> Transformers: Iron Shots > by autobotfan15 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: Times are transforming > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was considered a peaceful day in Ponyville. Weather was shining and many ponies were going about their day. In the castle of friendship, Twilight Sparkle was settling down with a book. She was reading about the history of the first steam locomotive hoping whatever new she learns she could use it to not only advance the railroad plans she set into play but also assist her new friends she made. Not too long ago, she and her friends were caught in the middle of a deadly conflict between two warring factions only for them to help the heroes win an epic battle. Her new friend, named Optimus Prime, assured her that while the enemy will come back one day, they will be on call to help should danger arise. She sighed as she hoped this moment of peace would help ease her of any problems on her mind. But that moment was short lived as she turned the page of her book to see a picture of a dark tunnel. She noticed the picture had what looked like a light in the dark tunnel. At first she paid no mind because it was just a picture but then she noticed the light growing bigger and bigger. Twilight went from confused to worried as she felt the book shake in her magical grip. She then dropped it and suddenly a train sprang out of the book and landed right in front of her. Twilight gasped at the huge paper mache train in her castle only for a figure to jump out of the cab. Twilight went from panicked to annoyed as the figure turned out to be a certain draconequus. “Hello Discord,” Twilight said. “Back from vacation?” Discord approached Twilight wearing a Train engineer outfit while carrying a suitcase. He grinned as he looked down at her. “Oh yes Twilight, My trip to the fifth dimension was a great one,” he began as he patted her head with his claw. “If only you and your friends joined me instead of laying tracks like a colt playing with those new fangled electric trains.” Twilight rolled her eyes. “I’ll have you know my Railroad project is going fine in fact it was going really fine with the help of-” “Yeah yeah magic of friendship yadda yadda yadda,” Discord said interrupting her. “So do you know if Fluttershy is home? I know she’s expecting me for our Tuesday Tea.” Twilight grumbled then an idea popped in her head. “First of all it’s Wednesday. Secondly she is now having tea with two new big friends she made.” That immediately got Discord’s attention. “New Big Friends?! I’ll show them!” he exclaimed as he suddenly dashed out of the castle.  Twilight grinned as she knew what Discord would encounter would not only be big but more than meets the eye. Discord raced up to Fluttershy’s house. He turned his mouth into a woodpecker's beak and then started pecking the door like an actual Woodpecker. After a few seconds he stopped and peaked through a hole in the door. She was expecting to see Fluttershy inside but he couldn’t see anyone. He then heard giggling and peered around the corner of the cottage. His eyes snapped wide at the sight before him. There sitting in the backyard was Fluttershy sitting at a table giggling. Sitting across from her on the ground was a tall purple robot with a single yellow optic. “And that’s how I taught the Sharkticons to dance,” said the purple bot. “Oh my Shockwave I never knew you would have a way with animals,” Fluttershy marveled. “They’re not entirely different from us,” Shockwave said. “They just have a different way of thinking. Sharkticons can be violent if you're not careful or thinking logically. Starscream learned that the hard way.” “Oh? What happened?” Fluttershy asked. “Let’s just say he wouldn’t stop speaking in a high pitch for days after his experience,” Shockwave replied. “Excuse me!? What is going on here?” Discord asked as he stomped out. Fluttershy sprang up from her seat and flew straight to Discord hugging him. “Discord, you’re back! How was your trip to the fifth dimension?” “Oh it was lovely until I came back here to find you sharing tea with that… Monstrosity,” he said, staring at Shockwave. “Excuse me?” Shockwave said as he got up from his sitting position, towering over Discord. “Now Discord don’t be rude,” Fluttershy said sternly. “This is Shockwave.” “So you’re Discord,” Shockwave began. “I remember you from my time studying this world. The chaos master who takes joy in causing mischief that defies all logic.” “Wait, how much has Fluttershy told you about me?” Discord asked confused. “Oh he’s actually been watching this world for centuries. After helping Scootaloo with her flying disability and being betrayed by his kind he’s now a friend.” “Geez Louise, first I missed the Storm King attack and now I’m missing you befriending a giant? What else have I missed?” “Well, you’ve missed out meeting the Autobots who were at war with the Decepticons,” Fluttershy said. “Which were my previous kind,” Shockwave added. “You also missed an epic battle that occurred on the railway.” “And a huge party to celebrate our new friends the Autobots,” Finished Fluttershy. Discord starred in utter disbelief. After a moment he sighed. “Well this has taught me one big lesson. I am not going on vacation again.” Then to his surprise both Fluttershy and Shockwave started laughing, much to his annoyance. “Hey wait, I was told you have two big friends, where's the other guy?” Suddenly Discord felt something breathe down his neck. He turned to see a large robot dinosaur staring down at him with what he assumed was hunger. “AH!” His legs became wheels and he sped off. Shockwave watched him dashed away and looked towards Fluttershy who was patting Grimlock, who was actually looking chipper and not hungry. “What’s wrong with him?” he asked. ”He’s probably just intimidated by Grimlock.” She said before focusing her attention on the Dinobot.  “But I know you’re a good boy. Yes you are. Yes you are.” Cooed Fluttershy as she continued giving Grimlock affection. Autobot Ark Many of the Autobots were working in the ark while others were out exploring Equestria. Optimus was running diagnostics on a computer when he heard the sounds of hooves on the ground he turned to see his good friend Twilight Sparkle trotting up. With her was a unicorn that was dark yellow and had red and yellow mane. “Twilight Sparkle, it’s good to see you again. Who is this?” “Remember when I told you about me having connections in another world with advanced technology?” the alicorn asked. Optimus nodded before letting Twilight continue. “This is my friend Sunset Shimmer. She was originally born here but has been living amongst the other world and wants to share the technology of that world with you.” Some Autobots turned to the conversation with curiosity. Wheeljack stood up from his seat and approached. “But we have all the advanced technology we have. What can you offer?” he asked. “Well, I'm actually offering you all new vehicle forms,” Sunset said. “Come again?” Wheeljack asked with a raised brow. “With these new vehicle forms I have you can go anywhere and not rely on rails, sure these may not be compatible with dirt but to be honest, that’s hardly an issue to some,” Sunset explained. “But some of us have part time jobs on the railroad, like patrolling for Decepticons,” said Prowl. “Not to mention no one here is capable of triple changing,” added Hoist. “Then we shall consider our train forms as work uniforms and we can rescan should the need arise,” suggested Optimus. “Go on, show us what we can utilize.” Sunset’s horn glowed and after a moment a holographic 3d model appeared in the air. It rotated like it was on a turntable. “This is what humans call a Semi Truck or an eighteen wheeler.”  Optimus stared at the vehicle for a moment. “Oh yes, this will do,” he said as his eyes projected a beam that scanned the image then suddenly Optimus began transforming. His locomotive firebox door became hidden behind two large windows and a grill. His metal train wheels became big rubber tires. After a few seconds there in the ark stood a big red and blue cabover truck. Even the huge cab compartment became what looked like a trailer. Sunset starred as one word came to her mind. “Woah. Hey wait a minute, where did the trailer come from?” “That’s a long story,” Optimus said before he transformed back into robot mode, his new vehicle now a part of his body. “How many do you have?” “I say more than enough for your crew,” said Sunset as she conjured up more holographic machines of different types. The Autobots approached and started going over selections. Prowl turned to sunset as he pointed to a black and white police car. “Is this what the other world would use for law enforcement?” Sunset nodded before Prowl scanned and became a police car. He tested out his siren and lights. “Impressive,” he said. “So how many Autobots are on this planet?” Sunset asked Twilight. “Last I counted about twenty or so,” said Twilight. “But there might be more coming.” “I’m going to be making more trips here aren't I?” Sunset asked. Twilight nodded. Sunset Shrugged. “Eh, I’m sure Flash Sentry won’t mind if I borrow his car magazines.” Decepticon cave base All was quiet in the new base of the Decepticon fortress as a signal came up on a supercomputer. Starscream turned to a throne that had a still damaged Megatron who hadn't fully recovered from the Autobot attack. “Lord Megatron there seems to be an energon signature outside of Equestria soils, albeit corrupted somehow.” Megatron sighed before speaking. “Send a team of five and investigate with caution. It could be an Autobot trick.” “I doubt it, these scanners are crudely built but Autobots can’t disguise their signals. Activating our new Groundbridge now,” Starscream said as he typed something a green portal opened. Changeling Guard Outpost Starscream, Slipstream, Soundwave, Astro train, and Dirge walked through the portal only to see what looked like a destroyed guard tower and camp with unconscious life forms on the ground. “What are these things?” asked Slipstream. “According to Shockwave’s research, these are changelings. Capable of shapeshifting powers,” Soundwave explained. Suddenly they heard the sounds of heavy metal footsteps. The Decepticons aimed their weapons in the direction of the sound and there emerging from behind a rock was a strange looking robot. “You there! Identify yourself!” Starscream ordered. The black robot stopped and raised her head that looked like that of a pony. Her bright green eyes glowed with maliciousness. “Oh don’t mind me. Can’t a girl have a little fun?” The Decepticons just stared at the strange looking robot. “You’re no Decepticon,” Starscream said. “She ain’t no Autobot either,” said Slipstream who still had her weapons raised at her. “Oh please you wouldn’t hit a potential ally, would you?” said the robot. “Potential ally?” asked Dirge. “Yes from what I understand we have a similar enemy. I request an audience with your leader.” “Are you referring to Lord Megatron?” asked Soundwave. “If that's his name. I have something that could benefit the both of us,” she said. Starscream grinned and gestured to the portal. “Follow us then.” After they left a changeling drone attempted to get back up and limp away. “Got to inform King Thorax.” Decepticon cave base “Starscream! What is this abomination? And why have you bought it here?” asked Megatron, annoyed that his second in command bought what couldn’t be identified as an Autobot or a Decepticon. The black robot bowed. “I am Chrysalis. Former queen to the Changeling hive.” “I’ve heard of changelings but you don’t look anything like them,” said Megatron. “Oh please don’t judge a book by its cover after all…” Chrysalis then opened her chest to reveal her actual head fused with wires and hoses on her neck. “It’s what's on the inside that counts.” The Decepticons in the room gaped at the sight. “I think I’m going to be sick,” said Thrust. Megatron barely reacted instead stared intently at Chrysalis as she closed her chest. Then Lockdown remembered something. “You’re the thief who took Shockwave’s cyberfusion experiment.” He then raised a tool from a nearby table. ”Please my liege allow me to take back what is rightfully ours.” Megatron raised his hand ordering Lockdown to stand down. Chrysalis chuckled as she spoke again. “I have something that can give you an easy advantage over these so called Autobots.” “And what pray tell would that be?” Megatron asked. “Can any of your soldiers transform like this?” Chrysalis asked before she erupted into green flames only for them to become a clone of Slipstream. “I can be anyone as long as they're female. This body has its limits,” she said in a perfect imitation of Slipstream’s voice Megatron grinned. “How very interesting. What do you ask for in exchange for your services?” “Merely a spot on the team. A place at the table one would say,” Chrysalis grinned. “And a perfect opportunity to get back at those ponies who took everything from me” Megatron was silent for a long moment until he spoke up again. “Consider this a trial run. There are no female autobots on this planet now but when the time comes, you will follow through on my own plans to infiltrate their base. Do you understand?” Chrysalis bowed again. “Of course… Lord Megatron.” > Winds of Change > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a busy day on the Ark as some Autobots worked at computers. A couple of ponies were there as well to learn and hang out with their Autobot friends. Amongst them was Bumblebee who had Applejack and her little sister riding on his shoulders. Ever since the war on the railway. Bumblebee has become close with the apple family. “Okay your railroad work is done and you got your car mode on. Can we go to the farm and do some off-roading now?” Apple Bloom asked. “I don’t know Bloom,” began Bumblebee. “Your grandmother didn’t like the noise we made last time. But I hear your cousin Braeburn and chief Thunderhooves are giving us the okay to sometimes drive on the Buffalo trails. So that’ll be fun.” “It's true I hear those two have been talking with Prime,” said Applejack. Suddenly one of the monitors made a noise. “Hey Optimus, we got a transmission coming from somewhere out in space not too far from this planet,” Wheeljack said as he typed something in. “It’s an Autobot identification.” “Wait, so there are more of you guys out there?” asked Rainbow dash. “They all scattered either in ships with teams or gone solo,” began Ironhide. “But cons do have a way of disguising their signals with false identities.” Optimus turned to the monitor. “Unknown vessel, this is Optimus Prime. Identify yourself immediately.” There was a static before a feminine voice replied. “I had better greetings from Decepticreeps.” Bumblebee suddenly perked up making the Apple siblings nearly fall off. He quickly approached the monitor. “Windblade?! You old slice and dice jet! What are you doing all the way out here?” “Bumblebee? Is that you? Never thought I would hear your voice again. How's the new home treating you?” “The world we’re on is crawling with cons. How soon can you get here?” he asked. “Sometime tomorrow if I put my jets into overdrive.” Windblade responded. “Windblade?” asked Optimus. “I only know her by reputation as the city speaker.” He then turned to Bumblebee. “Can you verify her voice print?” “I can never forget her voice after years of fighting alongside her,” Bumblebee replied. Optimus nodded and turned back to the monitor. “We will send you landing coordinates and have a team escort you to base. Safe travels.” “See you soon Windy, I’ll see to it my new friends here give you a proper welcome,” Bumblebee said. “I look forward to it little buddy, Windblade out.” The monitor went silent as the Mane six turned to the yellow scout. “So is she like your girlfriend or something?” Teased Rainbow. “Hm? No she’s not my girlfriend,” Bumblebee replied. “Why? Did she dump you?” Rarity asked. “No.” “You dumped her!?”Asked Apple Bloom in surprise. “No! No one dumped anyone. We were never like that,” Bumblebee began. “Besides we did touch on that topic but we both agreed we were better off as friends. Though I sometimes call her big sis and she sometimes calls me little bee or little brother.” “And you two fought alongside?” Twilight asked. “Yeah, we attended the training academy together and we were once in the same team led by Zeta Prime before I was reassigned to Optimus’s team and Windblade joined the Aerialbots before she finally decided to fly solo,” Bumblebee explained. “Was she a great friend?” Twilight asked. “She was my best friend. I remember how she first helped me like it was yesterday.” Cybertron - Many Centuries ago Young Autobots of different shapes and sizes stood in a perfect line. The war had barely begun and Cybertron’s citizens were gearing up and training. Soon a blue and orange bot strolled up. “Stand up straight and Look at me!” he barked. “I am Sentinel Prime and I will be your drill instructor! You will speak only when spoken to! And the first and last words out of your voice boxes will be sir, do you scraplets understand!” “Sir yes sir,” the cadets responded. “Dear Primus! Sound off like you want to save our home!” Snapped Sentinel. “Sir Yes Sir!” They responded. Sentinel stopped in front of a bot that was white and blue. “What’s your name, Scrap pile?” “Sir Mirage Sir!” he responded. “Well Mirage, you better stop shaking and fall back in line!” “Sir yes sir!” Mirage responded as Sentinel continued walking the line until he saw something. “Oh dear sweet Alpha Trion! Is this some sort of joke!?” There between two bots was a short yellow one. “You don’t look like a soldier! What’s your name?” “Sir, Bumblebee Sir!” he responded. “Ah, like one of those creatures from those alien planets. There are three things you have in common. You’re yellow, small, and easy to squash.” Then to everyone’s shock he raised his foot and kicked Bumblebee. He then placed his foot on him. “We have no room for tiny weak bots like you,” he said as he began applying pressure on Bumblebee. “Leave him alone!” said a voice. Sentinel removed his voice and looked to see a red and black bot with wings suddenly looking scared after holding an angry face. “Sir?” Sentinel stared at the Female bot before turning back to Bumblebee grinning. “You need a girl to defend you? Pathetic. You better prove me useful, you bug. Now back on your feet!” Later, the winged bot was in the canteen drinking energon when she heard footsteps and saw Bumblebee approaching her with his own energon. “Hey thanks for the assistance out there.” The bot smiled “no problem, he may be an instructor but he should know not to go too far. Bumblebee right?” “Yeah and your name?” The bot scooted over at the table and patted the seat next to her. As if she was telling Bumblebee to sit by her. She then gave her response. “Windblade.” Decepticon Cave Base - Present “Sometime tomorrow if I put my jets into overdrive.” “See you soon Windy, I’ll see to it my new friends here give you a proper welcome.” Megatron grinned as Soundwave replayed the call. “The Autobots hadn’t even noticed we managed to sneak their calls. Chrysalis, we have your opportunity.” Chrysalis approached and Soundwave’s chest began showing images of Windblade. Chrysalis concentrated and slowly her body went up in green flames only for her translucent wings to become sleeker and her blackened body became mostly red. “Oh I know how to prepare a proper welcome,” grinned Megatron. The Next Day Ratchet watched from a monitor that had a map with a moving dot on it. “Windblade is five minutes from the landing zone.” “So Windblade is gonna land in a far off desert and then you’ll bridge her here?” Twilight asked. “We can’t risk exposing the location of our base. It is just to make sure the Decepticons don’t try and follow. Besides we could be vastly outnumbered,” Optimus explained. The Autobots were making arrangements for Windblade to come. The six heroes of Ponyville were there too. Pinkie and Rainbow Dash looked up to a pacing Bumblebee. “Wow I’ve never seen you so excited,” Pinkie said. Bumblebee stopped and looked down to the party pony. “Oh you girls are gonna love Windblade, she was the toughest flier I had ever seen. When she gets here we are gonna party!” “Sweet!” Pinkie said, pumping her hoof. “Tough flier eh? Looks like I have competition with Powerglide,” said Rainbow. Suddenly an alarm came up on the monitor. Ratchet noticed red dots chasing a white one and quickly picked up a microphone. “Base to Windblade, you have company.” Bone Dry Desert An explosion sounded in the sky as a sleek red and black jet barreled out of the sky and transformed right before it hit the ground. Windblade stood up and took out two glowing blades. “Wasn’t the welcome party I was hoping for. But I’m not complaining.” Above her were two seekers, Slipstream and Skywarp. She then noticed some identical looking jets flying right behind them. All she could do was grin. “That’s it, come to mama.” What Windblade didn’t notice was the groundbridge portal opening behind her. Autobot Ark “Come on guys hurry up! We’re missing the action!” snapped Bumblebee as Wheeljack and Shockwave attempted to activate the groundbridge. “Don’t pressure us, this darn bridge has been on the fritz lately,” said Wheeljack as he typed something only for the keyboard to spark and make him jump. He then struck it with his fist and just like magic it began working again. The groundbridge opened up.Optimus then turned to Bumblebee, Jazz, Ratchet, and Ironhide. “Autobots Transform and roll out!” The five Autobots charged through the portal and into the desert but the moment they got out they were greeted by the site of five decepticon drones all on the ground and seemingly shut off. They then saw Windblade approach them. “Did you boys really think I needed a hand?” “What? And miss out on the fun? You missed one by the way,” Jazz said as he pointed to a random drone that was slowly getting up. Windblade shot him with a beam from her hand. The con went back down. She placed her blades away and spoke. “If that was supposed to be my welcome wagon then this planet is in more trouble than I thought.” Suddenly she felt the impact of a small body against her. She looked down to see a certain yellow scout hugging her. She smiled and patted his head. “Good to see you too, little guy.” The Autobots went through the portal back to their base. What they didn’t notice were the Decepticons slowly getting back up. “Man those fake shells can pack a punch,” groaned Skywarp. After the portal closed Windblade looked around. “Hey Windy, I want to introduce you to my other pals, the ponies of Equestria,” Bumblebee said, gesturing to the ponies on a platform. Windblade looked down and her eyes nearly narrowed at the site of them. She knelt down as the six heroes and one filly greeted her. “You girls been keeping Bee here out of trouble?” “We try but trouble in the form of cons finds us anyway,” said Applejack as Optimus approached her. “Optimus Prime,” said Windblade as she saluted him. “It’s an honor.” “Likewise soldier, what have you got to share in regards to your travels?” asked the leader. “Been traversing space hoping to find any members of the Autobots to help or Decepticons to beat. Now I find both,” she explained. “We are few but strong warriors and we would be more than willing to allow any reinforcements to join us to finally defeat our enemies.” “I’d be honored,” said Windblade. “Then let's get this party started,” Pinkie said as she fired her party cannon. Streamers and confetti rained down. The Autobots laughed while Windblade barely cringed. Decepticon Cave Base Megatron and Starscream walked side by side. The former speaking. “The moment she passed through their bridge we lost her tracking signature.” “No doubt the base is heavily shielded,” added Starscream. “Are you absolutely certain this bug will help us?” “I have complete faith in Chrysalis. After all we have common shared enemies,” Megatron replied as he opened a door. “Our inside girl is already inside.” Inside was the real Windblade suspended by chains in the air. She grunted as she looked up to her captor. “You’re a real buckethead if you think Bumblebee won’t detect an imposter.” “I don’t need her to stay put for long my dear,” Megatron said cupping her cheek. Windblade then bit Megatron’s hand hard. Megatron yelped in pain before aiming his cannon only to be stopped by Starscream and Soundwave. Megatron then relaxed. “Yes, she may be of use to us. But the fact still remains. Our new ally just needs to at least get the coordinates of the base or at the very least open up the groundbridge from within so I can send my strike team.” He then turned to Starscream. “Are the drone troopers in position?” “Yes lord Megatron. They are lined up at a secure place to which I have given Chrysalis,” replied Starscream. “Excellent,” Megatron grinned. Autobot Ark The party to welcome the new arrival was in full swing as Autobots and Ponies played games. Pinkie noticed a barrel of energon and took a sip. Only for her to stop. Her mouth got a familiar feeling from when she visited Cloudsdale. “Not again…WATER!” she yelled as she ran outside. “Yeah, Energon isn’t known for its flavor for organics,” Ratchet said to Twilight. “Seems your taste buds are different. Wait, do you even have taste?” Twilight asked. “In a sense we do,” began Perceptor. “On Cybertron Energon is practically like what you ponies would call an energy drink. Some places on Cybertron were known for enticing the flavor using chemicals or basically anything from foreign worlds. Of course that was before the war.” “I see, wait, where's Optimus, Prowl, and Jazz?” Twilight asked, looking around. “He received some message from Princess Celestia on the communicator we gave her. Something about important business. Besides, Prime is hardly a party guy,” Ratchet explained. As Twilight continued speaking to Perceptor and Ratchet, ‘Windblade’ approached Shockwave and Wheeljack who were working on something. “You built this groundbridge from scratch?” she asked Wheeljack. “Yeah, me and a couple others,” he replied. “That’s quite a feat of engineering,” she said. “Yeah sometimes I amaze me with my own skills,” Wheeljack smirked. “Is something wrong with it?” “We didn’t like how it sounded the last time we just used it,” replied Shockwave. “We put it in shutdown for both maintenance and diagnostics.” Windblade’s eyes narrowed a little. “What if we need to use it?” “We could but not right now,” replied Wheeljack. “It would not be logical to use it in this current state especially when we start the reboot process,” added Shockwave. “It should be up and running again in an hour if we’re lucky.” Windblade shrugged and went back to the party crowd feeling glad no one saw her walk away from a destroyed fuse box labeled ‘communications’. Decepticon Cave Base Megatron tapped his finger against the armrest of his throne. He was growing impatient. “Chrysalis still hasn’t opened their bridge or even learned of the coordinates?” he asked Soundwave who nodded in response. “She may be a mistress of disguise but she won’t fool them for long. Were there any witnesses to her assault on that changeling guard outpost?” he asked Starscream. “All of the Changelings on the ground were assumed deceased,” replied Starscream who suddenly received a fierce glare from Megatron. “Assumed!?” he snapped as he got up. “You idiots didn’t bother to check twice?!” No one responded as Megatron sat back down and facepalmed. “I have morons on my team.” Autobot Ark “So there we were, no communications, the beast known as Trypticon staring down at us with his weapons charging and with no way to summon Metroplex, What does Windblade do?” Bumblebee asked the ponies. The ponies looked up in a mixture of excitement and curiosity. Bumblebee then turned to his supposed ally. “Tell them Windy.” Windblade perked up and only gave a simple but almost hesitant response. “What I do best.” Bumblebee chuckled. “She took one of her own sabers and threw it like a spear into Big ugly’s shoulder rocket launcher. They guy panicked and his arm blew off.” “Yeah that guy didn’t even see it coming,” smirked Windblade before she turned to see Shockwave and Wheeljack still working on the groundbridge controls. “...Awesome,” said Rainbow. “Anyway after his arm blew off it was then we were…” Bumblebee stopped as he noticed Windblade’s expression. “Sis you okay?” he asked. “Huh? Oh nothing, guess I could use some time to stretch my wings.” “Powerglide has air patrol tomorrow morning. You can go with him,” Bumblebee suggested. “Let's go now,” replied Windblade. “And stop the party? Come on, the ponies are loving you. You gotta tell them about the siege over Shockwave’s lab.” Shockwave then turned to the group. “Don’t even think about it. I may be an Autobot now but I would rather not be reminded of my humiliations on Cybertron created by you and that partner of yours.” “You do it. You’re a better storyteller than me. Maybe I should explore the ark a bit more,” Winblade said. “I can show you around, I’d seen all of it from my time teaching Grimlock,” said Fluttershy as she hovered up to her. “Sure go ahead,” Bumblebee said as she watched the two go. It was then the little scout now realized something was not right. “Something is not right with her. She’s acting different,” he said looking to the ponies and a few other bots that were nearby. “She didn’t even do our secret greeting.” “Bumblebee, you haven’t seen her in centuries. She was awake a lot longer and well some bots do change,” explained Ratchet. “Not Windy,” said Bumblebee. Canterlot Castle The three Autobots stood in the throne room along with Princess Celestia and another creature that was King Thorax. “A couple days ago, a guard outpost was destroyed by what a drone has described as a giant walking machine like you guys. Apparently the voice he described was close to sounding like our former Queen Chrysalis,” explained Thorax. Optimus looked down at the sketch that was drawn. “This doesn’t look like any Decepticon we ever fought. And it seems Shockwave’s lost experiment has been found by her on the night we found him.” “Wait if a changeling fuses with that skeleton could that mean Chrysalis could take on the form of any of our team mates?” Prowl asked. Everyone fell silent as the possibility of a changeling with the Autobots sinked in. Optimus then put a finger to his communicator ear. “Optimus to base we have a situation.” There was no reply. “Base please come in.” Still no reply. Jazz then spoke up. “You don’t think…” After a moment passed, Optimus spoke up. “Autobots Roll Out!” Autobot Ark “Look I know Windblade better than anyone,” Bumblebee said to both the ponies and the few Autobots that gathered. They soon heard metal footsteps being accompanied by the flapping of wings. Windblade strolled in with Fluttershy flapping beside her. “What are you boys chatting about?” “Oh I was just telling the gang about you and me. About the siege over Shockwave’s lab,” Bumblebee said. “Yeah, that was quite an adventure,” Windblade simply said. “Yep,” bumblebee said before his eyes narrowed. “Tell it.” “Aren’t you the better storyteller? Plus I thought Shocky here didn’t want to go down that lane,” she said, gesturing to the former Decepticon. “Actually, I don’t mind and from what I understand it would be logical for you to tell the story. I hear you have a more detailed description,” Shockwave said. Windblade was silent then spoke up. “Fine, we caught wind that Shockwave was working on a big project. One that could turn the tide of the war. Me and Bumblebee charged in and blew up the lab by exploding his energon supply room. We managed to escape with Bee riding my jet form like a surfboard,” Windblade explained as she looked towards Bumblebee. “Isn’t that how it happened?” Bumblebee looked at Shockwave who nodded. “Yeah, that’s how it happened.” Chrysalis felt relieved in her mind but that was short lived. “Except for two little things.” Bumblebee’s face became stern and serious. “I wasn’t there,” he said as he now earned a bunch of concerned looks from the others. “Zeta Prime was dead around that time. I was reassigned to Optimus’s team and you joined the Aerial bots.” “Yes,” began Shockwave. “And when I said you and your partner, I was referring to you and that other flying Autobot, Air Raid. But then again you might not be who we think you are.” Apple Bloom looked up, getting nervous. “Guys what are you- WOAH!” “Apple Bloom!” Applejack called as her little sister was snatched up and was now in the grip of Windblade. “Stay back! Or I squeeze the life out of her.” Twilight looked up in shock as Windblade’s voice changed. “That voice…Chrysalis!?” “In the flesh or rather metal,” Chrysalis said, still in her form of Windblade. “Coward! Put the pony down and face us,” Threatened Bumblebee. “Don’t worry there will be plenty of fighting soon,” Chrysalis sneered. “Is there even a real Windblade?” Rainbow asked. “Oh yes and I believe Lord Megatron is making a good show of it,” she said with a grin as she finally dropped her disguise making both bots and ponies gasp. Chrysalis bared a striking resemblance to Slipstream but with sleeker, translucent wings and her head nearly matched her original changeling head. “Now here's what's going to happen. You will let me input some coordinates into your portal machine and I’ll consider letting the pony go.” Everyone stood there tense. They knew if they tried to attack Chrysalis could hurt or even kill the filly in her grasp. An unknown Forest Decepticon drones stood there in a perfect line. Megatron paced back and forth with Starscream standing nearby. “Did you and Soundwave give Chrysalis the coordinates for this spot?” he asked, agitated. Starscream nodded. “Then what is taking her so long?” “Maybe your hardshell bug has gone soft and decided to switch sides,” said a voice. The Decepticon leader and his first lieutenant turned to see Windlbalde slowly approaching her. Megatron’s jaw dropped. “How did you escape?” “Next time have a stronger guard and not have a fool like Breakdown keeping watch,” she said. “Oh and train your cronies to have tighter restraints on thin wrists.” Megatron stammered before he let out a snarl. “Destroy her!” As the Deceticons ran for her Windblade just bought out her swords and grinned. “Bring it on.” Autobot Ark A ding sounded as Chrysalis pulled a lever. “About time.” The groundbridge opened up and she stood in front of itt still holding the yellow filly. “Now the real party begins.” But the moment she finished a jet charged out of the portal and crashed into her making her drop the filly. Luckily she was caught by a quick thinking Bumblebee. Everyone looked and saw the real Windblade standing in front of the portal; she then looked towards Wheeljack. “I’d close this up if I were you.” Chrysalis slowly got up. “Curse you little-” But before she could finish she was suddenly knocked out by Bumblebee’s hammer. He then approached the real Windblade. “How do we know it’s really her?” asked Ironhide. Windblade then put a hand to her chest as she looked down at Bumblebee. “Soar like the wind...” “Sting like a bee,” finished Bumblebee. An unknown Forest Many cons laid unconscious as a groundbride portal opened only for a large black body to be hurled through and sent crashing into the ground. Chrysalis slowly got up only to be met with the fierce scowl of Megatron. “Please tell me you learned of the location of the Autobot base?” Chrysalis got up and opened her mouth only for no words to come out. It was at this moment she realized she screwed up. “I’m sorry I'm afraid I didn’t ask.” There was silence until the forest was filled with the wrathful scream of Megatron. Autobot Ark After Optimus, Jazz, and Prowl returned to base the others explained everything. “So the Decepticons attempted to use a changeling to bypass us,” Optimus said. “We were lucky for Bumblebee’s knowledge and Windblade’s ability to escape.” “Speaking of which, how did you do it?” Wheeljack asked Windblade. “Just the fact Buckethead had a dumb lackey keeping watch and my restraints weren't tied tight enough,” explained Windlbade. “And we’re lucky me and Shockwave know about the siege over the lab,” Bumblebee said. “I hope this means you guys still have room for little old me?” Windblade asked Optimus who nodded. “Good because I have something to give you guys,” she said as she pulled out a device and walked over to a computer and plugged it in. Soon the devices showed two images of big spaceships in space. Optimus immediately recognized one of them. “The Trion ship. Then that means…” “Yes Optimus, she’s still alive along with her team. They’re coming.” Ironhide who was also staring at the monitor smiled. The ponies noticed he was trying to fight his emotions as he uttered a name. “Chromia… I missed you so much.” Decepticon Cave Base Chrysalis was kneeling in Megatron’s throne room as many Decepticons gathered around her. “Chrysalis, despite your failure, I am pleased to say you have earned your place at the table,” Megatron said with a warm smile. Chrysalis perked up with a hopeful smile. “Lord Megatron, I am honored.” Megatron’s kind smile soon became sadistic. “Lockdown’s dissection table.” Chrysalis’s eyes widened as she looked towards Lockdown who was holding some chains and a long pole that was emitting sparks. “Be ready for your huge makeover madam.” The former queen looked back to Megatron as she got up and tried to back away from him. “But why?” “Because your shape shifting abilities were the best you can offer and now the Autobots are wiser to the trick now. Shock her!” Before Chrysalis could try and escape she felt an electrical shock on her back before collapsing. “She’s all yours,” Megatron said. “Maybe what we can learn from her can help us.” Lockdown nodded as he and another Decepticon proceeded to drag her away. “I will make this research worth every scrap.” Chrysalis struggled against their grip as she was dragged away. “No! NOOOO!”