Pajanimals: A Beautiful Starry Night

by Big Imagination E

Meeting the Ponies

Morning came around as the sun rose waking everypony up for a new day. In the castle the Pajanimals were still sleeping til the sunlight hit them waking them up. They all yawned and got out of their beds. Then right on cue Luna came in and greeted them.

"Morning Pajanimals. Did you sleep well?" Luna said.

"We did Luna. Thanks for letting us stay." Apollo said.

"Your very welcome. Now come downstairs. Breakfast awaits." Luna said.

"Ok. Come on gang." Squacky said.

Luna led them to the dining hall in the castle. When they arrived they were greeted with all sorts of breakfast. There was pancakes, cereal, eggs, potatoes, and milk. All ready for eating. At the table there was another ailicorn sitting at the table enjoying her breakfast. She has a mane of blue, green and pink. She also has a sun cutie mark. She saw the Pajanimals and gave them a warm smile. It was Princess Celestia.

"Well hello. You must be the Pajanimals my sister mentioned." Celestia said.

"Ah yes. Pajanimals I like you to meet my older sister Princess Celestia. She raises and lowers the sun. While my job is to raise and lower the moon." Luna said.

The Pajanimals were surprised hearing that they can raise and lower the sun and moon.

"Hi. I'm Apollo." He said.

"I'm Squacky."

"I'm Cowbella."

"And I'm Sweet-Pea Sue."

"Well it's nice to meet you. I trust that you 4 can help my faithful student get the rest she needs for the Star Gaze Festival?" Celestia said.

"Yes we can Celestia. Luna informed us about the situation. So who's the pony that needs help?" Cowbella said.

"Ah yes. Lemme inform Twilight's friends that you are here. And send a message to Cadence. Then I will explain the situation to you all." Celestia said.

"Okay." The Pajanimals said as they got their breakfast and ate.

Meanwhile on the train was Twilight and her friends making their way to Canterlot. They were discussing that whoever Celestia and Luna summoned will help Twilight rest better. Spike looked concerned about Twilight. He knew that has happened before and he wanted to make sure it didn't happen again.

"I hope whoever Celestia and Luna summoned will help Twilight." Spike said.

"We hope so too Spike. She still doesn't look good." Fluttershy said as she saw Twilight struggling to stay awake.

An hour passed and they have arrived to Canterlot. They made their way to the castle and headed inside. They walked down to the throne room where Celestia and Luna awaited their arrival. They showed warm smiles seeing their heroes but knew Twilight still needed help.

"Girls. Were glad you can make it." Celestia said.

"We came as soon as we can Princess. So who's gonna help Twilight?" Rarity said.

"Glad you asked. Come out little fellas. I want you to meet the girls." Luna said signaling the Pajanimals to come out.

The girls saw the Pajanimals come to them and stared with excitement. It was the first time seeing cute animals in pajamas. But Fluttershy who loved animals was more happy to see them.

"Aww. Look at the cute animals in pajamas. Don't you look adorable." Fluttershy said as the Pajanimals blushed.

"Well i'll be. It's not everyday we see animals in PJs." Applejack said.

"Yeah!! I wonder if they love parties?" Pinkie said.

"Pinkie. Let's not ask too much questions now. Save the parties for later." Rainbow said.

"Well I love the style their pajamas have. Especially the cow's." Rarity said.

"Thanks miss. That was very nice of you." Cowbella said.

The girls were shocked that they can talk. But Luna gave them a look knowing that she is perfectly fine with this. Knowing that they kept calm and went with the flow.

"Girls I like you to meet the Pajanimals. They are Apollo, Squacky, Cowbella, and Sweet-Pea Sue. They are the ones going to help Twilight." Celestia said.

"Oh so you kids are gonna help Twilight?" Fluttershy said.

"Yes. Luna knew that we can solve any issue on sleeping better. But who's Twilight?" Squacky said.

The answer came to them as Twilight wobbled her way to them. She was more tired and sleepy than ever. She almost fell down til Apollo and Squacky caught her.

"Whoa!!" Apollo and Squacky said.

"Easy, easy. We got you." Squacky said helping Twilight back up.

"Oh dear. Is she okay?" Sweet-Pea Sue said.

"Yeah. She's not looking so good from the lack of sleep." Cowbella said.

"I'm afraid that she isn't going be ok if this keeps up. She has been up really late for a week getting ready for the Star Gaze Festival. We hope that you Pajanimals can help Twilight stop thinking about the festival going wrong so she can sleep better." Celestia said.

"But girls. I am 100% okay." Twilight said but fell down and groaned in pain trying to get up.

"Twilight maybe you should let those Pajanimals help you. Can you really help her in time for the event?" Applejack said.

"We will try. But we gotta ask. What exactly is the Star Gaze Festival?" Apollo said.

"The Star Gaze Festival is an event that occurs once a year. On this special night we can see the stars shine in the sky and enjoy the night." Luna said.

"Oh. That's amazing. But we have to get Twilight all rested up. It reminded like the time I ate all that candy and couldn't go to sleep at that time." Cowbella said.

"You ate a lot of that candy and couldn't sleep?" Pinkie said.

"Yes." Cowbella admitted. "But this isn't like the last time." She said.

"She's right. Now back on the subject. We need to help Twilight rest. What im thinking is maybe we can shake all the sleepiness out of her body. That way she'll feel so tired that she'll fall asleep." Squacky said.

"Not a bad idea Squacky. But how will you shake the sleepiness out of her body?" Rarity said.

"Easy! We'll shake it out by bouncing!! But we need everyone's help." Squacky said.

"Count us in!! I love bouncing!!" Pinkie said.

"Ok girls. When I start the music let's all bounce around and help Twilight shake all that sleepiness out. Ready? Here we go!" Squacky said as some music began to play and a song started.


The Pajanimals and the ponies all bounced around and sang along with them. They all had a fun time bouncing and even Twilight joined in. It was going well and it looked like she was starting to sleep. But Twilight still struggled to stay awake. They kept bouncing and singing til they were all tired and fell to the ground laughing thus ending the song.

"Wow!! That was so much fun!!" Pinkie said.

"Yep! Sometimes when I couldn't sleep this is what I do." Squacky said.

"That was fun Squacky. But I don't think it worked for Twilight." Applejack said.

She pointed out to Twilight who was still sleepless. She felt her head being all dizzy and slammed her face into the wall. Then she tripped on the floor and groaned in pain again. She got up rubbing her head. The Pajanimals realize that they need another idea to help Twilight.

"Ok so all that bouncing didn't work." Apollo said.

"But it was a good try Squacky." Cowbella said.

"Thanks. But maybe we need a way to help Twilight stopping thinking about the festival." Squacky said.

"Yeah. Because if she keeps thinking about it then she'll never get to sleep." Sweet-Pea Sue said.

"Exactly Sweet-Pea Sue. So Pajanimals do you know a place where we can help Twilight forget about bad thoughts?" Celestia said.

"Yes we do! Celestia if you will excuse us we got to discuss something." Apollo said as he and the other Pajanimals went into the other room. But after they get out they will all head to a place where a certain bunny will help Twilight fall asleep.