//------------------------------// // [Chapter 2] Of Hiding Hearts and Jabbing Voids // Story: Worlds Apart: The Chosen of the Prognosticus // by GMSeskii //------------------------------// Under a Void significantly larger than in the previous worlds, an island floated in the air, cascading waterfalls down to a beautiful ocean below. The island had stark mountains and lush forests, giving it a wild feel. Were it not for the stone temple near the middle of the island, the image would have been complete. This temple was old, so old most of the pillars had fallen apart and all the stone faces had been worn away. If there had once been inscriptions upon them in the past, there was nothing now. Overall, the temple was circular, with a ring of pillars along the outside, inside of which was an elevated circle of earth. Several other circles were stacked upon this one, given the temple a pyramid-like shape. Old, worn stairs led up to the top of the temple. Here, the prize of the structure was supposed to sit. Supposed to. Currently, the central pedestal was empty, devoid of its prize. Behind this central pedestal, an orange door manifested, depositing the heroes into a new world.