Lylat Sparkle

by Norwegian boy


A new day arrived in Cornelia city and the sun was shining in the south of the city straight into a window and straight into a former unicorn, Twilight Sparkle. “Stupide sun.” She tried to roll over the other side, but it was no use, she couldn’t go back to sleep. “I better get up, I hope that Spike has made breakfast.” She sat up and rub her eyes, when she could see again, she notice something. “Wait a minute, this is not my room.” The room she was in was way small then hers, there was almost no space between the bed and wardrobe, Twilight could see some kind of alarm clock on the bedstand. Twilight then notice some clothes on a chair near the door and it was a note lying on the top, she got up and read the note. ‘I picked up some clothes for you to were, I hope they fit. James.’ She remember James. “That’s right, I’m in another world thanks to my spell.” She decided to put on the clothes and then her stomach made a noise, she was hungry, and she hope there was something to eat.

Twilight step out if the bedroom and the first thing she saw was the kitchen, it was a very small kitchen. James was sitting by the table eating, he look to his side and saw Twilight. “Hey there, did you sleep well?” He asked her.

“Yes, I guess I was tired yesterday.” She told him while walking into the kitchen and sitting on the other side of the table. “This is a very small kitchen.” She said while looking around, the kitchen counter was just two meter behind her.

James went back to his food. “That it is, every room in this building is the same and when it came to your sleeping, you had to be very tired considering you didn’t wake up when I walk into bathroom this morning.” Twilight had a horrified look on her. “Don’t worry, I didn’t do anything, I just had to get some clothes for myself, I also found some clothes for you.”

“Yes, thanks for that.” She look down on her white t shirt and blue pants. “This is wat better than a green janitor outfit.”

James couldn’t help but chuckle of what she said. “That it is.” He then heard Twilight stomach which made some noise. “I can hear that someone is hungry.” Twilight just had a blush on her face as she nodded. “Don’t worry.” He open the refrigerator, which was right behind him, he then took out bowl with vegetables in it. “I made you a salat before you woke up, I hope you can eat it.” he place the bowl in front of her.

“Thanks.” She grabbed the fork that was in the salat and started to eat, it was good. While eating, Twilight notice that James was eating French toast, she knew that James could eat meat so he was probably eating toast so he wouldn’t freak her out. “Hey, when is this Vivian coming?” She asked him.

James look at the clock that hang over the entrance to the kitchen. “She said eleven and the clock is a little about seven so around four hours, she is usually on time.” He look back at Twilight. “Why do you ask?”

“I just want to learn more about this world, I don’t know anything about it.”

For some reason, James just smiled. “You like to learn about things, don’t you?”

Twilight just blushed, again. “Yes, I always like to learn and it’s nothing wrong with that.”

James just smiled. “No, there’s nothing wrong with that.” They eat in silence.

After they were done with breakfast, James showed Twilight where the bathroom was so she could take a shower, it was right beside the bedroom and it was almost as small as the kitchen, Twilight couldn’t understand how James could live in this small apartment.

After Twilight had taken her shower, she went to the living room and James was sitting on the couch with some sort of book in his lap? No, it wasn’t a book, it was bigger and way smaller. “What’s that?” She asked him.

“This is a laptop and it’s what we use it for search for information in this world with help of the internet and lucky for you it’s easy to use, let me show you.”

Twilight sat down beside him, and James showed her how to use it and he was right, Twilight thought it was easy to use once he had shown how she took the laptop to the chair and started her search into the cyberverse. James look at his guest and how she captivate by it, he couldn’t help but wonder if he made a mistake showing her the internet.

While Twilight was searching the internet, James decided to watch some tv until Velvet showed up and before they knew it, the clock was 11 and they heard a knock on the door. The knock managed to get Twilight to look up from the computer, she was curious.

James grabbed the gun that was lying on the table in case there was someone who wanted to rob them, he weas about to see who it was through the peephole when…

“James McCloud, if you dare to point that gun at the door, I swear I’m going to kick your ass.” Said a female voice.

James couldn’t help but smile of what Vivian said, the scariest part is that she could do it. He decided to open the door before she kick it inn.

Once James open the door Twilight a hare who had her arms crossed and she didn’t look happy. She had green fur with some light fur, she was wearing some pants, a shirt, and a jacket. She look like she was in her thirty, she was also holding two bags in her hands.

“I can’t believe you made me come here and, on my day off.” She step into the apartment. “This better be important.” Vivian then saw twilight who was looking at her with interest. “So, she was the one you were talking about.” She look over her shoulder. “Where did you pick her up?” She asked James.

James closed the door. “I found her at the school I’m working at.“ He walk over to the table and placed the gun on the table. “Just take her to the bedroom and see if your clothes fits her, she can tell you who she is and where she is from.” He then sat down on the couch.

Vivian was just confused. “What do you mean where she is from?” James didn’t answer her which made Vivian let out a frustrated sighed. “Fine.” Vivian gave Twilight a kind smile. “Hello, my name is Vivian Hare, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Vivian dropped one of her bags to held out a hand to the pony.

Twilight placed the laptop on the table and got up to shake Vivian hand. “I’m Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight gave her a smile.

Then James interrupted them. “Yes, yes. Now that you two know each other, head into my bedroom and see if your clothes fits Twilight.” He then walk over to chair and took the laptop to do some research himself.

Vivian just gave James a disappointing look before shaking her head. “Come on Twilight.” They both walk to James room.

Once there, Vivian placed her bags on the bed. “Alright, let’s see if my old clothes fits you.” She search one of them for some underwear. “Why don’t you take of your clothes so we can get started.” Vivian then notice that Twilight was blushing. “What’s wrong?” Twilight just pointed at the window and Vivian saw that people could look through it, she close the curtains. “There, better?”

“Yes, thank you. I think I sleep with the curtains open last night.”

“You shouldn’t do that, people can see you.” Twilight knew now. “Now, why don’t you take of your clothes and let’s see if my old clothes fits you.”

For thirty minutes Vivian and Twilight try on clothes and lucky for the former unicorn, all of Vivian’s old clothes fit her, even underwear. While they were trying on clothes, Twilight told Vivian where she were from and what had happened to her. Vivian wasn’t sure if she believe her, but she didn’t seem like she was lying, she did feel bad for her for what her friends and mentor did to her. Vivian also talk about herself, where she was from and how she knew James, they knew each other since high school.

“That’s all I brought, and it looks like all of my clothes fits you.” Vivian look at Twilight who was now wearing a blue sweater and a pair of jeans. “Well, do you like it?” She asked Twilight.

Twilight look at herself. “Yes, I’m not fashion guru but I like it.” She said with a smile.

Vivian smile of what she said. “That good to hear.” She then look around the room and saw that there was no placed to put Twilight’s clothes, she was just glad that James had a closet. “I don’t think James would mind if you put your clothes in his closet.” She went over it to place Twilight’s new closet in it. “So, how was your first day in Corneria?” Vivian asked her.

“Well, I woke up naked near a school, I was fascinated by how tall the budlings were when we drove by them, then I saw James punch some in the stomach and then he gave the same person an upper cut after I said he should help someone. You can say it memorable.”

Vivian look at Twilight with a raised eyebrow. “Did you just say that James punch someone?”

Twilight nodded. “Yes, when we arrived here, I saw someone lying on the ground and there was a man that was standing over him beating him up, then I asked James to help, and he just beat up the attacker.”

Vivian nodded in understanding. “I know what you mean but you have to understand something Twilight, this world is very different from yours. We don’t solve everything by talking to each other, sometimes a brawl will happen, but James could probably handle the situation better.” Twilight knew that the world she was in was different, but it didn’t help much. “Look, I know that James can act cold hearted at times but believe me when I say that he has a good heart, you can trust him.”

Twilight rubbed her arm. “I don’t know, I read about him on the laptop and saw that something happened to him three years ago, when there was a war here.”

Vivian made a face. “Yes, I remember that.” She let out sighed. “To be honest, I have no idea what happened to him three years ago, I only know my husband Peppy Hare was involved and he’s not telling me anything. He says it’s for my safety,” That made her snort. “safety my ass, it’s all a big cover up from the government nothing more.”

Then Twilight asked another question. “What about the girl in the picture that is on a shelf in the living room? I also saw a child in the picture.”

That made Vivian frown. “That’s James ex Vixy Reinard and his son Fox McCloud, she just left him not long after the war ended and move to another city, she said he became distant from him which I think is a lie. I think she don’t want him near Fox.”

Twilight tilted her head to the side in confusion. “Why?”

Vivian just shrugged her shoulders. “I have no idea, she didn’t tell me which I think is rude considering I have known her since we were kids.” Twilight nodded in understanding.

Twilight then decided to ask another question. “Yesterday, James called someone by the name Beltino and I think he can help me get home. Is that true?”

Then Vivian did something that Twilight didn’t not expect, she giggle. “Sorry, I’m not laughing at you, I’m laughing that James actually call Beltino, considering they haven’t talk in a while, their last conversation was a little weird. Anyway, to answer your question. Yes, Beltino is the man who can get home, if there’s a way he will find it, I’m certain of it. Now come on, let’s see if James likes your new clothes.” They both walk out of the bedroom.

Once they arrived in the living room, they saw James sitting on the couch with the laptop. “What are you looking for?” Vivian asked him.

“I’m just confirming that Equestria and Ponyville doesn’t exist in our world.” He closet the laptop. “It doesn’t.” He then saw Twilight new clothes. “They look good at you.” Twilight actually blushed and she had no idea why.

Then Vivian spoke. “Well, I think my work her is done. James, can I talk to outside?” James couldn’t help but wonder what she wanted so he got up and followed her out the door.

Once outside, James closed the door. “So, what do you want to talk about?” He asked Vivian.

Vivian look around to see if anyone was around, there was one who was lying on the floor but it look like he was pas out. “What’s the plan with Twilight and do you believe her that she is from another world?”

Somehow James knew this would come up. “My plan is to find a way home to her world, I’m not sure if she will survive in this world, her world is about friendship and the Lylat system is fifth/fifth when it comes to that stuff and yes, I believe her.”

Vivian hate to admit it but James had a point. “And if there’s no way to get her home, then what?”

That was a good question. “Then I will take care of her, I will not let anything happened to her.”

That made Vivian smile. “You know, for someone who change after the war, you still have a good heart James McCloud.” James just dismiss that. “before I go I just wanted to let you know I have pay for your rent for six months.”

James groaned when he heard that. “Vivian…”

“I just wanted to be nice to you and beside, you need the extra money if you are going to take care of Twilight..” Vivian wasn’t wrong about that part. “Also, how are you going to fix that broken taillight?” James raised an eyebrow when he hear that. “I saw your car when I arrived.”

“I was think about asking Mike, I want to see if I can get a discount from him since we have know each other since middle school.”

“That’s right, he’s a mechanic.” Then out of the blue, Vivian gave James a hug which took him off guard. “It was good to see you again James.” She then released the hug and started to walk towards the stairs. “Don’t be a stranger.” She waved goodbye to him and disappeared down the stairs.

James smiled a little before he walk into the apartment.