//------------------------------// // 45 - Shootout at Space Ponyville // Story: Fallout Equestria: Operation Star Drop // by Meep the Changeling //------------------------------// ☢★★ Whirling Gears ★★☢ It felt a little weird to be standing in a circle in an intact room with a bunch of ponies wearing the same new outfit. Kinda like the war never happened. Only it had. I liked the Hazard Suits. They had a sleek but protective look to them. I also liked how Vinyl had managed to put hers on over her space suit. Not only was her glowing radioactive body not hurting everypony but, like, come on. Her suit had a suit. It was cute. And also gave me something to think about other than the sheer impossibility of the task ahead of us while Rainbow had us walking side by side into the transporter room. Except for Loom. She was slightly behind everypony because, well, hallway space. “Shouldn’t we be at least jogging?” Loom asked Rainbow with just a hint of confusion slipping through her helmet’s vox. “No,” Rainbow muttered as if we were in a library. Loom’s question popped open the floodgates. We all had questions. “Also why do we have to all be in a line shoulder to shoulder?” Speed asked. “What lamp prismatic pony place at start of walk for?” Desi added quickly. “Cartoon reference. Equality League, Season One,” Mom said like that explained anything. “It helps me focus on a mission if I can start it with something cool, okay?” Rainbow grumbled under her breath. Vinyl snickered to herself. Loom facehooved. “Oh, my, Celestia… We’re doing the intro!” “Shut up.” Rainbow grumbled around a deep blush. We continued to do whatever it was we were doing for another minute before we reached the transporter room. Desi popped the door open and we all slipped inside, walking up onto the big circular platform under Desi’s directions. Apparently long range teleportation required an “antenne” of sorts, and stuff had to either start from the antenne or go to the antenne. The more I learned about wizardry, the less I wanted to ever get into it as a career. Thank goodness I wasn’t a unicorn. “Everyone ready?” Rainbow asked one last time. “Remember the plan?” “Yes,” everypony replied together. We’d gone over the plan a dozen times. It wasn’t like anyone could be more ready. Dash nodded twice and then gave everypony one last worried look in the eyes. “You’re sure? We have one shot at this. I don’t even know if the plan will work right.” Vinyl facehooved. “I’m with Gears, Gears is a robot. She literally can’t forget—” I elbowed her in the barrel. “I forget things all the time,” I remembered irritably. Mom’s ears perked up. “I designed her to emulate an organic pony. Hence she randomly deletes ancillary information based on an RNG algorithm.” Dash’s ears fell as she wheeled around to face mom. “But… but her model was intended for spying.” “No.” Mom said flatly. “She was going to put herself in me originally, kill everypony at the MAS hub and escape to Neighpone. I was never going to really be mass produced.” I explained Mom nodded once. “Yes.” Rainbow blinked twice. “I— I didn’t know that. There are pre-war secrets I don’t know. COOL!” I took a half step away from the slightly crazy mare. Speed’s left eye twitched slightly. “For buck’s sake!” she pointed to Vinyl and I with one hoof. “They teleport to the hab module and vent it to space because Rainbow can replenish the animals and stuff from stored geneseed later, and they’re the only ponies here who can survive vacuum exposure. I go to the barracks and do what I do best and also steal their pretzels for Desi, if they have any, if not, make one make pretzels before killing them. Desi and Loom take over the command deck with you, and Gear’s mom asks the station’s reactor to turn off. Everypony rushes B after—” “The command deck,” Rainbow corrected. Speed shot Rainbow an irritated look, snorted, and restated, “Everypony Rushes B, ie, objective two, after finishing their primary objective, and backs up Rainbow.” “Yep,” Loom agreed, flexing her neck idly. She’d insisted on keeping her power armor on, which everypony was fine with. Except for Desi. Desi insisted everypony should have their uniform in a way that Rainbow decided invoked actual OCD. So poor Loom had to squeeze into the Hazard Suit then slide her armor over it. Her obvious discomfort levels were off the scale. But… well… If the pony from the future says you should do something, you do it. Rainbow sighed, flicked her tail, then nodded up to Desi who was still riding Loom’s back. “Okay. Desi, is everypony’s coordinates punched in?” Desi nodded and made an exasperated popping sound. “Correct.” They had been for about fifteen minutes now by my clock. Rainbow took a deep breath to calm herself. “Six mares, half an alien armory, a horseapples idea, and a pending firefight in a space station…” Mom fachooved and pointed one of her mechanical graspers at Desi. “Engage transport beam before she loops this level’s briefing again.” Desi’s horn glowed as she hit the final command on the teleporter’s terminal. The terminal hummed, clicked, and beeped. The pad beneath our hooves sparkled, shimmered, began to glow white, and then I was standing in a field of grass. A field of grass I would admire after doing my best to hope Mom didn’t think she was playing some old video game. Seriously, mom… phrasing. “Woah…” Vinyl said quietly prompting me to pay full attention to our surroundings. We were standing on a hill. A green grassy hill. In a pleasant breeze that smelled like flowers and fruit and something I couldn’t recognise. There were trees for kilometers and kilometers to our left. Not the short, prickly, stick-things, but real trees. Living ones. With green leaves that rustled and blew in the wind. To our right was a town. A pre-war town. Nothing was burnt, everything looked… time worn. A little old. And a bit overgrown in places, but everything was, like, intact. Nothing needed fixing. You could just move in and… do whatever you liked to do. No construction needed. Freaky. I blinked a few times as I tried to figure out why this scene was just so alien and wrong. Then it hit me. We weren't on a planet. It totally felt like we were, but we weren't. I’ll bet my squishy friends couldn’t tell, but I could feel the spin the station had. There wasn’t gravity here, just, spin. Subtle, and wrong. To go with the intact town’s overt and wrong. And the weirdness of the living plant life everywhere. Also, there was more land overhead. Stardrop Station had three big “wings'' of the cylinder portion dedicated to being a living area. All covered in nature. Fine and fair enough. The light beam and clouds in the middle of the cylinder that served as a sun was fine but… Did the windows need to exist? They were just as big as each wing but, ya know, looked out into the endless yawning void of space. It kinda looked like the world had just split apart revealing an endless pit rather than the core of Equis… But that wasn’t the most unsettling thing about this place. I could feel the Void. Not the void of space, but the metaphysical place spirits dwelt. It was closer here. Much closer. My ears flicked back as I remembered Rainbow’s explanation of magic being more powerful in space. Of course it was. Without the planet’s magnetic fields and the signal noise made by leylines… of course my link to the realm of spirits would be greater as well. Is this what ancient spirits felt like all the time? Access to a constant supply of power, but also constantly aware of the hair’s breadth between existence as your own entity and falling back into the screaming? Lost amongst the infinite spirits damned to the Void? I shivered and turned towards the town. Rainbow said the air lock was in the Ponyville Replica.  “Come on, let’s get to it.” I said as I started trotting my way towards our goal. “Hold on,” Vinyl said with a happy sigh. “I forgot that the world looks nice when it’s not exploded.” “Ehhhh…” I winced and shrugged. “Looks more creepy to me. Everything’s alive and… like if I took a nap or ran out of power for a week some of this grass might grow into my gears or something. It’s just, not okay, you know?” Vinyl snorted, then giggled. “Robot mares…” I narrowed my eyes. “Excuse me?” ”Now, Gears,” Dad said politely. ”She has a very good point.” How bucking good is your radio transmitter? I asked silently as I shook my head incredulously. “Pretty bucking great, apparently!” Vinyl turned her head, smiled, opened her mouth to say something, then a blue bolt of light slammed into the ground between us, scorching some of the grass. “Freeze!” A stallion’s voice called from above. “Oh right, the Enclave,” Vinyl said, quickly shaking herself out of her pre-war nice-place trance. I reared up to aim my battle saddle his way and let my new toy spin up. There wasn't just one stallion, there were ten. All of them clad in the bug-like enclave arial armor and hovering, ready to shoot. And shoot they did. A dozen M.E.W. bolts splashed against our shields. The Hazard Suits hummed and vibrated lightly with each hit. Unlike a pony built shield, there was no flash. No sparks. No blinding burst of light. Their shots just stopped. Vanishing. A little boring. But, based on the way the Enclave squad’s rate of fire dropped off to nothing after a few moments… differently intimidating. I felt just a little bad for them. Sure these guys were racial supremacists, but… There’s fighting and then there’s just plain old not-fair massacring. “Hi!” I called up to the ponies. “We picked up some alien shields from the mothership on the way over. If you want to surrender, you should go inside. We’re kinda gonna vent the atmosphere. Later!” The stallion at the group’s front swore under his breath. “Gray Squad to command, intruders are heavily shielded. Low-power shots wont—” Vinyl fired her pistol. The sickly-blue bolt of light lanced out and struck the stallion in the jaw. He spasmed, crunching into a ball as he fell. “RISK THE BREACH AND FIRE FULL POWER BOLTS!” somepony bellowed. I began to lock onto the remaining Enclave troopers. They began to fire. This time their bolts crackled and sparked off four Hazard Suit’s shields. I could see the energy readings on the little eye-piece thing. I could take this for maybe thirty seconds. Probably less. No problem! One grenade for each of your pie-holes coming right u— Vinyl twisted her helmet with her magic and pulled it off, floating it at her side. “Check your rad counters,” Vinyl shouted over the M.E.W. fire. The squad began to pull back, flapping upwards as they fired down, their aim going wild as they backed off from what my systems and slight blurring vision were telling me was approximately 200 rads per second. I turned my neck to look at Vinyl in confusion. She grunted. “I know you prefer more challenging targets. They were like ten meters up.” I quickly reassessed my target locks. Still green! I nodded, said “Yep,” and sent my new toy ten fire commands. One for each enemy. Screeeeeeeeeeee—brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt! A lot happened at once. An arousing number of grenades went flying. I “teleported” onto my butt and plowed a rut about two meters long into the hillside. The Enclave squadron aerosolized. The hundred or so grenades that didn’t hit them burst in the air, blasting holes into pegasi-hardened cloud formations. I learned that each fire command was for a fifteen round burst. “Eeeee!” I squeed mostly to myself… and everypony in a two kilometer radius. Vinyl used her telekinesis to pick me up and put me on my hooves. “So, that’s a “on-all-fours” gun.” “Yep!” I giggled happily. “Okay, let’s vent this airlock!” I started to gallop towards the somewhat distant town, Vinyl was on my tail, clipping her helmet back into place as we ran. The replica-town was maybe forty seconds away. The airlock was located in the town square where the city hall would have been in the old town. Those directions would have been way more helpful if I knew any of Ponyville’s layout or streets. “Follow me,” Vinyl said as she ran ahead. “Oh yeah, you used to live here.” “No, I lived in the not-space one.” “Right.” “Same difference though.” I turned to look at Vinyl, tilting my head slightly. “How so?” I asked before realizing something was very wrong. “Wait, why aren't other Enclave soldiers—” Several hundred somethings slammed into my back, knocking me flat against the ground and sliding me across the dirt hard enough to leave plumes of soil. My Hazard Suit’s hud screamed red at me, something about shields depleted and kinetic overload. I couldn’t even begin to process what the buck just happened before something roughly the size of a freight train slammed into my back hard enough for me to feel my subdermal armor buckle. Something hoof shaped. But huge. Oh. Oh no. “The buck stops here, Stripe,” Gale said with uncharacteristic calm. “No more games. No more you.” I gathered my hooves to push upwards and try to throw Gale off. Gale pushed down, crushing me underhoof. The ground beneath me gave, compacting under the force of power armor and augmented flesh much more easily than my chassis… Though the pops, creaks, and error messages flashing in my eyes couldn’t be good for me at all. Pressure Warning: Desist present activity. If you don’t, I'll know, and I’ll paint your chassis pink when I fix you. Yeah thanks, mom. I’ll get right on— Gale pushed harder, definitely taking exception to my squirming. Pain started to radiate out from my back in spite of the kinetic dampeners in my Hazard Suit. Ow! Okay, yeah, I’m—  I heard Bad Trip fire three times, and three crackle and pops as the shots splattered off Gale’s armor. “Only I tell my mare when the buck stops!” Vinyl shouted. It had to have sounded way better in her head. Gale said nothing. A servo hummed. A minigun spat lead. Explosive lead. Something heavy and wet hit the ground. Horror kickstarted my failing hydraulics. I shifted myself to the left, not far but just enough to de-center Gale’s hoof. The force popped me out from under him like a Sparkle Cola cap off a shaken bottle. I rolled, bounced, then sprang up right… only to see Vinyl’s limp, splattered form laying in four pieces atop the hill. I stretched out a hoof towards her, stammering nonsense through the pain and horror. Gale laughed. His suit hummed as he aimed all four of his guns at me. “Little known fact, Stripe. Magic is at least ten times more potent up here than it is down on Equus. You have always won by a hair. Luck, Stripe. That’s what’s saved you from me so many times. But not this time. Not here. Sure, the feeble systems in your mechanical body will give you a boost as well, but it wont make a difference.” No. No she was a canterlot ghoul. She’d start regenerating, right? “You’re no super soldier, you’re no assassin, you’re not even a mage,” Gale said as he placed his hoof on the back of my head, crushing it into the dirt. Vinyl wasn’t regenerating. Her dismembered form lay still on the grass, blood pooling around her. She must have been hit in the head. I felt my eyes flood with tiers. She was gone. She was gone and there was nothing I could do. Nothing... “You’re not even a real zebra. The reality is, you’re just an equoid, and I am a—” Something deep down in my soul snapped. My reactor’s smooth pulsing beats spiked into a glowing, burning, mass of hatred. My coolant began to boil. My soul reached out and grabbed hold of the unnerving energies of the Void. “You’re a Ḑ̸̑E̵͚̒Ä̶͉́D̵͍̓ ̵̜͝S̶̠̑T̷̰̍A̶̼̽L̶̗̈L̷̰̃Í̷͉Ò̶̬N̴̮͆!̴̜̕” I roared, rolling over under Gale’s pin to take hold of his power shod hoof and throw him off of me in one smooth motion. Gale backed in surprise as he tumbled over, controlled his roll with a blast from his armor’s maneuvering jets, and landed on his hooves. I didn’t bother getting up, I aimed my cannon and fired. Screeeeeeeeeeee—brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt! Gale dodged. Thrusters burning brightly. Hundreds of rounds detonated, blowing a trench through the side of the hill. I picked myself up as I fired, painting a trailing line of explosions behind Gale as he took to the air, always a step ahead of my shots no matter how I tried to lead them. Gale opened fire. His four cannons spun and roared, tearing furrows in the hill in front of me as the line of explosive rounds started to trace through my position. I could feel the magic in each round. The enchantments that let them burst into the blaze of white fire which had taken my love from me. They were machines. Simple ones. Still machines. They were in my domain. I willed them to detonate. Gale’s shots exploded in front of me as if striking an invisible barrier. I continued to fire. Gale continued to evade my shots. He couldn’t dodge forever. I could see his thrusters glowing. They weren’t meant for sustained flight… and if he could come in range, perhaps I could overpower his armor just as I had his bullets. My M-900 beeped loudly, a temperature warning popped into view on my HUD. I kept firing. A second later my canon clicked as the fuel rod was depleted. Her barrels stopped belching fire. A large glowing white, half molten rod ejected from her bottom and melted its way into the loose dirt. Motors hummed and ratchets clicked as she began to load her next fuel rod. Gale swooped down from the sky and rammed into my side, launching us down the hill and back towards the replica town. My shield took the impact, popping and sparking as it collapsed from the strain. Half a heartbeat later we blasted through the plaster and wicker wall of a small home on the edge of town. Dust and debris blasted everywhere. I felt part of my face scrape off against a support beam. We hit the floor, still locked together. The floor failed immediately, unable to support our weight. I rolled and twisted as we plunged through the timbers, managing to land atop Gale and blast him point blank with the Minosian shotgun strapped to my saddle’s other mount. The slug pinked off his armor, leaving a dent. Gale flicked a foreleg, throwing me off of him, across the furnished yet destroyed living room, and through a multi-paned glass window, getting a bit impaled by the wooden frame. I bounced across the street for a moment, stumbled up to my hooves, and fired a burst of grenades through the window at Gale’s rising form. They hit. All fifteen hit. Shards of armor plate blasted out through the window, slicing my face, Hazard Suit, and neck. Gale roared in pain and jumped through the entire crumbling wall, quad-guns blazing, helmet and barrel plate almost entirely gone. I willed his rounds to detonate. Some did, others ignored my commands, too consumed by their master’s rage to heed any other voice. I jumped to my left to doge, my right shoulder slid into one of the bullet streams. Sparks showered out from the hit as my suit tried to compensate, failed, and caught fire. Three rounds ripped into my shoulder, tearing at the servos and frame which held my leg on. I ignored the damage. It didn’t matter. I ran into the street, zigzagging to throw off Gales targeting. Without his helmet, he couldn’t aim well. Understandable, rotary cannons are hard. Plenty of recoil. It hardly mattered. Rounds tore through my back and flanks. My vision began to fill with warnings and error messages. I ignored them. They didn’t matter. My magic plugged the gaps with crackling light. Taking cover behind the wall, I took stock of everything I had. Shotgun. Rotary grenade launcher. Eye laser. Untested plasma weapons built into forelegs. Insufficient, but it would have to do. Gale’s hooves pounded against the cobblestone street. I needed to get some distance from him or this wouldn’t work. There wouldn’t be time to aim. I broke cover and sprinted deeper into town, pushing every ounce of magic I could harvest into my leg’s servos. They cracked, wined, and crackled. I could feel liquefied bearing components dripping through my legs. Irrelevant. Ignore melting. It is less painful than what he’s done to me already. Gale continued to fire as we ran through the mock-town’s streets and alleyways. Walls crumbled ahead of me. Stone chips rained down as craters were blown into the street. Business signs splintered, glass shattered. Bullets tore up my back and legs. My suit burned, melting the flesh, rubber, and warping the plate beneath it. But I gained ground. Slowly but surely I gained ground. One second… then two.. Then three… soon I would have four seconds of ground. All I would need. I ducked into one last alley. Possibly a mistake. I could see the alley ran into a large open courtyard of some kind ahead of me. Maybe a plaza. Huge, with a fountain in the middle. Or maybe a pool. One shot. Now or never. Failure meant no cover. That would be the end. But. Gale could not turn or dodge in this narrow brick walled alley. I ran to the end of the alley, spun on my rear hooves, the now bare steel kicking up sparks and gouging lines into the granite stones. Gale was four seconds behind me, screaming rage and fury as he fired all throughout his charge. A walking tank with a big hole in the frontal armor. Perfect. I reared up. My battle saddle adjusted aim, bringing my launcher and shotgun to bear on Gale’s head. Not enough. I activated my eye laser. Its capacitors charged almost instantly due to my melting core’s extra power. Emergency valves across my chassis popped open, venting gasses from my various boiling fluids. The remains of my smouldering suit and flesh ignited some of them and made my body match the burning flames of rage that had become my soul. My forelegs split open, deploying the plasma pistols Desi had installed for me. They hummed and crackled as my core instantly overcharged them. My hooves seemed to glow with their awesome power. Gale’s charge faltered. He threw his hooves out, trying to skid to a stop to reverse direction. “Oh, shi—” I unleashed my love, my anger, and all of my sorrow. The alley disintegrated. Brick melted. Grenades blasted everything I could see to shrapnel. Nothing could have survived the hellfire I’d created. It was done. I slumped to my knees. The magic sustaining me began to fade. It was time to die. Perhaps the shreds of Jasmine’s soul within me would let me return to Vinyl’s side once I finished burning. A hydraulic actuator hummed, screeching in mechanical pain. Was that one of mine? Were any of them still working? No. The smoke and dust filling the ex-alley way began to clear. Gale struggled up to his hooves, his armor, sparking, smouldering, and shattered, but still just barely functional. Gale seemed to be mostly fine. Burnt fur. A deep cut on his forehead that dripped blood into his eye. Some shrapnel cuts on his barrel, but he was moving. “Oh, come on!” I attempted to shout, though my slagging vocabulator could only manage a crackling whisper. Gale stumbled forwards, reaching up to his neck with his right hoof to tug a small talisman worn on a chain out from the smouldering remains of his armor. A shield talisman. A melted, very much now broken shield talisman. Gale gave me a single impressed nod. “There’s now one zebra I respect.” He said as he walked over to my locked up form. I willed myself to get up and continue fighting. The intense magic I had felt before was so much more dim now. Had I used everything in the area up so quickly? How fast would more energy flood in from the edges of this bubble? Gale dragged his crumbling armored bulk to me and picked me up, one hoof on my chest, the other on my pelvis. Come on… MOVE! He was still alive, you need to move, body! I managed to get my left foreleg to swing at Gale’s head. I missed. Gale grunted, grit his teeth, and pulled. His armor whined, howled, groaned, but pull he did. My chassis cracked, popped, and with a loud snap, I was split in half. My color vision winked out, leaving the world a red-scale mess drowning in so many error messages I couldn’t see a thing. I felt Gale wrench his shoulder as he threw my hind legs as far from me as he could. His hoof came back, gripped my right foreleg, wrenched it off with little difficulty, and a moment later it joined my legs wherever they had been flung too. “There,” Gale said decisively and quietly before dropping me to the cobblestones. I cleared the warning labels. I wanted to see death coming. If I couldn’t avenge Vinyl, then at least I could go out bravely. I looked up to see Gale lifting his leg to crush me underhoof. It was time. “Do it now,” I said as best as I could with my still melting systems. “Or the fire will beat you to it.” Gail began his stomp. TSSSSEW! A bolt of blue streaked out of nowhere, striking Gale in the chest. Gale froze, his face twisted in agony as she screamed in pain. “GET AWAY FROM HER, YOU BITCH!” Vinyl screamed with the lungs of someone who was very much not dead. But… how? Another blue bolt from Bad Trip blasted Gale in the side, he staggered towards the fountain. I turned my head to see Vinyl walking forwards, putting shot after shot into the alchemically enhanced super soldier. She was in one piece, so was her suit, but she was limping badly, her face contorted with pain, and… she was rad free. Gale continued to stagger and stumble with each shot Vinyl pumped into him. How the hay he was able to resist having a seizure and dying when everypony else that gun hit dropped in one shot, I had no idea. But my mare was alive! And badflank! Vinyl took another limping step forwards and fired. Gale slumped down to his knees at this last bolt. Vinyl pulled Bad Trip’s trigger again, but this time, no bolt. The power cell had run dry. Her eyes widened in terror. Gale panted, groaned, and stood up, spitting a line of blood onto the fountain. Specifically onto the little metal panel with a few buttons and a little twist-lever-knob thing on it. “Are you done?” Gale growled, clearly in extreme pain. Why did the fountain have a small control pan— Oh. Oh hello… “Because if you’re not,” Gale panted as he turned towards Vinyl and extended his armor’s hoof blade. “I am going to be so, bucking, nettled!” Vinyl laughed nervously. “I’m going to chalk that one up to the dozen seizures you just shook off.” I extended my remaining leg and pulled myself towards the panel. Gale begna to limp his way towards vinyl. Vinyl began to dig through her saddle bags frantically. Gale begna to laugh in an extra-insane tone. “COME ON I HAVE TEN MORE OF THEM!” Vinyl scream-yelped amid frantic searching noises. I reached the “fountain”. “Canterlot ghoul, correct?” Gale asked between hysterical laughs. “I blew your head off last time. Was it the rads that saved you, or do you need to cut the neck from the head? No matter, no more rads for you, and I desperately want to cut somepony!” I tapped the code Rainbow had told me into the bloody, sticky panel, twisted the lever thinning, and hit the big red button with a little, “Boop!” The airlock hissed open without any warning. Purge mode. Intended for repelling an invasion. The open hatch created an instant hurricane as all of the air decided to try and rush out of the airlock at once. I skid across the stones and hit the lip of the decorative airlock bezel, catching for just long enough to watch Gale get blown out into space. If I had a mouth, I’d have smiled. I won, asshole. For a second. On the bright side, the vacuum and wind blew out the fire burning in my chassis. On the down side, I was about to be freeze solid for I too was sucked out into space.  But only for a moment. Vinyl’s blue aura engulfed me, and slowly, but surely dragged me back into Star Drop station. I got a look at Vinyl, belly braced against a lamp post she was gripping with every last one of her legs, her eyes locked onto me as she grit her teeth in concentration, keeping me safe from the depressurization hurricane. Then, after what felt like forever, the wind stopped. Vinyl pulled me close with her telekinesis and hugged me close. I felt a painful burst of static as she turned her suit’s radio to my frequency. “Are you alright, hon?” Vinyl asked. “Your zebra requires significant repairs and will now shut down,” I said honestly. “You go ahead and turn off, dear. I’ll get you all the help you need,” Vinyl said as she held me close. Then the blackness came for me.