//------------------------------// // 60 - You were all waiting for this, I know // Story: A Penny for your thought // by Damaged //------------------------------// "She was smiling? She said 'I'?" Princess Celestia cut in on Penny, the white-furred alicorn looking quite pleased. Penny nodded. "She did. She is showing the umbrum how to walk dreams and help ponies deal with the more teachable side of nightmares." Though Penny said it slowly, herself, since she wasn't quite sure how it worked. "And now here you are. Word was sent from Luna, she has leaned on her right as a serving board member of my school, to put you forward as a student." Celestia looked quite happy still, although there was some humor the mare kept back. "Are you sure you wish to go ahead with this? I understand Ambassador Silver Lining was serving as your teacher." "He was, but he has a wife to dote on, and two foals to see into the world. Besides, Cadance ordered me to do this." Penny blushed a little. It was one thing to leave off the 'princess' honorific when talking among friends, another when talking to… to Princess Celestia. If it was an insult, Celestia didn't acknowledge it as one. "Very well. The school doesn't normally take in students without full knowledge of their alphabet. Although from what I understand, you can channel quite well." Penny had blushed a little but nodded. "I can hold a channel, even through a fair bit of distraction. I guess my… change, had a little hoof in that." Penny pulled Stick a little closer to her side, hugging the mare with one leg. "The important question, my ponies, is when will you be marrying?" Celestia gave the biggest smile Penny had ever seen on her. The insight hit her in a glorious way, Celestia lived to see her ponies happy, Penny was considered to be 'one of her ponies'. "Before our foal is born." Stick booped Penny on the nose to keep her quiet a bit. "I want to wrap this mare up in my love and make sure everypony sees it." Though her future was being tied up, Penny didn't feel restricted. If anypony was going to claim the rest of her life, Stick would be it. "Wonderful. May I offer to preside over the event?" Celestia looked like the cat that ate the canary. Stick kissed the unicorn at her side, before turning back to the ruler. "You will forgive us, but we must decline that." Celestia's smile faltered. "Princess Cadance already offered and it would have been impolite to refuse the princess of love the honor to marry us." Celestia's mask of happiness was up before the mares could see her frown. She wasn't really upset, but she did enjoy wedding ponies, Cadance seemed to take to it as well. "Then you would do me the honor, should your foal be a unicorn and gifted as I believe they will be, to extending an invitation to my school, to them?" Penny managed to intercept Stick's hoof this time. "Princess Celestia, it would be silly of me to refuse such an offer. I would still love to have you at the wedding, if you can find time-" The alicorn gave her no time to finish her words. "For a wedding that bonds two tribes together, two wonderful ponies? Discord himself could not keep me away from such an event." "You called?" The male voice coming just to the side drew all eyes. "I did not, Discord, and you know it." Celestia was firm, but not unkind. Penny was surprised at the chaos being, but not scared. "Hi!" She smiled but it faltered as suddenly she was picked up and wearing baby-clothes? "She is adorable! Another human-turned-pony? Celestia, you simply must teach me this spell." Discord had Penny in a baby carriage. Stick looked surprised, but not worried either, she had to lift up on buzzing wings to see where Penny was, but she started giggling at seeing the mare coddled in the pram. Penny knew her dignity was lost, stripped away by Discord's magic as surely as he stripped that of princesses just as easily. She snuggled in the soft wrappings, at least it was comfortable. The pacifier in her mouth, when she tried to talk, did strike her as a step too far and she tried to spit it out. "Discord, put that mare back right now." The princess sounded stern and Penny realized she would challenge Discord over her. "Mare is it? But she is so small." Discord took defeat easily, gesturing and dispelling his magic. The pram, and baby clothes were all gone. Penny had to fight with the pacifier though. "She was so cute in there." Stick was grinning widely. Trust her to think Discord's games were fun, Penny thought. Turning to the changeling, Discord didn't let his mood sour a moment. "She did didn't she? And what do we have here? A changeling at ease in Canterlot, surely there is some mistake." "She is my special somepony." Stick replied, gesturing to Penny as the unicorn was now bracing the pacifier with both front hooves trying to get it out of her mouth. "We were just discussing our wedding." Suddenly Discord was dressed in the finest, and strangely well-fitting tuxedo. Stick, likewise, was in a flowing, pure white wedding dress with train trailing down over her tail. Of course it fouled her wings and the changeling was dropping until she was caught on one of Discord's mismatched arms. "Oh, is there room for a groom at this party?" Discord's eyes flashed with glee. A loud pop heralded Penny's victory over the dummy. "You are invited, if you behave." She looked up to him. He hadn't done anything bad to her, and Penny knew he was reforming. A sudden tension all around the lunar pony heralded the materialization of her own wedding dress and Discord lifted her up, seeming to be larger than normal and holding her and Stick close. "Now kiss…" The absurdity of it made both the mares in his grip giggle, but they kissed. "Alright, I now declare you-" "STOP!" Princess Celestia was glowing with golden fire, it was like the sun itself was inside her radiating out. "You will not take this moment from them. Put them down, Discord." The princess took all the wind out of him. "Spoilsport." Penny and Stick, however, were both focused on each other. "You look amazing…" Penny was gazing right into the changeling's eyes, Stick doing likewise. "You too." Stick looked a mix between drunk on happiness and giddy. "Discord." His name invoked always drew the mismatched being's attention. "Yes?" He drew out the S, his whole body twisting to look at the mare. "Can we keep the dresses? You do excellent work." The 'god' of chaos reached a cat-paw forward to boop each mare on the nose. "You can, consider them gifts." Discord looked up to Celestia, sticking his tongue out before vanishing. "That went better than usual." Celestia slumped a little, floating a new slice of cake over, only to find it was now chocolate cake. She shrugged and had some anyway. "So what do we do, then?" Twilight looked at her list in mourning, it had been going so well. Princess Fast looked at the unticked entries. "Two things." She took a deep breath and reached out to the list, her green magic gripping the forsaken quill and adding to the bottom. Return the changeling's kiss and compliment her on it Twilight tilted her head, puzzling it out. She looked up to Fast just in time to have the changeling queen meet her mouth with her own. It was a moment before the blush really started, a moment more before Twilight pulled back and looked around. "Oh, uh, um…" Fast had her eyes closed still, her mind focused on the memory so she could recall it as clearly as possible later. "You have an entry to tick off." Twilight looked between Fast and the list, back and forth a few times before she picked up the quill in a shaky magic-grip and ticked it off. "It was…" The other princess' ears twitched and seemed to focus. Twilight gulped and was sure she could say the words so long as the changeling didn't open her eyes. Fast opened her eyes. "It was nice!" The words ran together and Twilight's voice broke as she said them. "Okay, now you have a whole mess more items to tick off there, how about we just relax and have a nice picnic?" Fast figured either she had lost the mare completely or maybe, just maybe, there was a seed of interest planted. "The list? Yes! The list!" Twilight was scanning it, finding the options for food. "Okay, sandwiches, check. Do you eat?" Fast scooped up one of the salad-filled parcels and proved she did. Twilight relaxed visibly, she ticked off another item. They had a scroll with them now, Stick carrying it along in her magic. It had Celestia's own seal on it. "Those dresses were gorgeous." The changeling gave a happy sigh, memories of her special somepony in the dress welling up. "It is meant to be bad luck, for a groom to see their bride in their dress before the event." Penny leaned in and kissed Stick's cheek. "Lucky there is no groom." They shared a giggle. "Unless… unless you want to be?" Stick almost dropped the letter. It hadn't occurred to her, at all, that such a thing could be done. "No, I am your mare." "Our foal might argue that." Penny gave her another kiss to make sure the first wasn't lonely. "Our foal will have two loving mares to care for them." Stick pressed in against Penny, denying the mare room to do more such kisses, but making their walk a little more intimate. Penny looked up, as if from a daze. "Here it is." She gestured to the huge building with a hoof. Statues of prancing unicorns were out front. "Lets go in and get this done." "It certainly is big…" Stick kept at her side, although she did part so they weren't quite as tightly pressed. "Can I help you?" The voice came from a mare just inside the entrance arch they had passed through. Penny brightened at the friendly tone. "I have been admitted here, I am to learn magic…" The mare looked at the lunar unicorn with a bit of scrunch in her snout. "You have not been admitted yet, you will need to apply at-" Stick offered up the scroll, making sure the seal was forward. Snapping the seal herself, the mare unfurled the short scroll and raised an eyebrow. "Okay, you have been admitted." It seemed to cost her some face to say the words but she recovered. "If two princesses, both senior staff here, recommend you I can hardly turn you down." Her eyes slipped to Stick. "Your partner?" Penny nodded but abstained from showing overt affection. "You can both share a room then should you need one, we will not split a mare from her partner, you may even attend classes at your marefriend's side." Her attention slipped from Penny to Stick, the unicorn mare not showing a hint of discrimination at either of them based on their species. "Penny Farthing." Penny smiled to the mare, introducing herself. "Stick." The changeling looked bright and excited. "I am Gingersnap." The unicorn mare with the brilliant orange coat sporting a brown mane and tail, replied to them, gesturing with a hoof behind her. "Welcome to Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns." Penny brightened at the good cheer of the mare. "Now, first thing, we need to divine your aptitude, Stick's too if you wish to attend?" It was an offer the changeling hadn't expected and wouldn't turn down. Stick nodded to this. "Excellent, as luck would have it my replacement is arriving in a moment and I can take you aside for that immediately. Do you have quarters in Canterlot or would you like to stay on campus?" Penny nodded. "I think it would be best to immerse myself in this. I really want to learn as much as I can." Gingersnap practically glowed with delight, her eyes closing she smiled so much. "It is wonderful to hear a student say that." A stallion was approaching with dark gray mane and tail and a yellow-brown coat. "Ah, here he is now. Cherry Fizzy, meet Stick and Penny. Penny is our newest student!" "Oh my, one I didn't find?" The stallion sounded not one bit upset by this. "A pleasure to meet you." Penny raised her hoof, without thinking, for the stallion to take it and kiss. She pondered this reaction before he did the same to Stick. "Normally, this flirtatious stallion is out and about scouting for new unicorns for our school." Gingersnap resisted his attentions herself, apparently the rebuff being nothing new to the pair, nor taken badly. "Enough." Cherry smiled warmly at the pair. He knew what it meant when two ponies were admitted together like this, but flirting with a mare was never a bad way to introduce yourself. "Take them away, shatter my heart with their loss." His grin told Penny and Stick it was all in good fun. It didn't stop both their hearts from beating a little faster. Penny mused that, for the first time in her existence, she felt a little thrill at knowing somepony simply found her attractive. Stick moved between Penny and the stallion. "Mine." She glared at him a moment before giggling and turning. Cherry grinned all the more. A changeling and a lunar unicorn? He wished suddenly he could hang around and see what havoc such a pair would cause.