//------------------------------// // Celestial Summons // Story: Empire of Mercy // by Daelyx Len Auphydas //------------------------------// Celestia glides high above the land, even above the cloud layer, surveying their domain as they drift on thermals. Although they departed Canterlot with little fanfare and elected to travel without escort, they can still detect a fair number of ponies pointing them out and gathering to watch the monarch as they gently flap their wings. The princess's visage is iconic and distinctive enough that even from a substantial distance, they are quite recognizable. Celestia smiles imperceptibly, as they think about those on the ground, imagining the conversations as they would question whether they had really seen the Princess of the Sun. But as they fly, the sight of Equestrian civilization gives way to the wild, and that smile disappears. Beneath them now is the Everfree forest. Celestia can't help but gaze northwards to the castle poking out of the immense forest with a twinge of pain. It has been years since they had last seen it, and centuries since they had visited. Patience. Celestia thinks, steeling themself to present the calm and regal princess that their subjects expect. You've waited centuries; you can wait another hooffull of years. Celestia puts those thoughts from their mind and focuses on the task at hoof. Flapping their wings harder, they pick up speed. For most of their reign, the vicinity of the Everfree Forest has been completely deserted, the subject of dark rumor and superstition. But now, there is a small village on the edge of the Everfree, named Ponyville. A village that, to the princess, is practically brand new. It’s by far the closest anypony had gotten to the monarch's old home since that fateful night nearly a millennia ago. But that village is not their destination. Rather, a far older and more familiar city is. Floating above Ponyville is the pegasus capital of Cloudsdale, performing its typical weather service for the agrarian settlement below. Banking in flight, Celestia wheels around the cloud city before gliding down to a landing at trotting speed on a plaza near the Wonderbolts academy. The ponies around show the typical deferential, awed expressions that Celestia is used to seeing, magnified by surprise at the princess’s visit. Folding their wings up, Celestia strides up to the guardpony on duty; the Wonderbolts are technically military personnel after all, so their compound is always under watch. "Y-y-your highness!" The nervous guardspony gulps and lowers his head in a steep bow. Celestia takes the panicked reaction in stride and smiles at him reassuringly. "At ease, guardspony. May I know your name?" Celestia asks, cordially. A millennia of reigning alone had given them plenty of practice with how to set ponies around them at ease; in their experience, the excessive formality that most ponies outside of Canterlot treated them with was counterproductive to getting to the heart of matters. "U-um, I'm Blizzard Feather." The pegasus certainly looks the part, with his blue coat and white wingtips. Celestia nods encouragingly. "Well, Blizzard Feather, it is a pleasure to meet you." Celestia smiles at their subject warmly. Though this is essentially padding to get to the point, they aren't lying; Any day they are able to leave court at Canterlot and see their subjects going about their daily lives is a good day, as far as Celestia is concerned. "Perhaps you can help me with something. There was recently a magical surge over half of Equestria, I'm sure you must have seen it. It could only have been a sonic rainboom, and I would very much like to see the pegasus who accomplished such a feat. Do you know who it was?" Celestia asks, keeping their tone pleasant and casual. "I, um, don't know. Your Majesty," the pegasus states, nervously, keeping his head bowed. Celestia cocks their head to the side curiously. "You don't know? Were you not stationed there when it happened?" Blizzard Feather shakes his head. "No. I mean, yes, I mean... I was stationed here, but the rainboom didn't come from here. It came from the lower levels." Celestia pauses. They had just assumed that the rainboom must have come from a Wonderbolt—after all, they were the most talented fliers in all of Equestria. But here they were, hearing that it had come from the lower levels. That... makes no sense. The lower levels are largely for cargo containers, shipping, and flight camp. Why would such a talented flier be there? Nonetheless, it was a lead to go off of. So, Celestia kicks off the ground once more, and nods their head at Blizzard Feather. "Very well. Thank you for your help, Blizzard Feather. Oh, and give my regards to Windrider. I particularly enjoyed his last performance in Canterlot," Celestia states warmly. "Y-yes, ma-am! I mean, sir! I mean, princess!" Blizzard Feather salutes as Celestia takes off once more, ascending away from the long airstrip and cloud base that serves as the Wonderbolts headquarters. While they fly down, Celestia ponders why such an event would occur down in the training camps. Perhaps one of the fillies fell, and an instructor had performed the rainboom in their struggle to save them? That would certainly be a commendable feat. There are other buildings down here, of course—maintenance areas, housing for some pegasi who work in the shipping business, and the large cargo stations used for handling shipments to and from Cloudsdale. But it seems highly improbable the rainboom had anything to do with them, even more so than the training sections. The flight camp area is not like the rest of Cloudsdale; there aren't many things one would consider 'buildings', just a variety of clouds connected by columns and pillars, with obstacle courses, racing circuits, and goalposts as far as the eye can see. These training fields serve not only the youth of Cloudsdale, but all of Equestria, with young pegasi traveling to Cloudsdale to learn. Looking from cloud to cloud, a hubbub of attention catches Celestia's eye. There is a large group of excitable fillies, and one gryphon, all gathered together, cheering. Ah. These must have seen the Rainboom. Celestia thinks to themself before gliding down to join the group. "Good morning, my little ponies. Can any of you tell me where the wave of light an hour ago came from?" Celestia asks gently. The young fliers, interrupted from the center of their attention, notice the princess and gasp in shock in unison. "Is that... who I think it is?" "P-P-Princess Celestia!?" "I-I'm talking to the princess! T-the princess is talking to me!" Celestia waits patiently for the awe of the ponies around them to fade, while a lone filly from the group struts up in front of Celestia boldly. She's a young, cyan toned pegasus with a messy prismatic mane. Unlike all of the other ponies around, this filly doesn't look even a little nervous or deferential to the princess, puffing out her chest proudly and standing upright and tall. Celestia raises their brow; it’s rare to see anypony, even young ponies who didn't know better, who would approach the monarch of Equestria so readily. "It was me!" The filly announces. "I was racing to protect Flutters's honor, an' I made the rainboom happen by going so fast to the finish line!" Celestia giggles a little. Not only is the filly bold, but she has quite the imagination as well. Celestia lays down, putting themself on eye level with the filly, who stares into Celestia's eyes with fierce pride writ upon her features. "Oh? And what is your name?" Celestia asks, softly. Putting her chin up in the air and flaring her wings out to the sides, striking a quite heroic looking pose, the filly announces with all the gravitas she can muster, "Rainbow Dash!" What a feisty little pony. Celestia thinks approvingly. It is a nice change of pace, compared to the normal deference—even fear—their presence usually instills. Like that experienced by all of the other colts and fillies around, who are currently standing back in nervous awe. "Well, Rainbow Dash, are you sure it wasn't somepony else? Maybe one of your instructors had to catch you…?" Celestia gently asks. They don’t want to directly accuse the filly of lying, but there is obviously no way such a young pegasus could have pulled off such a feat, which had never before been accomplished by any mere pegasus. Rainbow Dash looks up at the princess, narrowing her eyes suspiciously. "What're you tryna say? You calling me a liar?" The filly stomps her hoof on the cloud belligerently. Some of the other fillies cower in fear or dive under clouds, as if worried that Celestia would reduce the rebellious filly in front of them to ash on the spot, but the princess just shakes their head. But before they can say anything, another of the ponies works up the nerve to stand up on wobbling knees, giving a surprisingly proper military salute. "U-um, she's telling the truth, sir!" The pony says in a tone of voice Celestia had heard many times before— not that of a frightened filly, but that of a subordinate talking to her commanding officer. Just a moment later, the gryphon of the group also takes a spot by the two fillies. "Yeah, it's true! I saw the whole thing!" The gryphon pipes up. Celestia looks at her with interest. Ever since the gryphons had been integrated into Equestria following the Relic Wars six hundred years ago, young gryphons were sent to Cloudsdale for flight training to encourage bonds between the gryphons and pegasi. So it is not entirely unusual to see gryphons in Cloudsdale. Having said that, seeing one willing to stand up for a friend is unusual, and makes Celestia's heart glow with a spot of pride. Celestia turns back to look at Rainbow Dash, appraising the filly in a new light. Could it actually be true? It seems impossible, yet... "May I ask where your instructor is, right now?" They would hold off on any judgements until they had heard from an adult. Rainbow Dash ponders, then shakes her head. "Nu-uh, no clue. We organized the race ourselves," Rainbow Dash explains. Well, that sure is convenient... Celestia thinks, still doubtful. But if that is the case, then there is still one more thing they can try, though it isn't reliable. "Very well. May I have your permission to perform a quick evaluation?" Celestia asks the filly, who looks up at the alicorn's horn warily. Rainbow Dash has never been near a unicorn nor alicorn before, and though she knows about unicorn magic, she has little idea how it works. For the first time since Celestia had arrived, she begins to actually feel nervous, suddenly aware that if Celestia willed it, they could easily reduce her to ash on the spot. Had she done something wrong? Was the rainboom illegal!? Gulping down her nervousness, Rainbow Dash sits back on her haunches. "Um... I mean... I guess." Rainbow Dash clenches up, hoping that the 'evaluation' would not be painful. It turned out that she had nothing to worry about, as all she feels is a slight buzzing sensation as the alicorn's magic seeps through her body. Celestia blinks in surprise and takes a step back, while all of the pegasi fillies watch in a mixture of fear and nervous anticipation. "Starswirl's beard..." Celestia mutters in astonishment. "You really did do it." The princesses tone of voice is matter-of-fact, not a glimmer of doubt in their mind now. The amount of magical energy swirling within the rambunctious pegasus filly in front of them is simply staggering, something that could only be explained by raw talent, vigor, and will. Celestia looks back down at the pegasus filly with newfound respect. "Rainbow Dash, you have accomplished something today that no other pegasus in history ever has. And at such a tender young age, too... Your potential is, frankly, unrivaled," Celestia starts. "It would be my honor if you would come to my school in Canterlot, that we might hone your gifts to their fullest potential." Rainbow Dash falls back on her haunches in shock at the offer. Her...? Being extended a personal offer by the Princess of the Sun themself? She knows she’s awesome, but... that awesome? Her mind whirls in confoundment, before she manages to pull herself together. "But... Everypony knows Celestia's school of magic is for unicorns!" Rainbow Dash blurts out. Celestia gives the pegasus a sly smile and spreads their wings wide. Wingtip to wingtip, they’re far broader than any pegasus Rainbow Dash had ever seen. "These aren't just for show, you know," Celestia remarks, a playful tone to their voice as they suddenly rocket up into the sky and perform a hairpin midair loop before halting in place. Somehow, their ethereal mane and graceful form look even more elegant, backlit against the bright blue sky, and Rainbow Dash's jaw drops in awe. "I have had over a millennia to hone my flying skills, and I’ve flown alongside the best fliers in Equestrian history—Flash Magnus, Shadow Kicker, Firefly, Purple Dart, and Fairweather, to name a few. "I think I can manage to teach a filly some tricks," Celestia gives an amused smirk as they glide back down from the clouds, lightly poking the filly in the nose with their hoof. But then, the alicorn's expression turns more serious. "But in all honesty, there is far more that I would teach you than simply flight. Harnessing your pegasus magic can do great things, both for yourself and Equestria at large. Such raw talent deserves to be explored." Rainbow Dash's mind struggles to keep up, but even to a filly, the weight of what is being stated is readily apparent. An offer from the Princess of the Sun themself is no small matter, and it could easily change the course of her entire life. And yet... Rainbow Dash glances at the other ponies near her, and more generally, at Cloudsdale. It’s home, and it always has been—high in the sky, above the earth, where flight is just a natural part of life. And more importantly, it’s the home of the Wonderbolts. Her dream to join them had only just been formed, and now another option was bludgeoning its way into her life. Seeing Rainbow Dash's hesitation writ plainly on her face, Celestia nods. "You don't need to make a decision right now, my young pegasus. For now, you should think it over. It is, after all, not a decision to be taken lightly," Celestia states delicately. "What? Don't tell me you're seriously considering turning them down?" The gryphon asks Rainbow Dash incredulously. "You're always going on about how awesome you are, and now the ruler of all of Equestria themself shows up to acknowledge it!" They prod Rainbow Dash from the side. The other pegasus pipes up. "Yeah! It's not like you to hesitate on something like this!" she jeers. "What's the matter? Just take the offer!" Rainbow Dash shakes her head. "It's not that simple, Cloud Kicker! I'd be leaving Cloudsdale..." she states fiercely, before looking back up at Celestia. "I'd have to talk to my parents, too." Celestia looks on approvingly. The pegasus before them, though rowdy and rambunctious, also has a surprisingly good head on her shoulders, from what they can tell. "Of course. Regardless of your decision, you've accomplished a great feat here today, and you should be proud. May I meet the parents of such an extraordinary young filly?" Rainbow Dash beams. Though she isn't sure about changing her whole course in life on a dime like that, it doesn't take a second thought to realize that having the Sun Princess visit her home personally would give her bragging rights for the rest of her life. So, she nods her head enthusiastically. "Uh-huh!" Celestia lowers their head oddly deferentially, stifling a giggle at the filly's enthusiasm. "Well then, Rainbow Dash, lead the way." Rainbow Dash turns around to say goodbye to her friends. "I'll be sure to let you both know what I decide. Catch you later, Gilda. Bye, Cloud Kicker." Rainbow Dash hoofbumps each of her friends in turn before wheeling around and taking off. As Celestia follows, they are able to get their first good look at the filly's flying technique. Though it is... unrefined, it is easy to see the raw talent possessed; she moves with agility, confidence, and grace, though her technique is somewhat sloppy and could use some work. Nothing that a few afternoons with the premier flight trainers in Equestria wouldn't hammer out, though. Celestia thinks to themself. Upon reaching the mid-layer of the cloud city where her house is, Rainbow Dash touches down. She could fly straight there, but she wants as many ponies as possible to witness the monarch of all of Equestria following her around. Puffing out her chest proudly and holding her chin high, Rainbow Dash basks in the awed and shocked looks from everypony she crossed paths with. Slamming the door to her house open, Rainbow Dash struts inside confidently. "Mom! Dad! I'm home! And I brought a visitor. They'd like to talk with you!" "Oh, sweetie, it's so good to see you're home! How did your day go?" Windy Whistles calls out from the other room as she quickly trots towards the front door to see her daughter. "Did you beat any records toda..." She trails off as her jaw goes slack, and, with eyes as wide as saucers, she notices Princess Celestia themself standing behind her daughter with a warm expression. Rainbow Dash beams proudly. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Princess Celestia greets the slack-jawed pegasus. "To answer your question, your daughter has in fact set a record today. May I come in?" "B-B-Bow, get in here." Windy stammers out, visibly vibrating. "C-C-Come right in, P-P-Prin..." She doesn't seem to be able to finish that sentence, but Celestia gets the message and nods their head gratefully. "Thank you. My, what a cozy home you have here," Celestia remarks as they sit down at the table. "Dear? What is it?" Bow Hothoof calls out from upstairs, trotting down the stairs, only to find the surreal image of Princess Celestia sitting down at the family dining table, patiently waiting for him. "Dear Celestia..." Bow prays under his breath. "It's Celestia." It takes some time for Rainbow Dash's parents to pull themselves together enough to string together a coherent statement, and once they do, it’s largely just to start asking if the princess needs anything. It isn't until cups of tea have been made and they all sit down at the table that they stop vibrating in awe long enough to introduce themselves and hear what Celestia has to say. "This morning, your daughter accomplished an extraordinary feat," Celestia explains. "She became the first pegasus, and second pony, in all of recorded history to have performed a Sonic Rainboom. Even if she were an adult, that would have been an astonishing feat, but as a filly it is doubly impressive." Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles look at each other, and then back at Celestia. "Our Dashie," Windy starts, "performed a sonic rainboom?" Bow finishes. Rainbow Dash winces as the living room is overtaken by a cacophony of parental cheering and pride. Somehow, in her eagerness to show off that she had attracted the eye of the princess themself, she had neglected to consider how embarrassing her parents could be. Before she can escape the couch, she is overtaken by a massive bear hug between the two of them. "If any pegasus could do it, it would be our Dashie!" Bow gushes. "She's always been such a phenomenal learner!" Celestia smiles with warmth and sincerity as they take a sip of their tea. It's good to see that she's well loved. "Now, onto business. I have extended your daughter an offer to come to Canterlot as my personal student, that she might learn how to best harness her abilities." Celestia explains. "If she should decide to take me up on my offer, she would learn from the best that Equestria can provide. But as she would be studying so far from home, she would have to live at the palace with me while she was studying." As if everything else that had been told to them wasn't enough, this latest revelation sent fresh waves of excitement through her parents. "Our Dashie, being mentored by... By Celestia themself?" Windy Whistles utters in astonishment while looking over at her husband. "Where do we sign up!?" Bow asks, elated. "Not so fast!" Rainbow Dash shouts, prying her muzzle out of her parents' grasp for long enough to speak up. "I haven't made up my mind yet. Princess, I have some questions." The pegasus announces, crawling out from between her parents and standing fiercely on the couch with wings spread out as if she thought she was getting ready for battle. "Ask away. I wouldn't expect you to make such a large decision without full knowledge first. In fact, I wouldn't permit it." Celestia announces, firmly. Even though they seem calm, there is a certain weight and gravitas to that last statement which makes Rainbow Dash swallow nervously. "Well, um, first off... What would I be learning? I'm not an egghead, I like flying and speed. And the Wonderbolts academy is here, in Cloudsdale, so if I want to learn from the best, wouldn't I be better off staying there?" Rainbow Dash asks, skeptically. Celestia nods. "In some ways, yes. If you wish to only focus on your flight abilities, you would be better served staying in Cloudsdale. But I believe you have far more potential than simply being a racer or stunt pony. To assuage your concerns, the military school in Canterlot has some of the best flight trainers in all of Equestria, perhaps second to the Wonderbolts Academy, perhaps not. But you would also be trained by me, personally. So your flight training would not be lacking." Celestia explains. "But there would be much more to it than just that; You would be trained how to best harness your Pegasus magic, how to fight to defend both yourself and others, how to navigate the world, how to survive in the wild, taught leadership skills... And, of course, Academics." Celestia adds the last one as if it was an afterthought. Rainbow Dash groans. 'Academics.' Just about anything else was preferable over that. But she still has one more major concern. "And... How would this affect my chances of getting into the Wonderbolts?" Rainbow Dash asks, finally. Celestia's gaze softens, and they speak more gently than the previous, more formal answer. "I will be honest, if you take me up on my offer, it is unlikely you will ever become a Wonderbolt. You would likely take on greater responsibilities that would conflict with Wonderbolt training, and would be away from Cloudsdale too often to compete." Rainbow Dash looks like she is going to turn them down on the spot in response to that statement, but Celestia continues. "But I believe your destiny holds greater things for you than being a mere performer. I understand that is your dream, and if you wish to pursue it I will not hinder you. But with your potential, I know you could be so much more." Celestia's words touch Rainbow's pride just right, leaving her once again uncertain. What Celestia describes is so different from how she imagined life going, such a departure from all the goals and hopes she has for herself. And yet... Rainbow Dash sighs, looking down at the ground. "Can I... Think it over?" She asks, finally, eliciting gasps of shock from both of her parents. Celestia nods gracefully. "Of course. Having said that, I'm afraid I cannot stay while you do. Duty calls. Take this." Celestia offers a hoof bracelet to Rainbow Dash, emblazoned with the royal seal on the front. "If you should choose to take me up on my offer... Present this to the guards at the royal palace in Canterlot. They will let you in." Rainbow Dash takes the signet with unease, turning it over in her hooves. It's strange; She had just accomplished the greatest feat of her life and been told that she had nearly limitless potential. But all she feels is a strange sense of trepidation. She could, of course, simply refuse Celestia's offer and continue on her normally scheduled path towards becoming a Wonderbolt; The Princess hadn't put any pressure on her to accept, after all. Yet, what would she be throwing away if she did that..? At that moment, she feels uncannily aware that her decision would affect the course of the rest of her life. Rainbow Dash finally looks up at Celestia, with a determined expression. "Alright. I'll think about it." She finally responds. Celestia nods. "I would expect no less. Take your time to make your decision, it is not one to be made lightly." The Sun Princess states with delicate emphasis, before nodding to each of Rainbow's parents in turn. "It was good to meet you two. Regardless of what choice they make, you should know that you've raised an extraordinary young filly. You should be proud." And just like that, the alicorn is gone, leaving Rainbow Dash with a confounding storm of warring emotions inside of her head. "I'm going to tuck in early," Rainbow Dash reports from where she is lying on the couch. Since Celestia had left an hour or two ago, she had been lying near-catatonic on the couch as her parents did their best to comfort or talk to her. It wasn't like Rainbow at all, and it warrants considerable concern. The statement that she was going to tuck in early does not help that case; Rainbow Dash was usually more likely to stay up late and just catch up on sleep by power napping during the day. "Rainbow...?" Bow asks, hesitantly. "Are you sure everything is alright? If you need help talking things through, we're right here," he offers, but Rainbow Dash just shakes her head and climbs the stairs up to her room. It isn't that she's upset, exactly. On some level, she is as overjoyed as she should be given the circumstances, but that level is deep inside of her, and on the surface is the unusual pensiveness that encompassed her that day. It's weird, Rainbow thinks to herself, as she lays back on her bed, staring up at the ceiling without the blankets covering her. I'm not normally like this. What am I even doing? She ponders, restlessly rolling over onto her side with her head tucked against the pillow. Thinking problems through slowly and carefully isn't really Rainbow Dash's forte; she's generally more prone to smashing her way through them with brute force. But this isn't like choosing what to do for the day or challenging a filly to a race; in the back of her mind, she is painfully aware that her decision here will change the rest of her life. Maybe I'll think better on a full night of sleep… I hope She isn't really sure, since she didn't think she'd ever had a decision she'd had to sleep on before. Rainbow Dash's eyes shoot open, not knowing where she is, as a flash of light emanates around her. It is only after the resounding boom of thunder passes through her that she realizes the light came from stormclouds hanging overhead. Where am I...? Rainbow Dash wonders in a daze, looking around at the crumbling stonework all around her. She seems to be in a massive, ornamental hall, badly weathered by the ages. The vaunted ceiling stretches up high above her, almost invisible in the darkness until another flash of lightning crashes through the sky above. Rainbow Dash flinches reflexively, before cursing herself for doing so; she’s not supposed to be so easily scared! But despite telling herself that, she can't help but shiver in a combination of fear and awe. She looks up and around, seeing massive sections of the ceiling that are caved in, the rubble strewn across the floor, while vast stained glass windows on either side let in the dim light from outside. Suddenly, a booming laughter, as loud as the thunder that was crashing through the hall, resounds. It hits Rainbow with a wave of physical force like a shockwave that blasts her backwards. She desperately flaps her wings in flight to catch her balance before she falls to the ground, landing in a combative stance. "Who's there?" she shouts, her voice filled with bravado that her heart doesn't match. "Your fate." The voice calls Rainbow from down the hall. "Come and face it, if you dare." The voice continues to resound from all around her, speaking with all of the intensity of the thunderclouds hanging outside. Rainbow hesitantly glances around. There are no side passages, and the hall just seems to fade into black darkness behind her, so she nervously gulps and begins walking forwards. Chunks of ancient stonework, still grandiose even in their ruined state, jut from the ground around her. Rainbow Dash isn't sure how long she walks, but at some point, shivering in the cold air, she comes to the end of the hall. There are many such windows lining each side, but the two stained glass panels here are the only two that catch her eye, because she recognizes the ponies depicted within. On one side... Shadow Kicker, her friend Cloud Kicker’s distant ancestor, armored wing to hoof, a pool of crimson blood at her hooves. An ancient hero from a bygone era. And on the other, illuminated by a flash of lightning in the thunderstorm raging in the background, is a pony from far more recent history. In fact, one who is still alive. Wind Rider, captain of the Wonderbolts. Rainbow Dash shakes her head and shields herself from the biting wind with her wings. Though she is technically inside, the numerous cracks and shattered glass in the hall let the storm winds in with little resistance. "What is this? Why are you showing me this?" Rainbow Dash shouts out, looking around in the darkness for her tormentor. Booming laughter echoes once again, and Rainbow Dash involuntarily shuts her eyes, cowering under its weight. "You have a choice to make, my young subject. Stay in Cloudsdale if you value your life, for if you follow your fool of a princess, you shall share the fate of those who came before you!" Rainbow Dash's eyes shoot open once again, as the scenes in the stained glass seem to come to life. Shadow Kicker, impaled by a dozen spears and laying dying in a pool of her own blood. And Wind Rider, soaring high on the wings of a storm, without a care in the world. Rainbow's eyes grow wide, taking in the scene, as cracks like sparks of lightning crawl across both paintings, from the bottom towards the top, even while the figures in them continue moving. Wind Rider ascends up, up, until they have left the painting entirely, while Shadow Kicker's last, pained breaths cease. A forked tongue of lightning crashes down from the stormclouds above, piercing each painting and shattering them into pieces along the cracks that had formed. Rainbow screams and jumps back, only for a sudden gust of wind to sweep her through the air. Though the pegasus filly tries to catch herself on the edge of where the paintings had once been, she finds herself plummeting down into the darkness before her. Soon enough, she can see nothing, feeling only the biting wind in her fur and her scream fading into the rumbling of the storm beyond.