The Fall and Rise of Prince Blueblood.

by KittyrinnAiko

6: A night Princess, and black out.

Nova looked out at the garden as she contemplated the current turn of events. How long would this go on?

“It’s a pretty garden, isn’t it?” Aria offered. “It’s a traditional garden. The consulate is on a sky island. Should the unthinkable happen, this island will remain.”

“Somehow that doesn’t really help,” Nova replied softly. “Right now all I want is to be with my new family. It seems I hardly got settled in and I’m separated again by another bucking Platinum. And yet, here I sit contemplating cherry blossoms.” Nova stood up. “Oh for warriors of old. Where now are my mother’s legions? Who now will stand against the dark to secure the innocent while the world sleeps? Who will light the forge, and smote the iron?”


“Yes, to strike the iron while it’s hot and forge blades of steel,” Nova said, reached up, shut off the ring hiding her horn, and removed it. She stood tall extending her wings and called out with a spell her mother had taught her. “Hear me for I am the daughter of the night.” She said softly with eyes half-lidded her horn blazing. “Hear me oh brave warriors, hear me oh wings of silent flight. Hear me oh children of the night. Light the fires and raise the banners. Suffer no more the Platinum yoke. I beseech thee, all who hear me, to defend the Shepherd of the Sun.”

When Nova had said her piece her horn went out, and she slumped down spent.

“Nova?!” Aria exclaimed rushing to her. “Are you alright? I heard that in my head. What was that? I’m supposed to be looking out for you! Let me get you some water.” Even as she was saying this several members of the staff came rushing in. “Here, drink.” Aria said offering up a cup.”

“Thank you.” Nova offered while taking the drink. “And now it seems I am found out.”

Even as she said that Minister Grey rushed in with a shocked look on his face. “Did you seriously have to do that?” His tone was perhaps more frightened than scolding. “Your Highness.”

“Do you think any of the night kin heard me?” Nova inquired of him. “I mean beyond this compound? I fear that if the Platinums get their way once more I will never see my mother returned to me. Without Princess Celestia, the balance can never be restored.”

“I don’t know.” Minister Grey replied. “It was a valiant effort though. - Now, it might be best to put that ring back on your horn. We are supposed to be hiding you.”

“Only night kin will have heard it.” Nova offered. Nova picked up the ring, placed it back on her head, and reactivated it.

“Word from Canterlot is that the Archduke has taken a number of ponies captive and there is presently a stalemate.” Minister Grey offered.

“If only I was older. If only Mother’s Shadowbolts still existed.” Nova lamented as the sun went down.

“Mother’s Shadowbolts?!” Aria exclaimed in a sort of semi hushed tone. It was like she wanted to shout it but her throat had closed up. “Hang on, ‘Your Highness’”?

“Afraid it’s true.” Minister Grey offered. “And keep that information to yourself.”

“So how long have you known?” Nova asked as Doctor Showers entered the room with a look of concern on his face.

“Shortly after your arrival. It was determined that it would be in your best interest to make sure you were placed in a good stable home environment. Not to mention not upsetting the balance of the royal court. And if you don’t mind my saying, you are much more down to earth and charming than any princess I’ve met aside from Princess Celestia.” Minister Grey offered.

“Thank you… I think.” Nova replied with a smile. “Granted the only other princess I know is Rainbow Dash. Just don’t tell her she’s a princess. She’s a bit like me but without the horn, a bit brash and rough around the edges if you get my meaning. And my birth family, the staff had no qualms about smacking me in the flank if I was out of line. As for the royal court, if I were of a mind to exercise any rights as a royal, I am an Equestrian first.”

“You’re both just normal fillies as far as I knew.” Aria offered. “All the other ‘princesses’ I’ve met were absolutely horrid spoiled brats. Of course, I've yet to meet Princess Celestia.”

“Nova!!!!” called a flurry of yellow and pink diving down and landing on the porch. “Nova, are you alright? I heard your voice in my head,” she called as she rushed in to glomp Nova.

Nova’s mind was desperately trying to play catch up as she looked at the bat pony version of Fluttershy.

“Fluttershy??” Nova asked tilting her head one way then the other. “You’re a leather wing?”

“I am. Wait, don’t tell any pony.” Fluttershy-bat replied.

“I won’t. I promise. But you’re normally a pegasus, and a little on the timid side?” Nova inquired.

“My Great grandmother was a leather wing. If I let myself get too worked up, it's feathers everywhere, and I transform.”

“I think I understand you a whole lot better now,” Nova replied with a smile. “Also I’m not about to ask you to go face the Archduke’s private army. It was my hope that some adults capable of fighting might somehow help put a stop to the Archduke’s plans. And for that matter how do your parents feel about you being away from home?”

“Dad thinks I’m out with friends, well, technically I am, you and Aria… Oh.”

“That’s Minister Counselor Grey, he’s sort of in charge here.”

“A friend of yours I gather?” Minister Grey asked.

“Friend and school mate. We are in the same class together.” Nova offered. “Her name is Fluttershy. She’s usually very reserved. Fluttershy, you can unglomp me.”

“It’s the transformation, it makes me a little more aggressive. Sorry.” Fluttershy offered with a guilty smile and let go. “Anyway, mom heard you too and was really confused until I told her what I could. After that, she decided to go see some of our relatives.”

“Oh, alright. I just hope everything works out.” Nova offered.

“By the way,” Minister Grey began. “How did you get through the shield?”

“You have it set to let birds in and out, so I came in with a flock of birds.” He gave her an odd look. “Oh, only one panel opened. I doubt any adult pony could do it.”

“Alright, alright, I’ll give you that.” Minister Grey offered. “Will you be staying for dinner?”

“May I?” Fluttershy asked, and Nova gave him a beseeching look.

“Of course you may.” He offered even as a staff member came rushing in.

“Sir, the mission in Canterlot has been besieged, and there is rioting in the city.”

“Surely the Platinum clan has gone mad?” Nova said attempting to get up as the minister followed his staff member out only to sit back down. This then prompted the doctor to go have a better look at her.

“Your manna levels don’t appear to be much lower than they were earlier today?” Doctor Showers offered while looking through a diagnostic screen. “Unless... I’m going to need to do a deeper scan to determine what your levels should be… I see… so that’s the problem then.”

“Father?” Aria asked.

“I see the problem, your manna levels should be a lot higher. Just rest up, and you’ll be well enough in a bit. Just don’t use any magic for a while.”

“Alright.” Nova offered.

“Well then, I must be off, and I hope to see you at dinner.”

“Maybe I’ll just lay down for a while.” Nova offered as he left.


“She could stand to have an infusion of manna.” Doctor Showers said as he went into the office where the minister and a few others were discussing options.

“Is she going to be alright?” Minister Grey asked.

“She will recover. It’s just that her recovery would be a bit faster if there was a family member who could provide a little of their manna.”

“Doctor, the only living family member I am aware of is hold up in Canterlot Keep. Finding some pony else that’s compatible is going to be like finding a safe passage through the Everfree and given the current events, even harder.”

“Minister Grey, there are leather wings at the gate. They want to know how they can help.” Offered an excitable Consulate guard rushing in.

“You know, maybe that little stunt of hers is going to pay off after all.” Minister Grey offered with a smile. “Bring them in, and let's see if we can evacuate the Canterlot Mission. If not, perhaps we can at least bolster their numbers?”


Canterlot Castle, moments before Nova sent out her message. Down in the dungeons were the resident Royal guards have been locked up. Their jail keepers, bat ponies.

“You lot are making a huge mistake!” One of the officers shouted. “If you thought things were bad after Nightmare Moon…”

“Did they just all zone out?” Asked one of the other guards.

Suddenly the bat ponies snapped out of it and started looking to each other unsure as to what had just transpired.

“It’s a night princess.” One of them said in a hushed tone. “The daughter of the night must mean she’s a night princess.”

“We all just heard the same thing, did we not?” another asked.

“Heard what, what are you lot jabbering about!” Shouted one of the Canterlot Royal Guards.

The bat ponies huddled together.

“They didn’t hear it, but we all did, did we not?” One asked of the others his voice hushed, and they each in turn nodded.

“Suffer no more the platinum yoke and defend the Shepherd of the sun. Can it be a trick?”

“The day walkers didn’t hear it. Only a night pony capable of casting such a spell could have singled out only night kin in this manner, and I doubt Princess Celestia would make such a request. She has too much pride to ask such of the night kin.”

“Was it not the Platinum clan of old who was behind the betrayal of Princess Luna? Are they also not behind nearly a centuries worth of lies? We have been had, and we’ll be the worse off for it win or lose.”

“Then what are we to do?”

“We do the right thing by supporting Princess Celestia. Get the keys.”

“On it.”

And then the huddle broke up and the keys were fetched.

“Hang on, you’re letting us out?” Asked a guard.

“You were right, we were making a big mistake, but it’s not too late to correct that mistake.”

“Why the sudden change of heart brother?” Asked a pegasus.

“New orders, so to speak. One might even go so far as to say it came in on the bat wave radio that only night kin can hear.” One of the bat ponies offered. “Now, we must move swiftly and be clever about it if we are to undo this folly without any innocents being hurt.”


For Cadance and Dash, the plan had changed. At least that’s what it was looking like for the two ponies. Instead of getting onboard an outbound airship, Cadance was dressed up in a uniform, and Dash, well, Dash was made to hide in a pack. She was just so smol fitting her in a pack was easy. Cloudsdale had also been positioned so that they could use the city as cover to fly down to Ponyville unseen from Canterlot. When they felt they’d gone far enough they dropped down to treetop level and veered off course to go around the small village.

The flight had been designed to look like just one of many patrols that skirted around the edges of Ponyville. Over farmland and orchards, they went. A young red stallion barely older than a colt watched them go by. Around the edge of a wood, and a little further on they began to skirt a much darker wood. There on a slight rise beyond an arched bridge over a creek stood a modest-sized cottage with a thatched roof. There they landed and knocked on the door.

“I could have flown this far.” Dash griped. A few moments later a fairly robust forest green earth pony stallion opened the door. He had a wooden leg on his left front and more than a few scars.

“What kin I do fer ya.”

“Hi Stumpy, mind if we stay for a spell?” The lead pegasus, a Captain, asked.

“That’s Master Sargent Forest to you… Oh? What’s she doing here?”

“Problems in Canterlot.”

“Well don’t just stand there, come in.” Stumpy prompted. “Hurry it up, get in here, for ‘n some pony sees you.”

“Must be nice to be so close and yet so far removed from the goings-on in Canterlot.”

“Damn it Dunkin Mac Cloud. Quit beating around the bush and explain the surprise visit.” Stumpy grumped.

“Oh nothing much, just the Archduke lost his mind.” Dash offered as she flitted in through the doorway followed by the others.

“Thank you for allowing me into your home. They are sending me into hiding.” Cadance offered.

“That’s quite alright. The crown covers the rent on the condition I let members of the guard bunk here from time to time. Once upon a time, this used to be a wayside station.”

“Wayside station?” Dash asked. She was flitting about taking in every square hoof of the place. “Not very big either.”

“Don’t mind her, she’s just got too much energy.” Cadance offered apologetically.

“What? Was I doing it again? Sorry.” Dash offered and then zipped upstairs.

“Now don’t be poking around in my room!” Stumpy called. “That is, how long are we thinking you will be staying here?”

“No way to know.” Captain Cloud replied. Archduke Blueballs, er I mean Blueblood is attempting to take over the government lock, stock, and barrel. Even sent is private security forces to try to nab Princess Cadance.”

“Hang on, how is she with a pegasus escort?”

“I snuck out to go to flight camp.” Cadance offered. “I imagine that they had already put their plan into effect before they found out I wasn’t in Canterlot.”

“Oh ya, that’ll throw a monkey wrench into the works. Some pony not being where they are supposed to be.” He then closed the door following the last pony in, invited every pony to sit, and offered refreshments.


When the HMAS Magnus arrived at Saddleback pass there was just enough light to find the peaks. Down below them, the last train from Seaward Shoals could be seen snaking its way over the pass. Beyond lay the forest stretching from there all the way to Ponyville beyond which the forest grew darker and became the Everfree. Sure the two came right up to each other, but there was no mistaking the Everfree.

And when they’d passed beyond the mountain pass they began their descent down the slopes, and down to the forest to glide over the wooded hills and glens. And there too in the heart of the forest, they saw light coming up from a community few outsiders knew existed.

“Wish we had Nova’s eyes in this darkness.” Sunshine offered. Only then did she realize that the moon hadn’t risen. That or it was a new moon, which as far as she knew wasn’t scheduled for tonight.

Quietly the HMAS Magnus slipped through the darkness arriving at a fairly substantial community set in the trees of the forest.

“That looks like a likely spot to set down. Assuming it’s even a good idea.” Offered the first Mate on spotting a clearing. “Where are we anyway?”

“If my guess is right, this should be the Elk city.” Sunshine offered.

“I’m not so sure this is a good idea,” Spitfire commented. “I’ve heard the Elks aren’t so keen on visitors.”

And then all the lights down below started shutting off until the only light was that of the lights of the gondola.

Sunshine went to the door, opened it, turned off the enchantment hiding her horn, and leaned out, “Hello? Visiting princess here!”

“You know, the more creatures see that thing the harder it’s going to be to hide it.” Spitfire drolled. The crew was speechless.

“I suppose I should have seen this coming,” Sunshine replied thinking back to a similar event in a book about a hobbit and a bunch of Dwarves. “But a pony would think the Elks would be a bit more hospitable!” she shouted down to the dark forest below. Sunshine backed in and shut the door. “Might just as well take her up.”

“Any heading in mind, or are we just going to fly around all night?” Captain Oars asked dryly.

“If we head south from our current position that should take us right to Los Pegasus in about four hours.” the first Officer offered.

“Very well then, make it so.” Captain Oars ordered and they were off again.

“Princess…” Captain Oars prompted a few moments later.

“Just ‘Miss Sunshine’ is fine.” Sunshine offered. “Equestria isn't really supposed to know about me.”

“It’s to keep her safe.” Spitfire offered. “And I’m here not so much as her escort, but for my safety as well it would seem. We are sisters after all and our mother is fairly high up on Princess Celestia’s list of most trusted ponies.”

“Well then, there is a small kitchen pantry in the back and some bunks.” Captain Oars offered.

“In that case, I’m a halfway decent cook, why don’t I fix something.” Spitfire offered. “Sunshine, are you going to be OK?”

“Ya, I’m just disappointed, that’s all. That and I can’t help but worry about the others. About Nova, Rainbow, and Cadance. And I guess a lot of other ponies as well. - Think I’d like to have a lie down if someone can let me know which bunk I can use?”

“Just pick out a bunk that doesn’t have a kit on it. The curtains will be tied back as well.” Captain Oars offered. Sunshine thanked him, turned, and headed for the back.

“Lumos. Hey, what do you know, it works.” Sunshine said, the tip of her horn lighting up as she walked down the dark corridor.

“She’s, um, just getting started.” Spitfire offered as she watched Sunshine on her way down the darkened corridor with her horn lit. Spitfire was sure she’d never heard spoken magic and couldn't for the life of her figure out where Sunshine had learned that?