Just one Lonely little Changeling: Exploration

by Kentavritsa

First published

One lonely Changeling is plucked out from right under the very nose of her Queen. Placed in an unfamiliar local, will the changeling make it? What will she do, in order to blend in and survive? The Changelings discovers how to Stimulate the Girl.

A Changeling had entered Twilight’s Castle, where she finds herself pulled out to a new and unfamiliar location. Where is she?

The Changeling instinctively camouflages herself as a full body latex suit, in order to stay undetected.

The deception fails, but she manages to stay safe out of pure luck. Why did the girl accept her?

How will she make it, in her new position? How will she blend in, in order to hide from the perceived threat? Will her new Queen provide and protect her?

Once she had made the choice; she does not have the time to change her mind, as someone enters the room in which she had just found herself. Who is she, how will she react on what she is finding in her room?

< --- --- --- >

Illustration: N/A

Written by: Kentavritsa

Edited by: Kentavritsa

Re-edited by: ???

Rating: Teen (Fetish)

Aproved: Moderator

Prologue: 1

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I had ended up, standing on the middle of the circular table in Princess Twilight Sparkles castle; only for the table top to light up, flooding my body with the purple light of magic.

Everything went white, permeated by the force of the light overpowering everything; the reality I had come to rely on, included. There is no escape, no way to escape what is to pass.

The next instant, I find myself on the top of a bed. I instinctively react, as the Changeling I am; attempting to take the shape of the nearest object, in the sense of any living creature I could pass up as.

Incidentally, I had turned into a full-body suit. Black is the colour coming before me, as a Changeling.

Reflexes don’t give you time to think or reflect on your situation; I had no options to consider, this full-body suit is what I had turned myself into.

I had only had the time to catch a glimpse of the surrounding, the room in which I had found myself; now I can’t see anything, so I don’t have an idea as to where I am or what I look like. Though I am fairly sure, this is not the home of a Pony. I am not in Equestria anymore.

How did I end up here?” I ponder.

Fortunately, I did not have much time to ponder, or great over my situation; a girl enters the room, finding me where I lay prone over her bed. As luck would have it, my head is over where her pillow is resting. My feet, facing downwards.

< --- --- --- >

Into the Fire: 2

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”What a perfectly beautiful suit, she gave me!” I exclaim, as I see the full-body suit resting on top of my bed.

What a lovely surprise; I had not expected the suit today, but tomorrow at best.

The suit lay prone, as if it had no other option; even if I had no idea, this was a Changeling in disguise. How could I? I just enjoy the most thoughtful gift, for all it is worth.

Slowly, I walk over the floor; reaching the edge of my bed, extending my hands as I walk.

As I reach my bed, I place my hands on the back of the suit; black, glossy and smoother than I possibly could have been expecting. This is neither Fabric, Leather, nor Latex Rubber.

“Warm?” I gasp, as I feel the smooth surface of the back of what is now my suit.

No zipper!” I realize; “Yet, it seems to be skin-tight all the same!” I breathe; “I will love, wearing this suit immensely!” I proclaim, for any and Everyone to hear. (Well; anyone close enough to hear me, in the privacy of my own bed room!)

I can’t help myself, caressing the smooth, warm material of the back of what is now my suit; enjoying the moment, before I can gather myself enough to lift the suit up before me. Looking at the suit, as I hold it up before me; holding it under the arm-pits, as I permit my eyes to scan over the front of my suit.

“How long does a suit last, and how do I care for it?” I ponder; “Or, her!” I correct myself, refusing to see my new suit as a mere lifeless object.

She is warm!” I ponder.

Hope she will like me wearing her!” I ponder; “You don’t mind, if I put you on?” I inquire, as if I had been expecting her to respond.

Well; at least, she did not protest. If she did not protest; she would not mind me, at least trying her on? Am I imagining it, or is this just wishful thinking?

I end up, caressing her shoulders for several minutes; as if I had expected her to enjoy my care, making her more willing to be worn by me. Well, why not? Either way, it feels good to me; in a strange way, I can’t quite put words on.

Slowly, I am lifting her up; turning her to face me, as if she would appreciate to see me face-to-face. Even though I know she has no face, and thus could not possibly see me.

It does not feel weird, to me; but now I imagine, seeing her nodding her approval. As if she were telling me, she was accepting me, permitting me to wear her.

Since I could not wear her backwards; I turn her face forwards; before I lift up my right foot, slowly slipping my foot into her. She eagerly swallows my foot and I continue to slide it all the way down; only to lift up my left foot, sliding it into the tight entrance in her neck.

Once I realize, I had forgotten to take my clothes off; it is already to late, too late by far. I just could not make myself slipping out, in order to take my clothes of.

I feel the liquid elasticity of her skin slowly spreading over me, my skin; as she slowly slide up my body.

“Huh??” I exclaim; as I realize what is happening, without realizing how or why.

Before I knew it, the socks find themselves on my bed; before my panties, skirt, top and blouse follow.

“Okay, that is weird!” I breathe.

My skin feels slippery and moist; as if I had been sweating, or covered with a lubricating gel. Possibly, but how and why? I have no idea. Yet, I find myself enjoying the intimate sensation.

Only a few minutes after I had started putting my suit on, I find myself covered with her tight embrace from the neck down.

“Oh, oh, ooh!” I breathe, excited.

Only, there is a faint echo; as if she was expressing herself, just half an instant after me.

I feel her warmth, now covering me, my skin; even between my toes and everywhere else.

While she is indeed skintight, she still does contract more in certain places; not that I mind, it just puts emphasis on my assets in its own way. I can’t make myself complain, as I realize that I love how she makes me feel.

While she is a deliciously glossy black, she feels as if she had been the skin I had been born with all the same. I just can’t quite put a finger on how or why. Maybe she is distracting me, a bit too much for me to focus? Not that I mind, I quite enjoy what she is doing for me. Or, to me, is it?

I don’t like complaining, even though I know it may be the best or only way on occasion. Only now, it is the wrong and the worst way to react.

While I may worry, a bit; but it does not get in the way of how I feel, or diminish these feelings in the least. Maybe, just maybe; I am worrying about how to extract myself from within the suit, or how to perform certain functions while inside

Yet, she makes me feel so good; I subconsciously project my love for her, and what she is doing for me.

While I thought I had enjoyed the feeling; the sensation of the tight, smooth Latex or Rubber covering my skin, but she permitted me to understand the depth of what I feel about it now. Even if she isn’t made out of either Latex or Rubber. She just mimics the feeling and sensation of the suit.

As exciting, as that Latex suit may have been; it can’t compare with the warmth and intimacy, of the suit I am wearing now.

What would I do without her, now as I know of her? Could I live without her? Could I let go of her, or give her up? No.

Had I never found her in my room, on my bed; I would have been blissfully ignorant, thus never knowing what I would have been missing.

< --- --- --- >


Exposure: 3

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“Oh!!” I exclaim, just as I am reaching the door.

“You like it?” she inquires.

“Just, just..” I respond, as I stop short of opening the door; “did you just insert a plug?” I inquire.

“Yes..” she plainly responds; “and I could adjust its size or remove it, as you please!” she continues, explaining.

“Oh.. oh.. oh!” I moan; “That is so awesome!” I proclaim, just a bit out of breath.

“Then..” she responds; “I could fill you up?” she inquires, asking for confirmation.

“Slow..” I respond; “but be very careful; not to push too fast, or too far!” I breathe.

“Yes…” she merely responds, as I can feel the plug slowly slide further in, into me.

If this is an internal plug, you can’t detect, without trying to pull my panties of..” I ponder, as I enjoy the slightly added pressure applied evenly across my panties.

“Oh, oh..” I sigh, as I feel pressure applied to my mound, as well.

“There..” she suggests; “all filled up!” she supplies; “Comfortable?” she inquires.

“Uhm, yes..” I respond; “quite comfortable; if I could say so, myself!” I confirm.

With that, I subconsciously slide my right hand in under my skirt; sliding the middle finger over my mound, feeling the slit sliding over the finger.

“Squishy!” I respond, as I feel my flesh eagerly accepting the caressing touch I am applying.

“Wet!!” she suggests, snickering; “Success!” she declares.

I slowly withdraw my hand, but the sensation persists and I find myself flushed in response.

Only the suit prevents my blush to show on my face, as my skin remains a light skin-tone complexion.

“I think it is time, to head to the Girls’ Room!” she is suggesting.

“Yes, I guess it is!” I respond, as I am extending my right hand; pulling the door open, before I am walking out of my room.

The light pitter-patter of bare feet is heard, as I walk over the floor. I slowly, carefully close the door to my room behind myself; before I continue to walk towards the door to the Girls’ Room, which is my Destination.

I feel fairly comfortable, yet find myself a bit nervous and shy. Are my steps louder, than they use to be? But no, none is turning their head towards me. Maybe I am just imagining things?

As I am reaching the door, I extend my hand towards the handle and open the door with practiced ease; stepping into the small and cramped room, before I am closing the door behind myself.

First now, I realize I had forgotten to flip the light on; frantically putting an effort into calming myself down. I feel my right arm move on its own, extending towards the Light switch; the next moment, the Room is lit up. I can see everything, just as I had been expecting.

Everything is where I had been expecting. Well, why not? If they had not been, where I had been expecting them to be; I would have a very real reason to be scared, right now. Wouldn’t I?

Even if I am not the only one to use this facility, everything still remains in place.

I take the final step towards the Toilet, turn around and sit down; only taking the time to slide my skirt down, before I am opening the toilet in order to use it. I always close it, after use.

As I sit down, relaxing; I feel the smooth plastic, cold under my rump. Well, what had I been expecting? At least, it is a very familiar feeling.

Let’s have some fun!” she ponders.

“Oh.. oh!” I gasp, as I feel my anal plug slowly grow larger, slowly extending further inside.

As the Plug extends, it is opening up; I hear the noises, as I am relieving myself.

Now I feel the panties pressing over my mound, before I feel the pressure diminishing and hear the noise of the squirt.

“Aaaah…” I sigh, in content.

“I have you covered..” I hear her explaining; “no need to worry; I can handle this for you, you are still pristinely fresh!” she concludes.

“Ah, thanks!” I respond, as I am raising to my feet.

I turn around, flushing; before I am closing the toilet, turning to the basin. Now I turn the water on, washing my hands; knowing that if I did not, my mother would make a fuss and create a stink I don’t want to experience.

With my hands clean, I dry my hands of on my towel; before I start to focus on my make-up.

“You prefer to use the red lips-stick?” she inquires; “and the black mascara?” she continues.

“Pretty much…” I respond, quietly.

As I am ogling the reflection of my face, in the Mirror; I can see my Lips taking on a golden hue, glistering and glittering in the light in the small room.

“Whoa…!” I gasp in surprise.

Then I notice, how my cheeks are taking on a more subdued golden hue. Just like a Blush or Rouge, but Gold in place of the traditional red hue. Surprisingly enough, I find the choice bold as it may be; fitting me quite nicely, if I could say so myself.

“Eye-Lashes are black!” she states, firmly; “Long, glossy and curved up is the only way!” she then concludes.

“Yes..” I respond; “but, of course!” I agree, wholeheartedly.

Good thing, none is hearing us; I would never hear the End of it, and I doubt I could live it down in a Million years!” I ponder.

“We would not want that…” she suggests, with a quiet snicker.

“What we do want, is just a hint of glorious Gold to your Eyes!” she suggests.

I had never even considered Golden Eye Shadow; but the fact that I had never seen it in the store, just may have played into that!” I realize.

“Why should we let that get in the way?” she proposes.

“Yes, exactly!” I respond; “Why, indeed!” I conclude.

“Since your business here is done, it is time to step out…” she puts forth.

With that, I turn to the door, opening it; before I am stepping out of the small room, only switching the light out before I leave the room and close the door behind myself.

Guess it is time for breakfast!” I ponder.

I lift up my right hand, pinching my lower lip; only to feel the smooth surface, aside from the highly elastic rubbery skin covering my face.

The mirror had told me everything I did need to know; my face is fine, and my Make-Up is perfect for me.

With the subdued noises of the Pitter-Patter of my soft feet; I walk over to the stairs, before I continue down the flight of stairs to the ground floor.

“Good Morning, Sunshine!” Mum exclaims, as she spot me as I had just walked down the flight of Stairs; “Breakfast is served!” she points out.

“Thank you!” I exclaim, as I continue towards the breakfast table.

< --- --- --- >

Time Alone

Time Alone: 4

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“Thanks for the delicious Breakfast, Mom!” I exclaim, as I raise to my feet.

I push the chair back in, under the table, before I finally do leave the table.

I walk up the stairs to my room, opening the door; step in and close the door behind myself.

“Never knew Breakfast could be so filling!” she puts forth, while I am walking over to my bed.

“You never had a Mother?” I inquire, as I am sitting down on my bed; swinging my feet up onto the bed and lie down comfortably.

“No, not really..” she responds; “If I had had one, I would never have been here!” she explains, with a heavy heart.

“In which case, you would never have ended up on my bed; then I would never have met you, and I would never know the joy of the Suit you became for me!” I put forth.

“Well, yes..” she responds; “and I would never have known the joy, of being your Suit, either!” she then points out.

“Of course; you could have ended up anywhere else, other than on my bed?” I inquire.

“I guess I could…” she responds, as I finally notice my hands are moving up towards my breasts.

The next moment, I find myself cupping my breasts; grouping myself, feeling my squishy cups under my hands.

“Wait, what?” I exclaim, trying to pull my hands back.

“You are such a Tease!” I put forth, as I find myself incapable of pulling my hands off of my breasts.

Not because she tried to resist; but because the skin of my hands had fused to the skin of my breasts, before I had managed to regain the control of my hands.

“So delightfully Squishy..” she only teases; “I love the soft and squishy flesh of your breasts!” she explains.

“Oh..” I respond; “oh, oh?” I inquire.

“Yes, exactly..” she suggests; “maybe this is part of being female?” she offers.

“Well; I am a girl, after all!” I put forth; “Aren’t you?” I inquire, curiosity piqued.

“You could say that..” she puts forth; “even if we were used to taking the form of the Pony we were supposed to stand in for!” she explains.

“Pony?” I inquire; I guess that would explain why you felt Equine?” I suggest; as an answer, confirming a previous Observation.

“Well, yes..” she responds; “we live side by side with Ponies, dependent on their Love!” she then elaborates.

“Oh…” I respond.

“Your love is saturating the very air around you, but the more focused it is, the easier it is to absorb it!” she explains.

“Almost..” I start; “like a plant absorbing the light hitting its leaves?” I inquire.

“That is the Ultimate solution..” she puts forth; “but we were ordered to rip it from the Ponies..” she explains, her darker feelings for the act coming to the fore; “it’s a vile abuse, and is harmful to the Pony who is Victimized in this manner..” she continues, with a shudder to her voice; “furthermore; it degrades the Love, as well as damage our Hive in various ways as an effect!” she concludes.

“If you can thrive, off of just being my Suit..” I put forth; “it feels as if you prefer this?” I inquire.

“Thrive?” she inquires; “My needs are met, I am perfectly content!” she points out.

“To the best of my understanding; no Changeling has ever been content, we are always Hungry in the Hive!” she explains.

“Perfectly content..” I put forth; “the ultimate state of being!” I suggest.

“If only..” she mouths; “but it can not last, for long!” she then points out.

“It is not in my Nature, to stay content..” I point out; “once I get used to the situation, I tend to get restless..” I continue; “searching for something!” I conclude.

“But..” she intones; “you are filling up a great void in my Life!” she points out.

“Oh!!” I exclaim; “Like a life’s partner, one you soon find yourself not capable of living without?” I inquire.

“Yes, something like that..” she responds; “I feel, as if I am becoming ready to settle down here!” she puts forth.

“Wonderful..” I respond; “I feel the same, even if I can’t see us as a Family!” I put forth.

“While it may not be my places to say it, as a Changeling..” she concedes; “but this is just so much more, than just a friendship and sharing time hanging out!” she explains.

“No?” I inquire; as I continue grouping my breasts, trying to pull my hands off of my breasts while enjoying it more than I could have been expecting.

“You really do enjoying this, grouping your breasts?” she now inquires.

“I usually don’t, and not just based on modesty or anything..” I respond; “but you made it feel so good, I can’t quite make myself stop right now!” I explain.

“You like the feeling of your Companion doing it?” she inquires; “or; in the squishiness, I have managed to imbue them with?” she inquires, snickering in delight.

“These are still my hands, but it still does feel different..” I respond; “no point in denying it, is there?” I inquire.

“Question is..” she puts forth; “what else is there, you have not yet explored..” she continues; yet, you will discover that you enjoy!” she concludes.

“I am not sure..” I respond; “I don’t know, I do not even know if I want to know!” I continue; “Yet; I think I will love to explore it, with you!” I suggest.

< --- --- --- >

Time Together

Time Together: 5

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I lick my lips, but they still feel as smooth as before; I tentatively bite my lower lip, but it still feels just as elastic and rubbery as before, too.

Had I had a mirror before me, maybe I could have seen her slowly receding from my face.

Maybe, but I am not sure, I could not be quite certain.

The changes, such as she has been applying them; should be only skin deep, shouldn’t they?

I don’t know.

Yet, something is new and unfamiliar.

I find myself walking over to the wardrobe, opening the door; pulling out the hangers for the Skirt and the Blouse I am currently wearing, hanging them up before me on the outside of the wardrobe. I close the door, before I start buttoning the blouse down one button at the time.

“Uh, oh…” I exclaim.

“Sorry..” she responds; "I just need you to undress, or disrobe right now!” she explains.

I pull my arms out of the blouse, right and left; before I place my blouse on the hanger, hanging it on the door outside the wardrobe.

With the blouse off, I slide my hands in under the upper rim of my skirt; slowly pushing it down, before I am stepping out of it and kick it up. I catch the skirt, placing it on its hanger; hanging it up on the door of the wardrobe, under the skirt.

“There, finally..” she exclaims; “I really need you to slip out of me, right now!” she concludes.

“Oh..” I respond; “are you okay?” I inquire, with a hint of worry on my voice.

It isn’t just that I don’t want to lose my wonderful suit, I am worried about her well-being. Well, why shouldn’t I be? I love her, her personality and the way she is so playful around me. Maybe she just is the perfect tease, for me.

As I stand, covered with only her rubbery skin; she slowly slides down my body, ending up as a puddle on the floor. I take a step back, and she is slithering further away; only to reform as a complete suit before me, before she takes up volume and stands before me.

She is looking, as if she had been my twin sister; only covered in what appears to be black latex, glossy as if I had been polishing it for her just a moment before.

She is turning towards me, facing me once more; only now her face is a light pinkish skin tone complexion, similar to my very own.

“Should I call you Sister, or Sis; now as you stand before me, like any other Girl?” I inquire.

As I am lifting up my right hand before me; I can see how my nails still remains, the way she changed them for me before I turn my hand around. First now seeing how the palm of my hand had been changed; the bright cerise touch pads standing out clearly, while the suction cup is a glossy Silicone white. Which does not stand out quite as much as the bright cerise touch pads do. Something I guess I am thankful for. I’m not sure; how I would react upon others seeing them, or how they would react upon seeing them.

“Looks good!” she merely points out, winking at me in approval.

“Thanks..” I respond; "but yes, I guess it actually does look good!” I conclude.

She nods, then looks down at my feet; indicating for me to look closer.

As I look down; I notice how she had managed to make minimal changes to my feet too, leaving my nails looking as if she had just polished them for me. Even though I guess the shape of my nails had changed a bit, as well.

“You have been exposed, for long enough; for these changes to take hold, at least for a short while!” she observes; “Though; if you were to wear me for longer times, I can give you more profound changes to your appearance!” she suggests.

“So long as I am enjoying what you are offering; I can’t complain, at any rate!” I concede.

“Pleasing you, is my highest ambition..” she points out; “Up and to the point, I have to change who and what I am!” she elaborates.

“From what I have seen; I don’t want you to change, I enjoy you the way you are!” I point out.

“You seem to enjoy wearing that Latex Suit, I turned into; in an effort to conceal myself, hiding myself from whomever was to be entering your Room!” she puts forth.

“Yes, I do; I always did enjoy the latex covering my skin!” I put forth; “Though I guess one could say, you managed to pick up the ideal disguise in my room!” I then add.

“The Latex Suit inspiring my choice contained, and contains the most of your Essence and Love; it was the natural choice, to turn into your Latex suit..” she concedes; “though the Plushie was at least a reliable second option!” she then points out.

“I may have hugged you to death, but it would have been a good option..” I agree, if not for the one thing; I was not expecting to get a new Plushie, as much as I would have loved it!” I respond.

“Wait, you were expecting to be given a new latex Suit?” she inquires; “How delightful!” she adds, with a sly wink.

“Yes..” I concede; “very delightful, indeed!” I agree.

“I will have to keep this in mind..” she puts forth; “if you don’t mind, that is!” she then suggests.

“The only problem, with getting a new suit; is that I will have to take you off, before I could wear it!” I concede.

“At least, in this case; I would not be the Jealous type!” she promises.

“Good to know..” I proclaim; “nice of you, to let me know before it is too late!” I then put forth.

“Honesty is Critical..” she points out; “in a relation, as close as ours has become!” she then continues.

That sounds like a Promise, rather than a threat!” I ponder; “Yes, it is!” I then agree.

“It would appear, bonding with you; made me into a Queen and fertilized me, in the process!” she points out.

“Wait, what?” I exclaim, in surprise and chock.

“Exactly!” she puts forth.

“Oh…” I mouth, barely a whisper.

“You are a Fertile Female!” she declares.

“Well, yes!” I respond; “but..” I continue; “I am not old enough to consider such things!” I explain.

“I guess, you can have only one Queen in your Hive too!” she concedes.

“Curious way to put it..” I concede; “but I guess it does make sense, in a senseless kind of way!” I conclude.

Now she is moving over to my bed, sitting down on the top of the bed; swinging her feet over the side, soon laying down on the bed with her head on my pillow.

“I want to wear you!” I put forth; “But; if you need some time to yourself, I will respect that, too!” I declare.

“I want you to wear me, with all my heart..” she puts forth; “but I will require the time to myself, as you put it!” she now explains.

“Seeing to your needs, is a small price to pay!” I concede; “In the long run, I still have you to myself; nothing could compare to that, I can’t risk losing you for a short term issue!” I conclude.

“Could you join me, here on the bed?” she inquires; winking at me, as she is patting the bed on her right side.

“I could, if it is what you desire!” I respond, smiling at her.

“I think I would like that, very much!” she responds; as she makes more space, by her side.

“Caring for you; as either the Friend or the Suit, is a special joy to me!” I put forth; “Both your physical and more personal needs must be met..” I point out; “Neither Friendships, nor Suits last forever..” I suggest, but both last much longer, if the deliberate care is put into maintenance!” I explain

“In that case; I think I would enjoy a moment of close intimacy, and sharing massages and physical care with you, every once in a while!” she responds.

“Then, you want me to touch you?” I inquire; “Or, you want to touch me?” I continue, as I am moving closer to her, where she is lying on my bed.

“Uhm..” she starts; “Yes, yes, and yes!” she responds.

I slowly sit down on the side of the bed, our bed; extending my right hand towards her body, tentatively spreading my fingers a little bit, as I go.

“Yes, yes..” she responds, as she half by half mirror my move.

As I am looking closer, I can see her belly start to bulge; if this is a sign of a pregnancy she had suggested, or just a slight adjustment of her form. Yet, I find it exciting, and her form beautiful.

Where had she picked up the clue, hint; letting on how I would find this special?” I ponder.

I just smile at her, as my lips part slightly in the process.

“Yes..” she puts forth; “feel free to place the palm of your hand on my belly!” she urges.

“I guess..” I respond; “I was hoping you would say something, to that effect!” I respond.

“Aah..” she responds; “oh, oh..” she continues; “You enjoy what you feel?” she finally inquires.

“Yes..” I respond; as the tips of my fingers touch the smooth, yet hot skin on her belly; “yes, yes..” I confirm; “the smooth surface of your latex skin, is so exhilarating!” I point out, barely able to contain myself.

I feel an electric tingling at the tip of each finger; as representation of the sensations she is imbuing the moment with, for me.

The skin on her belly is hard like rubber, with just the right amount of stiffness; while I can sense the warmth of her. She is warm to the touch, hot even. Almost like the blush she placed on my cheeks, just a bit more intense. Yet, I find it captivating.

I permit the tips of my fingers to touch the skin of her belly, slowly moving the hand; pressing the hand down just a little bit more, adding to the pressure as I feel her reacting to my touch.

“Ah.. ah..” she moans, as she is wriggling in order to lead the tips of my fingers to where she wanted them to go.

A moment later, I feel the tip of my middle finger slide down into her belly button. It may be just a little bit tight, contracting slightly more as the tip of my finger slides in; causing me to stop, leading the finger to slide in slightly further.

“Oh.. oh..” I respond, giggling at her silly antics; “but alas, I think I like this!” I suggest, with a hint of giggle to my voice.

“Yes, but of course you would..” she teases; “you’re such a delightful tease!” she continues.

With that, I press the advantage, slowly sliding the tip of the finger further in; pressing it down, as far as she permits me to go.

“Squeak, squeak, squeak..” is heard, as I press my hand onto her belly.

She snickers for a moment, as she is reaching for my belly with her right hand.

I do not stop her. Why? I like where she is going, with this; even if I could not have predicted, where she would be taking it.

A soft, gentle giggle is escaping my lips. I just look at her, looking up at her with a submissive expression on my face, as I am looking up to her in wonder.

Just imagine; I could actually have both the wonderful suit, and the special friend.

“May I?” I inquire, as I place my left hand onto her waist.

“But of course..” she responds; “her hands feel so soft on my skin!” she ponders; “This is my home!” she now points out.

“Since you said it..” I respond; “Yes!” I confirm.

Only the Queen can be complete, and a Hive can only have one Queen!” she ponders; “Maybe I could still grant her the Plush Plushie she was mentioning..” she ponders; “right alongside a Swim Suit, a pair of Tights and a stylish Top!” she concludes.

So many things I could give her, over time..” she ponders; “but I can only give her so much, right now!” she realizes.

I will be her all, in order for her to secure the future for me and my new Hive!” she promises herself.

“I can feel it coming, growing inside me!” she muses, inwardly; “It shouldn’t take long, before I can be laying my first Egg!” she realizes.

I feel her warm belly bulging, just a little bit more; not realizing, exactly what it means. How could I? This is after all the first time I even see a Changeling. Only, she is so hot; I could barely hold my hands away from her. Could I? Yet, I would have to; soon enough, in any event

“Uh..” she moans; “oh.. oh.. oh..” she continues, as she is bending forwards.

“What is it?” I inquire, still looking at her.

“I just need to get up, from the bed; down on the floor, on all fours!” she explains.

“Oh..” I respond; “okay!” I confirm.

“Don’t worry..” she soothes; “this should not take long..” she continues; “Or, so I think!” she elaborates.

We tumble to the side of the bed, and I move apart from her; before she manages to slip off of the bed and stand up. From there, she walks over to my wardrobe; opening the door, before she goes down on all fours.

I watch her, for a moment; then she steps into my wardrobe. The one, where I have my nighttime wears and pajamas.

Incidentally, I think I have a vinyl sheet lying on the floor of the wardrobe; folded, in order to cover the floor. Why did I have it? Why had I placed it there? Right now, I have no idea. Still; it is there, now.

I can hear a series of wet squeaks, while she is hiding in my wardrobe. Not sure why she chose to hide in there; but I guess I could ask, if she did not explain it.

“There!” she exclaims, as she is stepping out of my wardrobe.

The next moment, she goes up onto her feet and walk over to me again.

< --- --- --- >

Pass: Profoundly prophetic purple prose promptly proliferating profusely!

A New Day

A New Day: 6

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I had just woken up, wearing the new suit I had found on my bed. As it dawns upon me, that I am still wearing the suit, I find myself quite excited; it had not been a dream, the suit is actually there.

Being given a suit is always nice. I love being given a new suit. Just that none of these, old suits; could possibly compare with this one, I am currently wearing. While a new suit is wonderful, they always are; but this time, this suit is actually special. It will always be special, to me; no matter how many new suits I am given.

A Latex Suit is supposed to be tight, it is part of what defines it as a Latex Suit for me. Is this just me?

A Classical suit is supposed to be Black, or so they say. I am not sure exactly why. Do I even care? Not to say, that I would mind my suit being black. At least, I never did.

While the room is still dark, as it is so early in the morning; I am still covered by the Quilt, so I can’t quite see the colour of my Suit. Maybe she is Black? Maybe she is Red? Maybe she is Skin tone? Yet, I know she is smooth and most likely glossy. This is one of the special qualities of a Latex Suit. She is Smooth and Glossy. At least, this is special to me.


While my room is still dark, with just a little light entering the room through cracks in the blinder; I still feel the tightness, caused by the suit contracting around my entire form.

I am not alone. She is with me, even if she is the suit covering my skin. I do not mind.

Her mere presence is warming my heart, just by being there. How does one put words to the feeling? I simply can’t put a finger on, how this feels.

It’s just a bliss to have her, the joy I know I will have with me forevermore.

I slide my right hand out, from under the Quilt; folding the corner in against the wall, before I finally slide my feet out from under the Quilt. I find myself sitting up, on the top of my bed; pushing myself forwards, only to stand up on my own two feet.

There is a light thud; and a gentle squeak, as my feet hit the floor. The squeak is a gift, from my suit; she gave it to me, for hosting her in the form I had supplied her with.

In the dark; all Cats are grey; my suit is a dark gray, the eye can barely see. Maybe it is all the same; just so long, as I can feel her covering my form.

As I am standing up; the hue of her form slowly grows darker, picking up the luster and glossy sheen I so hotly desire.

I can see; that everything is where I had left it, the day before. Well, why not? It isn’t, as if anyone had been in the room.

I sense a hint of the squeaking noises, with each step I take. Every move I make; echoed by the squeaks of the suit, I am wearing. These cute little noises, are music to my ears.

As I had scanned the room, in order to orient myself; I turn my focus towards my wardrobe, steering my steps over the floor of my room. A moment later, I reach my destination; opening the door to the wardrobe, containing my daytime wear.

Not that I am slipping, or that the soles of her feet are slippery in the least; but she does add a little extra grip, just to test the waters.

“This could be very useful, while I am otherwise bare-foot..” I respond; “I do enjoy this initiative!” I then add.

“Since it is a new day, would you prefer me in skin-tone?” she inquires.

“That would permit me to wear you; without anyone noticing it, so: Yes!” I confirm.

“Good..” she responds; “thank you!” she continues; with that, my suit is turning the light pinkish hue, of my skin.

“Could you apply the effect of a pair of Panties and a Top?” I inquire.

“Yes, I can; that is only too easy..” she responds; “but you can’t take these illusory garments off of you, by any means; besides, they will still look and feel like the same latex as the rest of me!” she explains.

“That’s fine..” I respond; “Perfect!” I exclaim; “Oh, oh, oh..” I sigh; as I feel the panties and top tightening up around me, supporting my form.

“Since these underwear only covers your private parts; would you want them in Cerise, too?” she inquires.

“Yes, please!” I respond.

“Then I will remember; that you prefer your underwear, in this bright Cerise!” she confirms, as the colour is changing, and a darker hem is applied with the effect of deep purple stitches along the hem.

I select a bright red Knee-long, tight skirt; extracting it from within my wardrobe and step right into it, right and left. I pull my skirt all the way up, only to afford it a few tentative tugs: once twice and thrice.

I will remember this skirt!” she ponders; denoting the style I am choosing for myself, for the day.

Since I had chosen the red skirt, I select a pristine, why blouse; slipping my arms through the sleeves, right and left. With the blouse on, I start to button the blouse up from the bottom and all the way up to my chin, not leaving any button unbuttoned.

Finally, I select a matching vest top; slipping my arms in, right and left. I button it up, just as with the blouse I had just put on.

“I could give you a pair of knee-long socks, if you wish!” she suggests.

“Yes, please!” I respond, quite eagerly.

The next moment, the effect of the desired socks take shape on my feet and up to my knees.

“Perfect!” I exclaim.

“Time for your daytime make-up?” she inquires.

“Yes!” I respond.

“Okay!” she confirms, as she starts to apply the make-up, exactly as she had done the day before.

“Since you are differentiating between daytime, and nighttime; may I make a suggestion?” she inquires.

“Of course!” I respond.

“I could lacquer your nails ultra glossy, during the day; but leave them a natural mate, over the night?” she inquires.

“Yes, please..” I respond; “a great idea, I appreciate your initiative!” I confirm.

“Since it is daytime, now; you want your nails in the oval shape, five millimeters beyond the tip of your fingers?” she inquires.

“Yes, please..” I respond, watching my nails take the suggested form; “but just one millimeter from the tip, overall; during the night!” I suggest.

“I will remember that!” she confirms; “Your toenails should be a millimeter, just as your fingernails night style?” she inquires.

“Sounds good!” I respond.

“If you can follow this, I want to see and feel how my nails would come out..” I suggest; using the tip of the index finger to move the cuticle up to just a millimeter under the rim of the final joint; “ooh, ooh, ooh..” I exclaim, as I can see how she had interpreted the gesture I had just given her.

Each of my nails had changed, according to my suggestion; making my nails appear longer, without actually sticking out further from the tips of my fingers.

“Since you enjoyed the effect on me, with a deeper belly button; let me see, how it would come out on your belly!” she offers.

“Yes, please..” I respond, feeling how she is pulling the bottom of my belly button further and further down, stopping only at Pi Inches.

Once she had completed the adjustment.

“You do enjoy that!” she simply concludes.

“Yes..” I respond; “yes, Philine!” I respond.

“Would you like me to plug your new orifice; your belly button, too?” she inquires.

“Yes, Philine..” I respond; "please; slip a plug into my belly button, too!” I respond,, making sure we are on the same page.

“Then I will insert your belly button plug, now..” Philine responds.

As she is pronouncing the confirmation, I feel the plug sliding into my now Pi Inch deep belly button. In the process, it causes my belly to swell; causing a bulge, similar to her very own pregnant appearance. Just not as pronounced as hers was. Probably for the better.

“Ooh.. ooh.. ooh…” I sigh, as I feel the plug sliding into my belly button.


I walk over to the door out of my room, open the door and step out of my room; before I close the door and continue to walk.

“Could you make my hair Golden Blond?” I inquire.

“Yes, but of course!” she responds.

The next moment, my hair is changing hue; slowly taking on the desired colour, only for the change to be completed a mere two minutes later.

< --- --- --- >


Philine: 7

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If Zhiizoo wants golden blond hair, then she wants her hair golden blond..” I ponder, changing her hair to the requested hue.

Well, why not? I guess blond is a popular hair colour among girls here. Not my place, to judge her.

She had enjoyed her breakfast, which had been expected. Her mother always serves very delicious meals, and breakfast is no exception to this rule. Well, why should it be?

Her mother had not been bothered by her new hair colour, even if she could not for her life figure out how she had acquired it.

"Time for a little bit of a tease..” I ponder.

I place a three inch wide, one inch thick, glossy black rubber collar around her neck.

At first; she does not even react on the change, I had applied to her suit. I had made sure, none was watching her, when I placed the collar around her neck; if someone saw it, this would have been very suspicious. Wouldn’t it?

Yet, seeing her wearing it would merely be peculiar. While people may afford her a second, or even a third glance; they would not view it as impossible, in and of itself.

I imagine her Love for her Latex suits to be an Open Secret. People may know; but would not be particularly prone to mention it, in the first place.

I add a large Ruby, on the front of her collar. More in the form of a Crest or Symbol; just the same way, a Pony has a Cutie Mark. Had I been too familiar, with the appearance of Ponies’ Cutie marks here?

Should I give her a tail, just to see how she would react?” I ponder.

“Yes, please!” Zhiizoo responds; “Pi foot long, and two inches thick..” she elaborates.

“Then I guess you will have a tail!” I respond; as I permit the tail to sprout from the tip of her tail-bone, just like any tail would.

While she may be wearing a genuine skirt, crafted out of physical fabric; but why should I permit this, to get in the way?

For now, I am managing the tail for her; making it wag slowly behind her, as she walks.

As time is passing, her body is getting used to the tail being there as an integral part of her; slowly taking over the control of the tail, in the manner I am making use of it.

While she had asked for Pi Feet long and two inches in diameter; I end up giving her five feet and two and a half inches in diameter, all the same.

“Squeak.. squeak.. squeak..” is heard; as her tail lazily wag, from right to left.

Uhm..” Zhiizoo ponders; “what is that unfamiliar squeaking behind my back?” she continues.

Should I have asked her first? Probably. I end up giving her a thick, tight braid slowly growing down her back, only stopping as the tip of the braid is reaching her knees.

I share my bulging belly, indicating my pregnancy; the appearance and feeling she had expressed so much appreciation for, when she was caressing my belly, back home.

She also needs a throbbing plug, warming her up!” I ponder.

“Ooh.. ooh..” she exclaims, just as she first feel it pulsating inside her.

Since it takes too much effort; to add, adjust and retract these changes; I can’t keep changing her over and over. I still enjoy the blissful expression plastered all over her face, as I am teasing her like this. I take this, as a sign of her appreciation and how much she is enjoying what I am doing for her. At least, until she is telling me otherwise.

Only, she isn’t telling me otherwise.

To the contrary; I sense a smile sprouting on her face, growing wider and deeper as she walks along the street.

There may be a tiny sense of shy submissiveness, to her features; expressing her relation to me, and her gratitude for all I had already given her.

The smile is growing deeper, more secure over time; as she is acclimatizing, to having me.

Does she see me as her Master, or Mistress? Even if I am her Queen. She is slowly developing a submissive tendency, towards me.

Not as if I am complaining..” I ponder; “but; she needs to build up a level of independence, too!” I decide.

Maybe I should be giving her something..” I ponder; "something that builds her up, making her less dependant and subservient!” I conclude.

"Of course, I need an opportune moment, a window of opportunity; wherein I can give her, what she needs, even if she does not know she needed it in the first place!” I put forth, snickering.


I had finally reached the Hospital, where my friend: Anemoné is recovering. She had been taking the aftermath of her treatment rather poorly, for which I could not exactly blame her.

Maybe I could lighten her mood, at least a little bit; just by showing up, visiting her. She needs to learn; that someone still remembers her, even after this long.

Well, maybe it had not been quite that long; but when you are confined to a Hospital bed, it most certainly will feel like it.

Should I hide my hair?” I ponder; “probably not..” I continue; “when she finds out, or realizes it; she could take that even worse, in any event!” I realize.

Aside from my presence..” I ponder; “what could I give her, to lighten her mood?” I consider.

Yes, I can go there to see her. I had already intended to talk to her; in order to see how she was doing, asking if and when she could be coming back.

As luck had it, I had arrived to her room; just as the Visiting Hour had begun, so I could spend time with her without worrying about being thrown out, just after I had arrived. That could be devastating, to her.

Anemoné” the sign reads on her door, as I step up to the door to her room.

Of course, the door quietly swings open before me.

“Hi, Anemoné!” I exclaim, as I step into her room.

“Hi, Zhiizoo..” she responds; “is that you?” she hesitantly inquires.

“Yes, Anemoné..” I respond; “it’s me!” I continue.

I make my best, to look at her; without lingering, on what is missing. I can do nothing about it, in any event.

Philene..” I inquire; "could you help me, helping her?” I inquire.

I can try..” she responds; “but I should not promise anything, at this time!” she explains.

At least; Anemoné can stand up without too much effort or support, so I can give her a warm embrace. Maybe I had wanted to hug her, all along; but now, it had proven to be much more important, that I could have been expecting. Of course, I will have to maintain physical contact to her skin, for an undefined amount of time. Could I maintain the contact, for long enough; for my effort to have any effect, upon her? I do not know. I have no idea. Yet, I feel it is worth the chance.

“I have been so worried, you had all forgotten me..” she puts forth; “and it has been so painful, I was all but ready to give up!” she explains.

“You survived it, and I am here now..” I respond; “you should probably put this behind you, it isn’t as if the worry would improve your situation anyway!” I continue.

“Since you are here..” she responds; “at least I can believe you did not forget me…” she concedes.

“Yes; I am here, now..” I respond; “would you mind a hug?” I inquire; as I continue to move closer to her, stopping only two feet from her.

“Yes, Zhiizoo..” she responds; “Please do..” she agrees; “experiencing the warmth of your embrace, would make it feel more real!” she confesses.

“I would expect as much.” I respond, as I take the final step up to her; “I hope it feels as good as you had hoped..” I respond, as I embrace her tightly; “and that it isn’t too painful!” I concede, sliding my hands down her back.

“Oh, oh..” she responds; “aah..” she exclaims; “ooh!” she mouths, as she is feeling the warm tips of my fingers touching her bare skin.

“Sorry, about that…” I respond.

“Yes, I can feel that you are genuinely here..” she puts forth; “and that it isn’t just a fever-dream, where I imagine that someone visited me; just to make the point of how lonely I am, or how worthless I am!” she elaborates.

My fingers soon find the spot I had been aiming for. With that, I gently rub the tip of her tail-bone for a few minutes; feeling the desired change, if yet slow and minuscule.

“Uhm..” she inquires; “what is that?” she inquires.

“Is it uncomfortable?” I inquire.

“No, not really..” she responds; “it was just so unexpected, and I thought I felt something..” she continues; ”had I been away so long, your nails had the time to grow that much?” she inquires.

“And.. and, and..” she stutters; “I didn’t realize you had touch-pads..” she continues, somewhat confused; “and am I sprouting a tail, all of a sudden?” she finally inquires.

“I didn’t..” I respond; “but I felt a bit playful, and got them just for the occasion!” I suggest.

“Just as I got myself a new hair-colour and style!” I point out.


I point out.

“Still…” she puts forth; “.. could you hold me times; it just feels so warm and cozy, I could almost forget I have been left here for so long..” she concedes.

“I could, Anemoné..” I respond, tightening my embrace a bit further; “but..” I insert; “will you enjoy, what is to come, what changes lie ahead?” I inquire.

“Just so long, as you hold me right..” she offers; “I need the closeness you offer, right now!” she proclaims.

“I guess it could be a reminder, of that you are still here, and someone remembers and cares about you..” I suggest, pressing my lips tightly against hers.

“Uhm..” she blurts out; “Yes!” she then responds.

I keep my hands tightly pressed where I had placed them; while my lips remain in contact with her lips, for as long as I dare, in the hopes I can give her something to remember my visit by.

“Do you have a mirror, anywhere?” I inquire.

“Yes..” she responds, “by the sink, in the little girl’s room!” she confirms.

Of course, I had seen the door to the little girl’s room; she has it in her room, so that she does not need to walk too far in the state she is in. Aside from sharing the room with others, a needless risk in her current situation; even if it leaves her alone and vulnerable, to other issues.

“May I use the little girl’s room, for but a moment?” I inquire, and she hesitantly lets go of me.

“Yes…” she responds.

I take a step back, before I turn to the indicated facility; walk over to the door and opens it, only to close the door behind myself.


A minute after I had closed the door behind myself, after I had entered the little girl’s room; I once more open the door, emerging to face her again.

“Okay..” I put forth; “can you raise your hands?” I suggest.

“Yes..” she responds; “like this?” she inquires.

I press the palms of my hands towards the palms of her hands, gently but firmly; maintaining the palms of our hands pressed together, for as long as I dare.

While the palms of our hands are pressed together; Philene offers her the gift: the sensitive touch pads and the suction cups. It just remains to see, if the gift can remain and how much she will be enjoying what I had just handed her in an offer of my friendship.

Should I ask her, for how much longer she would be staying here; but since I doubt she knows, it would only worry her more than she already does. I do not wish to add to her discomfort; tainting the short moment, I had with her.

“If I don’t see you in class, I will come over to see how you are doing here!” I simply promise.

“Thank you, Zhiizoo..” she responds; “this will keep me warm; for the remainder of my stay, here!” she points out.

“I will see you soon!” I promise.

“Yes..” she responds; “I will see you soon, too!” she concludes.

I just hope, I am not imagining this..” Anemoné ponders; “but for as long as I haven’t changed back, when I wake up by tomorrow!!” she concludes.

Of course, I had to go; I had to leave her, as the Visiting Hour is up. I had known it would happen. Yet, I had to come and see her; not coming would still have been worse, for her.

Maybe, just maybe; I had felt the urge, to share my gift with her, too. I had to give her something special. Something, I could never have given her anywhere else; at any other time, either.

Besides, a Friend walks in; when the rest of the world is walking out, or so I had figured.


An egg lies hidden in the little girl’s room. A Changeling Egg.

The egg is hatching and a larvae slithers out of the broken shards that had once been an egg.

The larvae is hiding, from detection; making sure, not to be seen or making a scene.

The larvae slithers out of the room, when the door momentarily is open.

Hiding once more the larvae is cocooning itself; in order to make its final metamorphosis.

Once hatched, the little Changeling hides herself, waiting for the perfect opportunity.

As the opportunity arrives, she is changing into a pair of Panties; waiting for the girl to find them, in the blind hope of the girl accepting them as a gift and put them on.

In the morning, the girl finds her gift; hidden among her clothes for the day, slipping them on without a second thought.

“Anemoné!” the Girl hears a voice.

“Yes..” Anemoné quietly responds, taken aback by the unexpected address.

The Panties are tightening up, slightly.

“Uh, what was that?” Anemoné inquires.

“You recall Zhiizoo’s visit, a few days ago?” the voice inquires.

“Yes..” Anemoné responds; “it was just a few days back!” she continues.

“I am an extension of the gift; she gave you, Anemoné!” the voice responds.

“Oh!” the girl exclaims; “I am afraid I don’t quite understand!” she elaborates.

“Do you still enjoy the tail?” the voice inquires.

“Yes..” Anemoné affirms; “it is a physical remainder of how Zhiizoo remembers me and cares about me and my well-being!” she elaborates.

“It is such a pretty tail, if I can say so?” the voice offers; She left me here, with you; so that I can help you, maintaining it!” the voice confesses.

Since the room is empty, save for Anemoné; she can walk over to the little girl’s room, without considering if anyone were seeing her. Thus, she is walking out; opening the door and closes the door behind herself.

“Yes, it is a very pretty tail!” the girl agrees.

“Unfortunately; I can’t look like fabrics, so you will have to make due with the smoothness of latex!” the Changeling supplies; “but I can change shape, offering you a variety of garments to wear!” she elaborates.

“Uhm..” Anemoné puts forth; “then, you are my Panties?” she inquires.

“Metallic bloody red, if you like..” the changeling supplies; “or any other colour I could offer!” she continues.

For but an instant; Anemoné had panicked and worried, but then she calmed down.

“So smooth, and tight..” Anemoné breathes; “could you be glittery too?” she inquires.

“Of course, I can..” the changeling responds, basking in the warmth of Anemoné’s radiant love.

I’ll call you: Glitter for now!” Anemoné ponders; “gives me something to call her!” she ponders, affectionately.

“For the Love, you are offering me; I can and will be keeping you warm and comfortable, to the extent of my abilities!” Glitter vows, solemnly.

< --- --- --- >

Pass: Profoundly prophetic purple prose promptly proliferating profusely!

Re - Kindling

Re - Kindling: 8

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Thank you, Zhiizoo!” I read the text from Anemoné; “Thank you, for my dear Glitter..” the text continues; “Oh; and thank you, for the Tail!” the text finishes.

She loves her new tail!” I ponder; “and the gift I left her, seems to be a success, too!” I ponder.

I will have to see her again, in a few days..” I ponder.

How did you know; I love my lips in glittery Gold?” the next text reads.

While I have received a few side glances and funny looks from curious people, including the Nurses; I still think this is very much worth it, for me!” Anemoné ponders; “How could it not?” she continues.

I think I have seen you wearing glittery Nail Polish and Lip Stick!” I text her; “You would have found it hard to remove the Lip Stick, if you were trying!” I then continue.

Thank you..” the next text reads; “Then none can take it from me!” she concludes.

I love how smooth and slippery she made my lips, even if I can’t for my life figure out how she did it!” Anemoné ponders.

Philene has gotten a thing for the texture and appearance of Latex..” I text her; “but I can’t exactly blame her, as I fear she picked it up from me, in the first place!” I elaborate.

She calls her Panties Philene?” she inquires, as she is pondering what I was telling her in my texts.

“Queen Philene!” Philene snickers proudly in amusement.

Yes, I named my Panties Philene..” I text; “and you named yours Glitter?” I inquire.

Yes!” comes the prompt response, in her next text.

Good..” I respond; “then she will be serving you well!” I respond.

Not as if I name Everything..” she responds; “but I love Glitter so much, I feel she deserves a Name!” she continues.

“Of course, she would Love her little Glitter Bug!” I ponder, giggling to myself; “I will be over to see you, by tomorrow!” I text her.

“Thank you; I am looking forwards, to seeing you then!” she responds.


She will be over, tomorrow!” Anemoné ponders.

“Yes, she will; she told us, she is coming over, tomorrow!” Glitter responds, snickering in glee.

At least, I still have one friend..” Anemoné ponders; “who even takes the time, to visit me here, at the Hospital!” she concludes.

“That is the Beauty, of Friendship!” Glitter puts forth.

“If you want, I have a surprise for you; if you were to step into the Little Girl’s room, where I can show you!” she suggests.

A surprise..” Anemoné ponders; “for me?” she inquires.

“Yes, just for you!” Glitter confirms; whereupon Anemoné slowly turns towards the door, walking over with measured steps.

At first, she feels her tightening up around her rump; from her waist down to her thighs, and everything in between. She makes Anemoné giggle, as she feels Glitter squeezing her. A moment later, she feels her advancing up her body, still tight; until she had reformed, into what could only be seen as a full one-piece Swim Suit.

“Oh, oh..” she breathes; “oh!” Anemoné adds, as she realizes what it is she had promised her.

She opens the door, to the Little Girl’s Room; before she is closing the door behind herself, locking it behind her. Once the door had been securely locked; she turns towards the Mirror, in eager anticipation.

She slips her hands in, into her skirt; sliding it down, permitting it to fall. Once the skirt is on the floor; she lifts up her hands; slipping them in under the top, pushing it all the way up and tosses it down onto the floor.

“Glitter..” she just gasp.

“You enjoy what you see?” Glitter inquires.

“I thought you were a pair of Panties, even if you were made of Latex..” she breathes; “but now; you are a Swim Suit, covering my entire body!” she exclaims.

“A surprise, just as I promised!” Glitter points out.

“”A Surprise, yes!” Anemoné concedes; “Albeit; one I am only too eager to accept, with open arms!” she proclaims.

The suit is still the same Metallic Bloody red, glossy and glittering.

“Since you enjoy Gloss and Glitter so much..” Glitter supplies, as she is applying these effects to her nipples and vaginal lips too.

“Yes..” Anemoné agrees; “I do love my Glitter and Gloss beyond words!” she is confessing.

“Latex would carry this effect..” Glitter suggests; “but for now; I hope you are content, feeling the change through tactile touch by the tips of your fingers!” she continues.

Anemoné is lifting up her hands to her chest, placing the tips of her fingers on her nipples; caressing the sensitive nipples gently, for a moment.


Glitter is lifting up the tail, eagerly presenting the latex coated appendage before me.

I can clearly see my tail, as she is moving it into my field of vision.

Is she trying to distract me, or offer me something? I have no idea, but I guess I am prepared to take her offer.

“My tail?” I inquire, slowly withdrawing my attention from my nipples.

“Yes!" Glitter proclaims, proudly.

“Could you make it five foot long and three inches thick?” I inquire.

“Yes, Anemoné!” she responds, as she is adjusting my tail as I had been suggesting.

I may have to have some of my clothes adjusted, to accept this change; but I am eager to accept this, as I love the tail such as she gave me!” I ponder.

“Is my tail still skin-tone?” I inquire; “I still like it with latex skin, though!” I conclude.

“With practice and exercise, you can gain full control of your new tail!” she responds; “Quite beautiful, if I may say so, myself..” she suggests; “and quite useful, if and when you feel like it!” she concludes.

“Guess some exercise would do me a world of good!” I merely respond.

“While I know why you had to be confined to your bed..” she supplies; “and I understand it was still necessary..” she continues; “but you still have spent far too much time in bed..” she puts forth; “the exercise certainly will be good for you!” she confirms.

“It was a pain..” I concede; “but if I had not gotten here as soon as I did; I would not have been alive, let alone standing!” I agree.

“I just worry about, how to present this to your Doctor..” she puts forth; “Since I doubt you want to hide your tail; let alone getting rid of it, by any means!” Glitter puts forth.

“I can’t hide my Tail, more than I could hide my Hands!” I declare.

“I thought so!” Glitter responds; “maybe send a text to your Mother; explaining your situation, letting her know of your Tail before she gets here the next time!” she suggests.

“Of course..” I respond; “Mother, I have a Tail; I sprouted it, yesterday!” the text reads.

“Okay!” Mother responds, in a text.

“Thank you, Mother; for understanding!” I respond.


I had ended up snapping a few photos of myself, wearing Glitter; proudly showing up my new tail, on each photo I had sent.

Thank you, Anemoné; for all the beautiful photos of you and your tail in that Swim Suit!” the Message reads; “Now I don’t need to worry, about how you are doing!” she concludes.

< --- --- --- >

A New Visit