Pokémon: Rainbow League

by Silver Screen

A Much Needed Talk

"Hey", Twilight said as she approached her former opponent. "Is everything alright with you?"

"Yeah. I just don't get why you're so nice to me. I have done nothing to give you any reason to. Did you forget what a jerk I was when you battled me? "

"Well, bygones, y'know?" She said that, yes, but deep down, she was still a bit upset at some of the things he said. "You did apologize, after all."

There was a pause between them, before he stopped slouching down in the seat and rested his elbows on his knees. Twilight noticed how he tried to look at her, but could only do so halfway.

"After the incident with Rarity before,... something came to my mind. Did... did I say something that..." His sentence ended there, but Twilight knew what he wanted to ask.

"... Yes. Some of it did sting a bit."

After hearing these words come out of her mouth, he burried his face in his hands and let out a frustrated grunt.

" Look, I know you meant no harm. All is forgiven. Despite your... direct approach to things, we don't think you're that bad of a guy." She placed her hand on his shoulder, after which he could finally look at her face. She gave him a comforting smile.

"You just need to learn when to tone it down a bit."

"Can you teach me?" Twilight was taken back quite a bit from his question. "I graduated this year. When summer's over, I'll be in the next state. No family, no friends there. I need help."

Twilight had to take a couple of seconds to think about her response.

"Well, you did win a favor from me." She watched his face light up with joy. "I think we can help you. But only if you stay."

"I really am sorry to bother you with this."

"It's alright. Just one more thing." His ears perked up. "Don't call me Hero Girl anymore."

"Well, it's not my fault. That's what you are. It's not up to you to decide that." Twilight became visibly confused by that response.

"Please explain."

"Some people think being a hero means having super powers or constantly saving people, which you guys already do." Twilight noticed that his gaze wandered into the distance and his tone got something longing about it.

"Being a hero means inspiring others. It means having someone who trusts you to help them whenever they need it. And giving them the confidence to move on through every obstacle." He noticed Twilight staring and the words he spoke next were quite harsh.

"Not everyone can do the things you can do. You better make it count."

Silence fell between the two, before Sunset popped up with an empty can of grape soda in her hand.

"Hey guys. So, what's happening?"

"I'll stay."

"Great", Sunset proclaimed before bending over in front of him and lowering her eyelids. "Keeping all of this up is making me really thirsty." She put extra emphasis on that last word. "Could you get me another soda, sweetie?"

The boy's eyes literally changed into purple hearts before Twilight's eyes.

"Anything for you, my dear."

Twilight watched in utter confusion as he ran off to somewhere. Sunset on the other hand just giggled into her hand.

"I forgot how much fun it is to tease guys like that. Don't worry, I got a peek inside his head, he likes it." She then jumped over the seat and sat down next to Twi. "You looked kinds stressed. Everything alright?"

"Yes. He just gave me a bunch of stuff to think about." She thought about his definition of 'hero'. Are really so many people looking up to her?

"Well, better save that for after our match. I'm gonna wait and see how long it takes for Silver to figure out that there's no shop."

"Update: I knew something would happen while I'm gone." The mysterious figure outside of Sunset's house had just returned from her short shopping trip.

"The subjects are still present, but now pink sparks are flying around their bodies. They seem to be generating some form of energy. Whether or not this was the intended effect of this gathering is still unknown. The sparks seem to die down now. No more breaks."

Far away, in Fillidelphia, the CEO of a large foundation had just finished touring several of his institutions. He returned to his bureau and hung his coat next to the door.

He sat down on his Mahagoni desk and took down his checkered zylinder. He hadn't been sitting for a minute when his secretary announced a call for him.

"It's the Doctor."

"Patch him through, please." The man spoke with a heavy accent. Cockney to be precise.

"Good afternoon, Mr Steamwagon. How was the tour?"

"Marvelous, our medical facilities think they're just short of a breakthrough. Any news about your investigation?"

"That's why I'm calling. We were finally able to track down the location of those girls. They live in Canterlot City."

"Fantastic. When can you be there?" The man was ecstatic to hear these news.

"I'm already on the train, sir." The train whistle went off right after his announcement.

"Today's just full of good news. Call me when you get there. I'll make a reservation at the Canterlot Grand Hotel."

"All expenses paid?", the man they called Doctor joked, but only received a beep, beep as response.