//------------------------------// // Part 4: Lucario's Story // Story: Tales from the Pokemon Universe: Aura of Empathy // by The Bricklayer //------------------------------// “It started back when I was just a little Riolu, barely at fighting age…” Lucario began to explain, and so his story began to be told, Sunset and Ninetales listening intently to every word. One Year Ago: Johto Region: A kick was landed at a tree, smashing the trunk and sending the tree toppling down like a domino in the middle of a dark forest clearing. Pidgeys scattered from the trees at the sound of the tree knocking over and falling. With a crash, it landed near a small pond, sending the Zigzagoon who were feeding near it on some berries scattering into the bushes. Well, almost all of them anyways. One Zigzagoon was rather confident for his group (Sunset’s Flareon would have been proud of his boldness) and launched himself at Riolu intent on hitting him with a powerful Headbutt attack. Riolu jumped out of the way and knocked the raccoon-like Pokemon back with a quick attack. It flew towards a tree but rebounded off the trunk and tackled Riolu. “That… That the best you got?” Riolu asked as he shoved the Tiny Raccoon Pokémon off of him and then used another quick attack and his paw glowed with green energy. Then, a powerful Force Palm was delivered right to the Zigzagoon’s belly. It flew off into the distance with a yelp as Riolu celebrated his victory by sitting down and taking some of the berries for himself. He looked upwards to a tree branch as he saw a sparrow-like Pokemon, brown in head feathers with red wings land on it. “Wow, you’re quite the little scrapper aren’t you?” the Pokemon, which Riolu recognized as a Spearow remarked to herself. “You’d do a Mankey proud with those tactics.” “Thanks,” Riolu replied as he took a bite out of an Oran Berry. The Spearow’s piercing green eyes narrowed. “Wasn’t meant to be a compliment, that was downright reckless. What if those Zigzagoon came back with a Linoone or something? Not the biggest thing in this forest you know… Well, maybe your head is,” She told him sternly. “Could have found food elsewhere you know, without scaring off those Zigzagoons, or ruining a perfectly good tree. What’d it ever do to you anyways?” She teased. “But I like to fight, I’m always practicing. Always striving to be the best at what I do, just for somebody to notice me one day, get out of this forest,” the Jackal like Pokemon replied as he practiced throwing a few punches and kicks. The Spearow raised an eyebrow in curiosity. “What, you trying to get into the Swords of Justice or something?” the Spearow asked, referring to the three Legendary Pokemon that traveled the world helping people and Pokemon alike. Sorta like the Three Musketeers story, the one humans told over in the Kalos region, now that she thought of it. “Cause… No offense, I really don’t think you’re quite ready to battle Kyurem yet.” “No, it’s not that,” Riolu replied. “I want to be captured by a Pokemon Trainer, challenge gyms. Improve my fighting skills, see the world.” The Spearow nodded in understanding. “Yeah, I see what you mean. I want to get out of this forest as well, maybe be captured one day. Contrary to that crap those Team Plasma blowhards sprout off, Pokemon do love to fight in battles alongside a human partner. Arceus above, if we hated being trapped in those little balls like slaves, we’d have probably overthrown the human race a long time ago.” “Yeah, that’s true. We could easily do it. What Team Plasma doesn’t realize is that if we didn’t like to fight, the Fighting Type Pokemon probably wouldn’t exist!” Riolu yipped out, starting to like this Pokemon. The Spearow actually laughed at that. “Yeah, and Ho-Oh would have probably burned all of humanity to ashes herself if she didn’t like Pokemon Trainers,” she put in before saying: “Dunno how much of this is true, but I heard from a flock in the Kanto region she recently appeared a couple years back to a black haired kid. ...Name’s slipped my mind for the moment really.” the Spearow admitted with more than a tinge of embarrassment in her tone. “Ah, it’ll come back to me…” For the next few weeks, the two young Pokemon stayed in contact forming possibly one of the most unlikeliest of friendships. They battled together, played together, each honing their skills as they grew in power. “Come on, you’re going to have to be faster than that if you’re going to catch me!” Cawed Kiara, as the Riolu had learned was the Spearow’s name. She flapped her wings racing Riolu through the twists and turns of the forest. He leaped from rock, to tree branch and then back to rock again as he struggled to keep up the pace. “Those Oran Berries… You must be getting fat from eating all of them! Come on, I know you can be faster than this!” “Oh shut up! I’m running as fast as I can, y’know!” Riolu shouted, his voice having grown deeper in the past week. “Not fast enough, evidently,” Kiara teased before she sent a series of Air Cutters his way, which Riolu knocked back at her with a Force Palm. Kiara smirked before she barrel rolled out of the way. “Oh, so that’s how it is huh?” Riolu smirked. He then created a ball of blue energy between his hands, a Focus Blast attack and threw it at Kiara which she canceled out with a Hidden Power blast. “You’re… You’re getting better…” Riolu panted out as sweat trailed down his face. “So are you, you’re not so bad yourself. A far cry from the arrogant little snot I met back in that clearing only a few weeks ago,” Kiara complimented. Riolu chuckled before he saw his friend’s eyes widen. “What? What is it?” Riolu asked. “Just… Just look at yourself!” Kiara stammered out and suddenly Riolu felt a surge of power rush through him as his entire body glowed a bright white. He grew taller, his ears grew more pointed and three pointed white spikes grew from his chest and paws. “No… It can’t be…” Riol-No, Lucario whispered to himself as he looked over his new form. “You did it, you finally evolved!” Kiara cheered. Now: “So that’s how it happened. How Lucario evolved. It is a bit surprising that he evolved at such a young age… And via his friendship with this “Kiara” at that!” Sunset thought to herself in shock, her eyes widened. “And here everyone thought it was only possible for Riolus to evolve when they had high friendships with their trainers… Then again, considering what this one’s been through, I highly doubt he had a strong friendship with his own…” “If I may continue?” Lucario asked, annoyed. “Right… Sorry…” Sunset replied. 6 Months Ago: Now with Lucario evolved, Kiara was intent on doing the same herself so she could evolve into a mighty Fearow. She’d become reckless, reckless as a Rufflet as Lucario had quickly found out, constantly picking fights with Pokemon far stronger than her. If Lucario had to give her any sort of compliment for this foolish behavior, she was pretty brave. He did at times wonder if she’d been born into the wrong species, really. She had the heart of a Pidgeot. But, at times, Lucario found himself bailing her out with his signature Force Palm move. The most recent incident, and the one that would change Lucario’s life forever Lucario was in the middle of a mediation session, sitting cross-legged by a small, gurgling stream in a clearing within the vast forest that the two called home when he heard it. “HELP!” Kiara’s distinctive voice screeched out from somewhere nearby. Lucario’s eyes shot open and he took off running towards her and found her laying on the ground near a dirt path. While he knew his best friend had a flock that would come flying to her rescue as soon as they heard her calls, Lucario also knew he was much closer to Kiara then they were and had a better chance at making it to her. And then, Lucario saw Kiara. There she was, twitching in pain with a giant purple King Cobra like Pokemon looming over her, it’s tongue flicking back and forth from its mouth. “Get away from her…” Lucario growled out. The Arbok hissed and launched itself towards Lucario firing Poison Sting after Poison Sting from its mouth like a machine gun. Lucario jumped to the left and then to the right with Agility to avoid the stings as the Arbok flew past him. “Oh, don’t think you’re getting away that easily, not after how you hurt my friend!” he snarled out. Lucario then grabbed the Arbok by the tail, swinging it around a full 360 degrees and then tossing it into a boulder head first, knocking it unconscious. “Lesson learned…” Lucario growled before his tone became softer as he walked over to Kiara and knelt down beside her. “You okay?” “Yeah… I’m fine. That snake just grazed my wing a bit. I’ll be fine within a few days, no worries,” Kiara answered. “And you once told me off for being reckless, that was downright foolish you know that, right?” Lucario lectured before his voice slipped into a lighthearted, teasing tone. “Who’s trying to better themselves now?” “Et tu, Lucario?” Kiara laughed weakly. Both Pokemon’s eyes widened when they heard a soft clapping coming from behind them. “Impressive, very impressive,” An Australian accented voice remarked, coming from a man with messy dark blue hair and a pair of round sunglasses wearing a brown cowboy style vest. All in all, he resembled a cowboy in some ways. “How would you like to become my Pokemon? I promise, you’ll become a very strong one, winning me badge after badge! You’ll become famous, trust me. The female Pokemon, they’ll be swarming all over you!” Lucario’s eyes widened before he nodded as the trainer threw the Pokeball at him. The ball didn’t even shake before it dinged with a red light, indicating a successful capture. But from even inside his Pokeball, Lucario heard Kiara whisper “Good luck Lucario…” neither of the Pokemon knowing what horrors awaited Lucario in the future… Flash forwards a few months, and Lucario had rapidly discovered his trainer wasn’t all that he was cracked up to be. His training, if you could even call it that, was brutal no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Lucario routinely was forced to bare witness as his trainer pushed his Pokemon to the brink of exhaustion during their training sessions. Often times, Lucario found himself trying to give them berries he’d found for himself, but the berries were always tossed away by his Trainer. It was the same with Potions. He’d sneak some from their bag and try to use them on the Pokemon, but like the berries before them, they too were taken away. And his Trainer always had this to say: “They’re weak, they don’t deserve your help Lucario. You should be more focused on helping yourself, getting better with your moves then wasting your time with those weaklings!” It finally came to a head one hot day in June. Lucario had been ordered by his “Trainer” (He refused to acknowledge his real name by this point, Lucario considering him not worth that honor of even thinking his Trainer’s name) to practice his species’ signature move: Aura Sphere. “C’mon Lucario, you worthless Dingo!” his trainer barked at him as Lucario tried to focus the natural energies of his body into a powerful sphere of energy, but found that he simply just couldn’t do it. His Trainer grew angry, more furious than Lucario had ever seen him before as he slowly strode towards Lucario. “That does it, you can’t even learn Aura Sphere! You routinely disobey me, and whenever I go into a match with you, you’re always the first one knocked out! You’re through Lucario, you hear me!?!” With that, the man took out a thick leather whip made from Tauros hide and struck it across Lucario’s back several times as he howled in pain, the whip leaving several ugly red streaks across Lucario’s backside. “Master… Please, stop!” Lucario yelled before his Trainer struck him several more times. “And don’t you try any of your pleadings, it’s not going to work with me!” Lucario’s Trainer yelled back at him. Lucario looked towards his fellow Pokemon, silently pleading for them to help. But sadly, they were far too afraid of their master to even attempt a rescue. Then, Lucario found himself whirled around and punched in the gut, knocking him straight into the grass. The blue haired man that Lucario had once been proud to call his Master turned to a Rhyhorn and pointed at Lucario as he smashed Lucario’s Pokeball on the ground into two pieces. “Get him, teach him a lesson to what happens to those who disobey me!” The giant stone based monstrosity of a Pokemon slowly trudged towards Lucario, obeying its master either out of fear or because of some sense of loyalty that its trainer had drilled into it. Lucario suspected the former, sadly. It would fit with his trainer’s character. Lucario snarled weakly at the Rhyhorn, warning him to back off. “I’m sorry…” the Rhyhorn said. “But I must obey my Master.” “The Master who uses and abuses you?” Lucario asked defiantly. “He trained me, raised me from an egg. He’s like a father to me. So I must obey, if only for his sake.” the Rhyhorn said, repeating it to himself like a mantra. Lucario let a tear slip from his eyes… So this is what trainers were like, people who cared nothing for their Pokemon and only about themselves. “Rhyhorn, give him your Take Down attack!” Rhyhorn’s trainer shouted, and Lucario braced himself before something truly massive, larger than Lucario had ever seen headbutted the Rhyhorn with a powerful Iron Head attack. The Pokemon resembled an antelope with two long horns jutting from his forehead, cobalt blue in coat color. He bore a white tuft of fur on his chest, resembling a cravat in some manner. Lucario’s eyes widened in an instance. He knew this Pokemon, but it surely couldn’t be... Could it? His suspicions were then confirmed, as the Pokemon created a long blue katana like blade of energy jutting from his head and stood between Lucario and Rhyhorn. His golden eyes briefly flicked towards Lucario. “Go, now.” Cobalion, the Iron Will Pokémon and the leader of the Swords of Justice stated firmly, his voice filled with a warmth, a protectiveness. Lucario took the chance and ran for it, but his former trainer was having none of it as he threw three Pokeballs high into the air releasing a trio of Skarmories. Lucario ran hard and fast, across green fields and leaping over rocks as the Skarmories dive-bombed him again and again, striking him each time drawing blood. Lucario tumbled over the side of a cliff and hit a small hill below that, crashing into the ground and rolling down the hill into a small wooded area. His ears detected the sound of waves hitting the rocks behind him. He made a small grunt of pain as he staggered to get up as the Skarmory trio swooped down towards him drills spinning like corkscrews. Lucario waited until the last moment, right till they were on top of him, before he unleashed his signature Force Palm on all three of them sending them flying off into the distance. “I’ve… I’ve got to get moving… More of my “Master’s” Pokemon are probably on the way…” He thought to himself before he moved towards the direction of the beach ignoring the bleeding and the bruises before all went black… Now: Cianwood City Pokemon Center: “By Arceus…” Sunset whispered to herself softly, barely keeping her quick temper from coming to a boil. She felt like she wanted to hit something, unleash all of her pent-up rage at whoever did this to Lucario on them and reduce them to a smudge beneath her feet. Ninetales, by this point, was sorely wishing he knew both Sheer Cold and Curse, just so he could use them on that sorry excuse for a Trainer. “So… That’s what it is…” Sunset murmured as she watched Lucario take another glance out the window. She saw Lemon Zest watching the sun set over the horizon from the top of a building along with her Serperior wrapped around her protectively. She smiled as she saw Lemon stroke her Pokemon’s head affectionately and receive a nuzzle in return. “You just want someone who would love and care for you, see you for what you really are…” “Yeah, worthless…” Lucario muttered to himself. Sunset’s eyes widened, and she brought Lucario into a nearly crushing hug, making his eyes widen. “No, stop right there! Never tell yourself that, that’s just the bullshit your “Trainer” told you. You’re more powerful than you realize Lucario, he just never saw it or refused to, understand?” Sunset stated firmly. “I… I wish I could believe you, but…” Lucario replied sadly before hanging his head in shame. “But I really am worthless, I can’t even form an Aura Sphere properly. I’m a shame to my species…” He muttered in self-disgust. “So what?” Sunset’s Ninetales barked out. “So what if you can’t form an Aura Sphere right now? You know plenty of other powerful moves, I’m willing to bet my soul on it! Sunset, take out your Pokedex and confirm this for me, okay?” But before Sunset could do so, she heard a distinct tapping on the window. Her Talonflame was sitting outside on the windowsill clutching the two halves of Lucario’s shattered Pokeball in one of his talons. Sunset quickly opened the window and let the Scorching Pokémon fly in. “Here it is, just as you requested Sunset.” Talon said and Sunset quickly nodded before rushing off to find Nurse Joy. As soon as she turned the corner, she collided head-on into the nurse, much to the Nurse’s displeasure. “Excuse me!” Nurse Joy snapped. “Sorry, so sorry, but I need to borrow this computer to scan this Pokeball and find out who previously owned it,” Sunset said quickly as she typed in something on the computer and a small scanner began going over the Pokeball’s registry. Talon had flown into the room and had landed near Sunset and Nurse Joy, watching the computer screen intensely. Lucario and Ninetales rounded a corner and were just in time to bare witness as Lucario’s former trainer popped up on screen. Lucario recoiled in horror, whispering “No… No! I’m not going back to him, never!” as Sunset read the name off the screen. “Damien…” She whispered as her fists clenched. Then, she heard the sound of pawsteps running off and looked to see the fleeing form of Lucario. “Lucario!” she shouted, but to no avail. She turned to Talon. “Find him, now!” She ordered and Talon nodded before flying after him.