Art for Fanfiction 5,180 members · 213 stories
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Group Admin

Table of Contents

Below is a guide to the various tags we have. We opted for a more simplified version so that it was more user friendly and not the wall of texts that has existed for so long.

Contribute Art________6034307
Request Art___________6034308
Commission Art_______6034311
Discuss Art____________6034314
Display Art____________6034315

Rules of Escalation____6127809

Group Admin

Contribute Art

A gift or payment to a common fund or collection. For those that want to contribute, you are always welcome to; whether it be to a story that needs are, something on the group like icons, or even for third party sites like our Deviantart and Discord.

One simply needs to make and present.

For posting in the forum, please just put [Contribute] before the post.

Group Admin

Request Art

The most used aspect of our group. Please be aware that when you request art, you are asking for free work from an artist. It is tantamount to being asked to write a story with no compensation except a thank you.

You may be vague or descriptive in your request, however, it helps to be as descriptive as you can when requesting.

For posting in the forum, please just put [Request] before the post.

Group Admin

Commission Art

With commissions between members, you may compromise through trade, such as a story for an art piece or through financial means. This tag is very versatile, and as a result can become very unclear as to meaning so please be as clear as possible when posting a commission request and to come to an agreement of payment before working toward the goal.

Art for Fanfiction does not help in the payment process and is left up to the users to agree on payment method.

For posting in the forum, please just put [Commission] before the post and nothing else.

Warning: Should anyone be caught impersonating another artist or stealing product without payment then they will be banned from the group and barred from participating in Deviantart and Discord events to the best of our abilities as well as being reported to site staff for possible escalation depending on the circumstances. This warning exists to protect our artists and users from the more unsavory people out there. Any issues, please contact founder at earliest convenience.

Group Admin

Discuss Art

This doesn't strictly have to be art, but show related things in the realm of art. For example:

This is completely okay and encouraged, however, there are limits. We don't want to discuss the art of the world series.

We have a Devaintart that will host various artworks that you may view and discuss at your whim.

For posting in the forum, please just put [Discuss] before the post.

Group Admin

Display Art

A section I hope explodes in popularity. With our presence on Deviantart and Discord, we hope to get the fandom's artwork out into the open to really show what you all make and not just do what we as a group have been doing, sitting here like basement cats.

Never be afraid to share what you've made. If it looks like stick figures doing the mambo, then take and criticism and let it help you grow.

For posting in the forum, please just put [Display] before the post.

Group Admin

Rules of escalation

Posts without tags will be deleted without warning. If you can't read and respect forum rules then in turn the post will be treated with the same attitude.

In the even a member repeatedly ignores staff's requests to amend the post and/or ignore staff altogether then that user will face a temporary ban that may escalate into a permanent ban.

It sounds daunting, however, it's just a tag. Please choose 1 of 5 and keep in mind the punishment is after much warning and would require one to deliberately ignore this forum.

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