A Raven’s Greatest Flight

by Chemtest

Short Bois, Tall Bois

Our mission seems to have happened at an optimal time. The Dwarf and Human Kings are meeting together, and that makes this mission one kingdom shorter. Frey carries his Queens authority, we carry Equestrian authority, and we can make world peace in one meeting. That code phrase, or whatever it is, seems to work. We can all forgive each other, and work together towards a brighter future.

Optimistic, to be sure, but I am called Hopeful for a reason. I look over to Frey as he runs along with us, “You ready?”

He nods, maintaing a good, steady pace, “The Queen trusted me with this, I indever not to fail. I’d question you lot about that more, you are only children. Children, I might add, that have no experience with politics.”

I shrug, “We’re exceptional at things we shouldn’t be.” You may be asking how I shrug when I am running. Magic.

Frey shrugs back, “Can’t deny that, can I.”

I look over at Wit, “Wit, If this goes badly, we need you to be ready to diffuse the situation.”

Wit laughs back, “I’ll bring the dank ones then.”

I look over at Ink and Open, “I want you two to come with me in there. I might need support, emotional or physical if all goes wrong.”

Open nods, “Of course, it’s the least I could do.”

Ink smiles, “Oh, now this will make for a good scoop!”

I look back at the ones not pulling the wagon, “Fellow Knights, put on any armor you can, carry the most fancy weapons. We want to look official when we actually make it into the capital.”

Wit sharks from beside me, “Oh yes, maybe they’ll think children are the actual army! You know, because we have the exact same conscription laws as the Soviets!”

I ignore the comment, and make sure they all put on fancy enough stuff. I then look forward, “Alright everyone, let’s slow down. We’re about to run into the capital of the Humans, get ready to march.”

We slow down our speed heavily to a normal marching pace. Knights pour out of the wagon, wearing armor and carrying weapons of all kinds. Some release us from pulling, and take the place instead.

With us free, and the wagon moving steadily, we all spread out. The other Knights make a square around the wagon, and the rest of us walk in front of the ponies in front of the wagon. We, being the unofficial leaders, should maintain a position at the front, gain respect from those that see us.

A respectable pace, and a intimidating approach, perfect. We make our way onto the main streets, and see civilians hide away in their homes when they see us. That, or they look at us in awe.

Human cities are constructed in a grid like pattern, so we can find our way without a guide, unlike the Elves.

The main streets always leads to the town hall, or in this case the King’s castle. In fact, we’re coming up on it right now.

A Human rides out on a horse, unintelligent but big ponies, and a Dwarf points their musket at us. The Human speaks first, “What are you Ponies doing here! Bringing a squad of armed ponies as well?!”

I hold up a hoof, and all behind me stop, “We are a joint delegation sent to discuss peace of the races. As per tradition, we come with an escort. We speak with the authority of Equestria, and the Elven Queen. And we wish to open up peace talks as the two other races King’s are here.” How did I know to say all of that? I don’t know politics!

He looks at me once more, “And why should we allow you in? For what reason?”

I speak before even thinking, “Intelligent Rights Act 13. Any and all official ambassadors of peace are to be accepted in to discuss peace. Read up on you law before you become a guard, it comes in handy.” The buck is the Intelligent Rights Act?

He looks at me for a second longer, before holding up his hand, “Balder, put down your gun.”

The Dwarf, presumably named Balder, holsters his weapon.

The Human hops off his horse, and holds out a hand to me, “I am Knight Burion, that Dwarf behind me is Engineer Balder. Welcome to Castle Draydon.”

I take his hand in a hearty shake, “Hopeful Sight, the four behind me are Open Skies, Ink, and Frey respectively. I am glad to be here.”

Burion pulls a lever, and opens the gates, “Come on in, we shall lead you to our Kings.”