The Light of a Candle

by Scarheart


She is a Cruel Mistress

On her first night in her cabin, June had awoken to horrible, gurgling screaming. She had been unable to sleep, rather falling to exhaustion. The blood-curdling cries of pain and suffering bolted her upright in her tiny bunk. It had lasted far too long and had been accompanied by loud thumping and crashing before coming to a horrifying, slow gurgling, and dying, whimpering end. Never would the girl ever forget the terror of that horrid din for as long as she lived! It had happened right above her. June could have sworn she heard the sounds of crunching bones through the deck above. It was worse, her imagination not needing much to run wild.

Any illusion of finding sleep had fled. The girl huddled in a shivering ball in the corner of her tiny bunk, making herself as small as possible. June thought of her father and of home, crying silently, daring not to make a sound.

June spent the next two or three days confined in that tiny cabin. She was only let out to relieve herself and was given one hour a day on deck to stretch her arms and legs. The girl was watched carefully and it was always Lila who was her escort. Her food appeared in the middle of the small table bolted to the wall in her cabin. The mare with the odd accent was kind enough, but she still had a gleam in her eyes that made her terrifying. She avoided sunlight and expressed silent discomfort when exposed to it. The crew were rarely seen. Misty had yet to make an appearance, though Lila did assure the girl the unicorn was safe and sound.

“We have no interest in her, Fräulein,” Lila had told her on the first day when June was allowed out of her cabin, “she will be sent home. Some rich noble has a vested interest in her, so she will not be harmed or sold off to some other party. You are the prize, after all.” The mare tugged on the girl’s leash for emphasis and wore a terrifying grin. “Do not touch your collar. Do not touch the leash. You will not like the consequences if you do, verstehen?”

June gave a mute nod.


Mr. Cheers, the naga had his scaly arms crossed over his pale chest.  He remained on board the ship as Lila gave him a look caught between a sneer and a smile. The naga gave a low hiss, flashing his fangs. “The Captain, ssshe hasss gone to the arena,” Mr. Cheers told Lila.

The mare rolled her eyes, “Of course she did. The ship is yours, mein Freund.”

Mr. Cheers gave a single nod, “New crew sssoon.”

June was led off the ship and into a dusty town. The air was hot and the sun blistering. She turned her head this way and that, soaking in the sights and sounds. Her steps thumped over the gangplank. The ship had been fastened to a tower. Dozens of lines held it in place, tied to the ground far below. A platform had been built on top of a large building with a flat roof. 

Odd creatures of all sorts could be seen in the streets below. Most were bipedal, with appearances varying from amphibians to bird-like. There were scales and fur, feathers and quills. Shapes and sizes varied greatly. June found herself frozen in place as she stared. She recognized a few equines, but the variety of species was nearly overwhelming! It was nowhere near as impressive as the crowds in Canterlot, but the smells were different. What she saw could not compare to the cleanliness and orderliness of the pony capital. This place felt intimidating and uncomfortable.

Lila led June to a wooden lift. The pair were lowered by several bipedal dog creatures working the ropes of the pulleys. The mare gave the girl a tug of her leash as she found herself staring at the mean-looking things. They did not look, up from their work, though one did cast a fearful glance at the pale mare.

“We have a few errands to run, kind,” Lila announced with a cheerful smile. “I can feel the magic in you. It is strong, ja? I would like to find out if it is something I should be concerned about. I’ve been feeling it since the moment we were brought aboard the ship. I have just the right Wahrsagerin for you to meet. Old acquaintance. I would imagine she will find you fascinating. Come. Let us move as though we have purpose!” She produced a parasol from the aether and flicked it open. It floated high enough to shade both the pony and the human.

Numb, the girl followed the mare as she dove into the crowded streets. Creatures parted before them, Lila keeping her eyes moving and her ears swiveling. One fixated on June and remained there. Instinctively, the girl stepped a bit closer, her fingers brushing against the pony’s shoulder. A lot of attention was falling upon her and it was unnerving. She did not feel safe.

A sidelong glance was thrown June’s way. “I can sense your heartbeat. There is no need to worry, kind,” Lila reassured her with a smirk. “Only a fool would dare try something. Most here at the air docks know who I am and who owns the ship. Reputation alone should suffice, though there is always the occasional dummkopf who is looking to make a name for themselves.” The parasol twirled in the air. “They don’t last very long and I do try to avoid getting their blood on me. Such a nuisance to clean off.”

The pair weaved through the uneven streets. The buildings had the look of someone getting bored in the middle of the building process before slapping whatever they wanted on them. Some leaned dangerously to one side and there were signs some effort had gone to propping them up. Some even had beams and scaffolding used to brace buildings against each other.

June wanted to go home. She wanted her father. Tears welled up in her eyes and a tightness formed deep in her chest. 

“Thinking of home? Something good?” the pale mare asked. 

June said nothing, wiping her nose with a forearm and sniffling in misery.

“There is purpose to everything. You don’t know what that purpose is, but you will be guided. You will have answers. It starts with your magic. I am very curious to see what exactly a human can do with magic that is born to her. It is fascinating!” Lila hummed happily, flicking her tail.

June’s attention wavered between her feelings, her captor, and the denizens of this city. The hot sun beat down and the parasol seemed to offer little respite. She felt as though hungry eyes were upon her. When she did look up from her feet, June thought there were eyes staring ravenously at her. Murmured words, just out of earshot, drifted on the hot wind. Many words were spoken in tongues unfamiliar to the girl. She only knew Equish and bits of Father’s language.

“Where are we going?” the girl asked if only to push down her own growing fears.

“You found the courage to speak, kind?” an amused chuckle followed. “As I told you, you have magic. I know of one who can provide a glimpse of your power. Your value to Captain Calypso will not change. She has plans for you. I want to know if you will be dangerous to us. If you have power, then you might become a threat. A kind with power she does not understand is potentially a dangerous risk to what is important to me.” Lila gave the leash a tug, “Of course, it does not help your vater, the Jäger will be after us, if he is not already. Come, pick up the pace. There is much to do.”

“Where are we? What is this place?” June queried as she followed after the tug of her collar.

“Klugetown,” Lila replied, licking her lips. “Not much of a settlement. We’re not too far from Equestria, but as you can see, the reach of the alicorns and their precious harmony do not extend here. Look around you, June. Not a friendly place. Lots of lost souls here. A pity for some, deserving for others. Each one a story with little hope and none of any interest.”

A fish-like biped must have heard the mare. It stopped whatever it was doing and glared at Lila. It was twice her size and probably four times her weight. A wide mouth opened, revealing hundreds of needle sharp teeth. “What’s your problem, pony?” it gurgled, blocking the mare’s path with its enormous bulk. A thick tail sporting ragged fins wriggled in agitation. “What you sayin’?”

“Oh, don’t even think you’re a threat to me,” snorted Lila. Her horn flared and crackling bolts of crimson magic erupted from the tip, striking the fish creature squarely in the chest and through it. Behind the victim, a fruit stand exploded. Inertia sent it sailing backwards, stubby arms flailing. Wallowing on its back, it made gurgling sounds as smoke rose from where the magic had left several gaping holes through the flesh and organs.

June gawked at the wounded being. Lila tugged her along. The pale mare paused long enough to spare her victim a speculative glare, “Maybe next time you’ll remember to kindly mind your own business and keep your very large mouth shut, should you somehow survive. I know the pain must be excruciating, but think of it as a learning experience, my fishy friend.”

Her victim began coughing up blood. Onlookers watched in silent horror. June began to scream, but Lila sealed her mouth closed with magic. The dusty street was stained with growing crimson.

Nein!“ The unicorn began to sing. She indicated with her chin, her song wrapping itself around her words, ~Das wesen is not worth your pity. Living filth! You, my little June, you are worth everything. Come. We are wasting time watching the land fish die. Forget what you see, forget what you hear, feel nothing but the wind upon your skin.~

The pale mare led June onwards, past gawking spectators who fell over themselves to get out of her path. Some gibbered in terror. Lila ignored them, coaxing the human along with gentle tugs on the leash. The girl felt lethargic, her thoughts clouded. What had she witnessed? Who was singing in her head? It was so beautiful!

Numbed by magic, June was led past the thrashing fish creature, its death throes unnoticed by her. The dying, gurgling choking went unheard. Onlookers had drawn further back, afraid of the pale unicorn with the merrily twirling parasol. June could hear nothing but the soothing song in her mind, caressing her thoughts and telling her everything was just fine. It reminded her of the embrace of a loving mother and the tears fell unbidden.

Her feet carried her onwards, following Lila as the song went on.

~A bit much, I fear, but I cannot bear to see your mind sear.~

The streets wound and turned, but June was oblivious, her mind and feet following the music.

~More blood will flow, to my captain my thanks I owe.~

June giggled through the tears, wanting to scream, but the voice singing held her horror in check.

~Her gift to me, free you from the horrors as you see.~

~A Siren from the deep, our hearts entwined in each other we keep.~

~A mother you seek, a love for your father to keep.~

~Your dreams are open, to mend a heart that was broken.~

~Child of a slave, is it the touch of a mother you crave?~

~Curious little one, so large a heart, there is much to be done.~

~Calm your heart and open your eyes. Before you lies a great surprise!~

June shook the song from her head as it released its hold on her. She was no longer outside and her eyes adjusted to a gloomy room lit by a few ruddy candles. Lila was next to her, the girl feeling her coat from the back of her hand. The unicorn wore a smirk, her hat resting on a table next to her. The parasol was leaning against a nearby wall.

“Sit down, June, you’ve had a bit of a stressful walk,” the mare told her. A stool was pulled out. There was a tug at the collar and June found herself seated at the table. “Have some water. Your throat must be parched.” The girl found her throat was indeed dry. A cup was pushed in front of her. June took it up and drank greedily. There was an odd taste to it and it smelled funny.

Gut.” The cup was taken away. “Fräulein Udalza, the girl is yours. Give me the answers I seek.” 

“We shall see what she has,” came a deep, old voice in the darkness. A pair of pearls appeared in the darkness. From the gloom emerged an ancient zebra mare, her thinning mane braided with colorful beads. Her ears were pierced with dozens of golden hoop earrings. The eyes were milky whites, but seemed to glow in the faint light in the room. “The payment is satisfactory, Pale Mare, it is as you promised. Now, let us see with eyes that cannot what is before us.”

“Where am I?” June asked in a frightened little voice.

“This is the home of the Wahrsagerin I told you about,” Lila said as she sat on a cushion. “A teller of fortunes, a seer. A valuable ally to have. For a price, she can divine almost anything.”

“You flatter me,” Udalza gave a dry chuckle. “In all the years I have done work for you, you have threatened my life half the time we have done business. Even now, I smell death on you. Old Udalza is still here and will still do what she was touched to do.” 

“Get on with it, then,” the unicorn urged, lips curled in a small, arrogant smile. “A girl needs to establish her dominance now and then, ja?”

Ignoring the unicorn, Udalza’s attention went to June. “Child, give me your hands.” She held out her hooves, frogs facing up.

“What are you going to do?” June asked, crossing her arms against her chest.

“Udalza will discover your magic,” the zebra said, beckoning with her hooves. “Come, come. Udalza will not harm you. Udalza only wishes to see what magic lies within you. The water had something in it to help bring your magic to the surface.”

~Do as she says.~

June found herself putting the palms of her hands on the frogs of the old zebra’s hooves. They felt leathery and worn to the touch. Her hands were held firmly in place. Milky white eyes bore into hers, flaring brighter even as the equine face went slack.

“Oh, it is there,” breathed the old zebra, her head rolling back and to one side. “Unusual. Most unusual. There is magic, but there is something else.”

“Can you see what kind of magic she has?”

June could not move. It was as though an invisible force had encompassed her whole body and was holding it still against her will. As much as she wanted to squirm and wriggle, her mind felt sluggish. 

“Strong...very strong.”

The girl blinked as something seemed to invade her body. It felt as though it was coming from the blind eyes of the old zebra herself and into her own.

“Keep them open!” snapped Udalza.

Her eyes were forced open, wider, and she could not recoil from the intrusion. June opened her mouth to scream, but no sound came out. She could still breathe, but the violation she was feeling was like nothing the girl had ever felt before.

“Yes. Yes! Let me see!”

June felt tears roll down her cheeks. Her rigid body trembled. She felt dirty. Father! Please! I want to go home! Father!

“Ah, there it is. This… this is unexpected,” Udalza tilted her head forward, cocking to one side as her ears perked forward. A small whicker left her lips. “Most unexpected indeed. I have seen enough.”

June was released and she almost collapsed backwards. Lila held her up with her magic, showing a flash of concern before reverting her attention to the old zebra. “Tell me what you found, Fräulein Udalza,” she demanded.

“A moment,” begged the zebra. She looked exhausted. “Her magic is powerful. It is more than I expected. She has tapped it, but she does not know. I never dreamed I would feel such magic. It is a combination of this world and the mixed blood of her parents. It is intoxicating. But there is something else. Something far more dangerous.”

“Dangerous?” parroted Lila.

“She is marked, pony.” Udalza hissed in alarm, blinking her unseeing eyes. “A changeling queen has claimed her! It is old, almost as old as the child herself. I do not know the nature of the queen, but...the bond is strong. It is almost familial. The queen who has marked this child considers her as one of her own. No bond like this is made unless she intends to come for her.” Fear slowly drew across the old zebra’s features. “This bond is reserved for changeling princesses. How is this child bonded so, Diomedian? What pact was made?”

“Not unexpected,” Lila sighed, rubbing her forehead. “I had a hunch.”

“You knew?” Udalza shrieked, whipping her head to the unicorn. “Changeling queens are bad, very bad! They have hunted my kind for generations! You would bring the trail to my door. This is my death!”

“It seems to me you have two choices,” Lila said with a smirk. “I can kill you now and leave no witness, or I can bring you with me to teach the girl how to control her magic. You are a witch, so your magic is unique. You have ways to keep the girl from being followed, do you not?”

“There is a price to pay for my magic,” snarled the old zebra.

“Stay and die,” Lila sniffed, “or you can come with us and possibly live. Does the prospect of new magic not interest you? Do you not hunger for the taste of a new power? You cannot lie to me, old mare.” A terrifying grin revealed rows of sharp teeth behind her peeled lips. “I can sense your desires, your greed, your dusty lust. The girl’s father is coming, der Jäger will not stop. I would have preferred not to incur the wrath of that one, but what’s done is done. My beloved captain senses adventure in this folly and intends to see it to the end. I cannot but stand beside her to whisper in her ear how dumm she is for doing this.”

The zebra seemed to come to a realization. “The Beast?” Udalza asked, her outrage becoming horror. “This child is his spawn?”

“You could not sense it? Perhaps you are not as useful as I thought you might be.”

June suddenly blurted, “Please don’t hurt her! Please stop hurting creatures! You’re cruel! Why are you so cruel?” Her eyes were burning, and she felt...sad...for Lila.

The pale unicorn regarded June with curious intent. “No anger,” she stated, her tail swishing behind her. “No rage. Nothing but...pity. How amusing. You still cling to other emotions which do nothing for you. You will learn,  Fräulein June, the world is a cruel place. It is a game of survival of the fittest. There are many ways to play it and I fear none of them have been taught to you. At least, none of the methods that are successful.”

The girl’s eyes darted and blinked as her mind became a jumble of pity, revulsion, and fear. June was far too afraid to try running. She knew she would not get far, maybe not even off the stool. Lila could simply use her magic and have total control over what the girl could and could not do. The mare spoke with authority and control.

“So,” the pale mare grinned at the old zebra, “what is your answer?”

“What would you have me do?” Udalza asked, blinking her blind eyes. “I am old. I am blind.”

“Your knowledge in magic is most extensive,” Lila said, glancing at June, “you have an understanding of its many iterations.”

“Magic at its core is the same,” the zebra said with a shake of her head.

“We need a teacher and one who can watch the girl until we reach our goal,” the mare explained with a sniff. “Although I am fascinated with June’s potential, I am by trade a physician and Calypso’s advisor. I have other things I need to attend to and I need someone I can trust to keep an eye on sehr geehrter June. I also need someone with the talent and ability to draw out her magic. As I have no one that matches the former, I must choose you for the latter.” The gleam in her eye suggested no compromise would be found with her.

The blind zebra stiffened. “Very well, you have me at a disadvantage, Diomedian. There are a few things I must gather. Will you grant me a few minutes to collect them?”

Lila gave a nod and a smile, “But of course! Don’t tarry. I should like to find Calypso before she clears the arena out of anything resembling sport. Use the girl to carry things. Might as well make her useful.” She indicated the girl with a nudge and a wink. “I should like for you to think of a way you can delay the Beast’s approach. I have no illusions he can be stopped, but I would like to buy time.”

Udalza shuffled off to the back of the room, muttering to herself.

“Father?” June asked, blinking at the pale mare. “He’s no beast.” Her voice sounded hollow. 

“To you?” Lila chuckled, “I would imagine not. To Calypso and myself, well, the two of us have a little bit of history with your Mutter. Not so much with your Vater.”

“My mother?” the girl parroted.

Ja! You see, Fräulein Kaga once made a promise to us long ago. Unfortunately, she died and could not deliver on that promise,” a wistful sigh escaped the pony’s lips. “She was powerful and cunning. I had no idea she would have a child. Rather worked in our favor once I figured out who our target was. However, the Beast was a factor in the equation I had no interest in poking with the stick. My dear captain, however, has her own agenda. I would have been more than happy to let you and your Vater go about your business, but my dear Calypso, she sees the world from a different view. A promise was made. It was not fulfilled. She has taken it personally. Death is no excuse.”

This piqued the girl’s interest, and her outrage, “You knew my mother?” How? How could you know my mother? Why would she associate with a cruel pony like you?

“Business acquaintances,” Lila said with a shrug. “She was seeking information on various ancient artifacts and used us to help gather them. It was quite profitable, though my dear captain lingered her gaze upon the lovely Kaga longer than what was healthy.” The pale mare let out a sigh, “Calypso was quite smitten with Kaga and your mother was keen to lead her on so long as she got what she wanted in the end.”

“What do you mean?” 

“Ah, but you are too young to hear such things,” Lila said with a small smile. “Nor would I think you would like to learn your mother dealt with pirates and slavers in her journeys. I liked her because she was intelligent and was not afraid to take risks. My dear captain saw something in her curves and later, I found myself to be in agreement with her. Ah, I can see by the look in your eyes you do not believe me.”

June frowned, saying nothing as her mind reeled. Her mouth moved, but no words came out. Finally, she managed a small, “It’s not true.”

“Don’t worry,” Lila assured her, “the truth will reveal itself to you. You will see for yourself the works of your mother when she was beyond the eyes and ears of Equestria.”

“Child,” Udalza called out, “come help me with this bag. I have all that I need.” Her voice was muffled as though she was chewing on something. She emerged with a simple burlap sack dangling from her mouth.

“That was quick,” noted Lila with an arched brow.

June took the bag. It was heavier than she expected. “Do not drop it. I knew this day would come, but at times my vision becomes as clouded as my sight. Let us go. There is nothing more for me here.” Udalza whinnied out a humorless laugh. “Where to?”

“The Arena. We will meet Calypso. Mr. Cheers is recruiting a new crew. The last one was...not very satisfying. Most unfortunate the last one turned out to be such a screamer.”

June mulled the pony’s words in her mind. Slowly, a horror took shape in her mind and it involved the pale mare grinning at her with a bloody, fanged smile.

Lila took up her parasol with her magic and gave the old zebra a casual smile, “So, Udalza, what is the nature of the girl’s magic? You have not yet told me.”

The old mare blinked her milky white eyes. A wistful expression, even envious crept over her muzzle. “Ah, I neglected to say. My apologies. The changeling queen brought about my old fears. The child is very special.” Udalza stared sightless at June for a contemplative moment, adding, “The child possesses the gift of life.”