> Flying Together > by GoldenChaos > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Wanna Go For a Flight? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was late at night when Rainbow finished cleaning the stadium after her mistake. She wiped at her sweaty forehead, and smiled contently as she looked around. It was finally clean, like Rainbow didn't decide to do the stupid stunt that she had. Rainbow set the broom down beside her, and she sat down, flaring out her wings, ready to take flight. Suddenly, somepony cleared their throat behind her, and Rainbow zoomed into the air, afraid. "Who's there?" growled Rainbow. Whipping her head down, she saw a smirking Soarin looking up to her. "Did I scare you, Crash?" teased Soarin. Rainbow crossed her arms. "Moi? Scared? Nah," said Rainbow quickly, blushing hard. She glared daggers at Soarin. "You shouldn't sneak up on ponies, especially late at night. I was about to pound you!" Rainbow punched the air. Soarin rolled his eyes. "Sure you were," said Soarin sarcastically. "You screamed and flew in the air, totally about to pound me." Rainbow growled, landing on the ground. "Do you want to get a punch in the face?" asked Rainbow, pounding her hooves together, her eyes hungrily awaiting a response. Soarin gulped and shut his mouth, shaking his head fast. "That's what I thought." Soarin coughed. "So, I have a question," started Soarin. "Wanna go for a small flight?" Rainbow raised a curious eyebrow. "For what?" asked Rainbow, inclining her head to the right. "Dunno, just wanna go on a flight," replied Soarin, shrugging. "Okay, I guess," replied Rainbow, and the two of them flapped their wings and flew into the cool, night sky. Soarin looked over to Rainbow, seeing her magenta eyes focused ahead of her. She looked over to Soarin, her lips slightly parted. Soarin quickly looked away, and blushed. He wasn't in the uniform, but since it was dark, and the night of the new moon, Rainbow didn't see the red on his cheeks. "So, why has the nickname Crash bothered you so much?" asked Soarin. "You never gave us the full story." Soarin looked over to Rainbow, and she didn't meet his eyes. "When I was a filly, and it was my first day at Flight Camp, I tried to do a flip in the air to impress everypony else," explained Rainbow. They paused, flying in midair. "I ended up crashing into a trash can, like what happened two days ago, and these bullies called me Rainbow Crash for many years afterwards." A tear fell out of her eyes, and Soarin frowned deeply. He had a crush on her, and he didn't want her to cry. He was making a risky move, but it was all he had. "At least they didn't call you Rainbow Trash," smirked Soarin. Rainbow sniffed, and she chuckled darkly. "What did you say?" asked Rainbow, punching Soarin lightly in the arm. "Heh. My friend Pinkie said the same thing." Soarin smiled. It seemed to brighten Rainbow's mood. "Cool," was all Soarin could reply. Rainbow tilted her head to the side. "Why are you so interested in knowing more about me?" asked Rainbow. Soarin's eyes darted away. "I-I want to get to know my team mate better," replied Soarin. "Okay, what's the real reason you asked to fly with me? I know that's not it, we talk all the time in headquarters," said Rainbow bluntly. Soarin blushed, and even in the darkness, Rainbow saw it. "Why are you so red?" "Is it just me or is it hot up here?" asked Soarin nervously. "It must be you, because it's pretty chilly up here," said Rainbow. "Okay, spit it out." Soarin's shoulders sagged. "You win," sighed Soarin. "I wanted to confess something." He paused, looking for a way to get out of this confession. Rainbow tenderly put a hoof on his shoulder. "What is it?" asked Rainbow softly. Soarin remained silent. "Come on, we don't have all day!" "I have a crush on you!" blurted out Soarin. "I really, really do, ever since the incident where Wind Rider framed you, and you were proven innocent. I noticed how much of a good flier you are, how funny you are, and how beautiful you are." Rainbow remained silent, shock filling her face. Soarin sighed and turned away. "You probably don't feel the same, but I won't stop trying to get you to like me as well. I don't know if this crush will fade, but I hope it won't. It feels so right, as being with you does. Please Rainbow," Soarin turned his head back to Rainbow. "Please accept my feelings." Silence followed. Soarin sighed, and started to fly away. "Soarin, WAIT!" called Rainbow. Soarin paused. He turned to her, and instantly, Rainbow's lips crashed onto his. Soarin sighed happily, kissing back, and his hooves ran through her rainbow mane. They pulled back minutes later, gasping for air. "I've had a crush on you too, ever since I met you," replied Rainbow, smiling. "You have seemed so awesome, and liked the same things as me." Soarin smiled. "So, want to go on a date sometime?" asked Soarin. Rainbow smirked. "Yeah, I think I will have time for it, Clipper," replied Rainbow. Soarin shoved her, and laughed. They flew into the night sky, holding hooves tightly. Down on the ground, Spitfire smirked at the new couple above. She couldn't wait to tease them about their new relationship. But, she would keep their secret until they were ready. > Secrets > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Months had passed, since the day Soarin and Rainbow Dash had confessed. Rainbow didn't know how, but she and Soarin had made their relationship remain secret. But, it was agitating when the fanfillies were all over Soarin. Once, one had the nerve to kiss Soarin on the mouth. It was an almost fatal mistake, if Rainbow hadn't been watched carefully by Spitfire. "Crash, something wrong?" asked Fleetfoot. Rainbow snapped out of her trance. They were supposed to be practicing, but Rainbow had been zoning out. Soarin was bringing her out to dinner, and she was excited. He had booked the whole restaurant so nopony would see them. "Oh, uh, yeah," said Rainbow. She did a flip in midair, before landing gracefully. Fleetfoot rolled her eyes. "Alright, no need to show off," Fleetfoot grumbled. "You're just jelly because I was so awesome," said Rainbow proudly. "Pssh, you were alright," said Fleetfoot dismissively. "I bet you couldn't land so gracefully," Surprise challenged. Fleetfoot narrowed her eyes playfully. "It. Is. On." Fleetfoot tried to attempt what Rainbow had done, but failed miserable. She landed on her face, and her eyes rolling in her sockets as she lifted her head. "Oh, for Celestia's sake," she grumbled. Rainbow and Surprise burst out laughing. "Nice job," said Rainbow, helping Fleetfoot up. "So, that aside, is something going on between you and Soarin?" asked Fleetfoot, a devilish smile on her face. Payback. Rainbow gulped. "Uh, we're just best friends," said Rainbow, waving her hoof dismissively. Fleetfoot edged her face closer to Rainbow, looking her in the eye. "Are you sure?" Rainbow tried not to sweat. She nodded. "If you say so." She walked over to Surprise. "Come on, we have to report to Spitfire that we're done practicing for awhile." Surprise nodded, and they started to talk as they left. "I bet you ten bits Rainbow and Soarin like each other," giggled Surprise. "I bet you twenty they're dating," Fleetfoot shot back. In all truth, she was suspicious. Soarin and Dash had been pretty close ever since the incident at the Ponyville Wonderbolts Show. "Ooh, that would be a real surprise," said Surprise, winking. Fleetfoot groaned. Oh no, not again. Fleetfoot thought. "Stop with the puns!" cried out Fleetfoot. "What, am I too punny for you?" asked Surprise, smiling. Fleetfoot groaned. "Okay, so, I have a plan to find out what's happening between Soarin and Rainbow," said Fleetfoot. Surprise nodded, obviously interested. "I'm listening," she said, smearing her hooves together. "So, we're going to follow them around," said Fleetfoot. "We will take down notes, and we will attack Soarin when they are done. Bring a feather near that stallion's hooves, and he no longer is a stallion." Surprise nodded. "Let's do this," said Surprise. "You take down the notes, and I will do most of the questioning," said Fleetfoot. This had to work. After all, she done this to Spitfire when she and Soarin were dating... Fleetfoot caught sight of Rainbow and Soarin were talking. She could barely make out what they were saying. "Dinner... To ourselves...." Fleetfoot leaned her head forward in interest. Suddenly, Rainbow turned to look around, seeming to sense somepony watching her. Fleetfoot was quick enough to hide behind the door. Then, Rainbow and Soarin split apart. Fleetfoot followed Rainbow. Rainbow let out an uncharacteristically girly giggle. Fleetfoot stifled her laughter. She followed Rainbow all the way home. Nothing happened there, until Rainbow brushed her mane to the side, making herself look very nice. Then, Soarin knocked on the door. Surprise came next to Fleetfoot. "Here's a camera," Surprise whispered quietly, handing her the black camera. "Thought you might need it." "Thanks," Fleetfoot whispered back. "Now, ready for the plan to begin." She pulled out the camera. Rainbow opened the door, and Soarin offered his hoof, which Rainbow took. Snap! One picture down. One SoarinDash moment. "My lady," said Soarin to Rainbow. Fleetfoot stealthily came closer. He leaned forward to kiss Rainbow. Fleetfoot snapped another photo, but didn't go unnoticed. "AH!" screamed Rainbow, spotting Fleetfoot. Fleetfoot recoiled. "Mission failed, we'll get them next time," said Fleetfoot, starting to fly away. "HAH! WE CAUGHT YOU LOVEBIRDS!" screamed Surprise as they flew away. "Really?!" snapped Fleetfoot, but she couldn't contain her smile. "We can show it to the rest of the team," said Surprise excitedly. "Then we can tease them! What should we call them?" "SoarinDash," Fleetfoot replied immediately. "Wow, nice name," Surprise smiled at Fleetfoot. Rainbow couldn't believe it. They had been caught by Fleetfoot and Surprise. Soarin was laughing, still. "I-I knew we should have told them," said Soarin, struggling to catch his breath. "Well, now we're screwed." "How is this so funny, might I ask?" asked Rainbow, pouncing on Soarin. Soarin laughed, easily switching it around, Soarin on top. They blushed as they realized what position they were in. Soarin got off, still slightly flushed. The next day, everypony at the Wonderbolt Headquarters wouldn't stop laughing and saying 'SoarinDash', but frankly, Rainbow didn't care. It sounded sweet to her. "Crash, have a moment?" asked Spitfire, her expression stern. Rainbow gulped. She wondered about this, if Spitfire would be angry of her and Soarin keeping their relationship secret. To her astonishment, Spitfire burst out laughing. "I knew you guys were together." "H-How?! W-What!" exclaimed Rainbow. "I saw you two, months ago," said Spitfire. "After the Ponyville Show!" Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Well, why didn't you tell us?" "I wanted to see what would happen, and I'm glad I waited!" "...Jerk..." Spitfire laughed again. "You can go," Spitfire put a hoof to her forehead, smiling. Rainbow walked away, and Soarin landed in front of her. "My lady," said Soarin, dipping his head. He leaned forward, an inch between them. Rainbow closed the gap, and they kissed. The other Wonderbolts cheered.