//------------------------------// // 19. Caring for a Sick Friend // Story: EqG Tales: Monster High Edition // by Brian Sheil //------------------------------// In her pajamas, Sunset Shimmer laid down on her couch, box of tissues on the table by her, and talks to Twilight on her phone, connected to a charger. "I feel so sick, Twilight." Sunset said with a nasly, weak voice. "Looks like I won't be joining you at the movies. Ah-Choo!" "That was one nasty sneeze." Twilight's voice replied. "I'm sure it's just a 24 hour bug. Just get some rest. Bye, Sunset." "Bye, Twi." Sunset said as she hangs up and puts it on the table. Guess I'll be by myself for a while. Sunset thought to herself. I better get something from the fridge. "Stay where you are, Sunset Shimmer." An Irish female voice called out. "I'm here for you." Sunset was startled to hear someone in her apartment. She saw a gentle looking girl with black hair, wearing a green outfit, and has pure white eyes. "Scarah Screams!" Sunset yelped. "I didn't expect you here." "I heard that you weren't feeling good." Scarah explained. "So, I decided to keep ya company." "How did you get here anyway?" "Your nature lover friend, Fluttershy, brought me here." Scarah sits on the couch, next to Sunset. "Poor girl. You look very sad." "I am sad, Scarah." Sunset replied. "I hate...I ha...Ah..Ah..AH CHOO!" Sunset grabbed a tissue and blew her nose. "I hate being sick. Ah Choo!" "Don't worry, Sunset." Scarah said as she puts her hand on Sunset's head. "You do feel a bit warm. But, some rest and food should help you out." Sunset have a weak but satisfied smile. Later, as Sunset watched some TV, Scarah set up a table with two pieces of rye bread and a glass of milk. "Is it lunch time?" Sunset asked. "It certainly is, my friend." Scarah answered. "The main entree will be coming." Just then, a bowl of egg drop soup and a spoon floated in the air, and landed on Sunset's table. "Is Trixie here, and is she doing this with her magic?" Sunset wondered. A young man wearing a bluish gray outfit suddenly appeared and answered her question. "I wouldn't say that." Sunset's eyes widened as she recognized the young man. "Invisibilly! When did you show up?" "Eight minutes ago." Invisibilly replied. "Scarah told me about you getting sick. And, asked me to bring some soup for you." "I figured some soup will help you feel a bit better." Scarah added. Sunset took a spoon full of soup, and tasted it. A big smile came on her face. "Mmmm. This egg drop soup is delicious. Thanks, guys." "Our pleasure, Sunset." Invisibilly said. "Just get well soon." Sunset continues to enjoy her lunch as Scarah and Invisibilly keep her company. The next day, Sunset meets Twilight and the other girls at the pizza parlor. "I see you're feeling much better." Twilight noticed. "I sure do!" Sunset said happily. "You were right. It was a 24 hour bug." "At least you know it wasn't that bad." Fluttershy came by to comfort Sunset. "Aren't you glad I called Scarah Screams to take care of you?" "I sure am." Sunset praised. "I'm also glad that her boyfriend came over too." "You mean Invisibilly?" Rainbow Dash blurted. "Yeah, he's one decent dude." As everyone enjoyed their pizza, Limestone Pie came in, and went to speak to Pinkie. "Hey, sis." "Hi, Limestone." Pinkie Pie cheered. "What brings you here?" "Does Fluttershy still has that phone number? Marble came down with a cold. And, I think Scarah Screams can cheer her up just like she did with Sunset."