Filmatic Escapades: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers the Movie

by Toonwriter

First published

The Mane Six and their friends embark on their second movie adventure right after hearing news of Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow's freedom.

After hearing news of Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow being freed by new enemies, Twilight and her friends were summoned to the theater for their second movie adventure.

Compared to last time, this is going to be an even greater movie for the ponies to enter, especially since something very special will happen to them.

Grave News and Return to the Movies

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It was another typical day in Ponyville. Twilight Sparkle and her friends, along with Starlight Glimmer, Trixie Lulamoon, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Toola Roola, and Coconut Cream, were walking along, minding their own business. They were still relishing the adventure they had at the Grand Palace Cinema just the other day.

“I heard of immersive theater, but the Grand Palace Cinema takes it to a whole ‘nother level!” Applejack commented.

"I'll say! I can't wait to go on another adventure in that place!" Rainbow agreed in excitement.

“Who knows what other crazy things we could encounter next time?” Pinkie spoke with eagerness.

"And that's not all!" Nyx said with a smile, "Because of how well they did alongside us the other day, Toola Roola and Coconut Cream are now new members of the Cutie Mark Crusaders!"

"That's great!" Twilight exclaimed proudly.

"And it's great to be part of a group of good friends, too!" Toola Roola remarked happily.

"It's wonderful to see your group of friends is getting even bigger, my little ponies." Twilight said with a smile.

"I agree! How could it get any better than this?" Spike asked happily. Just then, he looked like he was gonna barf, until he belched out a scroll with his magic fire.

Twilight looked curious, “It’s been a while since that last happened.”

"What's going on?" Starlight asked in confusion.

"It's a message from Mom!" Ben Valorheart exclaimed.

Every pony gathered around as Twilight opened the scroll and began reading it.

Dear Princess Twilight,

I need you and your friends to come to my castle immediately. It's a very urgent and serious emergency, and I'm having all of you be the first to know what is happening since you're Equestria's greatest heroes. Please hurry, Equestria needs your help.

“A serious emergency?” Fluttershy asked, suddenly looking concerned.

"What could be the problem?" Rarity asked in concern.

"Only one way to find out: We must go to Princess Celestia so that she can explain to us what happened," Twilight said seriously.

"We better get to Canterlot right away, then!" Applejack exclaimed.

Without any disagreements or second thoughts, the Mane Six, Spike, Nix, Ben, and Phobos rushed for the train station where they hopped onto the first train to Canterlot. During the whole trip there, they couldn’t help but wonder what could be urgent enough to have their presence needed with the Princesses.

Soon, they arrived at Canterlot, headed to its castle, and went inside it. Once they entered the throne room, they saw where Princesses Celestia and Luna resided, both looking very serious.

“Princess Celestia, Princess Luna.” Twilight greeted them, bowing to the two with respect, “We got your message and came as soon as we could.”

"Twilight, Ben, Nyx, thank goodness you have come." Celestia said in a serious and worried tone, "Something terrible has happened."

"What happened, mother?" Ben asked in concern.

"Do you recall the statue of Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow?" Luna asked.

“Yeah. Why?” Spike inquired, looking concerned.

"Well, the statue is gone, and what's left of it are stone fragments," Luna replied grimly.

Twilight gasped in worry, “You don’t think this means…”

"That's right," Celestia said with a worried expression, "Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow... are free!!!"

"Oh, no!" Nyx cried.

"Three of Equestria's most dangerous villains freed from their stone prison?!" Ben asked in shock, "How?!?"

Fluttershy stuttered, not sure how to get the right words out to convey her shock over this news. She instead collapsed onto her back with her legs pointed up in the air.

"Fluttershy!" Twilight cried on noticing this.

"I got this!" Rainbow exclaimed as she flew over and whispered to the fainted Pegasus, "Fluttershy? Angel got into the carrots without permission again."

Upon hearing that, Fluttershy yelped before getting up, looking annoyed as she scolded, "Angel! Get out of...." She noticed the others sighing in relief before realizing what was going on. "'re saying that to wake me up, did you, Rainbow?"

"Yeah, sorry, it's the only way to do so," Rainbow admitted to her friend with a shrug.

"Well, thanks anyway," Fluttershy said.

“Did they ever find out who let them free?” Applejack asked the princesses.

"One of the guards who happened to be there told us exactly what he saw that night, including who let them free." Celestia explained.

“What’d they look like? Just say the word and we’ll take them down!” Rainbow exclaimed, looking determined.

"According to the guard, there was a red skeletal humanoid figure, a brown-clad witch, a winged lion-like creature wearing gold armor, a female wearing scorpion-like armor, a half-white, half-camouflage-color skeleton, a short, blue-skinned hobgoblin-like creature with a large horn, a dark blue vampiric creature that looks like a cross between a monkey and a crippled-winged bat, a white bird-like creature, and an armored pig," Luna explained.

“Did he see where they went?” Spike asked.

"He couldn't, because the red figure knocked them out with a lightning spell." Celestia replied.

All of the ponies and dragons exchanged worried and concerned looks. Now that their enemies were free and roaming the world to cause trouble, they knew their troubles were at an all-high time once again.

The worried look on Nyx's face turned to determination as she spoke, "Well, wherever they are, we'll find them, and we'll stop them before they could even get a chance to conquer Equestria!"

“Yeah, but where do we start?” Spike asked.

"That's a good question, Spike." Applejack remarked.

"For the time being, keep your eyes and ears open for when something involving Tirek, Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, and their liberators comes up." Celestia informed the group.

Twilight nodded, “We will, Princess Celestia.”

"Hmmm, from those descriptions, that means only one thing...." Pinkie said as she began to think thoughtfully.

"Yes?" The others asked their friend, wondering what she was suspecting.

"These new guys are....from another dimension!" Pinkie boomed out as organ music begins to play dramatically.

"Discord? Did you have to play that now?" Luna asked Discord in annoyance as she glanced at the former villain playing the organ nearby.

"Sorry, I can't help myself," Discord said with a shrug.

"Oh, oh! Do the baseball theme!" Pinkie exclaims happily as she bounces up and down.

"Certainly!" Discord spoke like Curly Howard as he played the "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" song.

"Pinkie, you and Discord are so random," Rainbow said in annoyance.

"But Pinkie does have a point," Ben spoke seriously. "If what she said is true, these new villains must be from another dimension!"

Discord played the dramatic music again. Luna glanced as she spoke, "In that case, it's your task to find out where these intruders are from."

"We will, Princess Luna. You can count on us." Twilight said.

Then the group began making their way out of the castle to head back to Ponyville. Unknown to Twilight and her friends, Celestia, and Luna, a familiar pony was watching them from a big globe of light. He had a serious look on his face as he watched and listened to the whole conversation.

"As I said, this is only the beginning." Bethesda remarked, "Those descriptions that Luna mentioned... I know exactly who they are, and especially where they're from. It's time to bring Twilight and her friends over." He smirked a bit as he added, "And I wouldn't mind my theater having some spectators, too, like a few certain ponies who adventured with them last time. So, I think I shall, uh... use the map."

Then the dark blue unicorn closed his eyes as his horn started glowing.

Meanwhile, back in Ponyville, Twilight's group got off the Canterlot Express at the train station.

“I still can’t believe it; Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow are on the loose again.” Applejack mused, still trying to let the news sink in.

"Discord's not gonna be happy about this." Fluttershy said in worry.

"Yeah, and finding them could take a long time," Rainbow added.

"We'll think of something," Ben assured the others.

"Yeah." Nyx agreed. Just then, she heard a pulsating sound before she turned to her cutie mark, which was glowing and pulsating. "My cutie mark!" She gasped.

“Hey, mine too!” Pinkie exclaimed, noticing her cutie mark glowing and pulsating as well.

"All our cutie marks are glowing!" Twilight gasped upon looking at hers, then everypony else's.

"Your cutie marks aren't the only thing glowing!" Spike remarked, "Look at my head!"

The group turned and gasped in amazement that the green scales on the top of the purple baby dragon's head were reacting the same as their cutie marks.

"Why, Spike! You're being called by the map, too?!" Rarity asked in shock.

"It looks like he is, and so am I!" Phobos exclaimed, showing the moon on the tip of his tail reacting just like Spike's head and the ponies' cutie marks.

“That can only mean one thing…” Twilight mused, “The Cutie Mark Map is calling us!”

"Then we better head back to the castle and check the map right away!" Applejack spoke.

"Let's go!" Ben shouted as the group trotted/flew towards the castle.

As they galloped/flew towards the castle, a familiar voice cried out, "Hey, wait for us!" A familiar voice cried out.

While dashing towards the castle, the group turned to see Starlight, Trixie, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Toola Roola, and Coconut Cream catching up to them until they were running alongside them.

"Starlight! Trixie! Cutie Mark Crusaders!" Twilight exclaimed in surprise, "Is the Cutie Mark Map calling you, too?"

"Yeah, and that's the first time it ever happened to me and Coconut Cream!" Toola Roola spoke in an excited tone.

"And Trixie, too!" Trixie added with pride.

"It must be important to summon all of us at once!" Scootaloo remarked.

“Well, what’re we waitin’ for?! Let’s move!” Apple Bloom exclaimed, making haste for the Castle of Friendship.

Once inside the castle, the group, including the CMCs, Starlight, and Trixie, ran up to the Cutie Mark Map.

They all carefully looked over the map of Equestria, wondering where it could be summoning them to. It didn’t take them long to notice that their cutie marks and scales were hovering over…

"Hope Hollow?" Trixie asked in confusion as she raised an eyebrow.

“What, is it summoning us there to see another movie?” Starlight joked.

"Right, and if it's the case, that means that Pinkie may be right." Rainbow spoke. "And our new enemies are from another dimension!"

Dramatic music was heard as everyone saw Discord playing the organ once more.

"Okay, will you stop doing that?" Twilight snapped at Discord in annoyance. "We aren't turning this into a running gag."

"Sorry. I'll be off now." Discord said with a slightly sheepish grin before he and the organ disappeared with a snap of his fingers.

"Hmm... Well, Bethesda did say that his theater is magical." Twilight said, getting back to the subject.

Rainbow gasped before she asked in shock, "What if those villains Princess Luna mentioned are from one of those films?!"

“You mean they could be going to the movies, too?” Spike asked.

“But to cause problems in said movies?” Pinkie added, looking worried.

"Oh, my gosh, you might be onto something, Rainbow Dash!" Twilight exclaimed in worry, "We better get to Hope Hollow right away!"

"Villains?" Starlight asked in confusion, "What are you girls talking about?"

"There is a new group of villains, and thanks to their leader, Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow are free!" Nyx explained urgently.

The pink-furred unicorn was at a loss for words the second she heard the black Alicorn say that. “… what?”

"Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow are free?!" Sweetie asked in shock and horror.

“How’d they even do that?!” Scootaloo exclaimed, looking panicked.

"By cracking them wide open," Nyx explained clearly.

"What kind of dark magic does that new villain have?" Coconut Cream asked in worry.

"I don't know, Coconut, but somehow, we've got to stop all those villains and save Equestria, and possibly, other worlds!" Twilight said with determination.

"Then it looks like we'll have to use the hot air balloon to fly to Hope Hollow again," Applejack remarked.

“I doubt this time, we’ll get there in the blink of an eye.” Rarity couldn’t help but comment.

Just then, at that very moment, the same bright rainbow glow that happened to the group during their hot-air balloon travel started occurring again. This time, it was right where they were standing.

“What in tarnation?!” Applejack exclaimed.

"It's that rainbow glow from the other day!" Apple Bloom cried.

"Why use a hot air balloon to come to my theater, when I could just teleport all of you?" A familiar voice asked rhetorically, echoing from the glow.

"Bethesda!" Twilight gasped, recognizing the voice.

Trixie looked confused, “Has he been watching us this whole time?”

"Yes." Bethesda's voice boomed out. "But not the private parts when you use the bathrooms. Even I got standards."

"Oh, good." Trixie said with a nod of confirmation.

"My Pinkie Senses must've tingled somehow during our trek back to Ponyville!" Pinkie exclaimed.

Rainbow looked at Pinkie. “How’d you not feel your own Pinkie Sense?”

"Well, duuuuuh! The author just mentioned it." Pinkie explained playfully to Rainbow. "And now his friend just mentioned it. And this. And this. And...."

Get on with it, Pinkie!

"Oops, sorry." Pinkie spoke sheepishly. "Anyway, my Pinkie Sense comes and goes. Besides, I felt a tingle in my head and my flank during the train ride back to Ponyville, but then it stopped. It felt like somepony was triggering my Senses with magic on purpose."

"Right on the mark, Pinkie Pie." Bethesda's voice said, "Now, hang on tight, my little ponies, as I summon you all."

Then the rainbow glow flashed very brightly, enveloping Twilight and the rest of the group gathered around the Cutie Mark Map.

A moment later, as the flash subsided and the group unshielded their eyes, they slowly opened them and saw, to their amazement, that they were right at the front of the Grand Palace Cinema.

“Wow! We’re back!” Spike exclaimed in surprise.

"That was even quicker than the last time!" Ben spoke in astonishment.

"Come on, as they say, let's go to the movies." Twilight spoke to everyone with a grin.

"We're with you, Twilight!" Starlight said with a grin, and she and the rest of the group went inside the theater.

"Man, I still can't get enough of this place!" Rainbow exclaimed as she looked around the interior.

"Boy howdy, and the staff is still so nice," Applejack spoke, waving to a pony who is working the concession stand.

"We went to that theater the last time when we experienced The Pagemaster," Nyx said as she pointed at a certain set of doors.

“I wonder what movie we’ll experience this time around?” Fluttershy spoke aloud.

“I hope it’s a movie about two star-crossed lovers who meet on an ill-fated voyage and the boy saves the girl in more ways than one.” Rarity commented dreamily with a content sigh.

"Ugh, not a chance," Rainbow remarked dryly. "I rather it sink!" The white unicorn frowned at her as the blue pegasus continued, "In fact, I'd rather it be an action film! A superhero film! An adventurous film!"

"Maybe you wanna be the Last Action hero!" Rarity remarks, giving the same dry comment as she did.

"No way, that would be mission impossible!" Rainbow scoffed right back.

"Now, girls, let's not fight." Fluttershy spoke calmly to her two friends, "I'm sure whatever we're seeing is good as what you're suggesting."

Then a spotlight shone on an area with another set of doors close to the group.

"There's our theater, everypony." Toola Roola announced upon noticing.

"Bethesda is no doubt in there." Coconut Cream stated.

"Then let's get inside," Twilight said.

The doors opened by themselves with a glow as the group headed into the theater. Sure enough, waiting inside was Bethesda as he stood before a film screen.

"Welcome, my little ponies." The dark blue unicorn greeted Twilight and her group as they walked up to him.

“Hello again, Bethesda.” Twilight greeted in response.

"So what's the scoop, Bet?" Ben asked Bethesda curiously. "Does it involve whoever just broke our enemies out of that statue?"

"Why did you summon us all here?" Fluttershy asked the owner of the theater.

"I'm glad you asked, Ben and Fluttershy." Bethesda replied, "I have been watching you from my special globe. I watched and heard everything between you all and Princesses Celestia just now, including what happened last night."

"You mean you know about Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow's escape along with the new villains?" Apple Bloom asked in amazement.

"As a matter of fact, regarding the villains Luna described to you- I know exactly who they are," Bethesda said with a serious look on his face.

“Really? Who?” Spike asked.

"The villains are precisely from one of the films in my theater," Bethesda replied.

"I knew it!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Where can we find them?" Twilight asked Bethesda.

The dark blue unicorn pointed to the screen behind him as he replied, "You will find them right in this movie because that's where the red leader and his associates are from."

"Well, then, let's all go in that film and kick some flank!" Apple Bloom shouted with confidence, "When we're with the Mane Six, Ben, Nyx, Spike, and Phobos, we'll be ready for everything!"

"Yeah!" Sweetie, Scootaloo, Toola Roola, and Coconut Cream shouted in unison.

"I'll go, too, for Princess Twilight!" Starlight added with a confident smirk of her own.

"And so will the Great and Powerful Trixie!" Trixie added with a grin.

"Sorry, ponies, not this time," Bethesda said as he looked at the ponies that wanted to join the Mane Six, Ben, Nyx, and the dragons.

“Wait, what?” Starlight said in confusion.

"Why not?" Apple Bloom asked.

"This mission requires only the Mane Six, Ben, Spike, Nyx, and Phobos," Bethesda replied.

Trixie looked disappointed. “I was looking forward to taking down some bad guys.”

"Me too," Scootaloo said.

"Don't worry, little buddy." Rainbow assured Scootaloo, "I'm sure you and your friends along with Starlight and Trixie will go with us on another adventure."

"Or perhaps y'all could get in this adventure in a different way," Applejack added, "Ya never know."

"Ah hope you're right, Applejack." Apple Bloom said.

"So Bethesda, since you said the new villains are from this film, does that mean it's gonna be an action film?" Rainbow asked a bit eagerly.

"As a matter of fact, it is," Bethesda replied with a nod.

“So that means we might encounter superheroes??” She asked even more eagerly, her wings slightly flapping to show her excitement.

"You could say that." Bethesda replied with a wink.

“OMIGOSHOMIGOSHOMIGOSHOMIGOSHOMIGOSH!!!” Rainbow chanted excitedly, wings flapping even harder.

"In fact, this film is full of surprises for all of you," Bethesda smirked.

The ponies and dragons all exchanged looks of curiosity. All of them were wondering what Bethesda had meant by that, but weren’t sure how to ask him.

"What surprises are in this film?" Twilight asked.

"You'll know soon enough," Bethesda replied, "Until then, get ready to enter the portal."

With that said, the Mane Six, Ben, Spike, Nyx, and Phobos got onstage, Rainbow flying on ahead and landing on and trotting in place a bit eagerly.

"Good luck, you guys!" Starlight said as she, Trixie, and the CMCs took their seats.

"Yeah, kick those villains' butts for us!" Trixie added.

"Don't you worry, we will!" Nyx assured the blue unicorn with confidence.

"Before you enter the film, take heed of these coming words," Bethesda instructed Twilight and her group just after the countdown on the screen reached zero.

“What are they?” The lilac Alicorn asked.

Just then, as the screen shows a field of stars, a soothing female voice got the attention of everypony in the theater as it spoke the following words that appeared:

Centuries ago, a legendary inter-dimensional being known as Zordon came to the city of Angel Grove to establish a command center for his never-ending struggle against evil. With the aid of his trusted assistant, Alpha 5, the noble master sought six extraordinary teenagers and gave them the power to transform into a superhuman fighting force. In time of great need, the young heroes could use their powers to call upon colossal assault vehicles known as Zords. The identity of the six remained a guarded secret. Today, that tradition continues...

Twilight and her friends inwardly read the narrated words as they appeared on the film screen. They couldn’t help but wonder who this Zordon was and his assistant Alpha 5. All these questions continued through their minds before a bolt of lightning flashed across the screen, nearly startling them as they looked back at it. Now displayed on the screen was what they assumed was the film’s title:

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Just then, a bolt of lightning struck just underneath the title, displaying two more words underneath.

The Movie

"Cool!" Rainbow exclaimed with a grin.

“Mighty Morphin Power Rangers…” Spike read in awe.

"Awesome title!" Nyx exclaimed.

"Is this movie supposed to be based on a TV series?" Pinkie asked her friends curiously. "And not really canon to it but is still neat?"

"Ah believe it is, Pinkie," Applejack replied.

"Come on, let's go!" Twilight said to the others.

"Um... okay," Fluttershy said timidly.

"Don't worry. You and your friends will be fine." Bethesda assured the yellow pegasus, "In fact, perhaps you'll need this spell I'll put on you once you entered the film."

"What spell, darling?" Rarity inquired curiously.

"To turn you all human, of course," Bethesda replied.

"Human? Like how I looked when I went to Canterlot High?" Twilight replied.

"In a way, but this is a little different," Bethesda said.

The lilac alicorn looked both confused and intrigued. She wasn't sure how this spell to turn her and her friends human could be any different from the humanoid form she had assumed any time she had journeyed with Spike to the world of Canterlot High. However, she figured she would like to see what Bethesda had meant for herself.

"What do you mean different?" Nyx asked in curiosity.

"You'll soon find out, my little ponies," Bethesda replied.

“Well, in that case, ready, everypony?” Twilight asked.

"Ready, Twilight!" Rainbow replied with confidence.

And then the group headed inside the movie screen to start their second filmatic escapade.

“Good luck, my little ponies.” Bethesda spoke as the group walked through the screen.

And with that, he, Starlight, Trixie, and the CMCs all began watching the film. Only Bethesda knew this, but Twilight and her friends were about to have what could be their greatest film adventure yet.

Arrival in Angel Grove

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In another world, a small yellow plane flew through the sky.

"Whoo-hoo! Come on, we're outta here!"

Inside the plane, the cheer came from a teenage boy with short brown hair. He was wearing what looked like a red and white skydiving suit.

"Easy, Rocky." A girl with long brown hair told the boy, despite being excited herself. She wore a pink and white skydiving suit.

Another teen boy- this one with longer brown hair pulled back in a ponytail and wearing a mostly white skydiving suit- stood up. “All right, guys. We’re fifteen seconds to the drop zone.”

Three of the other teens- two boys and one girl- cheered with enthusiasm. One of the boys had dirt blond hair and wore a blue and white skydiving suit while the other boy looked Asian-American, had curly black hair, and wore a black and white skydiving suit. As for the girl, she was African-American, her long black hair braided in dreadlocks, and she wore a yellow and white skydiving suit.

"All right, pinheads, the Stealth Eagle's about to fly!"

The six teenagers turned their attention to a teen who looked a bit on the heavier side. He was wearing what looked like a black leather aviator’s cap and a black vest with a light purple skydiving suit underneath. Interestingly enough, pinned on his vest was what looked like a cop’s badge. Next to him was a much skinnier teenager with jet-black hair and a black skydiving suit. Around his neck was a scarf patterned with skulls and in his arm, he carried a helmet with a rainbow-colored Mohawk.

“Ditto for the Swooping Swallow!” The skinnier teen boastfully added.

Smiling in amusement, the African-American girl just spoke, "Well, lead on, flyboys."

The two looked hesitant at first but nodded and slid open the door. When they looked out, they looked entirely shocked to find they were thousands of feet above the ground.

“That’s a lotta air!” The skinnier teen exclaimed.

"After you, Skull!" The heavy teen said.

"What are you, crazy?!" The skinny teen, Skull, asked in annoyance while glaring at the fat boy, "This was your idea!"

“Hey guys.”

Skull and the other teen, Bulk, turned to look at the brunette teen girl.

“You might wanna slip those on.” She said, gesturing to two parachute bags behind her.

The two boys looked at each other as they said in unison, "Good idea."

As Bulk and Skull went to put on their parachute bags, the blond blue-clad boy, Billy, checked his watch. “All right, guys. We’re three seconds away from the target zone.”

“Aisha, you’re on!” The white-clad teen, Tommy, said to the African-American girl, Aisha.

"Yes!" Aisha confirmed before she jumped off the plane, "STYLIN'!"

“ON YOUR TAIL! WHOO!!” The Asian American boy, Adam, called as he hopped out of the plane next.

"All systems GO!" Billy shouted as he jumped off next.

Next, the red-clad teen, Rocky, jumped out. “BANZAI! WHOO-HOO!!!!”

The brunette girl, Kimberly, put her hand on Tommy's shoulder as she said, "Show 'em your stuff."

“Got it.” Tommy replied before jumping out, a surfboard buckled to his boots, “SURF’S UP! WOO-HOO!!!! YEAH!!!!”

Kimberly then turned around, facing Bulk and Skull, giving a thumbs up while grinning as she said, "Catch you on the flip side!" Then she jumped backward off the plane.

As they dove through the sky, the six teenagers did a few flips and spins, making each flip and spin look stylish. Tommy himself was practically surfing through the air. Pretty soon, they formed a circle after joining hands.

Billy gave a chuckle while Rocky exclaimed with a grin, "Yeah, all right!" The others laughed gleefully while they all looked back and forth to each other. "All right, yeah!"

"All right, guys! Let's break!" Tommy said with a big smile on his face.

Then they broke their circle as they drifted apart before they all activated their parachutes, one by one. With their parachutes opened, the teens made their way to their target landing zone.

Meanwhile, down on the ground in Angel Grove Park, there was a huge gathering. Unknown to the people in the crowd, seven teenagers and a boy and a girl, both about twelve years old walked in through a portal that appeared from out of nowhere. Two of the teens along with the boy and girl were walking fine, but the rest of the teens were walking on all fours just like a familiar purple cute and fluffy dog.

The violet-haired teen looked at the girls on all fours in confusion. "Why're you guys walking like that?"

"Yeah, you're not ponies anymore." The 12-year-old girl, Nyx, added.

The violet curly-haired teen, Rarity, looked to herself as she slowly stood up. She realized she was wearing what looked like a white business suit with matching heel shoes.

“Oh, my. Am I dreaming this?” She asked in awe.

"If you are, then we're all havin' the same dream." The blonde-haired teen, Applejack, remarked in amazement as she slowly stood up. While she still had her signature hat, she noticed that she was also wearing an orange t-shirt with blue jeans and brown cowgirl boots that matched her hat.

The poofy pink-haired teen, Pinkie Pie, stood up, looking excited. She was wearing a light pink T-shirt, pink shorts, and white and light pink sneakers. “Ooh, this is really neat!” She exclaimed, looking at herself.

Once she stood up, the rainbow-haired teen, Rainbow Dash, looked at herself with a grin. She was wearing a light blue t-shirt, blue athletic shorts with white lines on the sides, and light-blue slip-on shoes. "I look awesome as a human, almost as much as a Pegasus!" However, she found herself beginning to lose balance because she wasn't used to standing on just two legs. The rainbow-color-haired teen would have fallen on her rear end if Fluttershy, wearing a sleeveless yellow dress and matching slip-on shoes, hadn't caught her.

"It... might take some getting used to," Fluttershy commented sheepishly.

Twilight looked herself over. She was wearing a lilac vest with a white dress shirt underneath, blue pants, and lilac shoes. "I gotta admit, this is kind of different from when Spike, Nyx, Phobos, Ben and I visited Canterlot High."

"I agree! Look at our skin!" Nyx exclaimed in excitement as she looked herself over, too. She recognized her outfit from back when she and her family went to Canterlot High.

"I remember these cool clothes." Ben remarked with a chuckle as he looked at himself, "Never thought I'd be wearing them once again."

Spike looked himself over, noticing he was wearing an unbuttoned short-sleeved purple shirt with a light green striped t-shirt underneath, purple shorts, and purple and white sneakers.

“This is new…” He commented, even noting how he had green hair.

Nyx looked at Spike and gasped in amazement, "Spike, you're a boy!"

Spike looked confused, “Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”

"No offense, but I thought you were gonna be a dog like last time," Nyx replied.

“Oh! That!” Spike replied, smiling, “Feels good not being a dog for once. Not that I… didn’t like being a dog.”

"Well, dog or human, you're still a good friend, Spike," Nyx said happily.

"Aww, thanks, Nyx," Spike said.

"And look at me, back to being cute and fluffy!" Phobos exclaimed happily as he showed off his dog form.

"You said it, Phobos!" Applejack remarked as Nyx hugged and nuzzled her pet.

"Look at all those humans!" Fluttershy exclaimed in amazement.

"Yeah, or as Megan said they're called, people," Twilight added.

"I wonder what's the big attraction?" Rainbow asked with a raised eyebrow.

“With the arrival of Ryan's Comet just two days away, the Angel Grove Jump-a-thon will breathe new life into the old observatory!” A voice announced over the loudspeakers as the group approached the crowd.

"A comet is coming here?!" Twilight gasped excitedly.

“Tickets to see the comet are available at the fire department booth.” The commentator continued, “And now, folks, raise your eyes to the sky ‘Cuz here comes the team from Angel Grove High!!!”

The crowd cheered as they and the group looked upward to see the six multicolored parachuting skydivers floating down slowly toward the target on the ground.

"Look!" Nyx exclaimed while pointing up at the teens in the sky.

"Ooooh!" Phobos exclaimed in amazement.

“Cool!” Spike spoke in awe.

"My, what colorful daredevils!" Rarity remarked in amazement.

"Yeah, skydivers!" Rainbow exclaimed with an excited grin.

“All right, Dad. Pay close attention,” A voice near them spoke, “This is how the pros do it.”

This got the attention of the group as they turned to the source of the voice. They saw a boy about nine years old speaking to whom they realized was the boy’s father. The boy was wearing a backward baseball cap, a black T-shirt, and white pants. Next to him, the boy’s father wore a red skydiving suit as he held his undone parachute.

"I didn't do so bad." The boy's father said.

"You landed in the parking lot." The boy explained with a frown, "It was embarrassing."

"Well..." The boy's father said with a partly amused, partly embarrassed grin.

“The first of the team is beginning his final approach,” The commentator announced, bringing everyone’s attention back to the sky, “It’s Adam!” Adam parachuted close to the giant bullseye, his feet barely touching the grass while gliding towards it as the commentator spoke, "As he rounds the turn, he looks a little looow, but he pulls up just in time and hits the target dead center!"

Billy glided towards the target next as the announcer continued, "Right behind him is skydiver Billy," The blue skydiver tapped his foot on the target to the crowd's delight, "Who manages a perfect landing!"

Next came Kimberly who glided towards the bullseye. "Skydiver number three is Kimberly!" The announcer exclaimed as the pink-clad teen hit the red circle, causing the crowd to cheer even louder, "Her landing is flawless!"

Twilight and her group were enjoying the skydivers landing on the target so far as much as the crowd was. As they watched, Rocky glided toward the target after Kimberly.

"And here comes Rocky," The announcer shouted as the red-clad teen glided to the red circle with a "Woo-hoo!" before hitting the red circle, making the crowd roar, "Who lands right on target!"

"Whoo!" Aisha whooped as she glided close to the red circle afterward.

"And here comes Aisha!" The commentator announced as the yellow-clad teen hit the red circle upon landing, making the crowd cheer once again while getting up to Rocky, "She makes it a perfect five out of five landing and ties the 1986 record." Then all eyes returned to the sky where Tommy is gliding in, "So now it's all up to Tommy Oliver. Can he make it six for six?"

"YEAH! GO, TOMMY!!!" The boy near Twilight and her group shouted enthusiastically.

Nyx grinned upon hearing the boy's words as she looked at him before she turned back towards Tommy in the sky. "COME ON, TOMMY!!!" She cheered as Phobos barked excitedly like the dog he is.

"YOU GOT THIS!!!" Spike cheered, hopping up and down.

"GO FOR IT!!!" Rainbow cheered.

Pinkie joined Spike in hopping as she shouted, "GO, TOMMY, GO!!!"

"He's making his final approach. Looks a bit wide, but still okay." The announcer commentated as Tommy swooped closer to the target. Twilight and company watched along with the rest of the crowd with bated breath. Applejack and Fluttershy had their fingers crossed as they looked on. "Almost to the ground now. Can he do it?" Tommy slid his surfboard on and across the red circle as the group and the crowd cheered wildly, "AND HE DOES!!! The Angel Grove team sets a new city record! Way to go, guys!"


"YES!!!!" Ben cheered as he pumped his fist.

"YAAAAAAAAY!!!" Nyx cheered as she started jumping for joy.

"YEE-HAA!!!" Phobos cheered as he also joined Nyx in jumping.

"A PERFECT LANDING!!!" Fluttershy cheered in an uncharacteristically loud voice as she started jumping up and down also, "HE DID IT!!! HE DID IT!!! WHOOOOO!!!!!!!!"

"HOO-WHEE!!!!" Applejack cheered.

"YEAH!!!!" Rainbow cheered as she pumped her fists.

"WHOOOOOOOO!!!!" Pinkie cheered ecstatically.

"WA-HA-HA!!!" Rarity laughed excitedly, enjoying the performance like the rest of the group.

"Let's go!" Rainbow and the boy said excitedly, beginning to head over to Tommy.

"Yeah!" Twilight nodded eagerly as she and the rest of the group followed Rainbow.

"Okay." The boy's dad said with a nod and a grin while following him.

"Remember, folks, Ryan's Comet will be passing in just two days." The announcer started as the crowd began dispersing.

Tommy was removing his parachute and goggles when Twilight and her friends made their way over in his and the others’ direction. The young boy came up to Tommy with a big smile on his face.

“Lookin’ good up there!” He praised excitedly.

"Thanks, man." Tommy said as he did a secret high-five with the boy, "Hey, maybe next time, you can join us."

"Really?" The boy asked excitedly before turning to his dad, "Could I?"

“Yeah, well, we’ll talk about that, Fred,” Fred’s dad said, looking a bit unsure, “In about ten or twelve years. All right?”

Tommy chuckled as the boy, Fred Kelman, looked at him. Then Fred's father shook the white-clad teen's hand as he spoke, "Hey, congratulations, Tommy. The observatory just got a new lease on life. It's great, huh?"

"Yeah, thanks, man," Tommy said to Mr. Kelman with a smile.

"Awesome. Ryan's Comet is passing over in two days!" Fred said excitedly.

"Yeah!" His dad nodded in agreement.

“Guys, we did it!” Kimberly cheered as she, Billy, Rocky, Adam, and Aisha joined them.

"That was awesome, Tommy," said Billy with a smile.

"Wonderful!" Aisha added.

"Thanks, guys. You too, man." Tommy said.

“No kidding! You guys were spinning through the air, came swooping in all cool and stuff! And hit the bullseye right on the button!” Pinkie cheered enthusiastically.

"Yeah, you rock!" Rainbow cheered with a grin.

“You guys were amazing. Whoo-hoo.” Fluttershy added, using her usual soft tone.

"Awww!" Kimberly and Aisha exclaimed, finding the yellow-clad girl's tone adorable.

"Absolutely marvelous!" Rarity praised the teens.

“I gotta hand it to ya, I don’t think I’ve seen a more amazin’ skydiving show in my life!” Applejack commented.

"Neither have I!" Twilight said with a grin, "That was really exciting!"

"What a BLAST!!" Ben exclaimed excitedly.

“Hey. Has anybody seen Bulk and Skull?” Billy asked, looking towards the sky for any sign of the two in question.

Nyx, Phobos, and Spike looked up at the sky as well as the latter spoke, "Whoever they are, I don't see those two."

"Me neither," Nyx added.

Fred looked up with the two as Aisha spoke, "Ernie's is serving a free dessert with lunch. They probably landed on the roof."

“They must really love their free dessert.” Applejack joked.

Everyone laughed at Aisha's remark and AJ's joke. Just then, Tommy turned his attention to Twilight. “Say, I don’t think we’ve seen you guys around here before. You new around here?”

“I guess you could say that.” The violet-haired teenager replied with a nod.

"Yeah. This is Twilight Sparkle, and I'm her colt- I mean, boyfriend, Ben Valorheart." Ben said with a smile.

“Nice to meet ya. I’m Twilight’s adopted brother, Spike.” Spike greeted.

"I'm Nyx!" Nyx said happily, "I'm Twilight's... er, cousin." She pointed to her purple dog as she spoke, "And this is my dog. Phobos." Phobos barked in greeting.

"And I'm... Fluttershy." Fluttershy said softly and shyly with a small, cute smile.

“I’m Rainbow Dash. Nice to meet a couple awesome guys like you.” Rainbow greeted, a cocky grin on her face, “You guys got some great stunts!”

"Thanks, girl!" Rocky exclaimed as he and Rainbow did the same special handshake Tommy and Fred did.

“My name’s Rarity.” Rarity greeted politely, “I must say, darlings, I love the color schemes of your skydiving suits.”

"Thanks, Rarity," Aisha said.

"You must be quite a fashionista if you praised our suits that way," Kimberly remarked with a smile.

"As a matter of fact, I am, darling." Rarity said proudly.

“Nice to meet y’all, I’m Applejack!” Applejack greeted politely.

"And I'm Pinkamena Diane Pie, but friends call me Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie greeted happily.

“Nice to meet you guys,” Adam replied with a smile.

"Same at ya." Ben said.

Tommy smiled at the group, “Say, we’re planning to go to Ernie’s. Why don’t you guys come with us?”

"We'd love to!" Twilight replied excitedly.

Meanwhile, back up in the air, the plane still was flying across the sky. Bulk and Skull had, not surprisingly, not yet jumped from the plane and had considered chickening out. Feeling impatient, the pilot turned his attention to the bulky and skinny teenagers. “You guys better hurry up,” He told them both, “We’re running out of fuel.”

"I gotta be the eagle." Bulk said with determination as he slipped on his parachute, "I'm gonna be the eagle!"

“Be the swallow. Be the swallow.” Skull chanted, feeling scared as he slipped on his own parachute.

"Come on, baby!" Bulk shouted, and then the two jumped off the plane together. Skull grabbed ahold of Bulk by the shirt as the fat teen shouted angrily, "Hey, let go of me!"

"I WANT MY MOMMY!" screamed Skull. However, as the two continued to fall down, they screamed all the way.

Back down in Angel Grove, Twilight and the gang, along with Tommy, Kimberly, Billy, Rocky, Adam, and Aisha skated through the streets and park of the city on rollerblades. Rainbow, Pinkie, and Spike, however, were skating on skateboards. Phobos was riding in Nyx's backpack, enjoying himself. As the disguised Equestrians and the teens skated, they all laughed gleefully and had the time of their lives.

"Rock and roll!" Tommy said excitedly.

Billy and Aisha high-fived as they skated side-by-side. Pinkie, at one point, rode her skateboard while doing a handstand on it with one hand.

"Look at me!" Pinkie exclaimed eagerly.

"Yippee! This is fun!" Nyx cheered happily.

Some time into their skate through the city, Billy did an air somersault. Seeing this, Rainbow smirked before she followed suit and did a triple-air somersault.

"Yeah!!!" Rainbow shouted as she did so.

"Air time!" Tommy cheered, jumping high in the air.

"Up and away!" Kimberly exclaimed, following suit.

"WHEEEEE!!" Pinkie cheered as she jumped as well.

"Yee-haw!" Applejack whooped as she did the same.

"Watch this, guys!" Nyx said eagerly before she jumped and did a triple-air somersault just like Rainbow did while Phobos held on tightly.

"Nice one!" Twilight cheered.

"That's my girl!" Ben said happily.

"You learned that from me! Nice one, Nyxie!" Rainbow praised Nyx as she gave her a high five.

"Fabulous, darling!" Rarity said happily before she gave a confident smirk as she spoke, "But take a look at this!" Then she jumped and did a midair triple axel.

"Nice one, Rarity!" Spike cheered.

Then he, Twilight, Ben, and Fluttershy did some high jumps in the air also. They were followed suit by Adam, Aisha, and Rocky before they went on their way. They skated alongside the monorail tracks as the vehicle in question honked its horn, down a set of stairs in a local park and near a construction zone.

"Hey, let's take a shortcut!" Tommy said.

"Right behind ya!" Kimberly said.

And take a shortcut, they did. They skated past construction workers and under poles and went along to Ernie's after making it through. Unknown to any of them, who should land in another part of the construction zone but Bulk and Skull.

"Hey, this doesn't look like the target landing zone!" Skull commented in confusion and annoyance, "Huh! Where's the free food?"

“You idiot! All your kicking and screaming threw off the Stealth Eagle’s sense of direction!” Bulk shot back, getting the attention of a couple of nearby construction workers as he and Skull landed.

"Stealth Eagle? Lame Duck is more like it." Skull remarked dryly.

“Hey!” A construction worker called as soon as the two teens had their feet on the ground.

"Uh-oh!" Bulk yelped as he and Skull looked at each other in worry, then back at the worker that called them as he walked up to them.

“You guys, what do ya think you’re doin’?” The construction worker asked, approaching the two.

"Uhhh..." Bulk stuttered.

Then, he and Skull started thinking of a way out of this situation. Whenever those two were usually in trouble, they'd think up possibly the lamest excuse in a lifetime. Suddenly, the fat boy thought something up.

"We're from the- uh- Angel Grove building inspector's office," Bulk said nervously.

"Yeah! That building's supposed to be over there!" said Skull, pointing in a random direction.

Bulk nodded in agreement. "Yeah, and what's that man doing over there without proper foot protection?"

"Who's in charge around here? Huh?"






“Hey, Dave!” Another construction worker called to him, “Come and have a look at this.”

The worker, Dave, glanced up at the guy who called him, then back at Bulk and Skull. The skinny boy signaled him to the group. "Go on, Dave."

As soon as Dave headed up to the others, Skull snickered. “That was a close one.”

"Uh-huh." Bulk agreed smugly.

"Ya hungry?" Skull asked.

"Always," Bulk replied with a grin.

Pretty soon, almost every construction worker gathered at the top of the hill around their discovery. What they had found was what looked like a giant manhole cover. But the design of the cover resembled the face of an unknown creature, much to their bewilderment.

"What in the world is this?" Dave asked in wonder.

One of Dave's co-workers sighed before he replied, "It sure as heck ain't DWP."

"Let's get a crane in here," Dave said.

Minutes later, they did just that. They hooked a couple ropes in some of the cover’s holes and once they were secured, one of the workers gestured to the man operating the crane.

“Okay, take it up!”

Then the lid got pulled up and off of the ground. As smoke rose from the hole, something slowly came out of it as well. Once the smoke had cleared, it revealed that standing there was some type of giant purple egg of sorts, clutched in place by a metallic claw. All of the workers stared at this object like it was something they had never seen in their lives, which ironically, was true.

“Incredible!” Dave managed to say, staring at the egg in awe, “What do you think it is?”

“No… idea…” The other construction worker, John, replied as he cautiously stepped towards the egg.

John slowly reached out to touch the egg, but just when he was about to do so, the egg sent a huge bolt of purple electricity through him. Upon that happening, John got zapped and then sent flying over the crowd, and he landed roughly on his back, and started breathing heavily as the other workers rushed up to him.

“John! Are you all right?!” Dave asked in concern.

The only thing that the zapped worker did in response was to breathe more heavily. All of the workers then glanced back at the strange giant egg. It was certainly something they normally don't see every day. Unaware of what happened at the construction site, the six teens and Twilight's group were skating to Ernie's.

"Hey, guys! Let's get something to eat!" Adam suggested.

“Yeah!” Rainbow cheered. But before they could go any further, they heard a beeping sound that caused them to stop.

"Hang on," Tommy said as the teens and the group stopped skating.

"What is it, Tommy?" Twilight asked in confusion.

Tommy looked around for an area where there weren’t a lot of people. He then spotted an empty area and gestured to it. “Let’s go over there.”

Then the teens headed to the empty area with the confused Twilight's group following. Once they were sure nobody else was around, Tommy pressed a button on his watch.

“What’s up, Alpha?” He asked.

"Rangers, Zordon needs you in the command center! It's urgent!" A voice spoke from the watch.

“Alpha?” Rainbow spoke in confusion.

“Zordon?” Spike asked.

Fluttershy looked puzzled, “Why do those names sound familiar?”

"The title crawl at the beginning before we got inside!" Twilight exclaimed softly in realization, enough for only her group to hear.

"Oh, that's right!" Rarity exclaimed.

“So does that mean you guys are-?” Pinkie began to ask Tommy and the others.

“We’ll explain at the Command Center.” Tommy replied before turning back to his communicator, “We’re on our way!”

"Hold on to us, you guys," Rocky said. Twilight and her group then held onto the teens who pressed the button on their watches at the same time Nyx and Spike held onto Twilight, and they all teleported on their way to the command center in beams of colored light.

In a mountain peak near Angel Grove, there resided a command center, where none other than the wise Zordon and his robot companion Alpha 5 stayed at. Inside, the latter was rushing from console to console as the alarms blared throughout the room. The walls were metallic, lights glowing through the gaps in the metal. There were also four light columns encased in glass, and a viewing globe was at one side, off the main console ring. The main console ring itself was on a raised gantry, as were the paths leading to the edges. The floor of the console ring was separated into different pie segments, and each one flashed in order.

“Ay yi yi yi yi!” cried a robot rushing from console to console, “The subtronic interphasers are short-circuiting. I have to find a way to alternate the frequency modulators!”

That little robot, Alpha 5, had a gold head that slightly resembled a flying saucer, a red torso, and black arms and legs. On his chest was a lightning bolt emblem that would flash every now and then. At that moment, the teens and the animated disguised Equestrians teleported in the middle of the room.

“Whoa…” Twilight managed, taking a look at hers and the others’ surroundings.

"This place is magnificent!" Rarity exclaimed in amazement.

Tommy walked up to Alpha, “Alpha, what’s going on?”

"A massive surge of evil energy is overloading our sensors!" Alpha exclaimed urgently, "Ay yi yi yi yi!"

Suddenly, a face appeared in a giant tube at one end of the chamber.

“Rangers!” The face spoke.

Everyone turned, Twilight's group looking amazed at seeing the giant face. Naturally, she and her friends were quick to assume this must have been the Zordon they heard of from the movie’s title crawl.

"You must act swiftly." Zordon said, "The planet is in grave danger."

"Danger from what?" asked Kimberly in concern.

Upon being asked that question, Zordon began to explain. "6,000 years ago, a morphological being known as Ivan Ooze ruled the world with a reign of unparalleled terror. He was on the verge of completing construction of his ultimate weapon, the Ectomorphicon Titans, twin machines capable of enslaving the entire universe."

"What happened to him?" Rocky asked in wonder.

"A group of warriors like yourselves lured him into a hyperlock chamber and buried him deep underground." Zordon explained, "But now, the chamber has been accidentally uncovered. You must return it to the depths before it is opened and Ivan is released.”

Fluttershy looked concerned, “This Ivan Ooze sounds really scary…”

“His Ectomorphicons were buried near the chamber. If Ivan escapes, he's sure to find them.” Alpha told them.

“Use extreme caution, Rangers. You're dealing with an evil that is beyond all imagination." Zordon spoke.

The teenagers and Twilight's group looked concerned, knowing that the former's mentor might be right.

Just then, Alpha noticed Twilight and her group as he exclaimed in surprise, "Ay yi yi yi yi! There are more people in here, and they look like cartoons!"

“Cartoons?” Rainbow asked, looking herself over in confusion.

"Well, we are in another one of those worlds, if you recall The Pagemaster," Pinkie commented.

"Calm down, Alpha." Zordon said, "I believe they can be trusted. In fact, judging from their looks, I believe there's more to them than you think, Rangers."

“What do you mean?” Billy asked.

"Instead of telling you, I will show you," Zordon replied, and then, electricity came from him onto the group, zapping them but not painfully. The group glowed and was transformed back from their human forms into their Equestrian selves, much to theirs, the Rangers', and Alpha's surprise!

"Hey, what the--?!" Applejack exclaimed in shock as she looked at herself.

Twilight realized immediately she was once again an Alicorn and looked nervous. “Uh-oh…” She managed.

"We're busted..." Nyx said nervously.

Rainbow hardly noticed she was once again a pegasus while she stood on her hind legs. However, she found it hard to keep her balance and fell forward to the floor. It was when she used her forehooves to break her fall that she realized in shock she was back in her equine form.

"Whoa! Multicolored ponies!" Aisha exclaimed in shock.

"And two dragons!" Adam added in the same tone.

“Uh… surprise?” Pinkie replied, smiling nervously.

"Do not worry, ponies." Zordon assured Twilight and her group, "I know exactly who you are and where you came from."

“You do?” Twilight asked in surprise.

"That is correct, Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria," Zordon replied.

“Oh, yeah?” Pinkie remarked, a challenging smirk on her face, “What’s my full name, middle name included?”

“Really, Pinkie. There’s no need for questions like that.” Rarity chided her.

"Even so, your full name is Pinkamena Diane Pie." Zordon simply replied. Rarity looked a bit gobsmacked at hearing that.

"Wow! You're good!" Pinkie exclaimed, sharing Rarity's astonishment.

"Anyways..." Twilight spoke, turning her attention back to Zordon, "We believe a few enemies of our own may be running about in you guys' world."

"Indeed they are, Twilight." Zordon replied, "They were freed by Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa, and have pledged their loyalty to them, wanting to take over not only our world and yours but others as well."

“That’s exactly what Princess Celestia told us,” Spike replied.

"Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa must be two of the villains that Princess Luna mentioned," Nyx said.

“So let’s find them, Tirek, Chrysalis, and that li’l brat Cozy and kick their flanks and seal away that chamber!” Applejack insisted, looking determined.

Twilight spoke, “As much as I agree with that, I doubt it’d be that easy.”

"Twilight is right, Applejack." Zordon said, "As long as Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow are working with Lord Zedd, they are unstoppable, which is why I'm going to give you something that should be helpful when you aid the Rangers."

The ponies, Spike and Phobos looked curious about hearing what the wise alien had told them. They wondered what he could possibly give them to help in aiding the Rangers.

"What can you give the ponies and the dragons that could help us, Zordon?" Tommy asked.

"I sense a lot of potential in them, especially since I recall being told about them by two old friends of mine; the current rulers of Equestria known as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna," Zordon explained.

Twilight gasped in awe, “You know Princesses Celestia and Luna?!”

"Your mentor, her sister, and I go way back,” Zordon replied. “Long before even you and the Rangers were born, Your Highness.”

“What?!” Twilight said, wide-eyed.

"No way!!!" Ben shouted, sharing Twilight's expression.

“Wow!!!” Everypony else said, amazed.

"Incredible!" Tommy exclaimed.

"We didn't know Zordon was friends with ponies!" Kimberly said aloud.

“Long ago before I was in the time warp, when I was young as you are,” The being in the tube explained to Twilight, “I visited many worlds while watching over the balance between light and darkness. One day, I stumbled onto Equestria and there Celestia found me. She took care of me since that day, we even became close friends. We taught each other our ways of magic, and I told her of the countless worlds in our universe. I even met her sister and, of course, their master before I went back to my own. He and I were much alike, and you probably know whom I am talking about.”

“You knew Star Swirl?” Twilight asked.

“I do,” Zordon nodded, with a smile. “Celestia told me you saved him and the Pillars from limbo.”

“She told you that?” Nyx asked.

“But how could she tell you when we learned of different worlds the other day?” Pinkie asked, bringing up a point.

“We come in contact once in a while,” Zordon replied. “She told me everything about you, the things you’ve learned and achieved, and, of course, how overachieving you can be.”

The other ponies couldn’t but giggle, while Twilight blushed.

“She also told me about the friendships you’ve mended and fixed. If I didn't know better, you, Twilight Sparkle, had no interest in making friends in the first place, ever since Ben Valorheart went missing years back.”

Again Twilight sheepishly smiled, remembering that time too well.

“But it does not matter. Everyone makes mistakes, even Celestia made a few in her day.”

Twilight couldn’t help but smile, but it turned into a frown. “But why didn’t Princess Celestia tell me about you?” Twilight asked. “Just after we first experienced…”

“Let’s just say back in the day, some people, or ponies in your case, weren’t used to inhabitants of other worlds,” Zordon interrupted. Twilight nodded in understanding, reflecting on their initial interactions.

"Wait a minute." Nyx said in curiosity, "If you know Celestia and Luna, and the Mane Six, do you know about me, too?"

"You may have called yourself Twilight's cousin, Nyx, but that was in your human disguise." Zordon pointed out, "I know that in actuality, you are the reincarnation of Nightmare Moon, and the adopted daughter of Twilight Sparkle and Ben Valorheart."

Nyx gasped in amazement at what Zordon said.

"You're Twilight's daughter?!" Kimberly asked in surprise.

"Yeah, I am," Nyx admitted, yet was still surprised at Zordon's wisdom.

"So what're you gonna give us if we're to help Tommy and his friends?" Ben asked Zordon in curiosity.

The big white head in the tube replied with a question, "Do you recall when you all were magically sent into a certain comic book?"

“You mean the Power Ponies comic? Do I ever!” Spike replied in excitement, recalling how he and the girls got sucked into his comic book and took down Mane-iac.

"Yeah, me and Phobos became fans of that comic franchise ever since!" Nyx added, equally as excited as Spike.

"It was a blast!" Phobos exclaimed with a grin.

"Then you all should know this: I am going to give each of you the same powers you had when you were in that comic," Zordon said.

“I beg your pardon?” Rarity asked in surprise.

"If you were Power Ponies in that comic book, then you shall be Power Ponies whenever you're in our world," Zordon replied.

Rarity gasped excitedly, "Surely you don't mean..."

"Indeed I do, Rarity," Zordon replied with a nod.

"But what about me, Nyx, and Phobos?" Ben asked, "Last time we went to the Power Ponies with them, we never had superpowers of our own."

"Never fear, Ben." replied Zordon, "You shall be given superpowers as well."

"Awesome!" Nyx cheered excitedly.

Spike looked a bit hesitant as if he was nervous to ask anything. "Well, I... didn't really have superpowers of my own either. So, um... if it's not too much to ask..."

"I know precisely what you were going to ask, Spike, and you, too, shall be given superpowers," Zordon said.

"For real?!" Spike asked, looking excited.

"Yes, Spike, but these are no mere superpowers." The Rangers' mentor said, "You shall be given dragon powers and abilities that no dragon in your world has ever used before."

"All right!!" The young dragon cheered, hopping up and down excitedly.

"Now we're really superheroes like Mom, Spike!" Nyx exclaimed happily.

Fluttershy looked confused and timid. "So, um... do we have our powers just like that? Or... do we need to say a special phrase or... well... something? Mister Zordon Sir..."

"As a matter of fact, there is a special phrase, Fluttershy." Zordon explained, "That phrase is a certain catchphrase that one of you said once back in the comic."

"You mean that phrase?" Applejack asked.

"Correct, Applejack." Zordon confirmed, "But before you join the Rangers on the mission, I shall explain your new members' powers."

The mentor glanced at Spike as he said, "Spike, playful and supportive, as the originally powerless Humdrum, you will use enhanced dragon abilities and different elemental powers."

"Ohh, wait till Smolder and Garble hear about this!" said Spike in excitement.

"Ben, brave and determined, you shall be known as Knight Sentinel." Zordon said to Twilight's coltfriend, "You will possess superhuman strength, speed, durability, enhanced agility, and an unyielding sense of justice. You shall wield a shining sword that emits brilliant beams of light, and a magical shield that can deflect attacks and project protective barriers. You can also summon and manipulate light energy, using it to create powerful blasts or to provide illumination in dark situations."

"Mom and Aunt Luna are gonna love this!" Ben remarked with a confident grin.

The white sage turned to Nyx as he continued, "Nyx, brave and innocent, you will be known as Shadowheart, with the ability to manipulate shadows and darkness, allowing you to move swiftly and stealthily. You can also create solid constructs out of shadows, using them both as defense and offense."

"Those are my kinda powers!" Nyx exclaimed with elation.

Zordon then turned to Phobos as he said, "And Phobos, loyal and steadfast, you shall become Lunaflare, able to breathe fire mixed with glowing stardust, create protective energy shields, and navigate the night sky with exceptional agility. You shall also possess the ability to control moonlight and lunar energy, and harness the power of the moon to heal and protect, as well as to emit powerful beams of energy against adversaries."

"All right!" Phobos grinned, loving the idea of using those powers.

"Finally, you should know three strict rules, the same ones I told the Power Rangers." Zordon explained, "1) You must never use your powers for personal gain. 2) You must never escalate a fight unless your enemy forces you to. And 3) You must never reveal your secret identity."

"You can count on us, Zordon," said Twilight with determination and confidence.

"Even though you're ponies and dragons, I think we're gonna love working with you," Tommy remarked with a smile.

"Now, then... let's go seal away that chamber!" Rainbow exclaimed in determination.

"Hang onto us, you guys! There's no time to lose!" Tommy said as Twilight's group held onto him and the other Power Rangers, and they all teleported off to the construction site in Angel Grove.

Enter Ivan Ooze

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That night at the construction site, the claw-enchased egg had been taped off with police tape. A security guard was asleep in a fold-up chair near the egg as another guard walked up to another chair, holding a thermos and two coffee mugs. As he walked to his own chair, the guard kept his eyes on the egg before taking a seat to pour himself a cup of coffee.

Just then, there were some red lights close by, and once they ceased flashing, some familiar figures appeared. It was Lord Zedd, Rita Repulsa, their minions (Goldar, Scorpina, Rito Revolto, Squatt, Baboo, Finster, and Mordant), Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow.

"What do I care about some stupid egg?!" Rita asked grouchily.

"This is no ordinary egg!" Lord Zedd said.

"Well, I say we hard-boil the thing!" Rita snapped.

"I'm with her, I'm hungry!" Mordant commented with a snort.

"That's 'cuz you're a pig." Goldar retorted.

The awake security guard had noticed the villains' sudden appearance and slowly inched his way over to his napping companion. Once next to the snoozing security guard, he gently nudged his buddy awake.

"Hey, Kurt, Kurt. Take a look at this." He spoke, his eyes still on the villains.

All the villains smirked evilly as Lord Zedd spoke, "No need to wake him. In fact, why don't you take a little nap yourself?"

Then he zapped the two guards with electricity from his staff, knocking the two out.

"That takes care of them." Cozy Glow remarked.

"Yeah, I could do that. I just choose not to." Mordant commented.

"Zip your lip!" Goldar quipped.

"Oh, shut up, both of you." Chrysalis replied quietly, rolling her eyes.

Once near the egg, Zedd glanced at it with a wicked smile behind his mask. "Ahhh, after 2,000 years of searching, you are finally within my grasp. And now, let's crack this egg."

He then raised the tip of his scepter over the claw before the scepter gave off a blue glow and zapped the claw and egg. Slowly, the claw pulled back and opened as Goldar, Rita, Scorpina, Rito, Chrysalis and Tirek looked on with intrigue. Finster, Mordant, Baboo, Squatt and Cozy watched with concern and worry as the claw made a low creak. As soon as it was free from the confines of the claw, a split formed down the middle of it and around the midsection before it split in two, as if it were a pod.

"Excellent." Zedd said wickedly.

"Eww!" Cozy exclaimed in disgust.

"Yuck..." Mordant said aloud as Rita stepped towards the now opened egg.

Inside the bottom of the egg was what looked like a vat full of light purple slime. The witch stuck her finger into the vat and slowly stirred it. Upon taking a closer look himself, Tirek was far from impressed with their find.

"What?" Rita spoke aloud in disbelief.

"Seriously? You spent 2,000 years looking for a tub of purple snot?" Tirek asked in exasperation.

"Patience, motor mouths! Watch!" Zedd snapped, glaring at the two.

Then the purple slime began forming and growing. Zedd looked to Rita and Tirek with eager glee, though it was difficult for the latter two to tell because of the former's mask concealing his face. Meanwhile, the purple slime grew taller and began taking on a more humanoid shape.

"Whoa!" Rito and Cozy exclaimed in awe.

"Yes!" Goldar exclaimed wickedly while Scorpina smirked evilly.

"Cool!" Mordant exclaimed.

"Oooh!" Squatt and Baboo exclaimed in unison.

Before long, the slime transformed fully into what looked like a man with light purple skin, his "hair" and "goatee" resembling tendrils and he wore a lavender robe. Once fully transformed, the man let out a long yawn before cracking his neck and turning to the villains with a grin.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the ooze is back!" The man, Ivan Ooze, announced with glee.

"Yeah!" Goldar cheered while pumping his fists.

"He's so handsome!" Rita commented aloud, earning a look from Zedd.

"Why, thank you." Ivan replied in delight.

"I am Lord Zedd, sworn enemy of all that is good and decent." Zedd introduced himself to the purple being, "It is a supreme honor to finally meet you."

"How can I ever repay you?" Ivan asked.

"Do you recall the name Zordon of Eltar?" Zedd responded with a question of his own.

Just like that, the purple being's demeanor changed from delighted to enraged as he let loose with a rage-filled scream. As he did so, he extended his arms out and purple bolts of lightning flew from his fingertips.

"I think he's heard of him..." Mordant commented, looking nervous.

"That definitely answers his question." Chrysalis added as she too looked uneasy.

"I don't think I wanna make him mad." Cozy remarked nervously.

"Neither do we!" Squatt whimpered.

"Uh-uh!" Baboo agreed with a shake of his head.

As soon as he was done shooting electricity, Ivan lowered his arms and looked back to Zedd.

"I want you to destroy Zordon," The latter commanded, "so that my evil may once again reign supreme!"

"I will not only destroy him." Ivan sneered, "I will obliterate his entire legacy. It will be as if Zordon of Eltar... NEVER EXISTED!!"

"Finally, a real man!" Rita quipped, once again earning a glare from Zedd. Ivan blew a kiss at Rita for that remark, making her giggle.

"We shall leave you to weave your evil ways." Zedd said to Ivan, then turned to the others, "Let's go, everyone!"

And with that, the villains all headed off and teleported out of sight, one by one. Once all the villains were gone, a heavy scent hit Ivan's nose and he began sniffing the air.

"What is that odious stench?" He asked himself before taking another whiff, "Smells like... teenagers."

Moments later, the Rangers along with the Equestrians teleported into the construction site. When they reformed from the rays of light, they were standing on and around a large pile of rubble and rocks. Well, almost all of them, except Rainbow Dash, who was standing in a puddle near the rubble.

"What the--?!" Rainbow exclaimed on noticing what happened, then groaned in annoyance, "Oh, just my luck!"

"Could be worse." Applejack replied with a shrug.

"Anybody see anything?" Aisha asked.

Tommy glanced up at the top of the hill where the giant egg was. He pointed there as he said, "Let's take a look up there."

"Got it." Twilight replied, gliding up toward the top of the hill as the others followed.

The six teenagers, eight ponies, and two dragons walked/flew up the hill toward the egg. Upon coming up there, they found the egg to be open.

"That can't be good." Spike commented, noticing the open egg.

"I think we're too late." Ben remarked in concern.

Of course, they all scrunched their faces in disgust not only from the sight of the purple slime but also the putrid smell of it.

"What is it?" Aisha asked.

"It reeks." Adam remarked in disgust.

"Eeew!" Rarity exclaimed in disgust.

"This smells even worse than garbage!" Phobos remarked.

"Hey!" A voice yelled, pulling Tommy by the shoulder.

Upon hearing that voice, the six teens and the ten Equestrians spun around, startled. When they turned, they found themselves facing none other than one of the men who were zapped by Zedd earlier.

"What're you kids doing here?" he asked, demanding an answer while putting a hand to his head, as if recovering from a headache.

"Um..." Twilight began, thinking of the right thing to respond with.

Just then, Kimberly spoke up, "You haven't by any chance happened to see a morphological being lurking around here?"

"A morphological being?" The man asked in confusion.

"Yeah." Kimberly replied with Twilight nodding.

"What the heck is that?" Hearing this made the heroes look frustrated. How could this security guard be here but not have seen the culprit?

Suddenly, the man realized something. "Wait a second. Did it look something like this?"

And right before their eyes, the security guard shapeshifted into Ivan Ooze as he chuckled wickedly. When they saw this, the heroes jumped, startled while Fluttershy screamed in fear as she hid behind them. This must have been the bad guy Zordon had told them about back at the Command Center. Realizing that, they all got into fighting stances. Except for Fluttershy, of course, since she was scared.

"Eww, gross!" Kimberly exclaimed in disgust despite being ready to fight.

"Ugh, that is disgusting!" Rarity agreed, sharing Kimberly's disgust.

"You're too kind, allow me to introduce myself." Ivan replied as he introduced himself, "I'm the galactically feared, globally reviled, universally despised... they call me Ivan Ooze."

Rocky scowled at this and pointed at Ivan as he said with determination, "Well, pack your bags, cause we're sending you right back where you came from!"

"Right after we kick your butt!" Rainbow added, looking just as determined.

"Gee, a teenager with a big mouth." said Ivan, glaring as he leaned toward them. "Not much has changed in 6,000 years."

As if on instinct, the Rangers, ponies, and dragons leaned back a bit as Ivan leaned toward them. However, their determined demeanors didn't falter, except for Fluttershy's as she looked a bit more unnerved.

"You obviously don't know who you’re dealing with, Mr. Raisin Head." snapped Kimberly angrily.

The purple being smirked at this. "Really?"

"Yeah, we're the Power Rangers." Tommy said with determination.

"Along with the Power Ponies!" Twilight added, sharing Tommy's determination.

"Woo! Where's my autograph book?" Ivan exclaimed sarcastically. He then scoffed at the comment, "Power Rangers and Power Ponies, huh?" He walked through the barrier tape as he spoke, "So Zordon's still using a bunch of kids to do his dirty work. And now he's using a bunch of ponies and dragons, too." With an evil smirk, he glanced back at the heroes. "Well, meet my kids!"

With an evil laugh, he raised his arms as if ready to make a move. Instinctively, our heroes jumped back as they waited to see what he'd do. However, the ooze-like villain shot purple lightning from his hands to the ground, creating a dozen gigantic forms of slimy ooze. These ooze creations immediately took the form of a couple of humanoid ooze beasts that grunted and growled as they glared at the heroes.

"Eww." Kimberly said in a mixture of nervosity and disgust.

Rarity screamed as she cried, "Gross, gross, gross!"

"From this moment forth, the world as you know it shall cease to exist! Welcome to my nightmare!" yelled Ivan evilly.

He laughed once more and shot purple lightning from his hands before disappearing by transforming into a purple ray of light and flying away.

"BYE BYE, KIDDIES!!!" He shouted before he vanished.

"He's gone!" Rocky exclaimed in disbelief.

"Where'd he go?!" Nyx asked in the same tone as Rocky.

"I think we got a bigger problem right now!" Pinkie replied, pointing to the ooze-like monsters before them.

Just then, the Oozemen that Ivan had summoned slowly advanced toward the Rangers and the Equestrians. The sixteen were in a bit of a pickle at the moment.

"What are we gonna do?" asked Kimberly nervously.

Suddenly, Billy, Rocky, Aisha, Rarity, Rainbow, and Spike looked down from up where they and their friends were.

"Looks like there's plenty of room down there." Billy said.

"Go, guys!" shouted Tommy.

With a karate cry, Tommy did a spin kick on the closest goon to him before Rocky, Aisha, Spike, and Rarity hopped down from the top of the hill. Twilight blasted a goon with a burst of magic from her horn as Applejack and Rainbow Dash hopped down next, being followed by Pinkie and a scared Fluttershy who didn't think twice about leaping. Nyx added her own magic blast and Ben delivered a spin kick while joined by Billy and Adam who descended with a battle cry. Kimberly and Phobos then joined their comrades, leaping down from the hilltop. Ben Valorheart and Nyx followed suit with their own battle cries, the black alicorn foal landing next to Phobos and Spike. Tommy punched another goon twice in the abdomen before hitting another nearby one in the face with his elbow. Twilight took this opportunity to buck the third goon in the chest before she and Tommy flipped over the police tape and landed near their friends. The heroes looked towards the Oozemen while the latter came down the hill.

"Let's take these beasts!" said Adam with determination.

"Spread out!" Tommy and Twilight exclaimed in unison.

The other Rangers and other Equestrians followed their respective leaders' orders while Ben brought out his Master Sword. Meanwhile, Tommy ran to a nearby shovel, pulled the wood pole out of it, and spun it around like a staff, just as the Oozemen leapt down.

"Welcome to my nightmare." The white-clad teen spoke in determination.

"Time to kick some flank!" Ben shouted while wielding his sword.

The brown stallion swung his sword on his share of the goons while Tommy started using his 'staff'. Twilight bucked a couple of the goons to Tommy and Ben as if the goons were tennis or baseballs. The two guys knocked the goons back with their respective weapons.

"Heads up!" Tommy shouted before he did a spin kick to another Oozeman's face.

Applejack and Adam ran and flipped over towards a nearby crane machine as they were followed by an Oozeman. In the time the latter caught up to the former two, the black and white-clad teenager rushed up to a metal pail and kicked it up.

"Ever play "Kick the Can?"" Adam asked, kicking the pail to Applejack.

"Plenty o' times!" The orange cowpony replied, bucking the pail at the Oozeman.

The monster then doubled over. Suddenly, Adam rolled over the goon's back, landed, and swept the creature's legs out from under them. The boy smirked at his little victory. However, another Oozeman came out of nowhere and punched Adam in the face, knocking him down.

"Adam!" Applejack cried before glaring at the Oozeman that hit Adam while gritting her teeth.

Fluttershy saw an Oozeman charge at her. She let out a frightened squeak and leapt up, allowing the creature to run underneath her before she unintentionally bucked him in the back as she came back down, causing the Oozeman to go tumbling towards Rainbow, who was taking on an Oozeman of her own.

"Take that, you disgusting blob!" Rainbow shouted as she kicked the Oozeman down before noticing the other one tumbling towards her.

Not needing to think twice, Rainbow performed a spinning kick on the Oozeman tumbling towards her right into the one she was facing off against, sending them both rolling right into a wall. She then turned to Fluttershy with a grin.

“Not bad, Fluttershy!” The multicolor-maned Pegasus cheered to her friend.

“Um… thank you.” The timid pegasus replied, a smile on her face.

Meanwhile, Aisha was being chased by an Oozeman herself. She stopped and ducked just as the Oozeman lunged at her, but flew over her when she ducked. It wasn’t long before another Oozeman rushed up to her and she kicked him in the stomach and she grabbed that creature and another each by the arm.

“Kiss and make up!” The African-American teen grunted, slamming the Oozemen into each other.

When they pulled back, however, they each grabbed one of Aisha’s arms and crossed around, making her cross her arms. She then did a somersault between the two as her arms were held. Upon landing, Aisha pulled on the Oozemen holding her, slamming them into each other again and getting her arms uncrossed. With that done, she threw the Oozemen down onto their backs.

Nyx used a blast of magic from her horn to hit one of the Oozeman while Phobos tripped another with his tail.

"Come and get us, you slimy creatures!" Nyx shouted.

Two more Oozemen snarled while lunging at the duo. Of course, they were sent flying by two magic blasts.

"Keep your mucky hands off my daughter and her friend!" Twilight shouted angrily while her horn was glowing.

"Thanks, Mom!" Nyx said with a smile.

Billy did a few flips and kicked an Oozeman three times near Spike who quickly got on his hands and knees. As soon as they were near the dragon, the blue-clad teenager kicked the purple goon so hard, he ended up tripping over Spike, who leapt up and punched the goon down.

"Thanks, Spike!" Billy cheered.

"Don't mention it, Billy!" Spike replied, giving him a thumbs up before they went to fight more goons.

Kimberly did a high jump split kick on two Oozemen before running from another one.

Rocky blocked any chops or kicks an Oozeman attempted to give him and did a triple backflip. Upon landing, the red-clad teen struck a karate pose and pulled a dropkick on the Oozeman he was fighting. As for Pinkie, the party pony was leaping and bucking any Oozemen that came near her. All of a sudden, she brought out her Party Cannon and aimed it at the suddenly confused goons.

"Here's a surprise for you, Ooze goons!" Pinkie shouted and then she fired her Party Cannon, which hit the Oozemen and sent them flying.

Back with Adam and Applejack, the same Oozeman that had punched the former chased them up the stairs that led to the crane's cockpit.

"Here, lemme get the door!" exclaimed the boy, slamming the door in his opponent's face.

Back with Billy, he flipped an Oozeman onto his back and, while the goon was down, punched him dead center in the chest. Billy then lifted his hand from the apparently now lifeless goon to find it was covered in purple oozy slime. At first, he looked disgusted, but then smirked.

"Ya ooze, ya lose." The blond teen joked. Suddenly, he two got tackled by another Oozeman.

"Billy!" Spike cried before narrowly dodging an Oozeman.

Rarity was chased by another Oozeman until she stopped near Spike before narrowly dodging its attack while standing near the purple dragon.

"All right, you brutes, no more miss nice pony!" Rarity shouted in anger and determination, "This is courtesy of Miss Piggy! HI-YAH!!!"

As she yelled that, the white unicorn chopped the Oozeman in the chest, sending it flying while Spike jumped and kicked the Oozeman he dodged.

"Nice kick, Spike." Rarity said with a smile.

"Nice chop, Rarity." Spike returned the compliment with a wink.

Kimberly ran near a pile of rocks and did a kick-flip off one, going over an Oozeman that was chasing her.

"Sit down!" She grunted, kicking the goon so hard in the chest, it caused him to fall back on his butt.

At that moment, a swarm of a few more Oozemen charged toward Kimberly.

"See ya!" The brunette said nervously as she started backflipping away.

“Right behind ya, Kimberly!” Billy said, backflipping after her.

"Hey! Wait for us!" Nyx shouted as she, Phobos and Spike flew after the two.

As Kimberly and Billy flipped past them, Rocky was still fighting hand-to-hand against an Oozeman until he kicked him to the ground. The teen looked in the direction his friends flew and flipped into, hardly noticing another Oozeman charging up to him and punching him away. Twilight and Tommy were fighting their own respective Oozemen until they got kicked over near a rock wall.

"Twilight!" Ben shouted as he ran up to his marefriend and Tommy.

"Mom!" Nyx cried as she, Phobos, and Spike flew up to the three at the same time Kimberly and Billy backflipped up to them.

“Don’t worry, I’m all right.” Twilight replied just as Fluttershy, Rainbow, Pinkie, Rarity, Rocky and Aisha flew and ran up to the group.

“Are you okay?” Kimberly asked Tommy.

"Yeah." Tommy replied.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, and with a cry, Adam came flying towards them, but sideways. The boy had landed on the ground.

"Adam!" Aisha cried.

Another cry was heard and they saw Applejack flung in their direction and landed on her back.

“Applejack, are you okay??” Twilight exclaimed in alarm.

“I’m fine. I’ve taken worse hits.” Applejack responded, standing up.

Aisha then looked up nervously at the advancing enemies. "They got us cornered!"

"We can't hold them off!" Billy said in concern.

As their enemies came in closer and closer, it seemed to our heroes that they were beaten.

"There's too many of 'em!" Billy exclaimed.

"We're trapped!" Nyx cried in worry as she, Spike, and Phobos got near her parents.

"They're gonna get us!" Fluttershy whimpered fearfully.

However, Tommy got a bright idea as he looked towards the others. "Let's do it, guys!"

"Right!" said the other teenage humans.

"IT'S MORPHIN' TIME!!!" shouted Tommy.

"Huh?!" The Equestrians asked in sudden shock, confusion, and unison as they all looked towards the Rangers at hearing that command.

Oh, boy! One of my favorite parts of the movie! HERE WE GO!!!

(at 0:12-0:57)

Then the morphing sequence began with a flash of lightning in the sky, and Kimberly stepped up.

“PTERODACTYL!!!” Kimberly shouted, holding out an octagonal-looking silver device with pink bolts and what looked like a coin in the center, on which was a pterodactyl.

In a flash of light, the maid was now wearing a new outfit. This outfit was a pink jumpsuit/armor with white/pink gloves, a white belt, a white diamond pattern going around the upper torso, white boots, and a pink helmet with a huge black eye lens. On the front of the torso of the suit was the same emblem from her morpher, which was now like a belt buckle. Now, Kimberly was in the form of none other than her alter ego, the Pink Ranger.

“TRICERATOPS!!!” Billy shouted, holding a similar morpher to Kimberly’s. Unlike hers, however, the bolts were blue and the creature on his power coin was a triceratops.

In a flash of light, his outfit also changed to a jumpsuit with a similar motif to Kimberly’s. However, his outfit was blue and white with his helmet bearing a resemblance to a triceratops. Now, he was the Blue Ranger.

"TYRANNOSAURUS!" exclaimed Rocky, holding up a morpher that is like Kimberly's and Billy's, only that his morpher was red while the creature on his power coin was a tyrannosaurus rex.

Then, in a flash of light, his outfit changed into the same outfit as Billy's and Kimberly's, except red instead of blue or pink, and the same emblem on his chest from his morpher. Right now, Rocky was in the form of the Red Ranger.

"MASTODON!!!" cried Adam, holding up a black morpher that had an emblem with a mastodon on it.

Upon that happening, after another flash of light, Adam was now wearing the same outfit as the others, except black instead of red, blue, or pink, and the same mastodon emblem from his morpher. The boy was now none other than the Black Ranger of the group.

"SABER-TOOTHED TIGER!!!" Aisha shouted as she held up a yellow morpher with a saber-toothed tiger emblem.

After that, Aisha's outfit changed into the same attire as Kimberly, Billy, Rocky, and Adam, except the color of her outfit was yellow, and the same emblem from her morpher. By now, Aisha was none other than the Yellow Ranger.

"WHITE TIGER!!!" Tommy shouted, holding up a white morpher with a tiger emblem on the front.

After yet another flash of light, in his now current attire, Tommy's outfit was entirely white, except for the rims of his gloves, which were gold and black in color. What made his outfit the most different from the other five was that he had a black chest plate, on which the front was the same emblem from his morpher. In this form, Tommy was none other than the White Ranger, the leader of the Power Rangers.

As they watched their six human friends transform, Twilight and her group all had their mouths hung open in shock, their eyes practically as big as saucers. Their shocked expressions turned to eye-shimmering excitement as they watched them somersault forward in midair with battle cries.

Go go Power Rangers!

Go go Power Rangers!

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers!

“That… was AWESOME!!!!” Spike cheered.

Nyx bounced up and down, her wings fluttering with excitement. "WOW!!!! This is so cool!! I've never seen anything like this before!"

"Totally awesome!" Phobos roared, his wings flaring open in excitement.

Fluttershy clapped her hooves together with unbridled enthusiasm. "Oh, my goodness! They're transformed just like magical heroes!"

Rarity's eyes sparkled with delight as she clasped her hooves together. "How utterly marvelous! It's like a symphony of transformation!"

Rainbow Dash pumped her hoof in the air, her signature grin wide on her face. "Now that's what I call an entrance!"

Pinkie Pie hopped up and down in excitement, her mane bouncing with each jump. "I've seen parties, I've seen pranks, but I've never seen anything as amazing as this!"

Applejack grinned and nodded in approval. "Well, howdy! Looks like we're in for a good ol' power-packed showdown!"

Tommy's bravery and leadership inspired Twilight. Her eyes sparkled as she leaned closer to her friends. "This is so amazing!" Her excited expression turned to confidence as she said, "Everypony, it's time to POWER PONY UP!!!!"

"YEAH!!!" The others in Twilight's group shouted in agreement.

"LET’S GO, FRIENDSHIP FORCE!!!!" The Equestrians shouted in unison.

Rarity smiled and held out a similar morpher to the one the Rangers carried. “RADIANCE!!!”

In a flash of light, Rarity now wore a dark blue bodysuit marked with light blue gems; light pink ones on bracelets around both front hooves and worked into her mane/tail; her mane was gathered/curled at the top and back of her head. She also wore a light blue collar with a pink gem in a gold setting around her neck, and a purple eye mask.

“MISTRESS MARE-VELOUS!” Applejack exclaimed, holding out her own morpher.

After a flash of light, Applejack now wore a collared red bodysuit sporting green buttons in front and a dark brown hood that leaves her eyes, mane, and muzzle exposed. Around her midsection is a set of small black saddlebags that contain gold horseshoes; the loop of rope is clipped to one of these. She also wore black apple-marked spats. With the exception of her forelock and the tip of her tail, all of the blond hair is covered by green wrappings.

“S- Saddle Rager!!” Fluttershy stammered, holding out her morpher.

In a third flash of light, Fluttershy now wore a blue-green bodysuit that leaves her head and wings exposed, butterfly bracelets on both forelegs, a purple eye mask, and a matching lacy scarf marked with a flower pin. Her mane and tail now started streaming behind her.

“FILI-SECOND!!!” Pinkie exclaimed enthusiastically, holding her morpher.

Once the fourth flash ended, Pinkie now wore a white suit with a violet arrow pointing ahead along the flank and matching zigzag bands around the hooves, each of which is also marked with a white balloon. The suit covers everything except her face, ears, and forelock, the last hanging backward along her head instead of over her face and also sporting a zigzag at its end Pinkie’s tail hangs behind the rump, its edges and end styled into a zigzag. An additional violet band circles her neck and trails down into an arrowhead pointing toward her chest.

"ZAPP!!!" Rainbow shouted with confidence, holding her morpher.

After a flash of lightning and a crash of thunder, Rainbow now wore a dark blue bodysuit with holes for the wings, whose hood has been cut away to cover only her forehead and the back of her head. The hooves are white, each marked with a gold lightning bolt, and a white band and gold lightning-bolt pendant encircle her neck. The face portion of her suit is edged in white, with lightning bolts on the temples, and her mane is swept back similar to Twilight’s bangs but still keeps its unruly appearance.

“HUMDRUM!” Spike exclaimed, holding his own morpher as he looked excited.

After a flash of light, Spike now wore blue gloves, a red cape, and a black eye mask. The cape is secured with a small gold pin, and a blue belt with a large, round gold buckle encircling his waist.

"SHADOWHEART!!!" Nyx shouted while holding her morpher.

When the flashing light subsided, Nyx now wore a sleek bodysuit in shades of black and purple, a flowing purple cape, a matching eye mask, and a stylish emblem of a crescent moon on her chest.

"LUNAFLARE!" Phobos exclaimed while holding his own morpher.

When the flashing light subsided, Phobos now donned a celestial-inspired outfit with a dragon-shaped emblem on his chest. His scales shimmered with a starry pattern, and his wings now look like like cosmic nebulae.

"KNIGHT SENTINEL!!!" Ben shouted as he held up his morpher.

After a flash of light, Ben now wore a suit of gleaming armor that glows with a golden aura, topped with a dynamic cape, while wielding his Master Sword.

"MASKED MATTER-HORN!!!" Twilight shouted with confidence while holding up her own morpher.

In a flash of light, Twilight now wore a dark magenta bodysuit and an armor plate in a darker blue covering her back and chest, with holes for her wings. She also wore light blue boots marked with dark magenta trim and the pink star from her cutie mark. At her throat is a small pink lozenge-shaped gem, and she wears a magenta eye mask beneath gold-framed goggles. Her horn is protected by an armor piece the same color as the one on her back, with a magenta lozenge gem set between her eyes. Her bangs are swept back from her forehead, while the rest of her mane streams down behind one shoulder and her tail retains its usual straight-cut contour.

Now transformed into the Power Ponies, they all mimicked the Power Rangers by doing midair somersaults with battle cries.

Know that your time is coming soon
As the sun rises, so does the moon
As love finds a place in every heart
You are a princess, you'll play your part

You are a princess, you'll play your part

But upon landing, the Power Rangers and Power Ponies looked to see that their enemies had disappeared. In fact, the entire construction site seemed to be devoid of any sign of life.

"Where'd they go?" asked Kimberly.

“They probably took advantage of us morphing to run off.” Twilight replied, scanning for a sign of any Oozemen.

“We probably overdid the whole transformation thing, didn’t we?” Spike admitted sheepishly.

"Keep your eyes peeled." Adam said.

Rocky turned to his right. “Heads up, guys! Over there!” He exclaimed, pointing in the direction he was looking at.

The others looked in that direction. As they did so, they saw the last of the Oozemen run away into the depths of a building currently under construction.

"They headed into that purple fog!" Nyx said.

“Careful, it could be a trap.” Tommy spoke.

"Right!" agreed the rest of the Rangers and the Power Ponies.

"Let's go." said Tommy, and the heroes walked towards the partially constructed building.

They knew that they had to go inside the building to finish these creeps that Ivan summoned on them. What the Rangers and the Power Ponies did not know was that he might have summoned the Oozemen to create a diversion so Ivan could 'visit' an old friend. And when I say 'visit', I mean, make sure that his 'friend' suffered.

Fall of the Rangers?

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Back at the Command Center, while the Ponies and their allies had been fighting against Ivan Ooze's Oozemen, things were starting to seem grim.

"Alpha, my sensors tell me the Rangers were too late. Ivan is on his way here." Zordon said grimly.

"Don't worry." Alpha reassured his leader confidently, "Except for Twilight and her friends, nobody enters the Command Center without a Power Coin."

However, the sound of beeping caught the robot's attention and he looked towards the entrance of the chamber. If he had a heart, Alpha's would have stopped at what he saw. Seeping through the cracks of the door were trails of purple transparent slime.

"Well... almost nobody!" Alpha added, his voice now full of fear.

A look of concern grew on Zordon's face as the purple slime took form into Ivan Ooze, who chuckled evilly as he walked forward.

"Gee, pretty fancy-schmancy." Ivan commented as he looked around the Command Center, "I guess if you invest your money well over 60 centuries, you can buy something pretty nice."

"Hi-YAH!!" Alpha exclaimed, karate-chopping the purple creature in the abdomen, earning a burp and glare from the latter, "... uh-oh."

Ivan gave an amused chuckle before he zapped the robot on the top of his head with the tip of his finger, leaving him spinning and speaking gibberish while his head was twisted backwards.

"You haven't changed, Ooze," Zordon lectured Ivan, glaring at him, "You're still picking on creatures smaller than yourself!"

"Ah, put a sock in it, Z." Ivan said rudely as he walked into the center, "10 minutes out of the egg and I'm listening to one of your lectures." The purple being then glared at Zordon as he continued, "You locked me into your stuffy hyperlock chamber and tossed me away in the depths like yesterday's trash. You any idea what it's like to be locked up in a rotten egg for 6,000 years? It's boring! Not to mention I've had a Charley horse since the Renaissance."

"You won't get away with this, Ooze!" Zordon said angrily.

"You robbed me of my prime!" Ivan snarled, "I was the supreme ruler of the most foul empire in the universe! And now, it's time to pay the piper."

From out of nowhere, he pulled out a pipe flute and played a couple notes. Suddenly, he turned to look at a nearby tube and shot purple lightning at it. This in turn caused sparks to fly from the tube and elicit a laugh from the dastardly villain.

"Oh, the things that I have missed! The Black Plague!" He shouted, turning to another tube. Once again, he shot purple lightning at the tube, creating another shower of broken glass and sparks.

"The Spanish Inquisition!"

He shot lightning at another tube. This time, the tube that was affected toppled over like a tree that had been chopped down and smashed into the railing, bending the tube in half.

"The Brady Bunch Reunion!"

Then he shot purple lightning everywhere else in the Command Center as he began laughing maniacally. Eventually, Zordon was zapped as well.

"Alpha..." Zordon groaned weakly as he faded a bit while being zapped.

Paying no heed to Zordon, Ivan kept laughing maniacally as he zapped and destroyed every console, sending sparks and explosions everywhere.

Back with the Ponies and their friends, they carefully walked through the mostly dark building, keeping an eye out for any Oozemen while keeping their guard up. It was as though they were expecting the goons to hop out from a pillar at every turn.

"This place gives me the creeps." Adam commented.

"I heard that." Aisha replied, staying cautious.

"Oooh... I'm scared." Fluttershy whimpered fearfully.

"Don't worry, Fluttershy. As long as we're together, we'll be fine." Rainbow assured her yellow pegasus friend.

"HYAH!" Billy shouted as he took a fighting stance while near a pillar. He looked around to find nothing before resuming walking with the others as he said, "I've got a bad feelin' about this place."

"Ain't gonna lie, kind of reminds me of the Everfree Forest the first time we went to look for the Elements of Harmony." Applejack added, not feeling any less uneasy as she looked for a sign of purple.

As the heroes kept walking, none of them noticed an Oozeman peeking out from the floor while looking at them before ducking back down.

"Did you ever have the feeling you were being watched?" Nyx asked cautiously as she looked around.

"Yep! In fact there are folks reading this story right now!" Pinkie exclaimed happily as she looked to the screen. "Hey Brian, hey Caramel! Hey Maud, Marble, Limestone, mom, dad, princesses, and everyone else reading this!"

"Pinkie! Shh!" Twilight snapped, "Now's not the time to be random! You might alert those purple creatures!"

"Sorry, Twilight." Pinkie apologized sheepishly.

As they walked further in, a screech got their attention and the two groups struck battle-ready poses. However, no creatures came their way, much to their relief and disappointment.

"Anybody see anything?" Kimberly asked nervously.

"Not yet, Kimberly." Rarity replied nervously.

"We need some light." Tommy suggested.

"I got this," Twilight said, lighting up her horn as it illuminated their surroundings.

"Activating Power Beam." Aisha spoke as the "eyes" on her helmet transformed into headlights that turned on, further illuminating the way.

Then the Rangers and the Ponies resumed their careful trek through the dark area, looking for the Oozemen. Speaking of which, unknown to the two groups, another Oozeman was spying on them from a pillar before scooting back with a grunt. Then, as they advanced further, through an area with different platforms, a third Oozeman got off one and scurried off.

"Those things must be really good at hiding, I can barely hear their footsteps," Pinkie remarked.

"I'll handle this. Activating Power Sonar." Adam said, and then, supersonic audio receivers popped out of the sides of his helmet. With that done, the heroes kept advancing through the dark building. About a minute and a half later, so far, they still haven't seen or heard the hiding Oozemen.

"They gotta be around here somewhere," Rainbow said, looking around.

"Activating Power Scope." Rocky spoke, and the "Tyrannosaurus mouth" area of his visor transformed into a modified one with a scope that had a red long slit.

"Talk to me, Rock." Tommy said, "What do you got?"

"The readings are all over the place." The Red Ranger said while looking around, "I don't know what these purple creeps are made of but I can't lock 'em down."

"Okay, let's stay alert." Rarity suggested, looking about cautiously.

As the two teams kept going, none of them noticed the shadow of an Oozeman come up near them and get in a fighting stance.

Just then, Spike looked to his right to see movement. "Look!"

At that same moment, a beeping sound was heard as Rocky looked in the same direction as Spike, pointing to it. "Over there!"

From his point of view, the shadow of an Oozeman ran from behind one pillar to another.

Tommy raised his hand as he shouted, "Let's power up!"

"Right!" The other Rangers and the Power Ponies said in unison.

Suddenly, at that very moment, the Oozemen came out of hiding and charged at the two groups.

"Here they come!" Aisha cried.

"Get ready!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Power Ponies, ATTACK!!!" Ben shouted.

Twilight blasted an approaching Oozeman with her magic while Tommy kicked another so hard in the head, it caused the goon to flip and fall.

Kimberly got near another Oozeman and began kicking him multiple times as she shouted, "You boys make me sick, sick, sick!"

On the final "sick", she kicked the goon hard enough to send him into the ceiling with the sound of a bell dinging before falling to the floor with a splat.

Billy was punched by an Oozeman, but he quickly recovered before kicking him across the face two times, then kicked him in the face two times to the sound of a doorbell, causing the purple creature to backflip before falling to the floor.

"Anybody home?" Pinkie asked with a giggle.

She then tapped a nearby Oozeman on the shoulder, but as soon as he turned to see who tapped him, Pinkie zipped away. With the goon's back turned, she tapped him on the other shoulder and zipped away before he could look. With him distracted, Pinkie zipped in and threw a pie in his face. The pink pony laughed at what she did before zipping off.

Nearby, Tommy was literally sent through a wall as he went tumbling. He quickly jumped back to his feet as soon as an Oozeman hopped through the broken wall after him. The White Ranger kicked him down before seeing two more Oozemen coming at him. He kicked the second one down, but then, despite blocking a kick from the third Oozeman, he got knocked down by another kick.

As the purple creature got near him afterwards, he got kicked in the face with a bell clanging sound as Tommy shouted, "Back off!"

Just as Tommy hopped to his feet, Twilight noticed an Oozeman hop down near him. "Tommy, look out!" She cried out.

Luckily, the White Ranger saw that coming as he said while spinning towards the Oozeman, "Have a nice flight!"

Then he kicked him upwards to the platform he hopped from, crashing into some stuff. At that precise moment, two more Oozemen ran from out of the shadows near a wood fence. But before they could reach the White Ranger, he spun into the air.

"Later, dudes!" Tommy called before landing on a higher platform.

Twilight then appeared out of thin air before the bewildered creatures. "Hello there!"

The two Oozemen yelled out in shock and startlement from seeing this. However, knowing they had a new target, they charged at the lilac alicorn.

"Freeze Ray!" Twilight shouted, and she launched a beam of ice at the two Oozemen.

And the instant the ice beam hit the two, they were each trapped in a block of ice. Smirking, Twilight bucked the blocks, shattering them and their trapped goons to pieces on impact.

"Nice one, Twilight!" Tommy cheered, giving her a thumbs up.

"Thanks, Tommy!" Twilight responded, smiling proudly.

At that moment, another Oozeman hopped down behind Tommy. The latter karate-chopped the goon in the face and then grabbed his arm before punching him in the abdomen four times. Tommy ducked just in time to avoid receiving a punch in the head, then leaped and performed a spinning kick on the ooze creature's back, sending him flying into a pillar and exploding upon impact.

"Three down!" remarked Twilight confidently.

Meanwhile, Rocky kicked a charging Oozeman in the head, sending him tumbling to Spike. The young dragon leapt up and kicked the goon in the chest, sending him rolling over to Nyx.

"Take that!" Nyx shouted as she punched the purple goon, sending him tumbling into a shadow of her that kicked it back to her. She kicked the Oozeman back to the shadow, and the process repeated until the latter grew and it and the black foal both kicked the Oozeman, sending it flying to another pillar, making it explode on impact.

"Yeah!" Nyx cheered before she and the shadow gave each other a high hoof.

Rocky kicked another Oozeman to Aisha, who punched the same goon in the head and again in the abdomen before kicking him twice, sending him spinning. The Yellow Ranger then backflipped over to the purple creature and kicked him so hard in the chest, it sent him flying right into some nearby scaffolding. Upon impact, the Oozeman exploded into the purple ooze he was made of.

"It's gonna be one messy night!" Aisha declared, striking a battle-ready pose.

"I'd hate to be the guy who has to clean it up." Spike commented.

"That's for sure." Nyx remarked.

"Nyx, Spike, look out!" Phobos shouted as another Oozeman came at the two. The black foal disappeared into a shadow quickly before the purple creature could get her.

Spike yelped as he leapt up and flapped his wings, avoiding getting tackled himself. He then stopped flapping his wings and did a drop-kick on the goon's head, leaving the latter very dizzy.

"You're a purple booger!" Spike shouted before he whipped it with his tail briefly becoming enlarged upon hitting the Oozeman, sending it flying into a wall, exploding into the purple ooze he was made of upon impact.

"The new and improved Humdrum rocks!" Spike declared confidently as he flexed his muscles while his tail shrank back.

Rocky and Adam flipped from a higher level in the construction zone. They turned to look up in time to see three more Oozemen jump down and chase after them before literally backing them into a corner.

“Up and over?” Adam asked Rocky.

“Let’s do it!” The Red Ranger replied.

The two Rangers then charged toward the slimy goons and leaped over them. Upon landing, Rocky jumped and kicked two of the Oozemen in the face, sending them tumbling before punching another one that charged at him.

What followed was Rocky and Adam dealing a couple kicks to any Oozemen that didn't go down easily, but did after their kicks.

“Rocky, behind you!” Adam shouted while pointing behind the Red Ranger. The Black Ranger saw another Oozeman hopping up onto a half-built column. Rocky turned to see him, then looked back to Adam, who charged in the direction of the purple goon and flipped towards him just after Rocky got down while doing the splits.

"GOING AIRBORNE!!" Shouted the Black Ranger before delivering an air kick to the Oozeman, sending him falling off the column.

One of the fallen Oozemen stood up, barely recovering as Rocky remarked, "These guys don't know when to quit!" He pointed towards Adam as he asked him, "Double whammy?"

"You're on!" Adam replied.

The two rangers immediately charged toward the Oozeman, who looked at both of them with grunts of concern. He could manage an “Uh-oh” before both Rocky and Adam kicked his head in, causing his eyes to bulge out before he crumbled to the ground.

"HA HA HA! He's a cartoon!" Rainbow laughed upon seeing that just now.

"Rainbow, watch it!" Rarity cried.

“Huh?” Rainbow asked, spinning around.

As it turns out, an Oozeman was lunging towards her. Rainbow didn’t have much more time to react before she was tackled by the purple goon. However, she managed to punch him in the face with her right forehoof and then bucked him in the chest, sending him flying a couple feet. The rainbow-maned pegasus took hold of the lightning bolt pendant on her necklace with her teeth as she smirked.

"Eat this, you mutant grape!" Rainbow shouted.

All of a sudden, her pendant glowed and a tornado appeared out of thin air. The small force of nature made its way to the Oozeman before picking him up and spinning him around until he was launched into a crane. Upon impact, the goon exploded into purple slime.

"You just got Zapped!" Rainbow said with confidence.

Rarity smiled at Rainbow’s victory, but the sound of grunting got the fashion pony’s attention. She turned around and yelped as she barely dodged a punch from an Oozeman before noticing there was another one and ran away with the two giving chase. Before long, she found herself in a dead end and she knew the purple goons would catch up to her.

“Oh, if only I had something to distr-.” She spoke before realizing something, “Wait. Maybe I can!”

Soon, the Oozemen had caught up to the unicorn’s location, but much to their confusion, they found multiple versions of Rarity waiting for them. Unknown to any of them, the fashionista pony had conjured up mirrors and her reflection was in all of them.

“Looking for somepony?” The Raritys asked.

The Oozemen looked around in confusion, not sure which one was the real Rarity. Then one of them punched at one of the Raritys, only to end up shattering a mirror.

“Seven years bad luck!” The remaining Raritys teased.

Confused, the other Oozeman swiped at another Rarity, only to shatter that mirror. Both of the goons looked confused, only for confusion to give way to surprise when one of the “reflections” moved from their spot with a smirk.

“What’s the matter, disillusioned by illusions?” The violet-maned mare asked, taking the remaining mirrors and morphing them into a giant fly swatter.

The two creatures gave out “Uh-ohs” before Rarity used her giant fly swatter and brought it down on the pair, squishing them into slime.

"Ha! Squashed like two purple bugs." Rarity said proudly.

With Applejack and Fluttershy, the two were facing off with their own batch of Oozemen. Fluttershy was accidentally tripping a couple while Applejack bucked a few into each other.

"Come on, Fluttershy!" Applejack said to Fluttershy, "Ya gotta get mad and fight 'em!"

“H- honestly, I’m more afraid than mad!” Fluttershy admitted, flying over a goon and kicking them.

"But if you don't do anything, Ivan will win."

Fluttershy's eyes widened at hearing this as she began to get mad, growling, "That.....big....dumb....MEANIE!!!!"

The Oozemen that Fluttershy was “fighting” stopped and looked both confused and concerned.

Fluttershy then started yelling as her voice grew deeper, "You purple creatures think you could take over the world with that Ooze jerk?! THINK AGAIN, YOU DISGUSTING SLIMEBAGS!!!" As Fluttershy yelled that, her anger kept building and veins started to bulge on her head and neck, her eyes burned red, and she began to grow to the approximate weight and bulk of a small elephant, her bodysuit badly ripped from the sudden growth with her lacy scarf snapped.

Seeing this transformation, the Oozemen's eyes practically bulged out of their heads. They let out screams of terror and made a break for it. However, using her lasso, Applejack caught them both and chucked them into Fluttershy.

With a roar, Fluttershy grabbed the Oozemen and started slamming them on the ground until they both exploded into purple goo when she slammed them on the ground once more.

"Way to, er... go, Fluttershy!" Applejack cheered, a bit uneasy from Fluttershy's rage.

"Huh?" Fluttershy asked before noticing what she did and smiled sheepishly, tapping her front hooves together.

Meanwhile, Billy was going hand-to-hand against an Oozeman of his own. The purple goon blocked any attacks and grabbed the Blue Ranger by the arm before throwing him over the ledge. Instead of plummeting to the ground, though, Billy went spinning towards a pillar on the lower level as he shouted before colliding with the pillar.

"Billy!" Fluttershy cried in concern upon seeing that happen.

The Blue Ranger glared up at the Oozeman as he spoke, "That does it. STEGA STINGER!!"

At that, he whipped out a small blue device. Two yellow strings shot from the tip and extended to wrap around a pipe just over the Oozeman. At first, Applejack and Fluttershy thought he was going to yank the pipe down onto the purple goon, but then the strings began retracting, pulling Billy effortlessly up to the ledge he was thrown from.

"Did ya miss me?" He asked the slimy creature.

Then the Blue Ranger punched the Oozeman in the chest and tossed him off the platform.

Down and down he fell before hitting a grating in the floor below, exploding into runny slime on impact.

"Hoo-wee! That was a neat trick, Billy!" Applejack remarked.

Nearby, Aisha kicked an Oozeman to the ground before hopping on the platform behind her. Kimberly twirled in just in time to see another Oozeman charging her way.

"PTERODACTYL THUNDER WHIP!" She shouted, whipping out what looked like a whip hilt.

At Kimberly’s call, a whip coil shot out of the handle and struck the charging Oozeman in the chest, knocking him down.

“Have a nice trip!” She shouted, whipping the whip just behind her at another Oozeman before the whip coiled around his leg. All it took for the Pink Ranger was a pull of the whip to send the goon spinning in the air before landing with a thud.

“See ya next Fall!” She exclaimed, whipping another charging goon so hard, it sent him flying off the platform and falling face-first on the makeshift wood stairs.

Then Kimberly turned to see yet another goon charging at her before she extended her whip coil again towards it as she said, "Buh-bye!"

After the Oozeman was struck in the chest and knocked down to the floor, the whip went back into the handle as the Pink Ranger said in a cool tone, "Gotta love it."

Phobos was bounding from one Oozeman to another as each attempted to grab or stomp him. He hopped over one of the goons and shoved him away after leaping away.

"Tag! You're it!" The moon dragon teased.

The Oozeman growled in annoyance at this. At that moment, Nyx was seen flying backwards and crashed into a pillar, a sickening crunch being heard afterwards.

"AAAH!! My wings!" Nyx cried in pain.

"Nyx!" Phobos shouted before he shot a beam of moonlight from his tail at the black alicorn foal, causing her to glow. Then after a brief moment, her wings look good as new.

Smiling in approval, Nyx glanced at Phobos as she said, "That's better. Thanks, Phobos."

"Anytime, Nyx!" Phobos said with a wink.

His smile disappeared as he and Nyx looked up to see themselves surrounded by the Oozemen that were chasing him earlier.

"Uh-oh!" Nyx and Phobos said in unison and concern.

Just then, the dragon smirked to the filly. "What do you say I take two and you take two?"

"You're on!" Nyx replied confidently with a nod.

Then the two fought off the Oozemen that surrounded them. Phobos leaped to an Oozeman and kicked him into his companion. Nyx bucked the goon and zapped another one with magic from her horn. Phobos himself shot two of his own goons with an energy blast. Soon, the dragon and his foal friend whacked the goons off a ledge and to the ground below, where they exploded into slime upon impact.

"We're unstoppable!" Nyx cheered.

"No one messes with Nyx and Phobos!" Phobos added boldly.

Meanwhile, with Tommy, he was fighting another Oozeman on a nearby ledge. The former gave the latter a few punches to the chest before tripping him with a low kick. After finishing with that adversary, the White Ranger looked down to see another one of the purple goons charge up and with a battle cry, he flew down and repeatedly kicked him in the chest.

"Tommy, I'm open!" Ben exclaimed from nearby.

Then Tommy kicked him towards the brown stallion. As soon as the slimy creature flew near him, Ben leaped in the air with a spin and bucked the goon into a pillar. Upon hitting the pillar, the Oozeman exploded into purple goo.

"Another one bites the dust!" Ben said with a smirk.

Back with Aisha, she dodged an Oozeman's punch, punched him back, and tossed him over, but then she was kicked in the chest twice by another Oozeman, and then it and another one kicked her together, sending her flying backwards into a wall

Soon, the three Oozemen charged towards the downed Yellow Ranger.

"Hold on, Aisha!" Billy exclaimed, swinging in with the Stega Stinger.

Then once near them, he stamped on six Oozemen's heads one by one as he said, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6!" As he did that, the bonking sounds were heard in difrerent pitches, enough to sound like "Go go Power Rangers".

Nearby, Spike noticed the commotion and flew over to Aisha while Billy backflipped over to her.

“You okay, Aisha?” Spike asked in concern.

"These guys are tough." Aisha remarked.

"Let's finish these purple parasites!" Billy said.

"You said it!" Aisha agreed.

Spike, Billy, and Aisha flipped backwards in the air with cries before landing on the platform behind them. Kimberly, Adam, Rocky, and the remaining Power Ponies all did midair flips with cries while landing near the three as Fluttershy reverted back to normal size, her outfit still tattered. They were soon joined by Tommy, who flipped through the air with his own cry before landing with the two groups. Almost immediately, the remaining six Oozemen charged over in their direction.

“I want you guys to meet Saba!” The White Ranger exclaimed, bringing out a sword that resembled a scimitar. The tip of its hilt resembled what looked like a tiger.

Then he swoosh his sword around a bit before thrust-launching it forward with a cry. The charging Oozemen stopped dead in their tracks as the sword, Saba, literally flew circles around them. Then, the sword flipped up in the air towards a large metal container being held by the rope of a crane. Saba stopped just where the hook and the rope met and shot lasers from his eyes, breaking the rope and allowing the container to fall towards the remaining Oozemen like a giant, heavy bomb.

"Uh-oh!" The Oozemen shouted in unison.

That was all the goons had to say before they were crushed by the container into the slime they were created from.

“Yeah!” The heroes cheered, striking poses of victory.

"Now let's go find Ivan." Tommy said with determination.

“And kick him back into the sewer he crawled out of!” Rainbow added, sharing Tommy’s determination.

But then, the Rangers started emitting electricity, much to their confusion.

Twilight looked concerned, “Guys? What’s wrong?”

Hardly any of them had noticed Saba disappear into thin air as the electricity traveled up the Rangers’ bodies.

"Hey, what's happening?" Kimberly asked, just as concerned as Twilight.

"We're losing power." replied Billy.

One by one, Kimberly, Adam, Rocky, Billy, Aisha, and Tommy’s ranger suits disappeared, leaving them back in their outfits.

"What's going on?" Kimberly asked in confusion.

“Alpha? Come in!” Billy spoke into his communicator.

The only thing he got in reply was static, much to the concern of the Rangers and the Power Ponies.

After a brief second of silence, Aisha spoke up. “Something’s wrong.”

“You don’t think…?” Fluttershy began, the worry evident in her voice as she thought of a worst-case scenario.

"Oh, I hope nothing bad happened to Zordon and Alpha..." Nyx said in concern.

"We better get back." Tommy sighed, "Let's go, guys."

“Let’s try teleportin’ like last time!” Applejack suggested.

Rocky shook his head after pressing a button on his communicator. “No good. Teleportation is down, too.”

"Guess we'll have to go to the Command Center the old-fashioned way." Phobos said.

“Maybe, or Twilight could teleport us there herself.” Spike offered.

“I’m not sure about that,” The lilac Alicorn replied nervously, “The most ponie- er, people I teleported was just two, including myself.”

“We gotta try.” Rainbow insisted.

After weighing her options for a few seconds, Twilight nodded. “Okay, huddle in close.”

"I'll help you with that spell, Mommy." Nyx said.

"So will I." Ben added.

At the lilac alicorn’s suggestion, everyone huddled close to her. Immediately, Twilight and Nyx fired up their horns at the same time Ben focused before the two groups disappeared with a flash and a bang, leaving behind the slimy aftermath of their battle.

Moments later, they reappeared just outside of the Command Center. Seeing they all made it in one piece, Twilight smiled.

“Hey, it worked!” She exclaimed, smiling to Ben and Nyx, “Thanks for the help!”

"Anytime, Twiley." Ben said with a wink.

Applejack looked up to see smoke billowing from the top of the Command Center and a look of worry came over her.

“That can’t be good…” She commented aloud.

"Let's go inside." Tommy said. Twilight and her friends quickly powered down, reverting back to their normal looks. With that done, the Rangers and ponies headed inside, but walked cautiously because a majority of the place looked more dark and foreboding than when they were there not long ago. Out of any of them, Spike and Fluttershy looked the most nervous, assuming Ivan Ooze could pop out from behind a corner and scare them.

Soon, they got up to the doors to the Command Center that were covered with ooze, much to their concern.

"Oh, no. Ooze." Billy said in worry.

“Let’s get it open.” Tommy spoke.

“I’ll help.” Applejack offered.

“Me too.” Rainbow added.

With that, the two mares each moved to one door with Billy and Adam. The two slowly moved the doors open, which took some effort for them, even if they were strong. When the doors were almost fully open, some sparks came down up close, startling the heroes as Kimberly, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rarity, Spike, and Nyx quickly scream. The two groups slowly walked in, observing their surroundings with shock and worry. It was as though the Command Center had been hit by a bomb.

"Look at this place." Tommy commented in disbelief.

"I can't believe it." Adam said in shock.

"What happened here?" Aisha asked in worry.

“I got a feeling it starts with an “I” and ends with “Ooze.”” Twilight replied in worry.

"I have the same feeling, Twilight." Ben remarked.

"So do I." Nyx agreed.

"Oh no!" Kimberly said in worry upon looking ahead.

"What?" Rainbow asked the Pink Ranger in concern before she gasped in horror as she looked at where she was glancing.

The two rushed over to Zordon’s time warp, or what was left of it at least. Taking notice, the others rushed over with Rainbow and Kimberly.

"Zordon!" Adam cried.

"What's happening to him?" Aisha asked worriedly.

“Is he…?? Oh, no…” Fluttershy gasped, placing a hoof to her mouth upon approaching the remains of the time warp.

"Outside of his time warp, he's dying." Billy stated sadly, "He needs power."

What lay in the center of the time warp remains was Zordon; now a pale-skinned bald being in silver robes. All he could do was look weakly at the Rangers and Equestrians.

“Rangers…” He spoke weakly.

"Zordon..." Pinkie said in concern and worry.

"Thank goodness you are safe." Zordon said weakly.

“Come on, we gotta get you back inside.” Tommy insisted.

"I'm afraid that is impossible." Zordon could barely breathe as he explained sadly, "The power has been destroyed. It is gone. The Zords, the weapons, all of it. The Power Rangers are no more. Ivan Ooze has won."

Twilight and her friends couldn’t bring themselves to say anything in response. Seeing Zordon reduced to this form and hopelessness left the Equestrians feeling just as hopeless as he was.

"We're losing him." Billy said in worry.

"Zordon, you can't leave us!" Kimberly cried desperately, "Ever since you came into our lives, you've been like a father to us all."

The former inter-dimensional being only looked to them weakly. “You… must be strong.”

"Oh, this is terrible!" Nyx cried, "What'll we do now?"

The two groups looked between each other with looks of concern and heartache, as if they hoped one or the other had a solution on what could be done.


At hearing the familiar robotic voice, they turned to see…

“Alpha.” Twilight spoke, approaching the robot in question with the others, “Are you all right?”

"I'll be fine," The badly damaged robot replied, "There may be a power that can save Zordon."

“Power?” Rainbow asked, looking curious.

“What power?” Adam asked.

"It is on the distant planet of Phaedos." Alpha explained, "It's very dangerous. All who have tried for it have perished."

“”Perished?” That doesn’t sound very reassuring…” Fluttershy quietly commented.

"But we have to try, Alpha." Rocky insisted.

The only Ranger who didn't approach Alpha at the moment was Kimberly, who was focusing on the barely conscious Zordon with concern and worry. Applejack took notice of this and couldn’t help but look very sympathetic for Kimberly and worried herself. Because the cowmare knew how it felt to lose someone she always looked up to.

Alpha explained to the others, "Zordon's life force will not last long. You won't have much time."

"How can we get it?" Tommy asked.

As he headed up to a damaged but still functional console, Alpha replied, "Maybe if I can download the last plasmatic morphing gem into the transport core, I might have just enough power to get you there. But there won't be any left to get you back."

“None left to get us back?” Spike spoke in concern.

“Twilight, you can get us back, right?” Pinkie spoke to the lilac Alicorn, who was looking in Kimberly and Zordon’s direction.

Twilight looked to the party pony. “I could, but I’m pretty sure that’d take a lot of energy going practically across the galaxy. Plus, it’d be too risky.”

“So how do we get back?” Rocky inquired.

“We have to hope that the power’s there,” Kimberly replied, getting everyone’s attention as she approached them, “Zordon’s life depends on it.”

After working on the controls, Alpha turned back to the Rangers and the Equestrians.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

Twilight nodded, “I’m ready.”

Then the heroes stood together in line as Tommy said to his teammates, "We may not have our powers, but we're still the Power Rangers."

Twilight and her friends smiled at hearing that Tommy and the other Rangers were still optimistic, despite everything that had happened.

"Remember, Rangers, Zordon doesn't have much time." Alpha informed the heroes.

Then he pressed some of the buttons on the console he was at. For a moment, the Rangers and Equestrians shimmered briefly before returning to their physical forms, with Fluttershy's Saddle Rager outfit looking just like new, as if it never got tattered in the first place. Despite that, Twilight and her friends were at first worried that the teleportation didn’t work. However, Alpha pressed a few more buttons and the heroes transformed into colorful beams of light before teleporting out of the Command Center and off to Phaedos. But then, just after that happened, the lights in the Command Center went out.

"Oh, no! Ay yi yi yi yi!" Alpha cried in horror before looking at his master, "Please hold on, Zordon!"

Arrival on Phaedos

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Our heroes zoomed from Earth and off to the planet Phaedos. Witnessing this from the observation deck of their castle on the moon via the telescope were Rita, Zedd and their goons.

“I can’t believe it! How could he let them slip through his hands?!” The witch ranted, “He’s no better than the rest of the hired help around here!”

"Oh, give it a rest!" Lord Zedd snapped in annoyance.

"Nah, she's right." Rito quipped, "We thought he'd take down the Rangers for good!"

"Unfortunately, it seems that Ivan Ooze isn't as good as he said he is," Finster added with honesty.

Chrysalis looked annoyed, "And to think, he would have destroyed those meddling ponies too."

"Hmph! Some powerful villain!" Cozy Glow scoffed.

"Maybe I should steal his power and permanently make it my own." Tirek remarked spitefully. Then he thought out loud, "I wonder how his power tastes?"

Suddenly, the chamber doors slowly opened with a loud creak, gaining the villains's attention. Walking through the open doorway was the last person they wanted to see, Ivan Ooze, who was looking as though he had just won the lottery.

"Hi, honey! I'm home!" He announced proudly.

"You egg-sucking purple pinhead!" Rita shouted angrily while glaring at Ivan, "The Rangers are going after the great power! I thought you said this guy was the master of disaster! He's nothing but a slime-infested jelly doughnut!"

Ivan's expression immediately soured, sighing in annoyance as Rita ranted about him. He simply waved his hand and flung ooze at her. Before the witch could say another word, the slime landed directly on her mouth, shutting her up as she managed a surprised yelp.

"Finally! Someone shut her up!" Zedd exclaimed in relief as Rita tried to pull the slime off her lips, only to let out a muffled cry of pain as electricity zapped her fingers and shocked her.

"Your feebleness is staggering." Ivan said as he approached the villains, "You obviously need a vacation. I think circumstances force us to choose a new leader, and I pick... me!" Almost immediately after saying that, he made a cocky laugh.

"You can't do that!" Rito objected, looking to Scorpina as he asked her, "Can he do that?"

"Don't ask me." Scorpina replied with a shrug.

"Who does this clown think he's dealing with?!" Lord Zedd asked in outrage as Ivan walked up to his throne.

Ivan simply took a seat on the throne, "The Boogeyman is taking over!"

"That's Lord Zedd's throne!" Squatt cried.

"Ooh, he shouldn't have done that." Baboo said in a "Now he's gonna get it" tone.

"No one double-crosses Lord Zedd and lives!" The red skeleton-like villain shouted angrily as he shot a stream of electricity at Ivan from his staff.

However, the electricity had no effect on the ooze-like being and he laughed.

"Oh, stop it, it tickles!" Ivan said.

"What the Tartarus?!" Tirek shouted in shock as he recoiled in fear along with Chrysalis and Cozy Glow.

"He really IS powerful!" Baboo cried fearfully.

"Maybe even more than Lord Zedd and Rita!" Squatt added, sharing Baboo's fear.

Their leader suddenly ceased trying to zap Ivan as he looked stunned himself, though it was hard to tell because he was wearing a mask.

Ivan then glared evilly at Zedd with an evil chuckle as he said, "My turn."

Finster and Rito inched nervously towards Rita and Zedd as the purple warlock glared at them with a sinister smile. He suddenly zapped the four with his own electricity and the four villains seemingly exploded into sparks. However, upon retracting his magic, a snowglobe formed in his hand. Ivan looked down at the snowglobe and laughed with glee. Inside the snowglobe was cutout buildings and landscaped representing Angel Grove, along with a tiny sign that said "Greetings from Angel Grove." But what he found funny was the fact that Rita, Zedd, Finster and Rito were shrunken down and inside the globe.

"Way to go, bonehead!" Rita said sarcastically in a squeaky voice.

"It's getting so you can't trust anyone in this galaxy!" Lord Zedd remarked angrily, also in a shrunken voice.

"Why are we here?! We didn't do anything!" Rito exclaimed in frustration to Finster, speaking in his own shrunken voice.

"The only thing we did was agree with Rita about Ivan!" Finster added in outrage in his own squeaky voice.

"Oh, I love snowglobes." Ivan said gleefully as he shook the snowglobe in his hand.

"AAAH!!! EARTHQUAKE!!!! EARTHQUAKE!!!!" Rita screamed from inside the snowglobe.

Almost immediately after hearing that, Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow burst with hysterical laughter.

"She sounds so funny screaming like that!" Cozy exclaimed through her laughs.

"Oh, man, I never heard anything so hilarious!" Chrysalis added, wiping tears from her eyes.

"Neither have I!" Tirek agreed with a laugh.

Ivan turned his attention to Tirek, Chrysalis, Cozy, Goldar, Mordant, Scorpina, Squatt and Baboo. "The rest of you have a choice. You either serve me..." He spoke, then showed them the snowglobe for emphasis, "... or you can join these four insufferable dinkledorks!"

"Goldar, get us out of here!" Zedd commanded angrily.

"Don't listen to that purple booger!" Rita shouted.

"Don't you dare betray me!"

"Please help us!" Finster pleaded desperately.

"Yeah, I don't wanna be in here forever!" Rito cried fearfully.

The remaining baddies looked between each other, then back to Ivan.

"Ah, we never liked those dinkledorks in the first place!" Goldar commented rudely.

"You said it, they stink!" Mordant agreed rudely.

"Bunch of jerky bossy boots!" Squatt agreed.

"Yeah, who needs them?" Baboo agreed.

“So… what are we gonna do about the Power Rangers and Power Ponies, o my hideous one?” Scorpina asked, changing the subject.

"Ah, yes. The Power Rangers and the Power Ponies." Ivan said as he stood up from the throne while putting down the snowglobe.

He sniffed a bit, then hawked and finally, he spat, sending a small purple booger across the room before it landed on the floor.

"Good distance." Mordant remarked.

"Yeah." Goldar agreed.

Ivan gave out a relieved sigh before the slimy booger slowly pulsed and grew bigger. The other villains watched in awe and curiosity. Finally, as Ivan chuckled with pride, the blob grew and shape-shifted into giant humanoid black birds wearing purple armor. The giant birds cawed and chattered as they flapped their wings while standing in place.

"Wow!" Cozy exclaimed in amazement.

"Those are the ugliest, downright vicious birds I've ever seen!" Tirek said before grinning, "I love them!"

"They look almost better than the original form of my kind!" Chrysalis remarked, "Almost."

“SHUT YOUR BEAKS!” Ivan commanded the bird-like creatures, making them shut up, “Now, my Tenga Warriors… you will fly to Phaedos… you will find the Power Rangers and Power Ponies… AND YOU WILL TEAR THEM APART!!!

Obeying Ivan's command, the Tenga Warriors started flying through the balcony opening while squawking.

“Go sic ‘em, tweeties!” Goldar said.

"Happy hunting!" Mordant said.

Ivan laughed evilly as the Tengu Warriors flew away from the lair and off to Phaedos to carry out his command.

"Fly, my pretties! Fly, fly!" Chrysalis shouted with an evil laugh.

"Go, birdies, go!" Cozy shouted.

"Yeah, hunt them down!" Tirek said.

"Look at 'em go!" Baboo cheered.

"Yeah, fly on, Tengu birds!" Squatt cheered.

"Get those Rangers and Ponies!" Scorpina shouted with confidence.

Then Zedd and Rita's former minions all joined Ivan in laughing evilly as the Tengu Warriors flew.

Speaking of the Rangers and Ponies, they soon arrived on the planet Phaedos. They landed on a rocky surface near the ocean shore, Rainbow once again standing in a puddle.

"Ohh, not again!" Rainbow complained.

The others barely took notice of Rainbow’s complaint as they observed their surroundings in awe.

“Oh, my gosh. Look at this place!” Kimberly spoke.

"This is so incredible!" Ben exclaimed in amazement.

“Guys! Over here, quick!”

The two groups turned in the direction of Aisha’s voice, realizing she broke off from them to check things out. Immediately, they followed the sound of her voice and found her and Applejack standing over what looked like the skeletal remains of an alien creature with horns protruding from the top of its skull. Also on its skull was what looked like a headset with a microphone. Fluttershy took one look at the skeleton and nearly fainted.

"Whoa, looks like somebody had a bad day." Aisha remarked.

“What even is that?” Rarity asked.

"I think the question is, what was it?" Billy replied with a question.

"Definitely not the welcoming committee, that's for sure." Kimberly commented.

“Come on, guys. We got a job to do.” Tommy urged them.

"Tommy's right. Let's go." Twilight said.

Then the group headed off in a direction away from the water, Fluttershy immediately moving almost hastily, not wanting to see the alien skeleton any longer. The groups walked off away from the alien skeleton to figure out where to go from there. Little did they know that they were being watched by a figure from atop the cliff. Whoever they were, they wore a dark green cloak that concealed their entire body and with them, they carried a wooden staff. The figure watched them before they wandered off.

Meanwhile, back on Earth, Ivan Ooze and his new minions all were at an abandoned toxic chemical factory.

"Taking over the world is one thing," Ivan commented, looking at the abandoned warehouse, "Finding good help to run it for ya, that's the killer."

"Would you like us to make a few calls?" Cozy suggested sweetly.

"Yeah, we could call the villains of Equestria and have them join us." Tirek added.

Ivan turned to them with a grin. "No need. I'm going to recruit the parents of Angel Grove!"

"Uh, no offense, boss, but I think they might find you a little disgusting." Baboo said honestly.

Mordant followed this up by literally burping for emphasis.

"Now who's being disgusting?" Scorpina retorted, looking disgusted.

"Well, I suppose you'd be the experts on that." Ivan said sarcastically before he got ahold of Mordant by the snout as he finished, "You forget, I'm a master of disguise."

"How could I forget? I never knew." Mordant said stupidly almost immediately after the purple villain let go of his snout.

"If you're gonna disguise yourself, then what're you gonna do with the adults of Angel Grove, Your Repulsiveness?" Chrysalis asked.

"First, I'll turn them into zombies, and then order them to dig up my Ectomorphicons." Ivan explained.

"Uh, how are you gonna do that?" Squatt asked.

"By showing them the wonders of being wicked... with a little bit of Ivan's Ooze!"

He then shot electricity towards a machine, activating it. All of a sudden, purple liquid poured out of the pipe into the pot just below while Ivan laughed wickedly. He shot electricity at another machine, making purple liquid pour from that pipe into a pot just below it.

"Whoa!" Cozy exclaimed in amazement.

"Ooooh!" Squatt, Baboo, and Mordant exclaimed in unison.

Ivan continued laughing as he next zapped machinery behind the group, turning it on.

"Finally, I get to finish what I started six thousand years ago!" The purple wizard exclaimed with exhilaration.

"Ho!" Mordant laughed with the same exhilaration.

"Yeah!" Tirek exclaimed with a confident grin.

"Little do they know, my weapons of destruction lie buried beneath their feet." Ivan declared, smiling sinisterly before he began laughing evilly. The other villains joined in the evil laughter.

"Stop it!" Ivan snapped, making them shut up, "Get to work!"

"Yes, your royal heinous highness!" Mordant said.

With that, all of the villains started to get to work on their plans of world domination.

Back on Phaedos, the Rangers and Ponies continued walking along the shore. None of them knew which way to go from there, but it was better to try and go somewhere than just waiting for something to happen to them. Kimberly stopped to look out at the ocean just as a wave crashed.

Tommy noticed that and walked up to Kimberly, asking her in concern, "Hey, you okay?"

"... I was just thinking about Zordon," The pink ranger replied, a sad smile on her face, "Ya know, everything we've been through together."

Tommy put a hand on his girlfriend's shoulder as he said to her, "Look, he's gonna make it." Then he finished in a confident tone, "We'll find this power, and then send that slimeball Ivan Ooze back to the sewer he crawled out of."

Twilight stopped walking and had been witnessing this conversation from nearby. Upon hearing the White Ranger's encouraging words and seeing Kimberly smile, she couldn't help but smile sweetly. Even when things seemed pretty bleak for her and her friends, new and old, it was good to know there was an upside.

"Come on." Tommy urged Kimberly as the two turned to continue walking...

...only for Kimberly to scream when she looked up. Twilight, looking alert, spun around and screamed herself and ducked, just barely avoiding getting swiped by a Tengu Warrior. Tommy and Kimberly ducked from the Tengu Warrior as well.

"Whoa! What the heck was that?!" The white-clad teen asked in startlement.

"I don't know, but here come more!" Twilight shouted, looking to the sky.

The other Rangers and Ponies all braced themselves as the other Tengu Warriors flew towards them.

"Get down!" Billy shouted as he and the others ducked from the evil bird-like creatures.

"Those are the ugliest birds I've ever seen!" Rainbow remarked just as soon as the Tengu Warriors swooped over them.

"And their armor is ghastly!" Rarity commented in disgust.

"Twilight, Tommy, Kimberly, look out!" Ben shouted as he looked in their direction.

"Here it comes again!" Nyx cried.

Tommy, Kimberly, and Twilight spun around to see the Tengu Warrior swoop down towards them. Before it could make a grab at her, the lilac alicorn used her magic to teleport to the rest of the group.

"Let's move!" Tommy shouted as he and Kimberly flipped off the rock, joining their friends before they got into battle-ready positions.

Applejack looked to Twilight, "Think it's time to power up?"

"I don't think it's time, I know it's time!" Twilight replied with determination.

"Then let's do it!" Rainbow shouted.

"LET'S GO, FRIENDSHIP FORCE!!" The equestrians cried out, holding out their morphers and instantly transforming into their Power Pony selves.

"All right, you vultures! Come get some!" Rainbow shouted while glaring at one of the approaching Tengu Warriors flying at her.

Twilight blasted an approaching Tengu Warrior with her Ice Beam, freezing him in a block of ice before Spike swatted the ice block into a nearby rock formation using his temporarily enlarged tail. Upon impact, the ice block shattered and the Tengu Warrior fell over unconscious.

"Yeah, got one!" Spike cheered.

"Nice work, Spike!" Twilight praised with a grin.

Nearby, Fluttershy found herself cornered by a couple Tengu Warriors. At first, she looked frightened, but after taking a breath, she glared at them with tranquil fury.

"You leave me and my friends alone!" Fluttershy shouted with determination.

She suddenly bulked up and the Tengu Warriors looked immediately alarmed. They attempted to make a break for it, but they were caught by the now large and bulky mare who started swinging them around like ragdolls.

"You think you're so special?! ATTACKING ALL OF US?!?! WHAT WOULD YOUR MOTHER THINK OF YOU BEHAVING LIKE THIS?!?!?!?!" She roared, bashing them into any surface she whacked them against.

"Get 'em, Saddle Rager, get 'em!" Nyx cheered but yelped on seeing some more Tengu Warriors flying at her before she dodged them.

The warriors that Nyx dodged soon found themselves snagged by a lasso, held by Applejack. "Take this, ya feather-brained varmints!" She exclaimed, swinging them in Pinkie's direction.

Pinkie, using her super speed, ran between each Tengu Warrior tossed her way and kick-launched them to Rarity. “Rarity, catch!”

Smirking, Rarity conjured up two giant baseball bats and swatted the incoming bird-like creatures with them into a nearby rock wall.

"Home run!" Rarity cheered.

Twilight turned to witness this and smiled. "Nice one, Rari-!"

Before she could finish her sentence, the lilac alicorn felt a Tengu Warrior ram into her, knocking her off the rock she was standing on.

"Look out!" Rocky cried as more Tengu Warriors came swooping in, causing the Power Rangers to duck so they could avoid the humanoid birds.

Rainbow glared at an oncoming pair of Tengu Warriors. "You guys hungry?! I'm about to whip up some fried chicken!" She shouted, readying her amulet to presumably zap the birds with lightning, only to be swiped by a passing Tengu, causing her to lose her concentration, "Hey!"

This in turn caused her to send a lightning bolt in an unaware Ben’s direction. Thankfully, the bolt missed him by mere inches.

Ben glared up at the Tengu that hit Rainbow as he shouted, "You're gonna regret making her almost zap me, you buzzard!"

While the Equestrians were busy taking on their share of Tengu Warriors, more of the creatures were circling and attacking the Power Rangers.

“They’re everywhere!” Tommy exclaimed, noticing more of the bird-like beasts swooping their way, “Take cover!”

Then the Rangers jumped away in opposite directions, all while ducking from the Tengu Warriors swooping over. Adam and Billy got kicked to the ground by two incoming Tengu Warriors. Meanwhile, a couple more went after Kimberly, Rocky and Spike, all three of whom kicked the creatures away.

“Back off!” Aisha shouted, kicking a Tengu Warrior with a grunt.

Soon, some of the bird-like creatures landed to fight against the Rangers and Tommy kicked one of them.

"You want a piece of me, birdie?!" Spike asked daringly while getting into a fighting stance.

He leaped up and whacked a bird in the face with his tail, knocking it to the ground. The baby dragon turned to see a Tengu Warrior flying towards its intended target, Billy. The dirt blond-haired teen dodged another Tengu Warrior’s punch before kicking the latter to the ground.

“Billy, behind you!” Spike shouted, alerting Billy.

Seeing the approaching flier, Billy charged and did a midair flip over it, causing it to fly into a nearby rock wall before it squawked painfully as it slowly fell backward with a creak until it landed its back on the ground. At witnessing this, Spike couldn’t help but laugh at the bird-like warrior’s pain.

Billy looked in Rocky and Spike’s direction. “You know the funny thing about morphing?”

“What’s that?” The latter two asked in unison.

"You don't appreciate it till you can't do it anyMORE!" Billy replied, shouting "MORE" when he was pounced on by another one of the Tengu Warriors.

Before either the Rangers or Equestrians knew it, they were quickly being swarmed, pounced, and even kicked by multiple Tengu Warriors. Some of our heroes ducked or flipped away as best as they could. Kimberly kicked a Tengu Warrior in the abdomen, making it stumble away as she was unaware of another flying at her.

“Kimberly, behind you!” Tommy and Twilight cried at the same time.

It was too late as the Tengu Warrior grabbed ahold of the Pink Ranger with its talons and lifted her up in the air.

Tommy kicked an approaching Tengu to the ground with a karate cry. He immediately turned his attention back to his girlfriend.

“Hang on, Kimberly!” He called.

“As if she has a choice!” Applejack remarked in concern, watching as the Tengu carrying the Pink Ranger flew about and the latter attempted to pry its talons off her shoulders.

Without warning, both the cowmare and the White Ranger got tackled by more of the avian monsters. After dealing with a couple of Tengu Warriors, Fluttershy looked up to see Kimberly helplessly being carried by one of them.

"LET HER GO!!!!" Fluttershy shouted in rage as she flew up in the air after the avian creature holding the brown-haired girl.

“Somebody help me!” Kimberly exclaimed in panic.

Before the other heroes knew it, they found themselves being overwhelmed one by one by Tengu Warriors.

“They’re too strong!” Aisha screamed.

“We need our powers!” Adam grunted, trying to fend off the Tengu Warriors overrunning him.

Spike looked to Twilight, “Hurry, Twilight! Blast that creep carrying Kimberly!”

“I- I can’t! I might accidentally hit her instead!” The Alicorn exclaimed, trying to aim at the Tengu still carrying Kimberly despite being overrun by Tengu Warriors herself.

"I'LL SAVE YOU, KIMBERLY!!!" Fluttershy roared as she flew towards the Tengu Warrior flying around while carrying the helpless Pink Ranger.

As the heroes struggled, the same cloaked figure from earlier watched from a nearby cliff.

“LET ME GO, BIG BIRD!!!” Kimberly grunted, still attempting to pry herself free from the Tengu Warrior’s talons.

"PUT HER DOWN, YOU BIRDBRAIN MEANIE, OR I'LL RIP YOUR FEATHERS OFF!!!!" roared Fluttershy as she attempted to get close to the black-and-purple avian warrior holding Kimberly.

But before she could get any closer, a strange squawk echoed across the area and everybody turned their attention to the cloaked figure standing at the top of the cliff. This sound caused the Tengu Warrior to release Kimberly, dropping her to the ground. Fortunately, Fluttershy caught the white and pink-clad brunette on her back before landing.

The pink-maned pegasus reverted to her normal size and looked at Kimberly. “Are you okay, Kimberly?” She asked in concern.

"Yeah." Kimberly replied with a nod.

"What the Tartarus was that?!" Phobos asked in shock upon hearing the squawk.

“I think it came from there!” Nyx replied, pointing to the cloaked figure on the cliff.

"Who's that?!" Rainbow asked.

As if to answer the rainbow-maned mare’s question, the cloaked figure leaped from the top of the cliff onto a lower ledge. The figure then threw off its cloak, revealing it to be a young woman with wavy red hair. She wore only a green headband, a dark green, nature-inspired combat outfit resembling a stylized bikini, and matching knee-high boots.

Looking determined, the woman leapt from that ledge and down to the battlefield below with her staff in hand. She struck any Tengu Warrior she encountered, including any that lunged at her. Twilight and the others could only watch in awe, amazed at this woman’s fighting skills. Suddenly, the woman split her staff in two and spun them around, creating a shrill whistling sound.

"GAH!! My ears!!" Pinkie cried as she plugged her ears from hearing the whistling sound.

The rest of the heroes also covered their ears, affected by the whistling sound. However, the sound affected the Tengu Warriors, who squawked and screeched in agony as they scrambled to their feet and began flying away, much to the Rangers and Equestrians’ amazement. Once the avian beasts were out of sight, the woman ceased twirling both ends of her staff and started twisting the two ends back together.

As soon as the Rangers, ponies and dragons stood up, they slowly approached the red-headed woman. Before they did so, though, the Equestrians powered down from their Power Pony forms and back into their normal looks.

“That was awesome!” Rainbow cheered enthusiastically.

“Better than awesome, that was amazing!” Rocky praised, approaching the warrior, extending a hand out, “Thanks!”

Of course, the female warrior hit Rocky's hand with her staff, causing him to recoil in pain with a grunt.

"Hey!" Rainbow shouted in protest.

"If you want to thank me, go back to wherever it is you came from." The woman said sternly.

"That's... easier said than done," Twilight replied, looking cautious.

"Yeah, we can't go back." Aisha added.

"We were told there was a great power here," Billy inquired, "Is it true?"

"Yes," The green-clad warrior replied with a nod, "The ground is littered with the bones of those who have tried for it and failed."

"That explains that creature skeleton we saw earlier," Applejack remarked in concern.

The rangers and equestrians looked between each other with the same concern. However, Tommy approached the female warrior with a look of determination.

"Well, we're different." He spoke with a determined tone of voice, "We won't fail."

Just then, the green-clad woman swung her staff, hitting Tommy and causing him to tumble to the ground, and then held him down with her weapon.

"Leave Phaedos before it's too late." She warned him.

This caused the remaining heroes to back off a little, looking even more cautious.

"Look... we don't want any trouble," Aisha insisted, holding up her hands, "Our leader Zordon-"

"Zordon?!" The woman asked in shock while holding her staff down, making Tommy grunt in a little pain, "Did you say Zordon?"

"You know Zordon? Who are you?" Kimberly asked.

After a brief silence, while looking down at Tommy, she got her weapon off him as the White Ranger stood up, holding a hand to where the weapon was touching him before walking backward to the other heroes.

"I am Dulcea, master warrior of the planet Phaedos." The green-clad warrior introduced herself, "What has happened to Zordon?"

"He was attacked by some literally slimy creep named Ivan Ooze." Twilight replied, looking mad at just mentioning his name.

"Ivan Ooze is free?!" Dulcea asked in shock.

"Wait, you know that ghastly beast??" Rarity inquired.

"Ivan Ooze is a monster." Dulcea replied, "If we don't hurry, your planet is doomed. Follow me."

With that, the redhead warrior began walking along the shore, leaving the Rangers and Equestrians to look between each other.

"Can we really trust her to help us?" Applejack whispered.

"Well, she did help get rid of those scary bird monsters." Fluttershy replied.

Looking determined, Tommy went to follow Dulcea. "Come on, guys." He urged.

"Yeah, let's go." Twilight said, sharing Tommy's determination.

Not needing to be told twice, our heroes followed after Dulcea along the shores of Phaedos to wherever she was leading them. All they could hope was that she'd lead them on the right path to the Great Power they had heard of.

Ivan's Oozy Deeds in Action

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Back at the Command Center, Zordon lay in the center of the time warp looking worried as Alpha approached him."Alpha, I'm getting concerned about the Rangers..." The Rangers' leader spoke with concern in his voice.

"Please, Zordon, save your strength." Alpha said in concern, "You need to rest."

"We must try to communicate with them." Zordon said, "It is possible I can help them."

"Perhaps, if I could locate a vertical deflector, then we could make contact through the Viewing Globe." Alpha suggested.

"Please. Please hurry."

"Ay-yi-yi-yi-yi! Hold on!" Alpha said as he headed off to work on the Viewing Globe.

Back in Angel Grove, at the fair for Ryan's Comet, a lot of children gathered at the center of the festival. They were gathered before what looked like a pale purple-skinned man dressed in a dark blue wizard's hat and dark blue wizard's robes. In his hands, he was holding two plastic jars containing purple slime. What the kids didn't know was that this man was none other than Ivan Ooze in disguise.

"Guys and girls, girls and guys, gather round and feast your eyes. I promise you all, you just can't lose when you've got your own supply of Ivan's ooze." Ivan said in rhyme.

"What are we supposed to do with it?" One of the kids asked.

"Show it to your parents, show it to your friends," Ivan replied, still speaking in rhyme, "When you've got your Ooze, the fun never ends!"

"This is kinda gross." A boy said in disgust as he pulled up a bit of the purple slime from an open ooze jar.

"You may have heard that looks can be deceiving," The disguised villain rhymed with a grin, "I'm sure that when you've tried it, you all will be believing. And did I mention? It's free!"

Within the crowd, Fred just looked on with skeptical curiosity.

"I'll take some!" A kid dressed in a baseball player uniform exclaimed.

"There you go!" Ivan said with a grin as he gave an ooze jar to the kid, "Who else?"

Within seconds, all the kids in the crowd let out cheers of excitement and requests to have some jars of ooze. It wasn't long until every kid had either a single jar or a box full of jars. Fred looked at the single jar he held with curiosity, not sure what to make of it.

"Okay, there's enough for everybody." Ivan said as some of the kids reached out for the jars of ooze, "Take it home in boxes, take it home in cases! If your parents try to stop you, JUST THROW IT IN THEIR FACES!"

All the kids, except for Fred, cheered eagerly at hearing this while the disguised villain raised his jar-holding arms in exhilaration.

Back at the Grand Palace Cinema, Bethesda, Starlight Glimmer, Trixie, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Toola Roola, and Coconut Cream all looked concerned at the scene they just watched.

"I got a bad feeling about this." Starlight commented.

"Me too." Trixie agreed.

"I know they have Dulcea, but Twilight, her friends, and the Power Rangers still need help!" Scootaloo cried.

Apple Bloom looked to her pegasus friend, "Yeah, but what can we do?"

"If only we could do something." Sweetie Belle said, "Maybe either infiltrate Ivan Ooze, or try to go to Phaedos, or... maybe even help Fred with whatever problem he'll soon be facing, and then... try and convince the kids what they're doing is wrong and save their parents, or something."

Bethesda heard the unicorn filly's words and smiled as if he had been waiting for somepony to say something like that.

"My little pony, you just said the magic words." Bethesda said with a wink.

"I did?" Sweetie asked, looking confused.

"Yes." The dark blue unicorn nodded in reply, "Do you recall Applejack's words to you before she and her friends entered the film?"

Apple Bloom suddenly remembered her sister saying, "Perhaps y'all could get in this adventure in a different way." All of a sudden, the little filly looked excited with an audible gasp.

"Are you sayin' what Ah think you're sayin'?!" Apple Bloom asked in excitement.

"As a matter of fact, I am." Bethesda replied with a grin.

"You mean we get to go into the film after all?!" Toola Roola asked excitedly.

"Sweet!" Coconut cheered.

"All right! Action at last!" Trixie exclaimed with a grin.

"Let's go!" Starlight said in a tone of eagerness and confidence as she and the Equestrians watching with her got onstage.

Suddenly, the screen faintly glowed. Just before the ponies could step through, though, Bethesda stopped them.

"Hold on, you'll need the same spell to turn you all human as well." The blue unicorn insisted to the other ponies.

"Right." Starlight said with a nod, understanding what he's talking about.

"I'm just so excited I could burst!" Sweetie exclaimed, her horn giving off a spark for emphasis.

"Me too!" Coconut agreed, trotting in place.

Bethesda smiled to the ponies. "Are you ready?"

"For Princess Twilight and her friends, for the Power Rangers, for Equestria and Angel Grove, and for all other worlds, we are ready!" Starlight confirmed in determination with a nod.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie is ready." Trixie added, sharing Starlight's determination.

"We're ready, too!" Apple Bloom said confidently.

"Yeah!" Sweetie, Scootaloo, Toola and Coconut agreed in unison.

"Then you're all set," The blue unicorn replied with a smile, "Go forth, my little ponies."

And with that, the group of ponies went into the screen. Little did they know they were going to play a major part in this adventure.

Meanwhile, back in the film and on the planet Phaedos, Twilight, her friends and the Power Rangers continued following Dulcea to wherever they were going. They walked along the top of a cliff that overlooked the ocean and the shoreline as the sun began to set.

"Dulcea, where are you taking us?" Billy couldn't help but ask the woman in question as she stopped briefly to look back to the others.

"You shall know soon enough." Dulcea replied before resuming leading the way.

"We have to hurry," Kimberly said, "Zordon won't last much longer."

Their travels took them from the shoreline to a desert. Soon, they reached a mountain and climbed to the top. By the time they reached the top, the sun was slowly setting beyond the horizon and they found themselves at what looked like the ruins of a great plateau overlooking a vast jungle with a mountain at the center of it.

Applejack let out a descending whistle, "I've never seen anythin' like it."

"Wow." Tommy spoke in awe.

"Amazing." Aisha commented.

"What is this place?" Tommy asked as they walked to the center of the plateau.

"These are the ancient ruins of the Ninjetti Temple," Dulcea replied.

"Nin... jetti?" Rainbow repeated in confusion, but then smiled, "What, like some kind of awesome ninjas?"

"You could say that." Dulcea confirmed.

The master warrior walked to the balcony overlooking the jungle as the rest followed. "There, beyond the Niola Jungle, is the monolith. Inside waits the power of the universe." She spoke, looking to the same jungle.

"The Great Power..." Twilight mused quietly as she looked to the jungle, namely towards the tall rocky monolith.

"The monolith is heavily guarded against intruders. No one has ever survived an attempt to reach it." Dulcea continued.

"Then how can we?" Aisha asked in wonder.

Dulcea smiled before she turned to the Rangers and the ponies as she replied, "You were chosen by Zordon. I have faith in his wisdom."

"Can you help us?" Tommy requested.

Dulcea turned and walked towards a stone of sorts as she replied, "We will call upon the sacred animals of the Ninjetti for help."

Twilight, Tommy and their friends looked between each other, then back to the monolith and the jungle surrounding it. They then walked up to the stone with Dulcea, surrounding it.

Back in Angel Grove, a Toyota Land Cruiser drove down a driveway to a decently sized house. Driving the car was Fred Kelman's father. Upon stopping before the garage, Mr. Kelman turned his car off, got out and entered his house.

"Fred?" He called out, shutting the door behind himself.

He then walked up to the counter in the living room, placing his keys down. Suddenly, he noticed the small jar of Ooze on the counter and picked it up. The first thing he noticed upon close inspection was the label reading out the title "Ooze." Below the picture of Ivan's disguised face were words that gauged the firefighter's curiosity.


Mr. Kelman picked up the jar and looked at it before he twisted the lid to open the container. Then he took a sniff of the inside of it before pulling back a bit with a look of slight disgust. After putting down the lid and the jar, he reached into the contents of it and pulled a bit of the purple ooze out, but he didn't know that it was a big mistake he made as purple electricity came from the jar and into his ears. He slowly turned around as if in a trance as his eyes glowed purple, walking away like a hypnotized zombie from the counter and out the front door. What he left behind was a half-empty jar of Ooze as the remains leaked on the counter. Outside, the firefighter slowly walked up his driveway and down the street where he walked alongside hundreds of adults who also walked like hypnotized zombies.

Meanwhile, back at the Command Center, Alpha was working on the wiring of the Viewing Glove. Upon finishing while holding pincers, the robot said in satisfaction, "There, that should do it. Let's give it a whirl!"

"... strange events..." A voice spoke through the speakers on the module.

The viewing globe immediately turned on to static before fading into what looked like a news report. Judging by the background, the female news anchor, clad in a red business suit, was standing at the same construction site Ivan's chamber had been unsealed at.

"Angel Grove Police have been fielding hundreds of calls from concerned citizens," The news anchor continued as Zordon leaned up as best as he could to see the news report, "as the number of missing parents continues to grow."

The viewing globe went static again before fading into what looked like a commercial, with a familiar disguised wizard coming onscreen as he walked in view, standing in front of boxes and stacks of his ooze jars while holding onto one of the jars.

"Hi, folks, Ivan Ooze here." Ivan greeted, "Are you bored with your work? Are you bored with your life?" The villain grinned evilly as he finished, "Then come on down to Ooze City, and let's get sticky!" As he said "sticky," the villain held up the ooze jar in his hand.

"Ay yi yi yi yi!" Alpha exclaimed in shock at this.

"Ivan's evil plot is taking shape," Zordon managed to speak through labored breaths, "I just hope they're not too late."

Back on Phaedos, night had fallen and Twilight and Spike had just finished setting up a bonfire with help from Dulcea, who had placed the firewood in the fire pit at the center of the plateau. With that done, the alicorn and young dragon joined their friends and the Rangers on one side of the bonfire as the master warrior walked back to the stone on the other side. Upon propping up her staff against the stone, Dulcea produced from her belt a small bag and poured its contents- small crystals- into her open palm.

After turning around and walking close to the bonfire to face the heroes, Dulcea explained, "Buried deep within each of us is an animal spirit waiting to be released. Close your eyes and look deep inside."

Tommy and Adam exchanged looks of curiosity and obliged by closing their eyes. Kimberly and Billy followed suit after looking nervously at each other and Rocky and Aisha immediately closed their eyes. Then, Dulcea blew the crystals from her palm into the bonfire, which roared as it expanded briefly. Twilight and her friends looked above the bonfire to see a tornado of crystals spinning over it. The ponies and dragons could only look on in awe as the crystals soon surrounded the Rangers and they were suddenly wearing ninja-yoroi that matched their ranger colors; Tommy in white, Adam in black, Kimberly in pink, Billy in blue, Rocky in red and Aisha in yellow.

"Astounding!" Rarity exclaimed.

"Whoa, that's amazing." Spike managed to say in awe.

Upon opening their eyes, the Power Rangers looked amazed themselves at their new attires. Dulcea simply smiled proudly as she looked on. What the rangers immediately noticed, along with the Equestrians, was that they each had a medallion on their chests, each one representing an animal. Kimberly's medallion depicted a crane, Tommy's a falcon, Billy's a wolf, Adam's a frog, Rocky's an ape and Aisha's a bear. All of them looked even more amazed. Well, everybody except Adam, who looked disappointed that his medallion featured a frog.

Then the Rangers took off their hoods and masks one by one before Dulcea walked up to Aisha, her staff once again in her hand.

"Aisha, you are the bear, fierce and unstoppable." The green-clad female spoke.

The yellow-clad teen smiled excitedly upon hearing that. Next, the master warrior walked up to Rocky.

"Rocky, powerful, smart... you are the mighty ape."

The red-clad teenager looked down at his medallion, then back at the woman with a smile while putting a hand to it.

After walking up to Billy, Dulcea spoke to him, "Billy, you are the wolf, cunning and swift."

Next, she walked up to Kimberly. "Agile Kimberly, light as a feather, you are the crane."

Then, as the pink-clad teen looked at her medallion, Dulcea walked up to Adam. "Adam?" At that moment, she noticed his disappointed frown before asking, "Adam, what's wrong?"

"I'm a frog." Adam replied with a frown.

Dulcea smiled once again, “Yes, a frog, quick as lightning.”

Seeing Adam wasn’t looking anywhere near reassured, Rarity smiled as she walked up to him. “And also the kind of frog that you would kiss…” She then leaned up and kissed his cheek, “… to get a handsome prince.”

The Asian-American teenager suddenly smiled shily from the unicorn’s reassuring words. And finally, Dulcea turned her attention to Tommy. “And you, Tommy, are the falcon. Winged lord of the skies.”

The white-clad teen put his hand to the falcon symbol as he smiled. Then as she walked past the heroes up the steps a bit, the warrior woman continued to explain. "To be in harmony with a sacred animal spirit is to have the force of the Ninjetti." She turned to face the teens and the ponies, "To those who are Ninjetti, anything is possible."

Tommy looked a bit nervous as Kimberly looked from him to Dulcea. Rocky and Aisha smiled to each other, but they felt their smiles disappear at hearing what Dulcea said next.

"But... I'm afraid that, other than with the help of your equestrian and draconic friends, you must do this on your own."

Rainbow looked a bit nervous at hearing that. "Wait. What?" She asked, looking at the master warrior.

"You're not coming with us, Dulcea?" Aisha asked in concern as Dulcea walked away from them a bit.

She stopped and turned to face our heroes once again. "If only I could. One step beyond this plateau and... I would begin to age as rapidly as Zordon is now." At seeing them look worried and disappointed, she continued, "The strength is inside you. Trust it. Your sacred animals will be your guide."

"We'll do our best, Dulcea." Ben said with a nod. Some of the others nodded in agreement.

"May your animal spirits watch over you." Dulcea spoke before she glowed with the same aura of the crystals over the bonfire and then transformed into a small owl.

“She turned into an owl!” Fluttershy exclaimed in surprise.

The now human-turned-owl gave a little hoot and flapped away without much of a warning as our heroes looked on.

Back at the Kelman House, Fred went inside into the living room.

"Dad?" Fred called out as he looked around.

He walked up to the counter and looked to it. The only proof he had of his father being there were his house keys and the opened jar of Ivan’s Ooze. Figuring his father was upstairs, the young lad walked up the stairs.

“Dad!” Fred called again, walking up the stairs and towards his dad’s room, “Dad, where are you?”

Outside the Kelman Residence in a part of the neighborhood close to it, a portal opened up. Starlight first walked out of the portal on her back legs. She was now a human teenager, wearing a pink beanie with white stars embroidered on it, a black vest with a teal t-shirt underneath, pre-ripped lilac pants, and black high-heeled boots. The first thing she noticed was that she was walking upright like a human.

“Huh, that’s interesting.” The now human Starlight commented, looking over herself. “Hey, my skin isn’t pink like when I went to Canterlot High…”

Trixie and the Cutie Mark Crusaders came out afterwards, and they were walking on all fours briefly. Being the first to notice this, Starlight giggled a bit. "Girls, stand up." She told them in amusement, "You're not ponies anymore."

Trixie noticed this and yelped. Of course, she was actually yelping at seeing her new look. She was wearing her same pointed hat and cape, but also a light blue vest with a white shirt that had fringes on the sleeves, blue pants and dark blue loafers.

"This is... strange to the Great and Powerful Trixie." The light blue-haired now human teenager spoke, wiggling her new fingers a bit.

"Whoa... look at us!" Apple Bloom exclaimed in amazement.

Apple Bloom noticed she, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo still had their same hairdos. But the former wore a white t-shirt, red short overalls and yellow sneakers. Sweetie Belle wore a white sleeveless blouse, a purple skirt and white mary-janes. Lastly, Scootaloo wore an orange t-shirt, pink shorts and orange sneakers.

"Wow!" Sweetie said as she looked at herself.

"We're... humans!" Toola Roola exclaimed.

Toola noticed her hair was mostly unchanged, but slightly longer and she was wearing a short-sleeved pastel colored cardigan with a pink dress underneath and lilac boots. Coconut, however, was wearing a light blue dress with light blue and magenta stripes on her skirt, gray shin length socks and pink flats.

"This is ridiculous!" Coconut remarked in surprise.

Starlight turned to the others, "I know it's crazy how we're human now, but I'm pretty sure we got a job to do."

"You're right, Starlight." Trixie said.

At the same time, at the Kelman House close by, Fred came outside, a look of concern on his face. As it happened, several kids approached him, all looking forlorn.

"Have you seen my parents?" A kid asked in worry.

"I can't find my dad either." Fred replied.

"What's going on?!" Another kid cried.

The pony-turned-humans approached Fred and the other kids. "Hey, is there anything we can do to help?" Apple Bloom asked them.

"What seems to be the problem?" Starlight asked.

"Our parents have gone missing!" Fred answered them, looking concerned.

"Missing?!" Scootaloo gasped.

"That's terrible!" Sweetie cried.

Trixie looked to Starlight and whispered, "You think it has anything to do with that slimy stuff Ivan was handing out earlier in the movie?"

"It's gotta be." The vested girl whispered back. Then she turned to the group of kids and said out loud, "Don't worry, kids, we'll help you find them."

Suddenly, a wild kid wearing grunge clothes ran by, howling like a banshee, startling Starlight, her group, and Fred. He's holding a container of ooze in one hand and a baseball bat in the other. He smashed a couple of trash cans with his bat.

"OOZE, OOZE, OOZE RULES!!" The kid hollered before bashing in a mailbox, then ran off.

"Whoa! Who was that maniac?" Scootaloo asked.

"That guy was the student body president!" Fred replied, a bit startled by the wild kid's actions.

"... maybe the ooze doesn't just have something to do with the parents disappearing." Trixie muttered in concern.

"You might be right, Trixie." Starlight said in a serious tone, "We gotta get to the bottom of this."

Sweetie approached Fred and the other two kids. "Hey, do you remember meeting anybody strange or seeing anything strange happen lately?"

"Sweetie, we know what happened lately." Scootaloo whispered to her friend.

"Yeah, but they don't." Sweetie replied in whisper.

"Well, we met this weird-looking wizard at the Angel Grove park, where he gave us these jars of ooze." One of the kids responded to Sweetie's question.

"You suppose this weird-looking wizard and the jars of ooze he gave ya have something to do with that kid actin' crazy and your parents disappearin'?" Apple Bloom asked them.

"I think it's gotta be." Fred said, "When I entered my house, I saw the jar of ooze I left on the counter, open with some of the stuff left over."

"Oh no!" Coconut exclaimed in concern, "Your dad must've opened it and touched the ooze by mistake!"

Toola gasped as she said worriedly, "Maybe it put him under an evil spell!"

"If that's the case, where could they have gone?" Trixie couldn't help but ask.

Starlight thought about this for a moment. "Hmm... Maybe we should check the construction site where that big purple egg was."

"Purple egg?" Fred asked, looking curious.

"It's a long story." Scootaloo said.

"Yeah. We'll explain on the way." Apple Bloom said.

Meanwhile, at the same construction site, all the parents of Angel Grove were put right to work and digging up the rubble. Nearby, Ivan was sitting on a large rock, a goblet in hand as Goldar, Scorpina, Tirek, and Chrysalis, stood by his side while Cozy Glow hovered.

"I forgot how slow parents are." Ivan remarked in a bored tone. "I thought my Ecto-Morphicons would be dug up by now."

“Perhaps a little crack of the whip will “encourage” them to speed things up.” Chrysalis suggested, looking very devious.

"Nah, too cliché." Cozy Glow remarked.

“I have a better idea. Let’s have some fun instead.” Tirek replied, swiftly turning to look at a working adult, “You there!”

The adult dropped his shovel in startlement from being suddenly called while looking towards the red centaur.

"Dance." Tirek ordered him. Without question, the adult started dancing in a ridiculous manner.

Catching on, Ivan looked to the dancing adult. “Do the “Swim.”” He commanded.

The dancing adult stopped his current dance and started doing a “swimming” dance, much to the villains’s amusement. Even Ivan looked as though he was starting to have fun from watching.

"Yeah! Get down, baby!" Cozy exclaimed with a grin as she danced along.

“Ooh, ooh! Do the Macarena!” Scorpina ordered, smiling excitedly.

Then the adult worker started dancing the Macarena, making Scorpina and Cozy Glow laugh.

Goldar laughed before making his own suggestion: “Ballet!”

After he stopped dancing the Macarena, the adult worker started dancing ballet, making the villains laugh heartily.

"Ohh, this is priceless!" Chrysalis laughed.

Goldar looked behind them to the sky, then back to Ivan. “Hey. Hey, boss! They’re back!”

Everyone else looked up to see a familiar flock of birds flying down towards them.

Ivan smiled, placing down his goblet. “Ahh! My Tengu!”

"I bet they killed the Power Rangers and those dumb ponies!" Cozy Glow expressed with a smile.

"Let's go ask them and see!" Tirek said with a grin.

Within seconds, the Tengu Warriors landed before the villains while continuing their screeching. Ivan approached them, waving his arms. “Stop your screeching,” He ordered and they obliged, “How did you fare?”

“Hmm, it couldn’t have gone better!” One of the Tengu Warriors replied in a nasally voice.

"AH!" Ivan exclaimed in delight with a laugh.

"I KNEW IT!" Cozy cheered while pumping her hooves.

“Threw one of ‘em off of a mountain, one into a raging river.” Another Tengu Warrior added, this one sounding like a laid-back surfer.

“So… they’ve all been destroyed.” Ivan spoke eagerly.

“Well, we were about to destroy them-” The nasally-voiced Tengu began.

"What?! You didn't kill them?!" Ivan asked in shock and anger, "You call yourself Tengu Warriors? You're more like Tengu turkeys!" The Tengu birds flinched at hearing this, "I'll have you all stuffed and roasted!"

"But-But master, there was this... this monster with these huge sticks!" The nasally-voiced Tengu said, "It kept twirling them around!"

“Sticks?” The ooze sorcerer repeated, “Did these sticks have a whistling sound?”

“More like nails on a chalkboard.” The nasally-voiced Tengu replied.

"Dulcea." Ivan growled, "That miserable, manipulating, loathsome she-devil of a witch! If she leads them to the great power, everything will be ruined."

“You want us to take another whack at it?”

"How about takin' another quack at it?!" The purple villain asked angrily.

He then shot purple lightning from his fingers at the Tengu Warriors, zapping them. Almost on impact, the bird-like beasts exploded into hundreds of feathers, the last sound they made before they exploded being their pained squawks.

"Whoa!" Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow exclaimed in startlement from seeing this.

"Note to self: Never make Ivan angry." Chrysalis remarked nervously.

"That's for certain." Cozy agreed, equally as nervous.

After removing some feathers from his face, Ivan said out loud, "No time to waste. My Ecto-Morphicon machines must be unearthed by sundown!"

Back on Phaedos, the sun was slowly rising as the Rangers and Equestrians woke up and stretched. Tommy walked to the edge of the plateau and looked over to the monolith in the middle of the jungle before Kimberly joined him and looked over in the same direction he was looking. They were soon joined by Twilight, who looked towards the jungle with concern and determination. Ben walked up to the purple alicorn, sharing her determination and concern, as did Nyx and Spike after they joined them. Eventually, the rest of the Rangers and Equestrians walked up and stood with them, all looking towards the jungle.

Finally, Tommy nodded in determination. “It’s time.”

"Let's go." Twilight said.

Then the heroes began their journey from the mountain temple towards the jungle of Phaedos. They walked across the vast plains to the jungle. Once inside, the heroes continued their trek while being cautious of their surroundings.

"Man, this jungle goes on forever." Billy commented.

"We gotta keep moving, guys." Tommy urged, "Zordon's time is running out."

Back on Earth, the parents of Angel Grove were still busy excavating the construction sight to dig up Ooze's Ectomorphicons. Hiding behind a pile of boulders was Fred along with Starlight, Trixie, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Toola and Coconut.

"Boy, all those poor adults are really under Ivan Ooze's clutches." Scootaloo said in concern.

"How will we get them back to normal?" Apple Bloom asked in concern.

"I don't know, Apple Bloom." Starlight replied before looking to the others with a determined look, "But somehow, we've got to!"

As they spoke, the group carefully crawled behind the boulders to avoid being spotted. Before long, Fred saw his dad nearby, striking a boulder with a pick axe.

“Dad.” He said quietly, rushing over to him.

"That's his dad?" Toola gasped.

Without saying anything, the pony-turned humans followed Fred over to his dad, who just kept working as if he didn’t know they were there.

“Dad. Hey, Dad!” The boy spoke, trying to get his father’s attention, “Dad, what’s wrong with you? It’s me, Fred! Dad, we gotta get out of here!”

“Mr. Kelman? Hello?” Scootaloo asked, trying herself to get the man’s attention, “Are ya deaf or something?”

"Mr. Kelman, answer us!" Sweetie said.

"Hey, you!"

"Uh-oh!" The CMCs yelped in unison and worry on hearing that just now.

Fred and the others turned to see Goldar standing at the top of a rocky hill with Mordant, Scorpina, Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow.

“Get down!” Trixie whispered in panic, ducking behind a nearby rock.

The others quickly followed Trixie's lead as Goldar shouted to a worker, pointing at it, "Get back to work!"

The worker in particular was just sitting on a pile of boulders and stood up, slowly tossing smaller rocks away. Starlight and Trixie looked relieved, knowing they and the others weren’t the ones that Goldar spotted and called out while Fred, the CMCs, Toola and Coconut watched in concern.

“Yeah, pick up those rocks!” Mordant ordered.

"Tote that barge! Lift that bale!" Chrysalis ordered.

"Keep working, slaves!" Tirek shouted.

"Yeah, work faster!" Cozy Glow ordered.

"Put your weak backs into it!" Scorpina shouted.

"Yeah, I had a weak back... about a week back!" Mordant said with a laugh.

"Tirek! Chrysalis! Cozy Glow!" Apple Bloom whispered.

"Bethesda was right!" Coconut remarked with a whisper.

Before anything else could be said or done, Ivan Ooze laughed as he joined the villains standing atop the hill, his arms briefly glowing. At the bottom of the hill was what looked like a dug-up giant robotic arm.

"Feast your eyes on the exoskeleton of the barbaric Hornitor!" Ivan bragged with pride, "The dreaded Scorpitron should be close by. Once my lovely little Ectomorphicon machines are up and running, spreading ooze throughout the world, I shall annihilate Angel Grove, and then... THE UNIVERSE!!!"

Tirek, Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, Goldar, Mordant and Scorpina laughed with Ivan wickedly.

“We’re taking over the world, we’re taking over the world!” Mordant and Cozy Glow sang as Fred, Starlight, Trixie, the CMCs, Toola and Coconut looked on in worry.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie is willing to bet that guy had something to do with the parents being here.” Trixie spoke, glaring in Ivan’s direction.

"What're we gonna do?" Sweetie asked in worry.

Starlight looked concerned as she whispered, “Twilight, guys… please hurry.”