What Now?

by Q-22

A Test Of Endurance

It was early in the morning and the sun had risen not long ago. Birds fluttered about the trees, crickets chirped, and all was at a general peace. The Guardian was no stranger to calm moments that would often fill the gap between intense combat, so the shock of how nice everything was was negligible. He could simply enjoy it, despite the creeping, irrational little tingle he was getting. It won't last, a small part of his head whispered to him in mournful despair. He tried his best to ignore it. Whatever would happen would happen, and at least this time he seemed to have SOME manner of control over things.

For now, the peace was more than welcome.

Ghost had nestled himself in The Guardian's hood, which was down, and was doing the equivalent of sleeping for a Ghost. He had collected a lot of data that The Guardian never really understood overnight and was spending some time trying to make sense of it. Evidently, wherever they had wound up worked on a different set of causality and paracausality, and Ghost needed time to synchronize their Light with the driving rules of the world. Until he was finished, Ghost had urged The Guardian to keep his power usage to a minimum.

"And, you know, don't die. I brought you back before, twice, but that was before I knew it was risky. So, please, don't die. I'll be so lonely here without you."

Ghost had said that an hour or two ago. The Gaurdian couldn't really keep track of time. He did, however, keep track of how wonderful the scenery was. All of the life around him was just so stunning. Literally stunning, every now and then. He'd see a small meadow of flowers between trees and just stop. Or a large patch of moss bathing in a sunbeam, green just radiating from the circle of moist, squishy life, fixed ever so keenly on every little detail, every delicate organism living free from the perils of Sky and Deep. Ghost had mentioned that "here" was operating by a different set of rules. The Guardian really hoped so. Being the most versatile pawn in the balance between "Light" and "Dark" swept him to some very dark places, and he didn't want to revisit any of them anytime soon.

Time passed as it did, and the Lightbearing duo arrived at the base of the mountain just past noon. Ghost had moved from hood to head, keeping a low profile until things were determined to be definitely safe. Even still, Ghost worried. Bad things had happened to him even when he was hidden away in The Guardian's "backpack", as proven by the incident on the Moon. Nasty business, that. Ghost still felt dirtied, somehow. There was something twisty in being possessed and used as a verbal relay as your best friend is baited into one of the most dangerous structures to exist in the Sol System.

"So. How do you suppose we get up there?" Ghost asked, his voice a little more shaky than he intended it to be.

The Guardian shrugged, looking to the left and right of the mountain's base. Nothing but landscape. He then looked back up at the mountain, squinted, looked down at his hooves, and slowly smiled.

"I really hope you're not considering what I think you are." Ghost whisked out into the air in front of him, giving him a suspicious look. He just smiled a little wider.

-Several Hours Later-

"So he just bolted out to this window and jumped?"

"Eeyup. Flopped down the mountain like a fish and just walked off."

Two Royal Guards were, well, "guarding" the aforementioned window. What they were really doing was keeping post in case the mysterious teleporter decided to come back in the way he went out, despite the notion being so far-fetched. Princess Luna had mentioned coming to an agreement to meet with the property damaging offender, for whatever reason, and hadn't been very specific as to how the window smasher should go about getting back. As such, guards were posted in a few more places than usual, like at the window, or various train stations in the surrounding area, etc. etc. Places where one could get to Canterlot City, and thus to the Canterlot Castle.

Given how ridiculous it was that somepony would climb the mountain and try the window, the two guards stationed there weren't expecting company outside of others in the castle.


Matted with sweat and shaky in the legs, The Guardian was standing on his two left hooves with his body flat against the mountainside, twenty feet or so from the window he had crashed out of not long ago. It had been a tricky climb, but he had realized if he went at it goat-style, it'd probably be easier. It was. However, it only got him so far, and he was stuck with no other ledges to barely cling to, trying to keep his shaking to a minimum for fear of losing balance and getting blown off by the wind.

Meanwhile, Ghost had decided to leave the safety of backpack-land to do a little scouting, "eep"ing to himself upon finding the two guard ponies near the window talking with each other about rotations. He dropped back down to eye level with The Guardian, who looked a mix of thrilled and constipated.

"There's two by the window, both guards judging by the shiny armor and plumed helmets. Since you don't have a way back down that doesn't involve a lot of unpleasant crunches and snaps, I'm thinking we just ask for help. Any objections?"


"So, who do you think'll win the Hoofball regionals?" one of the guards started. The other was about to talk, but they were interrupted by a strange, crackly chirp from the window. They both looked over in alarm to find a small, floating blue eye in a spiky chassis of white and gleaming silver.

Ghost chirped again, as if beckoning, and floated back down. The two guards exchanged worried glances before creeping over to the window. One looked up and the other looked down before they stuck their heads outside. Finding nothing waiting to fall from above, the guard looking up looked down to where the other guard was staring befuddled. A pale, proportionally large unicorn with a long cloak and sheepish smile was peering up at them from where he stood. Vertically. On the side of the mountain. Twenty feet from the window.

"Got any rope?" the unicorn asked, his mane blowing over his face after a gusty blast of wind. That seemed to shake the guardponies out of their stupor. Words between the three were exchanged and one of the guards ran to get something or somepony to help and the other stayed, just in case something happened. Nothing did, of course, but still.

Minutes passed, the guard who stayed occasionally peeking back out the window to make sure the pony on the mountainside was still there. Each time the guard received the same concerned look from the curiously tall unicorn. Again. And again. Still there. Still there.

The telltale clippity clops of hooves on castle flooring rang as the other guard returned with two other guards, these two unicorns.

"Just out the window, right?" one of the newcomers asked, having slowed to a trot.

The guard at the window did another check. "Yup, he's still down there." The two unicorn guards, now at the window as well, peered down, getting a brief smile from the tall pony stuck on the cliff face.

"How in the hay'd you get there?" one of them yelled, their voice muted by the cold wind. The big unicorn was about to answer before being cut off. "Y'know what, nevermind, let's just get you up here and not out there."

The two earthpony guards stood back a bit while the unicorn guards focused on levitating the larger unicorn up from where he was and into the building. They struggled at first, having underestimated how much oomph they needed to put into the spell.

"Geez, how's a fella like you get to be so heavy?" the other guard asked as they stepped back, slowly and carefully floating the big unicorn through the window and onto the floor. Up close, all it took was a glance to have that question answered.

Before them sat a regally defined, lean muscled unicorn of empirical heights, his long and wild mane flowing in the draft from the window, brilliant sunshine washing in and around him, giving the mysterious mountain climber a radiant glow-

And everyone was promptly snapped out of it when the big giant unicorn let out a big giant sneeze, shaking the corridor and knocking himself over from the brute force of the nasal reaction. The guards scrambled to help him up, doing so rather gently while he sniffled, his mane all ruffled and messy, his cloak in dirtied tatters.

"You the one the Princesses are expecting?" one of the original guardponies asked, and the big fella nodded, his nose twitching as he sniffled again. "Well, just follow us then. We have orders to keep you somewhere comfortable until they can all arrive." Another nod from the big guy and the five were on their way. The two unicorns, who had been assigned to a similar position nearby, were following along.


If there was one thing that was reeeeallly going to bother him, it was how loud walking was as a hooved quadruped. Clickity clack, clack clickity. Boop dee da doop all this trotting was really noisy. Especially in the big, echo-y halls of Canterlot Castle. Lots of click clacks. They were walking through the halls in relative silence, hooffalls not included, and reached a cozy-looking waiting room in a matter of minutes.

There were two doors, one of which they had just entered by, and no windows. The walls matched the rest of the castle's castley scheme, but the furniture was much more "modern". Honestly, some of the decor in the room could have passed for City goods. A large sea foam green rug was placed in the center of the cube-ish room, in the center of which was a rich mahogany table with a few unused coasters scattered around it. Around the middle of the large rug were three sitting couches (likely meant for the normal-sized ponies, given the sizes) and a big basket that seemed to contain several dark green sitting pillows. Knitted blankets and quilts were neatly folded in another basket, making The Guardian realize that he was, indeed, one cold boi. He hadn't noticed his shivering before, and went right for the sitting pillows, dragging one out of its basket and nosing it into position close to the table.

That got him a few odd looks, from both the unicorns and the earth ponies, but he was too busy tossing one of the heavier quilts over himself to notice. Quilt still covering him (much in the way a sheet would cover a child pretending to be a ghost) he circled round on the pillow seven times before plopping himself down and curling up, poking his head up through a hole in the wrapped up blanket.

The four other ponies in the room were still just staring. Both at him, and his horn. They didn't ask, but the looks on their faces would have been question enough.

The Guardian, finally noticing the stares, just stared back innocently confused. What'd he do wrong?