The Pinkie Games

by King of Madness

Chicken Run

A startled Fluttershy jumped to her feet when the next door opened. She stood in the middle of the lobby she had been in ever since she escaped from that terrifying Pie Mask and stared at the open doorway. The room on the other side was pitch black, giving the already spooky scenario an even spookier feel.

"P-Pinkie?" Fluttershy questioned.

No answer.

Fluttershy took a deep breath. "Okay, Fluttershy. Keep calm. I mean, this is Pinkie Pie. She wouldn't put you through anything you couldn't handle." She smiled a bit and approached the door. Her smile faded when she stood in the frame and still couldn't see anything. She gulped and forced herself to smile a little as she started taking her first step. "Oh, I'm sure it won't be so ba-AAAAAAAAAD!"

As soon as Fluttershy had taken her first step, she fell forward down a slide; rolling down until she landed in something. Fluttershy opened her eyes, dizzy from her fall, and saw that there was now light. Everything was a blur at first, but she could feel herself being covered in some sort of sticky substance and could smell something sweet. As her vision adjusted, she pulled herself up out of the pool of... "Is this... tree sap?"

Being a nature expert, Fluttershy almost instantly recognized the substance, though why Pinkie just had her slide into a huge puddle of it was beyond her. She got up and examined her sap covered body, not daring to even think about her hair, before walking through and out of the pool. However, right as she reached the end of puddle, her foot snagged a trip wire, causing four cannons to fire simultaneously at the poor girl.

She screamed and flailed around as a swamp of white surrounded her. "AHHHHH-ahh... ahh... Achoo!" She looked over herself and realized what those cannons blasted out: White feathers. To make matters worse, the sap had caused them to stick to her. If that wasn't bad enough, her yellow lips remained clear, giving an impression of a beak.

Still reeling from what had just happened, Fluttershy took notice of the rest of the room. It was small and empty except for a tiny elevator on the wall opposite of her. There was also a sign on the wall that said 'Get In' with an arrow pointing to the elevator. Fluttershy sighed and did as she was told, needing to crouch on her knees to fit inside. On the other side, there sat another TV.

The elevator moved upwards a few feet before stopping. It was then that the TV flashed on, showing the terrifying puppet from earlier. "Welcome to the next stage, Fluttershy."

"Pinkie, I'm sorry, but I really don't like this very much. Can we just stop?" Fluttershy pleaded. "And why am I covered in feathers?"

"Oh, that reminds me. There's something on top of the TV. Take it and put it on your head."

Fluttershy obeyed and grabbed the item atop the TV... which turned out to be a red glove. Fluttershy pursed her lips and gave the TV a bemused look. "Really?"

"You see, Fluttershy, the end is almost in sight, but first, you most get passed this next room. In it, there is a farm of chickens that I, umm, borrowed. The entrance to the final challenge is inside one of the little hen houses. All you have to do is act like a chicken. Seeing as you have a gift with animals, I have full confidence in you."

Fluttershy stretched the red glove onto her head and sighed. "Why do are you doing this, Pinkie?"

"You'll know soon enough. Good luck." The TV turned off and the elevator rose to the next level.

Fluttershy looked through the new entrance to see what was less of a chicken farm and more of a chicken neighborhood. There looked to be a little coup for each chicken; forty in total if she counted correctly, with ten in a row and two alleys. Of course, there were also a bunch of chickens walking around.

Not wanting to disturb them, Fluttershy crawled out and decided to stay on her knees while she looked into each of the coups to find the entrance. At first, she thought to only check the ones that sat against the walls since there was no logical way that the ones against each other would have it, but then she remembered that it's Pinkie's work and decided to check them all.

She slowly made her way through the alley, politely yet nervously greeting each chicken she crossed. "Um, hello, err, um, bok-bok. Bok-bok. Bok to you as well. My, you look bok today. What's bok in the bok, mah chicken? Oh, I wish I could talk with animals." She checked inside each coup for something that would say 'Hey, this is the entrance, Sherlock'. Despite the situation at hand, Fluttershy had to admit that she didn't mind this challenge. "This isn't so bad." She muttered with a smile. "I mean, I get to be with all these sweet little chickens and nothing scary is going on. I don't really mind this."

Meanwhile, stepping out from the other alley was a rooster named Slick Cock. The big bird was patrolling the area same as usual and looked down the alley. His jaw dropped when he beheld the site before him. She was the biggest chicken he had ever seen. Her feathers were so ruffled; so wild. Her wings were so long and solid. He even caught a glimpse of her sparkly blue eyes as she looked into one of the coups. She was... perfect. With a devilish smirk, Slick licked his his wing and slicked back the red thingy on his head before strutting over to this fine piece of work.

"Not here either." Fluttershy muttered as she pulled her head out of another coup. She caught a glimpse to something to her left and turned to face a rooster that was leaning against the coup and giving Fluttershy a strange look. Wait, why was he smiling the way Rainbow Dash smiles when she has a mischievous idea? Wait, why was he wiggling his eyebrows? Wait, why did he remind Fluttershy of a boy she met once? All these questions circled Fluttershy's head as she jumped back in surprise. "Oh, umm, hello, Mr. Rooster. Uhh, I mean, bok-bok."

Slick slowly stepped closer to Fluttershy in a way that reminded her of how her brother, Zephyr, would strut over to girls he liked... Well, until he got kicked in the crotch for his trouble.

Fluttershy backed away with each step the rooster took, starting to become uncomfortable. "Umm, sorry for disrupting your rounds. I'll just go. Bok-bok." With that, Fluttershy moved as fast as her knees could carry her to the other alley, only to come face to face with the same rooster. "Umm, hello again."

Slick brought out a bouquet of flowers out of nowhere and handed, err, winged it to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy took the gift, feeling very confused and somewhat afraid. "Oh, umm, thank you."

Slick picked a flower out of the bouquet and stuck it in his mouth, err, peak and stroke a pose as the entire room went black except for a spotlight on him and another on Fluttershy.

Fluttershy's eyes widened as she tried to comprehend what was happening.

Familiar sounding music started playing as Slick folded his wings in a mouth position, opening and closing them four times. He then flapped his wings four times and shook his tail four more before stomping the ground four times.

Wait a minute... It was the Chicken Dance. Fluttershy hadn't danced that since first grade. However, seeing as the rooster was motioning for her to go, she dropped the bouquet and started doing the dance. She held her hands in a mouth position, opening and closing them four times. She then made wings with her arms and flapped them four times, shook her rear four times, and clapped four times. It was like riding a bike.

Slick then went through his routine again and had Fluttershy do hers again before spreading his wings and spinning in a circle.

Remembering the bridging part, Fluttershy held out her arms and spun in a circle was well, which was harder to do on her knees.

However, as the bridging part came to a close and the lights came back on, Slick caught Fluttershy mid spin and held her close with his wings. Despite not having lips, the rooster puckered up and leaned in for a kiss.

Fluttershy, now truly terrified, pressed her hands against the rooster's chest and leaned back away from the rooster's kiss. "Ehhh, I'm not that kind of girl, err, chicken, err, thing!" She cried out before hopping to her feet and running away to... Well, back to the other alley.

Slick, having been accidentally knocked back, stood back up thought about how strangely long that chicken's legs were. So nice and long.

Fluttershy, not wanting that rooster to find her, crawled into one of the coups and stuffed herself inside. "Oh, Pinkie, why did you have to put an amorous rooster in here?!" She whispered to herself. However, her concentration was broken by what sounded like an 'ahem' if it were coming from a chicken. Fluttershy turned to find that she was squished up against a very annoyed chicken. "Oh, pardon me- Ahh!" Fluttershy was just finishing the sentence when the bird literally kicked her out of the coup and onto her back.

She sat up to find the rooster right beside her, causing her to yelp and back away, only for the rooster to keep advancing towards her. "Look, umm, I'm sure you're a very nice bird and I just know that any of these chickens would be lucky to have you, but I'm afraid I'm just not the one for you."

Unfortunately, her pleas fell on deaf ears as Slick continued to strut over to her; smirk on his face, eyebrow raised, and bobbing his head from side to side like he was the coolest kid on the block.

Desperate, Fluttershy quickly got up and leaped over the wall of coups to the other alley, landing with a thud. She then crawled over to the coup in front of her and poked her head inside to see if she could hide in there. She gasped when she saw a black curtain instead of a wooden wall inside the coup. The entrance.

Not wasting another second, Fluttershy crawled in and pushed through the curtain, finding herself in a dark hallway. She scrambled to her feet and dusted herself off, which was rather pointless since she was still covered in feathers and sap. She then looked to the end of the hall to see a chair in front of what looked to be a window. With a groan, she walked over to the chair and saw that there were actually three windows; one directly in front of the chair and two that branched to each side, giving a view of the left and the right. However, it was too dark to see anything.

Seeing as there was nothing else to do, Fluttershy sighed and sat down.


Fluttershy blushed as she got up and turned to see a whoopie cushion. With a look she usually reserved for her brother, Fluttershy tossed the darned thing to the side and sat back down.