//------------------------------// // Faith Collapsing // Story: Spiders and Magic: Ultimate Showdown // by Masterob //------------------------------// Later that evening, everyone from Equestria had started returning home from their trip across the multiverse. Some looked exhausted from their fights, others looked worried or disappointed, knowing what was to come. Peter had gone back home, the hero still feeling stressed out from the prior day. More than anything he wanted to check up on his wife again, hoping she had made some recovery after her mind control. Once inside, he could see that once again the main floor of the library was filled with his friends, each of them catching up with one another and trying to relay some information. The chaotic nature was a lot for them, many struggling to get some words in. "Ahem!" Peter said, getting everyone's attention. From what he could see, it was mainly Johnny, Bobby, Remy, Logan, Wade, Janet, Rainbow Dash and Miles. No one else seemed to be home at the moment. "Is this everyone?" "Seems like it," Bobby said. "Aside from Rainbow Dash, none of the wives are here." "Spike's not home. Not yet at least," Janet commented. "He and Shining Armor should be back soon. Because it seems like a lot of ponies are very stressed out by this whole ordeal and the two are really trying to calm them down." "That should be my responsibility," Peter lamented. "You don't need to do everything Peter," Bobby said. "Besides, Spike and Shining Armor will be fine. One is a proud Dragon Knight and the other is Prince of the Crystal Empire. They totally got this under control." At the Friendship Center, many of the ponies were seen stressing out over what had transpired, and wanting answers as to why Twilight Sparkle had acted the way she did. "Listen, I know you're all worried, but you need to calm yourselves!" Spike urged. "What's going on out there? Why was Princess Twilight hurting everyone!?" Toola Roola asked. "Who were those other mean ponies!?" Coconut Cream asked. "You'll get your answers in time," Shining Armor said. "Right now, Spider-Mane is assisting Twilight, when he's done, he will update everypony on the situation." "This is getting out of hoof, we just had a big incident yesterday, now we have more to worry about!?" Berry Bliss asked. "We also had those villains after that big tournament too," Strawberry Scoop said. "Is this part of their big plan?" "One of them said something about a Multiverse Armageddon," Rainbow Harmony said. "What if it's already starting!?" "Peter and his friends have it under control," Spike said. "Not to mention we still have the Capcom Warriors by our side." "Capcom!? It's their fault this is happening!" Berry Bliss insisted. "If they hadn't shown up, we wouldn't have to worry about threats from other worlds!" "I know it seems that way, but remember, they're on our side," Spike said. "Didn't they hate Spider-Mane?" Rainbow Harmony asked. "He's friends with them now, Peter is close to the heroes from that world, and others," Spike said. "Kind of starting to wonder if this is partially his fault," A pony named Goldylinks said. Shining Armor turned to the pony, "What was that ma'am!?" "Uh...nothing," Goldylinks said. "I would hardly call it 'nothing'," Came the voice of Indigo Zapp, the mare trotting into the building. "I'd say, you're right on the mark." "What are you doing here?" Shining Armor asked. "With all the commotion, I figured I'd stop by, in place of Fleetfoot," Indigo Zapp said. "So, more trouble in Ponyville? Must these ponies continue to suffer?" "Don't start, alright?" Shining Armor warned. "What happened was just an accident, so I'd appreciate it if you weren't trying to make anypony look bad." "Hey come on now, all I said here was that things could have been handled so much better," Indigo Zapp said. "No homes needed to be destroyed, nopony needed to get hurt." "Everything's fine, the heroes handled it all," Shining Armor said. "To be fair, it's their fault this happened in the first place," Indigo Zapp said. "Don't start, that is blatantly not true," Shining Armor said. "Some ponies spotted the one known as Mr. Negative, you know, one of Spider-Mane's old foes from Earth," Indigo Zapp said. "That's just one, what about the three sirens he was with?" Shining Armor asked. "That's a problem from our world that the heroes willingly handled." "And who brought those Sirens along with them to terrorize ponies?" Indigo Zapp asked. "That's right, Mr. Negative." "Listen, you can spin this however you want, but it's not going to make a difference," Spike said. "What happened today happened because of the villains, not the heroes." "Villains, heroes, same thing," Indigo Zapp said. "Both of them are blights on this world." Spike started to get visibly annoyed, "Listen lady, one of those heroes is my wife. I would appreciate if you didn't talk trash about her." "You're married to one of them?" Indigo Zapp asked. "Yeah, I am! My wife is The Wasp!" Spike said. "She's a great hero, a member of The Avengers. It's thanks to her that I pushed myself to be the dragon I am today, I will not let you degrade her name!" "I don't need to degrade her, being among those other humans is more than enough," Indigo Zapp said. "Okay, that's enough!" Shining Armor shouted. "You are not going to come into my sister's school and disrespect people like her husband! If you're going to be this way, then leave! We don't want you here!" "Hey, I'm here under Fleetfoot's orders," Indigo Zapp said. "I don't care! If she has a problem, she can come to me about it," Shining Armor said. "I'm trying to maintain some peace here, I don't need you slandering my brother-in-law and his friends right now!" "Seriously, you're a poor excuse of a Wonderbolt if you're going to actually villainize Peter," Spike said. "Do me a favor, and take a hike!" "...Alright, have it your way," Indigo Zapp said. "But, this is far from over." "Just go! Now!" Shining Armor demanded as Indigo Zapp finally made her exit. "What a pain," Spike said. "But, she's not wrong," Goldylinks finally admitted. "A lot of the problems did start with Spider-Mane." "Yeah, since coming to Equestria, he has brought a fair bit of trouble," Berry Bliss said, many ponies beginning to agree with her. "This isn't good," Spike noted. As ponies continued gossiping and murmuring, a voice had echoed through the main hall, “Oh, I do NOT believe this!" All the ponies turned their attention to Octavia Melody, the mare standing alongside Vinyl Scratch, Derpy Hooves and Doctor Hooves. "You're all honestly going to turn against Spider-Mane now!? After all he's done for us!? "That's so not cool, he's been busting his flank for Equestria for like ten years now, and suddenly it's all his fault?" Vinyl asked. "He works hard to keep us safe, don't you dare drag him down," Derpy said. "Indeed, he's always quick to fix a problem," Doc said. "Why even during the incident with The Accords he knew things were going a bit too far." "Like with your annoying robots?" Strawberry Scoop asked. "My robots were not annoying," Doc said. "All they did was monitor your activities to ensure you were not breaking the law!" "It's an invasion of privacy," Berry asked. "You act like they went into your homes or something," Doc said. "I will admit, they weren't perfect but it was to protect the town and hopefully ease up the heroes' load. You know, since they constantly save us all for destruction!" "I do not want to hear anyone else talking about how much of a 'dangerous threat' Spider-Mane is," Octavia said. "Because honestly, if it wasn't for him, most of you would probably be dead!" "He just delayed the inevitable," a stallion with a pink coat and mane said. "Oh wow, you're just a bunch of wimps if you're going to let a little trouble scare you," Vinyl said. "You would have all peed yourselves when Queen Chrysalis first attacked." "That's what I've been saying," Came the voice of Lyra Heartstrings, the girl trotting over. "I was worried this might happen. To think that it all began with that annoying pest from Griffonstone. I would have thought he was smart enough to learn not to act like this after the way Thunderlane reacted, but clearly he needed to screw up himself. Unfortunately he is intent on dragging you poor suckers down with him." "Hey, we're not suckers," Berry Bliss said. "This has nothing to do with Gallus too, we're capable of figuring things out for ourselves." "Uh-huh, sure," Lyra said. "Ponies like you are too hive minded to think for yourselves, the moment you have a chance to side with the majority, you will. One speaks up, the others start to agree, and soon you're all basically sheep who follow your shepherd." "Whoa, she's really tearing into them," Spike said. "The cool thing now is to hate Spider-Mane, just like the cool thing was to complain about The Accords, or the way The Avengers ran things, all the way back to it being okay to just dismiss Princess Luna, because she's creepy and stuff," Lyra said. "How many of you willingly went along with The Flim Flam brothers during Cider Season, just because they sang a catchy song?" "Like you didn't do the same!" Goldylinks said. "Well I could have been a hive minded pony, but then I met Peter Parker," Lyra said. "He lives so freely that it's practically contagious. I guess humans just have a better grasp of free will than ponies do. All you do is follow the crowd, and outcast those who don't. Like with his daughter." "You mean Mayday?" Rainbow Harmony asked. "Yes, the little girl whom you all mock for being an introvert," Lyra said. "I bet you feel so proud of that, don't you? You bunch of cowards!" "Cowards?" "How dare you!" "You can't talk to us that way!" Many of them started muttering, just about ready to lash out against the outspoken Lyra. "I'd be nice if I were you, I know someone who can dig up dirt if need be," Lyra warned. "Uh, Lyra dear..." Doc whispered. "Perhaps it's best not to weaponize your connections." "It's just to scare them, ponies are too spineless to not take threats seriously," Lyra whispered back. Shining Armor grumbled in annoyance, then felt someone trying to get his attention, that of course being his niece, who was joined by Mary Jane and Benjy. "Uncle Shining, when can we all go back home?" Mayday asked. "Yeah, Benjy's getting a bit restless," MJ said. "Soon, so try and get comfortable," Shining Armor said. "Isn't that Nightcrawler guy around here? He can read Mayday and Benjy those story things that Flurry liked." "You mean the Parables?" Mayday asked. "Yeah, Flurry really liked those, she says there's a lot of good messages in them," Shining Armor said. "Well, I don't know if Mr. Wagner's around right now, if he is, then he's probably off helping others," Mayday said. "Besides, I'm too worried about my mom to think about hearing stories." "Oh come on Mayday, have a little fun here," Flurry said, trotting over with Luster Dawn, Franklin and Flash. "This place has a lot of fun activities, and a lot of the rooms are free." "That is a smart idea," MJ said, turning to the girl. "So, what do you say?" "I just want to go home," Mayday said. "I don't feel too welcome in this place anyway." "What makes you think you're not welcome?" Flurry asked. "Because she's not!" A pony named Citrine Spark said. "She doesn't belong here with us!" "Uh, is that a joke?" MJ asked. "I don't think she is," A dancer pony named Weenie Waltz said. "That little pony is not exactly fitting for a place like this." "Yeah, she and her father hated the School of Friendship," Strawberry Scoop said. "If she doesn't like us, then we don't like her!" Goldylinks said, many ponies agreeing and making Mayday feel self-conscious. "Hey, morons!" Shining Armor stood in front of his niece in a protective manner. "You know this is a child you're talking to!? Don't you!?" "Yeah, don't say things like that about her," MJ warned. "Ma'am, Prince Shining Armor, if I may," Doc said. "It might be better to approach this in a civil manner, slander will get us nowhere." "Put a sock in it you hack!" Strawberry Scoop said. "Well, that was quite rude, but I shall be the bigger pony," Doc said. "After all, my foals are nearby, and I-" "I bet you're a lousy father!" Citrine Spark said. Doc grew a bit more irritated, but refused to give in to his frustrations, "A little more hostility than I would like, however-" "You suck!" "Alright, that's it! Which one of you said that!?" Doc shouted, looking ready for a fight. Fortunately the other mares were quick to calm him down. "Don't let them get to you," Derpy said. "They're just uncouth," Octavia insisted. "I say...we have Spider-Mane banned from Ponyville!" Goldylinks said, many agreeing with her. "Are you ponies serious!?" Flash asked. "Yeah, we are!" Berry Bliss said. "Whoa! Hold on a second!" Spike implored. "How did we get to this!?" "Spider-Mane is a curse! This problem must be dealt with!" Comet Tail said. "I say, we run him and his friends out of town!" A blue pony said. "Noteworthy! So not cool!" Lyra scolded. "I know you're better than that!" "Then why did you leave me, Lyra!?" Noteworthy shouted in dismay. "We could have been something great!" "Uh...that was weird," Vinyl said. "I say we start with Gambit!" Caramel said. "Which one is that?" Strawberry Scoop asked. "The one with the creepy red eyes," Caramel said. "Oh yeah, I never liked him!" Citrine Spark said. "Well, I kind of did," Toola Roola quietly admitted. "None of you are running anyone out of town!" Shining Armor warned. "Try anything and you will regret it!" "My daddy fights hard to protect you! How can you just treat him like this!?" Mayday asked. "Quiet you little curse!" Caramel shouted. "You watch your mouth about my friend!" Luster Dawn warned. "Quiet! You're a troublesome pony too!" Citrine Spark said. "This is beyond embarrassing," Doc said. "Honestly, talking like that to a child," Octavia said. "And you're supposed to be the town I call my home." "Hey don't lump all of us in with these nutjobs!" Roseluck said. "Some of us like Spider-Mane, he's really nice." "You kiss up!" Sunshower shouted. "Yeah, how dare you betray us!" Lucky Clover said. Tensions began building within the Friendship Hall, much to Shining Armor's worry. "This can't be good," Shining Armor said. Seconds later, Steve had arrived with Sugar Belle and Double Diamond. "Shining Armor, how is everything in here?" "About as bad as it can get," Shining Armor lamented. "Hm? Why do you say that?" Steve asked. "You!" Caramel shouted, getting in Steve's face. "We blame YOU for this!" "Hey, take a step back!" Double Diamond warned, with Sugar Belle stepping in as well. "Now, now, let him speak," Steve said, focusing on the pony. "Is there a problem, son?" "Ever since you heroes came to Equestria, things have gotten worse and worse for us!" Caramel shouted. "How many times must Ponyville be destroyed because of you!?" "Yeah, plus your stupid war got this school closed down!" Citrine Spark said. "We really liked this school!" Goldylinks said. "Without it, we have nothing!" "Isn't it still standing?" Double Diamond asked. "You can do the exact same thing now that you did then. Just without the class aspect." "We LIKED the class aspect!" Strawberry Scoop said. "Without it, it's just a cold reminder that this school just isn't what it used to be!" "You're being silly, besides it's not Cap's fault the school closed down," Sugar Belle said. "It closed down because the teachers got involved in that war!" Lucky Clover said. "Without the war, the school would have survived," Goldylinks said. "You took our only chance of spreading joy and harmony across the world!" "...Weren't we already doing that by, you know, socializing?" Double Diamond asked. "You know, like normal ponies?" "Yeah, you act like this school is the only way to make friends," Sugar Belle said. "I didn't need some fancy school to make the friends I did. I already had three good friends from my village, then later I became friends with The Apple Family." "Yeah, no school required," Double Diamond said. "Besides, they didn't learn anything in this school," Lyra said. "If they did, they'd actually be friendly, but they're not. Instead they're demonizing a little girl and making her feel like a freak!" "Little girl?" Sugar Belle asked. "Some of these 'kind' ponies had some interesting words for our dear Mayday," Octavia said, gesturing to the now uncomfortable filly. "I just wanna see my mommy and daddy now," Mayday said, quivering a bit while Franklin kept her company. "Hey, I'm here for you," Franklin reassured. "Bet she's faking it," Caramel said, this immediately irritating Franklin. "Hey asshole!" MJ shouted. "You think talking down to a little girl makes you a big, strong pony!?" "I'd like to see you try that crap with me," Flash goaded. "I bet I can take you, whoever you are," Caramel said. "I stand by what I said!" Franklin huffed in frustration, trying not to lash out, "Stay calm Franklin. Don't do anything stupid. Just comfort Mayday, she needs you." "Seems to me like you're still bitter about Applejack choosing Gambit over you," Shining Armor said. "N-no!" Caramel insisted. "This has nothing to do with Gambit, I never even heard of the guy!" "You literally said his name a few minutes ago as one of the ponies you want to run out of town!" Spike said. "You WHAT!?" Sugar Belle angrily stepped to Caramel. "How dare you! Remy is my mentor and my friend! He and his family let me stay with them and treated me like one of their own! To want to run him out of town after all he's done for Ponyville is just awful!" "He was one of Captain Equestria's men during that war!" Citrine Spark reminded. "Come to think of it, you and that other pony took his side!" Caramel said. "So it's partially YOUR fault the school got shut down!" "And Doctor Hooves too!" Lucky Clover pointed out. "Leave it to one so inferior to me in looks and abilities to try and bring me down to his level," Doc said. "Wow, you two do kind of look alike," Vinyl said. "But you rock the look way better, Doc." "Thank you, Vinyl," Doc said, then turned to Clover. "And for what it's worth, I sided with Tony Stark. Not that it matters, because I perfectly understand why Steve Rogers had to do what he did!" "So you admit it, traitor!" Lucky Clover said. "Now see here-!" Doc was about to say. "Actually, disregard it. I refuse to stoop to the level of one so petty." "Cap!" Bon Bon called, the mare making her entrance alongside Scott Lang. "Hey, how is everything here?" "Is everyone safe?" Scott asked. "It's another one of those so-called heroes!" Goldylinks said. "Yeah, the useless one!" Berry Bliss said. "Useless!?" Scott asked. "Things are getting really bad here, Bonnie," Lyra said. "Everypony is blaming Spider-Mane for all this." "Wow, that's petty, and after he risked his life too," Bon Bon said. "Scott, do me a favor, and let Ponyville's Top Hero know about his 'adoring' fan club." "Wait, can you take Mayday?" Shining Armor said, gesturing to his niece, now being comforted by Franklin, Flurry and Luster Dawn. "Oh sure, you got it," Scott quickly trotted over to Mayday. "Hey, you alright?" "No, everyone's being mean to me," Mayday said, wiping a tear from her eye. "Yeah, they called her an outcast and stuff," Luster Dawn said. "We meant it too!" Caramel said, then suddenly found himself ducking some fire breath. "That was a warning! One more crack like that about my niece and you'll regret it!" Spike threatened. This did finally serve to motivate the others to quiet down. Franklin huffed in annoyance, "Lucky them, I was close to losing my temper as well." "Let's get you and your friends out of here, kid," Scott said, gesturing the younger ponies with him. Mayday was quick to follow Scott, avoiding any eye contact with the other ponies as her friends stuck closely behind her. "That whole thing was beyond ridiculous," Shining Armor lamented, then focused on the ponies. "Now, until Peter gets back, all of you are to remain here. And I don't want any trouble regarding that. If you do not cooperate, you will not only have me to deal with, but also my wife and her family. This is a serious matter and I need all of you to cooperate!" "Sure thing Mr. Shining Armor," Golden Harvest said. As the ponies went back to minding their own business, save for a few who huddled together for something, Shining Armor turned his attention to Mary Jane. "If you want, you can take my nephew back to his parents. I think things outside are calm enough for him to go home." "Yeah, you got it," MJ said, glancing at the ponies. "Still, what was with them trash talking Peter? Is that normal?" "No, years ago the only time it happened was with a pony named Thunderlane, but he's mellowed out and has made peace with Peter," Shining Armor said. "The only other troubling individual we've had was that Griffon, Gallus." "Should we be worried?" MJ asked. "No, it's fine," Shining Armor said. "Most ponies are loyal to Peter, we've just had a few bad ones today. They're likely just stressed out so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. Granted it's not easy after how they were speaking to my niece." "I don't blame you," MJ said. "Talking like that to a girl her age. I don't care what she had to say about this school, these are literal adults throwing a tantrum over something so stupid. And all this over the School of Friendship? What exactly is it anyway?" "A couple of years ago, my sister opened a School of Friendship to help ponies make friends, that being this very building," Shining Armor said. "It sounded like an interesting idea, and it seemed to work for a bit. But over time, that whole idea just fell apart." "Talking about the School of Friendship?" Spike asked. "To think, even after this place rebranded, ponies have not forgotten about it." "What are your thoughts?" MJ asked. "I thought it was a neat idea, I liked Twilight's concept of it," Spike said. "It seemed like a good place for ponies to socialize and learn about Friendship. But I do understand where Peter was coming from. In hindsight, the ponies spent much more time studying than actually making friends, and the ones who did make friends did so naturally rather than using anything from here. Maybe a few ponies benefited but beyond that, this place didn't need to be a school. The Friendship Center works just as well because there's less stress about studying and more time to just be friendly." "Personally, I believe that this should have just been a regular school," Shining Armor said. "My sister's very intelligent, she could have been an actual teacher. I know this place taught Equestrian Culture and its history." "It still does, there are classes, just not mandatory grade earning classes," Spike said. "Seriously, there's so many neat ideas here, and Peter hopes to incorporate more like science classes, and even a video game room. This place is still getting so much more than the school did, so I don't know why ponies are even that mad." "Regardless, they need to accept reality, this place is not just going to magically turn back into the school," Shining Armor said. "I just hope Twilight doesn't cave into pressure or anything," MJ said. "She won't, she's better than that," Spike said. "Well, I'll just get Benjy home," MJ said, trotting off. "I'll see if Peter can give the all clear. I just hope ponies will listen." "Oh they will, I'll make sure of it," Shining Armor said. Spike sighed in worry, "Geez, things just aren't looking great for us, are they?" "Don't worry about it Spike, we'll get through this," Shining Armor said. Nearby Flash seemed a bit worried. The reaction of the ponies definitely did not seem to be going well with him. "These ponies were so quick to turn on Peter. Hopefully it's just a vocal few rather than anything worse. But, he should be fine. Peter never lets anything stop him." Meanwhile Steve and Bon Bon were explaining what they could to Lyra, Vinyl, Doc, Derpy and Octavia. "The damage was pretty bad, and a lot of ponies are in the hospital with critical injuries," Steve said. "Homes were wrecked too, some ponies may need a new place to stay." "I'm working with who I can to ensure that happens," Bon Bon said. "But, I imagine that Princess Twilight may have a lot she'll regret." "Not that it's her fault, the fault lies in Mr. Negative and those three sirens," Steve said. "Oh totally, no one in their right mind would blame Princess Twilight," Vinyl said. "Well given the behavior of ponies today, I wouldn't be surprised if they blamed her, or somehow blamed Peter," Octavia said. "It's just a few bad ones, Tavi," Vinyl said. "Most ponies are chill when it comes to Spider-Mane. Besides, he's a nice guy, kind of hard not to like him." "Didn't you not like him, once?" Derpy asked. "Yeah, but that was forever ago, and I was just really ticked off at something he did," Vinyl said. "Plus, Thunderlane got in my head a bit, so it affected my brain waves." "I wasn't too fond of him myself once, mostly out of jealousy," Doc said, placing his arm around Derpy. "Thankfully I have a good wife who gives me less reason to feel that way." "I admire Peter, but you'll always be the stallion for me," Derpy said, kissing Doc on the cheek. "I was in your boat, Doc," Bon Bon admitted. "I used to think Peter was nothing but trouble. But he always does his best." "Just like I've been saying," Lyra said. "Yes, Lyra, just like you've been saying," Bon Bon said. "Honestly, given how much you gawked at him, I'm surprised you even looked my way." "It's fine, I like Peter, but it wouldn't have worked out between us, you're the one who captured my heart," Lyra said, kissing Bon Bon on the cheek. "Aw, how sweet, love is in the air," Vinyl said, then turned to Octavia. "So, where's my kiss?" "In your dreams," Octavia replied. "Oof, burn," Vinyl said in a mock hurt tone. She then remembered something. "Hey Lyra, earlier that Noteworthy guy seemed bothered by you rejecting him. What's the story with that?" "Oh yeah, I used to date him, and things were going well," Lyra said. "Then I found out I was gay, so I had to break it off. Shame too, probably could have had something, but the universe has spoken." Everyone stared in disbelief for a second, trying to process what this mare had said. "Lyra honey, do you need to lie down for a bit?" Bon Bon asked. "Hm? Why do you ask?" Lyra replied. "Uh...no reason," Bon Bon insisted. Steve chuckled to himself, "You have quite the lady there, Bon Bon. You're a lucky mare." "Thanks Steve," Bon Bon replied. "What about you and Celestia? Is that getting serious?" "A little, honestly I still can't believe we're a thing," Steve said. "Tony couldn't believe it either, he was positive that I would end up with Black Widow." "Life has a lot of twists and turns," Bon Bon said. "Well speaking of Celestia, I will need to talk things over with her," Steve said. "The arrival of the sirens will definitely not sit well with her." "Oh yeah, I gotta report this as well," Bon Bon said. "Steve, let's get Sugar Belle and Double Diamond so we can do what we gotta do." "Where did they go?" Vinyl asked. "They went to check on the Apple Family," Bon Bon said. "I think they're in the other room. They should be back soon." Meanwhile at another part of the building, Apple Bloom is seen rocking her son, hoping to keep him calm, but a lot of the tension nearby caused the young foal a bit of anxiety. "There now, little guy, it'll be alright," Apple Bloom said in her most nurturing tone. "The poor dear," Cheerilee said, sitting nearby. "All this chaos can be so stressful for a child." "It can be stressful fer anypony," Apple Bloom said. "But who knows, maybe he's just hungry." "If you need to feed him, I can get you some privacy," Cheerilee said. "I'd like to be sure we're not moving, it's a pain when you and yer baby get comfortable before having to get up," Apple Boom said. "Peter should be coming soon," Sugar Belle said. "Thanks..." Apple Bloom looked around. "Mayday hasn't come back. Is she still out front with Mary Jane?" "She went home, some of the ponies here were being rude to her," Double Diamond asked, this getting the attention of the other apples. "What's this now?" Big Macintosh asked. "A few ponies were being rude when talking about the heroes, especially Spider-Mane," Double Diamond said. "And Remy too, that pony Caramel wanted him to be run out of town," Sugar Belle said. "He what!?" Big Macintosh shouted in irritation. "That varmint, ah ought to teach him a lesson!" "Big Mac, get control of yourself," Cheerilee urged. "Aggression won't solve anything." "She's right," Granny Smith said. "Last thing you want is to make things worse. Though ah understand yer frustration." "Why are ponies turning against Remy and Peter?" Apple Bloom asked. "They're the ones who just saved everyone!" "Those ponies feel like the heroes caused all this in the first place," Sugar Belle said. "That's a load of horseapples, and they know it," Granny Smith said. "Blaming them heroes is downright despicable!" "I gave them a piece of my mind, but a piece is not enough for me," Sugar Belle said. "They best be watching themselves, or a certain few ponies can say good-bye forever to Cider Season and our Zap Apple Jams," Granny Smith said. "We'll make sure they dial it back," Double Diamond said. "Er, somehow at least." Seconds later, Thunderlane peeked into the room, "Hey, everything alright in here?" "Howdy Thunderlane," Apple Bloom greeted. "We're fine." "That's good," Thunderlane said, trotting in with Felicity on his back. "Things are pretty wild huh?" "Sure are, can't wait to go home soon," Apple Bloom said. "Same, this is such a big mess," Thunderlane said. "But that's life in Ponyville I guess. Seems like Peter has things under control. Always the reliable one." "Too bad most ponies don't feel the same," Big Macintosh said. "What does that mean?" Thunderlane asked. "Ponies in the hall are actually blaming Peter and the heroes, saying these problems started with them," Sugar Belle explained. "...You're joking, right?" Thunderlane nervously said. "Sounds like they pulled a ‘you’ from years back," Apple Bloom said. "Oh boy..." Thunderlane lamented. "Once again my old mistake comes back to haunt me." "Not like it's yer fault," Big Macintosh said. "You made things right in the end." "Still, just hearing about this reminds me of my cringier days, I hate it so much," Thunderlane said. "Daddy, sad?" Felicity asked. "Huh?" Thunderlane turned toward his daughter. "Uh, no dear, daddy's fine. Daddy's just a bit worried about Peter." "Where Peter?" Felicity asked. "At home," Thunderlane said. "You can see him later if you want." "Want to see Peter, also want to see Benjy," Felicity said. "Benjy cute." Thunderlane raised his eyebrow, "Wow, little young to be liking boys there. Then again I guess you're like Felicia in a way, fascinated by a Parker." "It's probably nothing, Thunderlane," Apple Bloom said. "She probably thinks Benjy's cute the same way she finds a critter cute." "That's a bit more reassuring," Thunderlane said. "Whatever keeps her from being too similar to Felicia." "Who Felicia?" Felicity asked. "You talk about her before." "Uh, tell you later," Thunderlane said. This revelation took everyone by surprise. "Okay...and where mama?" Felicity asked. "She's off looking for ponies to keep safe," Thunderlane said. "Mama a superhero! Like Peter!" Felicity said. "Yeah, like Peter," Thunderlane said. Apple Bloom seemed confused for a moment, thoughts of curiosity running through her head, "That's odd, shouldn't Felicity know who her mom is? Does she think Lightning Dust is her mom?" "Well soon you and your daughter can see Peter," Sugar Belle said. "Hopefully things clear up sooner than later." Meanwhile at Peter's home, the wives had finally returned, joined by Gwen and Autumn Blaze. Trixie and Starlight were present as well, expecting to hear a quick explanation on what's been happening. "So, right now Cadance and a couple of others are still checking through town to make sure ponies are alright," Gwen said. "Many are in the hospital though, and I won't lie, it looks bad." "Great..." Peter lamented. "These villains really left their mark," Gwen said. "It wasn't just here either, they hit all parts of the Multiverse." "Miguel's with Julia to check on the damage, but based on her reaction when he got there, things looked bad," Miles said. "What exactly did happen?" Peter asked. "Miles, what did you see?" "I showed up in some world called 'SNK'" Miles said. "It's the one Miguel went to, with that Terry Bogard guy. While there we spotted a pair of villains. That Tae-Kwon-Doe lady, Juri, and that demon guy, Vergil." "I still don't know who Juri is, but the more I hear about her, the more dangerous she sounds," Peter said. "She's one of the most dangerous villains in the Capcom world, so I guess that would be reason to be worried," Miles said. "We fended them off, but some of the SNK guys took some really bad hits. I think they'll survive though." "Any allies?" Peter asked. "Yeah, some dude named Rashid, another Street Fighter," Miles said. "I remember him, he was one of the newbies at the Marvel vs Capcom Tournament," Peter recalled. "Some succubus lady was there too, and a cat girl," Miles said. "Sounds like Morrigan and Felicia," Peter said. "Are they alright too?" "They're fine, just a little banged up," Miles said. "That's better than dying," Peter said. "Anyone else? Bobby, what about you?" "I went to Namco and met this group that looked like something out of a fantasy book," Bobby explained. "One guy had dual swords, one kid was doing magic, there was a ninja girl, and a blonde girl with rings." "That's quite the description," Peter said. "I wonder if that was Rita Mordio's old section?" "I think I heard one of them mention her buddy, Yuri Lowell," Bobby said. "So not their exact area, but within that realm. I don't know for sure, Namco's not a world I'm familiar with." "None of us really are," Johnny said. "Point is though, I ran into three villains," Bobby said. "First was Bison, and we all know Bison." "Especially de X-Men," Remy said. "He wasn't alone, for starters he had some girls with him," Bobby said. "They all dressed pretty much the same too." "Might have been his Dolls," Logan said. "Cammy was one of them too." "Dolls? What a weirdo," Rainbow Dash said. "He plays with dolls?" Trixie asked. "That's just something he calls his group of female henchmen," Bobby said. "Like Dash said, dude' sa weirdo." "So, what else happened there, Bobby?" Autumn Blaze asked. "After them, I ran into some creepy guy with a beard, called himself 'Lord Tirek'," Bobby said. "I think he knows Celestia, he told me he looks forward to seeing her again." "That name is familiar..." Starlight said, rubbing her head. "Tirek, the Centaur who was banished a thousand years ago." "The dude was dangerous, he stole some of the magic from that other group, and tried to steal mine too," Bobby said. "Thankfully I'm not too reliant on magic, though for all I know, he could have stolen whatever magic that was keeping me stabilized in this world." "I think you're fine," Starlight said. "So long as you stopped him in time." "I sure did, sucks that he got away," Bobby said. "That's not all of it, some other woman was there. I don't know her name, but she had glasses, a lab coat and messy brown hair." "That does not sound familiar," Peter said. "Well all I can say is that she's dangerous," Bobby said. "She fatally wounded one of the girls there. I took her to Capcom's Portal Room and I think they went to find someone they trusted to heal her. Hopefully she turns out alright. Same with that dude that Bison annihilated. It was brutal." "I was in Namco too," Remy said. "I ran into your old buddy Venom there, Peter." "Really? Who was he fighting?" Remy asked. "He was keeping some martial artists away from a fight between some boy named Jin and his father Kazuya," Remy explained. "I can't say I know much about any of them." "I still don't get why Eddie is working with these guys," Peter wondered. "He's not one to cooperate with other villains. Something strange is going on." "I'll say," Rainbow Dash said. "Johnny and I, we went to Sega. The part I went to let me reunite with Sonic and his friends." "How are they doing?" Peter asked. "Not good," Rainbow Dash confirmed. "First off, I got to see his enemy, Doctor Eggman." "So...is he an actual egg?" Bobby asked. "That would be hilarious," Trixie said. "Not an egg, but he's shaped like one," Rainbow Dash said. "That's not all, Annihilus was there too." "That is someone we do not want to deal with again," Johnny lamented. "But, things just aren't that easy I guess." "That's not all, while there, I saw a guy who looked just like Goku," Rainbow Dash said. "Goku? Wait, didn't Discord mention something about an evil Goku?" Bobby asked. "He did," Fluttershy confirmed. "He also mentioned that he was friends with a being known as a 'Kai'." "If you mean a green guy with pointy ears and a white hair that looks like a mohawk, then yeah, that's him." Rainbow Dash said. "The names I got were Goku Black and Zamasu." "So, an evil Goku does exist, that's a bit worrying," Peter admitted. "Goku himself was difficult to fight, so imagine one that doesn't hold back." "I don't need to imagine, I've seen the damage," Rainbow Dash said. "Goku Black completely laid waste to Sonic's world. A few of his friends were killed too." "Hold on, what!?" Peter asked in worry. "That girl Amy, or that fox Tails, were they-?" "They're alive, it was a different group of friends," Rainbow Dash said. "Point is that despite help from Amy, Tails and Knuckles, some from a woman named Bayonetta, martial artists like Akira, Jacky and Sarah, and even some powerful hedgehog named Shadow, Goku Black was still too much, and so was Annihillus. It was a nightmare." "It was bad where I was too," Johnny said. "Super Skrull sent his armies to invade Sega's Earth. While there I ran into a group of teenagers, who I think were superheroes, at least that's what they said they were." "You ran into superheroes?" Bobby asked. "What were they like?" Autumn Blaze asked. "They called themselves 'The Phantom Thieves'," Johnny confirmed. "I didn't question the name, but I did fill them in on who Super Skrull was." "How bad was the damage on their Earth?" Peter asked. "Pretty bad, I managed to get rid of Super Skrull for the moment, but I couldn't fully gauge the damage," Johnny said. "I didn't even want to leave but I was told the heroes there could handle themselves for the time being." "Sounds like a doozy," Wade said. "Me, I ended up in Square. Sephiroth was there too, along with Tempest Shadow." "Tempest? The girl who attacked with The Storm King and Loki?" Peter asked. "Yeah, things were really bad for Cloud and his buddies," Wade said. "Sunset Shimmer and Dante were there too, but Sephiroth was a monster. Not only that, Doc Ock was there too." "Wait, did you say 'Doc Ock'!?" Peter shouted in disbelief. "As in, Doctor Octopus!?" "Who else is called 'Doc Ock'?" Wade asked. "He's actually alive?" Peter asked. "I thought Osborn killed him, how is he alive?" "He didn't say, and unless that was some weird illusion, Doc Ock is alive," Wade said. "Who's Doc Ock?" Autumn Blaze asked. "A scientist where I'm from, brilliant mind, but felt like the world kept screwing him over, so he wanted revenge," Peter said. "Sounds tragic," Autumn Blaze said. "Geez, who else is coming back?" Peter wondered. "Still, how bad was the damage in Square?" "A lot of them were banged up, but mostly the irrelevant ones," Wade said. "The ones that actually mattered are fine." "Wade, don't word it like that, it's mean," Pinkie scolded. "I'm just being honest," Wade said. "The only reason things weren't worse is because some guy called 'The Luminary' showed up with his JRPG buddies." "Uh, not gonna question that last part," Peter said. "Still, glad there's still strong heroes." "Also some guy named Vincent, who everyone thought died in Ragnarök, is actually alive," Wade said. "Oh, someone survived Ragnarök?" Peter asked. "Besides who we already knew?" "Sure did, lucky him," Wade said. "Wasn't the only one," Logan said. "When I went to the Capcom World, I spotted Cammy." "Cammy?" Peter asked. "Cammy White? She's alive?" "Honestly, fer a second, I thought I was in the wrong version of Capcom, but no, it really was the right place," Logan said. "She got injured but wasn't actually killed. She was rescued by that Vincent guy and they spent a year in Superman's world, where they were made honorary members of The Justice League." "That's amazing," Peter said. "I'm glad Cammy's alive, but what about what you saw?" "I just missed it, but Chun-Li told me that Wesker, Tron Bonne and The Green Goblin were all there," Logan said. "She also mentioned The Prowler, but it seems like this Prowler was not from yer world." "He's from mine," Miles reminded. "Oh right, you're uncle," Peter said. "Sorry that this is happening to you." "It's hard for me to believe too," Miles said. "My uncle was always such a cool guy. I never would have expected him to turn into a crook. Despite that, I still can't see him as evil, because even now he looks out for me. More often than not, he'd encourage me not to get involved with whatever he was up to. But I can't ignore injustice, even if it is my uncle." "You're a tough one, Miles," Peter said. "Thanks, and I can handle it," Miles said. "Won't be easy, but being Spider-Man is never a walk in the park." "Got that right," Peter said, lamenting to himself. "Still, The Green Goblin. He really is alive. I was hoping Discord was pulling my leg." The hero's lament turned into visible frustration, "Damnit! How can he be alive!? Twilight impaled a sword through his heart! He should be dead!" "Whoa! Hold on," Gwen said. "Twilight killed The Green Goblin!?" "Yeah, about ten years ago," Peter confirmed. "Well, five years in Marvel Earth time. My Earth to be exact." "I just didn't expect that," Gwen said. "Aren't ponies a peaceful group?" "Hey give us a reason to, and we'll fight," Applejack said. "We're only nice until someone else ain't." "This must have been a really bad guy if Twilight had to kill him," Autumn Blaze said. "Oh honey, 'bad' does not begin to cover it," Trixie said. "He was an actual nightmare." "One of the most dangerous humans from Earth, if you can even call him human," Starlight said. "Wow...yikes," Autumn Blaze nervously said. "How did they fend off the Green Goblin?" Bobby asked. "You mentioned Cammy and Chun-Li there, Logan, was it just them?" "No, Ryu was there, along with Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, Peni and four Ninja Turtles." "Sounds like Donnie found his brothers," Peter said. "I recall one of them reacting to me the same way I did when I met Luke Skywalker, and the first time I met Superman." "Speaking of Luke Skywalker, what are the odds any of the villains went to that world?" Bobby asked. "Or one of those other worlds?" "What about our world?" Remy asked. "They went there, I saw it," Janet said, the girl finally speaking up. "Our world got attacked?" Peter asked, lamenting the next part of the question. "How bad was it?" "...New York City got annihilated, there was destruction everywhere," Janet solemnly confirmed. "Doctor Doom led the attack, along with a Capcom robot named Sigma, Queen Chrysalis, and Ultron." "Chrysalis?" Peter asked. "And Ultron?" Johnny finished. "It was terrible, so many heroes died!" Janet began tearing up. "...Including Hank." "Hank!?" Peter shouted in disbelief. "Are you sure about this Janet?" "I saw him with my own eyes, Peter," Janet said. "Hank's dead, a lot of the younger heroes died too. Doctor Doom showed no mercy to any of them." "Shit..." Logan felt some empathy for his world, and wondered if anyone else got hurt. "What about the X-Men?" "I didn't hear anything about them, I was busy helping Hawkeye and his new sidekick, Kate," Janet said. "Hawkeye got pretty badly injured, he'll live but he's going to need some time to rest." "What about that girl, Kate?" Peter asked. "Well she's worried, she's hoping he heals up fast, she doesn't want to fight without him," Janet said. "Right now she's with Doctor Strange." "I see," Peter said. "Well, I'm very sorry about what happened to Hank. He was a good man." "Scott doesn't know yet, right?" Bobby asked. "Not yet, I gotta tell him," Janet said. "I know it will suck. Scott was really looking forward to being an Ant Man that Hank could be proud to call his successor. Honestly I'm amazed Hank even gave the name up in favor of Yellowjacket. I guess he was trying to feel closer to me, even after our divorce." "You two were just making amends too, right?" Applejack asked. "Yeah, we made some good progress too," Janet said. "He was slowly starting to become the man I admired again, after so long. Honestly though, he never really changed. He just had a really bad day. I guess I could have done better than just leave him, but I suppose that if it took one misunderstanding to break us up, maybe we just weren't meant for each other. I have no regrets, I love Spike and I'm happy to be married to him. But, I really wanted to keep Hank in my life, he was my first love after all." "I get that feeling all too well," Peter admitted, glancing briefly at Gwen. It was finally at this time that the door opened, revealing Scott, MJ, Benjy and the foals, each of them with some ice cream. "Hey, mind if we come in?" Scott asked. "Scott? MJ? Where did you get ice cream? The town got totaled!" Johnny said. "The ice cream shop was still up, no one was there so we helped ourselves," Scott explained. "Don't worry, I left some bits, but Mayday really needed some ice cream." "She was having a bad time at the Friendship Center," Luster Dawn said. "Or should I say, the 'Fiend' ship Center." "More like, the Jerk face Center," Flurry said. "The Scumbag Center," Franklin added. "Franklin, I don't think your mom wants you saying words like that," Johnny said. "Where is my mom?" Franklin asked. "She's in town, she'll be back soon," Johnny said. "Still, what's with the slander of Twilight's Center?" "They were picking on Mayday!" Flurry said. "Calling her all types of names just because she's an introvert!" "Excuse me?" Peter asked. "It's true, they were less than friendly, and even getting hostile at points," MJ said. "Ponies are mad Peter, they're not happy that this happened again, and I think they want change." "Not all of them, just the jerk faces," Flurry said. "The ones whining that the school shut down." "For the love of..." Peter grumbled in annoyance. "I love Twilight, but I feel like that school just set everyone's intelligence backwards several hundred years." "Honestly, not too different from modern Earth," Gwen said. "The only difference is that ponies don't have smart phones." Johnny knelt before Mayday, "Hey kiddo." "H-hi..." Mayday shyly greeted. "Hey, you alright?" Johnny asked, lifting her chin up. "If something's bothering you, then you can tell me. I'm the fun uncle after all." "...I'm not weird, am I Uncle Johnny?" Mayday asked. "Pfft, no way, what moron thinks you're weird?" Johnny asked. "The prudes who are still whining about a stupid school? Let them whine, it ain't gonna bring the school back. Whiners don't get anything." "But, everyone hates me," Mayday said, a tear coming to her eye. "I'm just too different from them. I don't think I belong in Ponyville, or Equestria." "Hey, no tears," Johnny said, wiping her tear away. "Those ponies just want you to feel miserable because they themselves are miserable, and they feel big picking on a kid. Don't let them get to you. You're not weird, you're just you." "But why am I so different?" Mayday asked. "Do you really want to be like them?" Johnny rhetorically asked. "Judging others for how they are? Screw that. I'm different where I'm from, and I enjoy it. Because screw their rules. You gotta look at them and say, 'I'm Mayday Parker-Sparkle, you gotta learn to deal with it, bitches'!" "Johnny!" Peter scolded. "Uh, right, maybe don't say the 'bitches' part," Johnny sheepishly said. "Still, don't worry about them." "Mayday, just give me some names, and I'll get them for you!" Janet said. "Hey, easy, don't turn into a mob," Peter said. "We need to set an example, I know you're better than aggressive behavior." "Honestly Peter, I really don't give two shits what's considered alright," Janet said, the woman holding in a lot of frustration. "I am in a really bad mood, and I am ready to just hurt someone if that person gives me a reason to. Especially someone who upsets my niece." "Janet, I understand your frustration, and I appreciate that you want to stand up for Mayday," Peter said. "There's better ways to go about it." "Honestly, ah can't believe this is still happening," Applejack said. "It's like Thunderlane, but worse." "Gallus is already Thunderlane, but worse," Bobby said. "This is sounding like Gallus, but worse." "I swear, if Gallus is the reason these ponies are being uncool..." Johnny said. "Can we stop talking about him?" Luster Dawn asked. "He's so embarrassing. All this time and he's whining about his hurt feelings just because Mayday said a few bad things to him." "It wasn't a few..." Mayday said. "I was very mean for no reason, he has a right to hate me." "Mayday..." MJ's motherly instincts began to take over, the mare pulling Mayday close to her. "No one should hate you." "But they do, and I don't blame them," Mayday tearfully admitted as she returned MJ's hug. "This is all my fault." "That's bullshit!" Luster Dawn said. "Um, Luster Dawn, I know I'm not your father but I really don't think you should say things like that," Peter scolded. "But it's true!" Luster Dawn said. "Mayday said she was sorry, why is that not enough?" "If I'm being honest, apologizing isn't always enough," Peter said. "But in this case, it should be." "Not like Mayday physically hurt him or anything," Johnny said. "The fact that Mayday feels like it's her fault just pisses me off more." "But it is!" Mayday insisted, pulling away from MJ. "Ponies were right about me, I am unfriendly. I just can't help it, I don't mean to be rude. I just don't always like being bothered, or being put in uncomfortable situations." "No one does Mayday, your definition of uncomfortable may be different than some, but it doesn't demean it," Janet said. "No one has the right to tell you that you have to do something you don't want, unless it's actually going to help you." "Yeah, it's not like eating vegetables," Bobby said. "Socializing is a good thing but not everyone socializes the same. It sounds like these ponies just wanted you in that school to 'fix' you, like if there's anything that needs fixing. If people constantly bugged me about something I wasn't interested in, I'd probably tell them off too." "Exactly, those six students kept bugging Mayday about the school," Flurry said. "Thankfully most of them realized that wasn't okay to do." "I sure hope so," Janet said. "Well some of them did apologize," Mayday said. "I know they didn't mean any harm, I just wish I handled it better." "You're handling it better now, that's what matters," Peter said. "Kid, answer me this," Miles began. "Why were you upset? Is it because of this school or something?" "Because mommy really wanted me to have friends, and kept saying that I should be more like her students," Mayday said, the girl sniffling a bit. "I didn't see anything special about them, but my mommy did. I felt like my mom didn't care about me, and that she liked her students better. So I got jealous of the students, and angry because they kept trying to change me into something I'm not." "Twilight was really adamant about Mayday going to the school," Peter said. "She didn't need it though, it was not going to help her." "And these students believed otherwise?" Miles asked. "Yes, that was my issue as well," Peter said. "Wow, trying to parent someone else's kid, that's just terrible," Miles said. "You did the right thing, Peter. Only you know what's best for your daughter." "Exactly, besides she has friends," Gwen said, gesturing to the three foals. "And she made them her own way. Screw school, life is the best teacher." "Well it depends on the school, but yeah, I agree for the most part," Peter said. "Well anyway, I gotta let everyone know that it's safe to go home." "Just be careful, remember what I said about the hostility," MJ said. "I will be," Peter said. "Mayday, stay here, I'm going to check on everyone." "Okay..." Mayday said. "And don't worry about what they said, they're probably just scared and saying silly things," Peter said, rubbing his daughter's head. "You're very special, and I love you." "I love you too, daddy," Mayday said. "Remember Mayday, you're someone our kids look up to," Remy said, placing his arm around Applejack. "Our kids, Oliver and Becca, they admire you." "Yeah, they say yer cool in yer own way," Applejack said. "Uh...thanks," Mayday said, blushing a bit. "Wouldn't be surprised if Ollie already wants to marry ya," Remy said. "Hey!" Franklin shouted, pulling Mayday close to him, getting a blush from the girl. "Just teasing," Remy said, heading to the door. "Well Peter, lead de way." "You sure you want to come?" Peter asked. "Remember, angry ponies." "Don't give a damn, let them be angry," Remy said. "I've dealt with angry crowds before." "We're all coming," Johnny said. "We're a team after all." "More than that, we're buds," Bobby said. "...Alright, but if things get bad, then just let me handle it," Peter said. "Better than them hating you too." "Like we care," Janet said. "Just get moving, Parker." The heroes had left the house, leaving behind just the mares. "I should go too," Autumn Blaze said. "I want to be there for Peter." "I'm good with hostile crowds, so I will accompany you," Trixie said. "Let's all go," Applejack said. "We should be there fer our fellas." "I wholeheartedly agree," Rarity said. "Be careful, they're really mean," Mayday said. "We'll be fine, sugarcube," Applejack said, rubbing Mayday's head. "And remember what ah said, yer special." "Okay..." Mayday said as Applejack kissed her forehead. "I love ya, pumpkin, stay strong," Applejack said, making her exit. "Love you too, Auntie Applejack" Mayday waved off, then noticed Rarity approach her. "My little darling," Rarity kissed Mayday's cheek. "Don't let anyone tell you that you're anything less than special." "Okay Auntie Rarity," Mayday said as Rarity left. It was Fluttershy's turn to comfort Mayday, "My pretty little filly." She gently nuzzled the young girl. "No matter what anyone says, I will always think you're precious." Fluttershy gently kissed Mayday's cheek. "I love you." "I love you too, Auntie Fluttershy," Mayday said as Fluttershy left. Pinkie Pie gently approached Mayday, lightly rubbing her mane, "Hey, can I see a smile?" "Um..." Mayday seemed reluctant. "Pretty please," Pinkie knelt in front of Mayday, playfully showing off her pleading eyes. "For me?" "...Okay," Mayday did her best to muster a smile, much to Pinkie's joy. "You look so cute when you smile, try to keep it on your pretty face, okay?" Pinkie said, placing a kiss between Mayday's eyes and then merrily hopped away as a tune popped into her head. "I looooove yooooooou!" "Yeah, you too Auntie Pinkie," Mayday said. Rainbow Dash flew over to Mayday, holding her forelegs out, "Bring it in, kiddo." Despite some hesitation, Mayday flew up to hug Rainbow Dash, feeling a sense of warmth as Rainbow Dash closed her embrace. "I knew you could be a hugger if you want to be, I'm not really one myself but you're somepony I would always make an exception for," Rainbow Dash said. "You too Auntie Dashie," Mayday said. "I really love you kid, you're the perfect combination of your parents," Rainbow Dash said, pulling back to look Mayday in the eyes. "Stay strong, and don't let anypony tell you that you're anything you're not! Sometimes mean names can only make us stronger. I learned that when I had to embrace my nickname, 'Rainbow Crash'. It sucked for a while, but I made that name into something awesome!" "You're amazing," Mayday said. "I wish I were more like you." "It'll come with time," Rainbow Dash said, then kissed Mayday on the muzzle before setting her down. "Catch you later." Rainbow Dash flew out, still leaving Trixie there, the mare giving a quick hug to Mayday. "We'll be back soon," Trixie said. "Rumble's still upstairs with Silverstream, keep an eye on him for me." "Okay Auntie Trixie," Mayday said. "Mayday," Autumn Blaze brought her in for a hug as well. "I think you're special too." "Thank you, Autumn Blaze," Mayday said. "Let's go," Trixie said, leading Autumn Blaze away. Starlight opted to stay behind for the moment. "I should see if there's anything I can research." She then gently rubbed Mayday's mane. "Will you be alright for a second, Mayday?" "Yes Miss Glimmer," Mayday said. "Just 'Starlight' is fine," the mare reminded. "Okay...Just Starlight," Mayday teased. Starlight began chuckling to herself, "Glad you're feeling better. Pinkie was right about one thing, that smile look great on your pretty face." "You're pretty too," Mayday said. "Oh my," Starlight bashfully chuckled. "Thanks dear, you're such a sweetheart." "Getting laughs and flustering girls, just like her daddy," Gwen teased. "You gonna head out too?" Miles asked. "I should, just in case," Gwen turned to Mayday. "Hey, I have something that might help you." "Really, what?" Mayday asked. "It's a bit old, I was going to give it away to one of my bandmates, but I want you to have it," Gwen said, then pulled out a portable electronic and some headphones. "What is that?" Mayday asked. "A portable music player," Gwen explained. "Stick the headphones in and you can listen to music right in your ears. Like I said, it's a little old, I'm not sure how well it works." "If it's an electronic, I think I can fix it up," Mayday said, taking the device. "Thanks though, that was really nice of you. I wish I had something for you in return." "Oh no, it's no big deal," Gwen said. "If you can fix it then you've definitely earned it. I just want you to be happy." "Well, thank you," Mayday said. "You've been really nice since I met you, much more than I deserve." "Hey, don't start that again," Gwen playfully warned. "You're precious, regardless of what some whiny ponies say. Especially that Griffon too." "Someone mention a Griffon?" Silverstream asked, the girl at the top of the stairs, joined by Rumble. "It's nothing, some ponies are starting to hate Peter and we're just wondering if it's that Griffon guy's fault," Miles said. "Hating Peter doesn't seem like nothing," Silverstream looked around. "Also, where is everyone?" "At the Friendship Center, we're heading there too," Gwen said. "Hey, Rumble, how's your wing?" "Still hurts," Rumble said, trying to flap it, experiencing only pain. "I don't think this is going to heal." "Not if you keep trying to fly," Silverstream scolded. "Get some rest, and stop trying to muscle your way through this!" "Yes ma'am," Rumble said. "Don't call me 'ma'am, it makes me sound old," Silverstream said, heading downstairs. "Let's get going then." The three left, Miles glancing back at Rumble, feeling pity for the boy. Flurry and Luster Dawn had gone upstairs to keep Rumble company while Starlight began looking through some books. Mayday was going to keep Rumble company as well, but Franklin halted her path, "What's wrong?" Without saying another word, Franklin pulled Mayday into a kiss, getting a big blush out of the girl. He then brought her in for a hug, gently rubbing her mane. "I think you're special too." This did well to further calm Mayday, the girl returning the hug to her boyfriend, "You're special too, Frankie." The two stayed like that for a bit, requiring nothing more than each other's company. Meanwhile at the Friendship Center, Peter had just arrived, the boy opening the door and calling out into the crowd, "Coast is clear, everyone can come out now!" "It's about time!" "Took you long enough!" "Finally! Freedom!" "Thanks Spider-Mane!" "Is my house still up!?" "I'm craving a hayburger." The ponies beheld the damage to the town, many of the homes were destroyed thanks to the reappearance of the vines, as well as whatever damage was caused by Martin Li and The Dazzlings. "Ugh, my house is a wreck, again!" Berry Punch said. "Insurance will cover it!" Johnny reassured. "...Well, that takes care of that, I need something to drink," Berry said, trotting to find a bar that wasn't destroyed. Peter checked to make sure everyone was safe and out, trying to keep count of who was here and who wants. Of course that wasn't too easy, but he did hope his friends could do the same to further keep track of everyone. "Yo, Peter!" Vinyl said, getting his attention. "Wild day, huh?" "Tell me about it," Peter lamented. "Our houses!" Caramel shouted. "They're ruined!" "It's fine, we can fix them!" Peter said. "Right now I suggest finding a hotel, and if you can't well you can just sleep at the Friendship Center." "With what!? There's no dorms!" Citrine Spark said. "Thanks to you!" Goldylinks added. "And here it goes," Peter lamented. "I take it some of you have a problem with what happened?" "You bet we do!" Sunshower said. "Yeah, all this destruction is practically your fault!" Caramel said. "Thanks for bringing villains to our world, and to think we once trusted you!" Royal Pin said. "Whiners..." Bobby said. "Listen, I'm sorry if I caused you any grief, I promise that I will fix this!" Peter said. "We've had it with your fake promises!" Caramel said. "All you've done since coming here is take from us!" Strawberry Scoop said. "Is she serious?" Johnny asked. Peter couldn't believe this, but he wasn't going to fault everyone for the opinion of a few, "Mind elaborating?" "You took our school!" Strawberry Scoop said. "Yeah, we really liked it!" Citrine Spark added. "For the love of..." Peter could not help but hate this school even more. "I...am very sorry about your school. I honestly had no desire to see it shut down. But, it happened, and life goes on. By now, I think you've realized that everything in the school is still doable, you just don't have to worry about grades! Because getting grades about Friendship isn't truly learning! Action is learning!" "Peter, don't bother explaining it," Johnny said. "You've explained it about a hundred times, and they still don't get it." "Out of curiosity, how many of you are actually that bothered about the school closing down?" Janet asked. A few ponies raised their hooves, but most of the crowd did not. "Well how about that, a majority isn't even bothered," Bobby said. "Oh come on! Someone's gotta be bothered!" Citrine Spark said. "Toola Roola! Coconut Cream! What about you two!?" "Honestly, I did like the school, but The Friendship Center is just as fun," Toola Roola said. "Yeah, now I don't have to study," Coconut Cream said. "Boom, two smart young ladies," Remy said. "What about all the friends you could have made?" Goldylinks asked. "We have each other," Coconut Cream said. "That's more than enough." "What if one of you moves away?" Caramel asked. "...Then we stay friends," Toola Roola said. "It's not about the quanity of friends, it's about the quality." "Quality over Quantity for the win!" Peter boasted, earning a few odd glances. "Uh, sorry." "No, you're fine, it's about time you boasted a little," Johnny said. "Honestly ponies, what's your mindset? More friends equals better?" "That...is exactly right," Gallus said, flying in. "You..." Autumn Blaze said in irritation. "Are you fucking kidding me right now?" Wade asked in disbelief. "Hey asshole! No one wants to hear you whining again! It's really getting old!" "No, he's welcome here," Shoeshine said. "Yeah, we actually agree with him," Caramel said. "He's smart." "Why thank you, I appreciate that," Gallus said. "Define smart..." Autumn Blaze bitterly commented. "Gallus!" Sandbar said, trotting over with Ocellus and Gabby. "Dude, what are you doing this time!?" "Yo, Sandbar, my bro, what's up?" Gallus asked, then gestured to Sandbar. "Yeah that's my main pony, he's cool with me." "Uh...right," Sandbar said. "Seriously, what's going on?" "It's finally happening!" Gallus said, flying over to Sandbar. "These ponies are realizing that the heroes are the cause of all this! We're finally going to be rid of them, and you my friend, will be grateful for it." "Any reason?" Sandbar asked. "Seriously, this is getting on my nerves too," Ocellus said. "Why do you hate Peter? He's literally the reason I'm not serving Queen Chrysalis." "He probably wanted you for his harem or something," Gallus said. "...WHAT!?" Ocellus shouted, Gabby quick to hold her back. "Easy girl, don't flip out," Gabby pleaded. "Dude, why?" Sandbar asked. "Just a theory," Gallus said. "Still, this is big, you know why? Because thanks to me, you can finally make lots of cute little pony and changeling hybrid babies with Ocellus, without the fear of being attacked by villains. You don't need to thank me, but if you name your first child after me, I'll understand." Sandbar looked completely at a loss for words, "Huh!?" "Just let me handle this, bro," Gallus did a friendly punch to Sandbar's foreleg. "I got ya." "What's this dude on?" Bobby wondered aloud. "Ponies! My dear sweet ponies, thank you for finally understanding! Now, we can do what we must to create a better world!" Gallus said. "It starts with the root of the problem, the heroes!" "He's definitely on something," Bobby said. "Their only choice now is obvious," Gallus said. "They must leave. Without the heroes, well the villains have no real reason to be here." "Exactly!" Caramel said. "You so-called heroes have to go!" "Yeah, we don't follow orders from you," Johnny said. "Also, really? Blaming us for what happened? The Plunderseeds originated in this world!" "They probably hated you too," Gallus said. "More like they hated your mom!" Wade shouted, hoof-bumping Autumn Blaze. "Wow, how juvenile," Gallus said. "Okay, listen up here," Applejack said, stepping in front of everyone. "Y'all are just being petty and ungrateful. The heroes have been protecting us fer years. Yeah there's danger but there's always been danger. One of the worst things to happen to this village was when Discord took over. Peter wasn't around then, so we know it weren't his fault." "But since coming, the villain rates have been doubled," Citrine Spark said. "Yeah, can you imagine how much better our lives would be if those heroes didn't exist?" Caramel asked. "One of them is mah husband," Applejack said, gesturing to Remy. "So no, ah don't think mah life would be better." "I could have made a better husband for you," Caramel said. "What was that!?" Remy warned. "Don't think I forgot about you!" "Yeah, you attacked me a few years ago!" Caramel said. "Going to justify that!?" Remy looked away in irritation, "Dat was wrong of me." He focused right back at Caramel. "It don't mean how you acting now be right." "Seriously, out of all the ponies from that day, you're the only one who never moved on," Wade said. "Cheese Sandwich moved on, he's probably dating Coco Pomme right now." "Fancy Pants moved on," Bobby said. "Of course he was married at the time anyway so that was my screw up." "Big Macintosh moved on," Logan said. "But I will admit that I made too many assumptions." "Soarin moved on," Johnny said. "He and Spitfire are happy right now." "Those Crystal Mares better have moved on..." Janet bitterly stated. "Flash Sentry moved on...I think," Peter turned to Shining Armor, the stallion shrugging. "Okay so now I have that to think about." "Twilight loves you, not Flash Sentry," Trixie reassured. "Are we going to ignore the fact that these 'heroes' willingly got into a fight over nothing?" Gallus asked. "Hey, they admitted that they messed up, and that's fine," Applejack said. "Sometimes we make mistakes, it's all natural." "Well that's unacceptable," Caramel said. "If they're going to do their jobs as heroes, they can't afford any mistakes." "Be happy we do heroic deeds in the first place," Johnny said. "Not like we're obligated to do so." "Then why are you here!?" Caramel asked. Johnny looked at Caramel in disbelief, "Because we want to be, we don't need a reason to live in this town aside from like it or loving our wives and wanting to be here with them!" "Yeah, since when do we need a reason to live here?" Bobby asked. "We're not workers, we're not being paid to be here, it's a free service." "So you'll stay here and be useless?" Sunshower asked. Trixie face hoofed, "The ponies in this town can be so dumb." "Do you do anything!?" Wade asked. "Don't complain about us being 'useless' if you yourself aren't special!" "Being heroes is important, but it's not our whole lives," Peter said. "Spider-Man isn't who I am, it's what I do. Under the mask, I'm just a science lover who likes to perform experiments." "Just like even though me and the girls save the world, it's not who we are, it's just what we do," Applejack said. "I'm fine just being a simple farmer." "And I'm fine just making clothes," Rarity said. "All I need are party supplies and baking supplies," Pinkie said. "I have my animals," Fluttershy said. "And I'm still a Grade A Wonderbolt," Rainbow Dash said. "Point is, just like us, Peter and his friends are regular folk," Applejack said. "Isn't Peter a Prince though?" Rainbow Harmony asked. "I don't mean to make things worse for him, but we do need to consider that." "You're right, I do have a responsibility, but it's not exactly something I wanted, I was just given it by Celestia," Peter said. "Look, despite what I'm saying, I would never abandon any of you. I want to keep you safe, I want you to continue thriving. I really do apologize if I fell short of anyone's expectations." "Again with the apologies, is that all you have?" Gallus asked. "No, because like I was just teaching my daughter, I know I need to do more than apologize, so I will," Peter said. "I will work hard to ensure that no more danger befalls this world!" "To the best of his ability," Silverstream said. "Remember, he's still just one pony." "With awesome friends," Rainbow Dash said. "Just have a little faith," Silverstream said. "Especially you, Gallus!" "I tried having faith, it didn't work," Gallus said. "I can't sit back, someone's gotta take action and spread the word!" "Like I tried to!?" Came Thunderlane's voice, the stallion flying over with Lightning Dust by his side, as well as Laura. "Hey, it's Thunderlane!" Caramel said. "I think we can all say, we're really sorry we doubted you years ago. You were right about Spider-Mane being a menace." "Huh? No I wasn't!" Thunderlane said. "I was wrong! This isn't Spider-Mane's fault! In fact, if it wasn't for him, we'd all be dead!" "Yeah, you ponies need to stop whining like a bunch of bitches already," Laura said. "That's not helping!" Thunderlane angrily whispered. "I got this," Lightning Dust stepped up. "What she means is-" "Hey! She's the one who tried destroying Ponyville a few years ago!" Caramel said. "I bet she's here to strike again," Gallus said. "What the fuck dude!?" Laura shouted. "Don't say stupid shit like that! Are you trying to cause a panic!?" "All I'm saying is that, she's evil," Gallus said, pointing to Lightning Dust. "Hey, back off, she's my girl!" Thunderlane warned. "Quiet! You're a sellout! The moment you failed you gave up," Gallus said. "All you had to your name was a daughter whose mother didn't even want to be around you!" Thunderlane shook his head in annoyance, "You know, you just love crossing the line. Let's see what happens when you're on the receiving end. Like...how does it feel knowing your own parents think you're a failure!?" Gallus's eyes widened in disbelief, the Griffon finally speechless. "Uh..." "Finally got him to shut up, great work Thunderlane," Trixie praised. "H-hey, I still got something to say!" Gallus insisted. "Like what!? That you're wrong!? Don't you criticize anyone else when you have plenty to be ashamed about yourself!" Thunderlane shouted. "Honestly I bet the reason you don't want to just buzz off back to Griffonstone is because you know you won't be accepted! So instead of making yourself acceptable here, you cause more trouble for good ponies like Spider-Mane and his family! That's just ridiculous! You should be ashamed of yourself!" "You've had the nerve to say terrible things about Peter's family, and mine," Lightning Dust said. "I know how you've treated my little buddy, Rumble. The terrible things you've said about his own son too! Well guess what, Rumble is everything you wish you were." "He's got a wife who loves him, a son who admires him, and all the friends who's respect he's earned," Laura said. "Did he screw up? Yes, he's acted like a little shit once or twice, but he at least grew up, and is on his way to becoming a great hero. Can you say anything like that?" "...Well, if he's going to be a great hero...why did he let my friend's brother die?" Gallus pointed out. "Is it fair that Smolder's brother is dead, just because he couldn't do his damn job!?" "Bro, it's not, a fucking...JOB!" Bobby shouted. "You know what!? This is done. All of you, go home or go to the Friendship Center to sleep. We're done here." "We're done when I say we're done!" Caramel said, getting in Bobby's face. "If you want to call this place home then-" Bobby blew once and covered Caramel's face in snow, "Buzz off, loser." "Hey!" Caramel wiped the snow off. "I'm still not done!" "Okay, this is stupid," Trixie trotted over. "You need to leave already." "Don't you tell me what to do," Caramel said. "I'm serious, take a hike," Trixie demanded. "She's only saying that because she's a pony Spider-Mane has in bed with her!" Citrine Spark said. "Do not slander my friend!" Peter warned. "She's just saying that because she knows I'm more likely to get a guy than she is," Trixie said. "What did you say!?" Citrine Spark asked, shoving Trixie. "You did NOT just do that!" Trixie shouted, shoving back. "Don't you ever put your filthy hooves on me again!" "What? No dorky third pony talk!?" Shoeshine asked. "Hey!" Lightning Dust got in the middle. "Don't mess with my friend!" "Yeah, buzz off!" Autumn Blaze warned. "Make us!" Shoeshine said, pushing Autumn Blaze, this enraging the Kirin. "You do NOT want to upset me!" Autumn Blaze shouted, getting into a scuffle, this escalating to the point that the heroes tried jumping in to keep everyone apart. "Hey, break it up!" Remy shouted, trying to keep the girls apart. "Once again the hero can't do his job," Caramel commented. "You wanna go, mon ami!?" Remy warned, holding his staff against Caramel's neck. One pony tried jumping on Remy's back, but he flung him off, this leading to a big scuffle between the ponies and the heroes. "Guys! Come on!" Peter urged, hoping to break things up, with Shining Armor and The Elements right behind him. Fortunately several of the ponies were lifted into the air via magic, thanks to Princess Celestia, "That's enough! Shame on all of you!" "Whoa," Steve said, the hero right beside her. "That's impressive, Princess." "Thank you," Celestia said, putting them down. "Now, no more fighting. All of you break it up, or I will assert more authority." "Where did Celestia come from?" Wade asked. "I think she had to fly back to Canterlot, this has been such a confusing day," Fluttershy said. "Hard to keep track of everything," Wade said. Gallus flew off very sneaky like, hoping to avoid too much attention while the ponies still had eyes kept on them to make sure they didn't act out again. "Things damn near went to hell," Johnny said. "It'll be fine," Rainbow Dash said. "Remember, it was only a few ponies that gave us a hard time." "But how long before it spreads?" Johnny asked. "Just the other day, these ponies were fine with us." "Let's just keep being awesome," Rainbow Dash said. "Peter," Celestia went over to the boy. "Apologies for being gone, I had to alert Luna and Blueblood about the situation. Cadance is working with both of them right now to figure out where to go from here." "It's fine," Peter said. "Just so you know, this attack stretched across the multiverse. Things are getting bad." "I see, I'll let the others know. I will return soon," Celestia said, then teleported away. Peter sighed in worry, then noticed young Lily Longsocks in front of him, "Need something, Lily?" "Are you really going to stay being a hero?" Lily asked. "Yeah, I am," Peter reassured. Lily nodded, "That's good, I'd be sad if you left. I don't care what anyone says, I feel safer when you're around. Normal too." "Normal?" Peter asked. "I'm not like other ponies, so I relate to you in a way, and your daughter," Lily said. "How is she feeling?" "She's fine, we cheered her up, but she does feel like this is her fault," Peter said. "Don't blame yourself, I know you wouldn't say anything like that to Mayday. You're a great kid." "Thanks you, and tell your daughter that I wish her well," Lily said. "She probably doesn't really know me but that's fine, I still wish her the best." "Thanks Lily," Peter said as the filly left. As she did, he noticed another mare. "Hey, Wallflower!" "Huh!?" Wallflower looked genuinely surprised. "You actually noticed me?" "Uh...yeah?" Peter said. Wallflower had tears come to her eyes, the mare running over to hug Peter, "Thank you so much for noticing me!" "Whoa...didn't expect this," Peter said, awkwardly returning the hug. "Sorry," Wallflower pulled away. "I'm not used to anyone noticing me." "Remember, I used to be a wallflower myself," Peter said. "So I can spot my fellow wallflowers." "I envy you, Peter. You broke out of that so well," Wallflower said. "I kind of want to, but deep down, I am very shy. I think that's why the school was easier, because if you didn't have a friend, you got assigned one." "That's not a real friend though, it could help I'll admit but given that you didn't come out with any friends, I imagine it just led to you feeling self-conscious," Peter said. "Kind of," Wallflower said. "I just want you to know that, I don't side with Gallus. Not anymore at least. I'm in full support of you." "Thanks," Peter said. "By the way, do you have somewhere to stay?" "Uh, no, my house got destroyed," Wallflower said. "Well if you want, you can stay at my house," Peter said. "That's kind of you to offer, but I'd rather stay at the Center, I feel comfortable there, and my plants can keep me company" Wallflower said. "But I will go to sleep knowing you were so kind. That means a lot." "My door's always open if you change your mind," Peter said. "Thanks," Wallflower said, dashing off. Soon came another friend, that being Flash Thompson, "Hey, Peter!" "Hi Flash, quite a get together," Peter said. "Tell me about it, do you deal with this all the time?" Flash asked. "Only on Mondays, on Thursdays we play bingo," Peter joked. "Ha, ever the jokester," Flash said. "Sorry I couldn't speak up earlier, it wasn't easy getting through a crowd." "Pfft, you of all people couldn't get through a crowd?" Peter teased. "Yeah I'm losing my touch," Flash said. "Still, sorry this crap is happening." "Hey, I'm used to slander, I just don't want it affecting my friends, or my daughter," Peter said. "I respect that," Flash said. "Where's Harry by the way?" Peter asked. "He's around, be lucky he wasn't engaged with that crowd earlier," Flash said. "Then again, he doesn't really give a crap what they say either. Not that he likes you, he just doesn't like them either." "That's something..." Peter said. "Anyway, I gotta make sure some of these ponies have a place to stay." "I'll keep an eye out," Flash said, the two going their separate ways. Meanwhile Apple Bloom was walking with Thunderlane to the Golden Oaks Library. "Thunderlane, mind if I ask ya something?" Apple Bloom asked. "It's about Felicity." "Go for it," Thunderlane said. "Does she knows who her mama is?" Apple Bloom asked. "If she knows who her mom is?" Thunderlane asked. "Yeah, she knows. It's Lightning Dust." "Uh, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you have her with Felicia?" Apple Bloom asked. "Yes, Felicia is the one who gave birth to Felicity, and named her, but Lightning Dust is the one raising her," Thunderlane said. "As far as Felicity is concerned, Lightning Dust is her mother. She's done more for her in one year than Felicia has done in three." "Yeah, ah suppose so," Apple Bloom said. "Ah do feel a bit bad fer Felicia." "Well she could have showed up anytime, and given that her father was absent in her life, you'd think she'd want better for her daughter, but no," Thunderlane said. "First she breaks up with me using some bogus excuse, then she disappears for months at a time. I haven't seen her since forever, she's never even come to Felicity's birthdays!" "That's deep," Apple Bloom said. "Hey, I'm really glad you married my brother," Thunderlane said. "You're a great wife and you make him happy." "He makes me happy too, I'd be a fool to take that fer granted," Apple Bloom said. "Speaking of Rumble, let's go check on him," Thunderlane said. Once inside the library, they spotted Rumble in the living room, with Starlight gently placing an ice pack on his wing. "There, that should numb the pain, now please follow Silverstream's advice and stop flapping!" Starlight scolded. "Yes Starlight," Rumble said. "Rumble!?" Apple Bloom asked. "Hey bro, how's the wing?" Thunderlane asked. "Lightning Dust said you got hurt." "Ah overheard that too, but ah didn't think it'd be this bad," Apple Bloom gently touched the wing. "GAH!" Rumble winced in pain, startling his wife. "Sorry about that!" Apple Bloom said. "It's fine, it just hurt for no reason," Rumble said, forcing a smile. "Pain is like that sometimes." "Oh, mah sweet Rumble," Apple Bloom nuzzled her husband. "I'm here fer ya." "Where's Cumie?" Rumble asked. "He's with mah brother and Cheerilee," Apple Bloom said. "Flitter and Cloudchaser are watching over him too, and Felicity," Thunderlane said. "I wanted to bring her by, but we needed to check on our house first, and it looks like a wreck. Felicity was bummed out that some of her toys were destroyed, so Flitter's trying to cheer her up." "They might need to stay with us fer a few days," Apple Bloom said. "Wouldn't have it any other way," Rumble said, still feeling pain. "Man, what am I gonna do without my wing?" "Don't worry about it, just focus on healing it," Apple Bloom said. "Get some rest, we'll go home soon." "It might be better if he stays the night," Starlight said. "It's your call but I suggest not moving him." "That might be better," Thunderlane said. "I'll see about the rest of my family too." "Peter will make any necessary accommodations," Starlight said. "Thank you," Apple Bloom said, feeling a sense of dread. "What's gonna happen now?" Many of the homes were destroyed, from Sugarcube Corner, to the Carousel Boutique. Even the newly built house for Silverstream and company took some damage. Sweetie Belle and Smolder were observing from outside. "I think my parents' house was untouched, so you can come stay in my room there," Sweetie Belle said. "Thanks, but what about the others?" Smolder asked. "I'll ask," Sweetie Belle insisted, then noticed another Crusader. "Scootaloo! How's your house looking!?" "Doesn't exist," Scootaloo said. "So me and my aunts are staying with Johnny and Rainbow Dash." "Isn't at least one of them an Earth Pony?" Smolder asked. "It's fine, they've been there before, so has my dad," Scootaloo said. "Your parents aren't going to flip out and try to take you away again, are they?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Me? I'm nineteen, I'm a grown mare. I can make my own choices, my parents won't take me away," Scootaloo said. "I hope not," Sweetie Belle said, then focused back on the house. "So, do you want to see if there's anything here you can bring?" "I'm good," Smolder said, the girl still staring, looking to be at a loss. Sweetie Belle of course understood that Smolder was still dealing with her loss. She gently rubbed Smolder's back. "Hey, I'm here for you, alright? We'll be alone too, so if you have anything to get off your chest, I'm all ears." A single tear fell down Smolder's eye, "Thanks Sweetie Belle." Sweetie Belle then left a kiss on Smolder's cheek, hoping to calm her down even more. "Come on." The two girls had gone to the home of Sweetie Belle's parents, hoping to put their day behind them. Meanwhile in the Capcom Portal Room, Trunks was explaining the Goku Black situation to Chun-Li. Sunset Shimmer, Ryu, Chris, Dante, Cammy, Cloud, Tifa, Barrett, Vincent, Sonic and Crimson Viper were all present. Miguel O'Hara was listening in as well, along with Goku, Vegeta, Bishop, Domino, Psylocke, Cable and Forge. Toward the back, a Namco healer named Jude Mathis was trying to heal the injured Presea while Lloyd and Genis awaited with Jude's friend and current medical assistant Elize, the latter sitting by Genis to keep him company. "It'll be alright," Elize said. "Yeah, trust Jude," Lloyd reassured. Genis sighed in worry, "I want to, but...it looked bad. I'm just bracing for the worst." "It's not over until it's over," Lloyd said. "I just can't let anyone else die for me again," Genis said, Elize still trying to keep him reassured. Lloyd looked to the distance, "I'll get you all for this soon. Tirek, Bison, and that lady too." During this, Trunks was wrapping up his explanation. "I can't tell you where Goku Black came from, but I do know that he is basically just an evil clone of Goku," Trunks said, gesturing to the Saiyan beside him. "And you're certain it's not just the Goku from your time?" Spencer asked. "The Goku from my time is dead," Trunks said. "I don't know Black's origins, but he is an imposter." "Strong one at that," Cable said. "When we got a disturbance of a strong force in another world, we didn't know what to expect." "Why did you go to Trunks's world?" Strider asked. "It was mostly an accident, a portal opened there due to some creature constantly crossing dimensions," Forge said. "Sounds like Discord," Chun-Li said. "Point is that we ended up in Trunks's world and saw him battling against Goku Black," Forge said. "We couldn't turn away from the people who were suffering, so we chose to fight by his side," Bishop said. "I can't thank you enough," Trunks said. "I just hate that you're dealing with my problems." "We made our choice," Bishop said. "Well, if you ever need a debt repaid, I'll be ready and waiting," Trunks said, bowing to Bishop. "Just keeping others safe is enough," Forge said. "I wouldn't mind a bit of financial compensation," Domino said. "Domino!" Forge scolded. "It's fine, my mother's rich...then again money's been tough since The Androids attacked, but I can help you meet your needs, Domino," Trunks said. "Ignore her," Bishop said. "It is cute how well-mannered you are," Psylocke teased. "Uh..." Trunks turned away, hiding his blush. "Thanks." "Heh, Trunks, is that a blush?" Goku playfully noted. "Careful, you don't want Mai getting jealous," Domino teased. "Knock it off!" Trunks shouted. "Come on, let's be nice," Chun-Li said. "Well Trunks, thank you for your explanation. Seems like Goku Black might be a bit of a mystery, same with a lot of other danger." "I've seen how terrible he is," Sonic said. "After what he did to my friends, I owe him a little payback." "I'd like a crack myself," Dante said. "Can you even win?" Tifa asked. "You struggled against Vegeta after all." "That was then, I've gotten stronger," Dante said. "So have I, just so you know," Vegeta said. "Good for you, we'll rematch later, right now we're all business," Dante said. "We'll need a plan of attack," Chun-Li said. "A lot of our worlds got hit pretty hard, but we can always go for more help. Search the dimensions, look for more allies." "Like who?" Chris asked. "Well there's those heroes from Ragnarök," Chun-Li reminded. "Luke Skywalker, Harry Potter..." Chun-Li blushed a bit. "And Legolas too." Strider furrowed his brow, "They're not that useful." "Besides, it seems too desperate to bother those guys for help," Spencer said. "We'd also risk danger going to their world too." "Loki may be after them, they assisted in fending him off during Ragnarök," Chun-Li said. "Plus, there's other great heroes. How about that one guy, Alex Mercer?" "I Don't trust him," Dante said. "Chell?" Chun-Li suggested. "What's she going to do? Make portals?" Dante asked. "Well what about Geralt of Rivia?" Chun-Li said. "We have magic swordsmen already," Dante said. "...How about Hellboy?" Chun-Li asked. "Okay now you're just trying to piss me off," Dante said. "Whoa, easy there, since when do you hate Hellboy?" Chris asked. "I don't, but I exist so it's not like we need another demon with a gun," Dante said, pulling his weapon out. "Also, I got a sword, a big one." "Overcompensating for something?" Cammy teased. "Hey, just because we thought you were dead and we missed you doesn't mean I'll take your crap," Dante warned. "Aw, you missed me?" Cammy asked. "Well I missed you too, Dante." "This is such a waste of time," Miguel said, finally speaking up. "Chun-Li, do you even know any of these people personally?" "Well...no," Chun-Li admitted. "So you were going to waltz into their world and say 'Hey, can you help us fight a bunch of dangerous villains? It will be very dangerous, and you might die'," Miguel said. "Is that your plan?" "He's got a point," Ryu said. "Our reputation may be grand, but it's not that grand." "We just need connections," Chris said. "Who do we know that's connected to Hellboy?" "We're not getting Hellboy!" Dante said. "Can we move on with the suggestions already!?" Barrett said. "How about anyone we might know!?" "I know some guys," Sonic said. "Mario, Link, Samus, Kirby, those Inklings." "That's right, we have that world as allies!" Chun-Li said. "Given that Sonic here has been there multiple times, he can easily get the assistance that we need." "I'll do what I can," Sonic said. "You know, Kratos knows that Cole MacGrath guy, and that girl Kat," Dante said. "Given they helped us at Ragnarok, they would be much more useful to us." "We can also find Shantae," Cloud said. "She is an old Capcom ally, isn't she?" "Oh yeah, she lived in our world for a bit, kind of miss her," Dante said. "You'll take the Half-Genie girl, but not Hellboy?" Chris asked. "Okay, how about we go find someone else who's slayed zombies and have that person replace you," Dante suggested. "I heard about this guy named Kyle Crane, I bet he'd be useful." "Go for it, then!" Chris encouraged in a daring tone. "I'll wait!" "Boys, enough," Chun-Li scolded. "Fine, we'll do one better, how about we get Issac Clarke," Dante said. "How about we get Doom Slayer!" Chris said. "Or Spawn!" "Boys, will you shut up already!" Chun-Li scolded, then turned to Sunset. "You've been quiet. Given this multiverse talk, I expected you to be much more engaged." "Hm? Oh, I am, I love hearing about these other worlds," Sunset said. "Just recently I looked through the dimension of the Jedi, and heard about this one force user named Cal Kestis. I hear he's a natural." "Okay, we'll keep him in mind," Chun-Li said. "But honestly, I'm just worried in general," Sunset said. "It feels like the villain army is growing. I remember that lady that was with Sephiroth, it sounds like he did some recruiting of his own. I don't know much about those names though. She mentioned Kefka and Seifer." "You'd need to ask Terra Brandford about Kefka, and Squall about Seifer," Cloud said. "But both are dangerous in their own way. Kefka, personality wise, is similar to Discord. Very chaotic and unpredictable. Seifer is Squall's former classmate from Balamb Garden, where both were training to be SeeD Mercenaries." "Anyone else from Square that I should be worried about?" Sunset asked. "Plenty, just hope Sephiroth didn't make too many more friends," Cloud said. "I know that won't ease your worry though, hope can only bring us so far." "Hope isn't a bad thing," Trunks said. "Hope can get us through even the darkest times." "Just don't get blinded by it," Chris said. "One more thing guys," Sunset said. "Maybe we should be careful who's help we ask for. Suppose those heroes have enemies who want revenge? What if bringing someone like Mario leads to that Koopa King, Bowser?" "Right, Bowser's a goofball sometimes, but so is Eggman," Sonic said. "And both are extremely dangerous." "I just hope no one from the Justice League's world comes by," Cammy said. "The last thing we want is to deal with someone like Lex Luthor." "Or The Joker," Vincent said. Chun-Li shuddered a bit, "I don't think any of us want to deal with that." "No kidding," Chris said. "Donnie mentioned someone he didn't want coming too," Chun-Li said. "Someone known as The Shredder." "Wonder how bad that one can be?" Dante asked. "I can do a little research," Sunset said. "Just be careful," Miguel said. "Now, I gotta get back to Julia, but on the topic of what Sunset said, stay on top of it." "Yes sir," Chun-Li said. "Nothing's going to get by us," Viper said. "Just make sure none of you screw around." "Yeah, yeah," Dante said, then heard the portal opening. Entering was Kratos, "Hey big guy, have fun on your trip?" Kratos responded with a grunt, opting to turn his attention to Chun-Li, "Thor will assist us in finding Loki." "Thank you," Chun-Li said. "We're gathering allies, do you remember some that came from your world? An electric guy and a gravity girl?" "I do," Kratos said. "Travel there however, is not simple." "It is theoretically possible, we have traveled the Nine Realms of our dimension," Mimir said. "But getting to those worlds, much easier said than done." "We can assist," Chun-Li said. "While you're at it, try finding that other Spartan," Mimir said. "The one with the Green Armor." "You mean Master Chief?" Chris asked. "Yes, that one, Kratos here tells me he's quite a formidable ally," Mimir said. "Are you making friends?" Sunset asked. "He and I conversed once or twice, he is not much for conversation, but of course, neither am I," Kratos said. "I do recall his incredible battle prowess. Not bad for a non-deity. Of course, all of you have shown how capable you are in your own ways, so it is no surprise." "Gotta say, out of all the people I accidentally summoned, I think you're my favorite," Sunset said. "At the very least, you're one of the only ones who stuck around, outside of those two hero guys," Dante said. "I recall Mark saying he a knew girl with the ability to shift atoms around," Chun-Li said. "I wonder if All Might knows anyone who can help?" "It's possible, but let's stick with those two for now," Tifa said. "Right, Mark didn't want to bring his girlfriend into this if he could help it," Chun-Li said. "What about you, Goku?" Chris asked, getting the Saiyan's attention. "Know anyone? Aside from Vegeta?" "I know plenty, I can ask my son," Goku said. "The problem is he doesn't train as much lately, he's too focused on schoolwork." "That's admirable," Cammy said. "Sounds like your son is growing to be quite the scholar," Viper said. "Just like his mother wanted," Goku said. "Tch, what a waste of power," Vegeta commented. "I'd like to see Gohan again soon actually," Trunks said. "I'm glad that his Scholar Dreams came true, even in another world." "Just wait till you see his daughter too," Goku said. "Wait...Gohan has a daughter now!?" Trunks asked in disbelief. "Wow, so much has changed." "We'll make time to see your friend," Forge reassured. Sunset tapped her chin in wonder, "Trunks, no one else from your timeline is alive, correct?" Trunks shook his head, "I'm afraid not, at least as far as power goes." "Does your world have other timelines?" Sunset asked. "Probably, there is the timeline that Cell came from," Trunks said. "Why do you ask?" "Just curious," Sunset said. "Don't get too curious," Miguel said. "I don't think Doctor Strange wants you doing anything you might regret." "I know," Sunset said, thoughts still in her head. In the villain's lair, Wesker glared out of the window of Castle Doom, feeling irate. "Accursed Turtles, they made things needlessly complicated." "You seem bothered," Doom said. "Just recalling my mission, my team performed remarkably well, even Tron," Wesker said. "But Chun-Li has new allies, including Ninja Turtles." "That is quite unusual," Doom said. "Of course, I have seen my fair share of anomalies." Wesker turned to see the Square villains, "I see Sephiroth has recruited some allies." "Kefka Palazzo, Seifer Almasy, and The Cloud of Darkness," Doom noted. "Not bad." Wesker looked to the side where Sonata and Cozy Glow were bugging Shocker, Electro and Mysterio into introducing their new allies. "And it looks like members of the Mad Gear Gang have joined us, including Rolento and Poison." "I do not expect them to last," Doom said. "Our numbers are growing," Wesker said, facing Tron, the girl working on her Gustaff. "Our allies are preparing." He faced a quiet Kazuya, the man with a lot on his mind. "And our time draws near." He focused on Black and Zamasu conversing with one another. "I do wonder, how loyal they might be though." He focused on Venom and Prowler, the two also discussing things. "Or how useful they will become." Next he focused on Doctor Eggman, who was carrying some equipment. "They will provide use, if they wish to co-exist with us," Doom said. Wesker lastly focused on Juri and Vergil, "I do not doubt that. Some just have that drive that others do not." "Perhaps more allies could not hurt," Doom said. "Let us begin looking." "Let's start with those Turtles, and any notable foes they could have," Wesker said. In another dimension, in the midst of a Thunderstorm, a man sat by his desk, flashes of lightning revealing what looked to be samurai armor. A close up of this man revealed to be the Foot Ninja Leader, Oroku Saki. But, to his foes, he was simply known as, The Shredder. "I get the feeling, that destiny is one it's way for me," Shredder said. "When it comes, I will be ready." That night in Equestria, Peter laid down in bed, trying to sleep his problems away. Next to him was Twilight, the mare still recovering from what she had gone through. Peter's dreams were once again filled with torment, the hero surrounded by an angry mob of ponies, each of them chastising him. "It's your fault!" "You brought this on us!" "Why don't you appreciate friendship!?" Peter then found himself standing before the Friendship Center, the place completely on fire, crumbling down before his eyes. "Think of all the lost Friendship," Came Gallus's voice. "Think of your wife, and how she feels." "Peter?" Twilight's voice called. "Twilight?" Peter looked up and saw Twilight at the window of the burning center. "Peter! Help me!" Twilight called, coughing a bit. "Please, save me!" "Twilight!" Peter rushed through the flames of the center. "Twilight! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to ruin things for you!" He rushed upstairs, hoping to find his wife. "I just wanted better! You deserve better! Please! I'll do anything to make you happy!" "Peter!" Twilight's voice called, getting further away. "Twilight!" Peter called, the hero now in tears. "Please, don't leave me!" "PETER!" Twilight called. "TWILIGHT!" Peter called in agony. Suddenly he heard some evil laughter. "Who's there?" Appearing beside him was the Symbiote Clad, Nightmare Peter. "What's wrong, Spidey? Are you going to let your true love down again?" "Buzz off, I don't have time for you! I have to save my wife!" Peter said. "Why? Let this place burn," Dark Peter said, generating fire in his hands. "It's what you wanted, isn't it?" "Wait, huh!?" Peter took a blast that sent him down the halls and through a wall, crashing to the outside. Once again, the center continued to burn, Twilight still calling out. "Peter!" "TWILIGHT!" Peter called, then spotting Dark Peter still burning everything. "It's what you wanted, Spider-Man!" Dark Peter shouted. "You hated the School of Friendship after all, might as well destroy what's left!" The center completely erupted in flames, Twilight's voice calling out once more as Peter fell to his knees, "TWILIIIIIIIIIIGHT!" The hero began sobbing, feeling the loss and despair of his wife. "This isn't what I wanted! It can't be! I just can't! It just...just..." "Peter?" Came Luna's voice, the nightmare completely disappearing. The woman placed her hoof on his shoulder, "Peter, I'm here." "Luna?" Peter began to calm himself, relieved to see a friendly face. "Thank God..." "Peter, you are filled with so much torment, and this time, it's about The Friendship Center, why?" Luna asked. "Does it haunt you? Does the school burden your mind?" "...I guess," Peter said. "It's just..." "Tell me," Luna said. "I just feel like the school never needed to exist," Peter said. "Twilight should have focused her energy elsewhere. Honestly, I should have just said that from the start." "Why didn't you?" Luna asked. "Because, I didn't want to hurt her," Peter said. "And I really wanted to believe she was making the right decision. Twilight's smart, so at first, I figured she knew more than me. And I did want the school to succeed. But the longer it existed, the more futile it seemed." "Sounds to me like you did believe in your wife, but you felt like she should have accepted that this wasn't the right direction," Luna said. "I spend so much time wondering if my decision really hurt her," Peter said. "Like, maybe I should have put my pride aside and helped her bring it back. I thought I did with the Friendship Center. I guess I didn't. Everyone's unhappy, and Twilight is suffering." "Peter..." Luna gently caressed his face. "You tried your best. You had good intentions. I know you would never willingly hurt Twilight, or anyone." "Unfortunately, I tend to do just that," Peter lamented, sighing to himself as Luna continued to caress his face. "Now my wife is hurt, and I feel like...if she were here I would..." "I'm here," Luna pressed her forehead against his. "I will always be here." "Thanks, Luna..." Peter said, keeping his position for the moment. Luna couldn't help but marvel at Peter's face. She was very close to the stallion of her dreams, ironically in his. Long has she desired his love and affection, and long has she waited for the moment she could physically express her love. Leaning in, she attempted to go for a kiss. However Peter turned his face, Luna only getting his cheek. "Luna, I'm glad you're being friendly," Peter said, seemingly oblivious to Luna's advances. "But at this point, only Twilight could make me feel better." Luna felt a bit hurt, she believed she loved Peter enough to help him forget about Twilight for a moment, but clearly he felt the opposite way. "Very well..." Peter sat in solemn silence for a bit, still thinking over what he needed to do to fix everything. Suddenly he came face to face with purple, the hero looking up. "Twilight?" "Hi Peter, Luna just contacted me, she said you needed help," Twilight said. "Whoa, hold on, can we talk about this for a moment?" Peter asked. "How are you here!?" "Uh, the dream spell, Luna taught me," Twilight said. "I know but...aren't you exhausted!?" Peter asked. "You shouldn't be moving! Or using magic!" "It's fine, Luna lent me some of her magic," Twilight said. "I was just worried about you." "But, Twilight...if anyone should be worried, it's me," Peter said. "Just let me comfort you," Twilight said, gently caressing Peter's face. "I hate seeing you sad." "Twi..." A tear came down Peter's eye. "Worrying about you is my job. And it's because of me that you're in this position. I didn't mean to stress you out about the school, enough that you had such strong feelings about it. I just need you to know that, I love you. I would do anything to make you happy." "I know," Twilight said, bringing Peter in for a kiss. "Let's talk later. Right now, let me ease your own stress." "But, what about-?" Peter was interrupted when Twilight again kissed him, the mare laying Peter back and maintaining the kiss. Peter didn't really care about the details at this point, he just wanted his wife's affection, even in the dream world. It wasn't long before the two appeared on a bed as Twilight intensified her kissing, getting her tongue deep into Peter's mouth and rubbing her body against his. Her movements were unusual to Peter, they weren't Twilight's usual movements, rather she felt desperate and full of desire. Peter didn't mind, in fact he fancied it. After today, he couldn't blame her for this, and he wanted her just as much. Meanwhile in the real world, Twilight was slowly waking up. She had a headache from everything she had been through the day prior. She looked around, noticing that it was still dark. "How long was I out?" She looked next to her, "Huh?" Peter seemed to be panting in his sleep, and moaning a bit. "Peter?" Twilight checked his head. "No fever, but what is..." "Twilight..." Peter moaned. "Is he dreaming about me?" Twilight wondered. She noticed Peter's movements were getting very intense, almost like he really felt her love and affection. "Wait, what is he dreaming about, is it..." Twilight's face turned red. "I see.." A sly smirk appeared on her face, "Well Peter, I'm about to make your dreams come true." Twilight began to shake her husband, unaware of what was happening in the dream world. He didn't wake up at first, and his moments were getting even more intense. "Peter?" Twilight shook again. "Peter!" In his dream, Peter held Twilight close, still making out with her as he slowly but surely heard her voice. "Peter!" "Twilight?" Peter opened his eyes, and bit by bit, the mare he was getting intimate with, wasn't Twilight, the boy pulling back in shock as disbelief circulated across his body, "LUNA!?" Luna's Twilight disguise was gone, the mare immediately panicking as she disappeared, the dream ending and Peter jolting up. "Whoa!" Twilight said. "Sorry, was it that good!?" Peter turned to the mare beside him, breathing heavily as he tried to assess the situation "Twilight!?" "Uh, yeah, that's me," Twilight said as Peter gently caressed her face, looking into her eyes. "It's really you, right?" Peter asked. "Am I awake?" "Yeah, you are...Peter, what's going on?" Twilight asked. Peter could not believe what had just happened, his body shaking a bit. "I don't believe this..." "Peter, what's wrong?" Twilight asked. "Twi...I am so sorry," Peter said. "I thought...I really thought I was with you!" "Hm? You are though," Twilight said. "I mean my dream, in my dream you were, and we were..." Peter was at a loss for words. "Yeah, I know you dreamt about me, that's why I woke you up," Twilight said. "I figured the actual me would be better than a dream me." "It wasn't a dream you...It was a fake you," Peter lamented, serious disappointment plaguing his mind. "It, was Luna." Twilight wasn't sure what Peter meant, but she expected an explanation, and she would be getting it now.