//------------------------------// // 86 - Boring stuff // Story: A Penny for your thought // by Damaged //------------------------------// "Okay, one month. This is where I was a month ago, I can do this." Penny was trying to read through the list of preparations Stick had forwarded to her. It was a small pile of scrolls. "Do what?" The voice right by Penny's ear, masculine and playful, had her almost jump off the bed. "Discord, I hope you are having a more relaxing time than I am." Penny breathed easy, she could honestly use the distraction. "Relaxation? Of course!" Suddenly they were both laying on massage tables, heads poking down through holes. Penny melted into the table as a pair of mismatched limbs pressed to her back and started going to work. "If you stop this suddenly, I don't know how, but I will find and kill you. Thank you, Discord." The mare closed her eyes, relaxing as a paw and a talon seemed to find all the spots where her muscles had been tight. On the other table, getting a massage from his own small Discord-clone, the real Discord smiled. "And here I thought ponies hated my visits. You humans are quite the challenge, is there anything that I could do that would shock and surprise you?" It was a rhetorical question, of course Discord knew he could do things to shock, but the trick was keeping in character. "Hrmm, ice cream would be surprising, for shock I would have to say adding chocolate chips?" "Nice try, Celestia used that one already, I had a whole buffet cart of deserts made before I realized she was only using me for my sweet nature." Discord glanced at the mare, hoping for the usual groan at a pun. He frowned, was she smiling? "That was a good one. Would you say you desert-ed her after that?" Penny looked aside to meet the astonished face of chaos incarnate. Stick opened the door to their room and came up short. A puff of steam flowed out of the room and the heat inside was intense. As a mist of thick white cloud parted the changeling saw Penny and Discord, reclining with tall glasses beside them. "What is going on in here?" The steam, the fire pit, the smaller Discord about to tip a little pitcher of herb-water onto the hot rocks, it all disappeared. "I really should be going anyhow." Discord picked up his drink and downed the remainder. "Same time next week?" Penny grinned, clearly liking the idea. "You better believe it." Stick was flabbergasted, she had left Penny alone for one morning and she ended up making best friends with the Element of Chaos? Discord had the courtesy to use the door but disappeared just before it closed behind him. "What… what was that?" Stick demanded, lifting a hoof to gesture at the departed spirit. "That was about the most fun I have had without you or Hay for quite a long time, I am including my life before I came here." Penny got up off the bench that seemed a new feature of the room. She sipped the dark-colored drink. "And I really needed it." "Did you get to look at any of the notes I left?" Stick trotted over, finding a pile of somehow pristine scrolls, despite how moist the air had just been. "Not a one, sorry." Penny made her way over and nuzzled in and nipped at Stick's neck playfully. "But now I have the writer to help catch me up." Hay came into the room then, holding a little piece of wood with a rope attached to it. "Why was this on the door?" She showed it to the pair. It had a picture of what was clearly, to a pony anyway, a stallion, with a red circle and line through it. Penny giggled and took it. "I can take a guess at who put it there." "And you are going to make this a weekly thing?" Stick flopped sideways onto the bed, scattering and crushing the scrolls. "Well, he does give a great massage." Penny shrugged and finished the drink, a slight blush running to her cheeks. "What was in that drink?" Hay took control and tilted the glass, tasting the last few drops. "Eww…" "Carbonated cola." Penny giggled. "So what was in the scrolls that was important?" She leaned in and nibbled on Hay's neck now. "You know I was worried at first, with two mares to take care of, that I would play favorites. But I can't. Both of you are wonderful in your own ways... Hay, I love you." She brought her snout up to the other unicorn's and kissed her. Hay smiled at the words and pressed into the kiss, closing her eyes and reaching for her changeling talent. She did just what Stick had described, they had practiced together. Penny felt the half-changeling extend into her, finding the core, and Penny trembled as the gentlest of kisses was felt within. Stick was watching. "You got it just right I would say. Look at her melt." Neither of the two mares kissing needed to hear that, to know. The kiss drew on as long as was needed for them to each push all of their expression into it. Even as they drew apart, Hay didn't withdraw her talent from Penny. If anything, she increased it. "Hay… if you keep… you know I… mmm." Penny swayed a little on her hooves and, as she felt the grip of one of her lovers settle around her, she gave in and flopped. "I love you too, Penny." Hay looked down into the swooning mare's eyes, unsure how to continue with the embrace, but knowing that they really shouldn't, they both had other things to accomplish. "She really will find any way to get out of this. Penny, come on, lets get through these things." Stick was unrolling the first scroll, the guest list. "Mmm don't wanna." Penny leaned up and nuzzled along Hay's jaw. "Why doesn't Hay have to do it too?" Hay lifted Penny a little more firmly and carried her over to the bed. "Because I have already done it, we are waiting for you, the whole wedding is." Hay kissed her on the nose and drew back her talents, leaving Penny flushed and clearly in the mood for things other than bookwork. "Besides, you do want to marry us, right?" Stick, now with Penny between her and Hay, took her turn to kiss the lunar unicorn on the nose. Penny nodded, looking a little guilty. "Okay, then we need to do this." "I swear, it is like marching into Russia in the winter." Penny sighed and flopped around onto her belly. "What?" Hay sounded intrigued with the comment. "Nothing, just… okay, lets do this. So what do I need to do with the guest list?" Penny brought the scroll closer. "You need to make sure all the ponies you want are on it." Stick pointed at the section marked 'Penny Farthing Guests'. "And yes, I put Discord on, I can't really be angry at him, he sure put you in a good mood today and he did give us the dresses." "Oh, don't forget Sharp Pike, he was the nice stallion in Cadance's guard that helped us." Penny brought a quill over and started adding names. Stick was pleased her marefriend added more, truth be told Stick had left a few out on purpose, to try and get Penny more into it. "Okay, I will take that to Pretty. Next we have the dresses." "But we have those, Discord-" Penny was sounding a little confused. "No," Hay cut in, pointing at the scroll, "every mare and filly in the bridal party needs dresses, they all need to match." Penny looked completely lost here and admitted it. "You two don't realize how little I actually know about fashion." Penny looked a little depressed. "Okay, I like dresses, you both have convinced me of it and I can now say it with a straight face, but color matching? Complementing colors? Nope, really not what I am good at." "Well then, the wedding is off, I can't marry a mare with not a hint of fashion sense." Hay kissed Penny's neck as she said it. "So either you learn or we simply can't be friends anymore." Penny pouted. "You better start learning, because I am marrying her, and it would suck if we had a three-way marriage but you two weren't marrying. Awkward too." Stick booped Penny on the nose and grinned. "Okay, you win, right, so start with me, what goes well with black?" Penny looked to her newest teacher. "Okay, firstly, your fur isn't black." Hay lifted a hoof and ran it along the dark pelt of her mate, revealing the deep blues and grays within. "Second, nearly everything goes with black, but you aren't black." "Huh… but that-" Penny tried to get some traction in the conversation but Hay's hoof came up and pressed to her snout. "Now, with this in mind, you have some choices. You can use other lighter blue shades to bring out the darkness in it, or switch it right around and go with autumn colors and contrast it." Hay looked around the room and then, with a challenging expression, started a spell. Colored streamers shot into the air and she quickly grabbed a few. "Okay, see this here, you wouldn't want a whole dress with it, but if you had just a few little bits of it, on a nice light blue dress, it would really highlight how deep your coat and mane are." Penny looked surprised, it was making sense, sort of. "Okay, so I am stormy and deep colors, so lighter ones and some brighter ones compliment. What about you?" Penny gestured at Hay. "Well, most would call my fur white, but it is a little dusty in places, so more of a cream. My mane and tail are yellow. These are both light colors that blend well with a lot of things, not just oranges and lighter greens, but also dark colors, blues, violets. With my cream coat, nearly anything can work, but muted dark colors are best." Hay gave her lecture, using her spell a few more times, catching the colored streamers she wanted each time to use to show off what colors worked. "Then we come to our adorable third. Stick's black is easiest of all, anything goes with it, anything. The green of her tail and mane are something else though, reds, orange, they fit nicely, as well as a cooler aqua." It got harder for her to find some of the more obscure shades in the burst of colors from the streamers but she found some to suit. "So, given all this, what color dresses are best for the wedding?" "Is this a test?" Penny sounded suspicious. Hay grinned. "Of course it is." "White for the brides, it goes with anything. As for other dresses, matching them all together into a consistent color scheme, with ponies, is impossible. But you did seem to lean toward muted dark colors as being suitable for us, so maybe deep violets?" Penny was ticking things off on her hoof. It was a little strange with no fingers, but served the purpose of getting her brain to think of bullet points just fine. "Good, but weddings are more a happy thing, so…" "Light blues, maybe with some orange and a touch of violet trim?" Penny tried to work around what she had heard. "Right, which is what mother has already suggested." Hay floated a scroll over, with illustrations of dresses on it. Penny sighed. "Don't sound down, you worked it out, now you get a prize." "What is the prize?" Penny and Stick both said together, giggling at their chorus. Hay fluttered her eyes at them. "You get to marry me." Penny leaned in and nuzzled Hay. Stick had to half-climb over the lunar pony to add her snuggles. "Best prize ever!" Penny exclaimed, ending her part in the conversation with a kiss.