//------------------------------// // 8: Bringing it all together. // Story: The Fall and Rise of Prince Blueblood. // by KittyrinnAiko //------------------------------// “Hey guys, ya miss me?!” Dash shouted as she walked into the classroom. Dash had been easy to notify as Cloudsdale was only a short distance from Ponyville at that moment. “So, um, where’s Sunshine?” Dash had looked around, saw Nova, but didn’t see Sunshine. “Is she alright?” A cold dread was creeping into the pit of her gut. “Oh, ya, she’s fine.” Nova offered. “They went on a road trip and somehow ended up in a place called Los Pegasus.” “What?!” Dash exclaimed. “I had to hole up in a little shack and she gets to go to Los Pegasus?!” “And they are going to stay there today and return tomorrow.” Nova offered. “Something about issues with the airship they took.” “Class, seats please.” Mrs Chart called as she entered. “Mrs Chart, Sunshine will be absent for a couple of days.” Nova offered. “Is she not well?” Mrs Chart asked. “Evacuated. I spent the night at the Neighpony Consulate here in Cloudsdale.” Nova offered. “Ya, and I spent the night in a cottage on the edge of the Everfree.” Dash offered. “The Everfree? How cool is that?!” Score exclaimed. “Did you see any Timber Wolves?” “Not a one.” Dash sounded genuinely disappointed. “Just the sort of animals Fluttershy would love.” “What, really? Were there bunnies?” Flutters asked. “Down there filly,” Nova whispered with a wink. Fluttershy looked at her and blushed. “OK, is there something going on between you two?” Dash asked suspiciously. “Nothing.” Flutters protested in her usual reserved tone. “Class, we have a new student joining us today.” Mrs Chart offered. “Aria?” Nova and Flutters said as the filly walked in. “You know Miss Aria?” Mrs Chart asked. “We, um, sheltered together last night. It wasn’t safe at home.” Nova offered sheepishly. “You mean you had a sleepover, and forgot to invite me.” Dash protested. “Miss Rainbow, please sit. - Miss Aria, would you like to introduce yourself to the rest of the class?” “Yes mam,” Aria replied. “Good morning. It’s a wonderful morning, and the world is bright and shiny. My name is Aria Showers, I will be your new classmate, and I hope to make lots of friends.” “Thank you. There are open seats in the back.” Mrs Chart offered and waited for her to find a seat. “Now, I’m sure you’ve all heard a number of rumors last night and this morning.” “Rumors? Archduke Blueblood attempted to take over the government.” Dash stated with a cold tone in her voice. Most of the class had actually been oblivious to the night’s activities. “Rainbow Dash, if you please.” Mrs chart scolded. “Class, last night, Archduke Blueblood did indeed attempt to seize control of the government.” “Um, I know I’m not exactly the brightest pony, but what about Princess Celestia?” Hoops asked. “Let's just say that’s why a bunch of ponies had to go into hiding.” Nova offered. “They tried for Princess Cadance first, and then Sunshine and myself were believed to be possible targets, along with Dash. They wanted hostages so that they could force Princess Celestia to do whatever they wanted.” The word ‘wow’ echoed through the room. “Well, it’s all over.” Mrs Chart offered. “The Archduke is under arrest along with a number of his conspirators. The papers say the remainder of the conspirators are on the run, and that all who participated have had their titles and lands forfeited to the crown.” “Forfeited?” Score asked. “I think that means they’ve been reduced to commoners and Princess Celestia now owns all their properties.” Nova offered. “Wonderful, you are absolutely right.” Mrs Chart praised. “Now, who all did their assignments that you were supposed to do during flight camp?” “Sunshine and I got everything done except the essay on flight camp.” Nova offered. “I brought everything we did do. We were going to do it last night, but with all the excitement I kind of forgot.” “I got mine done, and I even included some of what happened yesterday.” Dash offered. “Princess Cadance helped me with it. I had to leave out a few details though. I’m not allowed to tell any pony where I went or how I got there.” “You kind of already told us.” Dumbbell pointed out. Yes, Dumbbell was back. He was also trying to be on his best behavior because he really didn’t want to go back to that other school. Not to mention getting ejected from Flight camp and the chewing out his mother and father had given him. “Must be lots of little cottages along the edge of the Everfree though.” Nova pointed out. “They said it was OK to tell friends, I just couldn't write any of it down.” Dash offered sheepishly. “Ah, no written records then.” Mrs Chart surmised with a grin. “Alright then, those of you who did their assignments, get them out and hand them in.” ⛅ For Sunshine, the events following dinner and an early bedtime were a blank. For Spitfire and the others coming into Los Pegasus shortly after midnight had proved troubling. No sooner had they started their taxi to a birth that they were redirected to a hanger and met with security. Lots of security. “I think I can guess.” Captain Oar muttered in response to the question of the hour. “We as likely had more than one stowaway up there and we took off without filing a flight plan.” “Captain of the HMAS Magnus, you will deboard all personnel immediately!” Shouted a Major. “Oh Dear Celestia, it’s Payne,” The first officer muttered. Captain Oar went to the hatch and opened it. He stuck his head out. “We are out of Northcolt Air Station Cloudsdale on emergency evacuation orders by the command of Colonel Mustang,” he called to the waiting pegasi. “As ordered by Her Highness Princess Celestia.” “I’ve received no such information, and I’m going to need every pony to exit your ship.” “So now what?” Spitfire asked the Captain. “We are going to have to do what he says unless we find out he’s with the Archduke.” Captain Oar offered. “Go get our little princess. The first sign of trouble get her out of here and go to ground somewhere.” “That I can do.” Spitfire replied and headed into the back. “We’ll be right out.” The captain offered. He then spoke into a funnel hanging from the roof attached to a pipe requesting a full shut down, ordering all personnel to prepare to disembark. “We need to secure her, I’ll be sending out the ship’s mates first so they can do their job,” he called to the Major a moment later. “It’s not going to go anywhere while in the hanger. Quit stalling, and disembark!” Major Payne shouted. “If she drifts from ponies getting in and out it’ll be on your bank account for the damages then, not mine.” Captain Oar shouted. “Fine then. Secure your vessel.” Major Payne replied testily. Captain Oar sent out the mates who took hold of the lines and secured them to anchor points. “Lieutenant Striker, care to join the Major?” Captain Oar offered. “Are we stalling?” “A bit. Just to annoy him.” the Captain offered. “Alright.” Lt Striker replied, stepped out of the hatch, and dropped to the deck. He was followed by the helmsman, and then the navigator. They were then followed by a half dozen Cloudsdale guards lead by a Lieutenant. Next came Spitfire with Sunshine on her back who was soundly sleeping oblivious to what was going on. They were then followed by a dozen Wonderbolt reserve fliers, and a dozen more of the Cloudsdale guard. These had been housed within the canopy itself. They were followed by a half dozen engineers and technicians. When Captain Oar stepped off, the forces at his command outnumbered the security forces that had come to meet them by two to one. Major Payne looked undaunted. “By order of His Grace Archduke Blueblood, I am placing you all under arrest.” “Do you seriously have any idea what you are doing?” Captain Oar asked him. “Or do the words treason mean nothing to you?” “Major, the Archduke has no authority to give out orders to the military.” Spitfire pointed out. “They were emergency orders!” Payne sputtered out. “The occupants of HMAS Magnus are to be detained… by the Archduke’s orders.” Payne wasn’t budging. “I am a princess of the blood.” Spitfire informed him while wondering if he even knew what that meant. Several of his men knew, judging by the looks on their faces. After all, whether or not Princess Celestia did or did not was often the gossip of the lower ranks. “You can not arrest me, nor turn me over to any authority without a signed order from Princess Celestia herself.” Granted that she was bluffing, but if the Major was to go by the way the troops exiting the airship had formed up around her, he might come to the inescapable conclusion that he was on a mighty thin cloud with a wing cramp. Mercifully his decision was made for him. But perhaps not so much in the Major's favor. What Lieutenant Spitfire had said had been the first indication that his career was about to take a nosedive. Granted a dozen MPs arriving had bolstered him at first. That was until they stopped right in front of him and then turned to face him. “Major Payne, by order of the Commandant in accordance with a directive issued by Her Royal Highness Princess Celestia, you sir, are hereby placed under arrest,” ordered the Captain leading the MPs. “What? On what grounds?” bellowed the major. “Executing an illegal action as directed by a known traitor.” “What?” Now the Major was beginning to see the error in his ways. “Archduke Orlean Blueblood attempted to seize control of the government, and even went so far as to attempt to dictate terms to Princess Celestia. All officers bearing the name Blueblood are to be placed under house arrest pending a review board. All officers who owe favors to the Archduke will be relieved of command pending a review. Any and all officers who have given and or in the process of giving and or willfully executing orders based on directives issued by the office of the former Archduke are in violation of the military code of conduct. Any order or directive which by intent serves the interest of the traitor is to be incarcerated pending a review board, charges, trial, and the outcome of said trial. In addition, the Archduke’s private security forces have been declared outlaw.” The Major just looked at him with a stricken look on his face. How many times had he done ‘favors’ for the Archduke? “If you’ll just come with us now?” “I – I had no way of knowing.” Major Payne said softly. “When you execute orders given by ponies that are outside the chain of command, you’d best know why and understand the possible consequences.” Captain Oar offered. Captain Oar turned to look up at his ship. “You know, when you directed us in here I thought that perhaps we had some hangers-on upon the canopy.” “Hangers on?” The Captain of the MPs asked looking at him. “The little filly on the Lieutenant’s back saw a unicorn fall off after we’d gone to altitude.” “Oh dear Celestia.” Major Payne said softly. “But why would any pony do something so… suicidal? Unless…?” “Keep that to yourself and it may go well at your hearing.” Captain Oar offered. “Say only that there were protected individuals on board.” “Figures this would be the one time I should have told him to go to Tartarus.” the Major replied and then turned to the MPs, “Come on let's get this over with. You aren’t going to cuff me?” “Sir, not if I don’t have to.” The Captain of the MP squad offered. “Regardless of what ponies may feel about your command style, I’m not going to humiliate you by cuffing you so long as you don’t give me a good reason to do it.” “Thank you.” And as he was lead away many of the ponies looked like they were ready to send up a cheer, that is until they were cautioned not to wake the filly. 🛌 When Sunshine woke up the next morning she was in a rather nice bed about as plush as any cloud mattress could be. “Good morning Sunshine.” Spitfire offered. “Time for breakfast.” “Do I have time for a shower?” “How about a deluxe spa treatment right after breakfast?” “What about my horn? They are bound to discover it.” “We’ll swear them to secrecy. And after this morning's front-page news that shouldn't be too difficult.” “Alright.” Sunshine offered as she got out of bed. “Want to wash my face and hooves first. Brush my teeth to get the bad taste out of my mouth. What about after the spa? Will we be heading back?” “Afraid not. There was some damage to the canopy. The, um, unicorn who was topside tried to sabotage the airship. They’re going to need at least a day to repair it. So we are going to spend the day enjoying ourselves. Deluxe spa treatment after breakfast to get us all nice and relaxed, and then we are off to the carnival rides. There is a brand new coaster called the Wild Blue Yonder.” “A roller coaster?” Sunshine asked, her head popping out of the bathroom. “Oh, you know about roller coasters then?” “I’ll have you know that I am quite the coaster enthusiast.” Sunshine offered, and then returned to her morning ablutions. A short time later, refreshed with her mane and tail brushed they made their way downstairs to the hotel's dining room and were shown to the VIP section. “This is nice.” Sunshine offered as she sat down. She lowered her voice to a whisper, “What’s with the VIP treatment?” “Everyone on post chipped in so we could have a chance to relax after what we had to go through yesterday.” “It wasn’t all that bad. Save the unicorn who fell off.” “You kind of slept through the worst of it. Soon as we got here we were nearly all placed under arrest. We were saved by a second-order coming in From Princess Celestia. - Come on, I’m starving.” “Ya, me too.” “Princess Celestia,” Offered a captain of the guard as he entered. “The Arch, that is the former Archduke’s grandson has been located and had been brought to the Keep.” He hesitated a moment. “He insists on being addressed as a Prince.” “I’m afraid that’s what they named him.” Celestia offered. “Young Lord Prince Blueblood. Now that his grandfather has finally given me everything I need to put the descendants of Princess Platinum in their place all that young colt has is his name.” “There’s something else you should know.” “More bad news I suppose?” “It seems that rather than suffer the humility of their defeat, the young Lord Blueblood is now without his parents. The young Lord might also have had his life shortened, but a maid had spirited him to safety when the mob attacked the estate. His grandmother, the Archduchess is catatonic as well.” “And the maid?” “We brought her in as well.” “Bring her, I’d like to meet her.” “Yes, Ma’am.” A pail ash-green mare with a white mane and tail was brought to see Princess Celestia shortly. Needless to say, the maid was extremely nervous. At least she hadn’t embarrassed herself beyond a Kau Tau. That is down on her knees with forehead to the floor. Something Princess Celestia discouraged. Especially with unicorns because the unicorns tended to mark up the floor with their horns. As expected, Princess Celestia got absolutely nowhere with the maid. She dismissed her, went to her quarters, and then Mrs Summers exited from the back a short time later. Princess Celestia would eventually find out what she needed to know. Her name was Summer Snow and proved to be the wildflower that had somehow managed to survive in the Archduke’s gardens of stone. Summer Snow’s reasons for spiriting away the young Lord Prince was two-fold, and that was to protect him from friend and foe alike. She’d gotten wind of what the Archduke was attempting and just knew in her heart it was going to go horribly wrong. Next came Princess Celestia’s meeting With Blue Blood himself. Blue blood walked into the Grand Audience Hall of the Sun, nervous, but confident in how he carried himself. When he had come to the base of the three-tiered dais upon which Celestia sat in her grand chair he bends but one knee and lowered his head till his ears were level with his shoulders. And no more. “Well, you seem rather sure of yourself,” Celestia said to the little colt. Then again, maybe not. He’d begun to shake the moment she’d spoken. Celestia let out a sigh. “I’m not going to do anything. - Prince, I want you to think of me as your Aunt. From this point on you will stay here in the castle’s Keep. You will be provided with instructors who will see to your education until such time I feel it is safe for you to leave the Keep. You will conduct yourself with dignity, and show respect to everyone, and that includes servants. As to your family’s property and titles, owing to your Grandfather’s actions, everything your family held is forfeit. Whether or not you receive a title of any kind is going to depend on how you conduct yourself. Have you anything to say?” “Your Highness, Princess Celestia, may I make one request?” He asked with his head still down, his voice trembling. “Which is?” “I’d like, if it is permitted, to retain Miss Summer Snow.” “Why?” “Because she was the only member of the household staff that actually cared about me.” “I think we can agree to that much,” Celestia offered with a hint of a smile. “But I better not hear about you abusing her.” “I won’t. I like her. I only abused the staff I didn’t…” Prince Blueblood stopped realizing he’d perhaps said a bit too much. "My Grandfather's household were every bit as self-centered as he was." Prince offered. "Miss Snow was different. She'd help me sneak out a lot, and I'd be Skipper then so that no one would remark on my name." He took in a deep breath. "When we left I was Skipper once more, and to tell the truth I think I would have been happy if I could have stayed with her." “I suppose I’ll have to take that into consideration.” Princess Celestia replied with a hint of amusement and concern. Would he have willingly given everything up just to live the life of a common pony? “Let us hope there no ponies on my staff worthy of thy ire and that you come to feel that you are home now.” 🌈 “So why is my hair in pigtails?” Sunshine asked as she and Nova walked along a Canterlot street escorted by Wintry. It had been a year since the attempted take over of the government. The Archduke’s closest supporters had lost everything in the bargain. They’d lost their fortunes, their good names, their freedom, and for some even their own lives. Many at their own hooves. Several had tried to run, but a Canterlot noble isn’t very good at hiding. Especially when they are trying to carry off all their worldly possessions and wealth like the thieves they truly were. Oh, and if you are wondering about little Twili, they found her hold up in Princess Celestia’s private library, and oblivious to everything going on beyond the walls of the book fort she’d built around herself and there were signs that she’d only ventured out long enough to raid a pantry or use the little fillies room. “Because you are cute that way and I’m fairly sure Sunset would never have been caught dead in pigtails,” Wintry offered in answer to why the pigtails. The two fillies were also wearing cloaks to hide their wings so that to the casual viewer they were just a couple unicorn foals being escorted by a pegasus. They were also presently on their way to attend their first class on basic use of unicorn magic and theory at Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns. The two fillies had learned as much about magic as could be taught by tutors and Doctor Sun Showers had suggested they transfer into Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns, and Princess Celestia had facilitated. Officially it was Mrs Mystique Summers who was sponsoring the two. They also weren’t quite as anonymous as they’d hoped to be. Summer Sunshine had been unwittingly outed during a magic show in Los Pegasus in which she’d volunteered to be the assistant. The magician’s illusion magic had somehow interfered with her horn ring, the incident passed off as an illusion performed by the magician, but ponies had seen and photos were taken. Many of the pictures found their way into the local tabloids. Princess Celestia’s illegitimate daughter the headlines cried, but having also been worded as a question there was little that could be done that wouldn't scream we were right. Sunshine was saved only by the bigger news that overshadowed all other news. After the unidentified Alicorn had appeared at Flight camp reporters had been dispatched to Cloudsdale. The usual baseless speculations were made, and photos were taken of activities at the training event. To include some mild curiosity aimed at Nova. There had even been some hangers-on when the Platinum Guards tried to illegally apprehend Princess Cadance. Cadance had been seen being ushered away shortly after along with a small group of fillies that included the mysterious fox type alicorn pony. When the filly in Los Pegasus was identified as being the same filly who’d been with the fox pegasi at flight camp, the press wanted answers. Princess Celestia cautioned the press to leave the fillies alone less they find themselves joining the Platinum Guard who’d relocated to the base of the mountain. She also cautioned them to be sure and let their readers know that ponies can have both a horn and a set of wings without being a pretender or a fully-realized Alicorn Princess and that it was reasonably common for fox types. Both fillies would now be fox types in the eyes of the public, and after having seen the new statues in the gardens, none were willing to push their limits. Princess Celestia did throw them a bone by admitting that both fillies were eligible to have their status elevated but had expressed a desire to be given the opportunity to earn their accolades. Several months of in-depth investigations into back door dealings of the nobility, specifically the Platinum-Blueblood family, in regards to their attempts to control the military had ended in numerous careers being brought to a sudden ignominious end. If not for Colonel Mustang’s cycling out of pegasi stationed in Canterlot, the Canterlot Airbase might have been lost as well. But the Platinum clan hadn’t realized that the Cloudsdale command had full authority to reassign any and all pegasi. Something that was leftover from the early days of unification. Those who had been on the Platinum payroll had suddenly found themselves being reassigned to inconsequential career-ending posts shortly before everything was to go down. Princess Celestia tapped every officer who’d been passed over by the Bluebloods and raised them up as high as they could go to include bringing in individuals who’d been shunted off to faraway posts. And most importantly, the shuffling of the command structure had seen Colonel Mustang promoted to General and placed in command of the entire Canterlot Garrison. Such was the state of affairs as Wintry escorted her two daughters from their new home in base housing to Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns at the beginning of the new school year.