> Fallout Equestria: Mona Lisa Overdrive > by AndyHunter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Introduction: What Has My Wonderful Land of Friendship And Magic Become? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two centuries ago, a cataclysmic conflict erupted, shattering the tranquil facade of the once-idyllic kingdom of Equestria. The genesis of this turmoil lay in the proliferation of spells capable of mass devastation, their inception fuelled by an insidious cocktail of ambition, moral decay, and unchecked power. As these arcane atrocities proliferated, so too did their wanton misuse and corruption, casting a pall of desolation over the once-vibrant landscape. The baleful clashes between the stalwart denizens of Equestria and the formidable Zebran forces of the Nazabre nation reached a crescendo of carnage and calamity. Yet, it was the tragic confluence of events at the threshold of Littlehorn that served as the fulcrum upon which the fate of Equestria was irrevocably altered. A cascade of ill-fated decisions precipitated an unfathomable massacre, forever staining the annals of history with the blood of innocents. In the wake of this harrowing reckoning, Equestria was transfigured into a bleak and desolate wasteland, its once-bucolic landscapes now suffused with the sickly glow of radioactive decay. The verdant pastures and vibrant hues that once defined this realm now lay obscured beneath a shroud of toxic fallout, their splendor extinguished by the relentless march of entropy. As for the question of victory or defeat, it remains an enigma lost to the ravages of time. In the crucible of war, the concept of triumph or defeat becomes a hollow abstraction, rendered insignificant by the incalculable toll exacted upon the hearts and souls of those ensnared in its merciless embrace. For amidst the wreckage of conflict, countless souls were robbed of their most precious treasures: the bonds of kinship and camaraderie, extinguished in the crucible of war's infernal fury. In this desolate landscape, bereft of solace and succor, the lamentations of the fallen echo eternally, a haunting requiem for a world lost to the ravages of strife. > Prologue - Course of Nature > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the revered halls of Stable 50, an atmosphere thick with apprehension surrounded Silver Whiskers as he paced the sterile corridors with a mix of excitement and nervousness. "Excited yet nervous," he mumbled to himself, his voice trembling with a blend of anxiety and anticipation. His heart fluttered within his chest, a testament to the weighty responsibility of impending fatherhood he bore with both pride and trepidation. A seasoned PipBucks programmer, Silver Whiskers cut a striking figure with his ash-grey coat and a mane adorned in shades of regal purple and deepest black. His cutie mark, a magnifying glass, symbolized his expertise in technology—a skill that had served him well within the sheltered enclave of Stable 50. Yet, as Scarlet's cries echoed through the halls, Silver Whiskers felt a profound unease grip him. Each cry served as a stark reminder of the precarious situation they faced, teetering between hope and despair. "I pray our foal emerges unscathed," Silver whispered fervently into the silence, his voice carrying a plea for solace amidst uncertainty. Scarlet, his steadfast companion, had weathered the trials of pregnancy with remarkable strength—a testament to her resilience. As agonizing minutes stretched into hours, Silver found himself caught in a limbo of apprehension and longing. Yet, amid the uncertainty, a flicker of hope remained—a beacon of light in the encroaching darkness. "And now, it's time," Scarlet exclaimed, her hooves clutching the stretcher tightly as the moment approached. "Hold on, Mrs. Scarlet, it's almost time," reassured one of the attending physicians, extending a gentle hoof to assist in guiding the newborn's arrival. With a primal roar, Scarlet's cries filled the birthing chamber, each one a testament to her labor. Outside, Silver paced restlessly, his heart filled with apprehension and hope, silently praying for his wife's well-being. The crescendo of Scarlet's anguish reached its peak until, at last, with a final cry, her strength waned, and a hushed silence fell over the chamber. "Congratulations, Mrs. Scarlet, it's a beautiful filly!" exclaimed the doctor, presenting the newborn to her weary mother. With a trembling sigh of relief, Scarlet reached out for her daughter, tears of joy and exhaustion in her eyes. "My beautiful filly," she murmured softly. Meanwhile, Silver stood transfixed, his heart aflutter with anticipation. As he approached, his eyes filled with wonder at the sight of his daughter cradled in Scarlet's arms. "She's our beautiful filly," Scarlet cooed, filled with pride. Silver smiled tenderly. "She's as adorable as her mother." "What name do you think suits her?" Scarlet asked. "I've been pondering, and I believe Stardust Glitter suits her," Silver replied excitedly, as if in agreement, the newborn babbled contentedly. "It's splendid," Scarlet said, cradling Stardust with care. "She seems to approve." "Come to Daddy, Stardust," Silver beckoned, holding his daughter close. "I'll be the best father to you, Stardust," Silver vowed, gazing at his daughter with adoration. As they embarked on this new chapter, Scarlet and Silver were united in their commitment to nurturing Stardust Glitter through the trials and triumphs ahead. A year had flown by since Stardust's entrance into the world, and now she found herself nestled in her mother's room within Stable 50. Scarlet, an alluring mare, held the esteemed position of Shift Supervisor within the stable. With her radiant scarlet coat and a vibrant yellow mane cascading over one eye, she exuded confidence and grace. Adorned with spiked bracelets around her neck and forehooves, Scarlet's unicorn lineage was evident, her magical prowess underscored by her cutie mark—a constellation of blue stars representing her innate talents. The rooms within the stable were modest but cozy. In the living area, Stardust played with a Sparkle Cola toy truck, its crimson exterior featuring Twilight Sparkle holding a bottle. Observing Stardust's fascination with the toy, Scarlet gently intervened with her magic, taking the truck from her daughter's mouth. "Oh, my darling, it seems you're fond of Sparkle Cola. But this is just a toy, not the real drink," she remarked, her voice tender as she addressed Stardust. Stardust's eyes began to glisten with unshed tears as she watched her cherished toy being taken away. "Mommy, I want toy, buaahhh," she whimpered, her distress evident in her infantile protest. "Don't cry, sweetheart. Here, play with this instead," Scarlet cooed, conjuring a Hershey toy with her magic and offering it to Stardust, a gesture of comfort in the face of her daughter's disappointment. Stardust's penchant for exploring the world through her mouth was evident as she contentedly gnawed on the Hershey toy, her earlier distress fading away. "She certainly has a knack for putting things in her mouth. I'll need to be vigilant and keep potential hazards out of her reach," Scarlet mused to herself, her gaze fixed on her daughter with unwavering devotion. As the soft glow of the television illuminated the room, Scarlet's attention was drawn to a vibrant advertisement for the Sparkle-World amusement park. The lively jingle and colorful imagery enticed her, immersing her in a whimsical realm of childhood wonder. "The one and only Sparkle-World amusement park, offering an unparalleled experience!" chimed the voices of multiple ponies in unison, their harmonious melody weaving a tapestry of excitement and anticipation. With rapt attention, Stardust and Scarlet watched as the park's mascots, Bottle and Cappy, danced across the screen in a playful introductory animation. "Welcome to Sparkle-World, where the fun never ends! I'm Cappy, and this is my friend, Bottle!" proclaimed Cappy, his design resembling a pony crafted from bottle caps. "Hi, everypony!" greeted Bottle, his form fashioned from gleaming glass in the shape of a bottle. Scarlet couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity as she observed the lively antics of the mascots. "So, this is the place that everypony's been talking about," she mused inwardly, her interest piqued by the promise of adventure that lay within the confines of Sparkle-World. "And we're here to ensure you have a blast and create lasting memories with your loved ones," declared Cappy with exuberance. "However, safety always comes first! Be sure to adhere to the listed age, height, weight, and health restrictions," cautioned Bottle, his tone imbued with a sense of solemn responsibility. "Use Sunscreen" "Stay in your seat to stay safe." "Make sure your foal is supervised as necessary." "And of course, stay hydrated with a delicious Sparkle-Cola!" As the advertisement continued, showcasing the myriad delights of Sparkle-World, Stardust's eyes sparkled with delight, her innocent babble of "Sparler wor" punctuating the air as she clapped her tiny hooves in time with the infectious rhythm of the commercial. "The place where foals smile and play, Sparkle-World, is the right place for them—candy, games, lots of games, with family and friends!" Several ponies sang at the same time in perfect synchronicity. Observing her daughter's infectious enthusiasm, Scarlet couldn't help but smile. "I can see you're excited about Sparkle-World, Stardust. But we'll save that discussion for when you're a bit older, alright?" she murmured affectionately, her heart brimming with maternal warmth as she gazed upon her precious daughter. Silver's weary form entered through the door, the weight of his day evident in the weary slump of his shoulders. Yet, despite his exhaustion, a flicker of determination danced in his eyes as he greeted his beloved family. "I'm here, family," he announced, his voice infused with a mixture of weariness and unwavering devotion. "Oh, Silver, you have no idea how delighted I am to see you," Scarlet exclaimed, closing the distance between them to plant a tender kiss upon his lips. "Likewise, my dear. I've missed Stardust terribly," Silver replied, his voice brimming with genuine affection as he cast an adoring gaze upon his daughter. "Why don't you come say hello to Daddy, Stardust?" he beckoned, extending his front hooves in a welcoming embrace. Stardust, ever eager to explore the world around her, responded to her father's call with a determined crawl, her tiny form inching closer with each determined movement. Though she stumbled and faltered along the way, her determination remained unyielding, her eyes alight with excitement as she reached her father's waiting embrace. "Look at her go, she's already a pro crawler," Scarlet remarked, her heart swelling with maternal pride as she watched her daughter's valiant efforts. "I couldn't be prouder," Silver declared, his voice laced with paternal warmth as he scooped Stardust into his embrace, lifting her high upon his shoulders. As Scarlet prepared to depart for work, she issued a series of instructions to her husband, her tone tinged with a hint of maternal concern. "Make sure Stardust gets to bed by seven, dear, and be sure to follow the list of foods I've left for you in the kitchen. And remember, keep a close eye on her, she has a penchant for putting objects in her mouth." "Don't worry, my love. I am more than capable of handling fatherhood," Silver reassured, his voice tinged with pride at the prospect of caring for his daughter solo. With a final exchange of affectionate farewells, Scarlet departed, leaving Silver and Stardust alone in the cozy confines of their home. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Silver seized the opportunity to bond with his daughter, his playful tone belying the deep affection he held for his family. "Now that your mother's away, it's just you and me, Stardust. Let's have some fun, shall we?" Silver proposed, producing a brightly colored ball from the nearby toy chest. With a skillful flick of his hoof, he sent the ball bouncing across the room, eliciting gleeful laughter from his daughter as she gleefully chased after it, her tiny hooves pattering across the floor in pursuit of the elusive toy. In that moment, as father and daughter shared in the simple joy of play, the bonds of family grew stronger, united by love and laughter in the warmth of their home. As the years drifted by and Stardust reached the milestone of twelve, the bustling cafeteria of Stable 50 was adorned with cheerful balloons emblazoned with "Happy Birthday," a simple yet heartfelt gesture that filled Stardust's heart with joy. Surrounded by her closest friends and adoring parents, she couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude for the love and companionship that filled the room. "Happy birthday, Stardust!" echoed the chorus of well-wishes from the assembled guests, their voices blending into a harmonious chorus of celebration. Beaming with excitement at the prospect of spending the day surrounded by loved ones, Stardust graciously accepted the outpouring of affection. "Thank you all so much! This truly means the world to me. I can already tell this will be the best birthday ever!" Scarlet, her eyes shimmering with emotion, couldn't help but marvel at how quickly her daughter had grown. "It feels like just yesterday you were a little foal, crawling around and exploring the world," she remarked, brushing a tear from her cheek. Silver, wrapping his arms around Scarlet in a gesture of shared sentimentality, nodded in agreement. "Indeed, time flies by in the blink of an eye. But every moment with you has been a blessing, Stardust." Amidst the joyous revelry, Stardust's friend Violet Glow approached, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Time certainly does fly, Judith. And speaking of time, I've brought you a special surprise," she teased, a playful grin tugging at her lips. Stardust's imagination whirred with excitement as she pondered the possibilities. "Could it be a new spiked bracelet? A collection of Sparkle-Cola trucks? Or perhaps even a robotic servant like Flytronix?" she mused aloud, her anticipation palpable. With a chuckle, Violet shook her head in amusement. "Oh, you're way off the mark, Stardust. Prepare to be pleasantly surprised," she declared, producing a comic book from her mane with a flourish. "It's the comic adaptation of the Book of Judith—the tale of the mare who saved Equestria!" she announced excitedly, presenting the cherished gift to her friend with a beaming smile. "Thank you so much, Violet! You know how much I adore Judith. My room is practically a shrine to her plushies," Stardust exclaimed gratefully, tucking the comic safely into her mane for later enjoyment. Violet chuckled at Stardust's admission, her playful tone laced with affection. "That's an understatement. Your room is practically a museum dedicated to Judith!" she teased, her sarcasm dripping with amusement. "Well, what can I say? I'm Judith's biggest fan," Stardust replied proudly, a twinkle of admiration in her eyes. "I can't argue with that," Violet conceded with a grin. "So, what do you say we head to my room after the party? We can have some fun and maybe even read that comic together." "I'd love that! I don't have any plans for later, so count me in," Stardust agreed enthusiastically. As the friends made plans for their post-party activities, the Overmare arrived, her expression filled with concern. "Have they sung 'Happy Birthday' yet? Did I miss it?" she inquired anxiously, her voice tinged with worry. Silver couldn't help but mutter a sardonic remark to Scarlet, "Probably delayed by yet another hangover." Scarlet responded with a gentle rebuke, "Now, now, dear, let's give her the benefit of the doubt. She's had her fair share of responsibilities to manage." Stardust, ever understanding and forgiving, reassured the Overmare with a warm smile. "Don't worry, Overmare. You haven't missed it, but even if you had, I understand how busy you must be. Thank you for coming, and happy birthday!" she exclaimed, her tone brimming with genuine appreciation. The Overmare returned Stardust's warm wishes with enthusiasm, a smile gracing her features. "Thank you, Stardust! And speaking of birthdays, I have a little something for you," she announced, producing a PipBuck from her mane and offering it to Stardust with a hoof extended. Stardust's eyes lit up with excitement as she accepted the gift, slipping it onto her hoof with eager anticipation. "Oh wow, look Mom, Dad! I've got my very own PipBuck! I've always wanted one!" she exclaimed joyfully, displaying her new acquisition to her parents with pride. Scarlet beamed at her daughter, her eyes filled with pride. "Well done, Stardust. Now we're all equipped with PipBucks." Silver chimed in, offering a suggestion. "Indeed, I could tinker with it to add some personal touches, make it uniquely yours." "Sounds like a plan, Dad, but right now I've got plans with Violet," Stardust replied, turning her attention to her friend. "Let's dig in, Violet!" Violet chuckled, a hint of sarcasm in her voice as she teased, "If Flytronix is cutting the cake, count me out. We all know how that'll turn out." "He's just trying to help, Violet. Besides, he's a friend," Stardust defended, leading the way towards Flytronix. Flytronix, the helpful robot responsible for maintaining order in Stable 50, was also in charge of cake-cutting duties during celebrations. Despite his best efforts, his attempts often ended in chaos, much to the amusement of the stable's residents. "Alright, everypony, cake time!" Flytronix announced, wielding his saw with mechanical precision, albeit with messy results. Stardust and Violet found themselves covered in cake as Flytronix's cutting technique left much to be desired. "You never fail to make a mess, Flytronix. Do you do this at every party?" Violet grumbled, clearly frustrated by the robot's consistent mishaps. Flytronix apologized profusely, explaining, "I can only cut cakes with the equipment I have." Stardust, ever the optimist, tried to lighten the mood. "It's alright, Violet. He's doing his best." Violet raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Are you sure it's safe to eat that cake? Who knows where his saw has been?" "Don't worry, Flytronix probably had a maintenance check before the party. His equipment must be clean," Stardust reassured, already digging into the cake with gusto. "Still, I'll pass. You enjoy it though," Violet said, wrinkling her nose in distaste. "More for me then!" Stardust declared cheerfully, relishing each bite of cake. "Try not to overdo it, dear. We don't want any tummy aches," Scarlet cautioned, her concern evident in her tone. "Don't worry, Mum. I'll only have half," Stardust promised, her enthusiasm undiminished. Stardust grinned mischievously as she swallowed her last bite of cake. "I've got an idea to spice up this party," she announced eagerly, her eyes lighting up with excitement. Violet sighed, shaking her head in resignation. "Please don't tell me you're going to do that again," she muttered, already foreseeing the chaos that was about to unfold. "You guessed it! I'm going to sing the Breña song!" Stardust declared, her magical aura enveloping the nearby jukebox as she manipulated it to play the infamous tune. "Oh, here we go again," Violet groaned, a slight frown forming on her face as she braced herself for the inevitable. As the instrumental filled the room, Stardust rose from her seat with dramatic flair, clutching a party cone as though it were a microphone. "My reflection wraps and pulls me under," she sang, closing her eyes as she immersed herself in the music. "Stardust, that's not exactly the most festive song for a birthday..." Violet commented, a hint of annoyance in her tone, though she couldn't help but find the situation slightly amusing. Ignoring Violet's protest, Stardust continued to sing, her voice carrying a mixture of earnestness and determination. "Healing waters to be bathed in Breña," she crooned, trying her best to maintain the serious tone of the song despite the lighthearted occasion. "I hope you don't plan on serenading me with this on my birthday," Violet remarked, her sarcasm evident in her voice. Stardust playfully hushed her friend, leaning in close with a hoof pressed to Violet's mouth. "Shhhh, Violet. Guide me safely in worlds I've never been," she sang, her voice softening as she focused on the lyrics. "Silver, I'm pretty sure Stardust developed a taste for that song because of you," Scarlet teased, her tone playful as she watched their daughter perform. "Well, I used to listen to it a lot back when I was her age. It's got some deep lyrics, and I figured she might appreciate it," Silver replied, scratching his head with a hoof, a sheepish smile on his face. "Vulneraaaaaable," Stardust sang out, stepping forward confidently, her voice ringing out clear and melodious. "It's aaaaaaaaall riiiiiight." "Stardust never fails to impress," Violet thought to herself, watching her friend's performance with a mixture of amusement and admiration. "You're so unique, Stardust, and really pretty too. I can't wait for our sleepover. I'm excited to do all our usual activities when we're alone," Violet said dreamily, resting a hoof against her cheek. Hours after Stardust's birthday party had ended, Violet and Stardust were enjoying a sleepover in Violet's room, each dressing in their own style. Violet had donned a bright pink tutu adorned with sunflowers, her mane cascading in waves around her. Meanwhile, Stardust wore a pink dress, complemented by blue pearl earrings, white princess gloves adorning her front hooves, and a delicate golden crown perched atop her head. "Stardust, with that black mane of yours, the pink dress might seem a bit off," Violet remarked, placing her makeup kit on the bed. "I've always had a fondness for black, even if most ponies call it a 'boring' color. Maybe I should have requested a black dress, but I do like pink too," Stardust replied, kneeling gracefully on Violet's bed. "Despite that, you look adorable in that dress, honestly," Violet said, her cheeks tinged with a blush. Stardust couldn't help but share in Violet's blush. "Aww, Violet, you always make me blush with your sweet words." "But it's true. And I have an idea to make things even more exciting. Let's try using lipstick this time," Violet suggested, reaching for a tube of lipstick and beginning to apply it. Stardust hesitated, taking a lipstick as well. "Are you sure you want us to kiss with this? It'll leave marks, and what if your parents catch us?" "My parents are probably fast asleep by now. It's nearly midnight, and they work tirelessly," Violet reassured with a slight smile. "I hope you're right. I'd rather not find out their reaction if they caught us," Stardust replied, a hint of worry in her voice as she applied the lipstick. "Trust me, being both a doctor and head of security is no easy feat," Violet said, meeting Stardust's gaze with sincerity. Once they both finished applying their lipstick, they glanced nervously at each other, cheeks flushed with a mix of excitement and apprehension. "I'll go first," Violet said softly, inching closer to Stardust and planting gentle kisses on both her left and right cheeks. "These moments mean everything to me. They make me feel so loved and cherished. We've done this plenty of times, I can't let nerves ruin it," Stardust thought to herself, her blush deepening. Violet then pressed a kiss to Stardust's forehead, leaving behind a trail of affectionate marks as she closed her eyes and rested her hooves on Stardust's shoulders. As she opened her eyes and beheld the shower of kisses adorning Stardust's face, Violet couldn't help but admire her friend's adorable appearance. "Wow, Stardust, you're all marked up. It only makes you look even cuter," she said, gently running a hoof through Stardust's mane. "I could say the same about you, Violet. Now it's my turn to kiss you," Stardust said, taking a deep breath. "I hope you enjoy it as much as I do." Stardust inched closer to Violet, her heart fluttering with anticipation as she leaned in to press gentle kisses to Violet's forehead. Each soft touch of her lips against Violet's skin filled the room with a tender echo. Feeling Stardust's kisses, Violet couldn't help but tremble slightly with nerves, though she cherished every moment of their connection. There was something profoundly intimate about these silent exchanges, where their emotions spoke volumes without the need for words. "I think I've left my mark all over your face," Stardust said, her voice soft and gentle. "It felt wonderful, Stardust. Now that we're marked, the best part is yet to come. Are you ready for the next step?" Violet asked, her tone mirroring Stardust's softness. Stardust took a deep breath, steeling herself for what was to come. "Ye- yes," she stammered, her heart pounding with anticipation. With a shared understanding and trust, Violet leaned in to kiss Stardust on the lips. As their lips met, a surge of warmth and affection enveloped them both. They embraced each other, their hearts beating in sync as their deep friendship blossomed into something even more profound. Stardust and Violet shared a longing glance, their hearts heavy with the knowledge that their moments together were limited. "It's a shame that we can't do this more often, I cherish these moments," Stardust murmured, her expression soft. "I feel the same way, but you know how strict my parents can be, especially my mother. If only they were as lenient as yours," Violet lamented, a hint of frustration creeping into her voice. "We could try to have another sleepover next week, and maybe we'll get some time alone again," Stardust suggested optimistically, placing a comforting hoof on Violet's shoulder. "Convincing my parents might be a challenge," Violet admitted, her gaze dropping to the floor. "I'll do my best to persuade them. You know the sad dog eyes always work wonders," Stardust said with a grin, recalling past successes. Violet chuckled softly. "That's true. I still can't believe you managed to convince them to let me stay in your room that one time." As they relaxed on the bed, Stardust brought up the issue of the kiss marks. "What should we do about these marks? Should we try to wash them off soon?" "Let's wait until tomorrow morning. I don't want to rush it," Violet replied, gently stroking Stardust's mane. "Sounds like a plan," Stardust agreed, pressing a kiss to Violet's hoof. With a sense of contentment, the two friends continued to enjoy their sleepover, lost in their activities and dreams for the future. To be continued > Chapter 1 - Mer de Noms > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardust's excitement bubbled beneath her skin like a shaken soda bottle. Today was no ordinary day—it marked her 18th birthday, and the anticipation of her first venture to the surface tingled in her veins. For years, her parents had fretted over her obsession with Sparkle-World, the amusement park she'd only ever dreamed of visiting. To prepare her for this momentous occasion, they'd subjected her to rigorous training sessions every Wednesday and Friday since she turned sixteen. But today was different. Today, she would finally step out into the world above, and the thought of it kept her awake all night, her anticipation refusing to let her succumb to sleep. As the clock struck five in the morning, Stardust found herself in the kitchen. A bowl of cereal adorned with marshmallows sat before her, and her favorite radio station, "We Know Everything," provided the soundtrack to her excitement. As Stardust savored each spoonful of cereal, her ears perked to catch every word of the radio hosts' banter. She knew she had to wait patiently for her parents to wake before the day's training could begin—a training her father promised would push her abilities to their limits. With each passing minute, Stardust's heart beats a little faster, her mind buzzing with anticipation. Today was the day she'd prove herself ready to face the world beyond the confines of her underground home. And she couldn't wait to see what adventures awaited her on the surface. **Intro music** Announcer: "And now, for another riveting episode of "Authentic Equestrian Justice" with your host, Judge Skirt Chaser! Today's case: number two hundred and forty-seven, exploring the creative ways to be unfaithful to your wife. Let's see if we can pick up some tips!" **Hoof Clapping** Judge Skirt Chaser: "Fillies and gentlecolts, or should I say, gentlecolts and fillies, because let's remember, gentlecolts always come first." **Clarifying his voice** "Today, we've got quite the intriguing case on our hooves. The plaintiff, Bubblegum, is suing Jackpot for his alleged infidelity. She's seeking a hefty sum of five hundred bottle caps for emotional damages and another fifty bottle caps to buy herself a clock. Let's welcome the litigants into the courtroom." **Hoof Steps sound** "Another couples' quarrel? This is going to be juicy. I love a good drama," Stardust chuckled to herself as she savored her cereal, her ears perked up to catch every word on the radio. Bubblegum: "Judge, I would like to—" Judge Skirt Chaser: "Shhhhh, mare, shhh. First, I want to hear what Jackpot has to say." Bubblegum: "What?! I'm the plaintiff, I'm the one who should speak first. Isn't that how this is supposed to work?" Judge Skirt Chaser: "It doesn't work like that in my courtroom. Stallions always go first, so keep quiet." Bubblegum: **Quietly** "Idiot." Jackpot: "Hahaha! Finally, somepony needed to shut this bitch up." Judge Skirt Chaser: "Well, Jackpot, your wife... has quite the cutie mark, I must say. Explain yourself. Why were you unfaithful to Bubblegum?" Jackpot: "It all started one morning when she found a Voodoo doll, and she believes that I am having some kind of relationship with that Voodoo. I have explained to her many times that it is just a voodoo doll. It's not strange at all. I need to please myself sometimes." Judge Skirt Chaser: "Seriously, Bubblegum? You're wasting my time. Just because your husband is a plushophile? That does not count as unfaithful. We cannot expect anything from the mares. The case is closed." Bubblegum: "What?! I haven't even explained my side of the story. There is much more behind that Voodoo doll!" Judge Skirt Chaser: **Sigh of annoyance** "Okay, explain your part of the story. I need more listeners, which translates to more bottle caps to spend on drugs and alcohol to destroy my career and my life." Bubblegum: "Finally, the females have some rights in this courtroom." **Cough** "That voodoo doll is identical to my best friend, which not only makes it strange but suspicious. It doesn't look like me but like my best friend." Judge Skirt Chaser: "But that's still not infidelity, Bubblegum. It's just a voodoo doll." Jackpot: "She gave it to me as a gift. What's wrong with that?" Bubblegum: "You thought I would never notice? Do you think I'm stupid?" Judge Skirt Chaser and Jackpot: "Yes." Bubblegum: "Stop the misogyny, damn it!" Judge Skirt Chaser: "Sorry, I didn't know properties could have sensitive feelings. Continue with your story, please." Bubblegum: "Anyway, the voodoo doll turns out to be powered by magic. Do you know what voodoo sex is, Judge?" Judge Skirt Chaser: "No, I've never heard of that concept before. Explain what it is. Bubblegum: "Jackpot was having sex with my best friend through the voodoo doll using magic; she is a unicorn, so I'm sure she used a spell to be able to have sex with him from a distance, without the need to see each other." Judge Skirt Chaser: "Are you saying that... They don't even have to see each other; I mean, he fucked your friend using the voodoo doll as a stimulant. Is that what you mean?" Bubblegum: "Exactly. Jackpot put his dick inside the voodoo doll hole that it had right in the ass, while my friend felt the penetration from who knows where." **Crowd shocked sound** Judge Skirt Chaser: "Wow, the damn creativity! I like that idea; maybe I'll apply it one day. But is it possible to have oral sex with the voodoo?" Bubblegum: "Apparently yes, you can; it has a hole in its mouth." Jackpot: "I-I had suggested bigamy, but Bubblegum always refused. I was patient and kind, but she always said, 'No, that's a crime; no, that goes against my traditional values' Who the fuck cares about your values? We live in a wasteland; you can shove your traditions up your ass."  **Crowd clapping sound** Bubblegum: "I don't care if I'm in a wasteland or in the middle of Armageddon; I'm not going to fuck my best friend and form a threesome. Marriages should only be two ponies, not three or four; that goes against the values that my parents implanted in me when I was a filly." Jackpot: "See, Judge? This hussy is very boring; I want some fun; she's lucky that, despite being my property, I don't use her as a punching bag when I run out of beer." Bubblegum: "I'd rather be hit; that turns me on, but my values remain!" Judge Skirt Chaser:" Alright, after the commercials, we will see who will win the case—whether Bubblegum will keep the bottle caps or Jackpot will still maintain his marriage." Interviewer: "While Judge Skirt is in his chamber making his decision, we head into the courtroom audience to hear some thoughts. Ma'am, what are your thoughts on today's case?" Mare from the audience: "I'm on Bubblegum's side; today's stallions not only think about having daughters and then fuck them behind our backs, but they also discover new ways to hide it; any voodoo doll I see in my house is a red flag." Interviewer: "And what do you think, sir?" Stallion From the audience: "What can I say? If technology advances, why wouldn't the methods to cheat on your wife evolve too? She will never realize the affair I am having with her father with this technique." Interviewer: "We'll be back in a few moments. This is 'We Know Everything', the best radio station in the wasteland. Stay tuned." "Awww, commercials? The case was getting very interesting. I hope Bubblegum wins the case, but with Skirt being a mare-hater, I find it complicated. My parents taught me that cheating is not good, so all my support goes to Bubblegum regardless of the result," Stardust mused in her mind while she used her magic to scrub her plate and spoon. She was so immersed in the radio that she didn't want to get out of her chair. Commercial Narrator: "Are you fed up with the large number of crimes that occur in the wasteland? Can't you go out into the wasteland without running into a rapist or bloodthirsty necrophile? Well, no more, the power ponies; they have revived, and now they will save the wasteland, not with friendship or kindness, but with lust and passion." **Power Ponies Intro Music** Power Ponies: "We are the Power Ponies, and we will save Equestria from those zebras and bad ponies!" Zapp: "I'll do my special attack, Assnihilator! Yeah, yeah, Mmh Mmh, take this, naughty raider!" Fili-Second: "I can jerk you off at the speed of light! **Clop** Clop** Oh, you already cummed?" Hum Drum: "I'm just a self-insert to satisfy my sexual fantasies; I don't give a shit about being a useful character." Radiance: "I will use my radiant dildo sword; eat this you fuckin' useless zebra shitbag!" At that moment, Silver peered into the kitchen where the sound emanated from Stardust's PipBuck radio. He couldn't help but feel concerned that his daughter was exposed to such explicit content. The vulgarity and sexual nature of the radio program heightened his worry about the potential influence it could have on her impressionable mind. "Good morning, Stardust," Silver greeted, his hoofsteps echoing lightly with concern. "Morning, Dad. I've been waiting for you to start training," Stardust replied, promptly turning off the radio and meeting her father's gaze. "I'm glad to hear that, dear, but I do have a concern about your fondness for those radio programs. Do you think they're a bit too risque?" Silver inquired, tilting his head with curiosity. "I listen to them just for entertainment. I don't try to imitate what they talk about on the radio. Besides, it helps me stay informed about what's happening in the wasteland. Of course, they're satirical, but you can still get an idea," Stardust explained. Silver's concern lingered, and he nervously brought a hoof to his mouth. In his mind, he imagined a disrespectful and reckless Stardust, a thought that made him tremble with worry. Yet, he didn't want to disappoint his daughter by outright forbidding something she enjoyed. "Well, just try not to listen to them too often, okay? You know I only want the best for you." "I know, Dad. You tell me that every day. I'll still be the same Stardust," Stardust reassured, her voice soft and gentle. "It's all right, dear. I'll get ready as quickly as I can to start training. I can see you're excited," Silver replied, still concerned but finding solace in spending time with his daughter. "Of course, Dad! I can't wait to practice my gun fu! Remember that time I jumped in the air and, while doing a frontflip, I hit two targets with a machine gun? Well, I missed one, but it still looked so epic, don't you think?" Stardust exclaimed, shaking her front hooves in excitement. Silver chuckled at his daughter's penchant for acrobatic moves during training. "Yes, I remember. That unique combat style of yours will definitely make your movements less predictable in real combat. It'll be hard for them to hit you. Just try not to show off too much," Silver said, raising a hoof and pointing playfully at Stardust. As Silver and Stardust made their way through the dimly lit hallways of the Stable, the air was filled with a sense of purpose. Ponies of all ages bustled about, each with their own tasks and responsibilities. Some ponies hurried along, their hooves echoing off the metal walls as they rushed to their jobs, while others lingered at the bar, indulging in glasses of wine and lively conversation, their laughter mingling with the soft melody of the music playing in the background. Security ponies stood watchful at various points throughout the corridor, their vigilant gazes sweeping over the bustling scene, ensuring that order was maintained within the confines of the Stable. Their presence added a sense of safety and security to the otherwise bustling atmosphere. Amidst the hustle and bustle, young foals lined up eagerly outside a room marked with a sign that read "G.O.A.T Exam Classroom" They chatted animatedly amongst themselves, their excitement palpable as they prepared to take the test that would determine their future roles within the community. As Silver and Stardust continued on their path, they encountered Violet Glow, a familiar face in the bustling hallway. Violet's eyes lit up with excitement as she spotted Stardust and her father approaching. With a warm smile, she greeted them enthusiastically, using the affectionate nickname Stardust had earned over the years. "Hey, Judith! Mr. Silver!" she called out, her voice filled with genuine emotion and excitement. "Good to see you, Violet," Stardust greeted, her smile warm and genuine. Violet returned the smile with equal warmth. "Same here. You're going to take the G.O.A.T exam, I imagine?" she asked. "Indeed, my turn is at noon, so I still have some time. I could stay and chat," Violet suggested. "Sure thing. Dad, why don't you go ahead and program the training capsule? Violet and I have some girl talk to catch up on," Stardust said playfully, winking at Violet. Silver chuckled, a playful glint in his eyes. "Ah, I see. Wouldn't want to intrude on your private conversations. I'll do everything I can to make my Stardust happy," he said, pulling Stardust into a hug and planting a kiss on her cheeks. Stardust returned the hug, feeling her heart swell with affection. "I love you too, Dad." "I'll be waiting for you. Programming the central computer takes some time, and I wouldn't want to bore you with the details," Silver said, slowly releasing Stardust from the hug before making his way towards the training chamber located not far from where they stood. Stardust's curiosity piqued, leaning in with a tilt of her head. "Did you catch the radio show, 'We Know Everything'? I was dying to find out who won between Bubblegum and Jackpot." Violet burst into laughter, clutching her chest with a hoof. "Neither of them, can you believe it? They both died. The real winner has to defeat a manticore with nothing but a pillow! Of course, they didn't last long and ended up being manticore chow! Hahaha!" Violet struggled to stand upright, still chuckling uncontrollably. "Aw, darn it. I missed the ending. Dad's always fretting about the radio content, so I have to cut it short," Stardust replied, giving a disappointed kick with her left front hoof. "At least your folks let you listen to it. Mine would flip if they caught me tuning in. And being sixteen, you can bet I'd be in hot water," Violet said, wiping away a tear of laughter. "They only allow me to listen to the music ones or that Galaxy station, which is such a snooze fest." "Yeah, they won't shut up about somepony named Littlepip saving the wasteland twenty years back. It's cool and all, but they need to switch it up a bit," Stardust said with a sarcastic chuckle, lifting her hoof and then lowering it in a dismissive gesture. "But hey, at least they've got some great post-war tunes by Sweetie Belle. 'Young Hearts Run Free' is my jam." "Oh, I love that one! Mine's 'Any Love'. It's so lovely. Hey, what about that 'Toxic Toys' radio? They speak in Spanish; I can barely make heads or tails of it," Violet asked, cocking her head to the side. "I avoid it for the same reason. Can't make heads or tails of it," Stardust admitted with a shrug. "Well, I could give it a shot. Listen," Violet cleared her throat. "Tu eres mi mejor amiga, Stardust, y estaremos juntas por siempre," she said, attempting to speak in Spanish. Stardust burst into laughter, throwing her head back at Violet's attempt. "Hahaha! I only caught my name, 'amiga', and 'por siempre', but that was kinda cute." Violet's cheeks tinged with a rosy hue. "Thanks, Judith," she said, placing a hoof over her heart. Stardust grinned at Violet. "No problem, Violet. Now, try saying 'Starry is a dumbass' in Spanish." Violet stifled a giggle. "Starry es un pelotudo." The two ponies erupted into laughter, exchanging playful nudges as they leaned on each other's shoulders. "Hahahahahah! Pelotudo sounds so silly," Stardust managed to say between fits of laughter, her voice laced with amusement. "Spanish is a riot, I'm telling ya. How about I teach you a bit of the language while we binge-watch some more episodes of the Power Ponies?" Violet suggested, rubbing her front hooves together eagerly. "Forgot already? Today's my trip to Sparkle-World!" Stardust exclaimed, leaning forward in excitement. Violet smacked a hoof to her forehead. "Oh, right, right. I totally blanked there. You'll have to fill me in on all the details when you get back." "I will, and who knows, maybe I'll snag you a Zapp action figure along the way," Stardust said, casting a sidelong glance at Violet, anticipating her friend's thrilled reaction. "Would you really do that for me? I've heard about the dangers out there in the wasteland, and believe me, just the thought of it gives me the heebie-jeebies," Violet admitted, her excitement tinged with a hint of concern. "Don't sweat it, Violet. I might detour through a sex shop or two before I hit Sparkle-World, and with my gun fu skills, nopony can lay a hoof on me!" Stardust declared proudly, puffing out her chest. "Thanks a bunch, Stardust. Seriously, that Zapp figure would mean the world to me. You know how much... butt she has..." Violet trailed off dreamily, pressing both front hooves to her cheeks. Stardust nudged Violet with her elbow, raising an eyebrow. "Hahaha, I can tell you've got a soft spot for Zapp. Consider it an early Hearth's Warming Eve present." "You're the best friend a pony could ask for. Just promise me you'll be careful out there, okay? I couldn't bear it if anything happened to you," Violet said earnestly, extending a hoof towards Stardust. Stardust nodded solemnly and clasped Violet's hoof in hers, shaking it firmly as a symbol of their deep friendship. "I gotta run. Good luck with your training, Judith," Violet said as she trotted off towards one of the classrooms, bidding farewell to Stardust. Stardust waved goodbye and made her way to the training chamber, where her father awaited her eagerly. As Stardust made her way toward the training chamber, her anticipation grew with each step. The chamber was spacious, filled with several capsules, each resembling futuristic pods where ponies could immerse themselves in virtual worlds. These capsules were numbered from one to ten, indicating their capacity to accommodate multiple ponies for training simulations. In the center of the chamber stood a colossal central unit, housing a powerful computer system that controlled the virtual environments. Silver, her father, was diligently performing the final maintenance checks on the mainframe, ensuring everything was in working order. With a careful eye, he adjusted various components, his focus unwavering as he prepared for the training session. "Look, Stardust," Silver said, turning his gaze towards his daughter with a warm smile. "It's all set up and ready to go. However, we'll need to replace the computer chip; it's a bit outdated. So, it might take a little longer for the virtual world to load properly." "No problem, Dad, what worries me is the painful process of entering the Netrix," Stardust said, her body trembling slightly as she recalled the agony of previous experiences. "I know it's painful, dear, but it'll only last for two seconds. Go ahead and enter capsule number one," Silver reassured her, pressing a button with his hoof to open the designated capsule. As the capsule door swung open, a rush of cold air escaped, a chilling reminder of the process's necessity to keep the ponies within fresh and preserved. Stardust felt a mixture of excitement and dread as she prepared to enter the capsule, knowing what awaited her. With hesitant steps, Stardust entered the capsule, taking in the familiar surroundings—a seat and glasses through which she would interface with the Netrix. Despite her apprehension, she lay down and positioned herself, bracing for the inevitable discomfort. "I know you can do this, Stardust. Just hold on," Stardust whispered to herself, trying to find solace in her own words as she closed her eyes and tried to steady her shaking body. "I'm going to put you into the Netrix. Think about your mother's soft hugs; that should calm you down," Silver's voice reassured her, the familiarity of his words offering a fleeting sense of comfort. Stardust nodded, allowing herself to be engulfed by memories of her mother's warm embrace, a source of solace and strength in times of distress. As the capsule sealed shut, robotic needles emerged, positioning themselves near Stardust's ears in preparation for the connection. With a sudden jolt, the needles pierced her ears, sending searing pain coursing through her body. Stardust let out a piercing scream, her hooves clenched tightly as waves of agony washed over her. The sensation was akin to two sharp blades piercing the depths of her ears, a relentless assault that left her gasping for air and struggling to endure the torment. Stardust's senses gradually returned as the intense pain subsided, replaced by a serene stillness. As she opened her eyes, she found herself immersed in a vast expanse of blank space—a telltale sign that the Netrix was still in the process of charging. Clad in her signature training attire—a sleek black trench coat, stylish sunglasses, and black shoes adorning her back hooves—Stardust stood ready within her avatar's form in the Netrix. With each passing moment, the Netrix hummed to life, gradually materializing a breathtaking scene before her eyes. A picturesque meadow unfolded, the previously blank canvas now transformed into a verdant landscape. The sky transitioned from a stark white to a brilliant azure hue, casting a warm glow over the surroundings. At the heart of the meadow stood a majestic sakura tree, its boughs laden with delicate pink blossoms that danced in the gentle breeze. Stardust couldn't help but marvel at the scene unfolding before her. "My dad knows me so well," she mused inwardly, a smile gracing her lips. She didn't need to vocalize her preferences—her father had anticipated her desires perfectly. The vibrant and colorful landscape resonated deeply with Stardust, filling her with a sense of tranquility and anticipation. Before Stardust, a series of blue squares materialized, each adorned with binary codes. These squares formed the digital representation of Silver's avatar—an AI programmed to engage in training simulations. "Let me know when you're prepared, dear," Silver's avatar announced, adopting a combat stance on its two virtual hooves. Stardust assumed a poised Wushu stance, her movements flowing with grace and precision. "When the first petal touches the ground, the duel shall commence," she declared, fixing her gaze unwaveringly upon her father's avatar, her senses attuned to any impending movement. A gentle breeze swept through the virtual landscape, tousling their manes as the sakura tree released a cascade of delicate petals. As one of these blossoms descended in a slow, deliberate spiral, Stardust and Silver maintained their unyielding focus, their determination evident in the intensity of their locked gazes. Both were resolved to give their utmost in the forthcoming battle. Father vs Daughter As the petal gently touched the ground, Stardust lunged forward, executing a swift 360-degree spin kick aimed at Silver. In response, Silver swiftly ducked, countering with a well-timed extension of his front hoof, which propelled Stardust backward with considerable force. Midair, Stardust gracefully executed three backflips, skillfully regaining her balance just as Silver leaped high into the air, aiming to strike her with a powerful front hoof. Anticipating the attack, Stardust deftly balanced on one hoof while extending the other toward Silver's chest, delivering a precise kick that sent him hurtling through the air. With practiced agility, Silver executed a fluid 360-degree turn, gracefully landing on his knees upon the ground below. Stardust charged toward Silver, aiming to strike him with a powerful front hoof. Reacting swiftly, Silver rose to his hoof, blocking Stardust's attack by placing a hoof horizontally against his forehead. Undeterred, Stardust launched a rear hoof in an attempt to kick Silver in the head. Silver swiftly seized the rear hoof Stardust intended to use, attempting to throw her off balance. However, Stardust countered by delivering a swift kick with her other rear hoof, causing Silver to stagger backward. In the meantime, Stardust executed two fluid 360-degree turns mid-air. Regaining his composure, Silver attempted to retaliate with a kick of his own. However, Stardust, having momentarily landed on the ground, deftly evaded his attack by executing a hoofless cartwheel, narrowly avoiding Silver's kick. Stardust landed on the ground, shifting her fighting style to capoeira as her hind hooves remained suspended in the air. As Silver advanced to attack, Stardust swiftly countered by grabbing him by the neck with her hind hooves, aiming to knock him to the ground. Despite Stardust's attempt, Silver managed to maintain his balance, landing firmly on his rear hooves. Seizing the opportunity, he delivered a swift kick to Stardust's stomach. Caught off guard, Stardust was sent flying backward, crashing to the ground. Undeterred, she quickly rose to her hoof, springing up with a powerful jump, and assumed a stance on her two front hooves, ready to continue the fight using capoeira. Silver moved in to grab Stardust's hind hooves, aiming to leave her vulnerable. Reacting swiftly, Stardust leaned her hind hooves forward, delivering a powerful strike to Silver's head, forcing him to retreat. She then executed a nimble sideflip, extending her hind hooves to aim a kick at Silver's shoulder. Anticipating the attack, Silver dropped to the ground and rolled backward, narrowly avoiding Stardust's kick. As Stardust rose to her knees, Silver also stood up, both ponies catching their breath amidst the intensity of the fight. Taking a moment to strategize, Stardust exhaled heavily while Silver assumed a defensive stance. Suddenly, the sky darkened, and heavy rain began to pour down accompanied by thunder and strong winds. The once-green meadow was now shrouded in darkness, with only the Sakura tree maintaining its vibrant color. Silver charged toward Stardust, unleashing a spinning kick at full speed. Stardust swiftly crouched, leaning backward to narrowly evade the kick. Taking advantage of her low position, she attempted to land a sweeping kick on Silver. Reacting with agility, Silver raised his left hind hoof, narrowly dodging Stardust's attack. However, Stardust wasn't done yet. She skillfully executed a semi-hoofless cartwheel, delivering a powerful kick with her hind hooves right to Silver's cheek. Despite the hit, Silver quickly recovered and retaliated with a dropkick aimed at Stardust's chest, sending her flying backward. Stardust, propelled backward by Silver's dropkick, executed several backflips to regain her footing. As Silver approached with a front hoof raised, Stardust performed a mid-air split, narrowly dodging his blow. In a swift motion, she extended her hind hooves, seizing Silver by the neck and bringing him down. After creating distance, Stardust and Silver faced each other once more. Stardust dashed forward, launching a mid-air side kick. However, Silver evaded by leaning back. As Stardust landed, she followed up with a spinning back kick. Silver swiftly ducked, avoiding Stardust's kick. Capitalizing on the opportunity, Stardust executed a half-moon kick, but Silver evaded again with a backward jump. Undeterred, Stardust continued her assault with a 360 spinning kick, but Silver dodged once more by ducking. Seizing the chance, he attempted to strike Stardust with a front hoof. Reacting quickly, Stardust grabbed Silver's hoof, preventing the blow. However, Silver used her hold to pull her off balance, attempting to topple her. Stardust countered by performing a frontflip, maintaining her position. Before Silver could react, she jumped onto his knee and delivered a powerful kick to his head, causing him to collapse to the ground. "Woohoo, I win!" Stardust exclaimed, celebrating her victory with a breakdance backspin. Scarlet entered the training chamber, carrying a bag filled with items, food, and a weapon for Stardust's journey to Sparkle-World. "Oh, are you still training?" she asked, noting the ongoing session. "Yes, Stardust is nearly ready for surface exploration. She just needs a bit of weapons training," Silver replied. "Let me handle that, dear. I'll assist Stardust with her weapons training," Scarlet said, moving to stand beside her husband at the central computer. "Show me what you're capable of, Mom," Stardust declared confidently, puffing out her chest. To be continue > Chapter 2 - 3 Libras > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Silver finished programming Scarlet's avatar into the Netrix, he nodded with a sense of anticipation. "This is going to get even more interesting," he remarked, his hooves tapping against the keyboard as he deleted his own avatar to free up space, making way for Scarlet's. With control of the central computer, Scarlet wasted no time in setting up the training. "I'll generate two weapons, one for you and one for me. Your objective is to shoot me to complete the training, proving you're ready. I've provided you with four magazines of ammunition in your suit pockets," she explained, her voice focused and authoritative. Stardust acknowledged the instructions with a nod. In front of her, her mother's avatar appeared, and between them materialized a Kimber Warrior and a TTI G17. She could feel the weight of the ammunition magically appearing in her pockets. Inside the virtual world, the rain intensified, soaking both mares as they stood facing each other. Puddles formed under their hooves, adding to the immersive atmosphere. As thunder roared and lit up the scene, Stardust and Scarlet swiftly moved to grab their designated weapons. Scarlet reached for the Kimber Warrior while Stardust seized the TTI G17, their movements mirroring each other's determination. Mother vs Daughter With a graceful leap backward, Stardust assumed a defensive stance, her front hooves outstretched as she focused her unicorn magic to fire shots at Scarlet. Four rounds discharged from her firearm, streaking through the air towards her target. Scarlet agilely dodged the incoming shots, leaping to the side with practiced ease as the bullets whizzed past her. Upon landing, Scarlet retaliated, firing two shots of her own with precision guided by her magical prowess. Stardust, anticipating the attack, executed a series of acrobatic backflips, narrowly evading her mother's bullets as she gracefully flipped through the air. As Scarlet charged towards Stardust, her movements swift and purposeful, she leaped into the air, her hind hooves spread wide as she fired three shots at her daughter. Reacting with agility, Stardust performed a cartwheel, her body spinning gracefully as her mother's bullets narrowly missed between her hind hooves. Meanwhile, Stardust aimed her own firearm and fired a precise shot towards Scarlet's head. Upon landing, Scarlet twisted her neck to the side with a deft motion, dodging Stardust's bullet by a hair's breadth, her bangs brushing against her cheek. Undeterred, Stardust attempted to strike her mother with a side kick using her hind hoof. However, Scarlet intercepted the attack, seizing Stardust's hoof and effortlessly tossing her into the air. As Stardust soared through the air, she continued to fire her weapon, aiming at Scarlet with determination. In response, Scarlet also unleashed a barrage of bullets, the projectiles from both mares colliding mid-air with a sharp clang, distorting their shapes upon impact. As Stardust descended from her aerial maneuver, Scarlet seized the opportunity to close the distance, launching herself towards her daughter with a powerful kick. Anticipating the attack, Stardust executed a nimble frontflip as she landed on the ground, narrowly evading Scarlet's kick. Quick to react, Scarlet swiftly fired two shots at Stardust, but her daughter was equally agile, performing two backflips with graceful ease, even using her mother's head to gain momentum. With a swift turn, Scarlet aimed her weapon at Stardust's chest and fired, the bullet finding its mark. In response, Stardust retaliated, unleashing her own shot towards Scarlet, the two bullets meeting in mid-air with a resounding clash, their shapes distorting upon impact. As Scarlet swiftly closed in on Stardust, the latter landed gracefully on the ground, her focus on reloading the TTI G17 now sent flying by her mother's strategic kick. Reacting with lightning speed, Stardust unleashed a powerful front hoof strike to Scarlet's chest, momentarily staggering her. Undeterred, Scarlet quickly regained her composure and resumed firing at Stardust, her shots ringing out in rapid succession. In a display of agility and skill, Stardust executed a flawless Breakdance Windmill, her nimble movements evading each bullet with precision. With her ammunition depleted, Scarlet made a desperate charge towards Stardust, leaping towards her with the intent to deliver a punishing blow. However, Stardust, lying prone on the ground, countered by raising her rear hoof and propelling it backwards, connecting squarely with Scarlet's chest and sending her hurtling through the air. As the TTI G17 fell within reach, Stardust seized the opportunity to harness her magic and swiftly recharge her weapon. Meanwhile, Scarlet wasted no time in reloading her Kimber Warrior, her movements quick and precise. With her weapon now fully loaded, Stardust executed a series of agile sideflips, closing the distance between her and her mother. Scarlet, prepared to engage, found herself disarmed as Stardust deftly executed a bicycle kick, knocking the Kimber Warrior from her grasp and sending it sailing through the air. Undeterred, Scarlet attempted to strike Stardust with a front hoof, but Stardust reacted with lightning reflexes, dropping to the ground and assuming a sideways stance. With remarkable precision, she delivered a powerful kick with both hind hooves, launching her mother into the air. In a decisive move, Stardust took aim and fired a single shot, hitting Scarlet squarely in the head and bringing the training session to an end. Scarlet stood in stunned silence, her astonishment palpable as she surveyed Stardust's remarkable display of skill. A sense of relief washed over her, mingled with a hint of incredulity. Turning to her husband, Silver, Scarlet's mouth hung agape in sheer surprise. Silver couldn't contain his amusement, his laughter echoing through the training chamber. "Hahahaha! What's the matter, my dear? You look as though you've seen a ghost." "It's not that," Scarlet replied, still visibly taken aback. "It's just... I did everything I could to win that fight, yet she still managed to best me." "That can only mean one thing," Silver remarked, a sense of pride evident in his voice as he placed a comforting hoof on Scarlet's shoulder. "Our daughter is undoubtedly prepared for the challenges of the wasteland." Stardust perked up, her ears twitching as she processed her parents' words. "Did I hear that correctly? You're saying I can finally go to Sparkle-World?" "Indeed, dear," Scarlet replied, her tone tinged with concern. "I'm not entirely keen on the idea of you venturing into such a perilous place alone, but if it's what you truly desire, we won't stand in your way." "I'll be fine, Mum," Stardust reassured confidently, removing her sunglasses to wipe away the water droplets from her eyes. "According to the coordinates Dad gave me, Sparkle-World isn't too far. I should be able to make it there in two days, give or take." "Let me disengage you from the Netrix, Stardust," Silver chimed in, his hooves flying across the keyboard as he initiated the process. A soft glow enveloped Stardust, lifting her gradually into the air, surrounded by swirling green numbers against a white backdrop. As the capsule opened and released a rush of fresh air, the robotic needles retracted from Stardust's ears, the discomfort of the Netrix fading away. With a sense of relief, Stardust opened her eyes, the glasses sliding back into place over them. Stepping out of the capsule, she felt a renewed sense of strength coursing through her, taking a moment to admire her front hooves in contemplation. Stardust flashed a reassuring smile at her parents. "Don't worry, both of you. I've been waiting for this moment for so long, and now that I've honed my combat skills, there's no turning back." As Silver and Scarlet exchanged glances, they eventually nodded in agreement. Scarlet let out a soft sigh before raising a hoof, pointing it directly at Stardust. "Just promise us one thing." Stardust raised an inquisitive eyebrow. "What's that?" Scarlet's expression turned earnest as she emphasized her point. "You must promise to respond to every message we send you. We want to know every detail of your journey. If we don't hear from you for more than three hours, I don't know what we'll do." Silver chimed in, echoing his wife's concern. "Indeed, darling. I'm also worried about the unfamiliar ponies you might encounter out there." Stardust raised both front hooves, extending them slightly forward in a reassuring gesture. "I understand, I understand. I'm heading straight for Sparkle-World, and once I'm done, I'll make my way back to the stable as swiftly as possible." "It's not that we mean to be bothersome, darling. We just care deeply about your well-being, that's all," Scarlet expressed, placing a hoof gently on her chest and lowering her head in concern. "Exactly. We couldn't bear the thought of anything untoward happening to you," Silver added, his voice tinged with worry. Stardust released a small sigh of frustration. "I know." Stardust, Silver, and Scarlet strolled together through the pristine hallways of Stable 50. The corridors were meticulously maintained, with gleaming floors and orderly rows of doors leading to the residents' quarters. Signs adorned the walls, bearing messages emphasizing the importance of avoiding overpopulation within the stable to prevent strain on limited resources. Some of the signs urged caution and responsibility, reminding ponies that any decision to have a foal must be approved by the Overmare. As they walked, they encountered a mare with a pristine white coat and toga, her mane a sunny shade of yellow. She was methodically pushing a cart carrying a television, the screen displaying the imposing figure of the Overmare delivering a motivational speech. The sound of her voice echoed through the hallway, her words ringing with authority and conviction. In response to the sight and sound of their leader, all the ponies in the vicinity, including Stardust, Silver, and Scarlet, halted their movements and bowed their heads respectfully, their eyes closed in reverence. "Don't lose heart, my fellow ponies," the Overmare's voice echoed from the television screen, her tone firm yet compassionate. "The pain of losing somepony dear is a burden we all bear. Shedding tears is natural, but succumbing to despair is not the answer. Our stable relies on each and every one of you." She gestured emphatically, her hoof pointing towards the screen as if addressing each resident directly from her office. "Stay strong. Resist the tide of negativity that threatens to overwhelm you. Consider the impact of your absence on your loved ones, your friends, and even on me." "Take heed, my friends," the mare accompanying the cart interjected, her voice echoing the Overmare's sentiments. "Remember, professional assistance is always available," the Overmare continued, her voice tapering off slightly as the mare pushed the cart away, disseminating the message to other areas of the stable. "Our support services operate around the clock, ready to provide aid and guidance whenever you need it." Stardust was the first to open her eyes. "That means..." Scarlet rose to her hooves. "Yes, dear, it seems we've lost somepony, but don't let it dishearten you. Such occurrences were common even before you were born." "Indeed, every time I see those scenes, it weighs heavily on my heart, but with time, you learn to cope," Silver remarked, pushing himself off the wall and standing upright. "But still, I can't help but feel for their loss," Stardust murmured, casting a glance in the direction where the mare with the TV had disappeared. Scarlet placed a hoof on Stardust's shoulder as the family continued their journey through the clean, orderly hallways of Stable 50. "I understand, dear. We all feel that way, but I wouldn't want it to dampen your spirits on a day you've been eagerly anticipating. These things are unfortunately a part of life." "It's true, Stardust. Your mother and I have encountered similar situations in the past," Silver chimed in. "You're right, Mum, Dad. I gotta cut away, clear away, snip away this feeling of sadness taking me and serve the feeling of gratefulness to be mentally healthy," Stardust said, looking earnestly at her parents. "That's the spirit, dear," Scarlet said, giving Stardust a warm smile. "Let me check your bag and make sure you have everything you need." With a gentle flick of her magic, Scarlet opened Stardust's bag and began inspecting its contents. "You have cookies filled with jams that you like so much. Your father was also able to get you the P90 with a Suppressor and a Combat Master Alpha, along with ammunition and a hundred bottle caps. Try not to spend them all in one place," Scarlet chuckled. "You also have three bottles of purified water. Try to save as much as you can." Stardust confirmed, after checking her PipBuck, that everything mentioned was indeed packed. As they reached the exit of Stable 50, Silver approached one of the security stallions equipped with a FAMAS who patrolled the area. "My daughter will surface for a couple of days," he informed the guard. "Remember that your daughter, when she returns, will undergo a health exam before entering. If she does not pass it, she will not be able to re-enter the Stable ever again. It is important that all the ponies in the stable are completely healthy," the security stallion warned. Understanding the gravity of the situation, Silver fumbled through his pockets and handed over one hundred bottle caps to the security guard, who then proceeded to open the stable door. Despite a hint of concern upon hearing the guard's words, Silver nodded. "I understand. We are willing to take that risk." The security stallion approached the lever that opened the Stable door, the sound of the mechanisms reverberating throughout the area. There was a palpable silence as Stardust, Silver, and Scarlet stood watching, anticipation coursing through them as the door to an unknown world slowly creaked open before their daughter. "My heart beats at the speed of a bullet, the sound of the door echoing like the solitary wail of a siren," Stardust whispered to herself, exhaling softly. "Whatever awaits me out there, may it have compassion towards me." As the door to the Stable swung open, a brilliant burst of sunlight flooded in, illuminating Stardust's face. She raised a hoof to her forehead, experiencing the warmth of natural sunlight for the first time. "This is the moment, dear. We're going to miss you terribly," Scarlet said, her eyes glistening with emotion. Silver wrapped his hooves around Scarlet, gently stroking her mane as he addressed their daughter. "Indeed. The wasteland can be an unpredictable place. Pay attention to your surroundings, and don't trust anyone. Stay focused on your path, and don't stray from it." Stardust's heart swelled with emotion as she closed the distance between herself and her parents, wrapping them in a tight embrace. The warmth of their bodies pressed against hers, offering solace in the face of uncertainty. She nuzzled her muzzle against Scarlet's neck, feeling the softness of her mane beneath her touch, while Silver's strong embrace enveloped them both. In that moment, amidst the bittersweet farewell, there was a profound sense of love and connection. Stardust could feel the bond between them, unspoken yet palpable, as if their hearts were speaking the words their mouths could not. They held onto each other tightly, unwilling to let go, even as the reality of their impending separation loomed over them. But despite the sadness that threatened to engulf them, there was a glimmer of hope in Stardust's heart. This was not a goodbye, she reminded herself. It was a see you soon. And with that thought in mind, she held onto her parents a little tighter, etching the memory of their embrace into her heart, knowing that no matter where her journey took her, their love would always be her guiding light. Stardust stepped forward, her pace measured as she approached the threshold of Stable 50. With each step, the anticipation grew, her heart beating in rhythm with the sound of her hooves against the floor. As she emerged into the sunlight, a wave of warmth washed over her, the brilliance of the outside world dazzling her senses. She paused, taking in the sight before her, the vast expanse of the wasteland stretching out as far as the eye could see. Turning back, she caught one last glimpse of her parents, their forms blurred by tears as they waved their hooves in a silent farewell. Stardust's own hooves lifted in response, a bittersweet smile playing on her lips as she returned their gesture. With a final glance, she watched as the door to Stable 50 closed behind her, sealing off the world she had known her entire life. But as she stepped forward into the unknown, a sense of excitement stirred within her, fueled by the promise of adventure that lay ahead. "It's a shame I couldn't say goodbye to Violet; she must be taking her goat exam right now. I'll send her a message later," Stardust mused silently, her thoughts drifting to her friend. As she stretched her hind and front hooves, preparing for the long walk ahead, she felt a pang of regret at not being able to bid farewell properly. "Here I go..." Stardust muttered to herself as she took her first tentative steps into the wasteland. Ahead of her loomed the ruins of the Baltimare Art Museum, its once-grand structure now reduced to rubble. Broken windows emitted eerie creaking sounds, hinting at unseen movement within. Stardust felt a chill run down her spine at the ominous atmosphere, prompting her to quicken her pace and veer away from the museum's vicinity. As she pressed on, the only sounds that accompanied her were the hushed whispers of the wind and the soft crunch of gravel beneath her hooves. Despite the vastness of the landscape surrounding her, Stardust couldn't shake the feeling of isolation that enveloped her. "I'll take out my gun just in case, who knows what I'll find," Stardust thought to herself as she reached into her bag with her unicorn magic and retrieved her P90 with suppressor, holding it aloft to her right side. The weapon offered a semblance of security, yet the pervasive feeling of isolation still lingered. Navigating through the desolate park, Stardust couldn't help but notice the eerie atmosphere that pervaded the area. The playground equipment stood abandoned, casting long, ghostly shadows across the cracked pavement. Surrounding trees, their branches twisted and bare, seemed to whisper secrets of the past as the wind rustled through their skeletal forms. Dilapidated buildings dotted the landscape, their crumbling facades bearing witness to the ravages of time and neglect, while signs of looting hinted at the desperation that once gripped the area. As Stardust wandered through the park, she stumbled upon the statues of the Pillars of Equestria. Flash Magnus appeared incomplete without his wings, Mistmane lacked a head, and Rockhoof lay prone on the ground. Although Baltimare hadn't suffered heavy bombing during the war, the passage of two hundred and twenty years had taken its toll on the city. The conspicuous absence of inhabitants only confirmed the desolate state of the area. Consulting her PipBuck to ensure she was on the right path, Stardust manipulated the device with her left front hoof. "I'm heading in the right direction. Straight ahead to Marewood." To alleviate the eerie silence and solitude of her journey, Stardust decided to activate the radio on her PipBuck. Tuning in to 'We Know Everything', she hoped the shows would provide some solace and distraction from the desolation surrounding her. Announcer: "From deep in the heart of Equestria, today on 'We Know Everything', we present a new episode of 'Common Sense Agenda' with our host, Spring Thunder!" **Intro Music** **Hoof Clapping** Spring Thunder: "Thank you, thank you, fillies and gentlecolts! Let's skip the formalities because today's case will only prove one thing: I, Spring Thunder, am never wrong. Today, we're going to laugh, cry, and feel deep anger as we expose how the open-minded ponies control the television networks to rot the brains of our foals!" **Hoof Clapping with more intensity and whistles** "Hell yeah! A new episode of 'Common Sense Agenda' I wonder which famous pony they'll invite this time. Sometimes they share really intriguing stories. I hope I don't become famous one day, haha," Stardust mused to herself as she listened to the radio. Now, the sound of her hooves against the ground was overshadowed by the radio's broadcast. Nevertheless, Stardust remained vigilant, paying close attention to her surroundings. Spring Thunder: "In this show, we'll demonstrate why we should blame and hate these open-minded ponies for all the problems in the wasteland. Today, we'll laugh at them and call them repressed. Because we have our star, Morning Glory, from the action sitcom 'Project Horizons', here to shed light on the pain of working with open-minded ponies." "I've never heard of Morning Glory," Stardust remarked, gazing at the sky and shading her eyes with a hoof. In some of the buildings, she could see Sparkle-Cola billboards featuring Twilight's image. Seeing that image made Stardust feel oddly thirsty. **Hoof Clapping and whistles** Morning Glory: "Hey everypony! Pleasure to be here." Spring Thunder: "We say the same about you, Morning Glory. Tell us about your experience. How did working with open-minded ponies make your dignity and self-esteem go down the toxic drain?" Morning Glory: "I don't know where to start, but I'll begin with the contract. It had a list of commandments that we were supposed to follow. One of them was that every day, Go Fish or Blackjack, whatever the hell you want to call her, we had to kiss her hooves at the beginning of the performance." **Shocked Crowd Sound** "What the fuck?" Stardust exclaimed in surprise within her mind as she listened to the radio. She stopped for a moment to drink some water. She had been walking for half an hour and was beginning to sweat. After consuming a considerable amount of water, she aimed to conserve as much as possible due to the long journey ahead. She was uncertain whether it would be easy to find pure water to refill her bottles. Spring Thunder: "See? I told you! They treat their employees like garbage if you don't think the same as them!" Morning Glory: "The second commandment was that we could not contradict Blackjack. Everything she says is deemed true, and we were not allowed to refuse anything she asked during our performance." Spring Thunder: "So, what she said about being a descendant of Twilight was true?" Morning Glory: "No, of course not. She's a pathological liar." Spring Thunder: "And what can you tell me about the episodes where you died and came back to life? It must have been frustrating for you." Morning Glory: "I felt relieved, to be honest. At least I thought I wouldn't have to work for them anymore, and they would pay me the bottle caps I desired. That was the only thing that interested me. But then they called me and said, 'There's been a change of plans. Your character is still alive, so hurry up and bring your ass here we need to record another threesome.' I almost lost my shit there, that's why today's I do abstinence. Spring Thunder: "This only confirms my theory that 'Project Horizons' is pure homosexual propaganda to force our foals to follow their ideas!" Morning Glory: "I was only doing it for the bottle caps; I needed to feed my forty kitties. I'm single, you know? I am emotionally dependent on cats **Sigh** Of course, I had to sacrifice my dignity, but you don't know the relief I felt when my character finally died and I got my pay. Our pay was fifty percent less compared to Go Fish, which bothered me. But knowing how they are in that studio, any word other than Go Fish is worthless." Spring Thunder: "If you weren't Blackjack, how were you treated in that studio?" Morning Glory: "Let me first describe what the studio was like. Upon entering, there was an altar of Go Fish, made of gold, where you had to kneel and recite all the commandments. The walls were decorated in black and red, the water bottles had stickers of her face, and there were multiple gold statues in the hallways that sometimes made it difficult to walk. That's where the resources were spent." "That... is really creepy. I wouldn't like to be treated like that. I prefer to be treated like just another pony, not like... whatever Blackjack has done," Stardust remarked as she stowed the water bottle away in her bag and continued on her way, exiting the park and now wandering through Mareland Ave. The wind tousled her mane, and torn newspapers that could not even be read fluttered around the empty streets. It seemed strange to Stardust that she had not encountered any other form of life besides herself, given the stories of the many dangers that one could encounter in the wasteland. However, that was a relief for her. Spring Thunder: "There you have it, everypony. This is what open-minded millionaire ponies spend their bottle caps on—glorifying a drunk with low self-esteem. If they continue taking control of the television networks, I can't see Equestria in fifteen years." **Hoof Clapping sound** Morning Glory: "We were always Go Fish's shadow on the covers. We always had to be behind her, in the background, where our faces were barely recognizable. It was a fundamental rule." Spring Thunder: "I imagine that after freeing yourself from that liberal torture, you finally felt your first real orgasm." Morning Glory: "Not at all. When my contract with them was over, the ponies on the street told me things like 'Sleep with me' and 'A female who doesn't know how to cook? How the hell does that work?' They even nicknamed me 'Glory Hole.' My number was leaked, and I receive calls to participate in gangbangs, to be part of the red light district community, without any kind of benefits in exchange. Because they think I am the same as the show. I think that one day I will have my own show here at 'We Know Everything.' I don't think I can endure another five years sacrificing my dignity." Spring Thunder: "And that's it, everypony. It's the life of an actress in the wasteland. Because the entertainment industries, led by liberals, melt our brains and destroy the lives of their employees with treatments much worse than us enslaving Zebras. At least we give them a cup of coffee. You will be more than welcome here, Glory. This was all for Common Sense Agenda. We'll see you in the next episode." **Hoof Clapping and outro music** "I feel very sorry for Glory. I hope to one day be able to see her in person," Stardust said as she turned off her radio. As she looked ahead, she spotted a strange figure that she couldn't recognize. It didn't resemble a pony; rather, it seemed like some unknown creature, its form difficult for her to describe. "What's that?!" Stardust exclaimed, pointing the P90 at it as she trembled. > Chapter 3 - Powerless, Fearfulness & Weakness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- What was initially mistaken for an animal revealed itself as a grotesque Centaur, a mutated amalgamation of pony and horror. Its six hooves scraped against the ground with an unsettling rhythm, its three elongated tongues lashing out like sinister whips. Rotten flesh hung from its bones, devoid of ears, its veins pulsating with a sickly hue that reeked of decay. Stardust's eyes widened in terror as she trembled, her voice quivering with fear. "WHA- WHAT IN THE HELL IS THAT THING?!" she exclaimed, her voice strained. As the Centaur advanced towards her, Stardust's magical grip tightened around the trigger of her P90. Fear consumed her, her heart pounding in her chest like a drumbeat of panic. Her shots rang out, but they missed their mark, striking a nearby vehicle, shattering a window of a hardware store, and embedding into the pavement, the Centaur remaining unscathed. Noticing Stardust's hesitation to fire at the Centaur, she bolted sideways towards the roof of a nearby vehicle, hoping for safety amidst the chaos. The vehicle, a decrepit and rusted relic with deflated tires, offered minimal cover, its lowered height failing to provide significant protection. Despite her trembling, Stardust continued to unleash a barrage of shots at the Centaur, her P90 quivering in her magical grasp, the bullets ricocheting off the walls of an adjacent apartment complex. "Fuck!" she muttered in desperation as her aim faltered. The Centaur closed in on the vehicle, its monstrous form undeterred by Stardust's erratic gunfire. Realizing that her elevated position offered little defense against the creature's menacing tongues, Stardust's fear escalated; the last thing she wanted was to come into contact with the mutated horror. Stardust leaped from the vehicle and sprinted towards the front of Mareland Ave, determined to evade the Centaur at all costs. She refused to backtrack towards the park, fearing it would only prolong her encounter with the monstrous creature. Instead, she forged ahead, hoping to outpace her pursuer. "SOMEPONY HELP ME!" Stardust's desperate cry echoed through the desolate streets as she dashed at full tilt, the Centaur's ghastly presence looming ever closer, its grotesque tongues lashing out menacingly. With a fleeting glance over her shoulder, Stardust attempted to fend off the relentless pursuit, her trembling aim landing a single shot on the Centaur's chest before her P90 clicked empty. "Sod off!" she cursed, futilely squeezing the trigger as panic threatened to overwhelm her. Turning abruptly, Stardust fled, her hooves pounding against the pavement in a frantic bid for escape. Stardust glanced back with a mixture of frustration and fear. "Eat this, you fucking knobhead!" she shouted, hurling the empty magazine at the Centaur with all the force she could muster. The Centaur merely shook its head, seemingly unfazed by the makeshift projectile, and continued its relentless pursuit of Stardust. Despite its lumbering gait, the creature showed no signs of slowing down, ensuring that Stardust couldn't shake it off. Frustration, fear, and exhaustion gripped Stardust as she desperately sought to rid herself of the persistent threat. The thought of the Centaur dogging her every step throughout her journey filled her with dread, driving her to push herself even harder to escape its clutches. Stardust had sprinted to the intersection of Mareland Avenue and 27th Street, where a cluster of apartments loomed over her. With no time to consult her PipBuck, she pressed forward in a frantic dash, her breath coming in rapid gasps."When am I going to lose this thing?" she muttered to herself, her heart pounding in her chest. As she entered an alley, her eyes fell upon a heap of rubble from collapsed buildings blocking her path. Stardust quickly formulated a plan: she would scale the rubble, hoping to create enough distance between herself and the Centaur to escape its pursuit. Despite the creeping exhaustion, she refused to let the mutation draw any closer. With trembling limbs, Stardust began to ascend the rubble, each movement hampered by her fatigue. But as she climbed, she could sense the Centaur closing in behind her. Panic surged through her as she quickened her pace, her hooves slipping on the uneven surface. Then, disaster struck. Stardust lost her footing, stumbling and nearly losing her grip on the rubble. She whirled around, eyes wide with terror, her heart hammering in her chest. Frantically, she reached into her bag, fumbling for ammunition for her P90, but before she could react, a deafening gunshot echoed through the alley. The shot rang out, shattering the stillness, and Stardust watched in stunned disbelief as the Centaur collapsed, its head obliterated by the force of the bullet. Blood gushed from the gaping wound, staining the ground crimson as Stardust recoiled in horror, her stomach churning. "What was that? It sounded like a gunshot," Stardust muttered, her voice trembling as she staggered away from the grisly scene. She couldn't tear her gaze away from the decapitated creature, its lifeless body sprawled grotesquely on the ground. Fighting back waves of nausea, Stardust pressed two hooves to her mouth, desperate to hold back the bile rising in her throat. Stardust's attention was drawn to a whistle emanating from the roof of a nearby garage. With a sense of relief at the realization that she wasn't alone, she fought back the urge to vomit, swallowing hard as she approached the source of the sound. "Hey, o-over here," called out a pony lying prone on the roof, her voice strained and weary. Her AA-12 lay discarded beside her, evidence of the effort she had exerted to save Stardust's life. As Stardust drew nearer, she observed the pony's ragged appearance and weary demeanor. Despite her initial wariness, she couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards the stranger who had intervened on her behalf. Before Stardust could utter a word, the pony spoke up, her voice rough with fatigue. "Listen, I don't know you... and you don't know me, but you owe me a favor. I saved your life," she wheezed, interrupted by a fit of coughing. "I need you to remove the bullets lodged inside me. I don't think I'll make it through the night," she continued, her gaze fixed on the sky, the sunlight seeming to trouble her. "If you don't extract them, I'm as good as dead," she pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation. Stardust recoiled in shock and concern, her heart pounding with anxiety at the pony's urgent plea. "I- I..." she stammered, her front hooves trembling with nervousness. "But I don't know how to do that. I don't know anything about medical things," she admitted, her voice quivering with uncertainty. "Use your magic, do a healing spell or something," the pony insisted, frustration evident in her tone. "I don't know how to do it. I'm not very skilled with magic," Stardust confessed, her gaze falling to the ground in shame. "YOU MUST BE- Okay, Okay, go to the hospital and get some tweezers, painkillers, bandages..." the pony instructed, her voice weakening with each word as her energy dwindled. Stardust felt a surge of panic rising within her, her eyes welling up with tears at the thought of facing the horrors of the hospital. "And in that hospital, there will be- there must be mutations there," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm sure there are. They're all over the- the wasteland," the pony acknowledged, her own resolve faltering. "Those things scare me. I don't know if I can do it..." Stardust admitted, her voice quavering with fear as she struggled to hold back her tears. In a final desperate plea, the pony slammed her hoof against the ground, her voice echoing with urgency. "STOP BEING A SCAREDY CAT! I'M DYING, YOU HEAR? I'M DYING!" "No- Don't yell at me!" Stardust pleaded, her voice trembling with tears as she covered her eyes with both front hooves. The pony lay on the ground to her right, face down, Stardust voice and demeanor suggesting a youthfulness that surprised the pony. She couldn't believe she had encountered somepony so fragile in the harsh wasteland. Wanting to confirm her suspicions, the pony carefully observed Stardust's appearance. She appeared to be a young pony, clad in a jumpsuit bearing the number fifty. A spiked bracelet adorned her neck, hinting at a rebellious streak that mirrored her own style. Despite her condition, she didn't seem much older than twenty. "Stop crying! Listen, I don't know what a pony like you is doing alone here, but I really need your help. You can either stand here crying and leave me to die, or go get what I asked for," the pony urged, her voice strained with effort. "I'd go myself, but as you see, I can barely get up," she added, punctuating her words with labored breaths. Stardust felt a wave of overwhelm wash over her. She didn't want to abandon the pony to her fate, but the prospect of venturing to the hospital alone filled her with dread and uncertainty. "I don't know what to do..." Stardust admitted, wiping away her tears with a hoof. "The clock is ticking. You better make a decision quickly, before I die!" the pony snapped, her narrowed eyes reflecting her frustration. Anguish threatened to overwhelm Stardust as tremors shook her frame, her first encounter with another pony already plunging her into intense negative emotions amidst the harsh realities of the wasteland. "I don't know how to play my part, I-I mean, I can go to the hospital but... what would happen if the mutations kill me?" Stardust's voice quivered, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Then it means that you are not ready for what the wasteland has to offer and that you should never have left the stable where you came from," the pony's harsh retort struck a blow to Stardust's self-esteem, her words like a weight upon her conscience. Stardust lowered her gaze to the ground, her tears staining the hot pavement like raindrops in the dust. "Take me to a house or something, it's not safe here, they can attack us at any moment," the pony urged, her tone betraying a sense of urgency. With limited options, Stardust summoned her unicorn magic to levitate the pony alongside her, guiding them across the street to a cluster of buildings where they might find refuge. The pony's AA-12 lay abandoned on the rooftop, its ammunition depleted and its usefulness spent. Once they reached the other side, Stardust could better discern the pony's appearance. Clad in a peculiar armor adorned with a scorpion stinger in her tail, she exuded an air of seasoned experience in the wasteland. Struggling to open a nearby door, Stardust initially attempted with a single front hoof, then with both, but to no avail. "Shoot the doorknob!" the pony's frustrated directive cut through the air, each word a harsh blow to Stardust's self-esteem, leaving her feeling as though a loved one were disappointed in her. Desperately, Stardust retrieved her Combat Master Alpha and aimed at the doorknob, pulling the trigger and shattering it, finally granting them entry. The house, as anticipated, bore the scars of neglect and decay. Furniture lay strewn about, coated in grime, and the pervasive odor hinted at years of abandonment. Silence hung heavy, broken only by the occasional creak of dilapidated floorboards underhoof. "This place is horrid," Stardust remarked silently to herself, her senses still accustomed to the cleanliness and order of Stable 50. Windows, once meant to welcome sunlight, were now boarded up, casting the interior into a dim twilight. Rays of light filtered through the gaps in the makeshift barricades, illuminating patches of the room in uneven patterns. The once-white walls had surrendered to a blanket of grime, their colour dulled to a monotonous brown that seemed to seep into every corner. Throughout the house, evidence of neglect abounded. Light fixtures lay shattered, their broken remnants scattered across the floor like discarded puzzle pieces. Stardust navigated the debris with caution, mindful of the shards of glass that littered the ground. "Take me to the second floor and find a bed, I don't want to be in the living room," the pony commanded, her voice cutting through the stillness. Stardust complied, ascending the creaking staircase to find a room with a rusty bed. Despite its decrepit state, it offered a semblance of respite, its worn frame a silent testament to past occupants. Gently, Stardust placed the pony onto the bed, her movements deliberate and careful. "I still can't believe that my life is in the hooves of a fearful girl. I must find a way to convince her to go to the hospital," the pony mused silently. "Listen, if you go to the hospital and save me, I promise I will teach you how to survive in the wasteland," she implored, turning her gaze towards Stardust, who knelt beside her, listening intently. "You wouldn't last even a few hours without being eaten, raped, or being enslaved. If you continue with that fear, you need my help, and I need yours," the pony asserted, her tone a blend of urgency and conviction. "But the mutations, I don't know if-" Stardust began, her voice wavering with uncertainty, but the pony cut her off mid-sentence. "Still harping on about that? They're everywhere, for Celestia's sake! Let that sink in. Now, if you can muster even a shred of courage to survive on your own, then maybe—" The pony's tirade was abruptly halted as Stardust interjected. "I don't know... I mean, this is nothing like the training I had. Seeing those creatures up close... it terrifies me," Stardust admitted, her fear palpable in her voice. "FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT'S HOLY, LET ME FINISH!" the pony exploded, her frustration evident. But her outburst was short-lived as a fit of coughing seized her, forcing her to clamp a hoof over her mouth. Stardust hung her head, tears welling up once more as she brought her front hooves to her face. "Don't yell at me... you're not my mom," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the pony's coughs. "NO, BUT I SAVED YOUR LIFE!" the pony shot back, her tone laced with frustration and anger. "Think about it. Are you really going to let me die? Is that what you want? Can you live with the guilt of knowing you could have saved a pony's life, but chose not to?" "I don't like those kinds of questions... Buaahhh," Stardust choked out between sobs, her tears flowing freely now. She was unaccustomed to being yelled at, and the pony's harsh words pierced her sensitive heart like daggers. All she had wanted was a peaceful journey through the wasteland to her destination, but this whole situation had overwhelmed her beyond measure. Meanwhile, the pony couldn't help but feel a twinge of discomfort at Stardust's intense crying. Despite her frustration, she couldn't shake the feeling of guilt for causing the young mare so much distress. "It's like going around in circles. I can't help but feel bad, but if I don't convince her quickly, I'm going to die!" She lamented inwardly, her own inner turmoil mirroring Stardust's outward display of sadness. "Listen, listen, let's start from the beginning, shall we? What's your name?" The pony tried to reach out to Stardust with her left hoof, hoping to calm her down. But Stardust continued crying uncontrollably, her tears falling like a relentless waterfall. "Why do you force me to make difficult decisions? I don't want anypony to die! Buahhhhhh!" Inside her mind, the pony grappled with the situation, feeling a mix of frustration and sympathy. "I've never dealt with somepony like that before. Such a crybaby. I'll have to approach this more calmly, but she's making it difficult for me." Stardust's tears flowed freely, each droplet carrying with it a weight of fear and anguish that seemed to crush her fragile heart. Her eyes, red and swollen from the cascade of emotions, shimmered with unshed tears, reflecting the dim light filtering through the dusty windows of the dilapidated room. Her chest heaved with sobs, each one echoing the turmoil raging within her soul. With each breath, Stardust's body trembled, aching with the weight of her indecision and fear. Her hooves quivered, unable to find purchase on the worn floor beneath her. A haunting melody of despair and uncertainty that seemed to reverberate off the crumbling walls. "I want to save you," Stardust managed to choke out between sobs, her voice raw with emotion, "but I'm afraid... afraid of the mutations." Each word was punctuated by a shuddering breath, a testament to the overwhelming dread that gripped her heart. In that moment, Stardust felt utterly powerless, consumed by a sense of helplessness that threatened to engulf her. Despite her desire to be brave, to face the dangers of the wasteland head-on, the fear of the unknown loomed large, casting a shadow over her every thought and action. And as she wept, her tears mingling with the dust of the desolate room, she couldn't help but wonder if she would ever find the courage to overcome her deepest fears. As the pony extended a hoof in a gesture of understanding, Stardust felt a flicker of relief amidst her tears. She nodded slowly, her sobs beginning to subside as she listened to the pony's gentle reassurance. "I know you're scared," The pony continued, her voice softening with empathy, "but you're not going to get anywhere if you continue like this, do you understand?" Stardust, her eyes still glistening with unshed tears, looked up at the pony through blurry vision. The once-white quilt beneath the pony body now bore streaks of crimson, a stark reminder of the severity of her injuries. "Let's introduce ourselves, shall we?" The pony suggested, offering a small smile that seemed to ease the tension in the room. "My name is Lollipop Hearts What's yours?" Stardust sniffled, wiping her nose with a hoof before responding, "My name is Stardust Glitter." With Lollipop's patient demeanor, Stardust felt a glimmer of hope begin to stir within her. "Okay, Stardust, calm down, will you?" Lollipop said, her tone gentle and soothing. "I'm going to try not to get mad at you, okay?" Stardust nodded, her tears still lingering on her cheeks. "Okay... please don't yell at me anymore," she pleaded softly, her voice quivering with vulnerability. "I'm sorry for yelling at you," Lollipop apologized sincerely, her expression reflecting genuine remorse. "But, as you already know, I'm dying. I'm suffering while I'm talking to you. It's normal for me to react like that, do you understand?" Stardust nodded again, her heart heavy with the weight of Lollipop's suffering. "Yes, I understand," she replied, her voice filled with compassion. "Good, now-" but before Lollipop could finish her instructions, her words trailing off as she lost consciousness, her body succumbing to the toll of her injuries. Stardust's eyes widened in alarm, her heart pounding with fear as she realized the gravity of the situation. Stardust's voice quivered with desperation as she frantically shook Lollipop's limp body, her hooves trembling with fear and uncertainty. "What's wrong, Lollipop?" she pleaded, her voice tinged with panic as she searched desperately for any sign of life. But Lollipop remained unresponsive, her body growing heavier in Stardust's grasp with each passing moment. Stardust's heart pounded erratically in her chest, her mind racing with a whirlwind of emotions. As she continued to shake Lollipop's body, her tears flowed freely once more, cascading down her cheeks in a torrent of anguish and despair. The weight of the situation bore down on her, suffocating her with a sense of helplessness and guilt. "Answer me, please, Lollipop!" she cried out, her voice cracking with emotion as she pleaded for a response that never came. And in that moment of overwhelming despair, Stardust's anguish reached its peak, her cries echoing through the empty room as she blamed herself for the dire turn of events. "EVERYTHING IS MY FAULT!" she sobbed, her words choked with sorrow and regret as she grappled with the crushing weight of her emotions. Stardust's cries echoed through the room, each sob wracking her body with aching intensity as she curled into a tight ball on the floor. Her chest heaved with the force of her anguish, tears streaming down her cheeks in an endless torrent. "WHY- WHY AM I SUCH A SCAREDY CAT?" she lamented, her voice choked with sorrow as she berated herself for her perceived weakness. Her thoughts spiraled in a whirlwind of self-doubt and recrimination, her mind consumed by the overwhelming guilt of Lollipop's condition. With each passing moment, Stardust's cries grew louder, her body racked with uncontrollable tremors as she grappled with the weight of her emotions. She felt as though her heart were being torn apart, the pain of her self-condemnation searing through her like a blade. But amidst the turmoil of her despair, Stardust's gaze remained fixed on Lollipop's still form, her heart heavy with the knowledge that her own fear had led to this moment. She longed to reach out, to somehow undo the harm she had caused, but the weight of her guilt held her paralyzed, trapping her in a prison of her own making. And so, in the midst of her intense crying and sadness, Stardust found herself trapped in a cycle of self-recrimination, her tears a bitter reminder of the consequences of her fear. With trembling hooves and tear-streaked cheeks, Stardust mustered the courage to rise from the floor, her body still wracked with sobs as she struggled to contain her overwhelming emotions. Each step felt like a monumental effort, her limbs heavy with the weight of her fear and uncertainty. "I won't let you die, Lollipop," she vowed, her voice quavering with determination even as tears continued to cascade down her face. Though her heart still trembled with apprehension, Stardust refused to let her fear dictate her actions any longer. With a shaky breath, Stardust turned her gaze to her Pipbuck, her vision blurred by the veil of tears that clouded her eyes. The words on the screen swam before her, but she forced herself to focus, marking the route to the nearest hospital with a trembling hoof. "Baltimare Medical Center..." she murmured, her voice tinged with a hint of distress as she took in the distance she would need to cover. Though the prospect of the journey ahead filled her with dread, Stardust knew that she had no choice but to press on, to overcome her fears in order to save Lollipop's life. With her heart pounding in her chest, Stardust recharged her P90 with trembling hooves, her gaze fixed on the path that lay before her. Though fear still gripped her tightly, she knew that she could not let it hold her back any longer. Slowly, tentatively, she rose to her hooves, her resolve hardening with each step she took. Before leaving the room, Stardust cast one last glance at Lollipop's unconscious form, her heart heavy with worry. "I'll be back, Lollipop. Hang on, don't go towards the light," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. As Stardust stepped out and closed the door behind her, she leaned against it, her breaths coming in ragged gasps as she fought to steady her trembling hooves. With a deep breath, she pushed herself away from the door and stood on all fours once more. "I should've left a note for Lollipop, let her know that I'm going to the hospital and that I won't abandon her," Stardust mused, her voice tinged with regret as she made her way towards the stairs. With each step, she couldn't help but steal glances back at the closed door, her heart aching with concern for the pony she had promised to save. As Stardust exited the house, she closed the door with care, ensuring it was securely locked. With her magic, she gathered debris from the nearby alley and placed it in front of the door, creating a makeshift barrier to deter any unwanted visitors, be they mutation or pony. "Now, I'll traverse the rooftops. I must avoid encounters with creatures and conserve ammunition," Stardust murmured to herself, her mind focused on the task ahead. With a determined expression, she took a few steps backward, preparing for an acrobatic leap to reach the roof of the house. As she crouched down, her muscles tensed, ready to propel her into action and begin her perilous journey towards the hospital. To be continue > Chapter 4 - Hospital of Confusion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardust, propelled by determination, sprinted on two hooves towards the front of the house. Executing multiple sideflips to gather momentum, she aimed for the window closest to the roof. With precise movements, she extended one front hoof to gain speed and reached out with the other to grasp the wood covering the window. Her parkour skills were put to the test as she leaped and seized the edge of the roof with all her strength. A sense of relief washed over her as she settled onto the rooftop, feeling safer above the treacherous streets below. Glancing to her right, Stardust observed the trail of blood left by Lollipop. "Stay strong, Lollipop. I can't navigate the wasteland without your guidance," she silently pleaded, her heart heavy with concern, before she resumed her swift pace along the rooftops. Stardust approached an intersection, where she spotted a traffic light that could serve as a bar to traverse to the other side without touching the ground. Positioning herself carefully, Stardust walked backward, building up momentum before breaking into a full sprint. With a powerful leap, she reached out and grabbed hold of the traffic light. Balancing precariously, Stardust began to maneuver herself across to the opposite side. Below her, a centaur emerged from an alley, accompanied by a feral ghoul emerging from a nearby store. Despite their attempts to reach her, Stardust remained out of their grasp, suspended above the danger. A surge of fear threatened to overwhelm her, but Stardust forced herself to focus. "Don't look down, Stardust," she muttered, her voice determined as she continued her cautious progress across the makeshift bridge. As Stardust neared the other side of the traffic light, she felt the searing heat emanating from the metal beneath her hooves intensify. The midday sunlight had absorbed and retained the heat, turning the surface into a scorching furnace. With each passing moment, the heat seemed to seep deeper into her hooves, causing them to burn with increasing intensity. Stardust gritted her teeth, determined to withstand the discomfort as she pushed through the pain. Despite her efforts, the sensation was overwhelming, and Stardust couldn't help but let out a cry of distress. "My hooves are burning!" she exclaimed, her voice strained with agony as she struggled to endure the searing heat. Every fiber of her being urged her to retreat, to escape the tormenting sensation. But Stardust knew she couldn't afford to falter now, not when she was so close to reaching safety. With sheer determination, she pressed on, pushing through the pain with unwavering resolve. As Stardust reached the edge of the traffic light, she summoned all her strength and leaped across to the adjacent roof. Despite the urgency, she couldn't help but wince as her hooves made contact with the scorching surface, the intense heat searing through her. With a sense of urgency, Stardust scrambled to climb onto the roof, her heart racing with exertion and discomfort. Beads of sweat formed on her brow as she pushed herself to move quickly, the heat from the roof making each movement feel like a struggle. As she finally reached the safety of the rooftop, Stardust collapsed onto the surface, her hooves burning from the residual heat. She winced as she shifted her weight, trying to find a position that offered some relief from the discomfort. "I should have brought something to cover my hooves!" Stardust lamented inwardly, the pain in her hooves a constant reminder of her oversight. She glanced down at the futile attempts of the Feral Ghoul and centaur below, finding some solace in the fact that she was out of their reach for now. Despite the discomfort, Stardust knew she couldn't afford to linger. With a deep breath, she pushed herself to her hooves and prepared to continue her journey across the rooftops, the heat of the sun beating down on her back as she moved forward. As Stardust pressed forward, she encountered a terrifying sight: carnivorous parasprites feasting on the corpse of a deceased ghoul. These mutated creatures, with their rotten skin, sharp bloody teeth, and piercing orange eyes, turned their attention to Stardust as soon as they detected her presence. Despite being on the rooftop, Stardust knew she was not safe from these flying predators. Fear gripped Stardust as she trembled, her heart racing with terror. "No..." she muttered to herself, the dread of facing these creatures overwhelming her. Two parasprites swiftly closed in on Stardust, their wings buzzing ominously as they swooped towards her. In a desperate attempt to defend herself, Stardust activated the S.A.T.S. mode of her Pipbuck and aimed for the creatures' heads with her FN P90. However, despite her efforts, all twelve shots missed their mark. "My aim is so grim..." Stardust berated herself, her fear clouding her focus and preventing her from taking accurate shots. With her action points depleted, Stardust shifted her focus, relying on the scope of her FN P90 to target the parasprites instead of using telekinesis to aim. As the mutated creatures closed in, Stardust seized the opportunity to take a shot, successfully hitting one of the parasprites and causing it to recoil. However, the other parasprite continued its relentless advance towards Stardust. With lightning-fast reflexes, Stardust rolled across the rooftop, narrowly evading the creature's snapping jaws. Though the parasprite managed to bite off a chunk of Stardust's mane, the attack thankfully caused no serious harm. Breathing heavily, Stardust scrambled to her hooves, her heart pounding with adrenaline-fueled fear. "That was close..." she muttered to herself as she resumed her desperate attempt to keep her distance from the relentless parasprites. This moment proved to be overwhelming and uncomfortable for Stardust, who harbored a deep-seated aversion to bugs. Despite her distaste, she knew she had to eliminate the parasprites to ensure they wouldn't pursue her all the way to the hospital. Maintaining her distance, Stardust aimed her FN P90 at the uninjured parasprite and fired multiple shots. With a mix of disgust and determination, she watched as the parasprite's blood splattered across the gray ceiling, painting it with a sickly green hue before it finally succumbed to her onslaught. Pressing forward, Stardust leaped across to the next rooftop, her movements fluid and evasive as she tried to avoid the scorching heat radiating from the ground below. "I mustn't falter now. I can't afford to let them get too close," Stardust muttered to herself, her resolve unwavering as she maintained a steady rhythm of movement. The remaining parasprite closed in on Stardust with alarming speed, prompting her to unleash a barrage of shots in its direction. Though she missed several times, she eventually scored a direct hit, striking the parasprite in the eye and causing a torrent of blood to gush forth. Disgusted, Stardust turned away and resumed her sprint towards the hospital, the unsettling screams of the dying parasprite echoing through the desolate streets of Baltimare. As she ran, she instinctively covered her ears with her front hooves, desperate to block out the haunting sounds that filled the air. Stardust finally reached the hospital and wasted no time in entering. The scorching heat of the asphalt, which had been burning her hooves, was a temporary relief as she stepped inside. The hospital stood six stories tall, its façade a faded shade of mamey, showing signs of wear and tear like many other buildings in Baltimare. Despite its imposing size, an eerie silence pervaded the air, with no signs of life apparent. A broken sign at the entrance bridge, connecting the hospital to the University of Mareland, bore the words "Welcome to My VA Mareland Health Care System," while scratched Equestria flags dotted the surroundings. Surprisingly, considering its predominantly glass structure, the windows remained intact. "This hospital is massive. I'd better find a map," Stardust muttered to herself, realizing the complexity and size of the building would necessitate guidance. Stardust carefully navigated through the lobby, mindful of the scattered papers strewn about – likely medical records – and the broken light bulbs and glass fragments littering the floor. She proceeded with caution, ensuring not to step on anything unusual, especially avoiding the grim possibility of stumbling upon corpses or pools of blood. Fighting My Fears Approaching the information desk, Stardust continued her meticulous survey of the surroundings. With her magic, she levitated several maps, inspecting each one for readability amidst the wear and tear. Given the dilapidated state of the hospital, finding a map in pristine condition proved challenging. "Hmm, some sections are barely legible. This one might do," Stardust muttered to herself, selecting the map with the least damage and taking it in her grasp. Armed with the necessary navigation aid, Stardust mentally prepared herself for the exploration that lay ahead. The thought of what she might encounter in such a vast and abandoned place sent shivers down her spine. Stardust turned her attention to the pharmacy on her left, cautiously approaching with her FN P90 at the ready, prepared for any potential threats lurking behind the counter. As she peered over the counter and found it empty, a sense of relief washed over her, accompanied by a subtle exhalation of breath. "I suppose it's best not to get my hopes up about avoiding mutations here," Stardust mused to herself, her voice barely above a whisper, as she scanned the array of medications available in the pharmacy. The floor of the pharmacy was littered with various pills, evidence that other ponies had previously scoured the area for supplies. Undeterred by the disarray, Stardust employed her magic to sift through the mess in search of the painkillers Lollipop had requested. However, the dim lighting in certain areas of the pharmacy posed a challenge, with only faint sunlight filtering through the windows providing any illumination. "I dread to imagine what this place is like at night," Stardust murmured to herself, her steps echoing softly through the eerie corridors, her shivers stemming not from the cold, but from the ever-present fear that enveloped her. Stardust carefully examined the multiple packages of medicines, taking her time to find one that remained intact and off the floor. After some searching, Stardust finally discovered two packets of Nerafen Plus. As she read the warning on the package, cautioning against addiction with prolonged use, she carefully stowed both packets into her bag. "Now, I just need to find the tweezers and bandages," Stardust muttered to herself as she made her way toward the pharmacy exit. Consulting her map, Stardust determined that there were no further useful rooms on the first floor, prompting her to ascend the escalator and proceed to the second floor. With each step, the surroundings grew dimmer, prompting Stardust to heighten her senses and tread cautiously to avoid overshadowing any potential auditory cues that could signal the presence of mutations or other threats nearby. As Stardust ventured deeper into the darkness of the second floor, her unease grew palpable. The absolute darkness enveloped her, leaving only the faint pink glow of her horn to pierce the shadows. "I can't see almost anything..." Stardust muttered, her voice trembling with fear as she cautiously moved forward, her eyes darting left and right in search of any sign of danger. Suddenly, a strange static sound filled the air, causing Stardust to freeze in place, her senses on high alert. "What's that?!" Stardust exclaimed, her heart pounding in her chest as she spun around, her P90 raised and ready for any threat. "We have a new visitor, Stardust Glitter, from stable fifty," a disembodied male voice echoed through the darkness, sounding like a radio announcer broadcasting from some unknown source. Stardust's blood ran cold as she strained to locate the source of the voice, her mind racing with fear and confusion. "Who's talking to me?" she demanded, her voice quivering with apprehension. "He exists in a world beyond yours," the male voice persisted, its tone grave and unsettling. Stardust's heart raced as she struggled to comprehend the mysterious voice's words. "What- what are you talking about? How do you know my name?" she stammered, her anxiety mounting with each passing moment. "He lives a life beyond your world," the voice continued, its presence growing more ominous with each word, accompanied by the escalating static. Stardust felt a chill run down her spine as she pressed onward, her senses heightened in anticipation of whatever unknown threat lurked in the shadows. "Do you hear me? How do you know my name? I don't know who you're talking about either," Stardust demanded, her voice trembling with fear as she searched frantically for any sign of the source of the voice. "But he lives a difficult life," the voice persisted, its words echoing hauntingly through the darkness. "Why do you ignore me?" Stardust cried out, her nerves on edge as she pressed forward toward the clinic, determined to find answers amidst the unsettling whispers that surrounded her. "He's here, he's watching you. Come closer, nopony is going to judge you," the voice persisted, its tone coaxing yet eerie. Stardust's nerves were on edge as she cautiously approached the clinic, her mind reeling with confusion and fear. "Hey, Stardust," another voice chimed in, younger and less unsettling than the first. Unable to discern reality from imagination, Stardust's voice quivered as she entered the clinic, her senses heightened in anticipation of any potential danger lurking in the shadows. "I don't know if my head is playing tricks on me or if all of this is real. I'm very confused," she admitted, her voice tinged with uncertainty and fear. "I think if I don't do something soon to fix it, I might end up dead," the younger voice spoke up, its concern palpable. Stardust's gaze darted around the room, her senses on high alert as the voices continued to echo around her, making it difficult to discern their origin. "I've been locked in these four walls for six years. I don't know what happened to me. I'm isolating myself for reasons that even I have trouble understanding," the anguished voice revealed, its words echoing hauntingly through the clinic. Stardust cautiously navigated the clinic, her eyes falling upon the supposed corpses lying on stretchers, each covered with a sheet. The bodies appeared charred and lifeless, instilling a sense of unease in Stardust. "Those ponies..." she murmured, her voice trembling with apprehension. Despite her reluctance, Stardust refrained from approaching the bodies, fearing any potential interaction with them. The clinic's computers were in a state of disrepair, mirroring the dismal condition of the facility. Bloodstains marred the floor, while a nauseating stench hung heavy in the air, causing Stardust to grimace in disgust. "I hope I can find the tweezers and bandages here," Stardust muttered, her voice tinged with anxiety. She avoided lingering near the bodies, fearful that they might stir to life in her presence. "I don't even know if they're dead, and I don't want to find out." "I am so insignificant that if something were to happen to me, nothing would change. Everything would continue its course," the younger voice lamented, its frustration palpable. "The day that nopony attended my birthday, that was more than demonstrated." "That voice is truly heartbreaking," Stardust remarked, her heart aching for the unseen speaker. Despite the uncertainty surrounding the voice's origin or reality, Stardust couldn't help but feel a deep sense of empathy towards the unseen speaker. "I've been stabbed three times by the ponies I loved the most," the voice continued, its tone heavy with sorrow. "I've harbored my negative feelings for months, keeping them locked away without confiding in anypony but myself. I've always felt as though nopony cared about my struggles, so I found solace in speaking to myself, alone in my room." Stardust's eyes welled up with tears as she listened to the voice's painful confession, her hoof trembling as she wiped away her tears. Despite her own struggles, she couldn't ignore the suffering of another. "I can't bear this any longer," Stardust murmured, her voice choked with emotion. She surveyed the clinic, her gaze falling upon the rusty and dilapidated medical supplies scattered about. Knowing that using such tools would only worsen Lollipop's condition, Stardust resolved to press on. "I have one hallway left to check," Stardust declared, her determination resolute. With a deep breath, she headed towards the last hallway, hoping to find the supplies she desperately needed. As Stardust entered the hallway, the scene before her was chilling. Rows of covered corpses lined the walls, their eerie stillness sending shivers down her spine. But it was the sight at the end of the hallway that truly horrified her—a pony's corpse with a gaping hole in her neck, exposing the grisly sight of her bones from the atlas to the C7 vertebra. Stardust's heart pounded in her chest as a surge of fear washed over her. Without warning, a sharp gasp escaped her lips, followed by a guttural scream that echoed through the corridor. In her panic, Stardust stumbled backward, her hooves slipping on the slick floor as she desperately tried to put distance between herself and the gruesome sight. The nauseating smell of decay filled Stardust's nostrils, assaulting her senses as she fought to suppress the rising bile in her throat. But the sight before her was too much to bear, and with a violent retch, Stardust's stomach rebelled, expelling the contents of her breakfast onto the floor in a sickening display. Her body convulsed with each heave, tears streaming down her cheeks as she struggled to regain control. Stardust's chest heaved as she gasped for air, the taste of bile lingering in her mouth as she wiped her mouth with a trembling hoof. For a moment, Stardust was frozen in shame, her cheeks burning with embarrassment at the sight of her own vomit. She averted her gaze, unable to bear the sight of the mess she had made, her mind reeling with the horror of what she had just witnessed. "It's a good thing Lollipop isn't here," Stardust muttered between ragged breaths, her voice filled with self-doubt. "She probably would have told me I'm a weakling." Stardust grimaced as she examined the vomit stains on her jumpsuit, her disgust evident on her face. "I'll have to find a way to clean this up," she muttered, her voice tinged with embarrassment. Resolutely, Stardust turned her attention to the pony's corpse, careful to avoid looking directly into its lifeless eyes. The pony wore a lab coat, suggesting she worked at the hospital. Beside her lay a note, stained with blood, and a weapon with a unique design: a Hecklar & Kich VP70 pistol with a stock. Stardust's gaze lingered on the weapon, its design unfamiliar but undeniably imposing. She reached out with her magic, levitating the VP70 and examining it closely. The addition of the stock intrigued her, adding a sense of power and stability to the firearm. A stock, in Equestrian firearms terminology, is an accessory attached to the rear of a firearm, typically a rifle or pistol, that provides additional support and stability when firing. It is usually designed to be shouldered by the shooter, allowing for greater accuracy and control. In the case of the VP70, the stock likely transformed the pistol into a more versatile and effective weapon, especially in combat situations. Stardust carefully searched through the pockets of the corpse, her unease growing with each grim discovery. She found a pen but discarded it as useless. However, her luck improved when she uncovered two packages of ammunition for the VP70. Swiftly, she shrank both the ammunition and the VP70 with her magic, ensuring they fit snugly into her bag alongside her other supplies. Examining the blood-stained note she retrieved from the corpse, Stardust struggled to decipher the smeared words. Despite the difficulty, she managed to make out a portion that read, "I must... NoisiaLife... undo." Puzzled by the cryptic message, she decided to leave the note behind and pressed on towards the clinic's exit. As she hurried away from the scene, Stardust couldn't shake the haunting echoes of the younger male voice that reverberated through the hospital. "I don't know what I have done to make all these things happen to me. I would say that the worst thing I have done in my life is lie to my mother several times. I'm paying the price for this." The voice's words struck a chord within Stardust, stirring memories of her own transgressions from her youth.  "I...I had done the same when I was a filly," she whispered softly, her thoughts drifting to moments long buried in her past. The voice continued its somber struggles. "Sometimes I spend entire days without saying a word... interactions are very limited... I even forget what my voice sounds like." Stardust glanced briefly at her map, realizing that the second floor held no further prospects for her search. With a sense of determination, she set her sights on the multi-purpose room located on the third floor. "I should head towards the multi-purpose room... maybe I can find what I need there," Stardust mused aloud, her voice tinged with unease. As she ascended the escalator to the third floor, Stardust couldn't shake the feeling of apprehension that gripped her. The hospital's oppressive atmosphere seemed to weigh heavily on her, fueling her sense of discomfort and anxiety. Yet, she pushed aside her fears, knowing that Lollipop's life hung in the balance. Navigating through the corridors of the third floor, Stardust followed the directions on her map, guiding her towards the designated room. Strange sounds emanated from the ventilation shafts above, causing her ears to twitch in response. Despite the unnerving noises, Stardust pressed on, determined to forge ahead. "I think the only way to move forward is to fight my inner demons and become a better pony... I think I can win this fight alone, without telling anypony," the voice declared, his words resonating within Stardust's mind. As the voice fell silent, so too did the static that had filled the air. However, from the recesses of the ceiling ventilation, a menacing mutation emerged, its presence casting a shadow over Stardust's path. Stardust recoiled in horror at the sight of the grotesque creature before her, her heart pounding in her chest. The Iron Maiden, with its dark skin and rotten flesh, moved erratically, its bright orange eyes gleaming with malice. Its body bristled with sharp spikes, ready to impale anything in its path. "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" Stardust screamed, her voice laced with fear, as she stumbled backward, her P90 trained on the approaching menace. With trembling hooves, Stardust activated the S.A.T.S mode of her Pipbuck, aiming to incapacitate the Iron Maiden. She targeted its head and front hooves, firing four shots in quick succession. However, her aim faltered under the pressure of the moment. Three shots missed their mark entirely, while only one struck the Iron Maiden's front hoof, causing it to recoil momentarily. The Iron Maiden's slow, deliberate movements, coupled with its terrifying appearance and bristling spikes, kept Stardust on edge, her anxiety reaching a fever pitch. Despite its attempts to vocalize, the Iron Maiden's twisted form prevented it from forming coherent sentences, let alone uttering a single letter of the alphabet. It lurched forward slowly, its spiked body menacingly exposed. With a determined glare, Stardust braced herself and unleashed a barrage of shots from her P90, her voice ringing out in a primal scream of defiance. "DIEEEE!" she cried, her fear fueling her attack. The Iron Maiden staggered under the onslaught, its dark form drenched in a sickening mixture of yellow and red blood. Several shots found their mark, severing one of its front hooves and sending it crashing to the ground. Despite its grievous injuries, the Iron Maiden continued to crawl forward, undeterred by the loss of its limb. The Iron Maiden let out a piercing scream, lunging forward in an attempt to sink its teeth into Stardust's neck. Reacting with swift agility, Stardust rolled across the ground, narrowly evading the Iron Maiden's vicious assault. Without looking back, she seized the opportunity to flee, bolting toward the multi-purpose room with a sense of urgency. Her heart racing and breath coming in rapid gasps, Stardust scanned the cluttered room frantically. "I must find the bandages and clamps quickly! That thing is still alive and will surely follow me everywhere," she muttered, her eyes darting across the chaotic scene. The room was strewn with overturned stretchers, broken medical equipment, and pools of blood, grim reminders of the Iron Maiden's rampage. Despite her growing unease, Stardust pressed on, determined to locate the supplies she needed. Beneath one of the stretchers, she spotted a Frankchi SPAS-12, abandoned beside a corpse. It seemed the unfortunate victim had attempted to defend themselves but ultimately succumbed to the Iron Maiden's onslaught. The corpse lay in a state of advanced decomposition, its face gruesomely mangled beyond recognition. Stardust felt a surge of revulsion at the sight but forced herself to push past it. The discovery of the SPAS-12 offered some measure of relief, though she grappled with the decision of whether to keep it or her P90. "I don't know how to reload this weapon either..." Stardust admitted, her knowledge of shotguns limited. "Shotguns are usually lethal at short distances, but... I don't want to get close to that thing." She weighed her options carefully, contemplating whether to discard her P90 in favor of the shotgun. With only one magazine left for the P90, the decision weighed heavily on her mind. "Think, think, Stardust," she muttered, her hooves pressed against her temples in frustration. "If I get rid of the P90 and keep the shotgun, maybe I can finish that thing... although I'm not sure if that will be enough. There are three packs of ammunition." She checked her bag to confirm the ammunition count, then glanced back at the P90's remaining magazine, uncertainty clouding her thoughts. "I think I'll stick with the shotgun. If I continue with the P90, I'll run out of ammunition, and it seems that thing isn't much affected by submachine gun bullets. I emptied almost an entire magazine into it, and it was still alive," Stardust reasoned, her voice tinged with determination as she analyzed the situation. Carefully, she set down her P90 and its magazine, opting instead to take the SPAS-12 along with the three packs of ammunition, stowing the ammo safely in her bag. "Nothing more useful in this room. I'll head to the fourth floor to see if I can find what I need," Stardust affirmed, turning away from the cluttered scene and moving deliberately toward the room's exit. Stardust slowly approached the door, her ears perked up to catch the disturbing sounds of the Iron Maiden. What puzzled her was the sight of the creature seemingly regenerating the limb it had lost. "Can... can it regenerate?!" Stardust pondered silently as she observed the Iron Maiden, her heart racing with fear and uncertainty. "If it can regenerate, how will I defeat it?! I'll have to run away from that thing no matter what. I'll wait for it to move away from the ladder, so I can go up without it noticing," Stardust strategized, her eyes fixed on the hallway as she planned her escape. Stardust watched intently as the Iron Maiden slowly traversed the corridors, leaving a trail of saliva in its wake, a grim indication of its thirst for blood. As the creature reached the end of the corridor and crashed into the wall, Stardust seized the opportunity to make her move. With a quick glance to ensure the coast was clear, she hastened towards the stairs leading to the fourth floor. "I hope I find what I need at the clinic. I want to get out of here as quickly as possible..." Stardust muttered to herself, her pace quickening as she ascended the stairs. She instinctively covered her nose with a front hoof, the overpowering scent of blood becoming more pronounced in this area. As Stardust reached the fourth floor and glanced to the left, she spotted the logo of "NoisiaLife," the same name mentioned in the note found with the corpse. The logo depicted a three-leaf clover, but she couldn't dwell on the connection at the moment. "Lollipop is my priority," she reminded herself, pushing the thought aside to focus on the task at hoof. Navigating through the dimly lit corridors, Stardust couldn't shake the feeling of unease. She was grateful for the silence that had replaced the voices, unsure if they were spirits or figments of her imagination. "I'm all alone in this place, that's certain," she mused quietly to herself. Turning left towards the clinic, Stardust's ears twitched as she caught the unsettling sound of an Iron Maiden nearby. Whether it was the same one or a different creature, she didn't know. Suppressing a scream, she quickened her pace, reaching the clinic door and closing it with her magic, careful to avoid making any noise that might alert the creature. "Why won't you leave me alone?" Stardust muttered in frustration, the tension of her situation weighing heavily on her mind. Despite keeping the door closed, Stardust moved cautiously to minimize noise, her breath and hooves the only sounds in the eerily silent clinic. Surveying her surroundings, Stardust noted that the clinic appeared less chaotic compared to the previous floors. Though bodies shrouded in sheets still lay about, there were no signs of a recent massacre. A peculiar sensation enveloped Stardust, as if the hospital itself were in motion, causing her to feel disoriented. "What's happening? It feels like the whole place is spinning," she pondered silently. Despite the sensation of movement, everything in the hospital remained in its rightful place, leaving Stardust to question whether it was merely a trick of her mind or a fleeting bout of dizziness. "Might just be my mind playing tricks on me again, or perhaps it's just a momentary spell of dizziness," Stardust reasoned to herself, continuing her search for medical supplies. As she sifted through the inventory, Stardust found many of the supplies either used or in a state of disrepair. It was possible that another group of survivors had already claimed what they needed, leaving behind only remnants for Stardust to scavenge. Stardust meticulously combed through the cluttered shelves and cabinets of the clinic, her keen eyes scanning each item in search of the essentials: tweezers and bandages. She methodically inspected every nook and cranny, her hooves gently shuffling through the debris as she sifted through the remnants of medical supplies. Each drawer she opened revealed a chaotic array of medical equipment, some rusted or broken beyond use. Among the scattered items, she found empty vials, torn gauze, and shattered syringes, but none of the crucial tools she desperately sought. With furrowed brows and a growing sense of frustration, Stardust persisted in her search, her determination fueling her despite the mounting obstacles. She checked and rechecked every corner of the clinic, her movements becoming more frantic as time wore on. As minutes turned into what felt like hours, Stardust's patience wore thin. The weight of her friend's plight bore down on her, intensifying her desperation to find the supplies needed to save Lollipop's life. Each empty drawer and barren shelf served as a cruel reminder of the dire situation she faced. Despite her frustration and the seemingly insurmountable odds, Stardust refused to give up. Stardust's frustration boiled over as she pounded the ground with her hoof, a mixture of anger and helplessness surging through her. "Argh! I can't find anything," she exclaimed, her voice laced with frustration and desperation. She had been scouring the clinic with unwavering determination, but her efforts had yielded nothing. Each empty drawer and barren shelf seemed to mock her, amplifying her sense of defeat. Suddenly, an instinctive urge prompted Stardust to glance towards the window. As she approached, her body trembling with anticipation, she hesitantly placed her hooves against the glass, her breath catching in her throat. What she saw outside defied all logic and reason. Equestria lay spread out before her, but it was not the familiar landscape she knew. Instead, she found herself surrounded by the vast expanse of space, with asteroids drifting lazily by and the distant glimmer of celestial bodies dotting the cosmic horizon. But the shock didn't end there. Turning her gaze to the other window, Stardust beheld a surreal sight that left her utterly speechless. In place of the university, there stood another iteration of the hospital, its structure composed entirely of Rubik's cubes. Each floor rotated independently, their vibrant colors blending together in a mesmerizing dance of motion and form. Stardust blinked repeatedly, as if hoping to dispel the illusion before her. Yet, no matter how many times she blinked, the strange spectacle remained unchanged, casting a surreal veil over her reality. Stardust's heart pounded in her chest like a relentless drumbeat, her breaths coming in ragged gasps as she staggered backwards, her eyes wide with disbelief and horror. "No, this can't be real... NOOOOOO!" she cried out, her voice cracking with anguish as she struggled to comprehend the incomprehensible. Tears streamed down her cheeks, leaving shimmering trails of sorrow in their wake, as the weight of the surreal scene pressed down upon her like a suffocating blanket. The overwhelming sense of despair washed over Stardust like a tidal wave, threatening to engulf her in its merciless grip. She felt as though she were teetering on the edge of an abyss, her world unraveling before her very eyes, leaving her adrift in a sea of uncertainty and fear. "Lollipop, help me!" she pleaded, her voice trembling with desperation as she reached out for a lifeline that she knew, deep down, could never reach her. The realization hit her like a physical blow, driving home the crushing sense of isolation and hopelessness that threatened to consume her whole. In that moment of profound despair, Stardust felt utterly alone, her cries echoing through the empty expanse of space like a haunting lament. She longed for the comforting presence of her friend, for a reassuring hoof to hold and a familiar voice to chase away the darkness that threatened to consume her. But there was no one to answer her call, no one to offer solace in the face of the inexplicable. All she could do was cling to the fragile threads of her sanity and press on, hoping against hope that somehow, someway, she would find a way out of this nightmarish reality. Stardust's trembling hooves fumbled with the buttons on her Pipbuck, tears blurring her vision as she desperately tried to reach out to her parents. But as the words "NO SIGNAL" flashed mockingly on the screen, her heart sank like a stone, the crushing weight of despair settling over her like a suffocating shroud. With a choked sob, Stardust collapsed to the ground, her body wracked with sobs as she curled into a tight ball, seeking refuge from the cruel reality that surrounded her. The sounds of her anguished cries echoed through the empty space, a haunting lament that seemed to reverberate endlessly in the void. "I WANT TO GO HOME BUAAAAAAH!" Stardust wailed, her voice raw with emotion as she kicked out with her hind hooves in frustration. Her entire being was consumed by an overwhelming sense of longing and despair, a yearning for the warmth and familiarity of home that felt impossibly out of reach. Her front hooves clutched at her face, trying in vain to shield her from the harshness of the world around her. But no amount of tears could wash away the pain and confusion that gnawed at her soul, leaving her feeling adrift in a sea of darkness and uncertainty. In that moment of profound despair, Stardust felt utterly alone, her cries a desperate plea for comfort and reassurance in the face of overwhelming adversity. But as the echoes of her anguish faded into the empty expanse of space, she was left with nothing but the cold, indifferent silence of the cosmos. Stardust's voice trembled with fear and despair as she cried out into the emptiness of space, her words echoing back to her like a haunting lament. Tears streamed down her cheeks, leaving shimmering trails in their wake as they fell into the void, lost among the stars. "Will I be trapped in space forever?!" Stardust's voice cracked with anguish, the weight of uncertainty pressing down on her like a suffocating blanket. Each breath felt heavy and labored, as if the very air around her had turned to lead. "I don't want to die!" Stardust's words were choked with emotion, her body trembling as she sank to the ground in a heap of despair. Her hooves clutched at her face, as if trying to shield herself from the harsh reality of her situation, but there was no escape from the crushing weight of her fear and uncertainty. In that moment of profound vulnerability, Stardust felt utterly helpless, her heart heavy with the realization that she was at the mercy of forces beyond her control. The vastness of space stretched out before her, a vast and unfathomable expanse that seemed to swallow her whole, leaving her feeling small and insignificant in its infinite embrace. "I must- I must find a way out," Stardust's voice quivered with determination, though tears still streaked down her cheeks like silver rivers. Her words were punctuated by soft sobs, the weight of her despair heavy upon her. "I don't know how but there must be something, something that would bring me back to Equestria." Despite the overwhelming sense of hopelessness that engulfed her, Stardust's resolve remained unbroken. She stood amidst the chaos of her emotions, her trembling form a testament to the strength of her will. With a shaky breath, Stardust reached out with her magic, lifting the SPAS-12 from the ground and drawing it close to her. It was a small comfort in the face of such overwhelming uncertainty, but it was something to cling to amidst the darkness that surrounded her. Stardust's mind raced with possibilities, each one more daunting than the last. She didn't know how to get back to Equestria, but she refused to give up hope. If she stayed in that room, consumed by her sorrow, she knew she would be vulnerable to attack by the creatures that lurked in the shadows. So she pressed on, driven by a determination born from desperation, determined to find a way back home no matter the cost. To be continue > Chapter 5 - The Last Card I Have Left To Play > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Blackjack. Before, I went by the name Go Fish, but I changed it because I didn't like the sound of it. I'm 20 years old and I reside in Marechester, particularly in the Gay Village of the city. It's a decent place to live; there's no radiation or mutations to worry about, though there's a constant occurrence of shootings and car-jackings that one should not overlook. I used to live in Hoofington with my best friends, Glory and Rampage. We knew each other since we were fillies, and those were very good times... I often wish I could travel back in time and change the past, the event that led to our separation. In that place, it wasn't possible to fulfill our... I mean, my dream, which was to create a show where we were like heroines of the Wasteland. It was a dream that any filly our age would have. As the chapters went by, I tried too hard to make everything focus on me. I wanted to be the center of attention. Morning and Rampage gave me suggestions; they also wanted to shine. But I pretended not to listen and continued with my role of thinking only I was capable of doing everything. That dream turned into a nightmare. We fought and argued all the time, a constant since season three. Glory was only there out of economic necessity, while Rampage was only there for Glory. And me? I enjoyed bathing in bottle caps, ignoring the fact that I crushed the hearts of the closest ponies I had. As I always say... I'm not a smart pony. Did I realize I was hurting them in time? No, of course not. When Project Horizons ended and a year passed, my fame gradually declined. The entertainment media evolved, and my name began to slip down the list. That's why... I now live in an empty shell, called a mansion. What's the point of having such a big, luxurious place if you don't have anypony to share it with? My mansion, a hollow monument to my past glory, stretches across two floors adorned with statues of myself and the most beautiful flowers imaginable. Each room, once meant for lively gatherings and shared laughter, now sits empty and untouched. Cozy sofas gather dust in the corners, their cushions longing for the warmth of company that never comes. The bedrooms, too numerous to count, echo with the silent emptiness of their unoccupied beds. Even the air feels heavy with loneliness as it swirls through the hallways, carrying the weight of unspoken words and missed opportunities. And then there's the pool. A shimmering oasis of tears, where I hurl myself from the balcony to plunge into its icy depths. As I sink into the cold embrace of the water, I find solace in its silent depths, surrounded by my own suffering as I gaze up at the indifferent gray sky above. Sometimes, I slip into a catatonic state, where the world around me fades into insignificance. I become oblivious to the shootings and accidents that plague Marechester's streets, lost in the labyrinth of my own mind. In this internal purgatory, I relentlessly replay the scenes of my past, searching desperately for a way to undo the mistakes I've made. But it's not fiction; it's my reality. A reality filled with regrets and missed opportunities, where the weight of my own failures crushes me under its relentless burden. And yet, I cling to these fantasies of redemption, grasping at any shred of hope that might offer me salvation. But reality is cruel, unyielding in its brutality. It's a harsh truth that many ponies seek to escape, drowning their sorrows in whatever distractions they can find. And so, I retreat further into my own mind, seeking solace in the depths of my despair. I spend almost every waking moment drowning my sorrows in whiskey. It's become my only companion, my only solace in this empty mansion. I know it's slowly poisoning my body, but the numbness it brings is the only reprieve I can find from the relentless torment of my own thoughts. And then there are the meaningless encounters, the hollow attempts to fill the void left by Glory's absence. But no matter how many ponies I bring into my bed, none of them can compare to the connection we once shared. It's a cruel irony that in seeking solace, I only find further emptiness. As for Glory, I cling to the delusion that she still cares, that one day she'll reach out to me. But the truth is, we haven't spoken in what feels like an eternity. I know she's out there, somewhere in Charlton-cum-Hardy, but the thought of reaching out to her fills me with a crippling sense of dread. What if she's moved on, forgotten about me entirely? The mere possibility is too painful to bear. I've tried reaching out to Glory countless times, desperate for even the slightest hint of acknowledgment. But each attempt is met with the same icy silence, her voicemail message serving as a harsh reminder of our fractured relationship. "I'm Glory," her voice echoes in my mind, dripping with disdain. "If you call me for a matter related to sex, rest assured I won't answer. Fuck off." It's the only response I've received from her since the day our trio fell apart, leaving behind nothing but bitterness and regret. And yet, despite the clear message she's sent, I can't bring myself to stop trying. Each unanswered call, each ignored message only deepens the ache in my heart, driving me further into the abyss of my own despair. It's a cycle of rejection and longing that I can't seem to break free from. I've been a fool to think that by wallowing in self-pity, all my problems would magically vanish. There's no angelic intervention waiting to swoop down and fix everything with a comforting word. Reality doesn't work that way. Nothing gets solved on its own, and no mysterious force will swoop in to save the day. If I continue to linger here, drowning in my own misery, I'll only find myself trapped in an endless cycle, spinning aimlessly with no hope of escape. If I ever hope to reunite with Glory, to gaze into those mesmerizing violet eyes once more, to bask in the radiant glow of her vibrant mane, I must muster the courage to rise from this pit of despair and take action. I can't expect her to come to me; I must be the one to reach out and mend the bonds we once shared. It's the only way forward, the only path out of this suffocating darkness. I must... muster the strength to rise, to cease this endless cycle of tears and regret. I'll pay a visit to Glory, for if I remain here, inert and weeping, I shall achieve naught. It's abundantly clear that she has no intention of seeking me out. As I lifted myself from the couch, the trails of my tears mingled with its fabric, becoming indistinguishable from the surroundings of my solitary abode. Surveying my living room, I beheld those posters from my ill-fated show... each one a painful reminder of past mistakes, of shattered dreams. They must go. I'll rid myself of these relics, expunge them from my home. I seek a fresh start, a new chapter in my life devoid of these painful reminders. I trudged towards the weapons cabinet, my heart heavy with the weight of my shattered dreams. Each step echoed the melancholy rhythm of my soul, a dirge for lost friendships and broken promises. Within its confines lay an array of armaments, ranging from pistols to assault rifles and even anti-materiel rifles. Yet, in this moment, all I required was a simple sledgehammer. With a flick of my telekinesis, I grasped the sledgehammer and made my way back to the room. There, I commenced my task, laying waste to the statues that adorned the space, the sound of breaking glass echoing through the room. Each blow of the sledgehammer was accompanied by a declaration of renunciation. "I RENOUNCE ALL OF THIS!" I exclaimed aloud as I shattered each and every action figure that had once adorned my shelves. Glass and debris littered the floor, but I paid it no heed. In this moment, nothing mattered to me except for the absence of Glory and Rampage. I stared at the doll lying on the floor, consumed by a firestorm of rage burning within me. Not because it was an inanimate object, but because it symbolized all the pain and regret of my past, all the foolish choices that brought me to this dark place... "I... I wish, this had never happened," I choked out, my voice trembling with emotion as I brought down the sledgehammer upon the doll's head, its eye rolling away, lost in the shadows of the room. I glanced around the chaos I had wrought in my living room, sighing heavily as I grappled with the intense emotions swirling inside me. The mess around me didn't matter; all I cared about was reconnecting with my friends. After finishing my destructive rampage, I hurled the hammer aside and made my way to the weapons room. Dominating the space was my security armor, its dark blue hue contrasting sharply with the bold yellow number 99 emblazoned on its surface. The armor, covering nearly my entire body save for my tail and head, stood ready for action. With a flick of my magic, I removed the Pipbuck from my left hoof and affixed it to the armor. The armor featured a button that allowed it to open halfway, facilitating easy entry. I gingerly positioned myself within its confines, and as it detected my weight, the armor closed around me, providing a snug fit while ensuring I remained cool with its built-in air conditioning. Nearby, my weapons lay waiting on a piece of furniture. Alongside them rested my trusty bag, where I kept my Penn Hoof Striker-12 and TR-1 Ultralight. With a simple spell, I shrunk both weapons to fit neatly into my bag. As I debated whether to bring my elixir of life, I hesitated. It was a precious resource, difficult to obtain, but ultimately, I decided against it. With weapons in hoof, I felt a sense of security—a necessary precaution in this unforgiving world, where danger lurked around every corner. Before leaving, I also packed ammunition for my guns. Trotting back into my destroyed living room, walking across the glass that creaked with every step I took and stepping on the eye of the doll from before with much contempt, I lifted the mat with telekinesis and took out my key. I left my mansion and locked the door, keeping the key in my bag. The sky was gray, reflecting the color of my heart, in contrast to the streets of Marechester, which were adorned with rainbow flags. Trotting through the streets were also painted in rainbow colors in certain areas, with many of the buildings still stable and under maintenance. One of my favorite places is the Gay bar, which is not far from my mansion. Sometimes, I go to those bars to meet mares and stallions and then invite them to spend the night with me. Checking my Pipbuck momentarily, where I can access the map of Marechester, Charlton is considerably far away if I go trotting. If I find a car... I think I'll steal it. I've had two cars, but I totaled them both. I'm not very good at driving, and because there are very few auto repairs in operation, they charge too much. Almost all my bottle caps are spent on alcohol or with prostitutes, so I couldn't buy another one even if I wanted to. I'll keep trotting until I find one. The design or brand doesn't matter; I just don't want to walk there. What sometimes saddens me is seeing multiple happy couples enjoying moments together while I walk through these streets. It's very contrary to my situation. I looked away from all those ponies; it only made me feel worse and a little envious. I would like it to be like that with Glory. I want to be with her, at least one more time. As I trot through the streets of the Gay Village in Marechester, I can't help but feel a heavy weight in my chest. The rainbow flags that flutter proudly above the buildings cast vibrant colors onto the cobblestone streets below. It's a stark contrast to the grayness that lingers in my heart. The rainbow-painted streets seem to mock me with their cheerfulness, reminding me of the vibrant love and happiness that I'm so painfully lacking. Every colorful storefront and joyful laughter that echoes from the cafes serves as a bitter reminder of what I've lost. Even the ponies around me, their expressions filled with warmth and affection, only serve to deepen my sense of isolation. They walk holding hoof, sharing tender moments of connection that I can only dream of experiencing again. As I navigate through the bustling crowds, I can't shake the feeling of emptiness that consumes me. Each step I take feels heavier than the last, weighed down by the burden of loneliness that I carry with me wherever I go. The Gay Village, with its rainbow-colored streets and vibrant atmosphere, is a constant reminder of everything I've lost. And as much as I try to find solace in its colorful facade, my heart remains trapped in a perpetual state of gray. I force myself to push aside those melancholic thoughts as I trudge onward through the streets. My sole focus now is finding a vehicle and reaching Glory's house as swiftly as possible. But the weight of my emotions threatens to overwhelm me at any moment. I can feel the tears welling up behind my eyes, threatening to spill over and betray the pain I carry within me. I can't afford to let myself get lost in these emotions, not here, not now. The last thing I need is to become a spectacle in the midst of the bustling Gay Village. I found myself standing at the intersection of Pertland Street, where the traffic lights blinked in their ceaseless rhythm. This was the perfect spot to snag a vehicle, or so I hoped. Leaning against the cold stone wall of a nearby building, I clasped my front hooves together, my gaze fixed on the road ahead. Patience was key in this game of waiting and watching. But as the moments stretched on, I couldn't help but feel a pang of frustration. Finding a vehicle to steal wasn't as easy as I had hoped. In a world ravaged by war, technology like cars was a rarity, coveted by the fortunate few who possessed them. My ears pricked up at the distant rumble of an approaching engine, drawing closer with each passing second until it came to a halt right in front of me, halted by the glaring red traffic light. I braced myself for what had to be done, the regret already gnawing at my insides. As the vehicle came to a stop, my eyes flicked over its make and model—a Jensenet S-V8, if I recalled correctly—but such details hardly mattered in the heat of the moment. With a swift burst of magic, I flung the door open and lunged towards the driver, a startled mare whose eyes widened in disbelief at my intrusion. Before my front hooves pushed her unceremoniously out of her own vehicle, my voice ringing out in a mixture of desperation and aggression, "GET OUT OF THE FUCKING CAR ASSHOLE!" As I slid into the driver's seat, the mare's voice pierced through the air, filled with anger and accusation. "YOU FUCKING KLEPTO! GIVE ME BACK MY CAR!" It was a futile plea, lost amidst the chaos of my actions. Her words faded into the background as I slammed my hind hoof down on the accelerator, propelling the stolen vehicle forward with a burst of speed. I paid little heed to her cries, my focus consumed by the urgency of my mission. In my haste, I momentarily forgot to close the door. With a swift motion, I extended my right hoof and pulled the door shut, shutting out the outside world as I raced away from the scene of my theft. The streets lay relatively empty, a rare occurrence that offered me some semblance of relief as I navigated the stolen vehicle through the city. Each meter I covered without incident was a small victory in itself, a brief respite from the chaos that filled my mind. Periodically, I glanced down at my Pipbuck, its screen illuminating the dim interior of the car as I consulted the map. The location of Charlton remained fixed in my mind, a beacon of hope amidst the uncertainty that plagued me. Despite the inherent risks of my reckless journey, my desperation drove me forward, unwilling to waste precious time by stopping to check the map more frequently. It appeared that I was on the right path, the neon glow of the city fading into the distance as I ventured further into the suburbs. With each passing minute, the prospect of reaching my destination within the next ten minutes grew ever closer. As I continued to navigate the deserted streets, my attention was momentarily diverted to the radio. Perhaps tuning in to some music or funny shit would provide a brief respite from the bleakness of my thoughts. With a flick of my magic, I adjusted the volume, the familiar voice of DJ-Pon3 filling the car's interior as Galaxy News Radio crackled to life. DJ-Pon3: To wrap up the news segment, a group of ponies are rebuilding the bridges of Neigh York, mentioning that nopony thinks about earth ponies. Swift Road: We're busy reconnecting the bridges to Bronclyn and New Jarsay. We can't do magic, fly, or any other fancy shits we can't do. Not all of us have access to boats or helicopters. We may be strong, but that doesn't mean we can swim half an hour from one island to another. Nimble Force interviewer: How long will the bridge construction take? Swift Road: At this rate, I estimate two months. We'll have to remove the friendship train tracks and use them to create a sea railway. Also, you can get head on the bridges for twenty bottle caps. DJ-Pon3: And of course, Equestria's biggest worry won't just be radiation, but the spreading syphilis throughout the land! How many celebrities will be accused of being sexual offenders? What do stable ponies' vaginas look like? These questions will only be answered on Galaxy News, because we don't know what privacy is. Haha, it's true, being an earth pony seems tough. No wings, no magic... life must throw them some real curveballs. But hey, being a unicorn isn't too shabby, I must admit. I mean, who could live without magic? Not me, that's for sure. As for Manehattan, well, I'm not planning on visiting anytime soon, but I'm glad they're fixing those bridges. Can you believe they've been down for over two hundred years? Must make getting around the city a real pain in the ass. I glanced at my Pipbuck one last time, the digital clock ticking down as I counted the minutes. Just five more until Charlton. I took a left down Keppal Rd, but then... Oh no... I usually breeze through red lights, it's become a habit of mine. There's no pony enforcing traffic rules, and honestly, who would want that job? But this time, it was a mistake. That building obstructed my view of the other street, leaving me blind to the Double-Decker bus barreling towards me. The impact was jarring, sparks flying as 'my' car scraped against the towering vehicle. The bus driver blared their horn in frustration, but I couldn't care less. With a scrape and a graze, I finally cleared the bus and turned right, breathing a sigh of relief as Charlton came into view. Charlton sprawled out before me, a neighborhood of cookie-cutter houses, all painted in various shades of brown. They huddled close together, almost indistinguishable from one another. Navigating the narrow streets, I had to inch along, dodging parked cars that lined the roadside. The last thing I needed was to crash into something and attract unwanted attention. I wasn't in the mood for any more trouble. Luckily, Glory's contact was still saved in my Pipbuck. Her number hadn't changed, at least not yet. So, I trusted that the location it gave me was accurate. According to my Pipbuck, she lived across from a supermarket called Marrisans. I sighed, feeling the weight of my incompetence behind the wheel. Parking wasn't my forte, and I had no desire to struggle with it now. So, I opted for the simplest solution: blocking the entire sidewalk with the car. Not the most considerate move, but it got the job done. As I tried to exit the vehicle, frustration began to simmer within me. The door refused to budge, despite my efforts to unlock it. It took a moment for realization to dawn on me: the encounter with the bus must have damaged the door mechanism. That's what I get for speeding at 90 km per hour. With a resigned huff, I used my magic to roll down the driver's window and clumsily clambered out, landing ungracefully on the pavement. Brushing myself off, I hurriedly picked myself up, eager to put some distance between me and the car. As I approached Glory's house, my mind was filled with conflicting emotions. I braced myself for two possible outcomes: either she would slam the door in my face and tell me to go to hell, or she might grant me another chance to mend our friendship. I tried to temper my expectations, aiming for a state of neutrality, neither too hopeful nor too pessimistic. Standing before her door, I raised my left front hoof and rapped against it gently. No words escaped my lips as I waited anxiously for her response. There was a brief pause before Glory's distant voice responded, asking for a moment. I waited in silence, my heart pounding with anticipation. Finally, her voice came closer as she addressed me through the door. "Who is this?" she asked, her tone tinged with curiosity. I hesitated, unsure of how to respond, before she recognized me. "Oh, it's you, Blackjack," she continued, her sarcasm cutting through the air. "Let me guess, you've come here for sex? You're so predictable." My ears drooped at her words, but I quickly shook off the sting of her sarcasm. "No, I didn't come for that," I replied earnestly. "I just wanted to talk to you." Glory's skepticism was palpable through the door. "Aha, and should I believe that?" she retorted. I felt a surge of frustration, wishing she could see the sincerity in my eyes. All I wanted was her forgiveness, nothing more. "Yes... I mean, let me come in and let's talk about this, okay?" I pleaded softly, resting my hoof against the door. "I just want to resolve this." Please, let me in. I could hear the annoyance in Glory's breath as she unlocked the door and let me in. Her expression was blank, devoid of any emotion. It was as if she was simply going through the motions, not caring that I was there, but still willing to hear me out. There were no hugs, no greetings—just a silent gesture for me to enter as she extended her left hoof. I accepted the invitation, stepping into her home with a heavy heart. Glory's voice cut through the silence, breaking the tension. "Do you want something to eat or drink?" she asked, her tone cold and persistent. I turned to face her, meeting her gaze. "No, thank you," I replied softly, my own tone reflecting the melancholy that weighed heavily on my heart. As Glory closed the door with a loud thud, the sound echoed in the room, magnifying the sense of unease that hung in the air. It was clear that I was not entirely welcome here. Glory's house exuded an aura of darkness and mystery, much like her personality. Every corner was adorned with skeletal decorations, from miniature skeletons dangling from the ceiling to larger ones standing proudly in the corners. Artificial black roses, with petals as dark as midnight, adorned every surface. The walls were painted in a striking combination of deep purple and black, with abstract drawings of hearts cut in half, each one symbolizing a piece of Glory's guarded heart. The furniture was sleek and modern, mostly black in color, blending seamlessly with the overall theme of the house. As I made my way through the house, I noticed the presence of several black cats, each one adding to the enigmatic ambiance of the place. Their piercing yellow eyes followed my every move as I walked towards the living room, where I hoped to finally have a conversation with Glory. Glory's demeanor remained aloof as she reclined on the sofa, her posture rigid and distant. She made it clear that she preferred to keep her distance from me, her actions speaking volumes even without words. Resting her hoof against the arm of the sofa, she propped her head up with an air of indifference as she addressed me. "What is there to talk about? I don't think there is much to tell, we both already know how things ended, the show ends and everypony takes their way," she remarked, her gaze piercing mine with an unyielding intensity. I hesitated, struggling to find the right words to express myself. "You know, I heard what you said on the radio," I began, my voice wavering slightly as I attempted to articulate my thoughts. But before I could continue, Glory interjected with a sarcastic remark. "Thank you... I guess. I'm glad to have been heard by somepony like you, even if it's on a radio and not in real life," she replied, her words dripping with icy sarcasm. A momentary silence hung between us, the tension palpable in the air. "I'm also glad you're going to have your own show. I'll listen to it when I can," I offered, attempting to extend an olive branch. Glory's response was curt and dismissive. "That's great, but that won't improve our situation," she retorted, her tone cutting like a knife. It was a harsh reminder of the distance that had grown between us, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of hurt at her words. My entire body trembled with emotion, each moment feeling heavier than the last, as if the weight of my mistakes was crushing me from within. "The- the main reason I came was because I wanted to apologize. I know I was a maroon to you and Rampage, and I want to fix it. Give me a second chance. We all deserve a second chance, don't we?" I pleaded, extending a hoof forward tentatively, trying to convey the sincerity of my words while holding back the overwhelming urge to shed tears. Glory's expression softened slightly, her gaze faltering as she listened to my words. "I don't know... It's hard to forgive when you've been ridiculed on multiple occasions. I'm basically a walking mockery thanks to you. It wasn't even about a trio of friends wanting to save the wasteland; it was just about Blackjack being the best at everything," she confessed, her voice tinged with anger and resentment as she crossed her front hooves in frustration, the memories of our tumultuous past haunting her thoughts. "I know, I know. I got carried away. But I would like you to understand that it's not like that anymore. I've changed. That Blackjack is dead," I assured Glory, desperation creeping into my voice as I tried to convey the depth of my sincerity. It was difficult to make her understand, to bridge the gap that had formed between us. But putting myself in her hooves, I couldn't blame her for feeling the way she did. After all, if I were treated like garbage, I'd probably feel the same way too. "No, no, I've been through too much to forgive you that easily. They think I'm a bitch. I get calls all the time. I have stalkers-" One of Glory's cats interrupted, jumping up and seeking attention. Glory started petting him, a small gesture of comfort that seemed to calm her down slightly. "If you REALLY want this friendship to keep working, I'm going to need you to do me a favor. If not, I don't want to see you again." I felt a chill run down my spine at her words. I didn't like the sound of this at all. But faced with the prospect of losing her friendship, I knew my options were limited. What else could I do? I couldn't bear the thought of returning to that empty mansion, spending countless months in complete darkness without anypony to listen to me. "What-what is it about?" I asked in a low tone, my eyebrow raised in apprehension. "I need you to be my contract killer," Glory stated matter-of-factly, her words sending a shockwave of disbelief through me. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I'd known Glory for a long time, but I never thought she would be capable of asking me for something like this. Could things really have gotten so bad that she was asking me to take somepony's life? "Say again?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper, my eyes fixed on Glory with a mixture of concern and disbelief, desperately hoping that she was joking, though deep down, I knew she probably wasn't. "I want you to wipe several schmuckos off the map who've been screwing me. I need to gather information about them first. When I have it, I'll call you and tell you what you have to do," Glory explained, her gaze fixed on the ground as she nervously squeezed her right front hoof. Shit! The weight of Glory's words hung heavy in the air, suffocating me with their implications. Here I was, faced with a moral dilemma that I never thought I'd encounter. I've ended several lives before, but most were in self-defense. But me... being a contract killer? It felt like I was being asked to abandon my principles, to sacrifice my morals for the chance to salvage a friendship that was hanging by a thread. These questions spun in my mind like a downward spiral, pulling me deeper into uncertainty and despair. "Is there no other way to solve this?" I asked, desperation creeping into my voice as I searched for any alternative that didn't involve bloodshed. "No, they can't stay alive. Weren't you listening to me?" Glory's tone was impatient, her frustration palpable. "Those ponies, they won't leave me alone. I'm not very good at fighting... I need more training. But something to admire about you is that you're a killing machine." Glory's words hit me like a sucker punch, leaving me reeling. Was that really all she saw in me? A tool to be used for her own ends, devoid of any ponymity or compassion? I struggled to find a response, my gaze fixed on the ground, unable to meet her eyes. "If to you I'm just a sexual object, then it's only fair that for me, you're a machine made to kill," Glory continued, her words cutting through me like a knife. It was a twisted reflection of our dynamic, a stark reminder of the darkness that lurked beneath the surface of our relationship. I may have asked her for sex on numerous occasions, and I may have slept with half the wasteland, but this... this was different. This was crossing a line that I wasn't sure I could come back from. As the weight of Glory's request settled over me, I couldn't help but feel a sense of irony creeping in. Was this how she felt when I constantly pursued her for sex? Had the tables turned, leaving me feeling vulnerable and powerless in the face of her demands? Glory seemed to sense my inner turmoil, her tone softening slightly as she acknowledged my hesitation. "If you won't do it, that's fine. I can find somepony else to do it for me." But her words struck a chord deep within me, stirring up a fierce sense of determination. "No, wait!" I blurted out, desperation seeping into my voice. "I'll do it..." I muttered, my gaze falling to the ground as I made my decision. Sacrificing everything for Glory... it felt like the only option, the only way to avoid plunging back into the depths of loneliness. I'm sorry, I whispered silently to myself, a pang of regret tugging at my heart. But the thought of returning to that empty, desolate existence was too much to bear. Whatever happens to me, I thought defiantly, nothing could be worse than being alone. No... never again. Glory raised an eyebrow, tilting her head inquisitively. "Hmm? That didn't sound very convincing. Are you sure you're going to do this?" "Anything to not be alone again," I confessed, my voice choked with sobs as I fought to maintain my composure in front of Glory. I couldn't afford to let myself break down, not now. I refused to drown in my own sea of tears again. NOOO! If this is the only way, then so be it. "Great," Glory responded impassively, her lack of emotion chilling me to the bone. "We'll keep in touch," she continued, her tone devoid of warmth or enthusiasm. It was as if she were discussing the weather, not the prospect of me becoming her hired killer. Glory got up from her couch, her movements graceful yet distant. "I guess there's nothing more to discuss, so you can leave." "Can't I stay a little longer?" I pleaded, hoping for some semblance of connection between us, perhaps a shared moment of comfort in each other's company. But my hopes were dashed as Glory's response washed over me like a wave of cold indifference. "To be honest, I want to be alone for now. I have to clean the litter box and buy food for my kittens," she said, her voice devoid of warmth or invitation. "Alright," I murmured, resigned to the fact that our interaction would be fleeting and superficial. I mustered up the courage to take a step closer to her, my heart yearning for some form of affection, a kiss, a hug, anything to bridge the growing chasm between us. But as I looked into her eyes, I saw no trace of the love we once shared, only a distant emptiness that mirrored my own. "Won't we have a kiss? A hug?" I dared to ask, my voice trembling with vulnerability and longing. Glory's response was swift and sharp, a reminder of the harsh reality that now defined our relationship. "Just a hug, but a kiss? Don't be confused, we're not there yet," she said, her words landing like a blow to my already wounded heart. As the hug enveloped me, its embrace felt as cold as ice, lacking the warmth and depth I craved. Disappointed at the absence of deeper affection like a kiss, conflicting emotions surged within me. On one hoof, I found solace in the familiarity of Glory's presence, the sound of her voice, and the chance to reconnect with her, however fleeting it might be. But on the other hoof, the weight of my decision to become a contract killer gnawed at my conscience, casting a shadow over our reunion. Yet, despite the turmoil swirling within me, I couldn't deny the bittersweet comfort of being close to my friend once more, even if it came at the cost of compromising my principles. Sometimes, the ache of loneliness outweighs the burden of moral compromise. As we parted ways, our goodbye was brief and devoid of sentimentality. With a final nod, I turned away from Glory's house, feeling a pang of longing as I stared at the familiar facade. For a few fleeting seconds, I lingered, hoping against hope for a sign of hesitation from Glory, a glimmer of regret in her eyes. But as the moments passed, it became clear that our paths diverged once more. With a heavy heart, I tore my gaze away and began to trot away, each step carrying me further from the fractured remnants of our friendship. > Chapter 6 - Negative Space > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardust steadied herself, her hooves echoing softly against the sterile floors of the hospital corridor. Two tasks loomed before her like ominous shadows, each bearing its own weight of urgency and dread. The first was to scour the hospital's labyrinthine halls for the elusive medical supplies needed to save Lollipop's life. The second, more daunting still, was to unearth a means of escape from this forsaken place, if such a route existed at all. But as she ventured forth, her mind was haunted by a specter of dread, a ghastly apparition of the corpse she had stumbled upon earlier. Its ghastly visage lingered in her thoughts like a relentless specter, a grim reminder of mortality's cold embrace. "Why now..." Stardust murmured, her voice barely a whisper, as she squeezed her eyes shut against the chilling memory. In her mind's eye, she envisioned the myriad ways in which her own demise could unfold, each more macabre than the last. The thought of falling prey to the hospital's sinister denizens or languishing in perpetual darkness filled her with a creeping sense of dread. "I can't let Lollipop die..." Stardust's voice wavered, her words tinged with desperation. "But why must I endure such horrors? What sin have I committed to deserve this fate? All I seek is to aid those in need..." The voices within Stardust's mind echoed her turmoil, their whispers a haunting chorus of anguish and uncertainty. Stardust blinked back the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes, mustering all the strength she could find to quell the rising tide of panic within her. With a heavy heart, she ascended to the fifth floor, her hooves echoing hollowly in the desolate corridors. The absence of Iron Maidens prowling the lower levels offered a fragile glimmer of hope, but Stardust dared not indulge in false optimism. As she traversed the dimly lit expanse of the fifth floor, an oppressive sense of solitude enveloped her like a suffocating shroud. It was a cruel irony that in a place teeming with lifelessness, Stardust found herself utterly alone, her only companion the cold steel of her SPAS-12 shotgun. Using her telekinesis, she kept the weapon close at hoof, its reassuring weight offering a semblance of comfort amidst the encroaching darkness. A sudden, chilling sound pierced the silence, causing Stardust's heart to lurch in her chest. "No, not another creature, please!" she pleaded silently, her steps quickening as she hastened towards the clinic in desperate pursuit of the much-needed supplies. Every shadow seemed to loom menacingly, every corner harboring unseen threats. But Stardust pressed on, driven by a fierce determination to fulfill her mission and survive another hour in this unforgiving realm. Stardust cautiously entered the clinic, her heart pounding in her chest as strange, unsettling sounds echoed through the halls, growing louder with each step she took. With slow, deliberate steps, Stardust moved forward, her ears twitching at every creak and groan of the building. As she peered out into the hallway, her blood ran cold at the sight before her - a grotesque creature, a Hospital Horror, with tentacles writhing from its mouth and sinister red eyes piercing through the darkness. The creature's grotesque form, devoid of fur and emanating a putrid stench, filled Stardust with a primal fear and revulsion, reminiscent of facing an Iron Maiden. But she knew she couldn't turn back - the supplies she needed lay beyond this abomination, tantalizingly out of reach. "I must press on... for Lollipop," Stardust whispered to herself, her grip tightening on the SPAS-12 she had readied, her resolve steeling against the terror that threatened to overwhelm her. With a heavy heart and trembling limbs, Stardust emerged from her hiding spot, confronting the Horror head-on. But before she could unleash her telekinetic attack, the creature's tentacles ensnared her neck, cutting off her scream of defiance. "Fuck! NOOO!" Stardust cried out, her body wracked with terror as the creature's vile appendages violated her, seeking to implant its eggs within her. The sensation was unbearable, her cries of anguish lost amidst the echoes of the clinic. Her vagina, once untouched, was now subjected to the invasive assault of the Horror's tentacles, sending waves of agony and revulsion coursing through her body. "NOOOOO PLEASE!" Desperate to escape the creature's grasp, Stardust kicked and struggled, tears streaming down her cheeks as she fought against the invasive assault on her body. "Get the fuck off me, you disgusting piece of shit!" she pleaded, her voice filled with desperation and horror, her hind hooves clenching tightly to shield her exposed vagina from further violation. But the Horror showed no mercy, its relentless assault driving Stardust to the brink of despair. With a surge of rage and determination, she summoned the SPAS-12 with her magic, unleashing a barrage of gunfire that tore through the creature's grotesque form, freeing herself from its grasp. With trembling hooves, Stardust seized the tweezers she had come for and fled the clinic, leaving behind the dying Horror and the suffocating stench of death. As she closed the door behind her, she gasped for breath, her entire body trembling with the trauma of her ordeal. "I can't believe it..." Stardust muttered through tears, her voice trembling with a mix of shock and anguish. "That was...horrible. That bloody thing...touched me, and I...I nearly peed on meself," she confessed, her words choked with frustration, fear, and shame as she huddled in a corner, her body still shaking from the ordeal. "I've got to...try to forget this," Stardust murmured, her gaze falling reluctantly to her private parts. The memory of the Hospital Horror's violation, marked by the repulsive fluids staining her jumpsuit, served as a cruel reminder of the trauma she had endured. As she sat there, lost in her thoughts, Stardust couldn't shake the feeling of disgust and dread that lingered within her, knowing that this experience would haunt her for a long time to come. Stardust remained seated, her mind swirling with the aftermath of the traumatic encounter. The weight of her experiences bore down on her, threatening to suffocate her in a sea of despair. "Why does this shite have to happen to me NOW?" Stardust muttered, her voice heavy with anguish, her eyes glassy with unshed tears. "Not only do I hear voices, I'm trapped in bloody space, I fight these disturbing creatures, and now... now I've been raped..." The words caught in her throat, a lump forming as she struggled to vocalize the unspeakable horror she had endured. "I can't... I can't tell anypony about this," Stardust whispered, her voice barely above a whisper, her heart heavy with shame and embarrassment. "Nopony should know... I'm sorry, Mum, Dad, Violet... this is so bloody humiliating..." With a trembling hoof, Stardust squeezed her eyes shut, the weight of her secrets pressing down on her like a crushing weight. Alone in her agony, she wished for nothing more than to erase the memory of her ordeal and bury it deep within the recesses of her mind. "I'll just sit 'ere for a while before continuin'," Stardust muttered to herself, her hoof pressed against her throbbing head as she sank into a weary stupor. With a flick of her magic, Stardust brought her SPAS-12 closer, her eyes narrowing as she scrutinized the unfamiliar weapon. It was her first time handling such a shotgun, and she felt a mixture of apprehension and determination swirling within her. "Fight to forget it, Stardust, you 'ave to... fight," she murmured, her voice tinged with resignation as she inspected the shotgun. Her gaze settled on the forend, a component she couldn't quite decipher. "I wonder what this is for?" Stardust pondered aloud, her brow furrowing in confusion as she floated the SPAS-12 away from her, hesitant to manipulate the unknown mechanism without proper understanding. Gently, she began to manipulate the fore-end with her telekinesis, her movements slow and deliberate as she sought to unravel its purpose. With each subtle adjustment, she observed how the shotgun responded, noting the subtle movements and mechanisms at play. As she experimented, Stardust's attention was drawn to the ejection port, where she noticed only a single cartridge had been expelled. It was a small detail, but it hinted at the intricate workings of the weapon, prompting her to delve deeper into its inner workings. "Will I 'ave to move this thing every time I fire, or will there be a specific number of times before I move the mechanism again?" Stardust pondered silently in her mind, her thoughts swirling with uncertainty. "I'll 'ave to find out when I face another creature. The wisest thing would be not to waste ammunition," she concluded, her voice filled with a sense of pragmatic determination as she contemplated her next moves. "I feel like it's been hours since I last saw the sun," Stardust remarked, her gaze flicking left and right as she surveyed her dim surroundings. The oppressive darkness of the hospital weighed heavily upon her, casting a pall over her senses and fueling her growing sense of unease. "If I stay in this blasted hospital, I'll end up goin' bloody crazy. I've been talkin' to meself since I came 'ere," Stardust muttered, her frustration mounting as she rose to her hooves, steeling herself for the daunting task of continuing her exploration. With a weary sigh, she pushed aside her fears and doubts, determined to forge ahead and confront the horrors. As Stardust pressed forward, her hooves trembling with each step, she couldn't shake the overwhelming intensity of her emotions. Never before had she experienced such raw fear and determination. "Lollipop was bleedin' right... the wasteland ain't no place for the faint of 'eart," Stardust muttered to herself, her voice quivering with a mix of trepidation and resolve as she trotted towards the staircase leading to the top floor. Upon reaching the sixth floor, Stardust found herself yearning for the comforting embrace of the bandages she sought, the final medical item she needed before she could even begin to contemplate her return to Equestria. "I 'ope I never lay eyes on those sons of bitches again," Stardust spat out bitterly, her voice laced with a potent mixture of shame and anger as the memories of her traumatic encounter continued to torment her. As she reached the sixth floor, Stardust's gaze fell upon the familiar 'Noisia Life' logo, its ominous green and black letters looming large on the hallway wall. The sight sent a shiver down her spine, a stark reminder of the dangers that lurked within the desolate corridors of the hospital. "That logo again..." Stardust muttered, her gaze lingering on the Noisia Life emblem plastered on the wall. Despite the sinister aura of the place, the presence of the logo still gave the impression of a respectable company in the medical field. Nevertheless, Stardust proceeded with caution, retracing her steps through the familiar routine of entering the clinic on the sixth floor. Her heart pounded in her chest as she prayed silently that she wouldn't encounter those vile creatures again. "Whatever's inside, I bloody well 'ope it's not those tossers again," Stardust whispered to herself, her hooves moving unsteadily as she made her way towards the clinic, the sound of her breaths the only thing breaking the eerie silence. As she stepped inside the clinic, Stardust's senses were on high alert, her ears twitching at the slightest noise, her eyes scanning the room frantically in search of any sign of danger. The memories of her encounter with the Horror Hospital weighed heavily on her mind, each recollection striking her like a hammer blow. "Every time I look out that window, it's like starin' into the abyss, reckonin' I'll never make it back to Equestria, doomed to rot away 'ere alone," Stardust murmured, her gaze fixed on the window to her left, the vast expanse of space beyond serving as a harsh reminder of her isolation. "I never thought I'd 'ave thoughts like this... it's all so much to process, and it's only me first day in this blasted wasteland," she continued, her voice heavy with despair as she cast her eyes downward, the weight of her situation bearing down on her like a suffocating blanket. "Suicidal thoughts, please... just stay the fuck out of me mind," Stardust pleaded, her voice trembling with the effort to maintain her sanity amidst the chaos of her thoughts. Her determination wavered like a flickering flame, her emotions swirling in a turbulent sea of uncertainty and fear. She couldn't help but question the worth of her continued struggle, weighed down by the constant emotional and physical risks she faced with each passing moment. Yet, despite it all, she found herself still clinging to life, a fragile thread of hope in the darkness that threatened to consume her whole. Stardust froze in her tracks, a shiver coursing through her body as vivid, haunting images flooded her mind. She could almost feel the tentacles ripping open her jumpsuit, invading her most intimate places with their vile, invasive touch. "NOOOOO!" she screamed, her voice raw with agony as she clutched at her head, her hooves trembling with the weight of her suffering. "LEAVE ME ALONE, YOU FREAKIN' ARSEHOLE!" Stardust's words were laced with desperation and fury as she sank to her knees, the echoes of her own torment reverberating in the emptiness of the clinic. Her mind was a battleground, a twisted arena where the horrors of the Hospital Horror played out in gruesome detail. The memory of the creature's tentacles violating her, injecting its repulsive yellow liquid into her belly, left Stardust reeling with a cocktail of pain, shame, grief, fear, and rage. "Why does this 'ave to 'appen to me?" she whimpered, her voice choked with anguish as she felt the bile rise in her throat. Each retelling of the nightmare only served to deepen the wounds in her soul, leaving her feeling more broken and alone than ever before. "I think I'm going to..." Stardust's body convulsed uncontrollably as she struggled to contain the rising tide of nausea, her throat burning with bile as she fought against the urge to vomit. With a desperate gasp, she attempted to cover her mouth with her right front hoof, hoping to stifle the retching, but her efforts were in vain. A guttural sound escaped her lips as her stomach rebelled against her, the acidic contents surging forth in a violent torrent. The vomit spewed from her mouth in a sickening spray, the putrid smell filling the air as it splattered across the floor in a repulsive display. Stardust's entire body shook with the force of her heaving, her muscles straining with the effort as wave after wave of sickness wracked her frail form. Tears mingled with the vomit on her cheeks as she fought against the overwhelming sense of shame and humiliation that threatened to engulf her. It was the second time she had emptied her stomach that day, but the feeling of vulnerability and degradation only intensified with each retch. As she knelt there, her body trembling and her heart heavy with despair, Stardust couldn't help but feel utterly alone in her suffering, the sight of her own bodily fluids staining the floor serving as a cruel reminder of her own fragility. "Seems like I'm doomed to suffer this humiliation over and over," Stardust murmured, her voice thick with shame and self-loathing as she grappled with the aftermath of her second visceral reaction. "This pain... it's like a fire inside me, consuming me," Stardust continued, her hoof pressing against her chest where her heart beat frantically, a relentless drumming that echoed her inner turmoil. The specter of madness loomed ever closer, threatening to engulf Stardust in its suffocating embrace. The image of her own demise, a shotgun pressed against her temple, flickered in her mind's eye, tempting her with the promise of escape. "I won't... I won't succumb to that," Stardust declared, her voice trembling with a mixture of defiance and despair. "There are still ponies who love me, and a life that's worth living... I won't throw it all away." Frustration boiled within her, mingling with the despair that threatened to consume her whole. "Damn it... my own mind has become my enemy," she spat out bitterly, her words echoing in the empty confines of the hospital. "It's toying with me, driving me to the brink of madness." With each passing moment, Stardust felt herself teetering on the edge of sanity, her grip on reality slipping like sand through her hooves. "I've had enough of driftin' through this empty void," she declared, her voice growing louder with each word. "I refuse to be a pawn in this twisted game any longer!" No matter how hard Stardust tried to salvage a glimmer of positivity from the abyss that surrounded her, it remained an elusive dream. Every step she took through the desolate hallways of the clinic served as a grim reminder of the relentless string of misfortunes that had plagued her since she first set hoof within its walls. With a heavy heart, Stardust moved away from the vomit that stained the floor, a macabre testament to her suffering that she desperately wished to erase from her mind. "What if I just... forget about the bandages and focus on gettin' the hell outta here?" Stardust pondered aloud, her front hooves nervously bumping together as she weighed her options. "But... but if Lollipop asked for 'em, it must mean they're important for 'er healin' process," she mused, her brow furrowing with indecision. "But I can't stay 'ere any longer... I need to go back to Equestria!" The passage of time seemed to stretch on endlessly, each moment feeling like an eternity trapped within the suffocating confines of the hospital. Stardust's heart clenched with fear at the thought of Lollipop's fate resting in her hooves, the weight of that responsibility bearing down on her like a leaden weight. "I feel like I've been trapped 'ere for years... I don't know 'ow much longer I can bear it," Stardust admitted, her voice trembling with uncertainty as she surveyed her surroundings, her senses still on high alert for any potential threat that lurked in the shadows. As Stardust scoured every inch of the clinic in search of the bandages she so desperately needed, her frustration reached a boiling point. Each drawer she opened revealed nothing but dirty or used supplies, each hallway she traversed echoed with the stench of death and decay. With a growl of frustration, she pounded the floor with her left front hoof, the sound reverberating through the empty corridors as she checked every nook and cranny in vain. "I've searched every bleedin' floor... I've got the painkillers and tweezers, but where in Tartarus are the damn bandages?" Stardust grumbled, her voice tinged with anger and despair as she turned her gaze towards the window. Through the glass, she could see the otherworldly version of the Hospital, its structure composed entirely of Rubik's cubes. The sight filled her with a sense of dread and frustration, knowing that she might have to venture there to find what she sought. But how? She had no special suit, no clear path to traverse the surreal landscape beyond. The stress of the situation weighed heavily on Stardust as she sank into a nearby seat, her hooves pressed against her throbbing head. Her gaze fell upon her SPAS-12, a twisted temptation lurking in the recesses of her mind. "Should I... do it?" Stardust murmured, her thoughts spiraling into darkness as she imagined the horrific scene unfolding before her. In her mind's eye, she saw herself raising the shotgun to her temple, the deafening roar of the blast ringing in her ears as her head exploded into a thousand fragments. The grotesque image of her parents' grief flashed before her, their faces twisted with anguish as they mourned the loss of their daughter. Unable to bear the weight of her own turmoil, Stardust collapsed to the ground, her body trembling with the intensity of her emotions. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" she screamed, her voice echoing in the empty clinic as she thrashed from side to side, consumed by the torment of her own thoughts. "I bloody well can't do that! NOOOOO!" Stardust roared, her hind hooves lashing out violently as she fought against the intrusive thoughts that plagued her mind. Gradually, the horrifying images began to fade, replaced by a semblance of clarity as Stardust clawed her way back from the brink of madness. She allowed herself to release the floodgates of her pent-up emotions, uncaring of any potential observers. All she needed was to purge herself of the overwhelming despair that threatened to consume her whole. "WHAT ELSE 'as to 'appen to me in this fuckin' place?" Stardust cried out, her voice raw with anguish as she pounded the ground beneath her with her hooves. "I was almost impaled, I was raped, and I still can't bloody well find the last thing I need!" Her words echoed through the empty halls of the clinic, a desperate plea for relief from the relentless onslaught of suffering that seemed to follow her at every turn. But even as she screamed into the void, a part of her clung stubbornly to the flickering flame of hope, refusing to be extinguished by the darkness that threatened to engulf her. "And it's just... it's me first day in this bleedin' wasteland," Stardust muttered, the weight of her despair heavy upon her as she sighed heavily. "I swear on me life, if I ever get outta this alive, I'll never step hoof in a fuckin' hospital again," she declared, her frustration palpable as she cast a weary gaze around the blood-stained walls of the clinic. The sterile whiteness seemed to mock her, a cruel reminder of the horrors she had endured within its confines. With a determined grimace, Stardust pushed herself upright, her body trembling with exhaustion and resolve. "I'm gonna press on with this fuckin' mess... there's gotta be some way to get to that other hospital," she muttered under her breath, her voice barely more than a whisper as she made her unsteady way towards the exit of the clinic. Stardust trotted unsteadily, her hooves tracing the contours of the walls as she moved, the burden of her emotions weighing upon her like leaden blocks. With a heavy heart, she turned right, her gaze fixed on the hallway adorned with the ominous Noisia Life logo. "I'll suss out this area, see what I can find," she muttered to herself, her determination to escape this hospital and return to Equestria burning fiercely within her. Taking a deep breath, Stardust veered left into the darkness that engulfed the hallway. With no windows to illuminate the path ahead, she had to rely solely on her magic to cast light into the shadows. Each step she took felt like a plunge into the unknown, the oppressive darkness pressing in on her from all sides. Stardust's ears twitched instinctively at the strange sound that pierced the eerie silence of the hallway. "Another bloody mutation?!" Stardust exclaimed, her heart pounding in her chest as she took a cautious step backward. The sound didn't resemble the familiar cadence of hoofsteps or grunts; instead, it was the ominous noise of an object in motion. With trembling hooves, Stardust raised her SPAS-12, its barrel trained on the source of the sound, her nerves wound tight with tension. Her breaths came in ragged gasps as the sound grew louder, drawing nearer with each passing moment, sending shivers of fear down her spine. To her astonishment, several toy blocks came into view, rolling across the floor towards her with an unnatural sense of purpose. As they drew closer, four blocks arranged themselves to form the word 'Hell'. "What in Tartarus is goin' on? Now even inanimate objects are movin' on their own... it's like I'm trapped in some twisted nightmare," Stardust muttered, her voice tinged with fear and disbelief. Refusing to let her terror consume her, Stardust pressed on, keeping close to the wall as she continued her journey through the darkened hallway, determined to avoid any further encounters with the unsettling phenomena that plagued this accursed place. "I suppose I ought to get used to these bizarre occurrences in this bloody hospital," Stardust murmured, her voice heavy with resignation as she let out a weary sigh. "But I can't bloody well tell which ones are gonna hurt me, or if I'm just hallucinatin'... Ahg! It's all so confusin'." "I reckon it's best not to take any risks. If I try to make a dash for the window, I might end up meetin' me maker," Stardust reasoned, her gaze drifting towards the distant glimmer of the outside world beyond the glass. "It's probably best not to dwell on it." Contemplating her options, Stardust felt a sense of unease settle in the pit of her stomach. She had already encountered one terrifying event after another, each one more harrowing than the last. The thought of being stranded in space weighed heavily on her mind, but she couldn't shake the lingering fear of the unknown. The notion of objects moving of their own accord filled her with a deep sense of disquiet, leaving her head swirling with unanswered questions about what other inexplicable phenomena awaited her in this twisted realm. Stardust trotted through the silent and murky hallways, her hooves echoing softly against the cold floor as she made her way towards the personnel security room. "Maybe I can lay me 'ooves on somethin' that'll 'elp me get to that other bleedin' hospital made of cubes," Stardust mused, coming to a halt to ponder her next move. "If I manage to get there, maybe I'll be able to scrounge up the bandages I need. I've already turned every ruddy clinic inside out on every floor, but no luck. The mental clinics and substance control, they ain't gonna do me any good, I reckon." With her trusty SPAS-12 at her side, Stardust pressed on, her senses sharp and alert for any potential danger lurking in the shadows. At that moment, she made a conscious effort to avoid glancing out the window, despite the allure of the wondrous expanse of space beyond. The mere thought of it sent a shiver down her spine, filling her with a sense of unease and despair at the prospect of being stranded in this forsaken place, unable to find her way back to Equestria. "Gettin' to the other side ain't gonna be a walk in the park, that's for sure. I ain't got a bleedin' clue what it's like to be floatin' in space, but it gives me the bloody jitters just thinkin' about it. Feels like I could fall into a void at any bleedin' moment," Stardust muttered, her voice tinged with trepidation as she grappled with the overwhelming uncertainty of her predicament. Stardust proceeded with utmost caution, her senses on high alert as she navigated the dark corridors of the hospital. With each step, she pressed herself against the wall, moving slowly and silently to avoid attracting any unwanted attention. As she advanced, Stardust kept a keen ear out for any unusual sounds, her heart pounding in her chest with apprehension. Despite the eerie silence that enveloped the halls, she remained vigilant, knowing all too well the unpredictable nature of the hospital. "So far, ain't 'eard anythin' out of the ordinary. All I can 'ear is me own bleedin' breath," Stardust murmured to herself, her voice barely above a whisper. "Guess I'll just keep pressin' on." With a determined stride, Stardust quickened her pace, her hooves echoing softly against the cold floor as she made her way towards the personnel security room. Upon reaching her destination, she carefully pushed the door open, ensuring to close it behind her with the utmost care. As Stardust delved into the room, the familiar sound of static filled the air once more. "Bloody annoying noise," Stardust muttered under her breath, her senses on high alert as she scanned the room. She couldn't shake off the unease brought on by the mysterious voices echoing through the hospital. "Hey, dear, fancy a trip to the amusement park this weekend? We could have a right laugh," came the voice of a young stallion, his tone brimming with excitement. "Don't call me 'dear,' and I'm not interested in going to the park," replied a young mare voice, tinged with uncertainty. "Why not? Did I do something wrong?" The male voice shifted quickly to confusion. "It's just... I don't want to be with you anymore," the female voice replied, her words heavy with the weight of her decision. "What? But... we've been together for two years! We've talked about our future, getting married, having foals... Why the sudden change?" The male voice sounded bewildered and frustrated. "It's just not the same anymore. For the past month, I've felt... uncomfortable being with you," the female voice explained, her resolve firm. Stardust listened to the exchange, her heart heavy with empathy for the pain unfolding in the conversation. She continued to explore the empty rooms, her eyes averting from the bloodstained walls and the lifeless bodies of security guards. They offered no help, their ammunition long depleted. "Love's a right mess, ain't it? 'Earing this only makes it bleedin' worse. There's bugger all I can do, and even if I could, reckon it wouldn't make much difference," Stardust mumbled to herself, her steps slowing as she pondered the complexities of relationships and the pain of heartbreak. As Stardust listened to the tumultuous exchange between the unseen couple, she felt a pang of sadness and empathy for their plight. "Now I get it, now I see it. You meet some fancy classmate with rich parents, that's the only explanation. Can't figure out why else you'd dump me. I've always been faithful, always had your back," the young stallion's voice dripped with frustration. "No, it's not like that. When we got together, I felt like I had to say yes," the young mare's voice quivered with regret. "Don't give me that! You could've just said no from the start! Would've been better than wasting my time. You're a damn bitch!" The stallion's anger boiled over, his voice rising in fury. "Don't talk to me like that! I'm not some whore!" The mare's voice cracked with a mix of anger and hurt. "Oh, but you are. All you care about is money. I was just your emotional crutch until you found somepony better," the stallion's voice echoed with bitterness as he paced around the room. "That's not true! Just because I don't want to be with you anymore doesn't mean I used you. I know I shouldn't have said yes, but I couldn't go on like this. I knew you'd react like this," the mare's sobs punctuated her words. "And that's why I'm pissed at you for making that stupid decision. Get out of my damn house. Never want to see your face again. You're just like all the others, using me for your own gain," the stallion's voice trembled with anger as he ordered her to leave. "You're so heartless!" The mare's voice cracked as she fled the scene, the slam of a door echoing through the room. "Just 'cause you're sensitive don't mean you get to treat me like garbage," the stallion muttered to himself, the creak of a chair suggesting he sank into it, contemplating the aftermath of their heated confrontation. The sound of a door creaking open and then slamming shut echoed through the room. "Here we go again, loneliness and isolation," the stallion muttered, almost as if addressing them as companions. "I guess you two will be sticking around until the day I kick the bucket," he added, his tone feigning cheerfulness. "It's been this way since puberty hit, you've been by my side for years. You could say... you're a part of me," the stallion's voice trailed off, his words tinged with resignation. Stardust wiped away her tears, feeling a pang of sympathy for the stallion's plight. She couldn't interact with voices like he did, but she understood the pain and complexity of relationships. "I've never experienced love myself, but I hope I never have to endure something like that," Stardust said, dabbing her eyes with her left front hoof. Stardust stumbled upon a room containing four anti-radiation suits. The vibrant orange and black attire bore two rockets on the wearer's back, presumably for navigating through radioactive zones. Adorning the flank of each suit was the 'NL' acronym in bold black letters. "This gear should help me reach the other hospital," Stardust muttered to herself, eyeing the suits with a mix of anticipation and apprehension. The thought of colliding with a meteorite and shattering the helmet glass sent shivers down her spine. It was a chilling reminder of the perilous journey that lay ahead. "I'll have to take it slow... flying with these rockets is uncharted territory for me," Stardust reasoned aloud, her voice tinged with uncertainty. With a trembling hoof, she began to don the suit, each movement weighed down by the weight of impending danger. "This suit's a bloody relief... ain't felt safe in... ages," Stardust muttered, her voice muffled slightly by the helmet. The sensation of protection offered her a rare moment of solace, a respite from the constant dread that had haunted her for what seemed like an eternity. "But I ain't lettin' my guard down, not with those spikey bastards and those bloody rapist lurkin' about," she added, her tone firm with determination, even as her hooves trembled beneath her. As the suit's interface finished loading, Stardust's gaze flickered to the display. 'Radiation: 0%,' read the left indicator, a reassuring sign that the suit was functioning as intended. On the right, 'Rockets: 98%,' warned of the limited fuel supply for the rockets. "Ugh, bloody hell... Spike ones again," Stardust grumbled, her lip curling in disgust as she eyed the puddle of saliva on the ground. With a shudder, she quickened her pace, eager to put as much distance between herself and those grotesque creatures as possible. "Right, gotta move, sharpish," she muttered to herself, breaking into a brisk trot as she made her way toward the roof. The thought of encountering another Iron Maiden sent a shiver down her spine, and she was determined to avoid such a confrontation at all costs. "They're craftier than I gave 'em credit for, those buggers," Stardust remarked as she ascended the stairs, her breaths coming in short, anxious gasps. Upon reaching the door to the roof, Stardust hesitated, her heart pounding in her chest. "Once I step through this door, I'll be floatin' in space... low gravity an' all," she mused aloud, her voice tinged with apprehension. "Gotta keep meself from lookin' down, don't wanna send meself into a right panic." With trembling hooves, she pushed the door open slowly, steeling herself for the daunting expanse that awaited her beyond. As Stardust pushed open the door, she was met with a rush of air, the anti-radiation suit clinging tightly to her body and anchoring her to the ceiling of the hospital. With cautious steps, she ventured out onto the roof, her gaze fixed on the distant structure of the hospital made of Rubik's cubes. However, her path was fraught with peril, as she had to navigate through the debris of meteorites that floated ominously in her path. Stardust's eyes widened as she took in the surreal sight before her. "This 'as to be a bleedin' dream, it's too mad to be real," she muttered to herself, her disbelief palpable in her trembling voice. Despite the hardships she had endured, she struggled to come to terms with the bizarre reality she now found herself in. With a heavy heart, Stardust contemplated her dwindling options. "When I finally get me hooves on them bandages, I'll need to figure out a way back to Equestria... but 'ow? It's a ruddy puzzle," she pondered aloud, her thoughts laced with frustration and desperation.The prospect of being stranded in this desolate wasteland gnawed at her, leaving her feeling hopeless and lost. Summoning her resolve, Stardust reached out with a shaky hoof and pressed the button on her chest, activating the rockets in her suit. As she began her ascent into space, she couldn't shake the nagging fear that she might never find her way home. As Stardust slowly floated through the emptiness of space, she made a conscious effort to avert her gaze from the abyss below, a void so deep and dark it seemed to swallow all light. Despite knowing she couldn't fall, the sensation of vertigo still gnawed at her, a lingering fear she couldn't shake. "I'm... I'm right scared," Stardust muttered to herself, her voice trembling with apprehension as she maneuvered to avoid the oncoming barrage of meteorites. Meteorites of varying sizes hurtled towards her from every direction, some veering in from the sides while others barreled straight ahead. Stardust, maintaining a cautious pace, deftly steered clear of each impending collision. With the vast expanse of space stretching endlessly around her, Stardust couldn't help but be consumed by thoughts of her loved ones back in Equestria. "Mum, dad, Violet, Lollipop... I'll do whatever it takes to find my way back to ya. And if I don't... if I don't make it, I hope ya all remember me," Stardust murmured, her voice choked with emotion as tears threatened to spill from her eyes. Yet, even amidst her turmoil, she pressed on, determined to defy the odds and return home. Stardust couldn't shake the feeling of unease as she neared the hospital, noticing a peculiar shift in its appearance. One of the floors began to morph, its colors aligning perfectly with an original Rubik's cube pattern, as if the hospital itself was reacting to her approach. "It's like... like it knows I'm comin' closer," Stardust murmured, her body trembling involuntarily with fear at the thought of what awaited her inside. Despite the suit still boasting a fuel reserve of 78%, Stardust felt a sudden urgency to hasten her journey. "The fuel's droppin' quicker than I thought... gotta pick up the pace," she muttered, pushing the rockets to propel her forward with greater speed. As she soared through space, a swarm of meteorites congregated in her path, forcing Stardust to maneuver deftly to avoid collision. With a sharp twist, she narrowly avoided one hurtling downwards, only to find another looming perilously close behind. "Bugger!" Stardust exclaimed, bringing her hooves together in a desperate bid to brake and swerve, narrowly avoiding a catastrophic collision that could have shattered the glass of her suit. Finally, as she drew near the hospital made of cubes, its exterior transformed into a perfect replica of the iconic Rubik's cube, leaving Stardust utterly bewildered. "What in the blazes am I gonna find in there?" she muttered to herself, her voice tinged with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity. As Stardust ventured deeper into the hospital, she found herself surrounded by a surreal landscape of Rubik's cube-like structures. Every inch of the building, from the outer walls to the furnishings within, had been transformed into intricately patterned cubes, creating a disorienting and unsettling environment. "What a bloody mess... can't make heads or tails of this place," Stardust muttered, her unease palpable as she navigated the maze-like corridors. With her SPAS-12 at the ready, she remained vigilant, fully aware that danger could lurk around any corner. Descending to the sixth floor, Stardust found herself confronted with a sight that bordered on the absurd. Every object in sight, from the drawers to the seats and walls, had been molded into perfect cubes, each adorned with a riot of colors. It was as if she had stumbled into a bizarre, cubist dreamscape. "I hope to Celestia the bandages ain't bloody cubes too, 'cause that'd be a right sodding mess," Stardust grumbled, pressing on towards the clinic on the sixth floor, her determination to find the elusive medical supplies unwavering despite the surreal surroundings. As Stardust made her way through the winding hallways towards the clinic, a chilling sound pierced the air—the unmistakable, guttural growl of an Iron Maiden. "Oh, bloody hell, not these bastards again," Stardust muttered, her hooves trembling as she instinctively took a step back. The sound seemed to emanate from one of the branching hallways, leaving Stardust torn between her desire to reach the clinic and her fear of encountering the menacing creature. "Bollocks... if I head into the clinic, it'll likely follow me, and then I'll be cornered," Stardust reasoned, her grip tightening on her SPAS-12. Suddenly, the source of the noise emerged from one of the corridors—a grotesque Iron Maiden, its spiked form a stark contrast against the Rubik's cube surroundings. "What in Tartarus..." Stardust exclaimed, her voice a mixture of disbelief and dread at the surreal sight before her. Stardust opted to wait for the Iron Maiden to draw closer, but its grotesque appearance sent shivers down her spine, prompting her to act impulsively. With a surge of magic, she squeezed the trigger of her SPAS-12 sooner than planned. As the bullets struck the Rubik's cube creature, it didn't bleed or ooze any foul liquid. Instead, it erupted into a cascade of multicolored cubes, scattering across the floor like shattered glass. The cacophony of their clattering echoed through the hallway, creating an eerie ambiance. One of the Iron Maiden's front hooves was obliterated by the barrage of bullets, leaving behind a mess of fragmented cubes in its wake. Frustration surged within Stardust as she attempted to fire her shotgun again, unaware that she needed to cycle the fore-end to chamber another round. "Bloody hell! Why won't it fire? Blast it, this bloody shotgun!" Stardust cursed, repeatedly pressing the trigger to no avail. Stardust repeatedly pulled the trigger of her shotgun to no avail, frustration building with each failed attempt. With a quick flick of her telekinesis, she retrieved her Combat Master Alpha and VP70 pistols. As the Iron Maiden crept closer, its grotesque form contorted and twisted, the absence of one hoof doing little to impede its relentless advance. Stardust unleashed a barrage of shots in a desperate attempt to fend off the abomination. "Bugger off, you bloody twat!" Stardust yelled, her voice trembling with fear and anger as she avoided making eye contact with the creature. Despite her onslaught, the Iron Maiden persisted, lunging forward in a bid to sink its teeth into Stardust's neck. With a swift sidestep, Stardust narrowly evaded the attack, her heart pounding with adrenaline. "Damn it all! Why won't this bloody thing die?" Stardust cursed, her back pressed against the wall as she continued to unload rounds into the relentless creature. Stardust's frustration grew as she witnessed the seemingly unstoppable resilience of the Iron Maiden. Despite expending a full two-gun magazine on the creature, it continued to advance, seemingly unfazed by the onslaught. "Bloody hell, I've emptied both barrels into this bugger and it's still kicking!" Stardust exclaimed, her voice tinged with a mixture of desperation and rage. With a swift motion, she used her telekinesis to reload both weapons, the metallic click of the bullets sliding into place echoing through the hallway. "I'll have to keep shooting, even if it's just to slow the fucktwit down," Stardust muttered grimly, leveling both guns at the Iron Maiden once more. She squeezed the triggers, the recoil reverberating through her hooves as she unleashed a barrage of bullets upon the creature. Each shot landed with a sickening thud, causing the Iron Maiden to stagger slightly with each impact. Stardust swiftly stowed her pistols away in her bag, opting instead to rely on her trusty SPAS-12 for the next encounter. As she ran towards the clinic, she couldn't shake off the nagging feeling of unease caused by her shotgun's sudden malfunction. "Seems odd... I don't reckon it's busted, but why'd it go kaput like that?" Stardust muttered to herself, her brow furrowed in confusion as she briefly inspected the weapon. Recalling the mechanics of the shotgun, she tentatively manipulated the fore-end, ejecting a spent shell in the process. "Maybe tweaking this bit'll sort it out? Blimey, I'm no gunsmith," she mumbled, uncertainty creeping into her voice. With her shotgun seemingly operational again, Stardust resumed her search for bandages within the clinic. However, the maze-like structure of the Rubik's cube hospital made navigation a daunting task, and she found herself retracing her steps more than once. "Bloody hell, this place is giving me a proper headache," Stardust grumbled, frustration mounting as she scoured each room to no avail. Realizing that she might have better luck on the fifth floor, Stardust made her way out of the clinic, determined to press on in her search for the elusive bandages. Stardust, upon exiting the clinic, noticed the Iron Maiden had regenerated its hoof and was poised to pursue her once more. "Ain't wasting any more bullets on you, you bloody piece of shite!" Stardust exclaimed, hastening her trot towards the stairs. The Iron Maiden lurked in the hallway, its presence looming ominously as Stardust made her escape. Yet, her troubles didn't end there. As she approached the stairs, Stardust encountered a disturbing sight—a crimson tide of liquid pooling across the floor, blocking her path. The viscous substance seemed to stretch as far as the eye could see, forcing Stardust to confront an unsettling decision. "What in the bloody hell is this?" Stardust recoiled in disgust, her stomach churning at the sight. "I pray it ain't what I reckon it is," she muttered apprehensively, tentatively dipping her hooves into the pool of red liquid. "Bugger me, that's ruddy disgusting. Can't believe I'm wadin' through this bloody mess," Stardust grimaced, her concern growing as she weighed her options. If she lingered too long contemplating her next move, the Iron Maiden would undoubtedly close in on her once more. "Bugger it all, here goes nothin'!" Stardust exclaimed, steeling herself before plunging into the crimson sea. As she submerged herself, the world around her was engulfed in a murky red haze, obscuring her vision and adding to her sense of disorientation. Straining to see, Stardust fumbled for a way to illuminate her surroundings, her hooves searching desperately for any semblance of a flashlight or light source. Spotting a small button near the rocket controls, Stardust pressed it, causing a dim light to flicker to life, casting feeble beams across the liquid expanse. Navigating through the flooded fifth floor, Stardust encountered floating hospital furniture and debris, each obstacle a potential threat to the fragile crystal of her suit. "I need to tread carefully, can't afford to let this bloody thing crack and let this liquid in," Stardust muttered to herself, her movements cautious and deliberate as she made her way towards the clinic. Amidst the eerie silence of the submerged hospital, Stardust was unsettled by the distant rumblings and tremors that reverberated through the structure, akin to the earth itself groaning in protest. "What in blazes is goin' on?" Stardust wondered aloud, her anxiety mounting as she struggled to comprehend the unsettling phenomenon unfolding around her. Desperate to reach the clinic and find the bandages she sought. As Stardust continued to swim through the confined space of the clinic, her movements were cautious and deliberate, every stroke calculated to avoid any potential hazards lurking beneath the surface of the crimson tide. "This bloody red liquid makes me skin crawl," Stardust muttered with a shudder of revulsion, her mind recoiling from the grotesque reality of the menstruation-filled ocean she found herself submerged in. The mere thought of its origin sent a shiver down her spine, and she pushed the disturbing notion aside, focusing instead on reaching her destination as swiftly as possible. Navigating through the cramped confines of the hallway, Stardust propelled herself forward with determined strokes, her senses on high alert for any sign of danger lurking in the murky depths. Each passing moment felt like an eternity as she pushed through the oppressive silence, the only sound the rhythmic sloshing of the liquid against her suit. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Stardust reached the end of the hallway, her heart pounding with a mixture of relief and dread at what lay ahead. Stardust stood frozen in terror as she beheld the grotesque sight before her: a Fetus Ghoul, its malformed form looming ominously in the cramped confines of the clinic hallway. The creature's rotten, decaying flesh hung loosely from its skeletal frame, its malformed limbs twitching spasmodically as it emitted a low, guttural whine that sent shivers down Stardust's spine. The stench of decay filled the air, thick and suffocating, as the Fetus Ghoul's malformed hooves scraped against the blood-soaked floor, sending ripples through the crimson tide that surrounded it. Its umbilical cord, twisted and mangled, dangled limply from its bloated abdomen, a grim reminder of the creature's grotesque origins. Stardust's heart raced with fear as she realized the danger she was facing. Fetus Ghouls were notorious for their savage aggression and monstrous strength, and this one was no exception. With a primal instinct honed by its twisted mutation, the creature lurched forward, its malformed features contorted into a grotesque semblance of hunger as it prepared to launch its attack. "Holy fuckin' Celestia shit..." Stardust whispered, her voice trembling with fear as she raised her weapons in a futile attempt to defend herself against the monstrous abomination before her. Stardust vs Fetus Ghoul As the Fetus Ghoul closed in on Stardust, its grotesque form cutting through the murky sea of menstruation with eerie grace, Stardust's mind raced with panic. She knew that using her firearms underwater would be futile and could even endanger her life. With a surge of adrenaline, Stardust activated the rockets on her suit, propelling herself away from the oncoming threat with desperate speed. The impact of the Fetus Ghoul's hoof sent Stardust careening into the wall, a sharp jolt of pain shooting through her body as she struggled to regain her bearings. Gritting her teeth against the agony, Stardust forced herself to focus, her mind racing with desperate calculations as she searched for a way to defend herself. "Son of a bitch... that hurt me," Stardust muttered through clenched teeth, her voice laced with a mixture of fear and anger at her predicament. With her heart pounding in her chest, Stardust scanned her surroundings for anything she could use as a weapon. The clinic was a labyrinth of twisted corridors and blood-soaked debris. "I'll have to find something sharp to attack it, I can't use weapons... I don't know if after this my mind can still withstand so much madness," Stardust murmured to herself, her voice trembling with a mixture of anguish and determination. Every moment spent in this nightmarish hospital tested her sanity to its limits, but she refused to succumb to despair. As the Fetus Ghoul lunged towards Stardust, hurling debris with reckless abandon, Stardust's instincts kicked in, propelling her into a frantic dance of evasion. With lightning-fast reflexes, she darted to the right, narrowly avoiding the barrage of projectiles hurtling towards her. But the Fetus Ghoul was relentless, its monstrous form closing in on Stardust with terrifying speed. With a surge of panic, Stardust scrambled for anything she could use as a weapon, her heart pounding in her chest as she searched desperately for a means of defense. Before she could react, the Fetus Ghoul was upon her, its massive hooves crashing down with bone-crushing force. Stardust was thrown backwards, her body twisting in mid-air as she desperately tried to shield herself from the impact, her mind reeling with pain and fear. "Shit, that hurts so much!" Stardust cried out, her voice trembling with desperation as she clutched her injured back, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she struggled to push through the agony. But there was no time to dwell on her injuries. With grim determination, Stardust forced herself to focus, her eyes narrowing as she braced for the Fetus Ghoul's next assault. As the creature launched a stretcher towards her, Stardust's instincts kicked into overdrive, propelling her into a desperate dive to evade the deadly projectile, her heart hammering in her chest as she fought to stay one step ahead of her monstrous adversary. Stardust, propelled by the rockets, seized the package of bandages that floated aimlessly and swiftly stowed it in her bag. A fleeting sense of relief washed over Stardust as she finally secured what she sought, yet there was no time for celebration. A looming threat demanded her attention. "After dealing with this wretched creature, I must find a means of escape. I can't endure its presence any longer; it fills me with dread," Stardust muttered, her hooves trembling. The Fetus Ghoul hurled a trolley at Stardust, who, paralyzed by fear, could only watch as it hurtled towards her. With a sickening thud, the trolley struck her, sending her staggering back from the impact. Glancing down, Stardust noticed a small crack in the crystal of her suit. "Bloody hell!" Stardust exclaimed, a mixture of fear and fury coursing through her veins as she assessed the damage. She knew all too well the dire consequences of a breach in her suit's integrity. The Fetus Ghoul bore down on Stardust once more, but she deftly evaded its charge, sliding to the side with the aid of her rockets and taking refuge behind a nearby privacy screen. Seizing the screen with her magic, Stardust shattered it against the wall, creating a multitude of jagged glass shards. With the Fetus Ghoul momentarily stunned by its failed attack, Stardust seized the opportunity, levitating the shards with her telekinesis and hurling them towards her assailant. Upon being pelted by the glass shards, the Fetus Ghoul emitted a piercing scream, its blood mingling with the sea of menstruation in a grotesque spectacle. Stardust, noting that her suit's fuel had depleted to 50%, understood that her predicament would only worsen if it ran out entirely. In a fit of frustration, the Fetus Ghoul pounded the ground, unleashing tremors that reverberated throughout the clinic, causing the surroundings to quake. Stardust, repulsed by her adversary's appearance and mindful of her restricted movement in the liquid, sought to keep her distance. In a moment of clarity amidst her fear, Stardust levitated several sharp fragments of debris, preparing for her next move. The Fetus Ghoul surged towards Stardust with alarming speed, poised to crush her with its colossal hooves. "Shit!" Stardust exclaimed, taken aback by the creature's sudden velocity. With a sense of urgency, she hurled the debris at the approaching menace. The Fetus Ghoul, its head now adorned with sharp protrusions, writhed in agony, its movements becoming increasingly erratic as it continued its pursuit of Stardust. Utilizing her rockets, Stardust propelled herself upward to evade the creature's charge, deftly maneuvering past the flailing Fetus Ghoul and swimming to the opposite side of the room. Finally, the Fetus Ghoul succumbed to its injuries, its lifeless form drifting in the crimson-tinted liquid, casting a macabre shadow over the clinic. "I finally made it... Now I have a way to get out of here," Stardust muttered, relief tinged with exhaustion evident in her voice. But her respite was short-lived as an alarming siren pierced the air. The shrill sound reverberated throughout the hospital, causing the entire structure to lurch into motion, spinning at a dizzying speed. Stardust clutched her head in agony, the cacophony assaulting her senses and intensifying her headache. "Now what the fuck is happening?!" Stardust exclaimed, her voice strained with confusion and discomfort. She attempted to cover her ears, seeking refuge from the piercing noise, but her suit hindered her movements, leaving her helpless against the onslaught of sound. As the siren blared with an unforgiving intensity, Stardust felt a sharp pain lance through her skull, pulsating with each ear-splitting wail. The sound seemed to penetrate her very being, reverberating through her bones and setting her nerves ablaze with torment. Her vision blurred and swayed as if the world around her had been thrown into disarray. Each rotation of the hospital sent waves of nausea crashing over her, threatening to overwhelm her senses. Stardust staggered, her hooves feeling like lead as she struggled to maintain her balance amidst the chaos. With every passing moment, the relentless assault of the siren bore down on her, intensifying the throbbing ache in her head until it felt as if her brain might burst from the pressure. She gritted her teeth, her entire body tensed against the agony, but there was no escape from the relentless onslaught of sound. Desperation clawed at Stardust's consciousness as she fought to stay upright, her thoughts muddled and disjointed amidst the cacophony. The world spun around her in a dizzying blur, each rotation plunging her deeper into a swirling vortex of torment. And then, with a final, deafening crescendo, the world faded into darkness as Stardust succumbed to the overwhelming agony, her consciousness slipping away into unconsciousness, consumed by the relentless assault of the siren's wail. Stardust slowly regained consciousness, her head still throbbing with a lingering ache. She found herself back in the familiar surroundings of the Baltimare Medical Center Hospital, on the very floor where her harrowing journey had begun. With a bewildered expression, Stardust rose to her hooves, shaking off the remnants of her disorienting slumber. "What in the... was it all just a dream?" Stardust muttered to herself, her thoughts a jumbled mess as she tried to make sense of her surreal experience. The anti-radiation suit clung to her like a haunting reminder of the trials she had endured, each item she had collected still in her possession. "It's difficult to comprehend... returning to Equestria should bring relief, yet I can't shake the feeling of unease," Stardust pondered aloud, her voice tinged with uncertainty as she made her way towards the hospital's exit. The warmth of the sun beckoned her, a comforting beacon amidst the shadows of her memories. "Even though I'm back, the scars of my ordeal run deep. The raped, the near-crushing, the journey through the void of space... they linger like ghosts haunting my thoughts," Stardust murmured, her gaze fixed upon the sky as she contemplated the weight of her experiences. Stardust lifted her left front hoof, inspecting the stubborn stains of menstruation that clung to her suit. The sight only added to her confusion, serving as a grim reminder of the reality she had endured. Though shielded from the scent by her protective gear, she had no desire to uncover the true nature of the repulsive liquid. "This only deepens the mystery... If I still bear the mark of that horror, does it mean my trials were real after all? But how could I have been transported into space? Did I stumble into some infernal portal?" Stardust pondered aloud, her voice laced with uncertainty. The questions hung in the air, unanswered and unsettling. "The worst part is... I can't confide in anypony about this. They'd think I've lost my mind," Stardust lamented, casting her gaze downward as she grappled with the weight of her solitary burden. "At least I'm still drawing breath... that's... something, I suppose," she conceded, a faint glimmer of resignation in her voice as she turned her steps toward home, eager to seek solace in the familiar embrace of Lollipop. Stardust, feeling a sense of urgency, activated the rockets on her suit, propelling herself forward with determination. She soared through the air, navigating carefully to avoid any potential threats lurking below, maintaining a safe altitude to prevent collisions with the towering structures of the city. With a gentle touch, Stardust reached for her Pipbuck, relieved to find that the device had regained its signal and was functioning as usual. Two unread messages awaited her, one from her mother and the other from her best friend. Scarlet Glitter: My dear, where are you? Why you do not answer my messages? Your father and I are deeply concerned about you, please respond, we want to know where you are and who you have been. Upon reading the heartfelt message from her mother, Stardust felt a wave of emotion wash over her. Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized the depth of her parents' concern for her well-being. "I'm sorry, Mum... I've been through a lot," Stardust whispered to herself, her voice trembling with emotion. With a heavy heart, she composed a response, using her magic to type out her message on the Pipbuck screen. Tears streamed down Stardust's cheeks as she replied, her hooves moving deftly over the Pipbuck's interface. "I'm fine, Mum... I've had a few setbacks. I'm very sorry for not answering you. I'm safe and sound... with a pony named Lollipop. She's helping me get to Sparkle-World safely," Stardust conveyed, her words infused with a mix of relief and sorrow. Stardust felt a surge of gratitude upon reading Violet Glow's heartfelt message. Tears of happiness trickled down her cheeks as she composed her response, her hooves moving deftly over the Pipbuck's interface. Violet Glow: I'm sorry I couldn't say goodbye to you Judith, I was busy, it took me longer than I thought, but now that you're out there in the wasteland, I'd really like you to be careful out there, okay? I will be looking forward to your return to the Stable, things will not be the same for me if you are not here. "Don't worry, Violet," Stardust replied, her voice tinged with warmth and reassurance. "I'm grateful we can stay in touch, even if we're apart. When my journey to Sparkle-World ends, I'll come back to you as quickly as I can. We'll be together again soon." With her message sent, Stardust finally arrived at the entrance of the house where Lollipop awaited her. She took a deep breath, feeling a renewed sense of determination coursing through her veins. "Don't worry, Lollipop," she whispered to herself, steeling her resolve. "I'll save you." With a determined stride, Stardust pushed open the door and stepped inside the shelter. To be continue > Chapter 7 - Healing Rain > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I can't seem to find the joy in this world, no matter how hard I try. Every day, it's the same question haunting me: why? Back to being Blackjack, still alive and kicking. Not that I'm thrilled about it. After bidding farewell to Glory and driving back to my mansion, I found myself in dire need of somepony to talk to. The loneliness weighs heavy, and on top of that, there's the burden of being a contract killer. I long for somepony to confide in, to share the weight I carry. But then Glory had to go and twist the knife with her parting words. Morning Glory: Blackjack, forgot to mention, keep our 'business' to yourself. Not a word to Gin Rummy, especially with your mom being, well, your mom. Thanks, Glory. Thanks for adding more venom to the cauldron of despair brewing in my heart. You've managed to darken it even more, leaving it withered and destroyed. My mom, she's all I've got. And you've ripped her away from me. I've always tried to put on this facade of strength, like I can handle anything that comes my way. But now, in my darkest hour, you snatch her away from me. You think I find this easy to deal with? What other options do you leave me? More alcohol, perhaps? Sure thing. Drinks have always been my go-to, numbing the emotional pain I'm drowning in. But I've already made up my mind. I'll be Glory's contract killer, if that's what it takes to stay close to her. She's my friend, and even though we used to be a damn happy couple, my own foolish choices have landed me in this mess. Guess this is the toll I pay for being so damn self-absorbed, for ignoring those who actually give a damn about me. This ain't about sex, not even close. I just want Glory back, to have us together again like we used to. And if that means becoming a contract killer, putting my life on the line, then so be it. But while Glory's out there digging up dirt on my marks, what am I supposed to do? Besides drowning in booze? No clue, pal. I'm lost in this maze, stuck between the bottle and a screen, watching Power Ponies till my eyes bleed. That's the routine, day in, day out. Barstool or mansion walls, it's a never-ending loop. Life's become a bleak landscape, dull and desolate... I couldn't be more screwed. At this moment, I found myself in the gay bar near my mansion, like a moth to flame, drawn to its neon glow. But as I stepped inside, silence greeted me, like a cold hoof brushing past. No nods, no greetings, just the quiet hum of conversations and clinking glasses. It was a bitter pill to swallow, seeing my once-bustling world reduced to this. The glory, the power, all faded away like whispers in the wind. Nothing lasts forever, not even fame. Back to the harsh reality, I had to face it. No longer the big shot, just another face in the crowd, trying to scrape by in this unforgiving wasteland. I let it consume me, the weight of it all bearing down. Now, I'm paying the price. Sure, I've got plenty of caps, but what good is it without companionship? Loneliness is a heavy burden, one I'd rather not carry. Nopony was by my side, the tribeco bar seemed unusually sparse tonight. The midnight hour had passed, and the rain outside must've kept many ponies away. But the emptiness only magnified my own sense of desolation. It felt like they were all deliberately avoiding me, but deep down, I knew it was just that I wasn't worth their time. Who would want to listen to me moan about my solitude, anyway? I glanced to my left, the colorful lights casting their vibrant hues across the room. Blues, greens, a kaleidoscope of colors dancing against the backdrop of my own dreary existence, painted in shades of gray and black. The ambient chatter and laughter of the other ponies filled the air, mingling with the clinking of glasses as they enjoyed their wine. Yet amidst the merriment, I stood alone, a solitary figure in the midst of a bustling crowd. The scene was a cruel reflection of my daily existence—a perpetual outsider, unnoticed and overlooked by those around me. If I were to collapse right here, right now, I doubt anypony would spare me a second glance as they stepped over my prone form. To my right, the same tableau played out, each pony accompanied by a friend or confidant, engaged in lively conversation and camaraderie. Meanwhile, I had only the company of my own thoughts, the voices in my head becoming all too familiar companions in my solitude. The bar itself was a dimly lit sanctuary, the soft glow of neon lights casting a hazy aura over the scene. Bottles of all shapes and sizes lined the shelves behind the counter, their labels promising a temporary escape from reality. The air was thick with the smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke, a heady mixture that only served to deepen my sense of despair. It was a place of refuge for some—a temple where ponies could escape the harsh realities of the wasteland, if only for a fleeting moment. But for me, it served as a stark reminder of my own isolation, a solitary beacon amidst a sea of companionship I could never hope to reach. As I swigged from my bottle of Wild Pegasus, the familiar burn of alcohol searing my throat, my thoughts drifted to the red light district. Maybe a little companionship from the ladies of the night could provide some temporary solace, a fleeting escape from the relentless grip of loneliness that clung to me like a shadow. But as the jukebox filled the air with the haunting melodies of "Friend of the Night" by Mogwai, memories of my mother flooded my mind. She is my rock, my guiding light in a world shrouded in darkness. I remember the stories she used to tell me, tales of her escape from the hellish confines of Stable Ninety-Nine, where stallions were nothing more than tools for breeding, devoid of any semblance of ponymity. Her bravery and sacrifice are etched into my soul, a constant reminder of the strength and resilience of the pony who gave me life. Without her, I would be adrift in a sea of despair, lost and alone in a world that offers little solace. But even she may not be enough to keep the demons at bay forever. If I were to lose her too, what would be left for me? An empty existence devoid of purpose or meaning, a fate worse than death itself. And so, I cling to her memory with every fiber of my being, for she is the only anchor keeping me tethered to this world. But if the day ever comes when she is gone, when I am truly alone, I know what awaits me. A bullet to the brain, a final release from the agony of existence. And in the end, no pony would mourn my passing, not even Glory, and certainly not Rampage. Great... As I turned the bottle in my magical grip, its label obscured, my reflection stared back at me from the clear glass. A face worn by sorrow and weariness, its features etched with a melancholy that seemed to seep from my very soul. Rarely did this visage know the warmth of a smile; instead, it bore the burden of a thousand unspoken sorrows. My mane, once vibrant and fierce, now hung limp and unkempt, its crimson and ebony strands falling across my face like a veil of shadows. I had let it grow long, allowing the bangs to shield my left eye from prying gazes, a feeble attempt to conceal the vulnerability that lurked within. The emptiness in my heart threatened to overwhelm me, a torrent of emotions held at bay by a fragile dam of stoicism. I fought against the urge to cry, to succumb to the weight of despair that threatened to consume me whole. In public, I wore a mask of indifference, a facade of apathy to shield me from the ridicule of the world. "Another round of Wild Pegasus, please," I muttered to the bartender, Aether, a griffon whose kindness belied his imposing appearance. Though we exchanged few words, there was a camaraderie between us, forged by the silent understanding of shared suffering. Aether hurried over, a bottle of Wild Pegasus in his claw, his feathers ruffled with the effort of serving the bustling crowd. He placed the bottle on the counter before me, but as I reached for my caps, he stayed my hoof with a gentle gesture. "No, Blackjack, it's on the house this time. Consider it a token of appreciation for your patronage," he said, a genuine smile lighting up his features. It was a small gesture, but it warmed the cold recesses of my heart, if only for a moment. "Why, thank you. What's the occasion?" I asked, though I already knew the answer. Aether's generosity was born not of obligation, but of genuine compassion for a soul adrift in the sea of despair. "It's just my way of saying thank you for being a loyal customer. I hope you'll keep coming back," Aether replied, his voice tinged with sincerity as he set about cleaning the counter, the remnants of spilled whiskey staining its surface. "I'll be back later, no doubt about it," I muttered, the bottle of whiskey offering a brief respite from the relentless ache in my chest. The warmth of the liquor spread through me, dulling the sharp edges of my pain, if only for a fleeting moment. "And what about your brother? Isn't it tough running the bar solo?" I inquired, a faint glimmer of curiosity flickering within me. The prospect of conversation, however fleeting, was a welcome distraction from the suffocating weight of solitude that enveloped me. "He's out with some pals, enjoying himself. I told him I could handle things here on my own for the day," Aether explained, his claws resting wearily on the countertop. Despite the sparse crowd, the burden of maintaining the establishment rested heavily on his shoulders. "I get it. Marechester's got its charms, with all the go-kart tracks, Leaton Park, and Prentworks. Plenty to keep folks entertained," I replied, though the mention of these attractions only served to dredge up memories of happier times spent with Morning and Rampage. Once, we had reveled in the excitement of exploration and adventure, but those days were long gone, lost to the sands of time. "Yeah, that's one of the reasons folks flock here. Marechester was spared the worst of the war's wrath," Aether replied, his tone tinged with a hint of relief. Memories of my foalhood in Hoofington flooded my mind, a city ravaged by radiation and despair. It was a fucked-up place, a cesspool of misery and decay, where danger lurked around every corner. I had been oblivious to the dangers, too naïve to see the devastation that surrounded me. To my mother, I was nothing more than a perpetual headache. If I ever had to go back to Hoofington, it would be to rip apart anypony who tries to mess with my family. "That's why my brother and I ended up here. We didn't give a damn about being mercenaries. We just wanted a simpler, quieter life. We were sick of the shootings, the deaths, the blood. I'm tired of hearing about that crap every day," Aether said, a hint of anger in his voice. I get where they're coming from. The Pegasus Enclave screwed over Griffonstone so many years ago during the war. A lot of messed-up stuff went down during those days, and now we're stuck dealing with the aftermath our ancestors left behind. "I know what you mean. In a messed-up world like this, finding peace is like finding diamonds. You gotta bust your ass to get it," I said, taking a swig of my trusty Wild Pegasus. "You're right. Even though Marechester sometimes feels like a haven for twisted bastards, that's just how it is all over Equestria now, no matter where you go," Aether said. Sure, Equestria's slowly getting back on its hooves, but it's still a land where everypony's free to be as screwed up as they want. I doubt it'll ever be like it used to be. Nopony seems to give a damn about friendship anymore... including me. I mention this because of my habits. I'm a nymphomaniac and an alcoholic. Let's just say it's not easy to maintain healthy friendships with those qualities. They're a part of who I am, but if I don't find some kind of balance, I'll probably end up even more alone than I already am. Aether was called to another table... Again. I was enjoying our conversation. "Sorry, Blackjack. Duty calls," Aether said as he flew off to attend to the customer, and the routine resumed. "It's fine," I muttered quietly, barely audible. I don't think Aether heard me. I rested my head on my right hoof. I need to find a way to break this cycle of self-destruction, but how? I have no clue. I always let my addictions get the best of me. Maybe I should try to meet new ponies, zebras, griffons—I don't give a shit about the species. I just don't want to be alone anymore. I want somepony to touch me... to listen to me, to hug me. But how much longer do I have to wait to get even a shred of that? As I continued knocking back my bottle of Wild Pegasus, my only company for the moment, I figured I'd down about five more and then call it a night. Hopefully, I wouldn't end up getting plastered like that one time when I drank too much and ended up puking all over myself while with a prostitute. Goddesses, what a fucking embarrassing moment. No matter how hard I try to push it out of my mind, it's still there, haunting me. While lost in my thoughts and the soothing embrace of the whiskey, I heard the door creak open, followed by a mare's voice chiming in with a "Guten nacht everypony!" I reckoned from her accent that she was new here. The others in the bar greeted her back, but I didn't bother turning to look. I figured she'd ignore me like the rest, so I kept my focus on my drink and the music blaring from the jukebox. It was that catchy tune, 'Nocturnal Transmission' by BT, also known as Berry Twister. Its rhythm was infectious, and I couldn't help but bob my head along to the beat. At one point, I felt some small touches on my back, like hooves. Slowly turning around while still holding the bottle in my mouth, I wondered what was going on. Was this a pony interested in talking to me? I hoped so, and not somepony looking for revenge for the car I stole earlier today. I wasn't up for a fight at the moment. "What the... you're Blackjack, right? The one from Project Horizons!" she exclaimed. A unicorn mare stood before me, with a bluish-gray coat and a cutie mark of a group of roses and black candies. Her mane was styled with double ponytails on the sides, black with lavender stripes, and her eyes a captivating amber color. Quite pretty, I must say... "Yeah, that's me... and who are you?" I asked, never having seen her before in my life. "My name is Candy Rose. I can't believe I'm finally talking to a star like you," Candy said excitedly, bringing her front hoof to her chest. Was I a star? Those days were long gone. Even if she said nice things about me, it wouldn't boost my self-esteem. "I'm glad you think so highly of me. Do you need anything?" I asked, keeping my eyes on Candy as I continued to drink. "Nein, ich wollte nur etwas trinken, but what I didn't imagine was finding you here," Candy replied. I only caught the word 'Nein' from what she said. "Could you please speak Equestrian? You must come from Maremany, but here most ponies speak Equestrian," I requested, hoping for clearer communication. "Es tut mir leid, I've only been in Marechester for a year, so I still have part of my native language," Candy explained. Seems like we might have some communication hurdles. No matter, I'll manage. At least I have a pony to talk to. "It doesn't matter. Do you want to sit with me and have a drink? I think you want to drink, right?" I invited Candy to join me on this lonely night, silently praying that she would say yes. Candy let out a surprised sigh and immediately replied, "Natürlich! Why not? I'd be happy to spend time with somepony as incredible as you," she said, settling in next to me. She must be another one of my fans. I thought they had all disappeared by now. "By the way, Blackjack, what happened to the gang? I mean P-21, Scotch, Lacunae, and Morning Glory? I thought I'd find you all together," Candy asked, tilting her head as she looked at me. "Like any good gang, there are always separations, and this was no exception. When Project Horizons ended, we went our separate ways. P-21 moved to another city, Scotch is doing her own show, Glory resides in the suburbs—when I visited her, she didn't say much. Basically, she doesn't want to see me, and Lacunae, well, I don't know where she is. And you forgot to mention Boo and Rampage," I explained to Candy. Now... I think I understand what Glory and Rampage were referring to when they said that they also wanted to have a little more prominence instead of just being my companions. Whenever I meet a fan, they forget one of them. What good is it for me to begin to understand this now? It's too late. I couldn't be more of an idiot. "I'm sorry to hear that, Blackjack. I guess you've all been going through some tough times," Candy said with a low, empathetic voice, placing a front hoof on top of mine. "I'm sure they're fine, I'm the one who got screwed," It's not that I wanted it to sound like I was the only one suffering, it's just that many of them would surely be happy without me, I think the only friend I got to mend our friendship is with Glory. I haven't heard anything about Rampage either, I think I'll ask Glory when I visit her again. "You mean they abandoned you? Why would they do something like that? I thought you were seen as somepony admirable and that all the ponies loved you," Candy said, a little worried by my words. "I used to be, but not anymore... Those days are over, I'm just a nopony now," I said, looking away from Candy and down at the floor. "Ich bin sicher, there must be a Lösung for that, Blackjack, but you won't find it if you continue to be a pessimist," Candy said, placing a hoof on me. "It's true, but complaining about my problems is the only thing I have, you know? I don't have anypony to listen to me," I told Candy. I felt like if I kept venting, I'd end up in tears, and that was the last thing I wanted, especially with a potential friend right here. "That's nicht true, Blackjack... I had keine Ahnung that you were having so many problems in dein Leben, but I know how to solve it. What do you think if we talk, while wir drink und get drunk together?" Candy suggested. Her comforting words lifted my spirits a little. I decided to change my plans and spend the rest of the night with Candy. I hoped I wouldn't reveal my worst side, driving her away and leaving me alone again. I turned my gaze back to Candy. "Yes, I would love to drink with you." "Perfekt, whatever you want to tell me, I'm hier for you, okay?" Candy said, stroking my mane while she put her hooves back on the counter. "Hey Aether, bring me a bottle of vodka!" Candy said, speaking a little louder. "I'll be over there in a moment," Aether said, serving several clients at the same time as much as he could. "Do you know Aether?" I asked Candy, surprised that she knew him. Even though I come here every day, our paths never crossed. "Yes, das ist nicht das erste Mal, dass ich hierher komme. I usually come more during the day, ich vermute, that's why we've never met," Candy replied. I stayed quiet for a few seconds; I couldn't understand half of what Candy said, to be honest. "Huuh... Candy, you really need to work on your Equestrian, I don't know the first things you said, but yes, I only come at night. During the day, I only spend my time in my mansion sleeping, without doing anything productive," I replied to Candy. "I'm sorry if you don't understand me sometimes, ich mache mein Bestes. And you don't go out with any other pony? You must have other friends," Candy asked with a bit of concern. "Can prostitutes be considered friends?" I responded sarcastically, a poor attempt to lighten the moment. Candy let out a small laugh. "Ja, they're only your friends if you pay them, but I mean echte friends." "No, I don't have one, I think you could say that Glory is the only one I have left," I responded to Candy. Although my situation with Glory has a dubious status, since now I am her contract killer. I still love her as a friend. I would like us to be a couple again, but I doubt that she wants to be a couple with somepony as stupid as me, and also with a nymphomaniac. "Yes, I had that doubt, I thought you two got along well," Candy guessed. I would love it to be like that, believe me. Every time I remember that moment, it makes me want to shoot myself. "If I hadn't been such a self-centered piece of shit, none of this crap would've landed on my plate," I grumbled, giving the counter a solid thump out of frustration. "Well, Blackjack, if I'm being ganz honest with you, I never fancied that side of you much. Aber, the good thing is that you accepted your mistake, und ich weiß, you have a good heart," Candy remarked, her words stinging a bit, but hell, truth ain't always a smooth pill to swallow, ain't it? My ego's been a pile of rubble for ages now. Maybe that's the one silver lining in this whole damn mess? Must've been a real pain in the ass to deal with, especially for Glory. "Trust me, Candy, that side of me's been six feet under for ages. Learned it the hard way," I said, my gaze shifting briefly to Aether as he slid a bottle of vodka across the counter for Candy. He kept quiet, sensing the gravity of our conversation. "I ain't got no reason to strut around like I'm the toughest mare in the wasteland no more... reckon I'm just another pony in the herd now." "But that don't mean you gotta hate yourself, Blackjack. You're worth something, to somepony, even if it ain't to everypony. Always gonna be somepony out there who sees your value," Candy said, taking a swig from her bottle of vodka. Maybe what she's saying holds truth. Maybe she's the beacon in the darkness for me. I ain't exactly a pro at expressing feelings, but it's been a damn long time since anypony bothered to talk to me like this, making an effort to lift me up. Can't quite find the words to describe it, but being here with Candy, it's like I got somepony in my corner, somepony who sees me for who I am and gives a damn. Wouldn't mind resting my head on her shoulder right now, truth be told. But reckon it might be pushing it for the first night. If I wanna keep Candy by my side, I gotta make some damn changes, and it ain't gonna be easy. I know it's gonna cost me, but I can't afford to lose the only pony who bothered to reach out and pull me outta the pit of loneliness that was swallowing me whole. If I lose her, what the hell else do I got? Except for Glory, who won't even look my way? My ego's been outta the picture for ages, so I gotta step up and become a better pony if I wanna keep Candy close. Candy's the only one who's sticking by me now, so I gotta start treating her like more than just a fan. She's my friend, plain and simple. Even though it's gonna be a real struggle to stop hating myself for all the screw-ups I've made, least I can do is give it a shot. "You reckon you're that pony? The one who sees something worthwhile in me?" I blurted out, not even stopping to think before asking, just needing to know where I stand with her. "Yeah, Blackjack, I reckon I am. I see that value in you, I see you trying to make things right," Candy replied, her words striking a chord in me. Couldn't help but let out a smile, something I ain't done in so damn long. Feels kinda strange, finding joy in something so simple. Guess that's how far down the lonely rabbit hole I've fallen. "I can't be more grateful to you, Candy. Let's have some fun tonight, drinking plenty of alcohol until our livers give out," I said to Candy, lifting my bottle of whiskey to propose a toast. "Sure thing, let's toast to the start of a wunderbar friendship," Candy said, lifting her bottle of vodka. We both clinked our bottles together and started knocking 'em back like it's nothing. I had just a bit less than half left in my bottle, feels like it always runs out too damn fast. Reminds me of how whenever I finally get a taste of satisfaction and happiness, it's like it slips through my hooves before I can even savor it, and I'm back to clawing for it all over again when Lady Luck decides to grace me with her presence. "Candy, why don't you tell me a bit more about yourself? All I know so far is your name," I asked, genuine curiosity prickling at me to learn more about her. "Well, you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned I hail from Maremany. Born and bred there. In my tongue, we call Maremany Stuteland. And back in those days, I used to binge-watch a ton of Project Horizons. Very entertaining, I gotta admit," Candy explained, grabbing her bottle of vodka, a true enthusiast if ever there was one. "And you made it through all the seasons?" I inquired, already anticipatin' her answer. "Until staffel three," Candy replied. Staffel must mean season, I reckon. Ain't gonna let the conversation grind to a halt just 'cause I can't keep up, so I'll just roll with it. "I should've guessed. Seems like everypony got the same story," I chuckled, gazing ahead with a half-hearted smile. "Sorry if I offended you, Blackjack. Wasn't my intention. Ich bin nur ehrlich," Candy apologized. "Nah, it's all good. Just makes me chuckle now," I chuckled again, 'cause what else can you do but laugh at your past screw-ups? If I had a spell for time travel, reckon I'd change that and a whole lot more. "I think something must've gone sideways while you were working on your show, making some, uh, questionable calls... if you catch my drift. Made it tough for me to keep watching, but I still got a soft spot for them first couple seasons. That counts for something, right?" Candy said, her honesty striking a chord with me. Truth hurts, like I've said before. "Yeah, truth be told, I was more focused on trying to make myself look badass and edgy than actually writing a decent script. Probably why nopony remembers Boo, she pops up in season three," I admitted. "When you say Boo, you mean that ghost from Super Mare Sisters? The game all the foals are crazy about?" Candy's question caught me off guard. "HAHAHAHA!" I burst out laughing, slapping a hoof on the counter and resting my head on it. "Nah, she's part of our crew. Sure, she's as white as a ghost, but compare her to the Boo from Super Mare Sisters... they ain't nothin' alike," I chuckled, tryin' to hold back my laughter. Candy chuckled at my contagious laugh. "I have a copy of the show's cover art, but I didn't see any white pony on it. That's why I didn't recognize her," Candy added. "Well, that's 'cause she ain't even on the cover. We plum forgot to stick her on there," I responded to Candy, biting back my laughter to keep from accidentally spitting out my whiskey. "Oh, that explains a whole heap of things," Candy said, smiling too. It had been a while since I laughed like this; couldn't be happier in this moment. Wouldn't mind being... closer to Candy. Feeling a bit... frisky around her, but I gotta rein in them urges. Can't go jumping the gun on anything, gotta let her take the lead. Fucking nymphomania acting up again... "Candy, what do you say we get good and drunk, and you crash at my mansion? I live nearby, and I reckon it ain't safe for you to be driving in that state," I suggested to Candy. "Really? Ich würde gerne! I can't stay too late, maybe I can just spend the night at your mansion," Candy said excitedly, quickly taking a swig from her bottle of vodka. Seems like we got ourselves one thing in common: our love for the drink. Candy and I kept up our conversation, the drinks flowing freely as we downed them without a second thought. Before we knew it, Candy had downed nine bottles of vodka, mixing them with Wild Pegasus like there's no tomorrow. The bar turned into a damn disaster zone, and I was right there contributing to the chaos, gulping down four bottles of Wild Pegasus at once like some kinda maniac. We were both so sloshed that we started spouting off all sorts of nonsense, throwing around vulgarities without a care in the world, much to the dismay of the other customers. "Candy, gotta tell ya, I fucking love that ass of yours. Can't tear my damn eyes away from it. Wanna bend you over this fucking counter and have my way with you right here, right now!" I slurred, my head spinning erratically, the lights of the bar blurring into oversized, colorful dots. "You already said that... can't believe a celebrity like you wants to fuck me," Candy replied, gulping down her drink at breakneck speed, spilling it all over the counter and the floor. "We're gonna fuck right here, in front of everypony," I declared, clumsily dropping my bottle onto the counter. I was so fucking wasted that I couldn't even control my magic properly. "You like being treated like a whore, huh!? Can tell by how fucking soaked your pussy is, Miststück," Candy slurred, struggling to keep her balance in her chair. Before things could spiral even further outta control, Aether stepped in. Ain't the first time I've gotten plastered in his bar; used to just bury my head in the counter, drowning my sorrows. But now, with the prospect of getting it on right here, he sure as hell wouldn't be down for that. "Uh... ladies, hate to do this, but I think it's time for you both to skedaddle from my establishment. Seems like you've had more than enough. Whatever you're planning to do, take it outside," Aether said, approaching us to lend a claw, making sure we didn't topple over and smack our heads on the floor. "Can't we just fuck right here in your damn bar?" I slurred, squinting at Aether through blurry vision, his yellow claws the only thing I could make out. "Like I said, this is a bar, not some sleazy strip joint," Aether replied, his tone a mix of frustration and concern. He'd dealt with his fair share of drunks before, always keeping his cool. "Don't be such a stick in the mud, Aether. If you're up for it, you can join in. Always wondered what it'd be like to fuck a griffon," Candy chimed in, finishing her sentence with a small belch. "Thanks for the offer, but no thanks. Come back another day," Aether said firmly, hoisting us both up and making his way towards the exit with surprising strength, setting us down carefully on the ground outside. "I'm really sorry, Blackjack, Candy. You're both friends, and I appreciate that, but I can't risk my bar," Aether said, a hint of pity in his voice as he slowly closed the door behind him. I was so fucking plastered that I could barely make sense of what was happening around me. Glancing to my left, I saw my mansion just across the street. "Candy, let's get to my place. Can't take this shit no more. I wanna fuck you right fucking now!" I attempted to get up, but nearly toppled over, catching myself with my right front hoof just before smacking into the wall. "Gib mir eine Minute," Candy slurred, struggling to get to her hooves. As I caught my breath, making my way back to my mansion, I felt like every damn thing I'd swallowed was threatenin' to come right back up. Clamping my front hooves over my mouth, I forced down the vomit churning in my gut. Shit, if I puked, Candy'd probably never wanna touch me. Guess downing twelve bottles in record time wasn't exactly the smartest move. Glancing back, I saw Candy, her head bouncing off light poles. "RED PHONE BOOTH, EVERYWHERE!" she hollered before crashing right into a phone booth. Thank the stars it was night and there weren't too many ponies out at this hour. Otherwise, we'd be the laughin' stock of Marechester right about now. Feeling a whirlwind of emotions swirling through me, a bit dizzy from all the drinking, and hornier than a buck in heat. Could damn well jerk off right here in the middle of the street if I had to, but gotta hold out until Candy lays her hooves on me. Feel like I'm seeing things too, my hooves... seem longer than they should be. "Come on, Candy, just gotta get our sorry asses across this fucking street," I urged, watching as she careened into every damn thing in sight, even crashing into parked vehicles. She's definitely more outta it than me, considering she mixed Wild Pegasus with vodka. "There's my car, goes beep beep!" Candy exclaimed, making a car horn sound with her mouth. Did she just pull that off? "Quit talking bullshit and just follow me, ahahaha!" I chuckled, leading the way across the street. Candy was spouting off all sorts of nonsense that only had me laughing harder. Didn't even bother glancing at the traffic light as I crossed. Everything looked warped and distorted, and I couldn't hear the sound of any engines, so figured it'd be safe enough to go for it. Candy lagged behind a few meters, tumbling to the ground every now and then before struggling back to her hooves. Meanwhile, I trotted on, fighting to maintain my balance with each step. Reaching the door of my mansion, I swung it open with my magic and glanced back. Candy was sprawled out on the ground. "Ich glaube, ich brauche Hilfe... Help me, bitch. I'll never make it to this fucking place," Candy groaned, her face pressed into the floor. "You're a mess, Candy. Can't even go three seconds without taking a spill? Fucking slut," I shot back at her, the words spilling out without a filter. Alcohol had taken hold of our brains, so it sure as hell wasn't us speaking right then. Feeling a bit more sober than her, I used my magic to grab her by the tail and levitate her to the entrance of my mansion. Setting her down on the couch as gently as I could, I closed the door and made my way over to her. Deciding I'd had enough of trotting for one night, I plopped down on the carpet beside Candy, giving her a prime view of my ass. I glanced back, resting my head on my front hooves, making sure Candy got a good look at my ass. Gotta admit, it felt good to have her eyes on me like that. She returned the look, tongue hanging out and drool dripping. She was ready to give me the cunnilingus I'd been craving. "Mmm, that wet pussy of yours, Blackjack. I wanna lick it," Candy purred, her tongue slithering over my cutie mark, leaving it glistening with saliva. Heat rushed to my cheeks, pleasure sending shivers down my spine. It'd been way too long since I'd had a good oral, 'specially from a sexy little minx like Candy. I wrapped my tail around Candy's neck, pulling her closer to me, wanting to feel her warmth against my ass. Candy kept lavishing attention on my cutie mark, her tongue working it over with eagerness. Damn, did she really like the taste of my flank that much? Try as I might to keep quiet, moans of pleasure slipped past my lips as Candy shifted her focus, now turning her attention to my pussy. Her tongue danced over it, tracing slow and sensual circles, gradually slicking it up with her saliva. "Oh yes, Candy, just like that," I gasped, laying my head back against the floor. I tried my hardest not to move too much, wanting her to keep it up, but the pleasure was so intense that I couldn't help squirming beneath her touch. With one front hoof, Candy spread my pussy wide open, her tongue delving deep inside. She wanted to taste every inch of me, and damn if she wasn't eager about it. "What a delicious ass you have, Blackjack. I could do this all fucking night," Candy murmured. Her words made me feel wanted and desired. This could go on forever. "Ass is all yours, babe," I gasped, leaning back a bit to give her better access. I rested my head on the ground, occasionally propping it up on my hooves, slick with saliva. I was so goddamn horny, it was all I could do to keep from squirming uncontrollably. "Ohhh, Candy!" I moaned, the sound reverberating through the room. Feeling a pang of guilt for disturbing the neighbors, I remembered that my mansion wasn't exactly isolated from the rest of the neighborhood. It was sandwiched between other houses and apartments, so there was a good chance they could hear every single moan and groan. It was clear that Candy was no stranger to licking pussy, and here I was, thinking she was a virgin. But it didn't matter how many ponies Candy had fucked before. Right now, she was all mine. She could sense my impending orgasm, but at the same time, I felt the urge to pee. Damn it, why now? Here I was, enjoying some fine cunnilingus, and now I had to deal with this sudden need to piss? I didn't wanna move, didn't wanna get up. All I wanted was for Candy to keep fucking me with her tongue. Guess I better tell her. "Huh... Candy, I think I need to pee," I blurted out, cheeks flushin' crimson with embarrassment. I felt like I was ruining the moment with my bladder. I'd downed more than twelve bottles of Wild Pegasus, so it was bound to happen sooner or later. Candy paused, stopping her tongue's wicked dance over my ass, to respond, "Don't worry. I wanna drink your pee," she said, her voice thick with desire. Fuck. Did she really just say that? Did she get off on that kinda fetish? Too drunk to think straight, I focused solely on pleasing Candy. Didn't waste a second thinking about the disaster that was about to unfold in my living room, or the godawful smell that would linger long after. I made my decision without a second thought. The main goal right then was to make Candy feel good, no matter what. I let it flow, the urine trickling out in a steady stream. Imagined myself in the bathroom, relieving myself like I would normally. As it flowed from my pussy, it felt oddly liberating. Like a weight lifting off my shoulders. "Mmmm, so fucking delicious," Candy purred, greedily drinking up every last drop. She didn't wanna miss a single one, burying her mouth in my vagina to catch every precious drop. As Candy eagerly lapped up my urine, I felt a powerful wave of pleasure building up inside me. It was like my body was on fire, every nerve tingling with anticipation. I could feel myself getting closer and closer to climaxing, my muscles tensing as the sensation washed over me. Candy's tongue working its magic on my pussy only added fuel to the fire, pushing me right to the edge. I let out a low moan, the sound filling the room as pleasure coursed through me. My hips bucked involuntarily, seeking more of Candy's touch. And she was more than happy to oblige, drinking up my pee with a fervor that drove me wild. It wasn't long before I reached the peak, my body tensing as the orgasm crashed over me like a tidal wave. I cried out in ecstasy, every muscle in my body convulsing with pleasure. And through it all, Candy drank up every last drop of my urine, her tongue never stopping its relentless assault on my pussy. It was intense, raw, and downright primal. But damn if it wasn't the most exhilarating experience of my life. Watching Candy pleasure herself while she licked my urine-soaked pussy drove me wild with desire. I couldn't hold back any longer; I needed to come, and I needed her to swallow every last drop of my vaginal fluids. "Candy, I'm gonna fucking cum. Can't hold it back any longer!" I moaned, my voice filling the living room as I reached the peak of pleasure. Meanwhile, Candy slipped a hoof into my vagina, using it as a makeshift dildo to drive me even closer to the edge. As Candy's hoof worked its magic inside me, I felt the pressure building up, the pleasure rising to an unbearable peak. I could feel myself teetering on the edge of orgasm, just waiting to be pushed over. And then it hit me like a freight train, wave after wave of pleasure crashing over me in quick succession. I let out a scream of ecstasy as my muscles tensed and spasmed, every nerve in my body alight with pleasure. Candy didn't miss a beat, her mouth still locked on my pussy, drinking up every last drop of my vaginal fluids as I came. And as if that wasn't enough, she started masturbating herself with even more fervor, her own pleasure mixing with mine in a deliciously intoxicating concoction. It was downright filthy. But in that moment, it was exactly what I needed. And as I collapsed in a heap on the floor, spent and satisfied, I couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, this was the start of something beautiful. I turned to face Candy, and there she was, licking her lips like a hungry wolf. "Komm schon, Blackjack, I got something for you too. Open up," Candy said, her voice husky with desire as she stood on her hind hooves, spreading her pussy wide with her front hooves. I did as she said, opening my mouth wide as I ran my front hooves over my body in a sensual gesture, trying to stoke the flames of desire that were burning between us. As I opened my mouth, a swirl of conflicting emotions churned within me. On one hoof, the thought of drinking Candy's pee filled me with a strange mix of excitement and disgust. But on the other, there was a urge deep inside me that craved the taste of her, no matter how taboo it might be. Candy's pee streamed into my mouth, warm and salty against my tongue. It was... different, to say the least. But as I swallowed it down, I couldn't deny the thrill that coursed through me. It was like a forbidden fruit, tantalizing and intoxicating in equal measure. And as I drank, I couldn't help but wonder what it said about me, that I was enjoying something so taboo. Was I losing my mind, or was this just another aspect of the wasteland changing me? But in that moment, as I savored the taste of Candy's pee on my tongue, none of that mattered. All that mattered was the raw desire between us, burning hotter than ever before. "Oh fuck yeah, drink it all, you fucking narcissistic bitch," Candy growled, her voice heavy with desire as she unleashed a torrent of pee not just into my mouth, but all over my body, drenching me from head to hoof. Lying there on the carpet, I couldn't help but feel a surge of arousal as I touched myself, running my hoof over my slick, urine-soaked fur. "Give me more, I'm yours," I moaned, my voice husky with desire as I begged for more. And Candy didn't disappoint, unleashing a never-ending stream of pee that seemed to go on forever. With every drop that splashed against my skin, I felt myself growing hotter and hornier, lost in a haze of pleasure unlike anything I'd ever experienced before. When Candy finished showering me in her pee, she climbed on top of me, pressing our slick, urine-soaked bodies together. We locked eyes for a moment, our gazes filled with mutual desire. We both craved more pleasure, and it was my turn to give Candy what she wanted. I was determined to make it as good for her as it was for me. Candy leaned in and planted a passionate kiss on my lips, her tongue dueling with mine as she moved her hips against mine, grindin' our pussies together. Our mingled saliva and urine added a dirty, sinful flavor to the kiss, heightening the intensity of the moment. With a smirk, I lifted my hind hooves, grabbing hold of Candy's ponytails with my front hooves and tugging her closer to me. The action seemed to ignite something primal within her, making her moan with pleasure. "Oh, Blackjack, you sure know how to please a filthy mare like me," Candy moaned, her voice heavy with desire. And she had no idea just how experienced I was in giving pleasure. Candy and I shared another kiss, and in that moment, something clicked inside me. It was like a spark igniting in the darkness of my heart. Suddenly, I realized that I wanted her to be more than just a fling – I wanted her to be my marefriend. Now, I know it might seem a bit sudden, and I ain't no expert when it comes to love. But this felt different. There was something real in the air, something that filled the emptiness inside me. With Candy, it wasn't just about the physical pleasure anymore. There was a connection, a bond that I hadn't felt in a long time. I wanted to know everything about her – her hopes, her dreams, her fears. I wanted to spend every moment I could with her, sharing laughter and tears alike. All those feelings of loneliness that had weighed me down for so long seemed to vanish in an instant. For the first time in forever, I felt truly alive, truly happy. But there was also a fear lingering in the back of my mind – the fear of being left alone again. After all, what if Candy didn't feel the same way? What if she walked away after this night, leaving me with nothing but memories? Despite that fear, I made up my mind. I was gonna ask her out on a proper date, and I was gonna do whatever it took to make her mine. Because sometimes, you gotta take a leap of faith, even if it scares the hell outta you. I focused on pleasing Candy, making sure she knew just how much I was enjoying the moment. I didn't wanna get all sentimental and lose the vibe we had going on. Candy's moans filled the room, and I could tell she was right on the edge of climax. But with our lips locked together, she couldn't let out that scream of pleasure. To keep her close, I used one hoof to hold onto her ponytail, while the other caressed her ass, keeping her pressed against me as we kissed. "Mmmmm!" Candy's moans sent shivers down my spine, her fluids slicking up our lovemaking. She was grinding against me with so much force, her body achin' for release. But I wasn't ready to let her go just yet – I wanted to savor every moment, every kiss, every touch. Candy and I lay there, basking in the afterglow of our lovemaking. Her cum coated my pussy, a tantalizing reminder of the pleasure we'd shared. As we separated, droplets of saliva trickled down my body, marking the end of our passionate encounter. Candy sighed beside me, her every breath a testament to the satisfaction I'd brought her. I couldn't shake the thoughts racing through my head – did I really enjoy drinking her urine? But with the alcohol still fogging my mind and exhaustion settling in, I couldn't dwell on it for long. My head was pounding, and all I wanted was to bask in the warmth of Candy's presence. "Blackjack, Das war wirklich schön," Candy's voice washed over me, filling me with a sense of contentment. "I appreciate this intimate moment we shared. I'd like for it to happen again, if you're up for it." "Of course, Candy. I want you by my side, now and forever," I replied, giving her a gentle kiss on the forehead. But as I lay there, tangled up in my thoughts, I couldn't help but wonder – was this feeling real, or just a byproduct of the alcohol and my own loneliness? I knew I had a tendency to fall hard and fast, but I also knew that real love wasn't always like it was in the movies. I lay there beside Candy, my mind drifting into the depths of my thoughts. The words lingered on my lips, heavy with the weight of my emotions. "I hope we're together forever," I murmured, my voice barely a whisper in the quiet of the room. The thought of being alone again, it scared me more than anything else. It's a feeling that's been gnawing at me for months now, like a cancer eating away at my soul. There've been moments when I've thought about ending it all, about taking that final step into the void. But something always held me back – the memory of my mother, Gin Rummy, and what she'd think if I went through with it. But with Candy by my side, it feels like everythin's changed. Like there's finally a light at the end of the tunnel, a glimmer of hope in the darkness. I don't need to tear myself apart anymore, don't need to drown in the depths of my own despair. With her, I'm not alone – not now, not ever. Never... > Chapter 8 - The Zebra Connection > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Fuck you, Blackjack, I can handle shit on my own." That was yours truly, Morning Glory. Twenty-one and counting, I ditched Thunderhead and Hoofington ages ago for a shot at a better life here in Marechester. Get away from my folks and my sisters, you know? Want to toughen up, show 'em I ain't no pushover. Assholes, one day I'm coming back to Hoofington, gonna settle scores with you three: Dusk, Moon Shadow, and 'my father.' Guess I should just call him Sky, he sure as hell don't deserve the title 'father.' I'm sick of being just a damn shadow, known as 'Blackjack's plaything'. Well, screw that noise, 'cause it ain't gonna fly no more. I'm worth more than that, and mark my words, I'm gonna prove it, you'll see. Maybe I ain't some weapon expert or a hoof-to-hoof combat pro, but that's gonna change. Every day, I'm busting my ass to get stronger. I ain't scared of taking a bullet or a beating, don't give a shit about that. I know I can handle it. No pain compares to being remembered as some whore, the sidekick of a suicidal idiot, chasing after fame and its decadence from grace. And here she is, showing up at my doorstep bawling like a puppy. Hahahahah, now she's mine to command. She'll do anything I say just to get a piece of my pussy, you bet your ass. Don't go thinking I'm some gullible fool, Blackjack. Your sad puppy-dog eyes ain't gonna sway me. I can see right through you. On one hoof, I feel a tad guilty about using Blackjack to rid myself of those assholes who've been causing me grief, but I reckon it's only fair, considering all the crap I've been through on account of her. I took advantage of her vulnerabilities to get her to do me these favors... and it makes me feel like some sorta manipulator. I never figured I'd stoop to such lows in my life, pulling the same moves ponies have pulled on me. Is it the right thing to do? I ain't got a clue. These days, it's hard to tell what's wrong and what's right. It's all about surviving until somepony takes you out. If you're lucky, you might live to a ripe old age, but only the luckiest and those who keep their noses outta trouble manage that. But with all the problems in my life, it's impossible not to push boundaries I'd normally never even consider to achieve my goals. If I off Sky, the whole Thunderhead enclave's gonna be breathing down my neck. No matter how much I beef up, I ain't gonna take on the whole enclave solo. I'd need somepony like Rampage to help, but she's got her own mess to sort out. I feel for her, I really do. She's been on the run for most of her life, ever since they found out what they could do with her immortality. She had to split from us temporarily to keep us safe. At some point, those enclave bastards are gonna sniff out where I'm hiding. So, I can't say I'm sitting pretty. Before I off Sky and my sisters, I gotta be ready. I gotta have my own crew to help me deal with this shitshow. I got some new buddies I met here in Marechester, Comet Star and Linus. They're solid, always ready to lend a hoof when needed. Linus, though, he's a bit hard to understand with that thick accent of his. He's always saying "An ting" and calling me "Rasta" for some reason. Beats me what it means, but it don't matter much. Even if his Equestrian ain't the best, he's still a good mate, and I know I can rely on him. They should be swinging by in a bit, saying they got some trouble they need help with. Even though I ain't exactly a whiz with weapons, this could be a chance to step up and help out my pals. Yesterday, they gave me the heads up they'd be swinging by, so I took the chance to get in some training. Knocked out forty push-ups with my wings, and I've been clocking in at seventy kilometers per hour, flying for a solid five minutes without feeling winded. It's a real accomplishment. Just a while back, I pushed through one hundred and fifty burpees. Tough as nails, but I powered through it, sweating up a storm. Got a little setup going in the spare room upstairs, turned it into a gym since it's just me and my cats around here. Can't let it gather dust and cobwebs, right? Every now and then, I'll hit up the skatepark, work on my moves with my hoverboard. Got a couple of traditional skateboards too, with the classic wheels. Can't pick a favorite, they both got their charm. I'm chilling on my couch, giving Bella, my kitten, some pets. Out of all my kittens, she's the chilliest, doesn't go clawing up my stuff. Although, she's got this weird habit of napping on top of the fridge. Cats, right? Always finding the weirdest spots to snooze. They're the absolute cutest critters in all of Equestria, always putting a smile on my face. From their soft fur to their gentle purring, I'm head over hooves for 'em. It's a relief to know that not all the animals got hit by the radiation. There's still a bunch out there that managed to escape its effects. But it breaks my heart seeing them out on the streets, all malnourished and struggling. Can't just leave 'em to suffer like that. Gotta do my part to give 'em a better shot at life. I still remember the day my mother dropped that bomb on me: "No animals in my house." Ugh! She can be such a pain in the flank sometimes. Just one of the thousand reasons I packed my bags and found a place of my own. Sure, she's done plenty for me, like getting us out of Thunderhead and sticking by me since I was just a foal. But she's got her moments, you know? Like the day I broke the news to her that I was flying the coop and planning to take care of my "family" myself. My mom's over in Spanningfields, about fifteen minutes from here. You could fly there, but it's a real wing-tirer. Sometimes it's easier to just take the car, not that I'm in any hurry to visit her. Great Ponytain's been a real blessing for us, nestled up here in the north of the Celestial Seas. You could say this side of Equestria's about as safe as it gets. As I stroked Bella and locked eyes with her, I couldn't help but reminisce about the day I broke the news to my mom about moving to a different neighborhood. Spanningfields was packed, not a lot of empty houses. Ended up settling here in Charlton, the lower-class part of town. It was night, and I'd just wrapped up another contract, finally getting paid in bottle caps. The last episode was a pain in the ass to record, but I didn't give a damn about the rest of it. It was all about the caps and hanging out with Rampage. My mom's house was a typical two-story brown building, just like most of the houses in Marechester. Sometimes it's hard to tell them apart. It's not like Hoofington, where we lived in a rundown, mosquito-infested wreck. Here's cozier, at least, even if it's confusing that so many houses look the same. "Mom, I'm here! Open up!" I rapped my hooves against the door, carrying two bags full of caps, enough to keep me going. "Just a sec!" Her voice floated from somewhere inside, but I didn't hear her hoofsteps. She was probably flying over to the door. My mother swung the door open with enthusiasm. "It's good to see you, dear. You're here earlier than usual," she greeted me with a warm smile, welcoming me into the house. "Yeah, it was the final episode. Finally done with that torture. I feel... free, in a way. Got what I wanted," I replied, heaving the bags onto the living room floor. My mother's smile faltered, replaced by a worried expression as she closed the door behind her. "Doesn't sound like you had much fun. I thought you, Rampage, and Blackjack were enjoying the dream show you'd all wanted for so long," she murmured, trailing after me as I made my way to the kitchen. "It wasn't like that, Mom. Blackjack took over everything. It was HER damn show, not ours," I snapped, my frustration bubbling to the surface. I rummaged through the refrigerator, searching for my strawberry yogurt amidst the fruits, juices, and energy drinks—a stockpile that would last for months. But that yogurt? All mine. "I see. And what about you and Blackjack? Isn't she coming to visit?" My mother's voice was soft, almost hesitant, as she hovered nearby, concern etched on her face. "We're done," I replied bluntly, grabbing a clean spoon from the drawer and turning to face her. She stepped aside, silently acknowledging my need for space as I settled at the table with my yogurt. My mother remained silent, slowly gliding to the other side of the table. My revelation had left her speechless, and I could see her struggling to find the right words. "I'm sorry to hear that, dear," she finally managed, her gaze shifting between me and the floor. "It's okay, Mom. Now your hangouts with Gin Rummy might be a bit awkward, but it had to happen. I just couldn't stand Blackjack anymore," I replied, relishing the coolness of my yogurt and the air conditioning. I've always loved cold environments. "Don't worry, we're still great friends... I suppose not everything lasts forever," my mother said, taking a seat opposite me at the table. My mother doesn't know much about my life because I hardly ever talk to her about it. We rarely see eye to eye on anything, which is why I tend to keep things to myself. She doesn't want pets in the house, she worries about me skating because I might get hurt... It feels like she complains about everything I do. That's why once I'm done here, I'm moving out. I love her dearly, but sometimes she can be so annoying. "I wonder what happened between you two, for it to end like this. Why didn't you tell me anything?" my mother asked, resting her head on her front hooves, her gaze fixed on me. I let out a small sigh of annoyance. "Can we please stop talking about that bitch? I don't want to hear her name anymore. It just makes me sick," I snapped, feeling a wave of frustration wash over me. This wasn't like me—I don't usually talk to my mother this way. My mother leaned back, a surprised sigh escaping her lips. "How dare you speak to your mother like that?! I've only ever worried about you." "Yes, but I've had it with Blackjack! I don't want anything to do with that self-centered, whiny, suicidal piece of shit! I'm worth more than her, and I'll prove it. I'll become strong and independent, just wait and see," I declared, my voice rising with frustration. Our heated exchange echoed throughout the house, and soon enough, one of my younger sisters, Lucent, had come downstairs. The tranquility that had reigned before my arrival was now shattered by our argument. My mother and I turned towards Lucent, who stood there with her head down, looking at us with innocent eyes. "Big sis? Mom? Are you fighting?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern. She was too young to understand the adult topics we were discussing. "No, sweetheart, we're just having a grown-up conversation. Why don't you go back to your room?" my mother reassured her, offering a smile to ease the tension. "Really, Mom? From my room, I can hear both of you. You're yelling ugly things at each other," Lucent said, hugging her Cappy plush tightly, covering half of her face. "We're just in a disagreement, sweetheart. We're not fighting," my mother said, her voice softened with sweetness. "Why don't you go to your room and watch your cartoons?" she proposed to Lucent, smiling warmly. I understood her concern, but I didn't want Lucent to be involved in this discussion. "I would like to, but I can't stand listening to you two yell at each other... I don't want Glory to leave, Mom," Lucent said, speaking slowly. What she said made me even more sad; she didn't know that I was leaving the house because of my own decision. My mother held out a hoof for Lucent to come towards her. Lucent slowly approached my mother, Dawn, who wanted to pick her up to comfort her and assure her that everything is okay. "Listen, dear, your sister is not going anywhere. But you must understand that ponies, when they are adults, have all the freedom to leave the house and continue with their lives. But that doesn't mean that Glory no longer loves us. She's coming to visit us. Do you understand what I'm saying?" my mother asked, stroking Lucent's mane. "I think so..." Lucent said, a little unsure. "It's true, Lucent. I still love you a lot, you know? I'll stay a couple of days, and we'll play with my PonyStation all day. What do you think?" I suggested to Lucent, although I wanted to leave today. I should have thought a little more about my little sister. My departure must be painful for her. Lucent looked at me, smiling with excitement. She was thrilled about the idea of playing with my console, as I never let her touch my stuff since she tends to break things. She has broken a lot of toys, but at times like these, it no longer mattered. "Of course I want to. You'll see how I beat you," Lucent said enthusiastically before trotting quickly towards my room, where I had my console stored. My mother, watching Lucent disappear into the darkness of the second-floor hallway, turned back to me. "I'm glad you're at least trying to make your sister happy, Glory. I know I haven't been the best mother to you, but think about Lucent and how she would feel about all this." "Sure, Mom. I'll stay one more week before I explain everything to her," I told my mother, putting my front hooves together on the table and looking down. I sat there, reflecting on my situation. I had gotten so angry that I forgot about Lucent's feelings. Minutes later, my mother had left me alone, heading towards her room and saying goodnight to me. I love you, mom, but I have many problems that I must solve. One day, I will reveal to you my plans to deal with your husband and my other sisters. They mean nothing to me, but they must mean a lot to you. Having finished eating, I headed to my room, flying to avoid keeping Lucent waiting for me. It was normal among pegasi, at least in my family, not to touch the ground with our hooves. We used our wings almost all the time. When I got to my room, my little sister was already there, vigorously pressing the buttons on my console. Each hit on the buttons felt like a stab to me. I know I'm exaggerating, but games have become a crucial part of my life since I was a filly. It's incredible how they've evolved over the years. I had to practically beg my mother to buy it for me. What great memories. "Look, Glory! Look how I handle this ship," Lucent exclaimed, moving the controller as if she were playing. However, only the intro of the game, WipeOut 2085: Equestrian Championship, was playing. I couldn't help but laugh a little. Before sitting next to her, I quickly gathered all the adult games like Resident Wicked 2 and Silent Town and stashed them in my backpack. I didn't want Lucent to beg me to play any of those. "We'll see how good you are when you compete against me," I said, settling down next to her and connecting my controller. What good memories. I should visit them more often, maybe next week. Right now, I can't. I heard the sound of a car horn multiple times. I'm sure it must be Comet Star and Linus. Bella, upon hearing the sound, had bolted away from my hooves and headed towards the second floor. She's very skittish; she probably went to lie down in my bed. I flew towards the door and saw Comet's 1994 Marcedaz Banz E500, black. I'd recognize that car from a distance. I opened the door and flew a few kilometers forward. "Hey, Morning, que pasa?" Comet Star greeted me as he got out of the car. "Wah gwaan, rasta?" Linus said, emerging several seconds after Comet. Both of them were in armor. I assumed that what we were about to do would be intense, more than I was used to. "Hey guys, nice to see you both," I greeted them, raising my hoof slightly. "Same, Morning. We have a surprise for you. It'll be useful for what we're going to do. We're taking down a gang that stole some weapons from Linus," Comet said, heading to the trunk of his car and opening it. I flew closer to Comet, feeling worried about what he said. "How did it happen? Who were they?" I asked. "I was sellin' my weapons on di corner an' ting. Den, several cars roll up an' dem was packed wid too many boys an' ting. Dem hit me. Mi couldn't do nuttin' against dem. Dem was too much. Dem take mi weapons an' never pay me. Mi want mi weapons back! Ya know?" Linus explained, gesturing with his hooves vigorously. I remained silent for a few minutes, trying to decipher Linus's words. It seemed like he was talking about some sort of attack involving weapons and a group of assailants. Comet, noticing my puzzled expression, stepped in to clarify. "What Linus is getting at is that he got jumped while peddling his goods. The Rogues. They not only jack stuff to flip it for a profit, but they also got a real beef with zebras," Comet elaborated, gesturing with his hoof towards me. "I may not know them, but that's all the reason I need to put a bullet between their eyes," I responded, my tone carrying a hint of defiance. "Dem bumbaclots, dem just nuh stop. I don't know why dem have it in fi we, y'know? Di war dun long time now. What's di point in carryin' dis hate?" Linus exclaimed, mimicking a sword swipe with his right hoof. "Don't worry, Linus, we'll get those weapons back," I assured him, placing a hoof on his shoulder. "Tank yuh, mi yout, I'm glad to have ya help," Linus replied, smiling gratefully at me. "Yeah, with your help, this will be a breeze," Comet chimed in, nodding in agreement. He then gestured towards the trunk of his car. "Here's an armor for you. It's just the three of us against... well, who knows how many. This armor will come in hoofndy," he explained, acknowledging the potential danger we faced. "It looks incredible," I remarked, eyeing the armor for a moment. It was black and yellow, with a radioactive trevol symbol emblazoned on the back. It likely offered protection against both physical harm and radiation. I reached out with both front hooves to lift it, but to my surprise, I couldn't budge it. The weight was overwhelming, as if I were trying to lift three power armors with just one hoof. "Cho! It woulda be easier if we had a unicorn with us, dem can lift objects an ting'," Linus remarked. But I wasn't about to admit defeat. I didn't need unicorns. I could do this myself. "Well, it's a shame. We pegasi are strong too," I insisted, pushing against the heavy armor with all my might. It frustrated me to no end that I couldn't lift it, but I refused to give up. "I know that I can!" I exclaimed, flapping my wings in an attempt to lift the armor. But it was futile. No matter how hard I tried, it remained stubbornly on the trunk. Why couldn't I lift it? "Ostias, Glory, Linus and I will put it on the ground, vale?" Comet intervened, placing a hoof on my chest to gently push me back. I reluctantly complied, stepping away as they prepared to lift the armor. With Linus and Comet working together, they strained against the weight of the armor. It was so heavy that even the car shook slightly, underscoring its massiveness. There was no way I could have lifted that alone. Finally, with a collective effort, they managed to lower the armor to the ground. Comet wiped the sweat from his forehead as they released it. "That's it, Glory. Just stand in the center, and the armor will automatically adapt to your body," Comet instructed, his voice tinged with relief. I nodded and cautiously approached the armor, aligning myself in the center as instructed. As I positioned my hooves according to the glowing green squares, the armor emitted a soft hum, indicating that it had detected my movements. With my wings folded neatly against my sides, I watched as the armor began to close around me, the process accompanied by a satisfying sound reminiscent of a closing door. Once it was fully secured, I marveled at how light and comfortable it felt, despite its imposing appearance. The interior of the armor maintained a pleasant coolness against the heat of the sun, and I couldn't help but admire the striking yellow and black color scheme of my newly adorned wings. "Do you like it? Linus modified it for you," Comet remarked, nudging Linus with a playful smirk. Linus, looking somewhat bashful, replied, "Bu' it's not fi di reason ya think, rude bwoy. She's a parri." Suppressing a laugh, I covered my mouth with a hoof. "Oh, come on, Comet. You know how Linus gets whenever you bring up THAT day." "Yeah, you know I like teasing him with that," Comet said, his laughter subsiding as he cleared his throat. "I think we should go." He paused, his gaze shifting between Linus and me. "Not all of us can fit in the car, so, Glory, you should fly. And Linus, who are you going with?" The weight of our armor would likely cause the car's body to sink low to the ground. Linus pondered his options, scratching his chin thoughtfully. "Why don't you come with me? I can take you. Have you ever wondered what Marechester looks like from above?" I offered, knowing that Linus often showed a vulnerable and shy side when alone with me. He was so tender in those moments. "I don't know, mi sista. Me nah really like heights," Linus admitted, his nerves evident in his slower speech. "I won't let you fall, I promise. Besides, it might be fun," I reassured Linus, extending a hoof toward him. "Alright, rasta, but nuh fly too high, seen?" Linus said slowly, trotting towards me. "Perfecto. The Rogues are located in Bello Vue. I'm going to guide you there, and we'll plan the attack," Comet said, closing the trunk of his car. I nodded and flew up a little, extending a hoof. "Give me your hoof," I said to Linus. Linus slowly extended his hoof towards mine, avoiding making eye contact with me. He seemed embarrassed, likely remembering the day I slept with him. Taking both of Linus's hooves, he blushed and looked away. "Alright, chavales, get ready," Comet said, getting into his car and turning it on. Linus also had armor, but I could carry him without feeling him too heavy; my armor gave me the ability to lift heavy objects. As Linus and I rose higher and higher, he began to move his hind hooves nervously, picking them up and sighing in a somewhat hurried manner. "Yo, yo, yo! Yu tink we goin' too high, rude gyal?" Linus blurted out, his voice tinged with urgency. "I have to go at this height so you don't hit objects like traffic lights," I assured him, gathering and spreading his hooves again and again. I took to the skies, keeping a careful eye on Comet's movements below. My goal was to maintain a steady pace, neither too fast nor too slow, ensuring that Linus could keep up without feeling overwhelmed. Bello Vue was unfamiliar territory for me, so I relied on Comet's lead to navigate the streets below. As I flew, the bustling life of Marechester unfolded beneath me. Foals pedaled their tricycles with youthful exuberance, accompanied by watchful parents guiding them along. Ponies of all kinds trotted purposefully towards their destinations, while overhead, other pegasi soared gracefully through the sky. Despite the usual hustle and bustle, I remained vigilant, mindful of the need to avoid collisions with anypony below. Every street corner held the potential for surprise, every rooftop a potential obstacle. Yet, with each flap of my wings, I maintained a steady course, determined to see this mission through to the end. My attention was momentarily diverted to the stallion on my right, engaged in animated conversation with his friend via a Pipbuck. It seemed their family might have originated from a Stable, given their familiarity with the device. "Did you read Iplay magazine? Resident Wicked 3 finally went on sale," the stallion exclaimed with palpable excitement, deftly navigating through the crowd as he spoke. His friend's response was more subdued. "No, I won't be able to go to the races with the lads, I have to go to work," he lamented, deftly maneuvering to avoid bumping into other ponies. The stallion sighed in disappointment. "You know my parents are a duo of wazzocks, they don't want to buy me the game, so I'll have to get it myself," he complained, prompting a nearby mare to cover her filly's ears at the colorful language. "But hey, we could have a sleepover and play all night, skip school. That place is bloomin' boring," he suggested enthusiastically, his gaze briefly shifting to me and Linus as he approached the restaurant. "Wow, that's some sick armor you two have there. Does it come from some video game?" the young stallion inquired, his eyes widening with curiosity as he took in our armor. "Not really, they're armors that were used during the war," I replied with a smile, appreciating his innocent curiosity. "That's really cool," the stallion remarked before disappearing into the restaurant. I love this area of Charlton; the avenue boasts all kinds of businesses, and you don't have to travel extremely far to get basic goods. There are many restaurants, pharmacies, bars, and convenience stores. I definitely don't regret my decision to live here. Unfortunately, I can't say the same about the skatepark. I have to fly ten minutes to get there, but I can tolerate it. "We look proper like Amber Aura, innit? I'm well into her tunes and her swag," one mare remarked, gently touching her hair, proud of the outcome. Her hair was long and black, mirroring Aura's style, and she wore a black dress. "Same 'ere, sis. Did you clock the gear she had on in her Whisper music vid? It's exactly what I'm sportin'," her twin added, sporting a white dress and a very long ponytail. "I s'pose you caught it on EMT, innit? That telly channel that dishes out music vids. Only the bleedin' lucky ones get to watch it; snaggin' a telly ain't no cheap task," the mare observed, examining herself in a mirror held with her wings. "You could always swap out summat you don't need for a telly," her twin suggested. "I ain't got nuffin' to swap, and you know what they're after if I ain't got the caps," the mare replied, a hint of annoyance in her voice. "Sex," both mares chimed in simultaneously. I couldn't help but laugh at their conversation. Sex has become the number one means of pleasure in all of Great Ponytania, much like Hoofington. As we continued through the neighborhood, we came across a mother sitting on a bench with her foal, who was engrossed in playing with an RC car. They were conversing in a foreign tongue, a common sight in Marechester. For these ponies, mastering Equestrian was a necessity; without it, they'd struggle to communicate with others in this city. "Mamma, guarda, va così la mia macchinina, brr brr!" exclaimed the colt excitedly, steering the RC car around with enthusiasm, occasionally crashing it into nearby walls. But his joy was undeterred by the mishaps; all he wanted was to revel in the moment. "Stai attento con quella macchinina, potresti ferire qualcuno. E non voglio nemmeno che tu la usi vicino alla strada, è pericoloso" the foal's mother cautioned with a worried tone, releasing a weary sigh. Motherhood, it seemed, was far from the idyllic image often portrayed. We had arrived at Bello Vue, and it wasn't quite what I had expected. The neighborhood seemed ordinary enough, though there weren't many ponies around. Nevertheless, the impending shootout with The Rogues would undoubtedly send the locals into a panic. Unfortunately, there wasn't much we could do about that. The Rogues were holed up in a dead-end alley in Callington CI. Some of them loitered outside the houses, sporting black sleeveless leather jackets and bandages on their foreheads. They seemed to be mostly earth ponies and unicorns, not particularly formidable. I reckoned we could handle them without much trouble. Negotiation didn't seem like a viable option either. Asking politely, "Please, could you return the weapons you took without paying?" might have worked in old Equestria, but in the current state of affairs? Highly unlikely. Comet parked a little ways from The Rogues' location, presumably to avoid drawing attention. They must know him and Linus, so it's wise not to reveal our presence just yet. I carefully set Linus down, ensuring he landed safely. Flying low the whole way wasn't easy, especially with the lampposts, but I understood his fear of heights. Comet stepped out of the car, opening the back door. "Here, I've got the weapons we'll use." With one hoof, he produced an M4A1, extending it toward me, while he held three magazines with another hoof. I took the M4A1 and the magazines, stashing them in my mane. I couldn't help but wonder about Linus. With Comet arming himself with two IMI UzIs, it left Linus unarmed. "What about Linus? Shouldn't he have a weapon? It could be dangerous for him to be unarmed," I asked, a hint of concern in my voice. "Don' worry, rude gyal, mi armor mek me invisible fi a likkle bit, mi can drop some a dem bloodclots an' tek dem weapons to defend meself," Linus explained, retrieving a combat knife from his lengthy mane, which cascaded down his back and covered half of his left eye. "Linus takes the fight against Babylon very seriously, even if he uses a pencil while the others use swords," Comet said, reloading his two Uzis. "That's right mi breda, mi weapons dem haffi deh hidden inna some a dem houses, we gonna haffi search fi dem separately an' mek sure say nopony try fi escape wid dem, even if we ain't got nutten fi cover we heads wid," Linus remarked, gesturing towards potential cover points with his knife. "We can use di cars an' walls fi cover," he added, lowering his knife. I was rubbing my front hoof with the other out of embarrassment because I didn't really understand what Linus said. "We have to cover ourselves with cars and walls, I got that part, but the rest of it, what did you say?" I asked. "He says that the weapons must be in some of the houses and that we should search for them separately, that way it would be faster," Comet explained. It also made me feel bad that he had to translate what Linus said to me. I hadn't had much contact with Zebras before, Vagina—oops, I mean, Majina doesn't count 'cause she was born in Equestria, not Nazabre. "Thank you for the clarification, and Linus, I'm sorry if sometimes I can't understand you, I know it has been an impediment to being able to communicate," I explained to Linus. "Don't fret, Glory, one day ya gonna get de hang o' mi accent, dat's how Comet learned to get mi, y'know," Linus said, glancing at me briefly before turning to ready his knife. "But fo' now, let's focus on fightin' Babylon." "That's right, Glory, don't worry about that now, let's kill those gilipollas," Comet gave me a few small touches on my back, then turned to Linus's side. I flew as low as possible to avoid making noise with my armor, which could give away our position. Standing beside Linus and Comet, I followed Comet's signal towards a nearby car, which would serve as our temporary hiding spot. As we advanced cautiously, The Rogues carried on with their daily activities. Some played Buckball in the street, others lounged in the corners smoking, and a few indulged in alcohol, discarding their bottles and cigarettes carelessly onto the ground, contributing to the city's grime. A group sat inside a Velkswagen Karmann-Ghia 1600 L, tuning in to the beloved Moving Darkness radio, a popular Drum & Bass station in Great Ponytania. We maneuvered to the other side of the street without drawing attention. I refrained from peering through the car's windows to avoid unnecessary exposure, having already scoped out the area. Five houses lined the street until it culminated in a dead end; the weapons we sought must be hidden within one of them. "The plan's simple: Linus uses his armor to go invisible and take out a Rogue. When the chaos ensues, we open fire. Got it, Glory?" Comet asked, focusing his gaze on me, raising an eyebrow. "Roger that," I affirmed. We just needed to await the signal. Linus and Comet exchanged nods, indicating they'd already hashed out the details before my inclusion in the mission. Linus activated his armor, rendering himself invisible save for his floating knife. I watched in astonishment, marveling at the capabilities of zebra technology, a sight I'd never witnessed firsthoof. Linus left the hiding spot and made his way toward the scattered garbage cans along the street. He discreetly stashed his knife behind one of them, avoiding raising suspicions about a floating blade. With patience, Linus waited for a Rogue who was smoking to turn around, presenting an opportunity for attack. The Rogue had a Remingten 870 Shorty shotgun beside him. As the Rogue turned, Linus seized the moment, swiftly slicing his throat. Blood gushed out, and the Rogue's scream pierced the air. Without hesitation, Linus grabbed the Remingten 870 and delivered a fatal shot to the Rogue's head. The impact was devastating—his skull exploded into a gruesome fountain of blood and brain matter, painting the surroundings with a macabre splatter. Fragments of skull and brain scattered across the street, trash cans, and nearby walls. "GO!" Comet exclaimed, standing on two hooves and unleashing a barrage of gunfire from his Uzis. His aim wasn't just focused on the Rogues; he also targeted the tires of their vehicles, ensuring none could escape. Though he missed hitting any Rogues directly, he managed to deflate several tires with precision shots. I took flight and joined the fray, squeezing off rounds from my M4A1 at the scattering Rogues. They darted for cover, making it nearly impossible to land a shot. "FUCK!" I muttered under my breath, frustration boiling as my shots missed their marks, despite firing off fifteen rounds. "It's that damn zebra cocksucker! Kill 'em all, and that whore with 'em too!" one of the Rogues barked from behind cover, his voice dripping with frustration and malice. Zebra Culture Music What the hell did he just call me? Did he call me a whore? I'll smash his fucking head! I don't let anypony insult me like that. When I get the chance, I'll personally take care of that son of a bitch. For now, I can't because I have several Rogues aiming at me. I don't want them to manage to shoot me in the neck or another part of my head. It's the only thing I don't have covered. Comet made a roll on the ground, seeking cover behind another car a few meters ahead of me, where he swiftly began to reload his two Uzis. Linus, meanwhile, hunkered down against the wall of a nearby house, no doubt strategizing his next move. "Shit, they killed Brisk! Shit, shit!" cried another of The Rogues, his voice with fear. Well, you should've thought before attacking my friend. You're gonna die too. Shooting at the cars where they're hiding wouldn't work. Cars are tough to explode, and they're the best cover on the street. I noticed a Rogue advancing towards us with a 44.Magnum. He was a unicorn, taking shots toward Comet's position. I aimed at him and fired multiple rounds into his chest and right hoof, dropping him dead. I ducked back into cover, pumped with adrenaline, celebrating my first kill. I hoped for more. Linus had aimed at a car, shattering its windows. Glass sprayed everywhere, sending the Rogue inside scrambling for cover. Linus seized the opportunity, closing in and blasting him at point-blank range with his shotgun. The impact blew off the Rogue's hoof, coating Linus in blood. I could see the floating blood, evidence of his invisible armor still at work. The motherfucker who insulted me was still breathing, and I was hell-bent on ending him. I made a risky move, bursting out of my hiding spot and flying up high. With only two Rogues left on the street, one was taking potshots at Linus, who was holding his ground, bullets bouncing off his armor. Linus fired back, not managing to kill the Rogue but providing enough cover to seek refuge. Comet took down the Rogue targeting Linus, riddling his body with bullets from both Uzis. From my aerial view, I witnessed it all unfold. The remaining Rogue spotted me and fired. The bullet slammed into my chest, but strangely, I felt no pain. I made sure not to land directly facing him, avoiding exposing my head, and touched down on two hooves right in front of him. As I landed, the ground quivered under the weight of my armor, causing him to stagger slightly. Before he could aim his gun at me, I thrust my right hoof forward with all my strength. It pierced through his ribs, shattering bone and tearing flesh as it plunged into his chest cavity. He let out a bloodcurdling scream, tears streaming down his face as agony gripped him. With a determined grip, I seized his heart from around the aorta, yanking it forcefully from his body. Blood gushed forth, drenching me in crimson spray, but I paid it no mind. His lifeless form crumpled to the ground, leaving behind a spreading pool of scarlet. In my hoof, I held his still-beating heart, squeezing it like a ripe tomato until it burst, splattering gore in all directions. Comet and Linus cautiously emerged from their hiding spots, approaching me as they took in the scene. I could tell they were unfazed; they'd seen worse before. They carefully avoided looking at the lifeless body of The Rogue. "Aw'right, di res' of di batty bwoys must be hidin' inna di houses. We gotta check each one till we find di weapons," Linus declared, reloading his shotgun with a smooth pull of the fore-end. The spent cartridge clattered to the street, mingling with the blood, discarded cigarettes, and shattered alcohol bottles. The stench of the street was bound to worsen, and unfortunately, somepony else would have to clean up our mess. "I'll be checking this house," Comet declared, indicating the one adjacent to us. Linus and I nodded in agreement, with Linus heading to the one next to Comet's choice. I made my way into the first house, taking note that it appeared deserted from our earlier reconnaissance. Nonetheless, it wouldn't hurt to have a look around. The stench of cigarettes assaulted my nostrils as I entered, indicating the presence of the Rogues. They sure had a fondness for smoking, these bastards. Flying silently to avoid giving away my position, I kept my M4A1 at the ready, prepared for any surprises. I doubted they'd be foolish enough to stash the weapons in plain sight in the living room, but I checked anyway. The room surprised me; unlike the chaos outside, it was neat and orderly, with a clean white interior illuminated by a warm yellow ceiling lamp. I searched under pieces of furniture, hoping to uncover something of value, but came up empty-hoofded. The dust under there nearly had me sneezin' my head off, so I moved on quickly. With the house bein' so small, I figured the second floor wouldn't take me long to cover, I headed on up. As I climbed the second step, the open window at the end of the hallway allowed the sound of gunfire to drift in from outside. Linus's shotgun blasts mingled with the staccato rhythm of Comet's Uzis and the sporadic shots from The Rogues, creating a chaotic symphony of violence. Could it be that I'd stumbled into an empty house? To find out, I pressed on, my ears attuned to the distant battle raging outside. Approaching three doors, I assumed two to be bedrooms and the other the bathroom. Figuring the bathroom wouldn't likely be a hiding spot, I opted to leave it be for now. I cautiously pushed open the door to the first room, closest to the stairs. Peeking inside, I scanned the space for any sign of activity before easing myself in, careful not to disturb the squeaky door. What I found inside was a scene straight out of a nightmare. Playpony magazines littered the floor, and... well, let's just say the bed was adorned with more than just sheets. As I stepped into the room, a pungent, sickly-sweet odor assaulted my senses, curling into my nostrils like a putrid fog. It was the unmistakable stench of sex, thick and cloying, saturating the air with its musky presence. The bed was now a grotesque tableau of depravity. Stains, dark and viscous, marred its surface, the unmistakable remnants of countless lewd acts. The fabric now bore the marks of debauchery, its fibers soaked and stained with the evidence of lust. I couldn't help but recoil. This wasn't just a bed; it was a desecrated altar to carnal desire, a shrine to the basest instincts of ponykind. And amidst it all, the stench of sperm hung heavy in the air, a foul reminder of the depravity that had taken place here. As I approached the next room, the sound of tearing paper caught my attention, like somepony frantically trying to conceal evidence. Peeking inside, I saw a Rogue sitting in a chair, tearing at papers with an air of desperation, his AK-47 lying nearby. Without hesitation, I flew sideways and unleashed a barrage of bullets, ripping through his chest and neck, the wall and his belongings splattered with blood as his lifeless body slumped to the ground. Curiosity gnawed at me as I approached, picking up a piece of paper marked 'Missing' in red. What could be missing? Further investigation revealed more papers, each bearing the image of a missing foal. It was a disturbing sight, one that raised more questions than answers. As I pondered the significance of the discovery, a nagging feeling tugged at the back of my mind. Was this connected to our mission, or just a coincidence? With time of the essence, I knew I couldn't afford to be distracted by mysteries beyond our objective. "Yo, mi breda! I just found di weapons!" Linus exclaimed, his voice carrying from the second floor window of the house where he was. I headed out of the house, the sounds of guns firing echoing nearby, likely from where Comet was. Before moving forward, I reloaded my M4, just in case more trouble lurked ahead. I didn't know much about that gang, but I had a feeling there might be more of them ready to strike at any moment. Exiting the house, I found Linus with a pack of weapons, one in his mouth and another on his back. It looked heavy, and he dropped the one from his mouth onto the ground. "We finally did it! I did a good job, right?" I asked Linus eagerly, hoping for some reassurance about my performance. Linus's armor stopped concealing him, revealing his orange eyes. He raised his mane with a hoof to get a better look at me. "Of course, dawg, you did a good job, ya also protected Comet and helped me get mi weapons. Celestia bless ya, my yute." I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. Not only did I help my friends, but I've also become more skilled. Though I haven't killed many, I still did better than I thought. Comet emerged from the house, one of his Uzis lacking a magazine, suggesting he ran out of bullets. He kept both Uzis in his mane. "Phew, we finally found the weapons. I only found porn magazines and many bottles of Pimms," he remarked, approaching Linus to assist with the weapon packs. "Believe me, I found something worse, semen on a bed," I said, adopting a sarcastic tone, though the reality was far from trivial. "Hahahah, that's very typical. I'm sorry you had to go through that. It must have been an unpleasant sight for you," Comet replied, showing understanding. I raised a front hoof and bent it. "Pshh, not really. By the way, how do you think I did today?" I asked. "Muy flipante, to tell the truth. You've improved a lot. I appreciate you helping me and Linus," Comet replied. He lowered his hoof, which had been raised while speaking to me. Excellent. My role here was wonderful. If I continue like this, I won't have so many problems dealing with more dangerous situations or even taking down an entire gang or my 'family' by myself. I couldn't help but raise my hoof a little, squeeze it, and lower it while saying "Hell Yeah!" in my mind. "Whenever yuh want, yuh can call me, and I bring yuh weapons at a low price. Even if we are bredren, I can't give dem to yuh for free, 'cause I need di caps to eat and ting, seen?" Linus said, chuckling. Sometimes when he speaks, it sounds like he's rapping. "I understand, thanks Linus, I'll call you when I need some. And the M4? Shall I give it back to you?" I asked, uncertain if I could keep the gun without paying for it. "Nuh, ya don't need to pay dat one," Linus replied as he trotted with Comet back towards his car. "I suppose you will return home on your own, Glory," Comet said. Glancing behind, I noticed the Velkswagen of one of the rogues still parked there. It was a classic piece of art; I couldn't let it go to waste. "Don't worry, I already found a new way to get back." "Alright, thanks for your help, chavala. We'll see you soon. Take care," Comet bid farewell, raising a hoof in parting. "One love, rasta," Linus chimed in, making the same gesture. Returning the gesture, I said goodbye to them. I hoped to see them soon; I was sure they must be busy with other matters. I flew to the Velkswagen. I would've liked to stay and admire its beauty, but with corpses about to rot nearby, I got into the car immediately. Luckily, the keys were inside, so I didn't have to search for them. The car didn't have a single bullet hole, suggesting it must work perfectly. I turned it on and prepared to head home. The weight of the armor made the body of the car sag a little, but when I accelerated, I didn't hear it hit the ground directly. With a determined look, I pushed down on the pedal and headed back home; my kittens had been alone for too long, and I was sure they must miss me. > The Moonshadow Resonance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Moonshadow Resonance Moonshadow Resonance is a natural phenomenon that occurs within the atmospheric cavity formed between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere, which lies approximately 80 kilometers above. This resonance is generated by electrical discharges occurring throughout the planet, resulting in electromagnetic pulsations that travel around the globe. The primary frequency of Moonshadow Resonance is around 7.83 hertz, though other frequencies can also be detected. These waves propagate across the planet, influenced by various factors such as atmospheric electrical activity and fluctuations in the ionosphere. Theories on Moonshadow Resonance Years after the launch of the balefire bombs, significant increases in Moonshadow Resonance waves have been reported. This natural phenomenon, which occurs in Equestria's atmosphere, is typically maintained at a frequency of around 7.83 Hz. However, recent data show a marked increase in both the intensity and complexity of these electromagnetic patterns. This surge in Moonshadow Resonance has led to widespread speculation about its potential effects on the mental, emotional, and physical states of ponies. Some researchers have drawn parallels between the current frequency of Moonshadow Resonance and the Alpha brain waves associated with states of relaxation in ponies, suggesting a profound impact on pony well-being. Potential Effects on Ponies Reports indicate that heightened Moonshadow Resonance may manifest through various physical symptoms, including dizziness, headaches, back pain, stomach pain, and photophobia (sensitivity to light). Beyond these physical symptoms, there is growing concern about the resonance's influence on mood and mental state. There are also more controversial theories suggesting that increased Moonshadow Resonance could affect ponies' preferences and behaviors in unconventional ways. Speculations include the possibility of fostering unusual philias, such as urophilia (drinking urine), agalmatophilia (attraction to statues), objectophilia (attraction to inanimate objects), and gerontophilia (attraction to the elderly). Current Challenges Despite these observations and theories, no effective methods have been found to mitigate or counteract the effects of Moonshadow Resonance. The lack of concrete solutions leaves ponies vulnerable to the potential impacts of this enigmatic phenomenon, driving ongoing research and debate within the scientific and magical communities. > Chapter 9 - Faith Has Been Denied > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My... name's Lollipop Hearts, I'm twenty years old. I been out cold, who knows how long, bleedin' out like this, it's a nightmare. Slowly, the sunlight's creepin' in, my eyes creakin' open, wakin' up again, but part of me just don't wanna, this pain, it's just too much. Can't see Stardust 'round, that girl... she wouldn't ditch me, no way, she'd be lost without me, bet she's out there somewhere, tryna find help or somethin'. All I hear's the wind howlin' through this broken window and my own breathin', heavy and labored. This part of Baltimare's like a ghost town, overrun with mutants, ain't no ponies left here, not a soul. Can't even drag myself to find help if I wanted to, the bullets tearin' me up inside, every move's agony. Damn it! Can't believe I'm gonna bite it like this, alone and bleedin' out. Stardust, you're my only shot, hurry back, I don't think I'll last the night, blood's still leakin' outta me. I shifted my gaze to the right, tryin' to move a bit. Can't stand sittin' still for hours, feelin' like I'm trapped in my own body. Tried to roll onto my side, but every movement's like knives slicin' through me. My body's a damn prison right now. Extended my left front hoof a little, but everything's blurry, seein' double, or even triple. I'm in a real bad way. Those fuckin' Enclave bastards and their messed-up beliefs... they gonna pay for this. Had to help those ponies, couldn't just sit there and watch 'em die. Had to go against orders, yeah, but sittin' idle woulda been worse. Forcin' me to bear a Dashite brand? Hell no, ain't lettin' that shit touch my cutie mark, it's sacred to me, pure. Earned it with heart, even if I ain't the type to show it much. Still got feelings, still do what I reckon's right. Mom... Sugar, you were a lousy mother. Always wanted to say it, but never had the guts. I know how you are, always puttin' the Enclave above everything, even me. But right now, I'm stuck, feelin' like I'm on the verge of shoutin' in anger, but strong mares never shed tears. Managed to hold 'em back like I always do. Can't show no weakness, not even when I'm alone. I'm tough, and I know I can fight my way outta this mess. Just need Stardust to bust through that damn door and bring me what I need. Though I can't help but feel a bit guilty for sendin' her to that hospital by herself. No other choice, really. If I'd gone with her, I'd just be a burden. Ain't got the strength to even spread my wings, and this armor's makin' me sweat buckets. Took three shots, reckon the cooling system's shot to hell too. Couldn't things get any worse? Was bound to get shot, it was Meteora against me, no backup in sight. But who needs backup when you're strong and brave, right? It's somethin' else, ain't it? When you start thinkin' for yourself, don't matter if they're kin or kin, folks turn on ya quick just 'cause you don't toe the line. Winter, we were s'posed to be tight, why'd you shoot me? Your own foalhood buddy? Just 'cause I disobeyed orders? All I wanted was to help them ponies, that's it. Never really gave two shits 'bout my folks, they treated me like dirt. But you, Winter, you was the only one who saw me for me. Then you found out they was gonna brand me a Dashite, and you turned on me like that. Well, screw you! Meteora, my folks, and Crimson Flash too. When I off Crimson, you're next, ya dumb bitch. Thinkin' 'bout all the things I wanna do but can't 'cause I'm hurt just makes me angrier. If Stardust don't come, I'll have to do somethin' on my own. There's gotta be somethin' in this house I can use to dig them bullets outta my body. I know it'll be excruciatin' and risky, but I'm sick of lyin' here in my own blood. Tried movin' to the right, tryna build up some momentum to get outta bed, but I couldn't. Movin' was agony. What if I try movin' my front hooves first? Placed one hoof on the edge of the bed, tried to shift my body forward and get out. Hurt like havin' fifty knives buried in me. Tears threatened to spill, but strong mares don't cry. Gotta hold 'em back no matter what. Managed to get almost half my body outta bed. Just a li'l more... gotta resist the pain, push through it. Took thirty-second breaks 'fore continuin' with this torture. Ain't likin' it, but gotta realize patience'll be key to survivin' this. Not just dealin' with the pain, but also the weight of my emotions. Desperation's becomin' another enemy against me. I let myself fall forward, my stomach already startin' to slide off the bed. Just need a li'l more strength, and I'll finally be outta this damn bed. Don't know why I thought I could do anything in this miserable state. Movin' around a whole house with these injuries ain't a smart move, but what else can I do? Just need to get my back hooves movin', and I can get off. Just a li'l more. Took a short breath and started pushin' real hard, doin' my best to ignore the pain. Thought I'd made some progress, but nothin'. Barely moved an inch. "Shit!" I cursed, slammin' a hoof on the ground. This situation is so damn frustratin'. My gaze instinctively turned back, and I saw the quilt, once white, now soaked red with my blood. Seein' how much I've lost got me a little worried. Panic ain't in my system, but my mind kept forcing me to face the reality of all I’ve bled out. If it gets dark, if night comes, I know I’ll die from blood loss. If that happens, ain't nopony gonna cry for me when I'm gone... No! It don’t matter if nopony cares 'bout my death. I’m a strong mare, and I’ll stay that way 'til the end of my days. I think... I'll rest for a bit, maybe three minutes tops. Can't let myself dwell on how fast time's flyin' by. I laid my head on the cold floor, it gave me some comfort. There were bugs crawlin' around the room, but I couldn't care less. As long as they ain't Radroaches, I’m fine. I closed my eyes, tryin' to relax. Sighed a few times to calm myself down. Part of me wanted to get back in bed, lay my head on a soft pillow. Another part wanted me to stay put, keep my head on the floor, even as my head started to ache. If I were a unicorn, things would be simpler. Could use levitation to move without all this pain. Unicorns are lucky sons of bitches. My body felt wet, soaked from the amount of blood pooling inside my armor. They really messed me up. But what could I do? It was just me against an entire army. I would've loved to kill them all, but that was unlikely. I had to get out of there. I'm almost off the bed... just a little more... Extending a front hoof on the floor, I pushed my body forward. Finally, I got off the bed, my back hooves colliding with the edge. I didn't get hurt since my armor covers my entire body, except my head. No helmet, of course. Seeing how much time had passed and realizing I could barely move a few inches made me understand that moving through the house in this condition was impossible. It's like I got a voice tellin' me I won't get outta this alive. It's like a whirlwind inside my head, spinnin' me around. It's like fate's constantly testin' my toughness, pushin' me to my limits. It's like the whole world's against me, waitin' for me to fall. The only thing I can do now is lie back in my misery. I ain't never cried in my life, ain't never shown feelings that make me look like a weakling, and I ain't plannin' to do so now. I won't, even if I'm alone, dyin', I won't cry. Cryin' don't exist for me. My ears perked up in surprise when I heard the sound of a door opening. Finally, finally, I might get outta this unbearable sufferin'. "Who... who's there?" I asked, needin' to be sure it was Stardust. She probably didn't say nothin' 'cause she thought I was still unconscious. "Oh, Lollipop, you finally woke up." That voice, it's definitely Stardust. 'Bout time she came. I wonder what took her so long. Stardust quickly rushed towards the room. Her hoofsteps got louder and louder, but I also sensed a strange smell. What had happened? The smell grew stronger, a strange, familiar scent that I couldn't quite place. When Stardust stood in the doorway, I looked up with the little strength I had left. She was wearing an anti-radiation suit. Where did she get that from? She was stained red—was it blood? She was almost completely covered. How many mutations had she faced to get here? "Lollipop, I have what you asked for—the bandages, tweezers, and painkillers," Stardust said, levitating everything with her magic. Looked like not all hope was lost after all. When she saw me on the floor, her calm tone shifted to concern. "And why the bloody hell aren't you in bed?" she asked. "I don't have to explain to you. I ain't your daughter. Now get me back to bed and take these bullets outta me. I can't stand havin' garbage in my body no more," I responded, frustration lacing my words as I raised my trembling front hoof. "You don't have to talk to me like that, I'm helping you," Stardust said, lifting me up with her magic and placing me back on the bed slowly. "You can't imagine everything that happened to me in that bleedin' hospital..." Her voice was breaking as she spoke, and she looked down at her front hooves with glassy eyes. "I'm frustrated because I can't stand having these fucking bullets in my body. Do you know what it's like to be shot three times at close range?" I snapped at Stardust. It seemed like we were back to the same old thing. I couldn't believe that after surviving, she was still a crybaby. Stardust started to sob, wanting to wipe her eyes with a hoof but unable to because of her suit. "And why don't you take off that fucking suit? It smells horrible," I demanded, realizing the origin of the smell. It was definitely from that suit. I didn't know what liquid she had gotten into, but that smell was driving me crazy. "I do not want to talk about that!" Stardust shouted, slamming a hoof against the ground angrily and closing her eyes. Something must have happened there. Should I care? I wasn't sure if I could keep her with me if she kept behaving this way. I looked at the ceiling while Stardust stared at the floor. We both looked like we were going through hell. What really bothers me is that my life has to depend on a crybaby. She's the complete opposite of what I expect from a pony: scared, crying, sensitive—everything I've been taught not to feel. That's why I find this mare so annoying. And even worse, I have to be her foalsitter, take her to Sparkle-World. I know there's one in Baltimare, but I don't know how far it is. I estimate we could get there in four days, depending on the shit we encounter on the way. How I hate owing favors, but what other option do I have? "Look, Stardust, I have an idea. Tell me what happened in that hospital while you take out the bullets, okay? Something bad must have happened to you. I can see it in your eyes. I can't take you and teach you how to survive if you don't have a calm and relaxed mind. You could get us both killed, so please, tell me what happened," I tried to explain to Stardust. She didn't react. She stood there without saying or doing anything. What's wrong with her? There was an awkward silence for four seconds. I hate awkward silences, but they’re normal in these situations. "I... I don't want to talk about that. I won't take off the suit either, if that's what you're also suggesting," Stardust said in a low voice. It was as if it were an experience she was trying to forget but couldn't, still invading her mind. "Why not? You can't smell it, but I can. Your suit smells horrible. What liquid did you get into?" I asked. The smell was getting more and more intense. If she wasn't going to take it off, I at least wanted to know where she had been, so I wouldn't have so much fire in my head. "I was swimming in a red liquid, but if you say it smells bad, it must definitely be blood," Stardust said, lifting the tweezers with her magic. I guess she was preparing to remove the bullets from me. I sniffed a few times, but that smell was different. It didn't smell like regular blood, the kind you get when you get hurt. It had a similar smell to when I had my period. Period blood has endometrial tissue, mucosa, and vaginal secretions, making the smell more intense and distinctive. "Stardust, don't even think about coming near me in that fucking suit. That suit has menstrual blood on it. Take it off now!" I said with disgust and frustration. This raised many questions in my head. Why the hell would there be a pool or whatever full of menstrual blood? What the hell does this mean? "What...what are you talking about? It can't be...how could it be menstrual blood?" Stardust asked, stepping back. She shared the same confusion as me. "What the hell do I know? You were the one who lived that experience. Do me a favor and take off that suit," I said with frustration. Whatever happened, I won't let her touch me with that disgusting suit. Stardust didn't want to take off that suit. I could tell by the way her eyes darted around, looking everywhere but at me. She was hugging herself like that suit had some deep meaning to her. "Stardust, please. We don't know if that suit is contaminated," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "I have no idea what happened, but I need you to take off that fucking suit." I coughed up blood again, watching a drop splatter on my armor. "I'm dying, Stardust. Please... take it off." I couldn't believe I was doing this, practically begging her, but I tried to stay calm to motivate her a little. I saw her hesitation. She looked like she was on the edge of breaking, but she still wasn't moving. I needed to get through to her, make her understand how serious this was. "Stardust, look at me. I'm covered in my own blood, fighting to stay alive, and you're my only hope. Whatever happened in that hospital, whatever you're scared of, it doesn't matter right now. What matters is getting these bullets out of me before it's too late." Her eyes finally met mine, filled with a mix of fear and uncertainty. I took a deep breath, pushing through the pain, and tried to reach her one last time. "Please, Stardust. Do it for me, for us. Take off the suit and let's get through this together." The room was filled with tension, the air heavy with the smell of blood and fear. I waited, hoping that she would find the strength to do what needed to be done. "I don't know, Lollipop... things have happened to me. I don't know if I should tell you. I'm embarrassed, and I don't want to talk about it," Stardust said. This situation was getting more complicated. The only thing I could think of was for her to tell me what happened so she could calm down by releasing her frustration. "Stardust, you need to tell me what happened. If you don't, I won't be able to help you. We'll get out of this together, okay? But think about what'll happen if I die—you'll be left alone with nopony to help you," I said, trying to get comfortable in bed. Having my body still for so long was really uncomfortable. "What happened is..." Stardust's whole body was shaking, like she was cold, but I knew it was fear as she remembered whatever had happened. "I was ra—" Stardust stopped mid-sentence. I wanted to yell at her, but I held back. She was starting to piss me off, but I could understand her hesitation. "What? What were you going to say?" I asked, sighing several times to keep my patience. "I was raped, Lollipop! That thing raped me!" Stardust shouted, collapsing to the ground, trying to cover her eyes in vain. The helmet of her suit prevented her from really covering her face. I was left in momentary shock when Stardust mentioned that she was raped. A pulse surged inside me, making me move unconsciously. Now I understood why she didn't want to take off that suit. A wave of rage washed over me; whoever did this to Stardust would have to deal with me. "Who was it, Stardust? Tell me who it was, and I swear I'll blow his fucking head off," I vowed. I didn’t know what was happening to me, but I felt like an older sister defending her. I had to do something, right? I’ve dealt with these kinds of ponies before, and I enjoy putting a bullet in their skulls. Stardust was sobbing on the floor. It was hard for her to speak, and I could tell that talking must be torture, but it was necessary if we wanted to solve this once and for all. "It's dead... It was a monster with tentacles. It touched me with its disgusting tentacles," Stardust said, refusing to look at me. She felt humiliated, her body desecrated. She hit the wooden floor with a hoof. "You mean the Hospital Horrors? Those sons of bitches try to implant eggs inside mares... I didn't imagine any of those creatures were still alive..." Damn, this was just what I needed. What the fuck am I going to do? The only thing I could think of was to try to calm her down. Maybe that would work. The last thing I wanted now was for her to cry. It sounds selfish of me, but my life is at stake. We can't waste any more time. Later, we can resolve this and help her overcome her trauma. "Stardust, listen to me. It's gone, and it can't hurt you anymore. We need to focus on getting these bullets out of me so we can get out of here. We'll deal with everything else later, okay?" I said, trying to keep my voice steady. Stardust even had a hard time nodding her head. She continued to shake like it was winter and she had nothing to cover herself. Slowly, she started taking off her suit, beginning with her helmet. Before she continued, I realized I needed to warn her about something important. "Stardust, when you take off your suit, don't touch it. Use your magic or something, but don't touch it with your hooves. It could be infected," I warned her. I didn't know exactly what had happened in that hospital, but the fact that she was covered in menstrual blood raised more questions in my head. So many things were happening at once. It was giving me a headache. I was hurt, the pony I had to take care of had been raped, she came here with a suit infected with menstrual blood, and she was traumatized. I had to calm her down. Ugh! I put a hoof to my head. I knew that if I let the stress take over, we wouldn’t get anywhere and we'd just keep going around in circles. It was a wonderful fucking day. I just needed a meteorite to fall on my head... I did my breathing exercises to keep myself in check. If I let my emotions play against me, this would get even worse. I needed to calm down... Stardust was taking off her suit, sobbing. The sounds she made made me feel sad for her situation. I was sure she must still have those images in her head, tormenting her... Such a young pony, who would only experience that on her first day... I'm so sorry, Stardust. I admit that this was my fault for sending you to that hospital, but I had no other options, okay?! I would have been a nuisance if I had accompanied you... We could both have died because you would have to be taking care of me all the time. I wasn't justifying myself. I wasn't! I knew what I was doing by sending Stardust alone. Everything turned out worse than I had planned, but on the bright side, could you call it that? The thing is that she is still alive, and with what I asked of her, I must admit that she has some courage. She does... I can already imagine all the shit we're gonna go through together, no doubt about that... I'll do whatever it takes to toughen her up, no sensitivities, no tears, no feelings that make her look like a weakling. Stardust, still not saying anything, took the suit to the living room. As for the bandages, tweezers, and painkillers, she left them on the nightstand in the room. Finally, I could have some peace of mind. That horrible smell was pissing me off. Now I just gotta tell her what she needs to do. But yeah, that's another obstacle. Stardust doesn't know jack about medical procedures, let alone removing a bullet. I'll have to be real patient with her. I gotta be careful. If I lose my cool and start yelling, she'll probably break down in tears. My patience's gonna be key if I wanna wrap this up quick. I glanced at the ground and saw Stardust's bag. Left it there, didn't I? But how the hell does she fit her weapons in that tiny thing? Not like it matters now. Got bigger fish to fry. Though, for a sec, I thought a little distraction might help. Nah, gotta focus on sorting this out with Stardust. Stardust came back after ditchin' that suit somewhere, and by her face, I could tell she didn't feel like chattin'. Can't blame her. I'll try not to poke her with questions or say anything that makes her gotta respond. Just gonna stick to givin' her instructions. She ambled over, draggin' a chair with her magic. Must've snagged it from downstairs. Guess she ain't keen on sittin' on that filthy floor. Stardust plopped down, floating the items I asked for. "What should I do first? I ain't exactly a doctor..." she mumbled, droopin' her head. Eyes darted around, prob'ly reminded her of the nightmare she went through. "Hold on, gotta strip off this armor first... Should've thought of it sooner, I guess. Bit of a klutz sometimes," I said, tryna lighten the mood. Didn't seem to help much, though. Stardust was still the same, and I reckon this ain't gonna be easy. With a tremblin' hoof, I touched the button on my armor, causin' it to split open in two parts. I was surprised by how much blood had pooled in there... my hooves, stomach, and chest were drenched in crimson. My coat was stained deep red. But I'm a tough mare. Bein' bathed in my own blood should be terrifyin', but it don't faze me, not even with these serious injuries. Stardust, on the other hoof, reacted in silent shock. She brought both hooves to her mouth, clearly freaked out by my dyin' state. I figured it was best to keep quiet 'bout it and just focus on gettin' better. The sooner, the better. "Relax, Stardust. You're gonna see stuff like this a lot... It'd be best if I didn't move so much. I need you to hoof me the painkillers. They'll help me deal with the pain when you start pullin' out them bullets. But it'll take a bit for 'em to kick in," I told Stardust, settlin' my hoof back on the bed, feelin' it tremble. Just movin' it hurt a mite. Stardust nodded silently, usin' her magic to pop the lid off the painkillers and ease one toward my mouth. "Just one for now. If it still hurts, I could take another," I instructed, and Stardust shook the bottle till a pill popped out. I opened my mouth, and she dropped it in, swallowin' it down like one of Mom's home-cooked meals. Then she raised the tweezers, figurin' she could get started. "Can I start pullin' 'em out now?" Stardust asked, glancin' to her left, her face lookin' all gloomy and down. I don't reckon I've seen her crack a smile since I met her. "Not yet. Might take a while for the pills to do their thing... See? That's why I said we couldn't afford to waste time," I replied to Stardust. She likely thought this'd be a quick job. But alas, no such luck. I'd love for it to be that simple, but it ain't. Stardust tried to let out a fake sigh of annoyance, but I caught it clear as day with my keen ears. I don't give a hoot if she did it. I'm just as keen to get out of this mess pronto. But we gotta be patient, no two ways about it. I reckon now might be a good time to have a little chat with Stardust. Maybe if I open up a bit, it'll help her deal with what she's been through. "Stardust, how about we have a little chat? I'll tell you more about myself, and you just listen, alright? You probably wanna know who gave me these wounds and how I ended up in this sorry state," I suggested to Stardust, putting what little strength I had into speakin'. I had to do somethin'. I reckon I can handle it. I wanna help her out. Stardust just nodded, her gaze fixed on the floor, her bangs makin' it even harder to see her eyes. "Well, I was born in a city in the sky, it's called Meteora. Some cities in Equestria got their own sky cities, and Baltimare ain't no exception. Meteora's 'bout forty minutes from here, I reckon, but all I know for sure is I flew for a good while tryin' to escape the city," I said, shiftin' my body towards the soft bed. Lyin' on top of the armor was startin' to feel mighty uncomfortable, so I found a clean spot on the bed and nestled myself in. "I don't know if you know 'bout the enclave, but I've been a pegasus enclave soldier since I was seventeen. My job was to keep the city safe and make sure nopony tried to steal, attack, or make contact with the surface ponies. Only us soldiers were allowed down there, 'cause all the tech and supplies exchanges happened on the surface," I continued, takin' a moment to swallow. "I broke one of them rules, though. I made contact with surface ponies without permission. Helped a group of survivors escape from the Twin Ghouls. They're these two-headed ghouls joined by twin foals. Pretty common sight in the wasteland. Gives you an idea of what we might run into on the way," I explained, turnin' my gaze towards Stardust. "I ain't tellin' you this to scare you, just so you know what's out there. But don't worry, I'll protect ya, alright?" "Uh huh," Stardust mumbled, lifting her head slightly towards me. Her mane swayed in the breeze driftin' in from the cracked window. "Why's helpin' ponies such a bad thing in the enclave? I don't get why there'd be a rule like that," she queried, her confusion mirroring my own. "Well, since them bombs fell, the pegasi decided to be their own tribe, cut off from the rest of Equestria. They built cities in the sky all over the place. It's strictly forbidden to have any contact with the surface. All they care 'bout is gettin' their hoof on advanced tech to keep their society goin', even if it means stayin' isolated," I explained, a bitter chuckle escapin' my lips. "Always seemed downright foolish to me. I wasn't 'bout to just stand by and let them ghouls slaughter them survivors. Sometimes you gotta break the rules for a good cause... Don't regret what I did, even though I lost what little respect my parents and my best friend had for me," I trailed off, feelin' a mix of sentimentality and rage as the memories resurfaced. Stardust looked taken aback by my words. She moved closer to the edge of the bed, placin' both front hooves on the edge. My mention of my folks and my friend seemed to weigh heavy on her mind. Seems she's got a lot of empathy in her, which ain't a bad thing. "I don't reckon myself as no hero, I just do what I reckon is right, ya know?" I murmured softly, contemplatin' what would've happened if I hadn't intervened, if I'd let 'em perish. At times, I pondered what'd be worse: livin' with the guilt of their deaths gnawin' at me, or stickin' with my old life, with my folks and the only friend I had. But truth be told, I reckon I made the right call. They're replaceable, in the grand scheme of things. I can build new bonds on the surface, way more than I ever could up in fuckin' Meteora. Ain't no doubt in my mind they're comin' after me. And if they're gunnin' for me, so be it. I done turned into the most wanted criminal in Meteora. Come at me, if you dare. I'll take down every last one of ya. "I reckon life in the enclave cities must be a whole mess... I've been cooped up in that Stable since the day I was born, but it ain't like I mind it none. To me, it's like paradise. But still... it blows my mind how different the wasteland is compared to the peace and quiet of Stable Fifty," Stardust mused, her head resting on her front hooves, perched on the edge of the unstained part of the bed. "Believe me, you got a whole lot to learn. That there's just a smidge of how tough it is out here in the wasteland. But hey, the trip to Sparkle-World oughta give ya a taste. Ain't just about havin' a blast in the park, ya know. You'll rack up plenty of stories to tell your folks and pals," I replied with a grin, feelin' a weight lift off my chest. The tension in the air was finally easin' up, and it felt like a breath of fresh air. "You're spot-on there... but with you by my side, I reckon I'll be alright. When you brought up them Twin Ghouls, it sent a shiver down my spine just picturin' 'em. How do they even attack? I ain't keen on crossin' paths with 'em, or any other mutation for that matter," Stardust inquired, her voice tinged with unease. "First off, we're gonna run into all sorts of ghouls and mutations, remember that. As for them Twin Ghouls, when they spot ya, they point with one of their hooves, like they're sayin', 'You're next.' But they don't utter a word, and that's what's downright unnervin'," I explained frankly, knowin' I had to be straight with her. Couldn't sugarcoat it and make her think this journey was gonna be a walk in the park. Stardust lifted her head from the bed, huggin' herself as if she was feelin' a chill run down her spine. "Blimey... Lollipop, I need ya to protect me from those buggers. Don't want 'em layin' a hoof on me, you get it?" "Trust me, I will. But I can't be watchin' over ya every second. You gotta learn to fend for yourself too," I asserted, raisin' a hoof and pointin' it in Stardust's direction. I made an attempt to sit up on the bed by myself, noticing that the burning sensation in my body had started to subside. Seemed like them painkillers finally kickin' in, 'cause I ain't feelin' as much pain as before. "Alright, Stardust, you can start pullin' out them bullets. Begin with the one in my hock," I directed, stretchin' out my left front hoof. Damn... it felt awful, like I'd turned into one of them changelings with holes in their hooves. Stardust nodded and lifted them tweezers with her magic. "Ain't it gonna hurt?" she inquired, lookin' worried. I reckon she ain't keen on hearin' me hollerin' in pain, but I ain't one to scream from hurtin'. I save that for when I'm really riled up. "Might sting a bit, but don't fret none about it. I've been hurt plenty before, just never this bad," I assured her, lowerin' my hoof for a brief moment before raisin' it again. "But let's get on with it, it's better than havin' them bullets still lodged inside me." Stardust, her hooves shakin' like leaves in a storm, guided them tweezers toward my wound with all the caution in the world. When she finally managed to insert the tip into my flesh, a jolt of pain shot through me, makin' me instinctively twitch my hoof. But I had to hold it steady, no matter how much it burned. Her face twisted in disgust, it was clear she ain't used to this kind of thing. Probably ain't seen nothin' worse than a scraped knee from trippin' over somethin' back in her safe lil' world. That realization made me feel a twinge of sympathy for her. If she's gonna help me, I gotta be patient. The responsibility falls on her to follow my lead. But I gotta stay still too. Any sudden movements could make it worse. Damn! The tweezers diggin' into my flesh felt like fire, but I gotta tough it out. Gotta shut my eyes and wait for Stardust to pull out that bullet. With my eyes half open, I noticed Stardust was lookin' away, tryin' to avoid seein' the gory details of extractin' the bullet. "Stardust... I know it's unpleasant, but I need you to focus on what you're doin'. You could hurt me," I told her through clenched teeth. "But I can't stand the sound... the way the tweezers scrape inside your wound, yuck!" Stardust said, stickin' out her tongue in disgust. "I get it, but you gotta fight it and concentrate. You don't wanna kill me, right? No? Then pay attention. You've already got the bullet, you just need to pull it out. Do it slowly and carefully," I urged her. Damn, this is what happens when you ask somepony who ain't a doctor to do a doctor's job. I closed my eyes completely, tryin' to endure the pain as Stardust struggled with the tweezers. She was bein' gentle, but it still felt like my whole body was on fire. "Fuck! This hurts like hell," I muttered, diggin' my hooves into the bed, my body tense with pain. "There you have it, just take it out carefully," I said, my voice strained. I felt the tweezers grip the bullet firmly and start to pull. The sensation was like a white-hot poker bein' dragged through my flesh. Stardust was breathin' heavily, her magic quiverin' as she slowly drew the bullet out. I could hear the faint squelch of flesh partin' around the metal, each millimeter an agonizin' journey. The pain was intense, radiatin' from my arm through my whole body. Finally, with a wet, sickly pop, the bullet was free. Stardust's face was pale, her eyes wide with a mix of horror and relief. She held the bullet up, her hooves still shakin' but steadyin' a bit as the worst part was over. "Good job, Stardust. Now we just need to clean the wound and bandage it up," I said, my voice a bit calmer, but still strained. "You've done great. Now let's finish this up so we can both rest a bit." "I'll go see if there's clean water in this digs," Stardust said, exiting the room. It was a smart move for her to go. All I could do was try not to move too much or make sudden movements. We were scarce on medical supplies, but I figured clean water would do the trick to keep my wound from goin' sour. "If there's clean water, bring back as much as you can! I still got two more bullets in me," I called out after her, my voice a bit louder. I ran my tongue over my dry lips, realizin' I hadn't had a drink in who knows how long. I lost sight of Stardust, reckon she's down below, searchin' for somethin' to hold water, like a bottle or bucket. The bigger it is, the more water we can store, less trips mean less time wasted. Glancin' at the bullet on the ground, I see my blood minglin' with it, droplets spreadin' across the cold surface. It reminds me of who did this to me... You're a fuckin' bitch, Winter Sunlight. Bet you're lookin' for me now. Well, when we cross paths again, I won't think twice 'bout puttin' a bullet between your eyes. Thought you'd have my back when they marked me a Dashite, huh? All I did was save lives, nothin' more. Never betrayed you, never hurt you. But I reckon suckin' the enclave's balls is all you're good at, ain't it? Hahahaha! A laugh escapes me, directed at my own insult. It's all I can do, really. Been through a heap of shit today. Stardust'd probably reckon I've gone crazy if she heard me laughin' to myself, but I don't give a damn. Today's been one hell of a ride. My ears perked up when I heard the sound of water fallin', reckon there's clean water in this house. Good, everything's goin' well, for now. Got ourselves a way to clean my wounds. This time I smiled, but it's a real smile, not just tryna shake off some negativity. Heard Stardust's hoofsteps, slow and steady, as she approached the room. She had a wooden bucket with water. One good thing 'bout all this is with her magic, she can do almost everythin' without much effort. Dunno if usin' magic drains her or somethin'. Most of my life, I've been around pegasi, besides Sniper Husky, but we didn't exactly get along. Got my reasons to hate her. Extended my injured hoof so Stardust could pour water on it. Cold water runnin' down felt like a relief, didn't much care about gettin' the floor wet. We ain't stayin' here permanently anyway. "Think that's enough water, bandage the wound and press it with your hoof," I told Stardust. She left the bucket on the ground, her magic coverin' my hoof with bandages, then pressin' it with one hoof while holdin' mine with the other. She's pressin', determined look on her face, teeth showin', then she looks at me. "How long do I have to press it?" she asks. "Fifteen minutes'd do," I respond. Shit... Just realized, the process is damn slow, still got two more wounds to tend to. "Stardust, I got an idea. I can spill even more about myself. Suppose you're itchin' for more details about my escape from Meteora," I asked, figurin' it'd keep her mind occupied while she patched me up. Each bit of my story might chip away at her trauma, and it's a decent way to kill time. "Sure thing, I'd like to know more. Last thing you mentioned was savin' a group of survivors from the Twin Ghouls," Stardust replied, still pressin' her hoof against my wound, keepin' up the same force. "Great. But before that, pass me another painkiller. Should tide me over. But keep pressin', gotta hold this for fifteen minutes. Use your magic," I instructed Stardust, makin' sure she understood. Another dose wouldn't hurt. First extraction was a real pain. Hopin' another'll take the edge off. Stardust, with her magic, hoisted the bottle up, floatin' it near my mouth. I opened up and swallowed the pill. "Thanks," I said, preparin' myself for the story ahead. I'll begin by tellin' ya 'bout this pony I can't stand, Crimson Flash. This bloke's got a grip on the wasteland that's downright disturbin'. He's a pegasus from the Ataly enclave, and him and his crew, the 'Divine Sons', they control a slew of outfits. Some of 'em are slavers, which ain't no surprise, 'cause the wasteland's crawling with 'em. If you find yerself in a tight spot, they'll snatch you up and sell ya off with the promise of a better life. Now, Crimson Flash himself, he's got a red coat, a thunder cutie mark, dark blue hair with white streaks, and eyes as red as sin. But here's the real kicker... Stardust, ya gotta pay close attention to the sorts of ponies you might cross paths with out there. One time durin' an exchange, I caught sight of Sniper Husky. She has one of the most disturbing behaviors I have ever seen in a pony; it doesn't compare to the cannibal raiders I have encountered. Sniper Husky's got a white coat, a yellow mane, light blue eyes, and her Cutie Mark's a pony skull with bat wings. We always did our trades in the same spot, down under Meteora. Meteora's perched above Berry Hill Park, one of the few places in Baltimare that ain't been bombed to smithereens. Clean water flows there, free from radiation. We did so many deals in that neck of the woods that we cleared out all the pesky mutants. Wiped 'em out, practically extinct. Me and my old pal Winter, we kept an eye out for any mutants or ponies tryin' to mess with our trades. Most of the time, we set up shop in the multi-use fields, open ground perfect for sports. The whole park's deserted, so we turned it into our HQ. The sun was beatin' down, so me and Winter were on the roof of one of them little brown houses we used for shelter. Never did much more than protect us from the blisterin' sun. We had five of these houses scattered 'round the park, all decorated with Equestrian flags. Winter loved her smokes, never went a day without a cigarette danglin' from her lips. "Want a cig?" She offered, holdin' one out to me with her wing. "Nah, I'm good," I declined. After hearin' all the downsides of smokin', I decided it ain't for me. Seemed like the only reason to smoke was to look 'cool', but I figure cancer and lung problems ain't too cool. "Y'know, Winter, sometimes I wonder why we don't just do the trade and be done with it. Why's it necessary for Crimson and our boss to crack open a few beers and shoot the breeze?" I pondered. Sometimes they even broke out the cards. Always wondered why, considerin' how valuable the tech and bottle caps were. Winter took a drag from her cigarette, puffin' out smoke as she chuckled. "Ah, Lollipop, sometimes you sound like a grandma. They're just havin' a good time. Remember, Crimson's from Ataly. That place is a long haul away. Gotta be borin' as all heck. Bet he's lookin' to kick back in Meteora for a few days." "What if somepony tries to jump us, though? Like them raiders who came 'round tryin' to swipe our gear?" I remembered, that day still fresh in my mind. One of 'em nearly made off with our weapons, computers, and robot parts. Raiders ain't too bright, figured they'd sell 'em off for a pretty penny. "That's what we're here for, keepin' everything on track. But that don't mean you gotta be on high alert all the time. Besides, life in Meteora's dull as dishwater. These trades at least give ya a chance to relax, maybe take a dip in the lake. How often ya get to do that in Meteora?" Winter questioned. She had a point, but I couldn't shake the feelin' that I had a job to do, and I took it seriously. "I'll keep my eyes peeled for a few more minutes. If everything's squared away, I might just dip in the pool," I declared, grabbing my weapon with my hooves. It was a Hecklar & Kich XM29 Objective Individual Combat Weapon—kinda heavy, but damn effective. Plus, it had a grenade launcher, perfect for takin' out a bunch of targets at once. "Sounds like a plan. I'll be here, stayin' cool in the shade. If you need me, you know where to find me," Winter agreed, proppin' herself against the stairs of the house, her hind hooves crossed. I spread my wings and took to the air, flying low over the park. I kept my eyes sharp, my weapon ready, but not pointed unless I needed it. Gotta keep cool, both myself and my gear. The armor's great at keepin' us cool, but overheat it, and you've got problems. Plus, gotta watch out for our mouths—mine's exposed, and it ain't the only model like that. I soared, stickin' to the shadows where I could. Some trees still had leaves, providin' cover. My helmet's got a zoom feature, so I used that to scan the area. Night vision didn't do much good in the daylight, though. As I followed the path, I stumbled upon a spot where the pool's at, but what caught my eye was the shower nearby. It shot water up like a mushroom, with "Berry Hill Park" marked on it. On a bench nearby, I spotted two suits of armor. To the left, two enclave pals of mine were havin' a blast, splashin' around, shootin' water at each other with water guns. Watching 'em, it brought a warmth to my chest—reminded me of the happy times I never had. One of 'em noticed me. "Hey look, it's Lollipop! Lollipop! Why don't you join us?" the stallion called out, waving his hoof. "The water's refreshing! Come on, have some fun with us!" added the mare, raising her water pistol. "Nah, I'm good. Gotta keep watch," I replied, movin' on. But I could still hear 'em talkin'. "Aw, Lollipop, you're no fun. Loosen up a bit, smile more!" the stallion chided, soundin' disappointed. "She's just an emo. Can't expect much from her. All she does is gripe about how tough life is. Smilin's like sufferin' for her, hahahah!" the mare quipped, laughin' and jabbin' her hoof into his side. He laughed along with her. Haha, real funny. You'd be better off in a circus than on the field. My mates from the enclave and I, we always banter like that. Sounds offensive, but it's just how we roll—friendly jabs, you know? Can't count the times I've been ribbed 'bout my style and taste in music. Thanks, media, for paintin' us like we're a bunch of gloomy souls, incapable of crackin' a smile. Real accurate. I made my way toward the lake, lovin' the trees 'round here. Unlike most places in the wastes, these trees are alive—green and full of leaves. The wind carried cherry blossom petals, dancin' 'round me. Sometimes, they'd fall right onto my hoof. I'd stretch it out, waitin' for one to land, and sure enough, it would. Cherry blossoms, they're my jam. Could watch 'em all day. I set my gun down, lettin' the petals shower down on my hooves. Wind picked up, blowin' my mane every which way. Petals were swirlin', some flyin' high, others driftin' down. I waited, patient-like, 'til one landed on my hoof, and there it was. Outta all those petals, just one found my hoof. I picked it up, held it for a sec, then blew it away with the wind. In Meteora, we ain't got none of this. Makes me appreciate the surface even more. Bet there's loads of beautiful things out there, unscathed by bombs. But I wonder, will I be stuck in Meteora forever? It's high-tech and all, ain't complainin'. But sometimes, I wish for scenery like this, exclusive to the surface. I can see it now—monotonous life, get a marefriend, live together. Then, when I'm old, retire as a soldier and play housewife. Screw marryin' a stallion and poppin' out foals. I'm a lesbian, Mom, deal with it. No grandfoals for you. And when I retire, I'll never see cherry blossoms again. Gotta seize the moment while I can, soak in every second here. I picked up my gun, carried on flyin' amidst the petals, but as much as I wanted to admire 'em, this time, I kept my eyes peeled for threats. Following the path, I made my way to the lake. Figured after checkin' everything's cool, I'd take a breather. Celestia knows I deserve it. Still had my gun at the ready, just in case I spotted any muties or raiders. But then I heard somethin' odd—voices. Could it be raiders? With my armor, I could ping Winter and have her back me up, but she'd wanna be sure. Didn't wanna drag her out here for nothin'. So, I veered off the path, headin' towards a clump of Blossom trees. It was secluded, and the first thing that crossed my mind was raiders preparin' an ambush. I kept flyin', pickin' up speed, but doin' it quiet-like. Eventually, I reached an open, isolated spot. And there they were—Sniper Husky and a filly. I breathed a sigh of relief, but that filly... could it be her daughter? I knew I shouldn't snoop, but curiosity's a killer. I'd seen Sniper 'round a few times, had some short convos, but never knew she had a kid. All I ever heard 'bout her was how the whole wasteland's scared stiff of her. Sniper and the filly were lyin' face down in the grass, real close-like. "It's been a long journey, chérie, but finally, we got some time for ourselves. Ton copine needs love," Sniper Husky said, nuzzlin' her daughter. She's from Frence, Le Marens to be precise. Been there once, ain't such a bad city. "You know I'm a little embarrassed to do this, Sniper. I don't know whether to do it," the filly said, sounding insecure. What’s Sniper plan to do with her? "Don't call me by my nom, ma chérie. We are un couple. Tell me something like darling, sweetie, honey. Tu comprends?" Sniper Husky asked, stroking the filly's pink mane with a front hoof. Did I hear that right? She called that filly her partner? How old is she, ten? This... ain't right. This can’t be. "Mmmm, okay, darling. Since nopony is watchin' us, I guess it would be fine... I just don't wanna play those games where I'm tied up and can't do anything," the filly said, lowerin' her head, lookin' at the grass. "Si tu fais ce que je te dis, I promise I will be gentler. Sometimes I lose le contrôle, but I don't do it because I want to see you suffer. It's because I really love you," Sniper Husky said, positionin' herself on top of the filly. I gotta do something, but I'm so shocked I can barely move a hoof. Frozen... I've never seen anything like this in front of me. This can’t be right. Romantic relationships with foals? Hell no. No, no, no. What the fuck is this? This ain't right. I've always been told that havin' romantic relationships with foals is reprehensible. However, Sniper Husky sees it as somethin' totally normal. What the fuck should I do? I don't know. I've never felt this way before. I've only heard about it, but seein' it, seein' it in front of me is another thing altogether. Sniper Husky started to lick the filly's cheeks, movin' her tongue, fillin' her with saliva. I was behind them, hidin' in a tree. I couldn't see the filly's reaction to all this, but I'm sure it must be discomfort. Just hearin' their moans made me tremble. It wasn't from fear. I ain't afraid of anythin', much less Sniper Husky. It's just that I can't be witnessin' this. I've seen many horrible things, but this is one of 'em, and they ain't easy to forget. Am I the only pony who knows about this? "J'aimerais rouler un patin, do you know what that means?" Sniper Husky said, her lustful voice disturbin' me too much. "I think it was a tongue kiss," the filly said, lookin' back at her. Damn it, who knows how long Sniper Husky's been abusin' this filly? And nopony found out about this. Really horrifying. "Exactement, that's how we kiss our partners en frenceis," Sniper Husky said, openin' her mouth and extendin' her tongue. The poor filly did the same. I could see how their tongues came together and shared saliva. For what Sniper thought was normal, for others it'd be highly repugnant. And I ain't stayin' here doin' nothin' no more. I gotta do somethin', but I can't let my shock be noticed. I gotta act natural, but I'll have my weapon ready just in case. I sighed several times to calm myself. As much as I wanted to put a bullet in Sniper’s head, killing her now would get me into trouble. I’d have to inform the leader about this. We're dealing with a mentally ill mare. I stopped flying and landed on the ground, trotting slowly towards them. “So... Sniper Husky, what a surprise to see you here,” I said, stayin' calm and pretending that what I was seein' didn’t affect me at all. I am a strong mare. This should be nothin' to me, but it’s very disturbing and disgustin'. My body feels a chill that’s impossible to control, but I must remain calm about what I have just witnessed. Sniper Husky and the filly looked towards me. Sniper stood up and looked at me with a surprisingly calm expression while the filly hid behind her. It’s like she was afraid of me. Don’t worry, when I can, I’ll save you. But right now, there’s not much I can do. “Vous must be soldate Lollipop Hearts... is there anything I can help vous with?” Sniper said with a calmness that surprised me. I thought she’d try to hide it or pretend that nothin' was happenin'. “Nothin', I was just passin' by here... surveyin' the area and I found you here, kissin' a filly,” I responded to Sniper, raisin' a bent front hoof, the shock causin' me to lift it unintentionally. “Oh, she’s my girlfriend,” Sniper Husky said, puttin' a hoof on the filly and givin' her a little push. “Allez, introduce yourself,” Sniper said tenderly. I had never seen her act this way. The filly took a few steps towards me, avoidin' lookin' at me. She had one front hoof bent like mine. I guess she’s embarrassed to talk to me. “My name is... Silver Storm,” she introduced herself. Poor thing, she must be so confused. She must have no idea of the limits that an adult pony should have for a young one like her. I raised a hoof and waved it at her. “Name’s Lollipop Hearts, nice to meet you.” I gave a smile to Silver, but it didn’t seem to work. She refused to look at me. “Isn’t she a sweetheart? She’s very shy with strangers,” Sniper Husky said, strokin' Silver’s mane, her hoof almost running down to her flank as well. “Don’t you think she’s a little young to be your ‘girlfriend’?” I asked, liftin' two hooves and curlin' them both at the same time. “Silver is eight years old. Although she is young, we love each other very much, and that is what really matters,” Sniper said, lowerin' her head and joinin' her cheek with Silver’s in a supposed loving gesture. Silver reciprocated it, half-smiling. I'm sure she has emotionally manipulated her. That's what all these sick fucks do. I put a front hoof to my forehead. "Despite that, I don't think it's right for you to be havin' a romantic relationship with a foal, Sniper. That's just wrong. You could get into big trouble," I warned Sniper Husky. I didn't know why I felt like this would be of no use. "You're not le premier à say something like that to me. When I receive menaces like that, they usually end up dead," Sniper Husky said, raisin' her voice a little, bein' sarcastic and smilin'. I think she thinks I'm threatenin' her... could it be, because this is not somethin' I'm gonna let go like it's nothin'. "I'm not afraid of you, Sniper. If you continue abusin' Silver, I'm goin' to kill you," I said. This time I wouldn't hold back. I can't stand her anymore. I have to tell her how much I want to kill her. I'd have to get it out of my system. It's not like I've been interested in bein' friends with this bitch since I met her either. "Silver, chérie, go play at the lake. This conversation is only for adultes," Sniper said in a 'sweet' way to Silver. Silver nodded, turned around, and trotted away from the area at considerable speed, disappearin' with each step she took. Even if you want Silver not to listen, that still won't take away the fact that you're sick. You can shove your false consideration up your ass. When Silver was no longer in sight of any of us, Sniper Husky looked at me. The smile she had disappeared faster than the blink of an eye. "So you plan to kill me... I would be very careful with what I say," Sniper Husky began to trot towards my side. "Savez-vous what has happened to the poneys that have menacé me for exactly la même chose? Most of them end up being dinner for my huskies," Sniper Husky said as she positioned herself behind me. My eyes followed her every step she took. "Have you heard about the Stable Dweller who was found dead in Frence? Elle came to my house to try to kill me, elle discovered that I like sleeping with foals. Do you know what happened to elle after I defeated that connasse? I raped her, une demi-heure. When I got bored of her pussy, I shot her in the head. Then I used her body to feed my huskies," Sniper Husky said with a tone of frustration. She told it to me as if it were somethin' common or ordinary. I think I will lose my sanity If I keep listenin' to this bitch. I didn't respond. I just squeezed my hooves because I was so angry at this son of a bitch. "Alors, Lollipop, what do you say? Do you want to play le hero and end up like Seren, or are you going to be intelligent and stay out of ma affairs? Not to mention that the entire enclave will fall on you," Sniper Husky said, positioning herself very close to my side. Sniper Husky still had saliva comin' out of her mouth from the kiss she gave Silver. I decided to look away from her and focus ahead, anything but at her. "The enclave is gonna fall on me? I don't think so. I highly doubt they wanna be involved with a sick pony like you," I told Sniper Husky. She's completely screwed. When I tell my leader about this, they'll surely plan an attack toward her and possibly execute her. I heard Sniper Husky laughing, tryin' not to explode with laughter. She can keep laughing if she wants. That's not gonna stop me from notifying them about her sick actions. "Go ahead, do it. You wanna waste their time? D'accord. Think about what would happen if they found out you had conflicts with me," Sniper took a step forward. I could feel her yellow mane colliding with mine. "Consider your actions carefully, soldate." "When you're gonna be executed, I'll be the one in charge of pullin' the trigger, bitch!" I turned around slowly, trottin' back to my position where I was with Winter before. "Oh, Ma flank is shaking with fear now," Sniper said sarcastically. We'll see if you keep laughin'. I'll put a bullet in your skull. The shock I felt faded, and now what I felt was deep anger. I was determined to put Sniper Husky to sleep forever. Later, I'll let the leader know. I'm sure he'll be on my side in this conflict. I looked back for a few seconds, and Sniper Husky was headin' towards the lake, surely where Silver was, to continue abusin' her. This caused me to clench my teeth and hooves, but there's not much I can do now. I just have to wait for the moment. But first, I think I'll have a private meetin' with Crimson Flash. He should know the kind of pony he's allied with. Hours after the exchange, I was in an alley waitin' for Crimson Flash. I told him we needed to meet in a private place to discuss somethin' serious that could put our relationship at risk. I still didn't want to say anythin' to the leader. I thought if I talked to Crimson, he would resolve this with Sniper Husky and everything would continue normally. Meteora was full of buildings with neon lights and advertisement signs about joinin' the Enclave army almost everywhere. Usually, almost no advertisements for entertainment media or other things were allowed. The Enclave was the most important thing. Sometimes I wonder if that importance surpassed even our well-being. How would all the other pegasi feel bein' born and condemned to stay in this city for the rest of their lives, without the option of choosin' whether to go to the surface or not? We don't all think the same. Each pony has their own way of seein' the world, just like me. Despite bein' a soldier of the Enclave, there are things I don't agree with, and I don't see anythin' wrong with havin' contact with other ponies or bein' on the surface. It's not like I can do much about it. Unfortunately, this was the city I had to live in, with rules that prevent our freedom. Will I have to be forced to stay here forever? Maybe. It's either that or death. I was leanin' against the wall of an apartment, havin' my front hooves crossed. In the alley, I was accompanied by a robot cleanin' the alley of graffiti and garbage. Robots were mostly used for this type of work. The Enclave wants a large part of the pegasi to contribute in some way, whether in the scientific area or as soldiers. I don't know shit about science. I always knew that bein' a soldier was my thing, and I'm doin' well at it. I'm moderately respected. Crimson Flash was flyin' towards me, wearin' a jacket and holdin' an umbrella. There was a light rain. It started before he left the house, so I have nothin' to cover myself with. It doesn't matter. At least he finally arrived. I wonder why it took so long. Crimson Flash landed in front of me, closin' his wings. "If I'm not mistaken, you must be soldato Lollipop, vero? The one who wanted to talk about Sniper Husky." "Exactly. I'll get to the point about what I saw today. It's somethin' very disturbin'. Are you ready for what I'm gonna tell you?" I asked, wantin' to make sure I didn't disturb him too much. At least I wanted him to prepare himself mentally. "Porca miseria! What could be so disturbing that you called me... go ahead and tell me," Crimson said, leanin' his head forward and grippin' his umbrella tightly. "Sniper has an eight-year-old filly as a girlfriend. I don't know how close you two are, but I'd say do somethin' about it. I guess you know what would happen if the Enclave finds out we're negotiatin' with ponies... you know," I said in a low voice, bein' close to him with a raised chin. Crimson Flash's expression changed from worried to... laughin'? What the fuck? "Is that what you called me for? I already know that. Plus, I have no problemi with that. The Meteora Enclave doesn't care if Sniper sleeps con una filly. What they want is for me to continue bringing them tecnologia avanzata and more materiali. That's all they care about," Crimson said, takin' the situation lightly. "Wha- What?! You say they know about this and don't do anythin'?" I leaned back with wide eyes, I couldn't believe it. Does the Enclave know about this? Fuck no! I need them to confirm it for me. "Yes, they know. They don't really care. The only one who cares about that is you. Why don't you leave it at that? What Sniper does in her vita privata shouldn't matter to you," Crimson said, stepping forward towards me, his hooves splashing the small puddles of water on the ground. I shook my head at how screwed up the situation was. "But she's abusin' a filly. Do you know how bad that sounds in itself? Would you let her continue abusin' an eight-year-old filly?" I asked Crimson, raising a bent hoof towards him and squeezin' it. Crimson sighed, bringin' a hoof to his forehead and then placin' it back on the ground. "Sniper Husky along with my other divini sons, I love them a lot. Their life before was miserabile. They were abused slaves, with the worst treatment you can immaginare. You know what it's like to be tied to a cross for three hours under the sun, while they throw stones at you and spit on you?" Crimson Flash said, movin' his head to the side while still keepin' his gaze on me. "I am not giustificando their actions. I am not saying that sleeping with foals is okay. But I let them do what they want because I want to give them the freedom that nopony else dared to give them. As long as what they do does not disrupt my organizzazione, it would be fine. If they sleep with foals, rape, kill, things that are common in this world we live in, it is not mio problema." "You're a crazy son of a bitch just like them, are you gonna allow them to continue with their perverse actions? You got no interest in the lives of the innocent?" I raised my voice at Crimson. He, like Sniper, was already makin' me sick. Crimson sighed in annoyance, lookin' down and then up to me. "You can insultarmi all you want. I cannot control what happens in the tierra desolata. What you're complaining about so much, it happens all over Equestria. It's a useless fight that ain't worth wasting time for," Crimson Flash extended his wings and approached me. "If you mess with Sniper Husky, you and I will be in serious trouble. Not only with us, but also with the enclave. I know that you saved that group of survivors without autorizzazione that day. If you don't want everypony against you, you just don't have to meddle in what don't matter to you, capisci?" "Fuck you..." I muttered quietly, turning my back on Crimson as he flew away. Damn, everything's against me. If I tell the leader about this... will they back me up or turn against me? I don't know, but this time, I'd lose too much if I warned them. "SHIT!" I exclaimed, slamming my front hoof against the wall in frustration. What the hell am I gonna do? Do I let these abuses continue or do I risk my life to stop them? I don't know, I don't know my role in all this... Maybe I'll go home. I'm not sure if I should tell my parents—they don't give a damn about me anyway—but I might as well try. Or maybe I'll talk to Winter. If everything goes to hell, I don't know what I'll do, but I can't just sit back and do nothing. Trotting forward, I spread my wings and took off, gaining speed as I headed home. I need some clear-headed time to think. Right now, the pressure's getting to me, and I can't let that happen. I just want Sniper to pay for what she's doing. That's all I ask. I don't care about being a hero or getting recognition. I just want to see a bullet in her skull. That's all... > Chapter 10 - Hoofington, My Piece of Heaven > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm Blackjack... Fuck! My head hurts, I hate this part of being drunk, when the effect wears off and you feel like your head is going to explode. I opened my eyes slowly and my vision was blurry... I felt a salty sensation in my mouth as well as alcohol, how strange... I only remember drinking alcohol, but nothing else. I ran both hooves over my eyes to clear my vision, I looked at the front of the room, everything was normal. I looked in several directions until I found Candy, she was fast asleep on the floor and there was a yellowish liquid on her and on the floor, what the hell was that? I sniffed Candy and what she had and was on the floor was.... urine. What the fuck happened? Trying to remember it only makes my head hurt, I guess Candy must have an answer for this. Also my coat felt wet, don't tell me... Holy shit, what the fuck did I do when I was drunk? Have I gotten into a strange sexual situation without realizing it? I hope nopony else saw this...damn, it was just what was missing, my living room smells horrible and I need to clean it. "Candy, Candy," I nudged Candy with my hooves, but she was snoring softly, completely out cold. I needed to know what happened last night.. "Candy, please wake up." But she didn't even flinch, and my head was still burning. I'm very confused. I want to know how all this happened. We were drunk, yes, but after leaving the bar, what happened? Did I orchestrate an orgy of urophilia while drunk? I don't think so. Maybe I'll get involved in orgies, but with urine included? I highly doubt it... I have my limits. I'm feeling all kinds of messed up about this, tangled up in some taboo shit... Got to get Candy to swear on her life that she'll keep this under wraps, ain't nopony gotta know about this, especially not Glory... whatever the hell Candy and I got up to. But who am I kidding? I'm just fooling myself again... Even though the evidence is right there, I'm still trying to deny it, ya know? Chances are, I knocked back some urine like it was top-shelf whiskey. This stays between me and Candy, nopony else. And now I'm wondering, was it me who suggested this freaky stuff, and Candy just went along with it? Or was she the one who put the idea in my head? Problem is, no matter how hard I wrack my brain, I can't remember a damn thing. I ain't gonna jump to conclusions 'til Candy spills the beans, no point gettin' all worked up over maybes and what-ifs, right? Best keep my head clear of any false ideas. Soon as Candy's up, I'm gonna ask her to stick around for a bit, least she can do is join me for a scrub in the tub, ain't no way she's hittin' the streets reeking of piss. Gonna do whatever it takes to keep her with me... ain't no way I wanna be alone again. I want Candy with me always, love her to bits even though we only met for a day. She said I'm worth somethin', so I want her to prove it by stayin' by my side forever. Candy lay there, not movin' a muscle, just snorin' away softly. I eased myself on top of her, her lyin' on her back, and I wrapped my hooves 'round her. In that moment, I didn't give a fuck that we were soaked in urine. What mattered was havin' Candy there, the only pony who could yank me outta this never-endin' pit of loneliness I've been stuck in for so long. "Stay with me forever," I whispered, even though Candy was out cold. Doubt she heard me, but it felt right sayin' it. I slipped one of my front hooves around one of Candy's ponytails and started playin' with 'em, loopin' 'em around my hoof. I love her mane style, y'know? It makes her look cute and sexy at the same time. Did that a few times... Heh, made me crack a smile, just teasin' her while she's off in dreamland. I hope you're dreamin' about me, Candy... Dreamin' about the day we tie the knot. Wonder when you'll wake up, Candy. I want you to kiss me and tell me I ain't alone no more, that you got me. "I love you, Candy. Please don't leave me," I whispered as I planted a kiss on Candy's forehead. My feelings for her are stronger than anythin' in the world. Sometimes I wonder if it's my loneliness that's got me actin' this way. I never showed myself so vulnerable before, but it ain't worth hidin' it no more. I need love and understanding. I hope my nymphomania ain't gonna be a problem for our future together. I... I been wantin' Candy to be my marefriend, but I reckon she'll need some time to mull it over. She ain't as desperate as me. "I love you too, Blackjack," Candy whispered back, right close to my ear while I was huggin' her. Caught me off guard, I shot up quick. I blushed somethin' fierce. Was she listenin' the whole time? I thought she was asleep! "Wow, Blackjack, I didn't think your feelings for me were zo ztrong," Candy said, smilin' as she ran her hooves over her eyes, tryin' to clear her vision. "I... I was just... I was just teasin' you. I'm not that desperate for love, I swear!" I stammered, but my blush gave me away. I didn't wanna look like some desperate loser, but I couldn't have made it more obvious if I tried. Candy put a front hoof to her mouth, laughin' and turnin' her head a little to the left as she looked at me. "Es ist okay. You don't have to be ashamed of zat. I have feelings for you too, but I think it would be better if we at least went out once, go on ein date. Would you like that?" When Candy asked that, I almost jumped for joy, like when your parents buy you a new toy. But I kept my composure, still tryin' to get used to actin' this way. It's been a while since I felt somethin' like this. "Of course I'd love to," I said, smilin'. "großartig! It could be next week. I'll contact you," Candy said, movin' her head forward and lookin' me directly in the eyes. "Can't it be today?" I asked Candy. I really had nothin' to do today. My life had become borin', and spendin' time with her would really bring some excitement to my days. "I'm zorry, Blackjack, I can't. I have things to do," Candy said, lowerin' the tone of her voice. She noticed my depressed face. She really didn't wanna refuse, but I guess she had more important things to do than be with me. "But can you at least stay for a while? I don't think you wanna go out like that. Do ya wanna get in the tub with me?" I asked Candy. My voice wanted to crack, but I tried not to let that happen. Though I couldn't be more obvious, I still tried to keep my facade strong. "Natürlich, I wouldn't dare go out on the street stinking of urine," Candy laughed, her laugh was contagious, and her voice... it made my heart beat very fast. I stayed lookin' at her for a while. Now that I'm sober, I feel like I can appreciate Candy much more. Her beautiful face, her beautiful eyes... she was like an angel to me. I could stay like that for a long time. I wanted to continue playin' with her ponytails. "Huh, Blackjack, I can't get up if you're on top of me," Candy said, still maintainin' her warm smile. I was lost in my thoughts. I got up and moved to the side. "I'm sorry, Candy. I don't know what's happenin' to me," I said, puttin' a hoof to my head. Could I be goin' crazy? Is it love? Is loneliness makin' me act this way? I feel like... I feel like I'm becomin' a little, yeah, I would say a little obsessive with her. "Are you okay? Do you think it's the headache?" Candy asked as she got up from the ground and positioned herself next to me with just two steps forward. "No... The headache's goin' away. It's about my feelings. They're... very confusin'. I mean, I love you a lot, you know that, don't you? But about my current behavior, what do you think about it?" I asked Candy. Did I feel the need for her opinion on my recent, obsessive behavior? Was I aware of it? Should I fight to hide it and resolve it on my own? I was tryin' not to be too direct. "Well, you've told me that you've been alone for a long time, and being with me gives you relief from that... but I haven't noticed anything unusual," Candy said with understanding, placin' a hoof on my back. "I'll be honest with you, Candy. Do you think I've become, you know, a little obsessed with you?" I asked, lowerin' my head slightly and contemplatin' our mess on the floor from the night before. Candy let out a surprised sigh and leaned back a little. "Now that you mention it, the tone of your voice... your constant questions, I could tell some desperation when I said I couldn't go out with you today." As I supposed, now the damn obsession, added to my nymphomania... now I don't know if all this added together is my sentence to be alone forever. "I don't know what's happenin' to me, Candy... I don't wanna make you uncomfortable. I just wanna not be... forgotten," I said, a few centimeters away from startin' to cry. Candy stood in front of me and lifted my face, placin' her hooves on my cheeks. "Listen to me, Blackjack. It's just you and me here. Nopony is gonna make fun of you. It's okay to express your emotions, Blackjack. Forget about trying to be cool and badass. It's okay that you feel that way. I will do my best to help you... But you must also understand that I can't be with you all the time. There will be some day for me to move into your mansion, ja... if that's how you want it to be." "I think... you're right. It's just that my loneliness has been slowly killin' me. I only have my mom, Glory, and you left. Without you, I have nothin'. My heart is broken, my ego trampled, my self-esteem withered," I heeded Candy's words and let the tears escape from my red eyes. "That's gonna change. You have to have a little hope that one day, everything will be fixed. You're not alone, Blackjack. Not anymore. I'll be by your side. I love you too, but I want... time. I want this to work, because I would hate for the day to come when we separate, and all because we made the mistake of going too fast," Candy got very close to me, our noses touchin' each other gently. "It's just that it's difficult not to feel a little bit disappointed and passed over. I know I complain a lot... but I need to express it somehow," I told Candy, passing a hoof over my eyes. "Ich verstehe. You've been through a lot, that's why I'm here. If you need somepony to listen to you, you have me. I wouldn't like to see you suffering," Candy said, stroking my mane to help me feel better. And it really worked. A little love was more than enough to make me fall in love with somepony? Have I reached these levels? I don't know what to believe anymore... I have imaginary arguments with myself. The little angel in my mind telling me what to do, please come back another day. I don't want to hear your opinion on this matter. I will find a way to change and be a better pony on my own. My levels of despair had become so high that each time Candy said she loved me, it filled me with an indescribable happiness. I wished she would tell me that over and over again. It had been a while since I heard those words directed towards me from anypony other than my mother. "I... I love you so much, Candy. I'm glad you came into my life to make it better," I said, expressing myself openly, hoping she would respond with something nice. Candy blushed and pressed her cheeks against mine, moving them slowly and gently. "I love you too, Blackjack. I'm glad to be the light in your life." I wanted to kiss her, but I wasn't sure. With my recent obsession, I didn't want to overwhelm her with too many displays of affection. Though I really needed them, I knew I shouldn't exaggerate. Sometimes I feel like I don't recognize myself. Me, obsessive? I've been through a lot in my life, but becoming obsessive... that would be the last thing I'd expect. Fucking loneliness, I hate you. You've made me crazy for love. But even so, I’ll do what I can not to become somepony disturbing. I need to take things calmly. Candy can sleep with as many ponies as she wants; what I wish is that she doesn't leave me. That one day she won't just disappear and I'll never see her again. If that happens, I don't know what I'll do. Maybe shoot myself... I don't know. Every time I make a connection, I lose it eventually. It's a cycle that keeps repeating over and over again. Can I last several days alone? I feel like this is a test I have to overcome. But for now, I'll take advantage of every second Candy is here with me. Just talking and hearing her voice of hope should be enough to make me feel better. "I think we should clean my living room first. I can't stand this smell anymore," I said. Despite trying to ignore it, my living room was already reeking, and I needed to take care of it first. "Oh, right, it was ein crazy night," Candy said as she separated from me and took several steps forward. She looked in various directions, clearly unsure where to go. Anypony who entered my mansion could easily get lost. "Where do you keep the Mopps?" Candy asked as she trotted further down the hallway. "The last door on the left, that's where I keep my cleaning products," I told her, raising my voice a bit so she could hear me. She was getting pretty far. "Also, bring the bottle with the pink liquid—that's the disinfectant," I added, unsure if she could read Equestrian. Candy opened the door and used her magic to bring a mop and the disinfectant back to where I was. As she returned, I decided to clear up something that had been bugging me. "Candy, can you tell me what happened last night? And why are we covered in urine? We had sex, but I don't remember the rest. I don't remember agreeing to be part of something like this." Candy stopped and put a hoof over her mouth, covering half of it. "The little I remember is that I asked you to drink your urine while we were having oral zex. It made you want to pee, and I wanted to drink it. Then I peed on you... I feel very embarrassed, Blackjack," Candy said, looking to the side. So, that's what happened... we were so drunk we didn't know what we were doing. I couldn't blame her for this. "Don't worry, Candy, we were extremely drunk. It's difficult to reason in that state," I said with understanding. I didn’t even know what I was doing, so I couldn’t blame her for getting involved in this. "I hadn't told you because I feel like it's a side of me that I should hide, you know? Let's say that urophilia is not very welcome in Gesellschaft," Candy said as she hoofnded me the disinfectant. I took it with my magic. "I understand. What I don't know is whether to tell you if I enjoyed it or not. It's difficult to say," I replied, raising a hoof to my head. I rubbed my forehead, then put my hoof back on the ground and directed my gaze to the right. "Take your time. If you don't like it, that's fine. I will still love you. What I don't want is for you to force yourself. We can still enjoy zex without involving urine," Candy said, slowly trotting towards me. "I know what you mean. With this growing obsession, I think I could make hasty decisions without thinking clearly... But could you please not say any of this to my mother? I don't want to give her a heart attack, and not to Glory either," I asked Candy, wanting to make sure she wouldn't say anything if she ever ran into the two of them. Candy nodded, giving me a reassuring smile. "Natürlich, Blackjack. Your secrets are safe with me. I won't tell anypony, especially not your mother or Glory." With the disinfectant, I began to spread it around the floor, improving the smell of my living room a little. "Thank you, Candy. I still have my doubts, but we'll solve that later." Even though Candy had already told me, I don't know why I'm still thinking about it. Maybe my intense love for her is affecting me in some way. Candy passed the mop across the floor using her magic. It seemed that even the liquid had gone under the sofa. I used my magic to lift it up so Candy could clean it without much effort. "Uh, Candy, I have another question. When we finish bathing in the tub, do you think you can stay for a while, please?" I asked. I wouldn't see her until next week, and during all that time, what could I do? "I would like to stay, believe me, but I have other things to do. I have to go back to Stuteland, to stay at my parents' house. It will only be for a few days," Candy said while mopping the floor. "But could you at least answer my messages and calls when I need to hear your sweet voice?" I trotted a few steps forward to where Candy was. "It's a fourteen-hour trip. When I make stops to rest, I could take that time to talk to you. But don't despair, okay? If I don't answer, it's because I'll be busy driving," Candy said. I was a little surprised by the number of hours, and I wondered what it must be like to drive from here to Maremany. Fuck... there are too many days without Candy. "Ok..." was the only thing I answered. I wondered what I could do during all this time without Candy. What activities could I enjoy by myself, besides drinking alcohol, watching TV, and eating ice cream while crying? I guess I could go outside to find out, but the world likes to remind me how lonely I am. That’s why I don’t like leaving my mansion so much, condemning myself to seeing the same walls twenty-four hours a day. I hate waiting for that to change, but I guess it will be worth it. "Well, Blackjack, I halready cleaned the living room. Ein warm bath wouldn't hurt, you know? It's ein little cold in here." Candy said while hugging herself and leaving the mop on the floor. "Oh yeah, it's the air conditioning. I always leave it on; I like the cold environment..." I placed the sofa back on the floor and left the disinfectant on a table. "It's ein very big place too, like those haunted manzions in the movies," Candy said, smiling as she trotted forward. "Yeah, I asked for it to have a gothic design. I guess you already know that I like that aesthetic." I trotted forward to where Candy was, raised my hoof, and waved it to indicate for Candy to follow me. "Ich mag das. When I move here, I think I'll need a map, hahaha," Candy said, laughing as she went up the stairs to the second floor. "I guess you've never been to a mansion before?" I looked back for a few seconds as I spoke to Candy. "Nein, in Arhwailer, where I used to live, it was an extremely small haus. As soon as you opened the door, you’d already toured the entire haus," Candy said with an animated tone in her voice. I shared her joy, wanting to take advantage of it now that she was with me, even if only temporarily. "I thought you were from Barlin. As far as I know, the capital was bombed, and the living conditions there are horrible. There are almost no habitable places because of the radiation," I said as I opened the bathroom door. "That's true, but one day I thought that Arhwailer was just a place to visit, not to live in forever. I like urbanized places better, that's why I decided to move hier. Before, I had considered Japany, but with that strange language they have, I said, Auf gar keinen Fall! It means, 'there's no way' I can learn that. It would take years to master it," Candy said as she entered the bathroom and put her hooves on the tub. "And the writing system... goddesses, I have no idea what any of it means. I had been there a couple of times, and not many speak Equestrian. I remember there was a student who offered to help me with the translations; they were very kind to me. Now I see why they say that Japany is the closest thing to ancient Equestria." I turned on the faucet of the tub with my magic, and the water slowly filled the tub. Candy seemed excited to get into the warm water. "That's incredible, and how was it there?" Candy said, turning her gaze towards me. "Wonderful. The food was delicious, plus I met an idol, her name is Sunny Aozora. She sings very well; we were good friends, but I lost contact with her. I don't know what happened to her," I said as I trotted towards Candy. The tub had filled completely with water, and I turned off the tap. We both got into the water. I sat on the left side, relaxing, and Candy settled on the other side. It was a brief moment of peace, but what I had said about Sunny seemed to worry Candy a bit. "And what do you think happened to Sunny?" Candy asked, her tone shifting slightly. "Don't worry, Candy, she's an idol. She must be very busy. She had told me how complicated it is to be an idol, and I don't blame her," I said, resting my hooves on the edge of the tub. "I've never met an idol in my Leben. What did she tell you?" Candy asked, pouring water over her face with her hooves. "She told me that she was doing very well, gaining a lot of fame in Tokyolt with her latest events. But when it comes to dating or sex, idols are very limited in that aspect of their lives. It's really sad," I said, pouring water over my mane. My mane lost its shape, and my bangs now covered both my eyes. "Sunny and I had sex, but it wasn't simple. We had to go to Mount Iwadona and did it inside a van, making sure no paparazzi were following us. Luckily, that wasn't the case, and we had a good time together. She told me that it was the only sexual experience she had in her life and that she would like to repeat it, but she's afraid of ruining her career." "So, your Freundschaft with her had to be hidden?" Candy asked, lying down in the bathtub, only her head visible. "Yeah, only the private part had to be hidden. When we were together, we avoided physical contact like kisses or hugs. We didn't even shake each other's hooves. Idol fans tend to be creepy, but that's what keeps food on the table," I said, pointing a wet hoof at her. "I hope Sunny is doing well. If she hasn't retired, I guess that's all she has to live on," Candy said, sometimes putting her mouth in the water to create bubbles. "True, but I'm sure she's okay." I placed my hoof on my face and raised my mane, which was covering both of my eyes—one of the disadvantages of having such a long mane. Candy nodded and submerged completely in the water, face down, bringing both front hooves together. Was she playing? It made her even more endearing. I'm glad she has a playful side; it brings a little joy. The last thing I need is a partner who's grumpy and spreads bad vibes—I've had enough of that. As Candy breathed through her mouth, bubbles popped, followed by her breathing. Was she playing a game to see how long she could last underwater? Most likely. Plus, the way she submerged made her ponytails look like they were floating in the water. I couldn't help but laugh, needing to put a hoof to my lips to stifle it. I got closer to Candy and started teasing her with her ponytails, giving them little touches and rolling them around my hooves. Candy tried to ignore me, knowing how much I liked her mane and playing with it. She seemed determined to stay underwater, but we'll see for how long. I sat on Candy's back, using her as a makeshift seat. "How comfy is this, huh?" I said sarcastically, holding back my laughter. Candy seemed to respond, but I only heard bubbles bursting—unfortunately, I don't speak that language, hehe. Teasing Candy and spending time with her was just what I needed. It's been so long since I felt alive, appreciated, loved. Maybe more than five years. Playing with Candy's mane, it seemed she couldn't hold her breath any longer, bubbles bursting continuously until Candy raised her head and let out a stream of air from her mouth. "Next time, Blackjack, I'll do the same with your bangs and see if you like it," Candy said, her gaze directed towards me, pretending to be annoyed, playing along. "I'd like to see you try," I replied mischievously. Candy laughed at my comment. "Hahaha, I see you really like my ponytails. With my old hairstyle when I was sixteen, you probably wouldn't have stopped telling me how boring it was. In fact, you probably wouldn't even have noticed it." "What did it look like?" I asked. "You'll have to see it. The photo's in my car. I'll show you on our date," Candy said. What a letdown. I really wanted to see that photo of young Candy. "I don't want to keep you waiting, but I'd have to get out of the tub, go downstairs, get to my car, and come back hier. I can't waste too much time, Blackjack," Candy said, understanding. Though the disappointment lingered, I suppose it'll be worth the wait. I think all I'll do this week is sleep. Maybe that way, time will pass faster. "Will you be okay, Blackjack? I don’t want you to be sad while I’m gone. You can be with other ponies, even sleep with them if you need to. I just don’t want you suffering from loneliness," Candy said, worry clear in her voice. "It’s hard to say, Candy... but I think I’ll be fine." "Why don’t you visit your mother? Some time between Mutter und Tochter never hurts," Candy suggested. Maybe I could visit Gin Rummy; it’s been a while. But I don’t want her to think I only visit when I have problems. This wouldn’t be the first time, and I don’t want her to feel used by her own daughter. That would make everything worse. "Maybe I will." "That didn’t sound very convincing... If you don’t want to see her, that’s fine. I just want... you know, offering suggestions is all I can do," Candy said, raising a bent hoof. I was still on her back, lying on the edge of the tub. "And I appreciate it, seriously. I’ll take it into account. I’ll see how I explain everything to her." Visiting my mom could be a good option. Maybe her love will help me hold on until my date with Candy. That's all the support I'll have during these days. Glory probably won’t want to see me until she has the target I need to kill. Reality is so cruel... if only there was a way to escape it, even momentarily. Maybe drugs would help? "It’s okay, Blackjack. I will do everything I can to keep in touch with you. You have my full support," Candy said, leaning her head forward, looking at me like she wanted to tell me something up close but couldn’t. "I was going to kiss you, but since you’re using me as a seat, I changed my mind," Candy said teasingly, her voice mischievous as she tried to stifle a laugh. "What?!" I got up from Candy's back. "Give me a kiss! Do you know how long I won’t get another kiss from you?" Candy leaned in slowly, her lips hovering just inches from mine. The warmth of her breath brushed against my face, sending a shiver down my spine. With a gentle touch, she closed the gap between us, her lips meeting mine in a tender embrace. As our lips met, I felt a surge of relief wash over me. It was as if all the worries and doubts that had been weighing me down were lifted in that single moment. Candy's kiss was soft and sweet, like a gentle breeze on a warm summer day. I wrapped my hooves around her, pulling her closer as if I never wanted to let her go. Her touch was like magic, soothing the turmoil within me and filling me with a sense of peace I hadn't felt in a long time. In that moment, there was only Candy and me, lost in each other's embrace. It was a brief respite from the chaos of the world outside, a moment of pure bliss that I wished would never end. But even as our kiss lingered, I knew that eventually, we would have to part. Yet for now, all that mattered was the warmth of Candy's lips against mine, and the overwhelming sense of comfort and belonging that filled my heart. "I love you, Blackjack. I can't wait to see you again." Those were the last words I heard from Candy. Can I endure all these days without her? I dunno. Sometimes it feels like a challenge that destiny's placed on me, testing how far I'm able to go. Why do good things always last so short? I’ll never know. I think I can do it... I can do it... I just gotta fight. The days stretched on like an endless desert. Each hour felt like a grain of sand slipping through the hourglass of time. I tried to keep myself busy, but the mansion seemed to echo with my loneliness, mocking me with its empty halls. I wandered from room to room, restless and uneasy. Memories of Candy lingered in every corner, taunting me with her absence. I missed her warmth, her laughter, her touch. It felt like a part of me was missing, and no amount of distraction could fill the void. I tried to focus on other things, throwing myself into tasks and projects around the mansion. But no matter how busy I kept myself, the ache in my chest remained, a constant reminder of her absence. I found myself counting down the days until our date, clinging to the hope that soon I would see her again. It was the only thing that kept me going, the thought of her smile, her voice, her presence beside me. But until then, I would have to soldier on, fighting through the loneliness one day at a time. It was a battle I wasn't sure I could win, but I refused to give up. For Candy, for myself, for the hope of something more. I headed towards my room, my bed, so big for a pony as small and insignificant as me. I forgot the last time I shared that bed with Glory, a long time ago, days that I doubt that I don't think they will return. Although Candy has told me that I can sleep with the ponies I want... still... sometimes I want something more than a sexual encounter. I want it to be deeper... to have meaning, not just pleasure. Sex is only a temporary relief because the wound I have is so big and difficult to heal. That my favorite activity is not always the solution for everything. I have not had the courage to go out on the street. I have masturbated more than four times, thinking about Candy's flank. No matter how hard I try, I cannot find permanent solutions. They only last a couple of hours, days, but not forever like I wish. The walls of my room, painted with a design of cards with my face on them, in the corners had the letter "B" and below the word "Security." It was a vision of my successful self that contrasted strongly with reality. Sometimes I wanted to throw a sphere of energy with my magic and burst that fucking wall, to forget it completely. I decided to take my eyes off the walls for a few moments and focused on the nightstand on the right side of the bed. Not only was there a lamp, but also a photo of my mother and me when I was six years old. I took the photo with my magic and started looking at it. I wished I could go back to those times. I wished I could learn a spell, something to travel in time, anything... to fix what I broke. Mother, I love you so much, and I really appreciate everything you've done for me. I never forget your stories about when we escaped from Stable 99 together. I love you, Mom. You are the strongest mare I know. I wish I could tell you this more often, but I'm sure you don't want to hear about my problems all the time. I know you have a busy life, and your relationship with Dawn has changed since I broke up with Morning Glory. I'm sorry... it was all my fault. That's why sometimes I don't feel able to look you in the eyes. You might wish that I had never been born, and I could understand it... everything I touch, I destroy. Even though there was nopony in my mansion as usual, I resisted my urge to cry. I felt like I was going crazy, with so many accumulated problems I couldn't handle them all at once. This caused an overwhelming headache. I put a hoof to my forehead; it burned like hell. Maybe it was too much stress, sadness, anger, negative feelings generating a sphere inside my mind, affecting my ability to reason clearly. I think my... obsession is getting stronger. I want... to see Candy! I sat on my bed and hit the quilt with all my might. There were only two days left. Only... two days to see her again and feel her. I had even already dressed up for our date. I did my makeup to look sexy, just for Candy. My love for her is so intense, more than anything else in the world... I know that like this, she will want to touch me even more. I want her to lick my vagina until I can't take it anymore. I want to feel her tongue moving around my parts, tasting every inch of me. It wouldn't be the same if I did it with a prostitute. It wouldn't feel the same. I need you, Candy. I want to have sex with you every day. I moved my mouth, but I didn't want to sound crazy talking to myself. I don't have anypony to listen to me, as usual. I only made vague sounds as if I were trying to pronounce the beginning of a sentence. With trembling hooves, I moved on my bed towards the mirror, placing one hoof, one by one, on the sheet full of tears. It was as if I were sailing through the sea of my own anguish. I saw my reflection in the mirror and saw how fucked up I was. My face was exhausted and sweaty. It looked like I had run all over Great Ponytain, but the only thing I've done is masturbate, thinking about Candy and having fantasies about my mother... Sometimes I feel like I don't recognize myself when I look in the mirror. Who is that pony with the black and red mane, white coat, wearing dark clothing? Am I Blackjack? Is that me? A loser... desperate for love? Is this what I've become? For many, I'm not even an actress. It's as if I were invisible. Nopony can see me. In this world, I only have three ponies... only three. And those three are the only reason I haven't blown my brains out with a shotgun shell yet. But Candy, I'm attractive to you, right? Look at me... I placed one hind hoof off the bed and slowly lowered the other to head towards the mirror, sit, and fantasize. It's the only thing I have left. My interior needed satisfaction, altering reality at least for a few seconds. My reflection now changed to that of Candy, who wanted a kiss from me. I slowly approached the mirror, stood on two hooves, closed my eyes, and pretended to kiss Candy passionately, replicating the night we met and gave each other love. In reality, I was kissing a piece of glass, but I didn't care. I don't care what you think of me. What else do I have left to lose? I only have an almost empty life, which doesn't have much importance except for only three souls. I tilted my head back and slowly opened my eyes. The reflection was me again. The mark of my kiss with black makeup in the center was visible from my position. I looked momentarily at the ground, and without realizing it, a tear had fallen to the ground. It wasn't sweat; I was completely sure it was a tear that escaped. I was so lost that I didn't realize it. At least nopony is seeing me, nopony is listening to me, in this moment of vulnerability. This is... the only advantage of loneliness. As I moved my gaze back to the front, I noticed something strange in the mirror. It moved as if it were liquid, like when you throw a stone into water. I don't know what that meant. I don't remember getting high, and I don't know if I'm starting to hallucinate. I got a little closer and ran both front hooves over my eyes, trying to figure out if what I was seeing was real... As I approached, the mirror moved with more intensity, like splashing water. It was as if it reacted to my presence. "What the fuck?" I muttered, my confusion intensifying with every millisecond. I looked around, but it didn’t seem like somepony was doing magic to mess with my mirror or play a prank on me. Who would play a prank like that on somepony like me? I backed away from the mirror, trying to process what the hell was happening. This wasn’t normal. I hadn’t drunk alcohol or taken drugs in days. "What the fuck do you want from me? I haven't done anything!" I screamed at the mirror. A drop of saliva escaped from my mouth out of desperation. I was sure that something, some entity, must be behind all of this. This wasn’t a hallucination. The mirror moved intensely, causing all the furniture in the room to shift and spin in circles. "I'm a fucking nopony! I have nothing! Why are you doing this to me?!" I cried out, already overwhelmed by the shit in my life. Now, to add an entity messing with me? A portal opened in the mirror, sucking me in. I tried to grab something with a hoof, but it was useless. "Noooooooooo!" I screamed before disappearing into the blackness. I instinctively closed my eyes, fearing that being dragged would tear them out with some piece of glass from the mirror. There was no pain, no sensation of being torn apart, but I wasn't in Great Ponytain anymore... I was in a fucking blank space. No sky, no earth, nothing to guide me... just emptiness. But my brain interpreted that I was falling, or at least I thought so... I'm confused. "Celestia Damnit! What's going on?!" I shouted uselessly into the void. No pony was listening to me. It was obvious that I was completely alone in wherever this place was. Suddenly, I felt a strange sensation, as if my bones, my insides, were getting smaller and smaller. It was excruciating. I felt my bones breaking, shifting, as if they were forming a new shape. The pain was unbearable. It felt like every bone in my body was being crushed, twisted, reshaped. I screamed until my throat was raw, until there was no more breath left in my lungs. But then, as suddenly as it had begun, the pain stopped. I gasped for air, tears streaming down my face. I dared to open my eyes, and what I saw made my heart skip a beat. I was no longer the broken mare I had become. Instead, I was a filly again. My body was small, my mane and tail short and stubby. I looked down at my hooves, seeing them small and delicate. "What... what the fuck?!" I stammered, unable to comprehend what had just happened. The pain was gone, replaced by confusion and disbelief. I looked down, an' I saw a kinda shiny picture of me. I was all grown up, but my eyes were closed. I had a hoof on my heart, like dis I placed a hoof on my chest, mimicking the gesture. An' 'round me were all my friends, even Boo an' Lacunae! Dey were in a circle close to my face, like in photo albums. Da circle 'round us had my cutie mark, an' it looked like we were in da same place... maybe da Core? My cutie mark was glowin', but I jus' covered my eyes an' lips. I dunno what dat shiny thing is, but I didn't wanna get hurt. I was gettin' closer to that glass image or whatever it was. If I hit that, am I gonna get hurt? Fuck. I still couldn't tell if I was fallin' or if the place was movin' around me. Whatever happens, I think I can resist it. When I hit the image, I heard the sound of breakin' glass. It was the only sound in this weird place, 'cept for the voices in my head. I crashed into the center, like enterin' another world. But before I could react, everything went black again, and I passed out. "Blackjack..." "Wake up..." "An exciting adventure awaits you." I opened my eyes slowly and found myself in a completely unknown place. Everything outside was white, but around me was a simple house, like somethin' out of a cartoon. It only had one door and one window... but the furniture and decor... were just like my room in Stable 99. What is this? There were also signs about obeyin' the Overmare, like there was one in this... small stable or house? When I looked down, I saw I had my security armor on, and my PipBuck had changed size too. I hadn't noticed that before. My armor was dark blue and black, coverin' my whole body 'cept for my head. On the sides, it had the number ninety-nine in yellow. I tried to get used to this place first. Ask questions out loud ain't gonna help me at all. I'll have to find a way to get back to my house... if there is one. I got up, not wantin' to stay in this place any longer. I approached the door, which wasn’t just any door—it was like a Stable door. Luckily, I already had experience with these things. To my right, there was a button that could be used to open it. I tried to use my magic, but it seemed that not even a simple telekinesis spell would work. What the? Is it 'cause I became a filly again that I've lost my magical abilities? Damn! Well, never mind. I’ll just use my hooves. I lifted the glass cover over the button and pressed it. It sounded like some kind of alarm, indicating the door was opening. A yellow light illuminated the dark room, its reflection spinning in circles. It was like this entire house was a mini Stable, if you can call it that. There was a small tremor, typical when these doors opened. It didn’t bother me at all. When the door finally opened, I saw something... strange. The clouds had smiling faces, and so did the sun. They looked like they were drawn with crayons, like those foal books my mommy used to read to me. In front of me, there was a field of flowers, all with smiling faces too. They swayed to the rhythm of a song that I couldn’t place. It was like everything here was drawn and animated by some foalish magic. The whole scene felt like it belonged in a storybook. I stepped out into this bizarre, crayon-colored world, trying to make sense of it all. The flowers’ faces turned to look at me, still swaying and smiling. The sun beamed down, its crayon rays warm and inviting. "Where the heck am I?" I muttered, feeling a mix of curiosity and unease. This place was so different from anywhere I'd ever been. It was like stepping into a dream—or a cartoon. But a part of me wanted to hum the song. It felt relaxing, honestly. I haven't experienced something like that in a while. It was so much better than my miserable life as an adult. I just trotted along and sang, following the rhythm. "La la la." I moved my head, jumping and doing several three-hundred-degree turns like a ballet dancer. My voice had changed too, higher pitched and more youthful. I felt like I was returning to my youth. Whatever this world wanted to offer me, for the moment, I was enjoying it. I wondered where the sweets and toys were. "You can't think about that now! You have to get out of here. I'm sure this world will try to kill us." "Don't talk nonsense, adult self. How long has it been since you showed a smile or even enjoyed something before you met Candy? If this world gives me an atmosphere of peace and fun, I have to enjoy it no matter what." I pushed aside my worries, deciding to embrace this strange, whimsical place. Maybe it was a break I desperately needed. "Oh great, now you're gonna spend your time singing and dancing... Who knows how long it's been since we got transported here. Candy must be worried sick if I don’t answer her messages. She might think I went and offed myself or something." "She’ll probably be fine. She’s not as obsessed as you. She can go a couple hours without hearin' from you." "Do you think so? She cares deeply about me. If I don't answer her a second sooner, I'll be sure-" "Shh, I found a sign. Let me read it..." "Welco... me... I don't know what it says, I can't read it." "Welcome to Hoofington, that's what it says." "Hoofington? Whoa! It's like how I remembered it. I always pictured it as a happy place, but one that hides many dark secrets." "I just wanna go home." "Quiet, adult self. I wanna explore this place. Oh, look!" I was bouncing around, my hooves barely touching the ground, as I read the sign. The childish excitement in my voice mixed with the reality of the situation. Hoofington, in this weird, crayon-drawn world, felt more like a dream than the nightmare I knew it to be. The sun with its smiling face shone brightly, casting a warm glow over everything, making me feel oddly safe. The flowers, with their happy expressions, seemed to invite me to play, and I felt a tug at my heart, reminding me of simpler, happier times. But the adult voice in my head wouldn't shut up. It kept nagging, reminding me of the reality outside this strange place. Still, I couldn't help but let my filly self take over. For now, this was my reality, and I was determined to make the most of it. I trotted off, eager to see what other wonders this new Hoofington had in store for me. "Blackjack had finally arrived in Hoofington! A very exciting adventure full of fun and laughs awaits our favorite filly!" A female voice chimed in, sounding like she was narrating a storybook. Where did that voice come from? Should I be bothered by it? "See? There's nothin' wrong with this world. You heard the narrator! This is gonna be an adventure all about me. Maybe I'll even have epic battles against some bad guys!" "I dunno why I bother arguin' with my filly self. Listenin' to a stranger... it's just a voice we don't know. Payin' attention to it is the worst thing we can do." "Adults just know how to complain. That's why I wanted to be a filly forever. And maybe with this situation, that's exactly what's gonna happen." While I danced and jumped for joy, singing "Lalalala!" I stumbled upon a statue of... me. I let out a surprised gasp. A statue of me? Am I really that special? Thanks to whoever made it. Then, a yellow liquid started coming out of the statue's mouth. I wondered if it was pineapple juice. Just seeing it made me a little thirsty. "Don't drink that! I'm serious, don't drink that crap! Don't be stupid!" "I am rubber, you are glue. Anything you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!" "Don't talk nonsense and listen to me!" "Too late!" I approached the fountain, placing my little hooves on the edges, and submerged my head in the yellow liquid, thinking it was pineapple juice. I began to drink eagerly, but as soon as I tasted the salty, strange flavor, I pulled my head out quickly. This was definitely not pineapple juice! I started spitting it out, trying to get every trace out of my mouth. Running my hoof over my tongue, I struggled to remove the foul taste. "What the hell is this? It tastes horrible!" I complained loudly. This was the worst juice I’d ever tried. "That wasn't juice... it’s urine." "What the fuck?! Yuck!" "I don't know why, but I think this is related to Candy in some way..." "Ah yes, when you did strange things with her that night. You can't fall lower, adult self." "Shut up. We were drunk, we didn't know what we were doing." "Surely the world wants to remind you. But this has nothing to do with me. Maybe I can still have fun." "I'm not so sure about that..." Pshh, whatever. I'm gonna keep moving forward. "Lalala," I sang while spinning around several times. I loved doing that, but I tried not to overdo it so I wouldn’t get dizzy. On my way, I found a tree, but it wasn't just any tree. It had eyes, a nose, and a mouth in its trunk, like holes that gave it that shape. It moved to the rhythm of the music, smiling all the while. Behind it, there was a cave. I wonder what was there. "Blackjack met the Grumpy Tree. It wouldn't let anypony pass unless you completed his challenge: to defeat him in a battle. Could Blackjack beat him?" the narrator said. Finally, something exciting! Of course, I will beat that tree. I trotted quickly toward the grumpy tree, but as I tried to get close to attack it, it took in air and blew with all its might toward me. The wind was so strong it ruffled my mane and forced me to retreat. Thinking I could go around it to attack from the sides, I realized it could move with its roots, so it blew at me again. "Damn, stop blowing on me! It's annoying!" I complained, standing on two hooves and trying to cover my face from the dirt and dust. The growling tree began to spit apples toward me at high speed. Before they hit me, I quickly ducked down. When the apples hit something, I heard an explosion. Looking back, I saw confetti in the air... Exploding apples? Shit, I have to be careful. But if I can't get close to the tree and attack it, what am I supposed to do? As the grumpy tree caused a small earthquake, I held on without falling, but I noticed a piece of land rising from the ground. I was sure it was planning to attack me from below. Extremely pointed branches emerged from the ground, aiming to impale me... "See? I told you this world is trying to kill us. This time, I'll take control." I rolled on the ground to avoid the sharp branches. Moving forward, I noticed one about to emerge, so I did a quick backflip, narrowly avoiding it. The stupid tree shook its crown, dropping multiple apples. One rolled near me. Another apple came flying at me. I bent down and grabbed the one near me, then hurled it back with all my strength using my front right hoof. Upon impact, the apple exploded into confetti, though it still sounded like a bomb explosion. The tree grew angrier, its trunk turning bright red in what seemed like an attempt to intimidate me. But I was more determined than ever to defeat it. I reached for another apple just before it blew at me again. As the wind picked up, I turned my back and let it push me, knowing resistance would be futile against its powerful gusts. Once the wind subsided, I quickly turned and ran to a safe distance, clutching the apple tightly. I couldn't afford to waste this opportunity, so I focused all my attention on the tree. Reflecting on its attack pattern, I realized the tree usually took time to prepare its blow. This gave me a window of opportunity to strike back. As it readied another gust of wind, I seized the moment and hurled the explosive apple at its left eye. The apple struck true, causing a spectacular explosion of confetti as the tree recoiled from the impact. A tarantula crawled out of one of the tree's eyes. It looked like it was drawn with crayons, but unlike the rest of this place, it had more detail. I could even see its fur from where I stood. I readied myself to attack. As it got closer, I prepared to kick it, but I didn’t expect it to jump at me. "Shit!" I yelped as I fell to the ground, the tarantula landing on top of me and trying to bite my face. Its sudden and wild movements made it hard to get a grip, but I managed to grab its mandibles with my front hooves. I knew if it bit me, it’d likely poison me, and who knows if there were any antidotes in this place? Desperate, the tarantula sprayed a yellow liquid at me. I closed my eyes just in time and turned my head to the right. "Fucking shit, how disgusting!" I muttered. The liquid not only splashed on my face but also on parts of my security armor. In a desperate move, I gathered my hind hooves together and delivered a double kick, sending the tarantula flying. I got up immediately with a kip-up, deciding it was better to avoid getting close to the tarantula or the tree. I noticed an apple rolling nearby and kicked it, then grabbed another one with my hoof. There were only three left in the entire area. The tarantula had landed on its back but quickly recovered and started heading towards me. "Come on, come on, you son of a bitch," I muttered, preparing myself. I waited for the perfect moment to throw the explosive apple at it. I'm not afraid of tarantulas. Come closer if you want; I want to see you suffer when this bomb hits you. You’ll pay for spitting that crap at me. As the tarantula jumped toward me, I didn’t waste a second. I threw the apple with all my strength, and it exploded directly into its sternum. The tarantula died in the blast, releasing not just confetti but also blue blood. "Good riddance," I muttered. Now, I only had this shitty tree left. I hope it dies soon because I'm getting sick of it. Wait, that liquid was yellow, which means... no, don't think about it. Focus on defeating this fucking tree, Blackjack. I feel a little ridiculous fighting a tree, but since I'm in this altered version of Hoofington, anything can happen. That cave must have a clue or something to help me get out of here. The only way to find out is to give this moron a final blow. I fucking want to go back home... lonely, sure, but at least I was calm and had time to vent my sorrows. Being in this shitty world only makes it worse. I didn't know what the tree was doing; I was just concentrating on the apple close to me. When I tried to take it, I felt several spikes scraping against my security armor. I winced in pain and let out a small moan. The tree covered part of its face with pointed branches, planning to impale me by tackling. But being a tree, I can react faster than it since it's much heavier. I let it get closer, coming at full speed with its spikes exposed. I know it wants to see my blood stained on its branches, but I won't let that happen. With all my strength and years of training, I threw the explosive apple at it just as it was about to hit me. The tree rose into the sky, spinning wildly, an aura of darkness surrounding it. Then it exploded, disappearing completely, leaving only white glows behind. But that wasn’t all. There was a figure in the sky. It looked like... an alicorn? It was Lacunae... Yes, it was definitely Lacunae. She descended from the sky surrounded by a white glow, her eyes closed. She was also a filly, just like me. How strange... but finding another friend in this place made me feel less alone. "Filly self, please let me talk to Lacunae. I have so many questions. It's very important." "Okay, Adult self. I'll just try to forget the tarantula attack and the tree that tried to kill us in such a terrifying way." Lacunae landed in front of me, opened her eyes, and moved to the rhythm of the music, swaying from left to right. "Thank you very much for helping me, Go Fish! I was trapped inside that tree, and thanks to you, I am now free." "You're welcome... I'm really happy to see you, Lacunae. I'm very confused and need to ask you several questions." She called me Go Fish? I stopped calling myself that a long time ago. I also noticed her voice had changed; it was higher pitched, just like mine. Although I never met the real filly Lacunae, I assumed that was what her voice would be like. "Sure, what do you need to know?" Lacunae said with a smile, humming the song of this hell. "First, I want to know what this fucking place is. What does all this mean?" I took a step forward, getting closer to Lacunae. Lacunae tilted her head, raising an eyebrow. "Don't you remember your own creation?" She tilted her head back, looking at me intently. "This is the first Hoofington you created when you were six." She brought both hooves to her chest. "I am a creation of yours. When your mother told you about the difficult times she had exploring the wasteland and Gin Rummy had to fight against alicorns, you saw us as dangerous but powerful beings. You thought having one as a companion would be cool for your adventures. That's how you created me. Have you already forgotten about me?" Lacunae placed both front hooves back on the ground, her eyes searching mine. "Of course I remember you, Lacunae. I would never forget you. I'm just confused, that's all... I remember a little, when I drew myself defeating a group of ghouls. Hahaha," I laughed quietly. "Do you know where Glory, Scotch, P-21, Rampage, and Boo are? I would like to see them again, to be together again," I asked, feeling a glimmer of hope that I might meet them here. "I don't know them. I only know about the first phase of your creation, 'Go Fish Adventures.' That's what you used to call it before," Lacunae replied, her words delivering a complete disappointment. Though now I could better understand what this place was. "Do you at least know how to get out of here?" I inquired, trying to temper my expectations. "The only one who knows is Deus. Maybe he can help you get out of here," Lacunae said, her expression barely changing throughout the conversation. Listening to her humming, the repetitive music, and her constant swaying reminded me more and more that this wasn't the real Lacunae. Despite that, my mind struggled to shake that perception. I wanted to believe we were just having a friendly chat. Damn you, loneliness... making me increasingly pathetic. "Deus? Isn't he supposed to be our enemy? Or is he different in this world?" I questioned, feeling a bit confused. This world was unpredictable. The idea of seeking help from Deus didn't sit well with me, but since I created him too, maybe he wouldn't want to harm his own maker. "That depends on how you want to look at it," Lacunae said, her voice calm and steady. "But if you really want to get out of here, it would be better if you talked to him. Before that, let me create a bridge for you. All the water in this place has been replaced by a yellow liquid... I don't know what it is, but it will surely be dangerous." Her horn glowed purple as she directed her gaze to my right, launching a ball of purple energy. In the distance, I saw a rainbow path forming, accompanied by a purple shine as the bridge was being created. Lacunae's horn stopped glowing, and she turned her gaze back to me. "Deus is in the Core, that giant smiling heart you're seeing now. He's located there. It’s not that far away," she said, spreading her wings. "Thank you, Lacunae. Are you going to accompany me?" I asked, hoping she would. "I can't, Go Fish. I have to go, but thank you for helping me. I hope I've been of great help, and I hope you make the right decision!" Lacunae gained momentum to fly. I tried to stop her. "Wait!" But it was too late. Lacunae had already risen higher into the sky and disappeared. Fuck! I wanted her to come with me so I could at least have somepony to talk to... Also, I wonder what she meant by making the right decision? But first, I'll go to that cave. I might find something useful. "What was all that, Adult self? Why do we have to see Deus? I hate him. He's supposed to be the bad guy. I don't think his role here is any different." "I know, but you heard Lacunae. This is the only way to get out of here. Or do you just want to stay here forever?" "No, what I want now is to see Mommy and for her to give me milk. I'm hungry!" "There's nothing like that here. You'll have to wait. Please don't throw a tantrum." "Nooo, I want to see my mommy!" "What if I let you lick the PipBuck? Use it as a pacifier or something, but stop squealing!" I raised my hoof with the PipBuck and started licking and sucking it, giving in to my filly self. I had to trot with the PipBuck in my mouth, which blocked my view a bit since I had one hoof raised. At least almost the entire path was simple, and everything was white. I felt embarrassed even though I was physically a filly. At least there were no other ponies watching me. "When we enter the cave, let me handle this. Whatever awaits us." "Mmmmm!" "And I will also need you to take the PipBuck out of my—or our—mouth. I can't make a physical effort while you lick the PipBuck." "I also need you not to throw tantrums. That's the worst thing you can do. We could die if we get distracted because you want something that's impossible to get." "I understand, but I have my needs. I'm not made for these adult things that I don't understand." "Just behave. That's all I ask of you. If there are monsters or something dangerous in that cave, I will handle it." "Alright." I stood at the entrance to the cave. It was a little dark, with only torches for lighting. I would use my horn, but I don't think it would work at my current age. I figured the torches would be enough. I already had enough shit in my head to complain or focus too much on the negative points of any situation that came my way. If I can't do magic, it doesn't matter. I was able to beat that fucking tree without using any magic attacks. My physical abilities should be enough. For the moment, the cave looked quiet... the walls... my friends. On the walls were all my friends, trotting and flying as if we were about to head off on an adventure. It was like some kind of animation that repeated in an infinite loop. I was placed in first place, with Glory flying above me. Behind me was P-21, followed by Scotch Tape, then Rampage with her typical maniac smile. Lacunae was flying over Boo, the whole team together... Sometimes I wished it were like that again. Unfortunately, those moments are over. I could stop and stare at that wall for hours, but my desire to get out of here is also very intense. I wanted to avoid the desire to contemplate that wall. It reflected one of my desires: to not only be alone, but to be next to the ponies that have been accompanying me during the creation of Project Horizons. If only there was a way to go back and fix my mistakes. All I can do is use my imagination. The damage has already been done. Now what I see is what I get. I looked forward and saw a kind of abyss, completely black. To get to the other side, I would have to go through a rope, maintain my balance until I reached the other side. I must stay focused and put the complaints aside for now. "Can Blackjack get to the other side? If Blackjack falls, she will be falling into an infinite void forever," the narrator said, as if it were nothing to be falling and falling forever. "That voice scares me now! She wants to kill us," I whimpered. "Don't worry, Filly self, we'll get out of this alive. I just need you to stay calm while I take care of the rest." I took the PipBuck out of my mouth, it was full of saliva... I better not think about that. I climbed the rope standing on two hooves; on four it would be very complicated and uncomfortable. Extending my front hooves to the sides, I maintained balance as I calmly moved towards the other side. My red eyes couldn't help but look at the abyss beneath me, and I could hear whispers. "Let's play." "Tomorrow will be a good day." "Waterfall of dreams." "We show no mercy towards our enemy." "Denial of reality." "I fight for peace." "The true strength is within us." "The prices for my mistakes are very high." "I lost my identity." "We have work to do." "I trust you." I got to the other side, where there was a chest with two torches next to it. Trotting towards the chest, I extended one front hoof and opened it slowly, not knowing if it was something that was trying to kill me or not. Inside, there was only a toy hammer. It was red and pink, adorned with hearts on the head and a combination of blue on the top of the handle. I think I know what this is! It's the first gift my mother gave me when I was a filly. It even has my old name, "Go Fish," written on the handle using a magic beam as a marker. I think it will be useful for something, though I'm not sure what. "Filly self, now we are going to head towards Deus. Please let me talk to him; it will be a conversation for adults, and I don't want you to get involved." "It's okay, but I still don't trust him. He'll probably try to defeat us and get his way." "I'll also be alert in case he tries something, but for now, let's get out of here and head towards the rainbow." I trotted along the rainbow path towards the Core, trying not to think about the yellow liquid below. The air was filled with the rhythmic hum of the ever-present song, and around me, destroyed columns jutted out of the 'lake' like broken teeth, giving the place a sense of incompleteness. This world felt smaller than it initially seemed, like it was unfinished or hastily put together. As I got closer to the Core, I noticed it wasn't the dark, foreboding place I remembered. Instead, it was bursting with vibrant flowers and buildings in every color imaginable. The giant heart at the top of the Core, now a cheerful shade of red, smiled down at me. It pulsed as if it were pumping blood, perfectly in sync with the song. The sight was both surreal and oddly comforting, even though I knew the reality of the situation was anything but. I couldn't let myself be lulled into a false sense of security. Each step I took on Lacunae's rainbow path echoed with a bright sound, like the tinkling of tiny bells. The path stretched out before me, transparent and seemingly fragile, which made my filly self a little nervous. But I trusted Lacunae; she wouldn't lead us into danger. As I trotted along, the colors of the rainbow beneath my hooves seemed to come alive, glowing brighter with each step. My favorite was the vibrant red, which lit up with a warm, comforting glow as I stepped on it. It felt like stepping on sunshine. I had reached the end of the rainbow, standing at the entrance to the Core. "Deus, where are you? Lacunae told me that you are the only one who can get me out of here," I called out, my voice echoing in the emptiness. There was no sign of Deus, and this place was much smaller than in Project Horizons. He couldn't be far. Beyond the Core, there was just a blank space stretching into nowhere. "What a surprise, it's Go Fish," a high-pitched, friendly voice replied. That couldn’t be Deus. Who was this? From the top of a column, a white cat with large light blue eyes and a big red bow on its head walked towards me on two legs. "Don't let Deus get close to us, Adult Self. He may be cute, but he is very evil," my filly self warned. "What? How is that cat going to be Deus?" "This is how I drew him. He was adorable, but very, very evil." "You and I definitely have very different ways of thinking despite being the same pony," I muttered. "So, Go Fish, I guess you came because you need my help to get out of here," Deus said, walking towards me. I couldn’t get used to seeing him as a cat—it was just too strange. "Yes, I would like to go home," I said, raising a bent hoof towards him. "You mean that lonely world? Where, out of all the ponies that inhabit it, there are only three who care the least bit about you?" Deus said, his tail swishing from side to side. "Yes, even if it's painful, that's where I belong," I whispered quietly, my gaze fixed on the ground. The flowers smiled at me, but their cheeriness couldn't lift my spirits as I thought about the world awaiting me. "I can change that," Deus said, taking a step closer to me. "What are you talking about?" I asked, confusion clouding my thoughts. "I can give you what you truly desire inside. I can make all the events of your own creation, Project Horizons, real. The fate of Hoofington will rest on your shoulders," Deus declared as he transformed into his cybernetic form, his red eyes piercing into mine, forcing me to shield my face for a moment. "Are you serious?" I asked, feeling a strange sense of excitement stirring within me, though I didn't understand why. "Yes, you will be the descendant of Twilight Sparkle. You will possess many exceptional abilities, and you will have countless friends and supporters. You will be a very special pony compared to the tiny little pony you are in the real world," Deus explained, his robotic voice resonating throughout the space, the happy music coming to a halt as he spoke. "It sounds tempting... But all the traumatic events I'll go through... does that mean they'll be real?" I inquired, my voice tinged with uncertainty. "Yes, Go Fish. But don't worry. You will always find a way to rise and move forward. The destiny of the entire wasteland rests on your shoulders, and the unwavering support of your friends will always motivate you to keep going," Deus reassured me. "If I choose Project Horizons to be real, does that mean my mother, Glory, will die, and I'll never see them again? And what about Candy?" I questioned, concern evident in my voice. "That's how you designed it in Project Horizons. You craved blood, violence in your creation, and that's what you'll have. As for Candy, not being part of the story, you'll never encounter her. Perhaps the only ponies who genuinely care for you in real life will fade into oblivion. But weigh carefully what you'll gain in return. Everything will revolve around you. You'll still be exceptionally significant, even if the ones you hold dear are absent. It may compensate for the solitude, knowing you'll become an influential figure," Deus explained, his tone resonating with a profound sense of gravity. "In the end, the choice is yours, Blackjack. Do you prefer to dwell in solitude, or do you aspire to become a legend?" Deus stepped back, extending both front hooves towards me, creating two miniature planets in his grasp. Deus lifted the planet shrouded in darkness, and as my focus shifted to it, the cacophony of screams, natural disasters, and explosions assaulted my senses. "This is the real world," Deus intoned solemnly, "marked by loneliness and darkness. Should you choose to return, you'll awaken in your mansion, continuing your existence as a nopony." Lowering the darkened planet, Deus raised the other, enveloped in a soothing white glow, accompanied by a serene lullaby. "If you opt for fantasy," Deus continued, "you'll awaken in Stable 99, embarking on epic adventures with your friends, emerging as an admirable heroine." The choice loomed before me, a conundrum of conflicting desires. Project Horizons promised fame and adoration in the wasteland, banishing the specter of loneliness and neglect forever. Yet, reality offered the solace of my mother, Glory, and Candy's unwavering presence, even if only a scant few remembered my existence. As I made my decision, a sense of resolve washed over me, dispelling any lingering doubts. The allure of fame and glory paled in comparison to the love and companionship awaiting me in the real world. My mother's anguish, Glory's confusion, and Candy's anticipation weighed heavily on my heart, compelling me to choose the path of truth and connection over transient adoration. "I choose the real world," I declared firmly, my voice resonating with newfound certainty. "Are you sure?" Deus inquired, his tone tinged with solemnity. "Yes, I wouldn't want those who love me to suffer for the sake of my ambition," I affirmed, my conviction unwavering. "The presence of my three companions is all I need in this world." With a nod of understanding, Deus gestured toward the darkened world before me. "Okay, extend your hoof and touch the world you desire." With measured steps, I approached the darkened realm, the cacophony of chaos growing louder with each passing moment. Yet, I remained steadfast, focusing solely on my goal: to return home, to the embrace of my loved ones. As my hoof made contact with the darkened world, a blinding light enveloped me, washing away the discordant noise and leaving only tranquility in its wake. With a sense of peace settling over me, I felt myself slowly slipping into unconsciousness, the promise of reunion with my cherished companions guiding me home. As I stirred from my slumber, the sensation of normalcy enveloped me like a warm blanket. The transition from the surreal realm of my fantasies to the familiar comfort of my bedroom felt seamless, as if the events of the day before had been nothing more than a fleeting dream. I glanced around the room, noting with relief that everything was exactly as I remembered it. The mirror reflected back the image of a mare, no longer a filly, and the tidiness of my surroundings reassured me that I had truly returned to reality. Despite the tranquility of my surroundings, my mind buzzed with lingering questions and uncertainties. What if I had chosen to make the events of Project Horizons real? What kind of life would I have led, surrounded by the fame and adulation of the wasteland? It was a question that tugged at the corners of my consciousness, a puzzle with no clear solution. But for now, such ponderings could wait. With a sense of purpose, I resolved to check my PipBuck for any messages from Candy, eager to reconnect with the ponies who had remained steadfast in their affection for me. As I reached for the device, a wave of gratitude washed over me. Though my life may be devoid of the grandeur and excitement of legend, I took solace in the knowledge that I was surrounded by love and loyalty, the true treasures of any world. With a smile on my lips, I embraced the simplicity of my existence, content in the knowledge that, no matter what adventures awaited me, I would face them with the unwavering support of those who mattered most. > Inception (Break Out Plan) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons Chapter 1: Inception “Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria…” War. War never changes. It devoured our home, a conflict driven by foreign invaders until horrific and powerful magics reduced the world to ash and cinders. Our steadfast devotion to the Princesses was the only thing that saw us through that dreadful war, just as our unwavering faith in the Overmare sustains our survival beneath the earth. Trust the Overmare; obey the Overmare. The alarm pierced the quiet of my sleep, rudely yanking me from a particularly steamy dream involving Midnight. Just when it was getting good, the blasted thing had to go off. With a groan, I reluctantly peeled myself from the comfort of my bed. I couldn't afford to be late for my security mare shift. "Good morning to all the mares of Stable 99, I hope you all have an exciting day today," echoed the voice of the Overmare as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. It was the usual greeting, but it had a way of sticking in your head. I had a whole routine to get through—washing up, grabbing a quick bite to eat, and then making my way to my post. Two hours seemed like plenty of time, but time had a way of slipping away when you least expected it. I dragged myself out of bed, my red eyes dirty with blemishes, wanting to stay closed. If I got distracted, those two hours would slip away, leaving me with just minutes to get everything done. I headed to the bathroom, my horn glowing white as I turned on the faucet of the hoof washer. I extended both hooves and splashed fresh water on my face, closing my eyes, letting the water do its job of washing away the blemishes. After five splashes, I turned off the faucet, shook the water off my hooves, and trudged back to my room. The floor was littered with my uniforms, which I should have washed last week. But the line for the laundry was so damn long, I was gonna fall asleep in the hallway. Sometimes I'd rather work in a uniform stinking of ass than wait in a fucking line all day. With my magic, I lifted the uniforms. As usual, I chose the least dirty and least smelly of the bunch. Sniff... sniff... no, this one reeks and has semen stains on the sleeves—probably from my turn in the breeding queue. Sniff... sniff... ew, this one smells like vomit. Must be from that day I got drunk with Daisy and Marmalade, and Daisy puked on me. Sniff... sniff... this one is more tolerable. I pulled the uniform over my head. It was blue and yellow with the number 99 emblazoned on it. I couldn't forget my bulletproof vest either. I headed to the door, placing my hoof in the print reader to unlock it. As the door slid open, the first thing I saw were the murals of the Overmare hugging a bunch of foals, with the phrase "We are all the Overmare’s Friends" written above. The murals were positioned right outside each room, so every time we stepped out, we'd have to stand on two hooves and place one front hoof on our foreheads, saluting like soldiers. As soon as I finished my greeting, the first thing that caught my eye was Midnight's fine flank as she trotted to the right. Watching it shake from this distance made me feel a twinge of arousal. I quickly snapped out of my reverie and focused on the task at hoof. With a determined trot, I headed towards that alluring sight, eager to claim it for myself. "Midnight, wait up! I just want to give you some good cunnilingus!" I called out, my words echoing down the corridor. Some might call it sexual harassment, but as a security mare, I knew I could sometimes bend the rules and get away with it... if luck was on my side. Upon hearing me, Midnight whipped her head back, her dark blue eyes wide with surprise. "Stay away from me, Blackjack! I've told you before, I don't want anything to do with you!" "Aw, come on, just a quick session! Who wouldn't want cunnilingus from a security mare like me?" I shouted back, disregarding the rule against running in the hallways. When it came to chasing a fine flank, rules could be overlooked. Midnight seemed to outpace me, perhaps from all the times I'd coerced her into exercise. But that wouldn't deter me; as a security mare, I was trained to catch fleeing subjects, especially ones with such enticing flanks. "Damn it, Blackjack! Do we have to do this every day? If you touch my flank, I'll beat the shit out of you!" Midnight's voice rang out as she ran, already beginning to sweat. So soon? "You and I both know you won't do that. You can't attack a security mare!" I laughed, my gaze fixed on the path ahead and, of course, on Midnight's ass. Midnight tried to throw me off by pretending she'd turn left, but I knew that trick too well. She kept running straight, slowing down just enough for me to almost catch her fine flank. From here, I could see her pussy, wet with her fluids. Was she touching herself, thinking about me? The sight made me horny as hell, and the fact that her tail was coated in her juices didn't help. I was about to jump and finally get my hoof on her when—bam! Hoofcuffs appeared on both my hooves, causing me to crash to the floor. At least I got a face full of Midnight's ass out of it. "No running in the fucking halls, Blackjack! We've told you a thousand times, but you never listen," Daisy cackled, her grin wicked as she sauntered past. "Even if you're chasing some sweet pussy and a security mare, you can't go breaking the rules," Marmalade chimed in, her hoof resting on Daisy's shoulder. Those two were always together, cuntblocking me at every turn. But right now, I had to focus on getting these damn hoofcuffs off. With all my effort, I tried to make the hoofcuffs disappear with my magic, but nothing happened. My horn only glowed for a moment before fizzling out faster than a blown light bulb. "What's the matter, Blackjack? Can't even manage a simple spell like that? Hahaha!" Daisy jeered, her laughter ringing out as she mocked my lack of magical prowess. "She's so stupid, her brain must be filled with air. Maybe then you could at least fly, Blackjack! Hahah!" Marmalade chimed in, joining Daisy in laughter. "You sons of bitches, just wait until you both have a good flank to chase! I'll do the same to you and see if you like it," I retorted, shooting them a determined glare as I struggled to rise onto two hooves. Despite the teasing and occasional insults, the three of us were still laughing together. It was just how we got along. My name is Gin Rummy. I am thirty-six years old and I have been deeply worried about Blackjack. She has been missing for months, not answering my calls or messages. I am so, so worried about her. At first, I thought she might have committed suicide. Glory and I searched everywhere in the mansion, but there was nothing. We also checked for any signs of a break-in, but everything seemed in order. It doesn't seem like she was kidnapped. This is all very strange. What happened to my daughter? "There has to be an explanation for this... maybe she committed suicide in a place where nopony would look for her," Glory said, placing both front hooves on the couch, where she was sitting. "No... I don't want to believe that. I refuse to believe it." I clenched my hooves, trotting on two hooves around the room. I'd been like this for half an hour without getting tired. The worry, confusion, and sadness weighed so heavily on me that my body ignored the exhaustion. "I'm just trying to be realistic, you know? Blackjack was struggling with loneliness. Maybe she's given up." Glory lowered her voice, looking down and tapping her front hooves lightly. I stopped behind Glory, pointing a front hoof at her. "No... my daughter can't be dead. I love her too much. I've made so many sacrifices for her for you to tell me she's dead." I continued my trot around the room. "I just wouldn't want to fill you with false hopes. It's been months, and we don't know anything. The 'missing' posters aren't giving us any results," Glory said. Unfortunately, she was right. We had been handing out posters, and nothing. Nopony had any idea where Blackjack could be. "Maybe she's gone somewhere and her PipBuck got damaged. It has to be that," I said, desperately trying to hold on to the little hope I had left. Oh, Blackjack... where are you? Will I have to ask myself these questions every single day? "Now that you mention it, we couldn't find her PipBuck either. She almost always had it on... I wouldn't know what to tell you, Gin Rummy. If Blackjack was going somewhere so far away, do you think she would have warned us? She probably would have said something to you. You know, since she and I had our conflicts. I still loved her as a friend." Glory put a hoof to her chest, her voice beginning to break. "She almost never talks to me. The last time I talked to her, she told me about a pony she met named Candy. She said Candy made her feel happy, alive, but I don't know what happened. Maybe that pony has something to do with it. Do you know who she is?" I asked. Blackjack used to mention her very often. Could that pony have done something bad to my daughter? "I have no idea. Blackjack never told me anything about a pony with that name... at least I'm glad to know she had a friend," Glory said, placing her hoof back on the couch. No matter how much we tried to gather clues, we didn't get anywhere. We don't know anything about that pony. Could she be my daughter's murderer? Did she possibly do something to her? I don't know. I just want to see my daughter. I need something to blame to help me deal with all my emotions right now. I highly doubt Blackjack went somewhere alone. If she did, she would have responded to my messages. Blackjack! WHERE ARE YOU?! "Guten Morgen... Morning Glory... you must be Blackjack's mother," said a unicorn I had never seen before. "Who the hell are you?" Glory asked, rising from the sofa, directing a look of distrust towards the pony. "I'm Candy. I'm Blackjack's friend. She didn't respond to my messages. I thought she was busy with something and decided not to bother her, but she never responded, and I got very worried... where is she?" said Candy. So, she was the pony Blackjack was talking about. I trotted quickly toward Candy. "My daughter disappeared! We don't know anything about her. Do you know something? You must know something, Candy. Tell me, tell me now!" With my front hooves, I began to shake Candy, desperate for answers. What I was doing surely wouldn't help, but I couldn't stand this intense pain anymore. "Calm down! I'm vundering ze same thing too! I don't know where she could be," Candy said as I stopped shaking her. Damn it, no pony has any idea where my daughter is. Blackjack... your mommy misses you so much, please... "The last time I saw her, I told her that I was going on a trip, and she... didn't want to be alone. She sent me messages all the time until, suddenly, she didn't contact me anymore. When I returned, I came as quickly as I could because I thought something had happened to her." "None of us know where she is... maybe, just maybe..." Glory shook her head, pressing her hooves to her face, "she committed suicide." "Don't say that, Glory..." I dropped to my knees in front of Candy. I couldn't keep standing; I felt like I was about to burst right then and there. My eyes started to glaze over, tears threatening to escape. "I mean, she was very lonely. We were the only connection she had, and the fact that Blackjack found comfort in Candy and then she had to go on a trip, leaving Blackjack alone again... It's possible that she just couldn't take it anymore. Possibly she has gone to a secluded place where nopony will find her body so that we wouldn't suffer. But even so, that doesn't help because it leaves us confused about her true whereabouts," Glory said, her hooves squeezing together as she stopped flying and approached Candy and me. "Blackjack... Nein... We were just getting to know each other... but I loved you!" Candy exclaimed in shock, putting a hoof to her forehead as she was about to cry. "And how the hell are we going to have a funeral?! We couldn't even do that because there isn't even a body!" I said, hitting the ground with my front hooves, with all my strength. "Nein, Blackjack, nein... you can't be dead. I was going to help you with your loneliness," Candy wailed, lying face down and crying into her hooves, covering her eyes. Seeing her like this made me feel even more guilty. I had my suspicions about her, but it was clear she felt a deep affection for my daughter. "I'm so sorry, Gin Rummy. I'm so sorry... I wish there was a solution to all this," Glory said, using a hoofkerchief to dry her tears. "It's okay... there's no use looking for excuses or ways to deny it. My daughter is missing, possibly dead." I couldn't hold back anymore and I started to sob uncontrollably. All my sacrifices, everything I did for Blackjack... It shows what a terrible mother I've been, living in ignorance of my daughter's suffering. Despite my deep love for her, I've failed to give her the support she needed. "BLACKJAAAAAAAACK!" I screamed to the heavens, raising both of my hooves as tears fell like a waterfall down my face. Wherever you are, Blackjack, I hope you're no longer alone. Your mother will always love you, even if you're no longer physically with us. "We have art in order not to die from the truth." - Star Bright