//------------------------------// // Chapter six: Dawn of the Final Day (I) // Story: The Legend of Equestria: Majora's Mask // by xombiekilla //------------------------------// Dawn of the final day: 24 hours remaining "I apologize for my hasty behavior. Perhaps allowing all species to enter won't be as bad as I previously thought. I have witnessed the bravery of one individual who saved my daughter." Thorax then asks for Hero's name. "Hero, yes, a fine name; you had royal blood in your veins. For saving my daughter's life, I, King Thorax, give you my blessing to marry her." "Daddy, please stop it," Ocellus blushed and protested. Hero also blushed and ran out quickly while Rainbow and Pinkie giggled. They boarded the boat, taking them to the stilted hut where Hero and Pinkie first met Fluttershy. The group noticed that the day had begun, and they had not slept but didn't have time to rest. Fluttershy was in urgent need of help. Rainbow spoke to Hero and Pinkie as they boarded the boat, "I was taking Fluttershy to check the water supply when we saw it turning a putrid purple color, and the grass was dying. When Fluttershy drank the water, she immediately fell ill." "I sought out the help of the changeling princess to get a cure for Fluttershy. However, a huge zebra-like demon captured her, and I fled to warn the king. You all know what happened next." The group arrived at Fluttershy's hut to find her still sick, and time was running out. "Okay, we're back and have good news for you." "Have you brought more medicine? I did my best to stabilize her vitals while you were gone." "Unfortunately, we don't have any medicine, but we did purify the water." "Wow, you managed to purify the water again?! Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle; that's solid work! But, I'll need one more favor from you all." "Sure thing. What is it?" Rainbow asks the stallion. "Somewhere in this swamp, there's a swamp hut on a grand oak tree where the Alchemist Meadowbrook lives. She has all the necessary ingredients you'll need for an elixir of life to cure this mare. Get that and mix it with the purified water here. Can you do that for me?" "You got it, Boss." Rainbow saluted happily as she rushed out for the elixir to cure Fluttershy. Hero, Rainbow, and Pinkie ventured through the swamp to the farthest point opposite the Changeling Kingdom. They found a narrow pathway leading to an open gate and a treehouse at the top of the Swamp Hut. "Yay! We made it. Now, let's get that cure for Fluttershy!" exclaimed Pinkie. Rainbow urged, "Come on, Pinks. Let's go." They made their way to the entrance of the hut and met Meadowbrook. "Welcome to our home and clinic. How can I assist you today?" They expected a female voice but instead heard a male voice, "I'm Sage Meadowbrook. My sister, Mage, went to pick some mushrooms in the forest next to the hut, and she hasn't returned yet. I'm concerned that something might have happened to her." "We have a very sick pony who needs help urgently," said Rainbow. "I'm sorry, blue and colorful one. Can you please tell me what's happening in detail?" asked Sage. "Our friend Fluttershy drank the contaminated water, which Hero purified. But now she's seriously ill and needs immediate help," explained Rainbow. "Alright, to cure Fluttershy's mortal illness, you'll need to acquire an elixir of life made from mushrooms my sister lost in the forest. If you can find her, she may have already found the Sana Remedium Shrooms, which are packed with essential nutrients that give the elixir its healing properties. Once you find my sister and retrieve the mushrooms, we can make the elixir and cure Fluttershy. Does that sound good?" Rainbow looks away from the counter with a somber expression. "It's frustrating, but we don't have any other options. Let's go find her and save Fluttershy." "Oh, and before you leave, I want to thank you for purifying the water. We can't make healing potions and remedies with contaminated water. Good luck on your journey, and we'll see you when you return with my sister." Sage bids them farewell until they return with Mage. Hero, Rainbow, and Pinkie entered the dense forest at the swamp's edge to search for Mage. Each tunnel they took split into four directions, and the looping paths left them confused. "Grr... We don't have time for this. If only there were some sign or clue to help guide us," Rainbow grumbled. Suddenly, they spotted a trail of blood, although it was only a few drops. The group followed it, hoping it would lead them to Mage. "Well, when I said sign, this wasn't exactly what I had in mind, but I'll take it," Rainbow said. Pinkie looked sad and worried, "Well, Dashie, this is our only clue to follow. I hope whoever it belongs to is okay." Suddenly, the ground shook, and everyone gasped in shock. "What's going on here?" Pinkie asked. "I-I don't know, Pinks. Look at the moon! It's getting closer to the ground!" Rainbow said, examining the moon with anger and fear. "I think you're right. We have to hurry, guys. Fluttershy needs us. Then there's no need for us to be here anymore," Pinkie said as the group followed a trail through multiple tunnels while dodging more monsters that tried to attack them. They finally approached a mare lying on the ground with a nasty wound on her right hind leg. She was trying to use a cloth to stop the bleeding. "Hey there. Someone found me at last. I need help, quickly." They saw a blue mare lying on the grassy floor, who looked almost identical to that Sage guy. This must have been Mage. "What happened here?" Rainbow approached to help. "Hmph. Someone wearing a tribal mask thought it was funny to strike me from behind when I clarified that I wasn't interested in talking to her." She winced as she continued, "I need a healing potion from my brother, one that I know only he knows how to make." "You have a tribal mask, too?" Rainbow raised her eyebrow in confusion. "This is a healer's mask. I'm a healing alchemist. That mare who attacked me wore a mask that gave off a vibe of pure, unrelenting evil. It felt incredible, imposing, and terrible all at once. Please, tell him I need help and that I'm here." "I'll stay here to keep you company, Okie Dokie?" "Are you sure, Pinks? Yeah. You are. We'll be fast, guys. I promise." Rainbow and Hero rushed out of the forest as quickly as possible. Following the trail of blood in reverse, they could find the exit more easily. As they emerged from the forest, they quickly climbed to the hut to speak to Sage. "You're back! Is everything okay?" Sage asked, concerned. Rainbow and Hero explained the situation, and he gasped in horror. "Sis was attacked? Her leg is wounded, and she's bleeding out? That's not good. Here, give her this medicine. It's a salve that will help to ease the pain and speed up the healing of her leg. It's an ancient family remedy that can cure any external abrasions. Please hurry." "Got it!" Rainbow saluted Sage as she and Hero left the hut and returned to the forest. As they ran back through the dark and damp tunnels, the trio followed the trail of dried blood that led them to their injured friend, Mage. They found her waiting for them, with Pinkie Pie beside her, giggling and telling jokes to keep her spirits up. Pinkie greeted them with a wide smile and asked Mage, "Have you heard of elevator jokes?" "No, I do not believe I have," Mage said as she listened to Pinkie. "They have their ups and downs but are pretty funny." Pinkie launched into a series of witty and pun-filled jokes that got everyone laughing. "Oh dear, I see what you did thereā€”ups and downs because an elevation can only go up or down." Mage, who had been in pain and feeling miserable, was grateful for the moment of levity and remarked, "Thank you; laughter is the best medicine." Rainbow then produced the healing salve that Mage needed to treat her wounds. "That smell and those ingredients? That's definitely from Sage; give it here, please," Mage gasped in relief and surprise when she saw it, recognizing Sage's distinct work, known for its powerful healing properties. She took the salve and applied it to her leg, wincing from the pressure she had to use to stop the bleeding. With Pinkie and Hero's help, she wrapped a bandage around her hind leg and stood unsteadily, leaning on her friends for support. "Thank you so much," she said, her voice filled with gratitude. "I was gathering mushrooms for our remedies when that other mare attacked me. I tried to tell her I wasn't interested, but she wouldn't listen." Rainbow and Hero exchanged a look, silently agreeing that this was likely the work of Luna being possessed by that mask and making sure she wouldn't cause any more harm. For now, though, they were glad they could help Mage and that she was in good spirits despite her injuries. The three heroes arrived to assist Mage, and together, they returned to the hut high up in a tree. Rainbow and Hero carried Mage and flew up to help her enter the house. Sage was overjoyed to see his sister return safely. "Mage?! You're okay. Oh, thank goodness. Thanks to you three." He asked Mage, "Did you bring the Sana Remedium Mushrooms?" Mage replied, "Yes, I have them with me. These are normally used to cure serious cases. Waste no more time, brother. Whoever it's for needs it urgently." They quickly mixed the ingredients to create the elixir of life. In just a few minutes, they were done. Sage and Mage were very skilled at their craft. "Here you go, one mixture for an elixir of life. Do not worry about any payment. You saved me from bleeding out. Consider this as a token of our gratitude." "Remember to add it to purified water and serve it either hot or cold. We recommend hot, as it helps to warm the body and make the medicine run its course faster," Sage advised. They both waved goodbye with immense gratitude. "Thanks, guys. We got what we needed. Awesome," Rainbow exclaimed, pumping her hoof in victory. "Here we come, Fluttershy!" They hurriedly returned to the boathouse and cabin where Fluttershy was lying, only to find her breathing lightly, which was not a good sign. "You're back? Her pulse is slowing down. Quick! Give me that medicine!" The owner quickly made a purified soup with the remedy mix and rushed to administer it to her side. As she was being fed the medication, the effects were immediate, and her eyes began to open as she woke up. "W-What happened to me?" Fluttershy asked in a slightly dizzy state as Pinkie and Rainbow reached out to hug her. "Don't worry, Fluts. You're fine. You were poisoned, and we acted fast to help you." Rainbow and Pinkie cried as Hero tried to wipe some tears from his compound eyes- wait, he was still in his changeling form. "I was so thirsty when I drank that water. I heard Rainbow warning me, and then I passed out." Fluttershy saw the changeling standing there as he placed his hooves onto his face and removed his mask. In a flash, Hero was his usual self again, and Fluttershy gasped in slight shock. "Hero, what happened while I was out? How bad was my condition?" "It was pretty bad, but you toughed it out. You're okay, and that's what matters." Rainbow then helped Fluttershy as the cabin owner handed her the bowl of healing soup. Fluttershy drank the bitter soup and slightly winced but knew it was good for her. "Thank you, guys. I'll pull through now." "Thank you, sir. Please let us know if you need anything from us, okay?" Rainbow said to the boathouse owner, who just waved almost dismissively at her. "I'll keep that offer in mind; thank you. Now, if you four have somewhere you need to be, I'd suggest getting there as soon as possible. The rumbling we hear is not a good sign." They all respectfully bowed before leaving the hut and making their way out of the swampland. The skies were getting darker as the moon was much closer to the tip of the tower at Clock Town. Oh dear. Before they left the swamps, they saw one of the changelings near the exit. He was bigger than the others and had dark blue chitin, orange mandibles, red wings, and purple compound eyes. He bowed to the group before speaking, "Thank you for restoring our purified water in Woodfall. I saw you transforming into a changeling. You might not have noticed this, but that form reminds me of when my son and I raced through these swamps. After he left on a stroll through the lost forest, he never returned. I could only assume the worst. But how, how do you look so much like my son?" "Hey, I understand this might be rude, but we must go to Clock Town immediately. We're sorry about that." "It's no bother at all. Forgive my rambling. My name is Pharynx. I'm the brother of our king, Thorax. When I see you, I think of my beloved son. Oh, Tarsus, what has become of you?" "This is a memorial mask that I was going to keep in my room, but I feel that you might find it more valuable if it were with you instead. It just might turn the tables in your favor sometime." Pharynx then gave him a ceremonial wooden mask. "That mask I carved from the bark of the trees here. It was meant to honor my son, but there's something special about you. You and my son are somehow connected." "Thanks for the gift. We'll do our best to help find him for you, okay?" "Don't worry about looking. I feel he's here, right now, and watching over us. Good luck on your journey, and may fate be in your favor." They saluted as they bid him farewell.