The Pinkie Games

by King of Madness

Sisterly Advice

"I think Applejack may be a little annoyed." Pinkie mused with disappointment as Applejack exited her room. "Oh, well. I have some great things in store for my friends." She turned to Gummy, who was on the floor, chewing on a rubber ball. "You know what I mean?"

The baby alligator made no physical indication that he was acknowledging Pinkie's existence.

"I totally agree, Gummy!" Pinkie turned to the monitors. "It's time for Round Two."

However, before Pinkie could start anything, there was a sound of a door opening and shutting behind her. She turned to see a dark-violet girl with silver hair down one half of her head walking over to her.

"Limestone!" Pinkie jumped out of her seat to greet her eldest sister.

"Hey, Pinkie." Limestone greeted with no intentions of hugging Pinkie. "Can I borrow Gummy for a bit?"

"Sure!" Pinkie handed the baby alligator to Limestone, who had said reptile latch himself unto her hair like an earring. "What do you need him for?" Pinkie asked."

"Me and Maud are running an experiment and we need Gummy." Limestone said in a defensive tone, which was actually her normal tone.

"Oh, okay." Pinkie plopped back into her seat.

Limestone put her hands on her hips as she eyed Pinkie's system of electronics from the monitors to the switches to the puppet until she finally looked to Pinkie herself. "What'cha got going on here?"


"Short version." Limestone demanded before Pinkie could get started on one of her super detailed descriptions.

"...Oh, right." Pinkie blushed a bit before explaining. "I got this great idea to prank my friends by drugging them with my cupcakes and trapping them in these rooms built to challenge them with silly pranks!"

Limestone raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, they'll be fine." Pinkie assured. "I'm sure they're enjoying it just as much as I am!"

Limestone looked at each monitor screen, each one showcasing one of Pinkie's friends in a small lobby of some sort. Fluttershy was sitting on a little sofa, hugging herself and rocking nervously. Sunset was wringing out her soaked jacket. Rainbow Dash was sitting on her sofa, eating cake batter off of herself. Twilight was pacing back and forth, seeming to be in deep thought. Rarity was laying on her sofa, ranting about how hard it will be to wash ice cream out of her clothes and hair. Applejack was leaning against the wall, looking a bit aggravated.

Limestone looked from the monitors to Pinkie. "They sure don't look like they're enjoying it."

Pinkie looked at the Monitors then back to Limestone. "Don't worry, Limey. This is just one of those things where you don't like it at first, but then, when you look back on it, you realize how much fun you had!" Pinkie gave a confident smile.

Limestone slowly nodded. "Uh-huh... Suppose you don't get the intended reaction?"

"Whadda'ya mean?"

"Hypothetically speaking."

"Oh, Limey, don't be so negative." Pinkie waved off Limestone's concerns. "They'll see the bright side, I'm sure of it."

"Right... Well, if they don't, they're gonna string you up from a tree and I'm not gonna help you. So, for your sake, I hope you're right." With that, Limestone left Pinkie to her devices.

Pinkie smiled and shook her head. "Oh, you'll see, Limestone." She turned to her monitors. "Now, let's get this party moving!"

"I tried to tell her, but she didn't listen." Limestone said as she, Maud, and Marble (Who had decided to join in on the experiment) arranged a collection of rocks on the floor. "I swear, that girl can be as overconfident as that Rainbow chick sometimes."

"I tried to tell her too." Maud added. "Right after she drugged them."

"Hmmm." Marble didn't like the sound of that.

Limestone shrugged. "Ehh, it's not our problem. We tried to warn her, she didn't listen. All there's left to do is wait."

"Are you sure we shouldn't try again?"

Limestone shook her head. "Naw. Besides, if she's right, there's no point to it. And even if she's wrong, this isn't a time to hold her hand. This is a time to let her fall on her butt and learn from it."

"Mmhmm." Marble nodded in agreement.

"Good point." Maud agreed. She fixed the arrangement of the rocks until they were set up perfectly. "Alright, let's see if a baby alligator responds in any way differently to the touch of different types of rocks."