//------------------------------// // 21. Emergency Make Up Job // Story: EqG Tales: Monster High Edition // by Brian Sheil //------------------------------// Rarity got dressed for a big social event at Canterlot City. But, she still has a problem as she looks in the mirror. "I have to leave in ten minutes." Rarity said to herself. "And, I still have to brush my hair and put on my make up." She begins to panic. "I'll never make it in time!" "Rarity!" Sweetie Belle said from behing the bedroom door. "There's somebody here to to see you." "Now's not the right time for visitors, Sweetie Belle." Rarity replied with tears in her eyes. "But, she wants to help you get ready for tonight." Just when Rarity was about to respond, a light green skinned girl with pink hair and snakes in her hair stepped in. "Viperene Gorgon!" Rarity barked. "What are you doing here?" "I'm here to help you." The snake girl said. "Help me?" Viperene told Rarity about her visit. "Your sister called me and told me about this social event in Canterlot City. And, how you're worried about missing out. So, I'm going to help you get ready." "How can you get me ready before the limo can get here?" Rarity asked. "With my snakes helping me, it won't be a problem." Rarity sits down in front of her mirror as Viperene and her snakes grab some make up and a hair brush. "If we can get my best client, Ellisabat, ready for the movies," Viperene said to Rarity, "we can get you ready for your big night." Viperene and her snakes brushed Rarity's hair, applied lipstick, eye shadow, blush, and so on. Minutes later, Rarity looked at her make up job. "I don't believe it." Rarity said with satisfaction. "You actually did it!" She then looked at her clock. "And, with two minutes to spare." "Now, you're ready." Viperene replied. "Get out there, Rarity. And, knock them dead." Rarity gave Viperene Gorgon a hug and made her way outside. She gave Sweetie Belle a sweet kiss. "Good call, Sweetie Belle." Rarity goes outside as the limo arrives. Sweetie Belle and Viperene watch as Rarity heads out. "Good work, Viperene." Sweetie Belle said as the two girls give each other a high five. The snake girl was very satisfied with the results. "Thanks, Sweetie Belle."