Anti-Depression Ponies 1,886 members · 2,438 stories
Comments ( 35 )
  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 35're incomprehensible. I've just watched the newest episode Twilight Time and I hated it, I hoped it would show Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon being finally punished for good or maybe redeeming themselves, but no. :twilightangry2: And still there are people who defend those two devils. Why?!
Yeah, in case you haven't noticed I really hate them with a burning passion, I'm even a member of this group.
So why am I writing this thread in the anti-depression group? Because what I talked about so far makes me terribly angry, and to me anger and depression are extremely connected, so please, if you're one of those who defend Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon or both just tell me why. Don't get me wrong, I said I don't understand you at all but I'm not trying to insult you. I just would like to know your reasons so I can feel a little better. Some people gave their reasons (in a very rude way) in the group I linked above, but I thought they were stupid, so I hope you have something different to say if you're reading this. And please, for the love of God, Celestia, Allah, Shiva or whatever, DON'T GIVE ME HEADCANONS!!!!! :flutterrage:
Seriously, I need to hear reasons that are not connected to theories that are in no way proven by the actual show. As long as Diamond Cutters use headcanon I can only call bullshit, but believe me, if I'm writing this it's also because I don't want to hate you.
Well, I'm listening.:fluttershysad:

Nah, they're cunts.

...I don't like what they do..but i believe they can be redeemed. They are children, after all.

Normally, if I don't like an episode, I'm just like, well, that wasn't for me, and I just move on. This one... SHOCKED me. I immediately re-watched it because I was thinking, no. No. There is no way that this sucked that badly. There are so many good moments, so many good ideas, so much potential, we might finally learn a bit about Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, it started off so strong. I must have missed something and I'm over-reacting. And the second time around it was borderline unwatchable :pinkiegasp:


Wait, there are people who like DT and SS?

And people look at me funny because I like King Sombra.:ajbemused:

2919742 Welcome to humanity :ajsleepy:

2919740 I feel your pain. I like S4 overall but the bad episodes make me feel sick to my stomach. They take all the joy that the show used to give me and destroy it.

Someone here is giving thumbs down to everyone... please show yourself and tell us why, perhaps we can have an understanding.

And I thought that was going to happen this episode! Or start to happen, anyway. I'm thinking, hey, great, they're finally going to open up a bit with the CMC and Twilight's a sort of mediator and this is going to be awesome. But no. Totally dropped the ball.

Not showing up, dear thumbs down lurker? Good job making me think you're a worthless cowardly troll :ajbemused:

2919794 Same here man, same here :ajsleepy:


Well, I think they're entertaining, for one. Or their potential storylines (i.e. the fics people write) are. I feel that I must say as much, but I don't like characters because I agree with what they do. For example, Twilight Sparkle is my least favorite character, when she's easily one of the most magnanimous and kind characters of the bunch. And Apple Bloom is one of my favorite character overall, and she's the duo's first victim.

I like antagonists more; they're more interesting, less predictable, start shit more. I want to know why they do what they do. Some villains are tragic; loathing their actions or the circumstances that made them the villain, and I want to see them overcome. Some are irredeemable assholes who enjoy every second of misfortune their wrought, and it's fun to watch them, to wait for their comeuppance along the ride. Some are just fun, larger than life.

DT and SS aren't really villains at this point, just antagonists. They do nothing particularly extreme, but their presence makes the show interesting. They start conflicts, and that's generally what I want to see in the stories I read/ beamed into my brain.

Besides that, I think their relationship is unique (in MLP anyways). They're best friends after all, but they're both jerks. I'd say that their friendship is no different than the one the Crusaders have. As we have seen in the past, they're more than bullies. Silver Spoon was genuinely interested in Granny Smith's story. She's the follower, but it's clear Diamond isn't pushing her into anything. Diamond's pretty competent as a leader, since she (while unjustly) raised a school newspaper into a real sensation. The rest would be conjecture, so I'll leave it at that.

One last note: they're, like, eight years old. Even if they're assholes, it's not like they'll grow up into assholes. That a truly evil character like Chyrsalis is almost always redeemed in fics is what baffles me...


Silver Spoon was genuinely interested in Granny Smith's story. She's the follower, but it's clear Diamond isn't pushing her into anything. Diamond's pretty competent as a leader, since she (while unjustly) raised a school newspaper into a real sensation.

This. This is good.

2919708 They're cute, plus the more recent episodes have given them at least a little more personality. I've always liked the "mean girl" character archetype, and Diamond fills that role well.


1 I like them because they remind me of what I could have been if I stroke first as bully in the First Grade, using the Bullying License that my father gave me (I was bullied for eight years.)

2 They are villans, yes, but what they have done, of really heinous? We forgave Trixie, why not them? Is it because the CMC reminds us of what we were as kids, and thus, you feel protective towards them?

3 They look cute.

That said, I might disagree with you, but I am willing to listen to your arguments.


I think this sums it up.

Can't help but feel like you're taking this just a liiiiiiitle too hard. :fluttercry:

MLP is like pizza for me; even when it's bad, it's still pretty good. I'd much rather watch a bad episode of this show than any episode of a lot of terrible shows. Even if one pony ep doesn't turn out so well, I just shrug my shoulders, say "oh well, better luck next time," and wait for next week. It happens. Don't give up hope. :pinkiehappy:

2919875 CUTE?! :rainbowderp:
Oh well...

2919934 What do you mean, "Oh well"? I'm confused.

2919900 1. Hmm, I can understand that.


what they have done, of really heinous?

Let's see... how about MAKING FUN OF A PEGASUS WHO CAN'T FLY?! :rainbowhuh: That's like laughing at a child on a wheelchair! Besides I've never said forgiving Trixie (or Sunset Shimmer for that matter) was a good thing, I would have sent them to a dungeon, but I don't wanna go off-topic.

3. No matter how cute they may look on the outside, what they have inside always prevails.

Well, that's what I have to say. Thanks for being nice anyway.:twilightsmile:

2919948 I mean "to each his own" :twilightblush:
Seriously though, they may look kiiinda cute...ish, but those evil smiles and their personalities just irritate me way too much and make them look ugly as sin to me.

Because I think they're capable of growing the fuck out of it if they were ever to experience some competent parenting.

2919814 finally somebody who isn't in love with every bit of Twilight Sparkle! :rainbowwild:


I'm still gunning for Sunset to be the main character, one day, one day...

I'm just fortunate that the show isn't all about Twilight, or I probably wouldn't be here :ajsmug:

all I can say is
"time wounds all heels"

they might not get punished in the show, but you can be sure that their lack of social skills and refusal to do hard work will destroy them.

a nice story that helps with my diamond rage is the rise of Darth Vulcan where the villain/main character reforms her in the cruelest way possible

2921710 Well, that's kinda depressing :applecry:

Silver spoon showed some fleeting moments of niceness in S2. Small ones, but they were there nonetheless.

Perhaps someday.

I don't particularly like Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, but I don't HATE them and think the vitriol towards them by some people is a little much - mainly because while they have been extremely nasty, they are still children. It doesn't excuse their behaviour, but it doesn't also mean they won't be able to become better ponies when they're older. I also find their arrogance and "I'm so great~" shtick amusing in small doses, in a similar way to Trixie's. I would like to see them show some redeeming features eventually - lots of kids' shows have done the "bullies redemption" thing, so it still seems possible that it might be something they're saving for later seasons.

But I think the main thing is, if DT/SS and their defenders are really affecting you and making you angry and unhappy IRL (and I'm sorry to hear if that's the case), then it would probably be best just not to think about them. Avoid the threads and stories about them and focus on the characters/aspects of the show you do like and make you happy. After all, everyone has different tastes in fictional characters, there's no "right" or "wrong" (I doubt many people actually see DT/SS as great role models - the show certainly doesn't present them that way), but your mental health is most important.

Hope that helps somewhat :pinkiesmile:


yes it is, that's why there are those who want to redeem them in one way or another

2919906 Get that God forsaken comic outta my face :twilightangry2:


Okay, okay...

2930559 Wait fillies, before you go I have a message for you two:

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