Rainbow Dash Around the World

by MagicS

Falling Down

Rainbow Dash drifted down, slowly. It was as if she was sinking to the bottom of a deep pool. At first it had been cold but now she simply felt nothing at all. She was pretty sure her eyes were open but she couldn’t see anything. Was she forgetting something? Had something happened? She was angry just before this. She was fighting. She was… what? But now she just felt numb both inside and out. Tired. So tired. A feeling of sloth. Depression so complete that it made her not want to do anything. Not even move or think.

Rainbow Dash

She closed her eyes for a few seconds and then opened them—not like there was any difference.

Not like anything mattered. The despair was crushing her, suffocating. She could remember every moment of her life she ever felt a modicum of sadness, it was all there in her head. And the sorrow and despair from others were swimming around her as well.

Rainbow Dash

Wish? Rainbow couldn’t move her mouth or speak, but she could think.

Not anymore. But we can still be together here. Just give in finally. Give in to despair. It’s alright, Rainbow Dash. It’s better now like this. There will be no more hurt, no more pain anymore, soon, once all have given in and joined me


Yes. This is how it should be. I found it, Rainbow Dash. What lies beyond despair. Nothing. Numbness. Apathy. Peace. If you would only give in, and let yourself rest forever, if you stop caring… you’ll be happy

That isn’t happiness, Wish

It’s as close as anypony can ever truly get

Happiness is real, Wish. Love is real…

I wouldn’t know. Now, I simply want everypony to feel the peace of apathy. I will spread despair and drown the world in it—but not to make ponies suffer, not to enjoy it, just to bring an end to everything. A world numb to everything can never be hurt

You can’t…

Be at peace, Rainbow Dash. Forget it all. You’re feeling less and less as time passes by… soon the apathy will take you completely. Stop fighting. Stop fighting and be at peace

It felt like she stopped. Stopped sinking. Floating in a bubble of a muddy slime, unable to move… or perhaps unwilling. The amount of energy it took her to even think about moving was almost too much. She couldn’t bring herself to care. Why was everything so heavy? It was all so dark, she saw nothing. She heard nothing, tasted nothing, smelt nothing, felt nothing. Blinded, deafened, she had left the world behind entirely and only had despair around her trying to crush her down into apathy.

Permanent and eternal apathy. Wish’s desire to avoid pain and sadness.

The thought of Wish briefly caused her emotions to stir again, but Rainbow Dash still couldn’t move.

Wish… Wish… don’t give in to this...

There was no answer from either Wish or The Avatar of Despair however. It was deader and lonelier than the grave. She was in a casket, buried deep. Sensation she tried to claw back failed to come. But she was still conscious, still alive, and perhaps because of that, the power of despair was still trying to break her down harder. Inside her head she could hear the thoughts and voices of others—old memories of despair that crawled across time and space to be with her.

You tore down everything I believed in

I still haven’t found a home

You destroyed my dream before I could even see it

I died because of you, and my sister suffers still

How many have been killed because she chases you?

Why did you come here and ruin my beloved home?

Why did I die for you?

Why didn’t you come here sooner to save us?

I was killed because of you, Rainbow Dash

How much destruction and death will you leave behind?




What would your friends think?

All of this, all that you are experiencing, is happening because of you. You were the catalyst that allows this. Congratulate yourself. Remember what you’ve caused, Rainbow Dash

She blinked. Was it really all our her fault? Should she just give up? If it was her fault… if all the death that had happened because of Heartless and every other mistake of hers… if that was her fault, could she live with it? Would she want to? It was easier. It was easier to accept despair. Sink down and stop feeling. The more she despaired… then eventually the less she would care. The less she would feel bad. Until finally apathy and she wouldn’t have to think about anything at all.

Yes, Rainbow Dash. The two of us together at the bottom of despair. It won’t be so bad anymore

But everypony else… all my friends… everypony I’ve helped…

Don’t think about it. It all ends in despair eventually. Your friends as well. Stop caring, if you simply do that there will be nothing to worry about anymore. You don’t want to live with your mistakes and sorrow either. Just give up and you won’t have to face them

That isn’t me, Wish. That isn’t the kind of pony I am

Rainbow Dash…

I don’t want this, Wish. I don’t want to give up and ignore things just because it’s easy. I don’t want this fake happiness—for either you or me. I want to see your real smile

That will never happen. There is nothing to smile about. There never was and never will be in Wish’s life. It’s over, Rainbow Dash, accept it. There is only despair now, don’t let your mind fall to pieces, just give in to it

Life isn’t just good or bad, Wish. You can still find the good if you keep moving forward. And I can live with the bad I’ve made, the bad I’ve caused, so long as I try to make up for it and still be the best pony I can be…

Stop. It’s pointless

The feeling of sinking down returned again to Rainbow Dash. She still couldn’t fight back against it physically, but she refused to give in. It didn’t matter how deeply into despair she went, how bottomless this black swamp was, Rainbow Dash refused to give up entirely. The apathy was still there, the lifetime of despair was still crushing against her, but she didn’t embrace it.

She didn’t give up.

This isn’t the way, Wish

You’ll see it eventually. When you realize that you’ll never see your friends and family again. When you realize all the suffering that lies at your hooves. You’ll have to embrace despair and apathy, or the guilt and pain will drive you insane

It was all going away again, Rainbow was becoming tired, as if she was about to enter a deep sleep.

I… won’t…