The Legend of Equestria: Majora's Mask

by xombiekilla

Chapter ten: Dawn of the Second Day (II)

Dawn of the second day:
48 hours remaining

Hero and their friends have returned to the Yak Village to find the elder frozen in ice, just like Rarity. "Are they serious about walking out of their homes like this? We need to thaw this guy out and see if he has any information for us to continue onwards," Rainbow said.

Fluttershy reminded the group that they'll need more spring water. "Hey, remember that we used that spring water to melt on the ice on that hearth in Zubora's Cabin?"

The group agreed and left to return to the mountain to get more. Pinkie suggested, "What if we used some of this on Rarity? It's worth a shot."

Rainbow helped everyone by ascending the mountain to Darmani's cave. Pinkie scooped up some spring water and put it in her mane as they exited the cave. They returned to the cabin and past that to where Rarity was frozen.

Pinkie then hopped onto the ice mass and poured the spring water onto the part where Rarity's face was to melt it enough for her head to be freed. Everyone cheered in victory as Rarity screamed in shock and shivered on the ice.

"A-Aaahhnn... My body is frozen. It's so cold on this ice. This was done by a monster that charged through here, bringing harsh cold behind it," Rarity said as she was trapped in the solid mass of ice.

The ice quickly reformed, and Rarity screamed before her entire head was frozen in the ice as everyone gasped in sadness. Then, a dark-purple aura formed over the ice, and with a sadistic, child-like giggle, a transparent purple symbol of Majora's Mask etched into the mass of ice served as Rarity's prison. The monster that froze her had to be dealt with before she could be freed; it seemed that the monster responsible was not to be taken lightly.

"Rats! I was hoping that would work. I'm sorry, guys." Pinkie tilted her head down, pouting.

"Hey, you did your best, Pinks. We'll find that monster and beat his flanks good. Nopony or creature messes with my friends and gets away with it." Everyone cheered with Rainbow in agreement as they returned to the cave to fetch some more hot spring water.

As they returned to the village, they found the yak elder still frozen in the same spot. Pinkie poured hot water on the ice without wasting time, which melted away, freeing the elder. The old yak, who recognized Darmani, appeared surprised to see him accompanied by a group of ponies. He asked, "Who are all these ponies with you? Have you found a way to help us through the impossible? You are a glorious warrior even after the end."

Rainbow, who happened to be part of the group, looked at the elder with a hint of annoyance and asked, "Why did you leave the houses where it was safe?"

The elder replied, "I was hoping to make it to my hut, the main gathering hall in the center of our village, where my dearest grandson is. I knew it was a huge risk, but family means everything to yaks."

As he realized how long he had been frozen, the elder panicked and said, "Oh no... my dearest grandson, I can only imagine how scared he must be now."

Rainbow comforted him, saying, "Don't worry, we'll get you to a warm place. We'll go and check on your grandson for you."

The elder thanked her and said, "It's much appreciated. Oh, my poor grandson, Grandpa Elder is sorry."

Rainbow and her friends escorted the elder to the nearest house to keep him warm. They ensured he was comfortable before heading to the main gathering hall to check on the elder's grandson.

As the heroes entered the gathering hall, they were met with a shrill and annoying cry that echoed throughout the entire gallery. The other yaks present held their ears and tried to block out the piercing sound. "Wow, that's a loud baby. Where is it coming from?" Rainbow remarked.

Rainbow, Hero, Fluttershy, and Pinkie tried to cover their ears, but the crying was too much to bear. The yaks pointed towards the room of the Grand Elder and instructed the heroes to go there. The crying only got louder as they entered the room, and they saw a cute little yak baby with a severe set of lungs on him. "Please get him to stop crying. Our ears can't take much more of this," pleaded the yaks. "Darmani, do you have a solution?"

"We have to go talk to the chief again... I think he would know what we can do," said Rainbow, almost losing her mind with the noise. The group quickly left the gathering hall and went to where the chief awaited.

"So, he's crying, huh? Well, that hurts poor Yak Chief even more. But don't worry, I know of a ceremonial song that can calm even the mightiest of beasts into a peaceful slumber: the Yak's Lullaby." Hero pulled out his ocarina and found a set of ceremonial yak drums. "These drums will be perfect for a lullaby."

"Now, follow my lead, Darmani:"

Base, right, left; base, right, left, right, and base notes were played. Hero and the elder yak had conjured a beautiful, mysterious hazel magic swirling around the room. The music accompanying the magic was a sweet tribal melody that slowly lulled the ponies to sleep. Rainbow and her friends tried their best to stay awake, but the magic and melody were too powerful. They eventually drifted off to sleep, feeling peaceful and relaxed.

The elder was impressed with Hero and Darmani's performance. She praised them, saying, "That was beautifully done, Darmani. It was just as good as you always did it. This can help to put my grandson to sleep peacefully and to put my fellow yaks at ease, of course."

Fluttershy was the first to wake up from her nap. She yawned and leaned against Pinkie's poofy mane. "That sounded nice, Hero," she said, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

Rainbow also woke up and commented, "You could probably put a huge dragon to sleep with that song." On the other hand, Pinkie was too hyper to be put to sleep so easily. She hummed to the beat of the music, seemingly lost in her own world.

Despite the peaceful music, they still had to return to the room where the crying originated. Rainbow sighed and said, "Well, let's get this done for the elder." Everyone nodded in agreement. They knew they had to face whatever was causing the crying, but for now, they were content to enjoy the peaceful magic that Hero had created.

As the team entered the gathering hall, they heard the sound of shrill crying emanating from a corner. Without any hesitation, they quickly made their way towards the source of the sound. The crying Yak was there, tears streaming down his face as he bawled uncontrollably.

The group's skilled musician, Hero, quickly took out his yak drums and began playing the Yak's Lullaby song. The beat of the drums created a swirling tide of whimsical hazel magic that flowed toward the crying Yak, soothing his tears. The Yak hummed and sang along with the beat of the music, creating a beautiful melody that filled the air and made everyone feel at peace.

As the Yak began to get drowsy, he said to Hero, "D-Darmani... is the best... I-I am... so tired... time for bedtime... I-I love... b-big bro." The Yak eventually fell asleep, and the team breathed a sigh of relief.

"Good work, Hero- I mean, Darmani. Now we can go to Snowhead and stop that monster," said Rainbow as the other Yaks cheered for the team and hopped joyfully as the ground lightly shook. However, they noticed that the baby Yak began to stir and quickly stopped to avoid waking the baby. The baby Yak sighed in bliss as he slept, and the other Yaks exhaled a breath of relief.

With their mission accomplished, the heroes left the gathering hall, passed through the Yak Village, and continued towards Snowhead.

They encountered a harrowing sight following the winding path up to the icy mountain spire. A yak's body with tribal tattoos was impaled on a sheet of icy spikes on the lower ground below, lifeless and frozen from the cold. Fluttershy suspected the body's identity and shed a tear as everyone nodded in agreement. "Oh dear... is that who I think it is?"

"Y-Yeah... that's Darmani, isn't it?" Rainbow was stunned at the revelation that it was Darmani's actual dead body, and all the other ponies and Hero silently sat for the fallen warrior. "I'm sorry, buddy. We know you tried your best."

"Majora has gone too far; we must do this for Darmani and Rarity." They vowed to make it right for him and Rarity and that Majora would not get away with this. "We'll make this right for you, man, I promise," Rainbow said after they paid their respects to the fallen warrior.

As they ventured further, a gale pushed them back, and Pinkie pointed out that it must have blown Darmani off the path. "Woah there?! This must have been that strong gale that he was talking about."

"Hey, Hero, if we can't see anything, try using that mirror you got," Rainbow asked Hero to use his mirror that helps see invisible things, and Hero looked through it to see a gigantic yak sitting atop the spire's peak, blowing a strong gale to push away anyone who tried to advance towards it. "What the—A gigantic yak?! You have gotta be kidding me right now. How come we were never informed about this?"

Fluttershy hugged Rainbow and Pinkie, and Hero pulled out his yak drums, recalling Rainbow's earlier suggestion. "I-If we don't do something soon, we'll join him down there," Fluttershy says as she tries to use her wings to comfort the team.

He played the Yak's Lullaby song, and the energy swirled and snaked its way over to the giant Yak, blowing bitter gales as the Yak nodded repeatedly. Tired but unharmed, the big yak fell off the path and into the trench below.

"Wow. When I said dragon, I didn't think you would take that seriously. Well, I guess we can keep moving forward into the temple," Rainbow declared as the team entered Snowhead Temple.

As they enter the temple, they see everything frozen, with monster tracks leading down a corridor. The place appears to be a temple dedicated to the worship of yaks. "Alright then, we're here at last, Hero. Let's do this!" Rainbow says as Hero nods. The group ventures further into the icy temple.

The main sanctum is an altar, further cementing their suspicions that this place is a temple of worship and reverence. "There are three paths leading to this main door. Alright, then, let's check them all, one by one," Rainbow suggested as they entered the first room.

The first path leads to a few icy monsters, dispatched by Hero's hooves as he stomps on them and crushes them into the ground. The team then enters the door that connects the first path to the main sanctum, finding themselves in a room that looks like a big dining room.

Everything is cloaked in ice, and the ground is somewhat slippery. They find a chest that holds the key to the next room and realize that the closer they get to the temple's core, the closer they get to save Rarity.

"So the first room wasn't that great, but at least we're closer now, right?" Fluttershy is helping to keep their morale up with Pinkie. The heroic group then reaches the second path and unlocks the door.

Inside the room is an empty and vast space, likely meant for the mass gathering of yaks after supper and worship for their dancing. The gates fall onto both doors, trapping the four heroes in the room. The fireplace at the center lights up with blue flames as a wizard rises from the embers to challenge them.

"Alright then, buddy, you're standing in our way; we'll just go through you to save our friend." The dark wizard chuckles at the group as he fires out dark-blue fireballs at them. "Hero! You have to find a way to hit that guy. Maybe fight fire with fire, I don't know. Just do something," Rainbow says as the hours tick away. Night falls on Termina while they fight the dark wizard.