Spiders and Magic: Ultimate Showdown

by Masterob

Friendship Center

Within the depths of Tartarus, Discord had gotten the villains back to safety, and away from Peter. "Well that was a close one."

"Way too close," Adagio said, dusting herself off. "So much for maintaining the element of surprise, Spider-Mane got a really good look at us too."

"Kind of surprised, I mean he hates loud noises, figured that would weaken him more than it did," Aria said.

"He wouldn't be Spider-Man if he didn't find a way to push through the pain," Electro said. "You would not believe the punishment he could go through to save others."

"Wow, didn't expect you to compliment the guy," Adagio said.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't like him," Electro said. "But, it's hard not to respect that type of determination."

"He clearly hasn't lost a step in all these years," Shocker said.

"Of course not, he's even gotten much stronger," Discord said. "Which is why I needed you out there to see for yourself just how tough this mission could be."

"Wait, did you know this could happen?" Aria asked.

"Not entirely, but that's the fun of all this," Discord said. "To see how well you adapt to certain situations."

"Are you serious!?" Aria asked. "You sent us out there half expecting us to get caught!? Suppose we got overwhelmed!?"

"I saw that Saiyan guy there with Doctor Strange, you think the six of us could have handled that?" Shocker asked.

"Well, maybe me and the girls could have," Adagio said. "I don't care how strong he is, we have more than just power."

"Still, risky move," Electro said.

"Oh why fret? You're safe now, aren't you?" Discord asked. "So you have no reason to be mad."

"I wholeheartedly disagree," Mysterio said. "Fortunately for you, the rest of us were good at thinking on our feet."

"And that's why I trust you six the most," Discord said. "You have that teamwork ethic to you. It is no surprise considering half of you have been part of The Sinister Six, and the other half are tight knit sister like figures."

"Wow, here I thought you just enjoyed messing with us," Shocker said. "I mean, did you think our teamwork would keep us safe each time we went after Goku Black to deliver whatever message you had for him?"

"Partially," Discord said. "But I digress, your next assignment is in a couple of days. I have narrowed down the possible location of Grogar's Bell, and soon, you will all go on a little mission to find it."

"Where is that exactly?" Electro asked.

"An old snowy mountain area," Discord explained. "So, I would dress warmly if I were you."

"Are you freaking kidding me?" Shocker asked.

"Look, you can complain, or you can tend to that heartbroken filly there," Discord said, gesturing to a still crying Cozy Glow. "I would help but I don't like seeing young girls cry, so tootles."

Discord vanished from sight, leaving the six villains with the crying filly. Many of them were also at a loss, not sure how to handle this.

Sonata however was still comforting the youngest member, gently rubbing her head, "It's alright Cozy, we're here for you."

"What happened exactly?" Shocker asked.

"It had to do with the boy she likes," Sonata explained.

"You mean Snackbar?" Shocker asked.

"It's Sandbar..." Cozy corrected. "And...I saw him kissing another girl."

"That's terrible," Sonata said, rubbing her head. "Isn't it terrible everyone?"

"Isn't he like, older than you? He's an adult and you're still a kid, not like you were ever gonna get him," Aria bluntly stayed.

"You don't have to say it so rudely!" Sonata scolded. "Cozy's very hurt by this, at least try to be sympathetic!"

"Not my strong suit," Aria said.

"So...who did he kiss?" Electro asked.

"Are you seriously asking?" Shocker asked.

"Just curious," Electro said.

"He was kissing my best friend, Ocellus," Cozy Glow said, wiping her eyes. "I loved them both so much, how could they betray me like this? They were the only ones who were nice to me too."

"That's the thing kid, life just sucks," Electro said. "You can't count on anyone, guys like this Sandbar dude and girls like that Ocellus chick live to screw people over."

"Eventually all your so-called friends were gonna betray you," Aria said.

"Such is the sad tale of life," Mysterio said.

"It'll be alright sweetheart," Sonata said, still holding her close. "You don't need those two, you have us."

"I just...really wanted to be with Sandy," Cozy Glow said. "He's my true love."

"Kid, you need to grow up, life happens, just accept it," Adagio said.

"Ugh, can't any of you be the tiniest bit sympathetic?" Sonata asked. "I know you have it in you."

"Sympathy isn't exactly our strong suit, I mean we're about to invade an entire world and destroy everything," Electro said.

"Yeah, then we're gonna invade other worlds and destroy everything," Aria added.

"But at least feel bad for Cozy Glow, she's like family to us," Sonata said, rubbing her mane. "She's our precious little Cozy."

"Look, we'll get her some candy or something, how's that?" Shocker asked.

"Where are we gonna get candy?" Aria asked.

"I can't come up with all the ideas," Shocker said.

"How about during the invasion we just go after those two or something?" Aria asked.

"Maybe, I'll ask Marty to mind control Sandbar or something," Cozy Glow said.

"Ooh! Me, Aria and Adagio can help, we are sirens after all," Sonata said. "But what about Ocellus?"

"Leave her to Chrysalis, maybe she'll turn her back to normal," Cozy Glow said. "But if you did want to help, you could destroy the rest of their friends. A dumb Griffon named Gallus, an annoying Yak named Yona, a whiney Dragon named Smolder, and a Royal Princess Hippogriff named Silverstream."

"I saw Silverstream at the party, she was with some cute Pegasus Stallion and his adorable wife," Sonata said. "I think their names were Rumble and Apple Bloom."

"Rumble got married to Apple Bloom?" Cozy Glow asked. "Wow, I missed a lot."

"Apple Bloom, now that's a name I haven't heard in a while," Shocker said.

"Was that the filly that was traveling with you and Vega?" Electro asked.

"No, that was Sweetie Belle," Shocker said. "Apple Bloom is a friend of hers. After me and Vega trashed Ponyville, he personally left that girl covered in scars. Like I'm amazed she's alive, I almost felt sorry for her."

"Vega is a bit of a creep, isn't he?" Aria asked.

"A cute one though," Sonata said.

"And had plenty of negativity for us to feed off of," Adagio said, then turned to Cozy Glow. "Speaking of negativity."

"Hey, don't you dare!" Sonata shouted, holding Cozy Glow close to her.

"Ugh, fine," Adagio said.

"Ahem..." Came the voice of Mister Negative, the villain joined by Doctor Octopus, Queen Chrysalis and Pharnyx. "How was your recon?"

"Eventful," Shocker said.

"We almost blew our cover but we should be good," Aria said. "Spider-Mane's gonna be a tough opponent though."

"Did you expect any less?" Octavius asked. "Spider-Man is no foe to be underestimated, his strength and speed are matched only by his cunning."

"Plus he has very powerful allies," Martin said. "That is why Discord is going through a lot of trouble to aid in his destruction."

"Does he share anything with you?" Aria asked. "For the most part it seems like he keeps all of us in the dark."

"Discord considers his...unusual plan to be on a need-to-know basis," Octavius said.

"So if you don't need to know, you don't get told anything," Pharnyx said.

"Well if we're going to be doing recon or finding some ancient bell, more info would be nice," Shocker said. "How exactly does Discord plan to overthrow an empire with powerful allies? We don't have a whole lot of firepower."

"Don't work hard when you can work smart," Martin said. "There's more than one way to reach a checkmate. Cozy Glow and I nearly had the battle won against the heroes, even with allies from other worlds, but unfortunately things just didn't end up in our favor. But add a bit of extra muscle and resourcefulness, and we can very well topple an empire."

"It's all about weakening a foundation, and exploiting an enemy's weakness," Chrysalis said. "You must have heard more than just potential battle weaknesses at the Gala?"

"Wasn't even a lot," Aria said. "Most of it was just Spider-Mane and all of his friends."

"Exactly," Chrysalis said. "Sometimes it's about knowing who they love, and how to use that information to your advantage."

"Be smart, nothing is more dangerous than someone trying to protect something that he, or she, truly loves," Martin said. "Never rush in with a half thought out plan."

"Do you have a plan?" Sonata asked.

"Hopefully one that will crush anyone who's gotten in my way," Cozy Glow sinisterly stated.

"Why don't you come with us, share what you have learned and we will move forward with our plan to take over," Martin said.

Back in Canterlot, Peter, along with Twilight, her friends and their husbands were gathered in Celestia's throne room along with Starlight, Trixie, Spike and Janet.

"Is this everyone?" Celestia asked.

"A few more might be coming," Peter said, then heard a knock on the door. "Here they are now."

Sunset had came in with her allies from Capcom and Square, "Sorry we're late, there's a bit of a panic outside but-"

"No!" Luna shouted, flying over to Sunset's group. "You are not invited here!"

"Pardon me?" Ryu asked.

"Sunset you can stay if you wish but these ruffians are not allowed," Luna said.

"What's with you?" Cloud asked.

"Just leave! Immediately!" Luna demanded, pointing away.

"Ugh, fine," Dante said, leading his friends away. "Come on everyone, let's go break something, since apparently it's the one thing we always seem to do."

"Hey wait up!" Sunset said.

"Don't worry about us, stay here and gather what info you can," Ryu said. "We'll be fine for the moment."

Without another word, the Capcom and Square warriors had left, leaving Sunset very disappointed. "Luna, what was that about? I know you don't like them but telling them to leave like you did was very uncalled for."

"This is a delicate topic, I do not wish for any of their involvement in this," Luna said.

"I wholeheartedly concur," Came the voice of Starswirl, the wizard stepping in. "Only those of this world need be present for now."

“Luna, what's going on, why is grandpa wizard here?", Peter asked.

"It has to do with those ponies you met outside," Luna said.

"Rather, they aren't ponies at all," Celestia began. "They're Sirens."

"Sirens?" Peter asked. "Wait, like in Greek Mythology?"

"So you all know what sirens are, that's less to explain at least," Luna said. "But those three you heard were the last of the sirens."

"The last? Wait are they extinct?" Peter asked.

"You could say that," Celestia said.

"Those sirens plagued Equestrian lands centuries ago, to keep them from further damage, we had to isolate them into a remote island, where they all seemingly died out due to lack of nutrition," Starswirl explained. "Sirens do feed on negative energy after all."

"Wait, they do?" Johnny asked. "Don't they just sing and lure you in so they can, you know..."

"Perhaps your understanding of Sirens differ in your world than it does in ours," Luna said.

"Or maybe mythology got it wrong," Peter said. "We can ask Hercules, he still hangs around the Dragon's Lair."

"Wait, so if they were isolated, what about those three out there?" Logan asked.

"A few had escaped and attempted revenge on Equestria for their kind dying off," Luna said.

"So, I along with my fellow Pillars, rallied together to banish them," Starswirl said. "Last we checked; they should have been in Tartarus."

Starlight grimaced a moment, unpleasant memories resurfacing as she held her head in pain, which did not go unnoticed by others.

"You alright there, Starlight?" Applejack asked.

"I'm fine, it's nothing," Starlight said.

"Cozy said Luna locked her in a terrible place, one where that Siren said she's been taking care of her..." Peter began. "Luna, tell me you didn't do what I think you did."

"I'm afraid I have," Luna said. "I sent Cozy Glow to Tartarus."

A stunned silence filled the air, many now glaring at the Princess upon what they had just heard.

"You...couldn't have," Sunset said.

"You locked her in Tartarus?" Peter asked. "You sent a little girl into a place that's basically supposed to be hell!?"

"This is the first I'm hearing about this as well," Steve said. "What is the meaning of that choice, Luna?"

"Do not be hard on her, it was my direct order," Celestia said. "When we imprisoned Martin Li for what he had done, I made the choice to send Cozy Glow there as well."

"Seriously!?" Peter shouted. "I get that she needed to face punishment, but the punishment needs to fit! Sending a young girl to Tartarus...that's just overkill! Like, doesn't think world have a Juvenile Delinquent center or something!?"

"Well she did take over the school," Pinkie Pie said. "Maybe she should have been sent there."

Peter raised his eyebrow at the pink mare, "That better be one of your stupid jokes, Pinkie Pie."

"Whoa, easy dude, that's my wife you're talking to," Wade warned.

“It’s fine, I shouldn’t have said that,” Pinkie admitted.

Peter focused back on the princesses, "I am very disappointed, like why didn't you ever tell me about Cozy Glow?"

"What difference would it have made?" Luna asked. "We don't tell you about who's in Tartarus because we don't want you to worry."

"Did a lousy job," Peter said. "The fact that Cozy Glow's been in there this past year with Martin Li and those Sirens isn't helping much."

"There's more in Tartarus though, aren't there?" Logan asked.

"Logan!" Celestia scolded.

"What's happening?" Peter asked.

Luna sighed in disappointment, "We might as well tell him, sister."

"...Very well," Celestia reluctantly admitted. "Peter, there may be more enemies of yours in there. Over the years, we've thrown in foes to keep them out of harm's way."

"We never told you because we didn't think it'd matter," Luna said. "But, if Discord is in contact then..."

"That means a whole lot of yer enemies might be coming back, Parker," Logan said.

"That means, outside, that could have been Mysterio?" Peter asked.

"He was imprisoned as well, so it is likely," Luna said.

"Who else was imprisoned then?" Peter asked.

"Scorpion was," Luna said. "As was Shocker."

"Shocker? Wait, he's still alive?" Peter asked. "Well I guess that doesn't matter, what matters is searching Tartarus, clearly there's been a breach. We don't want to risk any monsters in there wreaking havoc."

"Peter, I know what we did sounds harsh, but I am looking out for my subjects," Celestia said. "You must understand where I am coming from."

"Celestia, I get why you think you had to do it that way," Peter said. "It doesn't make your decisions any better I'm afraid. That girl could have gotten help, it wasn't too late for her, but now, you might have doomed that chance."

"She made her choice," Luna said.

"So have you Luna," Sunset said. "You have made poor choices in the past, just like myself, just like Stygian and just like Starlight."

"Are you blaming me for Nightmare Moon?" Luna asked. "It took over my mind!"

"It was created from your own jealousy, the feelings existed, you just gave into the power, just like I have once," Sunset said. "Actually, you gave into it twice, since you used the symbiote suit back on Earth."

"Cozy Glow doesn't have that excuse," Luna said.

"How do you even know!?" Sunset shouted. "She could have been corrupted!"

"Sunset, please maintain yourself," Steve said.

"It's a fair point, she was working with Mr. Negative after all," Sunset said.

"We did check for corruption, and we found none. She willingly betrayed us," Celestia said.

"Well maybe she was tricked, or manipulated," Sunset said. "It's like you just gave up the moment she seemed like a lost cause. That's all you do isn't it Celestia? Give up when something seems bad? When I was troubled, did you help me? Or just move on to Twilight Sparkle?"

"Sunset, you made your own choice too," Celestia said. "You dawdled in the forbidden."

"You say that, yet when Twilight summoned Peter, it was considered a good thing, or were you close to replacing her if it weren't for the fact that Peter proved to be a valuable asset?" Sunset accused.

"Now see here," Starswirl warned.

"Can it, not in the mood for your crap, old man," Sunset said.

"Ugh, your mind has been tainted by those Capcom Warriors," Luna said.

"Those guys are honest, they don't bullshit me like you and Celestia do, and they're true friends who stick by me through everything, so I would appreciate it if you stopped judging them over past mistakes," Sunset said.

"This is getting us nowhere," Celestia said. "We still need to salvage what we can of this night, many ponies are worried after all."

"That's fine, we'll pick this up another time," Peter said. "But we're far from done with this."

"Understandable," Celestia said.

Upon opening the door, Peter spotted Rumble having just pressed his ear against it, "Rumble!"

"Oh, Peter!" Rumble said, awkwardly backing up. "Hey, just wanted to make sure everything's alright."

"Yeah, mostly," Peter said. "You shouldn't be up here though, how'd you even get by?"

"Well I am a Wonderbolt, it's like a backstage pass," Rumble said. "Anyway, I told Ocellus about Cozy Glow being here, she was really worried about her."

"I'll explain everything soon," Peter said. "Come on, let's go."

Sunset stormed off to find her friends, “Ryu! We’re leaving!” She saw something in his hands. “What is that?”

“An invitation to Asgard,” Ryu said. “Thor wants to see us.”

Sunset’s curiosity piqued, wondering what the God of Thunder could have wanted.

As everyone left, Steve turned his attention to Celestia, "Is there anything else I should know? What other secrets do you have?"

"Steve, I assure you that anything I do is for the betterment of Equestria," Celestia said.

"You know that's not going to work on me," Steve said. "I've worked with S.H.I.E.L.D., I've heard similar lines from Nick Fury. That man had a lot of secrets too and it made it hard for me to trust him. You know I care about you Celestia, but if you can't be honest with me, I won't be able to easily trust you either."

"I am aware..." Celestia admitted. "I will tell you all I can tonight."

"I will have the guards search Tartarus," Luna said. "Starswirl, keep a lookout on the land."

"It shall be done," Starswirl said.

The Gala had been cut short that night due to the commotion outside, many ponies a bit worried on what could be happening. After a year of peace, some felt like trouble could be coming soon. Among those there were ponies who had faith that the heroes would keep them safe like they always do, but there were those who doubted, those who lost trust in the heroes after the Accords.

Peter was determined regardless to protect Equestria from whatever danger lay in wait, and was determined to fix this Cozy Glow situation himself, as well as learn more about these mysterious Sirens.

Sandbar and Ocellus had been briefed on what happened, both realizing that Cozy Glow was there and within reach. The two were distracted by their own romance, that they failed to reach out to a pony they each loved and cared for.

That night, Peter once again found himself in a dreamscape, the hero standing in a black void, seemingly confused.

"What's happening now?" Peter walked around a bit until he heard some crying. "That sounds like..." Nearby he spotted the teary-eyed filly from earlier. "Cozy Glow!"

He ran toward the filly, but strangely no matter how fast he seemed to move, she was just further and further away. All his effort and he just couldn't reach her.

"Cozy Glow! It's me, Peter!" the hero shouted. "Can't you hear me!?"

"Having trouble saving another girl, Peter?" came the voice of Gwen, Peter turning to face the blonde. "Just your luck, huh?"

"Gwen..." Peter groaned in annoyance. "You know I could have saved her if I knew."

"Did you put in enough effort? You placed your trust in those two Princesses, the same ones you should have had the common sense not to trust, but no, in spite of everything you're just all talk," Gwen said.

"What can I have done? They were keeping secrets, no matter how much I asked they just didn't want to tell me," Peter said.

"Well that's certainly not helping this child, now is it?" Gwen said. "But it's fine, she doesn't seem to need you, she has a new family."

Peter turned around to spot Cozy Glow with The Sirens, along with Mysterio, Shocker, Scorpion and Martin Li.

"You have a family now, us," Sonata said. "We'll take care of you and teach you all you need to know about the world."

"You will learn how to use your anger and strike back against those who have wronged you, and take your proper spot as ruler," Martin said.

"Cozy, no! Don't listen to them!" Peter shouted.

"You be quiet!" Sonata demanded. "You weren't there when she needed you, and thanks to us, she won't be hurt again!"

"There's a better way to-" Peter suddenly found some tendrils latching around him, trying to take over his body. Those tendrils took the form of the symbiote, a presence of an old enemy settling in Peter's mind.

"We knew you weren't a true hero," came the voice of Venom. "You hurt another in your negligence! How many more must suffer because of you!?"

"I won't...give in!" Peter shouted, trying to pull away.

"You think you're pure, but remember, we only saw the world through your eyes, back when you wore the suit, all those feelings you had were real," Venom said.

"No! Those were fake!" Peter said, powering through, though as he tried to break free, Sonata stood before him.

"Take a hike," Sonata shouted, then blasted him, the boy falling through another portal as the sinister laughter of his prior villains filled the air.

"Peter!" Came another voice, a friendlier one. "It's me! Luna!"

"Luna!?" Peter shook his head. "Is this another trick!?"

"Peter, just let me in!" Luna pleaded. "Let us talk! I know you're upset about Cozy Glow, and I'm sorry I never told you, but you must let me explain myself!"

"Explain what!? You locked her away! How could you Luna, HOW COULD YOU!?" Peter shouted, the boy's head starting to ring as the memory of the sirens' scream echoed in his head.

"Peter!" this voice came from Twilight, the pain soothing as she called again. "Peter, please wake up!"

Peter's eyes opened, the hero still feeling a bit of a headache, but it was slowing down. "Geez, not again."

"Peter, you're really starting to worry me," Twilight said.

"I'm fine, I'm just frustrated about Cozy Glow," Peter said. "I can't believe Luna and Celestia kept that a secret from me."

"I'm not too happy either, but you know they're not cruel," Twilight said. "We need to get to the bottom of that. Besides, Cozy Glow did do something terrible. Filly or not, she took over the school and helped Martin Li mind control the town."

"Twilight, you should know that wasn't the right call," Peter said. "Can you honestly say you're alright with a filly treated that way? Imagine if that happened to Starlight? Or Sunset? Cozy Glow needed guidance."

"I know, I still feel like I could have done better to teach her true Friendship," Twilight said. "It's no surprise my school got shut down."

"School can only do so much," Peter said. "Anyway at least it's coming back, but better. Ponies have the option of going to this new recreational center to make friends at their own leisure."

"Yeah, I'm very excited for it," Twilight said, leaving a kiss for Peter. "Try to sleep tight, if this keeps going, I just might have to enter your dreams myself."

"Twilight, you're already the girl of my dreams, it doesn't have to be literal," Peter joked.

"You're too sweet," Twilight said, resuming her kiss with her husband as he pulled her over him, both feeling another spark as Twilight positioned herself on top of Peter. "Let me lead this time."

"Alright but try not to get too freaky," Peter said.

Twilight cast a soundproof spell in their room, "No promises."

The following day, ponies from across Ponyville and a little beyond were gathered by the entrance to the old School of Friendship. At the front and center were the old Student Six, each of them gazing upon the school that brought them together.

"It's finally coming back, after all these months," Ocellus said.

"Not exactly the same though, less of a school, more of a fun place to hang out," Silverstream said.

"Which is better I think, at least we don't have to worry about exams and stuff," Smolder said.

"Pretty cool..." a saddened Sandbar said.

"You alright there, buddy?" Gallus asked.

"This doesn't feel the same without Cozy Glow," Sandbar said.

"Right, the filly who tried taking over this place, totally miss her," Gallus sarcastically commented.

"Come on Gallus, don't you miss her a little?" Ocellus asked. "She's always been one of us after all."

"Technically she was more your friend than mine, I just put up with her," Gallus said.

"I did too, but even I kind of feel bad for her," Smolder said.

"Did heroes talk why evil Pegasus was at party?" Yona asked.

"Please don't call her 'evil'," Ocellus said. "And yes, they did try getting to the bottom of it. Apparently she was crying."

"You think she saw us kissing?" Sandbar asked. "I mean, Cozy Glow does have a crush on me."

"That could be possible," Ocellus said.

"Here comes Twilight," Smolder said, gesturing to the Princess standing before the gate.

"Thank you all for coming, as you recall a year ago this school got shut down due to...shall we say, political disagreements," Twilight began. "But since then, me and my friends have been hard at work finding ways to salvage this school, because this was not something I was keen on giving up. This is meant to spread Friendship not just across Equestria, but beyond it. I want all those in this world to come together, to realize that differences aside, we all share the capacity for love and friendship with one another. This is why I want all of you to be part of that vision, true worldwide unity."

"We believe in you Princess Twilight!" Rainbow Harmony said, many others vocalizing their agreement.

"I appreciate that, and I just know that with time and effort, we can achieve total harmony across Equestria," Twilight said. "Harmony between ponies, be it Earth Pony, Pegasus or Unicorn, harmony with the Dragons and Griffons, Harmony with the Changelings and Hippogriffs, Harmony with the Yaks and Kirin, and even Harmony outside this world, with the humans of Earth, Marvel, Capcom, wherever you're from. I want everyone to feel at peace with one another."

"Hooray to Peace and Harmony!" Toola Roola said.

"Long live Friendship!" Coconut Cream said.

In the distance, away from the crowd, Mayday could be seen glaring at the school, alongside Luster Dawn.

"This feels like a huge waste of time," Mayday said. "Like, why is my mom doing this, what is her obsession with this dumb school idea?"

"Well she's the Princess of Friendship, maybe this helps her feel complete or something," Luster Dawn theorized.

"But what does Princess of Friendship even mean though?" Mayday asked. "Or Love for that matter. I mean, I know my mom worked hard to earn her wings, but I never understood her title. It's great that she's so friendly with ponies and that they look up to her, but does she need a title like that?"

"I think it just puts ponies at peace," Luster Dawn said.

"Guess it doesn't matter in the end, of course I can't say much, I don't want to be seen as more of an outcast than I already am," Mayday said.

"Come on, you aren't an outcast just because you think differently," Luster Dawn said.

"Tell them that," Mayday said, gesturing to a couple of nearby ponies whispering something to each other while gesturing their way.

"Uh, can we help you two?" Luster Dawn asked.

"Oh sorry, we forgot that filly is allergic to friends, we'll be on our way," the pony said, leading his friend away.

"What was that about!?" Luster Dawn said.

"It's been like that this past year, ponies stopping to gossip about me or poke fun at my panic attacks," Mayday said. "It gets so frustrating to be seen as a weirdo. Then these same ponies wanna kiss up to my mom or idolize my dad."

"Ponies suck sometimes," Luster Dawn said.

"Every creature sucks, they act like they're about harmony but there's poison underneath," Mayday said. "Daddy says ponies are more passive in their rudeness, that back in New York where he's from, at least if someone's a jerk that someone won't hide it."

"And now with this place reopening, it just means more nonsense," Luster Dawn said.

"I wish it would just go away forever, same with these stupid ponies," Mayday said.

Unbeknownst to the two, a green mare with a green mane had been listening in, and she looked furious. She turned away from them to focus on the speech ahead as she made her way toward the crowd.

Once Twilight had winded down what she had to say, she turned her attention to Peter, "And now a few words from my husband."

"Oh boy, it's Super Killjoy," Gallus lamented.

Silverstream furrowed her brow at the Griffon beside her, though moments later saw Rumble and Apple Bloom passing by with their son, the Wonderbolt seemingly having overheard the crack as he was shaking his head in disappointment and gestured his flight partner to join him.

Wasting no time, Silverstream left her group to join up with Rumble, Apple Bloom and Cumulon, something that didn't go unnoticed by her friends.

Peter took center stage, taking a moment to mentally prepare himself before delivering his speech, "My wife has gone through a lot to reopen this place because she cares about all of you and wants you to find a place to be happy and be yourselves. That is a great thing and is one of the many things I love about my wife. Just remember, part of Friendship and Harmony is acceptance. Last year a good chunk of you failed at that aspect, so this is your second chance to prove you've learned from your past mistakes."

"Man, he does not let go of a grudge, does he?" Gallus commented.

"I heard that," Peter said. "You especially need to make sure you maintain the friendly environment yourself."

"Hey I'm totally friendly," Gallus said. "Some say I'm the friendliest Griffon in Ponyville."

"How many friends do you have outside of the five you hang out with?" Peter asked.

"Well...just them, but that's very friendly for a Griffon," Gallus said.

"I see, well Gallus, you might have competition," Peter said. "Ponyville, please welcome your future neighbor, Gabby."

Flying into view was the honorary Cutie Mark Crusader, Gabby. "Hi Ponyville! So nice to meet you!"

"Howdy Gabby!" Apple Bloom said.

"Apple Bloom! It's great to see you and...OMG, is that your son? I don't think I've met him yet!" Gabby said, flying over.

"That's him, our little pride and joy," Apple Bloom said.

"Aw, he's adorable, he's got your mane too," Gabby said. "What's his name?"

"Cumulon Bloom," Rumble said.

"So cool," Gabby said. "I'm gonna love it here in Ponyville."

"You sure will," Silverstream said. "You, me, Ocellus and Smolder are going to make a new life here."

"I can't wait to bunk with you Silverstream," Gabby said. "And I can't wait to make friends at this Center as well."

"So what, is she supposed to be the new Ambassador for Griffonstone?" Gallus asked.

"She isn't an Ambassador, she's just here to live her own life," Peter said. "Now, can you all promise me that you'll behave?"

"We will Spider-Mane," Rainbow Harmony said.

"And don't bother my daughter either," Peter said. "If she wants to talk to you, that's fine. You can encourage it if she shows interest, don't force it out of her."

"You're way too overprotective," Gallus said.

"Well he's a father, they're protective of their kids," Apple Bloom said. "You'll understand one day when you have kids."

"I feel sorry for the poor girl who hooks up with him," Rumble muttered to himself.

"Look, let's not focus on this," Peter said. "Twilight, I think now is a good time to open this place up."

"Of course," Twilight said as she gestured to Mayor Mare with a ribbon. "You may do the honors."

"I declare the Friendship Center, open," Mayor Mare said, cutting the ribbon and opening the door.

The ponies immediately rushed inside, ready to enjoy the Center in all of its glory. One of the last ponies inside was the same green mare who seemingly glared at Peter as she passed by, the hero not immediately noticing, but did feel uneasy for some reason.

The only ones not in yet were the Student Six along with Gabby and the newlywed family.

"Rumble, are you coming in with us?" Silverstream asked.

"Sure, I don't mind checking this place out," Rumble said.

"There's a place here for mothers and their foals," Peter said.

"It's a good place for mothers to bond with their kids and each other," Twilight said. "Or fathers, I did take into account that there may be single fathers."

"Scott would be happy about that," Peter said. "Well come on, we'll give you all a personal tour."

"I can handle exploring this place myself," Gallus said, making his way inside.

"Wait for Yona!" the Yak girl called, following her friend.

"Oh that Gallus, always such a spoil sport," Gabby said.

"How is he compared to other Griffons?" Peter asked.

"Not unusual," Gabby said. "Some Griffons don't have that many they're close to, not even family. That's why Gallus is kind of bitter."

"Understandable, not that it's an excuse for his poor behavior, but knowing the problem at its roots could help in the long run," Peter said.

"Honestly, why waste your time?" Rumble said. "He seems like the type to always be bitter about something."

"Even the grouchiest of people have something that warms their hearts," Peter said. "My old boss Jameson is a total grouch, but he's had his kind moments. In fact, and I heard this from Aunt May, his heart has grown three sizes some days."

"Wow, that sounds painful," Silverstream said.

"Uh...it's a joke, from an old Christmas story," Peter said, getting confused reactions. "You know, the story about-"

"Peter, haven't you learned by now that most of us in this world don't understand your jokes and references?" Twilight asked.

"All I'm hearing is that I need to expose this world to more culture of mine," Peter said.

"Of course..."Twilight said. "Well, shall we begin the tour?"

"Wait up!" Came the voice of Luster Dawn, the girl making her way over with Mayday.

"Hey girls, need something?" Peter asked.

"Mayday and I were wondering if he could check this place out too," Luster Dawn said.

Twilight's eyes sparkled with hope, "That would be amazing! I'd love to have you girls along."

"Just putting it out there, I really have no interest in coming here," Mayday said. "But Luster Dawn is curious and I figured I'd see what all the fuss is about myself."

"I just want to see how different this is from the school," Luster Dawn said.

"Well regardless, we're happy to have you girls aboard," Twilight said.

"Just reiterating, I do not have any plans to come here," Mayday said.

"We get it May," Peter said. "But, just so you know, if you do change your mind, you're more than welcome to come here."

"Wouldn't that mean having to, you know...socialize?" Mayday asked. "That's not my thing."

"You don't have to," Peter said. "While your mother wants to see new friends made, you can still just come to use the facilities. You might find something that you and Luster Dawn can do together, or with Flurry, even Franklin."

"Well, I guess I can give it a try if my friends want to, but only if they're interested," Mayday said.

"You can figure it out after the tour," Peter said. "Come on, let's not dawdle."

"Wait, where are Twilight's friends?" Rumble asked. "And the other heroes?"

"Most of them are already inside doing some last-minute preparations, along with a few other volunteers," Peter said. "Let's get to it."

Everyone started making their way inside, aside from Smolder, which Ocellus noticed. "Smolder, are you coming?"

"You go ahead, I promised Sweetie Belle I'd wait for her," Smolder said. "She's probably running late."

"She likely slept in this morning," Apple Bloom said. "Sweetie Belle loves her beauty sleep after all."

"Who doesn't?" Peter said.

"We'll see you later then," Twilight said, leading everyone inside.

Smolder continued to wait, taking note of the nearby Scott Lang, who was escorting his daughter around. "I think that's the Ant Hero or something."

"Hey dad! What is that place?" Cassie asked.

"Oh that's Princess Twilight's Recreation Center," Scott said. "Want to check it out? Might be some fun games there."

The two passed by Smolder, Scott waving to her as they rushed into the center.

"Well at least it's attracting plenty of attention," Smolder said.

Inside the school, Twilight was showing the potential visitors around, Luster Dawn taking note of everything familiar and otherwise. "The halls look mostly the same."

"We didn't focus too much on the outer design, not yet at least," Twilight said. "The bigger changes are inside what was once the classrooms.

One such room was a dancing studio, hosted by Tender Taps. "Don't think too much, focus on the rhythm and let your body move on its own."

"Like this," Diamond Tiara said, nailing the moves. "Easy as pie."

"Don't show off," Pumpkin Cake said.

"It's not showing off when you're just that good," Diamond Tiara said.

"Come on, this is a place to have fun, just try to enjoy yourselves and be cool," Tender Taps said, then noticed that he had onlookers. "Princess Twilight!?"

"Hello Tender Taps, hosting your class?" Twilight asked.

"Uh...yeah, totally, it's going great," Tender Taps said, trying to play it cool. "Would you like to join us perhaps?"

"Another time maybe, I need to finish my tour," Twilight said.

"Of course, you got it ma'am," Tender Taps said, waving off the group as they walked off, with Peter raising his eyebrow a bit at the dance instructor.

"So much for being cool," Pumpkin teased, much to Tender Taps's annoyance.

"Seriously, I know it's Twilight but your mind should be on me after our wonderful date last night," Diamond Tiara said.

"Hi Diamond," Apple Bloom greeted.

"My sweet little Apple! Aw, and is that little Cumie?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"Yeah, showing the little guy around with Twilight," Apple Bloom said. "Well catch you later."

"See you my dear," Diamond Tiara said, this time it being Rumble's turn to raise his eyebrow.

"Dia, I know you said you don't have a crush on her, but this isn't exactly helping me think otherwise," Silver Spoon said.

"What? Can't I admire my good friend?" Diamond Tiara asked. "Rather, our good friend?"

"You do you," Silver Spoon said.

Nearby Laura couldn't help but laugh, "She totally wants a bite of that apple."

“Be nice,” Lightning Dust playfully scolded.

Back with Twilight's group, Luster Dawn seemed a bit confused, "How did that class fill up so fast?"

"Tender Taps already had those dancers as students," Twilight said. "Like Laura and Lightning Dust."

"Glad Lightning can make time between her Washouts practice," Peter said.

"Washouts are awesome, way more exciting than The Wonderbolts," Luster Dawn said.

"Hey!" Rumble and Silverstream shouted.

"Uh, aside from you two at least," Luster Dawn said.

"Nothing wrong with a little competition," Peter said.

"Of course, both groups are amazing in their own way...especially The Washouts," Twilight said.

"Twilight!" Rumble shouted.

"Come on Rumble, you know I love you and I respect The Wonderbolts, but The Washouts just seem so exciting," Twilight said.

"Given how much of a thrill seeker your mother is, I'm willing to be you inherited your love for danger from her," Peter said. "Probably one of the reasons you married me in the first place."

"Well I have grown used to you carrying me while swinging, but stunts are something I'd rather see than perform," Twilight said.

"Hey Peter, with your powers, haven't you considered putting on a show yourself?" Silverstream asked.

"I have, problem is I couldn't cash in a paycheck under the name Spider-Man," Peter said. "Plus my reputation went down the toilet in my early days thanks to my old boss slandering me whenever he could."

"Why did he slander you anyway?" Luster Dawn asked. "I mean, weren't you always a superhero?"

"Yeah but he didn't trust anyone who wore a mask," Peter said. "Far as he's concerned, I was just as bad as the villains."

"That skinflint Jameson believed it was your fault the villains even existed in the first place, like you created them or brought them to New York," Twilight said.

"Well, he's not wrong when it comes to Venom," Peter said.

"It was his choice to use his powers for evil, didn't help that those aliens were already out to get you," Twilight said. "Don't blame yourself for that."

"Sounds like that Jameson guy already blames you enough," Rumble said. "Just like my brother once did, so many regrets on his end."

"Well moving on," Twilight showed off another room. "Here is our sewing class, come here when you want to work on something along with others or just have a nice quiet place to work."

"Fluttershy's already having fun," Peter said, gesturing to the mare.

"Always wondered why she didn't work with Rarity," Rumble said.

"She tried once a couple of years ago, she developed a split personality over it," Apple Bloom said. "A snobbish one, a hipster one and a goth one."

"Laura really liked the third one," Peter said. "Fluttershy then had to learn to not be something she isn't."

"Sounds like a weird adventure," Silverstream said. "And so unlike Professor Fluttershy."

"Was this before or after her pregnancy?" Rumble asked. "I know weird pregnant girls act sometimes."

"Hey!" Apple Bloom shouted.

"Regardless, it's in the past as a weird but very funny memory," Peter said.

"Moving on," Twilight led them to another room. "This is where ponies can do yoga."

"Whoa, dang!" Rumble said, recognizing one of the mares, who bent her body for her hindlegs to touch the top of her head while on her chest. "You go Blossomforth!"

The mare in question offered a confident smile, "I can do so much more than this too."

"Oh! Is that a friend of yours?" Gabby asked.

"She used to date my brother, bummed me out when they broke up since she was really nice, but they're still friends at least," Rumble said.

"Let us continue," Twilight said, showing her group around some more.

"What do you think so far, Mayday?" Luster Dawn asked.

"Alright I guess, I mean I don't plan on dancing, sewing or contorting my body into uncomfortable positions but I guess it's not bad for ponies into that type of stuff," Mayday said.

"There's plenty more to show off," Twilight said. "We have other classes like pottery, cooking and some sporting events like basketball and tennis."

"Give it time and I'll have an arcade built in here," Peter said. "Soon you'll get to chomp pellets, match blocks and shoot down invading aliens.

"Video games sound pretty alright," Mayday said.

"It'll get crazy for sure," Peter said. "Sunset should definitely have a lot of fun with that too, assuming she actually stays in this world for five minutes these days."

"Doubtful, she seems so happy in her travels, she might as well live in Capcom Earth," Twilight said.

"Well it's her choice," Peter said. "You know, speaking of Capcom, we should consider martial arts classes too."

"I'm down with that, I could hone my skills even more," Rumble said. "My Wonderbolts training was good but I'd love to fight like a Capcom Warrior."

"Expecting to fire one of those Hadoukens?" Mayday asked. "I still don't get how that move is scientifically possible."

"Mayday, this is a world of magic, shooting fireballs from your hands isn't that weird," Rumble said.

"Unicorns are capable of that stuff, humans aren't," Mayday said.

"Well, a good scientist is always looking for answers," Peter said. "You should try looking yourself, figure out that type of energy."

"That sounds like a good idea," Mayday said. "Now I know my next plan."

"Got anything else to show us?" Ocellus asked.

"Yes, nearby should be a gardening room, let me show you," Twilight said.

Inside this room, while many of the ponies were getting started and figuring it all out, two were already at it.

One pony was Golden Harvest, already preparing some carrots while another named Strawberry Sunrise was planting strawberries."

"I can't wait to share these with others," Golden Harvest said.

"Same, having them out to try is a good way of seeing how far your skills have come," Strawberry said. "Plus I was running out of room at home."

"Me too," Golden Harvest said, planting the seeds. "But now I have a bit more space to grow."

Meanwhile the green pony from earlier was already at work while also looking to the ponies in the class. She had everything ready but she did want to share this moment with others. Cautiously she tried approaching but her nerves got to her.

Just before she went for it regardless, Twilight had entered the room, "Behold, the gardening club."

"Hi Princess!" Golden Harvest said.

"And hello to you Spider-Mane!" Strawberry said, that name irking the pony in the room.

"It's Peter," the hero insisted.

"I was just showing some old students around," Twilight said. "My daughter's here too."

Mayday trotted inside, looking around, "This room is unique, there's a lot of glass."

"It's to let the sun come inside," Golden Harvest said. "Good for the plants."

"Sure is," Ocellus said, trotting in and looking around. "I can't wait to see what else you have."

The green mare continued glaring at the group, specifically Peter, something that got the hero a bit weirded out.

"Why does it feel like I'm being stared at maliciously? Maybe I'm still worked up over what happened at the Gala," Peter theorized. Eventually he did catch note of the mare, and her staring. "Uh...hello?"

The mare turned away in anger, not wanting to see Peter, much to his confusion. This didn't go unnoticed by Mayday, the little filly displeased by this mare's actions. "Does she have a problem with daddy or something?"

"What are you two growing anyway?" Gabby asked.

"I'm growing some carrots," Golden Harvest said.

"I'm going with delicious strawberries," Strawberry said.

"Sounds neat, wonder if ah should grow some apples here?" Apple Bloom said.

"Eh, just keep them away from my strawberries," Strawberry said.

"Huh? What's wrong with...wait, ah know you," Apple Bloom said. "Yer the mare that Applejack said hated apples!"

"Well yeah, they taste terrible," Strawberry said.

"How dare you, we take pride in our family apples!" Apple Bloom said.

"Hon, please don't argue with the nice mare, everypony has a right to their opinion," Rumble said.

"Yes, this place is to make friends, not enemies," Twilight said. "In fact, why don't you two try being friends now, consider it a Friendship Lesson."

"Twilight, kind of pushing it there, they need to build tolerance before they build Friendship," Peter said.

"Plus I can't see myself being friends with an Apple," Strawberry said. "At least my fruit doesn't house worms."

"That's a stereotype! Worms don't travel through apples!" Apple Bloom said.

"Apple Bloom, enough," Rumble said. "Please, you're better than this, don't let her get under your skin."

Apple Bloom took a breath to calm herself down, "Yer right sugar pie, I'll dial it back."

"Strawberry, you should try being nice too, Apple Bloom is a sweet filly after all," Golden Harvest said. "Right now you're just being mean for no reason, and I know you can do better."

"Eh, guess you're right," Strawberry said. "Sorry for my rude comment."

"Same, let's try to coexist here," Apple Bloom said.

"Harmony wins again," Peter said. "Well we should be off, you ladies keep enjoying your time here."

"We will, thank you," Strawberry said.

"Enjoy the rest of the tour," Golden Harvest said, Peter and his group leaving. "He's always so much nicer up close."

"Yeah, really cute too, Princess Twilight is lucky to have him," Strawberry said.

"Their daughter is also adorable," Golden Harvest said.

"Yeah...so adorable..." the green mare sarcastically muttered.

"You know, maybe I should give my first batch of strawberries to the Parker-Sparkle family," Strawberry said.

"Same with my carrots, it's the least we can do since Spider-Mane does so much for us," Golden Harvest said.

"Like ruin lives..." the green mare said.

"...Do you hear somepony talking?" Strawberry said.

"Probably the wind, let's just get back to work," Golden Harvest said.

The green mare angrily stormed out the room, continuing to mutter to herself all while no one seemed to notice.

After showing off a few more rooms, Twilight decided to call an end to the tour, "And that's our center, as you can see it's still filling up, and my friends should be available for any further explanation."

"Twilight put a lot of work into this place, so ponies can feel happy and free," Peter said.

"Gotta say, this place isn't too bad," Luster Dawn said. "I actually like it better than the school. Uh, no offence Princess."

"It's fine, if it's better than that's a good thing since it was still a product of my work," Twilight said. "You're more than welcome to come here at any time."

"If it's alright with Mayday at least," Luster Dawn said.

"Huh? What do you need my permission for?" Mayday asked.

"Well, it wouldn't be as much fun without you and...I know you don't like social places..." Luster Dawn began. "But I really do want us to try out some of these things. Plus it would be easier if I already have a friend so I don't feel too out of place."

"Luster...you know I care about your happiness but, I just don't feel all that comfortable being around so many ponies," Mayday said. "What if I have a moment because it's too loud or something?"

"Mayday, you can't be afraid all the time of loud noises, you really need to find a way to move past that," Twilight said.

"Twi, that's very difficult to do," Peter said.

"But this isn't good for her, Mayday needs to stop being so afraid of socializing," Twilight said.

"I'm not afraid of socializing, I just don't want to!" Mayday insisted. "Besides I have Luster, I have Frankie, what do I need more friends for?"

"Luster Dawn wants to come here too, and she's just as reluctant as you are to make friends," Twilight said.

"Well I'm not coming to make friends, and it's fine if Mayday doesn't want to come, I don't need to be here, I just thought it'd be cool hanging out with my bestie," Luster Dawn said, placing her hoof around Mayday. "But if she's not comfortable I have to respect that, I care a lot about her feelings."

"Mayday needs to care about yours though," Twilight said. "She's not doing a good job as a friend right now."

"Twilight!" Peter scolded.

"There you go again, not caring about my feelings, only about these stupid ponies!" Mayday shouted.

"Mayday, do not speak to your mother that way!" Peter warned.

"But daddy, it's like this all the time, it's always making friends this and socialize that," Mayday said. "What about what I want?"

"I know you're frustrated but that's not an excuse to disrespect your mother, or anyone for that matter," Peter said. "Remember what Autumn Blaze says, it's alright to be angry but not if you make others feel bad about it."

"But she's making me feel bad! Why doesn't anyone care!?" Mayday shouted, loud enough to make Cumulon cry.

"Oh, don't cry now little guy," Apple Bloom said as Rumble took his son off her back so she can sit and hold him in her hooves to gently rock him. "There, there, mama's here."

"Sorry Auntie," Mayday said. "I didn't mean it, but my mom's just being so-"

"Mayday, enough, go outside," Peter said.

"But daddy!" Mayday pleaded.

"Now young lady! I will be there to deal with you in a second, march!" Peter ordered.

Mayday pouted in annoyance and angrily stomped off, wiping some tears from her eyes.

"Luster, would you mind keeping her company, you're one of the few that can probably help calm her down," Peter said.

"I'll do my best," Luster Dawn said, trotting to catch up to Mayday.

Peter rubbed his mane in annoyance, "Not a good start."

"I swear, it's always the same thing with that girl, I mention Friendship and she acts like I'm trying to torture her," Twilight said.

"Twi, you know how she feels about socialization, it's a scary thing to her," Peter said.

"I know it's scary Peter, I've been there, but I got over it," Twilight said.

"Twilight, you didn't properly socialize until you were an adult, before then you were just as much of a shut in as Mayday is," Peter said. "That's what Minuette told me some years back."

"I wasn't that much of a shut in, I socialized with my group," Twilight said.

"Yeah, a group you broke contact with for a few years," Peter said. "You didn't understand Friendship until you were an adult, and Mayday's eight so I figured you could at least put that into perspective."

"Excuse me!?" Twilight shouted in annoyance, this worrying everyone nearby.

"We should take a few steps back," Rumble said, quickly grabbing his son and gesturing his wife away. "Come on hon."

"Remember, y'all love each other," Apple Bloom said as she scurried off.

"Let's hurry Sandbar," Ocellus said, leading the stallion away.

"Peter, you know better than to throw this in my face, you still haven't spoken to your friends from Earth!" Twilight said.

"I talk to Johnny and Bobby practically everyday, and I still have contact with Angel and Matt," Peter said.

"I'm not talking about your superhero friends, I'm talking about your friends from High School," Twilight said.

"You mean Harry and MJ?" Peter asked. "Twi, I spoke to MJ a few years ago, even after the pony form. Granted I didn't know her much, she was just a neighbor of mine, and at the time it was hard for me to talk to girls, especially super models. As for Harry, given what happened with his father, it's not easy talking to him either."

"Still, he was your friend once and you hardly reached out to him, how is that much different from how I handled my Canterlot friends?" Twilight asked.

"Twilight, comparing your situation to mine is ridiculous, none of your friends have supervillain fathers," Peter said. "Of course I want to know how Harry is doing but the last time we spoke, it was on really bad terms."

"Same with me and Moon Dancer," Twilight said.

"Please, stop comparing the situation Twilight, not everyone thinks the same way, not everyone has the exact same problem," Peter said. "This is why things are so bad with Mayday, while she was out of line when she said this, she wasn't off when she felt like you don't care about her feelings. You keep doing to her what Celestia did to you and expect the same results. I mean, remember when you tutored Rainbow Dash?"

"Yes, Fluttershy brought this up too, but I find it hard to see how studying for an exam applies to this," Twilight said.

"Do you really not see it or are you just too stubborn to admit you were wrong!?" Peter asked.

"You're calling ME stubborn!? You're the one who refuses to open up about his feelings!" Twilight shouted.

"Don't turn this back on me!" Peter shouted back, then reeled in, not wanting to lose his temper. "Twilight, I love you, and I tell you this stuff because I want you to be the best you can be. I don't want Mayday mad at you or hating you, but you need to help work with me, otherwise Mayday will continue to not respect you."

"She should respect me, I'm her mother after all, I'm the one who helps feed her and keep a roof over her head," Twilight said.

"I know, and yes she should respect you regardless, but you need to make it easy for her to do so," Peter said. "A mother is a key part of a daughter's future; you're setting the example of how a mare should act. If you keep this up, she's going to grow up bitter and resentful of you. What happens when she's an adult living on her own? She could easily begin to hate you, and I've seen it happen, being a parent doesn't always mean your kid will respect you if the kids you had don't feel loved enough to do so."

Twilight still looked very annoyed, and much as she hated to admit it, Peter was right about certain things. "I just want Mayday to be happy, if we shelter her too much, she's going to be bitter anyway."

"Look, I get why socializing is good, and she should be able to do so but she needs to do so at her own pace," Peter said. "Like I've been saying, Franklin and Luster Dawn are proof that Mayday can be social when she's comfortable enough to do so. Plus, she could've changed her mind about coming here if we nudged her properly, but acting confrontational would make coming here feel like a chore, and she won't enjoy it enough to really like it."

"I guess..." Twilight lowered her head in shame. "I screwed up."

"Mistakes happen, it's part of life," Peter said, physically lifting her chin up. "You're a great mother and princess, sometimes you just need a little nudge in the right direction, but I know you will always make the right choice. It's your kindness that drew me to you after all."

"You're sweet, I love you," Twilight said.

"Love you too," Peter brought his wife in for a make-up kiss.

Nearby Johnny was heard clearing his throat, the hero standing with Rainbow Dash, Logan and Fluttershy. "There a make-out class you two are preparing for?"

"Whoa!" Peter took a step back, the hero looking very embarrassed but just as annoyed, "Haven't you ever heard of privacy?"

"You're kissing Twilight in the middle of a hallway, what did you expect?" Rainbow Dash teased.

"Sounds like you two had quite the conversation," Fluttershy said.

"Yeah, the least pleasurable part of a marriage, the disagreements," Peter said.

"We've all been there," Rainbow Dash said. "Johnny and I have our spats but we make up pretty quickly."

"Usually through sex," Johnny said.

Peter furrowed his brow, "Dude..."

"Oh like you've never had make-up sex," Johnny said.

"Please don't say that out loud, never know who could be listening in," Twilight said.

"There are kids around, we should be mindful of what we say," Fluttershy insisted. "Still, glad you two are resolving your problems."

"Well there's still one problem left to be resolved," Peter said. "Twilight and I gotta go talk to Mayday about her poor behavior."

"I was kind of hoping she would like this place, and I guess I may have provoked her a little, which caused her to lash out," Twilight said. "Peter really had to lay down the law, which upset her even more."

"Right now, Luster Dawn is keeping her company," Peter said.

"Rumble, Apple Bloom, Cumie, Gabby and Silverstream were around too, but I guess the arguing scared them off," Twilight said.

"Who's Gabby again?" Johnny asked.

"The Griffon who came to town recently," Peter said. "She's going to be moving in with Silverstream, Ocellus and Smolder in that new house."

"I've met her once, probably the nicest Griffon in Griffonstone," Rainbow Dash said. "G even said she belongs in Ponyville more than Griffonstone."

"Guess she's about to get her wish," Peter said. "Let's get the others and hurry outside."

At the front of the Friendship Center, Mayday was seen angrily pacing and pouting, "It's not fair, everyone's always mean to me and I'm the one in trouble for it! Why does everyone hate me!?"

"That's an overreaction, Mayday," Luster Dawn said, unaware of a couple of gossiping ponies.

"What do you two want!?" Mayday shouted, chasing the two ponies off. "Well how about that, they're going into the Friendship Center."

"Maybe there's a place to learn manners there?" Luster Dawn suggested. "But still, acting like everyone hates you is too much."

"They do, I've seen how ponies are, they're not nice creatures, they're awful!" Mayday shouted. "It's no better on Earth though, given how everyone's treated my daddy, no matter the world, everyone sucks."

"You need a better outlook on life," Luster Dawn said. "Are there jerks, yes. Ponies have been rude to me too, some even hate me for not liking the school, and were bitter about it shutting down."

"I got that, but tenfold," Mayday said.

"But when all that happens, I think of all the good in the world," Luster Dawn said. "Like you for example, no matter how disappointed I get in others, at least I have you to rely on. Seeing you always brightens my day."

Mayday's face turned slightly red, unsure how to respond to such kindness, "Wow, I...really don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything, I know emotions like this aren't your thing, process it at your own pace," Luster Dawn said.

"Heh, you get me so well," Mayday said, still feeling very shy. Despite that she leaned in to quickly hug Luster Dawn. "Thanks."

"Of course," Luster Dawn said, quickly returning the hug before Mayday broke away.

"How adorable," Came the voice of Fancy Pants, making his way over with his wife Fleur, Coco Pommel and a mysterious unicorn.

"Huh? Aren't you Fancy Pants?" Luster Dawn asked.

"Why yes, I came to town to check on this new Recreation Center, Prince Blueblood was talking it up quite a bit at the Gala and I had to see the fuss," Fancy Pants said. "My dear friend Rarity is a big part of it after all."

"Our friend," Coco said. "Rarity is actually a mentor to me."

"Yes, of course," Fancy Pants said.

"Hi Coco," Mayday greeted.

"Hello dear, I see the center is open," Coco said. "Did you see inside?"

"A little, it's not something I'm interested in," Mayday said.

"I don't blame you, this place doesn't look that interesting," The unicorn said.

"Now, now, Sugarcoat, that is not a polite thing to say," Fancy Pants said.

"I'm just being honest, I mean didn't it use to be a school or something?" Sugarcoat asked. "I mean, a school to teach Friendship? Was Princess Twilight that bored?"

"Careful saying that, ponies are kind of sensitive about the school closing down," Luster Dawn said.

"Oh let them whine," Sugarcoat said. "Still, I will admit it looks well designed. But just because something looks nice doesn't mean it is."

"You should give it a chance," Coco said.

"Hard pass," Sugarcoat said.

"Who is she?" Mayday asked.

"An old business partner of Tony Stark," Fancy Pants said. "She was one of the few who helped Mr. Stark set up those Patroller Robots in Canterlot, insisting they were a good idea."

"They were, not his fault a bunch of whiny ponies couldn't handle a few robots," Sugarcoat said.

"Well I do agree that they were a great idea, I just would rather they weren't so curious," Fancy Pants said.

"They were getting used to the lay of the land, ponies just need to be more patient," Sugarcoat said. "Tony Stark had a great idea with The Accords, superheroes need order. I don't get why Captain Equestria had to ruin everything with his rebellion. I invested a lot of good bits into Tony's research."

"They haven't gone to waste, the robots are still used and a lot of what he was working on is still under development in Manehattan," Coco said. "Even though Tony left Equestria, his building is still active with me as its manager."

"He was gonna make a building in Canterlot too, I guarantee I could have been manager as well, but that all crumbled," Sugarcoat said.

"It's not too late, Tony's retired as an Avenger but nothing's stopping him from coming back as a businessman," Coco said.

"Don't count on it," Mayday said. "According to daddy, Mr. Stark feels really terrible about causing a war between the heroes, he thinks Equestria is better off without him."

"I would say the same for a lot of superheroes but at this point, we're kind of stuck with them," Sugarcoat said.

"That better not include my daddy," Mayday said.

"Hey I respect your dad, but he does kind of cause his share of problems," Sugarcoat said.

"Sugarcoat!" Coco scolded. "Don't say that, Peter Parker is a great man who would do anything to keep us safe."

"Well it's the least he can do after all," Sugarcoat said.

"Geez, this is why I hate ponies," Mayday said. "At least this one's honest but still."

"Awkward," Luster Dawn said, then noticed some more oncoming visitors. "Mayday, it's your Aunt, Uncle and Cousin!"

"Huh?" Mayday took note of the trio. "Uncle Shining? Aunt Cadance? Flurry?"

"Hey kiddo, is your mom nearby?" Shining Armor said.

"She's inside," Mayday bitterly said. "Showing off her pride and joy."

"Wow, I can't wait to see what's in there," Flurry said. "Mayday, want to come with me and-"

"I already went inside, it isn't anything special," Mayday said.

"Ah, right, of course," Shining Armor said, knowing full well how asocial his niece could be. "Well at least you gave it a chance, that's the important part."

"Tell that to mom," Mayday muttered.

Shining Armor had a feeling something went down, so he felt the need to move on, "Well, Cadance and I do need to see Twiley and Peter for other reasons, especially after what happened at the Gala."

"Daddy was really mad that night," Mayday said.

"Hey I want to know the details as well," Sugarcoat said. "If you're going to see Spider-Mane, I want to be part of that."

"Uh, who are you?" Shining Armor asked.

"Sugarcoat...from Canterlot," the unicorn said. "I worked with Tony Stark."

"Since when?" Shining Armor asked.

"I was behind the scenes, alright?" Sugarcoat said. "Not everyone working with Tony participated in that war."

"Someone mention Tony?" Came the voice of Susan, the mother of two making her way over with her only son, joined by Derpy and her own infant.

"Where is everypony coming from?" Luster Dawn said.

"My mom's school opened, I wouldn't be surprised if Princesses Celestia and Luna came by too," Mayday said, notably taking some steps back to, keeping an eye on open areas.

"Reed and Doc wanted to be here too but their work called to them," Susan said. "But I knew Franklin would want to come."

"Ah, here to see the center young lad?" Fancy Pants asked.

"No, I just figured Mayday would be miserable because this place is back, so I wanted to keep her company," Franklin said.

Mayday's eyes sparkled with admiration as a blush overtook her face, "You're such a sweetheart, Frankie..."

"Wow...that's just...wow," Sugarcoat was too speechless to really comment on this.

Shining Armor looked up, "Well young Mayday, you were right about one thing, this center certainly is attracting attention."

Mayday looked up to see Fleetfoot of the Wonderbolts fly in with a quartet of Pegasus mares. "Huh, didn't expect them."

Fleetfoot landed with the mares, taking in the sight of the center, "So, it's back open huh?"

"Fleetfoot, good to see you," Fancy Pants said.

"Oh hey FP, saw you at the last race, the one I won," Fleetfoot said.

"As Miss Rarity once said, your speed and agility do you wonders," Fancy Pants said. "How are things at the Wonderbolts?"

"Well for starters, you're looking at the New Captain," Fleetfoot boasted. "Soarin finally retired from the position, and as my first act, I promoted four top flyers from the Wonderbolts Academy."

"Wow, they must be talented then," Cadance said.

"You bet," Fleetfoot said, gesturing to them. "Meet Sour Sweet, Sunny Flare, Lemon Zest, and the top of the class, Indigo Zapp!"

The latter took her goggles off, smirking at the others, "Sup?"

"You remind me of Lightning Dust," Mayday said.

"Who?" Indigo Zapp asked. "Oh right, the failure of a Wonderbolt who had to form her own squad to feel like she matters."

"You mean The Washouts right?" Sour Sweet said.

"More like Washed Ups," Sunny Flare said. "How many does she even have? Like two other former Wonderbolts?"

"Just a bunch of rejects," Fleetfoot said. "Don't worry about those losers, with me around The Wonderbolts will maintain their pride and glory. Spitfire did a great job for all these years, and for that I respect her. But I am planning to outdo her as Captain, and you four are my starting points. The future of the Bolts ride with you!"

"What about Rumble and Silverstream?" Mayday asked, earning a confused reaction from Fleetfoot. "Aren't they the Future too?"

"Rumble's alright, but nothing compared to Indigo Zapp," Fleetfoot said. "Silverstream is where she belongs, the shadow of a pony who thinks he's worth the hype."

"Hey, Rumble's great, and so is Silverstream!" Mayday shouted.

"It's cute that you like them, but once you get older, you'll root for the right ponies," Fleetfoot said. "Speaking of Rumble, where is he?”

"Rumble's inside," Mayday said. "Why don't you all go in and see for yourselves what this place is like, I'll stay out here with Luster Dawn and Frankie."

"Sounds like a plan," Night Glider said. "Lets march."

"There's rooms for mothers and their babies if you're interested, Derpy," Luster Dawn said.

"That sounds nice, thanks for the tip," Derpy said, trotting inside with her foal.

Once everyone was in, Mayday took a breath of relief, "Way too many ponies, at least I didn't feel crowded."

"At least they're nice," Luster Dawn said. "Aside from Sugarcoat and Those Wonderbolts."

"More ponies will probably be coming, lets stay to the side," Mayday said. "Though once daddy comes out, you two should probably leave."

"Why? What for?" Franklin asked.

"I ticked him and mom off," Mayday said. "Mom got me mad because she went on about her stupid Friendship ideals, again."

"Mayday, I know you don't like socializing, but your mom is just trying to help in her own way," Franklin said.

"But me and daddy told her that it's just not my thing," Mayday said. "She should get it, daddy says I'm an introvert like he and mom are, but mom keeps trying to deny it because she sees it as a bad thing. Daddy gets bothered when she says that, that she sees it as a weakness."

"That's terrible, I don't think being an introvert is a weakness," Franklin said.

"It's not, daddy says that there's strengths with it too, depending on the type," Mayday said. “Introverts tend to be observers, and notice things others wouldn't. Even though we're quiet, it also means we like to think about our surroundings and our actions."

“You are keen eyed,” Luster Dawn said.

“Thanks,” Mayday said. “Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to just be known as just an introvert. I just also don’t want to be seen as a freak.”

"Bit too late for that," a nearby pony muttered to her friend, the two laughing a bit.

Franklin glared at the ponies, the two suddenly tripping over nothing. As they stood up, they tripped again, this time into a mud puddle.

"I hate other ponies sometimes," Luster Dawn said, focusing back on Mayday. "I hope you don't take them seriously, I think you're really amazing."

"As long as I have you and Frankie," Mayday said. "And Flurry too."

A few minutes later, Peter had come outside, spotting his daughter with her two friends, "Mayday."

"Oh boy..." Mayday lamented, expecting to really hear it from her father. She did her best to put on a cute act. "Yes daddy?"

Peter raised his eyebrow, not the first time she's done this, and he will admit it's worked before but he needed to put that aside. "Mayday, this is serious. You know what you said to your mother in there was bad right?"

"Yeah, I know, but I have to get her to listen somehow," Mayday said.

"I know she can be a little oblivious to your feelings but being rude like that isn't helping nor is it justified," Peter said. "If you feel like she's being insensitive, you have to come to me. You know your mother would never intentionally want to hurt or upset you. Honestly she is right to an extent, socializing and making friends is a good thing. It shouldn't be forced but you shouldn't just be so quick to shut it down either. If you did, you'd miss out on more good friends like Franklin and Luster Dawn."

"I guess," Mayday said. "I can't imagine life without them."

"That’s good, just be open minded, especially about this place," Peter said. "You don't have to force yourself to make friends but coming here would mean a lot to Luster Dawn since she wants to come here, and share her happiness with her best friend, that being you. You don't need to talk to anyone either, if you see a kid you want to be friends with, that's fine, but that's up to you."

"Okay," Mayday said.

"Now, your mother is catching up with your uncle, but when she comes outside, I want you to apologize to her, and mean it too," Peter said.

"I'll do my best," Mayday said.

"Just remember, she loves you, you're the world to me and your mother, even when it doesn't seem like it," Peter said. "I know she can stand to be more understanding but you need to show you can be too. Be better than us."

"I'll try," Mayday said.

"Guess that's all I can ask for," Peter said. He then heard some ponies muttering nearby, though they made themselves scarce the moment he turned to them. "I really hope they know that gossiping about a nine-year-old girl like this is really sad and shallow."

"Peter?” Twilight said, the mare making her way outside with her brother and his family.

"Hey Twi, finish the tour?" Peter asked.

"I wanted to check on Mayday, then show my brother around," Twilight said. "Surprised Fleetfoot’s here, she began checking on Pegusai in the outdoor area.

"Already scouting for Wonderbolts," Peter said.

"From the sound of things, she wants to restore their honor, she feels like they took a heavy hit because of their association with Tony's Accords," Shining Armor said.

"Yeah, that group suffered as much as The Avengers did, but if anyone can bounce back, it's both of them," Peter said. "Plus some heroes still patrol Equestria, right now Luke and Danny are in Las Pegasus, just like before."

"Night Thrasher still goes to Manehattan," Twilight said. "Blueblood really fixed up the issues, to the best of his ability at least."

"No one's patrolling The Crystal Empire though," Flurry said. "Kamala didn't want to come back to Equestria after what happened to Miss Danvers."

"Kamala needs to do a bit of growing up before she can be a superhero," Peter said.

"One flaw is that she doesn't really think for herself, she's too reliant on Carol," Cadance said.

"Well with Carol locked up under S.H.I.E.L.D.'s tight watch, Kamala will have to adapt," Peter said. "It can be tough, I'll admit. I remember how much I looked up to Cap and Tony."

"Now you're on the other end, since Rumble looks up to you," Twilight said.

"Yeah, he's a good kid, and he handled himself well during the conflict with The Accords," Peter said. "I hope he stays on that path, especially if he wants to be a superhero one day."

"Rumble can do it, he's the best," Mayday said. "One day he'll be Ponyville's most loved hero. Actually I'd say all of Equestria will love him and his sidekick."

"Sidekick?" Peter said. "Oh yeah, Silverstream. They'd make quite the duo."

"Hope he's enjoying himself in there," Twilight said. "We should go back and check."

"Hold on," Peter turned to his daughter, "Mayday, do you have something to say to your mother?"

"Alright," Mayday turned to Twilight, "Sorry I got mad at you today."

"Oh, it's alright sweetheart," Twilight said, rubbing her mane. "I know I should be more mindful of you and your personality. You don't have to come here if you don't want to, I'll leave that decision up to you."

"Uh, Twilight," Came Applejack's voice. "We got a problem inside."

Within the center, Laura was seen angrily facing off against Fleetfoot, the former looking ready for a fight, "I don't want to see your dumbass anywhere near Lighting Dust if you're going to be a bitch about it."

"Hey she's the one bragging about The Washouts, like they're anything great," Fleetfoot said.

"Better than your squad," Lightning Dust said. "We do more intense stunts, mind boggling ones."

"More like mind numbing, remember all it takes is one mistake and your flying days are over," Fleetfoot said. "You and your two loser allies have only so much you can do together."

"I have more, just recently Angel Wings joined up, apparently she got tired of The Wonderbolts herself, must have been around the time you were itching to take over," Lightning Dust said.

"Pfft, she's just weak at heart, been that way since The Accords," Fleetfoot said. "It was hardly a surprise that she was so easily convinced to switch sides."

"Hey, excuse me," Rumble said, trying to get their attention. "Fleetfoot, maybe you should-"

"It's CAPTAIN Fleetfoot," the mare warned.

"Fine, Captain Fleetfoot, this really isn't becoming of a leader," Rumble said. "Why can't The Wonderbolts and Washouts coexist?"

"Because the existence of The Washouts is disrespectful to everything The Wonderbolts stand for!" Fleetfoot said.

"It lets me be myself after I got so abruptly booted from The Academy," Lightning Dust said. "Spitfire didn't even want to give me a second chance, what was I supposed to do? Just sit back and do nothing?"

"Pfft, did nothing huh? Last I recall, you were traveling with villains," Fleetfoot said.

"Don't freaking go there!" Laura warned. "She made a mistake and made up for it!"

"Yeah, she hasn't done anything bad in years, if anything she's willing to help ponies," Rumble said.

"You sure like to talk about morality, kid." Indigo Zapp said. "Wasn't it you that switched sides yourself? You aren't that loyal to The Wonderbolts."

"What was I supposed to do? Follow blind orders?" Rumble asked. "I love The Wonderbolts enough to know that they were meant to be so much better than how they were during The Accords."

"Exactly, just like Captain Equestria knew The Avengers could be better too," Silverstream said.

"This is embarrassing," Rainbow Dash muttered. "Fleetfoot, even Spitfire didn't go around antagonizing ponies she didn't like the way you are."

"Uh, it's 'Captain' Fleetfoot," the mare said.

"I'll call you 'Captain' when you act like one," Rainbow Dash said.

"What was that!?" Fleetfoot shouted, stepping over to Dash, though Johnny was quick to stand between them. "Oh what? Rainbow Dash can't talk without her big strong, husband backing her up?"

"Hey I'm not protecting Dash from you, I'm protecting you from Dash," Johnny said.

"You think you're so awesome, Matchstick?" Fleetfoot said. "Be lucky you're even with us yourself, you and Crash."

"If anyone's lucky, it's you," Johnny said. "Dash and I don't need The Wonderbolts, the Wonderbolts need us."

"Why you..." Fleetfoot angrily gritted her teeth.

"Excuse me, what's going on?" Peter said, making his way over with everyone else from outside.

"This lady was talking crap to Lightning Dust," Laura said, gesturing to Fleetfoot.

"Hey I just thought I could try out this dancing class that the purple maned stallion was instructing," Fleetfoot said.

"It's true, she and her friends came inside," Tender Taps explained. "Laura and Lightning Dust were here too and things just got tense immediately."

"Listen, I know there's some rivalry between The Wonderbolts and The Washouts, but this is not the place to air our grievances," Peter said. "This is a Friendship Establishment."

"Fine, have it your way," Fleetfoot said. "Let's go girls."

As the Wonderbolts leader left with their leader, Indigo Zapp turned her attention to Peter, "Be lucky I wasn't a Wonderbolt during The Accords, you never would have even had the chance to turn against us."

Peter raised his eyebrow as she made her leave, "Wow, so Wonderbolt like."

"Rainbow Dash should have been made leader," Rumble said. "She's a true Wonderbolt."

"Aw, thanks buddy," Rainbow Dash said, ruffling his mane.

"Not sure what Soarin was thinking, good guy but not that smart," Johnny said.

"Look, everything's been resolved, so everyone can return to their rooms," Peter said.

"Eh, most of my students got scared off from the arguing, what a bummer," Tender Taps said.

"How about you and I have a private dance then?" Diamond Tiara said, shifting her eyebrows.

"Wow, between Apple Bloom and Tender Taps, you're one eager filly," Laura said.

"Oh you're one to talk, I've seen how you look at Tender Taps too!" Diamond Tiara said.

"Well yeah, he's kind of handsome," Laura said, making Tender Taps nervous.

"Uh, thanks," Tender Taps began blushing a bit. "Wonder if my efforts yesterday had a delayed effect? Well it's just Laura, she's nice so maybe I can try again with her."

"Everything alright here?" Came the voice of Sweetie Belle, who was seen walking with Smolder. "We heard a commotion."

"Sweetie Belle? And Smolder? Oh boy, more cute girls, wonder if I can get them into my class...then maybe I'll be brave enough to ask Trixie too..." Tender Taps began trying to cool himself off. "It's gonna be hard picking just one though, but having them in the same room should make it easier to get to know them, same with some other girls, like Silverstream, and that cute new Griffon girl."

"You alright Taps?" Rumble asked, freaking him out a bit. "You look like you're hot."

"I'm good, just the stress mixed with exhaustion," Tender Taps said.

"Well glad things have been resolved, so far at least," Peter said.

"Mom, you're gonna need to do more work to make sure ponies stay friendly, this is the second time I've seen arguing," Mayday said.

"I'll work on it," Twilight said. "It's not going to be an easy process."

"We'll be here to help," Ocellus said, standing with the rest of her friends. "Harmony isn't easy, but worth fighting for. That's one thing you taught us and we'll help teach it to others."

Gallus turned to Rumble, "Gonna yell at her for saying that?"

"Dude, seriously?" Rumble asked. "Ocellus isn't trying to direct attention to herself in the middle of a bad situation like you did with Cozy Glow."

"I was trying to make Twilight feel better, I mean someone had to, even if certain heroes just stood there and let the bad stuff happen," Gallus said.

"Just shut your damn mouth already," Rumble said. "You know what would make others feel better? If you took a hike!"

"Rumble, don't let him get under your skin," Peter said.

"But Peter, he keeps saying this stuff, it's not fair to you!" Rumble said. "You know he doesn't respect you."

"I'm used to not getting respect, some just talk all bitter like," Peter said.

"Are you calling me 'bitter'?" Gallus said. "Remember this place initially closed down because of what you said about it. Just because you want to focus on the small amount of friends you have doesn't mean we all want to."

"Seriously?" Peter said.

"Then you wonder why your daughter can't seem get along with others, she gets her bad habits from you!" Gallus shouted.

Peter glared at the Griffon, "Please refrain from talking about my daughter. She's a kid, you're an adult, set a better example."

"How can I do that if you don't seem to trust me?" Gallus asked.

"Earn my trust then," Peter said. "Not hard, just be a decent individual. Do onto others what you want done for yourself, it's the Golden Rule."

"Follow your own advice then," Gallus said.

"Wow, you just have an answer for everything," Peter said. "Gallus, I'd like to think that despite how you act, deep down you're a good kid. You are close to your friends and you probably do your best to care about their feelings. Right now though, you're making things awkward. You're starting an argument, you're antagonizing others and then you want to act like it's everyone's fault except yours. You think it's fair to your friends? How do you think they feel?"

"Pfft, don't get all wise on me," Gallus said. "I do care about my friends, they loved this school, and you took it away from them."

"But it's back now, so why are you upset?" Peter asked. "Is it because it's not classes? You can still learn about Friendship, but differently. Or are you just afraid of branching out?"

"H-hey! I'm not afraid of anything!" Gallus shouted. "I don't have to put up with you anyway, I'm out of here. Let’s go everyone."

"Gallus, don't just walk away from this, I would really rather you talk things out," Ocellus said. "It will be good for you, and Peter is very understanding."

"What could he understand? Does he even know about Friendship himself? I've never seen him branch out," Gallus said.

"Because he's happy with what he has," Ocellus said.

"Yeah, are you not happy with your friends?" Rumble asked. "Is that why you don't seem to care about their feelings?"

"Oh you're one to talk, you think that just because you're 'good' now means we should forget how much of a dork you were?" Gallus asked. "You came to us and gave us a hard time, you started this rivalry, challenging us to that stupid game where I nearly got poisoned by that little brat Cozy Glow, and somehow I'm the bad guy in the end!"

"You will not let this go, will you?" Rumble asked. "I know I can't force forgiveness but at least try to think about what Silverstream wants."

"I know what my friends wants, and what she needs, and that's to be away from you," Gallus said.

"She's my Wonderbolts partner and my best friend, that is not happening," Rumble said.

"Well, let’s give her a choice," Gallus said. "Silverstream, choose. Rumble, or me?"

"You’re seriously making me pick?" Silverstream asked.

"If I must," Gallus said. "You can stay with me and our actual friends and go on with our lives, or go with this loser and watch his poor parenting screw up his son's life."

"Hey!" Rumble shoved Gallus back. "Don't freaking talk about my parenting!"

"With someone like you as a father, your son's doomed to be a loser like his old man!" Gallus shoved Rumble back with that last statement.

Rumble angrily clenched his hoof, Peter sensing impending trouble, "Rumble, don't!"

Unfortunately Rumble had already punched Gallus across his jaw, which led to a scuffle between the two that everyone was quick to pull apart.

"Rumble, please maintain control over yourself!" Silverstream said.

"Gallus, it's not worth it!" Sandbar said.

Twilight used her magic to restrain both, "Enough! I will not have fighting in my center!"

"He started it!" Rumble shouted.

"Rumble, you clearly shoved him first, then threw the first punch," Twilight said, setting him down. "I'm sorry, but you need to leave."

"Me!?" Rumble asked.

"Mom, Gallus was being mean!" Mayday shouted.

"Regardless, there was no reason Rumble needed to resort to fighting, I know it seems unfair but those are the rules," Twilight said.

"Fine...I'll go," Rumble said, trotting away. "Apple Bloom, you can stay if you want, don't let me ruin your day."

"No, I'm coming too," Apple Bloom said, glaring back at Gallus. "To think ah once felt sorry for ya! You don't deserve to have friends you big bully!"

"Yeah, yeah, go make more useless kids with your lame husband for all I care," Gallus said.

"You know what, I'm making my choice," Silverstream said. "Gallus, screw you! I'm going with Rumble!"

"You're what!?" Gallus shouted. "You can't! We're supposed to be friends!"

"I can't be friends with you," Silverstream said, making her leave. "I'm going."

"Silverstream! Wait! This not how it supposed to go!" Yona said. "We talk about this!"

"Some friend," Gallus made his own exit.

"Great, more drama," Sandbar said. "We should have fixed this a long time ago."

"We will," Ocellus said. "For now, let's try to pick up the pieces."

"So embarrassing," an ashamed Gabby said.

Twilight sighed in worry, "I'm going to check on Silverstream."

"We'll check on Gallus," Applejack said, grabbing some of her friends to find the Griffon.

Smolder turned away in shame, "Geez, this is way too much drama."

"What's going to happen?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I don't know, might be something I'll need to fix," Smolder said.

"I hope this doesn't impact our friendship," Sweetie Belle said.

"It won't, if Gallus forces that ultimatum on me, I'll ditch him like Silverstream did," Smolder said. "True friends don't force choices like that, and I know you wouldn't do that to me."

"Thanks, but I hope you can all resolve this, even Gallus shouldn't lose his friends," Sweetie Belle said.

Peter shook his head in annoyance, "This is a disaster."

"Sure is," Sugarcoat said, getting Peter's attention. "Kind of prudish for those two to fight like this though, wouldn't be surprised if this impacted that Rumble boy's Wonderbolt status."

"Wow...thanks for the pep talk lady," Peter said.

"No problem, and it's Sugarcoat," the mare said.

"Right..." Peter said. "Well this is one more thing I'll need to fix, hopefully I can get that done sooner than later."

"How will you fix this?" Sugarcoat asked.

"I'll figure something out, I can't let this impact my wife's center," Peter said. "And I can't just let Rumble deal with my problems."

"Yeah, it'd be terrible for her to lose everything after all this hard work," Sugarcoat said. "I mean imagine having to lose it all twice, and the second time it didn't even last long."

"Wow, you really do not live up to your name," Peter said.

"It's important to know what could go wrong, so you know how to make it right," Sugarcoat said. "Something I probably should have considered more when assisting Tony Stark."

"You worked with him?" Peter asked.

"Behind the scenes, I was part of The Accords, though I certainly didn't go out to fight," Sugarcoat said. "Not unlike you."

"I had to, I couldn't stop Tony's plan, I couldn't prevent my friends from being arrested, so I had to do something," Peter said.

"Sounds like you have quite the burden," Sugarcoat said. "Well, I'll leave you to it."

Sugarcoat made her leave, passing by Starlight, Trixie and Autumn Blaze.

"Hey Peter, I heard some commotion, everything alright?" Starlight asked.

"Not really, there's been some trouble," Peter said.

"With you? Wow, what a shock," Trixie teased.

"Come on, I'm not in the mood," Peter said.

"Guess I couldn't cheer you up," Trixie said. "Don't worry, if anyone can figure out solutions, it's you."

"And we'll be there to help," Autumn Blaze said.

"I know, and I appreciate you three," Peter said. "Well since you're here, any places you want to visit?"

"I was just going to the office to help Twilight with some paperwork," Starlight said.

"I thought about opening my own room to teach illusion magic," Trixie said. "But I might try one of these classes."

"I have an opening!" Tender Taps said, getting her attention. "Um, if you want to at least."

"Oh, it's you," Trixie said. "I may consider it, add a little extra performance to my act."

"Peter, do you have that music room?" Autumn Blaze asked.

"Oh, want to play an instrument?" Peter asked.

"Maybe, I really hit it off with Octavia at the Gala, I'd like to learn more about music," Autumn Blaze said. "See if it's my thing."

"Glad that you and Octavia have become friends, she's a really nice mare," Peter said.

"She sure is," Autumn Blaze said. "I'm going to meet her roommate later."

"You mean that DJ?" Mayday asked. "That lady really hurt my ears."

"She said she was sorry, Mayday," Peter said. "You know Vinyl wouldn't intentionally make you uncomfortable."

"Yeah, I know," Mayday said. "She even bought me ice cream. She's nice, just loud."

"Well she cares about you, lots of ponies do," Peter said. "Starlight, Trixie, your mother's friends, it even goes beyond ponies obviously."

"Like me, you're a great kid Mayday," Autumn Blaze said. "I can't wait until I become a mother."

"Same, I just need to find a husband," Starlight said.

"You never know where one might pop up," Tender Taps said, trying to look cool.

"Seriously?" Trixie said.

"Well, anyway," Tender Taps said. "Mayday, you and your friends are welcome in my class, and I don't play loud music so it won't hurt your ears."

"That's really nice of you, Taps," Peter said. "Looks like you're in good hooves Mayday, and now you have options."

"I don't feel right dancing, my friends can try," Mayday said.

"Not even a slow dance with a boy?" Trixie teased, gesturing to Franklin.

"Me?" Franklin asked.

Mayday started blushing at the thought, "I'll think about it."

Nearby Johnny and Rainbow Dash flashed a devious smirk.

"That white rose is doing the trick, soon Mayday will be all over Franklin," Johnny said.

"Way to be a cool uncle," Rainbow Dash said, hoofbumping her husband.

"Well, let's just see if there's any other place to see, I think there's a pool around here," Peter said. As he turned around, he came face to face with the green mare from the planting room. "Oh, hello again."

"Ugh, it's you," the mare said. "Guess I am going to see you a lot, how unfortunate for me."

Peter looked confused, "Uh, did I upset you or..."

"Wait, I know you," Starlight said. "Aren't you Wallflower Blush?"

"Wow, somepony actually remembered me, what a surprise," Wallflower said.

"Uh...are you alright miss?" Peter asked.

"Aw, how nice of you to ask considering what you and your daughter did to me!" Wallflower shouted.

"I'm sorry, what?" Peter asked.

"The School of Friendship was supposed to be my ticket to no longer being a friendless loser!" Wallflower shouted. "Four months of hard work down the drain!"

"Oh I remember this chick, the literal Wallflower," Johnny said, getting Wallflower's attention. "Lady, the last time this school was open, you spent like half the time with your garden, you weren't making friends."

"I tried, but it's hard," Wallflower said. "I was getting better, thanks to the Professors. But then you had to start that stupid war between you heroes, which impacted my time and then the school gets shut down because one little girl had her feelings hurt!"

"Wallflower, I'm sorry if things didn't work out, but honestly you didn't need a school to make friends, or at least you didn't need it to teach you how to make friends," Peter said. "In this past year, you had every chance to make friends. You could have tried talking to ponies, and if that's too hard, which I fully understand because I've been there, you could have seen my wife at any time. Friendship is her specialty and she doesn't need a school for that."

"I tried to, but without the school, I just felt hopeless," Wallflower said. "How do I know which ponies need friends and which don't?"

"You can have as many friends as you want, if ponies didn't want more it's because they were satisfied with what they had," Peter said. "There's a friend for you if you try hard enough but it sounds like you're just making excuses."

"How dare you look down on me, you're such a jerk!" Wallflower shouted, somewhat feeling guilty afterwards.

Peter raised his eyebrow, "Well that escalated. Look if you need help then I can give you some tips. I mean back in High School kids called me a Professional Wallflower, so I think I know where you're coming from."

"Are you patronizing me? I hate you!" Wallflower shouted, covering her mouth in shame afterwards.

"Well at least you're honest," Peter said.

"That girl just said she hates you," Autumn Blaze said.

"Not the worst thing I've heard," Peter said, focusing back on the mare. "I can't make you do anything you don't want to, but if you really do want to figure things out, then come see me, or better yet, talk to Twilight. The Center's open for your needs, alright?"

"Stop being nice to me! I don't want your pity!" Wallflower shouted, still looking regretful.

"Uh, your body language says otherwise, but if it will help, I'll leave you alone," Peter said.

"Good, I don't want to see you anyway!" Wallflower shouted, making her leave.

"Well that was fun," Rainbow Dash said.

"Geez, no matter what Peter does, it just seems like ponies eventually start hating him for no reason," Johnny said.

Peter then felt a headache, oddly hearing the cackling laughter of The Green Goblin. "Ow..."

"What's wrong?" Trixie asked.

"Guess the stress is getting to me," Peter said. "I hate that there's been so much tension today, so much for Twilight's big moment."

"It'll be fine," Starlight said. "We'll work on this together."

"Everything will work out," Trixie reassured.

"I hope so," Peter said. Between last night and today, things have not gone well. "This really sucks."

Meanwhile at the town of New Asgard, Thor was sitting on his throne, overlooking some details about the city, and its continued expansion. While a lot had been done over the last year, Thor hoped to let this city grow even more.

"Thor..." came the voice of Lady Sif. "Sunset Shimmer has arrived with her allies."

The Thunder God turned to the woman, the one he chose to be part of his life shortly after settling in Equestria, and the one who was currently carrying his child, one that was due to be born any day now. "I will be right over."

The King of Asgard made his way down the steps of his castle, the sight of the city rising in development being a pleasure to the King.

Down below he greeted Sunset Shimmer, joined by her allies from Capcom and Square, along with Doctor Strange, Peter Quill, Goku, Sonic, Jin Kazama, Ling Xiaoyu, the Spartan Master Chief and the God of War, Kratos.

"Thank you all for coming on such short notice," Thor said.

"We were already in Equestria, we just had to go and find your fellow God here," Dante said, gesturing to Kratos.

"And our chief Spartan," Chris said, gesturing to Master Chief.

"Yes, I'm pleased you have," Thor said. "I was hoping more could come though, preferably all those who fought in Ragnarök.

"It would have been difficult gathering them again," Strange said. "I did not want to risk overwhelming Equestria."

"Perhaps another time," Thor said. "I imagine multiverse travel is difficult."

"Very, if I recall, after America sent many of them home, Stephen had to travel the multiverse because she sent a few to the wrong locations," Sunset said.

"It was the pain in the ass," Strange said.

"It's all good in the end," Quill said. "So what's this gathering about Thor? Gonna make us knights? A payday perhaps?"

"Quill, we don't need to be paid to save people," Sunset said.

"Not what I heard from that All Might guy," Quill said.

"Well he doesn't expect to be paid either," Sunset said.

"I have no funds, but I will treat you all to a feast," Thor said. "And I will make you all honorary knights of Asgard. You will be given esteemed privileges that not many outsiders possess."

"That sounds great," Sunset said.

"Come," Thor said, leading them down a hall. To their surprise, they found paintings that featured themselves. "Behold."

"Is this Ragnarök?" Dante asked.

"This hall was made in your honor, my people will forever know the bravery of the mortals who fought for this land," Thor said. "It means a lot that outsiders would do this for us after all, and proof of Asgard's relation with others in the nine realms."

"And beyond,” Chris said.

"Of course," Thor said leading them to the next room, one detailing several statues. "This was made to honor all Asgardian Warriors, including myself, Lady Sif and especially my father, Odin.”

Sonic checked his statue, very flattered from what he's been given. "How embarrassing, I feel way too important."

"So cool," Mega Man said, observing his own statue.

Kratos looked a bit displeased when he saw his statue, he wasn’t too keen on being considered a Godly champion, even if this God was noble.

“I’m amazed at the detail,” Cloud said.

"They even have a signature pose of mine," Ryu said, checking his statue.

"Yeah, all of these look amazing, that's quite the level of..." Chun-Li stopped the moment she caught gaze of two statues. One of Guile, and one of Cammy. "Wow..."

"We put extra care into the ones of our fallen comrades," Thor said, turning to statues of Fandral, Volstagg and Hogun. "It is our way of honoring them."

Jill stood before a statue of Carlos while Tifa stood near ones of Yuffie, Vincent and Cid. Xiaoyu stood near one of Rita and Sonic stood before Vashyron.

Kratos took note of Baldur's statue, reinstalling relief that Gods in this realm were more heroic compared to his own dimension.

"This is great, thank you for honoring our friends," Spencer said.

"It was the least we could do," Sif said, standing before the statue of her brother Heimdall. "They are all happy in Valhalla, I am sure of it."

Sunset stood at the center of the room, taking in the sights of the statues, including ones lost. The girl started tearing up, the memories of her lost friends rushing back to her, this gaining the attention of everyone.

"Sunset..." Ryu was hesitant, despite his desires he did not know how to comfort the girl.

"I should have planned this better, none of them deserved what happened," Sunset said.

"You're still upset about that?" Cloud asked. "No one blames you. They all chose to help."

"Yeah, don't cry, it's all good, right everyone?" Quill said.

"Let her cry if she wants to," Kratos said. "Even if it isn't her fault, and I too believe she should not blame herself. But she must process her grief, no matter how much time passes, the pain of losing a friend never wavers."

"Got that right," Master Chief said. "No shame in sadness."

"Sunset," Sonic said, getting her attention. "You haven't bottled it in, have you? Remember, you have the right to be sad."

"I know, but...I try to be strong, like Ryu," Sunset said. "And Chris, and Dante, and..."

"We are not good role models for emotion," Chris said. "I have a lot of bottled-up emotions too from friends I've lost in Raccoon City."

"Same, you know what it was like for me as a kid, I was never allowed to cry, even when my mom died," Dante said.

"I know I shouldn't but, I hate feeling like this," Sunset said, drying her eyes and forcing a determined face. "I can't dwell on the past."

"Use it as strength if you must," Kratos said. "You will do fine."

"Thank you, sir," Sunset said.

Goku rubbed his chin, thinking a lot of things over, "I really wish I could have used the Dragon Balls to revive everyone, but Shenron wouldn't be able to, not with his power."

"Dragon Balls?" Thor asked. "Ah yes, you mentioned them once. Even you have been revived by them."

"Yeah, normally I would have used them, but it won't work here," Goku said. "They're not strong enough."

"Wait, what about those other ones?" Sunset asked. "The ones from that Tournament Beerus and his brother had?"

"The Super Dragon Balls?" Goku asked.

"Maybe those can be used to undo Ragnarök!" Sunset said. "We can revive Asgard and-"

"Sunset, don't meddle with this stuff," Strange said. "I know you wish you could undo everything but those things just seem to break the natural order. Magic is not a game."

"Well they worked out well back home," Goku said.

"Maybe it's fine in your world, but it can do damage here," Strange said. "Don't do anything stupid with those Dragon Balls."

"But we can revive our fallen friends!" Sunset said.

"Sunset, I understand your desire, I would love to revive my friends," Thor said. "But it is like Strange said, too risky. Thank you for your concern, but you must drop it."

Sunset grumbled in frustration, "Fine...your choice."

"For now, let us go, I have a feast prepared," Thor said.

"Enough for all of us?" Dante asked. "Even Goku?"

"Quite so, let us go," Thor said, everyone leaving the room, aside from Sunset.

She looked to the statues of her fallen friends, "I won't give up so easily, I will make amends for my mistakes." She turned to the exit, "Maybe finally take down Loki in the process."

On Planet Hala, Loki was seen looking into the distance while Akuma trained with Tempest, and Sephiroth practiced on his own.

"Count your days brother, sooner or later, I will be coming for the throne of Asgard," Loki said. "And in the process bring Midgard and Equestria to ashes."

Be it Hala, Castle Doom with Wesker and his allies, or even within Equestria, all the villains were preparing for something, all the while Peter was making his own plans.

He had a lot to fix and be ready for, and nothing would stop him.