Doctor Whooves and The Lone Dalek

by Whooves235

Chapter 3: The Stone Pegasus


¨Alright this way¨ Zap said, as he walked down the pathway to the castle ¨My cousin Flurry Heart should be home so let me get her all caught up with what's going on¨

¨I must say seeing this castle never gets old¨ The Doctor said ¨But why could we not have just taken the TARDIS?¨ he said

¨Would you like to explain to my cousin how and why a Blue Box mysteriously transported into the castle?¨ Zap said

¨Duly noted¨ The Doctor said, as he pulled out his screwdriver to scan the area, Zap looked behind him in confusion

", where have you been keeping that all this time?" Zap asked

"My pockets," The Doctor said "What you don't have pockets?"

"We don't normally wear clothes Doctor..." Zap said he then approached the door he came to a sudden stop, he then pushed the door slightly and it immediately opened ¨That's strange, Aunt Twilight never leaves the door unlocked¨

¨Derpy stay out here, we dont want any kind of interruptions¨ The Doctor said ¨I have a bad feeling about this¨he said, he and Zap then slowly walked into the castle

Castle of Friendship

¨Flurry?¨ Zap shouted ¨It's me Zap, I came to check up on you!¨ as he walked down the hall he looked in the individual rooms. As he looked around he could see nothing but darkness and a lot of dust.

¨Perhaps Mrs. Sparkle forgot to clean up before she left??¨ The Doctor said, looking around the castle

¨That does not sound like Aunt Twilight at all, she would never leave the castle dirty unless something was wrong¨ Zap explained. As they made there way to the Map Room they noticed the lights where on and the door was cracked open. As the group opened the door they saw Flurry Heart, sitting in Twilight's throne staring at what appears to be the wall from the direction they were standing.

¨Hay Flurry I dont know if you did not hear me or not but I...¨ Zap said before the Doctor put his hoof over his mouth. Then he saw she was not reacting to the group as if she was transfected on something else ¨Uhh, Flurry are you...ok?¨

¨Zap you need to get out of here now¨ Flurry said, her voice sounding concerned ¨Find Celestia and tell her we have a big problem¨

¨Flurry what's wrong¨ Zap said ¨And what are you staring at¨ He then looked in the direction in which Flurry was staring and saw what had her so spooked. Standing in the direction of Flurry was a stone pegasus statue, dressed as a warrior.

¨Uhh Doctor what is that thing?¨ Zap said, however when he turned to look at the doctor he could see the look on his face, the look of pure shock and anger

¨This is impossible, how is there an Angel here?!¨ The Doctor said

¨Doctor im confused what's going on?¨ Zap said

¨That is no ordinary statue¨ The Doctor said ¨Quickly all of you look at the statue and never take your eyes off it, and whatever you do, dont blink¨ He said, then he walked over to the Angel and started to examine it ¨Hmm, it does not appear to be young. It's definitely an older Angel, but how old?¨ He then pulled out his Sonic Screwdriver and began to scan the Angel ¨1,018 years old?!¨ The Doctor said ¨Incredible I had no Idea that you had Weeping Angels...well...Weeping Pegasi in your universe¨

¨Doctor what's it doing here?¨ Zap asked

¨A great question¨ The Doctor said ¨Lets find out shall we?¨

¨And how are we going to do that?¨ Zap said ¨Statues dont exactly talk¨

¨That is true young Zap, however with help from your cousin we should be able to communicate with it¨ The Doctor said, he then turned and looked at Flurry who was still staring at the Angel ¨Hello, my name is The Doctor¨

¨I know¨ Flurry said ¨I have read some of Aunt Twilights reports, your quite the trouble maker apparently¨

¨Well danger and trouble do tend to follow me around¨ The Doctor said ¨Now Flurry, I need you to help me¨

¨How?¨ Flurry said

¨Using your Alicorn Magic, I can make the Weeping Pegasi communicate, however he will be using your voice¨ The Doctor said ¨You will not have any control of your voice, but I am only asking this of you because it is the only way we can find out what its doing here¨

¨How can I be sure it will let me go after we are done?¨ Flurry asked

¨Because if it does not, then it has to deal with me¨ The Doctor said in a stern tone

¨How can I trust you?¨ Flurry said ¨I barely even know you¨

¨Flurry Heart I promise you on my lives, I will not let any harm come to you¨ The Doctor said, he looked at the young Alicorn, while she could not look back Flurry felt something, it was like a mix between Fire and Ice, Rage and Sorrow, somehow in some way, Flurry could tell this pony was trustworthy

¨Doctor¨ Flurry said ¨I trust you¨

¨Thank you¨ The Doctor said ¨All you need to do is perform a telekinetic spell on the Angel and it should start to feed off of the energy allowing us to talk to it¨

As The Doctor has instructed, Flurry lit up her horn and began to use a telekinetic spell on the angel, then as the spell was performed her eyes fell closed and she slumped down

¨Flurry!¨ Zap shouted

¨Do not interrupt the process or we could lose her¨ The Doctor shouted

As Flurys horn continued to glow, Flurys eyes stayed shut however, soon a voice came out that sounded like her, yet it also sounded like somepony else ¨Hello Doctor¨ Flurry said ¨We finally get to see echother again¨

¨Im sorry, have we met before?¨ The Doctor said

¨No, not yet¨ Flurry said ¨But you can call me Angel Bob¨

¨Allright Angel Bob¨ The Doctor said ¨I want to know what your doing here¨

¨I was sent here to remove Twilight Sparkle and her friends from the timeline¨ Angel Bob said ¨After that I was told to remain here and wait for you¨

¨So I was expected then?¨ The Doctor said ¨Who sent you¨

¨I cannot say¨ Angel Bob said ¨But they are an old enemy of yours, when they found me and promised me a way to go home, I took the chance¨

¨Why did they want to get rid of Twilight and her friends what do they have to do with this?¨ The Doctor said

¨Twilight and her friends are to powerful, my master wanted to take them out of the picture so he could deal with you himself, without any kind of issues¨

The Doctor stopped for a moment, he then looked around the room and then back to Angel Bob ¨Did you come alone?¨

¨As always Doctor, you figure our plans out to quickly¨ Angel Bob said ¨No I did not come alone, my partner another enemy of yours, is out looking for you. I have no doubt he will soon try to get your attention¨

Just then Derpy came running into the room in a panic ¨Doctor you have to come to Ponyville there is some creature attacking people¨

¨I see my partner is already doing his work¨ Angel Bob said ¨Do not worry about me Doctor, I was promised that I would go home after I did my job¨ Then he began to glow white, and he slowly started to go transparent ¨Doctor, you must save your friends. He will not stop until you are destroyed¨

¨Who is your master?!¨ The Doctor shouted

¨Not even I know, he only told me he was an enemy of yours, when I asked his name he only said two words¨ Angel Bob said

¨What two words?!¨ The Doctor shouted

¨Bad Wolf¨ Angel Bob said, then he simply just disappeared into thin air leaving the group to themselves. As the group remained in place, taking in what happened Flurry then opens her eyes and slumped back into her chair

¨Flurry!¨ Zap then ran over to her ¨Are you ok?¨

¨Just....a bad headache¨ Flurry said ¨But what about your friend, he seems troubled¨ she said, Zap then looked over at The Doctor, who just continued to stair at what was Angel Bob

¨Bad Wolf¨ The Doctor said ¨How..¨

¨Doctor?¨ Derpy said ¨Please snap out of it, we need to go and save Ponyville¨

¨R-right¨ The Doctor said, he shaked his head a little and looked at the group ¨All Right here is the plan Zap you and Me are going to town and we are going to face this creature. Derpy you need to stay here and look after Flurry¨

¨But I can help to¨ Derpy said

¨Derpy listen I need you to stay here because if we need somepony to look after her, its not a mistake that Twilight and her friends where taken. Whoever this ¨Bad Wolf¨ is knows us and is trying to separate the powerful from the week, if we lose Flurry then things will get worse¨

¨Ok Doctor, I got it¨ Derpy said, she then walked over to Zap and Flurry who was still in her chair ¨Dont worry, I have her. Go and help The Doctor¨

¨Thank you¨ Zap said he then ran to the Doctor ¨Alright let's go save Ponyville¨ Then the two of them ran out the door


As The Doctor and Zap ran into town they could see chaos was everywhere, while not as big as Tireks attack, there where still damages to the town

¨Doctor what do we do, we need to help the ponies still here¨ Zap said

¨Listen Zap, the only way we can help everypony is if we drive this creature out of Ponyville, and if it wants me then its going to get me¨ The Doctor said, the group then walked further into town, but then came to a stop

¨Doctor what's wrong¨ Zap said

¨These houses¨ The Doctor said he walked over to a house and touched the wall, it had a single black scorch mark on it ¨The blaster mark on them, they look like...¨ he said, he then looked around and saw the other houses they all had the same marks ¨ cant be...¨ He then ran further into town and stopped when he saw the creature

¨Doctor...what is that thing?¨ Zap said

The creature that stood before the group was a strange metallic being with a dome-like top, an eye that extended like a telescope, several metallic circles on its body, and a suction cup and a strange rod, resembling a stretched egg beater, sticking out from its front chest. It turned its head in a full 180 turn and looked at The Doctor and Zap as if it were looking for something or somepony.

¨YOU ARE THE DOCTOR!!! YOU MUST BE EXTERMINATED!!!¨ The Creature shouted in a loud metallic voice

¨Doctor what is that thing!¨ Zap said ¨And what does it want with you¨

¨Run¨ The Doctor said

¨What?¨ Zap said, confused

¨RUN!!¨ The Doctor said, he then took off and ran in a random direction, Zap doing the same, as he turned around he looked at the creature and it seemed transfixed on The Doctor as it went in the direction he had gone

¨Dang it Doctor!¨ Zap said, he turned around and then ran in the direction The Doctor had gone. As he ran down the pathway he saw more houses that where slightly burning, with single scorch marks on them, as if whatever this creature is was aiming for something, or somepony

¨EXTERMINATE!!¨ The Creature said

¨Doctor!!¨ Zap said he finally found The Creature and The Doctor, who was pinned down in an ally, however the creature then turned its head and looked directly at Zap


¨Zap you need to run!!¨ The Doctor said, then The Creature turned its body to Zap

¨EXTERMINATE!!¨ The Creature said, then the strange rod shot a blue beam out of it, and before it could hit Zap, a box was thrown in the direction of the blast distracting the creature

¨Doctor, Zap Run!!!¨ Flurry said

Without asking any questions, and taking advantage of the distraction, The Doctor and Zap ran past the creature and in the direction of Sweet Appledash Acres, with Flurry Heart following behind

Sweet Apple-Dash Acres

As the group made there way to the property they saw that The TARDIS was still in the same place it had been before, catching his breath Zap looked at The Doctor, who himself was slightly pale

¨Doctor what in Celestia's name was that thing?!¨ Zap shouted ¨It almost killed you and me!!¨

¨Its called a Dalek¨ The Doctor said

¨Ok and this Dalek, is it the reason why my Mothers are gone?¨ Zap said

¨No, its only a soldier, I have a feeling however there is more to this than meets the eye¨ The Doctor said

¨Well whatever that thing is, we left it in Ponyville and now we need to go and destroy it!¨ Flurry said

¨No, by now its returned to its master to report on my location, if anything we have a good 2 hours before Ponyville is eradicated¨ The Doctor said

¨But why?!¨ Flurry said ¨We did nothing wrong!!¨

¨As long as I am here everyone in Ponyville is considered an ally of me, and if that's the case then they are just as guilty as me¨ The Doctor said

¨Ok, but we need to at least warn Princess Celestia of the upcoming fight, if we get the Royal Guard then we might stand a chance¨

¨how many ponies are in the Royal Guard?¨ The Doctor said

¨About half a million¨ Flurry said

¨All dead¨ The Doctor said, in a blank tone ¨With one Dalek not even the Royal Guard can survive¨

¨Then how do you suggest we fight the creature?!¨

¨We need to follow the daleks signature and find out who its master is¨ The Doctor said ¨After its master is destroyed hopefully it to will be destroyed¨

¨Well then how do we follow it?¨ Zap said

¨We need to use The TARDIS, its the only thing in Equestria that has the tech to track it¨ The Doctor said, he then looked around and noticed that he was missing one pony ¨Where is Derpy?¨

¨I told her to meet up with me after I found you¨ Flurry said

¨And where is the meating place?¨ The Doctor said

¨Derpy said it was here¨ Flurry said

¨Doctor is she ok??¨ Zap said

¨I dont know, just...let me think!¨ The Doctor shouted, he started to pace back and forth, contemplating on the events of the evening

¨Doctor you dont think The Dalek...¨ Zap said, worried

¨Derpy was not with us when The Dalek first saw us, so she is not considered an ally of me¨ The Doctor said ¨I'm sure wherever Derpy is, she knows what she is doing¨


¨Hello?¨ Derpy said, she pulled on her hoofs. It seemed they were locked up to something, she could feel metallic chains around them, she looked around the room. It was dark, so she could not see much however she then saw a light and out of the light came a pony shaped figure

¨Well well, looks like the prisoner is up¨ The Pony said

¨Who are you?!¨ Derpy shouted ¨You better let me go, or my friends will...¨ but before she could finish her sentence she started to choke, she could feel something grabbing her neck, she then saw the Pony, who was choking her with his wings

¨Do not worry, I plan on your friends coming. When they do, they along with you will die¨ The Pony said

¨¨ Derpy said, trying to breath from being choked

The Mysterious pony then let Derpy go with his wing and slowly walked to the light again, looking behind him his face became somewhat visible, he had grey fur with a dark black mane, and blue eyes, and he was wearing a green bowtie.

¨You can call me your new master¨ The Pony said, he then walked out of the room, and as the door closed Derpy was now trapped in a pitch black room.