Across the Shimmerverse

by DapperLilArts

First published

Sunset Shimmer, the Princess of Valor, is the happiest Sunset in all of the multiverse; A fact that will be painfully obvious to her, when she's cursed to travel the multiverse meeting other failed versions of herself.

Sunset Shimmer's life has always been full of mistakes; But she rose to the occasion and kept fighting, willing to improve herself, always.

And now she is celebrating five years of being an Alicorn Princess-- Happily married to Twilight Sparkle. It can't get better than this, she is the happiest she's ever been.

Of course, in Equestria, there is always trouble, right around the corner. And now, a happy, fulfilled and incredibly powerful Sunset Shimmer is cursed to travel the multiverse, forced to meet other versions of herself-- Disgusted by their failures.

All she can do is keep fighting, stay strong, and hope that she can find a way back home to her love.

And maybe, just maybe, help a few Sunsets along the way.

Pretty close to a Perfect day - PART 1

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In a dark, dingy place, where few ponies ever thread, a certain someone was ranting like nuts.

They say revenge is a dish best served cold; But the correct term would likely be revenge is a dish best served when you have absolutely nothing to lose, and are also really petty. And this certainly applied to this particular Unicorn.

“Okay. Okay. This is it! Not even STARSWIRL figured this out. But I did!!! No one believed in me but here I friggin’ am!! If nothing else, after today, even if I die, or get killed, or get thrown in the darkest cell of Canterlot prison, or maybe Tartarus– Do they throw regular ponies in Tartarus? Nah, probably not. A-anyways. Even if everything else goes wrong, I’ll go down in history as a pioneer of the mystic arts!! A genius of technological marvels! A brilliant explorer of a brave new frontier!!”

‘Hermes’ was what he called himself; He was an moderately humble Unicorn scientist that studied travel based magic from a young age, and since those early years, he tried braving frontiers no one else dared; Mostly because no one else cared to. He was not particularly tall or built– like many in academia– His fur was a grayish brown that could resemble bronze in the right light, his mane was an unkempt white-ish blonde, and he wore glasses that had been cracked for a long time.

Moldy, unkept, abandoned, unfunded, breaking several safety violations, there were more than a few words one could use to describe the ‘observatory’ lab he had made his home, but above all else, ‘lonely’ would describe it most; to those that cared for companionship, of course.

“Yeah, yeah, no pony thought I could do it. No pony even dared to even try; The most brilliant minds in Equestria shunned me; Thought lowly of me, gave up on me, were… Like, super rude to me!!! But this will show everypony; everywhere! Hermes will be a name known in more than one universe!!”

There were litters of machines and paraphernalia littering the room all the way to the ceiling; To anybody else, they would be incomprehensible, but to this Unicorn, it was a perfect thousand-piece puzzle he had put together.

And speaking of puzzles; He had a board full of notes, pictures, data, and evidence. Things that would seem pointless to others, but not to him. A myriad of information on this world and others; Mish mashed in organized chaos.

Pictures of places that no one in this world had seen, much less been; Pictures of ponies no one in this world had met, but very much knew.

Objects that made no sense; A shattered mirror pieced together that did not cast reflections was surrounded by coils, a telescope that could not see connected to dozens of wires, each of these with multitudes of runes engraved in them, all brought into sense and context with his magic, and his creation. Whenever the machines lit to life, they would shake the foundations of the room, dust would fall from the ceiling, and you could feel the energy on your skin.

“Payback; That’s just the cherry on top. At the very least, the world will know what I’m capable of! That I DID it! That I, Hermes, have discovered how to bridge the gap between universes!!! Not just one; but ANY universe! Even STARSWIRL gave up on this magic; On this technology!! But I didn’t.”

The dull sound of his hoofsteps echoed on the walls of his lab, as he moved from one place to another, frantically fiddling with devices; His magic floated gears, mechanisms, circuitries and runes all around him, with intentions only he knew.

The most important one at this moment was akin to a crown; A technomagical crown made to be retrofitted around the horn of a Unicorn, specifically with his Multitudes of wires, circuitries and runes all were exposed on it’s halo, as if you could see the innards of the machine. He looked at himself in a small mirror, making sure everything was fit properly, then unsuccessfully covered his face with a hood, clumsily trying to pull it forwards, only for it to slide off the machinery.

Magic and technology, meshed together to perfection, or as close as one could achieve, with these resources.

“Today’s the day; The best shot I'll have at her. She’ll be distracted; As will everypony, and amidst the festivities, BOOM. I’ll strike. Twilight Sparkle... I’ll make you pay for all the time you cost me; And everything you took from me. Revenge is a dish best served warm and toasty!! …If your wife isn’t around to turn me into mulch, that is. …NO! I thought of everything! I got this! Today’s the day!! Payback will be mine!!!”

He proudly posed and gazed at the ruin he called a lab, then, with all the determination a nerdy scientist with no proper social life could muster, made his way towards his destiny.

“Celestia be my witness. Twilight Sparkle, this will be the worst day of your life.”

Pretty close to a perfect day - Part 1

Waking up was so, so easy for Sunset Shimmer these days.

You know when you have something special you’re doing the next day, some sort of event, gathering, meeting a friend; Or even something as simple as knowing you’ll get to see something new?

Something to look forward to the next morning?

This was how she had felt every morning, for well over a year; for well over multiple years.

And now, as she laid in bed, quite comfortably too, already feeling the invitation of the sun peeking behind their curtains, she chose to stay in there, and appreciate its softness and comfort. A premeditated laziness, one might say; She certainly would, as she waited for a delightful sound she was quite used to hearing.

And there it was, without further ado, A bell towed quietly above the building they slept on, which resulted in the sound Sunset oh-so-eagerly awaited for. She folded her wings close in expectation.

The cutest yawn in all of Equestria, one belonging to none other than her wife, Twilight Sparkle.

Feeling the light shuffles of the waking Alicorn forced a grin on Sunset’s face, even when she continued to pretend she was asleep. Every little grunt and cute sound made by the stretching of her partner got her closer and closer to giggling, but she held on, steadfast.

Another adorable yawn, as Twilight sat up in bed, without difficulty. Sunset remained still, making good usage of the king-sized bed they had cherished for ages now; A more than comfortable size for two growing Alicorns, after all.

With every shudder and stretch of the fabric, she could feel her wife’s movements, scanning the room, and then resting her gaze on Sunset.

“Gooood morning, my Sun…!” Akin to a kind whisper, akin to an pleasant invitation, Twilight spoke close, waiting for her wife to open her eyes.

And, mischievously, Sunset did no such thing.

“Heeeelloooo, Goood morning, Sunsun…!” Another futile attempt, another loving, inviting whisper.

And stalwartly, she kept her eyes closed.

“Hey. Hey sweetie. Wake up.” There you go, she was starting to get demanding, here comes the best part.

The tiniest of smiles crept up in Sunset’s lips, just in time for her wife to plant a kiss on her cheek. “Wake up.”

Silence. Were she not pretending to be asleep, she likely would have dared, defied the Princess of Friendship to drag her out of bed. The best kind of defiance, really.

“Wake up.” A kiss.

“Wake up.” Another kiss.

“Wake up.” And yet another loving kiss.

Her indomitable warrior spirit was close to being broken under a barrage of loving kisses, and frankly, Sunset Shimmer was prideless enough to accept that sort of defeat, but she certainly wasn’t one to go down without a fight.

“Wake up wake up wake up wake up” Kiss after kiss, it was more than clear to her wife that this was yet another game being played by Sunset, and that she was not about to lose.

That final barrage was enough to force Sunset’s hand, as she opened her eyes with the widest, most pleased grin, and flipped over, pinning her wife down and unleashing her own barrage of kisses. “Well well well, look who’s awake!” That would have sounded more confident, if it was not being drowned in a savage attack of loving kisses.

Even after that vicious attack of loving smooches, even while being pinned down by her wife, Twilight Sparkle still maintained a certain professional composure. “Gooood morning. You’ve got a big day today; Lot’s to do, and I wanna make this absolutely perfect for you, Sunsun. What do you say?”

Finally, Sunset allowed herself to stop playing the game, hovering above her love with unending delight. “I’ll say this day’s already pretty damn perfect, if you ask me.”

“Oh really… Why’s that…?” With an eyebrow raised, a tilt of her head, and a mischievous smile, Twilight knew she was playing with fire.

Letting out a loving growl, delighted to be in that exact position, Sunset stretched her wings, but dared not to move an inch away from her love. “‘Cause from where I'm standing, the view’s pretty good.”

And there it was, a proper kiss on the lips, one they shared many times before, but much like the warm glow of dusk, or the gleam of the stars in the sky, never got old.

With mischievous giggles, Sunset would have taken it even further, but her wife placed a hoof on her mouth. “Down, girl!! We’ve gotta go get ready! I need to take a proper shower, and you oughta tidy up too. Let’s get outta bed already!”

Sunset let out the biggest pout and puppy eyes she could muster. “Aww… Aren’t we celebrating me today…? Why can’t I have a bit more bedtime with my wife!!!” She said, with a jokey tone, that certainly didn’t hide much of her desire.

“Because we have to make appearances, and a bunch of other stuff I wrote down on a checklist, I forgot– I'll go get it— And you gotta go tidy up. Mwah.” With one final kiss, Twilight teleported out of bed, and immediately started stretching and yawning once more. Sunset nearly tumbled away, cursing quietly for not being able to enjoy this moment for a little while longer.

Before entering their bathroom, Twilight gave her one mischievous wink and a tail graze. “Keep that energy in mind for tonight, Sunsun.”

And with that statement, and a dumb grin on her face, Sunset considered lowering the sun herself, right now.

But, responsibilities were responsibilities, and the best rewards were ones gifted after a long day of hard work. She hopped out of bed, and did her own morning stretches, while opening the blinds swiftly.

The sun didn’t blind her; It scarcely had ever, for years, now. The beautiful sights of Ponyville sprawled below those windows, and the light of the town almost reflected on the ceiling of their room.

And what a room it was. As Sunset made her way to the closet, she admired every bit of the environment. With a mixture of bricks and wood, the architecture was far from royal, but quality. A cozy, surprisingly humble place, considering its residents were two princesses. Closets, bookshelves, the comfiest chairs you could get to match tables meant for study, a king sized extremely cozy bed, and, one of her favorite corners, a comfortable vanity mirror with pictures of all their friends and the adventures they shared, and besides it, her Valkyrie armor was mounted on stand.

She had always followed her wife’s schedules diligently, and trusting on them, she took no rush on selecting an outfit for the day, delighting herself on hearing Twilight's hums in the shower echoing from the bathroom beside them.

She gazed at two potential garments, one finely put together fiery frilly dress, and one of her favorite leather jackets, that had gold spikes on it, no less. “Hey Sparkles, since the party is for me, do you think that I could–”

“--You could, but Rarity might attack you on sight!” Her voice echoed from inside the shower, knowing exactly what her wife was up to.

“Heh! I’ll burn that bridge when I get to it!” With a confident grin, Sunset took the jacket and its accessories, and laid them out in her bed, fully aware of the potential consequences of her actions.

“I could always hide behind Applejack, she’d be too distracted macking on her girl to actually criticize my outfit, heheh!” No response from Twilight other than delightfull giggles echoing from inside the bathroom, and Sunset took that as endorsement, as she prepared her outfit for the day.

But her gaze landed back on her armor, mounted in the corner.

She couldn’t resist.

With incredibly fluid rehearsed magical motions, she floated each individual piece of that armor set customly made for her, and adorned it, an action that took less than ten seconds.

And now, looking at the mirror, it was as if she was prepared for war; Or at the very least to a battle with a legendary mythological beast, and she was a stranger to neither.

The armor covered her body nearly entirely, giving away very few weak spots; Allowing for a comfortable flexibility as well, with a mixture of plates, chainmail and cloth. It even covered the top part of her wings, giving her the appearance of having razor sharp feathers, from a certain angle. The helmet covered the horn as well, with its own metallic plating for it, Perfect for fencing, with her red/gold hair cascaded from under it. The metals were mixtures of bronze and gold, which matched her color perfectly; Enchanted steel made to sustain the highest of temperatures.

She had adorned that armor dozens upon dozens of times, There were dents and scars in nearly every plate, much like the Alicorn who wore it. And sometimes, she still felt as if it was maybe too big for her. As if she hadn’t earned it.

But the best feeling was when it fit just right. As if that armor was a part of her skin.

She glanced at a photo on the vanity, shying away from her reflection; The picture had all her friends smiling and gathered around her; And she smiled awkwardly, the first month anniversary of her ‘joining the team’ so to speak, Before Midnight Sparkle, before becoming an Alicorn, before everything. Pinkie had hastingly prepared a cake, and that younger Sunset wasn’t even sure if she deserved eating, after everything she had done. She looked small, shriveled into herself, even.

Looking away from the old Sunset to the current Sunset filled her with confidence.

“It’s gonna be a party, not a battle, you know?” The delighted giggle of Twilight echoed quietly in the room, snapping the warrior out of it, as she entered it with a towel wrapped over her mane. She joined her wife side by side, looking with pride at their reflections.

“Hey, if it’s a good party, I’ll get some use out of this.” Sunset smirked, nuzzling her wife; Or more an attempt at a nuzzle, as they bonked their heads with the enchanted steel of her helmet, resulting in both of them breaking into giggles.

Beholding her own reflection, Sunset’s expression changed a bit, and her wife could read her like a book; And if there was anything Twilight Sparkle was known for, was being a bookworm. “Sunsun. You more than earned it. You look formidable. Heck– Remember that time in the Hall of Unity, where you scared that griffon waiter so bad he almost soiled himself, and it was with just a glare?”

A mischievous snicker bubbled up immediately from her wife. “Heheh. That’s the last time that guy spills a drink on my Princess. That was a fun visit; I hope Celestia lets us tag along this year, too.”

The same kind of giggle bubbled up on the Princess of Friendship, following with those adorable snorts. “If her inviting Discord to some parties is anything to go by, I imagine she’ll appreciate us being there to make another mess next time too.”

Just reminiscing on the many disastrous parties they had participated in involuntarily caused a hearty chuckle to come out of Sunset. “Pff hey. At least we’re also professional mess fixers. We totally averted a diplomatic incident! Canterlot almost got sold, but we fixed it, heh.”

With better aim this time, Twilight nuzzled her proper. That nuzzle almost resulted in sparks, with its friction, Sunset could feel her joy, feel her love, as if they were her own. “That we did. Anyways, put the armor away sweetie, we gotta go get ready, lots to do!”

Sunset complied, Magically binding the armor inside her horn. One of the many perks of being an Alicorn, Is that where Unicorns would usually be able to store a bag, maybe a suitcase’s worth of contents magically within them, an Alicorn could push that much further with ease; Twilight herself nearly carried a library around with her, everywhere she went.

With a confident, gleeful demeanor, The Princess of Friendship beckoned her forward. “Let’s put on our duds and get to it! Big day!”

And as always, her joy was contagious. This was going to be a perfect day. “Ya ain’t gotta tell me twice, Sparkles.”

Their community center was, with all modesty, the best building in Ponyville. Sure, there might be some arguments to be made regarding that, but considering the beautiful columns that were literal trees that they built the structure around, all of which aided on it’s support, once you passed by the gorgeous, three-floor library, the arboretum/community garden, and even the recreational/visit area on the first floor, your arguments would likely fade.

And that wasn’t to mention the beautiful clock tower that shined for all of Ponyville, with bells that towed in special events. The fourth floor belonged to the princesses alone, it was where they resided, but they certainly didn’t mind sharing the rest of the building. Neither of the two needed anything more than this; Even if neither would shy away from living in Canterlot Castle in the future.

All that mattered was the present, and in the present, they were happy.

As was their usual routine, Twilight floated a checklist in front of them as they slowly moved by the hallways and rooms of their community center, greeting any of the early rising ponies that were visiting; There was always a certain calm hustle and bustle in the building, and they adored it.

And of course, Twilight was as organized and efficient as ever, as she listed their responsibilities for the day.

“While I go check on the preparations with Pinkie on the sugarcube corner, you’re flying to Cloudsdale to find Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy and help them make sure the skies are clear; Applejack and Rarity likely already finished their tasks, but you and me can check on them respectively after, just in case!”

She spoke joyously, and Sunset regarded her with adoration, being a bit distracted. Just a bit.

“After 10 O’clock, Celestia’s coming by Ponyville, for that Alicorn space lesson you have today, you two can enjoy yourselves while I take care of all the rest of the preparations! Liiiike for example, checking on who RSVP’d; which, by the way, fun stuff; Spike’s coming from the dragon lands, and not only will my parents be coming by, but your parents will be here too!”

Once there was no reaction from Sunset, just that dumb grin, Twilight knew exactly what was happening. She wrapped her checklist into a tube and bonked her wife on the head a few times for good measure. “Stop! Being! Distracted! By! My! Big beautiful eyes!”

Nothing but giggles emerged from Sunset, delighted to have been so predictable. “Heheheh It’s not my fault!! You try being less adorable and gorgeous!!”

With a pout and a fluster of her cheeks, Twilight’s eyebrow was raised. “How much of that did you listen to?”

With a little smile and a tilt of her head, Sunset tried being cute to earn her forgiveness, almost with a purr, because she had listened to none of it.

It worked.

The day was already looking up wonderfully.

Deep, focussed breaths.

Sunset and Celestia stood face to face, on the outskirts of town, ready to begin their lesson.

“Remember. The strength of the Earth Ponies, the elegance of the Pegasi, and the magic of the Unicorns; You need to master all of them to truly be able to call yourself an Alicorn.” There was always wisdom behind her words, but the kindness and gentleness that came with her lessons was what always kept Sunset smiling during them.

It still felt a bit strange at times, to be a pupil of Celestia once more, but what came above that strangeness was joy, regardless of her reservations. They were truly happy to work with each other again.

These lessons were one of Sunset’s favorite things to do as an Alicorn. A full exploration of just how far she could go, how strong she truly could be. “...Right. And only when I unite those powers as one is that I can reach my true potential–”

“--While remaining humble.” They both completed together, in unison, which led to them both snickering.

After the laughter subsided, Sunset let out an exhale, not a bad one, either. “Well… I could write a book about being humbled.”

“And I wager it would be full of wisdom, Sunset Shimmer.” Celestia did not even hesitate, with that same pleased smile she carried often around her newest oldest pupil. “And I also wager Twilight would be first in line to read it. If I did not beat her to it, of course.”

“Good luck trying to beat Twilight Sparkle at reading a book, one written by her wife no less…!” They shared more amused snickers.

“Shall we begin?”

“We shall!”

Both of them breathed deeply, feeling the wind on their faces, feeling the grass beneath their hooves, hearing the quiet sounds of Ponyville in the distance, tuning out everything, feeling everything.

As they channeled the power of fire and light around them, gathering their energy, Celestia gave more wisdom, Readying herself. “You are a meteor that will never burn up, that will fly higher and higher; going up, up, up. Concentrate on that power and GO.”

Immediately upon that final word, they both took off in a corkscrew manner, shooting upwards into the sky at tremendous force, much like a meteor, but flying away from the planet instead of towards it.

Even after having done this dozens of times, it still felt exhilarating, channeling all of her strength to break the atmosphere, fly like a shooting star; Sunset was quite used to the idea of being surrounded in flames; She was utterly immune to them at this point.

“If you need assistance, do not hesitate to ask, Sunset!!” The voice of her mentor was barely audible on their ascent, and regardless, the Princess ignored her, despite being thankful.

She pierced the clouds like a fiery arrow, The wind viciously raged against her, but she did not falter. The higher up they reached, the easier it got, she could see the sky change from blue to a darker hue, and finally, for what felt like either ten minutes or ten seconds, she was utterly devoid of weight.

Exhaling steam, she shook her head, gaining her bearings, and letting out a chuckle, taking in the sights.

“Welcome back to the final frontier, Sunset Shimmer!” Celestia’s voice rang out gleefully.

Looking around at this place; The place of all places, was always a delight. She spun around on multiple axis, using both magic and her wings or even just bodily motions to move around, feeling weightless, And Celestia did the same, akin to almost prancing. She could see stars brighter than ever, the moon, closer than ever, and Equestria was her roof, this big beautiful blue and green planet that was her home.

They were now in Space.

It was quiet; But not completely, there was almost a hum that her planet emitted, as it spun.

And of course, the main event, the Sun.

Their Sun.

Celestia floated near her, with a giddy smile. “Never gets old, does it?”

With a grin from ear to ear, Sunset nodded enthusiastically. “Never. Man, I'm so glad I can stare at it without burning my eyes now.” She let out a chuckle. It was as if she could see the true nature of the star, bathe in its light fully, be one with it entirely, and in a way, it certainly was.

“Our Sun is forever giving. And just like me, you can draw power from it, be one with it. Bathing in its light and flames will give you strength, allow you to heal faster, make you stronger; And although it’ll take some getting used to, you will learn to raise and set it with ease, in that, I have the utmost faith.” She spoke every word with confidence and pride, not on herself, but on her pupil. Sunset wasn’t the only one that felt lighter than air.

Every word was kind. Every word gave her courage. Sunset opened her wings, almost akin to a solar panel, and allowed herself to bask in that light as much as she could. Flames and sparks flowed across her fur, as if they were part of her, and she glowed. And it felt incredible; One of the best sensations, like embracing a lover.

“Gosh, look at you–” Celestia’s words stuttered, as she smiled fully, beholding her student with pride.

“...Look at me…!” Sunset gave her the same warm smile.

The Queen of the Sun let out a delighted sigh, almost holding back joyful tears, as she gazed back at her star. “You certainly imprinted with it phenomenally well; I am overjoyed to see how well you take up the power of the Sun within you, despite the interesting proficiency you have with it’s flames, as opposed to me with it’s light, I have no doubt you will master both, my student…!!”

“I have a good teacher!” She did not hesitate with her response, smiling back as she tried a couple of different spins and tricks with the weightlessness of space. She remembered fondly, the first time she did this with Celestia, and how back then, the Queen struggled a lot more to keep her delighted joy in check.

“Perhaps, if you’d like, tomorrow you could raise it?” She poked at her pupil, with a nudging delighted smile.

Letting out a nervous chuckle, the Princess had her doubts. “Maybe– I dunno, last times I did it, it was kinda—”

“The more you do it, the easier it’ll get, Sunset. And someday, it’ll be as easy as breathing…!”

With a short, happy chuckle, the Princess beheld the star once more. It felt hard to believe that one day this would be hers, and that one day, she could easily manage it. And yet, the mere thought of it made her smile.

They changed their stances, now, channeling their magic on their hooves so they could walk on space itself, making the floor they desired, something that was incredibly easy to perform with no gravity, a kind of magic made for Alicorns.

“Besides. It is not just the Sun that will give you strength, Sunset. Your strength will always come at its greatest from within.” She pointed at her Pupil’s heart, with that same earnest smile.

With a quick chuckle, the Princess delighted herself, making light of the situation. “Heh, yeah, I do fight really well when I'm pissed.”

“Your anger and your rage are certainly good places to draw your strength; after all, those emotions are akin to wildfires. Few would be able to subdue you… But you must always remember, that inner strength comes from every emotion, even joy.”

Tilting her head, Sunset followed her, a bit confused. “Joy?”

Celestia nodded, as she gazed at the constellations above them, with ease. “Yes, Sunset. Happiness. As an example, think of me– I spent 1000 miserable, busy years ruling alone… And then, when I tried training a pupil, somepony to someday take my place, I… I failed terribly…”

“Really…? Who…?”

“You, Sunset.”

“Oh.” The Princess nearly burst out laughing on her lapse of memory, but contained herself, respecting her teacher’s teachings.

“Once Twilight freed my sister, brought her back fully, I could feel it. I could feel that good things were coming. And have I ever been so glad to be right… Because she brought you back to me, too…!” She beheld her pupil with love and pride, and Sunset looked at her with the same appreciation.

“...Twilight is everything…” Was all that the Princess could muster to say as her cheeks got red, thinking of her love and all she had done for everybody everywhere.

With a nod, Celestia gazed back at her sun. “I have never been more fulfilled and happy than I have been these past few years. I have gotten my sister back, I have gotten my original pupil back, and both of my students are excelling in ways I couldn’t have even dreamed of even with my wildest bursts of hope…! Equestria is safe, and it is thriving. And I am now more sure than ever that my legacy will stand firm… I could not be any happier.”

There was so much faith and trust in those words; they made Sunset’s heart flutter. She tried not buckling under the weight of that responsibility; And she never would again. “That’s… Really, really nice, but how does it help you fight…?”

A short chuckle came from the Queen, delighted to continue. “Because, dear Sunset, I am so happy, that I know for a fact that if there was anything threatening this happiness, I would not hesitate to face it, and to protect that joy, I would be capable of anything.”

Now that, Sunset could easily understand. “Hmm, yeah, I get it. If there was anything threatening Twilight, I would do absolutely everything in my power to crush it.

The love that her pupils shared was an endless source of amusement, and even more of joy. “And I have no doubt you would be happy to do so, protecting your loved ones with all your might. And if you manage to unite your anger and your happiness into one single drive, I believe you would be unstoppable.”

That amount of faith in her still felt strange, but it simply made her smile. She chuckled, and let out a half joke, half truth. “Eh, power is awesome, but what good is it, when there just aren’t any good fights around?”

And yet, the Queen saw through that easily. She was well aware that her pupil loved a good battle, and never wanted that energy to be wasted. “Peace is what all great warriors strive for, Sunset. And do not worry; Trouble is always around the corner in Equestria; You can trust me on that; Although I believe trouble would think twice, before facing you.”

They shared giggles, and then agreeable nods, another lesson well taught.

And it was time for the next one. “So– As your Alicorn powers go, how has been the development of your telepathy? I wager it has not gotten out of hand?”

With a nod, The Princess reminisced on recent events and discoveries. “Well, I wouldn’t call it telepathy per-se, as far as I know, whenever I’m having physical contact with someone, it’s as if I can feel their feelings; Though it depends on how loud they’re feeling it, I think. And I’ve been getting better at looking through memories, too; It’s almost like… It’s almost like I’m listening to the pony I’m ‘reading’ retell their own memories to me, in an incredibly short amount of time… It’s kind of freaky, but not bad, really. …Have you figured out why I got this power…?”

“All Alicorns are blessed with their own particular eccentricities, Sunset. This is only the latest and most surprising example of that. And personally, I believe we have only scratched the surface of what Alicorns are capable of doing...” She spoke, not listlessly, but with an almost sort of excitement.

That sort of statement was certainly bringing about a certain curiosity. Sunset, for a moment, wondered if, in her following 1000 years of rule, she would discover things about her and Twilight, that even Celestia and Luna were incapable of doing.

“And I have no doubt that you and Twilight will discover great things, on your future rule.” Who’s the mind reader now? Sunset chuckled nervously, trying to remain humble; Celestia really did know her well.

The Student considered speaking more of the subject, but held her tongue; She was about to mention how any sort of physical relation with a lover was certainly enhanced, when she could feel what Twilight felt, at the same time. Awkward, weird, she changed her mind on saying it instantly.

“O-oh, and there’s one more thing too. We found out that I'm not just able to read memories; I can show others my memories, too. Like– I can make others see what I've seen, feel what I've felt, the same way that I can see for others. It was a… Very strange discovery.”

With her ears twitching in curiosity, the Queen perked up, approaching her pupil. “Oh? Could you demonstrate?”

“I-I’ll try.” they leaned on each other, and Sunset concentrated. With a jolt, and with her eyes glowing, she remembered something.

It was my entrance exam to the ‘Princess Celestia school for gifted Unicorns’. I had studied for so, so long, so, so hard, for well over a year, and despite being just a filly, despite being nervous, I refused to show it. My parents were there to support me, even if they weren't sure I could do it. I went a tad overboard, getting frustrated when my spells didn’t work, and the resulting magical emotional burst I let out nearly burned the room down; If not the whole school. I thought everything I ever wanted was beyond my reach, but you saw more than just clumsy destruction in me. You saw my potential, and brought me in as your first Pupil. It was everything I had ever wanted.

With a giggle, Celestia recoiled. “My, that is incredible! It was like I was there! What an interesting power…! And well, what a nostalgic memory…!” Her giggles covered the delight she felt on being brought on a trip down memory lane. The first time she had met Sunset felt like eternities ago at this point… And she was a very cute little filly. The Queen considered pinching her cheeks, but restrained herself.

The Princess shrugged, trying to stave off the feeling of reliving such a memory. To her, a more interesting power would have involved explosions. “Pff yeah, it sure is something. I’ll get back to you when I’ve found an actual use for it.”

With an understanding nod, Celestia had no doubt. “I am certain that much like all else you’ve learned, you’ll wield it diligently.”

Sunset chuckled with a tinge of awkwardness. “You know, it’s kind of embarrassing– Some ponies around Canterlot have started calling me ‘The Princess of Empathy’, because of this power.”

“Oh? Do you not like it?”

Scratching the back of her head with her hooves, she got a tad sheepish, trying to hide her disappointment. “Well, Not exactly, It’s just… not what I expected. I suppose I’m still trying to figure out what I am, in that stance too, other than, well, an inheritor of the sun…”

“Hm… ‘Princess of Empathy’ is certainly not what I would call you, either; Even if it does have a ring to it.”

Sunset beheld her mentor with expectation, hoping for a purpose.

And Celestia caught on to that glance, with a smile. She let go of the invisible floor she had made for herself, and allowed herself to float recreationally. “Tell me, Sunset. When was the last time my sister visited you?”

“Well, we meet for training a couple times; And she visits Twilight for her training as well– Oh, you mean in my nightmares? Huh… I don’t know… I don’t remember? –Wait. Back before Midnight Sparkle returned. Holy crap, has it really been that long…?” She pondered, gazing at nothing, trying to recall.

With a joyful giggle, Celestia nodded. “Indeed. It seems that since all that long ago, Since your ascension to Alicorn-hood– And even with you eloping with Twilight– You have had no nightmares. No fears.”

“W-well that doesn’t sound right…?”

The Queen did not let up, demonstrating just how much faith she had in her pupil. “You adorned the mantle of the Valkyries— A lost mantle, mind you, and you earned it, Slaying a mythological beast, no less. It had been unheard of anypony slaying a Legendary Phoenix; And you did so, without fear.”

Again, Sunset attempted to be humble, trying to make light of her accomplishment of slaying that building-sized bird of flames, trying to not just accept flattery from the Queen of the Sun herself. “The land of dragons was in danger, I had to help— And I mean, it's just armor I wear, I don’t really like… Well, I’d like to, but I don't call myself a Valkyrie in public.”

But Celestia did not let up. There was a time and a place for humility, and Sunset had no need for it at the moment. “And yet, you have become a master of combat– You slayed a legendary Phoenix, earning you that title; the title of Valkyrie Phoenix. And with it, I think, you would have earned another. To me, at least… You are Sunset Shimmer, The Princess of Valor.”

Now that. That title. That stirred a fire within her. She considered, for a moment, her name going down in legend with that title. But shaking her head, she decided to reign it in, remaining humble once more. “Aww, c’mon. I have, like… fears…?”

Celestia suppressed a chuckle. “Name the last time you were scared.”

“W-well, first thing that comes to mind is when Twilight became Midnight—”

“Five years ago.”

“Still though, like. I’ve got. Phobias?”

“Name one.”

“Clowns are weird, I guess?”

“Aren’t you best friends with Pinkie Pie?”

“Shoot. You’re right. Clowns are awesome. Damn.”

With a hearty chuckle, Celestia delighted herself in floating mindlessly around her pupil, who was considering her words.

Sunset attempted to shift the subject away from praise to her, still, after all of that, attempting to remain humble. “Oh yeah! Me and Twilight never found out any book or anything at all that reported on what happened to the original Valkyries; Only ones that reported on how they fought, and what kind of magic they used… I figured you might know, since you were alive and ruling at the time…?” Sunset had spent hours studying and mimicking moves she had found on ancient, dusty books, adding them to her already wide skill set of fighting prowess

With a change in demeanor, Celestia fidgeted with her mane, the Princess of Valor could notice that she was acting a tad different; And she appeared to be blushing…?

“Ah, the Valkyries…”

A moment of silence Where Sunset tried deciphering her mentor’s gaze.

“...ahem. It is an interesting tale, but one better for another time. Let us get back on the subject, Sunset; We were talking about your strengths, were we not?”

“O-oh. Yeah.”

Fidgeting, wondering, and floating much the same, Sunset gazed above her, to Equestria, then back at Celestia. “...I guess when we talk about strength, I still sometimes wish I was strong like you…”

“Why would you wish to be strong like me? When you’re strong like you! There is nothing more beautiful than that.” Celestia did not hesitate, coming closer. She poked Sunset in the chest, aimed at the heart, and a jolt went through the Princess of Valor.


Sunset blinked, considering if she had felt what she had just felt, but Celestia did not stop talking. “Trust me, it’s not about the amount of strength; it's about playing to your strengths. And you already do so incredibly. I hope, with time, that you will no longer have doubts.”

“S-sorry, old habits.” Sunset gave out a genuine smile, trying to forget the accidental mind reading she had just done of her mentor, no matter how good it felt, no matter how strange.

Chuckling, with the sheer lightness of how far she had come, she spoke, not with doubt or anxiety, but honesty. “I suppose sometimes I… Sometimes I still don’t feel worthy.”

“Me either.” Celestia gazed at the stars.

That Statement made the Princess’s ears twitch with surprise. She beheld her mentor, in expectation.

“We all make mistakes, Sunset. It is how we recover after stumbling that matters. You above all are a stalwart example of this; It is no wonder you are a Valkyrie Phoenix, having risen from the ashes again and again...” She gave her pupil a warm smile.

Finally, Sunset nodded, accepting the faith her mentor was placing on her. “...I guess you’re right. I’ve been… Weightless, for years. And I haven’t lost a fight since I beat Midnight Sparkle, either. It’s like I really have become fearless…”

Speaking with pride, containing her joy, she wrapped her lesson with a beautiful ribbon. “It suits you. You have become strong, truly strong, and yet, you have proven that you possess a kind heart. It suits you.”

“Y-yeah, I guess it… I guess it does…!”

Finally, with Sunset accepting that, the Queen of the Sun couldn’t resist anymore, embracing her pupil in a tight, loving hug.

“W-woah!!” They spun around in space a bit disoriented, as Celestia let out giggle after giggle. Her happiness was bursting out of her, And Sunset could feel it all.

“I am just so, so proud of you…!”

I am so, so happy to have you back.

It wasn’t just the loving embrace of her mentor, but the fact that her emotions were on the surface, and Sunset could read them, even unintentionally. She giggled, so Sunset giggled too. She felt pride, so Sunset felt it too. She felt joy, so Sunset felt it too.

That sort of parental approval was something that the Princess was still getting used to, even after five years of having it; And it fueled her in unimaginable ways.

The giggles subsided, and Celestia let go, with them both still smiling. “Well, I believe with that, our lesson today is over. What’s next on your day? Festivities in Ponyville, no doubt?”

Pondering, her gaze lied elsewhere, on the moon, no less. She stared at it, reminded of something. “Oh yeah! I’ve been meaning to ask, ‘cause I don’t get to talk to Luna often; How’s Twilight imprinting with the Moon? I always forget to ask her ‘cause uhh…” Because most of the time she spent with Twilight was loving Twilight, and not caring about much else.

“Ah, yes!” Celestia turned to the moon, much like Sunset, snickering. “Luna has indeed provided me with reports on how Twilight has been doing in her lessons; And as you and I know well, Twilight is an overachiever. Although Luna has told me her pupil struggled to fully imprint with the Moon at first. (I’ve been told she almost draws powers from the stars around her, not just the moon!) She has told me that not only Twilight already has mastery over the tides, but her control of dream magic is already quite advanced!”

With a quiet snicker, Sunset nodded. “Oh, that much I already know, heheh.”

“Really? How?”

“Oh– Um, I, Uh,”

Fluorescent lights buzzed, the AC hummed, and Sunset could not care less, leaning back on her chair and popping the collar of her spiked leather jacket smugly. She kept her wings unfolded, and gave out an-ever-so-confident grin.

The classroom was nigh empty, except for her, and her teacher, Twilight Sparkle; Who wore her usual overly buttoned fancy outfit, complete with tie, skirt, glasses, and held her hair neatly in a bob. Her wings were folded, with strong focus on discipline, as usual.

“Whatever.” Leaning confidently back on her chair, Sunset smugly rolled her eyes.

And the teacher would not accept such an attitude. “Whatever? Your insubordination requires correction, Shimmer. You are by far, my most unruly and unkept student. A certified trouble maker, if you will.”

Tilting her head, akin to a taunt, Sunset continued to smirk. “Put it on my tab, teach’.”

Approaching her with unwavering confidence, Principal Twilight stared her down. “Oh, I think I will. You’ve been a bad girl, and you require discipline.”

Leaning forward, unintimidated, nearly muzzle to muzzle, Sunset stared her down right back. “You know what they say about taming lions, teach’… They bite.”

But before this could go any further, a glowing portal opened in the classroom, and Princess Twilight Sparkle stepped through it. “Hey Sunsun! Guess what! Queen Luna taught me how to go inside dreams now! --O-oh. Um…?”

Sunset’s demeanor changed entirely, getting embarrassed and flustered upon seeing her girlfriend in her dreams of all places– her actual, real girlfriend. “U-uh.”

Beholding both of their outfits, and even the environment, Twilight tilted her head, containing a snicker. “So, um, what did I just walk into?”

Fidgeting with her hooves, Sunset tried finding the right words to maybe cover for whatever this was, but the teacher Twilight, AKA dream Twilight, beat her to it, with a confident, entertained smile. “Sexy teacher dream!”

Sunset facepalmed, and Twilight couldn’t help but break out into laughter. “HAHhahahihihi…! A-and is this a recurring dream?!”

“No!” Sunset tried covering.

“Yes!” Dream Twilight shamelessly nodded.

Even more laughter from her Love, and the dream version of her also amused herself quite a bit, joining on the snickers, and then continued. “Oh, this is nothing. You should see her ‘Knight in Shining armor/Princess rescue’ dream. It gets even raunchier.”

“That’s enough out of you, dream Twi…!!” Sunset desperately tried stopping her, flustering with embarrassment.

With endless delight, the Princess came closer, smiling at her girlfriend with a lot of enjoyment. “Oh, this is delightful. I love these powers already. May I take over from here, me?”

The Teacher Twilight happily stepped away, with a confident smile. “Oh, by all means, me!”

With a cocky smile, the Princess waved her horn, showcasing her newfound knowledge of nightly dream magic in full display. The teacher Twilight faded away, not before stating “Have fun, you two!” And with the same glow and change of the dream, Princess Twilight was now dressed exactly like the dream version of her; In full teacher getup.

She adjusted her glasses, getting closer. “Now. Where were we?”

“Um… Discipline?”

“Oh yes. Discipline.”

“...Sunset? Hello?”

“--Twilight just told me about it. Yeah. She just told me. Normally.”

Shrugging with a giggle, Celestia paid it no mind, turning her gaze to the cosmos once more. “Ah, I am so happy for you two. I wonder how your rule will affect our Equestria; Being starkly different from two sisters ruling, of course…!”

Gazing at the stars, Sunset smiled. “...I’m not afraid. Whatever happens, we’ll deal with it.” They both exchanged caring looks, full of joy for their lives currently; And full of appreciation for Twilight Sparkle.

Turning back to the farthest cosmos, Celestia closed her eyes, and spoke listlessly, and yet, with a smile. “...One day, when our task is done, and you two are more than ready… me and my sister will brave the cosmos, and return to stardust once more… I have never had a chance at having a family, apart from her– But I am so, so happy that I will get to leave Equestria to you two. I couldn’t have possibly asked for a better legacy.”

Her joy was infectious, even if Sunset didn’t want to see her gone. “...Well, I hope you two stick around for a long time still. We’ll miss the hell out of you both, when you go…”

Celestia let out a couple of delighted snickers, pleased to be missed. “Do not worry, Sunset. We’re not vanishing simply; And besides, one day, one day very, very far from now, I have no doubt you and Twilight will do the same.”

For a moment, a brief, longing moment, Sunset wondered what it would be like, to fly across the cosmos together with her love for eternity. Becoming stardust together, Nebulae, after leaving behind a legacy of love in the world that belonged to them.

Then, blinking, she shook those thoughts off, because you can't make out if you’re stardust. Give it a couple thousand years.

They both remained quiet for a little while longer, simply admiring the view.

And then, a familiar feeling rose within sunset, as her horn glowed with a purple streak, and she looked down to Equestria. Her entire demeanor changed, ears twitching, tail whipping. “Oop. Twilight’s calling me.”

“Oh? How do you know?” Tilting her head, Celestia had noticed the magic that swirled around Sunset’s horn; Without her usual color.

With her face slightly reddened, Sunset fidgeted, wanting to go, but being respectful. “Oh, um, Cadance helped me and Twi put a spell together– We can call each other from nearly opposite corners of Equestria now. It’s mostly for emergencies, but–”

“--Heh, I should have known. See? You two are already discovering new inventive ways to use magic. Well don’t let me keep you, it is likely about today’s festivities! I will see you down there. Oh, and Sunset; Happy Anniversary.”

With a cheerful grin, Sunset nodded. “Thanks! Yeah, lots of people RSVP’d; Even my parents!”

Celestia’s demeanor changed entirely, with a frown. “Oh. Your mother will be there.”

The Princess raised an eyebrow. “Play nice.”

And the Queen frowned harder. “I’ll play nice if she plays nice.”

She couldn’t help but chuckle, turning back to Equestria. “Heh. I’ll see you down there, Queen Celestia. Thanks for the lesson, it was incredible; as usual.”

She let gravity overtake her, flipping downwards, and descending upon Equestria at high speeds, akin to a shooting star, heeding the calling of her love.

And Celestia remained up there a little while longer, appreciating that she had never been this happy— Not in a thousand years.

Pretty close to a Perfect day - PART 2

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Pretty close to a perfect day - Part 2

Another happy landing, and an explosive one at that.

As she flew down, she could see tents and parasols strung above tables all over Ponyville plaza, and that plenty of the townsfolk gathered around already, likely having noticed the shooting star that was Sunset flying down to the party at that moment.

Sunset’s arrival produced a massive gust of wind; and even her golden red magic hue flowed with a blast around through the party, akin to an actual meteor crash. She landed square center on Ponyville plaza, on a small clearing, and clearly Twilight was more than ready for her, holding the objects of the party down with her telekinesis, so they wouldn't be blasted away by the wind.

With nothing but smiles, Sunset spotted all of her friends, and they spotted her. A banner was above them, hanging on the entrance of the Community Center, alongside several gorgeous decorations, likely the work of Pinkie and Rarity’s combined talent. The banner read; Happy Alicornaversary! 5 years of Princess Sunset Shimmer! Here’s to many more! She tried containing her giddy excitement, and instead gave them a confident smile, spreading her wings wide.

“Hello to everypony who isn’t Twilight, and a special hello to everypony else!”

The entire crowd cheered for her arrival, even if the two Princesses only had eyes for each other.

Twilight teleported forward immediately, giving her wife a greeting kiss. They exchanged no words, they were unnecessary for Sunset, after all, she could feel her wife’s joy and happiness emanating from her with every touch, they simply enjoyed each other's presence, all while their friends approached, hounding them with affection. Every kiss felt like sparks, like fizzles of joy.

Pinkie was the first of her friends to arrive; So quickly one could have easily suspected her of teleportation; But Sunset knew better, exceptionally so, being capable of catching the Pink Pony’s famous tackle-hugs before it collided, giving her a strong hug of her own.

“HEY BESTIE PARTY GIIIRLLL!!” She shouted, leaping into Sunset’s arms, being more than welcome to do so. Being in loving contact with Pinkie Pie felt very, very funny for an empath. “What’s up, bestie party master?” The Princess replied, as they both backed up and did an elaborate hoof-shake that ended with Pinkie being knocked to the floor with a chest bump; They clearly needed to rethink the ending of their hoof-shake, now that Sunset had gotten bigger. But of course, the Pink pony never minded it.

Rainbow Dash was the next one to arrive, with Fluttershy close behind. The former adorned her wonderbolts getup, and the latter, a simple cute party dress, that matched her style well, while also being accompanied by several birds that were either landed on her or flying around her.

And of course, the daredevil pegasus was the first one to speak up. “DUDE THAT LANDING WAS AWESOME!!! SIIIICK!!” And naturally, Sunset replied with the same kind of cocky smile, and they did their own kind of elaborate hoof shake, that even involved their wings flapping together. “That was for you, man!” They both laughed together, reliving its awesomeness.

Fluttershy, giggling, approached the laughing duo, followed close behind by her bird friends. “Happy Alicornaversary, Sunset Shimmer! Dashie brought her Wonderbolt friends to do a presentation later today! And apparently there’s a chance that Starlight and Trixie will make an appearance to put on one of their shows, but we’ll see; They usually are kinda tardy.”

With enthusiastic nods, Rainbow got closer to her girlfriend. “Oh yeah oh yeah! And Flutters brought her bird friends to sing later, too!” After trying to name all of the bird friends of Fluttershy, whose names she had attempted fairly successfully to memorize, She eagerly pointed at the other side of the party, where a stage resided, ready for any band that’d like to perform; Which piqued Sunset’s interest immediately, with her ears twitching. “Wow, you guys went all out, huh?”

Vibrating with excitement, nearly hopping in place, Pinkie smiled HARD. “Of course, silly!! Today’s for YOU!!”

And sharing similar excitement, but with a much calmer demeanor, Twilight added “We figured you might want to play sometime today; We have plenty of ponies that want to use that stage, but whenever you want to, you can!”

Without hesitation, Sunset hugged her wife, who reciprocated, with giggles. “You know me so well…!”

I wish everyday was for you.

Before they could undo the hug, Pinkie joined in, and that easily got Rainbow and Fluttershy to join too; And then, running towards them, late to the embrace, Applejack and Rarity hopped on it too.

“Happy Alicornaversary, darling!! I hope you’ve enjoyed the decorations; My idea! And don’t think I haven’t noticed your outfit–!” The Unicorn stated, joining in the embrace, followed close behind. “HOWDY Y’ALL!! BIG HUG, C’MON!!” And just like that, Applejack wrapped her limbs around her friends and lifted them all into a delighted, cheerful hug; Sunset didn’t need to read minds to be able to tell that those two were distracted by making out, and that’s why they were the last ones here; Not that she minded, all her friends were together, and they were happy, so she was happy.

And, wrapped comfortably in the embrace of her friends, Sunset could feel all their joy, like it was her own. This day was pretty close to perfect.

“How's the coolest daughter in the world doing?? Cm’here, Mustard!!” Flare Shimmer, Sunset’s mother, ran towards her daughter, giving her a very happy hug. “Heya, mom!” That excitement was infectious, the Princess could feel it fully, smiling the same way as her.

Flare Shimmer was an older Earth Pony, who carried herself like she was much younger. She dressed in many similar ways to how Sunset usually would, with leather jackets all around, she was the original inspiration for Sunset’s style, after all; She even carried her electric guitar on her back, one that had seen many years of use, and covered her right eye with pony-tailed hair. It’d be rare you’d ever see her nowadays without a toothy smile. Despite her wrinkles, she always remained feisty.

“Heya, kiddo!” Gold Shimmer, Sunset’s father, approached with less of his Ex-wife’s excitement, but no less joy. He joined in on the hug, and they embraced each other quietly. Sunset always felt a certain surprise, having outgrown her parents so much.

Her father certainly carried himself differently from her mother. He was a tall Unicorn that covered his eyes with hair often and wore comfortable sweaters, being moderately soft spoken, with no particularly noticeable eccentricities about him.

And nonetheless, this family was more united than it had ever been, after all this time.

With a quick glance away from her daughter, Flare smiled, looking at Twilight, who gleefully followed behind her wife. “And there’s the cutest daughter-in-law in the world!! C’mon, join in!!” Which naturally, she did.

With a quiet snicker, Gold addressed the Princess of Friendship. “Lovely to see you, Twilight. I take it our daughter has been behaving?”

“Oh, you know, most days... But I never worry, after all, I’m an expert in discipline.” She gave Sunset a mischievous smile, who herself almost choked on a cough.

Flare let out hearty laughter, then addressed her daughter. “Heheh, I expected nothing less. You better be the coolest wife in the world too, ketchup!”

“Oh, she is.” Twilight smiled happily, nuzzling her love, who was more than happy to nuzzle back. “By the way, have you two seen my parents? Oh, and maybe Queen Celestia?”

With a nod, Gold pointed towards the end of the party, where several guests sat. “Of course! We were sitting at the same table; Nightlight and Velvet should be over in that direction. As for Celestia…”

“Oh. She’s here too?” Demeanor clearly changed, Flare frowned.

Her daughter raised an eyebrow. “Play nice.”

And Flare frowned harder. “I’ll play nice if she plays nice.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, hoping not to have to break a mom fight apart soon; and hoping even more that the two of them could find common ground. “I’ll go check on mom and dad! You three enjoy yourselves. See you in a bit, my Sun.” Leaving her wife with a quick kiss on the cheek, she pranced away.

Sunset watched her move away with a dumb grin on her face; One that her parents noticed. “‘My Sun’, eh?” Gold tilted his head, with a smile.

“I-it’s just a cute little pet name, nothing to it–” She lied, badly, flustering; And naturally, her parents didn't buy it. That ‘Pet Name’ was an affirmation, a promise, of a love that would last over a thousand years. It was also a bit embarrassing to be called that in front of your parents.

Suppressing her desire to cackle joyfully, Flare poked her on the chest, sending the little flurries of emotions her mother felt through her. “That’s my daughter, right there, heheh. You scored BIG time, kiddo– What, you gonna let her put you on a leash next?”

I’m so happy for you, kiddo. You deserve this in full.

Suppressing her snickers, and the desire to bite onto the leash commentary, (Which she likely would have in the past, regardless of its truth,) Sunset simply smiled and nodded. “Thanks, mom. I’m happy you two made it.” And that she was, incredibly so.

With a pleased nod, Gold Shimmer smiled back at her. “We wouldn’t miss it for anything, Ketchup. Oh yes– Flare brought her guitar, maybe after we get some snacks, you two could…”

And that mere suggestion already sparked excitement on the two mare Shimmers, whose ears twitched, as they both nodded together in eager agreement, even playing air guitar riffs together.

Surprised, Gold turned his gaze behind them, with a wave. “...Oh hello, Queen Celestia!”

All three of the heads turned at the tall Alicorn’s approach; And her quiet demeanor certainly was noticed, not behaving regally, simply professionally. “Greetings, Shimmers. Sunset, Twilight said you wanted to see me about something?”

Suppressing her instinct of saying ‘I don’t think I do?’ and blinking, she could tell what her wife was doing; Likely trying to get Flare and Celestia to get along. She turned to her parents, showcasing them. “Heya, Queen Celestia! Remember my parents, Flare and Gold?”

“Indeed I do. Hello again to you both!” She stated plainly and professionally, regarding Flare as if she was regarding an assassin, and the mother did the same glance back at her.

Sunset’s mother forced on another of her toothy grins. “Heeeyy Celie. We were just talking about how proud we are of our daughter, and how we love her very, very much. We were even talking about how we might play guitar together later! I taught her that.” Before she even wrapped a loving arm around her daughter, both of the other Shimmers snickered, knowing that Flare was not one to speak the word ‘love’ lightly.

Sunset felt a jolt of frustrated tense anger emanating from her mother as she looked at Celestia.

Clearing her throat, the Queen attempted to remain composed, nodding. “Of course. I, too, am also incredibly proud of Sunset. She has made truly astounding progress, even before her ascension. Did I mention that I took her to space today? Why yes, I’m teaching her how to fly through the cosmos!”

The emotions that Sunset felt from her mother did not change for the better, maybe even intensifying. “Oh that’s great, Celie, that’s great. Do you know how to play guitar? ‘Cause me and my daughter know; ‘cause we’ve played together, dozens of times. We might even do so today, on these festivities! And look at that, we even dress similarly!” She pointed at their same punk style, and Sunset couldn’t help but roll her eyes at her behavior.

With an eye twitching, the Queen tried her absolute best to maintain her royal composure. “No, I do not know how to play guitar. One certainly doesn't need such distractions, when she is busy training the future rulers of Equestria; Who are doing incredibly well in my care, by the way.”

“Play nice, you two.” Sunset tried stopping them, but little could go between those two mothers; She wasn’t even sure that they both heard her.

Flare’s smile wavered, and yet, remained full of teeth. “Really? Do you ever loosen up and have fun with her? Do you care about her?” And quickly and quietly, Gold attempted to poke her into backing up, and to stop antagonizing the Queen, but he certainly knew better than to expect it.

Nearly raising her wings, Celestia tried breathing deeply, but she very much could not keep full composure. “Sunset is my number one priority– As is Twilight. I’ve done all in my power to give them a comfortable, incredibly easy transition into being the rulers of our world–”

“You never changed her diapers though.” The mother dismissively muttered.

Blowing air from her nostrils, and forcing a smile, Celestia had a comeback she had thought of for maybe months. “Did you know? She’s called me ‘mom’ more than a few times by accident. Fun fact, isn’t it?” It was absolutely true, and The Queen of the Sun refused to forget it, delighting herself endlessly with it.

Flare let out a quick snarl while preparing to unleash her retort; But she didn’t need to. Sunset could feel all of her mother’s anger before she herself even processed it.

You’re the reason my daughter overworked herself down to the bone with study. You’re the reason she vanished for so many years. Because she thought she wasn’t good enough for you. She’s better. You–

Sunset blinked and immediately stepped in between them, letting go of her mother and all the anger she felt.

Raising her wings between them, she stopped them both on their tracks. “Mom, STOP. And Celestia, stop taking the bait. Can we all just breathe here? It’s supposed to be a party.” She cared a lot about both of them; But it was really hard to surpass the ego of a Queen, and least of all, the ego of someone who raised Sunset Shimmer.

Both the mothers looked away in embarrassment, trying to cool off their anger.

Gold Shimmer cleared his throat, knowing this would still be a long party. “Apologize, both of you. Please.”

The two mothers mumbled their own respective apologies.

Looking at her mother directly in the eyes, Sunset spoke plainly. “Mom. It’s not Celestia’s fault that I was banished, it was mine. It was my failure.”

Both of the mothers spoke in unison. “That’s not fair to you, Sunset! Hey stop copying me.”

“Down, both of you, please.” Gold quickly stated, resulting in them both crossing their arms and frowning. He continued, attempting to diffuse the situation. “Listen. What you can both agree on is that you love Sunset, right? Why don’t we just calm down and talk about something lighter?”

A brief moment of Silence, as both of them frowned in annoyance.

But Flare saw another chance, and she took it, nuzzling her husband lovingly. “Thank you Goldie, you always know just what to say. I love you.” Both of the other shimmers snickered, knowing full well how out of the ordinary it was to hear the word ‘Love’ from Flare’s mouth– It almost felt like it was a joke. They could immediately tell she was trying something; And Celestia was none the wiser.

“Speaking of which, Celie, how’s your love life doing?” Unfortunately for Celestia, she couldn’t tell she was once again being baited, choosing to believe Flare’s unassuming smile.

“Same as it ever was.” She looked away towards the party, not even considering that question for what it was.

The voice that Flare spoke with was dangerously close to condescending. “Oh, what a shame! A thousand years, and no reports of the Queen of the Sun ever being in love, it always surprised me, to be honest!” It took her all the energy she could have possibly mustered not to simply say ‘No bitches?’

Both Sunset and Gold facepalmed quietly.

And Celestia, almost flustering, scoffed and groaned. “Hey! I’ll have you know I've had more than a couple of flings over my years!” The word ‘flings’ was spoken in a way that implied that she was not good with any sort of slang; None of which inspired confidence in the truth behind her words.

All that Flare had to do was tilt her head and raise an eyebrow, with that same smile. And Celestia kept digging her own embarrassment grave. “I’ll have you know that I had a brief, yet passionate affair with an evil king from a mirror dimension! –H-he wasn’t evil then. He became evil after.”

The three Shimmers blinked in confusion. And Celestia stuttered, continuing. “The gate between our worlds shattered, and he was consumed by darkness.”

“That’s uhhhh… That’s a bummer, man.” For once, Flare was not making fun of her, this was her genuine reaction.

Fluttering her wings in frustration, Celestia refused to be made fun of; But unfortunately for her, it wasn’t hard. “And that’s not all! I also had a brief but very loving relationship with a Valkyrie, in the past!”

Grimacing with pity, Flare had to ask. “And then…?”

“...We didn’t get to do anything– She died.” Celestia facepalmed, realizing that she was setting herself up for even more embarrassment. Sunset regarded her with concern, wondering what did happen, all those centuries ago.

Flare sat back down, genuinely taken back, even if amused at the Queen's expense. “That’s just sad, man. No other way to put it.”

Once again, Celestia tried covering for herself, to little success. “W-well you can’t blame me– An Alicorn of my responsibilities, of my position, I simply have no time for things such as those. H-here, I’ll prove it! Sister! Come over here please!”

The Alicorn’s horn glowed almost akin to a lighthouse, beckoning attention, as she waved to her sister, on the other side of the party. Lots of heads turned and/or were blinded by it, groaning in annoyance, one pony even accidentally hit a wall, being surprised.

Quietly, Flare Shimmer whispered to her daughter, containing her laughter. “Why is she even hiding behind that excuse– You got married in less than half a decade of being an Alicorn!!!”

“Mom, stop bullying the Queen of the Sun, please.”

In the distance, Luna quickly took notice, flying there and taking a drink with her, having it float beside her; A glass of what could be wine, or fruit punch, for all they knew. “Greetings, Shimmers. Is my sister making a fool of herself again?”

“Am not.” Celestia quickly attempted to interject, moving on. “Flare here was giving me a bit of grief, you see–”

Nodding, Luna lowered her glass. “Oh, perhaps I can help, I have a suggestion.”

With ears flicking forward, Celestia leaned closer, hoping her sister would back her up; Maybe even, possibly, hopefully, help her roast Flare Shimmer back. “Yes?”

“Why don’t you, and hear me out here–” The Queen of the Night took a swig of her glass. “Why don’t you banish her to the moon?”

Even Sunset couldn’t help but snicker a bit at that one, joining the others in laughter. It was the rare occasion that Queen Luna ever cracked jokes, but on that comet-like rare instance, it was hilarious.

Blowing air from her nostrils, Celestia fell deeper in embarrassment, using her many thousands of years worth of patience training to remain as level-headed as possible, to questionable success. “We were just talking about romance and relationships, and I was explaining how Alicorns like us don’t have much of a chance to have such things!! Go on, tell them.”

“You don’t know everything I do, sister.” Luna stated plainly, covering her mouth with her glass, taking a swig.

Celestia’s eye twitched. She glared at her sister intently. “What do you mean by this. What do you mean?”

No response from her sister, who simply lowered her glass, and raised her eyebrow, with a sly smile.

“Okay that’s it. Where is my niece. She will sort this out.” Celestia immediately turned around and walked around the party with haste, shouting for Cadance leaving those four on their own devices.

Tilting her head, Luna shared a knowing smile with Flare. “See? No one gets on a sister’s nerves like a sister.”

“You're my man, Luna” they did a sort of awkward fistbump that only two old mares would do, but with hooves.

Rubbing his temples, Gold sighed. “Can you two stop embarrassing the Queen. Please. Honey, we are this close to causing a diplomatic incident with your jealousy fits.”

“I’m not jealous.” She lied. Naturally, her husband knew her well enough not to buy it.

Sunset nodded in agreement with her father. “It’s good to see you Luna; but Celestia was having a pretty good day before this– Can we dial it back?”

Luna took another swig, amused. “I will, once she stops making it this easy.”

“Hear hear.” Flare agreed quietly.

Blowing raspberries, Sunset rolled her eyes. “You two are so lucky Twilight isn’t here, the Princess of Friendship would chew you both up for this one.”

Giving her best pouty eyes, as part of the joke, Flare pleaded for her daughter. “Sweet little Mustard wouldn’t snitch on her mama, would she?”

Try as she might, Sunset couldn’t stop but snicker at her mom’s demeanor. “Whatever.”

They shared a brief moment of silence accentuated with laughter, taking in the atmosphere of the party. Sunset could see her friends in the distance, enjoying themselves in their own respective ways. Fluttershy’s bird choir was absolutely on point as usual; And Pinkie seemed to be doing another keg stand.

With her ears perked up and with a smile, Sunset remembered something good. “Oh! Mom! Guess what! I beat Queen Luna in a fight! Fair and square, too; It was just last month, in one of our training sessions!!”

Flare’s eyes lit up, with a proud smile, she traded looks with her daughter and the Queen. “Holy crap, I’m SO proud of you, Ketchup. is this true, Luna!?”

Luna hid her pride for her student and friend with her glass. “I suppose, statistically speaking, that you would win eventually, Sunset Shimmer.” She teased.

The entire demeanor of the Princess of Valor changed, as she got incredibly excited, smiling wildly. “OOooooHHhh Them’s FIGHTING words, Luna!! You wanna go again?? I’ll take you one here and now, I don’t care— I know all your moves, Nightwing!!”

Her excitement was certainly infectious. “And I won’t slip the same way again, Lightwing.” The Queen of the Night raised an daring eyebrow.

If there was something that brought Sunset Shimmer excitement, more than many other things, it was an invitation for a good fight. She was beaming.

Suppressing a chuckle, Gold tried intervening. “Kiddo, please don’t have an Alicorn fight on your own anniversary. I’m pretty sure Ponyville plaza couldn’t survive it.”

She pouted. “Awww but dad, the best parties are the ones where we beat the crap outta each other…!”

“Hear hear!” Her mother agreed with enthusiasm.

In a matter of seconds, Twilight teleported into the conversation, kissed her wife quickly, stated “no fighting.” and then teleported away, back into the party elsewhere.

Sunset’s demeanor changed completely once more, as she sat back down, with an dumb grin. “Welp! No fighting, then.” She obeyed implicitly.

Her mother let out a boo as a joke. And then, at long last, after a thorough search, Celestia returned to the conversation, with her niece, Cadance, the Princess of Love following behind; Who was quick to greet Sunset. “Hello again, my favorite Lovebird! Where’s your other bird?”

“You just missed her; Heya, Cadance!” Sunset let out a warm smile, pleased to see the Princess of Love again.

“Aww, bummer. I’m sure you two won’t keep your hooves off each other for long, so–” But she was interrupted, by Celestia grabbing her, lifting her, and pointing her like a gun towards Luna.

“Okay, dear niece; Scan her.” The Queen of the Sun commanded, and Luna didn’t even flinch, simply giving her glass another swig.

“Scan her what– What is going on here exactly?” Cadance raised an eyebrow, confused at why she was being held akin to a metal detector.

It was clear that Celestia’s patience was running thin. “My sister claimed she has had love affairs recently; And I strongly doubt the validity of that statement!!! Go on, tell me I'm right!”

And yet, with mere seconds of love magic inspection, Cadance turned to her aunt, with a grimace. “Well, um, then I wont say anything.”

Even just Celestia’s look of terror-filled surprise was enough to send Flare into a snickering fit.

Looking a bit closer, Cadance nodded in approvement. “If it makes you feel better, it was more of a affair than love; A handful of them, though– OOF” Her aunt dropped her on the ground.

“We speak of this no longer.” Celestia stated plainly, with a blank look, regarding her sister with what one could presume is rageful envy.

As soon as Flare’s laughing fit was done, she poked her daughter. “Yo, Mustard, the stage is clear, what say you and me go and shred for a bit? Wanna play your favorite?”

Despite the annoyance of her two mother figures fighting, she couldn’t help but be excited for this part; She didn’t have as much chance to play recreationally nowadays, and playing with her mother was even better. She materialized her own guitar from her horn. “Actually mom, I was thinking we could play your favorite?”

A genuine smile appeared on her mother’s face, as both of them brandished their guitars. “Coolest. Daughter. Ever.”

“YO PINKIE!” Sunset shouted, and seemingly out of nowhere, Pinkie materialized herself next to her; Which certainly would surprise most; But the Princess of Valor knew her too well for that. “HIYA Sunsun!! Hiya, miss Shimmer! Hiya mister Shimmer, Princess Cadance, Queen Luna and Queen Celestia! You rang?”

After the surprise of the Pink pony simply manifesting out of thin air, Flare gave her a confident smile; Pinkie was Flare’s favorite out of all of Sunset’s friends. “We sure did, Rockstar.”

And brandishing her guitar, Sunset gave her friend a knowing nod. “Me and my mom want to shred. You in?

Gasping with joy, Pinkie smiled hard. “YEAH YEAH LET'S GO!! Bye mister Shimmer bye Luna bye Celestia bye Cadance!!” The three of them ran out onto the stage.

“B-bye, then.” Celestia barely managed to mutter.

And right then Sunset turned around and waved properly. “Bye mom– I mean Celestia!”

Despite the wave of embarrassment she had been bathed in, the Queen of the Sun felt that be replaced with relief, the moment she heard that word, counting that as a small victory, and let out a quiet smile. Her gaze accompanied her oldest pupil getting on stage.

“You girls be wise, now!” Sunset’s father stated, before nodding a respectable goodbye to the three royals near him and leaving to find a comfortable spot in the crowd.

The three Alicorns idled for a little bit, each with their own level of awkwardness over the current events.

Luna was the first one to speak up, finishing her glass. “All in good fun, sister?”

The Queen of the Sun, an Alicorn who was over 1000 years old, was pouting. “Hmpf. Could you not be treasonous in front of Sunset, please? …I’m going to go look for Twilight.” She wandered off, trying to stave off the embarrassment she felt over the last few conversations.

Luna and Cadance appreciated a moment of silence, until the Princess of Love spoke up. “For the record? Good for you. I’m glad you’re putting yourself out there. Celestia could learn a thing or two from it. You and me? We gotta have a girls night sometime.”

Both of them exchanged snickers, knowing that the Queen of the Sun certainly would likely never want to join something of the sort.

With a giddy smile, Twilight sat at a good distance of the stage, waiting for her wife to start playing. Besides her, were Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, praising the shy pegasus for having just finished her musical number with her bird friends.

“Tell your Wonderbolt friends that you can all start performing as soon as Sunset and her mom are done playing!”

With a wide grin, Rainbow’s eyes lit up. “Awww YEAH. Thanks, Twi!” She turned to her girlfriend. “Kiss for good luck, babe?”

What proceeded was not a kiss, but something a bit more passionate and fierce, as Fluttershy pulled her close and unleashed a long and passionate muzzle to muzzle display of affection, and once she let go, Rainbow looked as if she had been slapped, but to both of the other mare’s entertainment. “W-woah…! …Um!”

It was certainly a shock to see the shy Pegasus doing such a display. She sheepishly smiled. “What? I’m in a good mood…! Let’s go, Dashie. You’re gonna do great…!” They shared giddy nods, and flew away together. “Good luck!” The Princess of Friendship accentuated.

“What’s the next performance, darling?” Rarity questioned, as she joined Twilight at the table, with Applejack close behind her.

“Sunset’s playing with her mom and Pinkie– You two want to sit with me?”

With a mischievous giggle, Rarity winked at her love, who cleared her throat. “Um– No thanks, Twi, Me n’ Rares will find our own seats elsewhere!” Applejack stated, a bit flustered.

What she actually meant was that she and Rarity would find a comfortable place somewhere to makeout, regardless of the performance that would or wouldn’t be happening soon. And Twilight could obviously tell, knowing her friends well. She simply smiled and raised an eyebrow.

“See you later, Twilight. Let’s go, Applejack dear!” Rarity proclaimed, while grazing her tail alongside the Farmer’s flank and moving on.

“Bye Twi! Tell Sunset her playin’ was great!” Applejack followed close behind.

The Princess of Friendship simply sighed in delight, watching her friends walk away. The atmosphere of the party was so light– Everyone was having fun, especially her wife, and that’s what mattered most.

“Twilight.” Celestia stated plainly, sitting next to her.

“Hi, Queen Celestia! …So, everything went okay?”


“That bad, huh?”

She could see all over the Queen’s face that she had been thoroughly irritated. Without further ado, the curtains opened, And the Two Shimmers strummed their electric guitars loudly, while Pinkie accompanied them with drums, with an incredibly excited rhythm.

Twilight smiled widely, seeing her wife wink at her from the stage, as she got completely in the zone. She turned to Celestia, who was watching the show intently.

“Sooooo….. I take it bringing Luna into the conversation didn’t help?”

“Another casually treasonous display from my next of kin.”

“Surely it wasn’t that bad?”

“...She made fun of me.”

Twilight suppressed a giggle, knowing that despite her many years of experience, Celestia still had the same emotional fragility as even a normal pony would; regardless of all her grand qualities.

They both looked at the stage intently, where Sunset and her Mother shared a mic.




I A M O V E R K I L L !!!!!!!!

And of course, Twilight couldn’t keep a loving grin out of her face, gushing at her mentor. “They play so well together, don’t they?”

“I’m not jealous.” She lied, poorly, observing the two of them be incredibly happy on their display.

Taking a moment to think of what to say, the Princess of Friendship got a little bit closer, giving her mentor a comforting bump. “You know she values having you back even more than you do, right? Trust me. I know.”

A brief moment of quiet, as Celestia stared forward quietly.

“You’re not gonna lose her. Not again, not ever. She loves you, and I do too.”

The Sun Alicorn couldn’t help but smile, hugging her pupil, appreciating her wisdom. “Thank you, Twilight. The student has become the teacher, I see!”

“Pff, give me a decade or two still, I’m not in a rush.” She stated, turning her gaze back to her love, who was continuing to shred, joyfully. “I don’t mind us taking our time.”

The sun lowered, and the party’s energy lowered with it, even with its still loving liveliness. The two wives sat together on a table, distant from the other party goers, enjoying eachothers company, flank to flank. They watched the wonderbolts flying above them, performing an encore of tricks on the afternoon sky.

The gleeful murmurs of happy ponies, their laughter and snickers and even music accentuated their conversation; And despite that, they felt like they were alone; Like there was no one in the world but them.

They sat, leaning on each other; And to Sunset, who could feel emotions, this was something she always delighted herself in doing. Despite she, herself, being the one learning to harness the Sun, Being able to feel her wife’s feelings on skin-to-skin contact felt akin to being sat next to a comfortable fireplace; A much fuzzier and cuter one, at that.

She let out a listless sigh, with a smile, and her wife took notice. “What are you thinking about?”

A sly smile appeared on Sunset’s lips. “Read my mind, Sparkles.”

Nuzzling her, The Princess of Friendship made a cute humming noise, as if she was actually casting some magic, which she was not. “You’re thinking About… how lucky you are.”

With a wide eyed snicker, Sunset nodded. “You know, that’s not actually that far from it. Good guess!”

“I learn from the best, hihi.” Her wife knew her well.

Only a brief moment of silence passed, before Sunset nodded and continued, a bit more seriously. “...Sometimes, I forget that this is all real. I feel so lucky to have all this, I just… It almost doesn’t feel like it’s true. It feels like it’s a dream. Like a daydream…?”

With a quiet nod and a smile, Twilight knew better than to simply allow her wife to feel insecure. She moved a strand of hair away from her Sunset’s eyes. “I know what you mean, But it’s real, my Sun. It’s real and it’s good; Everyday is a gift with you, and we’ll have a thousand years of this to look forward to…!”

Trying to make light of those feelings, Sunset nuzzled her. “You’re awfully poetic today, Sparkles.”

“What? I’m in a good mood…!” She smiled sweetly, nuzzling back.

A thousand years doesn’t feel like enough time loving you. An eternity might satiate me.

Yes. but if we cherish every second, it might be close to enough.

Close enough.

Close enough.

That resulted in Sunset getting even closer, with a loving smile. “Just sayin’, we don’t have to stop at a thousand…”

Even the suggestion sent a jolt of eager joy and excitement through The Princess of Friendship, and her wife felt it; As Twilight immediately said “And for the record, if this was a dream, I’d make it even better.” Her smile turned mischievous, and Sunset followed suit, getting even closer.

“Oh really? And how would you make it better, Sparkles?”

“Well for starters, i’d–”

A single firework sounded off, and both of their ears flicked back, Sunset turning her gaze away immediately, more aware.

With a groan, The Princess of Valor distanced herself from her wife only a little. “There isn't supposed to be any fireworks while the wonderbolts are flying– I better check out who’s making a misfire. I hope it’s not Pinkie…”

Twilight let out a small giggle. “Pff yes, I’m hoping our friendship reduces her pyrotechnic tendencies.”

“Cover me?”

“Of course, Sunsun.”

Sunset took off savagely into the sky, and Twilight easily held all the objects nearby down with her telekinesis, a maneuver they had both already rehearsed plenty of times.

Her flight was brief, and low. She kept her eye on the fireworks tent, wondering what had happened. Getting a bit closer, she could see a couple of ponies confused at the misfire.

She inspected the surrounding party for a little bit, mimicking the way Rainbow Dash would often scout Ponyville, ensuring all was well and okay.

She noticed something that did not raise much alarm at first. The gaze of the ponies around the firework tent led to a hooded figure, who was galloping away from the fireworks tent, and into the party, bumping into a bunch of other party guests, not exactly blending with the crowd.

The moment it raised an alarm was when Sunset saw the hooded figure glance back; Directly at her, and then continue moving forward… On the direction of her wife.

She didn’t waste time speculating, she simply flew down to be beside her wife, to take a better look at the suspect.

She landed, and Twilight could only state “Back already?” Before the magical impact happened.

The hooded figure shot some sort of strange magic blast towards Twilight, and yet, Sunset was in front of her, taking the whole hit.

She got thrown back, crashing against the table they were sitting by, much to both their shocks.

The Princess of Friendship inspected her wife thoroughly, relieved to find no wounds, and see her well awake, and managing to stand.

The hooded figure loudly and gleefully professed his victory. “A-HA! Gotcha! I, Hermes, finally have achieved my ultimate vengeance!!! You shall wander forever, Twilight Sparkle!!!” The crown-like halo machine around his horn fizzled and sputtered smoke, seemingly malfunctioning from having fired once.

“What’s the big idea, asshole?!” Sunset snarled, getting up and staring him down; Ready to tackle him.

But besides her, Twilight’s eyes widened with concern; To something that her wife did not notice.

There was a magical glow enveloping her.


The Princess of valor started levitating, and not by her own choice; As a strange magic swirled around her; And she herself was very confused and shocked; Not being able to do anything about it.

That panic increased even more when her limbs started fading.

Hermes, from the corner, fidgeted in surprise. “U-um, uh oh, I missed.”

Bit by bit her body seemingly vanished, and she had no idea what was happening or what she was feeling; And the rest of the party gathered around slowly, utterly concerned, having no idea what was happening.

Sunset did the last thing she could do. “I don't know what's going on– I love you, okay? I love you!! I love you so much–”

And then, she faded, like she was never even there.

Twilight watched in staggered grief, as the few sparks that remained turned to air, right where her wife was, merely moments ago.

It was as if the light of the Sun itself dimmed.

Celestia ran over, having felt it; As well as all their friends and family.

In the corner, Hermes started panicking, considering a getaway, fidgeting with the device atop his head. “C’mon, reload, reload, reload…”

Twilight’s gaze turned from grief to rage, as it moved to the cowardly Unicorn fidgeting with whatever that device was.

The air itself got electrified, as her eyes glowed; With her magic, she intensified the gravity on him, and then dragged him across the floor closer to her, crashing on several chairs and tables along the way, then bringing him to eye level, incapacitating him entirely.

Objects around them started floating erratically, as the Princess's rage could be seen generating sparks around them. Hermes whimpered, as he felt as if his entire body was pressing in on itself, his bones risking being crumbled to dust at any moment.

With a snarl, The Princess flipped him upside down, nullifying his magic with her own, looking eye to eye, tears bubbling in her eyes, but rage, endless rage, being her primary drive.


Sunset Shimmer rematerialized, collapsing on a cold stone floor, And immediately let out a sigh of relief, as she patted herself, lifting hooves and raising wings, checking for wounds, being glad to find none. “I’m alive! Oh thank goodness I'm alive, I'm alive…!”

Letting out a huge shuddered exhale, she looked around, in confusion.

She was in some sort of jail cell, in fact, it looked like it was Canterlot prison.

“Twilight?! I’m here, Twi–”

She stopped, after turning around, eyes widened.

Before her, stood another pony, an Unicorn, one that was very familiar. After all… It was her.

Sunset Shimmer, dressed in a prisoner garment, with her horn bound, stared right at the Alicorn version of her that just dropped from nowhere, looking at her in immense confusion and disbelief.

They both spoke in unison.

“What the fuck are you?!”

Decaying by Choice

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Decaying by choice

Life as a prisoner suited Sunset Shimmer. At least, that’s certainly what she believed.

For starters, there were no more responsibilities or stakes. Her one and only directive was to sit in a room, sit in a yard, sit in a cafeteria, and not interact with anybody, unless it was necessary. Training, working out, anything of that sort was merely a pastime by choice, and luckily for her, few dared to attempt to demand her attention. In fact, a place like this was perfect for someone for which being a bully came naturally to.

“Welcome to the land of the permanent sun, where the flowers are melted and the future is fun,”

Though it was not a problem. Other ponies knew well enough to leave her be, and what's more, Canterlot prison was a correctional facility, it was exceedingly comfortable, and made to improve the lives and dispositions of those in it, until they were free to go.

“The freeway lizards ain’t feelin' so good, on a one-way trip back to West Hollyhoof, let's go–”

Which was the only issue for her, really; Because this is exactly where she belonged. But it was certainly not a challenge to extend her stay. After all, all you have to do to stay in a place like this is to break something, or someone. And Sunset Shimmer was an expert at both, and more than eager to do so.

“It feels so good to have a, perfect song, it feels so good to be in total control…!”

It was, in a sense, almost akin to being in a permanent state of meditation. Not introspection, but rather, the absence of it, thinking of nearly nothing at all. Except, of course, her creativity was hard to suppress in a place with an absence of purpose. So she wrote songs. So she drew.

“It's so convincing, that something's missing, the sun is kissing, my face, and erasing my doubts,”

And naturally, to an ex-student of Celestia, it was easy to circumvent magical binds. She sat in her cell, in one of the highest floors of Canterlot prison, in a day like any other, feeling the rhythm of a melody that played in the distant cafeteria, and wrote her own song for it. Her horn was bound by a magic-nullifying cuff, but that was not enough to stop her, naturally. She pressed it against a wall and channeled its energy fiercely at the furthest tip, and made it work akin to a blowtorch.

“I'm going out, with a bang, and the fangs, of a parasite, I'm feeling alright, alright, alright, alright,”

Sure, she could have asked for a pencil and a sketchbook. But no. As if. Her art had the need to be something else; To be an imposition. And it sure as hell wouldn't be drawn with her mouth. She burned the tip of her horn, ignoring the pain, embracing it even, and made the walls of her cell into a canvas; moving her entire upper body, sometimes even rotating herself on an horizontal axis while remaining in contact with it. At times, she brought her bed closer to the wall, just so she could reach higher. This was her kind of meditation, being utterly in the groove.

“Alright, all night, alright, all night, alright, all night, alright, all night, alright, all night,”

A prisoner from another cell interrupted her groove, offering commentary on the fact she wasn’t exactly being quiet. “Is the song over? Is that how it ends?”

“Work in progress!” She barked, blinking, huffing, annoyed to have been pulled from her work.

“I like it! It’s interesting. ‘Metaphorical’? I guess? I don’t get it but I don’t need to.” The prisoner added, apologetically.

“Thanks, Corkscrew.” Sunset responded plainly, not wanting to make this into an actual conversation.

Another prisoner, in another cell next to her, had a different opinion. “Are ya done yapping? That song made no damn sense at all. What's with the lyrics–”

“Nopony asked for your OPINION, Peanut! Fuck off.” She barked in response instantly, dismissing any criticism.

“Right back at ya, Shimmer.”

She did not bite back. The best way to get her fellow inmates to shut up was to simply not respond; Unless they were face to face; Then she’d break their face. She returned to the center of the cell, observing her work, thinking of what she’d do next, what she’d change, considering spreading it to all the walls and even the floor. Before she could continue, fireworks sounded off in the distance, making her ears twitch, bringing her attention to the window atop the cell.

Blowing raspberries, she tried focussing on the wall before her, but as the explosions sounded in the distance, it drew her to them. She moved the bed towards that wall, jumped on it and held the bars to support her view; Using her back legs to lean her on the wall, and her front legs to hold onto the bars on the window.

In the distance, Canterlot castle was shooting fireworks into the sky. “Whoopdy fucking do.” She groaned, lingering.

And she continued to linger. Her expression softened, as she observed the shape of the castle towers in the distance. Her mind unwillingly brought her to think of how it was to walk within its walls.


She purposefully hit her head against the bars, and forced herself down. No more looking. And when she was on the floor, she bucked her bed for good measure. Bending the steel of its support a bit, but not much else.

Calm deep breaths. Close your eyes, and think of nothing.

Return to your art…

“Shimmer!” A familiar voice approached her cell. She instinctively exhaled, but did not respond.

Flash Sentry sat outside her cell, with his usual lighthearted demeanor, and wearing full royal guard getup. She sat, and raised an eyebrow. “What?”

Despite the coldness he was being given, he gave her a warm smile. “I don’t need a reason to check on my favorite prisoner, do I?”

“Whatever.” She looked back at the wall, trying to tune him out, with little success.

He tilted his head; Not critically, but in surprise, looking at the burn scratches in the wall. “I see you’re defacing another cell. How do you keep doing that?!”

With a look of feigned innocence, she rolled her eyes. “Oh me? I dunno man these things just appear in my walls. Crazy right? Maybe I’m haunted. Like by a ghost.”

That actually got a chuckle out of him, but it wasn’t hard to amuse the guard pegasus. “What is that, anyways, some sort of fireball with teeth?”

She was not surprised that someone wouldn’t get her art and its meaning, but it was still a tad disappointing, a disappointment she suppressed with a shrug. “Hell if I know, man. It’s just here.”

“Well how lovely. If it’s not you misbehaving, I can give in a good word and lower your sentence–”

That statement was not a joke to her. With a snarl, she instantly lunged at the cell bars, ignoring the pain of how hitting her head on them violently felt; shaking its foundations, and igniting the tip of her horn, pointing it at his neck. He flinched, but only a little.

She said nothing as she did this.

“Huh. So that’s how you do it.” He said, looking at her horn ignited akin to a soldering iron.

Swallowing her rage, she didn’t move an inch. “I’m not in the mood for your shit, Flash. Leave me alone.”

And of course, he didn’t. His gaze was one of stern concern. “Like I said. I don’t need a reason to visit my favorite prisoner.”

No response other than her ears twitching over the sound of more fireworks.

“And besides– I got you something.” He smiled again, and with a wing, reached out into his bag, and took out a little wrapped object, unfolding it in front of her.

It was a cupcake.

Leaning her head away from the bars, Sunset smirked dismissively. “Oh great. Dessert.”

“Some crazy pony brought like a thousand cupcakes to that party happening in Canterlot castle right now. Thought I'd bring you a little something!” He handed it through the bars with a smile, and after some hesitation, Sunset took it.

On inspection, it was an overly colorful miniature cake, full of sprinkles and almost like a rainbow.

With a shrug, she took a bite. It was incredibly sweet; But surprisingly not nauseatingly so. She felt the taste of multiple different kinds of fruit, and what seemed like multiple different kinds of chocolate; And maybe even a certain spice?

She grimaced, denying its enjoyment. “Crazy is right. Who the fuck puts this much sugar in anything?”

He tilted his head and smirked. “If you don’t like it, you can give it back.”

Her response was to defiantly eat the rest in a single bite, and chew it all while making eye contact.

“That’s what I thought.” That made him chuckle; because she almost choked.

A moment of silence passed, as she finished eating, laying on the floor casually.

“Did you bring me a cupcake?” A prisoner asked in the cell beside them.

“Aww, sorry, Corkscrew. Next time, I Promise!” The Guard responded, genuinely apologetically.

Letting out sarcastic laughter, Sunset condescended from inside her cell. “Cupcakes are for special prisoners only, bud. And for some inexplicable reason, this idiot thinks I'm it.”

Flash ignored that comment, turning back to his old friend. “Want to know what the big party is about?”

“No.” She lied, turning away.

And naturally, he didn’t take the hint. “Some kind of Celebration regarding the Princess of Friendship. I guess she took down another bad guy or something with her friends, saving Equestria again and stuff?”

“Don’t talk to me about her.” She responded, coldly. Incredibly cold.

“...Celestia is there.”

“Flash. Shut the fuck up.” Now she turned to face him. And her anger was not rehearsed, it was almost like a plea. There was untamed rage behind her eyes, and with a sigh, The guard nodded, giving in.

More silence.

He waited, for a little while longer, before changing the subject. “Want to hear what me and my girl did last weekend?”

Nothing but sarcasm in her tone. “I would rather be locked up in Canterlot prison. Oh wait…!”

“Sick burn, Shimmer!”

“Thanks, Corkscrew.”

“Medium burn at best.”

“Fuck off, Peanut.”

With an exhale, Flash rolled his eyes. “It must be exhausting to act like this all the time. Don’t you ever get tired?” It was a genuine question, hoping to get a genuine answer, a hope that would not be met.

“Dude, i’m laying in a cell. I’ve got stamina for days. So are you leaving me alone, or what?” She tilted her head, laying on the floor, with a sarcastic smile.

“...Yeah. Bye, Shimmer.” He answered plainly, and turned around and started walking away.

Watching him walk away removed the smile from her face. Her ears twitched, as the sounds of the fireworks ringed louder, and her breathing got uneasy.

She didn’t want to be alone. Not now.

“...So have you shown your new girlfriend that you play guitar yet?”

He stopped, and smiled. Now that was the Sunset Shimmer he was hoping to talk to.

Turning around, he gave her a warm smile. “Oh yeah. I serenaded the hell outta her; She was super into it, too! Mostly laughing though– I guess most mares aren’t used to getting these kinds of overly lovey-dovey stuff done towards them. I was kinda nervous about it, ‘cause in any retrospect, it felt so embarrassing and dumb.”

“Dumb can be pretty cute– And you could write a book about that.” Her smile was actually kind, as she nodded. “So what song was it?”

With a bit of a fluster, he scratched his head. “‘Love boat.’ We were actually on a boat; Like, on a romantic ride through the Canterlot canals– I didn’t just– Yeah.”

Sunset let out a groan, but she was still smiling. “Aww dude, that’s like. Prehistoric! You sure you shouldn’t have played something more modern? I figure chicks would be into that more, nowadays.”

He chuckled along, nodding. “Pff maybe. But she’s a classy lady, so I had to play classy.”

And that made her chuckle some more, with a genuine smile. “Flash Sentry, ‘Classy.’ Never thought I'd see the day. Well, that’s one lucky lady. Happy for you, man.”

Another warm smile, “Thanks, Sunny. I appreciate it.”

“Ew, don’t call me that.” That little pet name reminded her of the time they used to date, no thank you.

A prisoner teased her from another cell. “Heheheheh Sunnyyyyyyy!”

“Shut up, Peanut.” She barked back.

They shared a bit of comfortable silence, accentuated only by the fireworks.

Flash inspected her with concerned eyes, top to bottom. Full prisoner garments, hair cut short, and bags under her eyes. “...Do you… Do you ever wish you had made different choices? That you weren’t… Here?” He asked, genuinely.

She spoke simply, as these were facts. “Oh, I'm not leaving. In fact, Peanut is on top of my shit list. When the end of the month rolls around for my evaluation, I'll break a couple of her legs.”

“Sunset, that’s not–” He exhaled, reigning it in. “That’s not what I mean. I just meant like… Don’t you wish you could have done things differently…?”

Gritting her teeth, she tried her best not to be angry. She tried her best to entertain. “Are you asking me about regrets, or are you asking me about time travel?”

No response, as he sighed, wondering if asking this was a stupid idea.

But that silence urged her to continue. “I’ve been in this prison for like… Six years. All I have are regrets. Maybe in some other world I would have done better. But I doubt it. It is the Sunset Shimmer way to fuck everything up for myself and others. My trademark, really.”

He tilted his head in concern. “You could always try again…?”

“That’s a funny joke. There’s nothing to try.” She looked away dismissively.

He tried his best not to be exasperated. “Why don’t you just– Why can't you just behave, and then leave?!”

“You’re asking why not, while I’m asking why would I?” She responded, with a forced smile at him. No, that statement was not objective, it was deflective, and above all, it was a subject-ender; One that wasn’t her usual angry outburst.

Whether either of them liked it or not, this conversation was over.

With a sigh, he leaned his head against the bars. “Well… I’m gonna fly back to the party, I feel bad, so I’m gonna bring some of these guys some cupcakes. Want another?”

“I could take it or leave it.” She lied, with her mouth watering at the idea of tasting more of those bizarre, strange desserts.

“See you later, Sunset Shimmer.” He gave her a frail smile, and walked away definitely, and she did not respond, simply turning to face the wall with her art again.

And there she remained. Attempting to ignore the sound of the fireworks, attempting to focus only on nothing.

“Welcome to the land of the permanent sun…”

Until something happened.

With a strange, bizarre flash, a pony simply materialized in her cell, falling to the floor.

And it was not just any pony…

“I’m alive! Oh thank goodness I'm alive, I'm alive…!” The newcomer exasperatedly proclaimed, as she patted herself, checking herself for wounds.

That voice, and that mane, it was unmistakable, Sunset Shimmer was looking at herself.

But of course, not really, because this Sunset before her was an Alicorn. An image that was almost offensive to the Prisoner; Large wings, larger body.

“Twilight?! I’m here, Twi–”

That name, being said by that voice, and that face, with wings, the Prisoner was completely and entirely flabbergasted.

Their eyes met, and they were both equally confused.

“What the fuck are you?!” They both said, in perfect unison.

A brief moment of silence, interrupted by the Princess, with a flash, suddenly adorning full valkyrie armor, and raising her wings menacingly, her horn aglow.

With magic, she pinned the Prisoner against a wall, and snarled. “Are you a changeling?! Where am I! TALK!”

Sunset’s demeanor changed from frustrated confusion to utter fear, as she was entirely overpowered by Alicorn magic. “A-am I a changeling?!! Dude YOU’RE the one that just APPEARED in my cell!! What the fuck is going on?!?!”

The imagery of herself, significantly taller, significantly burlier, covered head to toe in armor, was nothing less than terrifying, from this perspective. “WHAT DID THAT HERMES GUY DO TO ME. WHAT–”

The Princess stopped, with her ears twitching. The fireworks…

With a single, fluid motion, she easily hopped over to the window, and gazed outside.

“...Canterlot…? What am I doing in– There’s no party scheduled here today…?!” She muttered, in utter confusion. She jumped back on the cell, with a loud thud, making the prisoner flinch. “Twilight. Where is Twilight?!! And what the hell are you– Some sort of– mocking illusion of me?!”

Unfortunately for her, the Prisoner was as confused as she was, unable to speak, as she sat against the wall, making no sudden movements, in surrender.

With one forceful motion, the Princess pinned the Prisoner further against a wall, and scanned her memories, an act she nearly instantly regretted.

I am Sunset Shimmer. This is my home, my forever home, the hole I deserve to rot in, and I will be here forever, paying for everything I've done. No pony could ever pry me out of these bars. I was not worthy of Celestia. I was not worthy of Twilight’s crown. And now I will pay that price forever, for as long as I breathe–

“What the hell is wrong with you?!” The Princess backed up, with a grimace mixture of disgust and pity.

“What did you just do to me?!” Her other self responded, utterly confused.

Mulling on the disbelief, on the confusion of having just seen through memories of another version of her, she looked around in concern, and then her eyes landed on the wall, with the Prisoner's art burned into it.

“It’s… It’s us… When we stole her crown…!?” With an exasperated exhale, the Princess studied the burns on the wall intently.

What the art was, in fact, was the demon version of Sunset Shimmer, a snarling, vicious thing, hair akin to flames, baring teeth and crooked horn, demonic wings burned on that wall.

“You… you just… Choose… this…?!” with a distraught head tilt, the Princess scanned the cell and her other self from top to bottom.

The Prisoner, still leaning against the wall, didn’t want any part of this, whatever it was. She forced her mind to attempt to not rationalize, or even consider an answer to why in the world this was happening, and instead, simply spoke softly. “D-dude. You’re an Alicorn– So just teleport out of here and just leave me be, okay? I don’t want any trouble…!”

The gaze of the Princess narrowed even further, baring her teeth. “Do mom and dad even know you’re alive?”

“Cupcake time, everypony!” Flash Sentry’s voice gleefully echoed on the halls of the prison, and both the Sunset’s looked in that direction, naturally recognizing it. “That crazy pony gave me like– Dozens of them in this super tightly packaged thing–”

He stopped, regarding Sunset’s cell. In utter confusion, ignoring the cheers of the other prisoners. The Valkyrie looked at him in utter disbelief. “Flash?! What is going on here, do you know what’s happening?!”

His confused and concerned look switched between the two Sunset’s. “U-um. Shimmer, why is there two of you– And why is one an Alicorn, in full battle getup–”

The Princess did not wait for him to finish, using her magic to bring him closer, a bit too violently, and as he squirmed against the bars he was just slammed against, in disbelief, she touched his shoulder.

I am Flash Sentry. And I try, so often, to make her think differently. But Sunset Shimmer has always been as immovable as a tree. Even with the Princess of the Sun herself asking me to check on her, week after week, it’s not enough. I will never be able to convince her to try–

“You’re not my Flash!?– What the FUCK is going on?!” The Princess yelled in disbelief, as she teleported the guard inside the cell, pinning him against a wall.

“For what it’s worth, you look awesome in armor??” Was all he managed to mutter, as she loomed over him menacingly.

Then, her first option came to mind. Teleporting out of there was easy, flying out of there was easy, but there was one thing that needed to be done before anything.

She channeled her magic, and cast the spell that would call Twilight Sparkle to her side, the same one her wife had used to call her to her side earlier that day.

Nothing happened.

“C’mon, c’mon Twi, c’mon…!” Gritting her teeth, She started getting desperate, and used the spell again.

And again, and again, and again… “Where are you, where are you…?!”

Her ears twitched, her hide shivered, and she ignored the prisoner beside her asking what the hell was she doing.

She could sense an Alicorn coming.

With a flash, Princess Twilight Sparkle teleported into the outside of the prison cell, with a flustered gaze and tail whipping about.

“U-um– Did somepony call me here? Because I felt–” Turning, she saw the three residents of that cell.

Flash was the only one in there that behaved normally, nodding respectfully and giving the Princess a salute. The Prisoner backed herself all the way into the corner, muttering desperately “not her, not her, not her…!” All the while the Princess of Valor didn’t behave much differently, with a battle stance ready, her wings quivered in expectation and shock.

“Y-you’re not my wife…!!–” Was all she could muster to mutter, with a mixture of disbelief and despair.

That was indeed not her wife. This Twilight Sparkle was notably smaller, and she did not carry herself with nearly as much calm confidence as her wife did. Her hair was on a fancy bob, and she wore a party dress.

Both of them evaluated each other in confused, flustered silence. The Princess of Friendship’s heart beat faster, a natural side effect of their calling spell. “Y-you… Aren’t you…? Sunset Shimmer…?! Why are there two of you…? And an Alicorn, no less…?”

“Not her, not her, not her…!” Sunset Shimmer cowered in the corner, and faced a wall, eyes closed, trying to be as small as possible, hoping she would be invisible, with weak, unsteady breaths.

The Valkyrie did no such thing. With one single magical motion, she teleported the Princess inside the cell, and scanned her memories too.

I am Twilight Sparkle. I will rule alone, a rule of friendship, and I just left a party in my honor in a hurry– Because I felt the strangest, deepest, most passionate calling I have ever felt. I don’t know what’s–

A task that did not last long, due to the Princess of Friendship politely and kindly asking her to let go.

That request, from that voice, made the Valkyrie yield instantly. “Sorry! Sorry. I’m sorry.” She muttered, inconsolable.

“You’re… Not my wife… Did you… Replace her…?!” Studying her from top to bottom, Sunset loomed over her, in silent grief; seeing all these imperfections, these differences, from scent to shape, it wasn’t her. She didn’t understand what was going on, but looking at this impostor was heartbreaking; And it didn’t help that from the brief scan of her memories, she could tell this Twilight Sparkle ruled utterly alone, outside of her friends.

“L-look, I don’t know what’s going on, but… That Sunset Shimmer in the corner, that I know. But you…? You’re not from here, are you…?” She speculated, studying the Alicorn before her; Her touch made the Princess of Valor flinch.

Her gaze turned to the art on the wall, unable to make sense of it, and then to the Sunset in the corner. “It’s been six years, hasn’t it…? Are you okay, Sunset Shimmer?”

No response from the Prisoner, who just cowered in the corner of her cell, covering her face.

“U-um… Has this prison treated you well…?” The Alicorn tilted her head with pity and concern.

Now the Prisoner managed to speak, just barely, through almost with a desperate whisper, not making eye contact. “...Could you three please get the fuck out of my cell…?”

“That’s it.” The Valkyrie turned to her smaller, shriveled self, and grabbed her fiercely, almost akin to a headlock.

“W-what are you doing?! Let me go!! Why can’t you all just LEAVE?!”

“We’re taking this higher.” With a flash, the Princess of Valor teleported them both out of the cell, leaving the other Princess and the guard behind. She took flight outside of the prison, with one singular purpose; Canterlot Castle.

“STOP!!! TAKE ME BACK!!” The Prisoner desperately pleaded in her grasp, unable to escape it no matter how much she squirmed. Sunset Shimmer flew towards the castle at high speeds, ignoring her other self’s fears. and without a hesitation, picked the party room, and burst through a window.

She landed with impact, directly in the middle of the festivities, even knocking a table aside, sending dozens of plates crashing down.

The party was beautiful, as many Canterlot parties were. Banners, tapestries, Chandeliers, and many fancy party guests, this looked much like any other party, and yet, there were subtitle differences she could see here and there. Her nerves were high, as was her adrenaline, she was in full battle mode as her eyes shot in all directions, inspecting everything.

And of course, the party guests were utterly baffled at the armored Alicorn that just savagely burst in the party.

Familiar faces looked at her with no familiarity. Her gaze landed atop the party and her nerves spiked even further. Celestia, wearing a lovely party dress, glared at her with utter disbelief.

“Why, why, WHY?! Anything but her!!! Please just take me back–” The Prisoner desperately pleaded in her grasp. With magic, she dragged Sunset across the party with her as she galloped towards the Princess of the Sun.

“CELESTIA!” She shouted, pleading for this to be her Celestia, and not some bizarre impostor like everyone around her.

“A-a… A Valkyrie…?” The Princess questioned in the distance, in disbelief.

Guards around the room immediately took action, galloping and flying towards Sunset, in an attempt to stop her from continuing her run towards their princess. Unfortunately for them, they were dealing with a Valkyrie.

She dodged each attack and countered them without losing speed. Each blow was like a sledgehammer delivered with the swiftness of a dagger, and any magic cast at her was either easily deflected or countered.

She reached Celestia, with a look of confusion and despair. The Prisoner she brought with her squirmed in a panic, with whimpers and yelps.

“Please– You have to help me– I don’t know what’s going on, is this really you, or–” But she could tell. Merely by the gaze of utter confusion and shock. That was not her Celestia; And she herself was speechless, slowly coming to the realization of who was the armored Alicorn in front of her.

Bringing the Prisoner closer, she put her in a headlock again. “WHY ARE THERE TWO OF ME?! WHAT’S GOING ON?!”

The Princess and the Prisoner's eyes met, in utter despair. “Let me go, let me go, let me go,” Sunset desperately pleaded, averting her eyes and shaking like a wild animal, but the Valkyrie ignored her fears, ignored her pain.

“S-Sunset Shimmer…!? You’ve ascended…?” Gazing at her wings, her armor, her enhanced size, Celestia gasped, and yet, she knew that wasn’t her Sunset. Her Sunset was currently having a panic attack at the mere sight of her.

“HEY ASSWIPE! BACK AWAY FROM CELESTIA!” A familiar voice made Sunset’s ears twitch, as a Pegasus flew towards her at high speeds. She didn’t bother to look, dropping the prisoner on the floor, and delivering a swift right hook to the pegasus that tried tackling her, intercepting her immediately.

Rainbow Dash tumbled on the floor violently, nearly unconscious.

“SHIT! Sorry, Rainbow! I didn’t know–” But her ears shot back again. Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were all running towards her, with fighting intent. A shiver went down her spine, and she did all she thought was viable at the moment, and Lunged at Princess Celestia.

The moment they touched, Sunset showed her her own memories, in a desperate plea of demonstrating what had happened, in a desperate plea to understand what was happening.

Please. I don’t know what’s going on. One minute I was with my wife, in a party, 5 years of my Alicornaversary, and in the other, I’m here– You just gave me a lesson only a few hours ago, we embraced the sun together…?!

Why are there two of me? Why was she in prison? Where is my wife? What is–

“Stand down, everypony, NOW!!!!” With her bombastic Canterlot voice, Celestia commanded all of the ponies about to lunge at the Valkyrie to stop; And they followed that command implicitly.

Her demeanor changed entirely as her gaze rested back on the Princess of Valor.

“My… You… Sunset Shimmer… You would inherit my sun…? Together, you would inherit the sun and the moon… A rule of love…!” She mumbled, eyes teary, gazing at the Princess before her, with grief.

“Please… What is going on…?” Gritting her teeth in utter confusion, Sunset gazed back, desperately in need of answers.

With a long exhale, Celestia’s gaze alternated between the two Sunsets. “You are not my Sunset Shimmer… She is. You are from another world… Another universe.”

That made the Valkyrie sit down, head spinning in utter confusion. She was far, far, far away from home.

“Y’all mind tellin’ us what’s goin’ on here? Who’s this other Alicorn, Princess Celestia? And who’s her shivering twin over there?” Applejack tilted her head analytically, confused, pointing at the oversized armored figure and the prisoner.

On the floor, Rainbow Dash spat out a tooth, and groaned and mumbled incoherently; Fluttershy ran to her aid.

“Excuse me darling, but what is this fashionable armor you’re wearing? It’s simply divine!” Rarity approached the Valkyrie slowly and cautiously, studying it.

“Not the time, Rares!” The Farmer quickly corrected her, receiving a blow of raspberries as a response.

It was bizarre. Her friends looked at her as if they didn’t know her. And they didn’t, they really didn’t.

On the floor, the Prisoner cowered, her eyes desperately glancing at every direction in sheer panic, her heart beating miles per hour, as if she was surrounded by vicious predators. Every single pony in that party was looking in her direction, and she wanted to simply disappear– A panicked prisoner stood out immensely in this environment, and just glancing at Celestia made her stomach twist. Her heart raced even more when Pinkie Pie addressed her. “Hey, are you Sunset Shimmer? Did Flash bring you more cupcakes? It’s really nice to meet you!”

That was the last straw for the Prisoner, who, with the sheer panic and anxiety she felt, and the unintentional adittive of the overly sugary cupcake she had just eaten recently, vomited on the floor then and there, shocking all of the ponies that were staring at her. Celestia regarded her with concerned pity, which only served to make her feel worse.

As she let out a frail yelp, seeing an opportunity, with ragged, panicked breaths, she took off, in any direction that wasn’t here, at a panicked lightning speed, towards any window or door she could bolt out of.

But it was short lived. Her other self teleported right in front of her, stopping her in her tracks, and pinning her against the floor with a single hoof. “STOP RUNNING FROM YOUR LIFE! WHY ARE YOU SO AFRAID?!” She yelled, utterly enraged at this other version of her.

Squirming, gritting her teeth, The Prisoner thrashed pointlessly in her grip, attempting to punch her face with her hooves, doing no damage. “L-let me GO asshole!!! What the fuck is your PROBLEM!!? JUST LET ME GO!”

“My PROBLEM is that I’m an Alicorn Princess that is happily married and will inherit the sun– And you are a cowering sniveling thing that chose to rot in a cell, and SOMEHOW, WE’RE THE SAME PONY!!” Her screams echoed in the halls of the party, as all the party goers watched in disbelief.

Thrashing still, savagely and yet meaninglessly the prisoner attempted to free herself from her grasp. “I DONT GIVE A SHIT IF YOU’RE HAPPY– JUST LET ME GO!!”

“HOW DARE YOU BE AFRAID OF TWILIGHT SPARKLE– THAT’S SUPPOSED TO BE YOUR WIFE, YOU WORTHLESS SACK OF SHIT!!” Sunset Shimmer screamed so loud it brought about a hush within the party.

All of Twilight’s friends gazed at the insane display in confusion, and behind the two Shimmers, Twilight watched in equal shock, having just teleported in.

Celestia was the first to break that silence, as she teleported closer to the two, speaking calmly. “Sunsets… it’s okay. Please, no more fighting. Let us discuss this elsewhere…”

She offered a hoof to the Valkyrie, who accepted it. Together, the three teleported away from the party.

“Did that big scary lady say ‘wife’...?” Fluttershy asked, while helping Rainbow sit up.

“It sure as hay sounds like she did?” Applejack scratched her chin in confusion.

“I suppose it could have been kind of romantic– If that other mare had not vomited. Eugh…” Rarity backed away from the puke with haste.

“Twilight! Girl! Why didn’t you tell us you were getting married?! Congrats, girl!” Pinkie hopped to her friend, who was staring at nothing, in complete confusion.

The trio reappeared in a balcony, high in the castle, where all was quieter. The Prisoner, still panicked, did not manage to formulate proper words in the presence of Celestia, all she did was curl into herself, eyes shut.

“I’m sorry, I don't know what’s happening, I’m so sorry, I don't want to be here, just take me back to my cell, I'm so sorry–” She apologized endlessly, in pained mutters, unable to make eye contact.

“Sunset Shimmer… It took an interdimensional traveler intervening for us to finally see eachother again– Please, there is no need to fret.” The Princess of the Sun spoke softly, calmly, pleading for her old student to center herself.

Shivering, fearful, she did not reply anything other than apologies, wishing to be anywhere but here.

The Valkyrie took a deep, long breath, calming her own nerves, exiting her combat stance and demeanor. She gazed at this version of her with utter pity.

“Sunset Shimmer… May I see your face clearly, if you please…?” Celestia asked the Princess of Valor kindly, with her head tilted, urging this unknown version of her pupil to let go of her defenses.

With an exhale, Sunset returned her armor to her horn, and there she stood. The differences between the two Shimmers were staggering, but so were the similarities.

“...You’ve grown so much… Look at you…!” the Princess asked, with a mixture of quiet prideful mourning and grief.

Because of course, this was not her Sunset. Her Sunset was a shivering, cowering mess on the floor, panicked at the mere sight of her.

“Celestia… What is happening? Why am I here? How do I get back home…?”

The Alicorn of the Sun let out a sigh, and walked over to the edge of the balcony. “I’m afraid I have no clear answers, Sunset… But if I may offer a theory– You were cursed. Cursed to be cast upon another universe, my world… And I am afraid I have no idea on how to get you back to your home… Not now, anyway. Perhaps this requires deep research– I could summon Twilight, and we can go to the royal archives together.”

That last statement passed through the Valkyrie like a cold breeze. She shuddered, unable to make sense of anything, unable to think properly. On the floor, the Prisoner felt even worse.

Her gaze turned back to her other self, who was covering her face. “So this Sunset just… gave up…?! She just chose to stay rotting in a jail cell for the rest of her life?”

Approaching the two of them, Celestia let out a listless sigh, gazing at her Sunset. “...Yes. She did not accept any of our offers and second chances. She chose to extend her sentence indefinitely… Violently, if I may add. I tried sending her only friend to visit her often, to convince her that there was another way, and yet…”

Gritting her teeth, the Valkyrie closed her eyes, reminiscing on having shifted through her other self’s memories. “Flash tried, so hard… But I’m too stubborn. I was always so fucking stubborn…”

The Princess spoke once more with a mixture of pride and sorrow. “...That you were. But I suppose that in your world… You had the courage to carry on. And to think, you even married my other pupil…!” She felt, deep down, a form of envy, that was truncated by her sorrow over the state of her own Sunset.

But before they could continue, the strange glow enveloped the Valkyrie once more, as she floated against her will and her limbs began to fade. “Oh no, goddamnit, not again…!”

“Oh no– I believe it’s happening again! I was afraid of this–” Celestia studied her, trying to decipher what was going on; Sunset’s limbs were vanishing one by one.

The last thing the Princess of Valor could do was address her other self. “Don’t you DARE go back to that cell– You HAVE to try! You HAVE to become me! Don’t you–”

And just like that, she was gone, vanishing once more.

Celestia and her old pupil were alone.

All that Sunset did was lay on the floor, quiet, shivering.

“Sunset Shimmer.” Celestia stated, sternly and plainly.

The shivering stopped, the unicorn managed to open her eyes and meet her gaze. “I’m sorry, i’m so sorry, please just take me back to my–”

“No.” Another stern, and decisive motion from the Princess, as she sat next to her old pupil. “You are no longer welcome in my Prison. I will no longer enable your desperate attempts at running from yourself.”

All that Sunset could do was mutter.

“If you wish to do so… You are free to go. Go anywhere in Equestria you would like. Perhaps return to your parents, but…” Celestia bit her lips, as if preparing herself for what she was about to say next. “But if you would have me… I would like to have you as my pupil once more…”

The mere suggestion turned a knot in Sunset’s stomach. “W-why?? I don’t deserve it– I didn’t then, I don’t now! I-I’m not her, I’m not, I’m just not–”

With a softer tone, Celestia moved strands of her pupil’s hair away from her eyes. “Didn’t you see…? Didn’t you see what you could become…? You have to try, Sunset…”

“I-it’s too late…!” Grimacing with fear, Sunset recoiled from her touch.

“No. It never is. Your other self has shown me that– Despite her mistakes, she carried on, and became stronger than ever. Her world needs her, and now I see that mine needs you. She carried on, and now you need to, too. I’ve missed you, Sunset Shimmer– Will you be my pupil once more? Will you allow me to give you purpose, once again…?” Celestia planted a kiss on her old pupil’s forehead, in an attempt to calm her.

The shivering stopped completely. The offer shocked her. It uprooted her fears and insecurities and allowed them to be in plain view.

She sat there, with ragged breaths, understanding just what was offered to her.

Now all she needed to do was make a decision.

Thanks, old man!

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Thanks, old man!

Sunset Shimmer let out a bored yawn as she walked through the empty yet lovely halls of Canterlot castle. Another day, another dutiful standing around task.

“Nice of you to join us, sleepyhead. It’s past lunchtime, you know that?” Flash Sentry raised an eyebrow, but maintained a smile, as he waited for her besides the large doors of the throne room.

She rolled her eyes with a smile, joining the group. “Forgive me for not leaping at the chance to stand around with you three knuckleheads– Also, the cafeteria had some friggin delicious apple fritters today. How long has the Princess been in there?”

“Like, an hour.” Indigo Zap stated, suppressing her own yawn. “Another one of Celestia’s inspiring speeches to her or something, blah blah.”

“You are literally being paid to be here– You should show some more patience and enthusiasm!!” Bon Bon poked her, judgmentally.

“I’m being paid to follow orders, there’s nothing in my salary about a customer service smile!” Indigo stated mockingly.

“Heh, I’m with Indigo on this one.” Sunset agreed, taking a seat, leaning against the wall. The four guards sighed, and took their respective positions, waiting for the Princess to exit the throne room.

Fiddling with her armor absentmindedly, Sunset tried distracting herself with idle conversation. “So what is it today, training? Lecture?”

Stretching, Flash suppressed his own yawn, since that seemed to be going around. “Lecture. Likely something regarding the latest bad guy she beat down.”

“Probably just a congratulatory lecture, though. And the old man is in there too.” Bon Bon added.

“And we’ll just escort her somewhere after?” The Unicorn tilted her head.

“Yep. Knowing her, to the library.” Indigo snickered, and Sunset snickered too– The Princess was indeed predictable like that.

Leaning further against the wall, Sunset closed her eyes. “Well, whatever, I'll just rest my eyes, if you three don’t mind. Wake me up when those doors open.”

“Whatevs, bro–” Indigo was responding, but she was interrupted thoroughly, Jumping in surprise, At the sudden flash of light among the four guards.

A flash that birthed the Princess of Valor, who crashed against the floor.

“DARE GIVE UP–– Augh! Fuck! Ugh– Celestia?!” She stated, spreading her wings, and looking around in surprise, an act that the guards certainly flinched from, beholding the strange Alicorn that just literally dropped out of thin air.

The two Sunset’s eyes met, in complete confusion; The Alicorn less so. “So I'm in another universe, huh? Well at least I'm not a prisoner in this one. What are you– a Canterlot guard?”

“What the fuck are you?!” The guard exasperatedly responded in complete utter confusion, regarding the Alicorn version of her from top to bottom in disbelief.

“Oh hey Flash’s here– Um– She’s not still dating you in this universe, right?” Sunset concernedly asked, and the only response the pegasus could give was an exasperated, jaw dropped shake of his head. “Well good, that seems to be a constant. You dumped her, right?”

“N-no!” the other Sunset attempted to deflect.

“Yes.” Flash stated plainly, confused, and the other two guards nodded in agreement.

Not daring to approach, Bon Bon pointed at the Alicorn. “O-okay, this is endlessly strange– She’s your spitting image– Except she’s super tall and buff, wow. A changeling wouldn’t do this…!”

With a flustered grimace, Indigo tilted her head analytically. “Sunset, why didn’t you tell us you had a hot Alicorn twin sister?”

“Because I don’t?!?!?” The utterly flabbergasted guard didn’t have much time to react, as her Alicorn self touched her, and ran through her memories.

I am Sunset Shimmer. I am so glad that I abandoned my studies with Celestia to be just a royal guard– Flash was right. It was too stressful for me– And not just that, I was unfit for it. I was unworthy. I was too weak. This role is more fitting– A mere guard, one of a thousand. Who cares about fulfillment? I am–

Gritting her teeth in disdain, Sunset let go. “--Ugh… Unbelievable. Well, it’s better than being a prisoner, I guess. I remember when Flash offered this to me– I was too stubborn to take it. And I certainly didn’t regret it…”

“WHAT are you talking about, WHAT did you just do to me, and WHO the hell are you?!” The Exasperated guard took a fighting stance, accentuated by her nervousness.

With an uninterested smile, the Alicorn turned around. “I am leaving! I need to go find a Sundial– If this Canterlot castle is like mine, I know where to go. Bye.” And so, she began trotting away.

Indigo, still utterly in disbelief and even flustering a bit, pointed at her. “Um. That’s a security concern. Right? Should we uhh… Do something about this?”

“I’m not picking a fight with an Alicorn.” Flash stated plainly. “Let’s get the Princesses–”

“Princess of Friendship, coming through!” The doors swung open slowly, as one of the guards inside announced her arrival.

Sunset Immediately stopped on her tracks, Ears flicked back, wings fluttering with anticipation, as she involuntarily turned to look at the large doors.

…And then let out a groan of disappointment.

It wasn’t Twilight.

“Greetings, guards! Shall we go to the library?” Princess Moondancer stated, spreading her wings gleefully.

The Princess of Valor took only a handful of seconds to study her. It was certainly Twilight’s old friend Moondancer– Not wearing her glasses, with longer, loose hair, and a pair of wings. She was, however, much smaller than Sunset, and her wife, for that matter.

Blowing raspberries, Sunset rolled her eyes, and started making her way through the hallways of Canterlot castle. Another disappointing universe.

“U-um Princess, uh, we have a, uh, situation?” Flash attempted to state, pointing at the Alicorn, still utterly flabbergasted. Lucky for him, Sunset was pretty hard not to see, and the Princess obviously took notice, her jaw dropped, seeing the oversized Alicorn disappear turning a corner in the hallways before her.

“W-what the heck– Was that an ALICORN?!” She managed to mutter. Her gaze rapidly switched between the guards who agreed, then landed on Sunset, who was currently covering her face with a hoof sheepishly. “You there, guard— Why does she look like you?!?”

“I am not affiliated with her…!” Sunset managed to mutter from under her breath, just audibly enough.

Shaking her head as if to wake herself up, Moondancer yelped. “Guards!! Follow me!! After that Alicorn!!”

They were going to struggle to catch up, though. Sunset was already a fast runner; even more when she knew where she was going. She galloped through the halls of Canterlot castle, sometimes, when taking a sharp turn, literally running on its walls to help with the change of direction. The guards and the workers she passed by were utterly shocked, but she paid them no mind.

And in short order, she made it to a balcony that overlooked the gardens. This was indeed Canterlot, with many similarities, and few notable differences from the one she knew. But luckily, as she overlooked the edge, she spotted exactly what she wanted.

A Sundial.

Narrowing her eyes, she took count. “Okay, okay… It’s 4 something right now– when I was with Twilight it was… around 2 or 3…?” She gazed at it intently, as if counting the seconds, her mind racing. For all she could tell, time flowed the same in between universes, but that was only one reason she was looking analytically at this sundial.

Her ears barely flicked back as she heard the Princess of Friendship beckoning her from inside the halls. “Y-you there! Stop!!”

With a look of minor inconvenience, Sunset turned her head only slightly, only to ensure she wasn’t about to be attacked. Which she wasn’t, for the other Princess’s sake.

“I-I have some questions!! Stop there, Alicorn!” Moondancer clumsily attempted to sound demanding as she stood next to Sunset.

“Hmm.” Barely even turning to her, the Princess of Valor still kept her gaze strictly in the sundial below.

A little intimidated, Moondancer cleared her throat. “Why do you look like this guard!” She said, while levitating the other Sunset closer, pointing at her, and she looked utterly helpless, being flung around by her Princess’s magic, disinterested in being there.

“‘Cause I am her, but from another universe.” It was a plain disinterested statement.

“Wh– Another universe?! Why did you come here?! And why are you so– Aloof?!” Scrunching her muzzle, the Princess couldn’t help but take it personally.

“I didn’t come here on purpose. I’m cursed, and if my hunch is correct, I won't be here for long, so if that’s all, I'm kinda focussed here, so…” Sunset waved her hoof dismissively, her mind clearly elsewhere. If she was only going to be in a universe for a short period of time, there was no need for her to care about anything other than understanding her condition, and finding a way to cure it, and to return home.

However, for the Princess of Friendship, that attitude did not sit right. She placed the guard Sunset on the floor, who promptly skittered back to the entrance of the balcony. With a pout, Moondancer lit her horn, and puffed her chest. “L-listen here, y-you. I’m responsible for the safety of Equestria, and you’re suspicious–”

“You point your horn at a Valkyrie, you best be ready to kill. Sunset Shimmer towered over her, speaking low, almost akin to a growl, with her gaze sharply piercing through the little Princess…

…Who promptly shut up, and took a few hoof steps back for good measure, shivering with intimidation. “U-um, okay, let’s start over…! I’m Princess Moondancer– The Princess of Friendship! And you are…?”

With an exhale, Sunset leaned on the railing. “Sunset Shimmer. Princess of Valor.” Her gaze briefly shifted to the other Sunset, who muttered things exasperatedly to the other guards, and then shifted back to the Princess. “Where is Twilight Sparkle?”

Blinking a couple times, utterly confused, Moondancer stumbled over her words. “M-my old friend T-Twilight? Why do you want to know about her? S-she’s a teacher here in Canterlot– Why do you ask?”

A small smile appeared on Sunset’s lips, as she thought of the idea of her wife as a teacher– Certainly one that amused her, and made sense. She considered, for a moment, using her calling spell, just to see if the teacher would come here, but dropped that idea, needing to focus on the sundial. “She’s… My wife. In my universe. She’s also the Princess of Friendship.” The look she gave Moondancer sent out a pretty clear message.

“O-oh. No wonder you’re acting like… Yeah.” Sheepishly, the Princess fidgeted.

Dismissively and exhaustedly Sunset mumbled, while keeping her gaze in the sundial. “Any chance you know anything about multiversal or interdimensional magic…?”

“Um… No. That stuff has always been utterly theoretical. B-but! I know somepony who might! Follow me!” her demeanor changed to more eager, as her tail flicked about.

“Sorry, but I have to be near this sundial. I’m not moving.” And she did not, staying to sit on that spot, with the same gaze.

“O-okay. I’ll just bring him here!” Princess Moondancer was wise to not press Sunset on the matter, as she teleported out of there.

Watching her go felt strange. Sunset did not know her universe’s Moondancer very well– Twilight had introduced them, in an attempt to reconnect with an old friend, but considering their differences in lives, she figured she wouldn’t see much of her, but she was at least aware her universe’s Moondancer was happy.

She considered, for a moment, how there would likely be more universes where another pony upstaged her wife and became the Princess of friendship instead, an idea she didn’t like.

A mere few seconds of silence passed, before Sunset turned her head and glared at her other self, the guard, who stood nervously near her friends.

With one singular magical motion, the Princess brought her other self closer, forcing her against the railing, staring her down eye to eye.

It was a gaze of distaste. Disappointment. “Look at you. Utterly complacent. Ugh.”

“W-what’s your problem, man?!” The guard squirmed against her magical grasp, to little success.

Sunset spread her wings wide, and tilted her head. “Look at me. Look at what you could be. You have to try…!”

That did not elicit the reaction she hoped, as Sunset simply barked back. “You’re not somepony I could be– you’re somepony I could have been. I know my place, okay? Congratulations on being Celestia’s perfect little pupil, but that ain’t me!!– I’m more than comfortable where I am, okay?!”

Grunting in frustration, Sunset’s patience was running thin– And what's more, she could tell that her other self was lying. This had been a long day, and dealing with herself being so bratty was not being helpful. She released the other Sunset from her magical grasp, and exhaled. “...Whatever. Go live your shitty life, other me. I don’t care if it isn’t as fulfilling as mine.” She lied. She cared.

She cared so much that out of two universes she had seen, she was living poorly.

She cared so much that out of two universes she had seen, she wasn’t with Twilight.

“Whatever!!” The Guard scoffed, adjusting her armor and walking away back to her friends.

“What did she say?” Flash tilted his head analytically, having been unable to make out what they had discussed.

“It… Doesn’t matter.”

Only a brief amount of time passed, before flashes of light bathed the balcony, and two ponies arrived. Sunset’s attention was immediately drawn, and her jaw dropped.

“S-Starswirl the Bearded?! You’re alive in this universe?!” Her shock led to a smile, and a genuine one at that.

“That– That is a loaded question, young lady…!” The old man’s eyes were widened, studying the Alicorn with her gaze. Besides him, Moondancer proudly presented one of her teachers.

“Heeeeere you go! Starswirl, meet Sunset, an Interdimensional traveler!” With a giddy smile, she pointed at the Princess of Valor.

Not missing a second, Sunset’s horn glowed, and from it, she materialized a book– Not just any book, Starswirl’s biography of spells. “Hey, could you sign this? My wife is a huge fan of yours! It would mean the world to her! She uhh– She makes me sleep with it.” She said, containing a chuckle, becoming more eager by the second.

Taking the book with his magic, he riffled through its pages hastingly, analyzing it. “Incredible– It’s indeed spells I've cast and written, but I never wrote this book…! It even has my handwriting, in some of these…! Another strong indicator of the truth behind your origin, young lady…!”

Sunset manifested a quill from inside her horn, and gave him a genuine toothy smile. “Sign it please! –Have it out to Twilight Sparkle.” She could barely contain her excitement.

With a light, hearty chuckle, Starswirled signed the cover, and handed it back to her. “I see, Moondancer’s old friend… Here you go, young lady! I hope she likes it.”

“Thank you!! She will– If she…” Her face sank, and her gaze landed on the sundial again. “If she… Ever gets to see it… Or me, again...” And at that moment, the reality of her situation dawned on her once more.

A moment of silence, before Moondancer stepped out. “Oookay, I, um, am going to check on the guards. Starswirl, try helping her, will you?” She was frankly, quite intimidated by the other Alicorn, and decided her focus was better spent elsewhere.

“Of course, Princess.” The old man nodded, turning his attention to the other Alicorn as his Princess walked away.

“Quite curious…” He continued. “Your enlarged frame implies profound affinity with your Alicorn element– Or destiny, I’d rather say.” His old eyes scanned her thoroughly. “And what’s more, surprisingly larger than Moondancer…”

Sunset let out a tired exhale, reminiscing. “Me and my wife have been training with Celestia and Luna, respectively– In order to inherit the sun and the moon. And we do it quite well.”

“Hmm, I see…! Your support for each other must have quickened, if not improved the process…” He fidgeted with his beard pensively.

Clearing her throat, Sunset tried her best not to be rude. “I, uh, might be on the clock, here…”

“So, explain to me your circumstances—” Before he could even finish asking, the Princess of Valor touched his shoulder, and with it, showed him her most recent memories, catching him up on exactly what her day was like, and what she knew of the recent events.

Suppressing a cough, his eyes widened. “W-woah! Interesting power, you have! Okay then– I see, I see. You are attempting to time how long you will remain in each dimension, are you not?”

She nodded slowly, gazing at the sundial below. “Yes. And if it’s the same time for all of them, I can plan around it– My biggest concern right now is sleep.” Her gaze steeled forward, Narrowing her eyes, she kept her firm focus on time. “If I only spend one hour in each universe, It’ll be hard to actually sleep properly, especially accounting for any… problem the next world might have.”

The old man fidgeted with his beard, studying the Alicorn with his gaze, then turned to look at the other Sunset in the distance, who was now being questioned by the Princess. “Indeed, including your other selves waking you up, merely to ask what is happening. It is indeed a predicament…”

Blowing air from her nostrils, she looked back at him. “And there’s an even bigger problem. How the hell do I go back home? Do you know anything about dimensional travel?”

“I am afraid that all of my studies over that subject were two-way trips, doors to a specific universe, not to any and all, like your current problem. In the end, I realized that my research of alternate universes was pointless, if not just dangerous, and that I should just focus on the issues that plagued my world, and my world alone.” He spoke with wisdom, and concern.

Gritting her teeth, she felt a tinge of disappointment. “Ugh. I sure agree– I wish I had that choice. Now there lies another problem– No one in the multiverse can help me–”

“--If all of the ones that could have studied this magic, gave up like me, or, your other self isn’t near them. And with only one hour…”

“...I couldn’t possibly hope to actually figure a way out of this, even with help. Goddamnit…!” She felt her hopes dwindling, and her frustrations rising, as her breathing got unsteady. She looked at the horizon, to mountains familiar, yet unknown, and past them, to a sun that wasn't hers, and yet, resonated. “This really is a fucking curse. Gotta hand it to that Hermes guy. It’s personally designed to be inescapable; And to wear me out. Ugh, what am I going to do…”

“One must indeed wonder…” Letting out a weary sigh, Starswirled reached in from his cloak, and took out a smoking pipe, lighting it up with one easy, quick motion of his horn, and taking one poof out of it.

This elicited an eyebrow raise from the Valkyrie, and the old man noticed it, as he handed the pipe to her. “Want some?”

With a slight grimace, she tilted her head. “Eh… No, I need to keep a clear head.”

“Suit yourself.” He said with a smile.

“Actually, what the hell. Gimme.” Changing her mind, she realized given the circumstances, smoking whatever that was was the least of her worries. She used her magic to take it, and inhaled.

She suppressed a cough and shook her head in surprise “Wh— What the hell did you even put on this?!”

With a hearty chuckle, the old man took the pipe back. “Oh, some of this, some of that...”

“Dude. I've smoked with actual dragons, and this is… stronger. Yeah, one is enough.” She let out one effective cough and smacked her lips, hoping that this wouldn’t have that negative of an effect in the next hour, in the next universe.

And of course, she considered how funny it was that her wife’s idol was a stoner.

And that she had shared that with him too.

But the amusement faded quickly, as her eyes rested on the sundial once more.

And the old man noticed, as he took another pensive drag of that pipe, then cleared his throat. “I do have an offer– Less of an idea, more of a suggestion of an idea, really. As you showed me your memories and experiences, one thing seemed quite clear: Your wife is exceptionally cunning and intelligent, likely rivaling my apprentice Moondancer, in that, I have no shame in admitting.”

A smile involuntarily appeared in her lips, anytime Twilight was mentioned. “You’re damn right she is. I bet Sparkles could figure out this kind of multiversal magic effortlessly. Ugh, I wish she was here with me…” She looked down, having been separated nearly two hours, and already feeling heartache.

“...But don't you see? She is in your world, aware of where you’ve gone, and how. By my guess, she is looking for ways to get to you!” The old man affirmed, before taking another drag.

She blinked in surprise; Not having thought of that up until now. “...You’re… You're right! It’s only a matter of time before she finds me– I know she will! Until then, I just have to– Survive, really. Easy.” She let out an exhale, with a smile. If there was one thing she could always count on her wife, was to solve a magical problem, and make it look easy, too. The idea that her wife wasn’t looking for her wasn’t even a possibility anymore.

“Indeed! I suppose this is a strategy most left to only hoping, but considering the memories I saw of you, I would be hard pressed to doubt your Twilight Sparkle.”

“Heh… Yeah. She’s unstoppable– The smartest Twilight in the multiverse, no doubt.” She said as much, and she believed it wholeheartedly; Her gaze landing in the sun in the distance, thinking of her love.

With her ears twitching, she looked back behind her, at the other Sunset, and the Princess that questioned her. Just looking at this lesser version of her made her teeth grit. “I guess I’ll just have to… Wait. Ugh. While seeing more failed versions of myself. This is going to suck. Like a personal hell made just for me…”

The old man exchanged looks between the two Sunsets, and then, had an idea. “If you’ll permit me, I might give you another suggestion, disregarding the potential fallout of tinkering with the multiverse.”

Raising an eyebrow, Sunset listened intently at his wisdom. “You felt great disappointment in seeing these two versions of yourself. And yet, here you are, a complete success. Perhaps you could use this chance, to aid the universes you pass by?”

She blinked, considering his words in silence.

“Being in prison certainly was a dire scenario. And considering what little I know of you, I cannot imagine there are many versions of you that are happy and fulfilled out there. But here you are, even now, in a unique position to change that.” He nodded with a smile.

Her gaze landed on her other self once more, and reminisced on her prisoner self she had seen. “You’re right. Wow. I just– I can help myself! Even if just for an hour, I can make a difference, if I can even push other versions of myself to try harder– Maybe this whole mess would be worth it. To know that somewhere, in another world, things improved for me– Maybe this won’t be so bad!” A smile appeared in her face; As she considered that she might be the happiest Sunset Shimmer in the multiverse, and wondered if that was really the case, she realized she wouldn’t mind at all, looking for that answer.

And along the way, maybe help herself.

“Indeed, it is certainly a more enjoyable pastime than just awaiting your wife to rescue you! And quite good usage of all your capabilities, if I may add.”

She couldn’t help but chuckle, seeing exactly what her wife idolized on the old Unicorn. “Damn, you’re just– Heh, Twi wasn’t kidding. You’re pretty damn wise. I’m glad I got to meet you, old man. If every other universe trip ends like this, I wouldn’t mind this mess at all.”

“I’d certainly like to think so, miss Shimmer. Now, if I may, perhaps you would like to start with this one?” He spoke, while pointing at the other Sunset Shimmer.

With an exhale, the Valkyrie walked over to her.

The guard made her way back to her friends, scoffing at what her other self had told her. “What did she say?” Flash tilted his head analytically, wondering just why Sunset had that look in her face.

“It… Doesn’t matter.” She gritted her teeth, breathing uneasily; Suppressing just how much jealous anger she felt at seeing not only a better version of herself, but having that version rub it in.

Bon Bon, Still keeping a worried pair of eyes on the Alicorn, whispered, as if almost being stealthy. “Will she uhh… Will she cause trouble?”

“She’s an asshole.” Sunset spoke through gritted teeth, side eyeing her other self.

Snickering, Indigo poked her mockingly. “Wow, a Sunset Shimmer from another universe, an asshole? What a surpriiiise! I’m shooocked! Utterly–”

She couldn’t finish, as Sunset shoved her against a wall angrily, and she was about to bite back; But Flash quickly split the two apart. “EASY! Easy!! Hey! Same side here! Sheesh!”

Sunset couldn’t speak, she just groaned, scoffed, and suppressed the urge to scream. Everything was going so well, so normal. And just one bad day like this, and it was like she was younger again, being told she wasn’t good enough, and giving up on her dreams because she agreed.

And she never stopped agreeing with it.

She just didn’t say it.

“FUCK you, Indigo!!” She snarled loudly.

“Jeez!! What’s got your tail twisted, man?!” Her not-exactly-friend recoiled, genuinely taken back.

Flash quickly held his old friend, stopping her from going any further. “HEY! Stop it! Apologize, right now, please!”

And Bon Bon stared her down also, frowning. “Yeah! You’re way out of line, Sunset. Apologize.”

With a huge, frustrated exhale, she barely muttered the words. “Urgh. Fine. I’m sorry.”

Indigo blinked a couple times, seeing that rage for what it was now: Impotent. “It’s okay man… I’m sorry for pushing you.”

Sunset didn’t respond, just looked away, with a frown.
Analytically, Flash observed his old friend, then spoke softly. “...Hey. What did she say to you, really?”

“...Not much. She said I’m complacent. She said I could have been her if I had tried harder.”


“She’s right about the first thing.”

“Sunset, c’mon…”

But they all stopped, being drawn to the flashes in the balcony, with the arrival of Moondancer and Starswirl. They watched the events quietly, without commenting on anything, such was the way of Canterlot guards.

Until Moondancer left the conversation, and walked towards the guards.

“You there! Guard!” She pointed at Sunset, almost accusatory, and the Unicorn’s eyes shot in multiple directions, wondering if it was her that was being addressed.

“Yes, you!” She approached her, quite close, and spoke almost at a whisper, as not to be heard by the others in the balcony. “Y-you other guards are dismissed. Everything’s fine. You there. Shimmer, right? You stay.”

The three other guards left reluctantly, and Sunset remained, watching them go quietly.

Moondancer studied the guard with her gaze, trying to understand just what she was. “Alright, Sunset. I’ve got a question for you. How is it another version of you is a Princess? Surely, there is some choice in your life–”

“...I was Princess Celestia’s first pupil.” Sunset admitted, defeated.

That was news to Moondancer, whose eyes widened, and jaw dropped. “W-what?! Celestia has never had a pupil other than me?!”

“That she told you. She has a lot of secrets– And the fact her first attempt at having a successor failed is one of them. I was it.”

“What do you mean?”

Sunset looked away. “I wasn’t good enough, so I quit. Not much else there is to it.”

“Hm. I don’t believe you. This requires further study. You require further study.” Moondancer came even closer, narrowing her eyes.

“P-princess, I promise you, there is nothing special about me.” The guard stated, desperately hoping for a way out of this.

“Nuh-uh. Clearly there is.” She pointed at Alicorn conversing with Starswirl on the balcony. “She’s anything but ordinary; and she’s you.”

“Another me!! Not me!!” But that wasn’t enough to dissuade the Princess, who pouted analytically. “I’m taking you to see Celestia. We’re sorting this out together.”

“Please, anything but her–”

“Hey, other me.” The Valkyrie was suddenly right next to them, startling them both.

No response from the other Sunset; Who just flinched and recoiled slightly; Having to look up to see her other self was intimidating.

With an exhale, the Princess of Valor had a much warmer look to give her other self. “Listen up. I’m sorry I snapped at you– I can’t blame you for giving up, I can't blame you for failing– ‘Cause you’re me. ‘Cause I almost gave up too… But maybe I can help.”

Slowly, she reached out a hoof, and her other self accepted it.

Let me show you an example; Let me show you how others forgave you, let me show you how others accepted you, let me show you how others loved you.

And let this be a sign, a notice, that things can get better, if you pick yourself back up after stumbling, and keep fighting.

Sunset blinked, shaking her head slightly, having just been shown dozens upon dozens of short memories of people she didn’t know loving her, accepting her, being proud of her. “W-woah.”

With a sigh and a smile, the Valkyrie nodded. “Yeah… I know, right?”

Suddenly, a glow started enveloping the Princess of Valor, and she scoffed in annoyance. “Damnit, it’s happening again. Starswirl, tell me the time!”

The old man hastingly looked at the sundial, then back at her. “It’s only been an hour!”

She exhaled, closing her eyes, as she started levitating against her will, and her limbs slowly faded away once more. “Well, shit. I guess that’s all I get, then. Good luck, other me! Keep fighting!” And the guard nodded slightly, still getting her bearings.

Starswirled approached her, with a calm smile. “May luck be on your side, Sunset Shimmer! May you see your love again!”

“Thanks, old man!”

Merely moments after she vanished, Sunset looked at the princess. “Um…Moondancer?”


“I think I'm ready to see Celestia now.”

Light the Night

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Light the Night.

Twilight hadn't struggled with authority for a while; She had given up on anxieties and fears a long time ago, and simply didn’t consider the weight that rested on her shoulders, day after day.

But as she nervously adjusted her glasses, looking intently at a map of Equestria, the Unicorn came to the startling realization, one that she had avoided considering for a while.

The realization that she had no plan.

And soon enough those old anxieties crawled at her.

The group of rebels that surrounded her was feeling restless, weary, and yet somehow, hopeful. “Well, C’mon, Twi. What’s the plan? We gotta do somethin’...!” Applejack, who towered over the other rebels with her height, tried nudging her to speak.

But instead, she just gave her a reason to deflect. “What happened to your armor, AJ?” She asked, looking at the Earth Pony; Whose body armor was covered in gashes and splinters, and with it, she ignored the dozens of other ponies that surrounded that table, surrounded her, that waited for a plan.

The Ex-Farmer blinked, surprised at Twilight’s complete deflection. “Oh, well, Timberwolf ambush. Don’t worry, I’m fine; But it ain’t good that the creatures of everfree are antagonizin’ us even more than Nightmare Moon is! Sheesh…”

“Please, go get your armor checked and repaired; I can’t have one of my best, walking around like that!” She spoke authoritatively, but her voice often cracked.

“Well, yes ma’am– Y’all tell me what the plan is when yer done, ya hear?” The Ex-Farmer walked out of the tent, looking back in concern.

And soon enough, all eyes were on the Unicorn again, who looked at the map of Equestria, pretending to be formulating a plan.

She chewed on her lip, eyes closed, for a brief moment, being capable of pretending the crowd of ponies was not there. “C’mon Twi— If Anypony can come up with a plan to get back at that hag, it’s you!! We gotta get our friends back!!” Rainbow Dash proclaimed from the crowd, eager, confident, not realizing just how unstable the Unicorn was feeling.

“If Nightmare Moon captured all of them, it’s only a matter of time before one of them coughs up the location of this base– We have to strike now!” The Pegasus proclaimed, and plenty of other of the rebels nodded and affirmed in agreement.

“How could we possibly raid her castle!?”

“We don’t have the numbers–”

“Should we be evacuating this camp?!”

“Her forces would spot our mobilization easily; We can’t just cut and run!!”

“A frontal assault would be stupid–”

“Should we be doubling our defenses?!”

“I’m scared!!!”

“What are we going to do!!?”

Twilight shrunk into herself, as all of the ponies around her discussed endlessly. At least, with them being distracted like this, she had more time to pretend she was formulating a plan.

“EVERYPONY QUIEEEEET!!!” Rainbow shouted, Flapping her prosthetic wings around, garnering the attention of the whole tent. “Twilight has never let us down, and she’s not about to now, so show some backbone and pay attention, will ya?! Jeez!!”

A hush fell within the tent once more, and all eyes were on the poor Unicorn once more.

“C’mon Twi… They got Flutters, they got Pinkie… What’s the plan?”

She was about to snap– Dangerously so. She was mere seconds away from shouting that she had no hope to give them, that there was no plan.

But lucky for her, she didn’t have to.

With an eerie flash in the tent, all of the ponies gasped in surprise, as the Princess of Valor landed right on the table above the map to Equestria.

“Urgh! Solid surface again, shit–” She muttered, dusting herself off with her wings. A mere glance around her made her raise an eyebrow. “Huh, am I interrupting something?”

Her ears twitched immediately upon hearing a familiar stutter– She turned her head, a bit too fast, and found herself face to face with Twilight sparkle. “Twilight!! Oh my gosh— Wow, you’re so small as an Unicorn– It’s– Adorable! And those glasses, wow, they’re really cute!!” She nodded, aggressively, with a dumb grin on her face, slightly flustered.

Twilight certainly looked quite different from her wife; A small Unicorn, with messy hair on a bun, wearing glasses that had been cracked from usage over the years.

Every single pony in that tent was speechless. With merely a couple of glances, Sunset evaluated what was happening, and looked back to the Unicorn. “So are you like the boss here? Gosh, look at you... Always the leader, huh? I expected nothing less!” She spoke warmly, with pride– Even without the full picture, she couldn’t help it; And the Unicorn was speechless, at this oversized Alicorn towering over her with a loving smile.

“Come to think of it, if I appeared here, then…” She turned on the table, looking around at every pony in the crowd. “Sunset Shimmer? Is there a Sunset Shimmer here? C’mon, me!”

And she didn’t have to look for long. Among the crowd, there she was, another version of her, adorned in battle gear like the rebels around her, with an utterly dismayed and shocked look in her face; Purposefully keeping herself quiet. “There you are, me!”

With one magical motion, she picked herself up– Her other self, floated her over the crowd, moved the crowd away from Twilight, then placed her other self right next to Twilight. “There. That’s better.” She said with a sly smile, then sat down on the table properly, beholding those two.

All of this only served to confuse every pony in that tent even more.

The other Sunset immediately took a step or two away from the leader and covered her face with a hoof, grimacing in confusion.

Rainbow Dash was the first to speak up. “Umm– Not to be rude, but who the hell are you?”

“Woah Rainbow, sick metal wings, dude.” with a nod, Sunset admired her friend’s battle scars; That Rainbow Dash was indeed very different from hers, weary from years of fighting, but seemingly with the same attitude.

“Thanks! Wait, how do you know me?!” But unfortunately for the Pegasus, the Alicorn turned back to Twilight and her other self.

“Sorry if this is confusing, i’m–”

And finally, Twilight managed to speak. “WHO ARE YOU HOW DO YOU KNOW ME WHERE DID YOU COME FROM HOW ARE YOU AN ALICORN AND WHY DO YOU LOOK LIKE THIS RANDOM SOLDIER YOU JUST PUT NEXT TO ME????!!” Her voice shrill, close to panicked, indicating just how utterly confused she was.

In almost a slurred tone, intercut with giggles, Sunset pointed at her other self. “Hey, just asking, do you think this random soldier next to you is hot?”

The tiniest gasp came from Twilight’s mouth as her voice broke. “What!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

That just elicited a loud reaction from her other self, who shouted “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU?!”

Shaking her head and blowing raspberries, the Alicorn flapped her wings. “Sorry if I seem a bit weird– Whatever I smoked with Starswirl in the last universe is definitely kicking in.”

“Starswirl!??!! L-last universe?!” Those two things piqued the little Unicorn’s interest intently, as her mind raced. Someone in the crowd understandably asked “Smoking?”

“Hangon, I just need to check something.” The Princess of Valor reached out and touched her other self, bringing her closer with magic.

I am Sunset Shimmer. And I failed Celestia. Maybe if I had been a better pupil, Nightmare Moon wouldn’t have returned– Maybe if I had been a better pupil, I would have been there to stop it. But I wasn’t. I was exiled. And now I do whatever I can to help the resistance, and not one pony here knows the truth about me. I am–

Sunset's eyes widened with concern, and she then moved to touch Twilight, confirming what she had just seen.

I am Twilight Sparkle. I was an apprentice of Celestia-- was, because Nightmare Moon returned and imprisoned her. Since then, I've formed a resistance, and I try day after day to fight to someday free my mentor--

“Nightmare Moon?! She’s taken over this world?!” The Alicorn’s hide shivered with anticipation and anger, as her wings raised, and her brows furrowed.

Both Twilight and Sunset nodded, in utter confusion.

“Well then. Today’s your lucky day.” With one single hop, Sunset Shimmer jumped over the whole crowd, and landed on the exit of the tent, and walked out of it with steely determination.

“Honestly darling, you ought to be less careless. Look at you, all bruised…” The Seamstress stated, as she hastingly yet efficiently applied the repairs to the body armor that the Ex-Farmer wore.

Looking down, being careful not to be poked by her horn, Applejack tried her best to maintain composure. “I’m fine, Rarity. Could ya hurry it up? I think somethin’ big must be happenin’ on the meetin’ room right now, and I don’t wanna miss it.”

“Protection demands patience, darling. And nothing’s more important than your safety– Surely the strongest of us should keep herself properly protected when fighting!” She spoke strongly, plainly, demanding the attention of the Earth Pony, and almost getting it.

“Yeah, yeah…” The Ex-Farmer’s gaze trailed off the tent they were on, attracted by noise coming from outside, just in time for her to get a glimpse of a certain Alicorn. ”W-woah– Who’s that?!”

“Eyes on me, darling.”

With that single statement, Applejack completely forgot what was going on outside, and allowed the seamstress to continue her dutiful work. “Eeyup.”

And with the final touches, Rarity booped Applejack’s snoot. “There! Top form once more. Now next time you’re in a scrape, try ducking, if you please.”

“O-okay. Thanks, sugarcube–” But both of their gazes turned to the entrance of the tent, as a curious Sunset Shimmer poked her head in, wings and all.

She took only mere moments looking around. “Excuse me, which way to the exit of your little base?– Woah, hey Applejack. You look badass in armor. Hi Rarity! Figures, you two would be dating in this universe too.”

With a little nervous chuckle, the Ex-Farmer shook her head. “Oh, we ain’t datin’-- we’re just friends!”

With a plain look on her face, Rarity took a few seconds to look at Applejack, analytically, from top to bottom.“Hm. Would.” Then she simply turned and moved back to her work station.

“W-what was that, sugarcube?!”

Snickering, Sunset turned around and continued on her way; The rebel base was quite interesting, lights and tents extended all around what resembled some sort of cave covered in vines and moss. Sunset could tell easily, that wherever this place was, it was situated in the Everfree forest. On all her treks through that forest with her friends, she got quite familiar with the scents and sounds.

There were a surprising number of ponies there, all usually either wearing battle gear, or torn clothes. She saw plenty of familiar faces, in unfamiliar ways, and they all looked at her like she was a comet– Gawking in surprise at the tall Alicorn walking among them.

And behind her, followed plenty of ponies, but Twilight specifically; And the other Sunset Shimmer followed along. “E-excuse me! A-Alicorn!!! Would you mind explaining to me who you are and what you’re doing and where exactly are you going?!”

And besides her, Sunset’s other self was following closely, in extreme curiosity. “Are you me from an universe where I didn’t fail Celestia?! Where I succeeded as her pupil??” Which made Twilight’s ears perk in even further curiosity and confusion; She obviously did not know that there once was another pupil of Celestia, failed or otherwise.

Snickering, The Princess of Valor allowed herself to stop, touching Twilight’s and her other self’s shoulders, allowing her to see through her own memories, if only for a moment. “Here, let me show you both.”

It happened today, actually. Me and Luna were at the same party, happily conversing with my parents, and I remembered something good; That after years of training with the Queen of the Night, I finally beat her in a fight– And a fair and square all-out one, too. And I almost challenged her again too– But my wife stepped in, kissed me, and said “No fighting.” And of course, I obeyed.

“W-wife?! M-me?! Wife!!? Y-you?!” Blinking, flustering, sweating, Twilight’s eyes shot from the two Sunsets as she stuttered making sounds almost akin to squeaks, while the other Sunset’s jaw was utterly dropped, in equal flabbergasting. “H-holy crap– So you failed, b-but…!”

“Yep. I tried again. And eventually it stuck. And it helped that I was doing it to be with Twilight, too.” Her gaze was warm and amused, as she looked at those two, both equally confused. Twilight adjusted her glasses nervously, face red as a tomato, averting her eyes from the tall Alicorn that stood in front of her.

All which was endlessly entertaining to Sunset. “Gosh you are so cute as a Unicorn, Sparkles…!” but she shook her head, snapping out of it. “FOCUS! Okay, exit’s… Thisaway?” And she turned and kept going forward.

The two ponies chased after her, Twilight herself being incredibly concerned still. “W-wait!! How will you remove the Nightmare magic’s hold over Luna?!”

“Oh, let’s just say I'm uniquely qualified for it– I’ve done similar before, for a friend.” She snickered, reminiscing.

“W-what?! Who?!”


Most of Ponyville had gone into hiding, or were preparing for the battle against the forces of the moon; The shadows had already made their intentions known– Total domination of Equestria, but one thing was clear, they wouldn’t be able to claim Princess Luna again.

Luna and Twilight were attempting to discern the plans of the shadows that lurked there, both in the Community Center of Ponyville, but they knew a threat was imminent. Sunset, Applejack and Fluttershy remained out and about in Ponyville, at a rooftop, quietly surveying the skies for any signs of the upcoming invasion.

One thing had already happened– One terribly unfortunate thing.

Rarity had been taken by the shadows, and was somewhere lost in the moon.

“W-why did I even agree to be out and about with you two– We are in so much danger–” Fluttershy shivered slightly, in unease, observing the dark night sky. It was unquestionable that this would be dangerous.

Sunset, keeping her steel gaze on the moon, folded her wings close. “You’re here if things can end peacefully; Me and AJ are here if things get ugly– Don’t worry, we won’t let anything happen to you.” That was certainly an assurance, but not by much.

Applejack snarled, surveying the horizon. “Oh I ain’t lettin’ them take any more of us– And if I find out they hurt my sugarcube, I'm gonna wring their necks.”

“Atta girl– I don’t know if they have necks, but that’s the spirit.” The Alicorn nodded confidently, proud of her friend's bloodlust.

Shuffling closer to her friends, the Pegasus considered their options. “M-maybe we can do a simple parlay…? You know… Not have to fight a bunch of evil shadow monsters from the moon, and resolve this peacefully…?”

“If there is a way, I’m sure Twi and Luna will find it– But we have to be prepared for the worst too.” The Alicorn reassured her, knowing full well things could go bad.

Blowing air from her nostrils, Applejack continued to poorly suppress her anger. “I vote violence– They took my Rarity, and I’ll lasso the whole dang moon before lettin’ her get hurt–”

But just then, they were interrupted, something akin to a meteor made of smoke landed on the outskirts of town– A wave of shadows spread.

Stay sharp.” Sunset’s nerves raised, as she prepared for a fight.

The shadows spread out– Into what appeared to be a battalion of creatures of the dark, and they entered Ponyville.

And right in front of them, a tall, dark Unicorn with suspiciously fabulous hair led the quiet charge.

Sunset’s eyes widened.“Is that…?”

“Citizens of Ponyville! Rejoice, for you will be the first ones to be assimilated into the rule of the shadows– The moon is your sovereign, and it is time for MY age, the age of NIGHTMARE RARITY!!” The tall dark Unicorn waved her enormous, fabulous constellation mane, and her horn lit the surroundings with a pale blue light.

With a grimace, Sunset realized this just got a lot more complicated. “Oh, crap.”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened in panic. “O-oh no!!! What do we do?!”

Gleefully, Nightmare Rarity continued to proclaim her victory, waving her mane fabulously. “It is time to surrender, darlings! The age of the shadows is here–”

“I SURRENDER!” Applejack raised a hoof, and immediately slid down the rooftop and jumped in the town square.

“AJ no!!!” Fluttershy gasped. “A-applejack what the FUCK” Gritting her teeth, Sunset remained on cover, unsure of what the best choice of action would be.

Ignoring them, the Farmer ran to the plaza, standing right in front of Nightmarity. “Ah, excellent! Our first surrender. What is your name?”

“--Sugarcube, it’s me, Applejack?...” She spoke in disbelief, looking at her love, so twisted by the shadows. Rarity’s eyes glowed like gemstones as they twitched. Her fur was pitch black.

“Don’t ya remember me…?” Tilting her head, Applejack approached slowly, in concern. Nightmarity flinched, but got closer as well. “I… Know you…?” She asked softly.

Extending a hoof, she touched Applejack’s fuzzy chest, in confusion, attempting to remember, as she studied the Farmer analytically. “It’s me…!”

Shadows surrounded Applejack, but none advanced, all the while the Dark Unicorn observed her closely, feeling her fur with a hoof. “I know you…” Looking each other eye to eye- Blue and green meeting with hesitation.

Leaning in, Nightmarity rubbed her muzzle against Applejack’s neck and inhaled– Which transitioned to her nuzzling the Farmer affectionately then and there. She then recoiled, but still kept their muzzles close as she looked deep into her love’s eyes with a smile. “I know you. You’re mine.”

“E…Eeyup…?” Was all Applejack could say in reaction, as she flustered into oblivion.

With one swift and easy magical motion, Nightmarity cast a pale blue magical chain on Applejack’s neck, and pulled it, turning around. “We’re retreating for now– I’ve got what I want right here.”

All the shadow creatures surrounding them grunted in confusion and annoyance, as Applejack willingly followed her love, bound by a chain. With a pale yet powerful magical glow, Nightmarity cast the shadows into a swirl, and they all flew upwards towards the moon.

A hush fell into Ponyville, interrupted only by the sound of a pony, somewhere, celebrating. “Yay they’re retreating!!”

On the rooftop, Sunset grimaced in annoyance. “What the hell was that?!!!”

Fluttershy nodded with a small smile. “Wow, Applejack is so smart! She infiltrated the forces of shadows for us! And even made them retreat!”

Blowing raspberries, Sunset rubbed her temples with her wings. “That was absolutely not what just happened– Ugh, I guess at least she’s gonna keep Rarity occupied. C’mon, we gotta go tell Twilight and the others.”

“R-Rarity?! She was taken over by the shadows in your universe??” Fidgeting, Twilight followed the Valkyrie close.

“It’s a long story, but don’t worry about it, me and my friends fixed it.” Suppressing a chuckle, Sunset reminisced on the fact that the moon invasion was stalled– massively, too– By the simple fact that her two friends couldn’t keep their hooves off each other, even when one of them was corrupted by darkness.

She was, however, still looking for an exit, and just her luck, a wall of vines shook and moved; showing the pale moonlight outside, leading where to go. And from that wall, Zecora passed through. “Twilight! Just the pony I wished to see! And right after Nightmare Moon’s forces nearly caught me–”

“Hey Zecora!” The Alicorn passed by her with a friendly wave of a wing, and left through the vines, with Twilight close behind.

The Zebra blinked several times in surprise and shock. “I am not sure if this is a curse or luck– but that is an Alicorn. What the fuck?”

Sunset Shimmer breathed deeply, inhaling the nightly air– She knew that this was supposed to be day– But because of Nightmare Moon, it was eternal night. And she was about to change that.

They were at the edge of a grassy cliff, overlooking the Everfree forest; And Sunset could already sense where Nightmare Moon resided, in the Canterlot castle of this world. Twilight, behind her, stuttered through a question. “S-Sunset– Are you really going to just go and fight her?!”

Letting out a confident and calm chuckle, the Valkyrie nodded. “Relax, Sparkles. I got this. Also– I only have an hour here before I'm thrown into the next universe, so I don’t got much choice. And hey, if I die, nothing will change for this universe either way!”

Her gaze alternated between Twilight and her other self, who regarded her with concern and confusion, and she ignored the few ponies that chased after her in curiosity.

“Also, I’ll make this quick– But you two have a lot of common ground, both being apprentices of Celestia– and I’m married to the Twilight Sparkle of my world– So when Nightmare Moon is defeated, you should hit it off! Celestia would adore having two pupils at once, especially with Luna around. Trust me, I know!” Her grin as wide as it could be, she nodded at them both enthusiastically, with a toothy smile.

They simply exchanged quick nervous flustered glances, unable to speak, and behind them, Rainbow dash was utterly flabbergasted. “Hey dude– I get that you’re an Alicorn and all– But how exactly are you alone going to defeat–”

But she was interrupted. With a flash, Sunset adorned her Valkyrie armor, and even in the pale moonlight, she shined with a golden glow. Every pony on that cliff’s jaws dropped as they looked at the bronze-clad Alicorn, who herself was ready for any fight.

She took merely a second to smirk back at them. “I’ll burn that bridge when I get to it.”

In a singular moment, she charged energy, and, with one massive wind blast, she flew off, even toppling some of the ponies around with her shockwave, shooting into the sky like a meteor, with one singular determined direction.

“H-holy crap. That’s fast.” Was all Rainbow could mutter, as she watched the fiery shooting star.

The ponies on the cliff watched, utterly flabbergasted, the Valkyrie cruise towards Canterlot with unbelievable speed.

Fidgeting nervously, adjusting her glasses, and even flustering a bit, Twilight looked at Sunset, who sat next to her, with the same confusion. “You… you were an apprentice of Celestia, like me…? All this time…?”

She nodded quietly, speaking softly. “Y-yeah. I was…”

There was a tinge of sorrow on Twilight’s voice, as she considered all the years she fought thinking no pony in the world would understand her pain. “Why did you never tell me?! I could have– Maybe together, this would have been easier…”

Shaking her head, she spoke softly. “I’m sorry, Twilight, it’s just… I was her apprentice. I failed her. I wasn’t about to share that with just anypony, even my replacement, but… I had to help somehow.”

“W-well… I know now. And gosh, it’s nice to know I’m not alone…”

“Y-yeah. I feel the same way.”

“G-gosh, you look amazing as an Alicorn, though…”

“Y-yeah. What the hell was that…?”

The messenger stuttered a little, being in the presence of such power, as he delivered news to Nightmare Moon in her throne room. “Y-yes, my liege– It is confirmed that our forces have captured all of the resistance fighters in their penultimate base…”

Cackling maniacally, Nightmare Moon rejoiced on her upcoming victory. The eerie blue flames of the torches in the room seemed to glow brighter with her delight. “FINALLY! Send my guards to torture the captives as much as they want– Tear them limb from limb if they must– Just GET the location of the final rebel base– And I’ll finally snuff out this ridiculous resistance!! And that little runt, Twilight Sparkle, will PAY for having ever defied me. Finally, a beautiful new age of my rule, with no opposition!!”

She stepped away from her throne, nearly prancing around, her wings spread wide, reveling in her victory. “Night will reign eternal!!! No pony will ever oppose my MIGHT!!”

Allowing herself a good moment to cackle maniacally some more, she returned to her throne and lounged. “Notify me the SECOND we discover the location of the rebel base– I will go snuff out that light personally.”

The messenger nodded emphatically with fear, and then galloped away from the room.

From her throne, she could barely contain her excitement, as she fluttered her wings and grinned madly. “Do you hear that, sister? Your last hope will be extinguished soon enough.” She teased a stained glass depiction of her sister being defeated by her, Celestia could not hear her where she was.

Merely seconds later, one of her guards flew into the room, in a panicked, sweaty state. “My queen!!! W-we are under attack!!”

She did not appreciate the interruption. “Ugh, what is it now? Speak!!”

The Pegasus looked back in fear, sweating, in sheer panic. “S-some kind of Sun Alicorn– She is tearing through our air defenses like butter!!! We’ve–”

“Impossible! My sister cannot escape the prison that I've bound her to. There is no Sun Alicorn–” Before she could even finish her sentence, an explosion resounded in the distance, and from the stained glass windows, they could see glowing silhouettes of their airships– On fire.

Rolling her eyes, but feeling a bit more tense, Nightmare Moon waved her hooves dismissively. “Ugh, fine, I’ll entertain you. Send in the elite guards.”

“W-we just did!! T-they–”

Another Pegasus rushed into the room, this one completely struck with fear. “MY QUEEN, THE ELITE GUARD– THEY’VE ALL BEEN SLAUGHTERED!!”

Now she began considering this threat. “Unbelievable– FINE. If my sister has indeed returned, I will send her right back to where she belongs violently– I will go meet her now–”

The stained glass windows exploded, and Sunset Shimmer arrived, leaving a trail of fire in her wake, as she landed on the throne room confidently; The two messengers ran away at the mere sight of her, her armor burning in a couple places, dents and scratches in others, but otherwise completely unharmed. “Heya, Luna.”

The Queen of the Night’s eyes widened as she examined her opponent with a scowl. “A Valkyrie?! Impossible!! Who are you?!!”

“A friend. Unfortunately, Celestia couldn’t be here today– But I’ll gladly fill in her horseshoes and knock some sense into you, Luna.” With a Smirk, she brandished her armored wings confidently.

This wasn’t even going to be a match– She knew all of Luna’s weaknesses, Nightmare Moon’s weaknesses, and her opponent didn’t even know who she was.

With a violent take off, they collided mid air, and it was clear that Sunset was the physical superior, as she stomped and hooved and even wing striked her enemy, combining all of that with powerful magical blasts and horn fencing, the Queen, even with her powerful magical barriers and blasts, could barely keep up.

The Queen of the Night tried her best to shoot the Valkyrie with powerful explosive projectiles; But Sunset was too agile, doing flips and Pirouettes or even deflecting her magic entirely, making it look easy, too.

Stomping her forcefully against the ground pushed Nightmare moon to fight back harder. “Enough of this! Feast on your nightmares, fool!!”

Her horn glowed, her wings spread wide, and a violent dark fog flew towards Sunset, who guarded herself in expectation.

Nothing happened.

Even when images attempted to take shape, no fear was realized.

Their eyes met, and Nightmare Moon was genuinely shocked. “I--Impossible?!”

“HAH! Celestia was right!!! AWESOME!!” The Valkyrie took off once more, with her confidence doubled. With her horn alight, flames spewed all around her, lighting the room, resembling daytime.

Nightmare Moon could only play defensive, and she was starting to panic, as every barrier she cast was soon broken, and any cold she manifested was quickly snuffed out, warmed up.

Sunset laughed with delight and excitement with this battle, for a multitude of reasons. “You rely too much on your magic!! Like you’re ordering takeout!!”

“What in the world are you–”

“But this?!?!” She brandished her hooves and wings with great pride. “This is a home cooked meal. Now eat up!!”

“UGH, WHAT ARE YOU EVEN SAYING?!” A flurry of wing strikes and Hoof stomps struck nightmare moon on her legs, neck, head, and she could no longer defend herself.

“I DON’T KNOW, I AM KIND OF HIGH RIGHT NOW!!” She laughed gleefully, as she delivered blow after blow.

And with one final bucking, Nightmare moon was thrown against her throne, shattering it, and laid on the floor, barely conscious. She coughed a couple of times, breathing haggardly. “E-even if you beat me now– Your sun will never return. And Luna will forever belong to the darkness. The forces of nightmare have won–”

“--Not on my watch.” Sunset approached her slowly, and connected horn to horn, and began a very strenuous process of multiple kinds of magic being cast at once.

I had nightmares every night, after I became a demon. Stealing Twilight’s crown was the worse mistake I had ever made, and yet, no pony could torture me more than me.

“N-no, please, just go away!!” Sunset Shimmer pleaded, being face to face with her own demon form.

“Why so scared, little me?! This is what you wanted, isn’t it?!” She spread her wings, and Canterlot burned around them. “SUNSET SHIMMER– THE STRONGEST ALICORN!!” She professed loudly, brandishing her horrible bat wings as fire spewed in all directions.

“STOP!! JUST STOP HURTING THEM!!” The Unicorn cried helplessly, unable to do anything to stop her other self. The demon was burning everything with gleeful laughter.

This was only one of my nightmares, back then. One of many. I was as helpless here as when I was awake.

The demon bared her fangs with joy. “What’s wrong, you WIMP?! You got everything you could have possibly wanted– Why the crocodile tears?!”


“ALL YOU ARE IS THIS!!” She brandished her wings, and charged at her other self.

“Not on my watch.” With a calm and soothing voice, Luna entered the dream and swiftly dispatched the demon, making it fade away, and as she flew around the city, all flames dispelled.

And yet, you were always there– For every nightmare I had, you pulled me out. I didn’t deserve it, but you couldn’t care less about deserving.

She landed directly in front of the Unicorn, with gentleness and calm.

“You are Sunset Shimmer, are you not?” Tilting her head, she regarded the Unicorn with pity, and yet, a warm gaze.

She was still shaking, still shivering. With an exhale, she managed to look the princess in the eyes. “Y-yes, yes. That’s me… It’s– an honor to meet you, Princess Luna… I’m s-so sorry for the trouble–”

“The honor is mine. It is not everyday I could meet a pony that knows exactly how I felt.” She gave a slow, caring nod, as the layout of the dream reshaped into a more comfortable night in Canterlot.

You were unshakable. And yet, you and I were in the exact same position, once.


Turning her head away, it was as if she saw another pony having a nightmare in the distance. “I must go. But let it be known, Sunset Shimmer… That they will forgive you– And you will survive this, and you will come out of it stronger. Never forget their faith in you.”

In tears, Sunset stomped her hoof on the floor, not out of anger, but of desperation. “B-but it’s misplaced!! I don’t deserve it!! I don’t deserve their faith– Much less their forgiveness!!!”

With a gentle smile, Luna soared away. “And yet, it is there. What you choose to do with it is up to you. Good luck, Sunset Shimmer. And may the stars aid in your return.”

Everytime you visited my dreams, you offered me wisdom, and at some point, it actually stuck. You were the reason I started trying to improve myself– You were the reason I fought to belong with Twilight and my friends, and you were the reason, among many others, that I am as fearless as I am now.

Now that you’ve seen what I've seen, known what I’ve known, you know what you can be.

Come back to them, Luna…!

Straining, near yelling, Sunset Shimmer finished showing Luna her memory, and viciously pulled all of the nightmare energy out from her horn, burning it up then and there. “GO BACK TO THE SHADOWS!!” She yelled, after the extreme effort of unleashing the nightmare into her flames.

The room went quiet, they both breathed uneasily.

Luna, no longer Nightmare Moon, whimpered, as tears formed. “I–I don’t deserve their forgiveness…!”

With a smile, Sunset spoke softly. “And yet, they’ll give it to you. What you do with it…”

“--Is up to me…!” She concluded, eyes closed, not smiling, but significantly more at ease.

Sunset walked away, shaking off the exhaustion of having strained herself, blowing raspberries and stretching; She would not allow herself to feel tired, in only the third universe she accidentally stumbled into.

Curiously, Luna watched her. “...Incredible… So this was the power of Celestia’s first pupil…!”

She snickered, remembering the resistance fighter version of her. “Nooooot exactly. There is a Sunset Shimmer in this world, but she’s not me.”

“...Another universe…!” Luna spoke softly, coming to an understanding.

Nodding, Sunset smiled. “Hopefully, the other Sunset will learn the same things you know, and understand what she could be.”

Luna could see it now– If there was even a chance that her world could have a protector like the one that just saved her, she had to fight to make it a reality. “I’ll make sure of it.” She nodded with determination.

“Heh, thanks.” Chuckling, she laughed at the idea that this victory could be attributed to the other Sunset Shimmer, and she didn’t mind that in the slightest.

Luna, for the first time in years, looked through the holes on the throne room walls, at the nightly horizon, with hope. “Well, nevertheless… Perhaps now my sister will return– And the sun will shine on Equestria once more...”

“Oh, it will. Give me a second.” Sunset Shimmer walked over to that gap, and raised her wings.

She stared at the horizon intently; her horn aglow, her gaze determined, her wings spread wide.

Through immense effort, she raised the Sun.

After nearly a decade, it was morning in Equestria once more.

Sunset Shimmer nearly collapsed, feeling immensely dizzy, breathing heavily. “FUCK! Why did I even do that while I'm still high– Ugh, I feel sick…!”

“Incredible…!” Was all that the Princess could mutter, as she observed, for the first time a millenia, a sunrise, and not one raised by her sister, no less.

And moments later, with the sun raised, Celestia was freed from her prison, and flew down to the castle.

The time had come to be thrusted upon another universe– and the same light as before enveloped Sunset. “Well crap, time to go…” She started floating against her will.

“What is happening to you??” Luna’s eyes widened as she watched the Valkyrie slowly vanish.

“Don’t worry– I’m just going to another universe! Listen, remember what I said, and remember what you felt, okay?!” Her limbs were fading, and she tried speaking fast.

“U-um– yes, I will try!” The Alicorn nodded, even with her concerns.

Celestia landed inside the room, and was utterly shocked at this sight. “A–A Valkyrie?! S-Sunset Shimmer?!?!! Y-you’ve ascended?!”

“Hey, Celestia!! I’m Sunset from–” But before she could finish her sentence, she vanished into the multiverse.

The Princess of the Sun watched, utterly flabbergasted, unable to make sense of any of that. Her gaze landed on her sister, who sat wounded on the floor. “L-Luna, is it really you?! What in the world just happened?!?!”

“I honestly can barely say myself, sister… All I can say is… I am so, so sorry…!” Tears formed in her eyes, as she stood up, unsure of anything.

Shaking her head thoroughly, Celestia regarded her with sadness. “No… It was my mistake to imprison you all those years ago. We were meant to rule together... From now on, we’re equals. I am so sorry, sister…”

The little sister ran forward and hugged her big sister, and there they remained in each other's embrace, apologizing to each other emphatically, until the moment that the resistance fighters finally reached the castle, utterly shocked to find out that everything would change, starting today.

Two Princesses.

Two Pupils.

A new age for Equestria.

The best revenge is a life well lived... With you.

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The best revenge is a life well lived... With you.

Sunset Shimmer wasn’t exactly known for her patience, and neither was Starlight Glimmer. It certainly was peculiar that in this bizarre trio, Trixie Lulamoon was the one that was usually the calmest.

Their lair was this surprisingly gorgeous cave– The rent was relatively cheap, for three failed evildoers without many sources of income, and lucky for them their landlord was not a snitch, nor someone who cared about what they did with their time.

And once again, surprisingly, Trixie was the most monetarily successful one of the bunch– And she didn’t even always live and sleep here– Not that the other two wouldn’t resort to petty theft for their basic necessities.

It was a day like any other. Starlight was attempting to formulate their next plan, Trixie was questionably paying attention, while Sunset, looking at the pool of water that crossed their cave/home, wondered just how her life got to be this utterly frustrating.

Starlight, nerve wracked, and yet, determined, studied schematics, notes and pictures. “Ugh, this wouldn’t work either; she already beat us when we tried something similar– I’ve been thinking– Maybe we should try to blow up her castle? Trixie, can you get us some explosives?”

With a decisive nod, Trixie giggled. “Not stable ones!”

“That wasn’t a no. I’ll take it.” The Unicorn let out an exhale, while she looked at the very amateurish and hastingly drawn schematic of the Princess’s castle.

Sighing, finally turning away from her reflection, Sunset decided to address the planner. “Call me crazy but I don’t think petty vandalism through the form of unstable explosives is gonna get us very far with our Princess problem. Twilight’s smart enough to cast defensive spells– And I doubt our capability of sneaking in her castle– Regardless of how pointlessly huge and usually empty it is.”

Eyes twitching, blowing air from her nostrils, Starlight stomped a hoof on the table, not making much noise. “I don’t see YOU making a plan, leather jacket!! You’ve been sulking all day, if you’re gonna sit around and judge, give us some suggestions at least?!”

Narrowing her eyes, Sunset wasn’t even the least intimidated. “Don’t take that tone with me, tiny– Without me you two idiots would be rotting in a Canterlot prison right now. And reminder that all your plans have had a zero percent success rate, otherwise Twilight would have been beaten long ago.”

“Excuse me?! So have YOURS! I’m the boss here! Show me some respect!!” The angry Unicorn huffed.

“Earn it.” Sunset snarled through gritted teeth.

Before the situation escalated any further, Trixie stepped in between the two, with a nervous smile. “Girls! Girls, you’re both very pretty and evil– Can we get back on track maybe? Let’s dial it back a lot, please! The Great and Powerful™ Trixie suggests we take a quick break! Snack time, whaddaya say?”

Neither of the other two unicorns had objections to it, quickly exhaling, even while maintaining the usual stink eye towards each other. Each of them picked up respective snacks for their break, from fruits to sweets, mostly things they had stolen.

While chewing, Trixie regarded the leather jacket-clad Unicorn, and her forlorn demeanor, and as expected, approached her curiosity with no decorum. “Sunset, why have you been pouting all day? You seem to be extra broody and grumpy, and that’s saying something.”

The Unicorn had a mouth too full to immediately bite back, so she remained, for a few seconds, chewing. Those seconds were enough to cool her off of the anger of the magician prodding on her life.

“Didn’t sleep well today.” Was all she could muster to say, and it wasn’t a lie.

“Hmm, yes, Starlight’s snores are indeed hard to endure.” Trixie pensively nodded, while chewing on cookies.

“Hey!!! At least I don’t practice shows in my sleep!!” the Unicorn was genuinely insulted, not even pointlessly angry over the statement. “You’re always going on about being great and powerful in your dreams, it's just annoying–”

“I am always at the stage, Glimmer! Awake or asleep, I must hone my craft!!” She did an overdramatic flap of her cape, and a tilt of her wizard hat.

“I dreamt about Celestia today.” Sunset said plainly– It just came out. She wasn’t planning on going into detail, but that needed to be said. Something needed to be said. Anything.

A hush fell on the table, with the other two unicorns regarding her with a knowing look of pity.

The dream had been good. A memory of her younger life, the good days of being Celestia’s apprentice. Days gone, for a long time now. That’s what made the sleep restless.

Sunset quietly took a sip of water, looking back at the two, saying nothing.

With a nod, Starlight professed victory. “...Don’t worry. Once we clip Twilight’s wings, she’s next. You’ll get your payback.”

“Hm. Wouldn’t that be something.” Absentmindedly, she regarded the pool of water behind her again, seeing her morphed reflection.

A brief silence, before Trixie, still chewing on cookies, interjected. “I got an idea. Bears.”

Starlight couldn’t help but snort. “Um. elaborate?”

“Oh that’s all. Bears.” Trixie affirmed.

Shaking her head, but smiling, Sunset disregarded it. “Whatever you’re thinking wouldn’t work. Fluttershy would easily–”

But then, and interruption.

With a flash, The Princess of Valor appeared out of thin air, falling and crashing through the table; dropping a teacup on the floor, not only shattering it but spilling its contents all over the scattered papers.

“Shoot! Sorry, I was drinking tea in the last universe–” She began to apologize, but then stopped.

With a quick study of her surroundings, she spotted multiple objects of interest.

First of all, the three unicorns. Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, and Trixie Lulamoon. All three, in the same place. “Ugh, this can’t be good…”

Second of all, multiple papers, plans, schematics and even maps of Ponyville scattered all over, including pictures of the Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle. A full conspiracy board, including one with a few darts stuck to a picture of Twilight smiling. “Ugh. Are you kidding me?”

And finally, the location. “Are we… Are we in Maud’s cave?” She tilted her head.

“What the fuck are you?!!!” Her other self desperately and very confusedly asked. And of course, not just her, but Starlight shouted some confused profanities, while Trixie complained.

“I don’t know who or what the fuck you are but STOP walking over our schematics!!” Starlight commanded.

“AND OUR COOKIES!!” Trixie pleaded.

The Princess turned to her other self, with an eyebrow raised, and Sunset was stunned. It was her, but taller, stronger, with wings. It was bizarre. A reflection she had never seen. “A-are you a changeling?! A trick?! An illusion?!!”

With a quick inspection of her other self, the Princess of Valor spoke. “I’m you from another universe, dumbass. PLEASE don’t tell me you three knuckleheads formed some sort of alliance to try to usurp Twilight or something.”

Her other self did not respond– Trixie had the honor. “The Great and Powerful Trixie has two wonderful assistants that aid her again and again in the eternal battle against her nemesis, Twilight Sparkle!!”

Starlight quickly nudged her in annoyance. “H-hey! I’m the boss!” And then her attention turned to the Alicorn. She lit her horn, and stepped forward. “I don’t know who or what you are, wearing Sunset’s face. But you better explain yourself right now–”

“--I told you, I’m Sunset Shimmer from another universe– clearly one that I’m doing better in, if you’re all stuck together at your worst. I’m fucking married, by the way.”

Rolling her eyes, her other self scoffed. “Hah. What, are you married to Flash?”

Eyes widened with a mix of anger and concern, the Alicorn stared her down. “NO dumbass, I'm married to Twilight Sparkle!!!”

“W-what?!” That shut her other self up immediately, with the sudden realization that she was married to her nemesis in another dimension. Trixie gasped and mocked her immediately. “Oooooohhhh~”

“Shut up, Trixie!” Both Sunsets said in unison.

“HEY!” Starlight attempted to command the room again, lighting her horn. “Don’t ignore me, intruder!! You’re not welcome here– And Twilight Sparkle is a pathetic twerp that is our ENEMY!! Now explain just what you’re doing here, or I’ll blast you into–”

She stopped, as soon as the Alicorn turned. the Princess's glare and demeanor interrupted her instantly. Fully facing Starlight, Sunset raised her wings and spoke in a tone that cut swiftly. “You point your horn at a Valkyrie, you best be ready to kill. Starlight, I’ve had a pretty fucking long day, I’m NOT in the mood for your shit– So point that horn somewhere else, or I’ll break it off and shove it up your ass.”

The Unicorn paused immediately, reconsidering picking a fight with an Alicorn, one that continued talking, much to her dismay. “Now, I’d rather lecture you than maim you. So be a good girl and sit.

And embarrassingly enough, Starlight obeyed, face getting red with the humiliation. Once again, Trixie mocked. “Oooooohhh~”

“Shut up, Trix…” Starlight muttered in shame.

Rubbing her temples, the Princess attempted to calm her nerves. “Ugh, you warned me that you were a little shit before Twilight fixed you– I assumed you were exaggerating…!” She muttered in frustration, shaking her head.

Trixie, unaware that she was playing with fire, waved her hooves dismissively at the Alicorn, in a teasing tone. “Soooo, what are you, a Sunset Shimmer that didn’t mess up being Celestia’s pupil? You look great. Congrats.”

Her other self, recovering from a fluster, shaked her head dismissively. “No, she’s a Sunset Shimmer that won through nepotism. A gold digger. She married Twilight to be a Princess.”

That elicited an instant angry reaction from the Alicorn, who pinned her on the ground violently, snarling.

And with that physical contact, she showed her a quick burst of memories of her past.

You better pay attention. You better look closely.

Because I failed. Again, and again, I failed. I even pursued revenge, unlike you, alone. And I failed.

And somehow, Twilight still forgave me.

And somehow, Twilight still helped me.

I am what I am now because after unending failures, I kept trying. And I tried to be better for her. What you’re looking at right now, is a long, nearly unending list of failures, that with unyielding determination transformed into a success.

And now I can raise the sun.

Breathing heavily, her other self started to sweat. She had now seen just how much her failures could have turned into successes, if she had only been on the right side. Even just a fraction of what she had seen demonstrated so openly how much time she wasted.

“See?” The Alicorn stared her down, almost snarling

“W-what did you just do to me?!”

“Do you see?!!!” She asked, pressing her down even further.

“Y-yes!” Her other self affirmed, still in shock.

“Good.” The Princess of Valor let her go, watching her other self recover. “Now you know not just what you could have been, but what you can be.”

Then she turned to the other two, who watched in confusion. “So you two are an item in this universe too, huh? I guess some good things are constants, at least. Even if you’re both still evil.”

The two unicorns regarded each other with strange looks. “Um. ‘Item’?” Starlight tilted her head.

Trixie let out a scoff. “Oh please. The Great and Powerful Trixie is wayyyy out of her league.” Rolling her eyes, she smirked at Starlight, who looked profoundly offended.

“Excuse me, are you implying you’re somehow a catch?! Look in the mirror, Trix! You’ve got FLEAS!” She tried arguing, but the Alicorn quickly brandished her wings, garnering their attention. “OKAY, as much as this is very funny to listen to, I’m on the clock here, so quiet, please! In one hour I’ll be blasted into the next universe, so listen up, time for a lecture–”

But just then, another pony entered this section of the cave– One that the Alicorn was surprised to see.

None less than Maud Pie, Pinkie Pie’s sister.

In her classic monotone, she garnered their attention. “Hey can you four keep it down? Boulder is sleeping.”

With a confused grimace, the Princess raised an eyebrow. “Maud?! So you just. Know these three live here?”

Starlight blew raspberries, rolling her eyes. “She’s our landlord.”

The Alicorn narrowed her eyes in confusion, wondering just why Pinkie’s sister was comfortable living with three idiot villains.“What are you doing, Maud?”

“Reading my favorite magazine, rock monthly– They have a wonderful new section on tectonic plates that has been profoundly informative and engaging. And geothermal vents are the new hotness, according to the cover…”

“No no– I mean. Why are you housing these three knuckleheads– Why haven’t you told Twilight about this?”

A single blink was all of a reaction from Maud. “Because I’m not a snitch.” She tilted her head. “Also the pay is good. Rock work isn’t always that monetarily viable, but this helps me pursue that passion without worrying about expenditures–”

“Okay, I’ve heard enough.” shaking her head, the Alicorn turned to her other self, trying to actually be surprised that someone from Pinkie’s family would do something like this.

The four were silent and surprised, or more adequately, surprised at Maud's lack of surprise. There was an Alicorn in front of her, and yet, she had no reaction. She then regarded the other Sunset, and addressed her. “Oh, and Sunset, if your hot big sister is going to live here, she’s gonna have to pay rent, just like you three.”

Shaking her head in confusion, the Alicorn spoke up. “Oh, I'm not her sister, I’m Sunset from another universe– Wait. Did you just say I’m hot?! Are you– Maud, did you just flirt?!!!” Her jaw slacked in complete surprise.

“Let me check.” Maud took a handful of quiet seconds to stare at Sunset, observing her from top to bottom, while standing motionlessly. “Yes.”

Sunset, for a moment, was flabbergasted– She knew Maud in her own universe, since she herself was best friends with Pinkie Pie. And this Maud was flirting.

“Oh, um, I’m married.” She tilted her head, containing her laughter, still reeling from the amusing confusion.

“Oh well. Maybe in some other universe.” The smallest grin appeared in Maud’s lips, as she turned around and walked back to her section of the cave.

For a single pointless second, Sunset Shimmer reconsidered and recontextualized past interactions she had with Maud.

She was getting the hang of flying, with some difficulty. But even in failure, it was incredible. Sunset, having earned wings only a few weeks back, was still feeling an exhilaration with each flight. This really added a lot to her workout routine, and she could easily understand why Rainbow Dash spoke so highly of the exercise.

And not just the workout, but also the attention training– With the passing days, she could notice more and more details on the ground, smaller things that moved by with this new advantageous perspective, and she felt her ears training to scan for calls from the ground much more efficiently.

And just like that, she heard her friend Pinkie Pie calling to her– Though admittedly, Pinkie was pretty hard not to see or hear, if she wanted your attention.

With one swift yet clumsy motion, she nearly dive bombed, pulling up at the last second, her hooves dragging on the floor as she attempted to break, and then, crashed against a bush.

Smiling gleefully, she peeked out of it, ignoring any of the pain she might have felt from the rough landing, simply happy to have done another flight. “Hey Pink! Hey Maud! What’s up?”

The two Pie sisters regarded her with their own manner of joy. Maud with an miniscule smile, and Pinkie, by bouncing with excitement. “HI SUNSUN!! Wow, you’re getting a hang of the flying thing! Is your leg feeling okay?”

Hopping out of the bushes easily, Sunset moved one of her front legs, which had been broken weeks ago, this time with ease. “Never better! Not even sore anymore. I’m SO happy it’s finally healed so I can learn to fly. Why did you call me down, anyway?”

Putting a friendly arm above Sunset’s shoulders, Pinkie smirked, pointing at her sister. “Juuuuuust hanging out with my sister Maud, remember her? Super cool rock-e-ologist? Isn’t she awesome? And super cool?”

Maud stood silently, inspecting Sunset Shimmer from top to bottom. “Sure is!” Sunset affirmed, barely looking at her, still patting some of the leaves stuck on her feathers.

“Hello, Sunset Shimmer.” Maud stated in her usual monotone demeanor. Pinkie herself was uncharacteristically quiet, looking at the two of them.

“Heya, Maud. I hope you’ve been enjoying your stay in Ponyville!” The Alicorn tilted her head with a warm smile.

Nodding furiously, Pinkie nudged her friend. “Oh yeah yeah! She loves it here!! It’s so nice for two ponies like you who’ve only recently entered Ponyville to bond, eh?” She let out a comical wink that Sunset did not catch on.

The Alicorn chuckled slightly. “Recently? Hasn’t it been over a year since either of us came to live here?”

Ignoring the two, or maybe being too distracted to hear them, Maud spoke, deadpan. “You look good. Have you been working out? You look good.”

Finally free of the sticks that might have cluttered her mane from the fall, Sunset peeked at Pinkie, who was simply smiling quietly, while gazing at the two of them– But didn’t make much of it. “Thanks, yeah! For like, over a year now. Even before these wings! I think you’ve seen me jogging a couple times? Or maybe working on AJ’s farm?”

“Oh, I've seen you.” The Earth Pony stated, in her usual tone, that hid whatever intentions or desire she might feel.

Nodding, once again not seeing through the invisible undertones, Sunset smiled. “Sweet. Anyways, Twilight’s waiting for me, we’re still designing the new Community Center! We decided we’re gonna live in it; Just like Twilight’s old library, the one that exploded, heh. But we’ll get to make one that’s better than ever! Dating a Princess has some awesome perks, heheh.”

Maud blinked. “You’re dating? Twilight Sparkle?”

Blowing raspberries in amusement, Sunset nodded. “Yeah! Since I got these wings, didn’t you know? What rock have you been living under? Heh. Get it? Rock?”

Maud nodded slowly with a small smile. “You’re so funny.”

“Hahahahaha isn’t she?!” Pinkie let out giddy laughter.

Smiling again, Sunset moved her wings in a comedic manner. “Oh here’s another: How did you not know that? Do you live in a cave? Get it, heh?”

Pinkie laughed hysterically, while Maud simply smiled. “I get it. I live in a cave. It’s very funny.”

“Your home is pretty awesome, I’d love to visit again someday!” With a smirk, Sunset turned and readied her wings. “Well, this has been great, but I don’t keep my girl waiting. Nice catching up! Let’s do it again sometime!” And just like that, she leapt into the air, and took flight, with some novice, yet efficient motions.

“Let’s.” Maud stated, before looking at Pinkie, now that it was just the two of them. “Pinkie, why didn’t you tell me she was taken? I was practically throwing myself at her just now.”

“Awww, I felt bad, I didn’t want you to think you had no chance!! You’re a knockout and your flirting skills are SO powerful!!” Her sister apologetically fidgeted.

Shaking her head dismissively, Maud turned around. “And she’s even hotter with wings, too. I’m inconsolable. I need a drink or two. Let's go.”

Trixie contained laughter. “That was flirting? Seriously? Maud’s neutral demeanor never ceases to amuse!!”

Snapping out of it, Sunset blew raspberries. “Whatever.” Then she turned to the three Unicorns, all of which were enemies of her wife– Or at least were, in her universe. Even her. “Listen up, the three of you. Fighting Twilight Sparkle is a pointless waste of time– And not just that, but being her friend improves the lives of each of you immensely, you have no idea.”

Blowing raspberries, Trixie was the first to dismiss it. “Oh please. Twilight the Twerp™ is full of it!! Bringing her down is a matter of justice! You wouldn’t get it cause you’re a softie Princess in your world or swagever.” She said as much with an incredibly confident smile. And then she tilted her head, mockingly. “If your universe is sooooo great, why are you here anyways?”

“I don’t have a choice, dumba– I’ve been cursed, okay? But that doesn’t matter right now. Since I’ve got a bit of time, I’m trying to make some differences to the universes I come across. Let’s get back on topic; Twilight Sparkle is a good pony, the best pony, and you three are making a mistake by being her enemy!”

Shaking her head, speaking in a tone that almost asked for permission, Starlight added her thoughts. “We’ve been fighting her for years– She’s our mortal enemy, and this only ends two ways. With us victorious, or us in the ground. And I'll be damned if I let that twerp beat me even ONE more time!! She’s NOT better than us!!”

The other Sunset Shimmer was the quietest. She stared at the ground, still refocusing her breathing. “Even… Even if we gave in, she would never forgive us. We’d just rot in a cell somewhere in Canterlot. It’s too late.”

Groaning, rolling her eyes, the Princess kept her composure. For a brief moment, she considered what her wife would say– Because the ‘Sunset Shimmer way’ would likely involve slapping these three idiots around until they listened to reason.

“You don’t get it. She WILL forgive you, but it’s not just that– All the reasons you have to hate her are from a fundamentally wrong perspective. Starlight!” The Unicorn straightened her back when her name was called. “You formed a cult because your childhood best friend left– But guess what. After all of that, years later? After you tried being an evil shithead, and Twilight Sparkle helped you get better? Sunburst was the best man at your wedding!!”

The Unicorn's eye twitched. “S-sunburst? I met him again?!”

Nodding enthusiastically, the Alicorn approached her with a smile. “Yeah! Best man!! At your WEDDING!!”

Quietly, Starlight stared at the floor, not believing it fully– But certainly considering it.

“Trixie!” The magician was munching on a cookie she had fished out of the ground, but at least her attention was garnered, even if not fully. “All your distaste for Twilight only came from insecurities over your own lack of ability with magic– But once she helped you become good, you realized what makes YOUR talents special, you became super famous for your tricks! And you’re married!!”

Blinking in confusion, Trixie nearly choked. “Wait, did I get to kiss a mare?!”

“Weird that you focus on that but YES. You did!”

Trixie’s jaw hung open and pieces of cookie fell on the ground.

Then finally, the Alicorn turned to her other self. “Other me. Twilight is literally the best thing that ever happened to you. She humbled you– You need to see that for the gift that it is– The fact that she managed to be a better pupil to Celestia than you ever could demonstrates all that you lack, and all that she has. This isn’t something to hate– It’s a lesson! And DON’T try to convince yourself that her way is wrong– If it was, you three wouldn’t have been beaten, again, again, and again!! Once you learn what you’re truly capable of, all while being loved for what you are, when you can finally feel real, true pride and joy… you… You could become me!”

The three unicorns were justifiably quiet.

But finally, after a moment of thought, Sunset Shimmer shook her head. “Listen, other me– I don't know if what you’re saying is bullshit or not– Frankly, it sounds like it is– But even if it isn’t, just because it worked in your world, doesn’t mean it’ll work for us.”

The other two nodded quietly, and Starlight was the only one that spoke. “Honestly I’m still not convinced this isn’t some sort of stupid dream or trick. For all we know, you could be just a shapeshifter, or some kind of illusion! A trick by Twilight, trying to make us into goody-two-shoes like her!!”

Exhaling, the Princess shook her head. “Okay. Time for the big guns.” She motioned for the three of them to come closer, which they obeyed reluctantly. “What I’m about to show you is a memory– A memory of the day that the Starlight and Trixie of my world got married. Pay attention.”

It was the day of the wedding. And since my wife– Well, back then, just girlfriend– was the one officiating it, I had a vested interest in making sure the wedding went off without a hitch.

Unfortunately for me, Trixie was the one getting married.

Sunset Shimmer flew at the fastest speeds she could manage– As an Alicorn in training, she wasn’t entirely comfortable with her flight skills yet– But she already had come a long way. Regardless, she would not allow Trixie Lulamoon to ride on her back, so she simply dragged her through the air with levitation magic. “Are you KIDDING me, Trix?! Are you honestly telling me you thought bringing a WYVERN to your WEDDING was a good idea?!”

Trixie, who wore a very flamboyant tuxedo adorned with constellations, fitting for a wizard, which she was not, refused to admit fault. “How can you not see my genius!! This will make my wedding EPIC! Unforgettable! The greatest and powerfullest wedding of all time!! And when my wife slays the beast she will proclaim her love to me above a pile of its ashes–”

“Your not-yet-WIFE is getting her hair DONE right now!! UGH, HANGON!!--” Sunset rolled her eyes, with the Wyvern in sight, and she picked up even more speed, the wind blowing savagely around them.

A Wyvern wasn’t anything I was scared of– But Starlight and Trixie were my friends, and not just that, my wife’s friends. I couldn’t let anything happen to them on a day so important.

The beast was getting dangerously close to Ponyville– She absolutely could not let any damage be done to the town.

“--And did you think to ASK her, if she felt like fighting a beast on her wedding day?!” Sunset allowed herself only a second to give Trixie the stink eye.

“Oh I don’t need to! Glimms always loves my surprises.”


Sometimes I think that Trixie rushed to propose to Starlight just so that she could beat me to proposing to Twilight– I wouldn’t put it past her, she still loves to antagonize Twi sometimes, for the fun of it.

And I love being there to bite back.

With a skillful corkscrew-like movement, Sunset spun from beneath and above the beast, hitting it with several explosive magical projectiles, resulting in the beast letting out a roar of anger and pain.

“Sorry about this, Trix!” Sunset said with a smile, letting go of the levitation grasp she had on her, not before tossing her upwards. “GOING DOWN!” The Alicorn yelled, doing a flip above the Wyvern, which ended with her stomping on its head.

She also ignored Trixie’s screams of terror, with her ascending and then rapidly descending.

With one powerful magical channeling, the Princess increased gravity on the beast tenfold, and together, they crashed towards the ground.

It wasn’t the first time that one of my fights caused a crater in the streets of Ponyville, but it wouldn't be the last.

This time though, I’m happy to say the crisis was minimal.

The beast was forced down by its head, and it slid violently on the dirt road of one of the streets of Ponyville, with Sunset riding it skillfully.

As soon as they stopped, the Princess flipped to the floor, quickly analyzing the creature, ensuring it was indeed knocked out.

The ponies around the town that had just observed Princess Sunset Shimmer kicking ass– An occurrence that was not strange to them– Began cheering.

And then she realized she was forgetting someone.

Yeah, Trixie almost gets herself killed pretty often. I’d be lying if I said I dislike that about her, though. I always loved a reckless action or two.

Trixie’s screams were fast approaching above her, and Sunset went “Oh.”

With a mixture of teleportation and flight, she was quick to reach the falling magician, and upon doing so, stopped her fall with levitation.

They both landed in front of the passed out Wyvern. Trixie looked like she had just been inside a dry washing machine– Her mane a mess, her suit even more so. For once, the magician was struggling to find words, after her dizzying drop.

Always a surprise, seeing a speechless Trixie. But her wedding day was as good of a day as any for it.

“Hey. You’re welcome.” Sunset said with a smirk, pointing at the defeated wyvern with a wing. “...Rarity’s gonna kill you when she sees how your suit ended up.” She said, inspecting the magician thoroughly.

With a cough and a wheeze, Trixie regained her senses. “OUGH. See? Greatest and powerfulest wedding EVER!!” the ponies around her sure seemed to agree, with cheers of excitement coming from every direction.

She certainly had a point, this day would be remembered not just as their marriage, but it would be nearly immortalized for the Wyvern attack– The first one in Ponyville.

“That’s great, but you realize that this isn’t your wedding, right? We’re literally just in the plaza. Your wedding is over there.” the Alicorn stated, pointing with a wing to the other side of town. “Not to mention, it only starts in like— Three hours.”

“I still count this as a win!! After all–” But she was interrupted by two ponies teleporting besides them, Starlight and Twilight. The former was with a very much unfinished hairdo, and a very much unfinished dress. The latter, with a significantly more finished hairdo and dress.

And finally, another teleported in, adorned in a dapper suit. Sunburst, the best man.

Twilight’s gaze immediately landed on her girlfriend.

My heart fluttered– A wedding day, and the mare I loved, and they weren’t even related. I didn’t want to be a softie, but this day had been pretty good for me, purely on fantasizing me and her doing the same.

“Oh my gosh, what happened?! Are you okay?!” The Princess of Friendship Stepped forward, inspecting her girlfriend, who shrugged. “Oh you know. Trixie wanted to spice up the wedding, and I did some chaperoning.”

Starlight, suppressing her anger, pouted at her soon-to-be-wife. “Trix, look at me. Is this the Manticore thing all over again?!”

Laughing nervously and flustered at the sight of her soon-to-be-wife, Trixie stuttered. “Hiiiii Glimms, hahaha so h-here’s the thing um. Isn’t it bad luck for us to see each other before the wedding…?”

Shaking her head with a fluster, Starlight came closer. “Unbelievable! I’m not letting you out of my sight!” She proceeded to levitate Trixie on an open axis, checking her for wounds, ensuring that she wasn’t hurt.

“Glimms! I’m okay, I promise! As great and powerful™ as ever!!”

“You are SO lucky you’re so cute. C’mhere.” She then proceeded to kiss her soon-to-be-wife, who was levitated upside down.

Even I had to admit, those two were pretty damn cute sometimes.

Sunburst, with an excited smile, hopped closer to the unconscious beast. “My goodness, a Wyvern, here? Trixie, how in Equestria did you manage to get this beast all the way to Ponyville?! They’re not native to anywhere near here!”

Almost bragging, Trixie smiled smugly. “A magician never reveals her tricks!”

Sunset raised an eyebrow. “Be thankful this thing didn’t eat you in one bite, Trix.”

With an exhale, Starlight then turned to Sunset, relieved. “Thank you so much for keeping her out of trouble, Sunset. Don’t worry, I'll take it from here!”

“It was nothing!” The Alicorn responded with a smile, but was interrupted– Twilight was inspecting her and found something she didn’t like. There was a pretty large cut on Sunset’s flank. “Oh, no!! No no no…!”

“Oh, shoot, I didn't even feel that…! I oughta get some armor, or something…” With some quick inspection, Sunset looked at one of the sets of claws in the Wyverns wings, still damp with her blood. Before she could say another thing, Twilight got really close.

“D-don’t worry, I've got you. Hold still, please…” And with that, She channeled healing magic, one she had mastered at this point, knowing her girlfriend was no stranger to getting into scrapes.

Not the first time she tended to my wounds– And certainly wouldn’t be the last.

“H-hey, wait, Sparkles, don’t get blood on your dress!” But that fell on deaf ears, the Princess of Friendship made sure her work was done efficiently, wiping what remained of the now-healed-wound off with her own dress, with questionable results.

With it, they met muzzle to muzzle, and Twilight shook her head, right before kissing her. “It’s your blood. I don’t mind.”

That was the sort of line that absolutely worked on me. Can you blame me?

“Look who’s having fun now? Best wedding ever, right?” Trixie gave her a wide grin, while still being held upside down.

Giggling, Twilight addressed the bride with the unfinished hairdo. “Don’t worry, me and Sunsun will clean this up– Get back to the boutique, go get ready. We got this!”

Starlight couldn’t contain herself, lunging forward and hugging Twilight tightly. “Thank you so much, Twi. for everything.”

“First student privileges, hihi.” The princess of Friendship giggled some more at the inside joke they had.

Twilight always had been a great teacher. And with her, Starlight, you thrived. Your happiness was contagious.

And of course, it spread to you too, Trixie. I could see in your faces, every day we saw each other.

Sunburst chuckled, before giving advice. “Make sure to restrain its wings, but don’t worry about the mouth– Apart from the sharp teeth, this species doesn’t spit fire!”

Starlight shook her head, with a snicker. “Heh– Sunny, it’s Twilight Sparkle– She knows. C’mon, best man.”

Taking excited steps away together, Starlight and Sunburst waved goodbye, all the while Trixie questioned how safe it was to return to Rarity’s presence, while wearing a suit in this state.

But they continued nonetheless. With grins as wide as they come.

“Look at those two dummies, heheh.” Sunset snickered, shaking her head with a smile. “Our wedding is gonna be much better.”

But then she paused– realizing what had just come out of her mouth, and the silence that followed it. Twilight Sparkle regarded her with an immensely quiet fluster.

“U-um. If we get married, I mean! Haha! Hah!” Sunset attempted to cover her joyful desire poorly.

Could you ever blame me for fantasizing about it often? I couldn’t, especially considering just how happy I've been since. This day affected me– This day and its joy. I couldn’t help but think of us. Her joy and my joy, united.


Twilight interrupted her girlfriend’s embarrassed laughter with a kiss, and then she nodded slowly, with her face as red as a tomato. “I-it’s okay… I agree…!”

And there you have it– merely a fraction of the joy we had, as a strange quartet.

What’s the common denominator here?

Twilight Sparkle.

She saved us.

She’s everything.

The Three Unicorns gasped in surprise, being let out of the Alicorn’s grasp of memory lane.

Raising an eyebrow, inspecting their surprised faces, Sunset smiled. “So, what have we learned?”

More Silence. Starlight was staring at the floor, muttering something to herself, her face getting redder. Meanwhile, Trixie’s jaw was fully open, and any remainder of cookies she had attempted to eat were now on the floor. Sunset was the quietest of the bunch. She looked at her reflection in the pool of Maud’s cave intently.

Waiting patiently, the Alicorn sat observing the three.

Until finally, Sunset spoke, making eye contact with her princess self. “Hey. Other me. How do I seduce Twilight Sparkle?”

The Alicorn smiled widely, seeing the change in tune from her other self, but before she spoke, Starlight complained, in disbelief. “S-Sunset?! How could you say that?? What the hell?!”

Shaking her head, Sunset addressed her partners in crime. “You saw the same memories I saw– Call me a golddigger all you want– But if my life is a choice between getting defeated by a Princess every week, or marrying a Princess?! I’m going with marriage. Revenge is stupid, fuck this.” She then turned back to her other self, who was nodding with excitement. “Okay other me– How do I seduce Twilight Sparkle?”

Chuckling with excitement, the Alicorn smiled even harder. “Okay, okay. First of all– Ask her to teach you the magic of friendship– Be her student if you need to, she LOVES teaching. Second of all– You have to befriend her friends, she loves it when ponies are friends with her friends. You should start with Pinkie, she’s the easiest one to befriend out of all of them!”

Nodding sagely, her other self took mental notes. “Maud’s sister, the loud annoying one, right? Damn. Well, if you say so! What else?”

“Thirdly, If your Twilight is anything like mine, she has never been in love– So you have to show her how it feels. You have to be direct, but respectful. Let her get there on her own, but show her how.” Clearly, the Princess had considered all of this before.

Nodding sagely, her unicorn self continued to take notes. “Hm, hm. Will be difficult, but I got this. Anything else?”

“Wear leather jackets often. She’s into it.”

“Awesome.” The unicorn smirked, and started making her way out of the cave, not before Starlight complained at her again. “H-hey! Sunset? Are you seriously doing this?! We’re her mortal enemies!!”

Chuckling, the Punk Unicorn shook her head, smiling. “Hey, this was fun. But it’s time I try a new strategy. I hope you two consider a new one, too. See ya! And thanks for the lecture, other me. See you around.”

“Don’t mention it. Good luck!” The Princess, observing this, couldn’t help but smile with pride. The future of this universe was uncertain, but at least this Sunset was trying something good, even with questionable intentions.

She then turned to the two, and Trixie, with her face slightly reddened, was staring at Starlight, reeling on the memories of their marriage.

“...Damnit.” Starlight groaned, closing her eyes, trying to not enjoy how good that memory felt.

“Glimms. Glimms. Glimms.” Trixie nudged her excitedly.


“You’re hot.”


The Princess laughed. She still had a bit of time to spare in this universe, and she wouldn’t mind using it to help these two have a better future.

Twilight adjusted her glasses, a nervous tick she always had, but this time, it was more of concern than nerves.

Sunset Shimmer groaned next to her, looking at the same schematics she did, leaning back on her chair with profound disappointment. “It’s hopeless, Twi. We’ve tried everything. Ugh.”

The poindexter shook her head in pity, trying to comfort her. “Aww, d-don’t say that!! We can totally still get revenge!! M-maybe we could try that castle-exploding plan you had? I thought it was pretty cool…!”

That at least got a snicker out of Sunset, who looked back at her with a sly smile. “Look at you. Wanting to blow up a castle. I’m so proud.”

This led to Twilight blushing quietly.

But just then, they were interrupted– The Princess of Valor appeared out of thin air, crashing on another table. “Augh!! Damnit, another table!! Fuck!”

Dusting herself off, she looked around, and was pleasantly surprised– Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer, both unicorns, side by side, looking at her with disbelief.

“Oh thank Celestia– FINALLY an universe where we’re together!! Sheesh!!” She loudly proclaimed, with both joy and annoyance.

And of course, her other self was the first one to speak. “What the fuck are you?!!!”

Twilight studied her with a nervous glance. “Oh my gosh– A spatial temporal anomaly, or maybe a-a shapeshifter?? An illusion??”

Smiling warmly, the Alicorn observed the adorable sight of her not-wife, much smaller, with glasses and a cute bow tie-suit. “Close, Sparkles. I'm a Sunset Shimmer from another universe. You look so friggin’ cute with glasses…!”

A quiet blush of confusion from Twilight, As she stammered “T-the multiverse is real– it’s real?! Parallel realities, divided by our choices?!” All while the other Sunset had her jaw dropped. “Wh- Are you me from an universe where I was a perfect student of Celestia’s?!”

“Not even close, other me!” The Princess gleefully smiled, while taking a look around. The surroundings were, unfortunately, familiar. The room itself seemed to be one of the hideouts she lived in, when she was exiled– Which immediately made her grimace.

“W-why are you wearing a birthday cap?!” the other Sunset questioned in utter confusion.

“Oh, forgot.” The Alicorn removed it, and tossed it aside. “The me from the last universe was working as a magician on a foal’s birthday.”

She ignored the two for a moment, scanning the environment, and what she saw next caught her attention.

A conspiracy-like board, full of schematics, pictures and text.

And a picture of Starlight glimmer, with several darts attached to it, who was not only wearing a crown, but had wings.

“‘P-princess’ Starlight Glimmer?!” the Alicorn spoke, attempting to suppress laughter, but she couldn’t. She started laughing hysterically at the bizarre images, of not only Starlight being the Princess, but also her friends were absolutely not the same that Twilight had– Trixie Lulamoon was in a picture, next to Starlight, also adorning wings.

Which only made Sunset nearly collapse with laughter, almost tearing up with how absurdly funny the images were.

The other two unicorns simply observed her in endless confusion– A completely incomprehensible image, Sunset Shimmer, an Alicorn, laughing hysterically at the images of their nemesis.

“O-oh, for the love of Celestia, t-that’s fucking funny– What a bizarre universe!!” she said, not before laughing some more.

Finally, managing to laugh it all off, she turned to the two. “Okay, okay, okay. So what’s going on here– Are you two a couple, seeking revenge on Starlight for becoming a Princess where you both failed or something?”

Twilight blushed, while stammering, while Sunset just shook her head. “Right about most things– but we’re not a couple.”

The smile on the Princess quickly turned into a frown. She approached her other self with a scowl, pointing at her not-wife. “Twilight Sparkle is a goody two shoes in every universe I’ve seen her in. Did you put her up to this?”

“I-I mean, yeah! Why wouldn’t I? We both want the same thing!” her other self recoiled a bit.

“Y-yes!” Twilight nodded, stuttering. “W-we want revenge!”

Narrowing her eyes, the Princess then turned to Twilight, and quickly, but gently touched her with a hoof. “Excuse me.”

I am Twilight Sparkle. I was an apprentice of Celestia– but I wasn’t good enough, and neither was Sunset Shimmer– eventually somepony better came along.

I don’t care for revenge. But Sunset Shimmer makes for amazing company, and she sees me like no other pony does, so even if we fail, we fail together. I wouldn’t mind spending the rest of my life with her–

This elicited near immediate giggles from the Alicorn. She laughed, backing up a bit, reveling on these two dummies.

In a sense, this was not a universe in which she and her wife were together– But it was close. All they needed was a push in the right direction– And even if their chances to be Alicorns had passed, this still had the chance of becoming a good ending, a good life.


“Okay, okay. Gather round, you two. Time for a lecture.”


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(Warning, this chapter contains violence and carnage! Lots of it.)

The storm crashed down all around her. Rain, heavier than ever, torrential, even, engulfing all her senses. The night was dark, nearly light-less. Only the occasional flash of lightning lit the sky– for brief seconds, almost giving the illusion that it was day.

But none of it was enough to stop her.

Canterlot was near deserted, so getting to the castle was the easy part.

Now for the hard part.

Now for the part she had trained for nearly a decade.

She observed the tall castle walls. Beyond them, the only clear source of light, the castle and its windows. Due to the storm, it was impossible to discern any sounds other than the crashing of rain. But that was good news.

Because if anyone screamed, they wouldn’t be heard.

She removed her cloak– it did little to stop the rain anyways; And it got taken by the wind immediately. Bandages were all she wore, covering her burn marks.

Sunset Shimmer took a deep, long breath, tuning out the pounding rain around her.

“Finally. After all these years... Vengeance.”

Exhaling steam, she ran. With a mix of teleportation and levitation and even galloping, she ran up the castle walls, and made her way to the top.

With a hop, she was inside the perimeter, walking above the walls. Quickly turning her head to the left, she saw a guard– One who wasn’t even wearing full armor, simply taking a smoke break outside, covered very loosely by the roof that led to one of the towers that surrounded the castle.

His eyes widened seeing the intruder, nearly choking in confusion. He was about to ask her who she was or what she was doing, but she didn’t give him the chance.

With a tilt of her head and a light of her horn she tossed him out of the wall– his screams covered by the pounding rain.

And just like that, she opened the door of the first tower.

Four guards were lounging, completely unprepared for a fight, playing cards on a table– She counted them, only four. Looking around she saw the only object of interest.

An alarm bell, ready to be rung– But no longer, when with her magic, she crumpled it.

“H-hey, who are you?!” A guard asked– But not fast enough. She lunged forward, incinerating him with a fireball, and as he screamed in agony, she dispatched two others with quick slices of her horn, alight with her magic in the form of a blade. Only one of the guards had the chance to pick a sword with his teeth, but it wasn’t nearly enough. She disarmed him with fierce hoof blows, and used his own blade against him.

Before exiting the room via a window, she launched a fireball at the ceiling, the flames spreading slowly through it as she left.


She galloped above the Canterlot Castle rooftops; The rain once again pounding around her, cleaning most of the blood that stained her body. She ran with fierce determination, not intent on slipping, and with that momentum, she leaped forward and jumped through a window in one of the roofs. Rain immediately started pouring through the hole she made.

Landing with a roll; She inspected her surroundings; A room with several beds, all empty. A biped guard scoffed in surprise, and stood up– His massive figure towering over her, akin to that of a minotaur, but she did not falter. “Hey little lady. You lost? Or is today my lucky day?”

Sunset lit her horn and glared at him. “Where have you situated your armory?” She snarled simply.

“Yep, heheh. Today’s my lucky day.” With a grin and a snicker, he was truly happy to finally get some action, a joy he would come to regret soon enough.

Lunging forward, Sunset waited for the last second in which a punch of his would connect, teleported behind him, and sliced one of his legs clean off with her horn alight.

Screaming in pain, his blood splattering against the floor, he toppled over, and desperately attempted to swat at her with one arm– of which she jumped on top of, and increasing her gravity with magic, shattered its bones.

There was only one arm left, one he used to desperately cover his face as he whimpered. With one magical motion, she forced the arm down, standing on top of him, scowling. “Armory. Where?”

He was nearly in tears, screaming in pain, the rain that poured from the window above them spreading his blood across the floor. She quickly stomped on his broken arm to get him to focus– Which did lead to more screams before he spoke. “T-Take a left on the g-grand hall!! It's near the d-docking bay!! P-please let me go–!!”

She hopped away from him, and cast a fireball on his whimpering form, incinerating him, but not certainly not quickly. And before she left, she threw a fireball at the roof for good measure.


No alarms yet. That guard was likely lying. But she considered she might as well follow the directions anyway.

She ran through the halls of the castle that long ago she called her home. It was unkempt. Banners were torn, furniture was toppled, but her path was clear enough.

Her ears twitched as she heard… music, echoing. Likely coming from multiple phonographs. With her eyes narrowing in anger, she followed the sound.

The grand hall had been rearranged to be a sort of lounging area for guards. She had a bird’s eye view of it, being on the second floor, overlooking what was once a ballroom. She could see; Definitely more than twenty guards, and at least five just as big as the one she had just killed, as big as a minotaur, brutes.

Almost none of them were fully equipped with armor. They were distracted with the music, playing games, drinking, generally completely unaware of even the possibility of an attack.

The music was lively, and it was a cacophony– Multiple phonographs lit at once, some playing different songs, multiple torches around them glowing in an almost blue hue.

For merely a brief moment, she allowed herself to remember how this hall used to look like, long ago. Memories of her younger age, attending the grand galloping gala as Celestia’s pupil… She shook her head, dismissing the thoughts, and inhaled sharply, focussing.

Her ears twitched.

On her right, a guard spotted her, in a casual walk on the same floor she was on. “H-hey!! What the fuck?!”

She teleported beside him and bucked him over the railing, causing him to fall on one of the tables below. Several of the guards below shouted in surprise.

With magic blasts, she blew the chains off four chandeliers that hung on the ceiling– And picked a particular one to jump on top of– one that was right above a larger guard, using her magic to increase the gravity of the chandelier, she impaled the brute.

“No fucking WAY!” one of the guards shouted at the sight of her– And upon landing she immediately jumped onto the ballroom with murderous intent.

Plenty of her moves involved incapacitating enemies and leaving them for dead, but she prioritized killing one's outright, if they were more dangerous, such as the unicorns and the brutes.

She ran, slid and teleported around the battlefield, not allowing herself to get cornered. The chaos of the crashes of the chandeliers were more than enough to provide her the perfect element of surprise– managing to take out nearly ten lesser guards before they truly had the capability of fighting back, grabbing weapons, trying to blast her with magic, or simply attacking her with their hooves.

She unleashed every blow with murderous intent. Using the enemy's weapons against them, refusing to let up, spreading fire across the room. Any chance she had, she would cast fireballs at walls and the floor, allowing the flames to spread wildly.

She sliced and burned her way through the hall, teleporting out of the way of strikes, but it wasn’t always enough. More than once she was struck or sliced– And nearly immediately she struck back, twice as hard.

The flaming aura that surrounded her was incredibly intimidating to those that got too close, causing burns and even blinding her opponents.

Slowly, one by one, the phonographs that surrounded the hall were breaking during the tussle, as bodies were flung around, tables were flipped, and chairs were broken, the sound that existed of the music being replaced with screams.

One of the brute guards landed a punch on her side, sending her flying– She teleported behind him, and with the same momentum of being launched, bucked his head mid air.

The other larger guards grabbed anything they could find, from chairs to tables, and started tossing it at her; An action they soon regretted. She stopped the objects with her levitation, lit them on fire, and tossed them right back.

Using the objects as a smokescreen was the perfect opportunity for takedowns– As the brutes were distracted blocking, she would teleport forward, either setting them aflame or slicing their limbs, removing them from play.

The final brute recoiled in fear, as she approached him, whimpering in surprise. “W-who the fuck is this pony?!!!”

“FIRESTORM!!” She barked loudly in response. And just like that, she created a tornado of flames around her, and lunged forward, burning and slicing all at once.

There were a few guards that cowered and fled, seeing their compatriots torn to shreds or burning in front of them, but the few that remained wouldn’t remain for much longer.

One of the guards, a unicorn, broke a glass bottle over her head. It wasn’t enough. With a grimace of rage, she used her magic to reconstruct the bottle, and smashed it against his head, then reconstructed it again, smashed it again, and again, and again, until she stuck what remained of it in his throat.

The last few guards tripped over the bleeding and burning corpses of their fallen allies as they attempted to flee.

Sunset Shimmer teleported forward and pinned one of them down– Bending one of his front legs the wrong way, breaking it.

She turned him to face her, and snarled, verifying information. “Where is the armory?” Her own blood dripped off her face and mouth and stained him, only one phonograph remained functioning at this point, the song garbled and corrupted, barely audible over the sound of flames spreading.

The guard complied immediately. “O-on the left!! Right over there, near the airship docks– W-what do you want?!” She didn’t bother replying to him. Simply tossed him on the side of the room that was burning the most, then exited stage left.


Now bells started ringing, alarms started blaring– as the handful of fires she had set began to spread. She could hear, aside from the sounds of the storm pounding outside, the shouts of guards in multiple directions.

She felt almost a bit groggy– having to ignore a couple of wounds and bruises, and having to spit out blood once– But she did not allow herself to falter. She opened a door that led to a large hallway, and was met with dozens of armed guards that were moving her way, attracted by the chaos she had just caused in the hall.

“I-it’s a unicorn?! Where’s the rest of your battalion?!” One of the guards asked in confusion, as they quickly approached her.

“Just me.” She snarled simply, with her horn lighting up– Her entire side of the hallway was engulfed in flames, and she galloped forward with anger, the flames spreading immensely fast.

The guards, who before were running forward with determination, quickly turned around and started running in fear, one or two even attempting to jump off windows to get away with questionable results, the rest, utterly engulfed in flames.

And she continued to gallop; If any one of the guards attempted to stop her, she would either slice them or leave them to be consumed by the flames she was generating.

With that same momentum, she burst through multiple doors, only letting go of the flames when she was alone.


This looked more like an armory. Several ponies and brutes ran around, desperately grabbing weapons, arming themselves to the teeth and adorning themselves with armor.

And before they even noticed her, she galloped through, with single minded determination.

Gunpowder was certainly an interesting invention. It was highly effective at arming cannons, and making bombs.

It was also incredibly flammable.

“H-HEY!! THE INTRUDER! SHE’S HERE!!” One of the brutes bellowed, spotting Sunset running among the many distracted guards.

There were too many enemies to count. She didn’t bother. All she had to do was light one barrel.

Turning, for merely a second, she smirked, as she held a barrel with her magic, and flames erupted from her horn.

The second that every guard noticed just what was about to happen was one she took great personal joy in, as they realized that maybe being near her was a terrible idea.

There were dozens upon dozens of barrels and crates with explosives around them.

With one final snarl of anger, she yelled for the whole room to hear.


She lit the explosives, and teleported out of that room.


Now every single guard that inhabited that castle could see what was happening.

With a sequence of teleportations, she got out of range, safely on one of the rooftops, and watched the fireworks. What was left of the armory was set alight insanely high, the fire and explosions spread to not only many of the rooms and floors surrounding the castle, but multiple of the airships that were docked there were immolated and subsequently exploded.

There must have been at least a hundred soldiers in the room she had just blown up– Not to mention the many that would have been in the adjacent rooms, and on the airships.

The remaining forces would likely be distracted attempting to put out the flames, or fleeing.


Even though the storm, she could hear movement all around her, and the damage of the fire spreading throughout the castle, among many other things.

It was cathartic, for a number of reasons.

But now came the actually hard part.

Her gaze landed on the throne room, on one of the tallest towers, and she began to sprint there, jumping above rooftops and through windows.

Single minded determination leading her to her final target.


She tried her best to ignore the rain and wind that pounded around her. Finally, she landed on the courtyard outside of the throne room. She was going to begin ascending those stairs, until…

“That’s far enough, don’t you think?” A voice calmly stated from above, on the doors of the throne room, all While Sunset paused, standing in a courtyard in the rain.

And she knew who the voice belonged to. She was waiting for this. Her heart pounded furiously.

General Tempest Shadow stood sternly on the doors of the throne room, surrounded by four heavily armored brute guards, right above the stairwell that led to her target– A stairwell that resembled a river, with water pouring down it..“May I ask what your intention is with this little tantrum, pony?” She waved a hoof, pointing at the burning castle around them.

“Death to the Storm King.” Sunset snarled simply, her eyes narrowed, glaring at the enemy.

Blinking only once, but not showing much more reaction, Tempest tilted her head. “So you have come to die, then? Surely you must know he cannot be killed. He wields the powers of four Princesses and the storms themselves.”

“If we’re going to fight then shut up and fight– If not, get the fuck out of my way.” Sunset bared her teeth, ready for anything, ignoring the rain and wind that continued to crash all around her, the pain and soreness in her body, and the lighting that lit the sky.

The slightest smirk appeared on the General’s lips, and with a nod, she stated “Go get her.” And the guards around her pounced.

Heavily armored enemies were certainly harder to fight, but she was ready, despite receiving several grazing strikes of their claws and punches, she countered, teleporting above them, blasting them with magic, shooting fireballs, knocking them back.

With a buck, she broke one of her enemy’s legs, and then threw him off of the courtyard with magic, plummeting into the castle grounds below.

Another fiercely attempted to punch her, but she was ready to intercept, her horn alight akin to a blade, slicing the foe’s fist entwain, and with a leap and another cleave, his head was cut clean off his shoulders.

She was punched on her flank, which sent her flying, but with a roll, she stood, and lunged back to counter attack, engulfing herself in flames, and delivering swift hoof strikes to the armored foe, teleporting incredibly fast, and that, coupled with the heat, completely overwhelmed him, until she had an opening to decapitate.

The last one attempted to crush her, but with a sharp inhale, she fiercely channeled her magic, and forced the armor he wore to crumple and squeeze him, until he was incapable of moving, simply yelling in pain. Distractions were unneeded. With her levitation, she tossed him over the railing too.

“Impressive conviction. I’ve never seen anything like it.” Tempest descended down those stairs slowly, measuring her opponent with narrowed eyes.

Sunset exhaled. The blood of her enemies and her own blood dripped down her flank, mouth, and legs, being washed with the rain, staining the nearly flooded floor. She breathed heavily. Attempting to muster words, but words were unnecessary, focussing on her breathing was a priority, as she scanned Tempest’s every move.

“You truly came all this way just to kill yourself attempting to fight him?” the Commander stated, now closer than ever to her incredibly dangerous opponent.

Sunset gave her no response. She was simply ready to fight to the death, here and now. Scanning her opponent's every move, with a slow nod.

“Alright.” Tempest smiled. A genuine smile. “Let’s go kill the Storm king.”



“Firestorm. Are you sure he won’t notice I’m not restrained?”

“He won’t. He’ll be too busy gloating. Wait for the most opportune moment, when the staff is closest.” Tempest whispered, as she guided Sunset Shimmer through the near empty halls that led to the throne room. “We only have one shot.”

“I won’t miss.” Sunset snarled plainly.

Every step she took on this enormous, grandiose room was familiar. But the location didn’t feel as much. The stained glass windows, marking famous events in Equestria, were all shattered, allowing the wind to carry rain inside, which flowed out of the room almost like a river.

Outside, the night sky wasn’t as dark anymore. The flames that spread through all the castle illuminated plenty of the darkness.

There was a single bitter moment– Where Sunset envisioned a younger self, eagerly, full of hope, desiring to have one of those stained glass windows depict her one day. All she had now was fire and blood.

She focussed on her breathing, ignoring the pain she felt from the many bruises of the last hour. “Will breaking the staff of storms free the Princesses?” She asked, thinking about the true reason she was here.

“Unsure. But it’s the best hope we have.” Tempest shook her head, fully aware that this might be her final moments.

“Are you ready?”


They shared silent nods, as the final doors opened.

And there he was. Sitting on a throne that never belonged to him. In a castle that he didn’t deserve. The Storm King.

Decorating the room, the Princesses, now made of stone, were treated like furniture, memorabilia.

Sunset ignored all the statues, except for one.

Celestia. Frozen in a pose that indicated fear and surprise.

The anger and adrenaline that already coursed through Sunset went in overdrive. Her heart pounded furiously.

“Your highness.” Tempest called out. “I’ve captured the interloper that has been attacking your castle.”

Cackling, snickering, generally thinking lightly of her, the Storm King remained seated. “Wait, you’re serious? That little pony? Aren’t we being attacked by a battalion?! Resistance fighters, maybe?”

“Just her.” She shook her head. Sunset followed, complying, measuring the King with her gaze, a gaze of hatred.

And of course, he thought lightly of his opponent. “You’re joking, right? Our armory was incinerated, our defenses breached, plenty of our airships are burning, all by this tiny little idiot?!”

Sunset had no reaction. Her gaze, unintentionally, was fixed on the statue of Celestia.

Tempest nodded slowly, her words were cold, disinterested. “Yes, your highness. It seems she trained for years for this particular endeavor. But of course, she failed. Nothing can ever stop you. The reign of storms will be eternal.”

“HAH! You’re damn right, Commander! This is why I love keeping you around, you have a great sense of humor!” He joked at her expense, and her expression was empty. Sunset’s eyes were now fixed on the staff of storms that he held tightly.

Tempest and Sunset stood merely meters away from him, in the middle of the throne room. The Commander cleared her throat, pushing her ‘prisoner’ forward, prepared for anything. “I stopped her. But I figured you’d like to question her before executing her, your highness.”

“You figured right, Commander. Look at that efficiency! Maybe someday I'll consider fixing your horn, heheh!!” Tempest’s only reaction was the slight twitching of her scarred eye. Her muscles tensed.

The King spoke with cackles, like a hyena, malicious, leaning forward on his throne, looking down. “What’s your name, little pony?” He asked with a toothy grin.

Finally, Sunset allowed herself to speak, barely containing her rage. “Firestorm.”

He pointed at her dismissively, making light of her. “Cute. Real cute. I like the look, too. What, did you burn yourself with a kitchen fire?” He addressed the several burn marks on her hide and face, dismissively.

No response from her, other than just narrowing her eyes. Her heart continued to beat insanely fast. She had trained for years, just for this moment, and now she was here.

The King was endlessly amused at the sight. “So you, all by your lonesome, thought you actually could just waltz in here and take me down? That’s downright adorable. And why, praytell, are you so determined to die here?”

“You took my mother from me.” Her gaze moved, for only a brief moment, to the statue that was once Celestia. Then it moved back to the King. “Your forces killed my parents.”

Blowing raspberries, chuckling, the Storm King rolled his eyes. “Wow, how original. That doesn’t narrow it down at all, you know that? Here I thought it would have been an interesting backstory!!” He mocked.

Of course, little did he know, he was talking to the first ever pupil of Princess Celestia herself, here to avenge her old master.

No response from Sunset. All her muscles were tense. Her adrenaline was incredibly high.

Shaking his head, the King let out a toothy grin. “Whatever. I’ve had my fun. Time to put you out of my misery.”

He pointed the staff of storms at her. As it channeled its incredibly powerful magic, Tempest yelled.


Sunset, with her levitation, swiftly threw the Commander forward like a missile, with a single, determined target: The staff of storms. With the unstable magic of Tempest’s broken horn, her rageful demonstration of power blew up like incredibly erratic fireworks in contact with the staff.

The entire room was lit with the blast, explosions echoed, and all were pushed back. Tempest and Sunset were nearly thrown to the opposite side of the room, while the king was simply thrown back in his throne, still holding the staff.

Unfortunately for the two unicorns, the staff had merely cracked.

Regaining his senses, he shook his head dismissively, pleased to see his staff none worse for wear. “Really, Commander? Petty betrayal? I see that nothing is beneath you, is it? How disappointing!”

The two unicorns breathed heavily. Sunset snarled through gritted teeth, at her compatriot. “We kill him and die trying.”

“Roger.” Tempest nodded with the same anger. “But before that...” Finally, she addressed the king. No more lies, no more deception, no more containing her emotions.


“DEATH TO THE STORM KING!!!!” Sunset Shimmer yelled out, in complete agreement, both of their horns alight.

And of course, the King barely cared, Standing up from his throne, pointing the staff at his two usurpers. “Aww, you two are gonna hurt my feelings like that! Oh well. I can get another commander. Bye bye, Tempie!”

Smiling, utterly enjoying this, he channeled the power of his staff, ready to obliterate those two.

And the two Unicorns were ready to lunge forward, intent on killing him or die trying.

But they all stopped.

Because something very strange happened.

The Princess of Valor, with a flash, appeared out of thin air.

“Oof!! Fuck, I was trying to nap!” She groaned. Getting up, spreading her wings, she looked around, and Immediately realized something was very, very wrong in this universe. “Tempest? And me? …Weird!” She observed her other self. Sunset Shimmer, covered in wounds, bruises, burn marks and bandages, and even blood who was likely not hers. This world had not treated her kindly.

She looked back, and saw a familiar old foe. “...The Storm King…?” Her gaze scanned the room, and she saw the three Princesses turned to stone. Celestia, Luna, Cadance… And Twilight.

She bared her fangs and frowned.

The Storm King, utterly confused, scratched his head, narrowing his eyes, trying to understand what he was seeing. “Um. Hello? Who are you?!”

Tempest grimaced in utter confusion, seeing an Alicorn version of her new ally, switching the gaze from one to the other, stupefied.

And of course, Sunset was the most flabbergasted of all. “W-what the fuck are you?!!!” She recoiled in surprise, seeing herself, as an Alicorn, taller, and with significantly less scars.

“Sorry about this, let me get caught up.” The Valkyrie stepped forward and touched her other self, quickly cycling through her memories.

I am Sunset Shimmer. …Or at least I was. I came here to die. I was a pupil of Celestia, but I was exiled– I was not good enough. I was not strong enough.

For a while, I considered payback. I considered getting back what I had thought was rightfully mine. Her new pupil seemed to have everything I lacked.

But then the Storm King came. He beat Celestia– He beat every single pony that tried to stand in his way. He beat Celestia’s new pupil. His new reign killed so many. It killed my parents.

If I was good enough, this wouldn’t have happened.

If I was good enough, I would have been side by side with Celestia to stop it.

So I trained. For years. To be good enough.

I trained, for the day I would be ready to come here.

To save her, and likely die trying.

Sunset Shimmer is gone. Firestorm is all that remains– And I will do all that I can to bring Celestia back.

Death to the Storm King.

The Alicorn recoiled, and her surprise turned into a grin. “Death to the Storm King.” She affirmed with a nod.

The two unicorns looked at each other in confusion.

Standing near his throne, the king waved his hands in confusion, still holding the staff. “Excuse me, what’s going on– does that stupid little pony have a big Alicorn sister? Hello?!”

Those were his last words. With a flash, Princess Sunset Shimmer adorned her Valkyrie armor, surprising all in the room. She inhaled.

Teleporting immensely fast, she flipped in the air besides the storm king, and with her horn alight as a blade, she severed his arm that held the staff of storms, which fell and rolled in the room. The King yelled in surprise and pain, clutching his bleeding stump that was previously an arm.

But he didn’t have time for pain, as soon as Sunset landed, she used her momentum to jump in a corkscrew motion, spinning like a tornado, her razor-sharp wings slicing the Storm King's chest and armor thoroughly, and finalizing it with a definitive slice.

The Storm King’s beheaded corpse tumbled down the stairs that led to the throne, and Sunset landed with precision. “That’s that.” She stated simply, exhaling.

The Storm King was dead.

Both Tempest and Sunset’s jaws were wide open, in complete shock.

The commander nudged her compatriot in complete confusion. “T-that was– What the– Your sister is incredibly powerful!!! Why didn’t you call her earlier?!!!”

“I HAVE NO IDEA WHO OR WHAT THAT IS!!” Sunset pointed at the Alicorn casually walking down the steps of the throne towards them, entirely confused.

“I'm you from another universe, Sunset. I’m glad I got here in time to help, at least! What do you say we free the Princesses, huh?” The Valkyrie spoke casually, as she approached the statue of Twilight Sparkle, looking at it with a listless gaze.

“‘S-Sunset’? Aren’t you called Firestorm?” Tempest tilted her head.

Sunset exhaled. “It’s my old name. One I let go of.” She shook her head slightly, and Tempest nodded in understanding, after all, she knew exactly how that felt.

Snickering a bit, the Valkyrie pointed at her other self. “It’s a cool name, I can see why you changed it, too. Kind of like Tempest, huh? Isn’t that right, ‘Fizzlepop Berrytwist?”

Flustering, covering her face, Tempest shuddered. “O-oh, how the fuck do you know that…!!?”

Turning her gaze back to the frozen Twilight Sparkle, Sunset snickered. “Told you. I’m from another universe. I know you in mine.”

Her other self rubbed her own temples in confusion. “I-I can’t fucking believe that I trained for nearly a decade to kill him, and y-you just. Poof out of nowhere and murder him so easily!!?!?! What the FUCK is going on??!?!!?” She shook her head avidly, trying to wake up from this strange dream.

The Valkyrie kept her gaze on Twilight, but smirked. “If it makes you feel better, you two would have succeeded, I'm sure. The Storm King’s a huge push over, me and my wife defeated him easily in my universe. The moment you take his staff from him he’s a whimpering mess.”

“I don’t know if that makes me feel any better!!” Sunset proclaimed in disbelief. “A-also what?! You’re married?! And an Alicorn?! What the FUCk!?! HOW?!”

Slowly, Tempest approached the corpse of the Storm king, inspecting him. After a moment of silence, where she stared at the master that she had served for years, who had lied and used her like a tool, she spoke to the other two. “Revenge is underrated. I feel incredible.”

“Hear hear!” The Alicorn chuckled, making her way to the middle of the room where the staff laid, clutched by the severed hand of the dead King.

The other Sunset Shimmer groaned. “Whatever! Whatever!!” And ran forward, towards the staff. Grabbing it with her mouth, she clumsily walked over to Celestia, attempting to point it at her, unsure of what to do.

“Careful!” Tempest warned. “It’s an incredibly powerful tool!”

“Easy, other me! You don’t want to accidentally blow her up– Besides, Twilight Sparkle is right here!” The Alicorn pointed.

Ignoring her, Sunset kept fiddling with the staff, unsure of how to use it. “I don’t care about the Princess of Friendship!! I'm here for Celestia, she’ll free the others later.”

Pointing at Twilight, the princess garnered her other self’s attention. “Hey, this is your future wife right here– Show her some respect!”

That last statement made Sunset clumsily drop the staff, and turn to her other self. “What the FUCK are you saying?! What?!”

“I’m married to Twilight Sparkle in my universe.” the Alicorn said proudly with a smile. “And if things go well on this one…” She pointed at her other self teasingly.

A moment of flustered confused silence passed, one in which Tempest couldn’t help but snicker at her compatriot, until Sunset shook her head awake. “Wh– She took our position!! How and why the fuck did you marry her?! I’m never going to be in love with someone that usurped me– I’m only here to free Celestia!!”

“Yeah you say that, but then you hear one of her dorky laughs and it’s over for you.” The Alicorn walked forward to her, chuckling. “Now easy, you don’t want to blow Celestia up, let's do this carefully.”

Approaching calmly, she attempted to fiddle with the staff. The other Sunset, not as calmly.

Tempest approached the two, tilting her head, addressing the Alicorn, almost in a worried whisper. “Sunset, is it…? You’re from another universe, so… In yours, do I ever… Fix my horn?”

Exhaling, the Princess reminisced on her friend, Tempest Shadow. They weren’t that close, after all, even after reforming, Tempest was a bit of a recluse. But she had left her shell, and had made connections. Meeting her was always a joy. “...No. Never. But I do think you became really happy, despite it.”

“H-happy?!” Tempest grimaced. “How could I possibly…?!”

“Here.” Sunset offered a hoof. “Let me show you.”

“Show me…?” Tempest accepted it. And with it, was shown memories about her– That didn’t belong to her.

I can’t speak for my Tempest.

But through all the times I met her– Through all the times we spent together, with her and my friends– Whether it was at a celebration, at a conflict, or simply with me, you, and Pinkie bar hopping–

I could see you smiling.

Smiling in ways I never expected you to.

I don’t know if the loss of her horn still affected her–

But seeing her together with her childhood friend, finding love and companionship–

I saw her smiling.

And I felt its warmth, it’s truth, it made sense to me. It felt right.

All that, while still lacking her horn.

“M-me and Glitter D-drops…?!” Tempest recoiled, with a grimace of surprise, flustering, and nearly tearing up. Her eyes darted to the floor, as she attempted to shrug off the incredibly warm memories she had just shown. But with an inhale and an exhale, she accepted them.

Sharing on the chuckle, the Valkyrie smiled. “Yep. You two seemed pretty happy! I couldn’t help but feel pride. I always related to you in a couple of ways…. We were both built of sterner stuff, you know?”

Chuckling slightly, Tempest nodded. “I believe I might know, yes.” It was easy to think of the previous hour, in which Sunset Shimmer had carved a bloody swath through this castle for revenge.

The Alicorn smiled and nodded, not before going to her other self as well. “Hey. You next. Come here.”

“Hey what are you–” her other self complained, but it was short lived.

Through a span of two seconds, Sunset showed herself a handful of memories and feelings. Many of which were related to Twilight Sparkle.

The other Sunset nearly toppled over, face growing redder, utterly confused. “W-wife…?!” Was all she could mutter, dumbfounded.

“That’s right. You know what this means, right?” The Alicorn teased, tilting her head.

“No. I don’t.” Pouting, her other self crossed her arms.

Exhaling, but still smiling, the Valkyrie poked her other self in the chest. “It means Sunset Shimmer isn’t dead. She’s right here. And if you still want to, you could have it all– And this time, do it right.”

“B-but–” Sunset looked away, to the statue of Celestia that stood next to her. “Isn’t it… Too late for me…?”

Chuckling, the Princess of Valor shook her head. “Dude. You killed the Storm King and saved every Princess. You and Tempest. Everypony will forgive you both easily.”

Eyes widened, Sunset blinked. “W-wait, but I didn’t, you did!”

She shrugged. “Take the credit. Both of you.” The Valkyrie turned with a smile. “I’m only going to be in this universe for an hour anyway, before I get shot onto the next one. So you two can simply say you both killed him. Now if you two will excuse me, I have to find a good quiet place to take a nap.”

Tempest and Sunset both stared at each other, and then to the Alicorn, in complete shock and surprise.

The Princess of Valor lingered only for a moment, as she leaned her forehead against the statue of Twilight Sparkle. It wasn’t the same as the real thing. It wasn’t the same as her wife. But for one lingering moment, that closeness helped her.

Soon after, she jumped out of a window, with a final message. “Good luck, you two!”

And just like that, the room was silent once again. The rain outside was dwindling, not a storm anymore.

The two that remained stared at each other, almost awkwardly. “Well!” Tempest cleared her throat. “I guess we… I guess we did it! I… I can keep a secret.” Her smile was almost mischievous.

Groaning, Sunset stretched a bit, still feeling the pains of her bruises. “Ugh. Well… I guess this is okay. Man, am I dreaming…? What the fuck was that…?!”

Eyes still filled with surprise, Tempest gazed at the broken window the other Sunset had just jumped through. “I have no idea…!”

Blinking a couple of times, then groaning again, Sunset came to a realization. “Oh no! Fuck!! The castle is burning because of ME– Celestia is gonna wake up to see her home in flames, shit, shit, I never thought I'd get this far…! Oh, I’m in so much trouble.”

“If it makes you feel better, so am I.” Tempest suppressed a chuckle. “I’m the fool that turned these Princesses to stone, remember?”

Both of them exhaled, and Sunset clutched that staff, beholding her old mentor. "I... I never thought I'd get this far."

For the first time, in this day, she felt fear.

Tempest very similarly felt uneasy about what might come next. "Whatever happens, we can cover for each other, right?"

Looking at her with a smile, glancing at the Stormy King's corpse, Sunset nodded. “I won't tell if you won't, heh.”

“C’mon.” Tempest shrugged, and picked up the staff of storms calmly. “Let’s figure out a way to bring your mother and wife back.”

“H-hey!! N-not married!! A-and you’re one to talk, Fizzypop-something something! You and your Glitter Drops or whatever–” She muttered awkwardly, attempting to deflect.

Chuckling, they both held the staff together.

And eventually, freed Celestia.

A new age dawned on Equestria.

INTERMISSION: Wish you were here

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INTERMISSION: Wish you were here

Anger wasn’t something that came easy to Princess Twilight Sparkle.

She was often composed, and if not angry, frustrated.

But after having such a lovely day, a celebration of Sunset Shimmer’s alicornaversary, to have to watch her wife fade away in thin air right in front of her eyes?

She was angry.

She locked Hermes in an arcane cage made with her magic, and bound his horn to prevent him from casting any more spells. And after that, came not only interrogation, but dragging him around, to find his research.

And often, she would use her calling spell. The spell she and Sunset had crafted specifically so they could find each other anywhere in Equestria, to call each other no matter how far.

But nothing happened.

Twilight, Celestia and Luna were the ones that left together– With Hermes being dragged through the air in his cage, of course– Her friends had stayed in Ponyville to tidy up the party, and ensure that there was no panic. This trio, however, had one goal, and one goal alone.

Hermes was guiding them to his lair. Generally, he didn’t have much choice. It was pretty easy to be coerced into doing something if three Alicorns had their sights on you, with hatred.

The sun was very low in the sky, and its light felt dimmer, as they moved about a rocky patch of woods, situated outside of the Everfree woods border. They had flown here, but now were walking, for the sake of taking a break.

And of course, Twilight was trying to gather as much knowledge of this predicament as possible– no matter how angry she was.

“So you’re telling me that my wife is cursed to travel around random universes, in every single hour, and she is never going to be cast back here?! She will be cursed to constantly be thrown into possibly precarious worlds– and not to mention likely not have the chance to even sleep properly— And you’re telling me you made this curse?! From the ground up?! Just to spite ME?!”

Adjusting his glasses nervously, Hermes was well aware that he was in the thinnest ice, but spoke anyway. “A-ahem, t-to be fair, I was aiming at you. I wasn’t expecting her to–”

“SHUT UP!!” The air crackled with her magic, her eyes glowed with rage, even being near her was dangerous.

“Ease, Twilight.” Celestia attempted to calm her, with questionable results. After all, she was not calm herself. “We need him to show us his research. Alive. After that…”

Luna, a bit deadpan, containing her anger, added to it. “You there. Hermes. Will you comply with our every command, or do you need us to leave you in a room alone with Twilight Sparkle?”

“I’ll comply! I’ll comply! Fully, and willingly!!” He nervously whimpered. “M-my lab is just above these cliffs, it’s an abandoned o-observatory, you can’t miss it!” He pointed avidly forward. “A-and j-just saying, you’ll need my help if you want to get the technology working…!”

Speaking in a heavy tone, as if scolding solemnly, Celestia stared him down. “And you will provide said assistance willingly, despite knowing that when this is all over, you are on a one way trip to Canterlot Prison. Provided both Twilight and Sunset offer you mercy.” The last words cut the Unicorn like a dagger, he recoiled on the small cage he was locked in.

Luna gleefully and spitefully added to it. “Knowing Sunset, she’ll remove a couple of his limbs before letting him go.” She said so with a scowl of joy.

The poor Unicorn whimpered in his cage, unsure of his future. Twilight, for a moment, letting go of her rage, with it being replaced by grief, attempted to use the calling spell again. And again, and again.

And nothing happened.

“Come on, my sun, please, please…!” She desperately pleaded, to the very air.

And nothing happened.

Scratching his chin nervously, Hermes dared to speak. “I told you, that’s not going to work. She’s not in this dimension…! You can call her all you want, but in another plane of reality, she can’t feel you…”

Twilight brought the cage really close, flipping it upside down, forcing him to feel discomfort, as she grimaced in anger, not even looking at him. “Tell me, Hermes. Do you know how it feels to have a limb obliterated?”

The question felt genuine, no matter how much anger drove it. “U-um… N-no…?”

“How about this?” She continued, tilting her head while glaring at him. “How about I obliterate one of your legs, then rematerialize it? I wager that the process of having it come back is just as painful as its destruction.”

The two queens behind them shared a glance of concern– No matter how angry they were that their legacy was cut in half, it hurt just as much to see the toll that this was taking on Twilight.

Nodding nervously, the Scientist was sweating with fear. “U-um, whatever y-you want to know about the multiversal magic and technology, I will tell you! Anything! I’m complying!” His voice shook, never before had the Princess of Friendship threatened any enemy like this, and he could feel it.

“Then tell me this–” She snarled. “WHY! Why did you do this to her?!”

Attempting to adjust himself in the cage, but finding little comfort, he justified himself poorly. “A-again, to reiterate— I was aiming at you!”

“WHY!?” Her magic crackled in the air again.

“Y-you see, well–” He once again nervously adjusted his glasses, which would often be misaligned, due to the constant movement of the cage. “I-I have developed this incredible magic for so many years of my life– And I’ve tried to showcase its worth and potential to many– Heck, I even tried to get many audiences with Celestia, to showcase all it could do!”

The Queen of the Sun shook her head. “I do not blame any of the many guards and advisors that might have stopped you from doing so. This magic has no utility– Doubtlessly, my aide Raven blocked you from any proper contact with me before you could demonstrate your research.”

He shook his head avidly, no matter how nervous he was. “B-but it does have utility– and not just utility, Its potential is boundless!! A brave new frontier–”

“--I remember you now…!” Twilight gasped, as she stopped walking, rubbing her temples. “You barged in my castle, so many years ago trying to show me or convince me of this pointless, absolutely idiotic– UGH!!” The memory was of so many years ago, before Sunset Shimmer even entered her life, it felt even more worthless than it was meant to.

“You remember now, don’t you! You remember how you dismissed me!” He pointed at her accusingly.

“Are you KIDDING me?!” She yelled out, in anger. “There is NO practical utility to traveling between universes!! Starswirl himself gave up on this magic– We have MORE than enough troubles in our Equestria, our world, we have MORE than enough friendship and love here! There is NO reason as to why we would ever even want or NEED to build bridges between dimensions!!”

“...There is now.” Luna’s gaze narrowed, as she looked through him. “Which is what you wanted, isn’t it?”

He was silently cowering, sweating. But very much nodding.

And Celestia saw through his intentions. “You– You slithering–” She composed herself. “You wanted to banish one of our own to the multiverse, so we would inadvertently have to study the magic and technology to bring her back.”

“With all your resources and your knowledge… My legacy, my creations, will live on.” He muttered, knowing his words would garner even more hatred. “I have absolutely no idea how to bring Princess Sunset Shimmer back. I made the curse definitive and decisive... If you want to get her back… You’ll have to understand the magic even better than I do.”

Even in failure, he had won. In fact, he planned for failure. Failure was success.

He was getting everything he wanted.

Twilight Sparkle yelled out in anger and frustration. Lighting came out of her horn and crackled all the way into the sky. The two Queens silently allowed her to vent her frustrations.

She brought Hermes very, very close, as she suppressed her own tears of rage and grief.

“You. You. You better pray that my wife is okay. You better pray that she survives your curse. If I get any indication, any hint that she is gone forever– I am going to dedicate myself to studying and inventing new ways to cause unending hurt, no pit in tartarus deep enough, no stomach of a monster more wretched, no amount of excruciating cursed spells will be enough, I will invent new ways to feel pain– Specifically for you.”

He did not respond audibly– Simply nodded. And the two Queens behind them did not interfere. After all, losing one of their students, half their legacy– there was hell to pay.

And what Twilight had said now was a promise.

Finally, they had Hermes’s lab in their sights. An old defunct observatory, built in the nook of a mountain, surrounded by woods. Twilight immediately flew forward, bringing Hermes with her, and the Queens followed.

They landed in the entrance, analyzing the structure. “Home sweet home!” the prisoner hesitantly muttered.

The building very much looked abandoned, and not just that, but as if it had been shaken by a number of earthquakes. Hermes did a lot here, but cleaning up was not one of his priorities.

The sun was at its lowest, with Celestia’s aid, so Luna stepped forward, ears Twitching. “Twilight, sister… My nightly duties call for me. Will you two be alright?”

Twilight was barely listening, as she pried the doors open with magic. Even if she had to do everything alone, she would. Celestia turned to her sister. “Go. We will keep you in the know– We meet again tomorrow, likely at Twilight's Community Center.”

“Understood.” Luna stepped forward, and embraced her sister. They hugged quietly; And with that embrace, the sun was lowered, and the moon was risen. “We will find her.” The mare of the moon stated plainly, comforting her older sister over the loss of a daughter.

“I-I know…” Celestia nodded, with some doubts gnawing at her painfully, nearly tearing up.

But there was no time to mourn. Luna let go of the embrace, and leapt into the air, vanishing into the night.

Twilight went inside, lighting the room properly with her horn. She observed the many objects of interest in the room intently, going from one place to the other as her eyes scanned each part of the room quickly.

There was a messy board, with many pictures of ponies in it, several ponies and places that she could maybe recognize, but she understood what they were. They were pictures taken from other universes.

“A-ahem” Hermes cleared his throat nervously. “This is a lot of data and information I managed to gather of multiple universes I could observe, either through the mirror or the telescope. Plenty of these notes will be important, oh, and on those file cabinets over there, too…”

Narrowing her eyes, Celestia looked closely at one of the pictures. “Is this… Tempest Shadow as a pirate?” She raised an eyebrow in near amusement.

Hermes nodded, almost enthusiastically. “Pirate Captain, actually! I’m very proud of how I got to take that picture, let me tell you–”

But Twilight interrupted him, gazing at another picture. “This is… Starlight Glimmer, but an Alicorn? These alternate universes are ridiculous.” She shook her head, and would likely have been laughing, if her mood wasn’t incredibly sour.

“Yes, I believe that the title of Princess of Friendship isn’t always yours, in between dimensions, but it definitely seemed to be a constant– File cabinet 3, drawer C, section T2…”

“Speaking of Starlight…” Twilight narrowed her eyes at Hermes, while addressing her mentor. “...This guy is even worse than she was.”

Nearly chuckling, the Queen of the Sun nodded. “Hm, I don’t know, at least he doesn’t have a cult…” Absent-mindedly, she moved through other pictures, but then her attention was drawn fully, by a large object in the room. “W-wait!”

She quickly moved to it. It was a mirror, a large magical mirror, that was quite cracked, connected together like a jigsaw, surrounded by coils and runes. “T-this mirror…! Where did you get this?” She scowled at the prisoner.

He sweat a little, looking away. “U-um, ‘borrowed’ it from the canterlot archives! It was meant to lead to only one dimension, but it was broken. So I retrofitted it and tweaked it– It doesn’t lead anywhere anymore, but if you charge it, it can show you other dimensions!” He adjusted his glasses, inspecting the object. “But I never managed to power it to its full potential… I never got all the pieces, sadly. There’s one missing.”

“I know. I have it.” Celestia stated, forlorn. “It was a memento.” From her horn, she conjured one of the pieces of the mirror, and could easily see that it was a near perfect fit; But for the sake of caution, didn’t place it quite yet.

For a moment, she considered just how much she could do with this technology. How much they could explore and discover, but with a frown, she shook her head silently. She had already learned a bitter lesson, long ago, about interfering with other worlds.

Nothing good would come of it.

But for the sake of Sunset, they had to.

Twilight stepped forward, eager, even if not happy. “If we complete it, maybe it’ll help us find her!!”

“It would certainly be something–” Hermes tapped on the cage. “B-but you best not tinker with it before you understand it! Be careful!”

“He’s right.” Celestia hated to say it. “We must be profoundly cautious with magic we don’t understand.” She put her piece of the mirror away once more.

Twilight let out a frustrated, prolonged sigh. Then she held her head high. “Okay. Let's take it all. Let’s bring it to Ponyville.”

Stomping a hoof and channeling her magic, the whole building started shaking, as if she was levitating it fully, or even more powerfully, as if she was about to teleport it in its entirety.

“Wait, WAIT!!” Hermes begged, and Celestia stepped forward. “Twilight, NO!”

Luckily, she stopped, even if groaning in frustration. Celestia, calmly, as calm as she could under the circumstances, set her at ease. “Twilight, we must be very, very cautious. There is no telling if these fragile devices wouldn’t be damaged if we recklessly teleported them– We have to think ahead, here…!”

Shaking her head angrily, the Princess of Friendship was mad. “Every hour we waste is another that she could be in bigger danger, we CAN’T waste time!!”

“I know, I know–” Celestia nodded with pity. “But we won’t be able to help her in any way, if we ruin our slim chances of finding her through reckless action. Please, breathe…”

The Princess of Friendship forced herself to inhale, then exhale.

“Y-yeah!” Hermes added. “Besides, who knows if you were gonna squish somepony by teleporting a whole lab on top of them. You could break all the machines and harm somepony!”

Snarling was her immediate response upon hearing his voice, no matter how right he was. She shook her head, and sat down, letting out a huge sigh. Celestia places a consoling hoof on her shoulder, talking calmly. “Let us discuss this properly outside, my student.”

Twilight hung the cage on a column of the observatory, and moved outside. She ignored Hermes’s words as she left. “I-I’ll just hang around here, then…!”

The night was beautiful and calm, despite everything, and the moon was their primary source of light. Celestia looked behind them, and then forward, into the night. “You’re right about one thing, we must move this research material to an area where we can more practically gain assistance. But we must consider very carefully how, when and where.”

“My Community Center–” Twilight spoke instantly. “It’s closer to my friends, and closer to Canterlot. They don’t understand magic much, but…”

“They will want to help, I understand… I have an idea.” Celestia stepped forward. “I will go to my castle now, and acquire as much help as I can, from my guards or otherwise, to be able to properly and safely move this. And after we succeed at that, I will return to the archives, including the restricted section, and look for any information on multiversal magic, just in case Starswirl has left notes that may assist us. Luna and I can alternate between our duties and searching.”

“Y-yes.” Twilight nodded, containing her grief. “If we combine all of our efforts together, we’ll find her. We’ll find her.” She wanted to believe those words, so much.

All that Celestia could do was nod slowly.

With a listless, concerned gaze, Twilight made some calculations she very much did not like. “It’s nearly midnight… If Hermes’s curse works like he said, then this means Sunset has already gone through at least ten or so universes…”

Even on the face of those punishing odds, the Queen of the Sun attempted to remain hopeful. “Indeed. That… That is a lot of chances things could have gone awry for her… But she’s strong. She is really, really strong, Twilight. I believe she will know we’re looking for her…!”

“C-Celestia, I-I…” Twilight stammered, as a tear streamed down her cheek. “I really, really don’t want to rule alone…! I want her by my side…!”

Words failed the Queen of the Sun, because she shared on that same sorrow. Her legacy wasn’t just halved, this day. It was nearly entirely destroyed. “The… My subjects in Canterlot don’t even know yet. They don’t even know that the Princess of the Sun is gone…” She lowered her head slowly. “We may be on the verge of a political crisis, here. There are unending layers to the suffering we are sharing tonight, my student.”

Shaking her head, Twilight grimaced, still crying. “I couldn’t care less about politics right now. I just want my wife back…!”

Celestia closed her eyes. “I know… I miss her dearly already.”

Twilight looked at her, raving in concern. “I’m just– There’s an infinite number of universes out there, there’s an infinite number of problems, I’m so worried about whatever awful things she’ll have to go through…!!!!”

The Princess of Valor widened her eyes in disgust. “Oh, ew, what?! I’m with Trixie in this universe?!” She whispered, observing the latest universe she had landed in.

She was on Trixie’s carriage, as untidy as it had ever been, and in a hammock, lied Sunset Shimmer and Trixie Lulamoon, intertwined, peacefully asleep.

“Ugh, this is a new low for me. I need to– I need to lay down.” The Valkyrie muttered, before laying on the floor and attempting to get some well-needed rest.

Celestia continued to demonstrate concern, as she observed the horizon.
“I am hoping that the news that spreads, of one less Princess, does not result in our enemies attempting to attack us in our weakened state…” She pondered over the many troubles they would face in the next few days.

“Oh I’m not weakened.” Twilight snarled. “If anypony tries messing with me now, they’ll be sorry.”

She then turned to her mentor. “You should go… you should go. We can’t waste time. I’ll stay here and begin learning about the magic and technology, as much as I hate giving Hermes exactly what he wanted… I can’t believe that this is the first time I've ever not wanted to learn about new magic…!” She let out a frustrated sigh. There was certainly incentive to do so, but she hated that she was giving in to Hermes’s plans, and whatsmore, she just wanted her wife here.

But if studying would allow her to reach Sunset Shimmer sooner, she would do so, without hesitation.

And if anybody could learn and master new magic, it was Twilight Sparkle.

“You are right. I will go now. And Twilight…” They leaned foreheads together, sharing in sorrow. “We will find her.”

It was something they were both attempting to convince themselves of.

Without Sunset Shimmer, the sun didn’t shine as bright in Equestria, least of all to them.

Spreading her wings, the Queen of the Sun took flight, leaving her student.

Twilight remained only for a couple of moments outside the observatory. She needed to cry properly, and being alone allowed her to do so without struggle.

Only after ensuring that her breathing was corrected, did she enter the observatory again.

“Alright, Hermes.” She lowered his cage to the floor, bringing him closer. “Tell me everything.

This was the strangest universe the Princess of Valor had ever fallen in yet.

It was barren.

She did not find herself in it– Not even a corpse, or remains, or even a grave, like in a universe she had visited prior.

There were signs of Equestria here, yes. Old ruins that had been dried up and… Cracked.

But it was all empty.

As she observed the skies, she could see debris float by… debris belonging to this planet.

Which had no more atmosphere. And weak gravity.

She considered for a moment, what could have caused this. No life in sight– No life on the entire planet. She had her theories.

After all, the planet looked like it had been… Cracked. And extracted. Dried of resources.

…But none of that mattered to her. Whatever happened here, it had already happened. There was no fixing or preventing it. The Sunset Shimmer from this world was dead, as was her entire world.

So she simply found a decently comfortable piece of barren land, and tried going to sleep.

Power Ponies and the Malicious Machinations of the Malevolent Machine!

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Power Ponies and the Malicious Machinations of the Malevolent Machine!

Sunset Shimmer let out a yawn, and leaned back on her chair, resting her eyes from overlooking paperwork, if only for a moment. Without even moving, she used her magic to bring a cup of coffee to her lips, and drank from it slightly.

The building shook a little, and sounds of fighting were heard from the distance, but she didn’t mind it much. Placing the coffee down without spilling a drop, she stretched.

Until, of course, the sounds of the distraught mayor came from out of her room and into the actual office space that Sunset was working on. She was carrying a couple of things, in a bit of a frantic, but questionably controlled panic, but she stopped when she saw Sunset still in the building. “Um, Miss Shimmer, why are you still here? Haven’t you heard or seen the giant robot attacking the city?!” She spoke in disbelief, her hair untying from a bob, with her frantically trying to adjust it with magic, as she pointed at the windows.

“Heya, mayor Celestia. I’m just getting some paperwork done before I leave, don’t mind me.” The office worker grinned, looking back at her papers, ignoring the danger.

And of course, the mayor wasn’t going to let this one go. “I ordered to evacuate City Hall, I don’t want to see any of my employees hurt! That includes you– What if that giant robot shoots lasers or missiles here! Hm?”

Blowing raspberries, Sunset absentmindedly flipped a couple of pages. “Hey, the Power Ponies are on it. That robot is probably toast by now.”

Another set of explosions cascaded on the streets outside, a roar could be heard, and while Celestia flinched, Sunset’s ears barely twitched.

“By the way, my assistant, Twilight, she evacuated, right? I didn’t see her with the group that I escorted out…!” Celestia looked over at her secretary’s table, which was empty.

Shrugging, Sunset did not avert her eyes from her work. “Meh. She said something about going to the bathroom, before you even told us to leave. Knowing that nerd, she ran very, very fast to the opposite way of the giant robot. I wouldn’t worry about it.”

Narrowing her eyes, Celestia approached her employee, with a disappointed, motherly tone. “Sunset Shimmer. You know I value your diligent and efficient work as my employee, and that I am glad you’re back working with us– But you are evacuating with me now and that’s final.”

Blowing raspberries, Sunset knew that there was no talking her out of this. “Sure, mom.” She said mockingly, accepting to leave, ignoring the explosions outside seemingly increasing in density. She spoke in an uninterested tone, as she gathered her things. “But I'm telling you, the moment we’re out, the Power Ponies will have saved the day or whatever– We really don’t need to worry this much.”

The Mayor couldn’t help but let out a snicker, at being called mother, and seeing her employee’s disinterested demeanor, but she remained still, until she knew Shimmer was ready to go.

Which gave Sunset a couple more seconds to complain. “I mean, knowing them, they’re gonna have another deus ex machina moment or whatever, just saving the city at the last moment–”

She was interrupted, of course, by the Princess of Valor appearing in the air, and falling through her table. Both of the other ponies yelled in surprise, while the Valkyrie complained.

“Augh, FUCK! Another table! Why is there always a table–” She groaned, before getting up, and scanning her strange new surroundings, in great confusion.

And of course, the office worker was shocked. “What the fuck are you?!”

It was a night like any other, in Maretropolis– That is to say, trouble was afoot. And wherever trouble is to be found, the Power Ponies are sure to be there to save the day!

Running through rooftops, they ran towards danger, never away from it!! The was sky illuminated by the bright lights of the shining city and its spotlights; And by the mighty battle that would soon ensue!

Our valiant heroes, six of them, no more, no less– Bravely face any threats to our beloved city, outmatching, outsmarting, outperforming any foe! Best of friends, best of heroes, it’s the Power Ponies!

The fearless leader, ‘Masked Matter-Horn’, with her incredible magic of all sorts, and unmatched intelligence! “Okay girls, report, what’s going on?”

The fastest of the bunch, blink and you’ll miss her, ‘Filly-Second!’ With her amazing, lightning-fast super speed! “A meteor went FWOOSH!! And fell smack dab on 25st street!! And then it turned out it was a giant robot!! I got the civilians out of the area, but…”

The strong, the unbreakable, unyielding and courageous ‘Mistress Mare-Velous’! With her lasso of truth! “...Cops are tryin’ to fight it, of course, Hooray. We gotta get in there before those idiots get themselves killed!”

The electrifying storm master, and expert flier, ‘Zapp’! With her control over storms! “So hang on a second. Are you saying it fell from the sky– are we fighting alien robots now? Sheesh! This day just keeps getting better!”

The beautiful and elegant, not to mention fashionable, ‘Radiance’! With her construct magical abilities! “Please, darling. I doubt it’d be from outer space– Just likely having been built by one of our lovely supervillains, just catapulted into our fair city. Let’s stop mingling and stop it, shall we?”

And last but certainly not least, The soft-spoken, but secretly hiding rage within, ‘Saddle Rager’! With her incredible monstrous abilities! “O-oh my goodness… Maybe the aliens are friendly…??”

An explosion rang out, and the leader’s ears twitched– the Masked Matter-Horn ran forward, to the edge of the roof of the building the super friends stood on, valiantly scanning the streets! “I don’t think so, Rager!” And she was certainly correct– This massive, house sized robot, was moving about with octopus-like limbs, tossing cars aside, crashing its inverted-pyramid-like body against buildings, all the while the police’s attacks did nothing against its metal armor!

“Power Ponies, go!” The leader commanded courageously, spreading her wings and gloriously jumping off the building, with a single determined direction! Naturally, her friends followed along with equal gusto!

And of course, the leader wasted no time, inspecting her opponent, considering strategies and possible plans of attack! “It seems the robot is stopping to… Scan things?!” She observed eloquently, noticing the robot seemingly inspecting objects, buildings and even ponies, while on occasion, fighting back against the assailants!

Shaking her head, she was about to land; Not before giving her fellow heroes proper battle instructions. “Filly-Second! Get those cops far away from the fight, and keep an eye out for civilians, too!”

“On it, boss!” Her super speedster friend saluted, not before dashing forward with impressive speed, much to her rescuers dismay!

And the police, of course, complained. “Power Ponies, stay outta this! Leave this to the professionals!” One of the cops barked rudely, right before being scooped away from a vicious claw strike from the strange machine! “You’re welcome, donut-muncher!!” Filly-Second giggled, while forcibly removing them all from the scene; Keeping the streets clear for our valiant heroes!

The leader smiled, but kept her gaze inspecting the robot, which had not yet cared for their presence! “Radiance! Mare-Velous! Stay on the ground, distract it, and if possible, test to see just how durable that shell is!”

“On it, Darling!” The former, using her beautiful powers, began skating on the streets with construct rollerblades, and summoned a handful of cannons to fire with gusto!

“Roger that, Yeehaw!!” The latter leapt forward with power, tossing a police car at the robot, nigh making a dent! And yet she persisted, intent on bucking the machine from up close!

“Zapp!” The leader flew high, near her ally! “Shoot some lightning bolts at it from above! Test its resistance!”

With a courageous nod, Zapp took flight! “I got this, boss!” And began unleashing her barrage of crackling thunder, with the enemy barely feeling it! “What kind of a robot is resistant to electricity?! What a rip off!!”

And last, but not least… “Rager!” The leader called to the one that was lagging behind! “Now may be a good time to get angry!”

Shaking her head with fear in her eyes, the shy pegasus muttered nearly too quietly: “I’m mostly just scared right now!! What if this IS an alien?!”

“We’ll deal with it, together!” The Masked Matter-Horn gloriously proclaimed; “Now onwards, everypony!”

She began launching a barrage of blasts at the malevolent machine; Alternating between fire and ice, observing its results, and was surprised to see nearly no effect! The machine moved unimpeded!

And just then, it whirred and grinded internally; As it scanned its assailants, the Power Ponies, and its behavior seemed to change! It suddenly became much more aggressive, focussing exclusively on its opponents, flailing its tentacular claws around wildly!

“Watch the claws! Don’t get grabbed!” The leader bellowed, as she flew in between the tentacular metallic legs of the beast, attempting to strike her blasts at its joints, to little effect!

“Hey boss– We ain’t barely doin’ a dent in this thing!” Mare-velous shouted, noticing how a powerful buck from her bent the metal only slightly! Its armor being unlike anything the Power Ponies had ever seen!

“I’ll say, it might indeed be from outer space!” Radiance proclaimed as she skillfully skated around the enemy blows, unleashing a barrage of her construct arrows at the machine’s metal hide, noticing little damage! “Our attacks are being shrugged off!” She blocked blows with construct shields, entangling some of the claws with a construct whip– And Mare-Velous followed suit, using her lasso!

“Gosh, how are we gonna bust this bunker?!” Filly-Second hastingly sped by, climbing on top of the creature, looking for any weak spots, staring down at what seemed to be the scanning receptacle of the metallic beast! “Wait, maybe it doesn’t know it’s bad to destroy things, because it’s out of town!” She giggled, attempting to stare down the machine with a smile; “Hey, you mean big gizmo! Destroying our city is RUDE!”

“WATCH IT, WATCH IT!” Zapp flew by, yanking her compatriot aside just before a vicious claw struck her! “Thanks Zapp! I’ll repay you in cupcakes!”

“Don’t mention it! I don’t think this robot can understand us, everypony!” Zapp yelled out, returning to the fight, not before placing Filly-Second down, then unleashing some more balls of lightning!

“Uu-umm,” Saddle Rager considered, thoughtfully and worryingly! “M-maybe if we ask really nicely, it’ll go away…?”

The leader, increasing the intensity of her barrage, doubted that statement! “I don’t think so, Rager! It seems hellbent on hellish destruction!! Are you feeling any angrier?”

“Well, not exactly…! Kind of just scared…!” The Rager hesitated, and nearly got struck by a claw attack! Luckily, Zapp was there to move her out of the way. “Anytime now, Rager! C’mon, Get mad!” the pegasus of storms suggested, before leaping into battle once more!

Viciously, the Machine flailed its arms and claws, grabbing cars and tossing them aside, or violently towards our brave heroes, who narrowly dodged its dastardly strikes!


Radiance cleared off of the metallic beast, getting a good look at it, “Boss! Shall I suggest attack combo six?”

“Excellent idea, Radiance!” The leader shouted with a smile, landing next to her. “Mare-Velous, you know what to do!”

“Alright girls, but please don’t blow my mane out, ya hear?!” The hero agreed, with little hesitation! With their combined mights, Radiance constructed a cannon, the Masked Matter-Horn imbued it with fiery-propulsive-might, and Mistress Mare-Velous was the ammunition!

“Filly-second! Make a clear target!” The leader commanded gloriously, and the speedster complied with gumption, as she ran around the robotic claws, teasing her opponent, making rude gestures, purposefully narrowingly avoiding strikes, to leave it still just in time for…

“...Three-two-one-GO!” The leader commanded, and just like that, Mare-Velous was shot at the enemy like a powerful cannonball– Connecting with its target with a fiery, powerful BUCK!


The robot crashed onto the street violently, but it was few seconds of reprieve for our brave heroes– Quiet settled on the city for merely a moment– For the Malevolent Machine stood up with its claws near instantly; And despite the fiery horseshoe-marks on it’s side, and the bending of its armor, it seemed nigh-unstoppable!

Just then, the robot unleashed strange sounds, like an incomprehensible language, strange robotic garbles they couldn’t make out, as it stood up and prepared to fight once more…

And not just that; But from previously unforeseen holes, it unleashed even more clawed tentacles, near doubling its number of appendages to swipe and strike our heroes with!

“Unbelievable–” Mare-Velous gasped in surprise! “What else can we throw at this darn thing?!”

“RAGER!” The Leader called out courageously! “YOUR TURN!”

The Shy pegasus landed meekly, with a frail nod, as she started grunting, gritting her teeth, and channeling all the anger she could muster from inside!

“C’mon, you can do this!!” Zapp encouraged her with a confident smile, flying by!

Which made Rager stop everything to smile at her; much to every one of the heroes’s disappointment! “Awwww, thank you, Zapp! I’m trying my best!”

Every other hero groaned in annoyance, seeing all of Saddle Rager’s anger recoil to square one. “Sorry, guys!” Zapp Apologetically flew by– But just then!

Wildly, the machine flailed its metallic limbs at the heroes, striking multiple of them– Including Zapp, throwing her through the windows of a building!

“ZAPP! NO!” Rager bellowed in sadness, watching not only Zapp, but multiple of her friends get hurt– And just like that, she snapped!

“Are. You. KIDDING ME? We were having a NICE MOMENT!! And you interrupted it, to HURT MY FRIENDS!!??” Groaning, wincing, her eyes went bloodshot, she snarled, with her voice slowly becoming more monstrous! “I’ve got HALF A MIND TO TURN YOU INTO SCRAP METAL AND THROW YOU BACK INTO SPACE YOU MEANIE!!

and at an alarming, grotesque pace, she transformed into a huge, hulking, terrifying monster!!


Her monstrous, bloodthirsty scream echoed through the streets of Maretropolis, as the Raging monster LEAPT into the robotic machine and began unleashing savage blow after savage blow!!

With mighty yanks, she even managed to tear off some of the robotic tentacles with her wild untamed incredible strength!!

“ATTAGIRL!” Zapp yelled gleefully, as she took flight once more, and her friends joined in celebration!

And what’s more, all redoubled their efforts on attacking the malevolent machine with their combined might, unleashing all they could at it!

The leader inspected their damage carefully as she flew by with carefulness– Noticing that although Rager was most definitely denting the beast, it didn’t seem to be enough to truly pierce its hide! The gears in her head turned, as she considered her options…


With a powerful roar, Rager pinned the massive machine down, ignoring its claws swiping at her oversized monstrous body. “FLUTTER…SMASH!!!” She yelled out, before slamming the robot with her massive arms, cracking the floor of the streets below it; And immediately after, she grabbed a bundle of its robotic tentacular arms, and tossed it overhead!!

All of the heroes watched as the machine fell on the opposite end of the street– Narrowly crashing upon a point of interest; Nearly crushing city hall!

The leader let out a relieved sigh, seeing the robot miss a very unfortunate target, but instead crashing on the street itself! “PHEW! She almost hit City hall! Thank goodness it didn’t!!”


Rager let out another shout at the enemy, as she stood on the streets, ready to charge. The five other heroes gathered around her, observing the robot in its crashed state.

“Is it… Over?” Breathing heavily, Marve-velous narrowed her eyes, inspecting the unresponsive opponent. “Did we bust it?”

“Stay sharp, everypony!” The leader commanded. “This isn’t over yet–”

And just like that, the robot stood– Its claws lifting it aloft, with clear glitches and stalls on its movement, but shaking it off, it once again unleashing a barrage of words in an incomprehensible language!

Sweat dripped down her forehead, as the Masked Matter-Horn looked at her friends, and formulated a strategy; One she had been considering for a bit! “Listen up, everypony; Especially you, Rager! Metal is softer when it’s heated– I’m going to burn the robot as much as possible, and then we have to unleash the most powerful hit we can to pierce its hide! Ready?!”

All of her friends complied, and Rager roared once more, in agreement, and just like that, they prepared to take off…!

With its claws wild, the Robot unleashed a new set of weapons– from seemingly inside it, it pulled out an uncountable amount of cannons; Its threat level rising exponentially every time they knocked it down, becoming even more dangerous!!

“Oh, c-crap…!” The Leader allowed herself only a mere moment of weakness, before shaking her head, and raising her wings with determination once more!

“Okay, Rager! Let’s go!” Riding her monstrous ally, using her as a steed and shield, she commanded her friends to charge behind her, and with a roar, Saddle Rager dashed forward in brutal anger, and the leader proclaimed their last stand! “THIS IS IT! EVERYPONY BE READY!!”

The massive malignant machine charged forward with untamed destructive intent, approaching our daring heroes at breakneck speeds, closer and closer, its metallic sounds echoing and raging, charging its laser cannons with mighty force, until...!!!!

An interruption.

Like a flaming arrow, like a meteor, like a blinding, lightning fast piercing bolt, the Princess of Valor tore through the robot from behind in a singular corkscrew strike, piercing its hide, and coming out the other side just as fiercely, landing on the floor, leaving a trail of fire in her wake.

The drone’s whirring and movement ceased immediately, sparks coming from inside it quickly fizzled out, the massive gaping hole in its body leaking, and its metallic body crashed on the street, dead.

“That’s that.” She waved her mane, exhaling steam, adjusting her armor; Which still glowed near red, with its intense temperatures.

“W…WHAT?!” All of the heroes shouted at once in complete confusion.

The Leader landed right in front of her, inspecting the armored Alicorn with curiosity and surprise, but before she could muster any questions… “Wow, you look so cute in that costume, Twi…!” A smile appeared on the Valkyrie’s lips, as she tilted her head, observing the significantly smaller Alicorn that stood in front of her.

“Whuh?!” The leader shook her head in confusion, recoiling. The other heroes moved forward, inspecting the newcomer in confusion, Rager only unleashing a couple of confused grunts.

“So are you girls like… The ‘Power Ponies’ in this universe? Like from the comics? What a strange world…!” The Valkyrie analyzed the friends that surrounded her curiously.

“H-hey!” Zapp complained. “The comics came after us…! And we don’t get royalties…” Her pout of disappointment clearly displayed the struggle to pay rent when you have to moonlight in saving the world.

Chuckling, the Princess of Valor examined the biggest in the group. Her eyes widened in surprise, as she looked at Rager, who towered over all of them, snarling. “Holy shit, that monster is Fluttershy. What the hell.” Of which the hulking monstrosity only groaned.

“H-how do you– Wh–?!” Twilight’s jaw slacked, as she stared in complete confusion.

Moving closer with insatiable curiosity, Filly-Second approached the Valkyrie, sniffing and poking her. “Wow! Another super hero!! That’s so cool!! I thought we were the only ones!!” OW!”

“Careful Pinkie– it’s best not to touch me after a fight, my armor’s pretty superheated right now.” Smiling, the Princess of Valor amused herself on seeing her friend waddle around cutely.

Flapping her wings excitedly, Zapp gushed.“B-but seriously, Dude, that attack was LEGENDARY!! You beat that robot jerk in like ONE STRIKE!!”

“Thanks, Rainbow. I’ve beaten these guys before, so it’s not that big of a deal.” The Valkyrie shrugged, still smiling.

“B-but, what the…! How, when…?!” Twilight still gasped in confusion, overlooking this insanely confusing scene.

Approaching her carefully so as to not be burnt, Radiance inspected the superheated Valkyrie. “Darling, your armor is simply fabulous! It’s divine! Certainly a tad medieval, but I adore it! What is your hero name?”

Blinking a couple times in confusion, Sunset tilted her head, considering the question. “Hero… Name? dunno, Rarity– Maybe umm. Maybe ‘The Valkyrie?’ That’s pretty good! Oh, wait, maybe ‘Lightwing!’ A friend of mine calls me that. That’s a good one.”

“Hey, names aside, um, Valkyrie lady,” Mistress Mare-Velous approached hesitantly, inspecting the newcomer up and down. “How in the hay do you know all our secret identities?!–”

And then Twilight snapped, all of the confusion and stress from the day unleashed, flapping her wings in frustration. “WHO ARE YOU, WHY ARE YOU SO FAMILIAR, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE, WHAT WAS THAT ROBOT, AND HOW DID YOU BEAT IT SO EASILY, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY OF ALL, PLEASE STOP SAYING OUR SECRET IDENTITIES OUT LOUD, HOW DO YOU EVEN KNOW THEM?!?!!?!!!”

“W-woah! Easy, Sparkles! It’s okay! I can explain!” The Valkyrie consoled her with a kind smile.

“S-ss-s-s-sparkles?!!” She muttered, her cheeks getting red, in a stark realization of why the Alicorn in front of her looked so familiar, beneath her armor. “S-Sunset Shimmer?!?!”

“Yep. But not the one you know.” Tilting her head, Sunset continued to be amused by this superhero version of her wife.

Rainbow taped her muzzle with a hoof, pensively. “Wait. ‘Sunset Shimmer’, meaning the ‘hot’ punk unicorn you told us is your coworker?”

Hopping around giddily, teasing Twilight, Pinkie made kissy faces. “The ‘hot punk coworker’ you tooooootally don’t think is out of your league and toooootally don’t have a crush on??”

This made Twilight groan and fluster in embarrassment, and Sunset snicker with joy.

Widening her eyes in surprise, Applejack looked at Twilight in confusion. “Sunset Shimmer the punk girl that went ballistic and became a super villain a couple years ago?!”

Blowing raspberries, Sunset narrowed her eyes, at embarrassment of her other self. “...Yep. That’s the one.”

Fluttershy, still in her hulking monstrous form, roared in confusion at her friends, and Rainbow was quick to act.

“Eaaaasy, big guy!! Fight’s over!” she flew to the hulking monster’s shoulder and started petting her, while saying a couple of calming affirmations; And slowly, with a few quiet giggles, Fluttershy turned back into her normal, dainty pegasus self. “There ya go!” Dash gave her a smile before joining the others again.

Sunset had a grimace of disgust, and yet, respect for her shy friend having such power. “Wow. That’s grotesque. Good for you, Fluttershy.”

With a giggle, the pegasus approached her friends properly. “T-thank you, stranger! So are you the ‘Sunset Shimmer’ that Twilight gave a job position side by side with her at the mayor’s office?”

Twilight, still a bit embarrassed, turning to her hero friends, a bit frantic, gave them commands. “Radiance! Cage the Valkyrie, now!”

“Oh–-I guess, if you say so, darling!” With a wave of her horn, Rarity made a construct cage around Sunset, who didn’t even flinch. She merely looked at Twilight. “This really isn’t necessary, Twi. I can just teleport out of this, you know?”

“Mare-Velous! Ready the lasso of truth!!” Twilight commanded Applejack, who stepped forward, hesitantly to touch the fiery Alicorn.

And Sunset, of course, didn’t even flinch. “Whenever you’re done being suspicious of me, I have to tell you about that alien robot– It’s pretty important. I won't be in this universe for very much longer, so…”

“O-okay, y-you… Sunset! If that IS who you really are!” Twilight stood in front of the cage, having to look up to her prisoner, who, for the sake of practicality, decided to simply lay down and lounge, while smiling at her fearlessly and with amusement.

Applejack hesitantly approached the Valkyrie, and offered her the lasso, while she still held it with her teeth. “Um, tie this in your hoof or somethin, lady.”

The Princess of Valor complied, amusingly following along. The lasso began glowing as it was wrapped in one of her front legs.

“Okay, okay then!” Twilight scanned the prisoner with her gaze. “Who are you, really!! Why do you look like the Sunset Shimmer I know, except taller, and umm,”

“Buff as hell???” Pinkie asked, snickering.

“Super awesome and cool?” Rainbow chuckled along.

“Less sleep deprived?” Rarity giggled.

Blowing raspberries, Twilight frowned. “J-just answer the question, please, you…!”

Snickering, Sunset began talking, and found that through the effects of the lasso, she couldn’t stop. “I am Sunset Shimmer from another universe. One in which I’m married to you, and we’re both Princesses that will inherit Equestria. I miss you so much, even when I meet other versions of you– And it feels especially painful sometimes, like the multiverse is mocking me. So many worlds in which I actively avoided you, so many worlds in which I’m never close to you. I’ve been kind of pushing to get other versions of me to be with you, because I know that you were the best thing that ever happened to me; You’re everything, and I’m never surprised, whenever I go into a universe, and see you in a position of leadership and power, while retaining your humility and kindness, and it’s just so beautiful—”

“O-okay you can stop talking now!!” Twilight, flustering like hell, smiled sheepishly at the information dump that just crashed on her.

Sunset blinked a couple times, staring at the lasso that entangled her, and then looking back at the heroes. “Um. What exactly is this rope doing to me?”

Rarity giggled, bringing a hoof to her lips. “Sounds like the new hero in town has a thing for you, darling!”

Snickering, Rainbow dash side eyed Twilight. “Sounds like a lot more than just a thing, heheh.”

Hopping closer with a jokey giggle, Pinkie teased her leader. “Wow, congrats on the wedding, boss!”

Shaking herself off, ignoring her friend’s comments, Twilight tried letting go of the fluster, and asked her prisoner another question. “H-hey!! We’re not done! Sunset, um, why did you come here, and how?!”

And, through the effects of the lasso, the Valkyrie began talking and did not stop. “I’m not here on purpose– I’m cursed. I was cursed by somepony on my world, and every hour I’m shot into another universe, landing right next to the Sunset that lived or died in it. I just landed in the office on city hall, besides your Sunset, too– She doesn’t know you’re a superhero. Which, by the way, how does anypony not know? Hell, maybe I’m biased, but I’d recognize your cute face anywhere. Either way, I’ve been trying to help the universes I run into to pass the time, while I wait for my wife to pick me up– But I’m slowly realizing just how difficult that might be, and hesitantly accepting the idea that I might die long before she finds me—” Quickly, she untied the lasso off her hoof, teleported out of the cage, and stared at the floor, breathing heavily.

“U-um… Are you okay…?” Twilight asked, tilting her head in concern.

Shaking her head, the Valkyrie stepped closer. “I’m fine. Let’s continue.” She said, as AJ offered the lasso again, and she tied it once more, this time, uncaged.

“Okay, so… How do you know all of us, and our secret identities…?” Twilight asked, significantly calmer.

Exhaling, the Valkyrie spoke once more. “We’re best friends in my universe. We’re all part of a team– Me and my Twilight are the leaders, and we save the world often, much like all of you. It’s pretty hard not to recognize my friends, when I spend so much time with them day by day– But one thing that has been twisting at me in the multiverse, is that Sunset Shimmer– The other Sunset Shimmers; They are rarely if ever even close to being part of the team. I’m constantly seeing myself on the sidelines, or even further. I don’t know if I should feel lucky in my world, or just sad over the others– it’s so often that I see the six of you together, but so rarely am I ever a part of it, and it makes me feel–” She untied the lasso again, huffing, grunting.

“I-it's okay. Take your time…” Twilight nodded slowly, coming to terms with how the hero in front of her might truly be feeling.

Sniffling, Fluttershy winced. “G-gosh, that is just so sad…!”

All of the heroes regarded her with pity and confusion, the lasso of truth compelled her to speak her mind, and it was easy to notice she was hurting, but not physically.

“It’s fine.” Sunset tied the lasso on her hoof again. “C’mon, in less than an hour, I’ll be shot into the next universe, ask me about the robot.”

“O-okay…!” Twilight nodded, quickly glancing at the defeated machine behind the Valkyrie. “Okay, so… What is that thing, and how did you beat it so easily…?”

“That is only a scout– A scout of an ancient alien automaton hivemind, created only for war and harvesting planets, who are called ‘Argent’– There is no living being controlling it, the creators are long extinct, all they do is harvest planets and multiply, in perpetual war. That scout was here to scan the planet for its resources, and assess its threat level. If it was here, it’s possible that you’re due for an alien robot invasion in a month, but lucky for you, not nearly all of them are as tough as the scouts. They will come to harvest your planet of all its resources, and eliminate all of the living things here. I know all of this, because I beat them– Me, my friends, my wife, pretty much all of Equestria united as one to destroy them a year ago, and it was when me and my wife actually got married, funny enough. Despite being a war where all our friends and foes gathered together under the same banner of unity, all that really matters to me about that day is that in that battlefield in the skies, I realized I wanted to spend an eternity with Twilight Sparkle, and she realized the same, so–” She untied the lasso, her face getting redder, muttering in frustration. “I hate this fucking thing.”

Swooning a bit, Rarity added her two scents. “Awww, that is so romantic!~”

Applejack tilted her head in confusion. “Romantic??-- Rares they got married in a war!”

Shaking her head, before putting the lasso on again, Sunset addressed the leader. “Twilight, the Argent are serious business- I need to tell you as much information as possible so you can save your world, okay? Remember, I’ll only be in this universe for a little while longer!”

“Right!” Twilight nodded, and just then, Civilians finally started coming out to the buildings and streets, applauding and cheering for the battle the Power Ponies had just won. “Um, maybe we should continue this elsewhere…?”

“I’ll follow your lead.” Sunset smiled, with the obvious nostalgia of having said those same words to her wife an uncountable number of times.

“Alright, everypony!” Twilight beckoned the heroes, who followed her. “To the ‘Power Pony Penthouse’!”

Managing her two lives was always a struggle for our beloved hero, Twilight Sparkle– The great responsibility of being a hero that saves the city, and sometimes the world, matched by her responsibility of being a hard working mare on a day-to-day basis, both were in a constant battle for dominance of her attention!

A day after the incident with the alien robot, she went to work as usual, blessing her luck for the battle not having destroyed City Hall, after all, it was her workplace, and a place she loved to work in!

Greeting Mayor Celestia, attempting to be casual about the incident, she went straight for her object of interest at the moment, her coworker, Sunset Shimmer, who worked only a table away from her!

“Hey, Sparkles. I’d ask you if you heard about the giant robot attack, but it’s hard to ignore the huge crater in our front door, heh.” The Punk Unicorn smiled deviously, reveling on her casual courage, which could always be mistaken as a self destructive instinct by some!

“Y-yes!” Our hero nodded nervously, getting a bit closer to her coworkers desk, with a shy smile, adjusting her glasses! “U-um, it must have been pretty crazy!! Did you get to see it from up close…?”

With a shrug and a smile, the love interest of our hero drank a bit of coffee, before smiling at her, while touching her now replaced table! “Sorta. The Mayor dragged me outta the building before we could. But it’s kind of nuts– That robot was not the strangest thing that happened to me yesterday. The weirdest thing, right here…”

“Want to tell me over dinner?” Our hero gave her a toothy grin, suppressing her awkward fluster, as she took a courageous emotional leap forward! “I-I mean, after work, if you’d like, we could go out…?”

For a moment, Sunset simply analyzed her coworker with her gaze, but then she smiled, much to our hero’s relief– nodding! “Sure, why not.”

A huge wave of relief passed by our hero, as she sat back on her desk, and returned to work. She had a lot to worry over, a lot to consider and overthink– And now, on that list of worries, was a date with none other but her coworker, Sunset Shimmer!

She considered for a moment, the strangeness of having met another version of her coworker, one that was valiant, powerful– Maybe more powerful than any foe she had ever faced, maybe more powerful than any of her friends– And how that inspired her to commit to the feelings she might have towards Sunset Shimmer…!

Will Twilight manage to balance the responsibilities of being a hero, as she tries to balance a normal life?

Will Twilight manage to have a wonderful date with her coworker, in which none of her hero responsibilities interfere, where she can simply devote herself to a normal relationship with Sunset Shimmer?

Will a mighty alien invasion truly come to threaten our beloved Maretropolis?

Find out next time, on Power Ponies and the Ravenous Rampage of the Robotic Androids from another galaxy, part 1!

Blood Diamond, Rotten Apple

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Blood Diamond, Rotten Apple

Flying practice was just an excuse to hang out for Sunset at this point. Rainbow Dash made for good company, and despite her being very verbal about how ‘awesome’ Sunset had performed so far, how much she had learned about flight since becoming an Alicorn, and how she did not need lessons anymore, Sunset didn’t mind– After all, any good excuse to spend with a friend, right?

And today there was a bonus; They were taking Scootaloo for a ride. The filly gleefully spread her little wings and front hooves, as she rode on Rainbow’s back, feeling the wind in her face, cherishing the high altitudes she was being taken through.

And naturally, spending time together like this led to any number of fun conversations, no matter how esoteric. “Vampire? Your girlfriend was a vampire? You’re kidding me, right?” Sunset chuckled in surprise and confusion.

“Nope, hah!” Letting out laughter, Rainbow shook her head. “Vampire ‘fruit-bat’, a biiiiit simpler than just a vampire. Less dangerous, that’s for sure!”

Although Sunset had been more than acquainted with plenty of the adventures that her girlfriend had had before she came along, she still managed to be surprised, every once in a while. “I’ll say. So she doesn’t need to drink any blood, right? Or didn’t, I suppose? Did she bite any of you?”

Grinning, Rainbow swerved a bit in her flight, to give the filly that rode her back a couple of fun tilts and tricks. “Nah, don’t worry, she only needed to drink from fruits. She did get like, bat ears, bat wings, the works– It was a good look on her– And fun fact, she still has the pointy teeth! For the record, just sayin’, if she asked to bite me, I wouldn’t say no, ya know?” She winked, with a smirk, and Sunset knew exactly what she meant, and agreed completely, with her own smirk.

“Oh yeah. If Twilight was a vampire, I’d let her take a bite outta me, I don’t care.” Sunset smiled mischievously.

Scootaloo, however, despite being focussed on feeling the wind, still had the chance to make an “Ew! Gross!” Commentary on the conversation.

“So how did she get turned back into regular Fluttershy? Wait– Lemme guess– Twilight?” Sunset tilted her head, realizing the ending of an adventure with her six friends was predictable at this point, something that made her smile.

“Hah, yep! She made up a spell to reverse it, and everything turned out okay. I do think it’s cool though– Pointy teeth are a look, and Fluttershy is no stranger to pulling off looks! She can make anything work, heheheh.” Rainbow gushed about her girlfriend gleefully.

Groaning of annoyance, Scootaloo poked the pegasus she was riding. “Blergh! If you two are gonna be talking about girlfriend stuff, I'm jumping off, I swear!”

Jokingly, Sunset made some kissy faces, mocking the idea. “Awww this might be you someday, Scootie!! You might have a pony to gush over, and do kissy kiss stuff with in the future, just saying!”

The filly’s face grew slightly red, as she closed her eyes and pouted. “Bah! There’s no space on the podium of awesomeness where Scootaloo will be!!” She said dramatically, in a way that made Rainbow Dash proud, which only resulted in the two adults laughing a bit more.

“Can’t we talk about something cool and awesome?!” The Filly complained. “Like– Are you two gonna compete in the upcoming regional race together again?! It was so sad to see you two didn’t get to have medals last time, maybe this time…?”

With a chuckle, Sunset shrugged. “I’m pretty happy with how last time went, to be honest! And I’m not sure that they’d allow an Alicorn to compete, it might be a little unfair, heheh. But I could ask!”

Scootaloo let out a groan of disappointment, and Rainbow nudged her. “Hey kiddo don’t be like that! I know I’ll definitely participate, if you wanna root for me. But Sunset’s right though– Considering how well she performed without wings, I can’t even imagine how she’d wreck that race now!” She let out gleeful laughter, reminiscing on the wonderful time.

“On that note, kiddo–” Sunset smirked, changing the subject. “You ready for this?”

Nodding enthusiastically, Scootaloo flapped her tiny wings in excitement. “Yeah! Yeahyeahyeah!! Thanks for being here to cover me, Sunset! Just like Dash!!”

“Hey, it’s even safer with two of us!” Rainbow gave her a warm smile. “Ready to fly, Scoots?” She proclaimed joyfully, readying her movements, looking back to the filly with that same warm smile.


Together, the Alicorn and the Pegasus dived, and due to the extremely high altitudes, the fall was almost gentle.

Scootaloo let go of her hero, and allowed herself to float, or more precisely, fall. She giggled joyfully, as Equestria looked so far away, Ponyville was so far away, and it was like she could see everything.

With a wide smile, she flapped her tiny wings. She knew she could never fly properly; But falling, and directing said falling with her wings? Absolutely. She could control her movement, practice tricks, and more importantly, feel the wind and the skies in her face.

She took great joy in spinning, flipping, directing her movement with gleeful flaps of her small wings. She could visualize plenty of trick ideas as she did this, and practice them on the fly.

And she knew she was perfectly safe– After all, two of the coolest ponies in Equestria were there to cover for her; Making sure that she would reach the ground safely.

So for a few brief wonderful moments, as she fell through the skies, safeguarded by two of the most prolific fliers in Equestria, she felt like she could truly fly.

Applejack had spent the last few years of her life in survival mode.

Stick to the shadows. Don’t take many risks. Pounce only when necessary; When you see an opening.

If they try to corner you, run. If they’re alone, fight, kill.

It was ironic, in a world where creatures of the night roamed free, that she spent most of her time underground, or in hiding, much like the other few survivors that hadn’t turned into one of them.

But she didn’t care much. Although she was hunted, she was often the hunter.

And many of them feared her.

This night, this eternal night, was like any other, for her. She walked quietly by the border of Everfree forest, using its foliage as cover, observing Ponyville; Considering another target, considering another supply run.

The Blood moon bathed all of Equestria in a strange glow. One she had distaste on being used to. She tilted her hat, narrowing her eyes, gazing into the night.

It was meant to be an eternal night like any other. But it wasn’t.

As she gazed above the skies in Ponyville, she could see a swarm of them– Chasing something… Chasing someone through the night skies.

She narrowed her gaze, and could see something peculiar– The thing they were chasing glowed like a star.

It glowed like the sun.

And just like that, a massive blast of light lit the night sky, and all of those chasing it were sent packing, disbanding in fear, scattering.

All except one. Applejack ran towards the edge of the forest, seeing this newcomer fall onto Ponyville.

‘Curiosity killed the cat’ Her mind told her, but no, this wasn’t just curiosity. If Celestia was somehow free, she HAD to help her. She could be the key to solving everything. And if there was somehow a sun Alicorn around, well… The same rule applied.

She ran towards the town she used to call home, and took cover behind a house, looking at the plaza that the strange glowing pony had just landed on.

And it was indeed, one of the strangest sights she had ever seen.

A vampire pony was pinned down, her muzzle forced on the ground, squirming in anger, but completely subdued, and above her, pinning her down, was… A pony identical to her.

No. Not identical. Bigger. An alicorn. And a fully armored one, at that.

“You’re kidding me, right? Everypony in this universe is a vampire?! And not even fruit-bats– You monsters actually drink blood?! What a fucking mess…! What’s next, zombies?!” The Princess of Valor snarled at her other self, questioning her, running through her memories. “And what, you’re just a foot soldier? A bloodhound?!”

“Hah!! Look at you, big and tough, laugh it up if you want– I didn’t need to be Celestia’s perfect little pupil to grow wings, see? I’m fucking HAPPY!!!” Her other self hissed, spreading her bat-like wings almost gleefully.

Shaking her head, ignoring her other self, the Valkyrie snarled. “Where’s your boss’s lair?”

“HAH!” The vampire Sunset hissed. “As if I’d ever tell you, loser!!”

“Heh. you just did.” Grinning, just by asking that question, it was made perfectly easy for Sunset to read her other self’s memories, and find the answer.

“Now beat it.” The Valkyrie let go of her other self, who skittered and flew away, not before shouting some insults. “You’ll be lucky if you last ten hours around here, other me! Every single vampire will want the blood of an Alicorn; You’re fresh meat!!”

Scoffing, the Valkyrie ignored her. “‘Ten hours.’ What a joke.”

The night was quiet once more, as the Princess of Valor watched her bat-like-self disappear into the darkness, and then observed the Blood moon, ominously bathing the entire world in a red hue.

“Ugh… Damnit.” She said, exhaling, but then, turning, she readied herself to take flight, and ready for a fight. “Canterlot, Canterlot… This-a-way.” She muttered.

“WAIT!” Applejack yelled, as she ran forward. “You there!! Who are you?! Why and how are ya an Alicorn!!?”

Halting, the gaze of the Princess of Valor inspected the newcomer. Applejack looked rough. A handful of scars, a busted up long leather jacket, and her hat had seen better days. The most interesting object she wore was a collar– A metal, spiked collar around her neck. Sunset could easily deduce that her not being a Vampire and the way she carried herself was very connected.

“Woah, AJ. You look rough. Are there more like you around? Y’know. Not bloodsuckers?” The Valkyrie approached her, cautiously, but relaxed.

“Not many. Good, ya heard of me–Before anythin’, let’s get inside. The queen will have seen that big light blast ya made; No point in leaving ourselves exposed.” The Ex-Farmer shook her head, leading the way, and the Alicorn followed without hesitation.

Running out of there, a vampire hissed at them from one of the rooftops. “Lookie here, Applejack’s got a new buddy!! We’ll bleed her dry, just like all the others, hunter!!” The bloodsucker scorned.

With one single hoof stomp on the floor, Applejack turned and glared at the vampire– Which sent the creature flying into the night, terrified.

Having to explain this again and again had gotten tiring at this point, so the Princess of Valor tried leaving it simple, as they walked through the dark forest. “Okay, I’ll try to make this simple, but I'm not from around here, and I can only stay in your world for an hour. So if you need help from a princess of the sun, I’m all yours.”

Hearing all of this was certainly a hard and confusing pill to swallow– But Applejack wasn’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth. “Okay, I only understood some of that– But yer an Alicorn, and a damn powerful one– So follow my lead– I know just how ya can help us.”

They were enveloped by the darkness of the forest, with only a few specks of the blood moon light showering them from above, as Applejack led them to a very small hidden cave, covered by foliage. Sunset’s survival instincts were heightened, she was aware of every sound. The last thing she needed was to become a vampire multiversal traveler.

Sunset couldn’t help but deviate, as her mind went elsewhere. “Last universe I saw you in, you were a sheriff. You had arrested the other me, but then deputized me. It was pretty funny.”

“Huh? Ya lost me, partner.” Applejack tilted her head in confusion, looking at her ally, considering her sanity.

“Nevermind.” Sunset suppressed a chuckle with an exhale. “Just saying, clock’s ticking, If you want my help fixing this world, we better hurry.” She looked around cautiously, at the darkness of the forest.

“I ain’t exactly got a plan yet, we gotta think it over.” Sniffing the air, Applejack found a little cave, hidden, covered by vines. A special little nook that was quite effectively covered. “I got hideouts like these all over the forest– Some even in town, too. Sadly most of em’ don’t got any survivors in em’... Anymore.” They walked together, in a small pathway into the dark, until they reached a small, almost cozy room. She lit a lamp with some difficulty, bathing the dark crevice in pale orange light.

A quick glance around definitely implied a lot– There were some canned fruit kept safely in crates, sleeping bags, some old magazines, and plenty of weapons– most of them made from wood, surprisingly, or unsurprisingly, when you considered a vampire’s weakness.

“I’m Applejack, by the way. Vampire hunter.” She offered a hoof.

“Sunset Shimmer. Princess of Valor.” She shook the hoof with a smile. “Those blood suckers seemed to be pretty sensitive to my light magic… You know, I could just raise the sun, if it’d help””

“Y-ya can?!” Applejack’s eyes widened, but she was quick to dismiss the idea. “No!! Ya can’t… It’d be genocide– Those monsters might be horrible, and have taken over Equestria… but some of them were friends. Family.” She shook her head, sitting down, with an exhale. “There ain’t no point in ‘savin’ a world with nopony alive in it.”

Sunset nodded quietly– It’d be indeed too easy. But simply burning everything wasn’t a solution. Applejack groaned, stretching, as she opened a handful of crates, gathering weapons. “We tried finding a cure at first. But it aint just a need for blood that they have– it’s a bloodlust. It warps them. At first, they divided into clans, with plenty of infighting, but…”

Pensively, Sunset leaned against a wall. “You know, I’m pretty sure there’s a way to reverse vampirism… Where’s the Twilight Sparkle of this world? She would know.”

Applejack let out a scoff. “She’s one of them. One of their highest rankin’ commanders, too. She ain’t helpin nopony.”

Exhaling, Sunset sat down. For a moment she did consider how hot her wife would look as a vampire– Then pushed those thoughts away; They were very, very distracting. Applejack scratched the rocky floor absentmindedly, and in anger. “– But one thing ya can def help me with– I been lookin to kill their leader for a while. She basically united every vampire clan, even managed to leave the sky in the state it is– Her and her commanders are a huge threat. They took everything from me… She took everything.”

Nodding, Sunset observed more of the surroundings. Was this all that Applejack had, for years? …If there was anything she could do to help a friend, she would. “Roger that. I can definitely help. I won’t go scorched earth if you don’t think it’s necessary– If you just need help with one, I’m here”

Slowly, Applejack nodded too. She was covered in wooden stakes now, nearly, and with the way she moved, it seemed like she had had plenty of practice.

“Right. Who's the leader then, Fluttershy? In my world, she was the one that–”

“No, it ain’t her. Fluttershy is one of the commanders.” the Ex-Farmer shook her head dismissively, as she finished arming herself.

She paused, only for a moment. “The vampire queen is called Rarity. Will you help me put her out of her misery?” Applejack narrowed her eyes in determination.

“R-Rarity? You want to kill Rarity…?” Sunset suppressed her suprise; This universe was more bizarre by the second.

“‘Course I do! I been trying to do it for years– She rules over all the vampire clans. She’s been huntin’ me down just as long as I hunted her, but I never managed to get to her– If we kill her, there’ll be infightin’; Each of the leaders of the vampire clans will want to claim her spot-- The clans will be at each other's throats– Literally. It’d be perfect… And she’d finally be at peace.”

“What about finding a cure?” Sunset scanned her friend with a gaze.

“Many of us abandoned that idea for a long, long time. I got a friend named Zecora that is still trying; But getting any ingredients is impossible, with the world like this. The moment that eternal night came, going outside at any time was a danger. If we kill the queen, it’ll give us survivors a reprieve, with their infightin’– It’d be much easier for us to move about, maybe finally make a cure. I have to kill Rarity.” She affirmed as much without hesitation, even if with a little bit of something in her voice, something that Sunset could notice. Maybe desperation.

“Do you, now?” The Valkyrie tilted her head with a smile.

“What’s so funny exactly? Is humor different in yer world or somethin’?”

“Sorry, it’s just… Heh.” Sunset shook her head with a chuckle. “In my world, you and Rarity are lovers. Have been since I’ve known you, actually. It’s kind of weird to hear you say you want to kill her without hesitation– It feels like a joke, almost.”

The hunter’s eyes twitched, as her lips quivered. But it led to a snarl. “I could NEVER love that wretched demoness! She’s the leader of all these monsters! They took our world, they took everything!”

“Yeah, yeah. You used to be close though, right? Friends? Maybe more?” Tilting her head, the Valkyrie narrowed her eyes, looking through her with a smile. “Are all of her commanders your friends?”

“Most of em’.” She grumbled. “But that don’t change nothin. Drivin’ a stake through her heart is gonna make everypony’s life here much, much easier. Mine, specially.”

“Right. Okay. Let me show you something.” Sunset lent her a hoof. “And if you still feel the same way after, I’ll have no problem helping you kill her.”

“Show me what? Whadayamean?” She accepted the hoof.

And just like that, Sunset quickly showed Applejack a memory or two of her and Rarity together.

I had only been in the team for a couple of weeks. I had hesitated to accept Twilight’s request, after all, I was just the messed up Unicorn that had turned into a demon and almost killed her– Why would I deserve to be here?

Hastingly, but carefully, Sunset ran through the halls of Twilight’s castle, carrying with her magic a bundle of papers and other assorted items that she knew Twilight would want at their meeting– She still had some trouble finding her way around the castle, but she had gotten ready extra early to compensate for it.

I hadn’t started being an overachiever yet. In fact, most of those weeks I spent almost like a zombie. Complying to one thing or another, but having no energy whatsoever.

Any attempts of the group to ‘integrate’ me or ‘befriend’ me felt forced.

“I-I’m here!!” Sunset spoke, and regretted speaking as loud as she did, but was then pleased to find that the table was empty– Except for one pony.

Twilight had saved me only recently– And just like that, she was already becoming my entire world, my entire life. Not that I was even close to being ready to admit that.

After all, I had never been in love like that– Much less understood what being with somepony like that would look like… Until I met you two.

“Um. Hi, Rarity.” She said awkwardly, shaking off her exhaustion, and climbing onto her seat, avoiding eye contact. The chair was made of crystal, and it had her cutie mark… Taped to it. Drawn on a piece of paper.

“Good morning, Sunset! Nice to see you taking the initiative and arriving early– Have you been sleeping well?” Rarity, smiling, applying her makeup as she looked at a small mirror, seemed quite chipper, in opposition to the punk unicorn that had just arrived, looking exhausted.

All that Sunset could do was shrug and offer a mumbled affirmation, as she prepared her paperwork. She had definitely not been sleeping well, with dreams that were wracked with guilt, and nightmares that burdened her with her demonic mistakes and fears.

And Rarity could tell.

Rarity could tell that an ice breaker was necessary.

I hadn’t gotten closer with anypony in the group yet. Pinkie had certainly made some solid attempts, some that were very very welcome– But not effective, in my state. And Twilight… I felt guilty just by being in her presence. I often felt like running away.

I strongly considered it, too. And in many universes, I did.

I don’t know what it is with Rarity… She could always tell when I was hurting– And she could tell when I was in love with Twilight. But it’s like she was a mind reader.

Ironic, coming from me.

“Oh, darling…” She shook her head, with a wry smile. Sunset stopped on her tracks, unsure if she was making a mistake– Most of her motions and words were like walking on a minefield to her, recently. She hesitated with everything.

Letting out a snicker, Rarity motioned with a hoof, with that same smile. “I wouldn’t put important papers over there, by the way.”

Hesitating once more, Sunset made the papers float in a stack once more, trying to organize them, afraid she had made a mistake.“U-um. Okay. Wait, why?”

By default, I expected every single one of my actions to be wrong, back then.

Still smiling, still checking her mirror, she responded, every word rejoiced, every word enjoyable. “Oh, you know. Applejack had to run an errand, but me and her both got here early. Let’s just say we took the opportunity to ‘pass the time together’... All over this table.” She said so in an almost bragging tone.

Sunset’s eyes widened, then narrowed, then moved to the table, then back at Rarity. She then began chuckling– Not fake laughter, genuine, real laughter; Coupled with a genuine smile, no matter how tired. “Pfff… Good one, Rarity. You got me. Hah. And I thought Pinkie was the joker.”

Placing the papers down again resulted in Rarity interjecting quickly. “Oh, I wouldn't put them over there either, darling.”

It then dawned on me that she wasn’t joking– Slowly, but surely, and I came to realize that these ponies I was working with, no matter how strange… They knew how to have a good time.

“You… You’re serious.” Sunset couldn’t help but smirk– The kind of smirk someone has when they hear a dirty joke.

“Dead serious.” Rarity winked.

Sunset had to channel so much of her inner strength not to burst out in laughter, here and now.

Two ponies had fucked on top of the table of friendship.

Try not to laugh challenge– Impossible.

She moved the papers, Rarity shook her head, she moved them again, another shake of the head, until she moved one more time, and Rarity nodded.

“Good… Good for you.” Sunset grinned, her teeth grinding fiercely, as she suppressed laughter. “Um, just asking, why exactly did you tell me?”

“Because I trust you can keep a secret, friend.” She gave Sunset a genuine, warm smile. But then it turned devious. “And because nopony will ever believe you.” With an eyebrow raised, the seamstress closed her mirror and put it away, scanning the new member of their team for how well she’d process this information.

I know it might seem like the kind of thing that I should find strange. The kind of thing that should put me off. But that interaction just made me feel a bit more at ease– Knowing that the ponies I worked with weren’t perfect little saints made it so much easier to accept my mistakes.

And not just that. The fact that she was open about it.

And that’s why I burst out laughing, just then.

“HAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHHAHAHA OH MY– PFFHAHAHA” Sunset needed to hold the table not to collapse in laughter– Laughing so much she needed water. And Rarity joined in with her own devious snickers.

The laughter continued, as she leaned her forehead on the table– With Sunset having realized she hadn’t laughed like this for a long, long time.

And she kept snickering for a little while longer, until she managed to speak. “T-thanks, Rarity. I needed that. Heheheh…”

“Don’t mention it, darling.” She received another sly wink, from a delighted unicorn.

Soon enough Applejack entered the room, carrying a basket full of snacks, looking like she had just run a marathon, but happy nonetheless. “I’m back, sugarcube! Oh hi, Sunset! Whatcha laughin’ about?”

Naturally, the punk unicorn was a bit preoccupied with containing more snickers, before managing to respond; An action that seemed difficult, when one of the key players of this conversation had just entered the room.

“Oh, you know, dear…” Rarity pulled her love close, kissing her gently and then whispering something in her ear, something that spread warmth all across Applejack’s face. They remained like that, for a little bit, beholding each other with affection.

It was new to me. That kind of love and affection, that kind of closeness and intimacy, I hadn’t ever seen anything like it.

After receiving another whisper, Applejack’s eyes widened, and she quickly turned to the other unicorn in the room “Um! Okay! Uh, yeah, uh, Rarity’s just joshin’ ya, Sunset! She likes to joke around! Nevermind none!”

Yeah it could have been just a joke. But it didn’t matter to me much. I saw those two being close, closer than I ever saw anypony together, and I realized that maybe I wanted something like that for myself, too.

Much like Rarity described, time and time again, a ‘Fairytale romance’ always seemed unimaginable to me, even as a foal.

But I was seeing it, kind of. I could envision it.

“Sure I am.” Rarity affirmed mischievously, not before bringing her love’s face closer. “Now eyes on me, darling.” And of course, Applejack obeyed implicitly, and they kissed once more.

Every affection, every nuzzle, every kiss, felt like a gift, to you two.

I didn’t understand it. But I felt it.

And it certainly influenced me, in some ways, to pursue that kind of love for myself.

What about you?

Applejack recoiled, breathing uneasily, fiddling with her hat. Her face demonstrated some anger– But a fluster betrayed her. There was a certain nostalgia that she felt, after being shown that. Years she thought were behind her. She spoke quietly. “So… What was that? What could have been?”

“What is.” Sunset narrowed her eyes. “In my world, at least.”

Sitting down, the Ex-Farmer stared at the floor. “Me and that demoness… What a joke.” She muttered, shaking her head.

It wasn’t like the Princess of Valor wanted to dilly-dally or play cupid. She wasn’t Cadance. She just wanted to ensure a friend wouldn’t do something she couldn’t take back. “Do you still want to kill her? She was your friend. Could have been something more, too.”

“She was.” Applejack stated simply.

There was a brief moment of silence, where the hunter stared at the floor… Until she shook her head. “Rarity has to die. It has to be me.” Applejack muttered– The uncertainty in her tone was visible, even if she tried to hide it in anger.

“Sounds good.” Sunset shrugged and nodded. “I can fly us to Canterlot, if you need. That is her lair, right?”

“Right.” Applejack said, gathering her things, being ready for a fight, ready for anything.

“By the way…” Sunset began speaking, as they moved– She had come to a pretty good idea, as the Ex-Farmer spent time reminiscing. “I have a plan– One that hasn’t failed me yet, if you want to get a shot at her– I think that we can combine killing Rarity and finding a cure into one single plan.”

Her ears twitched, but Applejack kept looking forward. “Must be some plan, then. What is it?”

“Well…” Sunset grimaced. “You’re not gonna like it. At all. But you’d have one-on-one time with Rarity, and I could go find out the cure in the meantime.”

Exhaling in annoyance, she turned her head slightly at the Alicorn, still leading the way. “Just tell me how I’d kill her.”

“Okay. Hmm… How do I say this…” She took a moment to consider her words. “Have you had a ‘Midnight Sparkle’ In this world before?”

“Um… No? Who’s that?”

Chuckling, considering her past, Sunset began explaining to her in detail, how to beat a powerful pony that has the hots for you; Something she had ample experience with.

Life was certainly comfortable, for Sunset Shimmer. Without much challenge.

She lounged on her long couch, eating fruit. Her horn was bound, denied of magic, but she was not chained. The prison she was in, or more precisely the home she was in, was quite cozy. It had ample space, dozens upon dozens of books lined in shelves, many of which she had read, a king-sized royal-looking bed, a space for her to exercise, a space for her to paint and draw, a space for her to hang said drawings and paintings, and even one where she could practice guitar– Not to mention a beautiful balcony with a wonderful view of what remained of Ponyville below, and above it, the eternal night– One that was moonless, accentuated only with stars.

On any other day, she’d be comfortable, she’d be relaxed. But today had been a strange day.

She heard a certain someone approach, and chewed on one last grape for good measure. Shooting one last worried glance at the rafters above her, and then centering herself.

“Ohhhh Sunny Bunnyyyyyy!!” A familiar voice rang in the distance, with a certain flirtatious joy in her tone.

Soon enough, through the jailbars, Midnight Sparkle teleported inside the room. Wearing a dress which was adorned in stars, that clearly had been squeezed and torn through being worn under armor recently– She looked a bit tired; But none of that removed from her joy and excitement of being here, with Sunset. “I’ve got loooovely news! But first, how’s your night been? I missed you!” The Dark Alicorn said with a delighted smile, as she approached Sunset, and sat in front of her, on the floor.

“Great as usual! Can’t complain! Nothing new!” Sunset let out an awkward smile, as she pushed the fruit bowl away with a hoof. “...What’s the news you wanted to share?”

“Wait a second…!” Midnight sniffed the air, not in suspicion, but certainly having noticed an unusual smell, in curiosity– A curiosity that the unicorn could not allow.

Sunset quickly leaned forward and kissed Midnight on the cheek, then neck, then nuzzled her for good measure. “I missed you too, Sparkles.” She said with a very effectively flirtatious growl, as her own face grew a bit red. A perfect distraction to make Midnight let go of a scent.

Letting out adorable, if only a bit deranged giggles, Midnight looked at the unicorn she loved thoroughly. “Oh, you…!!! Ah, I always enjoy a homecoming…!” She said, nuzzling Sunset affectionately.

“So what’s the news, Midnight?” Sunset tried desperately, if not covertly, to get the conversation moving along.

“Oh, you’ll love this.” Waving her crooked, crystal-like horn, particles danced in the room, demonstrating images of what she was saying. “The land of the griffons has officially waved the white flag! Our kingdom continues to expand without any worthy resistance! Now all that remains is the Yaks and the Hippogriffs– Not long now, the whooole world will belong to us.~” above, images of Midnight spreading her wings, standing on all of Equestria, with Sunset in tow.

The Unicorn shuddered only a little– After all, she was used to all of this– As she watched the beautiful blue particles dance in the air of the room, indicating what the Dark Alicorn was explaining. And yet, without much fear, she tilted her head and spoke. “Um, your kingdom, Midnight. Not ‘ours’...”

With a pout, the dark alicorn frowned. “Humpf. You know the throne next to mine is still empty… I would love your company throughout the looooong, lonely campaigns of war…” She approached her love, looking at her with nearly sad eyes, that did not suppress her desire. “Don’t you want to let go already…? Be free, like me, Sunny Bunny…?” She was almost giving Sunset puppy dog eyes.

“Sorry, Sparkles. The answer is still no. I always enjoy your company, though…!” That wasn’t a lie. She still loved Twilight Sparkle through and through, in any form she took. Even this.

Hopping beside her on the couch, Midnight nuzzled her some more. “Aww, but we could be even closer, you know…! Imagine just what we could do, if you had your wings…!” And with that, she got on top of Sunset, pinning her on the couch further, with a mischievous smile, raising her wings. “You know, that campaign was soooooo exhausting. I’ve been soooo looking forward to some R&R with you, Sunny Bunny~”

Any other day, this would Sunset would have gone further with this immediately. But today had been a strange day.

Putting on another smile, Sunset moved a strand of hair away from her love’s eyes, and spoke sweetly. “You know what I’m craving for…? Cake. How about you make us some cake, and then I can give you that rest and relaxation…? I’ll be yours, Sparkles.”

Midnight’s face lit up with a toothy grin, and she teleported to the door. “YES! I’m on it! I’ll be riiiiight back, Sunny Bunny!! I’ll bake your favorite!!” The sounds of her powerful teleportation could be heard echoing in her castle as she moved further away.

Sunset let out a nervous exhale, as the room went quiet once more.

…But not for long.

“You’ve gotta be kidding me.” The annoyed voice of the Princess of Valor could be heard muttering from the rafters.

“Y-you can come down now. She’ll be gone for a little while– Twilight struggled to bake cakes, but Midnight is learning.” Sunset flusteredly scratched her own mane.

The Valkyrie landed on the floor, looking at her thoroughly, as she disabled the invisibility spell she had cast on herself to keep Midnight none the wiser. “So what are you exactly– her pet? Does she walk you around on a leash?!”

“...Once or twice.” Flustering with only a bit of shame, Sunset averted looking at her other self.

Rubbing her temples, the Alicorn let out a frustrated exhale. “Did you not even try to beat her?! She took over Equestria– She imprisoned your friends– She took Twilight from you!!”

“She is Twilight!!– And for the record, you don’t see me with bat wings or sharp teeth, do you? I’m not helping her in her evil conquest, I’m not sharing the throne– I’m just… Well…”

“Just benefiting from being her plaything.” Crossing her arms, the Princess of Valor huffed at her other self with disappointment.

“I was going to say ‘accepting the cards I was dealt’ But if that’s how you want to put it, sure.” Blowing raspberries, Sunset laid back on the couch, not exactly regretting her actions. “Look, you don’t get it. She’s unbeatable– And besides, I couldn't ever even think of hurting her, she’s Twilight!! And if it makes you feel better, I’ve refused to join her, every time she asked! I’m literally in a prison right now!” Not exactly an uncomfortable one, though.

“Sounds like you didn’t refuse much else...” The Alicorn nearly chuckled, with the obvious implication of the previous conversation her other self and Midnight had shared, as she pointed with a hoof at the very messy, very big, very comfortable bed that Sunset likely shared with Midnight countless times at this point.

Despite the frustration she felt at her other self, she could at least tell that this Sunset was happy; And despite everything, seeing another self being happy was always comforting. …Even if it was at the cost of the world.

Groaning, Sunset rolled her eyes, and munched on another grape. “Did you just come to this universe to judge me, man?! Not cool! Midnight Sparkle is unbeatable! You’d know, if she existed in your universe!”

Once again suppressing a chuckle, the Valkyrie sat on another couch, looking through her other self. “She did. She did and I beat her. And looking at this universe– looking at you, this room– Has made me realize how easy it was.” She took a brief moment to exhale, reminiscing on her own past. “Y’know what's the stupidest part about this?! You were so close to being me!! The day I beat Midnight is when I became an Alicorn, and only a week later me and Twilight were a couple!!”

With her jaw dropping, eyes widening, Sunset stood, in disbelief. “Wha– You managed to beat Midnight, and bring Twilight back?? It was EASY?! How?!?!?!”

“You know what? I’m just going to show you. Your world is overdue for a saving, anyway. Just make sure you take the credit when I’m gone, okay?” The Valkyrie stood, and stretched. “Don’t make a sound; Watch and learn.” She cast a spell of invisibility on her other self, who remained quiet and still on the couch, with great expectation.

Inhaling, Sunset cast the calling spell– The spell that she and her wife used, time and time again, to call each other, no matter how far. And she smirked, because in only a second, she could hear the sounds of teleportation coming her way.

Midnight appeared in the room, flustering, her tail wagging, looking around frantically; With a couple of specks of cake batter in her cheeks. “U-um. D-did you call me, Sunny Bu–”

But she stopped. Because in front of her, was a Sunset that was taller than her, seemingly incredibly strong, with beautiful Alicorn wings on her back. Something that to Midnight Sparkle, who was already in love with a Sunset Shimmer, was breathtaking.

“Heya, Sparkles.” The Valkyrie gave her a tilt of the head, and a flirtatious smile.

“U-um, h-how did, w-what, u-um,” Midnight tried saying, as a fluster spread over her face, as she looked at the winged Sunset in front of her in complete disbelief.

“Oh, these?” the Alicorn spread and flexed her wings, coming even closer. “I was just thinking about how I wanted to spend a thousand years ruling Equestria with you, and well… Bang.”

“B–b-bang…?” Stuttering, Midnight nearly backed up, with an intense fluster; But she stayed put. She wanted this.

“Bang.” Sunset got really, really close, with that same flirtatious grin. “But you know, I’m not in a rush. I think I want something else, here and now.” The implications were clear, as their muzzles were incredibly close, she towered over the dark alicorn with that same captivating smile.

Sunset leaned in and licked a speck of cake batter off of Midnight’s cheek.

And naturally, Midnight was nearly unresponsive, completely shocked stiff by the incredible visage before her. “Wh– Huh?? Eh?? Huh?!”

Nearly an inch from kissing her, Sunset took action.

Charging her horn with incredible amounts of light energy, akin to that of a blade, she delivered one decisive, incredibly powerful strike on Midnight’s horn, breaking it fully, with her collapsing on the floor instantly.

The pony unconscious on the floor was now Twilight Sparkle once more.

Sunset looked at her invisible self, disabling the spell that hid her, and waved her hooves at Twilight's unconscious figure. “See how EASY that was?!!!! She’s COMPLETELY unresponsive when shown that level of affection by us!!! All you needed to do was ATTACK!!” The Valkyrie scoffed in annoyance.

Flabbergasted, shocked, Sunset ran to Twilight’s side. “H-her HORN was her weak spot??! Oh you’ve gotta be fucking KIDDING ME!?!–”

“I hate this plan.” Applejack muttered in annoyance. “I can’t believe I agreed to this.”

The spiked collar that she wore now had a chain, one that Sunset held with magic, pulling her forward; And not just that, she was barely holding any more weapons, only a stake or two that she hid inside her jacket. “Hey. If you want a chance at her, and for a chance of me getting the cure, this is the best plan. Reminder, I don’t have a lot of time in this world!”

“Bah. Fine. But if anything goes wrong, ya better start burning things!!” She said, blowing air from her nostrils.

“With pleasure.” The Alicorn let out a smirk.

They had finally reached the gates of Canterlot castle– And it was very clear now that they were being stalked by dozens upon dozens of vampires; Flying in the night sky, hiding in between the shadows of the homes, crawling on their rooftops.

Sunset’s horn light was not only very visible– It was also very dangerous to the vampires. And she wasn’t even using it at its strongest. She was like a bright star in a sea of darkness, her armor reflected the light even stronger, almost akin to that of a disco ball. Plenty of vampires attempted to get closer, only to recoil.

She cleared her throat, and yelled out. “I’M HERE TO STRIKE A DEAL WITH QUEEN RARITY. OPEN UP.”

A voice hissed from the shadows above in anger– Their red eyes glowing in the dark. “What do you have to offer the queen, bloodbag?”

“I believe that’s clear.” The Alicorn stated while yanking the chain of her ‘prisoner’ “Let me through or I’ll go through you.”

After a brief moment of quiet, where whispers in the dark spoke the name Applejack, the doors opened. “Showtime.” She whispered to Applejack, who snarled in anger. One thing was for sure, they were at the belly of the beast now.

The many, many vampires that surrounded them recoiled, as the two of them walked with some haste towards the throne room. It wasn’t a matter of fearing their opponents– Sunset’s time was limited.

Many whispers and hisses could be heard on this crowd that surrounded them. Applejack’s name was being snarled all around that darkness.

“They don’t seem like your biggest fans.” Sunset commented.

“I killed a lotta their kind.” Applejack stated plainly.

Their hoofsteps echoed on the chambers they passed– the entire castle was blanketed in darkness, only lit by the dim purple light of certain torches here and there. And of course, Sunset, lighting the way.

Vampires hid in every nook, every corner, recoiling when they saw them, stalking them as they moved.

“Having second thoughts?” Sunset whispered.

“No. If I die, I die. Just as long as I kill her first…” Applejack muttered back.

“Here we go.” They finally entered the room– The Canterlot throne room. Many of the stained glass windows had been changed or replaced, many of the decorations were in blood red.

Vampires were hanging from the ceiling, sitting on the corners, delighted at the sight of the two of them. Most windows were either open or broken, with the vampires crawling inside by the dozens. And of course, at the end of the room, stood only one throne, with one pony sitting atop it.

Rarity. The vampire queen.

She wore a silver crown, and an outfit laced with black and red; Plenty of jewelry, and a delighted, near manic toothy smile. “Oh my…~” She muttered with their approach.

Sunset’s heart fluttered for a moment when she noticed the two ponies that sat near her throne– Fluttershy on one side, and on the other… Twilight Sparkle. In full vampire getup and everything.

“Applejack, dear…” The Queen hissed in absolute delight. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you vulnerable. You still look as tasty as ever, though.” She licked her lips, reveling in this moment; Reveling on seeing her prey in chains.

No response from the Ex-Farmer, who simply glared at her.

Tilting her head, the Queen spoke mockingly. “What, no bite? Is that the cost of you finally being offered to me on a silver platter?” Several of the vampires that swarmed the room snickered deviously.

Besides her, Fluttershy shared in that glee. “Awww she must be sad to finally have been caught!! Ready to join her family, I bet!”

And Twilight Sparkle laughed too. “And it wasn’t even one of us that caught her! How amusing~”

Ignoring then, Sunset spoke plainly, and yet, dominated the room. “Queen Rarity. I’m here to make a deal.”

Scoffing, Rarity lounged on her throne, without much interest. “And to what do I owe a sun Alicorn the pleasure? You’ve certainly made quite an impression of yourself, with the mess you made in Ponyville, after appearing out of thin air…” Word traveled fast in the vampire kingdom. But Sunset was running out of time.

“I’m here for a prisoner exchange. You want Applejack, right?” The Alicorn tilted her head analytically.

Once again, licking her lips, the Queen delighted herself in beholding her prey. “Oh, yes, darling… She has been in our eyes for a long time, but never our fangs–” Once again, the vampires around them snickered, following along. And the queen bared her fangs with a smile. “Applejack the vampire hunter is finally mine.”

“Not yet.” The Alicorn narrowed her eyes. “If you want her, I can give her to you– But I want to make a trade.”

Rarity let out a cackle, and the vampires surrounding her cackled along as well. “And what exactly makes you think that you have the power to make any demands, Alicorn? You are surrounded by a thousand of us– You’re both in the belly of the beast!!”

Fluttershy, besides her, flapped her bat wings in joy. “What a joke!! She thinks she can overpower us!!”

And Twilight followed suit. “You’re dead meat, blood bags!!”

Sunset lit her horn, increasing its potency drastically, and the many vampires in the room began hissing and screaming in pain, the queen was quick to cover her body with a wing, but they all were feeling burns; While her two commanders hid behind her throne.

The Valkyrie spoke calmly and plainly. “Consider it a professional courtesy that I am not burning your castle down to the ground. Now, we can trade, or I can do just that. What will it be?”

The Queen, hissing in pain, gave in. “FINE! FINE! WHAT ARE YOUR TERMS?! AND TURN THAT BLOODY THING OFF!!”

Sunset complied, with a smile, allowing the light to dim once more. Smirking, she beheld her object of interest. “Simple terms. I give you Applejack, you give me Twilight Sparkle.”

A handful of whispers and murmurs of confusion echoed throughout the room, and the vampire Twilight tilted her head in surprise.

Snickering, Fluttershy glared deviously at the Alicorn. “You want one of our own– A commander, no less. Why?”

Sunset had no reason to give away her plan, much less to waste time. “My reasons are my own. Take it or leave it– You either hand Twilight Sparkle over to me, or me and Applejack teleport out of here, and you continue trying to catch her the old way. What will it be?”

“Deal.” Rarity spoke plainly. “Hand her over.”

Twilight beheld her in confusion. “R-Rarity, why?!”

Multiple vampires, in every corner, began questioning and wondering about her decision. After all, Twilight used to be an Alicorn; She was useful. She was one of them.

Snarling, Rarity quieted the doubters. “ARE YOU QUESTIONING MY COMMANDS?! Applejack has eluded our grasp for years! And here she is, all tied up in a neat bow! Now move along, Twilight. The deal is MADE.” She waved a hoof dismissively, and Twilight hesitantly accepted.

With a whisper, Applejack addressed her Alicorn friend. “I can’t believe that worked. Good luck.”

“You too. In case we never see each other again, it’s been a pleasure.” Sunset smiled with a nod, pushing the vampire hunter forward.

The exchange was made, and Rarity beheld Applejack like she was both a gift and meal. “I’m going to enjoy this.” She hissed.

Applejack did not respond, just looked behind her, at Sunset and Twilight.

For only a second, Sunset allowed herself to be lost on seeing her wife, baring her fangs, dressed in gothic clothing, with the red eyes of a predator. But unfortunately, there was no time to enjoy the sight.

“What do you want with me, Alicorn?!” She hissed with hatred.

“Not here.” Sunset declared, grabbing her– And just like that, she teleported them away from that place.

They were now somewhere in the Canterlot mountain, bathed in the blood moon light, and with the few lights that shone from the city and castle.

Twilight, looking around frantically, rested her gaze in the Alicorn, and before saying a word, instinctively pounced.

She attempted to bite any kind of flesh, anywhere at all, But Sunset quickly grabbed her and pinned her down, fangs forced to the side.

From the mere seconds of touch, Sunset could feel years of ravenous bloodlust; And it didn’t help that she was wrestling with someone she cared for very much, too. She ignored all she felt, and spoke plainly. “Twilight. Before this all started, you tried curing vampirism, but it didn’t work. What did you do wrong, and what would you have done instead to fix it?”

The little nerd cackled joyfully in her grasp. “Nothing! Hahah!! The world is as it should be, blood bag!! And you gave up the strongest vampire hunter in Equestria for this?! Did you honestly think I’d tell you?! HAH!”

“You just did.” Sunset Smirked.

Having asked the question was all she needed. She saw through Twilight, through the real Twilight’s memories; And with it, she could see the solution, and what had gone wrong.

Originally, it had been Fluttershy, the first fruit bat vampire. Twilight tried bringing her friend back, but instead, she made it worse. Fluttershy now craved blood, and so did the bats, and like an outbreak, it spread, and soon enough nearly every pony was one of them.

But through this ravenous bloodthirsty monster, she could see the real Twilight.

And the real Twilight had already thought of a solution.

“Thanks, Twi. Now stay still, I’ve never done this kind of spell…”

Applejack was now surrounded by dozens upon dozens of vampires in that throne room, and now with Sunset gone, there was nearly no source of light. Rarity stood in front of her, with profound delight. “My, my, my… Look at you… So tasty...”

The hunter said nothing, simply darted her eyes around the dark room, seeing every imminent threat, keeping a level head, as her heart pounded. She only spoke when Rarity was closer. “I’m surprised, that after all this time, you’d share me.”

That was enough. More than enough. It was never Rarity’s intention to share her meal, and much less have it in public.

“Darlings, this one is mine.” the queen spoke for the whole room to hear. “If any of you disturbs me, I will wring your neck and bleed you dry.” She hissed for all to hear, as she yanked on Applejack’s chain.

Fluttershy was the only one that tried speaking. “But my queen, she’s a hunter!! Are you really going to–”

“Are you QUESTIONING ME?!“ She snarled plainly and truly, instantly silencing the other. “She is MY prey, and I will punish her how I see FIT!”

A small smirk appeared on the Earth Pony’s lips, as every vampire respected Rarity’s wishes, and bowed away.

Soon after they were walking alone through dark hallways together, lit only by the light of the blood moon, from the windows, Applejack being pulled by the queen, with a devious smile. “I’ve waited a long time for this. You’ve killed so many of us… Avoided my capture for so long… I’ve waited so long for you to be mine.

“Likewise.” Applejack spoke through gritted teeth.

“How does it feel? To know that you are finally beaten?! To know that I will bleed you dry?” She hissed, inching closer to that spiked collar but containing herself.

“I dunno, Rares. How does it feel?” The Ex-Farmer spoke coldly.


She spoke the words with anger. With coldness– Colder than a vampire. “How does it feel? I’m one of the final survivors. The only one of my kind that is actually fightin’. The last one that used to be yer friend. Once you take me out… No threats. Yer alone. You’ll spend this eternal night surrounded by bloodthirsty maniacs, until y'all run out of blood.”

“You’re trying to spoil this for me.” A frown and a pout appeared on Rarity’s face, as she bared her fangs. “I won’t let you. You’re mine now.”

They were nearly muzzle to muzzle as the vampire queen hissed her way to her. Applejack turned away, uninterested, unintimidated. “No I ain’t. I’m just another blood bag.”

Rarity was unnerved to see Applejack look away, VERY unnerved. She tugged on that chain, trying to bring her closer. “Eyes on me, darling.” She commanded.

“No.” The hunter refused to look.

“W-what?!” The queen was in disbelief.

“Yer not Rarity. Yer just a monster wearin’ her face. Ya don’t get to demand anythin’ of me.”

Groaning, the queen stomped a hoof on the floor, and attempted to get on her field of view, which the Ex-Farmer immediately turned away from. “Look at me, Applejack!!!”


She was genuinely bothered, as she tried getting the hunter’s attention. “B-but I AM Rarity! I am YOUR Rarity!! And I’m better than I’ve ever been! I am stronger, I am a queen, I am eternal!!”

“Yer just a bloodsuckin’ monster that doomed the world.” Applejack refused to look her in the eye.

“Urgh, damn you!” She pulled on that chain harder, faster, until they reached her room. “You WILL be mine!” She proclaimed angrily.

Rarity’s room had her touch, with its own dark twist. Things felt gothic, dimly lit, red, and most of all, cold. The bed was massive, and the room had a handful of seamstress equipment on it– Not that she put that to much to practice in the eternal night.

Closing the door with a slam, she immediately turned to her prey, and started fiddling with her spiked collar, both with hooves and magic. “Now how do I take this ridiculous thing off…” She muttered angrily.

“Sugarcube.” Applejack spoke softly.

Rarity stopped immediately, and their eyes met. She hadn’t been called that in a long time. She didn’t say a word, just quietly observed the hunter’s eyes narrow. “Do ya remember when we were both foals? Together, under that orchard…?”

The smallest smile appeared on her lips, one without teeth. “Of course I remember, dear.” She spoke, equally softly.

On that same tone, Applejack’s expression softened, as she reminisced “And do ya remember, before all this mess… You n me, on that night, by the riverside…?”

“I would never forget that, Applejack…!” The queen seemed almost insulted, still speaking quietly.

“Really, now? Because ya ain’t the Rarity from back then. Look at yerself.” She gritted her teeth, looking at her from up to down. “When I look at you now. I don’t see that mare. I don’t see the mare I loved.”

“Do you need glasses?!” The Queen spitefully snarled. “I’m right here, handsome!! And I still want you by my side!!” She demanded, angrily.

“Really now. With all that talk of bleedin’ me dry?” The hunter raised an eyebrow defiantly.

“URGH!” The queen bared her fangs, inching closer, but then recoiling. “Applejack…”

She touched the hunter’s fuzzy chest with a hoof, with resignation. “I’ve been trying to get you for so long– To have you by my side on this… But you always ran away... I want you to be mine, Applejack… Forever, Like before.”

Shaking her head slowly, the Ex-Farmer blew air from her nostrils. “We can’t go back, sugarcube. Nothin’s like it was.”

The queen shook her head also, inching closer to her old love. “We don’t have to go back. We can be together, right here. You and me, side by side, ruling the night forever… Oh, How I’ve craved for this…!”

“Is that really what ya want?”

“More than anything. You and me.”

“Maybe…” The hunter inched close to her, their muzzles closer and closer. “Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad, with you…”

In silence, they inched closer and closer.

The kiss they shared was brief.

Because as soon as Applejack saw the opening, she pinned the queen to the ground– From her jacket, she pulled a wooden stake with her mouth, snarling viciously, she reached down and…

Nothing. Both of them breathing heavily, Rarity on her back, a stake pointed directly at her heart, Applejack’s breathing echoing in the room.


Rarity closed her eyes. “You should do it.”


“If anyone should, it should be you.”


“Applejack, dear… Why are you hesitating?”

With a scream of frustration, the hunter dropped the stake. That scream echoed in the room, in the castle– She couldn’t deny what Sunset had shown her, much less what she had felt, so long ago.

She stood over her old love; Beholding her with resigned sorrow. “Sugarcube. I can’t. I can’t be like you.”

“Then don’t…” Rarity rose a hoof to her old love’s cheek, wiping a tear away.

“But… All of this, you, them, I… There’s no tomorrow…”

“Then let us just be… Even if just tonight.” She whispered; Attempting to lean closer, But Applejack pinned her down with a hoof.

“Ya ain’t makin’ me one of you. I’d rather die, Rares.” She affirmed, bluntly.

“Oh, Applejack…” Rarity shook her head, with a resignated, mournful smile. “There’s nothing about you I’d change. You’re perfect. You’ve always been. …I always preferred you warm, anyway…”

“But I…” The Ex-Farmer hesitated for a little while longer, then shook her head, shutting her eyes. “Ah, to hell with it.”

She leaned downward and kissed Rarity, this time, furiously; An animosity that her love reciprocated.

Together, muzzle to muzzle, flank to flank, this time, with nothing separating them.

The night wasn’t so cold anymore.

Twilight hoped that despite her strange changed appearance, the dozens upon dozens of vampires wouldn’t notice her passing by; Smell her warm blood, or even question why she was there.

A LOT had happened in the last minutes.

She galloped towards Rarity’s room, if there was any one pony that needed to be changed back first, it’d be her. Much like Sunset had advised, if she could unite the clans, she could get them in the same room, and just like that, Twilight could change them back.

There was a lot of work that needed to be done… But maybe now there was a chance.

Lucky for her, or unluckily, rather, nothing about her appearance had changed. But her bloodlust, and most importantly, reliance on blood, was over, and that was what needed to be fixed the most. If Equestria would have every single pony with wings, and sharp fangs, so be it– As long as they didn’t have to drain life from other living beings and each other.

It was a difficult plan, one she wished that the Valkyrie that she had met for only a few moments was there to help her with– But unfortunately, she was alone.

Rarity’s room was closer than ever, and thankfully, none of the vampires around had even sniffed her the wrong way.

She barged in the room, and locked the door behind her. Just in time to hear the strangest of things.

“Hey! When I say no bitin’, that means no nibblin’, too!!” Playful laughter was heard.

“It’s not my fault you’re so delicious, handsome.” A delighted hiss followed.

Twilight turned around, as her face grew redder, and it grew even redder, when she saw the two ponies intertwined in bed, making out vigorously– Stopping only to see her having now entered the room.

“Umm.” Applejack’s eyes widened.

“Uhh.” Rarity got really quiet.


“So… Um…” Twilight nervously fidgeted with her hooves. “I take it Sunset’s plan worked for you too?”


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King Sombra was completely and utterly satisfied with his life and his reign.

He didn’t need all of Equestria. All he needed was that Celestia knew he was there– And that she would never get her pupil back.

After all, in a war of light and shadow– The Light’s goal is to save the world… And the Shadow’s goal is to cause pain.

Everyday, losses on both sides.

But Sombra had the luxury of not caring about his soldiers. Mindless drones that followed his every command– And what’s more, many of them were ponies. The forces of good’s friend and families. Their neighbors.


That was the key not to winning the war, but to enjoy it.

And he enjoyed it.

Very, very much.

“Front lines. Report.” He spoke coldly, raising another glass, lounging on his throne of dark crystals.

The throne room was cold– Much like the rest of his Crystal Empire. His banners decorated the area, candles on stands reflected their dim light off the walls, the windows were open, without glass; For he enjoyed taking glances at his empire often. The morning sun approached, peeking from the mountains, but being covered by cold clouds soon after.

One of his drones came forward, a pegasus pony, wearing one of the same masks that all of his mind-controlled servants did. “Sire. All quiet in the front lines. Nothing to report.”

A toothy grin manifested on the king’s face, as he placed the drink down. “Heheheheh… Excellent. Let’s see if we can make it to a decade. Laugh.

The drones in the room obeyed immediately, a laugh without joy or comfort, a laugh without meaning.

“City. Report.” He spoke coldly once more, turning his head to another one of his drones.

Another one stepped forward, and spoke robotically, much like the others. “No unrest. No resistance. No celebration.”

This time, the king snickered. “How delightful. Perhaps I know just what would raise their spirits. I could parade the Princess of Friendship around town again. That ought to put a smile on all their little pony faces.”

Turning to the right of his throne, there was a spot dedicated exclusively to this topic of conversation. “Isn’t that right, Twilight Sparkle?” He spoke, with delighted callousness.

The Princess of Friendship stood, bound by chains in every part of her body, horn and wings included, which forced her to stand in an uncomfortable position. Her head hung low, and her eyes were not open. She was malnourished, and barely conscious.

“What’s the matter, Princess?” He mocked, waving his glass around. “I’m sure your friends are very close to mounting a rescue plan. That is, the ones that are still alive, of course.”

No response. She didn’t even move. Not a twitch of the ear or a wince.

He sat back in his throne, speaking in that same glee. “Or maybe it’ll be your precious courageous mentor. Maybe Celestia will come for you.” He took a swig of his drink, delighting himself with the idea. “Wouldn’t that be wonderful? The Queen of the Sun, blessing us with her presence. What I wouldn’t give to parade her around, too. Kingdom of fools…”

And still, the Princess of Friendship didn’t move nor make a sound.

He left his throne, coming closer to her. “My city is impenetrable. And what's more, no substantial forces could possibly ever cross the front lines. The only possible way anypony could even try to reach you is if they were already in the city.”

Still, no response. “And who would ever? A handful of slaves? Or perhaps one of my drones? Brave contenders, I’m sure.”

He forced her head to face him, and forced her eyes to open; But they could barely meet the target. Her open mouth contorted into an exhausted, pained grimace, while his grin reached ear to ear, and he narrowed his eyes at her. “Oh well. I like to jest. You know I’m a jester at heart. But we both know the funniest joke here is to imagine that Celestia, or anypony in this world could ever save you. Laugh.

His command forced his captive audience to laugh at the expense of the Princess, the same laughter without warmth, the same snide. The Princess had no reaction– Except for a guttural, dehydrated sound, and a wince of pain.

The slightest hint of annoyance flashed on the King’s face, as he bared his fangs at the princess, to no reaction of hers. He simply dropped his hold on her, and her head hung low once more, with her letting out a gasp, and short breaths of pain.

He turned around, dismissing her, addressing one of the drones in the room. “Such a fragile thing… Hasn’t spoken in a week… Servant. Schedule her to have a drink of water tomorrow. I'm feeling generous.” Before sitting on the throne, he turned at her, with a smirk. “Or perhaps right now…? Would you like a drink, Princess?”

He picked up the liquor glass he was drinking from and flung it at her with magic.

He missed. The glass shattered on the floor around her, and the little liquor that remained on it served for nothing.

“Oh well. I missed. Too bad. Laugh. This time, he joined in the laughter of his drones, being the one filled with the most joy in the room, but no comfort.

Lounging back on his throne absentmindedly, he waved a hoof. “Statue. Report.”

No answer. He looked around. A minor inconvenience went a long way to a pony like him. “Where is the supervisor drone for my statue? COME, NOW!” He snarled.

Moments after, a pegasus rushed into a room from one of the windows, breathing heavily, but behaving in the same way as the others, robotically.

Narrowing his eyes, the King scoffed. “You’re late! Statue. Report.”

“Construction has halted, sire. There’s a commotion at the site, just now–” He was thoroughly interrupted by the King, with an angry snarl. “What could a bundle of slaves POSSIBLY do to raise a fuss when building my next statue?!”

“Not the slaves, sire. An alicorn of the sun just appeared out of nowhere–” Loud, joyous laughter echoed in the halls of the throne room, as the King delighted himself. “Oh, how amusing! You drones should not be capable of joking! Celestia would never leave the front lines, and if she did, our canons would blow her out of the sky before she reached the city gates–”

An explosion blew one of the walls of the throne room, and the Alicorn Valkyrie entered it like a meteor, leaving a trail of fire in her wake.

The Princess of Valor was here.

The King raised an eyebrow, scanning his opponent, amused.

Sunset Shimmer allowed herself only one second to behold Twilight Sparkle. Then her gaze, filled with hatred, rested on the king.

“Let her go.”

The command was snarled. Her wings were raised. The drones took a fighting stance, but with a wave of a hoof, the king dismissed them– Giving him and his opponent a chance to be in the throne room alone.

He was not laughing, but he was amused. “My, oh my. It’s a Valkyrie. Celestia must be getting desperate, if she’d train more of you now…”

Stomping a hoof on the floor, with a sound that shook the hall, the light from Sunset’s horn tripled in potency, removing the shades of dark from the crystals around them.

“LET.” Her razor-sharp wings sheened.

“HER.” Her eyes widened with rage.

“GO.” She took a battle stance.

A smirk appeared on the king's lips. He stood from his throne, and with a flash, adorned silver armor. “Before I kill you, may I inquire as to how you snuck your way into my city? I’d like to qualm that security mistake, for next time–”

Sunset teleported beside him and bucked him in his flank, sending him flying, denting and bending his armor.

The fight became hectic. The King wasn’t going to allow himself to be caught off guard again.

Dark smoke began slowly seeping into the floors, and barring the windows. Their clashes sent the fog flying and twisting in a way akin to a dance.

Slicing with her wings with great agility, Sunset kept teleporting to get strikes in, as well as use her horn, always closing the gap.

The King often tried teleporting out of range, shooting projectiles of dark magic at her, only on occasion fencing with his horn.

Her breathing was quick and sharp. She focussed on speed over deadliness, not allowing herself to be caught. Dodging skillfully with flips in many directions, as well as teleporting, and sometimes even parrying the projectiles back at him.

With a decisive motion, she managed to deliver a swift right hook to his muzzle, and then flipped to buck his side once more, of which he finally felt, with some reaction.

Wiping blood off of his nose, he narrowed his eyes, measuring his opponents swift movements. “Your fighting style certainly resembles that of a Valkyrie, but your legwork is unorthodox. What kind of a Valkyrie does pirouettes?”

She did not reply. Leaping forward at high speeds, she continued to keep the fight at close quarters, slicing at him with her horn, of which he’d block with his own, or with barriers that struggled to hold against her barrage.

It was quite clear to him that keeping the fight at close range was a bad idea. Her fencing was aggressive, and it hit hard, he would often get slashed and stabbed, when he tried countering with an elegant technique, being punished for his dark regal style.

Grinning with sharp teeth, he waved his horn, teleporting out of her range, and shards of crystals began flying from the walls and towards her with violent speed.

Twisting her body, blocking with her armored wings, and even stopping them with barriers and levitation, she ignored the pain of the crystals stabbing her armor in places, more than one.

He attacked primarily with magic, so when she forced him to defend himself with his horn, overpowering him, that’s when he’d take the most hits, with her slicing and stabbing savagely, finishing with a buck.

Being sent flying, he recovered with magic, inverting his gravity, and landing with grace on the ceiling, wiping blood from a cut in his cheek. “Your way of fighting– So aggressive. I am certain Celestia would disapprove. You lack a lot of what she has.”

No response from the Valkyrie, Other than teleporting with a leap forward, grabbing him from behind, and intensifying her own gravity with magic, pulling him down.

For a brief moment, they hovered, spinning, as both changed their own gravities exponentially, attempting to surpass the other.

Sunset let go of him with a leap and a teleport, and him, with his gravity entirely misaligned, crashed against a wall violently.

The dark fog continued to spread in the room. Sunset Shimmer was nearly the only source of light; As her horn was alight, and her armor, its reflection.

Recovering from his crash on the wall, he stood, maintaining regal composure. “Admirably done. If combat was an art, you’d be painting a masterpiece.”

“Shut the fuck up.”

With that answer, she ignited herself, flames surrounding her body, as she leapt forward viciously, and began slicing with her now burning metal-covered wings.

This barrage lit the room. She was like a tornado of fury, the dark smoke was dispelled around her as fast as it approached, and the King could do little to defend himself.

His composure waned, as his smile faded, with his increasingly failed attempts to protect himself from her vicious strikes.

He attempted to use more pieces of the walls to attack her, but they soon enough simply added to her maelstrom; Disintegrating entirely.

He attempted to teleport out of range, but she would close the gap incredibly fast, shooting through the air like a meteor, aflame.

He attempted to cast more and more barriers, but they broke quicker than he cast them.

With one fierce buck, one imbued with flames, she tossed him across the room.

He coughed only twice, breathing increasingly unsteadily. And as the dark fog enveloped him, he smirked.

“Impressive. But this battle is over.” He stood once more. The room was darker than ever, embraced by his shadow.

“You really thought you could come into my empire, my kingdom, my throne room…?” He said, with a malevolent grimace, as she approached him with murderous intent.

The fog she ran through seemed to warp the dimensions of the room, as if the corridor got longer, and he gained distance from her without even moving. “You’re out of your depth. And soon, your mind will be mine. Another soldier in my army.”

Her breathing was sharp, quick, as her eyes narrowed, and her strength faltered. The fog surrounded her completely, she couldn’t see him anymore.

“Another pupil of Celestia I will happily parade around my kingdom.” His voice echoed around her, loud, increasingly louder.

The darkness was pitch black. Her light did nothing against it.

Sunset Shimmer inhaled sharply, and closed her eyes, allowing him in.

Sombra had done this exercise countless times. He was rarely surprised, and rarely caught off guard, upon entering a foe’s mind. But immediately upon going inside the mind of the Valkyrie, he could tell that something was wrong.

The scenery was one thing– He was in the Canterlot throne room that supposedly belonged to Celestia and Luna, but there was a bizarre change to it.

It was a cage.

A cage surrounded the throne room in its entirety. It was dark– nearly entirely so. The only light was one that dimly passed through stained glass windows on one side, it was the light of the setting sun; Faintly filtered by the glass on the windows and the bars of the cage.

His eyes were naturally drawn to the darkest corner of the throne room.

He was not alone.

There were two ponies, each in one of the thrones of the sun and moon. But only the sun spoke.

“Cute. Downright adorable.” A raspy, conniving voice spoke calmly from one of the thrones, as the figure stood– But he could at least recognize the voice of his opponent; The Valkyrie.

Slowly, she stood from the throne and walked towards him. “You really thought you could just waltz into her mind and take over? Adorable.”

He attempted to cast his magic, light the surroundings, and see his foe; But it seemed to fail; It seemed weaker. For once, it didn’t seem like he was the one in control. His shadows did not spread. “Valkyrie! Show yourself! Your mind will be yours no longer!” He attempted to threaten.

Her silhouette was bigger than anticipated, and it was twisted. He was not yet sure of what he was seeing.

But it wasn’t an Alicorn.

The green eyes of a predator glowed in the dark as she rose her wings, approaching him slowly, relishing every word. “Clearly, you don’t understand who you’re fucking with… Because Sunset Shimmer doesn’t yield. And she sure as hell doesn’t kneel.”

Now he began sweating. Now he began releasing the mistake he might have made, coming in here. There was no way out of this cage, he was locked in here with that thing.

And that thing was a demon.

“You’re out of your depth.” She took great joy in seeing him recoil from her approach. Slowly, behind him, outside of the cage, a fire began burning. And the light of that fire illuminated his foe.

It could have been seen as an Alicorn, in the darkness, but it wasn't. It could have been seen as the Valkyrie he fought mere moments ago, but it wasn’t.

This demon, with long bat-like wings, crooked horn, and a long row of incredibly sharp and misaligned teeth, towered over him with a delighted snicker. She was wearing armor, too, much like the Valkyrie– A twisted, spiked, obsidian-like rusted armor that seemed to be poorly fitted. Her mane, long and unruly, moved behind her like flames.

Sunset Shimmer bared her fangs with a wicked smile. “You made a lot of mistakes today, Sombra. Not fleeing from her was one of them. Coming in here was another.”

He attempted to recoil, but his back was pressed against the walls of the cage, there was nowhere to go.

“But the most important mistake you made…” Her wicked smile turned into a threatening grimace, as if she was about to eat his head whole in a mere bite. “...Was hurting Twilight Sparkle.”

A delighted giggle could be heard from the second throne behind her, which was still bathed in darkness. He could not see who it belonged to; And he did not try. His gaze was firmly affixed on the demon before him.

“We don’t like that.” Her smile widened even more.

“Not.” Her wings readied themselves.

“One.” Her tail flicked about with anticipation.

“Bit.” Her stance changed to that of a pounce.

‘Evisceration’ Could be an apt description to summarize what she did to him– ‘Obliteration’ would be a merciful one. ‘Vivisection’ would be too clinical, but certainly not incorrect. But none of these would be violent enough to do it justice.

In the mind, you don’t have a physical form per se– Things are more fluid.

But you can still feel pain.

And he felt everything that Sunset Shimmer did to him.

Ridding herself of Sombra’s ‘control’ felt like sneezing.

The word ‘control’ is a generous description. Ridding herself of Sombra’s ‘visit to her mind’ was easy.

She sneezed, and he came out, crashing upon his throne, destroying it, with screams of pain and desperation. And she felt better than ever.

The dark fog that surrounded her dissipated near instantly.

“That– That willpower– What– What ARE you?!” He attempted to desperately stand, his crown nearly sliding off of his head, his armor, which was already damaged, almost slipping off, his mane, an unruly mess.

With a toothy grin, she snarled. “Did you have your fun crawling around in there? Because I haven’t even begun to have mine.” She approached him, much like a predator, with that same horrifying grimace that she wore inside her head, much to his desperate wailing.

His whimpers were the only response she got, as he desperately attempted to crawl away from her; His armor broken nearly completely, his crown rolling on the floor.

With an inhale, she centered herself. “It’s time I show you another way in which I differ from Celestia. Another attribute that she has that I lack… Mercy.She stated coldly, as the light of her horn shined on the surroundings, blindingly.

Twilight Sparkle couldn’t discern fully what was happening, she struggled to open her eyes, she struggled to remain conscious.

She heard the distinct sound of magic, and visceral impacts. Sounds of flesh ripping, and bones crushing. The screams of pain and horror that King Sombra let out echoed in the castle, but only for a moment.

As soon as they ceased there was a handful of tearing sounds and splatters. A thud.

Then she heard hoofsteps slowly approaching her. And quick breathing.

Sunset breathed incredibly fast. Her adrenaline was still high from that battle. Inhaling from the nose, exhaling from the mouth, steadying herself. Her heart pounded furiously.

She approached the prisoner, and stopped. Twilight couldn’t raise her head to look.


The Princess of Friendship tried raising her head, open her eyes, but she failed.

With magic blasts, the chains that held her gave way, and she fell.

But Sunset caught her.

Holding her gently, like she was a piece of glass, or the wings of a butterfly, the princess of Valor spoke softly. “Twilight. I’m going to carry you out of here, okay? I’ve got you.”

The Princess of Friendship could not respond. She felt herself being placed upon the back of the Alicorn that rescued her, and she felt the unwavering movements of her being carried through the throne room.

Her eyes, narrow, unfocussed, could make out only a few shapes and colors.

She saw red, a huge clash of red, spread and splattered all over the floor of the throne room, with only a few chunks of solid matter.

She attempted to speak, her voice raspy and quiet. “Wh… What… What happened…?”

A wing was raised to cover her field of view. The Valkyrie spoke, as softly as she possibly could. “It’s okay. It’s okay. He’s gone. He won’t hurt anyone anymore.”

Reaching the ledge of the hole she had blasted into the wall of the throne room, Sunset prepared herself, with infinite caution. “We’re going to fly, okay? I won’t let you go.”

And so she flew.

Incredibly carefully, she glided down towards the kingdom, towards the unfinished statue of King Sombra.

She could see, even from above, his drones were collapsed. Plenty of the ponies that wore the same masks that signified the hold that the King held on them, were now moving on their own volition, for the first time in years, struggling to discern their surroundings, struggling to discern where they were.

And then she finally made it. To her other self.

Sunset Shimmer had her neck and horn bound by chains, and those chains bound her to other prisoners, and then on, in a line of prisoners that surrounded the unfinished statue. She looked above her, witnessing the Princess of Valor return, with the Princess of Friendship on her back.

“H-holy shit.” She stated, in quiet surprise. There were flames coming from one of the highest parts of the castle of King Sombra, and the one who caused it was coming back, successful.

The Valkyrie landed with a soft thud, ignoring the many surprised and curious eyes that were on her. None of that mattered.

“Hey, other me… Y-you’re bleeding. Like, all over.” Sunset stated, looking at her armored, battle-scarred self.

“It’s mostly not mine.” She stated, shaking her head, ignoring her surroundings, ignoring the sharp pain of the handful of crystals that were lodged on her side.

Carefully, incredibly carefully, she leaned, and gently, incredibly gently, she held the Princess of Friendship, and laid her on the wooden floor of the rafters that held them.

“You’re okay. You’re okay.” She muttered, placing her down with incredible delicateness. She leaned her forehead on the side of the Princess, feeling all that she felt, all that she had felt.

Seeing all that she had experienced, in captivity. All these years.

One of the prisoners bound to the Sunset, scratching herself in surprise and confusion, spoke carefully, afraid that she might anger the bloody Valkyrie. “U-um… King S-sombra, is he, uh…?”

“Dead.” Was all that she heard from the Princess of Valor, who still leaned on the Princess.

With a smile, the prisoners cheered and proclaimed, and those cheers spread throughout the city, echoing, repeating, gleeful, joyful, exhausted cheers.


Sunset Shimmer, however, quietly observed her other Alicorn self, who was now crying, leaning on the Princess of friendship.

The city echoed with weary joy. Slowly, the drones ridded themselves of their masks, and regained consciousness. The crystal ponies and prisoners of war were now waking up, after years.

“Y-years…” The Valkyrie muttered, as she raised her head. She beheld Twilight, tears streaming down her face, mixing with the blood. “Years… So many years of pain, spent here…!”

She shook her head. Ponies around her started thanking her profusely, but she ignored them. With three quick slices of her horn, she rid her other self of chains on her sides, and then of the one that bound her horn.

“Free the others.” The Valkyrie commanded simply, having stopped crying. After all, those tears weren't hers. “I’m going to get her some water and food, and make sure there are no loyalists to the king in this city.”

The Prisoner nodded profusely, and started freeing her friends; Her horn alight like a blowtorch, releasing them one by one– And the free ones would free the others.

“Sunset.” The Valkyrie garnered her attention quickly. She then pointed at the unconscious Princess of Friendship, while piercing her other self with a dagger-like gaze, giving her one simple, incredibly important task. Take care of her.

That command pierced through the unicorn like an arrow. And she complied with emphatic nods. “O-okay…!”

The Valkyrie remained only for a second, leaning her forehead against the Princess’s forehead, inhaling, and then exhaling, standing and taking flight once more.

There was a lot of confusion about the reports of what happened that day.

After all, plenty of prisoners could ascertain that an Alicorn that looked exactly like one of their own had saved them, and killed King Sombra, no less.

The confusion remained. Sunset Shimmer refused to take full credit for what happened. She had other priorities.

The strange mysterious sun Valkyrie, of course, disappeared less than an hour later, and was never seen again.

All she could think of, through that entire experience, is how painful it was, that it felt like it had been so long since she had visited the Crystal Empire– Even though, in her universe, it had been only a single week.

Cold. Sunset hadn’t felt cold in a long time.

And she didn’t feel cold now, either.

“Are we sure it’s worth it to search for rogue changelings in a friggin’ BLIZZARD?!” Rainbow Dash complained loudly, for the whole group to hear, and for once, none disagreed, it was bitterly cold.

Sunset narrowed her eyes through the white fog, then gazed to her side, with a concerned smile. “What do you think, Twi? Should we call it for today?”

“I-I…” Twilight sneezed, then shook her head. “Cadance and Thorax are counting on us. We should press on a little longer!”

With a nod, Sunset smiled, and got closer. “Okay. We got this.” Then she turned her head, addressing the others. “We’re pressing on a little longer, everypony!”

Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity and Applejack all begrudgingly complied, with a few groans of annoyance. Every one of them wore winter outfits that covered them nearly fully, (Rarity’s being the most fashionable, of course) as they shuffled through the snowy wastes.

Pinkie was the first one to complain audibly, with the cold being so bitter it stopped her from bouncing and skipping about. “W-we BETTER not miss Sunset’s Alicornaversary because we got lost in this friggin-fraggin snowy NOTHING!!!”

Chuckling, Sunset pointed at a southeast direction with her wing, while looking back at her friend. “Pinkie, the Crystal empire is right there– only a mile or two out– Besides, we’re not missing my party, it’s like, in a week.”

Sputtering with the cold, the party pony still had her doubts. “I-I-I can’t party if I’m a Pinkie Popsicle…!!!!”

“Dude, I can’t see the empire at all…!” Rainbow narrowed her eyes at the horizon of white wind. “A-are you sure…?!” She extended a wing, bringing fluttershy closer, who shivered.

“I’m sure. Just look for the lights.” Sunset said confidently.

Rarity, who was being carried by applejack, and clung tightly to her, couldn’t muster much energy to complain. “It would be nice if we found a place to rest soon, darlings– Even Applejack is not hot enough for this weather…!”

With a haggard chuckle, the Farmer looked back at her. “Are ya tryna flirt in a blizzard, sugarcube?”

Shivering, the Seamstress rubbed her face on her love’s neck. “M-maybe…! Is it working? I can’t tell… Oh my goodness I’m so cold I can’t even endear you with my wiles…!!”

“It’s okay, sugarcube…!” The Farmer exhaled, suppressing a chuckle, trying to stay warm, and conserve oxygen.

Fluttershy, trembling, muttered something, which Rainbow translated to “We should REALLY find a place to rest, guys! My girl can’t feel her hooves!!”

Nodding, Sunset narrowed her eyes forward. “I think I see a ridge or a crevice, this way. Follow me!”

Shivering a bit, Twilight walked closer to her wife. “D-despite regularly visiting the moon with Luna– I still haven’t really gotten used to this kind of c-cold!! Oof…!”

“You’ll get there, Sparkles. I know you will.” Her wife responded with a warm smile, having unending confidence that Twilight would master the power of the moon, and the entire night, at that. “Lean on me as much as you need, okay?”

Twilight nodded shortly, as she walked closer and rubbed her cheek with Sunsets. They had just entered some sort of cave, which provided them shelter from the wind, at least. All of the seven ponies quickly made themselves as comfortable as possible, on that frosted crevice. Upon physical contact with Sunset, Twilight gasped in surprise. “Y-you’re s-so warm! Oh my gosh, SO warm!! H-how?!”

Snickering, Sunset could notice that her wife was so cold, that her usually incredibly high intellect was a bit stalled. “Um, Princess of the Sun? Hello? Heh.”

“D-do you mind if I…?” Twilight came even closer, with pouty eyes.

“Not at all.” Sunset embraced her with a wing, And Twilight rubbed herself along her side, flank to flank, cheek to cheek, letting out shudders and exhales of relief. The two Alicorns were significantly bigger than the other ponies, and Sunset was the biggest– And Twilight was ever thankful for that, the warm cuddles of an Alicorn of the sun were a heavenly gift on this blizzard.

Less than a second later, she spoke for all to hear. “Everypony huddle on my wife for warmth!!”

To which, much to Sunset’s surprise, they all complied instantly. Twilight climbed on her back, much like Rarity had on Applejacks, and clung tightly, letting out sighs of relief, rubbing her cold muzzle against the warm nook on the side of Sunset’s neck.

Pinkie simply materialized herself below Sunset, like she was a shuddering pillow, making herself comfortable in between her legs.

On her left, Rainbow had placed Fluttershy on her own back, and quickly huddled as close as she could, allowing her girlfriend to have as much of the warmth as she could below Sunset’s wing, and on the right, Applejack did the same for Rarity.

“Twenty minutes of break, then we head out, okay everypony?” Sunset spoke with a warm smile, as she increased her heat by shuffling a bit, and lighting her horn, almost akin to a heater. Every one of them muttered and mumbled affirmations, which only made her giggle.

They all fell asleep in that cuddle pile and woke up three hours later, when night had fallen and the storm had passed, warm and content.

And yet, they remained for a little longer, beholding the impeccable clear night sky of the Crystal Empire, and the aurora borealis that danced beautifully in it.

That was the last time Sunset Shimmer had visited the Crystal Empire in her universe.

INTERMISSION: Rolling the boulder up the mountain

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INTERMISSION: Rolling the boulder up the mountain

Over twenty four hours.

It had taken over twenty four hours since her wife had gone missing for her to even set up the equipment that might be her salvation.

And the clock was still ticking.

It had been hectic, to say the least.

Their community center was often busy, but never THIS busy. Many Trustworthy guards from Canterlot helped with moving the research there, per the orders of Celestia, and of course, all of Twilight’s friends pitched in as well.

The Princess of Friendship had to direct everything, study the research, and plan ahead, all at the same time, she was already feeling overworked, and they had barely started.

And painfully, or rather annoyingly, the added bonus of having to carry Hermes around in a cage, not leaving him out of her sight– Although the scientist was utterly harmless and wanted the research to go on, she still didn’t trust him, and kept his horn bound– But at least he had a bigger cage now, a physical one, with a bit more of comfort.

One of the few respites, at least, is that one of the few people actually qualified to be her assistant through this, due to previous extensive experience, was more than happy to stay and help.

Spike, keeping his wings folded close, followed Twilight diligently, writing down several important key details she spoke, and many of the necessary items they were going to need in the coming hours… Or days.

A benefit to having hands, certainly, was being capable of writing things more efficiently than one would with a mouth; Not to mention, he had had a lot of practice. “...Touchstones, conduit crystals… Tartarian steel?! Is this correct, Twilight?”

Still entrenched in the process of processing endless information, she nodded. “Yes. Not only is it one of the most solid metals in Equestria, it is incredibly resistant to overheating, and an impeccable conduit of magic. If we’re doing this, we’re doing this.”

From his cage, Hermes nodded happily, glad to see the progress. “Oh indeed! I could never get my hooves on that kind of metal, but I’m certain it’d be a wonderful conduit and technomagic material, second to none!”

Nodding along, but not exactly paying respects to the scientist that banished the wife of the pony who literally raised him, the dragon agreed, continuing to write things down. “Okay, is that all? What else?”

“For now, that’s all.” Twilight flapped her wings, motioning for the attention of the crowd of ponies that were walking around in the large room they had settled in, installing machinery, moving artifacts, bringing in dozens of file cabinet’s worth of data and research. “Dash! Where’s Rainbow Dash, everypony?”

Leaping and flying above the crowd with a wave, she raised a hoof like she had her name called in a class. “Here! How can I help?”

Spike tore the page out of notes he had made, and handed it to her, and Twilight gave her orders. “Take this to Canterlot, to Celestia or Raven– Not any other pony, okay? I don’t exactly want to advertise to all of Equestria that I’m testing dangerous experimental magic in my house… Or why I’m testing it. Just those two, okay? They’ll know to bring us the materials as soon as they can.”

With a sigh of relief, Rainbow saluted. “PHEW! I was afraid you were gonna ask me to do some egghead stuff– Sorry but I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing here!” She waved her wings around in utter confusion at all of the big words in the many papers, as well as the incredibly technical artifacts everywhere.

Twilight allowed herself only a brief moment to chuckle. “Don’t worry, Rainbow. I’m not going to ask anything of all of you that you wouldn’t know how to do. This is too important… Heck, Applejack is with Celestia right now, helping her with the careful heavy lifting of magical artifacts. I’d never ask you to do ‘egghead stuff.’”

“Yeah! That’s what I’m here for!” Spike spoke with glee. He had grown since the last time they were all together, nearly reaching pony height, and having a bit more lizard-like features; Many of which he was proud of. He flapped his wings with joy, as he continued to be useful.

“Exactly!” Twilight nodded, with her own, weary smile.

With an affirming Nod, Rainbow did not mind the insult to her intellect. “I am okay with this! We gotta play to our strengths. See you all in a bit!” She leapt to the balcony and took off at great speeds.

The crowd was thinning out, but only a bit, as most things were already set up. The room looked… hectic. Barely any furniture of what was previously here remained. With the Balcony vista being one of the few spaces that were not cluttered with information of one kind or the other. A blackboard, already full of annotations from Hermes sat near a wall, alongside multiple tables, as well as file cabinets. The broken magical mirror was also stationed facing the room, and there were multiple other spots vacated for other prototypes of technomachinery.

From one of the corners, Rarity fussed, as she looked over many file cabinets and the hundreds of pages within. “Eugh! I’m alphabetizing all of these! Organize your research, Hermes!”

From his cage, he pouted, in sadness. “W-wait!! There’s organized chaos in there! A system!”

“Ignore him, Rarity. Alphabetize it.” Twilight stated, disinterested. “We need an actually readable system. What we have right now is… Deranged.” She waved a bunch of research papers that were incredibly confusing and erratic.

Blowing raspberries, Hermes rolled his eyes. “I did a lot of this research hooked up on coffee. Sorry...”

No apology for him would have any effect whatsoever for the Princess at the moment. She ignored him and continued working.

Fluttershy flew into the room calmly, announcing good news. “Everypony! Pinkie says the break snacks will be ready in ten minutes! We’re working on it!” Cheers resounded in the room, as everyone was more than happy to know that they’d be eating soon.

But Twilight remained quiet. After all… They were taking another break, before they had even technically started.

Calmly, Fluttershy flew towards the Princess of Friendship, looking at her with concern. “Um,Twilight, have you eaten lunch today…?”

“Skipped it.” Twilight stated, lost in thought, staring at the many papers. The sun was already setting, and she hadn’t eaten much.

Raising an eyebrow, Spike scratched his chin, wondering. “Um, yeah, did you have anything for breakfast besides coffee…?”

A quick, affirming mutter from the Princess of Friendship was all they both got as a response, and with it, Spike and Fluttershy glanced at each other in concern.

“Well…” Fluttershy turned around, ready to fly back to the sugarcube corner, to continue helping Pinkie. “...When our snacks get here, be sure to eat, okay…?”

Another affirming mutter from the Princess was the only reply she got.

Accepting defeat, the Pegasus flew away, her concern not diminished.

Every once in a while Twilight would get a stabbing feeling of anxiety in her gut. A feeling that maybe her wife was already dead. That she could have died merely on the journey. That they’d do all this work to find a corpse. That she was in denial for even trying.

But she refused to entertain those feelings. She continued to work diligently and allowed minimal distractions.

Besides, If a corpse is all they would find. She would still want to bury her.

A grim thought that she vigorously shook off of her head.

Calling Spike a bit closer, Twilight spoke quietly, so as to not be very public about her current mental state. “Look, Spike… Are you sure you want to be here and do this? I have no idea how long this will take, or if it’ll even work– If you’re needed in the dragonlands, I won’t keep you…?”

With a sympathetic sigh, the dragon held his notebook closer. “Twilight, c’mon… it’s me. I’m not about to leave you in the dust with something as big as Sunset going missing! Besides, I am uniquely qualified with helping Princess Twilight Sparkle with brainiac troubles, heheh. Long history of doing so, after all!”

Chuckling slightly, she nodded, but… “But still, Spike, what about Ember…?”

“Ember is super tough, Twilight!” Spike snickered, with no doubts whatsoever on the competency of the dragon lord. “She can live without her advisor for a few days. I sent her a letter already! She would understand, Sunset was her friend too! I mean… Your wife did save her entire kingdom from a gigantic legendary phoenix, after all!”

“That she did.” Twilight took a moment of respite on remembering how incredible her wife was, but those thoughts soon led to sorrow. “W-well, Spike, thank you. I mean it. And If you feel like you need to go, don’t hesitate, okay?”

“Thanks a bunch, but you know I wont.” he gave her a cocky smile, and a raise of an eyebrow. “So, what’s next?”

She waved a hoof at some of the papers pensively, and was about to speak, until Pinkie barged into the room with a large plate full of cookies, juices and other assorted sandwiches and snacks. “BREAK TIME EVERYPONY! You all know you need it!!”

Cheers resounded in the room, from all but Twilight, who frowned, closing her eyes, but then gave in, when her belly rumbled. Despite her protests, she couldn’t save her wife on an empty stomach.

They all heartily shared the snacks and food, and Fluttershy handed out snacks to Hermes personally, as well as giving him a couple of pillows to make his enclosure more comfortable; Something he was deeply thankful of.

Everyone was pretty happy to be getting some work done, but Twilight dissociated throughout that entire break, her mind elsewhere, on many more important matters.

“...And you’re sure you’re feeling okay…?” Fluttershy tilted her head, with an analytical look of pity.

Twilight nodded absentmindedly. “I’m fine, just a bit tired, I need to work on this, okay?” She tried dismissing her. “I’m not stopping until we find her.”

Fidgeting with her hooves, Fluttershy pouted, but Rainbow was quick to put her aside. “Babe, it’s best not to get in the way of Twilight when her brain is in overdrive! C’mon, there’s still some snacks left…”

Fluttershy nodded and followed along, still looking at the Princess with concern, who herself was mentally elsewhere, beholding several papers.

Spike came in from the balcony, directing some guards that were delivering yet another box full of gizmos and tech from Hermes’s lab.

The little dragon scratched another item off a list, pensively observing the new lab they had just made on Twilight’s community center. “...Hm, okay, is that the last one?” Spike proclaimed, crossing a final item on a checklist.

“Might be–” Twilight affirmed, inspecting her surroundings, but they both stopped, facing the balcony.

A guard, flying in, quickly interrupted them. “Portal incoming, everypony! Clear the way!”

Soon after, from the balcony, a magical portal opened up, one in which several guards (and Applejack!) Were carrying a large, very ancient looking magical artifact… Another large mirror, but one that wasn’t broken.

Celestia crossed the portal as well, and with the help from her magic and Twilights, as well as the support ponies, they all placed the mirror down, next to the broken one.

“Woah, Princess Celestia… Is this…?” Twilight gasped, seeing the two mirrors, side by side. One broken, but now, with all pieces restored, and the other mirror, intact.

Spike was definitely impressed, but still gave a chuckle. “It’s like looking in a mirror! Get it? Mirror?”

Hermes, from the sidelines, gasped as well. “M-my goodness, don’t tell me– There is another mirror dimension gate, one that is intact?! I never knew about this!!!”

“I imagine not anypony would.” Celestia affirmed, as she moved closer. “This artifact belonged to Starswirl himself… It is a portal to a mirror dimension to ours, that only opens once every thirty moons… I have very little knowledge of it myself, outside of the few notes of his I discovered…” She stated, while placing several scrolls related to the mirror adjacent to it.

Twilight approached the mirror, and reached into it with a hoof– But Celestia stopped her. “Careful! This mirror dimension is unlike the other– You wouldn’t emerge a pony if you crossed it!” And the princess of Friendship was quick to back off.

Spike’s eyes widened in slight concern, as he took a glance at the mirror. “Woah, what?! W-what exactly do you become if you cross it…?”

Letting out a sigh, Celestia reminisced on very, very strange notes she read. “Apparently, according to this…” She squinted at a scroll she had found. “...Strange, mostly hairless bipedal beasts, in a world without magic.”

“Hairless?! Without magic?! Sheesh! Why would anypony ever wanna go there?” Spike scoffed, amused.

Clearing her throat, Applejack took her hat and respectfully placed it on her own chest, she and the guards around her seemed pretty sore. “Pardon me, Queen Celestia, but do ya need us for anythin’ else? We’re in mighty need for a break right now…!”

“You have no need to worry, Applejack– We are done, for now. I don’t believe I'll find many more artifacts that are pertinent to our particular problem, but just in case, I’ll keep digging. But at the moment, you are all dismissed. Thank you so much for your assistance.” She respectfully nodded at her guards and the ponies who assisted them, and they all were delighted, letting out weary exhales.

The guards cleared out, happy to get a break, while Twilight’s friends gathered in the middle of the room, getting some more snacks, but still paying attention.

Twilight examined the mirror thoroughly, lost in thought, in consideration of what her next plan might be.

And for a moment, a fleeting moment, she thought she caught a glimpse of her wife on that reflection, right besides her.

“S-sun– Did I just?? I think I just–” She began speaking, eyes widened, heart racing, but Celestia shook her head.

Exhaling, the Queen of the Sun grabbed more notes on the mirror, and relayed them. “I am sorry, Twilight, but apparently, that’s a feature. The mirror, at times, can show us glimpses of our deepest wishes, or most ambitious desires. If you saw her in that reflection, it is indicative of nothing else but you…”

Twilight let out a weary sigh, closing her eyes, for a moment. “We need to cover this up.” She muttered, quietly.

“You saw her too, didn’t you…?” Celestia asked softly.


She took a moment to breathe, as Spike placed a consoling hand on her side.

“O-okay.” She raised her head, and turned. “I believe I have an idea, a theory, of what our next step is.”

Everyone in the group listened attentively to her words. “We have two dimensional mirrors here. Unfortunately, they are two way trips– And one is beyond broken. If we could reprogram the intact one to not only be capable of opening every day, instead of every 30 moons, and to change it to lead to other dimensions, maybe we could–”

Hermes quickly tapped in his cage with concern, garnering all of their attention. “W-wait! It’s not that simple! That wouldn't work!”

With an annoyed exhale, Twilight looked at him, and paid attention. He stuttered a bit. “Okay, um, how do I explain this…. Does anypony have a pen, and a few pieces of paper…?”

Spike waddled forward and handed him what he asked.

He took one piece of paper, and a pen, laying them on the floor, and began explaining. “Alright. So this is something I researched a lot, when I had that broken mirror; and I did manage to reprogram it, it is faulty, it is incredibly unstable, but it can sometimes view alternate universes– But what you must understand here, is that the gate you have there, that intact mirror, much like the broken mirror originally was; It is connected to a mirror dimension. That is something that although resembles one, is entirely different from an alternate universe, starkly so!”

A brief moment of quiet passed, as he caught his breath to continue, one in which Rainbow Dash took a long sip of juice and proclaimed “Is anypony else not following this at all?”

To which Pinkie, who was making a cookie-crumb effigy shaped like Sunset’s face, responded “Following what?”

They were shushed by those around them, and Hermes was allowed to speak. “A mirror dimension is, quite simply, a mirror of our dimension. It was created from this universe, it is exclusive to here– Meaning it is not connected to the multiverse. It is a gate, a gate from our world, to a reflection of itself!” As he explained this, he folded the piece of paper, and stabbed the pen through it, piercing both sides. The pen led from one side of the paper, to the other. “See? Like two sides of the same coin. Same universe! It is highly likely that other universes have their own mirror worlds– Surely you’d know! What lies beyond that intact mirror–”

Nodding her head slowly, Celestia was pensive. “--It is a world that is a reflection of ours. It’d have versions of us, be a near copy, with that twist– The twist of us not being ponies, and being a world devoid of magic…”

Twilight gazed at the broken mirror, and also made her theories. “That does make sense– After all, this mirror gate here– It just led to a dimension where good was evil, and evil was good, right…?”

Celestia nodded pensively, regarding that mirror with a certain sorrow, and Hermes agreed completely. “Precisely! But what we’re talking about here, is alternate universes. Worlds that were changed because of different choices we made, or worlds that were entirely different to begin with! There are constants, and there are variables. One central example, you should already know; Is that you, Twilight, are the Princess of Friendship in a lot of these universes!”

“Hm… But not all of them…” She nodded pensively, this time, glancing at the intact mirror.

Spike scratched his chin, following along. “Okay, I get the differences, but why does this mean we couldn’t just reprogram this one anyways?” He pointed at the intact one.

Taking the pen once more, Hermes grabbed two pieces of paper, placing them apart from each other, and placed the pen, connecting them. “Excellent question! It is not a matter of ‘can or can’t’, little dragon. For you see, an Alternate dimension is majorly harder to reach than a mirror one. For starters, that mirror is a direct gate from one door, to another, correct?”

Twilight nodded, beholding the broken mirror. “Yes, when we entered, there was a two-way portal…”

“Precisely! And therein lies a question– How do you reach a universe that does not have a door for you to cross to it? This–” He motioned at the intact mirror. “Were it reprogrammed, would still be a one-way door! A wall! Because in another, alternate universe, the mirror that may or may not exist there, would still serve its original function, it would not be connected to ours!” Hermes spoke enthusiastically, as he motioned, the two pieces of paper attempting to stab both ends of the pen simultaneously. It was difficult, especially with hooves.

There was a brief moment of silence, as only a few of the ponies in the room caught on.

Hermes placed the objects down, and attempted to explain more properly. “Okay, how about another metaphor, hm… Okay. imagine that you are sailing a boat in a storm, and your boat represents your universe– and that your rowboat, towed behind your ship, is a mirror dimension.” he emphatically waved his hooves through the cage. “Now, that is easier to reach, even with its own difficulties, after all, that rowboat is a part of your ship! But now, an alternate universe? That would be a different boat entirely– And now, imagine building a bridge, between two boats sailing on a storm, one that you would be capable of traversing safely both ways, one in which you could easily take and place on another boat, connecting them too. That sounds incredibly, immensely hard, correct…?”

A moment of silence in the room, as the ponies in it processed his metaphor with unease.

Twilight sat down, letting out a huge exhale. “I… I get it. Not only would we need to reprogram the mirror to lead to another dimension, not only would we need to reprogram the mirror to locate my wife, not only would we need to know exactly what the correct universe she is in, but… Even if we did, we would need to somehow make a window into a door. A two-way-portal, manifesting anywhere on the multiverse…”

Most ponies didn’t catch on– But those that did were demoralized. Celestia was the first to speak, in a despaired tone. “T-Twilight, the– The odds of us achieving that, with our limited knowledge of this technology…!”

Spike pensively fiddled with his claws. “That… That Sounds absolutely impossible to do...”

Nodding slowly, Hermes pointed at the mirror, speaking a bit in a more reserved tone. “Indeed… I am not saying those mirrors will be useless to us, but… I hope you can understand what a ridiculously never-before-threaded undertaking that would be, if you attempted it…! It is quite exciting!”

Shaking her head, Twilight let out a frail exhale. “T-this… this isn’t going to work…”

After a brief moment of silence where all in the room regarded her with pity, she raised her head with anger. She moved towards Hermes in silence, as her horn crackled with magic.

He raised his hooves in surrender, backing into the opposite end of the cage.

“You’re happy, aren’t you.” She stated, angrily, coldly, as her eyes watered. “Isn’t this exactly what you wanted?!”

“U-umm, well…!” He stuttered, having no words to defend himself; After all, she was absolutely right, this was exactly what he had wanted.

She touched the cage with her horn, and the current instantly electrocuted him, which made him let out a yelp, and collapse on the floor, wincing in pain.

Applejack leapt forward and placed a consoling hoof on Twilight, pulling her away from the cage. “Hey now, easy there!! I know yer angry, Twi, and ya have every right to be, but ya need this guy, right…?!”

Fluttershy flew forward, getting her attention. “T-Twilight! You won’t get any information from him if he’s dead…! Or if he’s too scared to speak…!”

Gritting her teeth, Celestia agreed. “Unfortunately, they’re right, Twilight. Please. We need to think of something…!”

Recoiling, the Princess of Friendship walked to the middle of the room, her head hung low.

It felt hopeless. It felt like true, unfiltered hopeless despair.

Once again, everything rested on her shoulders. But this time she felt it– Because the weight wasn’t shared with Sunset.

Everything felt increasingly more difficult to manage, without her presence, without her assistance, without her wisdom, without her strength, without her.

She could only hope that wherever Sunset was, she was not in pain.

“Wait. Are you fucking serious? Run that by me again.” The Princess of Valor commanded her other self to speak.

“Dude can you please not bleed all over my floor, it's gonna stain–” The other Sunset attempted to complain, but was swiftly interrupted. “What did you say before?! Say it again.”

Her other self exhaled in annoyance. “...Twilight Sparkle is romantically involved with a pony called Trixie Lulamoon. Why do you care? And please, can you just come into the bathtub, the blood stains are NOT leaving that carpet–”

“Goodbye.” The Valkyrie moved towards a window with determination.

“H-hey? What? Where are you going?!” Her other self raised her hooves in confusion.

“I’m going to find and murder Trixie Lulamoon.” She stated clearly and plainly.

“WHAT?! DUDE YOU HAVE MY FACE!! I’LL BE INCRIMINATED, STOP RIGHT THERE–” Sunset desperately bit her other self’s tail, in an attempt to slow down the Valkyrie from committing a couple several felonies that she would be charged with.

The Community Center remained quiet for a little while longer, before someone finally spoke, and that someone was Rarity. “Okay, Twilight darling, I know it might seem like the end of the road, but Hermes has dozens of gizmos and doodads here! Surely, if reprogramming the mirrors is a no-go, we can recycle some of these other machinations…?”

Twilight remained silent, only for a moment, then she walked over to one of the desks, observing several of the materials on it. “...You’re right. I think I… I think I might know what. But it won’t just be reprogramming. We’ll have to build our own. Bigger…”

She received several affirmations of agreement and joy, but then she turned to them, decisive. “Everypony, thank you for coming and helping– But it’s getting late, and I want to get to work. I need to know I can count on you to keep taking care of Ponyville in my absence– Don’t worry, I will ask any of you for help, if I need to… But I need to focus.”

The sun was indeed at its lowest, and Celestia nodded, in agreement. “I have duties I must return to, appearances must be kept– But I will continue to search the Starswirl archives, just in case. And if I find anything Twilight, I promise I will come right back to you– And I trust you will do the same…?”

Walking forward with urgency, Twilight hugged Celestia. Spike ran in and joined in the hug. Soon after every pony was hugging, except for Hermes, who was still recovering from electrocution, and also was locked in a cage.

Applejack was the first one to speak up, kindly as she always did. “C’mon now, ya better ask for help when ya need it, alright? We’re all here for you, and for Sunset, too!”

And Rarity agreed, wholeheartedly. “We all know Equestria needs the two of you, but more importantly, you need each other. Please don’t be afraid to abuse our time, Twilight. Especially in these trying times…!”

Rainbow gave a salute, and a nod. “Sunset’s tough as hell, she’ll make it– And if you need me to run any more errands, you got the fastest flier in Equestria at your call, Twi! Don’t hesitate!!”

Pinkie struggled to muster her usual peppy demeanor, but she still gave a smile. “Sunset knows you’re coming for her, y’know? She knows that no mountain is high enough for you to not blow it up and find her— Sorry, metaphor is getting lost there!-- Anyways— I have to go help with the preparations for the lantern festival tomorrow night, but please, if you need us, don’t hesitate to call, Twi!”

Tears formed in the Princess’s eyes– But she did not allow herself to cry, fully, simply nodded silently, with a smile. She didn’t have her strongest lifeline, that was still lost– But her friends still kept her afloat.

Queen Celestia leaned her forehead with her pupil, and spoke softly. “Good luck, my student– Don’t give up. I won’t, either…”

Flare Shimmer spent a long time in that balcony with Gold, wondering what they should do next. Going home early seemed to be a pretty hollow idea, both would be expecting news from her daughter’s strange disappearance into some interdimensional problem– All from many miles away.

Extending their stay in Ponyville seemed comforting, but at the same time, one thing they knew for sure–

They had absolutely no way to help their daughter-in-law other than with moral support.

And of that, she had plenty…

Concerned parents were all that they were, truly– But Flare found herself lacking in concern, when she saw Celestia. Because it was time to bite.

The Queen of the Sun walked towards the balcony, intent on flying or teleporting away, leaving Twilight for the night. Her gaze was naturally drawn to the two parents of the Alicorn she cared for deeply.

“Heya, Celie. Can we talk?” Flare spoke, in a tone that hid her reserved anger well. But naturally didn’t keep from instigating anything.

With an attempt at patience, Celestia nodded, and came closer. “You two must be concerned– I understand. Know that we are doing everything we can to bring her back safely.”

“No, I know my daughter’s okay. My question is. What’s your involvement with her disappearance?” She bared her teeth, narrowing her eyes.

Before Celestia responded, Gold exhaled, being quite too tired for this. “Flare, can we please not do this at this hour? even queens need to sleep.”

Both of them ignored him, because Celestia wanted to bite back. “Excuse me. I don’t know what you are insinuating, but know that I am doing everything in my power to bring her back!”

“I think it’s a fair question!” Flare waved her hooves, a bit angrily. “Because last time my daughter disappeared for a frustrating, awful amount of time, it was directly your fault!!”

Blowing air from her nostrils, Celestia leaned in angrily. “No. You don’t get to make this about how much you despise me. I am caring deeply for Sunset’s safety at the moment, something that you, for some inexplicable reason, don’t seem to!!!”

Stomping her hoof twice on the floor and then on her own chest, Flare laughed– But not a laugh of joy. “My daughter is fine– She’s too stubborn to die, and too hard headed to give in!! Two of the many qualities she inherited from me!”

Gold, however, did not even hesitate to reprimand her. Aren’t we lucky our daughter outgrew your worst qualities, love?”

There was only one pony in the entire world who could make Flare stop talking– Who could make Flare fluster, in any way. And at that moment, Flare got very, very quiet, justifiably so, as she stared at the floor. “...yes. We are.”

And Celestia noticed it.

After a brief period of silence, Gold spoke again. “We are all tired. How about we try conversing about this at some better time? Queen Celestia, I am sorry we kept you. Have a good night, please.”

“...Yes. Thank you, Gold. Goodnight to you as well.” She said, raising her wings, and being glad to be freed of that conversation, but certainly intrigued at what that exchange entailed.

And of course, glad to see Flare Shimmer shut up.

They watched the queen fly away, but Flare’s gaze landed on the floor again, thinking about her daughter.

“...God fuckin’ damnit.” She muttered.

“C’mon, Flare… This time it really isn’t your fault. Let’s just go wish our daughter-in-law luck, and go to sleep.”

Twilight’s friends had finally left, and so, she could finally get to work. The room was quiet, as was the entire town, and its only occupants were her, Spike and Hermes.

“Alright, Hermes.” She approached him, suppressing her anger. “Before we do anything, I’d like to set some ground work.”

“O-okay! Um, yeah?” The Scientists adjusted his glasses nervously, afraid to be zapped again.

Twilight moved two objects next to his cage; A bird stand, and a decently large terrarium.

Then, turning to the open door, she called out. “Owlicious! Ray! Over here!”

Nearly immediately, an Owl flew into the room from inside the Community Center, and riding it, was a sizable, seemingly harmless Fire Salamander.

The Owl rested on the podium diligently, not before dropping the Salamander into the terrarium carefully.

“Hermes, meet me and my wife’s pets, Owlicious and Ray. They are incredibly loyal, and they care for us deeply. As you might imagine, they miss Sunset a lot already. Now, I will leave them right here, next to you. They’re usually harmless and friendly…” She approached him, and knocked her horn on the metal of the cage, which made him flinch. “...But if you speak out of term. In any way… They WILL attack you. Are we clear?”

Hermes looked at her, then exchanged looks between the two pets. The owl gazed deep into his eyes with a blank stare, and the Salamander seemingly stared at nothing, with eyes blinking unevenly. “U-um, yes, we’re clear! I’m complying!” Those animals seemed harmless, but then again, so did someone with the title ‘Princess of Friendship’.

“Good.” Twilight nodded. “Owlicious, Ray, please demonstrate.”

What followed was chaotic, comedic, and sort of harmless. The Owl flew around the cage, leaning forward and pecking at Hermes, who recoiled and screamed like a filly, while Ray did only one thing– Extended his long tongue and touched him with it– And the tongue of a fire Salamander burned.

Spike snickered. “Awesome demonstration, guys. Top form! Take five!” The two pets complied, resting on their podiums innocently once more.

Twilight Sparkle let out a chuckle, and smiled genuinely, Then simply turned and went back to the workbenches.

Clearing his throat carefully, as if he was at a minefield, Hermes spoke. “Okay, um, if you don’t mind me asking, what’s your idea of a device that might…?” He did not finish his sentence, fearing that any mention of Sunset would unleash the wrath of the innocent-looking pets.

Inhaling, then exhaling, Twilight centered herself, then reached for a device on the table– The same one that Hermes had used to curse Sunset in the first place. “Your ‘crown.’ It was made for a curse, yes, but it forcibly pulls the victim into another universe, one where they land besides their other self. There is a genetic imprint on the magic, right?”

“R-right. The curse is recorded on the pony it was cast on…!” He muttered quietly.

She nodded, and then very carefully took the device apart on the table with her magic. “So… We reverse it. I’m going to make a device– A much more powerful one, that can imprint on her genetic code, and pull her to this universe. Instead of having to make a portal, or a gate, or anything of the sort… We’ll pull her here directly.”

Spike nodded enthusiastically, happy with the idea. “Oh! Oh! That could work!! Instead of building a bridge, we essentially build a lasso, to pull her here! Super smart!!”

Adjusting his glasses nervously, Hermes raised a hoof. “It is certainly ingenious!! It will take a much bigger device, and a lot more power– and you’ll need something with her genetic imprint though, her DNA–”

Twilight immediately fished out a large mane brush from a pocket of hers, because she had already thought of it– The brush was full of red and yellow hair. “This should be enough…!” She stated, exhaling.

Hermes was enthusiastic, if anything. “E-exellent!! That is an ingenious idea!! Not as truly involved as I’d hoped, like a gate between worlds, but–”

Glaring at him, she narrowed her eyes, and the pets took it as a signal to attack, mildly inconveniencing him once more.

His sounds of ‘ow!! Ouch!! Aieee!’ Echoed in the room, much to its occupants’s' delight.

The pets settled once more, and the trio prepared to get to work.

But much to their surprise, a pegasus flew quietly through the window, none other than Fluttershy, carrying sleeping supplies as well as snacks, and other assorted goods, like incense. “Good evening, Twilight!” She spoke quietly, with a smile.

Hiding her feeling of inconvenience, Twilight greeted her friend with a smile. “Hi, Fluttershy! You’re back! To what do we owe the pleasure at this time of the night? We were just about to work, you see–”

“I’m staying to help.” She spoke softly, but assertively.

“Woah, you are?” Spike questioned, with a smile. “Sounds good!”

Blinking once or twice, Twilight processed it, in confusion. “Um, Fluttershy, you don’t know a thing about this subject, I’m not sure you could help…?”

Shaking her head, smiling, the Pegasus unpacked. “Oh don’t worry, that’s not what I mean. Twilight, I'm here to help make sure you take care of yourself. Get three full meals everyday, rest properly when needed, and also, well…” She pointed at Hermes, who was confused. “...Also keep you from hurting or killing him…?”

Hermes nodded emphatically, with a nervous smile. “She’s nice! I vote she stays!! Hahah!” Clearly feeling a wave of relief that somebody did not want him as a carpet; With all of Twilight’s friends having already previously reprimanded him or threatened to hurt him.

Spike put a hand on his hip, looking back at Twilight. “She has a point, you were absolutely planning on pulling an all-nighter ten times over to bring Sunset back. Which, by the way, could literally blow us all to smithereens, considering the kind of magic we’re fiddling with!”

Letting out an exhale, Twilight scratched her own chin, worryingly. “Are you sure, Fluttershy…? What about your animal sanctuary…?”

Shaking her head quietly, the Pegasus spoke kindly. “I already told Doctor Fauna to cover for me for a week, maybe two if it’s needed. And I even told Dashie that I’ll be occupied here, too! (she said she’s going to visit often, I hope that’s not a bother…!) This is more important, Twilight– I know everypony has their own work to worry about, and keeping Ponyville safe, and that Spike is here for you… But the more friends near you, at a time like this, the better. I’ve made up my mind…! After seeing how hurt you were, all this time… I’m staying. Even if it’s just for moral support…!”

Raising an eyebrow, snickering, Spike eyed Twilight. “There’s no talking her out of this, heh. And I agree! You definitely need somepony to tell you to eat, when you’re this focussed on work. She should stay.”

Letting out a weary chuckle, Twilight nodded. “Alright, Fluttershy. You stay. …And thank you. Really… From both of us…” She couldn’t help but imagine her wife laughing, while pointing at how right Fluttershy is for trying to get her to go to bed on time.

With a cheerful smile, Fluttershy clapped her hooves together quietly. “Yay…! I’m going to set up some incense, (I’ve got this wonderful one that my friend Tree Hugger gave me!) maybe get some quiet background music on the phonograph going, and you three can get to work…! Oh and after, I’ll make sure we all get to go to bed with our bellies full…! Good luck, good work, everypony!”

Nodding with weary determination, Twilight agreed, and so, she finally, truly could begin working.

It was small favors– An uphill battle, one that she was already a bit anxiety stricken over– But she wasn’t going to stop or give up. Never.

She was going to bring her wife back, no matter how long it took.

…And worse of all, time was her worst enemy.

Another barren universe.

Sunset looked around. The world she was on was dead. There was no atmosphere.

Only bits and pieces of what might have resembled Equestria floated around her…

She considered, for a moment, what could have caused something like this. It could, in a way, resemble what the Argent were planning on doing to her world…

It seemed erratic, however. Less organized than that robotic hivemind.

Shaking her head, she ignored it.

This world was dead, and the Sunset in it had long died. None of it mattered.

She took this moment to apply proper first aid on herself, sealing the wounds she had gained in the battle against King Sombra, hours earlier…

…And she took this opportunity to rest.

Princess Cadance's pupil

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Princess Cadance's pupil

Yawn. Another, weary yawn– One more of boredom, than actual exhaustion. The sun had just risen, and Cadance insisted that they were up early, much to her annoyance.

If this had been regular training, sure, that would have been fine– Magic, spells, physical training, even etiquette training– any of those would have been a delight, even at an early hour. She was no stranger to overachieving.

But this was not that kind of training… Not in the usual sense. This was, in fact, the Princess of Love’s favorite part of having a pupil.


And her new and most involved part of it. The love board.

She folded her wings close, looking pensively at it– In it there was a lot of data on her pupil. Strong suits, likes, dislikes, past experiences with love, and the most harrowing, most troubling section: Match possibilities; Which lied empty.

“Hm, hmm… Perhaps we are approaching this the wrong way…” She muttered to herself.

Laying on the couch, resting her eyes, but near-falling asleep, Sunset Shimmer suppressed a yawn. “Perhaps we are approaching it at all– And that’s the problem?” She joked, imitating Cadance’s voice, letting out a snicker.

She had only made that love board officially a couple of months before– and already, it was a frustrating experience for her pupil. And naturally, even before it, Cadance had already tried matchmaking with her, unsuccessfully.

“Now, now, Sunset–” The Princess let out a sly smile, shaking her head. “You don’t get to escape the love board. This is a key part of your training! And it’s very important for the party to come–”

“--How in the HELL Is finding me ponies to date helping me in training?! And also the gala is in two months!?” Her voice rose in complaint, as she waved a hoof.

“Shhh!!” Cadance brought a hoof to her lips, shushing her. “Flurry’s sleeping! Shhh!”

“Shoot, sorry!” She leaned back on the couch, being genuinely sorry, taking a glance at the crib where the Alicorn foal slept soundly, but still, despite speaking quieter, remained annoyed. “Seriously Cadance, after all these years you MUST have realized by now that this part of ‘training’ is worthless. Like c’mon. Hasn’t worked once.”

“It only needs to work once, too, dear pupil.” She spoke, unshaken, with all the confidence in the world. “And Love has an immense value to your training!”

Scoffing, Sunset rolled her eyes. She simply stretched out on the couch and let the Princess talk herself out.

At least the couch was comfortable– another wonderful luxury of living in the crystal empire, in the royal castle, no less. Her gaze landed in one of the windows, seeing the faraway horizon, where a sun was rising.

She closed her eyes, and thought of Celestia, and her pupil, considering how better they were doing, how better that curriculum could be. Certainly, Princess Celestia wasn’t trying to get Twilight Sparkle to go on dates. …Though a curriculum of friendship didn’t sound great either, all the while Sunset was stuck with the Princess of Love and her ‘definition’ of training.

Then she shook those thoughts away. She wanted to be here, after all. Better than facing Celestia again. …And the Princess, too.

…And Cadance kept talking. “Love is more than just an accessory you wear, my pupil. It is something that can motivate you to get out of bed– Something that can quite literally make you want to be your best self! Something that can bring out new sides of the smitten ponies affected by it– And not just that, it can be life changing! Alter the course of your entire life’s purpose!”

That last comment made her pupil snicker. “Oh yeah, for sure, I bet that in another life, me falling in love would have made me shredded. Super buff. Being in love would have made me not steal Twilight's crown, I bet. Too busy macking on somepony to be a piece of shit.” The comments were all sarcastic, and the Princess could tell.

“Self-deprecation will not get you out of this, Sunset.” Cadance shook her head, continuing to pensively look at the board. “Hmm…”

Her gaze moved to early information, and she recited it, to consider what her next course of action was. “Hmm… Longest relationship was with a guard named Flash Sentry, average yet unfulfilling dating life in teenage years and childhood due to lone wolf nature… Had her bisexual awakening when she first met Celestia as a foal and gained her cutie mark…”

Gritting her teeth, Sunset flustered slightly at her cringe worthy childhood. “Can you please take that last one down. Why did I ever tell you that…”

“It is all relevant information, my pupil! All of it is pieces of a puzzle that makes you you! Now we just need to find out with whom your pieces will fit…” She hovered over the ‘Potential matches’ Area, considering it strongly.

That ‘wisdom’ bounced off of Sunset, with her shield of sarcasm and mockery. “Has it ever occurred to you that I don’t have a destined romance, or a soul mate, or whatever– And that I am perfectly content with dying alone?! Cause I’ll tell ya– I’m CHIPPER!”

Cadance let out a giggle, ignoring her pupil’s nihilism. “Flurryheart didn’t like the color of mint ice cream, she cried when me and Shiny first showed it to her. But when she tasted it, she loved it!”

“What does that even mean…?”

“It means, dear pupil, ‘don't knock it till you try it’. Just because you haven’t truly had a fulfilling relationship before, doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be wonderful for you, and that you wouldn’t love it. On the contraire, delayed catharsis increases the joy tenfold!” Her wisdom once again bounced off her pupil.

Blowing raspberries, the Unicorn shook her head. “Yeah. Great. Wonderful. You’re forgetting one crucial problem. I’m Sunset Shimmer. Princess of fuck ups, and that’s not about to change. You’ve heard of the ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ thing, right? Well guess what. It’s me. And hey, lemme know when you tire yourself from matchmaking, then we can go do some actual training.” She closed her eyes, pretending to try to sleep.

“Again, self-deprecation will get you nowhere, my pupil. Once you are at your best, ponies won’t help but be attracted to you! All part of the training!”

“Uh-Huh. Give me another makeover. I’m sure the mares and stallions will come swooning.”

“Is that a challenge?”

“No. Sorry. Please don’t.” Sunset shuddered, remembering the many moments where the Princess of love had bedazzled her. Even now, her hair had jewels on it, certainly a more usual look, in the crystal empire.

“That’s what I thought.” Letting out a snicker, the Princess of Love smiled deviously, considering the many times that she had dressed up and given appearance advice to her pupil, with questionable efficiency.

“Look. You’re stressing over this for so much, and for what– The option of me having a plus one at the gala? It’s optional! I’ve already got my ticket!! And I honestly don’t even care about going!” She was only half lying. Being in the Grand galloping gala was a big event, it mattered to show face– Not to mention, as a pupil of a Princess, appearances were everything. But to her, after being humbled so monumentally, showing her face anywhere in events like those was a great source of pain.

“The Grand galloping gala is one of the most beautiful and important yearly events in all of Equestria, and most importantly of all– Romantic!! And as my pupil, you’re going, missy. I will not allow you to skip it this year too!! You’re going and you’re bringing a date, and we are finding you the best date possible, for the most important night of your life!!”

“Which is also two months from now, by the way!” The unicorn scoffed, angrily, questioning the night’s importance.

The Princess ignored that statement completely. The room was quiet for a moment.

Pensively pointing at one of the notes on the board, the princess thought out loud. “You know, your lone wolf nature isn’t necessarily a wrench in your love life. A lot of ponies find that sort of demeanor quite alluring, especially with your whole punk getup. The ‘bad girl’ archetype. Who would like that, hmm...”

“I’m pretending to sleep and not listening to you.” She covered her face with a pillow.

A few moments of silence passed, until Sunset side eyed the board, ignoring its contents, thinking about its purpose. “Do you have boards like these for all young ponies you know, or am I the only lucky bastard in Equestria that you’re stuck matchmaking?”

“Oh, no, I have dozens of these. Most are more intricate, too– You should see the one of my sister-in-law, it’s huge– She deeeeeeesperately needs to get laid.”

Sunset saw the chance to change the subject, and she took it. “That’s fucking hilarious. Can we talk about that instead?”

“No.” As much as it would entertain her, she refused to give Sunset the reprieve of escaping her own love live.

She regarded the board pensively, returning to the ‘past relationships’ section.

“Hm, Flash Sentry…”

Sunset’s eyes widened in annoyance. “Nuh uh, don’t even think about it, we’re on decent terms, but on the rare occasion I see the guy, all I can think of is of how much of an asshole I was to him– besides, he’s dating somepony, I think. We’re through.”

“That’s not what I was thinking of, Sunset… I was wondering… What did you see in him?”

At first, the unicorn wanted to say a blank statement, but with an exhale, she spoke in more detail. “It was kind of a popularity thing. Being a pupil of Celestia at the time already made me popular, but having favor with the royal guards helped. It was also a stress reliever. I didn’t really… Care about him.”

“And yet, you chose him, not any other guard. Why’s that?”

“Just lucky I guess.”

“Sunset.” She gave the unicorn a piercing glance, raising an eyebrow, knowing there was more to it.

Blowing raspberries, she reminisced. “Well… I don't know. He was weirdly nice to me, even before we started dating. I wasn’t a good girlfriend a lot of the time, but… He forgave me a lot. Even when I didn’t deserve it. He had this… Sincerity, I guess? Almost an innocence. Like he believed I could do better– Which, wow, It’s almost like I took that as a challenge to disprove, sheesh…”

“Go on…”

“We played guitar together sometimes… Which was nice. He wrote a song or two for me. It was embarrassing… But it was kind of cute. Unexpected, for a pony to do that sort of… gesture? I guess? I didn’t even like the songs themselves, I just found it cute that he made them.”

“Hmm, hmm, very interesting…” The Princess had an idea, quickly levitating a pen with magic, and adding little notes to the board.

Sunset was justifiably concerned that progress was being made. “...What are you writing in there.”

“Your type, Sunset. Although you have denied having a preference, I think I finally located it… Your type… Is cute.

Grimacing, she rolled her eyes, not buying it. “What? That doesn’t sound like me at all.”

“You enjoy the feeling of power– Even if that is something you’ve outgrown, ambition wise– But it is also something that makes you feel good. Being strong, being seen as strong, being revered, or being seen as revered– And that translates quite peculiarly… To loving ‘cute.’”

“You lost me.”

“Because in the end, what you want is to be surprised. You were surprised that he forgave you, time and time again, even when you didn’t deserve it. You were surprised that he made heartfelt gestures. You were surprised that he was nice to you, even when you thought you didn’t deserve it– All of that, coming from a place of almost innocence from him– Henceforth, cute.”

“T-that— what? He was a jock! That isn’t cute at all?!”

“Nuh-uh, no pony is a simple label, my pupil. Many archetypes and ideas can coexist. An aggressive party girl can be cute. An intellectual, highly intelligent teacher can be cute. A goth pony can be cute. Somepony who is a klutz and bad at most things can be cute. And of course, a devoted guard can be cute! Perhaps I should say he was a ‘himbo’? Kind of like my Shining Armor!”

“Perhaps you should never say that ever again!” Gritting her teeth in second-hand embarrassment, Sunset refused to entertain those thoughts.

“Think about it, Shimmer. With all your strength, all you’ve learned. If you had a cute little somepony to protect with it, innocent or otherwise, who looked past your flaws even when you didn’t deserve it– That would be precisely the kind of pony you would want to be with, correct?”

“I don’t know?!! Hey!! I wouldn’t want to be with somepony that’s just a cute dummy, okay?! Like. I don’t need somepony sucking up to me and not get me. Hell, the fact that Flash was kind of dumb was something that endlessly frustrated me in our relationship. That wouldn't work.”

“Indeed! Intellect! That is quite important isn't it? It makes sense, you were the overachieving first pupil of Celestia, after all!”

“Aren’t those two things mutually exclusive? Being a cute dummy and an intellectual dweeb?”

“Not at all. Like I said, archetypes mix and match, so do personalities and appearances. After all, you yourself, are a punk hard-headed, aggressive mare– But you are also profoundly intelligent, and fiercely loyal, when it counts. What was it Celestia said…?”

“...Please don’t say it.”

“You have a kind heart.” She said, with a smile, mimicking her aunt’s way of speech near perfectly.

“Ughhhhhhhhhhhh” She groaned in frustration. “Are we done? Please tell me we’re done. If your goal was to embarrass me, you’ve done so, with flying colors.”

“That was only a side objective.” She joked, amused. “We’re nearly there.”

The Princess, with a fire in her eyes, scribbled several notes onto the board, enthusiastically and with a grin. “Okay. now this is progress.”

Begrudgingly, Sunset stood, walked over, and observed the new additions to the board.

“Sunset Shimmers tastes/desires in a special somepony: Cute (Not necessarily beautiful or handsome), intelligent (be it academically or emotionally), shares passions, shares interests (Like playing an instrument!) and most of all, believes in her. (Loyal to the idealization of Sunset. The idea that she can be better.)”

Narrowing her eyes, Sunset blew air from her nostrils. “This doesn’t seem right at all. What the hell does all of this mean?”

“It means, dear pupil, that what you desire is not necessarily an equal, meaning another hard headed tough pony to be with, but in fact, you desire somepony different from you, but that you can relate with. Somepony who is sweet and caring, but not stupid nor naive– somepony that you could protect, but also respect, somepony that would challenge you, and most importantly of all, you want somepony that believes in you.She placed her pen down triumphantly, nodding with glee.

Rolling her eyes, Sunset walked back on the couch, doubting the verity of all of this. “This is dumb. Also it sounds more like marriage stuff than a date, if you ask me.”

“Soulmates, marriage, whatever you’d prefer, what’s important is that we know what you want! Or rather, what would be best for you!” She gleefully backed away from the board, observing it in full.

“Whatever...” The unicorn mumbled, face growing only slightly red, shaking her head, ignoring the princess.

“It is quite an interesting outcome, I will say! It may be another case of ‘opposites attract’-- One of my favorite demonstrations of love! Oh, it reminds me of Twilight’s friends, Applejack and Rarity!”

“Who?” Grimacing, Sunset realized she hadn’t memorized the names of any of the ponies that Celestia’s pupil was friends with.

“Oh, just another match I’m trying to make, Sunset. An Earth Pony Farmer, and high-class Seamstress– A quite wonderful clash of worlds!”

“Uh-huh. Good luck with that. I’m sure it’ll work great.” Sunset shook her head sarcastically, at least glad that the spotlight wasn't on her anymore.

Fidgeting, the Princess of love squinted at the board, thinking in overdrive. “Okay now. Who would be an intellectual cute and loyal pony for you to date………… Think, Cadance, think…! I wonder if Twilight’s friend Moondancer likes galas…”

A flash.

Lucky for Sunset, they were interrupted, with the Princess of Valor appearing out of thin air and softly thudding against the couch.

“UGH finally a soft landing. Sheesh—” She quickly glanced at her surroundings, in concern, and was relieved, but also surprised. “Woah, Cadance and me…? Weird universe…!” She glanced around the room, a particularly fancy looking suite on the castle of the Crystal empire, one that it seemed that had her own touch– A guitar laying about said it all.

Nearly Leaping with surprise, Sunset looked at the newcomer with immense confusion. “What the fuck are you?!?!!”

“...What’s up with your mane? Is it a crystal empire thing?” The Valkyrie inspected her, tilting her head– her other self was with a pretty lovely side swept hairdo, adorned with jewels, a look that clashed with the leather jacket she was wearing.

Cadance, however, had a different response to shock. After the initial surprise, she sniffed the air, her eyes widened and glowed, and she rushed forward. “Y-you!! You are just OVERFLOWING with boundless, devoted, deeply fulfilled love!!”


Which in itself made the Valkyrie realize she very much needed a shower– Her mane and coat was stained with dried blood, and it didn’t help that she also had fresh scars. “Oh, yeah. I murdered Sombra a few universes back– Still haven't gotten to shower. Sorry.”

The pupil looked at her with a grimace of confusion, while Cadance’s eyes were widened, as she scanned this other Sunset Shimmer thoroughly with her love magic. She made natural humming sounds, as her horn sparkled with pink.

“S-sunset!!” She poked her pupil emphatically. “T-this is you, from an universe where you are incredibly fulfilled in love!!!”

“I was more concerned about the fact that she’s an Alicorn, Cadance!!” Her pupil stated in disbelief. Waving a hoof at the newcomer.

The Valkyrie exhaled, suppressing a chuckle. “Yep. Cadance will be Cadance.” The Princess of Love seemed to be this abrasive in every universe, and she didn’t mind.

Leaning forward, the Princess of Valor touched her other self. “Hang on, let me get caught up.”

I am Sunset Shimmer. I stole Twilight’s crown, and I regretted it nearly instantly, becoming a monster.

She saved me. She offered me a second chance. Celestia did, too.

And I accepted it… But I couldn’t face them. I couldn't.

I wanted to continue my training, but I couldn’t be near them. I didn’t deserve to. So Celestia saw this as the chance to give her niece some teaching lessons– I’m the guinea pig.

…And I’m content. This is the best my life could have gone.

…But why the fuck does she have to try to match make me?! Sunset Shimmer will die alone. That much, I’m sure of. I’m content alone. I always have been. I’m okay.

...I’m okay...

Recoiling, the Valkyrie couldn’t help but chuckle, at the bizarreness of this universe. “Wow, well… You ran away from Twilight, but at least you like… Didn’t ’run away’ run away. I’ve seen an universe where I hid in the dragonlands no less, just to get away from Twi and Celestia… But mostly myself.” She finished that with an exhale of disappointment. “So many fucking universes like that…”

The Pupil shook herself off, weirding out the entire experience, narrowing the eyes at her other self, doubting her origin. “Okay. Time out. Who are you, and why are you here?! Are you a changeling playing a prank on us or something…?!”

Nearly shooing her away with a dismissive hoof wave, Cadance turned to the Valkyrie. “Don’t mind my pupil, she’s always pragmatic. Now, to more important matters: Who are you married with? Have you considered having foals yet?! This devoted union– Why are you here, instead of with her!!?”

The Princess of Valor had already experienced being hounded by the Princess of Love before, so she remained quiet for a bit, knowing that she would keep talking, and she did. With a further love scan of the newcomer, Cadance came to stark realization, as she looked through Sunset’s heart. “O-oh no! You were separated!! No!!! Your love is true and full, but alas, star crossed–” Her eyes began to tear up as she dramatically waved her wings about.

The tears weren’t hers. Much like Sunset, she could feel the pain of others, when it came to love.

Sunset turned to her other self, ignoring the Cadance, who started sobbing genuine tears. “I’m you from another universe. I was cursed to travel the multiverse, I’ll be out of you mane in an hour, don’t worry about it. I’m glad you’re… I’m glad you’re doing good, other me.” The tone trailed off, in the realization of how many universes she had seen recently where she was miserable, or just doing bad.

It was a lot to digest, but Sunset only had one question. “Is… Is there more universes where I'm an alicorn…?”

“No… I don’t think so… Well, I at least haven’t seen any. Sorry. Just me…” The Valkyrie shook her head slowly. The disappointment was indeed immeasurable. There were so many worlds where she had failed, where she didn’t matter.

“...Fuck.” Her other self threw her head back in the couch, closing her eyes

“...Yeah. You said it.”

Meanwhile, the Princess of Love was nearly having a breakdown. “B-but you feel so fulfilled! So full! Your love is– It's a promise that will last more than a thousand years, isn’t it?! But you are lost!! You are lost, and who knows if she’ll ever find you!!!!” Genuine tears streamed down her face. Her power was similar to Sunset, in a sense, it wasn’t direct empathy, but she could feel how her love felt, and it felt a lot.

“Cadance, it’s okay, it’s… It’s only been two days. She’ll find me.” Sunset muttered, with a bit of unease.

“B-but w-what if she doesn’t?! What if she’s not f-fast enough?? How will you live without each other?!?!!?” She squeezed her not-pupil’s cheeks desperately, reminiscing on all the worst possibilities.

Lightly shoving her aside, Sunset muttered weak words she did not want to say. “If that happens, she’ll be okay. She’s… Strong. She doesn’t need me to rule Equestria…”

“Wait, rule Equestria?!” Her other self tilted her head in surprise. Then she just rested back on the couch– She was taking this as a break from Cadance’s deranged matchmaking.

The Valkyrie’s ears twitched, as through the sound of Cadance’s sobbing, she heard a… A baby?

From her crib, where she was before sleeping, Flurryheart was awoken by the commotion, and started making a few babbling noises.

“Woah, you guys have a baby here…?!” She quickly left the couch in curiosity, moving forward. Inspecting the crib made her even more surprised.

After all, it was a baby Alicorn. Adorably sucking on a hoof, and delighted to see Sunset looking at her. “A-an Alicorn?! Whose baby is this? What?!”

Giddily, peppy, even, the little foal poked Sunset’s snout with a hoof a couple of times, making noises. “Bumbet! Bumbet Bimmer!” She garbled, laughing.

Eyes widened, the princess of Valor felt feelings she had not felt before. From the couch, her other self spoke, a bit disinterested. “She probably thinks you’re me. She’s Cadance’s daughter.”

“What the– The Cadance in my universe doesn’t have a daughter…!” Sunset’s eyes were bright, filled with wonder, at the adorable little Alicorn foal that was fidgeting with her muzzle.

“You probably shouldn’t let her touch you when you’re full of dried blood on your face, man.” her other self stated, still disinterested.

Gazing down with wonder at the little foal, she ruminated through those feelings.

After all, a thousand years was a long time. Some day, she and Twilight would have to train a new generation to take the mantle…

But she stopped, flinching, as she noticed the Princess of Love right next to her, staring directly at her in the eyes, with a small smile, which looked deranged, considering that her face was still stained with tears. She pointed at Flurryheart, while looking at Sunset still. “You’re thinking about having your own, aren’t you.”

“W-what?! Oh my god you’re just like my Cadance.” Blowing raspberries, the Valkyrie rolled her eyes. “And no. I wasn’t.” She lied.

This was her first exposure to the daughter of a Princess, and it shocked her. It shocked her because it made her think of it, clear as day.

“Oh, yes you were. You’ve even thought of names, haven't you?” She inched closer, with that grin widening even more.

“N-no I haven’t!!” She lied again.

And of course, the Princess of Love wasn’t convinced, as she nudged the Valkyrie to spill the beans, which she did not. “The Cadance and the Shining armor of my universe broke up, and she never had a baby– Can we focus on that?”

Giggling and Shrugging, the Princess didn’t care. “Oh, I get why. I’m a free bird, after all. Shining is wonderful, but I don’t fault another me from trying something different! After all, I sure did.” She smiled mischievously, and the Princess of Valor didn’t yet understand what she meant by it, but she soon would. “Either way, have you seen any fun other me’s on your weird multiversal travels?”

Oh yeah, she definitely had. “Well, I did see a universe where you were the nightmare version of yourself. Like, evil and stuff. Called yourself ‘Heartbreaker.’ But you weren’t actually evil, you just had a love cult where you did…” Sunset eyed the baby, then back at her. “...Things I shouldn't mention in front of a baby.”

Giggling mischievously, Cadance nodded. “Oh yeah, that sounds like me.”

Sunset began walking away back to the couch, with resting intent, but the Princess teleported in front of her, with manic interest. “WAIT!! You haven’t told me the name of your love!! I must know!! For research!!She aggressively pointed at the love board.

With a smirk, Sunset eyed her other self, then the Princess of Love. “Heh, you know what? I’ll just show you.” She offered a hoof, and Cadance accepted it, unsure of what would happen.

We talked about this, once.

About fleeting love.

Even if it was temporary.

Even if it was fleeting.

Even if it ended in heartbreak.

Even if there was a countdown until it all ended.

Even if I remain lost, and never see her again…

I would have still cherished loving Twilight Sparkle, even if only for a moment.

And I was more than ready to do it for a thousand years, too.

Tears streamed down the face of the Princess of Love once more, as she observed this other, strange, incredibly more fulfilled version of her pupil.

“T-Twilight…!” She muttered.

Nodding slowly, Sunset let out an exhale. “Yeah…”

“A-and…” She looked down, with tears still streaming down her cheeks. “Y-you might never see her again…!?”


The eyes of the other Sunset widened as her ears twitched in confusion. “Wait, what? Who?”

After letting out a sigh, the Valkyrie approached with a grin, and a raise of an eyebrow. “Hey. Other me. I’m married to Twilight Sparkle.”

“W-wHAT?!!??!!” Her jaw dropped, her face reddened, and she got really quiet.

A brief moment of silence in the room, intercut only with the sounds of Cadance sniffling, and Flurryheart babbling.

Until somebody else entered the room, somebody the Valkyrie wasn’t expecting to see here, in a million years.

With a smile, and a yawn, Queen Chrysalis entered the room. “Good morning, heart! You too, Sunset! The royal pantry has been raided empty of all its snacks. By me.”

With her eyes widened, the Valkyrie’s adrenaline spiked. She raised her wings, lit her horn, and leapt forward. “CHRYSALIS!!!” She shouted with rage.

Blinking in confusion, the Queen of Vermin observed her, tilting her head. “Good morning, Sunset. Did you get a new haircut? And grow wings? And, uh, fell on a vat of…” She sniffed the air in curiosity. “Blood?!” She grimaced in confusion.

“Prepare to burn, vermin.” The Valkyrie snarled, and moments before the Queen was incinerated, Cadance teleported in between them, shielding her. “WAITWAITWAIT!! She’s with us! She’s with us!!”

With a look of complete, flabbergasted confusion, the Valkyrie diminished the light from her horn, but didn’t erase it. “What? What?!”

Cadance got even closer to Chrysalis, rubbing her mane on her neck affectionately. “Me and Shining are with her! Romantically.”

“Woah, Heart, have you been crying?” The queen tilted her head, observing the Princess with affection and concern.

Widening her eyes, her jaw slacking in confusion, the Valkyrie asked the burning question. “What the fuck? What? Explain yourselves.”

From the couch behind her, Sunset warned her, but disinterested. “You’re gonna regret that.”

Giggling, Cadance placed a hoof on the chest of the insect queen that towered over her. “Well, we discovered that she doesn’t need to feed on love if she’s actively loved, and she started falling for us when she tried taking over Canterlot disguised as me, long story short, her changelings don’t feed on love anymore, they love instead! And she’s not a queen anymore, they elected somepony else! Who was it again, dear?”

Snickering, amused, the queen nuzzled her back. “Some little guy with a baby face. ‘Thorax’, I think?”

That certainly made sense to Sunset, but everything else didn’t. The queen turned back to her, and the tone she spoke on was light– A tone that Sunset had never heard Chrysalis speak in. “So who are you? One of my old subjects playing a prank on me or something? They do that.” She chuckled in amusement.

Stepping forward with a smile, Cadance waved a wing at the newcomer, “Chrysie, this is Sunset!-- From another universe, that is. She’s only visiting for a moment!”

Raising a confused eyebrow, the queen decided to just shake it off. “Oh well, okay. Nice to meet you! And it’s nice to see there’s an universe where Sunset is an Alicorn! I know how much she wanted that, it’s like a biiiig underlying issue she refuses to emotionally address, heheh.”

Nuzzling her affectionately, the Princess of Love was delighted to see her love speaking in all these technical terms.

An audible groan was heard from the couch behind them, belonging to none other than the other Sunset.

“Where’s the stud, by the way?” The Queen asked the Princess. “Captaining about?”

“Oh yes, you know he’s an early riser! Oh, we should invite him up here! Shining would love to meet this other Sunset!” Cadance gleefully giggled.

Narrowing her eyes in confusion and slight disgust, Sunset presumed that she would not want to see Twilight’s brother and how he fit with the overgrown bug.

Chrysalis extended a hoof for the Valkyrie to shake, one which she did, while glaring at her the entire time. “I’m Chrysalis! Ex-Queen of Vermin! It’s delightful to meet you.”

“Sunset Shimmer. Princess of Valor. I killed you in another universe yesterday.”

The room went quiet.

It was a bit awkward.


If there was one word to describe the Queen of Vermin in this universe, that was it.

Canterlot, and all of the valleys surrounding it, were completely transformed. The hive was built inside and out of the castle, expanding into the skies in a crooked manner.

She had all the love she could eat and more.

And she never stopped eating.

Much like an insect queen, she couldn’t leave the hive anymore. Her body was twisted, morphed, overgrown, nearly fused with her throne, her wings enormous, but torn, unable to fly. She sat there, unamused, nearly pensively, as she hovered a pod containing none other than a comatose Twilight Sparkle near her.

It was like chewing on a piece of gum for hours, but in this case, years. The taste became stale. Plenty of her subjects skittered about, and they were also a captive audience to conversation.

“You know what I never understood about this little idiot?” She swerved the pod around, with an annoyed grimace. “She had all of this ‘love of friendship’ with her, but at the same time, was Super single. The little idiot was meant to become the ‘Princess of Friendship’ and whatever– But wow, she was actually loveless! No romantic partners!”

Snickering deviously, one of her soldiers agreed. “Love of Friendship just doesn’t have the same flavor, does it, my queen?”

“That’s what I’m saying!!” She cackled in response, while swerving the pod, indulging herself on watching Twilight spin.

“Oh, and you know what else?!” She reached for another pod above her, a considerably large one, that contained none other than Celestia. “The same applied to the Princess of the Sun!! She had no romantic prospects!! Pathetic!”

The few soldiers in the room laughed like they were at a standup show. Chrysalis really hammed it in. “What was the deal with the royalty of Equestria?! Even Luna!! They had no game!”

Cackles echoed in the room, with all of them delighting themselves.

But they were interrupted with a tremor.

More specifically, an explosion.

Chrysalis’s antenas quivered in confusion as she stood incredibly still.

One of her soldiers spoke in confusion and fear. “W-what was that?! Did it come from inside the hive?!”

“Impossible!” Another added. “No pony could ever infiltrate our defenses without being seen!!”

The Queen shuddered– Like she could feel the expanse of her hive as a part of her body, and she felt like a body part of her was on fire.

The fearful buzzing of their fellow changelings echoed throughout the hive, and it sent shivers through her.

“D-don’t just stand there, fools, seek and destroy the threat!!” She bellowed in anger.

The drones were about to move, but a hole was blown on a part of the roof– and fire spewed out of it.

The Princess of Valor was here.

She was already covered in the viscera of the vermin she had slaughtered moments before, and she left a trail of fire in her wake, with her wings raised menacingly.

And levitating behind her, she dragged a pod of her other self, a comatose Sunset, cocooned like all the other ponies in this hive.

Plenty of the soldiers skittered and scattered in fear, as the flames of the room spread, and Chrysalis naturally couldn't run away in her state.

With a mix of anger, fear and surprise, she yelled out to the Valkyrie. “H-how did you get in here?! And WHO IN THE HELL ARE YOU?!”

“Pest control.” The Valkyrie snarled, as the flames around her increased exponentially, spreading viciously to the few changelings that tried attacking her, and the light she emanated blinded all in the room.

The Queen of Vermin was burned to a crisp before she could even react.

The most difficult part of the hour spent on this universe was freeing an uncountable number of ponies from their cocoons.

“...Well that hurts my feelings…!” Chrysalis said to the Valkyrie, with a genuine tone.

Still narrowing her eyes, Sunset tried sounding less antagonistic, but had questionable results. “This is the first universe I’ve ever seen where you’re not a bastard.”

“...That also hurts my feelings.” The Queen of Vermin exhaled, still very confused at the situation.

“I also haven’t killed you in my universe yet, because you keep running away from me. But I’ll get to it.” Sunset reminisced on how the Queen of Vermin she knew was a horrible monster that had nearly given up on conquering Equestria since Sunset became an Alicorn. After all, a battle hardened Princess of flames and a bug queen don’t mix. Bad match.

“Okay, are you just in this universe to hurt my feelings?” The queen tilted her head in confusion.

Placing a consoling hoof on her chest, Cadance beheld her with adoration. “Don’t worry, Chrysie. What matters is who you are here, and we love you!”

Smiling flirtatiously, Chrysalis leaned down. “Gimme some sugar, mi amore.”

What proceeded was, to Sunset, one of the most disgusting displays of affection she had ever witnessed, she was unaware of how a changeling’s mouth would bend and open when they kissed, much less how much their tongues slobbered. She nearly vomited.

From behind her, her other self commented, averting her eyes. “Yep. You never get used to it.”

The Valkyrie’s face was widened in a grimace of disgust, she barely successfully muttered the words she wanted to say. “I’ve seen multiple universes where I was dead, and my remains were in random places in Equestria, forgotten by anybody that ever knew me. This is worse.”

Giggling, the Queen moved further into the room, towards the crib of Flurryheart, who still babbled. “Aaaaanyways, how’s the little goober?”

She hovered over the crib, and the little foal giggled when she saw her. The queen proceeded to open her jaws and extend her tongue and shook her face. “Booga booga booga!!” She made horrifying garbles and faces that would frighten any young child.

…Flurryheart was not any young child. She giggled in amusement, poking the queen on her snout. “Bissali!!! Bissali!!” She joyfully proclaimed, with her horn unleashing little sparks.

“That's right, little goober!! You’ll get it right someday!!” The Queen snickered with glee.

Sunset watched the whole thing in very, very confused disgust. Then she came to a startling realization, as she turned to Cadance, who was coming closer to the changeling. “Wait. Wait, don’t t-tell me?!–” She pointed at Flurryheart, then to the Queen, and then the Princess. “I-Is s-she?!!?”

The two regarded each other, and then the Valkyrie, then giggled. The princess fluttered her wings in amusement. “Nooo! No, don’t worry. She’s Shining Armor’s and me’s daughter! I don’t think ponies and changelings can have foals together?”

“It doesn’t mean we shouldn't try.” The queen grinned at her flirtatiously with a growl, as she leaned closer.

What resulted was another display of affection that disgusted the Princess of Valor, as those two kissed with their very incompatible mouths.

“Okay, that’s it.” she shook her head, and headed towards a window. “I’m done with this universe. Good luck other me, you’ll never see me again, bye–” And proceeded to jump out of the room near desperately, without any clear direction other than away from here.

“W-wait!!” The Princess raised a hoof. “D-don’t you want to shower?! We have facilities–”

“Next universe! Bye!” Sunset yelled out from afar, getting distance at great speeds, cruising out of there.

The residents remained alone for a moment, in confusion.

Chrysalis was the first to speak, tilting her head. “Well that was odd. Did she just come to this universe to judge us or something? I’m hurt!”

“Oh don’t worry Chrysie, she was just here to help me progress Sunset’s training!” The Princess giddily moved back to the board, with adding intent.

This immediately garnered the attention of her Pupil, whose brows furrowed in confusion. “W-what? What do you mean?”

Cadance remained staring at her pupil the entire time, with a mischievous grin. She reached into a binder with her magic, pulling a picture out of it, hovering a picture in the air.

It was a picture of her sister in law. Twilight Sparkle.

“O-oh no” Sunset’s air left her lungs.

“Oh yes.” The princess raised her muzzle smugly.

The Picture hovered closer to the love board. Sunset got a bit desperate. “Nuh uh, don’t do it! Don’t you do it!”

Princess Cadance, with a manic, delighted smile, placed the photo of Twilight Sparkle directly on the ‘matches’ section of Sunset’s love board.

Sunset let out an audible, flustered groan that echoed in the room.

With a shocked look at the board, and then a delighted cackle, Chrysalis amused herself at the expense of her lover’s pupil. “Oooohohohoh, Shining’s sister?! The little pony that kicked my ass back in the day?! With Sunset?! That is endlessly amusing!!”

Frantically, the Princess connected the dots on the board, with enthusiasm. “This is perfect. She is your Equal! After all, you both studied under Celestia, you have SO much common ground– And yet, her different approach to the subject would be endlessly educational and helpful to you! She is immensely sweet and caring, and incredibly intelligent. She will challenge your world views, while also respecting and admiring your strength!! Not just that, but she is adorable– Something you’ll find irresistible– And she will absolutely find your punk-ass hot.”

Sunset’s face grew redder with every word, even if she looked angry.

“And most importantly of all…” Cadance beheld her pupil with a warm smile. “She believes in you.”

That did affect her pupil, who looked at the ground quietly. After all, Twilight already believed in her. She had saved her, after all. And not just that, but she was more than okay with Sunset’s role as her sister in law’s pupil.

And the Princess, still incredibly smug, continued her love rant. “Don’t you see, Sunset?! It’s perfect! Twilight is not only single, but she deeeeeesperately needs some romance in her life– And sure, you were a fixer upper– But I see it so clearly now!! The cute nerd who changed your life for the better, who saved you– She is so stressed, everyday, exhausted with her duties as the Princess of Friendship– and then comes Sunset Shimmer! The hot dashing punk girlfriend who will relieve her of all her troubles, support her through it all, treating her like a Princess!! and then take her worthy, rightfully earned place beside her as a ruler of Equestria– Your second chance! The inheritors of night and day!”

Her pupil remained silent, her face as red as a tomato, as she was inadvertently forced to imagine those ideas vividly.

Her new chance at becoming an Alicorn. At reconnecting with her old life, but this time, doing it right.

Was Cadance’s training worth something after all?

Nodding, Chrysalis agreed emphatically. “Wow, heart. That’s good. Like. Some destiny kind of romance. Shining’s gonna love this! It's wonderful!”

“Isn’t it?!” Cadance clapped her hooves with excitement and joy. “Sunset! I’ve decided. You’re going with Twilight to the gala!! Heck. I’m getting you to go on a date with her this week!! She desperately needs to get laid–”

“Wha–” Sunset’s head shot up in surprise and annoyance. “A-are you just trying to get me to bang your sister in law?!”

“YEAH!!!! Chop chop!!”

The Mysterious Mare Do Well: What lies beyond the mask?

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The Mysterious Mare Do Well: What lies beyond the mask?

A full day of working on machine-building duty was making Spike sore– And not just that. So much information had to be processed all at once, so many concepts about mixing magic and technology, so many just dizzyfying ideas related to the multiverse…

…But he wasn’t going to let Twilight down. Even now, exhausted, with that perpetual look of worry, she continued to diligently work… At least Hermes seemed peppy, gleeful to help every time.

Taking a quick stretch and a breath, Spike walked over to the balcony. Ponyville looked full of life once again, as the sun set behind the mountains… Merely two days before the last party, they were already throwing another. First the Alicornaversary, now the Lantern festival…

There were more than a handful of ponies that passed by the community Center asking about Sunset, and everytime they did, all that Spike could do was cover for Twilight, and mumble excuses like “We’re working on it!” …How long that would take at this point, he had no idea. People in Ponyville loved Sunset. And even the ones that weren’t there to see when she vanished could notice the strange absence of the two Alicorns from the public eye. The actual true explanation as to why would be an incredibly confusing pill to swallow.

Besides him, Fluttershy watched Twilight with concern, occasionally taking glances back at the festival.

This festival was one of the most beautiful in all of Ponyville… And Twilight was going to miss it.

“...Um, hey, Twi…” He tried getting her attention, but she was utterly lost in thought. “Twilight! Hello?“

“...Yes? What is it, Spike? Did you get those servos…?” She asked absentmindedly, completely focussed on her work.

Scratching the back of his head, he shot a worried glance to Fluttershy, and they both nodded in agreement. “I was just thinking, y’know, since it’s right here, why don’t we spend an hour at the festival, just to unwind? Y’know… Rest your eyes, and everything else, really…”

“Next year. With her.” She mumbled, shaking her head.

His eyes widened with her absolute response. “B-but it’d just be one hour! You could really use the rest, Twilight!!”

“If you want to go, you can, don’t worry. But I'm staying. I can rest after I get Sunset back.” She said it nearly robotically, automatically, like she was prepared to say it as many times as she needed to.

Crossing his arms, he frowned and huffed slightly. Time to pull out the big guns. “Sunset would want you to take a break.”

“Sunset would want to be here.” She responded immediately, almost coldly.

Exhaling, he turned to Fluttershy, with that same concerned look, and whispered. “What are we going to do?! This is one of the most beautiful nights in Ponyville– And she’s just… Blargh…” He dropped his head low– After all, he understood completely why she wouldn’t leave. It didn’t make it any less painful to see.

Nodding quietly, Fluttershy whispered back, sharing in that concern. “She used to spend these nights with Sunset, so it’s just… Sad, but…” She shot a glance to Twilight, then back at Spike, with determination. “We need to get her to take a break.”

“Right! But how!? She’s absolutely in the zone! And, uh, kinda scary.” He shot a glance to the Princess, who was multitasking connecting wires and runestones while reading, as well as moving screws and bolts through the air selecting the right ones.

After pensively ruminating, Fluttershy’s wings opened with an ‘aha!’ motion.“I’ve got an idea! But it won't exactly be the break we hoped…” She whispered.

“Awesome! What is it?”

“Follow my lead.” She whispered deviously.

Clearing her throat, she stood, and did her best to act. “Weeeell, I’m beat! Hey Twilight, is it okay if me and Spike go get some food from the fair? There’s all sorts of tasty treats–”

“Sure. Have fun…” She muttered, completely focussed on what she was doing.

Nodding towards Spike in a knowing motion, the pegasus and the dragon flew off through the balcony.

The room went quiet once more, and all that could be heard was the quiet hustle and bustle of the town outside, as ponies gathered for the festivities. Twilight ignored all of it, working diligently.

From his cage, Hermes observed her with curiosity. “...You’re really not going?”

She didn’t even turn to look at him. “No. This is more important.”

He smiled, nodding. “Your conviction is staggering! As is your intellect, by the way. You catch on quick. I can respect somepony who works this diligently–”

“Your seal of approval means nothing to me.” She spoke, coldly. This was not the kind of thing she had ever said. In fact, this was a line she had learned from her wife, who said so towards her enemies. It was this, or ‘shut the fuck up’.

“A-ahem, well…” He was taken back. He did know he deserved that coldness, he was her enemy, after all. But this was common ground! “I just wanted to say that you are doing a very good job. And I respect your diligence and refusal to take a menial break! Even if the chances of finding Sunset Shimmer are slim–”

“Are they, now?” Twilight stopped, glaring at him. “You remember what I’ll do to you if we fail, right?”

He felt a shiver down his spine with her cold gaze. It didn’t help that her pet owl was sitting right next to his cage staring at him right in the eyes with the same coldness. “U-um… Yes. I’m just happy that I’m finally seeing progress on the development of this technology…!”

She turned back to her work, speaking without energy. “Hermes. This technology is completely purposeless. Once I get Sunset back, I’m trashing it– All of it. And I’ll make sure no record of it exists.”

“B-but!! It does have purpose!! You’ll see!! You won’t be able to deny it, once it works– You’ll see! It’s a brave new frontier…!” He spoke in a bit of desperation, in the realization that he wasn’t convincing her in the slightest.

She did not respond, and just like that, the conversation was over.

“Y-you’ll see…” He exhaled, pouting.

Sweetiebelle ran through the rooms of the carousel boutique with a giddy excitement in her step, carrying with her magic a handful of papers and a pen. Finally home from school, and now, she could at long last get to the subject that she had been racking her brain on for years, and make it official.

“Sis! Sis! Do you have time now to do that interview I asked?” She hopped up and down, getting Rarity’s attention, who was diligently working on a certain lantern-like-kite apparatus.

Tilting her work glasses, the seamstress suppressed an instant yes or no from within, and then narrowed her eyes. “Since when are you this excited about homework? Or interviewing me about my work, Sweetiebelle?”

Suppressing a certain mischievous smile, the little filly sat down innocently. “Oh, you know, I convinced mister Cranky Doodle to change the subject of my assignment related to interviewing you…”

With a light chuckle, Rarity put her attention back on the lantern. “Oh, did you now? What is it?”

She couldn’t contain her excitement anymore. Nearly jumping for joy, she spoke emphatically. “I’m interviewing you about the protector of Ponyville!! The Masked Mare! The Mare of Mystery!! The Mysterious Mare Do Well!!” She began spinning around in excitement. “You’re friends, right?! You made her outfit, you patch it up whenever it's banged up– I wanna write down everything you know about her, and make it like an investigation!! Maybe it could bring us closer to finding out who she really is!!”

With a delighted giggle, that at least did pick Rarity’s attention in full, as she removed her glasses and lounged, setting the Lantern aside. “Oh that is certainly an interesting subject, darling, it might make for a quite good assignment; But I’m afraid I might disappoint. We aren’t friends per se. She has never even spoken a word in my presence! Always so stalwart– She is kind of skittish!”

Hurriedly, the little filly sat beside her sister, and started writing a thing or two down. “U-um okay, before I mess this up, I organized some questions! I wanna be super professional about this. Like, gosh, it’d be sooooo cool if I helped Twilight find out who the hero of Ponyville really is!!”

Amused, Rarity looked out the window, observing the sun disappearing beneath the clouds, and besides it, Twilight’s castle. “Don’t hold your breath, darling, Twilight is the most interested of all of us to find out our protector’s true identity. And considering her stubbornly huge brain, I wager she’ll discover it first.” It was certainly the most likely possibility, but considering just how many years had it been without any progress in the investigation…

“Bwuhbwuhbwuh hang on I’m getting the questions!!” The little filly clumsily moved around the stacks of paper, wanting to get everything perfect, for once.

“Okay, okay!” She cleared her throat with determination. “Rarity! Who was the original Mare Do Well, when was she around, and what was your involvement with her?”

With an amused giggle, Rarity reminisced on memories of all those years ago. “Trick question, darling. There were multiple of her. You see, in one of the first years that Twilight lived here in Ponyville, Rainbow Dash was being awfully cocky; She kept doing these ‘heroic’ deeds, and relishing on the infamy that they gave her, no matter how small, and it was really getting to her head. It was the ego inflation of the century! Not that she didn’t have a grotesquely large ego before that, as well!”

Smiling with excitement, the little filly wrote down several notes, following along as her bigger sister spoke. “And you see, me and the girls realized that we had to teach her a lesson. Burst her bubble, if you will! So I made a fabulous heroic outfit, and the girls dressed up in it, doing heroic deeds around Ponyville, but unlike Rainbow, we didn’t bother with relishing in the infamy or even bragging! The girls always left the scene after saving it. Which of course, made Rainbow’s competitive nature and ego go in overdrive…” She amused herself with the memories.

“How did it end! How did it end!! Let’s get to the cool part!!” The little filly egged her on with joy.

“Well, long story short, we were discovered, Rainbow learned her lesson, sort of, and that was the end of that! I retired the costume, and we put the matters to rest! It was only one more crazy incident in our lives at the time, after all!”

“Awesome, awesome…” She muttered to herself, writing it down. “And now we get to the cool part. Okay! What was your first encounter with the new Mare Do Well?”

With a mischievous smile, even Rarity was excited to get to this part. “Now this was a bit more recent, though still a few years ago… I believe maybe five or six? Twilight had become an Alicorn, even already had her castle and crown and everything, for a little while… And then, out of nowhere, a hooded, masked Unicorn began protecting Ponyville! And it was certainly a surprise to us! After all, Ponyville had always been a magnet for trouble– But then came this hooded stranger, just out of nowhere, and began protecting it? We were quite suspicious at first, Twilight especially. But I believe she was the first to notice how humble this protector was– After all, she never spoke a word. She did the good deeds, defeated the bad guys, the monsters, or saved the ponies in danger… And then she would just leave, without saying a word! Why, that was certainly heroic! And quite mysterious…”

Containing excited giggles, the little filly egged her on. “What happened next??”

“Well, none of us could catch her. She was quite skittish, and clearly incredibly magically capable. Not only immensely skilled with magic, but physically, too! Twilight and Rainbow were the only ones that even wanted to catch her, after a while. Most citizens were just happy to have somepony looking out for them– But as you might expect, Rainbow did get a bit jealous, specially when Scootaloo opened a fanclub just for the Mare of Mystery– and Twilight, loving this town so much, became very interested in discovering who was protecting it– What really lied beyond the mask, so she could thank her.”

“The costume! Talk about the costume!” Sweetiebelle wrote at an aggressive pace, with that same excited smile.

“Hehehe… Now therein lies the interesting part. As is to be expected, after a few months of having this new vigilante galavanting silently about, I was reminded of the ‘Mare Do Well’ of long ago– Our own invention, at the time!– And in a fit of inspiration, decided to display her costume once more! Even retelling the amusing tale of its origin to the ponies that visited my shop! For a few days, it was the subject of much gossip, and then, just like that…”

“...It was GONE! Yeah!!” the little filly completed for her with excitement.

“Hihi, that’s right, Sweetiebelle. I entered the boutique one day, and the costume had been stolen! And on the podium I saw a note– One that simply said ‘Thank you for the new face’. My, I was positively intrigued!”

“And that’s how the NEW Mare Do Well came to be!!” She excitedly wrote it down, giddily giggling to herself. “Okay! Awesome! What next? You and her! Tell me about you and her!”

With an amused chuckle, Rarity shrugged. “Oh, there isn’t much to say, darling. After that, the protector of Ponyville gallivanted over our rooftops with a suit of my making! She had a face now– Complete with the fashionable hat and cape! And I could tell she was getting better too. Always silent, always stalwart, but leaping towards danger courageously! And then, one day…”

With eyes widened in curiosity, the little filly remained quiet, waiting for the most interesting moments of the story.

“...One day, a Chimera attacked Ponyville– Zecora was running away from it, leaving the Everfree forest, being chased by the monster, asking for our help– And our Mare Do Well sprung into action!! She managed to fight and defeat the beast single handedly! It was quite a beautiful display of magic and physical prowess! But one thing Twilight noticed: Blood on the scene. Not the chimeras, but her’s– Our protector’s. She had fled the scene, despite being wounded.”

Gasping with awe, excited over the story getting bloody, the little filly kept writing, with a grin.

“And the most curious thing happened. When I arrived at the boutique that day, a window on the second floor was open– And placed upon it, was a part of the Mare Do Well costume. It had pieces of it stained with dried blood– and not just that, but it was torn, quite significantly, if I may say. And Right then, I knew exactly what I had to do.”

Nodding emphatically, Sweetiebelle egged her on. “What did you do??”

“I patched it up! I fixed her outfit, made sure it was good as new, even washed it, too.” She said with a smile of clarity. “And then I placed it upon that same window when it was done and ready. A day later, it was gone! And on that window was a note. One that simply said ‘Thank you’.”

“Yeaaaaah!! What else? What else?”

“Not much, darling.” She amused herself, returning to her work on the lantern. “It happened plenty of times over– after all, our protector often gets herself into scrapes. And I patched her outfit up everytime, even made some of my own additions occasionally! But nothing too drastic– You can’t mess with the classic, after all.”

“And did you ever get to see her up close?!!”

“As a matter of fact I did! Only once, however. She was picking up a freshly stitched mask from the window– that one, right there– and I happened to be on the second floor. I didn’t get to see her face, but as soon as I saw her, I offered her some tea!”

“Oh!! What happened?!”

“...We drank tea! Not much to say. She was quiet through the whole thing– Did not even pull her mask up the whole way, just enough for her mouth to be able to drink without impediment. After she was done, she gave me a nod and was on her way!”

“B-but you didn’t even try talking to her?!”

“There was nothing to say, darling. In that silence, we could understand each other perfectly. She was thankful for me patching her outfit up, and I was thankful for her being out there fighting for Ponyville day by day! No words needed to be exchanged. This is what Rainbow and Twilight don’t get– Sometimes, a thank you doesn’t need to be spoken. Actions speak louder– In them, we can thank those we love.” She stated simply, with a wise smile.

“B-but what was the color of her hide? You must have seen something?”

“Ah, the finer details are all on Twilight’s ‘conspiracy board’, darling. If you’d like, you could always ask her to see it up close! I’m pretty sure that our mayor has also met with our hero on occasion, you could always interview her as well. Personally, I don’t bother with the investigation– but if you must know, her fur was a tone of orange.”

With a tiny gasp, the little filly rose her head. “Orange?! Do you think it’s Applejack?!”

That suggestion was amusing to the seamstress, who delighted herself with a giggle. “Applejack is much bigger than our hero, Sweetiebelle. Her strong Farmer frame would not fit on this outfit anymore– Besides– The Mare of Mystery is an Unicorn! That much, everypony knows at this point.”

“Hmm…” Pensively, the little filly bit the opposite end of the pen. “Another question. What’s your comment on the ponies that think that one of you– the six friends that save the world and stuff– is the Mysterious Mare Do Well?”

“Absolutely rubbish, darling. We have all been sighted alongside the hero as she galivants in Ponyville, and it doesn’t take a genius to see that her frame doesn’t fit most of ours; Not just that, but at days where we are all in Canterlot, or traveling around Equestria in some world saving adventure, she is still here, keeping Ponyville safe! And besides– Unicorn! I am the only one in the group– And you don’t imagine me running above rooftops, do you? All that sweating would ruin my mane!”

“Pfff deeeeeefinitely not.” She smirked, knowing full well that it was a rarity that her big sister would be the heroic type. “Anyways, lemme get the other questions…”

“Oh dear, there’s more?” Rarity shot a glance outside with light concern, then back at her little sister. “Sweetiebelle, the festival will begin soon, will this take much longer?”

“This is important, Rarity!!! And I wanna show the girls all the data I have at the festival!!” She spoke the word data wrong, as she clutched her papers, thinking of her cutie mark crusader friends. “Okay! Okay! Next topic… Okay. Ponyville has thrown more than one celebration in her name, but she rarely ever makes an appearance. Heck– Scootaloo has a fanclub going, and it’s kinda big! And yet, they never really get to see the Masked Mare– Why do you think that the protector of Ponyville doesn’t go to any of those…?”

Giggling, the seamstress shook her head. “The answer is quite simple, darling. The same reason she rarely ever speaks, or why she always covers her face– She is not doing this for praise. Clearly, above everything, she is doing this for Ponyville. And I’m thankful– With her protecting the town, all six of us often get to be a lot more relaxed! Twilight especially, I imagine. Though she is, of course, desperately trying to thank the masked mare at any opportunity, heheh.”

Nodding quietly, the little filly realized a very important question needed to be asked, but decided to move it for later. Rarity, reminiscing, giggled mischievously. “Though there is one thing. There is no guarantee that she hasn’t been to those gatherings, but we simply couldn’t tell– After all, she could always be in the crowd, unmasked, and we never would have noticed…”

Sweetiebelle’s jaw dropped with the suggestion that the hero of Ponyville could be walking among them, and they never would have noticed.

“...But I personally don’t believe as much.” Shaking her head, Rarity dismissed it.

“Wha?? What do you mean?” She stood in surprise and excitement.

“...Let me tell you something I’ve never told anypony. Not even Twilight.” This immediately made Sweetiebelle’s eyes widen and she gasped audibly in anticipation, as the big sister smiled mischievously.

“You know my attention to detail in my outfits is impeccable, darling. And in one of Pinkie’s parties– One where she had themed around the hero in question, I saw something quite peculiar… Or should I say somepony…”

“What was it!! What?!”

“...There were plenty of ponies in there dressed like the Mare Do Well that night– No surprise at all, even Pinkie was adorning her hat. And in that crowd… I saw our hero. The real one. Her costume– Restitched and patched up in just the right places, by me. I could tell nearly immediately– That silent guest, moving about in the party like any other citizen playing dress up– She was the real deal.”

“WHAT?! OH MY GOSH THIS IS SO COOL!! What did you do?!”

“...Nothing! After all, she clearly desired privacy above everything else– Why else would she always cover her face? I wasn’t about to ruin that, much less ruin her chance to enjoy the party like any of us… I did keep an eye on her through the whole party though, and it was quite interesting…”

“What did she do?!” The little filly was at the edge of her seat, and wasn’t even seated.

“...Mingled! Had some snacks. Quietly moved about, and everypony was none the wiser. I did see her chatting with Pinkie and Maud very frequently, and of course, both were completely unaware that they were face-to-face with the real deal, heheh.”

“Gosh, gosh, did you get to hear her voice properly? What did she sound like?”

“Tired, I’d say. Not very energetic; Like she had run a marathon or two recently… But I certainly couldn’t fault her– She was not on the clock. And I imagine running around rooftops and battling monsters and every other threat to our beloved town would make her run quite ragged.”

Nibbling the tip of her pen, Sweetiebelle shook her head quietly. “Hmm… I don’t know, Rarity. It could have just been another pony in town playing dress up?”

“That’s what I told myself, at the end of that night, darling! I was thinking that maybe I was seeing things, and then the strangest thing happened… As she was leaving the party- and of course, I was watching her like a hawk– She turned and winked at me. Tipped her hat and everything. Like she knew I had been watching her the entire time!!”

“OH MY GOSH SHE'S SO COOL!!” Her jaw dropped.

“I was positively stupefied!! And what’s more– I'm fairly certain I have seen the same happening in nightmare nights– Our hero, walking among us, and we are all none the wiser, because it is a day or night to wear costumes. She is incredibly cunning!!”

“What does this mean…?” Sweetiebelle wrote down furiously in her notes, wondering just what this might imply. “I wonder what…”

“It is only a gut feeling, darling. But to me, this implies something curious– That maybe, she is not from Ponyville at all. That she will only ever be here wearing a mask– Because we would recognize a newcomer in our town, and wonder. That, or perhaps we all know who she is, and would recognize her face instantly– Which only increases my curiosity on who she might be! …But I don’t truly wish to unveil the mystery. After all, she is keeping Ponyville safe. She has earned her privacy in full.”

“Awwww but shouldn’t we have a chance to thank her for all she’s done?! I mean– She single handedly beat Chrysalis once!! And then there was all those bandit attacks, that hydra, that giant kestrel, that dragon– and even that time where Starlight Glimmer attacked the town with a bunch of skeletons– I can’t count how many bad guys she’s beaten for us! Like c’mon, she deserves a proper thanks, face to face!!”

“Hehe, indeed, that is what Twilight believes– She has a conspiracy board and everything– She has pursued discovering the true identity of the Mare Do Well for years; After all, if she could thank her in person, truly, seeing her face, our hero might be able to fully say just how thankful she is that somepony is protecting the town she loves… But that’s certainly something curious…”

“Huh? What is?”

“Our Masked Mare… She runs from Twilight the fastest. Even at those parties where she was hidden in plain sight, I saw her actively avoid the Princess, never slipping up– And I think I might know why.”


“Simple. Our resident Alicorn is the smartest pony around. And all of us know this, I’m certain that the Mare of Mystery knows too– If anypony could discover what lies beyond her mask… it’s Twilight. So she avoids her like a plague, even while protecting her town!”

Scribbling on her notes with gusto, the little filly added more to her research. “This is the best assignment ever.” She muttered, but then looked at her sister, ready to ask the most important question of all. “Okay. This one is important, big sis. Who do you think is the real Mare Do Well, really? What do you think lies beyond the mask…?”

Taking a pensive hoof to her lips, Rarity’s gaze was listless, as she considered the question. “Honestly, darling… I don’t know. And I am not inclined to discover. After all, she has saved us all, again and again… I believe she has earned her privacy. Whoever she is, we all know she must care for Ponyville and the ponies in it profoundly. And I am satisfied with that.”

Pouting, the little filly shook her head. “Awww, here you go being all poetic… I wanna know who she really is!!”

“Then keep digging, darling, I’m sure you’ll discover the mystery.” She turned to her lantern with a satisfied smile. “Now, I’m glad you are applying yourself to your assignment, but are we quite done? Because the Lantern Festival will begin in a few moments, and I don’t want to miss it! Applejack is bringing her apple fritters again and I am very much skipping my diet tonight.” The sun had indeed set, as she gazed out the windows, and Ponyville was quite lively already.

“One more thing, one more thing!!” The little filly waved her little hooves with excitement. “I just need to get your comments on one more subject… But you might not like it.”

Narrowing her eyes in pre-disappointment, her big sister nodded. “Go on…”

“Well…” The little filly grabbed a piece of paper with plenty of notes in it. “I want your commentary on a couple of the most important things related to the Mare Do Well… Fan theories.

The groan of annoyance and frustration that Rarity let out echoed in the Carousel boutique.

The top of Twilight’s castle. That had always been her favorite spot.

No better area to scout Ponyville– To keep an eye on any potential trouble that might form.

And there was always trouble in Ponyville… This might be where the magic happens, but it certainly was where problems happened, too.

Hopefully tonight will be different than last year. Rescuing those ponies from that fire almost burned my mask off. Who even ignites their lantern indoors?

The town was lively. And from this perspective, it looked small, as quaint and comfortable as it had ever been. And from the top of the castle of Princess Twilight Sparkle, the Mysterious Mare Do Well observed all of it– From a perfect point of advantage, sitting as her cape flapped in the wind.

Well, here’s to hoping. If there’s any trouble, I’m here. And if there isn’t… I have the best seat in the house to watch the show.

She took a deep breath, enjoying the quiet of the night. All the sounds from the town seemed so distant, from up here. Watching the skies, they were somewhat cloudy– and above Ponyville, a handful of small airships floated over the town, no doubt to watch and participate in the festivities.

The wind felt just warm enough, just chilly enough. The night felt perfect. For a moment, she considered how much better she could feel the wind, if there was no mask covering her face, no hat atop her head. She extended a hoof… Then brought it down.

No. Out here the mask never comes off. The pony behind it doesn’t exist anymore. She’s dead. No slip ups. Never.

Her eyes narrowed, as she scanned the town for any commotion. Her gaze led itself down naturally, as a certain someone left the castle doors.

…There she is…

Below, all the way on ground level, the Princess of Friendship left her home, side by side with a friend or two, and they all held their own lanterns. The Mare of Mystery watched over them intently.

For the biggest brainiac in Equestria, she sure doesn’t look up often. Heh. All the better for me. Well, at least she’ll have fun at the festival…

She forced herself to look elsewhere, as she took even better cover, using the darkness that the altitude provided for her.

For a few minutes, she stood as she always stood. Silent, and ready. Only when the show actually began did she allow herself to lounge, her eyes mesmerized.

From the town, and even the airships above, lanterns were released into the night sky, they floated, lifted aloft by their own flames, and illuminated the already beautiful vista with gorgeous tones of orange.

Holy shit... Even better than last year. These Ponies know how to party… Nothing like this back in Canterlot, heh.

The cheers of ponies all around town could be heard from a distance, and the festival continued without a hitch.

Taking the chance, the Masked Mare climbed higher, being mesmerized by the sight, only on occasion shooting glimpses below. Even if she was alone, drinking in the sight was a precious moment.

Another year of keeping Ponyville safe.

When will my debt be repaid…?


I will do this to my grave.

With a smile.

The Mysterious Mare Do Well will never quit. Never let up. Never give up. She can do anything– Whatever it takes.

She inhaled for a while, drinking in the nightly air, and then exhaled. Perhaps this night would be uneventful after all…

…Until it wasn’t.

She narrowed her eyes, her gaze drawn by a familiar sight. A carriage entered the town, from its most unoccupied direction, heading straight towards town hall.

Not this fucking guy again. Ugh. Not on my watch.

Leaping with determination, she fell at breakneck speeds, and mere moments from reaching the ground, she teleported, inverting her axis in a way that launched her forward with all of the momentum she had from falling.

With a bit of levitation she slowed her fall, but did not stop. Landing on a rooftop, she continued her gallop, leaping and teleporting whenever she needed to cross further reaches of empty space between the houses.

Above her, lanterns illuminated the skies and the town beautifully, interrupted only by the sight of those small airships, with its delighted residents seeing all of the town from an advantageous position.

Below her, many ponies celebrated and enjoyed themselves, music, food, singing… Few noticed her presence.

She followed the carriage with determination, but had to make a quick stop. Near her, a lantern was stuck on a tree, and below, three fillies tried reaching for it, utterly unsuccessful.

Are those the kids from that fanclub? …Small town.

With a skillful leap and a flip, she carefully removed the lamp from the tree, and landed with agility on the ground, quickly handing the three fillies the lantern.

The three fillies in question’s jaws were utterly dropped, as they received her aid. They attempted to speak, but words failed them.

She simply gave them a nod and a tip of the hat, and teleported back to the rooftops. Just in time to hear the three of them squealing in the distance.

Heh. Cute kids.

Back to business…

Her target was in sight. From that carriage, right before town hall, came out a minotaur, and a posse of bandit ponies.

That asshole is not stealing the deed to Ponyville. Not on my watch.

With another set of agile leaps, she climbed on the roof of town hall, then down– Landing with skill right in front of it, facing her enemy with a quiet scowl.

Lots of ponies on the streets… Eight or ten bandits, not counting the big asshole. Let’s hope the fight doesn’t spread. I won’t let it.

The Minotaur took notice of her immediately, with an angry shout. “There she is!! The lil’ masked bastard!!! URGH!! You’ll pay for the last beating ya handed out to us– If my name isn’t Iron Will!!”

Silently, but with great joy, the Masked Mare made a few gestures. She pointed a hoof above a specific side of her head, and then tilted her head deviously.

Tilting his own head, the leader did not get it. “Bwuh? Is she playin’ charades?”

One of his bandit lackeys looked at him, and pointed out the obvious. He was missing a horn, one that she had broken off in a previous battle, one she was glad to point out; With a devious grin that none could see through her mask.

That’s right, asshole. I’m here for your other horn.

Shooting glances between her and his lackeys, Iron will finally got it, as he clenched his fists in anger. “Oh that DOES IT! I’m gettin yer masked ass; And after yer minced meat, I’m bulldozing this town and building a theme park!!” He reached into the carriage, opening a compartment. “And this time I brought a little toy with me to make sure yer TOAST!!”

But she didn’t give him the chance. Dashing forward at incredible speeds, she did a leg sweep on him, knocking him down, and then immediately switched her attention to the other bandits.

They attempted to lunge at her, to stomp her with hooves, punch her, anything, but she didn’t let them. With great agility, she would flip over them, counter with her own kicks and punches, at times launching one at the other with magic.

And due to the commotion, they started being noticed. Ponies gathered around in curiosity, but at a moderate distance, watching their hero fight– Some with surprise, others with awe, many with cheers.

Please don’t come any closer. There’s nothing to see here.

She breathed sharply, quickly, as she blinded a foe with a swish of her cape, and delivered a vicious beat down. But right before she could deliver the final blow…

Flying at an incredibly fast speed, Rainbow Dash tackled the bandit she was fighting, sending him flying at a wall. She then turned, mid air, giving the Mare of Mystery a salute. “Heya, sidekick!! Let’s do some butt-whooping!!”

And here comes the loudmouth…

Ignoring her, the Masked Mare leapt forward, continuing the fight unimpeded, delivering swift blows, and receiving her own, getting punched in the face on more than one occasion.

Stuffing her hat on a bandit’s face to stun him, she turned and delivered a swift bucking, then with magic quickly equipped it back, a rehearsed motion she had done countless times.

Ponies around her cheered everytime she took an enemy down.

Why can’t they just keep a safe distance?! This isn’t a show!

“Thank you, thank you!!” Rainbow shouted with a cocky smile, as she delivered a speedy kick to one of the bandits. Raising her wings in celebration as the crowd watched; Which was reprimanded by a bandit delivering a swift punch to her jaw, sending her tumbling.

Finally, the leader stood– Iron Will scoffed, blew air from his nostrils, and charged at the Masked Mare, ignoring Rainbow entirely. “I’LL FLATTEN YOU, YA MASKED BASTARD!”

Standing her ground, the hero of Ponyville waited for the last moment before teleporting beside the oversized Minotaur, tripping him; Sending him falling to the floor again.

Two unicorn bandits aimed crossbows at her, and she stood her ground– Blocking the shots with magical barriers and snapping the arrows. Another volley was shot at her, with poor accuracy, and she leaped in front of it, blocking most shots, but one hit her flank, she gritted her teeth and endured the pain.

Can’t risk them hitting the crowd, no matter what.

Only a few bandits remained, and she faced them with fighting intent, but Rainbow just landed casually next to her. “Hey, by the way, when are you going to stop by your fanclub? They literally write songs about you! It’d mean a lot to Scoots, y’know?!” She demanded the hero’s attention, and was not given it.

Seriously? I’m not even dignifying that with a response. Does she not get why I’m doing this?

Ignoring the pegasus, she leapt forward with fighting intent, bucking a bandit onto another bandit, and hitting another with a flip kick. Besides her, flying casually, Rainbow continued to lecture her idiotically. “Hero tip, sidekick! You should cherish the praise of your fans more!! Get them roaring!!”

Does she ever shut up?

Being distracted by Rainbow left her exposed– And Iron Will managed to deliver a swift punch to her side, nearly worsening the damage that the arrow had made, sending her flying. With a flip, and with the same momentum, she teleported behind him, bucking the back of his head mid air with tremendous force.

“Nice! That’s what I would have done, too!” Rainbow nodded, standing idly with her arms crossed and a smile.

Then do it, loudmouth!

The pegasus once again was punched by a bandit, this time on her gut, which she retaliated with her own kick.

The Masked Mare swiftly dispatched the bandit that was attacking Rainbow, without hesitation.

Attempting to garner the hero’s attention, the pegasus waved at all the ponies watching, and smirked. “You oughta taunt the bad guys more! Like c’mon!! All our fans are here! Least you could do is say a quip or something!”

Unfortunately, that was enough to distract the Masked Mare, even if only for a moment. Reaching into the carriage, Iron Will pulled out his newest toy. “I been waitin’ for THIS! Say hello to my new toy, ya masked freak!!”

The crowd gasped, and Rainbow did too.

Shit. That’s a rocket launcher.

She took a battle stance, her nerves high, as she waited for the shot, keeping an eye on every miniscule movement of Iron Will as he took aim. Her heart pounded furiously as her adrenaline was high.

Okay. He needs to shoot at me. Not the crowd, not the homes, me.

She tilted her head, ever so slightly, just to see if that would tease him, instigating him to fire.

If he shoots me, I can contain the blast. I can do this. I can do this.

And for half a second, everything was going according to plan…

…Except Rainbow interfered. “BACK OFF, ASSWIPE!” She shouted, taking flight and lunging at the minotaur, shaking his aim, lifting the missile launcher up, where it misfired.

For a single moment, a shiver went down the hero’s spine. She witnessed, with her eyes widened, the missile fire went up, up… And hit one of the air ships that floated above Ponyville, knocking it out of the sky.

She inhaled sharply.

For that single, time-stopping moment, with her eyes widened, she saw the trajectory of the fall. As she stood, in that single second, her mind went overdrive, considering every angle.

That thing is headed right for the Carousel Boutique. Shit. I can’t let it fall on any buildings!

Her eyes narrowed, as she could see the denizens of that small airship yelling in a panic, as their vehicle was in free fall.

There’s ponies still in that airship. I need to get them out and safely, I need to get up there, and redirect it’s fall to the streets!

Her gaze moved incredibly fast, as if time stood still. She looked towards the street; Where several ponies stood, gasping in fear, looking up.

There’s ponies all over the plaza near the Boutique– I have to move them out for the ship to crash properly, and FAST!

Then finally, her gaze landed on the bandit leader… Who wrestled with Rainbow Dash, both of their jaws dropped over the misfiring and its direction.

I can’t let him get away again– I’ll be too exhausted to fight after I get up there– I need to stop him too, and first!

Ignoring the pain she was already feeling from the hits she had taken and the arrow lodged on her side, she allowed herself only one single moment to blink…

I can do this.
I have to.

Then leapt forward, with fierce determination and agility.

Launching herself with her magic like a missile, she delivered a swift and powerful blow directly to the Minotaur’s neck, breaking his windpipe, and then, continuing the same momentum, She stomped his horn, breaking it, propelling herself forward, towards the street.

“CLEAR THE WAY!! MOVE!!” She shouted as loud as she could, as she galloped towards the Carousel Boutique.

Unfortunately, not as many ponies managed to move fast, that's when with her magic, she began picking them up, and swiftly tossing them to safety. Two she launched at a soft bush, three she launched at a tent that cushioned their fall, and the last four she tossed at a water fountain.

Continuing on the same momentum, she leapt, and teleported, at incredible speeds, leaping over the walls and roof of the Carousel Boutique, launching herself upwards.

With a final leap, she kept her momentum through teleportation, heading up through the air, as the ship crashed down in her direction. Twisting her body mid air, she adjusted her trajectory to land in it safely, having a few sides of her body cut by loose broken metal on the way, including her face, with one nearly slicing her left eye.

Immediately upon landing, all of the scared ponies in the airship looked at her, and she shouted as she gathered them up with magic. “EVERYPONY HUDDLE UP!” Binding them together, they all hugged, and she cast a bubble spell that surrounded them, keeping them safe and lightnening their weight.

“RAINBOW! CATCH!” With a decisive motion, she bucked them off of the airship, and they fell significantly slower than her; Who remained on the airship, which was in itself seconds from crashing on the Boutique below.

Straining, screaming in pain, she channeled all of the magic she could, attempting to levitate the entire airship, all at once, redirect it, if possible, lift it off of its trajectory, land it directly on the streets below she had just cleared.

She screamed in pain, gritted her teeth, her horn burned, overheated, overcharged, overexerted with it burning a hole in her mask, and with that immense effort, the airship missed the boutique and landed on the streets, and with its impact, she was sent flying.

She flew, out of control, landing violently on a rooftop nearby, nearly immediately forcing herself to stand. Her entire body hurt– Her face and horn burned, and her heart pounded furiously, she felt as if she would pass out with the strenuous amount of magic she had just cast. But she forced herself to stand and look, as she breathed incredibly uneasy, short haggard breaths.

Rainbow was carrying the bubble she had tossed off the airship down, taking them to the ground, with its denizens safe.

The streets were clear of the crash, where the ship still burned. Not one townsfolk was hurt, the few that she tossed to safety regained their senses, unharmed.

And in the distance, the Minotaur wheezed for air on the floor, not managing to get up properly, incapacitated.

But the ship was still on fire. Her work wasn’t done yet. Ignoring the headache, ignoring the bruises and pain and even the burning sensation, she cast her magic once more.

With strenuous effort, she gathered most of the water from the fountain nearby in a single bubble, careful not to take the ponies that had been tossed there with it, and moving it towards the ship, letting go and extinguishing its flames.

Then and only then she allowed herself to exhale. Her body nearly collapsed, the broken arrow in her flank stung.

Every single pony in town roared with joy, cheering her success, chanting her hero name. The Lantern festival had gone without a hitch, thanks to the Mysterious Mare Do Well.

...There. All done.

As every pony cheered and thanked her below, screaming with joy and excitement, she gave them a single nod, and a tip of the hat, and that cheering grew even louder and happier with it.

...I guess I gave them a show after all… Fuck, I’m bleeding out.

Then, in the crowd, someone approached, drawn to the chaos, interested in her specifically. Twilight Sparkle. Their eyes met, and the Masked Mare shuddered.

Shit. Time to go.

With a wince of pain, she turned, limping away from the edge of that rooftop, feeling all of the pain and the weight of that night press down on her, slowing her movements.

“Nicely done, sidekick!” Rainbow flew in the air next to the rooftop she walked on.

Turning her head, the mysterious Mare Do Well didn’t have the energy for doing much other than glare at her, as she breathed sharply, feeling pain.

Smirking with a giggle, Rainbow pointed at her face. “Heh. Twilight's gonna love this. Adding your eye color to her conspiracy board is gonna be awesome!”

Her hide shivered. She brought a hoof to her face.

Oh no.

With only a bit of patting, she could feel it.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!!!!

Her mask had been damaged, and even burnt slightly, on its left side by her own overheating of magic. A side of her mask was nearly fully torn open, which exposed her eye.

Leaning forward, Rainbow snickered deviously with her arms crossed. “Twi’s gonna loooooove to know you got lovely green eyes. We’re one step closer to cracking your secret identity, sidekick!”

“Fucking Loudmouth.” The Masked Mare said simply, with a snarl, before limping away with some difficulty.

The pegasus was taken back in shock at the hero– For having spoken up just to insult her, genuinely surprised.

I’ve got to get out of here before she–

“Wait!!” A familiar voice called out from behind her. Twilight Sparkle had teleported onto the rooftop, and was desperately garnering her attention. “Please!! Let me thank you for saving the festival…!”

The mare allowed herself only one second to look back– Only with the side of her face that was covered. There the Princess stood, like she had many other times, trying to get her to stay.

Trying to get her to slip up.

Trying to get her to show her face.

What lied beyond the mask.

no no no no no no no no no…

“U-um, Twi, she, uh–” Rainbow attempted to speak– And just like that, the Mare of Mystery teleported forward, onto another rooftop, trying to gallop with all her strength.

“N-no!! Wait!!” Desperately, the Princess of Friendship took chase with flight, and the pegasus was left behind, still stupefied.

Running was difficult. Her entire body begged her to stop. Her entire body ached, and her horn burnt. But she refused to give in.

“Please, let’s just talk!!” Twilight begged from behind her, too close.

The Masked mare teleported forward, attempting to reach another rooftop– but her strength waned, and she fell– Hitting against a wall, then tumbling on a lamp post, and crashing violently on the floor for good measure, falling in an alleyway, failing to drop and roll.

She struggled to get up, forcing herself to, coughing up blood– which was actually dripping down her muzzle– her mask was torn even more now. Her mouth was nearly fully exposed.

Shit, shit, SHIT!!

“Please don’t run!” Speaking with unease, the Princess of Friendship stood at the end of the alleyway. They were alone, and walls surrounded them from all sides, except hers.

I need to get out of here– I need to teleport away…!

And yet, she stood, weakly, covering her face with her hat, tilting it downwards, but still glancing, if only a little, at the Princess, bathing her own face in shadow to prevent her from seeing it. The lights above them danced in a way that bathed the alleyway in just enough darkness.

With a concerned, weary smile, the Princess nodded at her. “You’ve saved so many ponies today– it could have been a disaster!! But you were there. You saved them. Thank you so much…”

Why can’t she just thank me and leave?

“Y-you’re hurt– If you come with me to my castle, I could help you, I could patch you up…!” She spoke with unease, approaching slowly. The Mare Do Well took one step back. This halted Twilight immediately, knowing that any misstep would cause her to run.

Why does she always have to care like this?

“Please let me help you– Like you’ve helped this town– I owe you so much…!” She tried approaching her again, with a look of pity, incredibly mindful of her every step.

Why does she always have to pry?

“Whoever you are behind that mask…” Twilight shook her head, slowly. “You can trust me. I promise. I just want to know who has done so much for us…!”

Why can’t she just let me go?

Slowly, impeccably slowly, the protector of Ponyville raised her head. Her breathing still unsteady, her entire body hurting, blood dripping from her muzzle, her face still bathed in shadow, she allowed herself to look the Princess in the eye.

Why can’t I just leave?

“Why…” The Masked Mare spoke, weakly, pained, and even just a word made the Princess freeze. The split second between that word and the rest was one of anticipation.

“...Why can’t you just let me do this for you…?”

The Princess’s eyes widened in surprise at the words, as she attempted to process them. “W-what? Me…?”

They shared a moment of incredibly pained silence. Twilight tilted her head, desperately attempting to get a glimpse of the face of the hero of Ponyville, all the while the other did not move, simply wheezed in pain.

Twilight raised a hoof towards her mask.

For a moment. For one, fleeting, painful moment, the hero considered giving in.

Her breathing was uneasy, their eyes met, even covered in shadow. Even now, the Princess didn’t recognize her.

But if she let this happen, she would.

Her heart raced. It raced because she wanted to leave. It raced because she wanted to stay.


With a flash, the Princess of Valor appeared out of thin air, falling on the floor of the alleyway, landing with a frustrated grunt.

“Ugh. Solid…!” She exhaled, standing up, with a yawn that implied that she had just woken up. And then she saw…

Twilight Sparkle, looking at her with silent, immense confusion and surprise, and next to her… Some sort of masked hero– But one she could easily identify through the torn mask, and through the simple fact that she was here.

And just like that, in a frantic confused panic, the Mysterious Mare Do Well teleported away.

“No!!! No!!” Twilight shouted in sadness, losing track of her.

“What did I just drop in… is this the Lantern Festival…?” the Valkyrie questioned, looking up, still feeling exhaustion.

“Y-you!!” Twilight turned to her, in flabbergasted surprise, scanning her with a look, and inspecting her wings, she was even more shocked. “Aren’t you… S-Sunset Shimmer?! What happened to you?! You’re an Alicorn?!! Where have you been?! Hasn’t it been… Six years?!”

“U-um, Twi, I’m uhh–” She began to explain, but the Princess of friendship shook her head. “N-no!! Sorry. Talk to me some other time! I have to go find her…!” And with that, she took flight.

“Twilight, wait! I can help!” The Valkyrie took flight after her, intent on discovering what the hell was going on with this universe, and if possible, helping her.

How could I almost let this happen. How could I let her get so close.

And now, it might be over.

It might be time to go…

“Ready?” Maud Pie asked cautiously, quietly, with anticipation.

“Ready.” The Masked Mare braced herself.

Swiftly, and as gently as she could, the Earth Pony pulled what remained of the arrow lodged in the side of the hero’s flank, who hissed pain. Maud immediately began tending to the wound, making sure it was properly cleaned and bandaged.

The Mysterious Mare Do Well looked at herself in the mirror, no longer wearing a mask, and most of her outfit. She had blood in most of her face, dripping out of her nose and a bit dried on her chin, not to mention a couple of bruises. Her horn still burned– It was sensitive to the touch in the most painful way, due to overexertion of her magic.

The most distinctive wound was a cut that went incredibly close and above her left eye– One that forced her eyes to be unevenly open, with the left one being narrow.

I… look like mom.

“I… I look like my mother.” She let out an ironic frail chuckle, leading her gaze to the reflection of the mare that was currently patching her up.

“How so?” Maud asked simply, while working diligently.

“She… Well… She got into bar fights often when she was younger, so one of her eyes didn’t open properly.” A simple conversation was an easy way to suppress the pain she felt in her entire body. As she spoke, she bandaged a hoof that was cut by metal.

I wish I was thinking about anything else.

But there’s not much good to think about right now.

For only a moment, Maud stopped, to ensure that she was looking directly in the eyes of the Mare of Mystery, through her reflection. “How long has it been since you’ve seen her?”

I can’t remember how long it’s been.

“...Almost a decade, I think...” She spoke, definitively. “I… I shouldn’t have brought it up. I don’t want to talk about it.”

With an affirming hum, the Earth Pony nodded. “How was the night? I saw you from the crowd. You were pretty incredible as usual.”

“8.5 I think. Bordering on 9.” She hissed in pain.

“Not as bad as the skeleton army and the Sorceress, then? You’ve taken worse beatings.” She was nearly done patching her up, but continued incredibly carefully.

Even worse than those…

Hanging her head low, the hero shook her head quietly. “Yeah, but… I think I’m done. I think Twilight knows it’s me.”

A brief moment of uneasy silence passed, one that was accentuated only by the noises made on the quiet cave river that passed by Maud’s home. She spoke, deadpan as always, but uncertain. “...What happened?”

How could I explain it? I don’t even know.

Reminiscing on those incredibly recent moments was already painful. “My mask got torn. I’m pretty sure she saw my eye color. And not just that, but… I’ve seen some weird shit, in this job… but never a clone of me appearing out of thin air.”

“Clone? Maybe it was Chrysalis again.”

“No. Chrysalis doesn’t know my face. This clone looked like me… Without the suit. Just… Normal. I don’t know what sort of divine punishment I have going on, but… Holy shit, why is someone parading my face around… Right next to Twilight. I’m fucked. She must have connected the dots by now. Remembered me. I think… I think I might need to go. I can’t… I can’t have anypony knowing that the Mare Do Well is… Me.” She let out a long exhale, one that indicated just how exhausted she was.

What lies beyond the mask is nothing.

Maud remained silent for a moment, thinking. Thinking strongly. Then she spoke. “Well… I can’t stop you, if you want to. But I think Ponyville is better with you in it. And I’d miss you.”

“...I’d miss you too. You rock.” Gazing at her friend’s reflection, the hero smiled, genuinely, if not weakly, and the Earth pony shared on that smile, even blowing air from her nostrils, which in Maud language translated to laughing so much she was crying. “You’re so funny.”

But then, returning her gaze at her own reflection, the hero shook her head. “It’s not me that Ponyville needs. They need the mask. It was never about me… Twilight, she…” She stopped, shuddering, exhaling once more.

I didn’t want to face her again. I never even wanted her to think about me– The real me, again. I wanted her to forget I ever existed.

“Maybe this could be a good thing. Twilight finally knowing about you. You could finally explain to her why you do it?” In a way, this could convince the hero to stay, as well.

“It can't be. It just can't. This face… This mask… The pony beyond it is dead. I didn’t want to ever… To ever have to face her again.”

Letting out a slight smile, Maud joked to lighten the mood– The closest that a pony like her could joke, anyway. “Well, if you have been discovered, at least I can finally tell Pinkie that I kissed and banged the ‘Mysterious Mare Do Well’ a couple times.”

Containing laughter, the hero of Ponyville shook her head. “Pff. I imagine she’d be disappointed, knowing who I really am.”

“Pinkie doesn’t get disappointed easily. And also, you’re great.”

She shuddered in pain, despite being thankful of the comment, but the stoic Earth Pony comforted her with a smile.

It was good while it lasted.

But it’s over now.

It’s all over… isn’t it…?

They shared quiet smiles, as the Earth Pony finalized the bandaging, but then both of their ears twitched, hearing a knock in Maud’s front door.

“I’m not expecting anypony.” Maud blinked, nudging her head in a specific direction, signaling to her to move.

The Masked Mare instantly sprung to action, even if it hurt. She swiftly equipped her torn mask, her hat, and the rest of her suit, and bolted to an end of the cave.

And slowly, domestically, Maud went towards her front door cautiously, moving by her cave-home quietly.

“Who is it?” She called out, barely raising her voice.

“Umm… Maud? It’s Twilight! I, uh, have to talk to you, it’s a bit important…” The muffled voice of the princess was unmistakable, but she was still careful.

She opened the door, but only enough to peek her head. “Hello Twilight Sparkle. To what do I owe the pleasu–” She stopped. Because right besides the Princess, was a very familiar Alicorn, and a tall and strong one at that. “Um.”

“Hey, Maud. Can we come in? It’s about me. The other me.” The Valkyrie spoke with a quiet grin.

A brief moment of silence passed. Maud’s eyes were fixed on the Princess of Valor. Who with a tilt of the head, smirked.

“Holy shit you’re tall” Maud spoke softly.

Twilight’s gaze bounced from the Earth Pony to the Alicorn, weirding out the interaction, but connecting a few dots. “We… We know about her. Is she here…?”

“Ahem” Maud cleared her throat, deadpan, regaining her composure. “I’m not sure what you’re talking about. But if you’d like to come in…”

“I would.” The Alicorn placed a decisive, dominating hoof on the door, coming a little closer to the Earth pony.

“...Okay.” Maud replied softly, letting go of the door, allowing the Valkyrie to come inside and also do whatever she wanted, a bit mesmerized. And as she passed, the Alicorn bumped Maud’s side with her own for good measure. “You look good too.” She winked.

”Holy shit”

Twilight followed along, a bit more shy, addressing the Princess of Valor. “...What was that all about?”

With a light chuckle, the Valkyrie shook her head. “I learned, a bunch of dimensions back, that Maud is susceptible to having a crush on me. So I figured her reaction would be telling if she knows the me from here.”

Turning her head to Maud, she asked an interesting question. “So, what is the other me, your superhero girlfriend or something?”

Blinking only once, Maud followed along. “It’s pretty hard to call somepony a girlfriend when you can’t introduce other ponies in town to her, or your family, or even go on dates… Unless they’re costume parties, and even then, you can’t even admit you know each other. …We are what we are.”

“Hm. How about that? I guess there was some other universe for this after all.” The Valkyrie shrugged with a delighted smile.

“G-gosh… The multiverse… This is crazy…!” The Princess pondered to herself, but not for long, because quite fast she noticed a couple of bloody hoof prints. And turning to Maud, she saw that her front hooves were also a bit bloody, having spent a prolonged amount of time previously helping patch up the hero.

“Oh. Crap.” The Earth Pony stated simply, looking down at her bloody hooves, as the Valkyrie entered the room that she had just been tending to the hero of Ponyville on.

It was pretty easy to deduce what had happened here, for the two intelligent Alicorns, but the Earth Pony had to say something anyway. “She ran away when she heard the knocks. She’s pretty skittish.”

Exhaling in frustration, Twilight turned to her in confusion and annoyance. “Maud, why did you never tell me that you had the Mysterious Mare Do Well just– Living secretly in your house?!?! Don’t you know how long I’ve been looking to find out about her?!?! And you never told me she slept here?! Why?!”

“Because I’m not a snitch.” The Earth Pony stated simply, tilting her head. “And also I figured the least I could do to reward the Protector of Ponyville was a roof over her head. She was sleeping in caves when I found her. I just gave her a proper place to rest, and decent meals. She deserved it.”

“Same old Maud…!” The Valkyrie chuckled. “Thanks for looking out for the other me.”

“B-but…” Twilight exhaled, looking down with sorrow. “She’s gone again… I just…”

“No. She’s here.” The Valkyrie led her gaze with a point, upwards.

In the darkness, in the walls of the roof of the cave, there was a figure, an unmistakable figure, watching the scene. They all looked at her in silence.

“What the fuck are you?!” She snarled from above. “Are you a changeling?!”

“I’m you from another universe. You should come down before you hurt yourself, you looked pretty banged up back there…” Her other self tilted her head with concern.

“How did you find me?!” She asked, with the same anger.

“When you’re cursed to travel the multiverse, you start seeing some predictable patterns of yourself– This isn’t the first universe where I used Maud’s home as a hideout, and also, you had a very faint trail of blood that led to the Everfree forest, despite your teleportations. I put two and two together.” She shrugged, well aware of how predictable she was becoming to herself.

“How do I know you’re not some kind of trick, or monster?!” The same voice snarled from above, not budging an inch.

“You became this hero persona because you were ashamed of who you are under the mask– But you felt indebted to Twilight for saving your life all those years ago, right?”


“It’s what I would have done… What I could have done.”

A moment of uneasy silence passed. Twilight nodded quietly, attempting to be reassuring. “I-it’s okay! I know now… Please just come down so we can talk properly…!”

More silence. More hesitation.

Finally, after a long while, she shuffled down skillfully, ignoring the pain, and walked slowly towards the trio, still wearing her torn mask and hat, leaving the shadows, limping.

Finally, after so many years, with resignation… She slowly took her hat and mask off in front of the Princess of Friendship.

“S-so it’s true…!” Twilight widened her eyes. “S-Sunset Shimmer…!”

Sunset Shimmer sat, covered in her own blood and bruises. Her hair cut short, with only a small side sweep, perfect for fitting in a tight mask, with an exhausted, mournful gaze, unsteady breathing, and not to mention, one of her eyes was half closed due to her wounds… Her face already full of scars from previous fights in the past few years.

“...You look like mom…” The Valkyrie’s gaze became mournful as well, only for a moment.

“...You really are me. And with wings, too…!” The hero of Ponyville said, defeated, her gaze stuck to the ground, unable to look the Princess of Friendship in the eye.

“Sunset…” Twilight looked into her bruised and bloody face, into her tired green eyes. “...Why…?”

Shaking her head slowly, she spoke slowly, weakly. “I never cared for Ponyville. Not at the beginning, at least… I love the town now, but… I was doing this for you. It was always for you.”

Her eyes widened, with the same concerned surprise. “W-what do you mean…?”

The hero continued speaking, with a frail, tired, weak voice. “...You saved me. I stole your crown, became a monster, and you… You still save me. You were the perfect pupil of Celestia… Everything I wasn’t. And you even offered to help me. But I ran away… Not because of you… I ran away because of me. I couldn’t stand myself. I looked at my reflection everyday and felt… Shame. Hate. But I still… I still had a debt to pay to you.”

Bringing a shocked hoof to her own lips, the Princess of Friendship was completely surprised. After all, she had forgotten about Sunset Shimmer– It had been one more villain she had defeated years ago, one where her mentor occasionally mentioned missing, but gone, nonetheless. She thought she was dead. She thought she hadn’t truly managed to help Sunset.

“I thought that if I looked after Ponyville, if I just kept the town safe, you could rest more. You could just… have a life with less worries. I don’t know. I didn’t plan to become some sort of symbol, it just happened. I just… I just wanted to repay my debt to you.”

“Why couldn’t you tell me…?”

“Twilight, I couldn’t stand me. I hate… What lies beyond this mask, I hate it. I couldn’t… I couldn’t ever face you, or Celestia again. Not after what I did. I knew I didn’t deserve your forgiveness, I knew I couldn’t ever show my face around Equestria anywhere, but I had to… I had to repay my debt.”

Exhaling, Twilight shook her head, then smiled genuinely, a weary, kind smile. “But I forgave you…! …I forgive you. Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me, for Ponyville… For me. You… you’re incredible, Sunset. I’ll keep your secret if that’s what you want… If you need any help whatsoever, I’m yours. I owe you everything… Thank you so, so much… Just… Thank you for being you.”


The wounded hero’s eyes were widened, and her face was red, and she didn’t know what to say.

She looked down for a moment, then back at the Princess. “...And you’re okay… You’re okay that it’s me?” She gestured at the burnt mask on the floor.

“More than okay.” Twilight smiled genuinely with a nod. “You have no idea how happy I am, that it’s a familiar, friendly face.” She chuckled, shaking her head, reminiscing. “Rainbow thought you were Lightning Dust– Somehow having learned magic just to one-up her.”

Blowing raspberries, Sunset shook her head. “Wow, that loudmouth would have never figured it out.”

“Look, Sunset…” Twilight got a bit closer, regarding her with pity, but also joy, and this time, Sunset did not recoil. “Celestia would be really, really happy to know it’s you, and that you’re okay. …But I’ll only tell her if you’re okay with it… Okay…?”

Nodding slowly, suppressing a smile, Sunset wiped some of her own blood off her face. “I’ll, uh… I'll think about it… If that’s okay…?”

“Okay.” Twilight’s smile was wide. They were both exhausted, but now they were smiling.

“...I, uh, didn’t imagine this would go like… This.” Sunset exhaled, unable to suppress a smile.

Maud approached her with a quiet, small smile, and raised an eyebrow.

Chuckling, Sunset rolled her eyes. “...Go on, say it.”

“I told you so.” Maud stated with that same smile, then kissed her on the cheek, a kiss she went ‘ow’ over due to the bruises, but still enjoyed.

Both Twilight and Sunset couldn’t help but chuckle at the irony of it all, and for the simple joy of understanding each other, and Maud, of course, laughed on the inside.

“Well!” The Valkyrie snickered, as she made her way out the door. “You two can sort yourselves out now, and I’ll be on my way. The Lantern Festival is still going on, and I want to catch a bit of it before I get thrown into the next universe. I’ll say, though, you’re definitely one of the better me’s out there, me. Nice hustle, hero.”

The three of them watched her move away, and she waved goodbye with a wing, with final parting words. “Oh, by the way? In my universe I’m married to Twilight Sparkle. Good luck with that.”

The atmosphere got very awkward and very flustered for the trio… But not for long.

Despite everything, the Princess of Valor chose not to go into town after all, merely watching the light show from a hill, near the border of the everfree forest.

The skies were lit completely with lanterns that scattered in every direction.

She took a long inhale, feeling the wind on her mane.

It was strange, considering that some universes shared the same holidays, in the same days– after all, she and her wife had planned to enjoy this one together as well– As they had, plenty of years before.

One thing that a lot of universes shared: Twilight’s castle. Seeing that felt… Wrong. Strange.

Because in her universe, her getting together with Twilight, her becoming an Alicorn… The destruction of the castle was directly tied to it. In none of the universes she went to, did Ponyville have a community center…

Their community center. So every time she saw that castle, she knew. She knew this universe would be one of distance.

After a while, she took a glance to her left, and a bit further off, she saw the trio– Sunset, Maud and Twilight, walking over to the hill, and laying down on the grass, watching the show together in silence. And she smiled when she saw that her other self wasn’t wearing her mask.

She wondered, only for a moment, what kind of hero she would be now, now that she could maybe, just maybe, through Twilight… Love herself.

There had been many worlds where she tried her best to help– But she was getting tired.

The exhaustion was catching up to her. Even with being an Alicorn, getting unstable one-hour sleep bursts wasn't doing the trick to rest her fully, and slowly, she was feeling weaker.

She considered trying to sleep… But she couldn’t. Not when her wife might be watching the same light show she was back home.

Spike and Fluttershy returned from the festival, holding several snacks and sweets, and sat on the balcony, giving each other knowing glances and nods, as they saw Twilight– Still working diligently on the machine, still being incredibly focussed, and incredibly exhausted.

“We’re back!” Fluttershy spoke with a rehearsed innocence. “Would you like some snacks from the festival?”

Suppressing giggles, attempting to contain the ruse, Spike sat down. “We’ve got caramel apples, apple fritters, some pretzels…”

“--Sure. Bring them over here, please.” Twilight muttered, not paying attention.

Silence. She turned her head, and saw the duo sitting down, on top of a picnic blanket no less, with all their snacks, looking at her with eyebrows raised.

“...Can you please bring an apple fritter over here…?” The Princess spoke, only a bit demanding, tired.

“I dunnoooooo…” Spike spoke, deviously looking at Fluttershy, who continued with him; “It would likely damage the Equipment if you got crumbs on it, Twilight. Better not…!” They both batted their eyes innocently.

From his cage, Hermes had been sleeping, but awoke with their arrival, just in time to give his opinion. “They’re right, this equipment is quite volatile! You shouldn’t eat near it– Trust me, I once nearly became bald–”

“--Fine.” The Princess exhaled, annoyed, and walked forward, taking his cage with her, placing it on the far end of the balcony, but at a distance that Fluttershy could hand him some of the snacks. “But only for ten minutes.” She spoke, grabbing a delicious, warm, fresh apple fritter.

And just like that, they watched the lanterns dance in the sky, and the people of Ponyville enjoyed themselves with party and reverie, on this quiet, beautiful night.

They ate in silence, watching the show, and focusing on nothing more.

It wasn’t long before Twilight accepted that she couldn’t work more tonight. It wasn’t long before tears filled her eyes– After all, the last time she had seen this, she had a warm wing covering her, belonging to none other than Sunset Shimmer.

The night felt cold. And it felt lonely– All while still being beautiful.

“Twilight…” Fluttershy spoke softly, getting her attention. “...Next year.”

They shared an understanding nod– Even if it was difficult to feel hope, fighting against these odds.

As she returned her gaze to the lanterns and the stars once more, she closed her eyes, and spoke weakly. “...I think…” She shuddered, cold. “I think I’m ready to go to sleep now.”

“It’s okay… We’ll clean up for you!” Spike nodded with an understanding smile– After all, he was planning on sleeping in this room, as was Fluttershy.

“Goodnight.” The Princess stood and walked away, and the three that remained wished her the same.

She shambled through the silent halls of their community center, finally reaching her room.

Opening the door, it was dark, and as quiet as a tomb.

She took a moment to drink in the sight. Her bed, large, but empty.

Exhaling, she shook those thoughts off, and climbed on the bed, crawling under the covers, feeling the emotional exhaustion of two days catching up to her, after all, she had avoided sleeping well, or sleeping here, since then.

She reached for Sunset’s pillow, and inhaled. It still smelled just like her…

Embracing it, she kept that scent close, and fell asleep.