Starlight Glimmer Makes Many Mistakes

by MagicS

Actually Meeting Celestia

A number of guards gave them suspicious looks but none stopped Starlight and Spike as they were led through the castle by a blank-faced and near unresponsive Sharp Schedule. The formerly dismissive staff member now taking them directly to the Princess and giving any guard they passed an emotionless “Important visitors for the Princess”. Spike felt kind of bad. Starlight… not so much.

“I think this is one of the best ideas I’ve had since coming back here.” She proudly beamed while the two of them followed Sharp Schedule.

“You shouldn’t do things like this...” Spike’s exasperation was at its peak.

“It’s not a big deal Spike. And it’s for a good cause.” Starlight tried to reason.

Spike was having none of that though. “I’m telling Twilight about this.”

Starlight frowned and snorted in annoyance. “Well, fine, tell her. I’m not scared.” She figured she’d just have to deal with that little problem later.

Finally the party made it to right outside Celestia’s throne room, there were a number of noble looking ponies standing outside it (including a younger Fancy Pants) already waiting for their turn to meet with Celestia. Unfortunately for them they were about to have to wait even longer.

“Make way, the Princess must see these two immediately.” Sharp Schedule said in perfect monotone to the two guards in front of the door. Immediately drawing surprised and confused looks and mumbles from the ponies that had been waiting.

The guards for their part did at least look a little perturbed at Sharp Schedule’s sudden appearance and the way he was acting. But in the end they just shrugged and one started to talk to Sharp Schedule.

“She’s meeting with another pony right now, can it wait?”

Sharp Schedule fervently shook his head, his bugged-out eyes never once blinking. “No, this takes precedence. These two must be let in immediately.”

“Well… okay.” The guards looked weirded out but opened up the door to tell Celestia and retrieve the whoever it was that was currently meeting with her.

It took absolutely everything Starlight had inside her to keep from laughing. And even then a wide smile was covering her face. Spike on the other hand returned a nervous smile to the annoyed looks from the noble ponies who had been patiently waiting their turns, only for this to happen.

Quickly the guards came back out with a very upset looking mare who grumbled the whole time about how unfair this all was.

“You may enter now.” The same guard said to Starlight and Spike.

“Thank you.” Starlight said as she smugly strode into the throne room. Spike following closely at her heels and Sharp Schedule stood around stock still like a ponyquin.

The doors shut closed behind Starlight and Spike and Princess Celestia awaited them at the back of the room. She was the same as ever, sitting on her throne with her multicolored mane swaying in a phantom breeze. A few more guards flanked the carpet that led to her, Starlight frowned at that. She wanted to be able to talk privately with the Princess. Spike gulped in nervousness as the two of them walked closer, they could see the expression on Celestia’s face now. A neutral one just slightly leaning towards curiosity. She really did look regal and every bit the important ruler that she was. If Starlight didn’t know her better or had seen her in so many other situations she would say she even looked imposing.

She and Spike made it to the foot of Celestia’s throne, the Alicorn looking down at them in patience for a second before speaking.

“I was told you have very important business to discuss? Enough that one of my staffers says my prior arrangements can be delayed?” Her even-tempered voice easily broadcasted across the whole chamber even without her having to raise it at all.

Starlight coughed. Only slightly nervous. “Yes, that’s true. My name is Starlight Glimmer and this is Spike and… uhm, actually… I was kind of hoping the three of us could speak in private?”

Celestia raised an eyebrow, a bemused expression on her face. “You can forgive me if I decline that request? I’m certain that whatever reason you have for-”

“Princess Luna.”

If Celestia had been drinking tea she would’ve spit it all out. The shocked and so outrageously uncommon look on her face made all of the guards in the room wish they had a camera to take a picture of it.

But she was still Princess Celestia and she quickly regained her composure. Clearing her throat her eyes roamed over the guards.

“Guards? Could you please excuse us for a moment?”

The guards were surprised and looked at Starlight and Spike with suspicion but still did as they were told, filing out of the throne room and leaving the three alone.

Celestia’s gaze took on a darker tone as she frowned down her nose at the two interlopers. “So, what do you know about my sister?”

“Well actually-” Starlight started. “This isn’t really about your sister. I just said that to get your attention.” Before Celestia could angrily interrupt Starlight continued on. “The thing is, the two of us are from the future. We accidentally traveled back in time.”

Celestia kept a measured reaction, her eyes widening just a bit. “That is an interesting claim to be sure. However just because you know the name of my sister I can not fully believe you just like that. Do you have any proof?”

Starlight smirked. She had been prepared for this. “That weird statue you keep in your garden is actually Discord and you’re currently looking for the next bearers of the Elements of Harmony to deal with your sister when she returns as Nightmare Moon a few years down the road. And the sixth element is magic. Also you secretly eat enough cake to put a bakery under.”

To both Starlight and Spike’s amusement the ruler of Equestria actually pouted at that last part.

“I do not eat that much cake.” She said before briefly shaking her head. Mulling things over. “Very well though, those are things that nopony right now should know so I will hesitantly say I believe you for now. So who exactly are you and how did you travel back in time?”

Spike, being quite happy that this conversation so far was not turning out nearly as horribly as he expected, decided to answer before Starlight could.

“In the future we’re friends with the Elements of Harmony, and more specifically the Element of Magic. In fact Starlight was the personal student of the Element of Magic. And I was actually hatched by her as part of her test to get into your School For Gifted Unicorns and we’ve been together ever since. I’m her number one assistant.” Spike finished proudly, puffing out his chest. “Also I’ve known you for pretty much just as long too.”

Celestia smiled sincerely at the young dragon. “Well it seems my future self is blessed to have such a good friend.” Spike blushed at her compliment as Celestia turned to Starlight. “And you? Being the student of the Element of Magic sounds like quite the accomplishment.”

“Uhh...” Starlight nervously scratched the back of her head. “Well I was an enemy to the Element of Magic at first but then we became friends. Let’s keep it at that. Long story.”

Celestia didn’t seem entirely satisfied by her answer but decided not to force it at this point. “Very well. So on the issue of time travel?”

“Ehhh...” Starlight started to sweat a bit. “Well funny story on that. We’re not actually sure how we traveled back in time?”

“Not sure? How can you not know?” Celestia was taken aback, questioning Starlight in disbelievement.

“We’re both pretty sure it involved Starswirl the Bearded’s old spell and magic from the Tree of Harmony. But uh… I wasn’t exactly in the most cognizant state of mind when I casted whatever spell I did.” Starlight grinned awkwardly while Spike rolled his eyes.

“I see.” Princess Celestia practically slouched in her chair as she rubbed her forehead. Starlight obviously not being too good for her health right now. “So why did you come here then?”

“We didn’t want to cause any problems in the past-” Spike cut ahead of Starlight.

He carefully left out the “more” part of that sentence as well.

“So we came here. We figured it would be a good place to just kind of hole up until things are taken care of. Twi- er, sorry, I don’t think we should say her name. The Element of Magic is definitely looking for a way to find us and she’s probably even gotten the help of Starswirl himself by now.”

“Starswirl’s help?! But he’s been dead for years.” Celestia asked in surprise.

“Actually he’s not, he’s a friend of ours too now. But we probably shouldn’t go too far into detail on any of this.” Starlight said. For once minding her position.

“This is a little much to take in...” Celestia said.

“Yeah, sorry about all this.” Spike said. It was easy for him to empathize with her after being continually dragged around by Starlight.

“And I’m just putting this out there but if we could have access to the archives and the forbidden section of the library that might really help us out. We could find a way to fix this all on our own.” Starlight broached.

However, Celestia frowned at her. Not exactly having the warmest of looks in her eyes. “I’m sorry but I can’t exactly entrust you with that so easily. Not only is there the possibility that this is all some elaborate scheme but the simple fact that you said you were once an enemy of the Element of Magic and the reckless way in which you time-traveled in the first place makes me a bit apprehensive to give you access to such important things.”

“Ehehe, fair enough.” Starlight nervously laughed, there wasn’t really an argument to be had and Spike was right in that she really probably shouldn’t remove Celestia’s Cutie Mark. Even if just for how Twilight would react when he inevitably told her about it.

Celestia paused for a second and tilted her head at the unicorn and dragon, eyes narrowing just a bit. “You’re the ones who destroyed my old castle a few days ago, aren’t you?”

Spike began to experience a flop sweat and started sputtering weakly while Starlight just awkwardly chuckled some more.

“Haha, so you heard about that? That was a really big accident, and destroyed is kind of extreme. It’s just a little more demolished than it already was.” Starlight was very good at talking her way out of a problem.

Celestia held her dissatisfied gaze on them for a bit longer, Spike on the verge of fainting and Starlight still smiling like an idiot. Eventually the Princess just sighed and shook her head, “Very well, I don’t think you’re lying about it being accidental at least. I’m aware that it was already in quite a decrepit state.” Celestia paused and allowed Spike to breath deeply in relief before continuing. “And I am sympathetic to your predicament, if it is true.”

“It is. It really is.” Starlight said.

“Hm.” Celestia thought to herself before smiling. “I am willing to let you stay as guests in the castle, if anything it seems like you might be fun to have around. And possibly after getting to know you for sure the library may become open to you. May.” She winked at them.

“Thank you, Princess.” Spike said, wiping away the sweat on his brow.

Starlight almost said “You won’t regret this” but figured it wasn’t the best idea.

“Hopefully your friends in the future can find and rescue you soon, in the meantime just ask and I’ll provide you with whatever you need.” Celestia smiled pleasantly at them before a sudden thought seemed to strike her. “I’ll have a guard show you to your new room but after that would you like to meet somepony important? My current student, Sunset Shimmer, hasn’t been getting along very well with other ponies. And if you’re going to be staying here I feel like it’s a great opportunity for her to actually make some friends. You two seem perfect for drawing a pony out of their shell. It would go a long way towards gaining my trust as well.”

Starlight and Spike glanced at each other in slight nervousness at the mention of Sunset’s name.

“Sounds great.” Starlight said in a slightly uneasy tone that went unnoticed by Celestia.

“Wonderful! She’s probably in the library studying right now, I’ll have a guard show you the way.”