Help From A Daydream

by Brian Sheil

Daydream Shimmer to the Rescue

It was a beautiful Saturday morning. Youngsters are very happy because there's no school. In her apartment, Sunset Shimmer sat at her table. But, she was crying so badly. Yesterday was a nightmare for her.


Sunset was grabbed by her jacket by the brutal Garble. He looked at her with bloodshot red eyes. She was imaging electricity and smoke coming out of his head.
"Nobody will ever trust a SHE DEMON!!" Garble growled. He screamed the last part to get everybody's attention.
He threw her against the wall. As she fell to the ground, Garble's lackeys, Clump and Flume, made matters worse for Sunset.
"Get back, all of you!" Flume ordered. "This girl deserves all she gets."
"And, don't forget the Anon-A-Miss incident!" Clump added. "You still think she's behind it despite the proof of her innocence!"
"SHE'LL NEVER BE INNOCENT!!!" They shouted together.
This really brought Sunset down. During lunchtime, she was too afraid to sit with her friends, fearing they believe that trio of brutes. Seeing how upset she was, Principal Celestia believed that she's too upset to carry on the rest of the day. So, Sunset was allowed to go home early.

End of Flashback

Still in her pajamas, Sunset still teared up. She was then startled by a knock on her door.
"Hello?" Sunset said, answering the door. "Anybody there?"
She then saw an envelope on the ground. Sunset opened the envelope and read a message that was printed.

Dear Sunset Shimmer,
Please come to the forest near Sweet Apple Acres. I'll be there to greet you. Suggestion: Wear something different than your usual style.

Sunset wasn't sure about this as tears continue to drip down her face. Later, Sunset walked into the forest wearing a magenta flannel shirt and blue jeans with the cuffs rolled up. She soon took off her sneakers and looked around the area.
I should feel relaxed out here. Sunset thought as she sat down next to a tree. But, I can't relax at all.
She sat down crying her eyes out. Sunset grabbed her hair and continued to cry crazily. "Nobody can help me!!!"
As she continued to cry hysterically, a female voice called to her. "Sunset Shimmer! Please, don't cry."
"Who-who-who’s there?" Sunset sobbed.
From hehind the trees, steps a young lady that looks like Sunset. Except her hair rises up with a glowing horn on her head. She wore a white sleeveless gown and golden boots. She also has glowing white wings. Sunset was surprised to see this image.
"I don't believe it." Sunset said softly. "Daydream Shimmer".
"Hello, Sunset." Daydream greeted calmly.
The angelic maiden saw that Sunset was shaking with fear as she continues to cry. Making some glowing white rope appear, Daydream walked calmly to Sunset, and had her stand up. "I'm sorry for this, Sunset. But, this is for your protection."
Sunset nodded, knowing where this is going. Daydream wrapped the rope around her body. Pulling out a small piece of rope, she tied her hands behind her back.
"Am I really that upset?" Sunset wondered.
"I'm afraid so." Daydream replied as another piece of rope came out.
Sunset sat down, allowing Daydream to tie her legs and ankles together.
"Why are you here?" Sunset asked.
"I've come to help you." Daydream answered. "I learned that you had a bad day at school yesterday."
"Yeah." Sunset started to cry again. "There's a bully at my school who reminded me of all of my past mistakes. His two partners were adding fuel to that fire."
This scared Daydream a bit. "That sounds terrifying."
"It sure was. I was too afraid to talk to my friends."
"You feared that these troublemakers might influence them to turn on you. Just like the masterminds of the whole Anon-A-Miss bit."
Sunset lowered her head in shame. "Yeah."
Daydream bends known to comfort Sunset. "Listen to me, Sunset. True, you had some rough spots in your past. But, starting with Twilight's pony counterpart from Equestria, many kind people helped you rise from the darkness of the past. And, it's not just those from Canterlot City."
Sunset was a little confused as she tries to calm down.
"There's Raven Queen from that fascinating school: Ever After High." Daydream explained.
"That's right." Sunset realized. "She helped me calm down after I was thrown out of a movie theater. That brute who threw me out paid for that. Thanks to Kitty Cheshire."
"Good to know." Daydream praised. "And, don't forget Merit Monkey. She helped you relax by taking you on a boat ride at the lake near Camp Everfree."
"You're right. Her little bestie, Compass, kept me company."
Seeing her calm down, Daydream stood up, and used her own magic to remove the ropes binding Sunset. The former baddie stood up, stretched, and rubbed her wrists, knowing she's not tied up anymore.
"Thanks, Daydream." Sunset said calmly. "I feel so much better."
Sunset and Daydream embraced in a warm gentle hug. This filled Sunset's heart with warmth.
"Now that you're no longer in a state of panic," Daydream explained, "I'm sure your friends will be glad to see you. Bye."
Daydream Shimmer soon vanished in a flash of warm light. Feeling better about herself, Sunset sat under the tree, and enjoyed the forest area. Suddenly, she heard a familiar southern voice. "Looking good, Sunset."
She soon saw Applejack coming her way.
"Applejack!" Sunset gasped. "This is a surprise."
"I'm sure it is."
The two friends hugged each other. Applejack looks at Sunset with interest. "I see you like that flannel shirt I gave ya for helping me out last week."
"I sure do" Sunset replied as she puts her sneakers back on. "This color goes well with these pants."
Applejack smiled, knowing that Sunset is no longer upset.
"Since you're near my place," Applejack suggested, "how about spending time with me and my family for a bit."
"Sure. I'll be there in a bit."
Applejack went back to her home as Sunset continues to relax. Suddenly, her demon self appeared and approached her. This made Sunset a bit nervous as the demon displayed her usual devious face.
"You changed since that Fall Formal Nightmare." The demon said before developing a warm smile. "Maybe, I can change too."
The demon gave Sunset a gentle kiss on the cheek. She gave a small giggle before disappearing in a poof of smoke.
"She must have learned to disappear from Trixie." Sunset smirked as she heads for Applejack’s house. She's relieved that the nightmare is over.