The Armada Trilogy I: The Lieutenant

by TheMysteryMuffin


The Next Day

Hidden away in some of Canterlot's royal quarters, a crimson unicorn awoke from the blinding light that swept through her bedroom window. The light pierced into her eyes, causing the sleepy pony to stir up from a deep and restful sleep. She covered her eyes with her hoof in response, but by then her body had awoken from the deep sleep that she was in.

Tempest threw the bed sheets off her and climbed out of bed. After a quick stretch, she walked over to her mirror and looked at herself. In response, her tongue fell out in disgust seeing the face that looked back at her.

Her mane was a mess, covering her green shining eyes and scar that was still visible over her right eye. Deciding that it would be the day she would comb her mane, Tempest tried to pick up a small pink comb that sat on the table. She focused carefully on her object and soon her broken horn started pouring out the tiniest amount of magic that any unicorn could produce. Tempest groaned in frustration as she tried to pick up the comb.

"Come on!" she said through her teeth, "Just pick it up already!"

The comb was soon hovering in the air, just a few centimetres above the table. It wobbled and turned midair before it eventually came close enough to Tempest to use. In joy and excitement, Tempest smiled.

"Yes! Yes! Finally, my magic is-!"

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door that made Tempest jump and lose grip of the comb. It flew into the air and landed on the floor. In anger, Tempest pushed everything on the table off onto the floor and then stood before Grubber, who was standing in the doorframe.

"What do you want?!" Tempest asked angrily. Grubber jumped in surprise and hid behind the door. Tempest looked at him with a confused expression on her face, with an element of disappointment. "Oh, it's you." Grubber waddled into Tempest's room and bowed as low as he could before falling onto his face.

"Commander Tempest, I have been asked to remind you that you have tea today with Princess Twilight," Grubber announced, "are you ready?"

Tempest eyed Grubber sharply like a tiger targeting its prey. The stare stabbed Grubber, making him back up. As many ponies knew, Tempest had a short temper and wasn't one to annoy.

"Does it look like I'm ready?" Tempest asked, "Could you tie my mane up for me?"

Grubber quickly came up behind Tempest and grabbed hold of her mane. He picked up an elastic band and tied up Tempest's long mane. His Lieutenant hadn't had a haircut since the week before they invaded Canterlot in the previous months, so in result Tempest had just let it grow without doing anything major to it. Grubber knew that Tempest was very stern on how she presented herself to other ponies, since joining along Princess Twilight's side and working along with her troops. In fact, there was to be a trip to the outskirts of Equestria very soon which was organised by herself and Twilight. It would be a big thing for Tempest, as it would be the first time she would be going back since she left her home to join the Storm King's army.

By the time Tempest had finished thinking about her situation, Grubber had finished on her mane.

"There you go, Fizzlepop," Grubber said grinning, "your mane is tied."

Tempest suddenly had a trigger that made her sweat and feel anger in her body. She started breathing quickly and memories started filling up in her dark and twisted mind. The memories of her hometown, the memories of her parents and friends who called her that name and the day that she lost her precious horn. Tempest thought that Grubber had learnt not to call her that name, but obviously, that wretched hedgehog didn't listen.

"That is not my name, anymore!" Tempest roared, pushing over the stall and facing Grubber, "I am Tempest Shadow now, remember that, Grubber!"

Grubber backed away in fear. He watched as Tempest's broken horn pour out dark magic and shoot out in different directions. Grubber had been Tempest's companion for years, so to see her mad at him was something on a totally different level. For a while, Tempest stared down onto Grubber, but eventually, she stopped and straightened up back into her upright position. She remembered that Grubber had been her only friend for a long time before the Storm King took both of them in. There was no point to throw all of her anger onto her lifelong friend.

"Is everything ready?" Tempest asked. Grubber scratched his head and then snapped his claws.

"Ah, yes Tempest!" he said, "Princess Twilight hired a coach to take you to her place. She said there would be refreshments."

"Good, you can then carry the bags for me."

Grubber sighed and then went to Tempest's room collecting her things. Since moving into Twilight's accommodation in Canterlot, Tempest had bought a few items including some hats and books that she loved to use in her spare time. Usually, that would be sitting next to her bedroom window and looking out at the sunset in the evening. She had witnessed such beauty that she hadn't seen in years, including that view. Tempest felt much happier than before and had respected Twilight's friendship since surrendering to her. She also learnt that Twilight had some amazing friends, including one who taught her how to farm, one who taught her to bake a cake and one who even chose a dress for her on her birthday. Twilight even lent her a book to read when she had finished using it herself.

Yes, Tempest was beginning to feel like a normal pony, even if she was a unicorn with a broken horn and a deadly past that included working for a dark supreme power who had been imprisoning ponies all across Equestria for quite some years now. Even some ponies waved her hello in the street when she went out with Twilight to go shopping or to visit some of her oldest friends, like Minuette and Lemon Hearts. Even Grubber was becoming a popular hedgehog, performing for the fillies that went on school trips, doing jokes and weird dancing in front of them.

Tempest was ready to go and so was Grubber, who was managing to carry all of her bags in his tiny grey arms. Despite groaning, Grubber was pleased to serve his beloved friend and Lieutenant, even if it included doing some hard work.

"So... where do you want me to take these, Tempest?" Grubber struggled to say.

"We'll go downstairs and wait for the carriage that Twilight has prepared for us," Tempest explained, "you can load the luggage where the rest of the cargo is."

"Of course, ma'am."

A grey unicorn in red uniform was waiting for Tempest and Grubber outside. It was a sunny day, so the unicorn felt that it would be sensible to allow the roof to be open for his passengers to look around. The unicorn was busy fiddling with some bits that other ponies had given him the day before whilst he was waiting. He looked around and noticed that the streets were packed with shoppers and commuters who were going about their daily business. No pony really took notice of him, so the unicorn then turned his attention to the main door.

Thankfully, the pony he was waiting for emerged along with her hedgehog companion. She was ready, so the unicorn went over to her and shook her hoof.

"Good morning, Miss Shadow!" he said, "Please, allow me to-."

"She has me to take her belongings, thank you very much!" Grubber said rudely.

Grubber walked past the unicorn and dumped all of Tempest's things into the cab. The unicorn then turned back to face Tempest and gulped.

"Ignore him," Tempest said, "thank you for taking us."

The unicorn then took Tempest's hoof and helped her into the cab. After that, he pushed Grubber in as well and then closed up the luggage compartment. Once that was all done, the unicorn hooked himself up to the cab and then begun his journey to Twilight's apartment.

The journey took longer than expected. Traffic in Canterlot was awful, with carts and ponies moving about without care and respect. Younger ponies kept playing hoofball on the roads and there was a nasty crash that involved two carts colliding with each other. This blocked some of the main roads and prevented some ponies getting past. Some unicorns tried to lift some of the rubble of the way with their magic but were constantly distracted by all the shouts and curses from other ponies who were stuck in the traffic jam.

"I apologise, Lieutenant," the unicorn said, "Canterlot does have a few problems with its roads. We are awaiting plans from Princess Celestia to improve some of the lanes for carts to use. I could always use a shortcut."

"If it gets Commander Tempest to her destination in time," Grubber stated, "then feel free to lend a hoof!"

"Okay then, let's do this!"

The unicorn took a right turn off the main road to Twilight's and started going through a narrow street. Luckily, there was no pony to be seen. The cart raced through the street without a problem and managed to find the road that went directly to Twilight's apartment. Tempest and Grubber were taken at great speed and even hung on for the ride became bumpy and quite uncomfortable.

"How fast are we going?" Tempest asked. The unicorn looked back.

"We are going at around 35mph. If we're going to get to your destination in time, we need to maintain this speed."

Tempest pulled an unsatisfied face, knowing that there was really nothing that she could do. If this was the fastest they could go, then so be it. Besides, they could be walking.

The unicorn kept up the pace all the way to Twilight's and stopped in time before missing the entrance to the front door. Two guards stood at the front of the door, keeping a guard on who entered the building. The unicorn unhooked himself from the cart and opened the door for Tempest and Grubber.

Tempest walked out as swiftly as possible, with a very wobbly Grubber behind her. Before he could turn around to help unload the cargo, he collapsed onto his face. The unicorn used his magic to pick up Tempest's luggage and took them inside. Tempest followed, along with a rather dizzy hedgehog.

"Come on, Grubber. Stop messing about!" Tempest snapped.

"I... see... three of you..." Grubber mumbled. Tempest shook her head slightly in disappointment and then continued walking into the building. Once steady, Grubber ran inside to stand alongside Tempest.

"Don't try to be stupid, Grubber," Tempest said, "it's bad enough as it is."

The unicorn took Tempest and Grubber into the reception area and then dumped their stuff next to the reception desk. After a tip from Tempest, the grey unicorn walked outside and then rode off with his carriage.

Tempest walked over to the reception desk to find that there was no pony there. In the true tradition of any guest, she tapped the bell for assistance. For a while, no pony arrived to come to her aid, but eventually, a green unicorn appeared from the Staff Only room and then went over to greet her.

"Good morning, ma'am" Lyra Heartstrings said, "can I ask, what is your name?"

"Lieutenant Commander Tempest Shadow," Tempest replied, "and this is my companion, Grubber."

Grubber waved from behind Tempest and put on a cheeky face. Lyra looked through the invitations list and then ticked off Tempest's name using a quill.

"Princess Twilight is ready for you, Miss" Lyra explained, "use the lift to head up to the top floor and then wait outside her room. A guard will take you in."

"Thank you."

One of the guards took Tempest's things into the lift and then asked the pair of them to step inside. Once in, Tempest couldn't help but find that the lift was very wide. She could easily move about inside without any problems. The guard then pressed one of the buttons and the lift started going up to Twilight's floor.

Lift music was playing during the time Tempest and Grubber were going up. Neither of them decided to talk whilst they headed up to Twilight's quarters, for there was really nothing to say. Both just prayed that no pony would walk in and witness two of Equestria's most well-known invaders and whom both worked for the sinister Storm King in their early days. If so, that would start a panic in the building and Princess Twilight would not be pleased to hear that ponies have been panicking over a unicorn with a broken horn and a short hedgehog who loves eating sponge cakes. And even if they were spotted, they really didn't have anywhere to go. They were, after all, going up in a lift.

Grubber began to move to the soothing lift music and soon enough he was completely lost to himself. Tempest looked at him, knowing that this was no surprise to her, but still questioned the matter.

"Just what do you think you doing?" she asked. Grubber immediately stopped moving about and chuckled in order to lighten the mood.

"Nothing, Commander!" he quickly replied.

Tempest turned her attention away from her companion and waited for the doors to open. Eventually, a ding was sounded and the doors opened to reveal the double set of doors to Twilight's room. Tempest walked out, with Grubber carrying all of their things following her from behind. They continued walking towards the doors and soon noticed that they were alone.

"Where is every pony?" Grubber asked.

"I'm not sure," Tempest replied, "I guess Princess Twilight wanted us to be alone."

Grubber walked up to the door and knocked. And then they waited. It didn't take long though for Twilight to open the door and appear before them.

"Tempest and Grubber!" Twilight cried, "Come on in!"

Looking at each other, Tempest and Grubber eventually came in and dumped all their stuff near the entrance. Twilight closed the door behind them and then shook hooves (and claws) with her guests.

"Oh, it's been such a long time, Tempest!" Twilight gleamed, "If we only had more time to catch up with one another! These visits need to be more often!"

"I do agree, your highness" Tempest replied, "I haven't had tea with anyone for a very long time now."

"Well, come on in!" Twilight said, "Spike has organised somewhere to sit."

Twilight took Tempest and Grubber to some comfy sitting room chairs and told them to sit down. Spike then came in with some refreshments, including tea and scones. Grubber clapped his claws with excitement and waited for Spike to place the tray of treats down onto the coffee table. Twilight then sat down, whilst Spike organised some of their guest's stuff.

"So, how have the pair of you been?" Twilight asked.

"Fine thank you, Princess" Grubber replied.

"Yes, we've been doing fine as usually!" Tempest added, "Your friend, the orange one. Ah yes, the mare known as Applejack showed us around Sweet Apple Acres yesterday which we both enjoyed. I found out that it was their family who truly discovered the place that is called Ponyville. I would love to meet her parents."

Twilight took a sip of tea and licked her lips.

"I'm afraid they died in a dreadful accident quite some years ago now," the princess addressed, "but without their family, there would be no Ponyville."

"Wow!" Grubber said with a mouthful of cake, "That's a fantastic story!"

"How very... interesting" Tempest added.

"Do you have a story to tell, Tempest?" Twilight asked, "You must have had many adventures across Equestria, shouldn't you?"

"Oh yeah!" Grubber exclaimed, "She should tell you about the home she used to live and her old name!"


"Her old name?"

Tempest sighed and then looked down at the floor.

"I guess that Grubber here has announced this, I might as well tell you Twilight," she said, "my name isn't actually Tempest Shadow. When I was a filly, I was raised to the name of Fizzlepop Berrytwist."

"Fizzlepop Berrytwist?" Spike repeated.

"You see, where I was born, the next filly to be born in my family would have the next letter in the Alphabet" Tempest explained, "for example, my mother is called Eleanor Berrytwist and my grandmother was known as Dandelion Berrytwist. Fizzlepop was the name that mother used to call me and those were the happiest days before you-know-what happened. She was always there for me."

"I see," Twilight said, "that's nothing to be ashamed of, Temp- I mean Fizzlepop- I mean... what do you wish to be called?"

"As you are now a friend of mine," Tempest replied, "you may call me Fizzlepop if you wish."


"So what happened next?" Spike asked.

"Well," Tempest began, "it all started about 14 years ago when I was just about 10 years old. I remember we all used to live in a small village and rarely did any of us younger ones leave that village. I believe it was a sunny day and myself and my friends were travelling home from school..."