//------------------------------// // Batter Tester // Story: The Pinkie Games // by King of Madness //------------------------------// "Ugh... What happened?" Rainbow Dash groaned as she woke up. She opened her eyes to find herself in a dimly lit room. She spotted a TV a few feet from her and a door on the opposite side of the room... Hold on, why was the door opposite down and on the ceiling? Suddenly feeling dizzy, she noticed that her arms were above her and found that she couldn't nor could she move her legs. She looked down and saw that her ankles were tied by a rope that was wrapped around a hook attached to a chain. Said chain was hooked to a mechanism that reached the ceiling... Wait, the ceiling?! Rainbow looked up and saw what looked like a giant bowl of cake batter directly under her. "Am I seriously being suspended over giant bowl of cake batter right now?" She asked to no one in particular. She looked to the TV and saw that it was being suspended from a rope attached the ceiling; dangling upside down along with Rainbow. Suddenly, the TV flashed on and the weirdest looking puppet ever appeared on screen. "Hello, Rainbow Dash." The creepy puppet said in an even creepier voice, though Rainbow was too weirded out (and awesome) to be scared. "I want to play a game." "What the..." It suddenly dawned on Rainbow that this could only be the work of one person. "Pinkie, what the heck is going on?!" "You want answers? You have to play the game." The puppet explained. "Right now, you are currently being held over a bowl of cake batter that I made myself. There is only one way to get down." The screen flashed and now showed an unplayed game of hangman. There were twelve blank spots for the words with a space in the middle. Two six letter words "We are going to play hangman. Get a letter wrong? You will be lowered a scooch. Get four wrong? You will dipped into the batter. Get a letter right? You will be raised a scooch... if you've lowered already, that is. Complete the game? You will be released to the side. It's as simple as that." Rainbow groaned. "Come on, Pinkie! You know I'm not into word games." "That's what makes this fun. Let the games begin. Good luck." "Pinkie!?" No response. Realizing that Pinkie wasn't going to respond and that there was no way out of this, Rainbow frowned and crossed her arms. She thought about sitting up and undoing her binds from where she was at, but realized, if she did, she would just end up dropping herself into the batter and be forced to swim out of it. She stared at the screen for a long moment and sighed. "Well, I guess I have no choice." Rainbow tried to think of a word that would go with the layout. Something with two words; each with six letters. When she failed to think of anything, she decided to just start throwing out letters. The figured the best way to do so was to start going through the alphabet like back in Kindergarten. "A?" A pink hand, undoubtedly Pinkie's, drew an A above one of the blanks. __ A __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Rainbow's eyes widened in surprise when she got it right. "Oh, heh, I got it! Um, B? B A __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ " Oh, yeah! Two in a row!" Rainbow bragged as she pumped her fist in the air. "C?" Though Rainbow would never admit it, she yelped when she dropped slightly. "Okay, um, D?" She dropped lower. Realizing she was only two wrong answers away from being dipped into a thing of batter, Rainbow bit her lip in hesitation. "...E?" B A __ __ E __ __ E __ __ E __ Rainbow was raised a notch. "Oh, come on! Three lines filled and I only get raised one notch?!" Rainbow facepalmed and groaned. "Well, at least I have three chances now instead of two. F?" She was lowered back down to where she previously was. "Dangit! G?" She was lowered again. Rainbow winced and looked up, err, down to see her beautiful hair chilling on the surface of the batter. She looked over the screen and tried to piece together what the words could be. However, she drew a blank. "Ugh, why couldn't Pinkie have gotten Sunset or Twilight to do this?" Having no good alternatives, Rainbow stuck to her method. "H?" The next second, Rainbow was up to her waist in cake batter. When she was pulled out and reset in her original place, the entire upper half of her body was as yellow as Fluttershy's skin. She shook her hands and wiped her face before glaring at the screen. She stared for a moment before licking the batter off her figures, "Hmm, not bad." She continued on with her tactic of going through the alphabet and was dipped two more times before hitting a bingo. "Q?" Lowered. "R?" B A __ __ E R __ E __ __ E R Rainbow was surprised when she was raised up as Pinkie wrote the letters down. "...That was right? That was right! Finally!" Rainbow sighed and continued. "S?" B A __ __ E R __ E S __ E R "Heh, right again. Um, T?" B A T T E R T E S T E R When Rainbow saw the completed words, she smirked and shook her head. "Pinkie, you are an evil genius." The contraption that controlled the chain brought Rainbow to the side and gently lowered her to the ground. Once she was on the ground, Rainbow sat up and undid the bindings on her ankles. It took a moment for her to stand up, but she managed as the TV flashed back to the puppet. "Congratulations, Dashie. You may now leave to the next room." The door on the other side of the room opened up. Rainbow blew a raspberry in annoyance before walking over to the doorway; absentmindedly sucking the the batter off her fingers as she did. "Well, at least it tastes good." She stepped in and the door shut and locked behind her.