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Kaiju Profile: Godzilla Jr. · 2:31pm Jul 4th, 2014

(I'll be putting these up to help people less acquainted with the Godzilla movies to understand who's what in the story)

Godzilla Jr.

True form (when in Equestria)
Equestrian Form

Title: King of the Monsters
Alias: Godzilla Jr., Junior, The Big G, Gojira, Goji (Mothra), Chief (Rodan), Icka'brod (Xenilla)
"On my father's soul, you shall not succeed!"

Species: Mutated Gojirasaurus via radiation (True form), Odd looking Unicorn (Equestrian form)
Height: 100 meters (True form), Roughly equal to Princess Luna (Equestrian form)
Weight: 60,000 tons (True form), Between Celestia and Luna (Equestrian form)
Length: 215 meters (True form), 1.75 times longer than the average unicorn stallion, tail discounted (Equestrian form)
Godzilla (1954) - Adoptive Grandfather, never met
Godzilla Sr. - Adoptive father
Asuza Gojo - Adoptive mother
Morality: Not soft, but morally good. While there are some he can't stand being around, being raised partly by humans did make him a gentle giant than his predecessors. When forced into combat though, he's easily one of the most dangerous kaiju of all time, both from raw power and using his wits to his advantage. Still if he can avoid conflict though he'll try to take the more peaceful route unless he thinks the opposing party can't be trusted. If attacked however, he will not hesitate to use force to fight back.
Traits: Underwater breathing, skin harder than steel, razor edged back spines, sharp teeth and claws, regenerative healing factor allows him to recover from all but drastic injuries quickly

Powers (still present in Equine form, but diminished):
Nuclear Pulse - After his backspines flash with power, energy resembling blue electricity crackles over Godzilla's body until it is released as a powerful shockwave. It can be used as an attack that hits anything touching Godzilla's body, or directed into a limb for a super charged swipe or tail smack. The attack can be overclocked into a much stronger explosion, but this drains Godzilla's energy quickly.

Nuclear Beam- After a charge up period that causes his backspines to glow, Godzilla roars loudly as a straight, blue-white beam of pure thermal and radioactive energy fires out. The range of this attack can be restricted from a short ranged fire ball to a long range ray with a reach of over a mile. Power depends on how much time Godzilla's had to charge and how much energy he devotes into it. It can be quick and brief enough to just daze an opponent, or strong enough to destroy and shoot down an oncoming, meteor the size of a city block.

Telepathic Ability- Junior has a minor degree of psychic abilities. While this has no active influence on himself or his abilities, it does grant him two distinct passive powers. For one, it can sense others of his species or similar species at a long distance. This gives him information as to their location and their current health. He also has an uncanny sixth sense to predict upcoming danger and where it is going to be, giving him enough travel time to be in the place he needs to be.

Weakness: - Ingesting large amounts of pure Cadmium is highly poisonous to him and can knock him out.


An orphaned egg the size of a small car was discovered on a remote island by a Japanese research team in 1992. Flown back to Japan, the egg was put inside a research institute. Instinct drove the growing infant to recognize the first distinct animal it heard whilst growing inside its egg. In the wild this would have been the young creature's parents. In the institute however, this turned out to be a kindly biologist named Azusa Gozo who manned the monitoring equipment alone. Whenever she was absent from the observatory, the egg would pulse with a red light to indicate the baby was afraid. Upon her return however, it started hatching. A man sized, cute baby theropod dinosaur, the same species as Godzilla, emerged from the egg. Imprinting on the first being it saw, the youngster's view of Azusa as his mother was solidified.

Despite his predecessor's behavior, the baby dinosaur was very friendly and incredibly gentle around humans, especially Azusa who ended up having her job moved to the forested enclosure they kept the baby in, in order to care for him. Godzilla however, sensed the baby and was curious. A plan (which Azusa was infuriated at) was cast to use the baby as a lure to draw in Godzilla so the newly constructed machine, Mechagodzilla could ambush and kill him. After a lengthy battle between Godzilla and Mechagodzilla, the elder saurian managed to win. At the behest of Azusa, a psychic named Mikki convinced the kaiju to take the infant in. Godzilla adopted the little guy and they settled together on a distant island. Fueled by the uranium rick landscape, the little fellow quickly grew into a 30 meter toddler, now named 'Godzilla Junior'. Despite the growth spurt, he was still a bubbly, docile soul who would never harm a human. Junior however, got curious when a large figure flew at the island. That figured turned out to be the monster first called SpaceGodzilla, but later dubbed Xenilla. Curious about the visitor and sensing some relation to it, Junior waddled closer, only having to quickly start dodging Corona beams. Godzilla Senior intervened. But despite trying to protect his adoptive son, he lost. Xenilla levitated Junior into a crystal prison, goading Godzilla the elder into chasing him to a city for a final battle. After Senior and a mecha called M.O.G.U.E.R.A. defeated Xenilla, Junior was freed from his imprisonment.

Sometime later, a chain reaction with the island's rich uranium deposits resulted in their combine mass all exploding with the force equal to several mega ton grade nuclear bombs. Godzilla Senior was put into a super charged but dying Meltdown form, as Junior was aged further into a powerful teenager. At the same time, a highly destructive kaiju called Destroyah emerged and was on a rampage. After being informed about what was happening by a psychic woman named Miki, Junior quickly rushed to the rescue to stop the still evolving Destroyah. Despite his lack of experience, the young kaiju actually managed to defeat the adolescent Destroyah by the time his father showed up. The wish to spend his last hours with his son were cut short however, when the now fully formed Destroyah grabbed and assaulted the teenage kaiju. After blasting Junior repeatedly with her powers, Destroyah dropped him from a high altitude on an airport depot, apparently killing him. Grief and rage fueled to Senior into unleashing his full power, viciously mauling Destroyah, who was seemingly killed, before expiring himself. The mass radiation burst put out by Senior's death could have reduced Japan into a irradiated ghost nation, was absorbed by Junior. Reviving, the sole remaining stumbled off into the ocean to rest from the traumatic transformation.

He reawakened several years later after the new Mothra defeated an ancient kaiju on the re-emerged the Mu landmass. Fueled by all his father's powers and his own growing might, the young prince had grown up into a powerful king. Soon after however, a dark presence descended on the planet and Junior quickly took off in pursuit of it before it could harm anyone. Along the way, he bumped into the current Guardian of Mortals, Mothra Lea; whom had been following the same trail. At first assuming the other was the menace, they fought. Soon after however, the two protectors met the evil. A vile, planet killing dragon named King Ghidorah

The two successors engaged the golden beast in a vicious battle. Though it was close, they managed to unite their powers and fend the drake off; sending Ghidorah into full retreat to avoid being killed. Having saved each other's life numerous times in the battle, Junior and Lea became steadfast allies and close friends. In thanks for the help, Lea used some of her magic to replant the Mu islands with plant life to let Godzilla live there. As Mothra went back to Birth Island to rest, Godzilla settled on the largest of the Mu islands, Solgell. Over the years Godzilla Junior remained a steadfast protector, fighting off numerous foes ranging from the alien Orga to the insectoid mutation Megaguirus. Over the years numerous other native and thankfully benign kaiju have come to see him as something of a leader figure, settling with him on the other Mu islands. The closest of his comrades were the ankylosaur Anguirus, the pteranodon Rodan; and his oldest ally Mothra. This 'army building' came in handy twice. The first time was in the 'Final War', when Godzilla lead the Earth kaiju in a charge against numerous alien invaders. The second time came in the middle of the night, when Xenilla and his forces paid Godzilla's a visit...

Comments ( 19 )

I'm all too familiar with the Godzilla movies. I used to watch them all the time when I was a kid.

2257192 You win the internets for that.

You know, knowing Junior's differences in personality from his 'father' I wonder how he would've handled the Futurians King Ghidorah, given by all intents and purposes, he was nothing more than a pet doing what its owners told it to and seemed to be more continuing the fight with Godzilla out of self preservation rather than aggression once their control was broken (seeing as it tried to run away as soon as Godzilla wasn't looking its way) and waited close to 50 years without doing much of anything from what we see.

That was always the thing with that movie: I always felt a bit sorry for that particular Ghidorah, given he was nothing more than a pet obeying its masters rather than being a sadistic monster like the other versions of him.

Strange to think about, but given the Futurians were coming back in time and evidently made some errors about which Godzilla they wanted to erase (given obviously the benevolent one is Junior), there are ways that plot could've ended with Junior fighting Heisei King Ghidorah rather than Senior if they'd chosen to come at a different point in time.

I have a feeling Junior, either by Miki giving him the heads up, his own psychic sensing, or just a lucky deduction might have been able to figure out the F. Ghidorah wasn't acting on it's own accord. If possible he probably would have tried to injure it non-lethally and keep it pinned down or KO'd until he could figure out how to free it. That said, he would still value human lives over F.Ghidorah's and if things got out of hand and there wasn't a way for him to contain it, scare it off, or immobilize it; he would kill it to keep it from rampaging. He does encounter a somewhat similar circumstance with the Anteverse kaiju whose position as "evil" is somewhat debatable, as they function as quite a lot like F.Ghidorah taken to a more extreme degree, basically controlled attack dogs. The anteverse kaiju would still rampage even if they weren't controlled or given orders yes, but there is some similarity.

A small headcanon I've had given we have word in GvKG that future "Godzilla" never destroyed Japan is that the Future terrorists were aware of Junior's fate. They knew his track record on fighting kaiju so in addition to making something based off one of the few opponents Junior couldn't beat 1v1, they went further back in time to where the current Godzilla was Senior. This not only helped their false narrative (as Senior DID seem like he would destroy Japan if he could), but gave them a better chance given Senior wasn't as experienced or powerful as Junior.

4458111 That all makes a good deal of sense.

And I kind of guessed that was their logic in creating King Ghidorah based off of Grand King Ghidorah when I started thinking about it. It makes sense: if you want something strong enough to deal with Godzilla, make a clone of the one enemy he couldn't beat on his own.

Though that does raise the question of whether or not the Dorats were actually made from GKG's DNA and thus F. Ghidorah was an actual clone of him (though a significantly weaker one) or just designed to resemble and have similar powers.


I'd say either of the two origins is possible. Either the dorats were derived from GKG himself, or they and the creature they became were something like an artificial convergent evolution; taking a different life form and having it come to resemble an unrelated entity. Like how the marsupial Thylacine had a skull virtually identical to a placental canine.


So if the dorats and by extension F.Ghidorah weren't made from GKG samples, they might have been engineered to be a deliberate emulation of him.

4458811 Both are certainly logical.

Hey dude, your photobucket links don't work anymore

What's a terran defender?

Faction of kaiju in this setting. Mostly kaiju native to Terra whom aren't excessively aggressive. Most are neutral towards humans unless attacked and some protect them on purpose.

yo the pony form link doesnt work anymore!

fixed, sorry about that

holy shit, alright, I'm ready. Two months of preparation and I'm finally ready to read the first chapter of this fic.

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