//------------------------------// // Draconia City // Story: Pokémon: Fire Ruby // by MechaTomX //------------------------------// Pokemon: Fire Ruby Opening. I wanna be the very best. Like no one ever was. Spike was running across a green field, while Peewee and Treecko followed him flying. To catch them is my real test. To train them is my cause. And running alongside Spike, Peewee and Treecko, Cozy Glow and Professor Twilight Sparkle appears, Cozy had Dilcy by her side, and Twilight Sparkle had a Noctowl flying close to her. Pokémon, Gotta catch 'em all, It's you and me. Spike orders Peewee to use Peck. Pokémon, I know its my destiny. Cozy Glow orders Dilcy to use Shadow Ball. Pokémon, Yeah, you re my best friend. Twilight Sparkle orders Noctowl to use Moonblast. In a world we must defend. Garble and Smolder appear, along with other members of Team Draco behind them. Pokémon, Gotta Catch em All X3 Pokémon. The way to Draconia was very normal, because Spike and Cozy Glow were on a train, Peewee was resting on Spike's shoulder while Dilcy slept while being hugged by Cozy Glow, the trainers were sitting thinking about what kind of battle it would be like. Cozy Glow noticed that Spike was very quiet, “Spike, are you okay?” Spike snapped out of his thoughts upon hearing Cozy's voice, “Oh, yes, yes I am, I was just thinking.” “About your gym battle right?” she asked him again. Spike sighed, “Yes.” He looked out the window, looking around the train to see a flock of Altarias and Swablu flying nearby. “I wonder if I'm making the right decision,” Spike told him. “I think I know what you mean,” Cozy Glow responded, “This is going to be your first battle, and it will be against a Gym Leader.” Spike nodded, “Exactly, I think Twilight didn't tell us anything about Draconia because maybe she thought I'm not ready yet, from what I heard, my brother, Shining Armor fought other trainers and wild Pokémon before arriving at the city where he had his first battle.” Cozy Glow felt guilty, she was the one who had suggested going to Draconia first, which Spike noticed. “But I would have ended up going to Draconia first anyway, I don't have the patience to wait that long,” Spike comforted her, “Besides, I know Peewee is in the mood for a battle.” “Fletchling,” Peewee nodded with a determined smile. Cozy Glow smiled. At that moment, the train stopped, indicating that they had arrived at Draconia. Minutes later, the two had left the train station, Draconia did not look at all like Canterlot, there were few buildings, most were houses built with red rocks, along the streets they saw several people walking with their Pokémon, they saw a lot of Pokémon and most of them were Dragon type, on the streets they saw several Bagon walking around, in addition to Axew, Jangmo-o and Draitini. A flock of Noibats rested on the wires of light poles. The two of them almost got a scare when they collided with a Drampa in the middle of the street. “Ahh, I'm sorry,” Spike apologized to the Drampa, who seemed to accept his apology as it smiled, “Dram Drampa.” “According to PokeNav,” Cozy Glow said, checking her device, “This is the route to get to the gym.” A few seconds passed. “Alright, then just keep going,” Spike said, “Do you think we're close, Cozy?” But Cozy Glow didn't respond, Spike thought it was strange, and when he realized, he saw that his friend was no longer with him, she had separated, “What the?” “Cozy, where are you?” Spike yelled for his friend's whereabouts. “Fletchling,” said Peewee who began to fly. “Peewee, could you please look for her?” Spike asked. “Ling,” Peewee nodded and flew around to try and look for Cozy. After half a minute, Peewee had returned to his trainer, there he pointed in a direction with one of his wings, it was obvious that he had found her, “Fletchling ling.” “Thanks Peewee, you're the best,” said Spike who headed to where Peewee was pointing. It wasn't long when Spike found Cozy Glow, the girl had been looking at a building in which there was a screen which showed a video of a Pokémon trainer next to a Milotic. In the distance, Spike could see that Cozy was also noticing other trainers outside the building who were accompanied by a Pokémon, some of them had combs with which they combed their Pokémon's fur, others gave them accessories to make them look good. “Cozy,” Spike placed his hand on her shoulder, drawing the girl's attention. “Oh, Spike,” Cozy said, realizing from looking at her watch that she had been distracted, “I'm sorry.” “It's ok,” Spike soothed, “I get distracted while walking too.” Spike had never seen anything like it, the only thing he knew about Pokémon was battles, “If I could ask, what was it that distracted you, does it have to do with that building?” “It's a Pokémon Contest,” Cozy Glow responded, “It's an exhibition where the coordinators present their Pokémon with style and grace, in a contest it doesn't matter which Pokémon is the strongest, it matters more which one uses its moves best with visual effectiveness, almost like a talent show.” “Wow, that sounds interesting,” replied Spike, who thought that the only thing that mattered was the Pokémon League, he looked at Cozy who did not take her eyes off that place, “Do you like contests, Cozy?” “Yes, they seem incredible to me, I have always seen them on television and I swear I have not seen anything like them, the talent, the exhibitions, it is simply wonderful,” said Cozy Glow with stars in her eyes, making Spike smile, it didn't seem like the same studious girl that she was, when watching a Contest she seemed to be someone different. Cozy noticed Spike looking at her with a smile, she blushed, “Ahh, we'll be late for your gym battle, come on.” “The Draconia Gym isn't going anywhere,” Spike told her. “Well, you don't know that,” Cozy Glow responded as she dragged Spike by the hand, “Come on, let's not waste any more time.” “But what about the contest?” Spike asked as he was dragged away. “Okay, I think it finished already,” Cozy Glow told him, trying to change the subject. “Do you think what I think?” Spike asked Peewee who nodded, it was obvious that Cozy would want to participate in contests but she didn't have enough confidence. “There it is, the Draconia Gym,” Cozy Glow pointed out. “Are you sure it's there?” Spike asked her because the place she was pointing to was a kind of mountain with a cave, that place did not seem to be a gym, having seen the gyms that were in Kanto, Jotho, etc. “The PokéNav doesn't lie,” Cozy responded, showing her device. Although after thinking about it Spike didn't think it was so crazy that the gym was in a cave, the Unova Region had very strange gyms, like restaurants, libraries and even mines, why it would be so different from having a gym in a cave. “And how will we get there? place that place is surrounded by water," asked Spike. “I can help you,” the two heard a deep voice to their right, they saw that it was a tall and muscular man with blue-gray skin, purple eyes, red hair, and a green sleeveless shirt and black pants and shoes as well, “My name is Torch, for the moment I am in charge of taking the trainers so they can enter the gym, that is until the bridge is finished.” Spike and Cozy Glow looked even further and sure enough, they saw a bridge in a state of construction. “I'm grateful sir,” he thanked Spike, “My name is Spike and this is my buddy Peewee.” “Fletch fletchlinggg,” said Peewee. “And I'm Cozy Glow,” Cozy introduced herself and then showed Dilcy, “And this is Dilcy.” “Dreavus,” Dilcy said. “Nice to meet you, but don't you look a little young for a trainer?” Mr. Torch asked them. “We are 13 years old, sir,” Cozy Glow responded. “Oh, well, you can't blame me,” Torch told them and laughed, “You two are rather tiny, heh-heh, I could squish you with my pinky finger.” Spike and Cozy laughed nervously only for Torch to growl at them, “That wasn't a joke! It was a fact, when I want you to laugh, I will say BE AMUSED!” The 2 young trainers swallowed and nodded quickly without losing their nerve. “Alright follow me,” Torch instructed them to follow them to the dock. “Will you take us in a boat sir?” Cozy asked him. “A boat, hehehe, you're so cute,” Torch laughed, indeed there was no boat on the dock. At that moment, Torch took out a Pokeball and threw it into the air, "Gyarados come out and help us." That was when a huge Pokémon appeared and fell into the water, It looked like a kind of sea monster, as if it were a snake or a dragon, It was blue except for its yellow underside. It had a huge jaw, which It made him look scary. “GYAAAAA,” the Pokémon shouted, scaring Cozy Glow, Dilcy, and even Peewee. “Ahhh,” Cozy Glow screamed in terror when she saw that colossal Pokémon, she quickly hid behind Spike. But Spike didn't feel fear, on the contrary, he felt excitement, "Wow, it's a Gyarados, I've never seen one so close, this is fascinating." Spike took out his Pokedex to analyze it. Name: Gyarados. Type: Water/Flying. Info: Gyarados, the atrocious Pokémon, Gyarados has a vicious temperament, so use extreme caution, Its fangs can crush stones and its scales are harder than steel. “Can I come closer?” Spike asked Torch, although he found it surprising that someone would ask him to get close to Gyarados, normally trainers were afraid of him, but he nodded when he saw that Spike was not one of those. “Spike, what are you doing?” Cozy asked him, who was still scared. “It's ok Cozy, I don't think he'll do anything bad to me,” Spike approached Gyarados, “Hi, I bet you're a very strong Pokémon.” And at that moment Spike patted Gyarados on the back. Cozy Glow almost fainted thinking that Gyarados would eat Spike, but it was the opposite. “Gyara,” Gyarados said, apparently liking what Spike did. “Wow, I didn't think there were young people who wouldn't be scared by a Gyarados, you really impressed me boy,” Torch told him impressed. “Gyarados has no reason to attack me as long as I don't give it to him,” Spike said, petting Gyarados, “Come on Cozy, try it.” With all the fear in the world, Cozy Glow advanced towards the Gyarados and with the help of Spike who took her hand, she caressed his head, Gyarados let herself be caressed, that made Cozy lose her fear, “Hey, this isn't so bad.” “So, you're taking us to the gym?” Spike asked the Gyarados who nodded, “Rados.” “Very well, let's not waste any more time,” Mr. Torch told them as he climbed onto the Gyarados's back, “Come on, get on.” Spike and Cozy, along with their Pokémon, climbed onto Gyarados's back, who gladly took them to the gym, where Spike would be willing to earn his first badge. But there was something he planned to solve after that, and it would be to help and encourage Cozy so that she could follow her own dreams, since he knew that she wanted to be a coordinator in Pokémon contests. But in the distance, there were 2 other trainers watching them, they were Garble and Smolder, seeing Spike, Garble could only laugh, "Oh please, this must be a joke." "That little guy is going to challenge Ember," Smolder wondered, "Look at him, he's got a Fletchling, he won't last long." "He thinks he knows what he's doing," Garble hissed, then shouted, "But he doesn't, he thinks Pokémon battles are fun, because I'll show him how big the world is."