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M/M Shipping Contest! 16 Sep - 11 Nov 2021 · 1:40am Sep 17th, 2021


Hello friends!

It's time to show some love to the many wonderful male characters we have seen throughout the run of our beloved show, and the G5 movie! And what's the best way to do this? By getting them onboard the S.S. Romance, of course!

So welcome, one and all, to the M/M Shipping Contest! Before November 11, 8PM EDT, your only duty is to take two (or more!) of your favorite stallions (or drakes, or dudes of any species!) to Shiptown. Maybe they're falling in love? Maybe they're saving the world together? Maybe they're facing a tragic separation? In all the forms a story about the love between stallions can take, we are here to celebrate it together.

Oh, and there are a bunch of prizes, too!

source: oniricat


Note that all prize amounts will be sent by PayPal. If you are unable to receive money by PayPal, I, Bicyclette, will try my very best to arrange an alternative that works for you, but please be aware that it may not work out.

Between daOtterGuy and me, Bicyclette, we have a total prize pool of $325!

The top five winners will gain the following in American Dollars:

  • First Place: $100
  • Second Place: $65
  • Third Place: $50
  • Fourth Place: $40
  • Fifth Place: $30

In addition, each judge will bestow an award of $10 on any entry of their choosing, without any requirements for transparency or fairness. This is completely allowed and legal!

source: heyerika


  • Bicyclette: Gay, and even better yet, tragically gay

    will be awarding The Medallion of Melancholy

  • daOtterGuy: Flash Sentry Himbo Stan

    will be awarding The Himbo Crown

  • mushroompone: Transing Stallions since 2018

    will be awarding The Rair Pair Flair

Please keep in mind that judges are not allowed to preread, edit, or discuss any entries with the author before the contest results are released! In addition, judges are asked to withhold commenting on entries until after the release of contest results.


  1. All entries must have their main/primary ship be an M/M pairing (or M/M/M polyship, or M/M/M love triangle, or what have you).
  2. Stories will be judged on both quality and chemistry. Quality will be about how good the story is overall. Chemistry will be about how good the story is as a story about the relationship between the characters in question.
  3. The story can be of any genre, not necessarily romance, as long as it prominently features a qualifying ship! Just keep in mind the "chemistry" criterion.
  4. Stories can be any rating or content, with the following restrictions: Sexual content at the level of a T-rated fic with the Sex tag is definitely allowed. Any sexual content above this level must be story-driven (no mindless pornos!). Extreme content (including fetishes, gore) is not allowed, as all of our judges must be comfortable reading and judging the work. If you think your story might not be appropriate under the spirit of these guidelines, then it probably isn't, but don't be afraid to ask for clarification!
  5. EqG and G5 characters are allowed.
  6. R63 of canon female characters is allowed.
  7. AUs, Crossovers, sequels, and side stories are allowed, provided they work as standalone stories, with no knowledge of other creative works outside of the canon material.
  8. OCs are allowed, with the same caveat as above.
  9. The contest will begin on 2000 16/09 UTC-4:00 (8:00PM of September 16th EDT). Stories published before this time will be disqualified.
  10. The deadline is 2000 11/11 UTC-4:00 (8:00PM of November 11 EDT). Stories must be published and completed by this time in order to qualify.
  11. There is no minimum wordcount, but the maximum is 20kw. If you feel this is too restrictive, please contact me, Bicyclette, to discuss a possible exception.
  12. You may submit as many fics as you want to the contest! However, each person may only win one prize.
  13. If you are a new writer and your entry ends up stuck in the moderation queue, please contact me, Bicyclette, to avoid being disqualified for this.
  14. Submissions will be collected in the M/M Shipping Contest Submissions folder. Feel free to join the group and place it in yourself!
  15. If you feel like your idea is borderline to any of these rules, or think that despite technically meeting all these rules might go against what we might reasonably expect from a good-faith entry, or if you have any questions or want to clarify anything, please don't be afraid to discuss it with me, Bicyclette! The last thing we want is for you to spend a lot of time working on an entry and then have it not qualify at the end. We understand there will always be corner cases to consider.
  16. For legal and job reasons of myself, any submission under the same account as fics that would be illegal to publish in the nation of Australia (a certain subset of pornographic material) are disqualified. This is the only requirement based on factors outside of the actual submission itself.

source: DingoBreath

That's it!

Good luck!

Report Bicyclette · 3,247 views · Story: Gloaming · #shipping #contest #coltcuddler
Comments ( 34 )

Woot woot! This will be quite the fun contest for everyone. And please, don't hold back on trans stallions: we welcome all trans folks in these stories here.

I look forward to seeing the kind of stories you all produce. We're sure to see a lot of good ones.

Hooray!! I don't know about you all, but I am hype, hype, HYPE! Can't wait to see some truly brilliant pieces of MLM glory :D

Good luck, all! And happy writing!

Howdy, hi!

Looking forward to everyone's entries and I will point out now that using Flash Sentry will not get you extra points from me (but will make me very happy).

Good Golly! Those artworks are just pretty!

I just realized...


Bi-cycle. .

Oh! made me think of this...

They are pretty cool youtuber!

I heard that Not Enough Coffee guy is a total Chad. Too bad for y’all, he’s MINE.

Breathe, woman, you haven't even finished your last contest yet! XD

Mkay maybe I'm just blind and if there's an answer in the post please give me back my glasses but

Can we submit more than one (1) (uno) entry?

I promise I won't, but in theory, if I were to break that promise, would I be left alive?

This is perfectttttttttttt! Gonna start thinking of ideas right now!

Posh #9 · Sep 17th, 2021 · · 1 ·

boy? can kiss?? boy?..?..?

I will def try and get in on this. I've been away from writing for too long.


is a stacked judge list


Hello again. I would like to invite you to repost your contest again in the Hall of Contests group. Please copy all the details of the contest into the thread there so that it's easier for members of the group to see it from their feed (please refer to the posting rule of the group for instructions).

Thank you very much and hope this contest is also successful as the previous.

AUs, Crossovers, sequels, and side stories are allowed, provided they work as standalone stories, with no knowledge of other creative works outside of the canon material.

Okay, so a Fallout: Equestria side story with none of the FoE-canon characters would be okay if I describe enough of the setting to make the story work for people who a haven't read the original?

as soon as i can think of the right pair for this, you have no idea how hype i am for it.

also i'm torn between trying to think of something more original than gallbar and defaulting to gallbar because gallus needs more love guys ;_;

QQ, are we allowed to submit more than one entry?

updated the rules to clarify! you can submit as many stories as you want, but you can only win up to one prize. let a thousand gay shipfics bloom!

Sooooo... some questions:

1: OCs acceptable in ship? In secondary ship? In story?

2: No F in it at all so, for example, no Shiny having Sunny on the side (with or without permission) without breaking up with Caddy? IE, gay, not bi?

3: What about R63'd background pones? Not really the same sort of established weight for, say, Inky Thorn, Inky Rose's R63'd long-lost identical twin brother. :-P

4: Trans males are clear; what about genderfluid, particularly attached to shapeshifters who may switch back and forth depending on personality?

Not looking for loopholes, just looking for "if you carom off in this direction, rein it in" boundaries.

I’m pretty sure that genderfluid/non-binary is kind of a deal all their own? Fimfic unfortunately doesn’t have a lot of groups for relationships re: third gender characters.

An enby shipping contest would be neat too, though I’m not sure if it’d be nb/nb or nb/any depending on who the host is.

Epic, thank u. Time to make the boys kiss

Certainly would be - I'm asking more because I know that there are characters who could definitely be shifting identification based on various shapes, and so that throws some weird potential questions in.

Good luck, everyone!

Ah, changelings are what you're talking about then? Gee, I guess they would be a funky gray area.


I didn't see a definitive answer given for this yet - how are we feeling about OCs? Or a background character who doesn't have any spoken lines, perhaps? I've always wanted to write something for Big Caramel, but I'm not sure if he would be considered an OC, since he's just a mute backgrounder.

Either way I AM SO EXCITED

Yup, primarily. Not sure where they'd fit, and I'd like to nip any melodramas involving alternate IDs in the bud if they're not for this.

Same. The wholesome gay must glow. 👀

If I'm reading the rules correctly, this contest takes place 21 years in the past... :rainbowhuh:

Edit: wait. no. That's 24-hour time, not a year. Carry on. :derpytongue2:

1. OCs are in the same category as AUs and Crossovers: allowed as long as the story works without knowledge of anything outside of the story itself, and the canon show/movies. Added a rule to clarify this!
2. Bi stories are definitely allowed! As long as the main focus of the story is on the M/M pairings/dynamics/relationships. A great example of this is mushroompone's How to Farm Rocks (in three easy steps), which explores an F/F romance with Cadance while she is happily married to Shining Armor.
3. R63 is allowed! An R63 background pony is about the same as an OC, which is allowed.
4. This is a tricky one! So I will only answer the narrow-scope version of your question: It should be fine as long as it "fits the spirit of the contest". If you still feel unsure, DM me an outline of your ideas and I can talk about it with the judges.

Just making sure you're pinged for the updates: OCs are allowed!

Yay, thanks for the clarification!! I'm very excited!! :pinkiehappy:


I have at least an idea and a half vying for attention as is, so probably no questions from me, it just struck me as a possibility. Especially with stories like Temerity (wherein Twi accidentally discovers that she has a male identity as well as female) out there.

Welp, guess it’s time to write that story I’ve been putting off—

Well hey maybe I can actually publish my first story in a hot f****** minute although I still owe you those tricks and stories as well! Trixie and starlight being gay I mean wait maybe I can write Trixie and starlight being gay dudes that be fun as well I mean Trixie is obviously a bratty twink if we're going that route something something submissive and breedable meme

Comment posted by CitreneSkys deleted Oct 8th, 2021
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