> Equestria Girls: Yo-kai Watch Chronicles > by Blaze-saber > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: the Crimson Scaled Knight; a Heart of Courage > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a cloudy day in the city of Tokyo as a pregnant woman was standing at a crosswalk and ready to cross the street. When the sign gave her the okay to cross, she noticed another woman crossing the street with her baby in a stroller before she noticed bolts on a sign starting to fail. She gasped when she noticed the sign was about to fall. "Look out!!" She called out as she ran forward just as the sign out. Next thing she knew, all she felt was pain as she was put in an ambulance. She heard a paramedic telling her to push her baby out. She soon was in a hospital room while a baby boy wrapped in a small blanket cried. Her husband sat beside her as the news about his wife came quickly and the doctors told him she doesn't have long. "It's alright…" she told her husband in a weak tone. "Even if I'm gone…I will still be with you…" Those were her last words before her heart beat monitor went flatlined. The husband took his child out to the porch as he had tears in his eyes but with a smile on his face. "It's going to be okay, kiddo." He told his son. "No matter what, your mother will always be with us." As soon as he assured his son, the clouds started to part and the sun started to shine down. He smiled before looking down at his son and seeing that he has red skin like him and yellow hair like his mother. "No matter what, we will be brave together. We both must have courage in our hearts." He then had a look of realization on his face. "That's a good name for you, Courage Heart." The baby in his arms smiled, but it was not because of the name his father gave him. As he looked up, he could see something that looked like a small dragon looking down on them with a smile. There is something about that dragon that made the little baby smile. Ten years later, Courage is seen walking through the forest with a butterfly net as he was looking around. He soon came to a large clearing where a large tree was seen up ahead. He came close and saw one of those capsule-toy dispensers at the base of the tree, only it looked like it was hundreds of years old. "What's this doing here?" He asked before he suddenly heard a voice which spooked him. Feed me, feed me~. Feed me, Feed me~. Feed me, feed me~. I'm so hungry, I need to eat~! Courage wondered where the voice was coming from before he looked again at the capsule dispenser. He took out a coin and put it in the machine before turning the knob. Once a capsule came out, he picked it up and tried to get it open. It seemed to be stuck for a moment before it popped open and a sudden gust of wind swirled around him. A ball of light started to form in front of him as he was surprised at this. "This was the day my whole life changed forever. This is the day I never could have imagined my life would never be the same after." Soon a face with a black mark around its eyes and blue lips grinned at him with a slight chuckle. Six years later, some students at the Crystal Prep School were getting ready for the Friendship games against their rival school, Canterlot High. One of these students is a teenage girl with purple skin and indigo hair with a pink strip in it. She also wore glasses to help her sing as she hugged her bag close. She looked like she didn't want to do this in the first place before a woman with hot pink skin walked up to her. "It's going to be okay, Twilight." The woman assured her. "Maybe you could make some friends during the Friendship Games." "Thanks Cadance…" Twilight said before she looked down. "Even if your principal is forcing you to do it just so you can be accepted into an independent study program." Just as she was about to get on the bus, they all suddenly heard someone yelling before they turned to see Courage running at full speed before he ran past them. "What was that?" "Whoever was that, he seemed to be in a hurry." Cadence mentioned before they saw him coming back. He once again ran past them before he made a quick u-turn and came to a stop right in front of them. "Uh, could either of you tell me where to find Canterlot High? I'm lost." Courage said, which caused them to fall backwards. "You mean you've been running around just to look for a school?!" Twilight exclaimed at him. "In my defense, I'm new to the US so I don't know my way around this town." Courage told them as he rubbed the back of his head. "I'm Courage Heart, and I just moved here from Japan." "That would explain the watch on your wrist and how it looks different from any watch I've seen." Cadence mentioned as she pointed to the one he's wearing. The watch itself has a watch belt and the watch body is white in color, the watch belt having gray Y's going down it. The watch face plate is black with red wisps on the top and bottom. It has a dial that is clock hands in the middle in the shape of a Y. "Oh this was a gift from a friend." Courage told them. "So how do I get to Canterlot High from here?" "Well you're in luck, we're just about to go there ourselves." Cadence told him. "Would you like to come aboard? Just don't let Principal Cinch see you." "That would be nice, thanks." Both him and Twilight then climbed onto the bus. "Are we gonna win?!" Indigo Zap shouted when she jumped up from her seat and scared the two. "I… I don't know." Twilight said, making Indigo frown. "Wrong answer, try again!" She shouted at her. "ARE, WE, GONNA, WIN?!" "Um, I guess…" Twilight answered, still sounding unsure. "It's just… I  mean… I heard CHS is doing well now, with their reputation. And… I mean, it's not better than ours, of course. We can't let them do it. Win I mean… right?" Some of the students on board looked at Twilight with a raised brow while Courage looked confused at what they were talking about. "Win what exactly?" Courage asked Indigo. "The Friendship Games, what else?!" She shouted before she realized something. "Are you new here or something?" "Well yeah, I moved here from Japan and I got lost trying to find CHS." Courage admitted and that caused Indigo to chuckle. "What's so funny?" "You picked a really bad school to transfer to, especially when we're about to start the Friendship Games!" She told him. "We pretty much beat them at everything." Courage looked at her before he had a smirk on his face. "Well maybe this time things will be different!" He explained as he got in her face. "After all, she said that CHS is gaining a reputation which means things will be different and we might win and not you!" "What would a newbie like you know anything about?!" Indigo shouted as she got into his face. "They say losing gives you the motivation to try harder at winning!" He shouted back at her. The two of them had wide grins on their faces as they tried to push each other back. "Hey, are you two going to kiss or are you going to take her seat?!" Sour Sweet exclaimed. "What was that?" Courage turned to her. "It's just that we should probably get going before our principal gets upset." Sour Sweet explained innocently. "Oh right." Courage then walked behind Twilight as they looked for a seat to sit down while Sour just rolled her eyes as Sunny Flare came up behind her. "Who exactly is that guy?" Sour growled. "I don't know, but he's kind of cute." Sunny whispered as she looked at Courage. Meanwhile, Courage sat in front of Twilight while she sat next to Sugarcoat and Lemon Zest. Twilight looked in her bag after Sugarcoat told her not to say anything. She pet the head of her pet dog Spike before she could hear Courage mumbling to himself. She looked up and she saw what looked to be a white blob with blue lips and black mark over its eyes. Although it looked see-through and could barely be seen. She wondered what the thing was before her thoughts were interrupted when Lemon Zest was listening to loud music on her headphones. "Yo, you've got to hear this!" Lemon shouted before she put her headphones on twilight. Twilight cringed her face at the loud music booming in her ears. No one didn't noticed a black aura coming off her before it was being absorbed by something in the shadows next to her as the bus pulled out of the driveway. "Did you really have to follow me to school, Whisper?" Courage asked the blob floating next to him. "Well I am your Yokai Butler." Whisper spoke in a British accent as he floated around Courage. "After all, since the day we first met I have devoted myself to serve you." "I know, I know." Courage sighed. "But it was your directions that got us lost in the first place." "Well it's not my fault that the map I bought was last year's one and I should have known not to buy it online." Whisper excused himself as he pulled out a Yokai Pad. "But at least we know that there's a special event for both schools to do. The Friendship Games sounds very fun if you ask me." "Yeah, but everyone here seems to care more about winning instead of friendship and stuff." Courage mentioned before he noticed Canterlot High just up ahead. "That must be my new school." "Hmm, and that woman with the colorful hair must be your new principal." Whisper mentioned after seeing Principal Celestia on the sidewalk just as the bus parked in front of her. "I think you should go and apologize for being late." Courage rolled his eyes just as the bus stopped and he got up to go greet his new principal. Whisper was about to follow him before he noticed a dark aura coming off of Twilight and being absorbed into the shadows. "I should really check that out, another time." Principal Cinch walked off the bus just as Courage jumped off it. "Hello new principal! He greeted Celestia and startled Cinch. "So sorry about being late, I got lost." "It's quite alright," Celestia assured him. "You must be the new transfer student, Courage Heart." "And the least you could do is say sorry for startling me." Cinch spoke up. "Oh sorry, I guess I didn't see you there." Courage rubbed the back of his head just as Vice Principal Luna walked up to them. "Why don't you cut him some slack, Principal Cinch? This is his first day of school." Celestia told her. "For now, Vice Principal Luna will help your students get settled if you'd like me to show you around. There have been quite a few changes since your last visit." "Oh yes Principal Celestia, I'm sure that would be fascinating." Cinch said in a sarcastic tone as some of the students from Crystal Prep got off the bus. Cadence however went over to Luna as they embraced each other in a hug. "Oh it's always such a pleasure to see you Dean Cadence." Luna told her with a smile. "Even if it means another defeat." "Thank you Vice President Luna, but I hear it's not going to be so easy this time." Cadence told Luna just as Twilight was coming off the bus. Courage noticed how some of the students  treat her as a doormat. The girl named Sugarcoat even told Twilight that before she got off the bus. Both Whisper and Courage noticed something absorbing the dark aura coming off of Twilight. "Did you see that?" He whispered to Whisper. "I get a bad feeling just from seeing that." "Although that necklace of hers is beeping." Whisper said after noticing the purple round locket necklace around her neck. They watched as Twilight held up the locket and pointed towards the school. She then decided to make her way towards the school when no one was looking. "What do you think she's up to?" "Let's follow her and find out." Courage suggested. "Besides, I'm trying to find out if a Yokai was absorbing that dark aura from her." "I highly doubt a Yokai is behind what's absorbing from her." Whisper doubted while Courage and Twilight already went up ahead. "Hey! Wait up for me!" As Twilight walked up the steps to the entrance, she walked by two girls as one of them greeted her as if they knew her. Courage and Whisper followed find inside and every person she passes by, they seem to greet Twilight and know her for some reason. Like this seems to baffle Twilight as she has no idea how they know her name or anything. She was so confused that she didn't look where she was going and bumped into someone with blue hair, yellow skin, wearing a leather jacket and a white T-shirt with a shield on it with a lightning bolt in the middle. This teen boy also had a guitar case when they both fell to the floor. "And this is why you should never walk backwards." Whisper mentioned. "Twilight? I almost didn't recognize you." The teen boy said, sounding happier than others as he helped her up. He noticed her squinting her eyes before he saw her glasses on the floor. "When did you start wearing glasses?" "Um, since forever." Twilight answered as he picked up her glasses. "Oh, how long are you here for?" "Just for the Friendship Games." She responded. "Right, of course. We'll totally win with you here. He said as he put her glasses back on her. With her glasses back on, Twilight got a good look at the boy as he gave a warm smile to her. "Oh my, can anyone say love at first sight?" Whisper said to the fourth wall. "After all, this is a total classic boy meets girl thing." Whisper then suddenly changed into a costume that looked similar to the teen boy. "I must say, you look very beautiful with those glasses on." He tried to mimic the teen's voice before he suddenly changed costumes and looked like Twilight. "Oh well, thank you very much!" He acted like Twilight a little. Courage cringed at Whisper while Twilight noticed her locket beeping and pointing in a different direction. "Um… I gotta go." She told him as she ran past him. "Uh, okay? Bye!" He said before he let out a sigh while he covered his face. "Hey, are you okay?" Courage asked as he walked up to him. "Yeah, she's just probably going off to meet her friends." He answered before he noticed Courage. "Oh uh, you new here?" "Yeah, I just moved here from Japan and sort of got lost on my way here." Courage admitted. "But I was given a ride here and well, here I am." He then extended his hand out to the teen boy. "I'm Courage Heart." "Flash Sentry." He introduced himself as they shook hands. "So, would you like a tour of the school before the games?" "That sounds good, and maybe you can tell me about this girl everyone's calling Twilight." The two of them then went for the tour of the school with Whisper following behind. Flash looked over and almost caught a glimpse of him but could barely see him. Flash wondered what it was before he just shrugged it off. The rest of the day seemed fine except for the competitive spirit between the two schools and the games haven't even started yet. Courage seemed to notice this and also he was told about Twilight and everything that happened at the school. Flash told him he wouldn't believe the stuff that has happened, but Courage told him that he has seen his fair share of impossible things in Japan. Courage however kept a close eye on Twilight because of the dark aura being absorbed by something in the shadow. Courage was even told about a band called the Rainbooms and overheard a conversation between a girl named Pinkie Pie and Twilight. The pendant is a spectrometer she's using to track Em frequencies and also capture them inside it. He noticed that Pinkie Pie seem to be like a party animal as she turned the greeting party into a real party and everyone from both schools enjoyed it. When the games really begun, Courage saw firsthand how the students from each school got competitive and each event. However he was trying to focus more on Twilight as he was trying to figure out what was absorbing the dark aura. He even saw Flash tried to give Twilight a compliment but she was too focused on what she was doing to even notice. He sometimes sees Twilight spying on the Rainbooms and they seem to treat Twilight like a very close friend. When she was talking with a girl Fluttershy, something weird happened and pink portals suddenly opened up around them. He also noticed a strange energy being absorbed from Fluttershy into Twilight's pendant. After it was over, her dog Spike was able to talk all of the sudden. It wasn't up until the next event of an obstacle course that things got really out of hand. Sour Sweet Sweet seemed to be bagging on Twilight for bad aiming at the first start of the obstacle course. Courage noticed that when she started to cry, the dark aura coming off of her was being absorbed somewhere in the shadows near the bleachers. When he went to go check it out, the flow certainly stopped when Applejack decided to help Twilight. He wondered if Twilight being bullied is the cause of the dark aura but friendship seems to stop it. Only after another energy was being absorbed into Twilight's pendant from Applejack that things got really weird. Twilight tried to close it but fell back and dropped it as more portals started to open up. Then these weird vines started to come out of the portals and cause a little trouble. Courage took out a metal with a red small dragon on the front of it as he was about to do something else before Twilight was able to close her pendant at the end of the event when CHS won. Courage then look back at Twilight as she was getting yelled at by Sunset Shimmer after her pendant was absorbing energy from Rainbow Dash again. The strangest thing Rainbow Dash had wings on her back before the energy was being absorbed by the pendant. Courage noticed a large amount of dark aura coming off of Twilight when she started to cry and saw it coming from the bleachers yet again. "There it is again." He said when he was next to whatever was absorbing the dark aura before he took his watch and moved the ring. The Y was now facing downwards and showed an eyeball before it lit up. He shined the blue light around until it hit some sort of shadowy figure. "There it is!" Just before what he and Whisper could see come clear, it's only made a mad dash away from them. "It's getting away!" Both him and Whisper started to chase after it as he was trying to keep the light focused on whatever it is they saw. "Are we not going to talk about that strange glow coming off of those girls or those strange portals that appeared when that locket opened up?!" Whisper asked Courage as he floated next to him. "We'll worry about that later, this could be bigger than that!" Courage told him as they ran past Flash when they made their way through the school hallways. "Hey Courage, where are you going?!" Flash called out as he chased after him. "Just trying to…" Courage trying to explain before he stopped and looked around. "It's got away…" "What got away?" Courage looked at Flash before letting out a sigh. "Remember when I said I had my fair share of weird things back in Japan?" Flash nodded in response. "Well, the weird things I was talking about involve Yo-kai." "Yokai?" "You know, those things we call spirits or interdimensional beings." Courage explained. "I sort of have had this ability to see Yo-kai ever since I was born." "Is that what that thing is floating next to you, a Yo-kai?" Flash asked as he pointed towards Whisper. Both him and Courage looked at each other for a moment before they had a shock look on their faces. "You mean you can see Whisper?!" Courage exclaimed. "Kind of, I mean I can barely see him." Flash rubbed the back of his head. "I guess I am able to see Yo-kai but I thought it was just my imagination playing tricks on me." "This is perfect!" Whisper declared. "Perhaps you can help find whatever it was we were chasing!" "What is it exactly?" "We're not sure, but I think it may be a Yo-kai." Courage explained. "And I think this Yo-kai may be inspiriting Twilight in some way. Every time Twilight gets bullied or something like that, she admits a dark Aura and I think that a Yo-kai may be absorbing it." "Which is very bad news if it's true." Whisper spoke up as he took out a Yo-kai Pad. "If a Yo-kai absorbs too much negative energy from the person they're inspiriting, they become out of control and blanket the area in a dark mist to which no human can escape from. This is something we call 'Dread Time.'" "And that's something that we don't want, right?" Flash asked. "No we don't." Courage confirmed. "We need to find it before we're too late." "And there's only two ways to stop a Yo-kai from doing what it's doing, negotiation or confrontation." Whisper mentioned. "But how will we find it?" "With this." Courage showed Flash the watch on his wrist. "It's called the Yo-kai Watch and it helps me find any Yo-kai that's hiding in the shadows." "Correction, it's the Yo-kai Watch: YSP model." Whisper mentioned. "It stands for Yo-kai Special Power." "Okay, so where do you think we should start looking for this Yo-kai?" Flash asked before they started looking high and low around the school for this Yo-kai. The three of them soon found themselves on the roof of the school in their search for that Yo-kai, having no luck finding it. Flash looked down at the front of the school and saw that the final event was about to begin. "Oh great, It's the final event and there's still no sign of that Yo-kai." "Yo-kai are naturally good at hiding." Whisper said as he shrugged his shoulders. "If that Yo-kai absorbs even more negative energy, we're in for a serious Dread Time with it." Courage complained as he rubbed the back of his head. Flash noticed that Principal Cinch and some of the students of Crystal Prep seemed to be pressuring Twilight about releasing the magic inside the pendant. "And by the looks of what's happening down there, it may not be long." Flash said with a worried tone. "How can they just treat her like that?!" Both Courage and Whisper looked down as Twilight and Sunset looked towards each other and Sunset had a worried look on her face as Twilight was about to open the locket. Sunset tried to stop this, but was too late as a burst of energy came out of the locket. The locket itself fell to the ground as an orb of energy was in front of Twilight and began to lift her up in the air as it expanded. Everyone watched in horror as she was being sucked up into the orb in trying to get out of it. "Help me!!" She called out as Courage, Flash, and Whisper quickly made their way down and to the front of the school just before the orb completely swallowed Twilight. In a burst of light, Twilight's eyes glowed white as something was happening to her. She's only transformed in a dark purple and violet dress as dark wings sprouted from our back. A horn made of energy extended out from our forehead as her hair started to flow up and look dark before her eyes opened up and glowed. She was no longer Twilight Sparkle, she is now Midnight Sparkle. Midnight let out a maniacal laugh before she looked towards Sunset with a wicked grin. "You were right! I didn't understand magic before, but I do now!" She declared as the horn on her head lit up before she fired a beam of magic towards the statue. The statue soon burst and cracks began to form on the ground before a hole in reality started to unravel and showed a different place. "What is that?!" Courage shouted as the hole was getting bigger. "Equestria…" Sunset gasped before the hole started to form cracks on the ground. Midnight smirk before she fired a blast towards that crack as the Rainbooms quickly jumped out of the way. Another hole in reality started to form as all the students screamed in Terror. Midnight continued to fire magic blasts in the cracks of reality to create more portals to Equestria. More holes in reality began to form around everyone before Sunny noticed Principal Cinch trying to sneak away. "Hey, where are you going?!" She shouted at her. "Anywhere to avoid that monster, and I suggest you do the same!" Cinch told her before she tried to make a run for it. Courage however ran over and quickly tackled Cinch to the ground. "What do you think you're doing?!" "You're not going anywhere!" He told her with a glare on his face. "You're the one who caused this and it's time you took some responsibility for it!" "Twilight, you can't do this!" Sunset called out to Midnight. "Why not?!" Midnight asked rhetorically. "There's a whole other world right there and it's just filled with magic!" She fired another blast towards the school as Celestia, Luna and Cadence quickly jumped out of the way and another hole was made. "But you're destroying this world to get it!" Sunset pointed out. "So what?! There's more magic there, and I want to understand it all!" Midnight declared before she unleashed a powerful being towards the ground that created a giant hole. All the students around trying to get away from it to not fall into the hole. Some of the Rainbooms were helping some of the students from Crystal Prep as they almost fell in while  Sunset found and picked up the pendant that unleashed the magic. The Shadowbolts saw this and decided to help out the Rainbooms as they were struggling to help the students. Sunset noticed that the pendant was beeping and knew what to do as each of the Rainbooms started to glow. "This isn't the way!" She told Midnight. "I know how you feel powerful right now, that you could have anything you want! I've been where you are! I made the same mistake you're making! I put on a crown and just like you, I was overwhelmed by the magic it contained! I thought it could get me everything I wanted!" "Oh you're wrong." Midnight responded. "Unlike you I can have everything I want!" "No you can't!" Sunset argued. "Even with all that magic and power, you'll still be alone! True magic comes from honesty, loyalty, laughter, generosity, kindness!" Each of the Rainbooms let their magic flow into the pendant as Sunset held it up high. "I understand Twilight, and I want to show you the most important magic of all!" Once she closed the pendant, she threw it down and a bright light covered her as she transformed. She was soon in a bright white dress with her hair flowing up and a red mark between her eyes. Wings made of light sprouted from our back as did a hornet growing on her forehead. "The magic of friendship!" Sunset then cast magic beans from her hands and sealed the portals to Equestria. Midnight did not like that as she flew forward and the two of them clashed magic together. The impact was powerful; it sent them back a bit before the two of them fired a magic Beam at each other. As this was happening, Whisper noticed the dark aura coming off of Midnight was blowing over to what's left of the statue. "Oh dear…" he gasped. Midnight let out a maniacal laugh as she was overpowering Sunset, but Sunset held on strong as she knew she had to stop her. "Twilight!" Spike the dog called out to get Midnight's attention. He looked up at her with puppy dog eyes before her eyes went back to normal for a bit. "Spike?" She whispered before Sunset took this opportunity to push back and a bright light covered the area. Everyone was blinded by the light and couldn't see what was happening before it suddenly died down as both Sunset and Twilight were back to normal and they landed safely on the ground as everything was all right again. Sunset had accomplished and returned Twilight back to herself before Spike, with her glasses in his mouth quickly jumped up and she laughed as they fell to the ground. Principal Cinch came out hiding from under the bleachers before she marched over to Principal Celestia. "Celestia, on behalf of Crystal Prep I demand that you forfeit the Friendship Games!" She demanded as Luna and Cadence walked up next to celestia. "Clearly CHS had an unfair advantage for quite some time and it is certainly obvious that your students have been using magic for their own benefit." "Man, really is something else." Courage whispered to Sunny, who nodded in agreement. "I think that saving the world benefits us all." Celestia argued in a smug tone. "At least they didn't manipulate Twilight into releasing all the stolen magic and turning into a power hungry crazy magical creature that tried to rip the world apart to win the game." Sugarcoat spoke up. "Wow, that's a lot to take in if you say it all at once." Pinkie Pie mentioned. "Uh, Courage…we have a big problem…" Whisper whispered harshly to him before he pointed towards the statue. Courage looked over and turned the watch as he pointed the light towards the statue in his eyes went wide with horror. "Uh oh…" He breathed out. "That's ridiculous!" Cinch growled. "Nope, that's pretty much what happened." Spike spoke up. "Actually, we're all to blame." Sour Sweet admitted before she had a glare on her face. "But mostly it was her." "IT WAS ALL OF YOU!!!" A voice in a venomous tone shouted before a dark mist started to roll in. "What is happening?!" Flash exclaimed as they all wondered the same thing. "We're too late!" Courage exclaimed as a dark dome covered the area. "It's Dread Time!" Whisper declared as a sudden burst of darkness came from the statue. Everyone saw a wicked face as a pulse of darkness was sent everywhere. That pulse caused Whisper to be seen by everyone before the darkness started to gather in that one spot. They all watched as the darkness took form that looked like a horse but with sharp teeth and a very large horn covering its face while they could see its sharp teeth. It stood on its hind legs before it let out a frightening roar. "YOU ALL ARE DESPICABLE!!!" The monster roared at all of them. "YOU'RE ALL SELFISH AND TERRIBLE!! YOU ONLY CARE FOR YOURSELVES AND NEVER APPRECIATE FOR WHAT OTHERS HAVE DONE! EPICALLY TWILIGHT!! I WILL PROTECT HER FROM ALL OF YOU!!" It lunged forward and everyone quickly jumped out of the way when it dried the three horns into the ground. It then focused on the Shadowbolts as they scattered around when it went after them. "What is that monstrosity?!" Cinch exclaimed before she quickly got pulled out of the way by Celestia when it tried to pounce at her. "That is a Yo-kai when it takes in too much negative energy!" Whisper answered as he flew next to both of them and showed an image on the Yo-kai pad. "Right now, it has blanketed the area in a dark mist so no human or Yo-kai can escape from. In other words we're in Dread Time!" "Whisper, duck!" Courage called out before the out of control Yo-kai swung its arm and whacked Whisper. Whisper cried out as he was being thrown through the building and crashed into a few things before his face planted on a chalkboard. "I guess negotiation is out of the picture…" He whizzed out as he fell to the floor. "What are we going to do to stop that thing?!" Rainbow exclaimed before she tucked and rolled under the things attack. "Flash, watch over Twilight and make sure she's safe!" Courage called out before he turned to the principles. "You better make sure that your students stay safe!" He then stood his ground as he faced the monstrous Yo-kai. "I'll handle the horn head here!" "You can't possibly take that thing on your own!" Sunny pointed out, but Courage just looked at her with a grin. "I'm not on my own." He told her as he pulled out a small silver medal with a red looking dragon on the front. "I have my friends with me." He then smiled brightly as he had a look of determination on his face. "Come on out my friend!" He then tossed the medal up in the air as it looked like it was letting out energy as it went up. "Calling Dragysuu!" As soon as it came down, he quickly caught it and held up his watch. "Yo-kai medal, do your thing!" In one swift motion, he inserted the medal into the slot of the watch before it lit up. ♪Come on, ghost!~♪ Summoning Brave! A red light shot out from the watch as something emerged from the light. It looked like a small dragon with red scales down its body with its left arm being black and the right arm being white. It had a small flame on the top of its head while its tail had a yellow sharp tip at the end of it. Its wings were white with yellow on the inside of them. It looked to be dancing as there was music playing. Sumo shave! Flavo engrave! Flash team'a Brave! "Dragysuu!" The Yo-kai introduced herself as it did oppose and spoke in a confident female voice. She then landed on the ground before looking towards Courage. "What's up, Courage? Good to see again." "Aw, she looks so adorable!" Fluttershy squealed after seeing the new Yo-kai appear. "What is that anyway?" Sunset asked as Whisper came floating in with a bandage on his head and holding up his Yo-kai pad. "Meet Dragysuu, a Yo-kai from the Brave Tribe." He said he was reading the information on her on the path. "She's a Yo-kai that makes people have a very high level of confidence and bravery whoever she inspirits." "Did you really look all that up?" Rainbow asked before taking the pad. "Yo-kai wiki?" Whisper quickly took back the pad and shot a glare at her. "It's just for reference, don't judge me!" "Looks like you got yourself in another Dread Time." Dragysuu mentioned after looking around and seeing the monstrous Yo-kai. "You called the right Yo-kai for the job." She did a couple of stretches before taking a battle stance. "Let's do this!" "YOU THINK A PUNY YO-KAI LIKE YOU CAN TAKE ME ON?!" The monstrous Yo-kai shouted as it lunged forward. Dragysuu quickly dodged its attack by jumping high and over it. She then raced around it as it tried to jab at her. She quickly dodged another attack before running up its arm and scratching its face. It roared before knocking her away and she skied on the ground to halt herself. "Bring it on!" Dragysuu charged forward before taking flight with her wings. "Dragon drill!!" She aimed her tail forward before covering herself with her wings and started to spin around. She acted like a drill as she struck the monstrous Yo-kai. It roared in pain before whacking her away with just one hit. Courage quickly jumped and caught her before she could crash into the wall. "She's a really tough one." "There's no way we're giving up!" Courage told her as he stood tall. "Ever since the day I found out Yo-kai were real, my life has never been the same! And I wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world!" Everyone noticed a red aura coming off of him as he had a confident smile on his face. "If anything, I'm very glad to have met Yo-kai in the first place and I am really happy to have them as my friends!" "Oh my, I have a feeling that things are going to get interesting!" Whisper said excitedly as Courage took out another medal. This medal looks different than the one he used before as the top half was black and the bottom was red. On it is what looks to be some sort of human and dragon hybrid carrying a sword. "Yo-kai Hero medal, henshin!" Courage declared as in one swift motion, he inserted the medal into the watch. It then lit up before forming a circle around him as it chanted. Y! ♪Change Form, Yo-kai Hero!♪ The circle that was around him soon hovered in front of him as he spread his arms out and moved his right arm up and his left arm down while symbols appeared around the circle. Each symbol on the circle soon became only two symbols as one was on top and the other was on the bottom. He then brought up his watch and turned the ring so that the Y is facing upwards. Dragysuu suddenly stretched out before she started to wrap around Courage's body. The moment her head came down on his, he had transformed into a human dragon hybrid with horns on his head and a X that is made of flames on the center of his face. Half of his face was covered by a collar from a jacket he was wearing with the sleeves being black on the left side and white on the right while he still had the watch on. The white in his eyes were black while the color in the center was golden yellow and he had fire red down the middle of his body as he had a sword scabbard with three golden lines along the side. A sword appeared in front of him with the bottom of the blade being black and the top of it being golden with a flame in the guard of the sword. The background suddenly became a ancient castle from the medieval times before the torches behind him lit up. "I may have the flames in my hands…" He spoke in a deep voice as he took the sword before he slashed around and rested it on his shoulder. "But I'm cool headed when in battle." Crimson Knight! Everyone was shocked and amazed by Ccrimson's sudden transformation into, whatever he is now. "That…looks…AWESOME!!" Rainbow shouted. "What is that and how is that possible?!" Twilight explained as she was processing what she just witnessed. "Say hello to Crimson Knight, a Yo-kai Hero!" Whisper told them as he looked at his Yo-kai pad.  "A Yo-kai Hero is a result of a bond between Yo-kai and a human such as Courage and Dragysuu. Very few Yo-kai have this ability and you'll need a very special medal to pull this off. If you think Dragysuu was strong on her own, just wait until you see Crimson Knight in action." "JUST BECAUSE YOU BECAME A YO-KAI HERO, DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN DEFEAT ME!!" The monstrous Yo-kai declared before it lunged forward right at Crimson Knight. Crimson Knight quickly jumped out of the way when it thrusted one of its horns right at him before he drew his sword out and flashed it from behind. "We will see about that." He said as he rested his sword on his shoulder and taunted the Yo-kai to come at him. It growled before it charged right at him as he readied his sword. The two of them clashed weapons as they fought. Sparks flew with each strike as the Yo-kai thrusted its horns right at him and he used his sword to block each attack. Every time he spotted an opening to attack, he took it as he slashed his sword right at the Yo-kai. He soon did a backflip and kicked the Yo-kai right in the jaw to send it flying back before it used its horns to stop itself. "Ready to give up yet?" "NEVER, I WILL NOT LET HER GET HURT ANYMORE!!" The Yo-kai shouted before Crimson Knight looked over at Twilight. He thought about how this Yo-kai was taking in all the negative energy coming off of Twilight every time she was bullied before he came to a conclusion. "Now I understand." Heat whispered before he took out a yellow medal with himself on it but it looked like he was doing a powerful attack. "Let's finish this." With one swift motion, he inserted the medal into the watch. Y! Execute! Power flowed from the watch and into a sword. The Flames from the guard grew bigger as it covered the blade. He lowered his stance as he prepared his finishing move. "Thousand Flame Slash!" He declared before he took one step forward and launched himself straight towards the Yo-kai. The Yo-kai charged right at him before he swung his sword and delivered a powerful blow right at it. He soon landed behind the Yo-kai before swinging his sword around and placing it in the scabbard. The moment it was in, the Yo-kai behind them suddenly burst into a big burst of darkness. "Way to go Crimson Knight!" Whisper cheered as he was in a cheerleader outfit. "Now we just need to purify that Yo-kai!" "I know that, Whisper." Crimson Knight responded before he held up the watch and turned the ring so that the Y was pointing right and there was a small four-pointed star before the watch glowed bright. He then aimed the watch right at the dark energy before a beam of light hit it. He held his arm as he struggled to keep balanced while this was happening. Everyone watched as the dark energy began to disappear before a bright ball of light suddenly appeared before it lowered itself to the ground. Soon the ball of light disappeared and in its place looked to be a unicorn with stubby arms and legs and having a swirl on its stomach. It was bright pink while the rest of its body was violet. "That little thing was the big monster that attacked us?" Indigo asked with confusion. "Her name is Uniyan." Whisper said as he was looking up the information of this Yo-kai on his Yo-kai Pad. "She's a Yo-kai from the Charming Tribe. She's a Yo-kai that inspirits others and causes them to be curious about some things and also makes them do things such as go off on their own without telling anyone." "That's good to know." Sunset commented before she noticed Twilight walking up to Uniyan. "Twilight, what are you doing?" "I saw her before, when I was little." Twilight mentioned before she got on her knees just as Uniyan opened her eyes and looked up at her. "I always see her whenever I'm either reading books or out in the park and observing something. I just thought it was my imagination." "No, I'm real Twilight." Uniyan spoke in a soft tone. "I've always been real." "Flash, Knight, you both know what this means?" Whisperer said as he pulled the two over to him. "Twilight also has the gift to see Yo-kai." "Okay but why did you go all crazy and became a monster all of the sudden?" Flash asked Uniyan. "And why did you absorb negative energy from Twilight from the start?" Crimson Knight added. "Because I really like her and I don't want to see her get hurt." Uniyan told them before she looked at Twilight. "Ever since you were little, I've grown fond of you and I always thought about how you love to know things and try to understand them. Even when I'm not inspiriting you." She then look towards the Shadowbolts and some of the students from Crystal Prep. "But ever since you went to their school, you began to get hurt from all their bullying. All they care about is winning and don't even care about each other or appreciate what others do." The students from Crystal prep looked down in shame as they knew she was right. "So I thought if I take in all that negative energy from you when you get bullied, you wouldn't be hurting as much." Uniyan continued before she started to cry. "But then when we came to this school, everybody here treated you as a friend and the negative aura I was absorbing was less and less. But then that Sunset Shimmer girl yelled at you for just wanting to understand something you know! After you released the magic and became that demon girl, I try to to save you by taking up as much negative energy as they could! I'm really sorry I couldn't help you!" "It's okay, I really don't blame you for what happened." Twilight assured her as Crimson Knight transformed back into Courage and Dragysuu. "I think it's really sweet of you that you care about me like that." "Really?" "Of course, I never meant anyone who could be so kind enough to do what you did for me." Twilight replied with a smile. "Even I would have done the same." Spike mentioned before Twilight picked up Uniyan. "I really think you're a great friend Uniyan, and I think that's what I really want." She said before she looked over at the Rainbooms. "Friendship." "You really mean it?" Uniyan asked before Twilight gave a warm smile and nodded in response. This caused Uniyan to smile brightly too before her whole body glowed and something shined bright right above them. It soon lowered down before the light dispersed and there were a few Yo-kai medals. One was Uniyan's summoning medal while another was black on the top part while the bottom part was purple and had a unicorn woman on the front. The remaining two look to be of the unicorn woman doing some special attacks. "What are these?" Twilight asked when she held the medals. "Those are Yo-kai medals." Whisper told her. "When you befriend a Yo-kai, you are given its medal as a sign of friendship between you and the Yo-kai. And it looks like Uniyan is one that can transform you into a Yo-kai Hero." "And now we're friends forever Twilight!" Uniyan shouted excitedly as she started to hug Twilight. "This is also very touching," Principal Cinch spoke up. "But do you expect to explain all this to the school board at all?" "None of us will, because only me, Twilight, Flash and the Yo-kai will remember all of this." Courage told her which confused all of them. They then heard his watch starting to beep before he held it up high. "This will just be our little secret." Reset! A bright light came from the watch as it covered the entire area. Everyone was going about their day like it was all normal and nothing happened. Celestia, Luna, and Cadence decided that everyone was a winner and they knew Cinch wouldn't be much of a threat considering Spike pointed out that all that magic stuff would ruin Crystal Prep's reputation. Courage, Flash, Twilight and the Yo-kai were sitting on the roof and looking down at the others. They noticed that students from both schools were getting along now. "Now this is how the Friendship Games should be about." Courage commented with a smile. "So, we're the only ones who remember what happened and they don't?" Twilight asked with curiosity. "Of course, after all the reason why you do remember is because you have a connection with Yo-kai." Whisper explained. "Now things might be really interesting now that there are three of you." "I guess it would." Flash said before he looked at Twilight. "So, are you really transferring here?" "Why not? I have a feeling I might know more about friendship if I go to this school instead. Twilight mentioned before she looked at Courage. "But I'm wondering about something. What's it like having Yo-kai in your life?" Courage looked at the two before he put his hands on his head and laid back. "Well, let's just say that when Yo-kai entered my life, things were never the same after that." He told them with a smile. Little did any of them know that a girl was watching them from the shadows. This girl had pure white skin and black hair while she also wore a necklace with a Japanese symbol for light on it. She looked at three of them before she had a smile on her face before she suddenly vanished into thin air. > Chapter 2: The Cursed Sword; The Fallen Hero > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It seemed like a beautiful night as the lights of a museum were being turned off as it was closing time. A couple of security guards were strolling through the halls of the museum with their flashlights on. One security guard seemed calm while the other looked a little spooked by some of the artifacts they passed by. "Why did I get stuck on the night watch?" He asked. "The museum is always creepy at night." "Hey, it ain't my fault that these were made over centuries ago." The other night guard said as he was shining his flashlight on some artifacts on display. "Besides, we get to see some cool old things before anyone else could." "But why did it have to be weird ones?" The other night guard asked as he shined his flashlight on an old mask. "What were people trying to do back then, give their kids nightmares?" "Hey, those are part of our world's history." The other night guard told him. "Besides, some of these artifacts are very variable and priceless." "Let's just get this patrol done and head back to the security room." Both security guards made their way into a Japanese exhibit filled with Sengoku war equipment and items. One in particular looked like a ninja sword with the blade of it being red in a display case. "Okay, that's a cool sword." "It's more of a katana, ninja warriors wheeled that kind of thing." The other night guard told him. "They say it's a weapon of a leader and that one belonged to a hero back in the day." "Okay, but what about that samurai armor?" The two of them shined their flashlights on samurai armor with a wolf mask and some gray and red armored plates. "Just an armor that belonged to a warlord that fought the hero that owned that katana." The first night guard told him. "But I got to say, the thing looks so life-like. Even without someone wearing it." "Yeah, it looks like it can just come to life at any moment." The second one joked before the two of them moved on. When their backs were turned, a couple of auras were coming off of both the katana and the samurai armor. Both security guards were walking under a skylight through a hall before they noticed a shadow looming over them. They turned around before they suddenly screamed in horror when something attacked them. An alarm clock goes off next to a bed where Courage is seen sleeping. Courage leaned over and turned off his alarm before he sat up from his bed and stretched out his arms. He then noticed Whisper just floating right above him as he was asleep as well. "Some things never change." He said to himself before he pulled open a drawer from his nightstand and pulled out an air horn. He gave it a little shake before aiming it towards Whisper and blowing it. Whisper let out a frightful yell before he bounced around the room. "I guess it's time to get up then." Whisper groaned as he rubbed his head. "Come on, Whisper. We promise to explain everything to Flash and Twilight today." Courage told him as he got out of bed and went over to his closet. He soon put on a pair of pants, a yellow shirt with an orange Y on the front. He then puts on a red short sleeve jacket with a fire in the shape of a dragon head on the back. "They did want to know how you and I met and how I got this watch." "Don't forget your Yo-kai Medallium with the Yo-kai medals you've collected over in Japan." Whisper told him as he floated over with a red book with a strange symbol on the front. Courage took the book and placed it in his backpack before the two of them ran out the door and downstairs. "I'm going out to meet up with some friends, dad!" Courage called out as he put on his shoes. "I'll be back later!" He and Whisper then went out the door and made their way towards Sugarcube Corner. They followed detailed instructions on how to get there before they saw Flash, Twilight and Uniyan waiting for them. "Hey guys! Thanks again for the instructions on how to get here, Twilight." "It's no problem." Twilight responded as Courage sat down. "So are you going to tell us how you ended up meeting Whisper and getting that watch?" "Yeah, you kind of owe us an explanation of that considering what happened during the Friendship Games." Flash mentioned. "Well, it was six years ago and I was out collecting bugs to show off a couple of friends of mine." Courage explained as he remembered that day when his whole life changed. A ten year old Courage is seen walking through the forest with a butterfly net as he was grumbling to himself. "I'll show those guys, just because Shell has a rare bug collection doesn't mean he's better." He complained to himself before he jumped over a no trespassing fence. "I just need to go deeper and I'll find cooler bugs." He searched carefully high and low for any bugs until he spotted one look to be a beetle that is bathed in a golden light. "Whoa! Never seen one like that before!" Courage started to chase after the bug in hopes of capturing it. It soon went under a tunnel, so Courage crawled through it. When he came out the other side, he lost sight of the bug as he wandered deeper until he came to a large clearing with a large tree in the center. "Whoa, how come a tree grows this big without anyone knowing?" He wondered as he walked closer to the tree and noticed a capsule machine at the base of it. But the castle machine itself looks to be hundreds of years old. "What's that?" He leaned in closer for a better look before he heard a whisper. "Huh, what was that?!" He looked around to try and find the source of the whisper before it got louder as it sang. Feed me, feed me! Feed me, feed me! Feed me, feed me! I'm so hungry, I need to eat! He looked around until he realized that the capsule machine was the source of it. "Does that thing want me to put a coin in it?" He wondered before he pulled out a quarter and cautiously approached the capsule machine. He placed it in the front of the capsule machine before turning the knob. He gave it a few turns before a stone capsule fell out. He picked up the capsule and looked over it before he started to twist both ends of it. He struggled to get it open for a bit before it finally popped open and a sudden gust of wind swirled around him when a flash of white light appeared in front of him. Courage was in awe when this light started to take form of Whisper right in front of him. Soon as the light died down, Whisper smiled down at Courage before he floated around. "What's up my corporeal friend? I am Whisper, at your service." He introduced himself with a bow. "I am a Yokai." He told him before he looked towards the fourth wall. "That thing you humans call a ghost, a spirit or an interdimensional being. "Yokai? I never heard of it." Courage told Whisper before Whisper floated back over to him. "Seriously?! The Yokai are the mysterious beings that caused strange phenomenon." Whisper explained as he was floating upside down. "And I know what you're going to ask. Why was I in the spooky capsule machine? It was 190 years ago when some self-righteous monks thought I was a threat to society and locked me in the machine." "They had capsule machines back then?" "Never mind the details, detective! I mean, who knew monks had such a sense of humor?!" Whisper commented. "What is important is that you managed to set me free!!!" He declared as he flew high in the sky before flying back down. "And now you and I have entered into a sacred bond, more than a marriage, more than a friendship, I am forever indebted to you!" When he pointed to where Courage was standing, he was gone and already walking away. Whisper freaked out before he flew after him. Whisper went past him before he hit his head against a tree before he floated over to him. "Where are you going?! You don't understand the honor of what I'm about to bestow upon you!" "Yeah look, no offense but I just came out here to look for some weird bugs." Courage told Whisper. "Not some cracker jack prize with some ghost in it." "This isn't happening…" Whisper groaned. "Just give me back my money and I'll be on my way!" Courage demanded and startled Whisper. "Unacceptable!" Whisper shouted back. "Give me back my money!" "Oh so sorry, no refunds. You get what you get and you don't get upset." Whisper replied as he swung his arms side to side. This caused Courage to glare at Whisper making him get a little surprised by this before he glared back. The two of them then glared into each other's faces for a bit before Courage pulled away. "Whatever, I'm out of here!" He shouted before he walked away. "Okay, have a nice day." Whisper said as he waved goodbye before he wiped his brow. But then a look of realization struck his face before he flew towards Courage. "Wait up!!!" He managed to catch up with him before he flew past him and crashed onto some branches before he would finally stop when he crashed into a tree trunk. "What do you want, yo-guy?" Courage asked as Whisper floated over to him. "Yo-kai!" Whisper corrected. "Just listen, you little ingrate. You are a, LUCKY BOY!" He declared as he suddenly had a basket full of confetti and tossed it in the air. "Not feeling it." Courage breathed out. "I happen to come from a tribe of Yokai who knows how to thank their liberators properly and I have a gift for you!" Whisper told him. "Do I get three wishes?" "I'm not a genie, I'm a butler, a liaison. A butler/liaison, but what's important is that I will solve any problem you might have." Whisper explained as he floated around. "Yokai or otherwise before you even know it. Imagine, the supernatural realm with its ups and downs, positives and negatives! The power and the glory, I'm going to make you very very popular." He said with a bow but when he looked up, Courage was already walking away. "What's wrong with this kid?!" He soon chased after him and stopped right in front of him. "Now hold on just a minute! You want weird bugs, I can make that happen!" He floated up as he swayed his arms from side to side. "Come out little glow bugs, time to light it up!" Just then, the bug that Courage saw before floated by. "That's the one!" He said as he was about to capture it before more suddenly showed up and he got buried under a pile of them. "No need to thank me." Whisper bragged, unknowing that Courage was calling out from under the bugs. "You're welcome…uh…" when he finally noticed swinging his arm out from underneath the bugs, Whisper swayed his arms around again. "Sorry little glow bugs, looks like we have a little ingrate on our hands." He then let out a fart and scared the bugs off of Courage. "This prize really stinks." Courage groaned as he plugged his nose from the smell. Courage is then later seen walking from the forest and into the city with Whisper floating next to him. "What a day. I just wanted to catch some interesting bugs to show off to my friends and now I have this weirdo following me." "Weirdo?" "Look, my dad won't let me have some random pet I found." "Pet?! Me a pet?!" Whisper exclaimed. "I am a Yokai, an incredibly powerful spirit! Does your dad have a rule against your time?!" "I guess not." "Then it's settled!" Whisper declared as he held up an okay sign while Courage let out a sigh. "Relax, I'm invisible to anyone but you!" "You are?" Courage asked before he noticed a girl with pure white skin and pitch black hair walking by. He noticed that this girl was wearing headphones and a necklace with a crystal having the Japanese symbol for light engraved on it. She was walking by a truck carrying steel pipes when Courage noticed the restraints giving way. "Hey, look out!" He called out as he raced over to save her. He didn't notice his own feet getting covered in a light aura when he did, causing him to move faster and save the girl when the steel pipes came down. "You should be more careful next time." "Very nice save there, you really have a spring in your step!" Whisper praised as he floated over to him. "Heh, thanks Whisper." Courage replied as he rubbed the back of his head. As they continued on, the girl took off her headphones before she snapped her fingers. Then suddenly a red cat that is the size of a bear appeared next to her. Wampus She nodded to the cat before she jumped up on the rooftops with it. "Well to tell the truth, I've always been able to do something like that before." Courage continued to talk to Whisper. "That's very interesting." Whisper commented as he stroked his chin if he had one. "I have a feeling that with enough practice, you'll be able to do more than just run faster." "Really, but how can-" Courage was about to ask before they finally heard a scream from up ahead. They quickly raised over and saw the same girl from before in an alleyway while it looked like something was tugging on her back. "It's her again, but is she doing a mime trick or something?" "Let me see." Whisper said as he looked closely before he looked back. "I knew it, it's him." "Who? I don't see anything." Courage replied as he tried to see what Whisper was seeing. "Of course you can't see him, not without this." Whisper then took out an odd white watch with a dome on it. "What is that?" Courage asked as he took the watch. "It's the Yo-kai Watch." Whisper answered. "It enables you to see Yokai if you put it on." Courage humored him and put on the watch. "Now just press the button on the side." He did as Whisper instructed and pressed the button on the side, which caused the small dome on the watch to pop up before a light was shined out. "Don't point the light at me, point it at her and look through the Yokai Lens." Courage did what he was told and pointed the light towards the girl. A shadow then appeared next to her before it revealed the Yokai cat from before. "Whoa, that's one big cat!" He commented when he saw it. "His name is Wampus from the Eerie tribe." Whisper said as he was looking up the information on his Yokai Pad. "Not much is known about this Yokai." "Well, what's it trying to do anyway?" Courage asked as he looked back and closer at Wampus. He noticed Wampus swiping his paws at something but couldn't tell what. "Whatever he's doing, it's scaring her. How do we make him stop?" "There are only two ways to stop a Yokai, negotiation or confrontation." Whisper explained. "Well, go talk to him." He told Whisper. "After all, you're the Yokai expert." "Very well then." Whisper floated over to Wampus and gave a light tap on his shoulder. "Excuse me but could you please remove your big fat butt away from this kind young girl and never come back?" He asked in a polite tone, yet still sounding insulting which made Courage nearly stumbled forward a bit. Wumpus however didn't even acknowledge Whisper. "Uh hello? I'm speaking to you!" Whisper began to try to get Wampus' attention as he tried everything to get it. Whisper then started to pull on his ears and courage took this opportunity to race over and grab the girl. "Come on!" He told her before the two of them ran away from Wampus. Wampus grabbed Whisper and threw him away before chasing after Courage. He noticed Wampus chasing after them before he noticed the keychain the girl had and got an idea. "Give me that keychain and go right while I'll go left!" The girl did what he asked and tossed him the keychain before they split up. The girl however stopped and saw Wampus chase after him before she had a smirk on her face. Courage noticed that Wampus had increased in size and looked more vicious as he chased him. "Oh boy…!" He grunted before he turned a corner but came into a dead end. "Okay, that was a bad move on my part!" He quickly turned and faced Wampus as he stood his ground. "Okay, look we can work this out!" Wampus swung his paw right at him right before he quickly jumped back from that attack. "I guess that the negotiation is out." He did the best he could to dodge each attack until his back was up against the wall. Just when Wampus was about to deliver another attack, something suddenly hit him in the stomach and pushed him back. Courage wondered what it was as he held up his Yo-kai Watch and turned on the search light. He looked around until the light uncovered a familiar dragon Yokai standing in front of Wampus: Dragysuu. "Who are you?!" "Just someone who saw you needed help." Dragysuu answered. "You know, I've never seen a cat get this upset over a little cat toy." Wampus got back up and growled at her. "But it looks like I'm going to have to teach this cat some manners." "Let me give you a hand!" Courage declared as he stood next to her. "We may have just met, but I feel like we could get along great if we know each other and this should help us do it!" "Heh, you really are something else." Dragysuu commented as they prepared to fight. The same aura as before covered Courage's fists as he took a defensive position. Both of them quickly dodged out of the way when Wampus attacked before Courage thrusted his fists and sent balls of aura straight at him. Each ball hit Wampus and stunted him a bit just as Dragysuu did her signature move right to his gut. Whisper washed from the sidelines as he was dressed as a cheerleader and cheered them on. "Go, go, go! Go get him Courage and-" He stopped for a minute to look at his Yokai Pad before he continued. "Dragysuu!" Wampus knocked Dragysuu back before Courage quickly caught her. Courage then bent down a little as the aura went up his legs before he gave a powerful jump high in the air. He then transferred that aura into Dragysuu before he threw her like a football right at Wampus. "Here I come! Dragon Drill!" She called out her signature move just as Wampus noticed her coming down. He had no time to dodge the attack as she struck him in the head so hard that his head went down into his body. Just as Courage landed back down, Dragysuu jumped right out just as Wampus' head came back up and his eyes were now swirls of dizziness. He soon returned back to his original size as he fell flat on his butt. "You two were amazing!" Whisper complimented as he flew down to them. "If I was sitting in a chair, I'd be on the edge of my seat! "Thanks, Whisper." Courage replied as he rubbed the back of his head before he turned to Wampus. "Now let's have a little talk with you. You really scared that girl when you were playing with her keychain." "I'm sorry, but I couldn't help myself." Wampus replied with his ears dropped back. "I am a cat and when I see something that dangles like that keychain, I just can't help but swipe at it." Courage couldn't help but feel sorry for him before he came up with an idea. "How about I could find you some cat toys to play with?" He suggested which surprised all three of them. "Yeah, I will find any toys for you to play with and you don't have to scare anyone anymore." "You really mean it?" Wampus asked as Courage gave a nod in response. "Oh thank you!" He quickly gave Courage a big bear hug. Courage struggled to breathe before Wampus finally let go of him. Wampus then glowed before his Yo-kai medal suddenly appeared in front of Courage. "What's this?" He asked as the Yo-kai medal landed in his hand. "It's his Yokai medal, it's a symbol of friendship between you and a Yokai." Whisper explained. "Not even a few hours and you've already made a Yo-kai friend!" "Better make it two Yo-kai friends." Dragysuu spoke up. "That was a really neat trick you did before and I find you a really fun guy." Just when she was about to give Courage her medal, a sudden gust of wind blinded them. With them blinded, they didn't see a figure rushing over and putting a medal with a Y on it into the Yo-kai Watch when it passed by. When the fear and the wind passed, they all wondered where that wind came from before the watch suddenly glowed bright. They suddenly got blinded by that light before it died down and it turned into the YSP model. "Whoa, what is this?" Courage asked as Whisper took out his Yokai pad and tried to look up the information on this watch. "It's…uh…um…." Whisper stuttered before he finally found the information. "It's the YSP model Yo-kai Watch. The YSP stands for Yokai Special Power." Whisper did a double take on that last one and wondered what it meant by that. "It definitely looks cooler than the old model." Dragysuu mentioned before her aura was suddenly absorbed into the watch. A second later, Yokai medals popped out from the watch before Courage quickly caught them. One was Dragysuu's summoning medal while the other was the Crimson Knight transformation medal and attack medals. "After that we went home and looked up more about the YSP watch." Courage said in the present day. "The day after, we went into the forest to try out the transformation medal and practice a little." "Wow, that's a lot to take in." Flash mentioned as he and Twilight were trying to process what they just heard. "Did you ever figure out what that strange aura you use?" Twilight asked. "No, but the three of us did have great adventures together." Courage told them before he reached into his bag and pulled out his Yo-kai Medallium. After he placed it on the table, he opened it up to show off the many Yo-kai medals. "I made many Yo-kai friends since then." "Some of them were more difficult than others." Whisper mentioned as he was eating one other cupcakes. "But he couldn't do any of it without me." "No offense Whisper, but you were kind of useless by what we heard when you first met Wampus." Flash said with Courage and Twilight nodding in agreement. "Hey, I'm the one who gave him the Yo-kai Watch in the first place!" Whisper reminded them. "Although I have no idea how it became the YSP model." "What else is new?" Courage asked rhetorically. "Hey guys, take a look what's on the news." Twilight said before she looked at Mrs. Cake. "Excuse me, could you turn it up?" She did what she asked and turned up the volume on the TV. "Two security night guards were both found injured this morning and they both look to be in shocked as if something had scare them out of their skin." A news reporter said as she stood in front of the museum. "I was able to get an interview with them and only send is that it was someone in a samurai armor. Police officers are conducting investigation as we speak." "That's really odd, why would someone attack a couple of security guards?" Spike asked after watching the news report. "Why don't we go over there and find out?" Courage suggested before he quickly stood up and ran out the door. "Is he always like this?" Twilight asked Whisper as she quickly closed and picked up the Yo-kai Medallium. "You be surprised." Whisper shrugged as they chased after him. After catching up with him, they made their way to the museum and find the Japanese exhibit filled with some police officers conducting an investigation. "How odd, someone went to the trouble of breaking into a museum and attacking a couple of night guards but didn't steal anything." "Well it looks like we won't be able to conduct our own investigation." Flash told them as they can see many police officers around. "Any ideas?" "We can't check out what's going on, but Whisper can." Courage said before he looked at Whisper. "Since we're the only ones that can see you, you'll be able to check each of the samurai armors in this exhibit without anyone being the wiser." "I read you loud and clear." Whisper then went into the exhibit to inspect each samurai armor he could find. "Let's hope he'll find something that the police can't." Twilight said to Flash and Courage. "Who will find something?" They quickly turned to see one of the police officers with pure white skin and blue hair walking towards them. "Hey Twily, good to see you here." "Hey Shining, should have known you be here." Twilight greeted before she turned to Flash and Courage. "Guys, this is my big brother Shining Armor. Shining, this is Flash Sentry and Courage Heart from my new school I transferred to." "Hi." Flash greeted. "Nice to meet you." Courage said with a smile. "Well it's nice to see my little sister has new friends." Shining said before he glared at the two boys. "Even though you're both boys." He growled with a dark aura covering his body, causing Flash and Courage to get a chill down their spines. "Cadence told me that she made new friends at her school but if either of you try anything with her, I will-" "We swear we won't do anything to harm her!" Both of them quickly said while Twilight just let out a annoyed sigh. "Shining, they're just friends and we're just here for a little project at school." Twilight told her brother. "Speaking of which, has anything been stolen from this exhibit?" "No, and not only that but the one who harmed the security guards here suddenly vanished mysteriously as he or she appeared." Shining told them. "There's no sign of a break-in or anything. And the security cameras aren't good either considering they kind of fizzle out when we checked them." Courage caught eye of Whisper checking an armor next to a display case with a katana in it. "It's all very mysterious." "Well, let's hope this mystery will be solved soon." Courage said as he gestured to Whisper to come back. "Well I better get back to work." Shining mentioned before he rubbed Twilight's head. "I'll see you later sis. And you two, don't try anything with her." He walked away just as Flash and courage let out a sigh of relief. "Well I couldn't find anything in there." Whisper mentioned as they walked away. "Maybe on your own, but with the rest of us, we'll find something." Courage said with confidence. "What do you mean?" Flash asked, not liking where this is going. "Just meet me back here tonight and you'll see." Courage told them before he raced off. "Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" Twilight asked rhetorically before they walked out of the museum. Later that night, Twilight and Flash decided to meet Courage and Whisper at the museum. They both snuck out of their homes before they made their way to the museum where Courage and Whisper were waiting for them. "Okay, we're here. Now what?" Flash asked as Courage had a smirk on his face. "Now we get in and conduct our own little investigation." He said before he took out two Yo-kai medals. "Come on out my friends!" He called out as he tossed each medal into the air. "Calling Signibble and Mirapo! Yo-kai Medal, do your thing!" He caught each medal before he inserted it into his watch and it lit up. Y! ♪Come on, ghost!~♪ Summoning Mysterious! A beam of light came out of his watch as two Yokai came out and danced to the song it sang. ♪A-Boo-shiggy, boo-shiggy, boogie woogie! Cling-clang delirious, Mysterious!♪ Signibble! Mirapo! Flash and Twilight were surprised by the two new Yo-kai Courage just summoned as they landed on the ground. "Hey you two, by someone you both cuz we need you two for a little investigation here in this museum." Church explained to the two before he looked at Mirapo. "Mirapo, we're gonna need you to help us get inside considering it's closed." He then turned to Signibble. "Once we're inside, we're gonna need you to take in the power from each of the cameras so the police won't get the wrong idea." "You can count on us!" Signibble declared as he gave Courage a high five. "Just step right in." Mirapo said as his whole body of a mirror glowed bright. Signibble and Courage stepped through while Flash and Twilight looked unsure. "You both have nothing to worry about, it's perfectly safe." Whisper assured them before he went through the wall. "Let's hope we don't regret this later." Twilight said before she passed through Mirapo. Flash followed suit and they ended up on the inside of the museum. Once they were inside, they saw Signibble going to each camera and looking like he was eating the electricity from each camera. "I can't believe we broke into a museum just so we could solve a mystery." "Technically we more snuck in instead of breaking in." Whisper corrected as they made their way to the Sengoku era exhibit. "So, do you think it was a Yokai that attacked the security guards the other night?" Flash asked Courage. "It could be." He responded as he put his hands behind his head while they walked. "It's hard to tell these days considering the many strange occurrences. But if it is one and it's attacking humans, then we need to take care of it." They soon arrived at the exhibit just as Signibble took care of the cameras in the exhibit before he gave a thumbs up. "Okay, let's split up and see if we can find anything. Let me know if you see anything that looks like it's any Yokai energy." "Then it's a good thing I brought Spike along just for this occasion." Twilight mentioned as she sat down her bag and unzipped it, but who came out really surprised her. "Uniyan?! What are you doing here and where is Spike?!" "I wanted to see what all the fuss was about this Museum." Uniyan explained herself. "As for Spike, there wasn't enough room in the bag so I left them at home before jumping in." "Unbelievable…" Twilight sighed before she and Uniyan quickly caught up to the boys as they were searching for clues. Courage and Twilight for searching near the samurai armors for any before he noticed an uneasy look on Twilight's face. "Are you feeling okay?" He asked. "Yeah, just still feeling a little haunted about Midnight Sparkle." She explained with a sigh. "I'm really glad that Sunset was able to save me, but I'm feeling I won't get over it." "Hey, you're not in this alone you know." Courage told her as they passed the samurai armor with the wolf mask. "You got your new friends, me, and of course Uniyan." Twilight looked down at Uniyan, who gave a nod with a smile on her face. "Plus Flash Sentry too." "Yeah, I guess you're right." Twilight responded, unaware that the armor they passed had a dark aura coming off it. Meanwhile, Flash was with Whisper as they too were searching for any clues they could find. "I mean honestly, why would Courage think that a Yokai would be involved in all this?" Whisper asked. "It's highly unlikely that a Yokai would attack a human in the middle of the night." "Well, what if it was a Yokai?" Flash asked as he was looking under a display case. "It seems to me that Courage has more experience with this." He stood back up and continued to look around. "Hey Whisper, do you think those abilities Courage used when he faced Wampus were that of a Yokai?" He looked at Whisper who just shrugged his shoulders. "I'm just asking out of curiosity." So far neither of them was able to find any clues as they searched the exhibit until Flash saw a woman in a komodo walking across the hall. "Hey, who's that?" Whisper looked to where Flash was looking and saw no one there. "I don't see anyone." He told him before he saw Flash run off to where he saw the woman. "Hey, wait up!" As Whisper chased after him, Flash was looking around for that woman before he saw her walk around the corner. He kept on chasing her until they ended up in a different part of the museum. "We were supposed to investigate the Sengoku era exhibit, not go on a wild goose chase!" "But I thought I…" Flash trailed off when he noticed the gift shop lights were on. When he and Whisper peaked in, they could see a teenage girl with pure white skin and black hair, wearing sunglasses working at the counter. "What's she doing here?" He whispered to Whisper. "I have no idea." Whisper responded with a shrug. "I thought the museum was closed at night." "You know I can hear you right?" Both of them jumped when the girl spoke. "It's alright, I'm not gonna call for security." "Uh…Okay." Flash said as he approached the counter. "Have you seen anyone else come by here? Like a woman in a white komodo." "Do you know what I love about the artifacts here in the museum?" The girl asked and completely ignored his question. "They can tell the tales of the past from all around the world. Especially like the one about the ninja and the samurai in the sengoku era. Would you like to hear the tale?" Flash decided to humor her and nodded his head. "Okay, it started out with an ordinary man who was able to gain the trust of the king back then. Long ago in a distant land in a certain village, there was peace in the village as the farmers grew crops and sold them to the other kingdoms. The people of the village were very kind and caring as they welcomed the others with open arms." "But one day, there came a dark time in the village as a group of bandits suddenly came in and attacked the village and its people. There was chaos everywhere and there was bloodshed all around. The people ran to escape but they weren't fully lucky when the bandits finally left the village. There wasn't anything left of it. No crops, No homes, not even the farmers survived. There was nothing left. Nothing but one young boy." "The boy lost his loved ones in the hands of the bandits as he was left with sorrow and despair. But, Something ignited inside him. Something that changed him forever. As it was the spark of justice. From that one day, the boy swore to bring justice to those who wronged others and used their powers for their own selfish gain." "He went on a journey to become the Pillar of justice as he had met with many old and young masters. He had gained the skills and blessings to achieve the very goal he wanted to uphold and gain." "Finally after the skills he gained and the blessings. He used it to bring down the corrupted and the Wicked as he brought them to justice and saved the others from the darkness they were once called into. He had become a legend.He was called many things. A hero, a Pillar of justice, an angel from god, and mostly. The wanderer and on his journey. He came across someone that he had become bonded to. His future bride." "They were both destined for one another as they become one another's Pillar of hope as they made a promise to live together to the fullest." "One day, the bride was told by her lover that he would be going away for the sake of saving others. But he promised to come back to her so she believed him. But, After waiting for days and days. There came news of her beloved. The very news shocked her to the core." "Her beloved was thought to betray her. He had fallen to the depths of darkness and had loosened the path of his title. The woman never believed the words told to her at anything. She denied the words as they were all a lie. They were never true that she believed in. And in a state of despair, she took her breath away, so she can be with her lover once again. No matter what they all said. He was the one man for her that she would always spend her entire life with." "That story sounded kind of sad." Flash commented when she finished while Whisper nodded in agreement while tears were running down his cheeks. "But you know that some stories can be misleading." The girls spoke in a cryptic tone. "Who's to say that the ninja was really the hero and the samurai was the villain? After all, there's always two sides to every story." She pulled down her sunglasses a bit and looked at him with a raised brow. "Wouldn't you agree?" "Uh, I guess…" Flash responded in an uneasy tone. "Well, I really should get going." "Okay, see ya around." The girl told him as he and Whisper turned to leave. "And good luck with your investigation, Flash Sentry and Whisper." "Wait, how did you-" Flash was going to ask as he and Whisper quickly turned around, only to find the girl was nowhere in sight. "Where'd she go?" Whisper flew over and looked all around frantically for the girl that was behind the counter. "She just disappeared!" He exclaimed in shock. Flash walked over and also wondered where she went before he noticed a rectangle black box on the counter, with a note next to it. "'This may help with your investigation.'" Flash read the note before he picked up the box. When he opened it, both he and Whisper were shocked and surprised to see a Yo-kai Watch: YSP model inside. Only the two wisps on it are blue instead of red. "Where'd she get a Yo-kai Watch from?!" Meanwhile with Courage, Twilight and Uniyan, they were walking through a hallway as they continued to search for clues. But so far, their investigation has come up empty. "You would've thought that something that attacked some security guards would have come out by now." Courage complained in an annoyed tone. "So far I'm regretting that I came here with you guys." Uniyan said before she let out a yawn. "Maybe we should try to look down in the basement." Twilight suggested. "There should be some clues down there." As they continued to walk, Uniyan suddenly got a feeling that they were being followed before she quickly turned around. She saw nothing but the samurai armor with the wolf mask behind her. "That's so weird, I thought for sure someone was following us." Uniyan commented before she turned forward. When she did, the armor started to move forward before she quickly turned around and it returned back to standing position. Every time she looked forward, she quickly turned back to the armor for about a few seconds before she's on with its arms raised and one leg up as it was about to take a step. She screamed in fright before she quickly jumped into Twilight's arms. "That suit of armor is following us!" "What?" Both Courage and Twilight asked before they turned to see the armor. Courage brought up his Yo-kai Watch before turning the ring so the Y was facing downward. The light shined on the armor before it revealed a wolf underneath it. The armor itself had changed from red to silver and the mask was gone as it had the face of a wolf. The wolf himself is gray with red flame swirls up his arms and red eyes. "That's it, that must be the Yokai!" Courage exclaimed when he saw it. "And it definitely doesn't look very friendly!" Twilight pointed out as she stepped back slowly. "Trespassers, you will be punished!" The wolf Yokai declared as he pulled out two samurai swords. Courage and Twilight quickly ran from it as it started to chase them. "Why is he chasing us!?" Uniyan shouted as she held on tight to Twilight. "He called us trespassers, so maybe he's guarding this museum!" Twilight theorized. "So maybe he thought the two night guards were trespassers and attacked them!" "Well, maybe he should ask him just to make sure!" Courage exclaimed before he halted himself before charging right at the wolf yokai. His fist then got covered in Yokai energy before he delivered a punch right towards its face. That one punch knocked him to the floor and you dropped his swords. "Nice punch." Uniyan complimented as they approached the Yokai wolf. "Excuse us, Mr Wolf Samurai but why did you try to attack us?" Twilight asked. "And why did you attack those two night guards the other night?" "My name is Bahamut." The Yokai introduced himself. "And I didn't attack them, I was only trying to protect them!" "Protect them from what?" Courage asked. Back with Flash and Whisper, they were walking back to the exhibit while Flash had put on the Yo-kai Watch. "First a samurai armor attacked a couple of night guards, then I saw a woman in a white komodo, and now some girl from the gift shop just gave me a Yo-kai Watch after disappearing." Flash listed out. "What else can happen tonight?" "In that note she said that it would help in our investigation." Whisper reminded with his arms crossed. "Not only that but she knew I was there from the get-go. But what's really surprising me is that the watch she gave you isn't sliding off, so that means that it shows you as its wearer." He then clapped his hands with a wide grin. "Wait until the Courage and Twilight to hear about this." They soon made it back to the exhibit only to see the katana moving up and down on its own as it was banging on the display case. "What's up with that sword?" Flash wondered before he realized something. "Could that be the Yokai that attacked the guards?" Flash held up his Yo-kai Watch turned the ring so that the Y is facing downward and the searchlight lit up. "Oh don't tell me that you now think that a Yokai is behind it now." Whisper complained as Flash shined the light right towards the katana. The moment the light shined on it, it revealed an anthro red fox wearing a blue ninja outfit and a metal headband on its forehead. It had a red flame on the tip of its tail as Flash let out a gasp when he saw it. "There it is!" He exclaimed as Whisper let out a scream of surprise. "Who is that?" Whisper quickly took out his Yo-kai Pad as he frantically searched for the information on this Yokai. "Let me see… it's a… he's uh…!" He quickly hid his Yokai pad behind his back before he pointed towards the Yokai. "Zero Kage of the Shady Tribe. He's a Yokai who causes those who he inspirits to deliver justice and goodwill to those around." "Justice and goodwill?" Flash repeated before he walked up to the yokai. "Excuse me, can we talk for a second?" He stopped pulling on the sword and looked at Flash. After a couple of seconds, he jumped back in surprise as he looked at Flash with a shocked look. "Can you really see me?!" He exclaimed as both Flash and Whisper nodded in response. "But how's that even possible?!" "Whoa, calm down." Whisper told him as he floated near him. "We're not going to hurt you, but we are curious as to why you attacked those two night guards the other night." "I did no such thing!" Kage argued as he took Whisper by his tail. "It was him that did it and I was trying to protect them!" "Wait, you were protecting them from who?" Flash asked as Kage tossed Whisper away before he jumped right back on the display case. "I'll tell you once I get my katana back!" Kage no you can reach in as his paw went through the glass and grabbed the katana. He grunted every time he tried to pull it out and it just got stopped by the glass. "Why can't my sword go through things like me?!" "Stop right there!" All three of them quickly turned to see Bahamut walking in. "I will let you get your sword back just so you can harm that boy!" "Bahamut!" Kage growled before he flipped over to him and glared in his face. "If anything, you're not gonna hurt that boy! Sword or no sword!" "Oh this form really suits you, because you've always been a sly fox!" Bahamut growled back as the two of them pushed each other's faces into one another. "What's going on?" Flash asked as he looked at them with a raised brow. "Hey Flash!" He turned to see Courage, Twilight and Uniyan coming over to him. "Looks like you found the Yo-kai that attacked the night guards already." "Wait what?" Flash asked before he pointed to Kage. "You mean Zero Kage?" All three of them nodded yes. "But he told me he was trying to protect the night guards from someone else." "But that's what Bahamut said to us and Kage was no good villain when he was alive." Twilight said before she looked at the two Yokai growling at each other. "Looks like one of them is a liar and the culprit. But which one could it be?" Flash looked between the two before he noticed that Kage looks like a ninja while Bahamut looks like a samurai. He then thought about the story of the girl from the gift shop told him and what she said about two sides of every story. He then had a look of determination before he walked up to the two and separated them. "Hey you two, there's a story I was told and I want to know if it's true." He said before he began to tell the tale he was told before. After he was finished, Bahamut stood proudly as he had a smug look on his face. "That's right and I caught this no good thief with my own two hands!" He bragged before Kage punched his arm. "If anything, you're nothing but a liar and a killer!" He shouted. "After we completed the mission, you got me by surprise and cut my neck! I then saw you took my katana and walked off as I was bleeding to death!" "Great, now who's telling the truth?" Twilight asked as she was baffled between the two. "Allow me, because I already have a Yokai friend that could help us out." Courage said before he took out a Yokai medal. "Come on out my friend!" He called out as he tossed the medal into the air. "Calling Tattletell! Yo-kai Medal, do your thing! He quickly grabbed the medal and in one swift motion, he placed it into his yo-kai watch. Y! ♪Come on, ghost!~♪ Summoning Mysterious! The watch then lit up a yellow light as it summoned the Yokai. ♪A-Boo-shiggy, boo-shiggy, boogie woogie! Cling-clang delirious, Mysterious!♪ Tattletell! "Tattetell, we need your help on figuring out the truth here." Courage said to the little yokai. "You think you can in spirit them?" "Tell tell." Tattetell said with a nod. "What can she do?" Flash asked as Tattetell jumped over and latched onto Kage's face as she was hanging upside down while she held on to his face's sides. "She can make others tell the truth." Courage answered which made Bahamut feel a bit uneasy. "Now Zero Kage, tell us the truth. Were you really a guy who didn't care for no one when you were alive?" Tattetell then used her power to inspirit Kage. "I have nothing to hide, I was not what the story said I was." Kage answered truthfully. "It's true that I swore to bring justice to those who wronged others and it's true that I fell in love with the princess. I would never betray her for I love her with all my heart. I may not remember what she looked like, but my heart will never let her go." "That's great to hear." Flash said before he looked towards Bahamut. "Now it's your turn." "Uh I'm good…" Bahamut said as he backed up. "I don't like to have other Yokai on me so I would-" Flash quickly grabbed Tattetell and threw her right at him. She quickly latched onto his face and inspirited him. Bahamut quickly covered his mouth as he felt her power compelled him to tell the truth. "What's the matter, afraid to say something you're hiding?" Flash asked rhetorically. "Fine, I confess!" Bahamut shouted as he could no longer keep it in. "I did kill him! But only because I was jealous of his relationship with the princess! I've known her longer than him ever since we were kids! I should have been the one to marry her, not you!" His whole body soon got covered in a dark aura as he clenched his fist. "But she loved you more that she killed herself when she didn't want to marry me! I was told as a hero throughout the years and I won't let you kids tell anyone the truth!!" Tattetell quickly got off his face and ran away before the whole area and the museum got covered in a dark mist when the dark aura burst out. Flash, Twilight, Courage, Whisper, Uniyan and Kage stepped back as Bahamut began to transform into something horrible. He grew twice his size as small parts of his body began to burn and show bone underneath. His face has become a skull as horns grew on his helmet while the rest of his armor is black and fused to his body. At the end of his paws, three planes were sticking out of them while he had three tails. He let out a terrifying roar that shattered glass around them. "What happened to him?!" Twilight exclaimed as Flash stood in front of her to protect her. "It looks like all that jealousy he had stood up for a long time finally came out!" Whisper answered as he read what was happening on his Yokai Pad. "And he's become a monstrous Yokai and now-" "We're in Dread Time!" Courage finished before they all quickly ducked out of the way when Bahamut swung his claws at them. Kage saw him going after Flash and Twilight before he noticed that the glass containing his Katana was broken. He quickly grabbed it before running over and clashing blades with Bahamut. After struggling to keep him back, Kage gave a strong push before jumping up and delivering powerful kicks to his chest. "That's not going to be enough." Courage quickly took out Dragysuu's medal and quickly placed it into his watch with one swift motion. "Yo-kai medal, do your thing!" His yo-kai watch lit up before Dragysuu appeared. "Dragysuu!" She declared before she ducked under an attack from Bahamut when he tried to jab his claws at her. When he tried to jab at her again, she quickly grabbed and ran up his arm before she jumped off his head. "Talk about a close cut!" "Sorry to summon you in front of a monster Yokai, but we need to take care of this now!" Courage told her as he took out his Crimson Knight transformation medal. "Look out!" Whisper called out as he saw Bahamut bringing his sharp claw down on Courage. Whisper quickly pushed him out of the way and caught the blade, or not since it slipped and sliced Whisper in half. "Whisper!" Everyone called out when they saw him get sliced. "Now you're gonna get it!" Courage glared at Bahamut as he held up his Yokai Hero medal. "Yo-kai Hero medal, henshin!" In one swift motion, he inserted the medal into his Yokai Watch and it lit up. Y! ♪Change Form, Yo-kai Hero!♪ Crimson Knight! Once the circle formed in front of him and the two symbols appeared on the top and bottom of it, he turned the ring on his watch so that the Y was facing upwards. Dragysuu soon stretched and wrapped around courage before they transformed into Crimson Knight. "I may have the flames in my hands…" He spoke in a deep voice as he took the sword before he slashed around and rested it on his shoulder. "But I'm cool headed when in battle." Crimson Knight charged forward and clashed blades with Bahamut. This however proved tougher than the last as he struggled to keep his guard up as Bahamut was able to push him back. Kage charged forward and helped him out as the two of them swung their swords at the Monstrous Yokai. Bahamut then swung his tails right at them as Crimson Knight jumped over the first but Kage was able to dodge the first but the second got him by surprise. The hit sent him flying and crashed into a wall. "Kage!" Flash called out before he saw Bahamut's claws getting covered in a dark aura. He then realized that he's preparing a final strike towards Kage while he's down. Flash clenched his fist in frustration before he ran towards where Kage was thrown. "Flash!" Twilight called out before Bahamut sent a powerful slash right towards Kage, just when Flash quickly jumped into the fray. Crimson Knight, Twilight and Uniyan were shocked that Flash would do that before Kage's Katana was suddenly thrown and was covered in a Yokai energy as it struck Bahamut right in the head. It only vanished before they all looked and saw that both Flash and Kage survived and the katana returned back to Kage. They even saw Yokai energy covering Flash's hand as a surefire sign that he threw the katana. "You…saved me." Kage told Flash in a surprised tone. "Why?" "Because you're the true hero and don't deserve to die twice!" Flash explained as he helped Kage up. "You looked after others when you were alive and you never let anything or anyone get you down! If anything, you deserve a second chance and I'll help you through it!" Kage looked at him with a surprise look before a smile appeared on his face. "Then, let's do this together!" Kage declared before his body was covered in a bright light. That light then got absorbed into Flash's Yo-kai Watch before multiple Yo-kai Medals appeared. The first one was a silver medal with Kage on it while another one is black on the top side of it while the bottom half is midnight blue with a ninja fox hybrid on the front. The remaining medals are attack medals for the hero. The others were surprised by this but Flash just smirked as he stood up with Kage. "Let's do this as one!" He declared as he held up the Yo-kai Hero Medal. "Yo-kai Hero medal, henshin!" With one swift motion, he inserted the medal into his watch before it lit up. Y! ♪Change Form, Yo-kai Hero!♪ Soon a blue circle appeared around him before it hovered in front of Flash and symbols appeared around it. Flash extended his arm out and moved it around so that the symbols followed before only two of them appeared on the top and bottom of the circle. Once the circle glowed bright, he brought up his watch and turned the ring so that the Y was facing upwards. Kage soon jumped high before his body glowed to bright and beams of light shot out to Flash. Soon the two of them merged together and Flash had transformed into a Yokai hero. His Yokai hero form was in a black ninja suit with a white fox mask on his face. His eyes look to be purple snake eyes while a symbol of a crescent moon is on his back while he has three foxtails. The background suddenly changed into a starry night sky with him standing on the tip of a tower while a moon shines down. "I will protect all that is good in this world and deliver justice to those who chose the path of darkness!" He declared in a confident tone as he did a ninja pose. Shinobi Moon! The others were both shocked and amazed by this sudden transformation before Bahamut charged at Shinobi Moon. Shinobi on the other hand was not phased by this as he looked really calm before he suddenly disappeared when Bahamut swiped at him. Bahamut looked around frantically for him before he looked up and saw Shinobi Moon standing on the ceiling. He tried to attack Shinobi again before he suddenly vanished and destroyed part of the ceiling. Shinobi Moon appeared behind him as he was doing it hand symbols. Suddenly, seven copies of himself appeared and started to attack Bahamut. Bahamut was overwhelmed by the copies before Crimson Knight charged in and kicked him right in the face. As Bahamut stumbled back, Shinobi quickly showed off his strength as each copy delivered either a punch or a kick to Bahamut. Two copies pulled out some rope and wrapped it around Bahamut's legs before three more kicked him right in the face. This caused him to fall backwards and crashed on the ground. Shinobi Moon landed on the ground as his copies disappeared in a puff of smoke as they thought they had won. Suddenly, Bahamut burst up and was about to jab his claw right at Shinobi. "Look out!" Crimson Knight called out before a barrier suddenly appeared around Shinobi Moon and protected him. He turned around and saw the woman in the white Komodo Flash seen before. The Kage part of him recognized the woman as the princess he was going to marry when he was alive. The woman looked at Shinobi and gave a bright smile with a nod. Shinobi nodded back before he held up an Attack Medal. "Let's end this." He said before in one swift motion, he inserted the medal into his watch. Y! Execute! "Shadow Moon Slash!" Shinobi declared as he held tight to his Katana while he was covered in midnight blue energy. He then took one step forward before he suddenly appeared behind Bahamut. The energy from the katana flowed out and showed shadow images of Shinobi delivering multiple slashes to Bahamut before they exploded when Bahamut's body suddenly burst into dark energy. "Now to purify him." He held up his Yo-kai Watch before turning the ring so the why is facing towards the right. "Right behind you." Crimson Knight said as he did the same to his watch. They both held their arms as white beams shot out to Bahamut and began to purify his spirit. Soon the darkness dispersed and a light shined down where the Monstrous Yokai was. They soon saw Bahamut was no longer the Monstrous Yokai but he is now the size of Uniyan and he looked more like a wolf pup. "Is that really what Bahamut is supposed to look like?" Uniyan asked as Crimson Knight transformed back to Courage and Dragysuu while Shinobi Moon transformed back to Flash and Zero Kage. Kage looked at the woman with the white Komodo and memories of his past suddenly flowed into his mind. "My princess." He breathed out as the woman in the white Komodo walked over to Bahamut. He opened his eyes and looked up at her as she gently patted his head. "There are many ways to say you're jealous, but the one you chose was the wrong one." The woman spoke in a soft tone. "I knew you were the one who killed him and I couldn't stand the thought of marrying a murderer. I know that you are a kind-hearted soul, you were just blinded by your own hatred, anger and jealousy towards him." Bahamut looked at the princess before looking at Kage. He thought back about how kind he was when they were both alive and now he regretted what he did back then. "Kage, I'm so sorry…" he spoke in a sincere tone. "I should've been more supportive instead of lashing out in anger." "It's not just me you need to apologize to." Kage told him before he had a smile on his face. "But I forgive you as long as you make up for those mistakes." "Guys, Whisper!" Twilight called out to get their attention. They see her kneeling next to Whisper with both halves being sliced. Flash, Dragysuu and Courage quickly ran over and kneeled down next to Twilight. "It's okay…" Whisper spoke in a weak tone as he looked at Courage. "My job as… a Yokai Butler was to protect you… and I am glad to… have met you…" "Whisper…" Courage spoke as he started to cry. "Whisper!!" "Just kidding!" Whisper declared as his both halves soon joined back together. "I'm a Yokai, I can't die twice!" "Oh man, you really had us going there for a second!" Dragysuu mentioned before they all started laughing. "Really reminds you of the old days." Kage said with a smile before he looked at the woman. "Is it really you, my princess?" "Of course it is, but someone made me look like this so you would recognize me because I'm not fully me." She said before her whole body glowed bright. When it died down, she was two feet shorter than Kage and she is a white cat with two tails and two wisp flames at the end of them. "Whoa, she's a Yokai too?" Uniyan asked as Whisper looked up the information on this new Yokai. "Say hello to Yuma of the Heartful Tribe." Whisper said as Kage let out an amused chuckle. "You always had a soft spot for cats." He mentioned before Yuma nuzzled his neck while she purred. "Oh boy, I really did a number on this place." Bahamut mentioned as he noticed the damage around the exhibit. "Hey, don't worry about it." Courage told him as both his and Flash's Yo-kai watches started beeping. They both nodded before they held up their watches high before the reset function kicked in. Soon a bright light covered the museum before it died down and the dark mist was gone and the exhibit was all fixed up. "Wow, you kids really are something else aren't you?" Bahamut mentioned before he tossed Courage his Yo-kai medal. "I have a very good feeling that we will be great friends." "Same here." Yuma said as she walked over to Flash and gave him her Yo-kai medal. "This is my way of thanking you for reuniting us." "We got two Yo-kai medals for the price of one." Courage said with excitement. "I got to say, we make a pretty good team." "Yeah, we do." Twilight said before she was thinking for a moment. She then snapped her fingers as she had a bright smile. "This gives me an idea! I'll send you both a location address and I'll meet you both there!" She then grabbed her bag and Uniyan before heading to Mirapo. The two boys just shrugged before they followed her out. The next day, there was a news report about Kage's katana being missing and there was no sign of a break-in or anything. Courage, Flash and Whisper know what happened to it because Kage took it back. But they know that no one would believe them considering they think Yokai don't exist. The three of them made it to the location Twilight sent them and saw her standing just in front of a warehouse. "What's this all about, Twi?" Flash asked before Twilight opened the door and they walked inside. They saw many electronics and a lot of science things inside. "This is my own personal lab." She told them as they were amazed by all the gizmos and gadgets they could see. "I found this place after one of my inventions accidentally blew the roof off of my parents garage. As for why I brought you guys here, take a look at this." She went over to a computer and started typing before a website showed up. "'Yo-kai detective agency'?" Courage read the website page. "What's this about?" "Well, I was thinking since the museum had a little Yokai activity, so maybe the rest of the city has Yokai activities going on too." She explained before she scrolled down the page. "I put up the website last night before I went to bed and already people are posting a lot of things that could be related to Yokai." "Some of them could be some Yokai activity, but I highly doubt it." Whisper mentioned as he shook his head. "I bet ya he's wrong." Courage said before the three teens laughed a little. "So we could go out there and help out those Yokai thanks to this website. That's a really smart idea, Twilight!" "Was there any doubt?" She asked rhetorically. "I may not have a yo-kai watch like you two, but I can help anyway I can." "I just have one question: Who are they and are they in too?" Flash asked as he pointed to a couple of Yokai. "Hi, I'm Little Charrmer." The Yo-kai with the red suit and wings introduced herself. "And I'm Blizzaria." The tall one wearing a light blue Komodo introduced herself. "And this sounds like this detective agency could be a lot of fun." > Chapter 3: The Birth of Yo-kai Detectives > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flash walks up in his bed after hearing his alarm clock go off. After hitting the snooze button, he gets out of bed and gets ready for the day. He took a quick shower and brushed his teeth before putting on his clothes and going downstairs. As he made it to the living room, he passed by a couple of familiar Yokai having tea together. "Morning Flash." Kage greeted him. "Morning Kage and Yuma." Flash responded as he walked into the kitchen before he did a double take and looked back at the two Yokai. "Kage? Yuma? What are you both doing in my house?!" "We live here now." Yuma answered before taking a sip of tea. "We figured since you and I are partners when you transform into a Yo-kai Hero, I figured we get to know each other more." Kage explained. "Plus I promised I would never leave Yuma again." "Well, just be careful around here." Flash asked them. "My family would freak out if they knew ghosts live here now." He then heard footsteps coming down the stairs before he saw his little sister Scootaloo and his little brother First Base reaching the living room. "Hey you two." "Hey big bro." Scootaloo responded. "Who were you talking to down here?" "Oh uh…I was just thinking out loud is all." Flash told her as he rubbed the back of his head. "Okay, but where were you the other day?" Base asked as they walked into the kitchen and made themselves some bowls of cereal. "I was just hanging out with a couple of friends." Flash answered before he looked towards Kage with a smile. "Anyway, let's make sure we get ready for school on time." He got himself a bowl of cereal before he poured himself some milk into the bowl. "By the way, where did you get that cool watch?" Scootaloo asked as she pointed towards Flash's Yo-kai Watch YSP model. "It's just a little gift from a friend." Flash answered as they began to enjoy their breakfast. Kage and Yuma smiled at each other as they enjoyed their cups of tea. Later, Flash drove them and himself straight to school as he drove into the school parking lot. Once they got out, he could already see Courage and Whisper standing by the entrance. "Hey Courage!" He called out as walked up to him. "Hey Flash." Courage responded before he pulled out a golden medal with a picture of Kage and Bahamut faded black with Kage's Katana in the middle of them. "Did you get something like this when you woke up this morning too?" "No, where did you get that?" Flash responded. "Not sure, it just appeared when I woke up." Courage said before he pulled out three more medals. "Along with these command medals. These two are for you and this one is mine." He gave Flash the two medals with his Yo-kai Hero form doing special attacks. "Perhaps after school, you both can give those medals a try." Whisper suggested. "Yeah and we'll have to talk to Twilight during lunch." Flash added before they entered the school. The school day seemed to go well as Twilight was already getting used to her new school and everything. Flash however noticed that his friend, Sandalwood, looked a little uneasy. After the second period, Flash went up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Hey man, are you feeling okay?" "I'm fine, it's just that I had a near miss situation on my way to school." Sandalwood explained. "I was at an intersection when all of a sudden my legs moved on their own. I couldn't control myself and I finally stopped when a truck nearly hit me. I'm just glad it stopped in time." "You think that's the weirdest thing that's ever happened to you?" They both turned and saw their friend Micro coming up to them. "On my way to school, I walked by the Mini Mart when all of the sudden I felt hungry. I know I already had breakfast, but I suddenly had to have a sandwich from that Mini Mart and it was a footlong." Flash raised a brow and wondered if a couple of Yokai were involved in these two situations. The school bell soon rang for the next period to start as the three of them went to class. "So, how are you enjoying Canterlot High so far." Sunset asked Twilight as they were enjoying lunch with the rest of the Rainbooms. "It's great so far," Twilight answered with a smile, "the classes here are better than the ones at Crystal Prep. And everyone here is kinder too." "Glad you like it here, Twi." Applejack mentioned. "By the way, we were talking and we were thinking that you should join our band." "Really?" "Well yeah, it would be totally awesome if you join us!" Rainbow chimed in. "Although we need to find you an instrument and everything." "I'll think about it, but thank you for the offer." Twilight told them before she got an alert on her phone. She took it out and saw that she got a text from Flash saying to meet him and Courage after school about a couple of Yokai. "Did any of you hear about the news of the museum?" Rarity asked the others. "After the two night guards got attacked, the night after an artifact got stolen. Apparently it was a katana that belonged to a warrior long ago." "I saw that sword and it did look cool." Pinkie Pie mentioned. "I just hope whoever stole it won't harm anyone with it." Fluttershy said while Twilight had a small smile on their face. "If only they knew." She thought to herself as they all enjoyed their lunch. After school, Twilight made her way to her lab warehouse where Flash, Courage and Whisper were waiting for her. "Hey guys, I got your text Flash." She told him. "You said something about a couple of Yokai?" "Yeah, a couple of friends of mine said that strange things happened to them on their way to school." Flash told them. "Sandalwood said that he couldn't control his legs at an intersection and had a near miss. Then Micro mentioned that he suddenly felt hungry on his way to school when he passed by a Mini Mart." "Aren't a few of the posts on our website similar to those two?" Courage mentioned as he rubbed his chin. "Let's find out." Whisper said before they went inside, where they saw Blizzaria wearing glasses as she was typing on the computer. "Oh, you're back." Blizzaria said when she saw them come in. "A few more Yokai related incidents came up and I have a feeling you want to know about a couple of them." "We do." Courage responded as they all took a seat. "We want to know if there's any related incidents involving a near miss at a crosswalk or anybody feeling hungry when they pass a Mini Mart." Blizzaria started typing on the computer before she found a few comments about what he asked. "Yeah, they are." Blizzaria told them. "A little girl said that she and her dad were walking home when they came to an intersection not far from here. She said that her father suddenly started walking out when a truck was coming by. She even said that he was meowing like a cat all of the sudden before the truck nearly hit him. Plus very few people said that they suddenly feel hungry every time they pass by a Mini Mart." "Did they mention which Mini Mart it is?" Flash asked as she shook her head in response. "No, there's nothing about which one." Blizzaria said as she adjusted her glasses. "But I'm sure Little Charrmer might help out with that. Especially since Twilight gave her that Yokai radar." The day they met her and Little Charrmer, Twilight reconfigured her pendant that absorbed Equestria Magic and turned it into a Yokai radar. "Yeah, we should ask her to fly near any mini marts for any Yokai energy." Courage said before he pulled out a walkie-talkie. "I'm surprised that she's called a hero Yokai." Flash mentioned before Whisper floated over to him. "Well, we Yokai do come in many shapes and sizes." He told him. "Well until she rodeos in about which Mini Mart it is, we should check out that intersection." Twilight mentioned as they all nodded in agreement before they headed out. They soon reached the intersection where all the near misses were happening. "You know, why do they call it a near miss when it should be called a near hit." Whisper mentioned. "It's just that, if a truck stops before it could hit the bystander, it should be called a near hit." "Let's just try focusing on finding the Yokai causing all of it." Courage told him before he looked at Flash. "Let's use our watches and find this Yokai hiding in the shadows." Flash nodded before they both held up their watches and turned the ring so that the Y was pointing downwards and they turned on the search light. "I don't see it." Flash said as they began to search for the Yokai. "Keep searching, the Yokai won't reveal itself until it is hit directly by the light." Whisper explained before they moved the light around. "What do you think that this Yokai will look like once we find it?" Twilight asked before Courage let out a yelp. "I think we're about to find out, look!" They looked into the direction of where he's looking and saw that the light revealed some sort of shadow that looked menacing from across the street. They were just as startled as him as the shadow let out a growl. "There it is, the vile monster!!" Whisper exclaimed before the shadow surrounding the Yokai vanished to reveal it's not so menacing, but cute. Jibanyan All four of them stare at the cat Yokai as he scratches behind his ear before he lets out a yawn and lays on the ground. "That's the vile monster?" Twilight asked before Whisper took out his Yokai pad. "It says here his name is Jibanyan." He read the information on the Yokai Wiki. Jibanyan let out a meow before he noticed a businessman coming up. He quickly jumped up onto the business man and vanished inside of him. Soon the businessman began to me out like a cat as they could see Jibanyan's tails. "He's inspirited! Whisper mentioned just as the businessman was being controlled by Jibanyan and walked right out into the streets. They then saw a truck coming before Jibanyan jumped out of the businessman. "Take this stupid truck! Paws of Fury!!" He declared as he began to rapidly thrust his fists at the truck before said truck hit him and sent him flying. The truck driver then quickly slammed the brakes and nearly hit the businessman. "Hey, what do you think you're doing?!" The driver shouted at the businessman. "My legs moved on their own!" "It seems Jibanyan is responsible for all these near misses." Whisper theorized after witnessing what has transpired. "Inspiriting people and making them walk into traffic." "So he inspirits those who come to the crosswalk when a truck is coming down the road." Twilight pieced it together. "But why is he attacking trucks in the first place?" "We can ask him, because he's coming back down." Flash spoke up before they all looked up and saw Jibanyan coming down. They took a few steps back before he crashed into the ground. They all winced at that crash before they saw him get up from the ground and dust himself off. He then started to walk away before he turned to see them. "Meow?" "Meow to you." Whisper replied before Jibanyan continued to walk. He stopped and did a double take at them as he let out another meow. "Meow to you." Jibanyan then let out a meow in surprised before he looked at them. "Can you guys really see me?!" He asked in complete shock. "Well yeah, kind of…" Courage answered. "But how's that possible?!" Jibanyan asked before he jumped onto Flash. "Do any of you know Little Ruby?!" "Who?" Flash asked before Jibanyan jumped off him and held his head. "No no no! I'm not really nyet!" Jibanyan cried before Whisper floated over to him. "Help is available if you have problems whatsoever," he told jibanyan before he pointed towards the three teens, "from these guys!" "Look Jibanyan, why are you inspiriting people and making them walk in the traffic whenever a truck comes by?" Courage asked. "Meow…" Jibanyan let out before he looked down with a sad look. "When I was alive, my owner Ruby took care of me. My name is Jibanyan nyow, but back then I had another nyame." "Well don't leave us in suspense, what was your name before you were a Yokai?" Flash asked him. "It was perfectly Suited to my wonderful personality." Jibanyan mentioned. "Mmhmm, and the name was…?" Whisper asked. "I forgot!" "You forgot your own name?!" Courage exclaimed. "Well Kage and Yuma forgot their names too." Twilight reminded them before Jibanyan continued.  "We used to sleep in bed, on the couch, under the table. I was so happy back then." "But all you did was sleep." Courage mentioned. "Well he is a cat." Flash pointed out. "Until one day when we went out for a walk, we came to this intersection and I guess I didn't look where I was going when that truck came out of nowhere and ran me over." Jibanyan added in a sad tone. "There was no pain, suddenly I was a Yokai. That's when I heard Ruby say…" He trailed off as he trembled with sadness. "What, what did she say?" Courage asked before Jibanyan looked at them with tears in his eyes. "She said, 'I can't believe you let yourself get hit by a truck, you… you… you lame cat'!" Jibanyan shouted, which caused all four of them to scream in shock. "What a heartless monster!!" Whisper commented. "NO, no she isn't!" Jibanyan argued. "Ruby loves me. She must have had a good reason to say that." "Like what?" Twilight asked before Jibanyan hummed as he thought about it. "I don't know but there's got to be something!" "Seems extremely unlikely." Whisper doubted as he crossed his arms. "Well there's one thing I know for sure, Ruby wouldn't have said that if I didn't get hit by a truck!" Jibanyan declared before he wiped the tears from his eyes. "That's why I train myself everyday to become a cat who can defeat any car out there!" "But you can't go around inspiriting people, it's way too dangerous if they get hurt." Courage told him. "Mmm, I never thought about that." Jibanyan said, which caused the three teens to stumble backwards a bit. "Then I'll just do it all by myself!" Jibanyan then ran out into the middle of the street as a truck was coming by. The moment he turned around to face it, the truck knocked him high into the sky with little to no effort. "Car: one, Cat: Zero." Whisper commented before they saw Jibanyan coming back with a bump on his head. "Okay, that didn't go as planned." He said before he started to stretch his arms. "I think I need to stretch first." "It's important to stretch before getting hit by a car." Whisper mentioned. "No it's not!" Twilight argued. "Okay, I think I got it this time!" Jibanyan declared as he ran back out in the middle of the road. "Eye of the Tiger!" He declared before another truck came by and knocked them away. "Man, what's with all the trucks on this intersection?" Courage asked after seeing Jibanyan get sent flying again. "What was he blabbering about before the truck creamed him?" Whisper asked before they saw Jibanyan with an arm cast coming back. "Eye of the Tiger." He answered Whisper. "It's a well-known phrase in the near miss industry." "There's an industry for that?" Flash asked Whisper. "I don't think so." Whisper replied. "Once more into the fray!" Jibanyan declared as he tossed away his arm cast and jumped back in as another truck was coming. "You will not defeat me! Paws of Fury!" They all watched as he began to thrust his fist at the truck and looked like he managed to keep it back. It looked like he was about to do it before he hurt his paw on one of his thrusts. The truck then sent him flying in the air as the three teens let out a sigh as Jibanyan walked over to them. "See, it doesn't work if I do it all by myself." "Gee, I wonder why you can't stop trucks all by yourself." Whisper wondered. "Because I'm too lonely." Jibanyan spoke up. "I'm so lonely all the time that when I'm with someone else I don't feel afraid. That's why I inspirit people. I'm sorry for being such a troublemaker!" He turned away from them as he started to cry. "I guess I'll be alone forever!" They then watched him run across the street as they felt bad for the cat Yokai. "Wait Jibanyan!" Flash called out to halt him. "Maybe if you want to, we can help train." Jibanyan was shocked at what Flash suggested as he turned to look at him. "Yeah, we can help you get stronger and you won't have to feel so alone anymore." Courage added. "And maybe we can help you start with something small before you take on a truck." Twilight spoke up. "Are you all sure about this?" Whisper asked the three of them. "Why would you three do that?" Jibanyan asked. "Because it's kind of cool that you're working so hard to win Ruby back." Flash answered with a bright smile. "Yeah, you must really love her very very much if you're working this hard to win her back." Courage added. "So we'll do anything we can to help you." Jibanyan looked at them as he started to cry with tears of joy. "Let's hang out together and be friends." "Meow!" Jibanyan cheered before his body glowed bright. Soon his medal appeared and floated over to them. After Flash took the medal, a beam of light shot out to jibanyan and vanished as soon as it appeared. "We're friends now! Friends forever!" Sheboygan then started to run towards them and just when he was bound to leap into their arms, a truck suddenly came by and sent him flying. "Eye of the Tiger!!" "I'm not the only one who thinks he's hopeless right?" Courage asked the others as they looked at each other. Meanwhile, Little Charrmer is seen flying while she holds the Yokai radar. "Who knew this town had more than one Mini Mart?" She asked herself before she landed on the roof of a Mini Mart. "Well this is my tenth one. Let's see if this is the one." She held up the radar and pressed the button on top. It then let out a beeping sound as it lit up and showed her where the energy source is coming from. "Alright!" She cheered before she took out a walkie-talkie. "Guys, I think I found the Mini Mart you're looking for." Soon the three teens and Whisper came to the location where Little Charrmer said where she found the Yokai energy signature. "So this is the Mini Mart where a Yokai is inspiriting people." Courage said as he got a good look at the place. "I wonder what kind of Yokai is inspiring this place to make people feel hungry for food even after they have already eaten." Twilight wondered. "Let's search for it and find out." Flash suggested before both him and Courage turned on their search lights on their watches. "Such imagination." Whisper sighs with doubt. "I've been in the Yokai business for a long time. Don't you think if there was such a Yokai, I would be familiar with it?" "Found it!" Flash called out which caused Whisper's eyes to bulge out of his head in shock. They can see the Yokai by the store's doors and it looked like an old man. Hungramps "I'm hungry…" This Yokai said to himself. "So Whisper, who's that guy?" Courage asked before Whisper quickly took out his Yokai pad to search up any information on this Yokai. "Oh right! No I remember, silly me." Whisper said as he acted like he knew this Yokai. "His name is Hungramps and he gives people the munchies and causes them to snack on whatever they find." "So this Yokai inspirited Micro this morning and many other people as well." Flash pieced it together. "So now the question is how do we deal with Hungramps?" Twilight asked. "You have the usual choice: negotiation or confrontation." Whisper reminded them. They all looked at each other before they gave a nod and walked up to the Yokai. "Excuse us sir, but can we talk for a minute?" Courage asked Hungramps. "It's just that, it's really bad for people to feel hungry even though they already ate." Twilight told him. "A friend of mine passed by here this morning and he's kind of getting sick from that little snack you made him get." Flash added before they noticed Hungramps was sleeping. This caused them to faceplant on the ground. "This dude is asleep!" Courage exclaimed. "Did he even listen to a word any of us has said?!" Flash shouted. "Well he is an elderly Yokai." Whisper said as he was looking at his Yokai pad. They quickly heard Hungramps let out a yawn before they saw him waking up from his little nap. "What were you youngsters saying?" He asked the three. "Well, good for him." Whisper mentioned. "At least he powers naps." "Look, we're just asking you to please stop inspiriting this storm." Courage told Hungramps. "I'm sorry young man, but I can't do that." Hungramps replied. "Why not?" Twilight asked. "I have my reasons." "What reasons?" Flash asked. "I have to stay right here and nowhere else." Hungramps told them. "I'm truly sorry." "Well, we love to hear your story if you'll share it with us." Courage told Hungramps. They all waited for him to speak but nothing came out. "Hello?" Whisper called out before they hurt him snoring. This caused them to fall back in shock. "He fell asleep again!" Flash complained. "I have an idea!" Whisper told them. "What if you summon Tattletell and ask for her help?" "Good thinking." Courage said before he took out Tattletell's medal. "She can help us figure out why Hungramps is inspiriting this place. "Come on out my friend! Calling Tattetell! Yo-kai Medal, do your thing!" He inserted the medal into his watch with one swift motion. Y! ♪Come on, ghost!~♪ Summoning Mysterious! Soon Tattetell appeared and landed in front of the three teens. "Tattetell, we need your help on figuring out why this Yokai won't leave this store." Twilight told her. "Tell tell!" Tattetell responded before she jumped high in the air and looked like she was going to pounce on Hungramps. Just when she was getting close, he woke up and noticed her. "Oh hello Tattetell." Hungramps greeted before she landed on the ground. "Just as tiny as always. You've been well I presume?" "Tell tell." She responded before he pulled out a tea set. "How about a cup of tea, old friend?" "Tell tell." The group watched as the two Yokai were having a cup of tea. "Are they seriously having a tea party right now?" Courage asked with disbelief. "Why isn't she inspiriting him?" Flash asked. "My hunch is that she is biting her time and waiting for the right moment." Whisper theorized before they saw Tattetell toss away her cup after finishing her tea and leaped onto Hungramps' face. She then inspirited him as her power flowed into him. "You have to admire her technique." "You see, I have a granddaughter." Hungramps told them truthfully. "She's such an adorable girl. The apple of my eye as the saying goes. I used to bring her to this exact store every time when she was little." "Really?" Twilight asked as they were intrigued by the story. "Yes, I remember it like it was yesterday." He continued. "I even bought her a little stuffed bear here in this very store. She was such a sweet child and I loved her very much." "That's so sweet." Flash commented. "But those happy days were not meant to last long." Hungramps continued. "She soon started school and it was only a matter of time before she preferred to hang out with her friends instead of me. It was only natural I suppose, children grow up and that's how it goes. She was becoming such a big girl and I was happy for her. But I missed her company as well and one day I had to depart from this world, leaving everything behind. I wish I could see her one last time, I suppose that's why I ended up here. I don't really know for sure. But I wait here, hoping she will stop by one of these days. So that's why I'm here." "That was so beautiful!" Whisper exclaimed as he had a tissue out to wipe the tears from his eyes. "And tragic at the same time!" Soon those streams of tears turned into a water fountain of tears. "All he wanted to do with his granddaughter again! That's not a crime, do you hear me?! Love is not a crime!!" "But if all you want to do is see your granddaughter again, why do you keep giving people the munchies when they come by this store." Courage asked Hungramps. "That's the problem, when I became a Yokai I lost my memory." He explained to them. "And I just can't remember what she looks like anymore." Whisper continued to cry as the others felt bad for him. "But I think I would recognize her if she was right in front of me." "I really feel bad for him." Twilight whispered to the boys. "He just wants to see his granddaughter again but he can't remember what she looks like." "Yeah, but that's no excuse to make people eat unhealthy." Courage pointed out. "So then let's make him see that." Flash suggested. "We all feel sympathetic to your situation, but you can't go around making people sick to their stomachs!" Whisper shouted at Hungramps and shocked the three teens. "Wow, he sure didn't sugarcoat that one bit." Twilight commented before Whisper got into Hungramps' face. "There is no guarantee that you'll recognize your granddaughter if you see her again!" "Whisper, you're making things awkward! Courage shouted. "You may be right." Hungramps mentioned. "Thanks for giving it to me straight. I guess it was a sign to meet three kids who can see me. It's time for me to put an end to all this nonsense." He got up from where he was sitting and started to walk away. As he was leaving, he passed by two high school students as one of them spoke. "Hey, you never told us why you still have that old thing." A high school girl told her friend. "What, this?" Her friend asked as she pulled out of a familiar toy bear. "My grandfather bought this for me at this very store." Hungramps suddenly stopped when he heard her say that. My grandfather was my best friend when I was little. When I started going to school, I didn't have much time to play with him." Hungramps turned to see a little toy bear he bought for his granddaughter long ago with that teen girl. "Could it be?" Whisper asked as Flash, Twilight and Courage let out a gasp in surprise. "The funny thing is, in my heart I wanted to spend more time with him." The teen girl continued as she looked at the store. "I miss him every day." Hungramps then recognized this teen girl as his granddaughter as tears started to run down from his eyes. As the two girls continued on their way, Courage walked up to Hungramps with a warm smile on his face. "It looks like you got your wish and finally saw your granddaughter again." He said in a warm tone. "Thank you." Hungramps said before his body glowed and his medal appeared. It soon landed in Courage's hand as they are now friends. Later, they came back to their HQ and as they promised, they called Jibanyan to help with his training. They summoned Dragysuu and Kage to help with it as Kage helped him with his stamina and agility while Dragysuu helped him with power and accuracy. The three teens, Whisper, Blizzaria and Little Charrmer watched as every time Jibanyan charges at Dragysuu and Kage, he ends up getting knocked back and crashed into some barrels. "Ow! That's gonna leave a mark." Little Charrmer commented before Jibanyan got back up and charged in again. "But you do have to admire his determination." Blizzaria mentioned as she took a sip of tea. As this was happening, Flash noticed Twilight looked a little uneasy as she was looking at her phone. "Are you okay?" He asked to get her attention. "Oh I was just trying to figure out what to say to the girls." She explained. "They offered me to join their band and I don't know what to do. I mean I want to join their band but what if this whole Yokai thing gets in the way and I end up failing them?" "Hey, there's no way you'll be able to disappoint them." Flash told her with a small smile. "Besides, I'm sure that they will understand if you're late to any rehearsals." "He's right, Twi." Courage spoke up. "Even though Yokai have entered my life, I didn't let that get in the way of my normal life. So you have nothing to fear about it." Twilight looked at them both before she had a smile on her face. "Thanks for the advice." She mentioned before she sent a text to the Rainbooms, telling them that she is in. It seems like this was a perfect end to a perfect day for them. Later that night, Sunny Flare was out for a jog as she passed by an old mansion before she suddenly heard ghostly moans coming from it. She stopped for a moment as she looked in the direction where she heard the moans. She could have sworn she saw wisp of flames in one of the windows before they quickly moved to the second floor windows. She wondered what was going on in the windows before the front door to the mansion suddenly opened. She squinted her eyes a bit as she could have sworn she saw someone standing in the doorway before the figure turned into a skeleton and roared at her. She screamed in fear as she took off running before that skeleton could do anything else. "Don't leave me, Sonia!" It moaned out before the door closed on its own.