She looked down, noticing a glass of soda on her side of the table. Applejack must’ve ordered it for her.

“It’s not my fault you’re always early to things.”

Applejack scoffed.

“Early? You’re twenty minutes late.”

“Ahem.” A stallion cleared his throat, interrupting their playful banter. “May I take your order?”

Applejack smiled at the waiter.

“I’ll have the cobb salad.”

The waiter quickly jotted on his notepad.

“And for you, ma’am?” The waiter asked, turning to Rainbow Dash. She grimaced.

“Just hay and beets for me. And cut it out with all of that ‘ma’am’ stuff.” Rainbow instructed. The waiter cocked his head.

“What would you prefer? Sir?” The waiter half-heartedly suggested.

Rainbow Dash choked on her drink, hacking and coughing into her hoof.

“I’m fine, I’m fine. Just…go get our food.” Rainbow dismissed between coughs. The waiter quickly walked off.

“You alright, sugar cube?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah, I’m alright.” She reassured with a wheeze. “How’s it going at the farm?” She changed the subject. Applejack eyed Rainbow Dash’s demeanor before beginning to speak.

“Well, cider season is right, so-”

Rainbow Dash began to zone out, leaning into her hoof. She stared at her reflection in her drink.

Sir? Why would she want to be called a sir? That was ridiculous! It was downright silly. As ridiculous as it sounded, Rainbow Dash didn’t entirely hate being called sir. In fact-

“You alright? You’re real quiet over there.” Applejack pointed out. Rainbow Dash snapped out of her daze.

“Sorry, I kinda zoned out. What about cider season?” Rainbow gazed at her marefriend. She could worry about herself later.

Rainbow Dash tossed her dress in the corner of the room.

“By Celestia, that dress is the worst.” She groaned, stretching her wings. She didn’t even know why she had that dress. It made Rainbow feel too… feminine. She didn’t know how it was possible to feel “too feminine.” All of her friends seemed fine with being feminine.

Rainbow Dash groaned, rubbing her hooves over her face. She had no reason to be upset; she had a great day! She went out with Applejack, and they had fun!

The pegasus flopped onto her bed, snuggling under her blanket. Rainbow was clearly just tired. That’s why she was thinking that way; she was exhausted! She could just sleep it off.

Rainbow Dash quickly drifted off to sleep.

Rainbow Dash opened her eyes, drifting through clouds. Oh, she must be lucid dreaming again. It’s been a while since that has happened. Usually, she learned some kind of lesson, like how to be kind or whatever.

“Ok, what am I learning?” Rainbow Dash asked, looking around the clouds. Her eyes landed on a stallion. He was tall, broad, and handsome. He looked familiar, but she couldn’t seem to figure out why.

“Hey, what are you doing in my dream?” She approached the stallion. The stallion shrugged, a smile spreading on his face.

Rainbow Dash slowly flew around the stallion, inspecting him. Who did this dude think he was? It was rude to invade someone's dreams.

He didn’t seem to budge, no matter how hard she stared. As much as Rainbow didn’t want a stranger in her dream, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of comfort.

She sat down next to the stallion gazing at him. He remained silent, staring off into the distance. Rainbow wasn’t the type to sit in silence, but this was…nice.

“So, what’s your deal? Who are you?” Rainbow Dash asked. The stallion put his hoof on Rainbow Dash’s chest, a giddy smile spreading. Her heart sped up in her chest.

Oh. Oh.

They were one.


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“Twilight? You home?!” Rainbow Dash called, zipping down the hallways of the crystal castle. If anyone knew why Rainbow felt like this, it would be Twilight. She was such a nerd; she was bound to know something.

“I’m in the library!” Twilight responded. Of course, she was in the library. Why didn’t she check there first?

Rainbow Dash entered the library, and as she expected, Twilight’s nose was in a book. She glanced up, flashing Rainbow Dash a quick smile.

“What brings you here? Did we have something planned?” Twilight asked. Rainbow Dash shook her head.

“No, no, I’m fine. I just…need your advice on a dream I had.”

Twilight tilted her head.

“Why don’t you ask Princess Luna?” She questioned. Rainbow Dash rubbed the back of her head, avoiding Twilight’s gaze.

“I don’t wanna bother her with some boring dream.”

Twilight raised her eyebrows.

“So you want to bother me with a boring dream?” Twilight joked.

“Yeah! You’re like, the queen of boring stuff.” Rainbow responded, sitting across from the alicorn. Twilight playfully rolled her eyes, closing her book.

“What was the dream about?”

“It was really dumb; I was, get this, a stallion! And the weird part is that I liked it!” Rainbow Dash snorted. “Isn’t that just crazy?” Twilight tilted her head.

“I mean, it’s not that crazy. That seems like a pretty tame dream.” Twilight started.”Is it bothering you?” She asked. Rainbow Dash scoffed.

“Why would it bother me? Nothing bothers Rainbow Danger Dash!” She boasted, defensively flapping her wings. Twilight raised a brow.

“If it doesn’t bother you, why did you ask for help?”

Rainbow Dash pursed her lips, averting her eyes from Twilight’s gaze. She crossed her arms, sinking into her seat.

“Why did you ask for help?” She teasingly mumbled, a blush appearing on her face. Twilight playfully rolled her eyes, flying up from her seat. She looked through her bookshelves, muttering to herself.

Rainbow Dash cocked her head, squinting at Twilight.

“What are you doing?” She questioned.

“I’m looking for my book on dream analysis. Princess Luna gave it to me.” Twilight cheerfully explained. “A-ha! I found it!” She plopped the oversized book in front of the pegasus. The book made an audible ‘thud’ when it hit the table.

Rainbow Dash gazed at the book in awe. That book was massive. Man, Twilight really was a nerd if she read all of that.

Twilight flipped through the book, humming to herself. She pointed at a page, leaning closer.

“Here it is; a chapter all about seeing yourself as something, or in your case, or someone else.” Twilight announced. “It says here that if you dream about being the opposite gender, it’s a sign that you’re not happy with your current self.” She read out.

Rainbow Dash scoffed, leaning further back in her seat.

“Me, not happy? Puh-lease! I’m only the most awesome pony in Equestria.” She brushed it off. Twilight chuckled.

“Well, have you ever thought about being a stallion?” Twilight asked.

“Uh yeah; Every mare thinks about being a stallion.”

Silence filled the room.

“...No…not every mare thinks about that.”

Rainbow Dash quickly sat up, staring at Twilight in disbelief.

Really?!” She practically shrieked. Twilight shook her head. Rainbow Dash stared at the table, her jaw agape.

“If it’ll help, I’ll get you some books on gender expression.” Twilight offered.

“I’m not an egghead like you; I don’t need to read all the time.” Rainbow Dash teased, rolling her eyes. She paused, tapping her hoof against her arm.

“...I’ll take one book.”

Rainbow Dash laid on her bed, staring at the book cover. Plastered on the cover was a picture of a faceless pony looking confused.

“So you’re not comfortable with your body! Now what?” Rainbow read the title out loud. She rolled her eyes at the dumb title.

Despite her mild annoyance, she couldn’t help but feel a bit of love in her heart. She had expected Twilight to call her silly, not validate her. Despite her shock, she couldn’t help but feel proud that Twilight was there to understand her.

Even though she had the answer to her problems in the palm of her hooves, she couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous. What if she didn’t like who she turned out to be? Rainbow shook her head.

“Ok, Dash, you can do this.” She encouraged, flipping the book open.

“Do you ever feel unhappy with your body? Ever feel your height doesn’t fit you or you don’t look good enough? Snout the wrong size?”

Rainbow was in awe. That’s exactly what she felt like. Word for word, in fact.

“Well, don’t fret; this is the book for you! I know discovering yourself can be hard, so we made it easier! First, ask yourself who you want to be. What version of yourself do you want the world to see?”

Rainbow Dash paused, thinking for a moment. Who did she want to be? She wanted to be a Wonderbolt; she knew that for a fact. Rainbow wanted to be an inspiration to all. An idol, an icon.

On top of that, she wanted to be a figure anyone could look up to. Maybe an older brother of sorts.

”Try complimenting yourself! Look in a mirror and call yourself handsome or pretty. See what you’re comfortable with.”

Rainbow Dash flew off her bed, landing in front of her mirror.

Rainbow Dash stared at her reflection. She didn’t see the point of this, a few compliments would do much.

“I’m a handsome stallion.” She said with an eye roll. Her heart sped up. She loved the sound of that. “I-I’m a cool and awesome stallion!

This felt amazing. It felt right! For the first time in years, Rainbow felt free. Maybe being a stallion was what he wanted. Rainbow had been spending so much time denying who she really was. No, who he really was.

“If I’m going through with this, to know more. Now what’s next in the book?”

“Mom, Dad, you made it!” Rainbow greeted excitedly, letting his parents in.

“We were just so excited when you called us over. We could hardly wait!” Windy Whistles exclaimed with a happy leap.

“You almost never invite us. What’s the occasion, sport?” Bow Hothoof asked in a teasing manner.

To Windy Whistles' surprise, they weren’t the only ones in the house. All of Rainbow’s friends sat in various spots in the living room. She was expecting this to be a family hangout.

“Why are we here again?” Windy asked, sitting in a nearby chair.

Rainbow flew to the middle of the living room, high enough for everyone to see him.

“Everypony, I have an important announcement.”

Rainbow looked at his friends and family. They all stared at him intently, awaiting the news.

“I’m a stallion. I want to go by the name Rainbow Blitz.”

Twilight gave a soft scoff.

“Is that what this is about? I already knew that.” Twilight rolled her eyes playfully. “You’ve been borrowing books on gender expression for a week.” Rainbow Blitz glared at his purple friend.

“I wasn’t talking to you!”

“Then why did you invite me!?”

“Now, hold on.” Applejack interrupted the playful banter. “Is that why you’ve been gone for a week?” She asked.

Rainbow Blitz rubbed the back of his neck.

“Yeeeaah, I was trying to learn more about myself.” He admitted bashfully.

“Well, I’m certainly happy you’ve discovered yourself.” Rarity complimented. Fluttershy nodded in agreement.

“I’m happy too! I’m glad you’re comfortable in your own skin.” Fluttershy added. Pinkie Pie jumped up from her seat, squealing happily.

“This calls for a party! Oh, or maybe a gender reveal!” Pinkie Pie suggested. “I’ll go get the supplies!” She attempted to zip off, but Applejack pulled her down.

“Now relax, sugarcube. Let Rainbow Blitz get a second to breathe.” Applejack instructed. She gave Rainbow a sly wink, causing him to smile. Applejack always had his back.

“It’s fine. Go nuts, Pinkie.” Rainbow brushed off. Pinkie Pie happily clapped her hooves.

“Eeeee! I’ll get balloons, and presents, and cake, and-” Pinkie began to ramble. Rainbow Blitz tuned her out, looking across the room. He noticed his parents, who haven’t spoken a word since they sat down.

They whispered to each other. Were they disappointed? He sure hoped not. Rainbow Blitz landed in front of them, tilting his head curiously.

“Are you okay? I hope this wasn’t all too much.” He stated. Windy Whistles waved her hoof.

“Oh no, it wasn’t too much at all! I just wasn’t expecting such a big change.” She explained. Bow nodded his head in agreement.

“But even though it’s sudden, we want you to know we’re proud of you.” Bow added on.

Windy Whistles placed her hoof on Rainbow Blitz’s cheek.

“No matter what, I’m proud to have you as my child. I’m so proud to have you as my son.” Windy Whistles said with a wistful sigh. Bow Hothoof ruffled his son's hair.

“I’m proud of you, sport.”

Rainbow Blitz’s breath hitched, and joyful tears flooded their eyes.

“Aw, come on, guys.” He blushed, wiping the tears from his face. This is what love feels like.


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Rainbow Blitz sat alone in an office, nervously tapping his hoof. He wished he could be splayed out on the couch he was sitting on, letting all his worries wash away. Unfortunately, his nerves were shot. He didn’t know why he was so nervous; this was just a therapy appointment.

The door clicked open, catching Rainbow’s attention. A kind-looking mare walked into the room, giving him a sweet smile.

“Rainbow Blitz, is it? My name is Quill Scribble.” She introduced, sitting across from Rainbow.

Quill Scribble picked up a clipboard, reading the first page.

“It says you’re here because you made an appointment to start testosterone. What made you want to start?” Quill Scribble asked. “Just curious.” She added.

Rainbow shifted in his seat. He couldn’t admit that he got the idea from a book. It would make him look like a nerd!

I just… think it was the right time.” Rainbow half-lied. Quill nodded her head, writing something down.

“So you’re saying you would be more comfortable looking more masculine?” She asked for clarification.

“Yeah, that’s pretty much it. I think I’ll look so much cooler.” He boasted, leaning back in his seat. Quill Scribble chuckled, looking at her clipboard again.

“I see you already legally changed your name and gender.” She pointed out. Rainbow happily nodded his head.

“Yeah, it was super easy.” He admitted. All he had to do was fill out a few forms and get a new ID. It had only taken a few minutes.

Quill Scribble flipped through some more pages, humming to herself.

“Well…it seems like you’re all set! I’ll be able to fill your prescription by tomorrow!” Quill Scribbles pointed out. Rainbow Blitz’s eyebrows shot up, and his mouth slacked open.


“Mhm! You already filled out the proper documents. You stated your injection preferences, so all we need to discuss is dosage.” She happily explained.

Rainbow Blitz had to admit he thought this process would take a lot longer. Months of talking to countless doctors and therapists. Rainbow shuddered at the thought that sounded like a nightmare.

“Ok, what do I need to do?”

Sweaty. Rainbow Blitz was very, very sweaty.

“Uuuugh.” He groaned, wiping the sweat from his brow. He wasn’t even doing anything! He knew sweatiness was Rainbow Blitz splashed his face with cold water, basking in relief.

Rainbow Blitz looked up, staring at his reflection. He ran his hoof across his face. It had been two weeks since he had started hormones, and he felt…odd. Nothing was inherently wrong; he was just different.

His flank was sore from the bi-daily needles, and his skin was beginning to break out. It was like hitting puberty all over again.

Despite this, he was still happy with himself. Rainbow rubbed his chin curiously.

“Am I growing a beard?” He asked in disbelief. Leaning closer to his reflection revealed that, yes he was growing a beard. Rainbow Blitz smiled, giddily rubbing his face. He was growing a beard.

Rainbow Blitz pumped his hoof, doing a little dance. He happily looked back in the mirror, looking at the multicolored stubble. His eyes traveled up to his unruly mane. With his body temperature changing, his mane had been more of a burden than anything. It always stuck to the back of his neck.

“I should cut it,” Rainbow suggested to himself. Even though this decision was on a whim, it seemed like a good idea. He opened the bathroom drawer, pulling out a pair of scissors. He shakily held the scissors with his hooves, holding them up to his mane.

This haircut was going to look so awesome.

“Rarity, I’m here!” Rainbow Blitz called, looking around Carsoual Boutique. Rarity walked from the back, dragging various fabrics.

“Rainbow, darling, I’m so glad you made it! I’ve been dying to get a male model, and you’re just perfect!” She squealed. Rarity turned around, and her face dropped. She let out a horrified, bloodcurdling shriek, stumbling back.

Rainbow nearly jumped out of his skin, looking around the room. Nothing seemed to be wrong, but knowing Rarity, it could be anything.

“What? What is it?!” He asked, getting into a defensive stance.

“I-it’s you!” Rarity gaped in horror. “You look absolutely horrid!”

“Me?” Rainbow asked in disbelief. Rarity nodded her head, approaching her friend.

“Your mane is terrible. Did you cut it yourself? Oh, heavens, you gave yourself layers!” She marveled in disgust, inspecting closely. Her eyes widened when she saw his face. “And look at your skin!” Rarity suppressed a gag. “It’s covered in pimples.”

Rainbow Blitz scrunched his face with annoyance.

“Hey, I don’t look that bad.” He defended, flapping his wings. Rarity looked Rainbow Blitz up and down, her face riddled with disgust.

“Rainbow, honey, darling. You know I love and support you, but I can not support you when you look like…that.” Rarity scrunched up her nose. “Today's fitting is canceled! I’m giving you a makeover. Now follow me.” She commanded.

Rarity huffed, walking out of the room. Rainbow Blitz rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. He knew he didn’t look the best, but he didn’t look that bad.

Both ponies entered a back room of the Boutique. It was an old salon that rarely got any use. Rainbow had only been here a handful of times, mainly for fancy events. Rarity walked up to a salon chair, patting it.

“Sit, sit. We can’t waste any time!” She rushed. Rainbow rolled his eyes, sitting down. Rarity rummaged through some drawers, pulling out various creams and lotions.

Rarity opened a container, smearing cream over Rainbow Blitz’s face. Rainbow sputtered at the sudden contact of the cold cream.

“Hey!” Rainbow exclaimed, jerking his head back. Rarity held his head still with her magic, giving him a stern look.

“This will be much faster if you stay still.” Rarity said through gritted teeth. As much as Rainbow Blitz hated this, he knew Rarity would stop at nothing to give him a makeover.

“...Fine.” He muttered with annoyance, crossing his arms. Rarity smiled, continuing to rub the cream onto his face. Rainbow didn’t want to admit this, but it felt relaxing. Rainbow sighed, closing his eyes.

“Done! Now, we’re just going to let that sit while I fix this poor excuse for a mane.” Rarity spoke as if she was speaking to a client. Rainbow found that charming. She ran her hooves through her friend's botched mane.

“What to do, what to do?” Rarity pondered. Her eyes lit up as if she got an idea.

She levitated a pair of scissors, beginning to snip away at the split ends Rainbow had created. Rainbow listened as the scissors clipped and snipped. He felt loose strands of hair fall onto his shoulders.

“Hey, Rares, is this cream supposed to be itchy?” Rainbow asked. “It sorta feels like ants crawling on my face.”

“Oh, that means it's ready to come off. And in the nick of time, because I just finished your mane.” Rarity squealed happily. She delicately began to wipe Rainbow's face with a warm towel.

“Now, take a look at yourself!” Rarity excitedly demanded, spinning the chair around. Rainbow Blitz’s eyes widened in awe.

He looked stunning. While his skin wasn’t clear, it definitely looked better than before. His hair stopped at the nape of his neck. For the first time ever, Rainbow Blitz looked like a stallion.



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Rainbow Blitz flew through the sky, the air flowing under his wings. He felt weightless, loop-de-looping through the open sky. In his teeth, he held a package of plastic cups.

He looked down, seeing his friends sitting on a picnic blanket. Well, all except for Rarity, who lay on a fainting couch. Rainbow began to descend, now hovering above his friends.

“Hey, guys. I brought the cups.” Rainbow greeted, tossing the pack of cups onto the picnic blanket. The conversation screeched to a halt.

Woah! Your voice is so deep!” Pinkie Pie marveled in awe.

“Really?” Rainbow asked, rubbing his throat. Was it really getting deeper? He hadn’t noticed. Fluttershy nodded her head.

“Your voice is soothing. It reminds me of my bear friends.” She complimented. Rainbow’s face turned red, and he bashfully rubbed his neck. He didn’t know why, but his voice getting deeper excited him. It really showed off his manliness. It showed that he was tough.

Rainbow sat next to Applejack, stretching his legs. Man, did his body ache. He wasn’t sure why; he hadn’t been doing much lately. Rarity observed the plastic cups, twisting and turning them with her magic.

“When I asked you to bring cups, I meant something fancy. Fancy as in fine china or porcelain; Not…this.” Rarity spat out. Rainbow shrugged

“Well, I wasn’t going to spend all my money on cups.” Rainbow snorted. Rarity rolled her eyes, turning her chin up.

“It’s no matter. I brought my own.” She dragged the basket over, flipping it open. She pulled out a tea set that was way too fancy for a picnic. Rainbow Blitz stuck his tongue out, scrunching his face in disgust. If she had packed, that meant it was all gross fancy food. Those foods didn’t taste like anything.

Applejack nudged Rainbow, catching his attention. She slid over a delicious-looking sandwich.

“I got ya, sugarcube.” She whispered with a sly wink. Rainbow shoved the sandwich into his mouth, happily munching on it. Rainbow wistfully sighed, leaning onto Applejack's shoulder.

He relaxed, looking at the scenery. Rainbow Blitz had to admit, today was beautiful. The sky was clear, and the sun beamed on him.

A tug came from his wing, snapping Rainbow out of his daze. He turned around to see Twilight. She held a magnifying glass up to his wing, inspecting it closely.

“What are you doing?” Rainbow asked, tugging his wing back. Twilight jerked away, and she chuckled bashfully.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude.” She quickly apologized. Twilight leaned in again, staring at Rainbow’s wings. “I just noticed that your wings have gotten bigger!” She pointed out. Rainbow flexed his wing, staring at it. Has it gotten bigger? He hadn’t noticed. Twilight scooted a little closer.

“Can I run some tests on you?” Twilight asked excitedly. Rainbow shot her a perplexed look.

“Ugh, a test? That sounds boring.” Rainbow rolled his eyes. Twilight playfully blew a raspberry.

“It’s not that type of test. It’s just some physical check-ups. You’re the only pony I know who’s grown so much in a short span. Well, other than myself, of course.” Twilight explained.

Rainbow thought for a moment. Nothing was stopping him. He shrugged.

“Yeah, sure.”

“I’m glad you agreed to this. I’ve been meaning to update your book for months.” Twilight happily clapped her hooves. Rainbow arched an eyebrow.

“You have a book on me?” He asked. Twilight happily nodded her head.

“Mhm! I have books for all my friends! been documenting all my friends for years!” Twilight gleefully explained. Rainbow Blitz cocked his head and squinted.


Twilight whipped around, staring at Rainbow with wide eyes.

Why? What if there’s a medical emergency? The doctors need to know everything!” Twilight exclaimed. Rainbow waved his hoof, rolling his eyes.

“Alright, alright, I get it.” He rolled his eyes. He forgot how erratic Twilight could be.

“Now, let’s start with physical differences.” Twilight started. She lifted Rainbow’s head, inspecting his chin.

“I see that you’re growing a beard.” She pointed out, jotting that down. Rainbow rubbed his underdeveloped beard. Even though it wasn’t much, he was happy with it. “Your voice got deeper too.” She added on.

Twilight circled Rainbow Blitz, inspecting him closely. He looked bulkier than the last time she saw him. His stature reminded her of Big Mac.

“You’ve grown a lot since I last saw you. Does that cause any pain?”

“Yeah, I’ve been real sore lately. It’s been making it harder to fly.” He admitted. Twilight hummed, writing that down.

“I went through the same thing. It’ll fade out soon.” She reassured. Twilight looked up at Rainbow, flicking his hair from his eyes.

“Are you taller than me?” Twilight asked in disbelief. Rainbow shrugged.

“Stand over there; I want to check your height,” Twilight instructed, pointing across the room. She pulled out a tape measurer, pulling it above Rainbow’s head. She hummed, marking Rainbow’s height. She quickly looked back at the journal.

“It looks like you grew five inches!” Twilight proclaimed in surprise.

“If I keep growing at this rate, I’ll be taller than Celestia.” Rainbow joked. Twilight playfully rolled her eyes, unfurling Rainbow’s wings. She ruffled his feathers, running her hooves through them.

Twilight ran her hooves across his body, poking and prodding at his legs. She squeezed his forelegs before quickly writing something down. This was starting to feel like a doctor's appointment.

Rainbow took a peek into the journal. He noticed the words ‘muscle mass’ and ‘bigger’ thrown around a lot. He flexed, staring at his new-found muscles. He had always had muscles, but growing must have made them bigger.

As Twilight continued her work, Rainbow shuffled uncomfortably. He was sick of standing around; he wanted to fly. Rainbow always hated being in one place for so long. It made him feel like he was trapped.

Twilight eyed Rainbow’s sudden twitchy and irritable movements. She sighed, taking a step back.

“I did want to ask you some questions next…” Twilight starting, magicking up a stopwatch. “But I think you’ll appreciate a little race.”

Rainbow’s eyes lit up, and he shot up from the ground. That was more like it.

“I want to test your speed. It says here that your record around the castle is 20.14 seconds. Do you think you could beat that?” Twilight asked. Rainbow Blitz scoffed, crossing his arms.

“Of course, I can. I’m the fastest pegasus in Equestria!” He boasted. Twilight opened both sets of doors, a draft blowing in. She pointed to the door in front of her.

“I want you to fly around the castle. Go through that door,” Twilight jutted her hoof to the door behind her. “And the finish line is that door.”

Rainbow eagerly nodded, nearly excitedly jumping out of his skin. Twilight held up her hoof, holding the stopwatch up to her face.


With that, Rainbow Blitz took off. He pumped his wings, zipping down the crystal hallways. The wind blew through his short mane. Rainbow took a sharp turn, barely grazing a wall. He could see the throne room doors several feet away.

Rainbow Blitz opened his wings wider, letting the wind catch under them. He skidded to a halt, his hooves hitting the crystalized ground. He slid across the floor, panting heavily.

“How was that?!” He asked excitedly. Twilight squinted at the stopwatch.

“9.40 seconds; That’s a new record!” Twilight gasped in disbelief. Rainbow Blitz happily pumped his hoof. He did it in nine seconds flat!

“Man, that was easy. I didn’t even try.” Rainbow boasted. Twilight pointed at his wings.

“It’s because of your increased wing span.” She pointed out. “If you want, we can test your speed a bit more.”

Rainbow hopped up, desperately nodding his head. He couldn’t stand sitting around in a stuffy castle for dumb tests.

“Let’s do it!”


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Rainbow Blitz lovingly stared at his reflection, flexing his muscles. He wore a loose red flannel with a yellow baseball cap. It was much better than any dress he had ever worn. It was freeing and cozy, just as he liked it.
Rarity had insisted on making it for him. ‘If you’re going to look like a vagabond, at least let me design your outfit.’ He recalled Rarity saying.

Because of this, she had spent days designing it for him and an even longer time using him as a model. Rainbow would never admit it, but that was the first time he had enjoyed modeling.

He flapped his wings, puffing out his chest. Rainbow flicked his shirt, watching the fabric flow. Oh yeah, he looked good.

The stallion lifted his head, rubbing his newly formed goatee. It was prickly against the underside of his hoof. Just like his mane, it was rainbow-colored. Pretty cool, if he did say so himself.

Rainbow glanced at his novelty Daring Do clock that hung on the wall. He blinked in surprise, squinting at the clock.

“12:30 already?” Rainbow asked in disbelief. He had spent way too long admiring himself. But who could blame him? He looked awesome.

Rainbow finally tore his eyes from his reflection. He hopped up, flying out a nearby window. Today was his special day.

Rainbow Blitz sauntered into a restaurant, patting down his wind-stricken mane. Ponies talked loudly, trashy pop music blasted, and the staff looked uncaring. This is exactly what he hoped it would be.

He had begged Rarity to not take him to some fancy restaurant. He thanked Celestia above that Pinkie had taken the event into her own hooves. He knew Pinkie would follow his instructions to a t.

“Over here Rainbow Blitz! Over here!” Pinkie Pie squealed from the back of the restaurant. She hopped around, much to the other restaurantgoers' dismay. Rainbow chuckled, flying over to his friends.

The area his friends sat was covered with streamers and balloons. Taped on the wall above was a poster that read “Happy One Year!” written in colorful marker. Under the writing was a poorly drawn picture of Rainbiw Blitz.

The decor stuck out like a sore hoof, the bright colors clashing against the restaurant's darker interior. Despite this, Rainbow Blitz couldn’t help but smile at his friend's effort.

Rarity scoffed, dramatically pulling a pocket watch from the top of her dress.

“It took you long enough. I nearly starved!” Rarity draped her arm across her forehead. Rainbow blew a raspberry, squeezing next to Applejack and Pinkie Pie.

“Relax, I’m only 2 minutes late.” He scoffed, dismissively waving his hoof.

“More like thirty minutes. Applejack already ordered for you.” Twilight said with a playful eye roll.

“Thanks, babe.” Rainbow thanked, pecking Applejack's cheek. Applejack tilted her hat forward as if to say, ‘You’re welcome.’

“And of all of the places you decided to eat. This place is simply uncouth!” Rarity scrunched her face in disgust. Rainbow shrugged, leaning into his hoof.

“Well, it’s my big day. I get to choose where we eat.” Rainbow said with a hint of smugness. Rarity huffed, mumbling something under her breath.

Pinkie Pie leaned over, placing her head on Rainbow’s shoulder. She could barely conceal her overenthusiastic grin.

“Sooo, how do you feel?” Pinkie asked, excitedly tapping her hooves on the table.

“Feel about what?” Rainbow asked, tilting his head.

“You’ve been a stallion for one! Full! Year!” She exclaimed, pumping her hooves in the air.

“That’s quite a big achievement.” Fluttershy agreed.

“Well…I don’t feel very different. I still feel like me,” Rainbow started, “But I guess I feel happier.” He gushed.

Pinkie Pie happily bounced in her seat, clapping her hooves.

“I’m glad you’re happy ‘cause I made a cake just for the occasion!” She reached under the table, pulled out a cake, and slammed it down. Bits of frosting flung from impact.

Rainbow stared at it in awe. The cake was massive, towering over the group with five layers. Each layer was colored beautifully with blue, pink, and white. It wouldn’t surprise Rainbow if she had spent weeks making that.

“Let’s eat!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“Now, hold on.” Applejack interrupted. “We should wait until after lunch.” She reasoned. Pinkie hummed, tapping her chin.

“Hm, I guess you’re right.” She said with a shrug, shoving the cake back into Celestia knows where.
“Here's your food.” The waitress interrupted, loudly smacking gum. She levitated the food onto the table.

Rainbow happily stared at his overly greasy hay burger. Applejack knew him well. His stomach rumbled rather loudly.

“It sounds like someone’s hungry.” Applejack teased with a chuckle. Rainbow licked his lips, getting eager to dig in. Rarity levitated her glass, tapping it with a fork.

“Before we eat, I would like to propose a toast.” Rarity announced. Rainbow Blit groaned, rolling his head back.

“Come on.” He groaned. Rarity glared at him.

“Oh hush, this is important.” Rarity said between gritted teeth. She put on a smile, fixing her mane.

“I am absolutely elated that my dear friend Rainbow Blitz has discovered himself for who he truly is. I wish for him to have the best future.” Rarity rose her glass. “To Rainbow Blitz!” Rarity cheered.

“To Rainbow Blitz!” The rest mimicked, lifting their glasses in the air. Rainbow Blitz grinned ear to ear, raising his glass above his head.

“To me!”