A Mercenary's Ending

by morbiusgreen

First published

After Jason Wright's suicide, a second human arrives in Equestria. Two years later, he is a mercenary with a partner, but on a job he becomes entangled in something way bigger than any mercenary may be able to handle. Especially a magicless human.

Jason Wright is dead. The Elements and all of Ponyville are to blame for his abuse for three long horrendous years. Princess Celestia, upon hearing about this, lays down righteous judgement on each of them. This breaks their friendship and causes them to scatter to the winds while also destroying the reputation of Ponyville itself.

Two years later, a second human enters Equestria for a job. He and his new companions are a part of a mercenary team, not well known, but unique in their own way. Little does this human know that a simple job his team accepted in Equestria will lead him to becoming involved in something bigger.

EDIT: Changed setting to Teen, but may change it back if things get a bit too dark.

1: Consequences

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Princess Celestia sat on her throne, looking down at the various piece of paper in front of her and trying to make sense of the contents within them. For this paper was a coroner’s report. A report on a specific individual who she had only spent a hooffull of days with, but who had made a great impression on her. That individual was Jason Wright, a human who had appeared some three years prior in Canterlot and had an audience with her and Luna. She never would have known about Jason’s death had it not been for Applejack Apple, Element of Honesty.

The report told of a gruesome story for the poor human soul. Suicide. Something that was almost impossible in this land of peace and harmony. However, that wasn’t the worst of it. The coroner admitted that he was no expert on a human’s biology, but his skin was peppered with scars from various objects hitting him and even scars from a lightning strike that ran from his head down to his toes. She knew he didn’t have the same magical protection from lightning that her little ponies had, but she had assumed that Twilight, her former faithful student, would easily be able to make said connection and warn her friends not to harm him.

How wrong that assumption was, it seemed. Not only did he have a scar from being struck by lightning along with a blind eye, but there were multiple scars in the shape of hooves that battered his body and deep gashes that looked worryingly recent. He was malnourished at his time of death, and there was more evidence that the ponies of Ponyville, the so-called friendliest place in Equestria, had rejected this human and forced him to live in a dark and dismal cave in the dreaded Everfree. For three whole years, if her investigative team’s report was accurate, which she didn’t doubt, he had endured this torment.

She looked at the pictures of the body taken by the coroner and had to resist the urge to vomit. When she’d met Jason, he was a spry younger human with dark brown hair, light brown eyes, and a smile on his lips and heart. He’d looked healthy, and despite being an omnivore he reassured her that he wouldn’t eat any sort of meat that could talk or think. The pictures she had showed someone with a more skeletal appearance. Sunken eyes, hollow cheekbones, multiple scars, more than half of which were hoof shaped, half of his hair missing and the other half gray, and signs of broken bones that had poorly healed.

Celestia began shedding tears as she read the report from her investigative team. Apparently, all of this started when her student, Twilight Sparkle, had rejected Jason. This, in turn, led the entire town to not only refuse to help him, but it also caused many in the town to actively try and chase him out of town. And the ponies who should have helped him, those who were supposed to represent the Elements of Harmony, had turned their backs on him. In fact, the lightning scar came from the ever so impulsive Rainbow Dash while the oldest of the hoof scars came from Applejack. Fluttershy had rejected him out of complete fear of him, Rarity had chased him out of her shop, and Pinkie Pie had apparently never even once tried to meet the new human or even throw him a party. While the rest of the town were no better, she expected so much more from the Bearers. Too late, she realized that while the Tenets of Harmony were to be idealized, the Bearers themselves were flawed, more so than she’d realized.

With this realization, Celestia wondered if there were more patterns like this throughout her nation. Digging deeper had revealed some disturbing facts about her ponies that left her appalled. There were reports, buried deeply so as not to even reach her, of ponies being mistrustful and even hateful towards other species. Zecora was the first example that she’d discovered. While the zebra shamaness wasn’t as cruelly mistreated as Jason, she was still feared until her student and her friends had cleared things up. Apparently, the same courtesy wasn’t given to Jason.

Celestia also looked into the young Spike, and findings regarding him were even more horrifying. Spike was less of a friend to Twilight now and more of an indentured servant. He was forced to clean the castle where Twilight now lived, had no friends of his own his own age, and was apparently taken advantage of by the so-called Element of Generosity due to his feelings of love towards her.

She put the papers down again, leaning back in her throne and looking up at the ceiling. A sudden wave of guilt washed over her. Was she any better? She had never once thought to check on the young human. She’d never even sent a letter to Twilight asking about him and how he was faring in the three years since she’d sent him there. She’d only given him a day’s worth of bits for a night in an inn. This was just as much her failure as it was theirs. Her assumptions had led to the destruction of someone who only wanted to make friends in this world.

With this horrific realization, she put the papers in a neat pile, asked Raven Inkwell to organize them for her, then told her guards she was off to Ponyville. However, before she could even leave the throne room, a green mist formed in front of her. A scroll appeared and Celestia caught it in her magic. Noting the seal was marked URGENT, she broke said seal and opened it.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Something terrible has happened! The Castle of Friendship has locked me and everypony else in town out of it! We can’t get in no matter how hard we try! Please come and help!

Your Faithful Student,

Twilight Sparkle

As she read this, her sadness turned into rage, rage that she hadn’t felt in centuries. Blinding hot rage that apparently woke her sister as the dark blue mare appeared in a flash beside her, still wearing her sleepwear. “Sister? What has transpired? What ails you?” Luna asked with a yawn.

Celestia forced herself to calm down, then looked with sorrow at her younger sister. “Remember Jason Wright?”

Luna brightened a bit. “That lovely human who came to us three years ago? Yes, I remember. Why? Is he coming to visit?”

Celestia shook her head darkly. “He…won’t be able to visit us or anyone ever again,” she said, her voice catching in her throat. “He’s…dead.”

Luna’s smile faded instantly, and she stared unbelieving at her sister. “You lie…” she said.

Celestia shook her head. “No…it’s true.” She pointed to the papers that Raven was still organizing. “It’s all in there.”

Luna locked on to the papers, and soon she’d grabbed them in her magic, looking over the reports with her own eyes. Celestia sat on the pristine marble floors of her throne room, tears of sorrow mixed with regret pouring from her eyes. She could feel the rising anger from her sister as she read everything. When she returned, the utter rage she felt from Luna was on par with her anger as Nightmare Moon. No, it far surpassed it. Celestia looked up and her normally pale face would have gone even paler. The utter hatred in her eyes was visible as a dark aura surrounded the lunar alicorn. “How…?” her voice was trembling in righteous fury, “how could those six mares…who freed me from my nightmare…have caused the death of an innocent creature?!”

“We can find out together,” Celestia said, holding up Twilight’s letter which Luna grabbed and scanned quickly. “That may somehow be related.”

“There’s no doubt about that,” Luna growled, grinding her teeth in rage as she raised her horn. “Come, sister, we shall hear their pitiful excuses before they are punished!”

Normally, Celestia would have contradicted her sister’s words, but she was beginning to see Twilight and her friends in a new light. She had failed Twilight. She had failed her ponies. She realized in that moment then that the unification of Equestria all those years ago had only taken the hatred and fear the three tribes once had for one another and redirected it outwards. It might not have been as evident, but this blatant example of Jason’s death due to years of abuse and hatred had to not only be dealt with, but it should inspire change. She realized that a thousand years of peace didn’t mean there was true harmony in her lands. She would work to ensure that not only did Jason’s memory not go quietly into that good night, but that it would be the inspiration for change.

Twilight Sparkle paced in front of the Castle of Friendship, trying not to hyperventilate as she waited for a response from Princess Celestia. Her friends surrounded her, trying to calm her down. All save for Applejack, who sat apart from the rest and dug at the ground with her hoof. Lately, the farmmare had not been wearing her traditional Stetson, and it had worried Twilight until this new issue cropped up.

“Darling, you need to pull yourself together,” Rarity said in a reassuring tone, “everything’ll be alright, just you wait.”

“Yeah!” Pinkie said, “I bet when the princess gets here, she’ll be able to solve this issue lickety split!”

“Chin up, Twilight!” Rainbow encouraged.

“My animal friends told me that there’s nothing evil looking inside,” Fluttershy said in an attempt to be helpful.

However, Twilight was stuck in her own thoughts. She paced back and forth, eyes wide with worry. Nearby, Starlight Glimmer and Spike both stood and watched Twilight slowly descend into worry and fear. The former looked down at the latter. “Does she normally get like this when she’s stressed?” Starlight had only recently come into town after her time traveling debacle with Twilight and was still learning the ropes about how things worked in this town.

Spike huffed and nodded. “You’ll get used to it,” he said, leaning against a nearby bench with his arms crossed.

“You deal with this often?” Starlight asked.

“More often than you’d think,” Spike sighed as he looked back at the castle. “Still, I hope we can figure this out. I’ve got some comics in there that I’d hate to lose. They cost a lot.”

Starlight reached over and gently rubbed Spike’s back as nearby, Fluttershy looked at Applejack. “Um…Applejack? Are you okay?”

Applejack jumped at being addressed, then looked up at the pegasus. “Uh, not really,” she said.

“Worried about the castle too, huh?” Rainbow asked with a nod that was probably supposed to be understanding. “Me too.”

“It ain’t that,” Applejack said, “it’s…something else.”

“What is it?” Fluttershy asked.

Applejack then did something nopony else there who knew her well enough expected. She wrapped herself up tightly, pulling on her mane to cover her face. “Ah don’t wanna talk ‘bout it none right now.”

Before anyone else could say anything, the sound of teleportation magic was heard nearby. Princess Celestia stood tall and looked down at the ponies before her. However, Princess Luna was also there, and both had looks of anger on their faces, causing everypony else to recoil in shock.

All except Twilight Sparkle, who ran over to the princesses with a look of relief. “Thank goodness you’ve come!” she said, sounding much less stressed as she pointed to the castle. “I don’t know what happened! I was reading in the library and Spike was cleaning when we were suddenly outside and unable to-”

“Be silent, Twilight Sparkle,” Princess Celestia said, and the tone coming from her muzzle was like that of living ice.

Twilight’s ears splayed down against her face and she backed away, a look of fear and confusion on her face. “Puh-Princess, what-?”

“I said be silent!” the princess repeated with more force, spreading her wings apart majestically as she glared down with anger and disappointment clear on her face. There was silence now as her gaze focused on each of the other five. When her eyes lay on Starlight and Spike, her features softened and she gave them a nod. “Young Spike, Miss Starlight Glimmer, would you please join my sister for a moment? She has something she needs to tell you.”

Confused, Spike and Starlight did as they were told, following a stern looking Luna away from the rest of them. Twilight gave Princess Celestia a pleading look before opening her mouth to speak again. However, a glare from the princess silenced her as she looked at the six mares in front of her. “Three years,” she began. “Three years you ponies ignored, tormented, abused, beat and starved an innocent being. What do you have to say for yourselves?”

Twilight looked completely shocked by this, as did four other ponies. However, it was Applejack who spoke. She looked up and removed her hair from her eyes. Everypony could see how bloodshot they really were now. They saw the bags under her eyes and the tearstains on her cheeks. She looked truly remorseful as she spoke out. “Ah can’t lie. We ain’t got an excuse.”

“You’re damned right you don’t!” Celestia shouted, startling even Applejack. Hearing the princess swear was practically unheard of, but she continued. “You are the reason behind the death of someone! You may not have directly done it, but your actions drove someone who only wanted to be your friends to SUICIDE!” She used her own Royal Canterlot Voice to emphasize that last word, sending them all sprawling.

Twilight was the first to recover and speak, looking up at Celestia with confusion in her eyes. “What…do you mean?” she asked.

“I’m talking about the human I sent down here three years ago!” Celestia said in rage. “I’m talking about Jason Wright! I’m talking about how the six of you were the leaders of the charge in the abuse of a defenseless being! I’m talking about how you sent him to live in a damp cave in the middle of the Everfree! Lost, alone, cold, and hungry! He was forced to scavenge because nobody here was generous, kind, honest, loyal, or even strove to make Jason smile!” She looked at the five mares whose elements they represented with a disapproving angry glare, causing each of them to shrink back.

Twilight looked stunned at this. This had to be a joke, right? There was no way that the actions she took against that human for the betterment of Ponyville had such dire consequences! She began to breath heavily, feeling another panic attack. She shook her head, denying it as she said, “That’s not true…it can’t be…”

“Would you all like to see the body!?” Celestia shouted. “Do you want to see the scars that you all inflicted on him! The lightning scars, the hoofprints from being bucked mercilessly, the way his skin sagged off of his bones from lack of food! Perhaps that should be part of your punishment for what you did to him!”

“W-We were protecting Ponyville from a threat!” Rainbow shouted, although she didn’t look so confident.

Celestia was right in Rainbow’s face, nose to nose with her. “What threat, Miss Dash? What sort of threat did he pose to you?! To Ponyville!? What gives you the right to become cruel to someone and disguise it as loyalty?!” She then turned to Fluttershy, who was now crying openly. “Where was your kindness when Jason needed it the most?!” Next, she turned to Rarity. “Where was your generosity when Jason could have used it in his darkest hours!?” She moved to Applejack. “Where was your so-called Apple hospitality when Jason was forced to steal from you, only for you to chase him off, buck him in the chest to break his ribs or to send your mutt after him to tear his skin off!?” Next, she moved onto Pinkie Pie, whose mane and tail was completely flat and her smile gone. “And you completely avoided him altogether, when a bit of laughter would have done him good! Instead, he hung himself!” Lastly, she turned to Twilight Sparkle, who was still completely shocked and unmoving. “And as for you, my faithful student,” and she spat the words out as if they were repugnant to her, “you forgot the earliest lesson you learned!” With that, she slammed a scroll down on the ground in front of the purple alicorn, who picked it up with shaky magic.

As Twilight read, her eyes widened and she broke. She looked down with tears in her eyes as she repeated over and over again, “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, please forgive me, please forgive me, I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry…”

The others approached warily at the parchment now lying on the ground. As they read, their spirits crumbled.

Dear Princess Celestia,

My friends and I all learned an important lesson this week: Never judge a book by its cover. Someone may look unusual, or funny, or scary. But you have to look past that and learn who they are inside. Real friends don't care what your "cover" is; it's the contents of a pony that count. And a good friend, like a good book, is something that will last forever.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle

“Tell me, so-called Princess of Friendship,” Celestia said as she picked the scroll up with her magic, “what was it about Jason that made him different from Miss Zecora? Was it because Zecora was shaped like a pony? Was it because Zecora is an herbivore like us? Tell me what it is about Jason that made you shove him aside like garbage!”

Twilight, however, was still lost in her own thoughts, rocking back and forth as she repeated the same phrases over and over again. An apology and pleading for forgiveness. The others didn’t look any better. Pinkie Pie had a mad look in her eye as she was beginning to gather sticks and moss to make a human figure, calling it Jason. Rarity was simply sitting on the ground, tears pouring from them. Fluttershy was collapsed in a heap, sobbing profusely. Applejack was simply staring at the ground, her mane even more unkempt and falling around her. Rainbow was no longer flying now, just staring out towards the Everfree.

Suddenly, however, Twilight stopped. She looked up a hopeful expression on her face. “Wait…we can fix this!” she said with a somewhat mad grin, a grin that resembled what she looked like during the Want It Need It incident some years prior. She looked around wildly. “Where’s Starlight!? She finished Star Swirl’s time travel spell! Maybe she can-!”

“No, I can’t use it anymore,” Starlight said as she returned alone. Luna was in the distance holding a clearly despondent Spike.

Twilight saw Spike crying and stood. “Spike?! What’s wrong?!”

She moved to run to him, but was blocked by a magical wall. Starlight stepped in front of her, then to the surprise of everypony there sans Celestia, the unicorn shoved her teacher back hard with her hoof. “You don’t deserve to see him, child abuser!” Starlight growled.

“Ch-Child abuser…?” Twilight asked, her mane coming more undone.

“Princess Luna told us all about how you’ve relegated Spike to the sidelines!” Starlight snapped. “He has to clean the castle?! You’re a princess now, Twilight! You have the money to hire ponies for that! Instead, you call Spike, who’s been there for you longer than anypony else here save the Princess, ONLY your Number One Assistant! He’s only a child! He should be in school, making friends with others his own age, not acting as your slave!”

Twilight collapsed onto her haunches again. “B-But he likes-”

“And as for YOU, Rarity!” Starlight snapped, looking at the still crying unicorn mare, “We all know that Spike here has feelings for you, but what have you done? You use him as a pin cushion and free labor! You take advantage of his feelings to get work out of him!” She spun and looked at the others. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you all have done that one way or another, relegating him to the side.” She looked back at Twilight. “As of today, Twilight Sparkle, I wash my hooves of you, as in I am no longer your student. You claim to be the Princess of Friendship, but if you can’t even treat your oldest companion like a real friend or even a sibling, then you’ve failed.” With that, she turned and trotted away, walking back to Luna and Spike with her head held high.

Twilight fell to her side, holding her head in her hooves. Her mouth was moving as if she was speaking, but nothing came out. The princess had watched this all with a dispassionate glare. When nopony else spoke, she stood taller. “You asked me to come here to fix the issue with getting into the castle, Miss Sparkle. The truth of the matter is, that since the Tree of Harmony was the one who made the castle for you, it now rejects you as a Bearer.” She lifted her horn and six stone objects appeared in the air. All of them bore a remarkable resemblance to the Elements they had received all those moons ago. The detail on them was so precise, but there was one small detail that everypony noticed.

The gems on them had all been blackened. All corrupted and unusable. The six mares, upon seeing this, fell further back into themselves. Pinkie lost more of her color, Rarity’s mane and tail lost their lovely curls, Applejack’s head was now practically covered in her blond mane, and judging from the slight rhythmic trembling she must have been crying, Fluttershy was completely sobbing and wailing now, Rainbow Dash was looking at the ground in anger, although at who or what remained to be seen but if the tears were any indication, it was self-loathing, and Twilight was babbling nonsense.

“The Elements of Harmony have completely rejected you, and for good reason,” Celestia said. “While Jason was alive, it seemed as if they may have held out hope you’d come to your senses like you did with Zecora, but when your actions caused his suicide, they deemed you beyond unworthy of ever reclaiming these again.” She teleported them away and looked down at them. “Now then, for your punishments. Twilight Sparkle, you are hereby stripped of your title as a princess and all privileges that affords you, including your servants which you never even thought to utilize and instead forced it all on Spike. And speaking of, I am taking him into my custody instead. You were clearly not ready to raise him.”

Twilight briefly came out of her madness and pleaded, “No! Please Princess! I can fix this! I can make things right with Spi-!”

“I have spoken,” Celestia said firmly. She then turned to Rainbow Dash. “As for you, Rainbow Dash, I hereby remove you from the Wonderbolts effective immediately. All of your accolades and medals will be revoked and your record wiped. It will be as if you never joined.”

Rainbow closed her eyes, her wings hanging limply by her side as she cried a bit, gritting her teeth and bucking the air in frustration. Celestia turned to Applejack. “Applejack Apple, my first thought was to revoke my land grant to your family for your heinous actions against Jason, but that would be cruel to the food production in this town. Since you were the only pony there when he killed himself and witnessed it, I don’t need to further punish you. Instead, you will live with what you’ve done.”

“Understood,” Applejack said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Celestia turned to Pinkie Pie. “I believe the same punishment can go for you, Pinkamena Diane Pie,” Celestia said. “Your actions against Jason, while not violent, contributed greatly to his suffering. You will have to live with that.”

As Pinkie blubbered in shame, Celestia turned to Rarity. “Rarity, I am revoking your business license effective immediately. You will never be allowed to own a business ever again. You will simply be another run of the mill seamstress with no business to call your own.”

Rarity was bawling now, holding onto Fluttershy, but Celestia simply ignored her as she turned last to Fluttershy. “As for you, Fluttershy, your veterinarian license issued to you by Twilight is hereby null and void. You will no longer be allowed to help those poor innocent creatures in need ever again, just like you failed to help Jason.”

Celestia took a few steps back, spreading her wings and looking at the gathered crowd of ponies who were watching this in confusion. She glared at them, then turned back at the six. “But I’m not finished here yet. Everything that this town has done to Jason and any other creatures who are not ponies will be revealed and shown to the rest of Equestria publicly. Your failures will be broadcast for all to see. All of your accolades as the former Bearers will be destroyed and publicly burned. You will simply become six ponies who failed their mandate.”

Before she could continue, a new male voice called out, “It is unfortunate that I have awoken to see such a state.” Everypony turned to see a glowing transparent version of Jason Wright standing nearby. He looked like a blue apparition with his frame encased in a slightly brighter blue light. His expression was neutral and he had his arms crossed. This apparition still bore the wounds, scars, and gaunt figure of the dead human. His one good eye scanned the crowd of ponies, then looked down at the former bearers. In a calm and serene tone, the apparition said, “You six and the rest of this town have corrupted my tenets and have cast out a creature who was once a kind and happy man. Your princess is correct that you had the chance to change your ways while he still lived, but you threw him away like refuse. Out of sight, out of mind as the human saying goes. You are not only no longer worthy to be bearers of harmony, but do not deserve the castle that bears the title of friendship.

The apparition turned next to Celestia, and the monarch shrank back in fear, but tried not to show it. The materialization of Harmony that took Jason’s form simply shook his head in utter disappointment, saying absolutely nothing. For Celestia, however, it was like an arrow to the heart. He then turned and held out his hand towards the crystal castle. It began to glow slightly, then shake and tremble before suddenly bursting into blue hot flames. Everypony watched in disbelief as the crystal walls and towers of the Castle of Friendship began to whither away into ash, disappearing into nothingness. The six ponies and the rest of the town could only watch in horror as the once majestic structure crumbled into nothing more than dust until nothing remained of it save for a black scar on the land in the shape of its foundation. The soul of Harmony turned to Celestia, walked up to her, and snapped his fingers. A box appeared next to Celestia, all bearing a number of items inside. “Give these to the only two creatures who lived in that castle who did nothing to Jason: Starlight Glimmer and Spike the Dragon. They will not suffer for the sins of others.

Celestia nodded as the apparition turned to the crowd. In a mighty voice, he spoke: “Your town is unworthy to even exist! However, as I rarely take direct action, I will do nothing. This town will fall on its own, not by my hand. May this be a harsh lesson not just to Ponyville but to all of Equestria: Harmony and friendship are not to be hoarded! They are to be spread everywhere, even to races you fear and loathe! And you are not to force change, but to allow others to explore their own means of achieving harmony and friendship. Farewell!” And with that, the apparition brightened and vanished in a white flash.

Two years later, and things had gone vastly downhill for the once peaceful and happy town of Ponyville. When the news about all of the atrocious acts taken against Jason Wright were publicly shown to the rest of Equestria, not just in the papers but in a countrywide magical broadcast and later that year a book detailing every single detail, Ponyville became a pariah among the nation. It went from being called Friendliest Town in Equestria to Cruelest Tartarus-hole in Equestria. Nopony wanted anything to do with the town, and it quickly began losing tourists.

Ponies from Ponyville quickly began to pack and leave, but even their reputation as former Ponyvillians preceded them. They were treated poorly by other ponies in other towns. This led to civil unrest among the populace, so much so that Celestia had to take action. She created a coastal town rather secluded from the rest of Equestria known as Maretime Bay. There, the ponies who were fleeing Ponyville could live in some semblance of peace, away from the prying eyes of the rest of the kingdom.

As for the former bearers, once news of their cruelty reached Equestrian ears, they all began going their separate ways. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy both went back to Cloudsdale, living in their parents’ houses and avoiding contact with everypony save for their parents. Said parents did their best to help, but even Rainbow Dash’s parents couldn’t just dismiss what they did. They were rarely seen after that.

A despondent Pinkie Pie returned to her home on the rock farm. Her family was as loving as they could be, after the lectures, of course. Even Maud had a few words to say, not to mention the wall of words that came from Marble. However, they made it clear that they said this out of the hopes that Pinkie would become a better pony because of it.

Rarity, much like the others, began to return to her parents’ house, but since they were part of the problem in Ponyville, they had to move to Maretime Bay when the town began shutting down. She was never seen much after that, either.

Applejack was the only pony whose family didn’t leave. Despite everything, their farm still provided an essential service to the nation. However, their workload became harder since the entire town of Ponyville had been deserted. Every day, Applejack had to look at the once vibrant town and could only remember what had been. Not only that, but the tree where Jason committed suicide in was never touched by her or her family. Instead, it grew more and more wild, its apples falling and never being eaten by anypony else.

As for Twilight, she spent those two years in a mental facility. The alicorn couldn’t accept what had happened to Jason, insisting that he was still alive and that she was learning so much about his world. She described events that hadn’t happened, such as Pinkie Pie’s party for Jason, how the town had gotten to accept him as a friend to ponies, and even began talking about Spike being more and more included in the events of her fictitious day to day life. The doctors and nurses worked around the clock to help heal her mind and help her accept what had happened. When she finally accepted what she’d done, she quickly followed through on the other stages of grief until she accepted that her actions had caused the suicide of an innocent being.

When she was released, she was moved to Maretime Bay, living in the town’s lighthouse and tending to it as the new lighthouse keeper. The doctor’s thought that her keeping busy would keep her from regressing into her manic state, something that she was prone to do during her recovery process. She learned quickly how to do chores and such on her own. Since she still had her alicorn magic, she discovered that it was super easy, barely an inconvenience. She regretted the treatment she gave Spike more and more with each passing day.

The most outrage came from the Crystal Empire, especially when news of how their hero Spike had been treated by Twilight and her friends reached their ears. He was welcomed by Princess Cadance and Shining with open hooves, and the latter tried his best to make things right with the little brother he’d always had but never really acknowledged.

Spike went between Canterlot and the Crystal Empire, though, as Princess Celestia and Luna were also hoping to build a good relationship with him, which he was a bit reluctant to accept at first, but soon he saw the two as family as well. He quickly let go of his feelings for Rarity when he learned of what she’d done to Jason. He was sent to school in the Crystal Empire and made some new friends his own age. He even developed a crush on a filly there. Funnily enough, she was the complete opposite of Rarity.

The news of the death of Jason Wright by suicide along with the cause spread not along all of Equestria, but outside it as well. There had never been so much tension between Equestria and other nations, especially when news of how certain Ponyvillians treated other races.

The news even reached the lawless city Thornfall located deep within the Badlands just outside of Equestria. Specifically, it reached the ears of an individual in a darkened corner building. He was sitting at a desk, reading over several job requests he’d received when the door burst open. Quickly, he pulled his hood over his face so as not to be seen, although his partner hadn’t informed him that there was anyone coming by today.

He was just slipping his gloves on when his partner, an abyssinian male named Tobias, came bursting in. He was about one year younger than the individual and had fur as black as night save for a small spot of white on his forehead. His yellow eyes were wide with alarm as he rushed in, catching his breath. He was wearing a black coat and had a pair of daggers attached to the belt wrapped around his waist.

The figure at the desk sighed, and looking at him through the darkened hood that obscured his features, he said, “Toby, you know better than to come bursting in.”

“S-Sorry, G,” Tobias panted, “b-but there’s news!”

“What is it?” he asked, leaning back.

Tobias grabbed a glass of water that was on the desk, gulping it all down as he continued to catch his breath. “I managed to snag this from some new ponies I saw in town.” He pulled out a newspaper from his pocket and slid it onto the table. The figure looked down at it, then back at Tobias, who turned the paper over and pointed. “It’s an article from one of those Equestrian newspapers,” he explained. “Apparently, you weren’t the first to come here after all.”

The figure looked at the paper, then reached up to his hood. He slid it off, revealing a young-looking human male with long brown wavy hair, light blue eyes, and a couple of scars on said face, including a cut that went from above his eye to below it, the result of an encounter with a goblin assassin that had nearly killed him had it not been for Tobias’ timely rescue. He reached down and grabbed the newspaper, reading the article aloud.

Today marks the five year anniversary of the suicide of one Jason Wright, the first human to traverse the expanse of worlds from his to ours. His tale is one well known to all ponies today. He wished to befriend ponykind but instead was the victim of the cruelty of ponies from the now infamous town of Ponyville. He was chased out of the town, tormented, abused, starved, and rejected by those ponies who were said to be the Bearers of Harmony alongside their entire town. Now, he is dead, a tragic tale of failure and loss.

“Two years ago, Princesses Celestia and Luna established this day as the Day of Remembrance. We don’t just remember Jason’s tragedy, but we hold this day in high regard because it reminds us that the Tenets of Harmony are for all races all across the world, not just here in our kingdom. May we never forget that despite everything we claim to hold dear, we are flawed. We must rise above these flaws if we are to become better ponies.

Tobias looked down at the human in front of her, leaning down and looking at him curiously. “So…what do we do, G?” he asked.

“What do we do?” he repeated, raising an eyebrow. “We do what we always do.” He looked at the papers scattered on his desk, then reached down and grabbed one, picked it up, and showed it to him. “We work to survive.”

Tobias looked at it, then chuckled. “Excellent choice,” he said as he put his hood over his head. “So, Gregory, when do you want to start this job?”


Gregory Eugene Graystone, twenty nine year old human male, reached down and retrieved a face mask sitting on the desk. “You know what they say, Toby,” he said as he placed it over his face and touched something on the side. Instantly, the mask began to expand, covering his entire face until his human features were hidden. When it was covered, the eyepieces began glowing a light blue and two vertical lines of light light light appeared on the voice modulator. He stood and grabbed two large serrated blades which he strapped to his belt. As he put his hood over his head, he spoke. “There’s no time like the present.” As he spoke, the line on his modulator brightened and dimmed to match his voice. Not only that, but his own voice changed completely. It was deeper and more menacing, enough to intimidate those around him.

Tobias chuckled and grabbed his own bag. “Lead on, Gregory.”

That’s not my name,” the now disguised human reminded Tobias.

Tobias rolled his eyes and nodded. “Fine, fine. Lead on…Revan.”

With that, Tobias followed his human friend and companion, the mysterious mercenary named Revan, out into the crime filled city. The mercenary party Shadow Dawn had work to do.

2: Three Years Later

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Spike walked down the halls of the Crystal Palace. Rather, it was Prince Spike of the Crystal Empire who strolled down the hallway back towards his room. Unlike three years ago, he had grown quite well thanks to some additions to his diet that they’d imported straight from the Dragon Lands, mostly roc meat which he learned was not only quite common back in the Dragon Lands, but was also extremely delicious when roasted and seasoned well. He’d sprouted his wings finally, which had been quite an ordeal, and he was now taller than even Cadance, his new adopted mother. He wasn’t too muscular, but his friend Dragon Lord Ember told him that the muscles would come if he trained well.

In fact, that was where he’d just come from. He’d come from the arena where Shining Armor had been personally training him in several combat arts. It had been a challenge considering both of them had different body types, but it was a fun learning experience for both. Shining had managed to adapt and teach him several ways to fight. With his wings, Spike was even more formidable, and Shining had one of the guards in the palace, a pegasus named Flash Sentry, train with him in aerial maneuvers and combat. Even with three years of training under his proverbial belt, Spike knew he was still no match for the brother he’d longed to have for so long, and who he now had, even if technically Shining was his adopted dad. Still, he was able to hold his own fairly well.

As he turned the corner, he saw a couple of crystal guards walking down the hall with the six-year-old Flurry Heart. She was walking with a couple of her friends from school. When she saw Spike, her wings fluttered excitedly and she jumped into his arms. “Big brother!” she said happily. For a six-year-old, she actually could talk relatively well.

Spike’s heart warmed at this and the sixteen-year-old dragon held his little sister in his arms. “Hey, Flurs,” he said, calling her by the nickname he’d given her a while ago.

She hugged him for a bit, then he heard her sniffing. “Eeew, you’re all sweaty,” she said, waving her hoof in front of her nose like she was trying to get rid of the stench as she flew out of his grip.

Spike rolled his eyes. “I just got done training with dad,” he said, “and I was about to go shower. Where were you all going?”

“Mom said we could go out for some ice cream and scones!” Flurry said excitedly. “Do you wanna come after you shower?”

Spike chuckled and shook his head. “Hmmm, as nice as that sounds, I’m actually gonna take a nap. Dad’s training made me really tired today. Buy me a cornet, would you?” He reached into the pocket of his jacket and pulled out some crystal bits which he gave to Flurry.

“Chocolate filled?” she asked.

He chuckled. “You know me well, little sister,” he said, ruffling her mane. “You and your friends have a good time, and I’ll see you at dinner.”

“Okay!” With that, the group of fillies and the guards walked past him, the guards giving Spike a friendly nod as they did so.

Spike went back to his room and unlocked his door, stepping inside. He quickly walked through the regal looking bedroom towards his bathroom. The shower water felt amazing on his scales, especially when he turned the temperature up to scalding hot. At least, scalding hot for ponies. When he finished, he walked over to his bed, collapsed into it, and turned around, staring up at the crystal ceiling above him.

The room he was granted by his new adopted parents was nearly three times bigger than his old one in the former Castle of Friendship. His bed was a king-sized bed, which he felt was too big for him but Cadance insisted, saying that he would grow into it. He had three large arched windows looking out onto the city of Crystalia, a balcony with two chairs, a large fireplace and a couple chairs there, a desk, a large closet full of his new clothes, a second storage closet for any miscellaneous belongings he had, a few wall mounts for the various weapons he’d been granted by the best Crystalia blacksmith, and shelves for all of his comics and other awards.

As he turned over to stare at the ceiling, something from his storage closet fell over, creating a sound of shattering glass. He stood with a groan and walked over to see what had fallen. He turned the light on and walked in, initially finding nothing as he walked through. Soon, however, he saw a small brown picture frame sitting on the ground near the back. He reached down and picked it up, staring at the picture with a sense of sadness and betrayal.

The picture was one taken during their first week in the Golden Oaks Library all those years ago. He was standing next to Twilight, both of them all smiles as they stood in the main area. He remembered that Twilight had insisted on them taking a picture ‘…for the future.’

When they’d lived in Golden Oaks, he’d only stored his copy away, but after the destruction of the library, he’d placed it on the nightstand next to his bed, prominently on display. It had been luckily locked away in a strong chest that had mostly survived. Every day, before he got up to take care of the myriad of chores needed in the castle, he’d look back at the picture of his younger self, missing his younger days and trying to gain strength from those memories.

When he’d been there that fateful day three years ago after hearing about what she’d done to Jason Wright, a being he’d never even heard of let alone met, his emotions got the better of him and he blurted out all that he’d been holding in against Twilight. Princess Luna, bless her soul, had been there listening, calmly reassuring him that he would be alright. He had sensed a profound sadness and anger, but the latter wasn’t directed at him. Starlight had been there to comfort him as well, even helping him move into his new room before he returned the favor by helping her move in with Sunburst.

He looked at the picture frame a bit more closely now, as there was something different about it. He quickly realized that the glass protecting the picture had a crack in it, one that split right between him and Twilight, separating them. There was a part of him that wondered just how Twilight and her former friends were doing. He didn’t consider them even former friends because he felt that they didn’t treat him as such. Still, they’d been in his life for years, so he couldn’t help but be a bit curious. Last he’d heard, Twilight had been in some sort of insane asylum for two years before being released and shipped off to Maretime Bay. Rarity apparently lived there too. As for the others, Rainbow and Fluttershy had been living in Cloudsdale until about a year ago when they both decided to move to a small settlement near Maretime Bay called Zephyr Heights, Pinkie was on her rock farm, and Applejack was the only one of the former Elements who still lived in Ponyville, working on her farm with her family.

He sighed, putting the picture back up on the shelf face down so it wouldn’t fall so easily again. He turned away, walking back out of the darkened closet of old, forgotten memories, back into the large room full of a bright new future.

He sat on the ground in front of a large window facing the mountains of the Frozen North, closing them and entering a state of meditation. Zecora had moved up to the Crystal Empire with Spike and Starlight, setting up an apothecary shop in Crystalia while using some neighboring forests outside the city for ingredients. She’d helped him through some of his darker moments in the adjustment period, including teaching him about meditation techniques that could help calm the mind.

Slowly, over the course of ten to fifteen minutes, he felt the negativity leaving him once more. The memories would never leave him, but he could move past them and learn from them. As a winged dragon teen prince, he now had some responsibilities to those ponies in the empire, and he couldn’t let the past dictate his actions. These ponies were a lot closer to Harmony than the ponies he’d known, and his status as hero notwithstanding, the crystal ponies clearly enjoyed his company and were always kind to him.

Feeling much more relieved, he stood and went back to bed, crawling under the covers as he did so. He sighed contentedly and closed his eyes. Aside from one brief hiccup, today had been a good day. As he fell asleep, he wondered if he could try once more to convince Cadance to let him join the local adventurer’s guild despite being adopted royalty. With thoughts of adventure with a party in the ever-expanding borders of the northern empire filling his mind, he fell asleep, smiling happily at the thought.

Twilight Sparkle was walking around the house she’d been living in for the past year after having been released from her two-year stint in a mental hospital. She was using her magic to clean the lighthouse mirrors, something she did daily. With lighthouse mirrors, one had to be extremely careful when cleaning as one scratch could affect the effectiveness of the amount of light given off by the crystal lantern. As she rinsed off the rag in the nearby sink, she looked out at her new home.

Maretime Bay was a beautiful new town, and it was just on the borders of the slight Equestrian expansion into what had once been called the Undiscovered Lands. Since almost all of its citizens were former Ponyvillians, most were earth ponies. Her lighthouse was separated from it by a small canyon formed from years of erosion by a river that flowed in from the west. A large natural bridge made of earth linked Maretime Bay to her new home, and she would occasionally go into town for supplies.

Today just so happened to be one of those dreaded days, and Twilight was stalling as long as she could just so she wouldn’t have to see the faces of the ponies who she had personally failed. She didn’t want to see the glares from ponies who were now relegated to a town separated from the rest of Equestria so as to ensure they wouldn’t be harmed by other ponies.

Still, while she had finally accepted that her foalish and cruel actions had caused the death of someone who’d only wanted to be her friend, she had to endure the constant reminding glares of ponies who she’d once considered to be her close townsponies. She’d never liked being constantly reminded of her failures, and even Rarity had given her looks of pure hate she’d never expected from one of her former best friends. That is, whenever she actually saw her former friend.

Finishing up her cleaning, she teleported everything to the kitchen along with herself. Draining both soapy and rinsing buckets, she cleaned them up then placed them back into storage before she went to her room. It was smaller than her old one, but it was still enough for her. It was also the only place in the house that wasn’t exactly clean. By the time she’d finish her day, she hardly had time to clean it, which caused her even more guilt as Spike’s room back in her former home in the Castle of Friendship was more often than not a mess. She had always scolded him for it, but now she understood why.

With a heavy heart, she decided to continue putting off her going into town and actually put some effort into cleaning her room. She spent the next couple of hours cleaning, dusting, vacuuming, organizing, and washing her sheets. Finally, her room was organized and cleaned. She lay on her freshly made bed, sighing and closing her eyes as she rested briefly before she left. She missed her friends. She missed her family. She missed Spike, the little brother she’d never acknowledged. She wanted to make things right, but there were some things she now realized she could never take back.

There was a knock on her bedroom door, causing her to jump. She looked at it, then sighed. It was most likely the nurse that the Canterlot mental hospital had assigned to keep an eye on her, Nurse Maple Leaf. She lived in a smaller house next to the lighthouse, so Twilight didn’t see her too much. Initially, Twilight had been resentful of her presence, but Maple Leaf had grown on her as a nice constant in her life. She was the only pony who didn’t treat her like Tartarus. “Come in, Nurse Maple,” she said tiredly.

Maple Leaf, a unicorn mare about ten years older than Twilight, opened the door and walked inside. She was a dark brown mare with some white spots scattered on her stomach along with green eyes and a group of three maple leaves for a cutie mark. She was wearing her typical nurse’s hat and a nurse’s gown. In her green magic she held a pencil and a clipboard. “Good afternoon, love,” she said in a kindly Trottingham accent, “and how are we doing today? Better, I hope?”

“Yeah, I’d say so,” Twilight said as she sat up in her bed.

Maple looked around the room and nodded. “I see you cleaned the room up. Is it time to go into town already?”

Twilight’s ears fell. “Is it that obvious?”

“You do tend to do a lot more around the lighthouse whenever you need to go into town for supplies, love,” Maple said with a knowing look.

Twilight sighed and nodded as she slowly got out of bed and stood. “I know…I need to go to town, but it gets harder every time.”

“You do realize I can go if it gets too hard,” Maple said. “You don’t have to go alone, either. I can come with you.”

Twilight shook her head stubbornly. “No, the doctors told me I needed to face my demons straight on,” she said, “and I need to do that alone.”

Maple nodded and wrote something down on her pad as she replied, “just know that I’ll be here for you if you need a helping hoof. I’m here for the long haul.”

Twilight gave her a grateful smile. “I appreciate that, Maple, but I’ll be alright. Is there anything I can get for you while I’m in town?”

Maple shook her head. “Oh no, you don’t have to spend your money on me, dear,” she said, “I know you don’t earn too much from your job.”

“Please, it’s the least I can do,” Twilight insisted.

Maple looked a bit uncertain, but when Twilight continued to ask, she finally said, “Well…I’ve been craving chocolate mint chip cookies from Crumble Nation. They’re my absolute favorite.”

Twilight inwardly winced. That was where Rarity’s parents worked, along with Rarity herself. She went there sometimes, but not often. It still hurt to be there and get ignored by her once close fashionista friend. Still, she’d offered, and it was the least she could do. “Does one dozen cookies sound okay?” she asked.

“Yes, thank you, love,” Maple said.

“Alright, then I’ll get those last so they’re fresh,” she said, of course hiding the real reason for wanting to go last.

“See you when you come back, Twilight,” Maple said.

“Yeah…see you later…”

With a heavy heart, she grabbed her coin purse, put her saddlebags on, went out to the back of the lighthouse, hitched herself up to the cart she took into town, and began plodding down the road…

“Mom, Dad, I’m gonna go and play with Scootaloo at her house for a bit,” Rarity heard Sweetie Belle say from the kitchen where she was helping her mother make another batch of cookies for the small cookie business they’d opened in Maretime Bay, Crumble Nation.

“Sounds good, sweetie,” Cookie Crumbles said, “tell her aunts I said hello.”

“Will do!” Rarity heard Sweetie galloping out of the door.

Cookie came back into the kitchen and looked at her older daughter. Giving her a smile, she said, “Is the next batch ready, pumpkin?”

Wiping sweat from her brow, Rarity walked over to the oven and looked in. “Not yet,” she said, “probably another…three minutes.”

Over the past years, she’d been living with her family. Since she was unable to own any business again, she’d been forced to find another job. She’d tried leaving Maretime Bay, holding some jobs for a few months, including working in a small smoothie shop, but ponies eventually figured out that she worked there and would refuse to go to said places unless she wasn’t there. So, she was forced to return to Maretime Bay and got a job at her parents’ cookie shop. It wasn’t the busiest, considering everypony in Maretime Bay knew who worked in the kitchen, but the cookies were good enough for repeat customers. Hondo was the one who took orders so nopony would have to see Rarity.

“Thanks, hun,” Cookie said as she went back to her mixing bowl to mix the next batch of cookies.

Rarity walked over and began to wash the dishes used during the last batch. She inhaled deeply, then sighed. She was a seamstress…she shouldn’t have to work in a cookie shop…but what could she do? She couldn’t own a business ever again thanks to what happened three years ago. She was simply going through the motions of living now. Whenever she had time off, she would try her best to keep her seamstress skills sharp, but most of the time she would grow frustrated which would devolve into her going out, buying a bottle of wine from the local winery, and drinking her sorrows away until she went to sleep. The cycle would then start again.

She heard someone walking into the shop, and when she heard the voice of the pony who greeted her father, she scowled. It was Twilight. “C-Can I have two dozen original chocolate chip cookies and a dozen chocolate mint chip cookies?”

“Sure, that’ll be seventeen bits,” Rarity heard her father say. There was the sound of bits being placed on a counter and then her father said, “I’ll box those up for you right away.”

“Thanks…” Rarity could hear the uncertainty and sadness in Twilight’s tone. She couldn’t help herself, she began moving closer to the door while Hondo began boxing up the cookies for Twilight. There was silence for a bit before Twilight spoke again. “S-So…how’ve things been here?”

Hondo didn’t reply right away, but when he did, his voice was neutral but not hostile, something Rarity knew was a customer service tone. “Pretty good, all things considered.”

“Is the business doing okay?”

“Fairly well.”

“Good.” There was silence for a little bit before Twilight asked, “A-And how’s Rarity doing?”

“As well as could be expected,” Hondo said.

“Th-That’s good, I’m glad,” Twilight said.

Rarity gritted her teeth. How dare Twilight say such things!? It was her initial actions against Jason Wright that had led her to falling so far! She lost everything! She continued listening as Twilight continued, “Would you…tell her I stopped by and said hi? Oh, and that she’s welcome to drop by for tea anytime.”

“You know she won’t come,” Hondo said with a heavy sigh as the sound of something being placed on the counter caught Rarity’s attention. The boxes of cookies must have been finished.

“I-I know,” Twilight said sadly, “but please?”

Hondo was silent for a bit, then said, “I’ll let her know, Miss Sparkle.”

“Thank you,” Twilight’s voice sounded a bit relieved, “and thank you for the cookies.”

“No problem. Have a good afternoon,” Hondo replied.

When she heard the door to the shop open and close, Rarity put down the pot she’d been cleaning and trotted hesitantly out to the front of the shop. It was small, with a few tables for waiting ponies. They’d almost gotten a larger building, but they didn’t have the funds for it, so they decided on a grab and go/delivery model. It worked, but it meant they had to hire a delivery pony. Said pony was off on a delivery at the moment.

Rarity walked over to the window and watched the cart that Twilight was pulling take a left at the crossroads as she headed back to her lighthouse. Rarity knew that Twilight always made this place her last stop whenever she came into town, and the barrels of food and other supplies in the back of the cart only confirmed it. “Tsk,” she said as she turned back and strutted back towards the kitchen.

“Pumpkin, maybe it’s time you actually go visit her,” she heard her father say from his spot behind the counter.

Rarity stopped, then turned to her father. “Father dear,” she said with a stone-cold tone, “she’s the initial reason why we lost everything. If she hadn’t rejected that human-”

“You would have acted the same way,” her mother interrupted her. When Rarity turned to face her mother, she saw the indigo-colored unicorn mare scowling at her. “You know that’s true.”

Rarity scowled. They’d had this discussion many times throughout the years. Rarity knew that she’d made a mistake by turning Jason away, but she told herself that she did it to not only protect her little sister from the Everfree Monster as he was called for those three years, but because if Twilight had turned her away, then she must have had a good reason. After all, she had trusted Twilight and if she’d turned Jason away, there had to be a good explanation. “I admit, I may have been a bit…apprehensive, but if Twilight hadn’t-”

“Don’t try and hide from your own actions, young filly,” Hondo said.

“We aren’t,” Cookie added.

“We were part of a few crowds who chased Jason out of Ponyville.” Hondo said with his ears laid back.

“We’ve lost our friends, our self-respect, and our old home because of our own actions,” Cookie concluded, “not the actions of others. You’re a grown mare. You need to take responsibility for what you did, no matter how painful.”

“And hiding away from the world and especially from Twilight isn’t going to help you or her heal from this,” Hondo finished.

“And you don’t see the hypocrisy of Twilight doing the same thing??” Rarity demanded to know.

“We’re not her parents,” Hondo said patiently,

“We’re yours,” Cookie concluded, “and while we’re worried about her, she’s a grown mare.”

“So am I!” Rarity shot back.

“You’re certainly not acting like it right now,” Cookie said sternly.

Rarity looked at both of them, then looked down at the ground. She felt humiliated, like a foal who was being scolded by her parents. She pawed at the ground, frowning. She hated the fact that her parents were right, and as she acknowledged it, the pit in her stomach returned. The pit she didn’t want to feel. She growled and shook her head before walking away from her parents. She swallowed the bile in her throat and walked back to the kitchen. She’d be buying two bottles of wine tonight, she knew. At least it was the weekend…

“Dashie, are you hungry?” the voice of Rainbow Dash’s mother called from behind her bedroom door. “I made your favorite. Pasta and potato sandwich on sourdough.”

Rainbow was lying on her bed, staring up at the cloud ceiling above her. There was an apple of hard cider in her wing, nearly gone. It was her last bottle of Apple family cider, but it was enough to dull the pain for the moment. She sighed and looked at the closed door. “Just…leave it outside the door, mom,” she said as she drank the last of the cider.

“A…Alright, sweetie,” she said. Rainbow could hear the plate being set on a table that her parents had set just outside her room. “Did you have a hard day at work?”

Rainbow scowled. With her being drummed out of the Wonderbolts with a dishonorable discharge, she’d been forced to get a job at one of Cloudsdale’s restaurants as a server at least until a year ago. When she and her family had moved to a new pegasus settlement called Zephyr Heights, they’d been able to move their house there, setting it on the ground for the first time. She then got a job at the local tavern and inn. The pay wasn’t great and her coworkers didn’t exactly treat her with any kindness. They all knew who she was and what she’d done, so a part of her couldn’t blame them for how they treated her, but it was still tough. The customers were just as bad, leaving her measly tips or none at all. Today, she’d even had a young filly point at her and call her a bad pony. “It was the same as before.”

“I’m sorry, hun,” her mom said, “you don’t deserve that treatment.”

Pretty sure I do, Rainbow thought to herself as she put the bottle on the nightstand next to her foalhood bed. “I’m fine, Mom.”

“Okay…” her mom said uncertainly. “We’re here if you need anything, alright?”

“Thanks, Mom.”

Rainbow listened to her mom’s hoofsteps walking down the hall after a couple more seconds of silence. She turned over on her bed, sighing as she covered herself with her blanket. She hated what her life had become. She had lost everything, and there were days when she slipped and blamed that human for what happened, but while she knew she wasn’t too smart, she knew enough to know this was her fault. Sure, she couldn’t take all the blame, but her punishments were caused by her own actions.

Initially she had blamed Jason, but as time went on, and after a couple confrontations from her former number one fan and sister, she took time to self-reflect and realized that this was all on her. She’d permanently scarred and blinded someone. She’d caused the death of someone. No, she’d driven someone to suicide. The very thought made her shiver.

She didn’t want to eat, but her stomach betrayed her. Eating was another reminder of what she’d denied to Jason. She’d struck him when he’d been stealing from the Apple orchard, and had just left him to die. Still, she couldn’t just ignore the calling of her stomach. She stood, trudged over to the door, and opened it. Her mouth watered at the sight of her favorite dish.

She brought it over to her desk and placed it down, sitting at her desk. As she ate the sandwich and drank the water she’d been given, she felt tears begin falling. She looked over towards the door that led to the trophy room her parents had once held for her. She’d gone through and removed each and every award, destroying them in a fit of rage one day. That had been the day that she stopped blaming Jason and began acknowledging that she’d been the one in the wrong.

She ate the rest of her meal in silence, holding back her tears.

Fluttershy wiped her brow with a wing as she looked up at the late summer sun. Angel stood beside her, busily digging at the ground to get to some of the carrots she’d planted in her garden. Above her, the new pegasus settlement of Zephyr Heights stood on a large mountainside. It was a mix of different houses that had been moved from Cloudsdale to this new colony town, but she saw construction on a ledge for what she assumed was a cloud creation facility. Ever since Equestria expanded into the Undiscovered Lands, they’d found plentiful resources, and having a new source of clouds was a good thing for the rest of Equestria.

She looked down at her garden and nodded in satisfaction. Since she didn’t have a way to treat animals, and since animals knew what she’d done and avoided her except for Angel, she decided to pass her time by growing a garden. It kept her mind off of everything else around her, and more importantly, keeping away from the city and on this patch of wild land she’d converted to a garden helped her avoid the judgmental stares of the other pegasi in the new town.

Her parents had been taking care of her needs thanks to their retirement fund. Not only that, but they had been selling any excess produce that her garden produced during harvest and giving all the proceeds to her. The harvest that was coming this year seemed like it would be early and plentiful. She smiled a bit despite herself. She may not have gotten to work with animals again thanks to them knowing her crimes, but she did find surprising enjoyment in the hard work of growing edible roots and vegetables. She stretched and spread her wings, letting the cool breeze from the wind cool her fur. She looked down at Angel, who had just dug up a carrot and was brushing the dirt off. “That looks good, Angel,” she said.

Angel looked up at her, a pleading look in his eyes. “Can I?” he asked.

She looked at the carrot. It was a big one, and she knew that if he ate that big of a piece, she wouldn’t be able to give him any dinner. She reached down with her wings and took it from him. “You can eat it for dinner tonight,” she promised, placing it in a small nearby bucket which had some other freshly picked fruits and vegetables that she was going to contribute to tonight’s dinner.

The rabbit looked a little upset, but nodded in understanding as he hopped around, sniffing at the ground and at the plants. “They smell ready,” he said, “all except the potatoes.

Fluttershy picked up her watering can and began sprinkling the water around the garden. “By the end of the week they should be ready for harvesting,” she said, “so let’s wait until then.”

Angel nodded and continued helping. Angel was old in terms of how long rabbits lived, but he still acted like the same young bunny she’d saved eight years ago. She could tell by the voice she heard thanks to her special talent that he was reaching the end of his natural lifespan. He’d matured greatly in the three years that had passed since she’d lost everything. He’d lost his attitude, at least for the most part, and had been instrumental in helping her out of her funk. She’d spent weeks after the event crying in her bed while also being tormented by guilty conscience nightmares of Jason hanging from a tree. She’d never seen it, but the ghastly sight of it in her mind’s eye kept her from sleeping well.

Oddly enough, it was her little brother Zephyr who’d been the catalyst to help her snap out of it. He hadn’t been happy to hear that his big sister, a mare he said he’d looked up to, had ignored someone who had been in need. She had listened as he had called her out on her own failings over the years, something he’d never done before. He talked about how he had been bullied in school only for her to not be there to help, which hurt to hear. He then compared it to what she’d done to Jason and explained that he himself had once had a few darker thoughts about his own self-worth. He reminded her about the time he’d gone to live in the woods and how at his darkest moments he actually HAD considered it. However, she’d been there to bring him out of it. He asked her where she was when Jason had such dark thoughts.

This broke Fluttershy and as the still shouting Zephyr had been pulled out of the room by their parents, she’d broken down even harder. She’d been inconsolable for days until she’d taken stock of herself. Her brother’s words may have been harsh, but they’d been right. She had failed her mandate as a former Element of Kindness. It took her a bit more time, but she accepted that what had happened, had happened. She resolved never to forget it and to learn from it. She promised herself that she would become a better pony because of it.

That didn’t stop the looks that came her way, however. While her own self-loathing during her reflective period had been worse than the looks she got from other ponies, it still hurt her a lot. It was because of this that she decided to take up a hobby on the ground, this time gardening. It had brought her peace of mind.

From behind her, she heard the flapping of pegasi wings as somepony landed nearby. She turned around, half expecting to see her mother since she had a flower garden several yards away. Instead, she saw the last pony she’d expected to see. Her brother stood nearby, a watering can in his hoof. He looked at her with an acknowledging nod. “Fluttershy.”

“Zephyr? What are you doing here?” Fluttershy asked.

He frowned a bit. “What? I can’t come by to see my parents now?” he asked with a bit of a scowl.

Fluttershy’s ears drooped. “N-No, of course you can,” she stammered, quickly trying to course correct.

“Besides, it’s nice having my name associated with this place, dontcha think?” he asked as he looked nonchalantly at his hoof.

“Ah, well, I…” she stammered.

His scowl softened and he let out a sigh, putting his hoof back down. “Truth be told, I was on vacation and decided to drop in and see how you all were doing.” He began watering their mother’s flower garden. “Mom and Dad look good in their retirement. And…well, you look a bit better than the last time we…spoke.”

The silence between siblings was awkward. The sound of watering cans being poured onto plants mixed with the mountain breeze was the only sound heard. As one, the two turned to each other to speak. “Fluttershy, listen-/Zephyr, I’m-”

The two siblings froze, then slowly Zephyr gestured towards Fluttershy. She took a deep breath and said, “Zephyr, I’m so sorry for not being the big sister you deserved growing up. I should have been there more for you, especially when you were being bullied. I know what being bullied is like, and I should have known better. I should have been better to Jason, too…but I wasn’t…”

Zephyr took this in, looking at her with a collected expression. Fluttershy had never seen him so mature before and she wondered just how the last nearly three years had treated him. His mane style had changed and looked a bit more mature, plus his accent sounded a bit more refined. She knew from what her parents told her that he lived in Manehattan working at a prestigious mane stylist shop, and he did have a slight Manehattan accent.

“Fluttershy, I’ll be honest,” he finally said, “A part of me is still upset about what you did or actually didn’t do. Still, I suppose it’s to be expected. You were always like that and always had a difficult time changing.” He sighed again. “Despite that, I was so proud when you became an Element of Harmony. I looked up to you even more and I wanted to be more like you. You had what I didn’t. A steady job you loved, friends, the adoration of the ponies, and more. But when I heard what you didn’t do for that human, I was completely upset. What I said to you that day may have been my true feelings on the matter, but I didn’t…well, my new girlfriend told me I didn’t do a good job explaining myself. I acted on impulse, like I always do. I’m not apologizing for the intent behind my words, but I am apologizing for how I expressed them.”

Fluttershy was completely stunned. This seemed to not be the same brother she knew. He seemed a bit more well-spoken than the pony she’d grown up with. Still, a part of her soared. Truth be told, she missed him. She didn’t have any friends anymore except for Angel, and having someone in her life like Zephyr was better than having nopony. “I…I’m still sorry for what I did,” she said, unable to help herself.

“I know,” Zephyr acknowledged, “and I’m willing to try and bring that brother-sister bond back, or even build a new one. Just…don’t expect it to happen overnight.”

“Of course,” Fluttershy acknowledged. Unable to help herself any longer, the emotions of this brief but hard conversation getting to the emotional pegasus, she dropped her watering can, galloped over to her brother and flung her forelegs around him. “I missed you,” she whispered as she hugged him tightly, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Zephyr didn’t react for a bit, but after a few moments, Fluttershy’s heart soared when she felt Zephyr returning the hug. The two remained like that, Fluttershy letting her emotions out through her tears. Finally, when she was finished, she broke the hug, stepping back and wiping what remained with her towel. “Th-Thank you, Zephyr,” she said gratefully, “and I want to rebuild that sibling bond we hardly had.”

“Glad to hear it,” Zephyr said, and for the first time since coming here, he smiled a bit. “I miss my favorite big sister.”

Fluttershy couldn’t help herself at that moment. She grinned slightly and said, “Apparently not enough to let me know you have a girlfriend.”

Zephyr actually blushed at that. “Y-Yeah, well, we’ve only been dating for a month, and it’s a bit harder than any other relationship I know of.”

“Who is she?” Fluttershy asked.

“You remember that foalhood crush I had back when you and Rainbow were in flight camp?” he asked a bit sheepishly.

Fluttershy couldn’t believe it. Sure, she knew about this crush, but in her younger age she figured it’d never go anywhere. Besides, she was always scared of said individual. “No way…you and GILDA?!”

He smirked. “Didn’t think your little brother had enough game to snag that cute hen, did you?”

“Well, she just-I don’t-HOW?!” Fluttershy was completely flabbergasted.

He chuckled. “Believe it or not, she came into the place where I worked a few months ago. Nopony else was available, so I decided to help her. Of course, I screwed it up according to her and she squawked at me and chewed me out. I guess I’ve been living in Manehattan enough to learn when to bite back at customers who are being completely rude, so I shouted back at her, telling her that if she didn’t like it, she was free to go somewhere else. Guess that got her attention because she looked back in the mirror, muttered something about it not being too bad and paid before storming out. She came back often and always asked for me. She always would claim she didn’t care for it, then I would tell her to go somewhere else if she didn’t like it. She asked me out about a month and a half ago and two weeks after that we became official. Guess she liked my backbone or something.”

Fluttershy was flabbergasted. She’d always assumed that he would be going after her first and now former friend Rainbow Dash, but she guessed that he was turned off by her actions of cruelty. “I-I don’t know what to say…”

“How about ‘Congratulations’?” Zephyr said with a snarky tone.

Fluttershy looked a bit abashed but then quickly nodded. “O-Of course I’m happy for you,” she said, “it’s just…I didn’t expect you two to end up together.”

“Eh, neither did I, but I guess I needed somepony, or somegryphon, to help me get over my other crush.”

Fluttershy’s ears went down a bit. She hesitantly walked over and placed her hoof on Zephyr’s back. “She’s taken things a lot harder than I did…”

“What she did was barbaric, Flutters,” Zephyr said, “blinding a magicless being with a lightning strike and then leaving without doing anything?” He sighed, then shook his head. “I don’t want to talk about Rainbow Dash right now.” He looked at her. “What about you? How’s your love life going?”

She was a bit taken aback by this. “What do you mean?” she asked.

“Don’t try and lie to me, big sis,” he said, a small smirk forming on his face, “I mean you and Discord.”

His smirk slowly vanished when Fluttershy looked at the ground, her wings falling from their normal place at her side. “Ever since…that day…I haven’t seen him. I’ve tried to reach out to him, but I get no response to my letters. I don’t know what he’s doing.”

Zephyr was the one now who put his hoof on her back. “Eh, don’t worry about it too much,” he said, “you were always too good for him.”

Fluttershy understood that he was trying to cheer her up, and while she appreciated the sentiment, he’d gone about saying it wrong. She gave him a slight glare. “He was my friend, Zephyr. I just want to make sure he’s alright.”

“Th-That came out wrong,” Zephyr said, trying to backpedal. “I just meant that-”

“I know you meant well, but I can choose my own friends,” Fluttershy said, putting her hoof down literally and figuratively, “just like you can choose your own marefriend.”

“Henfriend,” he corrected her, but then he looked a bit sheepish. “Well, I suppose I’ve got some work of my own to do, eh?”

“We both do,” Fluttershy said before turning, giving her brother a smile, and hugging him. He hugged her back.

The two siblings held each other for a while before they both heard an excited tittering from nearby. They both pulled apart in embarrassment only to see their mother, Posey Shy, standing there with the biggest smile on her face. “It’s so nice to see you two getting along again,” the older quieter mare said. “Are you two hungry? I’m making both your favorites.”

The siblings looked at each other, then turned and smiled. “I’m ready,” Fluttershy said.

“Me too,” Zephyr said.

“Then let’s go home,” Posey said. “Dinner’s getting cold.”

Fluttershy gathered up her belongings, then called Angel back to her. Together, the three pegasi and single rabbit flew back up to have the first family meal the family have had in years.

Pinkamena Diane Pie bucked at yet another rock, watching as it began to crack open. Inside, she was satisfied to see yet another large geode full of precious ore and gems that they could sell to the nearby town of Rock Ridge. Business had been fairly good for the Pie Rock Farm despite those ponies in town learning about one of their family members having contributed, however slightly, to the suicide of an innocent being.

She brushed her completely straight mane away from her eyes, wiping sweat away as she inhaled and exhaled deeply before grabbing her water bottle and taking a few deep gulps of water before pouring some over herself to help cool her body off. She shuddered in relief as the cooling water eased the heat of the afternoon sun. Looking around the farm, she saw that her progress was still a bit slower than her sisters today. She was less than halfway done with her stretch of land.

She heard somepony walking up behind her, so she turned and to her surprise Marble was standing there. One of her eyes was hiding behind her striped gray mane while her visible purple eye looked at her sister with concern. She looked at the piece. “You…doing okay?” Marble asked in her normal soft and quiet tone.

Pinkamena looked back at the land, then back at her younger sister. “Yeah…I’m alright,” she said. “Just taking a little break is all.”

Marble walked up and looked at the portion of the farm where she’d been working. Looking back at her older sister, she said, “You won’t…be done…before night…”

“I’m getting better,” Pinkamena said, “and I’ll be done before you know it,” she added with a small smile, hoping that it would reassure her sister of the lie she’d just told.

Marble looked around once more, then looked back at her sister. Without another word, Marble walked over to the next row of rocks and began tapping at them. Pinkamena took a few seconds to recover from what she was seeing before she trotted over. “Marble, I’ll be fine, I-”

“No, you really won’t,” Marble replied in a much louder voice than before. Her hesitation whenever she normally spoke vanished and she looked up at Pinkamena. “Pinkie, you’ve been slipping lately. Even mom’s noticed. Every time this time of year, you get a bit…distracted.”

Pinkamena paused and looked down at the ground, a wave of various emotions washing over her. She looked down. “I…guess you’re right,” she admitted.

Marble’s voice grew soft again as she walked back over to Pinkamena. “It’s…the anniversary…isn’t it…?”

Pinkamena nodded solemnly. She dug at the ground with her hoof, then sighed heavily. “I keep thinking about what I could have done differently,” she said. “I shouldn’t have listened to Twi-to Twi-to her…” A brief scowl came on her face before fading. “I didn’t…”

Marble stomped on the ground, catching Pinkamena’s attention. “You’ve been doing this for three years,” she said with a frown, “isn’t it time to start moving forward?”

“How can I forget what I didn’t do for Jason-?”

Marble held up a hoof. “I didn’t say forget, did I?”

“Jeez, are you two old maids gonna talk or get back to work?” the harsh tone of Limestone Pie said as she walked up, wiping her brow with a slightly dirty towel. She turned to Pinkamena. “She’s not wrong, you know? You’ve been moping for the past week. Everypony knows.”

“If it’s…that much trouble…you know dad or mom would…let you take…time off,” Marble added.

Pinkamena shook her head. “That would leave the farm short…”

“We handled things before you came back well enough,” Limestone said with a scowl, “but you’re just dragging yourself down along with the rest of us.”

“That’s not completely fair,” the monotone voice of Maud said as she too walked up. She looked at Pinkamena with her normal half-lidded expression. “Pinkie, we can take care of things here. There’s nothing wrong with you taking time off.”

Pinkamena looked down, sitting on her haunches in the dusty farmland and trying to hold back tears. “I have to help…” she insisted.

“And you…are helping…by not…helping,” Marble explained.

“You’re are sister, and we love you,” Limestone said, “nothing will change that.”

“But you need to accept that what happened to Jason happened,” Maud said. “Yes, other ponies had a hoof in what happened, but you need to learn from it and move forward.”

“Don’t…forget…” Marble concluded.

Pinkamena looked at her three sisters. Her eyes were full of tears, and she began to quietly sob. Marble was the first to embrace her. Maud was next, and then Limestone joined in reluctantly, lightly patting the pink pony on the head. They stayed like that for a while until Pinkamena broke the hug. “I think…I’d like that,” she said. “Maybe I’ll go to that new town where Twilight and Rarity are. I want to check on them.”

Limestone scoffed at that, but Marble and Maud simply nodded. “Go tell mom and dad,” Maud said, “we can finish up your section.”

Pinkamena nodded as she turned and walked back to the farmhouse. She still felt the massive weight of her guilt, but there was something in her that was starting to take shape. Hope.

Unnoticed by her, a single strand of her mane curled ever so slightly.

Applejack stood on the porch of her house, looking over at what remained of her family’s apple farm. She sighed in dismay at what she saw. Nearly three years ago, the outermost parts of the massive multiacre orchard had caught some sort of rot that they couldn’t cure. They’d burned the trees that had caught it, but that had only slowed things down. It was too early for apple bucking, so they couldn’t harvest anything and at the rate the rot was spreading they would barely be able to get a quarter of the harvest at best. The worst of the rot had struck in the past year, taking hundreds of trees per month. It was the worst possible thing to happen to their family.

She saw Big Mac come slowly walking over from the northeastern portion of the fields. She didn’t need to hear what he had to say to know. His expression said it all. However, she still walked up to her big brother and asked, “Did any make it?”

Big Mac spat the hay out of his mouth and said, “None.”

Applejack’s heart fell. Their livelihood for over a hundred years was dying and nopony could do anything about it. They barely had the funds to ask for an expert from Canterlot to come and help. Tree Bark, a botanist, had come in, looked over the rot, and explained that there was nothing that he could think of that could be done. He’d apparently never seen this rot before.

Granny had called it “Retribution from above,” and there were times that Applejack couldn’t blame her for thinking that. After all, the rot had started sometime after Jason Wright’s death and burial in the highest honor in Canterlot. Ironically, it had started around the tree which he’d used to hang himself with. Applejack turned and looked back inside the house where she saw Granny sitting at the table. She looked back at Big Mac. “What are we gonna do, Big Mac? We can’t stop this rot, and ah doubt we’ll git anything to harvest when apple buckin’ rolls ‘round.”

Big Mac looked with sorrow at his little sister. “Only one thing to do,” he said.

Applejack watched him walk past her and straight through the front door into the kitchen. She knew how hard this upcoming decision would be for him, but she knew he was right. She followed him inside, where he heard Granny ask, “Well, youngin’? What’s the scoop?”

“Granny…” Big Mac’s voice caught in his throat, and he took a few seconds to compose himself. Applejack’s heart went out to her big brother and she put a reassuring hoof on his back. He looked back at her, then nodded gratefully. He turned back to Granny Smith. “Granny,” he began in a stronger tone, “I think we should leave.”

There was silence for a few moments until Apple Bloom came slowly walking into the room, a look of sorrow on her face as she said, “L-Leave…?”

Granny Smith, however, wasn’t having it. She glared at Big Mac and said, “Ah ain’t leavin’ this farm fer nothin’! It’s been mah home fer years, ever since ah was a youngun!”

“Ah don’t like it any more than you do, Granny,” Applejack said, taking a step forward, “but look out at our orchard!” She gestured out of the window at the farm. More than half of their former orchard was gone, having needed to be burned in an effort to stave off the strange rot that had taken hold of it. Applejack knew that with the loss of the apple harvest, including their zapp apple grove, their potential future profits would not manage to break even. “We gotta face facts. It’s time the Apples mosey on out of this place.”

Granny Smith sat stubbornly at the head of the kitchen table, glaring out the window. “Ah’ve lived here fer over a hundred years,” she said, “and ah ain’t givin’ up ‘till the last.”

“Will yah quit being as stubborn as a mule and face reality!?” Applejack shouted, stomping her hoof on the table and causing a new crack to form in it. Nearby, Apple Bloom and Big Macintosh jumped at her temper. “We ain’t gonna be able tah plant anythin’ in time fer next spring! And what if the new trees catch the rot?! We’ll be right back where we started!”

Everypony in the room could see Granny’s bottom lip beginning to tremble, although the angry, stubborn look in her eyes didn’t leave. “Are yah just suggestin’ we give up and throw away everythin’ mah mammy and pappy built up here?” she asked in a quieter tone.

“Yah think ah like the idea?” Applejack asked in a calmer tone, “Ah was born here, Granny, and ah’ve lived mah entire life here. Ah don’t like it none, but we can’t be foalish about it.” She reached down and picked up a piece of stationary, holding it up. “A couple days ago, ah got a letter from Rarity. She told me they got some mighty good prime farmland up in Maretime Bay. It ain’t as big as what we’ve got here, but we can more than make do with it.”

“But how are we gonna get there, sis?” Apple Bloom asked nervously. “Nopony will help us move. They hate us.”

“Nah, sugarcube, they hate me,” Applejack said, looking over at the nearby hat rack. For the past three years, ever since Jason had died, she had refused to wear her signature Stetson. She knew her own parents would be ashamed of her, so she didn’t feel worthy of it, “but that shouldn’t stop ya. Ah can leave and find mah own way. If ponies knew ah ain’t around, they may be inclined tah-”

“Now you wait just a cotton pickin’ minute there,” Granny said with a glare. She got up and trotted over to a surprised Applejack. She placed a hoof on her chest and pushed her against the wall until Applejack was standing on her back legs. “Yah dun harmed that poor human, yes, but you’ve been punishin’ yerself fer three years. Ah’ve seen the look in yer eyes. If’n yah could go back, would yah do things any differently?”

“Granny, ah…of course ah would!” Applejack said, tears in her eyes. “Ah’d invite him tah meet the family, give him a job and a roof over his head! Ah’ve seen that cave he lived in, and it ain’t fit fer anypony tah live in! Anycreature, even!”

“Listen, sweetie, what’s done is done,” Granny Smith said. “We’re all tah blame fer what happened tah our beloved town. Not just you. Besides, we’re yer family, and yer the only family ah have left.”

Applejack looked down with shame in her eyes. Most of the rest of the Apple family, upon hearing what had happened to Jason, had effectively distanced themselves from the Ponyville branch, including her cousin Braeburn. Some had come to visit for brief stints, but not many. She was grateful for said visits, but they were few and far between. Applejack’s tears fell slightly, and she said, “Ah’m so sorry…ah failed y’all…”

“Everypony failed, hun,” Granny said, “not just you.” She backed away, then turned with a heavy sigh to Big Mac. “Ah don’t like tah admit when ah’m wrong, but yer right. We can’t stay here. We’ve gotta go.” She then turned to look at the others. “But we’re gonna need help.”

“Ah may have a way we can git some help,” Applejack said, “but yah ain’t gonna like it.”

“…What is it…?” Granny asked.

Applejack inhaled, then sighed as she said, “Mercenaries.”

Granny snapped to attention. “Ah ain’t about tah let some money hungry creatures handlin’ all our belongings or payin’ fer services that’s untrustworthy!”

“At this point, ah can’t see any other choice, Granny,” Applejack said. “Ah doubt the princess will send anypony tah help us! She don’t want nothin’ tah do with us! Besides, we don’t have the ponypower needed tah help. Even if we got in touch with the family that still talks tah us, there’s nowhere near enough ponies.”

Granny scowled, but after a while she deflated. “Ah see…” she said. “We’ll use that as a last resort. If we can’t muster up enough help, we’ll…hire a mercenary or two.”

3: The Mercenary

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The streets of Thornfall were busy as per the usual. Creatures from all different sorts of life were walking around the local marketplaces, mostly the various outcasts of societies from around the entire world. Abyssinians, gryphons, dragons, yaks, diamond dogs, goblins, rogue changelings and many other races called this hodgepodge of a town their home. As it was located in the Badlands, the city was a haven for crime, and there were many various crime families who called Thornfall their home.

Through the crowds, a pony with a hood covering her head made her way through the streets, eyes peeled. She was a unicorn, and because there was a market for unicorn horns here, she knew that she couldn’t let her horn be seen. She was trailing a black abyssinian male through the crowd at a safe distance so she wouldn’t be spotted. She’d been spying on him for a while, knowing he was a part of a two-team mercenary group called Shadow Dawn.

She knew how good they were, and while they weren’t the very best mercenary group thanks to their small size, one thing about them made them stand apart from the rest: when they took a job on, no amount of money could cause them to change sides. She respected that in her own way, and she wanted in. However, she had only ever seen this member of the team, an abyssinian named Tobias. The other member, a mysterious individual named Revan, always eluded her. She’d heard about Revan, but could never find him.

It was why she was following Tobias. She hoped that he would eventually lead her to wherever Revan was. She’d been at it for days and so far, Tobias had only gone to his small run down shared apartment complex, the market for food, and the seedy mercenary guild building near the center of town. She’d tried sneaking in after hours and searched through their mismatched files to find Revan, but there had been very little in said files. All she found was that Revan could only be reached through Tobias.

She had some hope today, however. Using a small scrying spell that she’d developed that circumvented the mercenary guild’s magical defenses, she’d seen Tobias speaking to the guild master, a fat pig faced goblin. He’d handed Tobias a piece of paper, explaining that the job on it was something Revan had specifically asked for. She thought she heard something about expanding their business as a guild up north, but that seemed a bit far-fetched. She knew Equestria didn’t normally employ mercenaries as it was considered a dirty profession in the so-called land of harmony and friendship. Since mercenaries only worked for money, the consensus among Equestrians were that they were untrustworthy, which is what made this Shadow Dawn team stand out more.

When Tobias came to side road, he stopped and leaned against an old building. She saw him take out a large brown stick of sorts, only to realize moments later that he was lighting a cigar. He let out several puffs of it. The unicorn mare watched from a safe distance, never taking her eyes off of him. However, when a small group of variously shaped goblins passed between them, he suddenly vanished.

Alarmed, she ran through the crowd, making her way through the various creatures towards the alley where he’d been leaning. She couldn’t lose him! Not today! She had to force her way through several groups of creatures who shouted angrily at her. All sense of stealth was gone. She needed to find this abyssinian immediately!

The alley was dark, with fabrics stretching between the buildings on either side to protect anyone walking through them from the heat of the desert sun. It stank of garbage and dirty water, something rare in the Badlands save for the one week a year where it poured nonstop. She pulled her cowl over her muzzle to block out the smell and pulled her goggles over her eyes. She touched the side of them with her hoof and the alley brightened. Said goggles had been enchanted by her to enhance her vision in this place, something she knew she could use to convince this Shadow Dawn mercenary team to let her join.

She crept through the alley, all of her senses on alert. Her goggles glowed a slight cyan, just like her eyes. She looked around, the enchanted goggles over her eyes enhancing her vision. She could see nothing, however things were too quiet in this alley.

She continued looking around, searching in every nook and cranny that she could find. The alley had no exit, and she wasn’t sure if the abyssinian could have climbed up the walls that quickly. However, her question was answered about five minutes later when she felt something sharp being pressed against the back of her neck. Even through her hood she could tell this was a dangerous blade. She froze and waited. Finally, a voice spoke. “You’ve been a busy little unicorn, haven’t you?”

She didn’t move, instead she only waited until the voice spoke again. He did a few moments later. With a sigh, the voice said, “What do you want? Why have you been following me?”

Without making any sudden moves, she simply replied, “I’ve been trying to find your companion.”

The abyssinian scoffed. “My companion doesn’t like to be disturbed unless it’s important.”

“This is important,” the mare said. “I want to join Shadow Dawn.”

That seemed to catch the abyssinian off guard, because he went silent for a few seconds before saying, “And just why would we want you in our ranks? We’ve been doing quite well on our own.”

“I’m a powerful unicorn,” she explained, “I have skills in magic that most don’t have. I’ve traveled the world longer than Shadow Dawn’s been around. I’ve made some good allies around the world that could be useful to you.”

“But why would you want to join us?” Tobias asked. “What’s your angle? Everybody’s got one.”

The mare frowned. “Do I need a reason to join a new and upcoming mercenary party? I’ve just said I can be of big help to you.”

“We don’t go traveling the world,” Tobias said, “we don’t make enough talons here to move-”

From out of nowhere a large bag of coins appeared, landing on the ground with a loud jingle. Tobias paused and the mare took the opportunity to speak. “In that bag are several large amounts of money from all over the world, along with some rare gems that’ll fetch a hefty price. With this, you can move your operation somewhere else. Maybe even start your own mercenary group and keep all the profits instead of having to give up half the reward to the guild.”

There was silence for another few seconds before a distorted, almost mechanical sounding voice said from the shadows ahead of her, “So, you think you can just bribe your way into the Shadow Dawn?” As the mare looked towards the source of the voice, a pair of glowing sky-blue eyes appeared. A hooded bipedal figure stepped out of the shadows, approaching slowly as his footsteps echoed through the alley. “You think just because you offer us money you’re automatically accepted into the group? Many have come before you wanting in, and we turned them away for less. What makes you so special? Make your case.

The mare then understood why Revan was feared. The mask on his face was terrifying to look at. The glowing eyes elicited no emotion and unlike hers, the mask’s eyes faced forward like those of an apex predator. The two glowing vertical lines on what had to be the voice modulator only brightened and dimmed with each word he spoke. The clothes he wore were all black as were his boots. He even had his claws covered, although a part of her noticed that there were five of them, something she hadn’t seen in many bipedal races with claws. She couldn’t even hear him breathe, but she knew he was judging from the way his chest moved up and down.

The mare looked up at Revan, showing no fear as she said, “It’s hard to speak freely with a pussycat aiming his blade at my neck.” Revan looked over at where Tobias stood and slowly nodded. When the mare felt the blade be removed from the back of her neck, she sighed in relief before removing her hood, goggles, and cowl. She knew if she wanted to earn their trust, she had to show them who she was. Her vivid crimson and bright yellow mane popped out and her fierce cyan eyes locked onto the masked figure that was Revan. “My name is Sunset Shimmer,” she explained. “I was once the student of Princess Celestia until I left Canterlot when I was thirteen. I’ve spent years exploring the world, making a living and connections all over the world, including places you’ve probably never even heard of.”

You’re not answering my question,” Revan said.

“If this is supposed to impress us, it’s not,” Tobias added, stepping to stand beside Revan. “Titles like student to a princess mean nothing here.”

“Of course they don’t,” Sunset agreed with fire in her eyes, “but I know I can be of use!”

I’m sure you can be,” Revan said, “but what do you want out of this? That’s what we want to know.

Sunset looked at Revan and Tobias, and a smirk formed on her face. “Fine, you want the truth? I want to join to repay what you did for me a few months ago. I hate owing favors to anybody, and I like to repay debts.”

Both continued to look down at the pony mare in front of them, but she didn’t back down. Tobias spoke. “Wait…I remember you now.” He turned to Revan, who didn’t take his gaze off of Sunset, at least if the lack of motion from him was any indication. “She’s that unicorn we found almost dying out in the Badlands a few months ago, remember?”

Revan didn’t say anything for a bit. Instead, he only continued to look at Sunset, who continued glaring at the menacing figure. After a few seconds of silence, he slowly nodded. “You don’t owe us anything.

“We did the right thing by bringing you to someplace that would help,” Tobias added. “You were beaten up pretty badly, and that brand you got is the brand of the Blue Dragons. You should consider yourself lucky that they just beat you up and didn’t rob you.”

Sunset snorted. “They took all my talons, but the other money they called fake and useless out here.”

“Not surprising,” Tobias said as he crossed his arms. “Talons are the only currency they accept out here, and the Blue Dragons only have business out here. Your money is useless here.”

“But not in the rest of the world,” she replied. “I have Equestrian bits, Gryphonian claws, Dragon Lands coins, and more. There’s enough from each to build a business.”

Equestria won’t see us as legitimate,” Revan said.

“And the other nations don’t exactly need mercenary work, nor could they afford it most of the time,” Tobias added.

“So don’t use the word mercenary!” Sunset said, starting to sound desperate, “You could be a business with multiple areas of expertise!”

“And just why would ponies want to hire us?” Tobias asked with a growl.“We’re not exactly what they would consider hirable. Just ask Jason. Oh wait…”

Sunset’s scowl returned in full force. “Those ponies are fools,” she said, “but I guarantee that if you have me with you, they’ll be more likely to hire you for work!”

“I don’t know…” Tobias said, scratching his chin thoughtfully. “Revan?”

Revan looked down at her, arms slowly crossed. The strange masked creature and pony mare stared at each other for a long while before he said, “Very well, we’ll have a trial run.

“Trial run?” Sunset tilted her head in confusion.

“It just means you’ll come with us on an assignment,” Tobias explained. “The profits will be split three ways, but I will warn you, it won’t be much. It’s a job from the guild, and they take a piece of the action before we get anything. The job will be something simple and it will give us time to know you better.” Sunset felt a bit relieved to hear it, until she heard Tobias say, “I have just the job, too.” He brought out a piece of dirty paper from his coat pocket and gave it to Revan. “It’s the kind of job you asked the boss for specifically.” Revan looked down at the paper, then turned and looked at Tobias, who simply chuckled and shrugged. “Even he was surprised that it came in!”

“What kind of job?” Sunset asked, feeling a bit worried now.

Tobias and Revan turned their attention back to her. “It’s an escort job,” the abyssinian explained, holding the paper out for her to see. “The pay isn’t too much, but it’s the perfect job for this little test of ours. It’s also in Equestria.”

Sunset read the paper, and her stomach dropped. The client party was the Apple family. She despised all of Ponyville for what they did because during her travels around the world she’d seen and had even experienced the same sort of treatment from other races and had a great deal of sympathy for what Jason had done. She always thought so highly of her race, but to know that they were capable of such xenophobia and hatred made her stomach crawl. And to hear that they were going to be helping the family of one of Jason’s most constant abusers made her stomach turn. She looked up at Revan and Tobias. “W-Why would either of you want to take this job? And for that matter, how did it get all the way down here?”

“You know the clients,” Tobias said, “and I’m going to assume that nobody, or should I say nopony, wants to help them. Seems as if they’re getting desperate if they’re reaching out for outside help. But here’s the thing you should know about us.” He leaned down, his yellow eyes now completely serious as he looked into Sunset’s eyes. “Once we sign a contract for a job, we never betray the clients. Most mercenaries will sell their soul to the highest bidder, even during the middle of a mission, but we don’t. We either fulfill the job or are released from it from our clients.”

Sunset nodded in understanding. It was one reason why she wanted to join them after she’d heard more and more details about their exploits around the Badlands and in other lands nearby. “I won’t betray any clients we have,” she promised, “but I don’t have to like the jobs. Especially this one.”

Tobias grinned and smacked her on the back, laughing. “That’s the spirit! Now, we leave in an hour. Pack up whatever you need and meet us at the north gate. We’ll need to walk to the nearest Equestrian town to catch a train. That is, if they’ll let us on.”

“I’ll be there, and I can help get us on a train,” Sunset said before she turned and galloped away back to the inn where she’d been staying to gather all of her belongings. She would prove herself worthy of being a part of the Shadow Dawn team! She could do this!

Tobias watched the unicorn galloping away down the darkened alley, turning when she reached the street and vanishing into the crowd of various creatures. He turned to the masked human beside him. “She certainly has a flare for the dramatic. Like you.”

Gregory reached up and grasped the mask. There was a hiss and then he pulled it off, revealing his face. He looked over at his companion. “How so?”

“Oh, the whole glowing eyes thing with her goggles,” Tobias grinned. “Similar color, too.”

Gregory simply nodded and looked back at the end of the alleyway. “I just wonder if she’ll be like all the others,” he said, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes.

“It takes a lot to survive in the Badlands,” Tobias said. “You should know better than anyone.”

Gregory turned back to Tobias, the two business partners and friends locking eyes for a bit. Gregory then smiled ever so slightly. “You’ll never let me live that down, will you?”

“You were drinking dirty water out of that vehicle of yours when I found you!” Tobias said, “and all of your food was gone! Honestly, I’ve never seen someone so unprepared for the Badlands.”

“It’s not like I intended to drive there,” Gregory said with a frown.

Tobias made a “Tch!” noise and then looked back at the entrance to the alley. Several second later, he looked back at Gregory. “Is that really the mare you told me about and showed me on that device of yours?” he asked. Gregory nodded. “So…why is she still here? Shouldn’t she be in the other human world you told me about?”

“Either history played out differently here than in the show,” Gregory replied, “or the human world or Star Swirl’s mirror doesn’t exist here. It doesn’t matter. What matters is that she will be coming with us on our next job.”

Tobias clapped his paws together, rubbing them. “This is going to be one of the more fun adventures we’ve had, eh G?”

“If you say so,” Gregory replied.

“Hey, at least there’s less of a chance of you being knocked around again,” Tobias said in a teasing manner.

“That hasn’t happened in a while,” Gregory replied giving Tobias a sideways glance.

“Only because the jobs we’ve taken haven’t been as dangerous as before,” Tobias said. “Just use those guns you brought with you. Dengal said she could make those bullets of yours if she had access to one.”

Gregory shook his head. “They’re too advanced for her,” he said, “and besides, she’s already working on making guns of her own.”

“You know that goblin blacksmith girl has the hots for you, right?” Tobias asked as they began making their way back to their office.

Gregory put his mask back on, the hiss audible as the black coverings hid his human features. The glowing eyes returned and the distorted voice of Revan replied, “She doesn’t know the real me.

“Hey, you said she was attractive by human standards,” Tobias said, “so why not give her a chance?”

Gregory didn’t reply, instead he walked out into the main street, pulling his black hood over his head. Tobias only sighed, following his companion into the crowd. Sometimes, his companion was a bit too serious for his taste, but he was still a good man deep underneath that hardened exterior. Still, the abyssinian smiled. He anticipated that this next journey would be fun.

“Ah wanna thank y’all fer comin’ and helpin’ with all of the packin’,” Applejack said to the three members of the Apple family who had come and helped pack things up for their inevitable move.

Albemarle Pippin, Merry Way, Blue Pearmain and Golden Russet, two earth pony stallions and two pegasus and unicorn mare twins respectfully, sat nearby with mugs of some of the last of the zapp apple cider in their hooves, drinking to quench their thirst. Merry was married to Blue and was the best friend of Ablemarle Pippin, who normally went by Pippin or simply Pip. Pippin nodded and raised his mug. “Glad to help,” he said in a deep voice.

“You’re still family, even if the others don’t want to see it,” Blue added. Her husband nodded in solidarity.

“We’re just sorry that you have to leave this place behind,” Golden added, looking around sadly. “I’ve had a lot of good memories here.”

Applejack looked around and sighed. In the time since she’d managed to get a request sent off to anypony willing to help, two weeks had passed. It had only been three days before when the only three extended Apple family members who still talked to them had arrived. The house was all boarded up and empty. The normally bright red paint of the house and barn was peeling, there were no more barn animals around as they’d been sold off to help pay for farming supplies. Their cow and sheep herds had gone to other farms around the kingdom when the family couldn’t afford to feed them.

The rot had only taken hold of more trees by that time. Not knowing how it spread, the family didn’t want to uproot any trees for replanting just in case the rot spread through the roots, so they sadly had to burn the entire orchard. That had been one of the darkest days for Applejack. Not the darkest, but one of them. Nobody had really spoken that day, and the smoke had apparently reached Canterlot according to the newspaper they received the next day. Apple Bloom had cried openly, and so had Big Mac, the strongest and toughest stallion Applejack knew. She knew she would cry, but she hadn’t expected any tears from Big Mac. She hoped, however, that with the destruction of the trees that the rot wouldn’t spread anywhere else.

Applejack raised the mug of cider in the air. “A toast. To family. May the memories we made never die.”

Everyone raised their mugs in solidarity and drank. The rainbow colored liquid tasted as sweet as ever. They all drained their mugs and set them down on the carriage nearby. While Big Mac collected them and rinsed them out with a nearby water pump, Merry spoke up. “So,” he said, “Granny tells me that y’all are hiring some mercenaries to keep an eye on us.”

Applejack felt herself tense up. She immediately turned to the dark orange stallion. “We wanted tah keep ourselves safe,” she said quickly, “it ain’t safe fer us out there anymore, especially since-”

“We’re not judging what you’re doing,” Pippin said, “after all, this new Maretime Bay isn’t exactly close to friendly territory.”

“Isn’t it near the Undiscovered Lands?” Merry asked.

Applejack nodded. “It’ll take us a while to get there by carriage,” she said, “unless we can get a train ride to the nearest station, but the train doesn’t stop in Ponyville no more.”

“Hence the need for mercenaries?” Golden asked.

Applejack nodded. “Sure nuff.”

“But what if somepony pays them off to just abandon us?” Blue asked. “I hear that’s what they do in the Badlands.”

“We’ll just have to hope tah high heaven that they won’t or that we don’t run into somepony who’ll wanna rob us,” Applejack said. “Now come on. Let’s make sure everythin’s all ship shape and ready tah go. Check to see we didn’t miss anythin’ either.”

At that, everypony scattered off, looking around the farmhouse and the barn to make sure things were in order for whoever would be using this place after they were gone. They had to sell it well below market value because of the rot and the damage to the house. About a half hour later, everypony was back, a few of them having found boxes and other random items that they had missed in their last sweep.

As they were tightening down the caravan and covering their belongings with tarps and blankets, Apple Bloom suddenly paused, her ears perking up. Applejack noticed this and walked over to her. “Apple Bloom? Everythin’ alright?”

“Somepony’s comin’ up the road,” Apple Bloom whispered, pointing to the east.

Everypony turned in the direction she was pointing. Sure enough, in the distance they saw three individuals walking up. One of them looked like a pony, but with the hood on, nopony could be sure. The other two were taller, bipedal. One looked like a cat, while the third was dressed in all black, their features obscured by a hood. Everypony watched as they grew closer. The features of the catlike creature became visible first, since the others were wearing hoods over their heads. He had black fur with a white patch on the forehead. He had black hair as well which was cut short and he had yellow eyes.

The pony’s features were visible next. The pony appeared to be a mare, probably a unicorn if Applejack wasn’t mistaken. She wore a black cowl over her muzzle along with a pair of goggles that hid her eyes. Applejack thought she saw some orange fur on the unicorn’s legs, but since said unicorn was wearing a cloak, that’s all she could see. Applejack couldn’t even see her cutie mark.

The third individual, however, made her pause. They were a little bit taller than the bipedal cat, wearing black garments that covered any fur they may have had. They had a couple of knives attached to their belt and he was holding a large metal pole, but it was the mask over their head that frightened her. It was terrifying, to say the least. Applejack felt Apple Bloom pressing her, and she could hardly blame the poor teenage filly.

When she looked down at the creature’s claws, she paused again. She’d never seen anycreature with more than four claws before. This creature had five claws, or fingers. She couldn’t see any talons on them, but then again this individual had gloves on. She wondered how hot they must be in there.

“Hello there, everyone,” the cat being said with a wave. Judging by the voice, the cat was a male. “We received a request for an escort mission for…” here he took out a folded piece of paper from the long coat he wore and opened it, “one hundred and fifty bits.” He folded the paper and slipped it back in his pocket. “Are we in the right place?”

Everypony else was silent, all looking at Applejack. This was her show, after all. She straightened and despite the fear of the masked creature beside this cat, she stepped forward. “That’s us,” she said.

“Ah, excellent!” the cat said as he took a step forward. “We’re Shadow Dawn, the mercenary party who will be picking up your job request. Now, I understand this will take a few days?”

“Ah’d say about three, maybe four days if the weather holds,” Applejack replied.

“I’m sure it’ll hold,” the cat said, “after all, it is summer still.”

“Ah suppose so,” Applejack said.

“Excellent!” The catlike creature clapped his claws together. “Now, before we get underway, there’s the small matter of some paperwork-”

“Just a moment there, young fella!” Granny Smith interrupted him with a scowl. She stamped forward and looked the cat straight in the eyes. “Ah hope yer not hopin’ tah gouge us out like them stories about yer kind say! We ain’t easily taken in, yah know!”

“I suggest you not make such hasty assumptions, old mare,” the pony (now confirmed to be a mare based on her tone alone) beside the cat said with a bite in her tone, “or did you forget that it was assumptions that led to the death of one Jason Wright?”

The third individual simply held up their hand for silence, turning to the mare rather sharply. This caused the mare to flinch. They then turned back to the cat and the two exchanged a look. The cat looked back down with his ears pinned back slightly, an abashed look on his face. “Ah, I know mercenaries have a bad reputation here,” he said, “but we’re not quite like them. Shadow Dawn honors our contracts and doesn’t break them. If Princess Celestia herself were to offer us all the bits she had, we’d refuse. It’s the principal of the thing.”

Granny stepped back, her own face a bit abashed. “Ah see,” was all she said in a diminished tone.

The cat then turned to Applejack, holding up some new papers. “We just have a few papers for you to look over and sign. They’re standard requirements for a job like this. It lists off all of our requirements. Payment up front, a signature at the end of our job to signify that the job was completed, things like that. Take as much time as you need to read them over.”

Applejack took the papers and began reading them. She was soon surrounded by several other members of her family as they too read over the contracts. Nothing about it seemed nefarious to her, but she knew that Merry was probably the most likely to catch something since he was the smartest one she knew there. He had grown up training to be a small-town politician before he married Blue and became a farmer with her. When he gave her an approving nod, Applejack looked back at the three. “Who do yah need signin’ this?”

“Whoever sent out the request,” the cat said. He reached into his coat pocket and brought out a black pen. “Need this?”

“Thanks,” she said as she took the pen in her mouth and began signing where she needed to. When she was done, she gave the pen back, along with the papers. She then trotted over to one of the carriages, grabbed a brown bag and brought it over to them. “Here yah are,” she said as she dropped it into the cat’s outstretched paw.

The cat put the bag in a pack he had over his shoulder. “Great!” he said. “Now, the only thing left to do is get you to your destination and then have you sign off on that. Now,” he clapped his paws together and looked around, “are you ready to get underway, or do you need more time?”

“Ah think we’re ready,” Applejack said, “but yah know, it’d help an awful lot if we knew yer names.”

“How rude of us!” the cat said with a self-deprecating smile. “My name’s Tobias, and this pony is a new member of our team named Sunset Shimmer, a pretty powerful unicorn.”

“Well, it’s nice tah meet y’all,” Applejack said, “but what about yer other friend there?” She gestured to the hooded and masked figure beside them. “Don’t he ever talk?”

Tobias looked back, then smiled and turned back to Applejack. “That’s Revan,” he said, “and he does talk, but not all the time. I’m sure you’ll hear him talking sometime on this trip. But we should really get a move on! Train won’t wait on us forever.”

That caught Applejack’s attention. She turned to Tobias. “Train?”

“Thank our pony companion here for that,” he said, gesturing down to the hooded and cloaked mare. “She managed to…convince…the train to stop here for the next twenty minutes. That was ten minutes ago.”

“It’ll get us to the White Tail station before nightfall,” the pony named Sunset said, “so I suggest you get moving.”

Surprised at this new development, Applejack wasted no time running up to her cart and hitching herself up to it. “Let’s get a move on, everypony!”

Princess Celestia was sitting in her room later that night after the sun had gone down, looking over the latest reports from the nurse she’d asked to be assigned to her former faithful student Twilight. Despite her immense disappointment in the young mare, she still had a hoof in raising her from a filly to an adult and thought of her like a pseudo daughter. Just as she had with her previous student before their argument and before she fled the palace all those years ago. She was pleased to learn that Twilight had been doing a bit better, but was disheartened to hear that she hardly ever left her lighthouse unless it was absolutely necessary.

“Perhaps it was a mistake sending all of Ponyville’s residents to one place,” she muttered to herself.

“Perhaps it was,” a familiar male voice said. One which sent chills down Celestia’s spine as she jumped up. “Hello there, Princess, did you miss me?”

“Discord,” she growled, “you cretin, show yourself!”

In front of her, a zipper appeared in midair. It moved down, and out stepped the lord of chaos himself. He zipped the space behind him back up, leaving nothing behind. His smile was as infuriating as ever. However, something about him was different. There was a black patch over his left eye. “Cretin, you say?” he asked, placing his paw on his chest. “Why Tia, that hurts! You’re breaking my heart!” He held out his claw, and in it a heart appeared that shattered, leaving red pieces of glass on the floor.

Celestia stood, stomping on one of the larger pieces and storming up to the draconequus. She grabbed him with her hoof and shoved him against the wall. “Leave!” she snapped.

He vanished and appeared sitting in her bed, reading a newspaper with a pair of black rimmed glasses on. “Somepony’s testy,” he said with an amused tone.

Celestia whirled around and aimed her horn at him. “Leave,” she growled, “or I’ll make you leave.” Her horn began to glow for effect.

Discord tossed the papers away, turning them into little birds which flew out of the window and evaporated into nothingness. He slowly stood, paw and claw raised. His smile was gone, and a serious look appeared on his face. “Okay, I see you’re in no mood for jokes,” he said as he snapped and two chairs appeared. He sat in one and pointed towards the other.

The seriousness of the draconequus threw Celestia off, but she didn’t move or let her guard down. “What are you up to?” she asked suspiciously.

“I swear, I’m not up to anything,” he said, “I simply came to talk. It’s been too long and things are certainly chaotic around her.”

That sent her alarm bells off and she narrowed her eyes at him. “Was Jason Wright’s death because of you?” she snarled angrily.

“Heavens, no,” Discord said, looking honestly appalled. “I didn’t even know he existed until I learned about his death. I couldn’t even detect his body with my magic even after his…untimely death. Besides, death isn’t really my style. My kind of chaos doesn’t kill. That’s a line I refuse to cross. You know that. After all, back all those years ago, did I ever once kill any of your little ponies?”

“Still, you could have influenced my little ponies like you did during your first escape,” Celestia snapped.

“No, I didn’t do anything in regards to Jason Wright and his treatment,” Discord said with a frown, “that was all you and your ponies.” He gestured to the seat and then snapped again. A small tea table appeared between the chairs with a very fancy looking tea set sitting on it. “No tricks, I promise,” he said.

Still wary of this strange behavior, Celestia nevertheless approached and scanned the tea with her magic. Everything about it seemed normal, but she knew better than to trust Discord’s magic. However, she strangely didn’t sense any deception from him, which was normal when it came to him. At least, up until Fluttershy helped reform him several years before. “And why should I trust you?” she asked.

“Your point is well taken,” Discord said, “but once more ask yourself this: has my chaos ever caused the death of anycreature? Even in my reign, did it? Even a suicide?”

Celestia’s frown deepened. She knew he was right. Discord’s type of chaos would never lead to the death of anypony. She sighed. “Okay…I get it.”

“Good!” he said, and with a wave of his paw the chairs and tea vanished. He gestured then to the balcony. “Would you care to join me outside?”

Celestia looked at the now standing draconequus, then slowly nodded. The two made their way to Celestia’s private balcony, where Discord took a seat in one of the chairs there. Celestia did the same, and the two looked out at the beautiful cliffside metropolis that was Canterlot. The stars were out in full force, and not even the lights of the city below could dim their magnificence. That was how Celestia had her balcony situated. She loved looking at her sister’s night. The moon wasn’t up yet, as it was waning.

The two sat in silence for a bit. Then, Discord said, “Be honest, Celestia, how are things going in Equestria these days? I’ve been…avoiding it lately.”

Celestia sighed. “Not too good,” she said. “Ever since the world learned of Jason Wright and his abysmal treatment at the hooves of my ponies, other nations are at my doorstep demanding I do something about the various ways nonponies are being treated in my kingdom. I’ve hardly had a day off to recover from this.”

“You were the one who had that book written, you know,” he chided her, “so this chaos is your fault, not mine.”

She rubbed her forehead with her hoof. “I wasn’t going to just hide this, you know? I knew the consequences and accepted them.”

“Other versions of you would have simply swept this under the rug,” Discord said, “or even just not punished those involved.”

She groaned. She knew about the many various versions of Equestria thanks to him and it always made her head hurt. “I’m not them, am I?”

Discord shook his head. “No, you’re not,” he said, “but you did bring this on yourself.”

“I’m already reminded about this every day,” she groaned, “I don’t need it from you.”

“Alright, alright, lips sealed,” he said before zipping his mouth shut with a literal zipper.

She looked over at him. “What are you here for, Discord? Here to mock me?”

He shook his head. “Nnmm mmmmt mmmt mmmll!” he said. Celestia sighed and unzipped his mouth with her magic. “No, not at all,” he repeated.

“Then why are you here?” she asked.

“To do something I rarely do,” he said, “and that’s bring you news about something that concerns you.”

She turned to him, scrutinizing him. “And that would be…?”

Discord leaned back in his seat, looking up at the sky. “It involves a certain orange unicorn mare and her two traveling companions.”

“Orange unicorn ma-?” Celestia paused, eyes wide in alarm as she shot up out of her seat. “Sunset Shimmer?! You’ve seen Sunset Shimmer!?” She was practically shouting in complete shock.

Discord put both his pinkies in his ears and moved them back and forth, a squeaking noise coming from them as he did so. “Anypony ever told you that you shout really, really loud?” he asked with a frown.

She was immediately in Discord’s face. “Where is she?! Don’t hide anything from me!”

Discord backed away, then gave Celestia a saucy grin. “So close,” he said, “if anypony saw us like this, they’d think you were interested in little old me.”

Celestia’s face went red, either with anger or embarrassment she didn’t know. Still, she backed off and tried to calm down. “Fine, you have my attention now,” she said, sitting back in her chair. “What about Sunset do you have to tell me?”

“Well, she’s finally back in Equestria, for one,” Discord said.

“Where?” Celestia asked with a growl.

“She’s traveling with a couple of mercenaries from the Badlands,” Discord said. “One of those mercenaries is…quite the character, I must say. You’ll find him quite fascinating, I’m sure.”

“Where. Is. Sunset?” Celestia asked, putting deliberate emphasis on each word.

Discord’s infuriating smirk returned. “Now, if I told you that, there would be no fun in it,” he said.

“This isn’t a game, Discord!” Celestia bellowed, “I need to find her immediately!”

His smile faded again. “I’m well aware that this isn’t a game,” he said in a once more surprisingly serious tone, “but I’ve only been allowed to tell you what I’ve already told you.”

Celestia’s eyes were wide as saucers at that. “‘Allowed’?” she repeated. “You mean to tell me that-”

“I do,” Discord said with a nod.

“Does it have to do with-?”

“I can’t tell you why.”

Celestia grew increasingly frustrated. “I hate you,” she said.

Discord nodded. “I know, and now is one of the few times I wish I could help, but I’m being forced to stay out of this one. I can’t use my magic to interfere in Equestrian affairs anymore.”

Celestia deflated. She hated when this happened, because it always meant a huge headache for her in the end. She could already feel it coming on as she nodded. “And of course it just to happens to happen when my country is in its own chaotic state…”

Discord stood and stretched. “For what it’s worth, Tia, I’m sorry,” he said, and to Celestia it sounded like a genuine apology.

“…Not your fault…” Celestia murmured as she herself stood. “I should really get back to work…”

“You should really get some rest,” Discord said as he began to fade, “after all, you’re gonna need it.”

“I can’t afford to rest right now,” she said, although her trudging body slowly made its way towards her bed without her even knowing.

“You’ll need all the rest you can manage,” Discord’s fading voice said, “so sleep, and good luck…”

With that, Discord’s body vanished, as did his chaotic presence. Celestia, growing more and more exhausted with each step, collapsed into bed. The blankets moved of their own accord, covering her as the ancient alicorn mare quickly fell into a deep sleep.

4: The Attack

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It had only been a half day since the group of ponies and their mercenary escorts had left the farm and they were already halfway to their destination. The train that the mercenary group had promised the ponies had indeed been at the old Ponyville train station waiting for them. The train’s conductor, one who Applejack knew, wasn’t too thrilled with having to make a stop, but when he saw the pony who called herself Sunset Shimmer, Applejack saw a hint of fear in his eyes as he allowed the Apples to leave their carriages in their cargo car. Since the train itself was only half full, that meant that the Apples and their hired help could make themselves comfortable in one of the emptier cars.

Not much was said during that time. Some of them took the opportunity to sleep. They’d worked hard packing up the last of the family’s belongings during the first half of the morning, and seeing as though they hadn’t expected to make it so far in so short a time, they decided to recover their strength.

Applejack was one of these ponies. The stresses of packing up and moving had taken a massive toll on her. She dozed on and off in her seat, being jolted awake a few times by a jostling of the car they were in whenever the train hit some sort of bump on its westerly journey. During their last hour before they arrived at White Forest Junction, however, she was awake. She felt a bit more rested, but with the sun nearing the western horizon, she knew that they wouldn’t get very far once they disembarked, so they would need to set up camp.

Which was where they were now. After getting off at White Forest Junction, they only had a half hour of daylight left, which didn’t give them much time to find a campsite where they could set up for the night. Luckily, they found a large clearing near a large stream where the group set up a camp. By the time the sun was well below the horizon, they had a fire going and some stew boiling over said fire, a carrot and potato stew with various herbs and spices and tomato sauce mixed in with some water to thin it out.

While they ate, however, Applejack kept stealing glances at the smaller, secondary camp some ways away where the three mercenaries had set up their own camp. They had a fire of their own, but no stew pot boiling over it. Instead, it looked like they had some food already prepared and were quietly eating, or at least two of them were. She noticed that the silent masked Revan hadn’t removed his mask.

Feeling a little bad about how they’d been less than hospitable during their first encounter, she filled up three extra bowls halfway with some soup and made her way over to the second campfire, each bowl being balanced on a piece of wood. Tobias looked up when she arrived. “Hello, there,” he said with a polite nod, “is there something I can do for you?”

Applejack shook her head and passed the impromptu platter with steaming soup over to him. “Ah thought y’all could use somethin’ a bit more fillin’ that whatever it is yer eatin’,” she said, “as thanks fer gettin’ us on that train and fer keepin’ watch over us.”

Tobias took the piece of wood carefully and inhaled the scent of the steaming bowls. “Oh damn,” he said with a chuckle, “this stew smells absolutely amazing. Thank you very much!”

“Shoot, it ain’t nothin’,” Applejack said as she watched Tobias pass the other bowls out to the other two. “Just tryin’ tah be a good host.”

She thought she heard the unicorn named Sunset scoff at this, but it was Tobias who spoke next. “Well, this’ll definitely send us to bed with full stomachs tonight instead of our normal hard tack. Thank you again.”

“Yes…thanks,” Sunset added, although Applejack couldn’t hear any sort of gratitude in her voice.

When the silent third member called Revan looked up, Applejack froze. The glowing sky blue eyes of his mask were locked onto her. It was a terrifying few moments before Revan simply nodded at her. Applejack felt a bit of her fear of this Revan ebb away. He may have been a silent member, but it seemed as if he was grateful. She decided to speak up. “Yah really don’t talk much, do ya, stranger?”

Tobias looked up, a little apprehension in his face. The pony, who was now not wearing her cowl, goggles and hood, looked up, a small piece of bread in her magic. They both turned to Revan. The mysterious figure seemed to be looking at Applejack, but without being able to see a face, it was hard to tell. The blue glowing eyes on the mask simply looked at her. Finally, she heard the voice of this mysterious Revan for the first time. “Only when necessary.

She was taken aback by the voice. It was deep and had what she could only describe as an artificial tone to it. She was, frankly, even more intimidated by this creature than before. Still, she knew that she’d rather have him on her side than as an enemy. She slowly nodded. “Kinda like mah brother. He’s a stallion of few words.”Revan’s head tilted slightly, looking towards the fire where the Apples all sat. He then turned his head back to Applejack, slowly nodding in response. She knew that while he wasn’t a pony, she knew that type of nod. “Ah, well,” she stammered out, “ah’ll leave y’all tah eatin’. Hope y’all enjoy the soup.”

“We will,” Tobias said with a smile, “and thanks again!”

Applejack smiled, turned, and walked back to their camp. As she did so, she couldn’t help but look back one more time. There was something about Revan that she couldn’t put her hoof on. It was eating at her, but she couldn’t understand why. Shaking her head, she turned back and made her way back to camp.

The fires were both dim now as everyone in both camps were asleep. The sky above was clear of any clouds and the only noises to be heard were the sounds of wind through nearby trees along with some occasional nighttime animal noises. Sunset was out on watch, using her enchanted goggles to enhance her vision. Everything around her was brighter, and with the lack of a moon until later that night it helped her spot any movement and focus on it. She’d volunteered for first watch because one, she wanted to get a feel for how guard duty went, and two, she didn’t want to be in the middle or at the end. First shift, in her mind, was always the easiest shift.

As she patrolled both campsites, she heard whispering coming from the two singular tents that Tobias and Revan both shared. Curious, she slowly crept back up to see if she could hear anything. She caught the tail end of Tobias saying something. “-things being as they are, we may become targets, especially with this being the family of a former Harmony Bearer.”

She listened, and to her surprise the voice that replied was not the same as the voice from the mask. It sounded more, well, normal. “Equestria has become a more dangerous place in the past three years,” the new voice said. Sunset noted that the voice was indeed male, although unlike the voice she’d heard coming from the mask, this one lacked the menacing edge. It was still deadly serious, however. “Did the Guild Master have anything to say?”

“You know the answer to that,” Tobias said.

“Yeah, suppose so,” Revan, or so she assumed, replied. “The next couple of days are going to be a bit rough.”

“At least we got halfway there already,” Tobias said, “so that’s a plus.”

“True,” Revan said, “but we’re on the edge of former Equestrian soil. It’s still just as lawless as the Badlands.”

“I’ve heard the rumors,” Tobias said. “You ready to face ponies again?”

Revan was silent for a bit, then his voice replied, “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

“Good. I have the splints and medical supplies ready just in case,” Tobias said with a chuckle.

A chuckle which Revan didn’t join in on. As Tobias went quiet, Revan said, “My shift is in a few hours. I’m going to sleep.”

“Sure thing,” Tobias said, “goodnight.”

“Night,” Revan said, and with that, there was silence again.

This left Sunset with several questions about what she’d just heard. As she walked away to go back to her patrol. The most intriguing thing she had heard about was that this Revan had faced ponies in the past. She wasn’t sure why Tobias had phrased it that way, but it piqued her interest. She decided that she’d try and get some more information at a later date. She just had to be patient. So, she resumed her watch, keeping her thoughts in the back of her mind and her attention on the here and now.

The waning moon above shone its dim silvery light on the sleeping ponies below. It reflected off of the serene lake which was disturbed by a slight breeze, leaving ripples on the surface. The noises of nocturnal animals were remote. An owl hooted nearby, a group of wild wolves howled in the distance, and a few branches were snapped by the careless hoof of a pony who wasn’t looking where he was going.

“Hush!” one of the other ponies in the small group hissed back at the first pony, “or do you want to wake up the whole world with that racket!”

“Sorry,” the first pony said a bit loudly.

“Quiet!” another pony whispered.

“Sir, we’re almost there,” another pony said.

“Alright, everypony, put your stealth game on,” the apparent leader of the group said. He pulled on a chain in his hoof before looking back. “Mango, come.”

The pony attached to the chain, an extremely burly but rather dim earth pony stallion named Mango Wrecker, came forward, looking nervously at the whip on the belt of the leader. “What Mango gonna do?” Mango asked.

“Sit down,” the leader said, and the burly pony did so. The pony in charge, a unicorn stallion named Dirty Hunter, who preferred to go by Hunter, walked over to the edge of the small valley, looking down with the rest of the group of bandits and thugs. Below, the camp lay still, unsuspecting. Hunter grinned and turned back to the others. “Just like you predicted, Ace.”

Ace Hole, the unicorn stallion strategist of the group, pushed his glasses up as he looked down at the camp. “We shouldn’t be too hasty,” he whispered, “for all we know, they’ve asked somepony to protect them.”

“Pff, with their reputation who’d come to their rescue,” Hunter said with a smirk.

Oneshot, their expert pegasus bowstallion, came up and looked down. His eyesight was better than most ponies and he scanned the area below. “I don’t see anypony on any sort of patrol,” he whispered.

“We should get the lay of the land first,” Ace said.

“Yes,” Hunter agreed before he motioned for his group to fan out. He stayed beside Mango, looking down at the camp as Ace, Oneshot, and a mysterious former earth pony soldier in the Royal Guard who only called himself ‘Echo’ walked on the edge, looking down at the peaceful, unsuspecting looking camp. He looked around at the others in their group, looking for signs that there might be some sort of lookout. He thought it foolish for anypony out this far not to set up a lookout, but these were Ponyvillians, after all. Ignorant fools who had disgraced themselves.

Oneshot got Hunter’s attention with a wave of his wing. Hunter looked over and read the hoof signals that they’d come up with to communicate over large distances. Doing a quick translation, Hunter gathered that there was some sort of lookout, but there was only one that he could see. A unicorn, and a mare at that. Hunter grinned. Once they were done with those last Ponyvillians, they’d have another to have fun with. Unicorns were always the most fun to break.

He waited a bit to see if anypony else found another lookout, although he trusted Oneshot’s abilities. There was none. Eventually, the other three returned to their initial lookout point. “Report,” Hunter said.

“Two encampments,” Oneshot said. “The main one is to the north and the smaller one is to the south. Main one has a few carriages sitting right out in the open. Smaller one is probably where there are other lookouts or escorts.”

“Judging by the number of tracks we saw,” the elusive Echo said, “there are eight ponies in that bigger camp. If that unicorn is one of the escort group, then that group consists of three.”

“And those other tracks?” Hunter asked.

Echo shook his head. “One’s feline, but the other one is wearing some sort of boot. I’ve never seen one like that before. Still, it’s likely from the strides taken that the owner of those boots is bipedal.”

“We go smash now?” Mango asked.

“Hush, Mango,” Hunter said, giving the chain one harsh pull which made the bigger pony hiss in pain. “We’ll smash them soon.” Hunter turned back to the others. “An abyssinian, probably. Anypony here tangled with one of their kind?” A cursory glance informed him that they hadn’t. “Me neither, so we should be careful. If the third creature isn’t leaving any tracks, maybe it’s another abyssinian who likes wearing boots. From what I know about them, they’re incredibly flexible and tough to beat in a fight. But that’s why we have Mango here.”

“So, take out the escort first?” Oneshot asked.

Ace once more adjusted his glasses. “I’d advise that we move towards the main camp first. I watched the unicorn lookout. She has a pattern she follows and if we time it right, we can have those Ponyvillians all where we want them. Then we get the biggest payday the guild’s ever seen.”

Hunter grinned. “Okay, we have a few hours before daylight, and I’d like this done quickly. Time to strategize.”

Applejack woke up with a jolt, sitting up in her cot and panting heavily. She’d had yet another one of her night terrors regarding Jason Wright. They were always the same: she’d see his lifeless hanging corpse on the apple tree of her once beautiful orchard after hearing the sickening crunch of his neck being snapped. She would feel the same feeling of nausea as the dream, more detailed than any other, revealed every inch of his scarred and deformed body to her. The lightning strike scar made by Rainbow Dash, the multiple buck scars on his chest, arms, and sides, one prominent scar made by her, the bite marks made by her sadly now deceased dog Winnona (who had died after eating an apple tainted with the rot some months prior), the gaunt form caused from lack of food, his tattered and graying head of long wild hair, and the lifeless eyes which stared into her soul.

The night terrors had come less and less as time went on, but she still had them, and they all ended the same way. The lifeless corpse would come back to life, snap the rope away, and begin walking towards Applejack, who was frozen in place and unable to move. The boney hands of the now dead human would reach up, grab her by the throat, and with his one good eye, would stare at her, not saying a word, but instead choking her. And just as she felt the life go out of her, it would be her on the hanging noose instead of Jason, who would simply look at her with a mixture of rage and sadness. That was when she would be able to move and try and escape, trying also to call out apology after apology, but she would be unable to do so. The dream version of Jason would just turn and walk away, not helping her in the slightest, just like she’d never helped him.

And then, Applejack and the entire tree she hung from would fall into a pit, heading towards an eternal pit of flames. This was when she would wake up most times, although other nights she’d wake up earlier.

Applejack slowly moved to the side, putting her hooves on the ground beside her cot. She couldn’t see much, but in the dim moonlight that came from above, she knew it must be early morning. She took time to calm down, taking a few quiet deep breaths so as not to wake the ponies in the other tents around her. She slowly made her way over to where she remembered her canteen being placed. She swallowed a few sips, which helped her stomach settle. She didn’t want to hurl anything extra up because she knew she’d need the strength, especially if they were to build a brand new home once they got to Maretime Bay.

She turned and was about to open the tent flap to let some fresh air in when a shadow fell across the tent. She paused, looking at the hulking pony figure that stood on what looked like a distant hill. The outline wasn’t too clear, but even she knew that nopony in their group had a figure like this. Not even that unicorn mare who was with the mercenary group.

When a second pony figure emerged and spread a pair of wings, she knew they weren’t part of her group. Especially since she saw that the pegasus pony held a bow and arrow in their hooves. Panicking, Applejack ran out and looked in the distance to see two ponies. The one with a bow and arrow had a flaming arrow pointed directly at the camp. So, she did the only thing she knew how to do in that moment. She alerted the camp.

“Bandits!” she shouted as she ran along the encampment, screaming the words over and over again. However, she didn’t get too far before there was an explosion behind her, sending her sprawling onto her back. She groaned and sat up, looking back to see one of the carriages full of belongings decimated and catching fire quickly. “No!” she shouted in agony as she quickly got back on her hooves and tried to rush forward to put out the fire. However, another explosion rocked the ground and struck the second carriage, causing more of their belongings to be destroyed.

By this time, the others in camp were awake and running out, dazed and confused by what was happening. When Granny Smith saw the burning wreckage that was once their belongings, she screamed in utter agony, further shattering Applejack’s heart.

A blast of orange magic from further up the hill caught Applejack’s attention, and a third explosion rocked the night, only this explosion was in midair, illuminating the area around them and scattering small pieces of whatever was being shot at them all around. Now fully awake, Applejack went into defensive mode, looking for anything she could use as a weapon to defend her family. She spotted an older iron frying pan that she grabbed, holding it up as she tried to get a sense of what was happening.

Because of the fire caused by whatever their attackers had launched at them, she couldn’t see into the darkness too much, but she did hear blasts of magic being fired and what sounded like the hooves of a massive bull charging towards them. Three stallions, her brother, Merry, and Pippin, ran past her towards a hulking beast that was making its way towards them at high speed. The burly creature was tackled by all three stallions, but Applejack watched them all be thrown back. “Mango smash!” the deep voice of the creature, which Applejack now saw to be a massive earth pony stallion, shouted in hat could only be described as excitement as he bucked the three stallions away like they were nothing but ragdolls.

Golden and Blue were pulling Granny Smith and Apple Bloom away from the camp, the former fighting to get away from Golden and Apple Bloom only crying in sadness and confusion. Applejack gripped her pan, rage building inside her as she launched herself at the stallion, bringing the pan down to try and knock him out.

Unfortunately, it seemed as if this stallion’s head was made of solid rock because her attack only served to make the rampaging stallion even more excited. He stomped past them, and Applejack heard somepony cry out in pain along with the snapping of a bone. Applejack looked around, and to her dismay saw Big Mac holding one of his forelegs with the other. It was bent back at an angle that was unnatural. She ran up to him while Merry and Pippin ran over to the rampaging maniac who was tearing their camp apart. “Big Mac!” she shouted.

Big Mac looked up at her, his deep green eyes full of pain, but not the pain of his broken leg. It was the pain of failure, something she knew all too well just by looking in the mirror every morning. “I’ll be fine,” he grunted as from behind them they both heard the sound of magic being shot at somepony. “Go!” And with that, he shoved her off. “Protect our kin!”

Knowing that there wasn’t much she could do, she turned and ran back into the fray, her pan in hoof as she saw the large earth pony start to get up. Golden was once more charging her horn, aiming it down at the massive pony, but before she could do anything a blast of magic struck her, sending her sprawling.

Blue launched into the air, quickly scanning the skies before she was struck with some sort of net, bringing her down. However, Golden’s magic struck the net and caused it to evaporate.

Applejack continued her attack on the massive stallion, Merry and Pippin trying their best to hold him down, but it was as if nothing could hold back this rampaging beast. He simply stomped through their campgrounds, destroying everything in his path. Applejack tried striking him in the head again and again, but it didn’t work, and soon her pan shattered, sending metal everywhere. She resorted to using her hooves, but the raging hulk was unable to be stopped.

That was, until he stopped himself. The sudden halt sent the three ponies on his back flying off, landing right beside a familiar face. Tobias looked down at the three, a serious look on his own face. “Stop the fires,” he said as he stepped between the pony and Applejack, “and leave Mango to me.”

The stallion saw Tobias and waved. “Hi, Tob!”

“You know ‘im?!” Applejack asked in an accusing tone.

“No time to explain, just go,” Tobias ordered before launching himself at the hulking beast. “Come on, Mango, time to play!”

For a few moments, Applejack watched as the he seemed to dance around the hulking creature. The stallion apparently named Mango tried to grab at Tobias, but the way he was doing it made it seem that he thought this was some sort of game. Still, the cat was leading Mango away from the camp towards the lake, so that was a plus.

Pippin caught her attention and pulled her away. She grabbed a blanket and began putting the flames out as best as she could, but something about it was off. The fire wasn’t going out like normal fires would, and even the buckets of water from the lake that Merry would bring to help douse it didn’t seem to be working as well. There was also a foul smell from the fire itself.

A figure was suddenly thrown onto the ground nearby, and a grunt could be heard from said figure. Applejack turned to see a unicorn slowly getting to their feet, only to be blasted away with another shot of orange magic. Sunset Shimmer, the unicorn mercenary, stepped forward, horn lit up and ready to go. “You made a big mistake attacking me, little stallion,” she said with a smirk. “I’ll lay you out just like I laid out your four eyed companion!”

“Nnng,” the stallion, a dark brown unicorn wearing a red bandana, stood and glared at the orange unicorn. “Just because you’re with Shadow Dawn and that freak Revan doesn’t mean shit,” he spat, aiming his horn at Sunset and firing a blast, which the mare deflected with a dim orange magic shield. “That bastard isn’t worth being a mercenary-”

He was silenced by a powerful blast of magic again, only this one froze the unicorn in ice. Sunset looked down at the stallion with a look of disdain. “Nopony cares what you think,” she spat.

The ice began to crack, which caused Sunset to arch an eyebrow. Applejack and the two stallions had barely enough time to duck as the ice exploded, revealing a very angry unicorn. “How dare you?! Is there no honor among mercenaries anymore?!” He fired a blast at Sunset, but this time she was flung back, unable to deflect it with her magic. She was sent flying, tumbling across the ground like a ragdoll before coming to a halt and standing again, only for the unicorn to buck her in the chest. A blast of magic from Sunset caught the attacker on the side of the face, however, and caused him to fall to the side, screaming in pain.

Applejack turned away, going back to trying to stop the fires. The magic blasts from nearby seemed to grow more distant. The fires, thanks to both Merry and Pippin dousing the flames with water now, were slowly but surely being put out. Just as the first fire was being extinguished, something crashed into the second fire. Applejack turned and saw two ponies, an earth pony with a sword in his hoof and a pegasus with a bow and arrow, slowly approaching the flames. Applejack turned and saw, to her astonishment, a figure rising out of said flames.

It was Revan, and in his claws he held a deadly looking black blade along with a small black circular shield. There were a few arrows sticking out of the shield, but Applejack also noticed that there was an arrow in his shoulder. She watched as he reached up, snapped the majority of it out of him and tossed the broken piece of wood aside before he used his blade to cut through the other arrows stuck in his shield. The pegasus frowned and took aim again. “I never liked you, Revan,” he spat. When the figure, who had slowly walked out of the flames, didn’t respond, he growled and aimed at him.

Revan was instantly on the defensive, holding his shield up in anticipation. The glowing blue eyes of his mask were still terrifying to look at despite Applejack knowing that he had been injured. When the pegasus let loose his arrow, Revan reflected instantly, catching it in his shield. However, he wasn’t fast enough to block the second arrow that the pegasus let loose. Time slowed as Applejack watched in horror while the arrow sped for Revan’s mask.

Upon impact, the arrow simply shattered, exploding into shards. This seemed to catch both ponies off guard, which Revan used to his advantage. He ran towards the two ponies, weapon at the ready. The two ponies quickly recovered and while the pegasus took to the skies, the larger earth pony rushed towards Revan. The earth pony took a swing at the strange masked figure with his sword. Revan deflected it, then bashed at the pony’s muzzle with the hilt of his blade, sending the pony sprawling.

An arrow suddenly appeared right in Revan’s shield arm, causing the masked figure to look up just in time to deflect another arrow with his shield. This gave the earth pony a chance to attack, but before he could a blast of orange magic caught him in the head, sending the pony sprawling into unconsciousness. Applejack looked towards the source to see Sunset nodding at Revan before going back to face her own opponent.

Revan quickly cut off both ends of the arrow that were in his arm and faced the pegasus pony again. The pony reached into his quiver, only to find he had no more arrows, so instead, he sped down, crashing into Revan hoof first. The two tumbled over each other onto the ground, grappling at each other with their hooves and claws.

Once again, Applejack didn’t have time to watch as the fight was leading away from the fire. The others had joined now. Granny was tending to Big Mac’s broken foreleg while Golden was trying to use her magic to drag water through the air towards the fire. Blue was flying back and forth from the water to the second fire with buckets as fast as she could. With the extra help the fire was quickly being put out.

When the last of the flames were put out, there was darkness. With her eyes not used to the dark yet, Applejack looked around wildly, only seeing shadows. Two unicorns were still fighting, but that fight quickly ended with a cry from the unicorn stallion as Sunset knocked him out. Tobias was still flipping and jumping over the large stallion, avoiding strike after strike. And the only form of light from the third fight, the one between Revan and the pegasus, was the glowing mask of the strange being.

Revan was quickly brought to the ground, the two tumbling around until Applejack saw the pegasus reach down and apparently pull the head off of Revan. However, when he looked down at the figure, he froze. “No way…you’re one of them!” He then chuckled darkly as he tossed the mask aside, then brought his hoof down onto Revan’s head. Applejack heard Revan grunting in pain as the hoof struck him. Revan raised his arms and deflected more and more hoof strikes. With a snarl, the pegasus raised a hoof to strike. “I’ll end your race here and-”


A loud explosion rang out. The pegasus froze, hoof still in midair. For a few agonizing seconds, nothing could be heard. Even Tobias and the pony named Mango stopped, turning to see what was happening. Then, the pegasus began falling. Revan reached up and shoved the pegasus to the side, slowly sitting up, covering his face with his hood and retrieving the mask. He placed it over his face again, and Applejack could hear a strange hiss from it. In the dark, Applejack saw him place an object on his belt, a gleam of metal from it reflecting in the moonlight.

Tobias and Mango were instantly by Revan’s side. Tobias was the first to speak. “Did you use-?”

Yes,” was all that Revan said before taking a step, stumbling a bit.

“Mask friend okay?” Mango asked in what sounded like concern.

Sunset appeared and cast a large orb of light in the air, illuminating the four. When Tobias saw the two arrows in Revan’s shoulder and arm, his eyes went wide. “Mango, help me carry him!” he ordered.

Mango knelt down and Tobias helped Revan onto the back of the massive stallion. Applejack couldn’t wait any longer. She had to know just what was going on. She galloped up and got Tobias’ attention. “What in tarnation is happenin’ here? Who are these ponies?”

Tobias turned back to her. “I don’t have time to discuss it,” he said with severity, “but when I’m done healing Revan, I’ll let you know.”

“I know a few healing spells,” Sunset said, coming forward.

He then turned to Sunset. “Magic doesn’t affect him like it does us,” he explained, “he needs non-magical means of healing. Come on, Mango.”

With that, the large pony stallion, Tobias, and Revan all headed back to their camp.

When morning came, the extent of the damage done to the caravan was revealed in full. Nearly three-fourths of the belongings of the Apple family had been destroyed. Valuable heirlooms, old silverware, some clothes, and even a good number of farming tools were destroyed by the fire. Thankfully, most of the food wasn’t destroyed along with their bits, so they would still be able to use both when building their new farm and barn. Still, many of the reserve apple seeds had been destroyed as well, so they would have to start small. There were a few zapp apple seeds that were spared, so they could at least get something going.

Tobias was busily tending to his friend’s wounds, having already pulled the shafts out of both injuries and having sewn them both up. He looked down at his now unconscious partner, seeing how Gregory was wincing in pain at everything he did even in his sleep. He’d given Gregory a potion made to help ease pain and to keep him unconscious, but with how this human’s body reacted to potions or any form of magic, the effects were greatly diminished. Revan’s face was heavily bruised, but with the zebra salve he had applied to Gregory’s face, he hoped that the swelling would go down. He looked down at his friend’s belt and sighed. “I wish you could have found another way to deal with Oneshot than killing him,” Tobias said sadly, “but he knew the risks as much as we did…”

He finished changing the wounds, then made his way outside where three of the remaining four members of Bad Squad, a group of mercenaries from the mercenary guild in Thornfall, were tied and disarmed, being looked after by their newest member Sunset Shimmer. Hunter, Echo, and Ace were looking up at Tobias with a scowl as he approached. Mango was not tied up because Tobias knew that Mango was only being abused by these other ponies just so they could use his strength. He walked up in front of the three and drew one of the rapiers at his side, aiming it at Hunter’s neck. “Give me a good reason why I shouldn’t just kill you now,” he demanded.

Hunter spat at the ground. “Don’t give me that empty threat,” he growled, “it’s not our fault we were hired to take these ponies. We take jobs, same as you.”

Sunset glared at them, raising her horn which began to glow. “And just who hired you?” she demanded.

Hunter looked at her. “You must be new,” he said with a grin, “because no mercenary gives away secrets like that. We do have a sense of honor.”

“You have no honor,” Tobias said in a threatening tone, pointing the tip of his blade against Hunter’s neck. “You sold your own parents out to make a quick bit.”

“And I’d do it again too,” Hunter bragged, seeming unconcerned with the tip of the rapier against his throat.

Tobias slowly removed his blade from Hunter’s neck, instead placing it against Ace’s neck instead. “How many others were hired to chase these ponies, and by whom?” he knew Hunter and Ace were brothers, the last of their family, and while Hunter and Ace may have betrayed their parents, he knew that Hunter would do nearly anything to protect his little brother.

Hunter’s smirk faded immediately and he struggled against his restraints, but Sunset kept him in place with her magic. “Just try it, I dare you,” she said, “and that pegasus we killed won’t be the only casualty.”

Tobias inwardly winced at this. Sunset was a powerful unicorn, that much was clear, but her attitude was very atypical of any pony he knew of here. She had the hints of a Canterlot accent in her voice, so if she was from there, he wondered just what had happened to make her actually threaten death to someone. Then again, he had to remind himself that the ponies of Ponyville had woken up and chosen violence against the only other human besides his companion to enter this world, so he had to concede that ponies were not the perfect society they portrayed themselves as to the world. Not only that, but the ponies that Gregory had met upon his arrival had been equally as cruel and violent towards him, chasing him out of Dodge City without a second’s hesitation.

“Our new team member’s words aside,” he said, throwing Sunset a warning glare before turning back to Hunter, “I suggest you start talking. We’ve been hired to protect the family whose belongings you so callously destroyed, and if the boss was stupid enough to approve a job that conflicts with ours, heads will roll. Starting with your dear little brother.” He pressed the tip of his sword against Ace’s neck deeper, enough to cause a cut to open.

Hunter’s scowl deepened, but soon he snorted in a very equine manner before saying, “In my saddlebags.”

Sunset walked over and lifted the saddlebags with her magic. She dumped all of the contents out, which revealed a number of different weapons, tools, a large bag of what sounded like coins, and a piece of parchment paper. A very fancy looking scroll which she unraveled and read silently. She apparently had to take a double take, reading the words more carefully before she floated the scroll over to Tobias. “Somepony really didn’t want those ponies reaching Maretime Bay,” she said.

Tobias read the scroll carefully.

To whom it may concern,

It has come to the attention of our group that the former Element of Honesty and her family are leaving their abode. We will be paying handsomely in advance to ensure that they do not reach their destination. Dead or alive it doesn’t matter to us. The first half of your payment is enclosed below, and we will pay the second half upon completion.


Tobias raised an eyebrow, then both shot up in alarm and realization. He turned back to the three remaining members of Bad Squad. “You won’t die,” he said as he stuffed the scroll into his pocket, “but that money of yours won’t be going back to Thornfall with you.” With several precise slashes, the ropes binding them together were cut. He then removed the two magic suppression rings on Hunter’s and Ace’s horns. As Sunset lifted the bag of money off of the ground, Tobias kicked the bag over to them. “Get out of here.”

“We won’t be the only ones after them, you know?” Hunter said as he lifted his bag and belongings away, “so don’t expect the next few days on the road to be easy.” With that, the three remaining ponies grabbed the wrapped-up body of their dead companion, which Echo placed on his back, and began galloping away, heading up and over the hill.

Sunset approached Tobias afterwards, giving him the bag of bits which he took. It was hefty, and he placed it in his bag to show to his friend Gregory later. “Any idea who hired those morons?” she asked.

Tobias knew all too well. He’d heard about them somewhere, but couldn’t quite recall where he’d heard about them at the moment. Still, just the thought of who these folks were sent shivers down his spine. He looked at Sunset. “Tell the clients they need to pack up everything double time. We have to get moving now.”

As he walked back into Gregory’s tent, he saw that his friend was already awake, wincing as he sat up and looked at the wounds on his shield arm. When he saw Tobias’ expression, Gregory stiffened. “Toby, what’s wrong?” he asked, wincing more as he spoke. Tobias handed the paper to Gregory, who read it over. He read it, then looked back at Tobias with a worried look, his face pale, although whether that was from the blood loss, fear, or both, Tobias couldn’t say. “Why would they be interested in the Apple family?”

“I don’t know,” Tobias said, “but we need to get moving.”

Gregory nodded, grabbed his mask, and placed it over his head, the standard hiss of air heard as it was sealed. “Then let’s move.

With that, they struck camp. Their mission now had a sense of urgency, but Shadow Dawn never broke a contract, even if someone was after their charges. It was their creed, their mantra, their promise, to be a better breed of mercenary.

5: Welcome To Maretime Bay

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Sunset’s first glimpse of Maretime Bay was met with mixed feelings from her. For one thing, she could appreciate that, despite being only a couple of years old, the town had a more modern day look, unlike the backwater dump that had been Ponyville. The buildings didn’t have the plainly outdated and dangerous thatched roofing that seemed to be all the rage in most towns. The town was less colorful than other places in Equestria. Sure, there were some buildings that had some color, but for the most part they were muted. There was a large factory being built on a small hill overlooking the town, although for what purpose she couldn’t guess.

Secondly, she could appreciate just how orderly it was. This town was apparently planned out, and had a very good aesthetic. Ponyville didn’t have that. Instead, it was more haphazard, and emergency services would have a harder time reaching their destinations in a town such as that. At least here, the roads were smooth and well-marked.

On the other hoof, Sunset could hardly accept that these sadists and country hicks even deserved a city of their own. What they’d done was a crime that deserved time in the deepest, darkest dungeons of Canterlot, and in the case of the Inhumane Six as they had become known throughout Equestria, Tartarus. If nothing else, they shouldn’t be allowed to be around each other where they could propagate their hate, xenophobia, and speciesism.

She looked back at their group. Their clients were down to two carts of what they could recover from the attack more than two days ago. At least since then there had been no more attacks despite Hunter’s warnings, but with Revan and Big Mac both injured, Sunset and Tobias had to pick up the slack on watch. The two other stallions in the Apple group had even joined in on the watch.

Mango, their new tagalong, was pulling both carts, each of which also carried the injured members of their party. Revan was in the front carriage and Big Mac the back one. Both acted as their lookouts during the day, while at the same time not speaking much. Camps had been shared after that fateful attack.

Sunset quickly grew to learn from Tobias that the group that had attacked them, Bad Squad, had poorly mistreated Mango and used his love to destroy in their jobs. He might not have been a smart pony, only speaking in fragmented sentences and referring to himself in the third person, but Mango had cried and apologized over and over again once Tobias had calmly explained what he’d done. In fact, it had been his idea to pull the carriages to act as penance for his actions.

Surprisingly, it had been the normally silent Revan who’d taken Mango aside most nights to have conversations with the massive stallion. The dark green colored unicorn with the dim red and orange striped mane and tail always seemed to look better after one of these talks, especially when he’d been given a mango to eat. When Sunset asked about him, Tobias could only say that he knew little about the stallion, only that he had a very hard life growing up on a farm before he ran away and was found by Bad Squad some years ago.

She was brought out of her reverie by the sound of flapping. Looking up, she saw an approaching pegasus. Golden came flying over just then and landed in front of the group. She’d gone down to the town ahead of them to find a contact who would show them to their destination. When she landed, she walked up to Applejack. “She’s coming soon,” she said, “but we might have to wait a few minutes. She said she had to, and I quote, ‘…freshen up a bit.’”

Applejack snorted and whinnied a bit. “Sounds like her, alright,” she said before turning back. “Alright, everypony, let’s take a breather.”

As everyone stopped and either took out some food or water to tide them over, Sunset saw Revan slowly climb over his seat on the carriage, landing heavily on his feet before walking over to Mango. The large stallion saw him coming and smiled. “Mask friend! Mask friend feeling better?” When Revan touched his injuries and nodded a bit, Mango looked relieved. “Good. Mango happy. Not like seeing mask friend hurt.”

Sunset walked over to the two. “You sure you’re feeling alright?” she asked, catching the attention of the masked biped and the massive stallion. “I know Tobias said magic isn’t effective on you as much as it would be for others, but I do know a few spells and I’m more powerful than your average unicorn.”

Revan stared at her, the glowing sky blue lights on his mask making it look like he wasn’t blinking. Mango put a surprisingly gentle hoof on Revan’s back. “Mango want friend with no ouchies. Please?” His deep orange eyes looked at Revan pleadingly.

Revan looked back at Mango, then back at Sunset. “The clothes stay on,” was all he said.

She was a bit frustrated by this, but could work with it. She nodded in agreement and raised her horn. Two areas of his arm where the injuries were located became illuminated by her magic, and at once she realized that this would not be as easy as she thought. She felt that the magic touch on the creature’s skin was being drained into him, like he was some sort of magical sink that pulled the magic down the metaphorical drain that were his injuries. She increased the magic around the wounds, focusing all of her energy into trying to activate and speed up his body’s normal healing process.

She felt like there was some success, but without being able to see his skin, scales, fur, or whatever he had, she couldn’t make that determination. Still, the more she cast, the more magic seemed to seep into him. It was as if he was some kind of magic black hole, letting not even light escape. That thought got a chuckle out of her. Perhaps Black Hole would be a good handle for him, not Revan, whatever that meant.

After a few minutes, she stopped casting, looking up at Revan. “How’s that feel?” she asked.

Revan reached over and gently squeezed one of the injured areas. He turned back to her and nodded. “Better,” he said.

Sunset sat on her haunches, suddenly exhausted. She didn’t realize how draining even those healing spells had been on her. She hadn’t been too magically drained ever since she’d left Canterlot, but this Revan was not a normal creature to heal by any means.

“Mask friend not hurt now?” Mango asked. “We can play later?”

Revan looked back. “It still hurts a bit,” he said, “so we probably won’t be able to play. Ask Tobias.

Mango’s ears flattened like an upset foal. “Mango want to stay with mask friend. Want to play.”

Another time, I promise,” Revan said.

Everyone heard the sound of an approaching pony just then, so their attention was turned to a white unicorn mare with deep purple mane and tail. Sunset scowled. She knew this face well. The former Bearer of Generosity who had scorned her duties had arrived. She watched as Applejack hesitantly approached. The two looked at each other for a while before the farm mare spoke up. “Howdy, Rarity. Nice tah see yah again.”

Rarity looked at them, then at the rest. To Sunset’s eyes, she looked a far cry from the images of the former fashionista she saw in the newspapers. Her mane wasn’t as well kept as it appeared to have been from the press photographs of her, as she had her mane tied back. Her tail wasn’t curled as much and was a lot straighter. Her eyes looked a lot less lively, but there were no bags under them. She turned back to Applejack and spoke. “It’s nice to see you too, Applejack,” she said, “but who are these newcomers with you?”

“We brought a couple cousins of ours tah help us move,” Applejack replied.

“Yes, I remember them from your last family reunion in…in Ponyville,” she said, “but I meant the other three.”

Applejack hesitated, but it was Tobias who spoke first. “Hello there, miss,” he said with a polite bow and a smile. “Name’s Tobias. Your family hired us to protect them during this trip.”

Rarity made a face at this, then turned back to Applejack. “Are these…mercenaries?”

Applejack nodded. “Ah know what yer thinkin’ sugarcube, but-”

“Surely you can’t be serious!” the unicorn exclaimed. “Mercenaries would sell their soul to Thanatos if it meant they could make a quick bit! How do you know they won’t betray you even now!?”

“They saved our lives when we were attacked by another group of mercenaries,” Applejack explained with a stern frown, “and it’s attitudes like yours that put us where we are now, Rarity.”

Rarity fell back a bit, ears flat against her face. “You were attacked…?” she asked in shock.

“And we’re lucky we all weren’t killed,” Merry said.

“These three saved us, and one of them even got injured protecting us,” Pippin added.

Rarity looked at the three with what Sunset assumed was a newfound respect, albeit begrudgingly. “I see,” was all she said before turning back to Applejack. “Well, why don’t you and you…companions…follow me? I’ll show you to that farmland I saw.”

“Alright, everypony! Time tah mosey on along!” Applejack called out.

Tobias returned to where Revan was and gently pushed him into the carriage. “We’re almost there,” he said, “so rest. We’ll help them unpack before anything.”

Revan nodded and made his way back to the carriage, climbing in as the group headed into the new town. Sunset trotted beside the cart, looking around but keeping a constant vigilant eye on the one called Rarity. She didn’t particularly care for how she acted towards her and the two other mercenaries. She reminded Sunset of one of those self-important ponies from Canterlot, ponies she absolutely despised. They always looked down on those they deemed lesser than themselves, and they didn’t care about the common pony. She’d read about how it used to be when she’d been Celestia’s student. The nobility had fallen far from grace.

“Boy, howdy,” Applejack said as she looked at the large stretch of land before her, “this oughta do us more than just fine!”

Stretched out before them, near the easternmost edge of Maretime Bay, sat a veritable treasure trove of prime farmland just waiting to be tilled. The grasslands they stood in looked fertile, and to Applejack’s keen senses, felt and smelled fertile. It stretched out far, not as far as Sweet Apple Acres, but it was more than enough for some orchards to be planted, along with other crops as well. The breeze that came from the ocean was something she might need to get used to, but she felt like in the coming years the familiar farm smells would overpower the faintly salty breeze.

Granny Smith slowly walked up beside Applejack looked down at the tired family matriarch as she scanned the area around them. Nopony spoke as she looked around, then to Applejack’s relief, she slowly nodded. “We can build our new farmhouse right near that patch of brush there,” she said, then turned and pointed in another direction. “The farm can be there,” she added, pointing to a flat spot to their right.

Applejack could somewhat see what she was trying to do. She was trying to recreate the look of Sweet Apple Acres. Not that she could blame the older mare, of course. She was itching to do the same thing. If Granny hadn’t made some excellent choices in placement, she might have argued, but where she’d pointed were actually perfect locations for the future barn and farmhouse.

Nearby, Applejack looked over and saw Rarity standing and glancing with some suspicion at Tobias, Revan, Mango, and Sunset. The burly earth pony was talking with a smile to Revan, who she saw was replying in short sentences. Tobias had told her a bit about Mango’s story and it broke her heart to hear that ponies could be so cruel. Of course, she had to remind herself of her own shortcomings. A part of her wondered if she could ask this Mango to work in helping to build as a farmhoof, but upon seeing how happy he seemed to be with this Revan creature, she dismissed the idea.

That was, until Tobias walked up and unhitched the large pony from the cart and spoke with him. Mango’s smile faded and he looked a bit uncertain, looking around the area before glancing over at the Apple family, all of whom were exploring their new land. When he turned to Revan, the masked biped only nodded. Tobias then turned towards Applejack, leading Mango towards her. The massive stallion looked nervous as Tobias said, “Pardon the intrusion, everyone, but would you be interested in a proposition?”

“What kind of proposition?” Granny Smith, who hadn’t left Applejack’s side, asked as she too turned to face the cat.

Tobias nodded politely to her. “Pardon me, ma’am, but I think I might have a solution that helps everyone here.” He turned to Mango. “See, Mango Wrecker here grew up on a farm as well. He’s strong, dependable, and I’m pretty sure he can till a field a lot faster than anyone you have. He might not speak with full sentences, but he’s smart.”

“Mango sorry he destroyed your things,” the pony in question said with regret. “Mango wants to work off debt and help here. Please?”

Applejack was a bit surprised by this. This stallion was bigger than Big Mac, and he was on the bigger side of stallions that she’d seen in her life. Still, she couldn’t ignore the look of regret on his face. They could use all the ponypower they could get, and despite Merry, Pippin, Golden and Blue planning on moving here to become permanent members of the farm when things were settled down, that still wouldn’t be enough. When they’d started to expand Sweet Apple Acres all those years ago, they’d had the help of many other ponies in their extended family, but since they’d been cut off, Applejack was more willing to acknowledge that a stallion like this Mango would be useful.

Granny, however, didn’t look too trusting of the burly stallion. “And just why should we trust yeh, eh? Yah done destroyed nearly everythin’ we owned, and yer nothin’ but a mercenary.”

“Granny, that’s a similar attitude to what got us in trouble with Jason,” Applejack said. “Besides, we need the help.”

“Mango not smart, but Mango good listener,” Mango said. “Mango knows farm life.”

“But then why were yeh part of a mercenary group?” Granny asked, eyes narrowed at the stallion.

“Granny!” Applejack admonished.

“Mango only pawn in game of life,” Mango said in an oddly sage way.

Granny looked at the large pony with confusion. “Beg yer pardon?”

“Ma’am, let me explain,” Tobias said, stepping forward. “Mango is a good pony, but he can easily be led astray. That’s one of his flaws. The other flaw is he loves to destroy things. It’s something of a stress relief for him. I don’t know much about his foalhood, but from what I know it wasn’t a good one. He just needs a healthier outlet for his impulses.” He gestured to a large forest on the edge of the grasslands. “He could easily buck down plenty of those trees for your new house and barn and even pull up the trees to help expand your farmland.”

Granny frowned, but slowly began to nod before she looked at Mango. “Ah’ll be keepin’ an eye on yah, sonny boy,” she said, pointing a hoof at him, “but yer okay tuh stay here. Fer now.”

Mango’s eyes lit up with joy and he nodded. “Mango will work hard!” he said as he jumped up and landed heavily, causing everyone to stumble back at the sheer force of his jump. He noticed this and looked sheepish. “Sorry,” he said.

Applejack gave a small smile. “Come on, partner,” she said to Mango, “why dontcha help us unpack everything we got left? Then we can git tah work gettin’ the wood fer the new farmhouse.”

The sun was just beginning its descent towards the west. Tobias, Sunset and Revan were walking through the town of Maretime Bay. They’d gotten their necessary signature from the Apple family and had departed. Tobias had offered to help get things set up before they left for no extra charge, but Granny Smith had simply thanked them for their offer before saying that the Apples would take care of their own. Mango would be there with them as a hired hoof as his massive strength would help.

With nothing more to do and having been paid, not to mention the amount of money they’d liberated from Bad Squad, the mercenary group walked through the streets. Tobias caught something nearby, a bakery of sorts, and decided to stop in to get something for the group as a means of celebrating a job well done.

As Sunset and Revan waited outside, the powerful unicorn looked up at her companion, noticing that Revan was leaning against a wall and observing the brand-new town. His arms were crossed and even in the bright summer sun the blue glow from his mask’s eyes was still clearly visible. She slowly walked up to stand beside him, looking around at the new town.

She’d seen the town from the hill where their clients were now setting up shop. She had to admit, Maretime Bay was, in its own way, impressive. Seeing things from below only reinforced the fact.Still, while the town here was new and looked bright, the attitudes of the ponies around her told a different story. Sure, on the surface they seemed to act like most friendly ponies did, but Sunset had a very unique ability: the ability to be more aware of the emotions of those around her. She knew she was an Empath.

She’d always had this talent, and it had led to her being ostracized when she was much younger. It had led to her cutting herself off from making any friends, especially during the time when she’d been Celestia’s student. And this ability let her see something that others might not have picked up on, that being that there was an underlying darkness in Maretime Bay. A negativity that almost oozed from them.

She frowned. She knew most of, if not all, of these ponies were from that blasted town of Ponyville, shunted off to the side so as not to cause trouble for the rest of the kingdom. Sure, her old teacher might have said she was doing this to ‘protect her little ponies from each other’ but she was wise to what Celestia was all about. Any real threat was always put out of sight and out of mind.

Unsure why she did so, she spoke. “Lovely town. Leagues better than Thornfall.” She waited for an answer, looking at Revan, but all he did was stare back down at the town. He may have had a reaction under that mask of his, but she’d never know. That mask hid everything. Revan seemed to be able to hide his emotional state from her empathic ability better than anyone she’d known. The mask certainly helped with that, but his lack of reaction gave her nothing. She turned back and continued. “The perfect little hideaway for psychopaths and murderers.” When there was still no response, she gave Revan a curious look. “You really don’t talk much, do you?”

Revan finally spoke. “Only when needed,” the voice from his mask said.

“Aha! But you didn’t need to talk right then, did you?” she asked, pointing a hoof at him, “You could have just nodded or ignored me. Besides, I know you talk more than you have with me.”

Revan turned his head to her, and Sunset inwardly smiled triumphantly. She didn’t need to see his face to know he probably had a confused expression on whatever face he had underneath. Pressing her advantage, she said, “I heard you talking with Tobias a couple hours before the attack.”

Revan stood in silence for a bit, before he said, “He’s earned my full trust. You haven’t.” He then turned back to looking at the town.

This stung Sunset’s pride, but her years in the world taught her to look between the lines of what others said a lot, looking for the hidden meaning. “Okay, I suppose that’s a fair point,” she conceded, “I mean, you don’t know me yet. But surely helping to defeat those other mercenaries gained some trust?”

There’s a difference between defending a client and wailing on some thugs,” Revan retorted.

Sunset scowled at that. “What’s that supposed to mean?!”

I saw you fight those two unicorns,” he replied. He turned and faced her completely, arms crossed as he looked down at her. She didn’t need to be an expert in bipedal body language to know he was disappointed. You strike me as a powerful unicorn but you toyed with them. As mercenaries, Shadow Dawn works to get the job done as quickly and efficiently as possible. You prolonged your fight. We don’t get paid by the hour. The sooner we get our jobs done, the sooner we can find another and earn more money.

Sunset felt her ears being splayed back against her head. Was she being scolded like she was some foal!? She felt the hot sting of humiliating anger rising from within her before she turned back to the town, taking a few deep breaths of slightly salty sea air to help her calm down. “Noted…” she said through clenched teeth.

The infuriating thing was, Revan was right. She had been toying with the four eyed pony and his friend. It had been a chance to stretch her magical abilities in combat and she had thoroughly enjoyed herself while she took them down. She had to admit, she knew little about mercenary work, but the fact that they were paid for each job they took made his words make sense. They weren’t working eight-hour days and earning bits every hour. They lived from job to job, so from a certain point of view, it made sense to finish a job quickly so they could go to the next one. Especially a party like this one which never betrayed their clients like other mercenaries were known to do.

Her thoughts were interrupted when a new pair of hoofsteps began approaching them. Sunset looked down the street and her eyes went wide before narrowing at the certain purple alicorn who’d stopped nearby, breathing heavily from apparent exertion. She looked around, then locked eyes with Sunset. “Ah, um, excuse me,” Twilight Sparkle said in between big gulps of air, “but did you see a number of earth ponies coming through here? One of them would be orange with some apples for a cutie mark?”

Before Sunset could give her a snippy remark, Revan spoke. “Over there,” he said. Sunset turned to see he was pointing towards the hill.

Twilight jumped at the voice, turning to look at Revan. A look of uncertainty and fear passed over her face, but she just nodded. “Th-Thank you, sir,” she said before turning and walking past them.

She didn’t get far, though, as a group of eight ponies spotted her, a unicorn mare and seven stallions, three unicorns, two pegasi and two earth ponies. Their scowls were plainly obvious as one of them spat on the ground in front of where Twilight was about to step. “Bitch,” one stallion snarled.

Sunset watched as Twilight paused, looking down at the spittle on the ground. She then walked over it before the mare spat on her cheek. “This town doesn’t need you, cunt,” the young mare said with venom in her voice.

Sunset watched this go down with some amusement and vindication. She absolutely loathed Twilight Sparkle, former Princess of Friendship, and a twisted part of her was amused by what she was seeing. However, that amusement was quickly replaced by disgust when one of the larger ponies approached and struck Twilight in the eye, sending her sprawling. The pony who did so was a larger earth pony, so the strike would have definitely hurt. “Go back to that lighthouse and away from town,” the pony said, “we don’t want you here!”

Twilight simply stood up, no fight in her eyes as she hung her head low. Her ears were pinned down by her side. “I’m sorry…” she whimpered, tears in her eyes.

“Sorry doesn’t bring back your torture experiment, now does it?” the mare said before looking back at the stallions. “Show her what we mean, boys.”

The stallions moved closer to Twilight, who didn’t move. Some of them cracked their necks and they all were about to strike when a shadow moved past Sunset. A familiar metal pole hit the ground, blocking the hoof of the pony who had thrown the first strike. A metallic clang rang out and the stallions jumped back, holding his hoof in pain. He looked up at the masked figure of Revan, who was staring at the stallion with those blue glowing eyes of his. “Stay out of this fight, stranger,” one of the stallions said, staring at the hooded figure.

Sunset watched with some curiosity as Revan didn’t move, the metal pole standing between them and the now confused looking Twilight, who was looking up at Revan. The mare of the group, a unicorn, stepped forward, horn beginning to ignite. “This isn’t your place,” she snapped, aiming her horn at him. “Get out of the way, now.”

“W-What are you doing?” Sunset heard Twilight asking in alarm.

Sunset was thrown back into a memory. She remembered being stranded in the Badlands with no water left and no food. She thought she would be able to cross the hot sands, but had used up all of her food and supplies in a few days. If it hadn’t been for Revan and Tobias, she’d have died out there.

She was brought back to the present when Tobias said, “What’s going on out here?”

The ponies turned and they frowned when they saw the abyssinian walking up, a box of donuts in his claws. “Don’t you get involved too, cat,” the mare, clearly the leader of this group of ponies, snapped.

Tobias raised an eyebrow, then looked at the situation. Looking at Revan, he sighed. “Couldn’t help but get involved in helping the helpless, eh?” he asked as he carefully set the box down on the ground. Quickly, he drew a pair of rapiers that were attached to his hip. The sound rang in the air as he leaped up and landed beside Revan with the grace and agility of a feline. He stood to the side, leaving himself as less of a target as he held out one arm towards them while the other moved behind his back, pointing in the same direction as the first rapier, a form that Sunset had never seen before.

The stallions, six of them, began encircling the two. The masked figure just stood there, hand on his metal staff unmoving. Tobias stood beside him, looking at their opponents. Twilight looked flabbergasted at what was happening, looking up at the two defending her. “Please…don’t do this, you two…I’m not worth it.”

“You’re right, you’re not,” the mare said before suddenly teleporting beside Twilight and bucking her hard. This sent the alicorn into a wall hard enough that she fell to the ground unconscious. The mare who’d attacked raised a hoof at the abyssinian and the masked Revan. “Get them!”

All seven stallions moved in at this, eyes full of rage and hatred. One of them, a unicorn, leaped at Revan, but the larger biped twirled his metal staff, bringing it crashing down on the stallion’s head. The stallion went down hard, completely unconscious. This caught the others off guard, making it easier for Tobias to use the back of one of his rapiers to strike another blow on the back of another stallion’s head, this one the earth pony who’d struck Twilight. He too went down with a heavy thud.

Sunset watched in stunned silence as the other unicorn stallion lowered his horn and fired a blast of magic directly at the masked Revan. Revan was quick to react as he lifted his metal staff in a defensive position. The magic struck the staff and then…nothing. It was as if the staff was absorbing the magic. The stallion had only a moment to look in shock before Revan twirled his staff with an expert flourish before striking the still glowing horn. Sunset winced at that as the stallion went down, holding his horn and screaming in agony.

She watched as the two pegasi leaped into the air out of the range of Tobias’ rapiers and Revan’s staff. Something inside of Sunset stirred, and before she could even think of consequences of her actions, she raised her horn and caught the two pegasi in her magic, bringing them both slamming into the ground with a heavy THUD, knocking the wind out of them.

Looking over at Tobias, she saw that he was dancing deftly around the remaining earth pony stallion, leaping up and landing strike after strike on the stallion, leaving very shallow cuts on his fur. It looked to Sunset as if Tobias was aiming not to kill but to subdue.

Sunset turned to Revan, seeing if she could help him, but he looked to be holding his own against the remaining unicorn, albeit barely. He was being pushed back by a more powerful magic blast that was being absorbed by the staff yet again. The stallion ceased his magical blast before swiftly leaping towards Revan, who took the brunt of the sudden attack in his stomach, sending him sprawling onto the ground, his staff flying out of his hand. With another blast, Revan was sent into the side of a building before slumping down, barely moving.

Sunset reacted with hostility, firing off a blast of her own magic at the unicorn stallion. He must not have been expecting it since he was flung into several empty barrels, causing them to shatter. This did knock the stallion out, but when she turned to face the mare, she was gone. Instead, she’d somehow gotten over to where Revan was, lifting him up in her magic and snarling at the remaining two. “That’s enough!”

Tobias, having just struck the earth pony with his sword and knocking said pony out, held out his swords towards the mare while Sunset lowered her head, her horn ignited. The mare, however, didn’t react. Instead, a small bit of her magic wrapped around Revan’s wrists, moving them behind his back. Revan twitched a bit and he began to thrash about. Sunset was about to fire her own magic but Tobias placed a claw on her withers. “Easy now,” he said, “no need for any more violence.”

“Shut up, cat!” the mare bellowed, moving the arms back further, causing Revan to move around further.

Tobias dropped his rapiers and raised his arms. “No need to go further. We surrender.”

Sunset looked up at Tobias incredulously. She knew she could take this mare out with a flash, but when she saw the mare’s spell, she realized that if she tried anything, the mare could snap Revan’s arms out of a reflex of sorts once her magic struck the mare. With an angry snort, she stood and deignited her horn. With that, she felt herself being pushed into the ground. Next to her, Tobias was pushed down by the now recovered larger earth pony stallion. The two pegasi she’d brought down were the ones holding her down.

The mare smirked in triumph, causing rage to build within Sunset. She knew she was stronger than this pathetic pony, but she had the upper hoof in this situation and with Revan in danger, any move could cause this clearly violent mare to cause further pain to Revan. She watched as the mare brought the masked figure down, forcing him to his knees. “Now then, let’s see just what kind of freak we have underneath that mask of yours, huh?”

Tobias’ eyes went wide and he struggled against his captor. “No! Don’t!”

The mare turned and looked with a smirk at Tobias. “And just why should I listen to you?”

“His face…can’t be seen,” Tobias said. “It’s too dangerous to be seen! Anyone who looks into his real eyes will be turned to stone!”

The mare stared silently at Tobias before throwing her head back and laughing hard. “The gorgon is an old mare’s tale,” she said with derision, “and besides, where are his snakes?” She turned and her magic enveloped Revan’s mask, only to vanish and seem to seep into the mask. “The buck…?”

“Don’t remove his mask!” Tobias shouted in a more desperate tone.

“I wonder what secrets you’re hiding under that mask of yours?” the mare said, ignoring the abyssinian. She turned to the second earth pony stallion who was just coming to. “You! Pull this mask off for me!”

The earth pony shook his head swiftly, blinking a few times before walking up and placing both hooves on either side of Revan’s mask. He pulled, but nothing seemed to give. With a grunt, he tried again but failed. A third attempt sent him sprawling back as he lost the grip on the mask.

“Pathetic,” she growled as she reached out with her magic once more, trying to tear it off. Once again, though, the magic seeped into the mask. Enraged, the pony let him go, then turned and bucked the figure square in the chest. This sent Revan flying into a wall that led down an alley.

“Revan!” Tobias shouted in terror as he tried his best to break free, but the ponies were too strong for him.

The mare trotted over to the alley and looked in. Her horn began glowing, and Sunset saw the telltale signs of dark magic begin forming around her horns and eyes. “This is for-”

A loud CRACK rang out, and the mare’s horn shattered. She screamed in pain as she rolled around, the empty spot on her forehead that was her horn bleeding all over the ground. Sunset felt the grip on her loosen. Using this opportunity, she created a magic shield around her that flung the two pegasi off of her before she blasted the earth pony off of Tobias.

The abyssinian wasted no time in picking up his rapiers and rushing towards the alley. He looked in and his eyes widened in horror. He ran into said alley. Sunset stood and looked around, seeing that there were some local town guards finally showing their worthless flanks. One of them looked at the bleeding and now unconscious mare, then back at Sunset. “What happened here?”

“Um…these seven here attacked this pony and her friends,” Twilight, who had only come back to consciousness just a few moments before, stepped forward and gestured to Sunset. “They were trying to defend me and these seven attacked.”

The guard looked at the mare who was now being tended to by a corpspony. Shaking his head, he said, “These ponies have been nothing but trouble since the day they moved here. Looks like trouble finally caught up with them.”

At that moment, Tobias came out from the alley, holding the still masked Revan. There may have been no fur or scales showing from the masked being, but the way he hung showed that he was seriously injured. Twilight looked over and her eyes shot open in horror. “Is he okay?” she asked Tobias.

“No,” he said, “he’s been injured by ponies. Again.” Tobias sounded bitter at the accusation before he took a deep breath and exhaled.

“One of our corsponies can have a look at him,” the guard said.

Tobias shook his head fervently. “No. He can’t be seen by anyone. He doesn’t like showing anyone but me his face. Besides, magical means of healing don’t work on him as effectively as they would you or me.”

The guard frowned at this. “I see.”

“We’ll need to stay the night somewhere,” Tobias said, turning to the guard. “Does this town have an inn?”

“Not yet,” the guard said.

“Um…you could stay with me for the night,” Twilight said, raising a hesitant hoof. “I live in the town lighthouse and there are a couple spare rooms where you could sleep.”

Sunset bristled at this. She didn’t like to be beholden to this fraudulent ex-princess. Still, she was the newbie in this group, so she had to defer to the other two. Looking up at Tobias, she saw to her dismay that he was looking down at Twilight with a thoughtful expression on his face. After a few seconds, he sighed and nodded. “Do you have a bath that can fit us? I may need to do some sort of work on Revan and I’ll need a place to lay him down and wash him.”

Twilight nodded before turning to the guards. “I’ll take them to my house.”

The guard frowned at his, but nodded before turning to Tobias and Revan. “I realize I can’t ask you to stay and give your testimony against this attack,” he said, looking at the ponies who were now being arrested, “but I hope that we can talk to you later about this incident.”

“No promises,” Tobias said. “After all, we have to get back to our home and get another job as soon as possible.”

“Understood.” The guard then turned to the others. “Get them to the hospital, but under guard!”

As the guards continued cleaning up the mess, Sunset looked at the nervous looking purple alicorn. She was looking up in the direction of the Apple farm, but then turned back to the group. “I’ll show you to the house.” With that, she turned and began walking down the street, heading up towards the edge of town.

Sunset followed, keeping a close eye on Revan and Tobias. The former was limping slightly but being held up by the abyssinian. She sighed and walked beside the two. This wasn’t how she expected her return to Equestria to go.

The nurse looked down at the now hornless unicorn mare lying on the bed. A half hour ago, the local town guards had brought this mare in along with the shattered remains of her horn in the hopes that the doctors could use the reconstitution spell to put it back together. However, every time they tried, the pieces of the horn would always lose their cohesion several seconds later. It was as if the magic holding the horn together would vanish, leaving nothing but the discarded pieces of the horn. Even when they tried to put the horn itself back together, the same thing happened. If the doctors couldn’t do something soon, this pony would never have a horn again.

Currently, the pieces of the horn were being kept inside a bucket of ice and the broken horn, after being cleaned and wrapped up, was being kept cold with an ice pack. The other stallions who’d been brought in were being treated for some less severe injuries, although one of them had cuts that weren’t able to be healed by the standard magic healing spells. The other injuries, while minor, were in a sense unusual. It took a bit more magic to heal them than other similar injuries.

The nurse left the room to grab something. She headed to a storage closet to grab more gauze when she overheard two doctors talking. She paused and listened in, recognizing the voices of doctors Charlie Horse and Neck Brace.

“…you sure about that? The description of that third creature that they attacked sounds like…you know…” Dr. Brace said.

“Look, I’ve been around a bit more than most ponies,” Doctor Horse said, “and there is no intelligent creature in the world with five talons or appendages on each claw or paw. Dragons have four talons, abyssinians have four, hippogriffs have four, you see my point? This creature had five on each. Sounds familiar?”

“Not rea-” Doctor Brace paused and there was a pregnant silence between the two. “You don’t think…”

“I don’t know to be honest,” Doctor Horse said, “but if this creature is one, it would make sense why he would hide his entire body. After what happened to the first one, wouldn’t you be cautious?”

“I suppose that makes sense,” Doctor Brace said, “I mean, the whole world knows what this town did to Jason, so if another human did show up, he’d know about it more than likely.”

The nurse’s ears perked up at this. Was she hearing right? Was one of the victims of the assault really…a human…? She listened closer, but the voices faded away as the doctors turned a corner. She waited for a bit before she grabbed the gauze and trotted down the hall back to the medical ward. As she did so, she looked down at the bottom of her left hoof. A single black spot was tattooed onto the bottom. She smirked as she put it back down.

She would need to report this. Perhaps in time, they could determine whether or not this mystery creature was another human. Because, if so, they could move things along much faster. Especially since human bodies had absolutely no magic, the use of a living human would be…interesting.

Her superior had to be notified of this immediately. Her majesty would definitely be quite intrigued. It could throw a wrench into her plans for Equestria, after all…

6: Where The Shadows Lie

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“So…here we are…” Twilight said, gesturing forward to the large lighthouse in front of them. Looking back at her newfound guests, she saw that the one in the mask and all black clothes was still leaning on the abyssinian, only now he seemed a bit weaker. Not that she could tell just by looking, but by the way the masked being slumped against his companion, it seemed like she was right.

The abyssinian didn’t look around too much as his attention was focused on his masked partner. In a distracted tone, he asked, “Where’s the bathroom?”

Twilight quickly showed him the larger first level bathroom. He thanked her, then closed and locked the door. Twilight could hear the worried tone of the abyssinian from inside and the discarding of clothes. She moved away and looked back to the pony member of the group. They’d been in such a hurry to get to Twilight’s house that she hadn’t had the time to get their names. “So…can I get you something to drink? I have water, milk, some remnants of apple cider from when I used to-”

“Water will do,” the orange unicorn said with a sharp edge to her voice as she looked at the living room before walking over to the nearby couch.

Twilight, now used to harsh tones used by ponies when speaking towards her, simply nodded and went into the kitchen, grabbed four glasses, filled a pitcher full of water, then levitated them all out, placing them on the coffee table before pouring water into two of them. She levitated one over to the unicorn, who took it without a word and began drinking while looking out of the window.

“…I never really introduced myself,” Twilight said, feeling a bit awkward due to the silence. At one point, she had no issues with silence, but now there was always a part of her that craved some sort of interaction with other ponies. The nurse was alright, but she wanted more. “My name is-”

“I know who you are, former Sovereign of Friendship,” the unicorn said with a hint of hostility in her tone before she took a breath and looked back to face Twilight. “The whole world knows who you are.”

Twilight’s ears crashed against her head. Sometimes she forgot that she and her former friends had been ousted by her former teacher and the Princess of Equestria. Her name had become infamous throughout Equestria and synonymous with failure. Not only that, but being called a former Sovereign instead of a Princess hurt even more somehow. It was the first time she’d ever been called that. “R-Right…I should have remembered that.”

The unicorn looked at Twilight with a scowl before she let out a small sigh. “Sunset Shimmer. That’s my name.”

Twilight nodded at her, giving the unicorn her best smile while sipping her water. “If my magic senses haven’t been dulled, then I must say that you feel like a powerful unicorn, Sunset,” she said.

“I know I am,” Sunset said as she swallowed half of the contents of the glass before putting it down.

Twilight slightly bit her lower lip, wondering what else to talk about. She took a deep breath. “Thank you…for earlier…you three didn’t have to jump in and save me.”

“Believe me, if it were up to me, I wouldn’t have,” Sunset said, “but Revan stepped in and when Tobias joined him, I figured I would need to get involved as well.”

“Revan…is that the masked biped with you?” Twilight asked.

“And Tobias is the abyssinian,” Sunset said.

Twilight nodded. “Well, thank you for trying to defend me, even if you didn’t want to.”

Sunset’s jaw clenched and she muttered, “Don’t mention it…ever…”

At that moment, the front door opened. Twilight turned to see the nurse walking in with her normal smile on her face. She looked over at Twilight and waved. “Good afternoon, Miss Sparkle,” she greeted, “and how are you doing-?” She paused when she saw Sunset Shimmer. “Oh! Hello! I was unaware we had guests.”

“It was a bit sudden,” Twilight admitted, “but she and her companions needed a place to stay for the night.”

“Hi, nurse,” Sunset said before nodding at the older pony.

The nurse had a surprised look on her face. “Well, this is unlike you, Miss Sparkle,” she said before looking around. “Where are the others?”

“One of them got injured in an incident in town,” Twilight briefly explained, “so they’re in the bathroom with the other one being treated for some injuries.”

The nurse’s smile vanished and she looked at the locked door. “Why didn’t you say so?!” She galloped to the door and knocked on it. “Hello? I heard one of you got hurt? I’m a nurse, so I can help.”

The voice of Tobias came through the door. “Thanks for the offer, but I can handle things here.”

“I’m well trained in helping heal ponies,” the nurse insisted.

“We’re not ponies,” Tobias replied before they heard a grunting noise and Tobias saying, “Easy, easy…”

“I can still help,” the nurse said, sounding more worried now.

“Nurse, leave them be,” Twilight said. “It sounds like Tobias has things handled.”

The nurse looked unsure, but slowly nodded. “Well, alright, but I’m always here if you need help. Do you need medical supplies?”

There was silence for a few seconds, then Tobias said, “Some bandages and maybe something to sterilize wounds would be useful, please.”

The nurse’s eyes widened and she nodded. “I’ll be right back!” So saying, she galloped out of the room, heading down a nearby hallway.

“Who’s the pony in the nurse getup?” Sunset asked with some amusement in her voice.

Twilight’s ears fell back against her head once more as she turned back to Sunet. “She’s…my personal nurse…” she explained.

“To keep you from going insane again?” Sunset asked with a small smirk. When Twilight nodded, Sunset chuckled. “I see old Sunny hasn’t changed. She’s still coddling you, her former ‘faithful student’.” She made air quotes with her hooves.

Twilight’s eyebrows show up in confusion. “Princesss Celestia ‘hasn’t changed’? What do you mean?”

Sunset’s smile faded into a scowl. “That’s none of your damned business,” she snapped.

Twilight recoiled at the sudden hostility and cursing, but calmed herself. “Sorry,” she said.

Sunset scoffed at this, and there were a few more seconds of silence, broken only by the nurse coming back and giving what Tobias had requested to the abyssinian. She then asked the two in the living room if she could get them anything, but Sunset just shook her head and Twilight did as well. She then left the room, leaving it in more awkward silence. A few minutes passed by and eventually Sunset sighed. “So…from sovereign to lighthouse keeper.” She looked around. “Still looks like you’re doing good.”

Twilight shrugged a bit. “It keeps me busy,” she said, “and it’s a necessary job.”

“Can’t imagine many ships come by here at all,” Sunset said, looking out of the window that faced the ocean.

“A hooffull do pass by, we do get ships coming in every now and then,” Twilight explained.

“That’s surprising,” Sunset said, still looking at the ocean.

“Yeah…well most of what they bring is shipped to Zephyr Heights,” Twilight said.

“Never heard of it,” Sunset said, a small hint of curiosity in her voice.

“It’s a new pegasus settlement close to us,” Twilight said, “a Cloudsdale colony. They live on the cliffside.”

Sunset looked a bit more curious now. “A cliffside settlement. That’s not something you see in Equestria every day.”

Twilight heard the sarcasm dripping from her voice and nodded. “Yes…true.” She didn’t want to antagonize this pony any more than she apparently already had just by existing. She tried desperately to change the subject, and she thought back to Sunset’s display of magic. “I have to say, you seem to be a very powerful mage. It’s rare to see ponies who have that kind of skill.”

Sunset smirked. “I’ve only grown stronger since I left Equestria,” she said haughtily. Twilight didn’t like this as it reminded her of how prideful Trixie had been before, but she let the unicorn continue, especially since unlike Trixie, this unicorn could clearly back her claims up. “There are secrets of magic all across the world that have been lost to time. I’ve found a few of them and mastered their spells. I’ve even heard rumors of ancient pony relics from even before the Dark Age of Ponydom.”

Twilight tilted her head, ears perked forward. “Before?”

Sunset chuckled in amusement. “You didn’t learn about the times before we were pulled apart? The times when we lived in some semblance of harmony before the Dark Age? You never heard about the ancient Dream Valley? The Six Wands of the Six Princesses? Tambelon?”

Twilight shook her head. “I never saw anything about it during my studies when I was Princess Celestia’s student.”

Sunset scoffed. “Typical. You probably never even heard about the mythical Megan Williams, then.”

Twilight’s ears perked up. “May Gan Williams?”

Sunset shook her head. “Megan Williams.”

Twilight said the name a few times, eventually wrapping her tongue around the strange sounding name. “Can you…tell me more?”

Sunset snorted a bit, then shrugged. “Eh, sure. Got nothing better to do.”

“What’s going on out here?”

The two turned to see Tobias walking out with Revan leaning slightly against the abyssinian. Revan didn’t look any different, but Twilight suspected that the bandages were underneath his clothes. She stood up. “How are you two doing?”

Tobias gave a small smile. “We’re alright. I just had a few scrapes and bruises, but Revan here took a bigger beating than I did.”

“I can cast that healing spell again if you like,” Sunset offered.

Tobias looked at Revan with a confused expression. “Again?”

Revan looked at him and nodded. “She cast a spell that did help a bit.

“It’s just draining for me, but I can manage,” Sunset said.

“I know some healing spells, too,” Twilight spoke up. “It’s my fault you got hurt, so if you’re okay with it, then I can try and help.”

“Revan’s body doesn’t react the way you’d think when magic is cast on him,” Tobias explained as he led Revan to an open spot on the couch where he sat the masked figure down.

“It did feel strange, but he said it helped,” Sunset said.

“I have a lot of magic reserves, so I can help too,” Twilight added. This earned her a glare from Sunset, but she didn’t care. All she wanted to do was help the being who had defended her when nopony else had done so in a long while.

Tobias looked at the unicorn and alicorn duo, then back at Revan, who nodded. “Well…alright.”

Twilight and Sunset began casting a healing spell on Revan, and Twilight could immediately tell that Revan was no ordinary creature. The magic she was pouring into him seemed to vanish and drain into him. Still, she continued pouring her magic into him and as she did so, Revan slowly sat up and began flexing his arms and legs. He touched a few spots on his arms and even gently touched the side of his head. When Twilight couldn’t keep going, she stopped, as did Sunset. Looking up, Twilight asked, “Did…that help?”

Revan stood and walked around the room, lifting his legs and rolling his arms a bit before he turned. “Yes. Thank you.

Twilight felt relief wash over her as Revan sat back down. She then gestured to the two empty glasses on the table. “Here’s some water for you, if you’d like some.”

Tobias nodded and poured a glass before offering it to Revan, who simply shook his head and said, “I’m alright, thank you.

“So, what exactly were you two talking about before we came out here?” Tobias asked before taking a sip of the water.

“I was just about to inform this former sovereign about Megan Williams,” Sunset said with a smirk.

Twilight winced, but also saw Revan apparently react to this. He looked over at Sunset and spoke. “You know about her?

Sunset’s gaze shot over to Revan. “You know about her?!”

Bits and pieces,” Revan said, “but tell me what you know.

Twilight turned to Sunset, her curiosity piqued once more. Sunset still looked a bit stunned by Revan’s apparent knowledge of this strange Megan Williams, but she cleared her throat. “So, I don’t know too much about her,” she began, “but the books I found on her all say something similar. According to ancient myths and legends, she and her brother Daniel Williams and her sister Molly Williams came to our world many thousands of years ago from a distant land. Back then, apparently the sun and moon moved on their own and the ponies lived in some large valley in a semblance of harmony.”

Dream Valley.

Everyone looked at Revan, but none more so than Sunset, who looked shocked. “How did you know?”


No one spoke for a bit before Sunset cleared her throat. “Well, anyway, these three siblings were summoned many times to help deal with issues before the Dark Age of Ponydom.”

“What kind of issues?” Tobias asked.

Sunset paused and thought for a bit. “I didn’t get too far into the book before I put it down. I wasn’t interested in ancient pony history at the time. I did see a drawing somepony made of them, though.”

“What did they look like?” Twilight asked, her curiosity starting to get the better of her.

Sunset smirked, then raised her horn. A large mist rose from her horn and created an image of a dimly lit page of a book. To Twilight’s shock, there were three bipedal figures there. Three human figures. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Revan lean forward, his head turned upwards to look at the magical display. Twilight’s eyes were wide as saucers as she took in the well drawn image of the three humans. She had no means of judging their ages, but with the depictions of several other ponies standing and smiling next to the three (including one that looks a lot like Applejack) she figured that the depictions were accurate. They looked about as old as Jason Wright had been, as they towered over the ponies below. Oddly enough, there was a small dragon there who looked somewhat similar to Spike, albeit with lighter pink scales instead of the darker purple her Spike had.

Firefly, Applejack, Twilight, Bow Tie, Spike, Megan, Daniel, and Molly.” Everyone turned to Revan who was now standing and facing the image with his arms crossed as he looked it over.

“The book didn’t mention the names of those ponies and that dragon,” Sunset said, “so how do you know their names?” Revan simply looked at Sunset, the bright glow of his glowing eyes seeming to stare into Sunset’s soul. Twilight saw Sunset shiver very slightly as she added, “That’s for you to know, eh? Fine.”

“So…does this mean that Jason Wright wasn’t the first human to come to our world?” Tobias asked.

“Seems that way,” Sunset said as she dispelled the image, although Twilight noted that she was still looking suspiciously at Revan, at least for a few more seconds. She turned back to Twilight. “Guess three humans got along well with our ancestors, so I wonder why the first human to visit us in thousands of years was forced to kill himself to escape the pain and suffering you inflicted on him, hmm?”

Twilight’s ears drooped again as the immense guilt of her actions and subsequent inaction mounted up against her once again. She barely heard the scolding tone of Tobias as she looked down at the glass of water in her magical grip, the ice inside having melted already. She jumped a bit when she felt a warm and tender paw on her back. Looking up, she saw Tobias looking down at her with a somewhat sad smile. “Sorry about Sunset,” he said. “She tends to be…opinionated.”

Looking around, Twilight noticed that Sunset was now gone, leaving only her and the other two mercenaries. She put the glass down on the coffee table and sighed. “She’s not wrong…I messed up big time.”

“That doesn’t excuse her words, or what happened to you earlier,” Tobias said as he grabbed the box of donuts he’d carried with him earlier along with Revan. He opened it up and placed it on the table. “A thank you for letting us stay here.”

Twilight shook her head. “It’s really nothing,” she said, “if anything, you deserve a place to stay after helping me when you didn’t need to. And speaking of, I do have a couple of spare rooms where you can stay. I’ll show you to them.” With that, she headed upstairs, leading them to the few spare rooms that were in the house.

Celestia rubbed her eyes as she looked at the jumble of letters in front of her, trying to make sense of the dancing words on the scrolls in front of her on the desk. The sun had long since set, leaving the night sky crystal clear thanks to the nightly weather crew dispersing clouds above the capital of the kingdom.

She couldn’t even remember just what she was reading over, but she thought it was something to do with the crop yield from Appleloosa being lower than it ever had been. With Sweet Apple Acres becoming defunct from the unusual disease that had struck the entire farm, the other farms around the southern part of Equestria had to step up, at least for a while. Not only that, but Celestia feared that they may have to dip into the royal granaries to keep food costs down so that they wouldn’t have to export food from elsewhere around the world, especially since the other nations had begun to look on the nation with unfavorable eyes.

There was a flash of bright blue light, and her sister was there. She wore her standard regalia and had a frown on her muzzle. “Sister, are you still up?” she asked with a concerned tone, “I believe it’s long past time for you to retire.”

“I was going to retire, but then the events with Jason happened, and-”

“I meant retire for the night,” Luna corrected her.

Celestia felt her cheeks get warm. “Oh, that.” She looked at her paperwork. “I was just about to…” she yawned at this, then cleared her throat, “…finishing up.”

Luna looked over her shoulder at the paperwork that Celestia was looking over. “Now, I admit I’m still a thousand years out of touch when it comes to certain aspects of ruling, but I don’t think that Apple is spelled with a Z.”

Celestia looked at the paperwork again, then sighed when she saw the spelling error. Quickly fixing it with her magic, she continued on. “Did you come to say something, sister?” Celestia asked, growing a bit annoyed now.

“Yes. I’m putting you to bed.” Luna raised her horn and the stacks of paper in front of Celestia vanished in a flash.

Celestia turned and gave her sister a glare. “I wasn’t done!”

“You’re done for tonight,” Luna said sternly. “Now get to bed.”

“Don’t tell me what to do,” Celestia said hotly, “you’re not Mother!”

“You’ve been sleeping poorly for weeks now, and it’s starting to show,” Luna said without a hint of fear. “It’s beginning to affect you. You’re getting up later than normal, you’ve missed raising the sun a number of times meaning I’ve had to do it, you’ve started losing your temper more according to Prince Blueblood and some other nobleponies, and more.”

Celestia quickly stood and stared down at her sister. She was growing furious now. First Discord comes and tells her the news about Sunset and now this?! She tried to cool herself down, but with only partial success. “Luna,” she began through gritted teeth, “this kingdom is on the decline. I’m trying my best to keep things from ripping apart at the seams. I have too much to do, and the only pony I trust to help me is you!”

Luna shook her head. “There are other ponies around who can aid you,” she said, “but you’ve gotten too hooves-on in the past two years. Has the death of Jason Wright affected you so much that you are unable to trust anypony?”

“Three years, Luna, three damned years!” Celestia shouted before standing and pacing the bedroom. “There were guards in the town, the mayor could have reported it to me, even my former student ignored him and didn’t mention a word of this! I know you would have told me everything, but all of Ponyville just ignored and abused him without my knowing!” She collapsed onto her bed and screamed into a pillow before sitting back up. “It started with me. I trusted my little ponies too much. I thought they were better…”

“Not everypony is like Ponyville,” Luna said, slowly approaching the solar princess with a softer expression. “There are many good ponies out there. Some are even in our court. Look at Lord Fancy Pants and his wife Lady Fleur De Lis. Lady Noblesse Oblige, too. Those three are some of the amazing nobles who have done so much good for Equestria, and they’re not alone. You’re taking too much on, and you’re losing sleep because of it.”

Celestia paused a bit. She didn’t want to admit it, but she knew her sister was right. While she did trust Luna to be there for her, she still had lost one thousand years of experience thanks to being trapped in the moon. Luna had proven herself over and over again, and Celestia was grateful for it. Still, she thought about what Luna was saying. Luna sat there patiently while Celestia thought. Minutes passed.

At that moment, a chiropteran pony, otherwise known as a bat pony, stepped from out of the corner of the room where the shadows lay. Her sudden appearance made Celestia’s heart leap out of her chest and she nearly jumped but caught herself. She put a hoof to her chest and looked at the chiropteran mare. “Misty Dawnfire, if I’m not mistaken.”

The chiropteran nodded quickly. “You got it right on the first try this time, Princess,” she said, sounding impressed. She turned to Luna and bowed respectfully. “Greetings, your Highness.”

“Greetings, Miss Dawnfire,” Luna said. “What brings you to our sister’s royal chambers so late at night?”

“Apologies for the late arrival, Princess,” she said to Celestia, “but I have a report from some of our agents in the field, one from Dodge City and the other from Maretime Bay. I felt neither could wait.”

Celestia’s ears swiveled forward as she directed her full attention to the chiropteran agent. “What do you have to report?” she asked.

Misty cleared her throat and faced both princesses. “From what the agent in Dodge City has been able to gather, there was an unusual incident in that town a couple or so years ago. They couldn’t get a clear year number. A strange bipedal creature tried to enter the town but the ponies there, led by one Cherry Jubilee, chased the creature out of town a number of times despite said creature claiming to not mean any harm and just wanting to both be friends and to be trying to find his way to Ponyville. The last time, the creature fled south.”

Celestia’s ears dropped at this. It was just another example of her ponies and their increasing intolerance for anything other than themselves. However, something in Misty’s explanation caught Luna’s attention. “Bipedal, you say?” Luna asked. What manner of creature was it? Dragon? Abyssinian? Goblin?”

Misty shook her head. “Judging from the description, it sounds like this creature may have been a human.”

Celestia’s eyes went wide in alarm and she stood up. “A human?!”

“When was this incident??” Luna asked, now fully on alert.

“Sounds like it happened shortly after Jason’s suicide,” Misty said, “but the agent in the field had conflicting reports. Still, they all agree on the description. Pale pink-ish skin, five digits on the hands, forward facing eyes and somewhat of a gorilla-ish appearance by some. The ones who did speak about it said that it wasn’t Jason, but the features were similar. They believed the human was male, though.”

Celestia’s heart began to race. Another human in their world? What could have happened to him? She mentally pulled up a map of Dodge City and its surroundings. If this human, were it a human, were chased away and headed south, he would have headed directly to the Badlands, a lawless piece of desert where Equestria had no jurisdiction. She inhaled deeply. “Have you dispatched anypony to Thornfall?”

“Already done, Princess,” Misty said. “Several of our undercover ponies are flying there now.”

Celestia nodded. Thornfall was the only city out in that deadly desert. There were no other settlements out there except for farms that collected clouds from the sky to provide water for the city. These moisture farmers, as they called themselves, were usually pegasi or griffons, had several farms all over the Badlands where they brought clouds down near the ground where they made the clouds rain into large troughs of land. The majority of this water was then redirected to Thornfall while they kept the rest for themselves.

Clearing her throat, Celestia looked back at Misty. “Does your undercover operative know what to do if they make contact with this creature, if it is indeed a human?”

“The Wright Protocol, yes Princess,” Misty said.

“Good,” Celestia said with relief. “What’s the other news?”

“Our agent in Maretime Bay reported that the Apple family from Ponyville made it there safe and sound with the help of a group of mercenaries,” Misty said. “They did seem to have some trouble on the road, but other than that they seem to be settling in well.”

Celestia nodded. She would send out an official to offer aid from the kingdom to help pay for anything they might need to help them rebuild. “Good to hear.”

“There was something else of note from that town,” Misty said.

Celestia’s relief turned to concern when she saw Misty’s uncertain expression. “What is it?”

“Twilight Sparkle was assaulted by a group of several ponies,” Misty said.

Celestia shot out of her seat. “Assaulted?!”

“Is she okay?” Luna asked in a calmer demeanor.

“From what we know, she made it out relatively unscathed,” Misty said, “but a few other creatures stepped into the fight to defend her. A unicorn mare, an abyssinian male, and a masked figure. Apparently, those three were the mercenaries that escorted the Apple family from Ponyville to Maretime Bay.”

Celestia was relieved to hear that Twilight was alright. Despite everything, she still did care for her former student. It had hurt to see her in that mental institution for those two years, but she needed the help. “I see. Is there anything else?”

“The pony of the group matched the description of a pony of interest you gave us a few years ago,” Misty said. “One Sunset Shimmer.”

Celestia felt her knees go weak. Whether it was from how tired she was or from shock or even a mixture of both she couldn’t say, but then she thought back to what the eyepatch wearing Discord had told her earlier. Oddly enough, she focused on the words Discord had said about one of Sunset’s new companions instead of her. Why did they stick out to her? She shook her head clear of these thoughts. “Have our pony in the field there keep an eye on her. When she leaves, try and keep tabs on her.” She hated doing this, but she was worried about Sunset. If this pony was Sunset, Celestia wanted to make sure that her former student was kept safe. Sunset might hate her for this, but at the moment, Celestia could live with it. She’d rather have Sunset alive and hating her than harmed.

“As you command, Princess,” Misty said.

“Is there anything else you have for us?” Luna asked.

“A hospital report and a guard incident report from Maretime Bay,” Misty said, reaching into a saddlebag and pulling out a folder. “It’s about the leader of the ponies who led the assault on Sparkle.”

Celestia took it and read it over, Luna standing next to her and reading alongside her. Celestia’s brow furling further with each sentence she read. For a unicorn to lose a horn at such a young age was truly horrible, but modern day medicine had progressed far enough so that if doctors were quick enough, a horn or any other severed limb could be replaced without permanent damage. However, this was an unusual report to say the least. If whatever weapon had been used on this unicorn was used again, it could spell certain disaster.

Fortunately, it seemed as if this weapon was used in self-defense by one of the mercenaries, at least according to the witness reports she saw from the guard report. She put the papers on her desk. “Thank you, Misty. Was there anything else?”

“No, Princess,” Misty said.

“Then you’re dismissed.”

“Thank you, Princess.” With that, the chiropteran bowed respectfully to the princesses and slid back into the shadows, disappearing as their kind tended to do. Celestia leaned back in her chair and rubbed her eyes with her hooves. Things were happening at a rapid pace, and she didn’t like it.

Luna looked over the papers and then raised her horn. They all disappeared in an instant before she turned to Celestia. “I will begin dealing with this issue this very night,” Luna said, “so you go to sleep.”

Celestia, too tired to argue with her sister anymore as their earlier brief fight had taken a lot out of her, simply nodded and collapsed onto her bed. She felt a sheet being pulled over her before she too passed out.

The northern mountains beyond the Crystal Empire were devoid of any habitation. Not even during the summer months did the sunlight melt the snow at the bottom of the mountains. Ancient glaciers covered these mountains, growing every year. One particular glacier had formed much faster than the rest, having created a massive dome of ice over a vast valley below. Over the centuries, the massive dome of ice was covered by snowfall after snowfall until the valley was covered in nothing but darkness.

However, even within said darkness there was light. A single cave existed with a pair of stone doors that led down into a vast but empty cavernous city. The dark icy blue light that came from the ceiling above illuminated the ancient city below. A city inhabited by nopony for over two thousand years.

In one corner of the ancient city were signs of recent habitation. A ruddy warm light came from inside and smoke came from the recently refurbished mansion’s chimney. It was towards this mansion that Obscura flew, her dark wings buzzing behind her as the mare landed quietly in front of the door. Two burly stallion guards saw her and quietly opened the doors for her. Instantly she heard tortured female screams. She smirked as she walked through the recently cleaned hideout into the main area where she saw two other stallions, their wings buzzing and creating a gust of localized wind that was pulling a certain changeling queen’s legs in different directions. Standing on a dais nearby was a tall, elegant mare who had her features covered by a pure white hooded cloak.

As Obscura walked in, she heard Chrysalis shout out, “Please! No more! I can’t take it!”

“Then you will tell us what you had planned for Equestria,” one of the interrogators demanded.

Chrysalis was sobbing by this point, and Obscura saw that she looked thinner than before she left to talk with her Maretime Bay contact. “I-I swear we weren’t planning anything!” she whimpered.

“That’s a filthy lie, you worthless insect,” the other interrogator growled, rearing up and smashing his hoof into her exoskeleton, breaking it and exposing the dark green blood within. Chrysalis’ eyes went wide and she went limp, clearly overstimulated. She wasn’t knocked out, but she was lying there in excruciating pain.

“Now why did the two of you do that?” the hooded mare asked in a soft voice. She didn’t sound mad. Instead, she sounded like a disappointed mother who was about to scold her foals. “You went too far.”

The two stallions quickly bowed. “Forgive us, your majesty,” one of them said regretfully.

The mare waved a hoof. “Never mind that. She’s clearly in no mood to talk anymore. Stand aside.” As the mare stood, the stallions stepped away, as did Obscura. Obscura knew her queen well enough that she could tell when the golden shoe wearing mare would be using her incredible magic. She watched as underneath the white hood a bright pale purple magical glow began to be seen. She waited to hear their majesty speak. And speak she did.

Thy heart is cruel,
and you’re a fool
to challenge our future throne.”

Thy punishment thus,
no need for a fuss,
as art you shall atone.

Chrysalis tried to move, but was unable to as the magic surrounded her. She was lifted up into the air and moved towards a blank canvas hanging on the wall. She tried to beg and plead for her life, but nothing seemed to sway the hooded mare as Chrysalis sank into the canvas. There was a flash of light as she completely vanished, only to be replaced by an oil painting of a terrified looking Chrysalis, both hooves pressing against the painting as if trying to break free. However, she was now trapped forever in a painting, unable to move.

The tall, elegant and cloaked mare then turned her attention to Obscura. “And which one of my dear ponies are you, young one?”

“Obscura, your majesty,” the young gray mare said with a bow and a buzz of her black wings.

From beneath the hood, the elegant mare chuckled warmly. “Ah yes, I remember you. The Maretime Bay branch. I wasn’t expecting a report from you for another week. Is something wrong?”

“I received a communique from our contact,” Obscura reported, reaching into a small saddlebag on her back and pulling out a clean white folded note.

The note was taken up in a pale purple aura and unfolded before being brought closer to their queen. She read the node and then softly folded it back before turning back to sit in her throne, the golden coated shoes ringing out melodiously through the empty halls. When she sat down, she leaned back and removed her hood and cloak, revealing the horn and wings of their queen. Her dark purple eyes looked thoughtful as her blue striped mane and tail blew in the ethereal wind behind her. “This is most interesting…I have not seen one since the time…of…” Turning to Obscura, she asked, “Have you confirmed this sighting yourself?”

“Yes, your majesty,” Obscura said. “The human, if indeed it is a human, has been taken in by former princess Twilight Sparkle.”

“‘If it is a human’? What do you mean?” the alicorn asked.

“Your majesty, this bipedal creature is covered in black clothes and wears a mask unlike anything I’ve ever seen,” Obscura reported. “His entire body is covered so we can’t get a good look. He has five digits on each appendage, though.”

“Then he’s a human,” the alicorn said. She stood and walked over to a massive mirror hanging on a nearby wall.

“What are your orders, my queen?” Obscura asked.

The alicorn held up her hoof, then reached out to touch the sides of the mirror. In a tender voice she began to chant once again.

Oh, magic mirror of mystique
reveal the truth to me.
A view of Maretime Bay I seek;
a human I wish to see.

The darkened mirror’s surface began to softly glow, then swirling clouds swarmed around the reflection. The scene on its surface shifted to reveal a room at night. There were two figures sitting on the edge of a bed. One was clearly an abyssinian with black fur, and the other was a hooded figure wearing nothing but black. A mask lay on a nearby table, but the mirror was unable to see the face of the hooded being.

G, is there any reason why you continue to act like that?” the abyssinian asked. “The mysterious act is getting a bit old.

The figure seemed to sigh, then reached up with a gloved hand and removed the hood, revealing a familiar type of face. By now, everypony in Equestria knew what Jason Wright looked like due to his features being drawn by artists, and while this human wasn’t quite the same, the features were identifiable. This human had a few scars on his pale face, light blue eyes, long brown hair that was damp from sweat, and a tired but stern expression on his face. “If I don’t use that mask, I’d have been killed long ago,” the human replied.

G, it’s not the mask that makes you,” the abyssinian said in a reassuring tone. “You’re a good mercenary on your own without using that mask.

I’m not ready to give up the mask,” the human simply known as ‘G’ replied, “and I’m a mediocre mercenary at best. Besides, the mask makes people fear me. It gets the job done a lot easier.

Is this because of that comment I made about you being knocked around a lot?” the abyssinian asked. “Don’t forget, you saved me during our mission to-

That mission was mostly me stumbling around looking for that fucking relic that was dust in the end,” the human replied in a testy tone, “and as I recall, I stumbled into more traps than was necessary.

Nobody’s good during their first few jobs,” the abyssinian said in a reassuring tone, “and besides, you were still recovering from dehydration and being chased out of Equestria by those ponies.

That caught Obscura’s attention, and it also seemed to catch the attention of the queen. He was chased out of Equestria? What for? Was he dangerous? Was it their fear? She was curious to learn more so she continued to listen. The human spoke again. “The fact still stands that I’m not the best mercenary. We’re barely making ends meet as it is, and we’re about to lose our home.

Then let’s go somewhere else,” Tobias suggested.

And do what? I’m an unknown here, and people fear that which they don’t understand.” The human sounded resigned to his fate. “I’m weaker than even the weakest earth pony and the little bits of fighting I do know haven’t done me much good lately. Shit, you saw what those ponies did to me earlier. Took me to the cleaners.

The abyssinian made a “Tsk” sound before saying, “Sounds like you’re giving up.

I’m just facing facts, Toby,” the human said, “ponies and other races won’t accept me for who or what I am. That incident when you brought me to the guild saw to that.”

I accepted you,” the abyssinian named Toby said.

I believe the first words out of your mouth were ‘Damn, what shithole did you crawl out of?’

And I apologized for that,” Toby said in exasperation.

And then there was that hornless unicorn deserter who stopped my heart,” the human said. “And let’s not forget the earth pony who almost shattered my ribcages, and then there was Cherry Jubilee and her squad of haters-!

G, come on!” Toby said. “Yes, I know Dodge City chased you out, but it was just one town. Are you holding that against the entire nation?” Obscura watched Toby scoot over, pushing the mask behind them as he put a comforting paw on the human’s shoulder. “You’re my best friend, G, but I’m worried. You’ve been like this for years.

The human was silent for a bit. Then, after about a half minute, he said, “I know…it’s hard not to see the positive light when you’re stuck in the Badlands.

I have those days too, but we’re luckier than most,” Toby said kindly. “We at least get consistent jobs, we have enough food, we have a place to live that keeps out most of the sand.

The human sighed. “I hate sand. It’s course and irritating and it gets everywhere,” he muttered.

Imagine having fur like me, G,” Tobias said. “And you’re really not as bad as all that. You’ve become a decent fighter. You have decent muscle now and you’ve caught the basics of Cat-Fu. Come on, turn that frown upside down?” He reached over and gave one side of the human’s cheek a pinch, pulling his lip up to emulate a smile.

The human chuckled a little bit. “I know you’re trying to cheer me up a bit, and I appreciate the effort, but it’ll take a lot more than just a single conversation to make up for what I’m feeling.

Well, you aren’t getting rid of me so easily,” Toby said. “Just…try?

The human sighed deeply, then said, “I make no promises.

At that, their queen lowered herself down. The mirror began to swirl and returned to its darkened state. The queen turned, looking a bit saddened. “There is little to no kindness left in Equestria, it would seem,” she said sorrowfully. “Harmony has given way to cruelty and hatred. My little ponies have fallen from grace. They must be shown the way.” She then turned to Obscura. “My dear, rest here tonight. In the morning, come to me. I will write a message to your contact in Maretime Bay and you will deliver it.”

“As you command, your majesty,” Obscura said.

“And remember, my dear pony, the shadows will fall…”

“…before the dawn of the age of majesty,” Obscura finished the mantra.

The queen gave her a loving smile, then nodded. “Now off to sleep. Soon, Equestria will shine brightly again.”

Obscura smiled, then turned to head to her room in the mansion. She couldn’t wait for their time to come. The queen and her loyal ponies would rise and lead Equestria into an age of peace and prosperity.

7: Reflections Of The Past

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Apple Bloom was sitting on the floor of a brand new tree house that her two friends had made a year ago while the three of them played Go Fetch, one of their favorite card games. She was super excited to have a proper sleepover with her two friends. Writing letters to them was nice and all, but she was super happy that the three of them would be together again. Not only that, but now they could play at the beach whenever they wanted!

“Scootaloo, do you have any princesses?” Sweetie Belle asked, holding her cards in her magical aura.

“Mmm…nope. Go Fetch.” As Sweetie Belle picked up another card and scowled at the results, Scootaloo turned to Apple Bloom. “So, when’s that farm gonna be finished?”

Apple Bloom shrugged. “Dunno. Granny didn’t say much about it when I asked. We got a few ponies who are gonna help us build, though.”

“I wonder if my aunts will let me help,” Scootaloo wondered, her wings buzzing behind her as she hovered off the ground. “I can kinda fly a bit, now, so I can be the awesomest scout ever!”

“I’ve been getting better with my magic, so I could help too,” Sweetie Belle said. “School’s out for the summer anyway, so I can come help.”

Apple Bloom looked at the two. Even after two years apart, it seemed as if nothing had changed between the three teenage fillies. “I can ask Granny tomorrow,” she said.

“Cool!” Scootaloo’s wings didn’t so much buzz anymore as they did a sort of half buzz/flapping thing, at least that’s how Apple Bloom could best describe it. She’d been surprised at how much her friends had grown in their two years apart.

Apple Bloom looked up at the newly built tree house. “I still can’t believe ya replicated the old clubhouse,” she said.

“It took the two of us a long time,” Scootaloo said, “but I never imagined we’d be back together, so it was well worth the extra effort!”

“How’s things going with you?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Neither of us heard anything.”

Apple Bloom’s ear dropped a bit. “Haah…well, remember I told ya that we lost our farm back in Ponyville, right?”

“That seriously sucks,” Scootaloo said. “Sweetie Belle, got any fours?”

“Why didn’t your family leave when things got bad?” Sweetie asked as she levitated a card to Scootaloo, who took it and placed a pair of fours on the ground in front of her.

“Granny thought we could fix things,” Apple Bloom said as she shuffled the cards in her hooves. “She can be as stubborn as a mule-ah, I mean, she can be pretty damn stubborn.”

Scootaloo’s eyes widened. “‘Damn’? Wow, Bloom, two years away and you turn into a potty mouth.” She grinned at her friend.

Apple Bloom looked a bit sheepish. “Sorry ‘bout that,” she said.

“Hey, we’re all teenagers here,” Sweetie Belle said. “We can all swear if we fucking want.”

The other Crusaders looked at their unicorn friend in more shock than before. “Sweet Celestia, Sweetie Belle,” Scootaloo said.

“I’ve heard Rarity say worse,” Sweetie Belle said, “believe me.”

The three looked at each other, then they all burst out laughing. It felt good to be together and laughing again. It may have been only two years, but to the three of them it felt like a lifetime and like no time had passed at the same time. Apple Bloom had missed so much. Scootaloo’s late blooming but first flight, a small concert in Maretime Bay where Sweetie Belle had sung a sad ballad, the tragedy of Winona’s passing, and so much more.

As their game of Go Fetch continued, Apple Bloom smiled sadly. She’d done a lot of growing up in the past couple of years. Her relationship with her sister had soured, but they were beginning to make amends. They weren’t as close as they had been, but things were starting to heal. As she’d matured, she also went through the rigors of puberty, something that she had her family’s support through.

After the game ended, the three had turned the lantern off and had gotten into their cots. As they lay there in the darkness, Scootaloo spoke up. “Apple Bloom, you never told us who those three were who came with you and your family. I saw a unicorn, but who were the other two?”

“Oh…well, Applejack hired them to help us git from Ponyville to here,” Apple Bloom explained. “I can’t really remember their names right now, though. I think the unicorn was, um…Sunset something or other?”

“That masked creature was scary looking,” Sweetie Belle said.

“They saved us when we were attacked,” Apple Bloom said.

“Oh,” Scootaloo said. “Well, that’s good.”

Apple Bloom nodded as she yawned. “Big Mac got his leg broken, but he’ll be right as rain soon,” she said.

“I still can’t picture Big Mac being hurt like that,” Sweetie Belle said. “I used to have a small crush on him, and he always looked invincible to me.”

THAT was a major surprise to Apple Bloom. She sat up and looked at her friend. “You have a crush on my brother??”

Had, Apple Bloom. Had. I don’t anymore.”

Apple Bloom slowly lay back down. “I never knew…”

“Me neither,” Scootaloo said. “Got any crushes now?”

Sweetie paused a bit, and in the dark, Apple Bloom though she saw a hint of darkness coming onto Sweetie’s cheeks. She grinned. “Sweetie has a crush on someponyyyyy~!” she giggled.

“Yeah, yeah, I’ve got a crush,” she said.

“Who is it??” Scootaloo asked. Apple Bloom could practically hear the grin on the young pegasus’ face.

“Yeah…I'm not telling you,” Sweetie said before yawning.

“Aww, come on!” Scootaloo begged.

“Not a chance.”

“Why don’t we git some sleep?” Apple Bloom suggested. While she too wanted to know which colt had caught Sweetie’s eye, she was exhausted from the long day of walking and just wanted to pass out.

“Good idea,” Sweetie said as she covered herself with the covers.

“I won’t forget about this,” Scootaloo said with what sounded like a pout as she pulled the blanket over her body.

Apple Bloom giggled a bit as she closed her eyes. It felt nice to be back with her friends. She’d had her family back on the farm, but for the past two years she’d never been with anypony her own age. No cousins dropped by anymore, the other foals in Ponyville were gone, and she felt alone. She’d sent letters to her old friends, and that helped, but she always felt tired at the end of the day back on her old farm, so she hardly had the strength to write more regularly. At the very least, now she could talk to them much more often. She could go back to school now, something she never thought she’d miss.

As she fell asleep with her friends, she failed to hear a rustling noise just outside their window.

“Get out of here, monster!”

“We won’t let you hurt our foals!”

Gregory looked at the gathered crowd of ponies in front of him, looking surprised at the unusual hostility and fear coming from them. He stood next to his car which he’d driven to the edge of the town. His hands were raised in confusion as he said, “Please listen, I’m not here to cause any trouble,” he said, “I just want-”

A rotten apple struck the side of his head as he stumbled back and fell onto his butt. He brought his hand up, holding the place where the apple had exploded more in surprise than pain. He looked around and saw a larger stallion giving him a wicked glare. “We said git, now!” the stallion shouted.

“I just want directions to get to-” Gregory began, but he was interrupted by a blast of magic to the face, sending him sprawling. Fortunately, his hand was on his car, which seemed to absorb most of the magic somehow, but it didn’t stop the pain. There were rocks thrown next, which pelted his face. He could hear the shouts of the ponies as well as feel the rocks opening up some deep cuts on his face.

Left with no other choice, and his eyes brimming with tears of confusion, he managed to get into his car, start it up, and drive away. Fortunately, he had packed enough liquids to last a while, although that wasn’t why he’d packed his sodas and sports drinks. He drove into the desert to the west, and when he was far enough away from the ponies of whatever town that was, he stopped and tended his wounds.

“Why? Why did they do that?” he asked as he used his first aid kit to bandage himself up. He knew the cuts from those rocks would leave scars, but he was more concerned with them getting infected in this desert. Once he had cleaned and disinfected said injuries, he continued driving. He was still a bit in shock.

There was a noise on top of his car and he looked up to see the roof being torn off with ease. He looked at the horrifying eyes of Daybreaker. Terror coursed through his body as he heard her say, “You are not welcome in the land of harmony. You will not taint the land of my little ponies or any land in this world!” She raised her horn. Gregory screamed-

-and shot up out of bed, a scream about to erupt from his mouth. He was panting heavily as he put his hand on his chest, trying to calm down from the nightmare he’d had regularly for the past two years. The thirty two year old human man named Gregory Eugene Graystone grabbed a glass of water that was by the side of his bed and downed it before he got up and went to a basin of water in his room. He splashed his face with some of said water and looked at his reflection in the mirror. There were several scars that lined his face and exposed chest. Some were from his initial introduction to ponykind while others came from later wounds he received from various jobs he and Tobias had taken.

He sighed and went back to bed, lying down and looking up at the ceiling. His thoughts wandered back to the dream and the events of the past. Aside from the attack from Daybreaker, it had been completely accurate. He had fled Dodge City in shock after his first couple of times trying to get into town to ask for help.

Shock which had turned to anger. Anger not just at the ponies who’d assaulted him without a reason but mostly anger at himself. He’d realized that he’d been a complete fool to believe that he could just waltz into a town of ponies and be instantly accepted. He’d been so naïve. As he’d driven through the sands of whatever desert this was, he’d thought back to the circumstances that brought him to Equestria.

Back on Earth, his life had been shit. He had been mistreated by his work, had a cheating girlfriend who gaslit him until she finally dumped him, and was chronically depressed. It had been his discovery of My Little Pony that had pushed him to find a new job elsewhere and seek a counselor.

Still, depression doesn’t just go away, and one night he was curiously browsing the Dark Web when he found something interesting. He wasn’t looking for anything illegal, but he was there because he wanted to see what they had there. When he discovered a place called EnterYourFantasies.onion, he was intrigued by what it could be, so he read the contents. To his surprise, it was an instruction manual on how to reach the worlds of fiction.

Normally, he would have dismissed it as something a crackpot would write, but for some reason he couldn’t stop reading it. There were even video testimonials showing people putting cameras through the portals they’d made. This included glimpses of Coruscant, the bridge of a famous Federation starship, Middle Earth, Dune, Wonderland, Hogwarts, Zion from The Matrix, and even places like Skyrim and Baldur’s Gate.

He printed out everything he could right then, reading it over and over. He even downloaded the videos as well. He just couldn’t tell if what he saw was incredible CGI or real, but he loved seeing them. The instructions on how to do it seemed absurdly simple. When he went back to the page the next day, however, it was gone.

Still, with the printouts, he decided it might be a good excuse to go out for a weekend and get some exercise. He brought along a bike camera, a fishing rod, all the necessary items needed to perform the ritual or spell or whatever it was, and a laptop that could connect via Bluetooth to the camera. If something did happen, he wanted proof.

As a test, he’d tried creating a connection to Ponyville, following the absurdly simple instructions to the letter. To his surprise, when he’d put his camera through the air, he saw the camera vanish. And through view he saw on his screen, he’d seen that it had actually worked. The town on the other side looked much more realistic than he’d anticipated, since he’d been expecting it to look like a cartoon, but the town hall in the distance was unmistakable, as was the Castle of Friendship in the distance.

Having confirmed that things would work, he began fantasizing about leaving this world. It wasn’t like he had anything keeping him on Earth. His parents were dead to him and he hadn’t spoken to them since he was kicked out at eighteen after graduating high school. He’d been forced to couch surf and get odd jobs until he saved enough for an apartment. He had no real friends, mostly because he’d been awkward all his life. His girlfriend, or his ex, had been a backstabbing cheating bitch.

As Gregory lay in the bed in the Maretime Bay’s lighthouse, he remembered back to when he’d dreamed and fantasized about going to other worlds for weeks after his discovery until he decided to plan for it. Even during the planning and organizing of supplies, there was a big part of him that wasn’t sure if he wanted to do this or not. He kept telling himself that it was just something to do to keep his mind occupied.

That didn’t mean he was stupid. He knew Equestria was a dangerous place and with his lack of magic he had to defend himself. So, he’d utilized this newfound obsession to take some basic self-defense courses while legally purchasing a few firearms and plentiful ammo to replace as well as long blades for if and when his bullets inevitably ran out. He’d purchased some MRE’s as well as some of his favorite snacks that he could share with the ponies.

When the time came, and after all his insane preparations were complete, he’d opened a portal to Equestria and drove his car, packed full of supplies, through the portal. Instead of ending up in Ponyville, he’d ended up in front of a town with a sign indicating that it was Dodge City. That was when he’d encountered the ponies who’d chased him out of town.

Thinking back on it, he realized he was not a well man during those times despite his regular counseling sessions. He didn’t tell his counselor everything which he knew he should have. He had all of these delusions that he berated himself for in this moment. Delusions of instantly being accepted by ponies. Sure, he knew about their treatment of Zecora, and that should have been a strong clue. Not only that, but the way they described dragons should have been another strong indicator. He was an utter fool for coming here, and he needed to come to grips with his negative tendencies, alter them, rechannel them into something else.

For a few days, Gregory had driven around the desert, looking for any sign of civilization that might just take him in, but as his gasoline supply depleted and his MREs and supply of water and other liquids began to be depleted, he began to lose hope. Finally, he was unable to start his car again, so he dug in, making a base camp around his car as he tried to go searching on foot. Weeks passed by, and soon he was rationing his remaining liquids. Nothing he did seemed to work. He tried burning his garbage to make some smoke that might signal anyone. Hell, he would have welcomed being found by Chrysalis at that point.

However, it wasn’t Chrysalis that found him. Instead, it was a black furred abyssinian male who helped him come back to life, as Gregory had been steadily losing strength out in the hot desert. Tobias had been a Godsend to him, and had even single handedly pulled his car towards the only city in the Badlands: Thornfall.

As Tobias helped bring Gregory back to full strength, the abyssinian explained that he was a part of a guild of mercenaries who took jobs in this lawless country and abroad in other nations aside from Equestria, as mercenary work was frowned upon by the ponies. They accepted anyone into their ranks, but in this place, strength ruled. If you weren’t strong, you died.

Gregory, with a newfound sense of purpose, decided that when he was better, that he would become a mercenary. He had some training, but he was no fool. He knew that he wouldn’t be much of a match for others around him thanks to his complete lack of magic. Tobias had informed him about that a few days after he’d arrived in the abyssinian’s small home.

A soft knock at the door caught his attention. He shot up and almost spoke up when he remembered that he wasn’t in their home base. He waited to hear who it was, and when said individual spoke, he relaxed. “G, you awake?”

Gregory breathed out softly before he stood and unlocked the door before stepping aside and snapping his fingers twice, a signal they’d made to indicate that Tobias could enter. The abyssinian came in quickly, shutting and locking the door before he turned back to the human. The abyssinian looked him in the eyes, then sighed and shook his head. “Another Daybreaker nightmare?” he asked. Gregory nodded silently. Tobias sighed and reached out, putting a paw on his shoulder. “You realize that you could stop these nightmares if you took some of that potion from Zirco.”

Gregory shook his head. “I’ve seen how it affects others, and I’d rather not become an addict,” he said silently as he walked over and sat on the edge of his bed.

Tobias came over and sat next to him, putting an arm around him. Unlike human male relationships, abyssinians were more like cats in how they showed that they cared for those close to them. Gregory felt the paw on his arm begin kneeding him. He’d long gotten used to the ways that Tobias had to cheer someone up, and in a sense, he liked it. It helped him relax, especially when his friend purred. Looking over at the black furred catlike being, Gregory gave him a grateful nod. “I’ll be alright.”

Tobias shook his head. “No, you won’t be. G, I’ve been thinking long and hard about this for a few months now, and I’ve been saving up my share of our loot, at least all I can spare, and I think it’s high time that we get out of the mercenary game. You and me. We can go to Panthera and start a new life. I might not have any family anymore, but I think you’d enjoy the country. It’s beautiful. Wide grasslands, old growth forests, snowcapped mountains, beautiful rivers, clean towns and cities and the best catnip around.”

Gregory snorted. “Catnip doesn’t affect me like it does you, you know,” he reminded his only close companion in the world.

“The food, then,” Tobias said. “It’s a meat lovers paradise! And you could introduce some human meal ideas there, like pizza and burgers! Believe me, abyssinians would welcome you there, even more if I’m there to vouch for you?”

Gregory frowned at that. “Are you saying that abyssinians are as wary as ponies are?”

“G, come on, not everyone is as bad as the ponies you met,” Tobias said. “Remember when you told me about your world’s cats? Well, we can be like that. A lot of us can be somewhat standoffish until we get to know you. I’m an exception, and I know other abyssinians are like me too.”

“What’s stopped you from going back to Panthera?” Gregory asked.

“Money, mostly,” Tobias admitted, “but with the money we got from the Bad Squad, we could get out of Thornfall much sooner. Maybe in another month or two. We could even take that derelict vehicle of yours with us!”

Gregory looked at how excited his companion was. Tobias’ eyes seemed to light up whenever he talked about his home continent, and the tales Gregory had heard about it always intrigued him. It sounded like one of those medieval isekai worlds, especially when Tobias told him about the Adventurer Guild organization there. A nerdy part of him loved the idea of becoming an adventurer like in anime and manga, but since they spent a lot of their money solely on surviving in Thornfall, he’d put those thoughts in the back of his head. Reality was a harsh mistress. There was no time to dream. Still, part of him wanted to dream. “You’d willingly pull that car again? The tires are pretty flat now, the battery’s long dead, and it’s just a lump of junk.”

“A lump of junk from Earth,” Tobias corrected. “I’d hate to see something from your world just be abandoned.” He gave Gregory a warm understanding smile. “Don’t think I don’t know about the times you’ve just sat in there for hours on end.”

Gregory had no idea that Tobias knew about those times. During some times when he was feeling especially homesick, he would sit inside the car that was parked on the side of their building. He ignored the heat and was grateful that he had handcranked windows. He would sit and listen to his music or audiobooks or read from his ebook readers just to make the pain of homesickness lessen a bit. He’d even fallen asleep inside a number of times. Even if none of the items he brought from Earth would be able to be used for their intended purposes, he was glad he had them.

“You sure?” Gregory asked. “That hunk of metal weighs a ton.”

“I managed it just fine last time, thank you very much,” Tobias replied while flipping Gregory off, something hard to do since he had only four talons as opposed to Gregory’s five fingers. His face then relaxed and he continued. “So, what do you say, G? After we save up enough, why don’t we go back to Panthera? You wouldn’t need to wear all of that depressing black or that mask, either. Fuck it, we could even go register at the Adventurer’s Guild just like in those animes you showed me.” Tobias looked at Gregory expectantly, his tail swishing slightly in anticipation.

Gregory sighed and flipped him off as well, a very small smile forming on his face. Embracing thirty years of urges, Gregory reached up and began scratching behind Tobias’ left ear. The abyssinian closed his eyes and seemed to relax, purring ever so slightly. Gregory smirked a bit at this. Tobias was the only one he knew who would allow this, but only in private. The nightmare from before faded away and he slowly nodded. “I gotta admit, that sounds nice,” he said, “but I’ll need some time to think about it.”

“Mmm…yeah, that sounds-right there, G, please-sounds good to me.” Tobias stretched and then played his head on Gregory’s lap, purring a bit.

Gregory shook his head in disbelief, continuing to stroke the bipedal cat’s head. He remembered back to when Tobias had first shown this kind of affection to him. It had freaked and weirded him out at first, but when Tobias and a couple other abyssinian mercenaries from Thornfall explained that it was a way that they showed friendship to those they held close, he’d slowly begun accepting the display. He even welcomed it, especially in times like this. “Thanks, Toby,” he said gratefully.

Tobias’ tail curled up slightly and he nodded. “You’re my friend, G. I hate seeing you like this.”

Gregory felt himself relaxing thanks to his companion’s efforts. Even if he was worried about opening himself up too much to Tobias, just the fact that the abyssinian hadn’t pushed him too much meant the world to him. He yawned and looked at the wall clock. It was just past two in the morning. “Jesus, it’s still super early,” he muttered. “We should try and get back to sleep. We’ll need our strength for when we head back tomorrow.”

Tobias nodded and he slowly sat up, stretching and making a “MRRP” sound. “Part of me wishes we could at least explore this place,” Tobias said with a hint of disappointment. “After all, we’re in Sunny Starscout’s future house, for crying out loud!”

Gregory smirked again. “No shit,” he said. “Still, you know that time is money. Come on, let’s get some sleep.”

Tobias smiled and patted Gregory on the back. “Sure thing, bud. See ya in the morning, okay?” With that, he gave the human a reassuring smile, then watched as his companion left the room, closing the door firmly behind him. When Gregory had locked it, he crawled back into the admittedly most comfortable bed he’d ever slept in since his arrival in this world. He closed his eyes, trying to imagine a future as not some hated mercenary, but as an adventurer. He felt something then that he hadn’t felt in a long time.


Twilight woke earlier than normal thanks in part to her alarm clock going off. Groaning, she almost turned it off before her sleep addled brain began to clear and the events of the previous day resurfaced. Quickly, she sat up and went to her mirror, brushing her mane to look at least somewhat presentable for her guests. She rushed downstairs and began making breakfast. She knew she didn’t have any meat products for her abyssinian guest, but she did have eggs, a plentiful source of protein that hopefully would suffice. She also prepared some toast and waffles with butter and syrup. She knew she wasn’t the best cook, but she had learned how to at least make these easily enough, Modern appliances were convenient.

Tobias was the first to come down, humming something to himself as he walked into the kitchen. When he saw the food on the table, his eyes widened. “Whoa, that looks incredible,” he said.

“I-I hope you like it,” Twilight said nervously. I didn’t have any meat and I didn’t know what your friend eats, so I made something that everycreature could eat.”

“No no, this is more than alright,” Tobias said reassuringly. “Although, I have to apologize, but Revan won’t be joining us. He doesn’t eat with anyone but me. Do you mind if I fix him a plate before coming back down?”

Twilight was a bit concerned by this, but nodded. “Of course,” she said.

Tobias thanked her, then put a moderate amount of each piece of food on a plate before heading back upstairs. When he came back down, he sat at the table and plated up some breakfast for himself. Twilight noticed that he’d taken a smaller portion, so she said, “You don’t have to hold back. I just went shopping, so I’m alright.”

“Are you sure?” Tobias asked. When Twilight confirmed it, he smiled and took a healthy helping.

As the abyssinian ate, Twilight felt her curiosity rising. Over the course of the past year, she had been reading more about foreign lands after realizing that was part of what had fueled her actions against Jason: her own ignorance. She’d used any spare money she could set aside to order books that detailed other nations. She wanted to ask about Panthera, but she felt her nervousness rising. She was so lost in thought that she didn’t notice that Sunset Shimmer had entered and plated herself up some breakfast. When she finally mustered the courage to talk, she noticed Sunset. “Ah, Sunset Shimmer. Good morning.”

The unicorn, who had a messy mane, gave Twilight a glare before going back to eating her meal. “Got any coffee?” she asked.

Twilight immediately stood. “I’ll brew a pot right away,” she said, heading to the kitchen cabinet where she found her supply of coffee. While she didn’t drink it often, sometimes she had to stomach the bitter liquid to help wake up.

As she was preparing a pot, Maple Leaf came in, all bright and cheery. “Good morning, everypony-I mean everycreature,” she said, looking apologetically at Tobias.

Tobias smiled and waved a dismissive paw. “Honest mistake,” he said. “I normally just say everyone or everybody. A little trick I learned from Revan.”

“Was he the creature that you were treating yesterday?” Maple asked with a concerned look. “How’s he doing?”

“It is, and he’s doing better thanks to Twilight and Sunset casting a healing spell on him,” Tobias said.

“I’m glad to hear,” the nurse said, “but where is he?”

“He’s a private person,” Tobias said, “and prefers to eat in solitude.”

“So he doesn’t have to wear that mask of his?” Sunset asked.

“Heh, you’re right about that,” Tobias said before taking a bite of egg and swallowing it down with some orange juice.

“Well, on another topic, please forgive me for not introducing myself yesterday,” the nurse said. “I’m Maple Leaf. I live in a smaller house on the property.”

Tobias nodded and said, “My name’s Tobias. This is Sunset Shimmer, a recent companion we brought on board, and the one I was treating yesterday is named Revan.”

“So, you’ve got medical knowledge, huh?” Sunset asked Maple.

“That’s right,” Maple replied.

“Let me guess: Sunbutt sent you here to make sure that failed princess didn’t go over the deep end and take a nosedive into the ocean-”

“SUNSET!” Tobias swiped his paw at the back of the unicorn’s head, smacking it hard with an angry expression on his face. “We’re guests in this house! We may be mercenaries, but show some damned manners!”

There was silence for a bit as the coffee maker was the only noise heard. Nobody spoke, the tension in the air rising with each passing minute. Finally, the sound was broken by the sound of heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. Revan, now back in his full black outfit, stepped into the room. Looking around, he finally focused on Tobias. “What happened?

“I’ll tell you later,” Tobias said, shooting a glance towards Sunset.

Revan nodded, then looked at Twilight, although it was hard to tell with the eyes being part of the mask. “Where should I put these?

“T-The sink,” she stammered. He nodded and did so before sitting down at the table next to Sunset, his hands folded patiently in front of him. The silence returned until the coffee maker was finished brewing and the others ate silently. One could cut the tension in the room with a knife as Twilight got up, poured coffee for Sunset and placed it on the table. As the unicorn took the coffee without a word, Twilight decided to break the unbearable silence and change the subject. “Um, Tobias? This might sound like a random and strange question, but what’s your homeland like?”

Tobias paused briefly, then swallowed what was in his mouth before facing her. He wiped his mouth clean before speaking. “Panthera is a remarkable place, from what I remember of it and from what little news we receive in Thornfall. It’s pretty prosperous, and while it’s not as technologically advanced as Equestria might be, it’s still a peaceful place.”

She’d heard similar stories before, but was curious to know more. “I wish I could visit sometime, but I doubt I could afford it,” she said.

Tobias gave a wistful smile as he looked up at the ceiling. “Well, it’s pretty different from Equestria as far as I’ve seen, but in other ways it’s similar. It’s a kingdom like Equestria. The Highclaw family has ruled over the kingdom for about…three hundred years or so. They took the throne away in a revolution against the Nighthunter Dynasty.”

“They don’t sound pleasant,” Maple said. “The Nighthunter ones, I mean.”

“They really weren’t,” Tobias explained. “They were cruel to the common folk and charged an absurd amount in taxes to them. The Highclaws were a minor noble family who rose up and took the throne, executing all of the guilty Nighthunter family members while sparing those too young to know better.”

Twilight shuddered. She knew that executions had been done away with in Equestria about a hundred years after Nightmare Moon, but the fact that another nation had done it only six hundred years later was disconcerting. She frowned and pushed through her own prejudices once more. “That sounds like it was a dark time,” she said.

“It was,” Tobias said, “but it was bound to happen. Those who are in power are always afraid to lose it. Thankfully, the Highclaw Dynasty is much better.”

Twilight thought back to the one time she’d seen two visiting abyssinian dignitaries from Panthera. She was only twelve at that point and had been carrying Spike to lunch when she’d spotted the large cats walking on two legs instead of four like normal cats. They were flanking the Princess, who had a warm smile on her face while speaking to the dignitaries. She later learned that one was the Crown Prince of Panther while the other was the Prince’s younger sister. Both had been in their teens when they visited, so they were already full grown adults now. “I’ve heard that,” Twilight said.

There was a knock at the door just then, a rather heavy one at that. Twilight looked at the door with confusion, as nopony visited her at all save for Maple, but the nurse was comfortable enough to just walk in, not that Twilight minded. “Wonder who’s at the door this early?” Maple asked.

“I’ll go see,” Twilight said as she got up and walked over to the door.

When she opened it, her eyes widened as she saw one of the town guards, a unicorn stallion, standing at the door with a serious look in his eyes. Without preamble or greeting, the guard spoke up. “Miss Sparkle, there’s been a foalnapping. Have you seen or heard anything about three foals named Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, or Scootaloo?”

Discord sat in his house, a floating screen in front of him. He watched from the perspective of one of the current creatures in Shadow Dawn as they ate breakfast in Twilight’s new lighthouse home. He sighed, reaching his claw up to the eyepatch he now wore, touching it gently and wincing a bit as he lowered his claw. He felt something that he hadn’t felt before: helplessness. Thanks to being kept out of current Equestria affairs, all he was able to do was watch. It pained him, but after the one who kept him away explained their reasoning, he had to reluctantly agree with it.

As he continued watching, he felt a presence entering the room, despite there being nobody actually there. Discord waved his paw, dismissing the screen. “What do you want, now?” he asked.

Androgynous but sweet giggling filled the room, echoing as if the voice came from a deep cavern. “It would seem as if you found a way around my rules,” a voice said in that same androgynous voice.

Discord tensed. He knew the owner of the voice would have figured him out eventually, but not this quickly. Knowing he was caught, he said, “You didn’t think I’d just sit back and do nothing, did you?”

Be at ease, my dear Discord,” the voice said, “I will allow this to continue. After all, it was foreseen. But be forewarned, the actions you took will have personal consequences for you.

Discord waved his paw dismissively. “It’s not like you did anything when he showed up.”

You know I do not work in such a manner.

“Bull. Shit,” Discord snapped back, standing and looking up at the ceiling. “You know I could fix this issue with a snap of my fingers, so why not let me?!”

I have already informed you of my reasons,” the voice said in a stern, matter-of-fact tone. “Your devotion to changing yourself for the better as of late is most reassuring, and I do welcome it, but they are not as devoted as you.

“I know some are!” Discord snapped. “I’ve seen it!”

I am aware, but they changed far too late,” the voice said in a disappointed tone. “And yet, others have not changed despite everything.” There was silence for a few seconds before the voice began again. “You know why I have asked you to stay away. However, I will allow you this concession of looking in on them until I deem otherwise.

Discord gritted his teeth, but knew he could do nothing in this situation. The owner of the voice was powerful, more so than he ever could be. “Haven’t they suffered enough?” he asked, a hint of worry in his voice now.

The time will soon come when their greatest trial will commence,” the voice said, “and neither one of us must interfere. It must be their choice and theirs alone without outside interference.” There was a pause, then the voice’s tone softened. “I know your fondness for them, but you cannot interfere in this. It is a critical step in their growth. Either they will succeed or they will fail.

Discord did something he never thought he’d ever do again. He snapped and a cigarette appeared in his paw, already lit. He took a big drag of it and let the nicotine soothe him. As he exhaled, he said, “I hate you.”

I am fond of you too, my old friend. For what it may be worth, I am sorry that this must happen.

Discord’s anger disappeared. He couldn’t be angry at the owner of the voice. Deep down, he knew they were right. He couldn’t baby them in this instance. They fucked around and found out, as the human saying went. He stroked his goatee. “No, don’t be sorry. I know why you’re doing it.” Discord took another drag and let it out a little while later. “I’m just glad I was able to do something for…” he drifted off.

Yes,” the voice said with a warmth to it now, “that was quite a clever ploy to save him, and you did well on that front. Now then, I must bid you farewell.

As the voice vanished, Discord felt a slight breeze through his goatee, which then straightened out to become a bit more well-kept. He sighed. “I hate when you do that…” he said as he grabbed at the goatee, fixing it to his liking once again. Once more, he reached up to the patch on his eye, touching it before standing, walking over to a mirror, and removing it. The eye was gone, replaced by a swirling black void with a bit of white mixed in. He put the eyepatch back on. “Worth it,” he said as he went back to his lounge chair, sitting down and looking back at the screen. He took another drag and watched the scene before him unfold. Things were about to take a turn for Maretime Bay and all of Equestria, and all he could do was watch.

Far away, in another part of the world magic mirror activated once more, and the alicorn stood alone, watching the same scene that Discord was watching unfold before her. The alicorn could sense that someone else was watching with her, but even with her increased magical power, she couldn’t locate the source. However, the once great ruler of ponykind and the once most magical of all ponies wasn’t focused on that. Instead, she was focused on three foals sleeping on cots in a treehouse. She knew of these three from her contacts in the city, but what looked to be about to happen was not something that was part of her plans.

She watched the solitary mare approaching them, a wild look in said mare’s eyes. Shaking her head, the queen looked into the darkness behind her throne, a place forbidden to the ponies under her protection and command. “Equestria has fallen so far,” she said sadly. “What say you, my old companion?”

There was silence for a bit, then there was the sound of massive rustling from beyond. A pair of glowing green reptilian eyes appeared and a green flame emerged from the shadows, illuminating an ancient but still quite powerful dragon for a brief moment. A deep, rumbling voice spoke. “Yes, your majesty.”

The alicorn smiled warmly. “Now now, there’s no need for such formalities. We’re friends, you and I.”

“As you say,” the dragon replied before retreating further back into the shadows.

She turned back as the crazed looking mare approached the treehouse. “Yes…friends…”

8: Rescue

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Twilight’s world was turned upside down in that moment. She had heard what the guard had said, but could barely comprehend it. Her mind was racing a million miles a minute as she tried to process what had just been revealed to her. Eventually, she managed to croak out, “C-Could you repeat that?”

The guard nodded and said, “Three young foals have been foalnapped. Their parents and legal guardians have received no ransom note and no demands. Have you heard anything that might be pertinent to the search?”

This snapped Twilight back into action. “No, sir, I haven’t,” she said, “but I could help with the search.”

“This is a matter for the guard, miss Sparkle,” the guard said.

“Do any of your guards know about tracking spells?” Twilight asked, feeling antsy now and wanting to help. There were things in her past that she wanted to make up for, and her treatment of the CMC during the Gabby Gums incident was one of them.

The guard’s professional demeanor faltered a bit and a look of uncertainty passed over his face. “Well, nopony in our regiment knows anything of that sort, but-”

“I know a tracking spell that can find them!” Twilight took a step forward. “Let me help!”

The guard took on a stern expression. “With all due respect, miss, you’re not a princess anymore. You’re a civilian.”

“I can still help with tracking them before they get hurt!”

The guard continued staring back at Twilight, his stern glare being returned by her determined and frantic one. The stare down was interrupted when a voice asked, “What if you hired us to help?”

Twilight looked behind her to see a smirking Sunset Shimmer now standing there, looking at Twilight. The guard looked at her and asked, “And who are you?”

“Who I am isn’t important,” she said, “but what is important is that we’re not civilians. My comrades and I are a mercenary group who will gladly help…for the right price.”

Twilight saw Tobias quickly rushing up to Sunset’s side. From behind, the masked Revan stood a few steps away, arms behind his back as he watched the current proceedings. The guard frowned. “Mercenaries…I thought those were illegal.”

Sunset shook her head. “According to the Royal Guard Bylaws as set down by Princess Celestia Solaris over nine hundred years ago, ‘In times of duress, outside assistance may be procured.’ We’re outside assistance, and we’d be willing to help for the right price.”

“I don’t have the authority to make that decision,” the guard said, and Twilight could see that he was tensing up at the sight of the abyssinian and masked figure.

“Then take us to someone with the authority,” Sunset declared. “We can help, and there’s no time to waste. I know the same tracking spell as our disgraced princess here, and-” She was immediately stopped when someone came up behind her and smacked her on the back of the head. “Ow!”

Behave yourself,” Revan snapped, looking down at her.

Tobias took the lead and stepped forward, inclining his head to the guard. “My companion’s harsh words aside, she’s right. We can track down the kidnapper and help deal with them.”

The guard looked at Tobias, then after a few moments he sighed. “I can’t make that decision, but my sergeant can. Come with me.”

“Give us some time to collect our things and we’ll be right out,” Tobias said, and in a single motion, he and Revan moved as one to the stairs. Sunset followed close behind.

The guard watched them go and shook his head. “Mercenaries…we don’t need their scum…”

“They saved me yesterday from being attacked,” Twilight said quickly in their defense.

The guard looked a bit taken aback by this. “So, you’re the mare that got attacked by those group of hooligans yesterday.” She nodded in response. “I had no idea.”

A few minutes later, the three came back down, now all geared up and ready to go. “We’re ready, sir,” Tobias said.

The guard nodded. “I can’t believe I’m doing this…alright, follow me.” With that, he turned and began trotting down the path.

Twilight wasn’t sure why, but on an impulse, she decided she would tag along. She quickly told Maple what she was doing before she rushed out of the house after the four. The guard didn’t say anything about her tagging along, so the five of them walked down the street, and quickly they reached the guardhouse near the center of town next to the town hall, the only building that was modeled nearly identically to the one in Ponyville. They entered, and the guard told the group to wait while he got the sergeant. Sunset sat in one of the lobby chairs while Twilight did the same. Tobias and Revan stood nearby as the chairs here wouldn’t fit them.

Eventually, an older, surly looking unicorn stallion with light lime colored fur and pale blue mane and tail stepped out of the room where the guard had entered. He looked over at the four and scowled. “Alright, which one of youse is da leader of dis here mercenary group?” he asked in a semi-thick Manehattan accent.

Twilight watched as Tobias gently put a paw on Revan’s back, pushing the masked being forward. “This is our leader, sergeant,” Tobias said. “Revan.”

The sergeant looked up at Revan with a stern expression, looking him up and down before he said, “And what can youse do to help us?”

Tobias turned and pointed to Sunset. “She can use a tracking spell to find them.”

“My guard tells me youse like teh get paid fer yer services,” the sergeant said. “Why shoulds we? Youse mercenaries are as dishonest as dey come.”

“Why you little piece of-” Sunset began, but when Revan held up a hand, she stopped.

Tobias then looked the sergeant and took a step forward, his expression hardening. “Let me ask you something. Have you ever been unable to have a guaranteed meal? Have you ever had to ration your own food to the point of malnutrition? Being in the Guard, I expect you could get paid by just sitting on your rears and doing nothing. Our time is precious to us. The longer we’re without work, the more we have to spread our money thin. We’re offering a service for a price, and it would seem you’d ignore a means of finding these foals just because you look down on mercenaries. Or is it because, like Jason Wright, two of us are not ponies?”

The sergeant’s score turned into pure rage. “How dare youse accuse me of being like these Ponyville rats?!”

“We have expenses to pay, same as you!” Tobias snapped back, tail puffed behind him as he took another step forward. To her surprise, Twilight saw the sergeant take a step back. Tobias pointed a finger at him in an accusing manner. “You can hate us all you want, but we don’t want any harm falling to those foals! Our rates are not as high as you might think!” He pulled out a piece of paper from a pocket on his coat, slamming it down on the desk and causing a crack to form on the wooden surface. “See??”

The sergeant hesitantly took the paper and looked over it. He pursed his lips, then looked up at Tobias. “And does your silent leader agree wid dis?”

Revan then stepped forward, his heavy boot ringing out as he stepped beside Tobias. “Fifty bits for an emergency hiring fee, no refunds on that, two hundred to get the job done, paid out half now, half upon completion. Any expenses we incur are also paid for. And the Shadow Dawn group guarantees that until the contract is complete, we won’t betray our employers. Even if one of your princesses offered us all the power and wealth in the world to stop, we wouldn’t.”

Twilight thought about it, and could actually see things from their point of view. Mercenaries did odd jobs; that’s how they lived, after all. In a way, the stereotype about mercenaries ditching other clients for a bigger paycheck made sense. Which is what made Revan’s last sentence so jarring to her.

She decided to speak up for them. Standing, she walked over and stood next to the two. “These three saved me from assault yesterday,” she reminded the sergeant, “and they didn’t ask for anything in return. Why not take a chance? I failed to do that with Jason, and Ponyville did too. Why not be better than we were?” Truthfully, she was playing on the guard’s belief that they were better followers of Harmony than she was.

“And this way, if it is a trap, why risk your own guard?” Tobias mentioned. “From what I’ve seen, you’re spread thin enough as it is. Not enough of a budget to bring in fresh meat?” He grinned slightly at this.

Time passed as the sergeant seemed lost in thought. A half minute later, the sergeant nodded. “Fine, we’ll hire youse teh help.”

Tobias nodded and presented the paper to the sergeant. “Just sign here, and we’ll start. One hundred and fifty bits upfront. If we fail, you get the hundred back and you don’t have to pay us the two hundred.”

The sergeant mumbled something under his breath, and picked up a pen.

Sunset sat at the bottom of the now destroyed tree house, focusing her magic. Nearby, she heard the angry country accent of Applejack muttering something while the posh accent of Rarity was also speaking with worry. Aside from them, a single pegasus guard, her fellow mercenaries and Twilight were waiting silently. Sunset continued to search, looking through the magic left behind by the foalnapper to try and lock onto its current location.

Whoever had come here, however, must have been earth ponies because their magical presences were always the weakest out of all the tribes. She’d always struggled with them, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t succeed here. She was stronger now, her ambition to be better driving her to reach new highs in her personal magic training.

In a while, she had something. A small strand of hair had been left behind, and she locked onto it. Picking it up with her magic, she wrapped it around her horn’s grooves and concentrated. Instantly, the presence of the individual was found. She opened her eyes and stood. “Found them.”

“Where??” Rarity asked.

Sunset turned with a scowl towards the unworthy former element bearer. Still, she realized she had to behave here or risk losing the new money they’d be getting. “North,” was all she said as she got up and trotted away, heading in said direction.

Her two new companions swiftly took up positions beside her on either side. Sunset was surprised at how swift Revan was, especially when he was wearing such thick clothes for a warm early summer morning. He seemed light on his feet and used his surroundings to his advantage quite well. Of course, Tobias was much lighter and moved much swifter. She could see that Revan received his movements from Tobias, probably as some sort of training.

The group ran through the streets of Maretime Bay, making their way down the large boardwalk. Sunset almost ran into a smoothie stand at one point because she was so focused on following the source of her tracking spell. Once she was close enough to the general location, she pointed towards a large building that loomed over the town. “There. They’re in that unfinished building there.”

“What in tarnation is that building?” Applejack asked.

“Canterlogic,” Twilight explained. “A few ponies are trying to make Maretime Bay more profitable by creating a startup business by combining their resources. I think Filthy Rich has been funding most of it-”

“We can get lessons later!” Tobias interrupted as he looked over at Revan. “I’ll scout ahead!” With that, his speed increased and he leaped onto the tops of the houses and buildings, running deftly on the rooftops while making his way towards Canterlogic.

“My, isn’t he limber?” Rarity pondered.

“He’s an abyssinian, what did you expect?” Sunset snapped back.

Enough,” Revan chided her sternly.

Soon they approached a chain link fence that surrounded the Canterlogic building. Sunset now realized that this was meant to be some sort of factory, but for what she had no clue. The gates had been busted open with a broken chain lock on the ground. Tobias was waiting nearby, arms behind his back. In a quiet voice he said, “Someone is in there, and they’re talking constantly.”

Constantly? What about?” Revan asked.

“Sounds like they’re rambling on and on,” Tobias said.

Sunset watched as Revan looked back at the others who’d come with them. She did as well, trying to see what he was seeing. So far, she only saw a ragtag group of ponies, such as Applejack, Rarity, Twilight, and the mercenary group. “Did you get a good look at the kidnapper?” he asked

“Earth pony mare, older, pink fur, frazzled purple mane and tail, with a diamond ring for a cutie mark,” Tobias quickly said.

“That sounds like Spoiled Milk!” Applejack said.

“Who’s that?” Tobias asked.

“She’s the ex-wife of Filthy Rich,” Twilight explained.

“Why in the world would she foalnap our sisters?” Rarity asked, an angry expression forming on her face.

“We’ve had some trouble with her,” the mare guard, a dark brown furred and black maned pegasus named Quick Pace, finally spoke up. “We’ve had been investigating her for possible drug use. Rut or Bronco, we can’t be sure.”

That elicited a reaction from the other ponies, specifically various looks of horror and disgust. Tobias, however, simply nodded. “If my knowledge of pony narcotics is any indication, it sounds a lot like she took Bronco. She had dilated pupils, was talking nonsense, and she was pacing back and forth.”

“Did ya see our kin?” Applejack asked.

“No, but I thought I heard someone crying, and it sounded like children,” Tobias replied.

It sounds like she’ll be hard to reason with,” Revan said in a thoughtful tone.

Twilight nodded. “If she’s on Bronco, she’ll be behaving erratically and she won’t be able to think too much.”

“She couldn’t have acted alone,” Quick Pace said.

“I didn’t see anyone else, but they could be hiding,” Tobias said. “There’s a lot of wooden boxes in there and other places to easily hide.”

“Hired help?” Rarity asked, giving a sideways glance towards Tobias and Revan.

“She did get a nice settlement in the divorce, I heard,” Quick said.

Tobias had ignored the look Rarity had given them and was instead looking at Revan. “You got any ideas, boss?”

Revan was looking at the unfinished Canterlogic building, and while Sunset couldn’t see his face, she guessed that he looked thoughtful underneath that mask. After a bit, he spoke. “If this Spoiled Milk is indeed inside and high on some sort of drugs, we can’t go in weapon’s blazing.” He turned quickly to Sunset and pointed at her. “Sunset, do you have a spell that can detect living beings?

Sunset nodded, a bit surprised that Revan had spoken to her. “I do, but at this range I might not be able to tell if it’s a sapient being or a sentient one, only if it had some sort of pulse.”

“There shouldn’t be animals on the premises,” Twilight said. “I saw some animal repellent stakes just outside the perimeter.”

Use the spell, Sunset,” he ordered briskly.

Sunset bristled a bit at the tone of his order, but complied, turning towards the building, closing her eyes, then casting a spell that expanded to the unfinished building and several meters beyond. Immediately, she could detect several heartbeats. Three were together in a basement, which was probably the foalnapped fillies. Their heart rates were elevated. One had a dangerously high heart rate, and she figured that was the pony called Spoiled Milk. However, there were eight other heartbeats inside the facility. Their heartbeats were a lot steadier. Two of them were in close proximity to the three elevated heart rates.

She opened her eyes and turned back to Revan. “Twelve total,” she reported. “The three fillies I believe are in the basement area of the building. I believe Spoiled is in there, but she’s got six others working with her. They’re scattered throughout the building. Two are near the fillies.”

Revan nodded as he absorbed this information. “You can’t tell what the status of the fillies is from here?” he asked.

“They have a bit of an elevated heart rate. That’s all I know.”

“They’re probably scared shitless,” Tobias muttered.

“What’s their specific location?” Quick asked.

“Northwestern side,” Sunset replied.

“Shouldn’t we be bustin’ in there and gettin’ our kin back now?” Applejack asked with a scowl.

“We can’t risk the fillies in there,” Quick said. “If this mare’s right and there are two ponies standing guard over the fillies, the moment we ‘bust in’, they could harm the hostages.”

Stay back and let us handle things,” Revan said sternly to the family members of the foalnapped teens.

“You cannot simply expect us to stand by and do nothing while those three are held prisoner by somepony!” Rarity exclaimed testily.

That’s exactly what I expect you to do,” Revan replied in a calm tone, although with his mask distorting his voice it was a bit harder to tell.

“You’re a civilian, ma’am,” Tobias explained further, “so if you interfered, you could put your family members in danger. We and the guards here can handle this. The guards are professionals, and we’re experienced mercenaries.”

Rarity was about to say something, but Applejack pulled her back. “Let ‘em be, sugarcube. They’re right.”

Sunset inwardly smirked a bit before she turned back to Revan and Tobias. “Anyone got a plan?”

Revan and Tobias glanced at each other before the latter picked up a stick and began quickly drawing something in the dirt. Sunset quickly realized that he was drawing an outline of the building. When he was finished, he offered the stick to Sunset. “Where’d you detect the other heartbeats?”

Sunset took the stick and quickly drew circles where she’d detected the heart rates. “The fillies and two others were in a lower part of the building like I said, right here,” she further explained while she drew a larger circle around the northwestern portion.

“There is a set of stairs in that general direction,” Quick said.

Tobias, think you can sneak over in that direction and take out the guards before getting to the fillies?” Revan asked.

Tobias grinned, showing his sharp feline teeth which made Sunset shiver. They were the teeth of a predator about to go on the hunt. “Consider it done.”

“What are we gonna do?” Sunset asked.

We go in stealthily and distract the hired help,” Revan explained. “We give Tobias enough time to get the fillies to safety.

“I’ll go with him,” Quick said, stepping forward. “I’m well trained in hoof-to-hoof self defense and can disarm an opponent easily.”

“Good, always nice to have backup,” Tobias said, flashing a grin to the mare.

Revan nodded, then turned to Sunset. “Limits of teleportation magic, go,” he said authoritatively.

Sunset straightened almost automatically as his tone reminded her somewhat of Celestia’s when she addressed the guards back in Canterlot. “Line of sight only for places I’ve never seen before,” she began, “and I can’t teleport where objects already are.”

Matter can’t occupy the same space, logical,” Revan said. “How fast is your casting time?

Instead of telling him, Sunset decided to show off and teleported a few feet away, then a few yards away, then into the air, then back to her original position before she began falling. “That answer your question?”

Revan stared at her, then she heard him sighing. “You wasted precious magic to show off,” he said in a disappointed tone.

Sunset’s pride was instantly hurt by this. She got defensive. “My magic doesn’t run out as fast as your average unicorn, thank you very much,” she said. “I can last a long time!”

We’ll discuss your theatrics later,” he said. “Now then, while the guards are trying to negotiate with the perps, you and I should go, find the six on the main level, and take them out of commission. And Sunset?

Sunset, still a bit bitter by being lectured on someone who knew less about magic than she did, looked at him begrudgingly. “What?”

Lethal force is authorized only if needed.

That made Sunset’s stomach turn and she fought not to lose her breakfast. She kept her face stony, however, and simply nodded. She’d never taken a life in all of her travels around the world, as she had relied on her magic to subjugate anyone she met without killing. Still, she could only assume that, like Tobias, Revan was a predator species underneath that mask and those thick clothes. “Right,” was all she could say.

“Do you really need to do something so vile?” Rarity asked, having clearly overheard the conversation.

Sunset heard a shift in Revan’s voice, and she didn’t need to be an empath to understand what the tone meant. He was angry. “Kidnappers or anyone working for them will receive no mercy from me. Especially those who are stupid enough to be on drugs. They’re cowards who hide behind the innocent.” He reached down to his belt where Sunset saw him putting his claws around a strange looking metal device that she guessed was a weapon. “I won’t try to kill them, but if there’s no other choice, I won’t hesitate.

Sunset shivered. She could tell that, aside from that pony from a few nights ago, he had taken his share of lives. Living out in the Badlands, it was kill or be killed. Sunset had learned that for most of the world it was the same. Equestria, for all its flaws, was a rare oasis of peace, even if that peace came at the expense of underpaid nonpony workers and undercurrents of xenophobia and speciesism. She took a deep breath and steeled herself. She could do this if needed. “Understood,” she said, and she was dismayed to hear her own voice shake slightly.

Tobias, you and Quick move out,” Revan ordered as he pointed to Sunset. “You’re with me. Applejack, Twilight, and Rarity, you stay back.

“Ah don’t like stayin’ back, but alright,” Applejack conceded.

With that, Sunset and Revan split apart from the group while Quick and Tobias went towards the other side of the building. As the former two approached the building, Sunset looked at Revan. “Just so you know, my detection spell is still active, but I can’t cast anything else while I’m doing it right now.”

“You cast and lead me to them, and I’ll knock them out,” Revan quickly replied.

She nodded and the two continued forward. She was once again surprised by how stealthy that Revan was. He wasn’t as good as Tobias, who had appeared to vanish into some nearby brush, but he had good control over how much noise he made, which was very little. A part of her wondered if the mask he wore had something to do with it, seeing as it was the only part of him she could somewhat detect with her magic.

As they walked towards a side door which hadn’t yet been attached, Sunset began hearing an echoing voice coming from the interior of the building, and she knew right away that whoever this Spoiled Milk was, she was definitely on Bronco. She knew the effects of the narcotic, and a lack of a filter was one of them.

“…coming, I know they are, but they won’t find the foals, oh no, no no no. They should be made to suffer like me. I hate them all, hate them all, hate them all! Hush, can’t let them find me, so shut up, mouth! Gah!”

The voice continued to mutter random nonsense after that, but it allowed the two to enter. Just as Tobias had said, there was only one pony visible, and she looked crazed as she walked back and forth on an upper walkway that looked freshly constructed. Despite the crazed look, the mare had a haughty manner about her, looking down her nasty looking nose often at the stacks of full pallets that had boxes piled high on each, creating a maze in whatever warehouse this place was currently.

Sunset took the lead, moving quickly out of sight beneath Spoiled’s high ground. She still had the heartbeat spell on passive casting, and the others with Spoiled weren’t moving, at least not yet. She led Revan quietly into the shadows and waited for him to join, which he did quickly enough. The two then began moving quietly down towards the first location.

The first creature they found was actually a dark green but burly earth pony stallion with a frightening visage. Or it would have been frightening to Sunset if it hadn’t been for her experience in the world. The monstrous Sandworms in the southern deserts near Klugetown were scarier. Thankfully, this pony was looking away from them, so all it took to subdue him was for Revan to remove the strange metallic weapon from his belt and bring it crashing down onto the pony’s head. With a moan, the pony slumped forward, being caught by Revan before he put the pony down.

“I seeee yoooouuu,” the crazed voice of Spoiled Milk came from above, which prompted Revan and Sunset to press themselves against the pallets. They listened as Spoiled continued. “I see eeeeveryyyythiiiing. Hee hee hee. One…two…three…four…five…and six is probably in the bathroom again, that stupid brute.”

Sunset relaxed a bit, although this meant that the other five were in sight of Spoiled. Drugged or not, she could still alert the others here to their presence. If that happened, they’d be in for the fight of their lives if the other five converged on their position.

After the mare’s voice became quieter, the two moved again, approaching a second target. This target was a dark pinkish red pegasus mare who was floating in the air with a bored expression on her face. She passed the two slowly, which gave Revan the opportunity to bring his metal weapon down onto the mare’s head. Once more, he caught her and set her down out of sight before the two slipped into another spot between a pair of large pallets.

They managed to take out a unicorn stallion before Spoiled’s voice came crying out, “Look at that! Some little insects have flown into my little web! They’re here!”

In the distance, a pegasus stallion suddenly flew into the air towards what Sunset realized was a small cloud. He stepped onto it, quickly looked around, and spotted Sunset and Revan. He shouted out a warning, and two pairs of hoofsteps began galloping towards them. The pegasus leaped up on his cloud and came down. A bolt of lightning came out of it, right down towards Revan.

Not needing to cast the detection spell anymore, Sunset dropped it and brought up a shield around the two, causing the bolt to shoot off elsewhere. It struck a window and it exploded in a shower of glass and bits of the metal frame.

Two other ponies came around a corner, one a unicorn mare with a powerful magical presence and an earth pony mare who looked strong. Sunset saw Revan draw out the other weapon from his belt, but before he could do anything with it, another bolt of lightning impacted Sunset’s shield along with a blast of powerful offensive magic from the unicorn.

Left with no options, the two began moving back towards a place where they wouldn’t be in sight of the pegasus and his aerial attacks. The unicorn continued her assault against Sunset’s shield while the earth pony mare jumped at the shield, impacting it hard. All she got for her troubles was her being thrown back. That didn’t seem to affect her in the slightest, though, as she got back up and began to bash heavily at the domed shield.

Sunset was a powerful magic user, that much she knew, but even she had her limits. Three powerful assaults, one from above, was quickly beginning to drain her. Inwardly, she cursed herself for having shown off to Revan earlier. She tried to figure out a way to teleport her and Revan without hurting either of them, but when she remembered how her healing spell had left her feeling even more drained than normal, she knew that wasn’t an option.

“You poor, simple fools!” Spoiled said with a cackle. “Thinking you could defeat me! ME!”

Sunset’s mind raced, looking for any options she could think of. Her eyes darted about while Revan stood there, both weapons in his claws as he simply stood there, his hood now removed to reveal that the mask he wore covered his entire head. He wasn’t moving, which infuriated her, but her frustration turned to confusion when he said, “Open the shield and let me out.”

She looked at him incredulously. “What? Are you insane!?”

“Don’t argue. Do it. And cover your ears when I’m out.”

The tone of Revan’s voice was somehow calm and collected, although she thought she could detect a hint of tension in it. She hesitated for a second, but nodded. A hole appeared in her shield near the back where there was the least chance of being attacked. Revan dove out and Sunset brought the shield back up just in time to avoid a bolt of electricity from another lightning bolt that would have entered the shield had it not been open.

She had barely covered her ears with her hooves when a loud familiar sound rang out. The lightning suddenly stopped and she heard somepony cry out, followed closely by something crashing into a pallet. The earth pony and unicorn briefly stopped and looked back.

Sunset took the opportunity to drop her shield and fire a blast of offensive magic at the earth pony, as she was the closer threat. Her magic enveloped the mare, causing her to yelp briefly before falling unconscious.

However, that yelp had alerted the unicorn, who faced them again. Sunset tried raising her shield again, but part of the enemy unicorn’s blast caught her and sent her sprawling back into her own shield. Her loss of concentration made her drop the shield. Dazed and confused, she moaned as she tried to get up, the impact having knocked the wind out of her. Another explosion rang out and the unicorn screamed in pain.

When she came back fully to her senses, she looked and saw that the unicorn was writhing in pain on the ground, holding her head in her forehooves. Her horn was gone, and Sunset could see blood and bits of horn scattered on the ground. Revan walked past her and made his way to a set of stairs.

Only to stop and aim his weapon up. In a dark voice, he growled, “Let the filly go.

“Ah ah ah, not gonna happen, you monster,” Spoiled said with what sounded like insane laughter.

Sunset quietly got up and tried making her way to a spot where she could get a teleportation spell off, but the sound of a whimpering filly made her pause. “M-Mommy…why…?” the filly’s voice asked.

Sunset saw Revan’s normally glowing blue eyes turn a menacing red, as did the glowing lights around where she suspected his mouth was. “You monster,” he growled.

“I’m no monster!” she shouted, sounding angry now.

“Mommy, you’re hurting me!” the filly cried out.

Sunset couldn’t believe that anypony could have fallen so low. A part of her wondered if pony civilization was even worth saving at this point. She was quickly running through her options when three other mares came barreling into the unfinished building, looking up in horror at whatever Spoiled was doing. Sunset gritted her teeth as Twilight, Rarity, and Applejack all looked slack jawed at the pony above. “Sweet Celestia…” Twilight muttered, eyes full of disbelief.

“Ahaha! Here they are! The architects of my demise!” Spoiled said.

Sunset quickly walked out and moved in front of the three ponies. Here, she got a good view of the scene before her, and she understood what was going on. Spoiled had a knife against the neck of a pink teenage earth pony filly with a tiara on her head. She looked completely terrified and her eyes were bloodshot from crying. Sunset turned and whispered, “Get out of here, damn it!”

Twilight, however, ignored her and raised both her hooves, standing on her back legs. “Spoiled, please…you don’t have to do this…”

Sunset looked more closely at the mare, and saw just how far gone she was. Her mane, which had probably at one point been rather well kept, was drenched in sweat, her pupils were shrunken, her eyes bloodshot, and she had a crazed expression on her face. “Look who’s talking, you complete and utter failure!”

Let the filly go,” Revan demanded.

Sunset was about to attempt a teleportation spell up there when she saw a sight that nearly made her sigh in relief. Tobias had jumped up from a spot behind the walkway where Spoiled held her daughter captive and was sneaking towards them. She also saw Quick moving three filles away, a unicorn, a pegasus and an earth pony. Spoiled looked at the masked creature before her. “I know what you are, freak,” she giggled. “My eyes are opened now! I can see so much more!”

Sunset saw Revan’s hand clench a bit as he raised the weapon higher. “Don’t make me use this,” he said darkly, the color of the eyes on his mask becoming a more menacing red.

She didn’t seem to care as she was laughing. “Take that ridiculous thing off,” she said with a smug tone. “Do it, or she dies!” With that, she pressed the knife to the filly’s neck, drawing a bit of blood.

Slowly, Revan lowered the weapon. He put it back on his belt and slowly began to move his hand towards the front of his mask. Spoiled’s expression turned almost gleeful, and it was due to this distraction that led Tobias to silently land behind her with a nimble leap before he kicked the hoof that was holding the blade away, sending it falling to the ground below. Spoiled turned in shock only to receive a fist to the face, dropping her like a sack of potatoes. He quickly knelt and picked up the trembling teenager filly along with the now unconscious mare, quickly leaping over the railing and landing expertly in front of them, a smile on his lips. “Anyone expecting a delivery of a crazy mare and an innocent filly?” he asked, gently placing the filly down while nonchalantly tossing the unconscious mare to the ground unceremoniously.

As Applejack and Rarity ran up to their sisters, Quick walked up and looked at the unconscious Spoiled. Kneeling down, she opened one eye, then opened Spoiled’s mouth. She slowly stood back up and nodded. “Yep. She took Bronco.”

Sunset looked over at the four foals and two older mare family members. She saw the pegasus standing near the pink earth pony filly, trying to comfort her in some way, or perhaps it was that both of them were trying to find comfort in each other. She felt something on the back of her head, and when she looked up, she saw Revan looking down at her. His eyes and mouthpiece were back to glowing blue. “You did well,” he said.

Sunset stood proudly and nodded. “Of course,” she said.

Revan didn’t reply, but instead he turned to Tobias and nodded at the abyssinian. “Good job to you too,” he said.

“Thanks,” Tobias said.

“Thanks,” Tobias said.

Abuse of a foal
from a mare with no soul,
your judgement day is nigh.

For what you consume
“shall become your tomb
“as a tree may you see with new eyes.

As the sound of the echoing voice faded away only to be replaced with the casting of magic, Revan removed the weapons from his belt, looking for the source of said magic while Tobias drew the rapiers on his side and Sunset and Twilight both ignited their horns. However, the sound of magic being cast came not from the unicorn and alicorn, but instead came from the unconscious Spoiled. Everyone turned and watched as she was engulfed in a strange glowing white light. Sunset watched in horror as the pony began morphing. The transformation quickly woke the mare who began screaming in utter agony and fear.

The transformation started at her back legs, which quickly began to turn into a pair of strange rootlike appendages. Spoiled tried to run, but seemed to be unable to do so, now rooted firmly in place to the concrete floor. She screamed for help, but the transformation only increased, until finally her scream was cut out when it engulfed her entirely, leaving a small oddly shaped tree in place of what had once been a living, breathing mare.

Nobody spoke for a bit, everyone too stunned to speak up. What eventually broke the silence was Revan taking a step forward, looking down at the new tree with roots and trunk breaking through the concrete. He looked at it, then Sunset watched as he looked up at the ceiling. “It couldn’t be her…

“Revan, what do you mean?” Tobias asked, placing a paw on Revan’s shoulder. The moment he did, though, Tobias’ tail began to puff. “Revan?! You’re shaking!”

It’s her…it’s Queen Majesty…” was all that Revan said. The way he said it sent shivers down Sunset’s spine. Because the tone of Revan’s voice was one of fear.

While looking through the mirror, the alicorn raised an eyebrow. She’d been watching the scene at the new building in Maretime Bay, mostly curious to see what kind of creature a human was. No doubt he had some skill, and his weapons were something to behold, but she doubted that he was any threat to her.

But then he’d mentioned her ancient name. The name from when she’d been a unicorn princess long before her ascension, then subsequent capture and imprisonment in stone by an enemy even she hadn’t been able to defeat at the time. She leaned forward and looked at the mask more closely now, something about it feeling familiar. She tilted her head and scowled. Everything about him was unreadable by even her most powerful detection spells, but the face mask that he wore was different. It was as if only the surface of the mask was covered in the same material as his clothes.

“So…it’s your doing…” she said in an uncharacteristically angry tone, her horn beginning to glow. “You were wise to hide from me, my old foe…” She collected herself and faced the mirror again, focusing closer on the human, a smile crossed her lips. Queen Majesty, the former queen of Ponyland and denizen of Dream Castle in Dream Valley touched the mirror serenely. “You’re hiding something…and I’ll find out what it is. My dear human boy…”

9: Convergence

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Spike sat in the Crystal Palace’s library at a couch while reading a book from a thousand years ago. Perhaps it was because he’d grown up surrounded by books, but ever since being separated from Twilight, he’d actually naturally progressed from reading only comic books to reading other types of books. Of course, the adopted prince only really enjoyed fiction stories, but there were hundreds of those in the library.

A part of him found it completely ironic that he found a love of reading only after he had been separated from Twilight. Of course, he knew he would never be the bookworm that Twilight was, but having found another hobby aside from comics and O&O to fill his time when he wasn’t training or getting a more formalized education was rather nice.

Currently, he was reading a series called The Dark Star Saga which was a high fantasy story that followed a crystal pony rogue who found himself in the middle of a royal dispute between two small fictional kingdoms in another world. There was mystery, intrigue, a magic system that was unlike that of the real world’s own, and new races that didn’t fit the mold of the real world. The characters felt real, even the villains of the story, and the settings were all described so vividly that Spike could see them in his mind’s eye.

He was on book two and was deep in reading it when he felt a weight on his lap. Looking down, he saw his adopted younger sister Flurry Heart sitting on his lap facing him with wide happy eyes. He lowered his book and gave her a curious expression. “And just what are you up to, young filly?”

“Beware princesses bearing gifts,” the young filly said in the appropriately quiet tone for a library while simultaneously holding up a small but warm cornet with chocolate filling.

Spike rolled his eyes and quickly swiped it before the librarian saw it. “You know better than to bring food in here,” he said before quickly stuffing it in his mouth, enjoying the freshly baked snack.

“Is that why you’re stuffing your face now, big brother?” she asked coyly but innocently.

“Hush,” he said before reaching down and scratching her head with his claws, swallowing the pastry down with his flask of water, the only concession that the librarian had given on her no food and drink policy. He put his flask away and looked at Flurry. “Why aren’t you with your friends?”

‘They’re all going home because it’s late,” she pouted as she settled more into his lap, nuzzling against him. “Can you read something to me?”

Spike looked up and saw that the sun had already set. He hadn’t realized it had gotten so late. “Not in here, but we can find a book or two to take to your room,” he said softly as he put a bookmark in his own book.

“Why not in here?” Flurry asked with a bigger pout as he stood and picked her up.

“Miss Amethyst wouldn’t let us,” he reminded her, referring to the librarian Amethyst Mark.

Flurry made a raspberry as she spread her wings to hover beside Spike as he began walking towards the children’s section of the library. “That old hag?” she asked while making a face.

“You know what Mom said: her library, her rules,” Spike gently reminded her. Whenever he spent time with his new adopted sister, he always felt the urge to be more mature than he was used to, and that made him feel good about himself but at the same time nervous. He didn’t want to be a bad example for her, after all.

“She’s an old fuddy-duddy,” Flurry said.

“Now where did you hear that?” he asked quietly as he picked out a few books that looked interesting.

“Daddy,” was her simple reply.

Spike rolled his eyes in amusement. Shining Armor, his new adopted dad, always had something to say about things. It certainly sounded like him. “Of course,” he said as he began heading to the exit.

“What books did you get?” Flurry asked, now in her normal tone as they left the library to head to Flurry’s room. He yawned and stretched, arching his back and hearing some of his vertebrae pop. “You’re an old guy like daddy!” Flurry exclaimed with a giggle.

“I’m not that old,” he protested as the two turned to face a large set of stairs. He spread his wings and began flying up them with Flurry by his side keeping pace.

“You’re older than me!” she said with a triumphant smirk.

“Of course I am,” he replied as he set down on the landing above.

“That makes you old like Daddy!”

“I’m not that old,” a familiar voice said from behind them.

Flurry and Spike turned to see Shining Armor and Empress Cadance standing there with smiles on their faces. Flurry smiled and flew over towards them, catching her mother in a big hug. “Mommy, Daddy!”

Shining put a tender hoof on Flurry’s back, rubbing it up and down. Cadance smiled and wrapped her wings around Flurry. “Hello, sweetie,” she said tenderly. “You going off to bed?”

“Big brother’s gonna read to me!” Flurry exclaimed happily.

“Is that right?” Shining turned to Spike and smiled wider. “What sort of interesting books did you find?”

Spike shrugged. “Just these.” He held the books up for the couple to see.

“Good choices for bedtime stories,” Shining said.

“Wanna come listen to Spike read??” Flurry asked in an excitement that belied the lateness of the hour. “He does some funny voices!”

“Funny voices? Really?” Cadance looked at Spike with a wry grin.

Spike, feeling embarrassed, shot back, “Hey, I learned from the best foalsitter around. Who was it who did all those funny voices for me and…” he faded out, the memory of Twilight at that age throwing a damper on his good mood. He took a deep breath and plastered a smile he suspected Pinkie would immediately know was fake and continued. “‘You must pay the rent!’ ‘But I cawn’t pay the rent!’ ‘I’ll pay the rent!’ ‘My hero! Mwah mwah mwah!’ Sound familiar?”

Flurry was beside herself laughing, Shining was trying to hold back a laugh, and Cadance was looking rather embarrassed. “It wasn’t that exaggerated,” she said.

Feeling better now, a more genuine smile came over Spike’s face. “Nope. I toned it down.”

Cadance’s cheeks went redder as Shining’s attempts to hold back his laughter completely failed. Spike had his arms crossed triumphantly as he gave Cadance a look that asked ‘What now?’

The moment was disturbed by a crystal pony quickly trotting up to the royal couple with a scroll in his mouth. He pulled it out and passed it to Cadance. “Your Majesty, we just received this report from Canterlot.”

That caught Spike’s attention. Canterlot didn’t send them much anymore since his adopted mother had cut off most trading agreements with the kingdom of Equestria. He was old enough now that he was figuring out some of the political aspects of his parents’ jobs as rulers of the Crystal Empire, and that was one of the first things he’d learned about from some of his talks with his new parents. He approached the two of them as they looked at the report. Without asking them what it was, he spread his wings and hovered in between them as he read over their shoulders.

What he read startled him. Apparently, there had been a couple of incidents in Maretime Bay, the new town Celestia had built for the former citizens of Ponyville. The first had been an attack on his former caretaker, and he used that term loosely now. As he read the report, he learned that apparently she had been ostracized by the ponies of that town for her actions, which didn’t surprise him too much now, but learning that ponies would try and attack her was a step he had no idea they’d take. She’d apparently been saved by a group of mercenaries.

The second incident was a kidnapping of four familiar fillies by a drug crazed Spoiled Milk, who was then mysteriously turned into a tree by a strange disembodied voice that spoke in rhyme. One of the mercenaries had identified the voice as belonging to somepony named Queen Majesty. The report came from the two princesses themselves, asking if they could look at their historical books and try and find anything about a Queen Majesty. They were unable to get anything out of the mercenary, as he had immediately left the scene.

“Mommy? Daddy? Big brother? Is something wrong?” Flurry asked, looking at the report as well.

Cadance quickly rolled the scroll up and smiled at Flurry. “Nothing that you need to worry about, sweetie,” she said with what Spike knew was a forced smile. She then turned to Spike. “Would you take your sister to bed?”

Spike nodded and landed, walking up and gently leading the still hovering Flurry. “Come on, sis. Let’s get you to sleep.”

As the two made their way to Flurry’s room, she landed on his back, hugging him from behind. “Spikey? Is something wrong? Mommy and Daddy didn’t look happy.”

He smiled up at her and stroked her mane. “It’s nothing, Flurs. Nothing you need to worry about at all.”

“She definitely didn’t believe me when I said that,” Spike said as he sat with his adopted parents a few hours later. They were in the private conference room where Cadance and her imperial advisors met every so often, the report from Canterlot being projected onto the wall so the three could look at the report.

Cadance reached over with her wing and gave Spike a gentle caress. “Flurry’s a lot smarter than we give her credit for, sometimes. She gets that from your father and me.”

Shining smiled a bit and nodded. “Still,” he said, “thanks for trying not to worry her. She’s still too young to be worrying about things like this.”

Spike nodded, then refocused his attention towards the projected report, leaning forward. “What are your thoughts on it?” he asked, directing the question towards the two.

Cadance removed her wing from Spike and looked at the message with a thoughtful expression on her face. “I don’t know anything about this Queen Majesty, but what I do know is that the Crystal Empire has a restricted section of ancient scrolls dating back to at least five hundred years before the founding of the empire itself. And the Crystal Empire is older than Equestria, relatively speaking. I’m going to have our best experts scour the section for any mention of Queen Majesty.”

Spike looked at his new adopted parents. “One doesn’t get raised, as it were, by one Twilight Sparkle and walk away with nothing,” he said. “I’ve been frequenting the library here enough that I know the sections. I also can pick up on things in a new library relatively quickly. I’d like to help look for information on this Queen Majesty, if the information exists in this restricted section.”

“Absolutely not…is what I’d like to say,”Cadance said with a heavy sigh, “but you’re officially our son, and that makes you a prince.”

Shining nodded and gave Spike’s spines a ruffle before he said, “This search won’t interfere with your normal studies and training, however. We’ll have others looking in the section as well, but you’re more than welcome to help, especially since the restricted section is massive.”

“It’s bigger than Canterlot’s,” Cadance explained as she got up and walked up to Spike. She gave him an affectionate nuzzle. “No, it’s getting late. When you’re all finished with tomorrow’s studies and training, come see me and I’ll send somepony with you to lead you to the library.”

Spike nodded, giving his new mother a kiss on the cheek, then hugged his father before he yawned. “See you all in the morning,” he said.

Pinkamena lay in her bed after another long, hard day of work. It had been yet another successful haul that she’d been able to help her family with finding. They’d begun to move some rocks from the south field up to the western one, an activity she remembered long from her time before moving to Ponyville.

Despite her earlier words a couple days ago about going to see her old friends, she decided to hold off for at least another week until she had helped with the rock migration. One she was satisfied with that being accomplished, then she’d told her parents that she’d be going away for a couple of weeks, maybe a month. They’d agreed.

During the past few days, the hope of seeing and hopefully seeing some change in her old friends kept her spirits up more so than she’d been the past couple of years. A bit of spring had come into her mane and tail, but instead of the normal curls, there were waves in her once completely straight mane and tail.

She brushed her wet mane aside and sighed contentedly. It had taken her body a month or two to get back into shape, but now her body didn’t ache after a long, hard day of work. Most of her pudge had been replaced by muscle. She had also cut out a good portion of sweets from her diet, not that she didn’t eat sweets, but they weren’t the main part of her diet now.

She turned over slightly, seeing a somewhat dust-covered photograph in a frame sitting on the table next to her bed, the lamp illuminating the subjects. Pinkie sighed and reached over, picking it up and looking at it. It was one taken in front of Twilight’s former castle before its destruction. She was there with her five former best friends, all smiling at the camera. Pinkie herself was jumping in said photo with a wide beaming smile as well. She blew the dust off of it, remembering the day that they’d taken this photo. A wave of nostalgia washed over her, then the guilt returned, especially since this was taken while Jason Wright was still alive and living a horrible life in the cave.

A cave she’d visited when she left Ponyville to go back home. Sighing, she set the picture back down and silently apologized once more to Jason, even if he couldn’t hear her. “I wish I could have given you a nice big party-” she began, before her body began shaking.

She sat upright instantly. Her Pinkie Sense hadn’t activated in years, and a part of her had been relieved when it failed. It hadn’t helped her in sensing Jason’s sadness. It hadn’t done her any good, at least in her current opinion. That part of her felt normal, for once. It was a nice comforting feeling to have that normalcy. But this Pinkie Sense was what her former self might have called a super-ultra-mega big doozy. A doozy that happened to be coming from the direction of a town she knew as Maretime Bay.

She sat up, wide eyed. The doozy she felt was something that she’d only felt once or twice before. And for both times, they involved Jason Wright. But since Jason was already dead and buried in high honor at Canterlot, it couldn’t have anything to do with him.

Slowly, she lowered herself back down onto the bed and closed her eyes. She focused inwards, using her recent years of experience of meditation that she had learned from Marble to concentrate on the feelings from this doozy. She’d never tried this before, mostly because her Pinkie Sense hadn’t activated since she’d arrived back home. She dug up the old, painful memories of the two times she felt the doozy, comparing them to what she’d just experienced.

And immediately noticed a subtle difference between what she’d just felt and the ones she felt before.

Confused, she tried thinking and feeling just what those differences could be. There were so many sensations to sift through, but after about ten minutes of peaceful meditation, she managed to pinpoint the feelings that were different. If she were to try and explain it to anypony else, it would be utter nonsense, but she understood the implications.

If she was right, then one very strong possibility was that there was another human in Equestria.

With that thought, she pulled the covers up and covered her face. What could she do about it now? Should she even-?

Her thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock at her door. “Pinkie…dinner’s almost…done…” Marble soft and tender voice called from beyond the door.

Pinkie’s appetite had vanished when the realization of the possibility of another human in Equestria had popped into the forefront of her mind. “I’m too tired tonight,” she lied, inwardly wincing. She hated lying, but she mostly wanted to be alone.

The part of her that didn’t want to be alone was grateful when her younger sister slowly opened the door and shut it behind her. When they were alone, Marble’s normally straight mane and tail became more full of volume. It didn’t become curly like that of the former Pinkie Pie, but it still looked a lot fuller. Marble’s voice became a bit stronger as she came up and sat next to her sister. “What’s wrong?” she asked, putting a tender hoof on Pinkamena’s mane and running said hoof through it.

Pinkamena knew what this was. Every Pie had a strange Sense of sorts. Marble’s own Marble Sense was one that relied heavily on empathy, so much so that when Pinkie had asked Twilight about it once, the alicorn had suggested that Marble might be an empath, a rarity among ponies, and almost impossible with earth ponies, but not unheard of.

Pinkamena sighed and explained what she’d felt a few moments ago. Marble listened intently, her normally shy eyes focused solely on Pinkamena. When she’d finished, Marble nodded. “If you want to leave now, mother and father wouldn’t mind, I know it.”

It always amazed Pinkamena whenever she heard Marble speak in such an eloquent tone. It rarely happened, and part of Pinkamena blamed herself for it because of her always speaking over or for the normally quiet and demure Marble. She was right, of course, and Pinkamena knew it. Pinkamena knew that, despite her parents both being more traditional and strict, they understood their foals very well. Even Pinkamena who’d been away from home for so long. Still, she hesitated. “But with father’s laminitis, and mother being busy around the house-”

“They will understand, Pinkie,” Marble said, a warm smile on her face as she sat and put a hoof over Pinkamena’s. “They’ll be fine when we leave.”

Pinkamena started to nod absently before it finally registered as to what Marble had said. “Wait a moment…‘we’?”

Marble nodded and her mane somewhat deflated. “I’m…coming…” she said in her normal cadence.

Pinkamena shot out of bed, alarmed. Marble rarely left the farm because it was her comfort zone. She was a lot like Fluttershy, only with the shy part turned up to an eleven. “B-But what about the farm?!”

“Mother and Father…said it was okay…when I mentioned it…” she replied, and a small smile appeared on her face. “I’m not…as strong as Limestone…or Maud…but you…need somepony…to come…with you…”

Pinkamena was completely blown away by this revelation. Marble was the last pony she expected to voluntarily leave the farm for anything, but to hear that she was willing to accompany Pinkamena was both a shock and, to her surprise, a big relief. Pinkamena had been dreading going through the wilderness alone.

Still, she had to be sure. “But what about you? You never leave the farm. Aren’t you scared?”

“Terrified,” Marble said without any hesitation, but then her mane puffed up a bit. Her more tender demeanor returned. “But I don’t want you going alone. That’s what my Marble Sense is saying.”

Pinkamena’s eyes began to water and she looked away, a bit embarrassed to let Marble, her younger sister, see her older sister crying. “I…sniff…thank you, Marble…”

Marble’s hoof ran through Pinkamena’s still damp mane. “You’re welcome…Pinkie.”

Pinkamena smiled a bit. She’d given up that cheery name when she’d come back, and the others had respected her wishes to call her that. Still, it felt good to hear that old moniker referred to her. She sat up and sniffed loudly, wiping her eyes then blowing her nose. “Right, let’s tell Mother and Father and then get packing.”

“No way, you’re lying…you and GILDA?!”

Rainbow Dash sat with her parents in the Shy household’s dining room eating a dinner that the two families got together for every month. Today, though, there was a surprise guest that Rainbow hadn’t expected. Zephyr had answered the door, but to Rainbow’s shock hadn’t immediately started hitting on her. And now she knew why.

“Guess she knew a good thing when she saw it,” Zephyr said with a triumphant smirk. This earned him a light smack on the back of his head from Fluttershy along with an admonishing glare. “Okay, yeah, that was a bit much,” he admitted sheepishly, “but yes, Dash. I got together with Gilda. It’s been a whirlwind and a challenge, but I’ve really been enjoying it.”

Curious now, and since curiosity was temporarily banishing her own self loathing, she leaned forward. “How’d you score that birdbrain?”

“Funny you should ask,” he said, and he regaled her with the story of how he’d done her feathers, and their banter, then their getting together. Rainbow inwardly chuckled. That was Gilda, alright. It made sense. She was always a hothead. Then again, was Rainbow any better?

“Well, congratulations,” Rainbow said, and she did mean it. She might have been turned off by Fluttershy’s brother, but she never wanted to see him really hurt. And it seemed as if he was happy. In fact, she was a bit jealous. Not because she had feelings for Zephyr, but because he had begun to move on from something big whereas she was still stuck. “Why didn’t you bring her with you to meet the family?”

“I asked, but she said-well, she had other plans for this week,” Zephyr said, hesitating a bit, then correcting himself. “I actually want to bring my family to Manehattan sometime to meet her if possible.”

Rainbow had an inkling as to why he had hesitated. If Gilda knew about this monthly dinner, she would want to avoid Rainbow herself. Not that she could blame her former friend. She pushed down the ache in her heart and nodded. “Well, I hope things go better than when…well, when she came to Ponyville…”

“She told me about that,” Zephyr said, “and she does feel bad about it. She does want to apologize to my sister for that.”

“Zeph, I told you already, I forgave her for it long ago,” Fluttershy said.

“It’s a pride thing for her,” Zephyr explained. “Her pride was tarnished, so she needs to restore it by acknowledging her wrongs. And yes, she’s doing this even though she knows what happened two years ago.” He shot a sideways glance towards Rainbow, who flinched slightly.

“You said you wouldn’t mention two years ago,” Posey said with a frown.

“I won’t mention it after this,” Zephyr promised.

Silence filled the table as they ate. After a bit, Rainbow looked at Posey. “You make a mean lasagna, Mrs. Shy.”

“Can I get the recipe?” Windy asked hopefully.

Posey smiled. “I’ll write it down for you later before the night is over.” She looked over at Rainbow then. “Dear, would you care to stay the night here?”

That came as a surprise to Rainbow. She hadn’t stayed over with Fluttershy since they were foals. She turned to her parents, but the looks on their faces only confirmed that they would be okay with it. She turned back to Fluttershy, who was giving her a small smile. Zephyr was just eating, not getting involved in the conversation. Whether he cared or not about her staying, she couldn’t tell. Still, she looked back at Posey. “If you’re okay with me staying, then I’d be down for it.”

Gentle Breeze smiled at that. “We can set something up in Fluttershy’s room. If that’s alright with you, dear,” he added, turning to his daughter.

“Perfectly alright, daddy,” Fluttershy said.

“I still can’t get over that Zephyr and Gilda got together,” Rainbow was saying later that night as she lay in a comfortable cot the Shys had set up in Fluttershy’s room after dinner. The sun had since gone down and the room was in complete darkness save for a scented candle on a nightstand next to Fluttershy’s bed.

Next to her, Rainbow heard Fluttershy giggling. “They would be a unique couple, but I don’t remember ever seeing Zeph so happy.”

Rainbow looked over at her former friend. There had been tension between them since they had laid down. It was as if they were both avoiding something, something that was perfectly obvious to Rainbow, but something she was nervous to bring up. So, instead of tackling it, she continued. “Zeph? I’ve never heard you call him that.” She chuckled a bit.

Fluttershy turned over and faced Rainbow. “It’s an old foalhood nickname he used to hate, but one he only ever lets me use.”

“Ah,” Rainbow nodded. “Well, it sounds like you two are closer than ever.”

Fluttershy nodded, and the two slipped into silence. The floral scent of the pink candle on the nightstand was actually very pleasant, and after her long shift at her job that day, was just what the doctor ordered for a hopeful peaceful sleep free of dreams. Dreams that had haunted her for the past two years. At the thought of those dreams, her mood fell. Fluttershy must have noticed because her smile faded as well. “Dashie? You okay?”

Rainbow winced inwardly at being called by her old nickname. “Well, it’s just…I might not sleep well tonight. I haven’t been this week, and if I do, I have nightmares.”

“About Jason Wright?”

There it was. Out in the open. Just where Rainbow didn’t want it. The memory of that human pained her. Not because she hated him for anything, but because in her dreams she always saw him as he had been after she’d struck him with lightning all those years ago: a collapsed and twitching biped lying in the middle of Ponyville’s streets. A twitching being who would look up at her with a look of sadness, rage, then hatred.

She sighed. “And other things, but yeah…”

Fluttershy closed her eyes as she took in a shaky breath, then looked back at Rainbow. “Same here,” she whispered softly, “and it’s starting to drive me crazy. Mommy and Daddy can’t fully understand what I’m going though. Why do you think I asked my parents to ask you to stay?”

Rainbow’s eyes shot open at that. “What?” she asked.

Fluttershy sat up and leaned against the wall behind her, prompting Rainbow to do the same. The latter saw that the shy pegasus was psyching herself up for a serious conversation as it was obvious by her slightly twitching tail and regular focused breathing. Finally, Fluttershy turned to Rainbow. “Do you regret what we did to him?”

”Every damned day,” Rainbow said without hesitation. The profanity made Fluttershy wince, but now that Rainbow had spoken, she realized that she wouldn’t be able to stop. “All I can see in my dreams is him suffering because of me, and do you know what I did? I laughed because I, the Element of Loyalty and the defender of Ponyville, got a bullseye on the big bad monster. And my coworkers aren’t any help. I try to work to get my mind off of things, but they all know about the cruel pegasus mare who struck a magicless human in cold blood and don’t ever let me forget!” Tears began to form in her eyes, something she hated, but not something she could avoid now. “I can’t escape it!”

She felt a warm presence wrapping a pair of soft wings around her, and before she knew it, Rainbow was lying in Fluttershy’s bed next to her. She could feel that her friend was trembling as well. “I-I know…” she said with a whimper. “I keep seeing him all beaten up and hungry at my door, but I can’t even move to help. He stands there and begs me for help, but I-I just stand there like a coward…then he just walks away…”

Rainbow had never heard Fluttershy sounding so broken before. All through dinner, it had sounded like her friend was starting to get better, but Rainbow should have known better. Fluttershy took things rather personally when she messed things up, and in this case it was a major screw up. It made sense that she would hide her guilt beneath her new gardening habit and her old pet Angel, who was lying in a pet bed on the other nightstand next to Fluttershy’s bed. With trembling hooves, she wrapped her friend up in a hug as the two quietly sobbed.

After they finished crying and after cleaning their noses and eyes, Fluttershy looked at her old friend. “Hey…um…I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and…I’d like to try visiting Maretime Bay. Would…would you like to come with me?”

That caught Rainbow off guard. She knew that Rarity and Twilight both lived in that new coastal town, so the thought of going there to see them had briefly crossed her mind, but she was too angry at them and herself and ashamed to face them without risking blowing up at them. “You…want to visit Rarity and Twilight?”

“And Applejack,” Fluttershy added.

”Applejack?” Now Rainbow was even more confused. Last thing she knew was that her former rival and friend was still in Ponyville providing Equestria with her family’s goods.

“I got a letter from her yesterday saying that her farm was going under and that she was going to move to Maretime Bay with her family,” Fluttershy said. “It was postmarked a week ago, so she’s already in Maretime Bay by now.”

That was another blow to Rainbow. She didn’t think that AJ, of all ponies, would pack up and leave. There had to be more to it, and she mentioned it. Fluttershy nodded. “Yes, well, she said that the orchard was dying.”

Rainbow wasn’t sure how many more gut punches she could take. She curled up, feeling upset on AJ’s behalf despite their friendship being over. That farm had been her life, her family’s life, for over a hundred years. She took a few moments to gather her thoughts. “So…when are you going?”

“Probably…sometime tomorrow,” she said. “Zephyr’s going to come with me. It’s not that far away if we fly.”

Rainbow slowly uncurled herself, her mind racing. She wasn’t sure if she really wanted to go, but her old loyal self was starting to tug on her heartstrings, pulling her to go with her oldest friend. She took a deep breath, then made the biggest decision of her life, or so it felt.

“I thought you had a job,” Zephyr said to Rainbow after she appeared at the Shy household with a saddlebag packed with what she would need for a trip to another town. “Won’t they miss you?”

Rainbow shrugged. “I told them I was taking some emergency personal time,” she lied. In truth, she’d gone into her old job and, after calling out each of her coworkers on their faults which was a bit relieving for her, she’d unceremoniously quit and gone back home to pack quickly. She thought she’d done a pretty bang up job on calling the others at her old job out on their horse dung, and she felt a lot more free than she had in months, maybe even years. There were still the other emotions she had yet to sort out regarding some other more sensitive matters, but for the moment she felt pretty damned good, if she said so herself.

“Oh dear, I hope they didn’t keep you long,” Fluttershy said, but Rainbow knew that Fluttershy wasn’t fooled. She knew Rainbow had lied.

“Nah,” Rainbow said with a wave of her hoof. “I’m ready to go whenever you are.”

Fluttershy looked with a hint of suspicion at Rainbow, which the latter knew meant that there was a lecture coming later. She was used to that, but still wasn’t looking forward to it.

Tobias watched as his human friend walked quickly back to the future house of Sunny Starscout. He was keeping pace with Gregory after they’d quickly vacated the guard station after being paid without so much as a thank you. That wasn’t like him. Gregory might have been what a human might call a hard ass, but he at least was polite up to a point, especially with a client. The fact that he’d dispensed with that told Tobias that something was wrong.

Behind the two, Sunset and Twilight both were trotting along fast, trying to keep up with the longer strides of the taller bipeds. Sunset rushed up beside Tobias and looked up at him. “Hey, what’s up with our fearless leader?”

Tobias shook his head. He had no idea, but if he had to guess, it had something to do with how he reacted to the disembodied voice and what had happened to Spoiled Milk. He’d never heard of anyone named Queen Majesty. The only queens he knew about were Queen Chrysalis, who’d been missing for the past several months according to the rumor mill, Queen Nala IV of the Highclaw Dynasty from Panthera, and Queen Katherina VII of the Proudpaws Clan in Caninia, but that was it. “Not sure,” he replied, “but I’ve never seen him so…agitated.” He didn’t say afraid because he couldn’t see under Gregory’s mask. “I can only guess.”

Sunset sighed. “I can’t even guess…that damned mask…”

The four entered the house, but Gregory didn’t stop, instead heading upstairs. Tobias told Sunset that it would be a good idea to start packing up to leave, and he went after Gregory. When he entered the room where Gregory had slept the night before, he saw that his friend was packing in a rushed but methodical manner. Tobias knew that Gregory never unpacked anything much whenever they stopped, even during an extended stay somewhere. Quick in and out was one of the mottos of every mercenary. He closed the door and stood in front of it, blocking Gregory from leaving. “G,” he said calmly, “what’s going on? Who’s Queen Majesty?”

Gregory turned and faced Tobias. The abyssinian noted that despite not showing an ounce of skin, Gregory’s body was tense. “I can’t tell you that. She’s probably watching us with magic right now.

Tobias raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure? Is this something from the My Litt-?”

Gregory was across the room and covering Tobias’ mouth. “Don’t talk about that!” he hissed.

Tobias’ eyes were wide now, Gregory’s gloved hand still over his mouth. Something was really wrong if he was acting this way, but he knew his friend well enough when to leave well enough alone for the moment. He slowly nodded, and when Gregory removed his hand, he said, “So, we’re leaving then?”

Get packed,” was Gregory’s only response.

Knowing an order when he heard it, Tobias quickly left the room and went back to his room, not bothering to be neat while putting things in his bag. When he left his room, Gregory was already making his way downstairs with a quick but determined gait, only to freeze when he saw something downstairs. Concerned, Tobias rushed over and looked over the railing, only to pause as well.Sunset was downstairs, saddlebags ready and facing the open door which Twilight was standing in front of. Just outside the door, stood the very last person anyone expected to see.

Princess Celestia.

10: A Sudden New Contract

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Sunset stared with wide eyes at the surprise guest to Twilight’s house. Behind the princess were a group of pony guards, none of which she knew, but they were certainly younger than she was. Celestia had locked eyes with Sunset and had a somewhat relieved look in her eyes as she took a step inside, walking right past a flabbergasted Twilight Sparkle. “Sunset…I’m so glad you’re safe.”

Sunset took a step back from Celestia, which made the alabaster alicorn pause. Before Celestia could say anything, Sunset spoke. “How’d you know I was here?” she asked through clenched teeth.

Celestia stopped in her tracks and then did something unexpected. She sat on the ground right where she was standing. “I received a report via pegasus about the attack on Twilight here,” she said, turning to Twilight. “I’m glad to see you’re not hurt,” she said, giving Twilight a small smile.

Twilight smiled back a bit nervously. “Ehehe, thanks.”

Celestia nodded, then turned back to Sunset. “I’ve been told you joined a group of mercenaries.” She gestured behind Sunset. “Are these them?”

Before Sunset could respond, Tobias stepped up to stand to her left. “My name’s Tobias, and this is our leader Revan. We’re a mercenary group named Shadow Dawn.” Sunset noted that he had a serious tone and expression on his face.

Sunset felt the looming but now familiar menacing presence of Revan on her right. Celestia looked at the two with a look of curiosity and confusion before she nodded. “I see. It’s nice to meet you two.”

“Your Highness, mercenaries can’t be trusted,” one of the guards, a unicorn who wore lieutenant stripes, said as he stepped forward and moved to protect the princess. “Look at how armed they are, and I don’t even know what kind of creature the one with the mask is.”

“Stand down, lieutenant,” Celestia said swiftly, “these two are not our enemies unless you make a move on them.” The lieutenant stiffened, clearly not happy with the order, but complied and stepped back. Celestia turned to Sunset again. “Sunset, I-”

“Save it, Celestia,” Sunset snapped back, trying her best not to unload everything at her former teacher. “I’m not your little pet project anymore. I’m not the pony you manipulated into becoming the Element of Magic.” She gave Twilight a withering look before turning back to the princess. “I’m my own pony, and I will find my own path.”

Celestia’s expression changed and she looked down at the carpet. “I never intended for you to be a pet project-”

“Tell that to the little experiment of yours over by the door,” Sunset snarled back angrily, pointing towards Twilight, who flinched.

Tobias stepped forward and put a paw on Sunset’s back. “Hey, don’t let your anger guide you to do something you’ll regret later. Don’t let your emotions influence you. Do you want to be like other ponies like that?”

Sunset snapped her head up at the abyssinian, anger showing clearly on her face. “Don’t butt in like you know what happened to me!” she shouted angrily.

Tobias stood his ground, however, and continued. “No, I don’t know what happened, and it’s not my business, but you’re a part of Shadow Dawn. We do not act rashly.”

Sunset took in a deep breath, years of repressed anger and emotions bubbling to the surface. However, before she could get another word in, a gloved hand gently but firmly pulled her back. She looked quickly up at Revan, but thanks to his mask, she couldn’t read his expression or even guess at his emotional state. He did, however, give her a single, quick, but meaningful pat on her withers before he turned back to face down the Princess without so much as a word. Sunset felt appreciation welling up in her for his support of her as she took a deep breath to calm her emotions. She might not have liked to hear it from Tobias, but he was right. She was falling into the same folly that the ponies of Ponyville did with Jason Wright. She looked up to face Celestia. “I don’t know what you hoped to accomplish by coming here,” she said evenly, “but I won’t be coming back as your student.”

Celestia looked hurt by this, but she nodded. “I didn’t expect you to,” she replied, “but I couldn’t let you leave without at least talking to you and expressing how sorry I am for what I did.”

“And just what is it you’re apologizing for?” Sunset asked with a hint of distrust.

Celestia gave her an apologetic look. “I didn’t make an effort to reach out to you as I should have,” she began, “and I failed to see just how you were growing. Our last conversation was one I deeply regret. If I could go back, I’d be a lot more understanding. I pushed you away from me, and I am so very sorry for it. I’m very sorry for everything I did. I’ll understand if you don’t want to forgive me, but I had to come and say this to you.”

Sunset didn’t react to this. Inside, she was rather shocked to hear that Celestia was actually acknowledging some of her faults. Still, part of her wanted to lash out. What about her dismissal of Sunset’s talents? What about whenever Celestia tried to force Sunset to make friends when she never wanted to make any because they always inevitably disappointed? She stood up straighter, closed her eyes, and inhaled deeply. “I’m surprised that you came all this way just to say that,” Sunset replied before opening her eyes. “That’s a lot of effort for an apology, even if half-assed.” She’d heard that expression from Revan at one point.

Celestia raised an eyebrow at the expression curiously, but said nothing. She simply replied, “You’re worth the effort, my former student,” she said softly. Slowly, Celestia stood. “I want to make things up to you however I can. I could provide you with a large number of bits and even a homestead somewhere quiet where you could live comfortably-”

“And there’s the other horseshoe drop,” Sunset said, disappointment dripping from her tone. “You want to keep me trapped in Equestria under your auspicious gaze, just like you did with the inhabitants of this pathetic, unworthy town!” She was about to go on, but Revan’s hand reappeared on her withers. She paused a bit, remembering what Tobias said once more. She calmed herself once more. “I’m a free pony, Celestia, and I’ll live life as I please. Let me ask: aside from diplomatic missions, have you ever, and I mean ever, gone out into the rest of the world? Have you seen the squalor and crime you ignore in Thornfall and Klugetown? Have you met with the tyrannical Storm King’s forces? Have you seen how far the gryphons have fallen from grace? Do you even know what the reality is for the others out in the world? How other species suffer because of your complacency?”

“How dare you speak to her Highness that way??” The lieutenant, clearly unable to hold back anymore, stepped forward with a magical aura around the hilt of his sword. However, Revan and Tobias both stepped up, the latter with his rapiers drawn and the former with his two strange miniature cannon weapons aimed at his head.

“Lieutenant, stand down now!” Celestia added. “You’re only escalating the situation!”

Sunset, while appreciative of the efforts of her new compatriots, stepped between them. She faced the lieutenant boldly. “Blind loyalty will only lead to blindness. Look at Jason Wright. What did Loyalty do to him?” Celestia and Twilight both stiffened at that, and this further emboldened Sunset. “Loyalty must be earned, especially to her royal sunnyness here.” She couldn’t help but throw in an insult, no matter how foalish it felt in the moment.

“That was too far, Sunset,” Tobias said.

She knew it was, but she couldn’t help it in the moment. Still, she regained focus and faced Celestia. “Why not use that money you were apparently saving for me and put it to work in helping ponies here who actually might want the help? And who are worthy, although that’ll be a difficult task. From what I’ve seen here, no pony in Equestria is worthy. None of the ones I’ve met seem to want to learn anything. The best of them, and I use that term loosely, only seem to wallow in their own self-pity.” She gave a quick look to Twilight, who looked away with shame. Feeling emotionally and mentally drained, she sighed. “If that was all you wanted to talk about, then we’re done here. We’ve got to head back to Thornfall for another job.”

“Actually, there were a few other things I wanted to talk with you about,” Celestia said, “and it has to do with the reports I received about the attack on Twilight and the transformation of one Spoiled Milk.”

“Witness statements?” Tobias asked as he finally sheathed his swords. Celestia nodded. “One of the guards was there, along with a few others. They saw and heard what we did, so I don’t see why we need to be here.”

“Because it seems one of you has information vital to the investigation,” Celestia said, and with that she looked at Revan. “What do you know?”

Revan, who had put his miniature cannons back, stood still. Sunset had heard the tone of his voice when he mentioned someone named Queen Majesty. He then seemed to take on a relaxed tone. Holding out a hand, he spoke. “We don’t give away this kind of information away for free,” he said. “How much will you pay us?

The lieutenant snarled at this, and several other guards also seemed to take interest in what this masked figure had said. “You dare to demand money, you filthy mercenary!?”

“Lieutenant, leave this house right now,” Celestia said with a tone that Sunset had never heard from her before. A menacing tone full of threats of retribution. It even made her shudder in fear. “You are not helping anything.”

“You’re Highness, I must object-!”

LEAVE!” Celestia bellowed before turning to the other guards. “Set up a perimeter around the house until I leave, is that understood?”

They nodded and quickly left, some amusingly with their tails between their legs like a dog after being scolded. That caused Sunset to snort a bit. When they’d left the house, Twilight shut the door and asked with a nervous tone, “C-Can I make you some tea, Princess?”

“No, but thank you for offering,” Celestia said with a soft smile. She then turned to Revan. “How much are you charging?”

Five hundred bits, all upfront,” he said with a neutral tone.

Sunset was shocked that he’d asked for so much, but was even more shocked when Celestia nodded, raised her horn, and cast some magic which teleported a brown sack onto the ground in front of them. “Will this do?” she asked.

Revan didn’t move, but Tobias did. He swiftly picked it up and opened it. A cursory glance seemed to satisfy the abyssinian and he nodded at Revan. The masked biped then looked down at Sunset. “Anti-scrying spells, are there any?” Confused, she nodded. He then turned to Celestia. “You, Sunset, and Twilight cast a simultaneous anti-scrying spell, your most powerful one. I don’t want any prying eyes and ears seeing or hearing this conversation.

The three named ponies exchanged looks before as one they all raised their horns. Three glowing shields surrounded the small group. As they moved to sit at the couches in the room, the shield moved with them. When they all sat, Revan folded his hands. “My information on Queen Majesty is limited at most,” he began, “but she was a unicorn who was once known as the most magical of all ponies. She ruled over them from Dream Castle in Dream Valley located in Ponyland. Her pet dragon Spyke lived with her in the castle. She was a benevolent leader but her methods of punishing those who threatened her ponies were rather…harsh. She would cast rhyming spells on those who did harm to her subjects, turning them into trees or some fitting punishment. However, the stories become more convoluted from here.” He leaned forward. “She and her pet dragon vanished from Ponyland before the arrival of Megan Williams and her siblings, humans who traveled to this world to help in times of need. The legends I’ve read about has led me to believe that something happened to her when the flutter ponies vanished.

“Wait, humans were here on Equus?” Celestia asked in alarm.

Here on Erda, yes,” Revan replied, using what Sunset now knew was the original name of this world. “That’s another story for another time. Somehow, she’s back and can cast spells from a distance. I will not be caught up in her shenanigans.

Celestia looked at Revan with a curious expression now, then nodded in understanding. “I understand,” she said. “Thank you for telling me these things. Is there any other pertinent information you can relay to me? I can pay extra.”

Revan looked down a bit, then after a few moments shook his head. “Off the top of my head, I can’t think of anything. Only that she has, or had in the past, a magic scrying mirror that could see anywhere she wanted. Clearly, she was using it to punish Spoiled Milk for what she did, and since Spoiled was using drugs, she turned that mare into a tree. You’d probably call it a poetic punishment for her.

Celestia’s expression hardened at that, but she simply nodded. “Cruel is what I’d call it,” she said, “but I suppose that’s one way of looking at it.” Looking up at Revan, she added, “Is there anything else?” Slowly, Revan shook his head. “Alright, thank you for telling me.” Raising her horn, she lowered her shield. Sunset and Twilight did the same.

“Is there anything else we can do for you?” Tobias asked.

“As a matter of fact, just one more thing, please,” Celestia said. “Before you leave, would you tell us, in your own words, what happened during the attack on Twilight and during your attempt to save the four fillies who Spoiled foalnapped?”

“So,” Tobias said about a day later as the members of Shadow Dawn had left town the afternoon before to head back to Thornfall, “you were once a student of the Equestrian Princess?” He gave Sunset a curious look. The question had been on his mind for the entire day, and he couldn’t hold his curiosity back.

Sunset looked up at Tobias, and he could tell that she didn’t want to talk about this. Still, while he knew a bit about her past thanks to Gregory showing him the Equestria Girls money grab, he had his reasons for pushing a bit. “Years ago,” she said, “it was so many years ago.”

“And you didn’t feel the need to tell us?” Tobias asked with a slight frown.

“It wasn’t pertinent,” she explained.

Tobias shook his head. “Wrong, my little pony,” he said, “it’s very pertinent. You saw just how pertinent it was back there. Your old teacher came to try and get you back.”

“I thought the mercenary guild didn’t care about who joined a guild,” Sunset snapped back.

“If we’d gone anywhere else aside from Equestria, we wouldn’t have cared,” Tobias pressed. “We’re not expecting your whole damned life story, but you could have at least given us a bit of a warning.”

“Well, you know now, happy?” Sunset asked, clearly growing more aggravated.

Tobias was about to reply when he felt the gloved hand of his friend on his shoulder. He looked over at the ‘Revan’ mask as Gregory gave his shoulder a squeeze. Tobias relaxed. “Yeah, for now,” he said in a warning tone.

We’ll be on the road for a few more days,” Gregory said, “so let’s try not to tear each other up. Let’s just get as far away from Equestria as possible.

“Hey, Revan, do you think that job in Panthera is still up on the board?” Tobias asked. Gregory just shrugged. There had been multiple requests from Panthera for a mercenary group to do a job in the abyssinian kingdom, and it had been upgraded a few times with increased payouts. The pay was good, but the job was the most dangerous one on the board. “If it is still there, should we take it?” As far as he knew, the Panthera job was the one that was farthest away from Equestria.

Sure,” he said simply.

The fact that he’d instantly replied sent up alarm bells in Tobias’ mind. Gregory wasn’t one to take big jobs like that, he knew, so if he was this quick about it meant he was more afraid than Tobias thought. He hoped to get some information about it out of Gregory later that night. Figuring that his closest friend wanted to change the subject, Tobias decided to turn to a lighter subject. “I seriously didn’t expect you to make the princess pay for that information.”

That caught Sunset’s attention as well, and she fell back to walk closer to the two bipeds. “The look on that lieutenant’s face was priceless,” she smirked.

“That’s not quite what I meant,” Tobias said.

“What did you mean?” Sunset asked.

“Giving away information is a…tricky thing for the guild,” Tobias explained. “Obviously, we don’t give away information on our clients while we’re on a job, but it’s also implied that we don’t do it after the job is done. Still, some of the more disreputable mercenaries will sell out past clients for the right price, as I’m sure you know. Those are partly where the rumors about mercenaries come from. Giving out random information like what Revan did is a bit on the edge of acceptable behavior, but we won’t likely get punished for it by the guild. Especially since he wrung some really good coin out of the Equestrian government. If news of that gets around, our standing in the guild shoots up and the guild master will probably get us some more high paying jobs.”

“Damn,” Sunset said, sounding clearly impressed.

We’re not telling anyone,” Gregory said firmly.

“What you’re saying now and what you told me earlier don’t add up,” Sunset said. “You said time is money, but you don’t want to increase your likelihood of getting better jobs.”

“The higher a job, the higher the risk involved,” Tobias explained. “With the money we’ve made now, we can easily pay off some of our debts so we’re in the black again.”

“Then what about that job in Panthera you mentioned?” Sunset asked.

“That’s a unique job that anyone can take, regardless of experience,” Tobias continued to explain, “and it has no time limit to complete. As a bonus, it takes us away from Equestria. Apparently, some shit is about to go down.”

Sunset seemed to understand this as she nodded. “I see,” she replied.

The three continued walking for hours, sometimes pulling out some of the small snacks they’d purchased in Maretime Bay before leaving to keep their strength up. They would also occasionally stop by a body of water where they refilled their canteens. Sunset knew a spell that sterilized and cleaned the water so no harmful diseases would be transferred, and Tobias enjoyed the taste of fresh water for the first time on the road. The water from Twilight’s house was clean enough, but there was a taste to it that he couldn’t readily identify. Lead, perhaps, he wasn’t sure.

It was about a half hour before they were going to stop that they came upon a campsite in a clearing of trees on the barely worn road. They’d seen the campfire smoke long before they saw the camp itself. Going around the mid-sized forest would only take them a day and a half out of their way, so they had no choice but to go through said forest. Tobias remembered this forest from their initial trek here, and it had a clearing just big enough for a campsite, which was where they found two earth ponies sitting around a campfire.

Tobias, the stealthiest among them, had scouted ahead and spotted them. Two mares, one a light gray with a straight darker mane and tail and the other a faded pink with a darker faded pink mane and tail. He immediately recognized the two from his viewing of the My Little Pony show. It was Pinkie and Marble Pie. Both were sitting on some rocks that had been dragged around the fire and were apparently boiling some delicious smelling stew of some kind. They were talking quietly but even Tobias’ ears couldn’t pick it up.

When he got back to the place where Sunset and Gregory were waiting, he gave his report. “It’s Pinkie Pie and another mare I don’t recognize,” he half lied. He knew he could get away with recognizing Pinkie since her face and cutie mark were well known, but he couldn’t get away with recognizing the latter.

“Can we go around them?” Sunset asked, clearly not wanting to see any new faces.

“Not unless we want to take an extra day getting back to Thornfall,” Tobias said. “Besides, there’s space there for both of us to have a camp, and the forest is free of dangerous creatures.” He paused, part of him wondering how he knew that, but shoved it aside as he continued. “We can’t avoid them. Time is money for a mercenary, you know that.”

Sunset gave an exasperated sigh, but simply nodded and said, “Fine.”

Pinkamena ate the carrot stew carefully, savoring the rather delicious and nutritious food that Marble had made as she stared into the bowl. The two of them had made excellent time ever since leaving their farm, better than most other travelers thanks to taking some shortcuts that Pinkie had felt out using her own methods that even she couldn’t explain. Methods that had once been more prevalent in her happier days. They were about a day/day and a half away from Maretime Bay.

Marble, on the other hoof, was keeping a close eye on her older sister. During their journey, the younger sister had stayed close to Pinkamena’s side, keeping her focused, helping her set up and strike camps, making sure Pinkamena ate three times a day, even if lunches were something simple like a hay and oat sandwich with lettuce and tomato. Pinkamena had helped with her part of the striking of camp and making breakfast and dinner, such as gathering firewood or cutting vegetables that their parents had packed for dinners and lunches, but for the most part Marble was doing the lion’s share.

“Great soup,” Pinkamena had to admit. The ingredients were simple, but Marble was always the best cook among them. Pinkamena may have been good when it came to desserts, but Marble was amazing when it came to normal food. She’d learned a lot from their mother in that regard.

“Thank you,” Marble said with a soft smile before wiping her muzzle with a small towel that she placed down on her lower legs before facing Pinkamena more fully. Her mane and tail fluffed slightly as she entered her Marble Sense persona. “Pinkie, you’ve been extra quiet today. Something on your mind?”

In truth, something had, but Pinkamena had been actively trying to suppress it, not wanting to think about it. Now that Marble had brought it up, she had to say something or risk going insane. She nodded. “Yeah. My Pinkie Sense is going haywire today.”

Marble looked concerned. “What are you sensing?” she asked.

“That’s just it: I don’t know,” Pinkamena said, a hint of frustration in her voice. “It’s super vague, but it’s only increasing as we get closer to Maretime Bay.” Her body jerked a bit for a brief moment before stopping. “See?”

Marble nodded, her concerned frown deepening. She actually looked like she was in deep thought. “Pinkie,” she began, “have you meditated on it?"

Pinkamena sighed. "Yeah, but it hasn't been helping as much lately," she said. "I don't know if I'm doing something wrong."

Marble nodded. “That happened to me a few times, and I just needed to change how I approached it. You haven't done that as far as I know. Finish eating, and I can teach you,” Marble said. “It works better for me with less physical distractions, and an empty stomach for you is a major one.”

Pinkamena gave a half smile at this, looking down at her leaner frame. Even now, after her grief had begun to subside after leaving Ponyville behind, her returning appetite had been bigger than the rest of her family’s own. She nodded and began shoveling healthy helpings of the carrot stew into her mouth, chewing gratefully on the softened carrots and celery.

She was just ladling out a second helping when a disturbance from the eastern part of the glade caught their attention. The two quickly turned, Marble standing with fear in her eyes and Pinkamena standing to her full height and moving to protect her younger sister. However, instead of some monster from the forest, three new figures emerged from the path that led to the exit of the forest. One of them was a pony, and that made Pinkamena breathe a sigh of relief, only for guilt to rush to the surface. The other two were bipedal, one being a black furred abyssinian while the other was a creature with a menacing looking mask who wore all black.

It was the abyssinian who spoke first. Raising his paw, he gave the sisters a friendly looking grin. “Howdy, folks,” he said with a friendly tone, “didn’t mean to startle you. We’re just passing through on our way back to our home.”

Pinkamena knew her sister didn’t do well with strangers, so she spoke up first. “Hello there,” she said.

The abyssinian smiled wider at her. “Hope it’s okay if we set up a camp somewhere nearby. This place is the safest spot for miles around and this forest has no monsters in it, so it’s perfect for us.”

Pinkamena looked behind her to see what her sister might have been thinking, but saw that Marble was looking at the group with wide eyes. Not eyes of fear, but eyes of shock. Worried, the dull pink furred mare nudged her sister. “Marble?”

“Hmm??” Marble came out of whatever trance she’d been in, looking at her sister with confusion.

“They’re asking if they can stay in the grove with us,” Pinkamena repeated.

“If you’re not comfortable with us being here, we can move on,” the abyssinian said. “There’s at least a half hour of day left.”

Marble looked back at them, and Pinkamena followed her gaze. Marble seemed to be looking between the hooded pony and the menacing looking masked biped. She took a deep breath, then looked back up at Pinkamena. “Mmhmm,” she nodded.

The abyssinian clapped his paws together. “Perfect, thank you! We’ll stay out of your hair as best as we can.” And with that, the group moved away towards a patch of flat ground near the edge of the grove, but one with a small hole in the forest canopy that gave a view of the sky.

Marble and Pinkamena resumed eating, now hearing the sounds of a nearby campsite being set up. Pinkamena could hear two voices speaking quietly: the abyssinian and the hooded pony. The masked creature with the glowing eyes in his mask said nothing, but did help.

Pinkamena didn’t watch, considering it rude. For the majority of the time their new neighbors set up camp, she just ate in silence, keeping her head down. At one point, however, she reached across to get a few more ladlefulls of soup when she noticed that Marble’s mane and tail had reached a level of fullness she’d never seen before. It wasn’t like the fluffy mane and tail of Pinkie Pie, but instead hers had locks of waves in them. More waves than anything Pinkie or Pinkamena had ever seen. Not only that, but when Pinkamena looked at Marble, she saw that her sister was staring intently at the group. More specifically, she seemed to be staring at the masked figure. “Marble?” Pinkamena asked in concern. When she didn’t respond right away, Pinkamena grew more worried and gently nudged her sister.

This caused her to jump, spilling a bit of her stew on the ground. “Ah, um, yes?” Marble asked.

“Are you alright?” Pinkamena asked. “You were staring at our guests.”

Marble didn’t respond right away. Instead, she looked down at her stew with a contemplative look. After a bit, she looked back over at the masked figure. “My Marble Sense is going wild,” she said softly so that only the two could hear. “That creature over there, whoever he or she is, is setting it off.”

That shocked Pinkamena. Her sister’s own Sense had never gone wild, at least not that Marble had ever said. She joined her sister in looking at the masked figure. Currently, he was lifting some rocks to create a fire pit while the other two were setting up a pair of tents. She wondered why this figure was wearing all black and never showing any of its…fur? Scales? Anything underneath. Was this creature hiding their identity as a species for some reason?

Marble looked back at the stew, then back at the group. “Pinkie, we packed extra bowls, right?”

Guessing her intentions and not faulting her for it, Pinkamena reached into one side of her saddlebag and pulled out three bowls. “Got them right here.”

Marble quickly took them and began filling them up with the steaming stew. Once she was done, she grabbed the cutting board she’d brought, placed the bowls on them, and began carrying them over.

Pinkamena was even more stunned than before. Marble was being incredibly bold. Still, she noticed that some of the waves in Marble’s mane began to straighten as she walked up to the group. Ever the protective older sister, Pinkamena quickly put her stew down and went to beside Marble towards the group.

The pony was the first to notice them. Underneath the hood, she gave a snort. “What do you want?” she asked evenly.

“Um, we wanted…to offer you some…of our dinner…” Marble said before Pinkamena could say anything. She was back to her hesitant speaking habit, but the fact that she’d spoken first was still a shock to Pinkamena.

The abyssinian came up to the group, a wide friendly smile on his face. “Really? That’s very thoughtful of you, but are you sure we wouldn’t be taking anything from you?”

Pinkamena spoke up now. “No, we’re not too far from our destination and we’re planning on staying for a while,” she explained.

The abyssinian looked over at the masked figure, who had stopped what they were doing and looking at them. The figure nodded, then went back to creating a fire pit. The abyssinian looked back and reached down to grab two of the bowls. “Well, if you’re offering, we’d be more than grateful to accept,” he said.

The hooded pony then revealed herself to be a unicorn when the third bowl lifted off of the board. “Where are you going?” she asked. “Let me guess: you’re going to Maretime Bay to talk to your former friends, Laughter?”

Pinkamena’s expression fell a bit. She knew her cutie mark was well-known throughout Equestria, and the way this unicorn mare was talking to her, it was clear she wasn’t a big fan. To her even further surprise, Marble stepped in front of her, the straightness of her mane becoming wavy again. “As a matter of fact, yes we are,” she said in a much more audible tone than her previous sentence to the newcomers.

That seemed to surprise the two and the abyssinian came up and put a paw on the unicorn’s back. “Go help with the firepit,” he said, “you’re not helping anything here with your attitude.” As the unicorn walked away, the abyssinian knelt in front of Marble. “I’m sorry for my companion’s behavior,” he continued. “She’s what you might call an acquired taste. All business, as it were.” He put a paw on his chest. “My name’s Tobias. We’re just passing through on our way back to where we live.”

Pinkamena nodded. “She’s not wrong, though,” she said. “My sister and I are on our way to Maretime Bay to visit our old friends there.”

“We were just there for a job,” Tobias explained. “We saw three of your old friends there, and they seemed to be doing alright.”

That caught Pinkamena off guard a bit. “A job? What kind of job?” she asked.

“An escort mission,” Tobias replied. “We were guarding and escorting a family moving there.”

“Mercenaries…” Marble said softly.

Tobias nodded. “Yes, miss. We’re mercenaries. We’re heading home now.”

She wasn’t sure why, but Pinkamena asked anyway. “Were you escorting somepony we might know? Somepony from Ponyville?”

“We were escorting a family from Ponyville, yes,” Tobias replied.

“The Apple family…” Marble said.

“That’s right, miss,” Tobias replied.

Marble looked back at Pinkamena. “They had to leave…?”

“Guess their land was more honest about their daughter’s cruelty than they were,” the unicorn scoffed.

At that, the masked figure threw down the stone they were carrying, stormed over to the mare, and grabbed at her cloak. “You. Me. Talk. Now.” The voice the sisters heard was menacing and deep, but also clearly male. He dragged the unicorn away with surprising speed into the forest surrounding the canopy.

Tobias watched them go, then turned back to the two sisters. “I don’t know too much about the reason behind their leaving,” he said with an apologetic shrug, “but what little I did see of their old home was of dying or dead crops. The entire town didn’t have a single blade of grass in it.”

Pinkamena looked down at the ground, slowly nodding. “Makes sense…” she said.

“Thank you…for telling us,” Marble said gratefully.

“You’re very welcome, miss,” Tobias said.

“Do we…owe you anything…for that information?” Marble asked.

Tobias shook his head. “Nope, that’s not sensitive information. We may be mercenaries, but we’d like to try and be as honest as we can be. The more honest we are, the more our clients would trust us and the more likely we’ll get repeat business.”

Marble and Pinkamena nodded. “Understood,” Marble said. She looked up at Pinkamena, then back at Tobias. “Could you…excuse us…for a…bit?”

“I’m not going anywhere,” he said as he pulled out a wooden spoon from his pack, sat on the ground against a tree, and began to eat the still steaming stew that the Pie sisters had given them.

Marble walked away, followed closely by a very confused Pinkamena. “Marble, what’s going on?”

Marble looked up at her sister. “I don’t know,” she admitted, “but something in my Marble Sense is telling me that I can’t be too far away from that masked creature.”

“But doesn’t he scare you?”

“He terrifies me,” Marble agreed, “but I can’t explain how my sense works.”

“None of us can,” Pinkamena said.

“How many bits do you have?” Marble asked.

“Um…maybe fifty,” Pinkamena said. Then, the implications of Marble’s question hit her. “No, you’re not-”

Marble, however, was not listening. Instead, she rushed back to Tobias, who was now being rejoined by the masked figure and the pony, the latter of whom was now no longer wearing the hood and had the look of a scolded foal on her face. “Um…Mr. Tobias…if we…wanted to hire…you to…escort us to…Maretime Bay…what would that cost us?”

The unicorn mare’s eyes widened at that. “We just left,” she groaned. This earned her a smack to the back of her head by the masked creature.

“You want to hire us to escort you to Maretime Bay?” Tobias asked, as if to confirm.

“Mmhmm,” Marble nodded.

The three mercenaries exchanged a few glances, then the masked creature spoke. “Excuse us.

As the three walked away to speak in hushed tones, Pinkamena pulled Marble back. “Marb,” she said, using her sister’s nickname, “I don’t want to sound cruel, but how can we be sure we can trust these three? We don’t know anything about them.”

Marble nodded. “I understand, but do you trust me?” Pinkamena nodded. “Then trust that I’m doing the right thing. Also, was Tobias’ smile fake?”

“Huh?” Pinkamena was confused now.

Marble gave a small smile. “You claimed to be an expert on smiles. Was Tobias’ smile a fake one?”

Understanding dawned for Pinkamena, and she shook her head. To tell the truth, Tobias seemed very genuine in his smile. She knew from experience that anytime anyone lied, their smile was always off. Tobias’ was sincere. She immediately felt bad for making assumptions, realizing that she’d done the same things that her former friends had done with Jason. The same thing that she’d done too. She sighed. “I wonder if I’ll ever grow up.”

Marble gave her sister a reassuring smile and put a hoof on her back. “You’re getting better,” she said. She then hugged her sister close.

Pinkamena smiled a bit, then hugged Marble back for a number of seconds before breaking the hug. “I guess having a couple of escorts won’t be so bad,” she admitted. “But do you think we can afford to hire them? I know mercenaries need to be paid.”

“I brought a bunch of bits to be safe,” Marble said before reaching into her mane and pulling out a money purse.

Pinkamena’s eyes went wide. “Where did you learn how to do that??” she asked incredulously.

“From watching you,” Marble said with a triumphant smirk as she began walking back towards the three who were approaching them.

“So, we’ve discussed it,” Tobias said when they reconvened, “and if you’re willing to pay twenty-five bits upfront and seventy five upon completion of the escort request, we’d be more than willing to accommodate you.”

Pinkamena was a bit surprised by how cheap it was. The unicorn then spoke up. “The price is reduced because it’s a short request.”

“Do we have a deal?” Tobias asked.

The sisters looked at each other for a few seconds. Then, Pinkamena turned and nodded, reaching her hoof out automatically. “Yes,” she said.

Tobias reached over, wrapped his surprisingly soft paws around her hoof, and shook.

The former Queen Majesty sat in the bathtub that her new subjects, the nox ponies, had recently refurbished for her. The hot water felt good on her ancient yet youthful fur. The steam filled the private bathing area. She needed it after the infuriating day that she’d had.

Somehow, that human had known about her when nobody else in the world should have. And when he was explaining things to that foal pretender Celestia, he’d been smart, or paranoid, enough to have her and the two other ponies there put anti-scrying spells in place which had blocked her mirror’s view of the conversation. If it had only been one of them, it would have been easy for her to break through, but with three, even her powerful magic mirror couldn’t see.

In front of her was a floating smaller version of her mirror. She was focusing on the interior of a tent where Tobias as she now knew his name to be sat with the human, who’s mask was off again. A small lantern was lit between them, barely illuminating the two. The human, who was apparently named Revan, had a blanket pulled over his head like a hood to hide any shadows the lantern might show of his face on the tent fabric.

I thought you really wanted to get out of Equestria,” Tobias was saying.

Believe me, I do,” Revan replied in a whisper, “but a job’s a job, and we’re getting paid well.

Tobias nodded in understanding. “I guess so,” he said, “but those two made it from their home to here without incident.

Pinkie is also a former Element,” Revan said, “which means she’s a target. You know that we need all the money we can get. If they didn’t want to hire us, I’d have agreed with Sunset and said no, but we’re in the red.

Okay, okay, you’ve made your point,” Tobias said. “I agree, but I just hope this doesn’t come back to bite us in the ass.” Majesty was confused as to why this action would bite a donkey, but she continued listening in.

Me too,” Revan said as he lay down in bed. “Come on, let’s get some sleep. We can at least get a full night’s rest thanks to Sunset putting up a magic barrier.

Not so fast, G,” Tobias said, still sitting up and looking down at the human. “You have another question you need to answer.

What?” Revan sounded tired, and his eyes were already closed, the face mask on his forehead.

Out with it,” Tobias said with a frown, “how do you know about that Queen Majesty?

Majesty sat up in her tub, curious to see what would be revealed here. However, Revan shook his head. “Someone could be watching us,” he said, “and I won’t risk that information falling into the wrong hands, hooves, or other appendages.

I’m not taking no for an answer this time, G,” Tobias said sternly. “Don’t you trust me?

You’re the only one I do trust,” Revan replied, “but neither of us can cast an anti-scrying spell.

Tobias considered this, then slowly nodded. “Fine…fine…Does it have to do with Emelpi?

Majesty tilted her head. What in Erda was Emelpi? Revan took a deep breath, then reached over, forming his hand into a fist. He gently pushed it against Tobias’ chest, then removed it before grabbing the lantern. “Goodnight, Toby,” he said, blowing out the lantern before pulling the blankets over him, covering his eyes with a sleep mask.

The mirror was covered in complete darkness now, but Majesty could still hear things from the mirror itself. The last voice she heard was the sound of Tobias saying in a disappointed voice, “Goodnight.

Majesty raised her horn and teleported the smaller mirror back to her personal quarters, sinking lower into the water and letting the warm liquid soothe her ancient frame. Whoever this Revan was, he knew things about her that nobody should. That could not stand. Magic didn’t emanate from him like it did anything else on Erda. The only other source of that sort of anti-magic field came from the gravesite of Jason Wright. She suspected that a direct magical move on him wouldn’t work because of this.

So, she needed to think of indirect ways to get to this human and figure out what he knew about her.

11: A Brand New Day

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“Thank you for these, sergeant,” Princess Celestia said, holding up the reports that they’d made on the two incidents that had taken place in Maretime Bay. She’d been given copies which she planned on reading when she got back to the place where she’d be staying for the night.

“Ain’t no problem, yer ‘ighness,” the sergeant said in his thick Manehattan accent. “I ain’t never seen or ‘eard anything like it. That mare might ‘ave been a foal abuser, but nopony enacts justice without my say so ‘round ‘ea.”

Celestia nodded. She’d seen the tree that had once been one of her ponies. She knew of Spoiled Milk by reputation. She’d actually never met the mare, but judging by that reputation, there was no way she’d like her. “I’ll be sending some investigators and some of our more prominent mages here to help,” she said.

The sergeant winced a bit, but at the same time looked grateful. Celestia knew that small town guards didn’t like their territory being encroached upon, but she also was now more aware that the town needed more guards as the current ones were made only of volunteers who appeared overworked. “Much appreciated,” the sergeant said.

“Anything else you can think of to tell me?” Celestia asked.

The sergeant thought about it, then shook his head. “Nothin’ I can think of,” he said.

“Then I’ll take my leave,” Celestia said. “If you think of anything, come see me. I’m going to be in town for another day or two and I’m staying at the lighthouse.”

“With Purple Book Horse, eh?” The sergeant snorted a bit under his breath before returning to his version of a professional frown. “Understood, yer ‘ighness.”

Celestia didn’t react to that nickname for Twilight, or to anything else the sergeant said. “See you later, sergeant.” With that, she walked out, flanked by two guards, both of which were pegasi.

When she reached the outdoors, she spread her wings. She would normally bring her carriage with her, but she wanted to actually fly and get some exercise in. Years of living like a princess had made her soft, physically as well as in other areas of her life. Without a word, she spread her wings and flew up into the air, followed close by four pegasi guards, the other two having positioned themselves just outside the guardhouse doors when they’d arrived. The wind felt good in Celestia’s face, and she enjoyed the salty breeze wafting in from the ocean to the west. A part of her wished that she could have come here for a long overdue vacation with her sister. The two of them loved swimming, and the summer sun was nice and warm. However, business came before pleasure, so she turned to the northeast towards a ledge where she spotted a group of ponies in tents striking camp. She knew from her information that this was where the recently dislodged Apple family was now setting up their new farm.

As she flew, her mind wandered, which it tended to do whenever she flew on her own. The information that the masked creature she now knew to be named Revan was terrifying, to say the least. It was also incredibly upsetting to know that humans had once visited their world and had been instrumental in aiding ancient ponies, at least according to what Twilight had said when repeating an earlier conversation that she’d apparently had with Sunset. She had no idea why, but Revan felt in a way familiar to her. It was nearly on the tip of her tongue, but she couldn’t figure out why.

Slow down, Celestia, she thought to herself as she reeled her thoughts in, let’s look at the facts. She proceeded to do so, then imagined Revan in her mind’s eye. Bipedal, masked, wearing nothing to indicate what species he was, voice being modulated by some sort of magical means-

She stopped, eyes wide. Magic…there had been absolutely no magic that had emanated from Revan aside from that mask. Not only that, she realized further, but he had five digits on his claws-no, his hands. She tried to figure out why she hadn’t realized it before, but got nothing.

“Your Highness? Is everything alright?” One of the guards had flown close to her and was speaking with a worried tone in his voice.

Startled from her sudden realization, she nodded. “Ah, I’m alright,” she said. Instinct told her to send a couple of guards after the mercenary and his team, but she shook her head. He wasn’t a citizen of her nation, just like Jason wasn’t due to her gross negligence until she granted it to him posthumously, so it was not her place to go after the only other human who had apparently slipped through her detection for who knows how long.

She hung her head in shame. She hated herself for what had happened to the now deceased human and had tried to make up for it after his death not only by her punishing those responsible, but by placing Jason to rest in the Royal Mausoleum in the highest of honors. She would visit his grave on the anniversary of his death and even other times to speak to the statue of the poor human. It never helped her overwhelming sense of guilt. Still, that first part of her wanted to go and provide Revan and his companions with a life that was better than Jason ever had and that Revan apparently was living. Thornfall, which was where the only mercenary guild branch on the continent existed to her knowledge, was a crime infested town full of a hodgepodge of different races. It was rife with crime and only the strongest could live there.

A stray thought passed through her mind. Thornfall was located in the Badlands, and one of the towns in Equestria that was close to that area was Dodge City. She remembered the report on how the citizens had thrown a ‘monster’ out in a rather atypically cruel way. Her heart sank when she considered the possibility that the monster the report spoke of could have been the only other human on Equus, at least as far as she knew. Had her ponies learned nothing? And now that this mysterious Queen Majesty had made her presence known and could apparently cast magic from afar, would she strike somewhere else? Would she strike Dodge City?

Her meandering came to a halt as she automatically landed on the grassy field where the Apple family were now staying, only to be greeted by the biggest and strongest stallion she’d ever seen. “Hi!” the stallion greeted with a wide friendly grin.

“Um, hello there,” Celestia said dumbly before recovering herself. “What’s your name?”

“Mango’s name is Mango!” the burly stallion replied.

As her guards landed on either side of her, Celestia nodded. “Nice to meet you, Mango. Are you a member of the Apple family?”

“Mango not part of family,” he said, “but Mango is helping Apple family after bad pony friends made Mango attack Apple family.” His ears flattened and a look of guilt seemed to wash over him.

Celestia could sense that there was a bigger story here, but she also could sense that this Mango, while he might be a bit simpler, was a good pony at heart. “Don’t look so down, my little pony,” she said with a reassuring smile. “I’m sure whatever you did in the past can be forgiven.”

“Mango hopes so,” the big pony said with a bit of despondency before he brightened. “What does pretty tall pony need? Mango go get smaller pretty orange pony?”

Celestia smiled more warmly now, a hint of red in her cheeks at Mango’s compliment. “Well, yes please,” she said, figuring that this Mango was referring to Applejack.

Mango nodded and rushed off, his massive hooves thundering across the grassy plain towards a hole being dug in the ground. Celestia waited patiently until Mango stopped and spoke to somepony in the hole and pointed in her direction. Instantly, an orange pony with a blonde mane and tail appeared and rushed over towards Celestia. When she stopped, the earth pony was out of breath. “Yer…hah…Highness…” she said, “We wasn’t…expectin’…company…”

“I’m in town on other business,” the alabaster alicorn said, “and when I heard that your family had moved here, I decided to come and visit.”

Applejack nodded and opened a flask hanging by a strap over her shoulder. She gulped down water then took in another couple deep breaths. “Well, uh, ah’d offer ya somethin’, but we ain’t got much else after the attack.”

Celestia’s ears perked up. “What attack?”

Applejack then launched into an explanation of her and her family’s trip from Ponyville to Maretime Bay. Celestia wasn’t surprised to know that they’d hired the mercenary group that had left earlier that day, but it was worrying to hear about another group of mercenaries that had been hired to attack the Apple family. She also heard Applejack’s side of the story in regards to her sister’s foalnapping by Spoiled Milk and her accomplices.

“That is quite a harrowing experience,” Celestia said. “How are Big Mac and young Apple Bloom holding up?”

“Big Mac should be right as rain soon,” Applejack said, “but Apple Bloom? She ain’t been sayin’ much since she came back yesterday.”

Celestia frowned in concern. “May I speak with her?” she asked.

Applejack shrugged. “You can try, ah guess, but she ain’t talked to Granny or me or anypony else here since comin’ back.” With that, she turned and led Celestia and her guards to the cluster of tents. When they reached a bigger one, Applejack pointed. “She’s restin’ in there,” she said. “Please be gentle. She ain’t eaten much.”

Celestia nodded, thanked Applejack for her help, then ordered her guards to stay outside. As the four pegasi stationed themselves around the tent, Celestia poked her head inside and looked around. The tent was apparently being used as a living area, with cots lined up on either side of the tent flap entrance and personal belongings sitting next to each cot. The only one not neatly made held a red and yellow figure who was turned away from the tent flap.

Celestia stepped in and gently approached. As she did so, the figure stirred. “I told ya, Granny, I ain’t that hungry right now,” a tired sounding voice said as the owner of said voice pulled the blanket further up.

Celestia was about to reply before stopping. She raised her horn and a small lollipop that she’d brought for herself appeared floating above the young filly. “Not even for a sour apple lollipop?”

Apple Bloom shot out of the cot and looked towards Celestia. “P-Princess?!” she exclaimed in surprise.

Celestia lowered the light green lollipop down on the covers and sat down next to the cot. “Hello, my little one,” she said softly, noting how haggard the filly’s appearance was and trying not to wince with worry. “How are you doing today?”

Apple Bloom slowly pulled the covers off of her and sat up, the look of shock never leaving her face. “I-I-what are you doin’ here?” was all that she could ask.

Celestia continued to smile, although inwardly her worry for the young filly grew. Being foalnapped must have affected her deeply, especially if she saw what happened to Spoiled Milk. She knew she had to go about this delicately. “I came by to check up on you and a few other ponies yesterday,” she said honestly. “I heard that you got hurt.”

Apple Bloom looked down at her body, then back up at Celestia. “I didn’t get hurt,” she said with some confusion.

“Not outside, but inside,” Celestia said, pointing to the spot where a pony’s heart was on her own barrel.

“Oh…OH,” Apple Bloom said with recognition in her tone. “You mean with Diamond’s mom?” Surprised that Apple Bloom was willing to talk about it already, Celestia plunged ahead and nodded. “I told Granny and AJ that I’m fine,” she added with a hint of frustration. “I’m just tired from the trip, is all.”

Celestia inwardly frowned. Apple Bloom was apparently in semi-denial about the entire ordeal. She hated doing this to a filly, but she had to help her through her trauma. “Sweetie,” the princess said softly, “I’m sure you’re tired from the trip, but you got into some trouble that could have hurt you.”

“I knew AJ would come save me,” Apple Bloom said with confidence.

“I’m sure she would have,” Celestia agreed.

“And she did come help save me!” Apple Bloom announced.

“Yes, she did,” Celestia agreed again before she decided to change the subject. “My little pony, I’ve heard that you haven’t really been speaking to the rest of your family lately.”

“Like I said, I’m just tired from the trip,” Apple Bloom defended.

“But not tired enough to spend a night with your friends?” Celestia asked.

That caught Apple Bloom off guard a bit, and Celestia could see that she was scrambling to come up with a defense to that question. “W-Well, they’re my friends,” she said, “and I haven’t seen ‘em in years.”

Celestia knew that she’d pushed a bit too far, so she backed up. “Of course, that makes sense,” she said. “Well, I hope that you catch up on your rest. Enjoy the lollipop.”

“Thank you kindly, Princess.” Apple Bloom gave her a smile, then opened up the lollipop and began sucking on it. Her eyes widened. “Sour apple?”

Celestia smiled back and nodded. “It’s one of my favorite flavors. Do you like it?”

Apple Bloom didn’t respond right away. She continued sucking on it, then tears began streaming down her cheeks. Her bottom lip began to quiver and she dropped the lollipop. Celestia grabbed it in her magic and set it down so it wouldn’t get dirty. Walking up, she lowered herself and wrapped the young filly in her wings as she hugged the young teenage earth pony. Apple Bloom began to sob, her body trembling as she buried her snout into Celestia’s barrel.

Applejack came rushing in a few moments later and saw what was going on. She tentatively approached. “Apple Bloom?” she asked with a hesitant tone.

“Be at ease, Applejack,” Celestia said as she gently passed the crying filly over to the older mare, “she’s just beginning the process of healing.”

Applejack and Apple Bloom clung to each other, the younger one crying more openly while the older one only shed a couple of tears while remaining stoic. As Celestia left the tent to leave the siblings in peace, she saw Granny Smith sitting in an old rocking chair nearby. The chair was on a hastily built small patio sitting on the grass. Celestia remembered the first time over a hundred years ago when she’d met the young Granny Smith. Walking over, she sat next to the elder earth pony. The two sat in silence, watching as a few ponies in the distance were working to dig up a part of the plot of land for a new house.

Granny didn’t seem to notice her presence at all until she finally spoke up. “So, what brings yah by our new home?”

Celestia didn’t move, instead watched as the burly Mango kicked down a tree in the nearby woods with surprising ease. “Well, I wanted to personally investigate a couple of incidents that happened here,” she said.

“Mmhmm,” was all that the elder mare said. The two didn’t say anything for a bit longer before Granny added, “Ah know that’s a load of hooey.”

Celestia was stunned by this. It was extremely rare for anypony to talk back to her like that. Not even her advisors spoke to her like that. “What makes you say that?” she asked.

“Ah may be a young’un compared tah yah, but ah ain’t a fool, now,” Granny said. “Ah kin tell when somepony’s lyin’ through their teeth.”

Celestia smirked a bit, then giggled. “Heh, well, I did come to investigate, but I came for another reason, too,” she said.

“Ah’m guessin’ it has tah do with Sunset?”

Celestia raised an eyebrow. “Well, yes,” she said with confusion. “How did you know?”

“Ah remember a time when that mare came down tah Ponyville with ya durin’ one Summer Sun Celebration,” Granny said. “Yah called her yer ‘Shinin’ Star’. She loved playin’ with Big Mac on the farm. Ah think that Big Mac actually had a bit of a crush on her back then, but he must have fergotten her. And she fergot us, too.”

Celestia thought back. She remembered that time. It was when Sunset was about five or so. She did remember how excited Sunset was to go exploring an actual farm. She and Big Mac, who’d been maybe about six or seven at the time as she recalled, had become close friends rather fast, so much so that Sunset was crying when they had to go back to Canterlot. Sunset eventually forgot about that trip, however, and Celestia foolishly never really told her about it. Now she wish that she had. “That was my fault,” Celestia admitted. “I should have told Sunset about it. It may have helped in the end.”

“What in tarnation happened tah that filly?” Granny asked. “She was so…”

“She’s angry at me,” Celestia said. “I wronged her years ago, and she left Canterlot one night after a terrible fight we had. I’ve wanted to make things right with her for years, but she left Equestria and I could never find her until now.”

The two sat in silence for a bit, a slight breeze flowing through their manes as they watched the few ponies continue to work on digging up the sight of the new house. Once more, Granny spoke. “And yah didn’t tell her ‘bout that visit why?”

Celestia once more flinched at the words. Granny’s tone wasn’t accusatory or angry, simply emanating a detached curiosity. That hurt a lot more than she expected. “There’s really no excuse for me not telling her,” she said.

“Darn tootin’ there ain’t,” Granny said. “Ah remember mah son and daughter-in-law tellin’ Big Mac about the, and ah quote, ‘…cute fiery unicorn filly yah played with all over the farm’. He don’t remember it none, of course, but he knew ‘bout Sunset. He just never said nothin’ since she was actin’ like that.”

Celestia nodded and bowed her head in shame. She was so lost in thought that she didn’t hear the distant sound of a teleportation spell. However, she heard the distinctive shout of a mare. Looking up, she saw a group of creatures standing on the edge of the new property line. One of them, a faded pink mare with straight mane and tail, galloped towards the tent. Celestia recognized her as the former Element of Laughter. She looked a lot leaner than she had before. Looking back to the others, she saw a gray earth pony mare who was speaking to…the abyssinian mercenary from the day before?

She stood up in confusion. Why had he returned? she wondered to herself. No, why had they returned? She noted that Revan and Sunset were standing nearby, although the latter had her hood down and looked tired. Celestia could tell just by looking that Sunset had just expended a lot of magic. Worried for her former student, she stood and rushed over. “Sunset?? Are you alright??”

Sunset froze and looked up at Celestia in shock. Shock which quickly was replaced with a frown. “What are you doing up here?” she asked.

“Investigating what happened here in detail,” Celestia explained.

Sunset didn’t respond right away, but simply nodded after a few moments. “I see,” she said.

Celestia thought back to the brief conversation she had with Granny, and decided that she had to tell Sunset about it. “Sunset, could I speak with you in private for a bit?” she asked. “I want to tell you something.”

Sunset looked a bit hesitant, but finally slowly nodded. The two walked away from the other group to find a place where they could talk without being overheard. All the while, she felt the blue eyes of Revan on her. This, she knew, was going to be extremely painful.

Sunset couldn’t believe what she had just heard. She couldn’t even process it. She’d visited the Apple family farm when she was barely five years old?? She’d gotten close with the red stallion for a day and then had been upset when she had to leave? That wasn’t the worst part, though. Celestia hadn’t even told her about it, much less taken her back! She didn’t know why it bothered her so much, because in all honesty it shouldn’t have, but it did.

She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, trying very hard not to let her anger resurface, but it was next to impossible. If Celestia had hidden this part of her foalhood from her, what else had she hidden?

“And…you kept this from me, why?” she asked through clenched teeth.

Celestia, to her credit, didn’t flinch. Instead, she lowered her head. “I don’t have any excuse for that,” she said, her voice even containing a hint of a tremble, which caused Sunset to feel a sense of satisfaction.

Still, she had to be the bigger mare and not act the way she had been acting, which Revan had called her out on yesterday as being foalish, or childish in his terms. Sunset exhaled. “I didn’t ask for an excuse, I asked for an explanation,” she said.

Celestia’s ears went back and she slowly raised her head. “Truthfully…I believe it was partially because I semi-forgot about it and perhaps because I thought you’d forgotten.”

That stung despite Sunset trying hard not to let it. Closing her eyes again, she tried to think back to her earliest memories as a young foal. The sight of the farm had not elicited any sort of memories from her when she’d seen it a few days ago, but now she really concentrated.

Flashes. A bright freshly painted red barn. A cute red colt. An orange toddler filly. Celestia talking with two adult ponies Sunset didn’t know, one of which was wearing a brown southern hat, whatever they were called. Her and the red colt running through the massive apple trees. Tasting the best apple she’d ever had after the red colt kicked it off the tree with nothing but his brute strength.

She opened her eyes in shock. There was nothing to be heard save for the trees rustling in the wind and the digging ponies. She turned sharply towards where the red stallion who’d been injured was sitting and recovering. Narrowing her eyes, she picked up familiar features she hadn’t noticed before. The shade of red. The hay brown color of his mane and tail. Even the yolk that he wasn’t wearing but was sitting next to him she remembered having seen in her memories, but not on the colt.

“You remember, don’t you?” Celestia asked hesitantly.

“What do you think?” Sunset snapped before she could stop herself. She turned back sharply to look at Celestia. “I’m pretty sure that stallion over there was my first foalhood crush. And you promised that we’d go back down to visit that next year.” She was glaring at Celestia now, and in her hurt, a tear fell from her eye.

Celestia’s eyes widened, and she took a step forward. “Sunset, I’m so sorry-”

“Yeah, sorry now,” Sunset said through gritted teeth as she stepped away from Celestia. “I just…” she stopped and turned away. “I need to be alone.” So saying, she turned and walked swiftly away, not wanting anypony to see her crying.

She nearly ran towards the edge of the forest, teeth clenched so hard she was tasting blood. At one point, she thought she saw the red stallion watching her. When she reached the edge of the treeline, she went a few steps into the forest before collapsing into a pile of moss, shouting angrily into it as the tears finally began to flow. She hit the ground hard with everything she had, screaming into the moss so the sound wouldn’t carry. In those moments, all the anger, the self-loathing, the shame, the hurt, everything came flooding to the surface. It was overwhelming.

She wasn’t sure how long she had been screaming and crying, but a part of her was aware of someone enveloping her in a firm, welcoming hug. She was too focused on her emotions to register it. The moss was replaced by a warm body covered in clothes. She clung to the figure without a second thought, unaware that she was doing it in the moment.

When she finally did register what she was doing and what was being done to her, she quickly pushed away from whoever was holding her. To her complete shock, she found herself looking into the glowing blue mask eyes of Revan. He was kneeling in the underbrush, his arms slowly falling to his side. She stared at him in shock, unable to speak. Her mouth opened and closed several times, trying to think of something to say, but her brain was locked.

It was Revan who spoke, the glowing blue part of his mask where a mouth would be brightening with each syllable. “Feeling better?

She wiped her eyes, sniffing in the snot that had escaped her nostrils. Revan reached into a pocket and gave her a black hoofkerchief. She took it without a word, blowing her nose before giving it back to him. He took it, folded it, and placed it back in the same pocket. “I-I don’t know,” she said honestly, the memory of everything still a bit jumbled. The most confusing memory was that Revan, the apparently stoic leader of their band of mercenaries, had actually held her. She couldn’t fully process what he had done or even why.

Do you need more time?” he asked.

Sunset sniffed again, then shook her head as she wiped the remainder of her tears with her hoof. “No, I should…should be okay to leave,” she said.

Very well,” Revan said as he stood to his full height. “Let’s move.

Marble watched from a distance as the strange masked figure known as Revan came walking out of the treeline followed by a slowly plodding Sunset. Marble’s empathic senses were in overdrive as she saw the latter’s emotional state to be one of sorrow, shock, and thankfully somewhat diminished rage. She knew right away that she and Sunset were very similar in one regard: they were both empaths.

Marble wasn’t a fool. She knew she was different from her siblings from a very young age. She always seemed to have a sense of how others were feeling. When she first started going to the school in Rock Ridge, she hadn’t been as reclusive as she was now. She wanted to make a couple of friends, but at the time she had no idea how to properly utilize her unique gifts. She got herself picked on and teased by other foals very quickly. It had traumatized her so much that her parents had pulled her out of school so she could be homeschooled. She’d never quite recovered from the cruelness of young foals, but in recent years she’d begun working on herself more.

She decided to approach her, taking a deep breath and walking over before her brain could stop her. She felt some strands of her mane beginning to fluff up slightly. The first one to spot her approaching was the masked creature named Revan. He was the only one she couldn’t get a read on, although she thought he’d seemed a bit more caring in the way he walked after Sunset. He cocked his head slightly, but said nothing. Sunset, however, did notice her. Her face twisted into a scowl, but a scowl of embarrassment more than anything else. “What?” she asked, clearly feeling the embarrassment.

Marble could tell she’d been crying due to the tearstains on her face. She looked at Revan. “Excuse me…may I speak to Miss Sunset?”

Revan looked back at Sunset, then back at her. “I’ll leave you two along.” So saying, he walked away back towards where Tobias stood.

The two ponies stood near each other, neither of them saying anything. Marble was working on how to begin the conversation when Sunset spoke. “What do you want?”

Marble’s mane deflated slightly, but pressed onward, her heart beating heavily. “Well, since…you won’t be around…for long…I wanted to see how you were doing…”

Sunset looked at her incredulously, then opened her mouth sharply. However, she looked past Marble, then seemed to think better of what she was initially going to say. “Well, what’s there to say?” she asked. “I’ve been through tartarus these past few days, and I just learned that my teacher was-” She stopped and put her hoof to her muzzle before looking at Marble in shock. “You’re…”

Marble sat down on her haunches and nodded slowly before brushing her mane behind her ears so both of her eyes were visible. “I’m like you.”

Sunset’s eyes were as wide as saucers, and a hint of fear crept into her expression before she backed away. “Stay away,” she said, stumbling back and falling onto her own haunches.

Marble didn’t move, instead continued looking at Sunset with a placid expression. “Sunset…I’m not…your enemy…” she said, “and you know…I can’t lie…to you…just like you can’t…lie to me…”

Sunset slowly began to calm down, but she still didn’t move from where she was. She didn’t say anything for a while. Finally, she looked down, avoiding the gaze of her fellow empath. “I…I don’t want to talk about what’s wrong,” she finally said.

“Take…your time…” Marble said. “It doesn’t…have to be…me…” She stood up and stretched, her mane beginning to fluff up again. “We just met, so I don’t expect you to talk to me,” she said, “but you should already know what holding things in does to us.”

Sunset nodded with a bitter edge. “We lash out…or we become reclusive.” Finally looking up, she said, “Which one are you?”

Marble gave a small smile. “Take a guess.”

Sunset looked at Marble, then smirked. “Introvert.”

Marble nodded. “I’ve been starting to work on that,” she said.

“So you wanted to talk to me to…what, say that I should work on my own issues?” Sunset asked.

“I only wanted to see how you were doing,” Marble said. “It’s not my place to tell you what to do.”

Sunset made a scoffing noise, but didn’t refute her words. “Well, as much as I have found this brief conversation interesting, to say the least, I really need to go. We’re on a deadline to get out of Equestria.”

Marble nodded and watched as Sunset stood and trotted away. She would probably never see her fellow empath again, but she did hope the best for her.

“Revan, may I speak with you privately before you leave?”

Revan, who had been standing next to Tobias while Sunset was speaking to a mare Celestia didn’t recognize, looked up at the alicorn princess. “It needs to be quick,” he said. “We’re leaving as soon as possible.

“I promise it won’t be long,” Celestia said.

Revan turned and looked at Tobias, who nodded at him with a smile. Revan then turned back and gestured towards another section of the forest surrounding the new sight of the Apple family home. Celestia fully intended for this to be a brief conversation. Had she had more time, she would have made it a longer one, but she saw how terrified Revan was despite not having seen his face through the mask.

Once they were in the thick foliage of the trees and away from sight, Celestia put up a powerful magical barrier that could protect them not only from being heard, but could protect them from scrying spells of any kind. She then looked at Revan with a saddened expression. “Revan, I am so sorry for what happened to you.”

Revan didn’t reply right away, and when he did, he asked, “What do you mean?

“Dodge City.”

Celestia might not have been able to see Revan’s expression, but the way his body stiffened told her everything she needed to know. He straightened up and crossed his arms. “What are you planning, princess?” There was a bitter edge to his tone.

Celestia shook her head. “Revan, I already failed one human. I don’t intend on failing another. I have no authority over you and can’t force you to stay where I can try and protect you. That would be something I won’t ever do to a sapient being who’s done nothing wrong.” She gave him a sad smile. “I just want to let you know that if you ever need help, I will be there to offer aid in any way I can.” She raised her horn and a small candle appeared in midair. She lowered it towards him. “Write a message and burn it with the flames of this candle, and it will come straight to me if you ever need help.”

Revan looked at the candle, then back at Celestia. Slowly, he reached out and took the candle in his grasp. When he touched it, Celestia felt a very slight drain on her magic, as if the masked human in front of her was made of some kind of anti-magical substance. As he slipped it into the pocket of his black coat, he inclined his head. “I’ll keep that in mind.

“And I won’t tell anyp-anybody-that you’re a human,” she added, guessing that was why he wore the mask. He nodded silently and was about to turn away when she stepped forward. “Before you go, I have a request.”

He looked over his shoulder back at her. “What is it?” he asked.

“You can refuse if you want,” she prefaced, “but could I see your real face?” He froze, slowly turning to look back at her with his arms still crossed. “Don’t worry, the shield I put up is blocking anyone from looking in at us from outside, if that’s what you’re concerned about.”

Revan didn’t speak for a while, and the passing silence only increased the tension around them. Finally, he shook his head. “Perhaps…another time.

She was disappointed, but nodded in understanding. “Of course,” she said as she finally lowered the shield around them. “Sorry for taking up your time. Thank you for all you’ve done to help us.”

You’re wel-

Behind the mask is where you hide
the truth of your descent.
But what of you will now betide
when from your face it’s rent?

Suddenly, a bright purple glow surrounded the mask around Revan’s face. He reached up to try and stop it, but he was lifted up into the air by the mask. Celestia tried to use her own magic to pull Revan away, but the moment her magic touched the foreign magic, she was flung back, hitting a tree. Dazed and confused from the impact, she tried to stand to help, but the impact on her head was still messing with her senses. She heard what sounded like hissing, then the sound of a body hitting the ground.

She shook her head clear of all the dizziness and rushed over to where she’d heard the sound. Revan lay there, only now he was maskless. He was slowly getting up, groaning as he did so. She saw his feature for the first time, and she was shocked to see that, like Jason, he too was scarred. His hair was long and sweaty, he had a bit of stubble coming in, but his eye were what stood out. They were a bright blue, and when he looked around, they were full of fear. He looked up at Celestia. “Help…”

A welcome guest you’ll be in my home,
so don’t you worry or fret.
For too long, you have been made to roam
and with me, you won’t be beset.

A blast of magic came from a sliver of light and hit Celestia, once more sending her flying back. She watched helplessly as Revan was pulled back, being encased in purple magic, and vanished into the sliver of light, vanishing in another flash.

Gregory was lying on a large stone floor and staring up at a domed ceiling where a chandelier apparently hung. A bright light at his feet was quickly vanishing, but before he could get up and do anything about it, the light vanished.

He swiftly got to his feet and looked around, grabbing the pistols at his sides and undoing the safeties on both of them. His heart was racing. He knew about Majesty from the MLP book from the 80s, and what he learned about her in this world, which wasn’t much, didn’t fill him with confidence that she was good.

He was standing in what looked like an empty throne room, with the space behind said throne shrouded in darkness. It was also warm. He looked around, doing his best to keep his wits about him. He didn’t let panic set in, focused on taking in all of his surroundings, and did his best to keep a cool head.

“Greetings, Gregory,” a feminine voice said in a soothing tone. Gregory tried to find where it was coming from, but he couldn’t determine its origin. He remained silent, keeping his senses alert. “Please forgive me for frightening you,” the voice said, “that was not my intention.” Gregory remained silent, still unable to determine where in this throne room the owner of the voice was. “Oh dear, I didn’t mean to scare you so badly,” the voice said once more. “I think perhaps some rest will do you some good. Perhaps when you are awake, we can have a calm conversation. After what you’ve been through in this world, you deserve a peaceful sleep.”

Gregory heard the hissing of air coming from all around him, and he began to feel extremely sleepy. He tightened his grip on his two pistols as best as he could, but he felt the floor coming up towards him as his legs gave out beneath him. He was unconscious before he hit the floor.

12: In The Hall Of The Mountain Queen

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When Gregory opened his eyes, he first felt comfort unlike anything he’d experienced in the two years since he'd entered Erda. Not even his bed in Thornfall could compare, although that was actually more of a cot than anything else. The next thing he noticed was the pleasant scents around him. When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was resting comfortably in an actual bed, with soft pillows and an actual mattress.

Groaning, he sat up, trying to remember just what had happened to him beforehand. A lot of it was a blur. Rubbing his eyes, he looked down first at himself. His normal clothes were no longer on his person. Instead, he was wearing a light gray long sleeved shirt along with a pair of thin, brown pants. Hastily looking around the room, he noticed that his clothes were neatly folded on a nearby cushioned chair, as were his boots. All of them looked like they’d been cleaned quite well.

Pulling aside the blankets, he slowly stood, feeling a bit unsteady and a bit tired still. He held onto one of the bedposts as he surveyed the room. It was a rather extravagant room, if he was honest. The dark blue carpet was soft and comfortable, there was a nice fire in the fireplace across from his bed, there were bright white candles lit on the end tables on either side of his bed alongside the candelabra on the mantle. There was a window to the left of the bed which had a pair of floral-patterned shades. No light came through said window, though.

As he moved out from his bead unsteadily, making his way towards the chair where his clothes were, more light came from above. Looking up, he saw a chandelier with glowing crystals as the lights. He saw more of the room’s details as the light continued to brighten. There was a walk-in closet where a few clothes hung, all looking like they were made for humans. He saw an opened door which looked like it led to a bathroom. There was a closed door on the right of the bed, which Gregory reasoned was the entrance to this room. Next to the door, sitting on a small pedestal, was a pair of ornate looking shoes that looked like they had been made for humans again.

When he finally reached the chair that held his clothes, he gingerly picked them up and examined them. They had indeed been cleaned, judging from the lack of dirt or stains on them. There were even stains that had been on some of the clothes for months that had been cleaned and removed. They all also smelled fresh, like flowers. He began to get undressed, noticing that he was currently wearing no undergarments underneath the pants he wore.

As he slowly got changed, memories of what had happened began to resurface. The return to Maretime Bay, him comforting Sunset, his brief conversation with Celestia, then his teleportation to wherever this was by Majesty.

When he remembered this, his blood ran cold and adrenaline shot through him. Queen Majesty…she’d kidnapped him and drugged him for God knew what reason. Silently, he cursed his foolish, idiotic decision to take the Pie sisters’ job offer. He had gone against his better judgment and just gone back into the den of lions.

Although, he thought as he put the now soft black long-sleeved shirt back over his head, I suppose it was only a matter of time before what little luck I had ran out. As he continued thinking, he patted down his pockets, remembering the candle that Celestia had given to him mere moments before his abduction. To his dismay, the only thing in his pockets was nothing. To his further dismay, his weapons, the two pistols and his knives, had also been confiscated. The only things he had in his pockets was a white scarf he carried around with him and a pair of sunglasses. He collapsed into the now empty chair, facing down onto the dark blue carpet before him.

As he tried to restart his brain, which was still somewhat fogged up by whatever drug had knocked him out (if the hissing sound he heard was any indication), there was a gentle knock at the door. Instinctively, he went for the holster at his belt, only to remember that he had no holster or gun. He let out a quiet sigh and stood. Majesty had him, so he mused that he was practically powerless to do anything about it at the moment. Best to play it safe and gather intel. He brushed himself and called out in a shaky voice, “Who is it?”

From behind the door, he heard the muffled voice of a younger woman. “Are you decent, sir?” she asked with some degree of hesitation.

“Yes,” Gregory replied.

“May I come in, then?”

Seeing as how he had no other choice, he nodded before realizing dumbly that whoever was behind the door couldn’t see him. “Sure.”

The door opened and a dark green pony mare appeared. At first glance, she looked like an unusual earth pony dressed in a pony version of a maid uniform, but as she entered, Gregory noticed that this pony had wings. Only, these weren’t pegasi wings. Instead, these had a bit more of an insectoid appearance to them. Like a dark green pair of butterfly wings. Is she half changeling? Gregory thought as the maid came in, carrying a tray with what looked like some sort of steaming porridge in a bowl and a glass of water next to it. There was also a juicy red apple there as well as a smaller bowl of a white substance.

No, those aren’t changeling wings, Gregory noted. He’d seen a couple changelings in Thornfall, and their wings weren’t anything like that. He watched her carefully as the clearly nervous mare put the tray down on a nearby desk. Turning, she did what could only be considered a curtsy towards him. “Compliments of our queen,” she said, gesturing towards the tray.

Gregory hesitantly approached, looking at the tray of food suspiciously. The white substance in the small bowl could possibly have been sugar, because the bowl looked like an old styled sugar bowl. The porridge looked and smelled an awful lot like oatmeal, and the apple certainly looked tempting. The water was crystal clear, and there were even a couple of ice cubes in it.

Turning to the strange butterfly pony, he narrowed his eyes at her suspiciously. “What is all this?” he asked, not sure whether they would try to put something in his food or not. He doubted it was poison, however, because if this Queen Majesty wanted him dead, she could easily have done so earlier. That didn’t rule out the possibility of a drug that could make him more pliable to interrogation, however.

“O-Oatmeal, an apple, and ice water, sir,” the pony said a bit nervously and with some confusion.

Gregory looked back at the meal, not wanting to eat or even touch anything. He wasn’t sure how long he’d been unconscious, but he was hungry, meaning he’d been out for at least a few hours. “I’m not hungry,” he lied as he stepped away from it.

“Her-Her majesty insists that you eat something,” the pony said with some worry. Probably self-worry, he thought.

“I’m not hungry,” he repeated stubbornly. His mind was racing, however. He knew he could only go a handful of days without water, and his canteen had been part of his belongings that had been confiscated from him.

“I-If the food i-isn’t to your liking, I c-can ask our cook t-to make something else,” she stammered.

“I’m not hungry,” he said once more, crossing his arms and giving her a look of disdain to emphasize his point.

“Understood, sir,” she said as she quickly picked up the tray and retreated. “I’ll let her majesty know,” she added before quickly opening the door and stepping through.

Gregory peeked through the door and for the briefest of moments he saw two larger ponies of a similar species to the maid standing on either side of said door. The door quickly shut, however, and he heard the distinctive sound of hooves quickly moving away.

Gregory ran a hand over his face, then decided to do some exploring. He first went to the bathroom, seeing that it had what looked like an iron tub, a toilet that looked like a Japanese squat toilet, and a sink. He tried the faucet, and to his delight and confusion, water came out of it. Clean water. He grabbed a small glass and filled it up, looking at it with curiosity and suspicion. He had no idea if even this water was tampered with, but while he could survive for a while without food, water was a necessity.

Putting the glass down on one side of the faucet, he walked over to a smaller window in the bathroom, pulling the curtains open. It was pitch black outside, and his eyes had to adjust to the darkness as he cupped his hands against the window, blocking the light from the bathroom’s own chandelier.

A few minutes later, he began seeing the outlines of an abandoned looking city with an arched rock ceiling high above. This led him to conclude that, wherever he was, he was underground. Most of the buildings were dark, but there were a handful near his window that were dimly lit with fires. He even thought he saw smoke stacks coming out from chimneys.

How the hell do they ventilate? he thought, wondering if that could be a means for him to escape. He quickly dismissed that idea, however, since the likely places for ventilation for carbon monoxide, if ponies even knew about that, would be high above in the rock ceiling.

Slowly, he backed away from the window and looked back at the room, his eyes once more adjusting to the light. His mind began to wander, wondering now what Majesty wanted with him. All he knew about her was from the My Little Pony UK comics from the 80s along with a few brief stories about her he’d learned from his mercenary travels. He had no idea what her voice sounded like but he didn’t know of any other pony who cast rhyming spells like that. Or who punished those she deemed as wrongdoers with such ironic punishments.

He was scared. Probably more scared than he had been in his life. He at least knew that Celestia and Luna were halfway decent ponies, if the candle the former had given him was any indication. He swallowed bile as he slowly walked into the other main room and collapsed into the chair again.

While sitting in the chair, he looked at the room in more detail now, noting how clean it was. The room even had a pleasant enough smell, some sort of floral scent. Gregory wasn’t sure, mostly because the only smell he knew was the dust from Thornfall. Most of the time, his face was covered in the weirdly futuristic mask he wore. The one that Tobias had found and given to him years ago. The one that filtered out nasty smells, enhanced his vision, modulated his voice to hide his identity, and more.

He reached up and ran a hand through his hair, which he hadn’t cut in the entire time since he’d gotten to Erda. It had become overgrown now, although he did his best to maintain it and wash it whenever he could with his dwindling supply of Earth shampoo and conditioner. Most of the time, however, he just ran some precious water through it to get the sweat, dirt and grime out of it.

Now, however, it felt like someone had washed it because its normal smell was gone, replaced with what might have been some sort of fruit scent. His skin was also clean, and his mouth also felt fresh. He shuddered, holding himself as it slowly dawned on him that he must have been washed while he was out. The very thought of someone seeing him naked filled him with revulsion. So much so that he had to get up quickly and run to the bathroom again, puking up what little remained in his stomach into the sink.

As he was rinsing his mouth out with water, making sure not to let any go down his throat, there was a solid knocking at the door. A male voice called in, “You’ve been summoned.”

Gregory spat out the remaining water in his mouth, then reached into his pocket for his white scarf. He almost wrapped it around his mouth and nose, but Majesty already knew what he looked like and was likely watching him at the moment. Instead, he tied the scarf around his neck like a necktie, put on his boots, realized with delight that the steel tips were still in them, and walked up to the door. “I’m here and ready,” he said with resignation as he put his hood over his head.

The two guards who were outside his door were larger and muscular ponies of the same race as the mare who had attempted to bring him food. Both had darker fur tones, but there was color there. He didn’t say anything more to them, and neither of them made conversation with him.

The halls they walked through were ornate and well-lit with torches on either side and candelabras above. There were ancient murals on the walls, most of which depicted ponies of the three tribes interacting with what looked like sea ponies and another type of pony which could fly but which had different types of wings from either the pegasi or whichever type of pony the guards and maid had been.

A part of him wanted to know what this meant, but he pushed those thoughts down. He had to focus more on the inevitable encounter with Majesty and on a way of getting out of this castle and back to the surface. He did his best to memorize the layout of the route to wherever he was going, but the ornate hallways all looked similar, the only discrepancy being the differences in either murals, tapestries, or the patterns on the walls.

The guards, as he assumed they were, led him to a set of golden double doors which opened as they approached. The guards stopped and took station on either side of the door. Left with no other choice, Gregory stepped through and the doors closed behind him, leaving him alone in the massive room.

The room he was in was obviously a throne room, judging from the raised dais and the empty chair on it, but there was no Majesty to be seen. He looked around, keeping his eyes peeled. The room was rather ornate, with statues of ponies on either side, paintings of noble looking ponies of every race, and even what he thought were stained glass windows lining the walls, each depicting some event. In a way, it reminded him of what Canterlot’s throne room looked like in the show, albeit older.

With nothing really to do, he wandered around each wall, looking at the pieces of ancient art. He didn’t know what the events being depicted were, but he guessed they had some sort of significance to pony history, or even prehistory. There were depictions of pony warriors, most being pegasi, coronations of unicorns for the most part, battles, forging of alliances, and more.

One painting, however, stood out to him as he approached it several minutes after entering the room. The painting stood out because the image on the screen was of a character he knew well from the show. Chrysalis. She had a look of sheer terror plastered on her face, her hooves pressed against the painting like she was actually on the other side of it, trying to get out. Her mouth was open, and he even saw what looked like tear stains on her chitin coated cheeks. In the background, Gregory saw a massive foot that was raised, as if to stomp down on her. A human foot.

As he stared at the painting for a few minutes, he noticed something odd about it. Not only was it the most realistic portrait he’d seen, but now Chrysalis’ eyes seemed to have shifted. Her wings had moved as well, and it appeared as if she was starting to look down at Gregory. He could even see a glimmer in her eyes: one of perhaps hope?

“She makes a magnificent art piece, does she not?” a gentle sounding feminine voice said seemingly from everywhere.

Gregory froze for a brief moment before forcing himself to relax. He couldn’t be too stiff. It would restrict his movements. He simply put his hands in his pockets so the tremble in them wouldn’t show. Taking on a look of detachment, he shrugged. “If you like moving portraits, you might as well watch Harry Potter,” he said.

There was a melodious giggling that came from the walls, and then the voice said, “I take it that is something only a human from your world and time would know about.”

The statue was then illuminated a bit more slightly from behind. Gregory turned and saw a mirror directly in front of the throne. There were swirling clouds forming on its surface. Stepping away from the painting of Chrysalis, but not before giving her a helpless gaze, he looked at the swirling mirror. Its frame was of solid gold, and the mirror itself was oval shaped, not like the more rectangular shape he knew of from a page in the British MLP comics. He stepped out onto the middle of the throne room floor, watching the swirling blue clouds on the enchanted mirror.

“Come closer,” the voice said, “it does not bite, and neither do I.”

Gregory almost replied with a snarky remark about her using her maybe not biting, but instead using her rhyming spells and magic to give ironic punishments to those she considered enemies or wrongdoers, but held his tongue. He slowly began approaching the mirror, which began to clear, and the image on the mirror showed a magnificent light pink castle with blue turrets. It was situated in the middle of a seemingly endless valley surrounded by picturesque snowcapped mountains. The castle was enormous and quite pristine, with flags on the turrets blowing in a static wind. There were many towers and a wall surrounding said castle.

As he stepped up the last step and looked through the mirror, he noted that the image beyond of said castle was altering itself to become more like a three-dimensional projection. Almost as if he was looking through a window instead of a mirror. He stepped from side to side slowly and saw the image beyond shift as such. He looked more closely at the massive castle before him. It had a large drawbridge despite there not being a moat there. There was also a large waterfall near the castle, and the mist from it cast a permanent rainbow over the castle. Were he not in danger, Gregory could appreciate its beauty and splendor.

“Magnificent, isn’t it?” the voice said, only now it sounded like it came from behind him. Slowly, Gregory turned, and saw a tall, slender, and an actually sad looking pony walking up the stairs. Judging from the cutie mark of several stars, her mane and fur color, and the long, sharpened horn, this had to be the former Queen Majesty. Only, instead of being a unicorn like she was in the British comics, she had a pair of wings. Alicorn wings. Not only that, but her mane and tail were flowing in the very same way that Celestia’s had. She, like most ponies, didn’t wear much. There were four golden horseshoes on her hooves, a golden peytral around her neck and a gold tiara on her head which itself was studded with diamonds that seemed to glow with the light of stars.

He stepped aside so she could stand on the landing as well. He knew he had to play nice here. She wasn’t known as the most magical of ponies in the comics for nothing. When she joined him on the landing, he noted that she was a head taller than Celestia, and despite her youthful appearance, he got the sense that she was ancient. Which made sense if she was the same Majesty from the comics.

Turning back to the mirror, he nodded silently in agreement he looked back at what he now suspected was the real Dream Castle.She smiled. “It was my home and the home of many of my dear ponies for so long.” With a wave of her horn, the image on the screen began to move. The waterfall began to roar to life with an actual audible sound, a nearby river flowed serenely, clouds began to move, flags on the turrets began to fly in the wind, and more.

Before he could register what was happening, the mirror had lifted off of the ground and passed over both of them. Now he could actually feel the breeze on his face, and his loathes rustled in the wind. He could feel the sun and he had to remove his hood, letting his hair down. Looking back, he saw that the mirror was still there. He looked at her questioningly, and she gave him an amused smile. “This is one of my memories, my dear Gregory. Don’t be alarmed. We haven’t traveled through time and space.”

That didn’t make him feel any better, but he didn’t say anything as a new sound caught his attention. The sound of voices from the nearby river. Turning, he saw a group of ponies laughing and playing in the water. When Majesty turned to walk towards them, Gregory saw no choice but to follow her, so he walked up beside her, feeling the grassy terrain beneath his boots brushing over his legs.

When they reached the river where there was a cliff, he heard voices. “Look out, Twilight, here I goooo!”

Looking up, Gregory saw an earth pony jumping from the cliff to the other side, nearly missing another pony on the shores.

“Now it’s my turn!” the voice of a younger pony shouted. Looking up again, Gregory saw a pony without a cutie mark jumping over the falls, closing her eyes and beginning to fall. Out of nowhere, a pegasus flew and caught the filly before said filly could hit the shore. “Awww, I could’a made it,” the filly said.

Realizing what he was seeing, Gregory looked up and almost mouthed the words that Twilight was saying as she closed her eyes. “I wish…I wish…I wish…” The sound of magic being cast could be heard, her horn lit up, and she vanished in a flash of light, appearing on the shore behind a blue earth pony with pink mane and yellow ribbons.

“I’m going for the double inside out loop!” a voice called out from their right.

“But it’s dangerous, Firefly!” another voice called out.

“Danger is my life, Medley!” the apparition of Firefly called out.

As Firefly flew around rather recklessly, so much so that Gregory guessed that Rainbow Dash would be proud, Medley, now joined by Twilight and the smaller earth pony filly, watched in horror as Firefly came barreling down at them. “Firefly, look out!” Medley shouted as the brash pegasus barreled through them, heading towards an apple orchard where an earth pony was bucking apples.

When she saw Firefly flying fast towards her, the earth pony, who Gregory knew had to be Applejack, tried to rush out of the way, only to be caught in the collision, spreading squashed apples everywhere, their juices dripping all over both ponies. Everyone began laughing innocently at the ridiculous sight of Firefly with a basket on her head. “Applesauce, anyone?” Applejack asked with a wry smile.

That was when the canon he knew was shattered. “My dear ponies, whatever did you do to yourselves?” a familiar amused voice said from behind them.

Everyone, including Gregory and Majesty, turned to see who it was. A younger Majesty, with no wings and no flowing mane, stepped forward, her presence practically radiating regality. Everyone bowed to her, and the younger Majesty looked down on them with what Gregory guessed was a genuine smile. “Raise your heads, my dears,” she said before raising her horn and twirling it. Firefly, who by now had the basket removed thanks to help from Medley, along with Applejack, were now both clean of apple juices. The smashed apples were restored to their former state and placed back into the basket. She put a hoof to her mouth and tittered in amusement. “Firefly, are you being reckless again?” she asked with a twinkle in her eyes.

Firefly looked sheepish and nodded. “Yes, your majesty,” she said.

The younger Majesty now giggled, then walked up and put a hoof on Firefly’s back. “Be more careful next time, alright?” she said warmly before stepping back and turning to Twilight, who was now sitting next to the gray filly who’s name Gregory couldn’t remember. “Twilight, I saw your teleporting spell just now. That is quite impressive,” she said to the bright pink unicorn.

Twilight smiled proudly and gave the younger Majesty a grateful smile. “Thank you, your majesty!”

Majesty then looked down at the young gray earth pony filly. “And you, Ember, you’re a brave filly for trying to jump, but you could have been hurt. Make sure you’re extra careful, alright?”

Ember slowly nodded, looking chastened. “Y-Yes, your majesty,” she said, sounding like a scolded child.

The younger Majesty chuckled. “No need to be afraid, my dear filly,” she said kindly, “I only wish for you to remain safe, but I won’t discourage you from having fun. Remember, dear one, in Ponyland, you are under my protection.”

Ember looked up, smiling a bit. “Thank you, your majesty,” she said, the tremor having gone out of her voice.

Majesty chuckled, then turned to the other gathered ponies. “I have an announcement to make. I will be leaving Dream Castle for a week to travel to Flutter Valley. There appears to be some sort of dispute over there that I would like to help settle.” Gregory noted that this didn’t seem to bother the ponies, although some had a look that Gregory read as ‘Not again’.

The alicorn Majesty raised her horn, and the scene shifted. The sun moved in its arc, and it was now early evening. Ponies were still frolicking, and Ember was lying next to Twilight on the shores. “This is a memory I recovered from young Twilight,” the older Majesty explained.

Ember watched as a yellow butterfly flew past her, then said, “Twilight, will I ever fly like Firefly or Medley?”

Twilight chuckled. “No, Ember. Not all little ponies can fly.”

“Will I jump far like Bow Tie or disappear like you can?” Ember asked, nuzzling up to Twilight.

“Ember, you’ll grow up to be your own special little pony,” Twilight said as she nuzzled Ember back.

Clouds suddenly appeared. Gregory and the alicorn Majesty watched as Dream Valley was raided and two ponies were captured by Scorpan and the stratadons. Gregory looked over to Majesty, and saw that she was shedding angry tears. Looking over to Gregory, he saw what appeared to be true sorrow. “I was not there for my dear ponies,” she said.

The scene shifted again, and now they were standing in a dark and dismal looking hallway. Scorpan was walking down the corridor with a bright pink dragon with green spines talking to him. Gregory simply watched as a darker version of the events of Rescue at Midnight Castle played out before him. Some major differences did pop out, such as Megan not being a pre-teen, but a twenty-year-old college student living at home to save living expenses. Majesty switched between memories, playing the story out like it was some sort of play.

The event at the end, however, was interrupted by the arrival of Queen Majesty. Scorpan had just been turned back into a human prince, something that further surprised Gregory. Majesty had greeted the prince as an old friend, warmly embracing him before she turned a sharp gaze at Tirac, who had actually survived his brush with the Rainbow of Light. She strode up, eyes full of rage. “You have dared to harm my dear ponies,” she said darkly, “and you even took a filly! For that, you shall be severely punished!” Raising her horn, it began to glow.

As once thee
turned our ponies to brutes,
so shall thee be transformed.
For trying our ponies lives to uproot
as a snake, thou shalt be scorned.

The centaur screamed in rage as magic surrounded him. Soon, Tirac had been changed into a harmless but angry looking green garden snake. Megan walked up and picked the snake up by the tail. It tried to bite her, but since it was nothing but a harmless garden snake, its bites did nothing. The young adult held it up. “Looks like he won’t be flying anywhere anytime soon,” she said with a smirk as she dropped the now snake Tirac. The ponies around, along with the human prince and young baby dragon Spyke, all laughed at that as Tirac slithered away.

The scene faded, and suddenly they were standing just in front of the mirror. Majesty turned away, gazing at a certain statue that Gregory had somehow missed. Walking up, she put a hoof on the pedestal. Gregory looked closer and saw that it was a stone statue of three humans, one of which was clearly Megan. The carver had given her a heart shaped necklace, clearly the Rainbow of Light. As he joined her, she spoke. “You humans are remarkable creatures. My dear ponies and I owe yours for our very existence, but how do we repay you? With a knife in the back!”

She whirled on him, a look of anger on her face which slowly disappeared only to be replaced with contrition. “For that, I cannot apologize enough. The current ponies here have fallen far because of their so-called growth. They achieved harmony, yes, but the inward hostility was only redirected outwards.” She began pacing back and forth, clearly upset. “Equestria may have treaties with other nations, but only because thanks to Discord’s ancient meddling with the natural order of things, two alicorns had to be uplifted to move the world, and in their hubris they became rulers of Equestria.”

Gregory didn’t respond. He knew better than to interrupt someone as powerful as her. She took a deep breath and sighed, her mane and tail movements slowing down to their natural flow. “I must give her credit,” she continued, “Celestia had managed to keep her little ponies safe for a long time. But she has become complacent and unwilling to look past hers and her own ponies failures. Luna is no better, although to her credit, she is not as far removed as Celestia.”

Majesty stood up straighter and faced him once more. “I, however, am neither of those fools. They treat their subjects like foals, afraid of hurting their feelings. Daniel Williams once told me a human saying: spare the rod, spoil the child. Celestia and Luna have not disciplined their ponies enough. In fact, there is a place I am aware of that has escaped punishment for their crimes.” Raising her horn again, a purple swirling vortex appeared in front of her. Turning to Gregory, she motioned him to come forward. “I am unable to teleport you by normal means, so we must use this.”

Gregory walked forward and looked at the vortex warily, but he couldn’t see any reason for Majesty to want him dead after going to the trouble of bringing him to wherever here was. Jason could be harmed by lightning, and if she wanted him dead, she could have killed him with a deadly bolt of lightning. Taking a silent breath, he grabbed his hood and was about to put it over his head when Majesty said “No, leave your hood off. Where we are going, you won’t need to hide your face.” Gregory didn’t argue, instead dropping his hands to his side. She gestured for him to go through first, so he steeled himself and did just that.

The passage was instantaneous, and he went from being in a darkened throne chamber to a bright sunlit day just outside of a small town. A pony town. A very familiar looking pony town. Dodge City, he thought with fear. Not fear of the ponies in town, although there was some there, but more so it was fear for them.

“I knew you would recognize it,” Majesty said, walking out of the portal to stand beside him. “Come, follow me.”

Left with no choice, Gregory walked beside her as they both entered the town. It was just as he remembered it, a frontier town with plenty of structures that reminded him of the American West. Just as before, ponies were walking down the streets, talking to each other and generally enjoying the warm summer day. Gregory felt himself growing warm already. His mysterious high-tech mask that Majesty had torn off of him had kept him cool despite being layered, and he was missing it already, but he pushed those useless thoughts aside. Best to focus on what I can control, he thought, which at the moment wasn’t much.

They were just starting to enter the town when a pony stallion wearing a Stetson looked over and spotted the newcomers. His eyes widened in fear and he gasped. This caught the attention of a couple of mares nearby and they both looked up, eyes widening as well. The two walked through the main street of town, earning looks of terror from the ponies, who by now were going quiet.

When they reached the middle of town, Majesty suddenly stopped and looked up. Gregory followed her gaze, only to see four chiropterans pulling a magnificent dark blue chariot. Sitting in it was none other than Princess Luna herself. Majesty stood tall and proud as Luna landed in the square, quickly dismounting and facing Majesty. “Hello, there,” Majesty said, giving Luna a disapproving look.

Luna paused when she saw Majesty, but her eyes widened when she saw Gregory. “What in Equestria…?” She then turned to Majesty. “Who are you? What do you wish of this town?”

Majesty’s eyes narrowed. “To do what you and your failure of a sister cannot: punish the guilty for their crimes.”

“We shall not allow thee to harm our little ponies,” Luna said with gritted teeth, raising her horn threateningly.

“They were my dear ponies before you or your sister were even a twinkle in your parents’ eyes,” Majesty retorted, bringing up her own horn. “Your time and that of your sister will come, but not yet.” From her horn, a massive purple shield began to form, moving outwards and passing over other ponies. However, it hit Luna and her entourage, sending them flying out of the town. Ignoring Luna now, Majesty turned and faced the crowd of petrified ponies who were watching. “I take it everybody here remembers this human.” She gestured to Gregory. “The one you all cruelly chased out of town into a desert to die when all he wanted to do was to befriend you. Does that sound familiar to you ponies?”

The ponies looked to each other, terror plastered on their faces. As they did this, Luna was blasting at the purple shield with her magic. “Whoever you are, don’t take justice into your hooves!” she shouted.

Majesty looked up at Luna, her gaze now cold and steely. “I have seen your so-called justice, Luna,” she said darkly, “and it is quite clear to me that you need a refresher. I want to protect my ponies too, but they have rejected everything that made us a truly harmonious race.” She looked down at the townsponies. “This harmony you claim exists is a false imitation of the one during my reign. And I intend to show you what happens to ponies who abuse other species, especially a human to whom we owe our very existence!”

As Majesty was raising her horn, the various ponies in town began to panic and tried to escape the barrier, but it didn’t work. Some even bucked at the shield, which only served to injure them. Once they realized they couldn’t escape, they began begging for mercy and apologizing to Gregory over and over.

For Gregory, this was too much. He dared to act, reaching over and putting a hand on Majesty’s shoulder. “Don’t do this, please,” he said, finally daring to speak.

She paused what she was doing, looking back at him, and giving him a warm smile. “I knew you could speak,” she said, “and I won’t stop. How else will they learn?”

Gregory was suddenly surrounded by a bright purple shield. He watched helplessly as Majesty resumed raising her horn. As Luna tried to break through the shield, Gregory could only watch in horror as Majesty began to chant.

You ponies have all lost your sight,
your hearts have turned as dark as night,
so now I will open your eyes.

You think you can hide your inner disdain,
but now it’s time that you became
the monster that you so despise.

Gregory had to shield his eyes from the bright light that surrounded the town but soon had to cover his ears from the mixture of the intense sound of magic being cast along with the screams of terror that he knew would haunt his dreams for years. He fell to his knees, eyes tightly shut and hands covering his ears as the noise and light increased until it suddenly all stopped. Slowly, he opened his eyes and removed his hands from his ears before shakily standing and looking around. The shield around him was gone now, and the town was covered in mist. The shield around the town was also gone, as he heard the flapping of wings landing nearby and Luna’s voice calling out, “What hast you done??”

Gregory turned to begin to run, but Majesty appeared beside him, giving him a look of worry, although said look only sent shivers down Gregory’s spine. “I do apologize for the noise and light,” she said as she turned and gazed into the mist with a look of disgust on her face, “but this took much more magic than usual. Here, let me clear the mist.”

As she waved her horn, the mist cleared, revealing the town once more. Along with many collapsed forms lying on the ground. Some were starting to come to and sitting up, looking around in confusion. However, instead of ponies, Gregory saw that every single pony in town had been transformed into stratadons.

Luna was looking around in horror at the scene before her. She turned slowly to face Majesty, her eyes becoming slitted and her canines sharpening. “Release them from this curse!” she demanded as the first transformed pony began crying out in alarm and fear which only sounded like monstrous roaring.

“A curse?” Majesty repeated as she cast the portal spell again. “These ponies nearly caused the death of Gregory here. I merely turned their inner ugliness inside out so that everybody could see it. This is a blessing more than a curse. Knowing you, nothing of substance would have been done to punish their crimes. No, you would have pushed them aside as the embarrassment that they are, just like your oh-so kind sister pushed Ponyville aside. You and your sister had years to make ‘your little ponies’ understand, but little has changed. But things will change. The shadows will fall before the dawn of the age of majesty.” With that, the portal fast approached her and Gregory, passing through them, but not before Gregory gave Luna a plaintive look and mouthed one word to her. He had seen her expression begin to change before she vanished, along with the rest of the town.

Luna watched them go, still in shock at what had just happened. She had come to Dodge City to discover what had happened in town, but had instead met an alicorn she didn’t know along with a human who was apparently captive of said alicorn. Now, she and her entourage of four chiropterans were surrounded by ponies who had been changed to some unusual race of creatures she’d never seen before. Creatures who were now in distress.

Turning to her entourage, she pointed to the fastest chiropteran. “Fly back to Canterlot with all haste and bring reinforcements from the Lunar Guard,” she ordered. “As for the rest of you, with me. We must calm these ponies.”

As the chiropterans followed orders, Luna’s mind went back to the human she’d just seen. She was no expert on human emotional expressions, but if she had to guess, the look on his face was a mix of fear, sorrow, and grim determination. He had given her a solitary glance as the mystery alicorn had moved the portal through them. One word.


13: The Best Laid Plans...

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The meeting room in the town square was silent, the large number of ponies along with the singular anxious looking abyssinian all unsure of what to say. It had been about a day since Revan, now revealed to be a human, had been abducted by this mysterious Majesty. Not only that, but according to Luna, who had arrived a few hours ago, the town of Dodge City had been visited by a previously unknown alicorn and a human. The former had used powerful magic to turn the entire population of adult ponies into a reptilian race that Luna, who had made the report, had not seen before. Physically, the transformed ponies were fine, but they were unable to speak, instead making roaring and whimpering noises. Also, it seemed as if they now were required to eat meat, something that revolted the transformed ponies initially, but when a few of the reptilians in town nearly died from sudden malnutrition, they were forced to eat the meat they were provided.

In the day since Revan had been abducted, several new ponies made their way into town, including Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, a gray earth pony mare named Marble Pie who was Pinkie Pie’s younger sister, and a green pegasus stallion named Zephyr Breeze who Fluttershy identified as her younger brother. They were part of the group in the room, which consisted of the former Elements of Harmony, Tobias, Sunset Shimer, Princess Celestia, and now Princess Luna, who had just given the report about the attack on Dodge City, even providing a visual of the attack.

No one spoke for a good long while, as they were trying to digest what to say. Finally, though, Sunset spoke up. “What were you doing in Dodge City?”

Luna bristled at the younger pony’s tone, but a sharp look from Celestia calmed the lunar Princess. “A report from one of my guards came about an incident that was never reported to the capital.”

“The attack on Revan,” Tobias stated.

Luna nodded somberly. “It would seem that way. There were ponies in town who weren’t converted, specifically the foals there, and they told of a monster that their parents chased out of town some years ago. A few saw this ‘monster’ and when I showed them what I just showed you, they positively identified the human you just saw as the ‘monster’.”

“Why didn’t the town report this the moment they learned about Jason Wright’s death?” Celestia asked.

“Anypony who would know have been turned into those creatures,” Luna said, “because I did ask some foals, but they were unable to give an answer.”

“They were probably still in shock from losing their parents,” Zephyr commented somberly.

“Correct, Mr. Breeze,” Luna said.

Celestia felt a harsh glare on her, but by this point she’d begun to grow used to Sunset’s withering gazes. She cut off Sunset’s inevitable tirade by turning to her with a stalwart expression. “I was never made aware of this incident,” she said more harshly than she meant to.

Sunset flinched at this, but her glare diminished and she looked around the table. “If this Majesty is as old as Revan says, she must have met the humans who saved ponykind all those years ago.” She refocused her glare onto Twilight. “Failure.”

“Sunset Shimmer,” Celestia snapped, “this is not a productive use of our time. If you have the mental capacity to call us out on our failures, you have the capacity to think of a way to combat this Majesty.”

As Sunset glared back at her, but went silent in apparent thought, another voice spoke up. “That might not be possible,” Tobias said, “because she can apparently see anywhere she wants.”

“That’s why my sister and I have placed anti-scrying spells around this place, and why we’ll be doing the same thing for any meetings going forward,” Celestia said. “What we’ve discussed here can’t be discussed anywhere. Not even to anypony you are close to.”

“Um, Princess, why are you asking for our help now?” Rainbow Dash asked, raising a hoof with a confused look on her face. “We’re not the Elements anymore.”

“Even if you’re not Elements anymore,” Celestia began, “being one leaves a mark on your soul. It did so with my sister and I, and it will with you. There may be something that you can do, but first we must determine where Revan has been taken.”

“Is that really his name?” Applejack asked suddenly, turning to Tobias.

“Is that really important right now?” Tobias asked with a hint of defensiveness.

“No, it isn’t,” Celestia interjected before the earth pony mare could respond, “but what is important is that she has taken him for some reason. Her plans are a mystery to us, and so we need as much information on her as we can find. I have already sent my best researchers to certain areas of Canterlot’s library to find more information on her.”

“Okay, so why us? Why gather us again?” Rainbow repeated. “I mean, I’m a waitress now, Princess,” Rainbow continued with a hint of self-loathing in her voice. “I’m out of practice when it comes to flying or fighting anything.”

“We ain’t exactly qualified tah do anythin’ useful,” Applejack said, “just like when yah tricked us into becomin’ the Elements in the first place.” She looked bitter at that.

Out of the corner of her eyes, Celestia saw Sunset stifle a smirk. Ignoring it, she stood tall. “I mention this because combined, you may be able to use the remnants of the Elements inside you to pinpoint Revan’s location. I gave him a candle that works similarly to how Spike’s fire breath works. Unfortunately, it’s likely that Majesty has taken it from him, but I believe there may be a way to find it.”

“What if Majesty destroyed it?” Sunset suggested. “Or tossed it to the other side of Equestria?”

“If she did the either, she wouldn’t be able to hide the magical blast signal either would create,” Celestia explained.

“What if she had somebody take it far away manually?” Sunset countered.

“If that was done, the candle emits a magical signature can be tracked,” Celestia admitted, “but not by me.”

“If not by you, then whom?” Tobias asked, looking incredulous.

Celestia took a deep breath. “If enhanced by what little connection you six still have with the Elements, it can be tracked by the one who’s magic breath I based it off of.”

Twilight’s eyes widened in realization. “Spike…” she whispered.

Celestia nodded. “Prince Spike can track the magical signature with his own abilities,” she explained, “and I hope that we can all ask for his help in tracking him, or at least track where the candle might be.”

“How would that be helpful?” Tobias asked.

To Celestia’s surprise, it was Sunset who answered. “Teleportation magic has its limits,” she explained, “because the range is not infinite. Even Celestia can only teleport a short distance, maybe a few miles at least.”

Celestia nodded. “Correct.”

“We shouldn’t put credence in that belief, sister,” Luna said. “This alicorn is much more powerful than anypony, or anycreature, I’ve ever faced. I felt her aura, and it was enormous. The shield she placed around Dodge City was impenetrable, and I put everything behind shattering it.”

“Still, there’s no harm in trying,” Celestia said. “I would have tried to track him because his lack of a magic signature is unique, but I can’t detect it anywhere in my range. I’m hoping that if we find that, then perhaps I or somepony else here can track Revan’s location. I seriously doubt that he would be far away from Majesty.”

“Majesty does seem to be protective of him,” Luna agreed. “She even said we as ponies owe our existence to humans.”

That seemed to affect the mood in the room. All six former Elements of Harmony lowered their heads. Celestia herself even felt a hint of shame rising, and for the first time since she’d quickly formed that magical candle to give to Revan, she wondered if she’d done the right thing by the human or had simply done something to ease her own feelings on the matter. Shaking her head, she put these feelings aside for a later time, but she promised that she’d focus on them later.

“So, now we know for sure that we owe our existence to the humans, huh?” Sunset asked, before turning to Celestia with a cocked head, a false curious expression on her face. “I wonder why it was, then, that one of their species lies dead and the other is now held captive by an enemy of Equestria?”

“Our sister has only ever done what she deemed best for our little ponies,” Luna said, swiftly coming to her defense, which Celestia felt appreciation for.

“And that includes sending Jason down to Ponyville with only enough money for a single night in an inn and nothing else?” Sunset asked, which further shattered Celestia’s spirit. “Where’s the harmony in that? Where was the letter of introduction to the former Princess of Friendship?” Twilight lowered her head even further. “Where were the extra supplies, like clothes? Humans need clothes to survive, unlike us ponies.” Rarity now lowered her head. “Where was the welcome that he obviously was hoping for?” Pinkie lowered her head. “No hospitality at all, hmm. Why do we continue to intentionally forget out past or push it to the side in the vain hope that it won’t happen again?”

Something further inside Celestia snapped, and she whirled on Sunset angrily now. “What do you want to hear, huh?! I'm not perfect?? Well, you’re hearing it now! I’m so far from perfect that it’s not funny!!! I’ve made some deadly mistakes, and in Jason’s case it caused his death! His blood is on my hooves, and I don’t want another human’s death on my conscience!” She slammed her hoof on the table, cracking it with the force. “I have constant nightmares about him hanging lifelessly from that apple tree!” This made Applejack flinch before she, too, lowered his head.

Celestia wasn’t done, though. She felt all that she had buried come screaming to the surface. “I constantly have nightmares or visions about Jason’s abuse in Ponyville while I sat by and did nothing because I both forgot about him and because I trusted my little ponies to be better than they were!” Every former member of the Elements flinched now before those who hadn’t before now lowered their heads in shame. “I constantly see his pale, bloated face in my dreams, begging me to answer why? Why had I sent him into a den of lions?!”

“Sister…” Luna said, eyes bulging with shock.

Celestia still wasn’t finished. “I have other failings on my conscience, too! Tirek! Sombra! Chrysalis! Even Discord before his reformation! I can’t do anything for Jason now save to remember him and honor him!”

“You really think that’s what he would have wanted to be?” Sunset asked, and to Celestia’s surprise, there wasn’t any anger in her tone, just genuine curiosity and a question. For a brief moment, Celestia imagined that she saw the little filly in the small classroom where Celestia would tutor her. The tone of her question was similar to the one she had when she’d thought long and hard about how to phrase a question in the right way. Sunset continued. “I don’t know much about how a human thinks, but if I were him, I’d just want something quiet. He committed suicide to escape the pain and suffering he endured. I don’t think he’d enjoy being used like this.”

Celestia almost stepped back. Sunset had been so matter-of-fact about it, no anger or any kind of accusation behind it. She was just stating facts. Facts as she saw them, anyway. Celestia sat down, looking down at the table and beginning to wonder if she’d made the right decision in memorializing Jason’s day of death. Or whether she should have done anything differently. Her wings fell, and her tail did as well. She lowered her head farther, and stamped her hoof on the ground in frustration. Her entire regal persona had been broken, and once more, it had been Sunset who had done it.

Marble Pie then spoke up. She looked at Sunset. “Is this what I should expect from myself when I’m as old as you? As a fellow empath, I’m ashamed to share the same abilities as a coldhearted mare as you.” Her tone was cool and collected, but her eyes burned with a fierce determination. Also, her mane and tail were now full of waves while not losing its natural style.

Sunset returned Marble’s gaze with one of her own, one of pure rage now. Sunset’s mane was starting to bristle and move like it was in a wind of its own, and the temperature in the room was rising. “You don’t know me,” she said through clenched teeth.

“I know you’re a scared little filly eagerly seeking somepony’s approval and now that they aren’t giving it to you, you’re acting out,” Marble replied sharply.

Sunset stood tall and menacingly as she slowly stalked over to Marble, who didn’t move. “Don’t talk like you know what tartarus I’ve been through,” she snarled, pointing a hoof at Marble.

“You’re right, I don’t know what you’ve been through,” Marble said, “and there are points in your argument that are valid. However, this is neither the time or the place to deliberately attempt to use your empath abilities to further break everyone in here.”

Sunset flinched, a look of shock on her face. Shock which was quickly replaced by anger. She stood and raised her horn, vanishing in a twinkle of golden light. Celestia watched her go, shaking her head. She couldn’t leave Sunset alone in this moment, so she turned to Luna, who gave her a nod. Celestia raised her own horn and quickly teleported to the general vicinity where Sunset was. Celestia found herself standing on a sandy beach looking west at the ocean. Sunset was standing on the beach, looking over the surf. Celestia could see how tense and angry she was. Steeling herself, because she knew that this was a conversation years in the making, she approached her former student.

As she approached, Sunset sat on the sand, not saying a word. Celestia joined her, enjoying the feel of the salty breeze on her fur. She had not been to the ocean in a long time, and this brought back many happy memories for her. Princess Platinum and her husband Centurion Hurricane used to bring them along with her own foals to the beach that would eventually become the shores of Manehattan. Sometimes Chancellor Puddinghead would take them to where he lived which would eventually become Baltimare. There were even times when her and Luna’s magic teacher would take them to beaches for outdoor lessons.

The two sat there for a number of minutes, not saying anything. Celestia knew that Sunset was practically ready to burst, and she didn’t want to set her off further. Not at first. As they sat there, however, Celestia slowly began to realize that perhaps this was what Sunset needed: a chance to vent at her. So, she bit the arrowhead and plunged forward. After casting an anti-scrying spell, she looked down at Sunset. “Sunset Shimmer, please tell me what’s on your mind.”

Sunset didn’t respond right away. After a bit, however, she shook her head. “You really want to know?” she asked without even looking at her former teacher.

“I do,” Celestia replied.

Sunset stood sharply, walked over in front of Celestia, and glared at her. Her eyes were ablaze with fury, and her mane and tail once again started moving in a similar manner to Celestia’s own. “You threw me out like I was nothing!” she began, her voice trembling in rage. “You kept on pushing me to do something I never wanted to do, and the moment I tried to make you proud, you threw me aside and replaced me with that flank kisser!”

Celestia wanted to say something, but held herself back, wanting Sunset to keep going. Which she did. “You held me at hoof’s length away from you, always telling me I could do better! All I wanted was for you to say ‘Good job’, but nooo! Nothing I did was EVER good enough for you, was it?! Sometimes, I wish you had just left me to die in that alley!”

Celestia couldn’t remain silent about that. “I couldn’t just do that-”

“You did it with Jason!” Sunset interrupted her. “Your neglect might as well have been the leading cause of his death!”

Celestia flinched at that, and sighed. “Yes, I did, and yes you’re right.” Celestia could only guess why Sunset was so fixated on Jason, mostly because Sunset wasn’t in the country during Jason’s remaining three years there.

“I thought the world of you,” Sunset said, glaring at her with angry tears now. “I thought you knew harmony…I thought…” She turned away, sniffing.

Celestia was on the brink of tears now as well as she sat next to Sunset. “Like I said earlier, I’m nowhere near perfect,” she said, “and I know I did you wrong by what I said and did to you. I shouldn’t have kicked you out. I realized that the next morning, but by then it was way too late. You were gone before I could apologize and rescind my orders. I had no idea you saw me as distant. I’m sorry I gave you that impression, Sunset. I loved-no, I still love you dearly, and I’m so sorry I never showed it.”

Once more there was silence between both mares. Celestia resisted every urge within her to pull Sunset into a tight embrace, knowing that her wayward former student wouldn’t appreciate it in her current state. Instead, she decided to continue. “I know what I’m about to say won’t ever make up for any of the time lost between us, but I am very proud of you and of the mare you have become.”

Sunset snapped her head up, a look of incredulity on her face. “How can you say that? I’ve been nothing but insulting to you!”

Celestia nodded in agreement. “Yes, but do you know how many ponies I’ve known throughout my life who have always agreed with me in my presence and then attempted to act against me based off their own
beliefs? Even Twilight would alter her actions if it meant pleasing me.” She chuckled a bit. “It is quite refreshing to know a mare who will, as the saying goes, call me out on my horseshit.”

Sunset’s eyes widened in surprise at that, then she snickered, even neighing a bit. “Never expected you would be the type to swear,” she said between laughter.

Celestia tittered a bit, putting a hoof to her mouth. “I have been tempted to use such language many times, but my view on it is that using such language frequently makes it lose its seriousness, and I prefer to make my words count. In this case, it seems fitting.” Her smile faded and she looked down at Sunset once more. “I offer no excuse for my actions this many years ago. I acted rashly and foolishly, and lost a great student. One of my greatest.”

“And yet, you replaced me,” Sunset said, her own smile fading to be replaced with a bitter scowl.

Celestia shook her head. “I was always hopeful you would return or I would hear news of you. I did send messengers after you to try and relay my wish to apologize to you in pony, but you were rather…elusive. You were always a master of masking your magical presence. I never even knew you were back in Equestria until Discord told me.”

Sunset raised an eyebrow. “Why would that creature care?” she asked.

“I’m unsure myself,” Celestia admitted, “but I’m glad he did. I’ve missed you so much. A day hardly goes by when I don’t think about you. And yes, before you say anything, even that isn’t an excuse for what I did with you or even with Jason before his death.”

Sunset let loose a breath, then looked back over at the surf that was lazily crashing against the sandy beach. After a bit, she spoke, and it sounded like she was forcing the words out. “That day…I know I…acted rashly, just wanting to impress you…and when you cast me out, all I could think about was revenge. I hated you for years, but one lesson I’ve learned in my travels is that love’s opposite isn’t hatred, but indifference. I…this is hard for me to say, but…I never hated you. I was, and still am, angry at you for what happened with me and Jason.”

Curiosity burned within Celestia, so she asked the question. “Aside from the obvious, why are you upset with me over my lack of actions concerning Jason?”

Sunset took in a deep breath. “When I heard the story, I could empathize with his situation. He and I were similar in some ways. Sent away from Canterlot with hardly anything to survive on, hardly thought about during the years, and have seen the lowest that ponies can become, only for me I’ve seen it outside of Equestrian borders.” She snorted in derision. “You wouldn’t believe some of the insane cults out there.” Looking back up at Celestia, she continued. “Then, when Jason killed himself, you used his death to teach a lesson to ponies, a lesson they should never have had to learn because they should have already known it. Harmony shouldn’t be limited to the pony races, but should be shared with others, and not just through Equestria. I don’t know what possessed Twilight to ignore Jason and his abuse, but I’ve learned more about humans in my travels. They aren’t so dissimilar from us. There are good ones, like Megan, Daniel, and Molly Williams, but there are also evil humans like the witch mother Hydia and her daughters who unleashed a manifestation of the Smooze onto Ponyland and nearly succeeded in destroying Dream Valley and Dream Castle. I don’t know where we ponies got this idea that we are the superior race of Harmony, but that, as you would say, is horseshit. We are no better than other races, and now some evil pony who is clearly extremely powerful is punishing those she believes have broken Harmony. It’s very likely she will come to Maretime Bay or even Zephyr Heights to enact some of her brand of justice.”

Celestia nodded. “Which is why my sister and I are here today, to stop her.”

“Celestia, Revan was scared of her,” Sunset reminded her, “and he
doesn’t strike me as the type to be scared of much. Then again, I haven’t known
him long, but if he was afraid of Majesty and not of you, and if he was begging
Luna for help, then she isn’t to be trifled with.”

Celestia nodded once more. “That is why I will be asking you to go to the Crystal Empire with the others and find Revan so you can return him to us, and reunite him with his strange mask. Majesty took it from him for some unknown reason, so it must be dangerous for Revan to have.”

“Me??” Sunset looked at Celestia wide eyed. “Why me?!”

“In case Majesty defeats my sister and I, you are one of the most powerful and experienced ponies around,” Celestia said. “You clearly have more battle experience, or should I say more recent experience.”

“You’re expecting too much from me, again,” Sunset growled under her breath. “I may be good, but Majesty can teleport a magicless human, something I can’t do and I’m pretty sure you can’t do.”

Celestia shook her head. “She didn’t teleport him in the traditional sense,” she said. “She seemed to create a portal and make it pass through him in Dodge City. I doubt she could traditionally teleport him away.”

“That just proves that she’s smart,” Sunset said disparagingly.

“She is smart, yes,” Celestia said, “but intelligence and power doesn’t make one wise. She is as much a pony as you or me. Eventually, she’ll make a mistake, and when she does, we must be prepared to make a move on her to capitalize on it and rescue Revan.”

The two sat in silence for a bit more. Finally, Sunset looked back at Celestia. “I still am angry at you, and can’t really forgive what you did to me, but I do promise to reign myself in for the sake of saving Revan and trying to stop Majesty. I make no promises on being able to succeed in either, though. And I also make no promises in staying to patch things up here.”

“Victory is never assured,” Celestia said as she stood. “Still, I’m glad that you have decided to help.”

“He’s a member of Shadow Dawn,” Sunset said as the two stood and began heading back to town, “and if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that we never leave anyone behind. No one.”

Majesty watched as the fuzzy image of the meeting cleared up once the anti-scrying spells the royal sisters had cast were lifted. How they had learned about her ability to see everywhere was a puzzle to be sorted out later, she knew. She stood before her mirror, then looked back at one of her golden horseshoes. She smiled at the ancient artifacts made of mystical starlight. Raising the back right horseshoe, she activated the needed magic, then let it be channeled through her horn. Turning, she focused on the mind of the least likely creature to have any magical defenses to their mind: the friend of her human royal guest.

Closing her eyes, she concentrated. As the ancient Argyte magic flowed through her long before its inevitable destruction, the abyssinian’s thoughts became clear. However, his thoughts were incredibly hard to search through and rather unusual. They didn’t make sense at all, which frustrated the alicorn. So, she chose instead to focus on another, this time the green pegasus stallion. Fortunately, his thoughts were much easier to read. She sifted through the more recent memories and eventually came to the memories of the past meeting. When she had organized and understood what was happening, she opened her eyes and lowered her back right hoof. She stepped past the mirror, looking into the darkness behind her. “My friend,” she called into the darkness before her, “I have need of your help.”

Two glowing purple eyes appeared from the darkness, and the deep, resonating voice of her friend spoke. “What can I do, your majesty?” he asked.

“It appears that Phase Mimic will now be in play,” she explained.

The pair of eyes rose up as their owners stood. The sound of the ancient castle’s foundations creaked beneath her oldest companion’s claws. “I understand,” the voice said.

Majesty gave the ancient creature a saddened expression. “I am sorry that it has come to this,” she said.

The eyes blinked, then her companion shook his head. “You are all that remains of my past,” the voice said, “and would have died if it hadn’t been for you. I owe you.”

Majesty gave the ancient creature shadowed in darkness a warm smile. “Then prepare yourself. This will not be too pleasant.”

”I am prepared,” the voice replied.

Majesty lifted her horn, which began to brighten as the magic spell she had in her arsenal was charged up. Focusing everything she had into this spell, her horn blazed with light, enveloping the creature before her. Finally, the spell was complete, and Majesty lowered her horn. She was tired now, but knew that she had succeeded. Taking a breath, she looked into the darkness. “I hope that did not harm you.”

“Not at all,” a younger sounding voice said from the shadows as a pair of footsteps approached.

The pair of purple eyes now glowed an emerald green, and as the figure stepped into the light of the throne room, Majesty smiled. It was like going back in time somewhat, although her companion’s scales were now purple instead of the bright pink they had once been, and his wings were smaller. Majesty reached up and put a gentle hoof on her companion’s shoulder. “Oh, Spyke,” she said with a reminiscent tone, “it’s good to see you like this again.”

Spyke looked down at himself, then stretched. “It feels strange to be in this body again after so long,” he said in the voice of the other, “but I agree. It feels…nostalgic.”

Majesty chuckled with mirth, then gently lead her companion away from the darkness where he mostly resided in his old age, “Are you ready for the task ahead?” she asked for confirmation.

Spyke nodded. “I am prepared,” he repeated.

She turned to the mirror, which woke once more. The mists cleared, now to reveal a regal looking bedroom with a sleeping dragon under its covers. “How fortuitous,” she said with a chuckle, “I was afraid that we would need to wait until night time. Here we go.” With that, she lifted her horn once more. “Swap, swap, off you pop,” Majesty chanted before her spell was cast. The sleeping dragon in the bed vanished, and the dragon next to her also vanished, appearing in the room. He raised his fist and put it on his chest before he began his mission.

Majesty lowered her horn and the view of the brightly lit bedroom vanished. She walked over and sat on her throne to rest for a few moments. A smirk appeared on her face as she said, “I hope my guest is enjoying his new roommate.”

Gregory was slowly sipping on the water bottle that Majesty had returned to him when she noticed that he wasn’t drinking anything locally. She had assured him that she hadn’t poisoned the water or food, but he had no reason to suspect she hadn’t placed some sort of drug in those foods or drinks to make him more compliant or something, so she had given him his water bottle, which was metal, back. The water bottle was, thankfully, full, and the water helped parch his thirst. Of course, this was only a brief respite. He doubted he would be able to hold out for long, and he was not going to drink his own urine to survive. No, soon he would be forced to accept food and water from his captor.

He held a book in his lap as he was sitting near his fireplace, which had a warm fire in it. The book was written in a bit more fanciful lettering, similar to Edwardian Script font, but it was legible. It was titled Pony Legends and History. He knew the title from a G1 series of episodes called The Golden Horseshoes, and he was currently reading said story. Just like in the G1 episodes, the four horseshoes were made in the land of Argyte of mystical starlight. Each one possessed magical powers, such as the ability to create special clouds on which she and others could hover, the ability to create a great amount of light, the ability to show the future, and the ability to read the minds of others. The special unicorn who had originally owned them was, as he guessed, Majesty herself.

Something disturbing that he learned during his reading of this story was that Argyte was a former home of ponies far to the east of Ponyland which was besieged by demons in its final days. Argyte was destroyed by many various kinds of demons, and Majesty had apparently been the last remaining member of the Argyte royal family to survive the fighting. Majesty herself, barely a teenager at the time, took up mantle of leadership when the rest of her family were killed by the demons, and in a last ditch effort to escape the oncoming demons, who had killed thousands of ponies. Using her immense magical power, which was supplemented by the power of the long lost Crown of Argyte, she created a magical whirlwind that took every remaining pony from that land away. In the chaos that followed, Majesty saved her ponies, but had lost her horseshoes.

He put the book down, trying to think about how Majesty could have gotten her hooves on them again, especially if Mimic had needed them to be revived. Majesty must have still been around during the time of those events, so he figured that it was Majesty who needed the help of Megan and her pony friends. That left the question of how long the time was between the events of each episode of the G1 show. If they could even be considered canon as they were aired, considering the events of Rescue at Midnight Castle had Majesty with them in real life.

In truth, Gregory had nothing else to do but to think about the events of the past and how they related to the present. Like how Majesty had earned her wings as an alicorn if she was as evil as Opaline. There must have been some good in her at some point, which made even more sense considering that she was acting in a manner that in her mind was just. A small part of Gregory could see her point of view. From what he had heard about Equestria, the ponies who lived there were a proud race, basking in their blessings and quite powerful thanks to their unique connections to the world’s magic. They did base their society on the Tenets of Harmony, but that only seemed to apply to the three main races of ponies. For other races, it was a hit or miss. Even the chiropteran ponies were seen as outcasts by the three main races. And the reaction of ponies to humans in this day and age was certainly telling.

He guessed that in a way, Majesty still loved the ponies and was acting as a more disciplinarian, but even so, he couldn’t just ignore the fact that she seemed to be playing the part of Old Testament Yahweh with the extreme measures. She explained after coming back that she’d left the foals alone as they were, in her opinion, innocent of their parents’ crimes, but had Luna not been there, it may have turned out disastrous for the foals, especially any newborns. Part of him hoped that Majesty wasn’t that cruel and had known that Luna was there, but he couldn’t rule it out, either.

As Gregory was about to go back to reading the story, trying to put those miserable thoughts aside, he heard the telltale sign of a magical teleportation coming from nearby. Assuming it was another attempt by Majesty to give him something to eat, he looked over at the table, only to see that it remained undisturbed. Frowning, he stood, high on alert now as he scoured the room to see what was added or subtracted.

When he saw the new addition, his heartbeat went into overdrive, but he steadied himself quickly as he slowly approached his bed. Underneath the covers, a brand new lump had appeared. And it was snoring heavily. He couldn’t see what or who it could be, but it was too small to be Majesty. He seriously doubted that she might attempt to make him go to bed with one of the nox ponies as Majesty’s servants were called, so the situation was completely flabbergasting to him. And in this world, anything unknown could hurt or kill him.

Hesitantly, he approached the snoring form, noting that whoever or whatever was underneath sounded young, and was possibly bipedal judging from the outline. Reaching towards the head of the bed, he grabbed the sheets covering the figure, then slowly began pulling the covers down.

The first thing he saw was a green horn, which put him even more on alert, but then he saw a few more horns and a purple head. Then he saw some green ears on the side of said head, and he stumbled backwards, eyes wide. Spike?!

14: ...Often Go Awry

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The head, and presumably the rest of the body, belonged to Spike.

As if by magic, the dragon stirred and in a somewhat familiar, but deeper adolescent voice, said, “Mmm…not now, Mom, can’t somepony else watch Flurry today…?”

Flurry? Gregory looked at Spike with confusion. He had no idea what Spike was up to since Jason’s death, but as he hadn’t seen the young drake with Twilight in Maretime Bay, he assumed that he was somewhere else. From what he’d just heard, it sounded as if someone had adopted him and he was close to Flurry Heart. Meaning that he had been in the Crystal Empire at some point. And judging by the clothes he’s wearing, he’s doing well-wait, clothes?? Gregory was even more confused, as Spike was wearing what looked like old style pajamas.

Spike continued to stir and Gregory stepped back, letting go of the blanket as he got a respectful distance away. Spike’s stirring continued, then slowed as a sparkle of magic suddenly surrounded him. He smiled in his sleep as he pulled the covers back up and fell back into a deeper sleep. Gregory watched, unsure what to make of what he had just seen. Spike looked so peaceful and happy in his sleep.

He sat back down in his chair, trying to come to grips with what had just happened when there was a knock at the door. “My dear Gregory? It’s Majesty. May I enter? Are you decent?”

Gregory nearly jumped when Majesty spoke. He calmed himself, then slowly stood, walked over to the door, and undid the latch. Not that he figured it would do him any good, of course, but it helped him. He opened the door and saw Majesty standing there with a warm smile. “I hope I didn’t startle you,” she said. “May I come in?”

Gregory didn’t reply, instead just stepped aside and let her enter. She nodded in acknowledgment and walked in, taking in the room before looking at the bed. She chuckled. “He looks peaceful, doesn’t he?” she asked, looking up at Gregory, who simply nodded. She smiled more, then turned to Spike. “He is dreaming happy dreams, and is in an enchanted sleep that will do him no harm. I never intentionally put young ones in harm’s way. They are so innocent, and this one here has lived such a hard life already that he deserves all the happiness he’s gotten.” She walked over and gently stroked Spike’s spines before turning back to Gregory. “Did you know that Spike here has been adopted by the rulers of the Crystal Empire as a prince? He has been living a very good life.”

Gregory took a seat back in the chair, watching Majesty as she tucked Spike in further. If he was living such a good life, he thought, then why kidnap him? Unless he would interfere in her plans. The only reason he could think of to kidnap Spike would be because of his dragon fire. If so, it made perfect sense for her to keep him asleep. Majesty turned to him when she was finished. “My dear Gregory,” she said, “I didn’t just come here to check on your new and temporary roommate. It has come to my attention that you haven’t been eating anything we’ve provided for you lately.” She approached, a look of concern on her face. “I hope you realize I would never poison you or mess with your meals in any way. You're my honored guest, just as Spike here is.”

He remained calm, but his internal fear and somewhat growing paranoia kept him on edge. He took in a breath before he finally spoke. “You’ll forgive me for not immediately trusting that you haven’t altered the food you sent me.”

Majesty shook her head, looking genuinely hurt. “I don’t want you dead,” she said, “and I would never put anything untoward in your food. If you’re afraid of me putting something into the meal that could affect you, then be at ease. That would be serious assault, and would make me no better than the ponies who assaulted you and Jason and other nonpony races.”

Gregory pursed his lips. He had been living on edge for so long that he had foolishly not considered the fact that anyone other than Tobias would care about him. Life in Thornfall was a kill or be killed mentality for him. He forced himself to relax, admitting to himself that her words did make sense. Still, one nagging question remained. “Then why did you leave foals alone in Dodge City?” he asked.

Majesty sighed. “My dear Gregory, I knew that Luna and several of her guards were going there before we left,” she said. “I would never intentionally leave them unable to fend for themselves. As much as I dislike her, Luna has several redeeming qualities. She does care for ponies, and would never abandon young ones. Children are more innocent than adults, for they have not yet been taught the mistakes of their parents. Even if she hadn’t been going there, I would have left some full-grown ponies there to tend to the foals.”

Once more, a bit of relief washed over Gregory. He’d been letting his fear dictate his thoughts, and that, he knew from the years of being on Erda, was counterproductive. Majesty continued. “I’ll have Spike moved to another room before long, but I didn’t just come by to see him. I wanted to invite you to dine with me for lunch.”

Gregory was immediately on guard again, but saw an opportunity here. She seemed to be protective of him, having placed him in a gilded cage wherever this was, and if he was smart about it, he could press her for information. Of course, she could do the same to him, but he promised himself he’d be careful. Even so, he was worried now about Spike. Looking to the young dragon, he asked, “Will he be alright in enchanted sleep?”

Majesty nodded. “Yes. He is in no danger of muscle atrophy, starvation, dehydration, or anything like that. And before you ask, I would not use any sort of mind control or suggestion magic on anyone, especially a hatchling like him. He has suffered under ponies until recently too.” She turned to him. “So, will you come to a midday meal with me?”

Gregory stood, looking at eye level at Majesty before nodding. “I accept your invitation,” he said, his paranoia telling him that it was a mandatory invitation. He squashed that thought as it was counterproductive. “What time is it?”

“At twelve,” she said, looking at the clock on the wall which read three minutes past eleven. She then looked at his clothes and looked concerned. “Would you like a change of clothes? I have already had some of my nox ponies create several articles of clothing for you that will fit if you wish.”

He looked down at the only articles of earth clothing he had on him at the moment. He knew that, like him, they had properties that seemed to aid in his protection, and he wasn’t really willing to give that up just yet. Still, he figured he could at least try and look presentable with these clothes. They were still relatively clean. “Thank you for the offer,” he said, “but I would prefer to stay in my own clothes for now.”

Majesty nodded. “I understand. I will have the nox bring the clothes here before dinner just in case you would like to wear something else. We will gladly wash your clothes whenever you need them washed. I will also send someone to escort you to the dining hall when it’s time.” She then looked at his face, which was sporting some stubble that was a couple days old now. “Would you also like a shaving kit? I do know that older human males sometimes prefer to be clean shaven.”

“Well, if you have such a kit, then yes please,” Gregory nodded. “I would appreciate that,” he said.

“It shall be done. I will have our cooks prepare something I believe a human would enjoy, seeing as your kind are omnivores,” Majesty promised. “And with that, I will bid you farewell for now.” She walked over to where Spike lay, raised her horn, and in an instant, both of them teleported away, leaving Gregory alone.

About forty minutes later, Gregory was facing the mirror in his private bathroom and looking at himself. Once more, he tried straightening his shirt of all the wrinkles and brushed his pants off. He would be leaving many of his outer clothes behind, settling for his pants, the black long sleeved shirt he wore, and a dark purple vest that had actually been provided to him by a nox pony servant earlier. He may have been a mercenary, but even he knew that there was a time and a place for all black. The dark purple vest gave him the look of someone going to a more official dinner, and despite his fear and wariness of Majesty, he wanted to at least look presentable.

He ran his hand over the top of his hair, which he had just washed and combed back, tying it back into a ponytail as it had grown that long during his time on Erda. He’d even done his best to shave using the shaving kit that the nox pony servant had brought for him. It was a lot like the ones he used in Thornfall, but the blade itself was a lot nicer than those in his home city, so he needed to be careful. Still, it did feel nice to be clean shaven after a couple days of itchy stubble.

Opening a pocket on the vest pocket of said vest, Gregory placed his handkerchief inside, making it look as presentable as he could. Not seeing anything else that needed to be done, he walked back out into the main living area of his room, sat, picked up the book he had been reading before, and resumed reading while he waited for someone to call him to lunch, which came about five minutes later with the arrival of the same nox pony he had seen upon his arrival here. He learned her name was Starfall and she had been assigned to be his personal maid/aide if he ever decided to go out of his room when Majesty was busy. “M-Mr. Gregory, sir,” she said with a hint of nervousness that he’d grown to get used to with her, “her majesty asked me to bring you to the dining room for the midday meal.”

Gregory nodded and stood, straightening his clothes out once more before nodding. “I’m ready,” he said.

Starfall nodded and led him out of the room, where he was immediately flanked by the two nox pony stallion guards. Majesty had said they were for his protection, but even he could tell that was a flimsy lie. They led him down several dimly lit corridors until they reached a set of double doors, which were also manned by two ponies in armor. Said ponies opened the doors, revealing a surprisingly well-lit room that had a large elongated table with several chairs surrounding it in the center of the room. A brightly lit chandelier illuminated everything in the room, and there was a roaring fire in a massive fireplace. Gregory noted that the nox ponies had to cover their eyes with their darkened butterfly wings as they retreated.

Sitting at one end of the table was Majesty, front hooves on the table in what Gregory would consider a polite pose. She stood and pushed her chair out, making her way over towards him. To his surprise, she was actually wearing what he could only describe as a formal dress, a light blue ensemble. It was simple, but elegant in said simplicity. Her mane was also tied up with a fashionable white bow. She looked him up and down as she approached, then gave a nod of approval. “I believe the phrase is ‘You clean up nicely’?” she questioned.

Despite his fear of her, he couldn’t help but smile a bit at the compliment. He had hardly ever heard anyone back on Earth say anything like that to him, and nobody here would likely say it. He nodded in appreciation. “You used that phrase correctly,” he said. “Right back at you.”

She actually blushed a little bit at that before straightening and smiling. “Please come with me,” she said. “I’ve had another place set up for the two of us. This table is nice for dining, but it’s too big and impersonal.” She gestured to a table he hadn’t seen before, one situated near one of the two windows in the room, a bay window which had its curtains shut. A table with Majesty’s mirror stood between said table and the bay window.

The table itself was circular and made of sturdy wood. He even thought he saw a rainbow sheen on the top of it when it was looked at from a certain angle. The chairs themselves were made of the same type of wood, but were also cushioned so they were comfortable to sit in and had armrests. An unlit candelabra stood in the center of the table and there were two of the chairs sitting on either side of the table so the occupants were facing each other. Each place had already been set with fancy-looking dinnerware that looked too good to eat off of, at least to Gregory’s eyes. In fact, they looked somewhat familiar to him as they approached, but he said nothing.

Not wanting to be rude to his host, he watched which chair she approached, then moved in front of her, pulling said chair out for her. This seemed to surprise Majesty, but she nodded and accepted the chivalry as she took the seat. In return, she pulled out his chair with her magic and he sat down after pushing her chair in. Part of him did this because he wanted to play into her human reverence and another part did it because of his fear. As he sat, she pulled the chair in to a comfortable position, then used her magic to light the candelabra.

When he sat down, she picked up a golden bell with a red handle that was at her place. Gregory noticed that he had one near his dinnerware as well but said nothing. From another door, a pony quickly entered. However, Gregory noted that this one was an actual earth pony, and not a nox pony like he’d seen before. The pony approached and gave both the alicorn and the human a surprisingly warm smile. “Howdy, folks!” he said in a slightly southern accent, “I’m your chef today!” He then turned to Gregory. “It’s an honor to meet a member of the species who saved ours so long ago.” He inclined his head in respect.

This human reverence thing is a bit unnerving, Gregory thought, but didn’t say as he nodded. “Nice to meet you too, Chef…?” He trailed off, hoping that the earth pony would finish the sentence.

He didn’t disappoint. “You can call me Stir Fry,” he said with a smile. “And you also don’t need to worry about your meal, sir and madam. I can assure you that it’s being made to the finest of specifications.” Directing his attention to Gregory, he added, “The lady here has told me you’re an omnivore, so I just wanted to assure you that I can prepare something for you that should fit your palate. For you, I have decided on a piece of auroch meat roasted over an open grill to perfection.” He then turned to Majesty. “And for the lady, a roasted root vegetable and goat cheese filo tart.” He then addressed both of them. “For sides, even if it seems a bid pedestrian, we will be having baked potatoes with melted butter, chives and sour cream. There will be a garden salad for both of you as well. As for what to drink, aside from the clearest water this side of the Maressissippi we have a rare chateau wine bottle from the former fields of one Grape Vine.”

Majesty nodded in approval. “Thank you, Chef Fry,” she said, “that all sounds incredibly delicious.”

“I will bring out some freshly baked bread rolls and some butter for you to start,” the earth pony said as he bowed and rushed back through the door he’d come through before, leaving the alicorn and human alone.

Gregory was looking after the earth pony chef, wondering why he was here. Majesty must have seen the confusion on his face because she said, “Chef Fry is not the only pony who is not a nox among the Shadowfall. There are many from Equestria who became disenchanted with the current state of affairs over the years, and even more so when Ponyville’s actions against Jason Wright came to light.” She gestured to the still closed window. “Nocturne is full of them, but they tend to live in a separate cavern.”

That caught Gregory’s attention. He turned back to her with a raised eyebrow. “Why? Isn’t that counterintuitive to your cause?” He wasn’t entirely sure what her actual cause was, but he could make some guesses.

“Oh, they live in a brighter cavern next to this one because the nox can’t deal very well with bright light,” Majesty explained. “The nox used to be able to handle being in the sunlight just like any other pony race, but a group of them were forced underground during the last days of peace in Ponyland before the Sundering. They changed into the nox over the centuries.”

“Changed? From what?” Gregory asked, although he was beginning to suspect he knew.

“They were once a race of beautiful and glorious ponies known as flutter ponies,” Majesty replied. She turned to the mirror, which began to glow and clear to reveal a beautiful flowery valley. There were pleasant looking homes and cottages scattered throughout, and in the center was a massive monument with a golden glowing stone situated on top. The view showed a few of the aforementioned flutter ponies flying around, smiling and laughing and talking with each other. “This is Flutter Valley before the Sundering,” Majesty explained. “It was hidden from other races and ruled by Queen Rosedust. They were a kind and peaceful race.”

Gregory couldn’t help but admire the beauty and simplicity of the view before him. What little he had seen from the memories of Majesty and other ponies showed that ponies in Ponyland lived a simpler life than ponies in the modern day. He tried not to be mesmerized by the view, but it looked less like a mirror and more like a portal which he could walk though. He looked back at Majesty, who was actually looking at him instead of the view. She had what looked like an expectant look on her face. He nodded as he looked back. “They look peaceful,” he said.

“They were,” she said, a wistful tone in her voice, “but they were also not to be underestimated, because they had the power of Utter Flutter.” The scene changed and Gregory saw a large number of the flutter ponies flying in formation, buzzing their wings at a massive dark mass that looked like black slime. A black slime with a pair of blazing red eyes full of hatred. And sailing on the slime was a small sailing ship with three human figures in them.

Gregory realized he was seeing the ending of the original My Little Pony movie as it actually happened. To his shock, the three witches on the boat were actually quite attractive by human standards, as well as appearing quite young. So young, in fact, that he knew he would never have been able to guess which was the mother unless he looked at the clothes. Also unlike what happened in the movie, the number of flutter ponies were much larger than it was in the movie. “This happened during a time when Hydia and her witch daughters attempted to cover Ponyland in a vicious entity called the Smooze,” she said. “At the time, I was caught in its initial attack and unable to escape, but thanks to them and the Rainbow of Light, my ponies were saved, and we ceded part of our lands to the Grundles to help them restore their own lands.”

The scene shifted again, this time in front of a massive building. Majesty stood there, smiling widely at everyone there, which included a number of ponies, a gnome looking being that Gregory assumed was the Moochick, a large rabbit standing next to the Moochick, a group of multicolored furry creatures that Gregory guessed were the bushwoolies, a taller flutter pony mare who looked like Rosedust, various animals, and three young humans, which included a young adult human woman dressed in farmer’s clothing, a college aged looking man with a baseball cap, and a teenage looking girl with pink overalls and pigtails. Their fashion sense screamed mid-80’s at Gregory.

The unicorn Majesty on the screen was looking at a small group of humanoid beings as she spoke. “King Griund of the grundle race, my dear ponies and other friends and I are grateful for your help in these past few days. You have shown yourselves to be friendly, resourceful, and with the potential of being amazing neighbors. You are brave and kind and strong, and it grieves me that such a marvelous race has lost your kingdom.” The younger Majesty did look pained by this, but then her expression brightened. “As thanks for your assistance in this near tragedy, I will gladly cede a portion of Ponyland to you to help you restore your kingdom to its former glory. There are many places in our kingdom which are uninhabited where you can rebuild.”

The taller grundle had tears of joy in his eyes as he approached and reached out a claw to Majesty. Majesty placed her hoof in his claw and he closed it around her hoof, leaning down to kiss it gently. “The grundles and I are eternally in your debt,” he said.

Majesty giggled softly. “Consider the debt repaid for your actions in helping to restore Dream Castle,” she said as she knelt down to be eye to eye with the grundle king. “You and your people will be our friends for as long as time exists.”

The scene shifted again, only to now show Majesty standing alone on the lip of what looked like a volcanic crater. She was looking down at the crater, a look of anger spread across her face as she raised her horn, lifting something up. The view moved to show what Majesty was lifting: a large mass with angry red eyes and three terrified looking women who were shouting out apologies that even Gregory could tell were false.

Majesty turned and looked at the smooze first, her eyes ablaze with anger and determination as she aimed her horn at it. The horn began to glow as she spoke:

No longer shall thee our lives upend,
no longer shall thee tower.
If being evil is all thee intend,
then thou shalt be good as a shower.

The smooze began to twist and writhe, its eyes vanishing as it lifted up into the air. Its black form began to shiver and expand, turning its gelatinous form into that of a beautiful cloud which spread across the skies. Rain began to fall, but a gentle rain which began to fall steadily around Majesty and the three witches. The dismal looking Volcano of Gloom began to transform, with beautiful flower, grass, and even trees beginning to grow on its slopes. Snow fell onto where the tree line formed, and eventually the volcano and the surrounding landscape became a majestic and beautiful mountain.

As the newly transformed rainshower moved away, revealing the sun again as it cast a natural rainbow onto the eastern sky, Majesty turned her focus to the terrified looking witches. “You have brought nothing but sorrow and misery to my dear ponies and their friends,” she snarled angrily, “and I have ignored you for far too long. It is long past time I dealt with you on a more permanent level. But first, drop those disguises at once!”

Hydia was the first to do so, and her human forms shifted until she was a green skinned humanoid with pointed ears. The other two did the same, and their features also changed to fit this. They still had their feminine beauty, strangely enough, but their eyes were all a glowing red just like the smooze’s had been. Eyes full of fear mixed with hatred. Before they had a chance to speak, Majesty spoke again, her horn blazing with light.

Thy sins are quite vast,
and forgiveness is past,
for to live as evil beings you insist.

Your powers we sever,
both now and forever,
for as mortals thou shalt now exist.

Majesty’s magic swelled around the three witches, and they screamed in terror as dark mist rose from their bodies, dispersing into the air and being dissolved by the still falling rain. Any raindrop that passed through the mist changed into a colorful looking bubble which floated serenely away, and anytime one popped, orbs of light fell from it and hit the ground, dissolving and creating more greenery. Soon all of the blackened mist was gone, and Majesty opened some sort of portal. On the other side was an island. It looked big enough and had a large lake in the middle, plenty of trees full of fruits, and white sandy beaches. “Be grateful for my mercy in not turning you into an animal like I have done with Tirac,” she said darkly as the three headed towards the portal. “This island is in the middle of the ocean, with no hope of rescue in sight for any of you. Now begone!”

The three were thrown screaming into the ocean, landing none too gently, but not enough to actually harm them. As they swam to shore, the portal vanished, and Majesty looked down at the now verdant valley surrounding the former Volcano of Gloom. She smiled. “I think perhaps the grundles might enjoy living here,” she said.

The scene faded away, and Gregory turned to look at the current Majesty. She smiled at him. “The grundles gladly started living in the former realm of Hydia and her witch daughters,” she said, “and in that entire valley. They called it New Grundalia. They had a lovely architectural sense.”

Just then, the doors to what Gregory guessed was the kitchen opened and a couple unicorns came out, carrying large plates of food out using their magic. They placed them down and bowed before a third pony, this one a pegasus, brought out two wine glasses and a wine bottle, which he poured for the two of them.

Gregory was surprised to see that his meal looked like a perfectly seared steak. It even smelled like it. There were seasonings on it that made it smell absolutely divine, better than anything he’d had in Thornfall. Hell, this has to be better than MREs, he thought.

Majesty’s own food looked and smelled delicious as well, and she smiled warmly at Gregory when he looked over. “I take it from your reaction that the smell of your auroch is appealing?”

He nodded. “Consider me impressed that a pony would even be able to cook a meat dish so well,” he said.

“Chef Stir Fry is, or was, from Canterlot Castle, and they do need to know how to make meat dishes for visiting dignitaries,” Majesty explained.

Gregory nodded in understanding. He wanted to dig in and stuff himself despite his caution, but he refrained as the wait staff finished setting things up. When they left and it was just him and Majesty alone again, he continued to wait, unsure whether or not Majesty had some sort of pre-meal tradition. However, when he saw her lift a fork and begin using it, he decided it was safe. He dug in, and the first bite of auroch steak exploded in his mouth with plenty of juice and flavor, and he had to really hold himself back from just digging in out of hunger. It had been too long since he’d had any steak.

After he swallowed the heavenly first bite, Majesty leaned forward. “I take it that your meal is more than satisfactory.”

“That’s putting it mildly,” he said, then caught himself as he realized his guard was slowly being lowered. “My compliments and thanks to the chef.”

“I will pass on the missive,” she said with a warm chuckle before taking another bite of her meal. When she swallowed that, she picked up the wine glass. “A toast, my dear Gregory. To true harmony.”

Gregory picked up the wine glass at his side almost without thinking, but hesitated only for a moment. His fear returned a bit, but he suppressed it as he raised his glass. “To peace and justice,” he added.

She smirked at that, and clinked his glass with her own.

“I’m happy that you’ve eaten something,” Majesty said an hour later as she was walking with Gregory back to his room. “You look much better already.”

“Thank you,” he said as they turned the corner of the corridor where his door was. Gregory felt much better. He hadn’t felt so full in years, having learned that food wouldn’t be a luxury he could afford to pass up. He had only eaten until satisfied for the two years he’d been in Thornfall, if he even got that much. He had to dip into his earth food reserves a few times when things had gotten severe, but the meal he’d just had was unlike anything he’d had before, and that included the dinner at Twilight’s house. Part of him wanted to just go back to his room and collapse into a food coma, but another part was concerned that he’d be sick from the shock to his system.

When they reached his room, Majesty opened the door and let Gregory go first. He walked in and collapsed into the chair next to the fireplace, exhaling deeply. Majesty giggled as she walked in and closed the door. “Are you tired?” she asked.

“A bit,” he admitted.

“Would you be too tired to accompany me for something later today?” she asked again.

Alarm bells went off in his mind as he lifted his head to look at her. “Later when? And where are you going?”

She chuckled. “I’ll be leaving in about three hours,” she said, “and as for where, well that’s a surprise. Would you be interested in accompanying me?”

Gregory felt like he was going to be sick now. He wasn’t sure why, but he felt like she would be taking him somewhere he didn’t want to be going or to observe something. He thought back to Dodge City and how Majesty had punished that town. There was a stubborn part of him that thought she’d gone too far, but after learning she had planned for there to be adults there to take care of the foals, his thoughts had settled. Then there was the part of him that felt some sense of satisfaction at seeing those ponies get some comeuppance for what they did to him two years ago. The conflict within him was starting to brew, and he wasn’t sure which part of him he wanted to win.

Feeling like there wasn’t much of a choice, he sat up. He wasn’t tired anymore now. “If you want me to come with you somewhere, then do I have a choice?”

Majesty smiled. “Of course you do,” she said in a reassuring tone. “I could see how distressed you were last time we went anywhere, but let me ask you this: didn’t you feel some sense of satisfaction or peace when I enacted justice for you?”

Gregory instantly remembered the aforementioned feelings he’d experienced that day. The vindication he’d felt at those ponies turning into monsters. He hadn’t realized just how much the actions of those ponies had affected him. The savage part of him absolutely loved what had happened. He’d suppressed it when Majesty had informed him that the foals were left alone, but it had resurfaced when she revealed that she would never have done anything like that if nobody else was there to take care of the foals. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, organizing his thoughts carefully before he replied, but all he could manage was a slow nod and a quiet, “Yes.”

Majesty smiled wider and walked up, putting a wing around him. “This next bit of justice I’m about to enact has to do with a fellow human.”

Gregory’s eyes went wide. “Jason Wright…” he muttered.

Majesty nodded. “Exactly. I’m planning a nice little visit to Maretime Bay. Would you like to tag along?”

Celestia and Luna both were sitting in the main hall of Maretime Bay, eyes closed, horns lit, and mouths moving silently as they cast an ancient spell they both knew that would place a powerful shield around the coastal town. The former Elements of Harmony and the others who had been in that meeting had already left town on a cargo train heading to Vanhoover where they would be getting a passenger train to the Crystal Empire’s capital. A number of Solar and Lunar guards had arrived an hour later to patrol the town in case of an invasion.

Slowly the two opened their eyes. The shield had been cast around the town. In the sunlight, it would shimmer like a bath bubble, but it was so much stronger than that. Celestia knew that Sunset and Twilight would not be able to break the shield, and even she and her sister would have difficulty with that. Even if Majesty knew the disarming spell, it would take time to break it from the outside and nopony could break through with a teleportation spell of any kind.

“That was exhausting, sister,” Luna said as she stood, her legs shaking a bit from the strain of having to expend so much magic. Fortunately, they had time to replenish their magic stores.

“Yes, but at least our little ponies are safe for the time being,” Celestia said as she stood and stretched. She shook her head and snorted in a very undignified manner. “Nnng…that feels good,” she said as she stretched her wings.

Luna was doing the same and she headed to the front door out into the summer air. “A walk will do us good, sister,” she commented as she pushed it open to let the light in. “It may also help you recover your magic faster.”

“Good idea,” Celestia said as she joined her sister and walked out into the streets of the newly built town.

The two walked down the streets, both flanked by their own guards, Celestia by her Solar Guard and Luna by her Lunar Guard. Most ponies they passed in the street didn’t even acknowledge them, and those that did were none too pleased to see them, or so it seemed. A few did bow reverently, but for the most part the relocated ponies ignored or shot angry and spiteful glances at the diarchs. It hurt Celestia further to see the looks on their faces, but she knew she deserved it. At the time, she had thought she was doing the right thing by creating a new place for the former citizens of Ponyville to live, but now she was beginning to realize that she had simply pushed the problem aside so she didn’t have to do anything about it.

“Your mind is troubled, sister,” Luna said softly as she walked up to trot alongside Celestia. “What ails you? Is it the looks from the citizenry here?”

“That’s part of it,” Celestia said, “but there’s more.”

Luna nodded, seeming to consider something. Then, a small smile formed on her face. “Why don’t we go down and speak on the beach?”

Ten minutes later, the two were actually standing on a newly built boardwalk overlooking the western oceans that led to lands unknown. The salty breeze blew through their manes as the guards stood at the entrance to the boardwalk, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. Some were even in the air. The shield shimmered above them but other than that it was practically invisible and wouldn’t harm anypony or any plants or animals. Celestia sat heavily on the wooden boardwalk, looking out at the endless water before her. All she really wanted to do at that moment was dive in and float there, letting the beautifully blue water move her around until she felt better.

Luna sat next to her and put a wing around Celestia’s back. “What is wrong?” she asked.

Celestia let her guard down and turned to her sister, a somber look on her face. “I’m starting to question my very actions through the years,” she said. “Mostly me passing problems off to others.”

“Delegation, you mean?” Luna asked.

“Yes and no,” Celestia said. “I know there is a time and place for delegation, but I’m talking about how I treat other issues. Discord’s reformation, Tirek’s punishment, Jason Wright, Ponyville’s relocation here, and more.”

Luna looked a bit unsure what to say. Still, to her credit, she did try. “Well, you are a busy mare,” she said, “so I think some of those could be forgiven-”

“No, I’ve pushed problems onto ponies who weren’t ready,” Celestia said, recalling how Applejack had called her out on her actions in that meeting in regards to the former Elements of Harmony. “And I pushed others away when I shouldn’t have. Like Jason.”

Luna once more tried to keep her sister grounded. “We’re not perfect, sister. What we need to do is learn from these mistakes.”

“I hate that word when it comes to what I did,” Celestia said. “It simply can’t capture what I’ve done, or rather not done.”

“I believe egregious and unforgivable sin would be perfect for how to describe your actions, Celestia,” a new voice said from behind them. The sisters both stood and turned, only to come face to face with an alicorn taller even than Celestia. The new alicorn was alone currently with her wings spread majestically and a serene smile on her face. “Hello, there,” she said.

“Majesty,” Celestia said, eyes wide in alarm. How had she gotten through the shield so quickly. It hadn’t even been thirty minutes!

“How did you get through the shield??” Luna demanded to know, horn lowered and one of her forehooves stamping at the ground in a threatening tone.

Majesty looked around at the air, then chuckled. “That old thing? Have you ever wondered who invented that magical spell?”

Celestia’s heart sank at the realization. “You…” she stated.

“Correct,” Majesty said as she suddenly shot into the air, dodging a blast from Luna’s horn. “Well, aren’t you a feisty young filly?”

“You assaulted a town of ponies and transformed them in front of their foals into monsters!” Luna snapped as she too leaped into the air after Majesty.

“Who are the real monsters?” Majesty asked as Celestia flew up after her sister, not wanting things to spiral out of control. “Would it be the ponies who viciously threw an innocent creature out of town, or the leaders of the nation where these monstrous ponies live in peace while the innocent creature they chased out live a life of misery?”

Luna chased Majesty towards the beach, which was where they spotted a lone bipedal figure watching all of this go down. Celestia saw the figure and recognized who it was immediately. “Revan!”

Revan looked up at her, and Celestia saw something in his eyes that hadn’t been there before: conflict. She turned and tried to fly down to where the human was, but before she was even within thirty or so feet from him, she slammed into a shield, one much more powerful than the one around Maretime Bay. She slid down the shield’s perimeter, landed on the ground and turned to see that Majesty was still easily evading Luna’s magical blasts. Even the guards were becoming involved, drawing their weapons if they were pegasi or chiroptera or firing off offensive magical blasts if they were unicorns. Earth ponies tried to use bows and arrows or spears to get to Majesty, but she made evading every attack on her look easy.

Finally, however, she spread her wings wide and shouted, “Enough!” A blast of magical wind seemed to come from her wings, and for a brief moment Celestia saw that she had a second set of wings, these ones looking more like butterfly wings than her winged alicorn wings. The wind had a shimmering sound to it, but it also was powerful enough that it made it impossible for her or anypony else to move.

From behind her, Celestia heard Revan mutter, “Utter Flutter…”

The guards in the air and Luna fell down, crashing into the sand dunes hard, but not enough to hurt. Majesty gently landed, then covered the guards and princesses with personal shields. The two princesses rose into the air inside their shields while Majesty released the shield surrounding Revan. Walking up to the human, she stopped, then turned back to the now floating alicorn sisters. The inside of the shield Celestia was in was slippery. Luna’s was apparently equally so because both alicorns were sprawled out in an undignified manner. Both tried calling out to Majesty, but something about the shields surrounding them kept them from being heard, because when Celestia saw Luna opening her mouth and appearing to shout something without sound, she realized the same was probably true of her own shield, so she stopped shouting.

Majesty and Revan both walked down the larger street of Maretime Bay towards the center, ponies watching with fear and confusion but when they saw Revan, all of their faces went pale. Celestia and Luna both watched helplessly as they were carried to the center of town. When they reached the spot, Majesty lowered the shields and let them land on the ground, allowing the diarchs to stand again. “What foul plan dost thou have for this town, cretin!?” Luna demanded, which told Celestia that the sound block on said shields was now gone.

Majesty turned, facing the irate lunar princess with a serene look on her face. “These ponies have not faced the true consequences of their actions against one Jason Wright,” she stated before turning to Celestia. “As nobody has done anything truly substantial to rectify this, I will act on behalf of the deceased and provide true justice.”

Celestia’s heart sank once more and she tried to break out of the shield, but it became quickly clear that the interior was still too slippery. Instead, she turned to the gathering crowd of ponies and shouted, “Run! Get out of here!”

Majesty could only chuckle at this as she raised a horn, firing a blast of magic into the shield which shimmered with blazing white light, blocking out the sunlight and making it seem as if the entire town was now surrounded by a pure white void. She then spread her wings and began to fly up into the air, looking down at the ponies below who were still frozen in fear. “You caused the suffering of an innocent human who simply wished to befriend ponies he admired,” she said, sounding more disappointed now than angry, “and forced him to live in the most dangerous forest since the Shadow Forest. He lived on scraps and garbage for three years before he took his own life. You saw him as a monster, and for no reason other than he was different than you. It would seem harmony has not truly touched you.”

She spread her wings wide, and her form began to glow as she began to chant.

Because all of you forsook harmony,
my judgment of you is this:
in the form of your monster you’ll see
how far you souls are in the abyss.

Your horns, and your wings, and magic as well
will no longer be your aid.
A new form you’ll take, and in them you must dwell,
for friendship you all have betrayed.

A blast of light shot from her horn and struck the shield. At first, nothing happened. Then, bright orbs of light began falling down from the sky like rain. It passed through everything, sinking into the ground. Ponies were panicking now as they tried to gallop away, but something was now holding them in place. Celestia and Luna watched helplessly as almost every pony remained frozen, only a number of younger foals and a couple of adult ponies watching in stunned horror as the form of the ponies caught began to glow brightly. The sounds of their screaming were all of fear and not of pain, but their forms were so bright that not even Celestia, who was immune to the effects of staring into the sun, had to shield her eyes.

Finally, the light died down, and there was silence. Celestia removed her wings from her eyes and looked around, only to go slack jawed at what she saw. Almost every pony in the square were gone, replaced with the naked forms of…humans. Humans of varying shapes and sizes, all the same pale color as Gregory and Jason were. The ponies who hadn’t been transformed stood in horror at the scene before them. The foals looked stunned, and some were beginning to cry, one even calling out for her mama even though said foal had been in the forehooves of one of the transformed ponies.

Celestia turned to watch as Majesty descended, landing next to Revan who was covering his eyes with a hand. “Is something the matter?” she asked Revan, then moments later she answered the question. “Ah, yes. They are naked, and humans wear clothing as a matter of necessity since they don’t have fur.” She gently turned Revan away. “Please forgive me, I forgot about that aspect of humanity for a bit.”

“Revan!” Celestia called out. The human flinched, then turned, the conflict in his eyes clearly visible. One of his fists was closed tightly. “We will rescue you! That’s a promise!”

Revan took in a shaky breath, then turned away from Celestia. Majesty put a wing around Revan’s back, and a portal appeared out of nowhere. The two walked through, and vanished.