//------------------------------// // CH52: Can't Hear You Over All This AWESOME! // Story: Kingdom Hearts F.I.M: Rise of The Elements // by Spirit Shift //------------------------------// Letting out a tired groan, Luna sat down her 15th book and slouched back in her seat. “Nothing… We cannot find anything on an entity called Chrysalis. How do you fair, sister?” Across from her, Celestia shook her head sadly. “Unfortunately, I’ve also had little luck on this topic. However, I did discover something on the matter of the information that your pupil brought to us.” Reaching in a pile of books to her left, Celestia picked out two different volumes of a book called the “World Guide Anthology.” Opening the book and flipping through it, Celestia began talking to her sister. “According to a newer volume, the world she describes fits the image of this world that I found.” Coming to a particular page, she spun the book around and handed it to her sister. Giving the page a once over, Luna’s eyes shrank at the image presented. “This world… it’s been burned beyond reason… there’s no way it can be like this naturally. Even worlds of fire have structure or purpose,” she asked, looking up at her sister. Celestia, already prepared for her querry, held open the older volume of the same guidebook. “Indeed, Luna, although the book states that this is a new world, I think that it’s not.” Spinning the old book to face Luna, Celestia pointed to a far more vibrant world than the one depicted in the new book. Although it had multiple vulcanos, the world was lush with greenery. “In this older version there was a world in a nearby location to the one you’re looking at. However, it was apparently swallowed by darkness a few centuries ago. About five years back however, this world appeared nearby. I believe that they’re the same world.” Celestia pointed a finger at the page. “Read this paragraph about the world's inhabitants.” Holding the second book Luna gave it a quick read. “We see, this world was once filled with Draconic beings. How rare. They certainly must have been a powerful race if Twilight’s tales of Spike’s strength as a child is any example.” After finishing, Luna shook her head sadly. “We see what may appear interesting, and if we were on a different subject this may prove revelationary to what Twilight Sparkle is seeking. But what does this have to do with the matter at hand?” Celestia frowned. “Think about it, my sister. If what Twilight relayed to us is true, something happened when Spike found the world he was born on. If this world that vanished is the same one that appeared five years ago, it would line up with the timeframe of when Spike might have been training with his Keyblade.” Luna’s eyes widened. “Then this may be the world that Twilight is seeking.” Luna looked down at the books in front of her. Steepling her hands her brow furrowed in thought. “But… would it be safe? This world is unexplored and whatever happened here had a hand in changing Spike… Should we allow her and her friends to go knowing this?” Closing her eyes, Celestia took a deep breath and stood up from her seat. To Luna’s surprise, she turned her back. “That decision is something for her teacher to decide, I’m afraid. You have to trust your student to be able to handle the danger. But you also need to be able to see when there may be too much danger. As a Master you need to be able to discern the line and tell when it is crossed. For a long while, Luna was silent. Thoughts raging in her mind like a torrent, she debated within her self what the right choice was. Then, one thought emerged above all else. Looking up, she saw her sister staring at her, waiting for a response. Luna sighed and stood from her seat. “I trust in Twilight Sparkle… we do not think there is anything she cannot handle.” Celestia gave a kind smile and nodded. “If that is what you-” “But…” Luna continued. Her expression still firm. “We have more than one student… and there are two that I’m not so confident will come out unscathed… if they learn the truth.” Celestia rose and eyebrow and tilted her head to the side. “What do you mean? Are you talking about Rainbow?” Luna nodded gravely. “Who else?” Luna turned away and looked upwards out a nearby window. As they had been searching, day had inevitably turned into night. The moon, high in the sky shone down and lit the book littered area in an ethereal glow. Finally, Luna’s gaze fell to the ground before turning back to her sister. With worry evident in her eyes, she responded. “Depending on what they find there, and what caused Spike to turn on his friends… I’m worried about Pinkamena…” ~~~ “Oh, screw you!” screamed Rainbow as she yanked on her steering wheel and sent her ship into a barrel roll. Spinning around, she moved just in time time to avoid a large ring of fire that exploded out from the centre of the area. Inside of the mechanical alien Aurem ship lie a massive open area. In the centre of the room sat a large fiery red sphere. Focusing their attacks on the sphere, the Gummy, now split into five smaller ships manned by each of the girls flew around erratically trying to destroy it. Meanwhile, Pit stood atop a large rock and used his own method of shooting to fight off surrounding robotic flaming enemies. Looking down at a sensor on her screen, Twilight squinted her eyes to see something strange. “Guys... I think there’s a person stuck in that orb!” Pit, jumping above an enemy that had rushed him, glanced over at the sphere just as a loud voice echoed throughout the area. “I… WILL NOT BE CONTROLLED!” stammered a male voice. Immediately afterwards a more mechanical version of the same voice repeated the statement. “We… will not be controlled!” it said, is tone more even and less strained. Pit cringed. “Oh boy, what’s he gotten himself into now?” Up in her holy sanctuary, eyes closed as she observed the scene below, Palutena shook her head. “It’s just as you suspected. The Aurum Brain has overtaken Pyrrhon!” As she said it, AJ in her section of the ship that had taken the shape of the Gummy’s Leg. Shot three of her missiles into the side of the orb. An explosion rang out and Pyrrhon spoke once again, this time with no hesitation or struggle in his voice. “Intruders Must Be Purged!” Pinkie, piloting the head, and the main portion of the ship, rolled her eyes. “I know you’re like a robot now, but you could be a bit more creative with that line.” “We Must Consume All!” Rarity’s pod, which was shaped like the Gummy’s arm, shook violently from an impact to the side. “Pinkie, darling... I understand the point of the ship splitting apart to increase our mobility and numbers, I do. But wouldn’t it increase our firepower and defence if we all rejoined.” Dash, in her pod that was also shaped like an arm, could only scoff. “Hell no, this is like one of those video games they had in town. I’m loving this!” As she said that, she slammed a red button on her console and yanked on her wheel. Flying away from the ensuing explosion only served to further increase her excitement. As she did so another voice chimed in, this time the telepathic voice of Hades, the edge lord god of Otherworld. “I agree with skittles on the ‘Hell no’ aspect of that plan. Like bugs, the Aurum are strong in number but not very bright. If you continue your tactic of flying around like idiots, they’ll have no way of fighting back effectively.” “They’re like moths drawn the flame of battle,” added Palutena. “Pit, continue using the chaos of the girls to your advantage and attack the Core directly.” In her pod, Twilight could only let out an aggressive sigh of annoyance. “If any of them would listen to me we would be coordinated…” she muttered. Not realizing her com-link could still pick her up, she flinched when Rarity’s voice screamed into her ear. “Well it’s not my fault that we never had any practice with these ships we never knew existed in the first place now is it, Pinkie!” “Less talky talky and more shooty shooty, girly girls!” sang Hades. Rainbow could only cringe. “Can we please finish up here so I can get this flamboyant asshole out of my head!” she yelled over the intercom. Her outburst only elicited a lighthearted chuckle from Palutena. “With your efforts combined I can feel that Pyrrhon’s been greatly weakened, all we need is one more push.” Hades scoffed in response. “Maybe if you silly flies can muster enough coordination with Pit you can give one final combined attack.” Pit, his floating platform now devoid of enemies to distract him, leveled his silver gun at the Core. As energy built within his barrel he called out. “You heard the demon! Are you guys ready? One by one the ships that had been flying around the area turned their guns to face the Core. Each of them game a confirmation when they were in position. Pit, acknowledging them began his countdown. “On my mark, fire! Three! Two!” “WE WILL CONSUME ALL!” Before Pit could fire his attack, the Core, using Pyrrhon’s powers unleashed a wave of white hot fire in Pit’s direction, completely destroying the rock he had been standing on.” Pit immediately began falling to the bottom of the ship below, his scream echoing all across the area. “Not again!” “Pit!” screamed Palutena as she watched the angel once more. Reaching out her hand, Palutena tried anything she could do, from recalling him back to Skyworld with her magic, to activating his power of flight. However, just like earlier, should could feel as if she were hitting a  wall. She cursed silently. Even though he was being controlled her telepathic powers were still being blocked by Pyrrhon’s. Nearly snapping her steering wheel off, Rainbow sped down to where Pit was falling. While she did that everyone else released their ammunition onto the Core. Energy blast and lasers lit up the area in an array of colours as everyone unleashed everything they had against the barrier still up around their target. Palutena, however kept her focus on the falling angel and the ship rapidly falling after him. Dash, in her pod grit her teeth in frustration. “I… I don’t think I’m fast enough. He’s gonna splat against the side of this ship!” Twilight’s voice echoed through the side of her cockpit. “You have to, without both of you with us we don’t have enough firepower!” Hades also chimed in. “Also you’ll all die alongside the splat stain… just putting that out there.” Dash, the pressure building in her gut could only curse out her frustrations. “Goddamn it you stupid flightless angel!” With no other options, Dash did the only thing she could think off. Taking a deep breath, she kicked open the hatch above her and spread her wings. With the ground closing in fast she immediately kicked it into high gear and almost effortlessly caught up with the spinning boy. Seeing her catch up to him. Pit’s eyes shrank in fear. “Rainbow what in the world are you doing! There’s no air out here.” Wasting no time, The girl grabbed the boy and quickly made a U turn back towards her ship. In her mind this was the easy part. The hard part was trying to get them back into the ship and turning it around in time before crashing into the wall. Putting in as much strength as she could Rainbow spun the boy around and tossed Pit high above her just as she reached her ship. Hopping into the cockpit and closing the hatch, the girl pulled up on her wheel as much as physically possible. Turning just in time for the thrusters to fire red hot exhaust onto the wall, Rainbow’s ship shot back into the air. Slamming into his gut, Pit landed on the windshield of the ship. His eyes spun from the confusion of the ordeal. Unfortunately, before he could take a second to compose himself, Both Palutena and Hades voices ringed in his head simultaneously. “PIT SHOOT HIM!” Pulling himself together and leaning back on the windshield, Pit pointed his gun upwards and shot it’s still charged grand laser from the barrel. Rainbow’s ship stopped almost in mid-air from the recoil of Pit’s attack. Luckily, Pit’s attack proved to be the final thing that was needed for the barrier surrounding Pyrrhon and the Core to burst outward. With all the blasts now hitting the Core directly, Pyrrhon let out a deafening scream as the Core exploded in a violent blast of fire. Twilight was the first to turn her ship around and fly away. “We need to get out of here before the whole place goes up!” Following her instruction, three of the other girls all turned their ships around and began blazing a trail out of the corridor that they blew open to get in the enemy's base. After letting Pit inside of her ship so he wouldn’t fall off, Dash quickly followed suit. Bearly making it out just in time, the group watched something interesting happen. Instead of the spherical stronghold exploding like they expected, a massive pillar of flame exploded out from the corridor they were just in. Acting like a thrust, the flame pushed the sphere out and away from the battlefield. Pinkie stared, eyes wide with wonder. “Ohhh, it’s like a balloon with a hole in it,” she observed, giggling as she said so. At her end Palutena nodded. “With any luck, Pyrrhon will push them to the other edge of the galaxy. Now we can refocus our efforts on the real enemy… The Underworld Army.” Hades could only chuckle. “Is that right. Well good luck with that you two.” To everyone’s relief they could actually feel Hades’ presence leave their minds. Rarity herself let out a sigh of relief. “Thank the Maker that’s over. When this is done, Pinkie, we’re going to have a long, detailed chat about these little surprises!” A nervous giggle from Pinkie was the only response she received. “Please, regroup you all,” said Palutena, “I would like to extend my deepest gratitudes for all of your efforts.” With dramatic movements the separate pieces of the Gummy reformed into one grand green alligator looking ship. Twilight looked behind her and with a loud click the glowing keyhole that was across her bedroom door vanished. Stepping out of the control area she flinched when the wall that was there reappeared and the same glowing lock that was on her door reappeared on her wall for a brief moment before vanishing as well. Twilight continued to stare at the seemingly normal section of her room, now with the uneasy knowledge that Pinkie could detach her entire room should she ever feel like it. She shook her head. “No of course not… she would never do that,” she muttered, trying to convince herself. “But she’s definitely gone too far with her secrets…” Making her way into the main cockpit Twilight quickly met up with the others… only to see that someone beat her too what she wanted to do. To her shock Rainbow was already holding the pink girl aloft by her collar and furiously shaking her around like a rag doll. “WHY THE HELL ARE OUR ROOMS FREAKING EJECTOR SEATS? ARE YOU LITERALLY INSANE?!” screamed Rainbow Dash still swinging the girl back and forth. Pinkie for hear part took it in stride, keeping a dopey looking grin on her face even as she was being screamed at. “I thought it would be convenient since your rooms are in the legs of the ship,” she said, the rapid movement warbling her voice like a robots. Eventually, AJ had enough and forced Dash to stop. As Pinkie tried to get her footing back she dizzily moved to and fro. Applejack shook her head sadly. “Sorry, hun, Ah’m more mad about ya not telling us these things beforehand. Ah get ya like surprises and secrets but ya gotta know there’s a limit.” Shaking her head to literally shake the dizziness out, Pinkie looked up at AJ. “Oh…” she said sadly, finally speechless. “I’m… I’m sorry. I thought you would all enjoy it.” This time Twilight chimed in. “Well Pinkie we aren't saying that we didn’t.” “I am,” muttered Rarity. “I was in the middle of washing my face when it happened.” Walking close to Pinkie, Twilight took her by the shoulders and looked her in the eyes. “I would find it a bit more comfortable if you told us… Since you not telling us everything is going to raise a few trust issues between us.” Pinkie nodded. However, before she could respond, the group all heard Palutena give a soft cough. Everyone turned to see an Pit and an astral projection of Palutena standing to the side. Palutena grinned and Pit tried his best to avoid eye contact with any of the girls. “While I would love to watch you all bicker, I’m afraid Pit and I have a few things to attend to with cleaning up the Aurum mess.” “Yeah, with Pyrrhon gone I’m finally able to get back to Skyworld,” added Pit. “Thanks again Rainbow for saving me!” Rainbow gave him a thumbs up and a grin. “Sure thing, just hurry and learn how to fly already you useless angel.” “Anyway, for all of your efforts, I would be honored to reward you all.” Twilight stepped forward. “No, not at all. We’re Keyblade wielders. We would never ask for a reward.” Palutena’s grin quickly shifted into a smirk. Holding out her hands, she said. “Well it’s a good thing you didn’t ask then.” With a bright flash, each of the girls began glowing a bright glowing colour. The luminescence only lasted a few seconds before it faded, leaving the girls to examine themselves. “What… what did you do?” asked Rarity… “And can you do it again… it was quite beautiful.” “I have bestowed upon you all the gift of communication. This way even when you all are apart, your hearts will open a path between your minds and you may speak to one another.” “Woah, woah, woah!!” blurted Rainbow. “I really don’t want these people reading my mind!” “Ohhh!” smirked AJ. “Would that be meaning that you’ve got somethin’ to hide in there?” she teased poking the girl’s hair. Palutena covered her grin with a hand and chuckled darkly. “Well if so then you’d better master your own mind. It’ll take a bit of practice but I hope that you’ll learn to keep your thoughts from leaking out… But,” she continued, losing her teasing tone, “in all honestly, this isn’t an ability to read minds or anything like that.” It was then that Pit decided to chime in. Putting his hand on his chest he began. “Like my Goddess said, it’s more of a communications channel opened by your hearts. It will only work with others who you are deeply connected to. Even if you are far apart, if you believe in your friendship with them then you’ll be able to talk.” Twilight and the other all shared a knowing look. Stepping forward Twilight proposed a question. “Lady Palutena… does the person we want to talk to… do they also need to have this ability awakened?” Palutena, seeing the genuine intent in Twilight’s gaze, lost her playful facade and shook her head. “It works easier with those who have it awoken or have it budding within, such as other Keyblade wielders or those who are strong of heart. But you can connect with those who don’t have it or have not awakened it if the connection between your hearts is mutual and strong. Twilight’s eyes went wide and she quickly turned to the rest of the girls. No words passed between them but one by one they all closed their eyes and concentrated. A singular goal in their hearts they all screamed out for one person. “Fluttershy!” ~~~ “Impossible!” hissed Chrysalis. She looked up in shock as Fluttershy began moving inside of her pod. Her head tilting up, the girl's lips began moving. Though no sound came out, Chrysalis could read the words. Without wasting a moment, the woman slammed her palms together and released a wave of dark violet energy. The wave quickly spanned the room. Once the wave reached Fluttershy’s body a spark shot out from her head and the girl's body sagged and returned to unresponsiveness once more. Letting out a sigh, Chrysalis looked up at the pod jutting out from the wall. “What in the world just happened… did someone think to cast a telepathic spell?” She put a finger to her lip in pensive thought. “But for it to be so strong and come from nowhere… this is bad… we need to speed up our plan.” ~~~ One by one the girls let out a scream before all fell to the ground. “Girls!” Pit yelled, reaching out to try to help one up. “Are you all alright? What...” To Palutena’s surprise not a single one of the girls looked to be in pain, all of them had large smiles on their faces. Pinkie was the first to bounce up. “Oh my gosh guys did you hear that!” she yelled. AJ picked herself up next, helping Rarity in the process. “Aside from the shock hell yeah I heard it! That was definitely ‘Shy!” Rarity herself wiped away a single tear before it could ruin her make up. “I… I will be the first to admit that I feared the worst. But if what Lady Palutena said is true then our friend is alive and well!” Twilight turned to the Goddess with watery eyes. “Thank you so much. You can’t imagine what kind of hope this gives us. We were blocked and pushed out but we definitely made contact with our friend.” Palutena gave a kind smile. “I see. I’m so happy and proud of you all for keeping your spirits up and hope alive with such uncertainty until now. However I’m afraid if the force holding your friend has enough power to not only block out your hearts reach but also repel you after making the connection, then you probably won’t be able to get so close next time.” Twilight, undaunted, shook her head. “I understand. She’s being held somewhere we can’t reach but we know we’ll see her. I want to thank you anyway for everything anyway.” While Twilight and Palutena continued to converse and the other talked about the experience, Rainbow stood to the side. Reaching up to touch her hair band, she closed her eyes and called out with her newfound power once more. “Spike… please… can you hear me…” Unlike with the connection to Fluttershy, Rainbow felt nothing, no connection. She could feel her heart reaching out, like it knew exactly where to direct her… but nothing connected back. Opening her eyes, Rainbow lowered her arm to her side. To her side she could see that Pit had made his way over to her. As if he already knew what she was trying, he offered his advice. “The power of communication, unfortunately, is something that only works if the hearts are connected… if one’s heart is closed or refuses… than you won’t find anyone…” he said somberly. “Trust me, I’ve tried.” “Really?” Rainbow asked giving him a sidelong glance. Pit nodded. “A while back while I was fighting someone, I was accidentally cloned by an evil magic mirror. I call him Pittoo,” he said chuckling. “We fought each other at first but eventually he ended up helping me out. He’s me so I think there is some good. I try sometimes to contact him… but he never answered.” Her frown turning into a smile, Rainbow shoved her hands into her pockets and looked away from the kid. “Well at least you know he’s still probably on your side.” “Hey!” Stepping in front of her Pit forced her to look at him. Pointing a finger at his chest, he replied. “Don’t sound like you’re giving up. If you’re heart says he’s on your side then he is. That’s how the light works. It shines on those who are strong of heart, even if they try to cloud themselves in darkness. So don’t give up on your friend yet.” “Pit… why are you pointing at that girl's breast?” asked Palutena from behind Rainbow. Pit looked from her to the girl in front of him before blushing and quickly moving away. Blushing, he turned away from all the shady looks the others were giving him. “I-I-I was just giving her some advice alright!” Palutena facepalmed. “I know I should have taught you how to talk to girls, but even you should know that pointing is rude to anyone!” Just as Pit opened his mouth to respond the kid quickly found himself in a tight headlock by RD. “Jeez kid you think just cuz you’ve also got wings you can give me advice, “ she teased, ruffling his hair. “Learn how to fly first and maybe I’ll listen to you.” This, luckily, elicited a bit of laughter from the girls instead of the disgusted looks from before. Pit, for his trouble, looked up to see the girl whose arm was around his head. He was about to complain when he noticed her looking back at him, a small smile on her face. “Thanks…” she muttered, turning the headlock into more of a semi awkward head hug. Pit sighed. “Sure, no problem. I hope you find your friend soon.” “So do I, kid.”