The Curiosity of Mr. Disc

by CrackedInkWell

15: Lyra and the Gondola.

Once I wolfed down my sweet lunch and Twilight made the two Pinkies promise something about not bringing the world to an end (I know, killjoy), we moved on. Like I've said, since I've got nothing better to do, I decided to tag along to see how the day would play out.

Our next stop was at the boutique where we expected to see the two Rarities at work. So to get there faster, the idea of rowing a gondola on land was quickly made into reality. As well as to make it look like that the ground, on which the boat was floating, seems as if it was water. And to put the final touch of it all, I even wore one of those striped shirts and a sombrero.

Looking at the gondola, as Twilight was looking around at what she was on, I hummed in thought. “Something is missing here,” I muttered. Suddenly I realized what was missing and snapped for a phonograph playing Dean Martian.

“What?” Twilight asked before I shushed her when the music was beginning to play.

“Shush! This is a good one,” I said as I start rowing forward.

About a minute into the song, a very familiar looking pony jumped right into the gondola. For a moment, I couldn't put a claw on why this light green unicorn looked recognizable to me.

“Lyra?” Oh wait, that’s right! No wonder why she’d looked familiar, thank you Twilight.

“Twilight, thank Celestia and Luna that I've found you!”

“What’s wrong?”

“I think the town has been invaded and…” she looked down. “Why are we on a boat?”

“You tell me, you’re the one who jumped on.” I pointed out Lyra’s dumb question.

“Oh, Discord,” she said dryly. “That explains it,” she shook her head. “But anyway, I think we have more important matters here. Twilight, I just saw two Rainbows and just now, a pair of crusaders. As in there’s a pair of two Appleblooms, two Sweetie Belles, and even two Scootaloos!”

“Did you noticed that there’s a pair of her other friends as well?” I asked. She looked up at me confused. “Alright, you caught me, I’m the one responsible. Now, which version do you want to hear?”

“Which version?” Lyra asked, completely confused.

“Do you want the truth or the one that you’re thinking of? Between the two of us, your invasion thing sounds pretty entertaining right now. And, pray tell, invaded by whom exactly?”

“Wait, you’re responsible? I thought it was changelings.”

“Lyra, we've gone through this before,” Twilight told her. “The changeling spy is in custody, and he says that they’re too weak for an invasion of Equestria.”

“Besides, I’m here anyway,” I added. “I've just found out that they’re terrified of me.”

“So how is this your fault?” Lyra asked.

“Remember the time that there were two Discords?” I deadpanned. “It’s me, the second one.”

“Wait, you mean you’re the one who subbed for Cheerilee?”

I nodded. “And remembered how that I’m from a different universe?” she looked confused. “Long story short, I’m from a different universe and happened to fell through into this one, went back, and a group of students wanted to come here for a day. However, some of them came through by accident, hence the second pair of crusaders.”

“Huh. Okay, I did not expect that. But on the other hoof that’s a relief, I guess.”

“Although, I might want to keep an eye on those Crusaders if I were you,” I expressed to her. “One of them has a camera, so there’s no telling what those three are planning. And yes, I know all too well how often they get into trouble.”

“Camera? Like to take pictures with or something?”

“No, filming.” We turned a corner to see that a Sweetie Belle (most likely their crusaders) pulling a red wagon full of fireworks. “I didn't know this town sold fireworks.”

Both Twilight and Lyra turned to what I was looking at, and I think that Lyra turned a paler shade of green. “Not again,” she muttered before trying to jump out of the boat.

“Wait, hold up!” I tossed her a life raft to draw her back in, “Quick question here, you don’t happen to be in a relationship with uh, whats-her-name?”


“Yeah that’s it since you’re here, can you do me a little favor, it’s about Applebloom.”

“Applebloom? What about her?”

“I need one of you to talk to her, just to see if she’s alright.”


I whispered the reason why in her ear.

“Really? That’s adorable!”

“Yeah yeah, but I just want one of you to have a word with her for the sake of her wellbeing. Though as young as she is, just be sure she’ll be alright in the long run. Alright?”

She nodded, I told her to run along so we could be on our way.

“What was that about?” Twilight asked.

“It’s my funny little way of saying thanks, your guy’s Applebloom helped me when I was here last, so I’m returning a favor.”

“What favor?”

I smiled, “I’ll give you a hint, she’s in puppy love with someone.”

“Really? Who?”

I put a claw over my mouth, “Spoilers. Ah, here we are.” I rowed the boat up to our destination of the boutique and jumped off. Twilight got off as well and headed for the door. When we entered, we encountered Rare going through the rolls of fabrics.

“Too shiny… Too dull… Too much yellow.”

“What are you doing?” Twilight asked.

Rare looked up, “Hello Twilight dear, and Mr. Disc, I’m narrowing down the sort of materials my other self is planning on.”

“Planning on what?”

“For our dresses, of course, I’ll be helping her modeling (Oh this one is good) since she has someone who looks just like her.”

“Where’s the other Rarity?” I asked.

“She’s cleaning up from our vegetarian lunch. She’ll be here momentarily. By-the-way, do you know what my little sister is up to?”

“The last time I saw her,” I explained. “Was that she and her friends just found their other selves and now are planning to do a movie.”

“Oh, that’s right! They still have that camera. Mr. D, do you really think it’s wise for them to film here of all places?”

“I’m not sure myself, but I have a feeling that it’s going to go down in flames.” One way or another from those fireworks, I thought.